#currently: a royal princess with black hair
namimikan · 2 months
started a royal princess with black hair and omg so cute!!
can’t wait for these brats to fall in love!!
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prince-kallisto · 9 months
Complete Guide to the “Crowley is Levan” Theory
Hello, its the self-proclaimed Crowley/Levan theory expert, back at it again! (*゚∀゚*) I’m really shocked at Book 7’s recent update, and I’m seeing more and more people get into the Crowley/Levan theory.
But for everyone who is new to this theory, people who aren’t yet convinced, or anyone who just wants the major points in one document, I decided to write everything I know about this theory, with the help from posts from my fellow theorists! Of course, at the end of the day it’s just a theory, so make your own conclusions! ^_^
Buckle up everyone for a very long post rife with lore! I worked hard on this one, as it is a culmination of ALL my previous theories, so sharing is appreciated haha. Heavy Book 7 spoilers ahead!
This theory revolves around the idea that Headmage Dire Crowley is actually Duke Levan, the father of Malleus Draconia. Before we get into the nitty-gritty details, let’s go over everything we know SO FAR.
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Levan (Revan, Levaan, and Revaan is also a common spelling) is the husband of Meleanor Draconia, who is the Princess of Wild Rose Castle. Levan is a Duke, Diplomat, nobleman, and the left-hand war general. He had control over the Eastern Fort while Lilia had control over the Western Fort. His title is “Ryūgan Duke Levan,” or 竜眼公レヴァーン in Japanese. The characters imply a connection to the Chinese Long, and Ryūgan very roughly translates to “Dragon eyed,” although it is uncertain if Levan is a Dragon Fae, or if this is just his title. Levan is referred to as Meleanor’s “eyes, limbs, and husband,” so perhaps “Dragon Eyed” refers to his connection to Meleanor? Due to his name, people also suspect he may be a bird Fae, specifically a raven.
He seems to be based of Diablo, Maleficent’s raven. From what we know from Lilia, he is slightly meek (according to childhood stories) and gentle, always with a smile on his face. However, he is also extremely dependable and strong. Rumor has it he fought against the Dawn Knight, a figure that the night Fae fear for his power. Despite Levan’s clumsiness, Meleanor is very enamored with him, praising him for the smallest of things while punishing everyone else. Meleanor refers to Levan as “beautiful,” although we have no silhouette or voice for him currently. Levan grew up with Meleanor and Lilia, and was very close with Lilia, who was the right-hand general.
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When Lilia ripped up his invitation to NRC, Levan painstakingly took all the pieces out of the trash and pieced them all together, storing the invitation in the Royal Archive for Lilia to come back 500 years later. Lilia wonders if Levan somehow knew that he would go to NRC with Malleus in the future. Levan is also very willing to start relations with humans compared to the rest of Briar Valley, as he taught Lilia the human language, and has said that he hopes one day, the humans and Fae can share a common language to exchange culture and history together in peace. This positive attitude and willingness to teach is likely what made him such a good diplomat.
However, Levan went missing in the Silver Owls vs. Briar Valley war when leading a mission to deliver letters to the Eastern Fort. Meleanor is heavily implied to be dead, but Levan simply disappeared and never returned. In Briar Valley history books, he is assumed to be dead, but little information of him is known.
But what does all this backstory have anything to do with Dire Crowley? He’s unreliable, manipulative, and never does more work than necessary, even with all the student Overblots. He sounds nothing like Levan. Well, let’s go to the birthplace of this theory to see what’s up:
Crowley and Malleus Parallels
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Black hair with a green-ish tint, pale skin, pointed ears, dark lips, and a similar tall stature. No other character besides Meleanor resembles Malleus to this degree.
Although no dialogue has confirmed it, it is heavily, HEAVILY implied that Crowley is in fact, one of the Fae. He’s been Headmage at NRC for at least 100 years and several of his features imply a Fae heritage. He even gets offended when the Ghost Camera, that was invented in a great-great grandmothers time, is referred to as “old,” as if he took offense to the implication that HE’S old. He’s likely a bird Fae, as he may transform into a raven/crow in the opening animation, and his voice lines show him with bird-like habits. Crowley also refers to his “wings” several times as a part of his anatomy.
@twisted-tech shows that in the Glorious Masquerade event, Malleus wears an costume that’s startlingly similar to Crowley’s outfit, down to the detailed vest to the feathers on his shoulders. In the animation announcement for GloMas, Malleus stands in front of the light the same exact way Crowley does in the opening prologue animation.
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The 2nd anniversary animation also has a strange moment between Crowley and Malleus, with Crowley appearing for a quick moment, before a light shines over him, revealing Malleus.
In Malleus’ birthday-boy interview he mentions how black is the color of nobility in Briar Valley, thus his tendency to wear all-black attire. Isn’t it interesting how Crowley’s main outfit color is black? On a similar note, when an Alchemy Special Lesson is triggered, Malleus says “He’s [Crowley] is far from ordinary.” Malleus, who prides himself for being extremely powerful to the point he thinks less of others, thinks Crowley is unusual? Does he sense a type of power from Crowley, or does something seem uncomfortably familiar about him?
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And last but certainly not least, Crowley’s secret concept art. This in-person event was very exclusive, so many obscure concept art pieces of the characters were only shown here. Crowley seemed to be grouped with the Diasomnia cast with the same color palette, and his purple cape is highly reminiscent of Maleficent’s. He even has briars climbing up his leg. He even has the stamp of the three good fairies on his paper, just like the beta designs for Lilia and Malleus. Of course, concept art should not be used too heavily as a source, but this is certainly no coincidence, and don’t you think it’s odd how secretive this image is? Most fans have no idea this concept art exists.
These two must have some type of connection with each other- this evidence alone is what convinced me in the first place. However, this is just the beginning:
Ravens & Crows Symbolism, Levan vs Crowley
Levan and Crowley have a shocking amount of similarities too! Ravens in mythology were considered to be messengers of the gods, and were especially connected to Apollo, the god of Prophecy. I think that Levan’s unique magic was the gift of Propechy, as in he could see future events. Bringing back Lilia’s line of if Levan somehow knew he would go to NRC with Malleus 500 years in the future, I say yes! He knew many things about what the future held due to his magic, and it makes sense with Raven symbolism. Crowley also has a strange knowledge of future events, from the STYX invasion to Grim’s magestone collar. @rayroseu has also pointed out the Malleus’ egg heavily resembles a Black Opal, which symbolizes death and destruction, and was used to “gaze” into the past, present, and future. Hmmm
What if as a way to reunite with Lilia and Malleus, Levan became the Headmage of NRC? He would have every skill necessary to do so, and Crowley has many connections to the school board, STYX, the Asim’s, Jupiter Conglomerate, etc. He’s not as much as fool as he’d like you to think- he’s in charge of the prestigious school for a very good reason. He knows the perfect balance of manipulation and sweet-talking, just as expected of the diplomat and envoy, just like ravens were in mythology.
Ravens have symbolized death and destruction for a very long time- and isn’t it interesting how Crowley’s first name is “Dire,” as in ‘disastrous’? Yana Toboso has confirmed that “Dire” is actually pronounced as the English word “Dear,” like ‘beloved.’ @sote-forever has pointed out that the origin of Levan’s name means “gracious/merciful,” which feels oddly familiar to Crowley’s catchphrase of “I am so kind/Watashi yasashii no de.” The EN translation uses “gracious” instead of “kind” a lot as well 👀
Speaking of his catchphrase, in Book 7 when Grim hears more about Levan, he says that Levan sounded like a “kind man.” He even uses the same exact language as Crowley uses, ‘yasashi,’ meaning gentle and kind. Just like the meaning of Levan’s name. For reference:
私 優しいので is Watashi Yasahii No de “Because I’m kind.”
優しかった is what Grim said: Yasahikatta (?) meaning “He was kind”
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Back to the death symbolism, I mentioned that ravens were Psychopomp. In mythology, ravens were said to guide human souls to the underworld by the will of the gods. And isn’t it interesting how NRC is FULL of death and underworld symbolism? Technically, Crowley IS the Psychopomp, because he is responsible for transporting the students and is the only one with a special key to unlocking the students coffins. He even says in the prologue that the coffins were designed to represent the “departure of your previous world, and rebirth into a new one.”
As a side note, crows and ravens fall under the same exact word in Japanese: karasu. There are some instances in the EN translation where crow and raven are mixed up, as Diablo, Maleficent’s raven, is referred to as a “crow” in one of Malleus’s chats. Hmmm
Crowley’s cane is also interesting. Not only does the bottom key part spell out “Raven,” the top of his cane looks exactly like Diablo when he was turned into stone at the end of Sleeping Beauty. Although I do agree that Crowley has connections to the Evil Queen’s crow, I think he could be inspired by both. Similarly, NRC’s logo is a raven with a crown above his head. Levan WAS royalty, after all…
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Levan also has a special acceptance of humans. His wife DESPISES humans, but he learned a common language of the Fae and humans in order to communicate, and even taught other Fae the language himself. And once again, he saved Lilia’s invitation to NRC. Doesn’t he sound like someone who wishes to share knowledge? He wants peaceful communication between humans and Fae to share culture and history, just like what NRC is like today. It feels a lot like a Headmage’s behavior, don’t you think?
From the way Meleanor treated Levan, Levan’s behavior sounds oddly like Crowley’s. Meleanor praised him for the most basic things, and seemed to dote over him a lot. Crowley is incredibly egotistical about doing literally the most basic shit ever lmaoo, but I can’t blame him for getting a big head if he used to be always praised for it. Lilia also says that Levan would probably return with a big smile on his face. In every single animation that Crowley is present in, he always has a smile on his face, watching carefully over the events.
Levan also seemed to be a bit of a crybaby in his childhood, as Lilia said that when they got lost in a forest, he “could never forget Levan’s pitiful expression.” Crowley definitely has an aversion to death or people getting hurt, and has cried several times when he gets overemotional.
In the prologue, Crowley claims to be intimately acquainted with every single students homelands. Yes, his hobby IS vacationing, but I think he knows the lands way more intimately than simple sightseeing. Again, Levan was a diplomat. He would have a vast amount of knowledge about the inner workings, culture, and history of many different foreign lands.
Edit: We also have NO IDEA of Crowley’s homeland. If I remember correctly, he’s the only character where his land of origin is unknown. Why would TWST do this, unless this was a huge spoiler? Like…say if Crowley’s homeland was Briar Valley???
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And finally, I think it’s EXTREMELY suspicious that we have not seen at least a silhouette of Levan, despite his name coming up in conversations several times. Why would his silhouette not be revealed, unless his silhouette is a dead giveaway to a character we already know? Same reasoning for why we haven’t had a flashback with his voice- his voice would just reveal the truth. Additionally, NRC seems to lack books over the history of Briar Valley and what happened to Levan and Meleanor. In one of the History Lessons, Malleus mentions a photo of Lilia in a history book. Perhaps there are history books with a painting/photo of Levan? It would explain why the history is so lacking, because Crowley doesn’t want his past self to be seen.
Meleanor, NRC & Other
Whew, we’re almost done! This is the miscellaneous category, but just as important as the above points.
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Meleanor, OB Malleus, and Crowley have many many similarities. I go into more detail in the linked post, but Meleanor’s and Crowley’s features definitely “combine” in Malleus’ features. Take for example, Meleanor’s straight dark teal hair and Crowley’s wavy black hair with a slight greenish tint. It merges perfectly into Malleus’s hair. There are many similarities in their outfit designs too, so I recommend looking at this post!
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This is very strange, but the coliseum and Diasomnia’s dorm hallway have the SAME EXACT DESIGNS as the passageway in Briar Valley (converted into a Silver Owl hideout) and the hall in MELEANOR’S castle. No one could have this punt of knowledge of these locations, especially Meleanor’s castle that was covered in briars and abandoned. Unless…someone at NRC was intimately acquainted with both of these locations. Perhaps a noblemen like Levan would know? Meaning, Crowley?
Crowley in the prologue talks to his “proud, beautiful flower of evil” in the mirror. I highly recommend rewatching the part, because Crowley’s voice just shows how much love he has for this flower of evil. Lili refers to Meleanor as the “most evil Princess,” and she is also the Princess of Wild Rose Castle. Rose like a flower 🌹 \(//∇//)\ She is also an extremely proud person, and does not hesitate to strike people down for disagreeing with her.
Many people ask why Levan would abandon Meleanor, especially when he loved her. I don’t think he willingly abandoned her at all! If my theory of his prophecy magic is right, he knew that there was nothing he could do to prevent Meleanor’s death and the fall of their castle. And who knows, what if Levan Overblotted when he went missing? He led a GROUP of messengers to the Eastern Fort, so what happened to these messengers? Did they die at his hands when he Overblotted? It’s a common theory that Crowley is under the influence of blot, as his mask and gloves would cover Overblot markings.
@ventique18 has also mentioned that a dark Fae’s love in literature is depicted to be OBSESSIVE, as in the couple can drive themselves mad over their love for each other. I think Crowley was a much kinder and genuine person as Levan, but Meleanor’s death permanently scarred him. Plus, as much as we don’t want to admit it, it’s been 500 years. Look at Lilia: he’s changed SO MUCH over the years since his time as general. Why can’t Levan do the same? Longing to reunite with his loved one for CENTURIES isn’t healthy at all, but he desires it so much that he’s willing to hurt innocent people in order to achieve it.
This is out of the TWST canon lol, but there’s potentially a lot of connection to Edgar Allen Poe’s “Lenore” and “The Raven.” Lenore mourns a “queenliest dead that ever died so young” before her wedding, which could parallel Meleanor dying before Malleus’ birth. The Raven represents the pure desperation, grief, and insanity of him wanting to see his lost love again: Lenore, and how he’s unable to cope with her passing. UM??!!!
FINALLY, as the saying goes: Malleus had to get his loser genes from somewhere. Hope this helps! 🤪
Jokes aside, I’m exhausted but I feel very happy to have made this guide! Many thanks to all the blogs I’ve mentioned above, and to Gasmask on Youtube, Otome Atui on Youtube, and MoonlightEquin1 on Twitter for translations!!! It really helped me out my thoughts together in this theory, and I hope it can serve as a reference guide to everyone else!
I had to link a lot of my separate theories just because there is too much to go over in one post, and I’m very limited with photos on mobile 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。 If yall can think of anything else to add, it would be greatly appreciated! Thank you to everyone for your support, it’s so fun theorizing with everybody!! 💞💞💞
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kieranxvalentine · 6 months
Her Queen. [Yandere! Princess! Oc x Reader]
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༻♡༺✎ You were only supposed to be a servent, Now you're a future Queen. ༻♡༺✎ Yandere! Princess! Oc x Reader ༻♡༺✎ 18+ (sexual content, oral sex, fingerng, overstimulation, power imbalance) ༻♡༺✎ 0.7k words ༻♡༺✎ AHH my first 18+ One~! I had alot of fun writing this one! Happy reading~! (this is not proofread!)
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“Keep squirming my love, I love how you feel underneath me..” Your moans were music to her ears, your taste was simply heavenly, more than any delicacy that money could possibly buy her.
Princess Alexandria of Aloria was currently nestled between your legs. You were laying flat on your back, both of your dresses were long abandoned on the room floor.
Alexandria’s tongue licked long stripes  along your cunt, loving the way you shivered from her touch. She forces your legs open as she raises her fingers up to slowly rub circles against your sensitive bundle of nerves.
She then leaned down to take your clit into her mouth, slowly suckling on it as she slowly slipped her two fingers into your needy cunt.
“Y-your h-highness..!” You would moan out her title and she smirk against your cunt.
“Mhm?~ Yes my darling~?” She would begin to pump her fingers int and out of you, enjoying how your body reacted. The way your back arched, the way the moans would leave your plump lips, it was like she was in heaven.
She raised up to capture your lips in hers, allowing you to taste yourself on her tongue. As she continued to pump her fingers in deeper, Alexandria would whisper praises against your lips. 
“Such a good girl for me..”
“Look at how wet you are…all for your princess..”
“That's it darling…let go…mhm..you’re taking it so well..”
She would whisper all these against the side of your neck, placing open mouthed kisses there.
Your moans would get higher and Alexandria would simply chuckle softly as she paid attention to the way your body would contort and squirm in pleasure, signaling her to your fast approaching release.
“Hmm?...Is my darling going to cum? You’re going to make a pretty mess all over my fingers?”
It seemed like you came as soon as those words left her lips, she enjoyed the way that you clenched around her fingers. She leans down to kiss you, muffling your moans as she continued to fuck her fingers into you through your orgasm. Bringing you to a brink of near overstimulation.
You tried to close your legs once more, but Alexandria continued, the wet noises coming from your cunt filled the room, mixing with the sound of your choked sobs of pleasure.
Alexandria didn’t stop until she made a complete mess out of you, She finally stilled her fingers after pulling two more orgasms from you, kissing your forehead and telling you how much of a good girl you were for her.
Princess Alexandria was wrapped around your finger, She didn’t care what she had to do, but she knew you weren’t going anywhere.
Lady Alex, or Alexandria was a brown skinned woman with pink/rose gold hair with matching deep, rose red eyes. She wore a navy blue ball gown normally with accents of gold, black and white. 
Alexandria was the only heir of her father, King Alexander, and unlike most royals she was raised to take the crown. Her father didn’t want anyone else on the throne besides his daughter. 
This is how she met you, a humble servant brought in by her father to be her lady in waiting. 
When she first laid her eyes on you, she knew it was love at first sight. The way your hair fit your face, the way you (e/c) eyes met hers each time you spoke, that adorable smile you would get whenever she would compliment or praise you. She just thought you were the cutest thing in the world.
She told her father how she wanted you to be her lover, and she wasn’t going to take no as an answer.
Lady Alex would cause immense harm to anyone, and she means ANYONE who dares to rule against her in this. She’d been alone for so long (she’s 31 years old!) and now that she’s finally found the person she considers her soulmate she was going to keep you.
Anyone dared to harm you? To the dungeons, and later will be executed at her words. She’s the future Queen, and you are her partner, her Queen. She was not going to tolerate disrespect.
You want for nothing! You are praised, worshipped, you’ll need nothing outside the castle walls, she’ll bring it all to you.
She can’t have you getting any ideas to try and leave her…can she?~
She would notice the way the other nobles would look at you whenever she brings you around. Alexandria would hold you a little tighter in your ear harmful things about the people you were talking to.
Alexandria didn't want to lose you. so even if that meant cutting you off from your family and friends in the palace. she would do it.
"You're mine now. You don't need them anymore, darling...now come to bed. Let me prove to you how I am the only one you need.."
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©kieranxvaletine 2023 <3 Hope you all enjoyed!
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tsukkiibaby · 7 months
feat: miya osamu
genre/warnings: sfw, fluff, royal!au (i'm trying here so don't judge), guard!osamu x princess!reader, one character looking down reader's dress
wc: 2900+
. 。˚others may not be able to tell the difference between the miya twins, especially with their helmets on, but you can˚。 .
osamu knows this is a bad idea. 
he’s at atsumu’s post, standing still at the top of steps that lead to the gardens looking straight ahead at them, atsumu himself on the other end of the lavish fields, the two watching intently for intruders, or anyone who could pose as a potential threat. if any of the palace’s staff were to walk by, they would barely spare osamu another glance - with his helmet on, no one can see his tufts of gray hair underneath, their only other determining physical feature being their eyes, and he’s sure that none of the staff would even be able to recognize the that difference between himself and his brother. 
except you.
currently out in the gardens with one of the princes from a neighboring kingdom, nohebi, he thinks, a grim expression painting your face from the moment your father whisked you towards the front entrance of the palace to greet him. osamu didn’t particularly like the smug smile plastered across the black-haired prince’s face as he exited his carriage, nor did he miss the way the man’s snake-like eyes stared down the top of your dress as you greeted him with a curtsy. from his position at the top of the steps to the palace, osamu could only watch in disgust as he sauntered by him and his twin to follow you and your parents into the palace.
while osamu still would have been able to see you from his original post that atsumu is occupying, his current spot on the outskirts of the palace gives him a higher, better view of you and the sly prince. he can see you clearly as you move throughout the gardens a few paces ahead of nohebi’s crown prince, gaining traction as you lead the man further towards osamu’s normal post. should things go wrong and someone spots them, he supposes he could just blame it on atsumu. they are twins, after all. and it was his idea, his brother jabbing at his bicep with his elbow as they watched you and the prince retreat towards the doors that led to the garden. “ya wanna take my spot on the steps?” he had whispered, leaning into his brother’s body. “might be a little easier for ya ta keep an eye on her.” 
but he knows you wouldn’t fall for the “atsumu started it!” excuse. they’ve been your guards since the age of 13, hand selected by your parents, the king and queen, to watch over you as you begin to age into your teens, wanting extra protection for their youngest daughter. their only princess.
you didn’t have any objections to it, not when both of your brothers had been assigned personal guards when they first reached double digits. you couldn’t imagine seeing your brothers without aran and kita a few paces behind them, their protective eyes always ensuring you were also safe within their line of sight. just as they protected your brothers, they protected you as you grew, right up until you reached the same age and were to be granted your own protection. enter the twins.
hailing from a small village in the vast kingdom of inarizaki, the same village that aran and kita grew up in, it seemed as though the twins were raised for the job from the second they arrived at the palace. you remember seeing them hang around with the two older boys from a young age, tirelessly training with the other guards and knights from sunrise to sunset; neither twin faltering under the intense pressure they were faced with. surely they never knew who or what they would be tasked with protecting until their assignment when they became of age, but the two were dedicated to their craft, hell bent on proving their worth to the royal family. luckily (and unbeknownst) for them, they proved their worth from the first time you saw them. 
“i hope i’m not assigned to guard the princess.” one boy groans.
someone else chuckles. “yeah, me and you both.”
from your hiding spot behind one of the many large columns lining the outskirts of the palace near the training grounds, you feel your heart drop, and you sink back to fully hide behind the massive beam. you try not to let the words of some silly guards - some silly boys, that is, bother you. it always seemed to be like this - no matter how many guards your family brings in to train as personal protection, they never seemed to have any interest in protecting you, instead choosing to help protect your brothers, parents, or simply going off to serve in the kingdom’s military. 
“why not?” another voice pipes up, his tone almost accusing? when you peer back around the column, you see one of the group of boys standing with his arms crossed, a stark contrast to the rest of them, scattered and sitting on the steps. though not facing you directly, you were able to catch a glimpse of his blonde hair before he stepped in front of one of his fellow guards in training. “ya don’t wanna be around the princess?”
another boy, sitting on the bottom step, huffs. “it’s not like she even needs the extra protection,” he laughs wryly. “at least the princes get to practice sparring and fighting! all she does is sit in the palace, attend her lessons, and play in the garden. it’s boring.” he puts emphasis on the word boring, almost spits it. 
gripping on to the ridges of the column, you push your head a bit further out to see more of the boys and their conversation, a scowl on your face. another stands quietly, moving to stand next to the blonde and mimics his actions, crossing his arms over his chest. he turns to face the the other boys who were sitting, cocking his head to the side. “it’d be an honor to protect the princess,” he says pointedly. “ya don’t know how lucky ya’d be.”
with a sharp turn, the boy begins to walk off, in your direction no less, ignoring the frantic shouts of what you assume must be his name. “samu!” the blonde boy calls, but it does him no good. the gray-haired boy ignores him, stalking past you without so much of a glance, his matching gray eyes staring straight ahead. the blonde, who looks eerily similar to the one he was calling after, comes running after him.
if only you knew that in just a few short hours, the two boys who came to your defense would soon be tasked with protecting you daily.
from his spot at the top of the steps, osamu can just quite make out the top of your head as you stroll through the gardens, a few paces ahead of the black-haired prince. no matter how quickly the man walks, he can’t seem to catch up to you, not when you spin around and speed up through the lush fields to evade his ever present hands reaching out to grasp your arm. though quite far away, osamu can see how frustrated prince daishou is getting, pausing briefly to take a deep breath before following after you. osamu chuckles to himself.
as you and the prince disappear further into the tall hedges, osamu hopes that at least atsumu or one of the other guards patrolling the lawn has an eye on you. these meetings tend to go the same way every time - your parents arrange for a prince, or duke, or nobleman from a neighboring territory to come to the palace and get to know you, to escort you through the gardens, and pitch themselves as to why they would make a suitable husband and possible future king. to secure some sort of political alliance. however it always ends with you giving your parents an indifferent smile and a shrug, much to their chagrin. too tall, talks too much, bad breath, it doesn’t matter. your excuses are endless.
osamu can’t wait to hear what you have to say about this one.
though tasked with ensuring your safety, the twins eventually found a way to weasel themselves into a more casual relationship with you. with atsumu’s overbearing and childish nature and osamu’s calm and collected one, you had almost no choice but to allow the informalities, finding yourself more and more lax in their presence. always quick to defend your status or position to outsiders, ready to help at the lift of a finger, and even popping their heads in and out of obligations that you dread, ready to whisk you away with a claim of someone important needing you, the princess, right away. and who are your guests to deny your excusal? you are the princess, after all. ever perceptive, the two seem to know exactly what you’re thinking at all times. 
almost always. 
osamu didn’t realize how much he must’ve been daydreaming. not until he feels a rush of air and the sounds of heels clicking down the marble floor of the palace invade his senses, snapping his attention back to the scene unfolding before him. his eyes fly into the palace to follow the sound of the heels, the back of your long, lavender dress swaying behind as you angrily stomp down the halls. 
