#customers are constant and so many of them are so RUDE
axemetaphor · 2 years
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sorry work is ruining my ability to Make Things I'm still colouring that comic and I'm working on a different one and heres a very self indulgent doodle from fuck knows. probably 3 days ago
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httpwintersoldier · 11 months
『 do it for me, doll. || bucky barnes x reader 』
pairing: pornstar!Bucky x f!reader words: medium summary: when life gets hard after the Avenger's disbandment Bucky has to find a new occupation, and you find it too.
『 part 2 』 『 part 3 』
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With the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D basically gone, the income of the remaining members was up to them entirely, and sadly, given Bucky's reputation and very recognizable appearance, many employers were reluctant or even scared to hire the man.
He had found some jobs, however he'd quickly get fired after complaints or after customers stopped showing up out of fear.
It was a tough life for Bucky, learning to live in this completely new world, while also being painted as a monster despite all of the heroic acts he had done over the years... It made living life almomst impossiblle.
However, he didn't understand. Peter had taught him how to use social media years prior, since he was tired of having people ask for his "@" and then laugh in his face when he didn't know what it was, and according to the people on said social medias, he was "a total DILF", "a 10/10" and "adorable". Bucky did have to ask for clarification on some terms, but after a while he got the gist of it, and appreciated the compliments. But why was it that he was so loved online yet so hated in real life?
The struggle in job searching ceased when someone bravely suggested that he should do porn. At first he was shocked, thinking it was rude for "BuckyInMe_69" to even suggest such a disrespectful thing, but then he began considering it.
Money and compliments in exchange for undressing? What was the worst that could happen? Harassment and constant disrespect? Bucky already got plenty of that on a daily basis without getting his cock out.
After considering it for several days, and trying to find any other job that would take him, the soldier said fuck it, and began researching about his new job. Where to go, where to start, what to do...
Bucky soon found out that he was an absolute natural. It was awkward at first, as he himself was quite an awkward person at times, but his naturally flirtatious personality and eagerness to be adored worked in his favour.
The only downside was the conversation he had with his co-worker-turned-friend Sam when the news reached his side.
"Bucky why are people sending me pictures of penises saying it's yours? Tell me this isn't your dick on my screen."
The soldier just laughed and told him it was payback for all of the Red Wing taunting.
He loved the money, but most of all he loved the compliments and appreciation. It was a nice contrast from all of the insults and judgement he got, and he felt like he could open up more and be himself on camera.
On the other end, you stared at a "Sign-Up!" screen on your computer, wondering if you were desperate for sexual gratification to the point of joining porn live streams. And the answer, as you soon found out, was yes. Yes you were.
After making the account your teeth played with your bottom lip as you searched through the plethora of options, when a certain someone caught your atention.
Was that... a metal arm? Were they cosplaying as Bucky Barnes? That would've been messed up... But as you brought the screen closer and squinted your eyes to look at the man on the thumbnail you realized it was actually THE Bucky Barnes. On a porn site. Livestreaming.
You clicked on his livestream (just out of curiousity, of course) and were instantly met with a view you could've only dreamed of.
Bucky was on a chair leaning back, his torso fully on display, tanned and shining, and his thighs just barely showing, covered with a pair of tight shorts that left little to the imagination.
He smiled and greeted everyone with the cutest voice, and for a second you forgot he was once a prominent assassin.
As luck would have it, he had just started streaming and there were very few people there, so, without thinking, you went ahead and booked a private session, before someone else "stole" him away and robbed you of the view.
Fuck. Shit. Fuck, dammit. It was only when Bucky raised his eyebrows and spoke that you realized what you had done.
"Wow, a session so soon, I didn't expect it! To the lovely fan that bought the session, I'll meet you in my private room, to the rest of you, I'll see you soon!"
With a click from his side, the screen turned into the thumbnail picture, with a white text on top that said "Private Session Time! I'll be back soon".
You stared at it for a while before realizing that he was waiting for you and you should probably join the session.
You took a deep breath (or several deep breaths) before joining your 20-minute session. You pressed the big golden button and the screen that once was locked, turned into an image of Bucky. The camera angle was lower, so now you could fully see his body from the head to the knees, and the shorts he wore were long gone, now replaced by a pair of tight grey boxers that perfectly showed the outline of his hard-on.
"Hey doll, how are ya?" He greeted, when he noticed the company had finally joined.
"Good, how are you?" You typed nervously.
You watched as his eyes moved to read the chat. Your thumb was in your mouth and you nervously bit your fingernail, anticipating the response.
"I'm doin' good princess. We got a shy one in our hands, do we? Are you gonna let me see you?" He questioned, his hand finding his crotch area.
You looked around, wondering if you should do it, and you just figured fuck it.
You placed the pc in front of you, a little farther away, so the camara would catch everything below your neck. You then knelt in front of the pc and turned it on.
You were shaking as you did so, but the way Bucky spoke, in such a gentle, soft yet sensual manner instantly put you at ease.
"You look gorgeous, doll."
Bucky stared at your hardened nipples, that were protruding in the very short nightgown you wore.
"Thank you."
The Soldier smirked, he could sense your nervousness from the quietness in your voice.
"Lean back for me doll, and spread your legs, I wanna see how wet you are."
You obeyed him, slowly stripping from your panties, and leaned against the headboard. You spread your legs, giving him full sight of your pussy.
When you looked at the screen he had rid himself of his underwear too, holding his hard shaft with his mechanical arm. The view was so hot and erotic you swore you could cum just at the view.
"You're so fuckin' pretty doll, can you touch yourself for me?"
Your hand sneaked down your body until your fingers found your clit and began slwoly rubbing circles.
"That's a good girl, I wanna hear how pretty you sound."
His pretty blue eyes were half shut, filled with lust as he began pumping his cock.
"You look... really good." You said, shyly.
That got a smile out of him and he brushed his hair back with his free hand.
"Yeah baby? You like to see me jerk off to you?"
"Yes... Yes, I love it." You admitted, your hand speeding up subconsciously.
"Why don't you finger yourself for me doll?"
You slowly inserted two fingers in, stealing a loud moan out of you.
Bucky's hand sped up at the sight and at the sound.
"Shit if you sound this good now, I can only imagine how you'd sound if I was inside you, fucking you until that pretty head of yours could only think of my cock."
Your head hit the backboard the second you heard those words, and your hand sped up.
"I wanna hear you too, please Bucky." You begged, and his cock twitched at the way you called his name
Grunts and whimpers instantly left his mouth, and his chest began heaving.
"You're doing so good... so good doll."
You added some speed to your hand and added another one, that circled your clit.
Bucky couldn't cum, since he still had a livestream to get back to after your session, but the sounds your fingers made fucking your own pussy made it hard for him not to say fuck it and cum for you.
"That's it princess, you sound so good right now, I wish I could fuck you until you couldn't move your legs anymore."
"Oh my- fuck! Bucky I'm gonna cum."
He smirked, as he could now slightly see your face, bottom lip trapped between your teeth and eyebrows furrowed with pleasure.
"That's it princess, cum for me. I wanna see you cum."
His words were like a command, and so you came in front of him, with a cry for his name, your legs shaking from the thrill of the experience.
The timer on Bucky's side signaling the session was over had rang about five minutes prior to your climax, but he was obsessed with you, and wanted to make you cum more than he wanted to go back to the live.
He hung out for a second, still stroking his cock, allowing you to catch your breath, before speaking up again.
"Alright doll, our time's up and I gotta get back, but I hope to see you here again." Bucky said, a playful smile on his lips, and an enchanting look in his eyes.
You covered yourself, suddenly feeling very exposed, causing the man to laugh inwardly.
"You might. You might..."
"I'm hoping I do princess."
Those were the last words you heard before he disconnected and went back to the live. You sat there, cathcing your breath still, and thinking about the past twety-something minutes.
How was it that the best sexual encounter you'd ever had was with a man that wasn't even in the room with you!?
A/N: if this pops off and people are interested I can make a part two!
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Full hcs for the m6 with an MC that has chronic pain (I looked through the masterlists and didn't find anything, but it's totally possible that I missed something O///O)
The Arcana HCs: MC with chronic pain
He devotes his full care and attention to every person in need of a doctor he meets and you are about to get 200% of that
Will do a full examination as soon as you're able to talk to him about it. Give him your medical history, past diagnoses, personal opinions, potential causes, and any other detail you have
Listens to every word, writing them all down so intensely that his handwriting is even less legible than usual
In the moment, there's not much he can do beyond suggesting a few alternate ways of handling it and covering you with kisses and careful, all-encompassing sympathetic hugs
In the long run, chronic pain starts to rival (if not surpass) hematology as his field of study and expertise. Pain management does get easier over time as he learns and applies more
It has also changed how he speaks about pain
The earliest example of which was when he told you that he was "intimately acquainted" with it and you misinterpreted that as him saying that he suffers from it too - you still tease him for that
Your biggest medical advocate & never loses sympathy for you
They didn't really know how much you suffered from it until your first weeks back, and then they watched as you had to relearn how to live with it. To call it nightmarish would be an understatement
So, so, so many pain easing spells and potions. His collection was already impressive for Nadia's migraines but now it's tripled
Curious to the point of almost seeming insensitive about the sensations you experience. They did, with your permission, try linking to you enough to take them on once
He didn't like it. He can handle physical discomfort well enough but he hates it with a passion and this was a horrible realization
Thoughtful and protective of your right to comfort and access to accommodation, to the point that you sometimes have to remind them that you really can handle it
Asks you every morning and through the day how your pain levels are and will adjust accordingly. Bad pain day? Leave the shop to him, here are some meds, he'll bring you breakfast in a bit
Has been known to use pain transfer spells on rude customers during your flareups - it's two birds with one stone!
