#cause he doesn’t take me seriously and thinks I’m just being lazy even tho he can HEAR and SEE that I’m sick
imogenkol · 1 year
Pray 4 me 🥲
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carigm · 1 year
Today Millie had a fan panel in which she answered that her ideal ending would be Mike and El getting married and Will being happy and confessing to Mike (lol) and ofc the Stranger Things fandom kicked up the old Byler vs Mlvn war once again, regardless of the fact she doesn’t write the show. But I want to break down some points here about things I’ve been noticing today, but also for a while and that I think need to be discussed. Keep reading if you want.
I’ve seen a lot of hostility towards Byler and Bylers on Twitter lately, saying we’re delusional and don’t know what we’re talking about. This always seems to be the go to argument even tho it’s all in the narrative. Today it got really bad after Millie’s comments and even people that were merely disagreeing with her opinions got called everything from delusional to misogynistic.
IF the Duffers suddenly decided to ignore everything they’ve carefully crafted and put into their narrative that doesn’t make anyone delusional, it just makes them terrible writers. Who would be doing a great disservice to all three characters involved in the love triangle.
There’s been an insurgence (on Twitter) of so called “Will stans” who seem to be completely fine with the idea of mlvn being endgame because “Will can just get another boyfriend” Not only is this insulting to what the writers have already established for Will’s character but it’s also a defense and endorsement of the worst kind of lazy/bad writing that could graze our screens.
The Duffers CHOSE to tie Will’s character arc to Mike’s and El’s.
How do you expect them to undo that and create a well fleshed out character that’s deserving of Will, in 8 episodes that we know are not just gonna be dedicated to Will’s supposed love interest, because there’s a shit ton of stuff to resolve?
If this was the route the Duffers were going for, they could’ve clearly given Will a love interest last season (like with Robin) or two seasons ago (like with Dustin) And yet somehow, people think it would be totally okay for Will to get the most meaningless romance of all time as the writers ignore the same story they’ve created.
Another point I’ve been seeing a lot from these people is “Mike won’t come out. Let it go. He’s just a very unlikable character” What does that say about the quality of the writing and content you’re willing to consume then? You’re okay with characters being poorly written? And please someone explain to me how Mike’s actions, especially in S4, make any sense unless he likes Will.
The more people try to simplify this story the more plot holes and inconsistencies it creates.
The funny thing is that a lot of these “Will stans” used to be Bylers themselves but are so deathly afraid it won’t be endgame that they’ve started to use the same rhetoric mlvns use every day to justify what would be atrocious writing.
And this next thing might be controversial but I think it needs to be said.
So many people on Twitter have hit those who disagree with Millie’s opinion today with “y’all are misinterpreting Millie’s words” and let me tell you, no one has. She’s been saying the same stuff for forever and quite frankly she’s never had a coherent thought about Will. Which is fine, at the end of the day that’s not the character she plays. However, I haven’t forgotten how last year (at another panel) she was asked about Byler and said it was just a reflection of Finn and Noah’s friendship and that was what people were seeing…
Whatever the fuck that means, I guess.
Again, I’m not taking her answer today too seriously cause truth be told she’s been saying some version of this since she was around twelve, and has even at times said she was joking about it. If a wedding were actually happening she wouldn’t be able to say it cause I’d literally be a spoiler, even if she doesn’t have the scripts yet or doesn’t know I’m sure there’s things that would be off limits for any actor to say at this point.
But this defense squad that formed today begging for us to not misconstrue her words because “she really cares about Will’s character” is laughable.
Her answers regarding the topic of the love triangle have been anything but nuanced. If she doesn’t want to get into it or address it, that’s fine. It’s her choice.
But of course, mlvn stans are gonna take her answers seriously, as well as those who are now “Will stans” who basically ship mlvn too.
And to me there’s a fundamental flaw regarding the ship wars in this fandom, which these people don’t seem to grasp. At this point, it isn’t so much about “which ship is better” but “which outcome isn’t violently homophobic”
That’s it.
I don’t care how much you ship mlvn, this is the undisputed truth here.
But when your lead actors act like it’s not a big deal, it’s no surprise the fandom doesn’t give a shit.
I can only hope the Duffers were smart enough to see reason and were able to write the only outcome that won’t set television back around 10 years or so.
And hopefully one day, when S5 is out, we can get a more in depth and honest conversation with the actors about all of this.
As for me, I’m gonna lay low and not give much of a fuck until we start getting those Reddit leaks, which were very much accurate for last season. I’ll take a peak at those, and depending on what they look like, I’ll stay around or dip completely.
If you read all of this, thank you.
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Armando and Betty are my Roman empire! I would really hate it if they ruined the beautiful relationship they have.
Yes!! Same!! I love them so much when I heard about the new sequel I was excited to see how much stronger their bond has gotten over the years. But after finding out about the amnesia plotline I’ve been having mixed feelings about it.
It sounds interesting cause it’ll be like a do over with their love story. They’ll be able to restart their relationship without the horrible plan Mario created. I’m kinda liking that idea cause tbh I am a sucker for couples falling in love with each other all over again (doesn’t matter the scenario). In a sense it’s kinda romantic for me.❤️
Then again we might not see their great partnership they’ve created from the 20+ yrs of marriage.
In the OG Armando would get into all sorts of trouble but Betty would be able to solve them by assessing the situation now imagine in the new sequel roles are reversed! Instead of Betty solving problems it’ll be Armando taking on that role! Ahh that would be so cool!! But if we’re taking the amnesia route then will most likely not see this unless, by some miracle, towards the end of the series.😒
Also I’m worried that with the amnesia plotline the story will start off with Betty and Armando having a rough marriage with a divorce on sight and end with “thanks to Betty fighting for Armando’s memories(and love) now their marriage is stronger than ever”. I can swear to you this is how it’s going to play out! And if they do then to me that just sounds like lazy writing and uninteresting to me.
Tho I have to admit it would be nice to see Armando avoiding all forms of flirtation from other women cause of his love for Betty even if he doesn’t have his memories. It’s like his mind doesn’t remember but his heart and body does which is romantic to me ngl🙈.
Now that I think about it I remember AMO mentioned in an interview that in this sequel Betty will think about the choices she’s made in her life. I really do hope it doesn’t involve Betty regretting marrying Armando!! Cause if that’s even mentioned I will not take the sequel seriously. From that point onwards I’ll just think about it as a live action fanfic and not a continuation to the novela.😒
Sorry for being so negative! It’s just that I don’t have much hope for the writers. I remember someone mentioned that the writers for the sequel were involved in Pasión de Gavilanes. Even tho I’ve never watch that novela Ik a lot of people hated the progression and ending of it. I just hope the writers have been listening to the ysblf fandom and not mess things up!
Anyways things that I really want to see in the new sequel is lovey dovey scenes from B&A, jealousy on both sides, them defending each other, their different parenting style and how they harmonize, and most of all I want scenes of Armando being his sexy self🫦
Also it’ll be funny if they end the sequel with them wanting another kid🤣 cause ngl I’m still shocked how they only had one lol!
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stargazer-sims · 10 months
A Confrontation
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Taiji: Hey, I need to talk to you for a minute.
Senjirō: About what?
Taiji: About Haru.
Senjirō: I’ve got nothing to say about Haru.
Taiji: That’s funny, because you usually have lots to say about him.
Senjirō: Is this about the fire in the laundry room?
Taiji: Yeah, but it's about a lot more than that. Call it a conversation about ethics.
Senjirō: A conversation about ethics? Seriously, what do you want, Taiji?
Taiji: I just want you to listen, for a start.
Senjirō: Fine. I'm listening. What's this really about?
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Taiji: It's really about Haru. He doesn't like the way you and Keigo treat him, and neither do I.
Senjirō: If Haru doesn't like it, why isn't Haru talking to me about it?
Taiji: Because he doesn't like confrontation. It upsets him, even if the point of doing it is for his own benefit. But, I don't have that problem. I can handle confrontation, especially if it's to protect my friends or something else that's important to me. Or both.
Senjirō: What?
Taiji: Look, here's the thing. You and Keigo have to start being nicer to him. You don’t have to like him, but you gotta stop bullying him, ‘cause things are starting to get out of control around here.
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Senjirō: You think I’m bullying him?
Taiji: I don’t know what else to call it when you’re constantly being mean to somebody. Haru can’t help being the way he is, you know. It’s not right for you to call him stupid and lazy, and to always make fun of him for everything.
Senjirō: I don’t do that.
Taiji: Actually, yeah, you do. And you’re hurting him, whether or not you care about that.
Senjirō: He doesn’t seem particularly hurt to me. He’s never said anything.
Taiji: No, because he’s trying to hide it because he’s scared.
Senjirō: Of what?
Taiji: You.
Senjirō: That’s ridiculous.
Taiji: Is It? You already take advantage of his weaknesses. What do you think he imagines you’d do if you found out about a few more?
Senjirō: I don’t—
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Taiji: You’ve probably never been bullied in your life, have you? People like you are usually the ones doing all the bullying.
Senjirō: What do you mean, people like me?
Taiji: Rich people. Privileged people. Smart, popular, self-entitled people who think the world revolves around them, who freak out when even one tiny thing doesn’t go their way, or when they have to be near somebody they think is beneath them.
Senjirō: Excuse me?
Taiji: Shut up and listen, and I’ll break it down for you.
Senjirō: You—
Taiji: You want to know something about people like me and Haru? We’re not like you. We don’t come from ideal families.
Senjirō: My family isn't perfect either. There's no such thing as an ideal family.
Taiji: Ideal and perfect don't mean the same thing, you know.
Senjirō: My family isn't ideal, just so we're clear.
Taiji: Fair enough, but I'm guessing it's not nearly as bad as mine or Haru's.
Senjirō: I thought Haru's family was good. We've all met his grandparents, and they obviously love him and want the best for him.
Taiji: Yeah, but they're not his whole family, are they? His father abandoned his mother when she was pregnant, and she was so messed up on booze and drugs that she broke Haru's brain before he was even born, and then she died when he was a baby. And mine...? My father beat the crap out of me and my mother for the slightest thing he didn’t like, while he treated my sister like a princess.
Senjirō: Since when do you have a sister?
Taiji: Since forever. I just don’t like to acknowledge having one, but you’re missing the point. I was so scared of my father when I was little that I wished somebody would literally kidnap me and take me away from him. But, the point I’m making is, me and Haru both got dealt a shifty hand, and we both wished for a different life.
Senjirō: I'm sorry. That's awful, but what does any of it have to do with me and Keigo?
Taiji: It has to do with you because me and Haru both got our wish, but you’re ruining his. He’s awesome and talented, and he’s here because the people from Peak thought he had what it takes, but he’s constantly worried that he’s not really good enough.
Senjirō: Of course he's good enough. He writes half our songs, and nobody raps like he does.
Taiji: Maybe you should tell him that instead of putting him down all the time, then. He's constantly struggling with his self-esteem, mostly 'cause everyone said he'd never be able to do anything with his life. Like, he told me they said he'd never be able to go to regular school and learn to read and write, or learn to ride a bike or play an instrument, or even live independently. And yet, here he is, doing his best every day to be a functional adult, and here you guys are, mocking him whenever he doesn't do something the way you think a normal person should.
Senjirō: I didn't realize...
Taiji: Now you do.
Senjirō: I'm sorry.
Taiji: Tell that to Haru. Maybe grow up and take responsibility for something for a change.
Senjirō: Okay.
Taiji: Is that it?
Senjirō: What do you mean, is that it? What else do you expect me to say?
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Taiji: Okay, then.
Senjirō: Are we done?
Taiji: No.
Senjirō: Why not?
Taiji: Because I don't know if you really get how important this is. I'm glad you said you'd talk to Haru, but it can't just be a casual 'sorry' or whatever. That's not going to be enough.
Senjirō: What are you talking about? Why isn't it?
Taiji: 'Cause if you just say sorry for the sake of saying sorry and don't actually change, we might lose everything.
Senjirō: That’s stretching it a bit, don’t you think?
Taiji: You need to understand what Sugar Valentine means to Haru, and to me. It's not just our job. I don't know what we'd do if Sugar Valentine wasn't a thing.
Senjirō: You'd find another job in the industry. We all would. It wouldn’t be that bad.
Taiji: Maybe not for you, but what about me and Haru? Yeah, I probably could get another gig, but I wouldn’t want to. Without Sugar Valentine, I wouldn't have Ryu or Haru or the rest of you in my life. For better or worse, you guys are my family, and I wouldn't want to give that up.
Senjirō: Interesting, for someone who complains about the fans, the fame, and the schedule and everything.
Taiji: I might complain about it, but I'd rather be here with you guys than anywhere else.
Senjirō: Right.
Taiji: Anyway, this is supposed to be more about Haru than it is about me. If things don't change with you, he might just quit and go home, and he might not have the confidence to try again. Then what would he do? You gotta see what you'd be sending him home to. Do you think he could register for university? Or how long do you think he'd last working at some shit job like a convenience store clerk or office cleaner?
Senjirō: Not very long, I guess.
Taiji: Exactly. Peak Entertainment gave Haru the opportunity to do something meaningful with his life, that he’s good at and really loves to do. You could say it saved him, in a way, and I feel like I can say it saved me too. If the talent scout hadn't picked me out at the youth music festival, I don't know where I'd be right now. The way my father is, who knows if I'd even be around? The truth is, this company and this group were my lifeline.
Senjirō: That sounds like exaggeration to me.
Taiji: It absolutely isn’t. If you don't believe me about my father, ask my cousin Violet next time you see him. He'll tell you. Same with Haru. Ask his grandmother next time she’s here.
Senjirō: I’d rather not talk to your cousin.
Taiji: Whatever. Talk to him or not. Believe me or don’t. That doesn’t change the truth.
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Senjirō: Now are we done?
Taiji: I guess, but just so we're on the same page, I meant everything I just said. This is serious to me, you know, and I hope it's serious to you.
Senjirō: I got that you were serious.
Taiji: Good. Oh, and one more thing... If I catch you being mean to Haru any more, to prove how serious I am, I'll take you out behind the onsen and teach you something I learned from my father.
Senjirō: You wouldn't dare.
Taiji: You don't know what I'd do. I probably wouldn't, but I figure the uncertainty should motivate you to do better from now on.
Senjirō: Now who's being a bully?
Taiji: That's not bullying. I'm just telling you this isn't a game. Trust me, I don't want it to go any further than this, and if you can manage to act like a decent human for once, I promise it won't.
Senjirō: I'm going to tell Sarah—
Taiji: No. You're not. Neither one of us is going to tell anybody about this. We're going to deal with it on our own, like responsible adults.
Senjirō: Responsible adults don't threaten to beat each other up.
Taiji: I don't recall saying I'd beat you up. I didn't say specifically what I was going to do, or even if I was definitely going to do anything at all.
Senjirō: Whatever. Can I at least talk about it with Keigo? You said this has to do with him too, after all.
Taiji: Okay. Talk to Keigo. Make sure he knows what's at stake here, and both of you should think long and hard about it.
Senjirō: All right. I'll think about it.
Taiji: I'm going to be keeping an eye on you.
Senjirō: You can tone down the tough guy act. I’m not afraid of you.
Taiji: Maybe you should be.
Senjirō: You’re such an idiot.
Taiji: Yeah… I can see you’re off to a brilliant start with that attitude adjustment. Keep up the excellent work.
Senjirō: Go away, Taiji.
Taiji: I’m gonna leave the room, but I’m not going away. Like I said, I’ll be watching you.
Senjirō: …
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Horror Villains And: Period Sex
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oh that is the perfect gif I totally forgot all about it but oh boy. thanks billy for your service to this blog.
Warnings: Obviously, menstruation, blood, and smut. I’m dealing with a particularly uncomfortable period (for me at least) and just want some e m p a t h y about it.
