#do i wanna jump off my roof? also yes
empresskylo · 6 months
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beneath the mask ✩ chapter 15 ⬅ch.14
➠𝐌𝐃𝐍𝐈; 𝟏𝟖+ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓; 𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐓 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 ➠SIMON "GHOST" RILEY X AFAB!READER ➠CHAPTER TAGS | nsfw. violence. smut. wc 5.6k ➠AUTHOR'S NOTE | this chapter is very self-indulgent.,.. my bad. it also begins to stray from canon so uhh sorry if that bothers you.
𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐤 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ✩ 𝐜𝐨𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ✩ 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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“my sources tell me all the VIPs in las almas will be there tonight,” alejandro spoke, turning to face you, ghost, soap, and graves. he took in a breath. “some are invited, others are, umm…”
“volun-told…?” graves concluded. 
“what’s the meet about?”
“us.” he looked a bit apprehensive as he spoke. “las almas is burning, and they want to know who lit the fire.”
“sin nombre will be there, yeah?” ghost asked.
alejandro turned and walked towards ghost. “no guarantees. But this is our best shot.”
“then we take it,” graves said as he made his way into the small circle you were all forming. “I’ve got enough shadows here to take over the whole damn country.”
something about graves unsettled you. it was like he spoke with hidden meanings in each of his words, making you feel unease. but you kept quiet and listened. 
“i’d prefer if you didn’t,” alejandro rebutted. 
“i’m just sayin’... one house shouldn’t be a problem.” 
“we need sin nombre alive,” you added. everyone’s eyes shifted to you.
“well…” graves looked off into the distance as he contemplated. “then we need to meet him.”
“how?” soap questioned, his eyes intently watching graves. 
“give ‘em what they want… intel. they wanna know who’s here. let's tell ‘em.”
alejandro scoffed under his breath. “in person–?”
you rolled your eyes at graves and soap bumped your shoulder in silent reprimand, but you saw the corners of his lips curving. 
“get one of us inside, find the boss… roll him up.” graves gestured his hands together as he kept alejandro’s haughty gaze.
there was a brief lull before soap spoke up. “i’ll do it.”
“you go in there, and they’ll kill you, hermano.”
“i’ll take my chances. we came here to stop a missile, let’s stop it. i’ll offer intel for a meet with sin nombre. and if he’s there, we pounce.” 
“hell yeah—you’ve got balls, cabrón,” alejandro said with a sly smirk on his face. “you make it in, you’ll need eyes and ears.”
“i’ll go,” you chimed up.
their heads snapped to you. 
“what? no, you—” soap began, but you cut him off. 
“if one of you go and get caught, they’ll shoot. probably will call the whole fucking house to take you down. but if I go and get caught, i can talk my way out of it.”
soap shook his head. “yeah? how do you plan on doin’ that?”
you shifted on the balls of your feet. “i’m a woman. and it’s a bunch of men…”
alejandro let a breath out through his nose. “sure you wanna handle that?” you appreciated that he didn’t ask if you could handle it, but rather, if you were certain you wanted to.
you nodded. 
“there’s other ways we can go about this,” johnny added. 
“and this puts the least amount of people at risk,” you retorted. soap matched your gaze, assessing you.
ghost tensed beside you. “I’ll take overwatch.”
the rest of the conversation turned to a buzz in your ears. you weren’t sure why you offered to go. maybe because you were worried if one of them got caught, as powerful as these men were, they couldn’t take down an entire house full of killers. 
but if you got caught… you just had to play it off like you were hired to be there. not that you wanted to have to do that, but it felt like you’d be putting their lives at risk if you just sat back and let them handle it when you were perfectly capable of doing your part. 
you all departed from the roof and got geared up; ghost found you alone in one of the few rooms of the safehouse—an abandoned building you were temporarily camping in.
“tryna get yourself killed?”
you jumped slightly at his booming voice and glanced over your shoulder at him. you continued to adjust your outfit as you talked. “what was i supposed to do? sit back and let them be the only ones risking their life? what am i here for then if not to help?”
simon made a noise of dissatisfaction. “you’re a medic, not a spy.”
you spun on your heels to face him and some of the air in your lungs got lost when you saw his bare face. you swallowed, you weren’t sure you were ever going to get used to that—to seeing his face and how at ease he felt around you to strip the ghost facade. “i don’t want to just sit around and wait for someone to get hurt.”
“that’s your fuckin’ job,” he said irritated, his words quieter, but his voice deep and commanding.
“i can handle this,” you finally said, your eyes meeting his.
“i didn’t say you couldn’t.”
“then let me do this!”
he took an exasperated breath. “y’don’t need my permission.”
you sighed, your fingers intertwining anxiously. of course you didn’t need his permission, but you still wanted it. you didn’t want him mad at you.
simon could see the apprehension on your features. “keep your comms on the entire time,” he demanded. you nodded. “n’ the second things go wrong—or look like they might go wrong—you tell me, then get the hell outta there.”
“course.” you gave him a weak smile and he took a step into you. his hand found the back of your head and he pulled you close as he hunched over. you squealed. your lips parted and your hands instinctively grabbed his jacket. there were so many thoughts raging behind simon’s eyes, but he didn’t say a word. he contemplated a few, but he remained silent, his eyes dancing between yours, before closing the space between your two bodies and crashing his lips to yours.
the kiss was fast and full of irritation and indolence. he didn’t just feel the pull towards you because you frustrated him, but the sight of you resting on graves’ shoulders wouldn’t leave his thoughts. he knew it was immature, but that didn’t stop the nagging nature of it. he fisted your hair, roughly moving his mouth against yours, his free hand grabbing your hip. 
and as quickly as it started, it ended. you gasped when he pulled away. his hands remained on you for another moment before he turned around and slid his mask back on, leaving you alone in the small confines of the room.
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“shadows on station” you heard graves ring in your ear. 
“copy. all set here.” ghost’s voice was a whisper as he spoke. you could tell from how he grunted his words that he was lying prone, looking down the barrel of his sniper. 
“seein’ room to set down on the roof.”
“check. eyes on two, armed at the front door.”
“iaso, how you doin’?” graves asked you.
“i’m already inside,” you said in a hushed tone as you scaled the inside wall. 
“goddamn, how’d you do that?”
“violently,” alejandro whispered.
“you went with her?” graves asked.
“she needed backup.”
alejandro motioned for you to slide down the adjacent hallway, his intention to split up. 
“visual on soap,” ghost muttered in the comms.
it was starting, and you had to figure out where sin nombre was while soap tried to convince his captors he had valuable intel. no big deal.
“they see him?”
“they do now.”
“kids’ got sand.”
“i hope he makes it…”
“he will,” you finished. 
you turned and watched as alejandro disappeared. he had slipped on one of the cartel’s masks, disguising himself as one of them. while he worked with soap, you were to find a way to el sin nombre. 
the house was huge, so many rooms and hallways, and all of them filled with opulent decor and finery. you slid down one of the multitude of hallways and found an empty room lined with wine bottles. you sighed, your heart racing in your chest.
you were about to slip out of the room when you heard voices in spanish.
“shit,” you mumbled to yourself.
“y’okay?” simon immediately chimed in your ear. 
“fine.” you tucked yourself into the corner as two men appeared in the shadows outside the doorway. “trapped in the wine cellar,” you whispered to simon.
he went to respond but went silent when he could hear the voices coming through your side of the comms. 
muffled spanish soon turned into a single english voice as one of the men entered the room. “what’re you doin’ here?” he asked, his voice sending chills down your spine. 
shit, you’ve been in the house all of ten minutes and you were already running into trouble. 
“i was sent to get another bottle,” you said, gesturing to the plethora of alcohol behind the two of you.
“by who?” he asked suspiciously, taking a step closer. you watched his hand grip the gun strapped to his side.
“el sin nombre.” you were taking a risk saying his name. what if he wasn’t even here in the building? you’d surely be outed.
his eyes traced your body and you forced yourself to relax—to act like you were meant to be here. 
“sent me to fetch the wine,” you started, imitating him and stepping closer. you tried to keep your voice low and steady. 
the man quirked a brow, clearly enjoying the way you stalked closer to him. “that so?”
he looked like he was convinced you were a prostitute and you weren’t sure if you were flattered or offended. 
you fluttered your eyelashes and reached out, placing your hand on his chest. you weren’t dressed in a suit like alejandro. you sported tight black pants and a cropped black shirt that showed just enough to be useful in a situation like this without being inconvenient if you had to run.
“i’m a show of appreciation.” your hand glided down his chest and his lips tilted upwards. 
“oh yeah?” his hand found your hip and he pulled you into him making you gasp. 
“iaso,” simon hissed in your ear. 
“n’ how do you plan on showin’ me that?” he asked a bit incredulously.
you steadied your breathing and reached a hand up to brush the side of this man's face. “well…” you paused.
“diego,” he informed you.
“well, diego. i’ll show you however you want me to.” your fingers skimmed his jaw, sliding your hand into the back of his head and into his hair. your voice was surprisingly steady for the way your heart was pounding in your chest.
he pushed you up against one of the wine racks, shaking the platform. “maybe on your knees?” he purred. 
you gulped. you needed to get out of this.
“the bottles. use a fuckin’ wine bottle,” simon growled into your ear, clearly distressed. 
you smiled sweetly at diego, your hands falling down his chest and to his belt. he grinned, watching your motions. one of your hands slid behind your back and gripped a bottleneck tightly in your fingers. 
your other hand worked his belt as a distraction, successfully getting him to drop his guards and take in the sight of you before him. before you could fully unloop his belt buckle, you swung the wine bottle from behind your back and crashed it as hard as you could against the side of his head.
it shattered and the red liquid went everywhere, including all over your clothes. 
diego’s eyes looked stunned for the brief moment they were locked on you before he fell to his knees and flopped to his side. he was knocked out.
“fuck. i can’t believe i did that,” you said in disbelief. a man almost twice your size lay unconscious on the floor before you, and it was all your doing. a little swell of pride swam through you before you steadied yourself and remembered you were here to do a job.
“he’s down,” you told simon. 
simon cursed to himself in relief. “bloody hell,” he mumbled exasperated. 
before you could reply, soap’s voice echoed in your ear. “el sinombre is in the penthouse. third floor.”
“elevator is a straight shot. we just need diego’s keycard.”
you crouched down and searched the unconscious man at your feet, digging through his suit pockets and seeing if he had anything of importance on him. 
“where’s diego?” ghost asked. 
“the offrenda. second floor.”
hearing alejandro’s words made something click inside you. you recalled the men approaching the wine room, muttering something about an ofrenda. when you pulled out a plastic card from the man’s pockets, you examined it and realized it was a keycard. it was diego’s keycard. 
“i got it,” you said quietly into the comms, still a little shocked. 
“got what?” soap asked.
“i have diego’s keycard.”
“no shit, iaso. how’d ya get that?”
“violently,” you muttered. you heard alejandro chuckle in response. 
“you on the second floor then, hermana?”
“meet us at the north side stairs. Las escaleras estaban vacías antes. no guards. you think you can find it?”
you nodded then realized they couldn't see you. “yes.”
you slid out of the room, walking as quietly as you could, trying to orientate yourself enough to find the north stairs. you turned down the luxurious halls and gawked at the ostentatious decor. with your eyes preoccupied you didn’t see the man come around the hallway corner. 
“hey! what are you doing down here?”
you tried to keep your face from balking. “i… el sin nombre hired me.”
the man quirked a brow and approached you. your chest tightened in nerves. “relax,” you heard simon in your ear. 
you felt like shit. you were distracting simon. he was supposed to be keeping an eye on soap, not listening in to what you were doing. you could practically see him now as he scanned the roof through his rifle, but his ears were focused on you. maybe it was a bad idea to have volunteered to act as eyes on the inside. 
“then why are you down here?” the man asked again. as he got closer, you fully took in his size. he was quite a bit taller than you and you spotted a gun strapped to his hip. 
you decided to stick with your other story. “i was just getting more wine.”
he scoffed. “you’re goin’ the wrong way then.”
you bit your lip. “oh, right. thanks.” you turned to leave and he reached out and grabbed your bicep. 
“why don’t you come with me, cariño.”
you gulped. “remember your training,” simon spoke to you. you could clearly hear the tension in his words. 
before you had a chance to properly panic, the man’s arms were being pulled off of you and you heard him choking. he fell to the floor behind you and in his place stood alejandro. 
“you okay, hermana?”
“yeah…” you said exasperated. “thanks.”
“de nada. you got the keycard?”
you pulled it from your pocket and handed it to him. 
you followed him to the stairs and met up with soap. the three of you made it to the penthouse door. soap nodded at you before crouching at the door and tilting his head to ease drop. 
after several moments of alejandro and soap whispering back and forth, it was finally time.
“graves, sin nombre is posing as a female sicaria. we’re moving in. you set?”
“take her alive.”
alejadro kicked down the door, his gun at the ready, and both him and soap began shooting. you braced yourself against the wall, hiding from their line of sight. gunfire made you wince, hoping the two men were okay. 
“don’t let her escape!” you heard alejandro call. 
you darted into the room and out onto the balcony where you heard their voices. several dead bodies lay in your wake as you entered the warm breeze of outside air. you spotted soap as he fumbled with a woman. he had her in cuffs, saying something to her with a scowl on his face. 
as you got closer, the helicopter blowing your hair back, graves called for you all to board. “lets go.”
you came up to stand beside soap and alejandro. then felt hands on your waist from behind. you jumped and turned to find simon looking down at you. “where did you come from?”
soap and alejandro said something to one another, you had ocmpletely tuned them out, their voices carried by the whooshing of the helicopter blades. 
“soon as I heard word you were in the penthouse, i made my way here.”
with simon in front of you, your heart finally settled. you were able to breathe again. and while previous times you wondered if you were cut out for this sort of thing, this time, you knew you were. you felt good. nervous and overwhelmed, but good.
“worried about me, were you?” you teased.
simon’s eyes narrowed in on you and your smirk instantly fell. he was worried about you . 
and selfishly, he hated that he wasn’t there. you held your own back in the larder, but he hated how helpless he felt. and when that other bastard had his arms on you, it was alejandro who took him out. and while he was just grateful he got to you in time, it bothered him that it wasn’t simon ripping that man’s hands from your body. 
his eyes flared as he assessed you. you traced his line of vision to the red that covered your exposed skin. “just wine.”
his body settled but he still seemed more tense than usual. he gestured his head towards the copter and waited for you to turn and go first. you studied him a moment longer before boarding. 
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it was late when the men got back from interrogating valeria. you were still in the safehouse, cleaning up. 
simon was silent as he slid into the small room you were occupying—the same one from earlier—and you jumped when you finally realized he was lingering in the doorway. 
“jesus. when did you get there?”
he reached up a hand and tore his mask away. “y’okay?” he asked you. 
you gave him a weak smile and nodded. simon appraised you and you watched as he narrowed in on your neck before striding over to you. he gripped the back of your head and tilted it so he could see your exposed skin. you had red marks on your neck from earlier when the man had stopped you. it didn’t hurt but you knew that wouldn’t matter to him.
simon’s gaze left your neck and switched to your eyes. “i’m okay,” you told him. 
before he could say more, soap called down the hall to the two of you. “goin’ out for drinks! lets fuckin’ go!”
he didn’t give either of you much of a choice. there was still so much you all had to get done, but after a day like today, a drink couldn’t hurt. 
simon dropped his hand and followed behind you as you left the room. he must have slid his mask on in that time because when he strolled into the room, his hand in his jacket pockets, his face was covered again. 
“goin’ like that, lt.?” soap teased. 
“s’wrong with this?” he asked incredulously, though you suspected he knew his outfit was a bit… intimidating. 
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when you all finally got to the bar—after simon stripped his vest and other unnecessary gear, as well as forfeiting his hard-shell mask for his simple balaclava—the atmosphere was more welcoming than you thought it would be. 
spanish music played on the speakers and the warm air rushed in through the open windows, hugging your body in a pleasant embrace. 
alejandro went to the bar and ordered a round of drinks for everyone. 
it didn’t take long for you to feel tipsy, laughing animatedly at something graves said while you clutched a beer. the lot of you seemed to be having fun for once. the laughter felt so natural on soap, it made your heart grow slightly. you were just happy everyone was okay and you made it out of there alive today. 
ghost stood across on the other side of the table, his eyes tracing you the entire night. he watched as johnny swung an arm around you and mumbled drunken nonsense in your ear. he watched as you laughed loudly in response. he watched as graves joined in and sent a crude remark your way that made your cheeks flush ever so slightly—and simon knew it wasn’t from the alcohol. he watched as the men seemed to soak up your presence. you fit right in. he should be glad. 
fucking hell, he hated this. this is why he couldn’t do relationships. he was no good at them. he didn’t know how to navigate them. he knew he had no right to be jealous just because you were having fun. but he’d be lying if he said watching you with other men didn’t send an angry pang through his chest. 
his eyes narrowed, his jaw tensing under his mask, as he watched graves rest a hand on your shoulder. there was nothing simon could do; the two of you were not publicly a couple. he had to sit in irate silence as you seemed oblivious to graves’ advances. ever since his comments back in the humvee, he knew graves had his eyes on you. and he didn’t like it. he almost considered telling him to back off, but he would have been out of line. 
in this moment, three beers in, he was starting to put caution to the wind. some carnal and primal force inside him was escaping and telling him to claim you. to mark you as his in front of everyone. 
his hands twitched on the glass beer bottle. soap slapped simon on the back and said something to him but he didn’t hear it at all—it was white noise to him. 
graves’ fingers slid under your chin and tilted your head to look up at him. your eyes widened in shock, a bit unsure of what to do. and that was simon’s final straw. he left his beer on the table, sick of having to lift his mask to drink it anyway, and took several long strides to you. you jumped when you felt his hand on your lower back. 
graves looked up at simon and seemed irritated that he was ruining this moment for him. simon couldn’t believe it, graves was pissed at him for being a cockblock. and that pissed him off even further. he pried graves’ hand away from you, uncaring of what he might think. he had to control himself to not crush it in his palm.
he’d blame it on the booze, but simon was a big guy, in reality, three beers were barely giving him a buzz. 
“the hell?” graves cursed.
you mouthed simon’s name and he grabbed your hand, pulling you through the crowd and outside of the bar. you stumbled after him, trying to catch up as he had you in tow. 
“stop!” you finally called, stumbling over the cobblestone street. 
he halted and turned to face you, dropping your hand. you caught your breath before speaking. “what’s gotten into—”
before you could even finish your sentence, simon had pushed you into a small alleyway beside the bar, his body pinning you to the brick wall. his mask was hiked up and his lips were on yours before you had time to think. you gasped but your body quickly reciprocated. his hands held your hips tightly before one slid up your side and onto the back of your neck. he pushed against you and your head got a bit dizzy. he was desperate in the way he was pawing at you.
“you’re mine,” he muttered between kisses. 
heat coursed through you at his words, his voice low and gravely as he spoke. you could feel the anger radiating off of him. he was jealous . 
you wanted to tell him he had nothing to be jealous of, you didn’t even like graves, let alone in a romantic way. but when he pulled away, you didn’t have time to speak when he interlaced your fingers and dragged you all the way back to the safehouse—which was conveniently only a few blocks from the las almas bar. 
simon pulled you into the small safehouse and slammed you up against the door the second it closed, his lips attacking yours, his mask dropping to the floor. he kissed down your jaw and onto your neck. you struggled to hold on to him, your words getting caught in your throat. 