Had a hunch that it was something you experienced from the moment she met you, if only because she was dealing with constant migraines at the time and recognized the pain
Does her best to hide it from you because she doesn't want to make your pain about herself, but gets frustrated beyond measure about it. She's a fixer, and this is something she can't just fix
She does everything she can for you, of course - opening the Palace doors to anyone with knowledge on the subject, stocking up and giving you access to all of her pain management methods
But it still gnaws at her when she knows you're having a bad pain day and the most she can do is encourage you to rest and have your meals sent to you and try to get extra time to spend with you
Even more proud of you than you can tell (which is very proud). Living in pain the way you do is no easy thing and that pain being largely "invisible" only adds to what you must be going through
Very respectful of your needs. It doesn't matter if she doesn't understand why you need something right away, if you need it, you need it
It's not something he'll confess to until you're close enough and he's comfortable admitting it, but he has his own chronic pain from his Coliseum injuries. It's not constant, but it flares up regularly
A poorly healed fracture in his wrist. Some mangled nerve endings from blunt force trauma to his ribs. A wrenched knee that never fully healed and keeps coming back like a sprain
There's another layer to the days he spends hiding in bed, lifting nothing heavier than his tiny carving tools
He never really got much medical attention when the injuries were fresh and he certainly hasn't gotten any for the pain since, but he'll share all the knowledge on natural medicine he has
And nobody knows how physical pain can get into your head like he does. He doesn't always know what to say, but he is dedicated to listening when you're struggling and helping where he can
A little slower at accepting support for his own pain (it's months, if not years, before he's comfortable with being seen for it by a doctor) but he's with you every step of the way. You're not alone
Portia is excruciatingly empathetic to you and this is not something easy for her to understand or relate to
Pain? Physical pain?? Which you can't control, or point to an obvious/visible/curable source for??? How do you not act like you're in constant pain? How have you not found a cure?
(To say that she cringes when she remembers peppering you with these questions is an understatement. What matters is that she learned and she never doubted you for a second)
She still has difficulty fully comprehending what you're going through, but once she's dragged you to her brother and gotten some action items to follow up with, supporting you gets easier
Checks in with you several times a day on schedule and keeps a list of useful questions to ask so she can understand your pain levels
Always has at least two pain meds on hand in case of a spike or flare up and will scour the markets for any ingredients that she hears will help with pain/nerve damage/inflammation
Will bring Pepi to loaf and purr on you for hours when you need to stay in bed for the day and leaves treats on the bedside table
He relates to this more than he wants to, but his own experience is so all over the place he doesn't know how to talk about it
Sure, he had chronic pain when he was a count, it's hard to have an emergency amputation done by an inexperienced student and then a decently weighty metal prosthetic for 20 years without it
But back then he had plenty of doctors and the kinds of resources to make managing it almost easy, not to mention the parties and pleasures he indulged in constantly to distract from it
And then for three years he felt nothing - nothing at all
At this point, he'd choose the pain over the ghost form any day, but that doesn't make it easy. Hearing you talk about your pain openly helps him realize it's possible to live with, even though it's difficult
So that's what he does. He'll live with his pain, and you'll live with your pain, and you'll both wake up to it with each other for company. He can do this
He'll still go as far as threatening any medical experts he finds with their demise if they refuse to see either of you and you're not there to stop him, though
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ya-zz · 6 months
Ramattra Drabble
"You look better." He states as he looks over at you sitting across from him and sipping tea.
"I feel better."
"Your eyes have a shine in them that they did not have before." His head tilts ever so slightly. "It is like your light has come back."
Your cheeks flush a little. "Suppose you take a break from something and you realise how much you needed it."
"Ah, yes. You are out of work now, correct?" He asks.
You nod. "Yeah. It sucks, kinda need the money, but I think if I worked any longer-"
"You were close to quitting."
"Too close. So many rude people to deal with - customers and colleagues alike." You let out a small laugh.
"Do you miss it?"
You stare at the omnic for a moment. "I miss the constant money coming in."
Ramattra chuckles. "Back at the original topic; you look happier."
"Yeah..." You smile softly. "Spending time with you and spending time with the others made me realise how much I miss this. I feel like I'm back home."
The omnic leans back in his chair before leaning forward, encasing your hand with his.
"You are home."
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shoyostar · 8 months
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❥ ��𝐇𝐎𝐘𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑’S attendant vie only writes femaleノafab!readers because it is what she is most comfortable with.
❥ racial appearance traits are not generally stated but readers are written to be as inclusive as possible while coinciding with the fic.
the only exception is filipino coded fics ノ filipino au.
❥ attendant vie does not accept dark content requests.
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she might reblog some of these written by others.
❥ attendant vie may write the following ؛ ଓ
dub-con. cheating. aged up characters (?). stepcest. rpf. professor x uni student. age gap (depending). list is subject to change over time.
she might reblog some of these written by others.
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rreskk · 10 months
I've been thinking of Trevor teaching the reader how to shoot and how to use a gun and etc, but I've also been thinking of a scenario where the reader is a bartender at Vanilla Unicorn and Trevor gives her some extra attention during the peak hours of the place, just Trevor on his knees making the reader pretend normality to customers, while his dirty tongue rubs and tastes her intimacy.
I love the second idea. I wrote this at 1am so sorry if it's shorter than usual! In response to my other requests, I have so so many and due to my increase work hours, I'll have to pick out the ones I'm able to do. Sorry if this causes any hassle!
Summary: Your boss tried to relieve your stress during peak times at the bar.
TW: -Smut
Pairings: Fem!reader/ Trevor Philips
Word count: 1029
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“Where’s my order!”
You were being bombarded with hefty customers at the vanilla unicorn. Constantly rushing around, spilling drinks, arguing with customers. It left you knacked. Once this guy had rudely shouted from across the bar-side, you sent him a mean glare, demanding him to wait or he won’t get any booze. Throughout the peak hours, your boss, a very… Strange man – to say the least – was wondering around (as per usual) and decided to let himself behind the bar, even though he wasn’t qualified to deal with alcohol.
He'd mention “making the shift easier” as he crouched down, pretending to help with the glasses and whatnot. You were immediately struct, no – you were immediately greeted with two pairs of hands slowly pulling down your trousers. His fingers would stroke against your naked thighs, your trousers loosely tangled around your ankles until his breath threatened to penetrate your sex.
“Concentrate on the people,” He’d repeat over and over as your legs grew week, “Don’t look at me. Serve them.”
You’d try to overcome this fuzzy sensation. It wasn’t… “uncommon” for you both to become quite frankly intimate. No, let’s rephrase, it was VERY common. Every shift, you’d recall, after every shift, you were both fucking in his office once everyone had left. This time was different considering this was a wide open scenery. Although the customers couldn’t see him working hard-labour from between your legs, they’d assume you were just having a mini-breakdown with your constant heavy breathing and clumsy hands.
“You forgot the lime – “
“S-Sir… Just take… Take your drink and – and just… Just go.” You took a deep breath, staring at the poor customer while Trevor was licking strips across your sensitive cunt. He wasn’t gentle at all. He was making passionate love like it was the first time seeing such a delicate pussy.
Obviously you’d receive snarky remarks and looks from the (mostly) men who’d come and go with orders. However, knowing this little, hidden intimacy will add a major bonus to your pay check made your nightshift more… Bearable.
Nonetheless, it still doesn’t help the fact that you were stumbling all over the bar. The amount of times you had almost dropped a cup on Trevor’s head whenever he fully tongue-fucked you enough to hit that G-spot. You wondered how long his tongue could possibly be to adventure that deep…
While scooping up necessary ice, alcohol, fruits – your mind was RIDDLED with these dirty thoughts, combined with the effects of his criminal touch. Like Hell, if anyone saw you both right now, you’d both be done for. Possibly arrested for public indecency.
“Trevor…” You whispered down to him before a guy opposite the bar frowned.
“What? Who the fuck is Trevor? I want a goddamn shot of vodka. Get it now!” He’d snap back.
You felt Trevor’s lips move across your cunt after hearing this godforsaken treatment.
“I’ll kill these motherfuckers…” His tone was low, cruel. Trevor was quiet so only you could feel the depth of his unleashed rage.
It made you shiver.
“Coming right u – “ Once again, you had to stop and lean against the stand, head buried in the palm of your hands. His tongue was so menacing and you could feel an orgasm arriving sooner than expected.
“What’s the matter with you! I asked for a vodka? Just a simple shot of vodka! C’mon… Do I really have to pay for this?”
The complaints only fuelled Trevor’s pace as he continued to tongue-fuck you stupid. He was inhaling your sex, inhaling everything. His mouth was buried in your pubes while his nose itched your  clit, double the sensation, double the hassle it was causing you.
“Sir…” Then you’d moan at this customer who was completely outraged. You were depicted to look as though this was all a mockery. The man, angry as ever, leaned closer and went to torment your work performance more when…
“Ohhh… SHIT!” You suddenly cried.
