#cherrypies writes
— a funeral, a bar, an airplane. A 3 encounters story with John Price.
✨ slow burn, fluff, lieutenant John Price/Original Female Character, no use of Y/N, before canon, OOC. 3.661 words.
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⁘ the first time Charlotte Alderton and Jonathan Price crossed with each other was when Jonathan, a lieutenant for the Special Forces, mistaken the church which would hold his grandfather's wake.
He got late to the church, ran out of the cab, and didn't pay much attention to his surroundings. He had just arrived in England after his Commanding officer granted him a couple of days to attend his grandfather's (and a war hero's) funeral and had to sort his clothes inside the cab, not seeing the exact direction which he was taking.
Once there, he found it strange that his mum and dad would leave a typo on the wake ceremonial sign.
— Sorry, are you working here? There is a typo on the sign. It is Henry Price, with an I. Not Henry Preece. — Jonathan said to the woman standing by the side of the paper sign, typing on her phone. — And, the service is already finished? My brother said it would start midday.
— Well, the last time I checked, my uncle's name was written with double E. — Charlotte said, lifting her eyes to look at the strange (but very handsome) man's face. — And, yeah, it started at 7. But my mum is on the burial grounds if you want to say your condolences for her brother's passing.
— Her brother?! — Jonathan looked confused at the woman, who just blinked back at him - as if she was trying to make any sense of his question. He looked at the church. Damn, was he at the wrong church?! He looked around, trying to find the street name or anything else that could help him locate himself.
He looked at the text message on his phone, then checked back the grounds. He was at the wrong church, at the wrong wake.
— Oh, bollocks! I am so sorry for your loss. I am at the wrong church. I am incredibly sorry, thought I was at me grandfather's wake... — Jonathan started to excuse himself when his phone rang and he turned around to answer. — It is John. Oi! mum... I know and I am sorry, I got to the wrong church... I know, mum. Calm down, I will be there... Ok? Ok. Bye.
The woman patted John's shoulder and he turned back to her. She had something in her eyes, a sparkle, that enchanted the lieutenant for a moment.
— You can take my taxi. — She said, smiling fondly and pointing to the car that just dropped by. — I just ordered another. Sorry for your loss, hope you are there on time.
— Thanks and... I am so sorry again. — John said getting in the cab, with his bags wrinkling his clothes at the motion. The soldier spared one last look at the woman at the church door. She kept the smile on her lips, taking her attention to her phone. John tried to imprint her image on his mind, as a strange aura of beauty surrounded the scene and - for a moment - he wished he could know that woman better.
⁘ Charlotte and Jonathan's second chance encounter was a bit more pleasurable than the first one. The sun had already set when she entered the Stables' pub wearing the same outfit she had on all day long.
After her uncle's funeral, her family got together at his favourite restaurant with some of his friends to tell tales about his life and "celebrate the way Henry lived his life", according to her mum's words.
After a lavish afternoon of food and stories, Charlotte found her way to one of the pubs her uncle used to deliver the unlabelled whisky bottles he produced on the family farm for years, and became sort of an emblem for selected pubs. Stables were their favourite place, no surprise when she received a message from the owner expressing his condolences and asking her to come by later, so he could present her with one of his uncle's legendary bottles.
— Carlie! — the pub owner called her name the second she crossed the door. — My dear Carlie, what a loss! I dinnae see you at the church, though you stayed in school! — the old man said, turning around the counter to compliment Charlotte with a hug.
— I was at the back of the church. Maria - you know her, Doug's wife - she is pregnant and living that moment that nothing stays in. I was helping her. — Charlotte answered, walking with the old man into the bar. — But, let's get down to business: you said you found a rare piece from my uncle's production, is that true? Or were you just luring me to your pub, Peter?
— Just a moment, I'm gonna get it on the office. Amanda, can you serve the table with the gentleman on the corner? His liquor is Bourbon, 12 years old from the second shelf.
Charlotte looked at the table in the corner, and to her surprise, the gentleman was the same man who was in the wrong church that morning. He didn't see her, as he was concentrating on reading from a folder and taking notes with a pencil every now and then.
She thought, for a brief moment, to go there and talk to him. But, when the waiter broke his concentration to pour more liquor into his glass, he looked up to see her, before she could move. He held the glass up, on a silent toast, and Carlie answered with a timid nod and a fondly smile. He was handsome, indeed, and she promised herself never to tell anyone that she was attracted to a strange man who appeared at her uncle's funeral.
— A single-malt whisky, aged on a heavy barrel, from our favourite unlabelled distillery and marked with a "C" seal, do you remember it?! — Peter said, bringing with him an arm-sized barrel from the back office. — Henry stated so many times that this was his fine creation and he wanted to age more. So I kept hiding and never had the chance to savour it with him.
Carlie's jaw dropped the moment the pub's owner gave her the little barrel. She knew her uncle had made a limited edition of his whisky to celebrate each of his nieces' birth, each one flavoured differently and sealed with the three girls' initials: C for Charlotte, E for Emilly and A for Annie.
— Oh, Pete! I have never drunk my own whisky, could you believe it? Henry said he and Pop drank all the only barrel he aged on my tenth birthday! This is wonderful! Should we toast him? — Carlie said, cleaning the tears that rolled down her face and stretching an arm to grab the glasses from behind the counter.
— Of course, my deary. — the old man snivelled and opened a smile. He took out the seal and the stopper, pouring the liquor on the glasses. — Henry always said he would be damned the day her girls cried because of him! To our Cranky Henry!
— To Cranky Henry! — Carlie said, toasting with the pub owner. The whisky had a strong aroma and was even stronger in flavour. Carlie loses track of time, admiring the smell and the colour of the liquor in her glass, thinking about her uncle.
— I don't know what that is you are drinking, but smells very nice. I could catch the scent of it from my table — a strong voice brought Carlie back to the present. The gentleman in the corner was now by her side, putting the folder he was studying over the bar. He was so close now that Carlie could smell the tobacco aroma from his clothes.
— This is my uncle's whisky, the one he made to celebrate my birth. Peter, the pub owner, was one of his closest friends and kept a little barrel sealed with him for twenty-six years. Would like to try it?
— Oh, it sounds very personal. I think you should keep it. — the man declined, very politely.
— You disrespect my uncle's memory with your rejection, mister... Sorry, I didn't get your name. — Carlie playfully pointed at him, trying not to get hypnotised by the man's sea-blue eyes.
— It's John, short for Jonathan Price. My pleasure. — the man extended his hand to Carlie, who had to make a little turn on the barstool, now been face to face at John, to shake his.
— Charlotte, but everyone around here calls me Carlie. — she was impressed with the sensation of holding his hand. Or was it the alcohol fermented for 26 years that was already making her too sensible?
— I just wanted to say how sorry I am for earlier. I think I was kind of rude to you. I didn't know I was in the wrong wake, I was supposed to be in my grandfather Henry's wake. — John started, with a seductive smile.
— Well, you are excused for earlier, but not for now. I insist you have a proper toast with me, on ours Henry's memories. — Carlie joked, offering the little wood barrel to John and scooping a clear glass out from a tray near him. John accepted this time, pouring the âmbar liquor into his glass and filling Carlie's.
— To Major Henry Percival Price, war hero, grandfather and a sorry excuse for a fisherman. — John said, offering his glass for the toast and looking into her eyes as if he were trying to stare at her soul.
— To Henry Albert Preece, a drunk hazard, the best of the uncles and the worst Christian ever made. — Carlie replied, clinking her glass to John's, and proceeding to sip the whisky.
— Holly hell, this is delicious! — the blue-eyed man exclaimed, after tasting the liquor. — You said your uncle made it?
— Yeah, our family had this unlabelled distillery for years. It started somewhere during the First War, and it kept the Preeces fed for years. Henry was the last one to produce them for pubs and some fancy restaurants, now we have some barrels just for the family. — Carlie started, tapping the barrel over the bar. — My mum became a teacher, my sisters didn't mind the family business and I... well, Henry always said that would be great to have someone on the side of the law in the family, to help whenever we get sued for producing unlabelled alcohol for years. So, here I am: a corporate lawyer... Sorry, I think I got excited with your question. — she stopped herself, covering her eyes with her hand, hiding the blush from her face. Again, was it a result of his presence or the alcohol? she thought, gulping the rest of the whisky.
John laughed sweetly, finishing the drink of his glass and placing it on the wooden table. — I see you have a great passion for your uncle's story. Nothing to be sorry for, doll. — He completed, pouring more whisky on both glasses.
— And what about you? Getting late for a relative's funeral, reading documents all alone in a pub on a Tuesday night... Are you a kind of spy? — Ok, now Carlie was sure that she got on her limit of alcohol as the words escaped her mouth before she could think it properly. She drank pint after pint in the afternoon, and now she was on her third glass of whisky with this charming stranger.
— A spy? — he laughed freely at her question. She could see that he was also blushing and made her wonder how long he had been drinking before they met. — No, not like that. A soldier, a lieutenant from the Special Air Service at your disposal. — he made a little bow to Carlie, making her laugh this time. — And I have to make sense of these documents — he tapped his fingers on the folder — before coming back to the field. It was really difficult with my mum complaining about my brother all day long, so I moved to a pub to have a little bit of peace of mind.
— Bold choice, sir. It was a pleasure to meet you, but I have a fly to catch tomorrow morning and I hope I don't get too hungover after mixing pints and whisky. — Carlie said, standing out the stool trying to maintain her posture. — Pete, I have to go. Are you sure I can take the barrel?!
— Sure, kiddo. It is yours. If you find more of the E's and the A's, bring it around to us, don't be a stranger. — Pete answered from the other side of the bar.
— May I accompany you to the taxi? — John asked while paying his tab. Carlie nodded, and they got out of the pub together. John opened the door for her saying "Ladies first" and receiving "Oh, what a gentleman" in response. 
She tried to be discreet, but couldn't help to get her gaze at the way he lit a cigar, admiring how the shirt sleeve cresed with his muscle movements. He blows a puff of smoke and with the same hand that held the cigar, he made a sign for a cab. He held the door for her to enter, as she held the barrel like a baby in her arms.
— I hope you find me the next time you get around, lieutenant. — Carlie said, as a last movement of their dance, before John could close the door. — Preferably in a pub, not at a wake. The third time is a charm.
— I make these words my own, misses. — he responded, leaning his body so his eyes found hers. He closed the door, with a smile on his face, and started to walk in the opposite direction from Carlie's way, puffing his cigar into the night.
⁘ The third time for Carlie and John was the charm. John past the night awake thinking about that Carlie girl he met in the pub. He thought about going there that next day to get some information about her, she said that the owner was a friend of her family, right? Maybe he could give him a hint on how to find her again.
He was eating his breakfast with his mum, dad and brother — a scene quite rare in the house since Jonathan got enlisted — when his phone rang in his pocket.
— It is John Prince. — John answered, getting out of the table with his mum's complaints. — Of course, sir. I will be there, sir. Thanks for your notice. — he said on the phone, answering the call of duty that he wished could take a little more time to come. — I have to go, my team is waiting for me for our next mission. My flight is in an hour from now. — he announced to his family while going up to his old bedroom to change clothes.
— I'll drive you there! — Billy, John's younger brother, shouted running after him. — Maybe the love of my life is waiting for me at the airport. Who knows?! — he mocked John, passing in front of his room.
John confided in Billy about the encounter at the pub when he got home later than he expected the night before, being late to the match he said he would watch with the young man. Now, he regretted the late-night chat, knowing that Billy would be a complete menace about it.
The drive to the airport was more pleasant than John expected. Billy tried to take out from John some details of his work, and John just answered again and again that if he was so interested in the Special Forces, he should enlist himself. No takes about the pretty lawyer John met the other night, though. 
— Try not to die too, mum wouldn't handle all of that again — Billy said, while John got his bag on the backseat. — Be safe, if it is possible. — He completed.
— I will make no such promises. Take care of mum and dad. — John replied, closing the car door.
John got to the airport, looking for the flight panel. His flight to London was already marked as "Now boarding". He crossed the airport, after announcing his presence at the check-in balcony. He passed through security and had to walk fast to not be late for boarding. 
With no surprises, he was the last one to embark. Wearing his uniform, the crew made some fuzz on his entrance, and the flight attendants were especially cordial with him. "Girls like boys in uniforms", his father used to say to him. One of the attendants took him to his seat, pointing to a place by the side of a woman, wearing a red coat, who was focused on typing on a laptop and wearing a pair of headphones as if she was transcribing some audio.
— Excuse me, miss. But could you turn off your computer? The plane is about to take off. — the young attendant asked the woman, tapping her shoulder and startling her out of her concentration.
The woman lifted her head, and to John's much surprise, it was Carlie, the woman with whom he shared the delightful evening on the day before.
— You gotta be shitting me! John?! — Carlie exclaimed, closing the laptop. — Are you following me? — she asked with a peal of nervous laughter.
— Well, you were the one that said that wanted to see me again. Better sooner than never, right? — John said, placing his duffle bag on the overhead bin, and taking the seat on Carlie's side.
— You... I... These fatigues fit you very well. — Carlie said, visibly nervous with the soldier's proximity. John couldn't say if her cheeks were blushing or if it was just the red coat reflecting the colour on her face.
— Thanks. — he said, fixing the belt. — Maybe this is a sign that we should bump into each other more. Do you live in London?
— No, it is just a work trip. My office is holding this big conference there. I have a place in Liverpool, this — she pointed at the laptop on her lap — is a couple-of-days thing. And you?
— I am going to present myself at RAF Northolt today, going overseas tonight, maybe.
— Oh, so it is not a couple of days thing for you. — she replied, with a hint of disappointment. 
— I am afraid not, but... I could always call you when I get back. — John rolled the dice, testing his luck. Carlie opened a strange smile, and - for a brief moment - John thought she would turn him down. He kept looking at her face, waiting for a comeback. 
— Oh, sure. I didn't give you my number yesterday, did I? Just a second — she searched the purse on her side, taking out a business card. She grabbed a pen and wrote on the backside of it. — Here, this is my personal number and e-mail. — she passes the card to his hand.
John admired the card for a moment. It reads Charlotte Alderton, LL.B. above some big law office name and a corporate number. On the other side of it, with delicate handwriting, a phone number with the 0151 Liverpool code followed by an e-mail.
— I am afraid I don't have a business card. Could you lend me your pen? — John said, getting the check-in ticket from his pocket, where he also kept her card. He wrote his number and his name below it, with a "Lieut" by the side of it, mocking the way her name was presented on her card. — I can't always have my phone when I am overseas, but I promise to reply to you as soon as possible.
— Oh, nice to know beforehand I will be ghosted for a while. — she joked, looking at John's number and then putting it inside her wallet. — At least I wouldn't be wondering if you were just being polite right now.
Carlie's phone rang, interrupting the chat. She excused herself and turned her attention back to the text on the computer on her lap while listening to someone passing directions on her essay. John tried not to be suspicious, but every now and then spared a side gaze to the woman replying to someone on the other side of the line with a firm voice and strong arguments.
He was attracted to her, he had no doubt of it. But now? Now he could say that he was in love. Oh man, that woman speaks as if she knew how to order around, a quality John always admired. Not a single drop of doubt in her sentences, he tried not to pay attention, but it was almost impossible for him.
She kept on the line during the rest of the flight. One of the flight attendants invited John to sit on the front row, so he could disembark fastly. As he got up, Carlie put the phone down for a moment and whispered:
— I will be at the Royal Hotel, near Russell Square Station, in case you stay in London tonight. 
John smiled and nodded to her, walking the aisle with his heart screaming to get back to his place, even for a couple of seconds. For the first time, John was hoping for a delay in his mission so he could be at the Royal Hotel that night.
↝ 🥧 ↜ this was my first public fic. I plan to write to write smut after that. Be kind, please.
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druidshollow · 3 days
ummmm i errrmmmmm posted an intro chapter to my cherrypie fanfic its uhhhh very short but errrrmmmmmmmm i hope u like it emmmmm
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tmntxthings · 1 year
Σ一The Villainess, AKA: Cherrypie ‘A Cute-Meet’。・゜・
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summary: way before the night of the ball, Y/n and Raph met under pretty average circumstances, if average includes testing out a prototype for a cloaking brooch & a certain special ring getting stolen
author’s note: this is first prequel to the ongoing collab with <3 @marwhoa <3 we have been contemplating more prequels to continue adding depth to the story and ofc the almighty ‘part two’
warnings: rise!raph x villain!reader, cloaking brooch au, secret identities, cute meet, fluff
〔you’re here〕 → next
Through one of the very few quiet streets of the city, a hand emerges from the wall. Around it glitters magenta sparks, twinkling as an entire body follows through it. As dazzling an entrance as that was, this particular stranger happened to be dressed simply. A plain, ruffled, scarlet dress with a billowing skirt, accented by the pair of matching sandals wrapping up her calves, and tied together by a red clutch-purse as its accentuating piece. ‘Plain-Jane’ blinked away a crackle of red magic that was quite literally drawn into a ring upon her finger. Small bits of arcane energy surged in, bouncing erratically beneath the clear film protecting ruby crystals inside—all until the last twinkle blipped into the vacuum.
With a few calming rotations of the ring around her digit and a tucking of stray hairs behind her ear, the silent street was filled by soft tmps of the mysterious newcomer’s light footsteps. Perpendicular to the alley she has appeared through, a sneaky peek was given before she stepped out the next pin-drop quiet street with sidewalks that likely experienced so little foot traffic that they just might be clean enough to eat on.
Luckily, this lass wasn’t here to dine on the sidewalk picnic style—no, no, she was here for a special café that was quite literally the hidden gem beaten off the path. Had it not been for her frequenting, it likely wouldn’t be able to stay open. THAT is just how out of the way it was. Alright, that may have been blown out of proportion, but Y/n couldn’t care less as she and her temporarily-inflated self-importance pushed through the doors. Immediately she was woken up by the soothing hold of coffee grinds and baked goods. They cradled her, placing energizing kisses upon both cheeks.
A barista greeted the door’s chiming bell with a cheerful good morning and “Welcome to Sugar n’Spice!”
Any sleepiness brave enough to stay in your system from a bright and early rise wouldn’t stand a chance in this quaint, domestic place and its enlivening, ambrosial scents as you approached the counter. A glance was passed to the occupants of the room—a man who looked like he just got out of the gym, two sickly looking old ladies by the window, a lady bouncing a kid on her hip, and a man in a suit who’s foot tapped in a ‘watching the clock closely’ fashion.
Giving a curt “Excuse me,” as you navigated around the impatient man, you swallowed the bitterness upon your tongue for these humans who had the privilege to be here, topside, all day, any day. Hold back that discontent, for there is one important rule! A personally appointed exception, specially made for Sugar n’Spice: this place was divine enough to escape your witchy wrath. Show utmost respect by refraining from the usual ‘Hidden City Dweller seething at the humans.’ You could do that anywhere but here. This place was the holy land. The heavenly pinnacle of coffee—the SACRED LAN—
“Ma’am …?”
The barista tilted their head towards you playfully as that increasingly bizarre inner monologue settled abruptly. The distractions were waved off by a shaking of your noggin and an apologetic smile. “Sorry! Caught up with something—could I get the spiced Red Velvet latte? Please.”
Your lips shifted into a patient smile as the barista practically sighed in relief, hand on their chest as they muttered, “..much more normal than that last customer,” under their breath. You quirked an eyebrow at this but quickly rested your features. Humans complained too much for folks that—no! No, no, Y/n, quit it. The rule, remember the rule!
“Oh! Also, can I do the student discount? I’m an Eastlaird student.”
There was a missed opportunity as three of the occupants in the room perked up upon hearing that name; alas, your attention was instead fixated on your red clutch. Swiftly unlatching it and digging out two cards: one to show to the barista, your ID, and the second, your debit card. The animated worker leaned in, nodded at the little plastic, and took off some of the charge via the ‘Sugar n’Spice’s Nice Discount.’ With just one swipe of a debit card and a little wave after the machine’s little ‘doot!’ , you were all ready to go and await your beloved order. Your seeking eyes gazed all around the room in search of a table to claim until landing fondly upon a small two-seater. There, in the corner opposite of the old ladies and other waiting humans, was a perfectly empty space. Morning sun rays seemed to illuminate a chair for you to sit in, whispering a ‘come here to enjoy the one thing humans were able to do right, dear!’
After a moment to place your things upon the uninhabited table, you then went over and leaned against the counter near where orders came out and scrolled nonchalantly through your cellular. A scoff or two may have escaped at whatever human news headlines caught your eyes, at least up until your expression glimmered with a split-second of trepidation as an instinctual swipe did away with an unwanted notification.
You have one new message.
➤ MOTHER sent now
Where are you?
Not here, please, agonized the disguised witch silently. This was your one true escape—the one and only getaway from home that you had. Away from the mystic training, away from her, and into a place where you could be a normal... A normal what, human? Don’t even think about finishing that thought.
But, Sugar n’Spice cafe… this was one of the only human-made delights you had…
Surely that granted you one little ‘cross my heart’ secret kept, right?
Trapped in your chest was a deep sigh; you didn’t want to think about your mother. It felt like she had done nothing but push you to your limits as of lately. Constantly claiming that your magic “wasn’t performing at its peak.”, That you “should train more,” —no, even MORE than that, that you should only be training. The ever-lingering pressure to perform and perform well, lest you don’t come up to par with your mother’s expectations, it was starting to get ridiculous. “Seriously Y/n, are you even trying? If you don’t start taking training seriously—” You quickly shoved the memory away violently.
The little device was hastily shoved into your clutch, along with the unpleasant memory. Your eyes closed as the subconscious habit of twisting your ring came in full swing. You did it mostly when nervous, but every so often it would give off a calming effect—and per usual, it served to ground your racing heart in the here and now.
This place was your safe haven. You didn’t want to mar its charm by thinking of that hateful woman who did nothing but dampen your spirits. Just as you were opening your eyes after building up your resolve, one of the baristas called out, “Spiced Red Velvet latte!” Right on time, just the thing to completely nip these nerves in the bud as if clicking a ‘do not disturb for at least an hour’ switch.
You were so focused on your destination, hand reaching out for its prize. So focused in fact, your hand jolted and floated stiffly as your peripheral caught another hand closing in. Far closer than a stranger’s hand should be, and your eyes were blown wide, resting upon the intruder heading straight for the cup—your cup.
Both of you stilled. You followed the hand up until you met the gaze of a culprit who dared to try and steal the drink you ordered every single visit! Just as quickly as you made eye contact with a pair of emerald eyes, the barista’s worried voice snagged your attention once more.
“—that’s right! Sorry, both of you ordered the spiced red velvet latte,” clarified the worker behind the counter, slowly, nervously, pulling their hand away from the fresh beverage. “The, uh, the next one will be out shortly!” They amended, turning back to concocting tasty drinks.
“Sorry! You can go ahead, I’m in no rush.”
Your gaze returned to those bright green irises. His voice was deep and soothing, offering a soft smile as he dipped his head towards your drink. Or rather, a drink whose fate laid in the hands of you both. A shared dilemma.
“Wait—wait what?”
Cue the double-take. From the drink, to those curious green eyes, right on back to the drink. Was this… Selflessness? Displayed by one who belonged to a selfish society? “You’re just letting me have it?”
Now, by no means would you ever forfeit something of yours to a human. Not even a drink mishap like this! But, what stopped you in your tracks was the lack of a rude ‘I’ll be taking this! You can wait for the next drink.’ from the stranger.
“Well, yeah, a’course. Raph prides ‘imself on bein’ respectful— ‘s good manners, too.” He was beaming with a proud grin, crossing his arms and standing with a stance that seemed all-too-heroic. The “amaze” factor of his pose was severely detracted by the gym clothes he wore. Basketball shorts and a tank top, sneakers—was this dude on a morning jog? Not the most heroic get-up.
“R.. Right..” Y/n’s eyes rested on the cup and its steam, lingering there for long enough that the drink’s twin had been completed and slid out on the counter, metaphorically framed by the worker chirping, “Another spiced red velvet latte, for here!”
The gears in your head were turning, still frozen by the smallest gesture, far too small for anyone else, but that meant so much more to you. This is a sign, echoed a thought. As he took his drink, you couldn’t have missed him doing a victorious fist to the air and muttering “You still got it, big guy! The precious drink has been secured.” The whimsical nature of the whole interaction had your hand moving before anything could be thought through enough, driven by a single fear. Pushing your hand, the fear begged you, as though letting this one leave here and now would become the biggest regret of your life.
You nearly whispered the word, feeling an uncharacteristic thump in your chest as those same green hues turned and locked with your own shaky eyes.
“Someone who loves Sugar n’Spice’s spiced red velvet lattes as much as I do, th-that’s hard to find. ‘Cause, y’know what they say, it’s too much sugar and spice.”
“It’s too much sugar n’spice.”
Laughter brought the two together within seconds as the realization that they said the same thing at the same time set in. Y/n’s nerves dissolved—and to be frank, so did this particular stranger’s, not that you would know that.
A shaky invitation was proposed, asking him if he’d like to sit together and share company. With a toothy smile and a nod, the two sat at her claimed table, humming at the clinks the cups made when their bottoms met the polished redwood of the café tables. Just before either could start conversation, one of the old ladies across the room gasped dramatically loud. Y/n would have looked over, had it not been for the man in front of her quickly covering up the scene with a cough and interjection.
His voice cracked, seeming to choke on a bit of unease as your eyes returned to him.
“Ya gotta be a regular, too, then?”
“Yes—what gave it away?”
Y/n inquired, taken aback by such a bizarre deduction. Seriously, what gave it away? She glanced at her drink, her seat, and then to the board. The evidence revealed itself before he continued.
“These drinks ‘ave long since been taken off the menu, but they still serve ‘em for the few regulars who knew about it.”
The happy trill he gave upon sipping the hot drink further lowered your guard as you leaned into your hand. The little voice in your head placed its imaginary hands on your shoulders, leaning into your ear with an ecstatic ‘maybe this one’s a good human? say, don’tcha think nice humans exist? there’s the owners of sugar n’spice, so can’t there be others !!?’
“Quite the observant eye you have, sirrrr… Raph” Dragging out the last word until the name came back to you, the same one he said earlier. You were banking on that having been a third-person-speaking moment as opposed to him giving the name of an absentee.
“Raph,” He nodded in confirmation, to which you dipped your head with him, copying his nod.
“And your name?”
“Oh, it’s Y/n.” Your voice spoke sheepishly, wondering why it had taken you so long to say so.
“Issa lovely name, and a pleasure to meet ‘cha!”His smile was so warm and comforting that you let go of the embarrassment swirling around your head, heating your cheeks. Play it off as being from your drink’s steam, that’ll work! Go on, a little ‘shoooo’ to the maroon-red liquid before taking the lightest sip. Ah, it’s still too hot.
“How long ‘ve you been a patron?”
The friendly human asked in order to continue the conversation. This had a tiny smile appearing on your face. You almost couldn’t remember the first time you stumbled into SnS. You blew out a winded raspberry.
“It’s been a good long while..” Pondering hums reverberated from within as your hands lifted the drink once more in a contemplative sip. This was your first year at Eastlaird, so that …plus a couple of years more, Ah!
“Around 3 or 4 years,”
The cup’s bottom tapped the tabletop with a light clink. Ever since you had found one of the more far-off gateways from the Hidden City to the topside, your nose had followed the sweet aroma of coffee. Now every time you snuck away from your mother, you made sure to squeeze a stop here into the schedule. Fortunately for you, sneaking away was one of your specialties, thus your regular status at said coffeehouse.
“Well Raphs been grabbin’ a drink here for 5 or so years!”
The huma— Raph, added after you finished. You wondered internally how miraculous it was that neither of you had run into each other before.
Silence filled up the space around you both. Though the conversation had reached a momentary halt, Raph caught himself lingering on a potential topic. Should he bring up Eastlaird? It was an overheard tidbit from the exchange between you and the employee at the register. But, how could he phrase it without sounding like a bit of a creep for eavesdropping in the first place? He glanced up from his glass to find you staring out of the window. Head angled slightly upwards as though captivated by something, and so his own gaze curiously followed yours to the bright blue sky.
Nothing particularly interesting nor impressive stuck out to him. It was just an ordinary sky—not exactly a clear sky, an occasional cloud would make it’s gradual trek across the expanse—, but as his eyes came back to you, it seemed your eyes saw something else in the overhead canvas. A soft smile graced your lips as your eyes affectionately soaked up the view. Maybe it was the strokes of light morning pinks and golden yellows streaking across the canvas. Or it might have been the dashes of clouds, like stretched-out cotton clouds, pinned to the board for depth. Something about this thing that Raph had seen every day yet never truly seen, the twinkle in your eyes had him taking another look. The atmosphere between the two of you opened up to him as he began to realize the position he was in.
Here, at a table for two, with a lady as pretty as you. Deceiving you, disguised and still daring to watch fondly at this vulnerable smile you gave. You were the perfect picture of someone who saw a world he didn’t, and that very thing was leaving a sour pit in his chest. Raph immediately looked down at his drink, taking another swig, but this time the sweet drink left a bitter aftertaste. Everything he did sounded louder to his ears—picking the cup up, swallowing the latte, placing it back down. He was suddenly all too aware of every action he made. How couldn’t he be? Look at you, so well put-together and serene, and here he was making a blunder of the whole conversation. You went out of your way to invite him, and his thanks to that was uninteresting small-talk.