Who LOVES it:
Freddy Krueger: ABSO-MOTHER FUCKING-LUTELY. It’s a struggle to keep his hands off you (on a normal day) during your period. He can smell it.
Kieran Wilcox: yes please mommy, he’s waiting.
Luda Mae Hewitt: This is her secret kink.
Michael Myers: B l o o d  p l a y? Any kind of bloodplay, Michael is into it. If you weren’t already bleeding, he would probably make you bleed, with his (Actual) knife.
Mickey Altieri: Bring it. Jesus christ, Mickey thinks its so hot. Getting his cock or his fingers coated in your slick and your blood (Seeing the string consistency between his fingers), seeing you in a total mess from your period and being fucked to oblivion? Oh yes.
Midnight Man: He just likes it. I dunno. I don’t have a logical reason, extension or explanation of my vibes here but I am getting them from him.
Patrick Bateman: Oh my god it is his favourite kind of sex. Yes yes yes. Please please please. He marks your cycle in his calendar, with special notes about flow and mood. Soon enough he’s figured out your whole period every week and knows exactly when the iron is hot enough to strike. Any w h e r e, any t i m e .
Both Pennywise’: Ooooh, watch their eyes glow and their hair get more luscious when you tell them. Their teeth get sharper and the whites of their eyes get whiter- they’re horny as fuck now. Be a good sport and give them a lil taste, won’t you? A smell at least? That, or have them trailing you like lost puppies for the rest of the week, and curling up to/around you as tightly as possible when you’re sleeping.
The Clown / Jeffrey Hawk / Kenneth Chase: Where else could he possibly go on this post, honestly.
The Man (Hush): Yep.  He’s favourite time of month.
Who is like ‘a b s o l u t e l y  n o t’:
Jerry Dandridge: Do I really need to comment? I mean, he can control himself being around you on your period, but you cannot let that blood smell hit the open air. Your controlled, classy vampire bf will disappear in an instant and will be replaced with… well, Evil.
Yeah no thanks:
Debbie Loomis: She’s not vehemently against it, but still… nah? Thanks for the offer tho. And it won’t happen when she’s on her period either, c e r t a I n l y not. Don’t even touch her when she’s on her period, jesus christ.
Jennifer Check: Yeah she just got a new manicure. Over her dead body will you stain her new French tips with your coochie blood. And if she puts her mouth down there, it might excited t o o much if you get what I mean and you will become a real snack.  
Is indifferent towards it:
Bo Sinclair: You’re sure into him durin’ this time o’ month, aren’t you? Eh… whatever. Hop on. He’s happy to help his partner, especially if its in such a gratifying way! I mean he won’t buy you any fucking pads but he will do this and there’s Bo as a boyfriend for you.
Chucky / Charles Lee Ray: I mean sure? Blood doesn’t scare him and it is, in fact, a turn on for him of course so sure. Plus, you’re less likely to get pregnant at this time, which is great! Doesn’t see what the big deal is, here. (Although, weirdly, I see past Chucky from Curse to be very much in the next category)
Inkubus: It’s not even a big d e a l, man, its cool. He likes all kinds of sex. Go wild.
Jason Voorhees: Jason is basically ace in the way he conducts himself on a general basis but if it tuned out that he was interested in sex and/or was willing to do it with you, then some blood leaking out of your private parts because of some natural causes is not going to change his mind. Is this not normal??
Jedidiah Sawyer: ???Alright??? He wears a mask made of skin, your natural bodily functions are not going to scare him away. Besides, the knowledge that it could lessen menstrual pain for you is a nice bonus. He’s gotta take care of his family.
Roman Bridger: It’s really not a big deal to him. We’ll just put down a darker sheet, or some plastic. You both need this sometimes (Him for emotional support when he’s stressed, and you of course cuz you’re on your damn period) and a bit of blood is certainly not a deal breaker. Besides, he finds the easy thrusting to be nice and comfortable. Preferred sometimes, actually. Just some nice, lazy, relieving sex with your director boyfriend.
Sheriff Hoyt / Charlie Hewitt: A little bit a’ blood aint gonna turn me off, sugar. Don’t you worry bout that.
The Djinn: See Inkubus. Except, our dear Wishmaster is so much more of a tease about this.
Is enthusiastic when they learn that orgasms lessen period pain:
Bubba Sawyer: He doesn’t care about exposure to blood, obviously, and he doesn’t see it as gross at all but he was still concerned about whether that was safe during your… monthly thing… but once he found out that it could help you with cramps he got on board immediately! ^^
Lester Sinclair: Oh boy, well okay then, let’s give this a go then!!
Mayor Buckman: He knows the drill; Boone gets terrible cramps. Don’t worry, he’s got you.
Pamela Voorhees: Oh of course she’ll help you out when you’re hurting ^^
Stuart Lloyd: Well… don’t get him wrong, for sure there is the part where it helps you in a seriously uncomfortable time… but then there is also the fact that he is a lil bit of a secret freak and menstrual care is a good excuse for him. (So he also belongs in the first category ^^)
The Deathslinger / Caleb Quinn: Blood doesn’t bother him, and if it’ll give you a hand with yer monthly problem then you just need to ask him. You’ll be on the bench in the saloon with your thighs spread without a second thought, like asking for a glass of water. (Except of course Caleb’s a lot more hands on about the whole thing of course (; ) He’s happy to help.
The Huntress / Anna: Oh!! Really?? It’ll help? Okay, then, sunflower. Remove your pants. Let’s go !!
Vincent Sinclair: He’s just very supportive and helpful through all areas of your period. He doesn’t understand, but he can still be sympathetic and help the way you say would be good ^^
Is curious and will try:
Billy Loomis: Is really curious and excited to try it. I mean, he likes blood? He likes sex? And this is both those things?? Fun lubricant, yay.
Chop Top Sawyer: And when I say that he’ll try and I REALLY MEAN IT, MAN. Like, go big or go home. He’s going to eat you out at this time and he’ll end up really enjoying it. Buckle up babes, you’ve awoken something buried pretty damn s h a l l o w l y inside him.
Granny Boone: Similar to Chop Top except with him, you had to tell him you were on your period and all so it would be different and all, while with Boone she was the one sniffing it out and *cough* hunting you approaching you about trying it.
Jill Roberts: For the same reasons as Billy. Plus, she wants to be able to say ‘well I did it for you- you have to do it for me.’
Leslie Vernon: I mean, he’ll give anything a shot once. What’s the harm?
Piper Shaw: Same as Jill.
Stu Macher: Super enthusiastic to try!! XDD Just, like, dyed lube- right?
Is c a u t i o u s:
Carrie White: … periods have always been difficult for her… But she’s willing to give it a try as long as you’re willing to return the favour! ^^
Thomas Hewitt: Tell him, if whatever he does hurts you. He is very serious about this. He wants you to feel better, but he doesn’t really know this works and does not want you hurting in his vein attempt at making you feel better. So, please. Tell him how you’re feeling. He’ll get really good at making your cramps and discomfort go away.
They may take some convincing:
Drayton Sawyer: I mean, he’s of course not afraid of some blood but… uh… Well, I mean, he doesn’t really have a big, or even moderate sex drive in the first place so any sex of any kind takes some warming up to. Maybe if the stars aline and you catch him on a good day. Otherwise, he tells you to just suck it up.
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tokimihyachi · 3 years
Everyone always asks for the Captains and Magic Knight headcannons (nothing wrong with that - always love them) but you rarely ever see hcs for our favorite supporting/up&coming characters :(
Would you by chance please do ‘relationship headcanons’ + ‘how protective they are’ or ‘how they let their guard down’ for Mars, Patri/Patolli, Licht, and Liebe?
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warnings: may contain spoilers!
notes: awww, now that you mention it, it is true that i rarely see any of these four. and it’s alright fo u to request them! honestly love them a bunch. very underrated babies, indeed. 🥰 hope you like these! and sorry if their kinda long. i went all out because as you said, you hardly see their names here.
p.s. i simp for patri a lot, it just doesn’t seem like it kabcnsmd
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MARS | the closet simp
after the first stage of the experiment thing that happened, he never once approached or talked to you
you were aware of the sideffects, so you had to understand the situation
whenever you were with him he always had those instances of sudden relapses
he described his headaches as the worst
of course, you’d take care of him
he likes to swat your hand when u get touchy-touchy :((
but then the atmosphere shifts when you two are in the battlefield
he always finds himself eyeing your every move
when someone decides to attack you, you wouldn’t even notice because he’s always there, blocking their advances
accidentally get a scratch because of a spell that wasn’t even meant for you?
consider that person gone in a second ( a hardcore simp, wbk)
when he finally remembers things, he’d apologize everyday
seriously. he’s so guilty, that the first thing he say’s everytime the two of you meet is “im sorry”
he’d be more considerate, and his stares at you are no longer the cold hard ones, but the soft and loving kind
would randomly hug you
“hmm? is there something wrong, mars?”
he won’t reply, and instead he would hug you tighter while nuzzling his head on the crook of your neck
“i just missed you.”
“eh? but i’m with you everyday.”
“not an excuse not to miss you.”
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PATRI/ PATOLLI | the tsundere
as the number one human hater leader of the eye of the midnight sun, he has an image to protect, so, of course, his focus is always on his plans
you like staring at him
when he feels your eyes on him and he’d ask why, you’d only reply with nonesense such as: “you’re just pretty to watch”
he’d automatically furrow his brows at this
“you think this is all fun and games, y/n?” 
just the tone of his voice is enough to make you shiver in place
“whatever, pretty boy” and then you’d leave him by himself before he blows a fuse
he would never admit it, but your compliments always make his stomach all fuzzy
doesn’t know how to deal with emotions so he just releases it out as anger (poor boy :<<)
he always feels bad when you’re the one he vents out on
after the whole elf ordeal, he’d become more approachable
always looking out for you
the kind of guy to tug the side of your clothes so he can walk near the street and you would be safe on the sidewalk
a diehard fan of holding hands
he just loves the feeling of how well your hands fit with his
still gets flustered when you compliment him, but with all of the hate + rage + demon gone, he’s more open and would compliment you back
he revels in your attention
melts on the spot when you caress his cheeks and plat a soft kiss on his temple
the first time you two kissed, he just captured your lips as you were rambling about something
he couldn’t help it! you’re just too cute in his eyes!
rip to all the ogling eyes staring at you tho, in a blink of an eye they’re as good as gone
“oh, patri! where did you go to?”
“had to take care of a few pests, love. shall we go?”
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LICHT | the proud boyfie
mAN, is staring at this beautiful being even enough? if you only had painting magic like one of the other elves then maybe you would’ve made one already to honor such a perfect image
he’s very interested in the culture and “way of the humans”
you would think it’s weird at first, but then the way he smiles when learning new things is enough for those unsure thoughts to dissipate
so, of course you develop a crush first
you like daydreaming of him (oop, hopeless romantic spotted!)
he knows you’re looking at him with those loving eyes, but doesn’t say a word
what a sly, sly man
would tease you at first by always brushing your hands against each other when you walk
he’d act all innocent when you look back up at him, but in reality he’s laughing so hard at your impeccable personification of a tomato
but then you suddenly became close with all the other elves
especially rhya, cause ya’know, you relate with him being a lazy bum because you have your lethargic tendencies too
he’s not one to be jealous or anything
he just misses the attention you give him
sometimes, the elf kids would find him all slouched on tree with his chin resting on the open palm of his hand as he gazed at you two
definitely not jealous
but when you accidentally trip because of lil children running around and bruise your ankle slightly, he’d be there ASAP
would tend to your wounds and confess then and there
the bold type to kiss you on the spot after the confession (not that you mind sksksksks)
he likes to flaunt everything you do to everyone
sometimes the elves get tired of his incessant talks filled with “y/n, y/n, y/n, y/n, y/n…”
“i almost forgot, did you know that y/n unlocked a new spell yesterday?”
what can you do, he’s just in love 🥰
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LIEBE | the explosive dolt & a closet yandere
since he’s bakugou’s counterpart a devil and all that, his first reaction was a loud, “HUHHH?” when you confessed to him
genuinely believes you’re messing with him
because of his past, he doesn’t really warm up to the idea nicely
(by explosive, i mean def not bakugou it as sudden outbursts of his reactions) 
he’s the kind of guy to distance himself after you confess 
after some time, he’d just randomly talk to you
but because you’re a stubborn, prideful person who knows their worth (as u should! 👑) you don’t pay as much attention to them
at this, he’d notice you’re always with asta
he’s irritated that you give the ash-blonde magicless fool more attention than him
whenever the two would spar, you’d only clap and cheer for asta, causing the said boy to blush profusely, whilst you smile cheekily
who could blame you tho, asta’s been the one who consoled you when liebe outright rejected you by not speaking to you for so long
he likes punching asta, “hey! what did you punch me for, you jerk!?”
“eh, your face seems punchable or something”
it’s not like liebe’s jealous or anything
always grunts loudly and makes noise when you and asta talk
“why did you throw the whole pole beside us?! we would’ve been hurt!”
“eh, the place looks like it needs an extra leg or something”
no. he’s not jealous
he would confront and talk to himself through a mirror, and ask his self what the hell is wrong with him and why is he acting this way towards you
you accidentally walk in the bathroom as they speak of their pent-up frustrations
cue awkward silence
but since it’s too much, he’d bluntly confess to you when he’s had enough of your closeness with asta
whenever he can, he’d always have you beside him or near him so he can keep a closer eye on him
he’s just afraid to be attached to someone only to lose them in the end like what happened to momma licita 🥺🤧
“liebe have you seen asta?”
“eh, he must’ve died or something.”