“si-simon, what are—” you groaned when he nipped at your skin. all rationale abandoned you. the fire from simon’s hands along your curves made you forget why you were trying to stop him. why would you want this to end?
if anything, you wanted more. 
his hands crept down your back and over the curve of your ass, dragging you against him. he stumbled with you, his lips never leaving your body, barely able to drag you into one of the small rooms before stripping you. he tugged at the hem of your shirt, wanting to pry it from your chest. 
you stood back slightly so he had enough room to strip you of it. “what—what if someone comes back?” you said breathlessly. 
his hand maneuvered into your hair, backing you up against the small cot in the room. you fell back and he crawled on top of you, parting your legs to give him space. “doesn’t matter,” he grumbled. 
he hooked the waistband of your pants and began to yank them down. he was impatient. desperate. 
he removed his sweatshirt before blindly tangling his fingers with his belt, trying to shove his pants down. your eyes rounded in the dark, taking in the sight of him. he was raw; showing you just how much he could feel. he needed you. wanted you. wanted you all to himself. 
he was back between your legs his fingers sliding into your underwear, feeling just how wet you had already become. he gave you a sly grin. “what if they hear?” you asked in a last attempt at your sanity. 
simon clicked his tongue. “let ‘em.”
you swallowed hard when he slid a finger inside you. let them listen?! you’d never be able to face them again out of sheer embarrassment. and what happened to him agreeing to keep this thing between you two private for the time being?
his eyes darkened, running a hand up your side and groping your breast over your bra. “want ‘em to know you’re mine.”
you sucked in a breath of air, your heart thumping loudly in your chest. he pulled your bra down enough to expose your breast and gave it another squeeze before removing both his hands from you. you pouted at the loss. he gripped your thighs and hiked them up slightly so he could wedge himself more properly between your legs. he pushed your underwear to the side and lined his cock up with your entrance. 
you were a bit taken aback at how fast he was doing everything. this was only going to be the second time you had sex with him. your hands held his biceps as he nudged his way into you, wasting no time. he groaned and you held your breath. “fuck,” he mouthed, both of you looking down to where your bodies connected.
he guided himself in painfully slow, the feeling so overwhelming you couldn’t help but whimper. 
your noises seemed to spur him on more because he jolted his hips a bit. he pulled back and then edged in. he kept doing that until he was able to fill you to the hilt. then he began a steady rhythm. “god, you’re so fuckin’ tight, love.”
your hands fought between running through his short hair and scratching along his back. he picked up speed and your eyes fluttered shut. “oh my god,” you said softly. 
simon shifted your legs so your knees were being pushed back towards the bed, your thighs up against him. you squealed at the position change. he was able to hit you far deeper like this. his fingers snaked to your chin and shook you ever so gently. “look at me,” he demanded. his hand slid to rest around your neck, his thumb stroking your jaw.
your eyes opened and were met with his, his nose almost touching yours. "you're mine. all fuckin' mine," he managed to get out through strained breaths. “you’re fuckin' my girl, ” he grunted, "you're my fuckin' girl." your lips parted and he met your hips with his own in a hard thrust. “my fuckin’ girl,” he said a bit more aggressively and feral. you nodded, unable to form coherent words. his eyes narrowed in on you. “you’re— thrust —my— thrust —fuckin’— thrust —girl.”
you couldn’t tell if he was repeating it because he wanted you to acknowledge it, to tell him you were in fact his. or because he was trying to convince himself.
“yes,” you mewled. “m’yours.”
“my fuckin’ girl,” he growled as he continued his hard thrusts. he didn’t like the men talking to you like you were single. available. like he wasn’t sitting right there. you were his whether they knew it or not. and a sick part of him hoped the men came back—at least graves—and were forced to hear the way you cried for him. he wanted them to know how good he was fucking you. he wanted them to know you were his. and his alone. 
he pulled out of you and flipped you onto your stomach before you had time to protest. he pulled your hips up so your back arched and he slid back into you. your hands fisted the sheets of the simple bed, hoping you two wouldn’t break it. that would be difficult to explain to the others. though, you had a feeling simon would actually like that to happen. 
his fingers dug into the fat along your waist and hips and you groaned every time he pulled you back into him. 
you were embarrassed at how close you already were. you shouldn’t be so turned on from simon being so possessive. shouldn’t that be a red flag? but you didn’t care. all you knew was the way he was fucking you right now felt better than any other man had ever felt against you. and the way his deep voice uttered those words “my girl ,” had you swooning. you could listen to him call you that all day. you wanted him to claim you. you wanted him to know you were his. 
he felt you clench around him and he moaned. “close, princess?” he asked you, his accent heavier than usual. 
you nodded against the mattress and he chuckled. but his laugh quickly turned to a long groan and a few curses as you tightened against him. you were so fucking tight. and he was so fucking close. 
“my girl wanna come?” he all but growled.
the sight of you was everything to him. seeing you pushed into the bed before him, your knuckles whitening from how tightly you were gripping the bedsheets, your back arched, your body safe. you were safe. he couldn’t protect you today, but you. were. safe . 
so many feelings had brewed in his chest these past few days. this new and strong connection he felt with you. jealousy from even the smallest glance another man gave you. fear for your safety as you acted recklessly. anger that he wasn’t always the one there saving you. 
you were going to be the absolute death of him.
“this cunt is all fuckin' mine. you hear me, pet? all. mine.”
you cried his name and that was enough to send him tipping over the edge. “shit,” he cursed. 
you spasmed around him, your legs shaking, your hips pushing back to meet each of his thrusts. 
simon released inside you, following your orgasm closely. “take it. take it all,” he said through strained lips. he continued to pump himself into you, his thrusts becoming more languid. 
he finally slowed, both of you catching your breath and steadying your heart. he stilled inside you for a few brief moments, white liquid escaping around his cock, as he took in the sight before pulling out and collapsing on top of you, yanking you into his arms. 
you rolled over so you could face him and his hand locked behind your lower back. he kept your gaze and you drew a hand up to softly trace the side of his scarred face. his eyes fluttered from your delicate touch. he forgot how gentle touch could be. not everything had to be rough and violent, as much as he enjoyed that. feeling your tiny fingers ghosting his skin felt better than any relief he got from killing men. far more.
“you don’t have to be jealous, you know.”
“m’not jealous,” he said, tucking your head under his chin so you couldn’t see his face. 
“right,” you mumbled. 
you laid with him wrapped around you for several minutes before you broke the silence. “we should get up before they come back.”
“mmm. why?” his words rumbled in his chest, his voice hoarse, clearly exhausted. 
“you know why,” you said in faux annoyance. 
“they’ll all be sloshed. gonna stumble in ‘n’ collapse wherever they can. no one will b’lookin’ for us.”
you were plastered to his side. if you tried to move at all, you’d fall off the cot that was clearly made for one person. 
sensing you might protest, simon began stroking your hair, his other hand rubbing circles on your bare back. you sighed, feeling safe and loved. you didn’t want to get up as he touched you so gently and lovingly. so you snuggled up closer to him and his grip tightened. 
“mine,” he muttered quietly before kissing the top of your head.
OKAY THE WHOLE "MY GIRL" SCENE CAME FROM A NSFW BADJHUR AUDIO LMAOOO. he says "my girl" in such a feral and simon-esque way that it literally sparked the whole idea for this chapter. this is it if you wanna hear it... it's very nsfw just fyi (24:05 is the timestamp where he says it 😇)
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spicyicetea · 8 months
HIIII, I love your writing!!! Like your my source of my alone time when not crying or crafting, or gaming! ( We have stuff in common :D). SOOOOO, I have a recommendation!! It would be pretty cool to have you do this sooooo Like Yeah! But could you do a part two to the Link x Milf reader because I loved that one ( Cuz im like that ;) ). And could you do Totk Link x cuddly reader.
Ps. My computer dosnt let me write question Marks :l
LOVE UR WRITING :D -Madisu Kulina
Awww you’re legit so sweet! Eeee it’s messages like this that make me wanna keep posting. I’m actually already working on a pt 2 for the Milf!Y/N and I’ll make sure to tag you in it once it’s done. So for now I’ll do the other request. I assume you’d also like this to be yandere themed as it’s kinda my main thing at this point. I’ll split this into bullet points and then a short imagine.
Usual warnings: Yandere behaviour, NSFW topics mentioned but no actual smut. MDNI.
TOTK Link x Cuddly, Fem! Y/N
Link has always hit me as the type of Yandere who loves a physically affectionate reader. Being able to be near someone and protect them is a big deal, especially with all the crazy things happening in Hyrule.
If this is before Ganondorf was defeated, he takes you everywhere with him.
Each Sage he recruited knows you are his priority and to protect you with their lives or face him in a battle. None of them wanted that, they knew better.
You were a Hylian woman he bumped into while visiting Hateno village. Watching you man the fields awoke something in him. A gorgeous woman like you shouldn’t have to work day and nights just to get food and a roof over her head. She deserves to be pampered. And he can do that for you.
He practically swept you off your feet and proclaimed he would marry you once he defeated Ganondorf. He plans to keep that promise.
You ride sitting in front of him on Epona so he can make sure you’re comfortable. When he jumps off to fight or explore on foot, you stay on the saddle, Epona prepared to run for the hills as her master has instructed should danger even look your way.
He was fully prepared to be the “bad guy”. Making sure you would appreciate his generosity and gentle handling when he could be so rough. He needed you to need him.
But, he figured out he didn’t need to rather quickly.
It was a cold and he had left to handle a monster infestation near where you had been camping. The rain lashed at the ground outside the cave you and Epona were hunkered in for safety. The oversized tunic you wore as a makeshift dress club to your form, soaked with water. Flint sparks as you tried to start up the fire, having moved some spare sticks into the cave. It just wouldn’t work. With a heavy sigh, you hunkered over, shivering while fiddling with the flint in your hands.
“Y/N… you’re cold.” A familiar voice rang.
Link stood behind you, soaked by the rain. He tossed his pouch aside, prepared to strip you so he could dry your clothes. With a sigh, he took his gloves off but when he went to grab you, he jolted to a stop. Your arms wrapped around him, your cheek nuzzling his chin.
“Link! I was so worried, I missed you.” You pouted up at him.
His face flushed red and he hugged you tightly back, peppering your face with kisses. You truly were his adorable little wife. He couldn’t wait to have you back at his home where you’d stay safe for him to come home to each day.
His day dreaming was interrupted as you tugged at his shirt and trousers. Your greedy hands couldn’t get enough of him, maybe he’d have to give you what you wanted. He had planned for your first intimate experience to be on your wedding day but he’s more than willing to jump the gun. Oh how he would love to fold you and abuse that tight pretty c-
“Link! You need to dry your clothes!”
Yes… he couldn’t wait to marry you. His touchy little princess.
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Logan Roy would 1000% send his children to be institutionalised if they were more blatant about there mental illnesses.
Like all of the Roy family has sever mental illnesses let’s be real here how can they not growing up like they did.
But I see so many ‘being the youngest Roy sibling’ HC and I keep thinking about being the youngest Roy sibling and showing sever signs of bi polar or depression or schizophrenia *hey hey I have bi polar, depression and had schizoaffective disorder so I can say that shit ain’t fun* so here some Hc? Brain dribble about that.
So it’s under readmore and yeah also I am
Someone who has been in a psych ward many times *dont ask* so I feel qualified to make this.
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Like they show signs of it being sever, sever and like they get dealt with, when there like a kid and Logan just punishes them like they are having tantrums. But by like maybe early to mid 20s it becomes very clear when they try to off themselves.
That’s when Logan says ‘fine we’ll deal with this the old fashion way’ and let’s just say the siblings are ya know sitting with the youngest Roy at Logan’s house when the men in white jackets come and basically yank them up and the whole time the others are screaming like ‘the fuck is going on?!’ And the youngest is just screaming for them to let them go and maybe even tries to grab onto Kendall or Roman or shiv while being dragged out.
After logan explains, your just going to a hospital that can better treat you, and help you deal with your mental state better.
Connor fully riots when he hears this happened, storms into Logan’s office with Kendall and Roman behind him trying to ya know stop the fight that’s about to kick off and Connor is fuming like
“You fucking bastard! You already locked my mother up, your once wife! But that’s not enough so you lock your fucking kid up?!” Like this is an anger I don’t think anyone’s ever seen in Connor.
And Connor is the one to visit you every day, he brings you things you may need, or just things he hopes you can decorate your little space in your room with.
Roman brings you like the things you can’t sleep with out at night, like a special stuffed animal or a blanket or pillow. He’s the one who jokes about you being the actual crazy one, and like he gets the need to deflect with dark humor.
Shiv is the one who brings you the clothes you actually would wear, and not the random stuff that Logan had a house keeper pack for you. When she first visits to bring them your in a full on hospital gown because you refuse to wear what Logan gave you.
Kendall is the most awkward when he visits because yeah he went to rehab but like, this is way more lock down and he maybe realises that this could have happened to him if he didn’t ya know get a control on his shit like he tries to.
You meet Tom while still in the ya know hospital and fully tell shiv if she marries him you have a free bed in your room if she needs it.
Logan basically 51-50ed you so like the resentment against him is real, it’s like not good.
You spend like a solid almost 2 years institutionalised. But when you get out, Connor has a welcome home party for you. Everyone comes out, except Logan cause Connor was not about to have that KO fight happen.
You have always been closest to Roman, not really sure why but you two just get each other better and oh the jokes you both make at each other, like makes everyone else so uncomfortable. When eating at the like welcome back dinner he switches your silver wear for plastic and you joke like
“Plastic can still hurt. Wanna see” and like he knows it’s a joke but everyone else gets that like uncomfortable vibe about them
“If I can’t joke about it, I’ll cry about it, so we joke yes? Do you want me to jump off the roof cause-“
Roman casually jokingly makes sure your taking your meds everyday like texts or calls or quips like
“So how’s today? You eat? Take your fucking crazy pills that make you see god or whatever…” like very obvious but very Roman.
I just, I have feelings alright…
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80pairsofcrocs · 2 years
baby scarab || 48
anon - CAN YOU IMAGINE marc or jake or steven accidentally catching y/n and casper doin the nasty? i have ideas but i wanna hear yours first LMAO
@r4tch1ld - Bro so what if, while y/n ans Casper are like hanging out and they like do weird little kisses from here and there, and then it turns into a full blown make out session, and like shirts off, still like pants n shit like that, but so it doesn't get too...INTO IT? They hear the door unlock(or y/n does anyways) and she like "OH SHIT PUT YOUR SHIRT BACK ON" and they like hussle to put em back on and khonshu is just like there like "my mouth is shut...for now" idk if you were gonna get REALLY into it, idrk sorry if this wasn't really helpful
anon - Could we have a smut chapter with Casper and reader? 🤭
A/N : pls read the warnings
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masterlist - marvel masterlist - series masterlist
A/N : this is so mf cringe omfg
please enjoy, and don't be shy if you want to be in the taglist, just ask <3, sorry for the long wait
pairings : steven grant x (platonic)reader, marc spector x (platonic) reader, khonshu x (platonic)reader, jake lockley x (platonic)reader
TW : medicine (pills), spidey stuff, mentions of violence, language, very suggestive, y/ns dads threatening to kill casper, let me know if i missed anything.
you made sure marc was asleep before you kissed casper again.
it was just a quick peck, just to get him to stop talking.
he was going on and on about how you needed to be more careful, and to stop apologizing for making him come over to help you out.
“i already get enough lecture from my dads, i promise to be more careful i just need practice” you tell him, and he sighs.
“that’s only the bad stuff, i heard how excited you were after you knew they were going to be okay, and how you saved them” he says to you and you nod.
“it wouldn’t have been cool if they got really hurt” you reply.
“well it’s not cool when you’re hurt, and hey look” he pokes at your ribs to make a point, making you jump.
it didn’t hurt, it was more just surprising that he would poke at your injuries like that.
“off topic question but are you sure your mom is okay with you being here?” you ask casper and he nods.
“after she found out she understands. and she promised not to tell anybody” he adds on and you smile.
“tell her thank you”
“she wants to make you more bread”
you gasp dramatically. “really?” you draw out the end of the word, casper chuckling and nodding.
“i love bread”
“i know you do”
you laugh shortly and get up off the couch, stepping silently to where marc was asleep on the bed.
you knew his phone was in his pocket, so you sneakily found which one and took it out, walking back to casper.
you sat back down, stuffing one of your hands in one of the couch cushions, pulling out another sheet of hello kitty stickers.
casper just kinda stared in astonishment.
you started putting the stickers on marc’s phone case, and once it was completely covered you took a picture of it with your own phone and sent it straight to layla.
you looked to casper who was already staring at you.
“i don’t know, i’m bored” you shrug.
“what should we do then?” 
“come on, push harder”
“no- y/n i can’t”
“yes you can”
“no i can’t. my knees hurt”
“you’re such a baby” you start, rolling your eyes. “it’s just a couple more feet, just one more big push and the couch will be in the right spot”
you and casper decided to make a fort on the roof.
by moving the couches and the chairs so that they are by the door and the wall.
you also brought up some of your old sheets, blankets, pillows, and battery powered string lights you’ve had for years.
you had the shape of the fort ready, so you and casper spread the blanket out on the ground, the corners being held down by the corners of the furniture.
“okay now help me with the sheet” you request.
you were planning on webbing a sheet up to act as a roof, and that was when casper groaned in annoyance.
“my arms hurt and i’m tired” he complains.
“but it’s only two in the morning” you retort and he raises an eyebrow.
“i’m sorry i can’t compete with my hot n’ jacked superhero girlfriend” he says sarcastically and you snort.
“hot?” you repeat and he freezes and avoids eye contact.
“did i say that?” he asks distractedly, setting up some of the pillows.
you simply hum and nod. “you did” you confirm and he sighs.
casper mumbles something you surprisingly didn’t catch, so you turn to him and make a face. “what was that?”
“nothin’” he shakes his head and you approach him.
“don’t get all shy on me now” you grin, and he scoffs.
“i’m not getting shy, y/l/n” he retorts and you wince.
“it’s actually spector” you correct him and he furrows his brows.
“what about steven and jake?”
“it varies from moment to moment”
“ah, i get it” he nods and you back up to the door.
“i’ll be right back, i’m getting some capri suns and hot cheetos” you change the subject, leaving casper to finish setting up the pillows and blankets.
after you came back up, you both finished the fort and were sitting next to each other, eating your cheetos and drinking your capri suns while watching a movie on your phone.
that meant you had to lean close to each other to see it, but neither of you minded.
“does she die?” casper asks you, gesturing to the character on the screen.
“dude she’s literally in there other movies” you answer his question indirectly and he debates on elbowing you in the ribs.
but alas, he does not. he knows you’re hiding how much pain you’re actually in.
it does in fact hurt very badly. even though it’s cleaned and bandaged.
until they quickly healed enough to scab over, you’d be in pain every time you took in a breath.
casper knew better than to bring it up though, knowing you would get moody about it while trying to act tough.
until he could figure out how to calm you down easier he would subtly whos and tell that he was always there for you.
“so what exactly is a khonshu?” he starts. “i know he’s the god of the moon but what does he even do?” 
you snort and shake your head. “he turns people into cats and he’s mean. that’s all” you answer with a wave of your hand.
“and i provide your suit you insolent child” you hear his voice.
“oh yeah, and the suit” you repeat to casper and he nods.
khonshu didn’t bother you anymore while you and casper finished the first hunger games, and that’s when the sleep deprivation hit for the both of you.
you were playing one of those stupid games on your phone when your spidey senses started to ring in your head.
“i can sense you staring” you pause your game to look at an embarrassed casper.
“i’m not staring” he replies, not looking away from you.
you chuckle and tilt your head. “i’m pretty sure you are” you shiver when a gust of wind blows by.
“you wanna head inside?” you ask him and he nods quickly, making you laugh.
“okay okay- les’ go” you spring up and pull casper up too, making sure not to leave any valuables behind.
you and casper end up staring at your bed in silence once you get back in the apartment.
“so are we sharing or what?” you ask bluntly and casper chokes on air.
you pat his back, and he nods. “i uhm.. i guess so” he says quickly and you purse your lips.
“if you’re uncomfortable with that i have no problem going-“
“no- it’s just i’ve never- not that i don’t want to i just-“
“casper” you stop him, and send him a comforting smile.
“let’s just sit for a minute” you suggest, sitting on your bed and patting the spot next to you.
he hesitantly sits down next to you, which makes you start conversation to ease his nervousness.
“you don’t have to be nervous, it’s just me” you tell him and he takes a breath before relaxing a bit.
“but that’s just it, it’s you” he starts and you make a confused face. “i don’t want to make you not like me” he confesses and you’re about to talk when he continues.
“you’re literally a superhero- you have abilities and so strong and beautiful but i’m just me” he stops and you make a move to hold his hand.
“and that’s just it” you repeat him from earlier. “it’s just you” you continue.
“i’m surprised you’re still here to be honest. i’ve dragged you into way too much” you shake your head.
“so thank you for sticking around, because there’s no way i will ever not like you” you assure him and he chuckles.