Raph suddenly felt…
The gap in the conversation only seemed to widen as the two of you both scavenged for the next topic. It was an understatement to say it was humiliating to you—inviting a stranger, who was a human also, don’t forget that very important bit, and then proceeding to give them the driest conversation in existence?
You took the pause as a chance to take in your delightful beverage, and it seemed he had the same idea. As the rays of sunlight filtered in through the bay window beside your table, framed by decorative brown curtains made of the silkiest fabric and lined with gauzy trim, you both had your spirits raised as you bask in warmth and contentment brought at the sweet and refreshing sting of the beloved lattes. As true to their name, the delicate blend of sugar and spice displayed a masterful dance upon your tongue. It was just the kind of drink to set you at ease and clear your head entirely, so much so that you found yourself needing to place the glass down gently and excuse yourself to the bathroom.
A splash or two met your face, dragging you out of the vulnerable trance that the latte left you in.
Think about it, you are sharing a table with someone you hate. Well, not him personally, but his people! They treated your folks so poorly, shunning and belittling them. Don’t even think for a second that your community had forgotten the witch trials!
But, the little voice in your head interjected. This is someone showing us something different. Surely you see that, right? He is yet another example of a good human, and there has to be more, Y/n, you know it deep down!
And just like that, Y/n could feel herself slowly turning back to thoughts she once had as a child—all because of this, this!
This guy. Something about him was making her falter on the hatred her mother ingrained in her. Something about him was making this soldier fall out of line…
And back at the table, that someone was almost disturbing those around him with how his leg was bouncing. A ding from his phone made his knee instantly knock against the table, spilling some of the liquid in his drink-twin’s cup. Begin the panic! Napkin after wadded napkin built up on the table as Raph worked to clean up the spill as best as he could, almost going so far as to pour some of his in to make up for the bit lost. Alas, some restraint was exercised while checking the notification that started this whole debacle to begin with.
It was from a certain nosy brother, texting for “the deets“ of what was going on.
Agitated, he turned to the old ladies at the window who instantly—DESPERATELY—looked everywhere else, pretending they weren’t just boring holes into the back of his head.
“Knock it off, you two! I will not be giving you the ‘deets!‘ So stay out of it—you’re throwing me off”
Raph turned back after having whisper-shouted to the ‘ladies’. No, scratch that, to the not-so-dearest brothers clad in blue and purple who took to elderly human disguises. Why, you may ask? To keep an eye on their brother who was currently trying out a mystic cloaking prototype.
As he leaned into the palm of his hand, huffing and twiddling with the delicate chain around his neck, Raph thought back on what led up to him being here, his special café, with THEM, his meddling little brothers. His human thumb ran across the twinkling ruby as it gave off a magical glow.
So, roll back the cameras—back before you strolled through the door.
Raph had a rather awkward entrance. By no means had he fibbed about frequenting here for the past five years, but there was a crucial detail left out.
This was the first day that he came in with so little clothes.
Not like that, no, I mean that he usually only ventures into the human’s stores and public spaces in get-ups that had him sticking out like a sore thumb. Like seriously, who wears scarves, hats, masks, and coats in summer and spring? But today, clad with a magical item, he was just a normal human being. Normal humans had the privilege of not melting themselves under radiating suns from seasonally-inappropriate disguises. They also held the privilege of getting their drink ‘for here’ instead of ‘to-go.’
And boy was he grateful for that on this day specifically.
See, when he had his antsy, awkward encounter with the barista minutes before you came in, he had been all-too-prepared to grumpily seat himself with the odd old ladies. He had even encouraged himself, “Alright Raph, you got this!” before making a complete fool of himself.
“Raph would like to buy one spiced red velvet latte, thank you….”
He and the worker exchanged glances for a few moments. Nobody could miss the quirked eyebrow they gave at his approach. Recovering from the oddity, they typed away on their device then wordlessly stared up at him. Raph felt that there was something to be done now, as though their eyes were conveying a ‘Well? Go on?’ message. Come on, Raphie, you’ve done this a million times over, why now do you blank out?
“And uh… Where does he pay..?”
Raph added, giving an apologetic smile to the poor worker whose face almost read as ‘this isn’t the normalest customer service experience I’ve had, but it definitely isn’t the worst.’ They gestured to the card reader, adding a low, confused “here, sir.”
After he then fumbled with his card, Raph finally paid and made his way to the pick-up counter. Not so bad.. definitely could do better. Nonetheless, he was brimming with pride from configuring how to order, as a human. He rocked back n’forth on his heels, only coming to a standstill when his attention gravitated towards the baristas working fluidly. Down he came from all the jittery nerves of talking to a human, especially while in a rather comfortable outfit, perfected with the stylish mutant-cloaking necklace! Raph almost started fiddling with the golden chain yet again, this time out of grateful thank yous to the inanimate jewelry piece.
But he held himself back, hands shifting down into his pockets. Donnie had told him plenty of times to, “refrain from touching it.” Which, fair, it was a prototype, and Raph was sure he would need to permanently avoid this place if he shifted back in front of all these people! Or, well, all the workers. Not really a busy place when you’re quite literally a hidden gem. Needless to say, he was only halfway aware of his surroundings when the door chimed. A bell rang out and in walked a figure wearing his favorite color.
Now the color alone would always catch his eye, but the reason he lingered was solely because of her. First, he started at the sandals. Awfully pretty, especially with how they wrapped up and around her calves. Raph could never pull that off, he concluded mentally. Next, his gaze continued to climb, taking in the red dress. The way it—
He blinked and began chiding himself for staring so blatantly. It wasn’t polite! Raph’s eyes darted back to the front and center, aimlessly looking at the menu he may or may not have known well enough to not even look. Away his gaze went, searching for yet another sight to focus on. Ah, right, he noticed the baristas had yet to start on his drink, which he didn’t mind, he wasn’t in a rush for anything more than a normal thing to look at for as long as needed without being creepy. A sign, a table, even a chip in the floors! But all too quickly he found his eyes roaming back to her. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail; although, a few pesky strands must have been bothering her because occasionally her swift hand moved to brush them right back behind her ear.
His phone buzzed, bringing him back from his staring trance once again. It was the perfect opportunity to distract himself, and so when he glanced at the notification, the last thing he wanted to see was a notification from Leo. Raph held in an eye roll as he read, ‘Staring quite hard there, brother of mine’ He promptly let his phone slip back into the pockets of his basketball shorts, leaving the message on delivered.
Though he did lull his head towards the two elderly dressed women in one corner of the coffeehouse, giving the one clad in blue a hard stare that read his reply, Shut up. Raph knew full well he was guilty of the accused crime, staring. Didn’t mean he wanted or needed to be called out by his very annoying little brother, and it definitely didn’t help that Leo had a smug face despite the ridiculous amount of makeup he had on. “Gotta look the part!” Leo’s voice echoed in Raph’s head from earlier this morning, as Leo somehow forced Donnie to put on the makeup as well. They looked absurd, and Raph was thankful for the cloaking necklace now more than ever.
Still, Raph found his gaze trailing back to you so much that he dragged his hands down his face, stretching and groaning out, low and exhausted. It wasn’t till the call for a “Spiced red velvet latte!” broke his trance enough that he sluggishly moved over. Like a crescendo, his energy came back with each step until he reached for his drink with a polite nod to the barista. Their shocked look and follow-up sentence was what brought his eyes elsewhere. Down to the cup.
The hand he recognized much-too-quickly stiffly hovered near, and her gaze was a mixture of an unknown emotion and pure confusion. He, too, stiffened up as though meeting the eyes of Medusa herself. Gosh, she’s even prettier up close, a side-tracked thought said, only for him to recoil his rude hand and gesture to the drink. He was apologizing before your gaze could shift into anything that may have ached his heart, following it up with insisting you take the drink. He could wait! Whatever you were saying next was muffled as he found himself entirely entranced, answering in automated sentences that may or may not have been prepared, had he found himself locked in small talk with a human.
So, to break the trance, he accepted the next identical latte handed to him and turned, quick to flee the scene. That is, until the spell knocked up a notch with your hand on him, inviting him to sit.
And that is exactly how he got into this position: sipping his latte as he watched you come back over to your rightful seat, having left the lavatory. All while trying his best to look like a normal person who definitely did not make some of your drink rock out of its mug a second ago. No, not him. Totally. He’s innocent.
“Sorry! I was, er… Splashing my face. To do away with some sleepiness…”
Raph nodded, taking another sip of his drink that had since cooled down. Did he look guilty? Was he playing it off? He choked up on the sweet liquid upon your next statement.
“Whuh—it’s sticky, did you spill something?”
Curiosity and a bit of wariness swirled in your eyes as they bore through him, begging for an answer. He was caught red-handed, entirely so. All he could do was admit his crime, a sigh slipping his lips as he gave an ashamed look to the left like a regretful puppy-dog.
“I was hopin’ I’d cleaned up alla mess ‘fore ya got back. I had some nervous jitters and knocked the table.. Sorry, Y/n..”
There was yet another one of those uncharacteristic thumps in your chest when his eyes met yours, pleading forgiveness. Rather than the usual bitterness settling in your chest, you found yourself a tad bit more patient towards this special boy. Your cheeks flushed, emitting a heat soothed by the cool side of your hand pressing against it with an even more uncharacteristic stammering.
“Y-You’re fine.. Thank you, for the honesty and clearing the mess.”
The next bout of silence was less awkward and more-so dizzying—in a good way. It fluttered your heart and felt welcoming. As the last bit of your drink passed your lips and settled inside, filling you with blissful comfort, you held out a hand for his empty mug. Perhaps a change of heart would do you some good—a kind gesture returned for someone who truly deserved none of your hatred. His eyes met yours, quickly understanding as he stood and passed the cup to you. This moment was coming to an end, and somehow that made your eyes sting for a moment. It was almost as if a tear was threatening you to prolong it as the ceramics were placed upon their respective ‘for-washing’ pedestals at the disposal corner.
“Well, Raph… it was nice meeting you.”
His smile had you considering an option you would never ever do. Your mind strayed to where your phone was, itching to ask this boy a certain question. Together, you both walked out of the café—and again, you missed how the two old ladies were practically becoming the window with how hard they pressed to the glass, nosily watching.
The morning sun was still bright in the sky, shining through clouds in a way that almost spotlighted you guys as you gathered the courage to ask! Turning to face him, you bit the bullet and opened your mouth!
“Could we exch—IRK!”
Y/n lurched forwards when someone knocked into her in a fashion that just couldn’t have been played off as an accident. Thankfully she had bumped straight into Raph (and tried desperately to ignore how nice his chest felt), but the draining, nauseating feeling that began quickly washing over was enough to raise alarms.
And she knew the exact cause. It wasn’t the closeness to a human or the lack of an “excuse me” or “sorry” for shoving her. No, there was another, far more important cause to the sickness tightening. Y/n raised her dominant hand, holding her clutch and finding that a special ring was no longer wrapped around her finger. Of the things to have taken, had this one thing seemed much more important than a literal wallet?!
“The nerve of some people! He totally meant th—Y/n, whoa, ya look pale! Are you okay?”
His hand instinctually made contact with you, brushing some stray hairs away from your face as you had done a few times earlier.
“Th-That guy, he—thief, he took my-my!”
You held your hand, twirling air around where a ring once was. Raph blanked for a second, thinking you had meant something to do with your clutch, but as his eyes zeroed in on the light prints of an absent ring, it suddenly all made sense to Raph. A rushed “What? Wait here,” was muttered before he was quickly pursuing the thief. All while leaving you against the outside walls of the café.
You watched Raph’s figure leave. A heavy exhale clawed itself from your chest. How foolish! You had been so caught up in thought—about asking for Raph’s number, that you had allowed someone to get so close. Too close, right into your personal space, and completely able to swipe your ring.
That small piece of jewelry was dearer to you than anything else you owned. It was what contained your power, or rather, what kept it in control. Without it, you were a hazard who started leaking mystic energy immediately. Red sparks crackling around your eyes when you were pushed.
Just seconds from a potential disaster, but somehow it was Raph’s voice that snapped you out of it. You couldn’t lose control here in front of the one place you swore to protect from your evil. You wouldn’t lose control in front of him. So when you barely explained with a shaky voice and he quickly sprung into action, leaving you, there was relief swirling around. This was a good thing. You’d rather him not be around to witness if you couldn’t maintain a firm grip on your power. Not him. Okay, try to distract yourself. Control, think about anything else, anything but your magic right now.
Oh, right! He had held you!
The thought struck you so fiercely your cheeks heated to the same shade as your dress. The warmth of his arms holding you lingered. Even just remembering the feel of his broad chest had you utterly distracted. And it hadn’t stopped there! He had brushed your hair away from your face, his fingers so careful and gentle. That type of touch was quite foreign to you. It had you blushing even more furiously than before—if that was even possible. Your eyes never left Raph’s back until he dashed out of view into an alleyway.
As soon as Raph had seen your expression twist and realized you had been wronged, it was like his body moved before his brain could catch up. The perpetrator had sped up into a jog, after hearing Y/n call out “thief.”
Luckily there weren't that many people crowding the sidewalks this morning. Especially since this part of the city wasn't as advertised. Raph’s green eyes tracked the punk as he dodged into an alleyway. He pushed himself faster, shrinking any chances of this guy getting away right on down to zero. Maybe even into the negatives if he tried hard enough,
Fate was on Raph’s side, as is befitting of the hero, because he slowed to a stop to find the petty criminal glaring at the dead end before him. The universe was practically handing this criminal over to Raph in a cute little red bow right now.
“Alright felon, hand back the stolen ring.”
His voice was rough and commanding. Above all else, he despised those who preyed on the weak. Criminal acts like these deserved a good beating, but Raph was willing to compromise on that if this perp coughed up the ring without making things difficult.
“Back up, hero!”
The cornered thief sneered as he brandished a knife, waving it threateningly.
Raph couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped. If only this guy knew! Raph and his brothers faced weapons tenfold more menacing on every patrol. He doubted such a dull thing could even pierce his shell. For a second, he toyed with the thought of taking off the cloaking necklace. Showing his true form. This punk looked like the type to wet himself, and the slight trembling in his hand that wielded such a crude weapon didn’t go unnoticed by Big Raphie.
“They always wanna do it the hard way,”
Raph murmured, shaking his head as he moved forward. This guy was sorely underestimating him. It was comical! Raph ended up wondering if his human form, despite its size, just wasn’t all that intimidating. That would be new to him. So Raph opted for using this to his advantage. After all, he may look big, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t fast, and what was more rewarding than proving wrong the criminal foolish enough to underestimate the Raphael Hamato?
The crook hardly got a second to blink before he was sprawled out on the ground, clutching his gut as he dragged in wounded breaths. Securely in Raph’s palm rested a wooden ring, Y/n’s ring. It had a band of red jewels inside that glimmered brightly even though the alleyway was covered in shadows. He smiled to himself, it seemed as though you really liked this color. His color.
Yet another thing the two of you had in common, other than drinks. How much more did the two of you share interest in?. He wanted—no, needed—to find out.
Now Raph was sure he had held back on his punches, but it was painfully obvious this culprit was struggling to even stand. I see no issue with him turning his back on a downed enemy, do you? Was that overkill? No? Maybe? Who’s here to judge him, honestly?
“Next time, think twice before stealing from a pretty lady.”
He growled over his shoulder before starting up a run back to you. Raph hoped he hadn’t taken too long as he tried to move just a little faster to get back to your side.
Since having been left by Raph, you were finding each second to be harder and harder to restrain the burst of overflowing magic. Thoughts and distractions could only take you so far before fizzling out. Just as you were your mother’s vessel for revenge, that ring was your vessel for magic—a conduit, even. Others would even call it your arcane focus.
Bottomline was, without it, you could barely handle the destructive force pinballing around within. It seems the state you were in was so worrying that the two elderly ladies from the cafe came out, frantically bickering in harsh whispers that were all too muffled in your ears.
Was it getting hot in here, or was it just you? Anyone else? Just you? Alright. Your body pressed harder into the cafe’s brick walls, soothed by the coolness they held. Your head was spinning, with worry and desperation. Was this area hidden enough to attract more danger? Had you really been so foolish as to leave yourself open in prime human territory? Hell, what if this was all an elaborate trick and that thief was actually in cahoots with Raph, and vice versa?
But, what if these are all just your delirious, panicked thoughts? Remember the little voice, the one beckoning hope. She wants to believe humans are good. She wants to believe Raph is good.
You want to believe humans are good, don’t you? How did that one saying go, the one about how even the smallest things can cause the biggest changes? However it went, it seemed this Raph human might have been your smallest thing, creating this ripple of thoughts in your head.
Or, again, maybe that’s the delirium.
You had almost entirely given up on the last bits of hope for Raph being good when finally you saw his silhouette running back to you. He had the widest grin on his face, waving your focus in the air and calling out “Y/n! I got it, ya don’t gotta worry!”
You weren’t sure when the ladies had left, but when he slowed down in front of you and took your hand, you couldn’t help but notice you were all alone.
Old humans were… strange.
Color returned to your skin, the plummeting left your chest, and your tremors ceased as the polished wooden ring slid back into its rightful place upon your hand.
“Th-Thank you…”
You breathed out, allowing yourself to press into him once again with your senses returning faster than you were capable of handling with a straight face. Your forehead rested against his chest as the overflowing energy was being vacuumed right on back to the ring, leaving you far more winded than any training session with Mother had done.
“It’s no problem, Y/n… This ring must be really important to have you this… Upset…”
His voice was softer than it had been during your talks inside. There was obvious concern and worry laced in it. Such kindness was nearly unrecognizable to you, so forgive the temporary dependence on it.
“More than you know, Raph..”
You replied, rubbing the ring so that it twirled around your skin—a nervous habit that Raph took notice to almost immediately. Forgive him, as well, for the heightened attention he had on you right now. A fond smile settled upon his lips as something came back to him suddenly.
“About your question a moment ago, before… well, this. Sure.”
You looked up, confused by what he meant. The smile he gave you was enough to put even more hope in your head, eroding the grime and muck that poisoned you, beckoning you deeper to the villainous pits.
“T’exchange numbers, right? That was what ya almost asked?”
Oh! You had completely forgotten that part. Straightening up and taking a coy step back from him, you pulled your cellular from a pocket in your dress (because, really, what villain wears a dress without pockets? never you, of course) and handed it to him with bashful joy.
After the exchange, you both waved your goodbyes, then turned your adoring gaze to the contact in your phone.
𝘙𝘢𝘱𝘩𝘢𝘦𝘭 (𝘚𝘙𝘝 𝘓𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘦 𝘛𝘸𝘪𝘯)
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cloudcountry · 11 months
HI AUBURN!!!!!! dunno if we’re close enough moots for me to req this but could I mayhaps enter in Ashi for your 1.8k event?? 😳 (WHICH LIKE. GRATS BTW!!!! THATS CRAYCRAY POP OFF)
🤔 there’s this certain rewrite w her concerning Ghost Marriage so I was wondering if I could get a rewrite where
1.) when Ace barges in, he stops the marriage between her and Eliza instead of Idia and Eliza (and Ace gets EXTRA pissed)
2.) Ashi and Ace playing around w the ghost ring and a fake one
—Ashi cross dresses and shoots for Eliza right before the final group enters to try and woo her over (cuz she sees all the guys fail and she’s like “yyyeah. watch me pull this ghost lady better than y’all)
—she succeeds actually!!! she woos Eliza over w her W rizz and allows Idia to escape
—Her and Ace previously fool around w the ghost ring; causing a real and fake to get mixed up
—so guess what. she accidentally uses a fake ring instead of the one actually needed 😔 banishing no more
—NOW ASHI’S TRAPPED AND BOUND TO MARRY ELIZA!!!!!! (and Ace is left to blame)
ALSO JUST TO CLARIFY!!!!!! <333 I’d like it to be like....... besties but mutual pining yk 🙏 cuz they’re just besties so far at this stage (Ace is in denial)
AAAAA dont worry ashi!!! your oc page is very detailed so i think i can write her right!! at least i hope so ^^" THANK YOU THANK OYU <3333 AAAAA!!!!!!!
thast literally so goofy i love ALL of this LMAO (mutual pining...rubbing my hands together evilly I GOTCHA!!!)
i read that thing about him calling you cherrypie and i think thats the cutest thing :(((( but he calls you goober here since that was on yuor oc page and i thought taht was funny LMAO
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Ashi isn’t sure how Ace acquired it (although it most likely came from a visit with Sam) but the grin on his face melts away her concern and leaves a giddy mischief in its place.
“Doesn’t it look just like that ring the Headmage wants to use to send that bride back to her realm?” Ace laughs, twirling it around the tip of his finger, “Can you imagine what would happen if someone were to switch out the rings?”
“Ace, c’mon!” Ashi shakes her head, giggling along with him.
His grin turns wicked, and before Ashi knows it he’s snatched the real ring right out of her pocket. She shrieks for him to give it back, hurling vicious insults such as “meanie” and “stupid,” but Ace doesn’t relent.
“Where is the real ring? I bet you’ll never guess.” he smirks, holding out his closed hands.
His eyebrows are doing that irritating thing he does when he’s feeling a bit too smug.
“You’re a cheater! I bet it’s in your pocket.” Ashi lunges for him, digging her hand into his pocket as Ace jerks away, trying to get her off.
Sure enough, she pulls out the ring with a triumphant “ah ha!” Ace rolls his eyes and makes a big show of huffing about it, but his eyes linger on her radiant smile as she sticks her tongue out at him.
“It’s not like you play fair either, you goober!” he cackles, jerking his arm out to snatch the ring from her hands.
As their hands collide, both rings go soaring through the air and clatter to the floor. Ashi and Ace look over in the direction they landed, only to come to the sinking revelation that neither of them knew which one was which.
“Can you tell which one’s the fake?” Ashi asks, tilting her head.
Ace removes himself from her to confidently saunter over to the rings, scooping them off the ground and flashing them with a smirk.
“Don’t worry goober, I got it. You almost messed things up there, huh? This is totally the fake one.” Ace mocks, flicking Ashi’s nose when he’s made his way back to her and places the real ring in her hand.
“Oh quiet you!” she pinches his cheek, face heating up at the teasing.
Ace rubs his pink cheek and glares, but the glare holds no malice.
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Ashi watches in amusement as Idia is thrown to the side, totally blown off by Eliza. Ashi kneels before the bride, arms outstretched as if to accept her. Eliza squeals, rushing towards her “groom” with stars in her eyes. Ashi takes her hand, gently, and gives Eliza the most affectionate look she can.
“It’s an honor to be wed to you, my lady.” Ashi grins, a dazzling smile that makes Eliza swoon in her arms.
The ring slides onto her finger, and...
Nothing happens.
Ashi looks confused but quickly schools her face. Eliza doesn't notice the way her smile falls, and instead swoops Ashi up into her arms and calls for her attendants.
“Please, escort Mr. Tamadai to the dressing rooms! I await our wedding, my darling!” Eliza giggles behind her hand, waving Ashi goodbye.
Footsteps pound on the stone flooring outside the room and Ashi looks at the door with hope. The door flies open with a loud bang, causing all the ghosts to jump out of their nonexistent skin.
“Stop the wedding!” Ace yells, pointing an accusatory finger at Eliza, “You! Bride lady! We gotta talk!”
Eliza scoffs, all warmth in her deposition gone as Ace storms up to her with fire in his eyes. Ashi tries to go to him, but the ghosts are keeping such a harsh grip on her arms that it’s starting to hurt.
“Ace!” she yells, and he whips his head around at the sound of her voice.
He turns back to the bride with a clenched jaw and a furrowed brow.
“Listen here, all of you! You can’t just force someone to marry you! Relationships don’t work like that! Ashi doesn’t want to marry you at all! Aren’t the rest of you ashamed? You’re just enabling your princess into feeling even lonelier as the years go on because you’re not letting her let go! You all sound like useless retainers to me!” Ace yells, “Let go of Ashi right now!  I’m gonna get this ring on your finger and send you off once and for all!”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about! Mr. Tamadai was quite sweet in his courting! He even answered all my questions correctly! He's perfect!” Eliza insists, voice breaking as she speaks.
“Uh, news flash princess!” Ace snaps, “You shouldn’t be picking your prince based on a few questions. How about picking someone you can laugh and cry with? Someone you can share everything with?”
He looks over at Ashi and pauses.
“Someone that makes you feel like you can be something. Even if you know you’re a stupid troublemaker.” he says, voice softer for just a moment before he turns back to the princess, “Have your retainers taught you nothing? It’s embarrassing that I have to spell this out for you, seriously!”
Ashi squirms in the ghost's hold, her cheery smile fading into a frustrated grimace. The rare sight makes Ace’s breath hitch, and his anger only gets more intense.
“Don’t listen to him, princess!” Puffy yells, taking his place next to Eliza, “How dare you say such things! I would fight the world to make sure the princess is happy, you—!”
Ashi gnaws at her lower lip before slipping one of Ace’s stupid cards out of her pocket. Sliding it between her two fingers just like he taught her, she flicks it at Eliza.
The card reaches its mark.
The ghosts restraining her rush to their princess as she yelps out in pain and Ashi beams. It's funny how Ace’s tricks were useful in situations like this, even though all he ever used them for was to target Riddle.
“Princess!” she yells, running towards her, “Wait!”
Eliza shakes off her hovering attendants to gaze upon her groom, a sour pout on her face.
“Listening, I’m not actually a guy. I was dressing the part because my and my homies were trying to save Idia over there.” she points to the boy in question, watching as he shrivels up again at the attention, “But I think you should totally marry Puffy! He seems to really care about ya! And just like Acey said, you’re supposed to find someone you can laugh and cry with right? He was about to fight this whole room for you!”
Eliza stops as if considering what Ashi just said. Ace’s hand circles her wrist, as if ready to run and find cover if the ghosts actually do attack. His subtle concern warms her heart.
“Oh Puffy...I think I’ve finally figured it out.” Eliza turns to her ghostly companion and smiles, eyes full of love, “You’re my prince! My true love!”
“What?!” Ace squawks, but Ashi presses a finger to his lips to shush him.
“Princess...all I’ve ever wanted was to see you smile.” Puffy murmurs, cheeks turning blue, “It’s my dream...my lingering attachment...I just want you to be happy.”
“Oh, Puffy!” Eliza swoons, kissing him without a second thought.
“What just happened?” Ace blinks, absolutely baffled by the display in front of him.
“I dunno, but we should get everyone else out!” Ashi beams as the sound of groans and complaints reach their ears, “It sounds like the curse has been broken!”
As Ashi runs off to help a whining Floyd, Ace puffs up his cheeks and stares.
She looks really pretty in that suit.
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winterpower98 · 2 years
Two dads talking about their kids
This is, surprisingly, from an RP I'm doing with @elianaroselight. There are many moments that I want to edit and make into little one shots, because I really liked how some dialogues and interactions came out, but for now you get this very simple one.
Kai diverted his attention from the flute Beng was carving back to his parents, and he run happily to them when he saw that his mama was back. Ri Shi hugged her baby close "Hello, Pumpkin pie. Having fun with uncle Beng?" "Yes! The flute is almost ready!" Beng chuckled from his spot "Not almost kid. It won't be ready before after lunch" "That's okay!" Kai nodded and grinned brightly. "Do you want to keep watching as your uncle work or do you want to do something else in the meantime, Muffin?" Ri Shi patted the kid's head gently, watching as he purred happily in her hold. He took a moment to think before answering her "I wanna be with mama." The solar monkey laughed softly as he snuggles closer "Alright Kai. Do you want to do some yoga then?" "What's yoga?" "It's when I do those weird poses in the sun that you sometimes copy" "Oh! Yeah, okay!" He cheers and grins, causing his mother to laugh. The monkey gets up from her place next to Ju Jing and walks to the nearest spot that has a bit of sunlight. Kai eagerly walks up to her and she moves him around so that he's posing the same way she is "Try to copy me, alright Kai?" Kai nodded excitedly as he got ready to copy his mama. Ri Shi moves slowly, giving the little demon the time to imitate what she was doing. When he posed as close as possible he beamed with his tail wagging fast and the monkey couldn't help the little giggle that escaped her. Ju Jing grins as he watches happily next to Beng. After a bit, he turns to the gibbon "Would Bai He ever do this with Ba as a child?" "Sort of, Bai He mostly waddled around her mother when she was doing yoga or tai chi. Every pose her mother got in was an excuse to climb on her and look around" the old demon said with a soft smile, remembering every time he went to check on his daughter only to find her looking at her mom upside down. Ju Jing chuckles "Adorable. Would she do something similar to you?" "The climbing? Oh yes, every baby monkeys does that to be fair" Beng paused in his work to look at the oni in confusion "Did Kai Hu never do that with you?" "Not to the same extent. Not with me at least. He would ask to be picked up. I think he was scared to climb that high. But the rest of the family wouldn't get a break. Most of the time he would cling to them" The gibbon chuckled softly as he started to work on the wood again "Oh, that makes sense. He does look like a cuddly kid" "He definitely is. He is very much a family kind of kid." "That's good..." the old general speaks in a softer tone "It's nice to see that your tragedy didn't stop Kai to enjoy his life. And you too" "Thank you. Honestly, I have Ri Shi to thank for that... She has helped me through some of the darkest days and nights in my life. She helped me love again. She may not have the most natural of parental instincts, but she slipped into it much easier than she ever believes." "I'm sure you know this already, but she was very worried at first. More for Kai's sake than for herself. She ended up talking a lot with Ba and Mami, looking for advice and comfort." Beng patted Ju Jing's shoulder, giving him a sincere smile "She did a lot for you, but you also did a lot for her" The oni nodded slightly and smiled. "I didn't know her before, but I have certainly seen much growth in her since she came into my life." He says softly as he watches his wife and son. "I'm thankful she has had Mami and your wife to help her figure out motherhood... Was it as hard for Ba as it was for Ri Shi?" The gibbon took a moment to answer him "I'm afraid it was slightly harder for Ba. While she didn't plan to be a mother much like Ri Shi, she didn't have anyone to rely on outside of me. And for as many books on parenthood I read, there were still a lot of things I didn't know" Ju Jing hummed, understanding how hard it had to be for the gibbon couple "It's always scary when you start, isn't it? I was a nervous wreck for weeks after Kai was born. It wasn't good... The fact that our wives had rough times at slipping into motherhood and for the worries and fears we all had, we lucked out in having the sweetest and most forgiving kids out there, didn't we? " "Yes, we did... But I like to think it's not for luck, but because of her mother that Bai He is the way she is. Maybe it could be the same for Kai with both Ju Ling and Ri Shi?" "Because Ba needed someone as sweet as Bai He as her child? To help her with entering into motherhood?" "That too, yes. But also because, despite her fears and worries, Ba put her whole self into being the best mother she could be. I don't know what your late mate was like, but by looking at Kai I can tell she must have been pretty much the same" Ju Jing chuckles "To the point where I would have to ask Kai to help me get Ju Ling to rest, nap, or just relax in general. A busy body that adored Kai and being a mother..." Beng gave him a gentle smile, clearly understanding what the oni was feeling "She did a wonderful job with Kai, Ju Jing. You both have. And I think Ri Shi is learning to do the same" As he said that he turned around to look at the mother and son. The solar monkey was standing on all four with one leg up and Kai did his best to imitate her until he lost his balance and fell to the ground Ri Shi giggled softly as she sat down on the grass to help the kid up "Good job, cupcake. Wanna try it again?" The little kid nodded, showing his mom he was determined. The monkey laughed softly at his display before giving him a small kiss on the head and helping him get into position again Ju Jing chuckled. "I think he will remain sweet." He said amused to Beng.
