#confirmed before 3 ever happened to be taking place in alternate timelines
betagrove · 3 months
Bayonetta 3 is such a mess that it convinced everyone that the Bayonettas played as in 1, 2, and 3 were different people (they're not) bc this is the sort of reveal it does setup for. But there's a throwaway line in Rodin's flavor text buried in menus that confirm that all 3 games take place in the same central universe. So I can't blame anyone for being wrong about it but everyone is wrong about it always
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clovergrass00 · 2 years
@fl0ralaura and I currently on ep 16 of Camp Here and There; here is one of our current theories (no spoilers pls!! excited to find out for ourselves if it pans out)
Camp Here and There is not only a geographical bubble of supernatural anomalies (evidenced by its being referred to as “SITE1” and only various agents being allowed entry) but a time loop beginning with the “limn” event and looping after Sydney dies in new ways each time. Jedidiah probably caused it and is the only one who remembers every iteration and feels responsible for fixing it and/or saving Sydney.
“Aggravatingly, ENTITY6 [Yvonne] and ENTITY7 [Joshua] continue to fail to bring up the topic of ENTITY1’s [Jedidiah’s] pre-limn exploits. Either they are faithfully keeping ENTITY1’s secrets, or they have both been stripped of all memory of what they once knew.” (show notes, ep 9)
Between this episode note, Jedediah’s general secrecy and powerful-yet-sketchy experimentations, control of clocks which control time, his sense of responsibility for everyone, the fact he’s named Entity #1 (and the number system appears to be level of importance or power, evidence by occasional re-numbering of entities based on interesting-ness), and the way he’s allowed to contact the outside world via Agents 15/16, I surmise that Jedediah played a large role in if not being solely responsible for whatever has happened to this place/time.
“If you listen closely, little ones, you might just hear, amidst their raucous peeps, the day of the week on which you are fated to die! I hear a different day every time, and boy, does that raise a lot of questions! Like, am I immortal? Am I already dead? Or is it just confirmation that it’s all of our seemingly insignificant decisions which determine where life will take us next? It’s probably not the last one, because Jedidiah says he pretty much always gets Thursday!” (Ep 6)
This line, combined with Sydney’s dreams about an alternate childhood (ep 16) and maybe even the hallucinations lead me to believe he may have led a Groundhog Day multitude of different lives, or maybe alternate realities converge/overlap for him, and he dies multiple times in different ways. Whereas Jedediah has a single timeline, fated to die on a single day.
We know Jedediah is protective of Sydney, even if not emotionally supportive. From being super alarmed about Sydney’s being kidnapped by penguins, to “I’ll always try to defend you…” in ep 16.
“ENTITY1 [Jedediah] has always been awkward and recalcitrant, but its hesitance to interact with ENTITY2 [Sydney] is more marked this cycle than ever before. Not that it's my place to theorize, but I would presume the guilt is catching up.” (Show notes, episode 3)
The word that stands out to me is “cycle,” which sounds much more mysterious and cryptic than “this summer” or “this year.” I’m guessing that’s the time loop. “Guilt” is due to some personal failing of Sydney. Sad hypothesis is that Jed is emotionally distancing himself from Syd in order to try to save himself the extra grief in case he loses him again.
“He insisted that I make his challenge even harder. ... ‘I’ve just got to do better,’ he explained.” (ep 12)
The final non-extraneous line I could think of, “better” implying possibly a long line of failures. Lucile seems to trust and understand him but the show notes writers don’t seem to tag her as an instigator, and then there’s her weird relationship with Sydney which I won’t even attempt to unpack or detangle yet.
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progeny-ex-machina · 2 years
So about six months ago I posted the following:
I have this whole meta ramble struggling to be put into words about why the Hull Breach ending of Don’t Escape 3 is better than the Lost in Space ending even if the game doesn’t seem to think so, and one of these days I’ll squeeze it out into something coherent and post it.
And now I’m gonna try and do that. Spoilers for 3 (above the cut) and 4 (below the cut) as well as the Deep Sleep Trilogy and one of scriptwelder’s standalone games, Primal Sands. (Hi there @alfamangle, if you’re still around!)
The initial reasoning I had, before the fourth game came out at all, was “isn’t it better if people know what happened? I just personally don’t like the thought of nobody ever knowing the truth. And what harm could come of it as long as the crystal is destroyed anyway?” So it was a personal preference at first. Then TV Tropes updated the page on the series to say: “once you play the fourth game, it becomes apparent why making sure the entire ship is destroyed and the rescue ship never finds out the truth is preferable.” This made me curious enough to get around to playing the fourth game even though I had to dig up my ancient Steam account that I didn’t remember the password to. But when I finally got around to playing not only that, but the Deep Sleep games as well, and I watched a video analyzing the connections between the games, I found my opinion had stayed the same.
Spoilers for stuff now.
The reason I think some people believe it’s better that the UEFS Warsaw never found out the truth about the Horizon is that when they do, Sidereal Plexus, the multiversal mega-corp that caused the apocalypse in Don’t Escape 4, gets their hands on the remains of the spaceship and the story of the crystals. The whole fourth game happens because it’s heavily implied Sidereal Plexus was trying to get more of those crystals. However, we find out soon that Sidereal Plexus has access to information from infinite alternate universes (via the Realm of Dreams and...apparently a fair amount of scientists with photographic memories, since only thoughts and memories can be transferred, and who can somehow direct themselves to the right universe at will while asleep, all without getting eaten by Shadow People...but that’s a tangle of confusion I prefer to ignore). So let’s say this one ship in this one universe got blown up with no record of why. What’s the probability that Sidereal won’t know about the crystals’ existence anyway?
That ridiculously low probability becomes zero when you factor in the evidence from the other games showing that they do in fact know about the crystals with or without the UEFS Horizon’s remains.
The Deep Sleep games definitively take place before Don’t Escape 4, because of the factor that most blatantly ties them together: Cody. The player in Deeper Sleep returns a plushie tiger to a bed labeled “Cody” in the dream world, and at the end of the game, a news clipping is shown about a boy who woke up from a coma and claimed that his plushie tiger had found him. Cody is one of the main characters in Don’t Escape 4, and his plushie tiger is mentioned several times (and actually shows up in the second playthrough if you let Cody fall from the roof the first time). It’s the same kid. There’s no question. And while it might not have happened in the same timeline, the fact remains that Cody is 9 in Deeper Sleep and 10 in Don’t Escape 4.
In the Deep Sleep games, strange blue crystals are used in the dream world as power sources. Hmm. Now, the question of how the crystals got from the waking world to the dream world in the first place is unanswerable at the moment, given what we know about multiversal travel in the games’ canon, but they’re definitely there. While it’s not explicitly confirmed these are the same crystals as the ones that ate you and killed your crew in Don’t Escape 3, the similarity is enough to make me think -- especially based on the knowledge of just how interconnected scriptwelder’s games all seem to be, even the little standalone games nobody talks about -- that there’s got to be a relation.
Another point I want to make is that the game Primal Sands is about the ship that the Horizon is sent to find in the first place: a mining ship that lost contact with whatever space agency is involved here (and it’s more likely than not that that agency is also one of Sidereal’s many branches of miscellaneous futuristic technology). I haven’t played Primal Sands myself, but apparently the object is to defend a ship on a planet somewhere so that it can take off with its cargo: the blue, shiny, secretly parasitic crystals its crew found there. Your crew in Don’t Escape 3 has found that missing ship and is analyzing the remains. If you don’t return, and nobody knows what happened to you, why wouldn’t they simply send out another ship to that area of space? Sidereal Plexus isn’t known for caution. The Earth you live on in Don’t Escape 4 is not the only one that’s had its moon blown to pieces in pursuit of this mysterious crystal that can apparently travel through dimensions alongside thought and consciousness (okay, I’ll leave that matter alone). How do we know this? The emails on the computer and other pages lying around the outpost suggest it, and the actual real-life website you can log into with the credentials given in-game confirms it.
So, letting the crystal-free remnants of the UEFS Horizon be taken to SP-1 isn’t what sparks the apocalypse. It just adds a little more information to their stores. (Potentially even the information that the crystals are dangerous and should be handled with more care, but the probability that they don’t already know that is also, unfortunately, too low to really consider. Otherwise, I would say something like, maybe the Warsaw finding out and reporting what happened to the Horizon led to the lunar drilling being canceled in the universe you wake up in at the end of the second playthrough of Don’t Escape 4. ...It still could be the case.)
In conclusion: the bad people already know the things they need to know to do the bad things, so it’s better if even more knowledge is around for maybe good people to find. And, y’know, in a world where Don’t Escape 3 exists in a vacuum and there aren’t other games to tie into it, allowing the rescue crew to know what happened makes it so that nobody’s left with an unsolved mystery that someone will otherwise inevitably get too curious about within the next 50 years and screw everything up again.
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iamnmbr3 · 3 years
I saw the ask about having the person feeling like that the Loki show is objectively bad. I liked the show, here is why.
I love Loki, and I love the MCU, but I don’t go into any of it expecting consistency. Tony and Loki are my favourite.
Tony goes through character development in his own movies, IM3 especially that main canon just kinda ignores. So I didn’t go into work he Loki show expecting them to get him consistent or right. I just went in prepared to enjoy the show for what it is in isolation. I also know that no one looks at the stories they write for the MCU critically, so I try and turn off that for a first time watch.
I really like the show, that doesn’t mean I think they made it consistent or in character for Loki. I get why people don’t like it.
I really like the TVA and all the concepts it introduced. I really liked seeing Tom acting his heart out. And I really like Loki/Sylvie because I find something very compelling about a character who hates themselves, meeting another version of themselves and being able to love them. It is not a ship I’m going to write fic about but I like them within the show.
Basically what I am saying is that I go into MCU media with the expectation they will mess up at least one character or plot point badly every time. I like the media for what it is, and I appreciate whatever it brings to the table that I can then cannibalise into da works.
Yeah that's fair. Everyone has a right to their own opinion. Fandom is better when there are a diversity of opinions and we can all respect each other and engage in open and good faith discussion rather than attacking people for having the "wrong" views or trying to harass them out of fandom.
For me personally I feel like the show fails on 3 fronts.
1) To me it fails as a Loki show. I really enjoy Loki as a character and I wanted a show about him. And I didn't personally see him in the show at all. I saw a completely different character who does not behave, speak, act, respond, react, stand, emote, or make choices like Loki does. He doesn't even LOOK like Loki because they did his hair and makeup wrong. And that's really what I wanted. I didn't want Larry (as I call the show character). I wanted Loki. That was what was advertised and to me he was so ooc that he was unrecognizable. If I just saw a clip out of context and didn't know what it was from I would have assumed I was seeing Tom in a totally different role.
Thor Ragnarok felt like a different take on Loki that definitely retconned some of his personality and history, but still felt like an alternate interpretation of the same character in the sense that I could recognize the character as Loki (albeit a different version of him); some people liked that, other didn't. But here it wasn't that. It just felt like a completely new (and to me far less interesting and compelling) character. And beyond that it felt like the show went out of its way to make a mockery of the character played by Tom and by extension anyone who ever cared about Loki's character. Like it felt like a mean spirited caricatured parody. Loki is also extremely sidelined in what is supposed to be his own show. And it most certainly didn't feel like a show about Loki, which is what I wanted. So for me the show didn't provide what I was looking for.
2) To me it also fails on its own merits. If I view it in isolation without comparing it to previous canon and just view it as its own thing it also fails. The quality of the dialogue felt very poor. None of the humor made me laugh and it all felt very juvenile and forced. The plotting and characterization seemed nonsensical and all over the place. Like Sylvie sets off those charges and the episode ends on a cliffhanger with that but then it's never addressed later.
The reason that Loki and Syvie allegedly falling in love breaks the timeline didn't really make sense. Sylvie is going around murdering timekeepers and yet Mobius somehow immediately like and trusts her and says he prefers her to Loki. Loki and Sylvie are simultaneously presented as the same person and also totally different people. Loki allegedly learns self love but we never see that - we see him call himself degrading things like pathetic. And we see him think that Sylvie is better than him. That doesn't seem like self love. The romance feels extremely rushed and unrealistic and awkward and we aren't given a compelling reason for why they are in love or what they even have in common. Sylvie doesn't really have much of a character. Mobius and Loki don't interact much and Mobius consistently mistreats him but Loki somehow thinks of him as a friend. Mobius is portrayed as a good guy for cheerfully carrying out the TVA's ends but Kang is a villain for creating the TVA. The TVA seems to be all made up of humans even though it's in charge of all reality.
If Loki did bad things, then the TVA did worse things and thus are not moral authorities. If the TVA’s actions are acceptable then so are Loki’s. If Loki was wrong to violently impose his will on a planet (let’s forget about the context with Thanos for a minute) then the TVA is wrong to violently impose its will on all of reality in order to eliminate free will. If Loki was wrong to kill a few people, then the TVA was certainly wrong to kill trillions. And thus neither Mobius nor the TVA are moral authorities when it comes to Loki because they are infinitely worse. If the actions that Mobius and the TVA took are acceptable, then there is no reason to criticize Loki because he did far less than them. Etc etc etc.
The cinematography is also very poor and unprofessional and the costumes look extremely cheap and unprofessional. The whole story feels confused and disjointed. The directing is bad because the actors are all very capable but the performances often feel wooden and forced and fake. And the pacing is terrible. A lot of it drags and then plot twists come out of nowhere with no setup so it just makes them feel jarring rather than earned or entertaining. 
3) To me it also fails on a moral front. The show contains a lot of problematic depictions and messages and promotes messages that are offensive or even downright harmful.
Mobius gleefully subjects Loki to physical torture by leaving him to be repeatedly beaten in the genital area. This is a very clearcut and straight forward example of physical torture. And Mobius feels no compassion for Loki or remorse over what he has done to him. If anything he seems to find it amusing. And certainly the audience is supposed to find it amusing (which is gross and harmful messaging on Disney’s part). He also subjects Loki to psychological torture. This is a fact. There are multiple instances in the show where the TVA and Mobius subject Loki to treatment that would meet the legal definition of torture under both US law and international law. Furthermore, Mobius and the TVA are holding Loki against his will and forcing him to labor without compensation or any hope of release because they view him as belonging to a group of people (Variants) that they view as inferior and not really people. That’s a pretty textbook case of slavery. So objectively Mobius is Loki’s jailer, torturer, captor, and enslaver. And yet Mobius is presented as justified in what he does to Loki. The writer and director have even called it therapy. And a result many people have parroted this which is very harmful.
The queer “representation” feels straight out of bigoted propaganda. Loki’s personality traits have been retconned to map onto harmful stereotypes about queer men. He is overly expressive, makes grand gestures, is flamboyant, cowardly, dishonest, weak, bad at fighting, lazy, spineless, meek, unused to exercise etc. Now a person could be all these things and also happen to be queer. However, Loki was never like this before. His character was retconned to be this way only in this series where he is confirmed to be queer.
Furthermore, the entire premise of the series seems to be that it is funny and entertaining and justified when Loki is dehumanized, mocked, humiliated, hurt, tortured, beaten, assaulted, and/or robbed of his dignity. That’s the premise. That’s the whole show.
