#but now i have too little 30° laundry left to fill the machine so now i cant justify washing the rest and for some ungodly reason that
nowendil · 2 years
hm. i really do wish i didn't get overemotional over doing laundry as often as i do but here we are
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australiancarisi · 3 years
12 with olivia benson please!
Words: 2550 Remember when I said these were gonna be drabbles… also Nick, Rafael, Mike & Kat are in this because I love them all thx for coming to my ted talk
‘how is my wife more badass than me?’
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You groaned as you rolled over to Liv’s side of the bed to turn the blaring alarm off. It took a lot of effort and tries but you eventually managed to turn it off with a huff. You wrapped the blanket around you, closed your eyes and snuggled into Liv’s pillow. You peeped an eye open when you heard Liv chuckle.
“What” you mumbled
“You are just adorable” Liv smiled from the doorway to your bathroom
“Why are you out of bed?” you whined rolling onto you back
“Because although it is your day off my love, it is not mine” Liv said and headed back into the bathroom to continue getting ready.
“But the alarm only just went off. If I’m going to be woken up early on my day off a mere five hours after getting home from my shift, I should get cuddles” you demanded. “I’m not joking” you said as Liv laughed at you. You sat up slightly when you noticed your bedroom door slowly open “here’s my cuddles”
“y/n” Noah ran up and jumped onto the bed and got straight into your arms
“Hello sweet boy, how do you have so much energy at 6 in the morning” you grinned smothering his face with kisses. Noah’s laugh had to up there as one of your favourite sounds, so pure, so innocent. Liv leant against the door frame and watched the two of you together. She had been so nervous when the two of you had started dating about how Noah would take to you, but from the moment he met you, he was glued to your side and you were wrapped around his little finger. Even now, two years into your marriage and nothing had changed.
“See this could have been all yours but now Noah gets all the cuddles” you squeezed him a little tighter making him giggle.
“Alright you two” Liv playfully rolled eyes “Come on Noah let’s get you ready for school before Lucy gets here”
“Yesssss” Liv teased him
“But I wanna stay with y/n” 
“I can get him ready” you said with a yawn
“The only thing you are going to do is go back to sleep” Liv said
“No buts. You didn’t get home until 1am you need to sleep my love” Liv pecked your lips and reached out to Noah, who just snuggled into you “Noah” he whined again. Your schedule had been all over the place lately. You had been doing doubles and night shifts for the last few weeks, you had barely seen Liv let alone Noah, it was no wonder he was clinging to you
“Go on sweet boy, I promise I’ll be there to pick you up after school” you kissed his forehead
“Promise?” He asked holding his pinkie up. You wrapped yours around his.
“Pinkie promise. 3 o’clock. I’ll be there” with the promise of seeing you later agreed on Noah left.
“Get some sleep my love” Liv smiled kissing you again before turning off the lights leaving you to catch up some much-needed rest.
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When you woke up again it was nearly 11am. You jumped up pottered around the house, cleaning up Noah’s toys, putting away any dishes and things that were lying around and doing some laundry. These were your favourite type of days, where you just chilled at home, cleaned and were able to do things at your own pace.
“To what do I owe the pleasure Captain” you grinned, answering your phone
“Do I need a reason to call my wife?” Liv asked. You could basically hear her rolling her eyes.
“No, but it is out of the ordinary”
“What are you doing?” Liv asked, changing the subject
“Just about to leave actually, going to meet Jas for lunch at the café down the street. Even put on jeans for the occasion” You locked the door as you headed out to meet your friend.
“Wow fancy…” she trailed off and you could hear her talking to Sonny and Amanda
“How busy are you today?” you asked when you heard her lift her phone back to her ear
“You don’t even want to know… that’s why I called I doubt I’ll be home for dinner”
“It’s okay- “
“No, it's not” Liv cut you off with a frustrated sigh “I need to be home more, I need to spend more time with you and Noah and- “
“And you need to work. Because it’s what you love, because you are helping the people that need it. You are a good police officer, the best actually. Noah and I can handle a few late nights. Besides Noah needs something to be mad about when he’s a teenager” you joked. You smiled as you heard Liv chuckle a little. You hated how much pressure put on herself to be perfect at everything.
“Have I ever told you how much I love you?” Liv asked
“Once or twice but I’ll never grow tired of hearing it”
“I love you”
“I love you too, I’ll see you when I’m looking at you, be safe”
“You know you have a stupid look on your face” your friend and co-worker Jas said as you met out the front of the café while hanging up the phone
“It’s called love, you should try it sometime” you teased
“No thank you” Jas replied with a laugh. The two of you sat in the busy café and caught up on everything outside of work. Jas told you about one of the many guys she had on the go at the moment, you gushed about Liv and Noah.
“I mean seriously if I could I’d shove my foot where the sun doesn’t shine” Jas huffed bitching about one of your co-workers.
“I should probably go, need to run a couple of errands before I pick up Noah” You looked at your phone double-checking the time, an hour before you had to get Noah. You and Jas went to stand up when all hell broke loose. Everything changed in a split second. One moment you were sitting there with your friend having an amazing day and the next you were hiding under a table as a man held the café at gunpoint.
“NOBODY MOVE” he screamed turning in a circle with his gun pointed and ready to shoot. “NO ONE MOVES NO ONE CALLS THE COPS” You slowly and quietly got your phone out.
“What are you doing?” Jas whispered, her voice shaking in fear “did you not just hear him?”
“There’s no way I’m not texting Liv” you huffed
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Liv sighed as she waited for the coffee machine to brew a new jug. Her eyes felt like they were going to fall out after all the paperwork she had been doing all day. All her detectives had been out either talking to victims or following leads so all she had done today was sit at her desk and do paperwork and reply to emails. Picking up her cup, Liv headed back out to the squad room as she heard everyone return. As Amanda was filling everyone in on the lead that she and Sonny had been following when everyone’s phone buzzed, and officers began moving.
“Café being held at gunpoint” Fin frowned
“Unknown gunman, unknown reason” Kat read from her phone
“I wonder which one” Sonny thought aloud
“Café 98” Liv almost threw her coffee on the nearest desk running into her office to grab her gun and badge.
“How do you know?” Fin asked
“Y/n is there”
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Half an hour had passed, you could now hear the sirens of police officers in the distance, Liv responded and told you she was on the way and it was going to be okay. It was only words, but you’d be lying if you said it didn’t make you feel better. The gunman was shouting at the café workers, blaming them for everyone being taken hostage because they didn’t give him money. You took deep breaths and tried to stay calm. The café phone rang, then again and again.
“Someone shut that fucking phone up!” the man yelled
“It’s going to keep ringing” your mouth said before your mind could stop you
“What was that bitch?” He started moving towards you. You slowly stood up, hands in the air.
“The p-phone. It’s the police. They want to talk, and they are going to keep calling until you answer” you stuttered, your confidence slowly falling.
“How would you know?” He sneered “you a cop?”
“No!” you quickly exclaimed “uh no I’m not but I am married to one. My wife is the captain at the 16th” you pulled your phone out of your pocket to show him your lock screen. It was a picture of you and Liv – her in her uniform - when she promoted to captain.
“You answer it then” he motioned with the gun towards the phone. You slowly walked over to the counter, focused on the man and the gun and picked up the phone.
“Hello” you said
“Hello, this is Captain Mike Dodds who is this?” you breathed a sigh of relief at the familiar voice.
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Olivia jumped out of the car at the scene, almost before Fin had actually stopped the car. It was chaos. Uniforms were holding back the public as well as journalists. There were lights flashing and being screaming. Olivia could hear people asking if it was a terrorist attack but right now, she didn’t care about motive, all she wanted was to get you out of there. Flashing her badge, she and the rest of the squad were let through and they headed towards ground zero.
“Who’s in charge?” Liv asked a nearby uni who pointed her in the direction. She had a small smile when she saw Mike and Nick hunched over a table. “Captain Dodds, Sargant Amaro”
“Liv” the pair frowned “what are you guys doing here? This is major crimes’ not svu”
“y/n is in there” Fin said
“So what do you know?” Liv asked
“Not a lot. No contact has been made yet. We’re about to try again” Nick said as Mike lifted the phone to his ear.
“Hello, this is Captain Mike Dodds who is this?” Mike asked, his eyes met Liv and he quickly put the phone onto speaker. “y/n is anyone hurt?
“No, no one is hurt. There’s probably about 30 of us in here” hearing your voice was music to Liv’s ears. Mike asked you a few more questions, not that you were able to give him much more information.
“Mike, I need you to tell Liv someone has to get Noah, I was supposed to pick him up from school and he’s going to be so upset if I’m not there” Liv turned to her squad, she hadn’t even thought of Noah.
“I’m on it” Sonny nodded pulling his phone out and moving away from everyone.
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The fact that Mike was the person on the other end of the line made you a little less anxious. You tried to give him as much info as possible, but the gunman was not giving you anything, he wouldn’t even tell them what he wanted. 
“Mike, I need you to tell Liv someone has to get Noah, I was supposed to pick him up from school and he’s going to be so upset if I’m not there and-“
“Alright that’s enough” the gunman grabbed the phone out of your hand and hung up. You quickly moved back to your spot under the table. The gunman was growing anxious, pacing around the room, it was clear he didn’t have a plan.
“There’s a back door” Jas whispered “a few of us could get out”
“I’ll distract him”
“I think Liv would kill me if I left you in here” Jas huffed
“If you get out the police can get it, she’ll live with it” you slowly stood back up “you should really stay away from the windows”
“What?” the man spat at you
“The police, they’ll be looking for a spot for a sniper to take you out” you walked towards him, moving around so he kept his eyes on you. Jas and a couple others started to creep towards the door. You were racking your brain trying to remember everything Liv had ever told you about hostage situations.
“Shouldn’t you stay away from the windows to then?”
“My wife’s a cop. You don’t think she’s out there?” you chuckled “And the guy on the phone before? He was her number 2 not too long ago, he got promoted not too long before my wife, he goes to my son’s dance recitals, he’s not gonna let anything happen to me. I doubt there is an officer that doesn’t know what I look like. They aren’t going to shoot me, but they will shoot you” your eyes swept the room quickly, Jas was out.