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serasvictoria · 2 years
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Title: Pretty Persuasion
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Female Reader
Summary: You are the proud owner of Hawkins Records and have been for some years now, but dwindling sales mean that you might be forced to close the store that you love so much. Help comes in the form of Eddie Munson, former friend and frontman of a very successful band, but since the two of you hadn't parted in the best way 12 years ago there is no telling what will happen when you reunite again.
Word Count: 19.398
Content warning: 18+ mdni. Porn with lots of feelings. I am not joking, there are a lot of feels in this. Two idiots in love. Swearing. Oral (m and f receiving). Unprotected sex (p in v). Alcohol use, but nothing outrageous. Short haired Eddie (hey, if the guys from Metallica got a haircut in the 90s, Eddie can get one too). Please let me know if I missed something!
Notes: This story takes place in 1996 and Eddie and Reader are both 30 years old. Reader character graduated in 1984, the year that Eddie was supposed to have graduated as well, and left Hawkins shortly afterwards.
I made a playlist for this that I played whilst writing and it can be found right here for people that are interested. It's mainly alternative music from the 90s from bands that I love.
Beta read by the lovely Pearl. Any remaining mistakes are all mine.
Tagging @adrille88 @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie @quantumlocked310 @kaybee87 @istorkyou
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“Hawkins Records, how can I help you?”
Eddie bit his bottom lip. This was crazy. This was probably the craziest idea that he ever had in his entire life.
“Hello?” He swallowed and before he could answer, the feminine voice on the other end started talking again. “Chase, is that you again? I can hear you breathing down the phone, you fucking perv. I swear to god if you call again I will fucking end you. We’re talking about me taking a pair of garden scissors to your house and cutting off your balls.”
“Wow,” Eddie said with a laugh. “Jesus. Harsh.”
“Oh.“ The surprise in her tone is clearly audible, even in just that one word. “I’m sorry, but we’ve been having some issues.”
“I can tell.” He laughed again and ran his hand through his hair nervously. “Look, I’ll make it quick, because I don’t want that guy to miss out on your furious, and might I add, sexy voice…”
“Fuck you,” the voice on the other end countered with a chuckle of her own. “But what can I do for you then? Want me to hold a copy of the Alice in Chains Unplugged CD for you?”
“Nah, thanks, I already have one,” he replied.
“Lucky you.” Eddie decided not to mention that he was given a copy by Jerry Cantrell himself. He didn’t like to brag. “So? What do you need?”
“Well, it’s not about what I need, but about what you need.” He could hear her groan on the other end so he kept talking before she gave him a lashing with her tongue (which he wouldn’t have minded much to be honest and he hadn’t even seen the girl). “I heard that the store isn’t doing too great…”
“Yeah.” Her voice sounded decidedly smaller then, with a lot less confidence and bravado as before. “We got til the end of the year,” she sighed. “Unless I win the fucking lottery or something.”
“Guess this is your lucky day then, because I can make all your troubles go away,” he snapped his fingers next to the mouthpiece. “Just like that.”
“I don’t get it.”
“I want to make you an offer you can’t refuse...”
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That was two weeks ago.
And now Eddie Munson was on his way to Hawkins Records.
Eddie Fucking Munson. Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson as almost everyone at school used to call him. Eddie, the singer and lead guitarist of Corroded Coffin, the band that you’d seen play many a time at The Hideout before they’d made it big.
It was insane that you could even say that you once knew the frontman of a band that played at sold out venues all over the world. It had taken them years to get there, but they had made it.
While you had been away at college, Gareth, their drummer, graduated and shortly thereafter all four of them had left Hawkins to record a demo in Indianapolis.
Their self-titled demo was available in the store, still did reasonably well actually, and it got reprinted almost every single year. The first pressings were worth quite a bit of money and you actually had two of them upstairs, something that you had been saving for a “rainy day”. You had been slowly trying to get yourself used to the fact that that day might come a lot sooner than you thought, but then Eddie had called to make his offer, to buy the store and thus taking care of all your financial difficulties.
If he had been serious about it at all that was.
Because there was every chance that he might change his mind when he found out that you were the current owner. There was a history between the two of you that you’d rather not think of, but for all you knew, Eddie could turn on his heel and walk straight out again as soon as he saw your face.
The bell above the door rings and you instantly call out, “He’s not here yet.”
It didn't take a genius to figure out who had come round to check if Eddie had arrived. Again. It was only the ninth time that he had come round since the store had opened almost four hours ago.
Hurried footsteps approached the counter and when he reached it, his fingers started drumming on the old wood nervously. “He said that he’d be here over an hour ago,” Dustin says as he keeps his eyes firmly pointed at the door.
“Maybe he’s stuck in traffic somewhere,” you reply as you turn the page of the current edition of Rolling Stone magazine, something that you were barely reading at all. It had Jenny McCarthy on the cover with a hotdog that she was spraying loads of mustard on in a suggestive manner. “Or you know, it could all be some elaborate joke.”
“He’d never do that.” Dustin looks slightly shocked that you even suggested that at all. His curly hair, which was usually hidden underneath a cap, was slicked back. There was so much wet-look gel in it that it shone like crazy. “Eddie loves this place.”
“I know,” you reply with an annoyed tone in your voice. Looking back down at the page, the words ‘An artist wears his work in place of wounds’ in a Patti Smith article caught your attention. “I used to come here with him, you know.”
Whenever Eddie had money to spare, he’d be in here and looking for new releases. When he was listening to something that he liked, which was often, he’d pull the worn headphones off his head and shove them in your face, while excitedly telling you, “You’ve got to hear this.”
You had been with him when he bought Judas Priests’ Defenders of the Faith for example, which had been proclaimed as the best thing ever by Eddie at the time. The then owner, Rob, had later gifted a poster with the cover art on it to Eddie which he had stuck to his bedroom wall that same afternoon. You also distinctly remembered Eddie making fun of your, sometimes poor, taste in music, like when you had bought R.E.M.’s Murmur, a band that you still loved and whose second album you were playing right now.
Every good memory of your teenage years was tied up to this store.
And to Eddie Munson.
“It’s why you took over, right?”
“What?” Your mouth falls open, completely in shock over his question. “I didn’t buy this store because of Eddie! W-why would I- fuck. That would be so incredibly stupid!” Dustin raises an eyebrow, obviously not believing you. “I didn’t! I love this place and I didn’t want to see it turned into another run of the mill store. And look where that got me.”
“It’s okay,” Dustin replies as his fingernail picks at a loose piece of veneer on the old counter. “Eddie will save the day.”
“Yeah right. I still say that all this is some elaborate pr-“
Before you can finish your sentence, the door suddenly swings open, making the bell ring again. You didn’t look up from your magazine this time either, especially not when you heard that voice.
“Jesus. This place hasn’t changed a bit.”
You gave yourself a quick once over and deemed yourself passable enough. Since you had been half convinced that Eddie was never going to show, you hadn't even attempted to dress up. It was hot as fuck too, the height of summer, and the old AC barely offered enough in terms of cooling the place down, so you had opted for a pair of jean shorts and a black tank top with the name of the record store printed on it.
At least the clothes were clean. Thank god for that.
Despite not wanting to, fearful of a look of disappointment on his face when he saw that you were now working here, you did eventually look in his direction. It was all too easy to picture that same boy that you had hung out with daily all those years ago. The youthful exuberance didn't appear to have left him at all, but he wasn't the same guy that you had once known.
His hair was a lot shorter for starters.
Back then, he had vowed never to cut it, even though he had had a buzzcut in middle school. The long hair was part of his persona, an extension of it if you will, and he had made jokes about how all his strength was in his hair, very much like Samson. It was cut short now, but still long enough to show off his curls, with one curled over his forehead in what was either a deliberate or accidental move.
His clothing hadn’t changed much. His outfit was still predominantly black, with jeans that were so tight that it looked like they had been spray painted on. His shirt, with a faded Metallica print, was sleeveless and showed off all the new tattoos that he had gotten over the years. You briefly wondered whether there was a piece of his skin that hadn’t been inked yet.
Different, but still the same.
“You’re late!” Dustin calls out.
“Traffic was a bitch,” Eddie replies with a chuckle. “Is that you, Henderson?”
"Who else?" Dustin approaches him and is immediately swept up in a big hug. Dustin had told you that he and Eddie had kept in touch before. From the moment that he had found out that both of you knew Eddie, he hadn't shut up about him. In fact, Dustin had been the one that had told Eddie that the store hadn't been doing well. "Hey, man."
"Hey." They release each other and Eddie pats Dustin's back one more time for good measure. "Haven't seen you in a while, big man." It had looked like Eddie had wanted to say more, but you could see his nose crinkle in disgust even from this distance. "The fuck. R.E.M.? I fucking hate those guys."
You scoff loudly from behind the counter and that was when he finally noticed you. "Fuck you, Munson. Pretty Persuasion is the best song ever."
"Is not, loser," he counters like he used to do more than ten years ago as well. "Jesus,” he grins. “Talk about a blast from the past."
"Something like that," you mumble as you finally close your magazine and move it to the side.
You could hear Michael Stipe singing ‘He’s got a pretty persuasion’ through the speakers. It felt very appropriate to you.
Despite Eddie always being very vocal in his dislike of everything R.E.M., you did wonder if he even heard the lyrics and whether he finally realized that whenever you heard that song, you always thought of him. Sadly, he showed no sign of awareness as his eyes swept over the place that he used to know like the back of his hand and your shoulders immediately slumped in defeat.
Too good to be true, eh? Just like old times, you thought to yourself and tried to settle into an air of indifference, the only line of defense that you had left.
Eddie started walking around the store like he used to do back then as well, with Dustin hot on his heels instead of you on this particular occasion. He kept looking up at the walls and the various release posters that you had plastered all over it.
Some of which were old, like the one for Sonic Youth’s Daydream Nation which hung next to one for Rage Against The Machine’s Evil Empire which had been up there for about three months now.
You saw Eddie reach out and touch the Kurt Cobain poster, in a sign of respect. Some local kids had turned into some kind of shrine after Kurt had died two years ago, scribbling messages on it about how much he had meant to them. You didn’t have it in you to take it down.
Eddie and Dustin were talking in hushed tones, laughing occasionally, as they slowly made their way to the counter. Seeing Eddie up close for the first time in ages was making you nervous already.
Stop it, you think to yourself. You're being ridiculous. It's just Eddie. No big deal. Maybe he forgot all about what happened and then you can get on with your life.
"Didn't know you worked here," Eddie said when he was a couple of feet away from you.
"I own the place.” You almost sound too casual, which was a miracle seeing how you were a total mess on the inside.
"Really? Since when?"
"Since Rob died, so that's… what?” You start counting on your fingers quickly. “Eight years ago now?"
It was shortly after you graduated from college and you were still in that “What next?” stage of your life. You had merely been visiting Hawkins at the time, on a social call to visit some relatives, when you found out that Rob had died. Buying the record store had been a rather impulsive decision that you had never regretted, not until quite recently anyway.
"So you're the girl that I talked to on the phone?" He was standing on the other side of the counter now, his hands placed flat on the wooden surface, his rings immediately catching your eye. You nod in reply to his question. "You could have told me that that was you."
"Didn't think about it," you reply. You look at Dustin over Eddie's shoulder first, a big grin spread all over his face for some reason, before looking Eddie in the eye. "Why? Are you disappointed?"
"Fuck, did I say that?" He flashes you a wide grin, his dimples appearing like sunshine that was peeking through the clouds. "I know how much you love this place."
"Yeah. It seemed like the right thing to do, you know?” You thought that you were still pulling off this whole casual indifferent act, but from the way that Dustin was looking at you, who was trying very hard not to burst out laughing, you figured that you probably looked like a damn lunatic. “And I inherited some money when my grandmother died so I had the funds to do it."
“I’m sorry about that.” Eddie’s eyes soften considerably and he reaches out to give your hand a comforting squeeze.
“Don’t be. It happened a long time ago.” When you pull your hand away a bit too quickly, Eddie frowns briefly, unsure why you don’t seem to want him to touch you. Your hands are clammy and shaking so you hide them underneath the counter instead, out of his reach. “So. Here you are.”
“Here I am,” he grins, having recovered from your rejection. “And you’re in trouble. Never thought I’d be bailing you out.”
“It was usually the other way around,” you laugh.
Whenever Eddie was in trouble, and he got into trouble a lot (Hopper practically had Eddie’s number on speed dial), you’d usually provide him with an alibi, swearing up and down that you’d been with him all night and that he had never left your sight.
“So it’s high time that I repay the favor.”
“Guess so.” You look away from him, his stare too intense. “You’ll have to tell me how this is going to work though, I’m a bit fuzzy on the details.”
“Sure.” He pushes himself away from the counter, somehow sensing that you didn’t know how to act around him. “Glad that it’s you by the way.”
“Me?” It was true that you had always loved this place, it was the closest thing to a second home that you knew, but actually going as far as buying it in an effort to save it? It had been a hasty purchase driven entirely by love. You hadn't even given yourself time to think about it. It hadn't been until you were actually standing in the store all those years ago, as the owner this time, that you had taken the time to think about what the hell you had done. "I can't help but think that I shouldn't have, you know?"
"Don't say that. This old place is kinda instrumental in getting us back together now, right?" A shiver runs down your spine when Eddie says that and you know that he didn't mean it like that, but you can't stop your mind from wandering in that particular direction. "Besides, I'm here now, ain't I? Your savior."
"Fuck, Eddie," you laughed. "Still with the theatrics."
"Some things never change, babe."
"I guess not."
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After a short amount of time spent catching up, you closed the store early and went out for lunch with Eddie and Dustin at a local diner. Everyone stared at Eddie from the moment that he walked in.
Several of the older patrons still looked at him like he was a devil worshiper whereas some of the people that had attended high school with him had looks on their faces that hinted at jealousy and something else, too. Belinda, a former cheerleader, even came up to him with one of the biggest plastic smiles that she could produce and told him how glad she was to see him.
As soon as she left, after realizing that Eddie wasn’t going to give her any attention, the three of you sniggered and talked about how Belinda had never even looked twice at Eddie when he was still in school.
Now that he had made it big, Eddie was suddenly a lot more interesting.
“Fuck, that was so weird,” he says when you head back to the store. It was just the two of you now, because Dustin had already made plans with Suzie. “I think that she was putting the moves on me, too.”
“You think?” You nudge his side with your fist. “She looked ready to drop down to her knees and suck you off in front of everyone.”
“Ew.” Eddie shoves your shoulder and you laugh in reply. “I don’t even want to think- that’s fucking gross, man.”
“Doesn’t that kind of thing happen to you all the time?”
“Sometimes,” he says with a shrug. “But that doesn’t mean that I’ve gotten used to it.”
“Starfuckers,” you counter as you hold open the door that leads to your apartment above the store. “All looking to become the next Mrs Munson.”
Eddie chuckles at that and you want to laugh along with him, but you could feel a sense of dread begin to form in the pit of your stomach.
You didn’t know why you thought this, but maybe he turned down Belinda Foster, former head cheerleader and current very unhappy housewife, because he had a girl waiting for him back home. It was a very distinct possibility at least.
“I wouldn’t have made fucking Belinda my wife even if I had stayed here,” he sneers when you reached the top of the stairs. “She’s the one that gave me that damn 'Freak' nickname.”
“No way,” you reply and you watch Eddie nod to confirm it. “She started that shit?”
“She did! She was a massive bitch.” Eddie tried to open the door at the top of the steps, but it wouldn’t budge. “Locked.”
“Oh shit. Wait.”
You took the remaining steps until you were standing next to him. The hallway was narrow and you were suddenly very much aware of how close Eddie was. You could feel his body heat radiating off of him as you fiddled with the lock.
“There,” you say and when you looked back up at him, you were looking straight into his warm brown eyes. “Open.”
“Hmm?” Eddie didn’t appear to have heard you, his eyes were on your lips the entire time. “What?”
“Open,” you cleared your throat and pushed the door open suddenly. “The door. It’s open.”
“Oh," he shook his head then, the spell broken. "Okay.”
With a gesture from your arm, very much copying the same kind of gestures he'd make all the time at girls back in high school, Eddie stepped into your place. You leaned against the cool wall for a moment to gather yourself before you followed him inside.
You had already been nervous, but your nerve levels had reached epic proportions now that Eddie was standing in your shitty living room with the old carpet flooring and looking at what was on your walls and what was on the shelves.
He had come to a standstill in front of a collection of picture frames and eventually plucked one from the shelf and held it up to you. “What the hell happened to these kids, huh?”
You didn’t have to look at it more closely to know exactly which picture it was.
Eddie was smiling in it, his signature grin on his lips, and you were sticking your tongue out at whoever had been taking the picture. The two of you must have been around sixteen. Both dressed entirely in black, you wearing a Joy Division shirt and him in an Iron Maiden shirt.
You were at some gig, you couldn’t remember who had been playing anymore, but you did remember how Eddie had wrapped his arms around you that night, his chin resting on your shoulder, to sing along with some cover that the band had played.
“God only knows,” you counter. “Bet they never saw any of this coming.”
That was only half true. Back then, Eddie had the same aspirations that he had since made a reality, to make it big with the band. Your dreams were a little bit more basic, but Eddie was involved in every single one of them.
God, you were such a sap.
“Cute.” Eddie had a different picture in his hand now and since you couldn’t see which one it was, you decided to join him. When you were close enough, he held it up for you to see. “I took this one, right?”
It was an old Polaroid. It was taken during another one of Hawkins’ hot summers. You were wearing a crop top and laying in the grass, a pair of Eddie’s sunglasses obscuring your eyes, your cheeks flushed from the heat with a big smile on your face.
It was probably one of the few pictures where you had a genuine smile, teeth on display and all, which was all down to the guy on the other end of the camera.
“Yeah,” you reach out to take it from him and smile at the memories that come flooding back in. “You gave it to me.”
“You haven’t changed a bit.”
The look in his eyes is softer than you expected it to be and there was something unreadable in there, too. You fumbled with the picture frame and would have dropped it if it hadn’t been for Eddie.
His large hands enclose yours and help you hold the frame more steadily. He opens his mouth, about to speak, when you suddenly tear your hands from his grip and put the frame back down where it belonged.
“Thanks,” you mumble quickly. “Butterfingers.”
You backed away from him slowly, saying something about needing to find the papers of the store. Eddie watches you open a drawer and pull out a couple of folders that were filled with paperwork before taking it to the dining table, which looked more like a dumping ground for various things, and going through them. You’re hunched over the table, every muscle in your body pulled taut as a bowstring from the nerves.
You never used to be this nervous around him, but then again, things had changed. It hadn’t exactly ended well, something that he still regrets and he hopes that he’ll be able to explain it at one point during his stay.
"Who's Chase by the way?"
Eddie had been curious about the guy ever since he had first spoken to you on the phone. He doesn’t miss how your shoulders stiffen at the mere mention of the name and how you release the breath that you’d been holding moments later.
"My ex husband," you reply in a deadpan voice.
"You were married?!”
"As I seem to recall, you’d gotten married, too. My marriage didn't get a mention in the gossip rags though.” It had been fairly big news at the time. Metal guitarist marries a squeaky clean actress. That wasn’t the actual headline of course, just what it had turned into in your head. They had been a very unlikely couple after all. “Mine lasted longer as well."
"Fuck you.” He laughs at his own stupidity. “It was a mistake, alright? I barely knew her. Hope that you knew your guy though."
You look over your shoulder at him. "You know him, too."
"The name doesn't ring a bell."
"Chase Wright?” you ask, but Eddie’s expression doesn’t change. “He was a center on the basketball team?"
"What?” He definitely recognizes the name now. “You married that douche?!"
"Eh," you shrug. "He was cute."
"You hated his guts," he counters with a sneer, still remembering how Chase used to treat others in school.
"People are allowed to change their minds, Eddie." You can’t keep the anger out of your voice, but the anger is mainly aimed at yourself, not at him. “People change.”
"Okay, fair enough." He held his hands up, signaling defeat. "I take it that he's not around anymore."
"Nope. Kicked him out when I caught him fucking a girl that used to work here.” You slam one folder down on the table to get some of the anger out of your system. “In our bed."
"Ah well. He can go fuck himself,” you say dismissively. You didn’t want to waste any more time thinking about Chase. “Good riddance.”
“You never needed a guy anyway.”
“Huh?” You frown when Eddie says that and while you’re fairly certain that he meant it as a compliment, you’re still left confused by the remark. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You were always pretty independent and took shit from no one.” Eddie looks and sounds impressed as he recalls the person that you once used to be. Keywords being 'used to be'. “You were cool.”
“Things were different back then,” you say as you move onto the next folder with papers. “I wouldn’t exactly call myself cool now.”
“I would,” Eddie laughs.
“Shut up.” You laugh along with him and shake your head. “You’re way cooler. You made it, dude. Living the dream and all that bullshit.”
“Not entirely,” he says under his breath as his eyes scan the pictures again, especially the one of you sprawled out on the lawn of his uncle’s old trailer. “Got obligations now. Records to sell, gigs to play… it’s not all fun and games.”
“Yeah well, at least you don’t have to keep this place afloat.”
“I will if you find those papers.”
“Why’d you really buy this place?” Eddie sees you freeze and can hear the piece of paper that you’re holding shake in your hand. “It couldn't have been doing much better before you took over.”
“Not really,” you say quietly. “I just couldn’t-” He hears you make a little triumphant noise then and sees you reach for the next piece of paper and hold it up. “Found it.”
It takes you a few seconds before you’re standing next to him again, handing him the deed that you’d just found. “This is what you need, right?”
Eddie looks at it and then back up at you again. Whatever you had been about to tell him, it was pretty obvious that he wasn’t going to get the answers that he sought right now.
“Yeah,” he eventually replies. “This is what I need.”
Maybe later.
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Eddie called the guy that handled finances for him (he actually had a guy for that) and set things in motion on his end.
It should take a couple of days, but at the end of it Eddie would be the new owner of Hawkins Records and the future of the store would be secure.
Crazy when you thought about it.
It hadn’t been talked about in so many words yet, but you assumed that he would be fine with you staying on to run things and that you’d report to him every once in a while? You had no idea what Eddie wanted, but you knew for certain that he wouldn’t stay and run the store himself.
You celebrated your future joint venture with pizza, cheap beer and music. Owning a record store meant that you had plenty of albums to choose from and you swore that Eddie was like a kid in a candy store. You were more than okay with him picking the music and he had dug several gems out of your collection already.
While Motörhead’s Iron Fist is on the record player, an album that Eddie played so much that he ended up ruining the record when he was a teenager, talk turns to his love life when Sex & Outrage plays.
It was a song about groupies, which is something that Eddie thankfully does not discuss. You didn’t want to know how many girls came up to their tour bus in the hopes of getting lucky with one of the band members and you weren’t going to ask him about it either.
“You have no idea,” he says while you grab two new bottles of beer from the fridge. “It’s insane. I could barely get anyone to look twice at me in high school and now I can’t go anywhere without having girls write their phone numbers on whatever they can find and slipping them to me.” He takes a bottle of beer from your hand and pops the cap with his lighter. “Thanks.”
“No problem,” you say with a shrug. He trades his opened bottle for your closed one. “Must be tough, huh? All those models that want to fuck you all the time?”
“For the record, there’s only been one model and she was fucking exhausting.”
“I bet.” When he takes a sip from his beer, you see his nose crinkle, something that you mistake for disgust. “Sorry that it’s not the more expensive stuff, but we don’t really get imports here.”
“Honey, I like Miller. I’m not exactly a fan of that overpriced crap anyway.”
“Huh.” You took a swig of your own bottle and sat down on the lazy chair next to the couch that Eddie was sitting on. “So you’d rather spend your money on keeping a failing record store in business than treating yourself to the finer things in life?”
You reach forward to grab a packet of cigarettes and a lighter off the coffee table so you didn’t see how Eddie’s eyes focused on the collar of your tank top. You had not realized that you had flashed him a more than generous amount of cleavage.
“Like coke and hookers?”
“Call girls,” you correct him right before you lit your cigarette. “Hookers sounds too cheap.”
“And I don’t do cheap?”
“Seeing how you made it enough to buy your way out of Hawkins, why would you?” If you'd been in the same position, you'd be living it up, you knew that much at least.
“I’m still the same guy that I was back then.”
“Only with more money this time round." Corroded Coffin had come back from a very successful world tour only two months ago and there was plenty of talk of them working on a new album so it's not like they were doing badly. "And drowning in pussy, too, I reckon.”
“Pfffff. You keep bringing that up." He put his hands on the back of his head, leaned back and looked at you with raised eyebrows, like he was taking a bit too much satisfaction out of the fact that you seemed to be very much preoccupied with the state of his sex life. "Are you jealous?”
“Jealous of anyone that gets laid regularly," you elaborate. "Not like there are a lot of options round here for an alternative chick that runs a record store.”
The only guy in town who would have potentially been up for a hookup had been Steve Harrington, but a former cheerleader had managed to change Steve's womanizing ways. There was even talk of him buying her a ring to make it official, but who knew if that was actually true.
“There’s someone for everyone," Eddie declares and you're somewhat surprised that he even buys into that shit.
“I got burned one too many times," you counter. "I ain’t looking anymore.”
There’s a silence between you two after that statement. It came out sounding too harsh, too bitter, your words a little bit too scathing.
It was a barefaced lie, too, and you knew it, but the only guy that you ever truly wanted wasn’t exactly available to you. It didn’t matter that he was here right now, because he’d only leave eventually.
They all did.
“We made out once,” Eddie says quietly as he looks at you from the corner of his eye. “Long time ago.”
“Jesus!” you exclaim. “I can’t believe that you remember that.” Pretending that you barely remembered was the best course of action here. You weren’t going to admit to the fact that you still thought about that night regularly and how you regretted that everything had eventually slipped away from you. “I was high as a fucking kite.”
“And drunk.”
“Are you trying to tell me that you were taking advantage of me?”
“You think I needed to?" Seeing how the two of you went way back, it wasn't that hard for Eddie to see straight through your lies. "Fuck, you were throwing yourself at me before you’d even drank one beer.”
“I was not,” you say indignantly. “Besides, I seem to recall that you kept trying to look down my shirt that evening.”
“Was not!“
“You’re such a bad liar, Munson. Always have been.” You lean forward and try to kick his shin, but he pulls away just in time. “My tits were the first thing that you went for when we started making out.”
“Can you blame me?” He gestures at your rack. “Your tits were fucking amazing.”
“Still are,” you say under your breath, thinking that he hadn’t heard you and completely missing how his eyes drift down as soon as you had said it. “You were groping them as if you had no idea what to do with them.”
“Yeah, well, it was my first time feeling someone up, alright?" He flexes his fingers then, as if he was trying to remember exactly how they felt in his hands and you're briefly mesmerized by the seemingly simple gesture. "And I’d been obsessed with your rack for ages.”
“Fuck yeah, couldn’t get them out of my head.”
That one hookup had never really gone anywhere, though.
You had been teenagers, horny teenagers.
There had been tension between you for ages, that’s what you had thought anyway, and Eddie had been ogling you so blatantly that night, too. His eyes were drifting down whenever he thought that you hadn’t been looking and shooting up to your face whenever he thought that you noticed.
In the end, you had made the first move after a couple of beers and one shared joint. The kiss had been impulsive and while it had taken Eddie’s brain a couple of seconds to catch up to what was happening, he had matched your fervor when he kissed you back and pulled you into his lap.
