#christian feminism
I see so many well intentioned women talking about how modesty is important when it comes to men's objectification of them. Like, they will condemn men's lust, but say, "but we have to do our part too." I just need you guys to understand that there is literally no amount of clothing you can wear to keep men from sexualizing you. It sucks, but it's true.
I dress very modestly by the typical conservative Christian standard... Loose clothing, long dresses/skirts, nothing low cut, etc. Usually the only skin I expose is my forearms, neck, and face... But I am not exempt from being sexualized. I can't tell you how many times I've heard stuff like, "it's so hot when women leave things up to the imagination" and "I love your librarian/teacher vibe, it's so sexy." Men sexualize nuns and muslim women, who are completely covered. No woman is exempt from this.
Why is this important? So you can stop blaming yourself for men treating you like sexual potential instead of a person and hold men accountable for their own willful inability to control themselves.
To the Christian women, you are not responsible for men choosing to lust after you. Lust is a choice. I am same-sex attracted, and when I find myself attracted to a woman, I simply choose not to fantasize and lust after her. Men are capable of the same, they just like to shift blame.
As a Christian, I dress modestly as an act of humility more than anything else, but I know there is nothing I can do to control the sinful actions of men. Please stop blaming yourselves.
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fierysword · 1 year
We need a multi-dimensional God. We need not only the assurance that a powerful God is in charge, but we also need a nurturing God when we are hurting. We need a rock of ages, but we also need a wind that blows where it will. We can pray “God, our Father” and sing “Dear Lord and Father of Mankind” when it is balanced with “God, our Mother” and “The Care the Eagle Gives Her Young.” It’s the “both-and” rather than the “either-or” that will enrich us, that will help us to expand our sensibilities to the mystery of God and to create an inclusive community on earth.
BLESS SOPHIA: Worship, Ritual and Litany of the Re-Imagining Community
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beautyinsteadofashes · 2 months
If they're are other Christians around in Fandom on Tumblr I'd love to chat about how you navigate it e.g. idolatry and sexuality.
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myhoneymydaisy · 2 years
I am once again disgusted and disappointed in conservatives, especially the ones who claim Christ; acting edgy online, cursing, openly using petty and immature insults in arguments, and thinking being violently anti-woman is okay and good and once again risking how they represent Christ for the sake of being countercultural. "Feminists are just ugly or traumatized crazy bitches" is never something Christ would say or think. Even if you don't agree with some of all aspects of what women's rights means in our modern culture, these women are still people for whom Christ died. If these women are marginalized, traumatized, or conventionally unattractive, that is all the MORE reason for your empathy, sympathy, pity and prayer. Not your scorn and bullying. How dare you represent Christ this way. How dare you act as though you have the moral high ground, you hypocrites.
It's all pride and vanity. Not morality.
Jesus corrected people with love and patience and mercy. Jesus judged people by their hearts and not their looks or politics. Putting your allegiance to politics before your allegiance to Christ has made some of you cruel, hardened, petty, hateful and spiritually ugly and it shows. Repent.
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biblicalfeminism · 2 years
Suitable for him?
"Then the Lord God said, it is not good for the man to be alone; I will make a helper suitable for him." Genesis 2:18 (NIV)
"But for Adam no suitable helper was found." Genesis 2:20 (NIV)
I've hesitated to write this post for awhile now because, frankly, I felt unqualified to do so. I knew it was going to be Hebrew-heavy, and that scared me because I don't speak or read Hebrew. I am not an accredited scholar, pastor or teacher.
The meaning of the word 'suitable', and especially 'suitable for him' is important to our examination of Eve. Eve represents all of womanhood, and her 'suitability' to Adam is key to that. Men have interpreted too many verses of the Hebrew Bible to be favorable to them to go unchallenged any longer. So with my limited understanding, I'm going to forge ahead and talk a little bit about this verse.
