#she kept yelling IT CHARGED ME FOR THE ORDER like fucking yes of course it did
axemetaphor · 2 years
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sorry work is ruining my ability to Make Things I'm still colouring that comic and I'm working on a different one and heres a very self indulgent doodle from fuck knows. probably 3 days ago
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heartidylla · 1 year
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it’s us — 1
paring : ellie williams x f!reader
summary : your first appearance, meeting an old friend.
[ a/n ] : i wrote this awhile ago on wattpad and used [ y/n ]. i’m changing it to ‘you’. so, if there’s a mistake that is the reason.
speaking color coding
“” - joel
“” - ellie
“” - you
“” - other
wattpad & a03 : @heartidylla
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running through the woods was challenging for a wounded warrior that had previously gotten hit by one of the four military men's bullets. they have been chasing after you and your companion for god knows what reason, and you weren’t about to find out either.
"come back here!" one of them yelled, while trying to carefully aim their gun at you mid-list running at full speed.
"in your fucking dreams, asshole!" you snapped back at them. a bark came from beside you, and you believed that your companion was agreeing with you. your eyes drifted onto the area around you before they landed on a group of runners who seemed to have been swayed to the area from the loud noises they have been making.
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your semi-chapped lips curved into a smirk as you instantly changed her course of motion towards the group of runners. you lifted your hand and pointed to your left to order your partner in crime to take off to the left of you. the idiots didn't know what they had coming to them before they were too late.
"are you suicidal?!" the leader shouted at you while trying to backtrack his steps.
the girl — you, who had a bloodstained face, crossed your arms while leaning your body weight on one side of your hips. you were standing within the middle of the pack of runners, and they weren't bothered by you whatsoever. they didn't chase after you or even bite you even though you were within their grasp. "just a little." you chirped back and within a second the runners were charging at the soldiers.
they didn't have anytime to react before they had been forcefully shoved down and bite by the zombies. their screams of agony was music to the your ears. you fully believed that this was your payback for putting a bullet into your side.
you, who finally got the chance to catch a break, took a deep breath in while you held your pulsing gunshot wound. "oh, fuck." you lowly cursed, your voice coming off in a husky tone. you lifted her hand off your side to see a immense amount of your own blood. "thanks for your assistance, shits-for-brains." you thanked the runners by sarcastically bowing at them before you limped away from the group of men who had become inconsolable due to their life shortly ending.
you lifted your open hand to loudly whistle, and soon enough your companion came running back to your side. "hey, jackson. still kicking, huh?" you weakly smiled at the german shepherd who barked at you after you finished your sentence. "yeah, me too." you bobbed your head before turning your attention forward.
down the road she found a building, which if you were lucky could possibly have bandages that would help your bleeding side immensely. obviously you didn't have to worry about the infected that roamed within the building. so, after ordering jackson to stay in a hiding spot, you just walked right in.
it, just like the rest of the fucking buildings in this godforsaken world, had overgrown weeds pouring through the cracks of the building's walls and floor. your face formed into a disgusted one as you got a whiff of the spoiled food. you quickly walked out of that room, and kept your eyes peeled for what you desperately needed: bandages.
"fuck yes!" you beamed when you spotted a bundled up cloth that sat on a dusty counter. you were quick to rip your shirt off in order to fully treat your wound. holding your shirt, the bandage, and backpack within one hand, you sat down on a dirty and ripped up couch. however, you weren’t too picky.
you placed her backpack down and unzipped it to pull out disinfectant wipes. you pulled one out, and levitated it over your wounded side. "don't be a baby." you told herself, before putting it down on your irritated skin. you winced in pain, mumbling multiple curse words underneath your breath.
once the initial pain was over with, the rest of the process went smoothly. you were back up on your feet and ready to take on whatever happens next. that's was your thought process before you had heard footsteps coming from the back of the building. you lowly cursed while gently hitting your forehead with your closed fists since you had jinxed yourself.
you crouched while pulling out her pistol. you had been alone, minus the dog that you put the time and effort to train, for so long. you didn't trust a single person besides yourself, and that was all you ever knew. you never hesitated to pull the trigger or slice a knife.
you listened closely, and determined that it was two people carefully walking within the room beside you. when they got close enough to the door which connected their rooms, you hastily stood up and blocked the door which caught them off guard.
you pointed your gun at them both and closely analyzed their movements. "hands where i can see them." you ordered while swaying your gun between the two of them. it was an elder man and a girl your age. the girl looked at you closely, seemingly analyzing you as well.. as if you knew each other.
the older male was quick to point his gun back at you, sharing the same murderous intent. "don't point that fucking thing at me!" you shouted while hastily moving towards him and elbowing the gun out of the grip of his hands. he was astonished by your fast reflexes and ability to disarm him without fear or hesitation.
"okay... we're not here to hurt you. we were just looting." the elder man tried to soothe your nerves by raising his hand in defense. he figured the best course of action would be to ease the tense girl before moving further.
"yeah, sure old timer." you brushed his attempt off. the males face curled into a distaste at the remark you made about him, 'old timer'. you turned to the girl who hadn't taken her eyes off of you since she had seen you. that freckled face of the 'stranger' sent you backward into a spiral of memories. you slightly lowered her gun. "...ellie?" you softly called out to her.
ellie's eyes widened, "holy fuck, [ y/n ]?!" she gasped while raising her hand over her mouth. the elder mans brows furrowed at the two girls odd interaction before him.
"who is he?" you asked ellie while pointing her gun at the man.
"hey, you can put the gun down." ellie put her hand on top of your gun and motioned it downwards. "this is joel. he's chill, despite being ancient." she chuckled while elbowing joel in the side. he seemed to be unamused with her picking on him.
"alright." you sighed while putting your gun fully down and stuffing it in a carrier connected to your pants.
ellie smiled at the girl before her. it's been so long since they've last seen one another. they use to be a trio: her, riley, and you. the three that always got detentions due to them causing mischief within their program.
"take whatever you want. i'm done here anyways." you informed them before walking over and zipping up your backpack. even if you knew ellie before, you stuck to your number one rule: never trust anybody. you lifted up the backpack and stuck each of your arms through. it sunk backwards since you liked the loosened sleeves look.
"you're leaving?" ellie questioned you while an eyebrow perked upward. you nodded your head as her answer. "what? come on, stay for awhile!" ellie pushed the idea onto you.
"ellie." joel mumbled her name in disapproval of the thought of you sticking around.
"hey, i could've shot you without questioning it." you chimed in and pointed your finger at joel.
"joel, we knew each other from the quarantine zone i grew up at." ellie explained to him before looking back at her dear friend. "have you been alone this entire time?" ellie questioned your past.
you tensed up at this question. to say that you have been alone the entire time would be a lie, but for the most of it it's true. "yeah, just me and jackson." you replied.
joel and ellie both looked at you and then to each other with the same confused faces. "jackson?" they repeated the name in unison.
"yeah, me and my partner." you tilted your head slightly to the side. you didn't understand the confusion you were receiving.
"partner?!" ellie whisper-yelled in shock. she oddly enough felt her chest tighten at the news. she didn't fully understand why she suddenly felt like the air around her was difficult to breathe in. she watched your every step as you walked to the door and opened it.
"yeah? jackson, come here!" you called out, and suddenly there was a dog rushing inside the building. jackson ran in between your legs and excitedly swarmed around her. his tail was whipping back and forth. "this is jackson, my partner." you introduced while bending down and receiving a face full of slobbering licks. you tightened your face to keep the slobber out of your eyes and mouth.
joel and ellie both stared at her with different emotions. ellie, feeling a sense of relief knowing that there wasn't an actual partner involved in your life.
joel on the other hand was having flashbacks to his past, watching the girl being covered in kisses by a eager dog sent him back twenty years. he felt complicated as his heart felt warm at the sight, but also a was feeling a sense of heartbreak.
"jackson here has saved my life countless times." you told them while rubbing behind the dog's ears. "so, where are you two heading?" you asked, standing up and patting your clothes down to rid herself of jackson's fur.
"some firefly camp." ellie answered you truthfully while shrugging her arms. joel sent her a scolding glare, but ellie didn't seem affected by it.
"oh, i'm heading there too." you confessed to them.
"why?" joel joined the conversation. you looked over to him with a stern expression. he crossed his arms, not falling victim to the fear from your death glare.
"that's none of your concern." you spit out to him. you didn't like strangers, not one bit. so joel was on your shit list from the start. ellie — well, she isn't a stranger.
"why though?" ellie put her hand on your shoulder, which made your attention fall onto ellie only.
you sighed, defeated. "i wanted to speak to marlene about something." you truthfully told them your motives for searching for a firefly base.
"what do you know?" joel questioned your knowledge on fireflies.
"i know where a base is, that's where i was heading till those fucking military men showed up and put a bullet in my side." you grumbled while lifting your shirt and revealing your wound, which was still hurting for a matter of fact.
"damn, that's going to be one badass scar!" ellie commented while carefully putting her hand on your side. you’ve been close like this since you first met one another, but it's obvious that you’ve both have changed since your last interaction. after all, you’ve both went through different stuff throughout the year(s).
"i know right?" you smiled while watching ellie analyze your injured side.
"i have an idea," ellie's head perked up to look at joel's face, "why don't we have them join us. after all, they know where a base is!" she advertised the idea to joel the best that she could.
joel grumbled under his breath. he was quick to wanting to completely shut down the idea. however, what stopped him was ellie's smiling face whenever she glanced to the mysterious girl, and you had information that would be quite useful for them both. "fine." he concluded while putting his hands on his hips and looking at you with a stern expression. "yet, you have to follow my rules just as ellie does." he tells you.
your eyes narrowed. you were never one to be subjected to rules. you loved your freedom, and your decisions has always been calculated to the point where you have survived on your own for a long time. you opened her mouth to protest, but ellie instantly covered it. your eyes widened at her lips meeting ellie's palm. "she'll listen!" ellie answered for you.
joel bobbed his head, "okay then, let's head out." he walked out the door, leaving the two girls behind him.
ellie took her hand off her friends mouth to be met with an unamused look emitting off of your face. ellie smirked in response before following joel out the door. you groaned. "let's go, jackson." you say to jackson who was sitting beside you for the entire conversation. jackson's tail wagged as you both walked towards the new additions into your life.
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next part
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slut-4-rafe · 3 years
Hi! I had a fix idea. So a switch!reader and she is in a relationship with the marauders(without Peter) and the boys find out. And like Remus is trying to convince Sirius to try it since he is a switch too(James is a sub and Remus is a dom) and like maybe the reader is feeling bad about messing up the dynamics and tells Remus to forget about it but her feeling bad eventually causes Sirius to give in and then ✨smut✨ You can obviously ignore this. Just thought I would share my thought❤️❤️
"Absolutely not!"
Sub! James x Dom! Remus x Switch! Sirius x Switch! Fem! Reader.
Summary: You want to try and be a dom for once, though Sirius isn't willing to look at you as anything but a sub. Remus and James on the other hand, want you to take charge.
Warning: Smut!, degration kink, praise kink, fingering (male receiving), daddy kink, mommy kink, oral (male receiving), slapping, probably more but this is just filthy.
Note: I hope this was okay. I don't feel like this was exactly what you were asking for, but I needed to add some drama lol.
Word count: 2,295
You had been feeling off about sex recently. It wasn't the fact that Remus was a dom. Or that James was a sub. Or that Sirius was both. What it was, was that you were a sub, or so they thought.
Yes, you loved being their 'good girl' and making them feel good, but sometimes you wished you could take the role of being in charge. Being the one to praise them for being good. Though you thought none of your boyfriends noticed your odd behaviors during your time in the bedroom, you were very wrong.
You were sat on one of the scarlet couches in the Gryffindor common room, watching as the orange flames danced in the pit. Your peaceful headspace was soon to be interrupted.
"Everyone out!" a voice yelled, startling you.
As people started to stand to leave the common room, a certain red head, also known as Lily Evans, took a stand. "No Potter. This is your common room. You can't just order people around!"
"Actually, Evans, I can. I'm head boy." the bespectacled boy said. Before Lily could argue anymore, you watched as Remus gave her a small pleading smile. Her gaze flickered to you and soon she softened.
"Alright then." she said before walking out of the portrait hole.
You knew what this was about. You knew why they wanted to talk privately, especially somewhere that wasn't the boys' bedroom.
You'd been avoiding them.
Sex was a common thing in your relationship, not that you were complaining at all. But to avoid the sex and the uncomfortable sub position you were constantly put in, you avoided them all together.
You kept your gaze on the flames before you, barely noticing each of the boys had taken seats on the couch beside you. Though you felt their stares lingering on your curled up frame, you ignored them the best you could.
"Pup." Remus said softly. "Can you tell me what's wrong?"
"Us." Sirius corrected.
You heard Remus let out a sight before correcting himself. "Can you tell us, what's going on?"
You didn't speak.
Your heart was beating rapidly and you got the sudden urge to vomit. And when the blush took over your cheeks, you hid your head in your hands.
You were embarrassed.
Embarrassed to explain that you wanted to not only be a sub, but also be a dom. And it wasn't James or Remus you had to worry about, it was Sirius. The raven haired boy liked how things were in the bed, he didn't want a change, and of course you knew that.
"Hey. We asked you a question." Sirius said.
"You not....breaking up with us, are you?" you heard James whisper. Hearing is sad voice broke your heart, and in an instant you revealed your blushed cheeks to the boys and raced to say your next words.
James' frown turned into a lopsided grin at your answer. And suddenly you heard a set of chuckles. Turning your gaze to your other two boyfriends, you found both of them smirking.
"Your embarrassed." Sirius said.
"Am not!"
"We like seeing you all flustered puppy." Remus smiled.
"Wanna take this to the room?" Sirius' smirk widened, and instantly your shoulders fell.
"No she doesn't." Remus said. "Pup? What happened? Are you feeling okay? Is something bothering you?"
You just gave your head a simple shake from side to side.
"I think I have a guess." you heard the raven haired boy say, and without even looking at him, you knew he had a shit eating grin plastered on his face. "I think our puppy broke a rule."
At those words your head snapped up. "No I didn't!"
"See. From the way your acting I'd say you did." he went on.
"Are you back talking?" he smirked as your shoulders dropped yet again. "See. You just broke a rule. Back talking to your daddies."
And here you were, yet again, being put back in the sub position. You ignored the arousal pooling in your panties, as you rolled your eyes with a shake of your head and turned your stony gaze back to the fire. Yes. You were horny. You had been avoiding sex for about two weeks and still, the sub side of you wanted to follow their rules so you stuck to them. One of them just happened to be 'no getting yourself off,' so you didn't.
"I think you need to be punished pup." Sirius said in a sing song voice.
Remus noticed you seemed off. He sent Sirius a stern look, making the boy sink down into the couch. The sandy haired boy stood up and made his way to where he was kneeling in front of you.
"Poppet?" you turned you eyes to meet his brown ones. "What's the matter?"
Your mind swarm with thought and ways to put together your explanation. "I just..." you trailed off, trying to find the perfect words.
"You just what pup?"
"I-" you took a deep breathe and squeezed your eyes shut and allowed the words to come out in a quick, jumbled mess. "I just don't like being a sub all the time! I want to take charge once in a while. I'm a switch! Just like Siri and I-"
"Woah, woah, woah!" Remus cut you off. "Say it again. Slower this time."
You huffed and opened your eyes to meet his yet again. "I don't want to be a sub all the time. Sometimes I want to take charge like you and Siri do. I like being a sub sometimes, but not always. I love being your good girl, but sometimes I just want you to be my good boys."
A silence took over the four of you. The blush that was once on your face turned a deeper shade of red.
"Absolutely not!" Sirius cut Remus' words off. "No way!"
"Daddy-" Sirius cut off James this time.
"No! I don't care what you two say, I'm saying no!"
Your shoulders slumped. You were put into this uncomfortable position. You wished you could take everything back. You wished you'd never said anything in the first place. You were drowning in your own thought. Your brain muffling the sound of the arguing boys next to you.
"We can't just do what we want Sirius!"
"There can't be three doms and one sub! I mean, James is already sensitive enough. Imagine of we have three people going at him!"
"Hey!" James whined.
"Oh shush. You know it's true."
"Stop. Both of you." Remus said sternly. "Sirius, if there can't be three doms, then you be a sub."
"No fucking way!"
"Why not?!"
"Because I'm a dom!"
"Actually," James said. "Your both Siri. Why can't she be both? That way there would be..."
"Technically, three subs and three doms." Remus concluded.
"No. She's a sub. I don't care what she wants. She will obey you and I. We are her daddies. What does she want? To be called mommy?" he laughs. "That sound fucking stupid."
"Sirius! Stop being a brat-"
"It's fine." you interrupted them. "I shouldn't have tried to change it. Just...pretend I didn't say anything."
You got up and made your way up to the boys' dorm, to which you shared, having not been to your dorm since fifth year. You plopped yourself on the fifth bed, also known as the extra bed, in the room. You grumbled into your pillow, completely oblivious to the arguing going on down below.
"Look what you did Sirius!" James exclaimed. The boys head snapped to James a scowl etched on his lips.
"I didn't do anything."
"Yes. You. Did." Remus seethed. The lycanthrope stepped towards the black haired boy, making him gulp nervously. Remus planted a slap to the boys' cheek. "What did I say about being a brat? Huh?"
"It makes me a bad boy." he said quietly.
"Yes it does. Why can't you just be a good boy like James?"
"I am a good boy!" Sirius whined, he sub side finally showing.
"No. Your not. You hurt puppies feelings."
Realization dawned on the boy and he immediately ran up to the dorm, followed by James and Remus.
"I'm sorry!" Sirius cried once he barged into the room. "I was a bad boy. Hurt mommy's feelings."
You froze and turned to the boys, finding James' hazel eyes blown wide, Sirius practically crying, and Remus standing against the door, a smirk wide on his face.
"What? I-I thought..."
"I'm so sorry mommy. Wanna be a good boy. Wanna make mommy happy."
"I think little Sirius needs to be punished. What do you think James?" Remus asked.
"Yes daddy. I think mommy needs to punish Siri." he answered.
"W-what? I-..."
"What do I do to you or James when your bad?" Remus asked as he takes long strides to sit next to you on the bed. "Sirius, come here." The boy sheepishly makes his way over to the two of you until he's standing directly in front of you. "Talk to him. Tell him he's bad. Tell him why he's bad." Remus whispered in your ear. "Take charge doll."
This is what you were waiting for. To take charge.
"You were being mean Si." you said. "Hurt my-"
"Who are you?" Remus asked. "Have to address who you are."
"Hurt mommy's feelings."
"I know! I'm so sorry mommy!" he cried.
You contemplated what to do next. "Punish him." Remus whispered.
You stood up so you were face to face with the boy in front of you. You teasingly unbuttoned his shirt and pulled the item off his shoulders before unbuckling his belt and pulling down his trousers and boxers. You looked over the boy, watching as his hard on sat up straight, leaking precum. "Lay down."
"Yes mommy." he crawled up into the bed. Laying so he was on his stomach, his hands were intertwined on his back and he got a perfect view of the bed right in front of him. You seated yourself so you were sitting at his side. Before touching him though, you addressed the other two boys.
"Hey Jamesie?"
The boy perked up at the call of his name a lopsided smile taking over his features. "Yes mommy?"
"Want to help daddy out? Want to suck his cock while I punish Siri?"
James nodded his head rapidly before hurriedly making his way over to the bed that just so happened to be right in front of Sirius. "Yes mommy. Want to be a good boy."
"Good job bubba."
Remus was quick to discard himself, and James, of their clothes. "Good boy." he cooed as James started working on his cock.
"Alright. What should I do, huh?" you asked the boy.
"Punish me mommy. Wanna be your good boy." he whimpered. You thought for a moment. Thinking of all the punishments you received. You smirked when you got an idea.
"Ass up." you instructed, watching how he instantly rested himself on his hands and knees. You took one hand down to his cock. Hearing him moan just at the touch made your legs squeeze together. "Don't take your eyes off them. And you better not cum. Got it?"
"Yes mommy."
"Good." you smirked.
Your hand slowly went up and down on his cock, feeling all the veins and how it twitched when she squeezed. She took her pointer finger and placed it in her mouth, wetting it. Once it was slick, she took it down so she was tracing his hole, earning moans from him. You pussy clenched around nothing and the arousal sitting in your underwear grew uncomfortable as you listened to James' gags and Sirius and Remus' moans.
You slowly aloud your finger to push in, going slow, because while this was punishment, you didn't want to injure or hurt him in any way. You listened to him moan loudly and his back arch.
"Are you okay?" you whispered.
"Yes! Mommy!" he moaned.
You sped up your finger slightly and fisted his cock. As you kept your movements the same, you turned to James and Remus. James had his nose buried in Remus' happy trail.
"Fuuuuck. Such a good boy." you heard Remus moan before pulling the boys head off so he could breathe. After a moment, Remus forced James mouth back onto his cock and bobbed his head up and down. You, in the mean time, took in the sight of the boy laying in front of you. Eyes glued to your other two boyfriends. Cock twitching as he did his best not to cum. And your finger pumping in and out of his hole. "M'gonna cum James. And you better swallow." you heard Remus instruct, earning a moan from James. And in seconds, Remus was cumming down the boys throat and the room was full of loud moans.
"Mommy! I can't! M'gonna cum." Sirius screamed.
"You better not. You wanna be my good boy right?"
"Then don't cum. Just ten more seconds."
And when you felt his cock twitch violently in your hand, you drew your hand back and slowly took your finger out. He collapsed down onto the mattress.
"Am I good now mommy?" he asked.
You crawled off the bed and went so you were kneeling in front of his face. "So good baby. Watched them the whole time, and didn't even cum!"
"Now we have to make mommy cum!" James said excitedly.
"Right Jamesie." Remus smiled.
"Want to fuck mommy Jamesie boy?" you asked, getting up and going over to the boy on the bed.
"Yes mommy! Wanna make mommy cum. Wanna be her good boy." he went on.
"Okay James. Remus, help out Sirius over there. He's a good boy." you said.
Taglist: @blowing-mikey @lilicazure @trouble-in-space @herbatkazmiloscia @zzzfour @speakyourselfloveyourself @vierablack @officepass1320 @riddikulusweasleys @mysticlights-blog @mtle @emmaev @whitecastles @teenwolfbitches2 @lliasky @lookscutebutwillfight @pretty-pop-princess-hs @imsiriuslyval
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let me be your ruler.2
Warnings: guns, dubcon, noncon, handjob.
This is a dark! fic and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Pairing: (dark!mob!) Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: You try to forget about Peter but he won’t forget about you.
Note: I hate that I am the way that I am. I wanted to keep this to two parts but you know me. 
Anyways, I’m excited for this and hope you are too.
Hope you enjoy it. Thank you. Love you guys!
Please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
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Drowsy in the afterglow of sex and alcohol, you fell quickly into a deep sleep. You didn’t even change before you sank into bed. You hardly recalled the elevator ride up or stumbling into your apartment and tripping around the shadows to your room. It was only a fractured journey from the car to your mattress.
You woke as your phone vibrated under your pillow. You must have buried it there before passing out. You groaned and rolled over as you dug it out. There were several notifications next to a single name; Peter. You thumbed through each message; written in the same tone as his voice. Demanding, without question.
‘Great night, Princess.’ ‘We’ll do it again Saturday.’ ‘Wear something nice.’ … The messages escalated smoothly from doting to commanding. It jolted you back to the night before, the way he seemed to just thrust you through the night. The dress, the drinks, the men, the guns…
You sat up, your panties crooked on your hips. You muttered and swiped away the messages. You weren’t seeing him again. You couldn’t. You had stuck your toe in too deep already. It was best to nip these things in the bud. Not to let yourself get dragged in so far you couldn’t see the surface. 
Peter was more than mysterious; he was dangerous.
You went to the kitchen and waited for the machine to grind as the scent of coffee filled your heavy body. You drank too much, did too much. You still felt Peter’s hand between your legs. It made your chest tight and your head spin. You looked down at your body, the red dress wrinkled and askew.
You left the coffee to brew and retreated to your room. You tore off the dress and your panties. You pulled on a cotton shirt and loose pajama pants. You stormed back into the kitchen and shoved the clothing in the bin. You snatched your phone from the counter and swiped up the lock screen.
‘Sorry, I don’t think this is going to work out.’ You typed. Your hand shook as you hovered over send. You heard Halle’s door and you pressed your thumb down. You looked up at her before you pulled up the block option.
“How was your night?” She asked as she inhaled the aroma of your morning ritual.
“Eh, you know, another dead end,” you pushed your thumb down and the conversation disappeared. “Just not my type.”
“Really?” She whined. “He seemed so nice. And he liked you so much.”
You blackened your screen and placed your phone face down. “Well, you know, things don’t always turn out.” You shrugged and pulled out a mug, “You want some?”
“Are you at least going to tell me about it?” She pouted. “And yes, lots of sugar.”
You poured her coffee and handed her the sugar dish. You frowned at how much powder she scooped into her cup but it was her most endearing trait. She knew what she wanted and she didn’t care what anyone thought.
“Uh, well, it wasn’t anything special. He took me to a party but… I don’t know. What kind of first date is that? Take me somewhere I don’t know anyone…” You ran your finger around the rim of your cup. “Maybe when I was younger but now.”
“You sound like such an old lady,” she snickered, “Oh my god!” She stood straight, “Are we old?”
“I am, but you’ll always be young at heart, Hal,” you rolled your eyes.
“So you’re not going to try a second?” She prodded.
“I don’t think so,” you cradled your mug, “He… hasn’t even messaged me back.” 
You hated lying but Halle had gotten you into this mess and you knew she’d harp on you for not even giving Peter a chance. But you had. He wasn’t what he seemed and you didn’t want to stick around and find out what exactly he was hiding.
“What?” She huffed. “Well, fuck him then.” She sipped from her coffee and her lips curved as she swallowed. “Wait, did you…”
“Hal, come on,” you snipped.
“Oh, fine, but you know, maybe if you got laid, you wouldn’t be so uptight.” She teased.
“Not this again,” you groaned and slid your phone off the counter. “You know what, I got work to do.”
“Uh huh,” she hummed as you turned to leave, “Work. When did you get so old and boring?”
“One of us had to,” you called back over your shoulder, “And we both know you’re never growing up.”
Your phone was pleasantly still for the rest of the day. You felt a twinge of guilt having blocked Peter but then you recalled the men and their holsters. You found your mind drifting away from your work and your fingers hovered over the keyboard as you thought back. 
The company he kept added to the uneasiness in your chest. Steve was friendly but arrogant. The way he looked at you, the way he spoke to you, what was it he introduced you as, “Peter’s girl”. And that man, Bucky. He didn’t seem too fond of Peter but the way he’d grinned at you, as if he knew something you didn’t. Well, he did, they all did. Your head stormed as you tried to figure out their secret.
You shook off the curdling paranoia and hunched as you squinted closer at your computer. You made yourself focus as you skimmed the tight font and added your suggestions in the margin. You sent off your edited draft as your stomach groaned; empty and churning from the acidic coffee.
You grabbed your phone and your mug as you stood. You checked the time. Almost noon. You grumbled and went back to the kitchen, thankfully empty as Halle had left for work an hour ago. You set your cup down and expanded your notifications. A single phone call from a private number and a new follower on your mostly empty Insta.
You opened the neglected app and hit the notification. The profile was emptier than yours. the profile pic was just black and there were no posts. The name gave you no hints as it was obviously generated by the site. 
You went back and a comment popped up on the picture of your and Halle at last year's winter market. ‘Gorgeous, Princess.’ You read and reread the two words as you leaned against the counter. You bit your fingertips and went back to the mysterious profile. You hit ‘block’ and locked your phone.
Surely, he’d get the hint sooner or later. It was one date and the man seemed to have no trouble with women. He’d move on and you’d both forget about that off putting night. You just had to wait him out.
A week rolled by as you kept yourself busy with your work. The phone calls stopped after the first day and you had no more peculiar alerts awaiting you. Your plan had worked. It wasn’t exactly the best; it was a bit cowardly, actually. Yet, knowing how Peter was and how ‘no’ seemed beyond his vocabulary, you had more faith in your evasion than his understanding.
As the weekend approached, Halle convinced you to come out with the girls. You had eluded those opportunities for the past year as you found yourself disillusioned and disinterested in the club scene. You felt as if you were aging out of it and seeing all those fresh-faced coeds assured you of it. Even so, the girls liked to dance and in their words, you need to ‘let loose’.
You couldn’t disagree. You had been on edge and the mounting emails in your inbox didn’t ease the stress of everything else.
With a pre-drink burning a whole in your stomach, you pulled on a pair of flats as your bag hung across your chest. You were comfortable but not stuffy in your tight jeans and the bright pink top with the criss-cross straps. You felt pretty good and the vodka made you optimistic.
You headed down to the street and caught a cab. The dread evaporated the closer you got and as you pulled up to the front of the flashing club, Molly and Desiree waved at your approach. The four of you joined the line as you searched out your ID.
“So,” Molly said, “Halle told us about your little date!”
“Date?” You blinked. “Oh, yeah, that didn’t pan out.”
“Of course,” Desiree scoffed, “That guy was so cute though.”
“Yeah, he was nice, but we just didn’t…”
“He’s ghosting her!” Halle interjected, “Didn’t even text the next day, ugh.”
Halle crossed her arms and you nodded. You weren’t going to correct her, you didn’t need the other two piling on about your dormant love life. You came out to have a good time, that’s what they promised you, and you didn’t want to think about the night that still stood so vividly in your mind.
As you stepped up to the bouncer, he barely looked at your card. You were almost offended as he waved you through and carded the next party more closely. You glanced around at your friends but they hardly seemed bothered. Well, only Halle had reached that big three-o with you, and the other two girls still had a year or two to go.
Madonna’s voice pumped from the speakers as you neared the bar. You looked around at the streaming lights and the bodies shadowed in the strobe. You were surprised you recognized the song and you nudged Desiree as she waited for Molly to order the first round.
“What’s up with the music?” You asked.
“It’s retro night! Duh! Just for you!” She giggled and you elbowed her harder.
Molly turned and passed out the plastic cups with their thin straws and you followed Halle to the low stage where the smoke machine billowed. You coughed at the taste of the fog and sucked on your straw. You began to sway as the other girls led the charge. You could help but be enlivened by the deep base and the energy all around.
As you danced, the girls yelled back and forth about their recent drama. Desiree’s date had been more successful than your own, Molly was certain she was in love with Charlie? You still didn’t know. And Halle was just riding the vibe.
You finished your drink and the other girls stacked their cups in yours before you crossed the stage to leave the garbage on the table just beside the platform. 
You looked over at the bar, pondering another, and your eye was caught by a figure who seemed out of place. The cut of his suit, the way he leaned on hand on a stool, and the intense gaze sent in your direction startled you.
You blinked and stumbled over to the single step down to the floor. You pushed through the bodies, nearly tumbling as a tipsy guy crashed into you. You got to the bar and looked up and down it. Girls waved their hands to get the bar tender’s attention and guys sidled up to them. 
Bucky was gone. It was him. Maybe the air was filled with smoke and the lights were flashing like a siren, but you were certain. Why was he there? How had he found you among the city? Among the reverie in that club? Why had he been watching you? And where had he gone?
You went to where you’d seen him and searched the perimeter of the bar. You went back through the club and slipped past those just getting in. You tapped on the bouncer’s shoulder and he grumbled before he turned and bent to hear you. “What is it?”
“Did you see a guy in a suit leave? Dark hair and--”
“There’s a lot of people here,” he shrugged you off.
You snarled and turned back. You got ahead of the flood of new arrivals and fought your way back to the three girls on the stage. As you walked up, Halle pouted and grabbed your elbow. “Boo, we thought you were getting another round.”
“No, no, I…” you squirmed and tried to get back into the rhythm, “I had to use the restroom.”
“Well, how about now? Wanna refill the tank?” She jibed.
“Uh, sure,” you picked at the purse. “Be right back.”
“Make mine a double,” Molly called after you. “Thanks.”
Despite drowning yourself in alcohol, you barely slept and when you did, you were back in the club, staring at a man you never expected to see again. You wondered if maybe you’d imagined it or if Peter had sent him after you or if it was someone else and you were just tipsy and blind. Whatever it was, you couldn’t shake the foreboding that followed you into the next morning.
Your Saturday was painful and lazy. You spent your hangover on the couch and barely saw Halle as she cowered in the dim light of her room. You fell asleep there and dragged yourself to bed just before nine. You really were old, or at least, getting there.
Sunday slapped you in the face after another night of disjointed dreams. Peter and the room full of men, Bucky at the bar, and static in between. Responsibility called you from your mattress and you cleaned up and dressed for your weekly trip to the grocery store. 
As you came out, Halle was glaring at her phone. “What’s up?” You asked as you shoved your wallet in your purse. “You coming to the store?”
“I got called in for one.” She pouted. “Tell me why I fucked that asshole?”
“Shit, Hal, I’m sorry. Well, I’ll just do the shop myself.” You frowned, “Let you get ready to deal with all that.”
“It’s all because he fucking texted me on Friday and drunk me decided to reply and then… urgh, why do I do this?”
“I don’t know why you’re asking me?” You grinned.
“Oh, please go before I throw this at you,” she shook her phone, “And don’t forget my oat milk.”
“Whole milk?” You asked as you slipped your shoes on, “Got it.”
“Don’t,” she warned.
“Alright, alright. Hopefully I catch you before you go,” you stood and grabbed your keys from the hook. “Have fun with Mr. Bossman.”
“Shut up,” she buried her head in her hands, “Oh my god!”
You tried not to laugh as you left. You felt bad for her as you didn’t know what you’d do in her situation. Looking for a new job had been her first thought but the market was never very good and the man who was driving her away, wasn’t exactly a shining reference.
You took your usual route to the grocer. You had your list on your phone and loaded your cart. You filled the reusable bags and set off for a very inconvenient subway ride home. Your arms screamed as you carried the load up your street and struggled to find your keys at the door. The elevator was too slow and you ended up hauling it all up the stairs. You were out of breath as you got to your apartment.
You turned the knob just a little and kicked open the door. You stomped in and dropped the bags. “So, I got your damn milk--” You stopped short as your voice collided with Halle’s. She was already dressed for work but her braids were still loose. She stood behind the couch as she talked to your unexpected visitor.
“Oh, there she is,” she said snappily, “I wouldn’t blame her for kicking you out but I’ll leave it up to her.” Halle turned to you, “Look who’s here. Only took him a week to come around.”
“Hal,” you said softly as you set the bags down. “What--” You lowered your voice, “Why’d you let him in?”
“So he can apologize to you,” she huffed loudly and passed you to close the door, “Don’t you worry, I still gotta finish getting ready so you have lots of time to hear him out.” She looked at him sharply.