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milkybonya · 4 years
hello smiling anon here :) can i request nct 127 as boyfriends? ur astro as boyfriends post was so cute :)
Anonnie im sorry i made you wait so long TT this is the busiest week of the year so far and i had to stay focused to prepare for it, but i hope you enjoy~
NCT 127 as boyfriends ♡
link to Astro version
Warnings: food mentions
what i listened to while writing: To My Youth by BOL4
sweet to the MAX
always singing around the house and serenading you
multiple movie nights with you in one week where you eat a whole bunch of junk food together and cuddle the entire time ;3;
becomes flustered very easily when you reach for his hand or hug him because he doesn't like skinship
but strangely with you, his heart skips a beat??
helps you when you're stressed by enveloping you in a hug and not letting go until you feel better
not overly clingy but not distant either - he's the perfect bf !!
knows when to give you space and when he needs to invade your space and give you lots of kisses >:)
not big on fancy dates, just wants to bask in your presence
wherever he is, as long as you're there, he's happy
i don't know why but i imagine his hand getting clammy when you hold it because he's so nervous,, then he gets all shy and embarrassed about it :")
always taking photos of you
literally has a folder in his phone named '[y/n]'
so whipped for you omg he literally giggles any time you lock eyes
so EMBARRASSING cause of all the bad jokes he cracks and how tough he tries to act
"[y/n] do you wanna feel my arm muscles?"
waking up next to him each morning would involve you thinking he’s asleep and staring at him until he pulls you closer into his chest and presses his lips to your forehead ;3;
takes you on really creative dates like going to markets, going for drives, walks through unknown paths
if y’all are not seeing each other in person, he’ll constantly be texting or calling you
always sends you photos of things that remind him of you
the type to pretend he’ll give you your coat, then he doesn’t, but then he does because he loves you :”)
quite clingy in the sense that he always wants to be near you, holding your hand, hugging you, kissing you, whatever it may be
such a sweet and loving bf :”)
the type to buy you flowers and be that classy, romantic boyfriend
he’ll leave handwritten notes around the house and will send you good morning texts if you guys are apart from one another
the two of you are definitely the cool couple
but you’re also the couple who laughs hard about the most random things
like Taeil, knows when to give you space and when he should be there for you
will respect your sense of independence and root for you to succeed in your own things!
but also gets clingy sometimes and just wants a few hugs and kisses :”)
acts cute and pouts in front of you a lot 
but only in front of you, never in public or in front of anyone else
listens carefully whenever you’re sad and lets you rest your head on his shoulder, cry all over him - he lets you do whatever you need to do to be happy again, and he’ll try his best to cheer you up too :D
loves reading with you, it’s one of his favourite things to do :”)
sometimes just ends up staring at you which leads to him pulling you towards him which leads to cuddling while reading and for him to kiss the top of your head an infinite amount of times
omg he will let you braid his hair or play with it or do all kinds of things to it
painting each other’s nails !! and searching for unique accessories in stores!
he’ll just buy an accessory and give it to you like “i just know this will look good on you, please try it on!”
i feel like he’ll be very honest with you about everything
so you both have nights when you talk for hours about your thoughts
and in the morning forget all about it by watching something while in bed hehe
will like exercising with you from time to time so you both stay healthy!
always thinking about you and your health, both mental and physical
you might be able to convince him to get a couple outfit :o
Like Johnny, likes taking photos of you but does it a bit more shyly
puts on a cool front all the time but he’s quite shy ;-;
loves to bake with you and actually takes it quite seriously
he’ll chase you around if you smudge batter on his face >:)
makes home dates fancy by lighting so many scented candles that the smell actually becomes unbearable
when you go on walks together, he’ll hide behind you every time he sees a dog, and you always have to apologize to the dog owners on his behalf because he’s scared :”D
likes to lie on top of you when you cuddle, with his weight on his legs which are on either side of you so he’s not crushing you, just so he can trace the shape of your face with his fingertips
if you cry, he cries and if you laugh, he’ll laugh - i feel like that’s how he’ll comfort you, by empathizing :”)
likes to go on car rides with you where the two of you are just singing songs 
always makes sure you’re eating your meals and staying hydrated - brings you food if you’re busy or forget
gets you really thoughtful gifts for special days but also throws a few meme gifts in there
that bf who invites you to watch him play basketball just so he can take off his shirt in the middle of the game and watch as your face turns red
i feel like he’ll tease you in that ^ way a lot - he’s always trying to fluster you
he likes peaches so imagine going peach picking with him !! you’ll take such cute photos together and if he’s taller than you, he’ll pick all the peaches that you can’t ;3;
always trying to cheer you up whenever you’re sad - why can i picture him doing aegyo TT
this one time it rained when you were on a late night walk with him and he took off his jean jacket, held it above your heads as you ran home, but you ended up wet anyway :”)
super comforting whenever you’re sick or don’t feel good
constantly complimenting you and shows you lots of physical affection
always hugs you when he sleeps because if you’re not there, he’d just be hugging the blanket instead
not incredibly sentimental but always tries his best to show his love for you
tried to make breakfast in bed for you and dropped a whole bunch of cutlery on the floor :D
went through your phone and saved his name as ‘peach’ in it
(this is from WayV as boyfriends, that’s why it looks a little different <3)
did i mention he’s soft?
always worried about you 
genuinely cares about your feelings
a lot of “are you okay?” and “you’re not mad at me, right?”
if you’re ever in a bad mood, he’ll run to the store real quick and grab your favourite food for you
he doesn’t like skinship but loves to hold you :’)
too shy to show affection in public tho
will hold your hand at the most
even if he does that, he’ll hold your hand in your pocket because he’s so shy
pls protecc him at all costs
is willing to do anything for you
sometimes you have to ask him how he genuinely feels about something
because he can’t say no :(
please make sure you tell him you love him regularly, or he’ll be sad :(
a lot of stay-at-home dates like watching movies
watchiNG ANIME (if you like it, of course)
“let’s just do whatever you want”
“i beat you! now give me a kiss >:)”
if you also like to eat, y’all will have the most epic food dates omg
literally travelling to countries just to try the food there - that’s what it will be like
most of your dates involve food, but also a lot of walking dates so you can burn it off :”)
yet also many movie nights on the days where you don’t want to walk
he’ll learn your speaking habits and will imitate you whenever you get annoyed or angry 
likes to play soccer with you, even if you’re bad at it (so he can tease you), but if you’re good then he’ll enjoy trying to beat you
he’s the one who roasts you the most yet also cares for you the most
likes to kiss your neck because he can smell your natural scent, but if you hate it then he’ll do it to tease you or he’ll stop if you seriously tell him to
imitates kdrama male actors and actually makes your heart flutter by doing those things
and when you see the actors kissing in a drama,,,, you already know what he’s about to do
when you’re upset, he’ll hug you tightly and stay with you until you feel better
y’all have a shared playlist that you always add songs to so you can listen to it during car rides or when cuddling 
he keeps everything and anything you give him, whether it be a candy wrapper, flowers, a belt, shoes, anything
prepares really sweet gifts for you - a lot of songs or meaningful things
claims that you’re his muse and sometimes just stares at you for 5 minutes whenever you drop by his studio
“you’re my sun, i’m photosynthesizing so just stay right there”
he’s shy and gets flustered easily when you kiss or hug him, even when you just hold his hand
you have a tradition with him each fall where you go to a park, gather all the leaves to make a pile so you can dive into it
usually ends with you falling on top of him and the two of you just laying there for a long time
voice calls that last for more than 8 hours will become a thing when you date him :”)
always jokes about things related to marriage like ‘wow imagine if we had our wedding here’ and laughs awkwardly but he’d actually love to marry you 
takes you on trips that he claims are for him to get inspiration for music writing but he really just wants to spend time with you
you already know what you’ve signed up for, right? chaos, absolute chaos - but in the best way
super clingy, always holding onto your arm or hand
whines when you don’t give him hugs or attention
bought a big plushie that reminded him of you so he can hug it when you’re not there and he misses you
he’s such a baby omg he’ll love being babied by you
makes hand crafted, diy gifts that clearly have his entire heart and soul in them
likes singing karaoke songs with you because if too you’re shy to sing alone, at least when he sings with you, he can hear a bit of your voice
cannot live if you’re sad or upset - he’ll do anything to help you feel better
cuddling is his favourite thing on this planet and he’ll wrap his legs around you so the two of you become an entangled mess, yet somehow are still comfortable
texts you random things like ‘i just saw a dog’ but also says stuff like that out loud to you
acts strong and cool sometimes like when you’re watching horror movies but fails miserably :(
ah, have you made it to the bottom? thank you for reading <3 were you by any chance looking for a sign? because this is it, this is your sign. i wish you luck with whatever it is that you must or must not do ;3;
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kbuggg3 · 3 years
JC Caylen Imagine: “Don’t Be Sorry”
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Today's has been a pretty eventful day to say the least. While my boyfriend JC was out with some old friends who came into town to visit him, me and my dad got into a fight... again.
But the thing that hurts the most is not only is this the 4th time in a row he's been caught, but I'm the one that keeps witnessed it. Your probably wonder "the 4th time? Why do you keep falling for his bullshit?"
Welp. He's my dad. I'm not just gonna give up on him completely. When we would catch him doing something he would let fake tears fall from his eyes as he was apologizing to us and we would forgive him.
And then we'd catch him again, he'd apologize, we'd forgive him. It was an endless cycle. But this time I knew I can't get my hopes up to high anymore.
My mom always told me it takes years to build trust and seconds to destroy it. I felt that. He didn't only ruin my trust with him, but my trust with everyone else. I let everything that happened get to my head and now I have major trust issues. With the exception of one person.
JC Caylen
Before i met JC my life was pretty miserable. I lived in Florida with my mom and my older sister. After my mom and dad got divorced, my family slowly started going down hill.
My dad was barely in the picture due to his constant sneaking around as he was hooking up with random people and getting drunk and being so lazy that he never even bothered covering his tracks, allowing us to discover his dirty little secrets for ourselves.
My poor brother was clueless. Had no idea what his own father was doing behind his back and we didn't bother telling him because 1.) he was a very sensitive boy at the time and 2.) he looked to my dad for everything. My dad was his role model.
After awhile of all of this, my sister was diagnosed with depression. Not too severe but even the smallest bit can make you feel like shit. And as for me, I struggled with self love. Because I didn't really have a good male figure on my life I looked to guys for verification.
But after i spent a week with him and the rest of the O2l house at Vidcon i felt like my life was finally picking up. Fast forward a couple years and my sisters depression is gone, my brother grew up to be an amazing dad of 2 kids, and as for me, i stopped looking for verification in guys and me and JC started dating.
We've been dating for 2 years now and he has been nothing but amazing. I love him so much and I know he loves me. Ever since we've started dating people have been telling me they've never seen me so happy before or they've never seen me smile or laugh that much before.
I just wished he was here to comfort me right now. I haven't told him what happened yet. I didn't wanna ruin his day. He was hanging out with some old friends of his who flew down to visit him.
I wasn't gonna burden him with my stupid family issues while he was out with his friends. I turned on a random disney movie and began to watch as I continued to cry at random times when the old memories would pop up in my mind.
I would squeeze my eyes shut and burry my head in my pillow trying to make them stop but they never went away, no matter how hard i tried. Eventually I decided enough was enough. I just couldn't take it anymore. I had to call JC. I grabbed the phone and went to his name in my contacts. I dried my tears and took a few deep breaths to stop myself from crying so he wouldn't notice and be too worried.
After attempting to recollect myself, i pressed call, holding the phone up to my ear as i heard it ring. A few seconds later the line picked up and i heard his sweet voice on the other end.
"What's up baby." JC said in a super deep voice cause you to giggle only slightly.
"Hey JC. Um, I was just wondering when you were gonna be home?"
"Is my girl missing me already?"
"What do mean already you've been gone for hourrrrsssss." She groaned causing him to chuckle.
"I know baby I'm sorry. I'll actually be home soon."
I sighed with relief before responding, "Thank god!"
"Is everything ok (y/n)?"
Shit. Don't cry don't cry don't cry don't cry.
She sniffles a little and swallowed hard.
"Y-ya baby why do you ask?" My breath was uneven and he could tell.
"No no. Your not ok. I'm coming over right now."
Don't mess this up (y/n) he's having fun. Don't ruin his day.
"JC it's fine. I'm gonna be ok. Just go hang out with your friends. Have fun!"
"Gonna be?!"
I pulled back and cringed at my own words. Shouldn't have said that.
"Gonna be ok??? (y/n) what happened???" JC exclaimed again. She sighed and rubbed her forehead.
"JC I'm-"
Tell him your fine. He's with his friends. He doesn't need this right now.
Tell him what you tell everyone else in your life. Your fine.
"It's my dad again." I said with tears in my eyes.
What the fuck (y/n)! How could you?!
He can tell by my voice I was crying.
"Fuck. Baby I'm coming over right now." He side sternly. Was he mad?
"N-no JC it's ok really I-"
"No! (y/n) it's not ok! Baby he's put you through so much shit and I'm tired of it! You don't deserve that! You nor your family!" He began to shout a little and it caused her to cry harder. Not because I'm scared of him. But because he cared so much and that meant the world to her. He's the only one who gets it.
He did a deep sigh and you already knew he was running his hands through his hair and pacing, something he did when he was stressed, nervous, or in this case pissed off.
"I'm coming over. I'll be there in a few just hang on ok?"
At first no words were spoken. She didn't want to agree because she still felt bad about burdening him with it. But she was going to lose her fucking mind if he wasn't holding her ASAP so she finally spoke a barely audible "ok".
Immediately the phone call was ended. (y/n)'s phone slid out of her hand and onto the floor. She sat there curled up on her bed for awhile, staring blankly at the floor as her head was leaned on the head rest.
The thoughts and images filled her head again and she began to cry and cry and cry. "Go away." She whispered with quivering lips. "Go away!"
Not too long after the phone call she heard keys rattling as whoever was on the other side, who she assumed was JC, tried to open the door. She then heard footsteps quickly going up the stairs.
Her teary eyes slowly looked up to the door and saw the door knob slowly being turned, then the door opened revealing her boyfriend. In her mind she was smiling, finally being able to see him, but on the outside she unintentionally showed the opposite.
They made eye contact and (y/n) saw the sympathetic look on JC's face. She hated it when people would look at her like that and he knew it. He just couldn't help it. It makes her feel weak and helpless even tho those are the exact words that describe her in this moment.
When she saw the look on his face she quickly looked away, turning her head to the side and squeezed her eyes shut as more tears slipped down her cheeks, slightly embarrassed by her fragile appearance.
She felt the bed beside her dip down meaning JC was now sitting next to her on the bed.
JC gently touched her chin and moved it to where her eyes had nowhere else to look but his.
"I... I am so sorry."
After looking into his beautiful brown eyes, (y/n) finally gave in and buried her face in his shoulder as she sat in his lap in a straddle like position.
Her arms were tightly wrapped around his neck and the more she cried the tighter she would hold on. In return JC would squeeze her back, both arms wrapped around her waist. He then began to run his hand through her hair and draw small circles on her back in a soothing motion.
JC continued to whisper little nothings in her ear as she gripped his shirt that was soaked with her tears.
"You don't deserve this."
"None of this is your fault."
"You're an amazing girl."
"You're my amazing girl."
After a few minutes or so of them sitting in silence, JC asked her if she wanted to lay down and cuddle while they watched a movie. (y/n) could only nod her head as they repositioned themselves to where she was laying on JC's stomach with her face still buried in his chest. He put on her favorite Disney movie "Finding Nemo" hoping it would encourage her to lift her head and hopefully help calm her.
When she heard the music play softly from the TV she slowly and hesitantly lifted her head from JC's chest as she positioned her head to where she could see the movie displayed on the large screen. JC smiled at her and kissed the top of her head. Occasionally throughout the movie he would rub her back soothingly, play with her hair, and give her kisses on the top of her head or forehead, causing (y/n) to smile slightly.
"Thank you... Seriously," (y/n) said quietly. He was surprised at first, judging by the fact that neither of them have said a word to each other for about an hour (not in a rude way of course but because there was no need for words. They just needed time to think and relax). "No problem, baby. I love you so so much."
(y/n) look up at him, resting her chin on his chest. He noticed how the red puffiness in her eyes went down and there was not a tear in sight, causing his heart to warm and a smile to make its way across his face. "I love you too." They shared a short but sweet kiss and went to sleep cuddled up in their bed as "Finding Nemo" continued to play and lull them into a deep and peaceful sleep.
ngl I hate writing sad stuff (unless y’all request it obvi) but I got this idea and couldn’t get it out of my head so you’re welcome. If you have any requests and/or feedback let me know plz! Love y'all💋                                                                                                                                 ~Kbug :)
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beegyuz · 4 years
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jealousy ♟ beomgyu
genre: fluff ; roommates-to-lovers au ; genderneutral!reader ; slightly yeonjun x reader
warnings: cursing (?) — i mean, it’s just one word so...
requested: yes.
around a year ago, you met beomgyu. he was a surprise from the universe for you, the handsome yet heartbreaker boy of the university who ended up being your roommate. you saw the announcement of a two people apartment, it was cheap, but you weren’t expecting to find the choi beomgyu sitting in the couch when you entered the tiny apartment for the first time.
since then, you discovered a lot of things about the boy: he was way more sweeter than the persona he created for university; he was really funny; he had a great taste of music; he could play the guitar, and was amazing at it; he was even more handsome than you thought, at first.
falling in love with choi beomgyu wasn’t a hard thing, all the girls and boys at school who talked about him knew that. even tho you were hard to impress, beomgyu definitely had a charming personality, and knowing more about him than other people did, didn’t help you.
beomgyu definitely was different from the image he showed up at university. the only thing that didn’t change at all was that he, really, was a heartbreaker (even tho not on purpose as people thought). and he was about to break yours.
“y/n...” the boy whines. “let’s change this fucking movie, i don’t like it!”