“lady l/n!” 
prince suguru is quick, but osamu is quicker, stepping in front of the swift man to stop him from following after you. it’s not like you to rush out of something with no say, not without himself or his brother pulling something out of their asses. the prince sneers down at him, snake-like eyes narrowing at him. he moves to step around osamu, but he’s right there, blocking his path again. “will you get out of the way?” the prince spits.
osamu opens his mouth to speak, but atsumu is quick to beat him to it. “as the princess’s personal guards, i’m afraid we can’t do that,” he says from behind the prince, who scoffs at him. atsumu flashes them a sly grin, jutting his chin down the halls you had just passed through, eyes drifting to his twin. “you go find lady l/n and make sure she’s okay.”
the words are barely out of atsumu’s mouth before osamu is all but running down the hallway in the direction of your clicking heels, eyes darting around the palace quickly. it’s not long before he catches up with you, slowing to match your pace a few steps behind you and stands up straight, gently clearing his throat. “my lady-”
“i do not feel very well, my lord.” the words are rushed coming out of your mouth at the same time that osamu speaks, a stark contrast to your normal speech patterns, always so eloquent and concise. you stick your right hand out a bit behind you, not quite far enough to reach osamu, and your voice is shaky as you speak again. “i must ask that you allow me to retire to my room at once to rest.”
osamu’s steps quicken until he’s walking backwards in front of you, arms reaching out gently in your direction. “it is only me, princess,” he says, louder than before, letting out a soft breath when your steps slow until they stop completely. you glance up, allowing your eyes to meet for a brief moment before they dart back down to your shoes. 
“osamu,” you whisper, your eyes avoidant. you pause, your chest rising and falling at a faster rate than normal. “i need to rest.” 
you begin to walk again, passing him, and he lets you get a few steps down the hall before he’s turning and following you slowly. “i understand, my lady. but one of us must accompany you at all times.”
huffing, you glance over your shoulder with a slight pout as the two of you approach the door to your room. “at all times,” you mutter softly, before turning to the guard at your door with a blank smile. “i’m not feeling too well, so i must ask that you allow me some privacy while i rest.”
osamu smiles wryly at the guard as he passes, allowing you a few moments in your room before he steps inside. “is everything alright, my lady?” his gray eyes follow you as you pace around the room, fiddling with the decorative clip that pins up your hair. your back to him, you don’t turn, other hand reaching up to play with the strap of your day dress. he steps in further, shutting the wooden door behind him, and you whip to face him immediately, taking a tentative back. “princess, are you alright?” he repeats. “did something happen with prince suguru?”
your eyes meet his when he says the prince’s name, and osamu slowly reaches up to remove his helmet, not breaking eye contact. now given full view of his face, you glance down at your shaky hands. “one of us must accompany me at all times, huh?” you ask, repeating what you had said under your breath just outside your room. “why weren’t you at your normal post?”
he pauses, eyebrows furrowing. “what do you mean?”
you exhale through your nose, meeting his gaze once again. “my parents and the others may not be able to, but i can tell your voices apart,” you mumble, crossing your arms and looking back down at your feet. “that creep of a prince was looking down the top of my dress the whole day and the second he figured he was out of your sights he thought he’d try to stick a hand down it.” your voice increases as you speak, throwing your arms out at the end. “and when i loudly asked him to step back, it wasn’t your voice that called out to me asking if i needed assistance, it was atsumu’s.” 
osamu is frozen in front of you. sure, his normal post is stationed at the first fork in the gardens, much closer to you in proximity than atsumu’s, but he was sure that the higher ground of his twin’s post gave him a better way to keep an eye on you as you moved further into the gardens. now, he feels like a fool for going through with such a silly thought.
“i was only trying to have a clearer view on you, princess,” osamu takes a hesitant step closer to you, and another when you do not flinch or back away. with a deep breath, he continues. “i’d like to think i have better eyesight than my brother.” falling back to sit on the chaise situated at the foot of your bed, you exhale sharply through your nose, and osamu can’t tell if it’s to express amusement or distaste. though, with the way you’re still avoiding his watchful eye is having him lean towards the latter. he takes another step forward, then another, until he’s but a large stride away from your seated figure. “can i ask why you were so disheartened to hear atsumu’s voice instead of mine, princess?” he asks, not missing the way your fingers, currently lightly rubbing at your temples, freeze in their actions. “surely, he is just as capable of protecting you.”
your hands find refuge in your lap, fingers fiddling with each other as you straighten your posture. “o-of course he is.” you rebuke, turning your head slightly so that you’re staring out the window. “i was simply asking a question. you’re lucky no one noticed that you two were at different posts. you both could have gotten into trouble.”
osamu chuckles softly, taking another step towards you, finally drawing your attention back to him. your lips part slightly as you slowly glance up at him, and the corners of osamu’s perk up at the sight of your soft gaze. “well, it’s just like you said princess,” he coos, and your eyebrows furrow, cocking your head to the side. “you’re the only one who can tell us apart by just our voices.” osamu’s voice drops as the words leave his lips, stepping back towards the door as your eyes shoot back towards him.
your mouth drops fully open as if to speak, but no words come out. osamu can’t help but feel warm at the sight of your reddening cheeks, struggling to find the words “w-well, of course i c-can!” you sputter. “i’ve known you both for years! i, um, didn’t want you to get into trouble with anyone.”
the warmth in his chest spreads, and osamu hums softly to himself. “i appreciate the concern, my lady. allow me to go find atsumu and ensure that prince suguru is dealt with accordingly.” you nod quickly, eyes trained on your hands in your lap. “you should rest, princess.” you nod, but make no effort to move. “i will return once he is dealt with.”
and after personally escorting prince daishou suguru of nohebi to his carriage with atsumu, osamu does return, only to find you asleep in the same lavender dress, hair sprawled across the array of decorative pillows that you hadn’t even bothered to move before making yourself comfortable on top of your fully made bed. osamu chuckles to himself, gently pulling at the blanket that sits at the end of your bed, far enough away from your feet that it lays untouched. he drapes it over your sleeping figure, ensuring that your arms, legs, and feet are covered before a soft smile spreads across his face. hesitantly, his fingers reach out towards your face, slowly brushing away a piece of hair splayed across your cheek, breath catching in his throat when you let out a soft whine. however, you don’t move, nor do you say anything, your chest continuing to rise and fall with your even breaths, and osamu lets out a sigh of relief, a smile poking at his lips. 
“sleep well, princess.”
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targaryenluvs · 6 months
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pairings: robb stark x fem!targaryen!reader, platonic!stark family x reader
warnings: none!
a/n: i had only two drafts and this was one of them!! might just get back into got/hotd writing! god this was written a while ago
Within an hour you wound up being introduced to the entire Stark family. You especially liked Ayra, she reminded you of Rhaenyra in certain aspects such as her rebellious behaviour. Although you did have to cover your head with a scarf for the most part, your violet eyes were quite hard to miss. You chalked it up to a birth defect and were introduced as a maiden of the Red Keep, returning home for marriage but also a friend of the Eldest three children.
You yourself had never visited the North before, as your parents had deemed it unworthy of being visited by a Princess. But you found yourself growing fond of the place despite its cold nature.
You had also found Nyraxes huddled in front of a bonfire in a near by cave. Surprisingly she hadn’t torched the entire area and it’s inhabitants. You had wondered how the Starks had managed to tame a dragon.
But at the moment you were more concerned about getting home. As nice as it was to be in the area, you found yourself surprisingly longing for the Red Keep. Currently you found yourself dining with the family, the food seemed foreign, scarcely containing any notable fruit or vegetables but Jon had explained the lack of crop in such harsh times, which you understood. You felt uncomfortable, out of place.
Everyone chatted so freely, everyone knew each other where as you were an outsider in every way. Your gorgeous purple eyes in contrast to the ever so common brown and black, bright, striking silver hair which was no longer covered, compared to red and brown.
“Y/n, who are you marrying my dear?” Catelyn questioned you as the entire table diverted their gaze to you. Your face became hot, especially under Robb’s sharp gaze. “Yes Y/n, who are you betrothed to?” You felt like ripping him a new one, perhaps feeding him to Nyra.
“I’ve returned home for my parents, we’re heading up to Casterly Rock for the wedding, he’s a lord but I doubt you would know of him your grace.” Laughs bellowed out around you, Robb loudest of all.
“Your grace?” Robb cried out. “Hush you all. She has decorum and respect unlike most, why mock her for it? My dear, please, call me Catelyn.”
You nodded.
Ed and Catelyn still didn’t know of your real name, nor your lineage/descent. That much they may have been able to get their heads around but you weren’t so sure they would have opened up their castle to you quite so swiftly if they knew of the, as most royals and small folk would claim, “Beast” in the caves.
You sat at your windowsill looking out onto the courtyard as a someone knocked on your door. “You alright if I come in love?” You allowed him in. “Not the view your used to?” You nodded, “I wish to go home Robb. But if what you say is true how can I? All the Targaryens are gone. My Aemond, ended up dead in battle Above the Gods Eye along with my Uncle Daemon. Aegon, Helaena, Her children, Otto, Rhaenyra, Nyra, Jace, Luke everyone. In the history books and life I am forever known as the Princess who Hid. A coward.” You cried as he sat down and hugged you.
As he soothed you Robb slowly raised you face to him, as he wiped away your tears. “Not everyone.” Your head shot up, “What?” You croaked, “I didn’t finish the book my love. Aenys the mad King has two surviving children. Daenerys and Viserys. Although Viserys passed away a long time ago.”
“A-and Daenerys?” “Alive, and well as it seems. She’s been wed to Khal Drogo seemingly pregnant too as it seems.” Robb swiped a stray hair behind your ear as he leaned in, so did you.
You woke up the next morning after Robb as his side of the bed was seemingly empty. You prayed to the old gods and new that no one had heard the two of you yesterday. And if they did that they wouldn’t mention anything it. Everyone had broke their fast earlier on in the day as you had slept longer than usual. You weren’t use to having such lengthy nights of rest but were more than grateful.
After dressing you walked the halls with Arya for a bit before making your way to the courtyard where everyone seemed to have gathered for something, it wasn’t long before Sansa pulled you in front of all the people where the reason for the spectacle (rather reasons) came into view.
Robb was laughing loudly before Jon attacked, blade in hand. Robb swiftly moved to the side away from Jon and used his blade to propel Jon forwards again. As Jon fell Robb raised his sword to his neck.
“And you’re dead.”
Jon laughed, “Perhaps you should become a knight brother.”
They’re laughter stopped as you stepped out, fully dressed in your old clothes and determined. “I take it you’re planning on leaving now?” You smiled and nodded, “I appreciate your hospitality Robb, Jon. But if I do have surviving family than I must go to them. Thank you, truly.” You spoke as you walked past them, as much as you wished to stay longer you knew you’re descendants needed your help.
So as you mounted your Nyraxes, you couldn’t help but look back at him.
Maybe, you’d see him again.
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tabootoji · 1 month
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✰ - SYNOPSIS: suguru doesn't care whats going on around him when he's with you (or) you have to deal with suguru's high sex drive even when people are around. (ft. manami suda) ✰ - WC: 6.0k (got a lil excited, next parts might not be as long) ✰ - TAGS: reader is black and curvy, tongue kissing, nipple play, v. fingering, dry humping, dirty talk, praise, semi public, obsession/possessive, finger sucking, f. orgasm, spanking, size diff., groping, spitting (mentions of thigh riding, manhandling, dacryphilia, v. intercourse, cockwarming) no use of (y/n), all lower case ✰ - A/N: planning on making this 4 parts. this is my first fan fiction, so i hope you all enjoy :)
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“you may enter.”
 you hear the tall buddhist priest next to you beckon in another wavering soul into the ‘restoration’ room of his monastery, where he helps those who cannot see the cursed spirits that torment them due to negative human emotion. geto suguru. with the low base of his soothing voice, he asks the human what troubles them, already gripping his hand out to extract the grotesque mass curled around their body like it's second nature to him, feigning interest in what the human has to say. 
 your sitting in a soft assortment of colorful patterned meditation cushions besides geto-sama, who lazily leans his muscular arm to rest his head on the tall bejeweled throne he sits on, long legs overstretch against the other arm of the royal seat. he turns the spirit into a small glinting black orb, flashing a beautiful smile on his angled face, giving the mortal the same teachings he gives all the others who come to his temple seeking help through his ‘rituals'. his smile doesn't quite reach his dark eyes, you notice. you're all too familiar with seeing the many facial expressions geto-sama fakes to the public eye, and the alluring ones he graces only you with.
 sugeru geto is a very busy man. throughout the day his schedule consists of leading worships, performing healing ceremonies, and ensuring that those occupying or taking care of his temple for his group were performing their roles dutifully. his soft spot for you is eminent - his heart can't bear being away from you for too long. so when he can, he integrates his pretty princess into his program. even if it means just having you sit with him during these dreary cleanses of monkeys that flock to the boat load into his home, he knew he could endure tending to whatever role he had to fulfill. 
 as he took out his disinfecting deodorant to sanitize himself after the mortal exited the room, he snuck a glance at the ethereal being beside him.
 you sat cross legged on the arrangement of cushions on the floor alongside his throne. your kasaya and yukata robe that was similar in color to his hugged your round and curvy figure in a way that was so hypnotizing. you two are the only ones to wear these colors in the entire temple – a clear message to all on who you were and what you meant to him. your thick, tight curled strands of hair that usually cascaded the sides of your face down to your back were currently pulled into a slick and refined bun held together by an embellished hair comb clip. he admired this hairstyle on you – he had a better view of your illuminating melanated skin, your full lips, your cute button nose, and overall your captivating beauty. 
 his narrow eyes landed on your sweet wide ones, a slight blush cascading the canvas of your round cheeks. he smirks knowingly, realizing that both of you caught each other staring at one another. “are you doin’ alright little one? hope you're not too bored. are you comfortable?” he asks you. 
 “y-yes, i’m f-fine.” you stutter out. “please do not worry about me geto-sama.” you shift your gaze to the side, still slightly embarrassed at the fact he caught you eyeing at him. but you can't help yourself. you have almost no choice but to gawk at the dashing man before you. the man that saved your life all those years ago. 
 you took note of the way his head laid on his hand, his long, luscious black hair covering his back. one strand that seemed to slip out of his top bun framed his handsome face. because of his height, his form draped completely across his seat. you are but in awe of his beauty, no wonder anyone who was blessed by his presence describes the man as charismatic, charming, godly
 geto-sama rolled his eyes, the thought of how he could try to make you gasp call out his given name briefly went through his mind before he chuckled lowly. “stubborn girl. how many times do i have to tell you – 's no need for honorifics between us. come, sit with me.” he holds his hand for you to take. you eye him hesitantly before placing your small hand in his large one, and he pulls you to him. 
 he guides your short frame to sit on his lap and you let out a shaky sigh, feeling his arms wrap around the swell of your hips, holding you closer to him as your thick thighs take perch onto his pelvis. he always initially asks you to sit on him when you stay during his sessions, and your bashful nature allows you to refuse him at first, giving him some minuscule excuse along the lines of not wanting to tire him out by carrying your heavy weight for too long. but you know too well that you cannot deny him of anything for too long. 
 “i apologize s-suguru…” you turn to say to him. you notice his large ears with protruding piercings perk up at your melodious voice slipping his name through your lips. the all consuming need he has for you courses through him yet again at the mere sound of your voice. he folds his hands together on your round stomach, leaning his head into the crook of your neck, feeling your nape get hotter to the touch as you continue, already making a mental note of his request. “...i always feel inclined to. after all, you are my savior.”
 suguru presses his lips to your shoulder, pecking it as he hums, thinking of that time all those years ago that he was blessed to have met you. in the first beginning years of his guise as a priest, you graced his presence by bowing at your feet, begging him to take you into his group. you had nowhere else to go - a rather weak curse user who spent your whole life abused by the mortals who raised you because of your divine gift of sight. you found a way to escape from your brutal environment and followed the rumors of a cleric who provided housing and leadership to those that can ‘see’ things others can't, while relinquishing those plagued by the manifestations of their own despair. 
 poor little one, suguru had thought when he first laid his eyes on you. you had presented battered and broken at the front of his door steps. it’s not your fault you were raised by dim witted monkeys. when you raised your head and bore your watery eyes from the ground to his, he looked deep into them and saw your potential. he saw the pain and turmoil you faced from your upbringing by those unlike you, and he could relate, having mortal parents himself. the dangerous path you took reminded him of why he himself broke away from jujutsu high.
 not only was he inspired by your gull, he was entranced by your delicate beauty that shined through your frayed outward appearance. he was overcome with the need to save you, shape you into the heavenly form of yourself he knew you could be, and in the back of his mind hoped he’d be lucky enough to one day call you a lifelong companion. 
 suguru took to you instantly, informing everyone in the monastery of their new member, and that all should treat you as they would treat him – or they would face his wrath . he had you reside in a room compounded with his, and while all others in the temple had clear and thorough roles to fulfill every day, the only thing suguru asked of you was to do whatever filled your heart with contentment and happiness. 
 and how else could you possibly do that without the kind and striking jujutsu sorcerer who took you in with no questions asked, the first person in your life to ever show you such kindness, the man you practically fell in love with the first time meeting him, by your side as much as possible?
 after all this time you're still incredibly grateful that suguru not only allows you to cling to him, but that he still always seems pleased every time you're in his presence. little did you know, suguru was thrilled at the idea that you may feel the same way he does. the idea that the reason you're so attached to him was because you're as fond of him as he is of you made his heart swell.
 as more and more time passed, the both of you felt yourselves spiral into a never ending pool of emotions filled with passion, exhilaration, and most of all, desire.
 at first, suguru intended to respect your boundaries, never attempting to cross any dangerous lines when it came to you. but after some time, gentle and friendly gestures between companions became sensual and air stiffening tension between two budding lovers anytime you both were within close proximity of each other – which was almost all the time. hugs and cuddles turned into intimate embraces if you both clung to each other for too long. soft kisses on the hands and face turned intense when they lingered on the most sensitive spots of your bodies that only you two know of. 
 you both grew so close to one another, you eventually began asking suguru if you could stay in his room with him during the nights, which pretty much ended up with the both of you permanently living together in the same room. you both continued to muddle the borderlines of your relationship until the flooded gates opened that allowed both of you to indulge in each other to your hearts' content without having to feel guilty about it.
 that's all you can think about now when suguru begins trailing wet puckered kisses from your collarbone to your neck, stopping at the sweet spot below your earlobe and focusing his attention there by kissing it, making you involuntarily squirm in his arms. suguru manages to pull you even closer to his hard lean body.
 “sometimes i wonder if you're the one who saved me, little one.” he whispers in your ear, before leaning down, blowing a puff of cold air from his mouth down the slight trail of saliva his lips left on your neck, causing you to shiver and turn your head to face him.
 suguru’s smile grows wider as he looks into your warmly rich colored eyes staring intently into him. “‘s there something you need from me, princess?” he asks teasingly, watching you glance down to his full sultry lips before quickly making eye contact again with his brown luminous ones again, swallowing harshly. 
 suguru is the highly esteemed leader of the sanctuary you call home, so you try to hold yourself to a respectful and reverent standard that should be held by anybody who could even think of being by his side. but it's as if your body betrays you when you're with him - especially this close . 
 your heart begins beating so fast it feels like it's banging against your chest. the temperature of your body increases till you feel like you're on fire. all the muscles in your body tighten up, your breathing quickens, and you're unable to ignore the pool of wetness that forms in between your legs that compel you to rub your thighs together for relief. 
 you get so caught up in your body going into overdrive that you almost forget that suguru had asked you a question. you blink once to remember, before scrunching your eyebrows together in a pout, too sheepish to express your feelings of lust out loud. 
 fortunately, suguru decides to have mercy on you - he knows how coy his girl can be - lifting one of the hands that gripped your waist and using it to cradle the side of your face, slotting his fingers to the back of your head to gently hold you in place. 
 “hm. it’s ok darling. know exactly what you need. stick your tongue out f’ me. need your lips. need to taste your mouth.”
 the words that roll off his tongue in his ravishing voice make you audibly gasp out. suguru was never the type to beat around the bush with you. but him directing such inappropriate words to you with such ease always made your entire body tingle. 
 you listen obediently, slowly sticking out the wet mass in your mouth for him, closing your eyes as you feel your face heat up in anticipation.
 suguru smiles down at you. his docile, precious girl. his eyes darken with desire as you comply for him without question. always ready for me to make a mess of her. so cute. he thought, before sliding his own tongue out of his mouth to rub against yours, dancing and twirling them together, exchanging saliva with one another, making you moan out with your sweet voice while holding on to his robe for stability. he grips the back of your head tighter and pulls your face closer to his to deepen the kiss, sucking on your moist tongue and swallowing the rest of your pleasant noises into his mouth.
 for suguru, this is heaven on earth for him. having your bodies pressed against one another, groping at each other until one or both of you become undone in each other's arms. he’s almost embarrassed to admit that he’s already sporting a straining erection underneath his garments from just kissing you alone. 
 you both continue to explore each other's mouths with your tongues, sucking and biting where you can as you continue to share the same breath for some time. suguru begins to untie the string holding your yukata together, feverish to see if your body was expressing excitement just as much as his was.
 suguru releases your lips with a parting ‘mwah’, admiring the strings of saliva connecting your lips to his. he takes his thumb and swipes the bottom of your now swollen bottom lip, the result of his oh so greedy suckles during your mouth watering make out session. he takes note of how fast you’ve already turned putty in his hands from just fucking your mouth with his tongue. 
 he continues to undress you, pulling your attire enough for him to peer down at your stubby, erotic figure. your busty ample breasts bigger than the grips of his hands could hold were perky and well rounded. your taut brown nipples stood at attention the minute they were exposed to the cool air in the room, waiting for him to tweak at. your voluptuous stomach hung out, and suguru couldn't help but to salivate at your contours and rolls. his eyes finally wandered down to your puffy folds and thighs that glistened, already covered in your essence of messy slick. 
 suguru barely considered the possibility that another monkey may knock at the door anytime now to request for another one of his healings. because in his eyes you were a delicious dessert handed to him on a silver plate. 
 and right now, he had every intention to completely consume you. interruptions or not. 
 “s-suguru, someone might come in…” you voice out exasperatedly. it was almost frightening how you felt like prey that had finally been caught under his gaze, but it also sparked something inside of you. regardless, you tried your best to think logically. what would a mortal, a member of the group, or hell – even the maids or various service workers that constantly roamed and checked on every nook and cranny of the temple – think if they came into the room and saw this situation?
 their superior, their god, roaming his fingertips against the arms of a half exposed, weakly curse user that squirmed in his lap with his every touch?
 your concerns slowly begin to fade the more lost you get in his persistent touches, feeling his mouth press against your ear as the pads of his fingers brush against your pebbled nipples, getting ready to tease and twist them till you jerk in his lap so much you leave a puddle of your own cum on his lap. only suguru was able to pull this primal urge from deep within you, making you lose all sense of reason from his caresses alone.
 “oh honey, don't think i’ll be able to stop myself anyway.” he murmured in your ear before licking up and down your earlobe, stopping at the lower spot behind it, and starting to swirl there with his hot wet tongue while he flicks his digits in swift movements against your erect nipples, proceeding to grope at your mounds while tightening the grip on his digits to rub and pull tightly at your responsive areola's that elicited the most adorable sobs of pleasure from you. 
 if suguru were being honest, he didn't care who or what was around him anytime he craved a taste of you. every time he got a look at your divine figure, blinding heat took over and before he knew it, he seemed to always have a bothersome hard on with you in his sights. distracting erections would refuse to go away even after he tried to relieve himself (multiple times), but to his surprise, you were all too willing to help him by not only giving your appetizing body, but your tender heart as well. of course for suguru it wasn't just all about the sex, even if he did choose to use it to express his devotion to you, alot. suguru derives the greatest pleasure from showing off your relationship to all. 
 so what if a useless monkey came in? 
 who cares if any of the staff members came to check on them and saw their leader's overbearing stature unraveling his pretty girl with only his calloused hands? 
 all the better for him. anyone could and should see with their own eyes how infatuated he was with you and only you.  
 suguru chuckles as he watches you whine and try not to buck your hips while he continues to fondle your stiff nubs. fussy girl. “s’ ok love. you don't have to hold yourself back. know how much you need this.��oh … and you're not even wearing any panties. you can be so bad when you wanna be.” he teases you, letting go of your large tits to finally give attention to your increasingly soaking pussy. 
 he would have liked to have picked you up and turn you to face him, soothing his needy girl by letting you grind your twitching clit against his big thigh till you came, leaving a trail of your wetness on him as he slurps and tongues at your dark colored nipples. but with the way your glazed eyes looked up at him, eyebrows knitted together, lips parted, a bit of drool spilling out and sliding down the side of your jaw, he could tell you were getting desperate. shit – so was he. 
 he’ll give you exactly what you need – he’ll stuff his perfect girl's dripping cunt with his fingers till you explode all over him. 
 you flush at his accusation, quick to remind him that it was his suggestion for you not to wear underwear under your robe around the temple anymore so he could have “ easier access to your sweetest spot wherever he wanted.” “s-suguru!”  you exclaim. “t-that's because...you told me not to –!” you jump in sugurus lap at the end of your sentence when he gently pinches the bundle of nerves between your thighs. 