“Really, it’s…” You gulped as you peeked over at Peter. He sat calmly in the chair as he watched you. “Yeah, okay.”
She marched into her room and as her door closed, you reluctantly approached the back of the couch where your roommate had just stood. You stared at Peter, uncertain what to say. You hadn’t been prepared for this; for him to be there in your apartment, your home.
“Peter,” you ran your hands over the couch cushions.
“You lie to everyone you know?” He asked. “As I recall, I’m not the one who’s been… ‘ghosting’, as your friend says.”
“I…” You shifted and picked at the seam, “Look, I told you it wasn’t going to work--”
“You barely gave me a chance. Gave us a chance,” he said as he pushed his legs apart. “That’s hardly fair.”
“Well, you know, I have work and it’s just not a good time for me right now.” You sniffed. “I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings, but--”
“Ha, princess, I don’t hurt so easy,” he smirked, “Why don’t you sit down and we can talk properly… finally.”
You scratched your brow and cleared your throat. “I don’t think we need to do that.”
Your voice trailed off as Halle opened her door again. She swept out and you waited as she scooped her purse off the counter and sidestepped the groceries still sat on the floor.
“Gotta go,” she sang, “I’ll see you after work.” She stopped by the door as she wiggled into her heels, “Let me know how you deal with… him.”
“See ya,” you said quietly and watched her go. You looked back at Peter slowly as he chuckled.
“What did you tell her about me?” He wondered.
“Nothing. Really.” You said. “I have your jacket. You want it back--”
“Sit,” he gestured to the couch. “We’ll worry about that later.”
“No. Peter, please. I’m just not interested, okay?”
“You seemed pretty interested in the car,” he purred, “Seemed real interested.”
“I…” You looked at the wall and squirmed. “I didn’t ask you to do that.”
“You were asking for it in that dress,” he intoned. “Now,” his movement drew your eye as he reached into his jacket, “I don’t like playing things like this.” He pulled the pistol from its holster and rested it on the arm of the chair, his hand firm on the handle. “Please, sit down. Let’s talk.”
You stared at the gun. Your blood burned hot and you felt blindly as you came around the couch and dropped down. Your eyes never left the muzzle. Would he use it on you?
“Oh, princess, don’t you worry, I’m just getting comfortable.” He taunted. “Now, I’ve been tryna figure out where I went wrong. I got you a pretty dress, I took you to a nice party, I fed you champagne, and I even gave you a little dessert,” he mused and his lip curled, “So I gotta confess I’m confused as you why you’ve been hiding from me.”
You were paralyzed. You clutched your knees and gritted your teeth. You didn’t know what to say. You’d convinced yourself that you’d never see him again. Your method was tried and trued, at least, when it was used against you.
“Don’t be afraid. You can tell me. I really would prefer the truth.” His finger slid along the short barrel as he spoke. “So?”
“I… Peter, I don’t think that we would, uh, work out. Look, I don’t like guns and…” Your lashes fluttered, “I don’t really know that I wanna be around someone who carries one. Not too mention, your friends--”
“My friends. Princess, your mine. They won’t touch you.” He raised his chin. “They’re not that bold.”
You were silent. Your heart pulsed loudly and you took a breath. You stood cautiously and crossed your arms. “Peter, we talked. I told you my reasons. I think you should… go.” You said as firmly as you could.
He laughed again. His cheek twitched and the smile fell away from his face. He rose slowly and turned his gun to tuck it away under his jacket. His eyes never left you as he did.
“You really want me to go?” He asked.
You nodded and held your breath. “Yes.”
He threw his hands out and clapped them against his pants. He shook his head and crossed the room. You turned to watch him as he passed and suddenly, you were thrust towards him. His hand was on the back of your neck as he pulled you against him. He held you tightly and you felt his gun poking through his jacket.
He grinned, his lips only an inch from yours. “I’m going, princess, but not without you.”
“Let go of me!” You struggled with him. “Get off!”
“Princess,” he warned as his fingers dug into your neck, “Settle down.”
“No, I told you to go.” You hissed as you grabbed his wrist. “Please.”
“Let’s get this straight,” he said, “You don’t tell me what to do. Even if it gets me hard.” He crushed his lips to your suddenly and you wrestled with him, your teeth grazing his lip before he pulled back sharply, barely escaping a bite. “You don’t wanna do that.”
His hand went to your chin and he looked you in the face. He rubbed his nose against yours and growled. You beat on his chest and he squeezed tighter.
“Shit, let’s not just rush out of here,” he released you, “You should get those away before they spoil.”
He stepped back and placed his hand on the front of his jacket, where his gun was hidden. You gaped at him and your eyes flitted to the door.
“Ah, don’t worry, we’ll be on our way soon enough,” he said, “So long as you hurry up.”
You swallowed and he moved with you as you went to the bags. He blocked the door as you pulled the straps apart and began to unpack shakily. You dropped a can and it rolled along the floor before he stopped it with his foot. He kicked it back and leaned an elbow on the door frame.
You picked it up with several other cans and went to the cupboard. You snapped the door closed as you felt around the drawer with your other hand. You heard a click and looked to Peter as he aimed his pistol at you. He tilted his head. 
“Don’t do that,” he intoned as your hand lingered just inches from the knives inside the drawer.
You went back to the spread of groceries and tried to ignore him as you put everything in its place. As you bent to fill the crisper, he purred, a sizzly ‘princess’ under his breath. You finished up and packed the bags one into the other. You left them on the counter and again, he put his gun away.
“Princess, let me tell you something,” he gripped the door handle, “I don’t take that out without using it very often so don’t press my patience.” He turned the knob slowly, “I’ve waited on you long enough.”
The car ride was tense and long. Peter drove you uptown and you watched out the window helplessly. You rubbed your palms together nervously as they dampened with sweat. He’d taken your phone when you reached for it. He tossed it and it was somewhere on the floor.
He drove past the condos and the walk-ups and continued on nearly the exact path he’d taken on the momentous night. Another grand house awaited you but you remained in the seat as Peter climbed out. He opened your door and still you didn’t move. He reached across you to unbuckle the seat belt and grabbed your arm. He jerked you out onto your feet and sighed.
“Peter,” you begged, “What’s going on? Please, you’re scaring me.”
“Princess, have I done you wrong?” He asked but you didn’t answer. “I won’t hurt you.”
“You’re hurting me right now,” you wriggled your arm and he shoved you ahead of him.
“In,” he demanded as you stumbled up the rounded steps. “Now.”
You opened the door and stepped inside. You crossed the marble floor of the foyer as he directed you from behind. He followed at a pace, close enough that you couldn’t flee. Even if you did, you wouldn’t make it far.
“Pete,” the voice startled you and you stopped at the bottom of the wide staircase. Bucky stood in a doorway to your left. His gaze moved from you to Peter and back again. “I didn’t realise you brought company.”
“You’re still here?” Peter snipped.
“Was I supposed to leave?” He sneered. “You got me and Steve running around and you’re gonna kick us to the curb.”
“You don’t look very busy to me,” Peter growled and neared to rest his hand on your lower back. He leaned in and whispered in your ear. “Upstairs, turn left, the room at the very end. I don’t like hide and seek, you got me?”
You nodded and looked at Bucky again. His mouth slanted knowingly and his tongue poked out for just a moment. You turned up the stairs and left Peter behind. You reached the top and listened for a moment to his muffled voice.
“You and Steve do your fucking job and leave me alone. Understand. I don’t want to be bothered.” Peter snarled.
“Oh, I wouldn’t wanna be interrupted either,” Bucky snickered. “Not with her.”
“Go,” Peter barked. “Now.”
“Ay, you might be Tony’s man but you still gotta watch yourself,” Bucky warned. “This little arrangement isn’t gonna last forever…”
You went to your left and to the door at the end, like he said. You entered and couldn’t help but gasp at the immense bedroom. The black and white decor was expertly matched in marbles and exotics woods, plush velvet and polished sconces. You couldn’t help but admire the luxury.
You didn’t close the door. You glanced around dumbly and stood in one spot as you feared you might break something. You wrung your hands as you heard the steady footsteps and you spun as Peter entered. He looked even more agitated as he cracked his knuckles.
“Sorry about that, Princess,” he said, “Now where were we?” His eyes roved the room as he thought, “Ah, yes, an apology.”
“Apology. I…”
“Should I close the door?” He raised a brow, “You’d be surprised how sound carries in here.”
You frowned and he laughed as he swung the door shut. He neared you and bit the tip of his tongue as he considered you. His brown eyes bore into you and you took a step back. He stayed near and caught your wrist. His other hand fumbled with his belt and he let out a slow breath through his nose.
“Princess, I’d love to treat you how you deserve but you gotta be good to me too.” He pulled on your arm and twisted as you tried to resist. You hissed and he pushed your hand against his crotch. “I don’t forgive easy but I’m sure you can change that.”
“Don’t... don’t make me do this,” you uttered.
“Oh, but princess, you did this,” he pressed your hand around his bulge. “You take care of me and I’ll do the same.”
You parted your lips to argue and he grabbed the back of your head. He kissed you roughly and guided your hand to the top of his boxers. He slid your fingers under the elastic and urged you on, wrapping your fingers around his dick with a groan.
He squeezed until you gripped him firmly. He led your hand up and down as he held you to him, his hot breath filling you as it picked up. He forced his tongue into your mouth and you clawed at his jacket as he kept your other hand around him. He parted from your mouth at last and pressed his cheek to yours.
“Keep going, princess,” he purred as he slowly withdrew his hand from around yours. “You don’t wanna use your hand, I might think of something else.”
You quivered and slid your hand up and down his length. He nuzzled your neck and nibbled as he moaned against your skin. You could only move your hand as you stood against him stunned and rigid. He gripped your waist as you felt him tense and he murmured hungrily.
“Oh, princess,” he breathed and pushed his pelvis against your hands as he came. 
You felt the slick heat seep down your hand and slowed until he was breathless. He stilled your hand with his and carefully eased your hand from his pants. He stood straight and eyed your glistening fingers.
“Shit,” he swore as he caressed your cheek, “You made a mess of this suit.” He dropped his hand to the front of his pants as he smiled. He inhaled and pushed his shoulders back. “I forgive you, Princess.”
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sly-merlin · 3 years
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Hello mam can I request a lawyer jeno scenario where reader (gender neutral so everyone can read) is a prosecutor and they are in the same court together
Lawyer Boyfriend jeno , gender neutral lawyer reader
Genre : fluff with nonsense bickering
Words: 1.5k
a/n: jeno is a big boi now! Happy jeno-ing!! Also the terms used are local to my country. It may vary in your state.
your butt was itching to dance out in the centre of the courtroom. Clicking your forefinger on the watch, you observed the lovely minute hand completing another circle, indicating the approaching end of the waiting time. The opposing party being a minute more late would mean nothing but good news for your client, resulting in another victory for you.
But when had you ever won anything without a little struggle! As the clock on the wall hit 11, the door of the room opened and across the room stood Jeno, breathing heavily like he had been running since hours. You rolled your eyes at his awful timing. He handed over his briefcase to his client and wore his blazer hurriedly while simultaneously bowing to the judge in deference and apology. The judge, disregarding his gesture with his hand called him to the front. You got up as well, in annoyance of course. You had very much hoped for his car to have punctured on its way but it seemed like he needed to get on your nerves even in the court as well. standing beside him, you couldn’t help but notice the wrinkles on the right side of his blazer. The oddity puzzled you at first but suddenly, with a subtle glare from his side, you were made aware of the reason behind his change of clothes. Not wearing the ones that you steam ironed last night was a show of anger towards you, even if it made him look like a fool in front of the whole chamber.
“a minute late and I’d have passed an interlocutory order against your client Mr.lee” breaking your trance, the judge warned him. He bowed again and mumbled a mannerly apology, the like of which you deserved too.
“today the hearing would start with the counter evidence of the defendant side, that is,” he sifted through the list of the evidence provided beforehand, “the bank records of both the parties. Please proceed advocate lee”
“yes, your honour. As I explained in a previous hearing, my client, mrs. Shin has been working as a manager of the Kwon industries since 14 years. On the other hand, mr. shin started a poker business with the money she used to save up for their only son’s future. All the transactions from her personal accounts to mr. shin’s were innocently carried out by her as she was kept under a false impression regarding the use of her money, which she never would have allowed in her right mind. The proof of these transfers is the evidence I’m going to present that is the receipts and annual reports.”
The urge to smack his tongue for the lies it told was uncontrollable but you breathed in. you inhaled all the bitterness back to your throat and stood there like an obedient child with a face ridden of any expressions.
After what felt like minutes, you snapped your head in his direction to notice the browsing he was doing in his briefcase. The questionable look on his face drew a smirk into your own as you understood the sensitiveness of the matter in hand. He forgot. The papers!
Throwing your charitable side out of the door, you turned towards the judge,
“it seems like the opposing counsel has nothing to produce, your honour.”
You felt his clenching jaw and irritated eyes.
“mr. lee, if you are unable to proceed then i’ll have to pass a maintenance order against your client.”
“no!” he interrupted, “that would be unfair to this poor lady sir. don’t penalise her for my negligence. The evidence can turn the course of this whole case. if you may, I’d request another date-
“he’s going to forget again. He forgets everything these days” before you could control, you spit out.
The judge didn’t seem to be impressed by your uncalled interruption so he warned you to speak only when allowed. But with a mouth as big as his, jeno never knew what resistance meant so he remarked,
“and my dear friend here forgets the ethics of a courtroom, disrespecting seniors like this! There is not much difference between us then I must say.”
Your lip twitched at the not so subtle mention of the fight you had in the morning, right before the breakfast. Now you were adamant on proving that no matter the place and circumstances, you were definitely not similar to him in any way.
“disrespecting and raising matters of importance are two varied things and my dear counsel should be reading those ethic rules for himself as he’s the one jeopardising the position of his client in the court due to his own manners. I request the court to grant mr. shin all the rights to his properties that mrs. Shin had seized years ago. He’s a disabled man and he cannot work by himself and the lack of evidence is a clear indication that the defendants are just trying to waste the time of the court. Along with the rights of the properties, a lawful possession of the house and maintenance charges are also requested. All the claims can be found on the page 15 of the-
“I object, your honour. I am accepting my mistake. This woman deserves a second chance. My junior was sick and since he has no near and dear in this town, I had to go and care for him. in the hurry, I forgot the papers at home. It was not delibra-
“what if you don’t remember this next time either? Until then my client is going to suffer in a small and stinky apartment and all because of your carelessness.”
“I’m not careless,” He whispered yelled.
“yes,” now facing him, you said, arms crossed in front of you torso, “a man who can’t even hold a mug properly shouldn’t be the one talking about-
“you started it by smashing the music box. It was a gift by jaemin. I bet you did it deliberately too!”
“I was sleep walking! I apologised already! There was no need to break my favourite mug you bit-
The sound of gavel reverberated in the small family courtroom, snapping both of you in the reality.
You gulped slightly, eyes boring into jeno’s but with unknown fear. In an instant, the worst consequences of blunder you both had knowingly-unknowingly committed flashed across your eyes and you both whirled around, backs bent like you both never knew what a straight spine ever looked like!
“keep your personal and professional life separate or choose the one most suitable. The court is adjourned for two days. You both shall be heavily fined for your inappropriate behaviour. Next time, I won’t be lenient. Collect your slips from the clerk.”
Apologising verbally, you took your leave.
Standing outside, you waited for the lunch time to pass so you could pay the fine. you were mad at jeno but more than him, you were furious with yourself for losing your direction. You had done exactly what you were trying to accuse jeno of in the court.
Your eyes were closed in regret when you felt soft lips on your forehead.
Smiling widely, jeno stood there as if he hadn’t been scolded for the unprofessionalism just a few hours ago.
“don’t talk to me.” You uttered, lowering your gaze.
“awww! Look how easy it is to rile you up. Thank you though”
unsure of what he said, you asked,
“for what?”
“for fighting with me! Your bickering saved my ass. The old man was going to decide the case but your cute brain worked at the wrong time! Now I have two days to turn all my lies into a living truth. All because of you my darling.”
“what the fuck I’m gonna ki-
“yeah yeah. kiss me all you want when we are home. Be professional here!” he breathed out. “how about I treat you to a nice meal to return the favour.”
Chest heaving up and down, you looked him dead in the eye, his revelations not sounding too amusing to your ears. Raising your hand up and waving the fine slip in front of him, you challenged,
“I dare you to repeat this again and I promise you wont get enough time to regret it!”
Not that you actually expected him to cry in front of you in intimidation, a hearty laugh from his body wasn’t anticipated either.
“what the fuck je-
You were once again cut off by his lips that met your cheek in a wet kiss, lasting too long for a public setting.
You hated the way he loved testing your patience.
Moving his soft lips from your cheek to your ear, he sighed before murmuring in an indecently low voice,
“you better get a new music box before jaemin visits me or I know how to make you regret your actions.”
Unmoved, you stared at him with doe eyes. He walked away before returning back only to snatch the paper slip from your hands.
“I’ll pay and sign. Go have lunch. Try to finish early today, I’ll be waiting for you.”
Innocently smiling, he left as if everything that had happened was nothing but delusion. And you hated the way he knew you like the back of his hand. But you were going to make sure he lost this one to you. Once and forever.
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yanderecandystore · 3 years
I can request an order from Yandere M! Beldam with F! Reader. Where the reader and her friends go to live at the Pink Palace. (Coraline film)
I'm so sorry for making you wait, and for accidentally erasing the oneshot-
I had issues with this one. Not because of your request boo, but because of how I kept thinking about quantity over quality. I've made over 3,000 words worth of pure meaningless garbage- It felt so forced that I tried to redo it again.
7,550 words, yes I'm really proud of it- Absolutely ✨stunning✨
TW/Tags: fake friends // reader is high-key touch/friendship starved // identity theft (I mean- It kinda is??) // kinda edgy maybe // based on Coraline movie yet neither of the characters are from the canon- // guess who is sad because of her fucked up :D ME! // Not accurate to the movie, but hey, it happens ;D // awkwardness galore! (Awkward social situations) // if you think any nicknames are intentional, is because they are 👀
(Chp. 1) (Chp. 2) (Chp.3)
Stitched together [Yandere!Coraline OC(?) X F!Reader - Fanfiction]:
You have been stuck in this car without being able to say a word for about three hours now. Vivian didn't want to admit she got lost in the fog, and Dominick wouldn't stop making fun of her for getting us all lost.
Richard has been pretty silent too. He didn't like the constant fighting and passive aggressive comments Dom and Vivi would make towards each other, yet he prefered to not be a bother and keep himself quiet while listening to music. Always the silent type.
And you? You were mentally cursing at yourself for forgetting to charge your phone so you could ignore the yelling and feel less bored throughout the trip.
After a few bumpy roads and a few hills that caused Vivian's car to have a hard time going up through, you guys finally got to the Pink Palace. Finally! After so long! Finally you can stretch your legs.
You four were in search of a new place to call home, a place that was "closer" to the local university so you and your group could have an easier time during the semesters, and you've decided that the Pink Palace Apartments would be the best (cheapest) option for four college students having to pay rent by themselves.
Even if the place was weird, old and creepy, it was the best option that you had found- Or more accurately, that Vivian had found. She was the one that decided to form this group in the first place, even if deep down, you four didn't know much about each other. Now you're all roommates and sharing a creepy house that probably needs lots and lots of repairs to be done.
You were feeling a bit awkward about this situation, to be completely honest, you were the odd one here, you're the one who doesn't have strong connections with the others. You met Vivian a couple of months ago, but it was by mere pure coincidence that you two had a couple of things in common, and even if it's really, really few things that made you two be able to form this friendship with one another, Vivian still called you over to be her roommate.
You knew why she called you, she called you because she needed one more person to be able to help her and her friends out with the rent. Yes, she did like you and considered you a friend, but not that close of a friend- She didn't know you that well, and honestly you also didn't know much about her either. You still appreciate that she offered you to come with her, since you were also looking for roommates to help financially.
You're at least glad it's Vivian who called you, and not a random person that you would have to call a roommate despite not knowing them well enough. Maybe you and Vivi will be able to get to know each other more now that you'll be living together.
But her other two friends? Well...
Richard was basically a brother of another mother to Vivian, of course he would come with her, but- Well, you don't know much about Richard. He seems like a cool and honestly pretty generous guy, yet he prefers to use few words instead of engaging in deep conversations with people. You wouldn't mind getting to know him more, but you're afraid you won't be able to find topics you two share the same view on.
And Dominick, oh Dominick! How time has sculpted you into a handsome man. While you have to deal with the sudden butt-cheek acne appearing from time to time, Dom seems to have gone through a heavy glow up ever since you last saw him.
Dom and you used to be childhood friends ever since kindergarten, but at the age of ten- Well, you were ten, Dom was twelve at the time- At the age of ten, you two had grown apart from one another. You had to change your school, change your neighborhood, change your friend group- Which ended up making you two distance yourself immensely.
You didn't really want this gap to form, this long distance between you two- Not only physically, but emotionally as well- But you never got time to tell him that you were moving, that you'll be away for a long time. You never got the chance to explain to him how your parents wanted to move out of the state you two lived in, and that changing neighborhoods was better than changing states entirely- You never got the chance to say goodbye, and that's what hurt Dom the most.
You just suddenly vanished, you couldn't communicate to each other by the phone or through the internet at the time. So you literally just disappeared without a trace.
Well, almost without a trace, his parents knew that your family was moving out, yet they didn't tell him because they thought he already knew about it. A couple of years later you two would be able to see each other briefly at a distance, it was so weird seeing each other change so much and still wonder "is that really the person I used to know?".
You wanted to talk to him, to apologise and try to get your friendship to be reborn- But you never got the chance to, you were too busy to be able to make time to talk with him.
Not only were you busy, but you also felt awkward about coming to his house and suddenly saying "hi! Remember when I just ghosted you for 12 years because my family kept travelling and changing homes? Can we forget about it and be friends again :D?". You never talked to him because you felt awkward about it, you felt too nervous about talking with him again, especially after you travelled so much- Each time you considered contacting him, you felt like a hopeless cause, and you created an endless cycle where you felt bad for taking so long to talk with him, but you also felt too awkward to talk with again.
Here you are [Y/N], in the same house as your ex childhood best friend- It's now or never that you'll be able to talk with him, and to be fair, if you keep delaying it, it'll only become more and more awkward!
"- So- Let's start by dividing tasks! We'll have to clean the entire house and also place our stuff in our rooms, so let's start this already!" Vivian yelled to call everyone's attention, trying to hype everyone to clean the house. She was just as tired from the trip as anyone else, yet it was better to start working earlier on than to let tasks start to pile on top of each other.
You four decided that it would be better to work in pairs, and to keep it from being agonizing- You all decided that everyone would occasionally switch pairs and work in the next area so that the cleaning would end much more faster.
It's been a long journey to get here, but luckily cleaning the house wasn't as annoying as it seemed. Sure, it has been time consuming but you had fun messing around with Vivian and making a couple of jokes with Richard.
Right now you were cleaning the last room in the house, the one you and Vivian would be sleeping in. And of course, you weren't doing this alone, and for your discomfort it was no one other than Dominick himself who was paired up to clean this room with you.
You two have been in dead silence ever since entering this room, and you were almost done unpacking your stuff when you decided that this was starting to get ridiculous. You needed to confront him now or never, [Y/N].
"- Dominick?" You half whispered, feeling extremely tensed and afraid of his reaction, but why?? There is literally no reason for you to fear him, this is just a conversation between adults.
For your miserable luck, Dom has not heard you talking, he was too busy taking care of the other boxes to be able to listen to your half-hearted whisper of his name.
"- D-Dominick?" You tried again, sadly this time your voice broke. The tension in this room felt so heavy, you now realized why you feel so afraid of him- Or more accurately, of his reaction-
Because you were afraid he would be mad at you and call you out for ghosting him for so long.
Dom turned around, looking over his shoulder with an emotionless stare. There was nothing like anger, or sadness, or happiness in his eyes, but there was a hint of confusion in his brow- As if he wasn't sure if what he heard was correct. The look on your face seems to confirm his suspicion though.
"- Yes?" He sighed as he put the box down and started to get himself comfortable- Turning around and crossing his arms as he laid against the dresser. You know when you're a kid and you go to talk with your dad about something you did? To tell him the truth about something he was already aware of, but he is more disappointed about you hiding it from him than about you actually doing something wrong? His whole body language reminded of that.
That was so specific now that you think about it, damn, your dad used to do that all the time-
"- Can we talk? Just for a bit?" You asked shyly, already admitting that what you did was wrong and kinda awful to your childhood friend.
He blinked twice, still holding an emotionless stare. He ended up shaking his head and softening his expression, curious of what you were going to say.
"- Sure, go for it." Dominick said as he continued to look into your eyes- Or at least tried to since you kept averting your gaze from his handsome features and attentive gaze. It's been such a long time since you've been able to be face-to-face with him, the frail little boy you used to know was now a massive man with little to no shame about showing his strong arms-
You could go on and on about how incomprehensibly dreaming he is, but this is no time to be distracted- This is serious, [Y/N]!
"- Well firstly- I'm sorry! I-I'm really sorry!" You bowed your head spitting hundreds upon hundreds of apologies in his face. Even after so many years have passed you still wanted to be his friend, you still wanted to keep contact with him, yet you just- You just couldn't! This feels agonizing and the fact his face isn't changing at all is making you freak out even more.
"- I should have talked with you when I got the chance, I-I really should have- I just felt like the longer it passed the awkward it would be, but I never wanted to cut ties with you so I kept delaying it and-" You were going on with your pathetic excuses when Dom decided to interrupt you.
"- [Y/N]." He spoke, softly yet somewhat coldly. His rough voice made you shiver, and although you felt more relaxed by telling him what happened, you still felt the tension in the air grow as Dominick thought about his choice of words.
"- I'm not, well, mad at you- I was never mad that you had moved to a different place-" He said while being completely honest, which caused you to sigh alleviated as a response- As you were glad that he wasn't mad at you, however, you haven't let him finish.
"- I was sad of course, that my best friend suddenly moved away, without ever telling me where or even saying goodbye-" He continued, this time filled with irony as to poke fun at the situation, although clearly still a bit wounded by it.
"- And to be completely honest with you, knowing the reason why you haven't talked to me for about twelve years is both liberating and disappointing." Dom finished, looking at you with an expression you couldn't really name. You felt the guilt eating you from inside out as you looked at his somewhat brokenhearted movements. The pressure of his own heart was making him exhausted.
"- But you know what, [Y/N]? I'm genuinely not mad at you, I'm not even sad anymore. It's a bit disappointing to discover that the reason you tried to avoid me was because you were feeling embarrassed-"
"- I-I didn't want to!-" You interrupt without thinking twice, feeling both embarrassed and insulted for being called out like this.
"- But it's understandable, you know that right?" He looked back at you, showing a half-hearted smile. He really did understand why you did what you did, it's a common mistake to let your insecurities dictate your actions, it was normal for anyone to feel like this would be a really awkward situation and that it would be better to just forget it and move on.
Neither you or Dominick have ever considered that possibility, though.
You couldn't bear to look at him in the eyes, you felt so- Awful! You just looked to the ground feeling annoyed about how this could all have been avoided if you talked with him earlier on. You feel ashamed for never taking enough courage to contact him again.
You stayed silent, not really sure about what to say next. Some seconds passed before Dominick decided to say something.
"- You used to be really short." Dom's voice was kinda… Sad. Gentle, but sad.
"- Y-You too?" You said laughing at your own embarrassment, you started to remember a couple of your precious memories when you were young. They were all very faint, shaky, blurry, but those memories were so precious to you.
"- I appreciate that you have decided to talk to me, hopefully it'll make our living experience less awkward?" Dominick said in a tone you assumed to be amusement. He wanted to make you feel less sad about this, less embarrassed.
"- It's been a long time ago, I honestly didn't expect you to remember me at all…." He said while getting up from the dresser and picking the box again.
"- …. Well, can- Can we be friends again?" You asked, while offering your hand to shake his. You considered offering him a hug but because it has been so long, this probably wouldn't end well.
"- …. You know, maybe you should have forgotten about me." Dominick said, turning head towards you as he picked the box and placed it under his left arm.
You were confused by his comment and even more confused about his expression. He was serious yet sad, but not enough to be described into a coherent emotion.
"- Listen, we haven't talked for twelve years ever since we were kids, I honestly was hoping you would have forgotten about it and just moved on. I wish I could have, but I kept feeling like it was my fault for you going away." Dominick said, fully honest again. He was so tired of this drama, it made him feel so sick to imagine that the only thing stopping you from talking with him was just- Embarrassment.
"- When Vivi told me you were coming with us, I was almost going to reject her offer because I thought we would end up arguing or fighting about it- Yet I still accepted it because well, Vivian is my friend and like I said I hoped you wouldn't remember me."
"- Listen [Y/N], I'm genuinely thankful that you decided to explain what happened to me, and although I don't feel any resentment towards you- I just don't want to be your friend anymore. We are completely different people now and I doubt we have anything to talk about- It's just- I would like to be a lot of things, [Y/N]." Dominick said while coming closer to your shaken form and putting his hand in your shoulder, before he could continue.
"- But being your friend is the last thing I would ever want to be, especially now. It's not easy being in the same place as you, or talking with you like nothing happened, but for the sake of our coexistence inside the house and for the sake of the others, let's just not talk about it."
"- I would prefer to keep my distance from you, I'm sorry for being so harsh but I hope you can understand where I'm coming from."
Dominick finished his speech as he bypassed you to reach the room's door. He walked out unceremoniously as you were standing there, trying to process all that he told you- Trying to comprehend what was hidden in his expression.
He was so straightforward it physically hurt you. You were hopeful that you would be able to talk to him and be friends again, to just start anew, and recap all that has happened between these twelve years.
But then again, that was only a foolish wish, you should have expected this outcome.
Of course he wouldn't want to be your friend, it has been so long that you two were probably completely different people now.
Well, almost completely different, as Dominick has found your attempt of regaining his friendship somewhat childish. Really stupid, [Y/N].
Now, you weren't one to cry about spilled milk- But today you felt so, well, vulnerable. You didn't expect him to be so honest about it, but you couldn't lie that indeed- He had a point.
You decided to give yourself a moment before heading downstairs, if there was any tear to spill, you would prefer it to fall down now than in front of the others.
After a couple of minutes of you unpacking your stuff you decided to finally head downstairs to the living room- And what you heard was all of your roommates hanging out and laughing, you felt like it would be good to get down there and join the conversation.
But as soon as you came into their vision, the laughter that was presently there started to fade slowly, Vivian seemed kinda glad you came over, yet no one really made any attempt to include you into the conversation. Not paying much attention to it, you decided to sit down and start making small talk, asking what they were doing right now.
You noticed that although Richard and Vivian were looking at you, Dominick was staring at the TV silently, yet you remembered that before you came along he was just as excited and talkative as the others. Still, you tried to ignore it, he was probably still thinking about what happened and maybe he wasn't ready to look at you in the eyes yet- You sure knew you couldn't look in his eyes right now, so maybe the feeling was mutual?
Vivian and Richard talked with you "normally", Vivian was the one to respond to the question as Richard just gave a bit more explanation about her answer.
"- Oh! Nothing really! We were just talking about Sam's party, right Rich?!" Vivian said excitedly as ever. You couldn't really match her energy at all, you almost wish you could know where all this energy comes from.
Sam… You feel like this name is a bit familiar, yet you can't really remember who this person may be. You assumed they were one of Vivian's friends, which thanks to Richard you got to confirm your suspicion.
"- One of our friends invited us over to their party, to "celebrate" us moving to our new house in a way-" Richard said, lazily, yet giving a welcoming smile towards you- His attention was soon stolen away once again by Vivian who sat next to him and decided to correct him.
"- Nah, Sam just likes finding excuses to throw parties- Remember when-'' Vivi went on about this Sam person and how they were kinda close- Probably closer than you two are- Who was Vivian's Party Friend™. Vivian and Richard started talking about past events involving this person, which by now you have learned that they're an old high school classmate of Vivian who was now Richard's classmate in college.
Richard and Vivian kept talking about this wild party animal and their adventures with Sam, while also including Dominick in the conversation here and there. Apparently they all knew this person, they were pretty good friends from what you can guess….. You feel… Oddly lonely hearing about these amazing things they all went through together.
Maybe you're just seeing things but- You feel kinda left out of the conversation, maybe you should try and get included again?
"- Sounds like Sam is a really cool person- Do you guys have known each other for awhile?" You asked Vivian, interrupting her from continuing one of her stories. You didn't want to be rude- Just- Not so awkwardly alone in a filled room.
"- Oh- Me and Sam go way back. I'm so happy that they live in the town nearby- It'll make it so much easier for us." Vivian answered you, although going back to her story with Richard.
"- Cool, when is the party actually?-" You couldn't finish asking before Vivian turned her head with a smile that reached ear to ear.
"- It 's today! Hmm…. Actually it's in two hours or so-" Vivian said excitedly, while also looking at the clock to guarantee she wasn't wrong. You could see Richard nod and when you looked around you noticed that Dominick wasn't looking at TV anymore, but was actually side eyeing you- He was curious.
You didn't really notice how shocked this revelation made you be when you left out a loud "what?" that made everyone look very confused.
"- … Hmm, you okay?-" Richard asked but his question was muffled by Vivian's louder and more outspoken voice.
"- What is it, [Y/N]? Is something wrong?" She asked while leaning her head to the side slightly, she was genuinely concerned something was wrong- As if you got hurt or something.
"- S-Sorry, I just- I didn't know there was a party today." You confessed, although to be fair- You were going to use other words to explain how ludicrous it sounds to have a party right on the day you guys move into town. You know that they were basically just going to see their friend, but come on, you at least expected them to warn you.
"- I just- Thought we were having movie night tonight, but it's alright!" To make matters a bit worse, Vivian had told you to bring some of your favorite movies with you because you guys were supposed to have a Movie Night tonight. But apparently she just completely forgot about it….
"- Vivi, did you not… Uhnm… Tell her about the party?" Richard asked Vivian shyly which caused her to have a visual shift in her thoughts, as her expression went from confused to panicked.
"- OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY!!?!!? I'M SO SORRY [Y/N]! I totally forgot to tell you I'm so sorry!?!?" She started to sob, you knew Vivian was bad at remembering things but normally she never forgets about friend related events.
"- It's okay Vivian, don't worry about it." You tried comforting her. Hey, it was just a common mistake, it's normal. Maybe you could watch movies another night.
"- … Maybe a party wouldn't be so bad, should we get ready now? How long will it take for us to get there?" You asked, even though you weren't really mentally prepared to meet up a bunch of strangers, but hey! That's the best way to meet the locals!
You were expecting a response from, well, any of the three to be honest- Yet all you received was a look of surprise and… Embarrassment? Guilt?
