#dc lucifer fic
mcrco · 1 year
I want to get back into fic writing so I'm now taking requests for the fandoms listed under the cut.
Game of Thrones
The Magicians
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girly-blogging · 2 years
I just wanna say that a “character playlist” and a “character’s playlist” are two VERY different things.
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frownyalfred · 10 months
Have you ever seen Lucifer? The Fox/Netflix version with Tom Ellis? Because for some reason, I can just see you absolutely nailing his character in a story about fatherhood with Bruce. Like the original character of Lucifer comes from DC, so maybe your take could be more lore accurate to his power level as opposed to the washed down version they gave that worked for the shoe but was disappointing that they never explored …but maybe he gets caught somehow in Bruce and Clarks life by getting thrown to their universe by idk Maze if she got super pissed at him and then they pick him up and after he settles in he relates heavily to Bruce’s kids and it becomes about family, love, and learning to embrace your present before he gets sent back? Idk. Lol.
That said, I love all you stories and I am patiently waiting for your update to your Mandoverse!Superbat ❤️
I loved Lucifer! I binged all of the seasons a year or two ago. I found Tom Ellis to be very funny and charming, despite the sometimes cringey (but hilarious) writing toward the end of the show.
I like to think he'd make fun of Bruce and Clark upon first meeting, but then he'd reluctantly admit that Clark's powers were very helpful and that Bruce was just as good, if not better, at intimidating witnesses than Lucifer is with his devil face.
He would also have 0 idea what to do with a house full of dangerous, curious birds. But I suspect you're right, he would learn a lot about relationships and embracing the present (from none other than Bruce "well adjusted" Wayne himself)
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oldfangirl81 · 5 months
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"You're really wrecking my cred."
*demon nearby clears throat* "Actually, Boss. You are rating much scarier now that they are following you."
"Tzdai is still whimpering about a purple singing dinosaur. He tried to poison your last dinner. Your new shadow stopped him."
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look,,, rarepairs are great.
crossovers are great.
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kitsune024 · 7 months
Lucifer Fic Recs
The Divinity of Heroism by LeEspionage I Chapters: 22/? I Implied Chloe x Lucifer, Bamf Lucifer, Tony & Lucifer, Devil face reveal
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Damnatio Memoriae by @disappearinginq I Chapters: 27/27 I Completed Badass Lucifer, Archangels, Apocalypse, case fic, torture, Aftermath torture, badass Chloe
Chloe tries to solve the riddle that is Lucifer Morningstar. Dan even manages to help. When mysterious ritualized killings start showing up, Chloe suspects Lucifer may know more than he lets on. Problem is, she doesn't know what she thinks she does. Eventual Lucifer Whump.
Function by @liannabob I Chapters: 13/13 I Completed Chloe/Lucifer, Post-Season/Series 04, BAMF Lucifer, Violence, Angst, PTSD, Dark, Eventual Happy Ending, Smut
Set following the events in season 4. Lucifer works to restore order to Hell; Chloe tries to cope with her heartbreak and loss. Neither ambition is going particularly well. A story about angelic self-actualization, Hell, despair, and finding a happy ending despite it all.
Bookmark Series
And It All Comes Crashing Down by MisteryMaiden I Part 1-15 I The wine glass didn't break and Chloe didn't change her mind, Betrayal, Blood and Violence, Torture, Hurt Lucifer
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faun-the-fawn77 · 21 days
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Lucifer Morningstar x F!Angel!Reader
Genre: fluff and angst
Word count: 2.2k
Warnings: manipulation, gaslighting, fluff so sweet it'll hurt your teeth, ooc(?) Lucifer, reader hates Lilith, Lilith is a bitch, and so is Michael
Part Two
Desc: When Lucifer Fell, it wasn't because of his ideals or that he "fell in love" with Lilith OR that he tempted Eve with the Apple. Lilith was poison from the start and manipulated him into giving Eve the apple. He was devoted to one person in creation and that was his wife, Y/N. He was devastated when he Fell and when Lilith told him that Y/N couldn't love him anymore? That broke him. After years of no contact with Heaven, Lucifer let his daughter, Charlie, attend one of the meetings with Heaven for him. What Charlie didn't expect was for her fathers ex(?)lover to be there with Adam and Lute. Or that Charlie would learn more about her mother. She made sure her father would get back in contact with his long lost love. Lucifer got a phone call that night from someone... in Heaven? Now who could that be?
Note: Sorry for the long description but like- I need you guys to have context for my stories, especially song fics. I want to jump right into the music and writing so you guys will be getting extended summaries. Hope you stick around!
Another note: Poll at bottom once ur done reading! be sure to read the note at the end:)
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Honey, why you calling me so late?
