#despite over sharing on twitter nothing i say is deep
monroeknoxwrites · 9 months
im replying to your Twitter three sentences prompt here!
I was wondering if you could do SJ X Tlj In an au where they meet when sj had just gotten in the sect?
Shen Jiu arrived in his usual room to find the ladies waiting for him with another guest. The first time he'd witness such a sight he stormed out, spitting venomous words at the man who followed him out. He retreated to cang qiong mountain and resigned himself to a sleepless night.
The man was persistent. He learned his lesson at least, waiting for Shen Jiu outside the brothel next time. He attempted to engage him in wine and exchanging lewd stories.
As most people did, Shen Jiu knew the man must assume he desired the company of the jiejies here for their bodies alone. He brushed past him and hurried to the safety of his private room.
Months of refusal didn't seem to discourage the man. He was at the brothel every time Shen Jiu left the mountain. Frustrated, and finding his threats useless, he asked around about him. He's taken aback to learn the man is like him – he never does more than drink and trade stories with the girls, most of which are romantic in nature.
On their advice, he relented, accepted an invitation to share a drink with him.
"Just this once," Shen Jiu said, his thorny exterior unchanged.
"Then I'll treasure it." The man gestured at his face. "And you won't find it too unpleasant with a face like this to look at."
Despite himself, Shen Jiu huffed a laugh. Conceited fool.
But he wasn't altogether wrong...
A few drinks turned into a few more and before Shen Jiu realized it, he'd become drunk. He was so tired, so ready for a night sleep without waking every so often at a noise. Imagining it was him. The comforting thought that he was dead, by Shen Jiu's own hand, didn't reach him in his dreams.
He'd been too busy to visit the brothel the past few days.
In the morning he woke in a pile of warm bodies. Most of them were soft, sweet smelling, the usual jiejies who spent the night with him. But he found his head pillowed a broader chest, one not entirely without softness but in a different way. The scent in his nose was spiced and floral intermingled with something strange, like smelling something sharp at a distance.
He glanced up to see that pretty face soft with sleep.
Shen Jiu slunk out of the brothel that morning and didn't return for weeks. He checked himself over countless times but found nothing amiss. No part of him marked or defiled.
His dreams were – different. He'd be in that place, sword in hand, covered in blood and tears, knowing killing that monster hadn't cleaned the taint off him no matter how many times he killed him. The blood-soaked manor around him would sway and he'd feel some dark abyss waiting to swallow him up.
Then a hand took his hand. The grip was firm yet didn't restrain him. The world settled and he stared into deep eyes set in a pretty face.
"Let me tell you a story," the man said, his voice drowning out the screams – others and Shen Jiu's own.
"What do you want from me?" Shen Jiu demanded. He held the sword in his free hand, scared to let it go but unsure if he should use it. These strange dreams had to stop.
The man smiled. It was as alluring as the rest of him. "Didn't I tell you that night?"
Words and images came back to Shen Jiu of an older version of himself sitting in a nice room, surrounded by pretty women and one equally pretty man. He recalled the man smiling as he did now to the same question, rising his wine cup to say:
"I only wish to know you."
Shen Jiu woke from a full night's sleep. He went about his day feeling refreshed in body but his mind was tangled in knots.
Following the tangled threads led him to the brothel, to the room he often used. To the sight of his jiejies and that man waiting for him.
To a welcoming smile.
"A tenacious pest," Shen Jiu spat as he took his place among them.
The man laughed, handing him a cup of tea. "No wine tonight." It was quite an apology but a consideration.
"Drink if you wish," Shen Jiu said, taking the cup.
"A-Jiu you must listen to the scandalous story he was telling us," one of the jiejies said, arms about his waist, drawing him close. Any outsider would find it a lascivious gesture, typical fawning of a brothel girl with her patron. Shen Jiu let her embrace him, feeling safe, comforted, as one would in the arms of their real jiejie.
At his other side, the man sat close but left a gap between them. Shen Jiu knew there was something dangerous about this man lurking beneath he surface but it wasn't the kind that kept Shen Jiu awake at night. It wasn't meant for him.
He said nothing about it. He listened and scoffed and even let himself laugh once or twice.
When he felt himself drifting off the sleep without the aid of alcohol, the man to one side of him and the jiejies another, he wasn't afraid at all.
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mgnifiqueyoo · 10 months
25 : set it all free.
— warning(s): cursing. — short a/n: Y'ALLLLL need to read the last part ;-; omg (i am not gonna have a long author's note for this one bc i might spoil the SECOND LAST chapter accidentally so i'm just putting this here: please reblog if u loved reading hey, cheesecake!) — word count: 503
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───── ❝ ❞ ─────
As soon as the clock struck four, you waved your hand goodbye to the junior student who needed help with reviewing and left the library immediately. It was obvious that your time still wasn't adjustable as a lot of younger students, despite your latest controversial reputation on Twitter, still depended on your assistance. — And you knew that it was your priority to help.
Heading to the store, your eyes landed on the boy who focused his gaze on the bakery aisle, puckering his lower lip in search of the cake you always loved — cheesecake. "Intak," you called his name, watching him lift his head up from the many slices of cake displayed in front of him. "Hey..."
And you were taken back to the night you let the tears fall down your face; the fear of no one thinking you've ever loved would think the same because of the time you refused to share... Well, not anymore.
"Y/N.", he uttered your name back as he walked closer to you, looking straight into your eyes with an unreadable gaze yet at the same time, you had a feeling that he wanted to tell you so many things. Instead of opening his mouth to say something – at least a word or two – he pulled you into a tight embrace, resulting in you resting your chin over his shoulder.
Your heart raced faster than ever as you couldn't repress everything you've felt about him anymore. Intak Hwang, the boy you never knew of until now, understood you more than the boy you once chose to love. — But love cannot be forced.
And it only happens in the right time. Could this be the right time?
"I need to tell you something," you mumbled, causing him to let you go as the silence between the two of you had already seeped into your conscience.
'This is it, Y/N. Just tell him how you feel.' Your own voice demanded in the back of your head as you closed your eyes for a while, taking a deep breath.
"What is it?" He asked, his lips curling into a small, pursed smile even if he avoided your gaze.
"These days, a lot has been on my mind lately," you started, taking a pause to think if this was even worth it. "Not a lot actually... It's just you."
The look on his face was priceless – wide eyes and tensed cheeks.
"And I don't know if I'm even worth your time but for sure, you are worth mine," you continued, which only did nothing to him as he stood there, frozen. "Am I... Am I wrong for liking you?" You stammered, losing every bit of your confidence as you couldn't bear staring at his overwhelmed state anymore.
"I don't know," he answered, taking another step closer as his stare finally loosened up from the tension. "But I know I'm right for liking you." Intak welcomed you in his arms again.
"You deserve to be loved, Miss Reads A Lot."
───── ❝ summary ❞ ─────
for two years, you and beomgyu have been the best of friends and later lovers. however, things change after time had been taken away from the two of you ── he began to love someone else and soon turned into someone else.
and whether you like it or not, a not-so-familiar student in the same section finally made the first move...
a very unexpected first move.
. . . . .
TAGLIST @butterfliesinthenightsky @yoonjunshi @taksbbg @llama-lyna @sunghoonsblackgf @melonshifts @rxnexxi @planethyuka @seungiesluv @daydreamer5006 @whippedforbeomgyu
want oneshots (with a twist)? click here!
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mimzalot · 1 year
the noble standard (Ferdinand and Lorenz)
copied over from twitter  •  29 Mar 2020  - cw: discussing mental health
sighs. sometimes I wonder if, after the war starts, Ferdinand only pretends to care about the same noble standard that Lorenz does because he hasn't the heart to say that he just doesn't care anymore. about anything. it would certainly spoil their tea, which he would hate to lose.
Ferdinand smiling at Lorenz ranting about all the bizarre disorderly shenanigans he's been witnessing now that the world is in disarray and Ferdinand is nodding, "Indeed it is worrying." but there's no light in his eyes. he cares but he also... can't? of course, Lorenz can tell.
but Ferdinand is not one to need to be coaxed into honesty, and if he has not shared what troubles him then Lorenz will... be so polite as not to pry! nor feel as though he is losing something. failing to find his bearings on what once was common ground. failing, as always.
ok no shut up - next time they join for tea Lorenz blurts "I must admit that my customary convictions have been wavering under a relentless gale of change and turmoil." and when Ferdinand raises a brow at him, "Sorry?" Lorenz takes a deep breath and says "I am... I grow... afraid."
Lorenz is still talking about his noble obligations but for once is candid about his fears that he will fail to uphold them. and also that he will lose everything despite his best efforts. to die is one thing but to amount to nothing? to lose ones' purpose? it's terrifying.
Ferdinand understands. Lorenz was counting on him to, and it's a bittersweet sense of commonality between them. but then Ferdinand adds something Lorenz didn't expect to hear: "Your fear is admirable." Lorenz... is very confused?! I beg your pardon? Ferdinand laughs joylessly.
he contemplates his words a long while before continuing. "You are still lucid enough to feel it. And determined! It's... admirable." pause. "I feel as though a dark haze shrouds my present and future - even my past. Most days I cannot find clarity in anything, except... dread."
Ferdinand explains that it isn't the first time he has felt this dullness, but it is the most keen. to feel a lack of feeling... despite the paradox, and having always erred on the side of too many feelings as opposed to too few, Lorenz nods. a strange and concerning affliction.
Lorenz assures Ferdinand that he, well, he does not understand himself, but he will endeavour to. and if Ferdinand feels as though he has lost himself then Lorenz will so gladly remind him! he is Ferdinand! a noble and dashing hero, a fearsome foe, and a dearly valued friend.
shout out to @pegasusrightsforall for writing so enthusiastically in the tags of my rough day? comic that you reminded me to import my meta about these two over I FEEL SO MUCH ABOUT THEM TOOO YOU’RE RIGHT
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A brief reflection on Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss.
December 16, 2023
As we begin a mid-December weekend, I offer this brief reflection on Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss.
Jury Awards Ruby Freemen and Shaye Moss $148 million in damages against Rudy Giuliani for defamation.
The damages award of $148 million against Rudy Giuliani encapsulates the madness, frustration, and perseverance that define the lives of millions of activists during the American era of The Big Lie. It is tempting to characterize Giuliani’s defamation of Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss and their hard-won victory as a metaphor for Trump's political arc over the last seven years.
But what happened to Freeman and Moss is not a metaphor. It is the cold, hard reality that slaps each of us in the face every day as we are assaulted by lies heaped upon lies. Not everyone is a direct victim of the lies like Freeman and Moss, but we are all victims, nonetheless.
The point of the lies is not (only) to injure Trump's enemies, it is to erode trust in the system until there are no guardrails left—hoping to create chaos in which the most depraved believe they have an advantage over those still ruled by conscience, decency, and fealty to the rule of law.
Trump and his enablers tell outlandish lies because they know that media outlets will dutifully repeat the lies in headlines and news alerts, reserving tepid skepticism for paragraphs buried deep in their coverage.
Direct victims like Freeman and Moss are viewed as expendable collateral damage. Their names and addresses are shared in dark corners of the web so Trump's followers can make threats even he dares not voice (in public).
The full weight of Trump's malevolent organization was directed at Freeman and Moss. But they did not buckle. Two women who were motivated to help fellow Georgians vote in a free and fair election stood their ground.
Their reputations were smeared by the sitting President of the United States, the Georgia legislature, Fox News, One America Network, Steve Bannon, Rudy Giuliani, and millions of users on Twitter, Facebook, and other social media platforms.
A preacher and a rap star’s publicist teamed up to urge them to falsely confess to non-existent crimes—saying it was the only way to stop the ugly death threats. The FBI’s unhelpful response was to advise them to “Move out of your homes.”
Despite tens of thousands of vile threats, no one was arrested, investigated, charged with crimes, or sued for defamation.
At least not at first.
But the guardrails held. Because Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss stood their ground.
Because they stood their ground, Democrats on the January 6 Committee allowed them to tell their story to the nation.
Because they stood their ground, the rap star’s publicist and the preacher were indicted in Fulton County, Georgia for “solicitation of false statements and influencing witnesses.”
Because they stood their ground, the former president was indicted for lying about the 2020 election. The indictment specifically alleged that the former president was responsible for the campaign to smear Freeman and Moss—lies that were part of his conspiracy to defraud the United States. (See indictment, ¶ 26.)
Then, Freeman and Moss sued Rudy Giuliani for defamation. He did his best to derail and delegitimize the civil claim for damages. But he failed. The guardrails held. All because Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss stood their ground.
Two women who wanted to help people vote in Georgia stood their ground against fancy lawyers and paid liars, a depraved president and corrupt legislators, and a news ecosystem determined to sell as much soap for as long as possible by repeating the baseless claims about Freeman and Moss.
Two women who stood their ground. That is all it took for the guardrails to hold.
It was not easy. Their stance took courage and faith. They suffered mightily. But they persevered. They are heroes of American democracy.
There can be nothing more hopeful than their example—and their victory—to remind us of the power within each of us to maintain the guardrails of democracy. Those who sow chaos in the hope that the most depraved among us will win by brute force are wrong.
People are drawn to those who promote conscience, decency, and fealty to the rule of law—especially during times of turbulence and distress.
Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss prevailed over Giuliani (and Trump) the moment they reported for work on November 3, 2020—because they joined tens of thousands of other Americans in becoming the guardrails of democracy that ensured a free and fair election.
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apoptoses · 1 year
It’s been like 10 years (my god) since I last read the books but I distinctly remember Armand’s turning being extremely consensual and… something he actively wanted Marius to do. Am I going insane? Have I actually forgotten a major plot point? Asking because I’ve been seeing a lot of discourse on here/twitter about him being turned against his will and I’m like “yeah that’s not how I remember it”. I figured I’d just ask an expert in all things Armand and settle it once and for all lol. He might not have been begging for it every 10 seconds like Daniel was but he wanted it right?
Armand pretty much begged for it every time he and Marius fooled around (like, he really gives Daniel a run for his money when it comes to pleading for immortality). Let's go right to the text:
Armand wants to become what Marius is when they first start playing with sharing the blood, and is overjoyed when Marius says he'll eventually turn him:
"It's lost its savor for a little while," he said patiently. "But you'd be surprised."
"At what?"
"At how much you'll lament it when it's gone utterly, when you are perfect and unchangeable like me, and all those human mistakes can be triumphantly supplanted by a new and more stunning series of failures. Don't ask for this, not again."
I would have died then, curled up, black and furious and too bitter for words.
But he wasn't finished.
"Amadeo," he said, his voice thick with sorrow. "Say nothing. You don't have to. I'll give it to you quickly enough when I think the time has come."
At that I went to him, running, childlike, flinging myself at his neck, kissing his icy cheek a thousand times despite his mock-disdainful smile."
-TVA p. 62
Then once again after the whipping, he agrees he would want to be turned:
"Yes," he said. Then he came again to kiss me. "Will you be this forever?" he asked. "This man, this young man, that you are now?"