It was just one night of kissing, groping and grinding on each other. A few hours full of breathless giggles, foreheads pressed together, shared breaths, you gasping into his mouth when he pulled you harder against him, his pupils dilated so far that you could barely see the brown of his irises anymore.
How it hadn’t ended with you in his bed was anybody’s guess, but it hadn’t. You vaguely remember the promises of wanting to do it right, wining and dining you properly, instead of fucking you in the back of his van.
Sadly, it had never gotten the chance to evolve into something more.
When the two of you had seen each other again on Monday, it was like nothing had happened at all.
Eddie had blushed furiously at first, but he had recollected himself fairly quickly, slammed his hand in between your shoulder blades and asked you if you had finished your homework, something that he had never taken much interest in before.
“You acted like it had never happened.”
“I was nervous, alright?” he admits. “I spent most of that Sunday jerking off whilst thinking of you on top of me so I kinda freaked out when I saw you again.”
“I tried to kiss you again the next weekend and you turned your head away.”
It was something that you had never forgotten. Despite the fact that he had acted off with you all week, you had still tried to repeat it the following weekend.
Eddie had not let you however. He turned his head away when you leaned in, your lips connecting with his cheek instead, and then he had excused himself.
It was the lowest that you had ever felt in your entire life. After sitting in stunned silence for a short while, you had headed back home and cried yourself to sleep that same night, because you’d been crushing on Eddie hard for ages and then he just… rejected you.
The Saturday night before you had been soaring high above the clouds and the Saturday night after, you crash landed back to Earth.
“I’m sorry, alright, I wasn’t exactly thinking straight.”
“I’ll say! We barely talked for the rest of the year!” you exclaim, still hurting over something that had happened a lifetime ago. “And then I graduated, went to college and we never spoke again. By the time I came back, you were long gone.”
“And I still regret that every single fucking day!”
That little outburst silences you for a bit. You got the sense that Eddie was as bothered by his own conduct as much as you had been back then. The way that he had responded to it, something that you had perceived as embarrassment that he had even let it happen at all, had ended a friendship of several years after all.
“Dude, why didn’t you ever just tell me?”
This entire conversation was draining you. When he had called you out of the blue two weeks ago to make his offer, you had wondered what he would do when he would find out that you were the one that ran the store now. You had never once counted on the fact that the two of you would have this long overdue conversation.
Part of you hoped that he had forgotten about it entirely, but it appeared to weigh as heavy on his mind as it did on yours.
“Instead you just tried to carry on as usual at first while I had to overhear stories of you hooking up with drunk chicks that came to watch you guys play at The Hideout. I fucking hated you by the end of the school year.”
Things had been tense between you after he had rejected you. Eddie had made an attempt to remain friends by pretending that he hadn’t utterly humiliated you, completely ignoring the fact that he might have needed to apologize. All the while you kept withdrawing from him.
Offers to come hang out or whatever else Eddie thought up were all met with excuses from your end, even using the famous “I need to wash my hair that night” line.
Eventually, he got the picture and left you alone completely.
“I know,” he sighs.
“You broke my heart, Eddie.”
“I know.”
“Is that all you’re gonna say?” You groan loudly and wipe a hand down your face in frustration. “Fuck, you never should have brought that night up to begin with. Would have been better if it had just remained in the past where it belongs.”
Getting up from the couch, you walked over to the small kitchen area and grabbed a bottle of whiskey from the counter. You opened it and took a drink straight from the bottle, not bothering to put it in a glass. The liquid burned as it went down your throat, momentarily taking your mind off things.
“That was my first kiss, you know.” You couldn’t resist, even if the hurt was clearly audible in your voice, you still wanted him to be aware of what he had done to you. “And you basically fucking ruined it.”
“I never meant to-“
“Well, you did. I felt like shit, Eddie. You were my best friend and then I lost you because of something stupid like that.” You took another gulp from the bottle, one so large that you gasped for breath afterwards. “I think that you should leave. Go ask Dustin if you can crash in his spare bedroom or something and then we can forget that this ever happened.”
“You want me to leave?”
“Yes! Just go back to whatever fucking mansion you live in right now. Sell your records, fuck your groupies… whatever.”
“You really think the worst of me, don’t you?”
“At least you got out of this shithole of a town,” you bit back. “I’m stuck here with all the fucking memories.”
“What memories?” His voice sounded a lot closer now and when you turned your head, you noticed that he was standing a few feet away from you. He closed the distance and leaned against the counter next to you. “Hey. What memories?” he repeated again.
“This place,” you said as you gestured around you, but really meaning the store down below. “And this dumb fucking town with its dumb fucking people that I can’t shake no matter where the hell I go. I got into Columbia for god’s sake! And look at me now! Running a record store in a town that I hate.”
“So it’s nothing but bad memories then?”
“No,” you replied quietly. “Not all bad.”
“So which ones are the good ones?” He slid in a little closer until his arm made contact with yours. “Wanna tell me?”
Because he knew. The bastard fucking knew. He knew that all the good memories involved him. He just wanted to hear you say it out loud for once, for you to stop chickening out for once in your life and to tell him how you really felt.
"Why not?"
Too embarrassing to admit to for starters, because how are you even supposed to voice something that you've only ever said in your head? Where would you even start?
"That's not an answer."
"It's all you're getting." You try to move away from him, the need to put distance between the two of you was overwhelming because you couldn't trust yourself around him. "It's late."
"Is it? It’s not even eleven yet." He called you out on your bullshit immediately. His fingers wrap around your wrist and he pulls you back against him. "What are you so scared of, huh?"
"Come on, just answer the question."
"Don't make me," you say softly. He turned you around until your ass was pressed up against the kitchen drawers. Then he placed his hands on either side of you on the counter, effectively caging you in. His big brown eyes were practically burning a hole through you. "Please don’t make me answer.”
“I’m just curious, is all.”
“Come on.” His smile is warm and inviting, the same one that you remembered, and it was starting to sway you. “We’re old friends, aren’t we?”
“Yeah. I guess,” you shrug halfheartedly.
“You think that I’ll make fun of you or something?”
“I wish you would.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because maybe then I could forget you,” you blurt out. He looks at you curiously, head tilted to the side as he takes you in. His expressive eyes, which usually gave you so much, are unreadable now. Or maybe you just ignored everything that was swirling around in there, still convinced that nothing would come out of this. “If I ever packed up and left, it would be like closing the door completely. And I don’t want to. I can’t.”
“So it’s my fault that you never left?”
“Yes. Because despite everything, I kept hoping that you’d come back one day and seriously, why would you? Everybody hated you.” Almost everyone in town thought that he was some cult leader when all that the Hellfire Club did was offer a safe space for all the rejects. That combined with the fact that Eddie was always so unapologetically himself was a recipe for disaster in a town like Hawkins. “Why would you want to come back to a town that treated you like shit most of the time?”
“Honey, if I had known that you were here, I would have.”
“You mean it?” He nodded in reply. “Don’t lie to me, Eddie.” It sounded too hard to believe, like something made up just because he wanted to get laid, because that was where this was going, wasn’t it? You could feel the electricity crackle in the air between you from the moment that he set foot inside your apartment. “You really mean it?”
“Yes,” he replies and he looked honest enough, his big brown eyes seemed to hold nothing but the truth in them. He still couldn’t lie for shit. Not to you. “I never stopped carrying a torch for you. Kept hoping that you’d come to a gig one night so we could catch up, pick up where we left off, but you never did.”
“I was scared.” Your voice breaks at the last word and you can feel tears begin to well up in your eyes. “I couldn’t-“
“Shhh,” he put his index finger on your lips to silence you. “You’re here now.”
“That’s ‘cause I live here,” you chuckle weakly. “Can’t leave.”
“Lucky me.”
Eddie’s lips ensured that you wouldn’t be able to reply this time. The kiss was desperate and hungry. Your teeth clashed as you came together, but neither of you cared about the clumsiness of it.
This was something that both of you had been looking to repeat for many years now.
Twelve years to be precise.
And while both of you had matured during the years that you had been apart, you were also still very much the same in a way, as if you’d merely been playing at being grownups for all this time. As if time had somehow stopped ever since you parted, only to start again now that you were together again.
“Eddie,” you moan against his lips when he pushes you up against the counter so hard that he was in danger of hurting you. You'd definitely have some bruises to show for this in the morning, as proof that it really happened. “Is this- are we really doing this?”
“I’ve been thinking of nothing else for years, baby.” His hands cup your face desperately, tilting it further back so he can run his teeth down the column of your throat. As soon as they make contact with your skin, you start to make noises as if you are in heat. “Jesus. Keep doing that.”
“I will if you will,” you breathe back.
His hands grab your waist and he lifts you up onto the counter. You instantly wrap your thighs around his hips and Eddie starts rutting into you a split second later. Every time his pelvis connects with yours, you could feel him growing harder. Whenever his cock presses into the apex of your thighs, you mewl and your eyes practically roll back into your skull every single time.
“Fuck, Eddie,” you dig your nails in his shoulderblades, no doubt leaving little crescent shaped imprints in his skin. “Want you so bad.” His hands slid under the hemline of your tank top, grabbing two handfuls of your tits within seconds. “I need you.”
“I know, sweetheart.” He pulls on the fabric that was covering your torso, almost tearing it in his eagerness to get it off. “Fuck, baby,” he growls when he got an eyeful of your chest. “You were right. They’re still fucking amazing.”
“You heard me?!”
“What do you think?” He buries his face between them and looks up at you. “Most perfect tits I’ve ever seen.” His tongue slides along the scalloped edge of the lace cups. “And you’re not bad either.”
“Shut up,” you lightly smack the back of his head. “You can always leave if you want to.”
“Are you kidding?” Eddie pulls the cups of your bra down, finally uncovering your tits. “I’ve been dreaming about this for years. I’m not gonna leave now.”
He finally stops talking, finally, and puts his mouth to good use. His lips latch on to one of your nipples and you throw your head back so far that the back of your head slams into the cabinets above the counter.
You swear loudly and Eddie pauses for a second, to look up at you and see if you were alright.
“Fine!” you all but shout. “I’m okay. Keep going.”
“Yes, ma’am. Whatever you want.”
Eddie dives straight back in, lavishing your tits in so much attention that you start grinding your hips against his, practically begging for sweet release.
“Goddammit,” he husks against the shell of your ear after his tongue had licked a stripe all the way up to your neck. “Your tits are perfect, sweetheart. Can’t get enough of ‘em.“
“Oh yeah?“
“Yeah.” He moves down again, licking at the pebbled skin around your painfully hard nub. “I want to paint them with my cum.”
“What’s stopping you?”
“Not yet, baby.”
Eddie pulls you against him, off the counter. As soon as your feet touch the ground, you kick your flip flops off and he turns you around so he can press his pelvis against the curve of your ass. You press back when you feel his bulge grinding into you.
“Don’t want to come too fast,” he whispers in your ear as his hands start undoing your jeans. “Want to take my time.” He yanks your jean shorts and underwear down roughly, pulls them over your feet and discards them next to him. “But you’ll get my cum eventually, don’t worry about that.”
“I wasn’t. Not worried at all-!” The last word turns into a high pitched yelp when his hand connects with your bare ass. “Jesus, Eddie.”
“Fuckin’ love it when you say my name like that, sweetheart.” He slides his hand between your legs and hums appreciatively when he finds out how wet you are. “You’re so wet.”
“Used to get like that all the time around you,” you admit, moaning loudly when his fingers brush against your clit. “You were a fucking idiot for never noticing it before. Was always worried you’d smell me or somethin’.”
“That bad?”
“Couldn’t go near you without soaking through my panties.” Eddie groans straight into your ear and it sends a flood of warmth straight down to your core. “All the fucking time, Eddie. I had it bad. Real bad.”
“Fuck, I-“ His fingers freeze suddenly and you whine while bucking your hips against his hand in an effort to get him to move again. “I wanna make it up to you.”
“You’ll see.” He takes a step back and leans against the drawers next to you, leaning back far enough so he can see your face. “Think that you’ll like it.”
You watch him, wide eyed, as he lowers himself and sits on the floor, his back resting against the cabinets behind him. He grins widely, as was usual for him, takes your hand and pulls you to the side. You step over his legs until you’re standing astride him and he looks up at you, his grin bordering on feral now that your pussy is at eye level.
“This how you want me?” You run your hands through his short hair lovingly and he leans into your touch for a moment.
“This is exactly how I want you.” His eyes never once left your cunt and he blows hot air on it, the fucking tease, just to see you squirm. “I’m going to enjoy this.”
His hands grab the back of your thighs, right underneath your ass, and bring you in closer. He presses his lips to your mound, lingering there as he looks up at you. You nod once, giving him permission, not sure if he was even asking for it but giving it all the same.
Eddie hooks your right leg over his shoulder and spreads you open even further. You just know that your foot is going to hurt from the way that it’s wedged between the wooden doors and Eddie’s back, but you could care less.
You had been waiting for this moment for so long that you could deal with some slight discomfort afterwards.
When his tongue finally makes contact with your clit, you swear that you just died and went to heaven. The contact is minimal, a light swirl with the tip of his tongue, but it’s enough to make you shudder and make your lungs constrict.
You moan his name when his tongue dips in deeper, sliding between your folds, pressing against your entrance and it’s enough to make you squeeze your eyes shut so hard that you're seeing stars.
“Stay with me,” he breathes against your sopping folds, the warm air tickling you and making your hips jerk. “Stay with me, princess.”
“Feels so good, Eddie,” you choke out. “I’m not going to last.”
“You’ll have to,” he whispers against you, “Because I’m not gonna stop.”
His tongue works against you like he’s a virtuoso, as if he’d been practicing for this single moment his entire life, hitting you in all the right places with every swipe of his tongue. He played the guitar with the same dexterity, knowing full well that he was good with the instrument, one of the best in fact, and he plays you with the same level of confidence.
A pathetic whine bursts from your lips as he subjects you to this sweet torture, as if you were simply another one of his guitars, adding you to his already extensive repertoire.
You press your hands against the laminate counter hard, your torso bending forward and resting on your forearms, head hanging down as Eddie pulls the most inhuman sounds from your lungs.
The smug bastard smiles against you, enjoying seeing and feeling you come undone by his tongue alone, and then he moans, actually fucking moans, when he pushes his tongue as deep into your pussy as it could go.
It proves to be too much for you. Your entire body tensed up, all your muscles pulled taut, your mouth hanging open in a silent scream as your climax crests and peaks. It’s so intense it almost tears a hole right through you.
Only Eddie doesn’t stop.
Still caught in the aftershocks of your orgasm, breathing so hard that it feels like your lungs are on fire, your hips buck when you feel something probing your entrance.
You sob loudly, tears already pricking your eyes, as Eddie slides two digits into you - slowly, slowly - until they can go no further. He pulls them out completely and then slips them back in.
“P-please,” you cry out. “I c-can’t take any more.”
“You say that,” his voice sounds leisurely and relaxed, his breathing warm on your overworked cunt. “But your body keeps pulling me back in.” You groan in discomfort, but your body betrays you, your hips twitching and moving back and forth in time with his motions. “See? You want more.”
“You can do this,” his free hand connects your ass roughly and he laughs when you let out a loud yelp. “One more time. Indulge me.”
“Oh god.” Your voice wavers when he curls his fingers inside you, hitting your sweet spot and making a sudden jolt course through your body. “I really ca-“ Your voice goes up in pitch when his tongue touches your clit again. “D-don’t… s-st-stop…”
Those two words are enough to make him speed up. His fingers thrust up into you harder and faster and his lips practically attach themselves to your clit, sucking on the bundle of nerves and flicking at it with his tongue.
Your second climax is a scorcher and you come whilst screaming his name. Your body convulses, wanting to fold in on itself, and you claw at whatever you can simply to keep yourself standing upright when you feel your knee buckle underneath you.
Eddie unhooks your right leg from his shoulder and you can feel the muscles in it scream from soreness. You can feel a trickle of fluid flow down your thigh as his hands settle on your hips and he pulls you down onto his lap.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you lean into his chest and Eddie’s hands rub up and down your back gently as you come down from your high.
“You okay?” he finally asks when your breathing has normalized. He listens to you take in a shaky breath before you even say anything and he worries that he may have pushed you too far. “Talk to me.”
“It’s so unfair,” you mumble into his chest.
“Unfair?” Surprise is clearly audible in his voice, but you’re unwilling to move from your very comfortable current position. “What’s unfair?”
“I’m practically naked and you’re still fully dressed.” It makes him burst into laughter and even when he stops, his belly still shakes when he tries to contain himself. “Not funny,” you pout, even though you’re amused yourself.
Sitting back on his thighs, you pull on the collar of his shirt. Eddie hooks a finger underneath the strap of your bra, the only item of clothing that you’re still wearing even if it’s all askew, pulls it back until it snaps against your skin.
“You’re still wearing this.”
“Oh yeah, ‘cause it covers up so much.” You roll your eyes, reach around the back to unhook your bra and take it off. “Doesn’t change anything about the fact that you’re not naked.”
“Hmm.” He leans forward a little, his lips ghosting over yours as he grabs the hemline of his shirt, pulls it over his head and tosses it as far as he can. “This better?”
“A little,” you pout, trying to sound disappointed, but who could ever be disappointed when looking at Eddie’s inked chest? It was an amazing sight after all. “You got a lot more since I last saw you.”
“I was eighteen when you last saw me.” Your finger traces the demon head on his chest that you recognize, which has faded a bit over time. “Remember that one?”
“I was with you when you got it, so yeah, I do.” You bring both hands up to his chest, tracing all the new designs that he’s gotten since then, more intricate and colorful. “Do you even have any skin left for more?”
“Well, I have a couple of places…” He trails off, his cheeks coloring and a hand rubbing the back of his neck. “But the most important one is still empty.”
“Oh?” Your eyes go over the parts of his skin that you can see, but there’s barely any space left. “Where?”
Eddie takes your right hand, brings it up to his chest and places it right over where his heart is. “Right there.”
You move your hand away and sure enough, there’s an empty spot that you missed. It’s just about big enough for a name.
“That’s an important one indeed,” you muse as your fingers move back and forth over it. “Any thoughts on what you want there?”
The question was rhetoric, because it was painstakingly obvious what he had reserved that empty spot for.
“A name,” he replies. “Don’t act like you didn’t know.”
“I didn’t want to assume,” you grin. “You never know.”
Even though he had been married and had probably been with loads of women, it was still empty. So maybe that meant-
You shook your head. No way. There’s just no way.
“What’s up?” His voice is so low that it makes you shiver involuntarily.
He obviously wants to know what you’re thinking, but this is something that you can’t voice out loud, not yet, so you need to find a way to distract him somehow.
The easiest way to do that was to…
“Fuck,” Eddie groans when you grind your hips against his. You do it slowly, getting the maximum amount of friction out of it, and your breathing hitches when you angle your hips just right. “Distracting me?”
He knows what you’re doing, of course he does, but the way that he’s smiling tells you that he doesn’t mind.
“Wanna suck your dick, Ed,” you tell him. “Need to wrap my lips around it.” He swears under his breath and you look at him through your lashes, biting your bottom lip teasingly. “You gonna let me? You gonna put it in my mouth and fuck my face?”
“Jesus Christ,” he hisses. “You can't just- fuck. Can’t believe you just fucking said that.”
“Eddie,” you moan, really going in for the kill now. “I want to take all of it. Every. Inch.” You enunciate the last words clearly, emphasizing every syllable, your smile growing when you see his Adam’s apple bob up and down. “I want you to make me choke on it. You wanna see the tears stream down my face, don't you? From barely being able to fit all of you into my mouth?”
He grabs the back of your neck, pulls you close and slams his lips down on yours. He kisses you so hard that you forget to breathe and when he pulls away, he’s breathing just as hard as you are.
“When did you get so fucking filthy?”
“You don’t know half of it,” you wink. “What about it then? You want to see me on my knees with your cock in my mouth?”
Twisting your head to the side, you can feel his lips brush against the shell of your ear as he says, “You’re such a dirty little slut.”
His words send a fresh flood of warmth down to your cunt and all that you can reply is, “Uh-huh.”
“On your knees.”
You don’t need to be told twice. You’re off his lap in a flash and on your knees, ready and waiting for him. Eddie gets to his feet and his hands settle on his belt, but you brush them away quickly.
“Allow me.”
There was an overwhelming need to work fast, to unbuckle his belt quickly, yank his trousers down to his knees and stick his cock in your mouth, but it was way more fun to tease him.
Just a little.
Taking his shoes off is what you start with. You quite possibly draw it out a little bit too much, grasping the metal slider of the zippers, pulling them down tooth by tooth, holding onto his black boots as he steps out of them and then putting them side by side next to you.
Starting at his ankles, your hands skim up his jeans slowly, on the outside of his legs until you reach the top. You could have repeated that a couple of times, but decided not to.
That was more down to your own impatience rather than the temptation of pushing the boundaries, because there was nothing but amusement in Eddie’s eyes over your ability to even drag it out this long.
You undo his belt, taking care not to make your fingers brush over his crotch, where he was quite obviously straining away against the fabric in a way that was already making your mouth water. You were so ridiculously careful when you opened his zip too, fingers barely touching, your hands shaking like you were unwrapping the best present that anyone had ever given you.
Which is what he kinda was in a way.
His hand touches the top of your head, so tender that it makes you want to fucking cry, like you’re that same dumb teenager again that just wanted him to notice you and wanted him to pick you so desperately that you were blind to the fact that you’d had him all along.
You can’t even look up, too afraid to see the look in his eyes right now, so you grab at the fabric just above his knees and drag it down his legs. And you can’t even look at his boxer briefs, only catching a flash of the black item of clothing from the corner of your eye, but not focusing on it.
Not yet.
There ought to be something that you should be saying, but your tongue feels thick and your mouth dry as you keep pulling his jeans down, exposing his legs inch by inch until you pull it down his feet and leave it lying there.
When you finally hazard a glance up, Eddie’s expression is gentle, whatever bravado he always put on display was sorely lacking now. His eyes are unbearably soft instead, simply looking at the girl that he once knew, sitting on her knees in front of him and who seemed morbidly afraid to make a move.
“It’s okay,” he whispers. “It’s just me.”
As if he had to remind you of that.
But it was also exactly what you needed to hear right now and you lean forward, pressing your lips on his thigh softly, lingering there for a moment, before your hands move up to pull his boxers down.
When his cock finally pops free, proudly standing at attention, hard as a fucking rock, you almost gasp. Almost. You manage to restrain yourself, but he can see it written all over your face. The surprise and yes, the hunger, is all there in your pupils and in the little smile that materializes on your lips.
“Holy shit, Ed,” you whisper, impressed. “I’m definitely going to choke on that.”
“I’m counting on it,” he moans when you wrap your fingers around the base. You move your hand up once, just to feel the velvety shaft against your palm. “You just gonna keep looking at it?”
“Maybe,” you counter with a grin. You lick a stripe up his cock and he hisses through his teeth the second that your tongue makes contact with him. “Will that do?” Eddie raises his eyebrows as he looks down at you, head tilted to the side as if to say ‘are you serious?’ without saying anything at all. You try not to laugh and ask, “No?”
There’s a bead of precum glistening on the tip and you squeeze the base as you lean in closer. Your tongue darts out from between your lips to lick it away. The amount of contact he got out of this was minimal, so his hips press forward, chasing your mouth as you pull back.
“So impatient,” you chide. “That’s your problem. No self control.”
“You started drooling the second you pulled my pants down,” he answers. Unsurprisingly, he has called you out on your bullshit yet again. “Don’t deny it.”
“I’m not,” you reply as your fist gives a lazy stroke upwards. “Pretty damn hard not to considering what you’ve got packed away in your pants.”
With your hand still on his shaft, you keep moving it up and down slowly while also angling his cock out of the way. Eddie notices and was getting ready to ask what you were doing, his mouth already open, when you suddenly move in closer to take one of his balls in your mouth instead.
A low guttural moan bursts from his lips as your tongue moves in circles around the sac and your hand tugs on his cock at the same speed. When he swears under his breath, you start humming contentedly and he reaches down to grasp the back of your head, his fingers spread out, his thumb rubbing circles right behind your ear.
You move on to his other testicle, wanting to give the same amount of attention to both. His digits keep flexing, his fingernails scratching your scalp lightly, a gentle reminder that he could shove you down onto his length whenever he pleases and was merely holding himself back. You pull your head away slowly, tugging gently on his sac with your lips until you release him suddenly.
“Fuck,” he husks out, his voice low and hoarse. “That was insane.”
“You liked that, baby?”
“Thought it was obvious.” He runs a hand through his short hair. The errant curly lock of hair gets brushed back but it pops straight back out again a split second later.
“It was,” you grin. “But I still want to hear you say it.”
“Yes.” His voice is too level, too composed, so you lick up the line between his balls just to feel his cock twitch in your grip and he chokes out the next words. “Ye-yes, I did.”
Your eyes focus on his cock again, especially on the ruddy head this time. You lick your lips and you can’t stop yourself from smiling this time when Eddie whines above you. Your lips make contact with the tip so softly that he barely must have felt it at all, so you do it again, making sure that he feels your kiss this time.
“Still okay?” Your eyes are impossibly wide as you look up at him and Eddie’s pupils are so large that there’s barely any brown of his irises left. “Hm?”
“Great,” he chokes out and his voice goes up in pitch when you kiss his dick again, just below the tip. “Keep doing that.”
“Don’t mind if I do.”
How long you even manage to keep this up, you don’t know, but you don’t think that there’s a part of Eddie’s cock that you neglected. You’ve kissed your way up and down his shaft at least twice, sometimes using your tongue as well, and since Eddie never once asks or begs you to take him into your mouth already, you don’t.
It ends up being a natural transition.
You let your tongue circle his tip and Eddie can’t help himself as his hips press forward so you suck it into your mouth, just a couple of inches, nothing more before releasing him with a wet pop.
Eddie laughs breathlessly and swears under his breath. You can see that the fingers of one of his hands have curled around the counter. He’s gripping it so hard that his knuckles have turned white.
“Poor boy,” you say to get his attention, your voice dripping with mock sympathy. “Want me to put you out of your misery?”
Despite swearing once or twice throughout his ‘ordeal’, Eddie had been unusually silent. He blinks, focuses on you, and you can see his Adam’s apple bob up and down as he swallows. “Please,” is all that he manages to reply.
You manage to flash him one wicked grin before licking your palm and wrapping your fingers around his shaft once more. Then, without warning, you take him into your mouth and start sucking eagerly.
That seems to make Eddie’s tongue work again.
“Oh fuck,” he groans. “Fuck. Your fucking mouth. Jesus.” His vocabulary is limited and you can’t help but smile around him. “Don’t-don’t you fucking laugh at me.”
If your mouth hadn’t been full, you would have given him a smart ass reply, and the thought to do just that crosses your mind, but you ultimately decide against it. You had tortured the poor guy enough as it was, drawing it out any longer might unleash the beast.
A tempting thought indeed, but maybe later. Tomorrow morning perhaps?
Retaliation soon follows however. Eddie pushes his hips forward, forcing his length further into your mouth, and when he hits the back of your throat, you gag around him.
“Yeah, fuck yeah.” He sounds so desperate that you can feel a fresh flood of warmth pulsing from your cunt. “You promised, sweetheart,” he grunts out. “You fucking promised.”
And he was right. You did.
You explicitly told him that you wanted to choke on his dick, that you wanted him to make you cry and that he could fuck your face.
So far, you hadn’t exactly held up to your side of the bargain. But you would. You fucking would. You’d do anything for the guy and what was a little bit of momentary discomfort if it got him off? He could use you as a sex toy for all you cared, you would be anything that he needed.
When you released him, he let out a long groan of disappointment, convinced that you were teasing yet again and just when he thought that you were done doing that, too. It disappears just as quickly when he sees you spread your thighs a little bit wider, hands settled on your knees, in an attempt to get a bit more comfortable.
“You’re right,” you purr at him. “I did promise.”
Eddie swears that he must have ascended to a higher plain when you open your mouth and stick out your tongue, presenting yourself to him, waiting for him.
He’s seen it before of course, similar poses from faceless girls who’d come to him after gigs, crooning in his ear about how amazing he was. Their hands everywhere on the way back to the tour bus, hotel, alleyway, wherever, but they’d all end up on their knees, whining shit about how badly they wanted him and his cum.
It all hits a little bit different when it’s a girl that he’s wanted ever since he hit puberty. The girl that he watched get more beautiful with every passing day until he finally realized that, fuck, he was in love with you, making his peace with how it could never possibly be reciprocated, ignoring all the times that you’d bat your lashes at him, because no way, there was just no fucking way.
No. Never.
And then fucking panicking when it finally happened like a goddamn loser.
Thank fuck for this day.
“You’re serious?” He almost chokes on the words and it definitely doesn’t help when you nod, batting your lashes and looking at him as if he’s the only guy on the planet. “Fuck, sweetheart.”
It barely registers with him that his hand reaches down on instinct, knowing what to do now that his brain is close to short circuiting, moving on autopilot, settling on the back of your head. You whine the second that his fingers make contact, actually fucking whine, and he’s not sure if he can handle this for much longer.
“Keep sitting there, okay.” Despite the fact that you’d already made it clear that you would do just that, he still feels the need to tell you. “Tap my leg if it gets uncomfortable.” One of your hands releases your knee and grips his calf. “Good girl.”
He taps the tip of his cock against your tongue one, two, three times, before he slides inside. It’s purely exploratory at first, just to check if you’d stay in your position, to see if you won’t pull away at the first sign of discomfort when he hits the back of your throat.