Waves of cum would flow out of your pussy and into Trevor’s desperate mouth. He drank from your intimacy gracefully. As moans struggled to constipate and release itself from your voice-box, he’d lick the surrounding area until there was no evidence of cum left behind.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, woman? Where is your manager, I want him now!” The customer ordered before Trevor, smug and prideful, appeared from under the cabinets.
“What can I do for you sir?” He’d ask so casually like he didn’t just appear from “nowhere”… (your wet cunt).
“Uh…” And he had left the man to slowly pull the pieces together.
“Hello?” Trevor grinned, “I don’t like people wasting my precious time. I got a strip-club to run.”
“You’re the manager?”
He raised an eyebrow, “Why, yes. What’s the problem? My patience is running low.”
The customer quickly backed away from the bar and turned from furious to… Frightened. He called out with a weak cry that everything was “perfectly fine”, but of course, Trevor wouldn’t let that slide. Not after the treatment you’ve received from the past hour.
“You ain’t going anywhere until you look at that beautiful, talented bartender and apologised for your disgusting behaviour.”
“Uh… Huh?”
“Don’t play dumb with me, prick!” Trevor gritted his teeth, “Apologise, now!”
The man was forced to look at you in the eye. You held back the temptation to hide in the backroom since your face was blushed, eyes barely open, trousers still loose around your ankles. 
“I’m… I’m sorry – “
The customer gulped and stared at you, “I’m so sorry, ma’am. I- I’ll give you as… As much time as you’d like for my order… And…”
“And what, pretty boy?” Trevor toyed.
“And I’ll give you a big tip after.”
“Ahhh! There’s a good-boy! Okay, now piss off. Your face fuckin’ annoys me.”
He ran off, not caring about the vodka at this point. This left you alone with Trevor as he leaned in close to your ear and whispered;
“As soon as that clock hits 12, get yourself in my office before you sign out, hm?”
You nodded and closed your eyes, feeling his breath against your neck.
“Yes, Trevor.”
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starsinmylatte · 2 years
It’s alright. I’m here
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Alright, folks, this is the Protective!Silco piece I referenced when I was planning my next set of fics. There are some warnings and general info I need to cover about this fic, so please pay attention to the author's note and trigger warnings. As a general reminder, the Witchy!Reader x Silco fic will be up next.
Trigger warnings: Attempted SA by an unnamed character, canon-typical violence
Pairing: Silco x AFAB!reader
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 2.8k
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, attempted SA, this does end with comfort
Summary: You are having an incredibly mundane day, but things take a turn for the worst as a creep attempts to corner you. Thankfully, help is closer than it seems.
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Author's note: I can't find the post to link, but a few weeks ago, I made a post about wanting to write a Protective!Silco one-shot based on a scary experience I had. This was the experience. I have been assaulted twice, and this piece directly pulls from a combination of those two experiences. I am in therapy and doing fine, but I needed to write it out. This was both extremely cathartic and very painful to write, and I almost didn't share it because it is difficult for me to re-read it. So, I couldn't edit the work as thoroughly as I normally do and it may not be my best work. Fair warning. However, I wanted to share it in the hopes that it can be helpful to another survivor. This should go without saying, but If you leave me a rude or hurtful comment, I will block you immediately.
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It had been the most uneventful day. Silco was away on some kind of business, but all the mundane chores at The Last Drop still needed to be taken care of. Inventory needed to be ordered, supplies needed to be stocked, and someone eventually had to make the bar countertop slightly less sticky. Usually, that would be grunt work, but you took some pride in the place; way more pride than some random underling would. 
The relationship you had with Silco was almost an unspoken one. Of course, the two of you had discussed it at great length, but only two other people were privy to the finer details. Jinx, of course, and Sevika because the full extent of her protection had to cover you as well. To anyone else, you were simply the lady Silco trusted to care for the less shady side of the business in his absence. Anything more than that was pure speculation. Some simply thought you were a very devoted assistant, and some had theories so scandalous you and Sevika had to discuss them over drinks. 
The bar countertop was the first chore on your checklist today. The job wasn’t without satisfaction, and every inch of clean countertop only served to spur you on to the final goal. The cloudy haze of sticky syrups and exotic flavored liquors slowly lifted from the bar with each pass of a rag. Even though your fingers began to ache, the wood underneath started to shine, and a hum of contentedness passed your lips. One final pass with a different cloth dipped in a lemon-scented polish finished the job. 
You were so engrossed in your work that you didn’t register a presence beside you until it spoke. 
“Not many people woulda helped with that. Thank you.” Chuck’s familiar voice rang out in the room, startling you out of your concentration. 
“Don’t mention it. I used to bartend, so it’s second nature to me. Besides, I’m not the one who has to be behind here all night.” You dismissed the thanks with a lighthearted wave. 
Chuck hummed in agreement. The job paid well, and tips were great, but the constant flow of rowdy customers always constantly demanding more would wear anyone down. 
You wiped your hands on the cloth tucked into your skirt's waistband and bent down to stow some of the cleaning products back under the bar. When you finally stood back up, Chuck was toying nervously with his hands and staring at you obliviously. The second your gaze met his, his cheeks flushed pink in embarrassment, and he immediately glanced away. “You know, you’re always welcome to work behind the bar with me.” 
You laughed to yourself. Chuck was adorable, but he was one of the more clueless men that you worked with. Besides, he was far from your type. “I’d love to, but that's not what Silco pays me for.”
The syrup bottles still needed to be cleaned, so you continued wiping down the ones you could reach. Chuck picked up his own rag and began to clean a few glasses. You worked quickly and silently. After all, you had a schedule to keep. The silence between the two of you was comfortable, and the time flew by. Eventually, it was time for you to head out and run a few errands. 
You packed up your things and finally broke the silence. 
“Hey, I’m on my way out to run some errands and pick up another thing of bitters. We used way more last night than usual.”  
There was no response. You turned back around to find Chuck lost in deep thought and polishing the glass like he was in a trance. Clearly, he didn’t hear you. You waved to grab his attention as you walked out from behind the bar, and it was his turn to jump slightly. 
Chuck leaned back against the bar and tilted his head as if he was considering something. Then, finally, he found the right phrasing. “If you don’t mind me asking….. What does Silco pay you for?” 
With the most deadpan expression you could muster, you turned to look directly at him as you headed for the door. “I bury the bodies.” 
Chuck’s face instantly paled, and he dropped the glass he was cleaning. You turned around and walked quickly through the door before you lost your composure.
As soon as you shut the door behind you, you instantly doubled over in a fit of laughter. After a few minutes passed, you glanced at your watch as you wiped the tears from your eyes. Shit. I’m off schedule. I only have an hour before the shop closes. 
Would Silco care? No, of course not….. but you would. The world would keep turning, but he worked so hard, and running these mundane errands was the absolute least you could do to help ease his load. Besides, you were only headed to one store to pick up a few extra bottles of cocktail syrup and bitters. 
You rolled your eyes. The homemade syrup was infinitely better, but customers at the bar dropped a pretty penny for the stuff imported from topside, so it found its way into a wide variety of drinks. People paid to feel fancy. 
On the bright side, the shop wasn’t even that far away from The Last Drop, and the walk was rather pleasant. Of course, the undercity had its problems, but it was the only home you’d ever known, and you truly loved it. You waved to some people you recognized on the street, and before you knew it, you had arrived. 
The door to the shop jingled as you pushed it open and an unfamiliar man behind the register waved at you. 
Oh, It looks like they hired someone new. 
It was really not a problem. They should have the usual order stocked and ready to go behind the counter, and all you had to do was grab a few extra things and pay for the additional items. The bell jingled again behind you, and you barely even registered it as you walked around an aisle. You wandered a bit, taking time to look at the new stock and think of new drinks to try. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a man following you through the maze of shelves. He was tall and skinny, and he seemed to be watching you. As soon as you glanced in his direction, he hurriedly turned down a different aisle. 
Weird. Maybe it was someone who was too shy to say hello earlier. 
You didn’t start worrying until he returned. The people of the Lanes were your family, but some of them were undeniably dangerous. Part of growing up on the streets was learning when you were being followed or watched, and the man was undoubtedly doing both. 
The seconds seemed to stretch on for hours and the hair on the back of your neck prickled. Someone following you down one aisle was nothing unusual, two was a coincidence, and three was unnerving. Your heart started to beat a little faster, but thankfully you reached the aisle with the bitters. You grabbed a few bottles and ducked back around the corner. The man seemed to vanish into thin air, and you let out a low sigh of relief. You didn’t even realize you’d been holding your breath. 
He’d have to be stupid to try something in front of the worker. 
Suddenly, you felt someone brush past you. You flinched at the unexpected contact and sharply twisted around to see what happened. The creep who had been following you around the store was leering down at you. He was towering over you and so close you could feel his disgusting breath hit your face. The man was messy and disheveled, but that wasn’t what frightened you. No, the scariest thing was his aggressive body language and the rapacious glint in his otherwise cold eyes.
His piercing eyes trailed over your body as he sneered down at you. His gaze was possessive and dark in a way that terrified you. You felt frozen in place, suddenly too afraid to move. The man grinned lasciviously as his predatory gaze raked over the swell of your hips and breasts. Your breath caught in your throat. You were too scared to breathe. Scattered thoughts flew around your head, and time screeched to a halt.