"Yes, Master! Forever and with you!"
-TVA p. 85
Armand had no qualms about what being like Marius necessitated. When he sees him kill, he's not repulsed:
"I was speechless. Fear, loathing, these things had no part in it. I was simply amazed. If I thought, I thought it was wonderous."
-TVA p.89
When Armand does cry for a victim he goes on to say:
""Master, hear my lesson," I said. "Judge my work." I caught my breath in haste and went on. "I saw you drink from those who were evil, convicted in your heart of some gross crime. I saw you feast as it is your nature; I saw you take the blood with which you must live. And all about you lies this evil world, this wilderness of men no better than beasts who will yield up a blood as sweet and rich for you as innocent blood. I see it. That's what you meant for me to see, and it's done.""
"Would you be with me, and be my pupil and my love?"
"Yes master, always and forever, or for so long as nature gives to you and me!"
-TVA p. 113-114
When Armand is dying, this is what they say:
"It's not my time," I said. "I know it. And such a statement cannot be undone by a mere handful of hours. Smash the ticking clock. They meant, by a soul's incarnate life, it wasn't time. Some destiny carved in my infant hand will not be so soon fulfilled or easily defeated." "I can tip the odds, my child," he said. This time his lips moved. The pale sweet coral brightened in his face, and his eyes grew wide and unguarded, the old self I knew and cherished. "I can so easily take the last strength left in you." He leant over me. I saw the tiny variegations in the pupils of his eyes, the bright deep-pointed stars behind the darkening irises. His lips, so wondrously decorated with all the tiny lines of human lips, were rosy as if a human kiss resided there. "I can so easily take one last fatal drink of your child's blood, one last quaff of all the freshness I so love, and in my arms I'll hold a corpse so rich in beauty that all who see it will weep, and that corpse will tell me nothing. You are gone, that much I'll know, and no more." "Do you say these things to torture me? Master, if I cannot go there, I want to be with you!"
"Very well, beautiful one. This is the moment. Would you come with me, and be like me?" His voice was rich and soothing, though it was full of pain.
"Yes, always and forever yours."
"Forever to thrive in secret on the blood of the evildoer, as I thrive, and to abide with these secrets until the end of the world, if need be."
"I shall. I want it."
"To learn from me all the lessons I can give."
"Yes, all of them."
"This is the only sun that you will ever see again. But a millennium of nights will be yours to see light as no mortal has ever seen it, to snatch from the distant stars, as if you were Prometheus, an endless illumination by which to understand all things."
And I, who had beheld a far more wondrous celestial light in that realm from which I'd been turned away, longed only for him to eclipse it now forever."
-TVA 135-139
Now, what I'm guessing is going on since I don't read Discourse™ is that some people are out there playing morality games over whether or not Armand, being that he was under 18 and due to the nature of his and Marius' relationship, could consent. And I am not going to touch that argument, because I have no desire to get angry on this fine Monday afternoon when I have so much to do.
I would only say that though Armand comes to regret what he is that's due to his long and traumatic life, and he himself never once says that his turning was against his will. And as you can see in the text he, in his very own words, asked to be what Marius was, knowing what all that entailed, again and again again.
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cavalierious-whim · 1 year
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Eons later, they are still in love. Written for Our Last Epiphany, a NSFW ZhongXiaoZhong Zine.
You can also read here on AO3 for better quality. If you enjoy my content, be sure to follow me on Twitter as well, and consider supporting me on Patreon!
It’s strange, the way that his muscles ache despite not having fought a battle.
Xiao hasn’t conjured his lance in what feels like decades but when he tallies up the years, he realizes that it hasn’t been just centuries, it’s been nearly an eon. 
Time is so strange for an adeptus. It isn’t that they don’t age or feel the effects of that time, it’s that the scale is just different. A blink and the world is different, the people are different, and the stars in the sky aren’t the same.
There’s a shuffle behind him and Zhongli’s arms slip around his middle, his chin dropping to Xiao’s shoulder. He never really got taller but he’s filled out a little in the years that have passed. Even so, Zhongli has to dip low, leaning over him.
“What are you thinking about,” asks Zhongli, his deep baritone seeping with tired sleepiness. 
“My hip’s bothering me.” Xiao sighs. “Nothing too terrible but…” He waves vaguely. 
“Hm. I remember when the aches started. It isn’t fun and it doesn’t get much better.”
Xiao sneers. “Fantastic.”
Zhongli chuckles and presses a kiss to his neck, his teeth just barely nipping at the skin there. “Come on, it’s a nice day. Let’s spend it together.” Then, he leaves him, slipping back into their room.
They don’t get many days like this, quiet ones where the breeze is just right. Despite having all the time in the world, it always feels as though they have none. Xiao still wanders and pays his karmic debt, but the grudges of fallen Gods have weakened. Rarely is his hand needed nowadays.
He still feels it, though, how the weight of that debt tugs at his being. It aches nearly as much as his tired and aging body that twinges. Xiao rubs an elbow idly.
Still, things are good. Exactly what he wants. Sunlit afternoons spent reading books and papers while draped across a couch in the ancient Wangshu Inn. Lazy nights in front of a fire, listening to Zhongli snore. Liyue has changed so much and technology has flourished, but the Inn has hung on stubbornly, its antiquated visage something of pride. 
They occupy the topmost floor and are left alone. The Goldet family still feeds him their famous almond tofu, even now. 
Once, Xiao thought he’d never find peace. He still wonders if this is what it is. Xiao always has one foot rooted in uncertainty.
“Xiao?” Zhongli’s head pops around the corner. He’s dressed in a plain cotton shirt and trousers. 
Warmth fills Xiao’s chest at the sight of him. Perhaps he’s closer to peace than he thinks. “Let’s stay in,” he says softly. “We’ll rest and read on the balcony, and share pot after pot of tea. I know it isn’t much, but—”
“It sounds perfect.” Zhongli’s voice is warm with affection. He watches Xiao, his eyes crinkled with fine lines of age. Still so handsome, especially now. 
Xiao smiles back.
They do exactly that and it’s nothing but sweet indulgence that’s rooted deeply in each other. Zhongli lays on their porch couch, Xiao’s back to his chest.
With the centuries has come innovation. Technology rules an era where there’s so little nature left. Xiao misses the bygone ages when he could see clifftops and rolling hills as far as his eyes could manage. Now, his eyes are shit; all he sees are the blurred edges of sparkling highrises.
Zhongli holds open a book with yellowed pages and years of stains. His arms are wrapped around Xiao’s waist as they read it together. 
It’s a collection of dusty old quotes, selected portions of popular stories through the centuries. Zhongli is rather attached to it. “‘I wish I knew how to quit you,’” he reads in an ominous tone. 
Xiao snorts. “I hate that one. So dreary.” 
“Still a good book.”
“If you like romantic tragedies.” Xiao doesn’t. If you asked a thousand years ago, he would’ve spoken positively. In his old age, he’s learned something astounding: Xiao rather likes enjoying his life, particularly with this old fool of a man. 
“‘I am nothing special; just a common man with common thoughts, and I’ve led a common life.’” The next quote that comes is boring. And incorrect. 
“Common man,” murmurs Xiao, tracing his fingertip along Zhongli’s arm. “I think not, Master.”
Zhongli chuckles behind him, his chest rumbling. Xiao hasn’t called him that sincerely in so long. Now it’s nothing but a silver-tongued pet name. 
“Which is your favorite?” asks Xiao, already knowing the answer. 
Zhongli shifts behind him, reaching around to turn a dog-eared page. Zhongli’s favorite, which makes it Xiao’s favorite. Zhongli’s mouth hovers near his ear. “‘You should be kissed often, and by someone who knows how.’”
Xiao’s heart lurches at the fine words curled right into his skin. He plucks the book from Zhongli’s fingers and sets it to the side.
Zhongli’s legs immediately spread wide, allowing Xiao to slot in between them. He hangs over him, pressing Zhongli back into the sofa, his gaze washing over his face. Worn with age, wrinkled and crinkled, but oh-so-handsome. Xiao loves the crow’s feet and soft laugh lines.
There was a time when neither thought they’d make it this far, but those are now fleeting memories of the past, lost almost entirely to time. 
“Just like that?” asks Zhongli in amusement, tugging Xiao closer. “With so few words?”
It’s words like this that set Xiao’s gut burning. He slips down that slope so easily. Perhaps it is even worse now that Xiao is allowed to be familiar, to touch and love Zhongli as he wished for so long ago. 
It’s still novel, thinks Xiao as his gaze turns hungered and he feels pleasure pooling in his gut. Just like that indeed.
Xiao grasps Zhongli by the chin and tilts his face up. “You should be kissed often,” he muses as he looks at him. 
Zhongli watches back, eyes affectionate. “You certainly know how.”
Xiao kisses him, a sweet and tender thing. Their lips meet languidly, Xiao licking into Zhongli’s mouth. It’s so familiar, so well-known that Xiao gets lost in it. He loses sight of everything else as he slips entirely into pleasure. 
Zhongli lifts a hand, threading fingers through Xiao’s hair, tugging gently at his scalp to change the angle. His other hand slips around to grab at Xiao’s ass, pulling him closer and—
Xiao practically purrs into Zhongli’s mouth, feeling the hardness that fills his trousers. He pulls back from the kiss just long enough to say, “Just like that?”
And Zhongli laughs, kissing him again, this time more fiercely. Xiao nips at his mouth, catching his lip between his teeth. He drags a hand down Zhongli’s front to slip into the loose collar of his shirt. Oh, how Xiao wants to lick his way across his entire being. 
“I did want to spend time with you,” says Zhongli against him, chuckling softly. “But—”
“Don’t say that you didn’t expect this.” Because Zhongli should’ve. Even now, they can’t keep their hands off each other. 
Their third kiss is animalistic, teeth clacking as they bite at each other. Zhongli reaches underneath Xiao’s shirt, scratching at the skin there. Xiao moans into his mouth, their tongues meeting in a wet embrace.
Xiao loves moments like this, small pockets in time where everything else melts away. Zhongli grinds against him, their cocks dragging with delicious friction, and he moans low and deep. 
“Xiao,” says Zhongli quietly, “Get up and come here.”
He does, shifting until he’s kneeling stock straight, fingers curled into the couch. Zhongli shifts slightly until his face is level with his tented cock, nuzzling his nose along the length of it.
“Oh,” breathes Xiao, already holding his head there with one hand, just a gentle pressure against the back of Zhongli’s scalp.
 Zhongli says nothing as he pulls Xiao’s trousers down, freeing him. “Out here on the balcony?” 
“Don’t care,” says Zhongli, wrapping a warm hand around Xiao’s length and pumping it once. He looks at Xiao’s cock like it’s a masterpiece, his eyes warm and crinkled around the edges as he smiles softly. 
Gods, Xiao loves this man. Never thought he’d have him, but here they are eons later, Zhongli ready to worship his cock. Which he does. Zhongli presses a kiss right where his cock meets his groin, nipping at the skin there. Lifts a hand to cradle Xiao’s balls, squeezing them gently. Then, he licks across his length in a teasing little stripe.
Xiao sighs as he watches, brushing Zhongli’s hair back from his forehead. “Always so good for me,” he murmurs.
“Yes well, it’s easy when I love this.” Zhongli presses a kiss to the tip of his cock and then swallows him down. 
His mouth is hot and wet. He tongues around the underside of Xiao’s dick before sucking around him. Xiao melts, moaning as he slips in deeper. Zhongli is dutiful in his attention, working his mouth with enthusiasm. 
“Gods.” Xiao moans softly, his head tipping forward as he tries not to buck into his throat, but it’s hard with how perfect his mouth feels. Xiao distracts himself by tugging at his hair sharply, something that he knows Zhongli loves. 
Zhongli groans around him, the sound of it just as addicting as the way his throat vibrates. He grasps Xiao by the ass and pulls at him, encouraging him to move. So he does, sinking his cock into his mouth that last inch or so, until Zhongli’s nose is nestled into the coarse hair at the base of it. 
It’s nearly enough to tip him right over, and Xiao would relish in it, losing himself right into Zhongli's throat, but— 
“Zhongli,” murmurs Xiao, smoothing his thumb over the high arch of his cheekbones, and then down to feel the swell of his cock in his throat. Xiao swallows thickly when Zhongli looks back at him through wet eyes.
“I want to take care of you, I want—”
Zhongli’s eyes darken at that and he pulls off of his cock, swirling his tongue around the tip.“You want to fuck me,” he says, rather crudely, and all it does is cause pleasure to pool deep into Xiao’s gut.
He does. He wants to pick Zhongli apart and lose himself entirely to the feel of him. “When do I never want to fuck you?”
“Hm.” Zhongli looks amused as his hand still slides along his cock. He pauses to lean forward and lap up the precome that drips from the tip, and Xiao feels the pleasure in his core nearly snap once more. It’s sinful, the way that he looks when Zhongli does something so simple, so inelegant. 
Xiao wants to see him utterly ruined by his cock instead. 
“I know that look,” says Zhongli, not unkindly. 
“Gods, I want you.” Xiao’s hand tightens against the back of the couch, his nails digging in. Zhongli watches him back with glittering, golden eyes. He might not be an Archon anymore, but neither of them is mortal, and Zhongli knows when to indulge. 
It’s less than a minute to the bed, which is far more comfortable than fucking outdoors. Zhongli has already pulled off his shirt and tossed it to the side, his fingers curled into the waistband of his trousers. Xiao’s shirt is open and unbuttoned, his fingers making quick work of it on his way inside. Zhongli slides into the bed and settles on his back, waiting for him, naked and legs spread. 
“So handsome,” says Xiao, soaking up the sight of him, lingering as he leans against the doorframe, his trousers still slung low on his hips. 
“No, you,” says Zhongli, watching him with a dragon-like gaze. 
It’s natural, falling into the sheets with him. Their bed is warmth and comfort. Xiao hangs over him, palming down his front and across the sharpness of his hips, and Zhongli arches into the touch.
Xiao presses a kiss to Zhongli’s throat. “All mine,” he says, his tongue snaking out to lick against his skin, tasting it. And the sounds that Zhongli makes—all of them curl right at the base of Xiao’s cock where it’s hard and leaking. 
Zhongli too. Xiao swipes his hand across his length, smiling against Zhongli’s neck when he moans. 
“So slow,” he murmurs, squirming in the sheets as he shuffles around to reach underneath a pillow. 
Xiao snorts when he produces a bottle of oil. “That eager?”
“When am I not?” Zhongli throws his earlier words right back at him, and Xiao’s mouth curls into a real, rare smile. Zhongli takes a moment and grabs Xiao’s hand, pulling it to his mouth. Kisses the ring that sits there, his mouth lingering as he nuzzles it. “Husband,” he says so lovingly, “please indulge me.”
Xiao sighs softly as his heart tightens. “All right,” he says, slicking his fingers up and pressing them to the crease of Zhongli’s ass. He circles the tight entrance there, easing the way for his finger. 