It’s kinda hard to talk right now
Honey, why you crying, is everything okay?
I gotta whisper ‘cause I can’t be too loud
The abrupt sound of “Highway To Hell” By AC/DC ringing out into the night is what woke the Devil from his slumber. He patted around the black wooden night stand for the loud contraption. His bleary eyes wincing at the brightness of the screen, he saw that the beginning of the number starts with (444). Squinting his eyes, he ran a clawed hand through his bed head and sat up. Glancing back at Lilith and then at the number from Heaven, he sighed and slipped his robe on, stumbling out the door and into his study. 
“What in the unholy Hell is someone from Heaven calling me for…” He hesitated for a second before swiping up and answering the call. 
There was no sound on the other end for a while before Lucifer growled and gripped his phone tighter, “If this is some kinda prank then I won’t hesitate to-” 
Lucifer held his breath. His mind raced a mile a minute once that voice came through the line. He closed his eyes shut to prevent the onslaught of tears to fall from his red eyes.
“Luci…please.” His breathing picked up. This wasn’t real. Some fucked up motherfucker was playing some sorta sick prank on him. There’s no way his wi- Ex…wife was calling him. Him! He went to hang up, thumb hovering over the red button when that gentle voice came through again, “Luci, it’s really me. Please don’t go…”
Lucifer bit his lip. He let out a shaky breath and brought the phone to his pointed ear. The sound of her labored breathing could be heard, like she was trying to not cry. 
“Y/N/N? Is…is this really you?” Sniffles were heard from the other end before soft laughter followed. Lucifer fell down into the loveseat near the window in his study. 
“Yes Luci, it’s really me.” The sound of his wife’s voice made Lucifer melt into the loveseat. It’s been eons since he’s heard her voice… and now he wants nothing more than to see her. To feel her. Hug her. Do everything with her.
“Honey, why’re you calling so late? Can’t you see the stars right now?” A sound came from Lucifer and Lilith’s shared room which caused the little Devil to silence himself before speaking again in a whisper, “It’s kinda hard to talk right now. Sorry, honey.”
It was quiet for a few seconds before whimpers and sniffles sounded on the other end. Y/N was crying. His darling wife was upset. 
Not knowing what to do at that point of time, Lucifer shushed her gently, “It’s okay, sweetheart. I’m right here. Is everything okay, honey? Why’re you crying?” Lucifer clutched his phone tightly. His eyes watered up at the thought of not being able to hold onto her. 
“I miss you, Luci. I miss you so much!” Her voice echoed in the study room. Lucifer pulled his phone away to listen, in case Lilith woke up from the noise. He put his phone back to his ear with a smile.
“I miss you too, darling. I’m sorry for being so quiet. I gotta whisper ‘cause I can’t be too loud at the moment.” Y/N hummed and he could hear the smile on her lips.
“Is it because of Charlie? Oh she is such a sweetie! Her and I-”
“Charlie? You met- How’d you meet Charlie?” Lucifer couldn’t fathom how his sweet apple met with his angelic wife. Y/N couldn't leave Heaven. After he Fell, he had heard from Adam that they kept Y/N on a tight leash to make sure she wouldn’t follow after him. 
“Oh! Said she had a meeting with Heaven! Said she and her wonderful girlfriend were sent by you to represent you!” That’s when it clicked. He had that phone call from Charlie a while back about wanting to go to Heaven to talk about her hotel to the higher-ups. Lucifer got her into Heaven that day. What he didn’t realise is that Charlie had a chance at meeting his wife. Or was she considered his ex? They never officially divorced and he and Lilith never married…
“Her idea is brilliant by the way,” Y/N whispered softly. This caught him by surprise. Surprise because he thought that his brother, Michael, would’ve brain washed her into thinking he was the bad guy. That he was evil incarnate.
“You…support it? Her dream?” Lucifer felt like shit. All this time, after hearing nonstop from his daughter about her hotel and plan, it took him getting a call from his wife to make him realize how shitty of a father he was. 
“I do.”
And that struck him in the heart. It was her first encounter with Charlie and she already supported her. Lucifer held a breath and released it after a few seconds. 
Well, my girl’s in the next room
Sometimes I wish she was you
I guess we never really move on
It’s really good to hear your voice saying my name
It sounds so sweet
Coming from the lips of an angel
Hearing those words, it makes me weak
And I never wanna say goodbye
But, girl, you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel
“It’s not because of Charlie…is it.” Lucifer perked up. 
“The reason you have to be quiet.” Lucifer stilled. 
Lucifer couldn’t speak. The tone of voice Y/N had made him shiver. She sounded…numb. Empty. He knew then that she was referring to Lilith.
“She’s in the next room. She doesn’t know…” Lucifer couldn’t finish. He already hated this topic. Lilith was what caused this. Lucifer took a breath and whispered out, “I wish she was you, Y/N.”