“Then maybe I should just shoot you” he held the gun to your face. You held your breath and closed your eyes. You thought of Liv and Noah and how much you loved them. Suddenly the back door opened and your eyes shot open.
“NYPD!” the gunman’s attention turned to the police officers, then, without thinking you grabbed the gun and his arm, flipping him to the ground. You quickly ripped the gun from his hand and took it apart.
“Seems you learnt some tricks over the years” Mike grinned coming up to you as one of the other officers handcuffed the man. You wrapped your arms around him and relaxed, you were okay, everyone was okay.
“She’s out there right?” you needed your wife right now
“did you expect her to be anywhere else?” Nick smirked joining you and Mike. He wrapped his arm around you too “took almost everyone to keep her from busting through the door herself” you grinned at that. Classic Liv. Mike and Nick lead you out the front door of the café. The moment you stepped out you found Liv. She was standing with Jas and the rest of the squad. Her eyes locked with yours and you thought you were going to start crying. The two of you ran to each other, throwing your arms around the other.
“Oh my love” Liv squeezed you “are you okay? Are you hurt?”
“I’m okay” you whisper into her neck
“She’s more than okay” Mike said, you pulled back from Liv’s arms. The rest of the squad joined you. “not only did she distract him to get those guys out, when we came in she grabbed his gun and disarmed him”
“Nice” Kat grinned, clearly impressed
“How is my wife more badass than me?” Liv grinned and kissed your forehead
“Learnt from the best” you responded “Noah…”
“All covered, Raf’s got him” Sonny said “He’s no y/n but I’m sure Noah was just as excited to see Uncle Rafa”
“Probably more” you laughed, you grabbed Liv’s hand and squeezed “Let’s go see our son”
“Anything you want my love” Liv kissed your lips “I’m so proud of you”
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quazartranslates · 3 years
Welcome to the Nightmare Game II - CH22
**This is an edited machine translation. For more information, please [click here]**
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Chapter 22: Star Death Reality Show (V)
What was happening? Feeling as though he was blindfolded, Qi Leren and He Yi looked at each other nervously.
"Mark? Are you all right?" He Yi also asked loudly.
There was still no sound in the room.
"Let's go in and have a look," He Yi said nervously.
Qi Leren's heart beat faster. According to the routine in horror games, the loud noise just now was likely an indication of danger, suggesting that Mark had met some big trouble inside.
Had he met the monster? Qi Leren became suspicious. From the task background’s information, he clearly knew that the monster in the "glowing stone" had hatched by this time, although he wasn’t sure whether this monster was a simple and rude physical attack type or a parasitic type like an alien. If it was the former, it would very likely eat people, and its target...
Qi Leren pulled out the knife assigned by the program company and said to He Yi: "Okay."
He Yi looked at the knife in his hand in surprise: "...Do you need a knife?"
Qi Leren was dazed and realized that he had overreacted a little. To an NPC, this copy task was just an ordinary reality show. They didn't know what they were going to face and they were unprepared for it.
"Be prepared." With a straight face and posing as an experienced leader, Qi Leren boldly pushed open the door, as there was no warning from [Rain-Day Laundry] in his card slot.
Mark had fallen not far from the door. There was no blood on the ground. Instead, there was a fallen bookshelf, from which a large stack of objects such as vases and books had fallen to the ground, along with the axe. Obviously, when the black man had come in he had stumbled and knocked over the bookshelf. He was probably hit on the head by something, shed a little blood, and suddenly fainted.
Qi Leren breathed through the corners of his mouth, put the knife back into the sheath as if nothing had happened, and leaned over and lifted the man up: "Come and give a hand."
He Yi also came to help, and the two men lifted the upper body and the lower body, and reluctantly put the big black uncle on the bed.
"Now what? They’re still waiting for us, " He Yi said.
Regardless of the obvious inhumanity of leaving someone unconscious aside, Qi Leren thought for a moment: "Well, you look after Mark here, I will take the axe over, and then I’ll call Dr. Lu... Er, I mean Lu Cangshu."
He Yi smiled: "I know, I heard that his dream is to be a doctor, so his nickname is Dr. Lu." 
It seems that this copy world has also automatically filled in some settings, Qi Leren thought.
The two reached an agreement and Qi Leren took the axe and walked out of Annie's house, walking towards Jing Siyu’s house. Walking halfway, Qi Leren suddenly remembered what He Yi seemed to be about to say to him before Mark's accident. He had said that he’d seen something in the middle of the night...
Qi Leren looked back at the church in the middle of the village. Could it be related to the glowing stone inside?
When he returned to the house Jing Siyu was staying in, the group of people were waiting anxiously for him in this narrow room. Xue Jiahui saw Qi Leren coming back alone and couldn't help but ask: "Where’s He Yi?"
"He Yi didn't come back with you?" Lara also asked.
Poor Mark was forgotten by the girls because he wasn’t handsome. Qi Leren felt deeply in his heart that this was really a world where looks were most important.
"Mark fell and fainted. He Yi is looking after him. I decided to bring the axe first." Qi Leren handed the axe to his teammate Du Yue, giving him a chance to show his skills.
Du Yue took the axe, smiled at Qi Leren, and began to split the wooden trap door. The dust on the carpet flew up, and several of the women ran out covering their noses, unable to stand the dust. Annie was the worst. She coughed wildly and rushed out without looking back. He could still hear her heavy coughing from afar.
"She’s not allergic to dust, is she?" Out of occupational sensitivity, Dr. Lu felt that her cough didn’t seem to be choking, but rather an allergic reaction. "We don't have antihistamine drugs here."
"It won’t be a serious allergy. We’ve all received physical examinations to detect allergens, and at most it is mild allergies," Francis said calmly.
"It'd better be..." Dr. Lu muttered.
"Let's go and see Mark later," Qi Leren said to Dr. Lu.
"Oh, okay," Dr. Lu readily agreed.
Du Yue, an honest boy, worked hard and diligently. He chopped the trap door to the basement a few times, revealing the dark environment below, which gave off a sense of dread.
The ladies were outside, Mark and He Yi were not there, and there were only Francis, Alex, and Qi Leren in the room, a total of five people.
Dr. Lu, who knew the routine well, had no choice but to help: "Well, it seems that we have to go down and look. Who will go down first?"
"I'll do it." Francis stood up.
Alex was one step late and curled his lips. "I'm the second."
After a little reflection, Qi Leren turned to Dr. Lu and said, "It's enough for the three of us to go in and have a look. You and Du Yue wait outside, then go to see Mark when we’re sure that Jing Siyu is okay."
Francis illuminated the basement with a flashlight. The entrance was very humble, with the ladder that led down only made of wood. Immediately after Francis went down, he found Jing Siyu passed out at the bottom of the ladder, and the three people joined forces to get her up.
The group of women also came back from the outside covering their noses and gathered around Jing Siyu to check the situation. Only Qi Leren and Francis were still in the basement, shining flashlights to check the situation there.
"I thought it should be a basement where sundries were placed, but it turned out to be like a laboratory," Qi Leren said curiously.
The same was true of Francis. The two were puzzled by the white-painted basement: "Maybe the owner was a researcher?"
This basement wasn’t big, only 20-30 square meters. The ground was made of cement, the walls were painted white, and all the walls were covered with bookshelves and lockers, with a pile of books and unrecognizable organ specimens. Qi Leren tried to read them, but the words above were all unfamiliar characters—obviously this was the language of this civilization, and the "alien" Qi Leren couldn't understand it.
There were also a lot of materials on the desk, which Qi Leren turned over thickly and couldn't understand. He opened the drawer and checked it, but there were no items like keys.
"Does the program know that there’s a basement in this house?" Qi Leren asked.
"I'm afraid I don't know. They said that it took only three days to sweep the village and arrange the fixed cameras. They couldn’t have been too careful," Francis said calmly.
"Right." Qi Leren looked thoughtfully at the family photos on the desk. The intelligent creatures on this planet looked very similar to them, with two eyes, one nose, one mouth, and no superhuman powers, so one could hardly tell the difference between them and this group of contestants.
"Hey, Francis and Qi, aren't you coming up yet?" Lara shouted from the entrance of the basement.
"Coming!" The two people who didn't find anything in particular gave up, grabbed the flashlights, and climbed out of the basement.
Just as everyone climbed out of the basement, there was a dull boom in the distance, like the sound of an avalanche. Several people were shocked and ran out to check. The women outside the door looked in the direction of the church in doubt: "Did something explode in that direction?"
"Did the church collapse from not being maintained for so many years?" Lara asked.
"I don't know, it was somewhere to the north either way," Xue Jiahui said. "Let’s go see He Yi and Mark later and ask them which direction the sound came from."
Jing Siyu was still unconscious, so they didn't trust to leave her alone in the house. Instead they moved her to Jing Sixue's house and asked her sister to look after her, while the rest went to visit Mark.
Qi Leren winked at Dr. Lu. Dr. Lu ran to Qi Leren and whispered, "Did you find anything?"
"I feel like there’s something wrong with the basement in Jing Siyu’s house. Go back and call Du Yue to have a look. You search carefully to see if there’s anything," Qi Leren said.
"Leave it to me!" Dr. Lu the treasure hunter said confidently.
The rest of the people walked towards Annie's house, and when they passed the church they made a special check and found that there was no place that had collapsed or looked damaged.
Further north was Annie's house. The group of people walked through snow and squeezed into the house. Qi Leren knew where to go, leading everyone to the room where Mark was lying. The door was open, but there was no sound.
Qi Leren suddenly slowed down: "He Yi? Mark?"
No one answered him. There was no one in that room.
"What's the matter? Weren’t those two here just now?" Janet asked exaggeratedly.
"Yes, Mark was knocked out by the shelf by the door, so He Yi and I carried him to the bed in this room. He Yi was looking after him. I brought the axe first... Did Mark wake up? Maybe they went out to find us but went the wrong way?" Qi Leren guessed.
