#can play alexithymia with the best of them
once again thinking abt undiagnosed unsuspected autistic yaz
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ghost-of-a-system · 2 months
hi, we are autistic and also have aphantasia and alexithymia.
and we where wondering what you guys do when you don't know who's fronting, like that limbo of bodily autopilot where nothings going on inside the head and we all just blend together into an incoherent mess
we can't tell if someone new is fronting or if we think we are faking it again.
hey, thanks for reaching out! im not sure if we have alexithymia; we dont know much about it. but we do have aphantasia and autism, so ill try my best.
i think its an autism thing, but we mask a whole heck of a lot around basically... everyone but each other. if you or someone else is unsure what i mean by "masking", its basically just altering (no pun intended...) your behavior in order to outwardly appear "normal" to other people. pretty sure it can be both manually done or subconsciously. its usually subconscious for us personally. but for us, this "persona" we mask as is kinda hard and unnecessary to describe, but the point would be that it isnt really similar to any of our alters. we also do a lot of mirroring others, as in, involuntarily copying their personalities, speech patterns, etc., which plays into our masking.
when we are blurry or more "on autopilot" as you described, we tend to revert to this even more. since there isnt a distinct enough alter around to, at the very least, hog our train of thought, our brain just defaults to that masking persona. but this still happens a lot when we do know whos fronting; they subconsciously mask/mirror so much so that their identity becomes indistinguishable to even them. in all honesty, this usually doesnt go away until we either are alone again or something triggers someone specific out (sorta snapping us out of the masking for a bit). sometimes the someone specific is even who was fronting before good ol masking took over; it just kind of grounds them to their actual self instead.
overall it just makes it impossible for us to tell when we are just genuinely blurry or just masking to the max. we usually just default to assuming that were blurry until enough clarity kicks in to say otherwise.
as far as the "thinking it could be a new alter" thing, we definitely relate to that too. we kinda have a whole, system in place (no pun intended...?) to help with that. when it comes to masking, particularly mirroring, we typically mirror other people/characters/etc. to the point that we genuinely feel like a new person. oftentimes to the point that we feel like we are them. many times in the past its so intense that it puts us under the impression that theres a new person to add to the bunch.
i think one of us has talked about it in the past here, but im too lazy to go fishing for it. basically, we might log it, like in our simply plural, usually. keeping the profile on private and just logging that this potential new guy is fronting. we usually give it a week or two to see if they ever front again or if we can still 'feel their presence' later on, in simple terms. for us, majority of the time theyre gone, 'cause they never existed to begin with. but thats just because we mirror so much and so intensely, not sure if thats something other systems can relate to. we also just arent a large system, and while it isnt uncommon for us to split, its even less common that they stick around past a week or two.
its a weird cycle. but it doesnt mean youre faking or anything. just one of the weird ways things mix, especially being a system and having something like autism. they dont always function separately, at least in our experience.
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hyunnieshannie · 10 months
Youtiful Series: CHANGBIN
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🖤: Changbin x Reader | Youtiful Series 🖊️: 1,270 🚨: ANGST- SO MUCH ANGST - Fluffy af tho
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You and Changbin had been together for YEARS. You both started out as friends, close friends, best friends. It had taken the two of you quite a while to figure out that you both had romantic feelings for one another but once you did you didn't hesitate to start dating. You had shown up in vlogs with your face blurred out as he walked around town with you and a few other friends. Fans and the media were already painfully suspicious that Changbin was in a relationship but they never had enough evidence of who it was.
You two had been really good about keeping your relationship hidden from fans. You always hung out in groups or went to dinners with multiple members to try and keep the media off your backs. When acquaintances would ask about your relationship you would just tell them that you were good friends and leave it at that. You didn’t know who you could trust with this information so you kept the circle small. His group knew of course, his family, your family, and your closest bestest friend. Everyone else knew you had a boyfriend but didn’t know who he was and you like it that way. 
You two had gotten quite comfortable together. You found a comfortable rhythm together. Maybe too comfortable. You two had become more lenient on trying to cover up your relationship. You still only traveled in groups together, never just the two of you, but perhaps you started to drift closer to Changbin, gravitating towards him and ignoring the other friends you were with. You’re not really sure how it happened.
You were sitting in the dance practice room waiting for the rest of the boys to show up. You had been lounging with Felix, Jisung, and Jeongin playing games on your phones waiting for everyone else to trickle in. All of a sudden there was a bunch of shouting happening outside the dance studio. The four of you immediately dropped your phones and stared at each other wide eyed. It wasn't usual to hear yelling at the company building, it actually never happened. Ever. You quickly got off the couch and made your way to the door to see what was happening, the three boys following closely behind you. As you got closer to the door, you recognized the voice that was doing most of the screaming. You quickly swung the door open.
“Binnie!” You yelled from the door, staring sternly at your boyfriend. He looked pissed, Chan and Minho were trying to calm him down while Hyunjin and Seungmin were standing there with worried expressions on their faces. 
“Bin, relax man, let’s just talk about this calmly.” Chan tried to say in the calmest voice possible. Changbin wrestled his arms out of Chan and Minho’s hold, looking at the two of them as if they had just kicked him in the heart.
“Relax? Relax?! You want me to relax when-” Changbin started yelling in the hallway.
“SEO CHANGBIN!” You yelled and all eyes were immediately on you. Even some of the managers and other staff that were around the surrounding hallways looked your way. “Do you really need to air out your dirty laundry in a hallway where anyone can hear you?! Get your asses in here and have a discussion like adults, hmm??” Minho smirked at you and crossed his arms over his chest proud as hell that you took control of the situation. Little did he know that Changbin was giving you the nastiest death glare. 
All of the boys filed into the practice room and closed the door. No one said a word though, Changbin was still seething but wasn't saying a thing about what was agitating him so much. 
“Jesus christ, just fucking tell her Bin-hyung or I’m going to.” Seungmin groaned from his spot on the floor next to you. You quickly looked between Seungmin and Changbin, noticing the stiffer position that Changbin was now sitting in.
“Tell me what.”
“It’s nothing.” Changbin said through gritted teeth.
“Bullshit. Don’t fucking lie to me. What is going on?” You knew when Changbin was lying, and he did it very very rarely, so what in god's name made him lie to you now?
Changbin still didn’t move or say anything. Minho rolled his eyes and opened his phone and handed it to you before propping himself up against the counter behind you. You took the phone with a confused look on your face. You look at the phone and begin to scroll through the media and you felt your world beginning to crumble around you. As you continued to scroll through the messages your heart began to sink deeper into your stomach. 
Who is this nobody? 
She’s not even pretty, he could do so much better
Get this slut away from our Changbinnie
She doesn’t deserve to be with him
What does he even see in her?
She's probably just using him for his fame
Gold Digger much?
The phone was abruptly ripped from your hands, you looked up to see Changbin gripping the phone harshly, his arms flexing as he did so. He gave Minho a stern look and threw his phone at him. You could see his jaw tightening and his fists clenching. You heard someone mutter your name. It was Felix who looked at you with sad eyes and signed to wipe your eyes. You touched your cheeks and they were wet. When did you start crying?
“Don’t show her that shit.” Changbin looked down at you and you could see the anger boil back up in his chest. “I’m gonna kill someone.” He said through gritted teeth. He went to move towards the door, going where you had no idea.
“Changbin, where are you going?” You ask quietly.
“To get some fucking answers. How dare they talk about you like that? How dare they say those horrible things about you? They have no idea who you are! What you mean to me! What you mean to us! They don’t know jack shit and they’re still saying all of these horrible things, sending you horrible messages. I’m gonna find whoever posted that photo of us and kill them. Fucking ruining our relationship, ruining you, making you cry? Fuck, I’m gonna kill them.” Changbin started ranting, his voice increasing in volume as he continued. You stood up slowly and approached him. His breathing was hard, you could tell he was getting overwhelmed. You slowly and gently placed your hand on top of his chest, looking him directly in the eyes.
“Binnie, breathe.” You whisper calmly, the tears now completely gone. He starts to mirror your breathing, taking deep breaths in and out, but his heartbeat is still going crazy. “I don’t care what these people have to say about me. We can figure out who posted the pictures if you’d like, but no killing anyone.” You say and you get a soft chuckle from him. “We’ll figure this out, all of us ok?” He places his hand over yours on his chest. You can tell he’s still angry, it was usually pretty hard for him to calm down when he was angry, but you always knew how to diffuse him to try and bring him back to a level head. “Ok?”
“Yeah.. ok. Love you.” He says quietly, squeezing your hand.
“To be honest you two weren’t very subtle…” Seungmin confesses from his place on the ground.
“I’m gonna kill him.” Changbin chuckles as he races towards the younger and tackles him to the ground.
Yeah, you two were gonna be alright.
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@chanlixiiee @amalieworldidk @jaebaebaegot7 @maeleelee @iadorethemskz @maenijw @hangin-out-with-the-street-rats @jinniespuppy @painstakingly-juno @lethallyprotected @elizalabs3 @jisungsbff01 @seungminslittlepup @lieghscloud @foxinnie8 @scarletbedlam @kpoppin-to-the-beat @stay-berry @bbymatz @kurxxmi Thank you for being on our permanent tag list <3
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grizzlyofthesea · 3 months
Dumb Vocaloid Headcanons, Part 2: Crypton Future Media/Piapro
In general
Super futuristic androids built for singing and performing
No combat abilities like the Internet Co. Vocaloids, but they look more convincingly human than the male Poids and CUL (about on par with GUMI and Lily)
Live in a mobile cyber-home since they frequently need to travel for concerts
Have a giant stash/vault of all the things their fans have given them
Getting a bit anxious about moving to Piapro Studio, but generally optimistic about it
Close with the Zero-G and Internet Co. Vocaloids
The fun mom friend
Meant to be 30-ish years old
Confident and outgoing
Enjoys gardening and going on long hikes
Has regular lunch outings with Mew and Chika
Will do the "hold my beer/sake/whatever I'm currently drinking" thing to show off the most unexpected, random skills
A weepy/emotional drunk
Cishet ally
Unofficially married to KAITO
The weird but cool dad friend
About two years younger than MEIKO, both in software release and in physical age
Huge history nerd
Favorite ice cream flavor is Blue Moon
Snuggles with his scarf like a teddy bear when he's sleeping
BFFs with Gackpo and Kiyoteru
Hates waking up before 2:00 p.m.