In addition to pro torture and pro authoritarianism and pro victim blaming messaging the show also has problematic depictions of black characters  (see here and here), Asian people (see here) and also has a lot of fludphobia and transphobia issues. And much more.
@nikkoliferous has put together a great compendium here of various posts explaining the various issues with the show if you're curious about why some people disliked it.
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j4gm · 4 years
Obsidian lore thread!
Sharing this thread of lore, episode connections, and Easter eggs from Adventure Time: Distant Lands: Obsidian, originally written for my Twitter.
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Keep reading for the full thread!
1) We've seen bombs scattered around the Land of Ooo before, but this is the first time we've seen the word "fission", confirming that they are nukes. Although we have seen the radiation roundel plenty of times so it's pretty obvious.
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2) The "magic lightning" that created the Glass Kingdom could itself have been one of the nukes. Alternatively, it could have been the catalyst comet, although Finn has no connection to this place so that's probably not the case.
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3) The subtitles for the first four minutes video suggested that Glassboy was saying "crap" here. However, the HBO Max subtitles confirm he is actually saying "crack".
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4) All of Marceline's classic furniture is present, but Bubblegum's influence is very visible; a doily on the couch, a flask underneath, new barstools from the Candy Kingdom, and the pink lamp in the bedroom, just to name a few examples.
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5) Lady Rainicorn slippers. That is all.
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6) Chocoberry on the cover of a magazine. Looks like she's been dipped in white chocolate for this shoot.
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7) This is the first time we've seen Choose Goose since he appeared as "Achoos Goose" in the Elements miniseries. Last time we saw his normal form was all the way back in season five's "Blade of Grass", nearly seven years ago. Is it weird that Choose Goose was the first thing in the episode to make me cry?
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8) It appears that Princess Bubblegum has not rebuilt the Gumball Guardians since they were destroyed in the battle against GOLB.
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9) There are lots of familiar candy people in and around the tavern, from a variety of seasons, including Kenneth, Dirt Beer Guy, Cherry Cream Soda, a Banana Guard 500, Lollipop Girl, and Smudge.
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10) Simon is of course singing "Remember You". He is also using the omnichord that was used in that episode. Interestingly, this suggests he might remember some of his experiences as the Ice King.
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11) This isn't the first time Dirt Beer Guy's tavern has hosted an open mic night. He also held one in "Son of Rap Bear", and even used the same banner, although it's looking a little tattered and worn out now.
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12) Simon doesn't look any older than he did in the finale. This might mean that Betty's wish made him immortal, or it simply might not have been long enough for him to visibly age.
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13) This is the oversized shirt given to Marceline by her father in the episode "Marcy & Hunson". It's looking a little faded these days.
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14) Bubblegum's outfit is of a similar style to the one in "The Vault", but it's not the same. The fact she's not wearing her amulet might suggest this flashback takes place after "The Vault", but nothing is known for certain.
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15) There are gravestones outside Marceline's house, but these actually aren’t new. They previously appeared in “Go With Me”. So don’t worry, these don’t belong to Jake or anything like that.
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16) Simon's coping mechanism would be funny if it wasn't so sad. It's going to be a long time before he fully recovers. On a lighter note, the magnets on the fridge say "M PB" which is pretty cute.
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17) This is our first time seeing the outside of Elise's van. We previously saw the interior in "Everything Stays". Also, we learned from the credits and subtitles that her name is Elise!
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18) Previously, it wasn't known whether or not Elise survived the Mushroom War. Turns out she did... but not for long. It's also now unclear whether the flashback from "Everything Stays" happened before or after the war.
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19) A nice little timeline detail: Marceline travelling with her mother for a while explains the awkward two year gap between the Mushroom War and the events of "Simon & Marcy".
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20) Here's a comparison of the parts of Marceline's song that got corrupted into the current version. The Glass People got really obsessed with the idea of the song being about coconuts for some reason.
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21) PB yelling "Scree!" to summon the Morrow is a callback all the way to the season two episode "Death in Bloom", which is when the Morrow made their debut.
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22) Disease is added to the long list of things that helped wipe out humanity. I wonder if this disease is related to the one that Hugo and his crew gave to the grays in the BMO special. I also wonder if Marceline is immune thanks to her demon half.
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23) The mutant puppy was able to say the word "wassup". Perhaps this is a halfway stage to the talking animals that now populate the Land of Ooo.
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24) Turns out Marceline discovered her demon powers before she defeated the Fool. This is the first appearance of these kinds of soulless husks since "It Came From the Nightosphere" in season two.
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25) This is the first new candy power we've seen Princess Bubblegum use since she learned how to create mints and soda in "Jelly Beans Have Power".
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26) Marceline not caring about the glass people is very in line with her personality in the early seasons, such as when she was happy to let her father suck souls as long as she got her bass back.
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27) No Easter egg here, just an extremely good image.
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28) Here's the screenshot leaked by Adam Muto last month. Like the gas station in "Bonnibel Bubblegum", the graffiti here tells an interesting story. Seems like the Land of Ooo had a bit of a Mad Max phase while the humans were still around.
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29) This is (as far as I know) only the second time an Adventure Time character has ever been shown bleeding. The first was the heart monster in "The Enchiridion", but that was a lot less realistic.
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30) The fact that humans survived long enough to construct a whole Fallout-style bunker confirms that the near-extinction of humanity wasn't a quick process. It makes you wonder whether any other groups made it, besides the Islanders.
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31) Apart from this being one of the darkest scenes in the entire show, I like the background detail of bank notes being used as toilet paper.
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32) Marceline grew up blaming herself for her mother leaving, and says she is like her dad. It sounds like Elise has told Marceline a bit about Hunson Abadeer, and is scared and angry at him.
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33) This actually isn't the first time Marceline's bass has been broken. She also snapped the handle during her fight with the Vampire King. However, it's never been completely shattered like this.
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34) This might be a reference to the Hall of Egress. That's the only other time we've heard Bubblegum use that word.
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35) Confirmation that Princess Bubblegum doesn't have bones. I guess that counts as lore?
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36) The gag of the Banana Guards slipping over each other was also done in "The Thin Yellow Line" and probably some other episodes I'm forgetting.
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37) Jake’s granddaughter Bronwyn is certainly an unexpected appearance. I wonder what affiliation she has with the main cast now?
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38) And of course... FINN! I would estimate he's aged about five to ten years since the finale, but it's hard to tell with Adventure Time's style. He looks younger than he did in Puhoy's alternate future.
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39) Lots of people have been theorising that the tattoo implies that something unfortunate has happened to Jake. Perhaps we'll get to know more about that in Together Again. Let's not dwell on it for now.
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40) A canon origin story for the shirt, plus a Bubbline first meeting! This overrides the P.B. & Marcy comic, and re-contextualises a whole bunch of the old Bubbline episodes!
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That’s all for now! Let me know if you can think of anything I missed!
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musette22 · 3 years
Hi Minnie! Hope you can help me settle an argument my brother and I are having about EG!Steve. I'd love to hear your thoughts about this with shipping goggles off, looking at it purely in terms of characterization, narrative, and good writing. Better hang on though, it's going to be a long ask! (sorry in advance for spamming you!) 1/7
So my brother and I were watching FatWS and once again got into a debate about whether Steve's last actions were a disservice or in line with his characterization and narrative, given that the Russos confirmed (and therefore it's Word of God/canon, even if it did sound reactionary to the immediate backlash after EG) that Steve created an alternate reality when he went back, and didn't just live in hiding in the past of the OG timeline. 2/7
Because of this, my bro argued that: 1) the total character assassination that is the idea of Steve just sitting back and letting all the shit happen happen is no longer a problem - for all we know, the alternate reality oldman!Steve came from might have become utopic already due to his presence and foresight. He played coy when talking to Sam so we don't know for certain he didn't save Bucky, get rid of Hydra, and enact social reform when he had the chance. 3/7
Likewise, 2) the accusation that Steve would rob Peggy of her husband and children is a non-issue as Steve went back to a time before Peggy and Daniel got together - I argued here that it was still wrong for him to do given that he KNEW for a fact that Peggy lived a happy life, whereas it was a gamble if he could give her the same. My bro shot back when you truly loved someone, you want them to be happy and to have what's best for them. 4/7
So if Steve chose to go back to Peggy, he had to have believed that he could give her the best life. That Steve based that decision purely on his own assessment is pretty in character (e.g. pushing to become a soldier because he thought that was how he could do his part, even though at the time, he'd have just been a danger to himself and other soldiers; not signing the Accords because he believed in his team's judgment in crises above gov't oversight that might be influenced by politics). 5/7
And lastly 3) he might have settled into the past and started to move on, but what was wrong with him choosing to be selfish and going to the past when given a chance? Why was it wrong for him to go back to a time he knew, where he was beloved by both Peggy and the public, and when he could also save Bucky early? In terms of character growth, wouldn't it be fair for him to finally learn he could be a bit selfish and choose happiness, after a lifetime of nearly suicidal selflessness? 6/7
Our debate was based on confirmed canon with shipping put aside. So I put forth the sin of leaving a traumatized Bucky, Sam, and world behind, that Steve's actions were surely the result of a man broken by grief again and again, and that choosing the past was him running away - which, I argued, was a horrible way to end his character arc. But my brother asked me why I thought so, because wasn't this the so-called 'soft epilogue' that Steve deserved, one that was most in line with canon? 7/7
Hey love! Very interesting argument you and your brother are having here… I’m sure he’s a great guy but I have to say that I vehemently disagree with him (as you probably already guessed lol). Soooo many people have done an excellent job at explaining why, shipping aside, Steve’s ending in EG was absolute bollocks, and I’m certain I could never argue this case as well as all of them have. Nevertheless, I’ll do my best to explain why, in my opinion, your brother is wrong :p I’m going to put my reply under the keep reading tag, because it is long.
1.      The Russos and Markus & McFeely (the writers) never managed to agree on whether Steve really did go back to an alternate timeline, and if so, how that would have worked, exactly. When they were asked, after EG had been released, about whether Steve would have just sat back and let everything he knew was happening/going to happen in the decades to come, both to Bucky and to the world at large, they came up with this ‘alternate timeline’ solution, but they kept contradicting each other on the logistics and technicalities of it (like how would old man Steve suddenly be able to jump timelines to come back to give Sam the shield in EG? And how did EG Steve attend Peggy’s funeral, like they also suggested, which would technically have been in a different timeline?). Which makes it pretty clear that this wasn’t something they’d considered beforehand or even all agree on afterwards, and therefore it can’t technically allowed to play a role in judging the rightness of Steve’s ending in EG if we’re looking at it from a ‘the creator’s word is law’ perspective. Moreover, there is nothing to indicate in EG itself that Steve knew he’d be able to create alternate timelines, so that would’ve been a crazy gamble on his part. Also, him ‘playing coy’ in that final scene with Sam really isn’t a convincing indication that he was actually, canonically, talking about anything besides marrying Peggy.
2.      Which bring us to point two: Peggy had literally told Steve she’d lived a happy life with her family, and told him in no uncertain terms to move on. If Steve really loved her, he would have accepted her wishes and allowed her the dignity of her choice (something Peggy herself, in CA:TFA, had told Steve was important to do when you care about someone) to move on from him once she believed him dead. Steve deciding that he would be better for Peggy because he believed was a better man than the person she ended up marrying originally would be the most un-like Steve thing to do, ever. Steve has never once shown that he thinks of himself as the hero or better than other people – he simply wants to do the best he can to help make the world a better place. He would never say “Peggy deserves the best and I believe I am the best, therefore she will have me, regardless of what she thinks or wants.” Steve drinks respect women juice, that’s clear from all of his movies, and deciding the course of her entire life for her, taking away her agency, whether in his own timeline or another, would be utterly disrespectful to Peggy.
3.      As for the next point: of course there’s nothing wrong with Steve being selfish for once – Steve is human, and all humans are selfish sometimes, and that’s okay. But, as Chris Evans already explained multiple times prior to Endgame, Steve had already made selfish decisions in the past, namely when it came to getting Bucky back and keeping him safe. Shipping aside, Bucky was presented in all the Cap movies as Steve’s very best friend, and was even called his ‘soulmate’ (platonically or otherwise) by M&M (the writers). So when, in Civil War, Steve was presented with a choice between duty/what was expected of him by the government versus saving Bucky/keeping Bucky safe, Steve was selfish and chose Bucky. That, canonically, made sense. Peggy being presented as the ultimate love of Steve’s life, who he loved and valued more than anyone or anything else in the world (which is what happened in EG), canonically does not make sense. 
In CA:TWS, Peggy told Steve to move on. When Peggy died, Steve buried her and mourned her, and then not long after, he canonically kissed Peggy’s niece. Then, in Infinity War, Steve saw Bucky turn to dust before his very eyes in the “Blip” (a conscious decision on the writers’/directors’ part to show how Steve once again lost what was most important to him while helplessly standing by) – and the next thing we know, Steve is leading a support group for other people who lost loved ones in the Blip, and starts talking about losing… Peggy? Huh. Also, Steve going back to a time which your brother calls “a time when he was beloved the public” doesn’t add up, either: technically, Steve went back to a time where people loved an idea of him, but also believed him to be dead. So either he would have had to have found a way to convincingly stage his own resurrection (meanwhile possibly leaving the other version to vegetate in the ice..? depending on how this timeline malarkey was supposed to work), or he would have lived his whole life hidden behind some fake persona – which does not sound like Steve at all, does it?
4.      Finally, let’s talk about Bucky some more, because I think we need to to be able to assess the situation properly. I understand that your brother may believe that shippers are often delusional and only see what they want to see etc, but there is ample evidence, canonically, of Bucky being the most important person in Steve’s life – the person he would give up the shield for, the person he would give up his other friendships for, the person he would give up his life for. Peggy may have been a recurring character in character in the three Cap movies, but she was never presented as the principal motivator of his actions, or as the love of Steve’s life. You know who was? Bucky. Sure, that love wasn’t canonically romantic in nature, but there can’t be any doubt that Bucky meant more than anything to Steve. Therefore, Steve choosing to have a ‘soft epilogue’ that entails him spending the rest of his life without Bucky – and, more importantly, Bucky to spend the rest of his life without Steve – contradicts everything we’ve learned about their relationship (platonic or otherwise) in the rest of the movies, does it not? 
Also, the Russos have said something to the effect that Bucky and Steve were now both mentally ‘well enough’ to not ‘need’ each other anymore (because as we all know, that’s exactly how friendships work…), but it’s pretty clear from EG that Steve was still traumatized by everything he’d been through, and going back to the 50s would have meant he would never be able to get proper help with that and in fact could only talk about any of it with Peggy and Peggy alone. Moreover, M&M have literally said in interviews that Bucky wasn’t all that well yet, mentally, and TFAWTS also shows convincingly that Bucky was not actually in a good place when Steve left him. So that would have meant that Steve either did not see this (unlikely, given how close they were) or did not care (unlikely, given how close they were). 
