#chris evans disney
sad-trash-hobo · 3 months
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Happy 10 year anniversary to He Calls It War Paint, Audrey
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ramen-flavored · 2 months
Happy 10th Anniversary To The Superior MCU Movie
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hainethehero · 6 months
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honestlyyoungtyphoon · 7 months
Mark ruffalo is the only avenger that upheld his status as a hero. He stood with Palestine, he chose the side of oppressed people.
Chris Evans really embraced the American government ideology by supporting I*rael. The real captain America 🤡 screw him.
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mandy-eminem-moxley77 · 11 months
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cieuxgris · 1 month
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Wish (2023)
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beyondthefold · 2 years
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CHRIS EVANS on the relationship between Buzz and Sox in LIGHTYEAR
Whether it's finding emotional stability, or companionship, or just playing games, it's a really sweet relationship.
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renatapatata · 2 years
lightyear (2022) spoilers without context
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a-moment-captured · 2 years
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This man straight up served every look during his Lightyear press tour! How are we going to handle The Gray Man press tour?! The hair, the gray in his beard, the necklace, tattoos peaking, that damn wifebeater always giving us tiny glimpses, and then ending with the greatest interview ever: Chris Evans playing with puppies!
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greenfleeze · 9 months
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Steve has no chill and Nat has to deal with his craziness every day.🤣
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notrandtumblin · 5 months
Other Marvel Polls On My Page
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trapezequeen · 3 months
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Ryelsi Shots (Part 4/?)
I only view the movies as canon, so kindly refrain from commenting unless you have something positive to say about this ship.
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data-reel · 1 year
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The Avengers - (2011) dir. Joss Whedon
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ljones41 · 25 days
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During the height of my high regard for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), among the movies of which I had been a major fan were the Captain America releases. At least two of them. The third film in this mini franchise - 2016's "CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR" proved to be a major disappointment for me. However, when I heard that Disney and Marvel Films had plans to air a miniseries about the characters Sam Wilson aka the Falcon and James "Bucky" Barnes aka the Winter Soldier, I must admit that I felt a renewed interest in the franchise again.
When I said a renewal of the MCU franchise, I meant it. Aside from a few movies like "ANT-MAN", "BLACK PANTHER", "CAPTAIN MARVEL" and "ETERNALS"; the MCU had become a major disappointment for me ever since the release of 2015's "THE AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON". One might ask . . . what about the MCU television productions that aired on the Disney Plus streaming channel? Aside from one production that I somewhat liked and one that I loved, most of them have been disappointing to me. Unfortunately, I have to include this follow-up to the Captain America movies, "THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER".
Set six months after 2019's "THE AVENGERS: ENDGAME", "THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER" followed former war veteran/Avenger Sam Wilson, who has resumed working the for the U.S. government, while using his role as the Falcon. When the government recruits Sam to track down and deal with a group of enhanced anarchists known as "the Flag Smashers", former World War II veteran/HYDRA tool/Avenger James "Bucky" Buchannan aka the Winter Soldier decides to join Sam in his mission, due to his lingering guilt as a former HYDRA assassin and their shared experiences as Steve Rogers' close friends and battling Thanos and his army.
Since "THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER" had aired on the DisneyPlus channel in six episodes, I had seriously considered ranking the episodes. But like Season three of the Marvel Netflix series, "DAREDEVIL", the more I watched "THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLIDER", the more it disappointed me. Aside from complaints about its pacing, the limited series had received a great deal of praise from critics and fans alike. Because of this, I believe it was one of the most overrated productions in the MCU history. People had seemed so focused on little moments and scenes that very few had noticed how the series' narrative seemed to be all over the map. For example:
Sam Wilson This limited series is supposed to be a follow up to the events of "ENDGAME" in which Sam had received the Captain America shield from an aging Steve Rogers, a sign for him to take up the latter's costumed role. Was this an attempt by Marvel Films/Disney to make Sam a more relevant character? If so, why? Why did a MCU character have to replace Steve as the new Captain America to be more relevant? Why not allow Sam to continue as the Falcon, only push his role to the forefront as one of the franchise's new leading characters? Some might accuse me of not wanting a black man as Captain America, a topic that was brought up in the series. Frankly, I never wanted another character - regardless of race, gender or ethnicity - to become the new Captain America. That includes Bucky Barnes. Allow Steve Rogers to fade into the background and let Sam (as the Falcon) shine as one of the franchise's new leads. However, the die has been cast. One can only sit back and see if moviegoers are willing to accept Sam as the new Captain America.