Unofficially married to MEIKO
Hatsune Miku
Super sweet and kind
Loves performing with her friends more than anything
Tries her best at everything
Puts on a more stoic, "refined" persona when wearing her Append gear just because it makes her feel cool
Was so proud of Teto becoming a SynthV vocal that she cried a little bit
Also super proud of GUMI kind of becoming the new face of VOCALOID now that Crypton has stepped away
Can be a bit too concerned with helping others; has a habit of overstepping boundaries
Confused by people declaring her the creator of Minecraft and Harry Potter, but rolls with it
Aroace; romance-favorable and sex-neutral
Kagamine Rin
Len's (slightly older) twin sister
Argues with Len over truly stupid things, but they love each other in the end
Exchanges fashion tips with Una
Loves cooking and baking; has nearly perfected her recipe for orange chicken
Super strong and athletic, with her favorite sport being volleyball
Adrenaline junkie; especially loves roller coasters
Her road roller privileges have been revoked after engaging in too much tomfoolery.
Genderfae, but still very much in the "egg" phase
Kagamine Len
Rin's (slightly younger) twin brother
Argues with Rin over truly stupid things, but they love each other in the end
Runs a gaming channel on YouTube called xXxBananaVobana07xXx
Knows how to play the keytar, the theramin, and the Otamatone
The sole driver of the Kagamine road roller after Rin's last incident
Had a parkour obsession at one point
Has sort of adopted Oliver as his little brother
Cishet ally
Has a slight fanboy crush on Sachiko but is really interested in SF-A2 miki
Megurine Luka
Autistic and has alexithymia
Writes poetry in her free time; said poetry is usually dark/brooding with vivid imagery
Wants to learn how to skateboard
Sometimes does 3:00 a.m. fridge raids. Always 3:00 a.m.
Tuna is her favorite, but she loves most seafood...except for scallops.
Doesn't smile much outside of performances, but when she does, you know she means it
Cares for Miku, Rin, and Len as younger siblings (even though she was released after them)
Gave the other Cryptonloids rudimentary lessons in English before they got their English voicebanks
Biromantic asexual; not currently interested in anyone
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bobafett51 · 6 months
Dear Grandpa
I played Samba Pa Ti during my Grandpa's funeral. On my acoustic guitar, right after I gave his eulogy. It was easily the hardest speech I ever had to give, I imagine I'll have more hard ones down the line.
When I say I played Samba Pa Ti, I really mean I played the first few riffs. After that, I don't know what I played. I was possessed by the Holy Spirit and went into what Carlos Santana calls supersonic mode. Supersonic mode is when you allow the Holy Spirit to take control during your solo. It allows you to play the things you don't know how to otherwise express or feel. I've never seen the experience of losing yourself to the music described in any better way to me.
The reason I played Samba Pa Ti was because my grandpa loved the song (so does another one of my close relatives). Further, Santana and my Grandpa are what got me into playing guitar. My Grandpa would always talk about Santana and I wanted to be like someone my Grandpa really liked, so I decided to pick up the guitar.
Recently, I was really missing my grandpa. I thought I had fully processed the trauma of losing him, but I hadn't. Due to my autism and Alexithymia, up until a few months ago I never processed any of my trauma. Last week my mom pointed out how my Grandpa and I shared a unique bond together. One that we didn't have with anybody else in the world. We were special to each other and loved each other in a way only we could love one another. The one thing about losing a loved one is that there will always be a hole in your heart. A hole that will never be filled on this mortal earth.
The same night my mom did this I really wanted to reach out to his best friend, who was a close family friend, like an uncle to me. But I couldn't sleep, the whole night I laid tossing and turning. When I did get a little sleep I think I saw my uncle. When I gave up on sleeping and decided to start getting ready for the day, my family got a phone call from his daughter. My uncle passed away that same night.
Looking for guidance for this and other uncertainties in my life I turned to the bible and was guided to Luke 17:6, "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, `Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it will obey you." I have faith in god's designs and plans, including the painful parts I used to wish never happened.
I have come to love the things I wish never happened. I'm here for my uncle's family, I understand what they're going through, I can help them better because of it. Similarly, my friend is currently losing her grandpa and I can be there for her, even better because of what I've experienced. Suffering, grief, loss, they're all part of the human existence. But by experiencing them we can form even deeper connections to those we care about and that are in our lives.
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nicxxx5 · 1 year
autistic will byers headcanons
so this is not an analysis but just my personal headcanons for will being autistic
he is selectively mute. he doesn't like to talk; he really just prefers not to. he prefers to use morse code or sign language but more often morse code. he struggles to verbalize his thoughts and its frustrating to him. he doesn't mind talking to his close friends or family, especially his mom, jonathan and mike.
he has alexithymia. he struggles to recognize and verbalize his feelings and finds it easier to draw/paint them out
stims! he loves to jump up and down while flapping his hands and listening to his favorite music. sometimes mike joins and stims with him
when he's overstimulated he likes to get away from everyone and lock himself in a room until he feels like he's okay again and every thing is under control.
if he's having/recovering from a meltdown he likes to be in a dark room alone with a heavy or multiple blankets and his headphones on with his favorite music playing.
when the two above happen, mike, his mom and sometimes jonathan are the only ones who can approach him when he's like this. they know how to handle it best. they know know not to touch him or talk to him because the feeling and sound would be too much. they wait until he taps out "okay" in morse code and that means he can answer yes or no questions. after that, they work with his responses on how to comfort him best
his special interest are dnd and tigers! he loves getting to infodump to the party about dnd because they all share the same interest in the game, but he especially loves infodumping to mike about tigers. because he knows mike doesn't know anything or have any interest in tigers, but he always gives will his complete and full attention when he rambles about them. he even gave will a stuffed tiger for his birthday one time and will cried because it was his special interest and also the texture of the fur was so soothing.
he doesn't like to make eye contact. it's really uncomfortable for him. but sometimes he can do a little bit of it back and forth with people he's close to, like the party and his family
he doesn't like harsh/stiff clothing. he also cuts off tags and asks his mom to sew fabric on really thick seams
he prefers soft foods to crunchy foods. crunchy foods just hurt his mouth sometimes
will prefers really tight hugs. he's not big on physical contact overall, but he does enjoy being hugged really really tightly and hugging back really tightly. the pressure from someone hugging hug and the pressure he exerts while hugging is grounding
this is what i came up with for now! i just really had the inspiration to do this because i started thinking of some and was like "omg i need to write these down". i might edit this later to add more but let me know your thoughts!
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savlina · 8 months
This is Sofia “Nyx” Olkhovskaya. She was a philanthropist, always ready to help anyone. Too bad she's gonna get killed) the best intro
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The quality is a little eaten up, so it’s better to click on the image
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personality, character
•It's difficult to give her an exact personality type. She is a multifaceted person who combines incompatible things. She can change herself or adapt to any situation for the best outcome. But some features can be distinguished
•He says almost nothing to on himself
•Polymath person
Heterochromia (right eye blue, left eye brown);
Earlobes are not pierced
There are two tattoos
Athletic build
There are a few prominent scars (shown here)
Nyx walks a bit clumsily. She experiences imbalance in her body, which causes her to sometimes lean in different directions. hortunately it's almost imperceptible.
Titanium knee prosthesis
•Doesn't know how to cook (that is, she knows how to cook basic things, but she doesn't know any culinary dishes. She doesn't see it in that sense. Why waste time when you can go eat in a good establishment where professionals will take care of you.
•Since she thinks more globally than others, she can sometimes tell her comrades that their problems are trivial and easily solved. Some people take offense to this. She understands this and tries to approach this issue from a different angle.
•Sometimes she overdoes it, works too much. She may not eat for days, not see friends, working only on her own affairs.
•She doesn't allow other people to help her. In any situation, she always tries to cope on her own, but of course there are cases when she cannot do without help.
•Sometimes she falls into a trance, thinking about philosophical questions. She begins to think about the meaning of life, the purpose of man in the world, the nature of reality and other deep topics. She immerses herself in her reflections and forgets herself in them for a long time. Such moments take her to a kind of state of ecstasy, where she is completely immersed in her thoughts and ideas. She ends up staring at the ceiling for hours.
•she knows German and Russian, but does not indicate this in her documents.
•The only thing that can scare her: this loss of her identity; injustice; legends about the magneto shakhtinsky region(in Russia)
•You can rarely see her wearing tight-fitting clothes. For her, comfort comes first. Even at social events, she prefers a suit. She can wear a dress only if she is personally asked to do so by the inviter. There is a joke in her inner circle that she won��t even wear a dress to a wedding (some even bet money on it). Sophie usually answers - There will be no wedding. Never.
•One of her strangest hobbies is gaslighting. She likes to watch them get cornered and contradict themselves. Of course, she doesn't do that with everyone, she chooses people with a stable psyche and a good sense of humor.
•People's eyes fascinate and captivate Nyx. She can't even realize that she's been staring into someone's eyes for too long and has lost track of the conversation.
•Chess. if they can't resolve a dispute with someone (which happens very rarely), she always suggests a game of chess.
•Auto racing. Tries to attend all F1 races. She also loves coming to the 24 Heures du Mans.
•Table tennis (also known as ping-pong)
•Plays the piano
•Rides a motorcycle well. In the past, she participated many times in underground competitions between her people
•Astronomy (and she can stare at the night sky for hours)
•She is fascinated by physics. When she has the time, she attends lectures and keeps up with scientific discoveries. Visited: ITER; Large Hadron Collider; British polar station Halley VI; Starbase first launch of Starship.
•Playing cards with a cheat
•Collecting antique weapons
•Loves to watch space launches of rockets, satellites, and spaceships.
•She almost never sits on SNS. She learns all the news either from her journalist friends or sometimes she can go to verified news sites. But the only place she can afford to drown for a few hours is Twitch
•Loves movies based on true events and where natural disasters are present.
•Preferred book genres: scientific literature, classics.