"Impossible, they’re still in this room," Lara suddenly said.
Everyone was shocked by Lara's words and looked at her.
This female star with short hair and a heroic spirit had sharp eyes, and her eyes swept across everyone's faces: "It snowed in the middle of the night yesterday, and a new layer of snow was deposited on the ground. I have a habit of looking at the footprints in the snow. I paid attention to them when I came here just now. Before this group of ours came, there were five sets of footprints in front of Annie's house—those left by Annie when she left in the morning, those left by Qi Leren, He Yi, and Mark when they came to take the axe, and those left by Qi Leren when he left. Only these five sets, no more footprints, do you understand what I mean? Mark and He Yi didn’t leave the house. They’re still here."
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perahn · 4 years
Palliative Nursing
One of my patients died today.
I first met Arthur a couple of months ago. I’m a community and palliative nurse primarily, but I was covering a shift on the ward. He’d been transferred over from another hospital. I never really worked out why, since he was only coming in overnight before being discharged home.
When I came in, his wife Anne was trying to comfort him. He had only received his diagnosis recently – prostate cancer, which had spread to his bones and his brain – and he desperately wanted to go home. He was also frustrated to the point of tears at the way his body had betrayed him. He had been strong and independent, and now he was tired and weak. The struggle to find the words he wanted left long gaps in his speech, and so often neither Anne nor I could help.
He wanted to die. He wanted – he could convey that much – to leave the world ‘with dignity’; if it was time for him to go, he wanted to go. And Anne sat there, and tried to soothe and calm him. He wanted euthanasia, and he could not have it, and I was never sure whether she wanted that for him, or if she wanted to hold onto him as long as she could.
The next time I saw him, he was home again. They’d been in the process of selling their house and downsizing, but Anne cancelled it. So Arthur came home to a warm, sunlit room with an en suite, and they moved their bed down into it. He was a different man when I saw him at home. The words that had deserted him in hospital came more easily, and he smiled, and he could enjoy food again. By about my third or fourth visit – I was seeing him twice a week at that stage, just making sure he had everything he needed to be comfortable at home – he was telling Anne it was a pity all their sons were married and he couldn’t have me in the family.
He had time and support. His daughter Eden moved in for a while; his son and grandchildren live next door. The weather turned warmer, and he sat out in the garden. The family gathered around him, and they took a photo. He was, for the most part, free of pain. You don’t expect that once it gets into the bones, but I am grateful for it.
There is a distance, and there has to be. You aren’t there for every step of the journey, and you come into it as a stranger. Anne woke every time he did, and walked him to the toilet. She coaxed him to eat, helped him use the walker, rubbed ointment into his swelling legs and reminded him to elevate them. She nursed him, and so did Eden. I… stepped in for the other parts. The paperwork. The questions you never think about until someone you love is dying. How do you, and what if, and when, and what do we do about -?
There were changes, last week. Words began to slip away again, and sitting up grew harder. I asked Anne if they wanted a bedside commode for him, so she didn’t have to walk him all the way to the toilet three times a night. She said no, that the exercise was good for him, and they were managing. Then she rang the next day, told me he’d slipped while trying to sit on the toilet, and maybe they’d better have one after all. So my boss Sam and I got one out to their house on Friday. Eden followed me out to the car. She didn’t want to ask in front of Anne, but what needed to happen if, or when, Arthur died? Who did they call, what did they do about his body?
It was a long weekend, and we had the Monday off. Anne rang Tuesday morning. Arthur had significantly deteriorated over the weekend, she told us. She and Eden couldn’t get him up, and they’d been nursing him in bed. His painkillers didn’t seem to be helping as much, because he was restless, turning in bed and plucking at his clothes. My boss covered two of my patients so I could go see Arthur as soon as possible.
Anne was curled up beside him in their bed. Other family members were gathered around, and one of them left the bedside so I could go talk to him. “Here’s Katherine,” Anne said, and Arthur opened his eyes and reached out his hand. He tried to say something as I took and held it. I know he recognised me, even if I couldn’t understand what he wanted to say.
Later I came back with a syringe driver. We use these a lot in palliative care: little machines that very slowly administer a dose into the subcutaneous tissue over 24 hours. Usually, like this one, they’re loaded with morphine, for the pain; midazolam, for agitation and the restlessness that comes over the body in dying; and metoclopramide, for the nausea the morphine can cause. They’re smaller, simpler, and less invasive than an IV line, or repeatedly sticking someone with needles. Arthur didn’t even flinch as I put the first line in, or the second one. The second one is for top-up doses; I used it immediately to give him a loading dose, then taught Eden and her brother how to access it if they needed to give him more pain relief. I left an envelope with the verification of death form at the house.
I left the house not long before seven pm. According to the roster, I’d been supposed to finish at 4:30. That was all right.
The syringe driver runs over 24 hours, but I stopped in to see Arthur and his family around 11am. Arthur was lying on his side. Eden had needed to give him some extra, and so had Anne, but on the whole he’d had a good night, they told me. He didn’t respond this time, although he called out hoarsely a few times. I gave him another top-up, and told Anne I’d be back to change the syringe driver once I’d spoken to the doctor.
I discussed how much top-up Arthur had needed with the doctor, and then one of the other nurses made up the new syringe with me, and my boss covered a patient appointment I had, and I went out to Arthur around 2pm.
Eden was in the front room, continuing to work from home; Anne was on the lounge with a laptop. Arthur had been so peaceful and quiet, she thought she’d get the laundry and a few other things done. Anne and I went in, and she told him I was here to change the medicine, and she’d help him roll over so I could reach. She reached out and touched him, and then she turned to look at me.
“He isn’t-” and she backed away.
I checked the carotid artery.
“I’m sorry,” I said to Anne. “He’s gone.”
And then I held her as she wept.
She was so devastated. She hadn’t been there for him as he died. He’d been alone and she’d been sitting outside, and she hadn’t known.
And it doesn’t matter how many hours she lay beside him, how poorly she slept, half-listening and ready to help the moment he stirred, night after night, the literal around-the-clock nursing she gave him, the long years they lived together. It doesn’t matter how hard, physically and emotionally, it is to support someone you love dying at home, how much she and Eden had gladly sacrificed to give him what he wanted. It doesn’t matter how many people do die alone, waiting for the moment everyone’s back is turned to slip away in privacy. None of that softens the pain, not in a moment like that.
I pray they will eventually.
I got Eden for her, slipped out to the car to get what I needed, and to give them time to themselves.
They had him cuddled between the two of them when I came back, and eventually they chose to leave the room so I could do the necessary things.
I rolled him onto his back, heard the faint groans. Wiped his mouth and crusted eyelids. Removed the lines I’d put in yesterday, straightened his shirt. I was talking to him, every step. It’s just something you find yourself doing. “Sorry, Arthur. I’ve just got to roll you over and get these lines out. I’m sorry if this hurts...”
It’s… not an easy thing, verifying a death. I had thought he was dead the moment I came into the room, and I’d checked for a pulse. Even so, part of you almost refuses to be sure. His hands were so cold, but his throat was still warm. I couldn’t feel a pulse, but maybe that just meant I was doing it wrong (I knew I wasn’t, but what if? What if I had hurt these people so much, and I was wrong, and I had to go tell them he was still alive, and however would they cope with that?) I put a stethoscope to his unmoving chest and listened for a heartbeat, or for breath. I couldn’t hear anything, but I was breathing very loudly myself in my mask – would I hear it? Wasn’t his chest moving, just the tiniest bit? I had to rub his sternum very hard to see if there was any movement away from the stimulus, and I apologised.
Then I lifted his eyelids. ‘Fixed and dilated pupils’ is what the form says, clinical terminology that is accurate as far as it goes. What it means is that you look into those eyes, and they are still and glassy, and the soul behind them is gone.
I could doubt the rest of the tests. Not that one.
I went out, told them I was finished. We talked; I told them what an amazing job they’d done, how proud they should be, all the things that don’t mean anything to them right at the moment, but might later. I stepped into another room to ring the doctor and let her know. I filled out the verification of death form and hid it away in a plain white envelope. Eden rang her brother, and again we went over the final things to be done. Here’s the form. Ring the funeral directors when you’re ready for them to come pick Arthur up. There’s no rush. Call anyone else you think will want to come say goodbye. Give yourselves as much time as you need.
Eden’s brother arrived. She’d sent him a text to come over, but hadn’t wanted to say why. So he came striding in with a cheery ‘hello’, and Eden said ‘He’s gone’, and she choked, and he crumpled. He went softly into the room where Anne was lying beside Arthur, stroking his face and murmuring to him. Too softly; he touched Anne’s arm and she jumped.
Clearly despite herself, Eden laughed.
“I thought for a moment,” Anne said, “that he’d fooled us all. That he was just pretending.”
Which hurt, and still hurts, and I shall remember.
When I left them, it was with the three of them clustered around the bed, the son trying not to cry. They didn’t need me, but I’d drop by in a couple of days if they wanted, I said quietly.
Anne would like that, she told me, and she thanked me for all I’d done. That Arthur had always been glad to see me. “He had his favourite nurse,” she added. “Beautiful Katherine, he said.”
I don’t understand the depth of grace that lets you say something like that in the midst of such terrible grief, but I shall remember that, too.
The last time I made a post a bit like this, I had a little bit of a moral to share. I don’t, this time. I am writing because it helps me process, and I shared it because…well, I still think we need to talk about dying, I suppose, and this is a way to add to the conversation. Because it is such an honour and extraordinary privilege to be a palliative nurse. Because some of you might, like my patients and their families, have questions you don’t know how to ask. Because it touched me, and it might do the same for you. Because love and grief and service to each other are such essential parts of our humanity.
Eternal rest grant unto him, o Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
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eyeless-cunt · 4 years
I’m a jack of all trades, master of none, would you care to see this Eyeless Jack x reader I’m working on?