Perhaps the MCU had to make Sam the new Captain America in order to make him more relevant. Why would I say that? The showrunner for "THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER", Malcolm Spellman, came dangerously close to shoving Sam into the role of the second lead or worst, a role he has been since his debut in 2014's "CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER" - a supporting character. During the series' first three or four episodes, someone other than Sam (either Bucky Barnes or Helmut Zemo - two white men) made decisions that allowed the plot to move forward, not Sam. He was simply regulated to being an observer or reactor. The series even managed to undermine Sam's decision not to support the Sokovia Accords in "CIVIL WAR". In thee 2016, Sam became the first Avenger to speak out against the Accords and declare his intentions not to sign it. Yet, according to Bucky in this series, Sam had merely followed Steve's example in rejecting the Accords. And Spellman did nothing to allow Sam to correct this misconception.
James "Bucky" Barnes One of the few aspects of "CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR" I found enjoyable proved to be the interactions between Sam Wilson and Bucky Buchannan. Despite their lingering jealousy and competition over the role as "Steve Rogers' best friend", the pair's interactions proved to be very entertaining, thanks to the screen chemistry between Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan. Unfortunately, Mackie and Stan could not save "CIVIL WAR" for me. Nor could they save "THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER", due to its problematic writing. A good deal of that writing surrounded Bucky's character. I have so many questions about his role in this series. For example:
*Why would any official of the Joint Counter Terrorist Center allow Bucky to visit and question Helmut Zemo, the man responsible for the U.N. conference bombing in Vienna, in "CIVIL WAR"? That made very little sense to me. Surely the JCTC authorities remembered how Zemo managed to brainwash Bucky into making his own prison break in "CIVIL WAR"? Also, Bucky was on parole for his activities as a brainwashed HYDRA assassin. Yet, the JCTC had allowed him to visit Zemo? Surely, the showrunner could have allowed Sam, who was serving the U.S. government again, to be the one to visit and question Zemo?
*How on earth did Bucky managed to evade being arrested and charged for helping Zemo escape from the JCTC? The U.S. and other governments should have been suspicious of Bucky after learning about his visit to Zemo.
*Bucky came off as an arrogant school jock, who thought he was entitled to get his way - especially in his interactions with Sam. I found it hilarious that many fans had criticized John Walker aka Captain America aka U.S. Agent for such toxic behavior. Yet, they had turned a blind eye to Bucky's own behavior. And so did the series - up until the last two episodes. Why did the showrunner allow Bucky to get away with this behavior toward Sam for so long without any complaints from the latter?
*I did not care how Bucky had bullied his way into Sam's mission without the latter's consent. What I found even more annoying was the U.S. government's decision to allow Bucky to join Sam's mission after that ludicrous "therapy session" they were forced to attend together.
Racism A good number of MCU fans had complained about the inclusion of racism in "THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER". I had no problems with this direction, considering the story was about Sam, an African-American man, becoming the new Captain America. However, I had a good deal of problems with how the production explored the topic of racism.
The story of Isaiah Bradley, Marvel's second Captain America, had originated in the comics. In the MCU, he was a Korea War veteran whom the United States Army used as one of several unwilling African-American test subjects for their version of the Super Soldier serum. I realize that both Marvel Comics and the MCU had attempted to use Bradley's experience as a metaphor for the Tuskegee Syphilis Study. The problem is that I cannot see the U.S. government and the Army - both racist organizations in the early 1950s - be willing to risk the possibility of creating a non-white super soldier. Despite the recent desegregation of the Armed Forces in the late 1940s. And both the government and the Army had been more than willing to use white soldiers in other experiments.