•Her musical tastes include jazz and 19th century classical music. Loves orchestras and solo piano playing. Favorite composer: Ludovico Einaudi.
additional income
•Second business [Veterinary clinic, grooming salon, pet store]. The owners are Sofia and Alexandra (who is also a good friend of Sofia). Sofia: co-founder, shareholder. Alexandra: co-founder, CEO
•Programmer (Sometimes a friend Sofia who is very knowledgeable in this area, might give her a couple of errands at Sophie's request, just for a change so that Sophie doesn't forget her programming skills)
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Hey hey, can I please have a hp matchup? (Id also like a dialogue, thanks)
I'm an intp, pansexual and genderfluid, also Brazilian, just proud yk 🤪🤪(Go mostly by she/her he/him). I'm around 5'0, I have curly/wavy brown hair (short), hooded green eyes, I have really big thighs and uh breasts? I'm really pale, not really skinny, but not chubby yk? I don't really know my aesthetic, but people would call it "rockstar girlfriend".
I'm terrible at showing emotions (alexithymia 😭😭), an ambivert it depends on my mood, VERY impulsive, laugh easily, but I also cry easily, moody, kinda stubborn, kind, all about taking care of people I love, my friends say I'm funny and scary? HWIAKAKSJAI. Kinda a mom friend, cuz...mommy issues, anyways, I have quality time and acts of service as my love languages, really touch starved, so I get really touchy sometimes, also love giving gifts.
I love art, like all kinds, but music, bruh!!! I love singing, writing songs whatever (Favourites are: Bowie, Queen, kiss and ghost). I'm obsessed with Greek mythology, I write about almost all the myths I find, cinema is also a big passion of mine, wanted to be an actor or a filmmaker, thrillers and slashers are my favorites definitely, love horses twas random, but it's true, I love twd, b99, rdr2 and some other things.
My best friend means the world to me, and I really value friendship, I don't have a big friend group, but I love them fr.
I hope you have the information you need, and I'm sorry about my grammar, English is not my first language. 🛐🛐
Hello dear 💖, thanks for the request.
For hp I ship you with:
Fred weasley🎉
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This boy is so energetic and he would fit your personality.
I can say he would probably try to romance you by doing goofy pranks.
Probably mock Ron about not having a yule ball date and ask you.
Fred would most likely prank the slytherins for you.
Fred would take you to his prank shop.
Fred: so y/n, how do ya like it.
You: it's amazing, say we could add some muggle music over here.
Fred: oh yeah, what kind eh
You: oh you know rock, metal those kinds of music.
Fred: oh, we could ave' the weird sisters play.
You: that would be amazing
Fred: no problem love heh *hugs you*
Sirius would favourite you, he would love your music taste.
The weird sisters are a wizarding rock band that played at the yule ball.
Fred would also introduce you to his family, molly would be protective of you and Arthur would be fascinated by your music taste.
Fred would hold you under a fireplace and sleep with you.
If you married, you would live in diagon ally and if you have a child, they would have your eyes and his hair. They would be sorted into gryffindor.
Anyways that's all I have for now:
Ta Ta ✨️
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thefandomcassandra · 3 years
i am hereby asking for some of your tastiest Otto headcanons because i also love that morally grey science peepaw to bits
[deep inhale; deep exhale] OH BOY
Okay so some of this (most of this) is going to be me projecting hardcore on my favorite character type (morally grey scientist) and some of this (the small percentage that isn't projection) is going to be actual headcanon and not me just rubbing my little adhd autistic hands all over this man.
Otto is emotionally repressed BUT ALSO he doesn't express his emotions in ways that are immediately obvious to outside observers. So while he does make things (inventions, though he calls them dreams) to express his own internal feelings, he also doesn't express them all the time. This is partially because of the cut Bottled Emotion Mechanics (insert John Mulaney "I'll keep all my emotions right here [pats chest] and then one day, I'll die" gif) and partially because of how I think he experiences strong emotions. As someone who has emotional disregulation and alexithymia, a lot of the time when I'm overwhelmed, I just disassociate. So while everyone else is having a real rip-roaring good breakdown, I'm simply calm and blank. I'm functioning on the outside while I spend all my processing to keep the bad shit pushed down until it's safe to have a breakdown. Then I have a complete meltdown and express the emotions and move on when I'm able.
I also think Otto went to therapy. Therapy doesn't fix everything but as one of the chief developers of the technology that allows the Psychonauts to traverse the mental realm, he has to know how important it is to keep shit ordered and taken care of. How sorting your Emotional Baggage, while oftentimes a temporary respite, is part of maintaining a healthy mind. Even so, he probably has a lot of underlying issues he doesn't talk about (guilt about Lucrecia, guilt about Helmut, guilt about not being a good enough friend to keep Cassie around or Compton from being overwhelmed or Bob from succumbing to his alcoholic tendencies, guilt about Ford and how that's his best friend and now he doesn't even remember him...) and those are the structurally unsound support pillars to a mind seconds away from crumbling.
Otto's love language is crafting. I was in @goosterbold and @friendlytroll 's latest Psychonauts 2 Stream (which if you want The World's Longest Let's Play of Psychonauts 2, this is the one to go watch, the VODs are here and they're so good because Frankie and Bugs love going into fine detail about EVERYTHING) and they both posited that Otto made Compton's hat. Adding in that Bob (or one of the Bulb Bobs) in the wedding cake segment of Bob's Bottles comments that Otto made them a sword for a wedding gift for them, it's not hard to think that this man, while not necessarily good at speaking about his feelings, does listen to his friends and their wants and needs and makes them items to express what his words can handle. Like...there's a psychoisolation chamber in Green Needle Gulch. Otto made that for Compton when things got too loud. That's love.
Another hard projection: this man is sex and romance-averse aroace. While Lucy and Ford are making out and Bob and Helmut are making googoo eyes at each other, he's just sitting there with a burger like "okay but I'm eating..." Him and Compton and Cassie are sitting in the corner like "I mean, good for them" but while I feel like Compton and Cassie are open to sexual relations and romantic relations respectively, Otto is right out. (But also I have the world's most complicated shipping web for the Psychic Seven because of how I think that psychic hippie commune was in a huge poly relationship with intertwining romantic, sexual, and platonic threads. That is for another time, however.)
Otto might have little to no morals but he would resort to self-experimentation before taking unwilling subjects. Case in point: the whole "we explored parts of the human mind never seen before" thing and the mini-astrolathe thing. So while he has unhinged scientist energy, it's less "I'm going to kidnap people to scramble their brains" and more "if I die in a mind, will it kill me irl?" Very Floofty Fizzlebeans of him (which if you haven't seen anything about Bugsnax, please watch a Let's Play of it. I recommend Holly Hollowtones's playlist coz she has a real riproaring time and the plot is great but TLDR: Floofty is an unethical nonbinary scientist and they're the most for me personally). You can see my type lol.
And finally (because my brain is soup once more, thanks ADHD /s) Otto Mentalis is actually not a terribly powerful psychic and he creates psychoreactive technology and trades in psitanium because he uses them as aids and boosts for his own (in comparison to most other Psychonauts) low-level psychic powers. Still, his specialty is electrokinesis and his own subpar skills means that most of his psychoreactive technology is meant to help other folks like him. Which is why he is mentoring Gisu--who I also HC as being someone who specializes in psychoreactive tech, because I think her board isn't actually levitation, but that's a completely different infodump session lmao--because she managed to make tech like that at home with little to no budget, yanno? It's impressive.
Anyway genuinely thank you for asking me about himb, my most favorite peepaw, Otto Mentalis. I have so much to say about everything all the time and, as I said before, my stuff doesn't show up in the tags so I'm constantly just fighting to get noticed. Feels good to get asks like this /gen
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malereader-inserts · 4 years
Worth Remembering
Fandom: Haikyuu!! Pairing: Karasuno x Male!Reader Summary: It’s something worth remembering. Word Count: 763 Request:  Haikyuu request!! Karasuno x Alexithymia reader! Where The team has just won a match and R smiles at his team for the first time ever and it's super fluffy! Insert some super happy Tanaka 'cause him and the reader are like super best friends. 'Cause our R needs a hug! Thanks <3 A/n: I hope I wrote this correctly.
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The team just didn’t understand, how you just couldn’t feel feelings. To them, it was a basic fundamental concept of a human - it comes naturally, but with you, it doesn’t. After researching, they came up to you asking if you had a certain condition. You confirmed you’ve been with it for years - your parents had to get you into therapy. You just have an inability to express feelings, you might come across as being out of touch or apathetic.
You have terrible cues, where you would say something on the wrong lines. You’ve been over it with your therapist - how to respond to each emotion you will come in contact with. But, with the help of your best friend and the team, they try to help you with social cues. 
And, don’t mistake the lack of feeling emotion as being monotone in speech. If anything, you have a nice voice to listen to, Noya could fall asleep to your voice. You don’t do well with touch as well, you don’t know how to react, you’re not repulsed of it. Over the time, you learnt that the team likes to celebrate physically. 
Double high fives, patting on the shoulders, Tanaka likes to mess with your hair, Noya loves to slap your back that you almost fall. You understand that they’re happy, they’ve told you after the first time so you associate that with happiness, doesn’t mean you feel it.
But, as curiosity was natural - the team often wondered what you looked like when you’re smiling or how you sound when you laugh. Tanaka had to be benched for one of the sets for the finals to Nationals. Whilst Ukai could have picked any other second year, he picked you. Shiratorizawa could feel an aura with you, the team patting you on the back - welcoming you onto the court.
The set was going into well in the fourth set. With Kageyama getting tired and Tsukishima getting injured, it was somewhat lucky. You guys needed one more point to play another set, to have a chance at getting to nationals.
Kageyama assessed the situation, he could easily toss to Hinata, and Asahi is a reliable ace, but his eyes were trained on you, looking at the ball as you were securing your run up. It seems like the blockers had caught on to Kageyama’s thought process as he tossed the perfect ball towards you.
There were three blockers before you, you quickly realised that you couldn’t do a cross, tricking them to thinking you were going to do a cross shot, you slammed the ball - a line shot. The ball slammed down on the line that the libero could not tell whether it was going in or out. 
