#can’t wait for my twenty billion years
onlyhereforangst · 4 months
based on this show’s patterns I shall get closure on season 29 can’t wait 🤩
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farfromharry · 2 years
Beth [ 15 ] | Dad!Eddie Munson series
Fifteen, Lola
Word count - 7655
Warnings - language?? idrk??
June 1995
Being nine months pregnant in the midst of Indiana summer wasn’t short from hell. To be fair to Eddie he was trying his best to make it more bearable for you, fanning you when you asked, tying back your hair, getting you anything and everything you needed. He was running around like a headless chicken pretty much twenty hours a day to try and appease his pregnant wife and their very needy nine year old. Part of him couldn’t wait until the baby arrived just because he wouldn’t have to do any of that anymore, though he knew he wasn’t getting a break or an easy ride after you welcomed your new baby. 
Even now, a day that was supposed to be relaxing and fun down at the nearest water park, was spent with him tending to his wife as she complained tirelessly about the heat. It had been a joint Steve and Eddie idea to head over, accompanied by two of their favorite kids– though they weren’t really kids anymore at twenty-four, Max and Dustin who weasled their way into coming along. 
It was the only way the two men could think that would cool anyone down in the dreadful heat and you weren’t one to complain about anything that would bring you a moment's relief from the harsh sun, though you wouldn’t be going on any of the crazy rides like the others were. Instead Tulip had the wonderful idea to spend some time on the lazy river, just the two pregnant wives swapping pregnancy tips.
Eddie thought you both looked adorable, your big bump on show beside her smaller one as the two of you finally took a second to breathe from the chaotic lives of being a mother. If he had a camera with him at that moment he would have taken a billion pictures. But instead he was taking his nine year old on water slides, finally getting to do the penguin move she’d wanted to attempt over five years ago. Better late than never, right?
He left you with a promise he wouldn’t take the girl on any rides that were too big for her, but you knew the second he was out of your sight he’d defy that instantly. Usually you would have flipped out, but today was supposed to be a day where you relaxed, so that was exactly what you were going to do. Eddie and his bad decisions be damned.
Speaking of said bad decisions, you knew one was playing out when the pair disappeared from the line from one of the smaller sides, followed a little while later by a scream that sounded a little too much like Beth’s. You pushed it aside, instead trying to focus on the tranquility the soft swaying of your body in the water provided.
“You know,” Tulip began, capturing your attention. “I still can’t believe Eddie Munson, my little freak, is having a baby with Hawkins’ sweetheart.” She knew the title wasn’t one you loved. You’d been branded with it in highschool and it just stuck, a name you couldn’t shake. It wasn’t the worst thing to be called, but that didn’t mean you had to enjoy it.
You scrunched your nose. “That makes me sound so pretentious.” You could hear her laugh, but she understood you wholeheartedly. “I don’t like being known as Hawkins flower either, but…” she trailed off. 
“But there’s a meaning behind yours, it’s your name,” you argued. There was a meaning behind the one you were branded with too, so maybe it was a little contradictory but you were trying to prove a point.
She sighed. “A little like Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson, don’t you think?” 
With that you were unsure what she was trying to imply. You had never viewed Eddie as a freak once in your life, not like the majority of this shitty town. She was so protective over him, and it was understood completely, he wasn’t treated greatly in Hawkins and she was a person that could try and put a stop to that. When your dad was the chief you had a lot of power. 
“I always had a crush on him. He was different, a good kind of different, and I don’t know— I liked that about him,” you admitted shyly. You hadn’t ever actually told anyone that, especially not him. “Was always too nervous to tell him.” 
Tulip scoffed. “He was, like, so in love with you. Honestly you should have gone for it.” That was hard for you to believe. In high school the two of you didn’t interact, almost ever. He seemed to keep a good distance from you so you just presumed he didn’t like you. That wasn’t to say you ever made an effort to talk with him either. So you supposed it was actually a mutual problem. If either one of you had just gotten it together and said hi or something, maybe you could have had the pleasure of dating this whole time. 
“But, h-he was so cool. Why me?” 
She looked at you as if you’d just revealed you were an alien or something, with an underlying sense of disgust. “Eddie? Cool? You have got to be kidding.”
Her words made heat rush to your cheeks. This was probably one of the reasons you didn’t tell anyone about your crush, because you knew they’d tease you for finding something so endearing about a weirdo like Eddie. You couldn’t even explain it yourself, hell he probably couldn’t begin to fathom it, but something about that man made you feel like a giggly school girl. “I’d never tell him this sober or anything, but he truly is the greatest man I’ve ever met,” you stated. “He’s an amazing dad, to both Beth and this baby already. Plus, he made me a mom, and that’s all I’ve ever wanted.” Usually Tulip didn’t do sentimental, but she did love the way you spoke about her best friend with such fondness. No one tended to speak about him like that (in a positive light). It was refreshing. 
The two of you were still floating on the river, and neither of you thought this would have been such a bonding experience. “‘M glad he has you, you know. I couldn’t imagine anyone else being such a good match for him.” You let those words sit in the air, bringing a warm feeling to your chest. Earning Tulip’s endless approval to love her best friend meant more than you could ever put into words. 
Your bonding session didn’t last much longer, the sun was becoming too unbearable, the two of you needing relief from it. Tulip led the way, you waddling behind her as you situated yourselves in some shade beside one of the pools on some reclining chairs. It allowed you to observe your family and friends as they had their fun, as well as your daughter's bright face as she headed your way after coming off of one of the rides.
“Mom,” Beth called, excitement lacing her tone as she ran over to you. There was a faint call from her dad who was telling her not to run, but it fell on deaf ears. All she wanted to do was reach you to tell you what was making her so giddy. “I got to do the penguin slide!” she gushed.
You gasped, hands coming up to enclose around hers as she told you the story of how her and Eddie went down the huge water slide. Once she was done she scurried away, sure to go and tell someone else the same thing she told you. You turned to look at your husband with a completely opposite expression than you showed to the little girl moments ago. “What the hell is the penguin slide?” 
He wanted to explain, he really did, but how was he meant to put into words that it was an empty promise he made five years ago that he only just made good on? So instead he just laughed, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. “It’s uh, a long story.” 
A few feet away the nine year old was talking with Steve, you assumed telling him the penguin news. His reaction was a little different to yours considering he actually looked like he knew what she was talking about. Instead of just quietly listening, he even gave his own input and high fived her afterwards, looking as happy as she did about the whole thing. It was all confusing, but many things were when they came to Steve Harrington, so you brushed it off.
Once Beth ran away to go and bother yet another one of the group— her dad trailing close behind her with the same warning not to run so she didn’t hurt herself— Steve continued on his journey over to you and his wife.
You couldn’t help but notice the way she was eyeing him. Now you were well aware the pair were married with numerous kids, but they didn’t tend to show affection like a couple as you and Eddie did. They liked to tease and playfully bully each other (not that you and your husband didn’t) so it was rare to see them show actual love or attraction towards one another. It was a nice change from their usual dynamic, but that didn’t make it any less odd to witness. In fact when you truly thought about it, it was odd they were married at all.
“I can’t believe you married Steve ‘the hair’ Harrington,” you muttered. 
She hummed beside you, watching closely as her two babies bombarded their dad in his path. There was a dumb smile on her face that was familiar to you— It was the same one you got when you admired Eddie for too long. “Sometimes, I can’t either. But he gives me the cutest babies,” she said, grinning widely as they climbed him like some sort of jungle gym. “He’s pretty hot too.” 
You rolled your eyes, muttering an exaggerated ‘gross’ as the man finally stopped in front of you, childless now. He casted a shadow over his eyes as he stared down at her with a grin, hair and skin still wet with the water from the pool. 
Tulip eyed him warily, disliking the way he looked so suspicious. “What are you doing?” she asked.
“Nothing.” She kept her guard up as he stepped closer to her, though he only ended up dropping a kiss to her head. That was followed by a scrunch of her nose that only further proved your findings about the strange couple. “Jus’ wanted to tell you ‘m going on some rides with Henderson.” 
She nodded, still unsure why he’d felt the need to come over and tell her that as if she was his mother. Truly as long as her kids were being cared for she didn’t particularly mind what Steve did. This day was for him to enjoy too. “Have fun,” she said, bidding him a goodbye. He was almost gone when she let her guard down, but that was when he chose to strike, water pistol aimed right at her unsuspecting frame.
At the first jet of water hitting her, she squealed, then turned her head in the direction of her husband who was certainly a goner after doing that. He was biting back a laugh as she glared daggers at him. “You’re so dead, Harrington,” she threatened. She would have killed him on the spot had he not run away like a scared child. He was still laughing to himself despite the fact that he was most definitely sleeping on the couch tonight. Everyone knew it– even the kids. 
After the excitement of the big rides, the majority of the group, minus Steve and Dustin, took to relaxing in one of the more tame pools near where you and Tulip resided. The two of you were catching sun, briefly watching your family's play and splash in the water. The Harrington man had convinced the redhead, with a bribe obviously, to take the twins from his hands so he could go on some of the water slides with Dustin. With money involved, she said yes.
They were all just goofing around, Eddie lifting Beth into the air and dropping her in the water to hear her giggle and insist on him doing it again. Max was being much gentler with the two four year olds, helping them swim the shortest of distances as Tulip cheered for them on the sidelines. Though after a while they got tired. 
Max brought them over to the mother, claiming the two little girls missed her, when in reality they were only seconds away from passing out for an afternoon nap. You couldn’t help but watch, a flurry of butterflies swarming in your stomach at the thought that that would be you soon enough.
Your lover noticed from the pool that you seemed to be a little withdrawn from the group, whether that was because you were too hot from the sun or your bub was giving you problems again, he didn’t know. But he could provide help.
Ever the menace he thought it would be funny to splash you from the pool he was in with Beth, he even encouraged her to join in. It was met with a harsh glare that looked like you wanted to drown him, but all he could offer back was a shy smile. When the little girl beside him mirrored his expression, you knew you couldn’t stay mad, rolling your eyes as a grin broke on your face. You’d hoped you turned your head quick enough to hide it, but the amusement in his eyes told you that wasn’t the case. 
His defense was a simple ‘I was just cooling you down,’ but you knew he was full of shit.
It seemed as though his next move was to do the exact same thing to the woman beside you, though she didn’t like that idea one bit, and she let him know. “If you even think about splashing me, Munson. I’ll drown you.” 
His hands raised in his defense and he was pulled away by a giggling Beth. It had been an amusing sight. The dynamic between Tulip and Eddie was one you had always admired. The pair would die for each other no doubt, go to the ends of the earth if the other asked, but they wouldn’t say a single nice thing to their face or anyone else's about them. They were a dysfunctional sort of friends, but it worked for them and served for fun times for the rest of you. So although Tulip would give him her last breath if he needed it, she was probably deadly serious with her threat of murder.
“One more tip for you, sunshine,” she said out of nowhere, voice bringing you out of the daze you were in focused on your husband. When you looked over at her the sight was precious, one of her babies curled up with their head in her neck while the other curled up on her lap. “Babies are unpredictable. You might think you have lots of time, but you never really know.” She glanced down at the two kids in her arms, smiling sweetly. “They’re so worth it though.” 
To both of yours and Eddie’s knowledge, you had another couple weeks until she was due. But to true Munson nature she decided she wanted to surprise her parents. 
It was the middle of the night on the twenty first when your water broke. The entire evening you had been having slight pains in your stomach, ones you brushed off as nothing, though now it all made sense. Those were early labor pains. During dinner Eddie had watched a few times as your face scrunched up in pain, but you always assured him you were fine. The same happened when you watched a movie with Beth that was supposed to tire her out, then when the two of you were getting ready for bed too. He had a lingering feeling in his chest that there was something more that you weren’t telling him, but he didn’t push out of fear of making you upset. 
Around three in the morning was when they got bad enough that they finally woke you. Your eyes fluttered open with a groan, hand coming down to cup your swollen belly in an attempt to soothe the ache. You even tried talking to the bump a little. “Mommy’s tired. Calm down, baby.” Even if they didn’t know what you were saying, you hoped it’d work. Obviously it didn’t.
You laid there for a little in pain, you didn’t know how long, but there was no way you could fall back into that blissful sleep now. You admired your husband for a little bit too, tracing his sleeping features with your eyes. That was until you were certain your baby was trying to announce their upcoming appearance, then you were kicked into panic mode.
Calling his name was your first attempt at waking him, wanting to make waking up as stress free as possible for him considering the chaos you were both about to endure. But when that didn’t work kindness was out the window and replaced with urgency. “Eddie, come on.” 
He woke with a start to the feeling of hands on him forcefully shaking him awake. Usually it would have taken at least a few minutes for him to come around and completely leave his slumber, but it was like he knew this time that you couldn’t afford to waste a moment like that. At the sight of you clutching your belly even in the dark, he was up and on his feet, not even bothering with the lights before fumbling around your moon-lit room for the bag you were taking to the hospital. He was thankful you’d packed it when you had just a couple days prior, because now he was much too overwhelmed to think about all the stuff you’d need. 
With his panic you reasoned that you had to be the rational one between you both right now. You needed clear heads to get everything done and if you both acted the way he was that would be impossible. You started simply, just flicking on the lamp beside your bed so the two of you could see, or you could finally see his pacing figure. 
“Honey, calm down.” You couldn’t believe you were the one telling him to calm down while you were the one in labor. Eddie Munson was truly a drama queen. “Get the hospital bag, I’ll get Beth and call Wayne.” 
The sound of your voice was enough to get through to him, his head nodding as he took a few deep breaths to soothe his nerves and settle his racing heart. “Get the bag, okay,” he muttered. 
You chuckled as you left the room, leaving him to his own hysteria as you headed to wake Beth. Already you knew it would take a lot, she was a deep sleeper and hated more than anything being woken up. Though it was a special occasion, one you knew she’d be excited for, the process which led to her learning about it was going to be a long one. 
“Sweetheart,” you whispered, brushing her hair from her face. You were trying to be as gentle as possible so she wasn’t startled or woken up all grumpy. She must have heard you, a small grunt of frustration sounding in her throat. “Need you to wake up.” She huffed this time, blinking open her eyes to look at you where you crouched beside her bed. 
“What’s going on?” she muttered, groggily. 
You smiled. “We’re having the baby,” you told her. Her eyes widened, a look of excitement swimming in her eyes, but it quickly burned out as the need to sleep overtook her again. She thought that piece of information was all you had wanted to tell her, not realizing you meant the three of you needed to leave right now. “That’s cool,” she muttered, closing her eyes again and nuzzling her cheek into the pillow below her head. Her response pulled a giggle out of you, amused with the actions of the young child, but that joy disappeared as another wave of pain rolled over you. 
She heard the quiet groan you let out and her eyes flickered back open, eyebrows drawing together in concern for you. “Mom, are you okay?” she questioned, sitting up in her bed to check on you. You didn’t answer her until the contraction passed, forcing a strained smile. “Yeah, ‘m okay. But we need to get going sweetheart, we can’t go back to sleep now.”
That seemed to make her understand. She was up in seconds, though still laced with sleep, rushing off to find her dad. You followed behind her, letting your husband know you were going to call his Uncle and then everything would be done on your side. 
Once Beth was awake and in Eddie’s arms, you took to calling Wayne. There were only a few rings before the phone was picked up on the other end, a ‘hello’ coming from the sleepy man. He had a little bit of a gut feeling on what he thought the call might be, but he didn’t want to get his hopes up. “Hey Wayne, it’s Y/N. It’s time.” That was all that had to be said. Unlike Beth, all sleep left him at that moment and he jumped to prepare for your arrival. 
That was what he was doing while Eddie checked the final things in the house and that he’d gotten everything you needed just for you. It had taken longer than he’d like by a while, but you were getting there and he supposed that was all that mattered. He had almost gotten you out of the house, so close to having you pass the threshold of the cabin when you abruptly stopped. Inside he was screaming, his anxiety swallowing him whole the longer it took you to leave. He plastered a smile on his face though, asking you calmly what was wrong. 
“Eddie, did you feed Bat?” you asked, scratching behind the feline’s ear as he purred quietly. Although he loved attention, he tended to love it more when he was hungry and wanted feeding. Due to the fact you wouldn’t know how long your labor would be, you thought it best to make sure he was fed before you left.
Eddie didn’t think the same. “Forget about the cat, we have to get you to the hospital.” To say you were the one going to give birth, you weren’t nearly as worked up as your husband was. In fact, between contractions you were rather chill.
