#creepy but romantic? i can't decide
movielosophy · 5 months
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Different Princess | Looking at her.
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impactedfates · 7 months
Love In Different Shapes - Various HSR Boys x GN! Reader
★ Summary: Your lover loves to show that they love you, however some of their methods to do so, aren't something you'd expect - i.e HSR Boys and their love languages (but it's not your typical love language)
☆ Characters Included (Separate): Dan Heng, Jing Yuan, Blade, Welt, Luka, Sampo, Gepard, Loucha + bonus character
★ Genre/Trope: Romantic + Crack (?)
☆ Warnings: None
★ Extra: Just had random thoughts about HSR characters love language and decided to write about what theirs is in my opinion - just not your typical ones. // Not proof read - we die like Himeko // There's a HSR Girl version as well! Right here.
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Dan Heng shows his love unintentionally by staring at you. Just full on staring. I mean, I'm sure most of us agree that Dan Heng is a man of few words, but I feel like you could be getting up to get water and you'll come back to Dan Heng staring at you. You might think 'oh, he wants me back in bed'
He's just staring very lovingly at you, as creepy as it is. He wants to make sure he sees you. He can't explain why it gives him comfort to just look at you or why he decides to show that he cares about you this way. But he does! It's his way of saying he cares, and although not many may see it as him showing his love to you. Both you and him know what it means when he decides to look at you for more then 5 minutes without talking.
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Somehow, Jing Yuans love language consists of making sure you aren't able to do your work. Somehow his love language is doing everything in his power to get you to pay attention to him.
You know those videos of cats knocking over a cup? That's him, and all he wants is your attention. He loves seeing what ways make you look at him, even for a split second. Would it be a surprise kiss? Softly rubbing your arm up and down? Knocking over an expensive vase??
He wants to find everyway to ensure you look at him with those pretty eyes, and as confusing as this love language may be to others. He truly does just enjoy messing with you.
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Biting. I will not elaborate (Well I am but-)
Blade just bites you. Not harshly, just nibbles. You could just be doing some work, and your neck or shoulder are exposed, he'd just come up to you and just.
You have so many bite makes because of him, but he doesn't care. He's at work often and as much as I'm sure he loves kissing you. He loves biting you playfully just as much. The amount of bite marks around your body that keeps multiplying is just a show of his love to you.
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Welt shows his love by drawing you. He loves sketching you doing whatever and showing you. He enjoys looking at your face and capturing every detail with a stroke of a pencil. He probably has a sketch book dedicated to drawings of you, but most are ripped out as you stick it on your wall.
If you offered to model for Welt he'd be more then happy and ensures to be extra careful - not like he wasn't before but he wants to capture every single detail there is that he sees. And honestly? If you were to draw your own drawing of him then he'd be so happy. It's stuck on his wall, it's his wallpaper and it'll even by his profile picture for awhile.
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Luka shows off. He's one of the guys that's like
"This is for you babe!"
But he fails, miserably even. He's usual so good at showing off, but when he tries to show off to you to show you how much he absolutely adores you he fails.
T i m e.
It's okay though, you get the gesture. You understand what he's trying to do, even after the countless fails. He wants to be successful even once as he feels if he continues failing you won't love him anymore.
You do though, you understand. And honestly? It's kinda cute how hard he tries trying to score a basket just to show you he loves you.
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Reverse scamming (credits to my friend for this idea :D)
Sampo loves scamming others, but you? You're no exception sadly. On the other hand, how he scams you isn't what you'd think. He'd maybe scam you until getting what YOU want. Now what HE wants. Sometimes he may even scam you to get just a simple kiss or a hug.
You try to tell him if he wants a kiss or a hug he can just ask, but he finds it more fun this way. And you may even try to convince him to stop "scamming" you into getting the things you want, but he also refuses.
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We all know Gepard is trying to garden and failing (I think) right? So what does everyone think of getting a half wilted flower from this man :D
He tries I swear, he just cannot do it correctly. You may even just get a tomato as an anniversary gift as he just couldn't take care of the flowers he was trying to grow for you. Bro may be more upset with being unable to grow you the best flower then he is about not catching Sampo.
He keeps trying and failing but, he still gives it to you in hopes you'll accept it! You will right? Even if he's given you a potato that's about to go bad?
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Loucha can and will pat your head to show how much he loves you. As a merchant and a doctor, he doesn't necessarily have the time to sit down and relax, and even so. He doesn't seem like the type to want to. However he doesn't want his partner to feel neglected either, so to sure that he does love you so you don't forget. He pats your head with a small smile.
It doesn't even matter if your taller then him, he'll find a way to pat your head, whether it be to punch you in the stomach so you can bend over, pull you down by your collar or even just climbing onto his coffin to just pat your head a few times. He will pat that head of yours so you're reminded he still loves you despite his schedule.
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Dr Ratio definitely info dumps to show his love. I don't even know much about this man yet but I know for a fact that he'd be casually talking about the history of something or in general just anything he knows whilst you two are eating.
He'd say something that's so jaw-dropping and continue eating and I love him for that. He seems sweet honestly, and if you want to info dump about anything you like? He listens with such intent, asks questions and remembers every word. I love him so much (I know he isn't out yet but-)
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Hehehe. I spent a good bit rambling with my friend about certain HSR characters "unusual" love language and decided to write one! It's not proof read as most of the time, my rambles aren't proof read. But as always, if I messed some spelling or grammar up. Inform me and I'll fix it :D
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suiana · 5 months
need more killer harem and organ seller
(yandere! killer harem x gn! organ seller reader) (first fic of 2024 oh em gee 😋😋)
"it's going to be 2024."
you reply to his statement as you stand motionlessly, staring up at the night sky as your provider for the day stands beside you. you tug at your turtleneck sweater nervously, avoiding his gaze as you attempt to ignore how he inches closer to you with each passing second.
you two remain silent after that, him staring affectionately at you and you standing awkwardly beside him. you nervously eye the railing you leaned against, watching as the crowd below you engages in merry discussion. gulping awkwardly, you play with your hands as you mentally curse yourself for deciding to accept his offer of watching the new year's fireworks with him. you should've known better than to accept one of your lovesick admirers hand in something so romantic.
plus, it's not like you did anything like this for any of your other partners. sure, you kissed a few, held some tenderly, indulged multiple on dates, maybe even fucked one or two... but you've never agreed to watch fireworks like lovers do! speaking of which...
it's almost creepy how each and every one of your business partners turn out infatuated with you one way or another. was it the air? was it because they were all mentally insane? you don't know and you couldn't bother to care. because the more you know, the deeper you fall into the rabbit hole of their lives.
so you don't know why you've decided to indulge this organ provider for today. especially since... he looks more deranged than the rest.
"hey, can i ask something?"
he asks, staring at you with that same creepy smile that sends chills up your spine. yet, you nod in response to his question. he simply laughs at that, turning to look at the night sky before mumbling softly.
"would you choose me out of everyone else?"
you pause, looking at him with narrowed eyes before shaking your head. you're not going to entertain any nonsense. you knew you should've left earlier-
"mn... that's too bad. i would've chosen you in a crowd of others. it hurts me to know you wouldn't do the same."
he holds your wrist tightly, mumbling in faux hurt as he smiles eerily at you. you freeze, not moving as you glare at your business partner. damn, you can't believe you actually agreed to be here with him in the first place.
"let go."
"nah. i like holding you."
you grit your teeth, but do nothing to break free as you continue to stare at him. he merely hums in response, smiling as he looks across the city skyline.
all of a sudden, he pins you to the railing, face way too close for comfort.
"mn... you're so cute like this... can i kiss you?"
you squirm under his grip, heart beating loudly as all you can focus on is his eager face.
"g-get off!"
you huff, pushing at his chest as you sweat nervously. shit, he could easily push you over the railing and you'd be mush like some of his victims- that's when you felt his lips brush against yours, kissing your cheek as his hands go to the back of your neck.
you stop in place, looking up as he pulls away only to realize that it was a new year. your fingers gently touch your cheek as you eye him. he didn't kiss you on the lips? what was he up to?
"haha! how silly you are. i just wanted to give you a new year's present. don't be so tense."
he gestures to the necklace around your neck. ah... so that's what he did...
"and there was ice cream on your face from just now. didn't tell you cause i thought you'd notice but you're much more clumsier than i thought! don't worry, i cleaned it for ya. free of charge~"
he winks at you before grinning.
"happy new year. i hope you'll make the right choice when the time comes."
he then waves at you before turning around, leaving you alone to you thoughts as the sound of the fireworks takes your attention. right choice huh... was this a sign that your business partners were planning something? you sure hope not...
you wouldn't want to have to make such a difficult choice. especially since choosing just one would mean you'd make enemies out of the rest. you sigh out, rubbing your temples before leaning against the railing again. oh well, you'll just enjoy the pretty display for now. after all, that's what you came for. you'll deal with the problems later.
"...happy new year, i guess."
yeah, what a happy new year this year will be :)
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3niqma · 11 months
𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞. ₊˚ෆ
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬; 𝐣𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧, 𝐣𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐩𝐡, 𝐬𝐝𝐜 𝐣𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨, 𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐦 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐝𝐢𝐨, 𝐜𝐚𝐞𝐬𝐚𝐫, 𝐝𝐢𝐮 𝐣𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐦𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠/𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠.
jonathan joestar
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⋆ would def pick flowers for you and surprise you with them! ❀
⋆ loves to help you cook & bake, especially when you're making cookies or pastries. mans literally jumps at the oppurtunity to help his lady out.
⋆ would write you small letters in which he reminded you how special you are to him and how lucky he is to have you in his life.
⋆ loves to hold your hand in his, basically 24/7. he thinks it's adorable how your hands are so small compared to his.
⋆ loves to hold you in general, he's very big on pda.
⋆ when he doesn't have to train, he always hopes it's sunny outside so he can take you on a long walk, and have a picnic! 🌷🧺*:・
⋆ sometimes speedwagon & will are invited (will decided to crash it and speedwagon couldn't stop him).
⋆ you can bet your ass he did all the preperations for the picnic without your knowledge.
⋆ not a day goes by without him verbally saying "i love you".
⋆ will literally spend hours eating you out, he has a strict policy that you MUST cum before him, his own release be damned. ladies first.
⋆ slow love making with him praising the shit out of you.
⋆ "you're doing so well darling, taking me so good."
⋆ "look at you, all sprawled out for me, and that face.. you're absolutely enchanting. you're driving me crazy, my dearest."
⋆ during the early stage of your relationship, dio has tried to convince you that you'd be better off with 'a real man' instead of jonathan.
⋆ "sweetheart, i'm positive that jojo has no idea how to please a lady.. how about i show you what you're missing out on?"
⋆ you jokingly told jonathan about this encounter one night, and that lit a certain fire in him.
⋆ you were.. sore the next morning to say the least. he overstimulated you in the most delicious way possible, giving you a total of 4(!) orgasms in one night. and boy did he make sure that dio heard it all.
⋆ dio didn't sleep that night. ( ꩜ ᯅ ꩜;) 
joseph joestar
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⋆ this mf
⋆ he loves to make you laugh.
⋆ like seriously, he'll do the most stupid things to get a reaction out of you.
⋆ especially when you're sad or moody, he can't stand seeing his girl in a bad mood.
⋆ will def tickle you, just so he can hear you laugh.
⋆ "j-joseph, stop! i can't take it anymore!"
⋆ "too bad! i'm sorry love, but you just sound so lovely, i can't get enough of it!"
⋆ will try to be super romantic by bringing you breakfast in bed, but either trips on something before he enters the bedroom, or almost burns the kitchen down because he forgot to turn off the stove.
⋆ makes up for it later by buying you a box of chocolates in a heart shaped box.
⋆ which he already ate half of. (╥﹏╥)
⋆ looooves to tease you, the blush that creeps up on your face is what he lives for fr.
⋆ like before you started dating, he'd always make flirty comments, but one night, he picked up all his courage to nonchalantly ask you; "what would be your dream first date, and what time should I pick you up for it?"
⋆ it only took one dinner date for you to become a couple.
⋆ caesar was in shock.
⋆ literally held his hand to your forehead to check if you weren't sick.
⋆ "what in god's name do you see in this baboon?" joseph couldn't hide his excitement and grabbed you by the waist to pick you up and spin you around.
⋆ "well caesarino, this 'baboon' is dating the most sexy woman in the whole world!"
⋆ you had to hide your face in your hands after that comment.
⋆ super handsy, like he'll always have his arm around you or some shit, very big on pda, especially around caesar.
⋆ really loves to just stare at you without saying anything.
⋆ "jojo, you've been staring at me for a good 2 minutes now, it's starting to become a little creepy." you'll say, frowning your brows.
⋆ "can't a man just admire his woman in peace?" he shot back, eyes still fixed on you. (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)
⋆ that's when you realise that you're madly in love with him.
⋆ although he's a big goof most of the time, he loves those moments where the two of you wake up on a free day, and just cuddle in bed while he whispers sweet nothings in your ear.
⋆ loves for you to sit on his face and just hold you there with a tight grip.
⋆ the first time he offered you to try this out, you were scared that you might crush him. but joseph assured you that that might be the best possible death he could imagine.
⋆ ate like a starved man.
⋆ occasionally loves it when you tie him up and just have your way with him.
