#cha hyun soo fluff
quack-quack-snacks · 17 days
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Watch Me.
My Navigation and Masterlist
My Sweet Home Masterlist
My Cha Hyun-su Masterlist
Pairing(s): Cha Hyun-su x Fem!Reader Summary: Your high school life was as normal as anyone else's... until Kim Do-hun arrived. He took you away from your best friend, Cha Hyun-su, until an apocalypse happened and he came to get you back. Warnings: Bullying (toward Hyun-su), mentally abusive behavior, implied physical abuse (One written slap directed towards reader), blackmailing, unhealthy relationship, abusive relationship, sadism and dacryphilia but not in a sexual way, Kim Do-hun being the queen of gaslight gatekeep girlboss, lots of crying, reader feeling helpless, monster!Hyun-su, talk of past suicidal ideation and self-harm, male masturbation, sexual fantasy, and fingering. Word Count: 14,310 Extra Notes: I FINALLY FINISHED IT! YES! The smut part I'm not the most proud of BUT I FINISHED IT ARE YOU PROUD OF ME?! Okay... enjoy :)
“I guess you don’t know why I’m doing this to you,” 
Kim Do-hun sighed out with a condescending tilt of his head. His hand readjusted his grip on the wooden stick he used to beat Hyun-su only minutes ago. “I promise, I have a good reason.” 
“You scum,” Hyun-su cursed under his breath as he glared at him. He was lying on the floor, blood flowing from the cut on his cheek and bruises scattering themselves across his body. His, once white, shirt was now splattered in red and muddied from the dust and dirt collected on the floor. 
“You look pretty angry. I guess you weren’t beaten enough.”
“Do-hun, stop, please!” You pleaded from your place on the side. Tears you were unable to hide streamed down your cheeks as two of your ‘friends’ held you back from rushing forward and stopping him from continuing with the beating toward the boy who held your heart. 
You could faintly hear Hyun-su whispering for you to stay out of it, but you focused your attention on the boy standing above him. He lazily tilted his head over to look at you and his lips quirked up into a smirk. “Yeah? And what’ll you give me if I do?” 
“Anything. What do you want? You already have money and popularity and loyalty from all the fucking asshats that surround you, what more do you want?” You seethed out. 
Your breath caught in your throat when he approached you. He raised a hand and you flinched when his knuckles skimmed over your cheek. “I want you,” he said simply with a grin. 
“What?” You whispered, praying he wasn’t asking what you thought he was asking.
“I want you to be my girlfriend,” he took a step forward and you stumbled back, feeling betrayed but not surprised when your ‘friends’ instantly let go of your arms when they saw what he was doing. “I want to have you by my side every day while I walk down the halls of the school. I want to introduce you to my dad and arrange for us to get married. I want you to be mine.”
Your back was pressed against the window of the classroom as he cornered you, your eyes wide with surprise and fear. You didn’t want to marry this asshole, you didn’t want to be within 30 feet of him. 
But you desperately wanted him to stop hurting the boy you loved. 
“Hell no. She’s not getting with a guy like you,” Hyun-su protested, trying to get up from his position on the floor but failing. He whimpered your name through a pained gasp and started talking directly to you. “I won’t let you do this. Stay out of this, okay?” 
The two of you held eye contact for a bit, arguing nonverbally about what you would do before you sighed sadly and looked away. 
“No, Do-hun. I won’t be your girlfriend,” you spoke quietly, not looking him in the eyes. He sighed airily before turning back to where his victim resided on the ground. 
He clicked his tongue, almost teasingly. Shooting you one last glance, he asked, “Are you sure?” You didn’t respond or even look at him. “Okay, your call,” he sighed before turning to face a classmate of yours who was sitting at a desk. “Hey, four eyes.”
Park Ju-yeong looked away from Do-hun’s direction, hoping he wasn’t talking to him but luck wasn’t on his side. 
“You,” Do-hun tried again and the boy turned to look at him warily. “Yeah… It’s your turn now.”
Ju-yeong watched as he placed the wooden stick on his desk with a soft clacking sound. “But he looks…” he stuttered out, glancing at Hyun-su and seeing the state he was in. 
“So?” Do-hun taunted. “Were you close with him or what?” The boy looked down, silently confirming the statement. The bully scoffed. “All these guys used to be friends with him too.”
Everyone looked away, either in shame or embarrassment from being called out on it. You quietly seethed as you watched the scene play out in front of you. 
“Don’t do it if you don’t want to,” he offered him. “I’m not forcing you. Oh, by the way,” he started as he walked to stand behind his chair, leaning down so he was speaking right next to his ear. “Who were your friends again?”
You scoffed. 
‘Not forcing you’ my ass. 
Even though you expected it, your heart still started racing when you saw Ju-yeong close his fingers around the stick and stand up, moving to stand in front of Hyun-su. 
“No,” you whispered and gradually got louder with your protests. “No, no. No! Stop!” You rushed forward to stand in the way but two pairs of hands wrapped around your arms to pull you back. You were practically completely immobilized and forced to watch everything in front of you.
Do-hun scoffed out a laugh as he glanced at you before turning back to Ju-yeong. With his hands placed in his pockets, he nodded back to him. “Keep going.”
You could see how Ju-yeong hesitantly looked over at you and your pleading face before facing forward again and raising the stick over his head. You let out a sob when he whispered a small apology and brought the stick down upon your best friend. No matter how many times you pleaded and begged for him to stop, Do-hun would always tell him to keep going. It wasn’t until you fell to your knees sobbing that you finally said the words he really wanted to hear, but your best friend dreaded. 
“I’ll do it,” you sobbed out, barely coherent through your staggering breaths. 
Do-hun raised a hand, signaling Ju-yeong to stop what he was doing. Hyun-su wheezed, trying to say something, to protest what he knew you were planning, but unable to because of the pain coursing through his ribs. 
“What was that, Doll?” Do-hun asked as he took a few steps toward you and crouched down in front of your form. You had curled in on yourself with a hand clutching the fabric of your chest. The boys holding you back from interfering let you go when Do-hun reached forward to grab your chin. The gentleness with which he did so contrasted his actions toward Hyun-su so much it scared you. “Why don’t you repeat that?”
You stared at him as you tried to get your words out without any sobs or cries interrupting you. “I-” you let out a shaky breath. “I’ll do it. I’ll be your girlfriend. Just st-stop hurting him. Please.”
His smirk grew as he listened to your begs and how you seemed so helpless in front of him. So desperate for your friend to be released from this agonizing torture. 
“So pretty when she cries, isn’t she Cha Hyun-su?” He jeered while you closed your eyes and tried not to flinch away from his hand caressing your cheek. He wiped away the tears that continued to fall and cooed at your soft whimpers. 
“N-no… sto-” Hyun-su tried but it abruptly was interrupted by him falling into a coughing fit. 
“Aw, you don’t think she’s pretty when she cries? That’s just not nice. Maybe you need another beating to appreciate her.”
Your eyes widened as you heard him say that and he stood up to face Hyun-su again. “No!” You screamed, scrambling to stand up and grab onto his sleeve hopelessly. “You said you wouldn’t hurt him, please.”
He wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you into his side and you froze. You couldn’t move; couldn’t breathe; couldn’t think. All you could do was stand stiffly in his embrace as he pretended to think. 
“Alright. I’ll make you a deal,” he started and you held your breath.
Of course, it wouldn’t be that easy. Why would it be? He was a bully after all.
“I won’t hurt him anymore, as long as you follow everything I say.”
Your exhale was shaky when you released it, your heart thumping rapidly against your chest and your mind screaming at you that this was a bad idea. Ignoring the way your body - and Hyun-su - protested, you nodded. “Okay. Okay, I’ll do whatever you say. Just don’t hurt him.”
He smiled at you, his eyes gleaming with a familiar look that brought you back to all the first interactions you had with him. 
You were running down the halls of the school, cursing yourself for not waking up to your alarm. You would definitely be marked as tardy, if not absent. 
Disheveled and panting from exertion, you held your Math and History textbook in your hand with your backpack hanging on one shoulder. You were trying to force the books into your bag but with the way you were walking and not thinking clearly, it was hopeless. 
Your tie wasn’t even correctly done. 
Turning the corner, you looked up just in time for your face to slam into someone’s chest. The both of you got knocked down to the ground with your books falling from your hands. Letting out a gasp, you immediately scrambled to bow your head and apologize. 
“I’m so sorry! I wasn’t looking and I’m late for class and I- I’m so sorry,” you rambled. Looking up, you saw a boy you’d never seen at the school before. Your eyes lit up in realization before you practically crumpled in on yourself. “Oh, and you’re the new kid too, this is such a terrible first impression!” You whined and put your head in your hands. 
When he let out a small laugh, you looked up. He was sitting more upright now while looking at you. His head tilted and his eyes filled with a look that you couldn’t quite place. “It’s alright, Doll.”
You frowned at the nickname but brushed it off. “Are you hurt?” You asked frantically while simultaneously shoving your books into your bag and helping him gather his own things. You stood up, holding his backpack in one hand while yours remained on the ground. With your other hand, you reached down and offered it to him. He looked at your hand for a while before taking it in his. 
“No, I’m not hurt.” 
“Well, I am so sorry but I am still late for class, so I’ll see you around, newbie. Let me know if you need help with a tour of the school or anything like that!” You waved him off after handing him his backpack and picking up your own. 
You were unaware of how he watched you walk away until you were out of sight. 
A few hours later, it was lunchtime and you were outside with a few of your friends playing soccer. It was your favorite thing about lunchtime except for the times when you would eat with your best friend, Hyun-su. During the times when the two of you weren’t eating together, he would often watch you on the sidelines as you played soccer or occasionally be with another friend.
Today seemed to be one of the latter days as you played soccer. You couldn’t see him anywhere on the sidelines, but you did see his backpack. It wasn’t too uncommon for him not to be there so you just decided to let it be and continue focusing on the game. 
You had the ball but you had nowhere that could be a good shot and one member of the opposing team was persistent on messing up any dribbling you tried to do. Your only choice was to pass it, and you did. You passed it to Seo-joon. The boy had only started playing with your group about a week ago but he was a pretty good kicker. 
The only thing he needed to work on was his aim. 
The ball went flying out of the playing field and crashed into the vending machine where two familiar boys were. 
“Seo-joon!” You exclaimed just as you heard a voice call out.
“Be careful, watch out!” Hyun-su yelled to Seo-joon as he ran to retrieve the ball. 
“Oh, sorry! Are you okay?” He asked but didn’t wait for a response as he passed the ball and the game continued. You rolled your eyes and jogged over to the two boys. You realized the other boy, who had fallen backward from the shock of the ball flying toward him, was the new kid, Kim Do-hun. 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry, are you two alright?” You asked, placing your hands on your knees while you panted from the run over. “Seo-joon might have a really powerful kick but he can’t aim all too well,” you joked. 
“Yeah, I’m okay,” Hyun-su confirmed before turning to where Do-hun was sitting on the floor after falling back in shock. “Are you okay?” He reached out his hand, offering him a way of getting up but it ended up not getting taken. 
Not paying Hyun-su any mind as he stood, Do-hun turned to you. “I’m fine. Thank you.”
You nervously glanced over at Hyun-su before looking back at the boy and shooting him your most charming - yet still slightly awkward - smile. “Perfect. Well, I’m going to go back and continue playing, but I’ll try to keep you guys from getting any more balls being shot in your direction!” You reassured playfully before turning and placing a hand on Hyun-su’s arm. “I’ll see you after school, yeah?”
He shot you a grin and nodded enthusiastically. You returned it before turning around and running back to the game. Hyun-su missed the way Do-hun glared at the place where your hand touched his arm, instead watching as you were passed the ball and started dribbling toward the goal. 
You could see it now. The look he gave you.
It was obsession. 
He was obsessed with you; with getting you on his side, and if he had to use force or the use of others’ pain to get that then he would. No hesitation. 
“Doll,” you heard and returned from your daze when fingers snapped in your face. 
“Hm?” You looked away from where you had zoned out looking at your best friend and up to see the brown, haunting eyes of Do-hun in front of you. He let out a laugh.
“Hm?” He mocked and you bit your tongue to stop from making any remarks. “I’m taking you home,” he told you. There was no room for argument in his voice and you noticed everyone who had been in the room except for Hyun-su, Do-hun, and yourself were all gone. Hyun-su had moved from lying on the floor to leaning against the cubbies on the wall behind him. He wheezed every time he tried to open his mouth and all you could do was watch helplessly as you came to terms with what exactly you were agreeing to.
But still, even with the feeling of Do-hun’s hand around your waist and his fingers on your jaw that guided you to look back into his eyes, you couldn’t bring yourself to regret it. 
“I’m taking you home,” he repeated more sternly. You could tell he was getting annoyed but you couldn’t help yourself from asking your next question. 
“Can I keep him as my friend?” You hated that you had to ask for that simple action. You were practically giving up any control you had over your social life and that was heartbreaking.
But as long as it kept Hyun-su safe…
Do-hun scoffed and his hand tightened uncomfortably around your waist. Your blood ran cold as you felt his fingers digging into your side, knowing how much power he had at the tips of those appendages and how hopeless you were against them. 
You weren’t even talking about it in a physical aspect. No, you were talking about the power in society he held. It wasn’t a secret how he was the son of a very successful and important businessman, especially with how much he boasted about it. He could ruin anyone’s life at the drop of a hat and they wouldn’t know what hit them. 
You were mostly worried about Hyun-su and his family. You were well aware of his dad’s boss being Do-hun’s father and how he used that to threaten him on a daily basis. It scared you how out of your depth you were in this battle you waged against him. 
And like striking down the leader of your army, he dug the blade through your heart with the next words. 
“You’re not allowed to even look at him ever again.”
You let out a scream as you thrashed around. The smell of cigarettes burned your nose as it filled the air around you. Your hands fought to pull against the grip holding you by your hair and forcing you to face your worst nightmare. 
You cringed at the hot breath that blew against your ear as he spoke. “This is your fault. I wouldn’t have to do this if you’d just followed what you were told and stayed away from him,” Do-hun condescendingly told you. He made it sound like he was sorry and remorseful at having to do this but you knew he was loving every minute. 
“Just stop! Stop it! Please!” You sobbed, your hands going weak as they limply held the wrist of his hand holding your hair. The pained groans and gasps coming from Hyun-su on the ground in front of you echoed in your head relentlessly.
It’s your fault.
It’s your fault.
It’s your fault.
“Please let him go. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” you pleaded helplessly but he just clicked his tongue in disappointment.
“I’m sorry too,” he lied. “But the only way you’ll learn is if you see that there are consequences to your actions,” he explained before forcing you to walk forward and fall to your knees in front of Hyun-su. You let out a small whine as the grip he had on your scalp tightened and he leaned in again. “These are the consequences. So take a good, long look and remember it every time you think about going back on your word.”
It’s your fault.
It’s your fault.
It’s your fault.
More tears fell as you did as told and took a long look over your wounded friend. There was blood splattered across his white-uniformed shirt as well as the grey undershirt he wore. Blood collected around his mouth from where he had spat it out along with the cut on his bruised lips. On his left cheek was the laceration from last time that had reopened and was sending streaks of blood down his face. His nose had a small gash along the bridge and both eyes, one still bruised from the last time he was beaten up in the classroom and the other luckily unharmed, were opened wide as he stared back at you. 
Hyun-su reached out a bloodied hand to your cheek to instinctively wipe away the tears that had fallen there but you were harshly pulled away just before his fingers could skim your skin. 
His eyes shot back up to Do-hun as he looked bored by the interaction. “Let her go,” he demanded in a quiet voice. 
“I will, if you jump off,” Do-hun bargained and the look Hyun-su sent over to the edge of the roof sent you into a panic. 
“No! No Hyun-su, don’t you dare!”
“Oh, shut up, Doll,” Do-hun rolled his eyes before he forced you to look at him again. “Do you want him to get another beating? Huh?” He questioned, mockingly. “I thought I told you not to talk to him, yeah?” At your silence, he degradingly tapped his knuckles against your temple. “Is there a brain in there that can answer or are you just an empty shell?”
“No. No, I don’t want him to get another beating,” you rushed out, trying not to make any remarks about the belittling way he spoke to you. 
Hyun-su seemed much braver than you. “Don’t speak to her like that.”
Do-hun scoffed and pushed you backward so you crashed into the chest of another boy in the group. His arms wrapped around your chest and stopped you from moving while Do-hun crouched down in front of Hyun-su and lightly flicked his forehead. “I’ll talk to her however I want. Don’t forget, she’s my girlfriend now,” he laughed under his breath. “And do you know how it feels to figure out my girlfriend has been cheating on me? Texting you, talking about how you left your clothes at her house? It breaks my heart,” he said with a sarcastically sad tone.  