 “i know sweet girl. ’s just so fun teasing you~” he practically purrs to you. suguru could be so mean sometimes! but you love him, even when he pokes fun at you. 
 you look up at him briefly to give him a small smile, before putting your attention to his fingers pulling apart your smooth lips that were already sticky with your arousal to get a better look at your pretty pink pussy. suguru can't help but whistle at the sight of your delicate flower. “look at her. isn't she just lovely?” hearing him refer to your cunt in the third person had you biting your lip to stop the moan that threatened to slip out, feeling yourself clench around nothing. 
 suguru drags a single one of his thick digits up and down the entrance of your drooling hole, picking up his pace a bit, enjoying the squelching noises your pussy makes as he strokes it. collecting enough of your juices on his finger, he slides it inside your rigged, tight walls and wiggles it deep inside you as his big palm kneads at your aching clit. “ always so fucking tight..” his voice rumbles out, and your eyes roll to the back of your head in pleasure. you arch your back while he continues to prod and poke inside of you.
 suguru busies his unoccupied hand by pushing away any part of your robe that touched his lap, then unties his own yukata to reveal his painfully stiff lower half. he had also decided to stop wearing underwear beneath his robe, thankful for his idea now as his angrily red cock begged for some kind of stimulation. he slits it upward in between your plump bottom, so now every time you pushed against him, your thick round ass cheeks would give his now full hard on some much needed friction.
 he slightly bends you forward briefly to admire the sight before him – his two toned, veiny, and ridiculously thick eight inch cock was enveloped in the cellulite of your fleshy rear end that involuntarily jiggled about with any slight movement. the obscene view made him let out a staggering groan. he lands a crisp ‘slap!’ down one of your big cheeks that makes you yelp in surprise. your eyes widened as the sting from the impact began mixing with your pleasure. 
 unbeknownst to you, suguru was in awe, watching the swell of your curved ass moving in ruptures that imitated moving water from the ‘thwack’ he gave it, enjoying the vibrating sensations to his aching length. he shudders, feeling himself twitch against your soft skin, his bulbous tip releasing a drop of precum out of his slit. 
 suguru had to seriously control himself before he threw you up like a rag doll and fucked into you right then and there with his lengthy girth ruthlessly. he wanted to bury himself to the hilt in your wet cunt that was grasping his beefy finger so tightly. he wanted to see your twinkling eyes quiver as fat tears fell from them while you cried out on his cock. he could practically picture you bouncing on his lap, desperately trying to meet his thrusts like the good girl you were. 
 get ahold of yourself suguru, he muses, shaking his head, gritting his teeth and sucking in a harsh breathe. he needed to focus on stretching out your tense little hole first so you could take all of him properly. above all, he wanted to make sure you’ll enjoy yourself just as much as he would.
 he pulls you back to his chest, holding the side of your hip with one hand as he begins a steady pace with the finger inside of you. “tsk, naughty girl. already sooo wet for me. was it ‘cause of our kiss? or have you been like this the whole time?” you moan out his name once he’s finished, indirectly answering his question. 
 “aww, my poor baby. 's my fault, i’ve spoiled you rotten. now when my pretty princess goes too long without me payin’ attention to her, she gets so needy, hm?” you open your big thighs wider to accommodate his rapidly moving hand, confirming his claims as his digits pump in and out of you. you feel his rough finger trace every inch of the ridges inside the slippery walls of your cunt. 
 your panting now as suguru continues to play and toy with your body – the feeling quickly becoming an addiction you have come to crave at an unhealthy rate.
 “oh! oh y-yes! m’ sorry suguru, p-please, need you…to pay attention to me!” you squeal out, feeling him add another one of his fingers inside of you, because how could he refuse his baby's delightful request? he guides the hand on your wide hip to rock against him, and you move them in juicy circular movements as his fingertips continuously graze against your g spot, causing your pussy to gush all over his hand. 
 you can feel drops of his warm sticky precum dribble in between your ass, and suguru uses it as a lubricant while he humps behind you, grunting heavily in your ear. as he increases the speed his fingers surge into you, he matches it with the grinding of your bodies.
 “i know princess, i know.” suguru gasps out. “my little doll jus’ needed me to take care of her desperate pussy.” he pants. suguru just loved to watch his kind, quiet girl spasm out in ecstasy in front of him, because of him. he achieves so much satisfaction from knowing that he’s tinkered with your body so much, he’s practically trained your cunt to be his personal cock sleeve. you can't go mere moments around him without your pussy leaking down your legs. 
 “‘d-desperate…only for you, my love …” you breathe out in your angelically soft voice, causing suguru to moan at the dirty words you whispered to him. you both extract the same feelings of greed and unadulterated lust out of each other. you can dive into each other's darkest desires without any shame. 
 “are you feeling good, little one? talk to me gorgeous.” suguru hums, wanting to hear more of your seductive words and noises in your sultry voice.
 “ah...a-ah! oh god ! mph…! feels so good sugu-suguru ! love it so much..” you cry out, thrashing around as an entertained suguru smiles at your words of affirmation, pressing a wet smooch on the side of your face. 
 your moans and pants now begin to increase in volume unapologetically. suguru is so happy when you let loose like this, it’s when you're the most confident in yourself. just looking at how exquisite you look as he fingers you, he pledges to find new ways to crack into your hard shelled exterior so he can see you like this more often. 
 maybe he could find out what extracurricular activities you're passionate about to keep yourself busy during the day. but suguru knows in his selfish heart that he wants you to spend all your time with only him, as you both continue to taint each other while you lose yourselves completely to your urges. right now, he’s determined to help you let go of the last strings of sanity you're clinging onto to keep yourself from descending to madness from the enthralling level of pleasure you're experiencing. he wants to hear you scream his name out so loud, the entire temple will know what he's doing to you. 
 so he adds another finger into you, now pushing three of his digits into your messy cunt. the strong grip he has on your hip is bound to leave ghosts of his touch on your skin the next day as he helps you grind down on his lengthy fingers while you fuck yourself on them, babbling out broken sentences that get interrupted by your cries and hiccups. he’s pumping into your burning heat so fast now, that every thrust makes your huge breasts bounce around erotically. you are such a sight to behold in suguru’s eyes. he looks at your pupils practically glow with hearts as you turn into a puddle of mush.
 you're close – he can tell by the way your pulsating hole convulses around his digits, sucking them in so much he can barely pull them out, leaving his hand covered in your tasty fluids. the room is filled with the symphony of obnoxiously pornographic squelches your poor cunt makes.
 surguru leans his head over your shoulder and spits a fat glob of his warm spit onto your clit, presses his thumb against it, and rubs tight succulent circles into your love nub, making you start to see white. he grasps one of your small hands in his large ones and holds it against your squishy chest, pinching and pulling at your sensitive nipple again while he turns his face to you to lick up the drool still spilling out of your pink lips. 
 “my sweet, sweet girl. you're so damn beautiful, so gorgeous. ‘gonna come on my fingers? don't be shy, let yourself go. wanna hear my pretty bird sing. come for me, little one.” hearing his sweltering voice whisper such vulgar words to you was all it took for you to release the balloon threatening to burst inside of you. your orgasm hits you hard, disorienting you as your vision blurs. your fluttering cunt sprays down sugurus arm and lap, drenching them in your juices. your hips finally give out, suguru having to support your body as you fall back on to him, letting out a final loud moan. 
 you sit against him in exhaustion, your chest heaving as you try to catch the breath that was ripped out of your lungs. suguru pulls his fingers out of your gummy walls, watching in amazement as strings of your slick stay attached to his digits. he holds his hand soaked with your cum up as the bright light beaming in the room catches it, a sheeny glow that reflects all over his palm leaves him starving for your taste. 
 he begins licking his hand clean, rolling his eyes to the back of his head as he shudders at the rich taste of you on his tongue. not wanting to waste a single drop, he laps up your essence that's all over his palm. once he's finished, he looks down at your tired out face and laughs to himself. already fucked out, n’ i havent even put my cock in you yet. suguru wasn't complaining though. he enjoyed seeing your mind and body so blown from pleasure you can barely move or form coherent sentences.
 he leans his forehead against yours and presses your cheeks with his hand to pucker your lips for a kiss, entangling his tongue with yours yet again to swirl the taste of yourself in your mouths. suguru sucks on the fat of your bottom lip, nibbling on it softly before pulling away slightly to give you a dazzling smile. 
 “how’re feeling now, little one? all better?” you somehow find the strength to nod your head, closing your eyes as he peppers your face with more kisses. “yes…i feel…m-much better. thank you…suguru…” you murmur, still reeling from your powerful climax. 
 “‘s good my love, i'm glad. because now… 'm gonna make you feel even better.” his smile quickly turns into a mischievous smirk as he gently pushes you forward so you could feel his long shaft throb against your backside.
 suguru was just about to put his hands under your arms to lift you up and raise you down onto his pelvis, when there was a sudden knock at the entrance door of the room. you quickly sat yourself up on sugurus lap, wrapping your robe around your still exposed front, and tried to look as presentable as possible before the door slid open. suguru pouted. he was just about to fuck you silly on his dick.
 it was sugurus secretary, manami suda. she bowed her head briefly before strolling to the center of the room. the way she swished her hips as she walked showed off the fit her sleeveless dress had on her body. she turned her full attention to suguru as if you weren't even in the room and spoke. “geto-sama, you have one more healing ritual before the day ends. afterwards, there's a meeting you must attend with all the leaders…” manami trails off and raises an eyebrow at you when she notices you suddenly stiffen in the middle of her talking. 
 due to the placement of both of your robes and you hiding sugurus bottom half as you sat on him, manami was unaware of the movements of the jujutsu sorcerer she spoke to and how they were affecting you. during her drabbles about his upcoming schedule, suguru busied himself with grabbing your hips and grounding his stiff rod against your supple heat, your leftover cum assisting him with his desperate humping. while you tried (and failed) to keep as still as possible, suguru gave out a thoughtless, automatic response to his secretary. “thank you, manami. go ahead ‘n let the last one enter then.” 
 manami nods and gives a final bow, sashaying away and flipping her salmon colored hair to give you a skeptical glance before she exits the room. when the sliding doors slammed shut, you hid your now reddened face in your hands, suddenly feeling self conscious. you now realize that you must have been so loud before. what if manami, who already seems to detest you, or someone else in the temple had heard you? how would you be able to face them you thought.
 clueless to the internal conflict you were facing with yourself, suguru wraps his arms around you and kisses the top of your head with a satisfied hum, before sitting both of you up properly on his pedestal while the two of you wait for the last pitied mortal to come in. 
 “let’s get through the day as quickly as possible, hm? can't wait till we’re back inside our room.” he whispers seductively to you, contributing to the warmth rising in your cheeks. honestly if it were up to suguru, he’d still fuck you senseless infront of whatever monkey was coming in to complain about their problems. he’d have even continued what he wanted to initially do to you before manami came in, uncaring if anyone walked in on him filling his girl up.
 if others didn't get that he constantly needed intimate time with his woman, he had no problem satisfying their curiosity by showing them all the dirty things he does to you. the thought only manages to spur suguru on, and he decides that he wants to see you melt even more for him. however, suguru takes into consideration how modest you thrive to be in public settings with him, and decides to have some ‘pity’ on you.
 so while suguru continues to play his role as a kind hearted cleric during his final healing ritual of the day, he periodically raises his hips up to grind himself between your puffy folds, no barrier separating the two of you now, embracing you securely so you're constantly reminded of his longing for you.
 surguru gets so worked up from this, he changes his mind on being nice and asks you to at least cockwarm him, feeling his hard cock involuntarily twitch against you from the need to feel your cunt swallow him greedily. excuses for your refusal fall on deaf ears as you try to reason with him. after grumbling, suguru eventually realizes you may have been right after visualizing the risky idea: 
 the crown of suguru’s fat sensitive cockhead bumping against the squishy spot deep inside of you that pushes you over the edge, a spot only he can reach. unable to move, both of you falling to pieces at the guaranteed snug hold your pussy would have on his engorged length. his poor dick would have no choice but to release hot beads of his precum inside you that would only add to the mess of your sloppy pussy as you clenched, feeling your heartbeat from within.
 suguru almost thought he’d cum on the spot from just his filthy imagination alone, and you would no doubt follow suit as he feels your cunt spill more slick on him every time his bulb-shaped tip repeatedly catched on your abused clit, stimulating it with his agonizing thrusts. suguru will give you both what you need later, when he pounds into you mercilessly for hours in your shared bed, fucking you within an inch of your life. he can't wait to feel your pussy leave a mess down his heavy cock, milking him for everything he’s worth.
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👑The girl in the silver dress👑New version
Aemond x reader
Tags: Fluffish, royalty, modernroyalty, theselection
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Cool devider credits: firefly graphics
🔷Summary: You are invited to become a selected girl for Prince Jacaerys's selection. You never thought you would fall for his uncle, prince Aemond instead.
🔷Author's note: Based on the books by Kiera Cass, but reading them is not required.
🔷Wordcount :5393
🔷Warnings: It is not a very dark or triggering fic. If you found something that upsets you, however let me know ill change the warnings
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The life you had before the palace was as a child’s coloring book before growing up. You didn't bother about crossing over the lines, no one told you to stop adding hats to the animals you coloured in, or to stop using so much pink and glitters. There was no line you could cross, no scissors wrapped in papers who could cut you open without you realizing.
All of that changed for better or worse when you were selected for the Selection of Prince Jacaerys Velaryon or as he would soon be known under his ruling name, King Jacaerys Velyaron. 
You never thought you would be selected. There are strict laws that only noble ladies from the minor houses can join the month-to-a-year-long competition where the Seven Kingdoms are introduced to his future bride. 
It is more than a beauty pageant. The skills of each bride are tested. The selection does not require mere Valyrian blood or beauty alone anymore. It has become a deadly game full of manipulation, lies, tricks, schemes and plots. Things you know nothing of.
Your house is not as grand as Baratheon, or as rich as Lannister, your house…It has always been decent. Your parents sheltered you from court life and tried giving you a normal life, as normal as one could have with your titles. And now, it all would change
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You sit in the dining room of the royal castle, known as the Red Keep. The castle has survived multiple wars, sieges, treasons and deaths long before any of its current inhabitants graced this world, and many more would follow before you all are bones.
In front of you is a silver plate with a spoon, a fork, a knife and a glass. You never knew you cutted your food wrong or that you lean that much with your elbows on a table until your princess training began. 
It is all so terribly confusing. There are 35 girls here, and they want the same as you do. They want to be the one for Prince Jacaerys. They want to sit next to him at official functions and parties, they want one day to be his love, to continue his legacy and perhaps more than Jace, they want this glamorous life. 
You tell yourself that this uneasy feeling, that you don’t quite belong here, will fade. It has to. These girls are all from higher noble houses and used to courtly manners and training. Of course you will be a bit out of place at first. 
A gorgeous black-haired girl with a clear stag necklace with diamonds speaks up, rising from her chair as if she is already proclaimed queen. She turns to the woman who is tasked with guiding and teaching you all how to behave accordingly as the consort of the king. That lady is called Lady Aemma Arryn, yet you may refer to her as Lady Aemma or Lady Arryn. 
The girl’s voice has a slight accent from the Stormlands. ‘’When will we meet the royal family?’’ You believe her name is Floris, but you are not sure. You become slightly worried by her question, as you are in no state of preparation to meet anyone or anything royal at all.
Your teacher sighs, annoyed by this question. ‘’Patience, girls. I won’t introduce you to any royal. Some of you can curtsy but others would fall flat on their faces.’’ She doesn't even glance in your direction. So why do you feel as if she speaks directly about you?
Floris nods to that with a sweet smile, her eyes blinking rapidly. ‘’That would be embarrassing.’’ She says, eying the girls around the table, including you. You pretend to be too busy with your glass to notice.
Lady Aemma smiles. ‘’Yes it would.’’ She says, with a thinly veiled laugh. ‘’For you it would be.’’ She adds with a charming smile.
A few girls giggle delighted by this spectacle and amazing comeback. Floris becomes furious and you fear that for now, Lady Aemma has made an enemy. ‘’Ladies, focus. Remember: You are always one step away from a scandal.’’ The grand doors of the dining room open.
35 heads turn at the same time, taking in the mysterious visitors. It is two young adult males, both dressed in black, with each a motorcycle helmet under their arms. One is slightly taller yet the smaller one stands out the most thanks to his cheekish, boyish and almost taunting grin. 
Nervous chatter erupts among most girls, as they already seem to know who these two men are. You wonder if one of these two men is Jacaerys. The smaller one speaks, and despite the distance between you and him he speaks as if he is sitting right next to you, almost purring in your ear and sending shivers down your spine. ‘’I didn’t know the royal harem had been invited already.’’ 
You are offended by his comment and frown. The selection is not a harem. One girl will be chosen. One. This is nothing like a harem. The taller man remains silent, his expression unreadable as a book in a foreign language you only heard in a dream.
Lady Aemma smiles and for a moment you believe her. You believe she is happy to see both. Until the corners of her mouth slightly begin to hang in displeasure or perhaps pure disgust when she greets the man.
‘’Prince Aegon.’’ You slowly lift your elbows again from the table, quickly sitting straight. ‘’Forgive me, you nor your brother were expected back so quickly.’’ Aegon, or rather prince Aegon approaches the long table with 35 young women that stare at him as if he is a statue that has come to life.
Aegon takes no offense. ‘’It is no matter, Lady Aemma.’’ He makes sure to put a little extra effort on the lady word. ‘’You are getting old, after all.’’ Lady Aemma turns her head so he can’t see her scowl, very subtly before looking at the selected girls again.
She speaks to you all. ‘’Girls, this is Prince Aegon, and Prince Aemond. Please stand up for them, and make a curtsy as is custom.’’ You all stand up before following her orders, making a curtsy or a bow.
Aegon seems to enjoy the attention when his brother remains in the background, unaware of your gaze slowly shifting from Aegon's eyes to his own. When he finally notices your gaze, he scowls. Your smile dies and you turn your gaze to the glass in front of you. Aemond and Aegon leave soon after that, having caused quite the uproar among the selected.
The girl a few chairs away from you speaks, her blue and gorgeous dress reveals she is from either the Arryn, or perhaps a Velyaron. ‘’Is Jace just as pretty as them?’’ She wonders, her voice a little sigh of a girl slowly falling in love.
Lady Aemma scowls at her, before insulting the girl. ‘’Prince Jacaerys to you, and have some self-respect and decorum.’’ A few girls giggle, but you don’t join this time as you take in the sad smile of the girl, clearly embarrassed. 
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Two months in the selection and you feel less like a failure every passing day. One day, when you are busy practicing the dance of the dragons, Lady Aemma returns from her walk. Several girls who have been practicing break up their dances, but you and your partner keep engaged in the dance. The girl was shy at first, keeping her movements stiff and ungracious, but after your encouraging smile and jokes about how you look like a parrot when you dance, she has loosened up and dances as if she is the most free and spirited girl out there. Her name is Maris. You and Maris smoothly glide over the dance floor, leaving jealous eyes behind. Not jealousy aimed at you, but at Maris or the bond you two have. Lady Aemma quietly walks over, her hands folded in front of her blue dress when she takes in the movements you and Maris make, faithful to the waltz.
She smiles, nodding in slight approval. You are shocked and you can tell that Maris is too. ‘’Good, especially you, Lady Baratheon. You are a natural.’’ To you, she does not utter a word but gives you a warning glare before turning her head to the other girls. You and Maris finally break up your dance so you can listen to what Lady Aemma has to say.
She sighs, deeply and very unbecoming of a lady, before speaking. ‘’Ladies, it is with great displeasure and my greatest fear that I must admit to myself, and you all, as adults, that you are finally ready to meet what could become your future family in law, as well his royal highness, prince Jacaerys Velyaron.’’ You hear Maris gasp, as well as other girls who giggle and mutter excitedly. Lady Aemma glares at one girl who lets out an excited cheer. ‘’Do not make me regret this.’’ She warns the girl in particular. 
That evening, you are prepared to meet the royal family. You are put in a silver coloured dress with transparent sleeves,  befitting your house colors. The other girls are dressed as well, each in another dress with a different model. When the selection started you all were giving a tailor, a handmaiden, a team of make-up artists and dressmakers. 
You would be lying to yourself if you said you weren’t nervous to meet the royal family. They have a reputation for being intense people. They dislike outsiders joining their royal private circle, and for centuries banned people for even joining theirs. Now the rules have changed, and you are prepared for your meeting, hearing other girls talk with their teams.
Lady Floris Baratheon wears a dark black with gold gown, sleeveless with a huge diamond choker. Again, it would be a lie if you wouldn’t admit she wears it very well. She orders her maids to tighten her corset even more, before her small feet glide into her dark black heels.
You hear sniffs beside you, and turn your head to a gorgeous blonde crying girl in a red gown. Her make-up artist sighs. ‘’I can’t work like this. The girl keeps crying and it ruins the eyeliner I put on her.’’ Is he heartless? You feel conflicted as you take in her big puffy red eyes. She is upset.
The dressmaker does her best to comfort the girl, but fails miserably because of her annoyed glare and her tight pressed lips. ‘’You are ruining everything we worked so hard for with your tears.’’ She warns the girl. 
That only makes the girl feel even more terrible. ‘’I don’t know. What if he hates this? What if he hates me?’’  Your chest tightens as you become worried about that too.
A woman with her gorgeous silver locks high up on a knot in the Valyrian style, approaches the girl, gently taking her hands into her own. ‘’He doesn’t know you, he can’t hate you yet.’’ She tells the girl, who slowly calms down because of this act of sincere genuine kindness. That is all she needed.
The girl continues giving her advice as you listen in on them, feeling terrible that you do so. ‘’Jacaerys is very kind, and takes his role and the selection very seriously. He will have a small talk with all of us. Just be yourself, Jace likes that the most.’’ She finally notices you listening in. Instead of glaring or snapping at you, she smiles. ‘’You look beautiful. Silver is your color.’’
You are speechless. The girl she helped, is not. ‘’Thank you, Lady Baela. You’re always very kind to me.’’ She sniffs. ‘’If my face wasn’t full of snot and ruined make-up, I’d hug you.’’ 
Lady Baela smiles, yet beams at the compliment before taking the girl’s hand. After Baela has cleaned her face for her, and put on a fresh layer of much less expressive make-up, she takes the girl by her hand. ‘’I’m simply speaking my truth, lady Dyana. Come, we’ll go in together. I met the royal family before. They are actually very nice.’’
Floris snaps her head to Baela, taking in her dark blue puffy gown as she scoffs, clearly hating the seahorses that are embroidered on it. ‘’Where the hell would a girl like you met the royals before?’’ She asks, her voice clearly jealous.
Baela smiles, sweetly. ‘’Be careful, Lady Floris. Green clashes with black.’’ She walks with Dyana to the people by the doors, to let them know they are ready. You smile, faintly until you notice Floris approaching you.
She takes in your plain silver dress. ‘’You’re the nameless girl.’’ That is one way to greet you.
You shrug. ‘’What if I am?’’
Floris sighs, deeply as if you are just stupid before giving you some friendly advice meant as a threat. ‘’Just don’t bother, dear. A prince like Jace wants a girl with a house, banners, and good men to fight his wars.’’
You might suck at dancing, at court manners, public speaking, but the history and the books? That is something you excel at. You turn your head. ‘’Lady Floris. Perhaps if you spent as much time with your nose in a book as you did making others feel miserable, you would know that the last time the Seven Kingdoms had a war was hundreds of years ago. I suggest you spent more time reading, no man likes a girl that can’t keep up with him.’’ A few girls overhear and giggle among themselves, as Floris becomes a dark shade of red. You let her be, before telling the crew you are ready as well.