He saw the way you frowned and froze. Throughout your entire pregnancy he often felt like he was walking on eggshells when it came to your mood swings; he never knew what the right thing to say was. Sometimes the two of you could be laughing, then the next you were crying over something he said. He was worried this was another one of those times and it was probably the worst possible occasion.
“So you can bring your guitar but I can’t worry about our beloved pet?” you asked. He sighed, knowing this was going to be brought up from the second he decided to pick up the instrument. “It might come in handy, y’know at the hospital. The cat won’t.”
“But, he needs to be fed,” you said, simply, scooping the family pet up into your arms.
Eddie couldn’t believe his eyes. You had woken him up in the middle of the night, told him your water broke and your baby was coming, and now you were here coddling the cat like he was your biggest concern. Your husband was amazed. 
“I’ll call Steve, okay? Right now though, we have other things to do.” You just nodded, not having the energy to put up a fight with him over it. One thing you were positive about though was that Steve wouldn’t be happy about doing anything for your pet. He and Bat had this weird, unexplained hatred for each other, and he made a point of bringing it up anytime he saw or heard someone talk about the small animal. Even if Bat did have something against him, which you were sure the sweetheart didn’t, Steve liked to exaggerate. 
With that decided, Eddie hastily rushed you and Beth out the door to the car. The child was still half asleep, though she liked cuddling with you in the back, at least for the short journey it took to go over to the trailer park. Playing with her soft curls was actually a pleasant distraction for you when it came to the pain hitting your body every so often. 
It wasn’t that long of a drive, you made the journey within at least fifteen minutes, the time not yet hitting four am. Despite being woken up in the middle of the night, Wayne was excited. He was more than happy to welcome a sleepy Beth into the trailer, ushering her back into Eddie’s old room which hadn’t really changed a bit from when he lived there. She didn’t even hesitate, desperate to get back to sleep.
Once she was gone he turned to you two, a proud smile on his face as he stared at his nephew. His eyes told you he was desperate to say something, but he didn’t want to hold you up when you were literally on your way to give birth. “Go get me another grandbaby,” he said, patting Eddie on the shoulder with a promise he’d bring Beth by later on. The only downside to the little girl being gone from your care was that the man was now free to freak out like a maniac, not having to pretend he was stress-free for anyone. 
He was bothering you constantly on the drive to the hospital, spewing the most idiotic things while trying to keep himself sane enough to drive normally. You would have strangled him had you had the strength. “Eddie,” you called, cutting off his rant. 
“Please, shut up.”
He took that to heart. He was silent for the rest of the journey to the hospital, despite checking in with you every now and then to make sure you were okay. You appreciated the quiet, though later you would probably feel a little bit guilty, but you could apologize then. 
The first full sentence he spoke to you after that was once you had arrived at the hospital, only not in the car. With his jumbled thoughts he seemed to remember the bag you packed, but not the wife of his that was in labor. You were in utter disbelief in the passenger seat as he rushed inside the building most likely to tell them you were going to give birth. 
You were irritated as you climbed out of the car by yourself, cursing him out in your head as you started on your journey to the front doors. Before you made it all the way there, his guilty face was already coming back through the doors. He knew you were going to be mad and obviously his apology isn’t going to do much when you were in such an uncomfortable mood, but he’d at least try. “I’m sorry.”
“Uh-huh,” you stated, blankly, crossing your arms over your chest as you seethed. He knew better than to say anything else that could possibly make the situation worse, so he just placed a hand on your back and guided you inside. You supposed now you were basically even, with the way you told him to shut up compared to the fact he forgot his pregnant wife in the car at the hospital he was taking her to. The two might not compare but now you certainly weren’t going to apologize. “Let’s just get this over with.”
It was later now, into the early morning by this point and your contractions were only getting worse. You’d been allocated a hospital room and one of the terrible gowns that your lover laughed at. From then on you just had to prepare yourself to wait. Eddie was trying to do everything within the limits of the hospital room that he could to distract you, but none of them were working. Your last resort had been the one thing you wanted to avoid out of pure stubbornness, but you no longer had the energy to keep up that façade.
“Play me a song, please,” you whined, squeezing your eyes shut as another one hit. For a second he just held your hand, rubbed over your bump with his other one while he still could, then he’d get to whatever you wanted him to do. After it was over you shared a look, a silent ‘you okay’ that gave him confirmation to leave your side. 
As soon as you nodded he was scurrying away to where he’d set all your stuff down, grabbing his prized possession with an award winning smile. He was quick with it, wanting to get back to you as soon as he could.
“Bet you’re glad I brought my guitar now, huh sunshine?” he teased, settling his fingers in position over the strings. He couldn’t see your face when he spoke, so he missed the anger written all over your features. You knew he’d never experienced a partner in labor before, but he was going about it all the wrong way.
With a quiet growl and moan of pain, you let him know. “Eddie, just play the fucking song.” You gritted your teeth at the next contraction and your husband decided to finally take this whole thing seriously.
“On it,” he muttered, tugging on his guitar pick necklace. 
The song wasn’t one you would usually find a man like Eddie Munson playing, but he would do anything for his wife, especially when you were in as much pain as you were. He hated seeing you like this. In seconds the beginning of ‘you are my sunshine’ filled the room. It made you smile, knowing his love for this song had blossomed because of you and the nickname he’d branded you with. You asked about it once, where it came from, and all he could tell you was that you reminded him of the sun because you always made people feel happy and warm. In turn you had admitted you began to call him honey because he was always so sweet to you, a secret that only fueled his ego. 
The soft sounds of the guitar brought you momentary peace. It was a positive distraction from the situation you were in, especially when he began to hum quietly. Eddie wasn’t one that loved to sing when he played if there were people around, though he made the odd exception, but he did like to hum. He thought it added more to his little performance, and you and Beth always enjoyed it. 
There was a dumb smile on your face as you watched him, barely even realising another contraction had passed. If anyone was to look at the two of you right now they would have seen nothing but two young people in complete love. And that’s exactly what you were to a tee. 
Towards the end of the song you noticed the door cracking open, a small head peeking around the corner shyly. The familiar head or hair was enough for you to identify the girl anywhere. “Hi Beth. Come on in.” 
She smiled brightly, rushing in and almost tackling her father in a hug as he set his guitar down. Wayne followed closely behind, offering you a sweet smile and a hand to hold when he saw the wince of pain cross your features. You were grateful, thanking him quietly while you tried to act as carefree as possible to not startle Beth.
She sat herself in his lap, looking towards you laid in the hospital bed. You knew she must have been confused and a little scared. “When is the baby coming?” she asked, looking between you and her dad curiously. 
“Well, sweet girl, babies take time. She could be another few hours ye–” You cut him off with a groan, one that sounded more pained than the previous ones he’d heard. It led him to believe now was time, and it was quite ironic that it had come at the exact moment he told his daughter it could be a while. “Or maybe she’s coming right now.”
Wayne had been the one to call for the doctor, telling them you thought it was go time. “Okay, you have to go now, but we’ll see you later, okay?” You were gritting your teeth as the pain continued, but your expression was unfaltering as Beth stared at you. “Then you’ll get to meet your baby sister.” 
She gave you a tight hug, then one to her dad before she scurried out of the room with Wayne, a quiet ‘good luck’ from him. The nurses swarming your bed only made you nervous, but your husband was quick to situate himself by your side, taking your hand in his tightly. “You ready for this?” he asked, dropping a kiss down on your head. 
He could see the nerves swimming in your eyes, but both of you knew you didn’t have a choice right now if you were ready or not. “Ready as I can be.”
The birth itself didn’t compare to the long labor. They were a different type of pain, but you wouldn’t wish the feeling of pushing a child out of you on even your worst enemy. Eddie was hopeless. He hated seeing you in pain, but he held your hand the whole time, occasionally wiping away the sweat that built on your head or issuing praises into your ear that did much more for you than the midwife’s did.
It was over after what felt like hours, though Eddie would soon let you know it hadn’t been longer than half an hour. That you were amazed by, but it didn’t matter anymore when your eyes fell on the crying baby. 
You laughed through your tears as the little baby girl was placed on your chest for the first time. Everything about this moment was overwhelming, for both you and Eddie. Despite having one child already, this wasn’t something either of you had experienced before, and no one had told you how bittersweet it was. Pain, exhaustion and all those negative things put aside, it was all worth it. 
Granted you were sure to be struggling even for weeks after this moment, but none of it mattered now that those big brown eyes were staring up at you. From first glance it seemed as though baby Munson number two would also be a spitting image of her father. Apparently his genes were strong; though you thought you could see bits and pieces of you in her nose or her lips. 
It was too much for you to wrap your head around in your woozy state to keep up with all the cleaning and weighing of your little girl. It was easier for you to just sit back until they were done, although Eddie was watching every move the nurses made like a hawk.
Eventually it was all over, all the chaos and noise, everything was now calm and quiet. If there was one word to describe the moment you’d have to say serene; it felt like the world had fallen into place the second that baby pink blanket was settled into your arms.
The decision of the name came pretty quickly, it had basically been decided the second you told your husband you were expecting; at least in his mind anyway. He wasn’t subtle in the slightest about what he wanted to call her, he was convinced from the beginning she was a her. He would play the same song over and over on his guitar, hoping you’d take the hint, and you did.
“Eds?” you spoke, finally breaking the silence of the room. He hummed quietly, eyes still locked on the napping baby in your arms, your little Lola. “Is this what it felt like when you held Beth for the first time?” 
Thinking back to that time made his heart swell. The first time he’d held his daughter he felt many things, but now his head was empty and his heart was full. The same full feeling that lingered the day he looked at Beth for the first time. “Yeah.”
With a quiet sniffle your eyes finally left your baby to look up at him; locking eyes. “I like this feeling.” He didn’t know if you were implying what he thought you were, that you wanted to do this again sometime, but he would jump at the opportunity to do this all again. Raising Beth as a newborn was understandably difficult for him, and he was much more prepared this time, he was positive the third time around he would be a pro.
Before you allowed in any visitors, Eddie demanded you get some sleep. You tried to insist you were okay long enough for Beth to meet her new sister and Wayne to meet his second granddaughter, but your husband felt you needed it. And apparently you did, because you were out for at least a few hours until he was shaking you awake to the sound of baby cries. You were confused at first, but once he’d let you wake up you realized where you were and what was happening. The lingering pain running through your body also assisted in that. 
“Think she might want her mom,” he said, cooing down at her as he tried to shush her cries.
You were more than joyous to welcome her into your arms, letting her settle on your chest where she was quick to relax. Eddie looked at you as if you’d hung the stars, perplexed that you could have her stop crying so fast. If all it took to make a baby stop crying was their mother's arms, then he was even more annoyed about all the sleepless nights he’d had with Beth when there was such an easy solution. It only provided him more reason to begrudge Veronica.
But he didn’t want to think about her right now– or ever for that matter. This was a happy occasion and the only thing relating to her that he wanted on his mind was his first born baby girl. “Wayne and Beth are still here, they’re dying to meet her. D’you think you’re ready to see them?” You adored that he was leaving it down to you, the final decision that is. It was obvious he was also desperate for them to meet the new Munson addition, but he completely accepted if you weren’t ready for any reason whatsoever. 
“Yeah. Bring ‘em in.” While he left to fetch them you raised your hand to the baby's face, brushing your thumb over her tiny cheek. She made a small sound at the back of her throat that made your heart flutter. You were already obsessed with her.
The door opened only minutes later, the three generations of Munson’s entering. At the sight of you and a pink bundle in your hold, Beth let out a squeal and rushed to you. She was by the side of your bed, grinning wildly at you. “Hi, sweetheart.” Exhaustion was still clear in your demeanor, but it didn’t matter now that you had your two daughters by your side. You could tell she was trying to get a good look at Lola, but she was struggling to see, so you allowed Eddie to take over. 
The baby was passed into his arms, allowing him to crouch into a position that let him show her off. “This is your sister, Beth.” Her eyes were wide and pure as she glanced at the very tiny human, trying to get a look at the little girl’s face. In your opinion she looked a lot like her older sister already, a fact the nine year old would be happy to hear. “Can I hold her?”
There was zero hesitation from Eddie as he nodded, leading the girl over to the chair that was situated next to your bed. He sat down first with the girl secure in his arms, before instructing Beth to take a seat on his knee. She had never held a baby before, and obviously the two-time dad was going to try and prevent any risk that would include a dropped newborn, so he was going to help. 
His arms were under hers to help support the weight of the baby. The pair were equally as infatuated with her as they stared down at her tiny face, listening to the quiet coos she made. You were so distracted with the sight of them that you almost missed the sound of the other Munson man’s voice.
“You did well, kiddo,” Wayne praised, smoothing down your sweaty hair before leaning down to place a kiss on your forehead. You’d tried to warn him you were all gross, but he didn’t care, a true Munson trait you’d come to learn. Now that you knew he was willing to give you comfort, you leaned into his embrace a little more, the two of you watching your loves get acquainted.
“What’s her name?” he asked after a beat of silence.
You smiled, glancing up at the older man. “Lola.” 
He chuckled. “Another song name?” he questioned. You hadn’t expected him to know that one, you barely knew the song by the Kinks, but you supposed Wayne had raised the man you called your husband, so he knew him better than anyone.
“His idea, obviously. You know it?” 
He laughed again. “Know it? Must have heard the boy play it a million times when he was trying to learn it.” There was a fondness in his eyes like he was remembering it. You could practically see it yourself, countless days and nights of the same song blasting from his room with some incorrect chords following. It was what he still did now, only now he would do it with Beth by his side as she watched in awe.
With that the two of you fell into a comfortable silence that allowed you both to admire your little family. It was like Eddie felt your eyes on him, his joyous face turning to face you and his uncle, eyes settling on Wayne. “D’you want to hold her?” he asked. There was an emotion that crossed the elder man’s features that you couldn’t quite put your finger on. It looked to be a mix between pride and adoration. 
He nodded his head, clearing his throat as he pushed back the tears that threatened to build at the sight of his nephew doing so well for himself. He always knew Eddie would go on to do good things, this wasn’t exactly what he expected when he thought about what route the young man’s life would take, but that didn’t mean he was any less incredible in what he was doing. Eddie was the best damn dad he’d ever seen.
The younger man was ever so careful when crossing the room with the newborn in his arms, treating her like she was porcelain that could break any second. If the man in front of him was anyone else he probably wouldn’t have trusted them as much with Lola; he trusted Wayne with his life.
Since Beth came into their lives, the grandpa had had much practice with babies, how to hold them and take care of them, all the things he needed to be a good babysitter. So there were no qualms from you nor Eddie when it came to keeping your kids safe and protected. Eddie didn’t even feel like he had to supervise his surrogate dad as he embraced the newborn. 
From the second she was placed in his arms, he was completely enamored by her, sporting a grin that was very rare for the man to possess. It was one of complete joy. “She’s beautiful.” Both you and your husband were swarmed with pride over the fact that you had created that, a feeling you hoped never wavered. 
You couldn’t explain it, mainly because you knew Wayne loved you, but the look in his eye finally felt as though you had earned his deepest approval. The older man had always been so protective of Eddie, with everything that happened with his parents, all the bullying and name calling from kids in school and around the town, he’d sort of always felt the need to keep him locked in a cage where nothing could get to him to hurt him. But it was like he was giving you the key, letting you know that he trusted you wholeheartedly because he knew you weren’t going to harm him; ever. 
You had made his son the happiest he had ever been, provided him with his own family by choice. Wayne wouldn’t trade him for anything, nor would he have not taken Eddie in at any point in his life, but that hadn’t been a choice made out of free will, it was circumstance. This was completely different. You had fallen in love with Eddie and given him everything he could have ever asked for, in the older man’s eyes that made you perfect. It was all the kid had ever deserved. “‘M proud of you both.”