After a moment of silence and a couple of shared glances between the three, Vivian spoke up.
"- You aren't coming with us, [Y/N]. Sorry, but Sam only invites people they know about, ya know?" Vivian said half-heartedly, she felt kinda guilty about saying that but not because you were getting excluded, but mostly because this whole situation was a bit embarrassing- If she had warned you earlier, neither of you would feel this- Awkward.
You couldn't lie that you felt kinda hurt about that. You understood that it wasn't her fault yet- Damn, this day feels so weird, you have been ignored for most of the day and had that moment with Dominick upstairs.
You couldn't lie that you were starting to feel really hurt and lonely in this place, despite the fact you were surrounded by your roommates.
Your "friends".
"- ….. Oh." It's all you could say after you realized how much time has passed between Vivian telling you the truth and you answering her.
"- I'm sorry, [Y/N]." She apologized once again, looking pitifully at you.
"- No! No, please, it's alright! I understand."
It 's okay. You understand. It was just a mistake. It happens. It's alright, [Y/N].
You kept telling yourself that as you continued to turn around in your bed, trying to sleep and forget about it.
It has been about three hours since they left, and it has been about three hours and a half that you've been trying to get your eyes shut and your mind relaxed. Were you feeling angry at them? Maybe- Were you feeling sad for being left out on your first day in this new house? Of course!
You didn't want to admit it but it was an inevitable truth! You physically felt this day going downhill the moment you woke up.
Jesus Christ have you been trying to not feel petty about it, but come on?! Who forgets to tell something like that to a friend?!-
Pfft- Yeah, "friend". You sometimes forget that you weren't exactly everyone's best buddy pal. Although you were really hoping to get to know them more, you kinda have a sour opinion about them already- And they probably have a bad impression about you too.
You managed to fall asleep and wake yourself up each time you closed your eyes. Your head was filled with thoughts and insecurities, you should know better than to cry over spilled milk, [Y/N].
It's just your first day, relax, try not to lose your head already.
You miss your home, your house, your family.
Before you could fall asleep once again, you heard noises coming from downstairs. You assumed it was just your roommates that could be back, yet after a while of rustling noises you started to think it was a thief- Making you instinctively jump out of bed, although quietly so that you could try and hear what was going on downstairs and prepare yourself for an fight with a house intruder or something-
But as you slowly opened your bedroom door to not cause any sounds you noticed a particular little fella munching on some cheese pieces that fell on the floor.
Firstly- You don't know how the fuck that cheese got there, you haven't eaten anything that would end up leaving cheese trails behind- You haven't eaten anything ever since you got here.
Although you did notice that the cheese trail made it's way into Dom's room though.
Secondly- Your rat companion although being kinda cute couldn't stay in this house, he needed to go. You wondered if the sounds you were hearing came from the rat, yet that wouldn't make any sense, why would he be all the way up here?
Then you realized- A rat infestation??? You knew the house was old and had a lot of stuff wrong with it- But rats???
While you were trying to think of a plan of action, the rat noticed your presence and went running away while still holding his little cheese piece, he ran down the stairs and you followed him without thinking twice about seeing where this little thief was hiding- And if there were more like him.
You ran downstairs following the little trickster, following him to the living room and seeing him squishy himself between a gap in the wall- The gap moved with ease letting him get inside the wall.
Although you felt like he could probably be deep inside the house, something in your gut told you to search for a way to open that wall, at least a little bit.
You noticed how there was a little door lock hole on the wall, and there was an interesting gap between this little box shape with the door lock and the rest of the wall- You instantly assumed to be a little door trapped underneath the wallpaper, maybe there was a tiny room with the rat in there?
You took a knife out of the kitchen and decided to follow the line that followed the door. You managed to cut it and open the door with ease, and when you did look inside you found-
You found…. A weird, tunnel inside. A colorful tunnel inside. It was so vibrant and magical, you felt yourself being called inside.
Inside the wonderful tunnel you saw the little rat making its way to the other side and entering the door that was at the very end.
Without thinking twice you followed the rat, crouching your way into the bouncy colorful goodness that the tunnel was.
To be completely honest- It was a bit uncomfortable, you were already too old to enter into small places like this one- But you still managed to crawl through to reach the other side, and what was waiting you in the other side of the door was-
"- Oh fuck off, you got to be kidding me." Was…. An exact copy of your living room?
Well, not exactly? It was inverted??
What the hell?? Why would anyone build a house with identical rooms? And how did you or Vivian miss this place?
It was cleaned and well kept, so you assumed maybe the boys had cleaned this area- Yet still, they would have warned about something like this before, right?
And… You had to get here by crawling to a tiny door that was unopened- Unless there is another way in here??
Your head was filled with so many thoughts, so many questions- But it all stopped when you heard humming sounds coming from the kitchen, and the delicious smell of an well-cooked meal!
You followed the sound and the smell and walked over to the kitchen, only to find the back of an already familiar individual.
"- Oh! S-Sorry Dominick, hmm- I didn't think you would be here-" You said sigh in relief that at least you weren't exactly alone.
He was busy cooking while humming a little song, you took a few steps closer and as you were about to ask him why was he here so late, Dominick had turned around giving you the brightest smile you haven't seen in ages.
While also giving you a small heart attack when you noticed the terrifying, black buttons sewed into his face in the place where his eyes were supposed to be.
"- [Y/N]! You're awake! It's so good to see you joining us for dinner. I was afraid you would sleep without eating anything." The person in front of you continued talking as casually as a close friend would. You felt scared enough to scream, yet he did have a point- You were starving and you didn't have enough energy to actually scream at the horrifying person in front of you.
"- W-Who are you? Where is everyone?" You were shaking and it was extremely visible, what were you supposed to do? Who or what is this person? Is this some kind of joke??
"- W-Well, I'm Do-Dominick. And you-u?-" He said, mocking your stuttering, if it wasn't for his uncanny smile and buttons you would have believed 100% he was Dominick just pulling a prank. The similarities in his overall appearance and voice and personality were making you feel more uncomfortable and startled than relaxed.
"- I'm joking, [Y/N]! You should have seen your face. I'm me, Dominick, duh- And the others are coming back very soon, I assume the party has ended by now." Dominick continued to focus on his cooking, the smell causing you to feel more and more hungry than terrified- But even if your mind wasn't working properly you still couldn't get over the fact something was clearly wrong.
"- I- I know you're not Dominick, Dom doesn't have… Bu- Bu-" You took a couple of careful steps closer to "Dominick", who was somehow attentively following your movements, the fact he was able to see you even without eyes (or well, buttons for eyes-) was starting to create a creeping feeling to form in your back. You really don't like how he is staring at you.
"- Bu-Bu-Buttons? I'm glad you like them, But my, my! You're shaking like a leaf today, are you feeling cold?" Dominick asked, although you couldn't really recognize if he was genuinely concerned or not.
"- I just- Haven't eaten anything ever since getting here… You should know that, Dominick." You took a seat in the table in the middle of the kitchen, as you were starting to trip since you were not only tired and frightened, but also really hungry all of the sudden. Still, you decided to provoke this guy for a bit, trying to get at least a better explanation than just "I'm Dominick". This must be the most well-crafted prank you have ever been victim of, or maybe you're having a wild dream, one of the two.
"- Hmm… Yes, maybe I should have known, I wasn't aware you were starving through the entire day- To be fair, I'm not exactly the same Dominick that you have come with to this house-" He confessed as he started picking an plate and putting some of what he was cooking in said plate.
"- Aha! So tell me already what you really are!-" You almost jumped out of your chair to face him, using all your strength to at least intimidate some sort of response from this- This freak!
But as you turned your head into his direction you got instantly shut off when you noticed how close he was to you even though he had made no sound when he got closer- He was so close to your face, he has enveloped himself around you in such a way that you couldn't even get up from your chair if you felt like running away- His right arm was placing the plate on top of the table in front of you, as his left hand was holding your chair. His face was simply so close to yours that you almost felt yourself getting sucked in those black, shiny yet horrifying button eyes. You can feel his penetrating gaze even when you move your eyes to the other side- Staring at him was like staring at the void, it felt discomforting not being able to read any emotion behind them.
"- I told you, I'm Dominick- Although maybe you can call me the Other Dominick, I'm your other best friend, silly." Other Dominick whispered in a very sweet and calm tone, causing you to not notice the hidden tone of persistence- Apparently he was getting a little too nauseous of this back and forth.
"- Although, I suppose you're not doing too well with your friends at the moment, but that's okay! I'll be your Dom, so please eat something, [Y/N]. You're going to pass out." With his left hand he gently pushed your chin to look at the plate in front of you, as he continued to whisper into your ear causing a shiver to go down your spine- Not because of the strange lack of personal space or the questionable choice of words- But because he knew that you weren't exactly friends with your roommates.
He somehow knew you weren't Dominick's best friend anymore, the thought caused you to get somewhat worried of your current circumstances- But not enough for you to actually get scared of him. You noticed that this whole situation felt a little too wild to be real, and to be fair- The real Dominick would never say something like that, even as a prank.
So maybe you were indeed having a crazy dream, maybe you got so overwhelmed by how awful today has been that your subconscious started to get some your worries and turned them into this crazy scenario you're having. That would be a good explanation for the buttons for eyes, or the slightly different outfit style between Dominicks.
This is what you get for sleeping without eating anything before bed, [Y/N]! You get weird dreams like this one- Being taken care of by a somewhat creepy version of your old best pal…
"- How- How did you know it?" You still decided to question the logic of this dream, feeling a bit skeptical that this situation might be… Real, somehow. This food does feel like something out of this world though-
[I'll leave the food to be ambiguous to whatever you may prefer it to be, how about the dish you love the most? Sorry for the cut in the narrative]
"- A little companion told me, although I don't know much of the details about it- Would you mind telling me? If you wish to share it, that is." And as if he was on cue, the same rat that was eating the cheese in front of your room has appeared squeaking for Dominick to grab him.
Dominick has grabbed his little furry friend and he took a seat next to you. You were surprised to see him playing with the rat, was Dom ever really interested in rodents?
You don't recall, but then again, it's just a dream, right? You sure think the little fella is cute despite being a bit big for a pet rat- Not that you're an expert or anything-
You considered his offer a bit before deciding to open up. Maybe if you said why you feel upset to your subconscious, it could help your consciousness to feel more- Prepared, to deal with such situations.
Even if he is probably not real, and even if you can't look straight into his eyes, you felt pretty safe being able to tell him how you felt left out. He told you a couple of times how things would be different now that you were here, since there was no way any of them would let you feel unwanted. He could be just a fantasized Dominick you created to appeal to your own little issues, but- You- You really did miss being able to talk with your best friend.
You didn't expect him to change the subject, but- He did. He started asking you about memories you two shared when you were younger, little things that made your heart melt while remembering them.
You ended up opening your mouth, and never shutting it off after that- Telling him about most of the important events that happened throughout your life, and telling him stories of the various places your parents used to force you to go despite you hating travelling so much- You wished you could have stayed and grow up in your hometown, maybe things would be a lot different.
He never told you about how his personal life has been, he only listened to yours which- Even if this may sound selfish- You did enjoy the fact you had someone openly listening to you ramble so much and for so long, although you would have preferred if this was a two-way conversation.
Still, you're having such a great time with Dominick- Or, well, Other Dominick. Dream or not, he was being so attentive.
The only thing that had put you a bit off was his eyes and his… Constant tapping with his nails. You didn't notice if Dominick liked to paint his nails, but Other Dominick wore them in black matte nail polish- And they were kinda long, and he had grown a habit of tapping them in surfaces like the table as his other hand would be busy holding the sleeping rat.
Such a strange interpretation of your Dominick- Yet, you really didn't mind this sweet talker-
Not- That you liked him that way- I mean- Yeah, he looks and sounds like Dominick, and Dom is already an attractive bastard-
Even though, a daring thought just crossed your mind- May you dare to think that this Dominick is…. A bit more attractive???
Jesus Christ, [Y/N]! What are you thinking?! He is your friend- Or your other friend?! This sure is the most confusing dream you had in a long time. Although it's funny to think about how tired you feel even in your dreams.
"- You're tired? It is pretty late already- I'm surprised none of them has shown up yet, maybe they stayed over." Other Dominick looked behind him as if to make sure no one was in the house, you wonder if he is talking about Vivian and Richard or, ya know, Other Vivian and Other Richard.
"- Are you okay? You look awfully red." He commented while placing his hand in your forehead. Cold. His hand was pretty cold and rough, yet you didn't mind it at all.
You… Were still having those disgusting thoughts about him, but you played it off as if you were just a bit sick-
"- Awn, you poor little thing- Here I'll help you get up stairs." He stood up and started helping you get up, taking you by surprise- This wasn't necessary at all but… You kinda didn't want to walk all the way upstairs, you felt like turning into mush when he almost pulled you bridal style.
"- N-No! No, it's okay Dom-" But because you wanted to be polite, you decided to stop him while also thanking him for the gesture. He petted your head and took your hand so you could follow him upstairs, while the other continued to hold the sleeping rat- You assumed he would bring him to his room, maybe he has a rat cage?
While he was holding your hand, making sure you wouldn't trip and fall because of how tired you were. You felt kinda like a kid being led by the hand of a parent, kinda pathetic how much you depend on his assistance, and to an extent- His company.
Were you this starved for a conversation and for some attention? Maybe, maybe you were. And well- It seemed like Other Dominick was willing to give just that.
Ugh, you really are tired- You're having stupid thoughts, and maybe even seeing things? Who knows, and who cares?
You don't think you do anymore, at least, not right now.
And you two reached the door of your bedroom, Dominick was heading to his own room when you called him.
" What am I doing? What am I thinking?" You questioned yourself, as you started to walk towards him, something in you was still unsatisfied by how uncanny this whole situation was-
How unrealistic, yet oddly real this whole thing felt. You needed to make sure that- Somehow this wasn't really a figment of your imagination, but what would you really gain with that?
Knowledge? Knowledge can be scary sometimes. What would you do with that knowledge? Would it be worth anything to you? Or would it make you feel even more scared of this strange situation? Of this stranger in front of you??
"- Hey!- Are you alright?" He was taken back by your sudden reaction- You had thrown yourself on him- Embracing him while also recognising that you should be careful to not disturb the rat in his hold.
"- …… Thank you for talking with me, and for- Cooking for me…." You were holding back your voice from cracking and showing how much you wanted to let your tears flood through your eyes- you had a bad day, yet he somehow made you feel better about it. It only felt right to thank him for helping you feel better, even if you still felt pathetic while doing it.
It's probably just your own subconscious that you're talking with, yet still- It did make you feel a bit better.
"- … You're welcome." It took him a moment to realize how truly naive you were- If not completely vulnerable by the lack of strong connections with those you think you care so much for. You don't need to thank him, really.
Still, it's a rather touching gesture. He'll remember that. He hugged you back with one arm, gently patting your back.
You eventually broke the hug, it was time for you to wake up already.
"- Goodnight, Other Dominick." You said playfully as you opened your door and started getting inside, you still weren't sure if you had to call him that. It felt really odd, yet very appropriate.
He gave you one last smile and goodbye before heading to his room. You sometimes swear you could have catched a different shine pass through his buttons, something like a hint of a hidden emotion coming out of the shiny black void that his button eyes were- Still, you didn't know what it is, so you just ignored it
"- Goodnight, [Y/N]."
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mxchellesworld · 4 years
OoO for sexy Saturday sleepover, carol danvers x fem reader with the following?:
- carol with strap on
- rough sex
- cockpit of a ship
starting the sleepover early & on a good note *cough* captain kink *cough*
You and Carol were heading back to Earth after a mission on a dusty planet, somewhere god knows you couldn’t keep up with in the galaxy. However the team decided your skills and agility would be the best to accompany her on the mission. 
The two of you were rarely paired together on missions. While the chemistry between you two also flowed into the field, the rest of the team knew if either of you were to get hurt then the other would automatically stay behind. Or maybe it was because of how stubborn she was. 
Let’s not get it twisted, you loved when she was in charge. Any time she was barking out orders even if they weren’t meant for you, you could feel the heat pooling between your thighs. But when her stubbornness almost gets her killed? Yeah not so much. 
So there you both sat in the cockpit of the ship, tension filling up the small compartment as you hurdled through space. Once the route home was set you started on the tangent you had planned knowing she’d have to listen to you for the next few hours. 
“I just don’t see what the fuck was going through your brain to make you think that’s ok,” you seethed out. 
“He could’ve killed you. And what was I supposed to do!? I can’t fly this thing, how the fuck was I supposed to get home!” you said throwing your hands up. 
Carol loved when you were riled up so in her calmest voice she replied, “So your captain dies.. and the first thing in your mind is to leave the planet?” she smirked at you. 
If this was a cartoon smoke would be coming out of your ears, “Well yeah when the captain is a fucking idiot who can’t get head of out her ass.”
Her hand reached out and grabbed your jaw, forcing you to look at her. 
“You should really watch the way you talk to your superiors baby,” her brown eyes looking right into yours. 
Of course she wasn’t the only stubborn one. “Why should I? You gonna punish me Carol?” you said defiant of her title. 
She easily pulled you out of your seat, bending you over the control panel of the ship. You could see her behind you in the reflection of the windshield. The way her short hair flopped into her furrowed brow. Her perfect jawline clenched which you loved to press kisses on. 
Her hands moved under you to reach the zipper on the front of your suit. Pulling it down and making it easier for her have you completely bare for her. The cool metal surface of ship made you nipples peak against it, causing you to let out a gasp. 
Looking back at her in the reflection you could see her pink lip between her teeth, soaking up the view blow her. Her hand made its way in your hair, pulling you back as she gritted in your ear, “I think I need to fuck some respect back into you.”
You tried to nod your head in her grasp which made her let you go. You could hear her zipper and suit also coming down, knowing damn well she was packing. Your thoughts were confirmed when she lined the tip with your already wet entrance. One hand was on your hip while the other was teasingly swiping the toy up your slit. 
‘‘Apologize and beg me to fuck you,” she commanded. 
“I’m sorry,” you moaned out. She wasn’t even doing much and you were already trembling for her touch. “I promise I’ll be good next time. Please fuck me! I need it,” you all but yelled out. 
A sharp smack landed on your behind causing you to whimper. 
“Who are you begging to fuck you?”
You knew exactly what she wanted you to say, “You captain! Please!”
Satisfied with your response she dove in inch by inch. Her left hand stayed on your hip, her grip sure to leave marks. Her right hand moved to wrap around your throat, a loose hold not wanting to stop your airways. Yet. 
She set a quick pace. Your moans bounced off the walls as she kept on nudging your sweet spot. Her loud grunts were music to your ears along with the filthy phrases she kept on saying. 
“Always such a whore for your captains cock. This perfect cunts always just dripping for it.”
You would mewl out ‘fuck yes’s’ in between moans as the bubble in your tummy kept expanding. She used the hand on your throat to pull you up. Never faltering on her thrusts. The hand on your hip moved to your lower stomach. 
“You feel that baby? Who fills you up this good?” she said pressing down on the bulge. 
“Fuck, you do captain!”
“That’s fucking right,” gritted out. 
You were so close to the edge. The fire within you was ready to explode. Carol could read you like a book. Her hand moved down to rub quick circles on your aching clit. The other started to add pressure on your throat, just enough to make you see stars like the ones all around you. 
“Shit I’m gonna cum.”
Your hand reached back to grab onto her short locks as you came with a scream. Your jaw slacked as the pleasure was flowing through you. You could feel her pulling out and leaving kisses on your neck and back as you tried to stop trembling from the aftershocks. 
She helped clean you up and pull your suit back on. You sat back in your chairs trying to catch your breaths when someone spoke up on the speakers, “Ya know I’m a captain too y/n,” you could hear the smirk in Sam’s voice. 
Heat flooded your cheeks as Carol let out a loud laugh. At least only he heard right? 
“Ya know Steve was actually gonna name me captain next,” you heard Bucky in the background. 
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plaidbooks · 3 years
The R Drug part 2
A/N: I promise I still have summer bingo fics ready to go, but this idea wouldn’t leave me alone, so here it is. This is a part 2 to The R Drug, and is a lot of talking and exposition, and a lot of Sonny hating himself. This will most likely get a part 3. No chapter will ever be darkfic or as dark as the first one was. It’s only up from here.
Tags: self-loathing, mentions of rape (like, one line--references first fic heavily) and therapy, otherwise none, just a lot of angst with a maybe happy ending?
Words: 4657
Taglist:  @witches-unruly-heart  @beccabarba @thatesqcrush @itsjustmyfantasyroom @permanentlydizzy  @ben-c-group-therapy @infiniteoddball @glowingmess @whimsicallymad @lv7867  @storiesofsvu @cycat4077 @alwaysachorusgirl @glimmerglittergirl @joanofarkansass @redlipstickandblacktea @caracalwithchips @berniesilvas​  @reading--mermaid  @averyhotchner  @mrsrafaelbarba @detective-giggles @crowleysqueenofhell @dreamlover31
For the first few days, you sat on the couch in pain and exhaustion, wallowing in self-pity and self-loathing. The doctor said that you were severely dehydrated and had kept both you and Sonny overnight after the club, though separated. Olivia and Amanda interviewed you, while Fin interviewed Sonny. You were both then sent on leave until you could come back to work…if you could come back at all.
Thankfully, you weren’t pregnant. But you were sore, every movement causing aches and pains as you shuffled around your apartment. Obviously, you weren’t pressing charges, and neither was Sonny; what happened was a freak accident, something you never wanted to think about again, but knew you’d have to in order to move past it.
When you could finally walk normally again, you went to a therapist. It took a while to find a groove; therapists specializing in rape victims had trouble dealing with the fact that while yes, you were a victim, you were also a perpetrator. The other strange thing was that you weren’t angry with Sonny; you were angry with yourself. You assaulted him, just as he assaulted you. And that was the part that was eating you up inside.
It took months of therapy, going every day and working through your confused and frustrated emotions before you finally came to terms with what had happened. You were ready to put your badge and gun back on, ready to move on with your life. You missed your job, your squad. But most of all, you missed Sonny. He was your best friend before all of this happened, and you hadn’t seen nor talked to him since the club. You missed his boyish charm, his bright smile and his loud laugh. You missed the little inside jokes you had together, and the late nights spent curled on the couch, watching reality TV and sports. You missed your Sonny.
On Monday morning, four months after the club incident, you made your way into the familiar precinct. You were heading for Olivia’s office when you stopped short. Both Amanda and Fin were at their desks like normal. Even your desk was how you left it; a few photos, baskets to hold paperwork, little knick-knacks that made it yours. But Sonny’s desk, the one next to yours, was completely different. There wasn’t a single photo of any Carisi, no Mets or Islanders memorabilia, no nothing that made it his. Instead, there was a picture of two men, one you didn’t recognize posing with…Deputy Chief Dodds?
Before you could ask questions, Amanda said, “that’s Mike Dodds’s desk. He’s the new Sergeant.”
“Where’s Carisi’s desk,” you asked, turning to look at her.
But it was Fin who answered. “He doesn’t have one.” You swore you got whiplash turning to look at Fin so quickly. “He turned in his badge and gun months ago…just after the club fiasco.”
“What?” you almost yelled. You were loud enough that Olivia heard you, and she and the new guy—Mike?—came out of her office. She beckoned you to her office, and you passed by Mike, who tried to give you a smile that you did not return.
“Welcome back—” Olivia started before you cut her off.
“Carisi’s gone?!”
She closed the door behind you before taking a seat at her desk. She motioned for you to sit, and you all but collapsed into the chair. “I tried to keep him, to talk him out of quitting. But he refused, saying he needed to work through things. I’m sorry, but there was nothing I could do.”
You stared in disbelief at the top of her desk. Sonny was gone. You had to talk to him, had to see him. You said as much to Liv.
“If you think you can get through to him, then by all means. Because it’s been hard around here not having two of my best detectives,” she replied. “Dodds has been a godsend, but he doesn’t replace either of you, and especially not both of you.”
You nodded. “I’ll talk to him, try and bring him back.”
“I wish you luck. I think he’ll listen to you; you were close before…all this.”
After leaving the precinct, you tried texting and calling Sonny, but to no avail. In fact, it was going straight to voicemail, as if his phone were dead or off. So, you swung by his apartment. You buzzed his place, but a deep, gruff man answered.
“I just moved in a few months ago; the previous owner seemed to be in a hurry to move out,” he said. Clinging to the hope that this was still Sonny just trying to put on a fake accent, you buzzed a neighbor. But they confirmed that Sonny had moved out a couple months ago, and that a new tenant moved in.
Out of desperation, you tracked down a phone book, and looked up his parent’s place. Then you took the drive out to Staten Island. You shifted nervously on the porch, waiting for an answer after knocking.
A woman in her 60s, who could only be Mrs. Carisi, answered. Her eyes darted to your waistband, the badge there, then back to yours. You watched them slowly fill with tears.
“Please, don’t tell me yet,” she muttered, and you furrowed your brow. “Don’t tell me my Bambino is…is…” she hiccupped, and you understood; she thought you were here to deliver the news that Sonny was dead.
“No, no! I’m actually…I’m Carisi’s partner…or I was. I’m just…having a hell of a time tracking him down,” you quickly explained.
She sniffled, trying to compose herself. “Well, I hope you do find him.”
“You mean…you don’t know where he is?” you asked, heart sinking.
She shook her head. “He told us he needed some time, and that he’d be in touch. That was the last we saw or heard from him, and that was back in March.” It was June now, and you were realizing that this was going to be a lot harder than you thought.
You nodded, muttering out an apology for bothering her as you turned away, but she grabbed your wrist, stopping you. “Please, if you find Sonny, tell him we love him. And that we want him to come home.”
“Of course,” you replied before leaving, holding back tears until you were back in your car.
Your first real clue as to where Sonny went came through looking at his bank statements. There, you found a one-way trip to Genoa, Italy. Without too much thought behind it, you booked a flight, texted Olivia your intentions, then headed to the airport. In your hurry, you didn’t pack, didn’t even book a place to stay. You only had one thing on your mind, and it was to find Sonny Carisi.
With the clothes on your back, your phone, passport, and wallet full of bills that you converted to euros, you got on the one-way trip to Genoa.
You barely slept on the plane, landing early in the morning. The sun was just peaking over the beautiful Italian landscape. Even in your exhaustion and worry, you had to stop and appreciate the architecture of a different country. Genoa was beautiful, and you’d be enjoying yourself if the drive to find your missing partner wasn’t so high. You had a picture of him on your phone, and you went around, asking everyone you passed by if they had seen him. At first, you were asking in English—you didn’t know Italian. But eventually, you learned the phrases you needed.
“L'hai visto?” you asked desperately.
You understood “no,” and saw the look of sadness on their faces.
“Grazie,” you replied, moving on.
You must’ve asked hundreds of people. The sun was high in the sky, and you felt a hopelessness in your fruitless search. Why did you ever think you’d find him? There was a good chance he wasn’t even in Genoa anymore; he could’ve landed and moved somewhere more isolated. You had nothing to go on, and your voice and face took on a pleading, desperate tone. You must’ve looked like an unhinged person, asking the same question over and over again while pointing frantically to your phone screen.
Another thought came to you in the form of a growling stomach. You hadn’t eaten, hadn’t had so much as a sip of water since you got off the plane. Which then led you to think about what you were going to do once the sun went down. You didn’t have a whole lot of money on you, and you didn’t know how much anything cost.
“I’m such a fucking idiot,” you muttered to yourself in frustrated hopelessness. You sat down hard on a bench, cursing yourself for not thinking this through better.
A woman came over to you; she looked somewhat familiar. You must’ve talked to her before. But she started speaking rapid Italian to you. You gave her a puzzled look, brow furrowed. You tried to express that you didn’t speak Italian, and she stopped, her face contorted as she thought.
“Man,” she said in slow, pronounced English. She pointed to her left. “Man...you want?”
You followed her finger and froze when you saw the tall, lanky frame of Sonny through a shop window. You jumped to your feet, shouting a “thank you!” to her as you ran on tired legs to the shop. Sonny was just paying for groceries, and was heading out of the shop when you reached him.
His eyes widened as he saw you, guilt flooding his eyes. “...[y/n]?” he asked. “What’re you doing here?”
“Looking for you,” you replied, grinning. “I thought I’d never find you.”
He gave you a hard look. “I wish you didn’t,” he muttered before turning to leave.
You stared in disbelief as he walked down the street, bag in his arms. Snapping yourself out of it, you hurried after him. “Carisi, what are you doing here in Italy?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” he asked, not breaking in his stride. You struggled to keep up with his long legs, your body and mind exhausted. “I’m trying to start over, away from my past.”
You pushed yourself to get in front of him, cutting him off. “You can’t just—just run away.... Don’t I...don’t we mean anything to you? The squad, your family—”
“Of course you do,” he replied, eyes softening for a moment. “That’s why I left.”
You looked at him, eyes pleading. “Look, Dom, I know what happened was...traumatic. But—”
“I’m not talking about that. Not now, not ever.” And then he was walking again, easily stepping around you. “Please, just go home,” he called over his shoulder to you.
You watched him retreat for a moment before heading after him again. “Dominick, you need to talk about it, if not to me, than to someone else. But you can’t bury it down, move on like nothing ever happened.”
Sonny whipped around to glare at you, face hard. “Like nothing ever happened? You think that’s what I’m doing?” He shook his head, huffing. “I’ll never stop thinking about it! This will haunt me to my grave! And when I’m burning in Hell, I’ll know why.”
It broke your heart to see him like this. “Please, listen to me. You need to work through this. It took me months to come to terms with my actions, and I know you can do it, too.”
“I’m too disgusted with myself,” he replied, shaking his head. “I hate myself too much for what I did to you.”
He tried to turn away again, but you grabbed his shoulder, stopping him. He flinched at the contact, pulling away from your touch, and you let your hand fall. “I hated me, too. Still do sometimes. But it wasn’t our fault; we were drugged. There was nothing we could do—”
“I could’ve fought it. I could’ve controlled myself.”
“And what, I couldn’t?” you shot back. Sonny’s eyes widened at your outburst. “If you hate yourself so much, then you must hate me, too. I did the same thing you did.”
He was quiet for a moment, eyes scanning yours. “I could never hate you.”
“Then why are you so hellbent on hating yourself, but not me?”
“Because I...” he trailed off, thinking through his words. You could tell there was something he wanted to say, but instead he whispered, “I don’t know.”
You moved closer to him. “Then please, let me help you.” You didn’t make the mistake of touching him again, instead just gazing deeply into his eyes.
Sonny sighed heavily, regripping the bag in his arms. “Yeah, okay. But...let me sleep on it, first?” He saw the skeptical look you gave him, and he quickly added, “I promise I won’t run away again. I just...I need time to process things. Where are you staying? I can swing by in the morning.”
“Uhh...” you said, looking at the ground.
“...please tell me you have a place to stay.”
You shifted uncomfortably. “I was going to try and find a place, soon?” you tried.
You could see the inner struggle he had as he fought himself. “I could...you could stay with me, if you want.... That is, if you feel safe with me...if you can trust me.”
“Dominick, I trust you with my life,” you said softly.
His eyes widened for a moment. “Yeah...okay. Follow me.”
Sonny lived in a small apartment. Though it was a little smaller than his place in Manhattan, it was absolutely stunning, the view from his window gorgeous. It was simply furnished, yet it still somehow felt like...Sonny. He put his grocery bag down on the little counter that acted like an island in a kitchen. In reality, it was just a piece that separated the kitchen from the living room.
“Have you eaten?” he asked as he put his things away.
You stomach grumbled loudly in response. “Uh, no,” you muttered, embarrassed.
Sonny gave you a look. “So, let me get this straight. I can tell by your no luggage or place to stay that you just flew to Genoa with absolutely no backup plan? What if you didn’t find me? What if I went to Vernazza or something?”
You smiled sheepishly. “I wasn’t in the best state of mind, okay? I was worried about you; no one had heard from you, not even your parents. And your phone just went to voicemail.”
He sighed. “I left my phone in New York; I didn’t want it. Maybe I also wasn’t in the best state of mind when I left.”
You dug your phone out of your pocket; you only had 10% left on it. You unlocked it, then shoved it towards him. “You need to call your parents. Your mom is heartbroken, and asked me to tell you that she loves you. But I think it would be better coming from her directly to you.”
Tears filled his eyes as he took your phone from you. “If I do, then it’ll kill your phone battery. There’s no way the call would be less than five hours long.”
“Call them,” you urged. You could buy a phone charger in the morning. Sonny sighed, dialing the number. “I’ll give you some privacy,” you whispered, heading outside. You heard a soft, “hey ma; it’s me,” before you closed the front door behind you.
You were so relieved to have found Sonny. Sure, he was still broken and hurt, but you knew you could help him find himself, pull himself back from the darkness in his mind. You just didn’t know how long it would take, how long you’d be in Italy for. You didn’t want to rush him, couldn’t rush him if you tried. And you knew a lot of this would be an internal battle, something you knew intimately well based on your own experience. In the end, he’d have to find the strength to forgive himself on his own before he could move on. You sighed, looking up into the dark clouds above you, the muggy heat making your skin sticky.
Sonny came and got you about an hour later. His eyes were rimmed red, but it seemed as though a weight had lifted off him as he handed back your now dead phone.
“Sorry; I can buy you a charger in the morning,” he muttered, leading you back inside.
You shook your head, smiling softly. “Don’t worry about it.”
You both ate dinner in silence; Sonny was pensive, thinking, while you were starving and shoveling the delicious food into your mouth. Once you finished—your huge bites compared to his little nibbles had you finishing in record time—you took your dishes to the kitchen and started cleaning them.
“I can do that—” Sonny started before you cut him off.
“It’s fine; you cook, I clean.” It was your rule back in Manhattan, and Sonny smiled softly at the memories of you both in his kitchen.
“Look, Sonny, I know you said you don’t want to talk—and that’s fine! But, if you ever do want to talk, I’m here, willing to listen,” you said. You scrubbed at your plate with the sponge, forcing yourself to not turn and look at him.
He sat in silence for what seemed like an eternity. You resolutely stayed facing the sink, washing a now clean dish, waiting for a response that may not come.
“I...I know it was R. I know it was. But I just...I can’t stop the self-loathing I feel,” he said so quietly, you barely heard him over the water in the sink.
Slowly, you turned the water off, then turned to face him. “I know. It took me months to not hate myself. To not blame myself.”
Sonny took a deep breath, then rubbed his eyes. “I never asked; how are you?”
You knew he didn’t mean in general. “I was very sore and exhausted the first week. I was stuck in a downward spiral. But the thing about hitting rock bottom is that you can only go up.” You sighed. “I’m doing better. I doubt I’ll ever be 100% me again. But I’m working every day to get closer.”
