shoyostar ยท 2 days
who's the guy in your pinned? ๐Ÿ˜ญ
the guy in my pinned is the protagonist of persona 5 ^_^ he has two names kinda, i use akira kurusu but his canon name is ren amamiya :3
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shoyostar ยท 3 days
hey chat i just found a 26k unfinished manjiro smut idk what to do w it
writing a christmas fic in the midst of summer wow vie look at you go
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shoyostar ยท 3 days
writing a christmas fic in the midst of summer wow vie look at you go
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shoyostar ยท 3 days
filo men got me so fucked up i might start writing fanfiction again
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shoyostar ยท 14 days
lwk reading drafts after not touching them for weeks is such an awful experience cuz idek where in the story i left off and my writing style changed again so i gotta rewrite everything ๐Ÿ˜ญ
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shoyostar ยท 15 days
i lost oomf to sdv oh god
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shoyostar ยท 18 days
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shoyostar ยท 19 days
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synopsis: kuroo fathoms how his childhood has affected his life growing up into adulthood, and ultimately fatherhood
notes: reupload from last year. actually get to uploaded on motherโ€™s day. daughters have curly hair (based of my hair kinda). self indulgent. for context, reader have two daughters named akira (7) and sora (4).
work count: 2.5k
warnings: tough family relations, angst, fluff
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mother's day is a strange day for kuroo tetsurล.
he never grew up close to his mother, his only memories being from when he was younger than six. they were hazy.
most of the memories unfortunately surround his father and mother arguingโ€”whether that was somewhere off nearby or being heard from through the walls.
in the past, with the little memories he had of his mother, he tried not to think so badly of her.
but when he had reached out to her a number of years later, he was met with an unfortunate sight. she had moved on from kuroo and his fatherโ€”starting a brand new life with a new husband, and also a new child. a daughter. a half sibling he hadn't known about.
he hasn't talked to his mother since then.
but now mother's day is also full of blessings and happiness for kuroo, too. because he has you, of course. the best mother to his children.
he had strictly told his assistant to make sure he had no work on mother's day. he always tried to work a little overtime (whether it was his will or not) but needed to be sure that nothing would interfere with this day.
you're luckily, not the lightest sleeper, but it will only be a matter of time before you would realize kuroo isn't in bed. which is why he tactfully grabbed his last worn suit jacket and placed it over his pillow for you to hold.
that would be able to stave you off for awhile.
his next step is to wake up your girls. he had discussed with them the plan for mother's day, which included making you breakfast and providing you with your gifts, and of course spending time with you.
he just forgot to factor in two small things: getting them awake and dressed.
"rise and shine my sweet angels." he softly coos, abruptly opening up the blinds for light.
the youngest, sora, sleepily squirms in her bed, rubbing her eyes (one's that match her father's) and squints.
"there she is!" he cheers, coming over to plant kisses on his daughter's face. he lifts her in his arms, swinging her a bit. "good morning, sweetheart."
"papa, stop!" she giggles, trying to avoid his lips.
he frowns, pausing, "do you not love me?"
her eyesโ€”the same warm hazel as hisโ€”widen with shock. "of course, papa!"
kuroo beams, resuming his kiss attack, "good, because i love you sooo much. let's try to get your sister up, kay?" he hums, sora nodding before hopping out of his arms to jump on top of her sibling.
akira, the eldest, has always been a grumpy sleeperโ€”he often left you to wake her up because, well, frankly put: kuroo is scared of his own daughter and her wrath.
"up! wake up, 'kira!" sora jumps on top of her sister, shaking her.
there's a small sound of noise as kuroo approaches his eldest daughter's bedside. "looks like someone is awake after all." he manages to find her face in her bundle of sheets and laughs at how much she looks like you when she's grumpy. "good morning, princess."
"...i'm not awake." akira mumbles, rolling over.
he sits for a moment, and thinks of the one thing that he's best at.