After saving a group of black American super soldiers from a prison camp, Bradly was imprisoned by the U.S. government for thirty years. I saw nothing wrong with this twist in the character's narrative, until I remembered two things - Bradley had been able to free his fellow soldiers without anyone's help; and nearly sixty years later, Steve Rogers managed to break into the Raft and free those Avengers who had refused to sign the Sokovia Accord. Why was Bradley unable to free himself from prison? This is the man who had defeated the Winter Soldier by breaking the latter's metal arm. And he was not powerful enough to make a prison break, let alone evade capture?
I had assumed Sam's difficulty in becoming the new Captain America would stem from the government's reluctance to recruit a black man for the position. That would explain their decision to recruit the blond-haired John Walker instead. But the series never really made it clear whether political racism had played a role in Walker's recruitment. The series also had James "Rhodey" Rhodes had paid Sam a visit, emphasizing the importance of the new Captain America being black. As it turned out, Sam's own insecurities about becoming Captain America had more to do with him not initially assuming the role. There was also that interesting scene outside Bradley's Baltimore home where the police arrested Sam during verbal argument with Bucky. Although the cops backed away when they recognized Sam as an Avenger, they ended up arresting the parolee Bucky for missing his required therapy appointment. This scene was supposed to be a case of racial profiling. But . . . we might as well be honest. In the real world, the police would not have backed down from hassling Sam. What I found more disturbing was the production's handling of Bucky's arrest. Once the police discovers that Sam was an Avenger; they turned to arrest Bucky for failing to show up for his missing his therapy session. Not only did the police arrest Bucky with a more gentle behavior, they did so, accompanied by Henry Jackman's mournful score, something that did not accompany the moment of Sam being arrested. Were the audiences expected to notice the hypocrisy and racism in the police's handling of the two men? Expected to feel sympathy for Bucky? Or both?
The last episode featured a scene of two black kids playing with toy Captain America shields. Someone had commented that the shields (especially in the hands of non-white children) represented hope to the future of race relations in the United States. Why? How? This country had a biracial president for EIGHT YEARS. Yet, U.S. racial policies have remained problematic even to this day. I can say the same for other countries. The so-called symbolism of this scene only reminded me of how human beings put so much faith in imagery and symbolism. And this strikes me as a FALSE FAITH. Why was taking up the mantle of a costumed hero that had been previously occupied by a white man, the only way for Sam Wilson to become relevant within the MCU franchise? What was wrong with him being "the Falcon"? Sam becoming the next Captain America was not going to save the U.S. in regard to race relations - not in real life and not in the fictional world of the MCU. Looking back on the series, the series' only scenario that seemed to expose racism in a realistic manner, proved to be Sam's failure to acquire a bank loan for his family's fishing boat in Louisiana.
Sharon Carter I am certain many MCU fans are aware of this. One of Marvel Comics' most iconic couples happened to be Steve Rogers aka Captain America and Sharon Carter aka Agent 13. She also happened to be the great-niece of Peggy Carter, Steve's love interest during World War II. Portrayed by Emily VanCamp, Sharon was first introduced as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent in "CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER" as a potential love interest for Steve. Despite Sharon's appearance in the following Captain America movie, "CIVIL WAR", their romance never really developed. Many blamed the lack of chemistry between VanCamp and Chris Evans. I never had a problem with their screen chemistry. I had a problem with the lack of relationship development between Sharon and Steve. And I blame Kevin Feige's decision to transform the third Captain America film into a third (and badly written) pseudo Avengers movie. The change in the film's narrative, along with Sharon's failure to appear in "THE AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR" and "ENDGAME", left no opportunity for Sharon and Steve to become the romantic pair they had been in the comics. Instead, Sharon became a fugitive from the U.S. government after helping Steve and Sam hunt down Bucky, moved to Madripoor, a city-state with no U.S. extradition and became an embittered criminal known as "the Power Broker".