“first of all, watch your mouth.” you say. “second, you can’t even appreciate a good movie, why am i your friend?”
he makes a face, “it’s impossible to not fall for my charming self.”
you get flustered, knowing that this joke had a big touch of truth. and then you wonder if he knows anything about your lil crush.
“why are you blushing?” he smirks, and you send him a death glare.
“i am not, choi beomgyu.” you say.
he laughs, and winks at you. you use all your mind to avoid blushing, even tho it wasn’t going to work.
“i’ll grab something for us to eat, i’m hungry.” you say, getting up.
“thank you, my savior! i am starving!” he says, dramatically.
“don’t you live in this house too?” you ask, walking to the kitchen, the boy behind you.
“i’m too lazy to even exist.” he giggles, a cute smile on his face.
you grab some snacks, open the packing, and you both sit on the couch again, beomgyu choosing another movie.
you start eating, the snacks between you both. suddenly, beomgyu makes a sound, making you look at him.
“ah!” he opens his mouth, looking at you.
you furrow your eyebrows, confused about what he meant. the boy looks at the snacks and then back at you, and then you get it.
“you lazy brat!” you say. “i’m not going to feed you, use your hands.”
he pouts, “but i told you i’m lazy.”
“you’re just taking advantage of me.” you say.
the boy giggles, making puppy eyes at you. “i take care of you all the time, why can’t you take care of me too?”
you sigh, grabbing some snacks and stuffing his mouth with it. “now shut up.” the boy smiles, the cheeks full.
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the weeks passing by, the summer finally arrived. you were at university, walking awkwardly while trying to find your phone inside your bag, until you bump into someone.
“sorry, i was- ah, beomgyu.” you say, looking at your roommate and friend.
“pay attention, brat.” he laughs, slightly.
“you pay attention, you just ruined my chance to bump into someone and live a romance.” you joke, pouting.
“why can’t it be me?” he asks, a smirk on his face.
“shut up.” you answer, rolling your eyes.
as the last weeks passed, you started to try to cool down your crush on beomgyu. you knew nothing was going to happen between you two, so you decided to open your heart to other people. but you weren’t expecting for it to happen that fast.
after bumping into beomgyu, you went to the university library, hoping to get some study done. you were sitting close to the window, reading over and over again the same sentence, trying to understand what was going on.
soon, your attention is taken away to a hand placing a note on top of your closed notebook. you look at the person, that signs for you to keep quiet, a cute smile on his face. the guy walks away to a further table, letting you confused.
‘hi! i’m yeonjun! i couldn’t help but notice how beautiful you look today! can i ask you out?’
you smile at the note, giggling a little. you look at the guy, and nod at him, who smiles happily. he writes something on another note, walks at you, gives you the note, and goes back to his table. his number is written on the note, so you save it and text him.
you: hi! i’m y/n, and i would love to go out with you.
library guy yeonjun: i’m glad to read this! this saturday?
you: yes! it’s perfect for me.
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your date day has arrived. you were nervous, but really excited to have a fun time with yeonjun. you both talked to each other for the rest of the week, he was a very fun and caring person, and wasn’t rushing anything between you two. like you, he was just trying to have a fun day.
“where are you going?” beomgyu showed up at your bedroom, eating some snacks.
“i’m going out with a friend.” you say.
“oh, really?” he asks. “i didn’t knew you had any friends.” he tries to hold back his laughter.
“ha ha, how funny.” you say, checking your outfit on the mirror.
“i’m going to taehyun and huening kai’s apartment, so i’ll probably come back late.” he says.
you nod, “no problem.”
he smiles and goes back to the kitchen. when you’re leaving the apartment, he calls you.
“take care!” he says. “call me if you need anything.”
you nod, smiling, and leave the apartment. as soon as you’re outside of the building, you see the blonde boy waiting for you, the hands on his pockets and the wind messing his hair a bit.
“hi!” you say, when you’re close enough for him to hear you.
“oh, hi y/n!” he smiles happily. “you look beautiful.”
weirdly, you cheeks didn’t blush when yeonjun complimented you.
you smile, thankfully. “you look great too.”
you both walk side by side to an arcade. the night went by fast, you both played a lot of games, got some ice cream, and watched some street performances.
yeonjun told you he was a dancer too, and it was the thing he loved the most.
“you look really amused talking about dance.” you notice, smiling at him.
“i really love dancing.” he smiles. “i should take you to the studio some day!”
you nod, excitedly, thinking about how good he probably looks while dancing.
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beomgyu snorts, placing the xbox controller at his side, on the floor. it was the fifth time he died in the game, when he usually didn’t die once.
“what’s up with you today?” taehyun asks, placing his own controller on the floor, too.
“you look like you have your head in the space.” huening kai says.
beomgyu crosses his arms, “i don’t know, i just can’t seem to focus.”
taehyun furrows his eyebrows, trying to think about something that could be annoying his friend. “is there something annoying you? what are you thinking?”
beomgyu looks at the floor, starting to feel embarrassed, not wanting to speak out his feelings.
“why do i feel like this has something to do with someone?”
“eh?” taehyun asks, looking at beomgyu.
huening kai shrugs, waiting for beomgyu to say something.
“y/n went on a date today... i just can’t stop thinking about it.” beomgyu says after some seconds of silence, feeling his ears heat up.
taehyun giggles, “is this jealousy i see?”
“no!” beomgyu says. “why would i be jealous? they’re like my little sibling.”
“they’re not even younger than you.” kai says, looking at the older guy.
“i don’t care, it doesn’t make sense.” beomgyu says, crossing his arms, feeling like his friends were attacking him.
“of course it does.” taehyun says. “you’re jealous ‘cause you like them!”
“that’s not true!” beomgyu says.
but something at the back of his head makes him think about the possibility. you both have been living in the same house for almost a year and are very close, and you’re one of the only that knows him deeply.
“i’m confused.” beomgyu sighs.
“i never thought i would see you confused because of love.” kai laughs. “the heartbreaker of the university has his own heart broken.”
“shut up, stupid.” beomgyu says, making taehyun and kai laugh at his figure. “my heart is not broken, and i’m not in love with y/n.”
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after two weeks, you met yeonjun again. you two were having a great time, but also looked more like good friends. you two hadn’t kiss yet, and you thought this actually wasn’t going to happen.
it was a nice summer afternoon, and when you went back to your apartment, you saw beomgyu sitting in the couch, the chin resting on his hand, a confused look on his face.
“what happened?” you ask.
“nothing, i just-“ he starts, but stops as soon as he looks at you, his cheeks getting hot.
“what?” you ask.
“you- you look beautiful.” he says, getting more red by each second. you giggle.
“thank you.” you smile, making his heart jump.
looking at you, wearing a beautiful outfit, in a pretty day like that, a smile on your face, made beomgyu notice that he could, possibly, be falling in love with you.
“what were you thinking?” you ask, sitting by his side.
“nothing.” he says quickly, remembering his thoughts.
you look at him seriously, “if something is concerning you, please tell me, i want to help.”
“are you going out with yeonjun next saturday again?” he asks, all of a sudden, making you give him a confused face.
“what? why?”
“just answer.” he pouts.
“i don’t know, we’ll just see what happens.” you say. “why?”
“do you like him?” he asks.
you blush, “i don’t know. he’s funny, and caring, maybe yes? i’m not sure.”
“don’t go on dates with him anymore.” beomgyu says, a serious look on his face, but his voice soft and gentle.
you could risk say he looked worried about something.
“why not?” you ask.
“because i don’t want you to end up falling in love with him.” he says, looking away. “i’m jealous.” he murmurs.
“you’re what? you’re... jealous?”
“you’re too beautiful, y/n, in and out. and you’re funny and caring, and i know he’s going to fall in love with you.” the boy says, looking at you. “i can’t handle seeing you in love with someone who isn’t me.”
you freeze, looking at him confused. was he confessing? is the choi beomgyu confessing at you in this exact moment?
“are you...” you start.
“i’m confessing to you, dumbass, don’t make this harder for me.” he whines.
“i can’t believe you’re confessing when i’m about to give up on my crush on you.” you say, looking at him unbelievably.
“you have a crush on me?” he asks.
“are you stupid? i thought you knew, you were always teasing me.” you pout. “you made everything hard for me!”
“so you’re confessing too?” he blushes.
“uhm... but what about yeonjun?” you tease him, holding back a laughter.
he gives you an annoyed expression, and holds your arm gently, pulling you at his direction.
“does yeonjun makes your heart beat that fast?” he murmurs, looking at your blushing face.
your bodies close, and your face just inches away from his. the boy breaks the tension between you two wrapping you in his embrace.
“i was waiting to be able to do this.” he says against your neck, hugging you tight.
“you’ve hugged me before.” you say, shyly placing your hand on his head and stroking his hair.
“it’s different, brat.” he says, pulling away slightly to look at you. “can i... kiss you?”
you blush, and nod. “please.”
the boy pecks your nose, and then your cheeks, and finally kisses your lips, a tiny smile on his face. his arms pulling you closer, your hands on his hair.
kissing beomgyu after months of a repressed crush made you realize that it was a little bit more than that. the dark haired boy had the sweetest kiss, holding you close and stroking your cheek.
he pulls away, smiling widely at you. “i never saw you with such a big smile.” you say, giggling.
“it’s all because of you.” he says. “how are people going to see me at university now? everyone thinks i’m a heartbreaker and now i even have a girl/boyfriend.”
“who said we’re dating?” you ask, teasing the boy.
“i mean... i- i though we-“ he stutters.
you laugh, holding his cheeks and kissing him again. “i’m just kidding, dumb.” you smile at him.
he pouts. “you’re already being a brat.”
“you should get used to it, since i’ll be annoying you 24/7 now.” you smile.
“i won’t complain.” he says, pulling you to another kiss.
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leggomylino · 4 years
Stray Kids Playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons
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A/n: M.List linked down below! | My very first reaction!!! :D I hope you all enjoy <3
Tag List: @distrikt9​ @hanniiesuckle17 @smolboiseavey (Let me know if you’d like to be added!)
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✧ Bang Chan ⇢ STAY Island ✧
Passport Title ⇢ Crisp Ringleader
Okay family
As our ENFJ king Chan would totally have a island that revolved around the others 
Sure he’d have his own space too
But he’d def be one to put up lots of fun camping space and interactive inventions
A cute little barbecue grill on the beach with a wooden table and log benches 🥺🥺 and a picnic area too
I feel like he’d also go out of his way to breed black roses but that may just be me 😂🤷🏻‍♀️
Black and white flowers everywhere, and maybe some red roses too?
He’d also be a generous donator and frequently visit the others to see if anyone needed help with anything
Just stopping by to check in and drop off some hardwood, or iron, maybe even gold 
...That’s a big maybe on the gold cause we all know that stuff ain’t common and if you want Marshal on your island you better have some handy
In addition to this, I think that the generosity would only go so far and he’d be quite the tease too
Running around left and right ratting the others out during pranks and “borrowing” things from the others
“where’d my recipe for gold armor go???”
🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ “idk bro I think I saw Minho running off with it?”
For villagers, he’d have a plethora of the animal kingdom on his island
Anyone is welcome
You get what you get and you don’t throw a fit 🥴
He’d def have mentions of Stay on his island too
And the guys, his squad
A Stay flag and Stray Kids written in the sand somewhere
Maybe vice versa
His character would likely be of similar resemblance but I can totally see him playing with the fun hair colors and face paint 
His wardrobe would consist of similar attire too: black, white, caps, hoodies, and chains 
Y’all AC fans know that one punk outfit with the chains across the bodice? He’d own that
His home is a toss up: on one hand it could be very chill and cozy, but on another I’m seeing workout gear in one corner and iron tables and a TV and radio going, maybe (definitely) a music studio setup (similar to Weber’s home but more hardcore LMAO)
All in all, I think Chan would be a chill/causal player that would be happy to help his friends and community while also playing hard ball once in a while just to mess with everyone 😂♥️
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✧ Lee Minho ⇢ Soodori Island ✧
Passport Title ⇢ Total Genius
Soodori is a combination of Minho’s cats
Your boy Minho couldn’t resist the ingenious idea
He’d pondered for the longest time which of his precious babies was going to be awarded the title of his island; an impossible decision
Then along comes our creative leader, “why don’t you just use all three?”
Genius!1!1!!1!1 😩✨
On Soodori, you bet all the villagers are cats; if you don’t have pointy ears and a swishing tail, Access Denied 🙅🏻‍♀️
This means you, Han 
Villagers included would consist of Raymond, who may or may not be an island celebrity
And let’s not forget Queen Ankha
But to Minho, all his cat citizens are equally loved and cherished as a valid part of the community
His whole aesthetic would be cats too
That includes a cat cafe
His flag would probably be a paw print 🐾 or his cat’s names, maybe a cute scribbling of their faces
And if you disrespected that, there’d be blood to pay
I can see his character closely resembling him as well, with a little paw print on his cheek? Maybe some whiskers? 
He’d thoroughly enjoy visiting the others islands “if he absolutely had to”
Swipe some goods
And bundle them up to go on the plane out ✈️
For the most part, I see him being more of a hermit on his island that only heads out On Demand
Even then, it’s kind of a toss up: good luck getting him to leave his children behind 
If you’re nice to him, he MIGHT let you come and view the splendor...m a y b e
But you better not touch or take anything 🗿🔥
Shoot, when it came to special visitors, like Redd or K.K., he’d probably try chasing them off
Put those tools to use
There’s more than one way to skin a cat
(Don’t tell him I said that tho 👀💧)
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✧ Seo Changbin ⇢ DARK Island ✧
Passport Title ⇢ Music-Loving Loner
Dark, dark, dark
We all done knew, didn’t we?
Changbin is the KING of darkness
So it goes without saying that his whole island would radiate the stuff, too
It may seem depressing and a little emo at first, but eventually the concept comes off being pretty cool
...In an angsty, Evanescence sort of way
He’d probably be very lost on how to play at first...at first
He’s got Felix and Chan to help him tho, so he’d be breeding black flowers before you know it
Maybe a little gray and navy blue tones to break up the solidarity somewhere
I’m seeing a kind of night sky aesthetic, maybe some astrology furniture???
Look out, Celeste
She’s gonna be running to Big Brother Blathers saying some scary short guy is following her around the woods
Poor Binnie just wants a Starry Sky wall...until he sees how bright it actually is
Then it’s 💯 a fat pass
Binnie would kindly welcome all sorts of villagers while being minorly selective
After all, we can’t break the darkness with some cheery-idol-wannabe villager, or some Judy the anime bear
I can say with utmost certainty at 95% that his whole wardrobe would be black caps and hoodies
Maybe a plain black tee
Some black pants
White or black sneakers 🥴✨
I think he would be pretty intent on building up his island...in particular, collecting all the artifacts and critters for the museum 
He’d work hard but not go crazy or stress about it and still take lots of time to just chill in his deep dark vibes
Maybe get out once in a while to visit Felix and learn a thing or two
Overall, we see through your front, Bin; you may have a dark vibe but you’re really just a small big softie ☺️
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✧ Hwang Hyunjin ⇢ Kkami Island ✧
Passport Title ⇢ Soothing Season
Welcome to Kkami Island, which was almost named something else aesthetically cute like Honeycomb or Applepuff
However, like Minho, Hyun simply couldn’t resist a chance to use his precious baby’s name
On Kkami, life is pretty chill: EXCEPT WHEN ITS SERIOUS 🔥
That’s right folks
This boy may have some vibing days and go at his own pace
But don’t be fooled: he plays to win
Plant those money trees
Enter those QR codes
Carve out those pathways
Where is Blathers we have a donation 😤😤
Hyunjin would be a steady-paced worker bee 🐝 
He’d likely be selective of his villagers and go for cute ones
Possibly top to secondary tier
When it came to games and get togethers, you’d likely find him chasing another member with a net or an axe, in most cases Jisung
“qUiT LEaViNG TrASh oN mY iSLaNd!!1!1!1!” 💢
“DROP THAT DIY!1!1!1!!1”
Let’s see
His whole island aesthetic would be cute and peaceful:
Plants, terrariums, soft sunlight...