Hyun-su sent you a glance and you begged him with your eyes not to say anything. Whether he denied or confirmed the situation, it would only make things worse for the both of you. He just looked down and away from you, avoiding Do-hun’s irritatingly patronizing gaze as well. 
“But don’t worry. I’ll make sure you get your clothes back soon enough, though I can’t guarantee what their quality will be like,” he joked and all the other boys on the roof laughed along with him. With that, he stood up and walked back over to you. The boy holding you let you go but his arms were immediately replaced with Do-hun’s as he wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you tightly to his side. Tugging you toward the entrance of the roof, his posse of sheep following close behind, he sent a dismissive wave over his shoulder to Hyun-su. “Better hope your bestie doesn’t misbehave anytime soon, or else this will happen again. Although, maybe you’re into that.”
You didn’t dare turn around to shoot him a glance goodbye, but you could feel his eyes on the back of your head until the door closed behind you and you were left alone with Do-hun and his friends once again. 
7:30. 30 minutes before school started. 
You walked down the stairs, heading for the back exit of the school where the outdoor staircases were - yours and Hyun-su’s designated spot to meet up in the mornings. It was a very dark day. Deep gray clouds crowded out any blue in the sky and revealed only little bits of the sun’s rays through the diminished light that shone through them. 
Although it hadn’t started raining just yet, you brought a raincoat and change of clothes just in case you got caught in it when it inevitably did. 
Opening the door to the back of the school, you immediately saw Hyun-su sitting on the steps with a white square gift box in his lap, a light blue ribbon wrapping around it beautifully. His foot was tapping along to a beat from the music playing on his phone, the headphones stuffed into his ears and playing loud enough that you could hear it as you approached. It was a habit you always tried to make him break, concerned for his hearing, but he never did. 
When he saw you walking toward him, his eyes lit up and a smile grew on his face. He stood up to greet you before you both sat down again and started talking. 
“This is for you,” he told you, placing the white box on your lap excitedly. 
“Hyun-su,” you complained lightly. “I didn’t get you anything!”
He brushed you off with a smile. “There’s no need. Just open it.”
You did and when you saw the contents inside, you laughed. “What is this?” You asked, picking up the patchwork teddy bear. It wasn’t the most well-done stuffed animal but it reminded you of something specific that you couldn’t put your finger on. 
His smile turned a bit bashful and maybe nervous as he scratched the back of his neck. “It’s… it’s your baby blanket,” he told you and you gasped. “I had your sister help me with it. I know that it meant a lot to you and how it wasn’t in the greatest condition, so I came up with the idea,” he explained in a rush, worried over how quiet you were as you stared at the stuffed bear. “So… Do you like it?” 
You couldn’t contain the smile anymore as you turned to face him. As calmly as you could, you placed the stuffed animal back into the white box and set it to the side before throwing your arms around him in a tight embrace. “Do I like it? How could I not like it? I love it!” You pulled back to hold him by his shoulders and stared deeply into his eyes. “This is the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me. Thank you, Hyun-su.”
He smiled at you before bringing you in for another hug. The two of you stayed like that for a minute until you felt a cold wet plop on your head. Pulling away and looking up, you received another raindrop on your forehead. 
“Shit! It’s raining!” You quickly turned and put the white lid back on the box before reaching to grab your bag. You were quickly stopped when Hyun-su grabbed your arm and pulled you back. Looking back at him, you let out a nervous laugh at the mischievous look in his eyes. “Hyun-su… no.”
“Hyun-su, yes,” he joked before grabbing both your hands and tugging you farther away from your bag. He laughed as you yelped from the light sprinkle turning into a full-on downpour and your clothes immediately getting soaked to the bone. You gaped at him while he spun you around.
“You’re such an idiot,” you said, trying to keep your tone serious but eventually failing as you burst out laughing. “Oh my god, you’re so lucky I brought a change of clothes today!”
“Don’t worry, I’ll get those wet too,” he promised with a cheeky smile.
You raised your eyebrows playfully. “Wow, Hyun-su, I didn’t know you were so dirty-minded. And in public no less!”
“Wha-?” It took a second for him to understand what you were saying but when he did he pushed your face away from him with his hand. “Oh my god, if there’s anyone here who’s dirty-minded, it’s you.”
You laughed and it seemed like you couldn’t stop until the bell rang with how much the two of you were joking with each other. In the end, at least your bear was safe and dry.
The same couldn’t be said about the two of you.
You held the white box in your hands as you walked down the hall. The lid was slightly brown with water damage and was fraying in some areas but you couldn’t help the fuzzy feeling you felt when you looked at it. 
Do-hun walked beside you. As a little ‘reward’ for being on ‘good behavior’ as well as a graduation gift of sorts, he was allowing you to give Hyun-su his stuff back, as long as he stayed with you the entire time. 
The two of you walked toward the back of the school to Hyun-su and your spot. It had been so long since the two of you met here and you couldn’t help the emotion building behind your eyes and stinging your nose. Do-hun droned on and on about something but you weren’t listening to a word he said as you focused on not bursting into tears. Instead, you focused on keeping the letter pressed to the bottom of the box. You kept it a secret from Do-hun and you just prayed, for both yours and Hyun-su’s sake, he wouldn’t see it. 
Opening the door, you weren’t surprised to see Hyun-su sitting on the steps. The way his form seemed so much sadder and lifeless than he had all those months ago when the two of you danced in the rain had your heart clenching painfully. 
His head lifted as he heard your footsteps approaching and you nearly sobbed at the bandages covering his face. He scrambled to his feet, eyes mostly set on you but flicking over to Do-hun every once in a while. 
You couldn’t handle speaking, so all you did was hold out the tattered white box to him. You saw his eyes light up in recognition of it but he didn’t say anything. His hands reached out and grazed yours as he grabbed it. The way his eyes locked onto you when he did made you know he felt the paper. It wasn’t anything too special, just a simple note asking him to keep in touch with your new phone number and the home address you knew Do-hun and you would be moving to once you graduated. It meant a lot for you to have him in your life, though, and you wanted him to know that. 
“Wow, Doll. After all this time, you don’t even want to say your final goodbye to your ex-bestie?” Do-hun taunted, wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you away from the boy in front of you and into his chest instead. “Seems like you don’t care about him anymore.”
You cleared your throat and looked down, your arms retracting from where they’d stretched in front of you to give the box. “Let’s just go,” you told him quietly. Luckily, he obliged and turned to walk away with you glancing one more time at the boy you loved. 
You stood outside of the church, debating back and forth with yourself on whether you should go inside or not. 
It hadn’t been long since you saw Hyun-su, only having graduated a few months ago, but it had been a long time since you had interacted with him. You were still with Do-hun. His father arranged for the two of you to get married and your parents did nothing to help. They were persuaded with money and the promise of a good life all in exchange for the freedom of yours. The engagement ring weighed heavily with betrayal and manipulation at the bottom of your black dress’s pocket. 
Today had been the first day in weeks that you hadn’t been within five feet of Do-hun, and it was all for the same reason - the same person - you gave yourself to him in the first place. 
Cha Hyun-su. 
Even after everything, after every attempt to destroy your feelings Do-hun tried, you still loved the boy with all of your heart. 
And now he probably needed you more than ever. 
Your hand rested on the doorknob as you hyped yourself up to open it when you suddenly heard yelling. It was muffled and you couldn’t understand it but it slowly got closer and closer until Hyun-su came rushing through the door, a few men on either side of him dragging him out. You could hear the shouts now and they were all coming from him. Each was about how his parents abandoned him, leaving him to live alone in the world. 
The shouts came to a stop when his eyes locked on you, your black knee-length dress and black flats showing you dressed for the occasion while he stood disheveled in a loose t-shirt and sweatpants. His hair was disheveled and most likely tangled, grown out from the lack of attention he’d been giving himself since the bullying started.  
You tried to help him behind the backs of everyone else. You mainly left little snacks or water bottles on his desk before class when you knew he hadn’t eaten, but occasionally you provided first aid kits for him on the occasion you ‘misbehaved’ and he paid the price for it. You never knew if he took them but you continued to do it, every day, without fail. 
You watched as Hyun-su shook off the arms of the people holding him and they walked back inside. You had to hold yourself back and bite your tongue at the insults they called him on their way. It was only after the door clicked and it was quiet outside the church that you spoke. 
You said it so softly you weren’t sure he heard it, but then he replied. “H-hi. What… what are you doing here?” He looked away from you as he asked it, shoving a hand in his pocket while the other came up to scratch the back of his neck. You almost smiled at the nervous habit he seemed to have kept. 
“I’m here for you,” you explained, taking a hesitant step toward him and inwardly celebrating when he didn’t move away. You took more steps forward until you were right in front of him, only a foot of distance between the two of you. You closed the distance as you wrapped your arms around his middle and pulled him into you. It was gentle at first since you were hesitant whether or not he would push you away, but your hold tightened when he returned the embrace. He buried his face into your neck as you rubbed his back comfortingly and you could feel the tears falling onto your skin. He sobbed into your shoulder all while you just held him. It was the first time in months you had held each other like this and it was a relief for you to feel him like this one more time. “I’m so sorry, Hyun-su,” you whispered to him, feeling the tears welling up in your eyes too but desperately trying to blink them back for his sake. He needed you to be the strong one right now, you couldn’t cry. 
“It wasn’t your fault. None of it was your fault,” he emphasized with a hoarse voice, bringing you closer. You let the first tear fall. It was such a relief to hear him say that when all you’d heard from everyone, specifically Do-hun, was how it was your fault. How you were the one who ruined Hyun-su’s life. 
But you still blamed yourself.
“But I could have done something! I didn’t do anything and you paid the price for it all! I should have done mo-” 
Hyun-su pulled away from you and in an instant pressed his lips against yours. The words left your mind as you immediately melted into it. He tasted like the salt from his tears but you didn’t care. All that mattered at that moment was that he was there. He was kissing you and he was there. You didn’t think you deserved it but he was there. 
He pulled away slowly, resting his forehead against yours and breathing heavily. “Never blame yourself for what happened,” he demanded. His lips skimmed yours with each word and you felt yourself longing for the feel of them again. “You will never be at fault for what happened.”
Instead of saying anything back, you just pulled him back in for another quick kiss. The two of you might have been abandoned by your families but at the very least, you had each other. 
Or, you did until you felt arms wrap around you from behind and yank you away from him. Your eyes grew wide as you recognized the familiar expensive cologne of your betrothed. You stiffened under his arms as they tightened painfully around you and Do-hun smiled at Hyun-su. 
“Long time no see, Cha Hyun-su. Why are you kissing my fiance?” He asked, his grin still as condescending as it was in high school. Hyun-su looked shocked by the news, looking at you with anger boiling inside him but it fizzled out instantly as he saw you standing petrified in fear. “I don’t care. It’s not like you’ll ever see her again,” Do-hun cut him off right as he opened his mouth, walking backward and dragging you along with him. “Well, maybe you will, we might even send you a wedding invite!” He yelled as he forced you into the passenger seat of his sleek black, definitely more expensive than any vehicle Hyun-su had ever sat in, car. 
Another wave of fresh tears fell down his face while he helplessly watched you stare hopelessly out the window as the car started driving down the road and out of his life. 
August 13th. That was the day the world officially ended. 
It started off as a normal day for you. You stayed in bed for the first few hours of the morning, only getting up when your stomach felt like it would eat itself. Then, you sat on the chair on the back porch of your house, watching the butterflies fly around your gorgeous flowers and petting the stray cat that would always find its way into your yard. You’d come to name it Dong-ee, meaning sunrise. Do-hun always scolded you when he saw you with the animal, talking about what diseases it could have, but you’d stopped responding to his words months ago. 
He tried threatening you every day but it never worked. 
After your sister died and he found out about - and stopped - the letters you sent to Hyun-su, you had nothing left to lose. 
In the massive house you lived in, with servants cleaning everywhere and greeting you each time you passed by and your ‘husband’ never far, you’d never felt more alone. 
It started with a single nosebleed. One of the servants started bleeding profusely out of their nose and onto the crystal blue couch she’d been vacuuming. You told her it was fine, rushing her off before your husband found out and immediately spraying some stain remover onto it. You know he would have scolded her at best - which was never a fun experience with the way he would degrade someone until they felt like dirt beneath the heel of his perfectly shined black shoe, or fired her at worst - which was a big way to get someone out of a job for life. He often blacklisted the employees he fired. 
The nosebleeds seemed to increase, not only in the one girl but in the other servants as well. It wasn’t until one of them turned into a tall monster with sharp claws and extended canines, trying to kill Do-hun when they saw him, that you knew the world would never be the same. 
It took time, but Do-hun and his guards - which in reality were actually just his guards following his every word while Do-hun sat in the background, just like in high school - were able to force the monster out of the house. After that, Do-hun decided what he thought was best and decided to do the worst thing you could have imagined. 
He forced everyone out. Everyone who worked there and resided in the large house, they were forced out of the house and left to die in the streets roaming with monsters. You screamed and struggled as you watched them all be shoved out the doors which were barricaded soon after with thick wooden planks.
What he did next though, was what made you seriously fear the man called your husband and fear for your life. 
He brought out a gun you didn’t know he even owned and shot silver bullets into the foreheads of all his most trusted guards. The same guards who just sent the servants to their death sentence as they forced them out of the house. 
The air filled with the foul stench of blood and you nearly threw up. You backed away as he approached, getting closer and closer to you with the gun still in his hand. His finger may not have been on the trigger but it was terrifying nonetheless. 
Eventually, you were backed against a wall with nowhere to escape. Do-hun cornered you against it, playfully and gently tapping the muzzle of the gun against your forehead. 
“I’ve been waiting to do that for a while,” he confessed, smiling down at you. “Now you can be the perfect housewife you were supposed to be. It’s all worked out.”
You shuddered, flinching away as he leaned in to kiss your forehead. The one thing you were thankful for was the fact that Do-hun accepted consent when it came to anything sexual. You knew he would never do anything to hurt you like that, but he wasn’t above physically hurting you if you didn’t do as he said. 
“Now, why don’t you clean up that mess over there,” he pointed to the dead bodies near the front door and you followed his finger slowly. “And I’ll watch from the couch. If you do good, I’ll consider making you some dinner.”
The world was ending. 
And you were stuck with your psychotic murderer of a forced-marriage-provided husband. 
You were fucked. 
It had been a few weeks since the apocalypse started. You often heard the sounds of roaming creatures as they passed by and shuddered at the thought. Despite everything, you were at least glad to be able to stay in a relatively safe place when everything went to hell. 
Do-hun didn’t make life easy for you, though. You could feel him hovering over you every second. Now that he didn’t have work and there was nobody around to stop him, he didn’t hesitate to be by your side the entire time and give you no privacy. 
During everything, you couldn’t stop thinking about Hyun-su. You wondered if he was alright; if he was a monster or not; if he could possibly be one of those special infectees; if you would ever see him again. 
You found your answer sooner than you expected. 
You had no idea how much time had passed since everything started. At first, you tried counting the days, but you lost track after 80. 
Now, after what you assumed must have been more than half a year within this hellhole, you sat on the couch nearest to the window. Though you couldn’t see through it anymore with the way Do-hun had boarded it up, using the curtains and whatever furniture he could find, you could imagine the way the birds and butterflies fluttered around your rose bushes and sunflowers as they often did when you would watch them through the glass. On days like those, you would often be having a glass of your favorite tea along with a new book of your favorite genre.
You’d since had to resort to a sliver of water from your designated drinking water supply and a book you’d already read several times over. 
Do-hun had gotten especially protective and obsessive over you since the start of this hell. He never let you out of his sight, even more so now than before when he could entrust you into the hands of his guards. He would scream at you for hours at a time when you would ignore him. He would force-feed you your rations on the days you felt you couldn’t do anything but sit in despair. It was a strange, aggressive, display of his ‘affection’ for you. 
You stopped ignoring him as often, part of the reason being he would scream at you for hours at a time when you did, just to get a reaction, but also because you just felt so isolated and alone. He was the only source of any interaction you had, human or otherwise; and while all of that was entirely his fault, you couldn’t really hope for a different situation when you knew it would never happen. Sometimes, when things got bad with him, you envied the servants who were forced out.
On other days, when things were even worse, you envied the guards you had to clean up afterwards. 
You closed your book with a sigh when you read the same sentence over again for the twentieth time. Do-hun looked up from his own book with an annoyed glare before rolling his eyes and focusing on the pages again. Sighing, you stood up and gently placed your book in your spot before walking away. 
“Where the hell are you going?” Do-hun demanded and stood up abruptly. His book limply fell to the floor and he stormed closer to you. On instinct, you took a step back before steeling your nerves and looking him dead in the eye. 
“Away from you.”
He huffed angrily and grabbed ahold of your wrist and started walking back towards the couch. “No, you’re not. You’ll stay right here where I can see you.”
You roughly yanked your arm away from his grip and pulled away. “No. I won’t.”