Witness Protection
Chapter 1
The putrid scent of gas filled his nostrils, making him scrunch his nose in disgust. He always hated the highway, the loud noises, the smell of oil and the lack of trees to keep the sun out of his eyes. But as much as he hated it, he needed to be here. His next exit was almost thirty minutes away. His hands gripped the wheel, to the point that if his hands were of normal color, his knuckles would’ve gone white. He merged over to a new lane, where he would stay for the next half an hour. His gaze never wavered from what was in front of him, as usual. It was best if he didn’t look around, his large hood did well to hide the strange abnormalities that adorned his face when looked at from the side, but even a slight turn of his head would reveal his unfortunate features. His mask sat in the passenger seat, abandoned until he found a place to stay so that he could rest. Just because he was nocturnal doesn’t mean he could stay up all night. Typically, he’d hunt what he needed for the week and then head home where he could bunker down and sleep. He couldn’t do that now. The truck he drove was old and uncomfortable, and the last time he tried to sleep in it, he woke up sore in the back and with a kinked neck. He shuddered at the thought of sleeping in the clunky old thing again.
He swore his heart leapt when the exit ramp came into view. He could finally get off this godforsaken road. He turned off and drove onto the exit ramp, sighing as his senses cleared slightly. His’ eyes’ and such were still burning from all of the exhaust fumes. It was relieving that it was a short five minutes to get to the hotel from here. Five minutes passed and the hotel building came into view, its many windows bouncing light off of them and possibly blinding people below. Swiftly, he pulled into the parking lot and parked in one of the spaces. The engine’s noise died as he yanked the key out of the ignition and he leaned back in the seat. He shut his ‘eyes’, eyelids falling over empty space. It didn’t really bother him, he’d been without eyes for over a decade now. A heavy sigh left his lips and he opened his eyelids again, reaching over to the glove box and pulling out a large bottle of pills. Popping the cover off, he dumped one on his hand and took it dry, closing the plastic container and tossing it haphazardly into his backpack. He slumped in his seat and took a few deep breaths.
30 minutes pass of him just leaning back in his seat, eyes closed and breathing deeply. When he opened his eyes, the sun was slowly sinking. He brought his hands to his face and rubbed the corners of his eye sockets. Reaching up, he lowered the visor and looked at his appearance in the small mirror embedded inside. The man that stared back at him was unfamiliar. It’d been so long since he’d actually seen what he used to look like. He turned his head in different directions to make sure that all traces of grey had disappeared. Satisfied with the effectiveness of the pill, he crammed his mask into his bag and slung it over his shoulder, hopping out of the truck. He slammed the door shut and strolled to the entrance, throwing on a peaceful expression. The automatic doors whirred as they moved out of the way for him to step through. His footsteps fell silent on the carpeted floor, the rubber soles of his sneakers making no noise at all.
“Excuse me?” the lady at the front jumped in surprise. He forced himself to chuckle lightly. ‘Just act normal’ was all he told himself when it came to these things.
“Ah, yes, sorry, can I help you?” she apologized, looking up at his tall figure.
“Yep, Jack Nyras, checking in,” she nodded and he leaned on the counter, eyeing her slightly. ‘Too thin’ he thought, grimacing internally.
“Sir?” he looked her in the eyes, forgetting to put on the look he had before, leaving him with a bored expression.
“Hm?” She awkwardly slid the room card over, blushing heavily.
“You were staring…,” she murmured. He shook his head a little.
“Sorry, I zoned off,” she nodded, still looking uncertain. She handed him a small room key card and he took it, tucking it safely into the pocket of his dark jeans. Another woman came to the front and waved to the other.
“Is my shift over already?” the first raised an eyebrow. The newly arrived woman nodded. The first lady ran off and out of sight, leaving him and the new girl.
“Do you need anything else?” she asked sweetly. He stared at her for a moment, scrutinizing her appearance. She looked smart, or at least like she’d be able to know that something was up. Too thin for him, but the last bit of humanity in him told him that she wasn’t entirely useless to him. The thought made him internally sigh at himself. Fingers snapping in his face snapped him out of the trance.
“Sir, are you going to sit and stare or are you going to head to your room?” he blinked a little.
“Oh, sorry,” he scratched the back of his neck. “I’ll head to my room now,” she nodded, waving him off. He pressed the button for the elevator and waited, thinking to himself. ‘I might have to go out of my way to hunt tonight’ was definitely a thought that went through his mind. ‘I could try and get into someone’s room.’ He nodded in approval of his thought as the elevator dinged.
“Excuse me?” a rude tone snapped him out of his thoughts. He glanced up to see a man in a suit. He scanned the man over, going through a quick mental check-list and checking of all that applied. Target set.
“Oh, sorry, I’ll move,” he stepped to the side. The man grunted and headed towards the front door, dropping something on the way. The lady at the front desk jogged over in a pair of heels, stooping down to pick it up.
“Sir, you dropped this!” she called. The man turned around begrudgingly and snatched it from her rather harshly, mumbling a ‘thanks’ and walking away. She nodded and walked back to her position, frowning ever so slightly. Jack turned his attention to the elevator that was in the process of closing the doors. He quickly hopped in, pressing the button that lead to his floor. He leaned against the wall, exhaling. He was only on the third floor, so it didn’t take that long for the elevator to open its doors. Stepping out of the small box, he pulled his keycard out of his pocket, the room number written on the hard plastic. He looked around, easily spotting his room. Gripping the strap of his bag, he walked over to it, sliding the keycard into the slot and opening the door. The room was cool, the temperature change welcome in the late August heat. He still forgot why he insisted on wearing a hoodie after taking the meds. With a heavy sigh, he yanked off the thick black sweatshirt, his shirt riding up a little. He chucked the hoodie on the white sheets of the single bed, yanking his shirt back down with his free hand. He turned his attention to the window, staring at the sun as it slowly disappeared, being replaced with darkness. A quick shake of his head drove away his small trance. He unzipped his bag, pulling out a pair of clothes, stained with evidence of his last hunt. He grimaced and went to the laundry room down in the basement of the hotel.
He laid his clothes out on an ironing board, holding the laundry detergent he brought with him. Filling the cap with the liquid, he poured it on the articles of clothing and rubbed it on the stains, a trick he learned years ago. Satisfied with his work, he grabbed his clothes and threw them into the machine, going through the steps and heading back upstairs while it ran. The sky slowly began to go entirely black. Jack spent the time in between dusk and dark doing his laundry, and once he had folded them and shoved them back into his bag, he got ready for his hunt. He threw his hoodie back on, stuffing all of his supplies into the large pockets. He reached into the large backpack, pulling the navy blue mask out, running his gloved fingers over it. He slipped it on, adjusting it until any skin that once showed was no longer visible and then tugged his hood over auburn hair. He pulled his sleeve up a little, checking his skin tone. It was slowly changing back to grey, the color returning in thick tendrils. He pulled the sleeve back down and headed out of his room, on a direct route to the elevator. It made it to the bottom floor just in time for him to catch the man from before reentering the building.
Jack stepped out and then pretended he was just getting in. The man from before got in and pressed the button to his floor. Floor nine, the top floor. Jack rocked on his heels and the man looked at him, confused. They reached the floor and both men stepped out. Pretending to go the opposite direction, he waited till the man wasn’t looking to sneak up behind him and wait for him to open his door. The door swung open and the man stepped inside. The doors closed by themselves, and it appeared the man was counting on that, since he didn’t bother to shut it behind him, allowing for his follower to sneak in. The man set a bag down and sat on the bed, white sheets shifting underneath him.
He slammed the door behind himself, making sure it was as loud as possible. The man spun around, eyes widened. A sinister grin found its way on Jack’s face, and he reached into his pocket.
“Who are you? How did you get in here?” the man questioned, clearly unnerved. A deep, almost animalistic chuckle rumbled through Jack’s chest.
“My identity is none of your concern, all you need to know is that screaming is strictly prohibited,” And he lunged.
You hum softly to yourself, daydreaming about nothing in particular. The ringing phone snaps you out of it and with a sigh, you pick up.
“Hello, this is [Hotel name]’s front desk attendant speaking,” You answer with fake cheeriness. They begin to talk on the other end. “Yes, of course, I’ll go tell him that you’ve called,” You hang up and check to see what floor the person they requested is on. With the information in your mind, you head to the elevator, getting in and pressing the button to said floor. It reached the floor in under a minute, and you step out, the click of your heels muffled by the carpet. You knock on the door. There is no response, so you knock harder. A scream erupts from inside, but it is quickly silenced. You fumble for the card you use to open the room doors and insert it, creaking the door open, taking in the horrid sight in front of you. You pale and the person in front of you freezes. You can’t help it, you scream.
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meganshinsou-tm · 5 years
Vermilion. (m)
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↳ chapter four: move in day
❧ genre:  pro-hero’s bakugou/kirishima, poly, happy ending
❧ chapter warnings: none
[multi-chap masterlist] [previous chapter - next chapter]
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You looked back into your apartment, devoid of all its furniture and decorations. It was a somewhat sad feeling, but you were more than ready to get out of the shabby place and start your next adventure.
“Alrighty mama, looks like we’re good to – uh are you okay?”
That cheery and raspy voice you’d notice anywhere came from behind you, making you turn around with a smile.
“I’m great Red, just saying goodbye to this dump.”
Kirishima smiled and nodded, wrapping an arm around your shoulder as he stood beside you; in return you wrapped an arm around his waist. “Well I’m ready when you are, Bakugou should be off work by now and waiting for us, so what do you say we go home now?”
You smiled at his words. Once you walked out of this apartment, a new adventure would begin as you would now share a home with your two closest friends which you were more than ready for. You finally looked up to Kirishima and squeezed his side, making him smile that sharp toothed smile that made his eyes crinkle.
“Okay Red, let’s go home!”
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You arrived at your new abode, a gasp escaping your lips and making Kirishima smile. You’ve never been to the pairs place before, so you didn’t know what to expect. They lived in a nice and upscale part of town in a quaint little neighborhood. Their home was two story and modern looking, it was beautiful. Much bigger than your little one bedroom apartment, so you weren't sure how you'd adjust to living in such a spacious home.
