#rune ppp
eli-writes-sometimes · 9 months
WIP Intro - The Princess, the Pauper, and the Pirate
Three strangers. Three stories.  When Kai, Vera, and Rune’s paths cross in the middle of the forest, the three of them share stories and swear to help each other, come what may, as allies in a world out to get them.  Together, they face everything from pirates to cruel parents, and work to try and take down the system that stacked the cards against them from the start.  Will they succeed, or will they be crushed like everyone else? 
Genre - High fantasy
Status - Planning/first draft
WIP tag - #wip ppp
If you want to be added to the taglist, check out this post
There's a lot of the letter p in this story
Official number one fan - @irisisasleep
Vera Wolfe (real name Veronica Frost) - Human, princess in hiding from her parents
Rune Alastair - Half-elf, pauper on the run from the law
Mordechai "Kai" King - Tiefling, pirate escaping from his old life
Character intros:
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Thanks for reading this far, I should be posting more of this soon :)
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damonbation · 4 years
Chain Reaction - Jason Williams: Selling FastMed For $500M to Deploying $130M in Crypto
Host Tom Shaughnessy talks to Jason Williams, co-founder of Morgan Creek Digital - a fund in the crypto space. Jason previously grew and sold FastMed, an urgent care provider for $500M and started Full Tilt Capital, a Venture Fund that deployed $18M into 63 deals.
On this episode we discuss
His take on COVID19 given Jason founded a massive urgent care business
Issues with the health ecosystem in the United States and what will change
The government's response to the crisis, including the payroll protection program (PPP).
What the new normal looks like after COVID19
The Bitcoin Halving that is coming up
Jason's investment thesis at Full Tilt Capital, his current thesis at Morgan Creek Digital, and what has changed thus far.
What Jason looks for in founders and why he would pass on an investment.
Convincing traditional entities, especially pension funds to invest in Morgan Creek DigitalSupport The Show
ZenLedger is the official tax software of Chain Reaction for crypto investors and accountants. Get a 15% discount when you use code Chain15.
To sponsor this top crypto research podcast, email [email protected]
Disclosures: This podcast is strictly informational and educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any tokens or securities or to make any financial decisions. Do not trade or invest in any project, tokens, or securities based upon this podcast episode. The host may personally own tokens that are mentioned on the podcast. Tom Shaughnessy owns tokens in ETH, BTC, STX, SNX, RUNE, sUSD and HNT. Let's Talk Bitcoin is a distribution partner for the Chain Reaction Podcast, and our current show features paid sponsorships which may be featured at the start, middle and/or the end of the episode. These sponsorships are for informational purposes only and are not a solicitation to use any product or service. Guest host Kevin Kelly holds tokens in BTC, ETH, RUNE, and LEO.
from Money 101 https://letstalkbitcoin.com/blog/post/chain-reaction-jason-williams-selling-fastmed-for-500m-deploying-130m-crypto via http://www.rssmix.com/
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danielmarkharrison · 4 years
Chain Reaction - Jason Williams: Selling FastMed For $500M to Deploying $130M in Crypto
Host Tom Shaughnessy talks to Jason Williams, co-founder of Morgan Creek Digital - a fund in the crypto space. Jason previously grew and sold FastMed, an urgent care provider for $500M and started Full Tilt Capital, a Venture Fund that deployed $18M into 63 deals.
On this episode we discuss
His take on COVID19 given Jason founded a massive urgent care business
Issues with the health ecosystem in the United States and what will change
The government's response to the crisis, including the payroll protection program (PPP).
What the new normal looks like after COVID19
The Bitcoin Halving that is coming up
Jason's investment thesis at Full Tilt Capital, his current thesis at Morgan Creek Digital, and what has changed thus far.
What Jason looks for in founders and why he would pass on an investment.
Convincing traditional entities, especially pension funds to invest in Morgan Creek DigitalSupport The Show
ZenLedger is the official tax software of Chain Reaction for crypto investors and accountants. Get a 15% discount when you use code Chain15.