He never moved on from Y/N. She was his everything. She will always be his one and only. His light. His angel. 
It was silent. Too silent. Lucifer chewed on his bottom lip with anxiousness. He knew when Y/N was upset and right now? Very upset. He remembered the first argument they had. Lucifer went down to the garden to welcome the two new humans his Father created. Adam was awed while Lilith had indifference. That intrigued Lucifer. Lucifer would talk to Adam about the stars while Lilith went off on her own to do whatever it is she does. One day, Lucifer followed after her. He found her in a flowering clearing with a pond. She was knelt next to it. Lucifer walked up to her and noticed that she was ripping the petals off the most beautiful of flowers.
“And why damage something with life that grew so beautifully?” Lilith looked up at the archangel and smirked. That should’ve been his first sign.
“They aren’t as beautiful as me though, right?” Lucifer hesitated before shaking his head. That should’ve been the second.
“No! You are… very pretty.” Lucifer didn’t want to get on this human’s bad side, “but that is no reason to rip off the petals. Envy is a sin.”
Lilith cackled at the last quip. If Lucifer had caught it, he would’ve realised that she was evil incarnate, not him. 
When Lucifer returned to Heaven after visiting the humans, he bumped into his wife at the Golden Gates. Her arms were crossed and her rosy lips were set into frown. 
“What’s wrong, my star?” Lucifer reached out only for Y/N to swat away the appendage. She glared at him and in a high pitched voice, mimicked Lilith, “They aren’t as beautiful as me though, right?”
Lucifer paled. He didn’t know she followed him down that day. He knew he was in the wrong. He should’ve stopped Lilith’s flirting. He should’ve stopped when he noticed how Lilith looked at him.
“Honey, I-”
“Save it. You should’ve known better, Lucifer. Women, even angelic ones like myself, are good at getting what we want.” Y/N walked off, back to their house. Lucifer felt terrible. He did know that. The angelic females in Heaven knew what they wanted and always got what they wanted, though what they wanted ranged from the sweetest things like new constellations or a new animal to be sent down to Earth that was of their own creation. 
“Lucifer, I di-”
“It’s really good to hear your voice, sweetheart. I can’t get enough of you saying my name again, even if we’re on a topic that upsets you,” Lucifer admitted. He could hear his wife choke a bit before giggling. 
“Oh yeah?”
Lucifer smirked, “Oh yes. Especially since they’re coming from the lips of a beautiful angel.”
He could hear her stuttering on the other end. He was proud of himself that he still had that effect on her. He was always the charismatic one. She was always the kind one. 
“I bet, Luci, that you’re still just as handsome as when you were here.” Lucifer felt his already reddened cheeks heat up more. Since when did his cute, shy, and sweet wife have this side to her?
“Hells, hearing you say that really makes me weak in the knees, sweetheart,” Lucifer groaned. His heart was beating faster and he felt his hands get clammy. He wanted her badly. 
Bed squeaking could be heard in the next room over which caused Lucifer to shut up. He waited with bated breath for the sound of footsteps but none ever came. He released the breath he was holding, running his claws through his tousled blonde hair. 
“I never wanna say goodbye, Luci,” Y/N’s voice sounded suddenly. Lucifer smiled. He never wanted this phone call to end either. He knew that next time there was a meeting with Heaven, he was going. 
It’s funny that you’re calling me tonight
And, yes, I’ve dreamt of you too
And does he know you’re talking to me?
Will it start a fight?
No, I don’t think she has a clue
Lucifer chuckled to himself. Something in himself thinks this is all a dream. That it’s not real. I mean, talking to his wife? He feels like he’s walking on clouds again.
“What’s so funny, mister?” And Hells, he’d never tire of her voice. 
“It���s just funny to me that I got a phone call from you of all angels. That you actually called after everything that happened…” Lucifer leaned back in the seat. His eyes shut and he rested his free hand over his eyes.
“Luci, I never believed Michael’s lies.” Lucifer sat up. His grip tightened on the black hellphone. 
“Never..? But I was told…”
“Whatever you were told was a lie. Lilith is a lying, manipulating bitch. When I saw her in the Garden with you I almost lost my cool. Do you know why she was so flirty? It’s because she saw me and wanted to piss me off. It worked, I’ll give her that.” Lucifer was stunned. Lilith knew? Y/N knew? Then why…
“I never told you because I wanted you to figure it out. I wanted you to realise how toxic she was. That she was using you to get to me. She knew you were the angel everyone talked about and wanted. And she wanted what others couldn’t have.” Lucifer felt that flicker of anger in his heart burst forth. His horns grew and his tail swished around angrily. His breathing was heavy. He wanted to storm into his bedroom and rid that piece of filth from existence!