You are let in at the same time as Dyana. You take a moment to take in the grand chandelier, dangling from the ceiling, the polished marble tiles and the buffet tables with delicious sweets and glasses of champagne. The curtains that cover the tall windows are in a red color with dark black details, and you hear a faint orchestra play an upbeat tune as the selected are paraded to the royal family. 
You feel like you don’t belong here at all, suddenly. You and Dyana both approach the royal family. You will curtsy to every member, and when he has the time, Prince Jacaerys will formally meet his selected, making a conversation of about 3 minutes with every girl. You feel nervous, so you wonder how Lady Dyana  is feeling. She must feel even worse. She is close to crying again. You wait for her to catch your glance. She finally looks at you, a little nervous and worried.
You wink at her, causing her to giggle loudly. The royals snap their heads in her direction, but Jace’s lips curl into an approving smile, before grinning back. Dyana makes a deep, beautiful curtsy for Jacaerys. He speaks to her, smiling as well, before likely asking what she was laughing about. Dyana nods to your direction and Jace follows her gaze to you. Jace nods as if he thanks you, before taking off with Dyana.
Your hand is grabbed and you are tugged out of the line by Lady Aemma. You smell her intense parfum as you are dragged to the side. ‘’I had hoped you learned by now.’’ She sighs, almost disappointed in you. She turns her body so she can look at you.
You blink, confused. ‘’Had learned what, Lady Aemma?’’ You ask, your voice soft. ‘’Dyana seemed nervous-’’
She grabs your shoulders, breaking protocol. ‘’These girls are not your friends, Y/N. They would throw you from the towers so they can hold Jace’s hand when he takes in your corpse. Every girl is here for herself. You should be too.’’ She warns you, but you are not angry. Just upset.  Deep down, you know very well she is right. ‘’You are a sweet, genuine girl with a kind, gentle heart. It won’t lead you anywhere with this family. Take it from me. Kind girls, finish last.’’ She looks at King Viserys when speaking. ‘’If they reach the finish at all, that is.’’ You heard Floris once tell a story that Lady Aemma was a Queen once, but that Viserys degraded her because she could not deliver him a healthy child. Others say that Alicent used her dark magic on the king, breaking their relationship. So you don’t really know if there is truth to those rumors, and if so, how much truth.
‘’Come, Jacaerys is occupied, but the other members of the family must be greeted.’’ She takes you with her, walking you to the other members of the very well dressed royal family. ‘’May I present, Lady Y/N?’’ Princess Regent Rhaenyra is the first to address you.
Her dress takes your breath away, it is a dark black gown with red and golden details, but on her back are dragon wings. You drop in a low respectful curtsy before lowering your gaze. The princess smiles, approvingly before telling you to rise with a nod. ‘’My. Your dress is by far the simplest, but still the most beautiful out here. You must share your tailor with me.’’ She rambles excitedly. ‘’I love the little sparkles.’’ She seems like a sweet kind woman. You don’t understand why the media calls her cruel. ‘’And I saw what you did for your fellow selected. You have taken my interest, I don’t doubt you’ll hold Jacaerys soon as well.’’
You are brought before the king next, King Viserys. Aemma does not speak a single word, but you drop into another curtsy. The king speaks, and you worry for madness coming out. But it is far from madness. It is plain, true, as clear as a piece of well forged glass. ‘’It is a wonderful day, seeing a common girl grace the halls with the posture and decorum of a true born royal. Your kindness with the girl did not go unnoticed.’’ He speaks very kindly and you almost feel as if you are back at home again. He nods to Dyana who is now dancing with Jacaerys, in the waltz you practiced, not a care in the world. ‘’A ruler must have a kind heart, that beats for her people.’’
You are shocked and honored by his compliments. ‘’Y-your majesty, King Viserys. Your words honor me.’’ You speak, your voice touched by his kindness. 
A sharp but elegant voice cuts in, interrupting you, protocol and the reality is brought back in. ‘’May I cut in?’’ A beautiful red haired woman in a dark green gown with sharp spikes smiles at you, and you know she is Queen Alicent.
Viserys nods, smiling as you gulp silently. ‘’Of course, dear. This is her majesty, Queen Alicent Hightower.’’ You make another deep curtsy, and you can’t understand why she is called a witch or worse in the media sometimes.
Alicent smiles at Aemma. Aemma smiles back, unchallenged. You can read rivalry and hatred in both their eyes. Until Alicent speaks. ‘’Surely your flock needs help? I’ll take over for you. She only needs to meet my sons and the little princes.’’ The flock, being selected girls. You feel insulted and a little frightened when Alicent takes you with her, not giving Aemma a chance to save you. She walks you to the two young adult men, no longer in leather and jeans, but in suit and tie. They look extraordinarily handsome, for sure. But you are not here for them.
Prince Aegon sighs, muttering to his brother how bored he is. Prince Aemond does not even respond, having his hands folded on the back of his suit jacket, and his good eye is aimed at you, and you alone as a bee in trance of a blooming flower. Aegon even waves his hand in front of Aemond’s good working eye, before Aemond snaps at him, likely telling him to behave. You find it wondrous how he is the youngest, yet act as the eldest.
Alicent presents you to her sons. ‘’Aemond, Aegon…’’ She glares at the latter, warning him with that. ‘’This is Lady Y/n.’’ You dip in another curtsy, smiling at both royals who do nothing to even acknowledge your existence. 
The silence is painfully awkward as Alicent leaves. You speak, your voice soft and sincere. ‘’I am honored.’’
The eldest prince scoffs, putting his hands in the pockets of his pants. ‘’I imagine you would be.’’ You try to find your tongue, to say something sharp and witty but all that comes out is a very soft:
Aegon laughs, gesturing around him. ‘’We are royalty, you are like a peasant. We are the lions, you are our gazelle.’’ You feel nauseous at that description, as if he can rip you to shreds. 
You turn your head to the other prince who remains silent. The prince follows your gaze. ‘’Don’t talk to my brother, he is not very talkative. Unless you like to talk about ancient Dornish statues, or banter on endless debates about historic battles.’’ You would much rather be getting a drink, then to be in the crossfire between those two.
Aemond hisses, clearly a bit embarrassed in his rough voice. ‘’Aegon.’’
You see an opening. And so you take it. ‘’I quite like Dornish statues. My father is the patron of art conversionship in Sunspear.’’ Aegon bristles, scoffing when sipping his drink when Aemond looks at you as if he only sees you now for the first time. He sees the real you, for the first time.  ‘’You do? You don’t…’’ He clears his throat. ‘’Find it boring?’’
Your father has been patron of persevering Dornish and other foreign cultural works, protecting it from greedy graverobbers and folks who think other people’s cultures belong in their own house. He makes sure the local museums display it, earn money from it and profit from it but most of all: That Dornish aritfacts remain in Dorne. Your dad does admirable work, some would call it boring, perhaps. But how else can you learn from history, if you don’t cherish and protect it?
Your words come blurting out, before you can stop them, quoting your father. ‘’Only a soul with little imagination would find history boring.’’ Aegon stops sipping his drink, looking at you with newfound interest. But Aemond has become absolutely silent, a smile on his pink soft lips.
You forgot yourself for a brief moment. These men are above you. ‘’I-..’’
The younger prince talks, his rough but soft voice leaving his mouth. ‘’I concur.’’ He nods, even. ‘’What is your favorite piece?’’ He brings his champagne glass to his lips before taking a sip.
You watch, before answering the question. ‘’It’s a cliche, but Nymeria’s statues, the ones that have been constructed by her family.’’ You tell him, with a dismissive little laugh.
The prince does not agree with you. ‘’Is it a cliche, or is it a classic?’’ You are dumbstruck at that comment, feeling all your wit leave your body. He smiles, reassuring that he does not find your interests stupid. And that is something no one else did before. He in fact, takes the bait and asks you things. ‘’The one’s at Sunspear or the one’s at Dornegarden? Of course, a lot of smaller statues have been build all over Dorne to honor her.’’ You are impressed by his knowledge.
You nod. Dornegarden is on your bucket list. ‘’Dornegarden’s are my favorite. The statues are so immensely huge, as if she is a goddess looking down at you.’’ You describe it the way your father described it to you.
Beyond his shyness you can see a small smile appearing, gentle as a first snowflake in november. ‘’Ah, I can see why you like her. She was clever, fierce and beautiful too.’’ You blush, unintended. 
You know it is polite to ask, but part of you is dying to know. ‘’And yours?’’ Aemond opens his mouth but sadly, the pig that is his brother interrupts, ruining this precious moment and shutting Aemond up.
Aegon grins. ‘’He has a fascination for everything depressing, doomed and disastrous.’’ You try to think of a specific name that comes to mind. Isn’t all history depressing, dooming and disastrous, in certain ways? 
‘’Oryn.’’ Aemond mumbles, quietly.
You hear it perfectly. If he were in a crowd of thousand screaming men, you would hear it just as clear. ‘’Oryn?’’ You find that an interesting intriguing choice.
Aemond nods, his silver hair going up and down.‘’Yeah.’’
‘’I like his statues.’’ You tell him. His temple was destroyed by his usurper, the king’s brother, when Oryn was cut in pieces. The foul king took Oryn’s wife as well.
The prince takes a bigger sip of his champagne, his body language suddenly tense and clearly distressed. ‘’You don’t have to lie to me. I know no one really gives a fuck about him.’’ He mutters as if he hates himself for caring as much as he does.
You step closer to the prince before speaking your truth. ‘’I’m not lying, his story is a tragedy but it doesn’t mean that the story isn’t worth telling. It has betrayal, brotherly love, devotion and romance. How can you not love it?’’ You bring out your smartphone from your handbag, showing Aemond a few photo’s your father sent on his recent travels. ‘’They found his grave recently. My dad was there when they cut the rock open.’’ Aemond’s mood changes back from sullen to excited, to impressed, yet still reserved.
‘’No way.’’ He murmurs, looking at the little screen as if it’s a diamond. ‘’Your father leads the expedition?’’ He sounds impressed, and you blush.
You know the Dornish would never. Too long, Westerosi grave robbers from the Crownlands have taken Dornish artifacts. ‘’No, the Dornish lead it themselves. Father simply is invited, because he protects the art faithfully. The Dornish have closed him in their hearts.’’ 
Aemond understands that, still his eyes are glued to your phone, taking in every detail on the dark photo. ‘’Oh, yes, of course.’’
He mutters to himself.‘’Where did they even find this?’’
You tell what your father told you. ‘’A farmer found it. Apparently his son was playing and saw a crack in a rock. They rolled the rock away, revealing a cave. Inside the cave, there was his tomb.’’ The rest of the world seems to fade when you and Aemond talk, the worries and fears of not fitting in miles away.
He grins, smiling, letting out a little chuckle. ‘’I love that. I doubt his brother knew of it. His supporters must have made it, after Oryn was slain.’’ His brother would be Prince Razar, the brother of Prince Oryn, and Princess Farya.
He is an Oryn supporter, so perhaps he likes to hear this as well. ‘’Dad says they found traces of Queen Farya. Flowers were left. They withered, but they are testing the remains. They think they already know it are Dornish daisies.’’ You tell him.
The simple grin he lets out does something to your heart. ‘’Her favorite, according to many poems out of that time.’’ 
You nod. ‘’Yes, exactly.’’
Aemond becomes a little more serious, still rambling on, happy to finally have found someone, anyone that listens. ‘’Do you think that she was even allowed to visit her brother’s grave? Or out of the palace?’’
You think deeply before speaking. You avoid his gaze. ‘’Perhaps in secret? When people are meant to be together…’’
He answers without missing a moment. ‘’They will find a way.’’ You smile at one another, both lost in each other’s eyes.
He breaks eye-contact, nodding to the phone. ‘’This is certainly amazing. Thank you for showing me this.’’
You take back your phone, putting it in the handbag. ‘’Have you ever been in Dorne, my Prince?’’ You wonder. Aemond seems to slightly blush.
He nods. ‘’Yes, many times. I go as often as my duties allow me.’’ You inwardly sigh, delighted. That must be so wonderful.
The prince then turns to look at you. ‘’And you?’’
You shrug, a little playing with your handbag.‘’It’s a heartwish of mine.’’ You confess.
Aegon makes a strange sound, startling you as if he is about to puke any moment. ‘’Give me a fucking bucket.’’ he comments, grumpily you both ignored him for so long. You feel embarrassed and mocked.
Aemond’s smile dies and he is back to hiding his emotions. ‘’Aegon, perhaps you can go get a drink?’’ He suggest, sweetly. Aegon nods, taking off. Once Aegon is gone, he turns to you. ‘’I apologize for him. We had such a lovely conversation and now its ruined.’’ You nod, but part of you is worried the conversation isn’t allowed. 
You try to give him some advice, though. ‘’Don’t be. He is your brother, but you don’t control him.’’
He seems dumbstruck by those words, staring at his empty champagne glass. ‘’Hm. I’ve been apologizing for his behavior before I was old enough to walk.’’ He mutters.
You smile, faking a bit of a stern glare causing him to chuckle. ‘’Well, maybe you should stop apologizing.’’ You mean it. He is not responsible for Aegon.
The prince nods, as if you have given him a lot to think about. ‘’Maybe I should.’’
You notice the Prince, Jacaerys has joined you, listening in with his hands folded on his back. You notice the seahorse pin on his chest.‘’Ahum.’’
You dip in a curtsy. ‘’Your highness.’’
Jacaerys ignores you, staring at prince Aemond. ‘’Uncle.’’
You notice another rivalry, unfolding right before your eyes. You wish to leave, right now.
Jacaerys speaks, his voice taunting but soft. ‘’Thank you for keeping Lady Y/n occupied when I spoke to the other ladies. It is her turn now, however.’’ Aemond lifts his chin as if he wants to speak, but changes his mind.
‘’Of course.’’ And with that, he lets you go. You turn on your heel, walking back to Aemond. ‘’It is always nice to talk with someone about history.’’ You thank him with that and smile. He doesn't smile. He does not even glance at you, anymore.
All you get is a vague, disinterested ‘’Hm.’’
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The prince takes you with him, walking to the buffet before offering you a glass of champagne. ‘’Did he hurt you?’’
He casually asks between filling the glasses. 
You are confused. ‘’Who?’’
He shrugs, as if it's obvious. ‘’Aemond?’’
You become even more confused. ‘’No?’’
Jace leans in a little closer. ‘’You must know, it is inappropriate for any selected to have another lover. It can lead to disqualification or worse, punishment.’’ He warns you, kindly of that. You know he does not mean to harm or threaten you.
You nod, thankful but you do want to clear things up.‘’I didn’t know that. But Prince Aemond and me only talked about Dornish statues.’’ Not very romantic, so why does your heart beat so fast?
Jacaerys scoff. ‘’Statues?’’ You can see that Aemond is likely the only history buff in his family. That must be lonely.
You smile, telling him the same thing you told Aemond. ‘’Yes, in Sunspear-’’
But this time, you get a deep sigh before Jace even rolls his eyes. ‘’Don’t you want to talk about something more exciting?’’ He suggests. 
You feel as if you have been hit in the face. You feel rejected and foolish. ‘’Like what?’’
He shrugs. ‘’Most girls tell me of their house, or their horses.’’ Their horses? You hear yourself think, and its not a pleasant thought. How…dull? And all of them? You bet that Floris told them to bring it up.
You repeat after him. ‘’Horses?’’
‘’You don’t like horses?’’ He asks. Horses terrify you.
‘’I don’t dislike them.’’ You say and it's the truth. Horses are beautiful from a distance. You just don't want to ride them. Or talk about them. ‘’I don’t like talking about horses. I don’t want to have dull meaningless conversation with you.’’
Jace straightens his back. ‘’That is part of your job, should you become my queen.’’ You feel your lips hang in a sorrowful line and for the first time you wonder if this is what you really want.
Jace notices your mood change quickly. ‘’But it's alright. We can talk about something else too. What is your favorite sweet?’’
You nod, accepting his attempts at winning your heart.  ‘’I like cupcakes.’’ Jacaerys takes a chocolate cupcake for you from the impressive cake stand, looking at it very briefly, inspecting it before handing it to you. ‘’These are my favorites. I have yet to taste anything else that taste as good as these.’’ That sounds promising. You clumsily bite the cupcake off, tasting the surprisingly good white chocolate filling. It tastes as good as he said it would, and your argument from earlier vanishes as snow that is basked in sunrays. ‘’It is really good.’’ You say, licking your fingers off when you think no one is watching. Jacaerys is amused by your actions, before slyly doing the same. 
Jacaerys seems a bit nervous, before he sighs after you both have finished your cupcakes. ‘’I’m sorry for being a little mean about Aemond earlier. I’ve been hearing disturbing news about him and his brother. I don’t see you girls as my cattle or my livestock, but I do feel responsible. You are here under my roof, for me. You put up with etiquette and court rules for me, the very least I can do, is protect you from men that want to harm you.’’ You notice your gaze swift between Jace and Aemond, who is now talking with an unknown silver-haired woman in a luscious green gown. That must be Helaena.
You feel foolish you even entertained the prince that long, or talked with them. ‘’Do you think Aemond is that malicious?’’You wonder.
Jace does not need long to answer that question. ‘’I know he is. They both are. If you are important to me, he wants to destroy you.’’ You find that a little extreme but Jace’s stern glare tells you there is nothing funny about this. ‘’Just be careful, Y/N. That’s all I ask.’’ And you nod, obedient as a good girl would. But your gaze kept stealing peaks at the forbidden prince, however.
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This is part one, for now.
I hope you all liked it
Its different than what i usually write.
Reblogs/comments are welcome!:))
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killmongerskeeper · 2 years
Royal Surprise // Shuri
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Summary/Request: Ouuuu that Shuri smut had my mouth watering. Can you do one where she sneaks away from Wakanda to see the reader who is currently in college in the states? - Anonymous
Pairing: Shuri x Hbcu!FemReader
Warning: Fluff 
Word Count: 1.3k
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You let out a sigh as the pencil in your hand tapped away at the notebook on your desk. Trying to figure out the solution to the equation printed on paper was starting to give you a small headache. It was also a pain that your roommate was no help. You were smart but not on her level. Hell, even your girlfriend could answer this question just by glancing at it. She may be the princess of Wakanda but her brain was non comparable. One of the smartest people you know. 
"Still can't figure it out?" A voice broke you from your thoughts and your eyes found your roommates figure. 
"Not yet." You said and she laughed at the way your eyes glared through the braids hanging in front of your face. 
"Come on Y/N. You got it." She said walking towards the door as she slung her bag over her shoulder, headed out the door.
"Yeah with no help from you Riri." You scoffed wishing she would just give you the answer. But according to her, it would help you learn it. "Why can't I just pay you like everyone else?"
"We've known each other for too long to do that. Plus I enjoy watching you struggle. It's what best friends are for." she shrugged feeling way too amused at you failing to answer the problem.
"Haha. Where are you going anyway? Your next class doesn't start for 30 more minutes." You asked and she held up her phone.
"That bullhead from the football team owes me a band. He didn’t pay yesterday, so the price got raised." She smirked and you shook your head. The things people will do for a good grade goes beyond you. 
"So lunch should be on you then?" You laughed as she turned to you with a straight face. "Hey you're the one with the deep pockets, big money."
"Yeah but you haven't figured out that problem yet. Bet still stands genius." You gave a frown as she turned to leave.
"Yeah yeah! I'll bring dinner though." She called out as she closed the door behind her. You shook your head as you continued trying to figure out the problem. You let an hour pass before you felt yourself nodding off, class work completely forgotten in the notebook on your desk. You heard a light knock causing you to stir out of your sleep, checking your phone for the time.
"Riri isn't here!" You shouted at who was probably one of her future customers. You moved to head to the fridge before another knock hit the door. You sighed in frustration as you dragged yourself to the door after slipping on some sweats. "I already told you if you're looking for Riri she's not-" You swung the door open and your jaw just about hit the floor. At the door stood your long distance girlfriend and princess of Wakanda herself. She wore a black tracksuit with the curls in her hair falling over her eyes. You went to start questioning her before she put a finger up to her lips, signaling you to stay quiet. She gently pushed you backwards to get into the room and scoop you up in her arms. 
"What are you doing here?" You asked in a hushed squeal as she kissed you softly. You eagerly returned the kiss after throwing your arms over her shoulders. Her hands held you close before you pulled away with wide eyes. 
"I came to see you. For the first time I grew bored in my lab so I decided to fly out to surprise you.” she told you and you felt like a kid in a candy store. It's not often she has time to call let alone visit. 
"I get that. But who brought you? How did you get here? Okoye isn't outside, is she? Someone might think she's up to something." You began to panic before she grabbed your face.
"No one is outside. I came on my own." She grinned as you grabbed her arms to pull her into your room.
"But what did your mother say about it?" You asked and she shrugged 
"She can't speak on what she doesn't know." You covered your mouth to contain your laughter. 
"You are a sneaky little shit." You said to her and she hugged you again, burying her face in your neck. She missed you. You too miss these moments, every time you have to part from her for a while. But her being here, with you in her arms, soaking in her warmth. You wouldn't trade it for the world. You didn't even hear the door open until the sound of a bag dropping caught your attention. You turned to see Riri with the widest her eyes have ever been.
"Riri, calm down. I can explain." You told her as her hands flew to her head. 
"Calm down? You wanna tell me why my best friend is all up on the princess of Wakanda?!" She said in disbelief and you went to scratch your neck. 
"Riri, this is Shuri. My girlfriend. Baby this is my best friend Riri." You introduced the two as Riri tried to keep her composure. 
"So this is Riri?" Shuri asked with an amused grin as your roommate struggled to hold it together. 
"You know about me? Does she know about me? How come I didn't know about her? Y/N-"
"Okay relax. I didn't tell you because Wakanda had their own problems and I didn't want to involve you." You spoke before she could muster out another question. 
"Y/N is right. My homeland did have its own affairs to deal with. I asked her to keep it on the low. But I am glad to finally meet the person she talks so much about." You grabbed her arm causing her to look down at you. 
"How long do you think you have?" As soon as the question left your mouth a voice spoke out from her kimoyo beads. Riri looked around the room before Shuri held up her wrist.
"Shuri?" A voice sang and you looked up at the princess with a worried glance. 
"Mother." She replied softly. 
"I sent Okoye to fetch you only for her to come back and tell me, you are not here. Is there a reason you aren't at the palace right now?" The queen asked and Shuri gave a nervous laugh.
"I just stepped away from the palace for a couple minutes. Needed to grab some things." She lied trying to cover her tracks.
"Did you forget I can track location daughter." The queen said with a firm tone that even you couldn't lie to her.
"Hi Queen Ramonda." You mumbled a greeting and the queen gave a soft laugh.
"Hello sweet Y/N. Please make sure my daughter returns at an appropriate time." She said to you and you nodded even though she couldn't see me. 
"I'll return soon mother. Just wanted to come see her." Shuri said before kissing you temple.
"I understand child. Just remember to tell me next time." The queen mused, causing her daughter to roll her eyes. You now see where Shuri got her habit of checking locations from.
"Understood. Now I gotta go."
The conversation ended and you grabbed your purse and Shuri's hand as you dashed to the door.
"I'll be back later!" You called out to Riri who was still stunned by the entire ordeal. 
"But what about the class work?" She motioned to your desk still covered in notebook paper.
"Finish it for me. Please? I'll owe you big time!" You shouted going out the door before she could respond. She stared at the door you just locked and shook her head.
"Ain't that some shit."
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foxyanon · 24 days
To Love A Dragon: Part 2
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Summary: Rhaenerys meets Sihtric and unfortunately, Guthred and Eadred.
Pairing: Sihtric Kjartansson x Rhaenerys Targaryen
Word Count: 2708
Rating: 18+, MDNI
TW: Death
Part 1
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from The Last Kingdom or A Song Of Ice And Fire nor do I own any of the images used.
Dividers by @arcielee and @zaldritzosrose
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It had been a little less than a fortnight since Sihtric had seen the Princess, and to say she haunted his thoughts would be an understatement. It wasn’t until he made it to the town to meet up with Tekil, that his brain finally connected the memory of the white haired dragon rider and the woman he saw in the tent, the realization he had actually seen a Targaryen in the flesh and lived to tell the tale causing his fingers to feel a little tingly and numb. He could still see her unique eyes whenever he closed his, his dreams filled with thoughts of what it would be like to be close to her and if royal ladies are truly as soft as the other warriors have claimed.
Now, he was riding towards King Guthreds camp, where Tekil was to kill a one Uhtred Ragnarsson and Sihtric knew there was a very real chance he would be recognized by the Princess if they saw each other. The nerves he felt at that thought had his fingers tightening around the reins, posture tense as he took some steadying breaths to try to calm his mind. His silence from being lost in his thoughts had caught Tekils attention, the older warrior a bit concerned for the quietness Sihtric was displaying. While he would never say it outright, he knew the boy was a good one and if given half a chance, would be a great ally to anyone. However, Tekil’s honor bound him to Kjartan and he would not show favor towards the man’s bastard son. So he said nothing, choosing to ignore Sihtric instead as they rode for Cumberland.