Zhongli moans the moment the first one slips in, his thighs spreading slightly. Xiao laughs against his collarbone, pressing a kiss there. He teases him, sure, but he loves that Zhongli is so ready and responsive. 
Xiao is quick in his work, pulling at his rim and pressing the finger in deep. A second joins the first and Zhongli keens, hips lifting off the bed slightly as his head falls back. Xiao nuzzles the inside of his thigh, biting at the skin there, curling his fingers fervently as he tries to find—
“Ah—” His mouth curls into a feral grin against Zhongli’s thigh, and he presses his fingers deep against his prostate. “Oh, oh—” 
Xiao pulls his fingers out because he’s feeling a little cruel, and Zhongli whines as his hips chase his hand. 
“Cruel,” says Zhongli with a huff, wriggling underneath Xiao’s firm grasp.
Xiao settles between Zhongli’s legs properly. He smooths his hands along Zhongli’s sides, taking in his slim form. Not much has changed over the centuries, aside from wrinkles here and there, and deep-seated tiredness that sags his bones. 
Zhongli is still the most handsome man he’s ever known, and Xiao tells him this as he slides his cock right in. Zhongli sighs as he fills him, head falling back, his eyes fluttering closed. 
He looks so good, taking him like this. Xiao presses in eagerly until his hips meet Zhongli’s ass. “So good for me,” moans Xiao softly, sweeping his hand down hardened muscles. “You always take me so well.”
Zhongli opens his eyes and they meet gazes. He’s flushed pink from his cheeks down to his collarbone, eyes half-lidded with lust. “I do believe that I said to indulge me,” he drawls, his voice low and husky. 
Xiao can’t help the curl of his lips as he looks down at him. And, oh, he will. It isn’t often that Zhongli prefers to be underneath him, but when he does, Xiao makes the most of it.
He pulls out to the tip and thrusts back in, and Zhongli keens below him, responding so perfectly. Xiao won’t last long, not with the way that Zhongli clings tight around his cock. 
Zhongli’s legs are a little too long to be easily manhandled, but Xiao presses his thighs back nonetheless. When he fucks into him, Zhongli pushes back, meeting every movement with the rise of his hips. 
It’s delicious, the way they watch each other. Zhongli’s gaze is utterly ruined, his red liner smeared around the corners of his eyes. Xiao knows he’s a mess too, looking entirely gone as his cock slides into Zhongli over and over with an effortless glide.
Wet, warm, and tight, and oh-so perfect. Xiao can already feel the pressure churning in his gut as he ruts into Zhongli with a little more force. Zhongli looks too good below him and he just loves him too much. 
He doesn’t go fast; Xiao opts for fervent, long strokes that strike deep. The angle is good enough for Zhongli to fist at the sheets. He moans low in his throat, the sound so debauched that Xiao nearly loses it right then. 
Instead, he distracts himself, scratching his fingers through the coarse hair at the base of Zhongli’s cock. Then, he wraps his hand around the length, pumping it gently, a far cry from the way that he fucks into him with measured, heavy movements.
“Xiao, Xiao—” It’s a whimper that dissolves as Xiao’s hand curls around the head of Zhongli’s cock, spreading the precome there. He groans as Zhongli tightens around him, the squeeze nearly suffocating.
Zhongli comes first, his come flooding Xiao’s hand. Xiao soaks up the sight—how overstimulated and sensitive Zhongli is; the way that he writhes underneath him, riding out the high of his orgasm; the feeling of his ass and the vice grip it has around Xiao’s cock. 
Xiao ruts into him with several aborted thrusts before he tips over the edge too, that fiery pleasure in his gut snapping entirely. He collapses against Zhongli, pressing his nose into the juncture of his neck, pressing soft kisses there as he spills everything that he has deep into him. 
“Fuck,” he murmurs against sweat-slick skin. “Gods, I love you.”
Zhongli presses a hand into his hair, combing through it. Sighs contently as he relishes the way that Xiao’s plastered himself against his front. They stay like that far too long, growing sticky with their mess. 
Clean-up is quick and efficient. When Xiao slips back into the sheets again, Zhongli is on his back, his arm open and waiting. Xiao rests his face against his chest and Zhongli resumes tangling his fingers into his soft hair, scratching lightly at his scalp. 
“We’re old,” says Xiao finally. “I’m sore and I ache. I am often tired.” He doesn’t mean just physically, he means his mind too. Time passes and erosion tugs at his seams, whether he wants it to or not.
Zhongli hums softly, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Might I suggest retirement?”
Xiao snorts. Then he falls quiet, thinking, just for a moment. And then he says, “This, I won’t tire of, though. What we share. It’s everlasting.”
Zhongli shifts slightly, grasping at Xiao’s left hand and thumbing over that beloved ring that sits there. “I love you,” he says, kissing the knuckles of his fingers gently. “Forever.”
Xiao never thought he’d have forever, but it’s nice that time has proven him wrong. 
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"What we are is but a choice" - a Final Fantasy XV fanfiction
Written for Vol. 3 of Zibe Time, a multifandom/original works, anything-goes zine! This run's theme was Pride. Every participant was assigned a colour of the original Gilbert Baker Pride flag and did their piece according to the meaning of their colour in the context of the Pride flag. I was assigned the colour red which stands for life.
You can download the zine for free here, and its official Twitter is here. And here, you can find all volumes of the zine that have been published thus far.
Title: What we are is but a choice Fandom: FFXV Word Count: 4K Relationships: Ignis & Gladio & Prompto & Noctis, Ignis/OMC Summary:
Ignis is 13 when he comes out to his uncle. He never has a grand revelation about his sexuality. It’s something that just is, something he’s been all his life and thus has never given much thought. or... Glimpses into Ignis' life throughout the years.
Read the first ~1000 words below the cut and the entire fic here on AO3!
Ignis is 13 when he comes out to his uncle.
He never has a grand revelation about his sexuality. It’s something that just is, something he’s been all his life and thus has never given much thought.
That is until puberty hits and he starts to actually become aware of boys in a more tangible way.
Of course, between the distinct lack of boys his age at the citadel, where he spends most of his day, and his very full schedule, nothing much comes of it. But it does make him think that this is something he should perhaps tell his uncle. Unlike for Gladio or Noct, eventually, there isn’t pressure for him to get married and produce an heir, but Ignis isn’t sure if it’s something that might cause problems for him later down the line.
He’s nervous when he asks his uncle to have a talk one late night when they’re sharing a meal Ignis cooked. It’s rare for them to be home at the same time, and even rarer for the both of them to have enough downtime to slow down and have a conversation, so Ignis snatches the opportunity with both hands and pushes on, despite the fact that his heart is beating uncomfortably fast in his chest.
Ignis doesn’t even know why he’s nervous. His uncle is a kind man, beneath the stiff and formal exterior Ignis has long adopted himself. His uncle is also the black sheep of their family, on account of having never married and favouring a busy life with few close relationships. There’s no way he’s going to reject Ignis for something as mundane as his sexual orientation.
And yet.
“What did you want to talk about?” his uncle asks, once they’ve finished their meal and Ignis has run out of dishes to wash. There’s no way his uncle didn’t pick up on the obvious stalling, but mercifully, he doesn’t mention it.
Ignis brings two cups of tea to the coffee table in the living room. His hands are shaking ever so slightly, but his uncle ignores that too and makes his way over to his armchair.
There’s no reason to drag this out any further or try to talk around the issue, Ignis knows, so he wraps both hands around the mug to keep them from trembling, takes a deep breath, and dives headfirst into the conversation.
“Uncle, I’m gay. It’s something I’ve always been aware of, I suppose, but I felt you ought to know, too.”
He fights the urge to look away, instead holding his uncle’s gaze for the few uncomfortable seconds it takes the man to start talking.
“Well, that’s—no offense, Ignis, but that’s something I’ve known for a long time, too,” his uncle says, not unkindly.
Whatever Ignis expected to hear, this certainly isn’t it.
A small, strangled noise is all Ignis manages, all his usual eloquence going right out the window. 
“Am I really that obvious?!”
His uncle offers him a small smile and leans forward a bit, fixing Ignis with his gaze. 
“Perhaps a bit. But keep in mind, I’ve known you since you were a child. Also, I daresay I’m simply a tad more observant than most people, wouldn’t you agree? I don’t believe you have a reason to worry.”
Ignis nods, feeling slightly light-headed. 
“And… you don’t mind?”
His voice sounds smaller than intended, embarrassingly fragile even to his own ears. It’s clear his uncle has also picked up on it, judging from his little frown and the way his face grows serious.
“Of course not, Ignis, did you expect me to?”
Thankfully, Ignis doesn’t have to answer that because his uncle continues almost immediately.
“I simply want you to be happy, my dear boy. However that happiness may look.”
And, oh, that catches Ignis by surprise, coming from a man who so rarely shares his true feelings and has never been overly affectionate even when Ignis was a child.
His eyes sting a little, but he nods, not quite trusting his voice with words just yet.
“I just ask that you be careful,” his uncle sighs. “The Citadel is still full of old people with outdated worldviews, and if the wrong person gets an impression of you that they deem unacceptable, they may make your life miserable for it. You’d do well to keep your private life as much under wraps as you do the Prince’s.”
Ignis nods again, not really surprised. He doesn’t expect anything else, has already seen enough of the more conservative councilmembers and the way they treat anyone who doesn't fit into their narrow-minded ideals.
“Of course. It won’t cause any issues. I’ll make sure of it.”
Ignis is 17 when he falls in love for the first time.
True to his words, the people at the Citadel remain clueless about his love life. Certainly, there are a few rumors about his sexuality here and there because he never shows any interest in any woman apart from the expected polite exchanges, but he’s never seen showing interest in anyone who would confirm their suspicions, either. Ignis, after all, has grown up with the concept of discretion being drilled into his head due to his proximity to the Prince.
He comes out to Gladio, eventually, and then to Noct too, but as expected, neither of them particularly cares and life continues much in the same fashion until Ignis is 17.
What changes at 17 is that one night at a social gathering, Ignis is approached by a young man as briefly steps out on the balcony for some fresh air.
The man introduces himself as Sebastian, and Ignis recognises him as the son of a councilmember. Their similarity is striking, but the same features that make the father appear unapproachable, detached and consistently constipated look enticing enough on the son’s face that Ignis is intrigued.
They exchange numbers and a promise to be in touch, both knowing that they cannot risk anything at an event like this.
When Ignis gets home that night, there is a message already waiting for him, and then he falls asleep way later than he should because Sebastian keeps texting him and Ignis cannot bring himself to cut their conversation short.
They communicate mostly through text for a few weeks until Sebastian officially asks him to be his boyfriend, and Ignis feels stupid with excitement and giddiness when he texts back “Yes” with shaky fingers.
And for more than a year, Ignis is happy, happier than he ever remembers being. He’s been content before, certainly, but there is something about the way Sebastian makes his heart flutter that makes him realise how far removed his experiences are from those of a normal teenager. It’s his honour and his greatest pride, of course, to stand tall beside Noctis until the boy grows into a King who sits the throne. 
And yet, the terrifyingly thrilling new experience of a romantic relationship unlocks a secret longing in him, a desire to get a taste of what being young feels like.
Still, that’s all just silly, pointless thinking, so Ignis brushes it aside and focuses on his relationship with Sebastian. 
It’s safe to say Ignis is in love, and even though he wishes they didn’t have to keep meeting in secret, he’s glad Sebastian understands the societal pressure that comes with their status and never pushes him to make their relationship public.
Read the entire fic here!
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aajjks · 6 months
having just finished her therapy session, chaeyoung is sitting and talking with her friend tina. yes, tina hwang who is excited to see her friend after such a long time. it’s because of tina that chaeyoung is able to access her phone and while she’s there, the two laugh and converse about all kinds of things. they even reminisce on the “good old days” from when they were nothing but little girls dreaming of becoming idols from their shared love of IU.
chaeyoung followed through on her dream while tina became a successful model but ever since the lawsuit, chaeyoung has slowly became irrelevant. she hasn’t released music in so long and though her fans continue to spread her relevancy through twitter, most of the media was too busy praising jungkook to even pay her any mind.
the longer she recovered mentally in the institution, the more she began have a more love-hate relationship with jeon jungkook. it’s strange how the two girls are still besties despite sharing the same man but tina would never let a minor inconvenience like jungkook tear them apart.
speaking of jungkook, he rings her phone and chaeyoung regrettably answers it too fast to her liking.
“Hello. It’s me” he says and his deep voice nearly has her melting to the floor. his voice alone tugs on her heartstrings despite the brewing hate she has towards him for taking her son away and ruining her life.
“yeah, i know it’s you” replies chaeyoung and tina immediately knows just who she’s talking to.
“I’m gonna make this really short. What is it that you want? And why did you bring namjoon into this?”
really? THAT’S why he called? chaeyoung can feel her blood boiling all over again. no, are you okay? no, how are you doing? she knows he’s doing this for your sake. it’s always, ALWAYS about you even when you aren’t here. good things he’s an idiot just like you are.
“look” chaeyoung softens her tone “i just…i just want to be able to see my son, okay? please. that’s all i want”
tina begs her to put jungkook on speaker because she wants to hear if he’ll take the bait. her voice sounds very convincing and sincere. she misses her son, which is true but she knows that he won’t let her have him.
that’s the thing. jungkook always, always has the last laugh. he tarnished her career and ruined her mentally. as much as she loves jungkook, truly, if she can’t have him then no one can. she won’t touch you because you aren’t the person who necessarily pushed a lawsuit against her but she’s sure with jungkook dead and gone, you’ll be in so much pain that she won’t need to do it herself.
“jungkook? can i please see jaemin? it doesn’t have to be everyday just…just one day out of the week, please? i’m allowed to have visitors now so, please?”
He laughs, cruelly.
Of course, he knows she’s putting on an act, it’s so obvious when she’s got that soft tone, “no.” He says simply, gritting his teeth because she’s trying to use his infant son as bait. And he knows what happened the last time he went to meet her.
“You’ve been in therapy for what? less than three months chaeyoung, I’m not that easy to fool, I saw the look inside your eyes last night… it’s revenge you want.” He snarls, Jungkook grips his phone tightly, he can’t believe he just wasted his time.
“You wanted so badly to give me a child, didn’t you? So you’ve done it, thank you now he’s mine. Go away and forget about him.” He’s warning her, calming his tone down, he can’t get too angry.
“Listen.. we can make a deal.” Jungkook switches to plan B. Of course he has to. “I can fix your career and your reputation, I’ll even fund it- I have a lot of connections in the entertainment industry yknow that.” He’s carefully putting his offer on the table, “You can go back to being the biggest kpop star you once were.. I know how much you loved it all..” it’s true, she adored being adored.
And he can make that happen for her, that is if she agrees to his terms and conditions. “But…. I want you out of our life for once and all.” Jungkook will resort to the last thing after this, because there’s no other way if she doesn’t agree.
He will have to kill her.