He nodded, thinking. “See, I feel like I hit rock bottom, then grabbed a shovel. I’m still fighting to get back to rock bottom.”
“Well, just know that I do not blame you in any way. All the anger and hatred I felt was directed at myself,” you huffed out an emotionless chuckle. “In fact, you hardly came up in my therapy sessions at all. Just that I hated myself for doing that to you.”
Sonny stood then, bringing his own dishes into the kitchen. “I never blamed you, either; still don’t. I—I guess because I’m bigger and because I was...on top, I blame myself instead. I didn’t even consider the fact that you got drugged, too....”
“That’s the thing; I know you. And I know myself. Neither of us...that wouldn’t have happened without outside forces making us do it. Like I said, I trust you with my life, Sonny. And while I understand why you turned your badge in, I really would like my partner back one day,” you said, hope tinging your voice.
He reached past you to put his plate in the sink, and you gazed up at him. This was the closest you’ve been since that night in the club, his face inches from yours, bright blue eyes boring into your own. For a moment, it was like nothing had happened. You could pretend that you were in Sonny’s Manhattan apartment, having just finished dinner he made, Love Island playing on his TV. But then reality set in, and Sonny backed away from you, a look of guilt in his eyes.
“M—maybe one day. But I’m not sure I want to go back to that line of work yet,” he muttered, looking at the floor.
You nodded. “I understand—” you were cut off by a loud clap of thunder, sounding directly above you. You dropped the plate you were rinsing off into the sink, the clatter loud in the shocked silence.
Sonny looked from the ceiling to you, saw your petrified look. He knew you hated storms, would often get a call at 1am from you, asking to come over when a thunderstorm rolled in. When he saw you on the streets of Genoa, he didn’t connect that Italy had some of the most intense thunderstorms in the world.
“Hey, it’s okay; I’m here,” he murmured out of instinct; the words he would say back home to you.
You were trembling, tears in your eyes. “S-Sonny, I—”
Another loud rumbling resounded through the apartment, and he saw you shrink in on yourself, slowly dropping to the floor, curling around your legs. You tucked your face against your knees, shaking with quiet sobs. He came over to you, kneeling in front of you. Normally, he’d wrap you tightly in his arms, whispering to you that you were safe. But now, he was afraid to touch you.
“Dominick, I trust you with my life,” he remembered you saying, with no hesitation. Swallowing the thoughts propelled by self-loathing, he placed a hand on your shoulder. He knew he wouldn’t assault you, wouldn’t do anything without your consent, so why the hell was he hesitating when you needed him?
“Come on; let’s get you into bed, okay?” Sonny whispered to you. You nodded without looking up. Gently, he unfolded your limbs, helping you to your feet. He had been planning to sleep on the couch, give you his bed. Now, though, he was leading you to his bedroom quickly, trying to make it before more thunder sounded.
He got you into his bed just as another clap of thunder shook the walls. You pulled the covers over your head, tucking down as hard as possible into the bed. Sonny climbed into bed next to you, laying on top of the covers. Gently, he wrapped an arm around you, pulling you back against him. He could feel you trembling, the whole bed shaking. What else could he do besides what he normally did?
“It’s okay; you’re safe. I got you,” he whispered, rubbing your arm over the blanket. You rolled over until you were facing him, and curled in against his chest. Sonny stiffened for only a moment before relaxing in the familiar position.
“I hate storms,” you choked out, tucking your face into his shirt.
He rubbed your back in comfort. “I know you do. It’ll be gone soon enough.”
But unlike Manhattan, where that may be true, thunderstorms in Genoa lasted hours. Simply because you didn’t sleep the night before, you were able to drift off in Sonny’s embrace. You’d jerk awake every time a clap of thunder was heard, though, shaking and sobbing softly as he murmured sweet words to you before succumbing to sleep again.
Sonny, however, didn’t sleep a wink. He was too lost in thought, holding you to him. You trusted him enough to sleep in the same bed, his arms around you, even after everything that happened. You didn’t blame him, felt no hatred towards him. And while most of his problem stemmed from his own self-hatred, he was always afraid that you felt the same way about him. And he couldn’t deal with that, couldn’t stand it. Not when he—
He almost said it out on the street earlier, when you asked him if he hated you. He almost told you that he loved you, had come so close. In fact, he was planning on asking you out after work that day. The day that changed his life forever, and not in the way he had been hoping. If only Liv hadn’t called you both into her office that day, then maybe there would still be a chance....
But he could never tell you, not now. How would you even begin a relationship after this? He was too afraid to even touch you, for Christ’s sake. Though, that was before the thunderstorm started. Now, you were curled against his chest, your trembling stopped for the moment, breathing deep as you slept. His arms were around you, and god he loved it, loved the feeling of you sleeping in his arms, whether from a storm or not. This wasn’t the first time he held you throughout the night, and he loved it every time, regardless of circumstances. But how could anything evolve from this? How could he kiss you? How could you be...intimate together without the memory of the club popping up in either of your minds?
A small part of him whispered that if he could get over his fear of touching you—evident by the cuddling—then he could overcome his other fears, too. But would you want that? Did he?.... Yes, yes he wanted that very much. He wanted to be able to love you without fear and/or guilt in his heart. Before the club, he had thought that his biggest obstacle would be 1PP. Oh how ignorant he had been.
He resolved that he wouldn’t tell you, not now, maybe not ever. He couldn’t, not when this darkness was still inside his head, not when his hatred for himself was so high—
Thunder rolled out, and you jumped, instantly waking. The trembling started again, and you grabbed Sonny’s shirt, pulling him closer to you.
“I got you. You’re okay, you’re safe,” he whispered to you.
But for the first time ever, you responded. “You make me feel safe, Dom,” you muttered back.
At first, he was filled with such a profound warmth and happiness, feeling protective and strong. But then a flash of your face, beet red, your body moving erratically underneath his while loud club music played, and he sunk in on himself. He felt like such an asshole, such a coward, holding you like this. He should’ve left you on the streets in Genoa, closed himself off. Or at least offer to put you up in a hotel or a hostile, not fucking take you home with him. He hated that side of him that couldn’t let you go, almost as much as the hatred of that night in the club.
“What’s wrong?” you asked suddenly. You were still shaking in his grasp, but you noticed he was deep in thought. He had stopped talking, and was humming slightly. Sonny only hummed when he was thinking hard. He didn’t respond right away, unsure of what he’d even say. So, you pressed on, “need me to comfort you?”
Sonny’s expression softened. Here you were, scared out of your mind, but still offering him help. This is one of the main reasons he loved you. “No, I’m fine. Just sleep, okay?” he murmured.
Without thinking about it, he brushed his lips against your forehead, giving you a gentle kiss. You smiled at the gesture, tucking your head against his chest again, quickly finding sleep once more.
But Sonny was silently cursing himself. Why the hell did you kiss her?! he thought in anguish. In truth, he didn’t think, just reacted. He often kissed your forehead in comfort, trying to coax you to sleep. It seemed as if when he turned his brain off, he could rely on instinct, doing things he normally did. But that nagging side of his brain never left him alone for long. Things he used to do that brought him joy, like holding you or kissing your soft skin, now filled him with regret. How was he supposed to move on and leave you behind in New York when he did shit like this?
He sighed, glancing at his clock and seeing that it was only a little past 1am. This was going to be a long night. And he still wasn’t sure what to say to you in the morning.
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Cross the Line- Bakugo X Reader 18+
WC: 3.5K
Warnings: Angst, Anger, Unprotected Sex, Swearing
 “I am pregnant, Kaa-Chan.” You whispered as his hand was wrapped around your throat intent on killing you. He lowered his hands and walked away. You were the enemy, the one he had to kill.
~~~Eighteen Months ago~~~
“Y/N. You understand the mission, correct?” Shigaraki asked.
“You know I am not a fucking idiot? Who do you mistake me for? Chisaki or Dabi?” You retorted back.
“Y/N.” Shigaraki gave you a threatened tone.
“Get close enough to the loudmouth hero to kill him." The sarcasm dripped from your tone.
 "Good girl." He replied and left you alone.
For a few months, you followed Bakugo learned his schedule. You learned where he lived, how often he trained, his shopping habits, but most importantly, you learned that he didn’t have a significant other.
It was easy to become his neighbor, and for you to keep ‘bumping’ into him, but the hardest part would be getting to be part of his agency.
~~~Fifteen Months Ago~~~
“Hi! I am Quiver!” You were standing in front of Lord Explosion Murder in his agency. His crimson eyes narrowed looking at you in your hero suit. It was black and skin-tight with red accents.
“Do you want a fucking cookie?” He asked with disgust in his voice.
“Oh?” You feigned innocence. “Well, I am your new sidekick, but it looks like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I will just leave you alone.” You told him and you walked out of his office. You had heard he was difficult to deal with, but this wasn’t what you were expecting. You decided that if he was going to act like a complete and utter jackass you weren’t going to take it.
“Oi!” He came charging out of his office at you. “What the hell dumbass?” He yelled at you.
“Hm, well if you’re going to take that tone with me, I will come back tomorrow when you’re less stressed.” You told him as you walked out the door. You went home for the rest of the day.
The next day morning you had arrived and entered Lord Explosion Murder’s office again.
“Good Morning! I am Quiver!” You greeted him chirpily.
“Who the hell do you think you are leaving like that yesterday?” He yelled at you again. You turned around and left again. This continued for the rest of the week. He didn’t learn very quickly, but being cute probably helped him, you thought to yourself. By Friday, he had left you a seething voicemail saying how lazy, rude, and entitled he thought you were and that you were fired. You replied with a very short text stating, “K.” You knew it would probably anger him more. You weren’t there to make friends, you were there to kill him. 
When you arrived at work the following Monday, the receptionist's eyes grew wide. She very clearly heard the voicemail and very deliberately chose to ignore it.
“Good Morning, Sir.” You said as sweetly as possible. Lord Explosion just stared at you as if you were a ghost.
“I thought I fired you.” He said as calmly as he could. 
“Oh, you did? I didn’t really listen to the voicemail. I never do, but it seems as if you learned your lesson from last week.” You said with a hint of condescension.
“I don’t have time for you Dumbass. Just leave.” He told you with a huff of annoyance.
“Oh, Dumbass is a pet name?” You asked him. “I know that a sidekick isn’t what you want, but in order to be more appealing to not just the commission, but the general public as well.” You told him. Yes, you were all too well aware of his “image”, but with you working for the enemy, you truly didn’t care.
“Fuck, you’re right” he mumbled under his breath. He looked at you over steepled fingers. He stood quickly, to close the door to his office.
“Alright, Quiver, let’s begin.” He began as he sat back down in his office chair. The rest of the day, he went over rules for the office, his expectations for you, and how often he expected you to train. The rest of the week was tough but doable. The weekend didn’t come fast enough for you. As your patrol finished you got your weekly text from Shigaraki. You rolled your eyes and ignored him. The best thing about this job did not only do you have to stay away from the small hideout, but you could sleep in on the weekends, and you didn’t have to hear Kai or Dabi bicker.
Lord Explosion Murder noticed your smile. He saw how happy you looked after receiving your text.
“What’s got you smiling so big, Dumbass?” He asked you paying a little too much attention.
“Oh, nothing really. I get to sleep in tomorrow. As much as I enjoy working, I do enjoy a day off too.” You replied.
“You sure seemed happy after that text though.” He said with a hint of jealousy that did not go unnoticed by you.
“Oh, that was my annoying ass friend. He is going on about working hard and blah, blah, blah. I swear to goodness, his crusty ass is getting ignored all weekend.” You vented.
“Oh. Well. Okay, do you need me to walk your dumbass home?” He retorted not really sure of what to say.
“No, I am good!” You waved goodbye and ran at full speed to get home. You ran to your apartment in the building, showered quickly, changed, and fell asleep. 
The next morning you awoke to a yell, the voice sounded familiar, but you couldn’t place your finger on it. You walked outside to yell at whoever was causing the ruckus.
“I told you, nerd, that is not in bounds.” The male yelled. Looking down from your balcony, you saw Lord Murder Explosion. You did pick this apartment building because he lived here, but didn’t realize that he was his hero identity 100% of the time. 
“Hey, asshole? Could you shut your mouth? It’s too early for you to be yelling!” You shouted over your balcony to the group below.
“It’s the afternoon, dumbass!” He shouted back to you.
“Kaa-Chan, be nice. She’s your neighbor.” A green-haired man said.
“ You wanna fight? I could take you right now.” You shouted.
“Oi! Get down here and say that to my face!” He said the anger rising within himself. Without thinking, you jumped down ready to fight him. When he gave you his wide smile, your heart stopped for a moment.
“So you want to fight?” He asked with the most curious look on his face.
“Bakugo, don’t do this.” The green-haired man begged him. “The press will be all over this.” You knew with him there was always someone watching.
“Bakugo, don’t.” His friend with red and white hair said holding him back. It was no use though, he was in your face and chest to chest. You felt his warmth. The onlookers continued to gather, many with phones out ready to watch the fight. You knew that there was only one option in this case. 
You grabbed his shirt, and quickly closed the gap between the two of you. His lips against yours, and while his body was tense, he was not fighting it. You pulled back a moment, and looked up at him.
“Well isn’t this something Lord Explosion Murder?” You whispered before turning away and going back to your apartment/
~~~12 Months Ago~~~
The following Monday morning was awkward for Bakugo, but you didn't pay any attention to it, you really didn’t want to bring any attention to you at all. However, that isn’t what happened. You did bring attention to yourself and of course Shigaraki was very upset. The news died down pretty quickly, though, probably due to his one friend being Endeavor’s son.  The next three months though passed quickly and you never thought of the kiss again. 
The nights you patrolled with Bakugo he didn’t mention the kiss, he didn't’ mention anything about you knowing his hero identity, but he did try to get to know better. You were on the last patrol of the night, just before you said goodbye for the weekend, Bakugo spoke to you.
“So, uh. Quiver. Y/N. I don’t know what you want me to call you, but if you’re not busy, I’d like to take you out on a proper date or something.” A light pink dusting on his cheeks as he asked you.
“Is this because we kissed forever ago?” You questioned.
“No, Dumbass. Out of all the people, I hate you the least.” He retorted.
“Oh, how very manly of you.” You laughed at him.
“No. Forget it. It was very stupid for me to ask you.” He said walking away looking dejected.
“Tomorrow. 8PM. Don’t be late.” You told him as you skipped home. Getting this hero to die would be easy, so you thought.
The next day, you woke to a very angry phone call from Shigaraki. He demanded answers for why it was taking so long. If anyone else had done it it would’ve been done by now, and other bullshit you didn’t have time for. You knew that everyone would notice it was you right away. So while you ignored your phone call, you focused on your date this evening. The day flew while you were taking care of errands and miscellaneous tasks that you’ve been putting off for too long. 
Before you knew it, there was a knock at the door, you went to open the door, and saw Bakugo standing there with flowers.
“These are for you.” He thrust the flowers toward you while looking away.
“Thank you, these are beautiful. While I put them in water, why don’t you make yourself at home? I still need to put on my makeup.” You told him.
“Really? I don’t think that is necessary. I mean, you look beautiful the way you are.” His face was getting redder and redder. 
“Thank you, you’re very kind. I will be but a moment.” You told him as walked into the room. A few minutes you were ready.
“Okay, I am ready. What are the plans for tonight?” You asked him curiously.
“Well the stupid nerd convinced all of us that went to UA together to hang out. They want to have a few drinks and karaoke.” He admitted annoyance laced in his voice, but the look on his face told you otherwise. The night was fueled with alcohol, laughter, and memories. You knew that you had to keep it professional, and your job was to eliminate him, at least that is what you kept telling yourself.
The following months went by fast, when you weren’t working, or training, you were hanging out with Bakugo and his hero friends, or just the two of you. Everything was blissful.
~~~9 Months Ago~~~
Angry with the lack of contact and results from you. Shigaraki had enough and was going to take things into his own hands even if you were a casualty. 
“Dabi, I need you to go and see what is taking Y/N so fucking long.” He demanded. “Don’t kill her yet, we will kill her when we kill that loudmouth as well.” 
Dabi just shook his head and walked out the door. Whatever you were doing wasn’t his problem. To him, getting rid of you wouldn’t matter to his plan. So he did as he was told. He followed you and learned your schedule over the next few weeks. 
“She’s so fucking predictable.” Dabi said to himself as he snapped a picture of you and Bakugo kissing. When Dabi returned, he informed Shigaraki of what he found, and together, they plotted your downfall.
~~~6 Months Ago~~~
Bakugo had awoken to a phone call in the middle of the night. He felt you stir in your sleep next to him. He rushed getting his things together and left slamming the door behind him. You turned over in the bed and looked at the alarm clock. The bright red number read 2:43 AM.  You texted Bakugo quickly. He responded with Hero Shit. I’ll be safe and see you soon.
You couldn’t sleep. You got up and paced around his apartment. There was something gnawing at the back of your mind. If it was an urgent matter, you’d be called as well. If it was something more serious, they’d only call in the Professional Heroes. Which led you to believe that this was the case. 
Two hours later, a very tired Bakugo entered the apartment. You ran into his arms, and held on to him for longer than you should have. 
“Were you worried about me dumbass?” He asked you playfully, but the worry was thick in his voice. There was no mistaking it.
“No. Never, but if I didn’t get called in with you, it must be serious.” You told him. You knew you were lying. You were worried, and that scared you more that whatever he was just told. It meant that you had already failed in your mission. That you actually cared.
“Y/N. I need you to know this. I love you, and I will never let anything happen to you. The League threatened us. Specifically, you and me.” Bakugo told you honestly, and openly. “They didn’t give a specific timeline, it was just a general threat, but I thought you should know. Keep your guard up.” 
Your heart leaped at his words. You knew you failed. You knew you weren’t supposed to fall, but you did.
“I love you too, Katsuki. I will stick so close to you, you’ll wanna hurl me off the balcony.” You replied. He kissed you deeply with every emotion he felt. He pulled you into the bedroom to further explain how he felt.
~~~3 Months Ago~~~
The two of you were public, there was no denying it. The Commission felt the transparency was necessary to let the League know that a threat wouldn’t stop anyone from living their life.  The public cheered for you. The threat was always in the back of your mind. You weren’t sure what scared you more, Shigaraki ceasing all contact with you or the calm that had come over the city.
During your late-night patrol, you and Bakugo happened upon a crying child. Bakugo quickly picked up the child. Cradling her in his arms, and trying to soothe her. It was right then you realized, you wanted a family. Life of a villain wasn’t conducive to having a family. Bakugo found the child’s parents within a matter of minutes, and if you weren’t sure before, you sure were in love with him.
You dragged him into a dark alley where no prying eyes could see the things you were about to do. You took him and pushed him against the wall, and kissed him hard. He happily grabbed you by the waist and pulled you closer, pressing his hardening length against you.
“What are you doing?” He hissed into your neck where he left a trail of kisses, causing you to shiver.
“I saw you with that child, and I thought why not try right now?” You shot back. You unzipped his pants to free his hard dick. Your eyes grew at his size every time you saw it. You undid your pants and pulled them down, exposing your dirty little secret, that you weren’t wearing any panties.
“Y/N.” He groaned into your ear as he pressed eager fingers into you. “Shit. You’re so wet for me already.” You took him in your hand and started stroking him slowly. 
“You know if we weren’t in the middle of a patrol, I’d definitely take my time.” He told you in between breaths.
“I want you Ka-” He kissed you hard, entwining his tongue with yours. He was so needy for you. He grabbed you by the hips and lifted you on top of him, making sure you and he were lined up. He slowly entered you. The way his hips moved slowly at first to let you adjust and then quickly increased his speed made you moan loudly.
“Keep quiet, dumbass. I don’t want to get caught fucking you on camera. Although that would be pretty hot.” He smiled at you. You were already so close for no good reason. You felt yourself release on him.
“Well, shit. You were already hot for me huh?” He asked you cockily and he increased his speed. You couldn’t deny it felt amazing. 
“Tell me where you want me to come, because if you want a child I will give you one.” He teased you. All you could do was nod at him.
“Oh, did I fuck you stupid?” He asked you smugly.  He didn’t wait for an answer, he released deep into you, painting your walls white with his seed. He kissed you once more before dressing and acting like he didn’t just fuck you in a dark alley. You got your bearing and did the same.
~~~Present Day that Morning~~~
You had been feeling off all day. It wasn’t like you to feel sick, but here you were feeling nauseous. You ran to the toilet and slammed the door behind you. You let all of your breakfast out.
“Dumbass! Let’s get going, we’ll be late for the meeting.” Bakugo yelled at you. You immediately felt better, quickly rinsed your mouth with mouthwash and walked out the door.
The Commission had summoned all heroes and their sidekicks for a meeting due to the increase in League activity. You often wondered what Shigaraki was thinking, but since he was number two, whatever it was that number one wanted he got.  The meeting was boring and lasted a while, and there wasn’t any new information. You were dismissed and were told to continue on your patrol routes as normal. 
You felt that same feeling coming over from this morning. You quickly left and ran to the bathroom. You sent a quick message to Bakugo telling him you weren’t feeling well, but you’d see him on patrol. You went to the corner store where you picked up some medicine. You came across the pregnancy tests. You hesitated for a moment, decided against it and kept going. The gnawing feeling at the back of your mind started up again. It didn’t let up until you had a test in your hand.
You headed back home, took some medicine and ripped the test open. You knew you couldn’t be pregnant. There was only one time you and Bakugo haven't used protection, and you had your period since then...right? You didn’t think twice about it, peed on the stick and waited for the results. 
It was on your patrol route that evening, when you were confronted by the League.
“Hello, Y/N.” You heard a deep voice.
“Dabi?” You replied, he was ready with his quirk with intent to kill.
“I don’t think so.” Bakugo came charging at him with rage in his eyes. 
“Do you think that some pathetic grenades will stop me from killing her? She betrayed us for you.” Dabi confessed. The look on Bakugo’s face changed from rage to utter betrayal. He shook off the words. He didn’t actually believe you’d do that.
“She loves me, you dumb piece of shit. She’s one of us.” He barked at Dabi, firing shots at him. 
From the shadows emerged Shigaraki, he silently walked up behind you and clicked his tongue.
“Such a shame, that boy is a fool.” He left you alone for a moment and went over to Dabi.
“Well, if you are one of us, Y/N, finish the job you were sent to do.” Shigaraki shouted to you. “Kill this hero that stands in our way.”
Before you knew it, you were pinned against the wall. The anger that radiated from Bakugo’s body was undeniable. His hand wrapped around your throat, tight enough to kill. You gasped, clawing at his hands.
“Kaa-Chan, I’m pregnant.” You whispered. He lowered his hands and walked away. You were the enemy, the one he had to kill. He fought back Shigaraki, and Dabi enough until other heroes arrived to help. He walked back to where you were, all of the feelings he felt for you were real. How could you betray him like this? All his hopes of having a family, being a father, being a husband, and a great hero; were crashing down as soon as they were built. The pain in his face was almost audible, it broke your heart. He took a deep breath, got super close to your ear.
“You’re dead to me. I loved you. I gave you everything I had. You’re lucky I didn’t kill you right here and now. Get your shit out of my apartment. I never want to see you again.” The venom dripped from his words. He turned around and didn’t look back.
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kiribaku-queen · 4 years
Let’s gooo! How about Oikawa x reader, but it’s a secret relationship (married) because she’s a trainer alongside Iwa, but she starts getting shipped with Iwa and pictures of them hugging show up... Basically Oikawa isn’t stupid, he KNOWS they aren’t doing anything behind his back but he does get jealous. So roll around to the Olympics and Iwa and reader are being asked about their relationship and bam Oikawas had enough so he comes over, kisses her and is like this is MY wife so fuck off and stop shipping her with my BESTFRIEND HAHAH
She’s Mine
Pairing: Oikawa x reader
Word count: 2.6K
A/N: Thank you for being the first requester ever! I hope this is to your liking. I was actually worried that it wouldn’t be long enough but it actually turned out longer than I was expecting! I tried to make it funny and add Oikawa’s personality to give it that flavour. I’d love to know what you think about it anon! Thank you for your support! <3
“One touch!”
“Chance ball!”
“Get it over!”
The gym was loud with calls from their teammates, every player wanting to play their best even if it was just a practice game. You watched from the bleaches, eyes shining with admiration when you watch a certain brown haired boy spike, earning his team a point.
“Yes!” he cheered for himself and then turned to face you. “(y/n) did you see that?! That was for you baby!” he shouted, making the rest of his teammates laugh and you all red and embarrassed. You just signaled a thumbs up and let them continue with their practice game. You didn’t want to interfere, no matter how much your husband was already interfering.
“Oi, Oikawa! Focus on the game, not your wife! You can do that after!” Iwaizumi scolded him. Oikawa waved him off, his attention back on the game.
“This guy…” Iwa said under his breath. You giggled to yourself and looked at the clipboard in front of you. You were still learning how to effectively position people so that they can play their best against their opponent. And Iwa was there to help you. You guess who could say you were his assistant coach. But it was hard trying to stay professional while your husband is on the team you are coaching.
It was no surprise to the team that you guys were married. Your wedding pictures with them in the background drunk was proof enough. But you had to keep your marriage secret from the rest of the world. And this was purely based on your decision. Oikawa has always been popular, ever since high school. When he became pro, he gained even more followers. You saw it first hand. Some fans could be really obsessive and scary. Though, you knew that most fans would be supportive of you two, but you really didn’t want to risk it. You weren’t scared that they were going to come after you. Actually, you have been preparing for it ever since you got together in case you got exposed early on in your relationship. You didn’t want his fans to freak out and then he would lose his popularity over it. You were so scared that it would permanently damage his career. So you both kept it a secret. For now, at least.
“Good work today!” Iwa shouted. The boys immediately fell to the floor, exhausted. But your hubby didn’t do that. Instead, he ran up to you as soon as he finished practice to embrace you in the tightest hug.
“Babe!” you laughed and tried pushing him away. You pushing away only made him hug you tighter. And since you were trying to run away from him, he added in a few smooches just for fun.
“Okay, okay,” Iwa tugged on Oikawa’s collar to pull him away from you. “You can hug your wife later. Go clean up.” He ordered. With a pout, he left but never failed to look back at you and give you kissy faces. You were also cleaning up, putting the volleyballs away and packing up your things in your duffle bag.
“(y/n),” Iwa called to you and to ran up to him immediately. “What do you think about this line up for the game this weekend?” he asked you. You got close to look at the plan he laid out. As you and Iwa were discussing, a photographer snuck into the private gym and hid in the stands.
“Shit, looks like practice is over,” he cursed to himself. How was he going to get a good scoop now? He looked around the gym. None of the players were around. Just the coaches and maybe a few other irrelevant people. He wanted an exclusive showing how practice was going for the big team, but now he never going to get a good picture in if no one was here. The photographer was about to leave, when out of the corner of his eye, he saw you standing next to the team’s coach. You were wearing the team’s colors and outfit. So you had to be a coach if you were standing close to coach Iwaizumi. You were standing a little too close. And you two were laughing. And play fighting? And flirting? The photographer smirked.
“Now this could be a story,” he said as he snapped a few shots of you and Iwa together. Then he made his way out of the gym, looking at the freshly took pictures for his story.
“Honey!” Oikawa came running with his bag hanging loosely over his shoulder. You ran towards him, meeting halfway and you jumped into his arms. “Ready to go home?”
“Mhm!” you hummed, placing a kiss on his lips. He kissed with equal force, if not harder, and gently set you back down on the ground.
“Still up for lunch tomorrow?” Oikawa turned to his best friend.
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll meet you guys there,” he said. Oikawa then wrapped his arm around your waist and held you close.
“Let’s go,” he told you. You looked back at Iwa as you left the gym.
“See you later, Iwa-chan!” you waved at him.
“Mhm, good work today!” he yelled back. He wouldn’t have to yell if Oikawa hadn’t kept you from continuously walking away, further and further from him. But Oikawa was always one to be touchy and protective so it was nothing new. And he was trying to be as lovey-dovey as he could because once they were out in public, absolutely no touching.
The next day, lunch rolls around and Iwaizumi is already waiting for you two at the restaurant you picked out.
“You’re late,” Iwa stated. You sat down, apologizing profusely while your husband just laughs it off.
“Sorry! Someone was in the bathroom too long,” you glared at the man beside you. He scoffed and pointed an accusing finger at you.
“I was ready before you! I was waiting so long, by the time you got out of the bathroom, I had to take a shit,” Oikawa explained himself.
“Well you should have just held it in!”
“I can’t hold my shits in!”
“Well I can!”
“That is so unhealthy,” Iwa chimed in, shaking his head in disappointment. “Why are we even having this conversation?”
“She started it,” Oikawa breathed but oh, you could hear it. And you were about to retort back if it wasn’t for Iwa to stop another oncoming argument.
“Okay, okay. Let’s just order. I’m starving,” Iwa stated, looking over the menu. It took the guys a few minutes to figure out what they wanted but you were stuck on two options. Glancing around the room, you saw another table that had the same order you wanted and boy did it look delicious. The only problem? The portion was gigantic. There was no way you were going to finish all that. So you did what any girlfriend would do.
“Babe, can you share with me?” you asked Oikawa, giving him a pouty face.
“Mm, but I’ll still be hungry later,” he said, giving you an apologetic look.
“But it’s too much food!” you stated, trying to reason with him. If they had a half portion, you would definitely take that. But unfortunately, there was no such thing.
“I’ll eat your leftovers, how about that?” he compromised, making you equally as happy.
“Tank you,” you said in the cutest baby voice that you know he loves. He gushes at how cute you are.
“Anything for you, my love,” he says back in an equally cute tone and touched noses with you. Iwaizumi is just watching this all unfold in front of him. And to think they were just arguing a second ago. He pretends to have a disgusted look on his face but on the inside, he’s happy that you two found each other. Of course, he’s never going to admit that and never will he ever mention it…. EVER.
Time flies when you’re with your two best friends. You guys could talk about everything and anything, arguing back and forth, making fun of each other, having deep talks, you do it all. Sometimes its hard to believe that you guys work together and it makes you cringe how professional you have to be with each other because you’re not used to it at all. You’re already finished with your food because you couldn’t even stomach all that. Now, you were just waiting on the boys to finish up. Especially, Oikawa since he also had to each your leftovers.
“I’ll be back. I’m gonna wash my hands real quick,” Oikawa announces and heads for the men’s room. You and Iwa were left at the table together. You lean your elbows on the table and rest your chin in your hands.
“You think we’re gonna win tomorrow?” you asked Iwa. He’s much more knowledgeable that you were after all.
“Even if we don’t, it’s no big deal. But I want you to take charge tomorrow so you can get the feel and practice,” he explained. You internally, and maybe externally, groaned. You didn’t feel like you were ready and now all the pressure was going to get to your head. “So if we lose tomorrow, it’s all your fault.”
“Iwa!” you smacked his hand across the table. He kept poking fun and laughing at you, loving the reactions you were giving him. If no one knew you guys, they’d think you were dating. And that’s exactly what Mr. Photographer was thinking.
He had just arrived at the restaurant you guys were eating at, watching from behind a few trees with a big camera in hand. You were laughing at something Iwaizumi had said, earning him a few, nice shots. The photographer made sure to get the food presented on the table, as well as a few cute snaps of you two play fighting, laughing and smiling with each other. He was going to wait around longer, in case you two kissed, but he was too eager to write this new news story that he left when he got enough pictures of you two. When the photographer left, Oikawa came back to pay the check and you were on your way out.
 It’s the morning of the game and you were fixing up some coffee while Oikawa sat at the dining table, eating the breakfast that you prepared for him. Both of you were minding your own business; you jamming out and singing to your music and your husband reading the news on his phone. Everything was in the ordinary until Oikawa spotted an article that made him do a double take.
[BREAKING] Coach Iwaizumi and Assistant (y/n) Dating!!!
“Honey?” he calls out for you in a questioning tone, like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing you. You go over to him, coffee in hand and hug him from behind with your chin resting on his shoulder.
“What is it, love?” you ask and take a sip of your coffee.
“Look at this,” he says and brings his phone up so you can see it as clear as day. “You and Iwa? Dating?! And look at these pictures. What are these?!” You take a closer look and its definitely you and Iwaizumi. But the first picture was from the other day when you were going over positioning. And then the other picture was from yesterday at lunch. Out of context, you guys did look close and lovey-dovey… but it was all false. The more Oikawa looked at these pictures, the more irritated and jealous he got. For heavens sake, he was there both times! And that dumb paparazzi couldn’t see that you and him were together?
“Babe, looks like I’m dating your best friend now,” you laugh but Oikawa didn’t find it funny. He had a big, old pout sitting on his lips and seeing that? You knew it was going to be drama, drama, drama all day.
“Baby, don’t pout. It’s all just rumors. I love you and only you,” you try to cheer him up by giving him as many cheek kisses as you could. Your husband loved that but it didn’t make him feel any better. He should be the one in that article title not Iwa-chan.  “It is kind of funny though, I’ll have to let Iwa know later.” You laugh it off and go back to the kitchen. Oikawa laughs too but it was fake and forceful. The moment you went back to the kitchen, his smile drops and a frown is immediately replaced.
It was right before the game and the boys were warming up on the court. The whole ride there, Oikawa was silent. He was acting like a child but you were used to it already that you paid him no mind. You knew he was just going to let it all out during the game. You were standing next to Iwaizumi, watching them practice their spikes. But let’s be honest, you were looking at your dashing husband the whole time. When you got to the venue, you immediately told Iwa the news but he wasn’t surprised because he had already seen it. You both had a good laugh over it and dismissed it. Because what was there to discuss? The whole news was just ridiculous with no proof as backup.
“(y/n),” Iwa came up to you with a clipboard in hand. “Did you-” but before he could finish that sentence, you were both rudely interrupted by a lady shoving a microphone and camera in your face.
“Iwaizumi, (y/n), do you have time for a quick interview?” she asks you. You look up at Iwa because you weren’t used to the sudden aggression. He felt how awkward you were and was the one to speak for the both of you.
“What is it about?”
“You guys look really good together. Is it true that you are both dating?” she asks and shoves the big microphone right in your face.
“No,” Iwa butts in, giving the interviewer and the camera an unamused face.
While Oikawa was focusing on his spikes, he panned over to you just so he could see you. But what he was left a bad taste in his mouth. Interviewers were all in your face. You had a painstakingly uncomfortable expression on your face and he was so tempted to just storm over there and take you away. But professionalism. Remember that. He’s trying so hard to focus back on the warmups but his ears are listening in on your interview.
His ears perk up when he hears that you and his best friend look good together. He looks back in your direction and you were being peer pressured into telling the truth and just being bombarded with unnecessary questions. That’s it. He’s had it. You were his and no one else’s.
“Come on, (y/n). Give us a statement,” the interviewer was coming into you.