“that’s a relief” he mumbles and he clears his throat. “you are jacked though, i wasn’t lying”
that makes you laugh, which gives him more confidence in talking to you.
“thank the spider” you joke.
“do i thank the spider for making you a good kisser? or is that all you?” he asks and you scoff with a smile.
“how about you come here and find out?” you reply and he raises an eyebrow.
“you know what? i think i will” he quickly leans forward to connect his lips with yours.
you instantly reciprocate, both your hands reaching up to hold his face to yours, his hands going down to your waist.
it quickly escalated from simple kisses to tongues swiping across each other, the room being filled with the sounds of heavy panting.
it got to the point that you pulled away for a second to turn to your semi open door, so you stick an arm out to web it shut, shooting the webs on three different placing holding the door in place.
you turned back to casper, who’s cheeks were flushed and eyes hazy as you gently pushed him back onto the bed, his head falling down onto the pillow.
he lets out a quiet groan. “are they gonna hear us?” he asks lowly and you shake your head, moving one leg over each of his hips.
that was all the answer he needed to pull you down to him, locking your lips once more.
it turned into casper guiding your head above his so he could trail open mouthed kisses down your neck.
you squeeze your eyes shut as he finds a spot right behind your ear that he heard you almost silently gasp at when he ran his lips over it.
he was going with his instincts when he started sucking, licking, and biting at that spot, making you involuntary let a breathy whine escape your lips.
you felt him smirk against your neck, bringing your face up to look at him again.
you instinctively moved your hips against his, feeling something poke at your core once you did.
casper groans and grips both your hips, bringing them down harder against him, making you bite your lip to stay quiet.
he stopped for a second to speak. “do you have a.. you know..?” he asks softly and you shake your head and change your demeanor, hopping off the bed to slip your shoes on to casper’s confusion.
“what are you-“
“i’m gonna get some i’ll be right back” you open your window and swing away, casper laying there in shock.
one moment you were there, on top of him, and now you’re out the window.
on your way to a gas station too.
you had the suit on as you swing in the gas station, simply grabbing a pack of whatever top rated brand of condoms and slapping the box on the counter, the woman giving you an odd look even though you had the mask on.
you quickly payed and clutched onto the box as tight as you could while swinging back home, and the suit coming off right as you close the window again when you’re inside.
you turn to see casper leaning against the headboard with a throw pillow over his lap.
he gives you a tight lipped smile and a wave before looking to see what was in your hands.
“did i kill the mood?” you ask and he shakes his head.
“you could never”
“okay good because i just payed like 10 dollars for these-“ you’re interrupted when casper reaches over and pulls you down for a quick kiss before pulling you completely on top of him like you were before.
you held your breath as he tossed the pillow aside, revealing the obvious tent in his pants that you quickly looked away from while you felt heat rush to your ears.
you let out a breath and leaned down to kiss him again, all full of tongue and teeth.
you reach down to grab at the hem of your shirt, feeling hot all of a sudden and only breaking the kiss to pull it over your head, revealing your almost naked torso to casper.
he looks you over like you’re a goddess, which he wouldn’t even blink once if you told him you were.
“you’re so beautiful” he brushes your hair away, and runs his hands down your sides, before reaching to attempt in pulling off his own shirt.
he does so successfully, and just like that you’re all over him.
this time, you found the sweet spot on his neck, and left him struggling to stay quiet as to not wake up your dads who were just in the other room.
you grind your hips down on his, so he brings a hand up to cover his mouth in case of any noise escaping.
he brings your face up again to look you in the eye. “i want- i need you. please” he breaths out and you snicker before making the first move in unbuttoning his jeans.
“you can have me, then” you start. “just.. if your uncomfortable or want to stop just say ‘red’, is that okay?” you ask and he nods.
“i need words, baby” you try out the name, and he lets out a shaky breath.
“yeah. yeah, reds fine- it’s perfect” he starts, helping you get his pants off.
“you have the right to say it too, don’t forget that” he raises an eyebrow at you.
“i won’t” you smile down at him, getting your own pants off as well.
now you both were just in your undergarments, and you both took the time in memorizing the other person.
you lean down and pepper kisses all down casper’s chest, raking your nails down it as well as you bring your lips up to bite at his jaw.
“look at you” you begin. “my pretty boy” casper groans lowly at the comment, which makes you smirk against him.
he grips your hips again, hard enough to leave a mark, but being careful of your damaged ribs, while he grinds you down on him, both of you quietly and breathily moaning in unison.
“this your first?” you whisper to casper and he nods. “yours?” this time, you nod.
“then let’s make it count, hm?” is the last thing you say before un clipping your bra, tossing it on the floor with the rest of your clothes.
for you thirsty horn dogs <click>
casper finished just a few seconds after you did, the both of you panting with your sweaty foreheads resting together while you felt him softening inside you.
he brushed a strand of hair away from your eyes and kissed you again, this time with less lust and more.. more love.
after the two of you had calmed down, casper slowly eased himself out of you, making you gasp at the sudden cold as he slid the condom off, tying it closed and throwing it away at the garbage can at the side of your bed.
he grabbed some of his clothes off the floor and put all of them in, minus his shirt.
now that you had time to actually study him, you knew he was a relatively skinny guy, but seeing the scars on his spine made your heart ache.
you knew about the surgery he had as a kid for his scoliosis, but the brace now had helped a lot, and you could tell.
he noticed you staring and put your clothes on the bed next to your still form.
“how are you feeling?” he asks, and you notice him almost fall over before sitting down by your knees on the bed.
“great” you draw out and he chuckles, helping you sit up.
“stay here, i’ll be right back” he slips on his shirt and cuts the webs off the door with a pair of scissors he found on your desk, and left the room.
he got back and you noticed a wet washcloth in his hand, making you smile.
casper aided you in putting your clothes back on, after cleaning you up with the washcloth first.
“do you need anything?” he asks you after you’re all settled.
“i should be the one asking you that” you respond. “but no. i just need you” you make grabby hands out towards him, and once he got close enough you pulled him onto the bed, pushing him down so that you could lay your head on his chest.
you listened to his heartbeat as he ran a hand through your hair, and once you felt yourself drifting off, you felt casper pulling your blanket up to cover your cold shoulders.
you would’ve smiled if you weren’t too tired, and just like that you both were asleep.
“what fucking time is it?” marc complains, handing the control right to steven when he realizes how tired he was.
“oh wow thanks mate. it’s only 7:38, quit being a baby” he yawns, slowly getting up off the bed.
“you think she’s still sleeping?” steven asks out into the open, moving around the kitchen to make some tea.
“she better be, she had a rough night” jake answers, remembering how you masked the emotions you felt after watching all of them nearly die.
“what about casper? is he still here?” steven asks and he’s only met with silence.
“yeah. nice talking to you too, numbskulls” steven rolls his eyes, leaving his kettle to heat up with the water to go check on you.
now, when he opened your door he’s was met with a faint aroma he hadn’t ever smelled before in your room, and that’s when he felt the broken webs on the doorframe, and the fact that you were laying on top of casper.
he tilted his head as he ventured in a little more,
not wanting to intrude to much while you were asleep.
that’s when jake noticed a couple things.
he saw a still damp washcloth on your nightstand, one of your bras was thrown onto the floor, which was not like you since you kept all your clothes private, oh and don’t forget the pack of condoms on the floor next to it.
“steven get out” jake says and steven furrows his eyebrows.
“go drink your tea. just get out”
“but why-“ he looks down, and his eyes linger on the box.
“oh my lord… are those-“
“are those fucking condoms?! are you kidding me?!” marc exclaims, and steven sees you stir in your sleep, so he scurries out of the room, shutting the door quietly.
steven was in shock. he was frozen in place as marc and jake argued.
“they did not- there’s no fucking way-“ marc starts.
“you’re in denial amigo. it smelled like sex in there” jake retorts and marc feels like crawling into a hole and dying.
“but she-“
“but she what? steven said she was a horny teenager” jake scoffs and steven hums in denial, slowly walking back to pour his tea.
“i didn’t say that, i said she was getting to the age where those type of hormones are-“
“steven please” marc cuts in and steven nods in understanding.
your door clicked open, revealing you rubbing your eyes and putting on one of your sweaters, closing the door behind you and calmly moving into the kitchen to reach up in the cabinet for your pop tarts.
“how are you guys feeling?” you ask the guys worriedly, eyeing stevens leg and seeing through the hole in his pants where the knife was that there wasn’t any more blood or cuts, he was good as new.
“we are good, but you-“
“were you busy last night?” marc asks and you tilt your head.
“not necessarily”
“okay so what did you do?”
you stayed quiet, trying to figure out if he knew anything.
“me and casper-“
“i knew it!”
“-built a fort on the roof” you purse your lips and marc scoffs.
“oh yeah? what about after that?” he asks, not fronting and stepping closer to you.
“we went to bed” 
“the same bed?”
marc takes a step away, leaning against the tower and finishes preparing stevens tea for him.
“so why was there a box of condoms on your floor?” marc asks nonchalantly and you choke on your pop tart.
your face turned as red as ever, and you looked down at the floor.
“we’re going to have to have a talk, kid” marc starts, while you continue to hide your face from him.
“and your little boyfriend is invited too”
A/N : yay my first smut. its terrible, omfg.
thank you all for the support, i love you all so much :)) see you in a couple days!!
taglist ---
@alexloveskili @ihatemyselfmorethanmydepression @thebiggestsimpshrimp @guyinachair27 @astrobuzzsstuff @mooonlight-and-stars @moonlighting87 @mateihavenoidea @inactive-things @alondrashultz @femalemarvelself @queenthorin1 @haileymorelikestupid @jvdethirlwall @justtiredandvibing @winterfrostsarmy @themapoftinyperfectthings @littlebird101 @atzlena @httpslinow @arrowurboat @m-brekker @lifeandbandmembers-blog @adamcarlsenslvr @violet-19999 @seninjakitey @bestgirlpip @panic-in-the-multiverse @in-between-the-cafes @branolagar @bl6o6dy @annoyingmarvelreader @bee-a-cool-kid @buzzitsbeee @wintergirlsoilder2 @crow-carcass @you-bloody-shank @distinguishedmakerpandapatrol @valiantphantomangel @50shadesofcrocs @rayrlupin @kingshitonly @brekkers-desigirl @hutaos-gh0st @kayane28 @nevaeh-jasso @lizlil @scarabgrant @luvxxee @certainchildmentality @yikesitskennawrites
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femaletwstsupremacy · 2 years
Through the looking glass...what do you see?
A woman who hails from the sea...celebrating the day of her beloved's birth...
Contents: Birthday fluff, kinda short, cameo Jade, Reader being down bad, Azul is down bad too.
A/N: A birthday gift for my dear friend @c3lestialstars 💕
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Azul had planned this for weeks, even with a backup plan for her backup plan. That's how prepared she was, wanting everything perfect for her beloved's birthday. She made sure to close Mostro Lounge early, make sure the twins won't ruin anything, have an extravagant dinner date and watch the sunset together. You deserve the best after all! The final bell ring on campus resonated through the halls indicating that classes were over, Azul instantly left her class to meet up with you like promised.
You were already waiting outside your classroom, waiting for Azul "There you are darling! Shall we go for our date?" Azul said this while holding out her hand for you to take. You giggled at the romantic gesture and took her hand in yours "We shall."
The walk to mostro lounge had you feeling giddy, you were excited to see what Azul has in stall for your birthday. Both of you walked into the double doors of the establishment and what you saw took your breath away. The lounge was decorated with coral ornaments of your favorite color, light purple ribbons hanging on the roof of the lounge, there was also a table that seemed to be reserved for the both of you, with it being surrounded with flower petals and a candle in the middle. Azul cleared her throat, clearly wanting your attention "So what do you think?" Azul was a bit nervous you wouldn't like it but all those worries were gone in an instant when you gave her a big hug "Oh I love it! Thank you for this!" Your smile was big, grateful for the surprise you girlfriend has given you.
"Well I'm glad, let's take a seat now my love." Azul lead you to the table, your heart fluttering in your chest. Azul pulled back one of the chairs, gesturing you to sit down first "Quite chivalrous aren't you?" You teased lightly "But why of course, I wish to make you feel loved after all" The comeback had your cheeks burning, how dare she be so smooth! Once you sat down, Azul did too and seemingly out of nowhere Jade appeared at the table "Do you wish for me to take the food to your table now Azul?" You jumped at the eelwoman's appearance but quickly regained your composure "Ah yes, if you would Jade" Azul seemingly not surprised at her friend's antics replied back casually. You seriously wonder how she managed to put up with both of them since childhood...
But as quickly as she appeared Jade left the table going to the kitchen to get the food as requested. Azul took your hand in hers, squeezing it lightly, you squeezed back of course. Your heart swelling with affection for the woman in front of you. You start remembering how it all came to be, when you first met the Dorm leader you were instantly captivated. Barely even registering her words, you think it was about a contract..? Azul had to snap her fingers in your face to get you back in reality "So what do you say?" You remember her smile being sly, cocky. Most students would have taken this as a red flag and leave, but you thought her confidence was attractive. Her smile captivating, her voice making you instinctively relax. With half of your head still being in the clouds you blurted out something that caught the three girls in front of you to be caught off guard, Azul more so "Do you wanna go out on a date?" The rest was just history.
Jade came back with some of the lounge's specialty dishes, with a bit of a personal touch from Azul, and places them on the table "Do enjoy your meal" Jade smiled like usual before disappearing to who knows where. The food on your plate was your favorite, with a little octopus made out of egg, peas, and ketchup. You cooed at the small but cute little detail, Azul silently celebrating at making you pleased. Both of you ate your meals in a comforting silence, basking in the others company. By the time you were finished Azul stood up and told you to close your eyes, doing as she said Azul took you by the wrist and lead you somewhere “You can open your eyes now darling.” Following her instructions you open your eyes, you gasp silently at the beautiful scenery before you. The sun was setting, the yellows, pinks, purples and oranges melding together perfectly. “Happy Birthday my love” Saying this Azul drew you in with a loving kiss, and as the sun sets you seal your fate together as the one and only in each other’s hearts.
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Made by @genderbenttwstsupremacy please do not repost, steal or use any of my works
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luckyduck0 · 7 months
🜸ultra comet fire🜸
“So, you mean to tell me that in the span of one hour,” A voice says, holding up their pointer finger. “You served a guy named Nyxx, coffee, and then got saved by him from a giant mutant lizard-scorpion-whatever, and then he took you to the hospital?”
Nodding, Xen stared sheepishly at the person in front of her. “Yup, that about sums it up.”
The person in question was Xen’s friend, Sandy, who was treating her to a fast-food dinner after hearing about her hospital visit.
“Jeez, how’s that work? Did he just leave ya there?” Sandy asks, stuffing a fry into her mouth.
“No, no!” Xen denies, shaking her head. “He stayed until the doctor said I was good to go. Then he actually…drove me home?”
“What?!” Sandy exclaimed, slapping her hands on the table. “You let some random guy drive you to your house?!”
“He’s not random! And he was just doing it cause he was nice!”
Sitting back down barely containing herself, Sandy breathed deeply. Now, Xen was going to get an earful, as well as a long parental lecture about boys.
“Alright, alright. So, he saved you?”
Arching a brow, Xen answers hesitantly. “Yes?”
“And you sensed no ulterior motives?” Sandy questioned, looking Xen in the eyes.
“Of course not.” Xen replied, stern.
She may have only know him for a short while, but Xen could tell Nyxx was different. A good different. He saved her, went of his to get her help and make sure she got home. He was mysterious and a little standoffish, but he still did so much for her.
“Then…I guess there’s really nothing to worry about.” Sandy said, slumping back against the booth seat. “Just, call me next time you get into danger, alright? This city’s got a shit ton of problems, I don’t need you getting kidnapped by a league of evil-doers as one of them, got it?”
Sighing with relief, Xen nodded happily. “Will do, San! Anyway, wanna go see a movie? There’s this new one that just came out, it’s about like, aliens or something!”
“Yeah, sure.” Sandy agreed, pushing up from the table with Xen.
(Fifteen minutes earlier)
Smoke fills the air as a fire raged inside a burning building. Police and firefighters had rushed to the scene, conveniently not noticing a tall figure jump out of a third-story window.
“Didn’t I tell you not to make a mess this time”
Ada’s voice pierced through the comm, making Nyxx wince from the sound.
“It was tougher than expected.” He replied, landing on the sidewalk and easing through the crowds.
“Clearly! You knocked down a building, Nyxx!” Ada yelled.
“I didn’t knock it down,” Nyxx stated, turning into an alley. “That stupid Flame Ghoul was stronger than I realized. A lot stronger than Intel told us. Not my fault he’s a lousy informant.”
With ease, he climbed up an apartment buildings’ fire escape and landed on a roof.
Ada groaned and Nyxx could practically hear the pinching of her nose. “Listen, we just got another report that says those damn Imps are out and about again, so get to these coordinates and I’ll meet you there. We’ll talk about your…screw-up with the Sergeant later.”
“Whatever.” Nyxx replied, cutting the comm off.
He glanced at his wrist, where a fancy, high-tech looking watch set. A hologram appeared as he jumped from roof to roof, coordinates showing what looked to be a location not far from where he was.
Great, he thought, now I’ll get a lecture in person too.
Ada was sort of his superior, in a way. She was a third year at EDEN and had lots of experience under her belt. She was the one recruited him in the first place, actually.
However, that didn’t make her mom-ing any less annoying.
Xen hadn’t thought about that night very much. In fact, she’d barely thought about it at all! She had much more important things to worry about…
…is what she would have said, if her near-death experience plus also getting save by a really hot guy hadn’t totally turned her brain into mush.
When he brought her to hospital, he insisted he could pay for any expenses. She wanted to object, but she was also a poor, fresh-out-of-college graduate and had eight dollars to her name. Then after that, he insisted to take her home himself, as she could still possibly be in danger.
“I’ll get ya home, least I can do after all this. Oh, and…hold on..” He mumbled, pulling out a piece of paper and writing on it. “Here ya go, it’s my number. In case anything happens, call me. I’m not sure how that monster behaves yet, so it’s possible it might come after ya, so keep it handy.”
Did she keep the note and memorize it and reread it a million times? Maybe.
But she also didn’t have a phone, as she lost it on the train. She was mainly hoping nothing bad would happen, cause she definitely did not have a device to call him on. At the same time, though, she really wanted to see him again.
And who could blame her?
Nyxx was kind and strong, and very, very attracted. And you don’t get saved by those kinds of people everyday.
“Uh, hello, Earth to Xeeeennn?” Sandy said, snapping her fingers in the other’s face.
Flinching, Xen flashed back to the present and turned to Sandy, who looked a bit put-off.
“Oh, sorry, what were you saying? Is the movie starting?”
“Uh, no, it just ended.” Sandy furrowed her eyebrows. “Jeez, you can be such an airhead sometimes. Were you sleeping with your eyes open or somethin’?”
Noticing everyone else is in the theatre leaving, Xen felt a little embarrassed. Could she really be that distracted by Nyxx?
“Ugh, whatever. Let’s just go, I already see the cleaners rollin’ in. Come on.” Sandy took Xen’s hand, leading her to the doors.
They threw away the trash and walked into the lobby. Sandy waved to one of her friends working at the counter, then stretched and yawned.
“That movie was pretty good, all things considered. Hey, wanna come over tonight? We could paint our nails and talk about our crushes!” Sandy said, posing dramatically.
Xen laughed, covering her mouth. “I’d love to, but I’ve got the opening shift tomorrow. Maybe next time.”
“Ughhhhh, why do you work so much? Try living a little, Xen. Maybe going to a few parties might loosen you up.” Sandy poked at her, smirking.
“I’m perfectly fine the way I am. Besides, the whole life of the party slash laidback misfit is way more your style.” Xen stated, nudging the taller girl.
Sandy chuckled, stuffing her hands into her pockets. “Yeah, guess you’re right. No one can compare to my utter brilliance.”
Xen just laughed, pushing past the front doors and into the parking lot.
Approaching Sandy’s beat up, Scooby-Doo-style van, the girl’s are stopped by a scream.
“Look at that! In the sky!”
“What the hell?”
“Holy shit!”