Your feet slammed down the floor as the whistle sound out. You look down at your hand as it was silent - the team was unaware that you could have done that. The team looked sharply at your way as they hear an unfamiliar sound coming out of your mouth.
They see you laughing.
There’s a smile fondly upon your face as you felt somewhat smushy.
“(L/n)!” Noya screams, jumping on your back.
“(L/n)!” Tanaka cried as he runs from the bench giving you a massive hug, “You-”
Daichi clapped behind them, “We need to switch sides and gather round before the next set.”
Noya jumps down from your back as Tanaka tugs you to the sidelines with a smile so bright. Your smile seems to disappear but your grey aura had disappeared.
“That was so cool, (L/n)! You have to teach me that!”
“Sure,” You nodded as Tanaka bumps your shoulder.
“By the way,” Tanaka says before he had to shut up and listen to whatever Ukai has to say, “You have a nice smile.”
Sure, it was a start of something, you can feel the energy changing in the team, they seem more fired up - they wouldn’t tell you that you were partly the reason, hoping they could see you smile again. Ukai tells the team that you won’t be playing the fifth set unless it’s dire, Tanaka is back on the court. He gives you a bright smile, slaps you on the shoulder - causing you to stumble. 
He faces his thumb towards his puffed out chest, “You inspire me, (L/n)-san!”
You stood there, not reacting before a soft smile comes onto your face.
“You inspire me too, Tanaka-san.”
Your older peers, Noya and Tanaka keeps that smile in the back of the minds as they get ready for the fifth set.
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ignitification · 3 years
All for Outsourcing
Alright  so, this post is going to be a long mess. I was just thinking and asking myself why does this panel trigger something in me. 
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What we see clearly explained is that a. AfO wants to hijack Shigaraki’s body after All Might has destroyed his; b. AfO wants OfA; c. AfO has incentivised Shigaraki’s hate and rage for all his life in order for Shigaraki to actually be able to undergo his transformation into AfO and to overwrite the will of OfA souls in order to take possess of OfA; d. AfO has understood that he, in his body, could never actually take possession of OfA on his own (because he likely missing in his soul); e. Emotions play a big factor in the Quirk activation/strength. 
I talked about AfO and his mask, and shallowly about his character right at the beginning here. But Hawks's remark about him not stopping smiling even for a second, and the hypothesis that maybe AfO does not feel hate (or anything for that matter) spiked my attention even more, because this is the sort of further proof that AfO, in the end, has worn his mask in so long - that he likely dissociated from his persona as a Shigaraki.  In particular, this paragraph (taken from the linked post) writes:
[...] However, there are some clues here and there which tell us that as powerful and atrocious AFO may have been in the past (even more than now), he is not only a big mastermind but he is obsessed by certain ideas and values and he has warped them so much that behind that mask of villain, of AfO, there is nothing left of human in him. That he is unredeemable and that the loss (or lack) of his facial features [potato face] might be an externalisation not only of the experimentation and the salvaging that the Doc has done on him, but as well of the blurred line between his human part (older brother who wanted, even with the abuse and the abominable things he has done, to ‘save’ his little brother) and the part that defines him as AfO.
Indeed, it does not make sense that AfO, with his 'dream' being becoming the next Demon Lord, would need a piece in order to accomplish his goals. It does not fit the thematic of AfO being selfish and caring only about his own interests (argument which I am afraid can be debunked by his life long partnership with Ujiko and the fact that despite he inhuman treatment he subjected Yoichi to, he still gave him a stockpiling Quirk, however weak and controversial they might be).
AfO is like a circle: he begins and ends with himself.  It is abundantly made clear how he does not care, not really, about what is on his path: he didn't care about mistreating his brother, he didn't care about saving Shigaraki, he didn't care about All Might surviving their encounter -  because it all defies his personal view of the world as his playground.
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Of course, this reasoning comes back to Hawks argument: that he does not feel anything (nor hate, nor love - he does not have any morals) and that's exactly why his Quirk is the only thing he relies on. AfO knows perfectly how other than that, there is nothing else to him: he just wants, he just needs and it is others' responsibility to satisfy his needs (if he cannot strive for it alone, as in the case of OfA).
The fact that it took AfO so long to realise that he had to use a vessel to accomplish his mission, might have to do also with the fact that the ones holding onto the power the longest were Shinomori (who held it for 18 years, hiding) and Toshinori, before passing it to Izuku. Which means that the power had been transferred to individuals in rapid succession, and AfO had little time (or will) to investigate on how to obtain the power (without forcing it through his Quirk) and rather focused on eliminating the threat OfA as an embodied power represented. In this case, it is highly likely that it is after or during Nana's period that AfO realised how important emotions were, and how family could be such a perfect emotional ploy (and this was likely due only to the fact that Nana tried so hard to hide her family). After all, he, as himself, as a Shigaraki, did not feel anything in the first place - and he likely thought that what he was doing steamed out of brotherly love, or concern - while in reality AfO has been weaving the threads of his egoism since the beginning. An egoism born out of the only possible concern that he might had experienced: the one for himself. We see it in the simple statements he makes throughout the manga; he is never shown angry, pissed or disappointed - but instead he has a serene, mysterious aura around himself reeking of devil intent.
What is worse in this scenario, however, is that AfO throughout identifies with his quirk.
And on a personal level, I think that point e, has all to do with this identification. The thing is, AfO's Quirk presupposes (but does not limit) him to be selfish. After all, even the name is just a short story on how AfO's like might have been since the beginning and how he adjusted to the pace of wanting to have it, and then having it - having power over someone else, and have nothing to account for/to.
As AfO is not a man anymore, and does not feel anything unless it is related to the quirk, he becomes his figure and shadow. It has no limits and bounds when it comes to darkness: a lost figure in his own ideals and principles (maybe dreams) that have nothing to appeal to but his villain side, because there is nothing left. And as Horikoshi is a man that lives for the sake of a (questionably) good parallel, it is not far-fetched to see how since the beginning Izuku should have served a foil, and also as a contrast breaker with AfO. More than AM, Izuku embodies the unselfish desire to save others, to give (contrasting to take) and to trust. AfO is the epitome of taking for himself, and to destroy for a personal reason - being trusted and revered. Furthermore, Izuku is himself a vessel for OfA, and his other Quirks open him the world of heroics, where on the other hand - we see AfO being the one taking other Quirks for the selfish reason to take, and that's all there is to it.
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Another parallel - which comes across as fitting, even if for a mere split second, is the one with Muscular. Muscular - or Gotou Imasuji - has nothing else but his bloodlust, his will to live at his prime and the will to express his aggressive vein in the most destructive way possible. But even on this account, Muscular appears way too emotional for AfO (and maybe this could be one of the reason AfO does not have any need for him? Because he does not have a higher goal, and there is nothing which AfO might offer him, which he couldn't obtain by himself or through his quirk?).
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Coming onto the main point of this post: if AfO needs Shigaraki for the only reason to steal OfA, because he himself cannot possibly accomplish it and the conversation among the Top 3 hints at the fact that this might have to do with something missing in his soul (or in my guess, emotions - on which Quirks highly depend) which prejudices his possibility of hijacking OfA, thing that he hadn't realised until OfA stabilised itself in Yagi - (and here my best guess is that AfO entirely lacks the emotions of empathy, compassion and love, passing through the possibility of Alexithymia, which would be interesting to explore, in regard to how Quirks affect mental health of every individual) - and taking into consideration how unaffected AfO is by the external conditions that he experiences, and the fact that hate is one of the strongest emotions which can be felt, as raw as it is (and we know how AfO groomed Tomura into festering the negative emotions because he needed them to be strong enough to overwrite the positive feelings on eight people at the least) - it is safe to assume that AfO's downfall will be tied to his soul-missing piece and to his former identity as a Shigaraki? Is this a very complicated foreshadowing to tell us that, contrary to other villains and especially Tomura, AfO is bound to go down exactly because he has never experienced negative feelings, (hate, pain, despair, rage) and has never touched his hand (sorry, I did not intend the pun) how there is something desperately wrong with the world he lives in?
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Yunjae has a brain condition called Alexithymia that makes it hard for him to feel emotions. He does not have the social skills to make or desire friends, but his mother and grandmother do their best to create a comfortable life for him.
Then on Yunjae’s sixteenth birthday—everything changes. An act of public violence leaves him on his own. It is a coming-of-age tragedy where an outcast struggles to find his way in a world he can’t relate to.
To me, coming-of-age stories are meaningful for teens and adults alike because of the teachable moments, the splendor of childhood’s high points of magic, as well as the dark times of depression, trauma, grief, broken hearts and…innocence violated.
It’s hard to categorize Almond beyond calling it literary, but I think it has elements of psychological horror along with some commentary on the human condition—one of those attributes being wanton violence.
Incidentally, Almond spoke to me in a personal way because my personality is a combination of schizoid introvert and the over-feeling empath (like the kid from The Book of Accidents).
If you vacillate between extremes, you can appreciate this feeling.
Almond asks fundamental questions about emotions and getting along in society. Yunjae’s straightforward, candid questions can be seen as rude and naive but their are simply honest, without any emotional awareness or context underpinning tone of voice for the benefit of the listener.
There are some fascinatingly simple semantic concepts at play here. What does it mean to feel empathy for another’s pain? What are friendship, fear, anger, love? His Socratic questioning to arrive at the answers makes him seem cold, but it is also a refreshingly pure way to engage with the world.
Almond also explores questions of nature vs nuture, whether we have to accept our emotional/genetic realities or whether we can change them with practice—whether utilizing neuroplasticity or just faking it until it seems real enough to function in society.
Although I usually read overtly disturbing books, I loved Almond because it moved me. It affected me profoundly as a terrifying scene in a horror novel would shake me into a state of fear.
I think that’s what I love about books—being afraid or falling in love or sharing deep sorrow with characters. Or being shocked by their actions.
The specific emotion doesn’t matter as much as the artfulness with which it is conveyed. Great writing is great art, and that’s all I care about.
Almond is a great work of art.
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Alexithymia - Bambam, PART 1
Alexithymia = the inability to express one’s feelings.
Admitting your feelings for someone can come with so little time. Sometimes, it comes to late for some of us and Bambam is a part of the unprivileged ones.