Do-hun slowly turned around to look at you, his eyebrows raised slightly in surprise. This was the first time in a long time you’d truly fought against and denied a direct order from him. “What did you say?” He took a step toward you and your breath caught in your throat. 
“I… I-I said,” you stuttered, cursing yourself for the lack of control over your shaking hands. 
He widened his eyes, imitating your fearful expression. “Y-y-y-you s-said?” He mocked over exaggeratedly and you opened your mouth again to reply when a large shadow blocked the limited light coming through the fabric covering the windows. It got closer and closer, larger shadows casting over the floor behind Do-hun as it did. Your arm raised to point at the approaching creature when suddenly a sharp pain exploded across your cheek. Your head snapped to the side painfully and you brought a palm up to cover the reddening area where Do-hun’s hand had slapped you. Although the pain shocked you, you weren’t surprised by his actions. Nor were you surprised by the sadistic smile that covered his lips. “Got no words, Doll? You were so confident just a second ago, where’d that attitude go?” 
Despite his taunting words, your attention was solely focused on the silhouette of a large wing rising into the air behind the curtains of the window. Just as you saw it come swinging down, you ducked down and covered your head with your arms. 
Do-hun didn’t see the image of the creature behind him, so the action of you ducking down and the loud sound of shattering glass both confused him and gave him a fright. The fabric of the curtains was able to prevent most of the glass from getting through, but you were unfortunate enough to have a piece nick your right knee right below your dress’ hem. It started bleeding immediately and it streamed down your leg to stain your sock-clad feet. The blood was enough to smear across the floor when your foot moved. 
Unfortunately for you, Do-hun remained unharmed from his standing position. 
You crawled away from the wall and hid behind the white-marble kitchen island, unaware of the red trail you left behind from your bleeding limb, as Do-hun turned around slowly, taking the gun he kept in his belt at all times into his hands and pointing it at the figure still hidden by the furniture stacked high. The couch, with two dining room chairs stacked on top, screeched against the hardwood floor as a large wing made of only muscle and bone sent it flying across the room. You covered your mouth to hold in your yelps as the chairs loudly tumbled to the floor. Your eyes clenched tightly together and you tried to stop the sobs from wracking your body. Instead of focusing on the fight, you covered your ears tightly, making sure no sound could get through, and rocked yourself back and forth, trying to calm your erratically racing heart. 
Outside of your covered ears and hearing range, Do-hun started speaking to the intruder. “Oh,” Do-hun laughed his usual taunting and narcissistic laugh, a sound that was unfitting considering the situation. “It’s you. You didn’t get enough in high school?”
Hyun-su smirked as the dust cleared and he clearly saw the face of his high school bully. He let his eyes travel around, looking for the one person he was truly there for but not finding her. His face almost fell until he saw a strange trail of fresh blood leading behind the large kitchen island. There wasn’t any blood on Do-hun, so he knew it couldn’t have been from him. 
“You know, I really thought you might have changed after high school. Maybe you’d mature and see the error of your ways,” Hyun-su started, putting his arms into his pockets. He had transformed both arms back into their human forms for the interaction he was going to have with the bully, really wanting to see the fear on his face when he saw how powerful he really had become. “I guess I was wrong. You’re still scum.”
Do-hun scoffed and released the safety on the gun he still had pointed at the boy. “And I thought you would have killed yourself by now. I guess we’re both disappointed,” he smirked, tilting his head tauntingly. “But I got something you didn’t,” he leaned forward as if telling a secret but kept the distance between them. His lips formed a sadistic smile that made Hyun-su sick. “I got the girl.”
The boy who held your heart felt his own heart drop to his stomach, but he refused to let it show on his face. “Oh really? Well, I don’t see her,” he pointed out, giving another glance around the room and still not seeing you anywhere. The blood stain still held his interest but he would save that until afterwards. 
“Well, you won’t need to see her. I’ll make sure she sees you though, when I put a bullet through your chest and make her clean up the mess afterward.”
The anger rapidly rose in Hyun-su’s soul like a forest fire. He clenched his fists, hating himself for not being able to come sooner. With adopting and raising Ah-yi along with trying desperately to find where you lived - which was much harder than he expected in a technology-free world - he took much longer than he wanted to. 
‘Surrender.’ Hyun-su heard in his head. He looked behind Do-hun and saw the monsterized version of him standing next to him in the large mirror on the wall. The eyes of his double remained the deep black color he’d come to accept as a part of himself. ‘Let me help you. I only do what you want, remember?’ The other version of himself reminded him. 
“Any last words, Cha Hyun-su?” Do-hun asked him, now looking bored with the conversation and placing his finger on the trigger of the gun. 
‘Surrender. I’ll find her. We’ll find her.’ The monster insisted, speaking over and over in his head. Hyun-su’s thoughts were running all over the place, unsure of what he wanted to do. 
He could turn over his control to the other side of him, but that side was unpredictable. Even though he knew he would never hurt you, no matter what version was in control, he was still worried. 
On the other hand, if he stayed in control, he would have to fight through the pain and beat Do-hun on his own. It wouldn’t be that difficult but he just knew from how his finger fiddled with the trigger, that this apocalyptic version of Do-hun was a trigger-happy person. 
He wasn’t sure he could handle that kind of pain. 
He let out a deep breath, releasing his hands from his pockets and closing his eyes. 
‘Okay. Go ahead, just keep her safe.’ Hyun-su told his other half, slowly feeling himself lose control and fading away. 
“You know I will.”
When his eyes reopened, they weren’t the magically gorgeous deep chocolate brown that he had grown up with. Instead, they were a beautiful and vibrant sky blue. Do-hun’s eyes widened in surprise, but he didn’t show any other signs of a change of emotion. 
“I think I should be asking you that question,” the now monsterized version of Hyun-su asked Do-hun, referring to his previous question after a moment of silence. He could tell the eerily excited grin that lit up his face unnerved the boy in front of him and it sent a sick sense of satisfaction down his spine. 
“And I think you're forgetting who has the upper hand in this situation,” he reminded him before his finger pulled the trigger. 
You heard the loud sound of a gunshot go off even through the protection of your hands over your ears. The small whimper of fear you made might not have been heard by any human, but with Hyun-su’s unnaturally advanced sense, he heard it loud and clear. 
The bullet did indeed pierce through Hyun-su’s chest, but he just sighed in disappointment at the attempt on his life. “Is that really all you’ve got?” He asked cockily despite the blood oozing from the hole in his torso. Do-hun’s facade finally cracked and Hyun-su could finally see the fear lingering in them. He let out a small noise of excitement and his grin widened even more. He slowly, teasingly, took a step toward the bully who quickly, fearfully, pulled the trigger again. This time, the bullet missed Hyun-su completely and he tutted. Do-hun went to pull the trigger again, but in a flash, Hyun-su appeared in front of him and twisted the gun out of his grip, putting his arm into a wrist lock and pushing lightly. Do-hun let out a loud noise of pain at the feeling of his wrist nearly breaking under the pressure. With his other hand, Hyun-su wrapped his fingers around his neck and grabbed it tightly while pulling him close. The boy let out a loud yelp at the feeling of his wrist still being held hostage and now the feeling of no oxygen getting into his lungs. 
“I’m not going to ask if you have any idea what you’ve put me through, what you’ve put her through, because I know you know very well,” Hyun-su started. His tone was scarily calm as his finger tightened and loosened teasingly around Do-hun’s neck. One moment the boy could breathe in a drink of air, and then next he would be suffocating until the process repeated again. “But, if you tell me where she is, maybe I’ll consider letting you go,” he bargained. 
Do-hun nodded emphatically before using his free hand, which had been scratching at the wrist Hyun-su used to choke him, to point behind the kitchen island where you were currently holding your breath to stop yourself from hyperventilating. Hyun-su turned his head to look over at where he was pointing and was pleasantly surprised that he hadn’t lied to him about your whereabouts. With a grin, he faced him again and released his neck. “Good boy,” he mocked, praising him like a dog before his grip around his locked wrist tightened and he twisted it sharply. The bone of his forearm popped out of place and Do-hun let out a scream, looking at Hyun-su with something like betrayal in his eyes. “I only said I would consider it, not that it was a promise,” he taunted him. Do-hun breathed heavily until Hyun-su once again wrapped his hand around his neck and blocked off any airflow. This time, his grip was relentless; he refused to let up until the face of his former bully and abuser turned blue and his body went limp. Just for good measure, he snapped the boy’s neck and made sure he was dead for sure. 
Hyun-su’s monster let out a deep breath, feeling content with the revenge that had been boiling in his bones for years, only now getting let out in the way he best saw fit. The original Hyun-su would never admit it but he had pictured hurting Do-hun the same way his monster just did on occasion, wishing he could do that so he could get revenge for himself and for you.
Now, Hyun-su’s monster knew he should probably give control back to the original Hyun-su now that the threat was dealt with and he just needed to find you now, but he was the result of Hyun-su’s desires, and his desires were very selfish when it came to you.
He wanted you all to himself. Ever since the kiss the two of you shared after his parents and sister’s funeral, he hadn’t been able to get over the guilt and wished for you to return to him. When the letters stopped, it was even worse for him. He could still remember the last letter you wrote to him. He often read and reread it over and over again. It got to the point where he had the entire thing memorized. 
Dear Hyun-su,
It’s not your fault. It never will be. You didn’t do anything wrong. I refuse to let you ever think that even for a second, so if those thoughts ever intrude in your mind, think back on my words and let them remind you. 
It isn’t what I want, but I won’t be able to keep in touch any longer. I haven’t been as secretive as I’ve intended, not that being secretive is at all possible around Do-hun. I don’t have much time so I won’t be able to make this nearly as long as I want. I’m not even sure if it will make it to you, but God do I hope it does.
Please, never let the world change you. 
That was the time he really considered killing himself. The only thing that held him back was the thought of you and how he knew in his soul he would find his way back to you. 
However, since he wasn’t able to see you and you weren’t there anymore to stop him, even if you didn’t know it, his self-harm got worse. He was able to get clean a few months before the apocalypse, but the scars on his skin felt constantly fresh with the loss of your presence.
Yes, he was selfish. And his monster side was even worse. His monster hadn’t personally met you yet, so he decided right then and there that he wouldn’t return the control, not just yet. He wanted to meet you himself, to see you in the flesh through his own unnaturally blue eyes. 
Hyun-su snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the, unfortunately familiar, sound of your muffled crying. He walked over to the kitchen island, his feet not making a sound on the wooden floor - a trick he learned at the start of the apocalypse. When he reached the corner and the top of your head was revealed behind the white marble, he let out a sigh of relief. It felt like the weight of the world tumbled off his shoulders and he was free again. He saw you and the sun seemed to shine after a thunderstorm. 
He tiptoed around to be in front of you and kneeled so he was at your level. His heart, infected or not, broke at the sight of your knees pulled to your chest and your hands covering your ears. To not hear was also to not see, and to not see was for it to not exist, he supposed. Your eyes were clenched shut and your cheeks were stained with tears that continuously ran down them. Instinctively, he reached a calloused and bruised but gentle hand forward and wiped the tears off your left cheek. What he should have expected, but it still seemed to surprise him, was the way you screamed and launched yourself to the side to avoid his touch. Another instinctive action he did was grab onto your arm and pull you back to him. You reacted negatively to this as well. It seemed you weren't able to recognize the familiar face in front of you in your panic, but he was determined to make you realize it was him. 
You screamed and cried, swatting and kicking at the unfamiliar yet familiar and comforting touch of, what you presumed to be, a monster holding onto you. It was only when you heard the familiar voice speaking the syllables of your name that you froze. Your hands rested on the figure’s chest as you breathed heavily and slowly raised your gaze to their face. 
It was him. 
The boy you’d longed to see for months. 
He smirked. It was so weird to see it because it looked so confident. Cocky, even. This was not the Hyun-su you knew less than a year ago. This wasn’t the Hyun-su Do-hun had broken him down into.
But it reminded you of the Hyun-su you knew before everything happened. The Hyun-su who would mess your hair up and then run away with a mischievous grin as you chased after him. The Hyun-su who dragged you into the rain so you could dance with him despite the water soaking through both of your clothes. 
It was comforting. 
What surprised you the most, however, was the blue color that took over the brown eyes you longed to see. 
“Your eyes are blue,” you softly told him as if he didn’t already know. Your hands came up to lightly rest on his cheeks, so lightly that it barely felt like the touch was there at all.
The loose grip he had on your arms tightened slightly to keep you close - just in case you got scared and tried to move away from him again - when your eyes widened in realization. “You figured it out quicker than I expected you to. Smart cookie. And only because my eyes were blue?” He questioned, teasingly. 
Your eyes were still wide as you answered, but he was pleasantly surprised to see no fear in them. “Hyun-su wouldn’t act this cocky.”
He kissed the back of his teeth, shaking his head with a smile. “That’s where you’re wrong, sweetheart. I’m still Hyun-su. We are one and the same.”
“Are you one of those ‘special infectees’?” You asked, bringing your soft touch away from his cheeks to make air quotes with your fingers. He frowned, not liking how the places your fingers had touched felt cold without you but nodded nonetheless.
Your head tilted to the side and your left hand went back up to his cheek so you could cup it, almost unconsciously, as you stared at him in perplexment. He leaned his face into your touch just like how Hyun-su always did. You didn’t do it often in the past, especially after you got with Do-hun, but he would always lean into the warmth of your touch whenever you did. 
Your eyes widened again and you turned to the side to try and see where he was. Your head didn’t turn far before Hyun-su cupped both of your cheeks and directed your attention to him again. “Don’t look over there, okay? Just look at me.”
You nodded, your eyes flickering back and forth between each of his eyes while you regulated your breathing. You knew he was protecting you from what was sure to be a gruesome sight. 
‘A sight that he created.’
The thought fluttered through your mind but it didn’t affect you in the way you expected it to. You expected to feel at least a sliver of guilt or maybe even fear of the boy in front of you for what he did, but instead you felt none of that.
You just felt relief. You were finally free of the person who put you through hell for almost a year. 
The hand not cupping Hyun-su’s cheek found its way to rest on his left shoulder. You didn’t keep it resting there for long when you felt a sticky, warm liquid stain into the creases of your hand. You pulled it away and your eyes quickly widened in fear. 
It was blood. 
You ripped your hand away from his cheek, an action that caused him to pout, and tore the collar of his shirt down past his shoulder. You gasped heavily when you saw the bullet wound right below his collarbone. Because of the black color of his shirt, you didn’t notice it before nor did you see the blood on the palms of his hands, the hands that had been holding your arms gently since you saw him. 
“You’ve been- you’re- oh my god-” You panicked, pressing your hands against the wound that was still bleeding so you could stop the blood flow. “I need to- I have a first aid kit. We need- you need-” You couldn’t get your words out, heavy breaths interrupting each one and not allowing you to think properly. 
Suddenly, a pair of warm, surprisingly still-soft lips met yours. You were still breathing heavily so you couldn’t really do anything except try to hold your breath as he kissed you. It was a feeling you didn’t know how much you craved to experience again until the moment it happened. Once he pulled away, you slowly let out the breath you held and just stared into his blue eyes. 
“Calm down. I’ll be fine, okay? Just show me where the first aid kit is. I’ll even let you patch me up if it’ll make you feel better. Is that what you want to do?” He asked, his face still only inches apart from yours. You could feel his breath hit your lips with every word and it just made you crave his taste again. 
You replied without looking away from his eyes. “It’s in the bathroom.”
He nodded, his lips tilting upward slightly into a small smirk. His eyes slowly flickered back and forth between yours, his head tilted slightly to the side as he spoke. “And what do you want to do? You wanna come with me and help clean me up or do you want to stay here until I’m done?” His voice was slightly teasing with a hint of a mocking undertone. It surprised you but you didn’t particularly dislike it. 
You gripped onto his collar tightly, scared he’d leave you. “Please don’t leave me alone,” you whimpered softly. The smirk on his lips grew a bit bigger at your words before he suddenly leaned forward and wrapped one arm around your back, the other going under the backs of your knees. He lifted you so effortlessly you were astounded at how little effort he seemed to use in order to complete the action. 
He made his way down to the bathroom, you in his arms as you gave him directions, and set you down on the large white marble countertop that the sink resided on. You watched as he kneeled down to open the cabinets below and rummaged through them messily until he found the first aid kit. 
He was only doing it for your sake, knowing that - especially in his monster state - he healed quickly and didn’t feel much pain. 
He took off his ripped muddied and blood-stained shirt while you grabbed the materials you needed while nursing his wounds. It wasn’t until you looked back up at him that you noticed his apparent lack of a shirt and your eyes caught onto his defined muscles. It was obvious the apocalypse had at the very least done wonders for his physique, that’s for sure. 
The man was even more attractive than you’d thought he was in high school. 
And you’d thought he was so hot in high school. 