Both Xen and Sandy turned to the commotion, noticing a large green object heading straight toward them.
Launching many expletives out of her mouth, Sandy ran to the van, hopping in and starting the engine.
“Oh crap, we gotta go! Gotta go gotta go gotta— Xen? Xen?! What the hell are you doing?! Hurry up!” Sandy commanded, shouting from her place in the driver’s seat.
But Xen was frozen, staring up at, whatever it was. She couldn’t move. This wasn’t like the fear she got from the lizard-mutant, no, this was way different. Not even her fight or flight response was kicking in. She was utterly helpless, and there was a sick feeling that she wouldn’t be saved this time.
Xen probably wouldn’t have even had enough time to call Nyxx, let alone find some way to communicate with him.
Another shout from Sandy came from the van, but Xen didn’t hear it. A weird static was filling her head, like the buzzing when a TV stops working right. It was all she could do to keep staring, to keep calm, to accept it.
Before she can think, however, Xen is yanked away before the green thing hits the ground.
(All the way on the other side of the city)
Nyxx strolled alongside as Ada led him through a warehouse. He, unfortunately, had to listen to another one of his upperclassmen’s tirades.
“Oh, and don’t even get me started on your lack of discipline! You think because your so strong that you can just run around all half-cocked and then get sympathy when you fail! Like, obviously! Did you not see him prioritize getting soda over killing the damn Leech Ghouls?!” Ada complained, stomping down the poorly-lit hallway. “What’s even worse, literally nobody calls you out on it! Not even Red or Stein! And Stein is the nit-pick of the century!”
Nyxx just rolled his eyes, leaning his head back to look at the ceiling. The only reason they were in this place was because they got a report of the Imp Ghouls running around terrorizing the place. Pain and Panic, loyal servants to that damned Devil.
“Ya know, I think you’re over-thinking this. I’m pretty sure the reason nobody gets on my ass about stuff is cause I make the right calls. Ya told me to save people, Ada.” Nyxx said, pointedly looking at the woman.
“Ugh, I know what I said, but that doesn’t mean you can just abandon missions. That Scorpious mutant is still out there, probably running around in the sewers. And I’m the one that gets blamed for it, remember? Cause everyone thinks you’re my protege. Bullshit..”
Nyxx only shrugged, all he had to do was bring down Ghouls and bring their souls to be exorcised or judged. It wasn’t his place to decide their fate, all he had to do was capture them.
Sure, maybe he wasn’t doing too good a job of that recently, but people still understood why.
He just wished Ada could as well.
For all her hot-headedness, Ada was very smart and talented. She was one of the top students at EDEN, and her combat skills were incredible. She claimed she could do anything, and so far, she made good on that claim. Out of most people at the academy, Ada was definitely one of his favorites.
Except for her nagging. That was one quality he could live without.
“Ada! Ada, do you read me?” A voice from her watch questioned, urgently.
“Intel? Yes, what’s up?” Ada stopped, putting a hand on her hip.
“Listen, I need both you and Nyxx to go to downtown, quick. Something big just exploded in a theatre parking lot and we’re not entirely sure what it is. We need you to get a read on the situation, hurry.”
“Shit, okay, I got it. We’re on our way.” Ada closed the call and swiftly turned around. “Nyxx, let’s go.”
Nyxx only nodded, breaking out into a run to follow her.
When Xen came to, her ears were ringing. Everything around her was a dizzying haze. All she could see what a greenish smoke, and what looked to be rubble on the ground. Something warm drips down her face and before Xen can register it, she’s being dragged across the ground.
“Dammit, Xen! Wake up! We need to go!” A distant voice yells, one she slowly recognizes as Sandy.
“S-Sandy?” She coughed, pain wracking throughout her body.
What happened? The last thing she remembered was leaving the theatre.
“Oh my god, holy shit, are you okay?” Sandy stopped, kneeling down to hold Xen steady.
“I—” Another cough, this one feeling worse than the last. “I don’t know.”
Sandy was in utter distress at this point, looking around wildly, shouting for help. But Xen couldn’t concentrate, there was this buzzing under her skin. Her head felt like it was on fire and being beaten like a drum at the same time.
Suddenly, flashes of memories fly into her mind. They aren’t her memories, though, she’s awake enough to know that. There was a picture of a desert, then a stark-white room with medical supplies everywhere, and then fire. Green fire, all around, everywhere. It consumed everything it touched, including people who looked like doctors or scientists. A sharp pain enters her head, along with what sounded like high-pitched screaming.
“Gah!” Xen shrieked, squeezing her hands over her ears.
“What? What’s wrong?” Sandy panicked.
Xen couldn’t answer. The burning feeling was worse, it felt like it was through her entire body now. The screaming only became louder as her muscles seemed to ignite more and more. Almost to the point of an exploding sensation.
She doesn’t know when it happened, but quickly, her entire body became enveloped in flames. Green fire, just like the memories. Just like the thing in the sky.
Her screams were agonizing now, and they mixed well with the ones in her mind.
Xen knew Sandy was freaking out, but she couldn’t stop it. Her entire being was in complete pain overdrive.
She can’t tell when it stops, when the screams go silent and the fire goes out. What she can tell is, is a cold darkness covering her. Whispers of something she can’t quite grasp, until she’s completely enthralled in darkness.
On the outside, there was Nyxx and Ada. Nyxx was cocooning Xen inside of shadows, seemingly stopping the flames. Hopefully.
“Is she alright?” Ada asked, standing above the scene with a grimace.
“I don’t know, it looked really bad.” Nyxx replied, his tone uncertain.
He hadn’t expected to see Xen again, especially not under such horrible circumstances. It had only been a week since her last brush of death, and he was certain she was out of residual danger.
Nyxx would be lying if he said he hadn’t thought about her. His mind had wandered to the girl a few times, wondering if she was alright. He’d ordered one of the EDEN cadets to keep an eye on her, in case that mutant came looking for her before he could find it. The whole reason he even gave her his number was so he could help her out if need be, so why hadn’t she called?
Was he too late?
Had he failed to save someone again? Someone counting on him?
Nyxx hated that feeling, it scared him.
“Is she gonna be okay?” A girl asked, rubbing her nose as tears ran down her face.
She must be a friend of hers, Nyxx noted in his head.
“I’ll do everything I can to help her, I swear.” Nyxx assured.
He wanted to say everything would be alright, but he couldn’t say that. Empty promises were much worse than harsh truths. All he could do now was try his best to save Xen.
Nyxx didn’t get very far, though, because something exploded out of the crater in the middle of the parking lot.
Both he and Ada quickly turned, standing to attention at…whatever the hell was crawling out of that thing. They looked like a bunch oozy slime balls, but he could see their exoskeletons, which were clearly made of metal.
“Now what in the hell…” Ada faltered, gagging at the way they moved. “They look like worms, but worse!”
Nyxx glared at the scene. The weird neon-colored worms kept coming out of the iron rock thing that blasted into the concrete. And they were also, forming? Into each other. Honestly, Nyxx just wanted to wipe them from the Earth immediately.
Summoning shadows, he turned them into spikes and shot them like arrows at the slime worms. They just consumed them, though.
“Well, fuck.” He swore, running out of ideas.
“Great, now I can put, defeating a giant slime monster on my list of accomplishments to hold over your head.” Ada cackled, unlocking her bo-staff and running at the things with swiftness.
Her efforts are in futile though, every hit just slides through the worms. Nyxx, whose great at multitasking, tries to figure out both what it is and how it can die.
“Okay, seriously, can we please get out of here?!” The other girl pleaded, yanking her hair in frustration.
“I need to help Ada, but how. I can’t just leave Xen…” Nyxx mutters to himself.
Ada continues her struggle with the slime monster, occasionally throwing rocks and car pieces at it.
“God! Why isn’t anything working?!” She shouts, grinding her teeth.
Nyxx doesn’t get a chance to do anything though, because the slime monster finishes forming. A loud roar emanates from its mouth, and now it looks more like a four-legged snake with multiple heads.
“Fucking fantastic.” Nyxx rolls his eyes.
“Shit, what should we do?!” The girl asks, causing Nyxx to turn back to her.
“You shouldn’t do anything, just get out of here. I’ll take care of Xen.”
“What?! No! I’m not— wait, how’d you know her name was Xen…?” The girl asked, looking at him with suspicion. “Wait a second. Tall, white hair, white coat, and an attitude…holy shit! You’re him!”
Nyxx stares, puzzled. What……?
His confusion is short lived, as a loud blast comes from the other direction. Ada, having jumped out of the way, barely missed being crushed by a slimey hand. It retracted back into the mass of ooze, which totally wasn’t gonna haunt Nyxx’s dreams or anything, and slowly came toward them.
Ada sprints back to him, barely needing to catch her breath. “Okay, okay, Nyxx, call backup. I have no idea how to kill this thing and it doesn’t seem like a typical Ghoul.”
Screeching from the monster interrupted him, though, as his attention is drawn yet again to the monster. Knives stick out of its green slime skin, but they don’t fall away, and seem to be extracting some kind of poison into it.
But just from the make of the knives, Nyxx knew exactly who it was.
Turning around, he was greeted by the sight of Red. In full EDEN uniform attire, he stood on the top of car, holding a spectacularly sharp knife.
“Red?!” Ada exclaimed.
“Intel told me you two might need some help, so here I am.” He spoke, his voice flat and monotone as usual.
“Hey, Red.” Nyxx nodded at him. “I assume you’ve got a plan?”
“The makings of one, why?” Red questioned, walking toward the group.
“Cause I need to get her to Tsubaki and the other girls at the school so they can heal her.” Nyxx stated, looking from Red to Xen, who was still wrapped in shadows.
“Right. Well, hurry it up. Ada and I can handle things here.” Red dismisses, walking past and gesturing Ada to follow. “Do be quick about it though, I can almost smell all the blood she’s lost.”
Nyxx winced, but hurried to pick Xen up and find the quickest way out.
“We’re taking her to a hospital, right?” Xen’s friend implored.
“Something like that, but we need a ride.”
“Ah. I have a van.” She states, pointing to a an almost replica of that one van from the ghost cartoon.
“Great, let’s go.” He rushes over, using a shadow to tank the back doors open.
The other girl jumps into the front seat, starting the van and pulling speeding out quickly.
Nyxx looks down, unveiling some of his shadows to see the girl. She was trembling, and her face was scrunched up in discomfort. Vein-like lines trailed from her eyes to her neck, like an infection. Nyxx didn’t know much about human diseases, but green stuff on the face really shouldn’t be there.
His arms instinctually tighten around the girl, a feeling of both anger and worry settling over him.
“Don’t worry, Xen. You’ll be alright, I’ll make sure of it.”
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marilostfieldblog · 5 months
[Video transcript begin.]
[The transcript begins from a front jacket pocket outside an abandoned building, the only lights coming from the camera and a car's headlights. The person with the camera slams the car door and begins walking up to the building.]
?: [Mumbling.] Edgar I swear to god. I should beat your ass
[Voice identified: Mari.]
[Mari begins walking into the building, climbing up stairs and checking every room for someone while shouting their name.]
[After Mari does this for a bit, a loud laugh echoes down and throughout the building, it is unclear whether this is a good or a bad type of laugh.]
M: Jesus fucking christ.
[Mari runs up a set of stairs before screaming once more.]
[No response, the laughter builds even more in volume.]
M: God damnit.
[Mari being walking to where the laughter is coming from, going up another flight of stairs.]
M: [Annoyed.] EDGAR!
[Once again, nothing. Although, the laugh is becoming split up by bouts of coughing.]
M: No fucking way he's on the fucking roof. God damnit.
[Mari begins climbing another set of stairs, seemingly extremely annoyed before reaching a door.]
M: [Pissed off.] KNOCK KNOCK!
M: Motherfucker. I said.
[Mari sprints through the door out to the roof.]
M: [Still pissed.] KNOCK. FUCKING. KNOCK.
[A figure on the roof jumps at least a foot into the air, and stumbles backwards when they land. Ending up nearly falling.]
[Voice identified: Edgar Elliot Pression.]
M: What the fuck are you thinking! Climbing up onto a roof? Escaping the hospital again!
E: Uh… I… um…
E: I… I wanted to… er…
M: Kill yourself again?
[Edgar’s eyes widen immensely, and he jogs over to Mari.]
E: Jesus Christ, no! Not at all! I– did you think I was…?
E: Oh my god, I’m so sorry, Mari. I… that’s not why I’m up here.
M: Then why the fuck are you up here!
E: … do you not remember this building?
M: I kinda do? It's fuzzy but yeah. Why?
E: It’s the building we mostly hung out around, I believe. I wanted to come back and just… remember stuff.
M: You having memory issues too?
E: No, I… wanted to look back on all the bullshit we went through. I’m here to celebrate. We made it. Mari, we actually fucking did it.
M: Yeah… Yeah we did huh?
E: It’s… I can hardly believe it. When we first met, I was… I was mourning the loss of my daughter. In… I think I was put into the same room as that time. Idiots put me next to the fire escape again. We’ve… we’ve come so far, Mari. It’s incredible.
M: Yeah… I'm just glad you're ok.
E: Same to you. I… really thought I lost you. After the 18th.
M: I thought I lost myself… It was… Weird.
E: That’s what those masks do, yeah. Wanna sit? The sky is nice tonight.
M: Yeah sure…
[Edgar motions to the center area of the roof, before walking over and sitting down. He pats the spot beside him.]
[Mari slowly walks over to the spot, sitting down next to Edgar.]
M: Kinda funny to think it took that long for me to find Sarah and get out.
E: Ha, I guess, at least it wasn’t two whole decades and then some.
M: Yeah…
E: It’s weird… a few months ago I felt so out of place, but… I feel right at home now.
M: Probably helps we're all out.
E: Mhm. It’s just… hm… I don’t know, my whole perception of time is a little warped now, I think.
M: What do you mean?
E: I kinda… fell asleep in 1999 and woke up in 2023. That would fuck anyones internal clock up.
M: I mean yeah… You had that month though right?
E: They never told me what year it was, I think they assumed I knew. Also… memory was blocked. Couldn’t even remember it happened.
M: Fair…
E: Thank you for helping me adjust, if only a little.
M: Yeah no problem…
[Edgar laughs a little.]
E: Still don’t know what a ‘Rizzler’ is, though.
M: Yeah I got nothing. Something kids say I guess.
E: Damn it! I thought you’d know. I’ll have to ask Liam.
M: Yeah…
E: Are you feeling alright, Mari?
M: Yeah no it's just… Ugh I don't know it feels like I could've done more. I could’ve helped get more people out.
E: Hey, Mari. You got our group out. That’s more than enough, at least to me. Trying to get more people out would’ve been risky as hell. You could’ve died doing that. I’m happy with what we accomplished. You did good.
M: You’re one to talk. You set off what… 9 explosives? That's way more risky.
E: Nearly died doing it. That was also… very personal. I needed to do something like that. After all that company has done… Even if it was just a minor annoyance on the higher-ups end, I wanted to cause as much damage as I could.
M: I could've tried to break something… A streamers PC… Something.
E: I broke some stuff in your name, if that helps.
M: I had the chance to help the streamers… When I got lost trying to find Mai's office to help Sparrow? I had a chance and I left.
E: Mari, you did well, this regret is going to eat away at you from the inside out, I can tell. I need you to know that you did amazing.
M: But I could've helped. There's no denying that I couldn't have tried! I didn't try! I fucking left! I left those people to fucking rot when I could have at least tried!
E: You can’t save everyone, that’s a hard truth I had to accept. Heros don’t get rewarded. At least… not there. You did all you could without putting yourself in harm's way. You. Did. Good.
M: I had the chance. To help a few of them at least and Edgar I fucking turned around. I knew where to find them. I could have made a plan and I didn't!
E: Someone else can help them. We aren’t the only ones who are dealing with stuff like this. Not everything has to rest on your shoulders. I get that you feel guilty, I… feel the same. It’s a horrible feeling. But we can get through it together, alright? I’ll be here for you.
M: I hate this… I hate this so much.
E: Me too, it’s not fair. None of this is. We got very lucky. We need to enjoy this for the ones who didn’t.
M: Yeah… I guess that's true…
E: … sorry for the scare earlier, by the way.
M: It’s fine… I should've listened to Rose when she said you'd be fine…
E: That’s a reasonable reaction, honestly. Because I know I’ve made choices like that before. I didn’t consider the possibility that someone would think that, and that’s on me.
M: Two people actually… Sparrow's pretty worried.
E: Ah, shit. Hm… I need to apologize to them when I get the chance. [A pause.] Off topic… have you ever escaped from the hospital? I… can’t remember.
M: No… I don't think so?
E: Well, the thrill is absolutely incredible. Someone is probably going to get mad at me for this, but… I’d definitely recommend it.
M: Well… Uh Sarah's the only one that would get mad I think…
E: I’ll watch out for her, then.
M: Oh and look out for Cassidy… Pretty sure she still owes you a gut punch for making her worry on the 28th.
E: Noted. Y’know… this whole experience is reminding me of that first hospital escape.
M: How so?
E: Just… everything. Wanna know something funny?
M: Sure.
E: I promised I wouldn’t leave until I was ready. And I technically didn’t even break it. I just decided I was ready to go, and left.
M: Fair enough… Hm…
E: Yeah?
M: I don't think… I've ever seen my own mom's grave… Hm.
E: Oh. That… sure is a 180 from what we were talking about. I won’t stop you if you want to go visit it.
M: I'll ask Ness to drive me and Hina eventually… He kinda banned us from ever going to visit it…
E: He as in… Ugh, I don’t even want to say his name.
M: Yeah. Him.
E: … He’s not around to stop you anymore.
M: Yeah… Yeah I know.
E: You can do whatever you want now.
M: Yeah…
[Mari begins sounding as if trying not to cry.]
E: Aw, come here, Mari.
[Edgar extends his arms, offering up a hug.]
M: I miss her dude…
[Mari leans into the hug, crying.]
E: She sounded lovely. I’m very sorry that happened to her.
M: It’s not fair… It happened on my birthday!
E: I know, it’s not fair. Not in the slightest.
M: I… Just… Why? Why did he do it? It's not fucking fair!
E: I can’t tell you why, because I have no idea. If you ever need support, though. Again, right here.
M: Thanks Edgar… God can't wait for someone to ask if this makes you my accidentally adopted dad.
E: God, I can’t have any more kids! [He chuckles.] But uh… I’ve always seen us as friends, really. Might not be the same for you, but… yeah.
M: Yeah no… It's about the same here.
E: [Jokingly, pulling back from the hug.] Thank god, my family tree is already so fucking messy.
M: Yeah I mean… Technically you're a great uncle…
E: At 28 years old, too… Jesus. Family reunions are going to suck. Someone is going to say ‘Oh go and see your great great uncle!’ and then they look over and see a 40 year old man.
M: I mean… Rose is an aunt at 20. And technically her youngest sister was older than her.
E: Yeah, this family tree is… yikes. Let’s hope there’s never a school project that needs it. Imagine explaining that at a parent teacher interview.
M: Yeah… Oh sweet Jesus, we have to warn everyone to get Sparrow and Cassidy back to school…
E: Shit. Right. According to Leon, it was already hellish to get Liam back to school, I can’t even begin to imagine how difficult that’s going to be.
M: There’s also Peony. Who I assume Sparrow won't leave at the apartment for 8 hours.
E: We’ll figure it out. We always do. Eventually.
M: We have maybe a week before school starts back up.
E: … Time to put my improv skills to the test. Let’s see how much fake backstory I can make up to explain Sparrow and Cassidy before I can convince someone to let them go to class.
M: At least we can get Jenny's help? Sparrow does call her mom.
E: And Jenny looks older than me, I think? So nobody would really question her about having children that age…
M: With the exception that Sparrow has only been gone from school for a few months and we have no idea how long Cassidy has been an employee.
E: We’ll figure it out.
M: And then we have to explain Peony.
E: … We’ll figure it out.
M: How do we explain a super intelligent AI in an animatronic body?
E: No clue. But we’ll manage. If I can open a bank account after being legally dead for over 20 years through the power of improv, we can explain Peony.
M: [Giggling.] How?
E: The bank account? Or Peony?
M: Peony!
E: … Emotional support robot.
M: Knowing this town that might just work.