It would have meant that for the first time in all these movies, Steve decided “to hell with Bucky’s needs, I’m gonna just be selfish because I’ve earned it and claim my trophy wife because actually I am the best man for her, despite the fact that she’s already lived a happy life that I will be negating against her wishes, but that’s fine because maybe I’ll be able to create a different timeline, and maybe I’ll be able to save Bucky from all his trauma anyway, but then again maybe not, but that brings me back to my first point of to hell with Bucky’s needs” - which does not make a lot of sense to me, personally. Not to mention that, in exchange for his ‘soft epilogue’, Steve would also leave the world to sort out the post-Blip mess without him, and leave all the other friends he still had left and clearly cared about a lot to boot. I would not call that character growth, I would call that character disintegration. If your brother insists on taking the creator’s word as gospel and that we have to accept that Steve really did do what he did at the end of Endgame, and that wasn’t just a case of bad, lazy writing fuelled by greed, then to make a decision like this, Steve would have been either an asshole in disguise all along, or mentally extremely unstable.
There you have it, my two cents! I hope this helps a little in settling the argument with your brother, anon! Lots of love ❤️
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A Loki TVA / Lokane fic that snatched a tempad. Rating T.
Previously: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 (of 6)
Shine a Light, part 4
This time around, he feels but the faintest glimmer of surprise as he steps out of the doorway and onto a busy sidewalk in Midtown Manhattan.
A few people stop dead in their tracks when the door materializes out of thin air, but the throng of commuters headed to and from Central Station is so dense, Loki’s appearance goes mainly unnoticed.
Dull resignation washes over him.
The tempad is officially broken. Its coordinates locked onto this little planet where, in his own timeline, he has known nothing but defeat.
Without bothering to look for a newsstand, he reasons there’s a strong probability it’s the year 2014. It would seem the damn gadget is slowly counting backwards, while refusing to take him anywhere else in the universe.
Above his head, a billboard flashing on the side of a high-rise building confirms his suspicions.
Incredibly though, the tempad still not out of “juice”. The battery life seems to be making a mockery of his failed attempts to direct the itinerary.
Taking a step out of the moving sea of people, Loki sees little in way of construction sites along the street.
On his timeline, this would have been two years after his attack on the city with Thanos’ army, but if that ‘highlight’ of Loki’s less than acclaimed villainous career took place in this reality as well, the mortals have effectively tidied up after him.
He tries not think of the countless faces frozen in terror that had looked up at him.
Of the lives lost because of his crazed ambition to prove himself - and to destroy something of Thor’s.
Almost if Loki had been transformed back into the chronically jealous five-year-old child who once stole his golden, annoyingly joyful, perfect brother’s favorite model toy - a grey wolf made of clay - and deliberately let it roll down the steps of the throne when their father (his NON-father) had been away.
The toy had broken into pieces and Thor had been inconsolable. Gripped by immediate remorse despite his initial intent, Loki had tried to fix it with his budging magic powers. Only for the wolf to melt to a sticky puddle on the stone floor.
Thor had wailed so loudly, a passing servant had thought him seriously injured and called for their mother, and Loki had been made to apologize, his usually pale cheeks burning scarlet. Then he had been grounded for the remains of the day.
The humiliation had stung, and so had the regret that his magic had failed him.
Not for the first time, the anger had turned, unwarranted (Loki knew then too), towards his brother.
From then on, it had just gotten slowly worse and worse and more malicious right up until that horrible moment of rage no more than a few days ago (a week?), when Loki had driven one of his daggers into Thor’s side on top of the Stark tower.
And twisted it.
The mix of bottomless sadness and shock in his brother’s blue eyes had cut through Loki’s heart with such force he might as well have sunk the blade of his other weapon into his own chest.
But instead of abandoning his pathetic scramble for power and hold Thor, instead of attempting to heal the wound with his magic that has become so formidable in adulthood, Loki had let the poison drown the remains of his sanity.
Of course, shortly afterward, the green monstrosity had effortlessly and repeatedly smashed him into the concrete floor of Stark’s living-quarters until Loki had thought he heard every bone in his supposedly immortal (right!) body break and his skull crack open.
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To the outside, it had surely been a suitably entertaining show of retribution, but as he had lain there in the crater of rubble, unable to utter a moan, it was as if all the anger had been knocked out of him.
The link to Thanos’ ungodly servant had been severed and Loki had felt more like himself than he had in a long, long time.
When Thor, looking grimmer than ever, had dragged him to his feet in front of the ragtag band of ‘heroes’ and cuffed him, Loki had found himself strangely elated, on the verge of giddy.
His legs had been so shaky from the beating that Thor had had to hold him by the arm so he wouldn’t fall, and Loki had felt the heat of his brother’s huge hand penetrate the many layers of his own armour.
For a few delirious seconds, Loki had wanted nothing more than to lean against his brother’s strong frame and just close his eyes.
Instead, he had started cracking jokes until Thor had slapped the muzzle on him, as if he were some dog (that gesture had embarrassed him more than anything that had gone before). Unable to keep up his sarcastic commentary as they rode the elevator down, Loki had fleetingly wondered if he was suffering from a psychosis or actual brain damage.
Now, standing on the street so close to where it happened, the memory oozes fresh guilt.
But he redeemed himself.
In his mind, Loki goes through the TVA reel once more to remind himself of the images of his brother later in life, smiling at him.
Right before the end came.
If he is to spend the rest of eternity on Midgard - or at least until the multiverse crumbles - he will try to find solace in the good his future self managed to accomplish.
For Thor and, in another, brighter reality, for her.
The riddle of her part in his life now remains unsolved, but as hard as Loki tries to release the ghost wrapped in his arms, it merely squeezes itself closer to his chest.
He could try to find her here, on this timeline.
She will be with Thor, that much is certain, but since the reel of Loki’s fate had shown him only his own path, he knows not whether Thor and Jane shared a life on Midgard, or somewhere else, up until the brothers reunited (for lack of a better word) on Asgard.
What would Loki even say to her?
That, while at the bureau that controls all space and time, he saw her face on a roll of film of his supposed life, and now he aches for her more than anything? That on an alternate timeline a few hours ago, she kissed him?
Thor would not approve of that exchange.
Also, with Loki’s luck, Thor might be a frog in this reality.
He could still try to use the tempad to transport him to Svartalfheim and his own life’s story, seeing as he is now only year from where he feels so strongly he must go.
But finding the proper timeline is like shooting an arrow into the endless vastness of space and hoping it’ll hit the right comet.
He realizes that now.
An arrow.
Somehow, somewhere, on two timelines no less, variants of him had …
Loki’s head jerks up.
The tower.
It’s a desperate idea at best, but from the (very) little Loki knows of his character, Stark’s superior technical skills go hand in hand with an endlessly hungry, inquisitive mind. And pride.
Much like Loki, Stark is a man who needs to be the smartest man in the room. And like Loki, he probably is, most of time (in fact… no. Don’t go there).
Maybe Stark will listen.
Perhaps he can even help make sense of the tempad if Loki can somehow win his trust and appeal to his curiosity and (he winces a little) heroism.
Was it not Loki’s actions who had helped Stark “realize his best potential”, as his TVA file put it?
He spots the imposing structure further up the street, noticing the huge “A” at the top (is that new?), and sets off towards it at a brisk pace, darting in and out of the crowds on the packed sidewalk.
Here goes nothing.
As he reaches the large glass doors he briefly experiences a dizzying deja-vu, when suddenly a man’s voice calls out to him.
A frighteningly familiar, agitated voice.
… With a particular brand of anger bubbling underneath, that Loki had hoped he’d never have to witness up close ever again.
“What the hell are you doing here??”
His dark, curly hair has a few more streaks of silver. The checkered shirt is slightly crumbled, the glasses a bit askew. He clutches an armful of papers to his chest.
And he’s wearing a furious expression although, thank the Norns, a mortal complexion.
For now.
“Didn’t Tony explicitly tell you not to come here?! Are you that intent on causing everyone to lose their shit again?!”
Worry is all over Doctor Banner’s screwed up face.
“Seriously, Loki, is this funny to you? Clint is actually in the building right now and, in case Tony didn’t already inform you, he’s made it very clear that he’s quitting the team if you were to stroll through the front door!”
The Avenger has started shaking, his eyes wild (too wild).
This is heading in the wrong direction fast.
Mustering all the calm in the world despite his racing pulse and the nauseating sounds of bones breaking echoing in his head, Loki puts on his most courteous and, he dearly hopes, un-cocky charming smile.
“Bruce, please relax. I assure you, I’m not here to cause trouble. Not for you or anyone else.”
“Right, you just happened to be in town and wanted to stop by for coffee? Loki, this …”
Loki gently interrupts him.
“I merely came here to have a conversation with S- … Tony. Perhaps you could let him know I’m here? I promise you, I will not set foot inside. In fact - “
Loki adopts the form of one of the security guards he can see pacing inside the foyer.
“… I’m not even here.”
Bruce jumps a little and clutches his papers even tighter.
“Oh god, I hate when you do that, man. If you think showing off that trick makes anyone any less nervous around you…”
“Doctor Banner - Bruce. I have something …”
Loki searches for the words, quickly trying to decide on how much to reveal to the man-beast who’s now looking at him with urgent expectancy.
He sighs and bets it all.
“Okay. Bruce, what I’m going to say will sound mad.”
The man scoffs.
“Coming from you, I’d expect nothing less.”
Bruce shakes his head and looks to the sky in exasperation.
“Please - please - don’t tell me you’ve gone and changed your mind about the whole not conquering Earth business. Really, Loki, none of us understand how transforming you into ‘an asset’ became Tony’s pet project over this past year, or why Fury went along with it. But I’m sure both are going to be pretty damn disappointed if their new alien BFF decides to embrace his inner psycho again.”
Loki almost chuckles. It’s all too ridiculous.
“I won’t … embrace my inner ‘psycho’, I swear.”
“Then what?”
The God of Mischief draws in a deep breath, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose. Or rather, the security guard’s nose.
Then he surrenders to the absurdity of the situation.
“Bruce, I kindly beg of you, is Tony here? Or … (is there hope?) Thor?”
Bruce still looks at him with deep disdain, but his immediate anger seems to have subsided.
“No, Tony’s out of town. Took Pepper somewhere on holiday. They’re not to be disturbed for at least a week. Her words. And Thor … I should think you of all people know perfectly well why he’s not likely to hang around at the time being. Jeez, you guys and your endless family soap opera … I can’t even.”
Naturally, the universe again blankly refuses to extend any hands to Loki and his doomed quest. Sadly, once again, he is not surprised.
Wait - what?
“What do you mean, ‘soap opera’?”
Bruce looks like he’s about to throw his hands over his head and all the papers with them.
“Oh, come on! What is this?! You want approval? Confirmation of your little victory? Doesn’t the very lovely embodiment of that currently walk around in your apartment or wherever it is you live now? Loki, I’m done here. You have to leave. Bye.”
To hell with Stark – Loki wants to grab Bruce by his shirt collar and shake the little man till he explains what in all of Yggdrasil he’s talking about.
But he cannot afford to tempt the beast. Quite literally.
“Then … can you and I go somewhere to talk? Bruce, you’re a man of science. This is science … related.”
Loki feigns a smile.
Bruce sizes him up. No doubt considering whether to let the other guy continue the conversation.
Then his shoulders drop.
“Okay. Okay. For a creepy megalomaniac, you somehow tend to end up with some very cool people defending your case. Just know that those people are absolutely the only reason, you and I are still talking. Ugh, I’m too nice … “
Bruce casts a glance over his shoulder into the foyer, appearing to consider their options, when a man exits the glass doors – and shuffles up to them.
“Bruce! How nice to see you. You look well.”
The old man (those eyes …) grins warmly and pats Bruce on the back, then looks from him to Loki and back again.
“Everything alright out here? Is there a security issue?”
Bruce composes himself and smiles back.
“Hi, Lee, good to see you too. All fine. Earl here was just updating me on, eh, the new security procedures.”
He shoots Loki a stern look.
“Ah, yes”, Loki nods seriously. “Doctor Banner had some trouble operating the intricate open and close mechanism of the doors. The elevator doors, especially.”
He can’t help himself. It’s somehow both immensely tragic and life-affirming.
“Oh?” The old man raises an eyebrow (he looks … but he’s not quite …something is off).
“Will I have to get a new security card? I rarely come in these days, but in case …”
“No, no, that won’t be necessary, Lee. Because, because … like you say, you’re hardly ever here, so …”
Still smiling awkwardly, Bruce waves a dismissive hand, almost dropping the stack of papers (the man’s a terrible liar, Loki thinks).
“Speaking of”, Banner continues, “you must be enjoying retirement up there, huh, Lee? Must be nice to live by the sea. Good … air quality?”
Loki sighs inwardly.
The dog sniffing at his ankles looks up at him.
He stares down at the round, fluffy thing as if seeing it for the first time.
Which he is and he isn’t.
The old man is saying something to Bruce about the countryside, when he notices the dog wagging its tail at Loki’s feet.
“Oh, he likes you. You’re lucky, he normally doesn’t care for strangers. No, you don’t, do you Fenris”, the man coos.
Under coats of thick white fur, the animal looks eagerly from owner to Loki.
“Okay, well, I’ll be off,” the old man says, finally. “Come see me sometime, Bruce. My neighbor actually just put his house on the market, in case you’re looking for a weekend retreat…”
He nods at Bruce, then at Loki who barely notices. The dog whines unhappily at being dragged away.
It’s the same timeline.
Of course, it is. The tempad has locked itself on a sequence.
But why the different locations …?
“Yes, thank you, Lee. Take care now. Earl, shall we?” Bruce signals to Loki to follow him round the side of the building.
“We can continue our discussion about the security issue in the garage”.
“So, let’s hear it. Tell me what you came to say, so I can tell you why it’s a catastrophically bad idea.”
Bruce sits himself across the small table from Loki and dumps the stack of papers in front of him. The top sheet is covered in coffee mug rings.
They are in an anonymous, windowless office somewhere below the vast tower parking lot and numerous in-house repair shops.
The place is a gigantic maze and Loki has just shut himself in a tiny room with the very monster that turned him into ragdoll. The deep slash on his forehead has only just healed.
He does not fear many beings in the universe, but the mild-mannered doctor’s alter ego makes the hit list with the worst of them.
Ignoring the way the hairs on the back of his neck stand up (why did this seem like a good idea?), Loki drops his disguise and takes a seat on the cheap plastic chair. Not much of that flashy Stark glamour down here.
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“Okay.” Loki takes out the tempad and puts it in the middle of the table.
He is not quite sure where to start, so he decides to begin with the purely technical aspect.
Bruce might appreciate being given a few ‘scientific’ details before any mentions of giant smoke monsters and alligators.
In fact, the fewer magical creatures and castles in the sky, the better.
“This is called a tempad. It’s a device that makes it possible to travel anywhere in time. You type in your destination, and a doorway opens. I did not make it myself. It was, er, given to me by a large and very powerful organization … in space.”
Bruce is leaning forward to get a better look at the tempad but makes no attempt to reach for it.
As he’s says nothing, Loki continues.