Kirishima got out of the moving van and walked over to your side, opening the door for you and taking your hand to help you down from the tall vehicle. Once you were on the ground, he went to release your hand but the second you felt him do so your fingers interlocked with his forbidding him to let go. He looked at you with a tilt of his head and a slight pink on his cheeks.
“I’m sorry, I’m just nervous for some reason,” you replied looking at your feet.
He smiled and squeezed your hand in his making you look back at him.
“Don’t be (Y/N), this is your home now and we’re gonna do everything we can to make you feel comfortable and get settled in! Now come on, we’ll show you around first then get to unpacking your things!”
He started towards the door and you followed along, not once did he let your hand go. Once inside the two of you found Bakugou sitting on the couch, going through his phone. He looked up to see you two hand in hand, and you swore you saw his eye twitch.
“Hey Bakugou, wanna help give (Y/N) a tour of the house?”
The blonde clicked his tongue and rose from the couch, agreeing to tag along.
The tour started in the living room, then into the kitchen. “You can just put the dishes you brought with you in the cabinets with ours. We also cleared out a drawer in the fridge and a shelf on the freezer side for you to use as your own. One of us will take you grocery shopping later okay?”
You smiled and nodded, going along as Kirishima lead you to the laundry room, Bakugou following closely behind with his hands in his pockets. In the laundry room Kiri showed you where all the detergents and products were located, which happened to be in a cabinet above the washing machine and it was way out of your reach.
“Uhm, guys I’m not giants like you!”
Bakugou chuckled behind you and leaned down to your level, placing his head on your shoulder. “Looks like we’ll have to get the baby a stool to use when we aren’t around Kiri.”
You narrowed your eyes at the blonde whose cheek was grazing yours. A smirk grew on your face before you turned and quickly licked his cheek making him jump back and growl. Bakugou wiped his skin clean with disgust, “You fucking little gremlin. Don’t forget I know where you sleep now!”
You threw your head back and laughed.
“Don’t threaten me with a good time Baka-gou,” you teased and winked at him. His eyes definitely started to twitch now and the two of you went back and forth at each other. Kirishima looked down and rubbed the bridge of his nose.
“I’m living with children,” he thought to himself and stood between you, hands waving. “Alright fam, break it up. Let's move on upstairs.”
You and Bakugou followed behind him, nudging each other with your elbows along the way as you walked up the stairs. You then came to a hall and stopped.
Kirishima motioned and spoke, “Down the left side is my room and bathroom, and on the other end is your room and Bakugou's room and your bathroom.”
Bakugou scoffed, “I didn’t agree to share a bathroom with this brat, it’s bad enough I have to be across the hall from her.”
You rolled your eyes, “I don’t have anywhere else to live, I don't have anywhere else to live,” you chanted over and over in your head.
“Okay then, I don’t mind sharing with her. It may be inconvenient to be at the other end of the hall, but what’s mine is yours mama!”
You smiled at the red-head, at least someone seemed happy to share a roof with you.
“Thanks Red, now where is my dojo!”
Kirishima chuckled and nodded at Bakugou, gesturing him to lead the way. The blonde let out a dramatic sigh and turned on his heels, walking towards your end of the hall and opened a door.
“Bakugou checked to make sure all the lights and electrical was still good, since no one has even stayed in this room. I’m sorry if it’s annoying but you have a skylight. If you want, we’ll help you put something up to cover it later.”
Kirishima and Bakugou both leaned on either side of the frame, letting you walk into the room and have a look around. The floor was hardwood, like the rest of the house, and the walls were painted an emerald green, it smelled fresh too.
“Did you guys paint in here?”
They both nodded, Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck and Bakugou looked anywhere but at you before he spoke. “I noticed that green was your favorite color and the walls were a head splitting white, so I fucking figured why not. Sorry if it still smells like paint.”
You smiled and nodded, looking around at the room again, “No, it’s fine. I love the smell of paint actually.”
The roof was slanted at an angle on one side on the room, and just like Kiri said, there was a big skylight window. It filled the room with lots of natural sunlight. You walked over and stood under it, looking up to see a clear view of the sky, it was beautiful.
“Don’t worry about this guys, it’s perfect! I’m gonna put my bed right here, I’m sure it’s breathtaking at night!” You mentioned, still looking up with a smile full of wonder.
The two men gazed at you, both with half smiles, thinking about how they could say the same about you. When you turned back around to see them staring at you, blush tinted your cheeks. You smiled though and crossed your arms behind your back, “So shall we unpack?”
After about 30 minutes, all your belongings were now in the house. Your two friends unloaded your bed and set it up for you, exactly where you wanted it, they unloaded your dresser and end tables too. You were now in your new room, unloading clothes into your dresser and closet, stocking your small bookcase, hanging up your pictures and posters, arranging and stacking your collection of figures, then moved on and made your bed. You plopped down on the cushion and sighed, looking up at the now red and orange sky as the sun was starting to go down.
A knock came at your door. You yelled for the person to come in, not once moving from your spot, eyes staying where they were.
“All settled?” Kirishima asked as he sat down on the bed beside you.
You turned your head to look at him and smiled. “Yes, I am. Thank you so much for your help Red. I really appreciate it!”
You sat up and faced your friend as you crossed your legs and held out your hand to him. He gladly took it in both of his, one of his thumbs brushing over your wrist. The simple gesture made you smile and had butterflies going crazy in your stomach.
The red-head was softly smiling as he looked at your small hand in his large one, he wasn’t complaining, he’s only ever wished to hold your hand in his for a while now and he loved how soft your skin was against his rough calloused skin. The more time he spent with you, the more he’d fall. When Bakugou told him about the problems you had been having he felt terrible and agreed with the blonde that you should move in with them. Kirishima saw where you lived and it was in a bad neighborhood. He never doubted that you couldn’t look out for yourself but it still worried him. Now that you were under the same roof as him, he felt relieved and comfortable, because now he and Bakugou could protect you.
You were looking at him with those wide eyes that became the one thing he looked forward to seeing every morning at work. It made him melt when you looked at him the way you did now. So sweetly and as if you share the same feelings he did.
“It’s nothing (Y/N) really. I look forward to you living with us and spending more time with you. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask!”
You nodded and took your hand back as you leaned closer towards him, practically on your hands and knees and placed a kiss on his cheek. Kirishima felt a blush spread across his entire face, matching the same vibrant color of his hair, butterflies fluttering in his stomach.
“Let me cook for you guys tonight! You both did a lot to help me move today, especially you. So I’ll make Bakugou take me to the store, I’m sure he’d love to!”
The red-head laughed and rubbed the back of his neck, “Okay mama, just try not to kill each other please!”
The two of you got up, Kirishima letting you know he was going to shower while you were gone, this time he kissed your cheek before turning and walking off. You smiled at him, humming with glee and skipping down the stairs to the living room to find Katsuki. He was back on the couch and watching TV, until he saw your frame walk into the room and looked over briefly before his eyes went back at the screen. You sat down beside him, your shoulder bumping into his and making him growl.
“What do you want?” He asked with a curled lip, his tone not matching his ‘don’t fuck with me look’ though.
“For you to take me to the store, I want to cook dinner for you two tonight.”
You were looking at him, but he didn’t bother to look at you as he made a face.
“Why do I need to take you? Make Shitty Hair do it, you seem to have him wrapped around your pretty little finger today.”
Bakugou practically hissed the words at you, there was a hint of jealousy and attitude in them. You pouted, looking down and rubbing your thumbs together.
“Well he’s taking a shower and I wanted you to take me, I have an idea of what foods Red likes, but not you. Plus, aren’t you the one that checked everything in my room and paid enough attention to me to notice what my favorite color was? I’d say maybe I have you both wrapped around my pretty little finger Suki!”
The blonde rolled his eyes, knowing he had been caught and that you weren’t exactly wrong, but he wasn’t going to show you that. His head turned, eyes falling on you still pouting … fucking cute, damnit. And that dumb name that came out of nowhere, it shouldn’t have had his heart doing so many flips.
“Tch, whatever, I still didn’t hear a ‘please’ in that request of yours!”
After saying that, Bakugou felt you nuzzle your head under his arms and your arms and legs wrapping around him like a koala. He looked to see your staring up at him, your lips slightly pouting and your eyes wide and soft. “Please, please, Suki!”
"Oh, that was a dirty move," that look, it was too much and he found it way too adorable. Once again, you had him under your spell, with those lips that were now pleading for him. He growled in defeat and wrapped an arm around your back and placed a hand on your leg wrapped around him, as he stood up with you still attached to him. You smiled at him and kissed his cheek, knowing that you had won. It took him by surprise and made his cheeks and ears turn pink, he wanted to be mad at you, but you were gleaming at him, how could he get mad at that?
“Fine you little gremlin, but only because I’m feeling generous today and I’m hungry!”
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Please read the disclaimer post before reading!
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Witness Protection - An Eyeless Jack x Female Reader fanfiction
Chapter one
The putrid scent of gas filled his nostrils, making him scrunch his nose in disgust. He always hated the highway, the loud noises, the smell of oil and the lack of trees to keep the sun out of his eyes. But as much as he hated it, he needed to be here. His next exit was almost thirty minutes away. His hands gripped the wheel, to the point that if his hands were of normal color, his knuckles would’ve gone white. He merged over to a new lane, where he would stay for the next half an hour. His gaze never wavered from what was in front of him, as usual. It was best if he didn’t look around, his large hood did well to hide the strange abnormalities that adorned his face when looked at from the side, but even a slight turn of his head would reveal his unfortunate features. His mask sat in the passenger seat, abandoned until he found a place to stay so that he could rest. Just because he was nocturnal doesn’t mean he could stay up all night. Typically, he’d hunt what he needed for the week and then head home where he could bunker down and sleep. He couldn’t do that now. The truck he drove was old and uncomfortable, and the last time he tried to sleep in it, he woke up sore in the back and with a kinked neck. He shuddered at the thought of sleeping in the clunky old thing again.