⋆ loves to give you massages, which obv turn out sexual. we all know joseph is NOT capable of touching your ass without his mind starting to wander.
⋆ loves to wake you up with his mouth on your clit. but the big ass bastard loves to tease. he'll make you almost cum like 3 times, before he gets up and licks the arousal from his lips with a smirk.
⋆ you're literally crying from frustration, looking at him with a pout.
⋆ "okay sweet stuff, i think have teased you enough for now." he says while resting his hand on your cheek, moving his thumb to your bottom lip.
⋆ on instinct, you open your mouth and softly suck on his thumb, making him let out a soft groan.
⋆ "you little minx.. you're dying for me to pound that tight little cunt, aren't you?" he laughs, while removing his thumb from your mouth.
⋆ in the bedroom next to yours, caesar sits on his bed with an annoyed expression, hoping you two would shut the hell up for once, considering it's 6 in the morning. ᶻ 𝘇 𐰁
jotaro kujo (sdc, no nsfw)
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⋆ he has a hard time expressing his emotions towards you.
⋆ you are aware of this, but sometimes wonder if he actually likes you or not.
⋆ but he never let's you wonder for too long, because every time those thoughts creep up into your head, he'll prove to you that you're his.
⋆ especially when the crusaders are seated in the car with polnareff behind the wheel (best decision ever). he'll always make sure that you're sitting next to him, so he can hold your hand.
⋆ if you're a smoker, he really enjoys taking smoke breaks with you.
⋆ he'll purposefully wait until you're craving a cig, so he can smoke one with you. ‹𝟹
⋆ secretly steals your lighter(s) so he has to light up your cig, he thinks the act is very intimate.
⋆ likes to play with your hair.
⋆ doesn't like pda, but he'll let you hold his hand in public, because he knows it makes you feel safe.
⋆ loves hearing you talk about stuff you're interested in, like just hearing you ramble makes his heart flutter.
⋆ one time, when he was sure no one was looking, he tipped your chin up and just planted the most passionate kiss ever on your lips out of nowhere. ( ꩜ ᯅ ꩜;) 
⋆ when he was done, he let go of your face and pretended nothing happened, leaving you with the deepest red blush on your cheeks, wide eyed and jaw dropped.
⋆ joseph literally became worried, because he thought you were going to faint or something.
⋆ avdol and kakyoin looked at each other with a worried expression, while polnareff took a glance at jotaro, noticing the slight smirk on his lips. polnareff quickly realized what had just happened, but decided to keep quiet, finding it all too hilarious.
⋆ after a tough battle against one of the enemy stands, he's really mad at you for intervening, pacing around the hotel room you two shared.
⋆ "you could've gotten one of us killed, are you actually that stupid? you should've stayed out of it!" he yelled, looking at you with an expression that lowkey scared the living shit out of you.
⋆ "well, you're welcome for saving your asses out there! if it wasn't for me, joseph would've met his maker today!" you yelled back, tears of anger prickling in your eyes.
⋆ "you know jotaro, a 'thank you' really wouldn't be out of place here." you add, while grabbing your jacket (and if you smoke, a pack of cigs).
⋆ you decide it's probably best to get out of there for a little while, grabbing the key card from the holder. just as you wanted to make your way out, you feel his hand grabbing your wrist, pulling you against his broad chest. holding you like he'll never have the chance to again.
⋆ "i didn't mean it like that.. i was just scared as hell to lose you." he softly spoke, his chin resting on the top of your head.
⋆ "of course i'm thankful that you saved the old man's life, but i can't risk anything happening to you." he added, voice trembling slightly.
⋆ you felt a smile creep up on your face, tilting your face up to look him directly in his eyes, a few tears falling from yours in the process.
⋆ "besides, you're the only girl i know who can talk the literal ears off my head without annoying the shit out of me." he said while letting out a soft laugh, wiping the tears off your cheeks with his thumb.
dio brando (phantom blood, pre vampire)
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⋆ actually has a soft spot for you, you're the only person that could potentially break him if you really wanted to. this thought scares him to death.
⋆ he knew he was doomed as soon as he realised that his heart began to beat faster, every time he'd look at you.
⋆ will never talk to you about his past, especially his father.
⋆ his girl's precious ears, shouldn't have to endure the pure horror that is dario brando.
⋆ ever since you started dating, he began developing this strong primal urge to protect you.
⋆ won't let you walk around alone on the streets ever.
⋆ a little too big on pda, especially around jonathan. (ó﹏ò。)
⋆ like he'll always make a show out of kissing you.
⋆ you're literally his 'first love', he has never felt this way before about anyone, making him very clueless when it comes to showing his affection.
⋆ will help you study when you have an exam coming up.
⋆ will scold you for answering a question wrong tho.
⋆ you'll never mention it to him, but when you are in bed together he'll unbekownst to him pull you closer, burying his face in your neck, like you'd disappear if he let go.
⋆ the fact that he wakes up earlier than you, makes what leaves this action unspoken.
⋆ actually spends less time trying to torment jonathan because he hates the look on your face every time you find out about something he pulled on jonathan again. jonathan is forever grateful for you because of this.
⋆ loves to sit down with you after dinner, and drink a good glass of wine together while discussing topics that interest him. he thinks you're worthy of his precious time to do so.
⋆ the pda kissing, is mostly to stroke his ego. it's rough and quick without any real emotion except pride. but when the two of you are alone, he can't get enough of passionately kissing your lips until they're raw. making you have to part from him multiple times to catch your breath, and your composure.
⋆ "my, my.. already tired, my love?" he chuckles while holding his hand on your cheek, making you melt into his soft touch.
⋆ you'll only have to give him a certain look to get him going.
⋆ don't even dare to give him that look in public, because he will drag you home immediately, and make you regret it.
⋆ he secretly loves it.
⋆ he loves to see the bliss on your face, covered in tears and spit while fucking you.
⋆ rarely romantic, except on one occasion when you were having a particularly rough day.
⋆ he scooped you up into his arms without saying a word, carried you upstairs to his chambers, and spent the entire night kissing you all over and praising you.
⋆ "the most beautiful woman i've ever laid my eyes on, go ahead, cum for me darling.. let it all out." he'd coo while holding you close as he hit that spot in you that drove you crazy.
⋆ you slept with his cock still burried in you, enjoying each other's warmth.
⋆ the thought of that night always gives you butterflies, but he'll never mention it again after.
⋆ wants to make you his wife at one point. (ó﹏ò。)
caesar zeppeli aka the loml
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⋆ we all know he's quite the ladies' man.
⋆ but as soon as he meets you, he knows he's done for.
⋆ will surprise you with the biggest bouquet of roses out of nowhere.
⋆ "i don't need a better reason to surprise you than getting to see that gorgeous face of yours next to me every morning when i wake up, signorina." (੭ ˊ^ˋ)੭ ♡
⋆ enjoys reading a book with you, especially reading it to you while you're in his arms.
⋆ he knows you love wearing his shirts to sleep in, because it smells like his cologne and the soap that he uses. (hell, you'll even wear them in public). so he'll purposefully throw one in the dryer, and spray a tiny amount of his cologne on it before bedtime, so it’s extra warm and cosy for you to wear.
⋆ loves to cook with you and have dinner after. don’t expect to do the dishes after, caesar will take care of them. no argument.
⋆ loves to buy you cute summer dresses and skirts, looks forward to the little fashion show bit when you try them on and show them to him, he thinks it’s adorable.
⋆ he’ll lift you by the waist, hooking his arm’s beneath your bottom, making your legs wrap around his torso.
⋆ “look at you! you look amazing, mia amata.”
⋆ joseph gave a face of grimace and loudly (and quite unnecessarily) groaned in the background while reading the morning paper.
⋆ “are you jealous, jojo? haha, i understand! if you’d have someone like this little angel by your side, i wouldn’t doubt my own jealousy.”
⋆ joseph was even more annoyed at this point, attempting to throw the paper at him, but falling from his chair in the process. ૮ – ﻌ–ა
nsfw! this is pretty cute tbh.
⋆ loves it when you ride him, so he can pull you down in an embrace while he thrusts up into you.
⋆ suuuper romantic most of the time.
⋆ 10/10 aftercare, he'll prepare a nice warm bath for you, makes sure you're hydrated and have some snacks ready for you, and will cuddle with you in bed after.
⋆ like not just after rough love making, basically every time y'all have sex.
⋆ "how are you feeling, bellezza? i wasn't too rough, no?"
⋆ like jonathan, he has a strict policy that you MUST cum before him.
⋆ hell, he'll thrust into the mattress while he's eating you out to keep himself focused.
⋆ nothing is as important to him as his lady's pleasure. (❀´ ˘ `❀)
⋆ will def smack your ass in public to embarass you, and rile you up.
⋆ actually asked you to marry him after a very romantic session of love making.
⋆ like you're standing on the balcony, dressed in only one of his shirts, that stops at your mid thigh.
⋆ as caesar walks out of the bathroom and sees you standing there, he knows that this is the perfect moment.
⋆ he'll wrap his arms around you from behind, kissing the top of your head while doing so.
⋆ while you're enjoying the act of his small touches, he suddenly turns you around so you're facing him. he lifts his hand up to your cheek and rubs his thumb along it.
⋆ "amore mio, sei la donna dei miei sogni. ti prego, lascia che ti faccia mia, per sempre." he speaks softly, knocking the air out of lungs, just because it sounds so sexy when he speaks in italian.
⋆ "honey, you know that i have no clue what you're saying, right?" you chuckle, wondering what he had to say.
⋆ "maybe this will help you understand." he said as he dropped himself to one knee, reaching for the back pocket of his sweatpants.
⋆ you literally froze.
⋆ "angelo mio, vuoi sposarmi?" he asked, slowly opening the little red velvet case he held in his hands, showing you the most beautiful ring you've ever seen.
⋆ you were sobbing at this point.
⋆ "i still have no idea what that means exactly, but i hope that you're asking me something along the lines of being your wife, yes?" you laughed as you sniffled.
⋆ "i did!" he excitedly said, watching as you took the ring, and placed it around your ring finger. (๑ > ᴗ < ๑)
⋆ he scooped you up and took you to bed again, anticipating a long night of love making, as sweet as honey.
jotaro kujo (diu)
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⋆ still finds it difficult to express his emotions sometimes, but got a lot better with it.
⋆ loves to have lunch/dinner with you, and talk about what the both of you did that day.
⋆ in summertime, he will take you on a walk through the park after dinner, while enjoying some ice cream! he thinks it's hilarious to see your face covered in it. •⩊•
⋆ "jotaro, do i have some on my face?" you'll question as he tries to hold back a grin.
⋆ "yes, you have a little bit right on your top lip." he'll answer, watching as you try to get it off, resulting in only making it worse.
⋆ "yea, you got it." he'll smile at you, dying of laughter on the inside.
⋆ "thank you, honey!" you'll grab his hand to hold, unaware of how your entire mouth and chin, are now covered in ice cream.
⋆ looooves the way you smell, literally addicted to your scent.
⋆ will remind you of this a lot.
⋆ because of this, he'll buy a bunch of shower gel, shampoo and anything else he can find that reminds him of you, and takes it with him whenever he's away from home.
⋆ also loves spoiling you with little gifts, necklaces, perfume (duh), this man literally gifted you a personalised star map with how the stars stood on the night y'all met for valentine's day.. like-"
⋆ he really loves you good you and little jolyne get along.
⋆ jolyne is literally obsessed with you, asking you to have a tea party almost every time you see her.
⋆ wants to have a child with you (if you want to ofc). ✧˖°.
⋆ in the beginning of the relationship, the two of you would have a lot of sex.
⋆ it actually was the easiest way for him to express his desire and love to you.
⋆ but as the relationship progressed, he became very busy with work and defeating kira, so your sex life was at an all time low.
⋆ it became so bad that you started to wonder if he even found you attractive anymore, and if he perhaps was seeing someone on the side
⋆ ah hell nawh. ৻( •̀ ᗜ •́ ৻)
⋆ you took it upon yourself to question him about it one night, sneaking into his office while he was seated behind his computer, typing away in deep focus.
⋆ he didn't acknowledge you when you stepped in, making you feel even worse than before.
⋆ "do you even desire me at all anymore?" you spoke sternly, looking towards where he was seated.
⋆ this made him look up from his screen so quick, you were sure he caught a whiplash just then.
⋆ "where'd you get that stupid idea from?" he scoffed, turning his face back to his screen, continuing his typing.
⋆ now you were fuming with rage, forcing your body to stand right in front of his desk.
⋆ "oh well, i don't know jotaro.. maybe the fact that you haven't touched me in literally a month?!" your voice laced with anger, annoyance and slight sadness.
⋆ he stopped typing and looked up at you without any emotion on his face, not making this situation better for himself at all.
⋆ "look, if you're seeing someone else, fucking tell me right now so we can get this over with!" you yelled, planning on making your way out of his office, too hurt to even look at him at this point.
⋆ as you turned your back on him, you could hear him softly giggle, making your blood boil and lowkey confirm your biggest fear.
⋆ "well, i think you're right. i might have neglected you a little too much, haven't i?" he spoke, hearing his desk chair squeak as he got up.