E: Yeah, these schools have had worse. You should’ve seen the schools in the 80s and 90s, man.
M: Why?
E: That’s when I was a student. It was fucking crazy.
M: Bloody hell…
E: Ever seen a kid get stuck in a locker with two other people?
E: They were stacked like fucking lego. I may or may not have been one of them.
M: Fucking hell-
E: I was a nightmare of a student, Mari. I saw the principal sigh in relief on my last day in elementary.
M: Reminds me of how I heard the nurse's celebration when I had my final day of school.
E: HA! Oh, it’s always so fun to hear about school experiences. The amount of times I just… left class without consequences was astounding.
M: I got let out early a lot of the time for fighting the jocks. Not my fault they called Sarah weird.
E: I feel like we would’ve gotten along well in high school.
M: Yeah probably! OOOOO Did I ever tell you the time I kicked a jock so hard he left the school gym crying for his mom?
E: You haven’t! That sounds fucking hilarious.
M: It was! It was fucking great! Well… Great for me. Not so great for my school's nurses.
E: I’d imagine so! Oh my god, I need to go find my yearbook sometime.
M: God that would be hilarious!
E: Maybe you’d finally get to see me when I wasn’t a huge fucking nerd. I miss how I used to dress, honestly.
M: I kinda just dress the same… There might be a photo of me in a clown dress somewhere actually.
E: There’s definitely photos of me in a dress and heels in my yearbook.
M: Yeah… Still trying to remember some stuff but I swear there's a funny reason for the clown dress.
E: I’m sure. WAIT. Oh! I completely forgot about those!
M: Hm?
E: My platforms! I really liked that outfit, I got quite a few compliments wearing it.
M: Nice!
[A pause.]
E: … When do you think we should head back?
M: Rose was pulling steak out of the freezer when I left. So maybe soon? She's probably cooking it as we speak.
E: Oh, fuck yeah! We should get going.
M: Wanna get down the wacky way?
E: Um, yeah? Of course! Also, did you drive here?
M: Yeah, I stole Henry's car. Why?
[Edgar turns to Mari, grinning.]
E: Could I drive?
M: Sure. Just don't mess up the car.
E: I won’t, don’t worry. Now… what’s the wacky way?
[Mari begins to pull a very long thick rope out of their bag, looking at Edgar.]
M: Ever climb down a building with a proper rope?
E: Once or twice.
[A mischievous look slowly fades into his eyes, and he stands up.]
[Mari follows suit, seemingly looking for a place to tie the rope.]
M: You see a metal pipe or anything?
E: There’s a few over on the right side, I believe.
M: Ight, bet. Follow me.
[Mari begins walking over to the right side of the roof.]
E: God, I haven’t done this in ages! This is going to be great!
M: I think the last building I climbed down was an abandoned hospital? I think?
E: Last time I did this, it was to get out of a boring college party, I believe.
M: That sounds like some shit I would do.
E: Anyone would’ve, that party was awful! If I had to hear about this guy's scholarship one more time I would’ve started kicking stuff over.
M: Fair enough dude.
[Mari laughs before turning and walking over to a metal pipe. Shaking it around to no movement on the pipe's end.]
M: Ight this one will do.
E: Should I go first? Or you?
M: I'll go first. Knowing your luck I don't trust that you won't fall.
E: What? I– no, that’s… that’s fair.
[Mari chuckles before tying the rope to the pipe and throwing the other end down off the side of the building.]
M: Ready?
E: Yep!
M: Ight!
[Mari grabs the rope and begins climbing down, hopping off the wall for extra speed. After a minute or so they land on the ground and shout.]
E: [Distant.] NOTED! ON MY WAY DOWN!
[After a few more minutes, Edgar lands on the ground. He shakes his left hand out, before looking at Mari.]
E: Where’s the car?
M: Over there.
[Mari points.]
E: Nice, thanks for letting me drive!
[Edgar walks in the direction Mari pointed.]
M: Just don't crash.
E: I won’t! I’ve never– I’ve never crashed. Hm. That was weird, sorry.
M: You good?
E: Yeah, no, I’m fine. No idea what that was. Let’s get going.
[Edgar climbs into the driver's seat of the car, awaiting Mari in the passenger seat.]
M: Ok.
[Mari hops through the window into the passenger seat.]
E: [Turning the car on.] I hope you have a strong grip on that handle.
M: Got it.
[The radio is turned up, and Edgar’s eyes light up as he hears the song ‘Livin’ on a Prayer’ playing. He turns to Mari, a large grin on his face.]
E: You will likely regret letting me get into the driver's seat within two minutes.
M: Probably.
[The car's tires screech as he drives off, he appears to be anything but focused on the way ahead, singing along to the song on the radio, taking reckless turns in the car. The car goes over a bump, and they appear to go airborne for a split second.]
[The two continue along on the road, music blaring. Relying on only luck to get them home without getting multiple tickets. They don’t care, they’re free.]
[Transcript end.]
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squadxx4392 · 1 year
(Friend and I were chatting and we got bored asf, so we did this)
Draco : *Just pulled Pansy off of Harry* NO! Back off you devil!
Pansy : Fine! I'm gonna go hook up with that Muggleborn you hate! She's hot and she'll let me hug her! *angrily stomping away*
Harry: *actually overwhelmed and hates the attention*
Hermione : What the fuck is going on- oh hey Pansy- but seriously what? wait why are you hugging me-?
Pansy: Draco wouldn't let me hug Harry 😞
Ron : *stuffing his face and turning to Blaise* The fuck happened-?
Blaise : Don't ask
Harry: *panicking*
Luna : *Simultaneously appearing* Hello Harry. Are you alright?
Draco: SPACE GIVE HIM SPACE SHOO SHOO *also backing away*
Harry : Hey don't shoo away my emotional support Luna! *grabbing her and hugging her*
Draco: *scoffs* I never ever get hugs from you but you hug my cousin all the time 🙄 *currently jealous*
Harry : She's my emotional support human, fuck off!
Luna : *trying to stifle her laughter*
Draco: *cries 😢 and walks off sad*
Draco: *plops down on the floor and cries more*
Theo : I- what?
Harry : I don't regret it
Draco: I'm going on a walk 😞
Neville : You're all going to Hell. Goodbye! *somehow sinks into the floor*
Draco: ... I hope I go to hell ngl
Ginny : NoO-
Draco: *goes out for a walk and doesn't come back for a long ass time*
Pansy : Has anyone seen Dray-?
Harry : no
Ron: He said he was going on a walk
Ginny : Luna, send out the beast
Luna : *pulling out a can that's rattling* alright, girl, sniff *releases a big ass tarantula*
Draco: *in a tree resting his eyes*
Luna : *appearing behind him* hello Draco!
Draco : *falls out of the tree*
Ginny : HA! LOSER!
Draco: I'm not in the mood leave me be 🙄
Hermione : You're not getting that out of us. Come on you arsehole
Draco: Uh no
Harry : Dude put on your walkman and come on! We're hijacking a car and going on a fucking road trip in America!
Draco: I'm good, take Luna instead 🙄
Luna : All of us are going, dickhead! Pull your head out of your arse and come on!
Draco: I'm seriously not in the fucking mood.
Blaise : We were gonna let you burn down the first house we saw but if you don't wanna come, whatever. Let's go
Draco: Thank you. Finally being left alone
Severus: No. You're going with them. *throws him over his shoulder*
Ginny : Listen to your uncle, Dray!
Draco:... I hope to off myself very soon
Pansy : Draco nO-
Draco: Yes.
Theo : Funny how you think death would get you out of this friendship. Because it isn't 🥰
Draco: Oh but it will
Pansy : Nah it's not. We'll haunt you in the afterlife
Draco: Istg. I'm going to move out of this country.
Ginny : You do realize all of us would.move WITH you, right? You're never getting rid of us. Now then, drive bitch!
Harry : *starts going 150 mph down the freeway they are suddenly on*
Draco: *gets out of the car*
Draco: *jumps out* Cya
Draco: I hate you all.
Draco: *mumbles* Except Harry
Luna : Awww we love you too <3
Draco: Yeah whatever. *rests his eyes*
Ron : Mate, we can go faster than this. Speed up the car, I want McDonald's!
Harry: No.
Blaise : *pushes Harry out of the driver's seat and starts going 250 mph* Next stop : McDonalds
Harry : Oh you FuCkIng himbo-
Draco: *puts earbuds in*
Hermione : Please share-
Draco: *hands her an extra pair*
Hermione : Thank you
Blaise : What d'you all want? We're here
Draco: *listening to music*
Ron: Hamburger 🤤
*Narrator's voice* Will they all get McDonald's? How will they get home? Where even are they?? Tune in next time on HARRY POTTER RANDOMNESS!
Friend : 😺 This was great I need another episode
Me : ikr? We must tune in for the next episode! look it's coming on!
(Fr tune in for the next bit)
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miarose21 · 3 months
Chapter Five: The Tournament (part 1)
A couple of days have passed since the whole drinking incident, Nightmare and I are talking as usual. Plus Eclipse has also gotten a lot more proficient in controlling his firepower. Nightshade has been tormenting the bartender and Cyrice has been keeping up with my treatments, though he's not too happy with me since I managed to open my wounds several times. The tournament is in three days and with me fully healed and everyone’s doing well, I thought we could go look for some clothes in town considering we were running out.
“We should head to town and get some new clothes since we are falling apart and starting to stink no matter how much we wash them,” I said while we were eating breakfast
“Yes get out of my bar for the day” the bartender yells while putting away bottles
“Okay cool it's decided”
As we started to leave Eclipse looked kinda worried, but Nightmare just put his arm around him into a headlock and then gave him a noogie. Once we made it into the town centre the boys went off in one direction and me and Nightshade went in the other.
“So where do you wanna go first?”
“Why don’t we go there” as she pointed at a place that had a diverse range of color
“Okay sure but you can't go causing trouble like usual”
“I'll try you know that it follows me”
As we walked into the store we were both drawn to different areas. I found some nice looking loose clothing with some clear overlay clothing, and Nightshade went with a more emo punk style.
“Let's go try this stuff on”
“Okay Nightshade”
As we started trying on clothes I noticed my hair was getting in the way so I tied it up.
“Nightshade do you need me to tie your hair back” I yelled from the next changing area
“Ya sure”
As I put a shirt on to go and help Nightshade, she fucking came out in her fucking bra.
“Go put a fucking shirt on you dumbass” I yelled while pushing her into the changing room
“Fine, fine jeez you don't have to be such a buzzkill” as she came back out wearing a shirt
I put her hair up and then went back to trying the clothes on.
“Are you done yet?” I said while standing outside the door
“Ya just putting my clothes back on”
As she came out we went to pay for everything but someone stepped in to pay for us.
“Umm excuse me what do you think you're doing” I said pretty annoyed
“Well I’m gonna pay for the pretty lady that gave us a show early”
“That wasn't a show for you so put your money away”
“How dare you….”
“Thank you for your purchase I hope to see you again”
“You as well have a good day, come on Nightshade we should meet up with the others” I said while walking out
“Agreed I can't wait to see what Nightmare and Cyrice got”
As we headed out of the shop the guy who tried to pay for Nightshade grabbed me as his friends surrounded us.
“Let go,” I said while looking at him with a murderous aura
“Haha you look so scary, little girl”
“Silver I'm sorry”
“Its fine Nightshade this it isn't your fault” I said while slowly starting to break the man's hand
“But this always happens to me” 
“That's not your fault though it's theirs, no we should probably get out of here,” I said while casually jumping to the rooftop
“Agreed,” she said while jumping after me
“Let's head back to the square”
As we casually jump from roof to roof the guys who were bothering us earlier are now running through the streets to keep up. Once we hit the square we jumped down to meet up with the boys.
“Why do you guys look so out of breath?” I asked while looking where they were pointing
“Oh funny enough we are dealing with the same problem” as Nightshade pointed in the opposite direction
As both the groups converged on us, I noticed someone walking down the front so I moved myself so that everyone was behind me, while everyone else made sure that Eclipse was in the middle.
“Oh what do we have here a bunch of mutts”
“Oh wow what a creative insult coming from a disgusting pile of crap”
“Pffft I wanna talk to the real big dog of the group”
“You are you sexist pig”
The whole group of men behind him started to laugh uncontrollably. 
*Eclipse you are going to dip out the back and run as fast as you can back to the inn, do you understand me* I said mentally
“Yes,” he said under his breath
*Keep Eclipse from getting caught* I said to Cyrice
*Yes Silver*
“What thinking about running, weakling”
“Your the only weak one I see here”
As me, Nightshade, and Nightmare moved outward into the group, Cyrice and Eclipse escaped out the back.
“Three against six doesn't sound like too bad of odds, right guys”
“Agreed” Nightmare smiled
“Meh it's better than before” Nightshade shrugged
As they got up from the ground they realised that two of us were gone. Lots of people started noticing what was going on.
“Welp looks like it's time to go,” I said while noticing how people were looking
As we went to leave one of them grabbed my hair to stop me, however he very quickly lost his hand. Once we got further away we slowed back down to a walk.
“So how did you guys end up getting chased?” Nightshade asked while walking backward in front of us
“Well some guys started trying to bug Eclipse, he stood up for himself and one of them tried to punch him, so Cyrice stepped in and punched the guy in the gut, then they started chasing us”
“Haha good for him” Nightshade laughed while running ahead
“Agreed good for him”
“I can only guess what happened with you guys, Nightshade”
“She decided to come out of her fucking changing area to get her hair tied up in her black lacey bra, like come on I had asked her not even 30 minutes earlier not to cause any problems”
“Yup that does sound like her,” he said while chuckling a little
“Look guys we’re back,” she said while throwing her hands up showing her bra again
“Dammit Nightshade you are why we have so many fucking problems” Nightmare yelled while chasing her
“Hahaha guys stop your gonna…. Trip”
As I walked over to see how they fell.
“Oh my god, hahahha, is your face okay Nightmare”
“Nightmare get off you’er heavy” Nightshade said while trying to push him over
“Sorry Nightshade”
“Okay you two lets go inside”
“Definitely,” Nightmare said while getting up
“Agreed” Nightshade said while getting help up
When we went inside and sat down, we noticed that Cyrice was laughing while Eclipse started downing drinks.
“Is everything okay?” Nightshade asked while standing behind Eclipse
“That's a nice bra you got there sis, when did you get it?” Cyrice asked in between laughing
“Oh this one,” she said while lifting her shirt “I got it right before we left the port town,” she said while laughing “Why though”
“Oh no reason” Cyrice answered
As Eclipse started choking on his beer the bartender started mouth wide open.
“Stop doing that” Eclipse coughed out
“Stop doing what Eclipse?” as she leaned forward which made her shirt fall and her tits show through the tops
His face turned bright red and his nose started bleeding again.
“Do not get blood on my bar” the bartender said now looking at a wall
“Okay Nightshade stop breaking the poor guy unless your gonna make up for it,” I said while grabbing my knife to sharpen
“Your no fun Silver” Nightshade said while going to sit down
“You can't sharpen that in my bar”
“Fine I'll go outside,” I said while getting up
I went and found myself a rock to sit on and started to sharpen the dagger that Cyrice and Eclipse got me in the trade village, the hazelnut handle that was stained a dark umber color and the silver blade which reflected my sky blue eyes back at me.
However, when I looked up to the sky I couldn't help but to think of a sad lost pup who couldn't find its way. When I looked back down to continue sharpening my dagger all i could see was red everywhere, it was on my hands the ground everywhere, and the longer i stared at it the darker and more sludgy it got.
“Here,” the bartender said while putting a cold cup against my cheek
“Thanks, I guess,” I said while whipping my mouth and taking it “What do you want?”
“I don't know what you're talking about, can’t I just do something nice for no reason” he said while putting his hand on the back of his head
I just looked at him deadpanned while finishing the glass of water.
“Oh please you have yet to do anything without getting something in return” as I picked my dagger off the ground
He just looked at me for a couple of seconds before he decided to open his mouth.
“I want you guys to take Eclipse with you when you leave,” he said in the most sincere way possible
“Oh it's just that, we were planning to do that anyway, if you can’t tell the other three have gotten pretty attached to him,” I said while chuckling “I wouldn't have much choice in the matter anyway” I shrugged while getting up
When I walked back in they were all roughhousing in the bar, but the smiles on their faces were something I could never deny.
“You guys should probably stop before….”
“What the fuck are you doing in my bar”
Everyone stopped immediately, but I couldn’t help but to start laughing, it's definitely the first time in awhile.
“Okay let's talk about the tournament since it is tomorrow,” I said while sitting down at one of the tables
“Okay” they answered while each of them sat down
“First of all, Eclipse, how are the fights set up?” I asked while getting the paper out
“There will be one individual non-fight and a fight, then if we all pass the top four, we will then have a team match if we win the team match we will win the tournament, oh and the whole tournament is nonlethal so try not to do anything excessive our we’ll all be disqualified” Eclipse really emphasised the last part
“What are the non-fights?” Cyrice asked
“Well for the four of us, we will be doing a magic test and for Silver it will be an agility test, speaking of Silver shouldn't you and Nightmare switch places this isn't anything against you but with him being preserved with midnight blue it would be worried if he were to participate in the air section”
“Funny that you mention that, but Silver is pretty much magic illiterate” Nightmare said
“I’m sorry, what?” Eclipse said to dumbfounded unable to believe it
“Ya our village always focused on physical training first and then magic training when you go to the academy, we were all meant to go this year” Nightshade added
All everyone could hear through the silence was the bartender dropping a glass and chattering after hitting the wood floor underneath him. We all turned to look at him, but before anyone could say anything he jumped over the bar and dragged me outside by the back of my shirt.
“What the fuck!!” I yelled as he threw me onto the ground in front of him
“Hey man we respect you but what the fuck was that” Cyrice yelled while exiting the inn
“What can you do?” the bartender asked while completely ignoring Cyrice
“Umm I can make orbs”
“Is that all?”
He had slapped himself in the head by this point leaving a pretty red mark on his forehead, though the annoyance was as thick as molasses.
“Look I know my village didn’t do the best but I have been getting by pretty good without being able to use magic properly” I said trying to lessen his now growing anger
“Why didn't you just have Nightmare show you like he did me?” Eclipse asked while pointing at Nightmare
“Hahah, oh how bad that would have gone” Nightmare laughed
“Eclipse you can see his hair color and you suggest he help Silver, that's just impossible,” Cyrice said while shaking his head
“Do you know what you can use?” the bartender asked
“Ya, I can control fire, water, earth, and air” I said while finally getting off the ground
“What about you guys?” he said while turning to the others
“I can use fire and earth” Cyrice answered
“I can use dark, water, and air” Nightmare answered
“I can do a couple of things but mostly water and air” Nightshade answered with a grin
“Your hair conveys a lot more there girly,” the bartender said while walking over
“Does it now, I wouldn't know like we said earlier our village did not focus on magic” Nightshade answered while looking into his eyes “What can you do I wonder?” she asked while he walked back
“Eclipse, can you use any other magic?” Cyrice asked
“Nope just fire,” he said while having a fire in his hand
“Eclipse, when did you learn how to do that?” the bartender asked a little amused
“Oh I've been training with Nightmare for the past two weeks”
“Oh you have, have you,” he said while looking Nightmare up and down “For someone with no fire magic you did a pretty good job,” he said as he walked back over to me “Now you on the other hand”
“Me what, I'm doing perfectly fine and I know enough to get me through annoying situations,” I said now stepping back to not let him get any closer
“How do you three know how to use magic so well” he turned to face them
“Well that's not something we are supposed to talk about,” Nightshade said now sitting on the ground
“What?” the bartender asked now walking toward the three
“We aren't allowed to talk about it” Nightmare reiterated getting between him and Nightshade
“Does this have something to do with why Silver is bigger than you guys in your wolf forms?” Eclipse asked not thinking his words through
“How stupid are you?” Cyrice asked while smacking his face
“This makes sense now, Silver, are you the next chief of the village?” he asked walking back over to me
“No” I answered annoyed by this whole situation “look I'll just stick with combat its not unordinary for someone to not always look like they use a second element so it should be fine, but I don't want to talk about this any longer”
“You can't just walk away from me because you don't like the conversation,” he said going to stop me
“Your right however you are the inn and bar keep and you need to stay out of my business”
As I went to walk past him however he tried to grab my arm but was stopped by a dark wall, when I walked back in I rubbed the top of Nightshades head in thanks and then went up stairs.