He swore his heart leapt when the exit ramp came into view. He could finally get off this godforsaken road. He turned off and drove onto the exit ramp, sighing as his senses cleared slightly. His’ eyes’ and such were still burning from all of the exhaust fumes. It was relieving that it was a short five minutes to get to the hotel from here. Five minutes passed and the hotel building came into view, its many windows bouncing light off of them and possibly blinding people below. Swiftly, he pulled into the parking lot and parked in one of the spaces. The engine’s noise died as he yanked the key out of the ignition and he leaned back in the seat. He shut his ‘eyes’, eyelids falling over empty space. It didn’t really bother him, he’d been without eyes for over a decade now. A heavy sigh left his lips and he opened his eyelids again, reaching over to the glove box and pulling out a large bottle of pills. Popping the cover off, he dumped one on his hand and took it dry, closing the plastic container and tossing it haphazardly into his backpack. He slumped in his seat and took a few deep breaths.
30 minutes pass of him just leaning back in his seat, eyes closed and breathing deeply. When he opened his eyes, the sun was slowly sinking. He brought his hands to his face and rubbed the corners of his eye sockets. Reaching up, he lowered the visor and looked at his appearance in the small mirror embedded inside. The man that stared back at him was unfamiliar. It’d been so long since he’d actually seen what he used to look like. He turned his head in different directions to make sure that all traces of grey had disappeared. Satisfied with the effectiveness of the pill, he crammed his mask into his bag and slung it over his shoulder, hopping out of the truck. He slammed the door shut and strolled to the entrance, throwing on a peaceful expression. The automatic doors whirred as they moved out of the way for him to step through. His footsteps fell silent on the carpeted floor, the rubber soles of his sneakers making no noise at all.
“Excuse me?” the lady at the front jumped in surprise. He forced himself to chuckle lightly. ‘Just act normal’ was all he told himself when it came to these things.
“Ah, yes, sorry, can I help you?” she apologized, looking up at his tall figure.
“Yep, Jack Nyras, checking in,” she nodded and he leaned on the counter, eyeing her slightly. ‘Too thin’ he thought, grimacing internally.
“Sir?” he looked her in the eyes, forgetting to put on the look he had before, leaving him with a bored expression.
“Hm?” She awkwardly slid the room card over, blushing heavily.
“You were staring…,” she murmured. He shook his head a little.
“Sorry, I zoned off,” she nodded, still looking uncertain. She handed him a small room key card and he took it, tucking it safely into the pocket of his dark jeans. Another woman came to the front and waved to the other.
“Is my shift over already?” the first raised an eyebrow. The newly arrived woman nodded. The first lady ran off and out of sight, leaving him and the new girl.
“Do you need anything else?” she asked sweetly. He stared at her for a moment, scrutinizing her appearance. She looked smart, or at least like she’d be able to know that something was up. Too thin for him, but the last bit of humanity in him told him that she wasn’t entirely useless to him. The thought made him internally sigh at himself. Fingers snapping in his face snapped him out of the trance.
“Sir, are you going to sit and stare or are you going to head to your room?” he blinked a little.
“Oh, sorry,” he scratched the back of his neck. “I’ll head to my room now,” she nodded, waving him off. He pressed the button for the elevator and waited, thinking to himself. ‘I might have to go out of my way to hunt tonight’ was definitely a thought that went through his mind. ‘I could try and get into someone’s room.’ He nodded in approval of his thought as the elevator dinged.
“Excuse me?” a rude tone snapped him out of his thoughts. He glanced up to see a man in a suit. He scanned the man over, going through a quick mental check-list and checking of all that applied. Target set.
“Oh, sorry, I’ll move,” he stepped to the side. The man grunted and headed towards the front door, dropping something on the way. The lady at the front desk jogged over in a pair of heels, stooping down to pick it up.
“Sir, you dropped this!” she called. The man turned around begrudgingly and snatched it from her rather harshly, mumbling a ‘thanks’ and walking away. She nodded and walked back to her position, frowning ever so slightly. Jack turned his attention to the elevator that was in the process of closing the doors. He quickly hopped in, pressing the button that lead to his floor. He leaned against the wall, exhaling. He was only on the third floor, so it didn’t take that long for the elevator to open its doors. Stepping out of the small box, he pulled his keycard out of his pocket, the room number written on the hard plastic. He looked around, easily spotting his room. Gripping the strap of his bag, he walked over to it, sliding the keycard into the slot and opening the door. The room was cool, the temperature change welcome in the late August heat. He still forgot why he insisted on wearing a hoodie after taking the meds. With a heavy sigh, he yanked off the thick black sweatshirt, his shirt riding up a little. He chucked the hoodie on the white sheets of the single bed, yanking his shirt back down with his free hand. He turned his attention to the window, staring at the sun as it slowly disappeared, being replaced with darkness. A quick shake of his head drove away his small trance. He unzipped his bag, pulling out a pair of clothes, stained with evidence of his last hunt. He grimaced and went to the laundry room down in the basement of the hotel.
He laid his clothes out on an ironing board, holding the laundry detergent he brought with him. Filling the cap with the liquid, he poured it on the articles of clothing and rubbed it on the stains, a trick he learned years ago. Satisfied with his work, he grabbed his clothes and threw them into the machine, going through the steps and heading back upstairs while it ran. The sky slowly began to go entirely black. Jack spent the time in between dusk and dark doing his laundry, and once he had folded them and shoved them back into his bag, he got ready for his hunt. He threw his hoodie back on, stuffing all of his supplies into the large pockets. He reached into the large backpack, pulling the navy blue mask out, running his gloved fingers over it. He slipped it on, adjusting it until any skin that once showed was no longer visible and then tugged his hood over auburn hair. He pulled his sleeve up a little, checking his skin tone. It was slowly changing back to grey, the color returning in thick tendrils. He pulled the sleeve back down and headed out of his room, on a direct route to the elevator. It made it to the bottom floor just in time for him to catch the man from before reentering the building.
Jack stepped out and then pretended he was just getting in. The man from before got in and pressed the button to his floor. Floor nine, the top floor. Jack rocked on his heels and the man looked at him, confused. They reached the floor and both men stepped out. Pretending to go the opposite direction, he waited till the man wasn’t looking to sneak up behind him and wait for him to open his door. The door swung open and the man stepped inside. The doors closed by themselves, and it appeared the man was counting on that, since he didn’t bother to shut it behind him, allowing for his follower to sneak in. The man set a bag down and sat on the bed, white sheets shifting underneath him.
He slammed the door behind himself, making sure it was as loud as possible. The man spun around, eyes widened. A sinister grin found its way on Jack’s face, and he reached into his pocket.
“Who are you? How did you get in here?” the man questioned, clearly unnerved. A deep, almost animalistic chuckle rumbled through Jack’s chest.
“My identity is none of your concern, all you need to know is that screaming is strictly prohibited,” And he lunged.
You hum softly to yourself, daydreaming about nothing in particular. The ringing phone snaps you out of it and with a sigh, you pick up.
“Hello, this is [Hotel name]’s front desk attendant speaking,” You answer with fake cheeriness. They begin to talk on the other end. “Yes, of course, I’ll go tell him that you’ve called,” You hang up and check to see what floor the person they requested is on. With the information in your mind, you head to the elevator, getting in and pressing the button to said floor. It reached the floor in under a minute, and you step out, the click of your heels muffled by the carpet. You knock on the door. There is no response, so you knock harder. A scream erupts from inside, but it is quickly silenced. You fumble for the card you use to open the room doors and insert it, creaking the door open, taking in the horrid sight in front of you. You pale and the person in front of you freezes. You can’t help it, you scream.
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pffbts · 5 years
hobi x y/n just sitting down and journaling together, whether it be digital journaling, pen to paper journaling, and filming a journal with me video together. ( this really is just for me to feed the y/n college life that I can only dream of)(tbh,its really hard to imagine hobi journaling, so maybe have him just looking at me journals?? looking at my old journals maybe instead of writing his own?? or maybe even being a brat and going off on how it doesn't help him and he thinks that its weird)
(cont.) + and like, continuing what i just wrote, maybe he’s reading my old journals and talking about the past me vs the present me??? ( I’m just giving u ideas I swear I’m not trying to direct u onto writing like a commission or some ish) 🙇🏻‍♀️
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GENRE. fluff; angst (minimal)
CHARACTERS. jung hoseok x reader | no supporting character.
W.C. 2K
AUTHOR`S NOTE. this is, at the end became a really cosy fic. i, though planned to write something energetically―maybe it`s because i was listening to this while writing, i ended up making a peaceful fic. anyway, thanks for sending in your idea, baby! and happy reading, bub!
LIYAN`S VERSION | the one who requested.
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[10:44 AM] [and, there will only remain the words we wrote.]
―beads of perspiration gather up across your forehead sticking your baby hairs against it in that annoying way as ever. but you had to finish your laundry, so you lift your laundry basket up in both of your arms and walked further away from your apartment and towards the destination.
hoseok had exactly ten minutes left before he arrives at your place from his quick visit at the dance academy but while on his way towards your place, he couldn`t pin out what came over his mind, he dropped by a stationery shop to buy some stickers because he knows you love them but you also love it the best when he buys them for you as a complimentary gift.
though his ways of telling you are very little and like flash before your eyes, you`re always quick enough to catch up on it. after all, you had your own ways of knowing him.
you witness the flush of the water inside the machine and the cup of coffee that you held in your hand remain tightly captured in your palm. you`ve always been a nervous wreck whenever you hold something in your hand. it`s strange how this might look really ridiculous to others but for you, this is the one thing you`re scared of and that`s letting go.
you feel the constant tapping of your feet and as you look at the clock on the wall and the spins of the machine simultaneously your mind goes back to that one place your person lives. you understand that you can`t wait to reach to him.
as you hear the sudden alarm of your laundry being finished, you jump from your seat, flipping the now empty cup in the bin next to you. crouching down in front of the machine, you pull out the washed clothes and settle them rather messily in the laundry basket. there`s a rush in your system and you could almost feel it reaching the tip of your fingers now. you watch the slight tremble of your fingers but chose to quickly rub it off you head.
no one knows apart from you that it`s been five months and finally you were having hoseok over at your place. when you had offered to visit him at his dance academy, he said not to worry about that and offered himself to come over at your place.
you smile at the casual remembrance and walk out of the laundry shop, your arms now filled with energy.