“Luci! Don’t do anything yet…I have a plan.”
Lucifer settled down and sat back in the loveseat. He used his tail to hold the phone to his ear and clenched his fists to hold back the anger.
“What plan?”
“I can’t say right now… someone is listening.” Her voice lowered at the end. Lucifer understood that she was being watched so he kept his cool and changed topics. 
“You know…I’ve been dreaming of you. Every night since I fell.” Lucifer looked out the window of his study to see the blood red sky. The sight of Heaven made him sad. He wanted so badly to be up there with her once again.
“I’ve dreamt of you too, my light bringer.” Her voice was sweet. It was like honey and vanilla. Lucifer smiled. He could listen to her talk all day. Did he say that twice? Oh well, he was whipped.
“Does he… does Michael know you’re talking to me right now?” Lucifer almost regretted that question. 
“No, he doesn’t. He will when my plan goes through, though.” Lucifer smirked. He couldn’t wait to hear what his brother does when he learns that Y/N was talking to the Devil. He could already picture the steam blowing out his ears.
“And you’re positive that that witch doesn’t know that you are talking to me right now?” Lucifer chuckled at his wife’s bitterness at the mere mention of Lilith. 
“No, she doesn’t. She’s honestly a heavy sleeper.” Y/N hummed. That bit of info made her plan easier. 
“I want to talk more about Charlie! She’s just so sweet and she reminds me so much of you, hon.” Lucifer leaned forward in his seat and both started talking about the sweet creature that was Charlie Morningstar.
Well, my girl’s in the next room
Sometimes I wish she was you
I guess we never really moved on
It’s really good to hear your voice saying my name
It sounds so sweet
Coming from the lips of an angel
Hearing those words, it makes me weak
And I never wanna say goodbye
But, girl, you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel
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That was my first attempt at writing Lucifer and i might have made him a bit to sweet? idk i personally think he'd be supper sweet to wife reader after everything that happened.
also: if you want a part two... VOTE! I wanna expand on this universe a bit so I'll need to find songs to match. Music is my love so almost all my fics will involve music someway or another:)
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Can I request John Constantine fic where the reader is a eldritch or an angel that's known the league for a while or they capture them but John knows them.
I'm a literal whore for that man 👹
John Constantine x Angel male reader
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Reader’s bit of a black sheep amongst angels, cuz I feel like Constantine would go great with a bit of a rebel.
its honestly taken me too long to realize that lucifer from the show is the same lucifer as in the DC comics.
You had a bit of a past with John Constantine, with you being a bit of a rulebreaker amongst the angels and all. I mean, you still went to visit your brother Lucifer on the regular, even if you had been told not to.
Michael had scolded you more times than you could count, telling you not to pop in and out of hell as you please just because you want too, or to not just teleport to earth willy-nilly when Lucifer relocated there for a while.
It was at Lucifers club that you met Constantine for the first time. You didn’t really speak to him, but you did see how he seemed to truly get on your older brothers’ nerves, so you already liked him for that alone.
After the blonde Brit left, Lucifer would give you the whole spiel about him, complaining about how many times he had sold his soul, and all the trouble his actions caused in hell, and how much paperwork the blonde gave him.
After that you bump into him in other places. You like to party, you like to fight, you like to be a nuisance. And its not like anybody can stop an angel as powerful as yourself if they wanted. They’re lucky you just like to be annoying by nature and that you aren’t actually evil.
It ends up with you getting mixed up in some of the things Constantine get up too, even if its by accident because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. You always just know that Michael is gonna be on your neck when you get back to heaven after each time, but hanging out with John is worth it.
Hes tried to get you drunk so many times, but it never works no matter what kind of stuff he pulls out of his coat. Being angelic doesn’t really allow you to be weakened by something as small as alcohol. But its fun to see him try anyways.
In the eyes of your siblings, even Lucifer, Constantine is a bad influence, and they’ll scold you for spending so much time with a mortal, especially someone as twisted on the ledgers as Constantine. You just always shrug, flutter your wings, and fly off to do whatever it is you do. Being the youngest has its perks, since it means you get away with quite a lot.
It was also this carefree attitude that got you caught and locked up by the league. They hadn’t dealt with many angels before, so in the beginning they think you are something else. Be It a mutant or a spirit.
You could easily escape if you wanted too. Something as weak as a man-made structure wasn’t gonna hold you, but you had been bored for weeks now, so why not see what happens. You do get pretty annoyed when they talk about you like you cant hear them. They don’t know you can hear them, but still.
Zatanna easily spots that you are of divine descent, but just how far up in the hierarchy you are is a bit lost to her, since they still believe you can be captured by human means. This is why they’re forced to call in Constantine, since hes the only one they know who regularly interacts with an angel.