Your eyes well up when he keeps his cock there, pressed as deeply inside that warm, wet cavern of your mouth as was possible for a few seconds and when he finally pulls out, you gasp.
“Good girl,” he repeats. “Good fucking girl.” He doesn’t give you much time to recover before he pushes back in. “Relax for me.”
Breathing in deeply through your nose, you relax your throat and he drives himself in deeper than before. When you blink, you can feel the tears start to leak out and slide down your cheeks.
Just as you promised.
“Fuck.” All his feelings of attempting to take it slow for your sake are replaced by this deep animalistic need to climax. He grabs your face, fingers digging into the flesh of your cheeks as he starts fucking your face in earnest. “Fuck. S-sorry, but- Fuck.”
The sounds that you make, your moans coming out all garbled from having your mouth full, only spur him on. Saliva pools in your mouth, covering his shaft and easing his passage. Every time that he thrusts in, it drips out of the corners of your mouth. Drool soaks your chin, running down the column of your throat which is currently being used for all it’s worth.
You feel his cock jump suddenly and then the first spurt of cum hits the back of your tongue. You swallow it all down obediently, his little words of praise mixed in with his moans working for you in ways that you never thought possible.
There’s almost a sense of disappointment when his hands release you and your mouth feels incredibly empty when he pulls his softening cock out. You rub your jaw, feeling as if you might have dislocated it just to fit all of him inside.
“I think that you sucked my soul out through my dick,” he pants as he sinks down onto the floor. “Shit.”
“My-“ You start talking, but your voice has been reduced to nothing more than a hoarse squeak. The second you hear it, you laugh breathlessly. “My throat is sore.”
“You don’t say,” Eddie replies and then you both laugh. You’re not able to keep it up for long, your throat still sore as it was, and he leans forward to put his finger on your lips. “Wait.”
Pushing his legs under himself, still wobbly, he turns to the counter and grabs the almost entirely forgotten bottle of whisky and hands it to you. You take a sip, coughing when you swallow, but feeling it soothes you a little as well.
“Better?” You nod and hand the bottle back to him. He takes a swig from it as well and sloshes the remaining liquid from side to side. There isn't a lot left so he holds up the bottle and asks, “Finish it with me?”
“Sure.” You settle down on the floor next to him, the vinyl underneath you a little stickier on your bare skin than you would like it to be. You nudge your shoulder into his and say, “You just asked me that because you can’t get up, huh?”
“Shut up.” He pushes back with a laugh. “Maybe if you didn’t give such killer head-“
“You wanted me to do worse?” You take the bottle from his hands and take another swig. “Because, you know, I could try to do badly next time and give you the sloppiest blowjob ever.”
“You’ll fucking kill me if you do that again.” Eddie puts his arm around you and pulls you closer against him. When you start to laugh, he says, “I mean it.”
“Oh, come on. No other girl has given you a good blowjob before?” You hazard a glance in his direction, but his gaze is so intense that you look away after a few seconds. “I don’t believe that for one second.”
“Maybe it’s more down to the girl doing it,” he shrugs. “Yeah. That’s probably it.”
“Big softie,” you reply with a chuckle. “Mister Big Rockstar has a heart after all.”
“Haven’t had possession of it for years,” he counters. “You stole it from me when I was a teenager after all.”
The giggle that escapes your lips makes you clamp a hand over your mouth. It was a full-on teenager with a crush type of laugh, giggling unnecessarily loud over something that the object of her affections had just said and it embarrassed the ever loving crap out of you.
You clear your throat, which is feeling a lot better now, and when you look at him, Eddie’s lips are pressed into a thin line as he tries to not burst out laughing over having elicited such a response from you.
“You want it back?” You sound a little bit angrier than you had intended and that does make him snort. “Fuck’s sake,” you huff without any real conviction. “Why can’t I ever be normal around you?”
“Because I like you this way,” he counters with a chuckle. Eddie turns his head, kisses your temple and then whispers in your ear, “And keep it. It’s always been yours anyway.”
“Lord,” you groan. “That’s so- fuck.”
You want to say that it’s awful or sentimental, cliché even, but you can’t help the way that your heart soars upon hearing his words. It literally feels like your heart has exited your body and is flying up over your head in little circles.
Your stomach is suddenly filled with millions of tiny little butterflies and they’re doing loop-the-loops inside you, running amok through your insides and threatening to burst out like less scary versions of alien chestbursters.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Eddie says with that infuriating grin. “I’m supposed to play it cool, right? Take it slow for a while first before ultimately dragging you on stage during a show and declaring my undying love for you as I reveal to a stunned crowd that you inspired dozens of songs?”
“No,” you snort. “That kind of shit is not for me.” But he would know that, hence why he even said it in the first place. “I don’t want grand, sweeping gestures. I just want you.”
“You’re such a sap.”
“Just like you apparently.” You squeal when he pinches your side. “Hey. Stop that.”
“Nope,” he replies as he does it again. “I’m never gonna stop doing that.”
“Guess I just have to-“ You pull away and lean forward, scrambling away from him on your hands and knees. Eddie manages to give you one well aimed smack on your ass before you get to your feet. “Not nice,” you say to him as you rub a hand over where he hit you, on the apple of your ass cheek.
“Thought you liked me that way.” Eddie leans his head back against the cabinet, his eyes sweeping over the naked expanse of your body first. He catches the tilt of your head, your eyes questioning. “What’s up?”
“…Did I?” Your sentence is half formed, the rest of it in your mind ever since a particular something had been said earlier, and his confused look makes you realize that you hadn’t exactly been clear. “I mean, did I inspire some songs?”
“Now that would be telling,” is his ambiguous answer.
“You’re a damn tease,” you tell him. “Anyway, I’m going to bed. You joining me?”
“I might,” he counters infuriatingly.
“Suit yourself.” You sway your hips exaggeratedly as you walk away and call over your shoulder at him, “You decide what you want to do, sleep on the cold floor alone or fall asleep while holding my warm body.”
When you reach the bedroom, you sit down on the edge of the bed, thighs open and pointed at the door and counting on your fingers. You manage to count to eight when Eddie finally appears. He stands in the doorway for a moment, leaning against the frame and taking you in.
His tongue moistens his lips and then he steps forward to take his place next to you in the bed. Your eyes fall on his half hard cock and you catch his smirk right before he starts kissing your neck.
There’s something on your mind that you need to address first however.
"Hey, can I ask you something first?" Eddie pulls back, your change in tone catching him off guard. "D-don't worry. Nothing bad or anything. I was just wondering."
"Think I know," he replies with a sigh. "You want to know why I never let it go any further back in high school."
"Yeah," you reply. "I never got it and you never talked to me about it either. I always thought that it was…” It was remarkable how all your teenage insecurities from back then just came flooding back and you can’t even look at him when you finish your sentence, “Thought that you didn't like me as much as I hoped… or that I wasn’t good enough… for you."
"Ah, Jesus." You feel his hand on your cheek, his fingers brushing up and down, but he doesn’t make you look at him. "No, that wasn't it at all."
"Then what?” You really wanted to know, you deserved to know. “I spent years agonizing over this."
"You probably don't even remember," he starts to say as he reaches out to take your hand in his and lace his fingers through yours. "We got the grades for some test back that week and I’d failed, as usual, and you had aced it. I already knew that I wasn't going to graduate that year and I figured that I'd only hold you back."
"That's bullshit and you know it."
"That's how I felt though. You had this big dream of going to Columbia and I had nothing since I knew that I’d be stuck in Hawkins for another year,” he sighs, sounding a little embarrassed. “I was worried that you wouldn't go and yeah, it was really fucking stupid of me, but I did it for you."
"You shouldn't have decided that all on your own.” If only he had talked to you about it, things could have at least ended amicably, not with your heart shattered to pieces all over the floor. “God, you're such a jackass."
“I know. I realize that now. That’s why I was so glad that you were here, that I found you again.” He squeezes your hand and brings it up to his lips, kissing the back of it and letting his lips linger there as he continues. “It felt like I got a chance for a do-over, like I was getting a second chance to make things right.”
“I thought that you’d only be disappointed, that you’d just walk out on me again.” A very small part of you still thought that all of this was some elaborate joke. Even if you knew that Eddie would never do that, it was a hard feeling to shake. “I kinda… can’t stop myself from thinking that, even now,” you admit with a shuddering breath.
“I’d never do that,” he gives you a quick kiss. “Never,” he repeats while staring deep into your eyes, so you can see how honest he’s being. “You honestly have no idea how much that dumb decision weighed on me over the years, how much I regretted letting the girl that I loved more than anything slip through my fingers.”
You pull your hand away from him suddenly and for a second there he thinks that that’s it, you’ll never forgive him for what he did to you. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Why was he even that big of an asshole? How could he ever have treated you like that? He was such a fucking-
His train of thought stops completely when you straddle his thighs from out of nowhere and you tap his forearms, mouthing the word “up” at him.
Eddie doesn’t even question it, lifts his arms instantly and lets you maneuver them the way you wanted, palms held up to you and you press your much smaller palms against his, lace your fingers through his and squeeze.
“There,” you say with some finality in your voice. “Can’t slip away if I do this, huh?”
The smile that you flash at him almost makes him choke and well up with tears, but then the look in your eyes makes him want to laugh until he cries because he can see what you want to say written all over your face.
Mister Big Rockstar. Such a fucking pussy. Practically in tears because we’re holding hands.
But that’s only half of it.
Throughout his time in Hawkins, you’d always been there in some way, ever since you were little kids. One day, you’d simply sat down next to him and gave him half of your strawberry jelly sandwich when his parents had failed to give him lunch that morning (which they usually did).
That was how the friendship had started.
After his mother died and his dad went to jail, his uncle Wayne had taken him in and the two of you became a very permanent fixture in Eddie’s life. Until he had fucked it all up, which he had all done for you as he had kept telling himself.
Still tore his heart in two every time that he saw you in the hallways at school after you had shut him out completely. It constantly made him want to run after you and drag you into an empty classroom, so he could explain why he had done what he did, but if he told you that there was always a chance that things could get worse.
Not like now, when you’re both older and wiser, and there’s no chance of either one of you running off. You could talk about it now, as adults, or some version of it at least, because Eddie still doesn’t feel very ‘adult’ if he’s totally honest.
The unshed tears are for the connection that he had with you for years, one that he threw away thinking that it would be better, but he got you back now. He’s right here, in your house, your bedroom, and yes, he loves you, always has.
You kiss the corners of his eyes and murmur, “What are you thinking about?” against his skin. “Talk to me.”
“Nothing,” he says too quickly and the way that you’re looking at him tells him that you don’t believe him at all. “Okay,” he chuckles instead. “You. I was thinking about you.”
“I’m right here,” you answer with a smile. “So you don’t have to think about me. Not when I’m right in front of you.” You release his hands and loop your arms around his neck. One of your hands moves to the back of his head, your fingers playing with his short hair, pulling on the curls. “I miss the hair.”
“Oh yeah?” You nod. “I could grow it long again. For you.”
“That’ll take ages.” You grab a handful of his locks and yank his head back. “Besides, it’s long enough to pull.”
“Little minx.”
“It was too tempting, I couldn’t help it.” His hands circle around your waist and his impossibly big brown eyes glaze over again. “Stop doing that. Just tell me what’s on your mind.”
“You. It’s always been you.” His honesty is making your cheeks burn. That was always the thing about Eddie, he could be brutally honest at times and he wasn’t trying to hide anything from you now. “I’m making you uncomfortable, ain’t I?”
“No, not really.” You press your cheek against his shoulder to avoid his intense gaze. “Just can’t deal with you looking at me like that.”
“Like what?”
Pulling away, you sat up straight and looked into those impossibly deep brown pools that were his eyes again. “Like that.” You knew that it didn’t explain anything, but you would damn well try. “Like I’m… I don’t know… special.” When the corners of his mouth turned up into a smile, you covered it with your hand. “I know that it sounds stupid,” you laugh. “I can’t come up with the words to explain it.”
“You are special,” he mumbled against your hand. When you looked at him quizzically, despite having heard him perfectly, he repeated himself. “You’re very special.”
“Sap,” you giggled. “You’re pretty special yourself. You’re everything.”
It was a spur of the moment confession and not something that meant much of anything, but it still meant the world to Eddie. He kissed your palm and you let it drop away from his mouth, fully expecting him to lick it next.
That hadn’t been on his mind at all.
For most of his life he had been told that he would amount to nothing, just like his dad, and he had proven every naysayer wrong since then. Even when he was getting ready to skip out of town with his friends, with nothing but a crazy dream and some cash that they had saved up, there were still people that tried to talk him out of it.
The only one that believed in him was his uncle. And he was sure that you would have believed in him, too, would have told him to go and to never look back if you had still been around.
So you telling him that he was ‘everything’ had unexpectedly hit a soft spot.
Pressing forward, he kisses you then, hard. As if to somehow confirm that you’re really here, that this is really happening, that you’re not some kind of mirage that his mind had conjured up.
“Calm down.” You place your hand on his chest and gently push him back to put some space in between you two. “I’m not going anywhere.”
“You’d better not,” he replies. He runs a hand from your shoulder blade down to your ass and he squeezes the pliant flesh hard enough to leave a mark. “Feel that?”
“What kinda question is that?” you laugh. “Yeah, I felt that. Wanna do it again?” He repeats it, squeezing harder this time and digging his short fingernails into your skin until you let out a soft moan. “I swear to god, if you skip town tomorrow morning, I will never fucking forgive you.”
“If I’m leaving, I’m taking you with me.” You stare at him as if he just lied to you, as if this is just sex to him and he just told him what you want to hear. “I’m fucking serious, babe. I need you with me.”
He was offering you a ticket out, which was all that you ever wanted, but now that you have it, you don’t know what to say.
So you kiss him instead.
The kiss turns fiery, into a battle between lips with tongue and teeth thrown in, and you’re left gasping into his mouth as his teeth gently close around your bottom lip and pull. Eddie gasps himself when you reach down to wrap your fingers around his now fully erect cock.
“Need to fuck you,” he pants against your cheek. “Please let me fuck you.”
“Lay down,” you answer. “Scoot back on the bed and lay down for me.”
When you pull away, you do it with reluctance. It would have been far easier to simply sink down on him before, but you want him in a different way.
“Good boy,” you say when he does as he’s told, laying in the middle of your bed with his head pressed back against the pillows. You can tell that he likes being called a good boy so you store that away for later usage.
Moving up the bed, you straddle his waist and you press down against his stomach, making sure that he’s able to feel exactly how wet you still are. Reaching a hand back, you grasp his hardened shaft and give him a few tugs until Eddie bites his bottom lip.
“I’m gonna ride you,” you tell him as you move back a little, your wet cunt hovering over him. “That okay?”
“Y-yeah,” he hiccups. “I want you to.”
“Such a good boy.” You can see him shiver and it makes you snicker. “Don’t worry. Good boys get what they deserve.”
You position his cock in front of your entrance and sink down on him. Just a little at first. You pause when his tip has slid in and you moan exaggeratedly. You take some more, moving down until he’s about halfway in and when you look at Eddie, his expression has a slightly pained quality to it.
“You’re so big, Ed,” you keen out as you wink at him. He slaps your ass and the noise of the impact reverberates through the room.
“Brat.” His hands grab your hips and he pulls you down onto him a little bit more. “Stop teasing.”
“But it’s such fun. Don’t you like it? Not even a little bit?” Before he can say that he does or doesn’t, you shift your weight and his cock slips fully inside you. The two of you moaned in unison. “Fuck.”
For a short while, you don’t move, simply marinating in him, adjusting to his size and how full he made you feel. His fingernails had broken through your skin from how tightly he was gripping you, but you barely even noticed. Not when Eddie was underneath you, his eyes half-lidded and looking up at you with such a lustful gaze that it should have killed you on the spot.
“I’m gonna move now,” you mewl as you rock your hips back and forth experimentally. “Holy shit, Eddie.”
“Good?” You bite your lower lip and rotate your hips as your eyelids flutter shut. “Fuck, you look so good like that.”
“N-not so bad yourself,” you manage to reply with your eyes still closed, the image of him burned into your irises. You happen to angle your clit just right against the trail of hair that ran down from his belly button and gasped out, “My god.”
“Just me,” Eddie chuckled smugly. “But thanks anyway.”
“Bet you get that a lot, huh?” Maybe that wasn’t the right thing to think of now, Eddie with other girls, all of whom probably worshiped him. You open your eyes and lean down over him, your face inches away. “But you should probably be worshiping me instead.”
The boldness of your words almost makes you laugh, but the way that his hands gripped you tighter, stopping you from moving against him altogether, the little moan that escaped his plush lips and the way that his pupils seemed to grow even larger for a millisecond there…
“Oh god.” You couldn’t help the wicked tone that seeped into your voice as you talked. “Are you into that?”
“Y-yes.” His reply is bordering on bashful. “Want you to use me.”
“I will,” you say as you sit upright once more. “I damn well will.”
If that was what he wanted, who were you to deny him this?
Lifting yourself up, you groan as he slides out and before his cock can slip out entirely, you slam your hips back down. His hands shift to your ass, pushing you up when you move, but apart from that Eddie doesn’t offer much assistance.
This is all you.
“This what you want, pretty boy?” you ask while you play with your tits. He didn’t even have to answer your question, because it was written all over his face. “Me using you just to get off?”
“Fuck yeah, sweetheart,” he manages to answer. “That’s why I’m here-“ His sentence is cut off with a harsh gasp when you slam your hips down on his particularly hard, temporarily making him forget to draw another breath when the walls of your cunt grip him particularly hard. “Oh god yeah. Fuck. I’m here… j-just for you.”
“Good.” You place your hands on his stomach, pressing down on his sweat slicked skin. The same glistening sheen stuck to your skin as well, partly from the stifling heat outside that got in through the open windows but mostly from how hard you were exerting yourself. “Such a-fuck!”
Both of you swore loudly as you found an angle that was particularly good for both of you. You worked hard to find it again, angling your hips and grinding down so hard that it should have been intolerable, but your legs quivered every time that you got it just right. 
The muscles in your thighs and abdomen flex as you keep up your rough pace, riding him roughly, and chasing the friction that would make your toes curl which was steadily building in your gut. Eddie keeps balancing you with his hands on your ass, rocking you a bit more forcefully.
Your right hand shifts and slides up, to the empty spot, right over his heart. You can’t stop yourself from digging your nails into his pectoral muscle and you feel it jump under your palm. You drag your nails over it, creating red marks, to give him something to fill up the space for a short while.
You want to leave your mark. Desperately.
If Eddie notices what you’re doing, he doesn’t say anything. All he does is lay underneath you, his hands tight on your ass, gripping so hard that the imprint of his hands were going to be on your flesh for days afterwards. Several stray strands of hair stuck to his wet forehead and you swore that you could see beads of sweat slide into his hairline every time that you moved. His blown out pupils are on your face at all times, as if he doesn’t want to miss a thing at all.
You wink at him and he chuckles. “You’re crazy.”
“No doubt about it,” you groan. “Oh fuck, Eddie, you’re in so deep.” You gyrate your hips against his once before leaning back, your hands planted on his thighs and moving your hips up and down. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. You feel so fucking good.”
Your jaw goes slack when Eddie pushes his hips up, pressing himself even deeper inside than before, practically impaling you. Your head falls back, your eyes on the ceiling, and you jump slightly when you feel his thumb pressing against your clit.
His eyes are on the point where your bodies meet, where your cunt is dripping with your slick so much that he can feel it oozing down and coat his balls. The sound of skin slapping against skin, the sickening squelch every time that your pussy slams down on his cock, is like music to his ears.
The change in pitch of your voice, turning your desperate mewls into words that got strung together and mashed into one long continuous string of “ohfuckyessoclose” until it was reduced to nothing but “pleasepleaseplease” over and over again.
The words get more strangled the harder he rubs against the swollen bundle of nerves, your walls bearing down and constricting him, until one loud cry bursts from your lungs, his name, and the coil in your belly finally snaps.
Your orgasm washes over you with all the force of a tidal wave and your arms almost buckle behind you when it hits, but you just about manage to keep yourself upright. Eddie’s hands grip your hips tightly, taking over and fucking you through your blinding climax, chasing his own release as he rams himself up into you.
“Where?” His voice manages to pierce through the deafening rush of blood in your ears. “Where do you-“
“Inside,” you choke out. He doesn’t have to finish his sentence for you to know what he’s asking. “Come in-inside m-me.”
The words are barely out of your mouth when you feel his cock twitch, pumping wave after wave of cum inside you. He wouldn’t even have been able to pull out if you had told him to.
Eddie manages a few more tiny thrusts up into you until he’s completely spent. The tension in his muscles eases and his hands move to your lower back in an attempt to pull you forward.
You collapse on top of him a bit harder than you intended, a small “oomph” pulled from his lungs which made you snort out a laugh. He wraps his arms around you, holding you close and you briefly feel his lips connect with the top of your head.
You settle against him, your ear pressed to his chest, and you listen to his racing heartbeat, listening as it calms down and turns into a steady drum inside his ribcage. You can feel your eyes begin to close, seconds away from nodding off, when his hand clutches yours. Your fingers lace together, like they had done many times that night, and you hoped they would do many more times after tonight.
“I meant it, you know,” Eddie says softly, not sure if you’re already asleep or not since you hadn’t moved at all.
“Everything that I said tonight.” Your mind floods with all kinds of words, there had been a lot of talking in between other things after all. “Every single word.”
“That’s nice,” you murmur, not really in the mood for talking as you drift off to sleep. You’d be kicking yourself for that dumb reply in the morning.
“I love you.” His lips touch the top of your head and they stay there. “Always have.”
“Mm,” you can’t stop yourself from yawning. “I love you too, Eddie.”
“Get some sleep,” he chuckles. “I wore you out.”
You’re too far gone to come up with a smartass reply and barely manage to mumble a “goodnight” to him before you finally doze off.
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You didn’t sleep long. Your body had grown an inbuilt clock, ensuring that you woke up at around the same time every day, all because of the store.
Didn’t matter that it was Sunday today, you woke up early regardless.
Despite knowing full well what happened the night before, you’re still kind of surprised to find Eddie next to you when you wake. It takes some time for the realization to set in that it’s still ridiculously early, especially for him. Eddie had never been a morning person and you sincerely doubted that that had changed in your years apart.
When he stirs next to you, which was possibly because he could somehow sense that you were awake, you press your lips against his collarbone. His eyes slowly open, his vision momentarily bleary, and he needs to blink a few times to uncloud his eyesight and focus on you.
“Morning,” he croaks before yawning. “Fuck, it’s too early.”
“For you maybe,” you murmur while leaving a trail of kisses from his shoulder up to his neck. “You can go back to sleep.”
“When you’re kissing me like that?” He still sounds groggy, voice low as he rubs the palm of his hand over his closed eye. “Fat chance.”
“I’m not doing anything,” you grin. When you nip at his jaw, he lazily swats a hand against your arm. “Whaaaat?”
“Tease.” Tilting his head down, your lips finally meet, morning breath be damned. “Morning.”
“Morning, handsome.” His lips freeze and you can actually hear his breathing stall as well so you push yourself up and hover over him. “Did that just elicit a response?” you tease, poking a finger in his side. “Handsome.”
“I-I-“ His cheeks flush pink and a gleeful giggle erupts from your mouth. “I just like it, okay?”
“Aw,” you coo. “Don’t be embarrassed. I think that it’s cute.” Eddie covers his face with his hands and if anything, it just made him look even more adorable. “Alright, alright, I won’t make fun of you.” He spreads his fingers so he can fix one eye on you and then you throw in a quick, “For now.”
He rolls over on his stomach very dramatically with an unnecessarily loud groan and you’re torn between teasing him some more and throwing yourself on top of him.
You do neither, opting instead for getting out of bed completely. You’re only just grabbing a pair of panties out of one of the drawers next to the bed when you hear the bed creak.
“Come back to bed,” Eddie says behind you.
You’re ready to deny his request and you probably could have done it if you hadn’t turned around to face him. The sight of Eddie Munson, butt naked, would be a view that you knew that you would never tire of.
And you already knew that you would be unable to deny him anything.
Without arguing, you joined him again, dropping the underwear on the floor where it would lay completely forgotten for the next few hours.
“No witty replies or smart comebacks?” Eddie asks while you snuggle into his side. “Nothing?” You write the letters ‘N’ and ‘O’ on his stomach and remain silent. “I’ll just enjoy the silence then.”
The silence is pleasant, not uncomfortable like it can be sometimes, instead you lay there and listen to his heartbeat and his steady breathing. He draws patterns into your skin, wherever he can reach, swirls and waves and something that you think are supposed to be leaves and flowers, like he’s painting on you with an invisible brush.
“How quickly can you pack?” His voice is the first thing that cuts through the silence, just as he’s in the process of drawing star after star onto your skin. “Just the essentials so you’ll be good for a couple days.”
“Pack? Pack what?”
“You know, clothes, toothbrush, that kind of thing.”
“I can’t just leave,” you reply as you tilt your head up to look at him. “What about the store?” Even when you had been running nothing but losses for a while now, your first thoughts were of nothing but the store.
“We can get someone to open it up while you’re away?” he offers, his brow furrowed in confusion. “You know that you won’t be able to open the store every morning when you’re living with me, right?”
A half remembered comment from last night pops into your head suddenly, of Eddie saying that you would be coming with him if he left.
“You were serious?” you blurt out suddenly.
“Was I-“ When he shifts underneath you, you move back and sit up. Eddie does the same. “You thought I wasn’t serious?” He actually looks a bit hurt and that in turn makes your heart ache, too. “I’m not the kind of guy that says stuff like that just so I can get laid. You know me.”
“I do, I do.” You start backtracking immediately, not even sure what you want to say when you open your mouth. “It’s just that I’ve been disappointed before, so I don’t know, it sounded too fanciful,” you say apologetically.
“I would never, ever, play with your feelings like that.” He sounds so sincere that you immediately take his word for it. “That Eddie is long gone. I’m so fucking serious right now.”
You avert your eyes, ashamed, feeling awfully foolish right now. You feel his fingers on your jaw and your eyelids flutter shut when he rubs circles against your cheek with his thumb.
“I want you,” he repeats. “You think that I can go back after I got a taste of you? No fucking way. You’re coming home with me and you’re staying right there while I spoil the shit out of you. Fuck, I might even buy a ring to make it official the second I- we get back.”
“Eddie.” You gasp out his name, his sudden declaration enough to make your heart skip several beats. “That sounds good to me, but maybe not make promises that you can’t keep?”
“You doubt me?” He moves so that he’s sitting on his knees on the bed, arms gestured out to you dramatically. If it wasn’t for the fact that he was stark naked, you might even call the pose somewhat chivalrous, but it just looks a bit silly right now. “You doubt the devotion of Eddie the Bard?”
“Oh god!” You smack a hand against his chest and laugh loudly. “You’re such a dork.”
“Milady, I am deadly serious.” And he looked it, too. “Honest.” He reverts back to his normal self, grabbing your hands and holding them to his chest, his expression all serious. “You’re mine. I’ve known that since I was thirteen and covered in acne. I was a pussy about it before, but I’ve grown up since.”
“Barely,” you giggle. He tilts his head to the side and tries to give you his best disappointed look. “I couldn’t resist. Sorry, not sorry.”
Eddie rolls his eyes and continues, “As I was saying, before you so rudely interrupted me…” He presses your joined hands to your sternum and says, “Mine.” Then moves them to his chest. “Yours.”
He has the audacity to look slightly uncertain then, as if the prospect might somehow offend you, as if he was offering you something that could potentially be unwelcome and make you throw it back in his face.
“You know,” he mumbled before looking away. “If you want to, that is.”
As if you would say no.
“I want,” you reply softly, so softly that it’s barely a whisper, that he might not have heard at all, so you say it again. “I want.” And he definitely heard you that time. “Of course I do.”
His face lights back up immediately, as if millions of fireworks just went up into the sky, and he looks like he’s seconds away from screaming “REALLY?” and jumping up and down on your bed, but instead he surges forward and kisses you so hard that the two of you fall back on the mattress.
It feels like he kisses you for ages and your bodies start to move together languidly, with him growing hard against you. When he pulls away to draw in a deep breath, he gives you a dopey smile and your eyes are inexplicably drawn to that single curly lock of hair that’s draped over his forehead.
“Is that deliberate?” you ask as you flick at it with your fingers. “Do you pull that out every single day until it looks just right?”
“That’s what you want to talk about now?!”
“It’s been driving me insane since yesterday!” Eddie starts to laugh and you can feel your cheeks begin to heat up. “I’m sorry alright!”
“I’m not telling,” he chuckles. “So you’ll just have to deal with not knowing.” He sways his head from side to side and your eyes keep following the bouncing curl around as he does it. “Look at me.” You tear your eyes away from his hair with some reluctance and stare into his eyes which are as brown and warm as a mug of hot chocolate. “Mine?”
“What do you-“
“Mine?” He repeats himself a bit more sternly this time.
“Yours,” you answer. “I-I’ve always b-been yours.” You can feel your heart skipping a beat from his scrutinizing gaze. “Y-you said that I’ve had your heart for a long time, but the same thing goes for you.” You reach for one of his hands and place it over your heart like he had done yesterday. “It’s always been yours.”
Eddie looks at you as if you had just told him all the secrets of the universe, something a lot more important than a simple confession of love at least, but then his gaze turns hot and you close your eyes a split second before your lips meet again.