Now the Hebrew word used here is kenegedo. It is a form of the word neged, which is used as a preposition, as in the verses below. Neged is used 52 times in the Hebrew Bible in its basic form, which gives us a pretty good idea of what it meant in the text.  It usually means 'before', in the sense of 'in front of' -- some texts say 'opposite', which in prepositional terms means the same thing.
"But if you find anyone who has your gods, he shall not live. In the presence of our relatives, see for yourself whether there is anything of yours here with me; and if so, take it." Genesis 31:32 (NIV), emphasis added.
"After they set out from Rephidim, they entered the desert of Sinai, and Israel camped there in the desert in front of the mountain." Exodus 19:2 (NIV), emphasis added
But kenegedo has two important differences from its root form; there is a prefix and a suffix attached there, as we can clearly see, and those suffixes can utterly change the meaning of the word. This is where I run into trouble, because I cannot read the Hebrew letters and understand how they change the word itself. The verses I just quoted use only neged, the basic form, and there are no other uses of kenegedo outside of Genesis 2 for us to compare against.
So we're going to try to suss out what those additions mean. I'm doing this simply by typing in search terms like 'Hebrew prefixes'. Once I got a handle on which character was the right one, I could go and look for information about what it meant. Very scientific, I know. But I cannot understate the importance of women trying to look for answers for themselves, rather than just blindly accepting what they're told. You don't have to be a scholar to ask questions -- you just have to be ready to be critical of your own answers! I tend to get help from websites like Biblehub and Understanding Hebrew, too.
A look at the word written in Hebrew shows us that the prefix used is kaf, which looks a little like a backwards C (bear in mind that Hebrew is written right to left, so the kaf is the last letter on the right). It also has a dot, or dagesh, in it, which changes the pronunciation of the character but not it's meaning. A little searching can tell us that kaf is means 'like, as', in the sense of being similar to something else.  
So far so good. Now we turn to searching for the suffix. This is called holem, and it is a pronoun indicating male (obviously indicating Adam in this case). In its most basic form it just looks like a line, though sometimes it has dots too. While the kaf is only added to neged these two times in the Hebrew Bible, there are 15 other uses of neged with the male suffix added -- these terms, like minnegedo or lenegedo or just negedo with no prefix, change the meaning of the word to mean 'in front of him' -- their prefixes obviously change their meaning, too, but I'm not getting into them here. Suffice it to say, this suffix means 'of him.'
So put it all together and we have ke-neged-o, meaning 'like as in front of him.' Kaf tells us that woman is to be like something, neged tells us that she was designed alongside that something, and the male pronoun tells us what that something is: mankind, represented here by Adam. Thus (if my Hebrew is correct, and I acknowledge that it may not be), the description of Eve as kenegedo emphasizes her similarity to man, their oneness and their sameness under God at creation.
Previously, I wrote a post about Eve being described as an ezer, a word that compared her to God. Now we see that God has also likened her to man. Could there be any doubt left that woman was made in the image of of God, that she is equal to man, that women are the same in God's eyes as men? Contrary to what some early church fathers and medieval theologians say, women are a glorious gift and an equal partner in humanity. The creation account underscores this by reminding us repeatedly that Eve is made from Adam's flesh, and then ends the chapter by making Adam acknowledge it, joyfully (Gen 2:21-24).
With this in mind, is 'helper suitable for him' really the best translation of ezer kenegedo? There is nothing in the Hebrew to suggest the 'for' that the NIV sneakily put in. I have four translations in front of me: NIV, NLT, and ESV all use the phrase use 'for him' -- only the NKJV says 'to him' rather than 'for him' (though the ESV grudgingly offers that it might be translated  'corresponding to him' in a footnote). But Eve was not made 'for' Adam. To get at the real meaning of the words, we might better translate God's speech in 2:18 as something like the following:
"I will make a rescuer similar to him."  
"I will make a mighty helper that is the same species as he is."
"I will make a savior, alike to him."