⋆ you stood there dumbfounded, trying to make sense of it all as he picked you up bridal style.
⋆ you instinctively wrapped your arms around his neck, even tough your expression was an example of 'if looks could kill'.
⋆ "you own this dick, is that clear?" he whispered in your ear, grip on your chin tight, nodding as a wave of heat spread through your body.
⋆ "good girl.. now show me." ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ
a/n; hi guys! this is my first post on here! let me know what you think of this bc i'm pretty new to headcanons n stuff. also leave me requests!
finished on 30-06-‘23, 3:28 pm, cet.
love, 3niqma.
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howdoesagrapewrites · 6 months
𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐚𝐰𝐬 𝐈𝐈
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Plot: Imagine being the legitimized bastard of Daemon Targaryen, and having a very devoted family.
Cw: incest/targcest, yandere/lovesick behavior, unhealthy relationships, platonic and romantic yanderes, not everyone is romantically involved with reader, yandere EVERYONE x reader, Aegon II is creepy
Notes: someone told me they were waiting for part 2  🥹 btw I hate the show's timeline as a book reader because it makes absolutely no sense and I can't write properly, halfway through this I literally have decided to throw it away and run with what my heart tells me, otherwise I'll combust
>When your father came back from the war of the stepstones in 115 a.c, newly wed to Laena Velaryon, you didn't think anything was going to change, right?
>You missed the Vale, you didn't like seeing your father and Rhea fighting, but she was so kind, just like your wet nurse, she wasn't here in the castle either
>But there was a lot of new people here, and you liked them all, since they're all your family, it is only natural you'd love them all, they often say they love you too
>When the news of Rhea's death and Daemon's nuptials came, almost arriving together, it sparked a sense of empathy and compassion throughout the red keep
>All of the Targaryens were already too "heedful" with your care, declaring you'd be cared for only by family, and in the extraordinary case no one was around, there was two very meticulously chosen handmaidens who were to watch over you until a family member was available
>This measure was whispered from Otto Hightower to king Viserys, this passed as a safety measure, saying that because of your origins, you were at risk, setting the infamous "princess of Flea Bottom" title as precedent to say you were not welcomed by everyone, and therefore in danger (even if everyone who was even rumoured to be against your stay in the castle, had already been "taken care of"). Of course no one objected
>This reawoke an old rivalry between Rhaenyra and Alicent, old playmates with unspoken grudges, now desperate to prove they could be a better, more adequate influence in your life
>Willfully ignoring your young age, and the fact you'll likely forget half of whatever they say by the time you're ten, what matter is that even when Daemon takes you away, you'll be able to remember one of them with particular fondness
>It was the truth, a hard and bitter truth, that you'd have to eventually leave, everyone looking for excuses to give to Daemon once he arrived, in order to keep you around longer, maybe indefinitely
>Alicent felt uneasy when thinking of stealing you away from your sire, as much as she disliked Daemon, and believed you'd be much better off being raised as hers, along with her children, you clearly loved him, you drew pictures and saved "treasures" to give to him once he returned
>You also used to ask about Rhea, no one had the heart to tell you, but still fearing the crude words your father would use to tell you of her passing, after all, Rhea was still "his bronze bitch". Finally, it was Viserys who had to break the news to you, he was considerate and comforting, even explaining how his parents and former wife passed away as well, and how he still carries them in his heart
>You lacked the proper cognitive development to fully process it, but it made you sad you were never to see Rhea again, this made you even closer to Viserys
>Alicent wondered if there was a possibility of offering one of his son's hands, if that would make you stay, she certainly wouldn't be displeased to have as a daughter in law, Rhaenyra did the same, after all, wasn't the heir to the iron throne a much better match?
>But the day finally came, where you had to leave
>Your father forsook his crown as King of the narrow sea to Viserys, who humorously put the crown on your little head, and named you princess of the narrow sea
>With the crown falling to your forehead due to its size, you hugged your father as soon as you saw him, with giggles and words of affection, as much as it endeared them, it broke everyone's heart to remember how your time in the red keep was nothing but extraordinary. Viserys thanked the seven no one could hear his thoughts, it would be improper for a king to wish for war, just to keep his baby niece around
>This moment created a long string of creative bards singing about Y/N Targaryen, princess of the narrow sea, queen of hearts
>It was finally time for you to go to leave, Laena was ecstatic to take you with her after meeting you for the first time, but she was a smart girl and noticed she was taking away something very precious
>But celebrations had passed and it was time to go
>You lived in Pentos for the next 10 years of your life, with your father, step-mother and little sisters, Rhaena and Baela
>Daemon was not so happy to take you to King's Landing for different events, however, Laena said it was good for you to be around your cousins and nephews, good for the twins as well
>And she said that since you had your own dragon, it's best to just, it'd be better for you to not feel trapped, otherwise one day you'll just get on dragonback and do as you please
>Daemon did not like the idea of you ever leaving or having enough independence to just hop on a dragon and leave, but he understood his wife was right
>When Laena lightheartedly told the prince of Pentos that he must only ask if he wished to marry one of the girls, Daemon grimaced in his classic unsubtle fashion
>You and your sisters were excitedly ogling the new dragon egg that was meant for your sibling
>One night, Rhaena came to your room looking for comfort, she feared her new little brother or sister would have a great dragon like Vhagar, or swift as Moondancer and then she'd be left alone
>You had Dagahrion, and Baela had Moondancer, both dragons were bonded with you since birth, but Rhaena's died shortly after hatching. She was given another egg, that sadly had not even hatched
>According to the dragonkeepers, Dagahrion still needed a little more time before you could safely ride, and Moondancer had a long way to go.
>Dagahrion and Moondancer were polar opposites, where Moondancer was small, slender and agile, with lightly coloured pale sage green scales and pearl horns, Dagahrion was growing larger by the day, heavy and mighty, with black scales that shone like a green tourmaline in the sun, and dark laurel colored horns. The dragons would often play together, and were called "the greyhound and the mastiff"
>Rhaena feared her bond with you would be outshined by the future races and sky stunts you and Baela would share. And when Aemond took Vhagar, it felt even worse
>After Laena's death, you had lost a mother again. You deeply mourned her, but you felt a different kind of sadness watching Rhaenys coddle the girls in the funeral, and Corlys telling Lucerys he'd be the lord of Driftmark. Rhaenys had you on her embrace as well, but the looks on you had brought a bitter truth to your attention, one that was nonexistent in Pentos, and swept under the rug in King's Landing. You were a bastard. The whimsical melodies about the princess of the narrow sea, had made you forget the princess was born illegitimate
>You were now 13, and the stares and whispers your family shielded you from, were words much easier to put together, faces much easier to see
>The lords and ladies gossiped when everyone ran to hug you before the true orphans, you felt guilty
>"Lady Laena leaves two true-born daughters on the coast" said Vaemon. You smiled through the pain
>Your father started laughing to try and shut him up, it worked
>It also pained you to reunite with your beloved playmates, and see Aegon, your azantys, who you admired, now turned into a creep. He hugged you longer than he did with anyone else, but his hands lingered in a way you couldn't enjoy
>Lucerys and Jacaerys were there with you and your sisters, just like you could see the look thrown at you, you could see them being thrown the way of the Velaryon brothers. You didn't talk much, but you enjoyed their company
>Aemond tried to latch onto you and take you to where his family was, but after some time you had to return to your sisters, he didn't like that
>Helaena was just like you remembered her, she was still ever so gentle and had so many things to tell you about her bugs
>But some of her words were now cryptic to you
>"My dear Y/N, dragon in the flesh, do not believe the dragons in thread" she kept repeating, not even looking at you
>You slept in the room that was meant for your father, he hadn't returned yet. You slept in the second bed in that room rather than with the other children, you wanted to cry, but wanted to appear strong for your sisters, so you preferred to be away for the night
>However, the ruckus woke you up, Aemond stole Vhagar, and Lucerys made him lose an eye
>Jacaerys told you about the "hilarious" time they gave Aemond a pig, you silently reprimanded them, you didn't find it funny, but to go and steal Rhaena's last connection to her mother?
>Vhagar was not a heirloom, not a thing, but Rhaena deserved a chance to try to tame her before others did
>You were upset, however tried to stay at Aemond's side, after all, he was the one who lost an eye
>At least until you heard your nephew. "He called us bastards", you looked at him with a sad, disappointed expression before completely (and literally) turning your back on him to go console your sisters
>Rhaena was the most affected, her connection to her late mother, and to her sisters, was stolen by Aemond. In the moment, she feared Aemond would steal you away too, you seemed to be fond of him, and the queen would often tell stories of how close you were with her children. Losing you to Baela was one thing, she was her twin, and you would be within reach, but Aemond?
>Aemond was true to his words when he said gaining a dragon was worth losing an eye
>But he wasn't so sure it was worth losing you
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rainybubbles · 1 year
How do the COD men end up calling you at 1 A.M ?
Gaz, Price, Soap, König, Ghost, Alex, Alejandro
(Sorry in advance for my mistakes, English is not my mother tongue. So sorry if it's badly written or if they're OOC)
G A Z :
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-"I don't think I can help you Gaz" you said on the phone, while sitting on your bed.
-"but you said you like animals."
-"YES BUT I CAN'T MOVE A FUCKING ALLIGATOR BECAUSE IT'S ON YOUR BALCONY" you scream on the phone "How..." you take a pause "I don't want to know how it ends up here."
-"...so you won't come."
-"Gaz it's 1 AM."
-"You said I can call you if I need help."
-"Yes. But the alligator is the exception."
-"...and if I also have a racoon in my bed ?"
-"...Gaz did you..." you realize.
-"It's a hypothesis."
-"I can hear on the phone, the crack behind you."
-"...okay maybe it's true."
-"It's not me, animals like me."
-"You're a fucking Disney princess."
-"...does it mean if I whistle, they go ?"
-"...I don't want to answer that."
-"...so you're coming ?"
-"Only because I don't want to end up in prison for failure to assist a person in danger."
-"And you like me."
-"Gaz I'm not confessing my feelings after we talked about a racoon."
-"You don't deny it."
-"you will see the alligator is nice."
-"Gaz, no." you sigh
P R I C E :
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-"John ?" you answer on the phone. Your voice is hoarse, the call has woken you up.
-"Sorry I have woken you up, love."
-"Is there a problem ?" you ask. You were worried because last time John called you, Soap exploded John's bathroom and he needed your help.
-"No, there is none. I just finished a mission and wanted to hear your voice." he says with his deep voice.
-Your heart skips a beat. Alone in your dark room, you feel butterflies in your belly. Price and you were friends, you were a librarian and you met because John was a regular who reads many history books.
-You have a crush on the man, but you didn't know if there was a chance because of his job.
-"I see" you answer, you don't know what to add "does my voice sound so charming ?" you joke
-"It is honey for my ears, love."
-The man has rizz at 1 AM after a fucking six-months mission, you thought.
-"I...I can say the same for you ?" you try to flirt, but it sounds more like a question than a compliment.
-He laughs on the phone.
-Oh gosh how you love his laugh.
-"In fact I was trying to think of a clever way to ask you out, but it's late and my brain isn't functioning properly, love." He confesses.
-"oh" you say
-oh ? You really said oh to a fucking romantic confession at 1 AM, like in a dramatic romance movie ?
-"I DIDN'T MEAN OH ! I mean, yes, but not to your confession. It...Yes. yes." you say embarrassed
-He laughs again.
-"then we have a date."
-"I'll text you the information, good night, love."
-"good night."
-You didn't sleep at all this night.
-You were too stressed about the date, and too happy to have this date.
S O A P :
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-"you won't believe me."
-"Soap, it's like 1 AM, why the fuck are you calling me ?" you answer sleepy.
-"I discovered this new recipe."
-"...so you decided to call me at 1 AM, for a recipe ?"
-"It's the best you'll ever hear."
-"...go on" you sigh.
-"You mix marshmallows."
-"With nutella"
-you frown your eyebrows.
-"And bacon"
-"everybody is so creative." you say
-"What ?"
-"Soap you- wait, did you eat this ?"
-"YES ! It's so good, you have to try it."
-"It's 1 AM. Why did you try this ? Why calling me after, I...Soap are you okay ?"
-"I am."
-"you eat nutella, marshmallow and bacon mixed."
-"It's not what an okay person does."
-"Person with taste do that."
-"Yes person with taste and no taste bud."
-"You haven't tasted it yet."
-"And I won't."
-"...so me being in front of your door with this incredible midnight snacks is a no ?"
-"Soap you- I live like 3 hours from your flat."
-"I wanted you to try it !"
-"It's fucking creepy."
-"so you won't open the door ?"
-"I will. And I will throw this snack in a bin, cook a real snack, feed you with it, and call Price to have your taste bud check by a doctor."
-"I'm fine."
-"No, your tastes are horrible." you say
-"So you're insulting yourself."
-"What ? why ? I said your tastes are horrible not mine."
-"But you're my taste in human."
-You shut up.
-"did you-"
-"I'm trying to say you're my type, yes"
-"fuck I open the door."
-"Told you it was a game changer."
-"I don't open the door for your snack. I open for your ass"
-"that's mean."
K Ö N I G :
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-You saw König calling you on your phone which surprised you because you know he hates talking on the phone.
-You immediately answer.
-"König ?"