"oh, well i guess if you're not awake, you won't be able to get any yummy pancakes for breakfast, will you? it's a shame because they're your favoriteโ€”chocolate chip. sora, mommy, and i will just eat them all and celebrate mother's day without you, then..." he says sadly, faking a pout.
akira sits up straight, glaring at her father. "you wouldn't dare."
he smirks, "i would." he pats her head, kissing her nose. "come on kiddo, time to get up."
she doesn't seem convinced until it registers in her mind what he said earlier, "mother's day!"
"momma day!" sora cheers, springing out of bed. kuroo catches her in his arms, hushing her softly.
he grunts as he squats down to their level, but beckons akira to him.
"we're going to play the quiet game, okay? your mom is still asleep right now and we don't want to wake her up yet to ruin the surprise. so i need you two to stay quiet. can you two do that for me?" he asks.
the two nod with enthusiasm, giggling as they rush off to get teeth brushed and ready. he helps them get their outfits out while they do so.
getting them dressed was only half the battle, now the real battle was taming their hair.
"oh god..." he grumbles, staring at the sight in front of him.
both of your daughters had a hair type similar to yours (thankfully) but that means that they also inherited the unruliness of their father's hair.
he's watched you do their hair, marveled at the way that your hands moved skillfully to create whatever updo they wanted.
"okay tetsurล, we can do this." he hypes himself up in the mirror, just like before his pitches for his job.
he starts with sora, who requests 'piggies' (pigtails).
"i'm forgetting something..." he mumbles, looking around. but after searching for god knows how long he moves on.
"no!" there's a yelp and akira smacks her dad's hand away from her sisters head.
he blinks, "what?"
"papa, you can't brush without the water." sora says, handing him a spray bottle.
it suddenly clicks for him. "oh, you're right. thank you, darlings." he kisses the top of their heads.
after finishing his handiwork he adds ribbons to her hair. not the best but honest work.
he gives akira 'bunnies' (buns), and before he knows it, he's done.
getting down to the kitchen and making breakfast was the final step.
tetsurล likes to think he's a decent cook. he pales in comparison to you, but pancakes can't be that hard to make, right?
"oops," sora mumbles, knocking over the pancake mix. it falls onto the ground, but part of it also lands on her sister.
"girls," kuroo says sternly, hands on his hips.
they instantly stop, freezing.
there's a frown on his face, and it makes the two of them shiver. "if you keep that attitude up, neither one of you will get pancakes. sora, you're going to have to clean up the mess you made, and akira i need you to help your sister get the broom since she's too small for it. do you both understand?"
"yes, sir." they say in unison, moving to complete their tasks.
he smiles, voice gentle again, "thank you."
they do as told, and while they clean up, he's able to get breakfast going. he gives them minimal tasks (ones that don't involve a mess).
"alright, why don't you guys try the pancakes to make sure they're yummy enough for mommy."
"oh!" akira scrambles over, ready to take a bite.
unfortunately her sister swoops in, stealing the fork and eating the food.
akira glares, grumbling, "thief!"
sora quickly flees from her sister, running around the island.
kuroo starts to call after them, "heyโ€”"
"sounds like you guys are having fun all without me." the sound of your voice alerts all three of them to you, standing sleepily in the opening of the doorway.
the sound of your entrance makes your girls run to you, and you don't hesitate to embrace them in your arms.
you stand back up straight, holding up your husbands clothes, "did you really try to replace yourself with your suit jacket?"
"you said my cologne smells nice, soโ€”" he mumbles, padding over to you like a child before taking your face in his hands, "you're not supposed to be up right now, by the way."
you laugh, "i won't lie, it worked for a minute. then i realized how cold and soft everything was."
"are you calling me hard? like a rock?" he jokes.
you poke his stomach, "with all this muscle, yeah."
"i'll take that as a compliment, then. happy mother's day, sweetheart." he smiles, kissing your forehead before leaning down to kiss you on the lips.
there's a noise of disgust, and you look at your two daughters who are gagging.
"he has cooties, momma!" sora whines.
you laugh, "i'm sorry, girls. but your daddy's cooties are my favorite."
