#checked everywhere in my room for it with my flashlight
pyr0peyt · 10 months
Got scared shitless by something moving around my nightlight but it was just a silly little firefly :]
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sideblogofhell · 9 months
a forbidden fruit
summary: pietro eats something he shouldn't have pairing: pietro maximoff x male reader word count: 1.1k warnings: 18+ warning, s3x pollen, blowjobs, unprotected sex a/n: part iv have fun do leave comments if u liked it
masterlist | the repentant's corner
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Pietro dashed around the lot sixteen times to make sure no one was there. You rubbed your hands together for some heat against the chilling night. The grass crackled beneath your feet trying to chase after your partner. You ended up a panting mess next to him, your knees shaking. 
“So I was thinking, after this patrol maybe we could go out sometime?” he said, his breath unwavering. You gulped and tried to let out a word, your voice dry and coarse. You nod, sweat dripping down your forehead. 
“Can you focus?” you said, trying to open the door. He broke open the warehouse padlock with ease, vibrating at a pace that dislodged the gears that kept the lock secure. 
You slide the rusty door open into a dark room. Pietro used a flashlight to look into the path. The warehouse was small, almost the size of a barn, the floor a flat grey concrete, the walls tall and rusted. There were a few broken wooden crates scattered all over the floor, a metal table on the farthest left. 
Your partner zoomed into the room like a faint blue flare. He checked to see the contents of the crates, all seemed empty.  He sat on the metal table, a few newspapers sprawled out and a white dish used as a makeshift ashtray. 
“Look at this,” he pulled out a small ziplock bag filled with different sugar-coated candy like Skittles. He takes one out and puts it in his mouth, licking the sugar off his fingers. You took the bag from him, smelling the contents; sweet and fresh. “Want one?”
“You idiot! I don’t think this is candy,” you took the bag inside your pocket, Pietro smirking. “We have to send this to the lab.”
“It’s fine, fast metabolism remember?” he shrugged. 
The plane ride back to the compound was quiet. Pietro sat away from you and kept to himself, which was very unusual. He would always try to bother you while you flew the quinjet, always teasing and messing around, but right now he was slumped over to the side using his phone. 
You arrived at the compound a few hours later, the airdock marshalls taking over the jet. You asked other agents to rush to Dr. Cho’s lab to send the candy samples. “Pietro and I found this on patrol tonight,” you gave the pack to her assistants before they went on to test the samples. 
Your phone dinged to a message from Pietro. Meet me in the conference room at 4B ASAP. 
“Fine, I’m an idiot,” he said. “My dick has been so hard for the past five hours and I can’t make it go away!”
“Your what?” you looked at the tent in between his legs, his knuckles were pale white as he gripped onto his pants. “Well I knew it was a drug but I didn’t know it was that kind!”
“What are we gonna do?” he said, his silver-gray hair all tousled over his forehead. He zoomed around and around the room, a cobalt blur blew gusts of wind everywhere he went. He stopped in a corner, his legs shaking and his face flushed. 
“We?” you clamored. “How the fuck am I supposed to help?”
“I don’t know you’re smarter than me!” his eyes widened, his voice shaking, sweat dripping down his forehead. He braced for another run but you held onto his arm. He shuddered, his skin was hot. 
“We should tell Dr. Cho,” you said. “Get you medicine or something.” 
“Absolutely not,” he pleaded. “It’s embarrassing,” his eyes wandered all over the room as if the answers were written on the walls. “We should deal with this the way it's intended.”
“Yeah, no,” you said before turning for the door. Pietro suddenly was in front of you blocking your exit. 
“Please draga—“ his lips were dead set. Pietro was an ill-tempered man, his demeanor was quick like his abilities, charismatic but also stubborn. You thought for a second, you’re helping a co-worker that’s all right?
“Well, how do we do it?” you said. He removed his jacket, and his blue shirt underneath. You marveled at his taut chest, the ridged cuts across his abdomen, and the two lines pointing down his sex. You tried to look away, but you couldn’t believe someone could look like that, like a Greek sculpture. 
“Come here,” he said, pulling you into a kiss. His lips were warm against yours, his stubble pricking at your cheeks. Your hands find his chest for stability, snaking around his neck to pull him closer. His large arms circle around your waist, finding the hem of your pants and going through to your ass. 
He spun you around and pinned your hands above your head, using his other hand to pull your pants down. He smoothed his palms on the plump mounds before giving it a spank, leaving it a red blush. He practically rips his pants open, his thick cock hard and leaking. He spits on his free hand, using it to prepare you. 
“I’m gonna go in okay?” he said in a whimpering tone. You nod, your cheeks warm. He spits again to lube his cock before feeling the pressure on your hole. It was sharp for a bit, the pressure easing as he flushed himself in, the base of his cock hitting your ass. He stops for a second, relishing the heat from your body. “So tight—”
You grunted when he pulled out, only to thrust back in. He began to fuck you at a languid pace, the sensation soothing the tingly feeling Pietro got from the drug. He tried to go slower, to make sure you won’t get hurt but he couldn’t. As you tried to move your hips at the same beat of his body he started to—vibrate. 
You let out a gasp, you thought of the toy you had at home, the one you use thinking about him, but the speed and intensity could not rival him. Pietro let out a series of cusses in Sokovian, it sounded like he was pleading to a god. Your knees turned wobbly from his thrusts, his body vibrating at a pace that made your eyes roll back, your own sex hard and leaking in your trousers. 
“Pietro—fuck,” you moaned.
“I can’t control it, you’re too warm,” his words shaking. “And good,” He let go of your hands, shifting to your waist, he gripped so hard you knew it would bruise. He moved quicker, like a piledriver into you, it stung but the pleasure of hitting your prostate compensated. 
When gripping onto your waist wasn’t enough, he wrapped his arms around your body hugging you, and began to thrust into you harder, his silver hair plastered on his forehead wet. Your body tried to keep you up but your legs betrayed you. You fell down, his cock pulling out. “I can’t stand.”
He pulls you to the table nearby, propping you with your legs on his shoulders. He lines himself back into your hole driving back into his thrusts. The vibrating began again, shaking the table as he gripped it on its edge. You let out desperate cries, he tried to soothe you by kissing your lips, drool dripping from the corner of your mouth. “I’m close—” he cried out.
You nodded, the constant stimulation to your prostate was going to make you cum untouched. His thrusts became erratic, still a vibrating mess. Pietro stood up and you marveled at the glistening sight, his abdomen contracting and relaxing on each thrust, his head pulled back and his lids closed. 
And then the climax hit, cum shooting inside you in thick, your own release spewing on your belly. The vibration slows, Pietro a panting mess for once, a side of him you’ve never seen. He places a peck on your lips and mouths praises. 
“So about that date?”
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doctorbitchcrxft · 3 days
Dead Man's Blood | Supernatural Series Rewrite | Dean Winchester x Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: canon violence, canon gore, daddy issues, mentions of parental death
Word Count: 5022
A/N: Cannot believe we're at the penultimate episode of my version of the first season Supernatural!! Crazy!! Thank you guys so much for the love and support; I truly appreciate it.
When season 2 starts, the taglist will be closed! If you'd like to join and haven't already, please let me know!
Series Rewrite Masterlist
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You and the Winchester boys sat at a table in a diner searching for possible cases to take on. You sat at your laptop on the side of the table with Sam and Dean to your right and left. 
Dean looked through a newspaper and folded it up in frustration. “Well, not a decent lead in all of Nebraska. What’ve you got, Sammy?”
“I've been scanning Wyoming, Colorado, South Dakota... here. A woman in Iowa fell ten thousand feet from an airplane and survived,” Sam responded.
“Sounds more like ‘that's Incredible’ than, uh, 'Twilight Zone'.”
“Yeah, I agree,” you said.
“Hey you know we could just keep heading east. New York. Upstate. We could drop by and see Sarah again. Huh? Cool chick, man, smokin'.” Dean whistled lowly. “You two seemed pretty friendly. What do you say?”
“Yeah, I don’t know, maybe someday. But in the meantime we got a lot of work to do Dean, and you know that,” Sam stated.
“Yeah, alright. How ‘bout you, (Y/N)?”
“Uh, man in Colorado, local man named Daniel Elkins was found mauled in his home,” you said, continuing to scan the web page before you.
“Elkins? I know that name,” Dean said.
You shrugged as Sam said, “Doesn’t ring a bell.”
Dean muttered the man’s name over and over.
���Sounds like the police don't know what to think. At first they said it was some sort of bear attack, now, they've found some signs of robbery,” you continued.
Dean took out his father’s journal and began to flick through it. “There, check it out.” He turned the book around to you and Sam and pointed at a contact reading “D. Elkins” with the man’s phone number next to it.
“You think it's the same Elkins?” Sam questioned.
“It's a Colorado area code.”
“Alright, Colorado it is. Let’s go, kids,” you said. 
You and the boys made your way to the remote cabin of Daniel Elkins and picked the lock to his home. You cringed at the sight of your messy surroundings once inside. Books were everywhere, mad scribblings on stray pages covered the floor, and the furniture seemed to not have been dusted in years.
“Looks like the maid didn't come today,” Dean remarked.
You crouched down at the entrance of the home and fingered something on the floor. “Hey, got some salt over here.”
“You mean protection against demon salt, or 'oops I spilled the popcorn' salt?” Dean asked.
You gave him a dirty look. “Clearly a ring. Elkins was a player?”
“Definitely,” Dean responded. 
You rose to go stand beside the brothers and look over the journal they were flicking through.
“That looks a hell of a lot like Dad's,” said Sam as he flipped through the pages.
“Yep, except this dates back to the '60s,” Dean added.
You led the brothers into another room and took in the shattered skylights. You moved your flashlight around the room and took in the fact that somehow, this room was messier than the other ones.
“Whatever attacked him, it looks like there was more than one,” Sam said, referencing the damage to the skylights. It seemed there were two separate entry points through them.
“Looks like he put up a hell of a fight, too,” the older brother added. He crouched down to the floor.
“You got something?” you asked, crouching beside him.
“I don’t know,” he replied. “Some scratches on the floor.”
“Death throes maybe?” Sam suggested.
Dean grabbed a page from a notebook on top of the desk beside you and placed it over the spot on the ground. He rubbed a pencil over the top to create an outline. “Or maybe a message.” He peeled up the paper that now had a lot of blood on the back and showed you and Sam the rubbings of the characters. “Look familiar?”
“Three letters, six digits. The location and combination of a post office box. It's a mail drop,” you said.
Dean looked to his brother. “Just the way Dad does it.”
You and the boys found a letter in the mailbox labeled with the numbers and letters from the floor’s message. You leaned over the back seat of the car and read off the letters on the envelope.
“ ‘J.W.’ Gotta be John Winchester, right?” you said.
“I don't know. Should we open it?” Dean turned his head to you.
A knock on Dean’s window came before any of you could say another word. You reared back and grabbed your gun from your belt, pointing it at the sound.
“Dad?” Dean breathed out.
You breathed out sharply as John opened the door and slid into the seat next to you. “I almost shot you, dude.”
He chuckled at you.
“Dad, what are you doing here? Are you alright?” Sam asked, turning to face him.
John’s gravelly voice seemed even more tired and worn than the last time you’d seen him. “Yeah, I'm okay. I read the news about Daniel; I got here as fast as I could. I saw you three at his place.”
“Why didn't you come in, Dad?”
“You know why. Because I had to make sure you weren't followed. By anyone or anything. Nice job of covering your tracks, by the way.”
Dean looked a little proud. “Yeah, well, we learned from the best.”
“Wait, you came all the way out here for this Elkins guy?” Sam questioned.
John nodded. “He was— He was a good man. Taught me a hell of a lot about hunting.”
“Well, you never mentioned him to us.”
“We had a— we had kind of a falling out. I hadn't seen him in years.” He gestured to the envelope. “I should look at that.” He opened it. “ 'If you're reading this, I'm already dead'... that son of a bitch.”
“What is it?” his eldest son asked.
“He had it the whole time.”
Sam looked at him confused. “Dad, what?”
“When you searched the place, did you— did you see a gun? An antique, a Colt revolver, did you see it?”
You shook your head. “I saw an old case, but it was empty.”
John sighed. “They have it.”
“You mean, whatever killed Elkins?” Dean asked.
John started to get out of the car. “We gotta pick up the trail.”
“Wait, you want us to come with you?” Sam scoffed.
“If Elkins was telling the truth, we gotta find this gun,” John rushed out.
“The gun? Why?”
“Because it's important, that's why.”
‘He’s even more of a hardass than Dean.’
“Dad, we don't even know what these things are yet,” the younger son protested.
“They were what Daniel Elkins killed best: Vampires.”
Your heart nearly dropped at the mention of those creatures.
“I thought they were extinct. I thought Elkins and others had wiped them out. I was wrong,” John said. 
“Damn right,” you jumped in, not realizing the sudden venom lacing your words.
The three men stared back at you, and you shrank awkwardly.
John continued to explain. “Most vampire lore is crap. A cross won't repel them, sunlight won't kill them, and neither will a stake to the heart. But the bloodlust, that part's true. They need fresh human blood to survive. They were once people, so you won't know it's a vampire until it's too late.”
Anxiety clawed at your throat. You hadn’t faced any vampires since the death of your family.
You and the Winchesters found a decently priced motel to stay in to get your bearings before you went after the vampires. You watched Sam and Dean sleeping peacefully on their beds, but you were unable to get a wink. You and John sat on opposite sides of the table in the room listening to the police scanner.
You admired Dean’s relaxed features. You rarely saw him this at-ease. You wished you could be sleeping beside him, but your own mind was keeping you awake. The eldest Winchester looked over at you and whispered over the hum of the police scanner. “How’ve they been?” he asked.
You sighed. “They’re alright, I think. Been driving themselves crazy looking for you, though.”
He chuckled softly. “I figured they were.” He paused for a minute. 
“They need you more than they need me,” you said. “You should stay with ‘em. I’ll be hitting the road in a little while, I think.”
“Don’t,” he said. “They’ll need you when this is all over.”
“What? You’re not gonna stay?” You turned your head to John.
“I don’t think so,” he shook his head. 
You were disgusted at him. “Look, no disrespect, but that’s crap.”
He seemed caught off-guard. “And why’s that?” he challenged.
“Sam’s a mess. You walked out on Dean. Your boys deserve their father," you whispered harshly.
“Don’t act like you know me,” he hissed. “Dean’s a grown man. He’ll get over it. Sam, too. I’m not abandoning them; it’s just not safe.”