-"...You're awake," he says relieved.
-"yes, are you okay ?"
-"Ja, I'm back home."
-"I see," you smile.
-You met König on a base. You're a trainer of detection dogs, so you often work with the army. Since this meeting, you both text each other a lot.
-"Do you want to talk about your mission or do you want me to vant about how annoying my day was ?" you ask as usual
-"I wanted to know if you're free now."
-"Well it's 1 AM, so yes."
-"I don't have any sugar, and I want to bake. But I can't. And I don't want to go outside."
-You know König bakes when he has anxiety, it helps him to relax. So if he wanted to bake, it would be probably because he needed it.
-"Ok, I'll be here in 30 minutes."
-"But you let me eat the finished products."
-"of course," he laughs.
-You start to dress and put your shoes on.
-"What are you baking exactly ?" you say on the phone
-"that's one of my favorite snacks." you said while you put your sugar in your bag.
-"I know." König answers
-"you know ?" you repeat
-There is a silence.
-"I wanted to give you cookies tomorrow, but everything happened and..." he starts hyperventilating.
-"König, calm. Okay so you wanted to give me cookies but you felt a wave of anxiety coming, so you decided to bake them now, but you ran out of sugar" you summarize.
-"Can I ask why you want to give me cookies ?"
-"because it will be a good idea to picnic with you"
-"as a date ?" you ask.
-"well I hate picnics."
-"But guess what my favorite activity is ? Baking at 1 AM cookies. Guess you're a lucky guy."
-He laughs.
-"you just try to comfort me." he says
-"Does it work ?"
-"then we have a date."
G H O S T :
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-"Simon" you answer on the phone.
-He doesn't add a word.
-You know why he is calling you.
-He has had nightmares.
-Every time, when he was not on the field and had them, he usually did nothing. But since he met you, he knew that focusing on your voice, helped him to not think, to just erase everything.
-"Do you prefer me rambling about my day or a funny anecdote ?" you ask.
-"your day." he says quickly, his voice is hoarse.
-"Well at work a grandma fought against a gym bro in the line. Because the guy was mean to my colleague, he said she fucked up his coffee just to have one free. Nothing unusual sadly. But the grandma started to snap at him. And we were scared because the gym bro was all muscular so if he decided to fight, the grandma would finish to the hospital, you know. And...she beat him up. She was like super strong. It was so cool. She was like Batman."
-You ramble again and again.
-Ghost just listens, every word was his anchor. Every word was a flow calming him.
-And until the sun rises up, you talk.
-It's his favorite thing about you, your voice.
-Maybe one day, he'll hear it saying sweet nothings to him.
-But for the moment, he'll focus on it and just feels at peace.
A L E X :
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-"what's your favorite flower ?"
-"Alex it's 1 AM, what the fuck," you say on the phone.
-"What's your favorite flower ?" Alex asks.
-"Why do you want to know that and why now ?"
-"I have already asked you that during a break on a mission but you never answered the question."
-You frown your eyebrows.
-"It was like 2 months ago."you realize
-"yes, and ?"
-"And you ask me a question you have already asked me two months ago, on the phone at 1 AM ?"
-"...you have drunk Price coffee, isn't it ?"
-"how much ?"
-"four cups."
-"you're still alive?"
-"I hear my heart. I don't know if it's normal."
-"Shit the fuck this man is drinking." you groan "Alex you know you can't drink his coffee, it could wake up the dead."
-"I know but I needed one."
-"Drink water. I'll come."
-"So you'll answer my question ?"
-"No, I'm coming so I can avoid you having a heart attack. The flowers are not important here."
-"even though I want to give you flowers for a date ?"
-"We'll see later, first your heart."
-"so it's a yes ?"
-"yes but first your heart Alex, focus damn."
He laughs.
A L E J A N D R O :
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-"don't laugh." Alejandro says
-"How can I not laugh ?! You stuck on a stranger's balcony in panties, Alejandro."
-"Okay, okay. So tell me how it happened ?"
-"I was at my sister's flat. I was dressed up as a princess, because I was playing with my niece."
-Cute, you think.
-"And after few hours, my niece fells asleep, so I changed my clothes but while I changed I heard a meowing. So I checked, and a kitten was precarious on the balcony under my sister's flat. So I went through the window without thinking, using my phone as a flashlight, and I jumped."
-"And now you're in panties with a safe kitten but you can't go back to your sister's flat."
-"No, and I can't call her. I was supposed to babysit my niece because my sister and her wife are on a date, I don't want to bother them."
-"You didn't need to wear panties for a princess costume." you realize
-"I like to immerse myself in the character. If I cosplay someone, I take it seriously." he says firmly.
-You laugh at his determination.
-"Okay, but how can I help you ? I mean I can't teleport."
-"You can ring on the owner's flat, so he could open the door. I don't want to break in someone's flat. I'm not a criminal."
-"You fight the cartel everyday Alejandro."
-"It's not the same."
-"Okay, I'll come."
-After this you helped him. But you sent a picture to Rudy of Alejandro with the kitten and the panties.
If you want more, my COD masterlist : here.
And my masterlist : here.
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doctorprofessorsong · 4 months
Destiel fic recs
Another round of brainrot. I hope they never fix what's wrong with me.
Beggars Would Ride by Tiamatv (Explicit, 118k)
You had me at Aladdin AU. When Dean Winchester is caught stealing, he's given one chance for freedom. Go into the Cave of Wonders, grab the amulet, and get out. Things don't go as planned. Now he's got a moody ancient genie to contend with. But maybe he can use up two of his wishes and then grant the genie his wish: to be free. What could go wrong?
This fic is an absolutely delight. I laughed so hard, especially at the fun ways Tiamatv played with the SPN canon and the Disney movies. But beyond the humor is some really fantastic world building and a beautiful story about finding your way when you feel trapped by life.
Genie Cas is very cute and grumpy and sassy, and it's fun to watch him start to care. And Dean has so much heart it will make you ache. Sam and Jess are disgustingly cute but both are also whip smart and fun. And Jo (Jess’ sister in this) is the knife girl of my dreams.
This one is hard to put down.
Tourbillon Dreams by kayliemalinza @kayliemalinza (Mature, 40k)
Dean uses Bobby's life insurance proceeds to buy a hoarders house stuffed to the brim with cursed and haunted objects. But when he finds a clock that also happens to be an angel, things take an unexpected turn.
It sounds cracky and there is some delightful humor, but this fic packs a beautiful emotional punch. Dean is in his peak caretaking, competency mode and Clockstiel is adorable and entranced with Dean in a way that is just immensely readable.
There is something starkly gorgeous about the way Dean and Cas are physically so different and yet they find each other in meaningful and beautiful ways.
Love Is a Meat Loaf Song by followyourenergy @followyourenergy (Explicit, 68k)
A reimagining of canon where Dean is never saved and becomes a demon. He's bored waiting for the apocalypse when he happens upon a certain blue eyed seraph and they decide to work together.
This fic has all the delightful sassiness you expect of Demon!Dean and especially when he spends time with his frenemy, Meg. It also has just absolutely amazing angel lore and a deep dive into Cas and his trauma. All of this is wrapped up in a soft love story about two beings finding each other and seeing each other and breaking down each other's walls.
It's the entire package of funny, sincere and romantic.
Where there is Darkness by quiettewandering @wanderingcas (Explicit, 91k)
I may have popped this on at some point when it was a WIP but I have to renew my recommendation if so. Dean and Sam are lighthouse keepers, but Dean keeps driving off the third member of their team until Cas shows up. But will they be able to overcome their past to carve out happiness?
This Dean and Cas are so delicious. I am deeply fond of them both. They are fighting against so much baggage and yet they find in each other something so special. Sammy is also perfectly oblivious in the best way. It's hard to explain what makes this fic special except that it is so engrossing, you will be slamming next chapter
Valley of God by ValleyDean @valleydean (Mature, 145k)
I know. I KNOW. The MCD tag is daunting in a fic like this but I promise that while it is accurate, then ending is softer than you think and it's really the way it should end.
So there are a few things about this fic that make it absolutely delicious. First, it really delves into Cas’ trauma in a really gorgeous way. We don’t have enough fics that look at his angel trauma (we can't for me tbh) and this one uses a religious cult situation to delve into it. Second, Dean and Cas in this fic are just so messy and delightful. Dean wants to believe that Cas is good so badly. Cas wants to protect Dean the same way. It's crunchy. Finally, the atmosphere is amazing. It's creepy. It gets under your skin.
Is it dark? Absolutely. But it's also amazing.
The Darkest Sunshine by StarlightOfFandoms @starlightoffandoms (Explicit, 35k)
If murder husbands is your thing, this one is a delight of a fic. Dean Winchester is the Righteous Man serial killer, a notorious murderer who goes after monsters (in human form). People who are guilty of abhorrent crimes. But when he goes after Cas, a professor believed to have murdered several students, he discovers an innocent man being framed. Together with Cas and his team, Dean decides to find the real killer. He just has to pretend to be Cas’ boyfriend until they succeed.
The fake dating trope in a murder husbands fic was a total delight. So was the fact that Dean doesn't work alone and has a full support system to go after the worst of the worst. It's an intriguing concept done really well. Dean in this fic is an interesting blend of sociopathic tendencies, a strong sense of justice, and a willingness to do anything for those he is loyal to. Cas is intrigued by Dean and accepts him as he is. It's a really great combination.
A Weed In Any Other Place by VioletHaze @scones-and-texting-and-murder (Explicit, 63k)
On the other end of the spectrum is this fluffy rom com. There is some angst, but most of it is soft, sweet falling in love along with supportive friends and family.
Cas is a writer. Well, Cas had a book published and now he's desperately trying to write his second while convincing himself the first was probably just a fluke. Writers block is a bitch. That is until his car breaks down and he ends up at a little shop called Winchester and Son. By some weird trick of fate, it's exactly what he needs. He has the most productive day in years sitting in their waiting room. So he comes back, and keeps coming back. The extremely cute mechanic with green eyes doesn't hurt.
Cas is a disaster at social situations in a relatable way. Dean is struggling to put away some bad lessons from his dad so that he can find what he wants instead of what his father pushed on him. Both have a lovely support system. Charlie, in particular, makes me deeply fond in this fic.
i like your shoelaces (thanks! i stole them from the president) by you-cant-spell-subtext-without (ayreisha) @you-cant-spell-subtext-without (Explicit, WIP, 33k so far)
My lovely Tumblr wife is back at it, writing the most delightfully chaotic fic based on Misha's prompt awhile back for President Cas and Fast Food Janitorial Staff Dean Winchester. It's a Cinderella story and in equal parts hilarious and adorable. Also it is a Dean-saster/Cas-tastrophe pairing which is always fun plus there's a 2 person love triangle situation.
Dean's stuck in a miserable job with his only escape being his love of How I Met Your Mother and the Tumblr blog he devotes to the fandom. But when a handsome man walks in one night after hours, things heat up. Too bad the man in question is actually the President.
It's a romp and a love letter to fandom.
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rosazoldyckk · 1 year
𐬾𐬽Life with the Zoldyck family HC’s𐬾𐬽
Pairing: Yandere!Illumi X Kidnapped!Reader. Fandom: Hunter X Hunter. Genre: fluff?? Idk tbh. TW’s: mentioning of kidnapping, manipulation, violence and possessive nature. And Illumi.
Disclaimer: I posted this on my last tumblr account but it got deleted and I can’t get it back. So it will be posted here😅 this post got a lot of attention on my last account so if this post is recognised from anyone then I want to say this hasn’t been stolen and is my original work <3
684 words
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Living with the Zoldyck family is scary..... and strange.
There was fear and the constant paranoia that you were going to die—either in the hands of Illumi himself or a member of his family, you didn't know which.
However, you have nothing to fear, Illumi, in his weird and creepy way, always finds a way to reassure you that as long as you love him (and only him) you have nothing to worry about!
Of course, it takes sometime to get used to the sinister and grim place—along with the unerving, and dark, humor some of the family members have. *cough* Milluki *cough*
Illumi, as well as the rest of the Zoldyck family, are well prepared to deal with your timid and skittish personality. 
Anything assassin related is kept to a low (demanded by Illumi) and you won't be exposed to any Nen until he feels as though you won't faint at the sight.
Surprisly, Illumi isn't as mean or harsh to you...but don't let that fool you. He is, without a doubt, a manipulator. The dark male could go two ways on how he treats you as you adjust to your new life.
Be submissive and accepting your fate will earn you more freedom (ie allowing you to accompany him and his family to social gatherings and being shown to the public. Heck, you might even be allowed to come along and watch him do is job, fun right?).
 Be difficult and distant...he will have his fun breaking you. You will be chained to him (literally) with no free will whatsoever.
  If you need to pee, he has to permit it. Oh? You're hungry? That's too bad! He's stuffed from dinner (in which you had to watch). Exhausted, my dear? Maybe you shouldn't have been a brat and you could sleep.
It depends on how you take it, but, eventually, you will start to love the male and he will bask in it.
Silvia and Zeno absolutely adore you. Zeno finding your "love story" with Illumi to be romantic as their parents and Silvia being glad that his eldest son has found a 'submissive' keeper. (Not like Illumi will ever let you go)
Kikyo however is pretty hard to get along with but she'll never seem to understand that. If she considers you an outsider still, then she is very cold and standoffish.