That was all Eddie had ever wanted to hear from the man he saw as a father. 
beth taglist - @ches-86 @kiszkawagnerwhore @ssqra @leftcloudparadise @aereth @destielbuckyboy @eddiesaws @whatawildone @husherstan @chickensinrainboots @spencestyles @simonsbluee @naivences @eddiemunsongffff @shreklover123 @stevesred @mcueveryday @spencerstits @ajeff855 @strawberrykittey @little-diva-gurl @deydeyyyhhh @what-a-strange-constellation @psychdelephantt @roguemetalmaster13 @lovesleepybearwriter @cherrypieyourface @sincerelli @lj127 @that-80s-chick @bloodyxheaven @bva14 @1800letmesleep @boomhauer @eddie-the-angel-munson @soft-munson-hargreeves @eddiesviolet @welikeicecream @eddiemunsons-sweetheart @paintmekala @audge-podgeee @s0fia-14 @asthetic9646 @urmomashleyyy @chrissysgf @hazydespair @tvserie-s-world @andreead @ily-jupit3r @certainlynotasimp @spideysbae @taz-devvil @shotoskitten @idontfeelanythinganymor3 @lexi-2004 @ilovereadingfanfics @mlktea13 @jvmisvu @munsons-sweetheart @aureatopia @crabbygabby @pikispixies @lethalbeautiful @angie1djonasgg @phantomxoxo @graywrites20 @thesundrop @yeah-seems-legit @wydmonday @fangirling-4-ever @yaskna @ems-alexandra @mess-is-my-aesthetic @ajdelilah @d4td7ewmachine @eddie-my-love-munson @lovecleastrange @hairringgt0n @matty-blossom @olivialou13 @mcntseee @obsessed-with-f1 @smol-book-nerd @alex—weasley @jessphill400 @dhtomholland @ollyoxenfrees @yamatosworld @homeagain-1 @gabriella-gvf @alphashadows @sav7689 @ariiiloves @vecnaschargingstentacles @munsonlcve @hehesafa @dearelliewrites @sl0opno0ts @lys009 @doodlebob-mp3 @sandrayaret @purple-storm @peachiicheries @haveyoumetme @lubsana @mushy-mushroom04 @alicefallsintotherabbithole @jaannaa @rockstarmunson @skyfall8600 @rockqbvebby @munsonmolls @forgiveliv @dream-alive789 @politephantommenace @lilylilyyyyyy @lydiascottage @heartyhope @etherealdarlin @xbxexcxcxa @pop-rocks-and-skittles @peakyoup-03 @iluvved @parasadic-blog @loreenswriting @gooblerstan @livlaughquinn @miracleboysel @taramaria @alysianc @okiegirl24 @mjmunson93 @espressopatronum454 @baileydjart @un-lilting @gamorxa @ureleesian @scarlettphantom @livasaurasrex @smilingtheodoisa-blog @fanaticalfantacist @joekeeryswife @ch4ot1ccoff1n @daydreamin-lol @lacunaanonymoused @renaroo123 @calamitylass @thaniyaaa_ @thxliaaa @simsteo @dazed-and-confused101 @elamity @wateryblue29 @simpfoegeorge @ahoyitsagus @katieskidmore1 @helpimspiraling @jakeysangel @sunwardsss @eddiesskittle @bittafrylight @dumblreumblr @eddiethesexy @papaya184 @sincerelyklare @lovelyarinii @nina211544 @murnsondock @darklingbrekksov @sanzu-holic @kingofhellfire @reidstea @bibieddiesgf
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i resent very much that i am writing twd meta this late in the year of our lord two-thousand-twenty-two after my long journey to distance myself from it, but the words are rattling around in my mind grapes, and because i am incapable of keeping things to myself, how about one more go for old time’s sake?
i think the main thing that i want to say to y’all is that we didn’t imagine it
obviously caryl has had chemistry from the very first scene they had together, but even these past few years, where we’ve dissected and meta’d every second of their screentime together under kang’s watch to death, and been like “here’s how bernie can still win!” we weren’t being delusional. the romantic beats were all there. the narrative was set up that way. she was wearing a ring in that dream sequence. he brought her a cherokee rose on a tray. they longed for each other, and planned to run away together, and it was never once foolish of us to believe otherwise, bc the only reason it didn’t happen is bc the narrative got eaten by amc’s desire to beat the shit out of twd for every drop of money it could possibly give them, and in the process they contracted Chris Charter Syndrome, which is unfortunately fatal
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for those unfamiliar (tho with this group there’s probably enough crossover that i don’t rly need to explain), chris carter, the creator of the x-files, is notoriously dense af about how much of his show’s popularity is driven by his ~amazing lore~ vs the audience’s desire to have mulder and scully fuck
every conversation with him, to this day, goes p much like this:
[chris carter: people love the x-files for the mystery and intrigue and they don’t want resolved sexual tension, they want to watch our mains constantly will-they/won’t-they while battling government conspiracies until the end of time
the audience: we would watch one hundred billion hours of mulder and scully searching for bigfoot but comically missing him every time bc they get distracted by fucking each other, we could not care less about your plot. your plot doesn’t even make sense
chris carter: they just can’t wait to see what twists happen next
the audience: we are tired of the twists, and we want them to bone. in fact, here are graphs and studies and stats that all say that we would be much happier if you would just give us mulder and scully fighting silly monsters and stop trying to be gritty and dark with your plots that even you admit you don’t understand
chris carter: i am very good at my job
the audience: you are not good at your job]
rinse and repeat
if this sounds like gimple, that’s bc he has the worst case of CCS i’ve seen in a long time, and it’s unfortunate bc it’s contagious, and those who are especially susceptible are misogynistic money-hungry dudebro companies who think that what people want are GRIT and BLOOD and MAN PAIN, even when their statistics consistently tell them that they are wrong. a key component of CCS is an undeserved inflation of one’s ego and the inability to recognize the fact that one is making an ass out of oneself, which is why the past 84 years have looked like this:
[gimple: man, people love my negan and rick man-pain arc
the audience: no we don’t
gimple: i know what the ladies want, they want jerk-off contests between mediocre men while i kill off all their faves
the audience: no we don’t
amc: hmmm, while i’m picking up what you’re laying down, gimple, let’s see what this other showrunner can do for a minute
kang: people want stories about people. they want to see the seeds of character development that were planted at the very beginning bloom. they want to see the characters with chemistry go down on one another
the audience: yes, this, this is what we want
amc: interesting concept
amc: however
amc: that sounds suspiciously like conflict/resolution, and if things are neatly resolved then we can’t make money out of it anymore. i know that all the statistics say that caryl is our top ship, and that we should get them together, and let them have a concluded, peaceful ending
amc: BUT
amc: let’s instead launch a spin-off with one (1) of the duo (the male, obviously), and then let’s leave their storyline ambiguous bc that way they’ll follow us to the shitty spin-off, but also anyone who just has the hots for daryl/norman reedus will also watch bc he’s still an Eligible Bachelor ;) 
amc: this is a good idea that will make us lots of money
the audience: no it will not
amc: gimple, we need your wisdom again, btw, the people miss you
the audience: no we do not
gimple: who’s ready for some GRIT AND BLOOD AND MORE MAN PAIN?!?!?!
the audience: for the love of god]
it’s stupid and exhausting, and i have Mad Respect for those of you who have been putting so much effort into making sure our voices have been heard. ( @my-mt-heart , @gunmetal-ring​ , @lighteneverything​ to name just a few) plz know that your voice WAS heard, and i fully believe that you DID make an impact. it’s just that, when push comes to shove (i.e. when you’re dealing with misogynistic rich white men), CCS is one helluva disease
and it’s sad! it’s very very sad! i’ve been spending my time away over in the “our flag means death” universe, and y’all, it has been WILD. all of the interactions with the show’s creator and the cast have been “oh you enjoyed that? we’ll be sure to keep that in mind so that we can cultivate a show that you will love, bc it makes more sense to listen to our viewers than to ourselves sometimes, bc they’re the ones who keep us from driving ourselves directly into a ditch! thank you for your feedback, we appreciate and love you!”
but see, that’s the difference between creators who are in it for the story vs. creators who are in it for the money. if you are solely money-driven you’re never going to be able to dedicate yourself to the narrative, bc narratives have concrete endings. they require you to not always be looking for that next spin-off, or to not sacrifice a character’s integrity to fit it inside of a bad plotline. they are shows like the good place, that had an ending in mind from the start. they are shows like ofmd or what we do in the shadows, where the audience’s opinion gets listened to. even supernatural (mother fucking supernatural, you guys!!!) catered to its biggest fanbase better than twd did. it might have been clown shoes, but destiel’s last-minute confession was at least explicitly romantic. amc was too cowardly to give us even that, bc it might “jeopardize” their spin-off 
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what we can take solace in, tho, is the fact that they are in the end stages of CCS. they think they’ve given enough to string caryl fans along over to the spin-off era of twd, but they haven’t. they’re going to crash and burn, and go out the way of GoT, in that everyone is going to be like “wow that was... let’s just not talk about that one, huh?” and it will be satisfying to watch them fizzle out into nothing when they get hit with the grim reality that they should have gotten their heads out of their asses and listened to their fans who told them that, yes, your “hot male lead” needs that middle-age grey-haired woman you cast to the side so carelessly, and that fact doesn’t change just bc you can’t fathom people caring about a woman over the age of 25
whatever. it is what it is. what matters most here is what i said up top, which is that we didn’t imagine it. we did not waste our time. we were not stupid. we had these beautiful characters laid out before us, and a storyline that supported them, and we took it and ran with it in the right direction. it’s not our fault that the narrative didn’t follow
our retribution will be the fact that now it’s our turn not to follow. instead, we can finally rest, not having to worry about the future, bc who fucking gives a shit about their dumb taunts, trying to get us to watch the spin-off for the “possibility” of caryl way down the line? we’re over it. we’re not chasing anymore carrots. we’re happy here in our caryl sandbox, with our li’l aus and headcanons and fix-its, and we don’t have to fucking discourse at each other every week anymore. we can come and go with a lightness we haven’t felt maybe fucking ever, bc it’s over now. it’s not in their hands anymore, it’s in ours
it was real. the feelings we felt, the relationships that were made between us, they were real. and it will all continue to be real in whatever way we decide to keep it. we can and should grieve what could have/should have been, and we can and should be mad, because there’s no question, we were wronged, but let’s not stay in that negativity place forever. let’s not forget why we all were drawn here to begin with, and let’s not forget what we’ve gained from each other 
it wasn’t “just a tv show.” it was, and is, a community that has influenced lives to the point of changing their entire trajectory. i have written over one million (1,000,000+) words of caryl fic, and bc of that i have been able to self-publish my own book, and get into freelance writing. bc of caryl, i have been able to ghostwrite and collaborate with published authors, and am on my way to making my actual day job being writing, which is something i’ve wanted since i was itty bitty. bc of caryl, i have traveled the world. bc of caryl, i have made relationships and connections that have, quite literally, changed my entire life. amc can’t take any of that away from me. it can’t take any of that away from YOU
so yeah, shit sucks, but hey, i got something for you:
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we are fine, fam, or we will be, once we’ve had a chance to lick our wounds, because we are the holders of the narrative now. caryl is OURS, finally
so, when you’re feeling up to it, come join me in the sandbox, and let’s have some fun
stay hype, stan each other, bc twd is in its grave, but caryl is forever,
p.s. felt weird not having a 30 rock reference in here anywhere so:
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k bye 4 real
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mrs-johansson · 1 year
Chapter 4: Captain America: The Winter Soldier - Partners in crime
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Part 1;
“Since when does Rumlow manages missions?” Asked Cap as we were getting on the Quinjet. “Since you didn’t show up at the debriefing meeting.” I made eye contact with Natasha across the ramp. “I had other things to do,” with a smirk I looked down at my holister, checking if I had everything. “Yeah, I heard, you are not as subtle as you think,” I looked up and saw the tiniest smirk on that 95-year-old face. “You were listening? You nasty old man,” I chuckled and he was shaking his head. “You know, the security room is very close to the meeting room,” he shrugged. “Oh wow, didn't even notice.”
“Taking off in five,” Rumlow spoke and a couple more agents walked up. “Stark?” Heard Rumlow’s voice. “Yeah?” I looked up at the man, the earpiece dangling from his ear, gun secure on his side. “Did you get the files?” He asked and I nodded. “Yeah, I know everything,” I crossed my arms and leaned against the wall. “You can’t use your powers until we are not compromised, it’s a night mission, you know the drill.” “I just said that I do,” I looked him up and down then with a nod he left.
“What was that?” Nat came up to me, throwing daggers at Rumlow with her eyes. “He thinks he’s better now that he is the leader of STRIKE and the mission. Let’s not forget why I’m not the one who is in control of this mission,” I glanced at her and she just smiled. “I thought you enjoyed it.” “I did, but let’s not miss more meetings, yeah?”
“The target is a mobile satellite launch platform: The Lemurian Star. They were sending up their last payload when pirates took them, 93 minutes ago.” Rumlow explained the plan. “Any demands?” I asked. “A billion and a half.” I raised an eyebrow and Steve spoke up. “Why so steep?” “Because it's SHIELD's.” Rumlow nodded his way. “So it's not off-course, it's trespassing.” “I'm sure they have a good reason.” Nat looked up at the blonde who started to get frustrated. “You know, I'm getting a little tired of being Fury's janitor,” said Steve. “Relax, it's not that complicated,” Nat smirked up at him. “How many pirates?” I asked, hoping we know more by then. “Twenty-five, top mercs, led by this guy. Georges Batroc.” His picture came up on the screen. “Ex-DGSE, Action Division. He's at the top of Interpol's Red Notice. Before the French demobilized him, he had thirty-six kill missions. This guy's got a rep for maximum casualties.” “Shouldn’t be a problem,” I murmured, knowing we had some worse people to deal with.
“Hostages?” “Uh...mostly techs. One officer, Jasper Sitwell.” We saw his face too, then got back to the floor plan. “They're in the galley.” Rumlow looked at us, waiting for one of us to speak. “What's Sitwell doing on a launch ship?” Steve murmured to himself, clearly not understanding the situation. “Alright, Stark and I are gonna sweep the deck and find Batroc. Nat, you'll kill the engines and wait for instructions. Rumlow, you sweep aft, find the hostages, get them to the life-pods, get 'em out. Let's move.” Rogers shared the plan and everyone got ready to move.
“Secure channel seven,” Steve spoke into his wrist. “Seven secure.” “Seven secure. Did you do anything fun Saturday night?” Natasha asked him as she was getting her parachute ready. “Well, all the guys from my barbershop quartet are dead, so... No, not really.” He said with a sad smile. “What a shame, you must be very lonely, Rogers.” I sighed and he just laughed. “Coming up by the drop zone, Cap,” said the pilot.
“You know, if you ask Kristen out, from Statistics, she'd probably say yes,” Nat smirked Steve’s way while he was putting his helmet on. “That’s why I don’t ask.” “Too shy or too scared?” I asked and before he jumped off he answered. “Too busy.” “Why does he always leave in such a dramatic way?” I mumbled and jumped after him.
“Didn’t you jump in the water too?” Steve asked as he jumped onto the ship, with his clothes all wet. “I did, but I just dried up. You know, powers and all,” I spread my arms as a way to show off and he just shook his head. “I go left, you go right,” he said and we took off to the two sides.
One man was walking quietly on the side of the ship and without hesitation, I wrapped an arm around his neck and squeezed it until he fell unconscious. Took his gun and threw it into the ocean, just in case he’d wake up.
Running across the ship I met Steve halfway and he just kicked a guy my way, and with a quick move, I punched him in his stomach as he fell my way.
“Behind you,” said Cap and in a swift motion I grabbed a pipe from the side and swung it as I turned. The loud knock on the guard's head was a subtle sign that he wouldn’t wake up for a while.
We took off running to the side of the ship, taking out every guard that came our way.
“Get ready to jump,” I said and with a tiny bit of flying, I jumped on a lower deck, taking the guys by surprise. “Good evening, gentlemen,” I said as one of them ran at me with a knife in his hand. Dodging his attempt of stabbing me, I flipped him around and kneeled him in his lower back, making him fall to the ground. Steve took care of the other two while I just shot another one.
Rumlow shot one who was ready to hit Steve, but he was slow. “Thanks.” “Yeah. You guys seemed pretty helpless without me.” Rumlow said as he reached the ground. I quickly stepped Nat’s way to help her in case she had a bad landing, but she had no trouble. “You okay?” She asked. “As always.”
We moved forward and Nat couldn’t let the topic from before go. “What about the nurse that lives across the hall from you? She seems kind of nice.” “Secure the engine room, then find me a date,” Steve with a serious face did not care about the conversation, so just moved on. “I’m multitasking,” then she jumped over the rails.
Steve shot the microphone up the window and we left right away, looking for the room where they kept the hostages.
“STRIKE in position,” said Rumlow. “Natasha, what's your status?” Steve spoke into his radio. After a minute he asked again. “Hang on,” she aggressively and in a couple of minutes she spoke again. “Engine room secure.”
“Ready?” I asked. “Yeah,” Rumlow answered. “On my mark. Three. Two. One.” Steve counted back.