This time you could practically taste it, the promises, the devotion, the love. It was in every single movement of his lips against yours. You were an idiot for doubting his intentions for even one single second. How could you ever doubt him? You blame it on last night’s alcohol. It must have briefly clouded your judgment, muddying your mind and dragging up all your teenage uncertainties.
Those thoughts fade with every kiss. The way that Eddie kisses you makes it easy to forget all about your worries and doubts, tears it all down to its bare bones until it’s nothing but a boy and girl who have been denying themselves this for way too long.
There was no rush this morning, you could take it as slow as you wanted, and Eddie seems to want that as well, his movements slow as molasses in January.
His lips move away from yours, kissing and nipping down your jaw, moving against the shell of your ear where he softly murmurs, “That curl… I pull that one out on purpose every single day.”
“I knew it!”
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Modern!Human in Kaer Morhen
Summary: How the Witcher characters would try to impress a modern person + feel about them
Notes: I put some of the non-Witcher characters here too since some of them wintered at Kaer Morhen as well
it's been a while, but i had my wisdom teeth removed and was incapacitated for the last few days
Tagged: @lucyinthelibrary @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie @sunndust (hmu to be tagged!)
Masterlist | based on this request | requests are OPEN!
He tries to stay away from you at first since destiny loves to fuck him over
But you’re just so nice
Finally he’s being treated like a normal person
Would never admit it out loud
Doesn’t try to impress you per se, but tries to show that he cares about you and might become very protective
Has one talk with you, becomes the Continent’s first suffragette
Loves you for being a feminist (if you aren’t, why are you reading this??)
Tries to impress you with magic
Would probably work (come on! PORTALS???)
Very possessive of you, even as a friend
Honestly, she doesn’t really think about impressing you at all
But she kinda does?
She’s just a super kind person in a super shitty world
If she actually does try to actively impress you, it’ll also be through magic
Just more wholesome opposed to Yen’s intimidating
Will write you a song
And a song about you
He’s a bard, so be prepared to be serenaded (it would probably work on me tbh)
Ofc super flirty
So happy that you treat his witcher friends as anyone else
Internally screaming
Crushes so hard I’m not okay
Tries to impress you with absolutely everything
From fighting to good reading recommendations to leaving little gifts (especially the little gifts)
How could you not love this guy?
He just constantly hast to remind himself that you’re nice to witchers
And ofc he melts for it bc obviously (obviously being deep-rooted trauma and self-image issues, applying to all witchers)
Tries to impress you by teaching you how to fight
And showing off all the while
Means well, but very distracted
He’s defensively aggressive from the get-go
And so startled when you’re just… normal to him
Has no idea how to act around you
He can’t just… be mean now???
So chaotic with trying to impress you
Starts tripping while showing off his sword skills
Super suspicious of you being nice to his boys (and him)
Yeah, he doesn’t trust you in the least
When he does start to like you, he tries to impress you with kind gestures
And by being a good listener (Vesemir = Kaer Morhen’s local therapist)
Also makes the boys respect you
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maleyanderecafe · 6 months
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Akahane Academy (Visual Novel)
Created by: Scratchitone
Genre: Comedy
Akahane Academy is a parody and it knows it. All of the male characters the player meets in the beginning are yanderes, and all with long chins that will stab you through the chest. There are three different yanderes, all of which are kind of unique in their own way. The intended play is to go from top to bottom when it comes to routes, so I'll try to follow that order when writing this review.
The player heads to Akahane academy to meet up with their club leader, Yukina-san, the neko girl, who seems to be rivals with the main character. She tells the player that she's left a surprise for them in the classroom, to which they walk in and find three different guys, Hiro, the blonde cheerful one, Misaki the black more mysterious one and Yuusei the more aloof one. From there, the player can interact with them and get their route.
Starting with Hiro, the player stalks to him about some of the manga that they like, and finds out that he's in the cooking club. He shows the player around the home economics room, and lets the player have a taste of cherrypie that he just baked. However, upon taking the pie out, the player smells a strong iron smell, and sees that the pie has a human face stretched out on it. Hiro reveals that he killed all of the player's friends and turned them into pies so that no one else could have them.
If the player goes with Masaki, he starts to brood on about how nobody understands him (complete with an emo wolf in the background), until the player tries to resonate with him. Shocked by this development, he falls in love for the first time and ends up telling them that they will be together forever and ever.
Finally, if the player goes with Yuusei, he will continue to stare at her, sort of breaking waiting for them to notice him until Yuki-san enters the room. She states that this entire thing was revenge for winning the science fair, where she worked really hard on her project and the player won by... making something they don't even understand. As revenge, she ends up making the three boys to ruin their life. She ends up leaving and the player is now stuck with the three yandere boys.
As I've said, very much a parody, since they call everyone weeby names and have dumb things go on but it's great and I like it. Definitely the most "serious" route is Hiro's route since we actually do get to see him basically cook all of the player's friends (which explains why we see such few people in the school anyways and the fact that the Home Eco's room is mysteriously covered in blood. It's probably the most scary route in the entire game and it's a shock because it's likely the first one that you play. The other two are a lot more lax, with Masaki's being probably the most tame (and funniest one) since it plays on the trope of an overly emo/brooding male lead, and the image of him sitting under a tree with a wolf to symbolize his brooding side is actually hilarious. He falls in love and becomes rather protective afterwards but there isn't really too much after that. Masaki's has even less than that but there are little flashes of him smiling as he talks to the player and his figure becomes more creepy as it goes on. It gets interjected by Yuki-san revealing her whole plot of making three yandere guys to ruin the player's life (though I'll be honest so far the only one who actually did anything was Hiro after cooking all of those weird blood pies). Still, it really does lean into the weeby OWO UWU type of writing and it is pretty fun to play since nothing is really taken that seriously. Also man, those chins are so sharp I could probably cut cheese with them.
Anyways, short game, pretty fun. Lots of dumb moments. I enjoyed it! If you like more parody games/ comedic type of yandere games, try this one out- it's short and it likes to make fun of itself which I can always appreciate.
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whatdoidosatoru · 3 months
First Date (Keisuke Baji x OC) chapter 1
PART 1 of The Only Exception
experimental emo!baji fic (Baji x OC that's just reader but with a name because i'd rather shoot myself than write y/n)
part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - ao3
Both, Baji and OC are into alternative music and I've tried to not describe OC physically so she can be anyone :)
pairing: Keisuke Baji x reader
word count: 7.2k
I don't know how to tag but here goes nothing: oral sex (both receiving), fingering, slight dirty talk, face-fucking, penetrative sex, bathroom sex, slight asshole!baji, fem!reader
The met at a night club and turn it into a whole thing, songs to go with the story:
𝆕 Playlist
18 - Anarbor
First Date - blink-182
Bring Me To Life - Evanescence
The River - Good Charlotte
Ocean Avenue - Yellowcard
Sex on Fire - Kings of Leon
Cherrypie - Warrant
Rebel Love song - Black Veil Brides
The day of the event finally came. I’d been looking forward to Emo Nite for almost a month now, ever since my best friend called me screaming that the new date had been announced. You’d think being in university with the event manager would help stifle the excitement over it since we could get any information about it whenever we wanted, but it’d been months since the two of us had gone out anywhere. It was the only thing on my mind as I dragged myself through my lectures, 3 pm could not have come any sooner. Finally, as the last lecture of the day came to an end, I started packing up my notes, trying to figure out what I was going to wear. 
My apartment was a short walk away from the university, the club, and our favourite gym, therefore this entire day was made that much easier as I didn’t have to depend on public transportation to get anywhere. 
Just as I opened the front door to my place that I shared with my best friend and roommate, I was attacked by my favourite playlist blasting from her room, the playlist I had made for her to get in the zone for these kinds of parties, all consisting of the music I had got moaned at for listening to in my teens. It very obviously was not a phase, mom. 
“You should put on 3OH!3” I let myself into her room.
“I don’t know what that means!!” She was frantically going through her wardrobe looking for something to wear.
“Give me the phone, trust me,” I said with a wink.
I clicked on the song and noticed some of my own clothes strewn over her bed, evidence that both of us currently had the same issue to decide on. I loved showing her the music I u̶s̶e̶d̶ t̶o̶ listen to as she never got to experience peak emo and scene culture in the town where she grew up. 
“What the fuck kind of line is ‘I’m a vegetarian and I ain’t fucking scared of him’”
“Mai, don’t question peak songwriting. It’s iconic.” 
She rolled her eyes, but I knew she was enjoying it. 
It was my turn to cook so I got to work preparing food for both of us before a well-deserved rest. Since I’d never been good at estimating the amount of rice needed for two people, there was now a full pot of leftovers that I promptly put away while cleaning up. 
The music blasting from Mai’s room was making me dance around the kitchen and postponing the tiredness I’d felt ever since opening my eyes in the morning. To take advantage of that burst of energy, I cleaned up all surfaces in the kitchen and dining room, giving Mai a break from her turn for cleaning that day, and moved on to the bathroom, where I made sure everything looked decent enough not to put me into a slump when we wake up the next day. Satisfied with the work, it was time to take a short nap before going to the gym. 
“Maybe this was a mistake, maybe we were too ambitious to plan to go out after the gym.” My friend complained on the way home.
“Well, maybe you should’ve done a low-intensity set like me like I told you! Because I’m feeling great!”
“I’m too old for this shit.”
“You’re 22! I dread to think how you’ll feel when you’re 80.”
She just stuck her tongue out at me in response. 
Both of us felt rejuvenated after a shower and it was high time to start getting dressed and doing our makeup. The playlist was back on and so was the random singing and shouting. I decided on a black blink-182 top, black jeans that are so ripped that I put fishnets on underneath, and an oversized denim jacket over the top.
The guitar pick necklace matched the t-shirt and all that was left was to put a fuck ton of eyeliner on. I went into Mai’s room to check on her and, damn, she looked incredible. She’d fit right in with her shorts, completely ripped black tights, Linkin Park t-shirt, and a plaid shirt wrapped tightly around her waist. I wolf-whistled.
“Not sure I can let you out like that, Mai.”
“Is something wrong with it? Is it too much? Oh no it’s too much isn’t it…”
“Hell no I’m just thinking of the best way to swat people away when they start swarming you.”
She smirked at the comment “You look just like you did in your old photos…just with better hair.”
“Please don’t remind me, I can still smell the hair spray.”
We sat on the floor and started doing our makeup, occasionally changing songs on her speakers and cracking stupid jokes. When we were done it was around 10 pm and Mai insisted on taking photos before leaving. My eyeliner sort of matched her plaid shirt, big black wings with red lines underneath, on my inner corners, and slicing through my eyebrows. On the lips, I opted for black-red ombre lipstick hoping it doesn’t transfer onto my cup of whatever I chose to drink. 
The walk to the club was pleasant as it wasn’t too cold or too hot. With those last breaths of fresh air of the night, we walked in and found our names on the list to be let inside. The space wasn’t very big, but it had only a few open windows so I felt sweat dripping down my back almost as soon as we got to the dance floor. Waving at the DJ and the event manager, we made our way to the bar. Mai started flirting with the bartender and I really had to respect the swiftness with which she got her first free drink of the night.
I grabbed my extortionately priced can of Red Bull and a straw and headed to the floor. There was quite a big crowd of people on one end of the room so we danced our way to the other side. The big reason why I loved going out with Mai is that she left all her shyness at home and sang from the top of her lungs even if her words were wrong. I, on the other hand, had to be broken out of my shell every time. 
After a while, having gotten comfortable with a big crowd of people all around us, I started noticing familiar faces walking in. Some of Mai’s friends from one of her lectures were there and we very quickly joined them in carving out some space for our group on the dancefloor. I could feel the makeup melting and everyone was getting water to freshen up so I decided to venture out to find the nearest toilet. Mai followed me out and kept singing as we walked past a group of guys, one of whom nearly knocked me into the wall.
“Watch it, assholes!” She shouted after them as I was regaining balance.
There was broken glass stuck in the soles of my vans and I could feel it scrape the floor as I walked on. 
“I swear some people don’t understand the concept of personal space, are you okay?” her worrying was adorable.
“Yeah, I just have to pick out the glass from my soles now. He didn’t even apologise, did he?”
“Nah, that’s okay I’ll find him back inside and feed him my fist though, don’t you worry.” I laughed as she pretended to punch the hand dryer. We tried to dab some sweat off of our faces with toilet paper but soon gave up as it would probably build up as soon as we stepped back into the room. Heading back, my favourite song came on and I had to sprint to get back to our group and share my excitement with others. 
“I really fucking love this song!” I shouted into someone’s ear, only to realise it was not one of my people, but the very asshole that pushed me in the hallway minutes before, along with his friends. He looked me up and down and, smirking like I was a child expressing their enjoyment of an animated film, chuckled “Good for you”.
I turned to find Mai, but she had already seen the interaction and followed what happened with raised eyebrows. 
“Was that…”
“Someone that still needs to get punched for being a dick? Yeah that’s the guy.”
“Mai, he’s hot. Why didn’t you tell me he was this hot! I would’ve pushed myself to save him the trouble of doing it himself if he needed me to!”
“I can’t hear half the words you just said and I don’t think I want to. You’re too sexually frustrated for your own good.”
Still I couldn’t stop picturing his face as he looked me up and down. Did he like what he saw? Did he find me cringe? Did he realise I was the person he pushed? I could’ve sworn I caught a glimpse of adorable fangs in his mouth, was he one of those weirdos that wore fake fangs to emo events?
Mai dragged me to the bar to get another drink, but I kept scanning the room to find the asshole vampire guy. With a new can in hand, I went towards the DJ to talk to the event manager. She was a really cool girl I had met waiting for our professor to start the lecture because both of us wore the same band t-shirt. Ever since she started organising these parties, Mai and I have been on the list and stayed until the very end of the party. 
“What’s wrong? You never not sing along to Ocean Avenue,” Hana waved in front of my face. Mai chuckled and told her I was just too horny to function. 
“Who’s the target tonight?” Hana asked with a massive grin.
“That long-haired asshole next to the bar,” Mai pointed towards him and his group of friends, all of them with drinks in their hands and not really dancing or looking like they were there for the music.
They kept talking while I made my way back out of the room to get some air and space to think. When someone stood next to where I was crouching, I assumed it was Mai trying to get me back inside.
“Sorry about pushing you earlier,” a voice that definitely wasn’t Mai’s said.
I looked up and was greeted by a pair of bronze eyes and a serious face framed by long black hair. Leaning on the wall with hands in his pockets, it was Asshole Vampire from before. The one I couldn’t stop looking for in the crowd, now he stood next to me where I could hear him better. I quickly stood up and swayed a little from getting up too fast. 
“I didn’t think you even noticed someone falling and stepping on glass because of you.” My voice was vibrating from screaming along with the music earlier.
“I know it’s not really an excuse, but I tried to get back as soon as possible to hear the song that was playing. I love Black Veil Brides.” He chuckled and looked down.
I looked him over, he was wearing a white button-up shirt that was slightly unbuttoned, black jeans, and black Converse. His hair was long and shiny, falling forward nonchalantly. 
“I will say that just might be a good enough reason, I’ll try to call off the hit I put on you.” I tried sounding casual despite the fact that he was standing so close to me I could feel the warmth of his body.
“That would be great, thanks. You have a good music taste, apparently. Good Charlotte is one of my favourite bands.”
I looked at him and blushed, that meant he definitely knew it was me shouting in his ear earlier.
“Yeah, sorry about that, I thought you were someone I knew.”
He looked amused, “I’m Keisuke. Now I’m also someone you know.”
I shook his hand, trying to secretly admire his beautiful long fingers. “Yuna. I don’t think I’ve seen you here before.”
“I’ve never managed to get my friends to come with me before, and I’m not the type to go out to clubs by myself.”
“Well, I hope you get them to come next time as well, I’ve been to every Emo Nite and they’re always amazing. I’m friends with the event manager as well.” Wow shut up, I thought to myself, who gives a shit. 
“They’re not really into the same music, that’s why we’re just standing there like statues. Just observing. Like a bunch of creeps.”
That made me shiver a bit. Was I actually holding a conversation with this guy? If only Mai could see me now…she’d probably run over to punch Keisuke in the face. 
“I get it, luckily, my friend is discovering this music now and likes it, I’ve been into it since I was probably 10.”
“Ahhh, the right age to sing about all the greatest pains in life, back before you even knew what the real world was.” He stared ahead like he knew that pain now.
“Yeah, but it’s been 12 years since then, and it’s still my day-to-day music.”
“You’re 22 then?” He looked back at me, “Are you from around here? We could’ve been in the same year..”
“I moved here for university.” Okay great, he was my age and he had the same music taste. I couldn’t help but wonder what his lips would taste like…
“You know I can see you staring at my lips, right?” He grinned, obviously very pleased with himself having caught me staring.
“Hm? Oh…yeah. You’re insanely gorgeous, sorry,” I cringed at myself. What the fuck is wrong with me? May as well go get Mai and head home, there is no way I could enjoy my night after this. A soft chuckle escaped his mouth “Likewise, I didn’t get a very good look at you inside, but now that I can see you properly, I’m really glad I came out to check on you.”
Wait, what? “Check on me?”
“It seemed like you were unwell, and when you headed out I wanted to make sure you didn’t collapse or something,” he shrugged. My heart started pounding, he was looking at me inside? He worried about me? He wanted to help me? Woah. 
“That’s very kind, coming from the guy who almost flattened me with the wall.”
He threw his head back and laughed, “Are you going to hold that against me forever?”
“Maybe,” I smiled at him, “unless you make it up to me.”
He turned to face me completely.
“Well, how about we head back inside to enjoy some music together, and you think of a way for me to me it up to you?”
I took in his gorgeous jawline and the canines peeking through his lips.
“Lead the way, Keisuke.”
We went back inside, I immediately started scanning the crowd for Mai or Hana. They waved me over to them and I grabbed Keisuke’s hand to lead him to them. Mai’s eyes went wide and I knew we were going to have to talk about this later.
“Keisuke, this is Mai, my best friend, and that’s Hana, she organised this event,” I shouted into his ear, inhaling the scent of his hair.
Mai looked him up and down and Hana shook his hand. I was pleading with Mai with my eyes not to beat the shit out of him right then and there, signalling that I didn’t want him dead.
“I’m going to stay over at Hana’s tonight, if that’s okay with you, Yuna.” Hana turned to her with questions in her eyes, but Mai pinched her arm and smiled at her. 
Was she trying to give me some kind of a signal? Keisuke looked between us, all I could do was just nod and go dance. It seemed too convenient that the next song that was playing was a slow one. Keisuke grabbed my hand, “I assume you want to dance to blink-182,” he nodded at my t-shirt and necklace. 
I couldn’t believe it. We’d been dancing for several songs now, surprisingly, he’s actually got rhythm. Mai decided to stay with Hana and not come back for me, which normally never happens. It was always the two of us against everyone in the room. Maybe she saw the tension between Keisuke and me - wait…was there tension between Keisuke and me? He was looking down at me and smiling most of the time, save for when he was belting out to the music. Especially when both of us were singing the wrong lyrics to Fall Out Boy. After a while, he dragged me to the hallway to speak to me.
“Do you want to get out of here?” He looked at me intensely. It took me a few seconds to catch on.
“What did you have in mind?”
“Do you live nearby?”
This wasn’t weird, right? To the rational part of my brain, it sounded like a bad idea, but I’d been imagining what his lips would feel like on my neck for a good part of the night. 
“Yeah, walking distance,” As soon as I said that he leaned down and caught my lips with his. I reached for his neck and brought him closer, deepening the kiss. His lips were soft and I could smell his shampoo as his hair fell to tickle my face. There was a low vibration in the back of his throat. When he broke the kiss he looked into my eyes like he was trying to read them. I could get lost just staring at his face. He smiled and took my hand, “Lead the way, Yuna.”
I fumbled around my pockets trying to text Mai while he let his friends know he wasn’t going home with them. It seemed like a fortunate coincidence that Mai was staying over at Hana’s tonight.
Yunaaaaasty, 01:28
i’m going home with vampire guy, am i making the biggest mistake of my life?
Mai Darling, 01:29
thought so :) why did you think i made Hana let me stay over?
Yunaaaaasty, 01:29
you’re a mastermind and i owe you for this
Mai Darling, 01:30
oh yes you do but honestly it’s not as fun singing i’m not okay without you <3333
just let me know if you’re dead or alive in the morning so i can alert the police kbye have fun ;)
I looked up as Keisuke reached for my hand, his grip was so warm it immediately made my heart jump. I could feel warmth pooling in my stomach in anticipation of what might happen in just a few short minutes. Keisuke kept asking me questions about my life on our way there, though I wasn’t exactly sure why he was so curious if this was to be only a one-time thing. Maybe he was trying to determine if I was a psycho killer of some sort…or maybe he was? Oh well, he was so gorgeous I wouldn’t mind dying if it meant having some fun with him beforehand. 
We walked up the stairs and he started kissing behind my ear. My skin felt tight in anticipation of his touch and I felt myself shiver as his kisses trailed down to my neck.
“You’re distracting me, I’m trying to get us inside at least,” I chuckled at him.
“How long does it normally take you to unlock your front door?”
“Hey it’s difficult finding the key in this mess of keychains, now I have you making me thinking about uhhh…other things as well.”
He moved to my lips and nipped at my bottom lip. “Oh and what is it that I’m making you think about?” There is no way I was saying that out loud outside my apartment, so I just pushed the door open and dragged him inside after me.
I started taking my denim jacket off all the while not breaking the kiss and leading him to my bedroom. I shut the door and clumsily shook off my Vans, starting to unbutton his shirt. He looked at me with hungry eyes, his hands travelling along my hips and up to my breasts. Luckily, the fairy lights around my bed frame were left on so I could see his eyes as he was drinking in the lust in my eyes. When he shrugged off his shirt, he started unbuttoning my jeans and pushed me toward my desk, still messy with my coursework and at least four dictionaries and other heavy tomes. I broke the kiss to put the books away when he chuckled, “Damn, I was kind of hoping to knock it over in the heat of the moment and eat you out on top of the desk,” As hot as that would’ve been, this was the product of a month of research and hard work and it deserved to be put away safely.
“If I hadn’t spent all my sanity working on this paper I would say yes.”
“Can I still eat you out at least?” I felt my knees threatening to give out, why was his saying that so damn hot? 
“Please,” I moaned into his mouth and started to peel my fishnets off when he grabbed my hands to stop me.
“Keep them on,” his breathy voice rolled into my ear, “but how attached are you to those panties?”
This confused me, but he already grabbed the fabric of my underwear and started ripping them on the side and casting them away. He lifted me up and put me on top of my desk, now trailing his mouth down my torso to where my panties were a few seconds ago. His large hands ripped the crotch of my tights and started putting his hair up into a ponytail. I hadn’t noticed the hair tie that had been around his wrist until he took it off and held it with his teeth.
My head spun when he lowered his lips to my heat and started to lick long strokes between the folds. Leaning back on my hands, I let out a breathy moan that made him chuckle into me and start sucking on my clit.
“Oh my..Keisuke yes,” I couldn’t keep it in anymore, his tongue swirled all around the most sensitive area and when I looked down at his face his eyes were set on me, as if he needed to make sure I was coming undone. As if my moans and hitched breaths weren’t enough of a sign, he needed to see it with his own eyes. 
My hand went to the base of his ponytail to bring him closer to me, as I did so it felt like he dug in with an even stronger intensity than before. I was nearing my peak when he inserted a finger inside me. I could feel his lips spreading into a smile when he saw my reaction like he was saving that move until the end.
“Let go, Yuna. If you cum on my tongue now I’ll let you ride me.” That was all that was needed to push me over the edge and make me shake with pleasure while his hand held me down on the desk. 
He got up and pulled my t-shirt off, slowly unbuckling my bra and adding it to the pile of clothes on the floor. Keisuke let his hair back down and started pulling my hair into a ponytail, tying it with his hair tie. I pushed him onto my bed and crawled up to his crotch, pulling his jeans down as he pushed his Converse off his feet.
When I pulled down his boxers I was met with his hard cock slapping his abdomen and, looking up into his eyes, gave the head an experimental lick. His eyelashes fluttered and he closed his eyes so I took it as a sign to continue. 
Keisuke let out the sweetest moan when I took as much of his length as I could into my mouth, one hand on his shaft, the other on the balls. With long, circular motions, my tongue slid all over his cock, licking off any drops of precum it dripped.
His balls were in my hand, softly being massaged, causing him to huff and moan softly. His hand reached for my hair and grabbed it to lead me how he wanted me. He held me in place as his hips thrust up. As his thrusts got more and more frantic, my throat had had enough, so I released his balls from my hand and grabbed the hand that was holding my ponytail signalling I needed a break.
He released me and dragged me up to his face to kiss me, but I had to get things moving to get him inside of me as soon as possible. 
Leaning over to my bedside table, I pushed aside my phone and Polaroid camera, grabbed a condom from the drawer, and turned on some music, “Alexa, play Oh My Word It’s Happening playlist.” When the first song started playing, he let out a laugh,
“Really, First Date?” 
“Hey, I want to make this night last forever, okay?”
I handed him the condom and straddled his abdomen, leaning in to kiss him deeply. Keisuke’s hair was spread over the pillow like a dark halo, framing his beautiful face, I almost forgot how to breathe. His hands were trailing along my thighs, still covered with fishnet tights, as I positioned myself above his hard cock, slowly lowering myself down, his eyes rolling back and filthy moans escaping his soft lips.
When I sunk fully onto his cock, I couldn’t help myself but let out a high-pitched moan which seemed to wake him from the bliss he was in. He grabbed my hips and helped me bounce myself on him. The thickness that spread my walls made me feel full, and each thrust scratched an impossible itch inside me. When Keisuke started grunting with each thrust I knew he was nearing his peak. I reached to rub my clit with one hand, but he swiftly knocked it aside and replaced it with his own. I threw my head back in pure pleasure and let out all the pent-up pressure from my throat as I came all over his dick, he followed soon after with an animalistic moan and stopped thrusting. 
He looked spent and let go of my hips, I needed to burn the image of him lying underneath me into the insides of my eyelids. I reached over to grab my camera,
“Do you mind if I take one of you?” I motioned with the camera. He gave me a small smile,
“Is this some kind of a psycho killer trophy you’re collecting?”I couldn’t help but laugh,
“Maybe, but I want to remember this.” He nodded with a blissful smile, so I looked through a viewfinder and pushed the button. Putting the camera aside, I got off of him and lay next to him, gently taking the condom off and launching it into the bin.
“I feel obligated to mention that I’ve never done this before,” He raised his eyebrow at my comment, causing me to correct myself, “I mean, I’ve never brought someone home like this, especially after just meeting them.” He was tracing shapes on my stomach, all the while staring into my eyes.
“Me neither,” he admitted, “I’m still not convinced you’re not some psycho killer taking advantage of young men, taking salacious photos of them, and then disposing of their corpses in the nearby bushes.” I just had to laugh at the notion,
“You seem to have put a lot of thought into this scenario, are you sure you’re not the murderer?” He leaned over to place a kiss on my shoulder,
“Well, I guess we’ll find out soon enough.” Looking over at him, I took in his loose hair, now messy and half-resting on my pillows.
“Honestly, after this, I think I would gladly let you kill me. I don’t remember the last time I felt this good.” When Keisuke pulled me closer to him, resting his hand on my hip, I swear I could have floated away.
After some conversation that sounded way too casual considering the way we had just made each other feel, I heard Keisuke’s stomach rumble so I offered to get him some food and dragged him out of bed and into the kitchen. He managed to put his boxers back on while I put on my pyjama top and we made way to investigate the food situation. 
“I’ve got some leftovers from today, I mean, I guess it’s technically yesterday now.” I pulled out the tub with leftover fried rice and chicken and stuck it into the microwave while he inspected the fridge door that was littered with polaroids of Mai and me, some from our work with other coworkers, some of us cuddling her cats from back home, some of our birthday and end-of-exams parties, and others of my old dance group from different competitions we attended.
“You have cats?” He seemed really interested in all individual photos.
“Ah, no, those are Mai’s parents’ cats. They live in the middle of nowhere and have a bunch of animals, unfortunately, we couldn’t get any of her pets here when we moved in,” I pointed at another photo of me with a big black labrador sitting on the beach, “That’s my dog, but he lives with my parents, as I’m too busy to take care of a dog right now.” He nodded and looked over a few more photos before stepping towards me and pushing a loose strand of hair behind my ear. 
At that moment the microwave beeped and I went to grab the food and plate it up. We ate standing in the kitchen, neither of us feeling inclined to move away from each other. Keisuke was stuffing his face like he hadn't eaten in days,
“I think you need to slow down,” I said with a smirk.
“This is amazing, I can’t stop,” he said with his mouth full.
When he was done, he started to put the plates into the dishwasher and I offered him something to drink. With him in the kitchen, I made my way to the bathroom to wipe my makeup off, noticing the lipstick hadn’t transferred at all. Keisuke appeared behind me when I had taken off most of the makeup and started touching my ass. Luckily I didn’t put any underwear on, remembering how he ripped the pair I wore earlier. I looked at him through the mirror and smiled at his gentle caresses. He seemed entranced by my skin and started making his way towards my bare heat. Gently rubbing my sensitive lips, he elicited soft moans from my lips. Our eyes met in the mirror and he returned my smile,
“You’re so beautiful, did you know that? I loved seeing you with  the makeup, but this,” he reached for my cheek with his hand, the other one still rubbing my pussy, “is incredible.” 