Leave me alone. 
Why can’t I move? 
I want to get away. 
Help me. 
Time started flowing again, but everything seemed to happen in slow motion. You could only watch in terror as the man reached out to grab your forearm. You desperately turned to the register, hoping to grab the attention of the worker behind it. But, to your horror, he was already looking at you, watching the scene unfold and nervously toying with his hands. His face had an apologetic, anxious look that screamed, “What do you expect me to do?” 
You fucking coward.
The worst possible thoughts flew through your mind. 
He’s going to grab me. Right here in the middle of the store. 
As you flinched away from the man, your feet moved on their own, and you hurriedly looked for a way out. He was backing you into a corner of the store; there was no way to escape. The man directly blocked your path to the door, and you had no hope of overpowering him in your frazzled state. There wasn’t enough time to think, but you couldn’t just act blindly. You looked up at him desperately, prepared to bargain or plead if you had to. Honor was far less important than survival. 
His smile was nothing more than sharp, bared teeth as he stalked toward you. However, the last thing you expected to see when you looked back at his face was a fist colliding with his head. 
But…. there was nobody else in the store.
Your brain hadn’t even registered the jingle of the shop’s door opening again, but there was undoubtedly another person standing directly behind the creep. He stumbled at the sudden blow, but before he could recover, a glint of silvery steel flashed through the air as a knife materialized against the side of his throat. 
Your tunnel vision dropped just enough for you to see light reflect off the gold filigree on the sleeves of the man holding the knife. There was only one person it could be. You scarcely believed your luck as you raised your gaze once again and sucked in a shaky breath. 
Silco stood behind the man and held the pervert in a vice-like grip. One of his slender arms was snaked around the creep’s chest from behind, his hand hooked into his shirt collar and pulling it so hard his knuckles were white. His other arm crossed over the front of the man’s chest, wielding the knife. 
There was no doubt that the kingpin of Zaun had the man pinned against him, stuck completely in place. Almost as an afterthought, a single, thin line of scarlet trailed across the man’s throat in the wake of the knife. The knife was so sharp you could barely see the cut itself, but you could certainly see the thin trickle of blood. Silco’s aquiline nose was almost pressed into the man’s temple as he snarled into his ear, his ruined eye glowing with hatred. “Now…. just what did you think you were doing?” 
Silco was normally an imposing man, it came with the territory of being a kingpin, but you had only heard stories of how terrifying he could be. It was never something you had witnessed in person. His temper was legendary, and few people survived seeing him in his worst moods…. and many times, the ones that did probably wish they didn’t. Now, you very much understood why. 
The man had the good instinct to begin shaking in fear. He couldn’t see who had him, but he didn’t need to. He knew that he was completely and utterly fucked. Silco’s signature deep, drawling voice was as unmistakable as his scarred face and wickedly cruel eye. 
It was almost poetic how the situation had turned around. You had felt absolutely powerless in the situation that perverted bastard had forced upon you. Now, he was the prey, and he was in the claws of a predator more dangerous than he could ever dream of becoming. His mouth opened and closed repeatedly, but no words ever came out.
“Come now. There’s no need to be shy about it. I saw more than enough.”  Silco pressed the knife in harder, and he yelped in pain. The trickle of blood turned into a steady but small stream.
“I…. I t..tried to grab her.”  
“So, he can speak.” Silco’s tone was mocking, but it was as cold and sharp as his blade. 
A tear rolled down the man’s cheek, “Please, please, sir. Let me go. I’d- I’d never have tried- I’d never have touched her if I knew she was yours.” 
“That’s the problem.”
Silco shifted the knife, so the tip rested against the man’s chin and used it to tilt his head to look directly at you. “It doesn’t matter whose she is. She did not want you to touch her, and yet…..” 
His pause was pointed enough for the man to realize his arm was still outstretched in your direction. He tried to lower it slowly, but a low, displeased hiss from Silco immediately stopped his movement. 
“Now, I’m going to tell you exactly what you’re going to do.” 
The man was still shaking pathetically, “Anything, sir, anything. I swear it’ll never happen again.” 
The corner of Silco’s scarred lip twitched like he was about to laugh. A damned bloodthirsty grin flashed across his face, and he practically snarled, “Oh, I know for a fact that you won’t. Sevika.” 
She materialized at his side and looked directly at you. Her eyes flashed with worry as she registered the tears in your eyes and how panicked you looked huddled in the corner. The man let out another pathetic sob, and you saw her eyes frost over and turn cold and hard. Every ounce of Sevika’s concern for you turned into a frigid, biting rage directed at the man beside her. 
She took one look at the man’s outstretched arm and turned back to her boss with a savage smile of her own. Sevika grabbed the man’s wrist and upper arm. In a tandem motion, Silco kicked the man to the ground. The creep barely had time to shout in surprise as Sevika brought her knee up to connect with the middle of his outstretched arm. 
The sickening crunch of bone and an agonized shriek filled the air. You had closed your eyes instinctively, and from the sound of the man’s screaming, it was a good choice. A second later, you heard the sound of his body hitting the floor. 
Silco calmly spoke over the man’s wailing, “No one is going to help you fix that, or they will find out just how creative I can be. You will live with the pain you earned. You should also be very thankful that I don’t have more time to spend with you.”
He snapped his fingers, and the sound of wailing faded into the distance as the man’s body was drug out the door. In the distance, you heard the worker pleading with Sevika, but his words fell on deaf ears. She took poorly to men who abused women, and those who enabled it were no different. 
A familiar set of slow, measured footsteps approached you, but you couldn’t open your eyes. You were afraid that you’d open them and Silco wouldn’t be there. Somehow, you feared that the rescue was a hallucination. Once you opened your eyes, the pervert would still be there… and you’d be all alone. Another tear slowly trailed down your cheek, but a slender hand tenderly wiped it away. 
Instantly, you knew it hadn’t been some fucked up dream, and your eyes flew open. He was there. 
Wordlessly, Silco pulled you into his arms as you sobbed. The ferocious kingpin had melted away, leaving the man who loved you more than life itself. You crumpled in his arms, but he gently caught you and lowered you to the ground. Once again, he pulled you in close and you wrapped your arms around him. 
You sobbed into his chest, listening to his heart's strong, steady beating. His signature scent enveloped you. Cigar smoke and the deep leather and wood of his cologne soothed you. Silco’s long, slender fingers stroked your hair as he murmured comforting words into your ear. 
“Shhh… I’ve got you. It’s alright. I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere. That sick bastard can’t hurt you anymore. Nobody will ever hurt you again.” 
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just-a-queer-fanboy · 3 months
God! I've explained to my family so many times that I only really show emotion when it's in extremes and I have the energy to. I don't WANT to have a constant customer service voice. I don't WANT to have to put on a fucking TV persona to be respected.
They all claim they want me to feel safe to unmask around them, but the second I do apparently I'm being rude and need to learn etiquette and all this bullshit. I have a monotone most of the time. Get the fuck over it.
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ourladyofomega · 5 months
Before writing this final post of 2023, I was undecided of how good of a poker hand I’d end up with. ‘21 and ‘22 left no doubt what I finished with. This year, all the good and bad have scattered all over the place like chips spread across the roulette table - but we don’t usually play that game here, do we? No, we don’t. This year added on both the good and bad on top of the previous years before it - in even wider disparity.
So, where do we start?
The bad hit a little harder than it did last year. The customers were at their nastiest, competitive, and most egotistical. Having a verbally and emotionally abusive sales manager who saw fit to humiliate me in front of co-workers and literally yell at me for anything little reason he could didn’t help any. Fighting through under-staffing, wasted potential, not getting assistance when it really mattered, and making more mistakes and fuck-ups than ever made for a highly controversial final year at physical retail.
I pulled the plug on people I once considered “friends” who kept me on read when I asked for help, ghosted me during conversations, left me hanging all by myself as their comrades pretended I didn’t exist, and didn’t care about specific situations I had involving them. The spicy redheaded devil who played apologist for her closest friends - the same “friends” in the past who took me for everything they could and left a thick irreplaceable poison that’s still flowing in me. Or worse, unexpectedly running into former enablist co-workers, narcissistic managers, and manipulative college chads showing their obvious “oh-my-god!” faces and wanting to catch up with me. I told them to fuck right off forever - and never to speak to me again.
Luckily, I didn’t have as many hard pills to swallow like I used to. But, the sometimes unavoidable news of potentials’ long-suffering loneliness ending with exciting one-night stands, abrupt t.m.i., and their eye-opening bucket list to-do’s (that’d make Sasha Grey look like a straight-A honor student) made it a disappointing no-dice situation. Then, the deeper depressive spells of anxiety and hopelessness. The constant reminder of how rude, childish, and unnecessarily rude other people are around me. The change of plans, the blown calls of missing out on some holidays, or dropping the ball on attending some major shows (Alice Cooper headlining with Rob Zombie, Ministry, and Filter for one). The worst news came unexpectedly in late September when my sis- was dealt the Ace Of Spades and died in her sleep from complications of multiple sclerosis. I lost a major childhood component in her, and that visit to Bay Ridge will resonate with me for a long time.