Their arrival garnered some attention, but the silver tongue of Tekil managed to throw Uhtred off their trail for now. Sihtric’s eyes scanned the other men with the Daneslayer, noting how a man with curly hair seemed not to buy the lie of who they were and why they were there, but he said nothing. He didn’t see any sign of the Princess and her entourage yet, a small reprieve considering the high stakes of the current mission they were on.
As they were getting a little something to eat, a flurry of movement and the sound of many horses arriving alerted everyone to a new arrival. Sihtric immediately began searching, the banners of House Targaryen blowing in the breeze before he saw her, sitting astride a black mare and her hair pulled back into a couple braids, the rest cascading down her back. His breath caught in his throat as he got a glimpse of what she looked like in the sunlight, far more radiant than he remembered. Her arrival had many flocking to catch a glimpse of the foreigner, and Sihtric could not blame them. She carried herself with a level of authority of one born to their station, the kind of authority that his own father could never possess. Despite him being towards the back of the crowd, he swore her eyes met his briefly when she scanned the people flocking to see her.
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Rhaenerys knew why the people were gawking at her, her unusual features drawing the attention of the many. She scanned the crowd a little bored at the display, before seeing a familiar man hovering towards the back. She smirked before looking away, deciding to have one of her people learn about him discreetly. Her sworn shield, an older man named Ser Elwood Graves, rode alongside her as he watched for potential threats. As they rode closer, a pale and frail looking man wearing a half decent tunic and dagger flanked by some perfumed older man in religious robes and another man with long hair and the presence of a warrior approached them. Already Rhaenerys did not like the religious one and the frail one, but the warrior did not irk her as much.
”Welcome, Princess. I am Guthred of Cumberland,” he said in a tone that grated on her nerves, sounding as though he was not sure how to handle the power such a title gave him. She dismounted instead of responding, allowing Ser Elwood to announce her as was custom in her home.
”You stand before Rhaenerys of House Targaryen, Princess of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne,” Ser Elwood stated, his voice calm and clear, as he stood to her left.
She nodded politely towards Guthred, meeting his eyes with disinterest. She had been sent here on the possibility of a marriage alliance, but quite frankly she was not impressed with what she saw. Perhaps a lifetime living in a more advanced kingdom was to blame, but the pale man in front of her and the simple structures that made up this place left much to be desired in her opinion. She watched the new king stutter for a moment in her presence, before the warrior chuckled and stepped forward to introduce himself.
”I am Uhtred of Bebbanburg. I command the king’s army,” he spoke in a strange accent, keeping a respectful distance and tone. He earns a point in his favor, Rhaenerys putting a face to the name of the renowned warrior her fathers spies had given her on the journey here. Though she was told he was sworn to Alfred, not this fop. She’d have to make certain of her information next time. She nods politely to him as well before hearing the religious one clear his throat to get her attention.
”I am Abbot Eadred, advisor to King Guthred. We welcome you and your people to Cumberland. I hope the journey here was smooth and swift, by the grace of god,” he spoke with practiced ease, though his eyes spoke another story. Rhaenerys would have to watch this one, years of being in her fathers court having taught her how to see through one's intentions.
”A pleasure to meet you all, lords. Your Grace,” she said as she made eye contact with each man in turn. The King could barely hold her gaze and that was more than enough to determine she would never marry a man like him, but she wasn’t about to waste this trip. If nothing else, she could have her maester chronicle the people here for her fathers council.
Once the pleasantries were done, Rhaenerys excused herself to speak with her own people and make arrangements to have her tent pitched far from Guthreds hall, because everything about him already aggravated her and she refused to sleep under his roof.
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Night fell and a feast had been prepared in her honor. She was seated next to Guthred, Ser Elwood standing behind her like her ever present guardian. The King had been trying to make small talk with her, but she wasn’t interested and was looking for a chance to politely excuse herself after having picked at her food. After an hour enduring the man’s presence, she deemed it appropriate to go get some fresh air and hopefully she would get the chance to ask questions of Lord Uhtred. Ser Elwood followed her out, handing her Dark Sister once they had left the hall.
”He is a coward and a waste of a crown,” Rhaenerys spoke bluntly, a small chuckle coming from Elwood causing her to grin back at him as she finished securing her sword around her hips.
”He is their king, Princess. Divinely chosen, if the stories are true,” Ser Elwood spoke, the laughter not really leaving his voice.
”I do not believe in the kind of divinity spoken by snakes,” she muttered under her breath, hearing the sounds of a fight coming from the stables. With a look shared between her and Elwood, they took off in the direction, blades drawn and ready for a fight.
The two arrived right when a couple other warriors did, the fight going by quick when the numbers where evenly matched. She clashed steel with the familiar man from earlier, the two staring into each other's eyes for a moment. She grinned at him, the young man immediately disengaging and stumbling backwards, a shocked expression on his pretty face. She heard Uhtred call for a halt, wanting to keep one of them alive for questioning. She watched a big man with an impressive mustache tie up the young man, before she sheathed her blade and faced Uhtred.
”If it is alright with you, Lord Uhtred, I should like to question this one too when you are done with him,” she said, placing her hands on her hips and briefly looking back at the now scared Dane, before meeting Uhtred’s eyes.
The Daneslayer looked at her confused, nodding in approval as he caught his breath. “As you wish, Princess. And thank you, for your assistance.”
She nodded, relaxing her stance a bit before deciding to speak with him tomorrow. She watched Guthred and Eadred approach, as well as a bunch of others, and opted to simply watch the interactions between the three with interest. It was clear Guthred was not meant to be a king and the entirety of his backbone came from his advisors, and he leans too heavily on them and most definitely is far to public about his struggles. Even after being in this place for a short time, it was clear the people looked to Uhtred or Abbot Eadred for guidance, which is not a good look for an unstable kingdom.
Once Uhtred had given the order for the heads of the dead to be removed and the group dispersed, she decided to hang back. Rhaenerys sent Elwood off to get some sleep after he informed her spies about what happened, watching as a curly haired man and the big one down their drinks, claiming they needed a little liquid courage to do the task. Just as she was about to step forward and just do it, a little blonde woman with a cross necklace walked up and grabbed a half dull dagger, stating she would do it first.
She’s got guts, I’ll give her that, Rhaenerys thought to herself before unsheathing Dark Sister and clearing her throat. When the lady turned around, she nodded toward the dagger and held the sword out to her.
”That blade is too dull for the task, and nothing cuts quite as cleanly as Valyrian steel. Here, use this instead,” watching as the lady tentatively took the hilt with shaky hands and wide eyes, setting the dagger down on a wooden box. “What is your name, my lady?”
”I am no lady, Princess. My name is Hild,” the woman responded with a quick bow, her hand flexing nervously on the hilt of the sword as she took a few shaky breaths. It was apparent this would be her first real beheading, and Rhaenerys remembered her first one. She decided then she would help her, the same way her father did.
Rhaenerys nodded before walking over to the furthest body, her feet placed on either side of the dead mans torso. “Based on the way you are holding that blade, you have never done this before so I will assist you,” she spoke calmly, gesturing with her hand for Hild to join her. When she did, Rhaenerys kept her word, telling her how to hold the blade in her hands before she bent down and grabbed the front of the man's armor, pulling him off the ground enough for his head to sever cleanly when the blade came down. She nodded toward Hild, the latter taking a deep breath before lifting Dark Sister and bringing it down just below his chin, removing his head in one clean blow. Blood poured onto the ground as the head rolled away a bit, a look of shock on Hild’s face and bewilderment on the men’s.
Rhaenerys dropped the lifeless body from her grasp and gently took Dark Sister from Hild, watching as the suddenly green woman picked up the head to place it on a wooden crate before walking a few steps and expelling the contents of her stomach onto the ground. Rhaenerys grabbed the hem of her calf length dress to wipe the blood off, smoothly sheathing it once more and gently patting Hild’s back.
”It gets easier with time,” Rhaenerys said simply, starting to walk away before hearing the tied up man call out to her. She turned around to face him, a curious look on her face as the curly haired man walked up and shouted at him.
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“I wish to speak with you!” Sihtric called out, hoping to get her attention before she got too far. After having watched how she helped the nun, he was certain that if Lord Uhtred would not take his oath, he would give it freely to her should she wish it. Only, once he opened his mouth, the curly haired man stomped up and shouted at him to shut it. Automatically Sihtric looked down, before he heard the princess speak up in his defense.
”Enough. There is no need for such hostility, he is already unarmed and bound,” she cut her eyes toward him, her wrist hanging loosely off the hilt of her blade. “What is your name?”
”I am Halig, my lady,” he said nervously, bowing a little awkwardly under her gaze.
”The proper way to address me is either ‘Princess’ or 'Your Highness’, Halig,” she corrected, though her tone was not as haughty as other nobles Sihtric knew. He watched Halig stutter out an apology before her eyes landed on the big man. “And yours?”
He heard the other man introduce himself as Clappa and watched with a subtle smile as she reminded both of them to finish carrying out their lord's order as there were still six heads to remove. Once they scurried off to do just that, she looked at Sihtric with recognition in her eyes.
”I know your face, but I do not know your name. You are the man I saw sneaking out of my tent in the early morning nearly a fortnight ago, yes?” Rhaenerys asked him, her head cocked to the side as she regarded him with interest.
Sihtric shifted his weight from one foot to the other, clearing his throat as he avoided her eyes. “Yes, Your Highness. I am called Sihtric,” he said quietly, feeling overwhelmed by her attention.
”You may look at me, Sihtric. I will not hurt you,” she replied softly, bending her head down a little to meet his gaze with a small smile, her kindness towards Sihtric making him feel warm inside and unworthy of such affection all at once.
He looked up slowly, breath catching in his throat as he watched the torchlight dance across her skin. She was even more stunning up close and he had to remember to breathe. “I wish to serve you, Princess,” he willed himself to not stumble over his words, feeling the beginnings of desperation claw through him. He didn’t wish to die a prisoner, but he’d pledge himself to her cause in any capacity if it meant he might live another day.
Rhaenerys softened her gaze, shoulders dropping a little before speaking in a soft tone. “A tempting offer but I must wait before I accept your oath. I will not supersede Lord Uhtred’s authority here. I promise, the moment he is finished with you, I will speak to him and see about having you released to me.”
He nodded in understanding, feeling a little dejected but realizing there was only so much she could do. He only prayed Uhtred would speak with him sooner rather than later, because he hated not knowing what his future would look like. At least with Kjartan he knew where he stood.
She gave him a sad smile and nod before turning on her heel and walking towards her encampment. Sihtric could only watch her retreating form, a strange sense of loss gripping his heart. He had only ever felt like this once before, the last time he saw his mother before her brutal death. He reached up with his bound hands and gripped the hammer pendant he wore, silently praying the gods showed him favor so that he may have a chance to earn his freedom or an honorable end.
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Tagging: @sihtricfedaraaahvicius @whitedarkmoonflower @gemini-mama @synintheraven @zaldritzosrose
@alexagirlie @legitalicat @thenameswinter99 @viking-chaos
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darlingofvalyria · 9 months
in hightower green | the children
𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔠𝔥𝔦𝔩𝔡𝔯𝔢𝔫— 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔰𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔢𝔦𝔤𝔫 𝔩𝔢𝔤𝔞𝔠𝔶 — 𝔬𝔣 𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔤𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔢, 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔍𝔞𝔠𝔞𝔢𝔯𝔶𝔰 ℑ 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔔𝔲𝔢𝔢𝔫 ℭ𝔬𝔫𝔰𝔬𝔯𝔱.
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CONTAINS— canon divergence, canon targcest.
a/n— kind reminder that this is just for fun from a nudge request I got (thanks nudge request!! i was so happy when i got it!! any chance to flex my eager tumultous brain is welcome). some of these hcs might be upsetting to most, but eh, this is in my multiverse & that's the beauty of fanfiction. you can make up stories within a story. honestly, i had so much fun conceptualising and writing these that, as usual, i got a little crazy with it. lol. also moodboards. i fucking love moodboards. + i might update this as the main story (& its addendums) goes on.
LAST UPDATE: 10/05/23.
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❝You may defy as you think are owed to, but I know what is mine birthright. I am King Jacaerys' firstborn. I am his heir. Know that I have survived a war as a child, and I will not step back from another. not as a woman grown, and not most as your Queen.❞
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❈ Daenera was the firstborn child of the King Jacaerys and his Queen Consort. From an early age, her mother had made sure to educate her of all her current and future titles, rights, and duties as the preemptive Heir to the Iron Throne. ❈ It could be said that this contributed to how 'serene' the princess' personality was shaped. She understood noblesse oblige, and was told, time and again, that she must protect her birthright, and must treat her siblings like a sword; able to protect you when wielded correctly, but to also harm you once poisoned by an enemy.
"She was, as was sung, the best parts of the Queens before her. And most all, the best parts of the Sovereign Kings before her."
❈ Despite such a weighty upbringing, Daenera was said to be the epitome of a royal. She was polite, kind and obliging, but not one to be pushed about and manipulated. She spoke sincerely, rewarded allies, and punished when blood was due. She kept a small private counsel, pertaining her most closest advisors, a few of which, were her siblings. ❈ It is also said she oft found a steely resolve with her brother, Prince Gaemon, who was said to have called himself 'He Who Should Be King', and oft traded sharp and cloying barbs with him. One such sweet insult delivered by her brother had been her lack of a hatchling, for the princess' dragon egg did not hatch, nor two others presented to her before she fruitlessly made trips to Dragonmont. ❈ On the day of their mother's pyre, as she delivered the flames, the princess attempted to bond with Gaelithox (formerly known as The Cannibal), the Queen Consort's mount, but had been refused, suffering burns that lasted four moons. ❈ Instead, she bonded with her mount, Brightfyre, a moon after her mother's death. It is said that the dragon approached her while on her Tour. A pure white dragon with bloodred eyes, scales as if made of stone found in caverns. Sharp and Jagged. It is debated whether Brightfyre is indeed Dreamfyre's mount or Silverwing's. ❈ Daenera is said to have moon-spun silver hair and pale, watery blue eyes. She is said to have feminine features but lacked certain feminine charms (her lack of a voluptuous figure is said to have been the reason for her struggle with child-bearing, but several midwives have already laid false to this claim), but owned the sharp visage of the Warrior Queen, Visenya come alive. ❈ The Princess was said to prefer solid colours to her clothing of the usual House Targaryen style. She oft wore red, black, and white with intricate details, copying her grandmother and wearing her hair in braids. She was always found to be the picture of regality. She oft wore her mother's crowns in the daily, and her father's on important days.
"Thus called to witness that the King did not approve of the match, and had not spoken to his daughter for four moons, breaking her heart so. Yet the princess stood her ground. It is the only known conflict of the King and his Heir."
"Before the Queen passed, she had ensured her brother's loyalty to her daughter by many trials. Maestre Quitar speaks on good authority that it was not by trials, but by conversation that ran for three days. By the end, the Queen looked to be satisfied, and the prince worn and weary but victorious. They were betrothed in a day after."
❈ Her only bout of rebellion had been her marriage to her uncle, Prince Aemond Targaryen (soon whom followed the titles: King Consort and Protector of the Realm).
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❝Don't you understand? I am her true protector. She bears the weight of the crown and I bear her shadow. It has always been my duty as the secondborn, and I will not fail again.❞
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❈ As the secondborn child, Aemma had been set to be her sister's Spare and Shadow, but under her mother's tutelage, she had been tasked with a more powerful position: The Queen's Spider. Though her brother, the Prince Baelon is the Master of Whispers, Aemma controls the network that her mother started and that fulfilled the peaceful and prosperous reign of her father. ❈ Where Princess Daenera is serious and serene, Aemma had always been called a 'bright child'. She laughed loudly and expressed herself fully, oft was teasingly told to be the opposite of her namesake and named after, the Queen Aemma Arryn who upheld her duty with conducted manner. Though people oft remarked she was spoiled, as she is the Queen Rhaenyra's utmost favourite grandchild, and acted very freely, Aemma is Daenera's shield where Prince Aemond, the King Consort, had been called her sword.
"She pestered him until she couldn't pester him no more. But it is said that upon his wife's insistence, and his daughters' undeniable bond with the princess, it had softened him up enough that he acquiesce. They oft talked about dragons... and when the Rogue Prince passed, The Blood Wyrm took her as his rider." — Maestre Quitar.
❈ She was also said to be the closest to what was called 'The Blacks' side of the family, for her sweet and sunshine personality had won over even the Rogue Prince. It is said, she pestered the prince as a young child to take notice of her, as the Queen brought her almost everywhere. She was closest to her aunt, however, the Lady Baela Targaryen for after her death, Princess Aemma Velaryon was named Lady of Driftmark and Lady of the Tides in her absence of heir and despite the existence of the Lady Rhaena and her four children. ❈ She spent five years at Driftmark before she abruptly relinquished her position to the Lady Rhaena, after what is told to be called 'The Usurpation in the Shadows' had occurred. She remained in Kings Landing evermore, at her sister's side, as the Queen's Spider.
"Mother said that allies will stab you regardless, given enough reason. So why not treat everyone the same? It is also easier to dispatch eyes and ears in their houses when they freely open their doors. Windows are so stuffy."
❈ Though she oft paid mind to the sea, as her outreached as the Spider crossed vassals and neighbouring kingdoms (due, in turn, to her siblings' as well), she remained duly on her sister's side as her greatest counsel. It is also oft remarked that whilst the Queen remained a sovereign figure above all, the princess had made friends with allies and foes alike. ❈ After the death of the King Consort, the Princess is awarded the position of Lord Hand. ❈ Aemma was said to have golden white hair and the deepest violet eyes. It is said that she looked very much like her grandmother, the Queen Rhaenyra, thereafter the queen she was named after. ❈ The Princess wore cloth and threads of those from other cities, just like her mother in her younger years, oft found wearing Myrish lace and fashions more popular in Dorne and the Free Cities. Insignia of House Targaryen, Velaryon, andHightower are oft found in her visage, as well as a necklace her grandother, the Queen Dowager Alicent, had gifted her on her four and tenth nameday. ❈ The Princess married her brother, Prince Laenor Velaryon. ❈ Upon the death of her grandsire, Aemma bonded and rode Caraxes. It is oft talked that she enjoyed riding without a saddle.
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❝I follow where she goes. I am her soul and she is my heart. How can I ever part from her thereafter?❞
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❈ At the behest of the King, the thirdborn and first son of the couple had been named after Queen Rhaenyra's first husband and the King's father, the late Ser Laenor Velaryon. ❈ But unlike his twin brother for whom he looked very much alike to, their differences are stark; the Prince Laenor had been bigger in built from hours of training— a tourney favourite as well as practicing under various lords and swordmasters (a few to name, the Lord Borros Baratheon and Lord Cregan Stark) — and was knighted before his ten and fifth nameday. ❈ It is said that he is the King's favourite, as not only he was the firstborn son (a full thirty minutes before his twin was born), but that they enjoyed the same things, namely the art of sword, studying histories, and oft agreed on the same opinions of court and council. ❈ Laenor was said to have spoken scarcely, few of which had only been with people he cared about or respected. It became a wonder why he was betrothed to his sister, the bright Princess Aemma, under the guiding hand of their mother.
"It isn't that he hardly spoke, but he preferred to listen. He enjoyed the sound of his sister's voice, the tales his father spun. But oh, my sweet boy has the sweetest laugh if you come upon it! Whenever he laughs, the day gets as bright as noon day sun." — His Lady Mother, the Queen.
❈ The Queen oft called him her sweetest boy, and was oft seen in his mother's court as her Sworn Shield before his marriage to his Lady Wife. His first plate of armour had been a gift from her, made by the best blacksmithy in the Seven Kingdoms. ❈ Laenor is said to have his father's dark hair, strong, shapely jaw, and a knight's pure visage. It was with regard that Prince Laenor looked alike to his uncle, the Prince Lucerys.
"It is his legacy. I will not shame him."
❈ After the death of his aunt, the Lady Baela, Dark Sister was passed to his hands. When his Lady Wife and he came back to reside in Kings Landing, the Queen gave him control of the Gold Cloaks. Under his hand, with the same former owner as Dark Sister, he kept the streets— all the way to Flea Bottom, clean. ❈ Laenor's egg hatched in his cradle, an opalescent, cloudy blue scaled dragon named Kyrxos.
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❝I jest, sister, surely you know that? What horrid quim of a brother covets his sister's crown?❞
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❈ The second son and fourth born child of the couple took thirty minutes more of labour after his twin brother. According to the Queen and the maestres present, he had the loudest cry of all her children. ❈ Whilst his brother mirrored their father, it is said that the Prince Gaemon took to his mother's smarts and scheming, and took to his uncle, the Prince Aegon the Elder's indulgence of wine and pleasure. Even young, it was found that he enjoyed playing with his siblings' so, and oft made them quarrel until it is revealed that he played apart.
"One thing I will hate for you to do, nephew, is to break your mother's heart. She is our strength, but you, her children, are her weakness. Silence their noises all you like, but once your brother, Laenor, has told you halt. You halt." — His Uncle, Prince Aegon.
❈ The King and before him, his grandmother the Queen, oft scolded and found the prince's manner to be troubling and in poor taste. The King had taken a harder hand at the prince and he only seemed to bite back harder in retaliation. If there were people he listened to, it had been his mother, The Queen, his maternal grandmother, The Queen Dowager, and his triplet sisters. His uncle, the Prince Aegon, found his knave nature hilarious, but always cajoled him to watch his steps lest he upset his mother so. ❈ Gaemon was first 'hastily' married to Lyanna Tyrell, the youngest sister of Lord Lyonel Tyrell. He lived in Highgarden for a time, and his revelries at the Reach had became a widespread phonemena. During a feast he made in honour of his brother Laenor's engagement to their elder sister, Aemma, inviting all his siblings, and the then six moons reigning monarch, Queen Daenera, Prince Gaemon makes an odd comment that quiets the noisy feast. It is said that the Queen's dragon broke through the tiled roof in answer to what is said to be a 'poorly made jest' or 'an adamant declaration of war'. ❈ At the behest of his brother in a missive sent by his lady wife, Prince Gaemon travelled to Kings Landing to make amends with his sister. 'The Usurpation in the Shadows' is said to have begun. The Prince came back to the Reach, and a day after, Princess Consort Lyanna Tyrell died. In his grief, the prince said to have left in the night. Four moons after, the Red Keep is sent a missive that the Prince Gaemon had married a lady of a small house in Dorne. Three years later, another missive arrives in the Red Keep, pertaining the arrival of the prince back in the Reach, the death of his second wife, and his marriage to the Lord Tyrell's widowed mother, Lady Mara Tyrell.
"An absolute cur he may be, no one can deny that the Prince Gaemon is the prettiest of all the brothers. Say, even the princesses."
❈ It is said that though the twin princes were alike in their Velaryon liking, the Prince Gaemon has said to be of princely visage. He wore his hair wavy and lengthen to his nape, with long lashes and pouty, red lips. ❈ The prince is said to have favoured revealing clothing, lengthy and pure silk, reminiscent of cultures in Lys. When he was dubbed 'The Prince of Thorns', Gaemon is said to have enjoyed the title so much, he had jewellers make him thorns for necklaces, earrings, and a circlet. ❈ Prince Gaemon's egg hatched in his second name day, a pure violet scaled dragon, a wyrm with a long neck, and is said to have the night sky in its hard skin. ❈ The prince did not have trueborn children with any of his wives, but had fathered many a bastards.
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❝Thread spinner... what a quaint title.❞
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❈ Baelon is the first son of the King and Queen to have pure Valyrian colouring. So pure in fact, that it is said he is the most otherwordly of all the children. ❈ And though it is oft spoken that that both the princes, Laenor and Baelon, were quiet, Baelon held a more eerie character than his older brother. Rumours spoke that the prince had been an odd child, a quiet, white shadow who followed his siblings.
"He was like a breathing, living ghost. He stared at you, unblinking with his odd, snake-like eyes and pale lashes and snow-white skin. Once, a kitchen wench had found him in the Hour of Bat at the kitchens, eating uncooked meat."— Maestre Glysell.
❈ Despite odd and frightful rumours about the prince, Baelon was said to care less of the talk of others, once having stared at the Lord Lannister from an uncouth jest until the lord had gone uncomfortable and moved away. Even as his mother answered in fury at each new wagged tongue, going as far as banishing people from King's Landing. The ladies, Lady Maris Baratheon and Lady Anne Follard, among those she barred from the capital for six moons and a day. ❈ Despite the court's unease with him, the royal siblings adore their brother. Spoken of ease as a darling conversationalist, a clean swordsman, and had wonderful taste in fabrics and gifts. ❈ Words made in his defense spoke of the fact that the prince had been born alone. While the twin princes were made and were born to life together, the princesses were born months after another, as if chasing through life to be together. The Prince had no one, for the next children of his parents had been the triplet sisters. Then the two boys, though not twins were still thick as thieves. This is said to be the reason why he also indulged their youngest sibling, the Princess Daella, having born alone. ❈ Still, he continued to shadow his siblings, with his favourite to follow being his sister Daenera, his uncle, the Prince Aemond, his mother, and his grandmothers, Queen Rhaenyra and Queen Dowager Alicent. ❈ His quiet and inquisitive nature proved to be a boon, as well as his deep loyalty to his sister and her ascension, that Queen Daenera made him Master of Whispers.