“This is where it gets, uh, weird, but try to believe me when I tell you, I’m not the Loki you know. I’m from another, similar timeline and -“
“Excuse me?”
“Just stop, Loki.”
Bruce is leaning back on his chair again. He looks tired.
“I don’t know if you’re supremely bored of domestic bliss already, or just being your supremely annoying self, but I won’t engage. You’re not Loki but a time-traveler from space? Yeah, it’s -“
“No, Bruce, I am Loki. Trust me, I know this seems -“
“Trust? You wanna talk about trust again?” Bruce takes out his phone.
“Okay, we can do that.”
He taps a few buttons, then holds the phone to his ear.
“What are you doing?” Loki’s voice has a sharper edge to it than he intended.
The Avenger stares him down.
“Oh, I’m just calling someone. This guy I have in my contacts under God of Lies”.
Please, no …
Briefly, Loki considers whether another variant of him – the one he encountered at the house by the ocean, most likely – would actually be of more help.
Or if he, the variant, would try to kill him.
It was one thing reasoning with and trying not to get killed by Loki variants who at least understood the concept of variants, but how would he have reacted upon being confronted with a twin before the TVA?
No, not a twin … Because this variant has her.
None of the variants in the Void – the grown-up, human ones – had mentioned versions of her.
Either this variant has successfully taken out every Minute Man ever sent by the TVA to arrest him (in which case, Loki concedes, he may be the superior Loki), or this whole timeline has only just blossomed at the opening of the multiverse.
Why else would he, who apparently also gave his phone number to Bruce Banner, get to live a life so vastly different from the typical arc of a misguided Jotun prince?
Loki feels light-headed.
On one hand, he wants to know everything there is to know about his double, on the other, he fears what and who he might find.
You don’t belong here. Find your own timeline. No more Lokis.
Focus. Explain.
He raises his one hand in a placating gesture.
“Give me a little time to try and explain this, Bruce, and then, then … You can call whoever. Call everyone! But please just -“
“Oh, what do you know,” Bruce puts his phone down, “there’s no answer. What a surprise.”
He crosses his arms.
Loki inhales and tries again, speaking as evenly and as calmly as he can while his frustration mounts:
“There is no way of telling you all or any of this without it sounding utterly ludicrous, so you’ll have to hear me out. Five minutes uninterrupted from now, okay? Yes, we’re talking time travel, but compared to what’s really at stake, even time travel is a pretty basic technicality. Also, I promise you, in a few years’ time from now, the concept of time travel won’t seem all that laughable to you and Stark in particular. Provided this reality exists in a few years’ time seeing as -“
Bruce sighs dramatically.
“Yes, okay, so”, Loki continues, “Two years ago, I attacked New York, right?”
“If you’re about to roll out some outlandish excuse – another one! – I don’t care to hear it.”
The other man is narrowing his eyes as a fresh look of undistilled loathing creeps into his features.
So it did happen on this timeline as well.
“No, it’s not that. Or, I mean, let’s save that. When you captured me, in my timeline, I escaped from the lobby with the Infinity stone. I know it seems impossible from your end of events but - “
Bruce gives him a strange look Loki can’t quite interpret.
“Yes, S… Tony dropped the briefcase with the Infinity stone, and I picked it up and -“
Bruce pushes his chair back. The plastic scrapes loudly against the stone tiles of the floor.
“Loki, I can’t. I thought I had the patience to at least indulge you but turns out I don’t. I can’t tell if you’re losing your mind, but either way, you’ll have to take it – this, whatever it is – up with Tony instead when he gets back. Maybe bring that sweet lab partner of yours along if you’re going to talk time travel. With her field of expertise, I’m sure - “
Without thinking, Loki slams both his hands into the table. Papers go flying and Bruce staggers backwards.
Horror dawns as Loki realizes his error, but it’s already too late.
Bruce doubles over in spasms and a deep, much too deep, growling sound escapes his lips. He grips his head with his shaking hands as if trying to contain the explosion within, and Loki feels his own brain go numb with panic as one of those hands triples in size and a sickly green hue rapidly spreads.
There is no way out.
Bruce is blocking the door and soon his bulk will be taking up the entire room. He falls to his knees, arms thrashing wildly and his shirt ripping across his back. The table sails over Loki’s head, one of the chairs lodges itself in the soundproofed ceiling, causing the panels of fluorescent light to flicker madly.
Are there no security cameras?!
There are screams, but they no longer sound human.
Loki has nowhere to hide.
He has to gather his magic around him, but terror is completely scattering his focus, cold sweat breaking out all over his body.
It is a matter of seconds before the transformation will be complete and the monster attempts to tear him limb from limb. With no heroes to stop it.
He has only consciously reached for it once before, but now the thought barely registers before ice rushes through him as if by instinct. Bruce is not the only one with an abomination lurking under the surface.
He doesn’t have the casket of his birth father, but he has strength.
There is no time to consider if it’s enough or nothing at all. No time for crippling self-loathing or shame.
In front of him, the Hulk lifts its crazed, bloodshot eyes to meet his.
The green creature cannot stand upright in the office, and the first fist goes through the ceiling with the force of a wrecking ball. The next lashes out at Loki, who dodges it just as his own skin turns a deep, brilliant blue.
Little black ridges and markings rise on his arms and face and though his sight doesn’t falter, he feels the instant his eyes go from green to bright red. The fabric of his clothes chafes his new skin and waves of adrenaline surge through his body. Multiple foreign senses come alive and drown his fear.
But he has not a breath to spare to get used to his true form before the Hulk shoves him against the wall so hard, the bricks shift against his side as if they were made of a child’s building blocks.
The impact makes him gasp for air, yet the pain … the pain he can manage.
He just has to last long enough get out of here. And the cold is crystalizing his focus to let the magic flow easily, powerfully through his hands.
His blue hands.
If he had used this when …
Loki pushes himself off the wall (out of it) and almost collides with the Hulk (there’s no space left to maneuver in) who, instead of smashing its way out, seems hell-bent on squashing the only living thing in its line of sight first.
Loki swiftly crouches down on one knee, puts his palms together and, faster than the blink of a brilliant crimson eye, conjures a rotating orb of ice and chaos energy that explodes in a blinding flash of white light as he hurls it square into the monster’s chest.
The Hulk falls back, breaking through the wall to the parking lot on the other side and crashing into a row of cars, while a sheath of ice spreads from its chest and up its neck. The being that is not Bruce howls and claws at its skin, but the smooth ice thickens and as it reaches the head of the beast, it slides right into its eye sockets – and momentarily blinds it.
It will probably only last seconds but it’s all Loki needs while the Hulk shakes its head furiously.
He makes to flee when he spots the tempad on the cracked floor.
He can’t leave it.
As Loki dives for the gadget, the Hulk simultaneously knocks itself in the face with both fists, splintering the ice into a rain of tiny spikes. With a roar to match the sound of a spaceship engine taking off, the creature lunges.
Loki’s fingers close around the tempad.
He feels a buzz.
The door appears in front of him.
He doesn’t stop to think before throwing himself through it.
The Hulk punches into empty air.
Part 5
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moonbaby26 · 3 years
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Well we’re on the precipice now, folks! Series finale of WandaVision incoming. To be honest I wasn’t expecting to get so hooked as I’d been out of the MCU for several years now. The X-Men were always more my flavor when it came to the Marvel properties, but with the film rights previously split between Fox for the mutants, Sony for Spider-Man, and Marvel Studios for pretty much everyone else, I could never have what I really wanted.
And maybe it’s still too soon to dream. But whatever happens tonight, I’ll still be happy for all that they’ve given us thus far. Really, well done to the show runners, writers, actors, costume designers, set design, all of it.
Yet, this is also our last chance to hope for our own headcanons to come to be before we find out the truth. Here’s my wishlist for the finale.
Spoilers below if you aren’t yet caught up with the previous episodes!
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1. I want “Fietro” to be confirmed as the Peter Maximoff from X-Men. I really would be shocked if they didn’t go this route though. Because why waste Evan Peters if not? Why throw away this chance to open the door for the X-Men to enter the MCU in a larger capacity. You know we all want it! Don’t chicken out on us!
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2. Vision not to be truly dead again when it’s all said and done. Preferably the Vision that Wanda made in the hex merging with White Vision, to return the soul to the body so to speak.
This one is hard though. Story wise, it makes more sense for him to die again. If he lives, happy ending for sure, but then what would Wanda’s struggle all be for? The main plot seems to be about the natural path of grief.
Many people resonate with Wanda because we all have experienced tragedy and loss of some kind. But you can’t really ever “fix” it. It would take away the chance for more character growth for things just to be back to all happy at the end. It’s a bit of a bad lesson if she gets everything she wanted because she wouldn’t go through her grief process fully and stayed in denial. It doesn’t work that way.
So yeah, I don’t know. Also, would they really want to write Vision out of future projects? Not to say anyone ever truly stays dead in superhero media though. There’s always retcons and alternate timelines.
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3. The twins, Billy and Tommy, getting to age up one more time into their Young Avenger selves and surviving. If Wanda can’t keep Vision, so that she can move to the acceptance stage of her grief for plot reasons, then at least getting to keep the twins outside of the hex could be a bit of a compromise. She would gain new family, even while coming to terms with the ones she’s lost. I know if going strictly by the comics, they end up getting taken away from her and reborn elsewhere though.
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4. Magneto!!!!! Lol, this is just pure fanservice dreaming at this point. But The Mandalorian finale gave us Luke Skywalker in his prime when we thought we may never see him again outside of the bitter old hermit from the sequel movies. It was so emotional and cathartic, I would love Marvel fans to have a surprise moment like that.
I know in WandaVision interviews we’ve been teased with some awesome cameo to come, and then had it recanted as blown out of proportion, or just referring to White Vision later. But are they still just toying with us to try and keep the surprise?
Personally, I hated when the X-Men movies glossed over familial relationships that could have made stories much more powerful. Like Mystique not being revealed as Nightcrawler’s mother in Age of Apocalypse, or Quicksilver never getting to tell Magneto the truth of being his son.
Heck, just the little lines in Deadpool 2 of Juggernaut talking to Russell saying that having to wear a helmet to keep his brother (Xavier) from controlling his mind was fairsies because his brother was stuck in a chair was great to me. That fan love from the writers to remind us that they hadn’t forgotten who Juggernaut really was. I want my mutant family connections!
To have Magneto blow into the place as this new powerful threat, only to reveal he’s just there to pickup his kidnapped, illegitimate himbo son would be the end of me in the best way.
We shall see! The finale doesn’t air until 3am my time, so I’ll be catching it before work in the morning since I don’t have the willpower to stay off social media all Friday. But I won’t post any spoilers here after watching. So you’re safe. Goodnight all!
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thefinalcinderella · 4 years
Scary Monsters! Story Summary (Part 1)
I don’t think anyone’s translated this story yet so I’ll just summarize it
The more events we have, the more I’m convinced that they take place in an alternative timeline or something. I don’t know if this was confirmed in the guidebook though
Wow I still can’t summarize for shit
Episode 1-1 Everyone should have fun
- Another day of school ends for MC and Grim
- Grim randomly mentions that there’s too much distance between the Ramshackle Dorm and the school (isn’t it the opposite though?)
- When they get back to their dorm they are stunned to discover that the front yard has become a weird mix of Chinatown and Halloween
- Lilia shows up (and introduces himself again, hmm) and scares us, apparently everything there is made by the Diasomnia dorm students
- This is our first time seeing Diasomnia mobs, who are arranging the decorations in the yard
- Deadbeat Crowley strikes again! Apparently he told Diasomnia that MC and Grim agreed to let them set this stuff up
- MC asks why all the decorations, and Lilia explains that it’s for Halloween! Apparently Malleus insisted that they spend Halloween at the Ramshackle Dorm
- the ghosts are out and they’re impressed by how extravagant it all is and even encourage them to do more without minding us (thanks guys)
- Grim doesn’t know what Halloween is, shocking everyone
Episode 1-2 It’s our festival!!
- The ghosts explain that Halloween is an important event in Twisted Wonderland
- Lilia explains that it’s when all the ghosts return to this world from the other world; the decorations are to entertain them
- Everyone wears costumes like ghosts and monsters because many ghosts like to play tricks on people (since there’s not much opportunities to interact with the living); these ghosts can be dispersed by giving them candy
- Lilia mentions there are also evil ghosts that can’t be controlled (foreshadowing much?)
- Lilia implies that he knows about the ghosts we met in the mine??? Or something like that??? (”I think you two also have experience with ghosts who do bad things?”)
- Wearing costumes is for scaring those evil ghosts back and driving them away...but that’s just a story from a long time ago, and now it’s just for fun cosplay
- Ghosts say not to worry about anything, Halloween was always like this since they became ghosts
- the living can’t actually see ghosts since they’re not supposed to stay in this world unless they have strong attachments or goals, so the ghosts who do stay in this world are very unstable existences *cough* Eliza *cough*; they can’t be seen in places other than places like NRC where there’s strong magical energy, so yeah ghosts are actually rare
- Ghosts emphasize that it doesn’t matter whether or not you can see ghosts or not, Halloween is supposed to be fun and that’s all that matters
- MC says that Halloween is also pretty famous in their hometown
- Ghosts (in front of Lilia): Oh MC you have Halloween back in your world too? What a coincidence (How many people know MC is from another world??)
- Lilia doesn’t seem surprised so I assume he knew
- NRC has a special Halloween event too, which we will learn about soon
Episode 1-3 It’s quite photogenic
- The ghosts start snapping pictures with their phones (yeah that’s right)
- They bought them this year online 
- Grim is jealous because he has to share with MC
- They have a MagiCam account too, they only have 5 followers
- Grim is surprised they show up on camera since usually that can only happen with the ghost camera
- Lilia explains that since Halloween is the time of the year where this world and the other world are the closest, so this is when ghosts are the most powerful which is why they can show up in photos; it’s just in NRC tho
- They tell us to look forward to Halloween
Episode 1-4 The best Halloween
- The next day in class, Crewel says it’s one month to Halloween and everyone’s excited
- Ace and Deuce are also excited, talking about decorations and stuff; even the Ignihyde students come out of their rooms for Halloween
- Crewel: The week before Halloween is “Halloween Week”, which is when the students run a stamp rally event for outsiders
- Each dorm choose a place in the school as a spot for the stamp rally and decorate it; what’s important is that anyone can freely participate--in other words, guests from outside freely walk around the school
- The reason for this is to thank the people who live on this “Sage’s Island” (where NRC is located) for their understanding and cooperation, and it’s a chance to show them how much the students have grown and stuff
- In order for the event to move smoothly, each dorm sends out students as staff on the management committee
- Naturally, this is the first time we’re hearing of this (thanks Crowley)
- Deuce tells us not to worry and ask him if we have any questions since he’s part of the committee (it’s chosen by lottery)
- Also there’s a Halloween party on the 31st  which everyone can join, students and ghosts included
- Ace’s brother showed him pictures of the food
- It’s next to prom as a big event at NRC (yeah prom exists too)
Episode 1-5 Are you ready?