Yes. This year’s losses were just more frequent and came at a slightly heavier cost. (Thankfully, not coming down to another personal devastation.) But, with every loss came with a win. And, wow, did these wins hit.
A brand new pinball arcade opened up in Patchogue to my total surprise, once again giving me a new portal in revisiting my Atari / Nintendo youth and forget my daily ills. It was there when I placed 3rd at their 4th of July tournament. The retro video arcade at the shopping center near me still offered a substantial modicum of hours-long fun until I was sick of it.
Though I lost my sister, I had some super essential moments with both of my families from Coney- and Staten Island respectively. I just celebrated an amazing Christmas over Italian foods, Secret Santas, gift-trades, and children screaming in eardrum-rattling unison; all ending with $100.00 cash-in-hand from my uncle, and a drive through the Belt Parkway and Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel to the train ride home to Penn Station. Fighting through the sluggish three-hour Friday rush-hour drive made getting to my cousin’s engagement party totally worth it; decorated with loud generic dee-jay standards, catching up under clear starry night skies, and having a near two-hour AM night-drive home over the Verrazzano Bridge and through the Brooklyn / Queens / Long Island Expressway.
I’ve attended some amazing shows in the past, but nothing would ever compare in experiencing Skinny Puppy’s final tours. I took no chances getting tickets and, holy Mother Mary, I made the right call. I would’ve never imagined meeting up with five other mutuals (some following me for years) in my hometown of New York City to witness industrial history. The best? Shaking hands with God Ministry’s Paul Barker himself; The Hero of All Heroes. He signed my copy of The Eternal Present as I almost died before him at the merch- table. I also attended Cold Waves XI and scratched Front Line Assembly off the must-see list, with visions of Hospital Productions’ 20th returning when I witnessed Orphx and Justin Broadrick a second time.
Then, my position. My final two months at my location were the toughest, meanest, and most unforgiving I’d ever put myself through. I endured so much that something had to be done because I knew I deserved better and didn’t want to live like this. So, I did a massive favor to myself. After 10 years with the company, I celebrated by getting an in-home position for virtual sales. I left all the massive amounts of stress behind and still stayed with the company while keeping my 401K, medical, and time-off in the process. Goodbye and good riddance to physical retail and the toxic undesirables that inhabit it…never to visit it again.
As an added bonus, I learned a lot more about myself and became the person I always wanted to be. I was fortunate in having the right people who changed it all and their inexplicable energy made me block those challenging persistent feelings of hollowness and despair. I taught myself to drop my guard, stop fearing the worst that could happen, and start putting my trust in people as nothing was at stake. That paid off in multitudes. I felt things I couldn’t before, because they allowed me to open up without persecuting or vilifying me for it.
I had more moments where I did great things for great people because they gave me nice ideas that were out-of-the-ordinary. Cakeday and Christmas boxes full of CDs, cassettes, and other fun stuff were exchanged which left two people wowed and many others in critical condition. Plenty of night-time phone calls were had about everything and nothing important at all, or the cries of concern that made me go all-in to help the other because there’s no taking chances. Most importantly: reciprocation, saying it right from the heart, a giving what people really want because you feel it and it’s the right thing to do.
Now, what’s in the cards for next year?
I plan to revisit New York City more frequently. To start, I’m coming back to my childhood, and that all in Brooklyn. The Tokeneke, Bath Ave., Shore Road Park, Luna Park, and ultimately Borough Park where it all began. I’m even contemplating a mini-record store victory tour next year - all city. Long Island locales sit out this time as select Brooklyn and Manhattan stops better get ready for me and accept my hard-earned money. This would be Lina Romay-proportions of music porn if this happens.
As for everything else Omega, there’s no signs of slowing down as my radio show started Year 12. Its previous year had almost no bonus broadcasts from start to finish, but the current stockpile of artists and sounds across the board means I’m ready to unload when asked. The months-long process of digitizing my entire personal cassette dub library has finally been completed, which means I’ll have more time to dive into all my records, tapes, and discs that I purchased over the years that I've yet listened to, but now will.
Which reminds me:
Most of you know that I maintained a music -blr here: Ω+. I became an open-book and allowed my visitors, followers, mutuals, and even passers-by a peek into my personal life, listening, and purchasing habits. To this day, I still believe there’s no other extensive music blog like it here. It felt great posting sounds, artists, and releases no one else even thought or considered. I had so much fun with it and became one of the most exciting projects I ever done. Life-changing, even. Now, I no longer have the time or energy to keep up with sizeable, timely write-ups while staying on top of infinite music finds and dealing with Real-Life Syndrome.
I decided that it’s time to end it after 10 years of maintaining it.
However, I didn’t want to stop doing what still fascinates me. I stepped back, and realized that I can do it differently. I’m happy to say that I’m starting all over again and re-building it as Omega Remix (ΩRMX), a simpler, more stripped-down version of the original retaining the personal seasonal mixtapes, Omega WUSB playlists, best-of lists, personal posts, and more. No more numbered headers, no more aesthetic issues. It’ll be quicker and easier to do what keeps me going and in touch with anyone interested with what I’m listening to.
I appreciate and thank (tremendously) everyone who joined up with me at a show, posted music finds, kept in touch, helped out, or did something nice for me this year. You know who you are. For any and all who liked, followed, and supported all things Omega, you’re also appreciated. Each and every one of you. Here's hoping we're still alive and dodge a massive authoritarian bullet by this year's end.
See you all in ‘24.
Winning hand: Aces full house over Deuces.
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maerinhearts · 1 year
Pspspsps i heard you read bl, u wanna give me some recs?
Ohohoho. You've come to the right place
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So let me give you a couple and tell you a little bit about them.
1. A Man of Virtue
If you like BDSM type stories, this is for you.
Jinwoo is a (seemingly) straight man who encounters a haechi statue while drunk one night and curses his lifelong rival Sangtae before vomiting on said statue.
The next day, anytime Jinwoo comes within 5 feet of Sangtae, he gets these overwhelming, erotic, BDSM fantasies.
The two work together to figure out the cause of the fantasies, the solution, and how to get them to stop.
It's fucking HYSTERICAL.
Their dynamic is so interesting.
It's a breath of fresh air from the normal feminine, dainty bottoms most authors write about.
2. Love or Hate
If you like love triangles... boy, do I have the triangle-ist of love for you.
Haesoo is a freelance writer who often gets sucked into the drama of his former step-brother, Joowon.
The two explored their sexuality together when their parents got remarried to each other.
Haesoo, sick of waiting on Joowon to stop being a dick and admit his feelings, encounters K, a photographer from Japan known for his lewd pictures.
He is tasked with writing a piece about K and conducting an interview, but the two end up hitting it off.
Honestly, this one was kind of gut wrenching for me. The emotional turmoil Haesoo experienced throughout was hard to get through, but it has a happy ending.
This one is depressing with a bit of humor sprinkled in here and there.
If you can read about a main character who thoroughly and 100% hates himself and make it through to the end, this one is for you.
3. The Dangerous Convenience Store
If you like a big, seemingly emotionless top who only gets emotional about his bottom, this one is for you.
Euijoon is a college student who works at a convenience store in a terrible neighborhood riddled with gang activity.
One night, a man shows up and saves him from a rude customer. After that night, the man continues to show up at the same time to buy alcohol and cigarettes.
Euijoon, out of curiosity more than anything, becomes infatuated with this man.
The man, who has been straight his entire life (he's like 40...), is confused about his adoration for Euijoon and decides to pursue him.
This one is a helluva ride. I dont even know Ahjuicy's real name cause Euijoon calls him Ahjussi the entire comic.
There is some violence (gangs are involved, what do you expect?)
It does have a happy ending, though.
4. Hold Me Tight
If you like a more feminine top and a more masculine bottom, this is for you.
Felix is being blackmailed into becoming Giovanni's body guard all so the guy who is blackmailing him can take Gio down.
Only, Gio has a condition where he doesn't feel warmth. Even a fire would not keep him warm. He has spent many of his nights cold and wears coats and scarves in the middle of Summer.
Until he encounters Felix. He feels warmth from Felix.
With Felix's motives not being so pure, how will their relationship pan out? Especially when Gio actively seeks out his warmth.
Felix is pretty masculine for a bottom. He is a black belt.
Gio is pretty weak as a top. He owns his own company and needs constant protection.
This was a very interesting dynamic.
It was a roller coaster of emotions, but DAMN the way their relationship progressed was too damn good.
These two hold such a special place in my heart.
5. The Unquenchable Mr. Kim
This one has a bad rep. I literally only half understand the bad rep and I'll get there.
Dooyun is half vampire, half human, but he can't drink blood to survive. In fact, eating doesn't even help him survive. He has to obtain a humans "essence" in order to stay alive. If he doesn't, he gets very sick and could die.
How do you obtain this essence, you ask? Guess. 😉
So anyway, his boss, Kangwoo, offers him a proposition after Dooyun accidentally sends him a message about finding a new sex partner. The message was supposed to go to someone else.
The only problem? Kangwoo's essence isn't strong enough to keep Dooyun alive.
As the two fall for each other, how will Dooyun survive???
The smut is A fucking PLUS.
The art isn't very good in the beginning, but it gets SO beautiful by the end.
The reason it has a bad rep has a lot to do with two important characters that were very poorly executed. It's only 65 chapters, but the author could have stretched it to over 100 so easily. As an author myself, I can overlook poorly executed characters in favor of a good storyline.