After "CIVIL WAR", nearly five years had passed before Sharon appeared in another MCU production - namely this series. And what happened? The franchise, with Spellman, ended up completely destroying her character by transforming her into the villain known as Power Broker, the criminal leader of an Indonesian city-state called Madripoor. After helping Steve and Sam acquire their suits and equipment in order to go after Bucky in "CIVIL WAR", Sharon lost her job with the C.I.A. and became a fugitive. She eventually moved to Madripoor, a city-state with no U.S. extradition, to evade capture, survived Thanos' Snap and became an embittered criminal nicknamed "the Power Broker" in order to survive the new world.
What really pissed me off about Sharon's arc between "CIVIL WAR" and "THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER" is that her development into a major villain all happened OFF SCREEN. Off screen. Apparently, screenwriters for "INFINITY WAR" had written a draft that included Sharon in the movie. But according to Christopher Markus, he and Stephen McFeeley could not imagine scenes featuring Steve and Sharon trying to make it work in an apartment, because the 2018 movie did not have time to focus on their personal life. Why did Marvel simply fail to allow Sharon to be part of Steve's vigilante team - like Sam and Natasha Romanoff? I mean . . . good fucking grief! And why did Malcolm Spellman believe the only way Sharon could be interesting was to become a villain in "THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER"? This was his idea of improving Sharon's character?
Helmut Zemo aka Baron Zemo Why did Malcolm Spellman, Kevin Feige and the MCU thought it necessary to bring back Helmut Zemo, the Sokovian-born villain from "CIVIL WAR"? What role did he play in "THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER"? I realize that Bucky, of all people, visited the incarcerated Zemo to acquire information on who had created the super-soldier serum that empowered the Flag Smashers. But why did he believe Zemo could provide the answer? Because he thought HYDRA was involved? Bucky or Sam could have searched for information from sources other than Zemo, who had been incarcerated for . . . what? Eight years? Eight years. Zemo managed to become something of a crowd-pleaser, thanks to Daniel Brühl's performance. Otherwise, I found his presence in this series unnecessary.
The Big Bad Why on earth did it take this series so long to finally reveal the main villain's identity? At first, the series hinted the Flag Smashers, led by Karli Morgenthau. However, the series tossed other potential candidates for the Big Bad before viewers - John Walker, Helmut Zemo and yes, Sharon Carter. But in the end, Morgenthau and her group proved to be the main villains.
The Flag Smashers were a group of empowered people who believed the world was a better place between Thanos' Snap and the Blip (resurrection of those who had died during the Snap), when Humans around the world managed to unite and form a borderless society, one in which people helped others without any thought to nationalism and bias. Thanks to the Avengers, the world resumed its conflicts between nationalities and other groups. In other words, the borders returned.
Frankly, I have nothing against this ideal. Only Ms. Morgenthau and her followers resorted to violence and terrorism to achieve their goals. Does this sound familiar? It should. The Flag Smashers proved to be another example of characters with a progressive goal, resorting to extremism and becoming villains. This seemed to be a growing trend within the franchise, which I believe began with Erik "Killmonger" Stevens aka Prince N'Jadaka in 2018's "BLACK PANTHER". Since then, the MCU has not looked back at its growing roster of progressive villains. Perhaps I should not have been surprised. The franchise's ambiguous portrayal of an unconstitutional document like the Sokovia Accords, should have been the wake-up call. It seemed as if Kevin Feige, Marvel Films and Disney Studios had finally exposed themselves for the faux progressives they pretend to be. Frankly, this form of villainy has become tiresome to me.
After writing this article, I had considered ranking the six episodes featured in "THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER" anyway. But I decided against it. My dislike of the series made it impossible for me to even bother. Being a fan of the first two Captain America movies, I had truly hoped this series would redeem the franchise. Unfortunately, it proved to be just as disappointing as "CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR". Pity. Perhaps the fourth film, "CAPTAIN AMERICA: BRAVE NEW WORLD" will do the trick. I hope so.
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askstevella · 20 days
Hercules AU - The Super Spouses
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Steven Grant Rogers as Hercules (Herc)
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Estella Romano-Strange as Megara (Meg)
Summary: Steve Rogers had been an outcast his whole life, he was always alone aside from a couple of friends here and there, until one day he's given the chance to show the world what he's got. But the question is, he is a zero or a hero in the eyes of a certain fair lady? 