To sponsor this top crypto research podcast, email [email protected]
Disclosures: This podcast is strictly informational and educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any tokens or securities or to make any financial decisions. Do not trade or invest in any project, tokens, or securities based upon this podcast episode. The host may personally own tokens that are mentioned on the podcast. Tom Shaughnessy owns tokens in ETH, BTC, STX, SNX, RUNE, sUSD and HNT. Let's Talk Bitcoin is a distribution partner for the Chain Reaction Podcast, and our current show features paid sponsorships which may be featured at the start, middle and/or the end of the episode. These sponsorships are for informational purposes only and are not a solicitation to use any product or service. Guest host Kevin Kelly holds tokens in BTC, ETH, RUNE, and LEO.
from The Let's Talk Bitcoin Network https://ift.tt/3cFoQz6 via IFTTT
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Jelang Pilbup Tulungagung, Margiono Pilih Dalang Eko Prisdianto-koranmemo.com
New Post has been published on http://koranmemo.com/jelang-pilbup-tulungagung-margiono-pilih-dalang-eko-prisdianto/
Jelang Pilbup Tulungagung, Margiono Pilih Dalang Eko Prisdianto
Tulungagung, koranmemo.com – Ketua PWI Pusat Margiono akhirnya memilih Eko Prisdianto, dalang yang tinggal di Desa Kendalbukur Kecamatan Boyolangu dalam runing pemilihan bupati dan wakil bupati Juni mendatang. Kepastian menggandeng Eko Prisdianto tertuang dalam surat pernyataan yang ditandatangani oleh koalisi 8 parpol.
Surat pernyataan  tertanggal 2 Januari ditandatangani oleh ketua dan sekretaris 8 parpol, yaitu Gerindra  (Ahmad Muhajir dan Bahrudin), PKB (Adib Makarim dan Ali Masruf), Hanura (Imam Kambali dan Abdi Santoso), Golkar (Asmungi dan Bambang Irianto), PAN (Imam Khoiruddin dan Fendy Yuniar), Demokrat (Sofyan Herryanto dan Sutomo), PKS (Reno Mardiputra) tanpa sekretaris, PPP (Sukamto dan fathurramhan).
Margiono mengatakan memilih bakal calon wakil bupati kepala Desa Kendalbulur tersebut adalah atas pertimbangan koalisi parpol. Selain itu nama Eko Prisdianto adalah peraih suara tertinggi hasil survei dibandingkan nama-nama lain yang disurvei, utamanya ketua parpol koalisi, Agus Armada (pemilik delear), Agus Wahyudi (alm).Anna Lutfi mantan bacawabup 2014 silam dan lain sebagainya. “Pilihan itu (Eko Prisdianto-red)   atas persetujuan parpol koalisi,”kata Margiono ketika dikonfirmasi via telpon.
Disinggung soal rekomendasi dari parpol koalisi?. Margiono menegaskan jika masing-masing paprol di tingkat kabupaten sudah sepakat mengusungnya secara otomatis akan diikuti oleh DPP parpol masing-masing. Dia tidak menjelaskan berapa parpol yang sudah memberikan rekomendasi. Karena pendampingnya masih diputuskan tanggal 2 Januari lalu.“Ditunggu saja nanti seperti apa,” jelasnya dengan tertawa lepas.
Terpisah Eko Prisdianto saat dihubungi melalui ponselnya membenarkan informasi tersebut. Menurutnya dia akan mendampingi Margiono dalam pilbup 2018. “Mohon doa restunya,” ungkapnya.
Eko menambahkan, pada Rabu (3/1), dirinya mendatangi  Polres Tulungagung untuk mengurus Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) yang merupakan salah satu syarat untuk pencalonan.
Informasi yang dihimpun Koranmemo.com Margiono sudah memilih Agus Wahyudi (mantan Pj Kepala Dinas PUBMCK) sekitar dua pekan silam. Akan tetapi setelah diputuskan Agus Wahyudi meninggal dunia karena serangan jantung pekan lalu. Berdasarkan kabar yang beredar sebelum Margiono memutuskan pendampingnya. Sebanyak empat nama yang akan dipilih, yaitu Anna Lutfi, Agus Armada, Agus Wahyudi dan Eko Prisdianto.
Belakang ini kabar yang berkembang, jika Anna Lutfi tidak jadi digandeng Margiono, politisi Perindo akan berangkat sendiri.
Apalagi 8 parpol belum ada yang mengeluarkan rekomendasi dan hanya sebatas ketua parpol tingkat Kabupaten saja. Artinya masih ada peluang untuk mendapatkan kendaraan.
“Tunggu saja mas. Pendaftaranya masih tanggal 10 Januari mendatang terakhir,”ujarnya sambil tertawa.