“Just call a spade a spade, John. Abandonment ‘for their safety’ is still abandonment,” you argued. 
“You don’t think I wanna be with my kids—?"
“No, I don’t actually,” you cut him off.
Before he could continue to argue with you, something on the police scanner caught your attention.
“Unit 22 let me confirm. Mile marker 41, abandoned car. You need a workup?” the static voice said.
“Copy that. Possible 207. Better get forensics out here,” another voice said.
“Sam, Dean, let's go,” John slapped their feet as he stood, his voice still gravelly from his anger with you.
“Mm-hmm,” Dean muttered, though still asleep.
Sam sat up and Dean rubbed his eyes.
“There’s a call on the scanner,” you said.
“(Y/N), did you get any sleep?” the older brother slurred sleepily.
“That’s not important right now,” you told him. “C’mon.”
“What happened?” Sam asked.
“A couple called 911,; found a body in the street. Cops got there and everyone was missing. It's the vampires,” John explained.
“How do you know?”
“Just follow me, okay?” John said, leaving the room. 
You turned to Sam who was putting his jacket on. “It’s how they hunt. They lay in the middle of the road and wait for somebody to pull over. By the time they get up close and personal, it’s too late. Then they leave.”
Dean sat up, still half-asleep. “You gonna be okay?” he asked you.
“I’m fine,” you responded. You could tell he didn’t believe you, but you left him behind without waiting for an argument.
John was talking to the cops while you and the brothers stood back by the Impala under the cover of the trees. He refused to look at you after your argument, and you refused to speak to him. You wouldn’t engage with a man who walked out on his children and put Dean through so much.
“I don't see why we couldn't have gone over with him,” the brunet sighed sulkily.
“Oh, don't tell me it's already starting.” Dean rolled his eyes.
“What's starting?” Sam asked.
John walked up before either of you could answer.
“What have you got?” Dean asked his dad.
“It was them, alright. Looks like they're heading west. We'll have to double back to get around that detour,” John explained.
“How can you be so sure?” Sam challenged.
“Sam—” Dean tried.
“I just wanna know we're going in the right direction,” Sam told him sharply.
“We are,” John responded.
You stood back next to Dean, trying not to get involved in the fight.
“How do you know?”
John handed something to his oldest son. “I found this.”
“It's a vampire fang.”
“Not a fang, teeth. They’ve got a second set that comes out when they attack,” you explained, looking over Dean’s shoulder at the tooth.
“Any more questions?” John challenged Sam.
Sam looked away and stayed silent. 
“Alright, let's get out of here, we're losing daylight,” John said. Everything he said was said with authority. “Hey, Dean, why don't you touch up your car before you get rust? I wouldn't have given you the damn thing if I thought you were going to ruin it,” he gruffly spat at his son before heading to his truck.
You angrily stared after the man before looking over at Dean, who grimaced and got into the passenger’s seat.
Sam drove, keeping a close follow on John’s truck. You rested your chin on Dean’s shoulder, looking over the excerpt he was reading about vampires in your journal. He read aloud to you and Sam. “ ‘Vampires nest in groups of eight to ten. Smaller packs are sent to hunt for food. Victims are taken to the nest where the pack keeps them alive, bleeding them for days or weeks.’ I wonder if that's what happened to that 911 couple.”
Sam grumbled, “That's probably what Dad's thinking. Course, it would be nice if he just told us what he thinks.”
“So it is starting,” Dean sighed.
“Sam, we've been looking for Dad all year. Now we're not with him for more than a couple of hours and there's static already?” 
Sam huffed. “No. Look, I'm happy he's okay, alright? And I'm happy that we're all working together again.” 
“Well, good,” Dean said. 
The younger brother was unable to help himself. “It's just the way he treats us, like we're children.”
“Oh, God.” You sat back in the seat, doing your best to ignore the fight between the brothers.
“He barks orders at us Dean, he expects us to follow 'em without question. He keeps us on some crap need-to-know deal,” Sam argued.
“He does what he does for a reason.”
“What reason?”
“Our job! There's no time to argue, there's no margin for error, alright? That's just the way the old man runs things.”
“Yeah, well, maybe that worked when we were kids but not anymore, all right. Not after everything you and I have been through, Dean. I mean, are you telling me you're cool with just falling into line and letting him run the whole show?” Sam looked over at his brother angrily.
Dean gave Sam a long look before strongly responding, “If that's what it takes.”
Sam shook his head and returned his eyes to the road.
A few minutes later, Dean was on the phone with his dad. “Yeah, Dad. Alright, got it.” He hung up. “Pull off at the next exit.”
Sam’s frustrated tone was back. “Why?”
“ ‘Cause Dad thinks we've got the vampire's trail,” Dean said matter-of-factly.
“How,” Sam somehow sounded angrier.
“I don't know. He didn't say,” Dean responded.
Sam gunned the engine, and pulled in front of his dad’s truck before slamming the breaks.
“What are you doing, Sam?” you asked.
Sam got out of the car without answering you.
“Oh, crap. Here we go.” Dean followed his brother out of the car. “Sam!”
You just watched from the back seat, deciding not to get between the family’s brawl.
You watched in the driver’s side rear view mirror as John and Sam got in each other’s faces. Dean was trying to pull the two apart, and you could make out some of what they were screaming at each other about.
Sam approached the car again before spinning back around at his father. You often got in fights like that with your own father but more about his treatment of you and your brother. You knew better than to argue his orders.
“You were just pissed off that you couldn't control me anymore!” Sam yelled loudly enough for you to hear.
Dean then shoved the two apart, forcing Sam back to the car. Sam got back in the driver’s seat, still enraged.
“Sam, do you want me to—”
“No,” he snapped at you.
“Oh-kay, then.”
You and the brothers sat in the trees watching the beat-up barn the vampires called home. Dean stood beside you and cursed, “Son of a bitch. So they're really not afraid of the sun?” as he watched the vampires climb into a car, shielding their faces with their hands.
“Nope,” you said. “Direct sunlight just stings like a badass sunburn.”
“The only way to kill 'em is by beheading. And yeah, they sleep during the day— doesn't mean they won't wake up,” John added.
“So I guess walking right in's not our best option,” Dean said.
“Actually, that's the plan,” John grinned.
You and the brothers flipped open the trunk of the Impala and began grabbing machetes. John did the same with his truck, but his was outfitted with a fancy, automatic, hidden compartment.
“Here, (Y/N).” Dean handed you a rusty machete.
You caught sight of the giant blade their dad was holding. “Whoa, why don’t you have any like that?”
Dean snorted and turned his head. “Wow.”
John paused, closing his trunk. “So, you boys really wanna know about this Colt?”
“Yes, sir,” said Sam.
“It's just a story, a legend really. Well, I thought it was. Never really believed it until I read Daniel's letter,” John began. “Back in 1835, when Halley's comet was overhead, the same night those men died at the Alamo, they say Samuel Colt made a gun. A special gun. He made it for a hunter, a man like us only on horseback. Story goes he made thirteen bullets, and this hunter used the gun a half dozen times before he disappeared, the gun along with him. And somehow, Daniel got his hands on it. They say... They say this gun can kill anything.”
“Kill anything, like, supernatural anything?” Dean breathed.
“Like the demon,” Sam connected.
“Yeah, the demon. Ever since I picked up its trail I've been looking for a way to destroy that thing. Find the gun, and we may have it.”
“Wait, and you couldn’t tell your kids that why?” you snarled.
“(Y/N)—” Dean scolded, but you couldn’t help yourself.
John just looked at his eldest son. “What exactly made you keep her around for so long?”
“Both of you, stop it,” Dean said. "Let’s get these fuckers while we have the chance.”
You backed off, tension dissolving a little at Dean’s words. You looked between the boys and their father. Their faces conveyed complex emotions you couldn’t quite read.
Silently, you and Dean flanked one end of the barn while Sam took the other with his father.
You and Dean jumped through a barn window and walked around their hammocks carefully. Dean accidentally kicked an empty bottle on the ground, and you froze. You made a worried face and looked over to Dean, who froze as well.
The vampire next to Dean stirred, but didn’t wake up. You and Dean continued on until you found a woman tied up against a pole. You weren’t sure if she was sleeping or unconscious. 
“Dean,” you whispered, crouching beside the woman. He came over to you as you began to untie her. You heard a noise behind you, and Dean went over to investigate.
“There’s more,” he said, grabbing something to break the locks on the metal cages a distance away from you.
The woman you were untying began to stir, and you did your best to assure her you were here to help.
The woman awoke and let out an unearthly roar. 
“Dean!” you called, shooting up.
“Kids, run!” John called to you after hearing your voice. You and Dean sprinted out of the building, yelling for Sam as you did so. The vampires chased you, but you used the daylight to your advantage. You broke back through the trees and returned to the cars.
“Dad?! Sam!” Dean called. The two then came back up the slope. 
“They won't follow. They'll wait till tonight. Once a vampire has your scent, it's for life,” John said.
“Well, what the hell do we do now?” Dean questioned.
“You gotta find the nearest funeral home, that's what.”
You knew where John was going with this. You smiled at the boys who seemed confused. “C’mon, Dean,” you said, patting his shoulder. You turned to the Impala, and Sam and his father got in the latter’s truck.
Dean cruised down the road to the funeral home you had found and were planning to break into. 
“What the hell was that earlier?” Dean asked frustratedly as soon as the car doors were shut.
“With my dad, (Y/N), why would you say something like that?!”
"Look, we got in a fight while you and Sam were sleeping. I just don’t like how he treats you guys,” you admitted.
“Well, thanks, but don’t. Sam’s enough for me right now as it is,” he responded.
A few moments passed, and you looked down at your hands. “I’m sorry,” you said quietly.
Dean sighed. “It’s okay.” He snorted after a moment. “Not many people would stand up to my dad like that.”
You smiled, eyes still on your hands folded in your lap. “He reminds me a lot of my dad. John and Sam fight exactly how my dad and I did. Steven always had to break us apart.”
“I just don’t understand why Sam can’t leave the old man alone,” Dean told you. “I mean, we spent so fucking long looking for ‘im, and as soon as we find him, he’s pickin’ fights.”
You nodded in understanding. “I get why he’s upset, but I agree that it’s the wrong place and wrong time right now. I mean, despite the fact that I picked a fight with him. Again, mistake on my part.” 
You let a moment of silence pass before you spoke again. “Dee?”
“Now that we’ve found your dad, do you still want me here?”
He turned his head toward you. “Of course, I do. You’re not gettin’ rid of us that easy.”
You grinned. “Good. After a year of all this, you guys have become my new normal. I don’t think I’ll be able to go back to being alone again.”
Dean smirked and turned back to the road, pulling into the parking lot of the funeral home. 
After a few lies and a bit of breaking and entering, you and Dean were headed back to the motel with dead man’s blood in hand.
“What does that stuff do exactly?” Dean asked you as he drove.
“It’s kinda like vampire food poisoning. Pretty useful stuff,” you explained.
“How’ve you been with this whole thing?” he asked.
“What, the vampires?”
Dean nodded.
“Winchester, are you goin’ soft on me? Since when do you care to get into the touchy-feely?” you joked.
He rolled his eyes in response. “Answer the damn question, (Y/N).”
You sighed, dropping your plucky attitude. “I’m okay, I think. I just— I haven’t hunted any vamps since my parents died. Any time I sniffed any out, I ran the other way. It’s kind of ironic that the one thing I fucking hate hunting has the one thing we need to kill this demon.”
Dean chuckled. “Yeah, well, y’know… Just…” 
“There’s my boy. Having trouble with moments of sincerity once more,” you gibed but became serious once more as he rolled his eyes. “I know. If I need anything, I’ll let you know.”
You were surprised to find John and Sam laughing when you reentered their motel room.
“Whew. Man, some heavy security to protect a bunch of dead guys,” Dean said.
“Get it?” John asked.
You reached into Dean’s jacket pocket and pulled out a paper bag with a bottle full of blood inside it. You handed it over to the eldest Winchester.
“You know what to do,” he said.
You hated watching that creature feel Dean up and kiss him, but you knew you needed to let it happen for the sake of getting the Colt from the vampires. You’d already nearly beheaded her when she backhanded him.
Another vampire appeared behind the woman holding Dean in the air by his face, and that was when you made your move. You used a crossbow to shoot both of the vampires straight between their ribs, and the girl holding Dean dropped him.
“Dammit,” she cursed as you approached the group from the trees. “It barely even stings.”
“Give it time, babe,” you told her. “That arrow’s soaked in dead man’s blood. Should be giving you a nasty tummy ache any second.” You pouted at her mockingly as she began to waver and lose consciousness.
“Load her up,” John ordered you and his sons. “I'll take care of this one.” Moments later, you heard a slashing noise and blood splattering coming from behind you as you finished loading the girl into Dean’s trunk.
You met John in a clearing in the woods where you and Sam were setting up a campfire. Dean tied the unconscious vampiress to a tree, and you circled her, fuming.
“Easy, tiger,” Dean told you. “Don’t kill her just yet.”
“I’m tryin’ not to,” you responded, gripping the handle of your machete tightly.
He chuckled at you and turned to his dad.
“Toss this on the fire. Saffron, skunk's cabbage, and trillium. It'll block our scent and hers until we're ready,” John commanded.
“Stuff stinks!” Dean coughed.
“That's the idea. Dust your clothes with the ashes, and you stand a chance of not being detected,” his father replied.
“You sure they'll come after her?” Sam asked his dad.
“Vampires mate for life,” you broke in. “She means more to the leader than the gun.”
“But the blood sickness is going to wear off soon, so you don't have a lot of time,” John added.
“A half hour oughta do it,” shrugged Sam.
“And then I want you out of the area as fast as you can,” John stated.
The boys began to protest.
“Well, Dad, you can't take care of them all yourself,” Dean said.
“I'll have her,” John replied, referencing the passed-out vampire. “And the Colt.”
“But after. We're gonna meet up, right? Use the gun together. Right?” Sam looked at his father expectantly. There was a long pause before Sam spoke again. “You're leaving again, aren't you. You still wanna go after the demon alone." Hes scoffed mockingly. "You know, I don't get you. You can't treat us like this.”
“Like what?”
“Like children.”
“You are my children. I'm trying to keep you safe.”
Dean spoke up much to your surprise. “Dad, all due respect, but, uh, that's a bunch of crap.”
“Excuse me?” the older man scoffed.
“You know what Sammy and I have been hunting. Hell, you sent us on a few hunting trips yourself. You can't be that worried about keeping us safe,” Dean argued.
“It's not the same thing, Dean.”