“You should drop it, she may not look it but she does understand what kind of situation she's in, and while she says she doesn't know how to use magic she does unconsciously” Nightmare said while walking inside and then up the stairs
As the others walked in it was just Eclipse and the bartender outside.
“I hope I didn't upset them too much with my question?” Eclipse said before he walked in
As the bartender was the only one left on the front lawn, he started to seriously question how he got himself into this mess.
*knock knock*
“Silver, can I come in?” Nightmare asked from the other side of the door
He opened the door to see me laying down and facing the other way, but he also realised the protection runes I put up all over the room. As he walked over he started getting more and more worried since the runes almost tripled in amount.
“Silver I think we should talk”
“I really don't want to Nightmare, too much has happened over the last couple of months”
He turned me over so he could see me and while I tried really hard not to let him, I ended up failing pretty hard. He saw my tear drenched cheeks and puffy red eyes.
“Oh Silver” he said while hugging my into his chest
“Stop babying me Nightmare” I stated while trying to wrestle my way out of his arms
“Your struggling in vain Silver” he chuckled as he held me tighter
“Fine but don't blame me if your shirt gets soaked” he's warm
“I would never,” he said kissing me on the forehead
I remember crying for a long time, but I passed out and don't remember much after that. When I woke up it was still warm, i guess Nightmare hadnt left yet which was embarrassing enough, but Nightshade’s smiling wasn't helping. We got dressed and headed to the tournament ground. 
Eclipse had said that the tournament lasts three days, the non-lethal tests happen on the first day, the individual fights happen on the second day, and the final fight happens before the feast on the third and final day.
0 notes
sugilite-stories · 1 year
Only Scratched the Surface | Part 3
The first part was posted on my other blog which you can find here and on AO3 here
Last Chapter
Now, on with the show.
Summary: We begin weaving into the canon narrative.
It only took a few hours for the duo to meet up against the house to shuffle through the information provided on Izuku Midoryia… and all of two minutes to become incredibly concerned for the boy’s livelihood. 
“Kara wasn’t kidding when she said  we have to start looking after this kid.” Varen sighed, slapping the medical files onto the table. “Boy’s been used as a practice dummy for just about everyone in his schools. It’s a wonder he hasn’t turned violent yet as it is.” 
“Indeed. Lucky for us he’s a good kid,” Todd said while pulling out a little whiteboard. “all turns well he’ll let us talk. He may not listen, but he won’t try anything rash against us.” Pulling out a marker the boy started writing, Varen looked at him with a smirk.
“Thought we were just here to explain our world to the kid Mr. Second-in-Command.”
“That’s the main goal, yes.” Todd confirmed, not turning away from the writing on the board. “That being said, we both know that Kara wouldn’t stand for the things that are happening around that boy when it comes to the hardships put upon him by his peers and the adults around him.” 
 “So the endgame is teaching Midoryia about the supernatural in a way that he treats them as living creatures, but we’re not gonna turn away from the other issues that surround him.” The golden eyed girl stood up, grabbed her own marker, and began writing as well. “From what we can see there are also the issues of blatant discrimination and illegal quirk usage, and that’s just what’s around this boy. There’s also the case of multiple people with more active quirks going missing and turning up quirkless if they’re lucky and never being found if not.” 
“There’s also the Meta Liberation Front that Mallory has been keeping tabs on for a while. They may be quiet at the moment, but they’re planting seeds.” Todd capped his marker and stepped away from the board, crossing his arms. “At this point I’m willing to bet that Aldera is a part of it. Looking at their records they started skewing everything and going against multiple laws about seven or eight years ago. Matches up with the earlier information Mallory has found.” 
Varen took a step away from the board as well, pressing a fist to her upper lip. “So that means eight or so years of kids being taught, more and more obviously, MLF concepts with no one really teaching them differently besides their parents if lucky. About 6 years of graduates that spent 3 years each being taught those things and two shorter years. Depending on how good the high school was those kids either; A: taught the truth, B: expelled for the belief, or C: kept the teachings hidden till out of school and lived by them after. Only one of those ideas is good, and I don’t think that happened for many of them.” 
“Indeed, most people don’t like to admit it, but when it comes to quirks a lot of people share an underlying few of them.” Todd sighed before sitting back down. “And unless Mallory kicks into high drive we won’t know how many other schools are the same. Even then, the information we have isn’t exactly legal. We’d have to figure out a way backwards to make it so.” 
“So we focus on Midoryia and figure out the rest in our free time. Maybe we’ll find people that can assist through that.” The girl stretched her arms above her head. “That being said i’ma try to find him. Classes should be letting out soon and I wanna do as much as I can before the jet lag kicks in hard.” 
Todd nodded. “Go. I’ll be here doing my thing.” 
Varen jogged out the door to the nearest fire escape and crawled up to the roof, taking off at a leisurely pace from building to building. ‘Think these buildings are even closer than they are in Jersey. Makes jumping easier, but it’s a bit harder to see what’s going on below.’
After a few minutes she heard a commotion and started towards it. Finding a green blob absorbing a kid. 
Varen had to look again to make sure she was correct and shit that was their kid!
‘Can’t use flame I don’t know without doubt where the kid is I’ll have to go head on.’ She repositioned herself to jump, leaping over the side only to flip around and grab the wall on the opposite side as a hulking mass of being made it to him first. ‘Of course OF COURSE the number one meathead shows up just as I’m jumping. Of course it wouldn’t be that easy for me to meet the kid.’ 
A gust of air helped push her back up onto the edge where she sat to observe. The girl had to grind her teeth almost to the point of cracking when she watched the man do what she was hoping was a light session of slaps to the, clearly oxygen deprived, teen till he woke up. A small conversation took place before they both disappeared. 
Varen blinked and started scrambling to her feet. ‘What the FUCK!’ Her head snapped to the sky and found a blob moving away and fast. ‘Leisure jumping over now I guess.’ She took off at a sprint after the shapes.
It took a while, but she made it to the rooftop the two landed on. Landing behind the stairwell box she tried her hardest to catch her breath before the two could hear the panting. Peeking around  the tiny wall she saw the boy with a man who honestly looked like someone had sucked his innards out and threw him in one of the tornado simulators. 
“It’s okay to dream, but you have to make sure they’re realistic.” The scrawny guy said, making his way towards the stairwell, unaware of the girl behind them.”Go towards the police or the fire department. I’m sorry my boy, but I don’t believe someone without a quirk can be a hero.” Everything went silent as the door to the stairwell closed and the footsteps became quiet.
‘Ouch. Poor kid.’ Varen looked to the boy, saw the broken and empty stare she had seen far too many times in her days with the Vipers. ‘Now or never, I guess.’ With a breath, she stepped out from behind the box.
“Well that chain of events kind of sucked.” Izuku screamed at the new voice, eyes shooting up to see a woman with black hair and gold eyes wincing with her hands in her pockets. “Sorry, I didn't expect you to jump that high. My bad. Normally people just flinch a little bit, though normally I’m a bit quieter than full volume.”
“You heard all of that!” Izuku started to panic. ‘If she heard all of it then she heard All Might’s secret and that really bad if his secret gets out because of me that---’ 
“Kid, breathe! You’re doing a lot of talking and not a lot of breathing. You were almost suffocated earlier, breathing is kind of important right now.” The boy looked up at her. “How did you know that?”
“Well,” The woman started to scratch her arm. “I was on a building not too far away from where that happened. I heard the struggle and started over. Was coming to help when he showed up and had to turn back.” She showed her palms to him, and he noted the scrapes from grabbing a wall. “Dug up my hands pretty bad doing that. I know better than backing out when I commit to a jump like that.” She laughed awkwardly.
“You followed us here?”
“Wanted to make sure you were okay. The meathead didn’t exactly follow procedure. Even someone with my profession has certain steps I have to take otherwise I just feel wrong, ya know?” 
Izuku started defending only to be silenced by the girl’s raised hand. “Kid, you were unconscious due to lack of oxygen. He had no way to know for how long, or how much of that guy got into you to mess with your internal systems. Even if that wasn’t the case I’m glad I followed to make sure you were okay. He left you unattended on a roof after multiple bombshells after all. That’s not exactly responsible.” 
Izuku continued to stand in silence, looking at his shoes as another pair came into view. “I haven’t introduced myself yet have I? My name's Varen Black, it’s a pleasure to meet you kid.” 
“Izuku Midoryia.”
“Which of those would you like me to refer to you as?” He looked up at her, noting the uncomfortable grimace. “I’m from America. Not completely used to naming rules here yet.” 
“Izuku’s fine Miss Black.” 
“Varen. Please call me Varen. Miss Black just sounds wrong.” She said with a chuckle, earning a nod from the boy. “I know we just met and all, but I’m here if you want a soundboard. One quirkless to another and all that.” 
Izuku snapped to attention “Wait you're quirkless? But you said you followed us here! And you got here within a few minutes!” 
“Freerunning has been around longer than quirks. You don’t need one to do it, though it does make it easier. Lot of things are like that.” Varen took off towards the stairwell, jumping onto the roof of it with little effort before turning around and holding out a hand. “All you need is motivation and practice.” 
Izuku stood there for a moment before running at the wall himself; not quite making it to the top as the woman did, but making it close enough that she grabbed his hand and pulled him the rest of the way. “And maybe a helping hand when it becomes too much for one person to complete.” She said with a laugh. 
Varen hopped back down off the stairwell, turning to the boy. “Jumping down is always more tricky than jumping up. You have to make sure the momentum has somewhere to go. That’s why rolls are common. If you feel like ya need to roll just don’t do it down your spine. That hurts like hell and I don’t think those burns will appreciate it much.” 
“Kid, your uniform is covered in scorch marks. Two and two make four.” 
Izuku winced, remembering the events that happened earlier in the day, but shook it off and pushed off the small box with few issues. 
“Not bad for a first timer with no momentum behind him.” Varen stated with a grin. “You can go far with that alone, though that’s just the tip of the iceberg for you, Izuku Midoryia.”
“What do you mean?”
“I came from America for a reason, and that reason is you.” Varen began with a level of calm Izuku felt shouldn't be possible for someone as young as she was. “There’s more to this world than meets the eye, and I hate to break it to you, but you’re a cornerstone for it.” She walked over to the building’s edge and sat down, Izuku following suit. “I won’t go into the whole story as it’s a lot to digest and you have a lot to think on already, but I will leave you with two things. One is that quirks did not come from nothing. People have their thoughts and their theories, but we know the truth. Quirks are a mutation of something that already existed.”
“And I’m a part of that?”
Varen nodded. “Yes. There are some people who are truly powerless and there’s nothing wrong with that, but there are people like you and I who are classified by the world as powerless even though it is simply not true.” 
The gold eyed girl picked up Izuku's notebook from the ground and flipped to the back page before beginning to write as the boy mulled over her words. “And the second thing?”
Varen handed him his notebook back. “Look into the things I’ve written down on the back page there. Sorry for using your book to write them by the way. I didn't exactly think I’d run into you so fast after arriving here. Look into them and send a message to the number at the bottom if you wanna learn more in the future.” 
Izuku nodded and Varen stood back up, holding a hand to the boy. “With that said let’s get off this roof huh?” 
He nodded, taking the hand as flames appeared around them. The boy yelped and jumped towards Varen, who laughed softly as the flames died down. Izuku opened his eyes to the shock of the alley behind the building. 
“There we go, nice and safe on the ground.” 
“What just happened?” 
“I told you, didn't I? Just because you’re quirkless doesn’t mean you’re powerless.” Varen began walking away. “Look into the things I listed out and think it over for a bit. I'll be around town somewhere till then.” She turned around at the mouth of the alley. “Until we meet again, kid.” 
Izuku could only wave as she walked away, taking a minute to digest the new information as she walked away. When he was finally able to move he ran to the main road and looked around for the woman to no avail. With a sigh he started the trek home.
At about the halfway mark he saw a group gathered for a villain attack and joined to see what it was about, only to see that it was the being from earlier that tried to kill him.
And it had Kachan.
No thought beyond ‘help him’ crossed the green boy's mind as he took off towards the villain, throwing his backpack at the beings eye and digging into the sludge around the blonde. Much to the latters irritation.
“What are you doing Deku! I don’t need your help!” 
“I know, but my body moved before I could think! I couldn’t just let you die here!” 
‘I need to get space around Kachan to break the grip. Sludge is acting like a suction cup, unless I can break the seal I’m not going to make headway!’
The wind was picking up around the three beings. Izuku could feel it. He could feel the way it bent and turned around the buildings on either side of him. How it fluctuates between warm and cool pockets. 
How it ran along the edge of where the sludge ended and Kachan began. How it weaseled its way between the two to allow enough air between the two beings to break the seal and pull the boy out. Just in time for All Might to emerge once again and punch the villain into the stratosphere, changing the weather around them all. 
Kachan was pulled away to the medics as Izuku was surrounded by heroes who berated him for running into the fight. Izuku didn’t hear what they were saying though as he started off into the crowd, locking eyes with a certain gold eyed woman who stood next to a man with white hair and sea glass green eyes. Both nodded to him with smiles before walking away. 
“Are you even listening to us, boy?” Izuku snapped his attention to the hero talking to him, Death Arms to be exact. Izuku’s eyes narrowed at the hero. 
“I hear you loud and clear.” His voice was low, cold. Something snapped into clarity for the boy as he stood up and looked Death Arms in the eye, paying no mind to Kamui Woods next to him. “I hear that you would rather let a kid die than allow another kid to save him. I hear someone who decided that the conditions weren’t optimal for his success, so he decided to sit twiddling his thumbs on the sideline.”
Death Arms stood shocked, staring at the boy who’s gaze had sharpened in a second flat. Izuku continued. “Kamui Woods standing to the side I get. Kachan has an explosive, fire adjacent quirk that he was using with reckless abandon, he wouldn’t have been able to get close enough to help. After all this is, what, his third day on the job since his debut? That makes sense and was most likely the best call he could have made. You have been in the field long enough to know better.” 
Izuku then walked away, leaving the two heroes in silent shock, and started towards home. Only to be stopped by the same loud blonde. 
“Deku! Don’t think for a second that you’re above me because of this! I would have been fine without your interference!”
‘You would have died without my help, but go off I guess. It’s what you’re good at after all.’ He wanted to voice the thought out loud, but the stinging pain in his shoulder made him reconsider the option and stood silent as Kachan finished his rant and walked away. 
Izuku took a breath before walking again, only to be stopped another block down by the smaller version of All Might. ‘I just want to go home for God Sakes!’ 
“My boy, I have to apologize for what I told you earlier.” The older man started. “The things I said were uncalled for and without proper thought. What I saw earlier with that other boy was something I have not seen in a long time, and I do believe you can become a hero.” 
Izuku began to cry, in part from the words spoken and part from just the continuous stress during the last not even two hours of his life. The man walked over and rested a hand on his head until Izuku lifted it to face him. 
“A lot has happened to you today, young Midoryia, take the weekend to think things over and clear your thoughts. If you still want to be a hero I will be at Dagobah Beach come Monday at 9AM. Come see me there, I will help you achieve your goal.” 
Izuku nodded and the scrawny man walked away, leaving the boy to his thoughts as he walked home. 
Entering the house he greeted his mom, informing her on the morning’s villain attack and conveniently leaving out the afternoon's events as they ate dinner. After helping her clean up he went to his room and sat at his computer opening the search engine, his notebook to the last page where the research points were left for him, and a fresh notebook to begin the task. 
~~THINGS TO LOOK UP FOR THE POSSIBLE FUTURE~~ -Alchemy -Witchcraft -Chemistry -Supernatural creatures and things ← not as important as the above but a baseline in nice to have -Ruby Vipers, New Jersey ← That’s us hi! Also not as important just thought the info would be nice to have (***) *** **** ← me  Good Luck! :) VB/M
Next Chapter (TBA)
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tommiematthews · 2 years
Prison... again
Its Wednesday and I’m thinking about how peeled I am going to be, all fucked like a hacked parsnip, oh yes, this weekend is going to be fun. But today, I was at prison again, driving into the interlocked gates, having all items checked, body frisked with a metal detector and a dirty glare. It almost felt like Christmas with the family already, the echoes of swear words being yelled across the yard and like a family Christmas, we couldn’t leave. For the inmates, that’s true, for me, it’s another day’s fantasy about relating my life to theirs or this life that I have come to be so inquisitive of. Naturally, I have been doing research about the people behind bars at Port Phillip and the prison itself. The first day we were there, we were told to look out for Julian knight ‘The Hoddle Street Massacre’, after some research, I found out that he had opened fire in Clifton hill, Melbourne in 1987. He glorified war and glorified the far-right movements, he most likely could never satisfy a woman or satisfy anyone however they identify (still struggling to keep up with the right pronouns). This little fucker killed 7 people and injured 19 others, right near where I have lived in Melbourne for several years. I found out that he was in Gorgon unit thanks to the world wide web and The Felon Show podcast. The Felon Show is a YouTube channel that interviews past criminals in an oath to change. The host is actually the founding member of the prison gang G-fam, who have taken over prison across Victoria for their ruthless ways. To get into the gang, you have to assault a guard and their most famous bashing, was Tony Mokbell… Melbourne mafia. G-fam was actually started at Port Phillip in the Charlotte wing, I don’t think anyone will understand prison, until you are behind the fences, I may have had a glimpse, but I cannot fathom when those doors would actually close. Anyway, Julian knight, ‘The Hoddle Street Shooter’ came up to us in the yard yesterday and spoke to us about the gutters we were cleaning, fucking aye. He then, takes his shirt off and starts running laps and doing his workout regime, he seems like a hero in there (the prison). One of the inmates points out our ladder that’s on their roof and says “hey Jules, you wanna borrow their ladder after they’re done”. This is doubly comical because although Julian has served 28 years of his 27 life sentence, they won’t let him out because he is still a danger to the community. Its mental, we are in the Gorgon unit, surrounded by about 10 inmates and not a guard in sight, fucking crazy. Port Phillip is considered the worst prison in Melbourne and that includes facilitates. Its due to the privatisation of prisons across the world, they become a money-making scheme, tax dollars, big cheques and they cut costs to make more money. All awhile neglecting the true rehabilitation services and human rights that every person should or shouldn’t have (depending on your beliefs). My beliefs are fucked now, after being on every roof of the prison, being spoken to buy murderers in nice and polite ways, it’s hard to know where to stand. The reminder is, that of the victim’s family members, they are grieving and the inmate’s families also, but it gets more complicated when you watch them all. Talking through fences, masculinity constantly on full alpha in order to prove the toughest in the jungle. It seems like a place like this isn’t a place for convicted criminals, it’s for convicted people to learn how to become proper criminals. You don’t have to believe me and you don’t have to take my word for it, you just have to see it for yourself somehow. I felt like I was in a computer game, jumping from roof to roof, yard to yard the past week, watching them all from a bird’s eye view, but they are flightless birds, stuck in a cage with nothing but time to help the shit of their decisions ferment. Like I’ve said before, their crimes started before their imprisonment, it started from the crimes of injustice of people not helping communities, the way we think and treat women and the way we treat the class system, I am changed from my visits, confused about what I believe and ready to think for longer about what I truly believe about correctional facilities.
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hollandorks · 2 years
Bestie! I was gonna comment on chapter 20 and forgot to until today. Then I looked and saw chapter 21 was posted. I’m gonna try to keep it short because I’ve been at both jobs this weekend, and I haven’t gotten enough sleep. Anyways, time for the good stuff.
When Bruce cut her free in chapter 20 I felt that. Oofta. I know it was hard for her because she flinched. But Bruce? Bruce was shitting himself and being so emo about it. He definitely wishes he had anything else to cut her free. It was mentioned that she’d hold the blade and try to not be afraid of it. Did Bruce ever find that out? If so, he’s prime emo about it. Also I adore that they both jumped into the water. “If your fiancé jumped off a bridge would you?” 100% they each would. Alfred 100% had the brain cell at the moment.
Now onto chapter 21 because I remember that one more because I just read it.