“Uhm,” you felt yourself literally backing up. The answer was said to them multiple times but they kept pushing and pushing. It started to get suffocating. And no matter how many times Iwa tried to calm down the situation, it felt like it was just getting worse. All that seemed to disappear when a hand grabs your waist from behind, spins you around and a pair of lips gently cover yours. Your eyes widen in surprise as you see Oikawa passionately kissing you. In public. And on the big screen. A wave of gasps spread throughout the venue and even the interviewer was in shock. When he lets go, you are just all around flustered and Iwa is standing on the side rolling his eyes.
“Please stop pressuring MY WIFE. And please stop shipping her with my dear friend because she’s mine,” Oikawa said to the lady and straight at the camera with a polite smile but threatening eyes.
“And you!” Oikawa dramatically points at his friend and sticks up both middle fingers. “She’s mine so you can fuck off!”
“I don’t even want her, dumbass,” Iwa informs him of the obvious. Oikawa walks off with your hand in his, proud to finally let the world know that you were his and his alone.
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King of Traitors
Series: Brynhilda’s Saga
Pairing: Ivar x OFC
Warnings: None for this chapter
Tagging: @salt-is-a-terrible-currency
The Cliff of Cliffs had a cave system. As a child, Brynhilda had explored the systems to such an extent she still knew what paths lead to where. From the information she’d gathered, thanks to a recon mission gone very right, she knew that Boggvir’s men were situated right against the cliff, next to a crack that opened right in the middle of the camp. 
She has a plan to sew some chaos into the camp, not much, just enough to put the men on edge. Brynhilda’s force is small, excluding herself, there were seven in total that followed her. Alf, Dorfi, and five of the bravest women in the whole camp. The men that would have volunteered to come had other jobs to do. She turns to her people, “Remember, you can take as much as you can carry, but destroy supplies. Keep as quiet as you can, for as long as you can. If you get caught, I won't be saving you.” Everyone nods in understanding. “Good, lets go.” 
She sent other groups out that night that were going to help with creating chaos. One was setting up traps in the forest. In the early morning, they’d try to get a group of Boggvir’s men to follow them, and neutralize a small portion of the army. Another group was situated on top of the cliff, ready to fire arrows down at the enemy at a random time in the night. Yet another group was going to try and lead a small group of the enemy into a small skirmish to the south. 
Brynhilda didn’t have the bulk Boggvir did, even now, at the height of her popularity. She had to resort to guerilla tactics for the next few hours in the hopes of weakening the enemy, tiring them out, depleting some of the massive army. 
So many opportunities to go wrong...yet the reward was worth it. 
Brynhilda leads her group through the caves with no problem, out the otherside with only the smallest of sounds. When she finally saw the last woman out of the cave, she hisses,“Find cover, quickly.” They do as told, following her behind a stack of food. She looks at them, “spread out, start destroying supplies. Food, weapons, shields. Throw things into the ravine, steal things, I don't care. Get going.” Everyone disperses at her orders. They had one hour to complete their tasks before the attacks began. Then, they either get caught in the fight, or they escape without a scratch. 
For an entire hour, Brynhilda is on edge, anything could go wrong. Luck holds with her. She manages to find weapons just laying around the camp, just as she expected. It’s a pity that she has to give Boggvir this sorely needed reality check.  
Her confidence is slowly returning. She can do this, they can do this. A soft caw from one of the crows that perpetually follows her tells her it's time to go. She rushed back to the hole in the cliff, seeing most of her group. “Where is Dorfi?” She asks. “We don't know,” Alf tells her, “lost I expect.” Brynhilda curses. “Go back to the camp, I'll find Dorfi.”
“What happened to you not saving us?” Alf says, smirking, “Clearly I lied.”
”I saw him go towards the edge of the camp, toward the log trap.” A woman tells her. “Thank you,” Brynhilda turns heading back towards the camp, stopping when her group moves with her. “Go back to the camp,” 
“Not without you,” Alf says. “Look-” Brynhilda begins to argue, but Alf cuts her off,  “Don't bother arguing. We aren't leaving without you.”
“Well, don't blame me when we're still stuck here when things go to shit.” Brynhilda mutters, moving herself and her group towards the edge of the camp. It occurs to her that Dorfi really might be working for Boggvir, thus leading her into a trap. She grips her sword tighter, she'd behead him if that were the case.
She doesn't have to wonder about it though, as she hears Dorfi's voice through a tent. “I don't know anything about Brynhilda.” he says defiantly. She smirks, she loves it when she's wrong. “Oh? She didn't send you here to curse us all?” Someone sneers. Their voice is gruff, someone she doesn't recognize. She motions of her people to surround the tent. “Do you really think Brynhilda is someone that believes in curses?”
“Yes.” There was an awkward pause, “Do you think Brynhilda is someone who would use curses?” Dorfi rephrased. “Look, we all know Brynhilda wants us dead,” she steps into the tent for dramatic effect, cutting off the man’s tirade. She’s angry when she sees Dorfi beaten and bloodied. For a moment, she has to wonder if he really kept her secrete despite the torture.  “You're right, I want you dead,” she says. Before the man can even yell or draw his weapon, she runs him through with her sword, covering his mouth so he doesn't make much sound. 
Dorfi looks at her, smiling. He gets off his knees and stumbles out of the tent. Sheathing her sword, she follows him, bringing out a dagger from its holster and cuts his restraints. “What happened to not coming to save our asses?” Dorfi asks, delighted. Brynhilda just pats his shoulder. 
They were going to sneak back to the hole, but one of her ravens caw, loudly so everyone can hear it, a warning sign that her other plans are about to be set into motion. “Shit,” she mutters. Everyone readies their weapons, “There isnt enough time to escape,” Dorfi warns her, watching as people are now pouring from the tents, wondering why the fuck a raven is cawing in the middle of the night. 
“Please tell me you disabled the trap.” Alf says. Dorfi snorts, “course I did!”
“Tight circle,” Brynhilda instructs, bringing her shield in front of her. They form a tight ring as shouts of intruders begin to go up, now alerted to their presence. Men surround them. “Brynhilda, I don't like this,” Alf mutters, “Oh really?” Brunhilda snaps, “What's not to like? We're trapped in the middle of an enemy camp, surrounded, with fucking no way out.”
“Someone's testy,” Alf mutters, “She needs a nap,” Dorfi explains, “she gets cranky without her beauty rest.”
“I hate you both.” She mutters, bracing herself for an attack. The dam of tension breaks as soon as a random enemy charges at her and hits her shield. Everyone begins to shout, fight, run. Its utter chaos. 
Brynhilda wants to throw herself into the fight with wild abandon, her very being craves the blood shed, demands it, but she's divided. She has to get her people to safety. They have to survive. She defends them more than she fights. 
The enemy, composed of men she's led in battle, are confused at the new tactic. She's a brute force fighter, she charges and her opponent dies. Now she's yelling coherent instructions, staying back and helping her people. It confuses the enemy, makes them hesitate. 
Her new friends are just as adept at fighting as she is, a tall blond clears a path, striking so quickly anyone barely has time to react. Dorfi is clearly a distance fighter, throwing numerous little knives into the fray. The women dart in and out of small pockets of enemies, taking down two or three at a time. They work as a team and manage to get to the border, where fighting only grows heavier. 
The group Brynhilda sent out that was supposed to charge the side of the camp she’s headed towards is doing its job beautifully. The shock of the trap working had given them the advantage, confusion was sown, everyone was divided. “Retreat!” She yells, her voice is heard clearly over the battle. A horn is sounded and her men begin to fall back. Brynhilda stays until she is sure the last man has gone. She is about to join them when the enemy crowd parts, and she sees Boggvir. 
Her heart aches. A sick part of her wants to forgive him, to run into his arms and take comfort in his presence, most of her just wants to snap his neck then and there. He looks older than she remembered, he looks...terrified. “Enjoy your final moments,” Brynhilda calls to him, bowing, “Boggvir, King of Traitors” with that, she turns and runs. 
Her camp is riotous when she gets back. Through snippets of excited congratulations, she finds that all men have made it back alive with no more than a few bumps and bruises. Someone had the wherewithal to break out the celebration food. She notes there wasn't a mead cup in sight, good, mead was after the battle was definitely won. “To Brynhilda the Deathless!” One of her men yells. The cheer goes up, her name reaching the heavens. She laughs as someone picks her up on their shoulders, it's hard not to get caught up in the celebration. “To my warriors!” She says, throwing a fist in the air. This elicits an even bigger cheer. 
When she is put down, Alf approaches her, pulling her off to the side. “Sven tells me there's something that requires your full attention.” She follows him through the camp. 
They come upon her tent, small and unassuming, except for the large boar stitched into the side. A group of men surround something, the air is charged, as she approaches, they part for her so she can see what it is they’ve captured. The Volva that started this mess. She's not so pretty now, covered in dirt, hair wild, half starved. “What did you do to her?” Brynhilda mutters, feeling bad for the woman...only slightly. She glares at the men in turn.
“Your men have done nothing,” the witch says, looking Brynhilda in the eyes, “they were perfectly behaved.”
“Leave,” Brynhilda tells them. “Jarl-” Sven, who’d been among the group, begins to argue, but at Brynhilda's look he stops. They all leave. 
Brynhilda picks the witch up, and throws her into the tent, nearly gagging at the smell of her. “Are you cold?” Brynhilda asks, not bothering to wait for the answer. She throws a blanket around the woman. 
“Enough with the niceties. I know nothing of Boggvir's plan. He cast me aside the moment he got word you lived.” Brynhilda had trouble keeping the smirk from her face. “A wise queen told me once that women seldom have choices in life. We must take what we’re given and deal with it, ours is a most tragic lot.” The volva merely grunts. “She was loved, hated, and killed because she was a witch.” 
“What's your point?” 
“My point is, right now, you have a choice to make.”
“I told you I know nothing of Boggvir's plans,” Brynhilda ignores her, “become mine, work for me, and live under my protection,”
“Be a slave? Ha! I'd rather die,” Brynhilda nods, pulling out a dagger. “Very well,” she gets up and grabs a fistfull of dirty hair, pulling the volva's head back. Before she can even put the blade to her neck, the witch changes her mind. “I'll do it! I'll work for you! Don't kill me please!” Brynhilda lets her go. Smiling, she puts the dagger down, “I'll send someone to come clean you up.”
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tired0artist · 3 years
not enough (part two)
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>part one<
paring: female!V x Johnny Silverhand
warnings: depression, amnesia, alcoholism, angst, fluff, happy ending (but you gotta wait for it), character (near) death
summary: continuation to the first part.
note: as before I will be describing my V. and yes, there will be a third part. I’m not gonna be a cunt and leave you guys with this lmao.
V was pointlessly walking through the city, staring at her feet. It wasn’t raining like in the old movies she and Johnny watched in the old cinema after Rouge left. No. It was loud, smelly, bright and full of people.
She ended up in the park where she first met Zen master and sat down on a bench. V stared at her still shaking hands and wished that suddenly she would feel a small pinch in her brain and Johnny would appear out of nowhere.
He would appear just to talk shit about people passing by, hoping to make her laugh or annoy her enough so that she would take her mind off of whatever was bothering her.
But he wasn’t there. Her Johnny was probably gone... what’s left is in her brain. While the other Johnny didn’t seem to even want to look at her... maybe he truly just didn’t like her. And she was trying to do the impossible.
Suddenly she got a call. Third time this night. From the same person.
She picked up and said “Hey, Kerry...”
Kerry’s tired and panicked face appeared and he seemed to be driving “V!! Oh thank what ever is watching over us! Fuck honey! I was so worried, where are you? Where did you go at night? Was it Johnny again? I swear I’ll kick his young ass for what he’s doing to you!”
V choked on a sobb. Somehow hearing Kerry’s voice and the worry for her of all people in his voice... cause her to break and just whimper.
He stopped talking and looked into his phone, asking gently “Honey, where are you? I’ll come get you”
After explaining where she was, Kerry had her keep the call going. He wanted to know if she was safe.
Not even ten minutes passed, as Kerry found her. He immediately hugged the young woman to his chest and caressed her black thick hair.
“Shhh... I’m here honey. Come on, let’s go home”
Kerry led V to his expensive car and soon he was driving the now silent woman to his mansion. He was growing worried as she entered the residence without a word, took her naked cat and went inside her room.
V took off her clothes, putting on an old SAMURAI shirt and a pair of sport shorts. She got under the covers with Nibbles, she kissed the cat’s head as he snuggled into her shirt, seeking warmth.
She must’ve fell asleep because what woke her up was yelling coming from somewhere in the villa. V got up and took her gun, intending to blast whoever was a threat. What she didn’t expect is to see Rogue on the couch across from Kerry who was smoking.
V didn’t make herself known yet as she listened to the pair.
“—told him to fuck off and look for a new place. I don’t care that he doesn’t have a place to stay at. He was fucking with V too much. I tried looking the other way, but I fucking can’t. He’s worse than ever” Rogue said putting her phone in her pocket.
“Back in our day... he was an asshole. Sure. But now? What he’s doing isn’t even like him...” Kerry said, with a heavy sigh.
“I’m not surprised that V finally had enough. Poor kid... we should’ve intervened”
“No” V said, walking out from behind a pillar “It’s between him and me. He didn’t do anything to you, if anything he is nice to you. He doesn’t deserve this from you...”
“Kid, did you hit your head? He’s a complete psycho—“ Rogue started.
“To me, not to you. I don’t want you to take it out on him. He needs you both” V stated, looking away “He doesn’t need me anymore but you two are important to him... I’ll be fine. I’ll leave him alone, if he’ll need anything he’ll come... like he did for the last month...”
Kerry stood up and wrapped his arm around V saying “No, no. No more helping him out from you. You tried to be there for him and he’s worse than ever. So from now on, leave him be. Deny any request and just let him figure it out. Just like he did inside your brain”
“He’s right. Fuck Johnny. Let him find his way to you” Rogue said, while crossing her arms.
V looked between them and finally nodded “Okay... maybe you’re right. He needs to process everything on his own”
“Yup. Of course we’ll be there for him, but your door is closed honey. If he’ll want in, then the fuck will have to find a window to enter through” Kerry said, trying to cheer up the younger woman.
She smiled a bit but soon looked away. One question on her mind, ever since she left Johnny.
And of course nothing goes unnoticed with the Queen of Afterlife in the room.
“What is it kid? There’s something more bothering you” she stated.
Kerry immediately sat V down next to him on the couch saying “Come on, V. You can tell us anything”
V stared at her hands and finally asked “Do you think that... if Johnny and I met normally and not through the chip... would he still... would he and I—“
“Well kid, he would be old like us. But knowing Johnny, he would have his eyes on you the first time you stepped inside Afterlife with that friend of yours” Rogue said with a small smile, thinking about the situation.
“And if he didn’t see you there, then probably after finding out that you were the one stealing from Arasaka? And rumoured that you were somehow involved with the death of Saburo? V, he would have wedding rings ordered” Kerry said with a laugh, as Rogue snorted.
“The man would be stumbling over his feet for you if things were normal, kid”
V laughed along with them, her heart somehow feeling lighter the longer she spent time with Rogue and Kerry. To her they were like a clan. Like a family.
As weeks went by, V returned to her work but was also in charge of the security at Afterlife. Which meant a lot of fucking paper work, dealing with idiots and sitting with Rogue. Keeping an eye out for anyone who would want to kill the woman.
Johnny tried calling V couple of times during the first few weeks. She didn’t answer any of his calls, although her heart was heavy with worry. Because what if he really needed help? What if someone stabbed him and he was bleeding out in some alleyway?
This paranoia caused V to call Rogue or wake up Kerry so that they could call the man and find out what’s going on.
Each time they either got a question.
“Where’s V?”
Or if he was drunk enough they got a statement.
“I need V”
But every time his friends would refuse him anything related to the young nomad.
Whenever V saw Johnny at Afterlife she simply left the room or just kept her distance. Giving him space.
Although it felt like he didn’t want space. Because whenever she stayed in the room, his dark eyes would be on her the whole time.
One time a guy came over to V and tried to seduce her, drunkenly. The guy was getting a bit too touchy and she was just about to get the fucker out of the Afterlife. But before she could even push him away, the guy got yanked back buy his shoulder so hard, that V was sure it was dislocated.
“Fucking dog. Out. Now”
She looked up in confusion just to see Johnny dragging the guy outside of the Afterlife. V wanted to go after him, but decided to stay and instead ordered Jackie’s disgusting drink and went to sit with Rogue.
The Queen of the Afterlife smiled at V as she sat down next to her. Around an hour later, Johnny came up to Rogue asking for some intel.
V tried to look away from him, but the seemingly fresh blood on his metal arm and on his neck, caught her attention. She stared at it in slight shock and looked up just to see Johnny staring at her. He didn’t say anything. But his eyes screamed. Without a word to V, he thanked Rogue and left.
Next morning they found a body in an alleyway near the Afterlife.
One evening V was at Afterlife for a different reason, than normally.
She was sitting at the bar talking to Claire when she heard someone call her name. With a smile she turned to see Judy and Panam walking inside.
“Hey, there V. Finally found the time for us huh?” Judy said as she sat down at the bar, the other girl following.
“Yeah I was waiting for a fucking call, you asshole. The fuck were you doing?” Panam said, already ordering a beer.
V’s heart felt lighter as she was around her girls and immediately she regretted not calling them sooner.
“Sorry, I was busy and things were complicated for a bit. But hey, I’m back on board” she said while raising her glass.
“Fine, you’re off the hook for tonight” Judy said, while Panam mumbled something under her breath. Unwilling agreeing.
“Thanks, really I want us to meet up more. I’m no longer dying so, how about we have fun?” V joked slightly.
“Sure, what’s on the menu? I’ve never been here for a drink before” Judy said.
Claire came up, hearing this and said “First time? Well people here, like V and her friend did, normally order Silverhand on their first visit”
Both Panam and Judy frowned at it, as V simply said “Fuck that, three Jackie Wells’s for us. Time to change the favourite drink”
Claire grinned and got to work.
“Is it any good?” Panam asked as soon as the three of them had the drinks in their hands.
V laughed and shook her head “It’s the worst drink Jackie ever made for me. Cheers”
While V downed her drink whole, Judy got couple of sips in before asking for something else. But Panam much like V, drank the whole thing. But she actually enjoyed it.
“You’re fucking weird Panam” V laughed as Panam once again ordered Jackie’s drink.
“A psychopath” Judy agreed with a smirk.
Panam flipped them off, saying “You don’t have raste, chooms. And V here is the true psychopath. She drinks it even though she doesn’t like it”
“Fuck off, Panam” V laughed and finished her drink, calling Claire over saying “Okay Claire, one Silverhand for me!”
“Coming right up!” the bartender called back.
“By the way how’s your parasite doing? Still neck deep in shit?” Judy asked, looking at V closely.
“Yeah, you kicked his ass right?” Panam added, already looking pissed.
V simply sighed and thanked Claire as she handed her the drink.
“It’s not that easy... let’s not talk about him tonight. I want to hang out with my chooms for a bit”
Both girls looked ready to push V but eventually nodded, changing the subject.
The rest of the night they spend drinking, dancing and laughing at some dumb shit. It made V, feel like she did with Jackie when she first came to the Nightcity.
It was getting bright by the time the girls left the Afterlife. They were giggling shits, as V was searching for a cig.
“I thought you weren’t smoking” Panam said as she watched V clumsyly lit up a cigarette and passing it to Judy.
“I’m not... Judy and I are sharing” V said with a laugh.
Panam snorted and leaned against a wall, Judy following as V stood in front of the girls.
V was looking around, while smoking as if looking for something.
“V you okay?” Panam asked in confusion.
“Huh? Yeah just looking for Johnny... he usually comes out when I smoke”
Judy passed her the cigarette with a frown saying “V, he’s not in your head anymore”
V flinched and stared at the smoking cigarette in her hand “Oh... yeah... I guess, I forgot...” slowly she brought the cig to her lips, as Panam scoffed.
“Fucking Silverhand... why didn’t you just kick his ass when he came back as a amnesiac asshole?”
“Yeah V... he was treating you like shit. Why did you go through with it?” Judy asked.
V started shaking as tears gathered in her violet eyes, she sniffed saying “B-Because I promised him... back in Mikoshi. He was afraid of going back to who he was and of being alone... I promised him that I— that I would be there for him. That I wouldn’t hate him”
“Okay, but still. V that wasn’t healthy, the fucker shouldn’t ask for the impossible from you” Panam said.
“Panam is right. Besides your not his babysitter, it’s better that you’d leave—” Judy added, only to get cut off by V nearly yelling.
“I love him”
The girls watched in stunned silence as the young nomad, fell apart in front of them.
“I love him so much it fucking hurts. I love him so much that, I let him treat me like that because I knew that it was his defence mechanism. He was fucking testing if I really wouldn’t leave him... but I failed because I couldn’t handle it anymore... and I can only hope that he’ll find his way... even without me”
V was sobbing and she threw the cigarette on the ground and left, calling a cab to get her.
Not realising that what stunned her girls wasn’t her breaking down. But the man who stood behind her, looking at her in shock as he heard her every word.
Next morning, or rather afternoon was harsh for V. She woke up feeling like shit, her body screaming at her every move.
“Fuck...” she mumbled, while getting out of bed. V made her way through the large villa to the living room, where Kerry was keeping his painkillers. He was already there, playing his guitar.
“Oh look who has returned to the living! I thought that you died there, honey” Kerry said, enjoying the rough state the young woman was in.
“Shut up, Kerry... or I swear I’ll shove that guitar up your ass” V mumbled taking the painkillers.
Kerry laughed and shook his head, taking out his phone he said “I’ll order us some dinner, while you go and make yourself a drink”
V nodded and left the room, trying not to think about the bad hangover she had when Johnny took over.
In the evening she was back at Afterlife. Claire laughed as she saw the rough state the merc was in.
“Rough night?”
V glared slightly saying “Don’t you know it, you demon in disguise... why did you let me drink so much?”
“Well it’s my job, hun. But you really went overboard. When Rogue saw your bill? I throught that she would have a heart attack”
“Fuck... did she ask to see it? Anyway how much to I owe you?”
Claire laughed saying “Rogue payed for it all, so nothing. Also you need to go see her, she’s waiting”
V paled as she glanced at Rogue’s booth, the older woman was already watching her.
“Shit. Okay Claire, I need one shot of tequila before I talk to her”
Claire nodded while laughing, saying “Damn you’re acting like a kid who got caught stealing candy”
V drank the shot and said “I always feel like that with Rogue, so wish me luck”
“I hope you don’t get grounded and still come over to play” Claire joked as V flipped her off.
As V walked over to the Queen of Afterlife, she smiled sheepishly saying “Uhh... hey Rouge?”
The woman’s eyes were cutting as she said “Saw your tab, kid. You’re trying to off yourself? I’m surprised you even got up this morning”
“Oh come on, it was a girls night out. You know that I don’t party that often”
“That’s true, just go more slowly next time. Your body is still regenerating after the relic. Now, I’ve got a job for you” Rogue said.
Hours later V was bleeding out in Pacifica, behind a fucking crate inside some dirty warehouse. She killed everyone, including the target but what was it worth if she couldn’t move.
“Fuck...” she hissed, while calling Rogue.
The woman’s face appeared as she asked “V? Job done?”
V coughed up some blood “Yeah, but I’m kinda bleeding out... in the warehouse...”
Rogue looked scared but something else caught her gaze as she yelled out “Johnny! Fuck! V hang on, I think he’s coming for you. I need to give him a call and exact location, stay awake kid”
With that the call ended and V was left all alone. She focused on the pain, trying to stay awake. Tears were running down her cheeks as she was scared shitless. She died once and it wasn’t pretty. She didn’t want to go again.
As she held her hands on her bleeding stomach, she couldn’t help but think about Jackie.
Is this how he felt in his last moments? This is the pain he felt? Well fuck.
V was at the verge of falling asleep as a Porsche burst through the doors of the warehouse. The bang woke her up a bit, as her heart speed up a bit.
She heard the cardoor open, following by a yell.
“V?! It’s Johnny! Where are you?!”
She tried to scream but ended up coughing up some more blood. Thankfully it was enough for Johnny to hear her as he came running.
He fell on his knees in front of her and touched her hands, taking them away from her wound.
“Shh.. don’t talk. You’ll be fine, you hear me? You’ll be okay, sweetheart” he said while patching her up a bit. His military training helping at times like this.
V was shaking, her eyes trying to roll back into her skull.
“Johnny... cold...”
“Fuck... hang on V. Eyes on me, okay? You’ll be fine” he said, his own hands trembling a bit as he desperately patched her up.
V could see black spots as the coldness was starting to surround her, she didn’t even feel Johnny’s hands working on her.
She barely raised her hand and touched his face, taking off his glasses clumsily. V smiled at his dark eyes, whispering.
“Th-Thank you...” with the last grip on consciousness she smirked “Lo-Love you... Robert”
Johnny’s face turned white and shocked, and V felt glad that for the last time she managed to make this asshole speechless and have the last word.
•there will be part three as I said above so follow me or just check the tag “Johnny Silverhand x V”
•also English isn’t my first language so sorry for any errors.
•thank you all for reading this and the first part. I’m not good at writing angst and catching people’s feelings but with V and Johnny angst is a must hahah
Tag list (if you wanna be tagged leave a comment): @dartheldur @signwriting @missweatherwax @commanding-officer @lovinghunty
81 notes · View notes
bopbopstyles · 4 years
3. More Than a Song
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Y/N promised herself she would never date a musician. It was her one rule–her only rule, actually–when it came to dating. But then, Harry Styles rolled into her life and asked her to break it, just this once. And this is what happened.
a/n: prepare for ANGST! and dunkirk premiere harry aka one of his best looks ever :) also thank u to @havethetimeofyourstyles for making my line breaks bc i’m inept at making things xoxo
pls reblog to spread the word about only exception! 🥰
“Baby,” Harry said, turning to her from where he stood in his closet. “Can you help me with my collar? I can’t get it.”
Y/N set down her phone—she was ready first, which wasn’t surprising considering it took Harry ages to get ready, partially because he kept getting distracted with her. He’d touch her, run his hands all over her, ask if he could get her out of her lingerie, and she’d have to remind him that she’d barely even had it on and they had an important event. “Sure.”
Harry looked dashing—he always did. After much debate, they had decided on a simple white silk short-sleeved button down and a pair of flared black pants, cool enough for May in LA, but still perfectly Harry. Y/N had painted his nails last night a pastel purple while they had watched a documentary about sheep—which Harry had selected—and the color popped against the neutrals of the rest of the outfit. Shoes were still up in the air, but Y/N was trying to get him to wear the yellow loafers he’d gotten recently, the ones she was so obsessed with she was considering stealing for herself.
Somehow Harry always managed to mess up his collars before big nights, the nerves probably getting to him. Y/N smoothed the material on his shoulders to relax him before popping up his collar and folding it back down crisply. “There you go.” In the mirror in front of Harry, her eyes trailed down his body, from his sweet curls she had labored over styling in the bathroom, to the recently tailored pants he wore. She wrapped her arms around his waist and squeezed, a smile dancing onto Harry’s face at the action. “Nervous, bubs?”
He turned his head and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. “Bit. More for you to hear it than anyone else.”
The honesty of his statement brought butterflies to her tummy. Harry had been in and out of meetings for the past few months getting together the release of his debut album and putting the final touches on it, but at no point had he let her hear it. She suspected it was because he was scared she’d hate it, but when she asked her dad about it, he told her to think about it as his journal. His journal of a past that Y/N hadn’t been a part of. That had made Y/N understand a bit better, the prospect of being nervous of what she’d think of him more the worry than a worry of what she’d think of the music. So she nuzzled her nose into his shoulder, careful not to get lipstick on the fabric, and told him, “I’m going to love it. It’ll be perfect, just like you.”
Harry’s arms wrapped backwards so he could hold her to him and they stood there, holding one another, basking in each other’s presence before everyone else arrived. It had been a busy couple months for them to start a relationship—Y/N was swamped at work, her boss having left so she had to take on extra work, and Harry was releasing his album, Dunkirk was coming out in the summer, and his tour started in the fall. It was a lot to say the least, and Y/N tried not to think about it too often because she’d get all in her head and ignore Harry’s texts for hours until he called her and asked her if she wanted gummy worms or Hershey’s for movie night. Then, she’d remind herself that they were doing good—really good, even. Better than other relationships that she had been in for this long. Usually this was when she got bored, but with Harry she kept falling for him more and more every day they spent with each other.
He was like a drug, and she was addicted.
“We should head down,” Y/N said, brushing back from him. “Wear the yellow ones, yeah?”
He mumbled something under his breath about her being bossy and coming for Lambert’s job and she snorted, leaving him in the walk-in closet to straighten himself out. Her phone in her hand, she slipped on her heels, a summer sandal with a platform so her feet didn’t hurt, the perfect compliment to her flowing sundress she’d selected for the release party. When Harry had seen it he’d promptly asked if she could take it off so he could ravish her, so she decided it was a good choice. It emphasized her curves in a way that made her feel confident and she’d pinned her hair over one shoulder, the earrings Harry had gotten her for their three-month anniversary on display.
Re-emerging, Harry rolled his eyes over her body and she gave him a soft smile at the way his eyes screamed with desire. “See something you like?”
“Fuck yes,” he cursed. “Can’t wait to have you all to myself later.” Hands in hers, he pressed a searing kiss to her lips, the kind that made her toes curl, before pulling back. “C’mon, Azoff is yelling at me over text about being late to my own party.”
“It’s literally downstairs,” she pointed out. “He’s just mad he can’t embarrass you in front of your friends.”
Harry laughed, arm tucked around her waist as they descended the stairs of his house. He’d bought it at the end of February, a birthday gift to himself, and Y/N had thought to herself at the time that it wasn’t about her, it was about him. But it was kind of hard whenever he had her help him pick out all the furniture, making sure she approved of the colors he painted the walls and the patio furniture.
Downstairs, the party was in full force. Harry hadn’t invited too many people, mostly the same crowd as his birthday. Since it was at his house, he was hesitant to give the address out to too many people, but ultimately he wanted to be able to do whatever the fuck he wanted to celebrate, no paps around. Also, it was hot and he had a pool, so he had told everyone to bring a swimsuit just in case they wanted to take a dip. Y/N had persuaded him to keep it simple and they’d ordered pizza from his favorite place and she made some a ton of margaritas for everyone to help themselves to. Jeff was left in charge of the door when Harry was late finishing getting dressed, and she could tell that he had done a fine job. The tunes were going, people were drinking, and everyone seemed happy. He had even put the album countdown that Y/N had spent two hours making that morning on the TV.
“Stay close to me, please?” Harry asked her, bending his head to whisper in her ear when they reached the group.
Y/N nodded, and Harry began happily talking to Jeff. Y/N started up a conversation with another one of the Full Stop employees who had come who she’d met at a brunch a few weeks ago, plucking some details from her brain about her boyfriend to check-in about. Then, a familiar face flashed in the crowd. “Hanna!”
Harry had suggested the idea of inviting her best friends to the party and Y/N had leapt at the idea. The prospect of having her two favorite people be there with her to celebrate her boyfriend was her idea of a perfect night. Hanna’s red hair popped up, her smile giddy from seeing Y/N. Cutting through the crowd, she quickly made it to Y/N, who wrapped her best friend up in a tight hug.
“I’m so happy you’re here,” she said. “Find it okay?”
Hanna nodded. “Security at the gate did not want to let me in though. Jamie is on his way—Cole called while he was walking out the door.” Jamie and Cole had been together for years and Y/N decided the first time she met Cole that there wasn’t anyone better for Jamie, and Jamie seemed to agree. “How are you?”
“Amazing,” Y/N replied and she truly was. She felt like she was on cloud nine right now, the energy bouncing off of Harry absorbing into every one of her pores. “Excited to finally hear it.”
“You should be.” Hanna leaned over and tapped Harry on the shoulder.
His attention shifted from some work-related conversation with Jeff quickly over to his girlfriend’s best friend. “Oh, hello Hanna,” he said, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. “Thank you so much for coming.”
“No place I’d rather be,” Hanna replied. “Now can I steal Y/N?”
Harry’s eyes lingered on Y/N, but he gave her a warm smile. “‘Course.”
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Y/N followed her best friend out onto the patio, giving hugs and saying hello to the friends of Harry’s she’d met during the past few months of them being together. Harry watched her with awe at how well she had fit into his life, she’d succeeded faster than any other girl he’d ever dated. The tidbits of information she remembered and the way she made an effort to be present in the conversations, her deep knowledge of music and the industry coming in handy. He loved having a girl at her side who knew what all of his team did without him having to explain it to her. It was small, but it made a difference to him.
“H,” Mitch said, pulling his gaze from his girlfriend back to the conversation he’d been having with Mitch, Adam, and Sarah. “You good?”
“Yeah,” he replied, taking a sip of the margaritas Y/N had made for the party. She’d slaved over them all day while he was on calls and doing interviews and he appreciated it so much. He reminded himself to tell her later when he had her alone and could tell her properly.
Sarah smiled at him knowingly. “He’s just looking at Y/N, as usual.”
Mitch and Adam chuckled, but Harry frowned. “Am I not allowed to look at my girl?”
“You are,” Adam said, “just be careful, mate. You told us about the rule, remember?”
The Rule. The goddamn rule that controlled this relationship more than he felt like he did, sometimes. He didn’t know how much Y/N thought about it at this point in their relationship, but then again it was still technically pretty early in the grand scheme of things. But for him, it was a constant reminder than their time together was fleeting, that at any point she might want to leave him, his lifestyle too hard. And it’s not that he blamed her. He just hated that it was a possibility. “I know.”
“How’s it going?” Adam pressed. Harry had been distant these past few weeks, holing himself up in the house with Y/N every chance he got when they weren’t rehearsing and he wasn’t on a call. It was hectic and he knew that his friends worried about him.
Harry took another sip of his margarita, eyes finding Y/N out on the patio laughing with Hanna, hair blowing in the wind. “Been good. She seems really happy,” he continued at the sight of her smile. “Bit nervous about tonight, if I’m being honest though.” He’d told Y/N the same thing, but the pit in his stomach still lingered. She had said she was excited, but he didn’t know how she would react to him releasing an album full of songs about his exes and flings.
They all got it though. “About which song?”
“All of ‘em,” he said nervously, and it was true. Y/N came into his life after the album was done, the idea of adding a song about her impossible. Even though he could’ve written dozens—he already had, the voice memos on his phone to prove it. Sometimes he’d sneak away to the bathroom while she slept to sing something that popped into his head, and the few that he’d shown the band they liked. It was all material for the next album, they told him. Some of them had even become full-fledged songs after a few hours locked in his office, but he hadn’t shared them yet. They still felt too raw.