Part 2
Hi everyone *clears throat*. I have been deeply hurt to write this, but frankly, I am not half sorry. This is the angst I promised you and it is as angsty as it gets. Enjoy
3.5k words, angst. WARNING!! Implication of violence, rape, and abuse.
“What did you say?” Bambam’s voice was sharp if a little brutal. He couldn’t believe his ears.
“Another photographer is on the way for the shoot—“
Bambam ran a hand through his perfect hair, thus ruining the work of his stylists. He repeated the question, his patience thinning by the second. “Before that hyung. What did you say happened to Y/N?”
Everyone had the infamous pitiful look on their faces, the one dreaded most by the young male. Jaebum approached to place a hand on Bambam’s shoulder which he brushed off almost violently. He took a step closer to his manager. “Hyung.”
The manager took a deep breath, examining Bambam. Trying to convince him to stay for the shoot would result in a huge catastrophe. “She is in surgery now, but the doctors were pessimistic.”
Bambam nodded softly before throwing his coat over his shoulders, frantically searching for his car keys. He didn’t hear his leader trying to talk sense into him, neither did he listen to his manager’s scolding for taking such action, he merely stormed out. Jaebum glanced at Yugyeom who agreed silently not to leave his friend alone, let alone allow him to drive.
 “How long has this been going on?” You breathed out, struggling to calm yourself down despite your trembling hand in which your phone was.
Bambam turned to you with a confused smile on his face. “How long has what been going on?”
You shoved your phone into his face, the texts in the chatroom of your photography team not leaving any possible room for denial. “Man up for once in your life, will you?”
Bambam scoffed at your words and read the proof of his doings slowly as if trying to create some sort of life-saving speech. Or more accurately, trying to come up with something that will eventually make you forgive him. He gulped instead, his mouth suddenly too dry to express any words.
“Say something, goddammit!” You yelled without even realizing it. You cleared your throat and took another deep breath in your lungs. “Lie to me.”
“What is there to lie about?” Bambam’s voice was guttural as he stepped away from you. “I had sex with your apprentice, indeed. For a while now.”
Your hand dropped to your side. You desperately tried to erase his words from your brain; you would even scrub them away if you could. It’s not the mind that was the problem. It was your heart.
Try as you might, you couldn’t hide the disgust on your face. Your silence terrified Bambam; even so, his self-defense mechanism clicked in. “I don’t see why the drama. We’re friends.”
You let out a hollow laugh and shook your head vehemently. “We’re not just friends and you fucking know it.”
“Oh?” it was Bambam’s time to laugh; it wasn’t until after he had said his so-called argument that he wished he didn’t. “I didn’t know we were exclusive, either.”
 “Yugyeom can you step on it?” Bambam asked desperately as if his presence at the hospital would magically heal you.
“I am going as fast as I can, Bam-ah.” He replied in a low voice, alarmed by his friend’s behavior. “Look, I know Y/N is important to you, but it’s not like—“
“It is my fucking fault!” He scoffed and only common sense held him from putting his fist through the window. “It’s because of me that she fucking left last night.”
 You’d sooner have a gun pointed to your temple than hear Bambam’s voice. With each passing moment, you felt a rift separating the two of you. You turned your back to him, your hands grabbing angrily at your hips as you paced around the house, hopelessly looking for something to say. He was right, you two weren’t together, not officially anyway. You knew what you were throwing yourself into when you met him. He was young, he was handsome, he barely snapped his fingers and had any living female undressing for him.
You had been his group’s photographer for over a year. You could remember vividly the first day on the job. Bambam was a shameless flirt; he didn’t know what boundaries meant. He made his intention to befriend you extremely clear. You’d take on the challenge and you’d listen, at first, how he sneakily boasted his previous adventures. And you brushed off his little jokes because you always justified it with proof: his fearless confessions.
As time passed, however, his habits died down. He wouldn’t find entertainments for his nights, none other than calling you to go for a casual walk, or when he couldn’t sleep you were always on the other end of the line. He would spoil you with dinner, or random boxes of sweets whenever he thought you felt down. He would look out for you silently, in his own way, and confront those who’d make you feel uncomfortable. His members joked that they didn’t believe someone would make him put aside his ‘young and rich’ counterpart.
 And you got along with everyone, they appreciated you very much. And you knew how to communicate with them, bring out the best in them, every time. So you were assigned to each and every photoshoot they had, no matter how little. In a short amount of time, you became close with all of his group. He was thrilled, really. He couldn’t have asked for more from you. To his members, you were as much as a family. But to him, a confusing game of push and pull. Sometimes, he’d stumble over the rope; other times he’d make you overthink it.
“How could you lead me along like that?” you whispered indistinctively, blaming yourself for falling into his trap. Bambam could see how you were sealing yourself into your own fortress from which he barely managed to get you out. Instead of trying to catch you from falling, he carried on spiting poison born from his own weakness.
“I can’t have this argument with you again. I am done justifying my words and actions to you.”
It seemed like Bambam pulled the trigger, evident by the emptiness of your crystalized orbs. You forced eye contact. “Say that again.”
 “Don’t tell me…” Yugyeom trailed off, scared to finish his sentence. He glanced at Bambam. “You did not tell her?”
Bambam bit into the plush of his cheek, fixated on the rapid movements outside the window. He sighed deeply for an answer and ran his hand through his hair yet again. It wasn’t like he was a stranger from your own story. He listened intently when you told him you went through an abusive relationship, how sweetly he talked to you and tricked you into believing him every single time. You refused to tell him at first, no matter how carefully he’d build his approach.
Bambam noticed when his hand would brush over your arm, the way you’d flinch violently then blaming the momentum for it. Or when you two had dinner together and spot happy couples. You needn’t tell him that you were, in fact, hurt. Initially, he convinced himself he’d cheer you up and give you a reason to believe not everyone was an asshole. There was supposed to be a line that he would never cross because he knew he would eventually hurt you if he pushed forward. Even if he wasn’t that despicable a man, he had his unjustified habits. But when does the heart ever listen to reason?
  “Look me in the eyes and say that again. “ you dared, your voice boiling with anger. Bambam remained silent, trying to cusp the gravity of his words. Of course, he believed none of his bullshit, but your frame glowing with disappointment and your acid words froze his every sense. He should have kept his mouth shut then. Not now when you demanded an answer you clearly would not get.
“I should have known I was just another girl to put your dick into.” You scoffed and went to the rack to grab your jacket. Bambam caught you by the wrist and you practically ripped yourself from him. “Keep your hands away from me, Bambam.”
His name sounded bleak coming from your lips now. It wasn’t as warm as it used to be when you’d wave your hand at him, or as daring as you’d make it sound when you challenged him to be a better model. Or as blissful as it felt when he made love to you.
“Y/N, you weren’t just another one to cross off my list. I swear to God, I—“ his breath hitched in his throat. What good would it do to say he came to love you when you would not believe anything coming out of his mouth?
You chuckled. “That night I offered my heart on a tray to you, Bambam. I fucking told you how miserable he made me feel, how fucking close I was to cut my own body, to give up on everything. I open up to anyone in forever, you, I let you touch me, I let you undress me.” You stopped to regain your composure. You didn’t want him to see the tears that had been whirling up in your eyes.
He wanted to convince you it wasn’t a mistake. He didn’t want you to believe it was a rash decision he made under the influence of that wine that tasted like an aphrodisiac on your lips. What did he have to trade to make you believe he was terrified of having such a strong and independent woman by his side?
“Did you at least think of me when you were having sex with her?”
 “Every fucking time.” He whispered under his breath as the scene replayed overwhelmingly in his head. The abominable taste of blood in his mouth brought him back to reality. He must have chewed on his inner cheek.
He wanted to tell you so many times. He meant to tell you that you became something more than a friend to him. He meant to give it a shot. Bambam played it in his head countless times, but the right time never came. There was always something coming up that meddled with his intentions. And he wasn’t good at expressing himself. Bambam asked Jackson for advice and the introspective words Jackson would provide would make him think twice about it. He slowly began hypnotizing himself that you were meant to have someone greater than him, someone, who would know how to cherish you instead of being a childish tease who’d cry to you about every single inconvenience. So he’d shut himself up, his feelings for you growing at a fast pace, although seemingly tucked away.
God knew other members took their chance. When Jinyoung told the guys about his intention to ask you out, a sudden fear nested in his ribcage. It was better than way, he’d repeat to himself like a mantra. Jinyoung would know how to take care of you. He’d make you happier than Bambam ever could. It came as an unusual surprise that Jinyoung was turned down with a vague explanation. And that refueled his feelings toward you, notably when Jinyoung hinted at your own interest in him.
Bambam decided he would muster the courage to ask you out, so he brought one of his treasured bottles of wine and showed up at your house that same night. He could never forget the puzzled expression sketched on your face when you invited him in. You started chatting as you normally did, poured one glass after another, and you opened up about your difficult past.
Every word that was added to your story shaped a sort of irritation in his stomach. How could anyone dare treat you like that? How could they make you feel like you weren’t enough when you most definitely were more than anyone ever deserved?
Your eyes then were so alive, so daring and so hopeful. You needed to be shown how special you were. You needed help to acknowledge your scars, someone to kiss them and teach you how to love them. Someone adamant to show you there is sun after rain. He wanted to be enough for you and he knew that walking by your side would bring out the best in him, too. He knew he could, but he also lacked the trust you did. Little did he know you were slowly pouring it, but he was blinded by his selfish insecurities to let you in. He ignored the fact that he needed you to help him take the reins when he kissed you. Yet he forgot completely when he indulged himself in the transcendent emotions you were igniting in his chest when you allowed him to take you.
 Bambam hoped, prayed for you to hit him. His eyes pleaded you to show him repulsion, or fury, anything that indicated you still had an ounce of trust in him. Anything that would let him repair the damage. He was met by an aching look instead and your puppet movements showed him you threw yourself back into the cage you forged for yourself. “We’re done.”
He reached out to touch your porcelain skin but hesitated. Your void expression would not allow him to cry. “Please, Y/N.”
“I’m done with you.”
“No, no, no! Listen to me, Y/N.”