The Brit has a good laugh when he sees you sitting on the floor in a cell pouting, your wings wrapped around you like a cocoon. At this point you just phase out of the cell to flick Constantine in the temple for laughing at you.
John is the one that has to explain that you could have escaped the entire time if you wanted, you were just a dick that got bored easily. The dick comment makes you huff and smack him with your wing.
After all that is cleared up, the two of you go out to drink like usual. I could imagine the league trying to figure out if you’d be willing to help them when times are tough, but to their dismay you just shrug and give a “if I feel like it”.
Constantine will later explain to them in passing, mainly to roast you, that you are the youngest, which means that you aren’t used to real work and can just do whatever you want, cuz all your older siblings baby you.
His chair disappears from right under him for that comment, so the league takes it with a grain of salt. In the end you help out if there really is no other way, since angels shouldn’t interfere with minor issues.
Most of the time on earth you spend with John though, since he matches your wavelength and isn’t freaked out by the whole angel thing.
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livannasalinger · 1 year
DP x DC prompt 2
I like the idea that JLD starts hearing rumors about the new King of Infinit Realms and then Batman decides to investigate. Usually stories are written with Batman having discovered Amity and then meeting Danny, but what if the focus of the story is a little earlier? The idea is:
Okay, according to wikipedia, the JLD members are: John Constantine, Detective Chimp, Doctor Fate , Ragman, Etrigan and Zatanna. Wonder Woman is also included in some fics and I think it's cool to include her here. Well then, it would be nice if the story started from the perspective of these members, each one (or at least some of them) having supernatural encounters that go in a different direction than expected (a mission, an artifact that starts to work differently, a realization that something in the universe has changed). Each member reports these changes in a conversation that started casually and then they decide to investigate more, it would be great to explore different encounters they have with creatures or beings more connected to the other side, and these beings talking, but not talking - maybe presenting riddles, maybe not talking on purpose, refusing to comment - I particularly like it when the character Lucifer, from the series, appears. He can clarify the facts, or he can refuse to give a straight answer (I imagine he and Danny can actually get along very well). Anyway, after many ghostly and surreal encounters, as well as finding several pieces of art and legends about the mysterious Phantom (maybe Diana will also get in the middle of this, discovering files in themyscira about Phantom being connected to Kronos aka grandfather clockwork), the group finally discovers that there has been a significant power shift, that Pariah Dark is no more etc. Not only that, they  discover the GIW and the Anti-Ecto Acts exist. And in the midst of it all they discover that there's still a whole universe of things they don't know (infinit realms and such).
Meanwhile, on the other hand, it would be awesome if, like stan lee in the avengers movies, Danny actually had multiple appearances (a boy asking for coffee in the background, someone they asked for directions in a certain city). Danny would already be moving towards being the king (crowned, but still learning and effectively being a prince, more than a ruler). Or the idea that he's basically the host of the realms is pretty cool too, less of a ruler, but more about being the one who maintains the balance between life and death. This would all be part 1, which would see JLD coming to the realization that there's a part of the world they didn't know about and now they have to bring it to JL.
In part two you could focus on other aspects, such as: - Division JLD and JL: not on purpose, but members like Superman and Batman, among others, have their problems when interacting with the supernatural. Batman for example: he's not stupid, but his tendency to investigate and have a contingency plan for everything and everyone can be especially problematic when dealing with the supernatural, as there are rules and boundaries you can't cross if you don't know how to deal with them and the consequences. So, difficult conversations trying to explain the situation in the right context and perhaps a greater understanding from JL members of how unprepared they are to properly deal with this type of problem maybe?. - Follows after the fact above the investigation itself, with a mixture of JL and JLD, each with their contacts and specialties, finally arriving at Amity park and the Fentons. - And finally we come to the classics DP fics: the Fentons as Mad scientists, neglectful parents and etc and the plot twist of the moment: Danny and Jazz Fenton are “missing”, with the city as part of a conspiracy that helped take the children out of the Fenton family and out of reach of the GIW, and citizens of Amity distrustful or aggressive towards the JL (Danny and Jazz ran away and they are now Nightingale , it would be great if they were in Gotham this whole time hauhau) . It could even expand the lore about the Nightingales, they could be a family relatively known within the right circles as the psychopomp. The idea here is that they don't find out who Danny is at first, that there are layers of mystery until they find the answer. That Danny, even though he's young, has enough time to learn and when he has to face it and talk to JL and JLD, he would do it as an equal.