She'll even go as far as to try to chase you away with physical and verbal attacks. (Until Silvia intervenes at least)
It will become worse if she decides to treat you like family, she is very possessive of her children. So once she considers you good luck, contrats you have one protective and doting fan.
She will be a bit borderline creepy but hey that just means she likes you
Other than that, You get along with almost everyone in the house
almost everyone.
Milluki has a problem with you. 
Whether it's because he doesn't find you worthy of the Zoldycks' name or because he can't stand how caring and soft looking you are.
Maybe, it's because he has his own crush on you? 
Or perhaps he's upset because he can't play with the new toy? Either way, he finds you a useless nuisance and will make things difficult for you to adjust.
Mulling over the idea of Milluki having a crush on you, I can see him being a bit of a voyeur.
 Watching you and Illumi when you both indulge in sexual activities and sneaking peeks at you as you bath or sleep. 
He's jealous of his older brother and will eventually challenge him to a fight over you (of course that only happens when he manages to get close to you, which once again will be impossible). 
(And lets be honest would he really win against Illumi? I doubt it. But I bet it would be funny to see him fight haha)
All in all, living with the Zoldyck family is without a doubt overbearing and scary. But, be a good girl/boy and play along with Illumi and all will go smoothly. You will gain the families upmost respect and be treated like a member, and Illumi will treat you with the highest respect.
But be difficult and refuse to comply will only lead you with heartache and misery. Illumi won't hesitate to stick a couple needles into your head until you behave.
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kalfui · 4 months
been thinking about aroace alastor a lot, in the sense that ofc this is simply canon and i wouldnt even BE thinking about it beyond a simple "woohoo this is fun, let's think about how that might have affected him and his relationships both whilst alive and after his death and fic and art and the usual joy of character analysis" if it weren't for the fact that it seems to be a flipping fight to just. Have that canon be acknowledged, which is taking up so much energy that it's honestly hard for me to enjoy him as much as I wish, considering this rep is supposed to be For people like me
and I think that's so much of my frustration around all of this, which IS mitigated by just finding a few chill people to follow and focusing on that -- but even then most of my "suggested for you" for this show is alastor x [insert any random main character] shipping/sexual content -- is that this is an offering for people to learn something new and delve into experiences that they may not have thought much about and the ones who know what aroace means, and in particular within the realms of how this character is being written within this particular very-sex-heavy universe (so, not so different from real life), by and large decided to just go "nah." people aren't interested in aroace experiences, and it's weird from a "so you just don't like a large part of this character's canon traits then, do you like the actual character, or just the OC you've made up in your head that happens to look like them?" perspective, but mostly for me it's that a lot of the way people talk/write about this it's like aroaceness is something that needs to be Fixed Somehow, and thank Goodness there's a neat little loophole that we can utilise in the form of "well sooooome aroace people do want to have sex and be in a relationship"
so many of the things I can't help but see, block, move on from, and in the ao3 alastor tag (which, it's frankly wild to me that aroace alastor has to be a specific tag, because so much of it ISN'T that, and even then we have to sift) is either just the equivalent of going "lalalala if I don't think about the aroaceness it's not real" or the even more disturbing "now how do we fix this so that the ace character can still fuck somehow." it's really creepy, and very much how people talk about aspec people irl. it's just incredibly poor taste and shows that this community is still so invisible
people really ought to think more about why this is such an important hill for them to die on that they want to Fix aroaceness in one of the only genre-fiction characters to be canonically such, ON a show where every other character enthusiastically enjoys sex and most of them are in established relationships or various slowburns -- why is the character that is not interested the one that is shipped with every other character to such an extreme?
I feel like anyone writing an aroace alastor that mysteriously can be compelled into sex and a romantic relationship needs to give me a 3000 page essay on the history and philosophy of aspec identities with a special section on aroace representation in media
but ultimately it's just a "look. please be kinder. if you look in our sandbox we have barely any toys, why are you coming into this sandbox to take more of them and then rubbing our faces in it and THEN being rude to aspec people when we say it makes many of us uncomfortable to be sidelined like this?"
I keep thinking of that one screenshot that was going around tumblr of the person who wrote straight brokeback mountain fic that everyone was going WTF about. why is it alright to "headcanon" away canon aroaceness (and mock people who point out its canonicity), but it's largely agreed to be in poor taste to do so with other canonically established queer identities?
I get fandom's not activism, but it sure sometimes can be a yardstick for how much I'd trust people to respect me irl, when I cannot enjoy aroace escapism without being talked over/mocked/yelled at AND having aspec theories appropriated without any understanding of what they actually mean or how they apply -- this history and community is a part of my life, and it's like people are just traipsing mud through it with the lack of respect for it (as lucifer would say "you come into MY house bitch???")
(apologies this got long. you don't have to post if you don't want to, I get that it could be inflammatory and don't want to put that on you, I've just been needing to vent. I just feel like I'm going a bit crazy with how nigh-impossible it is to avoid this -- why am I the one who's having to make all that extra effort to enjoy a character written with my community in mind? don't y'all have enough toys???)
Don't apologize, I absolutely love reading how others feel about this situation, and I completely agree.
I think it's sad how people don't want to think about a characters aroaceness and how it affects them and instead just throw that part of them out of the window. I think it's even more interesting since Alastor canonically thinks that he's straight, but hasn't found the right one yet.
"Headcanoning" a canonically aroace character a different sexuality is so.. I don't even have a word it. Many people "headcanon" Alastor a different sexuality, but keep it canon when it's Angel Dust or Vaggie. Personally, I think it stems from aphobia. Just like you mentioned, people feel the need to "fix" aroace characters, like their sexuality is a messed up or broken part of them. It reminds me of when I used to hear teachers talk about how everyone will someday find love, and the ones who don't will have a huge gap in their heart and be empty. It's quite terrifying just how similar it is. The fact that he, as the only confirmed aroace character, is shipped the most, too, is quite saddening.
It's disturbing how they search and search for stuff to use as excuses when they ship aroace characters. "Aroace people can still date," "It's just headcanons," "Alastor is not canonically aro," and so on.
Ao3 scares me, especially with characters like Alastor. You don't even wanna know how many times I've seen people say, "I know Alastor is aroace, but we'll just ignore that" in fics. Most of the time, they even change his character completely, and he's so out of character.
It also kinda disgusts me with the stuff people say about Alastor, I can be scrolling on Tumblr and a post comes up saying how Alastor would fuck the living shit out of you and it's so fucking disturbing and graphic, I guess this is just how it is generally when people talk about fan favorite characters, but when it's an aroace character too, like.. no, he wouldn't do any of that.. It's so weird. This is what people care about, sexualizing. They don't even seem to care how much of a complex character he actually is, but only how he would be during sex, and it's quite disturbing that most of the time he is the victim to these type of comments.
And, with the amount of hate I've gotten from tiktokers in my comment replies saying how either Alastor isn't aro, how he's just fictional and it's not erasing any representation by shipping him, how aroace people can still date, how Viv allowed them to ship him, and even saying that it's okay to ship him because he's a stereotype and bad rep (???) and whatever else they have to say, I quite literally do not care. I'm not gonna be humiliated into silence, I'm not ashamed about the fact I'm trying to keep these crumbs of representation we have left. "Boohoo, you talk too much about Alastor being aroace," and I'll continue, I think that's a lovely and very interesting part about his character, especially from the time period is from, and the fact he's unaware too.
it's kinda sad how a lot of people don't even know that he's aro, I wouldn't either since all the fandom does with him is ship him. There are so many other relationships people could dive into, Husk and Angel Dust, Charlie and Vaggie, Vox and Valentino, and many more, but yet they go for the aroace character.. Also the fact that since the pilot the character he's mostly been shipped with is Angel, a character who makes a lot of sexual remarks towards Alastor which he very obviously feels repulsed and disgusted by, is kinda just.. where's the appeal when he's clearly disgusted? Is that part of it? I'm glad that there is a side of this fandom where people actually love him for his character and not just because he's attractive.
Other than that, I'm very glad the show itself knows how to show he can have meaningful friendships and platonic relationships with people, such as Rosie, and didn't make him an edgelord that hates everyone and doesn't have friends for some random reason.
Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with me, I enjoyed reading through it, and again, I completely agree. I just hope the fandom could realize he's a lovely character and that him being aroace is just a part of him like it is of us.
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chronicbeans · 1 year
OMGosh OMGosh OMGosh!!!!!!! That was so good! I didn’t expect that ending at all! But now I have so many more questions?!?!!!!
What is a day like in Welcome Home now? How does reader get through it? Do they legit worship her like a deity with offerings, bowing, etc.?
How is life outside of the TV? What happened to Henry and Angela? What happens to the Welcome Home puppeteers and other cast?!
Do they try to save the reader, or is all hope almost immediately lost?
Does Wally try to start a romantic relationship with the reader, or is it all platonic idol worship within the bounds of a romantic relationship?
Is Y/N technically a prop now? Is the Welcome Home cast still puppeted or do they have physical free-will now?
(Sorry for so many questions, but I’m dying to know!!!! AAAA I WANT MORE OF THIS FICCCCC!!!! 🥹😩😭🤯💕💕💕💕👌👍👏)
No worries! It is alright! I like writing about this dynamic. If I didn't, I wouldn't have offered to write more for it. So, having a lot of questions is perfectly welcome!
Life in Welcome Home for a Puppeteer Reader:
📽️ So, you're in Welcome Home now. What is going on in this lovely little place? Well, Wally is constantly going to be by your side, that's for sure. The neighbors will also be around whenever they can be.
📽️ The way the neighbors "worship" you is a bit odd compared to how you thought they would. Wally, of course, has deemed himself "The Chosen One" or some other odd name of the day (he can't decide. He just knows he's special, though), because he was the only one who was able to go to your world. Well, that was until he found a way to take others with him... But he did that himself. It wasn't natural. So, they all listen to both you and Wally.
📽️ Wally says they should just go about their days and always be kind to you. The only real offerings they give you is food, because they can't eat, but you need to. Before you arrived, food was more like an art piece to be put of a shelf until it went bad. Now, though, the neighbors will flock to Poppy's or Howdy's to get food, just for you! They want to be in your good graces.
📽️ Their kindness also borders on creepy. They all just go wide-eyed, their pupils expanding a bit like Wally's, as they give you praise for whatever you do in their presence. Sometimes, you swear that you could kill one of them and the others would just say something like "Yay! Yippee! You did good! They deserved it! How smart you are for noticing that! It was so obvious! How didn't we notice? Oh! It's because we aren't as amazing as you!"
📽️ Wally is probably very conflicted with himself. His plan, ever since the others had started to think about the possibility of you existing, was to take you here and to be your most devoted follower. He's got that, so why doesn't he feel fulfilled? Why does he also dislike how his neighbors get so close to you when you go outside? He will probably have to talk to Home about it. Home has always been there for him, even when the others were avoiding him due to their lack of faith in your existence. Home will help! If or when he realizes that he might not love you as just his puppeteer, but also in a romantic way, he'll think that it is the sweetest thing ever! His praise will definitely take a slightly more romantic turn, but the main problem is that his way of worshipping once you were brought to the neighborhood was already a bit more romantic. So, you probably won't notice it unless he tells you straight up how he feels.
📽️ Speaking of Home, you live with Wally, now. It just makes sense in everybody's eyes! Wally brought you here and is your most devoted follower. There is also the fact that, if anybody tried to hurt you, Home can keep them out (and keep you locked in)! You just stay inside all day, whenever it isn't "showtime". Wally is always by your side, though, keeping you company! Hugs and cuddles will make you feel better, right? He's noticed how upset you have been and is sure that he is the only one that can help! He'll show you the room he has dedicated entirely to you, which is filled wall to wall to floor to ceiling with drawings, paintings, and poems all about you! He is confused about why you seem so scared by this room.
📽️ You don't necessarily have to puppeteer everyone. You aren't really able to, either. In the neighborhood, the places where you would put your hands and puppeteer them don't exist. They are kind of like humans, just made of felt and filled with fluff. Everyone does have free will. They just act like they don't and don't believe they do. They do whatever you tell them without question. Sometimes, though, Wally likes to sit on your lap and pretend that you are puppeteering him in the "old-fashioned" way, as he says. He just has you place your hand on his back or neck and grab one of his arms to move around. Sometimes the others watch and are amazed, as if you are actually controlling him. If I had to explain how it would look like for anyone watching, just imagine the human cast in Sesame Street. You are a human in a world of puppets.
🎥 The world outside of the show is chaotic, to say the least (at least for the people that knew you). Henry probably watches the show everyday just to see you. He quickly learned that, although he can hear and see you, you can only see him. So he's been having Angela write down what he wants to say, then he presses is against the screen to talk to you. Angela, although she hasn't gotten over her fear of puppets, has been watching Welcome Home, too. She needs to see you. She really misses you. They would help, but they don't know how.
🎥 Back at the studio, they all quickly realized something was horribly wrong. They have a television in the break room that they use to make sure there isn't any broadcasting errors. The first person that saw you on the screen and realized you weren't around the studio immediately went and got as many people as they could. This included Wally's voice actor and the boss.
