#daddy the parent
akwolfgrl · 4 months
Nami was shocked, she hadn't been expecting Daddy the parent to know Usopp's father.
“So that's why you left the Marines to become a bounty hunter,” Nami had been surprised to hear the news, she was aware that bounty hunters had their place but that they were still looked down upon by many Marines. “It makes so much sense now,” She couldn't help but wonder if Genzio, who was the closest thing to a father she and Nojiko had to father, would have done the same.
“Papa, no! A pirate did not spare your life! Please tell me that's not true! Tell me you killed that nasty pirate!” The little girl cried pleadingly.
“Usopp!” Nami turned to her friend. “Wow! Your father must have been amazing!” She tried to cheer him up. Maybe after hearing about his father he would grow a spine. “He beat Daddy the father in a duel! And it sounds like he definitely hasn't forgotten all about you! He's thinking about you while he's out there traveling the seas, thinking about the toddler that he left behind in that little village of yours,” Usopp put his arm out, tears in his eyes as he sobbed. Perhaps she hadn't done a great job of cheering him up. “It's OK, we understand I'm here for you,”
“There's no way you could understand Nami! That's not the only reason I'm crying! There's more than one reason, you're so much stronger and braver than me! Your father figure was there for you!” Usopp stated before turning to look at the man in front of him. “I get it, I understand why you'd tell me the story about my father. You told me so I'd be more courageous, less of a weak coward and be more like him! I'll never be a great warrior of the sea if I always run away,” Usopp took a step forward. “You laid out your truth, your embracement, your failure. You did all that to show me what kind of man my father is, what kinda man I should strive to be. I'll never forget that lesson, Carol, you have the bravest man in the world for a father. He's not a coward, he isn't afraid of anything. Isn't afraid to be shamed! It's easy to find men who are big and strong but the ones who put their honor and pride on the line for others are one in a million,” Nami was reminded of Genzio, of that stupid pin wheel on his hat. How he wore it everyday just to make her smile.
“Papa is one in a million!” Carol agreed looking up at her father.
“I can't accept your dad's mercy, I have to be brave and face my death head on, I want a rematch!” Usopp cried out, wiping his tears with his arm. “I have something to prove to myself!”
“As you wish, choose your weapon. This will be our final duel,” Nami wanted to step in and stop this fight but she knew it would not go well.
“I chose Pachinko,” Usopp took his green slingshot out of his shoulder bag.
“Good, now let's see,” The man began to look around. A bell rang in the distance; it sounded ominous. “That weathervane, hit it if you wish to live,” In the distance was a whale shaped weather vane wearing a silly crown.
“What! That thing!?” Usopp had every right to sound panicked, how was he supposed to hit it! The slightest gust of wind could cause it to move! Daddy the father pulled out a gun and pointed it at Usopp.
“If you miss…”
“Right you'll shoot me dead, no third chances.”
“Usopp,” Nami didn't want to watch her friend die, what would she tell the others? Usopp was her friend, the one she was closest to on the ship, he was like her, normal. Not like the other three that were crazy and almost inhuman.
“This is the shot that will determine if I live or die with honor not turning back now,” Usopp pulled back the strings on his slingshot.
“He's not going to make it, there's no way,” Carol told the little girl what Nami was thinking.
She waited with bated breath. The bell still rang loud as her heart beat. The breeze ruffled her hair as Ussop stared at the weathervane; she held her breath as she waited for him to realize the shot. Finally after what felt like years he let go. The whale didn't move, it just continued its gentle rocking movement.
“you…missed,” Was this the end of Usopp's journey? Was there anything she could do to stop it?
“Papa no! No! You can't kill him, please you can't!” Carol sobbed into her father's coat, oh how Nami wanted to do the same.
“I can't kill him,” Nami looked at the man, who looked shocked. “He didn't miss, he shot right through the crown!” Nami pulled out her spyglass and preen threw it, and right in the center of the crown was a hole.
“Usopp you did it! I can't believe you actually did it! You shot thru the crown like he said!” How he could see that well she had no idea.
“Wow! Good job!” Carol congratulated Usopp who sank to the ground in clear disbelief and probably relief at not being killed.
“Your as good of a shot as your father, and brave as he is as well. Your father would be proud to call you his son. Go to GrandLine and find him, he deserves to see what his son has become,” Nami had to admit the more she heard about this guy Yasopp the more curious she became.
“You're a pretty good shot after all…for an old man,” Carol had a pair of goggles in her hands as she gave them to him.
They said their goodbyes and headed off. Usopp stood back up the goggles in his hand.