Once Upon A Time/Fantasy AU
In the lower ends of the forests and the mountains stood the forsaken sandy beaches that led to a town filled with men and women of all different ages and sizes. 
In the town held way too many, players and rookies trying to seek like everyone else. Be heroes, lovers, challengers and the list goes on. Some of them just acted to the play the role of bullies.
Where stood Steven Grant Rogers on the other end of it all—no seriously! He was on the other hand of some dude’s fist for the 3rd week in a row for trying to help the baker but instead, he ended up making a mess due to not pulling his weight as he told some jerk to knock it off. Last week, he was trying to fight some larger guy for almost harming some women but his efforts ended with him having to nurse a sore arm that day.
Today, yet again he had his ass handed to him as he tried to fight back holding a makeshift shield. Which was actually a lid from some can, taking a few good licks towards the guy who was picking the fight. 
The guy backed off once his friends yelled for him, rubbing his face and glared at Rogers. 
Steve leaned against a wall, coughing and huffing wiping his nose checking for any blood stains on his face or clothes. He might in relief at being clean, deciding to head home soon.
Steve didn’t like bullies, he rather get beaten up trying to do something such a helping out than watching a person struggle in result of being helpless during a time of need. Only problem was that he was seen a outcast, some scrawny kid, but that doesn’t stop him from doing what he thinks is right.
It also helps that he would find himself looking at status of literal heroes at the fairs and museums wishing he could be seen as more than just what people saw physique.
When he was younger his mother was would get her own little troubles and end up feeling hurt in the end. 
He would ask, “Why don’t you just stand down, ma?”
Her response, “…you always stand up.”
His mother always knew he had a good heart and he would keep fighting until his last breath, as long as he always stands. 
That’s how he found himself at Phil’s stations. Plenty of men were ringing up to become knights and such for the wars, to fight monsters and possibly be heroes. Phil and his bosses was skeptical, especially when Steve showed up for the try outs, to train and become a hero.
His bosses didn’t believe this short skinny kid had something to prove. Hell, Phil stopped having tryouts once he saw how poor of a turnout there was. But was surprise Phil the most weeks later was the same short skinny kid showed up at his doorstep with such determination, heart and willingness to give it his all. 
He even brought a friend, James Barnes, with him as his support and fellow fighter. 
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After a long hard stare, Phil deeply sighed and decided to give it a shot, but warned Steve that if he messed up or made a fool out him, there would be problems. He already had plenty of men do the same to him before, where they’re egos and pride got the best of them.
Weeks of training, grit and determination, along with hope of the gods themselves. It was as if he was given a transformation that seemed otherworldly on how he started out.
Steven Grant Rogers was taller, stronger, could run faster than he could before, quicker on his feet and had muscles to back him up. His friend wasn’t looking too bad either.
It was a grand improvement, and his skills showed it better than Phil expected. His pal, Howard came to help out every now, grinning at the show in front of his eyes. 
One afternoon, it was just Phil and Steve training in the forest, until the tall blonde got it right. Despite Phil’s best efforts, there was his spark of impact in the young man’s eyes wanting to help people and put his skills to the test.
See what else can he do. He was training, fighting beast within waters and trying to outsmart them. However he had his misfortune moments there too, where he would fall and misstep somewhere.
There were moments where Phil was too hard on him too.
Phil said, “With time, you will do so. Have patience, rookie.”
Steve just nodded. 
Until he heard it, the sounds of grunting and yelling. A few trees away at the same forest, stood a women trying to run away from some monster, a centaur named Nessus. 
“I swear, put me down! If my brothers hear about this—” Yelled the women, trying to be released from his grip.
“You’ll what? Call them to use their magic on me? I ain’t scared, call them, sweetheart.” Repiled Nessus with a smirk.
“Ugh! You’re breath stinks.”
“Heh I like ‘em fiery too, baby.”
“Ew! Let go of me, dimwit!”
Steve stood behind a few pills of tall grass and bushes, watching this all go down as his facial expressions were ones of disgust and distant for the blue centaur holding the women in his grasp. He didn’t like it one bit, hell he didn’t even hear Phil or Bucky’s soft shouts to talk him through on how to fight the dude, he just went for it.