It took you a moment to snap out of your stupor, but you did and purposefully ignored the arrogant smirk on his face while you honed your attention in on his wounds. He noticed the way your face warmed at his silent teasing but he decided not to comment on it and risk breaking the intimacy of the moment, especially when you started to clean his wounds and he felt your hands touch his skin. 
He slowly skimmed his hands up from where they had been resting on your knees until they reached your hips. He purposely avoided causing any fabric from your dress to rise since he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. You appreciated it greatly, but couldn’t help the want that grew inside you for him to take it further. 
The cleaning of his wounds, specifically the bullet wound - which took extra long because you had to make sure the bullet wasn’t still inside, which it thankfully wasn’t - took a while but you got them done. It seemed they looked much worse with all the dried blood and mud stuck to them than they actually were. The bullet wound had practically fully closed, and the same could be said about the majority of his other wounds. You were grateful he was an infectee, otherwise he wouldn’t have survived. 
He also wouldn't have ever been able to get to you in the first place, which was another bonus. 
Once the areas surrounding the wounds were cleaned, and he adamantly insisted he didn’t need the bandages you were so willing to cover him with, you grabbed a towel from the towel rack on the wall and wet it in the sink. Hyun-su looked at you curiously when you did and you just looked at him shyly. 
“It’s a filtration system using rainwater. I set it up before the whole apocalypse started, not that Do-hun appreciated me doing that,” you explained with a hint of pain in your voice, recalling the painful memories of when you put your self-taught engineering skills to use. 
“So you got to create it after all. I remember the first time you mentioned wanting to do something like that. I always knew you could,” he praised with a devilishly handsome smirk on his lips. The sight of it erased all the painful memories you felt - something Hyun-su had always been able to do. A hot feeling settled in the bottom of your stomach and it caused a damp spot to form on your panties. Hyun-su could smell the intoxicating scent of your arousal, and his hands tightened around your hips to hold himself back. 
“Thank you,” you whispered with a slight blush before focusing on wringing the cloth out and bringing it to the dried blood and dirt on his chest, gently wiping it away. Each time your fingers lightly grazed against him, he could feel his resolve slipping just a little more. 
It was only after the first swipe of the cloth that you realized just wiping it might not be enough for him to get clean. 
“I think… it might be better if you just take a shower,” you told him hesitantly. You wanted him to get clean and feel more comfortable but that would also mean you would have to leave the bathroom. 
He stared at you for a minute, trying to figure out what was troubling you but not quite being able to. Instead, he answered with a simple, “Okay.”
You gave him a small sad, scared smile - one that broke his heart a million times over - before you gently pushed him back so you could hop down and off of the counter. He watched you carefully as you crouched and grabbed a fresh towel for him from under the sink. When you handed it to him and fearfully turned to the door, he finally realized what was wrong. 
“Sweetheart, I don’t think you leaving is a good idea,” he warned, wanting to relieve you of asking to stay and instead just giving you the option openly. 
You sighed in relief and took your hand off the handle of the door. Turning back around to face him again, you looked into his eyes so seriously but with a hint of concealed desperation. “Are you sure? I can leave so you can have some privacy.”
He would be lying if he said the way you cared about his feelings and how considerate you were in general didn’t turn him on, because God knows it did. 
“I’m sure. You can wait for me on the counter. I won’t be long,” he promised and you nodded, hopping back up on the counter. 
While the regular Hyun-su would’ve avoided thinking about it at all costs, his monster had no qualms about imagining impaling you on his cock on that countertop; about making it hard to tell whether the steam fogging the mirror was from the shower or from your hot bodies colliding together with each thrust of Hyun-su’s hips; about making you cry out his name in pleasure while your dead husband’s corpse listened in from the next room over. He almost regretted killing Do-hun off so soon, especially without proving to him that he never had the girl in the first place. 
He started unbuckling his pants and your eyes widened before you hastily covered them with your cheeks heating up to dangerous levels. He chuckled quietly which caused you to blush harder. “You could’ve warned me,” you chastised. 
“But where’s the fun in that?” He teased, dropping his pants and boxers to the ground with a slight clatter and stepping out of them both. You whined and his already half-hard dick twitched. The sound of your whining and the sight of you in front of his naked body caused him to nearly blow his load right then and there. 
He smirked at you - not that you could see it - before stepping into the frosted glass shower and turning it on. He was honestly a bit surprised that you had soap in the shower but decided not to question it too much. 
Just as he’d finished washing his hair and torso, he heard the soft and imperceptible to anyone without his supernatural hearing sound of you gasping and your breathing picking up. It was when he looked over that he saw you completely turned away from the shower door and clutching your chest. 
It didn’t take a genius to figure out you’d snuck a peek at him through the window and evidently liked what you saw. 
He cursed under his breath, the sound concealed to you by the sound of the shower’s running water. He could smell your arousal despite being doused in water and it was making him go crazy. 
He leaned his back against the shower wall with a heavy breath and brought a hand down to his hardened cock, looking at your silhouette through the frosted glass and listening to your flustered breaths. He groaned under his breath as his hand stroked up and down on his cock. He imagined it was you in there with him, your hand instead of his. He could imagine the way your hand would barely be able to wrap around it if it even could at all. He held his breath to keep any sound from coming out as he squeezed and stroked his cock, the water covering his labored breaths. 
It wasn’t enough to cover the banging sound that happened when he slammed his head back against the wall as his fingers ran over the slit of his penis.
Your head perked up but you still refused to turn around. 
“Hyun-su? Are you okay?” You asked cautiously in a soft tone and god, he was a goner.
His dick twitched in his hand as he came all over the shower wall, coating it white with his seed. He breathed heavily as he came and almost completely forgot about the question you asked until you spoke up, this time more worriedly. 
“Hyun-su?” He could hear your breathing and how it picked up speed in fear for his safety. It made his heart swell just as much as it made his dick harden again. 
“I’m just fine. I’m not hurt,” he replied calmly as he grabbed the soap and cleaned off the lower half of his body like he hadn’t just masturbated to his best friend with only a transparent shower wall to separate them. 
You let out a sigh of relief and nodded to yourself. “Okay. Good. I got worried when you didn’t reply.”
The shower suddenly turned off and you felt a presence appear behind you only a second later. You turned your head quickly to look in the mirror but you closed your eyes just as fast when you saw your, very naked, best friend standing behind you. Your cheeks lit on fire and you let out a surprised little sound that went straight to Hyun-su’s cock. 
“I left the towel on the rack,” you explained, thinking he’d maybe just missed it. Instead, he leaned forward so his breath hit your neck and brushed your hair behind your shoulder.
“I know,” he said simply as he leaned forward and started pressing kisses along the expanse of your neck. Unconsciously, you leaned your neck to the side to give him more access and he smirked against your skin. Water droplets fell from his hair and skin onto yours and they slid down slowly. Hyun-su watched with hungry eyes as one slid down right between your cleavage and down to your stomach. He brought a hand up to your shoulder where he carefully traced the same path the droplet made, stopping once he reached the top hem of your dress. “May I?” He asked patiently. It made you feel sure he wouldn’t be upset if you wanted to stop right there and then. It honestly made you feel like you were floating. 
Instead of answering, you turned your head to face him and brought your right hand up to pull his face into yours, your mouths crashing in an intimate and passionate kiss. Meanwhile, with your other hand, you brought it up to grab his hand which was still resting right above your cleavage, not going any further until you gave your consent. You gently wrapped your fingers around his wrist and moved his hand around your body so it was at your back. Separating from his lips for just a moment, you whispered against his lips, “Help me unzip?”
You could feel the smirk against your lips as he reconnected them and sensually, with a painfully slow pace, unzipped your dress, the straps falling off your shoulders and pooling around your hips. Hyun-su pulled away for a moment to marvel at your bare breasts. “You’re so fucking perfect,” he whispered and leaned in so he was mouthing at your chest. At this point, you had turned so you were facing him directly while still sitting on the sink countertop. Your hands gripped his hair as he gently tugged on your nipples with his teeth, his hand playing with the breast he wasn’t paying attention to. Your head leaned back as you let out soft moans of his name that made him work harder and rougher to make them louder. He couldn't help looking up at your face and marveling at how drop-dead gorgeous you looked with your eyes closed and mouth hung open in pleasure. 
You tugged at his hair harder as you felt the hand not playing with your breast brush against your inner thigh, slowly going further up with each second until it was completely covered under the fabric of your dress. You let out an embarrassingly loud whine as you felt his fingers brush over your clit and through your folds over your panties, feeling the wetness inside. You bit your lip to silence your sounds when Hyun-su kissed his way up to your neck and bit down harshly, leaving a mark and causing you to let out a moan of mixed pain and pleasure. He left a wet kiss over the bite mark before leaning up so he was whispering in your ear. 
“I’ll only say it once. If you try to cover up the sounds you make again, I assure you I’ll force them out of you.”
A wave of arousal ran through you and it was obvious Hyun-su noticed by the way he let out a soft laugh in your ear before leaning back down to your neck and giving you as many love bites as he could. Meanwhile, he snapped the fabric covering your heat in half, allowing his fingers to continue running through your folds and to rub at your clit. Though you were curious to see what he would do if you continued to hold back your moans, you didn’t want to risk it and so you let them fall freely, your head falling back against the cool glass of the mirror. 
After a while, he decided it was time to stop teasing you and slowly inserted a finger into your cunt. Both of you groaned in unison as he did. “You’re so fucking tight,” he moaned out while you let out soft whines as he caressed your clit with his thumb, trying to make you ease up enough for him to add another finger. He slowly thrusted his finger in and out, hitting multiple spots inside you with each thrust that had you seeing stars. 
“Hyun-su,” you whimpered out, gripping his hair harder as you forced his head up so he was looking at you. 
“What is it, sweetheart?” He asked with a slightly teasing lilt. 
You brought his face closer to yours until your lips were touching as you spoke. “More.”
He smirked at you slowly gaining more confidence and taking what you wanted as you joined your lips together in another kiss. He obliged, slowly working another finger in until his middle and ring finger were both snuggly set inside your pussy, thrusting in and curling on their way out without fail. The moans you let out sounded heavenly to Hyun-su and his monster’s ears and he wished he could hear them every day. 
Scratch that, he would make sure he heard them every day from here on out. 
You came on his fingers with your face hidden in the crook of his neck, the sound of your moans traveling and not only sounding directly next to his ear but vibrating through his whole body. 
He slowly took his fingers out of you and shushed you as you let out a small whimper from the loss. Bringing his hand up to his lips, he stuck the two fingers in his mouth and moaned at the taste, his eyes closing as a result. 
“Come out so you can fuck her, I’ve had my fun,” Hyun-su’s monster told him, his control over the boy’s body fading away as the original Hyun-su regained consciousness. The first thing he noticed when he came to was the sweetest taste he’d ever tried in his mouth. He opened his eyes and saw something he’d been imagining for years, but something he never thought would actually happen. 
He saw you, halfway naked with your chest bare and rising as you took in deep breaths. He nearly choked in surprise but was able to calm himself down as you opened your eyes to look at him. Your own eyes widened at the sight of his once blazing blue eyes turned back to the magnificent brown you adored. 
“Hyun-su?” You whispered, bringing a hand down from where they still were gripping his hair and caressing his cheek. 
“Yeah,” he replied softly, “It’s me.”
You smiled at him and he felt his cock - which he just realized was as hard as a rock and standing tall in all his named glory - twitch. 
“Fuck,” he cursed, “I’m sorr-” he tried to apologize and move away when you used the hand still gripping his hair to pull him back into you and connect your lips. It seemed you pulled too hard because he crashed into you, his cock slapping against your still-sensitive core and his bare chest colliding with yours. 
You moaned into his mouth while he gasped in shock from the feeling. His hands instinctively fell to your waist where he gripped you roughly, much rougher than he was trying to but you didn’t mind the bruises his rough treatment would most likely leave. His hands slowly traveled down to your hips, pushing the fabric of your dress down even further. He gently pulled the dress up and over your head, making you just as bare as him. Then, he roughly grabbed your ass and hoisted you up so you were supported in his arms with your legs crossed around his hips. You gasped loudly which gave him the perfect opening to take control of the kiss, entering his tongue into your mouth and dominating it instantly. While he did that, he took careful steps out of the bathroom and down the hallway towards the only bedroom in the large house. Once he got in there, he gently set you down on the bed and crawled on top of you, never breaking the kiss. He broke the kiss only to lean his forehead against yours and give the both of you a second to breathe. 
“I love you,” you spoke through heavy gasping breaths. Hyun-su, whose eyes had been closed, opened them instantly to look at you in shock. You looked determined but a little insecure as you said it again. “I love you, Cha Hyun-su. I have since the first time you brought me out to dance in the rain and then when you cared for me all of the next week when I got sick. I can’t stop and I haven’t stopped despite not seeing you for all this time. I don’t think I could ever stop loving you.”
He stared at you in complete and utter shock. “Really?” He asked, disbelief coloring his tone. You nodded timidly before he cut off any other insecurities with a passionate kiss. “I love you, sweetheart. I have since the moment I met you. I knew you were the one for me and there would never be another who could compare. I want to be by your side until the end of time,” he confessed and you smiled a blinding grin. He smiled back as he interlocked both your hands together, subtly pinning you against the bed as his look turned from loving and adoring to loving and adoring and lustful once more. “Can I prove it?”
You smiled at him even brighter. “I would love it if you did.”
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nerdofthecentrey · 1 year
For Them | Cha Hyun-Su x Human Reader
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Genre: Fluffy, Angsty
Summary: You do what you can to protect others and get hurt in the process.
Warnings: Blood, Getting hurt, monster descriptions, normal Sweet home stuff
It had been 16 days since this all started, It was terrifying but you wouldn’t lose hope. You wanted to stay alive not necessarily for yourself but to be with Hyun-Su. And for Kim Su-Yeoung and Kim Yeoung-Su the little kids both you’d both saved. You were determined for them to live, even in this cruel world they still deserved a chance.
You stood next to the stairs that lead into the rest of the apartment building. Your boyfriend stood across from you with that faraway look in his eyes.
“ I hate that you have to do this.” You sighed, glancing at the beaten door.
You looked back at him and he had this dead serious look in his eyes. You understood this was for the best but you still hate the way they treat him. You wish he wouldn’t take shit from everyone.
“ Gosh, Hyun-Su..I can’t keep letting them treat you like a caged animal. I’m gonna talk to Eun-Hyeok.-“
“ Y/N, Please.” Hyun-Su rested his hand on your shoulder bring you back.
“ I’m sorry, It’s just your doing so much for everyone here…. It’s like they don’t even care. I hate that.” You pause for sec thinking before you continue with, “ It’s okay if your hurt by this Hyun-Su. Your aloud to be upset-“
“ I have to go.” He cut you off in a quiet tone ready to retreat. You snatch his face back before he can go placing your lips on his gently. Warmth fills you and you savor the feeling. You never know when it may be the last time.
You headed into the daycare center not expecting to see Eun-Hyeok. It looked like he had just gotten finished talking because everyone was dead silent. He walked straight pass you out the door you followed. But before you could even say anything he spoke.
“ The answer is no.”
You suck your teeth, “ You don’t even know what I was gonna say.”
He turned.
“ I’m guessing it’s about Hyun-Su. My answer is no.” with that he walked away. You let out sharp sigh. You‘ll get him eventually just not now.
“ Y/N..?” A small voice spoke in almost a whisper. It was Yeong-Su. His eyebrows were slightly furrowed and his sister stood close behind him.
“ What’s up?” I asked a little worried.
“ Umm…” The little boy started his sister finished.
“ He wants you to come with us to get his toy. He lost it when we first got here. It’s on this floor. We just don’t want to get lost.”
Your heart warmed a little at the fact they were asking you and not someone else.
“ Of course, Shall we?” You held out your hand to the boy he toke it with a grin.
You all walked through the halls of the first floor. It’s only now you really understand how much a maze this building is. It makes your stomach turn a little at how many people actually lived here. Meaning how many lost their lives and how many turned. You guys had been walking for a little while before you could resist asking the boy.
“ Are we headed the right way?” He noded slowly showing you clear as day he was unsure.
“ Do you remember exactly where you lost it?”
“ No..” It sounded like he was gonna cry.
“ Yeong-Su!” His sister shouted forcefully pushing his hand out of his. “ You said you knew!”
“ I did know! … I thought I did.” He shouted back.
“ Hey.” You said sharply catching both of their attention. “ It doesn’t matter. We’re gonna find the toy either way. Let’s think of it like a mission okay?”
“ People who are working together shouldn’t argue and pointlessly yell at each-other. Deep breath.” You you inhale as did they. You exhale as did they. “ Now, Yeong-Su. Do you remember the area of where you left your toy?”
“ Yes, there was dirt it was in the hallway near the graves. It rolled into a room.”
“ That’s Good! I’m sure we’ll find it no time!” Before you can continue something goes off in your body. The atmosphere sudden tilting.
A bucket loudly crashed from the hall in front of you.