There’d be so many flowers!!! Hyunjin would have a whole colorful flower field 🥰🌸
White and wooden furniture in and around the home
An adorable tea and snack time plaza too! And a library!!! 📖✨
Very cozy and sweet ♥️
Though, shoot, if he had the energy, this guy may just build himself a palace... 🏰
Regardless, just look for the boy with the staple headband and likely some face paint to boot
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✧ Han Jisung ⇢ Swag HOT Island ✧
Passport Title ⇢ Trendy Supreme Being 
(Edit: Minho convinced Felix to hack his account and changed this to Untossable Trash)
Ohhh boy
I bet y’all were waiting patiently for this one
Or maybe you jumped right to it
Either way here we go:
Han Jisung would be the king of the trash heap
And by that I mean this guy would save up all his bells and buy himself a crown 👑 where he’d sit atop a throne of garbage
This guy would be yeeting furniture and garbage all over the place
...Okay maybe that was a bit overdramatic 
Maybe not EVERYWHERE...
...It’d be pretty messy tho
He’d probs have traps set up too
You step off the plane and get catapulted into the ocean, if that were a thing
You’d have to navigate and hop around discarded junk for sure
He’d have clothes here, a fan there, a...urinal...on the beach???
.........o k a y ._.💧
Han Jisung wouldn’t be all that competitive when it came to gathering every fruit or collecting all the fish
He doesn’t have the patience for that
He needs to run around and be free, letting his mind wander while wrecking havoc for everyone else; which is also Minnie’s job but we’ll get to that later
For villagers, he’d have at least one squirrel or two (Marshal?! :D) but I’m not so sure it’d really matter...all that much?
I’m not sure he’d even want many villagers at all
He’d be spending most of his time crashing other member’s islands and leaving little surprises like a useless DIY they already have or a fake painting he got roped into buying bc he was too lazy to check if it was genuine =_=
Everyone got sick of it pretty quickly but no one like Minho or Hyunjin; he’s permanently banned from those two locations and Jeongin’s considering adding him to the list next
Despite there being so much junk, his house would have an almost decent vibe: lots of instruments and fun gear, along with some random clothes, a lava lamp, and...another urinal 🗿💧
Seriously, someone get this boy a closet and some coaching in organization
Chan and Changbin are working on hiring Minnie but it’s not going too well; for one he charges too much
Maybe you can talk some sense into him...
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✧ Lee Felix ⇢ YEET Island ✧
Passport Title ⇢ Festive Chum
Okay y’all
Would be
ALL THE FRUITS!!! 🍎🍐🍊🍒🍑🥥
Boy would have a five star island all sorted into perfectly measured categories
An amusement park, a picnic area, a freaking ranch probably 🐮
Some awesome neighborhood for his tier one villagers with a YMCA down the street
A fancy one at that
I mean this boy would have it all
Expect a competitive softie that really just wants to have fun but like
He’s gonna win too lmao
He’s got his Nook Miles program all maxed out
When playing with the others, he comes up with really creative solutions when faced with a crisis
That’s because this smart cookie knows the ins and outs of the game
There was one time where he fenced Jisung in like the creepy Easter bunny and left him for ded oop
That was a bad day for Jisung and a hilarious day for everyone else
He felt bad about it but he also wanted that Subway gift card 🤷🏻‍♀️ 
Each day is a new hair color for Felix
Sometimes every few days or a week
He sometimes likes to synchronize it with his current hair color but
Experimenting is also fun
Face paint too! 🌈 He chooses a warpaint print he found on Pinterest, for days when the gang gets together for a game of tag or bug catching contests
Even if he doesn’t win, Felix always makes it into the Top 3
And he has a lot of fun doing so! 😊
He’s just one heck of a gamer is all
And his whole aesthetic shines brighter than the sun T-T ☀️
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✧ Kim Seungmin ⇢ Seungmin’s Island ✧
Passport Title ⇢ Radiant Boy
Like Felix, Seungmin would be an ace at AC
He wouldn’t get everything right off the bat
But he’d put in a logical tried-and-true effort, and once he got the ropes and found his groove, my oh my
This boy would have it all
Sophistication ✨
Class ✨✨
Flair ✨✨✨
He’s got a plethora of fruit and stylish attire too
And his aesthetic is so simple but chic
He’s got this whole clean and polished vibe
Lots of artwork and creativity
He’s even got traps that look like fancy furniture
Those are mainly for Han Jisung tho
That oughta teach him to quit nosing around and taking his DIYs <_<
One time he tried stealing a few apples for Swag HOT Island
Didn’t go well sis...
He made it to just outside the pier before getting lost in the hedge maze by Cafe Seungmin
After that Seungmin closed him into a corner as punishment and wouldn’t let him out until he dropped the Apple
But Jisung was feeling pretty prideful that day so he ate it instead 🗿💧
This guy would def make a character that looks just like him!
Would he try new hair colors and face paint? ...Maybe
It seems like a sorta-Seungmin thing to do
Seungmin would wanna be the best of the best while still staying true to himself, so you’ll likely see tier one and two villagers that he particularly fancies
Fancy you, fancy me 🥳✨💃🏻🎶
He’d also be one to go around admiring the chaos from the background while occasionally becoming the chaos
Kinda like the Cheshire Cat 😅
When challenging the others to an art contest (who could buy the most expensive artifact from Redd without using the internet) he switched some of the other members paintings while they were distracted by a meteor shower
“Look, a shooting star! And another one!”
“Make a wish.”
“How do I do that?!”
“Tilt your camera towards the sky and press A.”
“I’ve got my camera app open and it’s just taking photos???”
“Not you CAMERA camera—“
“Hey! Chan hyung, Minho just stole my star!!!”
“I didn’t see your NAME on it...”
“Don’t fight, you can each have half!”
“That’s not how it works at all...”
It was pretty comical until Changbin had to say something, about the art that is
Then Minnie had to bounce before the angry shovels and nets caught up to him
“Hey!!! Why is my painting on Minho’s side???”
“Why is everyone attacking me???”
“Oh, Hyunjin has my painting...”
“I do not! ...Oh hey I do? Why’d you put it over here?”
🛫 🏃🏻‍♀️💨
Poor Minnie just wanted to have some fun amongst the confusion 😔
When it gets right down to it, you better believe this boy would be an aesthetic and skillful player ✨
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✧ Yang Jeongin ⇢ Go Away Island ✧
Passport Title ⇢ Mistakingly Caught Son
Go Away Island means just what the title intends: go away :)
Initially, Jeongin was prepared for what he senior members would do
He knew there would be much anticipation to visit the 막내’s island and drive him crazy
Sometimes, he doesn’t mind it
But others he just wants to be left alone and do his own thing
When he started the game, it was one of those days
So he wanted to make the message clear 😤😤
Also, Don’t Bother Me seemed to be too long 🤷🏻‍♀️
Go Away was straight to the point ;D
On Go Away, you’ll encounter lots of cute characters 💓
Innie has a very cute and true-to-himself aesthetic
He doesn’t understand much of the mechanics but he’s working on it okay?
And he’s getting better every day!
Okay, so like, sometimes he’ll allow Chan to come over and help
Or Felix or maybe Seungmin if he promises to be genuine and behave
But like
The rest of the members are semi-banned
Hyunjin gets a pass if he whines enough
Or he’ll come up with a crafty excuse to come over
“Innie, look! I got peaches on my island! Don’t you want one? They’re cute like you! 😩❣️”
...He could do without that last embarrassing remark but okay sure
He really did want those peaches for his picnic garden 😔✊🏻
In terms of hair color? We’re on a rotation like Felix
We’re trying lots of hair colors
And a few aesthetic designs, too!
Jeongin is very resourceful when it comes to QR codes, something Felix and Seungmin taught him
He uses them to set flowers and stones pathways everywhere
And an especially prominent one leading to the door 👉🏻🚪 
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↬ Which island will you be visiting? 🌴✨
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ღ Stray Kids M.List | M.List ღ
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spyoikawa · 3 years
I still haven’t figured out how to use tumblr correctly so hopefully this gets sent to the correct spot hehe.
I wanted to request tulips or peonies(you can choose!)
Haikyuu pls 🥺
Some things about me, I’m 16, Capricorn, enfj but like barely.
Physical characteristics:
- short. like 5’ short.
- black hair with ombré bleached(I cut most of it off during quarantine)
- Asian and bilingual
- she/her
- I wear glasses or contacts depending on the day
Some personality traits;
- indesisive but also impulsive
- stay neutral on most things, but if I have an opinion I’ll fight for it with my life
- really energetic and outgoing but also kinda shy?
- I don’t care what others think and I’m really determined if I put my mind to something
Idk if this says anything but I’ve confessed to like 3 guys I’ve liked LOL ✋😃
I’m school smart and street smart(maxing AP classes but like barely tbh) and my favorite subject is science. I do like to complain about school a lot and I’m always stressed.
I prefer books>movies, and I don’t like watching movies or shows that much
- reading
- reading
- litterally i just love reading
- I love being outside and I c o u l d be athletic if I tried.
- kinda lazy tho
- sleeping
- I sleep or lay in bed and read a lot
The person I would have a crush on would be:
- extroverted preferably cause I need someone to match my energy, honestly maybe even by crazier than me :P
- not too tall, so a short boi would be nice
- outgoing/confident but not cocky
- nice and encouraging?
- street smart maybe( preferably smart in school but if not oh well)
- I would say athletic but everyone in haikyuu is litterally playing a sport-
- funny
Hopefully I requested this correctly 👉🏻👈🏻
And your writings so nice I can’t believe I only just found ur acc! Sorry if this was rly long ahhhhh 💗💗
You 🤝 Me
Not knowing how to use Tumblr
Thank you for enjoying my writing and I don't mind long requests at all! Thank you for this!
also- I was so happy to see you put down your type and who you get crushes on, that makes my job a lot easier and almost guarantees I can give you a character you like!
h o w e v e r -
I kinda went off tracks with this one
Rion's Flower Shop: Tulips
Please consider the following:
Bokuto Kotarou
you never know what to expect amirite? 😀😀😀
Relationship Dynamic
♡chaos waiting to happen, but in a good way?
♡opposites but the same?
♡while you are indecisive and impulsive, he is very decisive and impulsive. It’s really hit or miss on whether or not you make good decisions together
♡you don’t mind what people think, but Bokuto is almost sheltered from harsh comments to keep him out of emo mode
♡you are very good with school, and is constantly stressed, however Bokuto has slightly lower grades (not horrible), but is not always stressed about it
♡but both of you are very determined and dedicated to something once you have your mind on it!
♡do you see what I’m getting out here?
♡you two are almost the perfect balance of each other, having similarities but being very different at the same time!
♡use this to your advantage! Combine your decision making to come up with the better impulsive decision, bring his spirits up and teach him to ignore harsh comments while he shows you sensitivity and other ways to see what people say, you bring him up in his studies and he helps you relax, and both of you will push each other to be their own best!
What you guys do together/What it’s like with them
♡Bokuto was probably the first to approach you!
♡he had noticed you reading the book for class and asked you to help him out a bit!
♡and over and over again he would keep visiting you about your books. Even if they weren’t for school and he had no interest in them, he just thought you were cool to hang out with :)
♡he also liked to look at your diys and have you teach him some, he likes to keep his hands moving as it helps him focus!
♡he was about ready to explode when he saw you show up to a game of his one day
♡after you start dating, he tries to make sure there's never a boring day in your life, at the very least you had one fun memory
♡whether its watching movies, then completely shit-talking them, comparing them to the books, or taking you out to do some random thing he heard of, or messing around on school grounds once his practice is over 
♡and his attempts at romance are the absolute best, the range goes from completely butchering old poems, to bringing you flowers he found outside, to yelling all the way across the hallways at you, to giving you little bits of origami
♡they’re all slightly embarrassing, but that doesn’t matter, they’re really sweet and its the thought that counts
What they like about you
♡is this even a question? he would probably love every bit of you, without reason
♡when he fell for you, he fell for all of you and he wouldn’t dare exclude a bit
♡but if he were to really choose, its your energy and enthusiasm! He enjoys having someone who can (somewhat) keep up with him and doesn’t get annoyed at the smallest things he does
♡its also great to have a chaos buddy
♡he finds it admirable how dedicated you are to your opinions, values, and projects. To care about something that much? Even if its just an idea, a theoretical bit with no physical value? Amazing. 👏👏👏
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Me: *pairs you up with Bokuto*
*realizes you had a type*
Your type: smart, short boi, confident but not cocky
Me holding an over 6 foot himbo, almost (if not) overly cocky character: 👁👄👁 shit-
Seriously though, if I really fucked up, or even if you are just slightly unhappy with this, let me know and I would be thrilled to write for you again, I know I kinda went off on my own with this one-
This is gonna get really old really fast-
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Hey, it's me again! The Anon that constantly comes back because I'm too lazy to play the new lessons myself.
Anyway, Lesson 30-something, what happened in it? I've just seen screenshots and most of them are Solomon blushing (which, well, can't really say I'm complaining).
Hope you answer, and I'll probably ask you about the lessons after this.
-Anon that's still somehow stuck on Lesson 31. Seriously, I should really start playing the game again soon.
I'm screaming I literally wrote this whole thing and it got deleted because tumblr refused to send it and just banished the reply into the void i want to fight someone. I'm so sorry I'm gonna bang my head against something now.
It's okay if you ask cause I need someone to rant to after lessons!
So two days before the ritual to break the pacts. Solomon is researching how to use the night dagger.
Lucifer & Satan are arguing on the staircase (cause 50% of all important conversations happen on staircases - and I mean this sincerely). Lucifer promised mammon he'd come play cards with him and Satan doesn't want him to go cause he thinks it'll be a scam (he's worried about his dad big brother❤). MC asks Satan if he's worried about Lucifer and that makes his affection go up. He asks MC to promise him to go with Lucifer and keep an eye on him. He ruffles MC's hair and gives them the same we'll still be friends talk that the others do
They go to play cards and place bets, if Mammon wins he gets Lucifer's credit card for a day and if Lucifer wins he gets mc alone for a day. You can choose whether you want mc to either play along or cheer for Lucifer. (And look my MC's performing Olympic grade gymnastics to avoid Lucifer's advances & this lesson has a lot of options to romance Lucifer that I didn't pick so...)
Lucifer gets distracted by Mammon's car before they start playing.
Mammon really really wanted this limited edition car (it had a rare colour) so he worked his ass off and earned money to buy it (I think it's mentioned that this is the first thing he bought from his own money). But by the time he'd earned enough it had been sold out. As far as Mammon knows Lucifer spoke to the dealer and was able to find one last car (can you do that? Can you just ask them to look in the back and they'll just pop out with a car they accidentally overlooked?). BUT Lucifer recalls that he actually spoke to diavolo and called in a special favour to get the car for mammon. Lucifer tells mammon he was impressed by him and I no longer possess a physical form I'm now a bowl of goop with thumbs to type
Lucifer wins (duh) and mammon asks to speak to mc alone. He tells them that even if their pact is severed he'll always be their first man. MC says 'I won't forget.' Mammon does that stuttery thing and says something like 'don't forget.' He hugs them tight. I added a screenshot of this (& other important moments) to my first answer but I don't wanna risk it cause if I lose this again I will realistically commit homicide. But anyway this line killed me 'suddenly I feel like the invisible bond between us is even stronger than it was before'. If I wasn't a puddle before I would be now
The next day mc & Lucifer meet up to go out, Asmo and mammon complain, I'm a total dick so I don't let MC hold Lucifer's hand and it makes him sad (I cry). They meet Solomon at the gate and he says he needs to talk with MC but can wait till after. He suggests going to the carnival (from the beginning of the season) cause it's the last day at the devildom and Simeon was planning on taking Luke but had to bail to go to the celestial realm. (Also the devildom is only one city/district right? I always saw it as the capital of The Devildom as a whole)
Lucifer laments not being able to remeber their first time at the carnival, mc gets to reassure him that it's okay. They get popcorn and go on the ferris wheel.