The STRIKE team shot at the pirates, blew open the door and Rumlow quickly killed the head pirate.
Back in the control room one of Batroc's men tried to get hold of the pirate below deck, but we moved quickly.
Steve smashed in through the window using his shield but Batroc managed to escape. “I’m in pursuit,” and I started running after him. “Right behind you.”
“Hostages en route to extraction. Romanoff missed the rendezvous point, Cap. Hostiles are still in play,” spoke Rumlow through the comms. “Natasha, Batroc's on the move. Circle back to Rumlow and protect the hostages,” Steve instructed. There was no reply of course because she was doing her part of the mission which was mostly classified. “Leave her, she’s on the other side of the ship, she’ll be back,” I said as we were still running to find Batroc. “Natasha!” Steve firmly said but suddenly Batroc kicked Steve.
The man turned towards me and with much enthusiasm, he launched at me. Holding back his punches and kicks, Steve stood up in the background and hit his head with the shield. Like he didn’t even feel it, Batroc punched me across the face and I fell to the ground. “Why can’t I just use my powers, it would be so much easier,” I turned on my back and let out a shaky breath before getting back on my feet.
Steve got rid of his mask and put his shield on his back. They were fighting closely so I used the opportunities to get behind Batroc. Swiftly got him in a chokehold, while Steve kept hitting him, but then Batroc elbowed me in the stomach and it hurt like bitch, making my grip loosen and he easily pushed me onto the ground.
After that, Cap did not hold back; he kicked him to the ground with no mercy, and after a lot of struggle, Batroc got up and Steve smashed him through a door with one final punch to his face.
Following the two I saw Nat in the room too. “Well, this is awkward…” She said with a teasing smile, before looking back at the computer screen. “What are you doing?” Asked Steve with a stern voice. “Backing up the hard drive. It's a good habit to get into.” We both walked up to her and Rogers was not happy about this. “Rumlow needed your help. What the hell are you doing here?” He looked at the screen and saw the Shield intel. “You're saving SHIELD Intel.” “Whatever I can get my hands on,” she shrugged. “Our mission is to rescue hostages,” Steve was getting aggressive and I did not like his tone. “No. That's your mission,” Nat got the drive and was ready to move. “And you've done it beautifully,” she looked over at me and was ready to leave but Steve got a hold of her arm. “You just jeopardized this whole operation,” he said it right in her face. “Let her go, Rogers, or I’ll break your arm off,” I stepped up to him and waited for him to move. Once he let go of her, he stepped back and gave me a nasty look but I did not appreciate his way of dealing with the situation. “I think that's overstating things,” Natasha said to Steve.
Suddenly Batroc rose and threw a grenade at us while he ran off. Steve deflected the bomb with his shield and I quickly grabbed onto Natasha and with her shooting out a window, the three of us jumped over the small wall and hid away from the explosion.
“Okay. That one's on me,” Nat’s admitted as she was struggling to keep her breathing aligned. “You're damn right.”
“Did you get everything?” I looked over at Nat as she was sitting in front of me in the Quinjet. She did not say a word, just kept staring at the wall.
Moved over to her and sat down next to her. Saw the shift in her demeanor, and I couldn’t hold in the sigh. “You know he’s still new with this, don’t let him get into your head. You had your own mission, it’s on Fury that he didn’t share it with them.”
Put my hand on her thigh and saw her eyes stuck on it. “I’m tired, I want to go home.” “We’re almost there,” I wrapped my arm around her and she lazily laid her head on my shoulder. “Do we have to go to that stupid party?” Nat asked. “Oh god, I totally forgot about that,” I threw my head back and felt Natasha lift her head. “So we don’t have to go?” The hopeful sound in her voice just made me sad because I couldn’t tell her what she wanted. “Sadly we do. I promised him, and it’s an avengers reunion so we have to go,” I looked at her and she rolled her eyes. “It’s gonna be torture.”
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4townie · 1 year
Road to 4☆TOWN
part 50 | part 51
“I finally got Marcel in his crib.” Selina sat on the couch beside Jesse. “That only took forever.”
“You can’t really blame him. You’re a pretty comfy pillow.” Jesse offered a tired smile. “If I could sleep on you all the time—”
“Hey, lover boy. Not now.” Selina pushed him away from her. “We agreed on twenty minutes of alone time together before we went to the room.”
“But I have to get up early tomorrow.” Jesse whined.
“Tomorrow’s Sunday. You’ll be home.” Selina rolled her eyes. “Can we please just watch something together? I’ve been sharing you for months now, I just want you all to myself for a little while.”
“Yeah, I’ve missed you, too.” Jesse sighed as he pulled her into his lap. “For you, I’ll stay up for an entire movie.”
“Awwww, baby.” Selina hugged him. “Just for that, I’ll let you—”
She was cut off by Jesse’s phone ringing. They both stared at it for a moment.
“How important do you think that is?” Jesse asked.
Selina sighed and crawled off his lap. “Only one way to find out, right?”
Jesse rolled his eyes and picked up the phone. “What?” He answered irritably. After a second, his expression softened. “Wait, slow down. Where are you?”
“Who is it?” Selina asked.
Jesse stayed quiet as he listened to the phone. “Okay, don’t move. I’m coming to get you.” He hung up. “It’s Sean. He was at some party in Beverly Hills and the cops busted it. I’ve got to go pick him up.” He got up and started grabbing his things.
“Oh. Okay.” Selina nodded, failing to hide the disappointment in her voice. “I guess I’ll see you when you get back then.”
Jesse paused. “I promise you and Marcel will have my undivided attention tomorrow.” He gave her a quick kiss. “I’ll be back later.”
Jesse eyed his brother as he stomped around the car and got in on the passenger’s side.
“Okay.” Sean put his seatbelt on. “I’m ready to go.”
Jesse was quiet. “Would you like to explain to me why you were at this party in the first place?”
“One of my friends sent me the address and I showed up.” Sean grumbled. “Can’t you mind your own business?”
“I think it’s a little bit of my business, too, considering you made me come out here to get you.” Jesse crossed his arms. “You know I had to leave Selina alone with Marcel.”
“Of course.” Sean leaned on the door. “Everything is always about her.” He shook his head. “I’m getting sick of it.”
“Sean, she’s literally the mother of my child.” Jesse reminded him. “What do you want me to do? Ignore her?”
“You mean like you ignore us?” Sean shot back.
Jesse furrowed his brow. “What’re you talking about? I call you and Danny every other day.”
“Yeah, for ten minutes, and that’s all we ever hear from you.” Sean raised his voice a bit. “For the past two years, you’ve been totally MIA. Do you know what it’s doing to me and Danny? What it’s doing to Mom?”
“Mom started all of this.” Jesse sighed. “It wasn’t right for her to talk to Selina like that and I’m not just gonna let it slide.”
“Oh, so you’re just gonna let your kid brothers suffer instead. Brilliant.” Sean rolled his eyes. “Why don’t you just forgive Mom anyway? She didn’t mean any of that stuff, and she apologized a billion times.”
Jesse sighed. “I know you want to believe she doesn’t really think like that. You want to believe she’s a better person than she is. But you know she’s not.”
Sean was quiet for a second. “She gave us another brother. Isn’t that all that matters?”
“She cheated on our father and lied to him about it for seven years.” Jesse glared at him. “And what’s worse is she let him ignore Danny after he found out. He was just a kid—he’s still a kid. She let him suffer the consequences of her mistakes.”
“Isn’t that what you’re doing now?” Sean noted. “Letting the two of us suffer because of a feud between you and Mom?”
Jesse paused to process. “Okay, you’re right. It’s not fair to you two. I’m sorry.” He let out a heavy sigh. “How about after rehearsal on Thursday, I swing by and pick you two up for a weekend over at my place? I’ll teach you how to handle your nephew.”
“You mean you’ll let me watch you struggle with him.” Sean chuckled a bit. “You and I both know you haven’t mastered the whole dad thing.”
“Yeah, we didn’t exactly have the best example.”
There was a moment of silence.
“I’m sorry for what I said just now about being sick of Selina. I didn’t mean it like that.” Sean admitted quietly. “I think she’s really good for you, and I’m happy for you guys.”
“Thanks, Sean. I appreciate it. Really.” Jesse smiled a bit.
“I wanna be a good uncle to Marcel.” Sean nodded. “Whenever you need me, I’ll help out.”
“You mean when you’re not in school?” Jesse raised an eyebrow. “Mom told me about you cutting class. If you really wanna be a good uncle, you should set a good example for him.”
Sean groaned. “But Jesse—”
“No buts.” Jesse nudged him. “I wanna see you do well for yourself. You’re a smart kid.”
Sean stared at his brother. “You’re gonna be a really good dad, Jes.”
“Shut up.” Jesse blushed. “I think it’s about time we get you home. It’s almost midnight, and Mom’s shift will be over soon.”
“Oh, right, you can’t tell her about this.”
“Well, duh.” Jesse rolled his eyes. “That’s what cool older brothers are for.”
If you’re curious about the little O’Neill brothers, here they are!
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hepatosaurus · 1 year
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I posted 1,417 times in 2022
That's 192 more posts than 2021!
39 posts created (3%)
1,378 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,415 of my posts in 2022
#art - 92 posts
#fire emblem: three houses - 68 posts
#illustration - 58 posts
#poetry - 55 posts
#tumblr - 54 posts
#fandom - 45 posts
#lol - 39 posts
#laugh rule - 38 posts
#music - 36 posts
#cats cats cats - 35 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#ok and special shoutout to anthony hecht's a hill which makes my brain scream a hill!!! a hill a hill a hill a hiiiilll every time i read it
My Top Posts in 2022:
national poetry month, day 4
Hangul Abecedarian Genghis Khan, my father says, using a soft G, Never saw our peninsula with his own eyes. Don’t quote me on that— Recall isn’t my strong suit. I’ve convinced myself Memorizing dates, for example, is outmoded. Better to learn the overall movements, Social conventions rising and falling, Empires and their changing mascots. Genghis sired so many, they say, his children’s Children’s children’s genes sowed an entire Continent of grasslands. If  you press your ear To my blood’s topography, you’ll hear hooves Pounding, though I can’t remember when it started, or Whose king it is coming in the distance. —Franny Choi
6 notes - Posted April 4, 2022
feels like I added about sixty billion people from twitter and now my queue is SO HEALTHY…I will never run out, ty for your quality posts and reblogs everyone
6 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
national poetry month, day 2
The Gate I had no idea that the gate I would step through to finally enter this world would be the space my brother’s body made. He was a little taller than me: a young man but grown, himself by then, done at twenty-eight, having folded every sheet, rinsed every glass he would ever rinse under the cold and running water. This is what you have been waiting for, he used to say to me. And I’d say, What? And he’d say, This—holding up my cheese and mustard sandwich. And I’d say, What? And he’d say, This, sort of looking around. —Marie Howe
6 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
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See the full post
6 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
national poetry month, day 1
postcard from cape cod just now I saw one yellow butterfly migrating across buzzard’s bay how brave I thought or foolish like sending a poem across months of silence and on such delicate wings —Linda Pastan
12 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
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moonlighteds · 2 years
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                   hi  guys  !  i’m  sage  (  twenty  five  ,  she  /  they  ,  est  )  and  i’m  so  excited  to  be  here  !  as  far  as  my  pronouns  go  ,  please  feel  free  to  use  either  ;  if  you  only  want  to  use  one  exclusively  or  use  both  interchangeably  ,  i’m  perfectly  okay  with  either  choice  .  i’m  super  excited  to  introduce  you  all  to  hana  ,  a  relatively  new  muse  of  mine  but  a  little  mix  of  muses  i  wanted  to  write  in  the  past  !  super  excited  to  have  filled  such  a  Messy™  wanted  connection  ,  and  i  can’t  wait  to  plot  with  everyone  !  🤍
(  —  )  ★  spotted  !!  HANA  YUN  on  the  cover  of  this  week’s  most  recent  tabloid  !  many  say  that  the  TWENTY  SIX  year  old  looks  like  PARK  CHAEYOUNG  ,  but  i  don’t  really  see  it  .  while  the  SOCIALITE  &  HEIRESS  is  known  for  being  SPELLBINDING  my  inside  sources  say  that  they  have  a  tendency  to  be  VITRIOLIC  i  swear  ,  every  time  i  think  of  them ,  i  hear  the  song  CONCEITED  BY  FLO  MILLI  .  
               the  yun  family  is  everything  that  everyone  else  wants  to  be  .  prim  and  proper  ,  poised  and  perfect  .  rich  beyond  their  means  with  a  current  net  worth  of  seven  billion  dollars  ,  there’s  nothing  that  this  family  lacks  .  yun  hana’s  father  is  her  grandparents’  only  son  ,  who  passed  away  after  a  short  losing  battle  with  pneumonia  .  her  mother  ,  a  woman  that  her  father  planned  to  propose  to  before  his  death  ,  ran  off  only  a  month  after  she  was  born  and  immediately  married  a  man  living  in  canada  .  hana  was  adopted  by  her  grandparents  ,  and  has  seen  them  as  her  parents  ever  since  .
               the  yun  household  is  a  household  where  power  equaled  money  and  money  equaled  fame  .  their  massive  and  untouchable  net  worth  stems  from  owning  stocks  in  various  korean  businesses  (  most  notably  ,  samsung  )  ,  owning  a  number  of  office  buildings  within  gangnam - gu  ,  owning  three  properties  in  pyeongchang  ,  and  five  luxury  apartment  buildings  in  yongsan  .  they  bought  ,  flipped  ,  and  sold  various  properties  in  new  york  as  well  .  
              they  settled  in  los  angeles  when  hana  was  thirteen  ,  and  she  attended  the  best  schools  that  money  could  buy  .  she  made  her  grandparents  happy  by  bringing  home  the  highest  grades  in  her  class  .  was  a  naturally  gifted  student  academically  ,  socially  ,  and  athletically  .  oft  was  the  subject  of  rumors  and  scandals  ,  most  notably  alleged  to  have  hooked  up  with  with  the  quarterback  of  the  rival  school  with  pictures  hidden  away  somewhere  in  her  luxurious  bedroom  .  she  was  also  known  for  her  flamboyant  nature  when  interacting  with  those  of  the  same  and  opposite  sex  .
               graduated  from  her  high  school  as  valedictorian  ,  prom  queen  ,  and  with  a  reputation  that  needed  no  introduction  .  not  afraid  to  confront  those  who  start  rumors  about  her  ,  but  has  a  tendency  of  starting  rumors  to  manipulate  fate  into  her  favor  .  she  begins  to  vacation  all  over  the  world  to  flaunt  her  wealth  ,  but  will  forever  call  sydney  home  .  promptly  makes  a  living  by  sitting  on  her  ass  and  being  seen  ,  rising  in  the  ranks  of  socialites  in  the  city  with  clear  ease  .  has  a  sped  up  graduation  from  barnard  college  due  in  part  to  doubling  down  with  classes  ,  and  has  a  degree  in  gender  and  sexuality  studies  .
               returned  to  los  angeles  with  a  higher  social  standing  ,  having  become  known  for  her  beauty  and  for  her  graduation  pictures  going  viral  .  oft  the  subject  of  debate  in  terms  of  wondering  if  she’s  gotten  plastic  surgery  or  not  ,  but  has  a  love  for  trolling  comments  she  receives  on  instagram  .
hana  is  well  known  for  her  long  hair  ,  which  she  dyed  blonde  when  she  was  twenty  .  she  has  kept  her  hair  primarily  blonde  ,  but  she  will  sometimes  dye  it  pink  or  lilac  (  click  colors  for  visuals  )  .  her  hair  is  kept  at  tailbone  length  .
she  has  always  been  the  type  who  was  able  to  hide  her  emotions  well  .  this  isn’t  to  say  that  she  won’t  let  someone  in  if  they  ask  if  she’s  okay  ,  but  she  doesn’t  readily  show  if  she  is  or  isn’t  .  
since  she’s  from  sydney  ,  hana’s  accent  isn’t  as  thick  as  it  once  was  .  she’s  been  living  in  the  us  since  she  was  thirteen  ,  so  the  accent  has  faded  a  little  bit  over  time  ,  but  it’s  still  very  prominent  .  
hana  lives  comfortably  in  the  hollywood  hills  .  she  lives  in  one  of  the  many  homes  that  her  grandparents  have  purchased  over  the  years  ,  and  she  has  a  number  of  staff  waiting  on  her  at  any  given  time  .  i  love  useless  details  ,  so  she  drives  an  electric  2023  porsche  taycan  .