You backed away slowly, trying to grab onto something to steady yourself. You unconsciously hit the lens of your camera and they fell to the ground, shattering in the tiniest of pieces. You felt your soul facing the same process. It took you some time to register what happened. You were supposed to go through the casual shoot you had with Bambam that afternoon to help him prepare for the next day.
“I’m going to buy you another one in the morning,” Bambam said hurriedly, staring mindlessly at the broken pieces. It didn’t take him long to look up at you and regret; the glass on the floor was nothing compared to the state of mind you were in. All because of him.
You took the camera body in your hands and a single tear rolled down your cheek. You pursed your lips and grabbed the doorknob before you exploded.
“Where are you going? It’s dark already and it’s dangerous.” Bambam grabbed your forearm. There was no reaction coming from you this time, only a weak whimper from your lips.
“Let me go.”
 “We’re here,” Yugyeom announced and Bambam practically jumped out of the car to hurry to the hospital reception desk. He gave your name and barely listened to the directions he was given before storming to the floor you were being operated on. Outside the surgery room, there was your manager and your best friend who was also in your team, along with a police officer who was taking their statements.
“Bambam!” Your friend greeted in a surprised tone. “You were supposed to be at the shooting?”
“What happened?”
Your manager looked at him with a quirked brow. He was sure he offered the details to his manager. Your friend gathered the situation when Yugyeom shook his head softly from behind and walked closer to Bambam to grab his tensed shoulders. “I think we should take a seat.”
“If I take a seat now, I won’t be able to stand back up.” Bambam cut her off in a harsh tone. “I need to know why she is in there.”
“Okay.” The girl folded her arms over her chest and only then did Bambam see how red her eyes were. He cursed himself for the suffering he singlehandedly caused in just a couple of hours. “I received a call from the woman that found her in the back of an alley.”
There was a grave pause. A shiver traversed Bambam’s spine and felt a knot in his stomach.
“There was… uhm, there was a knife deeply buried in her lower abdomen and a couple of other injuries that indicated she must have been hit several times before. The camera and the wallet were gone. They must have thought the phone will have them traced, so they threw it a couple of meters away.”
As dolled up as Bambam was, his face had never been so lifeless before. The knot in his stomach was developing into a blind rage. His breathing was ragged and the knuckles turned pale from the force he was putting in his clenched fists.
“She was most likely –“
Bambam put his palm in the air, stopping the woman from muttering the last word. He knew that if he heard it pronounced, reality would come crumbling over him. His eyes flew to the police officer. “Have you found the bastards?”
“We are working on it.” He turned to Bambam and nodded stoically.
“I’ll make sure they rot in prison.”
“Sir, that’s not your—“
“Did I stutter?” he scoffed lightly and took his chin in between his fingers. Yugyeom put his hand on Bambam’s shoulder and squeezed it. “She left my house last night before this… incident.” Bambam glanced at Yugyeom to thank him for putting him in his place. “Can I give my statement now?”
Bambam followed the police officer and shared all his knowledge on the matter. In the time he spent offering the police as much help as he could, including getting the basic information on how the law system worked so he could hire the best lawyer for the case, the surgery had been finished. The surgeon responsible greeted Bambam to put him up to speed.
“We did everything we could and saved her life. Now, we wait to see if she wants to save herself.”
The doctor showed Bambam to your room, but his hand hovered over the knob. He was uncertain whether he was entitled to see you anymore. He was terrified of seeing your small frame laying weakly in the hospital bed, buried in the white color of the dull room that would certainly emphasize his guilt on the matter.
“You’ve made your choices, Bambam. “ he didn’t notice Yugyeom leaning against the wall. “And honestly, all of your choices so far were dreadful. The one thing I won’t allow you to do is run away. Me and the hyungs who are on their way.”
Bambam chuckled to himself. “I wish you would have punched me in the stomach before I made my choice to betray her.”
“I would!” he stated, punching him in the shoulder instead. “If you told me how miserable you were going to make yourself. Stop being a coward, Bam. This is not the best friend I am proud of.”
The sound of the knob being turned echoed in the room, among the constant beeping of the machines that were keeping you alive. As soon as his eyes fell on your sleeping and bandaged frame, Bambam brought his hand to his mouth to muffle the avalanche of sobs threatening to come out. He fell to the side of the bed, his forehead glued to your hand. He didn’t know how much time had passed, or how long he had been crying until he had no more tears to deliver.
It was beyond late to realize how important it was to tell the ones you love how you feel about them. Although he was aware that when you woke up, you would carry a hatred for him deeper than the ocean, he could at least make sure you got the justice you deserved. He could live with you despising him, he would even put himself in your place if given the chance. He just wanted to know you’d wake up. Bambam was selfish enough to wish you’d hear his words, too.
“I love you so much, Y/N, I am so sorry for being the worst living creature out there. But I didn’t play you. I was just so scared of loving you because frankly, I didn’t know how.”
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The Graves Septuplets: Character introductions 
Birthday: July 7th
Ages: 17
Fun fact: No matter how calm or sensible some of them might seem they all cause trouble one way or another :P
Julius (Julie)
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Color: Blue
Height: 6'0"
Personality: Julius is a very calm and quiet person most of the time, who enjoys the simple things in life. He's the kind of person you can trust and depend on when you need help. He cares very much about people who are important to him.
Hobbies: Cooking and reading.
Favorite quote: "I don't need any calming tea! I need to capture the Avatar!" - Prince Zuko
Caesar (C - pronounced sea)
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Color: Green
Height: 6'1" ("and a half" - Caesar)
Personality: Caesar is not the sharpest tool in shed but he's big and he's loveable and he's got a laugh worth a million suns. He's a very active guy and spends most of his time outside hangout with friends and his brothers. He often gets brilliant ideas that usually lead to him getting hurt in so many ways but he'll always get up and laugh the pain off.
Hobbies: Basketball, parkour, and drawing on himself.
Favorite quote: "I'm not gay but $20 is $20."
David (Dave)
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Color: Red
Height: 5'11"
Personality: David is an dramatic emo theater kid. The way he acts on might assume that he's a *cough* chuunibyou *cough.* Usually he walks around fighting for the dark side doing who-knows-what in the name of avoiding his "troublesome" family. It never works though and underneath the many layers of angst is a sweet boy with the best kind of dark humor.
Hobbies: Doing his evil masters bidding, swimming, watching anime, and rapping with his brothers ((Yea, the Grave Septuplets be a cypher and they all rap for fun and stuff 😂))
Favorite quote: “Reality rejected… synapses shattered… be vanished from this world!” – Rikka Takanashi (his waifu)
Jayce (Jamie)
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Color: Purple
Height: 6′3″
Personality: Jayce is the smartest septuplet academically. He’s also the most “sensible” and often tells on his brothers if they do something wrong just for the fun of it. He’s very shy around large crowds and strangers but is very talkative around people he's familiar with, is very clumsy, and has no sense of direction. 
Hobbies: Being a full-time grammar police, showing off his smarts, playing chess, people watching.
Favorite quote: “Not scientifically possible!!” -  Professor Membrane
Rurik (Ricky)
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Color: Orange 
Height: 6′0″
Personality: This trickster is always up to no good. If he can’t use words to charm you into giving him what he wants he’ll just steal it from you when you’re not looks. He’s likes causing problems for people, especially the tattletale Jayce. When he’s not causing problems he’s a pretty fun guy to be around. 
Hobbies: Causing mischief, stealing, picking fights with people, being the center of attention.
Favorite quote: “Bad habits never killed anyone.” - His favorite shirt.
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Color: Pink
Height: 5′7″
Personality: Geo is a cute boi. He’s strange, but sweet. He’s a creative genius and often gets lost in his thoughts. He’s very soft spoken and cowardly. Geo is afraid of a lot of things like toddlers, 3rd graders, small dogs, loud noises, and big cats (tigers, lions, panthers, etc.) Tho despite his weak appearance he’s very flexible, quick, and has a love of choke holds and suplexes. He likes dressing up girly cuz he feels comfortable in cute clothes.
Hobbies: Day dreaming, writing, collecting things he finds cute.
Favorite quotes (Geo was told to pick one quote but he didn't): “Based on how I react when toast pops out of the toaster, I will never look cool walking away from an explosion.” - He forgot.
“People change. Now I’m a lamp.” - He forgot again.
“If there were fish in a lake, fishing would make no sense.” - Lech Walesa
Quincy (Quinn)
((I wanted to include him cuz I'd have to put (-1) in the title and I didn't want to do that. Twas too tired to draw the baby so have a picture from Picrew))
Tumblr: @there-is-no-i-in-party
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Height: 5'3"
Personality: Quinn suffers from Alexithymia but that doesn't stop him from trying to make people and trying to be there for people. He's a ball of sunshine and couldn't hate a person even if he knew how. He's described as well liked with an infectious energy that brings out the best in people.
Hobbies: Rapping, giving free hugs, skateboarding, hanging out with people
Favorite Quote: "Oh, I never leave home without my party cannon." - Pinkie Pie (What else where you expecting?)
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✨Masterlist ✨
Characters I make headcanons of and details about the matchups!
—Normal Headcanons:
Candy Pop (1) (2)
Jason the toymaker
The X (1) (2)
Ben Drowned (1) (2) 
Ticci Toby (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Offenderman (1) (2) (3) (4)
The Puppeteer (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Dr. Smiley (1) (2) (3) (4)
Bloody Painter (1) (2) (3)
KageKao (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Jane Arkensaw
Jane Richardson
Judge Angels
Zachary Gibson (1) (2)
The Roadwalker
Sally Williams (1) (2)
Nina the Killer (1) (2)
Laughing Jack (1) 
Liu Hodek
—Special Events' Headcanons:
Pride month special!
Valentine's Day special!
Bloody Painter’s Birthday!
Christmas special!
Quarantine kicking everyone’s ass.
—Angst Headcanons:
Toby finds out that his mother is Slenderman's daughter.
Candy Pop’s relation to his sexuality.
Jason the toymaker relation to his sexuality.
Candy Pop knowing that Jason hates him or finds him annoying.
What does Jason the toymaker or Laughing Jack thinks of Sally since they hate children?