These are all finished works that I really enjoyed. Special mentions also include BJ Alex, Insecret (about an idol group), Hold Me Safe, Love So Pure, In My Closet (also about an idol group), A Life Without You, My Way With You, and Cherry Blossoms After Winter.
Ongoing works that I am currently reading (the list is long, so prepare yourself) includes: Pearl Boy, Under The Greenlight, Jinx, Steel Under Silk, Painter of the Night, Again, Low Tide in Twilight (omegaverse), Limited Run, Speak of the Devil, The Pawn's Revenge, Aporia, The Pizza Delivery Man and the Gold Palace, Opposites Attract, Anemone Theater, The Ghost's Nocturne, Stranger Than Friends, Checkmate, Mad Place, Semantic Error, Liveta (HEAVY ON THIS ONE. It's on hiatus but I have NEVER seen world building this good), Payback, It's Just A Dream... Right?! (Heavy on this one too. The top is DREAMY.), The Words in Your Snare, Don't Build My Hopes Up (this one made me realize I have major trust issues, lmao), Punch Drunk Love, Missing Love (this one is not for the faint of heart. It is DARK.), You Get Me Going.
I keep track of what I have read with ratings and comments in a notebook. I was thinking of transferring the data to my computer and posting it sometime. I've read over 70 works so far with a lot of ongoing works. I'd be so incredibly happy to share.
There are some works that I have finished that I didn't really care for. There are also a couple of works that I am reading that are ongoing that just don't have enough oomf to be mentioned here. I have dropped one that I won't even mention. It doesn't even deserve to be mentioned. If you want my list, it will be mentioned there, but that's it.
Sorry for the long post, I just got so excited 😭
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goldensunset · 2 years
gameplay/quality of life quirks that i believe the og twewy has over neo:
•strictly speaking you can have a maximum of seven different attacks in twewy, cus six pins that you customize plus your partner as a constant. but there’s no extra seventh option in neo
•map areas load so much faster when going between them
•shopkeepers only have voiced dialogue when you enter, exit, or click on something that triggers the item’s ability to be unlocked. they might say rude things to you via text if you loiter but you don’t have to read it. in neo though they’ll keep talking out loud in your ear if you hang around forever and it’s kinda annoying. also i miss when they used to be straight up mean to you at the beginning lol
•in postgame twewy if you wanna switch your partner you can do that any time in the menu. in postgame neo twewy if you wanna swap out your sixth party member you literally have to go into a special chapter and talk to a specific guy to do it. why. (i mean in terms of gameplay, what characters you have in your party don’t matter nearly as much in this game- it’s just a matter of who has the best stats and who can wear what clothing. in the og tho partners had their own gameplay style so it very much mattered)
•you can’t just manually sell individual pins in your own menu in neo- you have to go find a shop. which is fine since money’s worth nothing if you have nothing to spend it on… until it’s a restaurant you’re trying to go to, inside which you can’t sell your pins, and there are no regular shops in the area.
•in the og it’s ok to go a long time (during a single battle or a chain battle) without scoring cross combos- your sync will stay the same. it’ll only be a waste if you make it out of the battle without using it. as opposed to in neo where it’ll start rapidly decreasing if you go too many seconds without scoring new beatdrops. which can make racking up fusion a ROYAL PAIN UGH WHY
•unlocking 200% and 300% fusion attacks are fixed points in the story, that come with the arrival of certain party members. you get both at different points in the second week. that means you have to make it through more than an entire week with only a tier 1 fusion at your disposal. which kinda sucks. in the og if you were a savvy shopper who spent your scarletite wisely, you’d find the unique fusion upgrades for each partner throughout each of their weeks and simply be able to buy them. you could reach 200% halfway through each week and get 300% by the end.
•in postgame while replaying chapters, when you finished one, it used to just automatically transition into the next one like it did when you were playing it for the first time. now in neo it takes you to your chapter menu for some stupid reason and your menu theme music comes blasting in to potentially ruin whatever cliffhanger-ish mood there was. it used to be an ominously silent transition and as i’ve mentioned before, in a game with constant music, any moment of silence really strikes you
add your own thoughts if you have any!
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fuck-customers · 2 years
This is a long one, and a fuck customers, fuck coworkers, fuck managers, and fuck me aaaall wrapped into one hellish situation.
First week back at classes in college. I've worked for this place for a couple years now, and am now part of student management (assistant manager) at the university's food court. We have one really, constantly slammed unit that does burgers, wraps, salads, that sort of thing. And naturally in the middle of the lunch rush my fellow assistant manager, who decided she would just sit on her ass in the office giving orientations to new workers instead of spending some time on the floor like I do (and I constantly tell her to leave some to me but that doesn't seem to be happening), gives me a new student to train on REGISTERS for this super slammed unit. No matter how many times I show her all the buttons, she is in panic mode already seeing the line, so I'm also taking in that panic, I have a unit manager who won't go away and keeps giving me new information which I really needed to not be told at the moment in time. And the training on all the register options and combos is just patchy and sporadic and not covering the amount of material I wanted to because the line is getting so long.
While I'm getting that, I am preparing food orders, expiditing them to students who aren't listening for their number to be called no matter how loud I yell, while also constantly having to correct the student mistakes on the register because I haven't been able to actually pay enough attention to her, and then one of the full timers (not students, this is just their job) is talking over me to a student who's order I'm trying to prepare correctly and show the student how to ring up correctly at the same time. Asking him if he wants pesto and or extra pesto and shit. An order was missed somewhere along the way a few times. The full-timer didn't even need to be involved! She is doing wraps and salads! The dude wanted chicken tenders with buffalo sauce which is the grill side of things!
I try very hard to say "hey I need some space; there are four people talking at me" and she isn't listening and the student is getting freaked. So I finally had enough and told her "I need everyone (customer has moved on at this point down to wait for his food so not directed at him...i would never say that to a customer) to STOP talking" and frantically motioned with my hands for her to get away. I have a lot of problems processing repetative or constant noise and have had some uncontrollable outbursts when I was younger, resulting in broken belongings so I am trying so hard to regulate myself since it's been a long time since it was a problem but she Keeps. On. Talking at me. And NOW, she is saying I'm being rude and that it was so unnecessary. When literally the only thing that got her away from me was being rude! No one listens when I'm nice! They just assume I'm optional to listen to unless I'm an ass.
And really the new student was the victim in all this chaos. I feel like I failed her, and I DID fail her. She deserved better than I gave her today and I even sent out an email apologizing and asking how I can better support her in the future...but it's never going to erase what happened today.
And I am really normally great at my job. The chefs and other staff and managers usually get noticeably more at ease when I'm there, so today just has made me go to a really dark place knowing I was the total opposite today. And with my new managerial duties, i have yet to actually be trained or shown where to find documents, i dont have access to things like fuckin printers or online files, there are about 50 oddball half-formed docs and sheets floating around online that nobody actually ever shows me how to find, requiring about 50 tabs to be juggled with only about 10 minutes to find everything needed, there are no protocals or procedures or any sort of master list/sheet/file to help keep track of everything. And none of the other student managers will help me because they have so much on their plate already.
On top of all this, I have another job on weekends (that is also driving me up a wall), student teaching, four classes, and then this job. So I work 7 days a week, and the earliest I get home during the week is 11:30 p.m. (weekends is more like 6:30 p.m.) and the latest I get to sleep in is 7 a.m. But I so badly need the money. I'm really worried this is just how it's going to be and I'm just going to continue to get worse.
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missingn000 · 1 year
Hey! I wanted to thank you for writing tpg (if it isn’t rude or presumptuous of me to do so, in which case I apologise) because reading it has been an absolute pleasure. I found your fic a month ago when I was still fairly new to jjk, and let’s just say it helped the brainrot along considerably— I was reading tpg as 2023 swung ‘round, so that’s how I entered the new year LOL
I freakin’ adore your writing style, it’s one of my favourites among all the fics I’ve read over the years. It’s effortlessly witty and so, so vivid; I never thought fight scenes could ever be adequately described with words until you came along and proved me wrong. Not to mention their wonderfully symbolic nature too, like Toji’s fight against Gojo highlighting his growth as a character, that he values Maki more than his own pride (which cost him the second fight anyway), plus Nanami’s interpretation of the meaning of life quite literally clashing with Higuruma’s. There are so many layers to be found, and I adore the nuances you’ve so seamlessly incorporated into… everything, really
On a slightly unrelated note, I’ve hoarded numerous screenshots of funny bits that made me lose my shit, in particular Toji’s desperate “the customer is always right!” and Nanami’s unimpressed “I will insult the customer on the grounds that he is an idiot” like 💀 this exchange lives rent free in my mind, you have no idea how many times it’s made me laugh. Thank you for writing this lmao. You brought together characters that have literally never interacted in canon, gave them a functional dynamic, and I love it.
This… got long, I’m sorry. I just adore tpg to the moon and back- it got me back into writing after many months of inaction.