“Then what is it? Why do you want us out of the big fight?”
“This demon? It's a bad son of a bitch. I can't make the same moves if I'm worried about keeping you alive,” John responded.
“You mean you can't be as reckless.”
“Look, I don't expect to make it out of this fight in one piece. Your mother's death… it almost killed me. I can't watch my children die too. I won't,” John admitted.
“What happens if you die? Dad, what happens if you die, and we could’ve done something about it?" He let his words hang in the air for a moment. "You know, I've been thinking. I think maybe Sammy's right about this one. We should do this together,” Dean stated.
Sam nodded as his brother continued. “We're stronger as a family, Dad. We just are. You know it.”
John’s walls went back up. “We're running out of time. You do your job, and you get out of the area. That's an order.”
Dean looked down at the ground, and you watched him carefully as he tried to suppress his rising emotions. 
After you and the boys freed the people that had been locked up in the vampires’ barn, you went to find John and the members of the nest. You found them just in time because John had been knocked on his ass by the vampire you’d kidnapped.
You and the brothers hurried out of the trees and began shooting vampires with a crossbow. You moved toward the leader with your machete, but he backhanded you and held you in a headlock with his arm around your throat. 
You struggled against him as he addressed Dean, who was holding a machete of his own. “Don't! I'll break her neck. Put the blade down.”
Dean hesitated.
Luther tightened his hold on your neck, causing you to struggle more. “It’d be a real shame for her to die.” He dug his nose in your hair and sniffed deeply. “She’s pretty. I’d love having her around. Drop it!”
Dean did as told, and his jaw clenched in fury. 
“You people. Why can't you leave us alone? We have as much right to live as you do,” the leader said.
“I don’t think so,” came John’s voice from behind you. The vampire spun you and himself around to face John, who shot the vampire in the middle of his forehead. He dropped you to the floor, and Dean rushed to your side.
You turned and watched a sigil appear on the man’s forehead where he’d been shot as his girlfriend screamed in agony. “Luther!”
The vampire slumped to the ground, dead. The vampiress started toward John, but was pulled away by her friend to get to their car. They took off, wheels screaming and leaving you in the dust.
You sat in the brothers’ motel room, having finished packing long before they had as usual. John entered the room and addressed his sons. “So, boys.”
They stopped packing and turned to face him. “Yes, sir.”
“You ignored a direct order back there,” he said crossly.
“Yes, sir.” Sam hung his head low.
Dean argued, “Yeah, but we saved your ass.”
John held his son’s challenging stare, and you swallowed nervously.
“You're right,” John admitted much to your surprise.
“I am?”
If it weren’t for the situation, you would’ve laughed at Dean’s adorably clueless face.
“It scares the hell out of me. You two are all I've got. But I guess we are stronger as a family. So… we go after this damn thing. Together.”
You smiled as the two boys said in unison, “Yes, sir.”
Series Rewrite Taglist: @polireader @brightlilith @atcamillanorrman @jrizzelle @insomnia-bookworm @procrastination20 @mrs-liebgott @djs8891 @tiggytaylor @staple-your-mouth @iloveshawn @jesstherebel @rach5ive @strawberrykiwisdogog @bruhidkjustwannaread @mxltifxnd0m @sunshine-on-marz @big-ol-boat @mgchaser @capncrankle @davina-clairee @chervbs @simpingdeadcharacters @nesnejwritings @stillhere197 @stephshaww @tearsforhan @take-it-on-the-run @iloveyou2mia @maxinehufflepuffprincess @ohgeehowdigethere @here-for-the-extravaganza @seninjakitey @berarenado @s0urw00lf @princessleahorgana @quarterhorse19 @rei0812 @isla-finke-blog @silverdoragon @karacaroldanvers @gayandfairycore @examishbookwyrm @more-espresso-less-depresso-og @mysticmyth @favoritefandoms27 @star-yawnznn @real-sharena-h @fandomloverrr @metalmonki @onlyangel-444 @yu-winchester @benniwiththefanni @daisychaingirl @skys-writings @immagods @metalblindbitch @missmieux @yoongi-holland
hi there lovebugs!! quite a few tags were broken :( if i've misspelled your tag, please let me know! make sure you have my blog notifs on so you don't miss an update!!
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itsthestutterforme · 2 months
Go Meg (Rafe Cameron x black!reader)
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Summary: Thank God for the Megan challenge.
Notes: GIF is not mine, all mistakes are my own, suggestive themes (masturbation, lap dancing, twerking)
“The Megan Challenge is the best thing that ever happened to us,” Topper says as him and Kelce look over the crowd on the second floor.
Every girl was shaking ass with “Wanna Be” playing over the speakers. Everywhere they looked there was ass shaking.
Someone turned off the lights and some guys used the flashlights on their phones to record the girl twerking on them.
Meanwhile the lights on the second floor were still on. Rafe and some of his buddies were chatting it up and smoking weed until your friend, Sasha, takes your hand and tries to drag you downstairs.
“Hey, hey. Where you going?” Rafe asks, standing from the couch. His eyes were a little red but he was still sober enough to notice your every move.
“We’re going downstairs to dance.” You said, his initial resting pretty on your neck.
Rafe glanced over the railing to the crowds of girls twerking on guys. “I’m coming with you,”
“She’ll be fine. She’s with me,” Sasha retorts. “Is that suppose to mean something to me?” Rafe snaps causing Sasha to roll her eyes.
Rafe motions you over with two fingers, a common sign that he wanted a kiss before you left.
You leaned up and just as your lips were about to meet, Sasha drags you down the stairs.
I’ll be fine, you mouth to him, sending him a wink before your figure disappears into the darkness downstairs.
Rafe joins Kelce and Topper at the top of the stairs.
Your friend pushes through the crowd to get to the inner circle. The room wreeked of weed and sweat from brushing against so many hot bodies to get to the middle.
Your friend wanted you to be the center of attention because she knew you were about to eat.
You slept over her house one night and the night went from talking about boys to having a twerk session.
She did not know you could make your ass clap like that.
Not even Rafe knew how much you’d like to twerk. It would only make him feel more protective of you.
He gave you shit for wearing the ripped jean shorts because he could see some the bottom part of your cheeks.
Rafe watches as your friend spun you around and you lean forward to move your ass side to side, making your thighs giggle.
Leaning down all the way, your chest was pressed to the front of your thighs and your hands traveled up the back of your legs.
Rafe’s cock was straining in his pants when you stick your tongue out in amusement as you stood up straight.
You pushed your silk press over your shoulder and threw your ass in a circle.
“Bow, bow, bow!” Sasha hypes you up and slaps your cheeks when you press against her, causing you to laugh.
Sasha looked over at Rafe who was watching your every move, which quickly shifted to noticing how other guys were staring at you.
Some of them had their phones out, recording you. They were lusting after you. You, his girl.
Rafe’s jaw tightens when he made the realization and someone would jerk off to those videos of you.
She knew exactly what she was doing by bringing you in the middle.
Sasha hated Rafe and Rafe hated Sasha because neither of them liked to share.
“I didn’t know your girl could twerk, Rafe.” Kelce states, looking away so he wasn’t met with a sharp look from Rafe.
“Me neither.” Rafe looks at Topper, tongue in cheek as he watches him falling into a trance of your hips moving.
“What the fuck are you looking at, Top?” Rafe steps closer to him. “Huh?”
“Huh?” Rafe mocks, body checking Topper and Kelce steps out of the way so Rafe could go down the stairs to find you.
“Dude, are you fucking crazy?” Kelce scolds Topper when Rafe is out of ear shot.
Sasha watches the whole interaction with a smirk on her face.
“I’m going to get a drink. I’m thirsty.” You yell at her over the music and that’s the moment you notice the phones trained on you.
“But the song’s not over yet.” Sasha reasons. “I think they’ve had enough show for tonight.”
You took a step back and collided with the warm chest.
“I have a boyfriend. Get the fuck away from me.” You snap, your mouth falling open when you turn around to see Rafe’s proud smirk.
You were a bitch to other guys and he fucking loved it. “Oh, shit. Sorry-“
He cuts you off with a messy kiss, his tongue rolling over yours as he grabbed handfuls of your ass. You moaned against him, pulling him closer by the neck.
“I’m yours,” you said against his lips when he pulled away. “Took the words out of my mouth, baby.”
Without warning, he threw you over his shoulder and smacked your ass hard enough to leave a hand print.
“Ow! What the hell, Rafe!” He slaps your ass again to shut you up and you comply.
He strolls out of the party with you dangling over his shoulder like a rag doll.
“How about you give me a.. private dance tonight, hm?”
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kitashousewife · 1 year
kita loves you so much. from the bottom of his heart, with his entire soul, to the moon and back he's in love with you.
which is why he's out in the garden with you at 10:30pm.
it all started about an hour ago while the two of you were relaxing on the couch. kita was reading a book, you were flipping through a cookbook you found in the closet. everything was peaceful and quiet, only the soft hum of the dishwasher in the background, until you shot up with a gasp.
"shin, my ring!"
the search started in the living room, tearing apart the couch cushions and blankets in a frenzy. then you two moved to the kitchen. kita went under the sink to undo the pipes, just in case you dropped it while the two of you did dishes together. you checked the garbage, counter tops, and cabinets. kita hit his head on the bottom of the sink when you let out a rather worrisome groan.
"what's wrong love?"
"i think it's in the garden."
the two of you ran out the door soon after that with flashlights and made a bee line to the garden next to the barn. it's dusk now, sun long gone and the sky coated in a dark purple. you've been apologizing over and over, voice full of worry about the mistake. kita's been nothing but calm, always kissing your cheeks and assuring you it's going to be okay.
while he's been nothing but relaxed smiles, he's actually quite worried.
that ring was not only expensive, but something very heartfelt that he spent weeks putting together. the ring is a family ring from kita's grandmother, with the stone from his great grandmother's ring. it's gorgeous, and looks even better when it's on your finger.
most of all though, it reminds everyone that you're forever his.
"where were ya when ya took it off?"
"right when i started, i took it off to make sure i wouldn't plant it by mistake," you pace in front of the gates, moving the flash light everywhere and anywhere to hopefully catch something sparkling. "maybe i forgot? but i swear i didn't."
kita's heart is racing. he keeps telling himself that it's going to be okay and it's just a ring! but deep down he can't accept that. he's on his hands and knees, feeling around in the dirt for the diamond.
"we'll find it sweetheart, i promise. we just gotta keep lookin'," he grunts as he stands back up, walking towards the new rows of carrots that you made earlier.
"i'm so sorry," you apologize for what must be the 100th time, but your husband just smiles and waves it off.
you wipe your hands off on your jeans for a second, and your stomach drops when something oddly ring-like runs underneath your palm.
"no, no, no," you mumble, shoving your hand into your front pocket to pull out the reason for the now unnecessarily stressful evening.
"what?" kita walks over to you quickly, laughing when he sees the ring in your hand. you throw your head back and groan, but kita only smiles. he takes your now sparkly hand in his, walking back to your house.
"i can't believe that i did that, i'm so embarrassed. i'm sorry shin, i'll be more careful."
he opens the back door for you, patting your bum as you walk in.
"don't worry baby. ya found it, and that's all that matters."
you shuffle into the kitchen and grab the tea pot from the stove, letting out a sigh of relief while you fill it up at the sink.
"in my jeans! of all places,"
kita comes up behind you and rests his hands on your hips. he places a kiss on your cheek and snorts.
"that's the best part," he pokes your side, earning a giggle.
"if it were a snake, it woulda bit ya."
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doggone-devil · 3 months
How (Not) To Summon a Demon: Chapter 1
I’m attempting to write my first Hazbin Hotel fanfic. I don’t know how it’s going to go as I don’t normally write so much as I draw. I’m nervous but I’m also having fun with it so here’s the first chapter of my first fanfic titled “How (Not) To Summon a Demon”. Also, I’m writing this solo with no beta reader so sorry for typos, mistakes, etc. If you point them out, I’ll go back and fix them. Thank you!
Alastor x Reader
Warnings: demon rituals, stupid decisions, ghosts, paranormal activity
Feedback is welcomed! I might also move this to Ao3 depending on how well it does. 😊 Enjoy! 😊
Summoning rituals have been a pain in the ass for demons everywhere in Hell. Even lowly sinners with barely a sigil to their name could be summoned should a mortal find the right way. It was worse for those with higher power, demons who ruled over certain humanely aspects such as fertility, hearth, or revenge. Throughout the decades, as humanity build past the spiritual and focused more on science, less and less demons were being summoned. Now, the denizens of hell could roam peacefully, spending their miserable afterlives how they saw fit without the worry of being dragged topside.
That is, until one curious mortal just so happened to stumble upon such a book.
“Veronica, this is stupid!” you claim, cringing at the dust covered debris you were stepping over. For some god awful reason, you had decided to entertain your roommate and follow them into an abandoned house. Normally, old houses didn’t bother you. You were intrigued in the history, thinking about the people who might’ve lived in them before Mother Earth took them back. Yet this one in particular was just unnerving.
Nestled in one of the many bayous of south Louisiana, this old plantation looking home was wrapped in moss and vines, the swampland quite literally devouring the structure. The floors were barely holding your weight, groaning with every step you took forward as you tried to keep up with your very enthusiastic friend.
Veronica turned her flashlight at you, blinding you momentarily. “This isn’t stupid! It’s experimental!” she moved the light off you, using it to scan the room you were in, a bedroom on the second floor. It was filled with a bed, a dresser missing drawers, and a nightstand. The wallpaper was peeling and the light fixture had fallen years ago. You mindfully step over the glass.
“Just imagine what could be in here,” she spoke, examining the nightstand. “Not just the memories, but the potential of ghosts!”
“Ghosts,” you scoff. “The only thing here is trash, trash, and more trash.” You wonder why you even came. She thinks so, too, as she glares at you.
“You didn’t have to come you know,” she comments.
“And miss you pissing your pants? Fat chance,” you joke, making her smile. True, you were reluctant to come along when she had asked, you still felt reluctant, but you’d be lying if you said you weren’t enjoying this even if just a little.
“Oh hey! Check this out!” You move over to where Veronica is hunched over. Just below the nightstand, tucked in between it and the bed frame, is a book. She brings it out and sits it on the bed, using her hand to wipe away the dust. The cover is old, leathered, and the markings on it are too faded to read.
“Maybe it’s a dirty novel,” you say, wiggling your brows at her. “You know, some chicks back in the day had to get off with those. They didn’t have internet like we do.”
“That’s just gross.”