I love that the mayor just got elected, and she’s already giving her sass. She’s definitely better than the last mayor, but some trends live forever. Gordon was amused, and Bruce, in hindsight, finds himself able to be amused by it. In the moment? He’s thinking about brain damage. I love how she immediately was like “yes we will help with relief efforts.” Queen.
The reunion with Alfred at the hospital gets a chefs kiss! I love that dad-daughter duo. They love each other so much, and they’re so soft. I love that she pushed him, and he was upset by it. If the roles were reversed she’d feel the same way. I especially love the detail that when they got home the house smelled like paint. Let’s be real, that stuff is still spray painted to the floor. Alfred will be pissed when he finds out. He’s gonna be muttering to himself “he’s a billionaire and he can’t afford a whiteboard apparently.” Hats off to her for working with a concussion. Actually no, she shouldn’t have done that. Side story: I got a concussion at work once. I was told I could go back the next day, even though screens made my head hurt worse. You’re also not supposed to read apparently??? Didn’t know that and read a bunch that weekend. I love that she kept falling asleep. That’s getting a chefs kiss. When I had my concussion I was out like a light.
I’m getting extra sleepy so I’m gonna zoom through.
Their reunion!!!! I’m so glad they apologized and talked!!!! When she mentioned she was drugged Bruce was ready to go back and beat the shit out of the man. I wonder how bad her nightmares will be going forward. Considering that she’s been drugged again. Bruce wanting a wedding? Like a wedding with a party? Chefs kiss! We love to see it. That says a lot about how much he loves her and values her in my opinion.
I’m so glad he told her about Falcone. They both deserve all the peace (even though I love seeing him suffer.)
Also I wonder if the riddler said anything to batman about her in the asylum. When he was ranting about Bruce I can imagine him saying he doesn’t deserve her and shit. That would get Bruce in his emo hours, but makes him wanna kill him more.
Predications: softness. Fluff. Alfred roasting Bruce during his best man speech.
Much love!
also I can totally see them breaking the bed during the honeymoon.
Bestie tumblr ate your ask again! 😤 (Side note: the next chapter is almost ready to post!)
Bruce was so emo about it, no question! And he did find that out I think! Idk if I mentioned it, but he definitely knows that she secretly messes with the blade so it won't hold power over her. Also you're so right--Alfred got blown up and he still had the only brain cell
I like to think my reader and Bella Reál are really similar people! I see a lot of strength and sass in the new mayor (like her meeting Bruce and immediately giving him shit for not doing more for the city?? Queen). So of course the two would get along! And yeah Bruce is just standing there thinking "shit she really needs an MRI what if her brain is bleeding how can I get her off the roof to a hospital can I fly a helicopter if I had to how far is the helicopter oh my god what if her nose starts bleeding that's bad right" and on and on and on
Alfred and her are my favorite!! I love their dynamic and I always love throwing little scenes in there! We were robbed of a reunion scene between him and Bruce in the movie I tell you, ROBBED. (No pun intended.)
Also I've only had a minor concussion (did it to myself in the dumbest way ever) but yeah you 100% should not be working or looking at anything, and here reader is creating relief packages and working with the new mayor. She's just like Bruce who can and does work with concussions constantly (and let's be real--dude has a concussion from the bomb and/ or eating shit in the suit and has also been awake two days straight. They're so similar.)
Bruce was definitely about to zoom back to Arkham and beat the shit out of the Riddler. Poor guy. Him wanting a wedding for her, a real wedding, is something I've always had in my mind! He's such a romantic at heart in my opinion and he would gladly face his greatest fears (socializing) to make sure she gets the experience she deserves.
Also re: nightmares yeah they're both gonna need real therapy this time tbh!
So much fluff coming bestie! It's not even a spoiler to say that. Get your toothbrush ready because it's so sweet you'll get cavities!
As for the honeymoon 👀 I may or may not be planning a oneshot revolving around it!
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kermitmentality · 2 years
i just told my dad that in two days, im 5 months sh clean
he changed the subject and ignored it, even tho it was just me and him in the convo
i want to die
they act like they care so fucking much
“oh dont sh” ”oh we want u to be happy“ “were here for you”
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soulmate-game · 3 years
Hawkmoth was a bitch, and Marinette meant that with every fiber of her soul. Fu was also a bitch, and Marinette actually had good memories of the guy. Not many, but she had some. The fact that the guy got two ten-year-olds to become super heroes and fight a supervillain for him kinda soured those memories, though. But with Chat Noir not allowed to leave his house? Yeah, even as young as they were it only took about a year to find out who HawkMoth was and another year to take him down.
Except, that left Marinette alone. The final battle took her mom away, and Chat had to move out of Paris after his dad was arrested. Luckily Jagged allowed her and her papa to move into his house in Gotham, and everything was…
Well, it was okay. For about a month.
Then her dad was gone too, and she had no way to talk to Jagged, and the police were scaring her—
Yeah, that was the basic order of events that led to where she was now. Pushing fourteen years old, ex-superhero, protector of a magical box of gods, stealing the tires off of a very nice motorcycle.
Marinette was tempted to just take the whole thing, she loved bikes and knew she could drive it. But the thing had more security than she knew what to do with, and the fact that it belonged to Red Hood… she didn’t want to deal with trackers today, thanks. So the tires it was.
Should she maybe care more about the fact that she was stealing from a vigilante with a violent streak? Maybe. Did she? Hell no. For all she knew, maybe Red Hood was a bitch too. (Yes, she was still learning English slang. She was fluent by educational standards, but learning how to curse in a foreign language was fun and she still had a little bit to go. Her few street friends were very happy to help).
A shadow dropped down in front of her, and Marinette’s hero instincts kicked in. The tire iron she was using cut through the air, slamming right into the side of Red Hood’s knee.
“Hood,” Batman’s voice grumbled over the comms, instantly grabbing the attention of everyone else who was on the comms. It wasn’t as gruff as he usually sounded, in fact it almost sounded like… he was trying not to laugh?
“Did you get gassed by Joker?” Dick asked before Jason got a chance to respond. “Need backup?”
“No,” Batman responded, sounding a little more composed. “Not a rogue. But Hood, I need you to join me at my location as soon as possible.”
Finally getting the chance to talk, Jason responded a little warily; “Sure, B. Wait,” he blinked at the location that was sent to him. “Isn’t that where my bike is parked?”
Batman didn’t respond at first, only the sound of labored breathing— again, as if he was trying not to laugh. “Just get here, Hood.”
Sighing, but not too mad since the night had been fairly quiet so far, Jason decided to humor the old man and head over. When he could see the cape-clad back of Batman, he easily leapt over the last roof and sauntered over.
“Okay, B,” he had his thumbs tucked in his pockets as he drawled. “What’s the issue?”
Batman was grinning. As in, actually showing amusement. And he just pointed down, straight at Hood’s bike.
Jason rolled his eyes under his helmet, turning to look. At first he didn’t see anything amiss, until he saw movement and looked harder. Oh. Oh, holy shit.
“Is that a kid?”
“Yep,” Batman’s grin grew.
“Is she… stealing my tires?” Hood was so, so glad he wore a helmet that hid his expression. Because… wow.
“Yep,” Batman finally lost his composure, chuckling. “This seems like Karma, don’t you think?”
“And you just watched her so you could rub it in,” Jason groaned, throwing his head back in exasperation. Of course he would. Nobody knew it (except the other heroes who knew him) but Batman was a petty little jerk when he wanted to be. He bought the whole Daily Planet just to spite Clark, for crying out loud.
“Don’t adopt her,” Batman said as he stood up, patting Red Hood’s shoulder. “It looks like she’s almost done.”
“Shit,” Jason hissed, looking down to see that she was, actually, very close to being done. She had already had one tire completely free by the time he had arrived, and now she was only seconds away from getting the other one completely free.
He took a quick assessment— she was tiny, and really thin. Definitely a street kid, he thought, though he didn’t recognize her. He knew most of the street kids that stole to get by, nowadays, which meant she must have been fairly new. But even though she seemed to know what she was doing, her small frame made her take longer unscrewing the tires than it normally would have taken. Sure that she wasn’t a threat by any stretch of the imagination, he jumped down. His plan had been to startle her a little by showing up out of nowhere, but he didn’t want to scare her too badly. Just make her jump a little.
But he had underestimated her, it seemed. Without wasting a second, she jumped up and swung her tire iron at his knee. He cursed, she was a lot faster than her had been expecting. He was able to move so that the weapon only clipped the side of his knee, his knee pad thankfully taking the worst of it. She still hit hard enough to make him stumble and hiss in pain though, which was an accomplishment.
That’s when she abandoned her weapon and her tires, darting to try and escape only for Batman to drop down and block her escape. Though really, it was the grin Batman had that scared the girl most of all, apparently, making her slowly back away from him.
“Please stop smiling,” she begged with a faint French accent to her words. “It is not natural.”
That made Red Hood laugh, already recovered and right behind her. He plopped a gloved hand on her head.
“I know, it’s creepy right?” He joked. “What’cha doin’ stealing my tires, kid? I kinda need them to drive anywhere,” he was careful to keep his voice light and devoid of any anger. He wasn’t really upset, all told. It would be hypocritical of him if he was.
She looked between the two vigilantes for a moment, clear intelligence behind those bright blue eyes as she seemed to consider something. Suddenly she pulled away from Red Hood and stepped away from his reach, straightening up and trying to look tall.
“My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng,” she said as firmly as she could. “My father was Tom Dupain, he was killed in a mugging three months ago. We were living in a house that our family friend leant to us after my mother’s death six months ago, and we moved here from Paris. I haven’t been able to contact him, and the police… I don’t trust them,” she admitted, clearly seeing this as the chance she had been waiting for. “I have been living on the streets since my father died. I am sorry for trying to steal your tires, Monsieur Red Hood. But it was a risk I had to take.”
“Did you expect us to catch you?” He asked, crossing his arms as he re-evaluated the girl. She was a lot stronger than he had assumed earlier, both physically and mentally. She seesawed her hand to indicate ‘kinda’.
“Even if you didn’t, I could make good money off your tires,” she justified with a shrug. “To me, I would win either way.”
“Who is your family friend? Can he help you now, take you in?” Batman asked, moving forward and kneeling down to be closer to Marinette’s height. Neither he nor Jason had missed the part where she was an orphan, but they had expected that considering what they had caught her doing. And they both knew that she wasn’t likely to take any apologies they tried to offer very well. It was best not to show pity, or she might get angry.
Marinette frowned. “... Our family friend is Jagged Stone. He lets me call him Uncle Jagged,” she told them, clearly expecting the disbelieving grunts they gave. “I mean it! You can call him, he might even be looking for me! I—“
“We know,” Hood assured her, now kneeling down as well. Man, she was short. “Calm down, we know you’re telling the truth. Jagged has made several public announcements about his missing honorary niece, we just didn’t recognize your name right away. And Jagged doesn’t have access to very many pictures of you, those he does have the Mayor isn’t allowing him to show because that spineless jackass—“
“Language, Hood.”
“—Cares more about keeping bad press off the air than finding a kid, even if it’s a world famous rockstar who’s asking. That’s probably why you haven’t heard anything, the mayor’s keeping it off the radio and not many reporters are brave enough to take the story and get on his bad side.”
“Oh…” Marinette took a deep breath, fighting the tears that were threatening to rise up. “He has been looking…” she sniffled, curling in on herself a little. “Can you take me to him?”
“I think we can do that,” Batman agreed, standing up. “I’ll contact him. Red Hood, can you handle everything here until I give you a place to meet up with Jagged Stone?”
Jason nodded. “No problem, B. Come on, little rabid pixie. Step one of gettin’ you back to your uncle is to help me fix my bike back up.”
Marinette sighed, shoulders dropping. “All my hard work, undone…” she playfully complained. But in the end she didn’t argue or fight against it, she just sat down and helped him reattach his tires.
All the while, Jason’s family kept teasing him over the comms. Clearly they were also thoroughly amused by the cosmic display of karma.
“...Monsieur Hood,” Marinette asked once they were done repairing the motorcycle and he had given her his too-big extra helmet. He tilted his head a bit to show he was listening. She squirmed. “Can… can we stop by my hideout? I have something really important I have to get.”
Jason smiles gently under his mask. She might not have been a street kid for very long, but she really did bring back some memories for him. He got on his bike and held a hand out to her.
“Sure thing kid. Wanna grab something to eat after? Can’t have a reunion on an empty stomach.”
She gave him a lopsided smile— not quite overjoyed, but definitely hopeful and thankful. Maybe this was the end of her streak of bad luck, she could only hope.
“Only if you don’t mind, Monsieur Hood,” she agreed before taking his hand and letting him help her onto the bike.
“No skin off my back, pixie,” he assured her. Then they were off. He followed her directions until they got to an abandoned building about three miles away, not in a good part of town at all but at least not in crime alley. Marinette easily led him through the building, skirting around other piles of ratty blankets and up broken stairs until they got to the badly-maintained top floor. She led him over to an almost invisible door in the concrete wall that pulled out to reveal what was probably a broom closet once upon a time. It was crowded with what looked like junk and empty boxes, along with a few blankets and two or three changes of clothes that were clearly her’s. A few belongings scattered around— a book, a small pink purse, and… Marinette came out of the pile of mess holding what had clearly been a very carefully hidden box. She also grabbed the purse and slung it over her shoulder, but didn’t seem worried about anything else.
Jason frowned at the box. It wasn’t that big, but it was clearly made of old wood. There were intricate carvings that were painted pink, in a symbol that was itching at the back of his mind. He recognized that symbol, but from where?
“Ready to go, kid?” He asked as he thought about it, getting a nod from Marinette. Twenty minutes later they were at a Batburger, sitting in a shaded booth that couldn’t be seen from the street.
She never let the box out of her sight. She kept it on the seat next to her, and Jason noticed that she tried to keep one hand on it at all times. But when she spoke, now her French accent stood out to him even more than before. But why—?
And then it clicked. Paris. Hawkmoth. Ladybug, Chat Noir, magic artifacts called Miraculous. Wonder Woman had raised a fuss when the heroes disappeared, declaring that something was wrong but she couldn’t put her finger on what. Then the magic users they trusted were called in, and returned from Paris with the grim news that the former Guardian of those artifacts had activated a failsafe and passed the guardianship on to someone else while erasing his own memories at the same time. But nobody knew who he could have passed it on to, so Batman had been given the green light to do all the research he and his team could into the Miraculous box to try and help track it down.
And here it was. The carvings were in pink now, which might have been the “cosmetic change” that Constantine had mentioned might happen when the box changed guardians. He had found the box full of super powerful magical artifacts… in the hands of a newly orphaned street kid who couldn’t have been older than fourteen at best.
What the hell?
“...” Red hood reached into his pocket and pulled out an old receipt and a sharpie. He scrawled on the back of the receipt and handed to Marinette. The girl was halfway into a bite of her burger when he did, and blinked at him owlishly before swallowing and cautiously reaching out to grab it. She frowned at the numbers scrawled there.
“What’s this?” She asked.
“My contact info,” he explained. “I won’t ask questions about why you have that box,” he watched her instantly stiffen but continued as casually as he could; “but it doesn’t matter. You can call me if you ever need help with anything, kid. Help with that box, help if you get in trouble in Gotham again, or even if you’re having a bad day. You can call me for whatever, got it? I don’t care if you think it’s stupid, if you can’t talk to anyone else in your life you can always call or text me and I’ll do whatever I can. Got it?”
“...” Marinette sniffled for a second and looked down at the table in silence for a second. “... what if I want your motorcycle?” she joked, but the watery tone of her voice gave her away.
Jason laughed, patting her head. “I need my bike, but we can talk about getting you your own once you are old enough to get a license. You almost done? Bats says that Jagged is ready to meet you, I can take you to him right now.”
“Yeah, lets go!” she was newly energized and shoved the last bite of burger into her mouth greedily. “And Red Hood?” She asked as they headed out to where he had parked.
“Yeah, kid?”
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buckybraneslover111 · 2 years
Love p.2 - B.B.
summary: after the bombing in Vienna, Bucky was forced to come out of hiding, because he is framed for it. You and Steve found out where Bucky was living and decided to pay him a visit. After getting caught and arrested, they took Bucky to be evaluated, only for him to go rouge on everyone. What happens when you try to get him to come back to normal?
a/n: do not repost, translate or copy my work, also gif is not mine! credit to the creator. minor do not read!!
warnings: fighting, gun violence, mention of blood, smut 18+, lovemaking, breed kink, crying, choking(non-sexual), fluffy fluff:)
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You and Steve snuck into Bucky’s apartment he had been hiding in since he pulled Steve out of the water that night, and now that you got the news about the bombing and it potentially being Bucky who did it, you were both concerned. You both looked around, moving trash around and looking behind everything. Steve grabbed a notebook that was on top of the fridge as you walked over to him looking over his shoulder, he flipped through the pages and found a picture of himself and a picture of you. 
“Heads up guys, German Special Forces approaching from the south,” Sam said in your earpieces.
“Understood,” Steve said. You peaked over your shoulder to see Bucky standing in the middle of the room. You tapped Steve and he turned around facing Bucky with you. You both looked at Bucky as he stared at both of you sternly. “Do you know us?” 
“You’re Steve and your y/n. I read about you both in a museum.” Bucky looked down at his feet then back up at both of you.
“I know you are nervous, you have every right to be. But you are lying.” Steve said.
“I wasn’t in Vienna, I don't do that anymore,” Bucky said.
“They're entering the building,” Sam said.
“Well, the people who think you did are coming here now, and they are not planning on taking you alive,” you said as you took a step closer to Bucky as he stepped back.
“That's good, great strategy,” Bucky said looking nervous.
“They’re on the roof, I'm compromised,” Sam said hearing the footsteps approach the door. 
“This doesn't have to end with a fight, Buck,” Steve said.
Bucky sighed, “It always ends in a fight.” he took off his gloves and sighed.
“Five seconds,” Sam said.
“Steve...” you looked at Steve.
Steve said to panic, knowing you didn't have much time, “You pulled me from the river why?” 
“I don't know.” Bucky looked straight at Steve.
“Yes, you do.” 
After getting caught by the German police and getting taken back to the headquarters where they put Bucky in a holding chamber, where they locked him up to get evaluated. You, Steve, and Sam all got an ear full from Natasha and Tony, but you were more concerned about if Bucky was alright. You sat at the table and looked through the glass at Bucky on camera as he was just sitting there with the German investigator. Sam came up on the side of you and put his hand on your shoulder causing you to jump a little, looking at him and then back at the camera. 
“You alright y/n?” he said softly.
“Yeah, I just wanna make sure he is okay.” you nodded crossing your arms on your chest. Sam looked down and noticed the ring on your finger.
“You still wear your wedding ring?” he said.
You looked up at him sighing, looking back at the camera, “Yeah.” You loved Bucky very much and you just wanted to kiss him all over and tell him how much he means to you. You knew you couldn’t because of certain circumstances but just wearing the ring made you believe that one day you could share the love with him and let him know how much he means to you. You were watching the interview happening on the cameras when all of a sudden the power goes out. You jumped up and looked at Steve and Sam then at Sharon. “What happened?!” 
“Sub-level five, east wing,” Sharon said to the three of you. You all got up and ran down to the sub-level, hoping to get to Bucky in time. When you guys reached the sub-level, you noticed all the guards were knocked out. Steve walked into the room and was talking to Zemo as you and Sam looked at Bucky. Sam turned around and Bucky swung at him hitting the wall and breaking it. He grabbed Sam and punched him then grabbed his jaw and threw him across the room collating with the base he was in before. Steve pushed you out of the way as he and Bucky started to fight.
“Y/n, run!” Steve yelled. Bucky kept fighting him until he punched Steve down the elevator shoot. You stood by the stairway, Bucky turned to look at you as he cracked his neck. You gulped and ran up the stairs, Bucky following you close behind. You made it to the upper level and turned around to face Bucky, slowly walking backward. He looked at you with no emotions, like you were his prey. 