He flipped his sword and grunted, stomping along the water grabbing the centaur’s attention, “Halt!
“Step aside, two legs.” The centaur snarled, still holding the women.”
“Pardon me my good…sir. I’ll have to ask you to release that young maiden at once.”
That was when the women finally face him. She whipped her head around, taking a deep breath pushing her long bangs, pushing herself from the centaur’s grip.
“Keep moving’, jolly steam.” She remarked, grunting.
He raised an eyebrow, “Aren’t you a damsel in distress?”
“I’m a damsel, I’m in distress…I can handle this. Bye!”
“Ma’am, I think you may be too close to the situation.” 
The two started to bicker, but soon enough the big blue eye backed Steve onto the water. Phil rolled his eyes and Bucky whined wanting to help, Phil shook his head. Steve got up and snarled, overhearing Phil and Bucky’s shouts of encouragement that sounded like tough love to his ears. 
Steve thought for a moment flipping his sword and thought to use his head, as he swung and kicked the big blue guy  so hard he was went flying backwards. Hell, the women was left from his grasp and falling into the water, coughing and crawling to sit on a rock. 
Steve helped her off and onto the rock but before he can get more than two sentences out Nessus went up for round 2, as the blonde excuse himself to fight him.
The women ring her wet curls out and let out a light chuckle, “Is wonder boy for real?” “Yeah he’s real..a real punk.” Bucky muttered with a scoff then shouted, “Get his legs dummy!” 
“Friend of yours?”
Eventually Steve got the upper hand, as Nessus went flying and Bucky took a final swing at the blue jerk. Both friends nodded and grinned.
“How was that Phil?” Steve asked, fully soaked.
“Not how I hoped it was good. You made mistakes, but people will catch onto it in the big leagues.” Phil repiled. 
“I beat him, didn’t I?” Steve said, 
Bucky remarked, “I helped!”
Phil groaned and yelled, “Next time, don’t let your guard down cause a of pair of big goo-goo eyes! Both of ya!” 
“Hey, he’s the one who didn’t listen! And I don’t crack under the pressure..” Bucky defended himself poorly.
“I know but you guys gotta stay focus! Especially Rogers.”
“I’ll talk to him, I promise—wait where did he go?”
Steve has walked off to check on the women he tried to save earlier, he wanted to make sure she was alright after all of that. This time he got a better look at her, as he found her to be rather pretty. She was standing up, wearing a long blush red dress, ringing out her curls into the stream of water beside them. She looked over to face him, catching a look at the wonder-boy’s soft blue eyes and brown clothes. 
He was handsome.
He half chuckled with a slight awkwardness and he carefully asked, “Are you alright, miss…?”
“Um, Estella..but mainly people call me Stella. I didn’t need you to save me back there, you know?” She asked in a hush yet sassy tone.
“I know, but you looked like you needed the help. You were stuck in his giant hand.”
“And I couldn’t live with myself knowing I could’ve at least done something to get him away from you.”
“Heh, ‘wow’ what?”
“You sounded very genuine with that line. Also you let me fall to the ground.”
“Again, I was trying to help. And I apologize  for the incident, it wasn’t my intention for that part to happen.”
Estella watched him for a moment, seeing how he was actually being genuine and doing his best here. It was pretty clear he was new to this, all of this for that matter.
The least she can do is cut him some slack.
“Alright. They give you a name with that whole look?” She asked, looking over her shoulder smiling.
He hummed returning the smile, “Heh, I uh—I’m um, uh..”
“Are you always this articulate?”
“Uh, no. And to answer your previous question, my name is Steve Rogers.”
“Steve Rogers? Hmm. It’s cute. But I think I prefer wonder-boy.”
Steve raised an eyebrow at her comment about to make a remark at her words but decided against it. Instead he asked, “So, if you mind me asking, how did you get mixed up with the big blue guy?”
“Pinhead with hooves?” She responded, “Things happened, I fell into the wrong crowd.”
“Well yeah, you know how some men are. They think no means yes and get lost means take me I’m yours.”