Sarah reached out a hand and squeezed Harry’s shoulder. “She’ll get it, H. Her dad’s a musician, you know? If there was anyone who would understand, it would be her.”
And she was probably right. But there was a feeling in his gut that Harry couldn’t shake—that tonight wouldn’t end well for them. He’d felt it when he had woken up this morning and no matter how many time he kissed Y/N to make it go away, it lingered and it was making his brain go wild.
He hoped it was just the nerves.
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The night passed quickly. There were speeches, a cake, Jeff pulled out a bottle of champagne, and Y/N had rejoined Harry at his side for the most part. And at this party, there was no question as to who she was—to everyone she was “Y/N, my girlfriend,” and Harry loved it. Particularly the look on her face that she would get every once in a while when her eyes caught his. He didn’t know what to call it, but he just knew that he felt the same way.
Before he knew it, it was 11:59 and everyone had gathered in the living room. The TV had the countdown on that Y/N had designed, the album cover with the numerical countdown over it, another bottle of champagne in Harry’s hand, ready to pop. Y/N stood a few people away from him, watching him with that look in her eyes that she’d been giving him all night that made him weak in the knees and made him curious what she would do to him when they were upstairs. He knew why Y/N was keeping her distance right now—she had mentioned it once before when they were curled up in bed after Harry asked her to be put down as a co-host for the party, that this success was his and his alone. That she was here at the end and she wanted it to be all his. She was here to support him and give him kisses after, but it was all his.
“10, 9, 8.” This was it. It was Harry’s debut album, his first solo record. It was weird for the rest of the guys to not be here when an album dropped. Usually, they were all standing together with bottles of champagne, ready to celebrate with one another.
“7, 6, 5, 4.” And Harry didn’t know which one was worse and which was better. Maybe they were both equally as wonderful, because he had other friends here to stand by his side. Jeff, Sarah, Mitch, Adam. James, floating around somewhere. His mum and sister tried to be here but Gemma got sick and Anna wanted to stay behind to take care of her.  
“3, 2,” He had Y/N. He had Y/N’s excited expression, her wide eyes and flushed cheeks, the look of pride on her face that he treasured.
“1!” But this was his, his success, his win. With the first notes of the album playing in the room, he popped the bottle of champagne and with the bubbles running down the side of the bottle, he took a long swig.
Cheers went up around him, his best friends celebrating his biggest success of his career thus far, one he’d fought long and hard for. One he was immensely proud of and he hoped he would always look back on fondly. And the sound of his album blaring in his house’s sound system—the sound of Meet Me in the Hallway, it brought him to tears.
“Aww, man,” Adam brought him into a hug, patting Harry softly on his back. “Y/N! Come here!”
Y/N was there in an instant, wrapping Harry up in her arms, his head falling onto her shoulder, sobs wracking his body as they stood there. He didn’t even care that his friends were all there witnessing him crying into his girlfriend’s shoulder, he was just so overwhelmed.
“You okay, bubs?” Y/N asked, petting the back of his head softly.
“It’s a lot,” he replied softly, trying to find the words. “Happy. But also just…”
Her hands ran up and down his back, rubbing circles. “I know, baby. You don’t need to explain, okay?”
Harry didn’t reply, just tried to find his breath and stop the tears that were welling in his eyes. And when he did, he lifted his head and his lips met Y/N’s, the sound of whoops and cat-calls breaking out around them. The middle finger that Harry raised to them all did nothing to stifle them either. “Thank you,” he said into her hair when they broke.
The feeling of her lips on his neck, a soft kiss, brought him to his knees. “Always.”
And Harry hoped it was true.
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While the rest of the party swirled around her—dancing had broke out, James had started making themed drinks, his favorite being the Sign of the Times one—Y/N sat right in front of the speaker, listening to every word of the album. It was her first time hearing it and she knew Harry would probably play it for her later, but she wanted to hear it now. She wanted to hear his pride and joy, the thing that had him beaming and laughing with his friends, belting out the lyrics with Mitch and Adam in a conga line that was worming its way through the room.
And what she heard broke her heart in so many ways.
Y/N knew that music, and much of art, stemmed from pain and hurt. A good amount of it was also about love, but the songs that were some of the rawest, the ones that hit home for most people, were the ones about our darkest moments. Harry’s album was full of them. Heartbreak, heartache, regrets, addiction to people and things. It was chock full of every one of his deepest darkest secrets, especially the women who he had loved before he met her. There was a part of her that knew that he would tell her in his own time about the stories of some of these women—he had mentioned a few when she’d asked about them—and that she didn’t need to push, but there was this disgusting, self-sabotaging part of her that wanted to know every sordid detail, even though she knew it would hurt her.
This was one of the many reasons she had always told herself she would never date a musician, but more importantly that she would never fall for one. Because their relationship, their joys and pitfalls, heartache and brightest moments, it was all fodder for a song, an album, a career. It wasn’t the artist’s fault, that’s how it worked, but that didn’t make it any easier to be the person they were writing about.
Was that all she was? Another girl for Harry to write a song about?
She wanted to be happy for him, to be glowing and beaming for him, but the part of her that she hated, the part that conjured the worst possible parts of people, it was crawling out of her head. It was twisting Harry and she knew it, but that didn’t mean she didn’t believe it.
The album only lasted 40 minutes, but in those 40 minutes the party died down. People had jumped in the pool while Y/N sat by the speaker, they had finished their drinks, they had said their goodbyes, the object of the event passed. Hanna and Jamie came over and gave her hugs, concerned looks on their faces, and told her to call them if she needed anything. When she looked up, the last notes of From the Dining Table fading, it was just her left.
A light from the patio twinkled and she could see the water rippling under the moonlight. Harry.
She left the stereo silent, not cuing up another playlist, and tugged off her shoes, then her dress. Following the pull of the man who had written such a beautiful, heartbreaking, hopeful record, she walked to the patio.
“There you are.” He was floating on his back in just his boxers, which didn’t surprise Y/N in the slightest. The fairy lights they had strung up together were dim in the nighttime darkness, but just bright enough so she could see Harry and all his beauty. “Look bloody gorgeous, love.”
Y/N tucked her hair into a loose bun at the nape of her neck, knotting the hair so it stayed. “Finished the album,” she said, walking to the water’s edge.
“Yeah?” Harry swam over to her, leaning his head on her thighs that rested on the concrete that lined the pool. “What’d you think?”
She couldn’t help the heartbroken smile that graced her features, because she was too tired to lie to him. Exhausted from trying to pretend that she didn’t think about the fact that he could leave her at any moment, that the insecurities of who she was and who he was didn’t catch up to her sometimes. His fingertips brushed at her cheeks and Y/N realized she was crying.
“Y/N? What’s wrong?” He hoisted himself out of the water and hooked one of his legs around her waist, pulling her into his wet skin. It was cold against the night air, but somehow Harry was still warm to her.
“I don’t know how to say this,” she said slowly, struggling to find her words.
Fingers drifted up and down her back. “Just do your best.”
She tried not to think about the fact that she was crying on his album release day, that they were having this conversation now. One that sat in the back of her mind when she was alone and Harry couldn’t banish it. “The album is beautiful, Harry,” she started, “but it’s about a past that I wasn’t a part of.” Harry was quiet, but his arms didn’t move from their place around her, so she forged on. “I know that artists write from their experience, and that this album was done before I met you, but there’s this part of me, this horrible part that I utterly despise, that is jealous of them. The women who you wrote about. And the fact that it’s them that you’re going to sing about on stage every night. Does that make sense?”
The brush of his chin against her spine showed her that yes, he understood.
“And,” she continued, voice breaking, “I can’t stop thinking about the fact that maybe I’m going to be a song.”
“Of course you’re going to be a song,” Harry said, his voice soft and sweet.
He didn’t get it. To him, being a song was an honor, but to her, it was a threat almost. “No—it’s that I’m going to be only a song.”
The man next to her didn’t say a word. The chirp of the crickets stretched between their bodies, which were still close on the concrete floor, not a muscle moved.
“I don’t want to only be a song.” Y/N’s voice was hoarse, sobs wracking her body she didn’t expect, didn’t want. She couldn’t have this conversation if she was crying, but she couldn’t hold them in either. It was her biggest fear, the one that festered below all of the others, threatening to consume the relationship she had with a man she was falling for. And falling was the only way to describe it—without any support, a free fall that was utterly terrifying but also blissful peaceful.
Suddenly, his fingers swept across her neck, brushing against her sensitive skin. “Y/N,” he whispered, “you could never be just a song. You’re—you’re like the stars and the moon to me. In that room I could always feel you, wherever you were, and I didn’t want to be anywhere where you weren’t. And maybe this is too fast and too soon, but what I feel for you, fuck Y/N how can you not see how much you are to me?”
He pulled her head so she faced him, his eyes teary to match her own. “Do you hear me? You’re so much more than a song. You’re an album. You’re my life’s work, my masterpiece, a symphony. A song can’t contain how I feel for you, it’s just a piece of a billion I could write.”
Soft as a feather, his lips pressed to her cheeks and then up and across her forehead, over her eyelids, barely leaving a mark but a searing fire in his wake that shook Y/N’s core. “And Y/N, you’re better than a song. You’re my life. You’re here, you’re real, you’re with me. Y/N, you will never be just a song to me. You never could be. Not to me.”
Y/N rested her forehead against his, inhaling his cologne and exhaling her feelings for him. He managed to rip down all her defenses, the ones she had spent years building up, and it was frightening. But then she looked at him, the way he smiled at her, the way he kissed her, the way he said her name, and it wasn’t quite as scary. She hoped he could feel how much she cared for him in the way she kissed him, their tears blending into one as they scrambled for each other. Lips breaking and meeting, desperate for more and more and more. Her fingers gripped the back of his head, holding him to her, wanting to have his whole body imprinted on hers.
“Y/N,” he breathed, “you heard me? You understand?”
“Yes,” she replied softly, “I hear you.” She brushed her fingers through his hair gently, curling the wet strands back. “You may need to remind me sometimes.”
“Always,” he whispered, catching her kiss with his own, tugging her into him, arms around her body in a vice grip.
She lost herself in Harry, him an ocean and her a boat lost at sea. Maybe it was their conversation or the night or the alcohol flowing through their veins, but it felt different. The way he kissed her felt heavier, her moans a prayer, his fingers on his back a weight she never wanted lifted. Her legs wrapped around his waist so she was firmly in his lap, arms thrown over his shoulders, their bare bodies except for their underwear pressed against each other without a molecule of air between them.
His lips drew a line across the top of her shoulder, a fire building in her belly as his fingers fumbled with the clasp of her bra. It was a light pink she’d worn just for him and when he nudged at the strap with his nose, letting it slip from her shoulders, she didn’t care that he could barely see it. She’d show him tomorrow morning. He pulled the fabric away and bent his head, licking at one of her nipples and then the other, gasps falling from her mouth like poetry. Without meaning to, her hips rolled over his cock, the thin fabric of their underwear doing nothing to keep the heat of her center from touching his sensitive skin.
He moaned her name, the sound muffled against her neck as he sucked a love bite into the spot that made her keen every time he nipped into it. She rocked again on him, his fingers digging into her skin so hard it would leave marks tomorrow but she didn’t care. In fact, she wanted to have his marks on her tomorrow, she wanted to show the world that she wasn’t just a song, she was his, she was his girlfriend and she made him feel this way.
Hands on skin, he pressed her down onto the concrete so she was lying down, her ankles tucked around his hips, anchoring her to him. When his hips bucked into hers, she let out a sharp cry, the angle brushing her clit perfectly. “Right there?” He mumbled, nipping and tugging on her nipple, laving a circle that left her squirming against the concrete.
“Off,” she whispered, tugging at his boxers with her hands. “Wanna feel you.” With his help, they shimmied off his boxers without too much difficulty and Y/N let out a sigh of relief when she could feel his cock brush against her covered folds. Reaching a hand down, she brushed the pad of her thumb across his tip, a pained hiss flying from Harry’s throat. He was sensitive and Y/N loved it.
They didn’t have a condom, but she didn’t care. She’d been on birth control for years and she knew Harry hadn’t slept with anyone else since she found her way into his life. Plus, she needed him—she wanted to feel him, raw and bare inside of her.
They were going to have sex on the concrete next to his pool, but she didn’t care. They had had sex before and they would have sex again. She just needed him in a desperate, crawling way. When he nudged at her underwear she pressed into him, letting him pull them down her legs without a second thought.
“Condom,” Harry mumbled as she chased after his lips, open mouthed and heavy.
“It’s okay,” she said, fingers digging into his shoulder blades. “Want you like this.”
Harry’s head dropped to the space between her neck and shoulder, the groan that filled the air unlike anything she had heard before. “Gonna ruin me,” he whispered, brushing his cock against her folds. Y/N whimpered at the sensation, her fingers begging him for more, for anything she would give him. When his fingers brushed her clit, his name tumbled from her lips without abandon.
“Harry, please,” she panted, fingers deep in his hair.
That was all it took. She was so wet from the foreplay and just him that he didn’t even need to stretch her out. Her mouth fell open as he pushed inside, a mewl landing on his lips as he kissed her. Slowly, he pulled out and then back in, both of them groaning from the sensation of him being bare inside her. He felt impossibly close, every ridge and edge of him pressing against her in the most perfect way. She didn’t know if she could use condoms again, because holding Harry to her chest, arms around his shoulders as he fucked slowly, deeply, into her, her able to feel every inch of her, it was bliss on a new level. A sensation she didn’t know she was missing with him.
Her ankles hitched higher on his hips and when he pushed back in he hit a new angle, a groan ripping from his throat that set her on fire. “Can I go faster?” He said with a grunt. “I—I don’t know how much—“
“Yes,” she whimpered at his words.
He didn’t wait. He drew back and into her, pistoning his hips at a pace she couldn’t even describe, hitting that spot deep inside of her that made her eyes roll back over and over. How he managed to do that she didn’t know, but he deserved an award. Fingers grabbing at his skin in desperation for something to hold her together, Y/N gasped and exhaled his name, a plea and a beg and a prayer all in one. Her back hurt from the concrete but she didn’t care, she just wanted to finish, to feel him release deep inside of her.
Then he thumbed over her clit and she arched up, back leaving the concrete as the fire deep within her threatened to bubble over. When he start brushing circles there, Y/N gripped his shoulders like they would keep her anchored to Earth, her body possibly transcending. Harry bent his head and sucked a love bite on her breast, the puncture of skin forcing her head back, unable to keep it together.
“You close?” He asked, littering her chest with kisses, “Please tell me you are, I can’t, I can’t hold on…”
She mumbled a yes as he drove deep inside of her, swiveling his hips in a brutal way that left her hands squeezing his butt cheeks to get him to do it again. When he did, she swore she saw stars. “Gonna come,” she said, eyes searching for his lips in the low lighting. “Kiss?”
Without hesitation, he kissed her, open mouthed and dirty and sloppy and perfect. She wanted every rough-edged and sweet part of him, every kiss and press of his body against hers. “Y/N, Y/N, Y/N,” he chanted as he pressed into her again and again, her body drawing tighter and tighter. Then, he pinched her clit and she came, the ball in her tummy unravelling, hips bucking up against him as she rode out her high. Her eyes stayed trained on him as she did, not wanting to miss his face when he came inside of her.
His hips stuttered, release unloading inside of her in ropes that left him cursing like a sailor. Hair wet and sweaty, sticking to his forehead, and irises blown out, he looked beautiful. She held him close until his body settled, shaking as he came down from his high, forehead resting on the swell of her breasts.
Slowly, he rolled off of her, tugging her body into his so she wasn’t on the cold concrete anymore. He was fiery hot and it kept her warm in the cold air. “Can we never use a rubber again?” He asked softly, and she giggled, hiding her face in his neck.
“Don’t see any reason to,” she replied and he hummed with joy. Tucking her hands under her chin, she looked at him with a smile. “Congrats on your album, baby.”
He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear tenderly. “I’m so happy I shared today with you.” She kissed him softly and let him hold her close, not wanting to move even to go to bed because it meant leaving his grasp. And as much as her head told her that it wasn’t forever, she couldn’t help but hope it would be.
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It had been four days since Harry had texted her. Five since he called her. Six since they FaceTimed.
He was in London for the press junket for Dunkirk and Y/N was supposed to fly out for the July 13th premiere—it was decided a month ago, the tickets booked and her time off from work already approved. But as the days stretched on and the silence grew longer, she couldn’t help but wonder if something was wrong. If she had done something wrong.
It wasn’t the first time he had been away from LA. They had a conversation about how they were going to handle distance when he travelled back in April, before the album came out and he had to fly around and do press for two weeks. That time, though, he handled it well—he called every night before she went to bed if he could, if not, he sent a long voice memo that she listened to when she woke up. They texted all day, him sending photos from dressing rooms and backstage at talk shows, even FaceTiming her so she could meet the stars he shared the nights with.
But this time was different. Since he left he had texted her just a handful of times and it was when he was at his mom’s house visiting home before press started. And then once press kicked into gear, he was gone, her texts ignored, calls not returned. She was trying not to seem desperate, but with the more time that passed the more anxious she got. It wasn’t how this was supposed to go, this wasn’t what they’d agreed on. He knew her fears, the dark thoughts that crowded in when she spent too much time worrying about their relationship, and yet he wasn’t taking the actions that helped her calm down. Even though she knew it wasn’t his responsibility to take care of her brain, it helped to know he thought about her, at the very least.
The morning before her flight was supposed to leave, she called Hanna in a panic. Her suitcases laid open on her bed, clothes scattered around her, tears streaming down her face. She had tried to call Harry again to confirm her arrival plans, only to be met with his voicemail, again.
Hi, you’ve reached Harry. I’ll give you a call back when I can!
Somehow, the sound of his voice made it worse.
“Han,” she choked out when her friend picked up, “I don’t know what to do.”
“Did he not answer?” Hanna had been counseling her through the whole thing, helping her stay calm and sane, as much as possible at least. From Y/N’s lack of response, just more sobs, Hanna knew immediately. “That prick.”
Y/N wiped a tear from her eye and looked at the ticket in her hand. Harry had forced her to accept his offer of first-class, booking her flight through his agent and everything. “Does he even want me there? Should I not go?”
Hanna was quiet, thoughts rolling through her head. “No,” she finally said. “You should go. Even if it’s just to talk to him in person. You deserve to hear it face-to-face, not by him ghosting you.”
“Even if that means I end up in London and he breaks up with me?”
“Yes,” Hanna replied softly. “But I really, really hope that is not what’s happening.”
At first it had been that he was busy, that he would text when he had time, but it had been six days. Now, both Y/N and Hanna were increasingly worried that it meant the end of their relationship and Y/N was simply not ready for that possibility. She had let Harry in—he had begged her to let him in—and he was going to end things like this? When things got hard with the distance he just…cut her out? “Can you take me to the airport?” Y/N asked, sniffling. “If you don’t I don’t think I’ll be able to force myself to go.”
“Was already planning on it,” Hanna replied. “I’ll bring snacks for the flight.”
“Love you,” Y/N told her. Hanna was her one constant, who knew Y/N better than she knew herself.
“Love you more. Now go finish packing and call me if you need me, okay?”
Y/N told her okay and hung up, her gaze shifting to her suitcase. If he was going to break up with her, then she was going to look so magnificent he would regret every second of it.
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Eleven hours in the air meant plenty of time to run over her entire relationship with Harry. She had sat curled up in her seat scrolling through her camera roll and listening to Bon Iver, which was the sappiest thing possible and she didn’t care. Y/N didn’t want to break up with him and the photos and the texts and the memories proved it. Her time with Harry had been so beautifully bright, his presence in her life making so much better, from her confidence to her knowledge to her music taste. And she cared about him in a way she hadn’t let herself do—ever.
She had texted Jeff before she took off, telling him she couldn’t get a hold of Harry and asking where she should go when she landed. He replied with Harry’s Hampstead address and the door code, saying there was a key waiting for her, hidden in the garden, an apology on Harry’s behalf for how busy he had been. The words meant nothing, though, to Y/N. If Harry wanted to apologize he would have to do it in person, not through Jeff.
It was eleven by the time her Uber pulled up to Harry’s house and she thanked the driver as he tugged her luggage from the boot. She waited until he pulled away before she typed in the gate code, not wanting to reveal Harry’s security to anyone—she have been mad at him, but she still didn’t want anything happening to him. The door unlocked for her and she slid inside, shutting it quickly behind her. Pulling her suitcase behind her, she walked up the path, searching for the garden statue Jeff had told her the key was hiding under. When she found it, her fingers ran across the ridges as she made her way to the front door.
His house in LA was warm, it was the Harry she knew. But this house felt colder, the design modern, his personal affects not as visible. Although to his credit, he hadn’t been here for more than a few days in months. A few photos of Anne and Gemma were scattered through the front hall, some framed photos of his time in One Direction nestled between them.
“Harry?” She knew he wasn’t there, but the idea of walking into his house without checking felt too uncomfortable for her. She locked the door tightly behind her, typing in the security code Jeff had sent before re-arming it.
Y/N took her time exploring his house. She perused the main spaces, testing out the couches and peeking at his bookcases, studying the art lining the walls. Then she made her way upstairs to the bedrooms, running her fingers along the edges of his One Direction album plaques that lined the walls of his office, the ones from his debut still resting on the floor waiting to be hung. She found the guest bedrooms with ease and she spent a good five minutes standing on the landing deciding if she should go into his bedroom or set herself up in a guest one.
She settled on a guest bedroom. If he was going to break things off, she didn’t want to know what his bed felt like or smell his clothes or take a shower in his bathroom.
Instead, she showered in the guest bath, washing off the plane smell that lingered on her body. She dressed in shorts and a tank top, letting her hair air dry since she would have to just re-style it for the premiere later. Jeff hadn’t told her what time Harry would be back and she was ravenous, so she wandered downstairs to fix herself some lunch. To fill the silence in the house she turned on The 1975, playing the music from her laptop she had open on the counter as she cooked some pasta she had found in the cabinet. As she ate at his dining table, she tried not to think about the fact that this could be the last time she was in a space of Harry’s. The last time she sat on things he had picked out, the last time she rooted through his fridge, past his obnoxious green juices and leftovers since he hated eating out if he didn’t have to. Her fingers brushed at her eyes, trying to stop the tears that threatened to fall down her cheeks.
Reaching down for her fork to take another bite, she suddenly heard the lock click in the front door and the security system begin to beep.
He was home.
She slid her bowl away from her and turned to look at the doorway, waiting to see his face for the first time in over a week. And when he appeared, she couldn’t the return the stretched across his face at the sight of her in his house. He looked the same and somehow that was worse. In a nice shirt from interviews this morning, his hair slightly tossed from running his fingers through it, the sheen on his upper lip from the heat outside. He looked like her Harry, but she didn’t know if he was hers anymore.
“Y/N!” His voice rebounded off the walls, filling her heart with a kind of hope that was crushing.
“Hi,” was all she could muster before looking back down at her pasta. An anger rose in her, replacing the hurt that had lingered for so many days. How could he pretend like everything was okay? How could he smile at her like he hadn’t been ignoring her for days, too busy to even check and see how her flight was?
His footsteps were heavy on the hardwood floors as he made his way over to her. “Baby? What is it?”
“Do you want to break up?” She asked, her question hard compared to his kind, gentle, tentative tone.
“What?” Harry dropped into the seat caddy-corner to the chair she sat in. “What are you talking about?”
She pushed away her bowl and looked him dead in the eye. “I haven’t heard from you in days, Harry. Days. I flew halfway across the world for you and you couldn’t even manage to check-in to see if I was alive?”
He flinched at her words, eyes dropping to the table they sat at. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, words barely audible above her heart beating a mile a minute, pulsing with anger.
“That’s not going to cut it,” she told him, standing up and taking her bowl to the sink. “You fucking ghosted me like I was a girl you’d just met. We’re about to celebrate six months together. And you know what this shit does to me.”
And he did. She could see in his eyes that he knew he was in the wrong, and yet he was quiet. “I was busy.”
“So was I! But I still found two seconds to text you asking how it was going, I found fifteen minutes before bed to call you, and I kept trying even though you couldn’t even manage to reply to me. You’re not that busy, Harry.”
He stood too, walking over to where she stood in his kitchen so that he was a few paces away from her. “I was in and out of interviews from morning to night and when I wasn’t, I was with the cast who I haven’t seen in almost a year. And when I wasn’t doing that Jeff was harassing me about tour details or I was sleeping. I’m sorry if my schedule didn’t allow me to talk to you at every second of the day, Y/N, but this is a huge moment for me and I had to focus on that.” His words were measured, but she could feel the tension rising between them, words unsaid bubbling over.
“And your career is more important than our relationship.” She nodded sarcastically, wiping her wet palms on the dish towel and turning to face him. “Got it, heard loud and clear.”
“Fuck—you know it’s not!” His hand ran through his locks and down his face, struggling to get a handle on his breathing.
“Harry,” she said, trying not to yell, “I’m not going to force you to stay in a relationship that you don’t want to put the time in for. But you know exactly what I need from you—I have been very clear. You know my fears and my insecurities, and you know what triggers them. We had a plan for how to deal with this, and you completely disregarded it!” Her voice rose at the end, the fact that he couldn’t even meet her eyes pushing all of her buttons. “Fucking look at me when I talk to you!”
His eyes met hers and she didn’t see the Harry she knew, the Harry who cared for her, the soft, gentle man. Instead, she saw someone who was pissed off and hurt and grasping at straws. “I can’t dance around your fears every moment of the day,” he said, voice spitting anger. “And I’m sorry if that breaks one of your rules,” the word hitting her in the face, “but you’re going to have to get over it because I can’t spend every second of the day wondering if something I did or said has made you think I don’t care about you! You should know that I don’t want to hurt you, that of course I want to be with you!”
“Well, how am I supposed to know if you don’t tell me!” His words stabbed her right where it hurt, hitting her fears right in the heart.
Harry turned, his body facing the counter, fingers gripping the edge of the marble. He sucked in breath after breath trying to calm himself down and Y/N tried to find it within herself to have sympathy for him, but she just…couldn’t. She was so pissed off at him she couldn’t think straight.
“I’m not some girl waiting around for Harry Styles to come home, begging him to never leave me,” Y/N said. She was done. She was done with this fight, with him expecting her to be someone she wasn’t. “I’m me and I’m waiting for Harry, the person I care for so deeply it hurts—you are held to the same standards as every other guy, no matter how busy your schedule is. I should not be expected to fit into your schedule all the time. It goes both ways and you operated this week as if it was entirely my job to stay in touch with you. And I am not going to stay in a relationship like that.”
Harry’s head whipped to hers, eyes boring straight into her. “Are you saying you want to break up?”
Y/N tried to keep her head high, tried to hold back the tears. “If you’re going to do this when you’re on tour, I’m done. You know what I want—it’s the same thing I wanted from this relationship the moment I met you. You’re the only one who seems to think things have changed.” And with that, she stormed out of the room, which was probably petty but she didn’t care. She was so mad at him for his actions and his words that she couldn’t stand to be in the same room as him.
Harry didn’t follow her.
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At 1 o’clock, a knock came on her door.
“If you still want to come, we have to leave for the premiere in an hour. It’s up to you.” And with that, he walked away, not even waiting for her to open the door.
She sat on the bed, considering her options. Did she go and support him anyway, pretend everything was fine? Or did she stay here—or maybe find a hotel—and leave him alone for the premiere?
He had told her how nervous he was about this. This was his first time on a movie red carpet as an actor and he was freaking out about it before he left, a ball of anxiety that she had to carefully untangle. The thought of him being up there alone pained her, despite how his hurtful words lingered in her head. That she had to get over it as if it was that simple.
The red dress she had bought for the premiere hung in the bathroom where she had left it while she showered so the wrinkles would leave the fabric. It was beautiful—a tiered taffeta skirt that cinched in at the waist, a caged bodice showing off her shoulders. When she had tried it on she had felt beautiful, powerful, as if she could take on anything and everything. She had spent a ton of money on the dress and she didn’t want to waste it.
So she got up, turning on BANKS and set about her hair and makeup in the bathroom, praising Hanna for teaching her how to do her makeup in college. She painted her lips red, in the shade that she adored wearing, and twisted up her hair into a chignon that emphasized her neck. Running her fingers along the skin she remembered when Harry had kissed it, but the love bite he had left behind was long healed. Was she asking too much of him? She wondered as she looked at herself in the mirror. Was he right, were her fears stifling him?
Then she remembered what Hanna had told her. That he wasn’t anyone different from other guys she had dated, and what she was asking from him wasn’t out of left field. Any guy she would date she would except to check in with her when he was traveling and Harry was no different, no matter what his job was.
Harry was waiting downstairs for her, probably having heard her rummaging around in the closet. When he heard her heels on the stairs, he looked up and his eyesight on her skin burned because he looked gorgeous. Maybe this was a horrible idea, she thought as she made her way towards him. She would have to touch him all night, look at him in his tailored suit, gaze into his green eyes as they were photographed on the red carpet.
“You look beautiful,” he said, words gravelly in his throat.
She stopped a few paces away from him. “Thanks.”
He fiddled with his keys, the silence stretching between them. “Thank you for coming with me. I know you have no reason to, but having you there…It means a lot.”
Instead of replying, because she didn’t have words for him, she just nodded. Because she did have a reason—even though she was mad at him, she still cared for him. Despite not wanting to, she still craved him giving her a kiss on the cheek as they walked out the door.
The drive to the red carpet was quiet, the radio playing softly in the background the only sound. They sat on either side of the backseat, Y/N staring out the window while Harry fiddled with his phone. She hadn’t been to London since she was 18 for her graduation present from her mom, and the city held warm memories for her. She wondered if that would change after today.
When they pulled up, an anxiety Y/N didn’t know she was holding started building, the sight of the photographers and the screams from the fans barricaded in. With all that had been happening, she had somehow forgotten what going to the premiere meant for her. Her eyes fell to Harry who was staring at her, trying to gauge her reaction. She had never done this before and he knew that.
“I’ll be with you the whole time,” he said, trying to calm her fears. “Promise.” It helped. At least she wouldn’t be completely alone. “Ready?” He stretched out a hand to her and she took it, letting him help her from the car.
The second her feet hit the pavement, the screams got louder. Fans with signs and their phones outstretched on either side of the wide red carpet, the word DUNKIRK in large white letters closest to the entrance to the theater. Harry’s hand gripped her as she stood, thankful for his body to help her keep balanced.
“Just smile as best you can,” he whispered in her ear as the car pulled away behind them. “And if your eyes start hurting from the flashes, just look at me, okay?”
Y/N nodded, and with his hand in hers, fingers entertained, they made their way down the carpet. He stopped a few times to take photos with fans and sign cards, but all that time he never strayed too far from Y/N’s side. With his arm securely wrapped around her waist, they stood for photos, Y/N trying to stand up as straight as she could and smile sweetly. Harry was a pro at this, a smile practiced for years, but she didn’t have the same experience. She was just a regular person who didn’t know which side was her bad side and had her eyes closed in half her photos.
The cameramen screamed questions at them, about their relationship, if they were married. They’d never quite publicly announced their relationship, Harry preferring to keep his private life private, so this was the first time they’d ever even publicly been out as a couple. And for it to be like this…Y/N hated it. She wanted to stand there and be utterly infatuated with Harry like she usually was, but this time her spine was rimrod straight, trying to keep her emotions in check. It was awkward, the way he tentatively touched her body, not wanting to overstep but also wanting to present the aura of normalcy.
Then they took a few steps and rotated to another set of cameras and Y/N understood what Harry had meant about her eyes hurting from the flashes. She turned her head to him and he found her eyes, giving her a wide smile meant just for her. Without thinking about it, her hand pressed to his suit right over his heart, the soft material of his suit jacket butter under her fingers. Then, he leaned in and pressed a kiss to her cheek, softly and sweetly and to most it wouldn’t have meant much. But to Y/N, it was the first time he had kissed her since she’d seen him. And the feeling of his lips on her skin lingered, a tingle moving through her body. Her hand gripped his back a little tighter and he just kept smiling at her, utterly entranced by her eyes.
Their bodies had betrayed them. To anyone who looked, they would have seen perfectly fine, not that they had been fighting only two hours ago. But they knew the reality, and this moment, their bodies close together and emotions running through them without being able to stop it, it made it clear that neither of them wanted to break up. They would just have to find a way to move through it.
@smokeinherperfume @afire-hes @harryinsweatersandbandanas @marinalima3 @havethetimeofyourstyles @ursogoldenshan @inmygardensuit @marinalima3 @amaridon @harrys-watermelons @dontgiveupthedayjob @cronias13 @apples2019 @laula843 @afterstylesmadeit  @kait-brin @harrys-watermelons @groovybaybee @clumsywithlove93 @1142590m @erin0717 @ketchuplukehemmo​ 
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harryskalechips · 4 years
A/N here’s a fluffy and angsty piece I wrote from a request! It’s a bit long but I hope you enjoy 🥺❤️
Claire has had the biggest crush on Harry Styles since eighth grade, now he notices her but it’s for the wrong reason.
Word count 10.1k
“Fuck baby!” Harry pants as he catches Claire running towards him. She was coming from the bleachers, holding onto the big sign with his name on it. 
“Congratulations!” She smiles as her arms wrap around his neck. He lifts her up and spins her in a circle. His sweat sticking onto her skin as he took an inhale of her sweet perfume. “You played so great tonight!”
“I was so stressed I thought we were going to lose the game but I glanced at you in the bleachers.” Harry smiles as he sets her down. “You’re so fucking cute, you know that right?” He takes her chin in his hand so he can lean forward to kiss her.
“I’m your number 1 fan.” She bites her lip as she smiles. “And you know...you looked really good.” Her cheeks flush as she compliments him. She’s been in love with him since 8th grade! How did she get so lucky to be his girlfriend? To be standing in the bleachers cheering him on as she wore his sweater?
“Hello?” The familiar voice whispers. “Earth to Claire?” Claire blinks her eyes as she falls out of her daydream. 
It’s high school and just like every cliché movie, Claire had a major crush on one of the most popular guys in her grade. Harry Styles. The boy sat next to her in AP Bio and although he barely spoke to her, her heart somehow always fluttered when she would get a whiff of his cologne or when she would make eye contact with him on the field. Funny thing is Harry was on the football team with her brother, Tom. So when she would stay after school for her ride home, she couldn’t help but focus a bit more on the cute boy.
“Are you okay?” Hannah asks as she takes a spoonful of her fried rice. “I was literally mentioning how we should come back tonight and watch the senior boys’ football game-” She chewed on her food a bit more as she notices her best friend staring at the table behind them. Following Claire’s gaze, it was the group of boys from their grade. Since lunches were split between grades and Claire and Hannah always chose to sit near the middle, they always had a clear view of the athletic boys who were having their meals at the circle in front of the big windows. 