“When people say Daddy the parent is nothing but a disgraced Marine, we'll know the truth, the real story.”
“I will find my father one day! I will show him what a true warrior of the sea I have become! Until that day comes, I have to do my best!”
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agir1ukn0w · 8 months
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I'M SORRY OK I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY (but you know I had to do it)🤣🤣🤣
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rotkinshock · 1 year
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Oda took away from you all Daddy Masterson in manga, especially in this design.
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tumbler-polls · 2 months
Submitted by @homochaotic-chic
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ghouljams · 2 months
I don't know how to word this but Dad!Ghost who's gotten softer around the middle(proudly gained that extra weight thanks to your cooking) and can't help chuckling to himself when his little girl proudly pats her tummy after dinner and tells you "that was a good meal mama" in the same tone Ghost uses. Already taking after her old man...(he's never been happier)
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tinyshinysylveon · 1 year
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muskaanayesha · 2 years
Peace be upon the daughter who helped her parents grow up. Accepted their cold shoulder, excused their anger, pardoned their mistakes, taught them how to be human. Peace be upon the sister who paid the price of rebellion. Screaming to her fullest, shaking like a leaf but standing tall, never letting the dictatorship go without a fight, paving the path for her siblings to breathe easier. Peace be upon the first child of an immigrant father. Aching to find their own purpose in life, firm in their own beliefs, contradicting generations and generations of cultural values. Peace be upon the girl who shouldered her mother's trauma. Swindled it into her own, morphed herself into an image of the womb she once resided in, immersed herself into troubles that weren't even hers, covered up scars that she couldn't even recognize. Peace be upon the woman who forgot who she was. So determined to be the savior of everyone, to fix her family, to nurture and love everyone around her. So deeply lost that she forgot she's just as worthy of love. Peace be upon you.
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x4ver1a · 8 months
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avenananana · 3 months
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freshly baked parents
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sualne · 2 months
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vampire terminology used wrong
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akwolfgrl · 4 months
LFT 32
“Couldn't you just peacefully let me go?" Usopp asked hopefully but the gun did not waver.
"Wait!" Nami stepped in front of him, now was his chance to try a different tactic.
"Yah! If it's money you want, she has tons of it!" Nami turned to look at him as he begged for his life. He closed his eyes to see her rightfully angry look. "Just please don't shoot me, spare my life!"
"Hold on now," Nami was absolutely pissed at him. He could hear it in her voice.
"Oh? So you're trying to hide behind a woman?" Daddy the parent spoke, disappointment clear in his voice. Did he and Sanji know each other? They had the same views about women.
"No, forget what I just said!" Usopp stood up. The man had a point it wasn't right for him to hide behind Nami. A real man wouldn't do that. A brave warrior of the sea wouldn't do such a thing to someone they called a friend. "She's just an innocent bystander who has nothing to do with this," If he was to die here, it wouldn't be right to drag her down with him.
"Usopp," Nami sounded sad. He would miss his friends he just hoped that they would miss him to.
"It can't be," the man standing in front of him muttered. "Do you know the man they call Yasopp of the Red hair pirates?"
"Yasopp? That's my dad. Wait, does that mean you've met him before? What does he have to do with anything?” Usopp asked surprised and little confused.
"I see, so you are his son," The man muttered.
"Papa?" The little girl looked up at her father in confusion, the one here who wasn't confused was the one who made them all confused.
"I've never once told a soul what happened that day," Daddy the parentbegan his story.
Usopp listened with rapt attention as the man told the story of how he lost to his father. The marines best sniper losing to a pirate. How his life was spared due to him having a daughter. Usopp supposed it made sense why the man standing in front of him quite the Marines to become a bounty hunter, he did it so he could be his daughter's side. A part of Usopp wished his own father could have done the same, that he could have been there for him and his mom before she died, Usopp banished those thighs just like he always did. There was so much he didn't know about his own father. Would he be able to meet the man one day? Would he one day look his father in the eye and hear how proud of him he was? What kind of man did Usopp want to be when that day came?
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dysphoresque · 8 months
being touch-starved [mother issues] and being touch-repulsed [father issues] at the same time
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cats-depression-diary · 2 months
I have my father's rage inside of me. And it's getting bigger and bigger, I can't stop it this time. It's killing me, I don't wanna turn into him, I hate this man sooo much, he has ruined my life.
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arabian-batboy · 10 months
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So anyways, I think Jason needs to adopt a rowdy doesn't-know-how-to-cope-with-his-emotions mini-me boy as a treat.
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battybunny · 5 months
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