#cripple pride
defiantcripple · 2 days
Out getting drinks with my forearm crutches, and I was able to ask the bartender to help me carry my drink while only feeling a LITTLE weird about it. Go me!
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chronicallycouchbound · 8 months
Ugly Laws. Creepy coming from the word cripple. Freak shows. Fear of clowns. Bearded ladies with PCOS & intersex variations. Contortionists with EDS. Little people. “Missing links” people with Microcephaly. “Snake man” people with limb differences. Lack of welfare programs. Disability rights. All of these things are connected.
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tinyleafkid · 7 months
i don’t have many tumblr followers, but i’m desperate to get this as far out into the world as i can
i’m in desperate need of a wheelchair, and i don’t have the money to make that happen
please help and share if you’re able
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sickness-stricken · 4 months
Just saw an Instagram reupload of a thread on here talking about how if a character in a piece of media canonically has a prosthetic or mobility aid, you don't get to just turn it into a pretty tattoo or remove it entirely in an AU design, and the comments were flooded with "b-but what if in the AU the character doesn't go through the traumatic event that makes them lose a limb or need an aid???"
This begs the question: without the context of a specific piece of media, why do they automatically assume that the reason they have a prosthetic/mobility aid had to be some deeply traumatic, thematic event? Are people with disabilities only worth putting in a story if their disability is conveniently profitable for cheap emotion?
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belablog134 · 7 days
Shoutout to people with arthritis, specially kids who have to deal with it the whole life.
It’s very hard to live with it, it’s worse without medication,
And very welcome to the disabled community.
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cripplepunkpics · 1 month
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ID: a black “handicap accessible” style wheelchair user silhouette holding up a middle finger. They also have a red spiked mohawk. End ID.
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the-delta-quadrant · 9 months
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disabled, autistic, ADHD & mad lockscreens
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icannotgetoverbirds · 6 months
Calling all cripplepunk folks!
So I have been asked to lead a group at my recovery center about disability etiquette. This is much-needed as I have had my mobility aids manhandled three times in the past three weeks with staff brushing it off and blaming me for being in the way instead of making an announcement for people to not do this.
This is a fantastic opportunity to have a significant impact on a place that desperately needs it. All i am asking is that you reblog or reply to this post with at least one thing you wished abled people would do differently regarding your disability.
I'll pick as many as I can reasonably fit into one presentation to show to the recovery center, and I'll be sure to update y'all on how it went!
Additionally, if you have any resources on disability etiquette, feel free to share them!
If you can't, reblogging it to spread it would be appreciated too!
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frankiensteinsmonster · 6 months
The most liberating thing for me as a 'newly' (no idea when it began. Dissociation is a Bitch and a half.) physically disabled person who's already been dealing with multiple mental health disorders is just.
Blatant acceptance of having a chronic condition. I do what I can to lessen my symptoms, but I don't do every little thing that's suggested to me. Mostly because I've done it all before. I've spent so long fighting with my mental health, never accommodating myself, never taking a day off, masking and hiding my symptoms as best as I could, no one ever went easy on me and I didn't know how to stop it.
But now I couldn't hide it if I wanted to, and wouldn't even if I had the chance. I'm disabled. Full stop and that's just the way it is right now and it may stay that way forever. But with the way things have been, if I kept treating myself as something less than my top priority, frankly, I wouldn't be able to go on.
I let myself lay down, I learned that my gritty attitude isn't always a good thing and wearing myself to the bone just to keep up and perform ability isn't just a couple days in bed anymore.
I've started demanding respect. Enforcing my boundaries. Complaining loudly and snapping at people who touch my aid if I feel they deserve it. I started taking up space. I stopped moving for people on the sidewalk because the world doesn't "belong to everyone but me" (something I've felt for a long time). As a disabled person, I need to make sure I know that I matter-- for my sake and for the sake of other cripples.
I'm less friendly. It's on purpose. I give less grace. I'm bitter and I cut my eyes and I suck my teeth at the ignorant people who annoy me and get in my way. I'm no fun by choice and I like it that way. I refuse to be a novelty, I refuse to beg god to make me better, I refuse to hurt myself for the sake of others, I refuse take shit from doctors that won't listen and I like myself more because of it.
I don't need to make a point of making myself appear to be stronger or more resilient than I am, because I don't need to prove anything to anyone. I'm learning to Truly ask for help when I need it, and to accept help when it's offered. Riding this wave of shit hasn't been a breeze by any means, but making it my own and writing my name on it has made it a hell of a lot easier.