“Honey, that’s truth.” You chuckle as she rolls her eyes, opening the book. The pages are worn but readable as she flips through them. You watch from over her shoulder, frowning at the contents. There’s pictures depicting people being beheaded, of demonic creatures drinking blood. It creeps you out.
“I think it’s a book on summoning,” Veronica says. “Look.” She points at one of the pages, a paragraph instructing on how to set up a circle. It then has some kind of image on the next page, a circle with a bunch of symbols that you can’t recognized. A cold shiver runs up your spine.
“I think we should put it back,” you state. It’s suddenly very cold in the room and you swear you can feel something watching you.
“Don’t be such a pussy!” Veronica closes the book and tucks it into her bag.
“What are you doing?”
“Duh, I’m bringing it back with us!” She looks at you as if she didn’t just say the dumbest thing ever.
“Have you not watched horror movies?” you ask in disbelief. “Two dumb chicks find demon book in abandoned bayou home and then get slaughtered as sacrifices to Satan. Am I making any sense to you?”
“You make it sound like you believe it’s real.”
“No,” you defend, “I’m still a hardcore skeptic, but even I ain’t stupid enough to invite that shit into my home.” You turn to head towards the door, ready to leave this hell hole behind. “Put it back and let’s go.”
“Fine,” she sighs. You leave the bedroom and quickly make your way down the stairs, checking behind you to make sure she’s coming. When you confirm that she is, the two of you make your way out of the house and back to your car that’s parked a few feet away.
The ride back home is quiet and within minutes, your entering your shared apartment. You go to make your way to your kitchen when Veronica speeds past you to the living room. She’s quickly flittering around, grabbing spare candles and setting them up. You eye her with suspicion and groan when she pulls the book out of her bag.
“Veronica, you didn’t.”
“I did,” she giggles, tapping the seat next to her. You cross your arms over your chest.
“I am not participating in this,” you state, firm in your decision. You didn’t believe in ghosts or the paranormal, or even demons, but you’ve seen plenty of horror movies to know that this is how it starts. In no way were you going to be another victim in a paranormal mystery compilation.
“Please,” Veronica pouts, giving you the puppy eyes. You bite your bottom lip, trying to resist. She even goes as far as clasping her hands together, blinking up at you. You give in with a deep sign.
“Fine. But I’m waking you up if something comes into my room later tonight,” you declare. She nods in agreement as she moves to let you join her on the couch. You eye the book, then the candles. “Do you even know what you’re doing?”
“Not a clue!” she answers. “But, the book has clear instructions. I just need three candles,” she pauses to point at the candles, “and two participants!”
“Well would you look at that,” you mock. It’s a coincidence, is all, as candles are in nearly every home and most households consist of two people.
“Stop being a party pooper and hand me that lighter.” You lean over the couch and grab the BIC, placing it in her open palm. She lights the candles one by one, then straightens up, suddenly looking serious. It takes effort not to laugh.
Veronica starts reading from the book, something about calling the corners and inviting those who wish to join as witnesses. You look around, waiting for something to happen, but so far, nothing does. She continues, beginning to speak something in what you guess is Latin. It sounds wrong as you remember your old high school Latin teacher being strict on pronunciation, but you don’t correct her. When she finishes, she claps her hand and looks expectantly to the empty space in front of her.
A minute passes.
“I don’t get it,” she sighs, slouching back into the couch. “I did everything it said to.”
“Have you thought that maybe it’s just not real?” you offer.
“Ok, but just once, I was hoping it was. I mean, look at the book! It’s so old and weird, I thought it could be legit, ya know?”
“Yeah, but sadly, we live in a place I like to call reality!” you say, using your hands to make a fake rainbow in the air. She huffs a laugh and sits back up, standing off the couch.
“Well, since a hot and sexy demon didn’t appear, how about I go grab us some food?” she asks, already going to grab your keys.
“Oh, pizza?”
“Pizza it is! I’ll be back in like, thirty minutes.”
“Cool, drive safe!” you call out as she leaves. Once it’s just you, you look back at the book, smiling at how silly it all was. Demon summoning. As if. You pick up the book and look at the Latin she had read. It was fuzzy and you’re only able to recall a few phrases. It’s less an incantation like you thought and more of further instructions. It tells the reader to place their finger once pricked on top of the signal and recite the summoning phrase.
You look at the front door then back at the book. It’s silly. You know for a fact demons aren’t real. This book was just some kind of occult hoax. So then, why did you want to give it a try?
Sighing, you reach into the drawer of the side table next to the couch, pulling out of the mini sewing kits you had for emergencies. You pull out a needle and prick your finger, wincing as a drop of blood pooled to the surface. You pick the book up with your other hand and press your finger down into the middle of the sigil. With a deep breath, you recite, “Daemon avaritiae, voluntatum et actuum, te voco. Veni et da mihi desideria mea.”
You close your eyes, waiting for something to happen. There’s just silence and still air. You can faintly hear the hum of the refrigerator. Your shoulders relax and you let out a nervous laugh. “Knew it,” you mumble to yourself, “just a stupid - .” You stop as your eyes stay fixated on the candles. The flames are flickering, raising higher then dropping back down, higher again, like they’re dancing. You feel the temperature drop, just like it did at that house.
“Ok, this isn’t funny,” you whisper, moving your legs to that they’re pulled up to your chest. You gasp when the flames go out, along with the electricity, submerging you into darkness.
“Oh, darling, I can ensure you I’m not laughing,” a voice deep responds and you scream, jumping off the couch. You can’t see anything, trying desperately not to trip over furniture. Of course an intruder decides to show up now when you were attempting to summon a demon.
“W-Whoever you are, I-I have a gun!” you shout, trying to sound tough but failing as your voice cracks and falters. You weren’t lying, you had a gun for just this occasion, but it was tucked safely away. In your bedroom. Where you were not. Great.
A deep chuckle rumbled in the darkness and you gulp, reaching around blindly to try and find purchase on anything. You felt your back press against something cold and felt behind you, relieved to find the wall. Now you just had to find a door, something to bring a barrier between you and whoever the fuck was in your house.
You’re searching for a knob when light suddenly fills the room, a figure stepping in. You scream, making the other person scream, too.
“The fuck is wrong with you!” Veronica shouts angrily, flipping on a light switch. You squint as light hits you. “Are you trying to scare me half to death?”
You run over to her, trying to push her out the door. “We have to go! There’s someone in here!” you warn her, pushing harder, but she won’t budge.
“Girl, what are you talking about? There’s no one here!” You turn to protest, to point at the man who had been talking mere seconds earlier, but she’s right. As you scan the room, there’s no one to be seen.
“No, no, no. He was just there. I was on the couch, doing the ritual, and he -“
“Wait, you actually tried it, too?” she asks but you ignore her.
“- he spoke behind me when the lights went off! He was, he was…,” you trail off, feeling frantic, panicked. Had you just imagined it all? Had you paranoid yourself that badly from the ritual that you hallucinated the whole thing?
Veronica called out your name, making you look at her. “I think you need to go lay down. You don’t look to good.” You nodded slowly, agreeing with her. You did feel tired.
“Y-Yeah, I‘ll just…go lie down.” She sat down the pizza and held your hand to your bedroom, making sure you made it to your bed before bidding you goodnight. Once the door was shut, you were left alone in your room. You looked around it, suddenly aware of the darkness creeping in around the edges. It unnerved you and you quickly turn on your lamp next to your bed. It fills in the empty spaces, bringing clarity as you took note of every little detail of your room. It eased your mind, being able to see everything.
You shoved the blankets back and crawled under them, exhaustion hitting your hard once your head laid on to the pillows. With a stifled yawn, you close your eyes and attempt to forget about the whole thing as you fall asleep.
Masterlist ; Ao3
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nexerist · 3 months
Heyyyyy, so I got into writing since work hasn't given me time to actually work on my art. It will soon be resolved in a few weeks, then back to posting more often. I am making a comic again and almost done with it so I don't promise projects that won't come.
Enough about me, and let's get to you! This is a thunderstorm comfort I wrote a while back on AO3 and forgot to post it here. My collection is called Nebula Kisses. This one-shot can be seen as platonic or romantic, next one is more on the romance side but still can be platonic if you wish. But so I don't clog your feed, I'll post the next chapter tomorrow or later but within the week!
I also apologize for the weird formatting, this was written on my phone during the time so I don't have the fancy indents or proper grammar check.
Thank you for sticking around with my inconsistencies, I wish I had more time.
So much love,
Breath |Sun/Moon x Scared!Reader|
[Power had gone out, leaving Sun and Moon to look for you in the dark. However, you are absolutely horrified of thunderstorms.]
The daycare was lit up during the town wide blackout. The rumbling generators along with the constant loop of the daycare music, Sunnydrop was busy awaiting got his favorite visitor. Who might that be, well none other than the security guard who is ordered to look out for the lobby, green rooms, and of course, the daycare. Y/N is what they call themselves, which Sunny really liked that when they mentioned it to him, he walked around repeating it like a song.
But they were late, a half hour late. He taps his foot impatiently, he checks the attendance and sees that they did clock in. What were they doing? Did they get lost? It's impossible to miss his big daycare! Surely you didn't forget either, his lovely face was everywhere, that had to remind you to check on him.
A quiet rumble of the storm outside rang through the building. According to the weather, it was going to be a rough and long storm ahead. Heard it was going to last until morning.
Sun, getting impatient, decided to look for them himself. Feeling confident, he takes his long strides to the daycare door, his hand reaching for the door knob. He felt himself pause for just a moment. He hasn't really left daycare, not that he can't leave, but it was risky. Last time he left was to take care of that rulebreaker and set up some banned signs around Kids Cove, but that was the furthest he went in a very long time. Sun was still very angry about it, but it did reopen the daycare after Freddy left. So maybe he should forgive him? Nah, he needs to apologize first.
Sun shakes his head, he was getting off track. He opens the daycare door, mind back on his mission. To find his Starshine. He takes his long strides, making sure to stay near the light and flashing signs. The easy part was now over as he got to the entrance door that faced the slide back into his daycare.
As soon as he opened the door with great confidence, he saw that is was pitch black. Maybe his friend did get lost, with this darkness and no flashlight, it would be nearly impossible to find him! Not taking into consideration of muscle and location memory. He felt Moon stirring from inside.
“Moon, sorry to wake you up from your nap. Our dear friend is missing and I had hope to do it myself! But uh... Looks like I can't do much.” He spoke aloud. Silence rang through his head, awaiting for his alter ego to speak.
Moon was recently having a fit, and not talking. This happened since Eclipse disappeared into the arcade cabinet when he was playing that discount floppy bird game. Moon had tried to get him out by playing the game, but something happened to him too. He became mostly unresponsive, giving out short phrases or sentences.
Sun would hear his alter giggle, which relieved Sun that Moon was at least in a good mood. Sun takes in a false breath of courage and walked into the dark. If he could close his eyes, he would've. The familiar pain in his face shocked through him, making him grab at it. He feels his rays click into his head on at a time, unlocking his chest compartment which his infamous hat was held in. It started from his fingers, the oranges and silver turned to white and blue.
Sun felt himself pull back and release control. He now stood outside and watched Moon take his hat and place it up on his head. Moon crouched down and stretches his legs, then start crawling on the floor towards the wall. Sun, not wanting to be alone, would do his best to follow.
“Little Star has gone missing.” Is what Moon would say before climbing up the wall and opening a vent to crawl through. He started to giggle and cackle, it echoing through the building and alerting that Moon was out early. The glamrocks retreating to their green rooms as to not go to parts and services.
You had entered the building on time, rarely ever late. Today has been storming hard, the rain pattering hard on the glass of the lobby entrance. Things were up and normal, doing your normal tasks. Checked stock, picked up any lost and found items to either throw away or await for the owner to come in the next day to pick it up. As you head into lost and found, that was when you heard it. It started as a small rumble before the sky roared a building shaking thunder, knocking the power out.
You have always been afraid of thunder since you were young. Not that you could explain it to anyone without the fear of being made fun of for a childish fear. It wasn't childish to you, it was real, the sense of dread and fear that paralyzed you proved it. You drop to the floor, staying as close to the ground as you could. If you could just find your flashlight, you had to crawl around a bit to then heard another rumble.
It took your breath away, your hands shaking as you retrieve the flashlight. Trying to find some solace in the light, you put your thumb on the switch and pushed up. Click. Click-click. Nothing. The flashlight, so cheap that it doesn't even last a hour with full charge, was dead and the charging stations were down. You were in the dark, the loud storm rattling the outside shutter doors, making it very loud and overwhelming.
You grab a blanket from the shelf and put it over you and your head. It just felt safer when surrounded by the soft fabric. Peaking through the opening, you hesitantly get on your feet again. You still had a job to do, but it was going to be slower. You would like your paycheck still and you knew how stingy the company was, taking your panic and finding a way to no pay you.
You would manage to get out of lost and found in the dark. On your way out, a little glow in the dark Monty was resting in a stroller. It must've been left behind but picking it up, it still had its tag and security pin. Rather, someone tried to steal it. It did produce light, enough to get around at least. However, these toys don't glow in the dark for too long. Got maybe, a solid twenty minutes? It's been dark for five, so fifteen. You did your best to scamper to the green rooms and peak around.
You arrive and you see the famous glamrocks interacting with each other. Monty with Roxy and Chica, heading back towards their respective rooms. Monty had taken over as temporary lead as they remade a new Freddy. They did have to use the scraped Mr. Hippo glamrock to fill the fourth spot. Your train of thought was cut off as another loud crash of thunder rang through the building. You huddle against a corner and put the blanket over your head again.
“Why... Why now... Why can't you come when it was after work...” You mutter as you croutch down and felt tears prick your eyes. Another crash finally made you crack, you try to hold back your tears but they started to stream down your face. All you felt was dread, paralyzing fear that. You wanted to scream in fear but that would reveal your fear. You try to be fearless, not let anything bother you. When you first met Sun and Moon, they were rather surprised that you approached them. You had a fascination with how they acted and looked. It was endearing, when you took the time to watch them and interact that even under their rough attitude and words, they were lonely.
Another crash, you were shaking and on the ground. Hands over your ears and a quiet sobbing from your blanket shell. You were too scared to notice the vent opening and the giggling of a certain jester. One with the Moon rather than the sun. The jester made his round, single red eye darting around to find something. Then he hears the sobbing, unfamiliar to his sensors. Crawling over, he finds the shaking blanket of which the sobbing came from. When he lifted the blanket that was when he saw you. Your glow in the dark Monty plush was almost out of glow, leaving you in almost pure darkness.