possible part 3 - In parallel, the adventures of Danny, jazz and company running away to gotham, learning things outside the small world that is Amity Park, Danny talking with Lady Gotham and helping her to take care of the supernatural part of the city, since that is not the specialty of Batfam, even with Metas like Duke. The batfam feeling that the city is different someway. Maybe Danny meeting several of the waynes/ vigilants, bonding with some of them and etc. Not forgetting Jazz and her work in Arkham and Sam and Tucker and Ellie somehow included. (maybe even Dan).
tips - fics and stories that inspired me in this idea:
You and me and our best friend makes three by Elizabehta_Beilschmidt
Humans and Ghosts and Different Kind of Hero by RedGhost1010
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stealingyourbones · 9 months
i'll probably write this myself but i wanted to put it out into the world because i want this to be a dpxdc trope so bad
danny fenton is daniel hall.
the dc fandom pretty much forgot daniel hall but he's perfect. he's wonder woman, hawkman and hawkgirl's grandson. his father was literally a ghost when he was concieved. he technically has three parents because the eldrich god that reigns over the realm he was concieved in claimed parental rights. he was created by tumblr's guy neil gaiman. he even has white hair.
maybe lyta hall sent her son away hoping that morpheus wouldn't find him somehow. maybe she actively had a magician's help to make daniel at least partially invisible to the endless. maybe danny ended up with the fentons by chance, but maybe it was destiny's hand. maybe the portal incident was destiny and death's way to keep their nephew safe, but maybe he just survived it because he was already a freak to begin with. maybe clockwork is father time, maybe a few ghosts are nightmares, maybe danny runs into some of his third parent's dreams and nightmares that recognize him as one of their own, maybe danny runs into his aunts and uncles. maybe danny joins the justice league as a superhero and his grandparents or constantine think he's familiar.
i've seen clockwork being father time before and i've also seen lucifer and death making a few appearences in dpxdc fics, but it would be so cool if the fandom would use more the sandman canon in the fics more, because the philosophical eldritch gods that were written by neil gaiman and were never fully separated from the dc canon have so much potentital to be blended with the dp world building.
dude you're so right. the only thing stopping me is just the sheer amount of sandman comics to read. One day I will tho. One day. This is sick as fuck and to all those who know sandman lore go ham.
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masterlistmaker · 1 year
Special Agent Lokitty Masterlist
This blog archives all of @specialagentlokitty 's works into masterlists so they are easy to find. Please read through the Navigation section to help you find the fics you're looking for!
Updated through: end of 8/23
Under the cut, you'll find the list of fandoms that Lokitty writes for (or previously wrote for). The link will take you to a second masterlist of character x reader ships. This is where it can get tricky:
reader lists are lists which have character x reader works
specific!reader lists are lists which have character x reader works where the reader's relation to the character is more specified (ex. daughter!reader, student!reader, etc.)
all readers lists are lists which have character x reader and character x specific!reader works.
NOTE: Characters that have all readers lists will NOT have reader and specific!reader lists. all readers lists contain all the works for that character and are sorted by relation. What list a character has is entirely dependent on the number and type of works Lokitty has written.
From there, you can pick the character-reader relation, open the list link, and find all the fics you're looking for! If you're confused, play around with the links. You'll find what you're looking for.
If you're looking for crossover fics, pick one of the fandoms in the crossover. At the end of that list there is a Crossover Works link. You should be able to find the fic there.
other important notes:
some lists are short and list all the characters and their works without having extra links. These are easy to navigate.
reader traits such as male!reader and autistic!reader are listed next to the fic title and DO NOT have seprate lists.
all fics are (generally) listed from oldest to newest.
I tried my best to sort out all the crossover works, but this was already a huge project and some probably slipped through the cracks. I sorted everything to the best of my abilities, but it would have been impossible to read through every single work (and I'm unfamiliar with most of these fandoms). If you find a fic that isn't where it belongs or is missing lables/ wrong labels, please message me to let me know.
Lists are always under light construction. As Lokitty writes, sometimes things must be reorganized. Any major changes to navigation will always be noted above!
Fandom List- Sorted
Harry Potter
The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings
Kingsman: The Secret Service
DC Batman
Avatar (film series)
TV Shows
Crime Drama:
Criminal Minds
The Mentalist
Fox 911
Comedy Dramas:
Ackley Bridge
Brooklyn 99
The Big Bang Theory
Downton Abbey
Doctor Who
Teen Wolf
The Vampire Diaries
The Witcher
The Umbrella Academy
Fate: The Winx Saga
Medical Drama:
The Good Doctor
Grey's Anatomy
House M.D.