Imagine how different a young girl's Christian upbringing might be if she knew the real meaning of these words. Women aren't made 'for men', we were made with men, alongside men. That's the meaning of kenegedo.
View this post on my blog at https://biblicalfeminismforwomen.blogspot.com/2022/09/suitable-for-him.html
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oasisr · 5 months
yes i am a prude, and hypersexuality is ruining friendships, relationships and society as a whole.
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radykalny-feminizm · 1 year
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Another based TikTok woman being 100% right about religion, love the tendency ✊
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cookthepenguin · 3 months
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balkanradfem · 3 months
religion will be like, it's because women talk to animals and eat fruit that childbirth is so painful, and the soil so hard to work! Not because we took away all of the midwives and created horrendous agriculture practices
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intersectionalpraxis · 4 months
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This weekend about 2 billion people will celebrate Christmas across the world, and the birth of their religion in Palestine. Today the only remaining 700 Christians, the descendants of the first followers of Christ, are being wiped out in Gaza and their churches bombed to pieces. [@/ Hanine09 on X. 12/23/23.]
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Men should stop trying to distance themselves from the negative patterns within male socialization and patriarchy by saying their good behavior is evidence that the pattern doesn't exist, and instead they should acknowledge the pattern and fight against it. They should take the energy they're using to shut women up and use it to educate their male friends and support women. If they actually care about the women in their lives as much as they claim to, they should respect them by fighting for women, not by silencing and gaslighting them.
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fierysword · 6 months
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Source: Swallow's Nest: A Feminine Reading of the Psalms by Marchiene Rienstra
1 When I call, answer me, O God of my integrity! Deliver me from my distress! Have mercy on me and hear my prayer. 2 O men, how long will you try to destroy my dignity? How long will you assault me with lust and continue to live a lie? 3 Know that God protects Her daughters! She hears when I call out for help! 4 Stop sinning, and repent with fear and trembling. Consult the depths of your own hearts in sacred silence. 5 Offer to God the sacrifices of integrity and respect for all. 6 Many women say, "Who can do us any good?" Let the light of Your face shine upon us, O God. 7 You fill my heart with a joy that is greater than the pleasure of those stuffed with the best food and drink. 8 In peace I will lie down and sleep. For in You, Shaddai, I dwell in safety.
Possible uses of this psalm:
Alleviate insomnia (read along with a short prayer before bed)
Justice in court cases (read psalm several times by a blue candle and John the Conqueror Incense the night before a court appearance)
Restful and peaceful sleep
Change luck from bad to good
Prayer of praise and gratitude (v6-7)
Prayer for protection (v3,8)
Request blessings (v6-7)
1-2 are sourced from Power of the Psalms by Anna Riva, 3-4 from My New Everyday Prayer Book by Brother ADA
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animentality · 7 months
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redditreceipts · 23 days
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how about the men who are apparently weak enough to "stumble" when seeing an underage girl's developing breasts are just not fit for Christian heaven and by constantly accomodating them, you are actually getting in the way of God's plan to send only the righteous to heaven? Because a guy who puts his own comfort over the safety of another person isn't that righteous after all and won't get into heaven either way.
(I don't really believe in Christianity btw, I am just trying to follow the argument of not cause men to "stumble" instead of teaching them how to be a righteous person. in my opinion, the latter would get them into heaven at a much higher rate than just making girls vulnerable to car accidents)
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biblicalfeminism · 2 years
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From Good News for Women: A Biblical Picture of Gender Equality, by Rebecca Merrill Groothius.
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traditionaldream · 3 months
Feminism is full of lies: being a "boss babe" won't fulfill most of us, birth control harms your body and no, it doesn't heal you, it just cover the problem, like a band aid, children are not a burden, but a blessing, men aren't oppressing you, you can't find total equality for things that aren't equal.
Don't belive that man aren't needed. Man work jobs that most feminist don't want to work in: building, mines, military....
It is not backwards, oppressive or misogynistic to realize that all of these things are true.
Embrace your true essence
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