“You won’t see Jaemin, and won’t try to take him, you’ll be out of our lives. Because I swear to God if you aren’t, I’ll kill you. So what’s it gonna be?”
Jungkook waits for her response while he can’t wait to come home so you both can ready for your engagement party tonight.
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hesitationss · 2 years
i can only share my long winded personal thoughts on tumblr because if i do this on twitter it will be interpreted as “anti-“ something that i’m not 😭 you will never catch me sharing nuance on a site where ppl use “nuance” to make excuse for contributing to oppression and harm or even justify it and make it some sort of public statement to validate their pooh pooh dumb dumb bad opinions about communism. i’m just a little guy w a blog!
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withcolebrock · 3 years
Corpse Husband x fem reader
Summary: Y/N surprises Corpse on his birthday
Warnings: a few swear words
Word count: 1,818
Author’s Note: happy early birthday Corpsey!! I thought about writing a birthday fic and this is what I cam up with, I hope you guys enjoy it. Also please tell me I’m not the only person that remembers Mario Super Sluggers, one of the best Mario games and I stand by that, that’s all. 
Corpse was never big on birthdays. He hated the attention it brought on him, he hated the idea of celebrating himself like that. He stopped recognizing his birthday when he was fifteen. Never acknowledge the day as something special. Until he met Y/N. Three years ago he met Y/N through social media and she was the first person he felt comfortable enough to show his face to.
The two were never romantically involved, per say, but they definitely had romantic feelings for each other. Their friends were big on teasing them about their feelings for each other, Felix and Sean always had a field day with this. Their friend group thought it was peak comedy. Even Corpse would admit that it was hilarious listening to Sean try to impersonate his voice.
Y/N and Corpse first met on his birthday, he invited her to come over and hang out. She happily accepted the offer. Ever since then Corpse has started to look forward to his birthday because he knew they would spend all day together. He knew he would be happy and smiling the whole day because of her.
He was laying in bed watching one of Dream’s Manhunts. He lifted his phone from his side table to begin to scroll through Twitter. It was the same old tweets and not a lot of tweets from his friends, quite boring. He reached to place it down when he saw a phone call from Y/N. His pinked lips curled up softly as he spent a few seconds admiring the photo of her in his merch hoodie that he took.
“Y/N, Hey,” he said while putting the phone on speaker. He cleared his throat while he rested the phone on his chest.
“I’m so sorry, Corpse,” she whispered, a small whimper left her lips. Corpse furrowed his eyebrows as he adjusted the pillow under his head.
“What’s wrong, Hun?” he asked.
“I can’t make it tomorrow, my car won’t start and my brother came to look at it and it looks like I need a new battery and possibly an alternator, I’m so sorry Corpse, I really wanted to see you,”
Corpse let her finish talking while he felt his heart sink at her words. She was all he was looking forward to seeing for weeks. He spent a few days cleaning his apartment, making it spotless. He went out to the store to buy her favorite alcohol and other snacks. “It’s fi-Don’t worry about it, it’s okay,” he whispered. He tapped his finger against his laptop while clenching his jaw.
“We will still celebrate your birthday, I promise, we will still have a good day, okay?” she offered.
“Yeah, of course, it’ll still be good. Yeah, we can-yeah we can do something over discord,” he explained while he tossed his computer to the other side of his bed as he slowly pushed himself off the bed.
“Are you mad?” she asked, her voice was barely audible.
“No of course not, it’s something out of your control, it’s okay I promise,” he responded while he left his bedroom. His gaze looked all over his freshly cleaned apartment, that never looks this nice and put together, “I was just excited to see you is all,” the words fell from his lips without realizing. His eyes widened as she was silent on her end of the phone.
“I was excited too,” she whispered. After a few more minutes they ended their phone call with a quick shared goodbye. He rested his phone down on the counter as he continued to frustratingly clench his jaw. His gaze shifted towards the bottle of Vodka in the corner of his kitchen. He sighed while he reached for it and quickly untwisted it. He brought it to his lips and took a quick sip of it. He cringed as he set the bottle down on the counter while twisting the lid back on.
“How does she like this shit,” he muttered as he shook his head again at the after taste. He walked towards his bathroom, while dropping his head slightly.  He rested his phone and his watch down onto the bathroom counter. He looked into the mirror briefly before shifting his gaze back towards his feet. He started to take off his clothes to get into the shower and to try and rush the end of the day. He wanted to try and sleep to get Y/N off of his mind.
He was surprised when he woke up when he realized he did in fact fall asleep for a while. It was late past nine o’clock when he reached for his phone on his side table. He opened Twitter to see hundreds of thousands of birthday tweets from fans. His face softens as his lips curled up into a smile.
Over the years his fans would tell him happy birthday, over social media but this year felt different. The constant messages rolling through slowly started forming tears into his eyes. The amount of endless love he always received from his fans always made him feel better and slightly more secure than last time. His eyes filled with more tears as he saw his friends tweet sweet little birthday messages. A few tears slipped his eyes as he began to reply to their tweets and private messages.
He raised his hand as he wiped his eyes. He shook his head as she slowly stood up from his bed while he kept his phone in his hand. The birthday messages and wishes were a quick and short distraction from the one person he wanted to see. The one person who made him excited for his birthday again. He sighed as he opened his fridge, taking a bottle of water.
The silence in his apartment was heartbreaking, despite the love and appreciation he felt from his fans and his friends, he was still alone. He never wanted to remember the feeling of being alone on his birthday again. He loved the joy and love he felt from Y/N when she would spent the day with him. He wiped his eye as he rested his phone beside his bottle of water when it started to ring. He quickly cleared his throat as he answered the phone.
“Open the door,” she spoke. Corpse’s eyebrows furrowed as he stood silently while he waited for her to elaborate, “Open the door, please,” she continued. He chuckled nervously as he kept the phone to his ear as he wandered towards the door. He looked through the peep hole to see Y/N standing holding a small cake. He chuckled as he pulled the door open. She smiled widely when she saw him. His smile was as wide as it could go as he was at a loss for words. His body was tense as he looked deeply into her eyes. “Happy birthday,” she whispered as she stared towards him. Corpse slowly brought his phone down into his hoodie pocket as he reached out for the cake.
“I thought you couldn’t come,” he said as he walked towards the kitchen. She placed her phone into her jean pocket as she kept her gaze on Corpse.
“Suprise?” she let out while she ran her fingers through her hair. He chuckled as he turned to face her. He leaned his body against the counter while he crossed his arms over his chest.
“Come here,” he said, barely audible. She rushed towards him delicately wrapping her arms around him as he slowly did the same. He took a long deep breath as he ran his hand slowly up and down her back. His eyes shut as he fought off the tears of joy filling his eyes. He sniffed, as she pulled away from him.
‘Are you okay?” she asked as she stood in front of him, anxiously playing with her sleeves. He nodded as he chewed at his bottom lip.
“I’m just happy you’re here is all,”
They sat together with a half eaten chocolate cake with a half a bottle of wine, with Mario Super Sluggers on the TV screen. She leane her head back laughing as she watched Corpse try and get Bowser to get to first base. “Come on, come on, come on, Oh fuck that!” he yelled through a few chuckles. Y/N gets Diddy Kong to get Bowser out. “Oh come on Bowser you’re supposed to be all strong and shit what is this bullshit,” he complained while he sat back down on the couch. She leaned her head back as she began laughing hysterically.
“I think it’s just you, Hun, this aint got nothing to do with Bowser,” she explained. He shook his head while laughing.
“I am so good at this game, it’s definitely Bowser for sure,” he continued. They played the game for a few more rounds, there was tons of trash talk and laughter shared. A full bottle of wine and a few vodka sodas later they were both drunk and still making their way through the cake sitting on the coffee table.
“I’m so glad you came, honestly would’ve been a shit day without you,” Corpse said as he took another fork full of cake and he slowly brought it to his lips.
“It’s been a great day, it’s always a great day with you, Lovely,” she turned her head towards him. He tilted his head to meet her gaze. A small chuckle leaves his lips as he stares into her eyes, admiring the color. “Why are you laughing?” she chuckled as she spoke quietly. He shook his head as he pressed his lips together.
“That’s a new nickname,” he whispered. She furrowed her eyebrows as she tilted her head back slightly, “Lovely,” he hummed before leaning slightly closer to her, “I like that one.”
“I’ll start using it more then,” she said while she turned her head away from him briefly, “Lovely.” He smiled widely as he rolled his eyes playfully. He lifted his hand and wiped his hair away from his eyes as he reached into his pocket for his phone. He opened his camera. “What are you doing?”
“Smile,” he said while he held the camera facing her. She furrowed her eyebrows and laughed nervously. She smiled towards Coprse. He took a few of the photos and held his phone up as he looked towards her through the phone. He admired her smile, the way her nose scrunched up slightly when she did. He slowly lowered his phone as he kept his gaze towards her.
“What,” she let out nervously, her lips still curled upwards. He shook  his head as he reluctantly shifted his gaze back to his phone. He went to Twitter and picked his favorite one. He captioned the photo, Great Birthday with my Lovely :).
He drunkenly posted without thinking about the repercussions that would’ve occurred.
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spideyobsessed · 3 years
The Best Against The World | T.H.
tom holland x actress!reader
Synopsis: In this sequel, what does fate hold for you and Tom after your breakup?
IMPORTANT: It gets a tad sexual at the end, my bad. Nothing actually happens but here’s a slight smut warning anyway.
This is the second part to my fic “Tired”
Tumblr media
“Actress Y/n L/n has reportedly broken up with Actor Tom Holland”
“Why did Spidey and Silk call it quits? Read more to find out!”
“Heads up, ladies! Tom Holland is officially back on the market.”
“Check out these heartbreaking photos of our favorite couple saying their final goodbyes”
The headlines were endless.
It made you sick how these reporters acted like they were truly devastated over your breakup. They’re like vultures. And to make matters even worse, the paparazzi snapped some photos of Tom leaving your house with all of his things. TMZ knew about your breakup before you even got the chance to fully process it.
It’s been five months, and you miss it terribly. Not the fame, but the life you had with Tom. There’s been so many times where you accomplished a task and excitedly turned to tell him all about it, but he wasn’t there.
There’s been times where you nearly impulse bought a new toy for Tessa before realizing you don’t come home to her anymore.
At night, you mindlessly reach for the empty space in your once shared bed. The cold sheets always make you shudder as you retract your arm back to your side.
You aren’t afraid to admit that life without Tom is a lot more difficult than you expected it to be, but breaking up is not something that you regret.
Your mental health is the best it’s been in years. You finally have time to relax and visit family and friends and pick up new hobbies. Granted, you still get stopped by fans every now and then, but you never really minded them in the first place.
You’re confident in every decision you’ve made up to this point; it’s truly what you needed. You’re out of the spotlight and done with fame... almost.
. . .
Tom adjusts his collar in the mirror and fixes a few strands of hair before smiling in satisfaction, pleased with his appearance.
He walks out into his living room where his younger brother sits on the couch. Both men are dressed and ready to go.
“Mate, I really need to tell you something.” His brother Harry says urgently once Tom takes a seat next to him.
Tom rolls his eyes and scoffs defensively, “Look if it’s about the glasses, I don’t want to hear it. I don’t care if they aren’t prescribed. They look cool!”
“What? No! Forget the glasses. I just saw someone on Twitter say that-“ Harry begins, but is cut off by the ringing on Tom’s phone.
Harry’s shoulders slump as he impatiently taps his foot on the ground. “Hey, Alan.” The older boy answers.
Harry watches as his brother’s face contorts into confusion and maybe a bit of frustration. Tom pinches the bridge of his nose and squeezes his eyes shut while still listening to his manager speak through the phone.
“Yeah, man. I can do that.” He says in a surprisingly calm voice, despite his body language presenting the opposite. “Thanks. I’ll see you then.”
He hangs up the phone before slamming it down on the coffee table in front of them. “What’s wrong?” Harry asks.
Tom takes a deep breath, trying his best not to lose his cool. “These damn award shows are always so stressful. There was a schedule change and it’s going to be impossible to make it on time now. I was also just notified that I’m supposed to accept an award for someone; just more anxiety added on.”
‘This must have been what she was talking about’ Tom thinks to himself.
He’s never realized how much the fame and everything that comes with it can truly take a toll on you. It’s never even been an afterthought for him, because he always had you to fall back on. Any time he was stressed or anxious or anything but okay, you were always there to make him feel better. Tom feels a strain on his heart when he realizes he didn’t do the same for you, and this is the consequence.
He takes another deep breath as he becomes overwhelmed with emotions and tears threaten to spill from his eyes. Harry looks at Tom, and he’s immediately torn. He doesn’t want to upset his brother more, but he also doesn’t want to keep this newfound information away from him. He’s going to find out eventually.
Harry reads the tweet to himself again: “@y/nsdaya: I just know Y/n is going to win best actress tonight!!”
Tom raises his head when he hears a ding from his phone. “They’re outside. We have to hurry.” He says with a sniffle.
Harry notices as Tom wipes a few tears from his already reddening eyes. He reaches over and gives him a few sympathetic pats on the back, “It’s going to be alright, man.”
“Let’s hope so.” he mumbles before they both leave the house.
When they both get settled in the limo, Tom remembers. “Oh sorry mate! What is it that you wanted to tell me earlier?”
“Oh..” Harry trails off. He looks down, the tweet still showing on his tiny screen. His eyes travel back to Tom, and he can tell that he’s trying his best to hold it together. With a sigh, Harry locks his phone.
“Margot Robbie is going to be there. I might try getting her number.”
This brings out a genuine laugh from Tom, quickly lightening the mood. “Alright, good luck with that.”
. . .
After the whole routine — walking the red carpet, taking pictures with fans, being friendly with interviewers — Tom was finally able to take his seat in the main area for the award show.
He can’t help but think about you as he sits at his table alone. Usually you two would goof around for the entirety of the night. Often times fans or photographers would catch moments where Tom was admiring you without your knowledge and vice versa.
Admittedly, Tom misses being called “the cutest couple”. No matter how cringeworthy you both thought it was in the moment. He misses getting to hold your hand or getting to pull you in close to him by your waist. And god it feels like a lifetime since he’s heard your voice; heard his name roll beautifully off of your tongue.
If you were with him right now, you’d most likely be making some absurd comment about how you wished they had a buffet. You probably would’ve already taken off your heels and started walking around the venue barefoot. You’d most definitely tease him about how much hair gel he’s wearing, insisting his natural curls would have looked so much better.
Tom smiles sadly at the thought of what could’ve been. He wonders what would have happened if he had just stayed home with you for the first day of the tour like you asked. That could’ve been a game changer. He mentally curses himself at least once a day for not saying yes. Why couldn’t he just say yes?
“You gotta be careful daydreaming, dude. You’ve been staring at Emily Blunt for like three minutes; you’re creeping her out.”
Zendaya’s voice snaps Tom out of his thoughts. He looks up at her, stunned like a dear in the headlights. “W-What?” He stuttered.