personality  wise  ,  she’s  known  as  someone  who’s  able  to  get  what  she  wants  with  the  point  of  a  finger  and  the  bat  of  a  lash  .  has  a  strong  interest  in  people  as  a  whole  regardless  of  their  identifying  gender  .  she’s  a  jealous  person  ,  and  doesn’t  like  when  someone’s  she’s  interested  in  flirts  with  someone  else  even  if  they  haven’t  reached  that  level  of  exclusivity  .
she’s  more  than  likely  the  one  who  burns  bridges  with  former  friends  ,  but  somehow  always  has  a  reason  for  doing  so  .  dislikes  being  told  what  to  do  and  hasn’t  shaken  the  desire  for  confrontation  .  expect  twitter  fingers  ,  but  receipts  .  expect  shade  ,  but  it’s  straight  to  your  face  .  known  for  her  resting  bitch  face  which  is  not  a  facade  to  who  she  really  is  .
following  the  drop  of  the  sex  tape  ,  hana  went  radio  silent  on  all  of  her  socials  ,  so  it’s  not  a  shock  that  it  was  believed  that  she  leaked  the  tape  because  she  was  angry  .  she  hadn’t  leaked  the  tape  ,  but  she  was  instead  trying  to  figure  out  if  what  the  media  had  been  saying  was  true  .  publicly  humiliated  and  completely  embarrassed  by  the  situation  ,  hana  quickly  boarded  her  family’s  private  jet  and  went  to  stay  with  her  parents  in  seoul  .
she  returned  after  a  couple  of  weeks  ,  and  she  saw  a  rise  in  her  already  high  social  standing  since  the  public  was  rather  sympathetic  towards  her  .  not  everyone  liked  her  afterward  because  they  assumed  she  leaked  the  tape  /  was  looking  for  publicity  ,  but  she  was  deeply  affected  by  the  tape  and  betrayal  .  
hana  is  every  inch  a  nepotism  baby  turned  socialite  turned  influencer  ,  but  she’s  not  annoying  about  it  .  most  things  about  her  life  is  relatively  private  especially  considering  that  her  grandparents  live  worlds  away  in  south  korea  and  are  primarily  in  the  media  for  their  business  ventures  and  not  their  private  lives  .  
her  parents  were  initially  against  her  living  such  a  public  life  ,  but  once  brands  deals  began  coming  through  for  her  ,  their  minds  changed  .  hana  has  a  number  of  brand  deals  and  magazine  covers  under  her  belt  ,  but  she  is  not  considered  a  model  .
she  has  done  a  collaboration  with  the  meditation  /  sleep  app  calm  titled  ‘  grounded  with  hana  ’  .
was  selected  as  model  for  korean  retail  store  homeplus’  25th  anniversary  .
the  current  global  ambassador  for  yves  saint  laurent  and  was  chosen  as  the  muse  for  yves  saint  laurent  beauté  .  she  represented  the  brand  when  she  attended  the  2021  met  gala  for  the  first  time  .
the  current  global  ambassador  for  tiffany  &  co.  ,  and  later  became  the  fact  of  tiffany  hardwear  .
hana  has  modeled  for  a  number  of  magazines  such  as  elle  korea  ,  dazed  korea  ,  w  korea  ,  vogue  australia  ,  rolling  stone  ,  vogue  korea  ,  cosmopolitan  ,  dazed  china  ,  and  many  others  .
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nothingunrealistic · 2 years
csa cw (billions dialogue compilation + discussion, nothing involving real people)
CHUCK: I told you about my first time.
WENDY: With the junior —
CHUCK: Yes. Yes. Wasn’t so. She was my first amateur. Uncle Maurice took me to a brothel on my fourteenth birthday.
WENDY: So young. That’s practically Kevin’s age.
CHUCK: Yeah. I was as ashamed as I was nervous as I was excited. And Uncle Maurice swore it would be between me and him… but when I got home, my father was waiting up for me. And he knew all about it. Told me he’d picked Ginger for me, that he knew she’d get the job done right. Take me “‘round the world.”
WENDY: You discovered he was unfaithful.
CHUCK: Mm-hmm. And it was the first time my father ever said he was proud of me.
WENDY: So… how was Ginger?
CHUCK: Well, Dad was right about that. Yeah. She took me ‘round the world.
SENIOR: Connecticut Hall. I fucked three girls in there once, in a twenty-four hour period. One in the can.
CHUCK: You screwed a girl in a dorm bathroom?
SENIOR: No, sonny.
CHUCK: Well. That was before AIDS.
SENIOR: Wouldn’t have stopped us. Fact that it stopped your generation says it all. We forged ahead, damn the torpedoes.
CHUCK: I should have known better. The sentimental approach was never going to work on you. I realize I may endure the consequences of what I’ve done. May go down. And if you are unable to protect me… I want to know that you’ll protect Kevin. Be the man in his life. My speech was under false pretenses. But there was truth in it. You were a role model.
SENIOR: The boy will be looked after.
CHUCK: Ok. But please, none of that Uncle Maurice shit.
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SENIOR: I’m proud of you, son. You did what was required. Fucked me good. Damn the torpedoes.
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WENDY: You’ll never be him.
CHUCK: Yeah. I used to be sure that was a good thing. The reason I didn’t measure up to my father was ‘cause I didn’t want to.
WENDY: Good. He’s warped.
CHUCK: Yeah? Is he? I look around now and he’s the one who’s happy. He’s the one surrounded by loving family. Maybe the reason I didn’t measure up… is because I couldn’t. I was too different. On a cellular level, I was a different and lesser man.
WENDY: I’ll hand it to him. He wired you in a way even I could never quite untangle. You’re racked with guilt.
CHUCK: Because I can’t help him.
WENDY: Or because you don’t want to.
CHUCK: Wait. You think that I want him to die?
WENDY: I think, maybe, you need him to. Where should we begin? From the way he let your uncle “make a man of you,” to the way he let you know he’d tried her too.
CHUCK: Yeah. The hooker?
WENDY: The sex worker. Yes.
CHUCK: That’s what we must call them now?
WENDY: I’m not gonna get into the semantics of this with you right now. Ask your colleagues who are trying to make that fact law. Or your girlfriend. She’s a renowned expert.
CAT: Is this for your class?
CHUCK: Uh, no. It’s for yours. The one you’re about to teach me. On prostitution.
CAT: Sex work. Call it sex work, because that’s what it is, work.
CHUCK: Uh-huh.
CAT: Prostitution suggests something criminal, immoral… deviant.
CHUCK: Why the hell isn’t it deviant? Come at me.
CAT: Why? Are you bringing a case on this?
CHUCK: No. It’s more that the DA isn’t. She’s quietly pushing decriminalization.
CAT: Good for her. The Nordic Model is doing great things to decrease stigma, redistribute responsibility. Why should the workers be punished and not the patrons?
CHUCK: Yes, that’s the stuff. Make your best argument… and then help me shred it.
CAT: I don’t like this game. This is my life’s work.
CHUCK: I’m well aware it’s not a game. I need the DA off my turf. That may require trampling on hers.
CAT: Have you ever even met a sex worker?
CHUCK: A long time ago, my father — I don’t want to get into it.
PLIMPTON: Satan or angel, the other unions are in too. They didn’t hardly need convincing. It’s like when a female teacher takes a sixteen-year-old male student for a ride. Not much in the way of enticing needs to happen ‘cause it’s all the kid’s been after anyway.
CHUCK: Teacher still goes to jail.
PLIMPTON: How often you think that one gets reported, Chuck? We’re signing off with Michael Prince.
3x04 hell of a ride // 5x06 the nordic model // 6x06 hostis humani generis. i was thinking, as i sometimes do, about the portrayal of sex work in 5x06. specifically, about how strange it is that neither a man who has visited sex clubs and hired dominatrixes, nor his ex-wife who is aware of those facts, nor his current girlfriend who may not know those facts but is supposedly an expert on sex work and does know that he practices bdsm, includes any of those professionals in their definitions of “sex worker.”
obviously that subplot ties into chuck’s story about ginger and uncle maurice, but i hadn’t previously made the connection from that story to the exchange between chuck and plimpton. (i don’t know that it’s explicitly Meant to be connected, but obviously there’s some thematic resonance.) anyway, i figure the compilation kind of speaks for itself here, but i guess if there were a tl;dr it’d be: chuck may not be able to outright say that what his uncle and father coerced him into shouldn’t have happened, but he does recognize that it shouldn’t happen to anyone else. progress?
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keywestlou · 2 years
HEAVY HUMIDITY, FEWER PEOPLE, CAN’T WAIT FOR AUTUMN - https://keywestlou.com/heavy-humidity-fewer-people-cant-wait-for-autumn-2/Key West Lou returning soon!   Originally posted August 2019   For Key West, this is that time of the year. Hot! Heavy humidity…..like you would not believe! Close to a ghost town….. too hot for visitors! September the worst. Every year without fail. The humidity heavier. Things start cooling down in October. By Fantasy Fest, all is back to normal. Hot without humidity by day, cool by night. I often think how the weather was this time of the year up north. My home town Utica, N.Y. In the heart of New York State, in the center of the State. Without fail, the leaves start changing color by August 15. By Labor Day, a significant number of leaves had fallen. So much so that I closed my pool every year religiously the day after Labor Day. Leaves the problem. They screwed up the filter system. Those up north are already into a bit heavier clothes. The men, for example, long pants. Perhaps a jacket. In Key West, long pants rare. If required, generally in January for 2 weeks. Gets cold enough at that time that even winter jackets are worn. I prefer the hot. Never enjoyed the cold and snow of winter. I am happy wearing shorts and a sports shirt most of the year. Hurricanes coming! Hurricane time of the year! Two moving in as I write. Dorian. Began hearing of Dorian last week. Mid week. It is presently a tropical storm. By tomorrow may be a category 1 hurricane. The cone tells us Dorian should miss the keys. It has been edging northward every day. Close of enough for a lot of rain, however. Later today or early tomorrow, Dorian will pass over Puerto Rico. A state of emergency has already been declared for Puerto Rico. Elaine. Still no name. Elaine what it will be once it gets stronger as anticipated. Expected to pick up wind and rain later today. Cone reveals Elaine will be no problem for the keys. Elaine is making a dramatic right hand turn up the Atlantic. She is not expected to hit U.S. shores till she reaches New Jersey. Saturday morning, disaster befell a Key West resident. Fifty two year old Bryhan Thompson. He was diving the Vandenberg with a partner. Both experienced divers. Both had enjoyed the Vandenberg before. Bryhan’s partner signaled they needed to surface. Bryhan ignored his partner’s signal. Instead, he entered a lower room in the Vandeberg. His body was found in the wreck. One Hundred ten feet down. Twenty five feet into the vessel and away from any exit. His body when found had no diving gear on it, except for a face mask. A horrible ending. The U.S./China tariff war is being felt throughout the U.S. lobster industry this year. I wrote recently how bad it was affecting Keys spiny lobsters. Obviously, the situation is far worse nationwide. U.S. lobster exports can best be described as having “fallen off a cliff.” China is now purchasing lobsters from Canada. The drop in the U.S. lobster industry itself is dramatic. Killing. Through June last year, 12 million lobsters were exported by the U.S. to China. This year, a mere 2.2 million. An 80 percent drop. U.S. farmers are totally frustrated with Trump’s China tariff war. Their patience becoming short. It will not take much more for Republicans to lose the farmer vote in 2020. Farmers are specially upset with Trump’s lies that the farmers are starting to do great again. Far from it. Brian Thalman is President of the Minnesota Farm Growers Association. He said yesterday that he could no longer support Trump as he did in 2016. The numbers tell the story. In 2014, Minnesota exported $24 billion of farm product. Last year, $9.1 billion. College football season is upon us. Syracuse opens saturday against Liberty at Liberty. Syracuse an 18 point favorite. Last year Syracuse was 10-3. Its best season in many many years. An even better season anticipated this year. I hope it is true! Love tuesdays! My blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine this evening my time. A quick moving half hour. I rant and rave a bit. Tell it as I see things. Join me. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou. Enjoy your day!
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moemoemammon · 3 years
Ok. I need to get this idea out to someone. Solomon and mc are messing with potions for class and he accidentally gives mc a “youth” potion that makes you look younger. It turns mc into like a 4 year old for like a couple of days. What do you think would be the demon brothers (any) reaction to babysitting their master? What would they do? Idk i think it would be a little funny.
You’ve Gotta Be KIDding me, MC!
(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)
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He'll be exchanging words with that sorcerer bastard later. You can bet on that.
Lucifer doesn't take kindly to the idea of MC having run ins with magic in general, but at least this seems to be on the tamer side of the magical spectrum. And he had to admit, it's sort of amusing.
He intentionally watches you try to handle things on your own. Be it reaching for things too high up, stubbornly carrying things too heavy for your tiny arms, or making messes when you try to tidy up, Lucifer waits patiently until you ask for help (or until he can't take it anymore).
Treats you like he always does, despite your size. He doesn't talk to you like a child, or try to force toys and nap times onto you, but may or may not tease you when it's only the two of you. After all, you may look like a child, but that doesn't mean you are one. It's still funny to harass you a little, though.
"As independent as you may be, please refrain from trying to climb up onto the counter. If you need something, ask one of my brothers, or myself. If that isn't obvious enough, perhaps a 'time-out' is in order?"
When Mammon recovers from laughing for twenty minutes, (and also making threats on Solomon's life) he then decides to take a billion pictures of you. Now calls you 'munchkin' and variations of it.
And if you thought he was clingy before, just wait till you see how he is now. You're ACTUALLY helpless and vulnerable. I mean, you'd hardly make an appetizer for a random demon! So Mammon's gotta keep an eye on you. Maybe even a toddler leash-
Unintentionally treats you like an actual child. His older brother mode kicks in, and he finds himself taking care of you as naturally as breathing. Mammon? Being responsible?? It's more likely than you think.
He hands you a cup of juice before you can say 'I'm thirsty'. He'll slide over some sliced up fruits before your stomach has a chance to growl. You're tired? No kidding. That's why he's got a blanket and pillow on the sofa for you.
"Where do ya think you're goin', short stack? Nowhere without ME, that's where! I already told ya, if there's somethin' ya need, just tell me!" "Huh? I'm spoilin' ya too much? S-so what if I am?!"
Solomon came in with a child in tow that looked a hell of a lot like MC, and this man nearly had a heart attack. There's no way... did those two have a secret love child?! Th-that's just-!! Oh, it's only MC.
WAIT A MINUTE...TH-THIS IS....! ISNT THIS JUST LIKE 'DETECTIVE C*NAN'? Uwaaah... Just look at you! You're still just as smart as before, but you've become super small! Talk about the ultimate gap moe!!!
Levi isn't a big fan of the idea of tiny, sticky hands touching his things, so he's glad you've still got your normal brainpower. That being said, he finds himself talking to you normally. Maybe even easier than before!
It kinda throws him off that you guys can't do the things you'd normally do together. Your fingers don't have their usual dexterity so playing games is a challenge, and your attention span is a little shorter so these TSL marathons are killing you. But have no fear, Levi knows a ton of other things you could do together! He won't let something like this spoil his time with his dear Henry!
"If you can't use the controller, let's try something that doesn't need one! I've got a new Ruri Hana VR game with REAL motion and voice tracking! If you say the spells out loud, you'll cast them in game! Ah, and it auto-adjusts to the player's height, so there's nothing to worry about!"
Watching you struggle to enter the House of Lamentation in your oversized RAD uniform nearly sent him to the stratosphere. He inhaled tea when you almost tripped over your blazer and had to get a couple of slaps on the back from Asmo.
Does his best to find a cure for your 'little' problem, but the most that can be done is waiting it out. In the meantime, would you like him to read you a story? Large books are probably difficult on your tiny hands.
Constantly catches himself treating you like a tot. He's not trying to, but he can't help himself when he sees your round eyes staring up at him, or when he watches you try to climb up onto an armchair.
"Up we go- There. It must be hard for you, having to climb up into the chairs like that. I've got a stool if you'd like to use it? Though, I don't mind if you sit on my lap, too." "Hm? I'm embarrassing you? I-I didn't realize how overzealous I was being. Ehem...."
Oh that Solomon and his silly spells and potions, always making trouble! It's just one of his many charm points! And seeing as there are no permanent consequences from this harmless mishap, Asmo's enjoying it to the fullest.