- A month later, 8 days before Halloween
- the committee gathers, it’s composed of Deuce, Cater, Jack, Azul, Jade, Kalim, Vil, Epel, Idia, Lilia, and Malleus
- Deuce was an hour early to the meeting lol
- Idia is there in person
- Vil is the head of the committee, he talks about the stamp rally and how guests who collect all seven stamps get candy at the entrance gates
- Cater: “Wow Headmaster you’re so generous!” Jade: “It’s a small bag of candy that isn’t even 100 madol” (I wonder about the finances of the school sometimes)
- The stamp rally is from 10 am to 10 pm, they have to be there at all times so they’re excused from classes, taking turns in each dorm
- It’s going to be a hectic time but everyone’s fired up
- They decide to go around and see all the different dorm setups and costumes, Diasomnia is first
- Malleus chose Ramshackle for the stamp rally place because it’s a dump basically (Deuce: Sorry MC)
Episode 1-6 They are crying with joy!!
- The committee’s at Ramshackle; Sebek is as Sebek as ever
- Malleus and Lilia change into their costumes which is eastern dragon ghosts
- Diasomnia was traditional ghosts last year but decided to change it up this year
- Sebek is simping so hard he’s crying lol
- Vil made the costumes for them; he complains that Malleus gave an 1 hour lecture about how “eastern dragons (ryuu) and dragons are completely different” after he said that it was meaningless for Malleus, who is a dragon, to dress up as a dragon
- Malleus goes at it again and is apparently talking very quickly like Idia, what a nerd lol
- Crowley says that when the rally first began, everyone just wore sheets over their heads, but some students started putting more effort into it and then everyone started doing it too and the dorms are basically competing against each other 
- Silver says that the Ramshackle decorations are inspired by a country Lilia travelled to before; Lilia says that some ryuu are even the guardian deity for a family
- All the decorations use up a lot of magic to maintain, as expected of Diasomnia
- Next they’re going to Heartslabyul’s spot, which is near the greenhouse
Episode 1-7 For a scary taste
- They’re in the Sub-Tropical Zone, where it’s decorated with the theme of graveyard, and the costumes are skeletons with white ribbons as the bones
- They had a hard time balancing authenticity and the fun of Halloween
- Deuce suggested they be “skeletons covered in mud” lol
- Cater was the one who came up with the idea of using ribbons and lace from looking through his MagiCam likes
- The heart you can see through the “ribcage” is made of roses
- the gravestones are made of styrofoam
- The Heartslabyul students are used to working hard for Unbirthday Parties and following rules so it wasn’t hard for Deuce to order his upperclassman around; it’s actually more relaxing since there aren’t so many weird rules
- Malleus: As expected of Rosehearts, you discipline your students well every day Riddle: That makes me sound like a tyrant! (Uh...)
- Next is the alchemy classroom where Octavinelle has their spot
Episode 1-8 The richest
- Everyone agrees that the classroom is too creepy and will probably make little kids cry
- Floyd: I know right??
- The Octavinelle costumes are mummies
- They decided on that because it’s the complete opposite of merpeople
- They combined the old-fashioned image of mummies with style
- The decoration theme is “Mad scientist’s lab”
- The culture tank looking thing lights up at night
- Everything was finished up by a contractor since they’re busy with making a Halloween menu for Mostro Lounge
- Kalim is confused since all the dorms get the same amount of money for decorations and costumes
- Apparently Jade is in charge of accounting and he’s supposed to make sure no one goes over budget or there’s no weird money transfers and stuff like that (Who assigned him this job?)
- Jade: Me? Do something suspicious? Why I never! 
- What they focused most on was cost optimisation
- It involves haggling and using old stuff; they used up all their budget
- The remaining money from the other dorms will be used for the halloween party
- TLDR Octavinelle is scary
- Next is Scarabia, near the shop
Episode 1-9 Isn’t it an awesome idea?
- They arrive at the shop which looks all messed up
- Jade: It’s just like MC’s Ramshackle Dorm 
- Scarabia’s costume is werewolf
- Jack says there’s a legend in his hometown about becoming a werewolf if you stay up late
- Kalim tries to act scary but fails bc he’s too cute
- Jade: It’s like a visiting a petting zoo
- Kalim says that the rugs and fabrics they used for the decorations are all made from plastic bottles and recycled plastics, and that they’re aiming for a society where humans and nature coexist happily--in other words “Sustainable Halloween”
- It’s all Jamil’s idea of course
- Next is Savanaclaw at the colisseum
Episode 1-10 We worked hard!
- there’s a ship 
- Savanaclaw’s costume is pirates
- Jack talks about reading a book about a pirate who fought against a giant crocodile in elementary school and how he pretended to be a pirate
- It’s a famous series apparently, called the Adventures of Captain Beard
- Wow Leona is acting like a dorm leader for once? This really is an alternate timeline
- You can go inside the ship and Ruggie made the gold coins
- Even Idia is impressed by how good the replica is
- Everyone is shocked when it’s revealed that the Savanaclaw students made everything by hand; they’re able to do it because of training everyday for magift
- Next is Ignihyde in the library
Episode 1-11 This much is just common knowledge
- Ignihyde does projections of jack o’lanterns and creepy looking trees
- Ignihyde’s costume is a pumpkin knight
- The pumpkin knight is from a horror movie called “Pumpkin Hollow” which no one except Idia has heard of
- The pumpkin knight is filled with the hatred of uneaten, undecorated and thrown away pumpkins and it returns to the village it was harvested in to attack people each night
- the decorations are recreated from the movie and Idia is supposed to show up as the pumpkin knight
- Idia can talk normally bc his face is covered
- Now for the last dorm, Pomefiore in the mirror chamber
Episode 1-12 The Dual Play of Terror and Beauty
- Idia can walk around in the armor easily because it’s made of light materials, and the sound effects come from a speaker (what a nerd)
- Usually, the mirror chamber is closed to outsiders, but Halloween Week is an exception
- Photography of the mirror of darkness is forbidden since it’s so important
- They get there and it’s...not decorated at all!!
- Rook explains that the mirror chamber is already beautiful so there’s no need for decorations
- Vil: Our existence is the greatest collaboration that will make the mirror chamber stand out; it’s important to dress to match the location
- Pomefiore’s costume is vampires
- Everyone’s speechless by the beauty lol
- They also focused a lot on the makeup so it will give the impression of captivating vampires or something like that
- the aim is “degenerating beauty”
- Vil and Rook are both sad that vampires can’t look in mirrors, so they can’t see their beauty lol; that is why they are so attracted to the mirror chamber (I think this is their backstory or something)
- They only put up signs banning photography
- Crowley: Look! The mirror’s happy too! Mirror: ...
- Halloween Week starts tomorrow
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lambourngb · 4 years
he’s got a smart mouth but a good heart - Michael Guerin
It’s Day 2, celebrating characters, and much to my own surprise, at the end of season 2, Michael Guerin decided to move into my brain and take up residence. Obviously I still love Alex Manes (He lives first and foremost in my brain since 1x08), but there was something about how Michael buried his own pain about his mother to help everyone in season two that rang pretty true to my own life right now. I didn’t always like what he was doing in season 2 but I understood it.
Anyway, when I find a story that celebrates how complicated he is, I cheer and rejoice- so here’s a few of the stories that I have gone back to again and again.
Truck stop knives and other assessors of childhood @angsty-aliens (13,200) I can’t lie, I love a good trope story, and I especially love a good sci-fi trope story, so this story hits all of my buttons. It takes our two science nerds, Liz and Michael, mucking around, and accidentally creating a version of Michael- but not just any version, but the child who hitchhiked to Fosters ranch, completely over humans and desperate to find his family. The kid who was feral from neglect and abuse... he was the cutest thing and the most mortifying thing that ever happened to Michael to be displayed and shown. This story takes the de-aged trope and turns it on its head, and oh yeah, there’s a sweet backdrop to Michael and Alex getting together.
Implicit Memories of You by @ninswhimsy (3464) - So this is an amnesia story canon-divergent story set after 2x11 basically, where they use the mind erasing drug on Michael. I know, I’m reccing this about Michael characterization, but it’s so solidly him after all the memories are stripped away and he’s acting on instincts, locked in a room to torture Alex with before death. There’s so much going on in so few words, something that Nin is a master at, especially the ephemeral remembrances of his mother that Michael has- oof right in the feels.
Maybe this time (he’ll stay) by @hannah-writes​ (7700) This is a sequel to one of my favorite stories I recced last year, dealing in alternative timelines where in one world, Michael is lost and alone and has pushed Alex away, and in another world where Alex came home from Iraq in a flagged draped coffin. It answers the question, what about Mikey? Where’s his happy ending? The confirmation of the multiverse means there’s an Alex out there who needs him- and through trial and error, Michael finds him. The world building in both stories is top notch, because for every action, there’s a reaction and reason shaping Michael.
Constant as the northern star by celzmccelz (53,000) - don’t know the tumblr here - This is an Mpreg, and it starts solidly after 1x13 and goes AU from there. But what if in the 100 mile drive home from Caulfield, Michael and Alex share a grief-induced moment of insanity where they fall back into their oldest language- sex for comfort, and then Michael does everything he does in the finale, including turning toward Maria, what if there was a souvenir? Despite the trope of mpreg, this is just how I see Michael, deeply in love with Alex but unable to trust that Alex feels the same depth in return. The friendships in here are also top-notch, from Kyle being a baby-doctor, to Isobel having her own Max-related spiral unable to let go of her brother only to refocus on Michael, to Liz fucking off with Rosa for the first half of the story because she’s caught up in her own grief (which turned out to be canon!). And there’s a whole plot here! With Jesse Manes being the worst.
Leave the light on by @sabrinachill​ (36,900) - Confession time- I love fake dating as a trope, I know, shocked right? But I especially love it with RNM because Malex are exes by 1x03. Mattie nailed the dynamic of pining and the assumption of unrequited love so well in this story. Although the POV switches here a bit between chapters, (and Alex is fabulous) what I really really loved was how she wrote Michael, in love but convinced that he’s messed up too much for Alex. Aware of his faults but not in a sullen way, but an acknowledgment that he was in a bad place and Alex hasn’t always been the best remedy him in the past. It was a very mature take on the “give me another chance” trope in Malex reunion stories, where both sides had a share of blame. The plot was suspenseful and tight (how do people do that???) with a climax that honestly shocked me! I really enjoyed rereading it while I prepped my rec-sets, and I won’t be surprised if this story isn’t mentioned by everyone doing ‘Creators Week’. It’s worthy of all the love.
Temporary wounds by @prouvaireafterdark​ (7800) - How many times can I rec this story? Hopefully you’re not bored by my adoration of this Lynne.  So even though it’s set post-season 1 with the assumption that Michael/Maria will fizzle out while Alex/Forrest date- it’s actually perfectly set for season 3 (an author who is psychic??). As a rule, I hate jealousy as a trope, but this story has the only type of jealousy I want to see on screen- where Michael wonders what was missing inside of him that Alex didn’t want to be public during their long affair (even with the acknowledgment that Alex was too scared before)- like that type of sad pining is my catnip!
The first who ever did by nostalijinks (33,000) post season 1, but really it also stands pretty well after season 2.  There was an interview during season 1 I think that talked about how all Michael really wanted was to be a hero to Alex (the way he stepped in front of Jesse as a kid)  but he thinks he failed at it since Alex enlisted. That failure soured him in ways but he never stops trying, for Alex. This is a really well done 5 times plus 1 story, with an overreaching arc of reconciliation between Alex and Michael, starting as teenagers, then as adults while Michael is with Maria, then as friends, real friends, trying to support Alex as Alex dates. The whole emotional journey of maturity that Michael takes here is so well done, where there’s no real villains in the friend group. I just love it. I wish the author had written 100 more like this one, but as a standalone work it’s epic.
The person that you’d take a bullet for is behind the trigger by @iwontbeyourmedicine​ (25,000) Ly has a very large body of work, that you could spend days paging through on AO3 or tumblr, but this one hits two of my kinks hard- the amnesia story line and true love conquers all. So three fandoms ago I was huge into Steve/Bucky, that iconic moment in Cap 2 where Bucky breaks through the brainwashing has never left me. This story takes my love for that moment, and makes it Malex. Alex gets programmed by his family and set loose on his friends, on the aliens and it’s a shitshow bloodbath since he’s really fucking good at kicking ass. Michael is caught between keeping everyone safe and trying not to hurt Alex, and the tension is just top-notch. I love how it’s not an immediate fix either, the way they circle each other in the aftermath, wanting to come home, but home would be a totally new step for both of them. Just chef’s kiss good at joining action, angst, and romance together.
Into the palm of your hand by @haloud​ (5900) hal is a treasured friend, so I am admitting some bias here, but we both enjoy talking about how wonderful and sad Michael is and how desperately we enjoy poking at that softness and then wrapping him up with love again... so this story was written pre-shamegate (and if you know what that means, I’m sorry) but it matches my head canon of what the history of hiding does to someone. The internalization of believing maybe there’s a reason behind the hiding that has nothing to do with homophobic townies. Alex has an ex boyfriend come to town, and he doesn’t tell Michael. And omg the journey hal takes us on with Michael’s spiral and Brave Little Toaster act was so wonderful and painful and real. The communication between these two was top notch as they worked through a road bump from the past, and let’s face it, once we get our malex back, these things are going to happen, and it will either tear them apart or bring them closer together- I prefer to believe it will be closer together.
There is beauty in a failure by @jule1122​ (2400) There’s been a few Greg and Michael stories to pop up on my radar after 2x10, and this one was one of my favorites. This is a Greg who pulls no punches in exposing his brother’s past to Michael, but also gives Michael the space to work through what he wants. It’s an AU from 2x12, that allowed Michael to break up with Maria for basically the same reasons that Maria used on him in 2x13. The way Michael is able to what he wants and communicate it Alex in the end- so good! We can only hope to see something similar in season 3.
I don’t know what to think (but I think of supernovas) by @queersirius​ (3900) This story is a delight from start to finish- I mean frustrated cursing turns the console on into a hologram who then takes the most pleasing form to Michael’s eyes? SIGN ME UP for those shenanigans. I fucking loved how Isobel saw it first too. And then the comedy of Alex discovering it? And what happens afterwards? Oh it’s so delicious. Now of course, full disclosure, this light-hearted romp through the feels also inspired me  to think up a much much sadder version of Michael building an AI for companionship considering how isolated he ended up being at the end of Season 2 and we all know Michael needs friends, badly.
Innuendo by the Roswell anon (6000) written for @bisexualalienblast​  the roswell anon is my favorite treasure in this fandom, I could pretty much list all of their stories as examples of some very fine Michael Guerin characterization. This one was one of my favorite post-season 1 fix-it fics though, because it has some of the most real 28-30 year old guy dialogue I’ve come across- from the crude jokes, to the sharply self-deprecating observations- this is Alex and Michael stripped down, all edges but what’s left is fatigue and love. The resolution at the end, where Alex observes that yes, Michael has tried the last 10 years but this is their first chance to try together- to pull in the same direction? It just lays me flat on the ground with how true that is to canon.