"He was never far behind, her white shadow. The awful wagging tongues of court could say a lot about the relationship of the Queen and her Master of Whispers, but no one can deny the true loyalty of the prince to his queen.. and yes, even in the face of his marriage." —Maestre Kevan.
❈ It is rumoured that the only mistake the Queen Consort ever made was agreeing to the betrothal of the prince to his sister, Princess Helene. King Jacaerys had grown 'at odds' with Prince Baelon's 'skirt clinging' to the older women in his family, and had betrothed Baelon to his younger sister. ❈ The prince is said to look alike the most to his uncle, Prince Aemond, with a hard, elongated bone structure and wore his silver-moon hair long, past his lower back but is said to have his father's deep-set eyes, the colour a faint violet akin more to a snake's. He followed his oldest sister's choice in fashion with solid colours of black, red and green in leathers and intricately detailed. ❈ Just like his mother, a visit to Dragonstone proved fruitful for the prince on his tenthand one day as he bonded with the wild dragon, Sheepstealer.
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❝The oldest sea and dragonfire exists in my veins, and you thought you would be enough to face me? I say your face must be thicker than my scales.❞
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❝Just because I am kind, does not mean I allow misgivings. An ant hardly has a quarrel with a boot. Nor a sheep to a dragon, milord.❞
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❝Sacrifices must be made. Duty is all... If I do not live by these teachings, then what is for the existence of monarchy?❞
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❝Hardly a thing to boast, my good pirate. I'm more pauper than a conqueror!❞
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❝If I am not a brother then I fear I am lost.❞
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❝Wondrous a thing is, the wagging tongue of court. You'd think they'd learn better after Driftmark was put into question. All of us are trained in the sword... I just do it better.❞
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No photo is mine. I am not even halfway through and this nearly killed me. For now I'll TBA the rest. I'm also still musing about their backstories hehe.
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borathae · 2 years
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“You want to try something you have never tried before and with Yoongi as your boyfriend, you know you have nothing to be afraid of. You are in safe hands after all.”
Pairing: Vampire!Yoongi x f.Reader
Gerne: established relationship!AU, domestic Fluff, Smut
Warnings: Yoongi being a cuddly bean, he is also very whiney about not getting enough headpats (while getting headpats), very dom switch!Reader, quite subby switch!Yoongi, oral (f.receiving), face sitting, breath play, choking, hair pulling, finger sucking (m.receiving), anal fingering, Yoongi's dirty talk 🥴, Yoongi’s hands, praising, she calls him kitten & her pretty sex slave, he calls her princess (obviously 🥵), double penetration with cock+fingers, multiple orgasms (f. & m, receiving), an anal orgasm too, lotsa drool, squirting, major scent kink, creampies, lotsa cum, he doesn’t wanna stop fucking her, the aftercare :(
Wordcount: 10.4k
a/n: I’m thinking about this couple all the time. This is also for all the lovely people asking me if I was ever planning on writing an anal scene where OC is the recieving part :-) yes, yes I was planning on writing one ohoho 👀 enjoy besties, this one just hits different 🥴❤
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There is a knock on your door. You would have missed it, hadn't you come out of the bathroom just this moment. 
"It's open!" you call out and disappear in your clothing room to fetch some pyjamas. 
You hear nothing for a moment then suddenly you feel the presence of a shadow behind you. 
A grin tugs at the left corner of your lips.
"Hey Yoongi", you say.
"How. The hell. Did you figure out I was behind you?" Yoongi sounds shocked and offended now that his prank of startling you failed so miserably. 
"You're predictable", you say nonchalantly, snickering to yourself.
There is silence as you undress then slip into your pyjamas. You take the damp towel and turn. 
Yoongi is looking at you with a pout on his lips and his arms crossed in front of his chest. He seems to be in his pyjamas as well. Royal blue and cotton. His black hair is unstyled, hanging into his face and making his cheeks appear rounder than they actually are.
"What? You’re not sulking because I ruined your prank, are you?" you ask him, having to smile.
"No? It's because you said I'm predictable." 
You chuckle, closing the distance between the two of you. 
"Your attempts to startle me are", you say and peck his cheek, "you're still terribly exciting."
“Tzt, sure”, he murmurs. 
“Yoongi, come now”, you say and chuckle because you know that this is just his way of getting you to kiss his cheek again. You do, because although you have long figured him out, you still like to pretend as if you hadn’t. He is, after all, way too adorable when you kiss his cheek, “you’re the most exciting person, my prince”, you whisper after pulling back from the kiss.
"Mhm", he hums and touches your waist. His eyes are soft in fondness, running along your features. You won him over. There is no way in hell he could pretend any longer.
"What takes you here?" you ask him, "I thought you wanted to use the night to hunt with Kook."
"We were, but we're back already. We were faster than initially planned."
He follows you outside now that you are leaving to store away the towel in the bathroom. You hang it over your towel dryer, smoothing it out so there wouldn’t be any folds in the fabric.
"That's good to hear. How did Kook do?" 
"Good, he only ripped through one rabbit." 
"That's amazing. Gosh Yoongi, you’ve already taught him so much.”
“No, it’s nothing”, he dismisses you, flustering just slightly.
You turn, “well I think it’s awesome. You’re so sweet, Yoongs.”
“Whatever”, he mumbles, looking to the side with burning cheeks.
Said cheek is getting a big kiss on it, before you abandon him for the sake of snuggling up under the blanket. 
You sigh in happiness, using two pillows to prop yourself up. You are currently reading a book about European Art and want to read a few chapters before falling asleep. 
It happens then that a head tries to wiggle itself under your arm. Quite vehemently, actually. Yoongi, now under the blankets as well and trying his hardest to get you to hug him. 
"Yoongi", you chuckle fondly, lifting the arm he is nudging violently, "I'm trying to read."
"Well don’t, I’m back", he says, nudging your chest with his button nose. His hair is tickling your chin just slightly.
"But it’s a really good book", you say, keeping your eyes glued to it as best as possible. He is adorable when he is like that, but the book is so exciting that you don’t want to break away just yet.
Yoongi wiggles again, forcing his way between your legs. He almost knocks the book out of your hands in the process.
"Oh my god", you murmur, "you're unbelievable, it’s not like you can’t see that I'm trying to read." 
Yoongi cares rather little, plopping his head down on your chest with a quiet "hmpf". So now he is snuggling you, resting between your legs and with his arms bent by his elbows as he rests them against your torso. 
He tilts his head up, meeting your ardently fond gaze. He flutters his lashes, giving you a boyish grin.
"You're so annoying", you tell him. 
"You smell nice", he answers you. 
"Mhm", you give his forehead a chaste kiss and bury your left hand in his hair to play with it as you read, "you're still annoying, you sweetie."
Yoongi rests against you with a content sigh, trailing touches up and down your side. He likes this so much. Headpats, your heartbeat and feeling your chest rise and sink slowly while your sweet warmth and mellifluous scent is engulfing him. There are only a few things better than this. He can even take you calling him annoying. This is a price he is willing to pay, if the reward is getting to snuggle you under the blanket.
Yoongi closes his eyes and then falls into the silence. Besides your heartbeat and breathing, there aren’t many sounds in the room. The crinkling of paper as you flick the pages, a distant call of an owl outside, footsteps of Jungkook hurrying around in his wing. The sounds aren’t many, which makes the entire situation just oh so relaxing. 
"Ah, so that’s what this means", every now and then Yoongi can also listen to you whisper to yourself. Commentary about the book, a few lines out of it and just the occasional "that makes sense". He likes listening to the whispers. They sound as if you only really say them for yourself and you solely allow Yoongi to take part in them. He feels special. He gets to hear your little thoughts and no one else. 
You like this so much. You may have called him annoying, but you meant not a single word of it. There are only a few things better than having Yoongi as your own personal heating blanket. He is always so warm and snuggly and once he has found his nestling spot, he also becomes as still as a stone. The only movements you get from him are his fingertips touching you mindlessly and the occasional nuzzle of his nose. He is not at all annoying. He is a calm, warming presence granting you company in the perfect tranquillity. This is honestly what life is about. 
It happens that soon you feel sleepiness creep up on you. The book, once manageable to be held by one hand, becomes unbearably heavy to carry. You untangle your fingers from Yoongi’s hair to use it as help for holding the book instead. 
"Hey", the complaint is instant, just as you knew it would be. First you get a nudge with his nose, then Yoongi lifts his head to send you an equal parts warning and pleading glare. 
"What?" you ask him, flipping the page. 
"Don't stop", he says, nudging you as he gives you the biggest puppy eyes. 
"But my arm's tired. I can’t hold the book anymore." 
"So stop reading." 
"I'm almost done with the chapter. Just four more pages." 
Yoongi huffs out air and drops his head back on your chest. He stays like this for the amount of time it takes you to read five sentences then he nudges you again. 
You ignore him with a smile. Four more sentences and Yoongi nudges you again. Three more and he whines as he does. Two more. 
"___ it’s too long", he whines, lifting his head again. 
"Three more pages, it’s not too long." 
Yoongi huffs out air and wiggles up your body, forcing his head between the book and your face. He is frowning adorably.  
"Yoongi, oh my god", you exclaim in a laugh, "I've literally been petting your hair for an hour. You’re so greedy."
"So? It’s not enough", he complains with his lips terribly pouty. 
He makes you melt, he truly does. With fond eyes, you reach out and pinch his cheek. 
"Three more pages, please Yoongs." 
"You're cruel", he murmurs, dropping back on your chest with a dramatic huff of air, "you don’t do anything for me." 
"Oh my god", you gasp, bursting into laughter, "you're so dramatic", you say, dropping the book in order to wrap your arms around him. You roll you and him over, making it so that Yoongi is squeezed against your chest and you can wrap your legs around him. 
You smooch his hair, listening to the small giggle he lets out. 
"I can't just pet your hair forever. You have to learn how to live without it", you say and contrary to your words, you are once again petting his hair. 
"Don't wanna", he mumbles, snuggling into you with a content purr.
It earns him a fond eye roll and a click of your tongue. 
"God Yoongi, you’re so greedy." 
He nods his head in agreement, "can’t help it, it’s my nature. Glutton and all." 
"Oh? So you’re blaming biology here?" 
"Mhm, it’s in my DNA."
"Okay, okay", you giggle, "we can’t argue with biology can we?" 
"Oh love", you say and sigh, squeezing him closer, "you're such a dork." 
"Mhm, probably", he answers you, holding you oh so tightly. 
You stop your pets because you want to tease him a little. The reaction is instant. Yoongi lifts his head in an aggressive twitch. His brows are furrowed, his eyes dark yet pleading.
“Stop”, he warns loudly. 
“Yeah? Okay”, you say, pulling your hand away. 
“No”, Yoongi reaches for it and tugs it back on his head, “stop stopping. It’s not funny.”
You snicker. 
“It’s not funny”, he insists, sounding oh so incredibly whiney about it all while he makes your hand pet his hair. 
“Yeah it is, you’re so cute.”
Yoongi hides in your chest with a grumble, twisting your shirt between his balled fists. It’s a reaction to getting flustered, which in return made him realise that he acted way too childish (in his opinion) and then being too embarrassed about it that only hiding away could help. He does that sometimes when he is especially clingy but somehow realises just how untypical Yoongi he acts. He gets so embarrassed about it then and yet somehow he never runs away, he just pulls you closer and hides away in your embrace. 
You smile, digging your fingers into his hair to keep him close. You kiss his head, resting your chin on top of it afterwards. 
“I love you”, you whisper. 
“Mhmloveyoutoo”, he murmurs into your chest, slowly but surely turning back into that calm, unmoving presence he always is when you cuddle. So he finally found his new nestling spot, now so entirely content with it that he turns into a stone in order not to accidentally leave it again.
You close your eyes and smile. This is truly the best moment ever.
You fall asleep twenty minutes later and all the nudging and whining in the world couldn’t get Yoongi any more head pets.
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The bed is empty when he wakes. He feels dizzy, sitting up with his hair a complete mess. 
"Urgh fuck", he groans, blinking slowly as he rolls his neck a few times to get the stiffness out of it. He rubs it, letting out a quiet hiss of discomfort. He must have slept so deeply that he didn’t move at all the entire night. His neck is so stiff.
“Fuck”, he mumbles and rolls his shoulders next.
His throat is so dry, his tongue feels like cardboard. Why did he have to sleep with his mouth open? He knows he did because his cheek is still covered in remnants of his drool. 
He wipes it away, pulling a grimace of disgust.
"Fucking rancid", he murmurs, "I have to get my act together again. I'm slacking way too much." 
There is a glass of water beside him on the bedside table. A yellow sticky note is stuck to it. It was once perfectly straight but the condensation made it slip sideways. He takes the note and the glass.
"Good morning my prince :) You look so adorable when you sleep."
Yoongi rolls his eyes. No he doesn’t. He looks like an idiot.
"I'm in the gym. This water is for you. Drink it, it will do you good. If you won’t, I’ll force it down your throat once I’m back.”
Yoongi chuckles.
“Love and lots of love, your princess."
"Fine, I’ll drink the water", he murmurs and then begins drinking deliciously. It feels refreshing and gets rid of the itch in his throat.
He decides to lie down afterwards. He should probably get up and do something productive with his day, but he doesn’t. He doesn’t really have a lot to do these days. With all the threats being taken care of and the world being a mostly safe place for you, Yoongi doesn’t have a lot to take care of during his days, especially now that Jungkook is doing so well with his training as well. He never thought that such a day would come. That one day he would actually have nothing to do. It feels so peculiar, strange even, leaving him with a deep itch of fear that one day all of this will crumble again. He can’t shake it. Life can’t be that peaceful, not his life especially. The deep itch becomes stronger and almost unbearable the longer he thinks about it, so he tries not to think about it too often. 
You would scold him so much if you found out that he was bottling up those feelings. Yoongi can’t help it however. He doesn’t want to tell you because it’s so stupid and silly and he doesn’t want to burden you with his own paranoia. He can handle it himself, he can do it, he managed to live alone for so long and he can manage. He just has to push those feelings down and then everything is good again. 
Yoongi takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. He taps his own stomach with his fingers. He'll just push them down. He'll just think about the present. And last night. Was he being too childish last night? He was. He is so embarrassed. He is way too clingy and childish these days. You were reading your book and he acted like a little baby. Fuck. He is so embarrassed. Why can’t he have more control over himself these days? It happens more and more. He sees you and his entire composure crumbles and all his brain is chanting is "cuddles! Want cuddles! Cuddles!"
He can’t even control it happening. 
When he sees you, all he wants to do is be close to you and feel your warmth and drown in your scent. It’s as if every single rational part of his brain shuts off and he is left feeling like an attention starved animal. 
Yoongi huffs out air and opens his eyes again. 
"I have to get my shit together", he murmurs. 
"What are you plotting again?" 
Yoongi lifts his head upon hearing your voice. It happens instantly. His brain turns off and he becomes an attention starved idiot. It also doesn’t help that you are in nothing but lace panties and your hair is just slightly damp from the shower you took. That view turns other gears in his body as well. The type which make him want to press his legs together.
"I, I-", Yoongi stutters, feeling oh so dumb in awe. His chest feels so warm. His tummy is tingling like crazy. You are so beautiful, holy fuck.
You chuckle fondly and make your way to the bed. 
Yoongi watches with his head feeling dizzy. He is so weak.
You get on all fours and crawl to him. 
Yoongi gulps when you claim the spot on top of him. You still keep on all fours, resting your knees next to his hips and caging in his head with your arms. 
"Good morning", you whisper, claiming his lips in a kiss before Yoongi can as much as take a breath to answer you. 
Yoongi squeezes his eyes shut and makes a sound. Even the last part of his brain, which was once rational and calm, shuts off. Now he is utterly stupid.
The kiss breaks. Yoongi chases you with parted lips. The minty taste of your toothpaste is still lingering on his tongue. 
He peels his eyes open, meeting your playful gaze. You are just inches away from his face, standing above him with so much confidence that Yoongi feels dizzy.
"Did you sleep well?" you ask him. 
He nods his head, not finding any words to speak. 
"Yeah? I'm glad you did. I worked out with Kook earlier, now I’m back from the shower." 
He nods his head again, blinking his eyes at you.
The chuckle you let out sounds like honey to his ears. You grip his chin with two fingers, sending a shiver through his limbs.
"What's wrong? Did someone steal your voice?" you ask him, dragging your thumb over his lower lip.
Yoongi squirms, arching his torso into your direction. He was wrong before. Now is the time where every sane part of him turned off.  
"Mhm. It seems that someone did", you say, abandoning his chin to run your fingers through his hair. Starting at his bangs before going to the back. You do it with a certain roughness to it, making Yoongi’s eyelids flutter and his head tilt back as gasps make his chest heave up and down quickly. 
"Your hair was messy", you say, "don’t worry, I fixed it for you." 
"Thank you", his voice was so raspy that he has to clear it afterwards, feeling hot in embarrassment. 
"You're welcome", you say with a playful smile, dancing your fingers down the side of his face. You grant his lips one touch of your thumb. One, which he chases oh so eagerly. 
You break away afterwards, all to his dismay. 
"I'm going to make breakfast now. Do you want something too?" 
You asked him as you removed yourself from his body. It happened during those seconds that your eyes fell to his crotch. One double take and then they are locked on it and the embarrassing semi he sports. 
Your eyes flit up to his'. He stares at you with widened eyes and his lips parted in shock. You caught him. His embarrassing secret is out. Yoongi is now exposed as this weak idiot, who gets hard from nothing but a kiss and a gentle touch to the lips. He can’t help it. It’s so hot to be underneath you.
"Unless", you smirk teasingly, "unless your preferred breakfast's already here." 
Yoongi licks his lips. He is so embarrassed that he gets hard just by having you on top of him. He is truly such a weak man. Despite all the shame however, he can’t deny that he is literally aching for a taste of you. 
"Am I right, Yoongi?" 
"Mhm, yeah", he rasps, lighting your eyes up in excitement.
“Yeah”, you whisper, inching closer just to trace his lips again.
Yoongi gulps, lets you touch him with held breath.
“Do you wanna have it?” you ask.
He nods his head, parting his lips just to let the tip of his tongue flick over your thumb. Once, with his eyes locked on yours. The touch makes you smile in that taunting way of yours. With a playful look in your eyes you draw back and begin undressing, keeping your eyes locked on him. 
Yoongi sneaks a glance down at you once you are naked, trying and failing not to squirm. You look so fucking sexy, all he wants to do is devour you.
You keep the panties between two of your fingers, tangling them over his face. Yoongi squirms and tilts his head up. You touch his chin first then drag the thin fabric up his face. Yoongi follows the feeling with his eyes closed and his nose working tirelessly to get your scent. 
Sweet. Oh so sweet. Yoongi groans and twists the sheets. So sweet.
The fabric slips off his forehead. Yoongi tilts his head back to chase it, parting his lips as he does. 
The touch never comes again. He watches in heartbreak as you drop the panties on the bed. 
"What do you think?" you ask him.
"So sweet", he groans, breathing heavily. There was still the slightest remainder of your scent on his face and he is soaking it up like a starved animal. 
"Want more?" 
The mattress dents beside his sides. Yoongi looks at you, watching you crawl on top of him. It happens naturally that he drops further and further into the pillows as you crawl up his body. He welcomes you with open arms, gawking at your pussy with blown-out pupils.
She is just inches away, he wants her now. You seem to be in a teasing mood however, swirling your hips above him while never going down. He growls, digging his nails into your thighs. Your scent is making his head pound in arousal. 
"Do you want it?" 
"So bad", he groans, salivating. 
You move closer. Yoongi opens his mouth and moans. You move away again. His eyes flit to your face. 
You giggle, "how bad?" 
"So bad", he croaks, kneading your thighs. 
"Yeah? That bad?" you ask, moving closer just to pull back again when he looks the most hopeful. 
"Princess…" he rasps, drooling all over his lower face by now. 
The giggle you let out taunts him. You are so good at riling him up. His entire body is aching in denial. 
Closer again. Yoongi gurgles and sticks his tongue out. Nothingness as you pulled away again.
He squeezes your hips and gives you a desperate look. 
"Please sit on me", he pleads.
You touch his hair, sending shivers through his body. 
"Say it again", you order, moving oh so close but not close enough.
"Please what?" 
"Suffocate me."
Closer. Hopefulness. Broken hearts as you pull away again. 
"Holy fuck, please I wanna be smothered by your cunt", he croaks painfully, squeezing your ass, "please fucking sit on me." 
"You're so hot when you’re like this", you say and move closer.
And closer.
And closer. 
Yoongi moans loudly, trembling. It is finally happening.
He groans deeply when you finally sit down on his face, squeezing you closer with strong arms until you are finally fucking smothering his entire face. 
"Fuck. Yoongi", he hears you press out above him, but it’s nothing but a distant whisper to him. He can also hear how you hit the headboard with your hands as you search for support, it’s nothing but background noise as well.
His ears are ringing. His head is pounding. His limbs are tensing. His cock is throbbing. He finally has you. Your scent, your taste, your warmth. It’s finally controlling his every decision. 
Yoongi moans uncontrollably, feasting on your pussy while pressing you closer and closer to make sure he is truly and utterly engulfed in nothing but you. 
He hears you gasp and moan and mutter words, but truly he has no idea what you actually tell him. He can’t hear anything except the rushing of your blood and the racing of your heart. Also his own sounds and he thinks that he sounds like such a desperate idiot. He doesn’t change it however, because quite frankly, he couldn’t. You taste so fucking good. Especially in the morning.
When Yoongi can start off his day by having your pussy be the first taste coating his tongue, he knows that the day will be a good day. Nothing could get him happier and more motivated to cease the long day than getting fed your sweetness first thing in the morning. 
He is especially grateful for it this morning. He has no idea why, but he thinks that you taste especially amazing today. Mellifluous, rich, addicting. Yoongi is swallowing you up with tears of gratitude in the corners of his eyes and his long fingers digging deeply into the flesh of your perfect ass. 
You feed him so well too. You are so good. So eager to give him as much of your pleasure as you can. He is grateful for your eagerness, so entirely indebted to you.
“Thank you”, he croaks, “so sweet, thank you.”
You laugh  breathily, tilting your head back, “no thank you”, you croak, “fucking amazing….” you say and retort to sighing out your moans, running your fingers through his raven hair to keep him motivated.
Not that Yoongi needs motivation to please you. Just as the sun rises in the east and the moon controls ebb and flow, he exists to give you pleasure. It’s a given, a law of nature, an unchangeable fact. You exist and Yoongi will devote his everything to you.
It happens not long into the future that he has you shaking on top of him as he rips a deep orgasm out of you. Yoongi makes sure that you have your weight on top of his face as you shake, feeling dizzy in suffocation and sucking on your pussy until she throbs in overstimulation. 
Then the fighting begins. His urges are giving him strength, the kind of strength which makes it oh so easy to force your fleeing body to stay locked on his face until you are cursing and squirting all over him. His urges to be good however fight against them. He is, after all, nothing but a pretty face and eager tongue right now. He shouldn’t be greedy.
“Fuck..Yoongi..too much”, you croak, having your head thrown back while your knees are shaking in weakness, “too much...”
Yoongi growls, forces you closer. More. This can’t be everything. He needs more and more.
“You fucking bastard”, you croak with stuttering hips, “it’s seriously- ah!”
More and more. Yoongi is sucking so harshly on your clit you fear he might bruise it on accident. You convulse, try to flee again, fail and convulse a second time. There is no use in fighting. He has you in a tight lock and all you can do is give him one more pulsating orgasm.
“Yoongi stop”, you croak afterwards because he just doesn’t want to let go. You somehow manage to wiggle your hand between his’ and the thigh he is bruising. He intertwines his fingers with you instantly.
“Stop”, you moan, shaking his hand to somehow wake him up from his trance, “it’s too much, ah- aha fuck, stop.”
Your words finally begin reaching him. The desperation in them, the agony, it’s enough to clear his pounding head. Finally he feels how you are clutching his hand, how you are trembling on top of him, how you can barely take any breaths. How far gone was he? How long was he drowning in you?
“Stop please”, he hears you beg, peeling his eyes open to meet your pleading gaze. Your body is glistening in a sheer layer of sweat, your eyes are glassy. He whimpers, releasing the tight lock he has around your legs with an aching heart. It’s not enough for him. He isn’t soaked enough. He needs more. But he has to be good, obey your orders. 