Judge Angels discovering that her father was an Incubus and therefore she’s a cambion (half demon).
Judge Angels meeting her Incubus father.
Ticci Toby’s, Zachary Gibson’s, Jason’s, The rake’s, and Judge Angels’ conflicts when it comes to sex.
Eyeless Jack being able to smell blood and ends up finding out that his beloved is hurt but doesn’t want help.
Toby and Hoodie as dads.
Proxies finding out someone has been stalking/harassing their lover.
Aphasia as one of the symptoms of Slenderman’s sickness and how it affects his proxies.
Laughing Jack mental health and how he deals with loneliness.
Offenderman dealing with someone flirting with him without being under his spell.
Toby reencountering an old friend he had before Slenderman abducted him and finding out they were looking for him since he went missing.
—The ideal person to deal with___:
The X
Jason the toymaker
Candy Pop
The Puppeteer
—Fluff Headcanons:
How would Dr.Smiley react to his lover calling him handsome and that they love him?  
What would Dr. Smiley's reaction to his lover drawing him?
Offenderman with his lover.
(General fluff) Slenderman
Slenderman with an autistic lover.
Slenderman with a partner that likes to play with his tentacles.
Slenderman with an autistic lover.
Offenderman and Laughing Jack with an autistic lover.
Jason the toymaker with his beloved.
Candy Pop with an autistic lover.
Jason the toymaker with an obsessive partner.
Candy Pop with his lover.
Jason the toymaker when he finds someone who also makes toys.
Kagekao teaching Japanese to his partner.
Masky/Tim taking care of his lover with migraines.
Jason the toymaker taking care of his lover with migraines.
The X speaking in Russian to his beloved.
Puppeteer with his partner/Bloody Painter with his partner.
Bloody Painter + Puppeteer + their lover.
What traits does Dr. Smiley look in a partner?
Emra with her lover.
Masky with a partner with Sensory processing disorder.
Hoodie with his lover.
Slender brothers as kids.
Ben drowned with a partner with social anxiety.
(General fluff) Clockwork.
(General fluff) Jane Arkensaw.
Liu Hodek with his lover.
Werewolf Masky with his beloved one.
Jason the toymaker as a (substitute) teacher.
Candy Pop as a teacher.
Jason with a depressed and insecure lover.
Candy Pop’s lover trying to get his mallet.
Judge Angels with a mom partner.
Brian/Hoodie with a sick lover.
Offenderman with a sweet and goofy lover.
Sally and Eyeless Jack having a sibling relationship.
Offenderman being awkward about falling in love instead of lust.
Offenderman with a lover that has intense emotions.
Judge Angels being a cupid during Valentine’s Day!
Jason with a lover that has anger issues.
Alex and Jay during a thunderstorm.
Dr. Smiley general fluff.
Bloody Painter with a male lover.
Bloody Painter with a blind lover.
Liu Hodek x Judge Angels
Offenderman comforting his sad lover.
Candy Pop with a lover that's often really cheery but will snap and become aggressive when mad.
Ben Drowned with a lover who loves seeing him play videogames and helps him with trivia/problems.
Offenderman x Kagekao
Kagekao with a lover who has never watched anime before.
Offenderman with an affection-starved lover.
Masky and Hoodie being Toby’s adoptive parents.
Dimitri (The X) dealing with a sensory overload partner.
Offenderman with a lover who doesn’t drink alcohol.
Puppeteer’s puppet collection.
Offenderman x Kagekao. 
—SFW & NSFW Headcanons:
Jeff Hodek and Ben Drowned with a kinky goth s/o.
Eyeless Jack
Slenderman x Jeff Hodek
Offenderman x Kagekao
—Lime Headcanons:
Dr. Smiley's reaction to knowing his lover has Daddy and Kitten play kink.
The X and his tentacle kink.
Shiro x The X.
Spicy The X's headcanons.
Which of the slender brothers were the first one to lose their virginity?
Would Slenderman have a mouth?
—NSFW Headcanons:
Ben Drowned
Dr. Smiley
Laughing Jack (1) (2)
Jane Arkensaw
Jeff with a submissive lover.
The Rake
Candy Pop with a shy lover.
The Puppeteer
Puppeteer and Slenderman as a couple.
Hoodie x Ticci Toby
Bloody Painter x Tim
Slender brothers’ favorite kinks.
— Answering some specific questions from my Headcanon’s:
Why does Dr. Smiley like Science Fiction?
Why does Dr. Smiley hate teens?
Why does Puppeteer hate teens?
Would Bloody Painter and Clockwork get along because of their passion for art?
Does Slenderman have a mouth?
What do other demons think of Kagekao?
Which powers(’sickness’) each Slenderbro has?
—Creepypasta Fusions headcanons!
Liu Hodek + The Puppeteer
Candy Pop + Jason the toymaker
Clockwork + Photography
Dr. Smiley + Eyeless Jack
Ticci Toby + Ben Drowned
Offenderman + Laughing Jack
Emra Amelia + The Puppeteer
—A to Z - NSFW Headcanons:
The X
Ben Drowned
Eyeless Jack 
Dr. Smiley
Ticci Toby 
Jeff Hodek
Laughing Jack
Bloody Painter
Jason the toymaker
Jane Arkensaw
— Zoomorphic AU:
Jason the toymaker as a half-cat 
Jason half cat sketches
—School AU:
Characters and their position list
— Revolutionary Cyberpunk AU:
Soon ~
—Some stuff I wrote:
Porcelain Walls (Candy Pop/Jason the toymaker One-Shot Fic)
Drunk Talk (Offenderman/Bartender!Reader One-Shot Fic)
—Headcanons with them all:
What emotion do they think is the strongest?
What book genre do like (most) to read?
What would their spirit animal be?
What are their favorite and least favorite food?
According to them, why do they kill?
Which of them are ticklish?
Which of them have dirty thoughts?
Which of them are more affectionate towards their lover?
Which of them flirts more towards their friend or partner?
Would they kill for love?
Which of them are more disgusted with life?
What do they do in their free time?
How much do they sleep?
Their strangest kinks.
They taking care of their sick lover.
Their favorites songs and bands/artists.
How do they ask/sign that they want to have sex with their lover?
What do they find about kids?
What do they find about teenagers?
Which of them would use acrylic nails?
Who are they in a classroom?
What do they think of people who wear a lot of piercings and tattoos?
What can make them cry?
What would they appreciate someone doing for them if they were sick?
Which of them are meme lords?
Which of them snores, heavy breathes or just looks dead when they sleep?
Do they prefer dogs, cats, or both?
Their nationality.
Which of them likes most to cuddle with their lover when going to sleep.
Their Harry Potter houses.
Their favorite season.
Which pastas like to paint their nails.
Which of them prefer foreplay rather than penetration during sex.
Creeps on a plane.
Do they cosplay? Or are they interested in it?
Which of them are most protective of their loved ones.
Creepypasta characters as Greek gods.
—Their reaction to:
Accidentally walking into someone taking a shower.
Their partner using kitty underwear when they are going to get laid.
Their lover having to study hard to a test.
Seeing their lover having a panic attack or being depressed.
Seeing anybody in a panic crisis.
Seeing a girl wearing a bikini.
Their best friend talking to a stranger.
Seeing a kid being bullied.
Kids fighting.
Walking into someone masturbating in the middle of the living room.
Seeing a stranger caressing their lover.
Someone else liking their “crush”.
Their partner’s TPM.
Their lover (who is from a different country) speaking their native language when tired/angry.
Finding their beloved’s dead body.
Finding their beloved’s dead body (but it was a prank.)
Their partner calling them “daddy/mommy” for the first time.
Their lover saying they love them for the first time.
Having a partner who is a Spirit/Ghost.
Their beloved who had their cat that ran away.
Knowing their best friend was hanging out with their best friend’s lover.
Knowing their lover would have to go through delicate surgery.
Their friends asking if they can sleep in their room because they had a nightmare.
Having sex for the first time.
Their lover getting scared during a thunderstorm.
Their partner feeling insecure about themselves from time to time and has alexithymia.  
Someone setting a firework off in the house.
Liu showing up with a teacup-sized kitten saying that he’s gonna keep them.
Proxys finding out someone has been stalking/harassing their lover. 
Their lover feeling cold.
Having a partner that wants to go into the military.
Finding out someone they thought was neutral, or even hated them, was actually looking out for them.
Discovering that Toby and Hoodie do drag secretly.
Seeing their s/o sad, tired, and done with everything.
(In a school) seeing a new student in their classroom.
Their lover being sad, tired, and done with everything.
A lover that smokes (cigarettes).
Waking up with changed sex.
A partner who is learning to speak another language.
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marinsawakening · 5 years
About arospec headcannon thing anyone from FMA of your choice and a character from a series/book that you have enjoying latelly!
“character from a series/book that you have enjoying latelly” bold of you to assume I’ve had the attention span to be reading anything anon. the only thing I’ve been reading lately is ‘The Bacchae and Other Works’, demonstrating that I can, in fact, be a smart literary reader every once in a while, but the only play I’ve finished is Ion, and like… sure Athena is aro, but I also feel like headcanoning a greek god as aro is kinda cheating, but in the spirit of ancient greek myths, I’ll be doing my fave aro headcanon, Percy Jackson. He’s going under the cut though, because Ed’s turned out… long. Sorry about that.
Anyway, from FMA, I’m (predicatably) picking Edward Elric, because I can’t and won’t stop:
What arospec identities do they have? (Can be as specific or vague as desired)
I generally headcanon Ed as nebularomantic, though I also really really like the headcanon of him having my exact aro experience because honestly, I like projecting onto him. But I usually go with nebularomantic because I feel like the headcanon possibilities for that are more interesting, so I’ll go with that in this post.
(Or arovague, a little more, maybe? He’s nebularomantic in the sense that a) alexithymia makes figuring out whether he’s feeling platonic or romantic attraction pretty much impossible, and b) he feels like he doesn’t really fit into society’s ideas of romance due to it heavily being tied up into neurotypical standards, and finds the concept of romantic relationships/romantic attraction somewhat inaccessible to him as a result. So he’s kind of a mix between nebularomantic, quoiromantic with the ‘disidentifies with the concept of romantic attraction’ definition, and arovague, I guess, but I think he’d just use nebularomantic because it’s easier and it still encompasses his experiences very well.)