With a chuckle, Zendaya reiterates by pointing at Emily, who is looking right back at them. This is when Tom fully registers what Z had said and he begins to blush madly. He awkwardly gives her a wave, which she returns graciously.
“Bloody hell, the night hasn’t even started and I’ve already embarrassed myself.” Tom laughs as he rises to his feet to greet Zendaya with a hug.
“Ah, it’ll be fine. She probably won’t even remember it by the end of the night.” She comforts him. “Come here, I want you to meet some of my friends.”
Before Tom knows it, he’s being dragged by his wrist through the packed crowd of celebrities. Once they finally reach their destination, he’s greeted by a table full of well dressed women.
“These are my girls from Euphoria!” Z introduces excitedly. “We have Hunter, Barbie, Sydney, Alexa, Maude, and Storm.”
“Hi, Tom.” They all giggle collectively.
He clears his throat, “Hello, ladies. Congrats to you lot on the nomination. It’s well deserved.”
A wave of thank you’s erupt from the table. “Congratulations to you too! I loved you in Cherry.” The girl he remembers as Barbie speaks up.
Before he gets a chance to thank her, he feels a hand on his bicep, “And I love you in this suit. Is it Armani?” The girl sitting closest to him gushes. Alexa, he recalls.
Tom feels his body tense. It’s been a while since he’s been on the dating scene, so he can’t tell if she’s flirting or if she’s just a touchy feely type of person. He tries not to read into it too much.
“I don’t know actually. My stylist just handed it to me and I put it on.” He chuckles.
Z slightly tugs at his collar, “You know what? I think this is actually boyfriend material.”
Her comment makes the cast explode into high pitched cheers, causing Tom to turn bright red. “No no no.” He laughs politely, but they can’t hear him over themselves.
He watches as Alexa stands up, closing the already little space that was between them. Unsure of what to do, Tom shoots a quick look at Zendaya, who is wiggling her eyebrows at him suggestively.
‘Yeah, she’s not going to help’ He thinks.
Putting her hands on his chest, Alexa isn’t afraid to get up close and personal. “Luckily for you, boyfriend material is just what I’m looking for.” She winks.
Tom can’t lie, he admires her confidence. He would never be able to go up to someone and blatantly flirt with them, not even you. Cautiously, he puts his hands on her hips and slowly pushes her back, trying to return the space between them.
He continues to chuckle nervously while trying to piece his words together kindly. “Alexa, is it? You’re very beautiful and I appreciate the gesture, but I’m nowhere near ready to start anything with anyone right now. I’m sorry.”
“You’re still not over Y/n?” Zendaya chimes in.
He laughs as if it wasn’t already obvious, “Of course I’m not. It’s only been a little more than five months, you don’t get over someone like Y/n in that amount of time.”
Tom freezes when he realizes all of their eyes were on him and their consistent giggling seized. His big mouth has said too much again. He worriedly looks back at Alexa, who he still has a light grip on. “I really am sorry. I don’t know why I said that out loud.” Tom apologizes again.
Alexa simply shakes her head, “No, it’s okay! I was only joking.. unless you were down. But honestly, it was just innocent flirting.”
Tom subconsciously releases a quick breath of relief before finally dropping his hands to his side. He would’ve felt horrible if he had hurt her feelings, especially since they just met.
“If you don’t mind me asking, what happened between you two?” The blonde girl asks.
‘Okay, I know her name is Hunter.’ He thinks to himself.
“I loved you both together, I was shocked to hear the news.” She finishes.
He scratches the back of his head, desperately wanting to talk about you but not wanting to reveal too much of his personal life. “Uh it kinda makes me sound like a jerk.” He chuckles.
“We figured.” All the girls say in sync.
Tom is visibly taken aback by their confidence in the fact that he was in the wrong. “Okay wow. How would you guys know?” He scoffs.
“Because you’re the guy. It’s usually always the guy’s fault.” Zendaya answers.
Tom stays silent, not being able to argue with that statement because he knows it’s true.
Alexa pulls out a chair and pats the cushioned seat, “Come on. It’s time for a therapy sesh.”
It doesn’t take much for Tom to give in. He sits down and starts to tell your love story, from the glorious beginning to the devastating end.
. . .
“She was genuinely tired, I could see it in those gorgeous eyes of hers. So I let her go, and it was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.” He finishes.
The table is silent before Hunter speaks up, “Wow. Call me an angsty bitch, but I love you two even more now.”
Tom laughs lightly as he looks down at his hands, trying to maintain his emotions.
“You’re gonna try again, right?” Maude asks him.
He looks at her, contemplating her question. As much as he hates it, he opens his mouth to say, “No, I think we’re done. Like completely done with one another.”
All the girls groan and complain in protest.
“But why?”
“You have to!”
“Oh, come on!”
“Boo! Boring ending.”
Zendaya lays her arm on Tom’s shoulder, “Come on, Tom. It’s clear you both love each other still. It was just bad timing.”
“Exactly!” Tom exclaims, “Bad timing doesn’t happen to people that are meant to be. Y/n and I just weren’t meant to be.”
More shouts of protest and disagreement emerge.
“It won’t hurt to try!” Sydney says to him.
“It will actually hurt very much.” Tom counters, “What if she’s completely over me by now?”
Storm taps the table to grabs his attention, “Here’s how I see it. ‘Meant to be’ doesn’t mean there won’t be these huge bumps in the road. No couple is perfect, but the BEST couples are able to take time and space away from each other before finding their way back. You and Y/n are the best. If you try again, I guarantee you’ll be stronger than ever. Together.”
The cast agrees with her by clapping and saying things like:
“Well said.”
“Amen, sister.”
“Facts, facts.”
Their antics causes a laugh to escape Tom’s lips. He’s quiet while the girls continue to discuss his relationship amongst one another. He thinks about Storm’s words and they remind him of something you said the day you broke up.
‘Maybe we’ll find our way back to each other one day. We have to, because it will always and forever be me and you against the world.’
Tom leans forward, propping his elbows on the table. The girls go quiet and watch as he carefully considers what he’s going to say next.
He takes a deep breath before looking each of them in the eye, “Y/n and I... are the best.”
Everyone agrees in unison.
Tom smiles fondly at the thought of you being wrapped tightly in his arms once again. Sharing a bed again, eating dinner together, having late movies nights; he can see it all happening again. It’ll be like nothing ever changed.
“Then I’ll talk to her.” He finally decides.
The girls cheer excitedly as all of them get up and engulf him in a group hug. They might be more happy about this than Tom is.
“And who knows! Maybe you’ll be able to talk to her tonight. She’ll be in a good mood if she wins big.” One of the girls say, but he can’t make out who it was.
“Wait what? What do you mean if she wins tonight?” He urgently looks around for answers.
Z chuckles right in his face, “You didn’t know?” is all she says.
“No!” Tom exclaims anxiously, “Didn’t know what?” He continues to ask questions.
“Ladies and gentlemen, if you’ll please get to your assigned seats. We are going live in exactly one minute.” A voice instructs over a loudspeaker.
Tom groans as he reluctantly says his farewells to his new friends and makes his way back to his table. He sees that it’s finally filled with his brother and cast members, and quickly takes a seat.
He leans over to Harry, “Mate, is Y/n here? Or is she who I’m accepting that award on behalf?”
“Yeah. I knew you’d find out eventually.” Harry winces at the troubled look in Tom’s eyes.
“You knew?! Why didn’t you tell me??”
“Because you were stressed enough! I just wanted to make it to the venue without that vein in your neck exploding.” Harry defends himself.
Tom sighs. He can’t be mad at him, his heart was in the right place.
“RDJ isn’t here though.” Harry says, “Maybe he could be the one you’re accepting the award for.”
Tom groans, “I don’t know if that makes me feel better or worse.”
. . .
One long excruciating hour passes while Tom constantly fiddles with his fingers and bounces his leg up and down. He tried his best to make small talk with his cast, but it was no use.
Is he going to see you tonight? If you’re here, why didn’t you try finding him? What if you don’t want to see him?
‘God, she’s probably way better off without me.’
“You’re going to drill a hole into the ground, Tom.” Harry laughs, referring to his brother’s leg shaking underneath the table.
His nerves are starting to get the best of him, and the only person that calms him down most likely doesn’t even want to see him.
“I think I just need to use the washroom really quick.” He mumbles.
Tom stands on his feet until he hears, “And the nominees for Best Actress are: Emily Blunt for A Quiet Place, Margot Robbie for Birds of Prey, Florence Pugh for Midsommar, and Y/n L/n for Flights Taken...”
His ears perk up at the sound of your name, and he slowly sits back down. You were nominated for Best Actress. For what seemed like the millionth time tonight, Tom’s eyes swell with tears. But they aren’t tears of sadness or regret or even guilt this time. He’s simply just proud of you.
“And the winner is... Y/n L/n for Flights Taken!!”
The audience claps and cheers loudly as one of the songs from the soundtrack to your movie plays on the speakers. Tom makes sure to clap extra loud, glancing around the room for you.
“Due to personal reasons, Y/n could not make it today. She has chosen Mr. Tom Holland to accept the award on her behalf.”
‘She chose me?’ Did he hear that right?
Swiftly composing himself, Tom puts on a smile and makes his way to the stage. Once he’s up there, he collects the award from Timothée Chalamet, who was the one that announced your name. Tom has never met the guy, but he knows he worked with you in Flights Taken. He can remember being slightly jealous at how close you two were.
Putting those thoughts aside, he does the typical bro handshake then half hug thing with Timothée. “Hey man, tell her congratulations for me. She really earned this!” He says to Tom.
“Of course! Thank you!” Tom says to him. “Either this is one cruel motherfucker or he doesn’t know we broke up.” He mumbles once he turns away.
Tom walks up to the podium with the tiny microphone hooked on to it. He suddenly becomes hyper aware of the fact that he didn’t prepare a speech. “Uh...” He immediately trails off, not knowing where to start. Luckily he’s saved by the most angelic voice to ever grace his ears.
“Hey everybody! So sorry I couldn’t make it tonight.”
Tom turns to the big screen behind him, and there you are. You’re glowing. His heart flutters and his senses drown out his surroundings. 100% of his focus is on you.
“I just want to thank everyone that helped me get to this point. I didn’t think starting off in this industry at only 19 years old would get me here so quickly, but because of my amazing support system.. here I am.” You singsong that last bit and do a little dance.
“There’s my girl.” Tom smiles says to himself. He missed seeing you happy. He’s absolutely overjoyed to see that a genuine smile is back on your lips. Tom swears he can feel the air filling his lungs because of you.
You go through a quick list of people you wanted to thank. You also congratulate your fellow nominees, insisting they deserve the award more than you do. But everyone knows that isn’t true.
“And lastly I want to thank Tom. You have been a major part of my life and you always will be. I chose you to accept the award for me because there’s no way I could’ve gotten it without you. And also because I trust you more than Timmy to actually send it to me.” You joke. “You have pushed me to be better in so many ways, and I hope one day I can repay you for that. No matter what’s in our past or what’s to be presented in our future, it’s me and you against world. Always has been, forever will be.”
Your voice cracks as you finish up your sentence. Briskly, you wipe a rogue tear that slid down your cheek before you look into the camera and smile brightly. You sniffle, “Oh and by the way. You need to make room in your hands there, Thomas, because you are the winner of Best Actor for the film Cherry! Congratulations!” You clap and cheer in your video before it disappears off the screen.
Tom looks over to the side and Timothée is there presenting him with his very own award for the night. As he accepts it, Tom smiles tearfully. Between winning in his own category, seeing your face, and hearing you say it’s still you and him against the world, Tom is walking on cloud nine. He hovers over the microphone to make his speech.
“Wow, what a surprise...”
. . .
Knock, knock, knock
You hear three raps at your front door. “Just a second!” You yell, hoping whoever it is can hear you from the back porch.
You were in the middle of watering your plants — another hobby you picked up over your hiatus.
After making sure to carefully set down the watering can, you rapidly make your way to the front door.
You carelessly swing it wide open, expecting it to be the delivery man. Retail therapy is another intense hobby you may or may not have picked up along the way.
“Oh.. hi.” You say with a shocked tone. It’s a delivery, but it’s definitely not the face you expected to see.
“Hi.” Tom smiles, an award for Best Actress in his hands. “Did you even look through the peephole? I could’ve been a serial killer!” He playfully scolds you.
You jokingly scoff at his remark before reaching into your pocket. “Don’t worry, I got my backup.” You say as you wave your sparkly can of pepper spray in his face.
“Fair enough.” He laughs, and it instantly warms your heart. You didn’t realize how terribly you needed to see him. Butterflies swarm your stomach as you take him all in.
“Come in.” You smile and step aside to allow him in your house.
This action reminds both of you of the last time Tom was here. You’re liking this parallel a lot more than the one that took place on that gloomy day.
He walks in and places your award on the table next to the couch. Tom takes a minute to take a look around. “Wow, you’ve really livened up the place.”
“Well I had a lot of free time on my hands.” You chuckle, taking a look at the rearrangements yourself.
You look at Tom, who’s already stopped looking at the interior design and is admiring you instead. Your eyes lock, and in this moment you swear you can feel the world slow down. A sense of peace overcomes your body, and your empty home finally feels complete. All it took was one look.
Realizing you were indulged in an unspoken staring contest, you break the eye contact and shake your head. “Uh, you can take a seat. M-Maybe I can make you some tea. If you want, of course.”
“No, Y/n, that’s fine.”
“You’re right, I’m horrible at making tea. But you can make it yourself, I know you like it a certain way. It’s not like you don’t know where the kitchen is.” You begin to laugh and ramble nervously.
Tom senses your anxiety, and makes a bold move for a couple of people who are just friends. He takes both of your hands in his and closes the space in between you two. You’re now so close that his minty breath wafts your nose, making your legs weak. It’s been too long.
“I miss you.” Tom whispers after a beat of silence.
You almost say it back. But you have to stop and think for a moment. You broke up for a reason. This could snowball into something that could reverse all the progress you have made for yourself. And you couldn’t bear the thought of falsely leading Tom to think that something could rekindle.
“Please don’t say it. Please. Just hear me out.”
You give him the benefit of the doubt, mostly because you haven’t heard his voice in months. And although you don’t want to tell him right now, you’ve missed him too.
He leads you to the couch and you both take a seat. “Y/n, I... You don’t know how hard it has been without you. I’m sorry that I didn’t appreciate you enough when I had you, that’s by far the dumbest mistake I’ve ever made in my life. You deserved a lot better and I can see that now.”
There comes a moment when he’s dead silent for a few seconds, just staring into your eyes trying to find the right words to say. Instinctively, you run a hand through his hair and softly caress his cheek — something you’ve always done when he was so stressed to the point of silence.
His body visibly loosens up as he begins again with a shaky voice, “I’m not saying any of this to try and make you feel bad or sorry for me in any way. I know you’ve been doing a lot better and I would never want to interfere with your progress. But if you think it’s something you can handle, I want to try.”