You push the kids behind you, cursing at yourself for not bringing a weapon. How are you constantly telling other to be prepared for anything and you aren’t even prepared. You look around for anything to use and find a short pole.
Just then you could see the shadow of a monster creeping up the hall. It’s tall and lengthy. You push the kids back the opposite way of the hall. Pushing them to run.
You knew it probably wasn’t the best idea to make loud noises but you weren’t far from everyone else. You wanted them to be safe as soon as possible being in the hallway was too vulnerable.
Just then the monster let out a loud screeching noises. You turn back just in time to see it round the corner, headed straight at you.
“ Run!” You shout. The kids pick up the pase sobs coming Yeong-Su and Su-Yeong pulling her brother along with all her might.
You grab a random cabinet pulling it down pushing multiple things in the way. It seems to slow the monster long enough for you to make back to the main area near the elevator.
Yeong-Su fell to the floor. You quickly swept him up as fast as you.
A whimper come from Su-Yeong. Your head whipped around to see the monster creeping slowly into the room. Your heart was already pounding in your ears, your bones started to fell stif.
“ Go.” You tell them.
“ Get the others.”
Su- Yeong didn’t wait she grabbed her brothers arm pulling him along.
You felt your body relax a little when you heard their foots steps getting quieter only for the monster to come bones cracking and stretching out with thin skin covering it. It was sickening to look at. You held up your pole knowing these we’re probably your last moments. But you were okay with that. As long as the others live.
Suddenly one of the arms came flying at you, you swung it away like baseball. Of course it only flew back but so far.
You ran closer to the main entrance leading it father into the hall.
“ Let’s go!” You yelled.
The monster seemed to let out some words you couldn’t understand. Only the word,
“ Family. ” “ I’ll do it for my family.”
The monster croaked sending his arm like tentacle thing towards you. You dodge to your left the tentacle missing you. But the sharp edge of a cabinet not.
You inhale sharply, but you can’t feel anything, not yet at least. Your whole body just feels warm and ready to move. You push yourself up from your spot grabbing onto the wall. You place your hand on your stomach to stop it from bleeding so much you fell the thick liquid coating your hand.
“ My family…my family…” The monster kept saying to itself eyes twitching. Sounding like it was trying to think or remember.
You leaned up against the pole watching the monster,
“ Hey!” A voice shouted a glass bottle was chucked at the monster it screeched in pain as it burst to flames. You jolt back from the heat your body hitting the wall feeling weak as ever. Ji-su rushing to you.
“ Oh my god, that’s a lot of blood.” She states.
“ Thanks a couldn’t tell.” You groan. Just then a loud buzzing sound rang from the door. You knew it was Hyun-Su it kept ringing violently. Till Sang-Wook opened it, you heard your boyfriend rushing down the stairs. Everyone watching the creature burn. His eyes fell on you.
“ Y/N!” He ran to you.
“ Hey.” You croaked.
He stared at you with a lost look on his face Ji-Su held you up. He had his lips parted as if he wanted to speak but he didn’t know what to say.
“ Maybe you should help!” Ji-Su shouted at him.
“ Right.” Hyun-Su said. “ I’m gonna lift you. It’s easier okay.”
He carried you to the room where Yu-ri works in. She patched you up carefully, Meanwhile you tried hard not to curse. While Hyun-Su stared with his lost eyes.
Once Yu-ri left you spoke.
“ Don’t keep looking like that.” You tell him.
“ What?”
You pause for second your heartbreaks a little, “ You look so lost. Why don’t you just share what your thinking?” Hyun-Su looks taken back but you go on.“ Hyun-Su, I won’t judge you for how you feel. I want you to tell me not keep it bottled up inside. Out of all the people still left in this word I won’t be the one to judge you.”
You watch a tear slowly falls down his face, you reach up brushing it away softly. He grabs your hand pushing your palm against his face. It’s like he said it all in that moment. More of his tears fall for the first time it’s like a wall had fallen down slowly. You watch him breakdown right in front of you. It hurt you to see. You pull his head down to rest between your neck and shoulders. Massaging his head gently.
“ I’m here, Hyun-Su.”
A/N: Okay this is my first time writing anything that has so many parts to contribute in and my first Kdrama. Hopefully this is good. I might end up switching or adding more the ending. Let me know if you have any tips and/or misspellings.
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haerinari · 4 months
¿What do you want me to do? — Cha Hyun-su
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pairing: Cha Hyun-su x fem!reader
genre: fluff.
warnings: tension between hyun-su and reader (?), kissing
a/n: this fic is about if it was you instead of Eun-yu in THAT scene of season2 ep8 of sweet home. when monster Hyun-su starts asking Eun-yu what should they do or, what does she want him to do.
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You were on the hospital with Hyun-Su, Eun-yu, and the soldier Chan-young. Hyun-su just had a fight with monster Yi-kyung, he was all covered in blood, and right now he was sleeping in one of the hospital rooms. This is the first time that you could properly see Hyun-su after what happened on Green Home, it has been months since the last time you saw him. You and Hyun-su had a “thing” before, both of you liked each other, but nothing actually happened.
“Is he even alive?” the soldier said standing up from his chair. “he has been lying on the floor for the past 25 minutes”.
“Maybe he is just tired, Yi-kyung noona was a very special person for him” you explained.
“Go check on him, y/n” the short hair girl suggested. “Probably he will speak to you”.
“Okay” you simply answered.
You opened the door of the room, now seeing an awake Hyun-su sitting on the corner of the small bed.
“Cha Hyun-su” you said, no answer. “Cha Hyun-su…”
He turned his head, opening slowly his eyes and looking at you. They were now a beautiful blue color, but that just could mean one thing, the Hyun-su you knew, was gone.
He stand abruptly from the bed, looking into your eyes and walking towards you. Was he going to hurt you? No, Hyun-su would never do that. You took a bar of metal that was on the floor, you know, just in case.
“Are you going to hit me with that?” he asked.
“Bring him back” you said firmly. “Bring Hyun-su back, now”
“His hurt, leave him to rest. I was just helping him out because he was hurt. Give me a break” Hyun-su said looking at himself in the mirror. His shoulder was hurt, it had an open wound and it was still bleeding. But a few seconds later, it was completely gone.
“Wasn’t Hyun-su in control?” you asked him.
“I’m also Hyun-su”
“Not you, the real Hyun-su.”
“We agreed to help each other, it wouldn’t be great for me if he died” the monster explained.
“Just leave him alone and get lost” you said without hesitation, you wanted to talk with your Hyun-su.
“Really? Would you be okay with that?” Hyun-su said coming closer and closer to you. “Would you be okey with Cha Hyun-su who is weak?”
“Yeah, i will be totally fine with that Hyun-su”
He was now inches away from you, his tall and strong figure almost covering yours. Hyun-su lowered his head in a way that now his face was on the same level as yours, his eyes were scanning your face, and you were just standing still.
“What are you doing?” you asked almost in a whisper, nervousness covering your body.
“I don’t know” he paused, a cocky smirk covering his face. “What do you want me to do?”
He came to your face even closer, his lips almost touching yours. You didn’t now what to answer, it was like your voice was totally gone. Having Hyun-su this close was a new sensation that your body was actually enjoying a lot.
“I bet that he haven’t even kiss you before.” Hyun-su said laughing a bit. “I have to admit it, we have good taste, ‘cause you’re a pretty pretty girl…”
“Then do it” you whisper softly, the words just slipping from your mouth.
“As you wish” he answered.
His lips crash directly into yours, one of his hands cupping your cheek while the other one was holding your waist. Your hands were on his neck, trying to pull him closer and feel every single part of him on your body. This was the first time you kiss Hyun-su since what happened on green home, and god, you’ve miss him so much.
You broke softly the kiss, opening your eyes now to see normal Hyun-su back, his brown eyes with a look of surprise and his cheeks getting red.
“I’m glad your back” you smiled, your hands going through his hair and pulling him into a hug.
“Did he said something mean to you?” Hyun-su asked worried.
“No he didn’t, but he did something you didn’t do before…” you answered.
“I didn’t knew if you still like me…” he said looking down, his hands now holding yours. “I needed a boost of confidence to prove it and he was the only candidate i had”
“You could just ask Eun-yu, you know she is my best friend” you said smiling.
“I did, and she told me to discover it by myself” you laughed.
“Well, now you do know how i feel about you” you told him, his head hiding on the crook of your neck. you loved how shy he got around you.
“I missed you” he said now looking at your face. “I was always thinking about you, you were on my mind all the time”
“I’ve miss you too Hyun-su, but please… don’t leave again” you told him, almost begging him not to leave.
“I won’t leave, not when i have you here with me again”
You pull him into a hug again, you could stay like this for ever, with him.
“I love you” you said to him, watching his cheeks become red again. “Why do you get all shy when i say cute things to you” you asked laughing.
“You make me nervous” Hyun-su laughing with you. “I love you too”
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t4kara · 6 months
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ~ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
I'll be honest, I don't exactly know how to write any of this properly. Since this is my first time writing it will most likely be quite bad so I'm sorry if there are any spelling errors or if it doesn't make logical sense, I'm also writing on mobile so the formatting might be different on other devices than how it is for me so, please keep that in mind! However, I'm open to any criticism in the comments! Also please don't post my content anywhere else (without giving credits)!
Word count: 591
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~ Cha Hyun-su (dating) Scenario ~
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ~ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Based on Season 1:
A Blessing
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You're both sitting in the quarantine room on the couch after Hyun-su came back from getting supplies due to Eun-hyeok and some of the other survivors request, during the supply run he had gotten injured by an monster.
Although he regenerates quite quickly you still decided to place some bandages over some of the wounds that would take a little while longer to heal. He told you not to waste them since he would be healed soon enough, you insisted saying it was the least you could do for him since the others didnt seem to pay his injuries any second thought, although you knew they were just scared of him and the chance he could possibly hurt them, you thought it didn't excuse the way they were treating him.
Once you had finished bandaging his wound the two of you simply sat in a comfortable silence, while you leant your head on his shoulder and gently tracing the scars on his right wrist, his gaze was following your hands movements, you knew the story of how he had made the scars and the reason as to why. When he first told you the story of them, he expected you to look at him disgusted at how he had done that. He thought you'd see him the way he saw himself but you assured him that it wasn't his fault for doing that to himself and that you loved him regardless of his scars and in fact you had even said you found them beautiful, like you did every part of him.
You'd never forget how flustered he was in that moment you told him that his scars were beautiful, his face was bright red even his ears were too. He couldn't even look at you, far to embarrassed since he wasn't used to compliments in general, yet one about something such as his scars, something so personal to him had made his brain go into overdrive and he had became a complete flustered mess. (although of course you couldn't complain because he looked adorable)
You were just subconsciously tracing his scars with your fingertips. You hadn't yet noticed how his eyes had shifted from watching your hands movement to simply admiring your face, the way your lips looked so soft, the gentle expression that your face held, the unspoken love that was swirling around your (beautiful) eyes.
He was sure of it at this point, you came into his live at the toughest of times, like a small light that had chased away a darkness that was trying to consume his soul and mind, he was convinced you was a blessing sent by a unknown god that had heard his silent prayers for something, someone, to save him. He was forever grateful for whatever god had sent you. He felt as if he didn't deserve you but he didn't want to let you go, he didn't know if that made him selfish but rightfully he didn't care either, he was grateful to have someone like you, someone like an angel and he was even more grateful that you had chosen him to hold your heart, to keep it safe.
He was sure that you were his one and only, his other half, his light to his own darkness that plagued his soul, you were his reason to survive, even if he was infected you was his reason to try and survive this new formed world. As corny as that sounded in his mind, he was sure that was the case.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ~ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ~ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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I have no real idea if this even makes any logical sense since I finished writing this at around 3am on a friday! But if it does and you'd like more leave a comment and a heart! (Or don't nobody will force you too!) Please remember not to copy or repost my work on any other sites and claim it as your own thank you!
Have a good night/day, lovelies!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ~ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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hybristophile-bitch · 6 months
Fanfic about Sweet Home
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I've had an idea in mind, Cha Hyun-soo and reader are pretty much together but haven't called each other gf & bf officially, even Monster Hyun-soo is all over reader anytime he can. When Hyun-soo is faced with Eun yoo t the hospital, Monster Hyun-soo takes over and the high tension scene happens, but reader sees the whole thing.
Now the end would be up to you, either angst with fluff or angst and smut or whatever you come up with bc you're an amazing writer !
Cha Hyun su x Fem!Reader
Genre: Jealously, Smut , Angst
Warning ⚠️: Jealousy, Hair pulling , mirror sex
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You dated Hyun su for a while a bit before he turned his self in , hoping and praying every day for his safety and return so when you Eun yu and Chanyeong were sitting around a small campfire with a crazy woman and a crazy older man who was weirdly obsessed with the younger women making you feel a bit uncomfortable
Suddenly there was a snap of a branch causing everyone to jump as you all stand to your feet getting ready for what ever was about to come … your body becoming stiff as your eyes began to widen
There stood Cha Hyun su..now here you were in a abandoned hospital as you sat in a seat near a entrance as the events reply in your head , looking up as you notice Eun yu push her weight off the wall in the corner of your eye seeing as she walks past the solider towards the room the you last seen Hyun su enter as you start to become curious on what she was doing as you stand to your feet quietly following behind her
Stopping once she entered the room closing as the door closes behind her as you become confused , what did she want with Hyun su? , you thought putting you back to the wall as you peek inside the room seeing as Hyun su stands to his feet
There was something different though..his eyes were a bright blue as your brow furrowed as you couldn’t hear what was being said all you knew was Eun yu stared in his eyes as he walked in front of her blocking your view .. eyes now widen in shock as you see him lower down to her level as if he was going to kiss her
Letting out a loud gasp quickly putting your back against the wall out of their sight so you wouldn’t be seen or caught as you put a hand on your chest as you feel your eyes water a bit , quickly wiping the tears away as you let out a pained grin grabbing at your side with your hand as you feel a warm liquid cover your hand
You forgotten that you were injured… yet no one seemed to notice letting out a shaky breath as you quietly turn and head down the hall towards as your head held low looking down at your feet not noticing as Ah-yo was standing in the hall watching the whole thing as she become confused watching your small form disappear down the hall as she turns and head for the room that you were looking in
Turning down the hall as you walk pass Chanyeong heading for one of the unoccupied in the front entrance hall not caring about his watching gaze as you close the door behind you , still holding your side as you look around the empty room there was a hospital bed that was placed next to a mirror
The cabinets were left wide open most being complete empty , there was a small table that looked to have a scalpel and other small objects on it sighing as you wan further into the room going for the open cabinets as you look through the left over bottles looking for disinfectant for your wound and hopefully something to wrap it up with
Letting out a sigh of relief as you finally find the bottle of disinfectant taking the bottle form the cabinet as you lift up your shirt looking at the open wound as fresh blood poured from the wound opening the bottle as you take a deep breath before pouring the liquid over the wound biting at your lip from the burning sensation
Sitting the bottle on the counter as you feel tears roll done you face as you try to find something to wrap the wound .. but once you couldn’t find anything you took off your shirt rubbing the bottom as you wrap it around your waist making a knot by your side as you hiss from the slight pain putting your shirt back on as it was now a half shirt showing off your belly and wound that was covered by your ripped shirt as you stare at your reflection in the mirror
Tears streaming down your face as you felt angry , hurt and annoyed at both Hyun su and Eun yu .. she knew just like anyone that you both were dating if anyone asked you would tell them with a huge smile in your face you both just didn’t calm each other boyfriend or girlfriend but you both knew .. you belonged to each other and no one else , yet …he didn’t seem to care about you at all
You were so caught up in your thought you didn’t hear the door open as it slowly closed behind Hyun su entered the room as his brown eyes slowly look up from his feet body stiffened as his eyes land on your waist that was wrapped in your ripping shirt a small blood splatter on the side indicating that it was still bleeding a bit as he smelled the fresh blood eyes feeling with worry as he takes slowly steps towards you stopping a few feet away
“A..Are you okay..” Hyun su says as he eyes still look at your wound with worry breaking you from your thoughts as you slowly turn to face him eyes now cold as you stare at him feeling the shudder change in the air as he looks you in the eyes slightly confused
“Why do you care” reader says as she looks at him with the same cold expression
“W-what..” Hyun su says brown eyes looking at you with confusion
“Don’t act like you care .. you don’t care about me” reader says as she feels her blood boil as she becomes annoyed
“I do ca-..”Hyun su tries to reply only to be cut off by you
“No the fuck your don’t Cha Hyun su..” you reply as you take two steps towards him
“You only care about her , right so why the fuck are you here .. if I recall you acting like I want even there instead you ran towards her now you flirt with her .. SO WHY DO YOU CARE CHA HYUN SU .. while I was struggling .. always getting hurt , you choose her .. at first I thought it was her brother but the learn that it was you” you says as tears start to slowly run down her face as Hyun Su stiffens as he feel his hurt ache from seeing you cry but not knowing what to say or do
“You choose her .. over me , so why do you care , huh” you say as you let out a shaky breathe as Hyun su looks down at his feet not saying a word
“Say.. since your allowed to flirt with the whore .. I’m now allowed to flirt with the solider out there ..yeah” you says as your lips slowly form in a grin as Hyun su body freezes eyes twitching with anger but not looking up or saying anything to you
“Or … how about I fuck him , yeah .. right here you seem to like her so much the keep her safe while I was in danger he was there to keep me safe unlike you, so I should be allowed to fuck him then” reader says with a chuckle as she stress at Hyun su with a serious expression slowly walking past him as you bump into his shoulder
Heading for the door as you step in your tracks feeling Hyun su cold hand grab the back of your head holding your hair in a tight grip as he lets out a dark chuckle walking closer to your small form keeping a hold of your hair as he bends down towards your ear
“We’ll kill him before he even prays a finger on you” Hyun su says as he voice becomes deeper then usual
“Fuck you let go Hyun su” You say as you try to release his grip on your hair only causing him to tighten his grip as you let out a quite moan from the tight hold
Turning as he pulls you by your hair towards the hospital bed pushing your small figure roughly on to the bed as his blue eyes stare down at you with so much anger sending a shiver down your spine
“We don’t give a shit about that girl , we asked her about you and the white said she hadn’t seen you .. yet you say you want that dumb ass solider to fuck you” Hyun su says as he lets out a dark laugh before looking back at you
“What .. he helps you a few times and it makes your panties wet or something , your craving for the solider cock now , YEAH, I BEEN HERE ALL ALONG YOU THINK I DIDN’T NOTCIE, I don’t give a damn about her and it seems you forgot your ours yeah” Hyun sun says with a evil grin as he blue eyes stare down at your figure as you try to move away from Hyun su
Chuckling as he grabs your ankles pulling your body towards him before lifting up your skirt as he rips your now soaked panties from your body as he quickly pulls down his pants and boxers as he grabs your figure turning you to your stomach as you let out a pained moan from you wound hitting against the bed from the sudden force Hyun su used to turn your body as his coke hands pulls you bottom half up in the air soon stroking his hard coke as he forcefully pushes his full length in your tight dripping hole as you grip at the bed trying not to moan
Using his free hand to grab a hand full of your hair as he pulls your body body with your hair causing you to slam on his coke with a force you don’t know he had , letting out a groan as he turn to look at you in the mirror blue eyes darkened as he start to pick up his pace causing your toes to curl as you let out a loud moan knowing the other heard as your eyes start to roll back from the hard thrust Hyun su was giving you
“Fucking whore , he can’t have you .. your already ours” Hyun su says with a grin as your eyes look at him through the mirror as your pussy tighten around Hyun su as you see the inhumane soles he was going as you feel your juices leak on the bed with every hard thrust he gave you
“Y-you .. f-fuck h-her TOO , AH” you try to let out as you let out a loud moan feeling Hyun su hit you cervix as you feel you legs shaky slightly coming to a stop once he proceed what you said
“Your so dumb..” Hyun su says become pounding into you faster than he was before as your breathe gets caught in your throat
“I don’t care about that girl” Hyun su says as you tightens around his cock feeling a knot forming in your stomach
“C-cum..” you try to say before letting out groan from the sudden feeling of emptiness as Hyun su turns you back on your back before pounding back into your dripping cunt as your arms wrap around his neck pulling him closer to your small figure as his cock kisses your cervix once again before the knot formed in your stomach before snapping soon after as your backs arches off the bed letting out a loud moan as your eyes roll to the back of your head feeling your juices leak from your soaked cunt as Hyun su gave you a few more stokers before releasing his load inside of you not pulling away from your until you caught your breathe as you look in his eyes as brown eyes now stare back at you
“We only love you..promise” Hyun su says as he looks down stiffening from how soaked he was yet not pulling out of you as he picks up your form laying on the bed as he stares up at you
“M-My turn now..” Hyun su says as he looks at you with pleasing eyes
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kiss4chuu · 1 year
⋅˚₊‧ ୨ request rules ୧ ‧₊˚
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⋅˚₊‧ ୨ general rules ୧ ‧₊˚
↳ we only write romantic, platonic, age regression, fluff, angst, and semi-nsfw. no full nsfw content.