He grabbed my face and kissed it, making me moan into his mouth which made him change his approach and sink a finger inside of me. He groaned when my walls sucked his finger in, adding another and hooking them to hit the most sensitive spot inside. My legs started shaking with pleasure, which seemed to amuse him enough to giggle and move to stand right behind me, spreading my legs.
“I don’t know what it is about you,” Keisuke whispered, “but you’re making me feel feral, like no amount of touching you will ever be enough,” his voice was making me wet with desire.
“Feral? We can do it like they do it on the Discovery channel then,” I invited him for another round. I opened one of the drawers under the sink and passed him a condom, causing him to chuckle,
“Very convenient.” 
“We like to be prepared,” he aligned his once again hard cock with my entrance and pushed in, throwing his head back in pleasure, my back arching to get a better angle, still holding the edges of the sink. He pushed into me until I couldn’t take any more and gasped loudly. He stopped and started pulling out and pushing back in, only up to the point I could handle. This angle made hitting the sensitive spot so much easier, it made me gasp and whine with every single one of his thrusts. His hands were squeezing my ass like it was the only thing keeping him grounded on this Earth. His cock was buried deep inside of me, hitting my most sensitive areas, pulling me apart from the inside.
I threw my head back and Keisuke took the opportunity to grab my jaw and pull me towards his face. He was grunting into my ear and kissing my neck, I was certain I wouldn’t last much longer. 
With his teeth, he scraped along my neck. With a cry, I creamed on his cock, which only seemed to make him go faster and harder. “Good girl, hold on tight,” he whispered into my ear, letting go of my jaw and instead holding the base of my ponytail as I held onto the wall in front of me for dear life. One of his hands snaked around me and found my clit, rubbing it in circular motions, sending me into another orgasm, this one louder than the last.
Never breaking pace, he chuckled and smacked my ass three times before returning both his hands on my ass, pulling me into his hips repeatedly.
“Faster Keisuke, please!” I cried out, and he obliged. Soon after that I felt another wave of pleasure threatening to swallow me whole. Just as I started crying out his name again, he moaned into my hair and finished, slowing his thrust leading us both through our orgasms. Once he stopped, our eyes locked in the mirror once more, I didn’t know if I had it in me to smile at him. His cock slid out of me and he took off the condom and threw it away, spinning me around to kiss me with all the energy he had left. I had half a mind to thank him, but I couldn’t form words anymore, I just grabbed his hand and led him back into my bedroom, cuddling into him on the bed. 
“Are you okay?”
Turning around to face him, I caressed his face, taking in his loose hair, soft eyes, slightly protruding canines, and soft lips. I wanted to look at him forever, there’s something arresting about his face making me incapable of looking away. 
“Why do you ask?” Was he overthinking this whole night? Is he trying to make me start kicking him out so he doesn’t have to make the first move?
“You haven’t said a word since…since we fucked in the bathroom.” His tone was that of worry. 
“I think… you may have taken every ounce of energy that I had saved for conversation,” I said with a giggle, “I came twice before that, and then three times in the bathroom. A girl needs to breathe and rest.”
His smile returned, lighting his face up, I just had to close the distance between us and kiss him softly. 
“How are you feeling?” I wondered, gently caressing his arm.
“Completely empty. I feel like all my worries and stress just,” he made a floating gesture with his hand, “disappeared.” 
“I think we both deserve some sleep, don’t you agree?”
He looked into my eyes as if to read them again, then rolled me over, pressed me into his form, and softly whispered good night.
I grabbed my phone only to be met with a few messages from Mai:
Mai Darling, 2:30
hope you’re not dead because Hana said there’s another party in 2 weeks and she’ll kill us if we don’t come
Mai Darling, 3:15
ok you’re either dead and i have to clean up the apartment of your blood or you’re still fucking and i hope to everything holy it’s the latter and i don’t have to get the blood out of the carpet
Mai Darling, 4:45
i’m gonna choose to believe you’re so fucked out you can’t even pick up your phone. get it girl. Message me when you can though
Yunaaaaasty, 5:20
alive but barely. came five times. hurts my brain to think we have work today. see you soon.
Mai Darling, 5:21
YESSSSSSSS i knew that little bastard had it in him…or more accurately he had it in you! ;)
i’m home around 9, prepare the report and i’m making us some coffee for that piping hot tea
What a weirdo. My eyelids closed to the soft sound of Keisuke’s light snores. 
With a start, my eyelids flew open to quickly switch off the alarm before it woke up Keisuke. With a groan, he flipped over to his back, hand reaching over to try and locate his phone. He sat up to rummage through the pile of clothes we left on the floor to fish it out of his pocket. 
“Ah, shit. I have work in a few hours,” he looked over at me and smiled, “but that doesn’t mean I can’t stay a tiny bit longer. That is, if you want me here?” His eyes were full of hope.
I pulled him towards me and caught him in a kiss, his hand started wandering underneath the sheets, grabbing my boobs, hips, thighs, pulling me closer. Every time he squeezed me a moan escaped my mouth into his, which seemed to make him more eager each time.
His hands travelled down to my pussy and started to softly spread my folds, ghosting over my clit with each move. In an attempt to get more friction, I started to roll my hips on his hand, desperately trying to unravel the bundle of tension already forming in my belly. He smirked and probed my entrance with a finger, catching the gasp coming out of my mouth with his own. 
I was already reaching back into the drawer to fish out another condom, expecting another round, when his mouth left mine to trail kisses and nibbles down my neck to my collarbone while his other hand was holding my neck. Am I getting into this? His hands are so pretty that I kind of want them around my neck for a little longer. 
“How are you so amazing at this?” I squeezed out between moans. He chuckled, “It’s a curse.”
“Then please curse me again.”
His head snapped up and we locked eyes. Grabbing the condom from my hand he got in my face, “Only because you asked me nicely, gorgeous.”
This time his thrusts were slower, towering over me, leaning on his elbows, his hair fell into my face, smelling of his shampoo and my perfume mixed together. Citrusy and sweet. I hoped the pillow he had slept on kept the scent a little bit longer. His eyes were focused on my face, following every hitched breath as he hit my sensitive spot with every move.
My insides squeezed his length with the desire to keep him inside a bit longer, the slow and lazy motions we were going through seemed very fitting with the chilly morning air coming in through the open window. As fast and rough as last night’s sex was, this morning’s sex was gentle, careful, and deliberate. My hands were firmly planted on his back, nails scratching slowly. I was soon brought to my peak again, this time it wasn’t sudden and needy, but slow and sure. 
“Keisuke I’m close,” I moaned right into his ear, which seemed to set off something in him as his pupils dilated and his movements became needier. Like he’ll drop through the ground into the centre of the Earth if he doesn’t chase our orgasms. 
“Say it again,” he squeezed out through his moans.
“Keisuke! I’m so close, keep it going please!”
“More,” his voice was desperate, his eyes were squeezed shut with concentration.
“Please I need you, Keisuke! You feel so good, you’re making me cum!”
With a cry, we finished in sync and he dropped on top of me, barely breathing just like me. He pulled out slowly and discarded the condom, pushing his hair back from his face. 
“How many times was that?” 
“This was my sixth, but it felt more intense than the ones before.”
The look on his face was that of beaming pride and bliss. “Not bad for one night,” he said with a wink, “but I’m afraid I have to get going if I want to at least shower before work.”
“Where do you work?” Considering how much we talked throughout the night, I didn’t get this important piece of information. Sure, now I knew what his life goals were, how old he was when he broke his first tooth, and how many bikes he had crashed in his childhood, but somehow his place of employment hadn’t popped up.
“Pet zone. The one next to the main square.” He raked his fingers through his hair, leaving me in awe of his lean body and toned arms. He started putting his clothes back on, so I got up to find a new pair of underwear and an oversized T-shirt. 
Now that we were both dressed, we met in the middle of the room with another deep kiss, this time he pulled me into a hug. Huh, we had fucked 3 times and I fed him, but we just hugged for the first time. I could’ve just melted in his arms, but the sound of the front door unlocking made me step away and see him to the door. 
Mai walked in with a big smile on her face and a bag of groceries.
“Good morning sleepyhead, time to start on breakfast!” She said with too much energy for both of us. 
“Actually, I have to get going or I won’t make it to work,” with a quick kiss to my lips, he started for the door.
Mai turned to him as if wondering what he was still doing there.
“Okay, great seeing you, Kazuki,” she said with a smile.
“Likewise, Mirei.”
She frowned slightly, “It’s Mai.”
He smirked, “It’s Keisuke.” He winked at me and closed the door behind him.
Mai turned to me with a grin, “I like him, he can take a joke. Right,” she clapped her hands, marching into the kitchen, “I’m making coffee, you’re getting ready to spill everything. Apart from the coffee, of course.”
With sleep still in my eyes, I made for my bedroom to put the books and papers back onto the desk and let some more air in, since the whole room smelled of sex. As I raked through my hair, I realised his hair tie was still in my hair, I wondered if he left it with me on purpose.
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imyourrjoy · 9 months
𝙸𝚖𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚛𝚓𝚘𝚢'𝚜 𝙺𝚒𝚗𝚔𝚝𝚘𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝙲𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚋𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🍂๋࣭ ⭑⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
Get ready for October, my loves. Not only is it my birthday month, but it's my favorite month, so I have a lot planned,
To be added to the taglist comment or reach out 🫶🏻
Requests 🍂⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🍂๋࣭ ⭑⋆.ೃ࿔*:・⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🍂๋࣭⭑⋆.ೃ
Open requests for......
Criminal minds (all characters)
The last of us (all characters)
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🍂๋࣭ ⭑⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
Request are a whole other thing you can Request anything and will still have my kinktober fics (probably will be like 3-5) ALL REQUESTS WILL BE DRABBLES OR WILL TRY AND BE!!!
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🍂๋࣭ ⭑⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
Knife/ 🔪 - DARKKKKKK, however dark you want, I'm ok with writing anything dark, but I draw the line at incest and body fluids
Tombstone/🪦 - Major character death fic or reader death involved
Blood/🩸- Vampire, any type of vampire allowed killer, lover any
Band aid/🩹 - comfort of any form, comfort sex, cuddles anything
Let the light in/🕯- a fic based on a song lyric
Telephone/ ☎️ - a Texting fic
Pumkin/🎃 - holloween or fall themed fic
🥧/ Cherrypie - Other......
Kinktober masterlist.........
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druidshollow · 8 days
i wanna write a cherrypie fic..... siiiigh
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philosopunk · 7 months
Second Brain, twice the insanity.
How are you going to have a second brain when your first one is not at peace?
I ask the internet gurus and I am met with the skeptical rage of thousands yet no challenge to what I am questioning. Such is life. But I truly wonder if this concept of building a second brain, hyper-productivity and excessive journaling of your everyday thoughts will truly help people in the long run.
A mixture of having to store all the information you know, having to write down all your thoughts for the possibility of it being connected to one note you made five years ago, having to wonder what is the connection between you liking cherrypie to your childhood trauma of getting bullied.
Alas, excessively searching for the soul so mechanically that they cannot find it. Taking the words of philosophers to the unhealthiest extremes by people whose life is not dictated by thought -- taking the words of fake prophets on the web that assure that their productivity hours will triple with a second brain. At the end, it is all about making your life a productivity sprint, efficiently thinking all the time. I truly feel for the folks who cannot let a thought go at this point, for the distant promise of enlightenment and for the distant possibility of this one thought that nearly slipped past you being a million dollars worth in pure gold.
What is this obsession with never letting go? I truly wonder and I truly will not know it.
A mind not healed creating another mind. I truly fear for them.
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zablife · 2 years
Haunted House
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x female reader
Summary: You visit a haunted house with Jake so he'll hold you close, but you learn something about him you didn't expect.
Author's Note: Inspired by a post by @mrsroosterbradshaw02.
Warnings: language
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You couldn’t remember who had suggested the corny haunted house, but after a few beers it sounded like a decent idea. It was Halloween after all and you wanted an excuse to wrap yourself around Jake. You’d always loved horror movies and gore so you weren’t actually afraid, but what could it hurt to let him think you were?
As you entered the cobweb-filled entry way, the sound system played a horrendously fake sounding loop of ear piercing screams and chains dragging the ground. Jake turned to Bradley and said, “Haunted houses are so stupid! Who wanted to do this?” Everyone chimed in for him to shut up as the door opened slowly for you to enter the “chamber of horrors.” You rolled your eyes at the silly theatrics, but snuggled into Jake. 
He pressed a hand to your lower back whispering, “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you sweetheart.” As soon as you entered, you passed a room with a girl in a bloodstained nightgown reaching through the bars of a cell to claw at you. You suppressed a giggle and tried to make it sound like a gasp instead. You noticed how Jake’s arm tightened around your shoulder and you began to wonder if he was comforting you or you were comforting him. 
Then you rounded a corner where a man in a mask jumped out with a chainsaw. Much to your surprise, Jake let out the loudest scream you’d ever heard and bolted away through the darkened halls. You heard props being knocked over and other guests shouting, “Hey, watch out!” 
You looked over at Bradley and Bob who were holding their sides laughing at Jake’s overreaction. “What the fuck was that?” Natasha said, leaning past you. “Is he going to puke or something? What a baby!”
"Classic Bagman," Payback added. You couldn’t help but laugh and then you felt guilty so you found the exit, pushing past the actors who were trying hard to spook you. 
You found Jake outside breathing heavily. “Are you ok?” you asked approaching him slowly. He was still shaking like a leaf.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” he said trying to brush off the embarrassing moment you’d just witnessed. 
“Are you afraid of haunted houses?” you said as a smile pulled at the corners of your mouth.
Jake let out a huff of air. “I am, ok? I hate those damn things, but I couldn’t tell you that!”
“Hey, I don’t care. I just wanted an excuse to make out with you a little,” you said biting your lip.
“Oh, yeah?” he said, looking up at you with renewed hope.
“Mmm-hmm,” you said, sitting next to him.
“Now that, I can do, darlin’,” he said with a smirk and pulled you in for a kiss.
****If you liked this blurb, please comment and reblog!! Also, feel free to send me an ask and request another! I'm always willing to write more for Hangman or Rooster.****
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runnning-outof-time · 2 years
Roadside Daisies | Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Request: no - part of @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie ‘s summer challenge
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x reader
Summary: Flowers play a big part in Tommy and (Y/N)’s relationship.
Warnings: none...just some good ol’ family fluff
Word Count: 1000
A/N: this challenge was so fun to participate in. My prompt was ‘wildflowers’ and I’m pretty pleased with how it turned out. Enjoy! :)
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in stories similar to this one!
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The evening was winding down, but the couple sitting in the car was still buzzing. Tommy tried to keep his eyes on the road instead of (Y/N), but it was a challenge. He was still in awe of the fact that he’d actually got her to agree to a date with him.
“This is such a beautiful road. I’m glad you decided to take the long way home,” (Y/N) said, a smile on her face as she watched the rolling fields pass by.
“I knew you’d enjoy it,” Tommy answered before he decided to pull the car over and park.
“Tommy, what’re you...” (Y/N) wasn’t able to finish her sentence because Tommy had gotten out of the car and walked over to the opposite roadside. He was gone for a few moments before he came back to the car with something in his hands. “What’s this?” (Y/N) questioned as he held it out to her.
“Daisies...to remember the long way home,” he smiled at her, moving the handful of delicate wildflowers he’d picked in her direction.
“They’re lovely, Tommy, thank you,” (Y/N) swooned at the sweet gesture, happily accepting the flowers from him and holding them close to her chest. Tommy grinned, accepting the kiss to the cheek that she happily gave him before he continued on the drive to her home.
That night, (Y/N) made sure to tuck the handful of daisies between the pages of a book so that they’d be able to dry and be kept for years to come. She wanted to have something that would let her remember the night she knew she’d found the man to spend the rest of her life with.
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-Seven Years Later-
The entire Shelby clan had finally had a day where they were all together and had nothing to do. There were no dance recitals, no football practices, and no business meetings. So (Y/N) suggested that they all go out and spend the day amongst the fields of wildflowers that had just bloomed.
Of course, getting the entire family out of the house was a feat in its own. The twins just had to be fighting about something, the toddler refused to go without making sure the entire toy chest was coming along, and, amidst the chaos, Tommy had slipped off to his office.
But soon enough, everyone was loaded into the car and they were off. After a few minutes of driving, they had pulled over on the roadside and walked in a bit to get to a clearing underneath a tree.
The two oldest kids immediately took off to run around the fields of colorful flowers, and the toddler — Oliver, although he tried to run with his older siblings, ultimately gave up and sat off with his toys just beyond the blanket that (Y/N) and Tommy were relaxing on.
“Isn’t this nice, Tommy?” (Y/N) questioned, a smile on her face as she rested her head against her husband’s shoulder.
“It is,” Tommy hummed in agreement, “let’s hope some time away from the office does me good.”
“It’ll always do you good,” (Y/N) assured him, lifting her head to smile at him. He couldn’t help but lean in and press a soft kiss to her lips that was broken up pretty quickly by the sounds of their children approaching them.
“Mumma! Mumma! Look what I’ve picked you!” their boy announced as he came to a screeching halt, his twin sister right on his heels.
“What have you got?” (Y/N) asked with sheer excitement in her eyes. She always got like this when they’d come to her with something. Receiving little presents from her children always brought her joy.
“Flowers!” the five year old exclaimed, the widest smile on his face as he pulled his hand from behind his back to show her the small bouquet of wildflowers that were now drooping slightly from being roughed about.
“Oh wow, Max. That was very thoughtful of you to pick them for me,” (Y/N) smiled as she accepted them from the boy, holding them safe against her chest.
“I picked some for you, dad!” his sister then chimed in as she presented Tommy with a similar bouquet.
“Thank you, my love,” Tommy sent her a smile as he accepted them from her. (Y/N) felt tears forming in her eyes as she looked over to her husband. This was just too sweet. “Your mum loves flowers,” Tommy told his kids.
“Is that why I’m called Daisy?” their daughter asked, her ears perking up slightly.
(Y/N) couldn’t help but laugh at her reaction. “You’re called Daisy because your dad pulled his car over to pick me some on our very first date,” she told the little girl, her smile growing wider at the thought of the fond memory.
Daisy smiled widely at the new information before she and Max took off running again, this time allowing Oliver to join in with them. (Y/N) couldn’t help but glance over at Tommy once they were alone again. She smiled as she leaned in closer to him.
“I love you,” he breathed against her lips before closing the gap to kiss her.
“I love you, too,” (Y/N) responded once they pulled away to sit closer to each other than before. Silence fell over them as they watched their children run about in the fields.
“How ‘bout we name this next one Poppy?” Tommy questioned then, his hand moving to rest against the swell of her stomach; she was five months pregnant with their fourth child.
(Y/N) sent him a straight-faced expression. “No,” she flat out said.
“Petunia?” he tried another name, a grin present on his face now.
As much as she tried, (Y/N) was unable to keep the smile from her face. “Tommy, stop,” she scolded him playfully before leaning in to kiss him again.
What a beautiful life...all created by some roadside daisies.
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Tagged: @alreadybroken-ts @magicalxdaydream @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @golden-hoax @elenavampire21 @peaky-cillian @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @easilyobessedbutflighty @shelbydelrey @december16-1991 @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole
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marwhoa · 2 years
request: none!
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🝮 “ cherrypie ”
rise!raph x villain!female!reader
author’s note: hello, hello! this fic is a special one that i actually co-wrote with my beloved, @tmntxthings !! We were both tasked with writing as much of a scene for 20 minutes and going back and forth until the fic felt finished 😎 they will be posting this to their account in the following days, so keep a look out to give them lovin’!!
word count: 4.2k
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There was a friendly hum in the air as Raph stood in the mirror and tried on outfits for his special day! Upon his suit’s collar was a chained pin. A ruby gem shimmered on the left side, twinkling with a mystic charm.
Emerald green hues gazed back at Raph, soaking up the humanoid figure he had once more with a nervous—but excited!— exhale. Today would be one more of the many dates he went on with a special girl he met topside, and hopefully he could make it the most memorable date yet! After all, this gentleman might have had a nice little itinerary tucked away in his suit’s pocket.
Today’s plan was to meet up right outside of a ball that his dearest friend, April’s college was hosting! April and Y/N would be there, and Raph was Y/N’s choice as her plus-one. Thoughts of dancing across the floor with Y/N’s smaller hand in his, her dazzling smile flashing brightly as he whirled them to and fro! Gosh, just imagining it now had his feet thumping rhythmically upon the floor.
Alright, one last tug of your cute tie and you’re ready to go out! His back turned to the mirror, eyes fixating on the doorway. Don’t worry, big dog, you’ve got this.
Elsewhere, a dolled-up Y/N paced across the linoleum with her heels clicking intimidatingly.
“ They really think I was joking? Do they? Am I a joke to them? “
Some particular floor plans and interventions had not gone too well—it was as if nobody truly wanted to escape the Hidden City and go topside! Had so much time passed that everyone was complacent with being moles, deep under ground, without a single sight of the moon big in the sky at night? Had they all become completely okay with never seeing the sun again? Y/N took—no, snatched!— a towel from its position on the wall and grit her teeth while trying to rub clean the irritation vivid upon her features. Her eyes glared at the reflection in the mirror, but just for a second as they then trailed down to the form-fitting Ruby dress that draped her body. It was much too flattering, causing a blush to dust Y/N’s features and her nervous habit of spinning the wooden ring upon her ring finger—the signature ring banded with an arcanic red crystal that was poured into it.—had kicked in. There was a heavy inhale as the thought of today's date resurfaced. She was going to be seeing him again today, her dearest Raph.
“ Oh, please like my dress… “
Y/N whispered, turning and posing to check all the angles. It was deserving of a gentle silence, the dress. As you soaked in the you in the mirror, so many thoughts whisked past.
That’s me?
I’m so beautiful.
Will he be just as impressed?
I could stare at myself forever.
There was a shy warmth whirling in your chest, so much so that the previous thoughts in your mind had been subsided. The operation had been all but forgotten from your mind, cleared by the thoughts of how tonight would go. You were in love with how you looked right now. Not a doubt in your mind, you were truly gorgeous for tonight’s date to the ball. Had your past self said, “ hey, you’ll be attending the hall with the kindest man ever ” then surely you would have called her a liar, but here you were.
Y/N L/N, otherwise infamously known as Cherrypie to both witches and humans alike for her fiery villainous deeds, dressed in a shimmery red dress with a split up the thighs, accentuating all the best parts. For a second, you felt less like a villain in disguise and more like a regular girl ready for her date.
Would anyone blame you if that’s what you truly wanted? Y/N bit her lip, trying to imagine for a second that she was exactly that—just a regular girl getting ready for her regular date. There was a bittersweet smile that subsided just as a ding came from her phone—Raphael!
Raph had entered the building, slipping his phone back into his pants pocket. He was taking in the crowd that was before him as he took tentative steps forward. He blew out a breath, eyes scanning for the most beautiful girl in the world. He had messaged you to let you know he arrived, but sadly his searching was to no avail. He did spot April though!
He made a beeline for the only other person he knew there. Raph couldn’t lie, he was definitely nervous. He’d never been to a fancy ball before, the only other time he had dressed up in black tie attire was for the magic show that Leo had begged them all to attend. His brothers weren’t here this time, but his nerves subsided as April turned recognizing Raph’s green eyes.
“ Look at you!! I’m so happy you could make it! ”
April was all smiles, giving Raph a crushing hug.
“You haven’t seen Y/n yet have you?”
Her eyebrows waggled with a promising look and Raph shook his head, looking around as if you would suddenly appear since your name had been said. No luck!
“ Do you know where she is? ”
Raph asked, a small smile forming on his face as he looked back down to April.
“ I don’t but you’re in for a treat, she’s wearing your favorite color. ”
April winked and Raph’s imagination went wild. You were wearing red? He felt his cheeks flush, head whipping back and forth now honing in on all the different dresses that showcased hues of his favorite color. He was disappointed, huffing slightly at the fact that he still hadn’t spotted you. April couldn’t help but laugh at him. April loved how smitten Raph was, and April knew you felt the same way. She was so happy for the two of you. It warmed her heart to see Raph so happy, he deserved it. So she decided to help out, looking around the crowd wondering where you had wandered off to.
Maybe it was just pure luck, but it only took a few seconds, and April tapped on Raph’s arm. He immediately looked down to see April pointing to her left. His eyes followed, and he sucked in his breath. It was as if the crowd parted and he could see you, walking towards him. Stealing his breath away. You were drop dead gorgeous. Hair swishing back and forth in slow motion as if the world revolved around you.
“ Breathe Raph. ”
April teased, elbowing him in the side. His cheeks burned as he took in deep breaths.
Y/N held her phone in her hand, checking it over and over again while waiting for Raph to arrive. She had seen April already and received the most dramatic positive response for her attire EVER. All the whistles and shouts as her friend took photos from every angle had left you fidgeting embarrassedly.
She hadn’t seen Raph yet either, so you settled for roaming the floor in hopes that fate would bring you both together!
And, as luck would have it, you both did encounter each other after only a few minutes of search. The sensation of a burning gaze on you had your attention. Turning on your heel quickly, your eyes locked with the warmest emerald pools ever, of which were currently taking in your silhouette in its entirety. In your chest, your heart was performing somersaults and leaving you out of breath. Why, he did dress up nicely. The suit just seemed so right on him!
From your pocket ( after all, what witch-villain wears a pocketless dress? ), you pull a small square matching your dress and tick-tack-tick’d on up to your love.
“ Raphie, you made it—eek! “
Once Y/N was close enough, Raph wasted no time in scooping her up and giving an affectionate twirl.
“ I gotta be dreaming, there’s no way the world’s prettiest Angel is smiling at me right now. “
He gave a toothy grin, his signature snaggletooth pressing upon his bottom lip in that captivating way it always did. You melted as his hand brushed strands of hair from your face carefully. He leaned in, planting a satisfying kiss upon your forehead before pulling back to see what the handkerchief you held was for.
“ This, this is to show we’re a pair! “
Y/N cooed as her hands pushed it into his suit’s chest-pocket, smoothing it out neatly. Her hand patted it, lingering on his broad chest for some seconds until his bashful throat-clearing had stirred her out of the trance.
“ Um, right, I hope you don’t mind that I planned out the night for us. Af-After being together so long , I was… I… “
His train of thought seemed to leave without him as his gaze fixated on your dress. You could’ve sworn tears welled up in his eyes as his hands reached to rest on your hips, rubbing slow circles against the fabric. One of his hands lifted to take your hand, lacing together your fingers. He had noticed that even dressed as you were—fancy for a ball—there was still that special wooden ring sitting snug upon your dominant hand’s ring finger. It’s red band glimmered in the light just as your dress did, causing his gaze to just soften with all the love in the world.
“ Sorry, red just looks …. Breathtaking on you, Y/N. “
As the lights were dimming and music was beginning to play, Raph’s attention was brought to the couples forming on the floor’s center. His hold on your hips tightened snuggly as his eyes returned to yours.
“ Raph…? “
You breathed out, captivated in his burning gaze.
“ Can I have this dance? “
His hand rose, its open palm extended as a comfortable place for your smaller hand. Not wanting to miss a single second with him, you were eager to oblige. Your hand slid into his as you both joined the floor with almost literal hearts bobbing within your irises, pure love as the two of you swam through the sea of dancers, rocking with the flow almost as if it were second nature.
Y/N wasn’t some villain from the Hidden City and Raph wasn’t some mutant ninja from the sewers. For now, the two of you were the most ordinary couple swaying across the ballroom door with sweeping steps that almost traced hearts with each pat of a toe-tip. A shared welling-up in each other's chests, identical breath-holding, and just the same amount of tears glowing your eyes. Raph and Y/N were in perfect harmony, almost the stars of the dance so far as others would catch sight of your mesmerizing dance.
It would have continued being the most romantic song ever played by two bodies, had the record not been scratched by a distant explosion. Easily overlooked, if not for the second that followed.
Then a third, fourth—hell, even a fifth. All inching closer and closer.
In that moment, both your hearts plummeted in your chests, but for different reasons. Raph, fearing what those sounds meant for your safety, and you, fearing for having even dared try to pretend you were anyone other than Cherrypie, the villain to bring this city to its knees. Tonight’s attack has completely slipped your mind.
The last explosion rumbled the entire building and Raph’s hold on your hips moved to encase your whole body. Pulling you right to his chest, ready for if the entire room collapsed, he’d protect. This was bad, Raph thought, he didn’t know what the hell was going on, but he needed to get you to safety and then he could figure out the rest. He was a hero after all.
“ Y/N. “
The reverie of the dance and music was broken. Screaming started to sound around them as bodies were rushing this way and that, to get out of the building. Running towards the various exit signs in the room.
“ I need you to run and get to safety, find April and stick together. “
His tone was serious and authoritative, his arms holding you put to look into your eyes before squeezing your arms and letting go.
“ Raphael! Where do you think you're going?! “
Your hand shot out as soon as he turned to leave. In your mind, he was just a human. The safest place for him would be at your side, even if you were the villain of this story. Even though the surrounding explosions were your doing, you didn’t want Raph to get hurt.
“ I’ve gotta go help, baby! What if someone was caught in those explosions? I’m sure they are scared, no need to worry about me. ”
He gave you a rugged smile, sounding confident. So when your hand slipped away from his arm, watching as he ran to the front doors, leaving the ballroom, heading for the chaos that was ensuing outside, you knew you had to get back to business. After a few moments of cornering your resolve you booked it to the back doors. Pushing them open and immediately found yourself swarmed by the scent of smoke.