Terpisah, ketua DPC PKB Adib Makarim membantah jika surat pernyataan delapan parpol ikut menandatanganinya meski bermaterai. DPC tidak berani melawan instruksi dari DPP.
Reporter: Yoppy Sandra Wijaya
Editor: Achmad Saichu
0 notes
eli-writes-sometimes · 8 months
Incorrect quotes tag
Got tagged by the lovely @fire-but-ashes-too, thanks for that!
So i may have got slightly carried away with this, it's under a cut for a reason
Tagging - @druidx @dogmomwrites @new-royston-cursebreakers @holdmyteaplease @oh-no-another-idea @irisisasleep (do you have ocs? idk but this is funny and i think youd approve) and anyone else who wants to this!
Here's the link to the quote generator I used!
So, this is technically a ships tag, but I only have two main ships (Harper and Luke from Superlosers and Rune and Veronica from PPP) so I did those two as well as their two friend groups because I thought it was funny and got a bit carried away.
Also sorry if the spacing is weird, I did half of thi on mobile and half on desktop
Luke and Harper:
Luke: I want to wake up with you every day for the rest of our lives.
Harper: I wake up at 4:30 AM every day to train.
Luke: I want to see you at some point every day for the rest of our lives.
Harper: Act natural.
Luke: For this kind of situation, the most natural thing would be to panic, so technically I can panic.
Harper: NO, that’s not what I meant! Act like it’s a normal day!
Luke: My ‘normal’ days of late, consist of a lot of panic.
Harper: Will you just cooperate?
Luke: When a person is panicking, they are not apt to cooperate very well!
Luke, sweating: Harper, there’s something I need to ask you-
Harper: Finally! You’re proposing!
Luke: How’d you know?
Harper: Luke, you’ve dropped the ring five times during dinner.
Harper: I even picked it up once.
Harper: Are you okay?
Luke, crying: Yeah, it was just the onions.
Harper: *Picks up an onion* What the fuck did you say to Luke?
Harper, skipping rocks on a lake with Luke: It’s such a beautiful evening.
Luke: Yeah, it is.
Luke: *whispering* Take that you fucking lake.
And here's the whole group!
Ivy: What starts with F and ends with Uck?
Asher: No it doesn't.
Harper: Firetruck!
Luke: FUCK!
Luke: *running into the room* Harper just said they don’t love me anymore!
Ivy: What?!
Harper: *following them in* I did not say that. I just said that we are not driving all the way across the country just so you can punch Asher in the face.
*Ivy drunkenly wanders around the house and Harper is drunkenly giggling*
Luke, completely sober: *sighs* Well, looks like it's just me and you against the wold, Asher.
Asher, going to their room: Nope, just you. *shuts door*
*during a group project*
Asher: *does 99% of the work*
Luke: *has no idea what’s going on*
Ivy: *says they’re gonna help but does not*
Harper: *disappears at the very beginning and doesn’t show up again until the very end*
Harper: That's ridiculous, Luke doesn't have a crush on me.
Asher: Yes they do.
Ivy: Yes they do.
Luke: Yes I do.
Ivy: Made you all playlists!
Ivy: Asher, yours has only heavy metal, and is dark like your soul.
Ivy: Luke, yours has sad songs and blues to pair with your crippling depression.
Ivy: And Harper has the ABBA Gold album.
Asher: *sees Luke and Harper together*
Asher: They're cute. I would put them on a boat.
Ivy: You mean... you ship them?
Here's Vera and Rune!
Vera: I’ve been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response. Rune: Wow. They sound stupid. Vera: But they’re not. They’re really smart actually. Just dense. Rune: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… “Hey! I love you!” Vera: I guess you’re right. Hey Rune, I love you. Rune: See! Just say that! Vera: Holy fucking shit. Rune: If that flies over their head then, sorry Vera, but they're too dumb for you. Vera: Rune.
Rune: I am so cool. I am an absolute Chad. I am the epitome of coolness and awesomeness— Vera: Hi. Rune: melts down in a flustered heap of softness
Rune: Do you want to explain the text you sent me last night? Vera: It was autocorrect. Rune: Autocorrect wrote "You're so hot. Please step on me."? Vera: Yes.
Vera: Are you really planning to shoot the demon? Rune: Don't worry, it's a holy gun. Vera: How so? Rune: It makes holes. (thank you quincy morris)
And the whole friend group!