Chicago Med
Attack on Titan
Avatar (ATLA and LOK)
Blue Exorcist
My Hero Academia
Tokyo Ghoul
Kuroku's Basketball
Percy Jackson
Buzzfeed Unsolved
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girly-blogging · 2 years
thinking about baby girl!morpheus and a they/them!lucifer making out maybe i’ve never been more queer
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Summary: Tim Drake calls on John Constantine to come to Gotham to help him untangle some potentially magically linked murders. This results in John standing up his date with the Devil. Who decides the best course of action is naturally to follow John to the States and offer a helping hand. While John and Lucifer deal with ghosts and demons, Tim deals with juggling life as a vigilante with his new relationship with Bernard, a civilian. His family are... less than helpful. Lucifer is also beginning to come to some realisations about his relationship with John. Namely that it IS a relationship.
Author: @tiger-in-the-flightdeck
Note from submitter: *There IS a prelude fic, called "Tipping The Scales" that I would highly recommend reading before this.* It's John Constantine, the Devil, and Red Robin solving a magical mystery. What more could you want??? It's fun, it's wacky, it's heartfelt, and just all around a good time! It's a fic I routinely return to. Oh yeah, also this is the fic that sold me on Tim/Bernard, and it continues to be the only fic to sell me on Tim/Bernard, so if nothing else that should garner it some sort of trophy.
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satansapostle6 · 5 months
Characters I Write For
Please message me with any ideas/requests! I need ideas(short fics or series)
Mostly write for fem!readers. I can write fluff, angst, smut, etc. If I’m not comfortable with something I can let you know
Character/Actor List
Favorite Characters/Actors To Write For
Draco Malfoy, Weasley twins
Jesse Pinkman
Paul Dano characters
Josh Hutcherson characters
Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel
Damon Salvatore, Silas, Klaus Mikaelson, Kol Mikaelson
Rodrick Heffley
Bellamy Blake
Ezra Fitz(should probably make it clear I don’t condone)
Ian Duncan(Community)
Charlie(It’s Always Sunny)
Luke Castellan, Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase
Finnick Odair
Tommy Shelby
Killian Hook
Paul Dano
Klitz(The Girl Next Door)
Dwayne Hoover(Little Miss Sunshine)
Edward Nashton(The Batman)
Calvin Weir-Fields(Ruby Sparks)
Brian Wilcox(Fast Food Nation)
Joby Taylor(For Ellen)
Nick Flynn(Being Flynn)
Josh Hutcherson
Peeta Mellark(The Hunger Games)
Mike Schmidt(FNAF)
Josh Futturman(Future Man)
Devon Bostick
Rodrick Heffley(Diary of a Wimpy Kid)
Jasper Jordan(The 100)
Cillian Murphy
Tommy Shelby(Peaky Blinders)
Dr. Jonathan Crane(The Dark Knight)
Neil(Watching the Detectives)
Christian Bale
Patrick Bateman(American Psycho)
Bruce Wayne(The Dark Knight)
Breaking Bad
Jesse Pinkman
Jane Margolis
Saul Goodman
Harry Potter(Golden Trio Era)
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
Draco Malfoy
Pansy Parkinson
Blaise Zabini
Theodore Nott
Daphne Greengrass
Adrian Pucey
Terence Higgs
Harry Potter(Marauders Era)
James Potter
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
Lily Potter
Severus Snape
Regulus Black
Lucius Malfoy
Narcissa Malfoy
Bellatrix Lestrange
Arthur Weasley
Harry Potter(Fantastic Beasts Era)
Newt Scamander
Queenie Goldstein
Leta Lestrange
Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Luke Castellan
Thalia Grace
Jason Grace
+ Gods
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
Emily Prentiss
Derek Morgan
Penelope Garcia
David Rossi
Elle Greenaway
Cat Adams
Megan Kane
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
John Winchester
Mary Winchester
Charlie Bradbury
Rowena McLeod
Adam Milligan
Jessica Moore
Benny Lafitte
Bela Talbot
Jo Harvelle
Ellen Harvelle
Gilmore Girls
Lorelai Gilmore
Christopher Hayden
Luke Danes
Logan Huntzberger
Jess Mariano
The Hunger Games
Peeta Mellark
Katniss Everdeen
Gale Hawthorn
Finnick Odair
Johanna Mason
Haymitch Abernathy
Pretty Little Liars
Aria Montgomery
Spencer Hastings
Emily Fields
Hannah Marin
Mona Vanderwaal
Alison Di Laurentis
Jason Di Laurentis
Ezra Fitz
Toby Cavanaugh
Jenna Marshall
Caleb Rivers
The Vampire Diaries
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore
Katherine Pierce
Elena Gilbert
Jeremy Gilbert
Bonnie Bennett
Caroline Forbes
The Originals
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Freya Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Marcel Gerard
Davina Claire
Edward Cullen
Bella Swan
Alice Cullen