↳ we write in oneshot, headcanon, social media, and multi-character form. for multi-characters, the limit is 4-6.
↳ lgbtq+ relationships are fully allowed and encouraged, this includes polyamory.
↳ cross-fandom and au’s are allowed.
↳ we won’t write ships, unless it’s in a polyamorous pairing.
↳ mental abuse, physical abuse, and abuse in general within a pairing is not allowed. topics of it, however, are allowed.
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⋅˚₊‧ ୨ fandoms ୧ ‧₊˚
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— new jersey devils
— edmonton oilers
— seattle kraken
— florida panthers
— toronto maple leafs
— anaheim ducks
— boston bruins
— chicago blackhawks
— calgary flames
— ottawa senators
— los angeles kings
— winnipeg jets
— tampa bay lightning
— washington capitals
— philidelphia flyers
— columbus blue jackets
— nashville predators
— san jose sharks
— arizona coyotes
— st louis blues
— buffalo sabres
— pittsburgh penquins
— montreal canadiens
— vancouver canucks
— minnesota wild
— colorado avalanche
— vegas golden knights
— detriot red wings
— new york islanders
— dallas stars
— carolina hurricanes
— umich (not nhl, but i also don’t care)
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— twice
↳ nayeon
↳ jeongyeon
↳ momo
↳ mina
↳ dahyun
↳ chaeyoung
↳ tzuyu
↳ sana
↳ jihyo
— blackpink
↳ lisa
↳ jennie
↳ jisoo
↳ rosé
— (g)i-dle
↳ soyeon
↳ miyeon
↳ soojin
↳ yuqi
↳ shuhua
↳ minnie
— red velvet
↳ irene
↳ seulgi
↳ wendy
↳ joy
↳ yeri
— itzy
↳ yeji
↳ ryujin
↳ lia
↳ yuna
↳ chaeryeong
— le sserafim
↳ yunjin / jennifer
↳ chaewon
↳ sakura
↳ kazuha
↳ eunchae
— ive
↳ wonyoung
↳ yujin
↳ gaeul
↳ liz
↳ leeseo
↳ rei
— loona
↳ heejin
↳ hyunjin
↳ haseul
↳ yeojin
↳ vivi
↳ kim lip
↳ choerry
↳ jinsoul
↳ yves
↳ chuu
↳ gowon
↳ olivia hye
— new jeans
↳ danielle
↳ haerin
↳ hanni
↳ minji
— aespa
↳ karina
↳ winter
↳ giselle
↳ ning ning
— bts
↳ namjoon
↳ yoongi
↳ hoseok
↳ jin
↳ jungkook
↳ jimin
↳ taehyung
— enhypen
↳ ni-ki
↳ jungwon
↳ sunoo
↳ sunghoon
↳ heeseung
↳ jay
↳ jake
— stray kids
↳ bang chan
↳ hyunjin
↳ felix
↳ lee know
↳ i.n
↳ han
↳ changbin
↳ seungmin
— txt
↳ soobin
↳ kai
↳ yeonjun
↳ beomgyu
↳ taehyun
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— crash landing on you
↳ ri jeong-hyeok
↳ yoon se-ri
↳ gu seung-joon
↳ seo dan
↳ park kwang-beom
↳ kim jumeok
— all of us are dead
↳ lee su-hyeok
↳ choi nam-ra
↳ lee cheong-san
↳ nam on-jo
↳ yoon gwi-nam
↳ lee na-yeon
↳ jang ha-ri
↳ park mi-jin
↳ jang woo-jin
↳ min eun-ji
↳ kim chul-soo
— sweet home
↳ cha hyun-soo
↳ lee eun-hyuk
↳ lee eun-yoo
↳ seo yi-kyeong
↳ jung jae-heon
↳ pyeon sang-wook
↳ yoon ji-soo
— squid game
↳ kang sae-byeok
↳ seong gi-hu
↳ salesman
↳ hwang jun-ho
↳ ji-yeong
↳ cho sang-wo
↳ front man
↳ abdul ali
↳ circle, triangle, and square guards
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© kiss4chuu | no reposts
32 notes · View notes
suhxin · 2 years
romantic 💝 - platonic 👥 - fluff 💌 - angst 💫
Soobin 💝👥💌 Huening Kai 💝👥💌💫 Yeonjun 💝👥💌💫
Chenle 💝👥💌💫 Jisung 💝👥💌💫 Mark 💝👥💌 Haechan 💝👥💌 Jaemin 💝👥💌 Renjun 💝👥💌 Jeno 💝👥💌 Yangyang 💝👥💌 Ten 💝👥💌
Sya 💝👥💌💫 Wooju 💝👥💌 Chris 💝👥💌
Sunoo 💝👥💌 Niki 💝👥💌
Alex 💝👥💌 Minseo 💝👥💌
Seongmin 💝👥💌
Fuma 💝👥💌 Maki 💝👥💌 Taki 💝👥💌 Nicholas 💝👥💌 Yuma 💝👥💌 K 💝👥💌 Jo 💝👥💌 EJ 💝👥💌 Harua 💝👥💌
Jiwoong 💝💌 Zhanghao 💝💌
Fantasy Boys
Junwon 💝👥💌 Kamden 💝👥💌
Gaku 💝👥💌 Minhyung 💝👥💌 Hayate 💝👥💌 Hikaru 💝👥💌
Boys Planet
Woonggi 💝👥💌 Yuki 💝👥💌💫 Takuto 💝👥💌💫 Seyun 💝👥💌💫 Haruto 💝👥💌 Kamden 💝👥💌
Yeji 💝👥💌
Rolling Quartz
Arem 💝👥💌
Dawn 💝👥💌 Park Jihoon 💝👥💌
(me not writing for all members of a group doesn't mean I don't like them, I just don't know how to write for them, and I don't want them to be too OOC)
Blind (2022)
Jung In Sung 💝💌💫 Ryu Sung Jun 💝💌💫
Choco Milk Shake
Milk 💝💌 Choco 💝💌
Extraordinary you
Eun Dan Oh 👥💌 Haru 💝👥💌💫 Baek Kyung 💝👥💌 Jin Mi Chae 💝💌
Suk Han Sung 💝👥💌
Ji Soo Bin 💝👥💌
Rooftop Prince
Sang Man Bo 💝💌
Roommates of Poongduck 304
Ji Ho Joon 💝💌 Seo Jae Yoon 💝💌
Semantic Error
Chu Sang Woo 💝💌 Lee Dong Gun 💝💌
Sweet Home
Cha Hyun Soo 💝💌💫
Tale of the Nine-Tailed
Lee Yeon 💝💌💫 Lee Rang 💝💌💫
The Uncanny Counter
So Moon 💝💌💫
Choi Joon Woong 💝👥💌
Kang Chul 💝💌💫
True Beauty
Lee Su Ho 💝💌 Han Seo Jun 💝💌
Weak Hero Class 1
Yeon Shi Eun 💝💌💫 Ahn Soo Ho 💝💌💫
Inspector Koo
Santa 💝💌💫
A shoulder to cry on
Lee Da Yeol 💝👥💌 Jo Tae Hyun 💝💌💫
Our Dating Sim
Shin Ki Tae 💝💌💫
The Eighth Sense
Seo Jae Won 💝💌💫 Oh Jun Taek 💝💌💫
Phantom School
Han Su Yeong 💝💌
DNA Says Love You
Amber 💝👥💌
Secrets in the Hot Spring
Xiao Gin 💝👥💌
Meteor Garden
Dao Ming Si 💝👥💌 Hua Ze Lei 💝💌
Take My Brother Away
Shi Fen 💝👥💌
Good Morning Call
Uehara Hisashi 💝💌
Alice in Borderland
Ryohei Arisu 💝👥💌💫 Chishiya Shuntaro 💝💌💫
Takara-kun to Amagi-kun
Takara Shun 💝👥💌 Amagi Taichi 💝👥💌
Candy Color Paradox
Onoe Satoshi 💝💌 Kaburagi Motoharu 💝💌💫
Lee Tae Ri 💝👥💌 Park Ji Bin 💝👥💌 Kim Ji Woong 💝💌 Cha Jae Hoon 💝👥💌 Ahn Ji Ho
Football/Soccer player
Cho Gue Sung 💝💌
14 notes · View notes
svnnw · 3 months
AT MIDNIGHT — haechan smau
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after y/n's boyfriend broke up with her, all her friends tried to distract her by sneaking into a college party not knowing she was going to find new friendships and possibly a new relationship.
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nonidol!haechan x fem!reader
GENRE — fluff, slowburn, comedy, humor, smau, college au, strangers to lovers, non-idol au
WARNINGS — reader is down bad, a little but of cursing, features other idols, karina (aespa), yeji (itzy), eunseok (riize), jungwoo (nct), mark (nct), sungchan (riize), winter (aespa), chaewon (lesserafim)
STATUS — completed — 21/05/24
PLAYLIST — how many drinks? – miguel [02:50] ; novacane – frank ocean [02:30] ; limbo – keshi [01:44] ; saturn – sza [00:57] ; all too well – taylor swift [08:35] ; cinnamon girl – lana del rey [00:41] ; baby came home 2 / valentines – the neighbourhood [01:48] ; love. – wave to earth [01:34] ; try again – jaehyun [01:02] ; ivy – frank ocean [00:00]
TAGLIST — closed
A/N — my first post and smau on this acc so im really excited!
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profile 1) – profile 2)
1) song kang >> cha eunwoo
2) art club
3) disney land
4) in another life
5) bear
6) know your limits.
7) frank ocean
8) misunderstanding
9) military enlistment
10) y/n's hit tweet
11) when i fly towards you
12) haechan's private account
13) the city of love
14) with the old gang
15) back with my girl
16) forced to say thanks born to say I LOVE YOU
17) haechan's thirst trap
18) if only you didn't forget your name..
19) pretty girl
20) buffed up like a jock geeked up like a nerd
21) i'd let him hit
22) where is jake when you need him
23) fake dating
24) souvenir shop
25) pretty princess
26) i gotta put me first
27) guilt tripping
28) freezing cold
29) bows suit you
30) sonny angels
31) drunk
32) friends don't act like that
33) dior and victoria secret
34) electric guitar
35) kim soo hyun
36) avoidant
37) psychology class
38) expanding the collection
39) why don't we
40) my girl learns fast
41) at midnight
42) thank you
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bonus chapters :
have you ever wondered..?
two people missing again
impulsive choice
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© svnnw
742 notes · View notes
noonecares915 · 3 years
No one can tell me this isn't the cutest thing ever
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950 notes · View notes
theadusa · 3 years
All the dramas I’ve watched in 2020
These are all the dramas that I watched in 2020, with some review there should be NO Spoilers. I think I watched a lot more than usual probably because what else am I supposed to do between school and quarantine. So this is gonna be a long one...
Crash Landing on You (Lee Jung-hyo, 2019-2020)
Main Leads: Hyun Bin and Son Ye-jin
Episodes: 16, 70 to 110 Minutes 
Thoughts: I enjoyed this drama, and it was a good one to start 2020 with. I thought it was a perfect blend of romance, comedy, heartfelt, found family, action, and some tragedy. I would highly recommend it, especially for those who are new to Kdramas. Also fun fact this is my first Hyun Bin drama. Rating: Fun and adorable
Tale of Nokdu (Kim Dong-hwi, 2019)
Main Leads: Jang Dong Yoon and Kim So Hyun
Episodes: 32, 35 minutes
Thoughts: I actually started watching this when it was airing but I stopped around episode 13 because of my busy schedule and finished it in the new year. I adore the main couple, the romance, comedy, the found family, and the women center story. I thought it shined the brightest when it was focused on the group and its funny and warm moments but once it got too political it kinda fell flat. I loved the ending, however. Also, I really like Jang Dong Young as an actor, I saw him in Solomon’s Perjury (2016) and Mr. Sunshine (2018) and I loved how he played Nok Du too. Rating: I love a women’s only widow village
I’ll Find You When The Weather is Nice (Han Ji-seung, 2020)
Main Leads: Seo Kang Joon and Park Min Young
Episodes: 16, 60 minutes 
Thoughts: I really liked this drama, probably one of my favorites this year. As you will notice I enjoy quieter and more slow-burn stories. Also, I am a fan of Park Min Young she tends to pick more interesting and strong-willed female roles, so it is really enjoyable to watch.  Rating: makes me want to own a book store.