🎥 Your boss' decision was very simple. SHUT IT ALL DOWN AND CANCEL EVERYTHING. Everyone, especially Wally's voice actor, was heavily against it. What would happen to you? You would just be... stuck there! They had no say, though, and the show was promptly shut down. A few more reruns were aired. During one of them, Wally's voice actor had showed up on the other side of the screen, and let you know that the show was cancelled.
🎥 The world of Welcome Home is odd after the last rerun. Everything seems darker and everyone seems a bit paranoid. Wally especially is afraid. Before, they all had two purposes: keep you happy and make a good show for your world. Now that one purpose is gone, they have decided to double-down on keeping you happy. It is so hard, though, now that you can't see your world again. Most of the time, everyone is just crowded inside of Home, sitting around you and trying to cheer you up. The scariest part of these moments is how the world is so dark, you need candles to see. So, everyone is lit up with an eerie, flickering glow.
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loverofgenya · 1 year
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Headcanons | Genya Shinazugawa x Gn!Reader | Romantic Fluff
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Genya Shinazugawa . . . .
Is embarrassed that he fell in love with you. Hes trying to avoid you to the best of his abilities but somehow is always around you at the same time. He's daydreaming and watching your every move -- only to scold himself for being so creepy.
Genya Shinazugawa . . . .
Is sad when he sees you frown when a child finds you scary. He understands the pain, children finding him scary as well, and just hates your dejected look. He fights off the urge to go after you as you walk off with your head lower than usual to hide your sad face.
Genya Shinazugawa . . . .
Can't help but blush as you smile and act so nice to him. He notices that the rumors he heard about you are completely false. Hes determined to change them but knows he can't do much -- you don't show your true self around others.
Genya Shinazugawa . . . .
Can't help but be there for you when you're sad. Once he gets enough confidence to actually approach and befriend you, he's there with you to make you happy and smile again. Of course, he's stuttering and jumbling his words. Hes scared and nervous he's going to mess something up.
Genya Shinazugawa . . . .
Is terrified to confess to you. He doesn't know if you like him back. Hes not good with females, everyone knows this, so when he finally decides to confess. He chickens out. He makes up some random excuse and runs off. Sometimes hell ramble and vent to Gyomei, getting some advice on how to calm himself down and confess.
Genya Shinazugawa . . . .
Notices how determined and dedicated you are toward the ones you love and trust. He can't help but admire you for it, wishing to be as dedicated to something one day. He is dedicated yes, but he's also a bit of a scared cat sometimes. So he can't help but blush and admire you as you fight off demons or even just help around at the Butterfly estate -- or wherever you are.
Genya Shinazugawa . . . .
Does get scared when you seemingly pop out of the shadows. He can't help the screech that leaves his mouth as you greet him from behind. HE questions how long you've been there and fears you heard him talking to himself about confessing to you. Relieved that you just arrived but you did hear some muttering and asked if he was ok. Hes just....Hes scared you'll hear him one day and not be his friend anymore.
Genya Shinazugawa . . . .
Notices how you're colder towards others and doesn't understand why. The rumor about you makes sense to him as you rarely talk or even act nice to those around you. When he asks, he's a blushing mess. Hes stuttering over his words and whispering out thank yous as you state you only act like this around people you trust. And telling him how you trust him with your life and find him as a very close friend. (His heart throbs at the words friends tho)
Genya Shinazugawa . . . .
Is blushing, stuttering, and avoiding eye contact as he finally confesses. He doesn't know what to do after he randomly blurted it out and he's looking everywhere but you as he apologizes and tries to think up an excuse to leave. And when you do tell him you like him too, he's about to pass out. Hes just a soft boy who needs love and didn't expect you, the most amazing and admirable person in his eyes, to like him back.
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Hope you like this <3 It's more gn than anything but eh, oh well :3
(It was requested a fem but i changed it cause apparently people cant read and see shit as gn/male if theres a 'x fem!reader' somewhere in the post. Ive said it before and ill say it again, this is more gn then anything. It was requested as fem so i put fem, it doesnt indicate it has to be fem. theres no fem compliments/pronouns/etc. its more gn then anything my god)
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cock-ainee · 7 months
I'm fairly surprised with how fast I wrote it (it's because it's short af lol)
The Night Guard
Word count: 1607
Category: smut
• fingering • orgasm denial • mentions of blood (not in the sex part though) • slight violence • robot/human intercourse?? •
Characters: Springtrap x afab reader
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Dusty hallways, rusty vents, everything dirty and nasty. That's what the job YN accepted looked like. She didn't even have a clue why she agreed to that. Maybe because it was her only choice, and it was easy enough.
She walked down the corridor, that lead to the office she was supposed to spend 6 HOURS in. 6 motherfucking long, boring hours. At least nothing would happen, right? This place was abandoned, and it was night. Nobody would get there, aside from some kids that would try to act like some silly explorers, or something.
Could YN blame them though..? The place was pretty interesting, creepy even. It was her fault that she was just too eepy to even look at the advantages of working at such a place.
And she started hating it even more after the clock hit 2am.
Till then, she was just clicking random buttons on her tablet to fix the occuring errors, or was looking over the cameras.
Until she saw the shit that was lurking in one of the vents.
A fucking enormous, yellow rabbit, that looked like it has been thrown into a shredding machine.
And the thing moved just before her eyes. It pointed it's empty, dead gaze right at her, making her heart stop.
No, it wasn't any "romantic" moment. It was a moment of deep, breathtaking fear.
Afterall, all the animatronics were supposed to be shut, not moving the fuck around, especially not trough vents. Who the hell would've taught them that??!
YN immediately stood up, scanning the room for any possible weapon she could use against the animatronic. She spotted a baseball bat standing in the corner and decided to just note the fact in her brain, in case she would need it. For now, she intended just to see what the fuck was happening in there.
She went out on the corridor, with a flashlight in her slightly trembling hand. The ambiance in the hallway was dark and off-putting, YN felt a need to curl herself up in a ball and stay like this till 6am.
And when she turned around the corner, she let out a frightened shriek and dropped the flashlight, that broke, making YN get surrarounded in absorbent darkness.
- S-shit! -
She quickly picked the object up and tried to turn it on, to no avail. Now she started panicking. But she then just decided to look for some "off" button in the animatronic if such thing even existed. She took a few, fearful steps towards the animatronic, and let her hands wander over the torn, broken plastic plates of it's body, that felt a little furry under the pads of her fingers.
And then her hands landed on something.. unexpected. Unpleasant. SLIMY.
A yelp escaped past YN's lips, as she took a few steps away from it, falling down on her butt. And there she was, down on the ground in front of massive animatronic, that's eyes now lit up.
And it did something that made girl's heart die in her chest. It SPOKE.
- Oh, what's wrong? Did the remains of my flesh scare you off this much, young lady? -
He took a step ahead, the metal grumbling and whirring with each movement of his robotic legs.
YN quickly scrambled up from the floor and backed away, meeting the wall with her backside.
- No use in running. You can't escape me -
The creature took a few more steps towards the girl, paralyzed with fear. Hot breath fanned over YN's neck, warm, despite of the owner's cold demeanor. The girl could feel her whole body tense at the smell of the animatronic's breath - and it lowkey smelled like rotting flesh.
How could it even breathe-? It was a machine.
YN snapped back to reality and tried to think fast, wanting to find a way to protect her life and dignity. She looked at the animatronic and seeing that it wasn't in arm reach yet, she took her chance and sprinted down the hallway, back into her office. She locked herself in it, quickly shutting off all the cameras, not to scare herself even more.
But then a loud bangs came from the door. They were creaking as if they were just about to break down. And just when YN stepped away from them, they did. The wood broke, sending parts of it flying until they hit the floor too. YN gripped the baseball bat she found earlier, intending to protect herself with it. But one powerful swing of the animatronic's arm was enough to throw it out of her grasp, and making the girl fall to her knees. Springtrap rose her up by her chin, reaching his free hand out to smear her blood over his fingers. Only now did YN realise that there was a splinter stuck in her cheek.
- Tsk tsk. You're bleeding. What a silly little girl you are -
His voice was dark and enticing, and YN strangely found herself kind of.. responding to it.
- W-what are you? -
She asked fearfully, her eyes darting over the animatronic, looking like a prey who has just been caught by a predator.
- "What"? Oh dear, don't treat me like an animal -
He spoke and another dark chuckle left his.. mouth?
- Most call me.. Springtrap. You can call me however you'd like.. but it still doesn't change your situation -
YN gulped, feeling his plastic hand trail over her throat.
- Are you.. going to kill me? -
- Kill you? That would be too easy, don't you think? I'd rather use you.. the other way -
Girl's heart sank. What could he mean? She felt terror making it's way up her spine, sending chills over it. And then, she was thrown across the desk, on her back, as Springtrap towered above her. His big hands trailed over her waist, as the realisation slowly hit YN. This was his "other way".
- I haven't seen a woman for so long... Let alone a woman.. not to mention me having a touch of a woman -
- Please.. I'll do anything you wish, but just... Please not this -
Springtrap immediately shut her up, with a glare that seemed..alarmingly sharp.
- If not this.. i can simply kill you. Would you like that? -
Silence and a shudder from YN answered him.
- That's what i thought -
Moments later, YN's clothes were ripped and discarded to the floor. Girl's nipples stiffened from the cold air hitting them, and Springtrap just stayed silent, looking over at the girl's body. His cold fingers kneaded the flesh, soft and plushy under his touch.
- Fascinating.. -
He muttered, turning the girl onto her stomach, making her let out an unintended moan at the way her hardened buds rubbed over the desk. Springtrap chuckled.
- Don't worry.. soon enough, you'll be.. making these sounds louder -
YN felt plastic touch on her thighs and couldn't help but whine at the way the digits brushed over her pearl and sensitive folds. She felt embarrassed, because she wasn't supposed to be reacting to it this way.
Springtrap laughed as his finger circled over YN's entrance, finding out that she wasn't necessarily all dry.
- You're starting to like this, aren't you? That's such a shame -
The girl let out a yelp as suddenly Springtrap's finger pushed inside her, stretching her inner walls just with it. It was scary how much it filled her alone. The animatronic marveled over the female, taking in notes of her reactions. Every whimper, every moan, every squeeze of her velvety heat on his finger. And as her thighs started shuddering, he pulled his finger out, denying her an orgasm.
YN whined pretensionally, looking at him over her shoulder just to get her head pushed down forcefully.
- Don't you even dare think it's about you -
He grumbled, as he reached to the pad of his pelvis, and YN could hear a metal click before something more humanly, oddly warm pressed over the curve of her rear.
The female gasped, understanding flooding her senses as a shiver of fear and excitement got goosebumps forming on her skin.
Springtrap's cock slid down, to rub between her legs and collect her arousal on it.
And soon, he was pushing into her, tight heat, earning a muffled moan from her.
YN cursed herself for thinking he could ever have mercy with her. She whined pathetically as he picked up the pace immediately, hitting all the soft spots inside her repeatadly, with no care for YN of the way it could hurt her.
But it only got her core gushing and sweet sounds escaping her as she neared her end once. Springtrap could feel her climaxing on his cock once, tightenjng around him and spilling juices over his cock and plastic pelvis, making the coupling more fluid.
He was mostly quiet, only letting out grunts and little groans as he pounded into her relentlessly. And soon another intense, shaky orgasm ripped trough YN, as she fell limp on the desk, too exhausted to keep her head up.
After a few more minutes of the rough session Springtrap let out a primal growl, pinning the girl down with his weight, as he released thickly inside of her.
He then pulled out his member halfly out of her, as YN tried scrambling off the desk. Springtrap chuckled darkly and pinned her down agressively again.
- Where do you think you're going? It's barely 3am -
And that were going to be 3 more long, long hours...
Sorry for any mistakes or for not using colorful language, but english is my second one, so.. yk.
Anyways thank you for reading and the likes too 😭😭
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tulipsforvin · 7 months
helloooo! can i request headcanons for a scenario where in the past reader was heavily infatuated with william but after being constantly rejected by him they sorta just gave up. now, he’s chasing them (with slight yandere behaviour) instead and they’re just sorta nonchalant towards him. thank u!!
✧ ⚠️: william being a creepy little shit, stalking, manipulation, obsessive behaviour, pining.
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╰┈⪼ ୨ HC's where he's obsessively pining for your affection after being the one who initially rejected you. ୧
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✧ Four years — It had been exactly four years with you trying your hardest to gain even a fraction of William's love and affection. Yet, he'd always push you away with the words, “It's not safe for you to be with me.” or “I can't, I have to focus on my mission.”
✧ His rejections towards you were always vague; subtly pushing the blame to the life that he leads. He'd never tell you directly that he didn't like you back the same way or didn't share the same feelings that you did for him. That always left you thinking, “Does he not like me back?” & “Is he just not in a relationship with me because of his work?”
✧ Eventually, you got tired of this constant back and forth with him where the two of you would never reach a firm, assuring outcome and completely gave up.
✧ At the same time, William had decided to go forth with his suicide mission. And although even after you gave up trying to get into a romantic relationship with him, he was still someone you cared for. Thus, you tried to stop him but in the end, your efforts were in vain.
✧ Although the news declared that William was dead, they had still not found his body — therefore, there was a slim chance that he could be alive, somewhere in the world. And that guess, that belief in you was correct.