Jasper Hale
Rosalie Hale
Emmett Cullen
The 100
Bellamy Blake
Octavia Blake
Jasper Jordan
Fiona Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
Frank Gallagher
Mandy Milkovich
Kevin Ball
Veronica Fisher
The Bear
Carmy Berzatto
Sydney Adamu
Richie Jerimovich
Suicide Squad
Harley Quinn
Rick Flag
Once Upon A Time
Emma Swan
Regina Mills
Killian Jones
Robin Hood
Jeff Winger
Abed Nadir
Annie Edison
Troy Barnes
Ian Duncan
It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia
Charlie Kelly
Dennis Reynolds
Dee Reynolds
House MD
Greg House
Robert Chase
James Wilson
Lisa Cuddy
Parks and Recreation
Ben Wyatt
April Ludgate
Andy Dwyer
MCU, Marvel
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Natasha Romanoff
Bruce Banner
Wanda Maximoff
Loki Laufeyson
Peter Parker(Holland, Garfield, Maguire)
Peter Quill
Scott Lang
Steven Strange
Jessica Jones
Wade Wilson
Oliver Queen
Barry Allen
Felicity Smoak
Laurel Lance
Sara Lance
Malcom Merlyn
John Constantine
Leonard Snart
Ray Palmer
Caitlyn Snow
Julian Albert
Rip Hunter
10 Things I Hate About You
Patrick Verona
Cameron James
New Girl
Jess Day
Nick Miller
Other Characters
Charlie Kelmeckis(Perks Of Being A Wallflower)
Jesse Eisenberg Characters
Dr. Who(10th Doctor)
Will Probably Add More
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water-petal · 3 months
queen starfire and batgirl~
kori haters do not interact
english isn't my first language!
graybab shippers please do not read ahead if you like this ship
i just can't sit with the fact that barbara has been pretty mean towards kori in past comics
i haven't read much comics of batfam and titans
tbf i am currently enjoying the lucifer comic series a lot
so idk how it's going on right now
back at the topic
she even went far enough to sl*t shame her by saying how her body can attract any male
Tumblr media
if old comic readers remember
i do remember the time barbara was pretty mean to starfire when she asked barbara to lend her ship to kori so she can save her people
like can we have one- no wait all the universes where it's just these two being good friends? hey i don't mind one universe having them as lovers if done right
barbara is a very sweet lady she is not the type of person to judge anyone for how they look, where they are from and how they appear to be
this same lady comforts people no matter how evil or messed up to head they are
dc stop with the love triangle it's time they do barbara and kori justice
i have seen fic writers make them have better interaction
call me biased but i really love graykory possibly due to growing up watching the series and reading comics when it was them being full lovey dovey
barbara being forced into this just to make a dramatic love triangle
before i get attacked for "you just hate they grew up together"
no i hate it for the retcon abuse.......barbara is also supposed to be older than grayson
this doesn't feel right
it just doesn't sit with me and many old comic readers
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character-estudio · 6 months
Spotify Character Study Masterpost
Below the cut is the current list of fandom/ character playlists. Many of these playlists are ever-growing because I keep adding more songs, if you have any requests for a playlist or song recommendations for a playlist, the inbox is open!
Doctor Who
Good Omens
Our Flag Means Death
Reservation Dogs
Stranger Things
What We Do In The Shadows
Animated Series:
The Amazing Digital Circus (NEW!)
The Radio Demon
Hazbin Hotel
Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel) NEW!
Marceline (Adventure Time)
Gravity Falls
Pink Diamond (Steven Universe) 
Bee and Puppycat
Character from a series:
Twelfth Doctor
Fourteenth Doctor
Fifteen Doctor
Lucifer Morningstar
Thomas Shelby (Peaky Blinders)
Aubrey Thyme (Good Omens fic) (NEW!)
Aziraphale (Good Omens)
Crowley (Good Omens)
Tanis (Letterkenny)
Willie Jack (Reservation Dogs)
Laura Palmer (Twin Peaks)
BJ Hunnicutt (M*A*S*H)
Hawkeye Pierce (M*A*S*H)
Marvel & DC:
Hobie Brown
Peter Parker
Bucky Barnes
Yelena Belova
Moon Knight
Werewolf By Night
Harley Quinn
Harley & Ivy
Star Wars:
The Mandalorian
Ahsoka Tano
Obi Wan Kenobi
Anakin Skywalker
Anakin & Padme
The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes
Veronica Sawyer (Heathers)
Christine Daae (Phantom of the Opera) 
Jennifer Check (Jennifer’s Body)
Ginger Fitzgerald (Ginger Snaps)
Holly Golightly (Breakfast at Tiffany's)
Bonnie & Clyde (1967)
Animated Movies:
Howls Moving Castle
Kat Elliot (Wendel & Wild)
Bruno Madrigal (Encanto)
La Familia Madrigal
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