Whenever You Want to Begin, Begin by @foramomentonly (3200) - this is a sequel, and the first story is dynamite- don’t get me wrong- but it moves from the hopeful side of an ending to legit Happily-Ever-After here, and I devoured every word. First of all, having Michael turn to photography as a way of self-improvement is fucking genius. Photographers are always at the center of every happy event, but never the focus, and that screams Michael to me, the way he lives on the outskirts of the 9-5 job and literal outskirts of town in his trailer. The other thing is photographers are revealed by their work, and that’s also something I head-canon with Michael just in the mundane- he’s good with his hands, he wants to leave a car better than he found. Anyway, this story is gorgeously written, moves a bit like a really good bottle of wine- heavy but soft, as you watch Michael become Alex’s friend, and even more importantly, Alex becomes Michael’s friend. Fantastic- I’ve read it about four times now since it was published.
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cakejots · 3 years
Unstained, Chapter 2
After certain events that happened in the day, Chat Noir revealed to Ladybug that he knows who she is under the mask. Her reactions astounded him. After certain events that happened in the night, Ladybug unveiled to Chat Noir why she can’t do what he asked of her. His reactions astonished her.
Rating: T, Words: 6938. Chapters: 4/4
Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3 | Ch 4
Read on AO3
“So, are you going to take my Miraculous away?”
“I suppose.”
Chat immediately stiffened his relaxed posture and whipped his head to look at her, moon-eyed. “You—”
“But, if that’s supposed to happen, I wouldn’t be here talking to you as Ladybug, would I?” Ladybug finally faced him with a small smile hanging on her lips.
Seeing her smile, Chat felt even more perplexed than he already was. “What do you mean?”
“I know who you are, Adrien.”
Adrien didn’t think his day would get any crazier, but it just did. “C-come again?”
“Adrien, that’s you under that mask. Marinette, that’s me under this mask. And I’m not going to take away your Miraculous, silly,” Ladybug, Marinette, teased. She seemed to be genuinely enjoying his reactions to all these.
“Sorry, but this is a lot to take in, I need a moment.” Adrien pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes to internalise this new information that Ladybu—Marinette just dropped on him.
“Take all the time you need, Minou. We have time. But—”
“But we need to move if there’s an Akuma attack,” he recited.
“You know me so well, but patrols rarely have those, so you’re good.” Her attention was now back to the glittery sky above.
Silence, until…
“My lady? M-Marinette? Argh, I don’t even know which to use now! This is all so new to me,” he whined and pulled his hair while making distressed faces.
“You can use whichever you want Chaton, we are still the same person under the masks,” she giggled.
“I’ve got a few questions if you don’t mind?” He asked with hope in his eyes.
“Of course not, go ahead.”
He started to fidget. “How did you find out?”
“Well, it wasn’t like I actively sought out your identity or anything. It just happened, to the point I simply couldn’t ignore it any longer,” she stated.
Chat was looking at her curiously. But he was listening attentively and signalling for her to go on, and she did.
“Wow this is such a long list, where do I even begin?” She mused.
“Start from your earliest memories of it?” He suggested.
“That’s a good idea. Remember when there was a design competition for bowler hats and your father—”
Chat gagged.
“—got to decide which is the winning piece you’ll wear for your next photoshoot?” Ladybug raised an eyebrow.
Chat’s eyes widened with realisation and nodded. “It was the first time we fought Mr Pigeon.”
“Yeah. And Chat Noir was sneezing non-stop due to the allergies he had against feathers. Guess who I found that had the same allergies after we defeated the Akuma?”
Chat blushed.
“But it wasn’t enough of an evidence to give away that you’re Chat Noir. After all, plenty of people are allergic to feathers.” He nodded. “Next, was when as Chat Noir, you worked with Marinette to take down Evillustrator.”
“Oh! So that’s your secret mission. How did I expose myself? I’m pretty different in and out of the mask.”
“Indeed you are. Thing is, no one knew Marinette and Chat Noir worked together that night. Yet, Adrien-you approached Marinette-me and asked what I thought about Chat Noir.”
“Please tell me there’s no more of my reckless behaviour that could possibly scream Adrien Agreste is Chat Noir,” he grimaced.
“You’ll be surprised,” she winked. And he groaned.
“Those two might have been coincidences, but not this next one. Does ‘Tom Style: Booyah!’ remind you of anything?”
“Wow I really need to stop being so careless, who would have thought!” Chat was hiding his face behind his hands.
Ladybug started listing more. “There’s also that time where Jagged Stone tried being a baker on a reality show, and basically flashed my room full of Adrien’s photos on national TV. And you were acting all smug about it the next day, very Chat-like might I add. And our train ride to London, Chat Noir—”
“Okay, okay, I get it. I leave tons of clues, sheesh.”
It was quiet again and Ladybug went back to admiring the many glimmers that hung above. Ladybug sensed a change in the mood surrounding them and hoped that he wouldn’t ask what she thinks he’d ask.
“So, how long have you known?”
And there it was. “You know how long, Adrien,” as if pleading him to drop the questioning.
“Yeah, but do you know since when?”
“S-since the first year we got our Miraculouses,” she confirmed, hugging her knees.
“Is there a reason why you didn’t tell me in the first instance possible?” He asked gently.
“It’s not that I don’t trust you, Adrien. I do, I really do, but Master Fu said… he said our identities must remain a secret.” Ladybug tried to reason with him.
“I know you do, and I have no doubt about that. And Master Fu did say that, didn’t he? But you still knew about Rena Rouge and Carapace.”
“They were needed for our battles, and you knew about Queen Bee.” But her determination was wearing thin, and she knew she wasn’t making any sense.
“And so did you.”
Ladybug kept quiet and was looking at everything else but Chat.
“Marinette, if identities were so important, Master Fu would have made sure you didn’t know about Rena Rouge’s and Carapace’s, you know that.” Adrien's voice was really soft, the softest it has been the whole day. “Queen Bee was an unfortunate case that the whole of Paris knows.”
She still wasn’t looking at him.
“Marinette, is there something you’re hiding?” Chat shifted towards her.
And yet, she didn’t utter a single word.
“My lady?” He had begun to hold her as he witnessed her eyes welling up.
She wiped her tears with the back of her hands, but they continued falling.
He looked at her earnestly before he went ahead to wipe her tears with his thumb, mindful of his claws. Chat then placed a hand at the back of her head, and pulled her into his embrace, rubbing circles on her back. He figured that if she didn’t want to talk about it, the least he could do was calm her down.
“I-I’m guessing that you figured out my identity this afternoon? When y-you were almost akumatised?” She started.
Ladybug felt a nod at her shoulder, and she continued.
She heaved a deep sigh and wrapped her arms around him. “In… in another timeline, we knew each other’s identities in the first year we got our Miraculouses. And we were in love.”
Chat went rigid with his ministrations.
“I… I don’t really know the details, but it… it was our love that destroyed the world.”
He felt a vicious chill spread through his core. Chat pulled back to look at Ladybug, eyes conveying desperation that this where it stopped, that it couldn’t possibly get any worse than this.
Ladybug held his gaze for a while before looking up. “This moon above us, it’s beautiful, isn’t it?”
Chat didn’t know where this was going, but he looked up nonetheless. The moon was indeed very pretty, gleaming brightly against the clear blue-black sky that made sure all focus was on it.
“In that timeline, this very same moon was split into half," she paused. "By you. Akumatised you.”
Chat whipped his head back down to her, gaze wavering as a feeling of disorientation blanketed him.
Ladybug fiercely pulled him back into her embrace, instantly regretting the way she had delivered the news to him. “Do you see it now?” She wept. “The reason why I was so hesitant to reveal myself to you?" She gripped on him firmly, afraid that he'd run away.
Chat’s vision had turned blurry, and he squeezed her. “Then why did you reveal yourself now? If you knew this was going to happen.”
“I… I figure the reveal was going to happen sooner or later, and y-you were akumatised because of something entirely different. And honestly, I am so exhausted about everything.”
They basked in the silence together, sniffling and trying to stop their tears from flowing.
“So what are we going to do now?” Chat whispered.
“I really don’t know, I’m just glad that you didn’t get akumatised and I didn’t have to fight you.” She hugged him tighter than what he thought was possible.
Chat slowly pried himself away from her to look at her. With his hand at the back of her head, he pulled it forward and kissed her forehead. She froze.
“Adrien, what are you doing?”
“I love you.” Ladybug opened her mouth but he cut her to it. “You’re always thinking about others even while going through hell all by yourself. You’ve been through so much. I’m so sorry for not being there for you, and I thank you for sharing this with me, Marinette. I love you, so, so much. For being so brave, for being all that you are.”
Her tears flowed down her face like a river escaping a dam, comparable to the speed of her thoughts running through her mind. All the ‘could haves’ she might have experienced with Adrien if it wasn’t for her fears. And the possible devastation that may happen if she went ahead with what her alternate self did.
“Adrien, I don’t know if you know this, but I love you too, romantically. Ever since the first day we’ve met. But...”
To say that didn’t break his heart would have been the joke of the century, but…
“I understand Marinette,” he smiled weakly, “but please stop pushing me away. Even if not romantically, I want to be there for you every step of the way.”
“I’m doing fine Adrien...” She looked away.
Adrien felt disheartened. But he didn’t want to give up, not yet, never. He cupped her face to look at him.
“Marinette, you’ve been waiting all this time, haven’t you?” Marinette didn’t think Adrien’s voice could go even softer than before, but it did. “Since 3 years ago, for someone to save you from this helplessness, for someone to share this burden with you. Let me be that person for you.”
Marinette sometimes could perfectly explain what she saw in Chat. His desire to lighten up other people’s day, his unyielding trust in her, among many many others. But other times, she wasn’t able to, because it was indefinable. It’s just the way he was able to take her to places where no one else could. Maybe, it's time she finally let go of all the burdens she has had and shared them with someone, with her kitty.
“I’ll always be here, my lady.”
She raised her arms to hold his face in her hands—
“I am so sorry.”
—and pressed her lips onto his.
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wiseabsol · 4 years
Karrin Murphy is going to be fine.
No, really, you guys. She’s going to be okay.
Here’s what killing her off for a book or two accomplishes for Jim Butcher:
- Dresden has more manpain to deal with. Is this annoying and cheap after pulling this same stunt with Susan and Lash? God, yes. But Butcher loves seeing Dresden in pain and pushing him to darker and darker places, and taking away Murphy helps accomplish that. It also means that Dresden has lost one of his voices of reason and his most stalwart allies, so expect him to flail around more in the future (that or he’s going to be forced to make smarter choices, since he no longer has Murphy to consult).
- Murphy was handicapped from the injuries she received in prior books. While the Shroud of Turin could have helped with this, and while it would have been nice to have a disabled character in our main cast for diversity, Butcher...kind of didn’t think of that. But Murphy becoming an einherjar gives her body a reset, and will give her a longer lifespan to match Harry’s (let’s be real, Harry is probably going to be immortal by the end of this, he has everything else going for him). And this is happening only a few books before the BAT, so it can be argued that the remaining vanilla mortals needed a buff to face it (personally, I don’t like that everyone has to have magic--especially Marcone, because he’s way more interesting without magic--but Butcher runs his stories on genre logic, and genre logic says to give everyone Eleventh-Hour Superpowers to deal with the escalation creep). Plus, the einherjar specifically return to the world to fight in Ragnarok. Pretty sure the BAT will qualify as that.
- Butcher dragged out the Will They/Won’t They aspect of Harry’s and Murphy’s relationship for as long as he possibly could (10+ books). Then he ran into the problem of, “Oh no, now they’re together and happy, how do I make this interesting?” And like many writers facing this problem, he throws in another obstacle to keep them apart--an obstacle which, to be clear, has to seem insurmountable to our hero, because if it isn’t, Harry is spending the next book fighting to get Murphy back, rather than engaging with the plot.
- Murphy was a vanilla mortal who saw tons of the magical world, helped organize the Paranet, was not a part of any Accorded Nation, and was a cop in Special Investigations. She would have been a solid, maybe even PERFECT point of contact between the mortal and magical worlds, now that the two are colliding (especially where bureaucracy and the Librarians are involved). Without her, there is going to be more tension between the two sides, which means there will be more conflict for Butcher to exploit. Also, this new society that Dresden and the others are setting up is going to be named after her. I’m calling it now.
- Murphy and Dresden were both getting pinned by Special Investigations about the vault robbery. Murphy dying--and how she died--is going to thrown that situation in disarray.
- Ramirez and, by extension, the White Council, believe that Harry is sleeping with Lara. This is part of why the White Council believes that he is being corrupted by the White Court and Winter. Now Mab has set up a betrothal between Harry and Lara, which seemingly confirms the White Council’s theory and fears. And Mab is only able to do that because Murphy is dead. So not only does it aggravate an existing issue, but it sets up another subplot to explore. It also contributes to what will probably be some sort of time skip. Notice how the marriage is set for a year away, and the starborn explanation will also only be revealed to Harry after another year.     
- If Dresden is going to travel to an alternate timeline where he is evil in Mirror, Mirror, then Murphy will probably be there and hunting him. The emotional impact of this would hit differently if Murphy was still alive in the main timeline. Not only will Dresden have to talk other!Murphy down from shooting him, but he’ll also be doing this fun (read: heartbreaking) thing where he is reliving how far they came in their relationship in his timeline, and be longing for her, even though he knows that this isn’t his Murphy. If his Murphy was still alive, this conflict would be played for laughs. Instead, it’s tragic. 
- Murphy not being able to finish telling Harry, “I love you,” and the two of them never Soulgazing are gifts to deliver to the readers at a later date. If Butcher was going to keep Murphy dead, both of these things would have happened earlier in the book to drive in the tragedy of her death. Murphy’s death was also anticlimactic, and Butcher followed it up by not giving her a proper funeral with her clan and former coworkers in attendance. To me, this signaled that we weren’t meant to take her death seriously, because so little effort was put into selling it to us. In short: this is not how you send off a character as important to the story as Murphy is. This is just how you Put Her on a Bus for a while.
In conclusion, Butcher is going to get a ton of mileage over Murphy being dead. But I can’t imagine that she’s going to stay that way, given that she’s one of the leads in the series, and Ragnarok is right around the corner.
Edit 1: Also, not enough characters got to tease them about finally getting together. Barely anyone knew, let alone reacted to it, even though they’d been waiting on this for years. Since when has Butcher ever resisted tormenting Dresden? 
Edit 2: Murphy is also our main female character. Only Mab, Molly, and now Maggie rival her in terms of importance and impact. I don’t buy that they don’t have thick as hell plot armor. 
Edit 3: There has been talk about Dresden still needing to break some of the laws of magic. Could be there’s a route there to get Murphy back (@gonewiddershins suggested memory manipulation on a mass scale, because Murphy can only come back when no one remembers her anymore. Also, Soulgazing brings back missing memories, I guess?).
Edit 4: What does Odin need Murphy’s body for, anyway? Wouldn’t taking her soul suffice? Seems sus. Especially when burying the body is such an important part of the grieving process. This seems like “Ghost Story,” but in reverse, with Harry being the one left behind.