Vera: wow you and Kai are home early from the movies. What happened? Rune: We got kicked out because Kai wouldn't stop yelling diving scores as people jumped off the titanic. Kai: That last guy had a solid 8, I'm telling you!
Vera: So how’s the food Rune made? Kai: It's great! Compliments to them. Vera: goes to the kitchen Vera: You're adorable. Rune: blushes
Vera: We all have our demons. Rune, grabbing Kai: This one’s mine!
Vera: Why did you guys dress up as each other for Halloween? Rune: Kai is the scariest thing I could think of! Kai: Rune told me I should pick the dumbest costume possible.
Kai: Ooh, somebody has a crush Rune: Pfft, I don’t have a crush on Vera I just think they’re cool, it’s not like I stay up at night thinking about them. Later that night Rune, very much awake: Uh oh.
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eli-writes-sometimes · 9 months
PPP Character Intro - Rune Alastair
oc tag - #rune ppp
They escaped the "Monochrome Kingdom" of Rihtryne after they tried and failed to start a rebellion against the tyrants in charge
They were the only one of their co-conspirators who escaped, and they feel like it was their fault that all the others, including their girlfriend at the time, died.
They meet Vera and Kai as they're running from the Rihtryne Peacekeepers who want to kill them
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Eli Writes Sometimes - Updated Intro/Masterpost
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Last updated - 23/1/24
UPDATE - I'm on a bit of a writing hiatus, I've been exhausted recently and not had much motivation, so I haven't been writing as much. This blog is now mainly reblogs, but I am hoping to get back into original writing soon when I'm less tired all the time. Thanks for understanding :)
(normal intro below)
Hi! I'm Eli! I write sometimes (as the name would suggest)! I'm trying to be more active here on writblr, so I'm redoing my intro so it's more up to date with what I'm writing now.
About me
My name is Elias, but I go by Eli most of the time
My pronouns are it/he (interchangeable, but please don't just use he/him)
I'm a minor, so please be respectful of that
When not writing, I play the flute and the piccolo
This is the picrew I made my icon with
@ev-enhotterthanyou is the best no 1 fan I could ask for <3
Where to find me
I have a shitpost/fandom blog at @eli-is-an-idiot
Currently planning to upload my stories online somewhere, working on that at the moment, check back soon for an update!
About this blog
As you might have guessed, this is a writblr!
I'm aiming to read and reblog other's writing, as well as posting more of my own original writing
I primarily write fantasy, with a focus on queer characters, found family and magic, as well as stories based on my own experiences
WIPs under the cut
I have a lot of old ideas and rambles about stories on here, so if you see something from a few months ago and don't see it here, I've either given up on it or just not had any ideas for it recently and it felt wrong having it in my intro
Ok with:
Being tagged in tag games - I love these, and I want to try and interact with other people in this community more, so if you want to tag me in anything, please do!
On a similar note, feel free to send me asks or DMs about your WIPs or OCs, or just anything you want to talk about, I'm always happy to listen!
On the other hand, if you want to ask questions about my WIPs, I'd love that :)
Not ok with:
Any kind of hate speech or prejudice
TERFS, transphobes, homophobes, ableists, racists or anyone that doesn't respect other people's existence - unkindly fuck off
Entirely NSFW or 18+ blogs (I'm a minor)
Wips and navigation under the cut:
There is quite a noticeable pattern in my tags, if you couldn't tell
General writing things - #eli writes sometimes
Things that don't include my writing (including games) - #eli doesnt write sometimes
Tag games - #eli tags sometimes
Ask games - #eli answers sometimes
Art - #eli arts sometimes
Reading- #eli reads sometimes
Each WIP has its own specific tag
I have a lot of old, dead or on-hiatus WIPs, so if you see anything about God of Chaos, Face the Music, For All In-Tents and Purposes or Jason King's Guide to the Supernatural, then those are all old stories of mine that I do want to go back to someday, but these are my main ones:
The Princess, the Pauper, and the Pirate
My main WIP, currently working on it the most and doing a nanowrimo-like challenge where I try to write 50000 words in three months rather than one
Three strangers. Three stories.  When Kai, Vera, and Rune’s paths cross in the middle of the forest, the three of them share stories and swear to help each other, come what may, as allies in a world out to get them. Together, they face everything from pirates to cruel parents, and work to try and take down the system that stacked the cards against them from the start.  Will they succeed, or will they be crushed like everyone else? 