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hoseok, who has another set of keys jiggling happily in his jean`s pockets, took them out ever so carefully and used it to open the door of your apartment but was met with a sudden empty air when he realizes that you`re currently not at home. his eyes quickly shift to the brand new neatly white painted chair and table you had bought two weeks ago. you had sent him the pictures the moment you settled them in their current place, right at the front of the biggest window of your apartment.
he walks forward, taking out the stickers he bought while on his way here. some days he would end up buying a whole month`s supply of stickers for you and that someday somehow ended up becoming today. he knows already that you`re probably going to scold him as usual but that`s not the biggest issue here. he was getting worried where you would be at this hour. it is disgustingly hot outside and he hoped you`re wearing light clothes.
while he kept himself worried, he decides to revert his attention on the occupants of the neatly coloured table. the top of the table doesn`t look much neat in his eyes but it looks kind of aesthetic which hoseok didn`t complain about. he knows you`re a little messy so he keeps himself casual and doesn`t bring up his own neat freak from inside. he settles himself in the chair and picks up the journal that was closest to his reach.
seeing from a far, anyone can tell how much that table said about the owner herself. the flowers are fresh as usual, which means the owner changes it every day. the lampstand is clean as a white cream, the pencils, the pens, the markers, the highlighters, the thin ribbons, the gum stick, the whitener and last but not the least the still stocked stickers. each and everything was sitting in their designated place. if anyone wanted to know if the owner has a person close to her or not, they can look at the photo collage stand where polaroids of her and her person`s smiling faces are prominently visible. their happy moments are captured in time and though the time has frozen in that particular picture, the feelings inside those two humans grow with abundant depth.
it dawns upon hoseok how much he has missed you. when he traces the edge of the journal with his fingers, he dies to feel a little bit of your warmth against his own too. without another thought, he opens up the journal to the page you last wrote:
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[sunflower sticker] day 152 / time: 07:23 AM―first of all, today we`re going to use only sunflowers and if i run out of sunflowers we`ll use the sun because today hobi is coming back after five months!!! i missed him a lot [sad emoji] and i`m so happy that today he`s finally coming over. i don`t know why but i`ve a feeling that he`ll probably buy a bunch of stickers again. the weather seems better today. it`s been less gloomy and too much sunny. i hope it doesn`t become too hot later on. [three extra sun stickers]
[ten sun + two sunflowers stickers] time: 10:30 AM―TOO MUCH HOTNESS and i`ve too many laundries to do. ugh, [angry emoji] why didn`t i notice that i was piling up so much, maybe college was too stressful this week (?). it`s almost time and he`ll be here and i don`t want to get a nag from him because of how much messy and lazy i become when he isn`t here. anyway, it`s getting late. i should probably get down to business.
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so you must be at the laundry right now―
as hoseok`s realization dawns upon him, he hears the sound of the entrance door opening. he gets up immediately and pushes back the chair in its place.
“aaahhh for a second, i thought i didn`t lock the door!” you exclaim, putting down the laundry basket in the rack beside the washroom, “also―”
without realizing what happened in front of your eyes, you feel trapped inside the warm encasement of hoseok`s arms and chest pressing right against you. you try squinting your eyes open and your eyelashes were met with the slightly moist strands of hoseok`s hair. your fingers move to softly caress them. so, he`s really been growing his hair out. you feel him giving you soft pressed kisses against your neck and as you crane your neck a little to give him that extra access, he pulls his face away only to lean in and give you a kiss on your mouth. it`s like you had the fastest shift in your moods and you weren`t complaining in any way.
“hobi―” you try speaking only to be cut off as he gives another kiss at the corner of your lips, “no talking.”
“but―” he pulls you against him much more tightly before you could finish your second attempt at talking. right that moment you realize that you`re completely wrapped in his arms, he had completely captured you in the nest and you had no other way out but to finally return the gaze he has upon you.
“i saw you were reading my journal.” you say and almost thanked the heavens for not letting him stop your mid-start.
he nods his head slowly and pushes out his lower lip humming at you, “you were all sunflowers and suns today. care to give out the reason?”
“i was planning to but then i thought i will let you figure it out.” you shake your head with disapproval.
“oh, but baby i already got it.” and when he smiled like that, you felt like your heart collapse from the insides of your ribs and ended up at the pit of your intestines. your felt your neck heating up while you tried wiggling out of his grip.
this time, hoseok did let you out of his embrace and followed you as you sat down to write down the next update of your day`s whereabouts. as your hand reached for the pen, you saw a sandpaper bag sitting there when it wasn’t there this morning. you lift your head up to catch the anticipation filled eyes of hoseok.
“i―” i always tell you not to do this, you almost said your usual sentence but because you are seeing him after a long time and because of your inner anxiety for people and things leaving you behind didn`t work out on hoseok, you decided to vocally appreciate his effort of at least remembering your likes. “i`m glad you always do this for me,” you tangle your fingers with his slim ones, his veins providing the smooth crests and troughs against your skin and before hoseok see through your mind, you take his hand and lay them across your cheek, closing your eyes for a moment taking in that familiar sense of protection and warmth from him. “i`m glad you`re here again. i missed you a lot.”
when hoseok leans in and holds your face against his stomach, he caresses the top of your head.
“i missed you a lot too. i couldn`t wait to come back home and see you doing things you love, saying things that are on your mind, eating things you crave for, and mostly, i missed reading your daily journals. i missed living in your world.”
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later that afternoon, while you were lying down on your futon beside the table and reading the newly bought book after a heavy lunch date with hoseok, you watched him sitting at your place in the chair and with a heavily concentrated face he was taking one sticker out at once and pasting them on the sides of your writings, sometimes he was taking the markers to draw little lilies and sunflowers, sometimes he added little messages like reply here and there in-between your lines.
and, you, more than concentrating on the contents of the book in your hand or the interactions in-between the characters were mostly invested in observing the wonders that hoseok`s hands did and you were sure you felt tingles inside your chest when you saw him smiling that satisfied smile whenever he was happy with his input. his hair which has been growing out a lot faster these days gave him a casual and carefree look. his extremely loose white tee and his tightly fitted jeans gave him such a beautiful look, you thought how can a person look this ethereal without even giving any effort. also, the descending sunlight that covered the place where he sat. the fading sun illuminated and made his smile into a bigger picture.
you sigh and he catches that giving you smiling eyes before going back to doing what he was into. you stretch out your legs further and finally looked back at your opened book and dived in with the smell of happiness lingering in the air around you.
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buckysrighthanddoll · 5 years
Normal (Bucky Barnes)
After the snap is reversed, all you want is a normal day with Bucky.
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Normality was something that was rare. It felt as though every day was a new battle in an attempt to get over those who were lost to the snap, but now they were back. All of them. Including your Bucky.
It had been an incredibly long five years without him, but it was worth it to see him step through that threshold.
Today was the first day in a very long time that you got to wake up next to him. You hadn’t had him by your side in five years, and you missed him more than you had ever missed anything.
You couldn’t help but stare at him as he slept. He looked so tranquil under the morning sun. His arms held you to his chest as you stared up at him. It felt surreal to have him here with you.
“You’re staring,” Bucky muttered. You smiled, remembering how much you loved his morning voice.
“I know,” You said, reaching a hand up and cupping his face. He always loved it when you would run your thumb over his cheeks. He loved every single touch that you gave him. “It just feels so surreal,” You whispered.
“You coming on my run this morning?” He asked you.
You nodded your head, smiling slightly. “Wouldn’t miss it for anything.” The two of you went on your typical morning run. Bucky went easy on you since you hadn’t gone on a morning run in a long time.
When you got back to the house, Bucky went to shower while you started cooking breakfast. You made his favorite omelet and some bacon to go with it, humming as you did. His arms wrapped around your waist as you flipped the bacon, his head resting on your shoulder.
“That smells amazing, doll,” he said.
“Thank you,” You said, smiling. “Go sit at the table, it’s almost ready,” you added. He hummed an okay and gave you a small kiss before he went to sit down. You served the breakfast, pouring some milk to go with it.
You kissed his cheek as you handed him his plate and glass, sitting down next to him. He loved those little kisses and touches. They meant everything to him.
“So what’s today’s plan?” He asked.
“Who said we needed a plan?” You asked him. He furrowed his eyebrows at you, begging you to continue.
“You just got back, Buck. Let’s just have one day to ourselves,” you offered. He smiled at you--one of those smiles that meant nothing but happiness. It was pure and genuine, and it was your favorite.
“You’re the best, you know,” Bucky told you.
“Only for you,” you responded, smiling. It was all for him.
After breakfast, you decided to shower. When you got out, Bucky had a warm towel ready for you to use. You loved it when he did little things like that for you. He had music playing in the background as you walked out of the bathroom, the song “Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You” by Frankie Valli filling the area as he folded laundry.
You walked over to your phone and changed the song to “Fly Me to the Moon” by Frank Sinatra, pulling Bucky away from the clothes to dance with you. He lived for the smile on your face as he twirled you around the room, some of the lyrics falling off of your lips like sweet nothings. Bucky pulled you into his arms at the end of the song, lifting your face to capture your lips in a soft kiss. You giggled against his lips, making him roll his eyes playfully.
You sighed as he pulled away. “I have laundry to finish,” he told you.
“But you also have me right here,” you pouted. You both laughed at your childishness.
“Do you want to pick a movie for us to watch?” Bucky asked you as he finished hanging the shirts up. You nodded your head, moving to kiss his cheek. “I’ll be out in a few minutes,” he muttered.
You picked out some random Disney movie and made some popcorn, finishing right as Bucky walked into the living room.
Bucky held you closely as you watched the movie, smiling every time you sang along with the music. He watched you more than he watched the movie, admiring every bit of you. He adored the way your eyebrows were knit together in worry for the damsel in distress, the way your lips curled into a smile when she was saved, and the way you buried yourself further into him. He loved you so much, he wanted to settle down with you, he strived to make you happy. You were his everything.