"Fuck", you spit, pressing his head into the pillows by his forehead.
Yoongi is almost breaking into tears when your pussy actually leaves his face. Now nothing but the wet patches of your orgasms are his companions, covering his entire face and parts of his neck. 
"You fucking animal", you croak, shimmying down his body until you can sit down on his lap.
Yoongi touches his own face, picking up the remnants of his favourite taste to lick it off his hands. You watch it happening. Yoongi has his eyes squeezed shut, making the saddest sounds ever. He looks so fucking desperate. 
"Fuck, Yoongi", you growl, twisting the collar of his shirt to tug him up. 
Yoongi sits up with a groan, keeping his head tilted back until you shake him and force him to actually use his muscles. 
Your eyes meet.
“I’m dizzy, you’re crazy.”
Yoongi groans weakly, hooking his fingers behind your neck just to pull you closer. His tongue he keeps outside, panting at you like an animal.
“What?” you ask him.
Yoongi whimpers and claims your lips in a sloppy, oh so wet kiss. Just tongue on tongue and desperate moans. He is searching for it. Your taste. Just something that carries your essence in it. Your kiss is the closest he can get to what he really wants.
But you break away. You break away with a teasing chuckle, leaving him so desperate for more. Yoongi touches your naked tits, pulling a face of desperation. One harsh squeeze and you know that he is currently suffering in impatience.
"Fuck me", he pleads.
"Fuck you?"
"Yes, please", he drags his hands down to your hips just so he can tug you closer to his aching cock. He makes you rut against him. Wet pussy against clothed bulge. The friction is mind numbingly good.
"You're so needy."
"Yeah", he agrees and tugs again, "just wanna be buried inside of you. Wanna feel your warmth."
"Shit Yoongi, I love it when you talk like this", you say, "work with me, will you?" 
Yoongi works willingly, helping you with taking off his pants. He watches with a pounding head as you gather up the fabric just to bury your face in it. 
You shudder as you drown in his scent. Yoongi feels short-breathed. You are smelling him. His scent. His essence. Fuck, you are getting lost in it just as he always gets lost in you. He is flustered and yet so turned on, kneading your tits needily while mewling in desperation.
"Fuck yes", you growl, "you smell so fucking good." 
"___ please", he whines, grabbing your hips, "fuck, please. Fuck me." 
You drop his pants and grab his throat. You feel how he gulps and as you wrap your other hand around his cock you can feel how he throbs.
"What are you, Yoongi?" you ask him, jerking him off quickly.
Yoongi throbs in your hand, squeezes your hips. 
"Yours", he rasps. 
"Not enough", you warn, squeezing his throat.
He tilts his head back slightly, "your sex slave", he moans.
"Almost there. There's one word missing."
He whines, shaking his head.
"Come on, say it and I'll give you my pussy."
He falters, forcing you to slow down your touches as a punishment. He squirms as a reaction, pressing his thighs together.
“Come on. It’s not that hard. It’s just one word.”
"Your pretty sex slave", he croaks, barely keeping his eyes open now that you are cutting off his air so perfectly. 
"There we go. Perfect, kitten", you praise and reward him by sinking down on his veiny cock. 
Yoongi keens, throwing his head back and pulling you snug against his stomach. 
"You feel so good", he moans, trembling when you begin bouncing on him, "yes so good. Fuck princess, so fucking good. Thank you, thank you so much."
One hand is now digging into his shoulder while the other is still keeping a tight grip around his throat. Like this you can really feel just how noisy he is today, how he seems to be unable to stop making sounds, how he gulps and gasps for sparse air. All while his cock is buried oh so deep inside of you, filling you up so well. 
You move closer, pressing your lips against the shell of his ear.
"I wanted you so bad, Yoongi", you rasp, "ever since I woke up to you next to me, I wanted you", you press out a soft moan, "fuck, when I came back from my workout and saw you looking so pretty while you were sleeping, I considered waking you with your cock down my throat", you confess in a whisper, licking along the edge of his ear. 
Yoongi mewls, tilting his head to the side to give you more access. Hearing you talk like this is getting him so good.
"But I decided against it. A mistake", you chuckle, making sure to squeeze around his cock until he moans desperately, "fuck Yoongi, how I wanted to touch myself in the shower to the thought of you", you tongue down his ear, taking his earlobe between your teeth. 
Yoongi twitches inside of you, growing oh so fucking hard. His fingers are almost crushing your hips in desperation, tugging you closer and closer in a fast rhythm. The movement makes sounds, skin against skin, slick wetness and creaking bed springs.  
You release his earlobe with a soft moan, returning to whispering against him. 
"But I didn’t. You know why?" 
He mewls a weak "no", then returns to bouncing you on his throbbing cock. He needs to fuck. Needs it. Needs it so bad. He is rutting up into you, meeting your movements so harshly you feel dizzy with each slam of hips.
"Because I wanted my first orgasm to be on your pretty face. It’s made for it after all", you pause just to let a moan tickle his ear. 
He curses under his breath, gulping under your fingers afterwards. 
"And now I can’t stop fucking cumming", you make your voice sound oh so desperate just to rile him up, "you make me wanna fucking cum over and over again. Hear me, kitten? Your body gets me so fucking good." 
You show him the honesty of your words by orgasming right on his cock, hard and oh so good. 
"Fuck Yoongi", you whisper into his ear shakily, "fuck, I feel so good because of…you….aah." 
Yoongi feels dizzy. He abandons your hips just to hug your waist instead. He buries his face in your shoulder, mewling your name. You are so sexy today. No wonder Yoongi lost every sense of control. How could he not, when you talk to him like that? When you touch him like that? Use his body like that? There is no way he wouldn’t lose himself in your presence. 
"Fuck", you growl, tugging his head back by a bundle of his hair. Your eyes meet. Yoongi feels breathless at the droopiness of your gaze. You are tight around his length. Tight and so wet, still throbbing in your dying down high. And yet your hips are as restless as ever, rutting into him without a break.  
"I'm not done", you lull. 
"Don't stop", he begs and runs his hands up your back. He is not even close to being satisfied. He couldn’t be happier about your own insatiable nature. 
"Oh trust me, I won’t", you say and grab his right hand just to force two of his fingers into your mouth. 
“Princess”, he growls, eyes focusing on your busy lips and cock throbbing inside of you. 
You quite literally choke on them, gagging so sexily around him that Yoongi has to grind his teeth. 
“Fuck, you’re gonna make me cum. You’re so sexy like this”, he whispers, tilting his head back just enough that he can show off his pouty lips parting in bliss. 
You give him a delicious moan, breaking away but letting way too much of your drool coat his digits. 
"So good", you moan, "fuck, I love your fingers." 
“Princess”, he rasps, gazing at your glistening lips and just how eagerly you lick them. 
“Mhm”, you huff out air and tug his hand behind you. Your eyes lock with his’, begging him to please understand what you mean by it as you keep his hand close to your ass.
“Fuck, ___”, he croaks and closes the distance between his fingers and your rim, applying enough pressure that he can watch your eyelids flutter in anticipation. 
“Are you serious?” he asks. 
“Yeah”, you nod your head vigorously, “wanna be so stuffed by you. Just your cock's not enough anymore.”
Yoongi gulps, fighting his urge to fulfil your wish right here and there. Just push them inside, stuff you with his fingers, fill you up. But he shouldn’t act hasty, not when you look so innocently curious about the sensation.
“Have you ever done this before?” he asks, giving you a slow massage. It makes your pussy oh so wet around his cock. So wet in fact, that Yoongi is sure you are dripping all over his pubes and thighs. It’s the hottest thought to him, motivating him to give your needy rim the kind of massage it deserves. 
You shake your head, fluttering your lashes at him playfully while rocking your hips back and forth. The touch is so new, but feels so good. It definitely makes you sensitive and oh so needy.
“Fuck princess, you’ll be the fucking death of me”, he says and laughs in a moan. He presses you closer with his hand on the back of your head, chasing your lips in one fleeting kiss before he keeps close enough that you can feel his words as he speaks, “relax, my princess. You’ll feel so good, trust me.”
“I do. I trust you”, you sigh, "that’s why I want you to take me that way. Fucking fill me up." 
Yoongi dances his hand down from your head to the middle of your back. Like this he hugs you closer, angling your body not only to fuck you so much better but also to make your hips shift for easier access.
You welcome the change happily, hooking your arms behind his neck and moaning his name into the crook of his neck. 
“You’re so perfect”, he praises, soiling his fingers with a new layer of his spit just to make it easier to slip in. 
You gasp and tense up when you feel them on your hole again. Warm and oh so skilled, drawing circles to rile you up. And he does. He riles you up. The sensation feels so new and yet electric.
“Yes, shit so good”, you whisper, melting into him.
The thought came to you in the shower. You want Yoongi to take your anal virginity. You have no idea why that thought came to you, but it did and so you spent a good amount of time getting as ready and clean for it as possible. The process made you so horny that you had to ride his face to get rid of some of the pressure in your stomach. But it wasn’t enough, obviously because it���s Yoongi and you want this man so fucking bad.
Yoongi puts pressure into his touch, eliciting a gasp from you. The pressure is intense. So intense.
“Relax, my princess”, he whispers, “you’re tensing up.” 
You whimper, flinching when he tries again. 
"It's okay, princess", he whispers, pulling away, "I won’t do it." 
You lift your head, locking eyes with him despite being way too embarrassed. Not only because trying out new things is always a little awkward but also because you pulled back. 
"Sorry, I know I’m weird. First I want it and act all confident and now I’m chickening out." 
“You’re not. You’re perfect”, Yoongi assures you with a soft smile. 
"I do want it, but uhm. Can, can we do it with lube?”
“Yeah? You’d feel better with it?”
You nod your head. 
"At first I was like yeah spit that’s sexy but then I remembered how easily it dries out and now I’m scared." 
He gives you a fond smile.
"Okay then, let's try it with lube", he says, reaching for the bottle of lube in your bedside drawer.
It’s the easiest place to store. With your bed being host to your perfect man on most nights, you realised that something as essential as lube should be kept in close reach. Yoongi thanks your past self for the brilliant idea. He doesn’t even have to lift you off his cock and can still give your buttock a slow massage while his left hand is getting the lube.
You watch him slather two of his fingers in it, gulping in anticipation of what was to come. He lifts them into your vision, curling his lips into a teasing smirk. There they are. His long fingers. Wet and glistening in lube. The visual is enough to make you tremble on his lap. 
“All wet”, he says, curling them slowly. Just how he would do if they were buried deep inside of you. It’s so unfair just how aware of his hands’ sexiness Yoongi is. You hate and love him for it.
“Fuck”, you whisper, “Yoongi, you’re so hot.”
“Mhm, I know”, he rasps and wiggles them once. Then he finally reaches behind you, keeping his eyes focused on yours. You tilt your hips to make it easier, feeling breathless in excitement. 
The touch comes as no surprise, but still makes you gasp and your skin feel electric. 
"How's that, princess?" he asks, rubbing his fingers up and down in slow motions. 
"Good", you whisper. 
"Perfect. Now come here, rest against me. I'll take care of you." 
"Yoongi", you mewl, falling around his neck. 
"That's it. That’s better, isn’t it?" 
"So safe…" you lull, hugging him tightly.
"Yeah, you are", he whispers with his lips pressed to the side of your head, "you're in safe hands, princess. I've got you." 
Yoongi pushes again. The lube does its job instantly. There it goes. His middle finger. It slips right in, breaching your tight hole slowly. 
"Oh, oh….oh", you let out, tightening your hug. You are dripping on his cock, feeling dizzy. So that’s how that feels. Thick and as if you were being stretched oh so much. Inch by inch you feel fuller and fuller. Inch by inch, your rim gets hotter and hotter.
"Holy cow", you press out.
"I've got you, princess. Feel it, you’re doing it", Yoongi says, feeding you the rest of his finger until it sits inside of you. Long and thick, stretching you out all while making you feel so stuffed. 
This is it. Now you are truly filled up. You have his finger up your ass.
You don’t know what to do. Should you moan? Should you squirm? Stay still? Go insane? Maybe you should start with breathing. Quick and without rhythm. Breathe. Just breathe. 
"You're doing so well", Yoongi praises, caressing your spine, "does it hurt?" 
"No", you bring out. 
"No but, just unfamiliar." 
"I know, it’s weird at first, but feel that." 
He begins moving his finger. Not much, just very slow movements in and out. You tense up, curling your toes. The friction on your rim is hot. It’s insane just how well you can feel every inch of him. When he is fingering your pussy the sensations blend into one warm buzz, but this right here? You feel every single change of movement. 
In and out. In and out. You feel it, get lost in it, get addicted to it. 
"Ah, god. Ah."
"I know, that feels so good", he whispers in that sweet voice of his'. His sweet, sweet voice which always manages to either calm you down or make you horny. Somehow it does both right now. It lulls you into relaxation just as much as it turns you on. Granted, his veiny cock fucking your pussy while you have his long finger up your ass, doesn’t help with not feeling turned on either. 
"Yes, feels good", you sigh, relaxing in a shudder.
"There we go, relax", he whispers, rewarding you with slow movements of his hips. 
It is truly crazy how one finger up your ass changes the entire sensations of the fuck. You can feel his cock so well. As if his finger is making you tighter. 
"I'm so tight." 
"Does it hurt?" Yoongi slows down.
"No", you shudder, "please don’t stop. Your cock is so good." 
He purrs deeply, returning to the slow fuck of before. His cock shifts inside of you while his finger is stretching your hole in a gentle rhythm. 
"I can feel it too, princess", he lulls drunkenly, "you feel so good when I’m plugging you up."
"Don't call it that", you whine. 
"Why?" he chuckles.
"It's so hot, wanna cum too bad."
"You're so cute", he says and kisses your shoulder, "my princess is the cutest." 
You shudder. 
"Fuck Yoongi, faster." 
Yoongi moves his hips, timing the movements with that of his finger. The sensations are so different and yet fit so perfectly together. His cock sends warmth through your pussy while his finger is making your ass feel electric. They are opposite sensations and yet go so well together that you find yourself scratching down his undercut while your body is tensing on top of him. 
"Is that alright?" he asks. 
"It's fucking incredible. Holy cow", you croak.
"Yeah? Fuck princess, I can’t believe you’re letting me do this." 
"You know me", you falter as you pant quickly. With lots of struggle, you manage to turn your head so you could press your lips against his ear again, "you make me want to do the kinkiest shit", you rasp, twisting his ruffled hair right where it turns into his undercut. 
Yoongi lets out a deep growl, squeezing you closer to his stomach. It forces your back to arch and for your holes to feel way too empty. It also manages to grind your clit against his lower stomach, right where his happy trail merges into his pubes. The feeling of it sending constant bolds of pleasure through your veins.
"I wanna fuck you so good", he rasps, "fuck, wanna treat you so well." 
"Yoongi", you mewl, trembling.
"Yeah, wanna fuck you so fucking good", he says in an intoxacted mumble, "wanna make you feel so fucking good, princess. So goddamn good." 
"Y-you are, ah Yoongi ah", you keen, gasping while your body is squirming on top of him. He is holding you so safely, moving your body so skillfully, using his hips just as you like it. He gets you so good. Oh so good.
"Mhm princess", he lulls, dragging the tip of his nose up your neck. His tongue follows, sending hot tickles down your skin. His lips touch your ear, "I've got you." 
"Yeah, got me", you mewl, turning your head. 
No distance. Blurry visions. Aching lips. Your noses are touching, your lips barely are. Yoongi closes his eyes, basking in that closeness with his entire being. He loves this so much. Being so close to you. It’s his heaven.
"Give me another finger", you beg against his lips, forcing him to peel his eyes open in surprise.
"Are you sure?" he asks, moaning softly when you suddenly twist his hair and pull him even closer.
"So sure. Shit Yoongi, plug me up."
"Baby", he moans, chasing the kiss you are so close to giving him. 
"Please. Give it to me", you beg, kissing him oh so deeply. 
Yoongi mewls, pressing you closer with his arm around your waist. His neck is craning in the position, but he wouldn’t want it any other way. He chooses to go with his ring finger, stuffing it into your tight hole slowly. Your breath hitches, your fingers twist his hair harder, your pussy becomes even tighter. 
"Holy fuck", you say under your breath, breaking the kiss, "holy fucking fuck." 
"Too much?"
"Not enough", you croak and then begin bouncing on him all while chanting about how good he gets you. 
Yoongi squeezes his eyes shut, holding you tightly all while trying not to cum right here and there. Having his fingers up your tight ass while his cock can feel them? It’s something he didn’t think he would ever be able to feel, let alone this morning. He is so into the sensation. So fucking into it.
He wraps his arm around your waist tighter and bucks his hips up. His face he buries in the crook of your neck, inhaling your sex soaked scent with animalistic obsession.
“Wanna treat you so well, wanna treat you so fucking well”, he murmurs mindlessly, “wanna give you the best, wanna give you everything.”
"Fuck Yoongi, it’s so good. It feels good. So good", you chant, feeling up the back of his head desperately. Palms up and down his undercut, nails and fingertips too, then fingers in his hair tugging and twisting, palms again, fingers and nails. It is an endless touch, one which will never truly find its purpose and is instead caught in the loop of doing everything oh so desperately. 
Not that Yoongi minds. He loves it. Just a few days ago he fixed his undercut again, working almost two hours on getting it to his standards. You seem to be extra touchy ever since, so he knows that he was successful. 
“Yeah? It’s good?” he makes sure.
“So good”, you croak and shudder.
It was the best idea to let Yoongi take your anal virginity. He just knows what he is doing, how to touch you and get you there. He is the best for the job. Always patient, always gentle and yet obsessed enough with you to know when he can begin being rougher. Just as right now when he begins meeting your movement in harsh thrusts, pulling you into him repeatedly to help with the rhythm. It’s rough, sloppy, a little uncoordinated and makes your bodies connect in harsh slaps and it is the most perfect fuck you ever had.
"So good, so good, so good", you chant with your voice pitched, spilling your pleasure all over his veiny cock, "so good, so good, ah so good."
"It's what you deserve. Holy fuck, princess you deserve the best", he is struggling with his words. He is so fucking close. He really is.
“Another please.”
Your eagerness makes him moan out a laugh. He tilts his head back, locking eyes with you. Droopy and half-lidded, you look at him, glowing in pleasure. So beautiful, he thinks, he is in love with the most beautiful woman ever.
“Shit princess, you’re literally so into this aren’t you?” he asks, playing with the spilled lube. 
You nod your head vigorously, sticking your ass out.
“Just wanna be filled up, I’m so empty.”
Yoongi pushes. You widen your eyes. Again. Your rim opens for his pointer finger slowly. You whimper. 
"Relax", he rasps, pushing again. 
Your eyes fall closed, your face scrunches up. 
"Holy fuck", you press out, dropping your head, "hngn god."
Yoongi tries again. He is still careful, of course he is because he never ever wants to be the reason why you are hurting, but he is also a little greedy right now. He knows that his fingers are big. They really are, so it’s impressive enough that you already want to take three. It’s almost driving him insane, however, to feel just how tight your pussy gets now that you have to make space for all those fingers up your ass. Yoongi is greedy for that sensation. Greedy for tightness, greedy for getting his fingers squeezed and greedy for your desperate clenches around him.
That is why he keeps on pushing and pushing and pushing until he is buried inside of you to his knuckles and your hips have stilled in bafflement. 
"All in", he rasps. 
You make a tiny sound, scratching down the back of his neck.  
Yoongi watches you. Tensing every muscle in his body because he wants to fuck you oh so good, but shouldn’t in order to give you your time. 
You lift your head slowly, giving view to your glassy eyes. 
"Hey, it’s okay", he gasps, feeling worried, "I'll take it out again."
You stop him by reaching behind yourself and wrapping your clammy fingers around his wrist. You push him back inside, parting your lips in a blissed-out moan. Out again and back inside. You show him the rhythm, barely keeping your eyes open. 
Yoongi understands, feeling dizzy. He takes over for you, going in that slow and deep rhythm you showed him. He curls his fingers as an extra bonus, feeling the sensation right against his cockhead each and every time. 
Your eyes finally fall closed, your neck loses its strength, forcing your head to fall against his shoulder. 
"Don't stop, please don’t stop", you beg in a trembling voice, hugging him oh so tightly. 
"I won’t, hear me? You’ve got me, you have me all princess. You’ve got everything", he promises, bucking his hips up to test the waters. 
"Yes", you convulse on top of him, squeezing him with your limbs, "please that. That, oh god." 
"Fuck", he whimpers in a high-pitched voice, closing his eyes tightly, "princess, my princess. Feels so good, so tight, so wet. I wanna fuck you slow until you’re floating." 
You give him a sigh of his name and a graphic curse. Then you squeeze him and tremble. You possibly couldn’t talk anymore. It’s too good. You just want to make sounds, gasp for air, try not to pass out in pleasure. 
You always knew that Yoongi’s fingers are big. He fingered your pussy on enough occasions for you to learn that a finger fuck by Yoongi feels just as good as a fuck with his cock. He just knows how to move them. 
Having three of them up your ass however? The feeling is heavenly. You get it now. You get the hype with anal. Oh, you fucking get it. It’s so different from getting your pussy stuffed. Exciting because you know just how tight your ass is and yet you are managing to take him so well. It feels like an achievement. The kind of achievement which leaves you dripping on his cock.  
"I think I’m gonna cum", you confess in a mewl, tensing on top of him.
"Yeah? Wanna cum?"
You nod your head, feeling oh so tight in your stomach. Holy fuck, you can really feel just how deep his cock goes, how he is stretching you out, how his swollen tip is grinding against your throbbing g-spot. Every curl of his long fingers is sending electricity through your pussy too, because for those two seconds you can feel his cock dig into your wet walls oh so deeply before an angry throb shakes through his entire length. The sensation is consuming you, making you feel so charged in tension. 
"Whenever you’re ready, princess. I'm here to catch you", he says and groans, "so fucking good, I’m so into it." 
"Ah, Yoongi. Me too. Ah, hah, wow okay", you moan, twisting his hair. 
Your clit is grinding against him. So close. Your own wetness is making the slip easy. It’s a constant change of sensations. First his slick lower stomach,then the friction of his hair when you grind lower and meet his well taken care of pubes. They are soaked in your pleasure by now, totally ruined and claimed as yours. Soft skin and friction, soft skin and friction. The sensation is endless, perfect.
"Fuck, Yoongi", you mewl, gasping for air. 
Yoongi knows before you know. You are climaxing. He hugs you safely, gives you eager rolls of his hips, curls his fingers deep inside of you. He wants it to hit hard, to literally consume you, to take a hold of you and burn you up.
"Let go, princess. That’s it, let go", he encourages you. 
"Yoon-" your words cut off and you are mewling in your high, getting swallowed by the hot flames and feeling like passing out would be the only option.
Holy fuck, you are so tight. Holy fuck, you can feel every pulse of your ass, every clench of your pussy, every throb of your clit. His fingers, his cock, they feel twice as big now that you are tensing oh so much. 
Yoongi is rutting into you quickly, forcing your trembling hips to grind into him and making your high feel ten times as intense.
"Yes princess, yes. Fuck yes, just like this. So good, you’re the best", he encourages you.
"Holy fuck, I c-can't stop", you keen, "I can't stooop", you wail, shaking uncontrollably.
Yoongi is growling, helping your body to ride out that endless high while aching for his own release. 
"Fuck, fuck, fuck", you chant, convulsing a third time and Yoongi has to fight you trying to squeeze him right out, fucking his cock and fingers into you in a deep rhythm. His back burns as you drag your nails down, scratching him open. 
"Holy shit, ___ you’re so good", he moans loudly, throwing his head back, "ah! I'm c-cu-cumming." 
You can feel how he is pumping you full of his cum. It fills you right up, stuffs your entire pussy. It's so much that soon it is squirting all out of you alongside your orgasm. White, liquid pleasure is slathering all over his shaft and thighs, soaking your own thighs and his throbbing balls. The sound is wet, slick, sticky. The sensations are mind numbing, fiery, the best.
"Fuck, fuck, holy fuck I'm cumming so fucking hard", he croaks, arching into you, "fuck, can’t stop."
"Don't please don’t", you beg, shaking right with him. 
You lose the thought of who calmed down first, quite frankly you never truly gained said thought in the first place. You just know that at some point Yoongi slipped his fingers free and dropped into the pillows, tugging you on top of his. 
"Fuck, urgh fuck", he pants, hugging you tightly all while his hips are rolling up into you in a slow rhythm, "this shit feels like fucking paradise."
You shiver. It’s so nice to lie on top of him like that. With his strong arms around you and his heated chest against your own while your face is buried in the crook of his neck. 
"How's it for you?" he is impatient in his voice, feeling up your back restlessly.
 "So good", you lull, "ah, Yoongs your cock."