Harry was sitting on the table with his elbows on his thighs as he laughed at Niall Horan’s joke. The rest of the boys were Jack Norton, Samuel Donevy, Mark Randers, and Kai Dowery. Not all of them were on the senior football team but they played other sports and probably had the highest record of dating the girls at their school… except for Harry. He was quiet and he never showed any interest in a girl. Maybe he’s gay? Claire thinks from time to time. 
I mean she’s been observing him since 8th grade. She would look at what snacks he would eat during break time, what sweater he would wear for the week. For God’s sake! Claire started eating oranges while walking back and forth in front of him. She was hoping he would ask for a slice. She thought she looked cute as she peeled her orange walking back and forth. From the corner of her eye, she noticed him staring at her. Maybe, he wondered what she was thinking? Or maybe, he thought her red oversized flannel looked cute on her? … Wrong!
Harry watched her during his break time while he ate the small cookies from the bag in his hands. What the fuck is Claire doing? Can she stop? Holy shit, I would aim perfectly if I hit her in the head with my shoe! Can she choke now, please?
I guess that’s how it’s always been since Claire met Harry. When he first transferred to her school, she fell in love with him but Harry paid no mind to her. Instead, she was just some random girl who he’s known for three years. 
“You’re staring again.” Hannah throws a pea at Claire. In retaliation, Claire throws it back as it lands near her elbow. 
“They’re just in my line of sight.” She scoffs as she takes a sip of her water. “And yes, we can go watch them tonight but we can’t head to the after-party. I need to study for my chem test tomorrow.”
“What? Claire, how else are we going to have fun? I told Brooke, we were going.” Claire wasn’t just friends with Hannah. They had a bigger friend group of 5 but she and Hannah were obviously the closest. The other girls were at their club meetings. 
“Go with Brooke then? I’ll just uber home.” Claire packs up her container. She stands up to throw their garbage in the trash bin before coming back. “You know, I don’t want to let you down like this.”
“Sis, you would only stay home tonight if it wasn’t Harry Styles on the football team.” Hannah teases as they get ready to leave. “At least you’re coming to the game.”
“Tom!” Claire runs to her older brother. Hannah and Brook were already sitting in the bleachers as the game was starting in 30 minutes.
“What?” He snaps back. He was sitting on the bench, taking a sip of his water watching the other boys warm up. 
“I’m just letting you know, I’m going to uber home tonight. I’m not going to the after-party.” She had to tell her brother where she was going after the game. Ever since their mom and dad divorced, Tom was in charge of his little sister. He had to drive her to places and make sure he knew where she was. It’s been their routine. Hannah would drive from home and to the party. He would meet her at the party so they can drive home together but it seemed like tonight was not the case. 
“You don’t need to.” He takes his sister’s sweater and rubs his sweat on it. 
“Tom!” She calls out his name in disgust. 
“The party is at our house tonight.”
“What about Ben’s?”
“But what about mo-”
“She’s working the night shift in the ER today.” He stands up and takes his foot to his back to stretch. “Now, go. Make sure you order 6 boxes of pizza after the game. The guys and I will bring the beer.”
“What’s wrong?” Brooke questions as she watches Claire climb the stairs to their seats. It was starting to crowd, so she had to yell a bit louder. 
“The party is at our house tonight?” Claire replies with a confused face. “Tom is so stupid! How could he plan this without telling me?”
“Claire, you know what that means right?” Hannah shakes her head as she takes a sip of her soda. “Harry Styles is going to be at your house tonight! Perfect timing to seduce him!” She wiggles her brows. Claire cringed. Seduce him? That’s exactly what she didn’t want to do. She can already picture him pushing her off. 
“No, thanks.” She pouts. If only she didn’t have a test tomorrow, she could be downstairs ogling Harry across the room. Instead, she’ll be ogling a stupid video with the catchy crash course intro. “You guys have fun but you better tell me if some girl starts talking to him.” Brook laughs as she checks her phone.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure he’s going to be standing in the corner drinking a cup while watching other people get pissed drunk.”
The Falcons won. In other words, Harry’s football team won. It ended with Claire coming out of Hannah’s car with a bunch of people waiting for her to open the door. Now, she sat at her desk rubbing her temples in frustration. She could hear people laughing as the music beat vibrated against her floor, making the glass of water on her desk shake in the corner of her eye. I’m about to-
“Sorry, I thought this was the washroom.”  She turns around to see Harry standing in her doorway. He had his baseball cap on backwards. He was wearing a band tee she couldn’t recognize. 
“Oh, i-tt’s the next door on your left.” Claire stutters as she stands up immediately. “Hi.” Harry gives her a strange look before looking around her room. 
“Hi.” He pauses before talking again. “Nice room.” He was about to go but Claire needed to speak up. This was the only time she had his attention. 
“Did you study for the chemistry test tomorrow?” Oh my fucking god… You’re so dumb Claire.
“I don’t have chemistry.” He raises his eyebrow at her before holding onto her doorknob. “Sorry to bother.” And with that, he closed her door shut leaving her dumbfounded. Claire stood there as her heart kept beating fast. That had to be the third time Harry spoke to her. 
The first time was in freshman year when he asked her for an eraser during math class. The second time was in Biology class three months ago, when he told her to shut up after she kept asking Mr. Lisak questions about the nucleotides in genes. She hated herself, she really did. 
After a while, Claire came to a realization that she couldn’t study tonight so she stood up once again to head downstairs to see what fun she was missing. 
“Hannah!” Claire pushed herself through the crowd to greet her and Brooke. They were sitting in a circle with some other kids from their grade. Brooke moved over so Claire can sit with them. 
“I thought you were studying?” she whispered to her friend as she took a sip of her mixed drink. 
“I couldn’t concentrate.” Claire bit her lip. She was watching the board game in front of them but as she looked up, she noticed her brother laughing with his friends. What stood out to her was that Harry was with them. “I have to go.” Y/N stands up as she watches her brother call her over.
“Where are you going?” Hannah asks as she leans into Gabby. 
“My brother needs me.” She sits up carefully as she continues to walk towards Tom. “What do you need?”
“What are you doing down here? I thought you were studying?” He asks as he crosses his arms. His friends were laughing to themselves as they watched the siblings talked. “What are you guys laughing about?” He eyes them. Carlos shakes his head as he looks at me. 
“Isn’t Claire in eleventh grade? So, is Styles-”
“Shut up.” My brother interrupts him. “Don’t drink too much, you have to help me clean.” he talks to Claire again.
“What? I wasn’t the one who initiated this whole thing!”
“Yeah, well you came downstairs so you’re automatically co-hosting with me.”
“Reports on last night’s cleanup?” Sandra asks Claire as they walk to Bio. Sandra and Kaitlyn were the other two girls in their friend group but they both hated going to parties so instead, they chose to have movie nights when the other girls were out. 
“It was horrible.” Claire rolls her eyes as they enter the classroom. Other students were getting settled in as well. Claire didn’t need to admit it. Today was an absolute shit day. First off, her chemistry test was a total fail. Her mom seemed to be too suspicious about last night’s events, and now, Mr. Lisak was assigning their bio assignments. 
“Glad to know I won’t ever have to deal with that.” Sandra brushes her hair away from her face. “You don’t even like parties, I can’t believe you still go.”She sets her textbook on the table. “I know it’s because your boyfriend Ha-”
“Shut up. Don’t say his name!” Claire pulls Sandra’s hair softly. Harry was just so happening walking behind them to his seat. 
“Claire.” He calls her out. Harry was calling her.
“I need to talk to you after class.” He doesn’t look at her as he unloads his backpack. 
Harry and Claire walked alongside each other as they exited the school’s building. She had to text Hannah to find a group of friends to sit with since she didn’t know how long this conversation would take. Harry stopped them in front of a tree near the football field. What did he need to tell her?
“Your brother thinks you have a crush on me.” He keeps a straight face as he looks at her. Claire chokes on her breath. She takes a step back and looks at the field. 
“Whaaaat? I do not!” She scoffs back with a particular tone. She never told Tom, how would he know!
“So, you don’t like me?”
“No, of course, I do! You’re such a nice guy- and you play really well on-” She rambles on as she watches Harry just look at her. 
“It’s a yes or no question.” He shakes his head. 
By the time, Claire got her thoughts together, she notices him already walking away from her, she had to yell. “No! I don’t like you!” He pauses in his tracks and turns around.
“Okay good because I need a favour.” Claire widens her eyes. Harry Styles after three years of having the fattest crush on him, he’s happy to know she doesn’t like him? She lied! 
“What do you need?”
“I need you to go on a date with Finn Hartley.” Harry walks back towards her as he holds onto the straps of his backpack. 
“Finn Hartley? You don’t even talk to him!”
“How would you know?” Harry questions her making her mouth run dry. She’s been obsessed with you, that’s why. 
“I just- I don’t think you hang around him that much.” 
“Well, I do. I need you to go on one date with him.”
“He likes you.” Claire widens her eyes once again. How did Finn like her? She’s always been busy with her attention on Harry. She didn’t know a boy liked her. 
“How long has he liked me?” She mumbles as her cheeks begin to flush.
“Since the beginning of the year. I lost a bet with him so I had to set him on a date with you.”
“What was the bet on?” She bites her lip. Claire didn’t even realize she was standing so close to him. He still smelled the same. She was wondering if he was warm enough to hug her. Maybe, if she kissed him now, all these feelings would go away. 
“Some stupid shit.”
“Why does my brother think I like you?” 
“Stop asking questions, Jameson.” He calls her out by her last name. 
“Just one date?” She pushed back, ignoring his last statement. Harry just sighs and turns her around before pushing her to walk back towards the school building. She couldn’t help but notice how his hands were still on her shoulders as they continued to walk. 
“Yes, one date. If you don’t like him, that’s okay. I don’t care.”
Claire sat in the bleachers by herself as she took a book from her bag. She was staying after school today since Tom had another practice. She couldn’t help but notice Harry doing push-ups with some other boys. 
It’s a bit weird how easily Harry’s presence can bring her joy. Despite him not noticing her, just seeing him already made her day. 
He was already sweating due to the sunlight that was directly pointing in their direction. He stood up walking to the bench to take off his shirt but for some reason, this was his first time noticing her. I mean, he knew that Claire Jameson sat in the bleachers every time they had practice but this was the first time that he caught himself looking at her. 
She sat quietly in the bleachers as she read her book. She seemed to have been smiling from something she was reading but little did he know, it was because she was watching him. 
“Did you tell Harry I like him?” Claire sits in the passenger seat next to her brother. He put his shades on and started the car. Claire was watching Harry get into his own car across the parking lot. 
“Styles? You like Styles?” Tom laughs as he rubs his itchy nose. 
“So, you didn’t tell him?”
“Claire, I’m not going to lie I think you’re kind of out of his league.”
“Really?” She blushed. Her brother thought she deserved better? But Harry was her first love!
“No, you ugly sack of potatoes.” He turns out of the lot as he blasts the music. “I’m so going to tell mom you have a crush!”
“Tom!” ~ Bz. Bzz. 
Claire drops her pen and leans over to grab her phone on the bed. It was from Harry.
Harry: I’m coming over tonight. H.
Claire blinks repeatedly as she stares at the message. Luckily, she already updated her friends about Harry but this was just out of nowhere!
Claire: Why?
Harry: I need to give you some tips on how to make Finn have the best date H.
Claire: Shouldn’t he be working hard on how to make me have the best date.
Harry: I’m just coming over to give you some tips on what to talk about. H.
Claire couldn’t help but let her cheeks turn red. She never knew he texted with his initial at the end.
Claire: okay.
“Hey.”, Claire smiled as she opened the door for Harry. It was around 7 PM and he seemed to have change into a red flannel and black jeans. 
“Hey.” He glances at her and walks in. 
“Sweetie, I see your friend is here.” Claire’s mom steps into the foyer. “I’m Morgan. It’s nice to meet you…”
“Styles?” Tom comes downstairs with a bag of chips in his hand. He then looks at his sister and laughs. “Holy shit, you actually could go-” Claire throws her slipper at him. 
“Mom, we’ll be in my room.”
“Oooooo.” Her brother teases as she pushes him out of the way. She grabs Harry’s wrist so she can take him upstairs. 
 She slams the door close as Harry sits on her bed. What is she doing? Why is he here? Why did she lie about not liking him? Now, she has to go on a date with his friend, when she’s been wanting to go on one with him! 
“Are you okay?” He licks his lips and leans back on her bed. His legs were wide open as he watched her and she had to look away before she invites herself in between them. 
“I’m fine.” She glances at his face then looks away. She sits at her desk and looks at him. “I haven’t been on a date before.”
“Yeah, that’s why I’m here.”
“How would you know that?” Claire was a bit offended. He knew she’s never been on a date. That no guy has ever been interested in her… no wonder he paid no attention towards her. 
“I don’t know.” He looks at her ceiling. She still had those glow in the dark stars. 
“Before we talk about my date though, you need to come clean.” She mumbles as she plays with the tiny cracks on her phone. She pushed it away after feeling some glass on her skin. 
“About what?” He sniffles and sits up a bit more. He couldn’t stop himself from picking up a frame of her. It was her sixth birthday, and she was blowing her cake with her dad and brother beside her. 
“Tom doesn’t think I like you.” 
“Oh.” He puts the picture down and shakes his head before looking at her. He leans his chin on his hands before kissing his teeth and replying. “Yeah, It was me. Thought you liked me?” Claire’s heart stopped beating. Was it obvious? How she would always ramble when she would see him? How she watched him on the field and in the cafeteria. Holy shit, how she would eat things based on what he would eat? 
“Well, I-”
“Yeah, I know you don’t Claire. I realized you’re just a weirdo.” Claire crinkles her face.
“No, but for real, I had to make sure you didn’t like me or anything. That’s fucked up if I tried to set you up with Finn.” Well, you’re in for a surprise. 
“Really fucked up.” She laughs at herself. 
“Okay, let’s get started.” He yawns a bit. “I told Finn that I got your input about going on a date with him and he’s happy about it-” Harry continues on but for some reason, Claire found herself just looking at him. How he would rub his chin and use his hands to explain things. “Claire. Claire!”
“Yeah!” She falls out of her trance. Trying to pull it off smoothly, she spins her chair around and looks at him. “I’ve been listening!”
“No, you haven’t.”
“Yes, I have!”
“What did I just say?” He smirks at her, leaving Claire to smack her forehead on the desk. “Hey, stop you’re going to get a bruise. Why are you hitting yourself so hard?”
“I’m stupid!”
“Or more like falling asleep.” He pulls her off the chair to join him on the bed. “Y’know if you don’t want tips. It’s fine, I was thinking about talking you through it but I should just leave.” 
“No, don’t!” Claire urgently replies back. God, does she sound desperate or what? Seduce him! Hannah’s voice enters her mind. She possibly can’t. Should she?
Claire decides to give a go. Maybe, if he rejects her, this is how she’ll find out if he’s gay or not. She lets her hair down before biting her lip. She leans a bit back on one of her elbows as she reaches over for her remote to turn on the TV. Specifically, Netflix.
“What the fuck are you doing Claire.” Harry sits next to her with his eyebrows furrowed. He pushes her arm, making her completely fall onto the bed. He leans over to take the tv remote but just as he was hovering over her, the door busted open.
“Claire, what did I say. No closed doors when boys- Oh My God!” Morgan yells as she looks at Harry partly hovering over her daughter as the screen of movies and tv shows are on display. 
Harry quickly pulls away and stands up before clearing his throat. Claire sits up as well, tying her hair back up. 
“I’m leaving. No closed doors!” Morgan quickly walks away. Harry turns around to look at her before throwing himself back on the bed.
“Are you okay?” He rubs his eyes and looks at her. He honestly thinks this girl is weird. How does Finn like her?
Hm, how should Claire respond to that? I’m fine. I was just trying to seduce you that’s all.
“Yeah, my ponytail was giving me a headache and I was wondering if we should watch a movie while you explain the stuff.” Harry didn’t reply when she was done speaking. Instead, he reached over to pull her hair tie off her, softly as possible. 
“There.” He throws it back at her before taking the remote. “Wanna watch a random episode of friends?”
“Um, sure.” She takes the hair tie back as she sits a safe distance away from him so they can watch the show. 
Throughout the episode, Harry ended up sitting against the wall with Claire as he spoke about what to expect from Finn or more importantly from a first date. This time she listened well and tried not to focus too much on him. Of course, it still made her heart beat fast when he would laugh at her stupid questions but if Harry thought she was a weirdo… then a weirdo she is. 
Click. Claire hears as she opens her eyes. It was Tom holding his phone as he took a picture of her and Harry. Claire wanted to yell at him so badly but she was kind of happy he took the pic. Plus as she turned a bit, she noticed she was laying on Harry’s shoulder. God, how did they end up this way? Last she knew, She was closing her eyes subtly as he continued to explain what was a good conversation starter. Did he think she was a loser? That she can’t even impress his friend? Well, not too wrong, she can barely handle a conversation with him.
Tom laughs as he walks forward to tug on Harry’s ankle. “Yo Styles, wake up.” Claire immediately pulls away as she stretches her arms.
“Fuck did I fall asleep? Sorry, Claire.”
“Yeah, yeah. Do you like my sister or not?” Tom glances at his sister before looking at Harry. 
“What? No dude.” Harry gets off the bed as he rubs his eyes. “I fell asleep by accident.” He looks at Claire as he rubs his chin. 
“Mom is asking if you want some dinner before you leave.”
“Oh no, It’s fine I got to head home anyway.” Harry glances at the clock. It was about 9 PM. He never stayed this late at a girl’s house before. Quite frankly, he never really went to their house, they came to his.
As Harry was driving home, he couldn’t help but sniff his flannel a lot, especially on his left side where Claire was sleeping. As he parked his car and came inside, he noticed how lonely it felt. How the picture of his dad sat on the fireplace. He missed him. 
“You fell asleep on Harry?” Kaitlyn clarifies as the five of them sat on the field. Their Classes were about to start in 15 minutes and this was usually the time when all of them could hang out. 
“Holy shit, when did Harry start noticing you?” Hannah laughs as she plucks some grass and into her fingers.
“I don’t know… ever since my brother hosted the party at our place?”
“It had to be before. Finn likes you! When did that bet take place anyway?” Brooke questions as she lays her head on Sandra’s lap. 
“That’s true, you should ask.” Sandra braids Brooke’s hair as she listens to the conversation. 
“I barely ever spoke to Finn in my life.” Claire leans up to look at the sky. “Now, Harry only notices me because of him.”
“That’s cute. Imagine if Harry ends up liking you or you end up having a crush on Finn.”
“I don’t know. I’d pick Harry over anyone.”
“Ooooo.” Kaitlyn teases as she playfully pushes Claire into Hannah’s side. 
“Jameson!” The girls look up to see Harry a bit further from them. He stood in a black T-shirt and his signature skinny black jeans.
“I got to go. Duty calls.” 
“Yeah, your boyfriend is calling.” Brooke burst out in laughter as Claire pulls some grass herself before dropping it in Brooke’s face.
“Yeah.” She catches up to him as they begin to walk inside the building. 
“He’s asking you out today during lunch. Where do you eat?”
“In the cafeteria…” Claire pouts a bit as she looks at Harry. He really never did notice her. She sat in front of him every day and he had no idea! 
“Oh okay. Why are you looking at me like that?” 
“What? I’m not looking at you like anything.”
“Cut the crap, Claire. I don’t know what’s your problem today but that’s all I needed to tell you.” And with that, Harry walks away, leaving her pretty sad. 
She didn’t feel right. How obsessed she’s been about him, only to have him talk to her a couple of times due to a lost bet.  It sucked. 
Last night before they fell asleep, they were talking about the what-ifs on her first date. She remembered him smiling and laughing at her awkwardness. Now, it seemed like he wanted nothing to do with her.
Hannah sat in front of Claire in their usual seats. She was drinking some chocolate milk while doing her homework. Claire seemed to barely touch her food. “Are you okay? What did Harry tell you?” Hannah couldn’t help but asks. She noticed how her best friend barely looked at the table behind them ever since lunch started. 
As Hannah brought the topic up, Claire couldn’t help but look at the table, only to catch Harry already looking at her. Well, hi to you too. “I’m fine. It’s just- Harry was kind of mean today. I thought after getting to know him, he would be a bit nicer.”
“But do you really know anything about him?” 
“I know…” Claire seemed to be lost on this one and it upset her more. She claims to be in love with him but she doesn’t even know what he likes? What his favourite colour is? “I know he has a sister named Gemma. She’s in University.”
“How do you only know that?”
“He said it in 8th grade, during a presentation.” Claire shakes her head and looks down. She is so pathetic.
“Hey Claire,” She looks up again to see Finn Hartley standing at their table. “Hey, Hannah.”
“Hi.” Claire forces a smile at him as she feels Harry’s eyes on her. 
“I was wondering if I could get your number and take you out on a date?” Finn smiles at her as she glances at Harry once more. He seemed to be far more interested in Natalie and her friends who sat at their table a couple of minutes ago. 
“Here you go. I can’t wait where we’re going to go.” Claire genuinely replies as she fills in his phone. 
“Thanks.” Finn smiles as he puts his phone in his pocket. “I’ll see you soon.”
“You better come over and help me prepare for this date.” Claire lets out a sigh as she begins to eat.
“Wait so, he’s taking you out to Mcdonalds?” Hannah asks confusedly as she sits on Claire’s bed. “For a guy who seems to like you, his date location choice seems pretty… uh” 
“I know right?” Claire pauses as she tries on a new shirt. “ I don’t know it’s fine. It’s my first date though. I’m really excited.”
“I’m really happy for you, babe. After Harry stopped talking to you, I can only imagine how open-minded you are to this.”
“Thanks for coming, it means a lot.” 
“Anything for you.” 
“So, what would you like to order?” The girl asks the pair as they look at the menu and at her. 
“I’ll have combo 1 please,” Finn states as he looks at Claire.
“I’ll have combo three, the chicken nuggets.” She smiles. The night was a bit awkward, she expected Finn to talk a bit more. That’s what Harry told her. Instead, he was quiet as a mouse, barely acknowledging her. 
As they took their seats in the booth, Claire couldn’t help but take a french fry in her mouth. She was quiet too and Finn was just trying to eat his burger.
“Are we okay?” Claire couldn’t help but asks. Harry told her that Finn was excited about tonight but instead, he was acting as if he hated being here. The boy looks up and nods his head. 
“Yeah, I ‘m fine. Just a bit shy.”
“It’s okay. Me too. It’s kind of my first date.”
“Really? This is probably my third but I don’t go out much.” Claire dips her nugget in her sauce as she laughs a bit. 
“Same. Let’s get to know each other.” She takes a bit of the meat in her hands. “ How did you and Harry become friends?” She wasn’t going to lie. Finn was cute but she didn’t know much about him. 
“Oh, Haz and I? We’re next-door neighbours. I knew him since he moved in.”
“Why haven’t I seen you during middle school then?”
“Homeschooled.” Finn laughs as he takes a sip of his soda. “You’re probably wondering what our bet was. I would have asked you on a date without his help but I was really nervous.” Claire smiled at him and shakes her head. 
“It doesn’t bother me at all. I’m glad I’m here tonight.” Was that a lie? She wasn’t mad to be here but she did wish she was with Harry instead.
“Harry and I were playing soccer in my backyard. I ended up getting more shots than him. I mean, the guy is better in American football than his English soccer, isn’t that crazy?”
“I’m sure he was a bit rusty.” She laughs about their bet. “What was his reward if he won?”
“Nothing actually. Sometimes, I think he purposely lost so I could finally go out with you.”
“That’s nice of him,” Claire admitted. So, she didn’t know much about Harry but that little story from Finn made her think the world of Harry. She wished that he still talked to her.
You guessed it. Claire was stuck on the bleachers again waiting for her brother. Tomorrow, they had a home game so tonight’s practice was a bit more longer. She played with her hair as she watched the boys run from one side of the cone to another. She was trying her best to not look at the curly-headed boy. 
After her great date with Finn, she came to the conclusion that maybe it was time to get over Harry Styles. 
After all, he really made sure to let her know he doesn’t like her. 
Once practice was over, she noticed Tom talking to his friends before climbing the bleachers to meet up with his sister. “Claire, tonight we have a change of plans.” 
“What?” She whined. It was already 5 PM and all she wanted to do was head home and sleep. 
“Jeffrey and the others are heading to the diner for some food, you can either come or you can walk home.” Claire put her backpack on as she stood in front of him.
“I’ll uber home.” She really didn’t want to walk for 30 minutes if she was being honest. 
“I’ll drive her,” A voice speaks out. Tom and Claire look at the bottom to see Harry holding onto his sweat bag. Tom smirked at his sister before walking down again. Claire followed along without another word.
“No funny business Styles, you drop my sister home and then you leave.” Usually, Tom wouldn’t let a guy from his team talk to his sister but weirdly enough, he let Harry drive his sister home. After all, she had a big crush on him. Tom walked away leaving Harry and Claire on the field while the other boys were in the change room. She glanced at Harry to see him rubbing the back of his neck before nodding his head to the exit.
“Let’s go.”
Step by step, Claire followed him to his car. It was a regular black sleek Sedan. She sat in the passenger seat while she watched Harry throw his bag in the trunk before sitting down in front of the wheel.
She sat awkwardly in the seat as Harry just observed her. “What?” She mumbles as she stared straight ahead of her.  Harry just laughs at her as he shakes his head. After a couple of seconds, the boy leans over to grab the seat belt on her side. He clicks it on and puts his on too. “You could have just told me.” She bites her lip as she adjusts the strap on her chest.
“Yeah but for some reason Jameson, you act like you have no brain cells when you’re around me.”
“No, I don’t.” She protested as Harry smirks at her. He starts the car and begins to drive. “Thanks for the ride though. It’s nice of you.”
“I wanted to hear about your date last night.” He glanced at her. She’s pretty. Holy shit, stop that Harry. 
“Of course you do.” She rolls her eyes as she takes an inhale. His car smelled exactly like him. “It went great though. In the beginning, it was a bit rough but after a while, it was really fun.”
“That’s good to hear.” He didn’t know why he asked her. After their date, Finn knocked on his door, telling him everything about it. It made him a bit… upset. The only question in Harry’s mind was why? Why did it bother him?  He barely spoke to this girl since a couple weeks ago and for some damn reason, he’s been thinking about her since. 
He remembered how talkative she was during Bio class. She was way too interested in genes than anybody else in the room. How she bit her pencil when she couldn’t understand the topic. He already knew she was going to raise her hand up by the way she kept glancing at her notes and then at the slides. 
How she was reading something while she sat in the bleachers or on some nights, she would just watch them train…. He was suddenly getting a bunch of thoughts of her thrown into his head. 
“Harry?” She pokes his arm as he stares at his wheel. They finally arrived at her place after not really talking during the drive home. Now, she needed the boy to unlock the door. He shakes his head and looks at her house. Harry shrugs his shoulders, waiting for her to get out but the only problem was she didn’t know what button unlocked her door. “Can you unlock the door?” He presses the button on his side before looking at her. “Thanks… would you like to come in?” Claire screamed in her head. Why would she ask him that!” 
“Your brother said no funny business. I’m scared you might try and seduce me again.”
“I wasn’t trying to!” Claire lies as she grabs her backpack and steps out. “Okay, fine go home. I was going to make you dinner!” Harry smiles at her. He was only teasing her but to see her so flustered made him a bit happier.
“I’m coming.” He pulls his keys out and unbuckles his belt.
They sat together in Claire’s kitchen, eating some pasta. Tom wasn’t home yet nor was her mom so they had the house to themselves. Harry already had two bowls why Claire just ate slowly while watching him eat. 
“You know, we never really talked and we’ve known each other since eighth grade,” She speaks out as she pours him a glass of orange juice. She sat in her hoodie and her tights after they came home. 
“I don’t talk to a lot of people, especially girls.” He mumbled thanks after, she put the juice box down. 
“That’s not true. I saw you talking to Natalie and her friends!” He raises his brow at her and takes another forkful of the pasta in his bowl.
“Do you stalk me, Jameson?” “No.” She widens her eyes and pours more juice in his glass. It was still full… “I don’t know anything about you.”
“I have a sister named Gemma.”
“I know.” He drops his utensil in his bowl. He slowly drags the cup towards him since he didn’t want to spill the juice. The girl beside him filled it to the brim. 
“Drink it.” He looks at her then his glass of juice.
“I already have a cup. No thanks.”
“Drink it.” He smirks and pushes it towards her. She filled it to the top so she has to fix it. 
Claire leans forward as she takes small sips from his glass. She couldn’t help but think of how lips touched it before hers. After she finished it halfway through, she pulled away and wiped her mouth. She was about to look at Harry for his reaction but instead, he pulls her closer to kiss her. He kissed her!
His hand was on her arm as he pulled her towards him. She wanted to wrap her arms around him but instead, she stayed frozen. His lips were so soft just like she imagined. He couldn’t help but suck on her top lip as it tasted like orange juice. 
He pulls away as he looks at her and bites his lip. “I have to go.” He sits up immediately and gets ready to leave her house. Claire chases after him and just as he was about to walk through the open door, she couldn’t help but call him out.
“Are you gay!?” She watches him with tears in her eyes. He regretted kissing her. A boy like him didn’t like her. The boy she was in love with wanted nothing to do with her. 
“What? No!” He replies with a particular tone in his voice. He was obviously offended. “Bye Jameson, thanks for the food.” he mumbles. 
Claire closes the door and locks it before walking to her staircase and sitting down. Her sleeves were her only substitute as tissues while she continued to cry. Harry Styles was her first kiss and he walked away from her right after.
Let’s go Falcons! Let’s go! 
The cheerleaders chanted in the corner of the field as the boys continued to vs the Panthers. Claire was sitting in the bleachers as usual with Brooke and Hannah. She tried not to come tonight but the moment, Hannah showed up at her house, she couldn’t say no. Now, they sat together cheering on their school. From the corner of her eye, she could see Finn sitting with his friends. They were known for running the robotics club, which was really cool. 
“I’m going to get a drink,” Claire announced as she stood up from her friends. Their school was winning by 92-77. She was barely watching the game anyways. After last night, she’s been avoiding her brother. She didn’t want Tom to know about Harry and their kiss. 
“Hey.” Finn elbows her and smiles. They stood at the front of their vending machine with some other guests standing behind them. 
“I’m sorry for not calling you back after that date.” Maybe, he wasn’t interested in her too. “I just- my mom is sick and she went back to the hospital.”
“I’m sorry to hear about that. It’s fine Finn.” She couldn’t help but hug him. She hated it when she heard stories about her friends’ parents. When something bad happened to them, she couldn’t help but feel as if they’re her parents too, especially since her dad left them. 
“Styles!” Norton yells at him as he misses the ball. The coach calls time, making their team head back to the benches.
“What were you looking at!?” Tom snaps at him as they huddle up.  Harry shakes his head as he takes his helmet off. 
“Sorry, I don’t know.” But he did know. He was looking at Jack running with the ball but his eyes caught Claire and Finn hugging near the vending machines. He obviously had no idea why it made him lose focus. 
“Get back on the field and if you get your head out of the game one more time, you’re out!” Coach Turner smacks his board on the pole. The other team was finally catching up. 
“What took you so long?” Brooke questions as Claire sits beside her again. Hannah was taking selfies with their poster. 
“Saw Finn.” She replies back as she smiled at the boy who looked at her one more time before talking to his friends. 
“You missed Harry getting yelled at by your brother. I think Coach Turner did too.”
“Why did he get yelled at?” Her brows furrowed as she caught eyes with Harry. He was about to snap the football behind to her brother. It was crazy how they could still see each other even though she was on the bleachers. She wasn’t far though only 6 rows up. 
“He missed a play.”
“Party tonight at Ben’s!” Hannah cheers as she leans on Claire’s shoulder but for some reason, Claire couldn’t stop thinking of Harry.
“Another win for the boys!!! HUH HUH!!” Norton yells as the boys enter Ben’s house. Harry followed behind them with a smile on his face as he took a beer from a random guy who offered it to him. After the game, Jack and Tom seemed cool with him again. After all, he scored two touchdowns after his mistake. Now, tonight was their celebratory party… like always. 
“You played really well, Harry.” Natalie walks to him as he stands at the table where the snacks were laid out. 
“Thanks, Nat.” He purses his lips as he looks at the variety of chips in front of him. He was having a hard choice between them. 
“I was wondering if you wanted to I don’t know… Go somewhere a bit quieter?” Harry pretended to act clueless but he knew exactly what she was talking about. He never really liked a girl but he did play around with Natalie from time to time. He just hated the way she talked. Harry was about to say yes until he saw Claire across the room, dancing by herself… surrounded by other people who seemed to ignore her. Where were her friends? Did she know that she can’t dance?
“No thanks.” He walks away to grab Claire from the crowd. He brought her outside on the patio where most people were just chilling. Where was Tom?
“Claire.” He tries to stabilize her as she holds onto his shoulders. “Why are you drunk?” If anything, Harry knew Claire wasn’t the type to lose her self control at parties. He noticed she was just as sober as he was… at least most of the time.
“Why di coach Turnerrr yell at you?” She pouts and leans into him.
“I made a mistake.” His hands placed themselves on her waist. He could feel her skin through the thin cropped cardigan and skinny jeans she was wearing. 
“You know! I like Finn.” Harry couldn’t help but look down at their shoes. 
“You do?”
“Yeah! Especially when he told me how youuu lost the gamee so he can go on a date with me!”
“I didn’t do it on purpose.” He lies as he takes a whiff of her sweet perfume. She smelled like lavender. 
 “You’re British! How could you not be good at soccer?” She looks at him as she slurs. She takes her pointer finger and taps his nose. 
“You know who I like more than Finn though?” “Who?”
“You! I’ve liked you since eighth grade!”
“What?” His eyes widened. Harry stared at her eyes to see if she was lying but instead, she smiled sweetly as her cheeks were pink as the colour of her room.
“Mhm. Been in love with you since! I always tried to get your attention but you never noticed me!”
“Claire.” He looks at her. He doesn’t know how he feels about the new fact He doesn’t even know what to say. Yeah, he’s always wanted a girlfriend but he never really found a girl for him… well except now. Harry was liking the idea of Claire being his girlfriend. He thought that she liked him but after the first time, she said no, he got his answer and he never thought about it again. 
“Holy shit Claire!” Brooke comes out of the house to see them too. She was wondering where her friend was. “Hi, Harry.” Harry took his hands off of her immediately as he pushed the girl into her friend’s arms.
“Hey. I brought her out here, it was pretty hot inside and she’s pretty drunk.” Brooke trusted him as she took Claire. She knew he wasn’t trying to take advantage of her. Truthfully, she heard their whole conversation and the moment she saw Harry’s reaction to Clarie’s confession, she had to come in. 