Can you blame him? You're SOOOO cute~! So tiny and adorable! Why would've know that was possible?? Look this way, MC! He wants to take some pictures of you! Lowkey uses you as a photo op prop
He used to work part time at a daycare, you know? Asmo's great with kids! But that also means he's treating you like one. There's personalized snacks, cute little nicknames, and he's already gone and bought you a week's worth of clothes. Nobody tell him it'll only last a day-
He can be a little annoying with the baby talk and all the little activities he's planned for you, but you can tell he's enjoying himself.
"MC, look~! I've got plenty of ribbons to decorate your hair with! I'll let you choose your favorites, and then we can set out in town!" "Hm? Where are we going? To the playground, silly! You must be dying for a play date after being stuck in this dreary house all day, right?"
He was kinda teetering between whether or not he should throw Solomon across the yard like a football when he saw him carrying a teeny MC, but all was forgiven when he learned it was an accident.
Has now designated himself the permanent MC carrier. Your feet will never touch the ground so long as you're a child. And it's no problem for the likes of Beel, when you're as light as a feather! That makes him a little more conscious about being careful with you though-
Be it piggybacking or carrying you in his arms, he hasn't released you since he's spotted you. And don't think he's forgotten about feeding you. Beel's also taken your meal prep upon himself. You'll prefer things that've easy to eat, right? Though it kills gum to give you smaller portions than usual.... it feels cruel...
Somewhere between babying you and treating you as usual. He speaks normally to you as he always does, but prioritizes your needs over everything else. He wants to make sure you're well taken care of until this potion wears off.
"You're sure you've had enough to eat? I know I gave you a snack earlier, but... to think you really can't eat as much as before.. I'll talk to Solomon again. It must be torture to have such a tiny stomach, I'll do my best to get you back to normal."
There's obvious opportunity here, and Belphegor won't let it go to waste. (No not for murder)
He's getting a kick about your new mini mode. How's the weather down there? Do you need him to pick you up so you can reach the high shelves? Don't worry, he'll get you a sippy cup.
When the teasing has settled down, he pays attention to a more pressing matter: you're now the perfect side for cuddling. You're a living hot water bottle, not too big, not too small, tiny and soft and adorable. Er, he won't mention that last part though.
Anyway, Belphie thinks a little kid like you should go on and take a nap now. It's exhausting having such short legs and wandering around the house all day, right? He gets it. You look tired and he knows the solution.
"Ah, you're just as cozy as I thought you'd be... Though, it feels kind of weird holding you like this. It's like holding a stuffed animal, but you're not nearly as cute." "Pfft, what's that face for? Sorry, sorry, I was only teasing."
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
When Obi-Wan gets to AotC, there's also about two dozen Anakin clones on-site. They're all girls because... IDK Anakin is trans. They have a hive mind and are developmentally a few years younger than Anakin himself.
It's incredibly unsettling to Obi-Wan.
It's almost definitely a "fuck with Anakin's already fragile mental health" ploy by Palpatine, along with a "what if Jedi Black Widows, for me, a Sith Lord. Wouldn't that be neat? That would be neat."
Anakin is torn between "this freaks me out" and "GANG OF BABY SISTERS LET'S GOOOOOOO."
(I just finished reading Like Real People Do by glimmerglanger, so this is definitely inspired by that and the obligatory 'lay back in bed and daydream variations on plot points of that fic you just really enjoyed,' and also a little by Same Heart, Same Blood by loosingletters.)
They're physically like 14-16 on average, and Anakin's vibrating out of his skin with a million conflicting emotions, but when he tells Padme she's just like "oh, you have a handmaiden gang!"
I told this to @willowcrowned and she suggested:
Once Anakin decides to repress the part of him that’s weirded out and just regard them as baby sisters he gets. A little strange about it The first time one of them dies he may or may not slaughter every person he can [in response to Padme's comment] Anakin starts worrying that he needs to get them cool matching outfits
I also chatted about it with @firebirdeternal and they said:
Gang of Unsettling Smol Siblings is exactly the Karma that Anakin deserves
Do you think the Clones have a kind of Collective Name that they use at first that eventually just kind of morphs into a new last name? Skysisters or something? Like Palpatine was trying to be clever and name them like the Nightsisters.
I initially went with "functionally one person" hive-mind but I'm torn.
I think maybe they're BASICALLY one person on Kamino but drift into Separate Consciousness once they're far enough apart physically that their minds don't blend from proximity anymore.
Then they start Dating (like half of them are dating Fett clones because they grew up with these dudes, it's like childhood friends romance), and Anakin loses his mind about Protecting Them and They're Too Young.
Padme: You're nineteen and we just got married, they can date. Anakin: THEY'RE EIGHT. Padme: And the Fett clones are ten and dying for us in the field. Get them rights before you panic about their love lives.
it could be worse, one of them could imprint on Obi-Wan. "Anakin I promise I won't yell at you for the next five stupid things you do if you can figure out a way to stop this baby from having a crush on me" (I like the idea of Obi-wan bargaining not with "I won't be mad at you ever" because they Both Know That's Not True, and instead haggling with specific allowances. Like he's handing out Stupidity Coupons)
Please imagine Mace and Obi-Wan's personal responses to the idea of suddenly having to deal with not one, not two, but OVER TWENTY SKYWALKERS.
Plo is delighted to take one off their hands.
So is Yoda.
Mace is like. okay suicide isn’t the Jedi way but on the other hand. i physically cannot deal with this Yoda: a skywalker, you say? one who is tall enough to reach the top shelf, you say? such a skywalker, bring me
Anakin would be given at least one because fuck you, suffer with us, but he's still a padawan so Ugh, fine, no.
I want to say one stays on Coruscant to hang out with the Guard, and ends up half-adopted by Padme. She keeps dressing up the Aniclone left with her in handmaiden outfits and sending selfies to Anakin.
"Hanging out with the little SiL!"
Anakin has so many issues about WHEN his genetic material was acquired.
And there's some confusion from the Fett clones about how much of a hive mind is normal for Jedi. They are confused that the answer is basically none, and "this is WHY nobody clones a Jedi"
"I have followed in our progenitor's footsteps and acquired a sibling." holds up a struggling Boba "He bites."
Ooooo okay so if they have a sort of hive mind then they probably don’t have names other than their designations on Kamino right BUT When they SEPARATE The one that picks Boba up on Geonosis gets a name specifically for that. Okay what if the one Padmé picks up gets some variant on ‘pretty’ because she’s always being dressed up BELLE Maybe Yoda’s Ani has a name that means thief? Because obviously Yoda is using Anakin to steal sweets
So, to make the timeline work...
I don't think anyone would give Anakin one of his sisters until after he's knighted at least.
So obviously when they're doing initial placements none of the sisters go to him or Obi-Wan.
Once he's knighted, of course they're already all placed with someone, and Anakin instead gets Ahsoka. He loves Ahsoka. She is also a little sister. He said so.
At some point afterwards, one of the sisters is left without a place because the Master that was in charge of her died in the field battle.
That sister then gets placed with Obi-Wan, because he's already mostly-successfully raised one Skywalker, so he can do it again.
Anakin gets to hang out with her basically all the time.
Ahsoka is very very jealous of this girl stealing Anakin's attention.
Anakin is oblivious to the rivalry.
He asks Barriss to look after them while he's discussing Adult War Things with Luminara and Obi-Wan, and Barriss gets an eye into This Mess, which is quickly colored by Ahsoka growing a puppy crush on the lovely Miss Offee herself.
Ahsoka: Ah yes, my nemesis. Anisister: Ah yes, my new older sister whom I want to impress so bad.
"I will impress her by being Stoic and Competent" "Oh my god she must think she's so much better than me what a bitch"
Anakin is oblivious to most things to be fair Anakin: Laser focused precision fighting machine who can read the tiniest body movements and predict your moves seconds in advance, who also cannot understand even the most basic social nuance. I was originally writing this as to Dunk on Anakin but then I made myself sad, because none of those things are really his fault.
So you know that post about like, Sasuke and Brooding, specifically in the context of "Brooding" as it's used to refer to Nesting Chickens? Grouchy and protective and sitting on a tennis ball trying to hatch it because they're just. "These are my Babies." Anakin Broods. Baby sisters. Must protecc. "I'm actually fine and extremely deadly in combat." "MUST PROTECT."
Bad Guy: [catches Ahsoka in a Trap] Aniclone: Must rescue sister! Aniclone: [fights, is not winning fight, gets ouched] Ahsoka tearing her way out of Trap: I lived bitch. Also: stay the fuck away from her. [murders so hard]
Ahsoka catches the Protective Older Sib feels by the traditional method: "Hey, only I'm allowed to be mean to them."
Oh Anakin has no clue what’s going on. He walks in on Ahsoka glaring at the Ani and is like!!! Little sisters!!! Bonding!!! When Ahsoka was about three seconds away from tossing her out of the airlock. Ahsoka mistakenly assumes that Barriss has a crush on the Ani, and gets even MORE jealous.
Obi-Wan is like oh god. I can’t take care of an Anakin going through puberty again. He’s great with periods and other stuff because he read about a billion books. He is TERRIBLE with everything else, as he was the first time.
IDK how old Obi-Wan's Aniclone is, probably physically the same age as Ahsoka?
Per @atagotiak on discord:
Also something something, similarities btw Anakin and Obi-Wan where like. "Am I a parent? That seems uncomfortable, I'm too young to be a dad to a kid this age, I mean I'm cool with being a mentor/caretaker but..."
Obi-Wan can't even sidestep parenthood this time.
"Is Anakin basically your dad?" "Uhhhhhh" [Muffled discussion] "So Obi-Wan is your dad." "Okay!" "WAIT NO I DIDN'T AGREE TO THIS"
Ahsoka: She's stealing my brother, that BITCH. Obi-Wan's Aniclone: new sister new sister new sister gotta make a good impression
I feel like the Sister Squad would make very effective interstellar espionage agents Even like, kind of by accident. They just get encouraged to branch out in their interests and figure out what they want to do with their lives and end up all over the dang place, and since they're all pretty dang competent they tend to gravitate towards Important Positions wherever they end up. Except for one sister who just retires to raise Space Sheep.
I like that in this AU Palpatine is just like "I will create an army of Loyal Murderers who will obey my every whim and also be a big psychological lever on my Other Pet Murderer," and then they all just Baby Duckling imprint on the first Jedi to be nice to them instead and he has to just be like "Wait no not like that."
AND one of them Steals Boba
I want Obi-Wan's Aniclone to start dating Fives. All the sisters judge her for it, because he's a Goof. A very competent, ARC Trooper goof! But a goof.
Not as goofy as Anakin, though.
Who expects a clone of Anakin Skywalker to not make questionable lifelong romantic choices impulsively?
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
And I Will Still Be Here Stargazing
Batsis x Batfamily Story
Word Count: 1.6K Warnings: Explicit Language
Author's Note: I shouldn't be allowed to make new stories when I've already got WIP's to do. Oh well, HERE'S ANOTHER STORY! -Thorne
She glanced through the telescope once more, scanning the expanse of the night sky before her. Giddiness ran through her at the thought of seeing the supposed comet coming back around. Apparently, it was one that hadn’t been seen in two hundred years. It’d taken almost two whole days to convince her dad to let her go out on her own in the field three miles out of town.
Of course, that convincing came with a massive surprise—not—of taking a tracker with her just in case—being the only non-vigilante in her family did make her vulnerable to trouble, but most of their enemies wanted nothing to do with her, so she figured she was alright.
Pulling away from the scope, she felt her phone buzz in her pocket, and she sighed as she answered it, putting it to her ear. “Dad, I already told you, I’m fine.”
You weren’t answering your brothers’ texts. They were worried.
“Oh, for the love of—dad, I’m twenty-one. I shouldn’t have to check in every five freakin’ minutes.”
We worry about you, (Y/N).
“I know,” she griped. “C’mon, one night where I can actually be treated like I have a functioning brain inside my skull. Let me have it.” She glanced up again, seeing something streak across the sky. “Oh, there it is!” (Y/N) grinned. “I gotta go dad! I love you!”
Wait, (Y/N)—
Hanging up, she stowed the phone in her pocket before looking into the glass. “Oh wow,” she breathed. “It’s so beautiful…and big.” (Y/N) hummed and pulled back slightly. “Really, really big. Almost like it’s…coming to earth.”
She took a step back when she realized that was exactly what was happening. The comet, or whatever it was, was barreling towards the field near her and she gasped, taking another step back. Her foot slipped in the mud, and she fell, but the thought of being obliterated made her scramble to her feet and run as fast as she could away from it and while she wasn’t sure she’d outrun the devastation, she was going to try.
That being said, whatever it was, hit the ground with a thundering explosion, sending dirt and gravel flying, along with her and she screamed as she was thrown to the ground. (Y/N) covered her head, crying in pain as debris scraped her arms and legs, but she stayed still until the world calmed around her.
When it did, she peeked through her arms and gaped at the destruction around her. Trees had been blown from their roots and in the middle of where her telescope had once been, was something smoking inside a hollowed dip in the ground, dirt and rocks thrown away.
(Y/N) shakily got to her feet and crept closer, terrified that she was going to find some horror movie come alive. Alien and Predator stuck in the back of her mind and part of her wanted to flee. The other part—and curse her Wayne curiosity—wanted to know what it was.
“Hello?” she whispered as she neared the rim of the crater, peering in. A groan sounded and she gasped, pulling away before she took another glance and she saw a woman. At least it looked like a woman.
Her body was unlike anything familiar to (Y/N), in the form of an average woman, but she had no skin. Instead, her body looked like the night sky, swirling pools of stars and dark matter, and her hair was long and white, shimmering like glitter. Her hips and wrists were plated with some type of metal, gold and inlaid with what looked like diamonds.
(Y/N) slid down the side of the crater against her better judgement, nearing the woman carefully. “Hello?” she called again. “Are you alright?” The woman groaned and rolled onto her back, eyes opening at her. She gasped at the white eyes, like stars.
“Help,” she weakly moaned.
Hurrying over, she knelt beside the woman. “Hey, it’s okay. You’re okay.” She reached out to touch the woman but stilled when she felt the warmth radiating off her body.
“Please…help me,” she begged. “They’re…coming.”
(Y/N) shook her head and took the woman’s hand; it made her skin tingle. “Who’s coming?”
“The Insentients,” the woman said. “They’re coming in a years’ time.”
“I…I don’t understand,” she replied. “What are Insentients?”
“Terrible creatures that destroy life.” The woman grasped her hand. “I am Astra, Queen of the Stars. And you must help me.” (Y/N) couldn’t believe a thing she was hearing, simply gaping at her. “I have battled the Insentients for billions of years, but I am at my end.” She squeezed tightly, reaching up to cup (Y/N)’s cheek, white eyes widening. “You must take my place as queen and protect the life of this galaxy.”
She couldn’t even form words, mouth opening and closing like a fish and all she could muster was, “I’m sorry? What?”
Astra coughed and something splattered on (Y/N)’s clothes before fading from sight. “Please, you must do this or life as you know it will cease in one year. Take my place.”
“But I’m—I’m not some alien queen! I’m a human!” She spluttered. “What do I even do?!”
The queen sighed tiredly. “Child, nothing will stop the Insentients unless you help. They will destroy all in their path.”
(Y/N) shook her head and happened to glance towards the sky. “The stars,” she breathed. “They’re so…dull.”
“My life is fading…so they are too.” Astra whispered. “They will die.”
“What?!” she shouted. “But the sun?! It’ll go out!”
“Yes.” The queen murmured.
Bewildered, she asked, “What can I do?”
Astra gazed at her. “Take my power. Be reborn as the Queen of the Stars.”
“How do I?” She questioned and Astra took (Y/N)’s hands, placing them on her chest.
“Grasp my heart.”
“Grasp your what?” she repeated.
“My heart.” The woman’s chest opened, and she stared in surprise as a small, but brilliant light came into view. “Bring it to your own.”
“I better not die,” (Y/N) deadpanned as she cupped the light carefully. Her fingers tingled like she was being shocked, and she swallowed thickly as she brought it up to her chest, just above her heart. “What now?” she asked, and Astra’s form began to fade, starting at her feet.
“Your body will absorb all that I am…all that I…have been.” She smiled. “Place it within your chest.”
“That’s not possible.” (Y/N) retorted, though she moved her hands against her chest. “My body can’t just absorb—holy shit it’s working,” she blurted, and she went still as her something jolted her spine, all the way up her spinal cord to her brain.