Bucky could be heard snorting in the background, trying to cover up his laughter. Phil scoffed not knowing to like this women or not at the moment. Steve half smiled as he watched Estella thank him for his efforts, walking away saving she had to head home.
Rogers spend the time couple of days training and trying to protect his craft, perfect his skills with Phil and Bucky. They traveled to different places within the cities and town looking for anyone who might need help.
They fought an ogres, a beast or two and taken out some jerk who infested a town by being greedy to the folks. It was nice, they were small fest of fights to keep of his strength and protect others from harm.
It’s what he wanted to always do. And he was more than glad to do so. 
And so did the women—Estella, who watched from afar nodding and smiling at his accomplishments along the way. She had to hand it to him, fighting off those beast and making sure some town folk were given the some peace. A piece of her melted seeing his smile and kindness towards the people, even if many didn’t really have an appetite or cared to give him the time of day. He kept doing what he could with his friends. 
She knew from stories, people needed to see the big moments to consider someone a hero, not a zero. At the moment, he was seen as zero to Estella despite all the things he’s done. She didn’t know his true motivations yet and wondered if he did for the power, the fame and glory. 
The girl was at odds.
Yeah sure he was strong, tall, blonde and nice, but most men can be like that one the surface.
She needed to see the real fight here. See if he was would run away and show his true self or stay to fight.
Not the small ones that prove nothing, but someone who was trying to hard.
It also didn’t help that her big boss was thinking of sending a challenger his way…
A couple of weeks later, that answer comes as clear as day. 
In a quiet city within a kingdom, Steve was resting after a simple day of swimming and enjoying his afternoon at the market place. Him and Bucky had spent the day trying to familiar themselves with that side of the city, get to the people if possible, as the idea was suggested they moved there.
It was pretty much close to home and still far to travel around too.
Currently, Steve was taking in the light clouds that blew past the sunlight as it shinned upon his body. His week was rather odd to say the least, the basic training, traveling, talks with friends, and trying his best to make sure people were doing alright. 
But a small of him yearned for a fight. A true battle, like the one he can prove who he was and take a stand for others. He wasn’t asking for a war, just to look out for the little guy and show others that they can be helpers to anyone who need it.
He sighed wondering if maybe he was trying to hard, if he should just pack it up and go home for a while. It’s not like was looking for trouble to appear on his doorstep and neither did he want to see anything destroyed or hurt. 
Maybe he could see that fair lady again and—
He was suddenly taken out of his thoughts at the sound of screams and shouts, as he rushed onto his feet looking around for who that was. He followed the noise rushing to see was happened. Then he saw it, two kids stuck under wood and dry stonewall, hearing women crying and men shouting. 
He raced in to do his part, appearing underneath the collapsed temple yelling for the kids to hear their voice and make sure they were still alive. He heard some coughing and wheezing coming from their voices, as he rushed to lift up the wood and stone that collapsed over them. He held his breath lifting the items, urging both kids to try and move as he throw the stone to side, helping them out of there. 
Before the temple can take full force and collapsed any further, he got everyone out holding both children, who seemed to be around 7 years old, in his arms making sure they were okay. The kids nodded and thanked him, as they rushed off to their parents. 
Steve finding let out his breath at the sigh of both children safe and sound, that he didn’t even realized people were watching. He was more concerned with their health, looking over his shoulder to see the temple in pieces as dust and rumble surrounded behind him. He half smiled and waved at ‘your welcome’ to the parents who thanked him in grateful for their held, watching the kids who kept their gaze on him before looking back at their mothers.
Then he heard it, some clapping and shouting in the air for his act of bravery as he nodded and gave the few who noticed him a smile. Bucky rushed in just in time to see the motion and scoffed at his friend getting some recognition for his work, after all the weeks.
But it wasn’t over yet.
“Steve, look out!” Shouted Bucky who pointed at the what crawled out a crave near the temple.
A beast appeared more like a dragon with a long neck, sharp teeth and killer eyes snarling at Steve. The blonde’s eyes widen gulping as he realized he left his sword behind but thankfully Bucky found it and tossed it over to him.