“Thanks.” Harry just nods before walking back inside.
“I knew what I said. Stop bringing it up.” Claire groans as she and her friends sat on the football field just like usual. It was now a Monday and ever since Friday night’s party, her anxiety has been killing her.
“You know, you can always pretend you don’t remember.”
“What?” She takes a sip from her thermos as she listens to Kaitlyn’s suggestion. 
“That’s true. You were drunk! Just pretend you don’t remember.” Sandra agrees with her.
“You should. Remember how he just left  after kissing you.” Brooke joins into the conversation.
“Tom should never hear about that.” Claire rubs her eyes. 
“He won’t as long as you never tell him.” Hannah shakes her head and laughs. “He probably yelled at your ass when you guys were driving home.”
“I still hate how he drinks then drives.” Brooke pouts as she bites her lip. She may have a crush on Claire’s brother.
“He barely drinks though but yeah, I definitely got yelled at.”
“Shit was that the bell?” Sandra sits up and helps the other girls stand up too. “We gotta go. I’ll see you in Bio Claire.” 
“Pssst, Psssst Claire!” Harry whispers at her as people enter their classroom. 
“What?” She looks at him and takes her pencil case. 
“Meet me at the tree during lunch.” Claire wanted to say no. That Hannah needed a buddy to sit with but it was Monday and the other girls had no meetings today so they were going to be a full table anyway. 
“What? No.” That was the first time she said no.
“Yes, you will.”
“Class, Let’s get started.” 
Harry leaned against the tree as he watched the girl in the dress walk towards him. The sun was shining on her as she carefully walked on the field trying not to get mud on her white sneakers. 
“What do you need, Harry? Does Finn want to go on another date?” Claire arrives as she holds onto the straps of her backpack. She was cute, really really cute. Harry had to shake out of his thoughts as he spoke to her. 
“You know, you were drunk on Friday.” “I know. I got yelled at by Tom.” She picks up a stick and peels its skin. Harry takes the thing in her hands and throws it away. “Hey!”
“Do you like me?” He cuts her off as he steps closer to her. “You better not lie this time or so help me God, Claire.” 
“I told you I don’t.” “Who do you like then?” Harry tested her. 
“Finn.” She replies confidently as he clenches his fist. 
“That’s not what you said last Friday.” 
“I didn’t say anything last Friday! Especially, not to you!” She lied. She knew Harry didn’t like her. She needed to save herself the embarrassment. 
“You told me you-”
“I don’t even know anything about you! You barely let me in!”
“Why do you care so much about knowing me!” He yells back at her. She turns around as she feels tears in her eyes. “Are you fucking crying?” She turns around again and sighs.
“I tell you anything you want to know about me but the moment I ask you something, you cut everything short!” “No one cares about me-”
“I do, Harry! I care about you!” She rubs her face and hugs herself. Why did she have to care so much about this boy? 
“If you think this is some romantic movie...” He looks at the field then back at her. “That I’m going to comfort you and tell you shit about myself than you’re wrong Claire.” He takes his backpack and leaves her there, by the tree.
“You okay?” Tom unlocks the front door and lets his sister inside the house first. “If you’re still mad about me yelling at you on Friday, you deserve it. You know you need to be careful during these parties.” “I get it, Tom.” Claire walks straight upstairs and shuts her bedroom door. 
The pillows surrounding her head comforted her as she continued to cry. It’s pretty sad how she thought he was different. She always admired him from afar but now that she knows him she wants nothing to do with him. She was surprised when her brother opened the door. 
“Tom,-” He ignores her and shuts the door. He stands away from her as he watches her cry.
“Did I make you cry or did somebody else?”
“Do you miss dad?” Claire ignores his question and sits up. 
“No, I hate him.” He throws the tissue box on the vanity towards her. 
“I miss him.” She glances at the picture from her birthday as she wipes her tears with the tissues. “Some times I wonder why I like Harry so much.”
“What did he do? Is he the one who’s making you cry.” Claire shakes her head not to disagree with him but to point the conversation somewhere else. 
“Maybe ever since Dad left, I needed to find another person to help me cope with the divorce. Maybe, that’s why I always thought of him.” “I don’t know Claire.” Tom itches his head as he watches his sister. “You do know I’m here for you right. Even when I move off to college, I’m still here.”
“I wonder how I’m going to get home now.” “Learn how to drive you dumbass.” Claire sticks her middle finger at him as she opens her arms. 
“Now, come hug me.” 
Finn sighs as he kicks the soccer ball past the soccer net. Harry and he were hanging out by the soccer field near their houses. “Fuck man, I don’t know what to say.” He looks back at the curly-headed boy sitting on the grass. “You’re saying if I didn’t win the bet, you wouldn’t have realized you like her? Claire?”
“I’m sorry. I just felt like I needed to tell you about this. You can be mad at me. I just- I don’t know.” Harry rests his face in his hands. Finn sits down in front of him and pushes his arms. 
“You sure you like Claire Jameson?” He raises his brows at him. “I thought you said she was stupid and weird.”
“She is Finn! That’s the problem!” Harry falls on the grass as he looks at the sky. “She’s not even stupid. She’s actually really smart. She’s just awkward and clumsy - and she’s so fucking cute like that I don’t-”
“Okay, I get it you like the girl.” Finn laughs sadly as he looks at his friend. “You know, I really think she’s a nice girl but when we were on our date, she couldn’t help but talk about you a lot. She kept trying to ask me questions about you.” “I don’t even know if she likes me. She said she did. I asked her today and then she said no! Girls are crazy man!” “I know but in fairness, this is the first girl you spoke about to me.” 
“She drives me crazy.”
“Can you imagine how crazy you’ve been driving her since eighth grade then?” Finn laughs as he stands up again. “Come on, let’s play one more round together and make a bet.”
~ “Hey.” Finn catches up to Claire as they walk in the hallways together. Lunch had just started and she needed to meet Hannah at their table.
“Hey Finn, how are you? How’s your mom?”
“We’re good Claire, thanks for asking.” He holds onto his binder a bit tighter. “I was wondering if I can take you out on a date again?”
“Oh okay.” Claire looks at him. “When?”
“Um, on a school night?” “Yeah. I know it’s just my only free day.”
“Okay. Are you going to pick me up?” “Yeah, wear something nice alright?” Claire raises her eyebrows in surprise. Wow, his standards obviously upgraded. 
“He’s taking you out again?” Hannah rolls her eyes as she eats her burger. “To Mcdonalds?”
“No. Somewhere nicer.” Claire glances up to see Harry already looking at her. Niall seemed to be talking to him but his attention was somewhere else, or someone else. 
“Stop looking at him!” Hannah throws a piece of her sliced cabbage at Claire.”Chant with me. We don’t like Harry Styles, we don’t like-”
“I have to go.” Claire stands up and throws her lunch out. “Go to Sam’s table.” She walks out of the cafeteria. She needed to clear her mind before class and Harry in her peripheral vision wasn’t helping anybody.
She needed to scream at him. She needed to scream at herself. She needed an outlet. By the time she knew it, she was back at the tree from yesterday. As she sat down, she couldn’t help but pout. She’s frustrated, really really frustrated.
“Where we going?” Claire asks Finn as he drives out of her neighbourhood. 
“Harbour.” He smiles at her.
“I love the harbour!” She couldn’t help but feel the excitement as she sat in her seat.
By the time, they were there, Finn helped her out of her seat before going back to his. “Finn, Where are you going?” Claire asked in panic as he started his car again. She really tried for this date. She was wearing a bit more makeup than usual and she was even wearing a dress. 
“Look behind you.”Finn smiles sadly then drives away. Claire turns around to see Harry in a suit, holding a rose. 
“Harry…” She walks towards him. He gives her the pink rose before holding onto her hand and directing them to the restaurant in the front. “Wait, what about Finn?” Harry rolls his eyes as he pulls a seat out for her. 
“Is it not obvious that I’m your date tonight.”
“Don’t ‘oh’ me love, or I might get that boy to come back here and continue this date for me.” Her cheeks flushed red as she looks at him. 
“Why couldn’t you ask me out on a date?”
“I won another bet Finn and I made so, he had to set us up.” Harry licks his lips and smirks. “You better finish everything on your plate sweetheart, I’ve been saving up my money since 5th grade for a date with a girl.”
It was around 6:30 PM as they walked alongside each other in front of the water. Harry couldn’t help but give his jacket to Claire since it was quite cold tonight. “You wanted to know more about me huh?” “Yeah.” Claire rolls her eyes at Harry’s statement. “Just forget about it-”
“My father passed away 5 years ago and we couldn’t pay for our house, so we moved to a smaller one. It’s where I live now. I have a stepfather so he’s been helping my mom now.” He glances at her and squeezes her cheek. “Don’t cry, Claire. I know it’s sad but that’s what life is.” Claire stops walking. For the first time in three years, she’s able to look him in the eyes without feeling nervous.
“I’m here for you.”
“I know.” He takes her hand and nods his head to the right to gesture they should walk again. “You know what’s funny? I ‘ve always known about you. I just never really spoke to you.”
“I know!” Claire laughs as she plays with the rose, bumping it on her face. “I used to watch you all the time and observe what stuff you wore and what you like to eat.” They stop walking in front of the boats.
“So, you were a stalker?” Harry laughs as her cheeks turn red. “Oh, stop acting shy. I like you too.”
“I never said I liked you!” Claire begins to walk again but Harry grabs onto her wrist to pull back.
“Well, I’m telling you… I like you, Claire Jameson.”
“I like you more, Harry Styles.” Harry’s eyes crinkle as he hears her response. He rubs her hair at the top of her head, before kissing her forehead. 
“Alright, I won’t fight with you on that.
~ Five months later
“Hey, baby,” Harry smirks as he catches Claire into his arms. Football practice had just finished and Hary couldn’t wait to take his girlfriend home, especially with the heart eyes she’s been giving him since the whole thing started.
“Hi!” She hides her face in his T-shirt as she wears his hoodie. 
“Gross!” A voice teases them, “ Styles you better have my sister home by 10.” Tom walks with their other teammates out of the change room. Harry just nods as he takes his girl’s hand. 
They walked together towards the tree at the end of the field. The sun was setting as mixtures of purple and pink covered the sky. Claire sat down as Harry laid his head on her lap. 
“I have a question.” She asks her boyfriend as she plays with his soft brown curls. 
“Mhm.” He closes his eyes and rubs his face on her stomach.
“Would you rather date me or the most beautiful girl in the world?” Harry just rolls his eyes and sits up.
“The most beautiful girl in the world.”
“Harr, that was supposed to be a trick question.” Harry leans in to leave kisses all over her face. 
“You are. You’re the most beautiful girl in the world.” He kisses her and smiles, “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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themetaphorgirl · 4 years
I wrote this drabble earlier about Spencer spraining his ankle while Emily was supposed to be in charge
so here’s part 2!!!
once again. it’s a lot longer than I planned. I hope you like it though!!
(more about the boarding school babes)
Spencer wrapped his arms tighter around Hotch’s neck and rested his chin on his shoulder. It was a long haul to get up to the seventh floor, and even though he was still attempting to prove to the older kids that he wasn’t a baby, he was grateful that he didn’t have to walk it. And if he was being truthful, he was glad that Hotch was carrying him instead of Emily. He loved Emily, he did, but Hotch was a lot stronger and bigger, and a lot less likely to drop him.
“Listen, Hotch, it was just an accident,” Emily pleaded, trailing behind them on the stairs.
Hotch pressed his hand against Spencer’s narrow back. “I don’t care if it was an accident, Prentiss, it was stupid,” he said sharply. “Stupid and childish. You’re seven years older than him, you should fucking know better.”
He couldn’t quite see Emily’s expression, but she slowed her pace, falling far back behind them. “Hotch, she didn’t do it on purpose,” he said quietly. “It’s my fault, I shouldn’t have done it.”
“We’ll talk about you later,” Hotch said. Spencer bit back a sigh. 
Alex was pacing in the seventh floor common room, her arms folded over her chest, still wearing the nice blue dress she’d worn for the senior’s seminar. “Oh my god,” she said, her arms dropping to her sides. “Spencer, are you okay?”
“It could be worse,” he offered. 
“That’s not reassuring.”
Hotch set him gently down on the couch, careful around his injured ankle. “It’s a bad sprain, but it’s not broken,” he said. 
“He hit the ground so hard,” Derek said. 
“Yeah, I definitely heard a crack,” Penelope added.
“I’m so sorry, Spencer,” Alex said. “How bad does it hurt?”
He shrugged. “Not too much,” he said, offering her what he hoped was a winning smile.
Her eyes narrowed. “Really?”
“Uh-huh,” he said.
Alex made a face at him and started signing instead. Are you lying to me? 
He squirmed and signed back a no.
Be honest, she signed. How bad?
Spencer sighed heavily. An eight, maybe?
His ankle really did hurt, the numbness from adrenaline long worn off, but he didn’t want to say anything that might make Emily feel bad. But he’d learned the hard way that it was impossible to lie to Alex; she was the only one who could see right through him every time.
Alex’s expression softened. “I’m sure you’ll feel better soon,” she said, smoothing his hair back. “But you have to rest, okay? Actually rest. No getting up and walking around and saying you’re fine when you’re not.”
Hotch tossed Spencer’s favorite blanket at him. “What she said,” he said. “You’re not moving until classes on Monday morning. And even then, if you’re not doing better, you’re not going to class.”
“But I have a history paper due Monday!” he protested.
“I’ll stop by your class and turn it in for you,” JJ offered.
“See? There you go,” Derek said. “And we’ll pick up all your homework for you.”
“I’ll be able to go to classes on Monday, I know it,” he said.
“Rest first, then we’ll see,” she said. “Don’t pout.”
“I’m not pouting,” he said, his lower lip dropping. 
Hotch tapped his chin. “Stop that,” he said. He propped his injured ankle up on a pillow and draped an ice pack over it. “These are the consequences of your reckless actions. Have you learned your lesson?”
“Yes,” he grumbled. 
“It wasn’t his fault, I...I kept teasing him,” Emily said. 
Alex didn’t answer her. “Did they give you ibuprofen or anything at the infirmary?” she asked. 
“Yeah, and I can take more in a couple of hours,” he said. 
Penelope leaned over the back of the couch. “It’s my turn to pick for movie night, but do you want to pick, Spencer?” she asked. 
“No, don’t let him pick again!” Derek said. “I am not in the mood for Star Wars.”
“I don’t always pick Star Wars!” Spencer said. “Besides, there’s eleven films and a holiday special to choose from. That’s a lot of variety, right? More if you include the two Ewok films.”
“Spencer, don’t you dare make us watch the holiday special again.”
“Fine,” he said. “I want to watch Singin’ in the Rain.”
Derek rolled his eyes. “I thought if Penelope wasn’t gonna pick, I wouldn’t have to watch a musical,” he said. JJ smacked his arm. “Hey!”
“All right, all right, cut it out,” Hotch said. “Who’s getting snacks tonight?”
“I’ll order pizza,” Emily offered. “It’s been a while since we’ve done that.”
Derek pumped his fists in the air. “Yes! Okay, I have some requests,” he said.
The other kids immediately started squabbling about pizza toppings. Spencer reached out and tugged lightly on Alex’s skirt. She turned around in confusion before looking down at him. “What’s wrong, Spence?” she asked. 
“Can you sit with me?” he asked quietly.
She blinked, a little puzzled. “Of course I can,” she said. She tilted her head to the side. “Are you all right? Is there something you’re not telling me?”
“No, I’m okay, I just…” He gave up midsentence and shrugged. He wasn’t sure how to put it into words. But Alex seemed to understand. She sat down on the couch beside him and he leaned against her shoulder, huddling under her arm. 
“Okay, you guys, enough! Stop fighting!” Hotch said. He picked up JJ around her waist and forcibly moved her away from Derek and Penelope. “We’re going to get what we usually get. Derek, if you really want that abomination of a pizza that badly, you can pay Emily back for it yourself.”
“No, it’s fine, you guys get whatever you want,” Emily said. 
“Well, in that case, I-”
Hotch pinched the bridge of his nose. “Somebody just put in the movie, okay?” he said.
“I got it, I got it,” JJ said.
Spencer shifted around, trying to get comfortable as she started the movie. Even without an eidetic memory, he could probably recite the whole thing backwards and forwards. It was one of the movies his mother had on constant rotation when he was little, background noise while she graded papers- so, overall, mostly good memories. 
By the time pizza got there he was actually hungry- unlike lunchtime, when he was so focused on keeping his hurt ankle a secret that he couldn’t possibly eat. JJ brought him his plate, and Hotch took off the mostly-melted icepacks to check if the swelling had gone down at all (t hadn’t, and purple bruising had crept above the line of the bandages) and gave him more ibuprofen and a glass of water with strict instructions to drink all of it.
When the first movie was over, he let Penelope choose the second one, which turned into another squabble, but eventually she picked something else. He watched quietly, still leaning against Alex. Every so often he flexed his left foot, trying to see how much effort it took to move his ankle. 
Alex tapped his knee. “Stop that,” she chided gently. 
“I’m just testing it,” he said.
“You’re not a science experiment. Stop trying to see how much it hurts.”
“I’m okay.”
She lifted him onto her lap. “Nope, no more,” she said. “Sit still.”
“I’m not a baby,” he protested as he tucked his cheek against her shoulder. 
Alex wrapped her arms around him. “I know you’re not a baby,” she said. “Now what did I say about resting?”
Spencer obeyed, curling up against her and hugging his blanket to his chest. He had gone a long, long time without anyone willing or able to take care of him- or allowing anyone to take care of him, for that matter. It was kind of nice to have his friends fuss over him. And Alex cuddled him without making a big fuss about it, or making him feel stupid or childish. 
He was almost asleep by the time the second movie finished, his breathing deep and slow and his head resting heavily on Alex’s shoulder. But he was still awake enough to hear Hotch whisper-scold the other kids as he switched off the TV, telling them it was late and they needed to go to bed but they better not wake Spencer.
“Emily, wait here for a second,” Alex called softly. 
Spencer kept feigning sleep as the other kids filed out of the common room and Emily sat down heavily on the other end of the couch. “All right, Miller,” she said. “Go ahead. Tear me a new one. This is all my fault.”
“No, I’m not going to tear you a new one,” Alex said. “You’ve been beating yourself up all day already, I’m not going to make it worse.”
“God, can you just not be so perceptive for once?” Emily said. “Just yell at me and get it over with.”
“I’m not going to yell. I don’t want to startle Spencer,” Alex said. Emily snorted. “And besides, I don’t want to yell at you.”
Emily groaned. “I deserve to be yelled at,” she said glumly. “Hotch is right, I should have known better.”
“I mean...yeah, technically,” Alex said. She ran her hand lightly up and down Spencer’s back. “But...okay. This is going to be kind of blunt. When have you ever had someone to be responsible for? Somebody to care about?”
Emily was quiet for a moment. “Well, I mean...my mom…”
“Emily. I’ve heard you talk about your mom. You call her the Ambassador. She enrolled you in first year French because she didn’t remember you were fluent. She makes you call her every Sunday, but half the time it goes to voicemail because she’s busy.”
A longer silence. “All right, so my mom isn’t the best,” Emily said. “What does that have to do with me being an idiot and getting Spencer hurt?”
“My point is that you’ve never had to worry about anybody but yourself before,” Alex said. “You’re a good person, Emily, you’re a really good person. And I know you care a whole lot about all of us. You’ve just never had to learn how to take care of anybody.”
“Okay, now you’ve passed regular perceptive and into super perceptive,” Emily said, but Spencer could hear the hint of a smile in her voice. “Yeah, I guess...I guess you’re not wrong. I hadn’t thought about that before.”
“You’re getting there, though,” Alex said. “I mean, you were the one who took care of Spencer when he got hurt, before you could hand him off to us.”
“That’s true.”
“And in the meantime, you don’t have to be so tough and pretend like you don’t care about anything. You don’t have to act like nothing bothers you.”
“Nothing does bother me, Alexandra, what are you talking about?” Emily teased. Alex poked her in the side. “All right, all right, fine. Jesus. I guess you’re right, at least about some of that.” 
“I’m right sometimes, about some things,” Alex laughed. “And besides, let’s be real. All of these kids are kind of a handful. Especially this kid. This could have happened with any of us in charge.”
“I haven’t spent any time with a ten-year-old before Spencer,” Emily said. “So they’re not all like this?”
“Oh, god, no,” Alex said. She reached over and squeezed Emily’s arm. “Really, Em, I know you didn’t mean for him to get hurt. And he knows too. If he wasn’t pretending to be asleep, he’d tell you that too.”
“He’s faking? How can you tell?”
“He’s not snoring.”
Spencer opened one eye. “I wasn’t faking,” he protested, struggling to sit up. “I was sleeping. And I don’t snore.”
“No, yeah, you kind of do,” Emily said. “Cute little kitten snores.” He rolled his eyes, but she took his hand in both of hers. “Can you please tell me you’re not mad at me?”
“I’m not mad at you, I promise,” he said. “A mild sprain can heal in one to three weeks. Maybe six weeks for a moderate sprain. I’ll live.”
She squeezed his hand. “Okay, cool, can you tell that to Hotchner?” she said. “I don’t think he’s quite so willing to forgive me.”
“I’ll talk to him,” Alex promised. “He might hold a grudge, but I’ll get over it, I promise.”
Suddenly Emily leaned over and pulled Spencer into a hug. “You know I love you, right, babe?” she said.
“I know,” he said, startled. The hug was definitely a little too tight, but he had the sneaking suspicion that, just like him, she wasn’t used to having people care. “I love you, Em.”
She kissed him on the cheek. “Just wanted to make sure,” she said, letting go and pulling back from him. “It’s late, you probably need to go to bed.”
“I’m not tired,” he said.
“Yes, you are,” Alex said. “Come on, let’s go.”
It was slow going for him to hobble to his room and change into his pajamas, and by the time he was done he actually was kind of tired. Hotch stuck his head in his room as Alex was helping him climb into bed. “Everything okay?” he asked.
“I’m fine,” Spencer huffed as he fell back against his pillow.
“How’s your ankle?”
“Also fine,” Spencer said. Hotch didn’t seem convinced. “I’ll stay off it all day tomorrow, I promise.”
“Yeah, you’d better,” Hotch said. “Goodnight, kid.”
“Hey, Hotch?” he called, and Hotch doubled back and leaned in the doorway. “Can you be nice to Emily, please? She already feels bad about everything. She didn’t mean it.”
“I make no promises,” Hotch said. “But...I’ll try. Goodnight, Spencer. Get some sleep.”
“You think he’ll actually be nice to Emily?” Spencer asked.
“We’ll see,” Alex said. “Lie down.”
He obeyed. “Goodnight, Alex,” he said as she tucked him in snugly.
She swept his hair back and kissed his forehead. “Goodnight, darling,” she said. “Sleep tight.”
He snuggled under the covers. His ankle didn’t hurt as sharply as it did earlier, and his favorite blanket was soft and reassuring against his cheek. Alex switched on his little nightlight, and he was asleep before she closed the door.
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writersindigestion · 4 years
taken | edward nygma x reader
Tumblr media
“beware of the snakes.”
reader gender: female
word count: 2464
warnings: drugs, violence, suicidal ideation, abuse
notes: i mean, y’all wanted him back, didn’t ya?
Vaguely, she remembered someone handing her a doggy bag, and being driven to the precinct, where she was promptly handcuffed to a cot. She was vastly unimpressed with this treatment, and made it a point to everyone who so much as walked into the med bay. “What the fuck is this? Shouldn’t I be at, I don’t know… A real hospital?” [Y/N] inquired unhappily, rattling her cuffs around - just to annoy her caretakers, of course.
Unfortunately, Dr. Thompkins was the one watching over her, for the most part, and she was very close to smacking her patient for being so insufferable.“You’re under 48-hour suicide watch. They brought you here, because they thought this was the best place to keep you safe, as well as the people around you,” Lee explained, peeling off a pair of thick, plastic gloves with practiced monotony.
[Y/N] tried to cross her arms, but was restricted by the metal cuffs. A discontented scowl made its across her face, she settled again for making as much noise as physically possible with her restraints. “Yeah, yeah - I get it,” She deadpanned, staring blankly ahead of her, “Aren’t they better prepared to deal with suicidal patients at, I don’t know… A real hospital?”
Lee wasn’t pleased, “The order came from a higher authority - I had nothing to do with it. Evidently, my medical opinion doesn’t matter.” She scrutinized her patient for a moment. “How are you feeling?”
The detained woman stopped rattling just long enough to think past her own indignance. A higher authority? It was obvious who that was, regardless of how vague the title. What did he gain from her being at the precinct? What did she lose by being at the precinct? “What higher authority? Why do they want me here?” She was starting to sound like a paranoid addict - which, she was, but that didn’t mean she had to admit it. “I’m terrible. Thank you for asking. How are you? Why am I here?”
Dr. Thompkins’ face grew more serious, and she pulled a stool up next to the bed. “I’m just fine, [Y/N],” She replied, her brow knotted tightly together, “It’s not really my place to question orders - I do it anyways, but that doesn’t mean I get answers.” The doctor gazed over the other woman, observing her anxious, unfocused expression and jittery movements. She was suicidal - that much seemed obvious, but what was going on beneath, if anything? “You are here, because you seemed very intent on killing yourself not even a few hours ago, to the point where you were fighting the cops and were tased. You are here, because we need to watch over you, and make sure you are safe. Do you understand, or are you worried about something else?”
[Y/N] gritted her teeth at the inquisition, goosebumps rising along her limbs. What did he want? What was his plan? What did he gain from this? She shouldn’t say anything. It wasn’t secure here - or anywhere, really. She shouldn’t say anything. She should say nothing. Not anything, not anything, nothing. Words flew from her lips before she could stop them, “Something else.”
Lee leaned closer to her patient, resting a careful, tender hand on top of the other woman’s. Clearly, there was something wrong, and her charge did not feel safe enough to say what that was. She gripped lightly, trying to draw her attention. “The door is closed - are you afraid of someone seeing you? Or is it something else?”
A short silence. “Something else.”
“The handcuffs are in place to keep you here, so we can watch you, and to help make sure you won’t hurt yourself,” She explained, “Are they too tight? Or is it something else?”
“Something else.”
The doctor searched for more things that could be wrong, running over the situation in her head. She blinked, her eyes catching sight of a small pendant around [Y/N]’s neck - a tiny, no-nonsense heart that rested easily near her sternum. Extending from another cord was a shiny cross. Briefly, she checked the area for burns from the earlier tasing.  “... Is it your girlfriend? She tried to see you, but we couldn’t get clearance. We sent Chrysanthemum home, and will be calling periodically to check on her. Is that worrying you? Or is it something else?”
The patient’s fingers curled into a fist, her nails digging into her palms. “... Yes.”
“I can try to get her clearance again, if you want to see her. It will probably go through if I make a case for you. Is that what you want?”
Her answer was immediate, “No. Keep her away.”
Dr. Thompkins was obviously troubled with her vehement demand, and tried once again to wrap her mind around it. What higher authority? Why do they want me here? “Is someone trying to hurt you? Is someone trying to hurt Chryss?”
[YN]’s tongue wrestled with itself, but she couldn’t bring herself to say the thing that was screaming at her temporal lobe. She wanted to tell her. It would be so easy. Who would it put in danger? Her lover? Her doctor? Her old coworkers? Herself, least importantly?
Lee didn’t need a response. She pulled her phone from her pocket, swiftly selecting a number and waiting to hear the series of rings - or better yet, an actual reply. No one would pick up.
She called three times to find no answer.
A door opened to their right, an alert-looking officer striding in. “Dr. Thompkins,” He called, an urgent look on his face, “They need you out there. I was sent in to watch the patient.”
The medical professional glanced between her coworker and her charge, concern creating valleys across her smooth face. She leaned in towards the other woman, giving her hand a squeeze. “I’ll be right back. Yell if you need anything.”
[Y/N]’s heart dropped, a renewed sense of dread washing over her like a tidal wave. As Lee rose from her seat to leave the room, she made a grab for her arm, but the cuffs ceased her movements. She nearly whimpered to see the door swing closed behind the doctor. Her attention redirected to the nameless man she was placed in the care of, a snarl painting itself onto her visage. “Don’t you fucking try anything, cocksucker.”
The man’s mind was adrift with conflict, with confusion, but he had been given orders, and it was his duty as a cop to fulfill them. His face steeled, and he crossed the room to her side, smothering a scream with his palm as he fumbled with a syringe. He tried to keep quiet, tried to keep his trap shut, but it wasn’t in his nature to cause distress in an otherwise harmless person. “I’m really sorry about this,” The officer stuttered, his hand making its way towards the meaty part of her thigh, where he inserted the needle
She did not immediately quiet, like he’d seen in movies and tv, but his ‘superiors’ had warned him about this. He simply kept his hand pressed to her mouth, his free arm stopping her from struggling too much. After only about a minute and a half, he felt the woman in his grasp slowly decompress, and fall lax. The man removed his hands from her personage, taking a step back to observe. It was incredibly unnerving - her eyes were open, though half lidded, and it was easy to pretend she was awake.
Except she still was, barely.
A gurgle rose up from [Y/N]’s throat, and her head lolled to the side, lips parted just slightly. The cop panicked, reaching forward to cover her mouth again. Briefly, he felt her fingers start to curl around his wrist, and he relented.
[Y/N] was fading fast, and had she the mental capacity to feel afraid, she would, but the strongest part of her knew that something had to be done. She had things she needed to say, topics she needed to address - there was a very, very tiny allotment of seconds in which to speak. Operating her tongue had been getting increasingly hard over the past few months, but never before had she been so thoroughly tranquilized that she literally couldn’t talk. Finally, with her mouth stuffed full of rubik's cubes, and her muscles full of cotton balls, she managed to slur out, “He’s gonna hurt me.”
The officer almost screamed himself, hearing the words that she had to say. He panicked four times over, trying to shake the woman awake. A door opened behind them, and his voice lowered to a frantic whisper, “Who? Who?” But she was too far gone this time, her eyes glazed over to meet the figure that entered into the room.
[Y/N] woke up probably twelve hours later, her body wrapped in slimey, icy tendrils and her hair wrenched back. She screamed, squirming away from the tentacles that swarmed her figure, but they only pulled her tighter.
The foreign limbs were scaly and had the strength of 1,000 men, tugging her deeper into their coils with every passing second - no matter how hard she struggled. And they grasped around her throat, coveting every fragile, raspy breath that she tried to draw.
Minutes passed by, though they seemed like hours, and she couldn’t help but feel that her life should have ended several moments before. She was choking, she was unable to breathe, but she still lived, she still struggled. It was just another nightmare that she couldn’t wake from.
Except she was awake - sort of.
Eventually, it occurred to her that someone was speaking - a nearby voice, a cruel, smooth tone. She knew who it was, but who was it? Her consciousness would not allow her to access that part of her memory. The voice continued, rattling on about things she could not comprehend, and all she could do was listen as the tendrils fell away from her body.
“Are you coherent now? Nod if you understand.”
[Y/N] wasn’t sure what coherent meant, still seeing the tails of snakes in the corners of the room. She nodded anyways, breathing heavily against the soft fabric below her. It didn’t feel like her bed.
The other person hummed, a vague sound of disbelief. “If you could see yourself right now, you’d understand why I doubt your coherency very much. It’ll just be a few minutes now.”
None of their words quite held in her perforated headspace, just as they failed to before. She watched the bodies of reptiles creep about the floorboards, her eyes trailing behind each creature. One of them moved close to the bed, winding up the leg of a rustic-looking chair and across the lap of a long, thin man who sat with his ankle atop the opposite knee. The woman almost cried to see the snake disappear behind his figure, and desperately waited for it to return. They almost felt like friends now. She wondered what its name was.
How strange that something so sinister had become an emblem of consistency in her otherwise tumultuous life?
She ran her tongue around the cottony caverns of her mouth, staring just past Edward onto the ornate wallpaper behind him. Her voice was croaky as she spoke, “Am I allowed to ask why I’m here?”
He’d been reading a newspaper, which he folded carefully and placed on the bedside table. His hands clasped together, a quirky little grin etched onto his cheeks. “You may ask whatever you wish - you’re a guest in the mayor’s house, after all.”
[Y/N] narrowed her eyes, the wallpaper still holding her rapt attention. “Why am I here, then?”
“You’re on suicide watch, and the precinct no longer felt that they could care for you,” Ed started, idly checking his watch, “You should be thankful. This was the best alternative.”
She was quickly becoming annoyed, and made a move to sit up before realizing that she’d been strapped - on her stomach, spread-eagle - to the bed she lay on. This distracted her from his vague explanation, if only briefly. “Does the mayor normally let his guests be held captive by his employees?”
“You misunderstand - you’re technically being hospitalized.”
“Yes, because you are the best ‘medical professional’ to watch over a suicidal woman,” [Y/N] deadpanned, “What do you mean by alternative? Where else would I have gone? A real behavioral center? A real hospital?”
“Well, they did mean to send you to Arkham-”
“Arkham?” The female shrieked, lifting her upper body off the mattress to the best of her ability, “I’m not a fucking criminal, Nygma. They would never send me there. I’m not insane, either, unlike your sorry ass.”
Edward’s face cinched dangerously, and he uncrossed his legs, leaning closer to impose on [Y/N]’s space. “You’d do good to watch where you throw words like that - you just might hurt someone’s feelings,” He warned, “And if I remember correctly - you disrupted public peace, assaulted a police officer, and resisted arrest. This town cares little for the mentally unstable, and they’d think little of you as well.”
“You and I both know that’s not true. I want to see a lawyer. There’s no legal way for you to keep me here,” She rattled, grasping at straws that she knew would only be ripped away from her.
“No self-respecting lawyer in Gotham would represent you against the mayor,” Ed countered, “They think of him as a saint for sheltering a poor, suicidal woman rather than letting her rot in the asylum. They think of him as an advocate.”
Frantically, she looked for an argument - as if her fate wasn’t already sealed. Just as she was about to open her mouth, the head of a snake crawled out of his sleeve, its body extending gracefully to the bed. She was immediately entranced by the movement, watching intently as it moved towards her.
The reptile slithered up to her face, greeting [Y/N] with a familiar smile, and she smiled in return, her lips parting over her teeth. It responded by pushing past her gums, pressing down her throat until she swallowed it whole.
Edward watched in amazement as the woman before him choked and gagged on nothing, a deep chuckle rising up from his chest. “Ketamine is a hell of a drug, isn’t it? A perfectly safe tranquilizer - given that you don’t mind the hallucinations upon waking.” He reached forward to wipe the drool from the side of her cheek, and she visibly cringed away from him.
The female breathed heavily, tears welling up in her sinuses as she tried to recover. “You’re the fucking devil, Edward,” She droned, unable to find the energy needed to curse him out like she really wanted to.
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