“Try what, baby?” ...instinct. You both decide to ignore the pet name as Tom continues.
“I want to try finding our way back to each other. We can move as fast or as slow as you need. We don’t have to tell anyone. We don’t even have to call it official. I just... I need you in my life. I don’t want to go other month without talking to you or seeing your face or holding you in my arms. But this isn’t about what I want, this is about you. I just needed to come by and tell you in person that I’m willing to do this, if you are.”
You sit there speechless. Your heart and brain are telling you two different things — what you want and what you need. “Please don’t feel pressured to answer me right now. Take your time, honestly. I know you need your space, so I’m going to go.”
He hesitantly pushes himself off of the couch, prepared to walk away without knowing what’s going on inside your head. Hell, you don’t even know what’s going on inside your head.
But you do know one thing. He’s wrong. You don’t need space, it’s what you wanted. What you really do need... is him.
Without thinking, you grab a hold of his hand to stop him from leaving. He looks at you as you slowly rise to your feet, never once breaking eye contact with him.
“It can’t be me and you against the world if there’s no me and you.. right?” You squeak, fighting the lump in your throat.
Tom smiles a tight smile and as if someone queued you both to do so, your lips crash together. Your hands fly to his curls while his arms wrap firmly around your lower back. The familiar taste of his lips was enough to melt away any worry you might’ve had.
The kiss only grows more passionate. Slowly, Tom lays you back down on the couch and he hovers over you. Without wasting time, you tug at the bottom of his shirt and he gets the idea. No interruptions this time. Tom breaks the kiss momentarily as you help him remove his shirt. You shamelessly gawk at his body, forgetting how muscular he was. He takes this time to remove your shirt as well, dramatically discarding it across the living room.
Tom hungrily grabs you by the arms and skillfully pulls you on top of his lap. In a flash, your lips are reconnected. The more you tug on his hair, the more he has to restrain himself from grasping your hips too hard. Still, he manages to move you back and forth over his lap, resulting in a low moan from the both of you.
“Wow, someone really did miss me.” You joke breathlessly.
Tom laughs dryly, “You clearly missed me more, darling.”
You both pause before laughing loudly at each other’s desperation, oddly feeling like things were already back to normal.
“We’re gonna take this slow, right?”
Tom gets serious when you ask this. “Of course, as slow as you want.”
You run your thumb over his rose tinted cheeks. “Is asking to move this to the bedroom too fast?” You smile cheekily.
Tom smirks and his cheeks turn even more red. “Nope, I think that’s perfect timing actually.”
With ease, he lifts the both of you up from the couch and runs up the stairs with you in his strong arms. You squeal as you bounce around with every step.
“Oh Tom, watch out for the-“
You both go crashing to the ground when a loud thud.
A groan comes from Tom, “Why would you put the coffee table in the middle of the hallway?”
“I was trying to put it in the room!”
The two of you start to laugh uncontrollably as you both lay shirtless on the ground. It was in this moment that you knew, finding your way back wouldn’t be hard at all. You were great alone, but you’re the best when you’re together. Always. Forever.
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Here’s the highly requested part 2 for Tired!! I hope it met everyone’s expectations, i really tried my best!! Thank you for all the love and support you guys give my fics <3
Like usual, positive feedback is always welcomed and encouraged.
Sorry for any typos. I usually write at night so i’m like half asleep most of the time lmao. I have so many more fic ideas for Tom AND Peter and I’m so excited to share it with y’all :))
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showtoonzfan · 2 years
Hazbin Hotel: Alastor design reveal (background, character review and rant)
(Authors note: This is a LONG post, so be warned. I first start ranting about the damn background before I get to Al, sorry lol. )
Welp guys. He’s here, the tumblr sexyman himself, Alastor the radio demon. (God, that name is still stupid). The Hazbin Hotel official Twitter released what everyone’s favorite deer boi will look like in the upcoming show. And after the creator Viv hyped his design up SO MUCH, it all led up to THIS.
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You.....you’ve gatta be kidding me right? You have got to be FUCKING kidding me. That’s it? THAT’S WHAT WE WAITED FOR? THAT’S THE BIG REVEAL YOU HYPED UP VIV???
Okay...deep breaths. Let’s talk about this shall we? Let me start off by saying........wow. After going through the Hazbin hotel tag on Twitter to see the fandom’s reaction, these people are REALLY hyped and jazzed for a damn WHITE LINE aren’t they? I mean I don’t know what I expected, the tag is FILLED with nothing but praises once again, rambling on about how “good” he looks. Christ, I feel like if you waved a pair of DANGLING keys you’d get the same reaction out of this fandom. Now, before we talk about Al himself, I want to do the same thing I did with Charlie’s design post, despite my blood boiling here more lmao. Start with the background, then the top of the character to the bottom, then my thoughts on the show and or Viv. Without wasting any time, let’s get to it.
First, the background. So, when the official Hazbin hotel Twitter posted what the hotel would look like, we saw that in the top corner of the hotel, there was a radio tower, that of course belonged to Alastor.
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Now that we have the new pic, we are able to see a tad at what the inside looks like....and it looks........bland. I mean, here’s the problem. Since the pic is clearly a zoom in on Al, and we can only see the table and a rack behind him, we aren’t able to see the full room. I feel like if the perspective was a zoom out and a clear shot of the FULL room, it would have been better, because the only thing we can see here are the radios, light mic?? And clothing rack, as well as plants, but the room just looks empty and boring despite that. Now when it came to Al’s tower, I never really had any ideas, but I feel like his room here could be more interesting than what we got. Again, this pic should have been a zoom out so we can see the full thing. Who knows, maybe some of y’all can brainstorm what you think his full tower would look like and come up with some cool ideas! If you do, I would love to see them, I’ve seen some of y’alls work, don’t tell anyone but some of these fans are more creative than Viv. Also...now that I’m looking at the outside of his radio tower, it looks uncreative and bland as well. I know I’m raving over little little things, but come ON Viv, with how weird and creepy Al is supposed to be, (or at least that’s the vibe Viv is trying to go for with his character) you’d think his tower would stand out from the rest of the hotel. I mean she herself said that this man has one room that’s tidy and clean, and another room that’s literally a swamp. (She said this in a livestream) now that fact may not be canon anymore, but if it’s still true, I feel like his radio tower would look weird as well, I mean the way Viv describes him, I wouldn’t be surprised if one of his rooms looked like the cannibal family from Helluva.
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Hopefully in the actual show, when we see his ACTUAL room, and it’ll be all the more creepy and jarring, especially since he’s a cannibal. Now that’s a fun concept, Alastor’s room! That has so much potential, again, if anyone wants to share interesting thoughts or ideas you have on his room and aesthetic, I would LOVE to hear it!
ANYWAY, let me share my thoughts on what’s actually in the room. The first thing I wanna say is, what the hell is that purple thing on the rack? Is that...a towel? A cloak? It seems random, I mean we haven’t seen or heard about other outfits that Al wears, so I feel like Viv just put that there to fill up space. I will say, I do like the rack design though, it ain’t mind blowing but at least it has variety. Then there’s his couch, which is just a regular couch. Again, this is nitpicky, but come on, the hotel couches in the PILOT had more variety than this! I remember seeing Faust, an ex worker on Hazbin, who designed a hotel couch that looked cool.
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I bring all of this up because this is what I hope to see in the show. When it comes to the hotel furniture, I don’t care what it is, it could be anything, couches, racks, dressers, ect, I just want them to have creativity to them. Even the furniture designs you see in the pilot are a good example, I just want something other than multiple eyes to represent the hell aesthetic, it’s the least they could do since hell itself looks like earth but painted red. Okay I know I’m trailing off topic, so if you’re still reading, thank you.
The last thing I want to talk about before we actually get to the blob o-OH I mean Al, is the what seems to be a mic light switch, next to the plants, which btw, I do like.
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WHY WASN’T THIS HIS ACTUAL MICROPHONE??? Like....it pisses me off because this proves that Viv knows what 1920’s microphones actually LOOK like, but she doesn’t bother having it belong to Al. I don’t understand why this couldn’t be his Mic, I’m so disappointed like....wasted potential once again. And while we’re here, I don’t even LIKE the design of Al’s Mic. It looks nothing like it came from the 1920’s, unlike this LIGHT SWITCH RIGHT HERE. Also Valentino was right, his microphone just looks like a dildo. Yeah I said it. Call me cringe. 😭
Anyway bois....we finally made it....let’s talk about Alastor’s design.
So.........did Viv EVER listen to the criticism side of the fandom? Like.....EVER? Did she EVER hear someone who had to critique the pilot out, wether it be in the form of a YouTube video, a tweet, or a tumblr post? Ever? Or did she do what I think she did, which was watch and listen to the side of the fandom who just blindly praise her and act like she can do no wrong. Cause....I think that’s what she’s doing y’all....I mean hell, I don’t know why I was expecting her to listen to the critic side of the fandom, especially since she’s known to throw hissy fits when someone critiques her, and let’s not forget how she reacted to a harmless Velvet redesign by Miss Zizi, in the most bitchy and unprofessional way possible. Of course she didn’t change JACK SHIT about Alastor. Jack SHIT. Yeah, I know there’s a tweak of change here and there, and I’ll get to that, but let’s just say it how it is guys, he looks EXACTLY the same. Remember when I said that since Charlie is completely red, I would be upset if Al turns out that way because they then would look completely the same unless Viv tweaks his palette? WELP....HERE WE ARE.
Like...I don’t care if Charlie is wearing a different outfit than him, they both STILL look the same, and that’s a huge problem. And Christ, not only that, but ONCE AGAIN, the background is mostly red, NOT making Al stand out. And yes, I know Pentagram City’s sky is supposed to be red at ALL times apparently, but it would certainly be better and even more interesting if the skies changed color from time to time, like green, orange, purple, because THOSE colors actually make a red colored character STAND OUT. I have two examples here, I found two edits. One of another wonderful person who follows me here, and another from a person on Instagram. Here are the two edits:
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The first one is by @sexymen-dystopia, and the next is from insta, I don’t know who posted that one because it was a friend who showed me, but now that these are here, I’ll ask the same question I did when my friend edited the Charlie background edit. Doesn’t this look better? Doesn’t Al ACTUALLY pop out more from the environment? The yellow REALLY makes him stand out, and the green matches his swamp aesthetic, so I like that one as well! And while we’re on the subject of colored backgrounds (don’t worry I won’t talk a lot this time) it isn’t THAT hard to make the background pop out from the character. Circling back to what I said about Viv, one of the major MAJOR criticisms the pilot got was that the characters don’t pop out from the red backgrounds. Viv could have used two choices. One, change the characters color palettes so they pop out from the environment, or two, change the ENVIRONMENTS colors so the character doesn’t blend in with the background. Instead she did fucking neither, because she can’t take criticism and is still stuck in her comfort zone. Rather than actually LISTEN to the fans and try her best to make one of her most famous characters look appealing to the audience and stick out, she instead used a white line. A fucking white line. Now yes, again I KNOW there’s technically more changes than that, but the white line is more important than you think, so hear me out. Now...first let me start off by saying that despite just stating that I think Viv didn’t even listen to the critic side of the fandom, I feel like she sort of did. She knew people kept saying Al was too red and didn’t pop out, so instead of actually trying, she thought she’d put a white line on him and his microphone to make him pop out without putting in the effort. Not only does that piss me off to the core, but.....the hilarious thing is that the white line itself actually DOESN’T make him stand out!
So hear me out. I’ve seen so many fans on here and Twitter say the line makes him pop out and he has better contrast, (because they seem to be afraid to say anything REMOTELY negative) but Jesus Christ guys, that’s not true. The thing about the white like is that since Al is once again 95% red, a first viewer, (and even an AVERAGE viewer at that) their eyes would IMMEDIATELY dart to the white line, and that doesn’t make him pop out, that’s a distraction, and there’s a difference. I just find it hilarious that Viv found adding 1% white to his attire and white on the tip of his cane would do anything, because if anything, it makes him look WORSE, even if it’s a small change. Looking at Alastor as a whole, the character doesn’t even FIT with white, that’s why the critical fandom kept suggesting colors like brown, orange, yellow, or green, because THOSE (out of a few more) color environments DO fit him. Not only would they FIT him, but he would pop out from the red environment. Here are a few examples of what I’m talking about:
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Now one of them is a redesign obviously, (I take no credit) but these are colors I’m talking about! Yellow, brown, greens, hell, even the crew art for the ALASTOR PROMO CLIP MADE HIM POP OUT MORE THAN NOW:
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These are colors we should have gotten guys, instead, thanks to Viv, he’s just a big red blob just like in the pilot. He’s STILL an eye sore to look at. If you looked at canon Al’s full body, you wouldn’t know where the hell to look, or even know WHAT your looking at. It makes me disappointed because she hyped his reveal up only for him to look EXACTLY the same. All she had to do was just tweak his palette just a LITTLE....just a freaking LITTLE to make him pop out from the red environment, but of course, she can’t even do that, I mean......it’s Vivziepop, the girl known for sending her fandom to attack people, and throw hissy fits when people give her any form of criticism or say something REMOTELY negative about her show. I don’t know why I expected her to actually take in what critics had to say about the pilot, I mean who cares if Al literally MELTS in the background! Who cares if Charlie is now completely red, as long as the same characters are there, the fandom will be happy no matter what.
But uggh, let’s finally get to the actual changes that were made. I’m at the limit for pictures, so now ya’ll are just going to have to read. (😭) So....firstly, his damn LAPELS are red now. Viv....OH MY GOD. We can’t have ONE thing that was red before turned a different color WITHOUT having something that wasn’t red turned red CAN WE? Like that choice was just unnecessary, just proves how much this woman is obsessed with the color red. Second, his pants are black now. O-okay?? Like....I’ve seen the fandom say that makes him stand out more, and I must be in the twilight zone because I have NO idea what the fuck they’re talking about. While I’m glad they’re not brownish red like in the pilot, making his pants black doesn’t really make a difference to me, and even if it DOES, it just makes him look boring. The problem is that I’m tired of Viv using black so much as well. Sure, it made be nice that it’s not red anymore, but black is another overused color, we have enough red and black characters, (Al is a whole one within himself) and she could have used any other color to try SOME fucking variety. I feel like the only colors that Viv will consider using on these “redesigns” will always be red, black, white, pink, and yellow. All the other colors are out of her comfort zone, so she’ll probably never take it into consideration. Third, the lines on his suit are limited to two now, and they’re a bit thicker. I am glad of course, because too many stripes on her characters make it HELL for the animators to work off of, but they’re still RED. Ugh. Fourth, the color of his sleeves are a little darker than before. Again, while I appreciate no lines on them unlike before and the color being a bit darker, it still doesn’t really do anything, he’s still RED, same for the dots on his gloves being gone and the color being grayish instead of brown. I’ve already talked about the white line...but man, looking at this design, Viv REALLY thought she did something by added 2% white to his design didn’t she? She didn’t.