Edit 5: I’m calling it now. Murphy is going to ride in on a winged horse to rescue Harry’s ass in a later book, with “Ride of the Valkyries” playing in the background. Maybe this will even happen at the Dresden/Lara wedding, because there is no way that that’s actually happening.
Edit 6: What purpose would keeping Murphy dead serve? Dresden loses his fifth love interest? To set up an endgame relationship with either his former apprentice or his half-brother’s half-sister? Like just imagine the amount of cringe from Thomas for a second. It would be enough to finish killing him! (Not knocking these ships, by the way! It just doesn’t seem like Dresden is interested in either of them romantically at this point, and it’s really late in the game to pivot on this point.)  
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The Prince’s Girlfriend
Prince Zuko x Reader
Note: You voted! Here it is! I’ve lowkey had this idea bouncing around since I wrote the other one lmao hope you like it!! (This is the sequel to Time Traveler’s Daughter)
Warnings: None?
Word Count: 1.5k
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Growing up the way you did, with a childhood split between worlds, you had a few groups of friends. You had the witchy group of friends that you celebrated solstice and other witchy holidays with, your dimension-hopping friends, who came to visit whenever it was convenient, and then, there were the mortal friends you had who lived in constant awe of your crazy life.
It was the third group that was assembled in your living room.
Given the recent events in your life, your mortal friends, who still didn’t know quite everything had proposed an Avatar marathon, and really, who were you to refuse? Zuko, who had moved in after jumping to your dimension, was currently in your room, playing the Sims on your computer. It was cute how obsessed he was with it. He’d made you and himself and moved you into a house and started a little family. It was heart-melting, really.
You were only on the first season when the boyfriend question popped up.
“I heard you’re seeing someone!” Your friend Devin said, smiling.
“I am!”
“Could we get some details, maybe?” Logan prodded, reaching over you to take a handful of popcorn from the bowl.
“Well, he’s handsome, first of all.” You giggled, blushing. “He’s got this really fiery personality, you know? Pretends to be all tough on the outside, but he’s got a heart of gold, a real prince.”
“Treats you like a princess?”
“Of course.” You nodded, grabbing some popcorn for yourself.
“Where’d you meet?” Devin asked, intrigued. Little did either of them know that the guy you were talking about was currently on the screen in all of his season one glory, ponytail, temper, and all.
“This little tea shop out of town.” You answered, smirking. Technically, nothing you’d said so far was a lie. Were you dancing around the truth? Of course. But that would only make it more fun whenever Zuko finally wandered out of your room and you got to officially introduce them.
It was pretty rare that your mortal friends got to meet people from the other parts of your life. The exception was the one time Tadashi Hamada had popped in to ask your dad a question about an assignment he was working on while you were having a movie marathon. Needless to say, they had been pretty surprised.
“How did he ask you out?”
“It was kind of a mutual thing. I liked him, he liked me…the rest is history.”
“Haha, that rhymed.”
“She’s a poet in love…” Logan sighed. He looked back to the screen in time to see Zuko yelling at someone about his honor. “Oof, I can’t wait for his season 2 hair.”
“Listen, fire boi ages like fine wine. Glow up of the century.” Devin agreed.
“Oh yeah. Big time.” You nodded. When you looked out of the doorway of the living room, through the dining room, and into the kitchen, you spotted Zuko standing at the fridge, getting a glass of water. He was wearing a gray sweatshirt, the hood pulled up over his head, so from the side, he just looked like some dude standing in your house. Certainly not the prince of the Fire Nation, and definitely not the handsome boyfriend you boasted so proudly.
“How’s the Sims going, babe?” You called and he looked over at you, grinning. From where they were sitting, Devin and Logan couldn’t see into the kitchen.
“Your boyfriend is here?” Logan asked, anticipation spreading across his face.
“Taking a break. My hand hurts.” He chuckled. “Mind if I come out there?”
“There’s a spot over here.” You scooted over and patted the spot beside you. “Come meet my friends.”
So, he walked into the living room, lowering his hood so your friends could get a better look at him. Devin paused the episode, his mouth hanging wide open as he looked back and forth between the prince’s cartoon form and his living, breathing one.
“Um, hi. I’m Zuko. (Y/N)’s boyfriend. Nice to meet you.”
“You’re kidding. No fucking way.” Logan stared for a long moment before finally looking at you for confirmation. “You’re—He’s—What the fuck?!”
“You never tell us when you go on cool dimension-hopping adventures!” Devin whined. “You’re dating Prince Fucking Zuko?!”
“Well, technically, he’s the Fire Lord now…” You chuckled to yourself, motioning Zuko over from his spot in the doorway. He was grinning, still not quite used to the idea that you and your friends had grown up watching him on your magical image boxes. Well, TVs, as you had taught him. “I meant to tell you sooner, I really did, but I thought it would be too funny to surprise you.”
“Good call, princess.” Zuko nudged you over the tiniest bit, sitting down next to you with his thigh pressed against yours. “That was hilarious.” He was about to ask what you were watching when he finally looked up at the screen to catch sight of his past self. He cringed. Ugh, he couldn’t believe there was ever a time he had…looked like that…acted like that. It was embarrassing that you had grown up seeing that version of him, even if he did change over time.
“Please tell me my redemption arch starts soon.”
“Well, we’re in the middle of the first season, so no. Not for a little while here.” You tugged Zuko’s arm around you and draped your legs over his thighs. “You’re so warm…” you mumbled into his hoodie, reveling in the rumble of his amused chuckle.
“Why are you always so cold, baby?” His fingers playing with your hair, he kissed your forehead. He looked up to find your friends still gawking at him. “You can…ask questions if you want.”
“Yeah, sure, how did this happen?” Logan cut to the chase, motioning between the two of you.
“Well, you see, for my graduation, Dad gave me a dimension-hopping watch and the first place I crash-landed was Zuko’s world. Sometime during season 2, I think, while he and Iroh were running the tea shop in Ba Sing Se.”
“And I fell head over heels in love with her, so once the war ended, I used her Dad’s tech to make an alternate ending for us.”
“You literally changed the timeline for her.”
“Yeah.” Zuko shrugged, winding his arm further around you.
“Love that for us.” You chuckled, nuzzling against him.
“Wait, but…didn’t you get with Mai after season 2? You were dating in season 3…” Devin was always the one to start fact-checking things when they seemed off. Honestly, you hadn’t even thought about that? Had the events of the cartoon played out the same way even though you’d interfered?
“It didn’t happen that way when I did it. I can point it out and tell you what happened when we get there,” he looked to you, “if you let me stay for the rest of the marathon, that is.”
“Of course you can stay, Zuko.” You giggled, kissing his cheek. “I’d like to hear your side of the story.”
And so he did. The marathon ran for what seemed like eternities, but it got more interesting once you finally reached the point after you left Ba Sing Se.
“I never went back to the Fire Nation. Iroh and I ran off and went on the road for a while. All of this…” He watched as the alternate version of himself made all of the choices he never would have made. “I can’t believe that’s the way it would have happened…”
“Sure, you got a little lost, but…you found your way back eventually. I think that’s why I liked you so much growing up. You made mistakes, but in the end, you learned from them and became stronger because of it.”
“Yeah?” Zuko looked down at you with that amused glimmer in his amber eyes.
“Yeah.” You nodded, a smirk slowly stretching across your features. “Well, that and you got really hot in Season 3.”
He snorted, nearly choking on the popcorn he’d been attempting to eat. “God,” he coughed, laughing, “don’t say things like that, you’re gonna make me choke. I didn’t come all the way from another dimension to die eating popcorn.”
“She’s not wrong.” Logan laughed, still absorbing what he and Devin had learned that day.
“Can confirm. Glow up of the century.”
“Oh shut up.” He shook his head, his cheeks getting redder every second.
You reached up and pinched one of them, laughing before pulling him in for a kiss. “You’re a real Prince Charming, you know that?”
“For you, princess, I’d be anything you wanted me to be.”
“Quit being cheesy, the hot firebender is talking.” Devin shushed the two of you as Zuko’s cartoon counterpart started to say something.
You grinned softly to yourself, leaning against Zuko, listening to his breaths, his soft laughter, taking in how good it felt when his fingers brushed through your hair. Your seven-year-old self and you were united in that moment, wrapped up in his strong arms with his lips pressing tender kisses to your forehead.
At long last, your prince had come for you, and you never wanted to go back.
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yutaya · 3 years
Iron Fist Rewatch 1x02: Shadow Hawk Takes Flight
These doctors seem very nonchalant about how close this dude just got to murdering Danny with a fork. No reassurance or apology - just pour drugs down his throat so they can hose him down. What a picture of The System.
Negative stereotype that has roots in truth - there ARE places like this and worse, but it's true that we very rarely see the good kind of facility represented in TV too. Sucks for them to always be portrayed as the bad guy, and probably harmful too if people really could benefit from them but are wary.
"Let's say [he IS Danny]. That would mean he somehow, miraculously, [1] survived a plane crash, [2] in the Himalayas, and that [3] for some unknown reason he waited fifteen years to come back, with [4] no shoes and a tendency toward violence." - Ward, reciting all the reasons he's been repeating to himself ever since the parking lot not to start thinking this might be Danny, frog and freezer stories or no.
"We're doing the right thing. We could have just had him arrested." Why DIDN'T you have him arrested, Ward? Oh right, HAROLD. ugh.
AU where Danny gets arrested instead. Unfortunately I THINK none of the other Defenders timelines work out so this would be a good time for them to meet him early, though... 🤔
Again with this bird. I completely forgot about this symbol theme.
Danny: "I was meditating." Doctor: "Oh!" Danny: "Yeah, I was trying to focus my chi so I could get out of here." Doctor: "Oh..."
Doctor's like: Oh, wow, this is an interesting level of specificity for a made up story...
I forgot how much I like this doctor. He's legit trying to help. I forget what happened to him...
Colleen is putting so much effort into insulting her students LOL. Also: Darryl's shoes are too big. Bc Colleen runs a struggling dojo in an underprivileged part of city as a safe haven for these kids and to help "teach them how to perform in the real world"
Parts of this conversation that will weigh on Colleen: "You saw me being attacked; you KNOW there's something weird going on." "One of the richest families in New York have a problem with you." "No, I don't have anyone else I can ask for help: you're the only one."
Ward: Ok, good, I'm hearing reasons why this guy can't be telling the truth and therefore cannot be Danny. That's good. I still feel kind of off though... but that's probably just the thing where Harold put cameras in the hospital. Yeah.
Poor Kyle.
Ward: "We can lobotomize him!" Me: "asdfghjkl WARD."
This shot of Harold's "smile" when he tells Ward  "You ARE one of my guys! One of my most trusted guys!" is SO CREEPY
You can see Colleen FREEZE when Ward introduces himself. Harold and Ward shooting themselves in the foot with this: they're lending credence to Danny's story from the phone convo.
Ward, one of the richest people in the city: "Lie to the authorities about that homeless dude being violent for my own personal benefit. Here's a blatant bribe."
Harold yelling at the spy footage like he's throwing popcorn at a movie.
This is deeply uncomfortable for me on a personal level.
Joy: Hmmmmm. What possible reason... could "Danny's" doctor have... for asking that very specific question.... unless.........?
Ok but "tiny Danny wanted to be an acrobat and was always jumping around on things" makes it SO MUCH EASIER for canon-divergent AUs where Danny isn't in the plane crash to still include ninja warrior Danny I-
Harold, a known dead man, looming ominously in the shadows of Danny's mental hospital room: "Here's a message about how you have to come find me and help me. It's not very subtle so you'll probably get it." Danny: "Oh shit, maybe I am crazy...?"
Danny: "I was a warrior. Only in the middle of a fight did I fully come alive. The harder someone hit me, the more everything came into focus." Harold: "Hm. Note taken." Me: *crying emoji*
Show: "oooh, ominous, Harold's under the Hand's thumb. Maybe there's more to him, maybe he's sympathetic...?" Fans: "lol, nice try. We all clocked that creep-o the moment we saw him."
I've talked about Colleen's first impressions of the Meachums in general and Ward in specific before but. Dude. Dude.
Danny, thinking that his very last tentative hope (Colleen) has fallen through, receives a communication from Joy. ;____;
Had. Had Joy already opened the bag of m&ms. It was sealed when she pulled it out of her desk drawer so wh- OH. The hospital opened Danny's mail, including the candy bag, to inspect it before giving it to him. Hahaha *sob*
If Colleen hadn't come to see Danny here, their paths might have diverged. As far as he's concerned, Colleen has made it clear that she's not going to help him and that they're just two strangers in a big city. Turning the corner and seeing her come to visit him boosts that flame of hope that Joy's package rekindled even further. He thought he had no one, and now the amount of people he has is growing.
Ok but, in an AU where Colleen doesn't go see Danny / Danny doesn't know Colleen came to see him, that isn't necessarily the end of their relationship. On Colleen's side, she's still suspicious of this entire Meachum mess - it RADIATES corruption and Colleen is very much entrenched in the downworld of NYC, where the rich powerful elite hurt the most. Plus, Danny doesn't give up on people easily and honestly, he kind of sucks at taking a hint - if he went off to some Rand business with the in with Joy, he would still end up in all the Harold mess, and probably at some point be on the run (maybe with another person - oooh, would love to see that AU - Joy or Ward or both in tow with Danny on the streets, fleeing trouble, Danny saying "I know a place") and showing up at Colleen's door, like "I know you don't want any part of this, and I don't mean to bring trouble to your door, but there's nowhere else to go," and Colleen being like "get in, quick," with her windows already half shuttered and supplies on the table because she was already investigating herself - (it could turn into a whole thing, with Colleen having connections that she thinks she can trust to help them against the big bad Harold/Meachum conspiracy, but then it's the Hand, and-!)
Danny: "The Meachum family might think I'm a threat to them." Colleen: "And why would they think that?" Danny: "Because I'm Danny Rand and I own more than half the company." Me: "And also because you stalked Joy, broke into her house and their offices, terrified and almost killed Ward???"
But anyway this is only gonna fuel Colleen's narrative that this is all greedy corporate machinations and bloody rich people politics. (Literally bloody. Literally murder people in a "problem solving" way kind of bloody.)
GODDDD Colleen is so hot in this scene when she walks into Joy's office with her pushed up sleeves on her chinese bomber jacket and her shirt tucked into her rolled up pants and - her hands in her pockets and that black bracelet and the belt - !
This argument between Joy and Ward is so emotionally charged - Ward's now in a desperate position because Joy has no way of knowing that she has just become an obstacle to something that he can't allow to happen - because Harold can not allow it to happen, and he's pulling Ward's strings, and then - ! "What are you so afraid of, Ward?" It's Harold, he's afraid of Harold. "You should be more like Dad." Ugh. ugh! Shot through the heart! "Grow some balls." I'm crying. They've both learned such terrible things from their father.
GDI DANNY the doctor BELIEVED you and then you had to go start talking about alternate planes of existence and the Iron Fist UGH he thinks you're just trying to cope with the trauma I - UGH.
This doctor is honestly trying to help but he's confirming all of Danny's fears from what Simon told him about how this place operates.