Her jaw went slack as he eyes widened, head tipping back to stare at the sky above her. Memories flashed across her vision, faster than she could keep track of and then her mind felt like it was imploding. She let out a strangled gasp and tipped backwards, fatigue overcoming her. The last thing she remembered was Astra’s eyes and her smile before she disappeared from sight and (Y/N) descended into darkness.
When she came to, all she could think about was the pounding headache in her skull and the lack of memory the night before. (Y/N) sat up and looked around. The sun was high in the sky and her telescope was sitting neatly where it had been. She blinked, feeling as though she’d forgotten something important. When she couldn’t remember, she shrugged and got to her feet, beginning to take the scope apart and put it away.
(Y/N) rolled the sleeping bag up and put it in the tote, carrying both back towards the side of the road. Her butler should’ve been around to pick her up but when she didn’t see him, she frowned. Huh…I thought Alfie was coming to pick me up? Blinking in confusion, she patted her pocket for her phone and pulled it out, though her eyes went wide when she saw the shattered screen and burnt phone.
“What the hell?” she questioned. “What happened to my phone?” It looked like it’d been blown up. Now she was really confused. What the hell happened last night? (Y/N) sighed heavily and shoved the phone in her pocket. “I guess I’m walking then.” She grunted and heaved the telescope and sleeping bag over her shoulders, starting back towards the city in the distance.
GCPD was the first important building she came upon and as tired as she was, she knew they’d let her use one of their phones to call home. (Y/N) lethargically wandered into the department, stopping near the counter.
“Excuse me, can I use your phone?”
The man at the counter looked up and suddenly shot to his feet. “(Y/N) Wayne!” he shouted, and she blinked.
“Uh…yeah, that’s me?”
He rubbed his eyes. “Holy shit, you’re here.” Gesturing to her, he added “Wait right there! Don’t move!”
“Wait, but I—” the man sprinted off and she sighed. “Great. Probably going to get everyone so we can do pictures.”
Next thing she knew, Commissioner Gordon was running into the entry way. “Miss Wayne!”
(Y/N) looked at him. “Yes sir. That’s me.” She pointed to the phone at the desk. “I was wondering if I could use the phone to call home? Mine’s…busted.”
He reached out, grasping her arms. “Are you hurt? We should get you checked out immediately.”
“I’m fine?” she answered confusedly. “What’s going on? Why is everyone panicking?”
Gordon gaped at her. “You don’t know what’s going on?” she shook her head. “(Y/N), you’ve been missing for an entire week.”
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shywhitemoose · 2 years
So I have been struggling more than ever with words. Not in the usual writer’s block, writing-is-hard-it-takes-me-forever-i-have-no-time-i’m-depressed-and-also-anxious sort of ways, but in a genuine i’m-growing-mildly-concerned-about-my-cognitive-abilities sort of way. (And it’s not just affecting my fic writing, it’s affecting my job. Emails, technical reports, memos, speaking to people, etc.) I am constantly digging deep to find even the simplest words or to put them together in coherent ways. Is this just like, me aging? Have I passed some kind of peak? I mean, writing was admittedly never my favorite thing (until I tried writing fic, at which point I realized it could actually be fun), and sure, I was slow and would occasionally use a thesaurus to help me avoid being too repetitive, but I never just...completely forgot words or expressions? One very simple example: trying to think of a word like “scratch” that isn’t “scratch”, but thinking it’s one syllable and it needs to feel rough, and having to use a fucking thesaurus to find the word “scrape” because you can’t come up with it on your own. Also taking a good twenty seconds to think of the word syllable, like I just did there. I understand these brain farts can happen to everyone now and then, but it’s happening all the time to me, like every other sentence, and it didn’t used to. Not just in writing, but every day speech, to the point of embarrassment and dread.
I asked my doctor about it in the fall, and she seemed to think it was no big deal, that I’m just unfocused. So I’m assuming that it’s no big deal and I’m just unfocused. But I don’t know how to fix it. And it’s making writing much less fun, much more intimidating. It has literally taken me almost two months to get two pages of my next chapter written, and I don’t even like what I’ve put down. I love this story and have played out these last few chapters a billion times in my head over the last two years, and it’s so frustrating to feel like I no longer have the skills to put it into words that will do it justice.*
Anyway, if you’re wondering why you don’t see more writing when I clearly have enough time to do at least some art, this is why. I don’t need words to draw, you know?
*That said, I am going to finish my fic. I just. I don’t know if it will be very good. And I know it won’t be very soon. And I’m sorry to my readers who have been so invested and patient and supportive. I think I might wait to start posting again until I have the whole thing finished?
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bcdaily · 3 years
jily childhood friends running into each other years later?
Ta-dah! Thank you for the prompt! Now I have to write shorter things, or I’ll never get another done. XD
She knew that hair.
It was a glimpse—a fleeting hint of familiar dark chaotic strands protruding above the multitude of milling heads inside the crowded hotel lobby. Lily stopped where she stood, certain—certain…but that was foolish, surely? It was hair. Billions of people had hair. Even distinctive hair like that. And what would he be doing here, what were the chances…She darted left, slipping through other conference attendees, following the bobbing head of black. Her fingers toyed absently with the lanyard around her neck. Her feet kept moving. She was closing in. But—shit—he was turning into the next doorway. She’d lose him—
“Potter!” she shouted.
The bobbing black head stopped in the doorway threshold. He turned.
Something pulled inside Lily’s chest.
God, it was.
His mouth—an older mouth; familiar features spread across a matured frame, sharper and wider—formed her name. A question. His head tilted.
She squirmed around the last huddled group of conference-goers blocking her path. A middle-aged skeletal bloke shot her an annoyed look as she prodded past him. A server carrying a tray of canapés swerved around her. She wished the tray had been alcohol. She might need it. She wasn’t sure.
James Potter had grown up to be tall. Cresting six feet, easily. His limbs were long, his chest wide, but his hair—that hair—hadn’t changed a bit. Neither had his smile: bright, crooked, with the same infectious delight he’d managed so easily at eleven, now captured just the same in a man of twenty-four.
Twenty-four. They were twenty-four now. She hadn’t seen him in thirteen years.
“Lily Evans,” he said, audibly this time, and the smile grew brighter. “Shit.”
“Shit,” Lily repeated, laughing. Now that there was nowhere to go, no further crowds to weave through, no mop of dark hair to stalk, she was not quite sure what to do. She hadn’t thought past the part of just confirming it was him. Somehow, magically, him. Strange, strange, strange. Now they were standing before each other and—
And he was good-looking.
Had been, back then, at eleven. But that was eleven, and those things didn’t often last. Features shifted. Bodies changed. Conventions came and went at whim. Who could keep up?
James Potter could, apparently.
Not that that was the point. She hadn’t chased him down because he was fit. She could only see his head, for Christ’s sake. She hadn’t known. Not about the height, about the posh specs and the twinkling hazel eyes, about the tanned, sculpted forearms revealed beneath the rolled-up sleeves of his button-down. It wasn’t—
He eyed her, eyeing him. “Do we…hug…or…?”
She snorted. “I don’t know.”
“Reckon I ruined it by asking.” He stuck his hands in his pockets. “Not as natural now.”
“Yes, quite ruined.”
“Ah, well. Will do better next time. Meet again in another…what’s it been? A decade or so?”
“Thirteen years, by my count.”
“Thirteen? Bloody hell, I can’t wait another thirteen years. I’ll be dead. Let’s just—”
And then somehow he was hugging her, and Lily was laughing again, and her fingers were digging into his back as she clutched him to her.
He had a nice back, James Potter did.
A nice smell, too.
The first boy she’d ever kissed remembered to shower. Lovely.
In the past ten seconds, she’d grown greedy and impetuous. As he pulled away, she darted up on her toes and dropped a hasty kiss to his cheek. Stolen, like a criminal. She was in a hotel lobby filled with barristers, and not a single one could convict her, so stealthy was she.
His fingers trailed down her arm as their bodies detangled. Her skin burned along the path.
“What are you doing here?” she asked, stepping back. She really, really needed to step back. “I mean, it’s good to see you—strange to see you, really, but—you’re a barrister?”
It didn’t fit the James Potter in her head. The boy who’d grown up alongside her, had lived in the sprawling, noble house at the top of the hill, running wild with the lot of them in Cokesworth, until he wasn’t. That boy had certainly had the cleverness and confidence to pull off law, but not the patience or deference to its structures and politics. He would’ve collapsed under the piles of paperwork. He would have crowed agony at the rules, the formalities, the bureaucracy. Had that swotty boarding school his parents’ packed him off to changed him so very much?
James pulled a face. “Fuck me, no. I’m running the catering for the conference. My mum—”
“—owned a restaurant,” Lily recalled, somehow delighted not to have pegged him wrong. She closed her eyes wistfully. “God, that’s right. When you moved, we were all bereft. I think I still smell that eggplant appetizer of hers in my dreams.”
“The caponata?” His grin turned sneaky. “She still has it on the menu.”
“Casa. SoHo.”
Lily had heard of it. To think, James Potter, her childhood friend and mild fixation, just a few tube stops away, for who knew how long. “So you’re in London?”
“Since university,” he confirmed. Then his head tilted, and the sneaky smile turned coy. “So you’re a barrister? In London?”
“Yes.” She waved her conference lanyard like a white flag, surrender. “Wildly disappointed?”
“No. It fits.” Humour weaved through his voice—deeper and cooler now, all grown up. “No one could ever win an argument with you. And I tried. It was fun.”
He’d been a menace. He’d taken such delight from getting a rise out of her. But even as children, talking with him had been addicting. There were so few who could match wits with her, even fewer who didn’t take it personally, who dusted themselves off after a rousing debate and stuck out their hand, a shake of respect for the good time. James Potter had been like that. It’s why she’d cornered him behind a tree in the park where they all used to play, just before his parents had packed up house and he’d left for boarding school. With his back against the tree bark, she’d pressed her lips against his and waited to see what he did with it.
He’d cupped her chin with both of his hands and pressed his lips harder against hers.
It was closed-mouths, mere seconds. A first for both of them.
But to this day, Lily’s knees still went weak when someone held her face.
Silly. Stupid. She talked about work to make the memory go away.
“A bit less fun now. It’s mostly forms and deadlines and”—she waved her hand around the room—“swotty, deadly dull networking conferences. I’m just out of school. I hardly do anything yet.”
“But you’re good at it,” James stated, definitive.
She didn’t bother to hide her preen. Was wary by how much pleasure she took out of his automatic confidence in her. “Yes. I’m very good at it.”
They stared at each other, grinning.
He had a girlfriend. Lily was certain of it. There was no way this man did not have a significant other. Or maybe there was a very good reason, because she knew absolutely nothing about him. She hadn’t seen him in thirteen years. Entire lives were lived in thirteen years. Who knew what kind of person he was now? He could cut a dashing figure, hold a conversation, but maybe he also cut up bodies in his flat for fun. Maybe he bit his toenails. Maybe he liked The Big Bang Theory. Maybe he drank milk straight from the carton and then put it back in the fridge.
“You didn’t grow up ugly, James Potter,” she said.
“I looked you up on Instagram a few times,” he replied immediately. “You never post pictures of yourself. But I like your cat.”
“His name is Bosley.”
“I know.”
Lily squinted at him. “What else do you know?”
Hazel eyes gleamed. “Interesting question.”
James Potter’s hands were much larger now. If he worked with his mum in her restaurant, they were probably rough—calloused from use, nicked with cuts and crevasses from an absent knife or oil burned too hot. Eleven-year-old James’s hands had been cool and soft. This James’s hands wouldn’t be.
Lily quelled a shiver.
“James?” A server appeared out of the doorway behind him, looking frazzled. “They left behind a case of champagne. I don’t know how. The quiche is running low, and Darnell is feeling ill. What—”
“Send Darnell home. I’ll—” He let out a dissatisfied hum, glancing at Lily, then back at the server. His lips pulled into a frown. He swept a hand through his hair. “Sorry—”
Lily waved him off, though her spirits sank. “No, don’t be silly. Work calls. Feed the hungry. Go.”
He hesitated, his eyes skimming her. “Will you—we’re just catering the event tonight. Swotty and deadly dull, yeah? So you’ll probably skive as soon as you can.”
“No.” She didn’t have any reason to say it so firmly, so quickly. That was just the way it came out. “Work calls for me too. I’ll be here.”
“Yeah?” The frown righted slowly.
She couldn’t believe how ridiculous she was being. Maybe how ridiculous they were both being. She could be a serial killer, for all he knew. Did he not care for the health and safety of his own pretty little head?
Her plan had been to duck out of this conference opening mixer as soon as was physically possible. They were unbearable. That shouldn’t change.
“Yeah,” she said instead.
She was eleven years old, heart fluttering behind a tree. She was an idiot.
“Good.” His body turned, but he was still looking at her. He nodded and repeated, “Good.”
Lily lifted her hand. “Thanks for the hug. See you in thirteen years?”
He smiled. “Something like that.”
She watched his back as he turned through the doorway, stared at the familiar mop of hair until it disappeared around the next corner.
She pivoted on her heels slowly, feeling silly and prickly.
In her pocket, her phone vibrated. She pulled it out and absently glanced at the screen.
She laughed.
James Potter had requested to follow her on Instagram. And he sent her a message.
You didn’t grow up ugly either, Lily Evans, it read.
She was twenty-four years old, heart fluttering in the middle of a hotel.
She shook her head, and pressed ACCEPT.
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Canary, Part 6
Tim had been watching her out of the corner of his eyes for a long time. It wasn’t that he was trying to be creepy or anything, he just… didn’t know why she was there. It didn’t make sense. She was relatively low on funds according to what he and Oracle had dredged up, and even Tim in all his billionaire-ness recognized that this place was more expensive than average…
So, why had she come? It wasn’t even close to the motel she was staying at.
The vaguely paranoid -- cautious, he was cautious -- part of him worried that she had somehow known he was there, but there was no way she should have been able to know that. Hell, he hadn’t known he was going to this particular cafe until he’d gotten to work and realized that there were now cameras in the breakroom and his office to make sure he didn’t drink too much.
But, really, it seemed like she was just using the free wifi that the cafe provided to write up a resume.
He relaxed and sunk back in his chair with his laptop while he did his work.
… he didn’t get to work for long.
He picked up on the slight gravel of someone putting on a voice with ease. It was high and sweet, a voice he commonly heard from customer service workers. He chanced a look back at the barista and frowned when he saw her on her phone. Not her, then.
He looked around the tiny coffee shop and cringed a little when he realized what was going on. Shady guy approaches a woman who’s drinking coffee alone? Yeah, that’s never a good thing.
He pushed his laptop into his bag quickly, slung it over his shoulders, put the cap back on his coffee cup so the guy wouldn’t be able to tell that Tim had been there for a while, and rushed over.
He rested his hand on the man’s shoulder.
“Hey, bud, she said no.”
Tim watched both of them tense and their gazes were pulled to him in an instant.
Marinette glanced him up and down once. He watched her eyes lock onto his coffee cup for a second and he carefully turned his hand a little so she could see the name.
She smiled. “You’re late, Timmy. Don’t tell me you got caught up in another meeting?”
He shrugged innocently. “You know how it is.” Then, he split into a grin. “Maybe I should be the one that’s upset, though. Can’t believe you didn’t save me a spot.”
“I tried!” She whined. “He insisted!”
The man chuckled awkwardly. “I see. I’m sorry, I thought you were alone.”
She rolled her eyes. “I told you I wasn’t. Can you move, though?”
“Actually,” Tim said, because he didn’t want to sit in the window where Duke might happen to see him while on patrols. “There’s a free table back this way.”
Marinette tipped her head to the side a little before nodding. “Sure.”
She closed her laptop with a snap, gathered her things into her bag, and followed him back to his table.
That should have been the end of it. Unfortunately, the guy was still watching them. It looked like they weren’t going to be able to do work for a while if they wanted to keep up the pretense that they were friends.
She seemed to know it, too, because she sighed and rested her head on her hand with a small frown. “Guess we have to talk.”
He huffed. “Don’t have to sound so upset about it.”
“Alright. Fine.”
“Not sounding much more excited.”
She rolled her eyes and then brought a bright smile to her face. “Sure, Timmy, sounds great! Can’t wait to have a super fun conversation with you!”
“... nevermind. That’s weird. Why did that almost convince me? I knew it was fake.”
She let herself lean back in her chair, her face falling back to a slightly smug grin. “I’m Parisian,” she said simply.
Yeah. That made sense. Every Parisian Tim had had the (dis?)pleasure of meeting had had an almost unnerving amount of control over the way they presented their emotions.
He snickered. “Why the hell would you move here, then?”