“Bucky, I don't want to fight you, please.” you looked behind him and saw Tony as he motioned you to stay quiet. You needed to distract Bucky long enough for Tony. to sneak attack him. “Bucky, this isn't you,” you slowly started to back away from him, “You don't hurt people. Please snap out of it.” Bucky picked up a gun that was on the floor and he aimed it at you. “Please.” Tony came out from behind the corner and shot two shock ways at Bucky as you moved out of the way, picking up two guns from the floor, and putting one in your back pocket. The two men continued to fight until Tony was knocked to the floor. Sharon came up and started fighting him, only to be thrown into tables. You quickly got up and jumped onto his back, putting him in a headlock to cut off his breathing. He struggles a bit to get you off, then quickly walks backward into a wall, causing you to let go and groan.
He turned quickly and punched the wall near your head, you quickly moving out of the way. You punched him in the stomach and kicked him away from you. He stumbled back and you jumped onto a chair and tried to kick him, but he grabbed both your legs, wrapping them around his neck as he held you up from your back. He slammed onto a table, your legs tightening around his neck to hold him there. He reached down with his metal arm and wrapped his hand around your neck and started to squeeze, causing you to take short breaths. “B-Bucky! At least you could try to recognize me.” you groaned as he squeezed your neck a little tighter. Your eyes begin to water, wrapping your hands around his metal wrist, you both looking into each other's eyes. “J-James...” you said softly, trying to get air to your lungs, “James...please...” For a moment, you can see in his eyes that he knows who you are. You were the only person who was allowed to call him James, he hated it, but you loved it. Everyone called him Bucky because he didn't like his first name, but for you, you could call him whatever you wanted. His face begins to soften, the grip on your neck loosens, and you gasp for air, getting your lungs full again. 
“B-Bunny…” he whispered to you, a spec of hope running through your eyes.
“I-I can’t breathe Bucky…” he still had a hold on your neck and he pulled his hand away and let go of you. You took in deep breaths and he stumbled back looking down at his hands.
“I-I-…” he was cut off by Kei kicking him.
Bucky groaned waking up, his metal arm stuck under a machine to prevent him from hitting anyone. You were sat down in front of him, with your knees to your chest, your head resting on them. Sam stood on the side of you and looked at him, “Steve.” he yelled out. Steve walked over to where you guys were. Sam shook you awake, “Y/n wake up.” You groaned and opened your eyes and stood up quickly looking at Bucky.
“James…” you took a step towards him and he looked up at you with a small smile.
“I wish I could remember you…”
“Don’t even bother y/n. He says he can’t remember but he is a liar.” Steve scoffed.
“I remember you, Steve, just not her.” he looked up at you. You walked over to Bucky and slapped him across the face. Sam went to go pull you away, but Steve stopped him. Bucky turned to look back at you and he sighed.
“I deserved that.”
“You remember him but not me?! Your wife for 4 years?!” you didn’t realize you were crying until you let out a sob.
“I’m sorry,” he said softly.
“I get nothing?! Nothing?!” you punched him in his chest and then in the face. Steve walked over and pulled you away from him. Bucky spits blood out and he looked at both of you.
“I deserved that. I’m guessing I went rogue again?”Bucky looked at Steve.
“Yeah, and you nearly killed her Buck.” Steve said, “But we need your help.”
“My help?”
After a long fight, you and everyone else returned to the compound. You walked to the elevator with everyone then turned around when you didn’t see Bucky. You looked at him as he was just standing there in silence. You walked over to him and he looked at you, “If you want, you can come up to my room and shower before you go.” Bucky looked at you with a little happiness in his eyes. He was going to go to Wakanda to get help to break himself free of Hydras' hold over him. He nodded and you turned towards the elevator, everyone getting in, letting you two come in. The door opened up on your floor and you and Bucky stepped out. He followed you to your room as you opened the door letting him go first.
“Y/n?” Steve said as you turned to him, “Are you going to be okay?”
“Yeah, thanks.” you smiled a bit then walked into the room. Bucky stood by the table awkwardly, avoiding eye contact with you. You toss your tactical gear on the table, “Follow me.” you walked to your bathroom and turned on the shower getting it to a warm temperature. You started to strip your clothes, Bucky turning away from your naked form. You looked back at him, then turned away, “You don’t have to join me, but figured we could save water.” You stepped into the shower closing the glass door behind you, standing under the water letting it run down your face, sweat and blood falling off of you. You hummed at the warm feeling of the water relaxing your muscles. Before you could reach for the shampoo, you heard the glass door open and shut, feeling a presence behind you. You looked back up at Bucky as he towered over you.
“Save water,” he said softly.
You nodded and rinsed out your hair, moving forward out of the way of the showerhead, allowing Bucky to step forward, letting the warm water run down his body. You turned around, his back facing you, his head tilted up to let the water run down his long hair. You wrapped your arms around his waist, your hands on his stomach, resting your head between his shoulders. You noticed his breathing was uneven and you heard him sniffle. “It’s okay Bucky.”
“I want to remember y-you. I-I want to feel loved again.” he let out little hiccups as he cried silently letting tears fall down his face.
“Shhh it’s okay Bucky.” you kissed his shoulder. He turned around in your arms and looked around at you as your bodies pushed together.
“W-What if I can’t remember you? What if I go to Wakanda and they can’t help me and I-I’m just this killing machine and I can’t stop. I want to love you again. I wanna know what it’s like to feel that way again.” he held your cheeks with his hands, looking into your eyes with his glossy, teary blue ones.
“If you want to remember then go to Wakanda and get help. I’ll be here, waiting. I haven’t given up on you Bucky. I waited 43 years to finally see you again, I can wait even longer if that means I get to have you back.” you whispered to him, your lips close to his.
“What was the nickname I gave you? I-I remember I called you it before.” he sniffled.
“Bunny.” you blushed a little at the nickname. He gave you that name when you first started dating because you were always so cheerful and outgoing while he was the opposite.
“Bunny…” he said softly, “Kiss me.” he ran his thumb over your bottom lip, leaning in, kissing you with a lot of passion, you returned the kiss and pulled him closer to you if that was possible. He pushed you up against the shower wall, pulling away to kiss your neck. You moaned out his name wrapping your fingers in his hair to keep him close to you.
“Make love to me James.” you moaned softly closing your eyes. You felt his hard-on press up against your stomach, his eagerness getting ahead of him, pulling your leg up to wrap around his waist. “James, take it slow.” you pulled him off your neck as his blue eyes were dark orbs now. “Please.” he put your leg down and turned you around so your chest was against the shower wall. You pant feeling him rub his tip against your weeping hole. 
“Shhh, I got you,” he whispers in your ear, sliding himself into you, both of you moaning at the contact. He pushed in deep, allowing you to feel every vein and inch of him until he was all the way inside of you. 
“B-Buck...” you close your eyes moaning at the feeling.
“I-Its okay, I’m right here.” he pulled out until only the tip was in then he pushed back into you slowly groaning at your tightness. You put your hands against the shower wall trying to grip onto something as he started a slow hard pace, groaning in your ear every once in a while. You were a moaning mess, moaning his name and profanity. He put one hand on your hip and one hand on top of yours against the shower wall, your fingers interlocking with his. You threw your head back as one particular thrust hits against the squeezy thing inside of you. 
“I-I love you James.” you moaned loudly, his thursts picking up in pace, his balls slapping against your clit, “I’m close!” you can feel the coil in your stomach begin to tighten, your orgasm approaching you quickly, his thrusts getting harder, hitting your spot every time. You gripped his hand hard, your orgasm taking over you, your legs shaking as you came around his cock. “James! Fuck! Cum inside me please!” you threw your head back against his shoulder as he was trying to catch his own orgasm. 
“Yeah?! You want me to fill you up? Breed your little hole? Put a baby in you?!” he pinned both of your hands against the shower wall above your head, his thrusts getting faster and deeper. 
“Yes! Give it to me Bucky! Fill me up!” you moaned loudly turning your head to look into his eyes. He looked into yours, lust running through his. “T-Tell me you l-love me, please?” tears started to form in your eyes as you both looked into each other's souls. 
“I-I love y-you.” he leaned in, kissing you deeply, pushing deep inside of you, filling you up with his cum. He pulled away and leaned his forehead agaisnt the shower wall as you both breathed heavily. “I love you bunny...” 
He pulled out of you and you both finished your shower, washing and kissing each others body. You turned off the shower and stepped out handing him a towel while you wrap yourself in one. Following him out of the bathroom, you walked to your closet putting on a pair of biker shorts and a long shirt. Bucky put on his boxers, sitting on the bed looking at you. You walked over to him standing between his legs, running your hands through his hair, “You didnt have to tell me you loved me. It was the heat of the moment and I...” 
He cut you off, “I do love you, I just wish I could be the man you had before.” he rubbed your hips under your shirt.
“I love you Bucky...” you kissed the top of his head, resting your head on his. “I got you something, you dont have to wear it, i just want you to have it.” you reached in your nightstand and took out a box handing it to him. He put his vibranium arm around your waist and opened the box seeing a wedding band. “This isn't your exact wedding ring, but its similar and I want you to have it. I want you to know that you arent doing this for me, but you are doing this for yourself, to be a better person. Like I said, I will be here waiting for you when you are ready.” you hugged his neck as you felt a wet spot on your shirt from him crying. 
“T-Thank you.” he hugged your waist as you both stood there in silence, savoring the last moments you will have together until he comes back, not knowing how long that would be. 
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐕𝐈𝐈- 𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐝
➵ 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | dad!bucky barnes x mom!reader
➵ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 | 2.2k
➵ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | steaminess, a little smut (18+, minors DNI), childhood angst, mention of divorce and separation.
დ 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞����𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | დ 𝐛𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | დ 𝐤𝐨-𝐟𝐢
“Why do you always wanna play catch with me? I’m not that good,” Elliot asked as he tossed the football to Bucky, who’d run ahead a few yards to give Elliot the space to throw long-distance.
“Don’t say that, bud. You’re great,” Bucky said, “And because I like playing catch with you. I can only play dolls or tea parties for so long.”
You were covering another shift while Pietro was teaching his regular Friday afternoon class, and Natasha had Bucky’s permission to take the girls out for manicures. Bucky had offered to watch Elliot and Willow, as you were near desperate for a sitter. He’d been playing catch with Elliot for a while now, while Willow was near them, jumping on the trampoline.
He’d been waiting for the right moment to tell your children of his plans to propose to you. He’d already found the ring. He secretly envied Pietro for already getting you a perfect ring, one that represented your children and one you still wore to this day. He knew you’d still wear the one he got you if you said yes, and love it just as much, the ring being a symbol of your love- but he struggled to find one that fit you as perfectly as that one did.
“I uh- I actually wanted to ask you something, though,” Bucky said, stepping closer to Elliot.
“Yeah?” Elliot asked, wondering whether or not he was in trouble. This talk seemed serious, and he wasn’t the type of child to do things that would warrant a “serious talk”.
“I want you to know how happy your mom makes me. I love her so much, Elliot. And though you don’t have to, you always have assumed the role of the one taking care of her. I don’t know if she’ll ever say it out loud, but she appreciates that. And I’m sure you know how much she loves you. So, you seem to be the best person to ask… I wanna marry your mom. I want us to be a real, big family. Is that something you’d want too? Is that something you’d be okay with?”
Suddenly, it was like a switch flipped. Elliot went from being a sweet little boy, playing a friendly game of catch, to an anxious, angsty pre-teen who didn’t like the idea of another person coming in and taking care of you. And he suddenly hated the idea of living under the same roof with three new people, including two more girls.
“No,” Elliot sneered, “Absolutely not. My mom is too busy with her job to get married again. She shouldn’t get married again.”
Bucky could have sensed the hostility from a mile away, it was beaming off the eleven-year-old. He knew he couldn’t take it personally, especially from a child. A child who’d probably been through so much. He couldn’t trust a man to do a job he’d been doing perfectly well. What if that man messed it up and made his mom sad? He loved you more than anything, and the idea of you getting hurt when he could’ve easily done something to stop it made his blood boil.
Suddenly, Bucky was a stranger to him now- A stranger trying to take his mom away from him.
“Alright,” Bucky said calmly, putting his hands up almost in a surrender, “consider it dropped.”
The sound of the trampoline springs distracted Bucky briefly, and he was able to catch a glimpse of Willow, jumping higher than she had all day. In an instant, Willow leaped into the air and did a backflip, landing back on her feet. “Did you see that?” she exclaimed, in disbelief, “Bucky! Did you see that?!”
“I did, Willow! That was so awesome!” he said, grateful he had an out, but also genuinely happy Willow had finally learned how to do a backflip after weeks of practicing.
Elliot couldn’t even take a second to be happy for his sister. Still distracted by the sudden drop of information on him, he went back inside, no longer in the mood to play catch.
“Okay. Winnie is all tucked in, Rebecca’s been out for about an hour. We can finally have some alone time.” Bucky said upon entering your bedroom. It was much later in the day- Natasha had returned with the girls right after dinnertime, and Pietro had come to pick up your children around the same time for his usual weekend with them. It was a routine now, and Natasha now in the picture luckily didn’t complicate anything.
On nights like this, Rebecca slept in the guest bedroom while Winnie slept in Willow’s bedroom- Bucky would of course share the bed with you, though there usually wasn’t much sleeping.
You neglected to reply, instead focused on something on your phone, a dumbfounded look on your face. “Hon?” Bucky asked, slightly concerned.
You looked up at him, and Bucky wasn’t able to read you. He’d spent his entire military career reading people- he’d become quite good at it. But right now, all that training and hard work seemed to have gone to shit.
“You know, a few years ago, I kept finding trash in the backyard. I wasn’t sure what it was, Pietro said it was just our shitty neighbors at the time. But I was convinced there was a racoon or something. It was like, every morning, I would find a bunch of garbage. Well, I was pregnant with Willow at the time, and Pietro was always working early so neither of us wanted to stay up to see what it was, so we got a security camera. Turns out our neighborhood had a serious racoon problem, and thanks to the camera, we got it all under control. We basically saved the neighborhood.”
Bucky laughed a little at your story, clearly confused.
“And after a break-in about three blocks away, my anxiety levels were up after Willow was born, so we just kept the camera. Even now, it’s still there.”
Bucky froze, the pieces of the puzzle finally coming together. “Oh.”
You looked at him, a smile creeping onto your face. “Yeah. Oh.”
Bucky said nothing. Hopefully, if he didn’t say anything, you wouldn’t say anything either.
But you continued. “When you mentioned Willow did a backflip on the trampoline, I wanted to see it. So, I went back, and…”
You pressed play on the camera footage on an app on your phone. There stood Bucky and Elliot just hours ago, playing a game of catch.
Bucky listened to the sound of his own voice. “I wanna marry your mom. I want us to be a real, big family. Is that something you’d want too? Is that something you’d be okay with?”
And in a near cringe, you both listened to Elliot’s rejection. “No, absolutely not.”
There’s a moment of silence as Bucky tries to figure out what to say. But you continued. “Elliot’s eleven. He doesn’t understand how happy our family is with you and the girls, he just gets defensive and sees a stranger who’s kissing his mom. He’s dramatic sometimes, he gets that from his dad.” You press your forehead against his as Bucky remained silent, just slightly embarrassed his plans were ruined. “Do you really want to marry me?”
Bucky was taken back to when he proposed to Natasha. He was the most terrified he’d ever been at that point in his life, down on one knee asking the woman he thought was the girl of his dreams to spend the rest of her life with him. At the time, he wasn’t more sure of anything- from the second they started seriously seeing each other, he was sure she was the one. He imagined their perfect, nuclear family. He’d always wanted a daughter to name after his mom, and maybe a couple of dogs or cats. He’d retire from the military and find another job somewhere, probably in construction or repairing- something he was good at. Hell, he was positive he’d suffer through an office job for his family.
But things weren’t all that he’d expected they’d be. Even though Natasha said yes, life didn’t work out how he’d hoped. He was shipped off to war, losing an arm and almost his life. He got two girls, and he loved them to death. He named both his girls after other special women in his life, Rebecca after his older sister and Winnie after his mother. So at the very least, he got that. His wife abandoned and divorced him without a word, and he ended up falling for a completely different woman a couple years later. Not at all how he pictured his life ending up, but he was grateful.
Because every emotional and physical turmoil, every heartbreak, and every bump in the road led him to you.
Now he was certain he wanted to do this. He felt more secure and more sure of this decision than of anything.
He thought back to asking his daughters if they would be okay with it.
“You already are married, Daddy.” Winnie laughed. She didn’t know any better, by the looks of it, you and Bucky looked and acted like you were married.
“We’re not, hon. I still have to ask her.”
“Do it then! So Willow can be my real sister and Elliot can be my real brother!”
Bucky smiled. As he assumed, his four-year-old was one hundred percent supportive. But now, he had to see what Rebecca thought.
“I like when she’s around. She’s really nice,” she said, “We have our own little secrets and jokes and she’s already kind of like my mom.”
Bucky smiled, but a part of him picked up on how it sounded like Rebecca was trying to convince herself of something. “But is this something you want?”
Rebecca took a second, looked up at her dad, and smiled. “Yeah, Dad. I want you to marry her!” she excitedly nodded.
Bucky stood from his spot on the couch and scooped both his daughters into his arms, attacking them with tickles and kisses. Hearing their laughs made his heart soar, and though he knew a big change was happening for their family, they would be okay.
Bucky nodded, placing his hand on your jaw and admiring the structure of your face. “You’ve made me so happy. I love our family more than anything- I wanna be with you for the rest of my life if you’ll let me. I guess I just gotta get that little boy to like me.”
You laughed, placing your hand on top of his and lightly stroking the back of it, admiring his touch. “He does like you, he told me. My babies like you a lot. It’ll just take him a minute to adjust to the change. Don’t stress about it, he does like you.” You leaned in to kiss him, pressing your lips against his. They were soft, and you knew it was about to lead to more based on how he was touching you. You pulled away briefly. “That was really nice of you to talk to Elliot before you did anything. You have no idea how much I love that you did that.”
Bucky pressed his soft lips against yours, walking with you to the edge of the bed, not once breaking your kiss. You felt his hands start to wander to the hem of your shirt, silently begging to take it off.
“Marry me?” Bucky asked breathlessly as you took your top off, admiring your figure. It felt as though the wind was knocked out of him every time he looked at you.
“I’ll marry you in a heartbeat,” you said against his lips, yearning for another hit. Kissing him was like a high, and once you came down from it, you craved more.
He laid you down, admiring your body in solely a bra and a pair of jeans. He always looked at you like this, no matter what you were wearing. You would come home in a pair of scrubs, exhausted from being on your feet all day, and he would still look at you like you were a goddess, gracing Earth with your presence.
“You are so perfect,” he muttered as he pulled down your jeans, exposing more of your skin. It felt warm against him, and Bucky knew he was in too deep with you. The way he valued your touch, the way he yearned for the sound of your voice, the way he craved everything about you. He was a man lost in the sea of your love, but he loved every second of it.
And you were gone for him, too.
The minute he began to strip, you thought of just how much you loved him too. You couldn’t remember the last time you felt this special, loved this romantically, got told on a daily basis how valuable you were.
At the sight of Bucky’s bare thighs, you bit your lip as your hands wandered there. Pulling down your underwear and the rest of his clothing, Bucky took a second to let his eyes wander you before he lined himself up with your entrance, pushing into you gently and admiring the blissed-out expression on your face.
The evening between the two of you was spent underneath your sheets, as close as two humans could be to each other and whispering sweet nothings until you were tired, facing each other and admiring each other’s faces as you slowly drifted to sleep.
All was right. All was calm, and soon enough, everything would be perfect.
taglist: @katzvelvet @melissad1974 @treatbuckywkisses @lcandothisallday @whatinthestyles @rebelliousburgeradvocate @prentisswrites @blue786sworld @lets—be-honest @stillthatbetch @seybox @danielle-leah1997 @buckybarnesbitch00000000 @glupolizam @livstilinski @5lutty5arah @whoreforbucky-barnes @multifandom-girlie @witchy-whore @jackiehollanderr @babebr @dearmasaddict @itsmeatballworld @bbgem329 @silentkiller2374 @stumbleonmywords @eclecticpatrolroadlawyer @bitchacho25 @dreamerglassesgirl @rosepetalsinwinter @winterwhore @shytypeaq @spadessaga @foundinthefridge84 @rebeccapineapple @rosadiazsprecinct @mrsstan21 @sweetwerewolfqueen @enchantedbarnes @sophiario @pineprincess @sebsgirl71479 @thorslittlewhore @pandaxnienke
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