Moon was all you saw now, his eye lit up the small space. He tilts his head in confusion.
“Why is Little Star hiding? No monsters are here, just Moon” He spoke, unsure to react to the crying. You quickly wipe your face and sniffle, putting up your strong front.
“Cause uhh, I was playing a game..?” You made it sound more like a question than an answer. Of course, it was a lie, so Moon leaned closer.
“Then why cry? Liar, liar I hate liars. Speak truth.” Moon wipes a tear from your cheek. But as you go to answer, the loudest crash of thunder lands. It shook the building again, making the lights flicker and power back off. You yelp and cling onto Moon. You try to get as close as you could, fingers slipping a tad just for you to scramble to get your grip. You breathing escalated and felt the verge of hyperventilation. You weren't expecting anything from Moon, never was the touchy one unlike Sun who couldn't stop having tiny touches and bumps.
But you then felt mechanical arms wrap around you. He sat down and pulled you onto his lap, cradling you close to him. He gently rocks back and fourth, winding his broken chest music box. He was taking nap time protocol with some modifications. His broken music box plays a soft tune, though in some places it wobbled.
“Breathe. Deep breaths. It will be okay..” Moon whispers. You try to follow his instructions, still freaking out. Your shaking breath and hiccups try to find a rhythm. Moon rests his blue hand and rubs gently up and down your back. It was slow. “Breathe in..” He whispers, his hand gliding up slowly, helping you follow. You take a shuttering breath in, slow like his hand. It stops, in which you held your breath. “Breathe out...” His hand runs back down and you sigh out. It was then looped
Moon would then carry you, you holding onto him with your legs around his thin waist, him with a arm under you and one on your back to keep the rhythm going. He adjusted the blanket to keep it over your head.
He arrives back to the door of the daycare, avoiding the light, he hooked his arm around the wall to find the light switch to turn off the lights. He finds it and flicks it off, hearing the buzzing electricity stop. He peeks in to make sure and then walks in. He takes the long way around and gets inside the daycare. He would have the fly hook attach to his back and he glides over to his and Sun's tower.
“... Moon..? Why are we here..?” You asked, hearing the rumble again and wincing at the noise. Moon would hold you close as he goes back to crawling. He crawls through a small hole off to the side and see that it was a small hiding place. There was boxes, drawings, a mattress with a few pillows. There was also an arcade cabinet in the corner with the screen busted.
“Hide away, storm won't follow here.. Safe here..” He crawls onto the mattress and lays you next to him. The rumbles of the storms were dampened, making it barely audible. With the help of Moon's music box as well, he pets your head.
“... Thank you.” You mumble out, only for Moon respond with a fake click of his tongue. He giggled a bit and curled up around you, his legs are under yours, making you rest yours on top of his. You both cuddle up under the blanket, Moon rubbing your back to keep the deep breath rhythm.
A very loud roar of the sky fills the room, and you both tense up and huddle. A few more tears fall and Moon quickly wipes them away. It was the first time you would ever see Moon have a slight shake in his hand. He was afraid too, of thunder and storms. He was able to repress his fear as his tip top priority was to make sure you were okay first. But he felt as if he needed to keep up this false confidence that you could remain calm.
You mimic his movements, running your hand on his back in a soothing motion.
“Breathe...” You both say at the same time. You get as close as you two could and comforted each other. Moon pecks the top of your head. He felt safe with you, and you felt safe with him. For someone as reclusive as Moon, this was a good bonding experience that neither of you would forget.
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alexthesillybilly · 6 months
Guys im. Not doing good and literally the ONLY THING that is making me feel good rn is springtrap x reader content please help me. I have to write but it might not be as good as I want bc yk. My brains dealin with some stuff right now so. Here's the first part of the fanfic I'm writing, called dead flowers!!! (This one's serious unlike MIILWAC 💀) basic plot, you were hired to do a safety inspection on an old animatronic some guy found. Uhh yeah. This is the meeting story for all my springtrap x reader stuff I write!! :))
You'd talked to the guy who found this old thing you were about to go see, and even he seemed to know nothing about it. He was probably going to be scrapping it for parts, but wanted to make sure it wasn't valuable or whatever. All anybody really knew were the few details you'd heard: it's an old SpringBonnie suit/animatronic from an old diner back in the 80s, it's horrifying, and there's probably a corpse in it.
Well, the last part wasn't true. Maybe. Hopefully. Everyone who'd seen it had said that there was definitely a corpse in there, but the man who found it - you'd forgotten his name, if he'd even told you - denied it completely. So, you were pretty sure you were about to see a decaying human corpse. Maybe you should've been a little hesitant when you were sent into the room with the animatronic alone, with a flashlight as the only light source, but it was too late to back out, now. As much as this was definitely not how you wanted to be spending your friday night, at least you were being paid.
Even if that pay was barely useful for anything.
Okay, maybe you were just extremely curious to see the animatronic.
Checking to make sure you had your phone and flashlight, you shut the door to the room.
Okay. Yeah, there was definitely a corpse in there. You couldn't see it yet, but it sure didn't smell like an alive human to you.
Slowly approaching it, you clicked on your flashlight and crouched down beside the.. thing. It was in a very sad and pathetic position, like a way you'd sit when you were giving up on something. Poor thing looked like it hadn't moved in years.
Shining your flashlight on it to see it better, you finally took in how terrible this thing looked. Matted fur, rips and tears everywhere, wires sticking out, and wasn't the animatronic supposed to be yellow? Because it wasn't. It was more like the color you'd get if you set yellow in a swamp and then killed something on top of the yellow. Speaking of that, were those bloodstains on the fur? And yes, those were definitely actual human organs you could see.
You debated if you should call the police or something, but you figured they might not believe you if you told them there was a corpse in this 40 year old robot.
You'd just deal with this yourself.
Doing another scan of the flashlight over the whole thing, you noticed something. When you moved the flashlight from its face down to the body, there was still a slight glowing that was not there last time you did this. You froze.
There was a light coming from the eyes.
Okay, calm down, maybe they were those glow in the dark type of things that glowed when exposed to light. That had to be it. So you kept doing your job, checking all the parts.
There was a clicking noise.
Maybe you'd just touched something accidentally-
The glow was stronger. Looking up, the eyes of the suit were now opened. And staring at you.
You stood up as fast as you could. It was definitely not supposed to do that. Keeping your eyes on the animatronic, you backed off quick towards the door before it made a noise. It caught you off guard and you stopped.
You were now just staring at each other. You took a cautious step back towards it.
It tilted its head forward a bit, the ears making a mechanical clicking noise as they moved. Maybe you had accidentally set off a movement trigger?
But that noise it had made - it had been too human.
Once you convinced yourself it was safe again, you sat back down in front of it. You took out your notebook to record what was happening-
And it moved again. A very slow, and painful, by the looks of it, movement, but it was movement. Its arm raised slightly, enough to move the hand and point at your notebook. You stared at it, then down at your notes. Taking a breath, you supposed if this.. Somehow were a human, you'd have to talk.
"Uhm- this?" You held up your notebook. Its hand position changed, like it was gesturing for you to do something.
"You- you want it?" You asked, confused. Slowly, it nodded yes.
You checked to make sure there was nothing important in it, and there wasn't, so you hesitantly handed the notebook to the... Whatever this was. It looked at you, as if expecting something else.
It pointed again at your pencil. Oh. You handed it that, too. Was it about to write something?
Apparently it was, because it got to writing as soon as it took the pencil. Its jerky hand movements, though not graceful in any way whatsoever, shocked you. You were starting to wonder if this was all some weird dream.
It handed the notebook back to you, and you read what it had written. In very messy, sharp writing, it said;
"dont scrap"
You read it a few times.
How had it known they were planning to scrap it?
"How did- we weren't going to- but, how did you know that?" You stared at it again.
It's ears perked slightly. It looked at the notebook and you handed it back.
It had heard you from multiple rooms over talking to the other man.
"Well, we... We won't." You said, and it seemed to relax.
It was silent for a bit. Finally, you broke the silence.
"I have so many questions."
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thedreamwraptwriter · 2 years
Halloween Special
Tenth Doctor x Reader
Prompt: For a Halloween fest, you chose the Doctor as your costume! He’s not impressed.
Lowkey inspired by the fact I decided to throw together a last-minute 10th Doctor costume. And Happy Halloweekend!
Word Count: 687
Warnings: none.
Note: [Y/N] = Your Name
“Come on, let’s go [Y/N]! This festival is one for the ages. I really think you’ll enjoy it!”
 I heard the Doctor calling me as I got ready for the Halloween festival in my room. He’d been raving about it for quite a while, and we finally had time between adventuring to head over and check it out. The Doctor told me that most humans would dress up, which led me to a brilliant idea. 
I quickly put the finishing touches on my costume as I called back, “Coming!” 
“There you are! Why so slow today -”
The Doctor stopped short when he saw me. His eyebrow, which seemed to be eternally raised, somehow went even higher on his forehead.  
 “Do you like my costume?” I exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear, giving him a little spin to show it off. 
I had snagged the costume items over the course of a couple weeks as we travelled, sneaking them past the Doctor as we went about our adventures. I found the blue suit jacket and pants as we ran through the streets of modern-day London last week. The brown trench coat I managed to grab on a completely alien planet (who would have guessed alien fashion would work so well for me?). The white shirt and red tie were quickly purchased while sneaking around twentieth century Victorian England. And, to finish the look, a delivery of red converse right to the Tardis door (not even sure how I managed that) while we were hanging out in a futuristic Manhattan. I had even managed to make a little sonic screwdriver replica using a tiny flash light and some craft materials.
“I, um, what…” the Doctor stuttered.
 “You said this festival was full of costumes! And what better costume than a time traveling alien?” I laughed, grinning. 
The Doctor frowned, looking a mix of utter bemusement and concern. “Is that really…do I wear this outfit too much?” he gestured to himself weakly, his clothing almost identical to mine. “Good lord my fashion sense must be dying if you can copy me so exactly.”
 I rolled my eyes good-naturedly and walked over to him. “You’re a drama king. Just because you cycle through two or three outfits every couple of seasons doesn’t mean you’ve lost your fashion sense. Just means you’re old and like what you like.”
 The Doctor let out a snort as I linked arms with him. “Did I ever tell you that you are my favorite companion?”
 “I bet you say that to every companion.”
 “Mm, no I’ve had a couple of not-so-great companions. Like the ones who dress up as me.”
“Hold on, now, which is it?! Make up your mind!”
 The Doctor laughed. “Kidding! Kidding. So then, now that you are ‘me’, what are your plans?”
 “I need to choose a companion I think,” I said. “And perhaps also start making my hair stick up everywhere.”
 I pushed my hair up to mimic him and he laughed out loud. “You look ridiculous.”
“I am simply your mirror, Doctor!” I exclaimed. “Oh! I almost forgot. Look…”
I whipped out my little sonic screwdriver and turned it on. “Haha! I’m the Doctor!”
The Doctor let out the biggest snort, doubling over in laughter as I swung my flashlight around, pretending to scan various items in the Tardis. 
“St-stop that’s ridiculous,” he said between gasps. “What on earth even is that?”
 “My sonic screwdriver, obviously! See?” I clicked the flashlight, making it flash on and off. “Created by my own hand, might I add.”
“A work of art, [Y/N]!” he exclaimed.
After the Doctor collected himself, he straightened up and grinned. “Well then, since you are all ready now, I suppose we should be off, Doctor,” he winked at me.
 “Allons-y!” I yelled, pointing my sonic screwdriver toward the Tardis doors and marching forward.
I heard the Doctor groan. “I’m never taking you to another Halloween festival again.”
I turned to him and smirked. “Come along, my little companion, let’s go on an adventure!”
 Shaking his head, amused, the Doctor took my hand. “I’d follow you anywhere, Doctor.”
Happy Halloween!
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mcytblrconfessions · 2 years
I had a dream Grian and his wife posted a picture on Instagram and it was captioned smthing like ‘oops so apparently u should check to make sure ur not gay before marrying someone straight’ and alllll the comments were ‘oh no Grian’s poor wife I always knew he seemed gay’ and Grian had to go on YouTube to stream and he turned off all the lights in his house except for a flashlight, brought his wife into the room during the stream, and just said ‘lesbians are everywhere’ and stared into the camera and someone wrote a Twitter thread on why he should apologize for being straight and yeah. I need mental assistance and I needed to get that goddamn dream off my chest
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sugarcombsw · 2 years
Nate Hardy - The Warehouse
warnings: Smut, pet names, female reader, being called a slut (but just a little bit), not proof read and also English is not my first language so yeah.
Being Sam and Colby since the old high-school days meant only one thing, going exploring everywhere possible the old warehouse at this point is a spot that you know like the palm of your hand.
And here were you again, crossing the field with the boys and Nate, Colby and Sam both had cameras on they hands recording everything for the YouTube after no being there for a while, everyone now weren't so busy and the hell week of 2022 was just over, it was the perfect time for a break from all the haunted stuff but apparently the boys had different idea.
“Wow guys, it feels like I haven't been here since forever but at the same time everything here it's just like it used to be, as if nothing changed at all” Colby said to his camera as he was showing the place around.
“Do you guys remember when we forgot y/n here, and we had to come all the way back here to find her crying on the floor while eating chips?” Sam said while slightly smiling.
“I still have that picture on my phone to this day” Nate said with a big smile on his face, making him look even more adorable than he already is, the crush you had for Nate was a secret you kept to yourself since the day you guys met, besides the fact he had a girlfriend, they ended up breaking up last year but you still didn't do any move towards him, since you knew he didn't felt the same and you didn't want to fuck up a good friendship you guys had.
“I don't know why I keep hanging out with you guys, I just get bullied by all of you everytime” you said while entering the warehouse meanwhile the boys were chuckling behind you.
>>>> time skip <<<<
You guys have been in the warehouse for over one hour by now, it's a miracle the neighbors didn't call the cops yet, all four of you were sitting on the roof and just got done eating your snacks while watching the last few rays of sunshine disappear as the darkness of the night started to take over, the boys decided it was time to go back down and finish the video.
As all of you got to the second floor, and were just chatting a bit with the flashlights on, you all heard a really loud bang followed by voices, that's when Nate got to your side in a more protective way, Sam told to everyone turn off the flashlights and that's exactly what you did, you guys stayed quiet for a bit just waiting, the voices were sounding nearby a few boys and few girls it was all that you knew, kinda of a large group compared to the one you were in.