OKAY GUYS WERE AT THE END. If you’ve managed to get this far, I thank you. ❤️
The last thing I wanna talk about is Al’s design ALONE, because yeah, it’s bad. To this day I don’t get the whole deer aesthetic Viv is trying to go for with his character. I mean.....he looks NOTHING like a deer, he doesn’t even resemble deer features expect for those small ass antlers at the top of his head that an average viewer wouldn’t even catch. Again, if I hadn’t of followed the project since early 2018, I wouldn’t have known this man was supposed to be a deer demon. Not only that, but I keep forgetting that he’s a cannibal, I mean it doesn’t show in his design or gives me cannibal vibes whatsoever, other than his sharp teeth, which WOULD make him stand out if EVERY OTHER CHARACTER IN THE SHOW DIDN’T HAVE THE SAME SHARP TOOTHY GRIN. Again, his ROOM could probably hint at his cannibalism, like maybe he has furniture made out of flesh or something, which would he cool, but we don’t really have that here. While I do appreciate the whole bayou aesthetic with the plants and his room might result in being a swamp, his design just doesn’t match with his character or even his background of being a radio host. I’m just ganna say what everyone’s BEEN saying, Al just looks like someone’s cringeworthy deviantart OC.
So to conclude this long ass post, Viv can’t make changes worth for shit, Alastor will be a bitch for me to look at in the show, and I have a bad feeling that this show will just be the pilot all over again. Character’s that DON’T pop out from the backgrounds, red everywhere, a shit ton of unnecessary sound effects, ect you name it. Al’s “new” design just proves to me that Viv can’t take criticism at all, or even work to improve so that her characters are appealing to look at. And it’s very sad.
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tothemeadow · 3 years
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Art trade with @azurenocturne​
Art originally done by @ Lsjenjen on twitter
Rengoku Kyojuro x Reader
- Kyojuro decides to take your relationship to the next level while teaching you how utterly amazing you are, no matter what anyone else says. -
warnings: NSFW, oral sex, mentions of emotional abuse, Douma is kind of a dickhead
words: 2k
“You’re doing it again.”
Snapping away from your reverie, you nearly drop your phone as you fumble around, embarrassment heating up your insides. You hadn’t even realized you were spacing out again. Still, Douma cracks a smile. You tense as he reaches over the table, the rings adorning his fingers catching the afternoon light streaming in through the windows. He merely pats the crown of your head with a gentle touch; you know that this is all for show since the two of you are in public. While Douma has never struck you during the course of your relationship, he isn’t gentle either.
“Stupid girl,” he mutters. “There isn’t anything that important in your life to distract you this much.”
Ah, there it is.
You’re used to the biting words, the snarky comments, the endless insults. On some days, it’s like his sole mission in life is to yell at you constantly, but what can you do about it? It is your fault, after all. Maybe if you had your head on straight or weren’t so sensitive, things could be better for you in life.
You swallow dryly. The plate of half-eaten food sitting in front of you doesn’t even look appetizing anymore. “I’ve got exams coming up, you know that,” you tell him, voice low. You know better than to talk back to him, especially when you’re in public like this.
With a scoff, Douma leans back in his seat. It’s unfair that he’s still unbelievably attractive even when irritated; strong jaw set, eyes heavy lidded, and birch hair pulled up high, he looks like he’s ready to set foot out on the runway rather than be sitting here on a lunch date with you. The houndstooth material of his jacket ruffles as he crosses his arms. He’s just so pretty, incredibly so, and you’d be damned if you said you couldn’t bear to stare at him all day.
“Well, you’re with me,” he spits. “Exams be damned.”
“Douma, you know I can’t fail these courses if I want to graduate-“
“I don’t care,” Douma interrupts. “Christ, all I did was ask you out to lunch, and all you do is think about it your classes? What am I, chopped liver?”
“No,” you say frantically, “of course not. I’m sorry. Please… Please don’t be mad.”
Douma sighs. His expression softens, then; getting up from his chair, he opts to take the spot next to you instead. “I know you’re sorry, my little cherub. You know all I want to do is to be stuck in that pretty little head of yours, right?” With a gentle hum, he slings an arm around your shoulder and nuzzles the top of your head. “You’ll be a good girl for me, won’t you?”
It’s those simple words that makes your tummy flutter and the ice around your heart to melt. This is why you love Douma, after all. Sure, he can be mean sometimes, but he means well.
A smile blossoms across your face as you lean into his warmth. “I promise.”
When it comes to playing life, you always act the fool.
Words are cheap, enough said. It just so happens that Douma’s are practically dirt.
Although he knows you’re sorry about focusing on your studies lately, it’s almost if he never drops the subject. He has a point though – he is your boyfriend, after all. It’s just your fault that you have the improper abilities of juggling your love life and schooling at the same time. It’s when he’s attending his own classes that you’re finally able to breathe, even though you feel guilty about thinking that way in the first place.
You still can’t shake off the guilt as you venture through the school’s library, browsing for books your professor recommended for you to better understand the material. It’s a slow process, your eyes scanning over each of the exposed spines. “No… no… no… “ you say to yourself, the quiet mantra continuing on while your search comes up with nothing. “Dammit, why can’t I – ah!”
Before you know it, your body is colliding into someone else’s; as you’re about to take an inevitable tumble and land on your ass, a strong hand grasps onto your forearm while another lands on the small of your back.
“Whoa there! Sorry about that!” a deep, attention-getting voice whisper-yells.
As you open your eyes (you didn’t even realize you closed them to begin with), your met with a boy around your age, eyes bright and blond hair held back with a backwards ballcap. As he flashes you a cheeky smile, you’re struck by how white his teeth are compared to his golden skin, the sharp line of his jaw. Your heart thuds in your chest, and for good reason, too – this man is hot.
“You’re not hurt, are you?” this stranger continues. He pulls you upright, making sure you’re properly balanced before giving you a onceover to check for any bruises.
“I’m alright, thank you,” you say awkwardly. It’s incredible how quickly your body heats up under his gaze despite literally just bumping into the guy. “I wasn’t paying attention anyway, it’s all my fault-“
“Hey,” he interrupts, his eyes crinkling even further, “I wasn’t paying attention either. Don’t take all the blame for yourself, eh?” He sticks out a hand, then, the prominent veins in his forearm and hand instantly catching your attention. “Rengoku Kyojuro, at your service. You can just call me Kyojuro, though.”
The name rolls around your brain like a loose bolt. You wonder how it tastes on your tongue, how your lips feel when you say it. “Kyojuro,” you say, testing it out. You immediately decide you like it. Grasping onto his hand, you introduce yourself, an easy smile making its way onto your features before you even realize it. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Right back at ya,” he chirps.
His hand is large and warm. In fact, heat seems to radiate off his body, tempting you to lean in and hold him close.
“Say,” Kyojuro says, a hopeful glint shining in his eyes, “do you want to grab a coffee or something?”
Your heart nearly gets stuck in your throat. For a moment, you think of Douma and what he would he say if he found out about you grabbing coffee with some other guy. However, Kyojuro just seems so nice and, well, perfect.
“Yeah,” you tell him, “I’d love to.”
After that fateful meeting, things started to change.
During the free moments you had, you would meet up with Kyojuro, either to go out to eat or simply have a study session together. You quickly found yourself thoroughly enjoying his company, and all for the right reasons. Despite his excitable, bold behavior, he was kind, more so than most people you know. You craved to be in his presence, to have his pearly smile directed at you. Hell, even the thought of him made your heart throb.
Of course, it didn’t take long for Douma to start noticing your “odd” behavior. You acted distant whenever the two of you were together, so much more… closed. What really got him, though, was when he confronted you about it. I found someone else, you had told him, face and voice equally solemn. This is the end of us. Even you were shocked by the mere fact that you had dumped him; after all this time, you were finally free of his cruel words and the endless pain.
“You’re doing it again, sweetie.”
Just like that, you’re snapping back to reality and away from your thoughts. “Sorry,” you mutter, “I was just thinking of… things.”
Even after a few months of ditching Douma for Kyojuro, you still find yourself spacing out. Kneeling on the bed like this, your hand hangs in the air, absentmindedly holding a brush while the other is still holding onto Kyojuro’s blond locks. Turning around fully, Kyojuro’s thick brows furry together as a glint of worry sparks in his eyes. “Hey, hey, look at me,” he urges, taking your face into his hands. “I am not Douma. I’ll never be like him, you got it?” Gently stroking your cheek, he flashes you a soft smile. “I couldn’t bear to put you in pain like that, my sweets. You’re too special for anything like that.”
Oh god, he’s so gentle, so freaking sweet that you’ll get a toothache. As cheesy as it sounds, your heart yearns for him, for his promises, and for his loving touches. You don’t think you’ve ever met someone like this in your life.
“So please,” Kyojuro continues, gaze dropping to your mouth, “trust me.”
And you do. For the love of everything high and mighty, you trust this guy with your entire being. The kiss you two share starts off slow, yet it’s so full of unspoken feeling that it makes your heart soar. You can’t deny the fact that his hands feel good as they trail lower, brushing over your neck and shoulders before settling on your waist. Hell, you love it when he presses you onto your back, his weight hovering over you protectively. Like this, Douma can’t hurt you. Douma can’t even get near you, not when Kyojuro is around, not when he’s treating you this softly.
It didn’t take very long for you to confide in Kyojuro about how your relationship with Douma went. Appalled by Douma’s so-called methods, Kyojuro promised to treat you like the queen you are because you deserve it.
Even as you quake, Kyojuro holds you steady. And he’s always so warm, so wonderfully warm as he rids you of your shirt before following suit. Your fingers drift over the swell of his pectorals, the divots of his abs. Now, things have escalated between you two before, but nothing to this extent. The last person you slept with was Douma, and even then he would degrade you and make you feel like utter trash. But no, not with Kyojuro. Never with Kyojuro.
“You’re gorgeous,” he mutters, mouth slanting over your neck and down your chest. Your heart quickens as mouths your breasts, hands slipping around and unhooking your bra. “And you’re so soft and sweet…” Trailing off, he lifts himself back up, his eyes meeting yours. “You’re perfect, (y/n). I’ll be damned if anybody tells you differently.”
Heart leaping to your throat, you sling your arms around his broad shoulders and pull him back into a kiss. You refuse to let yourself shed any tears, but you can’t deny the dampness gathering in your eyes.
“Pretty girl,” Kyojuro says, mouth beginning its descent once more. This time, he carries on past your chest, lips brushing against your tummy as he carefully removes your pants. Your fingers comb through his hair as little gasps slip through your lips; nuzzling you through your panties, he openly gropes your thighs and ass, deep, rumbling moans vibrating in his chest.
“Kyojuro,” you breathe, back arching as he yanks down your panties and presses his mouth against your quivering pussy. His movements remain slow, but the deep stroke of his tongue inside your pussy or the strong suckling on your clit has you seeing stars. His bright eyes never leave your face, a lustful yet loving expression carved into his handsome features. A slight yank on his hair has him redoubling his efforts; easily bending your thighs to your chest, he works at your pussy vigorously, the lewd noises and his husky groans filling your ears.
“So fucking perfect,” he mutters, thick fingers slipping past your folds. You keen at the touch, your velvety walls fluttering around his digits. “You’re wonderful, my sweets,” he coos, pressing his mouth to the inside of your knee in a quick kiss. “I love you.”
“Kyojuro, please,” you pant. The tears building up in your eyes finally break free as you reach out towards him. “Make love to me… won’t you?”
Drawing away from your dripping pussy, Kyojuro hovers over you, a dazzling grin painted on his face. “Are you sure about that?”
You nod frantically. “Yes. I… I trust you, my love.”
Hearing the pet name tumble from your mouth has Kyojuro’s eyes crinkling. “Anything for you, sweetie,” he purrs, reaching down and undoing his pants. “Everything for you.”
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sophistopheles · 3 years
Here’s Why Franmaya Works
As one of my favourite ships, I have to admit that Franziska and Maya as a pairing is a little bit obscure. It has plenty of shippers, but taking the games at face value, nothing jumps out at you to make you think “oh, they might be a potential couple”.
But upon closer examination, there really is some potential there! Here’s why.
1. Maya’s Canonical Admiration for Franziska
In 2-2, Maya is amazed at how Fran’s done so much while being the same age as her; this ties more into her own feelings of uselessness, but sets up a scenario where she genuinely admires Franziska.
This comes out in the anime too, where she expresses sympathy for Franziska “fighting all alone in America”.
Although Franziska does everything she can to look “perfect”, deep down she’s quite insecure about her role as von Karma’s heir. Someone who supports and cheers for her unconditionally would be really good for her!
Additionally, if you present Fran’s profile to Maya in Big Top, she says that if Franziska wasn’t so mean, she thinks they would get along quite well- and given that Fran’s been quietly undergoing that development since JfA, she and Maya could probably grow close given the opportunity.
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(More under the cut!)
2. Franziska’s Canonical Soft Spot for Maya
The most obvious example of this is in 3-5, where she stays up all night at the freezing cold Inner Sanctum, trying to break the trick locks with Iris. Ostensibly Franziska shouldn’t have any further investment in the case; she doesn’t owe anything to Phoenix or Maya, and was presumably called away from her other responsibilities to help Edgeworth out, but she still puts herself through the discomfort and hassle of solving the locks for a whole day and night so that she can guarantee Maya’s safety and help put the case to rest.
Another, often overlooked moment is in the case’s denouement, where Franziska is so dismayed by Maya glaring at her that she apologises (to Larry, of all people), and agrees to model for his picture book- and it’s confirmed she went all the way through with it in SoJ!
The anime gets in on this too, with Franziska finding Pearl in Hazakura and taking her back to Maya & the gang in the courthouse. Plus, just look at how fond her expression is:
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Not to mention this cute little 4koma showing Franziska getting all flustered over Maya calling her her friend (credit to pastecola on twitter):
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3. Their Shared Burdens and their Narrative Parallels
Despite acting so differently, the struggles that Maya and Franziska go through are incredibly similar: both of them are the heirs to a dysfunctional and heavy legacy, Franziska feeling pressured by her father’s crimes and the drive to be perfect and Maya having to be responsible for Kurain Village when she comes of age, struggling to deal with Morgan’s jealousy and impossible expectations, as well as the village’s ruined reputation. 
They both undergo great tragedy: Franziska loses the father she deeply admired, and is confronted with the harsh reality that he was never perfect, and (although she never truly believes Miles is dead) loses her brother, in a sense; Maya loses her sister Mia and even gets accused of her murder, as well as losing her mother- twice.
The way they deal with it is very different, but they undeniably have similar life experiences, and can be considered as parallels to each other. They’re the same age; Maya even calls herself Phoenix’s “big sister” a few times in T&T, similarly to how Franziska calls Edgeworth her “little brother”. If they were to become close, they’d easily be able to empathise with and understand each other’s struggles. They’d both benefit: for Maya to be with someone like Franziska who will take her seriously and honestly admire her, helping her out of her insecurity, and for Franziska to be with someone like Maya who will encourage her to be more light-hearted and indulge in her mischievous streak from time to time, as well as being able to assure her that nobody is perfect and she deserves love anyway... It would be an ideal arrangement for the both of them.