He asks them what they spoke about last time on the ferris wheel. The answers are 'Lucifer' or 'diavolo' . if you choose diavolo he throws shade at past Lucifer for being an idiot and talking about another man when with MC (*SNORT*) .
Yes yes ik mammon technically confessed first and did so twice (thrice?) but neither were direct. The first was him agreeing with mc about them being in love in front of someone else and the second was under the influence of the truth bracelet. Asmo confessed too but in a 'never thought I'd find someone I love more than me. That's wild' way.
After mc shoots him down he goes 'that sucks guess I'll have to try harder to make you fall for me'
@like-nxrthernstxrs if you say you love him back, you get to kiss and mammon who followed you sees and goes quiet which yeah no, no thanks
I didn't unlock the locked lessons but screenshots show that all the brothers follow them I think (imagine the nightmare of dating one of them for real tho? Like you, me and your friend Steve except Steve is your 6 brothers who want to sleep with me)
The most notable exchange during them is when Levi asks whether Lucifer seems happier without his memories (he actually is more carefree) but mammon says he wouldn't be happier because he loves all his little brothers and he wouldn't be happy if he couldnt remember them. Levi tells mammon it's gross whenever he starts acting like an actual older brother (so we've seen mammon step up to the role of a older brother every once in a while - specially when Lucifer isnt able to - and he's actually really good at it? And that's just💞💞)
When they go home, solomon's in MC's room. He goes 'so do you want the good news or bad news first? Actually they're both bad news and you're fucked lol'
The dagger is so old that it doesn't have enough power to break the bonds and even when charged with Solomon's power it isn't enough.
The only way to restore the power is to use it to stab a powerful demon in the chest and have it absorb the demon's power.
Then he gives mc the dagger and is like 'anyway go stab Lucifer in the chest or we're all gonna die'
MC's like 'what the fuck'
Solomon goes 'lol just kidding i wouldn't ask you to do that'
Solomon tells them that he spent his whole life protecting humanity and that he is willing to do anything to save it. He tells them that choosing between all of the three realms and one demon should be easy. But he can't because he knows that'll make MC sad and he doesn't want to hurt them (honestly some of the dialogue from Solomon, Simeon and even diavolo makes me wonder if they'll ever become LIs down the road)
Lucifer has been eavesdropping the whole time (obviously) and kicks Solomon out.
Mc tells time not to worry and that they'll figure something else out. He tells them that he cares about his brothers and them (he puts a bit of emphasis on MC) and that he wants them to stab him. MC keeps on protesting. He grabs their hand and makes them point the dagger to his chest. You get a choice. You can either stab Lucifer, MC or command him to 'stay'. If you choose to command him, he freezes for a sec and then tells MC they are too distraught to be able to put any actual power behind the command. He moves their hand to stab himself. The screen goes white. If you decide to stab MC he screams their name. The screen goes white
A '???' voice tells them to stop and that it's not needed. Simeon (the only person with even a single braincell in this entire game) stops their hand and tells them they've been brave. He slips an old ring on to their finger. The screen goes white.
The screen's still white but now it's white in a way that makes it look like it's sunlight blinding the screen.
Another '???' voice apologises to MC for not being able to meet them before. It asks mc why they refused to stab Lucifer. They can say it's because they love him, because they didn't want anyone to get hurt or because they wanted to find another way. And look even if you aren't romancing Lucifer you have to admit at this point of the game MC does love him and all his brothers as well.If you pick the first option the voice says that it's a good thing and that they should cherish that love and let it grow. If you choose the second it tells them they are kind. The voice then tells them that after seeing how much the brothers adore them it expected them to be wicked and that it's happy they aren't. It tells them that they don't have to worry and that the ring of light will keep their powers in check and that they should go back because the others are worried. MC wakes up to Lucifer calling their name.
I'm 90% certain the voice in Michael, 10% of me is terrified it'll turn out to be God. And look I'm not religious, I don't really believe in anything and either way I was raised in a Buddhist household so God has never been anything I believed in BUT God talking to me through an otome game is definitely not something I need rn or ever really
Mc, Solomon, Simeon and Luke are by the lake at the palace. Solomon says he can finally relate to Mammon cause Lucifer had punished him. Simeon reveals that Lucifer had punished diavolo as well and would be coming after the rest of them that kept this whole thing secret from him (And this kills me! This man loves his family so much he was not only willing to go against God and his army when his family was in danger but he was also willing to lash out at DIAVOLO who he has so much respect & loyalty towards when he accidentally put Lucifer's family in danger!??? Anyway any chance I had of solidifying into a physical state has been completely swept away)
It's revealed that Simeon may or may not have stolen the ring from Michael who still loves Lucifer and keeps a shrine to Lucifer all of Lucifer's things from the celestial realm with him. And honestly I want whatever superpower Lucifer has that allows him to act like a dick with major issues but still makes ppl just absolutely love him. (I absolutely adore how easily om! throws around the word 'love' or actions of love. And I don't mean regarding MC. I mean between the brothers, undateables, Luke and side characters. Like at this point there's no doubt that despite all their differences everyone loves each other.)
Simeon (or Luke) note that now with the ring MC is as powerful a sorcerer as Solomon and may someday surpass him. Solomon is asked of he's jealous and he says he's not and he's glad to finally have someone like him.
Solomon pulls MC aside and asks them for a favour. They can either ask what it is or say 'anything for you'. If you choose the second option he blushes. He tells them he has spent his whole life looking out for humanity (thousands of years) and that he would like to work side by side with them to protect the humans. In his own words they'd be 'partners'. You can either agree or tell him it sounds like a pain in the ass. If you agree he says that a part of him knew they'd agree. (I can't remember if this is said outloud or implied but I'm assuming this means Solomon will teach them to use actual magic thus making 3 out of 4 of my main game MCs magical apprentices. Nice.)
*Solomon refers to himself as 'the witty sorcerer' confirming that all their aliases in the cards have actual canon meaning...so Mammon's 'fallen warrior' and 'punishment party' is basically just confirming he was probably the only one classed as a fighter from all his brothers back in the celestial realm and that he's a masochist right? That's what that means?*
Barbatos arrives to welcome them and ask them to follow him.
The lesson ends.
The pre stabbing scene with Solomon and mc doesn't really follow the exact dialogue of the first scene in S2 and the backgrounds don't match either (the human world vs MC's bedroom). Now this could mean the devs fucked up or it could mean there's more BS waiting to be stirred up. Personally I believe it's the first one BUT with how determined the devs seem with turning all of Lucifer's hair white i wouldn't be surprised if it was the second either
Hope that helps 31!❤ sorry it took some time I had to take constant breaks to scream cause the app sucks :)))
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honestlyhoneystuff · 4 years
Bang Chan NSFW A-Z
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A (Aftercare- what they’re like after sex)  
Literally the sweetest after sex. The type to make sure you’re okay first before anything and then going and getting you something to clean off with. Will even run you a bath or hop in the shower with you (or if you wanna clean up alone will head to the kitchen to make you a snack and grab some water for you). After words he’d cuddle you until you fall asleep or get up to do something else.
B (Body Part- Their favorite body part on you and themselves)
On you I’d say he’s a sucker for you eyes in a non sexual way (and sometimes even sexual cause eye contact during sex is a big thing for him.) And in a sexual way he’d say your thighs because he loves grabbing them during sex, cumming on them, and even cuddling into your lap.
On himself boy loves his arms. He knows how weak you get over his veins and hands. He loves being able to make you weak just from a simple grab or touch. He also loves how he can pick you up at any time he wants and place you on something or against the wall.
C (Cum- Favorite place to cum)
I Think he really enjoys cumming on your thighs/ass. Maybe even on your stomach. He’d only cum inside if he was wearing a condom cause the thought of getting you pregnant literally terrifies him.
D (Dirty Fantasy- Secret or Not)
Total cliche but Chan might actually wanna try to take you in the studio. But the doors have to be locked and it’ll have to be late at night when no one else is around. Also the type to record your moans and sneak them into the next song he produces.
E (Experience- How experienced are they?)
I don’t think Chan is that experienced. He might have had his first time but chances are boys most likely still a virgin. He’s been a trainee for a long time and only focuses on his work so sleeping around and girls in general is just something he’s not that interested in right now. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t know what he’s doing tho.
F (Favorite Position)
I think missionary is his go to favorite. Doggy when he’s feeling a bit more rough and dominant but most nights he wants to see your face and see how he’s making you feel. Also he has access to whisper in your ear and touch your chest and clit easily.
G (Goofy- How goofy are they during sex?)
Honestly while I think Chan would be more serious during sex I do think occasionally you’d get a goofy moment. He’s very laid back so I don’t think he’s afraid to just chill and vibe during sex. Also if something goofy happens he’d be very mature about it but also goof about (not to the extent of embarrassing you or anything though.)
H (Hair- How do they look down there)
I feel like Chan is really well groomed. Unless he gets really busy and forgets or is too lazy but I mean the boy drinks straight pineapple juice like he KNOWS things lol so he probs takes care of himself a lot. Also likes a happy trail (lol me too)
I (Intimacy- How intimate can they get and when?)
While Chan can be goofy sometimes I also think he can get very intimate as well. He takes his career and life very seriously and I think that would transfer into his relationship as well. Also if you were having a bad day or just felt like you weren’t good enough or anything he’d make the whole night about you (like he doesn’t already lol) and just make you feel good and loved.
J (Jack Off- Do they and how often)
I really don’t think he does it that often. He’s really busy most of the time so I think that even thinking about anything that could get him hard is very rare. Jacks off maybe once a week if that.
K (Kinks- top Kinks they might have)
BABYGIRL/BOY- He calls stays babygirl all the time so I KNOW he’d call his s/o that as well. He likes the dominating aspect of it and while he doesn’t partake in the Daddy title of it he does enjoy how submissive you can get for him especially if it’s just because he called you that.
Manhandling- He’s got some pretty nice muscles and he knows how weak you get for his arms so he uses that against you by picking you up all the time..either to push you against the wall, put you on a table or the bed, or flip you into another position.
Choking- I actually think he really likes this. Mostly for the trust aspect of it (and also the dominance it gives him) may even be open to you trying it on him.
Soft Dom/Switch- while I know this isn’t a kink I want to talk about it here. He’s really open to letting you top once in a while and even kind of borders on the no power play aspect a lot of the time.
L (Location- Where they like to have sex and places they might try)
I think Chan would like to stay in the bedroom. It’s where he feels most comfortable and having someone accidentally walk in on you is a less likely thing. I think he might even try the shower but he’d wanna be safe so he might only go as far as oral if that.
M (Motivation- What gets them going)
You. Chan’s pretty new to the whole dating and sex thing so thinking about the fact that he finally has someone to do it with would get him hot fast. Also if you give him a certain look, and he was in a position to take care of you or take you somewhere he could, that would get him hard in a second.
N (No- What are their turn offs and what they absolutely wouldn’t do)
I don’t think Chan would be into super hard kinks that bring harm to either one of you. He might spank you every once in a while but straight slapping might definitely be a no go. Also having threesomes is something I don’t think he’d be into.
O (Oral- How would the give/receive and what they prefer)
I think he would prefer to give oral more than receive. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t like receiving, Chan is just a sweetheart that wants to make you feel good and doesn’t want to pressure you into doing it back if you don’t want to.
P (Pace- How is their pace? Fast and rough or deep and slow?)
He could really be a mix of both. Most times a normal but deep pace, on nights he’s feeling more intimate slower and deeper, and on nights where he might be a little mad and just need to fuck out some stress its rough and hard.
Q (Quickies- How do they feel about them?)
I don’t think he’d be to into them because he really wants to take his time with you. But if you were really needy and he really didn’t have much time he would possibly get you off with his fingers before anything else.
R (Risk- How risky are they? Do they experiment or stay safe?)
Chan plays it safe. He doesn’t want anyone to see you the way that he does and he doesn’t want to get caught by the public because that could ruin his and the boys’ careers.
S (Stamina- How many rounds can they go?)
Depending on how hard he went. Usually a normal night he might go 2 rounds, if he's super stressed he could hit 3 or even 4 if you could handle it. And on nights where he’s slow and sweet then most likely 1 but it’ll be long with a lot of foreplay and chances are he’d make you cum by his finger and mouth before even fucking you.
T (Toys- Do they use them on themselves or their partner?)
If you had toys that you used in your alone time he wouldn’t mind it but he wouldn’t bring those into the bedroom to use on you and definitely not on himself.
U (Unfair- How much do they tease?)
I don’t think he teases very often. If he does it’s probably because you started it or he got a little jealous.
V (Volume- How loud are they and what do they sound like?)
Quiet for the most part with nice deep groans in your ear. Def the type to talk to you during whether its for consent purposes or dirty talk. He’s also the type to talk you through your orgasm tell me I’m wrong.
W (Wild Card- Random head canon or scenario)
Chan excludes a lot of non sexual dominance when y’all are together. Mostly out in town and with other people (even the other boys) The type to help guide you around places by an arm around our waist or saying little phrases that kill you on the inside like: “come here baby”, “let me help you”, “sit on my lap” (or sexually- “sit on my lap kitten/baby”). Also the type to get onto you for swearing. Now I’m not saying Chan’s a straight Daddy but boys a daddy lol just without the title (he’d probs giggle every time you say it like let’s be honest with ourselves.)
X (X-Ray- What are they packing?)
Maybe not the longest but he’s packing some girth. A good 5 to 5.5 inches maybe.
Y (Yearning- How high is their sex drive?)
Honestly not that high. Unless it’s a time where he hasn’t seen you in a while or he just hits one of those moods where he only wants to be with you and through that comes a lot of sex.
Z (ZZZ- How quick do they fall asleep after?)
Wouldn’t fall asleep unless you did first and even then when you did he would also get up to go get some stuff done. If you didn’t fall asleep then he’d lay there talking with you for the next couple of hours until you did or either of you had to go do something. Would also put on the tv after to watch or have background noise. If you were still needy might even sneak in another round after some rest.
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raquellmurillo · 4 years
I totally agree with you. They made it looked like Raquel is just a hindrance on the plans of Professor. Without her, the story most likely will just stay the same. So much hateee. Raquel can do better!!! Where the fuck is Raquel Murillo!!!!
Didn’t they just???
Apart from all the problematic issues with her being involved in the heist... they really made her the hindrance.
Firstly, I don’t understand the whole point of them not being in Madrid. Because, Sergio had to be there in s1&2, just in case things went wrong, especially with cars, evidence, ya know all the little bits. I understand there are no protocols to check outside a given area... wouldn’t it make more sense to play it the other way around? To make police think they’re in, say, Barcelona, “because there are no protocols to check outside given area”; which would make the police think they’re really clever, as they’ve figured out that the professor is trying to base himself elsewhere. Why not have Marsella riding that bike around another large city....?
Because you see, I’d understand if that actually was a crucial part; they could by no means be in Madrid... but all of s4 was based in Madrid, yet no one bothered to look there (well apart from Alicia who tracked him from cctv cameras.... like give this woman a raise! But that would also assume Sergio is stupid enough to drive straight to his “secret hideout”, rather than leave the car say a few streets away and walking........ he is really down to his last brain cell, isn’t he??? Or the writers are lmao) so it seems a bit pointless to be as far away from the heist, especially, since like, Sergio hasn’t been caught in Madrid (well by the teams of thousands looking for him, since now they’ve even got a trail to follow) and as this amazing technique of being further away got them caught a lot faster? Wouldn’t it be better to start off in Madrid and run if they got caught there? Still being able to direct the heist but not from the comfort of a nearby location? Didn’t it sorta look like they were trying to catch them? 