After a few minutes being quiet, Sam started to make a plan to get out of there without being caught, but apparently not everything goes as planned. All four of you were together leaving as quiet as you could be, but then someone in the other group heard the shuffling around and decided to shine they flashlight at you guys, and that's when Colby told everyone to run, not being as fit as they boys were you couldn't keep with they pace and was being left behind, all you heard was Nate tell Sam and Colby to not worry about you and him, then all you saw was Nate stopping on his tracks to go back to you, as soon as he held you hand he pulled you to his right and kept running to that direction, making the group that was following you guys get confused where to go but soon enough they also got separated so now two of them were following you and Nate.
Nate didn't stopped running for a second while holding you hand tight but not to much to the point that it was hurting you, he kept changing directions while running and you guys got this big room, inside this room there was another door and when Nate Checked the door it led to a small room but spacious enough for the two of you, without paying much attention you got inside with you back turning to the door and Nate got inside right after you did, remember that the room was spacious enough? forget that your chest was now pressing against Nate's chest while the door closed behind him, it was partially dark and you only knew how close he was to you because you could feel his breath on your face, you were now getting drunk by his wooden scent surrounding you. Your breath hitched a bit and you heard Nate whisper “are you okay?” to which you answered a quick yes.
You felt his hand on your mouth as soon as the two of you heard footsteps on the other side of the room at the same time you felt his free hand on you waist and his thumb stroking the skin under you shirt which caused goosebumps on you. After awhile things got quiet but none of you got out yet just wanting to make sure it was actually safe, and that's when you felt something slightly touch your ankle which caused you to turn around, since there wasn't enough space and turned around pretty quickly, you tried to ajust yourself better by moving around trying to get a little bit more comfortable with your back against Nate chest this time and that's when you felt Nate's hand slide around your waist with a strong grip as he whispered in your ear “Y/n please stop moving”.
“What? why Nate?” you asked was you were a bit confused, and that's when you felt his girth pressed against your ass as he rested his forehead on your shoulder. “That's why y/n, that's the fucking reason why.” he whispered in your ear and only that was enough to make you hold back a moan, you felt one of his hand put your hair to the side giving slow kisses and bites to your neck, you put your head on his shoulder giving him more access, which he took as a sign to keep going further, you couldn't even fully believe what was happening there between the two of you, you had a crush on Nate for so long but never thought something like this would ever happen.
Getting a bit tired of all the kisses and bites on your neck, you turned around to face Nate your eyes trying to trace every part of his beautiful features, seeing all the small details you loved so much but see the lust in his eyes was definitely your favorite in this moment right here. No need to think twice you just pulled Nate by the back of his neck smashing your lips together you didn't had the dominance of the kiss for too long since Nate pressed you back against the wall behind you, entering your lips with his tongue which you gladly gave permission for him, it was definitely a messy kiss but gosh it was so hot the way your bodies were moving against each other as if neither of you couldn't have enough of each other, Nate traced down to neck and you could bet that he was making sure people would know who you belong to showing to you that your pretty boy could be possessive with some things. Nate was quick to take off your shirt and having your bra to follow the same fate as your shirt, he could barely see you in the darkness of the room so he decided to turn on both of your flashlights and he swore the view of your red kinda swollen lips for the previous rough kiss you shared, the need in your eyes and your round and perky tits drove him insane and that was enough to make him grab you left boob while his mouth work wonders on the right one, all you were able to do was to pull his hair while softly whimpering.
“Nate I don't think we have much time for that, the boys will be super worried, we have to quickly.” You still don't know how you managed to say a full sentence for the man in front of you, he only gave you a smirk and told you to be as quiet as possible, he slid your pants down and turned you around making you face the wall while he slightly bend you over, you couldn't see what he was doing but could hear him getting rid of his pants and opening some package you assumed was a condom, after that you felt one of his hand slide in between your legs touching your aching bud which caused you to let out a loud moan, you didn't realized how much you needed that man to touch you more and be inside of you until that moment. “Be quiet sweetheart, we don't want unnecessary attention right now, right?” you couldn't answer that not even if you tried so all you did was nod to him, he held your hip with one of his hand while the other was holding his large dick, Nate was an idiot for all the teasing he was doing by sliding his tip up and down on your folds and you thought he was finally gonna put it in but he only put his tip to soon put it out.
“Nate please, I need you so much right now, please Nate please…” Nate chuckled at how desperate you were and how of a dumb slut you looked begging him to fuck you right there, but you were his little dumb shut and his only, finally he buried his dick deep inside of you causing both of you to moan, with his now free hand he was able to make sure you wouldn't make any loud noises, he covered you mouth with his hand beginning to rock his hips against yours, your head falling back against his neck and at this point you were definitely not holding back any sound coming from your mouth, you were lucky that the sounds were muffled by his hand, Nate started to suck on your neck again making the light red marks become a darker color, you were close enough by now and Nate knew that by the way you were squeezing him “Come on baby, just let it go okay, cum for me y/n” his moves now becoming more sloppy while both of you came together with Nate moaning your name making you wish you could hear more of the sound of your name slipping from his lips.
With the two of you panting, he slipped out of your pussy and got rid of the condom, both of you were quick to put your clothes back on and since none of you heard any sort of noises out there you two decided it was ok to go, Nate first checked the other room by opening the door and seeing nobody was there he grabbed you hand making you follow right behind him, both of you made it out of the warehouse and met up with Sam and Colby by the trails of the train, the boys asked if you guys were fine and both of you said yes and all four of you decided to go home, but of course our little observer boy aka Colby noticed the marks on you neck and couldn't help but make fun of you, “Hey y/n are you sure you're fine?” “yeah Colby, why?” “Oh, nothing just the marks on you neck that make it look like you were attacked by a vampire.” “You're so funny Colby” you said shaking you head with a smile on your face and your cheeks with a light blush, while Nate was holding your hand with a prideful smile pasted over his face.
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aristrocrat · 2 years
Upside Down Feelings
Chapter Two: The Weirdo on Maple Street
Tumblr media
an episode-by-episode incorporation of the reader
summary: Dustin has all of the sudden started being secretive?? Y/N has a run in with the boy she lost her virginity to and gets a call from an old friend.
pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader (slow burn)
word count: 2525 (sorry it's short. new chapter will be up later tonight to make up for it)
tw: not editeddd what else is new, talk of v-cards
Go check out Chapter One if you haven't already ->
“Did you find anything last night?” You asked in a hushed tone Dustin before you took a bite of your cereal. His eyes widened as he coughed into the milk he was drinking, causing it to go everywhere. “Ew! What the fuck, dude?! That was disgusting..”
“Your face is disgusting!” He bit back without second thought.
“Oh? My face isn’t the one covered in spewed-out milk! But my cereal has your spit in it now. So thanks for that, asshole,” You huffed, grabbing your bowl angrily to take it to the sink.
“Y/N!” Your mother hissed as she entered the room. Of course that’s all she heard. “He is twelve year old! Watch-“
“Watch your language. I know!” You rolled your eyes. “I’m going to school.”
“Without your brother?! I think not!” She called. You ignored her before walking towards the front door. “Hey! You haven’t even finished your-“
The door slammed.
“-Breakfast..” She finished, looking over at Dustin.
“Teenagers, am I right?” He shook his head, making her laugh begrudgingly. She kissed the top of his head before going to fetch him another shirt.
“Hey, man! Watch where you’re-“ The all-too-familiar voice trailed off as soon as it’s owner’s eyes laid on you. Eddie Munson looked down at you and shot you one of his famous grins. “Oh, it’s you!”
“It’s me,” You smiled as you both bent down to grab the rogue books and papers. Your hands both reached for the same book, pausing for a moment before you both pulled away. Once you gathered your things, you both stood back up and smiled.
“Sorry about that,” He chuckled before shifting his weight and grabbing his left arm. “I haven’t seen you around for a while.”
“Yeah, Dustin’s been a bit preoccupied with the whole Will thing so he hasn’t asked me to watch any of your club’s campaigns,” You shrugged.
“Ah,” He nodded once, puckering his lips slightly as if to say ‘Of course. Why didn’t that occur to me before?’. “So how is he?”
“Honestly? I have no clue,” You shrugged. “He snuck out last night with his friends to go look for him in the woods. The bastard blackmailed me into covering for him. I let him borrow my pepper spray and gave him a few flashlights and pocket knives to..”
You trailed off, looking at Eddie’s amused smile. You blushed when you realized you were rambling.
“I don’t know why I’m telling you all of this,” You laughed, looking down at your feet for a moment to collect your pride.
“Oh, I don’t mind. I like hearing you ramble. It’s cute,” He smirked, making you laugh and roll your eyes. You noticed he had his backpack on and furrowed your brows.
“Where are you off to?”
“Outside,” He said simply.
“No shit,” You deadpanned. It was his turn to laugh.
“To my car, I mean,” He spoke as if that cleared up any curiosity you might have, but you didn’t miss the way his hand tightened around the strap of his bag.
“Ah. I hear it’s nice there at this time of year,” You nodded. He chuckled again, giving you a look of utter fascination. “Well, be careful. Wouldn’t wanna be caught anything you aren’t supposed to be doing.”
“Me?” His jaw dropped as he pressed his hand to his chest. “You offend me. I would never!”
“Get caught or do something you aren’t supposed to be doing?” You smiled. He shrugged.
“That’s for me to know and you to find out,” He smiled, twirling around but maintaining eyes contact. “Better go the class, Henderson. I’d hate to see you get caught skipping just to talk to little ol’ me.”
“See you later, weirdo,” You laughed, shaking your head as you turned around to walk off.
“I saw your little run in with Eddie,” Robin smirked as you closed your locker. You rolled your eyes playfully. She knew that you used to nurture a small crush on him back in the day. Even if Robin could ever get you to admit you had a type, she knew he would be the exception to it.
“You know it’s not like that,” You responded, zipping up your backpack. To say you had a crush on him is an overstatement. You were by no means in love with him, nor were you ever planning to be, but his way of being has always fascinated you.
You’d never exactly been his friend per se, but you always found a way to sneak out a deep talk every once and a while when you’d accompany Dustin and his friends to watch his club’s tournaments. You liked hearing his perspective on the world. You liked his music. You liked his kind soul. And most of all, you liked that he liked you in the same way.
The first time he ever tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, it felt more like a summer breeze, there but not really. The first time he’d ever touched you was when he gently guided you away from a puddle you were about to step in while he walked you out to your bike after a D&D game. The first time he kissed you, he barely touched his lips to yours, almost as if he were afraid to break you.
The last time he kissed you, it led to so much more. You weren’t expecting to lose your virginity to Eddie. You’d always assumed it’d be an act of romance- of love. It wasn’t. It was simply two teenagers who trusted each other to get it over with. The last thing you expected were the butterflies that had yet to leave your stomach at the thought of that night. You’d been avoiding him like the plague since it happened, not quite sure what to make of your odd feelings. You were both used to going a month without speaking though, so it really wasn’t anything out of the ordinary.
“Right,” She sighed as you walked toward the exit. “Just the guy who took your virginity. Your fuck buddy, if you will.”
“Can I call him a fuck buddy if I’ve only been with him once. That feels like a stretch,”
“Ha!” Robin smirked. “Stretch. It’s funny because-“
“I got it,” You laughed. “And I told you, it was just a casual thing. Just two hormonal teens that didn’t want their first time to be a bitter memory to look back on. It felt more like… like a business transaction.”
“Wow,” She spoke in a monotone. “That might be the most romantic story I’ve ever heard.”
“Fuck off.”
“Are you sure you aren’t just gay?” She asked casually, making you laugh. “Sounds like something a gay person would say.
“Why? Are you trying to make the same arrangement between us?” You teased. It was her turn to laugh and push you away. “Because I’m down.“
“Meh. You’re not my type,” She shrugged as you both unlocked your bikes. You chuckled as your hand routinely unlocked the lock before you, tossing it into a side pocket of your backpack. “And unlike some people, I’d like my first time to mean something. I wanna be in love.”
“Why?” You scrunched your nose as you both hopped on your respective bicycles but remained walking them towards the street. “You’d have to be reminded of your first heartbreak every single time you thought of your first time. Pass.”
She opened her mouth, ready to argue with your logic when Barb walked in front of the two of you. You both stopped and smiled.
“Barbara!” Robin grinned. “To what do we owe the pleasure?”
“Please tell me you’re coming tonight,” She didn’t even bother to hide her desperation. You shook your head no and she threw her head back and groaned. “Why?”
“Why do you think?” You chuckled. “I’m not trying to party with the same people that make it their life’s purpose to remind me how insignificant I am our societal hierarchy. It’s just not my scene. And it’s not exactly yours either, so I could be asking you the same question. Why are you going? If it’s because you feel obligated to say yes to Nancy, then just tell her to fuck off.”
“Don’t flip this back around on me!” She playfully placed her hand on her hip and pointed at you with the other in the same way a mother would. Robin found this entertaining. “Come with me or else!”
“It seems as though the sweetest, most harmless girl at the school is trying to threaten you,” Robin laughed.
“Be afraid,” Barb narrowed her eyes, continuing with her act. “Be very afraid.”
“Cute. You almost got me there with the whole intimidation factor but the answer is still no,” You smiled. “Come hang out with us tonight instead!”
“Yeah! I have snacks in my bag if you want to share!”
“I would but Nancy would throw a fit,” Barb sighed, finally giving up on her persuasion. “Rain check?”
“I don’t miss that,” You shook your head at your long time friend. “Be safe. Don’t drink and drive. And don’t do anything we wouldn’t do.”
“So don’t do anything?” She raised a brow.
“You offend me,” Robin raised her hand to show her offense before hopping on her bike and rolling away. “Don’t expect me to share any snacks if you decide on coming over!”
“Call if you need anything,” You smiled before following after your best friend.
“My mom’s here,” Robin said as she peaked out the window and chaotically put on her shoes with what was left of her PB&J in her mouth. “Love ya, bye!”
“See ya,” You smiled. She opened the front door to reveal your little brother. She ruffled his hair before jogging out to her mom’s car. You narrowed your eyes skeptically at the boy. “You’re home late.”
“Campaign ran late. What can I say?” He shrugged, trying to walk past you to his room. You stepped in his way. “Y/N, can you not? I just had the most insane night of my life and I’m just trying to go to sleep.”
“Insane?” You questioned. He hesitantly nodded. “You’re hiding something, Dustin. I can see it in your eyes. Since when did you start keeping secrets from me? You know I won’t judge you, right?”
“My eyes? What- these things?” He chuckled nervously pointing at his eyes. “No! No, no, no. You must be getting confused. These are tired eyes. All these eyes are trying to tell you is that-“
“You’ve sure been spending a lot of time at Mike’s,” You ignored, pausing for a moment before noticing the faint blush on his cheeks. “Oh, my God. Is this about a girl?”