Td;lr? If you're disabled, try being a little bit of a bitch. It's fun and good for your mental health <3 (read post for context)
(I say this as someone who's been taught that assertiveness and prioritizing oneself is a Bad Thing, we're not actually "bitches" for wanting basic respect or for caring about ourselves!! And if we are, so the fuck what?)
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august-beee · 5 months
I am begging non disabled people to please be normal about disabilities and please be more accommodating
Please stop staring at people with mobility aids or medical devices, it’s just uncomfortable for everyone.
People with visual disabilities don’t need to be told they’re “beautiful anyways”, they more than likely know that they don’t fit societal beauty standards and that’s more than okay!!! There are 5 million other things to compliment that mean way more, tell them you like their style or just something else that is actually below surface level.
Stop fetishizing and infantilizing people with incontinence. This one really bugs me. The amount of diaper fetishists is so weird and gross. Stop putting your fetish content under incontinence or disability hashtags.
STOP BRINGING PETS INTO AREAS THAT ARE NOT PET FRIENDLY!!! This is for multiple different reasons, some people are severely allergic to pets and a service dog that is working does not need to be yapped at or harassed by your pet.
I’m autistic but call me out if I say something that makes you uncomfortable. Like you would with anyone else. I may not understand some social things but that doesn’t mean I don’t care to.
ADHD is not a disability in any sense and people with mental disabilities also need to just stop acting like they are treated the same as people with physical disabilities, especially ones that people can see. As someone who is autistic with a physical disability, it is not the same.
And finally, please stop acting like disabled is a dirty word. “Specially abled” or “differently abled” just sound demeaning.
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cpunkwitch · 1 month
!!!!!!You shouldn't have to prove to the world why you're with existing.!!!!!!
No, not even to yourself.
You are worth it because you're already here. You exist. Thats enough. You have the right to exist just like everyone and everything else that does.
You exist. You're worth every part.
We shouldn't have to prove ourselves to the world or anyone. It's gotten so bad we even feel like we owe ourselves proof as much as the word feels we owe them a reason to prove we're useful.
You don't have to prove anything. You don't owe anything
This world is not obligated to anything from us.
We exist, and that's that.
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defiantcripple · 4 days
I just got forearm crutches to use until I get smart crutches, and my wrist hurts from using them. Does anyone have advice on using them? (I am also gonna look up YouTube videos, so please don't suggest that)
I'm scared I've fucked my wrists up :(
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chronicallycouchbound · 8 months
Being disabled is beautiful, but it’s also difficult. Both things can be true.
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tearysunshine · 20 days
ablebodied people will say heaven has no disability because that's where they don't have to see us
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mx-t4t0 · 10 months
yknow what it's disability pride month so i'm gonna make a post about my hyperspecific disability combo because we're barely ever talked about and it's time other people like me feel seen too
shoutout to the autistic bitches who've been toe walking their whole lives and have atrophied achilles' tendons
shoutout to the bitches who are tired of being told to "just put their heels down" and that they "walk weird" and other unsavory, unasked-for comparisons
shoutout to the bitches who constantly had weird treatments pushed on them like putting their shoes on the wrong way and realize they just wasted comfort and time doing it
shoutout to the bitches who were promised the sun and moon with physical therapy and/or surgery but barely regained any mobility and are just tired of having doctors touching their feet all the time
shoutout to the bitches who keep getting physical therapy and/or surgery pushed on them but are tired of people not respecting their right to chose not to go through that shit
shoutout to the bitches who can't do yoga or run or climb up 8 flights of stairs or stand up for 30 minutes but get asked why and told we're "so young" and "just lazy" because we're "invisibly" disabled and are so so tired of that shit
shoutout to the bitches who hated PE class because we sucked at it and people just didn't understand why and it was constantly dragging down our grades also shoutout to the bitches who got PE exemption and were tired of being asked why all the time ALSO also shoutout to the bitches who still have to go through that currently i hope you're well and i hope your next PE class goes by so fast you don't even notice it
shoutout to the bitches who run through pairs of shoes super fast because most soles can't support the way we balance our weight
shoutout to the bitches who can't just wear any pairs of shoes or socks because anything that doesn't hold our ankles feels uncomfortable and slides or falls off
shoutout to the bitches who prefer to wear heels because it feels natural for the way they walk
shoutout to the bitches who are tired of people not understanding that toe walking just feels better to us and that there's nothing there that needs to be "fixed"
shoutout to the autistic bitches who toe walk and have atrophied achilles' tendons!
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crippledinafunway · 10 months
OHHHH It’s Disability Pride Month! I should know that! Fuck!
Are they going to take away my Cripple Membership ID? (Yes it’s real. And in my wallet. I have pictures)
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