How proud of being arospec are they?
Pretty proud, if only because he knows it pisses people off and he loves doing that. He’s not dropping it into every conversation ever, but he definitely has a couple pins and shows up at pride with the flag painted on his cheeks.
Do they prioritize their arospec identity over any others?
I’d say that on the Minority Identity tier, it’s probably his least important identity to him, definitely after autistic/ADHD (kind of the same thing to him) and nonbinary. It’s still pretty important to him, though. Maybe the only thing he prioritizes it over might be his amputee status, mostly because, since he grew up with a bunch of automail engineers and later living in Rush Valley with Paninya and Winry for a long while, amputees have kinda become the norm for him. However, I can also see that, due to the Circumstances surrounding the loss of his limbs, he might prioritize his physical disability anyway, because he’s had to learn to take pride in it, whereas for the nebularomanticism, that came pretty naturally.
Are they out? If so, how did they come out, and to whom?
He’s out to pretty much everyone, although the only people he actually sat down and had a conversation with were Winry, Paninya, and Al. Winry because she helped him figure out he wasn’t allo (even if he couldn’t pin down his specific aro identity), and Paninya because he brought it up when he proposed starting a qpr to sort of close a sort of ‘qpr’ triad between him, Winry, and Paninya. Al also knows because Ed talked his feelings over with him when he was still questioning, and then Mei found the identity ‘nebularomantic’ and told Al, who told Ed, and that’s how Ed figured out his identity.
How do they feel about romance? Romance-favorable? Romance-neutral? Romance-repulsed? Or does it fluctuate?
Romance-neutral, largely. I mean, he’s married, so that counts as romance-favourable probably, but honestly? He’s mostly neutral to the concept of romance because he doesn’t understand why it exists. It’s pretty much impossible for him to separate neurotypical expectations of romance and love from the concept of romantic relationships/romantic attraction in general, and this was one of the main reasons he and Winry decided to change their relationship from ‘romantic’ to ‘idk what but we’re definitely important to another/queerplatonic-ish’; he constantly felt like he was failing in romance, and Winry had a bit of trouble adjusting her expectations from a generic romantic relationship to one with Ed once they moved from a long distance relationship to a short distance one, so they felt like it was best to change the label. But that said, he’s not repulsed, and he’s not necessarily opposed to the concept of a romantic relationship, he just doesn’t really understand why that exists and has trouble living up to the neurotypical standards it generally entails.
Have they ever experienced arophobia? If so, how?
Some mild stuff, but nothing extreme. He married Winry fairly young, so that warred off all the ‘I can fix you/you need to be fixed’ and ‘you’re horrible and are going to die alone!’ flavours of arophobia, but at the same time, the fact that he married her means that a lot of people deny, ignore, and/or erase his arospec identity. Even showing up in public with an aro/nebularomantic pride flag doesn’t stop people from ignoring it. Since he’s a pretty high-profile figure, this means that it’s especially noticeable.
In addition, he’s also faced some ableist-specific arophobia in people saying that he just doesn’t understand romantic attraction because he’s autistic/ADHD, which, yeah, duh, that’s why he identifies as nebula? But people use that to deny his identity, saying that his aro identity isn’t real because it’s caused/affected by his neurodivergency, or that it must be fixed with therapy. He generally punches those people in the face and they shut up really quickly.
How do they show their arospec pride?
Like I said, he goes to pride and paints his cheeks in the nebularomantic/aromantic pride colours (one on each cheek), and he doesn’t shy away from talking about it in day-to-day life. On the rare occasion that he makes a public appearance such as an interview or as a gala attendee (mostly when he’s lost a bet to Mustang or Ling), he usually takes either a small or big flag with him (depending on the mood he’s in), just to smirk when people get awkward or try to ignore it.
Do they actively try to combat amatonormativity in their daily lives or elsewhere? If so, how?
He constantly corrects people if they call Winry his wife (yes, they’re partners, and yes, they’re married, but ‘wife’ specifically has connotations to him that he doesn’t like), constantly corrects them if they assume he’s alloro, and just generally is an obnoxious arospec fuck who’s not going to let any part of his arospec identity get erased.
Was it easy for them to label themselves arospec, or was there a long period of questioning? How many labels did they have to try before landing on the one they use now?
The questioning process took pretty long, both due to the complicated nature of his identity and alexithymia hindering the process. As I already said, it’s pretty much impossible for him to distinguish neurotypical expectations of romance from romantic attraction/relationships, but he was also aware that societal expectations =/= romantic attraction at its core, so he didn’t know if his confusion surrounding the matter was enough to make him anything but allo. Furthermore, there was the fact that alexithymia made trying to figure out whether what he was feeling was platonic or romantic pretty much impossible: he could barely figure out if he was feeling hungry, fuck if he knew he was having a squish or a crush. There was also the obvious fact that yup, he sure married Winry, and he didn’t want to divorce her because he did want to be in some kind of relationship, but he didn’t know if that was because he was feeling any kind of romantic (or platonic, for that matter) attraction, or because he simply felt at home with her, and yes he did consider that the ‘at home’ feeling might’ve been romantic, but probably not, since he also feels it with Al, but then again it was still very much different with Al, so maybe…?
Anyway, you get the point. Questioning was long and messy, and eventually came to a head when Winry basically said ‘look listen I don’t know what’s going on with you, but you promised not to keep me in the dark anymore, so spit it out’ so he did and she basically said ‘well in my expert alloromantic opinion that’s not very allo’ and he went ‘oh. shit. why didn’t I ask you earlier’ (it was because he’s the world’s smartest idiot). So they sat down and figured things out, and eventually agreed that it would be best if they ‘cancelled’ the romance aspect of their relationship for now, just to figure out what would work for them.
Also Mei was actually the one who found the term ‘nebularomantic’ way later, when she was researching arospec identities after her and Al’s relationship crashed and burned horribly (she definitely has access to a huge library of queer identities in Ling’s palace shut up), and Al heard her say the definition and he went ‘oh shit that’s my brother’, so then he called Ed and that’s how Ed came to identify as nebularomantic.
Would they be interested in a QPR? Why or why not?
He’s in a queerplatonic triad with Winry and Paninya! The relationship is actually kind of complicated, with Winry and Paninya being in a romantic relationship, Ed and Winry being in a committed relationship they’re chosing not to label at the moment, and Paninya and Ed being in the world’s most casual qpr, but the three of them call their triad ‘queerplatonic’ to simplify stuff. He probably wouldn’t necessarily search out a qpr, I think, but he very much loves people (regardless of whether or not it’s platonic or romantic or something else entirely), and he does like living with other people, so he’d probably have fallen into one naturally anyway, even if canon hadn’t played out the way it did.
Final thoughts?
If you think that I won’t headcanon someone as arospec just because they married and had kids at the end of the series then you’re so fucking mistaken.
What arospec identities do they have? (Can be as specific or vague as desired)
Percy’s demiromantic!
How proud of being arospec are they?
Very proud! If you think he ever stops making demi jokes, you are very very wrong. He goes to pride, has pins, has a flag up in his room, and generally won’t shut up about it.
Do they prioritize their arospec identity over any others?
Somewhat! He’s both demisexual and demiromantic, and he doesn’t necessarily separate those two out, but he does prioritize both of those over his demiboy identity, though that’s definitely important to him too and he’s proud of that as well (plus, he appreciates the pun material).
Are they out? If so, how did they come out, and to whom?
He’s out! After he figured it out the first thing he did was kick Annabeth’s door open and go ‘Annabeth Holy Fuck!’, so she knows. His mom and Paul know, because he actually had a Serious Coming Out conversation with them (he knew they’d take it well, but still). Everyone else at camp also knows, because he won’t shut up about it, and also like everyone at Camp Halfblood is queer as fuck, so they just kind of expected something like this sooner or later. The puns are an unwelcome surprise, though.
How do they feel about romance? Romance-favorable? Romance-neutral? Romance-repulsed? Or does it fluctuate?
None of the above, he’s very firmly romance oblivious. He’s not going to catch you flirting with him, he WILL read over romance subplots without picking up on them, he is always the last to catch on to relationships his friends have started, etc. etc. He’s romance-favourable in the sense that he’s currently in a romantic relationship with Annabeth, but honestly, I don’t think he cares enough about romance to use any of the above labels.
Have they ever experienced arophobia? If so, how?
Yeah, he’s had a bunch of assholes tell him that he’s just straight, or that he needs to use demi as a modifier, or that demiromanticism doesn’t exist, etc. etc. However, he’s been lucky enough to have a supportive family and a queer as fuck friendgroup, so it hasn’t been as bad as it could’ve been and he’s had a lot of support.
How do they show their arospec pride?
Do they actively try to combat amatonormativity in their daily lives or elsewhere? If so, how?
Sort of? He’s loudly demi, which combats amatonormativity pretty much automatically, but he’s not exactly the type to go around educating everyone about the concept of amatonormativity or anything. That’s what Annabeth is for.
Was it easy for them to label themselves arospec, or was there a long period of questioning? How many labels did they have to try before landing on the one they use now?
Honestly, he just sort of assumed that the world was playing a prank on him regarding this ‘falling in love at first sight’ thing, or in general, this ‘falling in love’ thing. He’s never had a crush on anyone before Annabeth, and was honestly halfway convinced that the concept was fake until her, but he also never really analyzed that? He just kind of… assumed that was normal. Calypso was the first real wrench in that theory, but he chalked it up to her being not human and went about his life.
Aaand then he overheard someone talking about being demi, got massively confused for a second, asked for clarification before, you know, calling a satyr, and realized ‘oh hey that’s me!’.
So all in all, the questioning process was pretty straight forward, just hampered by him being very oblivious.
Would they be interested in a QPR? Why or why not?
Hmmm, maybe? I think he’s satisfied with his romantic relationship with Annabeth, but I also don’t necessarily think he’d be opposed to one. I don’t think he’d search one out, but if someone asked, he’d probably be willing to give it a go.
Final thoughts?
This was my first ever aro headcanon and I can and WILL die on this hill.
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