His eyes widened. “Nope. Not a girl. Can I go now?”
“Are you gay? Because you know I’d be totally cool with that if-“
“What?! No!” He squeaked before clearing his throat and laughing again. “Could you just fuck off? I want to go to sleep!”
“I know something’s up, little man,” You lowered yourself to his level, keeping your voice in a hushed tone. He gulped audibly. “And I’m gonna find out what it is. That is, unless you want to avoid the drama and just tell me..”
“I have nothing to tell you,” He stuck to his story.
“Have it your way,” You shrugged, stepping aside for him. “Goodnight.”
He glared at you for a moment before rolling his eyes and muttering all the way to his room, “You’re so fucking weird. Jesus, can a growing boy not get any privacy..”
You allowed yourself to giggle as soon as his door shut. Besides the natural curiosity that came from his behavior, you really couldn’t care less about what he was up to as long as he wasn’t in any sort of trouble. You looked around and realized you and Robin left a bit of a mess and got to cleaning up; putting up snacks, throwing away wrappers, reorganizing all of the notecards and paper you both used. You underestimated just how long it would take you.
The ringing phone caused you to jump before looking at the clock. It was late. It could only be one person.
“Hello?” You answered. The lines stayed silent for a moment but you could recognize that breathing from a mile away, considering you’d fallen asleep to it at countless sleepovers. “Nance?”
“I, uh..” She spoke softly, almost as if she was frightened.
“Is everything okay?” You stood up a little straighter, only relaxing when she let out a quiet laugh.
“I just lost my virginity to The Hair,” She confessed. You smiled. Though you didn’t approve, you thought it was sweet that she called to talk about it.
“Oh yeah?” You laughed. “How was it?”
“Painful,” She admitted before giggling. “Fun.”
“Where was Barb when that happened?” You leaned against the wall with a smile on your face. You both eased right into your old types of conversation for the next half hour before you both decided to call it a night. “Hey, Nance?”
“Hey, Y/N,” She responded, making you both laugh.
“Thanks for calling,” You sighed. “I’ve really missed you.”
“I’ve really, really missed you,” She spoke a little more seriously. “Look.. I know I can’t take back what I said to you a few weeks ago, and I know it’ll take us a while to go back to the way things were, but Y/N, I am.. so sorry. Truly. If I could go back in time and take back that whole night, I would. I just want my best friend back. I’d really appreciate the chance to try and redeem myself.”
“I’d like that,” You said after a moment. “Goodnight, Pants.”
She laughed at the old nickname you gave her in the second grade, recalling just how hard you both laughed when you thought your shared teacher called her Pants instead of Nance. The name stuck.
“Well, then if you’re Pants, then that must make me Shirt,” You shrugged, handing her half of your PB&J sandwich. “Because we go together so well!”
“No, no! That makes you Skirt!” Nancy giggled, handing you half of her ham and cheese sandwich. This was a daily ritual.
“Skirt? How does that make any sense?” You furrowed your brows.
“That way we’re the same type of clothing. I think it’s better this way since we’re so alike,” She spoke as if she made all the sense in the world. And at that moment, she did.
“You’re so silly,” You giggled, bumping your shoulder into hers. “I like it. Pants and Skirt. The same but not really!”
“The same but not really!” She tapped her sandwich to yours as if it were a toast being made with champagne. You leaned your head on her shoulder and smiled.
“You’re my favorite pair of Pants,” You admitted.
“You’re my favorite pair of Skirt.”
“That makes so sense.”
“That’s what makes it funny!” She said as you both erupted into a fit of giggles that made your tummies hurt.
“Goodnight, Skirt,” She smiled.
Chapter Three ->
A/N: hi everyone!! i’m so happy you liked the first chapter of my new series. i’d love it if you checked out my other work too :) please comment down below if you’d like to be part of the taglist! i’ll be posting a couple times a week if you wanna tune in!!
side note: fuck. okay so maybe y/n can make a small side quest before she dates steve bc I AM SIMPING FOR EDDIE NOW. oops. jkjk. probably. idk yet. fuck
@werewolfbanshee-love @reallysparklychaos @katsukiswrld @i-bitch-you-bitch @yashirawr @grfields @001andeddiearetodiefor @thatmarvelchick19 @fixtionlover @idkwhyimhere013 @b3rrysoda @hair-dye-or-nawh @tpwkhollandd @dawnyboy @rexorangecouny @kimmchijjajang @efvyqrs @lou-la-lou
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seth-burroughs · 7 months
Good day! I have question and wanna hear your opinion (headcanon) on it
Do you think Yomi is the type of person who keeps a pile of pillows on the bed (he considers stuffed animals to be immature) or the type of person who keeps the bed neat?
and what kind of personal items may be present near his bed?
I mean the game shows us Yakou and Makoto's personal bedrooms, the rooms on the Amaterasu express train but Yomi's room is only mentioned by Makoto. I'm soooooo curious *sobbing*
Good- *violently cranes neck to check the clock* night tumblr user cochidinh
before anything: while he's definitely the type to consider owning stuffed animals to be the ultimate disgrace as a person - which, let's be honest, is the opinion of most adults anyway and not just one of Yomi's weird beliefs (and he has many) - I implore you to consider:
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Def keeps the pile. Whenever he's mad (everyday) he starts growling and biting the patrick bateman dakimakura, wraps his arms around it and starts aggressively bunny kicking it with his legs, like cats do with their toys. Whenever I give Kobra a new toy she does it and it's adorable. Until it's my hand. Ow. Living with a cat for 3 years has given me ridiculous pain tolerance on my arms though, like, she just mauls me for 20 seconds and I don't even emote. It's fine. Anyway...
Like I have said earlier: this is man is a cat to me. I will give him as many cat traits as humanly possible.
Anyway - not just his bedroom (because like I have no idea I'm so sowwy. can somebody else speak on this I have a clear image yet zero words), but his entire house is just. full of hidden guns. everywhere. The drawer gun. The bed gun, obviously. The bin gun. The chandelier gun. The 47 guns beneath the floorboards (there is no way to access them other than take apart the floor). The stair pistol. The carbon monoxide detector gun. The magnificent rifle hoard behind the moving bookcase. The flower vase revolver. The rug gun. Don't forget the numerous bullet jars randomly littered around the house, those aren't hidden though, it's visible for emergency refuel just in case. The refrigerator carabin. He wanted a gun in one of the hallways but there wasn't a place to hide it so he just taped it onto the wall. The shower glock. Gun disguised as a flashlight. All of them are fully loaded
Whenever Martina asked why he does that, he just stared blankly directly in her eyes and said, "you just never know", nothing more, nothing less
(not just the guns though! If he finds/buys himself something he likes, or gets a snack or other kind of food he wants to keep for himself he also just hides it somewhere out of sight (me too btw. do not ask me). He doesnt really need to because he has like zero roommates aside from Martina sometimes, and whenever he invites people over for dictator business or whatever I don't know what rich people do with each other, they don't start running around his house trying to rob him. But you just never know.)
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Mating season (Chapter 1/29)
“Mr crabs?” SpongeBob asked cleaning the grills before opening “what is it me boy?” Mr krabs responded, scuttling into the kitchen. “ Do you know where Squidward is?” SpongeBob knew he hated this job, though he didn’t know why but he was never this late. “Oh he’s,” Mr Krabs seemed nervous “taking the day off!”. SpongeBob thought to himself, it sounded like squidward. Maybe he could visit him after work. It was fairly uneventful apart from the failed attempt to steal the secret formula from plankton. However SpongeBob was still thinking about Squidward. Now that he thought about it, Squidward always seemed to take more days off in spring. Maybe he uses the spring colors in his paintings. “SpongeBob me boy!” Mr Krabs snapped him back to reality. “We closed an hour ago go home! I ain’t paying for no overtime!” “Yes Mr Krabs!” How long was he daydreaming? Anyways he should head home, Gary won’t feed himself. When he got to his block he noticed something missing, the sound of clarinet. Now SpongeBob knew something was up, he had the day off all day there’s no way he would have missed the opportunity to practice! SpongeBob headed into his pineapple home to feed Gary before grabbing a flashlight to look for him. He started by checking Squidwards house, after all maybe he was just being paranoid and he went to bed early. He knocked on his door, hopefully he would answer. Nothing. The worry became heightened as he knocked again. Nothing. SpongeBob was panicking now, Squidward would have answered by now! SpongeBob lifted the doormat to grab the spare key and quickly unlocked the door! “Squidward!” SpongeBob shouted into the dark empty house. Nothing. The room looked like a Tuscan bull worm ran through it, paintings knocked off their walls, tables flipped. He ran to the bedroom, please be there. The room was trashed. The canopy of his bed busted through and the bunkie boards were caved in. It felt like the room was spinning. Where was Squidward? SpongeBob thought he was going to pass out. He rushed down the stairs and out the door! He felt as the water entering his lungs was evicted as soon as it arrived as he ran around bikini bottom! “Squidward!” He cried out into the night! He searched every corner, every nook, every cranny, and still no Squidward. His heart sank as it felt like the water around him disappeared. He looked everywhere, where else could he be? The jellyfish fields. It was a long shot but he didn’t know where else he could be. He ran back home to grab his net, he might aswell get some jelly fishing in if he was going there, might even keep him more level headed. As he trekked into the jellyfish fields the place felt different. Maybe because he never went here at night or because of his missing friend but the place felt bigger, scarier. He had been running all over bikini bottom, he had to be here. SpongeBob felt like his legs would give out any second when he found the cave. This was the last place he could be, so please be here. As he walked into the cave he felt a snap beneath his feet. Out of the darkness peered two yellow eyes with pupil filling the vast majority of them. “Excuse me, giant monster, have you seen my friend Squidward?” SpongeBob slurred as he spoke. “SpongeBob?” The giant creatures eyes blinked into small red rectangular pupils. The creature wasn’t a creature. As it emerged into the light he saw his friends head sitting on 8 arms and 2 tentacles. It was giant, but it was still Squidward. “Oh Squidward,” SpongeBob sighed, too tired to register his friends new size “you’re ok, that’s a relief.”. And with that all his energy was gone and he collapsed into a waiting tentacle.
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mrs-johansson · 8 months
Chapter 5: Avengers: Age of Ultron - Two Ghosts
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Part 8:
“Ultron knows we're coming. Odds are we'll be riding into heavy fire, and that's what we signed up for. But the people of Sokovia, they didn't. So our priority is getting them out.” “Great speech, Grandpa. Now let’s get this son of a bitch and bring Romanoff home.”
We started to clear out the city but then Banner and I took off to find Natasha. “How did you find her?” Asked Bruce as we walked through the halls of the building. “She has a defense vest that has a GPS in it that I gave her. She wasn’t that hard to find honestly,” I checked the hallway as we passed by a separate hall.
As we walked further two men were standing at the entrance we had to go in. “Stay silent for a while, yeah?” I whispered to the scientist and he nodded.
I crept closer to the guards but then I heard stumbling behind me. I checked and saw Banner’s flashlight on the floor right next to the man on the floor. The guards turned around and immediately marched towards us. “I asked you one thing,” I put my gun away quickly and the first guard was already on me. He tried to grab me by the neck but I quickly twisted his arm and turned him around, breaking the said arm. I climbed on top of his shoulder and brought him to the ground with one momentum. The other one used this second to get me in a headlock but to his luck, I could still reach my knives on each side of my thigh. Slipped the knives out and in one quick motion, I stabbed him in the neck. He lost his grip immediately and fell to the ground, right next to his buddy. Pulled the knives out of him and wiped the blood off on his jacket before putting them back in their place.
Turned around and saw Banner standing by the corner, eyes wide open, gripping his flashlight in his hands. “Make one more sound… and I’ll throw you off a bridge.”
We made our way inside and after it was clear I made sure to let Bruce know that he could speak. “Natasha!” He called out multiple times. “Bruce?” I don’t think I’ll ever be as happy to hear her say that. Bruce ran towards the voice while I just looked around the whole room.
Multiple robotic elements were around the tables, shelves, and everywhere. “Y/n, she’s here,” said Bruce, and I followed his voice. “Y/n’s here?” Wow, I don't know if that was a disappointment in her voice or a surprise. “You think he got here alone?” I walked up to her cell. From that one look she gave me I could tell she agreed that Bruce wouldn’t have gotten here without me or the Hulk. “You alright?” He asked. “Yeah.” “The team’s in the city, it’s about to light up,” said Bruce as I was trying to get a good grip on the cell door. “I don’t suppose you found a key lying around here somewhere?” And with that, the door melted off. “No keys,” I said, watching the door lying on the ground. “Yeah, we caught that,” Natasha smiled at me softly but I just looked away. “So what’s our play?” She asked. “We’re here to get you to safety,” answered Bruce. “We got her out, you think she’s gonna sit this one out?” I wandered off, looking at all the equipment Ultron had stuffed into his cave. I could hear them speak but I just really didn’t want to hear them flirt.
And then I found a blueprint. It was some type of core made of… vibranium. Set in the middle of the city, in the church. I grabbed the paper and turned around. “Guys…” Oh, but I wish I didn’t. Natasha and Bruce were kissing. Right in front of me. Does anyone have a paper bag so I can throw up?
Then Natasha pushed Banner into the hole in the middle of the room and our eyes met. She looked… sorrowful? I couldn’t tell but then the Hulk jumped back up in front of her. “Let’s finish the job.”
Flying up to the city all I could hear was Natasha screaming as she was holding onto the Hulk’s shoulder before they landed roughly on the ground. “I really hope this makes us even,” Natasha spoke to the giant who just grumbled. “Now go be a hero,” with that, he marched off.
I already started walking while she was talking to him so she ran to my side as he left. “It would’ve been a better ride if you were the pilot,” Natasha said. “It’s your boyfriend’s job to escort you around, not mine.” “Real mature,” she mumbled but damn look who’s talking. “Yeah, mature. If it wasn’t for me he would be dead now, because he couldn’t stay quiet for 1 goddamn minute. If it wasn’t for me, Clint would’ve had to send you fucking Morse codes to find you. If it wasn’t for you, maybe I wouldn’t try to tear Banner apart at every minute of the day!” I screamed at her. She looked pissed, but I was angry. “You have no right to criticize my attitude with him, because you basically called me a whore so yeah, I’m the mature one!”
She did not say a word on the way to the city. She didn’t look at me, we kept a few feet apart the whole time. Yes, we needed some place to think and be.