It leaves a few plot holes, ya know... the whole epicenter plan (oh I was perhaps distracted when first hearing it lmaoo ;D) ---- that assumes they’re caught in a forest tho (?) - what if the got tracked an hour before on the beach...??? It seemed the plot was written for the action, rather than the action for the plot - all the things that were planned in s1&2 were only for inside the mint (!!!!) and all the things outside of the heist - the really stressful bits of Sergio threatening Russians etc. - were improvised, because they were fully aware that otherwise it would seem so unnatural; they weren’t protocol things that could be planned or predicted. I know now things have changed etc. but this amazing idea with the location was meant to solve all their issues. The plan of ‘in case they got caught’ was so ugh because it was clearly not written as a response to the situation, but almost in order to cause the situation. It would have made more sense to not have the epicenter plan, as it would’ve looked as if they didn’t expect to be caught in the middle of a forest lmao Sergio is a genius of improvisation, not a psychic (!!!!) It would have been amazing if they were in that ambulance and Sergio was like “think, think, think; a tree!! omg we gonna fool them wifey”. Not.... a few months before; “they’re not gonna catch us...... but if they do, it’ll defo be in a forest - I can sense it!!” --- plan epicenter on the beach --- “okay Raquel, you’re gonna bury yourself in the sand and hope the dogs don’t dig you up”; I mean, they couldn’t have predicted that, which made it so obvious (now looking back) that they planned Raquel to be a hindrance, rather than something actually going wrong causing a genuine, unplanned, improvised reaction (...not to mention --- let her climb the motherfucking tree, you cowards!!!!!) Nah, but seriously, it looked as if the only thing that Sergio calculated was that she would be a hindrance lmaooo 
So, the million dollar question; why not keep them locked up in that abandoned warehouse whilst Marsella flies from one city to another confusing the police? Because the implications of Sergio happily doing all the shit from his secret non moving base in Madrid, are that the police aren’t able to track him. At all. Despite still negotiating? Even without having Marsella cycling around all the time. Also despite having constant gatherings of Serbian, I assume, criminals, mafia.... Imagine if the police is tracking one of the people Sergio hires anyhow, for like, idk drug trafficking- and they break into Sergio’s hide out thinking they’ve managed to find some drug den.... but to their disappointment it’s just Sergio lmao
The point being, I think they wanted to write it for action rather than plot. Having Raquel and Sergio back in a s1&2 type set up, could possibly be seen as repetitive, viewer wise.... WHich I think is just laziness; they’d have to write some conflict scenes, delve into more detail. We only got, what, one, two scenes of Raquel and Sergio both negotiating.... wouldn’t it have been more fun to continue this? Have Alicia slide in more and more personal details of Raquel’s life; legit doing her tent interview with Raquel over the phone? Imagine her calling him a nut job, saying something like, “he could’ve been trying to kill your family for all you know...” and Raquel just rolling her eyes and hanging up ---- to see a very very distressed Sergio lmaooo 
I know they’re the lead couple but let’s not be afraid of well written conflict, for the sake of sorting some shit out -- I love them, but for the sake of poor Raquel, let them be together as they are, not as what they think they are. Let’s forget about the glory for a second. In s1&2 everyone loved them because they were able to overcome the fact that they’re on different sides; this time, instead of writing them as madly in love, let’s take a step to tackle them as characters who make their bond stronger by accepting their weaknesses ~ give Sergio his ‘Imma kill this old woman and man who just woke up from a coma to make sure they don’t fuck up the plan’ attitude back; Gandia should be dead! The rule was ‘no killing of innocent kids so the public opinion doesn’t push the police to enter’, not ‘let’s not kill this guy who is a government trained assassin so amnesty international considers me as their next president’ lmaooo PLS let them be themselves, and MAKE them deal with them ‘being themselves’. Raquel is the goodie goodie and Sergio is the wanna be goodie goodie - or goodie for the show - Make him make some radical decisions; make Raquel question them; MAKE her be his voice of reason. (like in s3, when she questioned the Rio/Tokyo thing; that one argument was as far as they were willing to take it, but at least they tried). Make an interesting conflict by making Alicia try to prove to Raquel, that Sergio is who he is, and Sergio not doing anything in his favour to prove the contrary. Make Raquel realise that there is a lot of truth in what Alicia is saying; if she is going to love him, it should depend on her making this informed decision of loving him as he is. 
Instead of one big argument, gradually build it up. It seemed like they wanted to shove everything into that scene; little by little, and lets not get them all so upset and shout some dramatic lines at each other ya know. Instead of the “I thought we were in love...” -- my wonderful negotiator wouldn't go there omg, let her @@@@ himmm; “shut the fuck up, you ain’t gonna get anywhere with those umbrella statements, because tell me again, what did you beat me at?”, “Didn’t tell me to come along??? Well, you didn’t fucking stop me either.”, “Now, we’ve reached the conclusion that I beat you and you didn’t give enough of a shit about me to stop me from coming as vengeance was so much more important you didn’t think you could lose your new family; go the fuck back in and tell Tokyo to not fucking do that to the boy.” LETS NOT BE AFRAID OF MAKING SERGIO THE BAD GUY AND HAVE RAQUEL PUT HIM IN HIS PLACE. Like she put the people in the police tent in their place, a countless amount of times, especially in terms of her ex etc. The “you’re my first love” thing was cute, but it seemed like throwing words at the wind and turning the issue around; “you’re right, I’m sorry, I was so obsessed thinking about my brother I didn’t realise how much I was hurting you, you’re right about the whole Tokyo thing too” etc..... constructive relationship building; apologising for the actual thing, rather than avoiding a conversation about it and blaming ones behavior on ‘being new to the situation’ (that’s a red flag, no? A lil.....) character progress, still having fierce Raquel who isn’t just gonna let Sergio put her down like that, considering she is risking her life for him, meaning she ought to get some say........
Because the lines Alicia says have a lot of truth in them, especially for an audience who is aware of everything; Raquel denying them or saying some stupid comments really makes her seem idk sometimes even stupid. Like babe, he was going to kill your mother and best friend and now he is risking your life, shut the fuck up. Of course, it is not in bad intention, but Sergio’s manner of loving is a very selfish one. Let her acknowledge this. Don’t be afraid of writing her as a strong character who isn’t afraid of loving someone despite their flaws, because deep down she knows he loves her, and it’s okay for it not to be perfect. Because not allowing her to see this, makes her seem like she is so blindly in love with him; it really fucks up the characterisation. 
... because without this, she is stripped of her very strong characterisation, and simply reduced to a love interest. But the show seems so be so fucking in love with the professor they are afraid to give him this edge he had before. Because sorting Raquel’s character out would require them to write Sergio as the maniac obsessed with his plan rather than the next president of Amnesty International lmao  
I had another three paragraphs about the plan etc. but imma put them in a different ask, so enjoy this wonderful Milan Kundera quote instead; 
“Love is by definition an unmerited gift; being loved without meriting it is the very proof of real love. If a woman tells me: I love you because you're intelligent, because you're decent, because you buy me gifts, because you don't chase women, because you do the dishes, then I'm disappointed; such love seems a rather self-interested business. How much finer it is to hear: I'm crazy about you even though you're neither intelligent nor decent, even though you're a liar, an egotist, a bastard.”
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koiyyo · 4 years
hnng i want to request a lot of things but i’m scared to but!!! how would the classes play animal crossing and/or their favorite villagers if it wouldn’t be too hard! thank u
hi, mod kiwi here! thanks for the ask, anon- don’t be afraid to ask us whatever!! :)
(also me and irusu r really cool and helped) -mod corn
here we go! animal crossing time!
dr1 cast!
- plays daily- his favorite villager is probably poppy- his favorite special villager is shrunk- silly axolotl man- got really confused the first time one of his tools broke- almost started crying- invites every animal he meets into his island no matter what- does EVERY favor villagers ask of him - actually likes bunny day and thinks the eggs are adorable
- only got it because makoto BEGGED her to get it- her favorite villager is judy she’s hella cute- her favorite special villager is sable - just chilling- tons of purple flowers on her island - doesn’t like peppy villagers, feel like they’re too hyper for her- puts a lot of care into her villagers doe- likes going to a mystery island and just investigating,,, unless it has tarantulas
- surprisingly really likes animal crossing- acts like he doesn’t- his favorite villager is raymond… of course- his favorite special villager is tom nook- chased around makoto holding an axe one time- makoto was literally crying- makoto thought that you could actually kill people with axes in animal crossing- byakuya found this amusing
- actually enjoys ac a lot- her favorite villager is chrissy, she just has awesome vibes- her favorite special villager is mabel cause she’s,, blue,, - loves taking videos/pictures of villagers singing- tries to hum along,, fails- her islands are always covered in tons of flowers (mostly blue!!)- enjoys inviting people to her island and showing them around
- takes ac too seriously- her favorite villager is definitely audie cause she’s an embodiment of fashion statement- her favorite special villager is sable cause who doesn’t love clothing- harasses mukuro to come to her island anytime she plays- will dig holes everywhere whenever someone visits- her house should be in a magazine it’s so pretty,,- new outfit for everyday of the month- hosts fashion shows religiously with her friends or anyone she can get her hands on
- doesn’t really play just sits back and watches junko- plays on her save every now and then doe- favorite villager is vivian since she reminds her of junko- favorite special villager is sable- doesn’t like talking to villagers, feels like they're judging her- if a villager pisses her off she makes plans to kill them- she can’t, so she settles for bonking them until they leave
- avid ac fan- favorite villager is sheldon, he can respect the hustle- favorite special villager is isabelle cause she’s precious- cries if he accidentally hurts a villagers feelings- is hella rich- loves decorating around the villagers’ house as best he can- his island is more nature themed,, its just more relaxing- takes tons of scenic pictures, mostly with mondo and taka
- “i would never play a BABY game”- next thing he knows, he’s up at 3 am whispering how cute the villagers are- favorite villager is tex he’s so chonky (and his taste in fashion is top tier)- favorite special villager is k.k cause Damn He Vibes- will constantly run over his flower and almost throw his console- asks chihiro for advice constantly- “h-how do i get.. good fish..”- quality bonding time- doesn’t tell people he plays but gushes about it in private
- claims he doesn’t have time for it- he actually does,, and plays it any chance he gets- favorite villager is kid cat cause he’s so funky- favorite special villager is blathers since he teaches him a lot- can’t handle lazy villagers, they didn’t do anything wrong he just feels like they will slack off in his uptight town smh- doesn’t really care about designing his town, mostly completing tasks he needs to- likes having red flowers everywhere tho- will cry if he doesn’t get all the fish/insects he needs on time- beats up any visitor that leaves something on the ground
- attempted to buy Doom instead- favorite villager is coco, she’s just so cute/creepy- favorite special villager is jack he vibes- hates interacting with her villagers cause she feels like she’ll mess it up- tried to get byakuya to let her on his island, or for him to visit hers- is very thorough about decorating her island- tries to have a story behind it so it feels more unique- always ugly sobs when her flowers end up gone
- attempted to buy AC instead, she won- favorite villager is lucky, feels like he has serial killer vibes- favorite special villager is jack- runs over any flowers that toko tries to plant- tries to make the island scary themed- if any villager “looks at her wrong” she harasses them daily- leaves them gruesome letters even tho they cant understand
- doesn’t even know how he got a copy he just does- favorite villager is sherb- favorite special villager is wisp since he likes getting stuff, he likes harvey too- doesn’t bother putting effort into designing his island- only plays while high so he thinks the villagers are kinda scary- “why are they,, staring at me like that,,,”- has never repaid his debt to tom nook
- her brother was the one who introduced her to the series, loves it- favorite villager is ketchup cause shes cute and can swim!!- favorite special villager is gulliver since he’s goofy- loves fishing anytime she can- always plays when she wakes up early in the morning and before bed- anytime she gets something new she acts like a child on christmas- thinks all villagers are cute and got pouty when she couldn’t have them all on her island- can never outrun tarantulas ):
- loves playing when hina is around- her favorite villager is maddie, reminds her of hina- favorite special villager is daisy mae she’s just really cute- hina helps her decorate her island since she doesn’t care that much- gets sad if she accidentally hits a villager- enjoys playing at night since it’s relaxing- constantly being stung by wasps pls help her
- favorite villager is portia she’s fancy as hell- favorite special villager is celeste duh- likes taking slow strolls through her museum to see her progress- her house is very victorian-esque- lots of tables with tea around her island- likes designing gothic clothes- anything on her island that can be black is - has a crime scene hidden on her island just for the hell of it
- favorite villager is snooty, wants her to step on him- favorite special villager is isabelle- his island is only anime themed- has anime girl “posters” all over his house, and on his clothing- always gets stung by wasps and claims that it’s unfair- no one interacts with him
- didn’t think he’d be into ac- favorite villager is leonardo- favorite special villager is k.k- doesn’t play this game very religiously- his island shows that smh- says he’ll break his console if he gets another sea bass- likes having a relaxing walk while playing to calm him down doe- outfit is just a baseball jersey
- favorite villager is felicity- favorite special villager is isabelle- likes playing with makoto and toko- her island is very cute, whenever someone tells her this she gets vry flustered- the shine in her eyes gets 10x brighter when she catches a big fish- loves staring at her aquarium- all her clothing is pastel and cute- has every type of tree on her island,, for the vibe
- enjoys ac- gets confused every 2 seconds doe- one time chiaki make rosie move out of hajime’s island as a prank. he will never forgive her for this- his favorite villager is rosie cuz she’s just adorable,, also vibes with kabuki- his favorite special character is flick. funky chameleon boy- grumbles about how he misses rosie constantly- loves tangy doe,, calls her orange juice
- loves to play with hajime and chiaki- only villagers that he likes ever move into his island bc of his luck- one time rosie moved into his island. hajime was fucking pissed- his favorite villager is ruby because she was one of his first animals to move into his island- his favorite special character is jack- likes having green flowers everywhere- got every fish he needed too cause of his damn luck
- had her hands on it the second the game was released. plays constantly- always has an absurd number of bells and nook miles- her favorite villager is lolly :”)- her favorite special character is blathers bc funny sleepy owl man- has never seen daytime cause she sleeps during the day- even if she’s lazy her island is gucci as hell- invites hajime to her island just to bonk him and leave him to fight wasps
- camped outside of gamestop till it opened, screamed when she got her hands on a copy- her favorite animal is definitely bella- favorite special villager is k.k., attends all his concerts, and has all his songs- anytime she makes a mistake she’ll just yell “NO!”- is actually pretty calm playing- will give all the villagers wacky voices, ends up in snort laughter- doesn’t like fishing cause she always pulls the rod in to early- loves having colors EVEYRRYWRHERE
- favorite villager is fauna- favorite special villager is lable- anytime she gets stung she’s on top of it, has tons of medicine- cries when she does anything wrong- worries if her villagers judge her- sucks at fishing- all of her clothing has at least one (1) bandaid included cause why not- her actual villager has a bandaid on its face for the aesthetic™- loves when she’s sitting on a bench and a villager joins
- has so many random photos of nature or villagers- favorite villager is tasha she’s vry cute!!- favorite special villager is pavé since HES flamboyant and good for pictures- her island is very aesthetic- tons of pretty flowers everywhere, and everything place is just aligned perfectly somehow- loves touring others islands, especially hiyoko’s- her outfit has a drawn on camera for the vibe
- avid fan of animal crossing- if you cant interact with real life animals then games >>- favorite villager is all of them (but favors marshal more,, reminds her of fuyuhiko)- favorite special villager is isabelle- has never bullied or hit one (1) of her villagers, cherishes them too much- will send them letters saying how much she loves them from time to time- her island is very pretty and all her villagers are decorated outside- forgets to eat dinner or sleep cause she plays it so much
- “how many things in the game can i eat”- favorite villager is katt cause she’s so INDEPENDENT- favorite special villager is jingle, always makes her excited- has a makeshift restaurant on her island- all her outfits have food somewhere on them- every fruit tree she can get she has, she requires food 24/7- constantly threatens to fight tom nook for putting her in debt
- FAV VILLAGER MARSHAL 100%- also pashmina cause she reminds him of natsumi- natsumi was the one who convinced him to get it, showed it to peko- now they play it every night together before bed- yells at villagers anytime they get in his way then apologizes profusely- peko has to help him design his island he just doesn’t get it- takes her on ac dates, they just stargaze or look at their aquariums- likes to talk to the villagers as if they can hear him,, will blush and deny if peko points it out
- favorite villager is tia because she “looks fancy”- favorite special villager is pavé- has tons of outfits related to disney princesses- her island is very modern looking, prefers stone things than wooden- has tons of fashion shows- everything about her island is clean and aligned- lets gundham visit a lot to check in on her cute villagers- hella rich has that bell cash money
- compliments sonia’s island everyday even if he hasn’t been allowed on it- favorite villager is freya, loves her colors- favorite special villager is harvey cause he vibes- screams anytime he gets a big fish- island lowkey looks like trash but sonia gives him advice amen- is pretty smart about wasps, but lacks iq with anything else like tarantulas- unironically celebrates the villagers’ birthdays- even if he’s feral he likes to take a chill pill and play ac
- ew- favorite villager is merengue- favorite special villager is isabelle- tries to flirt with villagers through letters- all the villagers on his island are wamen- tried to buy nude qr codes,, failed- always has an apron on and has a little cafe on his island
- favorite villager is keaton since he’s funky- favorite special villager is blanca- scoffs anytime they miss an insect or fish- dedicated to ac after they said they wouldn’t be- their island is actually pretty well decorated, they enjoy having flowers everywhere- until they run over them and regret living
- favorite villager is soleil, tiny and cute- favorite special villager is jack- mahiru suggested ac to her and then she got obsessed- always bullies her villagers, its a miracle they haven’t moved out- pitfall seeds buried all over her island for poor, unsuspecting visitors- her island is akin to hell no one wants to visit her- its a shame since its so pretty tho- likes visiting places with mahiru and letting her take photos- enjoys spinning to pretend she’s dancing
- his favorite villagers are all the hamsters- his favorite special villager is daisy mae- has played since the first game, religious fan of it- never been rude to one of his villagers- takes designing very seriously and it pays off- despite his very colorful island his outfits are pretty dark- walks around sonia’s island a lot and they stargaze sometimes- played it for 24 hours straight once, almost died- goes on to ac forums and starts flame wars with anyone that bullies their villagers (mainly hiyoko)
- plays every now and then, loves it a lot- favorite villager is kevin since he vibes- favorite special villager is jingle, gets him hyped- anytime a villager starts singing he’ll yell “YOU’RE DOING GREAT”- doesn’t know how to decorate,, at all,,- his house is just another storage room to him- is in tons of debt due to tom, would rather buy expensive stuff with his bells- yells when fishing. doesn’t matter if its a big fish or not, he just does- will hype up someone when he goes to their island
dr v3!