Ward regularly has to come up with ways to convince an entire board to do weird things that Harold asks - like purchase some random warehouses in Brooklyn - without even knowing why
Ward: "'Danny' is a threat to us, to our family, to our business, and the smartest solution - the one YOU taught me - is to get rid of the problem as expediently as possible!" Harold: "No, protect him." Ward: "WHY?! I am asking you why. Explain it to me! Because from where I'm standing, protecting him is dangerous, and getting rid of him is safe!" Harold: "Because I said so, that's why. Now heel." Honestly, of COURSE Ward takes this into his own hands.
Ah, yes, our first glimpse at Ward's drug addiction.
What is their plan????? Just beat him to death!? Can't make it quick - why?? Are they trying to make it look like a simple altercation between inmates???
"Ward Meachum sends his regards." God, that's so heartbreaking. The idea that not only does Ward believe Danny is an imposter and a threat, enough to try to kill him and then to send him to a mental institution - but that once he's there, out of harm's way, if he IS a mentally unstable imposter - OR once proof is starting to trickle to the Meachums (in colorful chocolate form) that he actually IS their old friend Danny - that Big Brother Ward would go out of his way to strike a deal with some "low life mental hospital thugs" to beat Danny to death?? This moment, to Danny, must feel like a bigger betrayal to Danny by Ward than anything else so far.
Danny, on all fours, looks up at the full moon outside the window, at the hawk silhouette streaking across it, and smiles. Hawk as Danny's spirit guide AU cont., but ALSO: WEREWOLF AU WEREWOLF AU WEREWOLF AU
Danny. Danny. Please run. Busting a huge hole in the wall made a very loud noise, please stop just standing there and giving people time to catch up.
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evesbeve · 5 years
Hellion, im a Ninja go can but I can't find those character and number things Like that other guy asked for Cole? I was wondering if you could do all the numbers but for Kai? I hope You have an awesome day!!
Send me a character + a number and I’ll tell you my headcanons for:
“Hellion, im a Ninja go can” is the biggest power move of a sentence you could have started this ask with. Also a power move? The fact that people are finding this ask challenge from a year ago.
1. Their physical weak spots
His sides, and Nya uses it against him so much. She pokes him to get what she wants and Kai JUMPS on furniture to avoid her.
2. Their emotional/moral weak spots
His pride. Kai hates to be proven wrong, and always wants to be in the right. He blames himself for many things already, and that’s why he hates making mistakes. He doesn’t easily get over them.
3. Scars or painful spots
His most iconic scar is above across his left eye (I will always stan the OG Lego sets for that detail), but god. Kai has so many scars from when he used to be a blacksmith AND from battles. His hands are just filled with scars.
4. Best places to kiss on their body
hIS HAND. He always kisses other people’s hands because he thinks it’s the most romantic thing ever, and he is so offended when no one picks up on the fact that he wants hand kisses too, dammit!
5. Guilty pleasures
Done this one already here, but I’d like to add up on it since it’s been a year: You know how when you make popcorn (especially microwave popcorn) it leaves some butter around the bag/bowl? Kai eats that for breakfast he finds it so tasty. He and Nya used to make popcorn a lot when they were little, and he’d take a spoon and SCOOP THE THING OUT AND EAT IT.
No, I will neither confirm nor deny whether I did this as a kid or not. Next question.
6. Their vices (physical or emotional)
Kai Ninjago is a hot-head. He snaps when he is mad without thinking, and oh boy, he regrets the things he says so much afterwards, ‘cause people Get Hurt™.
7. Their tickle spots
As said before, he has VERY sensitive sides. Also his armpits.
8. Bad memories/experiences
When Nya was kidnapped in the pilots? The ANXIETY that grew inside of him can’t be explained with words.
His parents disappeared when he was little, and the thought of losing his sister too? Nope, nope, nope. Save him.
9. Humiliating memories
When he tried to fight Garmadon to prove he is the green ninja in season one, NO ONE EVER LIVES IT DOWN, OKAY. HE WAS SO INTO THE MOMENT SCREAMING ABOUT HIS POWER AND HE IS SO ASHAMED OF IT.
No one really blames him but,,, they never leave him alone about it.
10. Fears/phobias
We all know that boo is afraid of water, and he’s valid for it. Also gingerbread men and elves. I STILL need context to that.
11. Bad or petty habits
(I don’t know how much worse it can get after the popcorn one but) he tends to play with his hand scars? Like he’ll pick on them and “Wait is that blood, crap”. He doesn’t realise he’s doing it, most of the time.
12. Grudges and vendettas
A grudge he’s not quite over yet is definitely on Chen. Also Krux and Acronix, for obvious reasons.
13. What gets them flustered
Any throwback to his childhood. He has walked in on Nya telling the others stories too many times to count, and he HATES it.
14. Ingrained habits/forces of habit
The thing I had written about guilty pleasures a year ago fits here perfectly to be honest. He LOVES playing with other people’s hair, so he just… does. He makes tiny braids with his own hair when Wu is teaching them something, he twirls it, runs his fingers through it…
And he knows how to do the BEST hairstyles, okay? He learned for Nya when they were little, and now the entire team gets a makeover.
15. What it takes to make them cry
“Kai, you’ll be teaming up with Jay.”
16. Dark secrets/’skeletons in the closet’
Sometimes when he is angry, he takes part in boxing matches, just like in season four after Zane’s “death”. It’s tied to bad memories, so he doesn’t want the others to know.
17. Regrets
Too many to count. He always regrets getting into fights with the others though. It hurts him to fight with his family :c
18. Things they’ll never admit
I still stand by the thing I wrote a year ago. You can see it here!
19. People they’ve hurt or indirectly killed, and how it affected them
It’s scary for him every time they take another bad guy down. Yes, they were bad people, but what if. He’s okay with putting their enemies in Kryptarium, but when it comes to banishing or even killing, it never leaves his mind. (He still feels guilty for what happened to Garmadon after the tournament, even if it wasn’t directly his fault.)
20. What-ifs/Alternate Timelines
Hairstylist, FIGHT ME. If he’d never become a ninja, he and Nya would move in Ninjago City, eventually, and he’d have his own hair salon and he’d ROCK it. I love him.
21. Turning points in their life
Realising he wasn’t meant to be the green ninja but to protect him? I mean, that really changed the way he saw things, and not just with Lloyd. It opened up his horizons and he expanded his state of mind, letting him see more points of views in missions and his everyday life.
22. People who’ve influenced them greatly
It’s pretty safe to say that the entire team changed his life. He considers everyone his family, and he loves them so so so much. Kai can’t see himself without them by his side
Thank you so much for the ask!! Honestly I loved writing these, even if my blog isn’t exclusively for Ninjago anymore. I love this show and all its dumb children ;w;
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sophfandoms53 · 5 years
Endgame Talk
This little discussion is gonna have massive spoilers for Avengers Endgame. This is your warning if you have not seen the movie. If you haven’t seen it, just scroll all the way down as fast you can. If you have seen it or you don’t care about spoilers, then welcome! As for the rest of you, you have been warned.
Okay so. I know we’ve all got our own opinions on Endgame, the way the plot works, the way certain characters were treated, and especially with its ending.
I’ve read a lot of reviews and reactions about Endgame the past few days and in all honesty. There isn’t much I disagree with. A lot of the critiques given to the film are valid critiques. Some are just nitpicks that don’t really matter. But over all, the criticism is pretty fair.
In regards to the time travel, I barely understood how it worked in the film. All I know is that it worked and everyone came back. All I needa know lmao. I didnt understand time travel in back to the future, I didnt understand it in gravity falls, I didnt understand it in TMNT, I didnt understand it in Power Rangers, and I don’t understand it during this movie.
Time travel is a very difficult thing to figure out with story telling as every move made has its consequences. Which is why when I see people saying “The time travel in this movie created plot holes.” It makes me laugh because uh duh it’s time travel, of course it creates plot holes. We have yet to see any creator or writer do time travel and not have it cause plot holes or confusion. This doesn’t excuse said plot holes but it clears up that Endgame isn’t the first victim of the trouble time travel has on its story.
Okay let’s talk about Tony and Steve’s endings.
Oh boy.
I’ll start with Steve because right now I ain’t ready to talk about Tony.
Steve went back in time to put the infinity stones in their proper places before the team originally went back to bring everyone back and he was suppose to come right back to the present (or future in their case) but he doesn’t. Instead he stays in the 70’s (which is when he and tony got the Tesseract) and forms a relationship with Peggy and when we see him again in present (future) time he’s the age he would be if he was never frozen back in the 40’s.
Now, while I do agree this causes a lot of confusion in regards to events in Civil War and such but. That’s our timeline. What happened with Steve staying back in the 70’s was that he created an alternate time line where, all the events we all saw still exist, but he was able to live a happy marriage with Peggy. Or at least that’s how I saw it honestly. Steve staying in the 70’s didn’t change or alter anything in the main timeline. We know this because we saw that nothing changed.
Also. Steve never belonged in this time period anyway. In The First Avenger, Steve is fighting in WW2 and it’s a soldier. He was meant to be in the 40’s but he made a sacrifice that caused him to wake up in modern day. And while Steve did a lot as Captain America, that doesn’t change that this isn’t where he belongs. He watched as everyone in his past was either changed (Bucky being mind controlled) or lost (Watching Peggy die). Steve’s entire past kept coming back to haunt him. Which is why he took the opportunity to stay in the 70’s with Peggy. To give himself a happy ending. This was something foreshadowed throughout the film as well.
Now. Lets talk about the big one.
Tony Stark.
Okay. Now that that’s out. Lets talk Tony Stark.
Imma be real. The minute Morgan Stark (whom is adorable and needs absolute protection) popped out of the tent, I knew Tony’s fate. I had a huge feeling Tony wasn’t gonna make it out. And it hurt that I was right.
However, as much as it hurt to see Tony die, to see him make the last sacrifice, it makes sense both for story telling and within Tony’s arc as a character.
We’ve watched Tony grow from an arrogant man who didn’t really care for the world around him but his industry, to someone who wants what’s best for his family, who became a mentor of a young kid with a lot of potential to the point that only Tony really believed in him and who wants to protect the world.
We saw Tony go through this arc from beginning to end.
Tony’s never had it easy in his life. He lost a lot, he fought a lot, and he stressed a lot. Tony, throughout these films, has never had a proper time to relax and appreciate what he has because he was always fighting to protect himself, the ones he loves and the world. It got to the point in Iron Man 3 that Tony began losing sleep and could not rest because of all the torment he has been through.
Keep in mind Iron Man 3 takes place The Avengers and what happened in Avengers? Loki and a huge attack on New York that only they could stop. And who sent Loki on this attack?
It always comes back to Thanos.
Joe Rousso confirmed back during Infinity War that Thanos and Tony have connection.
In the sense of story telling, Thanos acts as a foil to Tony.
In an interview, one of the Rousso’s said:
“It’s all the heroes. I think he has the most specific connection to Tony because Tony is a futurist, and he has predicted a threat like Thanos. It’s lived in his brain even though he couldn’t name it. Tony is the most desperately driven, down to the core, to react against something like Thanos, although all the heroes will face a threat, no matter who it is or where it comes from. But I think this is intrinsic to Tony’s psychology, and because Tony started it all with Iron Man, he has a special connection to the threat that’s facing him."
Despite not meeting until Infinity War, Thanos and Tony have always had a connection. Thanos was the one that kept Tony restless. The reason he stressed everyday. Thanos was the reason Tony has to witness the loss of all his allies and surrogate son.
It’s all been Thanos.
The reason I call Thanos Tony’s foil is because of this connection.
Thanos and Tony have similar goals. They both believe what they’re doing is the greater good for the world. There’s a connection between them because of how they both think and operate. It’s why Thanos tells Tony he has respect for him in Infinity War. Thanos understands Tony’s view. And because he understands, Thanos serves to show Tony, and the audience what Tony would’ve become had he not grown and became obsessed with “balance” instead of the greater good.
In doing so, Thanos couldn’t live in a world without Tony and Tony couldn’t live in a world without Thanos.
Now I know some of you are probably like, “But Tony did live in a world without Thanos. He spent 5 years without Thanos around.”
and you’re right.
Technically, you’re right.
Even within those 5 years, Tony was still haunted by what Thanos did. How Thanos won and that they lost. We saw throughout Endgame that Tony never forgave himself for what happened and especially for what happened to Peter.
Despite Thanos being dead, Tony is still haunted at the memory of Thanos and all the damage he created.
Hence why Peter was Tony’s main motivation throughout the film. When the team attempts to ask Tony for help regarding time travel, Tony declines as he says his too risky and because he doesn’t want to lose what he has now. Which is Pepper and Morgan.
His wife and daughter mean more to Tony than anything. We’ve seen Tony’s love for Pepper grow and we saw how much Tony loves his daughter. I love you 3000!
He got 5 happy years with them. Tony had his happy ending for as long as he could. Until once again, Thanos’ actions came back to haunt him. Seeing, remembering, that Peter was one of the people that were lost during Infinity War, the kid Tony grew to love as a son, and looked over and mentoured, Tony never stopped working on trying to bring Peter back. Without Peter, Tony felt like he failed.
At the end of the day Tony wasn’t worried about himself, he wanted Peter safe and sound. He wanted the world to be saved.
Tony needed closure. He needed to know the evil that haunted him for years was gone. He needed to know that his family and friends were safe. He needed to know that he fought until his end. And he did just that.
Tony Stark never ever stopped fighting. Ever.
Which is why Tony makes the ultimate sacrifice.
Using the stones and losing his own life.
Yes it hurt. A lot. It affected us and the characters in the film. But that’s how Tony’s arc was suppose to end.
It’s why Pepper said, “You can rest now.”
Tony fought Thanos non-stop for years and years on end. He never thought he could be at peace. But when he saw all his loved ones around for him, especially Pepper, his loving wife and Peter, the boy he risked everything for, and that they were officially safe and the monster that haunted him could no longer harm his family. He go be at peace.
He could pass on peacefully.
Tony Stark learned to love. Learned to care. Learned to grow. Learned that you’re not always alone.
Tony Stark learned all that he needed to in order make the final sacrifice in order to kill Thanos.
Tony Stark put the world’s protection before his own life.
Tony Stark is the true super hero.
His final words,
“And I... Am Iron Man.”
Were that for a reason, not just as a call back to he ending of the first film.
Those were his final words because Iron Man is not Tony Stark.
Tony Stark is Iron Man.
Tony Stark is the hero.
It’s the lesson Tony taught Peter with the phrase, “If you’re nothing without this suit than you shouldn’t have it.”
It’s not the suit that makes the superhero, but the person who wears it.
Tony Stark wears the Iron Man armor.
Tony Stark is the hero, not Iron Man.
Tony Stark’s arc has concluded.
There is no denying the pain and tears that were felt and shed during Tony’s death. But it was his time to go.
It was Tony’s time to rest.
Tony Stark fought and lived hard.
Tony Stark died happy, at peace and as a hero.
~We love you 3000 Tony~
Thanks for reading this far if you did. This is just my take on the film. Don’t take it as fact alright. What did you guys think of Endgame?
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