We tried our best to get more and more civilians to safety. It was hard to manage the panicking people but we worked efficiently. We moved further into the city and at some point we bumped into Steve and Thor.
“Romanoff,” shouted Steve and Nat ducked down as the shield hit a robot. “Thanks,” she took the shield and kept fighting. I grabbed a robot by its neck and ripped the head off with one quick motion, but then one flew straight into me. The next moment I saw Steve’s shield fly above me, taking the robot off me. Steve caught the shield with a jump and smashed another soldier.
“The next wave's gonna hit any minute. What have you got, Stark?” Asked Steve as we escorted more civilians. “Well, nothing great. Maybe a way to blow up the city. That'll keep it from impacting the surface if you guys can get clear,” we heard over comms. “That’s not a solution, that’s an escape plan,” I said. “Impact radius is getting bigger every second. We're going to have to make a choice.” “Guys, these people are going nowhere. If Stark finds a way to blow this rock…” Natasha stepped up to us. “Not 'til everyone's safe,” Steve pressured. “Everyone up here versus everyone down there? There's no math there,” Nat said, looking over the breathtaking skyline. “I'm not leaving this rock with one civilian on it.” “I didn't say we should leave.” Steve and I both looked at her. Is she serious? “There's worse ways to go. Where else am I gonna get a view like this?” Wow… have never heard her so hopeless.
“Glad you like the view, Romanoff. It's about to get better.” The famous voice of Nick Fury came through the comms before we all saw the Helicarrier edging closer to the flying city. “Nice, right? I pulled her out of mothballs with a couple of old friends. She's dusty, but she'll do.” “Fury, you son of a bitch,” said Steve in disbelief. “Oooh! You kiss your mother with that mouth?”
“This is SHIELD?” Asked Pietro. “This is what SHIELD's supposed to be,” I looked at the huge flying object. “This is not so bad.” “Let's load 'em up,” I said as I went up to a group of civilians. “Sister, we could use some help in the church,” heard Thor’s voice. “On my way,” I took a step but before I could move further Natasha grabbed my arm. “You come back, alright? You come back alive,” the seriousness in her voice was so confusing to me. I bet she's gonna disappear with Banner after this, why does it matter? “I always do,” I got out of her hold and rushed to the church.
Ultron was holding Thor by his throat, while holding his other arm up, ready to blast my brother. “You think you're saving anyone? I turn that key and drop this rock a little early and it's still billions dead. Even you can't stop that,” said the tall robot. I got to Vision's side and we waited for the perfect moment to attack. “I am Thor, son of Odin, and as long as there is life in my breast, I am...running out of things to say! Are you ready?” Thor glanced behind Utron, right at us and that was our perfect timing. I flew to Thor’s side as Vision hit Ultron towards us and then he threw the hammer my way and I sent Ultron flying away for miles.
“It’s terribly well balanced,” I flipped the hammer in my hands, feeling every fiber of my body being ecstatic by being worthy of the hammer. “Well, if there's too much weight, you lose power on the swing, so.”
“I got a plan!” Dad spoke through the comms. “We're out of time. They're coming for the core,” I said. The three of us rounded the core, deafening off the few robots trying to activate it. “Avengers, time to work for a living.”
Soon the whole team started to arrive at the church. “Romanoff? You and Banner better not be playing "hide the zucchini,” as soon as I heard the words leave his mouth I wished to disappear from planet Earth. “I’m never speaking to you again,” I looked at my Dad and he just spread his arms. “Relax, Shell-head. Not all of us can fly,” said Natasha, and a couple of seconds later she walked in. “What’s the drill?” She asked. “This is the drill. If Ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose,” pointed at the core Dad. Hulk showed up too but then Ultron arrived.
“Is that the best you can do?” Thor shouted at Ultron. Who basically summoned a whole army of robots. “You had to ask,” I sighed and fixed the sleeve of my suit before we got into the real fight. “This is the best I can do. This is exactly what I wanted. All of you, against all of me. How could you possibly hope to stop me?” “Well, like the old man said. Together.”
And without mercy, we started fighting off every single robot that tried to get to the core. All of us put in every last bit of our power to keep them away. Vision managed to push Ulton out of the church and I made sure that he stayed there. Dad and Thor also joined, and we just blasted him from four angles. Our combined forces were enough to damage his vibranium body. “You know with the benefit of hindsight…” Before he could finish, Hulk punched him hopefully out of the universe. Then the robots started to retreat. “They'll try to leave the city,” I said. “We can't let 'em, not even one. Rhodey!”
“We gotta move out. Even I can tell the air is getting thin. You guys get to the boats, I'll sweep for stragglers, be right behind you,” Steve instructed. “What about the core?” Asked Clint. “I'll protect it. It's my job,” Wanda looked towards us and we nodded, the four of us left.
Clint, Natasha, and I found a car that we could all get to the boats faster. “I know what I need to do. The dining room! If I knock out that east wall, it'll make a nice work space for Laura, huh? Put up some baffling, she can't hear the kids running around, what do you guys think?” Clinr wondered as he was driving. “You guys always eat in the kitchen anyway,” I said from the backseat. “No one eats in a dining room,” he shrugged.
We reached the boats and then we all noticed the Hulk. “We don’t have a lot of time,” said Clint, taking a look at Natasha. “So get your asses on the boat,” she said before going off to the Hulk. I got out of the car and basically slammed the door in. “I’m gonna see if there are any civilians who need help,” I said. “Yeah, just don’t scream at anyone,” Clint shouted after me and I gracefully showed him the middle finger.
But then I saw a machine gun shooting right where Natasha just left. I sprinted towards the playground and saw Hulk screaming at the plane. “Nat?” I called out but there was no answer. I looked around for a couple more seconds before I finally found her behind a fallen slide. I dropped to my knees and looked for a pulse instantly. “Natasha?” I could feel a pretty strong pulse so I guess she just went unconscious. “Go after him,” I said to Hulk and he groaned before Running towards the plane. “We need to get out of here,” I mumbled as I picked up Natasha and flew right up to the Helicarrier.
Mid-air I could see she was gaining consciousness and she held onto my shoulders. She didn’t say a word, just let out a deep breath. We reached the boat and I placed her down gently. “Where’s Bruce?” She asked. “Went after Ultron, I’m sure he’ll be back.”
We all got settled and the team got inside. Most of us were getting our injuries patched up but I didn’t see Natasha anywhere near the medical bay, so I went to check the control room.
To my surprise she was there, holding a tablet. “Now I need you to turn this bird around, okay? We can't track you in stealth mode, so help me out. I need you t–” but she was cut off. I don’t like Banner any better.
“You should get your injuries checked out,” I said and she quickly turned her head, surprised to see me. “I’m fine,” she put the tablet down. “I wasn’t asking,” I said firmly and waited until she finally decided to come with me. “You're not my boss,” she murmured. “Yet you still listen to me.”
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power outage
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pairing: frankie morales x fem!reader
rating: E (mutual masturbation)
word count: 1.5k
a/n: everyday for the last week the powers gone out due to the monsoon season in AZ and this idea popped into my head. also this is my first frankie fic so be gentle!
You were in the middle of a shower when the power cut off, the storm outside raging without your knowledge. You shrieked at the sudden pitch-blackness of the bathroom, your boyfriend quickly rushing in with a flashlight.
“Did you hurt yourself?” He shined the light on you as you peaked around the shower curtain.
“No, just thought the apocalypse had finally happened. Got excited.” He feigned disappointment with a frown and a huff of his breath, putting his hand on his hip.
“Darn it.” You chuckled and stepped out of the shower, Frankie keeping the light pointed at your naked body as it dripped with water.
“I can’t look good in this lighting right now.” You quickly tugged on a towel, turning to watch as Frankie eyed you up.
“Lookin’ pretty good to me.” He gave you a half smirk as you walked to him, lacing your fingers with his.
“Lead me through the darkness and I might give you another peek.” You winked at him as you urged him forward, your free hand coming to rest on his bicep, hugging his arm for safety.
“Maybe this is the apocalypse.” He spoke up as he walked you down the stairs of your shared home, the silence and darkness making you grip his arm harder. “I didn’t tell you about this because I didn’t want to scare you, but since the world is ending, you may as well know that our house is haunted. Ghosts and shit everywhere. Like an infestation.”
“You’re not very good at scaring me—oh my fucking god!” Frankie jumped as you pointed ahead at nothing and shouted. You snickered as he turned to you with an unamused scowl, wagging your finger in his face. “That’s how you scare someone, toots. Take notes.”
“Toots?” You nodded in confirmation of your choice in pet name. “What are you? A construction worker from the 1940’s?”
“I’m down for some role play.” You winked and earned a chuckle from your boyfriend as he faced forward again, walking you to the kitchen where you kept the emergency tea lights.
“You’re playing with my heart, baby. Teasing me like I’m not ready to go 24/7.” You grinned at his response as the two of you found the drawer with all the candles, Frankie digging into the back pocket of his jeans and pulling out a lighter while you grabbed the fancy one from the drawer. “Alright, time to split up.”
“But…there’s only one flashlight.” You pointed at the light in his hand with a worried tone.
“Use your phone.” He gestured at you before realizing you were still just in your towel. “I’d give you mine but it’s on five percent.”
“This is why I tell you to keep your phone charged.” You reminded him with a frustrated click of your tongue, grabbing one of the tea lights and lighting it to give you at least a little bit of light to work with in the kitchen while Frankie took care of the living room and hallway.
Soon the entirety of the first floor was glowing with candlelight, allowing the two of you to more easily find your way around. There was still the issue of the summer heat that became more and more apparent with each passing minute.
“I was going to go upstairs and change, but I honestly think I’m just going to stay naked. Is that okay with you?” You asked Frankie as you walked into the living room where he was sat on the couch rereading this morning’s paper. His eyes turned to yours as though to check your sanity, making you chuckle. “I just wanted to make sure.”
“The clothes are the issue. If I had it my way you’d always be fully nude around me, querida.” He patted the couch cushion beside him and watched as you took off your towel, draping it over the back of the couch before you sat down beside him to join him in his mindless reading.
Frankie wasn’t paying attention to a single word on the page as you sat fully nude beside him, one of your legs draped over his knee to cool you down more.
“Why are we reading the obituaries?” You asked with a chuckle, turning your eyes from the page that you’d been reading to his face, just then seeing the hunger in his eyes as he stared at your center on full display and so close to him. “Oh, you’re not reading.”
“Nope,” he shook his head and dropped the paper on his lap before reaching one hand over, fingertips trailing up and down the tops of your thighs. You shivered at the featherlight touches, your eyes glued to his face as he watched his fingertips get higher and higher with each stroke.
“You wanna touch me?” You asked with a timid voice, spreading your legs even wider. Frankie nodded and slid his fingertips up your inner thigh before letting them inch closer to your heat. Your hips bucked as the pad of his index finger slid over your wet folds, Frankie moving the digit up and down, over and over until you were panting and begging for more. “Frankie, do…something.”
“Like what?” He brought his eyes to yours, both of your skin glowing and covered in a light sheen of sweat. You moaned as he dipped just the tip of his finger inside your entrance, nodding at the action. “Gonna need you to say the words, baby. You know that.”
“Fuck.” You moaned again and bucked your hips as his palm now cupped your wetness, not moving anymore since you refused to speak like he asked. “P-please. I want you to finger me, Frankie.”
“There you go, that wasn’t too hard.” He smiled as he dragged his index finger back to your entrance, this time pushing in all the way and curling upwards. Your head fell back against the couch at the action, a deep moan of satisfaction rumbling from your throat. The heel of his palm rubbed against your clit as he curled his finger in and out of you a few times before adding another. “Fuck, you’re soaking my fingers, baby. Hard as a rock thinking about how you taste.”
Your eyes peeled open at the loss of his touch only to watch as he placed his fingers in his mouth and sucked them clean with a groan, a soft gasp spilling from your lips at the sight.
“Like candy.” His eyes locked with yours as he brought his fingers back to your entrance, pumping a few times before lifting them to your own mouth, allowing you a taste at your sweetness. Frankie moaned at the feeling of your tongue swirling around his digits, his free hand releasing his cock from the confines of his basketball shorts and pumping it in his fist. You whined at the sight, moving his fingers from your mouth and putting them back on your clit as you reached over and swatted his hand off his length.
“Not fair,” you scolded with a smile as you began to stroke him, your thumb rubbing over the tip to catch some of the precum that beaded there. Frankie’s soft moans turned feral as you pulled away to spit in your palm before returning it to him.
“Fuck, baby…that feels so good.” His head tipped back to relish in the pleasure as his fingers found their way back to your entrance, getting back into the rhythm of pleasing you.
“Wonder if we can make each other cum at the same time,” you purred as you felt that familiar tension start to build in your belly with each swipe of his palm across your clit, his fingertips targeting your g-spot with precision. Frankie moaned at the proposition, nodding his head and lifting it, leaning over to kiss you deeply.
“You close? I’m…I’m close.” He panted out as his forehead pressed to your shoulder, your head resting on top of his as you both focused on the tasks at hand. “Fuck, baby…you know just how t-to—fuck!”
“I’m almost there, Frankie, don’t stop!” You mewled out as the tension became too much, your body giving in to the pleasure in a blinding snap. “Yes! I’m…oh god!”
“Fuuuuuuuck,” he spilled all over your closed fist as you continued to stroke him through his high, your walls squeezing his fingers as he pumped you through yours.
As if on cue, the power flicked back on, the TV beginning to play the game that Frankie had been watching while you were in the shower. The two of you looked at each other with blissed out faces, chuckling at the sudden vulgarity of the scene—your bodies drenched in sweat and now covered in each other’s pleasure.
“Not a bad way to spend a power outage if I say so myself.” You nudged his shoulder and earned another chuckle.
“Not bad at all. Wanna go upstairs and pretend we’re still in one?”
don’t have an official frankie taglist so i’m tagging my general PP squad! please let me know if you’d like to be added to future frankie content 💜
taglist: @joelmillerscoffee @ajeff855 @wildemaven @axshadows @sherala007 @browneyes-issac @tooflef @mariasabana @tae27 @kimm4710 @stxrrylunatic @sara-alonso @paulalikestuff @jbh-castaway @oceandolores @mandomover @chxpsi @auberosier @mashomasho @vanemando15 @wickedmunson @marvel-sw-lover @jediknight122 @harriedandharassed @star-wars-fan-2005 @alwaysdjarin @jalobro @trickstersp8 @mccn-bcys @manuymesut @trinkets01 @tanzthompson @jlmaddinson (sorry if your tag isn’t working!)
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