The warring fight had began, as the dragon snarled and wicked his head around as Steve circled him with his sword throwing everything at the beast. This wasn’t something he ever fought before. Steve, along with Bucky’s help, trying to distract the dragon and knock it off balance to not eat them. 
At one point, the dragon wrapped his tongue around Steve’s ankle and threw him midway into the air, opening his mouth and swallowed him whole. Bucky looked away and groaned, battling the dragon in revenge for his friends but was knock into a wall. 
People watched, gasping and screaming at the sight. Estella was standing afar gasping, thinking Rogers was a goner. 
But to the dragon’s surpassing surprise and everyone else include, their breaths were held back. As inside the dragon’s throat was a rumbling noise and crawling tickle that confused the beast, as a sudden slice cut off his airway and his head went flying off. On the other side appeared Steve Rogers, holding his sword and grunting ever so loudly as his body slammed onto the ground alongside the dragon’s head.
People clapped and smiled, some sighed in relief. Bucky helped his friend up as Estella whined at the gross smell surrounded them. Steve got up on his feet, looking around and ordering Bucky to get other’s to safely as he figures out what to do with the dragon’s head.
Speaking of heads…one cut off, 3 other grew just like it. Once he turned around his eyes widen once again, grabbing his sword and giving Bucky a signal to join him.
Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes were fighting The Hydra. 
It was brutal sight to see, as The Hydra snarled, growled and screamed in their direction as both men fought him. The crowd was running and yelling as rain showed over the land at the same time. Bucky fell to the ground, as Stella rolled her eyes dragging him up the bench before he could get killed muttering something under her breath, meanwhile it was left to Steve to finish him off.
The rain was pouring, the screams were engulfing everyone around, people gasped and ran for the heavens. But Steve Rogers maintain his breath, sword were on the other end of the ground as the HYDRA picked him up and threaten death in his eyes. In a last effort to think quick on his feet, Steve balled his fists and steady his shield slammed the wall of thick rock until it came crashing down.
The Hydra came crashing down and he went down with it.
Silence fell on the ground above, you could hear a pin drop as everyone fell their breaths. Stella gasped and looked over her shoulder watching her boss, Hades, sitting in the dark corners watching with a grin. 
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Hades’s grin was clear as day watching Steve collapse with his challenger, betting all his coins he has fallen, snickering at Stella’s face toward horror and bitterness. A part of Estella reminded him of his only daughter, Luna, who started out kind and all so sweet then somehow she escape The Underworld, then he never saw her again. 
But with Stella, it was different, she was a slave to his deeds after some stupid deal to have her big brothers live while she went to find Hades whatever he needed in return that day, but she never reading the fine print. That she would stay under his thumb for as long as he liked…
However his grin slowly fell, as he leaned forward in his chair and saw movement from below, furrowing his eyebrows and grunted, “..no. He should be crippled or dead..”
Underneath the dust and stone, grunts and growls were heard, suddenly a large piece of stone was thrown to the side as below stood the blonde man, Steve Rogers, with a couple of cuts and bruises yet he was standing tall holding his shield taking a breath.
Hades screamed in his corner surprised, on how only a mere mortal could have so much strength and courage to stand after that battle, he should have fallen. 
He wasn’t even a god yet he had the looks, kindness and determination of one.
The people scream and shouted, clapping at the Rogers huge save and fight among the folks there. They loudly cheered and went to tell anyone who was standing next to them the news.
An old lady, named Frigga, who was watching the huge fight and seeing how Rogers came out on top despite the tough challenge, nicknamed him Hercules. 
Stella was leaning against the wall, in pure shock and scoffed as a soft grin took over her face and nodded at the sight.
Maybe there was still hope for Steve Rogers yet? Especially after a couple of voices called him a hero. 
She smirked looking over her shoulder watching Hades’s annoyed and practically about to blow a fuse with such a short temper. 
She was more than impressed by all of this.
That's all folks! Might do 'I Won't Say I'm In Love', ‘Zero to Hero’ or something next, who knows? Let me know what y'all think!
Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel l @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @cherrysft @parisparker269 @thechoooooosenone @luna-d-marsh
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mandy-eminem-moxley77 · 11 months
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