3:45 p.m.
on mother's day, tetsurล likes to take time to focus on his oba-san. he always brings her, her favorite flowers. today he brings along his girls while you went off to brunch with your own mother.
"you're doing a great job." his grandmother smiles sweetly at him.
"huh?" he looks up, startled by her comment, he looks away from his daughters.
"you're doing well, tetsurล. stop worrying so much." she looks off at his daughters playing, "you're raising two beautiful, respectable young girls there. you and your wife should be proud."
"ahh, is it that obvious?" he laughs, scratching the back of his head, blushing red. it scares him how much that woman can read him like a book. there's five people in his life who can do that and he wonders if it's five too many. but it never will be.
"well, i did learn from the best, after all." he smiles, holding her hand. it's rare and few nowadays that he can break down his barriers and become vulnerable (with anyone besides you, of course). but he will always be his oba-san's tetsu-chan.
it's a blessing and a gift for his girls to see their great grandmother, he thinks. not many people can do that.
6:04 p.m.
"i hope you're proud of yourself, tetsu-kun."
kuroo lastly visits kenma's mother, the latter had already been by earlier and is not present at the moment due to his different schedule.
he sits up, "proud of...?"
"your abilities as a father." kozume-san smiles, "you've always looked out for others, that was evident with our kenma. so i have no doubt that you turned out to be such a great father. you and your wife are doing amazing."
he quietly says thank you, pausing as he thinks and ruminates over a thought.
"do you think things could've been different?"
the woman looks up, understanding his intended meaning. if kenma's perception came from anyone, it's his own mother.
"you mean, if your mother was present?"
he nods, quiet.
"well, certainly different," she starts, "but you've grown up fine as you are now. so it's not to say you didn't need a motherโ€”but you at least have mother figures."
"as long as i'm around and i'm sure your grandmother, as well as your wife, you will always have someone there to support and cherish you."
he blinks back tears and smiles, "thank you."
9:32 p.m.
kuroo grimaces, staring at the contact.
he'd been pacing for the past fifteen minutes, conflicted over what he should do.
thumbs move over the screen before he can even think about what he's doing and suddenly the tone dial is in his ear. he's never had his heart beat so fast beforeโ€”not during a volleyball match, or an important exam, or a job interview.
he feels like he's on fire with nerves. this might be the hardest thing he's ever done in his life.
he opens his mouth to say something, but the words won't come out. he feels choked up, not knowing what to do. wondering why the right words won't come out. he's a man of suaveness and eloquence. it's in the job title, so why is he blanking right now?
but this is not a job, this is real life.
he hangs up, not knowing what to say. he's frustrated with himself for now as many thoughts swirl his mind. he doesn't know how to untangle them and organize them in a way that makes sense.
kuroo doesn't sense your presence when you walk in the room, and that's how you know somethings wrong. it had been a long day and you barely had any time to yourselves and more importantly to check in with him.
you place your hand on his arm, gently squeezing him. "tetsu, what's wrong? what's bothering you?" you hold his face in your hands, eyes scanning over the small creases in his face.
he runs his thumb over your soft skin. quiet as he gathers his thoughts.
"...am i a terrible father for keeping the girls away from my mother?" he asks, looking at you.
you're silent for a good while, and he worries that you'll respond with rage, maybe even mild resentment. he doesn't know if he can handle that.
"that's ultimately your choice, tetsurล. it's not my right or place to force you to reconcile with your mother for the sake of our children."
"i mean, don't you have some right as the mother of my children?" he points out, "they'll wonder in the future about her. i know that for sure."
"'ro, you do it because you want to. not because you feel like you have to." you say, giving him a smile. "besides, they love their hii obasan and my mother very much. they have plenty of people in their lives that make sure they are loved and make it well known."
"i don't know what you have going on between you and your mother, but whenever you're ready to share the full story, i will be here."
and so he unloads the heavy burden he had been carrying with him for years, feeling his chest tighten at times as he recalls events. you can tell he's trying his best to remain impassive, but you hold him tightly, hoping he knows you're there for him and you aren't going anywhere.
once he finishes, it's eerily quiet. you both don't say anything for a moment.