- kaede convinced him to get it and loves it- favorite villagers are punchy and beau, he just thinks theyre funky- favorite special villager is flick cause he’s laid back- waterfalls all over his island, says its a memorial to the waterfalls of tears he loses every night- visits his friends islands a lot- has tons of blue flowers and hasn’t ruined them once amen- kokichi ruined them once though. he cried- island is very aesthetic since it’s mostly nature themed- cries happy tears when villagers do ANYTHING- cherishes anything his friends gift him- except for kokichi, he sent him a threat and a shirt saying “nerd”
- doesn’t tell a lot of people she plays it, very shy about it- favorite villager is cherry- favorite special villager is celeste- everything on her island is red and pink- even if she’s tough on the inside she loves having a cute island- has a place specifically to sit and watch the stars (mainly for when kaede and/or kaito is with her)- gets overly defensive when people ask why she loves her villagers so much- “I JUST-” sobs “DO”- gets bullied by kokichi for anything she does while playing- resulted in a broken arm and trampled flowers. F
- only plays at night until tenko convinces her to wake up earlier- favorite villager is bob- favorite special villager is k.k- just likes vibing doesn’t take anything to seriously- tries her best for her outfits to resemble a magician- preforms “magic” shows ( it’s really just her throwing down items and claiming it appeared magically )- tenko and angie drag her all across their islands daily, acts like she doesn’t love it but its the main reason she still plays- anytime she gets something new she just shrugs- doesn’t like zipper and tenko has to assure her it isn’t a murderer tracking her location
- favorite villager is bianca- favorite special villager is k.k, unironically likes his music- has a piano in every room of her house- pretends to play said pianos for friends that are visiting- rainbow flowers everywhere- except red because she gives those all to maki- convinces people to have fashion shows with her, no actual winners, but they all win in her heart- plays it a lot in her free time, kind of addicted- likes to hum along with singing villagers- everything about her island is just hella cute
- “whats an animal crossing”- and ever since that day he’s been a religious fan, amen- favorite villager is chief, likes making “that ain’t it chief” jokes- favorite special villager is k.k, will listen to his music whenever he’s staring off into space- his island is lazily made but still looks so good??- will just stare at butterflies before remembering he should catch them- “what’s the point of an ocean if i can’t sail it bro..”- loves playing at night cause of shooting stars- always wishes for kokichi to stop sending him hate letters
- favorite villager is whitney and tia since theyre,, cool n chill- favorite special villager is isabelle- her house and island are 100% CLEAN- has a zen garden behind her house- anytime someone visits her island she offers them tea- treats the villagers like her own family- likes sending them letters with perfect grammar, just pleases her soul- has never gotten stung by a wasp her iq is large- her outfit looks like a maid amen- kokichi always ask her to clean his island, never happened
- favorite villager is rasher- favorite special villager is kicks- doesn’t get the appeal of ac- will play it for like 5 minutes tops- enjoys the fishing aspect doe- anytime he visits someones island he will just sit on the shore and stare out into the ocean- thanks god that his villager is the same height as all the animal ones, now he isn’t short (:
- body outlines, blood, and bloody summoning ritual circles everywhere on his island- favorite villager is lucky- favorite special villager is jack and blathers- keeps scary looking fish in his house- said house is dark and probably has an occult book somewhere- curses his villagers in an unknown language whenever they forsake him- every screenshot of a villager he has includes him behind a tree staring menacingly at them- doesn’t invite people to his island, people don’t even wanna come- if he somehow ends up on somebody's island he’ll stalk them- became an urban legend on all the ac forums
- her favorite villager is ankha- favorite special villager is isabelle and jingle- anytime a villager moves in she says “atua has blessed angie with a cute villager!”- likes yellow flowers- her outfit is just a smock with paint on it amen- sends people and villagers letters wishing them good health every. single. day.- likes tagging along with tenko and himiko whenever they do something- loves chasing butterflies
- was very hyped over the game since everybody else hyped it up- favorite villager is nibbles and cookie they’re just VIBING- favorite special villager is isabelle (screams anytime she is on screen)- will wake up himiko or angie at 3 am to flex the big fish she just got- got rich just to buy them gifts- anytime a guy is in her presence she bonks them with a net- this is the reason she has no male villagers, and no males invited. periadt.- has matching outfits with da girls- grows lots of flowers (mainly to give to her friends amen)- cherishes this game cause it gives her an excuse to spend time with da girls
- favorite villager is olivia - favorite special villager is shrunk- constant sex jokes- her outfit looks like a stripper deadass- harasses people about not knowing how to play when she, herself, does not have a damn clue- almost ruined her console cause she’ll spit out her drink when she gets a big fish- everything she does is feral- never stops running so she doesnt have flowers- kokichi steals any flowers she may have anyway- decorating? whats that? just throw random stuff on ur island
- his favorite villager is joey cause he’s funny looking and trying his best- his favorite special villager is blathers- island looks pretty natural, just dirt paths every now and then- will hunt down an insect even if he has it already- was sad he had to give up his insects to blathers, then realized... he can catch them again!!- has a garden and always gets excited when butterflies fly around- golden net to show off how much of a pro he is at collecting insects- gets shy anytime someone visits but his islands so cute,,
- favorite villager is apollo because he’s named after the apollo 11- favorite special villager is harvey, can respect his vibes- likes walking around with maki and shuichi- tries his best to play it but he’s kinda dumb,,- whenever gets something new he loses all his brain cells in excitement- will probably never pay tom nook back. he is clueless about even being in debt.- mostly plays before bed cause he stares at the stars- will send maki pictures of shooting stars even if its 2 am- island is pretty natural since he forgets to decorate it,,
- favorite villager is pietro cause he always compares him to people- loves all the mouse villagers- favorite special villager is jack and blanca- all over his island is just. holes and pitfall seeds.- has fallen into the holes plenty of times himself- sends all of his friends letters, which just consist of him making fun of them- tons of carnival things around his island since “ur invited to the circus clown”- his house looks like jail for no reason- clowns others for having poor taste in fashion when he just cosplays a RAT- also has an outfit that looks like a trash can xoxo
- favorite villager is ribbot, they’re practically the same- favorite special villager is snowboy and blathers- anytime he reads text its so robotic,, hella funny to whoever's playing with him- everything also confuses him- “what is a .. c+??”- is actually very efficient and paid off his tom nook debts in no time- respects his villagers a lot and will give them gifts- his favorite part is chasing butterflies, usually misses tho- accidentally shot a gift balloon over water, searched for it for over 10 minutes- anytime someone does something he just does a happy emote @ them,,
- favorite villager is tasha she’s a bad bithc- favorite special villager is blanca- has so many different outfits as different anime characters- her island is so well decorated- loves taking aesthetic screenshots with her anime outfits- takes commissions for designing clothing amen- runs an ac instagram just to flex how pretty her things are- actually enjoys the game a lot, especially with other people
i fucking hate tumblr formatting - mod irusu who edited this
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oliver-do-the-twist · 4 years
How the Van der Linde Gang showers
(Don't worry its sfw)
Feel free to boo me if I'm wrong
this man is a pretty regular showerer
when he gets the chance of course
his showering time tho? not regular
it entirely depends on his mood
when hes happy its like a quick 5 minute shower done and done
but when my guy is sad he will shower until the water gets cold and then some
he just needs the comfort ok??
leave him alone
God save anyone who intervenes with his showers
hes in there for an entire hour 
and  he has a plan a structured way of cleaning himself 
sugar scrubs, exfoliates, hair and skin masks, mustache shampoo  
its all there
I would need a whole different list for just his after shower routine
but it mostly consists of him just oiling up his hair again despite all the time washing it
drives everyone up the walls with how much time it takes, but the only person who ever complains is Hosea, because everyone else is to afraid to
but then he doesn't shower until a few days later with the belief that longer showers= less showering
Pretty average
he sees showers as just a quick way to clean off 
5-10 minutes done
but if anyone messes w him when hes bathing???
they're gonna need more than God to save them
his bath time is for HIM and HIM ALONE
he gets the candles, nice music, wine, dims the lights if he’s not reading a book
its really his time to unwind and not deal with Dutch’s crap
that’s why its so important lol
Dutch and Hosea tried to make him once, everyone is still getting over the trauma
Once he starts getting more serious with Abigail he does try to be a little cleaner for her though, and she respects that even though he's still reallly greasy
Oh you know this man is a singer
He takes his hygiene very seriously, but sometimes he forgets to even wash himself hes so busy performing his concert shower
His vibrato will echo throughout the house
He always seems to shower when Bills taking his nap and his singing causes Bill to go into a blind rage
Actively tries not to shower
But once he saw how much Dutch takes his showers seriously he tried to clean himself a little bit
He quickly gave up
Showers are THE prime time for day dreaming for her
So her showers take like, forever
Sometimes like Javier where she'll forget to actually wash herself
Likes the finer things, she'll pay extra for the good products
Ok I might get hate for this
But he's not a regular showerer
BUT that doesnt mean he doesn't keep himself clean
He knows alternatives to showering because he knows how to survive for long periods in the wildness where there arnt showers
He does like good smelling stuff tho, he'll find good smelling herbs and flowers to stuff in his pockets to smell nice
he considers a good shower a nice treat, and therefore when he does shower it takes forever
Showers quick, to the point
Kinda sees them as chores so she doesn't try too hard, just gets them out of the way
Does the bare minimum, could care less about her hairy legs and what you say about them
Showers like, maybe once a week or two unless he's bullied into more
It takes him forever to do it and he still somehow does a bad job at it
Her showers are about 20-30 minutes
She loves to pamper herself with nice things
She actually really likes to shower, she likes the physical act of scrubbing away all the dirt and grime and the feeling of cleanliness
I'm sorry but this sweet boy is not very clean
Have you seen at his greasy head of his??
He tries, he really does, but he just can't get the hand of showering regularly
Not to mention he's terrified of getting in anyone's way, if anyone wants the shower while he was planning to use it, he'll immediately give it up
She used to like taking her time in the shower but ever since Jack was born she doesn't have time to :/
She still makes it a priority, but its not as possible as it used to be
As Jack got older, (like 2 or 3 yo, not rdr1 age) she would shower with him more often than not (its not weird, she's his MOM)
She always liked splashing with him and playing fun water games
Little baby loves showers!
Its all playtime and fun when he showers with mom
He is always fascinated by the fact that Abigail can make bubbles with her hands by blowing through them, he always tries to copy her but he always blows the bubble too hard and it pops
That never stops him from trying again tho
Dont even get me started on him lol
Honestly, he forgets to shower
Until Mrs Grimshaw uh,, gently reminds him
Even then he'll just step in, let the water run over him for a few minutes and call it good
He is then forced back in by Susan with a bottle of two in one body wash and shampoo and isn't allowed out until a good portion of it is used
He thinks hygiene is important.
He knows it's important to be presentable, so he makes a nice habit of showering
His showers arnt anything fancy, just the basics, but that's better than some of these people here lol
Everyone HATES when she's in the shower
She's like Dutch in that she takes forever, I mean hey, this girl was raised nice, there's nothing wrong with getting rid of all the dirt and grime that comes with running with outlaws
Except unlike Dutch, she'll get a lot of hate from the meaner members, poor girl
Loan shark
Very hygienic, his showers have been mastered for ultimate efficiency
Thinks he's better than the people who don't shower regularly
She likes the idea of being clean
She thinks she showers more than she does, gets annoyed when someone (Susan) will point out that she needs a wash
Her showers also take f o r e v e r
Poor man likes to be clean
Which really sucks when hes so drunk he can't tell what day it is
Once he does clean up his act however, he does make a pointed effort to keep himself clean
He sees it as a way to keep himself together
Lol why would he shower?? His sweat is free seasoning
Really tho he has a version of the hygiene routine he practiced in the navy, its just not so routine
But really he's just lazy and thinks he's entitled to not have to clean up for people because he feeds everyone
Between keeping the camp running and keeping everyone alive she doesn't have much time on her plate for much
But does that stop this woman? Hell no
She won't let excuses get in the way of her hygiene
She has mastered the art of quick and effective showering
Thinks that because she can do it, everyone should (she's right)
The King of excuses
But they swing both ways, he'll either make an excuse on why he has to use the shower before anyone else does and for as long as he wants, or he'll come up with any reason not to shower
Either way he's a pain to deal with, per usual
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