“ Ready or not New York, here comes Cherrypie. “
You mumbled a spell under your breath, your dazzling dress disappearing.
As it vanished, the dress was replaced with a maroon wide brim hat, polished off with a green ribbon with long tails that would whisk through the hair behind you. Your clothes became green bell-bottom pants, flaring out to frame smooth red Mary Jane’s that made a familiarly intimidating click-clack with each step. Red magic crackled at your eyes as they embraced a deeper green hue. A sinister smirk found its rightful place upon your lips as the magic placed a finishing touch of a red blouse with a deep v-neck and flounce sleeves.
The wind danced through you, Cherrypie, swaying your clothes in an all-too perfect way. The crackling red magic enveloped your body, snapping to make your stature disappear and reappear at the scene of the explosion, right upon an elevated surface—just for that extra bit of power imbalanced in your favor.
“ Now, now, people of New York! “
Your voice boomed, amplified by magic as your hat’s brim hid your eyes and only revealed the villainous smile you held.
“ You couldn’t have possibly expected I was gone, could you? No, no, never would I have gone without such a flamboyant exit. And say, what would be the best of exits than a series of explosions to leave you all trembling at my feet? ”
With their spiel, Y/N found themselves working far too hard to feel the strength, the power—the fear-striking twinge. It had been a thought on the back of their head, especially since meeting Raph. A thought of, “ hey, what if we were a normal resident? someone better, not villainous? ”
Their smirk faltered at a passing memory, one of their younger self. See, you hadn’t always wanted to be a villain. Once upon a time you dreamt of being the hero of the topside. You dreamt of being someone that the people were so happy to see, someone they cheered for.
You dreamt of being the person that struck hope in everyone, not fear.
But, you know what they say about villains.
A villain is simply a hero that everyone failed. And the first to fail you was your own mother, ingraining her hatred for the humans and their having sent everyone underground, all into you. You became her conduit for revenge, and had long since accepted that as your fate. You just weren’t meant to be a hero, right? Especially not with the magic you had. You were just a tragic villain, simple as that.
But when you met Raph? Why, he awoke something within. He had made you remember what it felt like to be the reason for someone’s smile, for their happiness. He reminded you how much you longed to be good. For a second, you almost thought… maybe… Could you—
“ Swooping in LIKE A BOSS! “
Y/N lifted her head to see a surge of red magic crackling towards them, forming a humanoid—no, turtle-like?— figure. Their fist was focused right towards them. Bracing themselves for the sudden impact, Cherrypie tried to hold her ground against the force but found themselves toppling over, plunging downwards.
Thankfully, she was rescued by her magic softening the fall, but still she rolled across the ground.
“ What the—? “
You looked up from where you had fallen, dazed and confused by just what hit you—or, WHO, dared to hit you. Standing on the edge above you was the large frame of what seemed to be a … turtle? Is that a turtle yokai? No, you didn’t recognize their magic signature, it seemed something more… mutated?
“ A mutant? But you seem different from the others… “
Muttered Y/N under her breath before reflexively rolling out of the way of the second punch coming straight down as the red-banded mutant pursued her once again. It was almost as if this one hadn’t been a human originally—or even mutated recently. Almost like he was… born from it? Born as a mutant?
“ Whoa! What’s with you?! We’re on the same team—against the humans! “
There was a pang in your chest as that last part slipped your lips, just as a thought crossed your mind, “ but raphael's a human, too. “ For a second, you found your balance to be put off a bit as you narrowly dodged the tonfas lunging towards you.
“ Against humans? No, I PROTECT the humans, against villains like you. “
Raph jabbed a single tonfa in your direction, pointing accusingly with black eyes glaring daggers at you.
You almost felt like those eyes were familiar, but just on the tip of your tongue. Shaking that away, Y/N flicked her fingers to envelope them in her signature magic. Eating away at her was a quiet little voice in the back of her head, going, “ hey, his magic is kind of like ours. red, fiery—looks and feels destructive.. but, he’s a hero! `` Your eyes looked at your magic simmering, just a second’s look. “ maybe we can still be a hero, don’t you think? “
His voice… Y/N shook their head and let out a frustrated yell before lunging towards the mutant.
For a big fellow he sure was fast. With each swipe you made striking out violently, your magic resembled streaks of red lightning as they crackled around you both. But the mutant dodged each, and thus a dance began. While you tried to maintain the offensive, the turtle would gain enough momentum with each of your misses and parry back with his own weapons.
The fight was destructive too, each missed strike would ricochet off into a nearby building or car—resonating a loud crack of lightning around the two of you. Y/N gritted her teeth, growing tired of the endless dodging,
“ You’re good, I’ll give you that, turtle, but you are no match for me. “
Your eyes shone brighter as you called forth a powerful surge of your magic. It would take a lot out of you, but you needed to end this fight quickly. The longer it went on, the more favor swept to his side.
“ I am sorry it has to end this way, “
Your tone was teasing and condescending. As if your victory was all but assured now. The mutant watched as you powered up, his own stance becoming one of defense, his body turning into red and the red version of himself growing in size. But just at the last second, as if he had suddenly changed his mind, he lunged forward attacking you.
Your eyes widened as his massive figure barreled towards you at a speed that shouldn’t be possible. You yelled, throwing all the power that you had accumulated, though premature. Your magic burst from your hands—sparks, lightning, and flames alike shooting out in madness. You had your target locked in and just as the first met the mutant's skin, he apparated.
“ NO! “
Y/N screamed as the mutant disappeared from her line of fire. Most of the magic colliding into a university building, demolishing it entirely. You were seething, breathing heavily as the power drain hit you like a truck. It would take time for your magic to recuperate. You had to get out of there, not wanting to retreat but not wanting to get caught in such circumstances!
“ You’re not so bad yourself. ”
A deep voice rumbled from behind you. And you cursed under your breath. Already feeling one of his weapons graze the back of your neck.
“ Don’t you even think about movin'. “
He warned, and you rolled your eyes. It would be so easy to get away, if only you had enough magic to do so. Why had you used so much?! Was it the anger? Was it because of your past? Because your head wasn’t in the game?
With your magic starting to dwindle and cave in on itself, your disguise was starting to fall with it. Raph had swept your feet during this, watching you fall and moving to press his leg just enough against you that you were unable to escape. Your hand reached out, as if it could put a distance between you and your enemy. There was a fear bubbling under the surface as you watched your clothes slowly fizzle and fade, gradually revealing the human “ you ” underneath it.
Raph’s expression contorted into one of an emotion you couldn’t recognize, though a nagging voice clawed its way through your mind, saying it was pity. You had lost, and he must have been all too aware of that! He would finish you off—or worse, throw you to the humans to determine your fate. Here would be where Cherrypie ended, right at the peak of her villainy. It would be here that your mother’s disappointment would fester. Would she even retrieve you or leave you behind, turning to someone else to train into her vessel of revenge?
Those thoughts never met their end, instead vanishing at his leg loosened on you.
“ Wha—? “
Y/N breathed out in confusion, barely able to raise her voice as Raph’s lips tugged downwards in what might have been a pained frown. He swiped his arm, pointing away.
“ Get out of here. “
“ What? “
“ GO! “
He roared, enough that it shook you to your core. Away you went, not wasting a chance to return to the Hidden City. Your heels clicked on the ground as tears welled up in your eyes. Were you afraid? Sad? Relieved? Whatever it was, no matter how badly your legs wished you would stop running, no matter how your throat stung, you never stopped running until you got back.
As Y/N ran, her ruby-red dress flowing in the wind, glimmering as the moon’s light illuminated its glittery fabric, Raph watched with a heartbroken disbelief. Upon the hand that shakily held out as if to be a puny boundary, protecting the villain from the hero, shaky black eyes rested upon a painstakingly familiar wooden ring around their hand. A suspicion rose in his head, and before it could ever be denied, the villain’s disguise dropped and revealed the worst plot-twist of this hero’s life.
Cherrypie was none other than the girl he had fallen head over heels for. The girl who filled him with so many amazing emotions and feelings was the very same villain who had done almost irreversible damage to the city.
The twisting in his chest, the clawing in his throat, and the stinging in his eyes as tears welled up.
He didn’t know how to feel. For the first time in a long time, since Shredder, the Kraang, or Big Mama, Raphael Hamato was left out of breath and without a plan.
An unknown amount of time passed as he stood there, Y/N long since vanishing in the distance. All that was left in the air now was distant cries, shouts, and alarms from cars and buildings alike. That, and a sheet of paper that was stuck under a rock, fluttering violently in the wind. Raph stared at it for a few seconds before wiping his tears and reaching down to pick it up.
Raph & Y/N’s Date!
Ballroom dancing! (make sure to practice your moves once more. It has to knock her socks off!)
Walk to Star’s Pointe at the park (there are shooting stars tonight, and we know Y/N would love them.)
Listen to the Bellman Fairy’s performance (they’re doing an impromptu concert at the same park at midnight! It’s Y/N’s favorite band, I don’t think even she knows it’s happening!)
Finish the night off with Lou, Mike Tony, Tony's Pizzeria (We always told her we’d take her to my new favorite pizza place. Hopefully she doesn’t question DIGG.)
Optional: Maybe walk her home and give her a kiss..
The paper ended up crumpled in the red-banded turtle’s hands as he turned on his heel and slid into the shadows, heading home after such a night.
Later, he would receive a message from Y/N.
You have seven new messages!
♡︎ Y/N L/N 11m ago
Raphie! Are you okay? Did you get home okay? I was so worried about you the entire time.
♡︎ Y/N L/N 10m ago
♡︎ Y/N L/N 10m ago
Please tell me you’re okay…
♡︎ Y/N L/N 5m ago
♡︎ Y/N L/N 5m ago
Can I tell you something?
♡︎ Y/N L/N sent now
Never mind that last message.
♡︎ Y/N L/N sent now
Please be safe..
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tmntxthings · 2 years
The Villainess, AKA: Cherrypie
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author’s note: this wonderful fic idea was a collaboration effort including myself and @marwhoa (go check them out, lovely page even lovelier person) 20 min rounds of writing back and forth and boom!! I couldn’t be happier with the outcome and I hope you guys enjoy~~
warnings: rise!raph x villain!reader , established relationship , fluff , angst , cliffhanger
prequel one → 〔 you’re here 〕
There was a friendly hum in the air as Raph stood in the mirror and tried on outfits for his special day! Upon his suit’s collar was a chained pin. A ruby gem shimmered on the left side, twinkling with a mystic charm. Emerald green hues gazed back at Raph, soaking up the humanoid figure he had once more with a nervous—but excited!— exhale. Today would be one more of the many dates he went on with a special girl he met topside, and hopefully he could make it the most memorable date yet! After all, this gentleman might have had a nice little itinerary tucked away in his suit’s pocket.
Today’s plan was to meet up right outside of a ball that his dearest friend, April’s college was hosting! April and Y/n would be there, and Raph was Y/n’s choice as her plus-one. Thoughts of dancing across the floor with Y/n’s smaller hand in his, her dazzling smile flashing brightly as he whirled them to and fro! Gosh, just imagining it now had his feet thumping rhythmically upon the floor. Alright, one last tug of your cute tie and you’re ready to go out! His back turned to the mirror, eyes fixating on the doorway. Don’t worry, big dog, you’ve got this.
。・゜・( pov change: y/n )・゜・。
Elsewhere, a dolled-up Y/n paced across the linoleum with her heels clicking intimidatingly.
“They really think I was joking? Do they? Am I a joke to them?” Some particular floor plans and interventions had not gone too well—it was as if nobody truly wanted to escape the Hidden City and go topside! Had so much time passed that everyone was complacent with being moles, deep under ground, without a single sight of the moon big in the sky at night? Had they all become completely okay with never seeing the sun again? Y/n took—no, snatched!— a towel from its position on the wall and grit her teeth while trying to rub clean the irritation vivid upon her features. Her eyes glared at the reflection in the mirror, but just for a second as they then trailed down to the form-fitting ruby dress that draped her body. It was much too flattering, causing a blush to dust Y/n’s features and her nervous habit of spinning the wooden ring upon her ring finger—the signature ring banded with an arcanic red crystal that was poured into it.—to kick in. There was a heavy inhale as the thought of today's date resurfaced. She was going to be seeing him again today, her dearest Raph.
“Oh, please like my dress…” Y/n whispered, turning and posing to check all the angles. It was deserving of a gentle silence, the dress. As you soaked in the you in the mirror, so many thoughts whisked past. That’s me? I’m so beautiful. Will he be just as impressed? I could stare at myself forever.
There was a shy warmth whirling in your chest, so much so that the previous thoughts in your mind had been subsided. The operation had been all but forgotten from your mind, cleared by the thoughts of how tonight would go. You were in love with how you looked right now. Not a doubt in your mind, you were truly gorgeous for tonight’s date to the ball. Had your past self said, “Hey, you’ll be attending the ball with the kindest man ever,“ then surely you would have called her a liar, but here you were.
Y/n, otherwise infamously known as Cherrypie to both witches and humans alike for her fiery villainous deeds, dressed in a shimmery red dress with a split up the thighs, accentuating all the best parts. For a second, you felt less like a villain in disguise and more like a regular girl ready for her date. But…
Would anyone blame you if that’s what you truly wanted? Y/n bit her lip, trying to imagine for a second that she was exactly that—just a regular girl getting ready for her regular date. There was a bittersweet smile that subsided just as a ding came from her phone—Raphael!
。・゜・( pov change: raph )・゜・。
Raph had entered the building, slipping his phone back into his pants pocket. He was taking in the crowd that was before him as he took tentative steps forward. He blew out a breath, eyes scanning for the most beautiful girl in the world. He had messaged you to let you know he arrived, but sadly his searching was to no avail. He did spot April though!
He made a beeline for the only other person he knew there. Raph couldn’t lie, he was definitely nervous. He’d never been to a fancy ball before, the only other time he had dressed up in black tie attire was for the magic show that Leo had begged them all to attend. His brothers weren’t here this time, but his nerves subsided as April turned recognizing Raph’s green eyes.
“Look at you!! I’m so happy you could make it!” April was all smiles, giving Raph a crushing hug. “You haven’t seen Y/n yet have you?” Her eyebrows waggled with a promising look and Raph shook his head, looking around as if you would suddenly appear since your name had been said. No luck! “Do you know where she is?” Raph asked, a small smile forming on his face as he looked back down to April. “I don’t but you’re in for a treat, she’s wearing your favorite color,” April winked and Raph’s imagination went wild.
You were wearing red? He felt his cheeks flush, head whipping back and forth now honing in on all the different dresses that showcased hues of his favorite color. He was disappointed, huffing slightly at the fact that he still hadn’t spotted you. April couldn’t help but laugh at him. April loved how smitten Raph was, and April knew you felt the same way. She was so happy for the two of you. It warmed her heart to see Raph so happy, he deserved it. So she decided to help out, looking around the crowd wondering where you had wandered off to.
Maybe it was just pure luck, but it only took a few seconds, and April tapped on Raph’s arm. He immediately looked down to see April pointing to her left. His eyes followed, and he sucked in his breath. It was as if the crowd parted and he could see you, walking towards him. Stealing his breath away. You were drop dead gorgeous. Hair swishing back and forth in slow motion as if the world revolved around you. “Breathe Raph,” April teased, elbowing him in the side. His cheeks burned as he took in deep breaths.
。・゜・( pov change: both )・゜・。
Y/n held her phone in her hand, checking it over and over again while waiting for Raph to arrive. She had seen April already and received the most dramatic positive response for her attire EVER. All the whistles and shouts as her friend took photos from every angle had left you fidgeting embarrassedly. She hadn’t seen Raph yet either, so you settled for roaming the floor in hopes that fate would bring you both together!
And, as luck would have it, you both did encounter each other after only a few minutes of search. The sensation of a burning gaze on you had your attention. Turning on your heel quickly, your eyes locked with the warmest emerald pools ever, of which were currently taking in your silhouette in its entirety. In your chest, your heart was performing somersaults and leaving you out of breath. Why, he did dress up nicely. The suit just seemed so right on him!
From your pocket (after all, what witch-villain wears a pocketless dress?), you pull a small square matching your dress and tick-tack-tick’d on up to your love. “Raphie, you made it—eek!”Once Y/n was close enough, Raph wasted no time in scooping her up and giving an affectionate twirl.
“I gotta be dreaming, there’s no way the world’s prettiest Angel is smiling at me right now.” He gave a toothy grin, his signature snaggletooth pressing upon his bottom lip in that captivating way it always did. You melted as his hand brushed strands of hair from your face carefully. He leaned in, planting a satisfying kiss upon your forehead before pulling back to see what the handkerchief you held was for.
“This, this is to show we’re a pair!” Y/n cooed as her hands pushed it into his suit’s chest-pocket, smoothing it out neatly. Her hand patted it, lingering on his broad chest for some seconds until his bashful throat-clearing had stirred her out of the trance.
“Um, right, I hope you don’t mind that I planned out the night for us. Af-After being together so long , I was… I…” His train of thought seemed to leave without him as his gaze fixated on your dress. You could’ve sworn tears welled up in his eyes as his hands reached to rest on your hips, rubbing slow circles against the fabric. One of his hands lifted to take your hand, lacing together your fingers. He had noticed that even dressed as you were—fancy for a ball—there was still that special wooden ring sitting snug upon your dominant hand’s ring finger. It’s red band glimmered in the light just as your dress did, causing his gaze to just soften with all the love in the world. “Sorry, red just looks… breathtaking on you, Y/n.”
As the lights were dimming and music was beginning to play, Raph’s attention was brought to the couples forming on the floor’s center. His hold on your hips tightened snuggly as his eyes returned to yours.
“Raph…?” You breathed out, captivated in his burning gaze.
“Can I have this dance?” His hand rose, its open palm extended as a comfortable place for your smaller hand. Not wanting to miss a single second with him, you were eager to oblige. Your hand slid into his as you both joined the floor with almost literal hearts bobbing within your irises, pure love as the two of you swam through the sea of dancers, rocking with the flow almost as if it were second nature.
Y/n wasn’t some villain from the Hidden City and Raph wasn’t some mutant ninja from the sewers. For now, the two of you were the most ordinary couple swaying across the ballroom door with sweeping steps that almost traced hearts with each pat of a toe-tip. A shared welling-up in each other's chests, identical breath-holding, and just the same amount of tears glowing your eyes. Raph and Y/n were in perfect harmony, almost the stars of the dance so far as others would catch sight of your mesmerizing dance.
It would have continued being the most romantic song ever played by two bodies, had the record not been scratched by a distant explosion. Easily overlooked, if not for the second that followed. Then a third, fourth—hell, even a fifth. All inching closer and closer. In that moment, both your hearts plummeted in your chests, but for different reasons. Raph, fearing what those sounds meant for your safety, and you, fearing for having even dared try to pretend you were anyone other than Cherrypie, the villain to bring this city to its knees. Tonight’s attack had completely slipped your mind.
The last explosion rumbled the entire building and Raph’s hold on your hips moved to encase your whole body. Pulling you right to his chest, ready for if the entire room collapsed, he’d protect you. This was bad, Raph thought, he didn’t know what the hell was going on, but he needed to get you to safety and then he could figure out the rest. He was a hero after all.
“Y/n” the reverie of the dance and music was broken. Screaming started to sound around them as bodies were rushing this way and that, to get out of the building. Running towards the various exit signs in the room. “I need you to run and get to safety, find April and stick together.” His tone was serious and authoritative, his arms holding you at arms length to look into your eyes before squeezing your arms and letting go.
“Raphael! Where do you think you're going?!” Your hand shot out as soon as he turned to leave. In your mind, he was just a human. The safest place for him would be at your side, even if you were the villain of this story. Even though the surrounding explosions were your doing, you didn’t want Raph to get hurt.
“I’ve gotta go help baby! What if someone was caught in those explosions? I’m sure they are scared, no need to worry about me,” He gave you a rugged smile, sounding confident. So when your hand slipped away from his arm, watching as he ran to the front doors, leaving the ballroom, heading for the chaos that was ensuing outside, you knew you had to get back to business. After a few moments of cornering your resolve you booked it to the back doors. Pushing them open and immediately found yourself swarmed by the scent of smoke.
“Ready or not New York, here comes Cherrypie.” You mumbled a spell under your breath, your dazzling dress disappearing. As your dress vanished, it was replaced with a maroon wide brim hat, polished off with a green ribbon with long tails that would whisk through the hair behind you. Your clothes became green bell-bottom pants, flaring out to frame smooth red Mary Jane’s that made a familiarly intimidating click-clack with each step. Red magic crackled at your eyes as they embraced a deeper green hue. A sinister smirk found its rightful place upon your lips as the magic placed a finishing touch of a red blouse with a deep v-neck and flounce sleeves.
The wind danced through you, Cherrypie, swaying your clothes in an all-too perfect way. The crackling red magic enveloped your body, snapping to make your stature disappear and reappear at the scene of the explosion, right upon an elevated surface—just for that extra bit of power imbalanced in your favor. “Now, now, people of New York!” Your voice boomed, amplified by magic as your hat’s brim hid your eyes and only revealed the villainous smile you held.
“You couldn’t have possibly expected I was gone, could you? No, no, never would I have gone without such a flamboyant exit. And say, what would be the best of exits than a series of explosions to leave you all trembling at my feet?”With their spiel, Y/n found themselves working far too hard to feel the strength, the power—the fear-striking twinge. It had been a thought on the back of their head, especially since meeting Raph. A thought of, “ hey, what if we /were/ a normal resident? someone better, not villainous? “
Their smirk faltered at a passing memory, one of their younger self. See, you hadn’t always wanted to be a villain. Once upon a time you dreamt of being the hero of the topside. You dreamt of being someone that the people were so happy to see, someone they cheered for. You dreamt of being the person that struck hope in everyone, not fear.
But, you know what they say about villains. A villain is simply a hero that everyone failed. And the first to fail you was your own mother, ingraining her hatred for the humans and their having sent everyone underground, all into you. You became her conduit for revenge, and had long since accepted that as your fate. You just weren’t meant to be a hero, right? Especially not with the magic you had. You were just a tragic villain, simple as that.
But when you met Raph? Why, he awoke something within. He had made you remember what it felt like to be the reason for someone’s smile, for their happiness. He reminded you how much you longed to be good. For a second, you almost thought… maybe… Could you—
“Swooping in LIKE A BOSS!”
Y/n lifted her head to see a surge of red magic crackling towards them, forming a humanoid—no, turtle-like?— figure. Their fist was focused right towards them. Bracing themselves for the sudden impact, Cherrypie tried to hold her ground against the force but found themselves toppling over, plunging downwards. Thankfully, she was rescued by her magic softening the fall, but still she rolled across the ground.
“What the—?”
You looked up from where you had fallen, dazed and confused by just what hit you—or, WHO, dared to hit you. Standing on thé edge above you was the large frame of what seemed to be a … turtle? Is that a turtle yokai? No, you didn’t recognize their magic signature, it seemed something more… mutated?
“A mutant? But you seem different from the others…” Muttered Y/n under her breath before reflexively rolling out of the way of the second punch coming straight down as the red-banded mutant pursued her once again. It was almost as if this one hadn’t been a human originally—or even mutated recently. Almost like he was… born from it? Born as a mutant?
“Whoa! What’s with you?! We’re on the same team—against the humans!” There was a pang in your chest as that last part slipped your lips, just as a thought crossed your mind, “ but raphael's a human, too. “ For a second, you found your balance to be put off a bit as you narrowly dodged the tonfas lunging towards you.
“Against humans? No, I PROTECT the humans, against villains like you.” Raph jabbed a single tonfa in your direction, pointing accusingly with black eyes glaring daggers at you.
You almost felt like those eyes were familiar, but just on the tip of your tongue. Shaking that away, Y/n flicked her fingers to envelope them in her signature magic. Eating away at her was a quiet little voice in the back of her head, going, “ hey, his magic is kind of like ours. red, fiery—looks and feels destructive.. but, he’s a hero! `` Your eyes looked at your magic simmering, just a second’s look. “ maybe we can still be a hero, don’t you think? “
That voice… Y/n shook their head and let out a frustrated yell before lunging towards the mutant.
For a big fellow he sure was fast. With each swipe you made striking out violently, your magic resembled streaks of red lightning as they crackled around you both. But the mutant dodged each, and thus a dance began. While you tried to maintain the offensive, the turtle would gain enough momentum with each of your misses and parry back with his own weapons.
The fight was destructive too, each missed strike would ricochet off into a nearby building or car—resonating a loud crack of lightning around the two of you. Y/N gritted her teeth, growing tired of the endless dodging,
“You’re good, I’ll give you that, turtle, but you are no match for me.” Your eyes shone brighter as you called forth a powerful surge of your magic. It would take a lot out of you, but you needed to end this fight quickly. The longer it went on, the more favor swept to his side.
“I am sorry it has to end this way,” your tone teasing and condescending. As if your victory was all but assured now. The mutant watched as you powered up, his own stance becoming one of defense, his body turning into red and the red version of himself growing in size. But just at the last second, as if he had suddenly changed his mind, he lunged forward attacking you.
Your eyes widened as his massive figure barreled towards you at a speed that shouldn’t be possible. You yelled, throwing all the power that you had accumulated, though premature. Your magic burst from your hands—sparks, lightning, and flames alike shooting out in madness. You had your target locked in and just as the first met the mutant's skin, he apparated.
“NO!” Y/n screamed as the mutant disappeared from her line of fire. Most of the magic colliding into a university building, demolishing it entirely. You were seething, breathing heavily as the power drain hit you like a truck. It would take time for your magic to recuperate. You had to get out of there, not wanting to retreat but not wanting to get caught in such circumstances!
“You’re not so bad yourself,” A deep voice rumbled from behind you. And you cursed under your breath. Already feeling one of his weapons graze the back of your neck. “Don’t you even think about movin'.” He warned and you rolled your eyes, it would be so easy to get away, if only you had enough magic to do so. Why had you used so much?! Was it the anger? Was it because of your past? Because your head wasn’t in the game?
With your magic starting to dwindle and cave in on itself, your disguise was starting to fall with it. Raph had swept your feet during this, watching you fall and moving to press his leg just enough against you that you were unable to escape. There was a fear bubbling under the surface as you watched your clothes slowly fizzle and fade, gradually revealing the human “you” underneath it.
Raph’s expression contorted into one of an emotion you couldn’t recognize, though a nagging voice clawed its way through your mind, saying it was pity. You had lost, and he must have been all too aware of that! He would finish you off—or worse, throw you to the humans to determine your fate. Here would be where Cherrypie ended, right at the peak of her villainy. It would be here that your mother’s disappointment would fester. Would she even retrieve you or leave you behind, turning to someone else to train into her vessel of revenge?
Those thoughts never met their end, instead vanishing as his leg loosened on you. “Wha-?”
Y/n breathed out in confusion, barely able to raise her voice as Raph’s lips tugged downwards in what might have been a pained frown. He swiped his arm, pointing away. “Get out of here.”
“GO!” He roared, enough that it shook you to your core. Away you went, not wasting a chance to return to the Hidden City. Your heels clicked on the ground as tears welled up in your eyes. Were you afraid? Sad? Relieved? Whatever it was, no matter how badly your legs wished you would stop running, no matter how your throat stung, you never stopped running until you got back.
As Y/N ran, her ruby-red dress flowing in the wind, glimmering as the moon’s light illuminated its glittery fabric, Raph watched with heartbroken disbelief. Upon the hand that shakily held out as if to be a puny boundary, protecting the villain from the hero, shaky black eyes rested upon a painstakingly familiar wooden ring around their hand. A suspicion rose in his head, and before it could ever be denied, the villain’s disguise dropped and revealed the worst plot-twist of this hero’s life.
The twisting in his chest, the clawing in his throat, and the stinging in his eyes as tears welled up. He didn’t know how to feel. For the first time in a long time, since Shredder, the Kraang, or Big Mama, Raphael Hamato was left out of breath and without a plan.
An unknown amount of time passed as he stood there, Y/n long since vanishing in the distance. All that was left in the air now was distant cries, shouts, and alarms from cars and buildings alike. That, and a sheet of paper that was stuck under a rock, fluttering violently in the wind. Raph stared at it for a few seconds before wiping his tears and reaching down to pick it up.
Raph & Y/N’s Date!
* Ballroom dancing! (make sure to practice your moves once more. It has to knock her socks off!)
* Walk to Star’s Pointe at the park (there are shooting stars tonight, and we know Y/N would love them.)
* Listen to the Bellman Fairy’s performance (they’re doing an impromptu concert at the same park at midnight! It’s Y/N’s favorite band, I don’t think even she knows it’s happening!)
* Finish the night off with Lou, Mike Tony, Tony's Pizzeria (We always told her we’d take her to my new favorite pizza place. Hopefully she doesn’t question DIGG.)
* Optional: Maybe walk her home and give her a kiss..
The paper ended up crumpled in the red-banded turtle’s hands as he turned on his heel and slid into the shadows, heading home after such a night. Later, he would receive a message from Y/n
You have seven new messages!
♡︎ Y/N L/N 11m ago
Raphie! Are you okay? Did you get home okay? I was so worried about you the entire time.
♡︎ Y/N L/N 10m ago
♡︎ Y/N L/N 10m ago
Please tell me you’re okay…
♡︎ Y/N L/N 5m ago
♡︎ Y/N L/N 5m ago
Can I tell you something?
♡︎ Y/N L/N sent now
Never mind that last message.
♡︎ Y/N L/N sent now
Please be safe..
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