She rolled her eyes. “Our psychopath was so boring. Like, dude, we get it, your wife died or whatever, that sounds like a you problem. Now, a guy deciding to become a jewel thief purely for the gimmick? Way more interesting.”
“Moral grayness is so twenty years ago,” Tim joked.
“Exactly! Give me dumbasses who are evil purely to be evil and good to be good!”
He grinned. “I can see why you like Harry Potter.”
She blinked.
He motioned to her cup. Scrawled across it in the barista’s messy handwriting was ‘He Who Must Not Be Named’.
She relaxed a little, grinning. “I just finished the books so I’m a bit obsessed. Also, every time I tell them that my name is Marinette they misspell it.”
“Don’t feel too bad, baristas are just like that. Heck, they’ve misspelled my name before.”
“... your name is Tim.”
“They spelled it with a y.”
“... why?”
“Yes. Exactly. A y.”
She giggled a little. “No, I mean why would they do that?”
“Oh. No clue. I hope they were just messing with me.”
The barista was wiping down the tables. It was nearing closing time and Marinette was feeling more and more sorry for the poor workers the longer they stayed. She knew that, when she had used to work at the bakery, she had always especially hated customers that were there around closing time.
Only two tables remained occupied.
She sighed when she glanced over and saw the guy was still there.
Oh well.
She looked over at Tim. “Care to walk me a few blocks in a random direction to see if we can get rid of him?”
“Certainly,” he said.
“‘Certainly’? I may not be super great with American customs yet but even I know that’s weird,” she teased.
He huffed a little. “Listen.”
“I’m listening.”
His nose scrunched. “No, wait, you weren’t supposed to call me out on the fact that I didn’t have an excuse.”
“Oh. Okay, we can try again.”
“Alright.” He cleared his throat. “Listen,” he said again, this time in a tone that mocked the one he’d said it in the first time.
Convenient. She was intent on mocking him, too: “I’m listening.”
“You’re the worst,” he complained.
She laughed. “I am so not. Joker exists.”
“You’re worse than him,” he said in his most serious voice.
She laughed harder. “No one is worse than him.”
He grinned. “I thought you liked people that were evil purely for being evil.”
“But he’s not,” she argued. “The man just decided one day that he liked the weird guy who dressed like a bat and figured that the best way to get that guy’s attention was to murder people.”
“Gotta admit, it works,” said Tim.
She shrugged, grinning. “Yeah, it does. Makes me wonder what would happen if the Big Bad Bat didn’t come, though.”
He tipped his head to the side slightly and then shrugged. “I don’t know, actually. He usually stops it in time.”
“I think he’d freak out.”
She grinned and stretched lazily, head tipping back.
“He’s still following us, isn’t he?” Asked Tim.
“Yep,” she said, popping the ‘p’.
He groaned a little. “Great. Looks like we’re heading to the library.”
She raised her eyebrows. “You go to libraries? You could probably buy every ebook in existence and have a few billion left over.”
“One of my sisters works there, I can ask her to get rid of the guy,” he explained. “But I like libraries. There’s something quaint about them.”
She rolled her eyes. “Yes, it’s nice to see how the common folk live sometimes.”
He returned her eye roll. “Not like that. I spend a lot of time staring at screens, I have a special appreciation for regular old books.”
“That’s nice. I wish I had time to sit down with a physical copy like that.”
“You see, I have this genius strategy for making time: not taking care of myself.”
“Go on, this is intriguing.”
“Well, eating and sleeping, right? Everyone thinks they’re totally necessary things otherwise you’d die or whatever. But, listen, that’s just a hoax made up by the government to perpetuate capitalism.”
She nodded eagerly. “Totally totally totally. What’s your solution?”
“Coffee communism.”
“Yes, you should use your rich boy money to lobby Congress.”
He grinned. “I totally should. But I can’t run it by my family.”
“No way! You never know who's capitalist anymore, they could be plants placed by the sleep industry to ensure that you don’t go through with it.”
He gasped. “No! You think? My own family?!”
She nodded grimly. “It’s always the ones closest to you that betray you.”
And then he broke character, snickering behind his hand. She beamed.
They reached the library and he smiled as he held the door open for her. He asked her to wait while he talked to his sister and she waved him off casually, telling him to take his time.
She pulled out her phone and pressed her lips together thinly as she made a note to head over later that night to give the man -- Henry -- his money. She’d give him a little tip because, for a moment there, she’d almost forgotten that they were just acting. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to purposely trigger herself for the sake of believability but, hey, if she was going to try and dupe one of the smartest businessmen alive into talking to her, she needed to go all out.
Speaking of Tim, she updated the file of Tim’s favorite cafes plus the probabilities of him visiting each one. It was for his oldest brother, Richie Wayne. She didn’t know why Richie was the one to ask for it seeing as he spent most of his time in Bludhaven and therefore likely wouldn’t find much use in it, but no one ever really knew why Richie Wayne did anything. The man famously had almost as much cotton between his ears as his father.
But, Richie Wayne was also just as rich as his father, so… she’d give him his file later that night after checking her math with her favorite graphing calculator.
A redhead in a wheelchair rolled past Marinette and she absently held the door open for her, only to be surprised when she cursed out Henry.
She watched as Henry held his hands up and started backing away from the woman in the wheelchair, and then he ran down the nearest alley.
(… she’d give Henry a bigger tip. The man had just wanted a tiny side job to help pay for his wife and kids that wasn’t being a henchman, he didn’t deserve this.)
She opened the door for the woman on her way back inside and mumbled her thanks. The woman nodded once and continued on her way.
Marinette leaned back against the wall again and scrolled through Twitter as she waited for Tim to reappear. Apparently, Poison Ivy was already back in Arkham. Something about an intern at the botanical gardens watering plants wrong. Wild.
Marinette felt someone sidle up beside her and, after a quick glance confirmed that it was Tim, pocketed her phone.
He smiled at her, a tote bag over his shoulder.
“Did you go grocery shopping while I wasn’t looking, somehow?”
He hesitated before holding it out to her. “It’s the French dubs of the Harry Potter movies.”
She blinked as the bag was thrust into her hands and looked down at it. Yep, that was Harry Potter in French. She also, vaguely, noted the tiny slip of paper his phone number scrawled across it.
She slung the bag over her shoulder.
“I’m never going to return these. You’re going to rack up so much debt.”
NightwingsAss9384: does anyone know why nightwing and canary hate each other?
ScareCrane: She stabbed Batman once on accident and somehow got away with blaming it on him
Daylightwing: She refuses to let B adopt her.
RiddleMeThis: They think it’s funny when their stans fight.
SignalOfficial: They said ‘I’m the only flippy bitch allowed in New Jersey’ and have been fighting ever since
Yummmmmm: He has to or else Robin will get jealous because he’s the only stabby sibling allowed
Oracle: They’re fighting over who gets to change their name to ‘The Dodo’ first.
DeadHood: Nightwing is jealous that Canary was the first one of us to think to have a full-on bird mask.
TheBetterCanary: every time i go into the batfam tag to try and avoid them all i see is his fancams
SpoilerAlert: they’re both convinced that they’re the hottest bachelor/bachelorette in gotham
NightwingsAss9384: im beginning to think no ones going to tell me.
BlackBat: :)
Perma taglist: @nathleigh @peachmuses
Canary taglist: @jayjayspixiepop @unoriginalmess @miraculousfanfic127 @probably-a-hologram @iloontjeboontje
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cades-outsider · 3 years
Older Johnny Lawrence X Reader
Warnings? SEXUAL THEMES! Reader is 24! Teasing! mentions of beer! Insecure/jealous Johnny! And Language!
One In A Billion
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  Walking out of the little store close by Johnny's dojo you grip the bag firmer so it doesn't fall, you grabbed some snacks along with Johnny's famous Coors Banquet Beer that he always drinks.
  Of course you don't promote him drinking, but you can't tell him what to do either but you do keep him in his place.
  Hearing the bell ring as you open the door to the dojo causes you to smile, Johnny had worked so hard for this and he deserved this. Even if his only student was Miguel, he was still a lovely young boy.
  Johnny walks out of his office with his gi on, "hey love" he says as a smile appears on his lips.
  "Hey handsome, I got some snacks and some of your famous Coors as well" you reply as you open the bag.
  "How nice of you L/n" he says as he walks closer, seeing a slim Jim peep out of the bag.
  "Is that what I think it is?" Johnny questions with a smirk.
  "It is" you all but giggle, something you only found yourself doing around Johnny.
  You grab the slim Jim out of the bag handing it over to him before walking in the back room and putting the beers in the empty fridge with a couple snacks you bought as well. Leaving the other slim Jim's on Johnny's desk of course.
  "Hey, how about you teach me some of your.... karate ways" You suggest walking where the office door is, leaning on the frame.
  "You want to learn karate?" He asks surprised.
  "But of course" You say smiling as you see Johnny throwing away the empty slim Jim pack.
  "Alright get over here, but prepare for me to beat your a*s" He chuckles as you walk over onto the mat, already had taken your shoes off once you came in.
  "Alright get in the stance" He orders as he gets in his form.
  Quickly getting into the famous karate form seeing Johnny and Miguel do it many times, Johnny starts to speak "alright now I'm going to go easy on y-" but before he could finish his sentence you strike first.
  Sweeping your leg under his, you twist your legs together causing both you and Johnny to tumble on the floor. Him under you while you straddle his waist on top.
  Pending him down by the arms you lean closer to his face "strike first, strike hard" you recite as your chest rises up and down.
  Johnny looks taken aback, soon a small smirk appears on his lips. "Yeah? Where'd you learn that?" He taunts.
  "Oh I watch you and Miguel, I know my ways" you tease letting your guard down.
  Johnny's smirk grows wider as he flips your legs and straddles your waist, now dominating you.
  "Rule number one, never let your guard down" Johnny says his eyes piercing through yours.
  Leaning down he places small kisses on your neck here and there, soon getting more confident as he starts to suck and bite at your sweet spot causing you to let out a moan as a red hickey appears to the old one from three days ago that laid beside it.
  "Johnny..." you moan as he trails kisses farther to your stomach, lifting up your shirt peppering little kisses anywhere he can reach.
  Regaining your composure you smirk as you lift Johnny back up to your face flipping him over, using both of your legs to block his and both of your arms to block his hands.
  "Didn't think I'd let you off that easy would you?" You ask raising your brow suggestively.
  "Not at all" Johnny comments as his side smile only grows more.
  Leaning down you press your lips against his, still holding him down. Not letting your guard down one bit this time, pressing your lips against his lips harder you press your chest up against his as you let one of his hands free which he lets wander to your middle playing with the soft material of your shirt, rubbing small circles in place.
  Breaking the kiss, you let both of you catch a breath before you release Johnny offering him a hand to which he takes as you pull him up.
  "Alright give me your worst" You say confidently, using your hands as gestures.
  Johnny shakes his head as he chuckles before getting into fighting stance, you following behind. Johnny strikes a punch to which you block by pushing his hand aside and ducking your head to the left striking a kick to his side catching him off guard.
  "Wow I'm convinced you're better than me" He comments holding his side.
  "No, you're think king at bada*s karate" you joke half serious and half not.
  "I am pretty good aren't I?" He asks cockily.
  "Alright calm yourself" you joke with a small laugh.
  "That was a good kick though, keep it up" he compliments.
  "Why thank you" you blush.
  Striking first you decide to land another kick to which this time Johnny grabs and pulls you closer towards his body still holding your leg, wrapping it around his waist for you.
  You squeal of surprise-meant as he wraps his hand around your throat gently, not enough to hurt but enough to make you needy.
  "Nice try love, but you're going to have to do better than that" He whispers huskily, as he tilts your head back placing his lips onto yours gently before letting go on both your leg and neck.
  You try to regain your breathing as you notice you were almost panting. You smile as you shake your head, "you're something Lawrence" you comment cheekily.
  Johnny chuckles as he walks closer to you, rubbing his thumb gently over the mark he created minutes earlier that claimed you as his.
  "How about we go get a burger or something" Johnny suggest as he grabs your hand pulling you into him.
  "I'd like that very much" you say bashfully.
  "I call dibs on paying" you say before he could.
  Johnny's mouth gapes open at this "what no! I'm paying" he defends set on his 'statement'.
  "No. I. Am. Paying." You say stoping before each word, demandingly.
  Johnny groans knowing you can be a difficult one "but-" you cut him off before he could finish.
  "No buts, I'm paying... i am 100% the man in this relationship" you joke.
  Johnny fake gasps "no fair" he sighs finally giving up in defeat knowing he couldn't get through to you.
  "Great!" You jump in excitement as you grab his hand kissing his cheek.
  "I'll drive us" you say tugging him to the exit.
  "-wait let me change first" he goes to turn around.
  "What? No, you like handsome" you pout as you let go of his hand.
  "I am not getting burger juice all on my gi" Johnny states sassily, as you laugh at the term 'burger juice'.
  "Okay miss sassy pants" you joke as he walks to his office.
  "At least let me watch" you walk over to the office as well.
  "In your dreams baby" He says with a wink as his smirk grows causing you bottom lip to poke out in a pout, sighing in defeat as he closes the door.
  Not even two minutes later Johnny comes out of the office with a green checkered flannel, jeans and a white t shirt.
"Ready now?" You tease holding your hand out for him.
"Yeah, let’s go" Johnny says grabbing your hand gently swinging your intertwined hands back and forth.
Not even twenty minutes later and you two arrived at the famous burger joint around here. Stepping out of the car both you and Johnny walk towards the door, Johnny rushes to the door pulling it open for you.
You bow "why thank you my king" you joke as you walk in, holding the door for Johnny.
You both walk up to the cashier, who is a young boy that looks about four years younger than you. "Hello" you say sweetly.
The boy who’s name is 'Chad' on the name tag looks up, before taking a glance at you he smirks not even noticing Johnny beside you.
"What can I get for you pretty lady?" He asks suggestively.
You cringe internally at the name "um, we’ll take-" you start before being interrupted by Johnny.
"Yeah we’ll take the 2 triple burgers and a side of stop flirting with my girlfriend-" he starts before you nudge his shoulder "-please..." he finishes causing you to giggle.
Chad looks up with a disgusted look "who the h*ll are you old man?" He questions.
Sighing you itch the collar of your shirt down revealing your dark love bites which you totally didn’t do on purpose.
Almost immediately Chad backs down "er, I’ll have that ready for you. It’s on the house" he says awkwardly.
"Yeah I bet it is" Johnny says as he glares daggers into Chads soul.
You thought it was cute how he was jealous and how he stuck up for you, but you didn’t know that a part of him was insecure because he felt like he was to old for you now that Chad a younger ''better looking'' boy was interested in you... he felt like he was pulling you down.
A couple minutes later Chad brings back your orders which he put on the house and a 'complimentary' milkshake for you both.
Walking out hand in hand you both get in your car, noticing immediately how Johnny didn’t grab a burger out the bag caught you off guard.
Furrowing your brows you turn to Johnny seeing him resting his hand on his arm looking out the window.
"What’s wrong handsome?" You question turning your full view to him.
"Nothing....-" he stops for a moment before hesitantly turning to you "wouldn’t you like someone you know....? Younger?" Johnny finishes as that insecure feeling comes back.
"What? No! I don’t want anyone else but you Johnny" you say defensively as you grab his hand.
"But-" he starts but you cut him off not wanting to hear it.
"No Johnny- I-" you stop, this is the moment you would tell Johnny that you loves him. You guys had never said the 'L' word before so you wouldn’t know how he would react "-I love you, and I promise I’m not going anywhere I’ll stick with you through the good and the bad" you say lovingly.
Johnny’s eyes widen and for just the tinniest moment you thought you shouldn’t have said it yet "I love you to Y/n, I might not be able to give you much but- I’m here" he says as his face softens.
You lean over pressing a kiss to his lips, "now, eat your burger" you giggle as you hand it to him.
"Great, I’m starving" he says grabbing it and going ham.
You grab your milkshake and take a sip, enjoying the thick delicious taste "Why don’t you suck me like that" Johnny suddenly says with a smirk on his face as he watches you drink some of the vanilla milkshake causing you to choke, some of the milkshake running down your chin.
"Johnny!" You yell as a laugh escapes your lips.
"D*mn" he says as he watches the milkshake drip off your chin, slowly taking a bite of his burger in the process.
"Oh my gosh!"
Thank you @peachymelon69 for requesting! Also thank you for helping me with the title! I hope you enjoy! Requests are always open! I love this one so much! It is by far my favorite!
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