"I know, sorry can’t get it soft", he says and chuckles in embarrassment, "you've got me too good. I’m so fucking pussy drunk", he lulls and laughs out a breathy, “baby.” 
"Yoongs, fuck." 
"Relax, not long. Just for a little longer. Wanna keep fucking for a little" he says and slips his hand between your buttocks again. He propes at your hole carefully.
The teasing hurts so much, you want it again. You buck your hips into his hand.
"Please", the word swirls against his neck. 
Yoongi picks up the creamy cum from his cock and uses it to push his pointer finger right back inside. 
"Fuck", you and him curse at the same time. 
Yoongi’s hips become faster again, his unoccupied hand rests itself at the back of your head to hold you close. 
"You're so tight", he groans, rolling his hips up in a squirm, "princess…"
"So sensitive", you mewl, feeling every single fucking inch of his finger as he pumps it in and out of you slowly. The big stretch and the hard orgasm made your rim so sensitive that you are pretty sure you could actually cum from what he was doing, "c-can you c-cum with your, your ass?"
He chuckles, "yeah, you can. Feels incredible", he says and moans, scratching along your scalp as he holds you closer. 
"Cause I think I’m gonna, ah, do that", you stutter.
"Good, that’s good. You deserve it", he turns his head to bury his nose in your neck, "whenever you feel like it." 
"What…what if it’s…now?" 
"Then I've got you. Hear me? You’re safe to fall", he whispers sweetly. 
It starts off as a completely involuntary squeeze of your stomach as if you wanted to get rid of his finger, then turns into the kind of shiver which makes you groan involuntarily, then scorching heat is coursing through you, throwing your pussy right over the edge as well. The convulsing and squeezing of your stomach continues, becoming more and more unbearable the longer you are orgasming.
"That's right, yes baby yes", he encourages you, "now you’re feeling it. That’s so good."
Yoongi trembles and gasps. 
"I'm cum- ah - too", he confesses and breaks, hugging you oh so close while making sure that your shared high is as fulfilling as possible for both of you. 
You are the first to come down, kissing his neck until he finally stops shaking. He groans, slipping his finger free once again to trace your spine instead. 
"Oh my love", he says and flips your bodies over so you are underneath him, "my princess, oh my ___", he mumbles, kissing every inch of your face, "that was amazing. So amazing."
"Yes", you sigh, having your eyes closed. 
Yoongi nuzzles his nose into your cheek and kisses it. Then he lifts his head, cupping your face while his love-filled eyes are racing over your features.
"How did you like it?" 
"Holy fuck", you say and laugh breathily.
Yoongi smiles, "yeah right? It feels so different to cum with your ass, doesn’t it?" 
You nod your head, "I don't think I ever used my abs that much before." 
He chuckles and kisses your cheek, "right? It’s amazing." 
"Yeah…thank you so much for doing this with me. I couldn’t have asked for a better first time. 
Yoongi smiles, tracing your lips with his thumb, "I'm just glad you liked it."
"I did, it was incredible. It didn’t hurt at all and, and I felt so…so stuffed. But in a really good way”, you sigh dreamily, “it was so nice.”
The smile reaches his eyes, lighting them up oh so prettily.
"That's good, princess. You deserve it”, he says in a soft voice.
"Can you use your cock one day? I want to know how that feels."
"Of course, princess. But today you should rest."
"Yes, okay", you giggle, “I honestly feel spent.”
He pulls you closer so your head would be resting on his upper arm. He still keeps tracing your face, unable to stop his smile.
"What?" you ask him.
"Nothing, I just…I'm in…I uhm, I think I uh, love you." 
"You think you love me? Excuse me, are your feelings really that uncertain?" you ask, carrying a teasing smile in your voice. 
"Shut up, fuck", he groans, dropping his face into your neck, "you know I’m weird as fuck with that shit." 
You giggle, smooching his messy hair. 
"I think I love you too, Yoongi Boongie." 
"I told you to shut up, oh my god, I'm never gonna say anything ever again." 
"Fuck, you’re so dramatic", you cackle, hugging him so tightly that your legs entangle into one big mess of limps. 
You don’t care just how much of a mess you are making right now as his cum gets stuck to everything. You just want to be close to him, feel his body against yours and get lost in his hug. You’ll just take a shower later and you'll make sure to drag Yoongi right with you.
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namimikan · 18 days
finished a royal princess with black hair! soooo cute! it’s a generic premise with heaps of charm and a delightful otp!
-5 years later actually wasn’t that bad? a little bit strange but it’s fine. didn’t feel as rushed as i thought it would.
-kinda love the contrast of caramel being aware of his feelings from the get-go, that he’s falling for tarhead, while tarhead is oblivious/in denial until the penultimate chapter. they have a really nice relationship growth from start to finish and have great banter. i love them. they’re so cute! they’re so cute!!!
-would have liked a smidge more with zeldia and jan tbh. zeldia’s backstory to explain why she was obsessed with perfection was so wtf but i love it for its bizarre turn tbh???
-there was a real nice luminescence to the artwork idk. it was soft and shoujo-y, and i liked it
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what i got so far-this is only a draft
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-Rise of Red rewrite-no knowledge of canon plot les goo-
-camera/shot zooms across Auradon and the freed isle, which has been overgrown with foliage as the people of the isle had abandoned the place they called prison, Uma begins to narrate as the camera pans over to Auradon prep and stained glass images of famous Disney princesses and princes-
Uma: I'm sure you know all the tales by now. how Prince Phillip defeated Maleficent and woke up the Princess Aurora with true loves kiss, how Prince Eric saved Ariel by spearing Ursula with a sunken ship, and how Tiana defeated the shadow man and learned love was all she really needed.
You've heard them all before, and I'm sure you've heard our stories, how the vks choose good, to rise above our parent's pasts, to become more than just 'villain kids'. Well, now it's time for a new tale, for the 'new' vks and auradon kids who are just waiting to tell their story, and it's sure to be an exciting one.
Because, you didnt think that was the end of the story...did you? (Uma laugh™)
-end opening credits with classic Descendants title card, the apple breaking to reveal the queen of hearts card-
-scene one-
-the Camera pans back to Auradon prep, the Descendants ost music in the background as it pans across portraits of the graduated vks from the last 3 movies, along with official portraits of ex-King Beast and ex-Queen Belle, and the current king and queen of Auradon-Ben and Mal, Mal’s plum purple hair streaked with blue is tied back into a low bun, her bangs framing her face with the queens crown upon her head, wearing a elegant blue/purple dress that compliments Ben’s royal suit, which bears a golden sash and gold braiding hanging off his shoulder from his shoulder paldrons. Both are smiling at the camera, Mal sitting in a chair with Ben behind her, his crown upon his head as his hands rest on Mal’s bare shoulders-
-The camera continues to pan out of Auradon prep and into a nearby rabbit hole, disappearing into a vortex of wonderland magic as the music changes into a more wonderland vibe, going through the scenery of wonderland, passing by the queen of hearts castle until it goes into the city of hearts, where a girl draped in red and blacks carrying a big duffle bag appears on screen, the camera following her feet until she steps in front of a blank red brick wall. She drops the duffle bag, the ost for rotten to the core starts, takes out several spray cans, and begins to put up her art; mimicking Mal from D1 as she puts up a queen of hearts style of ‘long live evil!’.-
-the girl finishes the piece after a little montage of her laying it down, a smirk on her obscured face. The music cuts suddenly as a rageful voice echoes out from the castle. “QUINN HEARTS!!!” The girl ducks down and stuffs her spray cans into the bag, booking it back across the city towards the castle. Upon arriving in the gardens she chunks the bag into a set of bushes, takes off her jacket, hides behind a bush, and reappears in a different outfit, revealing her face as she quickly fixes up her hair into her rose buns.-
-“Quinn hearts!!!” the rageful voice says again and Quinn/Red grabs a pair of boots she left by the side door as she heads inside, hurridly shoving them on as she holds bobby pins In her mouth, zipping them up and finishing her hair before booking it towards the throne room, skidding to a stop right before entering and taking a breath before throwing open the doors and strutting in, head held high. “mother, I could hear you from gardens, you didn’t need to let the whole kingdom know it was time for tea.” Quinn snarks and the queen of hearts huffs
yeah idk im going off vibes
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a-world-in-grey · 6 months
You might not need another au but do you want it?
Think of how much fun it would be, Sola and Ardyn snarking at each other in the middle of the throne room and before the entire court.
The resemblance is uncanny.
You can track which of the nobles noticed it by how much they pale, their polite masks turning a little bit tense.
You. Are an enabling gremlin.
Plopping this in the Combined Retinue Nox/Sola au, because this is what my brain finally decided to spit out at 2 in the morning.
@secret-engima have an early Christmas present, I guess?
“If I have to dress up, Uncle,” his niece tells him fiercely, “then so do you.”
Ardyn raises a brow from the bench he’s languidly lounging on, watching his Tailor circle Sola with sharp eyes as she tugs on the black fabric of the dress she’s wrangled Sola into wearing for her upcoming Coming of Age, unfazed by the equally black scowl on the princess’ face.
Beside him, Nox is firmly pretending to nap on his Shield’s shoulder. Axis has his gaze glued to the book in his hand.
It seems he’ll have no allies from that quarter.
Admittedly, Ardyn had perhaps been enjoying Sola’s irritation too much, and hadn’t bothered to smother his growing amusement with every dark mutter Sola had made about protocol and where the court could shove said protocol.
He gives Sola an indulgent smirk. “I highly doubt I’m on the guest list, my dear. Given the current state of international politics.”
Not that he’d let the lack of an invitation stop him from attending his niece and nephew’s birthday party.
From the glare Sola levels at the mirror, and the minute stiffening of Nox’s spine, Ardyn has the feeling his niblings will ensure he is invited, regardless of anyone else’s feelings on the matter.
Nox’s eyes actually open a sliver when Sola’s magic abruptly curls, all mischievous glee with an edge of bared teeth. His nephew warily eyes his twin and the grin growing on her face.
Ardyn does not share Nox’s apprehension. He rather thinks his niece should smile like that more often.
“A suit for your Uncle, then?” Penelopeia asks archly.
“If you would be so kind.” Sola replies before Ardyn can protest. Sola’s blue eyes narrow on him through the mirror. “Black for the shirt, instead of the suit, I think. Gold as an accent color, but otherwise I have full faith in your judgment.”
To Penelopeia’s credit, his Tailor pauses for but a moment. “Of course, Your Highness.”
Ardyn gives Sola a long look. His niece knows very well protocol prohibits him from wearing black. He is neither a (known) member of the royal family nor in sworn service to them. Sola cares little for protocol and tradition, especially when it gets in her way, but even she can’t get away with flouting such an old and respected tradition. Not like this. “Niece.” He warns.
Sola raises her chin, defiant. “Do you trust me?”
Ardyn sighs. Smiles reassuringly at the fierce girl who’s been Nox and Ardyn’s staunchest supporter these past near three years. “Yes.”
Sola nods, and that is that.
Copia Egestas adores her Queen.
Sola’s last minute changes to the twins’ Coming of Age gave her a solid week of extra work to do - with help from Ignis, who volunteered on account of her being nearly six months pregnant - hunting through the Archives and preparing her arguments before she and Sola sat down in front of the King and finally told him exactly who would be presenting his daughter at her Coming of Age. Presenting both his children, in fact.
Unsurprisingly, Regis was not pleased. But between Sola’s staunch refusal to change her mind and Copia’s presented precedents, he reluctantly conceded.
Now, eyeing everyone as they wait to enter the ballroom, Copia can only feel a vicious anticipation.
Nox and Sola make a striking pair in black and gold. Both of them have their hair carefully pulled back, decorated further with gold. Nox still wears his usual earrings, the only silver on him as he’d declined the offer for golden versions, and Sola has mirrored him with a set of earrings arranged in the opposite ears. Not the same earrings, but the studs and climber are similar enough in shape to achieve the desired effect.
Copia’s sleeveless black dress is cut to flatter her pregnant figure, a gold shawl for her shoulders because six months pregnant and she gets uncomfortably warm now that the summer months are upon them, which also why she’s elected for an updo instead of letting her thick curls tumble loose. Unlike Sola, Copia is in comfortable flats instead of heels, again on account of being pregnant.
Axis is in a black suit jacket with gold details, and his Clan’s purple and green tartan. His hair’s been styled back from his face, but otherwise remains free.
Axis isn’t the only one wearing purple and green. Nox has the shifting purple-green galahdite in his ears, hair, and decorating his cufflinks. Sola’s chosen a selection of amethysts and emeralds to decorate her gold jewelry, while Copia had been gifted a pair of ebony hair sticks topped with amethyst and emerald carved cabochons.
(Copia knows just enough about Galahdian culture to know to tell Penny the goal, and follow the woman’s instructions on how to support Axis without overstepping cultural boundaries. The result, she is told, is a careful blend of Lucian and Galahdian color codes, but Copia has never seen Axis struck speechless before so she makes a mental note to commend Penny and her recommended jewelers for their hard work.)
With Ardyn, however, Penny has evidently decided to take refuge in audacity.
The suit is a lovely shade of dark purple, decorated with an intricate pattern of - much to Copia’s amusement - peacock feathers. At a glance they could be mistaken for phoenix feathers, certainly, but Copia knows her birds, and those feathers belong to the phoenix’s non-magical dramatic cousins. Studded at the eye of each feather are small galahdite stones to match Nox and Axis.
Under the suit, Ardyn’s shirt is black, which will no doubt give the Court conniptions and the press a field day, despite them following protocol to a T. Instead of a traditional tie, Ardyn’s kept his usual scarf, but in a rich green. How it doesn’t clash with the purple, Copia doesn’t know, but she knows Ardyn’s vest is a matching shade of green. Ardyn has a gold and galahdite lapel pin, linked by a fine gold chain to a paired piece on the front of his breast pocket.
The master of ceremonies glances over at them, expression half-expectant, half-despairing.
It turns to resignation when Ardyn and Sola gift him identical smirks.
Nox sighs.
Copia hides a grin behind her hand. Oh yes, tonight is going to be so very entertaining, with uncle and niece actively working together.
She wonders how many people will notice the family resemblance before the end of the night?
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thomasisaslut · 8 months
Stress and Relief
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Bridget Von Ascheberg x Rhys Larsen
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After attending many events, parties, weddings, even his own, Rhys Larsen was tired. Currently he was buried in paperwork, since becoming his wife's Prince Consort he hasn't had a break, Bridget intends to give him that.
Bridget gives Rhys a blow-job for his hard work!
Word Count: 1.1k
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On Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51154276
On Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/1393367855-𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝-𝐎𝐧𝐞-𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬-stress-and-relief
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Rhys Larsen say at his desk, mounds of paper stacked upon the hard wood. He sighed, it's been so long since he has been able to relax, let alone properly fuck his wife—The Queen, Bridget Von Ascheberg.
His hands slam down on the desk, crumpling another useless piece of parchment before tossing it in the waste bin.
"Something wrong?" A voice chimes from the doorway, Rhys instantly snaps out of his anger and meets Bridget's eyes. A sight that lights up his world, one he couldn't live without.
"No." The new Prince Consort replies, his tone is still grumbly from the workload.
"Liar." Bridget walks over, her blonde hair tied back into a high ponytail, an elegant light yellow—near white—dress on, the trail drags behind her as she strides over. "What's wrong?" She places her hands on Rhys' cheeks, cupping his face in her delicate, soft fingers.
The former bodyguard sighs, he leans into his wife's touch. "I'm stressed... I know it is nothing compared to your work as a literal Queen-"
"Rhys Larsen!" Bridget interrupts. "Usually I am the one complaining, mister." She kisses his forehead, her lipstick leaving a slight smear, Bridget chuckles then wipes it away with her thumbs after licking them. "I know something that can always help..." The queen states suggestively.
"Princess." He warns, fuck, how Bridget loves that word, the same term he's called her since they first met, she more than loved it, Bridget adored it when he called her that. "We can't right now."
"I never said we had to go full on, god only knows how long you take." She winks.
Rhys smirks. "What? When I fuck you for so long you're limp? Perhaps even not walking at all?"
Bridget's cheeks flush a light hue of pink, she nods. "Yes, that." Her hands remain on her husband's face. "May I help you now, Mr. Larsen?"
"Of course, princess."
Bridget sinks to her knees, sliding under the desk Rhys was working at, she trails her hands from his cheeks to his thighs in the process.
The Prince Consort watches her every movement, from the twitch in her lips as a smirk forms to her fingers clenching around his legs, he loved it. Bridget spreads Rhys' legs before unbuckling the belt he wore, she unlocks it before moving to the button and zipper. Bridget quickly undoes both, Rhys lifts his hips slightly and the Queen quickly pulls his boxers down along with the black pants.
"Don't stop your work for me, Mr. Larsen. It is important after all."
Fucking tease.
But, Rhys complied, he picked up another piece of parchment and begins to scan the report. Bridget and the rest of the Royal Court—Only Bridget, Rhys didn't actually care for the Court's opinion, he was after all, a Prince Consort. He had more power—decided that he would take over resident issues. However, most of the recent issues have been nothing but unreasonable complaints.
'This restaurant is too expensive!' That isn't the Court's problem.
'The roads have too many pot holes.' The roads are made of gravel or are newly paved.
'There are too many-'
Rhys has to suck in a breath as Bridget took his cock into her mouth, she quickly sucked the tip, sucking the pre off of the head. He fees his cock twitch, it only grows more hard by the second.
Her tongue slips into the tiny slit before she circles around the tip with her tongue, Bridget then slides him further into her mouth, Rhys' cock now halfway in her throat.
"Fuck, Princess." Rhys moans, his free hand gripping her blonde hair. "You're always so good for me, well..." A small chuckle escapes his lips. "Almost always."
Bridget says something along the lines of 'Whatever' against his cock but it only came out as 'bmphf'. However, that very noise sent a shiver down his spine, his grip tightens on her scalp.
"More, Bridget." Rhys groans, he begins to buck his hips when Bridget removes her mouth from his cock, he sends a small glare his wife's way.
"You're suppose to be working, Mr. Larsen." She smirks, voice hoarse.
"And you're suppose to be sucking my cock, princess." He growls.
Bridget's smirk falls, her cheeks fade into a maroon color. "Then get back to work and I will do my job."
Rhys glares but nods, he brings his eyes back to the papers and Bridget begins to bob her head on his cock, pre was now pouring down her throat, Rhys was so close to cumming it was inevitable, he had to think of the weirdest things not to shoot his load.
Rotten tomatoes.
Grizzly bears.
Table cloths.
But the objects weren't enough, especially not when Bridget brought her hands to his balls and began to toy and play with them, squeezing and lightly tugging. A loud moan passed his lips.
"Bridge- Fuck, Princess. I'm going to cum and you are going to take it, do you understand?" Rhys looks down at his wife, Bridget on her knees was a sight to see.
She moans around his cock, a confirmation that she understood.
Within a second his load shoots down Bridget's throat, filling her esophagus with his cum. The blonde swallows every single drop, she then slides his cock out of her mouth, it causes a loud 'pop' sound. Bridget uses her index finger to swipe the release that slipped out of her mouth, she then sticks her finger into her mouth and then she finally, truly, swallowed every drop.
She stumbles a bit as she stands, knees red from the hard wooden floor. Rhys' hands instantly fly to her hips, stabilizing her balance.
"You're not hurt, are you?" Rhys blurts out, worry filling his tone.
Bridget only giggles. "No, my love, I am not." She straddles Rhys' lap, kissing his neck then jaw before kissing his mouth. Her tongue slips into his mouth and Rhys tastes himself on her tongue. They moan in unison.
"Thank you, Princess."
"Of course, Mr. Larsen, are you less stressed?" Bridget smiles, kissing his cheek.
"Yes, you're magical, Bridget."
The blonde headed woman laughs, she smiles widely, a sight that makes Rhys' life worth while.
"Yes, I am."
"Thank you, truly, Bridget." Rhys adds. When she raises her eyebrow he continues. "For everything, for loving me for who I am, for... for being yourself around me, thank you, my love." He cups her cheeks before slamming their lips together.
She melts into the kiss and presses back, slipping her tongue back into his mouth to deepen the kiss. But this embrace was different from before, instead of hungry it was loving and sweet, every moment of the kiss was magical.
Rhys and Bridget truly were perfect for each other.
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A/N: I realized that there are nearly zero Twisted Series fics, I plan to fix that! I hope you enjoyed this short one-shot! 💕
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kalolasfantasyworld · 4 months
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There's no chapter this week, but I wanted to post a little something. Here you have a drawing of Helena I did back in September, but I just never got around to posting it.
I was discovering my art style back then and tried a bit more realistic one connected to some pop art.
I finally decided to do her character profile ;)
It includes some Paper Hearts spoilers, because you find out all of this through out the fic (if you are caught up with chapter 23, you're perfectly fine). This is her background before the plot of Paper Hearts.
Helena's profile
Basic Information:
Name: Princess Helena Drazel
Age: 25
Birthday: November 18
Sign: Scorpio
Blood Type: AB
Love Interest: Nozel Silva (this happens through Paper Hearts...)
Birthplace: Diamond Kingdom's capital
Current Location: Clover Kingdom's capital
Affinity: Paper magic
Voice claim: Mandy Moore Rapunzel
Height: 167 cm
Eyes: Dark brown
Hair: Chocolate brown, wavy and usually let loose. For formal events she tends to put it up in a bun, or other fancy hairstyle. She ties in a low braid for practice.
Clothing: Helena loves simple and sophisticated clothing. She usually wears longs dresses, appropriate for her Royal status. Classical Drazel household dress i a maxi empire style one, with a low neckline and bare shoulders. It has a brown belt going below the bust. However when Helena spends her evenings in the library she likes to put on soft pants and blouses. For practice she wears a red shirt, with dark leather pants and black boots. Additionally while working as a healer she wears hospital clothes, a white blazer with blue trimmings and white pair of pants.
Helena is a cheerful and charming person, very much a dreamer. She loves to make silly jokes, fool around and tease, when she feels comfortable. She is outspoken and knows how to behave in social situations, due to long years of court etiquette lessons. Helena is very curious and a bit nosy, which sometimes can be bothering. However it usually comes form her deep sense of caring for others, another reason for why she became a healer. She likes to gossip and know what's going on. She is stubborn, quite feisty and not afraid to speak her mind, or bite back. Sometimes she can go overboard and is not able to control her sharp tounge, ending up hurting people in the process. She is also known for her low patience and tends to take things personally. Helena is still a princess and can act spoiled from time to time.
The eldest child of the seven Royal Drazel siblings. Helena was raised in the Drazel territory in Diamond kingdom by both of her loving parents. Her mother Luciana comes from Clover Raque and used to be best friends with Acier Silva in their youth. Her father is a member of one of Diamond's Royal houses, but his relationship with the King was severed after Helena was born. The family moved to their territory and separated themselves from politics. Because of that Helena had a fairly peaceful childhood, not comprehending the terrible crimes of her country.
She studied well and was raised, and prepared to be a respectable Lady of a House. Multiple times while Luciana was sick, she would take her mother's responsibilities and fill in.
She's never travelled and stayed her whole life in the safe embrace of Drazel Territory, so she is very excited to breakaway and study in Clover.
Some romantic background as well ;)
Helena used to be in multiple relationships, but she could not make herself to treat them seriously, because she did not love any of the men she dated. They lasted very shortly and she would break up after she noticed the men getting too attached. Her mother was very upset about her commitment issues and worried about Helena being alone in the future, so she continued on sending her daughter on blind dates with nobles. Luciana ceased during so after a big fight her and Helena had a year before Paper Hearts.
Helena and Nozel actually "met" some time after she was born, when Nozel and Acier visited the Drazel Estate (He was just 4, so he can't really remember).
Small Paper Hearts spoiler (don't read if you don't want to)
An accident in her youth, made Helena dedicated to become a healer and caused her to dislike combat. Because of that she didn't develop many fighting skills. (She's pretty bad... especially for a Royal)
An artist, specialises in pencil art
Loves to spend time at castle's library (Drazel estate previously, now Silva library too)
Uses spanglish around people she's comfortable with
Likes semi sweet red wine and hot tea
Knows how to run an estate better than her mother
Almost always wears red (her healer's clothes unfortunately don't have it )
Knows multiple hispanic and latino dances, such as salsa, bachata, merengue and more
Doesn't know a thing about cooking :(
Helena and her year younger brother Gabriel squabble all the time
She adores kids and loves to take care of her youngest sister Cecilia, who is jut nine
Her name means "shining light"
She uses two paper made whips and fights close distance
Her Paper Mask spell allows her to make her face unrecognisable and thus blend in with the crowd
Helena would sneak out to a small town nearby the Drazel Estate to get to know some life outside the castle
She didn't travel at all, so she's never seen the sea even though her mother was raised by it
Songs that fit her (that's a fun one):
"Unwritten" Natasha Bedinfield
"Breakaway" Kelly Clarkson
2000s Shakira!!!
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