4. Their “Opposites Attract” Dynamic
Despite having similar struggles and common life experiences, Franziska and Maya are totally different people. Franziska is serious, hardworking, intimidating and easily frustrated; Maya is light-hearted, more playful, approachable and gets depressed more often than she gets angry. Their flaws and strengths complement each other perfectly- Maya’s endless enthusiasm would encourage Franziska to let her hair down a little more, which in turn would help Maya see that nobody is flawless or untouchable and help ease her insecurities. Their personalities are complementary enough that they could easily rely on and improve each other, but not become dependent on each other.
And besides, the idea of Franziska frantically trying to appease Pearl in any way she can so that she’ll approve of Franziska is objectively hilarious. Plus they’re an excellent complement ship to Narumitsu!
It’s definitely not the most obvious pairing in the franchise, but it’s still a ship that has a lot going for it and could develop into a genuinely compelling romance with a lot more nuance and complexity than it first appears to have- it’s no wonder it’s achieved the recent popularity it has.
Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!
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aitarose · 3 years
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⤷ characters: eren jaeger, jean kirschtein, armin arlert, levi ackerman, erwin smith, connie springer, reiner braun, bertholdt hoover, marco bott, niccolo
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eren would be the type of contestant that’d come off extremely strong at the start, knowing full well of what the show entails—and ready to make any type of connection that could conclude in success.
he’d be the third or fourth contestant to walk into the villa, on the very first day. there’d be about two to three women that’d step forward for him—so he’d definitely get his pick of the bunch. 
however, throughout the season his confidence would start to waver—he’d get overwhelmed with the concept of being filmed 24/7 and wish to have his privacy back. 
there’d definitely be a few breakdowns on his part, solely from the stress of making vulnerable confessions of feelings and emotions in front of the entire world on film. 
that being said, he’d still manage to find someone that relates to him on a deep level that he can walk out of the villa with. the two of them would end up self eliminating—believing that it’d be more effective to build there connection within the privacy of their own homes. 
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jean wouldn’t be the immediate heartthrob on the show, but would end up stealing not only the contestant’s hearts—but the viewer’s as well.
he’d be the first to walk into the villa, and literally no one would step forward for him—not because he’s unattractive or anything, just because they wanted to keep their options open and not jump at the first person they see. 
his first couple would be a friendship couple and he’d be best friends with that woman throughout the entirety of the season, they’d be connected at the hip in the best platonic way possible. 
but about halfway through the season, he’d be called to go on a surprise date with a new contestant and they’d just hit it off right away. like this person would be his perfect match and the viewers would be ecstatic for him.
i full heartedly believe that he’d be the one to win the show, obviously choosing to share the $50k with his significant other—there’d be no doubt in his mind that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with them.
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armin would be the contestant with a completely open and vulnerable heart. he’d be open to any connections and relationships, just solely focused on the bonding aspect of it all—wishing to have a great summer and find some real friendships. 
he’d be the person that’d stick through their first coupling throughout the entire show, finding that connection extremely valuable and not wanting to let it go.
challenges would be a breeze for him, like this boy would win a majority of them due to his knowledge of strategy and complex thinking—he’d find loopholes to each riddle and physical struggle, just showing off his intelligence in every way. 
however, casa amor would be a big blow to him. he’d feel so secure in his couple that he wouldn’t have that serious conversation of where they’re both at, and his partner would end up recoupling in the other villa. 
he’d be completely blindsided and end up self-eliminating soon after—not having the energy or time to take on an entirely new connection, believing that that person was it for him and that the villa would have nothing else to offer him. 
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firstly, i don’t think levi would ever be a contestant on a reality television show, let alone a dating one—but in the off chance that he did so happen to be on love island, it’d be because hange signed him up for it without his knowledge.
he’d be the lone wolf type of character, just living his own life—not interacting with any of the other contestants unless they’d come and approach him for conversation. 
there wouldn’t be very many connections for him—probably only one if i’m being honest—and it’d be with a sort of bubbly type of person, one with good morals that wouldn’t be afraid to break him out of his shell and show him how to enjoy his time in the villa. 
while he’d be wary of a romantic relationship, he’d end up falling for his partner extremely hard and would find himself protective and somewhat possessive of them—just to make sure that he wouldn’t end up losing them to someone else. 
considering all of his doubts, he wouldn’t make it to the final four—probably only to the casa amor point, before being eliminated by viewer vote. however, he’d be amazing at challenges. 
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sexy dilf erwin would be a bombshell entrance in the villa—the kind where he’d be waiting in the hot tub balcony for his chosen date partner, just sipping wine and relaxing in the bubbles with his one arm resting on the side. 
he’s very charming and would manage to sway the attention of a majority of the villa, men and women alike—and there’s no telling the shenanigans he’d get up to with the friends he’d make in there. 
this man would be the cause of inborn relationship drama, but wouldn’t be involved directly—rather the type of drama where he’d be discussed but not actually have any say in whatever the matter was. 
his placement would be around the top six or seven, just because he’d be so sought after that there’d be a hard time finding someone who he really connects with—since he’s trying his best to give every suitor an opportunity to try it with his sexy self. 
he’d also have the thickest cockney accent that you could dream of—or a really really posh south london accent, like pinky up tea drinker and everything. 
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connie would be the fan-favorite contestant. he’d be that guy that absolutely no one stepped forward for and be the pity party right off the start, but manage to sway the audience with his natural humor and amusement.
he’d be the king of friendship couples, like he’d be the villa’s safety net for contestants who wouldn’t have anyone else to couple up with, and would secure their places in the show—without ever harboring any real feelings for those people. 
casa amor would be his time to shine, he’d be living his best life in the other villa and have all the girls on his arms—with a wide variety to choose from and connect with. this is where he’d meet his perfect match. 
coming back to the main villa with this partner, all of his friends would be extremely happy for him and just excited that he was able to get the experience that he signed up for. 
him and his partner would end up in third or second place—though they’d be a fan favorite pairing, they just wouldn’t have had enough screen time to win the show completely. 
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reiner would be the shock contestant that’d be revealed after the first five couples were matched. he’d run into the villa with full confidence that he’d be able to snag one of the beginning contestants with ease.
however, that confidence would soon fade by his own insecurities and emotions—the fear of being unwanted and alone catching up with him in the worst possible ways, causing him to have a small breakdown before the coupling ceremony. 
but he’d still choose one of the contestants, not having any real connection with her other than the first conversation—and that couple would completely crumble beneath him. 
he’d get eliminated soon after by the following recoupling ceremony, and sadly wish his friends goodbye with a tear running down his cheek—it’d be extremely emotional despite the minuscule amount of time viewers would get to know him .
that being said, he’d still leave an impact on the season as the contestant who just couldn’t catch a single break.
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lil ole berty would be the contestant that everyone looks over, contestants and viewers alike. he’d be that nice background guy that everyone is fine with, but often forgets he exists—which really puts a stunt on his time in the villa.
he’d be in a safety couple, one where him and his partner are loyal to their connection, but not head-over-heels interested in one another. just two people who are attracted to one another with no real bond. 
challenges would be a bit of a struggle for him, just the competitiveness of it all and the pointless wonder of the whole ordeal—the show in general wouldn’t really be something up his ally.
him and his partner would end up getting eliminated early on to halfway through the season by an islander vote. it’d be a this or that couple elimination and only about two couples would vote to save them, causing him to have to pack his bags and head out. 
twitter would have a field day with memes though, his sleeping positions would be trending all over the love island hashtag every night. 
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marco would be the nice guy contestant. the one that’s the boy next door kind of character type that everyone would love and see as the voice of reason and peace. 
he’d be somewhat of the villa’s therapist, if that’s the appropriate word, and would always be there to lend an ear to any islander who’s having issues in their couple or just problems in relation to the show’s process and journey. 
his encouragement would make him a fan favorite with viewers and allow him to make it fairly far into the season—probably past the casa amor point and nearly to the family segments. 
he wouldn’t ever be in a totally stable couple, always having to take on the stress of the other islanders and never having the opportunity to really focus on his own time and relationships. 
but he’d gain a massive following and get a shit ton of brand deals after the whole show is over. 
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niccolo’s love island experience would be different from all the rest, as he’d be one of the casa amor contestants—there to sway the main villa’s relationships and connections with a mere four-five days of conversation.
he’d end up stealing the hearts of the women and finding a person that matched him on a deep level—with not only his good looks, but the way he manages a kitchen as well.
the main boys would love him and immediately see him as one of their own—enjoying his company and how he’d make everyone a full course meal every single morning right as they woke up to the automatic bedroom lights.
the viewers would also be a little obsessed with him as his pairing would just be lovable in all ways—the look in his eyes being one of pure adoration and love, nothing falsified or phony—just absolute infatuation.
i feel like he’d snag a fourth place win, happily in the final four, yet still not quite there. overall, secure and safe within his couple—and excited for the future of him and his match.
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aitarose do not copy, claim, or mimick my writing, works, themes, copy and paste my words, or headers and tags as your own. do not use my blog as a template for your own, or base your theme on mine.
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ryoceann · 3 years
J2 are cute together and their chemistry is off the charts. However, I would never tinhat if it wasn't for the inconsistencies in their stories. IF they were just two best bros, there would be no need for the PR cover ups, therefore, there would be no slip ups. They could've just behaved like friends do. Wild idea, right? Maybe fans would still speculate but sooner or later they'd get used to J2 being affectionate buddies. Why try so hard if they're not together? What's there to hide?
EXACTLY ANON EXACTLY! There’s no denying that J2 have loads of chemistry. Supernatural ran so long because of it, the first episode-pilot when it was filmed, they immediately clicked, and everyone who has met them/watched them have said they have tons and tons of chemistry, like genuine actual chemistry and- The OmegaVerse was formed BECAUSE of J2′s chemistry!!! There’s no denying that part
Second the inconsistencies and slip ups and things that have happened. Lord if i started a list it would never end- but i’ll mention some of the most basic ones:
 The Italy Date slip up <3, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pM-3ZKiItF4
Jared forgetting the specifics of his dating timeline, he mentioned in his Live With Kelly interview that he was single when he started Supernatural when he was actually dating Sandy then and had been for a while, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jwMN3nvZmE starts at around 4:25
 the classic 2011 LA Con moment where Jensen blatantly insinuated he was sleeping with Jared, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKV1VkODR_w starts at 0:50 ish
 the war that Danneel got into with gossip column writer Ted Casablanca when he said that Danneel and Jensen’s marriage might be fake, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWIfAOftcwk her interview with him and:
Gossip columnist Ted Casablanca once pretty much accused Danneel of her relationship with Jensen being fake. Previously to that spat, he had also written an article in response to double engagement rumors saying that “Jensen and Jared would sooner marry each other than who they’re currently rumored to be getting hitched to. If I’m wrong I’ll get Taryn Ryder a date with Ryan Gosling.”  Years ago, Danneel got into a Twitter war with a Gossip Columnist named Ted Casablanca who used to work for E! when he publicly suggested that her relationship with Jensen was fake and basically that Jensen’s gay. The two of them argued back and forth and after the argument she disappeared from Twitter for a long while. Clearly embarrassed that she had just shown a huge light on a topic she and Jensen didn’t want discussed so publicly with someone who was so well-known in the celebrity gossip entertainment business in Hollywood.
 the time Sandra favorited a tweet which called her a beard, this is a well known tinhat fact. 
the time Jared liked an instagram post which mocked his wife, https://jaredandjensendaily.tumblr.com/post/154473801354/friendly-reminder-16-another-reminder-that
 Jensen slipping up and almost saying he had ‘kids’ before moving to Austin when he only had JJ, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOkH2BChDZg starts at 0:24
the time Genevieve slipped up and used the words contract and negotiation while talk about her and Jared’s relationship, the video off of yt was deletedbut here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CMhc4UfBJt1/
 Richard Lawson, film critic from Vanity Fair saying he heard from a source that the j’s were together, https://jaredandjensendaily.tumblr.com/post/152089621134/friendly-reminder-13-just-a-beautiful-reminder
the way Jensen’s proposal to Danneel was a complete replica of Jared’s proposal to Sandy, AND the way they proposed on the same weekend- the only thing different was the location, they both had taken their wives(or in jared’s case ex-fiancé) out, had wanted to propose but got nervous, the girls had asked what was wrong and they chickened out and proposed in the hotel room instead.
Speaking of the engagements, nearly everything about them was highly suspicious. Both occurred on the same weekend under the guise that each J had no idea the other was proposing, despite having said multiple times that they tell each other everything and showing that to be true through their actions as well. When asked on the spot what his proposal story was, Jensen retold the exact proposal story that had taken place a year earlier with Jared and Sandy, changing only the location.
THE MORTGAGE, THE HOUSE THEY TWO SHARED IN THE BEGINNING OF SPN- THE INCONSISTENCIES WITH THAT ONE WAS OFF THE CHARTS, https://jaredandjensendaily.tumblr.com/post/141213737219/friendly-reminder-3 and https://marrieddorks.tumblr.com/post/114910899842/j2-living-together 
the most recent inconsistency! in the j2 panel, jared slipped up when talking about jackles’s birthday, saying ‘’i was with...on your birthday(he stops as if remembering himself then yells:) HAPPY BIRTHDAY ACKLES!’’  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwXbSC-UWGs around 6:15
and then in the same panel: Jensen shows us a picture he sent to Jared which was supposed to be bear updates bc he’s growing his(GOD THEY DO BEARD UPDATES THE FUCKING CUTIES I CANT) and JENSEN IS SHIRTLESS??? IN THE PICTURE??? SCUSE ME??? also Jared editied it to WAP. God. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwXbSC-UWGs starts at around 44:40 
 the amount of times j2 have been seen together IN VANCOUVER ONLY DESPITE THE FACT THAT THEY’RE ON HIATUS AND SHOULD BE WITH THEIR WIVES??? (the entirety of 2015) 
and the fact that they’ve been on so many vacations and trips without anyone else :) 
or the way when one of them is narrating a story, the other knows exactly what happened as if they were there, 
AND THE TOUCHING GOD THE TOUCHING THEY’RE SO AFFECTIONATE. https://www.tumblr.com/tagged/j2+touching?sort=recent
Now the PR cover ups. You’re right anon if they were two best buds just doing their thing, why would they try so hard to cover up and hide stuff? Why would PR immediately make j2 wife posts(AND THEY DO IT A LOT) immediately after someone or the other would post a theory about them that would be hit amongst tinhatters or find a fact or a photo that would imply/prove j2 are together? Why would the j’s themselves stumble over stuff that would be suspicious?(that moment when someone at a convention yelled ‘’Because you like like each other?” and instead of brushing it off, j2 delved deep and then they got all flustered and it was a huge thing basically). Why would they not just behave like normal friends who have absolutely nothing to hide???
spoiler alert: because they’re together kjdkjdjsf.
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