Hope you’re having a good day! I apologise for any mistakes, English isn’t my first language lol
oh my god hi?? first off, please don't apologize!! this was such a wonderful message to wake up to and has brightened my mood throughout the whole day. it's such an honor that you were reading tpg when the new year hit 😭❤️️ tpg has been a constant source of my jjk brainrot as well, and i'm both thrilled and deeply sorry that it pulled you into this series too (/lh)
thank you so much for your compliments on my writing style!! i think it's evolved a lot throughout the story and it's my goal to be constantly improving. and it's always nice to know my jokes are actually funny and the imagery i'm trying to convey comes across :')
fight scenes are my absolute favorite thing to write, and the benefit of written fight scenes is that they can have so much more emotion and internal narrative than visual fight scenes. i try to carefully map out both the fight choreography and the thematic layers, so i'm seriously over the moon that it's working!!
SDFGHJ PLEASE i loved that interaction between nanami and toji too. i've heard the 'found fam gets nanami fired' scene is a fan favorite, which makes me so happy because i cackled the entire time while writing it. it's such a blast to explore potential dynamics we didn't have in canon!
i hope YOU'RE having a good day!! and your english is perfect omg. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING and for sending this incredibly sweet message!!!
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ainews · 2 months
Servers who work in the restaurant industry are often seen as goddesses - they are the ones who bring us our food and drinks, cater to our needs, and ensure that our dining experience is a pleasant one. However, behind the confident smiles and efficient service, there lies a deeper emotional aspect that many customers may not be aware of.
Many servers, particularly female servers, are constantly expected to maintain a certain level of perfection - flawless appearance, cheerful demeanor, and efficient service. This can create immense pressure and a need to constantly perform, leading to emotional exhaustion and burnout.
Furthermore, servers are often at the receiving end of rude and disrespectful behavior from customers. They are expected to maintain a professional and calm attitude, even when faced with difficult or abusive customers. This constant emotional labor can be draining and emotionally taxing.
Another factor that adds to the lachrymose nature of servers is the unstable and uncertain nature of their job. Many servers work on a part-time or hourly basis, without health benefits or job security. This can lead to financial stress and anxiety, which can further exacerbate emotional distress.
Moreover, servers often have to deal with a variety of personal issues while trying to provide excellent service to customers. From family problems to health concerns, they have to put their own emotions aside and focus on their job.
All of these factors make the job of a server emotionally demanding and difficult. It is no wonder that batting, the material used to make their serving aprons and uniforms, is lachrymose. The tears and emotions of servers are soaked up by the batting, a symbol of the emotional toll the job takes on them.
Despite these challenges, servers continue to work tirelessly and strive to provide the best service to their customers. So, the next time you interact with a server, remember that behind the smile and confidence, there may be tears and emotions hidden beneath the surface. Treat them with empathy and respect, and appreciate the hard work they put in to make your dining experience a pleasant one.
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anonymouslunatic · 10 months
Today, I’m mad at my mother
Or more specifically, this evening, I suppose.
TW: Abuse, animal cruelty, SA.
It’s currently 4:17am, and I can’t sleep. I can’t sleep because sometimes, I have fake arguments in my head with certain people, and they last for hours. It’s not the kind of self-righteous ‘I wish I’d said that in the heat of the moment’ scenes you play out, where you triumphantly tell the rude customer in front of you at the coffee shop exactly why their shitty haircut is a direct cause of their terrible attitude, and walk away satisfied though a crowd of adoring fans. No, these arguments are visceral and painful and most of the time, they don’t even argue back. I just scream at them until I tire myself out and I’ve said all the words I can say so many times that I can’t say anything more.
Honestly it’s a paradox I’ll never figure out that this, in itself, is so exhausting, yet causes me to lose so many hours of sleep anyway. I’ll tell you about it, but first I have a lot of back story to get through.
Let me set the scene. I haven’t actually spoken to my mother since Christmas, and I’m really trying my best to avoid doing so for the rest of the year too. Recently she’s noticed, and she’s started trying to look good in front of anyone else who may also have noticed. It’s what you’d expect, a sudden interest in my life that was not present before, but only publicly on social media, and for the benefit of my family members that she does respect. I imagine that soon enough, this may lead to an actual conversation about why I’ve been ignoring her, probably via my poor Dad, who is usually the messenger of these types of questions because god forbid she poke the bear that is her ruffian thug of a daughter herself.
In my dreamy squabble, I’d love to tell my mother that I’ve been avoiding her for years, she just hadn’t noticed until I cut contact completely. I say I’d love to tell her, but I don’t mean that. I dread ever having to tell her. No matter how much I feel the need to be heard, I feel the need to not hurt others, no matter who they are, more. That’s why I’m telling you, my imaginary online therapist that lives in this blog.
I decided to cut my losses with her when I tried to come home, five years ago. I tried to come home because I’d finally come to the realisation that I was in an extremely abusive relationship. As is the nature of mental abuse and gaslighting, the realisation alone had taken me 3 years. One day I had decided that enough was enough and decided I had to leave, I hadn’t leaned on my parents or asked for help for a very long time as I’d known full well that it was a futile endeavour from age 12. But I was desperate, so home I went.
I was pleasantly surprised to find my Dad home alone when I arrived. I love my dad very much, but I think he’s a fairly troubled man. Despite loving him, I know very little about him. He’s a man of few words and has an extremely gentle disposition. I know he loves me and cares for me, but I think I’ve seen enough of my parents relationship from the outside to know that by my mothers standards, that’s not really allowed, so he’s pretty reserved with his affection for me. That’s fine, I understand. He’s let it slip enough times in my life to know it’s there and how deep it is, and I’m okay with that. We’re not really a talking family, we don’t talk about problems or mental health or anything really, but I just couldn’t help it. I told him all of the Father-appropriate parts of the story that I could, I told him that I’d had to be medicated for my mental slips due to the constant gaslighting. I told him I had struggled with panic attacks and anxiety on a daily basis and that in my mind, I was so scrambled all the time that I had to ask for constant outsider assurance that even the simplest of my own thoughts were true and correct. It was honestly a bit of a shock when my dad listened intently for hours, asked questions and really engaged with the whole thing, we’d never had a conversation like that before. It was actually pretty nice.
I’d also told my dad that my partner had been hurting my dog. At the time, my dog, let’s call him B for the sake of anonymity, was two years old. My partner had adopted him as a puppy, against my wishes, but the moment I actually met him, B was mine. We were totally inseparable at home, B was the only thing keeping me going if I really think back on it. I was so unbelievably bonded to this dog I’ve never experienced anything like it. You know when people say when you have a baby, and you hold them for the first time, your whole point of being shifts to them? I think it was the trauma, but that’s how I felt about B. Now what I’m about to say, with that in mind, may seem a little contradictory. But have you ever been brainwashed? It’s a bit like being partially blind. My partner at the time was unemployed, and while I was working, I’d left him in charge of taking care of, and most importantly, training B. What really sent me over the edge in the end was finding out that he had been locking B in a cage all day, whilst he was at home with him, and leaving him in his own mess, only bringing him out to kick him in the ribs to punish him for creating the mess. I know this to be true because he simply admitted it to me, with not much prodding at that point really. He knew I’d let it go, like I let everything go. But this was B that was in trouble, not me. So that’s the straw that broke the camels back. Initially I enrolled him into a daycare every single day I was at work, so he wouldn’t be alone with my partner. I took him to the vets to have him checked over for any trauma, mental or physical. He was in great health by the way. Everybody at the surgery complimented me on his gentle nature and good behaviour for such a big dog. They told me he was well fed and exercised with a shiny coat and a happy disposition, up to date on all of his medications. Clearly well bonded with me and socialised well with other dogs. My good boy. So let’s return to my parents sitting room shall we?
I asked my Dad to come home for a while, he looked hurt that I felt the need to ask. I explained to him that B has to come too. He’s the most important thing in my life and I can’t leave him there. My dad, again, looked hurt that I would think he would have it any other way. Of course B is welcome too. So together, we approached my Mother. My Dad stuck up for me and helped me explain the whole story, and after some initial umm-ing and ahh-ing in that particularly patronising ‘you’re a terrible inconvenience, but I’ll consider it’ kind of way, she agreed. To me and B.
Now here’s where I would start my make believe argument, yes I know we’re finally getting to the good bit. Here’s what I’d say to my Mother, in response to me asking why I’m ignoring her.
I don’t want to talk to you, because I tried to escape an abusive relationship and you sent me back. You told me that it really was a shame that I couldn’t look after B, and that I’m going to have to re-home him with people who will actually take care of him, send him back alone, or go with him. (You’ll have noticed previously that I can, and would do anything to look after him appropriately. Especially knowing what I knew. That’s why I was trying to get him out of that house in the first place.)
I don’t want to talk to you, because you left me with no choice. You sent me home to a man who is hurting us both. No, he’s never hit me, but he’s done so much worse.
You sent me home to a man who, at family gatherings, would whisper in my ear that they all hated me and that all I was doing was embarrassing myself. He would do this until I ended up in hysterics, crying alone in the bathroom.
You sent me home to a man who staged an armed robbery into our house whilst I was at work and slashed our sofa with a knife, because he thought it inappropriate that a male client I knew well was giving me a ride home. I came home to the police testing my house that night for fingerprints and B cowering in a corner whilst his 4 year old child had apparently managed to sleep through the whole ordeal. Everything we owned had been ripped out of drawers and off walls onto the floor, everything, except things that were valuable to him conveniently, was destroyed. He’d told me 3 men had come into the house looking for money and held him and B hostage, at knife point, for hours. All because he’d left the door unlocked for me and I’d come home late. He was lying. The police didn’t find a thing and for months, he held it over my head as my fault, making up fake police dealings and pretending to take phone calls from detectives. He even planted weapons for me to find around the debris. Brand new, with labels on, in plain sight where I definitely would have noticed them, had they been there the whole time.