King: The Eternal Monarch (Kim Eun-sook, 2020)
Main Leads: Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun
Episodes: 16, 70 Minutes
Thoughts: Confession; I am actually not the biggest fan of Lee Min Ho, nothing against him I just hate rich bratty characters and he tends to play them. However, I surprisingly really liked his character, he wasn’t a rich brat he actually was likable. I also really like Kim Go Eun, she is actually one of the main reasons why I watched and also with all the hype around it. Woo Do Hwan, who I have always liked, stole the whole show, however. I didn’t hate it like a lot of people, I really liked the characters, I liked the romance and the action. Also, Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun’s hugs were absolutely fabulous. It wasn’t my favorite and there were too many product placements, but I don’t think it was the worst drama this year. Rating: Lukewarm 
A Piece of your mind (Lee Sang-yeob, 2020)
Main Leads: Jung Hae In and Chae Soo Bin
Episodes: 12, 70 minutes
Thoughts: I actually really liked this drama despite the low views, again I’m big on slow burn stories and character focus. I believe the episodes were cut from 16 to 12 I don’t know exactly why maybe because of the Pandemic or due to viewership or a mixture of both. Despite its being cut short I really liked the ending, and I thought the two leads were sweet. Rating: Wish we had more time to develop the characters.
Its Okay not to be Okay (Park Shin Woo, 2020) 
Main Leads: Kim Soo Hyun and Seo Yea Ji and Oh Jung Se 
Episodes: 16, 70 to 85 minutes
Thoughts: Out of all the dramas I talked the most about this one. I have always been a fan of Seo Yea Ji since Save Me (2017) and Lawless Lawyer (2018) and I am happy to see her getting more recognition because of this role. The entire cast was amazing and I think I cried every episode. Such a good and heart-wrenching drama which is why I chose to watch it before work every time. Rating: I would let Seo Yea Ji stab me with a knife anytime.
Mystic Pop up bar (Jeon Chang-geun, 2020) 
Main Leads: Hwang Jung Eum and Yook Sung Jae and Choi Won Young
Episodes: 12, 70 minutes
Thoughts: I actually watched this while I was watching Its Okay Not to Be Okay and it was a nice balance to it because this was more of a found family story with less heartbreaking moments. Though it did have its share of heartbreak. I really liked all the characters and their relationship. Also, I am a sucker for bureaucratic fantasy/ magic, and kdramas are so good at it. Rating: I wish it was 16 episodes. 
When the Camila Bloom (Cha Yeong Hoon, 2019) 
Main Leads: Gong Hyo Jin and Kang Ha Neul
Episodes: 20, 63 to 75 minutes
Thoughts: I liked the story overall, the romance was cute and the mystery was interesting but I thought the family expectations was the best part of the story. This was not my favorite drama, but it was enjoyable and heartfelt. I watched it right after It's Okay Not to Be Okay and while I was watching Flower of Evil (2020) which probably is why I was so underwhelmed by it. Rating: Sweet romance and adorable found family.
Flower of Evil (Kim Cheol Kyu, 2020) 
Main Leads: Lee Joon Gi and Moon Chae Won
Episode:16, 70 minutes
Thoughts: This was my favorite drama of this year. I went into this drama not thinking much of it, and I mainly watched it as a post drama blues drama. It was an action and thriller which I mainly don’t get attached to plus I am a huge fan of Lee Joon Gi. I should have known better, I cared so much about all the characters, the acting phenomenal, also every time they showed their hands I cried. This drama left me shriveled and empty inside. Rating: Lee Joon Gi will literally kill me one day. 
Put Your Head On My Shoulders (Zhu Dongning, 2019) 
Main Leads: Xing Fei and Lin Yi 
Episodes: 24, 40 to 45 minutes
Thoughts: This is the first Chinese drama on this list. I thought it was cute, I liked the couple and thought it was alright. I started to dislike the male lead later in the series but it was overall fine. It was basic and sweet with very little drama. Rating: It did its job.
The School Nurse Files ( Lee Kyoung Mi, 2020)
Main Leads: Jung Yu Mi and Nam Joo Hyuk
Episodes: 6,  45 to 57 minutes
Thoughts: This is probably my second favorite drama. I couldn’t tell what happened in the drama but I loved it. I thought it was weird and fascinating, and just so magical. I loved the children and just how the whole school was just off its rocker. I also think that Nam Joo Hyuk does really well in serious roles, and I thought he did a really good job here. Rating: 1 jelly heart.  
Mr. Heart (Park Sun Jae, 2020) 
Main Leads: Cheon Seung Ho and Lee Se Jin
Episodes: 8, 11 Minutes
Thoughts: This was 8 episodes of start fluff and I adored it. Apparently, it is apart of a BL series by Park Sun Jae and there is a movie version that I haven’t watched. If you want to destress and watch just fluff this is the show for you. Rating: If it is any sweeter I would be going to the dentist. 
You are My Destiny ( Ding Ying Zhou, 2020) 
Main Leads: Xing Zhao Lin  and Liang Jie
Episodes: 36, 45 minutes
Thoughts: I hated this drama, I thought it was the worst thing ever. I don’t know why I even watched all 36 episodes. Apparently, it is a remake of a popular 2008 Twaniese drama Fated to Love You and there is a Korean remake of it as well. I have watched neither of them, so I was brand new to this story. I hated, despised the male lead. He was whiny, entitled, and an asshole. The only good part of the drama was the male and female lead actually had a lot of chemistry, unfortunately, they are playing awful characters. Rating: This was made in 2020???
First Romance (Ding Pei, 2020) 
Main Leads: Wan Peng and Riley Wang
Episodes: 24, 45 Minutes
Thoughts: This is another Chinese drama. Similar to Mr. Heart (2020) this show was super fluffy. I really liked the main couple they seem to respect each other and they both had adorable crushes on each other. I loved the whole dumb jock and dumb artist dynamic it was so funny. Rating: Cute!!! 
Lost Romance ( Eri Hao, 2020) 
Main Leads: Marcus Chang and Vivian Sung
Episodes: 20, 70 minutes 
Thoughts: This is the only Twainese drama on this list. I think I liked this drama, I actually only remember very little of this drama. I like the CEO in the real world more than the book world, and I also really liked the female lead except she lowkey stalked the CEO like that was not okay. Rating: I think I liked it???
When We Were Young ( Deng Ke, Liu Guo Hui, 2018)
Main Leads: Neo Hou and Wan Peng and Gala Zhang and Pan Mei and Ye Marcus Li
Episodes: 24, 45 minutes
Thoughts: I really liked this film, I loved all the characters and thought it was all very heartfelt. I cried like a baby, and Hua Biao was such a touching and relatable character. And the whole grandma story hit so close to home. Rating: Made me cry like a baby.
Moment of 18 ( Sim Na Yeon, 2019)
Main Leads: Ong Seong Wu and Kim Hyang Gi
Episodes: 16, 70 minutes
Thoughts: I really liked this drama, and I thought the romance was so cute. I also really liked the relationship between the moms and was sad that the rich mom was a bitch and ruined the friendship. I also wasn’t a big fan of the ending, but I loved the rest of it. Rating: The main lead is part of a boy group because he had a random singing moment. 
Perfect and Casual ( Li Shuang, 2020) 
Main Leads: Miles Wei and Xu Ruo Han
Episodes: 24, 45 minutes
Thoughts: This is another Chinese drama on this list. I’m pretty sure it's considered an Idol drama so that sets your expectations. I really liked this drama a lot, I am a big fan of contract marriages and I thought the leads were so cute together. Also, this is the first contract marriage drama where the leads don’t break up which I like. A lot of the drama came from outside of the relationship. Rating: You can’t analyze love.
Le Coup De Foudre ( Wang Zhi, 2019) 
Main Leads: Janice Wu and Zhang Yujian
Episodes: 35, 45 minutes
Thoughts: My favorite Chinese drama on this list. I loved this drama, I thought it was sweet and simple and the main couple was so realistic. Unpopular opinion I disliked the second couple and the best friend I thought she was annoying and brattish. However, I adore the main couple and their relationship. Rating: Realistic sweet romance. 
More Than Friends ( Choi Sung Bum, 2020)
Main Leads: Ong Seong Wu and Shin Ye Eun
Episodes: 16, 70 minutes
Thoughts: I enjoyed the overall story and characters. I loved the group and their relationships. Also, Young-Hee made me cry, and her relationship with Hyun Jae was so sweet. The main leads were also sweet, and I related a lot to Lee So. I just didn’t like the back and forth. Rating: How many times can we break up in a drama. 
Be With You ( Zhou Miao, 2020) 
Main Leads: Ji Xiao Bing and Zhang Ya-Qin
Episodes: 24, 45 minutes
Thoughts: This is the last Chinese drama I watched this year. It was alright, the romance was sweet, I really like the female lead, and the male lead was nice to look at. It was okay. Also, the second couple was so ??? She was his boss, enemy, and older than him, what?? Rating: Sometimes you need to fall in love to be creative. 
Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo ( Kim Kyu Tae, 2016) 
Main Leads: Lee Joon Gi and Lee Ji Eun (IU) 
Episodes: 20, 60 minutes
Thoughts: I know I am really late watching this, but I finally did. I went in knowing this would hurt me and Lee Joon Gi already scared me this year ( damn this man) so I was fully prepared. I really wasn’t,  it so much. (SPOIlERS) When Wang Eun and Park Soon Deok died I sob like a baby (SPOILER ENDING). It took me a long time to finish this show because its heart so much, like it physically hurt me. The show was really good, and heartbreaking, and the ending stabs me in the heart 20 times. Rating: Lee Joon Gi is trying to kill me with tears. 
Persona ( Lee Kyoung Mi, Yim Pil Sung, Jeon Go Woon, and Kim Jong Kwan, 2019) 
Main Leads: Lee Ji Eun (IU) 
Episodes: 4, 19 to 27
Thoughts: This is a collection of mini-films by directors. 4 separate stories are starring Lee Ji Eun. I thought all of them good, especially “ Kiss Burn” and “Walking at Night.” There isn’t much else to this, more than it is an artistic display of filmmaking. Rating: Hipster Kdrama
Come and Hug Me ( Choi Joon-bae, 2018) 
Main Leads: Jang Ki-Yong and Jin Ki-Joo
Episodes: 32, 35 minutes
Thoughts: I actually just finished this show today. I really liked it, I thought it was both sweet and heartwarming/wrenching. I hated that one journalist and the public like why are they blaming a victim. I didn’t watch it with my full mind because I’ve been distracted lately, but I did enjoy it. Rating: another cute but sad couple. 
Movies I watched this year: 
Spell Bound ( Hwang In Ho, 2011)
Main Cast: Son Ye Jin and Lee Min Ki
Running Time: 114 Minutes
Thoughts: I watched this at like 12 am after a bad day and it was cute. I love RomCom fantasy, which I think Korean media does really well. I don’t know what else to say except it is a really cute romance. Rating: Is it the ghost or the butterflies
The Host ( Bong Joon Ho, 2006)
Main Cast: Song Kang Ho and Byun Hee Bong and Park Hae Il and Bae Doona and Go, Ah Sung
Running Time: 119
Thoughts: This film I had to actually watch for class. It was a really good film which is expected from Bong Joon Ho. I love monster films and I thought this was a good rendition of this film. Also, The monster was so cool especially from 2006. I thought it was heartbreaking, stirring, and so beautifully shot. Rating: Oscar-worthy Direction 
Little Forest ( Yim Soon-rye, 2018) 
Main Cast: Kim Tae Ri  and Ryu Jun Yeol and Moon So Ri and Jin Ki Joo
Running Time: 103 minutes
Thoughts: I really, really liked this film. It reminded me so much of I’ll Find You When The Weather is Nice (2020) that I thought that it was based on this film but it isn’t. I have watched this film 3 times since October and every time I watch it have made bread. I really just love everything about this film, how quiet it is, the cinematography, the acting, just everything. Rating: Three loaves of bread. 
Always ( Song Il Gon, 2011)
Main Cast: So Ji Sub and Han Hyo Joo
Running Time: 106 Minutes
Thoughts: I thought it was okay, I watched it while I was knitting so I was distracted a bit. But I thought the couple was sweet, and the characters were interesting. Rating: It's Okay.
       Currently watching 
True Beauty ( Kim Sang-hyeop, 2020-) 
Main Cast: Moon Ga Young and Cha Eun Woo and Hwang In Yeop
Episodes: 16, 70 minutes 
Thoughts: This is currently an ongoing series that is actually really popular. Apparently, it is based on a webtoon, which I haven’t read. I like it so far, I always liked Moon Ga Young and I think she is a great actress. She plays Im Ju Kyung in a likable and insecure way, instead of someone annoying which could easily happen. I will be continuing watching. Rating so far: Okey dokey yo.
Live On ( Kim Sang-woo, 2020-) 
Main Cast: Jung Da Bin and Hwang Min Hyun
Episodes: 8?, 60 Minutes
Thoughts: I really Like this show. The main couple is sweet and supportive. I really like the female lead, I like that she is cold and kinda quiet, but with a sweet spot if you are not a dick. I really like the main relationship conflict comes from friendship instead of romance, I think it makes the show more interesting. Rating: I want to Join a Broadcast group.  
On My List: 
I actually don’t have anything else on my list so if anyone has recommendations please tell me. I am thinking about watching Mr. Queen ( 2020) because I really like Shin Hye Sun. I also want to watch Sweet Home (2020) the Netflix series. But please recommend me some dramas!!!
This is such a long list, and I had fun doing it and going back over all the dramas. I hope everyone has a good New year and that we will have many more good dramas in 2021!
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nerdofthecentrey · 7 months
Hi! Can I ask for cha hyun-su helping his s/o who has a really really bad migraine?
Cha Hyun-Su x Reader with bad migraines
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A/N: This is my first request hopefully you enjoy 😊🤞
Genre: Fluff and Comfort
- Hyun-su as much as he hates begging would beg Eun-Hyeok for time away from savaging to be with you.
- Hyun-Su tries his best to aid you in these times. He’ll get you anything you ask for like strong pain medication (if he can find it). Cold or hot cloth for you head. Soup or rice.
- He is extremely protective especially when you’re having migraines. He snaps quietly at the group to be quiet. Nobody ever argues cause they know what’s happening.
- He’ll lay with you in a dim room a candle lit for small comforting light. He even created a small night light out of a food can. It projects stars onto the walls and looks even cooler when you spin it.
- He’ll lay down by your side and only get close if your comfortable. He’ll stroke your hair gently or draw on your hands with his fingers tips.
- You sometimes ask him to tell you stories because it’s better than the hushed groans of the monsters. Every time you have moments like this he always manages to take you away from the sharp pains.
“ Hyun-Cha.” You whisper softly to the boy next to you. He hums in response.
“ Can you tell me story, please?”
“ I’m not sure I’ll be the best but I can try..”
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erisfiles · 4 years
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IG - @kingsbtsffs / Tumblr - @prince13jimin-kingsbtsffs
The Emperor
characters : “The 7 Dragons” Emperors; Min Yoongi, Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook. Ahn Y/n. Bang Hyunsik. Soo Jaemin
cameos : Prince Park Jihyun (Emperor Jimin’s younger brother) , Jeon Junghyun (Emperor Jungkook’s older brother, the general of his military, Jung Jiwoo (Emperor Hoseok’s older sister, his advisor), and Cha Eunwoo (a soldier of the Kim’s empire)
word count : I have no idea
Warnings for this chapter : 🚨🚨🚨Brief mention of whores and sex. Brief mention of beheading 🚨🚨🚨
genre : fluff, angst, smut, action, emperor au
Author’s note : I am sorry I have not updated in so long! I had gotten my wisdom teeth taken out about a week ago and I am still recovering!
Disclaimer : in honor of spring i am going to be using 🌸and🌷and 🌺as indent markers
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷
3rd POV
🌷Y/N stood still, the door slightly ajar, being cautious, focused on not being seen. Her breath hitched, her heart beating through her ears. Her knuckles turned white as she grasped the handle leading ti the boy. A loud silence fell upon everyone, the sudden downpour from being the only sound breaking the piercing silence.
🌺She looked at the guards standing besides the door, Y/N tilted her head to the side signaling for them to guard the main doors of the palace instead. She hesitantly held her knuckles above the door, afraid that maybe just maybe she would make the situation more worse than it already is. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, calming her nerves,p feeling her heart beat faster than normal. With a sigh, she opened the door to see the boys staring at her.
🌸Y/N looked at them, her eyes wandering around the room until she met eyes with Jimin. They stared at each other for a while, Jimin soon then ripped his gaze away from her, Y/N gulped wondering if he was mad at her. No, she knew he was mad at her. “I know you were eavesdropping.” Y/N gulped, looking down on shame and feeling her face heat up. Yoongi scoffed at her, pleased from how she cowered the moment she heard his voice. “Were you not taught not to listen to someone else’s conversation that doesn’t involve you?”
🌷Y/N scoffed, rolling her eyes at her husband, not giving a damn about his title. “Oh. But I’m sure I was involved considering you were talking about ME.” Yoongi walked away from his position, storming across the room towards her. Gripping her chin between his fingers, he tilted her head up, looking into her eyes and not minding their close proximity. “Now, why would you have a problem about my fellow allies and I talking about my beautiful wife? Or should I say my Empress?” Y/N’s eyes widened as Yoongi had confidently blurted out her secret.