"it's okay to cry, tetsu." you murmur against his forehead. "you don't have to act like you're okay all the time for other people's sake. think of yourself for once."
he relaxes at your words, inhaling sharply and closing his eyes. you feel his tears stream down his face and wipe gently, reaching over the bedside to dab his eyes away with tissues.
"you're...you're right. that's the one thing that matters most to me. growing up, i always felt sometimes that the adults get lost in their own worlds and forget about the children." he laughs, running his hand over his face.
"so you don't want them to feel alone." you say, grabbing his hand. there's a silent understanding as you recall your own childhood. it wasn't a bad one, but that doesn't dismiss the turmoil that was trudged through. "and we won't let that even happen."
"yeah." he says, closing his eyes.
"and you're not alone either," you add, "we do things as a team, remember that."
"i'm very thankful to have a mother of my children be someone as angelic as you." he hums, kissing your forehead, cheeks, and nose.
suddenly, his phone lights up and you both stare at it in silence. the name reads 'don't pick up!'.
kuroo takes an exhale, picking up the device. mind swimming with thoughts and anxiousness as his thumb hovers the screen.
he answers.
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shoyostar ยท 20 days
and if i also said i have a selfship w him now
what if i told yall i have a crush on a real guy
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shoyostar ยท 20 days
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๐œ—๐œš ใ€‰ยฐห– โŠน โ ๐ˆโ€™๐Œ ๐’๐”๐๐„๐‘ ๐’๐‡๐˜, ๐’๐”๐๐„๐‘ ๐’๐‡๐˜ . . . โž
๐“—๐‘จ๐‘ต๐‘ต๐‘ฐ ๐“Ÿ๐‘ฏ๐‘จ๐‘ด : ๐“ƒ๐‘’๐“Œ๐’ฟ๐‘’๐’ถ๐“ƒ๐“ˆ หšโ‚Š ยท ยป-โค๏ธŽโ†’ ํ•˜๋‹ˆ
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า‚า‚ ( ๐“ฃ โ €)โ €๐“ช๐“ฎ๐“ฑ๐”‚๐“พ๐“ท๐“ฐโ€™๐“ผ ๐’ถ๐“ƒ๐‘”๐‘’๐“ ๐’ท๐’ถ๐’ท๐“Ž!
เน‘ LOVE EXPERT VIE / JIA! โ‹† nineteen โ‹† s.hers โ‹† se!asian taehyungโ€™s pretty girl! @shoyostarโ€™s theme testing bloggie เญญ
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๊’ฐ โœฉ โ€ง หš. ๐˜๐Ž๐”โ€™๐‘๐„ ๐Ž๐ ๐Œ๐˜ ๐Œ๐ˆ๐๐ƒ, ๐€๐‹๐‹ ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐“๐ˆ๐Œ๐„! ๊’ฑ
ยฉ property of shoyostar + adoreyun 2024. all rights reserved. please do not copy any of my themes !! ask for inspo pretty please
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shoyostar ยท 20 days
what if i told yall i have a crush on a real guy
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shoyostar ยท 20 days
i have a confession im actually just a theme maker masquerading around as a fanfic writer on tumblr dot com
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shoyostar ยท 21 days
please tag friends to get the ball rolling:
@smithsibsceo @leadoodles @sleep-nurse @garmabawls @lavender-witch128
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shoyostar ยท 21 days
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shes back after many many months,,, i prommy this is my last url change for awhile iโ€™ll try to restrain myself LOL ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ i missed her
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shoyostar ยท 22 days
going to (maybe. probably) change my url back to shoyostar n then come back w new theme :3
haikyuu resurgence!! viesho comeback !! WEE!!!
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shoyostar ยท 22 days
i love making smaus and vbs is actually one of my favourite works but its so time consuming to make and i usually forget where in the story i left off ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
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shoyostar ยท 23 days
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