✧ After waking up from his comatose state in America, his mind immediately drifted back to remembering your face. Everything you did for him and said to him, it all came back in a flash, suddenly making his heart clench in regret. You were one of the few people that genuinely cared for him, and he felt a great loss towards how he treated you so indifferently.
✧ When he returns from America, the first thing he does is try and find your whereabouts — which he does easily due to his connections and intellect. Upon finding you, he immediately apologises to you for doing what he did and treating you how he treated you.
✧ You, someone who had given up in the two of you long ago, calmly tell him that it's okay and you forgive him.
✧ His expression is one of surprise and.. hurt? Sure, he's very grateful that that you forgave him but that face you had — uncaring and distant — it made a shudder go down his spine. It was so different from the one that he was used to seeing before his dissapearance.
✧ Over the next few days, he tries to hang on to you, following you around everywhere with the excuse of “I simply want to catch up with a friend that I care deeply for.”
✧ You were fine with these for a few weeks before things eventually started turning out more eerie. You always found that his eyes were on you — via the reflection of the spoon's handle as you ate your food, showing how William would be watching you from the dark hallways behind you.
✧ Along with the fact that he always knew where you were, dropping by in the most convenient of places whenever you required help or assistance, perhaps for something as mundane as picking up something too heavy for you to carry or because you were trying to save a dying animal on the side of the road.
✧ “You're not following me, are you?” “My, I would never even think of doing something such as that and stoop that low.” “Then why are you always there everytime I need you?” “A mere coincidence, love. Surely, you aren't angered that I assisted you in something you, quite desperately, may I add, needed help in?” “...I was trying to tie my shoe laces tightly, Liam.” “I think that is desperation enough.”
✧ William definitely gaslights and manipulates you, playing the victim card whenever you accuse him of stalking you. He's also begun to use teams of endearments even if the two of you aren't in a relationship.
✧ You ignore his ever-so-growing-by-the-second romantic advances towards you, making William even further obsessed and intrigued by you. Oh, how he's dying to have his hands on you. But that's something he can't do - no - he has to be gentle in his actions, cautious with his scheming, otherwise you'll just run away from him even further.
✧ William's begun to drop you flowers everyday, sometimes infront of your doorstep, sometimes infront of your workplace, anywhere he has easy access to and won't make you suspect him.
✧ Not that you care anyway, right? You think of his actions like how one would when being gifted something on your birthday, as if it was the norm, as if it was something that happened too many times for you to count, or care.
✧ He'll find this adorable as well, thinking of this as a game between the two of you, a switch in power. He wants you to cave in and he will die trying.
✧ “After all,” He thinks. “How long can this game of yours last — knowing I'm cornering you by the minute?”
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taglist: @wearelordofcrime
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irkimatsu · 2 months
"Could I just be a creepy old guy for a second?"
THE WAY I FOLDED- WE NEED (whenever you've gotten around to seeing this of course, no rush bby 😚) MORE OF HUSK BEING A CREEPY OLD MAN AT RANDOM TIMES WITH HIS CHUBBY S/O-
The way my heart can't handle this..
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Sorry for the delay, but it's finally finished, and as always, I had so much fun answering this request! I love letting Husk be openly horny. The request for a chubby S/O is just the icing on the cake!
...I actually missed the "random times" part, oops, so it's not entirely random... but still, 2.5k words of Husk groping chubby Fem!Reader and enjoying what he feels! NSFW!
Your relationship with Husk has been going well for the past couple weeks. You’re not sure exactly when your feelings shifted to something more than friendship, but you could see the change in his behavior that told you he wanted more out of this. The grouchy old man has a surprisingly romantic side. If someone tried telling you that when you’d first met him, you would have laughed in their face.
But then came the first night that he took you out dancing. It started as a high energy affair, with him teaching you how to swing dance, a surprising amount of energy coursing through his old body. Then the lights dimmed, and the music slowed down. He took your hands in his for the first song or two, but before long, you had his arms around your waist and your hands on his shoulders. You’ll never forget the way he looked as you gazed up at him, his eyes lidded, his pupils wide, the small curve of his mouth speaking so much more joy than his usual smirk ever did.
“May I?” he whispered as he moved his face closer to yours. You didn’t protest as he gently pressed his mouth against yours.
The air between you was never the same after that night. The light you saw in his eyes during that dance always returns whenever you approach him, and your own heart skips a beat in turn. He’s been sure to let you know that dance wasn’t just a one-off, either. He regularly takes you out or presents you with gifts, and a night hasn’t been complete without him chastely kissing you good night on your way back to your hotel room, or even hugging you close for just long enough that you can tell he doesn’t want you to go. You adore all the attention he lavishes on you, and hope you’ve been able to return his affection enough.
However, he’s yet to show any sexual interest in you.
It shouldn’t surprise you, really. He was an old man when he died; surely his libido had calmed down a lot by then, if he ever had one. Not only that, but he’d also spent god knows how long, both on Earth and in Hell, working in casinos, surrounded by beautiful dancers and socialites. He’s had ages to get his fill of sexuality, and by now he must be so bored of it. He certainly doesn’t show any interest when Angel decides to play his own movies at full blast in the middle of the lobby. Husk only acknowledges the filth on screen to point out plot holes or especially shitty dialogue.
You’re sure it doesn’t help that you’re considerably overweight, either. Not only are you by far the fattest member of the hotel, but you’ve seen the types of actors that show up in Angel’s movies; everyone’s either built like a brick wall with a massive six pack, or skinny enough for said brick walls to lift in a single fist. People like you aren’t sexually attractive, especially not down here in Hell. How are you supposed to get the attention of a man as experienced as Husk?
It’d be nice if you could, but you know there’s just no way…
You’re trying not to think about it as you sit at your boyfriend’s bar, chatting away about nothing in particular. His gaze is glowing as bright as it ever does when you’re around, and you can’t take your eyes off of him yourself.
You can’t stop thinking about how badly you want to bury your hands in the fur on his cheeks as you kiss him so much more firmly than he’s ever kissed you. How badly you want his hands on your hips as he pulls you close enough for you to feel his excitement. How badly you want his voice, a deep and gravelly tone that makes your stomach flip no matter what he says, telling you all the sensual and downright lewd things he wants to do with you…
You try to clear your head with a sip of your alcohol. It’s never going to happen. Not with a man like him. He’s much more concerned with romance than he is with base pleasures like that. You know that’s something you should admire about him, but still...
The conversation lulls as he turns around to start putting bottles away. Is it already that late? You wish you didn’t have to leave him so soon… you keep your eyes on his swishing tail and wide-spread wings, trying to commit every angle of him to memory. You’re going to need them to deal with the loneliness tonight.
“Guess it’s time to say good night, huh?” you say as you get up off the stool. “It’s been nice talking, as always. See you in the morning?”
He turns his head to look at you. He doesn’t say a word; his twitching tail is the closest he gets to communicating in that moment. He finishes lining up some bottles, then still without speaking, he walks out from behind the bar and pulls you into his usual embrace. The fur on his cheek tickles the side of your neck as he leans his head against yours. You’re probably hugging him even more tightly than usual, but he doesn’t seem to mind. You just can’t bear to let him go…
“Hey… you wanna come to my room with me?” he asks.
He pulls back slightly from the embrace so he can look at you, though he hasn’t stopped holding your waist. He’s giving you his usual charming smile, but his tail is twitching much more rapidly than before.
“No pressure!” he assures you with a laugh. “You don’t gotta do anything you don’t wanna! I just… wouldn’t mind spending a little more time with you, ya know?”
His room… he’s never invited you to his room before. You know what men are typically after when they invite the object of their affections to their bedrooms…
…but this is still Husk. He probably just wants to keep talking to you.
“I’d like that… let’s go to your room.”
He did not want to simply keep talking to you.
Sure, it started as just talking, as you commented on the framed vinyls and promotional show posters he had hanging on his walls. He’s always more than happy to talk about his taste in music and magic acts, and you love how much he lights up when he discusses his passions.
But those aren’t the passions he wants to linger on tonight. After a break in the conversation, you’re about to ask about another poster, but he speaks before you can.
“Can I kiss you?”
You accept the kiss, expecting his usual chasteness, but that’s far from what you end up with. It isn’t long before you’re sitting on the edge of his bed with him as he holds your hips and kisses you firmly.
“You’re real cute, you know…” he says, breathing heavily, before taking a few more kisses. It’s not a full on makeout, but he’s lingering on every kiss and lightly moaning against your mouth.
Your heart skips a beat as his claws graze their way down your face.
“...you really think so?” is all your stupid brain can think of in response.
“What? Of course I think so!” he says. “I’m dating you, ain’t I?” He’s stopped kissing you for now to admire you. “I thought you were cute the day you showed up here. I didn’t say anything then because it takes more than being cute to impress me… but it sure does help.”
“You’ve never said anything about it before, so I thought…”
“I just don’t want you to think that’s all I see in you. You’ve got a good heart, you’re a great dancer… I love spending time with you.” He follows up the compliments with another kiss. “There’s so much I like about you, you’re not just a pretty face… but I’ll compliment your looks more often if you want me to. I just don’t wanna make you uncomfortable.”
So he is attracted to you… that’s good to hear.
But is it just an aesthetic attraction…?
“...I wanna ask something weird,” you say. “You don’t have to answer.”
“Is everything okay?” he says. “You know you can ask me anything.”
It takes you a second to build up the guts to ask him. “Are you… into me? I mean… sexually?”
His cheeks darken and his tail starts twitching again, but he doesn’t say anything.
“It’s okay if you’re not!” you quickly clarify. “I mean, you’re so much older, you’ve seen so much already… it must take a lot to impress you, right? If anything impresses you anymore, I mean! It doesn’t have to! That’s not all a relationship is, right?” Your nervous laughter isn’t quite sane as you ramble without thinking about what you’re saying. “Oh, forget I said anything! It’s fine! I’ll just-”
You move to leave the room in sheer embarrassment, but you’re stopped by his paw grabbing your hand.
“Hey. Come here,” he says. You’re wary about it at first; how could you move closer to him after making such a fool of yourself? But the way he’s looking at you is so warm, so inviting… you can’t help but lean into him. He hugs you tightly the instant your head is on his shoulder. God, he’s so soft…
“Look. You’re right. Relationships ain’t just sex. I don’t want you to think that’s the only reason I’m here, or that I’m moving too fast, nothing like that. I like you way too much to risk scaring you off.” He lifts your chin with his claw and tilts your face up, a move that always absolutely kills you. “But since you’re asking… yeah. I am absolutely sexually attracted to you.”
“Even after all you’ve seen?” you ask. “Surely the dancers at your casinos were a lot…” Skinnier. “A lot more conventionally attractive…”
“You wanna sit on my lap?” he asks. “I wanna show you something. If you want me to stop, I’ll stop.”
He had you at the offer to sit on his lap. Without thinking about what he might be planning, you sit on his thighs, your back facing him. He grunts a little as you press your weight down on him, but before you can apologize, he’s distracting you by stroking your thighs through your pants.
“It’s true I’ve seen a lot of bodies,” he admits as he touches you. “And anyone can be sexy to me if I like their heart enough… but even a man like me has his preferences.”
You moan slightly as he squeezes your thighs. “And my preference has something for me to hold onto.”
His paws run their way up your thighs and to your sides. He lifts your shirt just enough to squeeze your plush flesh, and it tickles enough that you’re not sure whether to laugh or moan.
“Mmm… fuckin’ soft…” He keeps squeezing you as he peppers the side of your neck with kisses. “You like that?”
You moan and nod instead of speaking. It’s enough for him.
“Keep going?” he asks. You nod again, so he slips his paws further into your shirt.
“I’ve wanted this for a while,” he admits, his deep voice in your ear making your nerves tingle. “I just didn’t want you to think I was some dirty old man…”
“Maybe I like dirty old men,” you respond.
“Hey!” he says with a laugh. “Don’t you tempt me!” He kisses your neck again, more firmly this time, followed by a few laps from his rough tongue. “You don’t really want my hands all over you this soon, do you?”
“What if I do?” you ask. You grab his wrists through your shirt and pull up on them, hoping for him to take the hint.
Take it he does, as he moves his paws up further to grope your breasts through your bra. You’ve never considered your chest particularly big, especially not in comparison to the rest of your body, but he’s finding plenty to squeeze and massage. His claws are just barely perceptible to your skin, with the padding of the bra protecting your nerves from them.
You want that padding out of the way.
“Fuckin’ tease…” he groans before kissing your neck again.
He’s one to talk.
As he kisses and gropes you, you gain enough presence of mind to start unfastening your pants. Out of the corner of your eye, you see his ear twitching at the sound of your zipper being pulled down.
“You don’t gotta-”
“I wanna,” you assure him. “Please…”
One paw stays on your breast while the other strokes its way back down, pausing briefly to squeeze your belly before finally taking the hem of your pants. You help him ease your pants off your body, but soon you’re the only one undressing yourself as he gets distracted and squeezes your thigh.
“God that’s good…” he moans in your ear. “Softest thing I’ve felt in ages…” He chuckles in your ear, and you can’t help but clench between your legs. “Well, since you already know I’m filthy… you wanna know where I wanna feel those soft thighs of yours?”