🌺From the corner of her eyes she saw Jimin looking down, his knuckles turning white, figure taking a shaky deep breath. She felt her heart break for the vulnerable man, the vulnerable she can’t help but to love. Namjoon trailed where her gaze was and saw Jimin, breaking the silence, he clapped his hands. “Now, it is dark outside. The festival is today and the townspeople are getting ready. We should get going, ignore the problems for right now and celebrate. Yoongi, Jimin, and Y/N please stay behind. I need to speak to you privately.”
🌸Everyone else left, passing by Y/N offering her a small smile as they’ve come to find out a lot about her in a short amount of time. Taehyung stopped in front of Y/N with a harsh gaze, her looking down as he was still an emperor. Arms hugging her tight surprised her, realizing that the person was Taehyung, she hugged him back even though she had only met him. “I’m glad you’re my sister. If they cause you any problem just shout my name and Jin Hyung and I will rescue you, princess.” Y/N chuckled, letting each other go and separating ways.
🌷The door shut behind Y/N leaving her with her brother and two important people in her life. “Would you mind explaining what Yoongi meant when he called you his queen, Y/N?” Namjoon sat down on his seat, confused as to what was going on, confused as to why it felt like Jimin had to be part of this as well. Yoongi sat at the other of the long table, opposite of a Namjoon and Jimin, sighing as he already wanted this meeting to be over. Y/N looked at Yoongi, her eyes begging for help as she didn’t know whether or not to admit or deny Yoongi’s claim. “I was just joking around, Joon. Don’t take it too seriously.”
🌺Jimin scoffed at the words that came out of Yoongi’s mouth. “That’s bullshit, Yoongi Hyung. You know that.” Yoongi glared at him, crossing his arms, amused at the younger one’s response. “What bullshit, Jimin? We’ve known each other our whole lives. You know me, a jokester. Why can’t you take a joke? Were you actually scared I took your supposed woman? Weren’t you the one begging to fuck one of my whores when you came to my palace a couple days ago? A specific whore at that...Eunhye? Was it?” Jimin froze in his spot, his gaze now softer, filled with pity, focusing on Y/N and saw how her mouth was slightly ajar, probably due to the shock of hearing what Jimin had been doing.
🌸Namjoon sighed as his two best friends were arguing over something irrelevant. His gaze went to Y/N as the two other men continued to bicker back and forth, cursing each other out. Namjoon approached Y/N and put his hand on top of her shoulders making Y/N flinch. She looked at her supposed brother with saddened eyes, smiling bitterly at him she decided not to say anything fearing that she will break down the moment she opens her mouth.
🌷Namjoon took her hand and dragged her out of the room no longer caring for the two imbeciles he both considered best friends. Y/N mindlessly followed also no longer wanting to be in the same room with Jimin and Yoongi. After being dragged for a few minutes, she suddenly bumped into Namjoon’s back startling her in the process. She looked up only to see that he took her to the throne room. Y/N looked at him confused as to why he had brought her here out of all places and instead of celebrating the festival
🌺Namjoon looked at her and gestured for her to go in first. Fire suddenly illuminated the thrown room, the hallway getting brighter and brighter as the guards lit up the torches. Getting to the last to pair of torches, three thrones emerged from the dark, one that being bigger than the other two. “Appa...uh gave me his thrown. Though, I don’t know why. I thought that his throne would best suit Jin Hyung. However, even Jin Hyun didn’t want it, he told me that it was mine and always was.” Y/N looked at him and smiled, chuckling lightly. “Hey! What do you mean you don’t know! You’ve always been a leader, Joon. Ever since we were kids, you always were. Every time the three of us would go on an adventure, you would lead us to places. Not even the guards could do that so they had to follow you too!” Namjoon laughed loudly, remembering their antics as children, reminiscing the good memories.
🌸He remembered how they would always meet up, at one point he couldn’t hide it from his dad, excitedly telling him of his newly found friend, his reaction when he put the puzzle pieces together that you were their sister. “You’re going to have your thrown up there in a couple days. I’ve already told the blacksmiths to design you a thrown. That is if you’d like to stay here, my dear sister.” Y/N didn’t know what to answer. She had always known that she was welcomed in this kingdom, in the palace, she even had her own chambers. But to be an princess was something she was not ready for
🌷”Is there something wrong, Y/N?” Namjoon looked at her in worry, his gaze following hers. She was staring at the gigantic family portrait hung up above the thrones. Her father’s and her brothers’ individual portraits along with the portraits of past Kim emperors. “Why is your mom’s portrait not there?” Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows, realizing she was trying to avoid his question. “Don’t avoid the question, Y/N. Does it have something to do with what Yoongi had ‘jokingly’ mentioned back there? Are you really an Empress now?” Y/N seethed in anger at the mention of the bastard’s name. “No! I am merely a concubine.”
🌺Namjoon shook his head knowing his sister didn’t understand the full picture. “Y/N, you’re not a commoner. You are a princess. When an Emperor marries a royal, they become an Empress ruling his kingdom with him until their death, just like the sayings in the vows.” Namjoon walked up to his throne, tracing it with his fingertips, remembering looking up at his dad from his lap as a child whenever he sat down to deal with problems. “You can choose to stay here, while also being an Empress for the Min Empire and as a princess for the Kim Empire or you can choose to stay in the Min Empire. Either way, it’s a win-win situation as you do not lose any of your titles. The decision is yours.” Y/N felt as if the world was crumbling beneath her, so much has had happened all at once
🌸”But I don’t love Yoongi. I love Jimin. I don’t want to live in an empire with someone I do not love. I do not want to rule a kingdom where I feel like I don’t belong. I want to break my oath to Yoongi. I want to be with Jimin” Namjoon’s eyes widened at his sisters sudden statement. His eyes wandering around to see if any government officials were present. “Are you insane? Y/N, once you oath yourself to someone you cannot, and I repeat, cannot break it. If you publicly announced that you want to break the oath because you’re in love with someone else it will leave you headless.” Y/N wish he said the exact opposite, was Jimin worth it?
🌷”I know what you’re thinking, Y/N. I want you to listen. Jimin isn’t the one for you and-“ Y/N interrupted him, completely annoyed with everyone has been saying around her.
“How do you know what’s best for me?! Does EVERYONE happen to know what’s best for me except for myself?! I love Jimin and you can’t change-“
“He’s cheated on you multiple times, Y/N!”
Y/N froze in her spot, her mouth ajar, eyed as wide as saucers, stuttering, trying to process everything. Everything that happens and is happening.
🌺”No. Jimin told me he loved me. I may be pathed to Yoongi but Jimin is the one who owns my heart.” Namjoon sighed, rolling his eyes at Y/N who had always been hard-headed. “Jimin...I don’t know if he told you or if you’re aware at least...Jimin has a whore for every empire. Yoongi’s, ours, Hosoek’s, and Jungkook’s. You’re not the only woman beside his mom in his life.” Y/N couldn’t understand, well, she refused to listen and understand. He let his words go in one ear and out the other. “Yoongi..., he is a good man, Y/N. Don’t let rumors of him mess up your perspective of him. For Jimin, as much as I consider him my brother, he’s only been playing you this whole time. I’m sorry. I know you love him. We’ve known for a long while that you two were involved with each other. But now that the announcement that you and Yoongi are married, it can’t continue. I will make sure Jimin is not within 6 feet of you.”
🌸Y/N’s uneven breathing was heard throughout the massive room, her knees giving up on her eventually collapsing and her sobs became more loud and clear. Her nails forming crescents on the palm on her hands on how tight her fist was. She didn’t mind the pain, the pain that hurt the most was the heart break. She shook her head vigorously, denying her brother’s claims. “No brother would say that to me. No brother would make up lies just for her to stay away from someone she loves.”
🌷Namjoon sighed again, confused as to why his sister won’t believe him. “If you think I’m lying to you just to make you stay with Yoongi and leave Jimin then...then that’s up to you. I’ll leave you to talk with the government officials. If they ever mention you, I’ll say that you speak for yourself because clearly I can’t speak for you. I won’t ever speak for you ever again. You’re an Empress now, Y/N, whether or not you want to be. This was your destiny. Now let’s walk on our own paths because now you have your own that you want to walk by yourself in.”
“No, wait, Namjoon-“
“I presume I will see you at the festival, Princess Y/N. If not, good night.”
🌺When the door closed she didn’t run off after her brother even though she knew she was in the wrong. But she couldn’t control her feelings. She hated him. She felt more immense hatred for Yoongi. She hated herself and she hated Jimin. But she hated her Emperor more. She looked at the portrait of her dad, sitting in his thrown in his hanbok with a smile on his face, the only emperor who had a smile on his face in their royal portrait. “I’m sorry,...dad. I feel I’ve already failed you.”
Y/N walked out of the frown room and out into the town considering no one knew her title she aimlessly wandered around. Eventually stumbling upon the seven emperors also aimlessly walking around with guards nearby, everyone making way for them. Y/N hid in the crowd as they stood in a line, the crowd gathering in front of the. Her eyes searched for a Jimin only for it to seem like he was out of this world. Y/N felt love and hatred towards him at the moment, to think someone had actually fooled her and used her.
🌷The General of the Royal Army’s booming voice hushed the voices amongst the crowd. “Today, we would like to make an announcement concerning all empires.” The general looked at Namjoon, receiving a nod from him and stepping up.
“These last few days have been very challenging for the allied Emperors. However, do not worry as we are trying our best to prepare for this altercation. No, it is not war, however, that doesn’t mean that this will be dealt with peace either. Along with that, my brothers and I have found news ourselves.” Silence fell amongst the crowd waiting for their Emperor to finish his speech. Y/N stood in the crowd also intrigued by what news he was going to announce.
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“I’d like for us to introduce you to Empress Y/N of the Min Empire, sister to the the Three Kim Emperors.”
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kdramaopinions · 4 years
My ID Is Gangnam Beauty
SPOILERS AHEAD! (ok idk if there is but rather safe than sorry am i right)
This was my first ever k-drama, and so started my addiction. It isn’t the best drama I’ve watched, and I’d like to think I’ve watched a few. But, it will hold a special place in my heart, so with that being said, I’ll continue. 
There’s quite a bit of drama, what with Soo Ah brought into the mix, but it follows a rather cliche plot. There’s the rich guy and the ordinary girl, the second lead male and, of course, the typical cunning second lead female. However, the whole plastic surgery and meeting each other again, I found it quite exciting and downright cute.
The character of Do Kyung Suk is played very well, the personality and the acting is natural and makes the experience enjoyable. Let’s not forget his beauty, because lord. Kang Mi Rae is simply adorable! She shows the awkwardness of a typical young woman and I think she brings life into the show. I feel like it reflects Im Soo Hyang’s personality as well, which made it all the more realistic. Let’s not even go into her fashion sense because it is ON POINT!!! Jo Woo Ri has played Hyun Soo Ah so well and made her such an unlikable person, which WOW it was just...WOW. Kwak Dong Yeon was so sweet, second-lead syndrome hit me. Though, I don’t really know what else to say about him other than that. Sorry -_-
The chemistry between Cha Eun Woo and Im Soo Hyang is definitely there, it’s more of an innocent love than anything. Eun Woo’s personality off camera is completely opposite to on camera, and the two get along really well off camera, which I think is important in order to add a sense of naturalness. As in, their fluff is just...*insert fangirl screeches*. Again, their relationship is innocent, it’s sweet and honestly quite short-lived? They got together quite late and I did want to see their relationship progress. But oh well. I still like what I got :)
Overall, this drama is worth watching, but maybe just to pass time. I wouldn’t recommend it as a first k-drama, like it was for me, but just as a means of watching it here and there. Watch this drama if you’re looking for something fluffy, with a side of awkward.
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kdramafeminist · 5 years
Drama Masterpost 2020
Every drama I’ve watched this year + a one line review + score out of 10! 
My Ratings:
10= Masterpiece! Work of Art. Don’t agree and I will fight you. Swords at dawn.  9-9.5= Basically Perfect! Flaws you say? What flaws?    7.5-8.5= Big Loved! It stumbled in a couple of places, but we forgive it. 6.5-7= Super Fun! Enjoyable ride but nothing spectacular. 5-6= Safe Average. A solid “okay” I probably won’t remember for long. 3.5-4.5= Precious time in my life I’ll never get back.  1.5-3= Bad. Just bad. Do not watch. 1= Kill it. Kill it with fire.   
Hyena (aired 2020) - problematic leads with fire chemistry and wonky morals serve us a super addictive, kinda cheesy, very fun journey. 8.5/10
Crash Landing on You (aired 2019/20) - started absolutely brilliantly, began sinking midway and became a lead balloon by the end. Watch for the supporting cast if nothing else I guess. 4.5/10
Kingdom Season 2 (aired 2020) - Koreans doing zombies exactly as they should be done with Bae Doona stealing my heart as she was meant to. 9.5/10
365: Repeat the Year (aired 2020) - From beginning to end it was entertaining and moved at breakneck speed. I think there was one plot twist per episode (at minimum). Also the two leads’ chemistry shined here. 8.5/10
My Holo Love | DROPPED EP.3 (aired 2020) - Dull. Never connected with the characters, didn’t care about their story. 3.5/10
The King: Eternal Monarch | DROPPED EP.10 (aired 2020) - Objectively is may be more of a 4 star but my expectations were so high it only fell so much further. A PPL-machine disguised as a drama. 1.5/10
Angel Beside Me (aired 2020. Thai) - Cute, inoffensive kinda cheesy lovestory. No gripes. 5.5/10
Shopping King Louie (aired 2016) - Pure fluff. Brains off, uwu on and take nothing seriously in order to enjoy. Just fun! 7/10
Because This is My First Life (aired 2017) - Started off on a unique, realistic high. Ended on disappointing cliches & an abandonment of what made the first half so great. 7/10
Extracurricular (aired 2020) - Unlike any kdrama I’ve seen. Gorgeously directed, brilliantly acted and though the story is overly dramatic, it’s never to the point of silliness. Top tier. 9/10
Hi, Bye Mama! (aired 2020) - Made me cry which was obviously the goal & they succeeded. Cha Yuri & Oh Minjung are amazing female characters. 8.5/10
Good Casting (aired 2020) - Extremely silly but a fun watch for some ass-kicking women and fluffy romance. Second-romance is shit though. 6.5/10
The Stranded (aired 2019. Thai) - Fits perfectly into the genre it lives in with some characters you’ll love to bits and others you’ll daydream about throwing off a cliff. Speaking of- cliffhanger ending & open plot threads with no concrete S2 plans drop the score. 8/10
Where Your Eyes Linger (aired 2020) - Super-cute romance told in bite-size chunks. Just ignore the dumb premise and focus on these kids being the softest idiots in love. 7.5/10
Strangers From Hell (aired 2019) - Creepy, dark and 100% as thrilling as advertised with themes that will make you think and Lee Dong Wook and his buddies casually slipping into your nightmares. 8.5/10
Oh My Baby | DROPPED EP.10 (aired 2020) - Not offensive, just not for me. Premise advertises a focus on unconventional motherhood. Actual drama is just another run-of-the-mill romcom that does nothing new. Yawn. 4.5/10
The Ghost Bride (aired 2020) - Short series perfect to binge with a fun supernatural setting and easy to enjoy leads, underrated gem! 6.5/10
Mystic Pop-up Bar (aired 2020) - Best drama of 2020 hands down! Stop everything your doing and go watch the most precious found family ever! 10/10
I Hear Your Voice | REWATCH (aired 2013) - I was in drama slump and missed LJS’s face idk. Still as good as the first time I watched it. Perfect noona romance. 8.5/10
Into The Ring (aired 2020) - Best couple of the year? I think so! The characters are amazing individually & together! A heartfelt story and unique directing makes this perfect. 9/10
Strongest Deliveryman (aired 2017) - The leads lacked romantic chemistry and the story was just fine. Had fun moments here and there. 5/10 I Do, I Do (aired 2012) - A cute noona romance with a fierce FL. The romance wasn’t great but I enjoyed the growth the characters had. 7.5/10
Flower Of Evil (aired 2020) - Cha Ji Won is a queen, lets bow down. Hyun Soo deserves only happiness & nothing less. The ending is slightly a let down but everything else is so perfect! 8.5/10
Romance is a Bonus Book (aired 2019) - Another noona romance! Honestly wished they had stayed friends & think the second leads would’ve made better leads bc better chemistry! A fun story about booklovers though so I’m based & would never hate it. 7.5/10
Stranger/Secret Forest 2 (aired 2020) - Slow in the middle and I missed the character moments from s1 that we lost in favour of a more complicated story. Intriguing mystery with important themes & messages and HwangHan continue to be BDE badasses with every breath they take. Loved! 8.5/10
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