You sent me home to a man who sold anything I owned of monetary value to pawn shops to buy himself nice clothes to go out in. He once told me B had eaten an entire laptop when he was a puppy. Chord and all.
You sent me home to a man who was so disgusted with me for having a male friend, that he assaulted me whilst I was drunk with foreign objects. I’ve never seen so much hate in a man’s eyes whilst he held me down by the throat.
You sent me home to a man who couldn’t bare the fact that I was stopping him from stealing my money to a point that he killed the animals I’d entrusted with it just to get to it. I’d realised he was stealing cash from my savings, he’s tried to blame it on his kid, saying he was stealing it for his mother who needed money, but I think I knew that wasn’t true. He would gaslight me into thinking I’d miscounted every day I put more money in, even though sometimes there was up to a hundred missing in one go. I started hiding it in the back of my snake tanks to keep it safe, he was nervous around them so I’d thought he wouldn’t want to put his hand in to retrieve it. That’s not really a problem for someone who has it in them to simply murder the animals when left alone with them for a few days to get to it. In fact, I think he turned off their heat and left them in a room with an open window in the middle of November. I think he froze them to death, and showed nothing but fake sympathy while he watched me bury them with tears in my eyes when I returned. I don’t know if you know this, mother, but snakes are incredibly hardy pets, they don’t often fall ill with anything serious, and with improper care still take an incredibly long time to pass, in comparison to other animals. I’ll never know what he did for certain, but my happy, healthy snakes didn’t survive one long weekend with him for the sake of £400. Thank goodness B wasn’t there.
You sent me home to a man who repeatedly gave me Chlamydia throughout the duration of our relationship, and watched me sit through months of agony thinking I had a UTI, because why would I possibly have an STD? I’m in a long term, monogamous relationship, aren’t I? When I was finally treated for it after months of suffering, he told me it was me that brought it into the relationship, because I had been a ‘filthy slut’ before him, and sometimes, Google says, it can lay dormant and reappear at inconvenient times. Like two years later.
Im upset with you, mother, because you sent me home to a man who forged my signature, and all of my details, to be a guarantor for loans that put me thousands of pounds in debt, that I knew if I left him, he would stop paying back himself, leaving me with the responsibility for years to come.
You sent me home to a man who said it was unfair on him that I should buy myself nice things. Therefore I wasn’t allowed. Seeing parcels arrive in the post for me was bad for his mental health.
Speaking of his mental health, mother, this is a man who went to the doctors to get out of work because he didn’t have childcare for his son, and faked depression. When he came home, he propped up leaflets about suicide prevention all around the house like Christmas cards. He displayed them on the mantle, and fanned them out on the coffee table like fancy brochures at show homes. He suggested I carve the crisis hotline phone number into the wall above my bed, because sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night and seeing me next to him makes him want to kill himself, so I should be able to access the number easily. A man who, in front of his now 6 year old child, related the same information to his own mother over the phone, in very simple and plain English, Daddy might kill himself, was the bed time story the child got whilst sitting in his fathers lap that night.
This is a man who every time I caught him cheating, told me when I left the house to calm down, that I was too busy ‘dick-hunting’ and that our house wasn’t mine. It was his family home for him and his child and I was not welcome there until I was willing to drop it. Otherwise I’d have nowhere to sleep. You made sure of that didn’t you mother? Once I came to you after one of these incidents, and you gave me a bottle of wine and told me to get drunk and go home and accept it.
I’m angry at you, mother, because despite all of this, and you knowing all of this throughout, it didn’t stop you getting on with him so well at family gatherings that it was borderline flirting, right in front of my face. It doesn’t stop you now from making my partner, who would would be so disgusted with himself he would rather die than do anything even mildly like any of this to me, feel completely inferior to the man that I finally managed to rid myself of. It doesn’t stop you from telling me Infront if my partner how you’ve seen my ex step-son in town recently, and oh how big he’s getting and how much of a shame it is that he isn’t around any more, it doesn’t stop you from calling my ex my only ‘serious’ relationship and criticising me, in front of my partner, for bringing home so many men (three, total) that you can’t keep up with them anymore. It doesn’t stop you still being friends with my abuser on Facebook.
In all honestly, I don’t think you can make up for this, Mum. I don’t think I ever want to speak to you again, as it stands right now. I don’t think the anger that keeps me awake at night is going to subside, with or without an apology that I know I’ll never receive for sending me back to that man. For letting me and B live with him for another year after I asked you for help for the first and last time in my adult life. For telling me I couldn’t take care of the most important thing in my life. For making me feel worthless, overdramatic, and most importantly, alone. For letting me carry on being stuck in a relationship that has taken longer in therapy to begin to recover from, than the duration of the relationship itself. For acting completely normally around him at any kind of event afterwards and loving him as part of our family despite how much he hurt me and continued to hurt me. This list isn’t even everything he’s done, Mum. You don’t know the half of it. And I know, deep down, you’ll never ask.
It’s 5:51am now, and I hope I’ll be able to sleep.
Goodnight, lots of love xoxo
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webmaster365 · 11 months
What You Need To Know About Running A Home Business
You have been given a lot of advice from so-called experts on how to run your home business. Now you want to be able to sort through what is true and what is just speculation. This article will provide all of the most important tips that you have been looking for.
Unless you live alone, be considerate of the others in your household. Don't let your work take over common spaces or invade someone else's personal area. Don't treat your roommates or family like employees. Make your needs known, but remember that this space is a home first and an office second.
Set working hours. You might want to work through the night, but that will lead to burnout sooner or later. Give yourself specific times to work so you can be constant and know what to expect in your day. If work time is over at 6pm, don't stay until 8pm. Respect yourself to obey your own boundaries.
To ensure success advertise your business or service. Invest in your own business cards with your name and company logo on them. You can pass these out and post them on bulletin boards. Many colleges, coffee shops and even restaurants have bulletin boards that you can use to advertise your business. Getting the word out is key to your success.
Pay attention to all relevant local laws and ordinances. Neighbors could complain if the noise levels are too high. If you use chemicals for your business, check about that as well. Also remember that a neighbor-friendly attitude goes right along with making sure you comply with the letter of the law. This may mean complying with rules regarding signage, traffic and noise. Don't attract undue attention.
Upon starting your home business, send out a mass email to friends and family members, letting them know about your business. You can sweeten the advertisement with a discount for them, especially for helping out so early on in your business. It builds confidence and exposure while increasing networking potential.
When you're running your home business, don't let yourself become overwhelmed by your email. When you receive inquiries about your business, respond to them immediately and mark this progress somewhere. Keeping files of correspondence also makes it significantly easier to refer back to discussions had with customers. You'll thank yourself for being organized later.
The homepage of your business website should be an advertisement for your product. While this doesn't mean you should go for over-the-top, flashy presentation, you should make sure your content points out why they want to explore your website. Convincing your customers to familiarize themselves with your product is the first step to convincing them to buy it!
Always be the better person. You should never, ever talk down your competition. This looks petty and is exceptionally rude, even if your product has superior quality! You should instead talk up the quality of your product and the trustworthiness of your brand. You know your brand best, so stick to what you know.
When you start a business at home, you need to make sure you have adequate work space. You should have a desk, and a comfortable office chair. If you fail to provide for your own comfort, you will pay the price. Make the investment in your future by taking care of yourself.
Pay yourself a salary and put invest extra profit in your business. It can be tempting to have a bit more money than usual come in and want to splurge on something personal, but be professional and invest any extra money into the business. This way, your business will grow even more.
Go through publications issued by the IRS to make sure you are filing for taxes correctly. The IRS has a lot of helpful resources for small business and home businesses. If you follow these guidelines carefully, you can reduce what you have to pay in taxes and avoid claiming things you should not deduct form your taxes.
Get some free business cards printed up as soon as you can after starting your home business. You need to get the word out to as many people as possible about your new venture. Ask permission to leave a few of your cards at different places, including the doctor's office, bulletin boards, restaurants and stores.
A great tip for your home business is to decide right off the bat if your business can be handled by you alone or if you need to hire employees. This is important to consider because you will have to consider many factors such as work environment, payout, and personality issues.
There isn't a service or product that everyone will like or need. You need not try to please every potential customer. Focus on those who have interest in the products or services you are selling.
Learn about your competition. You are going to want to know who you are competing with and how they are doing with their business. If you are not going to be able to compete with their services, prices or products you are going to want to find another way to go.
If a journalist is doing a piece about your home business, make them promise to include the URL to your website! Even if they mention the name of your company, some people may not want to bother searching for it. Have them at least include the domain name so people can find you quickly and easily.
If you're selling a product on your home business website, the key factor to consider is how you're going to save the end user time or money. If you sell a bib, explain how easy it is to clean or how it will catch all the food baby drops so you don't have to take the time to clean the floor, saving time and money on cleaning products.
In summary, you want to make sure that you are doing everything well enough to assure success with your home business. You want to make sure that the advice you have been given is legitimate and also want to know who to trust for advice. Use the tips provided in this article and you should find yourself on the right path.
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