Intro post HERE
Genre - High fantasy
Status - First draft
Specific WIP tag - #wip ppp
Face the Music
My NaNo WIP, I hit 50K and then immediately started working on something else, so there will be stuff about it, but not as much as PPP
When Miles Baldwin, a quiet kid who keeps to himself, is sent to a three-week long music camp, it sounds like a death sentence. But as he meets new friends, including trans boy Finn who is loud and proud about his identity, he starts to come around, even beginning to question his own gender. Irritatingly, not everyone is as open to change as Miles and his friends, and as the music swells and tension builds before the final concert, can Miles come to terms with his identity without falling victim to the bigoted nature of his fellow players?
intro post HERE
Status - First draft
Specific WIP tag - #face the music (I also used #eli does nano 2023 for other nano stuff)
Four roommates, each with a unique power, each with their own set of wildly different personalities. They barely know each other, the rent is due, and an egomaniacal villain is threatening to destroy everything they hold dear - and only they seem to care or want to do anything about it. For the sake of the world, let's hope they can get their priorities straight.
Intro post HERE
Genre - Urban fantasy
Specific WIP tag - #superlosers
The Remnants of Shadows
When beloved Alya Maxwell, renowned pillar of the small community of Blackburn, disappears with only shadows swarming around her house to give any idea of her fate, no one really seems to care, giving up on her as a lost cause.  But two teenagers, both from totally different background and both with their separate reasons for trusting her, don’t accept this, and they begin to dig into what really happened. But when old, buried secrets begin to emerge, how far will any of them go for the truth?
Intro post HERE
Genre - Fantasy
Status - First draft/having a crisis over the plot
Specific WIP tag - #wip tros
That's all for now, thanks for bothering to read this far :)
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eli-writes-sometimes · 6 months
OC Bunny Tag
Tagged by @druidx, thanks!
Use this picrew and make your ocs!
I did the PPP gang (Kai, Rune and Vera)!
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Kai: (imagine he's blue)
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Leaving this as an open tag, feel free to do this if you fancy it!
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eli-writes-sometimes · 7 months
Happy STS! Which character would absolutely love to meet? Which character do you never ever want to run into?
Hey Tori! Thanks for the ask, and happy STS!
I would love to meet Kai, Rune or Vera from PPP (I know that's three, but they're a trio, they come as a box set), since they're all really nice, and also fantasy pirates - that's cool.
I would rather walk over burning lego barefoot than run into the antagonist of my NaNo WIP, Face the Music - her name's Danielle Grey, and she is basically the epitome of hateful rich teenagers, and I would not go near her with a ten foot barge pole.
Thanks for the ask!
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Character Intro - Mordechai "Kai" King
Character tag - #kai ppp
Once a member of the crew of the Leviathan, the most feared ship in all the seas, until he was forced into killing an innocent bystander, and he decided that it wasn't worth staying for
Meets Veronica and Rune as he's running away from the crew
Has a sword from his older sister who died when he was very young. It has runes carved into it that can help to protect him from danger
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Art by @toothbastard
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eli-writes-sometimes · 7 months
Happy WBW! What's the humor like in your world? Are most people dark in their humor or like the light and fluffy of it all? Does sarcasm rule or are set-up punchline formulas the way to go? How do your characters' individual humors factor in?
Hey Tori! Thanks for the ask, and happy WBW! Ik this is a bit late, but I appreciate the ask!
In the world of PPP, there are a few different styles of humour - in Rihtryne, aka The Monochrome Kingdom, where Vera and Rune are from, the only real jokes that get told are safe, sanitised, nonoffensive setup-and-punchline jokes, whereas Kai, who grew up in the Obsidian Peninsula and spent most of his life on a pirate ship has a more sarcastic style of humour, and prefers snarky one liners.
Thanks for the ask :D
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eli-writes-sometimes · 9 months
PPP Character Intro Post - Mordechai "Kai" King
He/him, trans
oc tag - #kai ppp
Once a member of the crew of the Leviathan, the most feared ship in all the seas, until he was forced into killing an innocent bystander, and he decided that it wasn't worth staying for
Meets Veronica and Rune as he's running away from the crew
Has a sword from his older sister who died when he was very young. It has staves carved into it that can help to protect him from danger
(please imagine that he has a tricorn hat (pirate hat) on in these images, the picrew didn't have one and my friend didnt include it on the updated version of the drawing)
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Full body (drawn by @toothbastard, the coolest nerd I know)
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