The way he drags his rough tongue up the side of your neck gives you a clue…
You’re sitting at the bar the next afternoon, chatting with Husk and Angel and trying to pretend that everything is normal. Nothing happened in that bedroom, as far as anyone else in the hotel should know. You just talked, then went to spend the night alone in your own room. That was all.
Your pants totally aren’t hiding deep gashes from Husk gripping your thighs while he feasted on you like you were a five-course meal. You tug your shirt down, not trying to hide any scratches on your hips. You’re careful not to let your shirt slip off your shoulder, even if it’s not like anyone would see any fang marks if it did.
Husk glances at you as you adjust your shirt. His face darkens, and he quickly turns away. You notice that it did slip off your shoulder, and pull it back up before Angel can look and see what’s totally not there.
God, it’s going to be hard to hide this for very long.
“Husk!” Charlie calls, and you all turn to see her waving. “Can I talk to you about something?”
“Be right there!” he calls. He drops the rag he was using to appear busy in the sink behind the bar, then steps out and stands by your side. “Keep talking in a bit?” he asks.
“Of course,” you say with a smile. Smiling back, he leans down to chastely kiss your cheek.
He also takes the opportunity to squeeze your ass before going to see what Charlie wants. You don’t hear any scandalized yelling from her, so she probably didn’t notice.
Angel will fix that. “What was that about, you dirty old man?!” he calls after him, laughing. “You, of all people, just gropin’ young chicks at your bar?! The hell’s wrong with you?!”
Your face is so hot that you might break into a sweat, but overall, you don’t mind it. “Don’t worry about it, Angel, he’s fine,” is the only explanation you give before returning to your drink.
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kingconia · 9 months
Content warnings: obsessive & possessive behaviour, stalking, a very (very) strange romance.
A/N: Feel a need to warn you, that I am by no means romanticising the yandere concept. This work was written merely as a fiction, and due to me, wondering, what could happen if for once in these writing concept a ”yandere one” would be not a Twisted character, but MC.
Malleus Draconia. 💚
— Malleus is very far from the idea of romance in the mortal world, and therefore, his actions might or might not appear quite unusual or creepy. For example, how would he know that sitting by someone's bed, when they are sleeping, is not a common thing? Lilia did it all the time, to him and Silver, both...
— And, even worse, Malleus is possessive in the way all fae are. It only multiples on his natural fear of being abandoned;
— So, when he realises, with help of other students, that some of his courting methods sound problematic, he tries to change it for you. He truly doesn't want his precious child of men to be threatened by him!
— Malleus minimises his own views on the romantic relationship, and, instead, goes for usual relationship goals that he learns from people;
— In the meantime, Malleus is also begin to feel someone's eyes on himself all the time. It reminds him much of a few days, when vice from Pomefiore tried to hunt him down, but failed, since Malleus saw and heard everything;
— But a certain someone is absolutely spotless in his watching. It is worrying, but Malleus decides to find out the culprit himself, without dragging others in a mess;
— Malleus is not ready, when he finds out that it had been you all alone...
”I am struggling with understanding the meaning of this, the child of men,” Malleus murmurs softly, eyes tracing on the wall of your room.
This wall—the one that used to be covered with another layer of the wallpaper before—is full of his photos. Of photos of people, who he spoke with. Some others blurry shots of events in school. And messy writings filling it too, all in the same questions.
Where? When? Who? WHO?
”I am, too, my love,” you smile as you sit down on the edge of your bed. ”Perhaps, you could answer me, Malleus. Who?”
What you did, do—or will do—doesn't sound right to his ears. It is reminding him of what Cater accused him a few months ago. Stalking. And Malleus knows, it is not healthy—doesn't seem like—but he can't help but a tremble in this sheer excitement.
You care for him so much.
”Who is this person who took your attention from me, Malleus?”
He blinks, turning to you in a poor confusion.
”What are you talking about?”
Your eyes, suddenly chilly, glaring at him with so much fierceness, that Malleus feels he is suffocating. You are suffocating, and he wants to choke on you.
”You used to love me, Malleus,” you start quietly. ”You used to love me so much. I remember you coming to my bedroom in the night, watching me as I slept or tried to. I left window open for you, hadn't you noticed? I remember how you walked me down time to time—me, on the ground, leaving the classrooms, with you, hiding on the roofs—always watching. And then, it stopped.”
Suddenly, you yank him by his tie. As Malleus gasps for air, almost instinctively, you make him lean forward, hands balking in the mattress of the bed automatically.
”So, Malleus, tell me. Who caught your attention now?”
There is a madness twirling in the pit of your eyes, and Malleus desperately needs to see more of it. He can't help but ravel in your love, to smile with the corners of his lips turning upwards.
You love him, you love him, you love him!
You are just as afraid of being left as he is.
”I checked all school, Malleus,” you laugh tauntingly. ”Every single student. And teacher, too. I roamed through your room, through Lilia's room. I casted spells, I made potions and poisons. And I am this close to marge in the Briar Valley, if you are not answering me right now, because I swear—”
Malleus captures your lips in his. He feels your grip on the necktie becoming stronger, pulling him even closer, and he melts, defeated. You squeeze him between your thigs, caging, allowing him only to sink down, on his knees, and he laughs right in your wet mouth.
”You,” he whispers, fangs scratching your lips fleetingly. ”I only ever loved you. And I am so sorry for neglecting you for so long, I am so sorry for not understanding that I am just as much yours, as you are mine.”
You don't look convinced, but Malleus is not surprised. You spent a month, going through all researches. He would go insane on your place.
”Take me, my dear. Take me.”
Or maybe, you are insane. But, oh, how nice it feels... To spiral into madness together.
”I am going to consume every part of you, Malleus. Mark my words,” you hiss, licking in his open mouth. ”And then, I will mark you.”
Malleus wouldn't dream of the better lover to himself.
Rook Hunt. 💜
— Recently, Rook feels like he suddenly became the main character in one of his pretty housewarden's movies. And it all because... Someone is watching him;
— He is surprised, naturally. It is his job. He is the one that sees everything and everyone, that hunts down people. So why he feels someone's eyes on his back now?
— Oh, he is excited. Rook can't figure out who is challenging him! He can't find a scent, he doesn't hear sounds, he has nothing! Absolutely nothing! How absolutely alluring!
— The most entertaining part is that his hunter doesn't even try to hide from him that much? At least, this person always offers him some hints that he follows him around;
— Rook knows that someone had been in his room. He knows, that his things had been looked at—even though, all of them hadn't moved even for an inch, he can say—and that is because... Someone leaves him gifts;
— It is the most curious things. Things he needed the most, things he mentioned in some conversations with his classmates earlier. Rook mentions about wanting to buy a new camera in the conversation with Cater, and he already has one, when he returns. He murmurs something about needing a new arrow set on his hunt? Well. He has it now;
— Despite searching all the school for his hunter, Rook is completely surprised when you reveal yourself. How could you, a quiet first-year, pull something like this? He would never guess that you had it in yourself! What a beautiful gift you are...
”My, my,” Rook murmurs, lips slightly partied as he is looking at you in awe. ”I had never thought that someone's shadow can suppress its owner, mon petit chasseur!”
You offer him a crooked smirk. As you straddling him to the ground, a knife that was stolen from him a few weeks ago, pressed to his neck, you look wild.
Everything about you is wild, and Rook feels as if he finally found what he was searching all these years. Not a perfection, but a perfect storm.
”Oh no,” you rasp, your breath tickling the line of his jaw. ”No, no, dear. There is nothing and no one that could be better than you, Rook. If anyone tries to take your place, they would be dead.”
Rook was wrong, then. It is not just about the hunter becoming a pray. Oh no. It is about praiser becoming a subject of praise.
Rook's cheeks grow hot with his realisation.
He had never considered himself worth of being hunted down. Of being adored. He is nothing but a mere human with limited powers, and he could offer nothing to inspire people on creating art. What he hunts, he lacks to see in himself.
You find him worth of all this? You see him as someone genuinely important?
”Do you really think so?” Rook finds himself asking quietly.
The way your eyes light up as he says that, the way your smile widens—Rook had never seen such a pure excitement directed at him. He can say it easily, even now: he is at your mercy.
You can do whatever you want with him—he volunteers. Because no one had ever looked at him like that. Because no one had ever seen him.
”Oh, Rook, my the most perfect Rook,” you whisper, using your free hand to smooth his hair gently. ”All my love, all adore I have—it is all for you, can't you see? I bring the best things for you, and I do the best thing to your sake. I put Kingscholar under this sleeping spell, so he wouldn't hear or feel anything that day. Just for you. And I would do so much more! Just because you... You make me feel emotions. And you make me want to create. But most importantly... You make me want to destroy. How it is not something that only someone unique as you can do?”
He can see his own reflection in your eyes. In a way Rook sees himself in you—this love, this obsession, this hunger—and in a way he realises how absolutely beautiful he is from your perspective.
He loves it, he loves it.
”You are absolutely charmingly insatiable, mon fidèle compagnon!” Rook bubbles, a high laughter escaping his lips as he raises his body slightly up, ignoring how the steel touches his skin more firmly. ”I implore you to plunge this knife in my heart, crave your initials on it—it is yours. All of it.”
Beautiful. You are beautiful. Outside and inside.
He wants to have you on the leash, just for himself, but even more, he wishes to curl in your legs as a loyal dog.
Yours, yours, yours.
”Rook,” you sigh with containment, hiding the weapon away. ”How can I do that, if my own bleeds just for you?”
You kiss him with the same passion you followed him for months. You kiss him, and his world collapses in a way he can't hold himself any longer.
He takes. And as you slide your tongue in his mouth, you take, too.
”Then let it bleed, ma folie. And let our blood bleed for each other.”
He wants yours arrows pierced all over his heart, and you know, you has his own stuck inside your heart, roo.
And what it is, if not the love?
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ambcass · 2 months
hello everypony. this is my brother. he decided to SPAM my inbox for a fanfic for his twink. as the amazing sister I am I will write smth for him (after 1.5 weeks of this sitting in my inbox) I'll make a pt.2 if u want
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"No, it can't be. You can't be *villain name*." is the same thing every guy you've dated said after you told them about your secret. The truth is, the world classified you as a villain. Everyone watching the news considered you a cold, no-good killing machine.
Being a villain with telepathy, telekinesis, fire abilities, and mind-altering powers is never a good mix for anyone! Would you kill your ex's after finding out you're a villain? No, you cared too much for them. Altering their mind until you erase yourself from their minds and everyone they knew.
This time is different. You met a dorky-looking boy with slicked-back dark hair and blue eyes on your first day at Reginald Vel Johnson High School. You two had chemistry together, and the second you stepped foot in that class, he couldn't keep his eyes off you. You were so handsome in his eyes. He told William all about you every since! Crazy how much someone can be so obsessed with someone even without mind-altering.
Did you notice at first? No. Bad as feelings as you were, you could not give a fuck about Mark. He didn't interest you in any way until one day.
You were not in a good mood that day at all. Last night you were running off rooftops, trying to escape the hero in yellow and blue. You got away by creating a firewall and going into his mind, making him forget why he was there in the first place. This stunned him and you receive plenty of time to escape. The next, you got to Chem and sat behind Mark and William's lab table. You close your eyes and rest your head on the table while using your arms as support.
"*Name*? Him? The boy behind us?" William's words caught your attention. You looked up and glared at the two. Intrigued, you pretended to sleep. Keeping out for what they were about to say. Mark forcefully turned William's head,
"Noooo. Why would it be! You're so funny! hahaha," Mark grinned awkwardly. He grabbed William's face and spoke quietly but loud enough for you to hear. "Of course it's *name* you moron! Don't say it out loud-" You cut him off.
"Will you two stop talking about me?" you asked. Mark's face turned tomato red as he sank to his chair in embarrassment. Both William and Mark would look back at you but Mark would just stare at you, smiling. "Okay. Creepy...but he's kinda cute." You smiled softly.
Time past by and you couldn't stop wondering why they were talking about you! It's not like you actually knew them. Your eyes lit up as a idea was formed. If he wouldn't tell you, then why not find out for yourself. A smirk appeared on your face. "He wouldn't mind if I just- " Focusing on Mark's mind, you wonder why he's been staring at you ever since your first day, why he's talking about you like he's got some type of crush on you.
"I really like *name* but don't know how to tell him. He seems cool and I want to be closer to him but I'm scared he will shut me out... I have to tell him how I feel eventually. Right?" You're shocked. Lost for words even. Were you flattered? Maybe. It's been a while since you've been in a romantic relationship. This might be it.
A few minutes before class was about to end, an idea came to your mind. Why not give Mark some help confessing to you? Was it wrong? Yes. Did you care? No. You focused on his mind again. First, you thought of Mark confessing to you. Then, you sent it off to his brain. Lastly, you watch everything come into play. The bell rang and you packed up your stuff. Mark was lost in a trance while William was trying to figure out what was going on.
"Earth to Mark! Hellooo? Is anyone home?" You walked past the two without saying a word but stopped at the door frame. Mark snapped out of it and sprung up from his seat with a joyous smile. William raised his brows to an overly happy Mark. "Hey, are you okay-" William was cut off,
"I think I'm gonna do it, Will. I think I'll tell him how I feel."
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