“Baby, you’re not even watching the movie,” you said, looking up at Bucky. He smiled and leaned down, gently meeting your lips in the middle. You hummed happily against him, relishing in the kiss. You had missed this.
Both of you hardly watched the rest of the movie.
Steve had called at around 5 pm and asked the two of you out to dinner at a small diner, to which you said yes. Steve needed a break from helping to salvage parts of the compound, especially the time machine. He had told you and Bucky about what he wanted to do once he put the stones back. It made you sad that he was going to lead a totally different life without you or Bucky, but you were extremely happy that he was going to live a full and happy life with Peggy. You and Bucky wanted nothing but happiness for him.
The meal was amazing. The diner that Steve chose was founded in the 1930s, and according to Steve, the food had been phenomenal for as long as he had known. Bucky had agreed with him, and you were glad that they brought you here.
The three of you caught up on various things that happened while Bucky was away. Life was more than difficult for the Avengers, who had split during the five-year span. Only you, Nat, and Steve remained in the compound, and the three of you hardly saw each other except for maybe one meal a week when you’d force yourselves to socialize.
“(Y/N) was a mess, especially right after it happened,” Steve said.
“We all were,” I defended. Steve quirked an eyebrow at me, making me sigh. “Clint and I took it the hardest. He lost his wife and both of his kids, so I don’t blame him for leaving. But for me? I had no excuse. I lost you, and I honestly thought that I couldn’t carry on without you there,” you told him.
You and Steve got very close after the snap. You had both lost Bucky, and that was more than enough to send you spiraling. You both needed someone to lean on, and you both had many memories and stories to share about Bucky. It was only a matter of time before you and Steve became best friends.
“Well, I’m back now, so no more moping around,” Bucky said. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you into him, pressing a kiss to your hair. You smiled and placed a hand on his knee to squeeze it assuringly.
The dinner lasted almost three hours. It was 8:30 pm when you left the restaurant, leaving you and Bucky to just walk around the Manhattan area. You walked toward the direction of your house, but you took your time getting there. The city was pretty during the winter, especially once the sun disappeared beyond the horizon and the stars came out to play. Bucky had pointed out various constellations to you, making you smile up at him.
The house was warm when you got back, thank God--you knew that Bucky hated the cold, and he was restraining numerous complaints the whole walk back.
That night, you laid your head against Bucky’s chest, and you breathed in his sweet scent as you relaxed. It had felt so surreal to have him back after five years of pretending to lay next to him. He played with your hair while you fell asleep.
“I love you, Buck,” you muttered.
“I love you, too, doll,” he whispered, moving the hair out of your face and then pressing a kiss to your nose.
Normality was rare nowadays. You used to long for the days when Bucky would be back in your arms, and now he was. It didn’t feel real, but you didn’t care. You just wanted this one normal day with him.
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eerythingisshaka · 5 years
Death of a Bachelor
(Erik Killmonger POV)
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Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: sSmutSs, fuckboyness
A/N:  Possible new series?  So hear me out, this was inspired by the movie Alfie, the Michael Caine version is the only one I seen.  But Erik is going to experience four, maybe five women, each very different from the next.  He’s having fun with them but at some point he’s going to have to tighten up on some of his ways, whether it’s with a lucky lady from the five, or by his damn self.  I also just wanted to do a smut since I haven’t in a minute and no one is gettin any in my series’ (also I may have some residual hormones that I can’t work out right now because nature doesn’t want me to have any pleasure this week, so I’m getting it out here). The one time my mama asks me what I’m writing about and it’s THIS, smh. First POV of a character, so hopefully his spirit comes across here.
I swear God had a sense of humor making a nigga like me.  The average man woulda been shot his on brains out with the bullshit I have had to deal with in my life.  I’m not goin into all my childhood shit right now, that psychology and repressed emotions bull never rocked with me for real.  Nah, I’m talkin bout my life right here, right now.  People just won’t leave me the hell alone!
So boom, it’s like this.  I like to take care of myself.  I do my cardio every Monday, Wednesday, Saturday.   That can be runnin, boxin, some P90X or whatever the fuck to keep me on my toes.  I do weight training Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, doublin up when I feel like it with my cardio days; lightwork, you feel me?  All that to say ya boy is stacked.  You couldn’t put no more muscle on this 6’0 frame if you tried, took a damn long time but I finally got my shit filled out right.
And I’m proud of my shit, gotta double back by the mirror every so often just to catch myself lookin.  I ain’t narcissistic or nothin, but fuck you if you think I should be humble, I earned this.  
I say all that to say it’s funny how people think they entitled to your time just because you give em some dick every other visit.  Females will tell you different, but they just as thirsty as niggas these days.  I go out the gym, fresh from a shower in my wife beater and sweats, right?  I got my shades on cuz I’m not tryna socialize, just get my protein powder and jet.  
What they do?  Stare at me walkin past the produce section, holdin they bananas in a daze, fuckin me with they eyes!  On one hand, I’m cool with it, like I said I work for this body to be admired.  Bitches love feelin on my stomach and chest while I dig them out, clawing my back when my shit too deep for em.  But then I say good morning, and they ass wanna look at me funky and go about they business!  Like I bothered them with some eye fuckin!  Bitch if you don’t go on somewhere witcho thirsty ass!  Maybe my approach is off, but fuck that, I know what you were thinkin bout, and that don’t require much introduction to get to.
That’s a good sign for me though, cuz I know they gon run off to they little friends talking bout, “Girl, this fine ass nigga said Hi to me at the grocery store today.  Bitch, I hope I see him again, I might have to fuck him right on the tomatoes!”  I know them!  They act proud, but they don’t wanna come off hoeish.
Lemme see you be a hoe!  I cannot stress that enough!  There’s an artform to it though, don’t go comin up on me, rubbin my ass and whisperin in my ear (depends on the location and time of day though for that).  Shit, come up to me and say hi for once!  Being the aggressor gets tired after a while.  See, when a baby girl come up to me, smilin all confident and shit like she holdin the meanin to life between her legs, askin me who I am and what she wants, NIGGA!  You ain’t said nothin but a word, ma!
That’s how I got involved with this one girl, Venice, like that town in Italy.  She a real cute redbone, bout 5’5 wears these red bottom heels everyday (at least she has em one whenever I see her...never takes em off).  She work as a paralegal, so she gotta wear blazers, skirts, or pantsuits, which I don’t always find sexiest but the way she gets em tailored to her body, whew man, it’s almost porno levels of ridiculous but that’s just cuz how thicc she is.  Bitch can’t help it!
I go to this deli shop on lunch sometimes and she was in line with her phone glued to her eyeballs, so I knew she wasn’t wantin to be fucked around with.  I respect a woman’s boundaries, you ain’t gotta tell me twice to go the fuck on somewhere.  But tell me why when I’m pickin up pastrami on rye, ready to smash that thing I hear her behind me talkin bout, “I took you as more of a footlong type of guy.”  If that ain’t no damn innuendo I don’t know what the fuck is.  I’m lookin at her like she gotta be jokin, but damn her with that fuckin smile.  She smelt good too, like coconut and fresh laundry, she was clean clean.  She tried to hide her lil joke talmbout “I meant you so look like you workout, your meal just don’t match the appetite I envisioned.”  So I ask her if she been envisioning in more ways than one and that got her cackling real quick, touchin on me like we old classmates reuniting.  Long story short, we exchanged numbers and I get a text at the end of the day askin me to pull up to her job and next thing I know, we fuckin on her desk.  She loud as fuck too.  The building seemed like it was cleared out but damn, the police coulda been called for all she was doin.  The pussy was fire though, almost had me losin my shit.  She keeps it clean, except for some hair across the top of her pussy like a toupee.  She likes to ride it though, that probably has to do with her profession, wantin power over people.  Soon as she start cummin though, she a damsel in distress needin her Superman to finish things off.
So I been fuckin with her for a little over a month now.  It’s real causal, we meet more after dark than in the daytime.  It’s fun, I ain’t had to jackoff too much cuz she seems to work with my shit like  circadian rhythm or whatever.  Soon as I felt my shit gettin hard, my phone light up.  
Tonight wasn’t no different.  I was working out late that night, finishing a couple of miles on the treadmill when a notification interrupts my music.  I look at my phone and it’s a picture of her hand spreading her pussy lips out.  Damn, purple and pink were my favorite colors.  I had to hit the emergency stop so I didn’t bust my face on the machine.  I let her know I would be there in a hour, she says to make it 30 minutes.
This is when I have a problem with her, she think she run me!  If I tell her I can’t come today, she says she can help with that.  I tell her I’m tired, she say I don’t have to do shit but lay there.  I was outta town once, and she still not satisfied until I get her on FaceTime so she can see me jackoff while she play with herself.  If it didn’t turn me on so damn much, I’d drop her for good.  
So, after I shower and start heading to my car, she text me with this address I don’t know.  When I Googled, it led me to some condo on the other side of town.  I asked her what this was about and the bitch left me on read.  Fuck outta here with that shit.  I ain’t Scooby Doo, and I don’t feel like solvin mysteries.  Fuck I look like?!
But my dumbass follows the scent of hot n ready pussy soon as it pops up, so I go and whatever.  Place look like the fuckin Powerpuff Girls live here, doin the absolute most for one woman to be livin in by herself.
When I go knockin on her front door, it just opens on its own like a haunted house.  I peek in, bout to call her lame ass for tellin me an address I don’t know about, tryna get a Black man killed, I hear her voice.
“Come on in, baby.”
I stepped my ass in there real slow, checkin my peripherals until I saw her sittin on the couch in some see through robe lookin at her fireplace.  I coulda busted concrete with the hard on I got lookin at her.  Those titties, nigga, sittin up under her chin practically, just overflowin she so big.  
“What’re you standin there like you seen a ghost.  Come sit like you got some kind of sense.”
“What you got the front door open like that for?”  I asked her, sittin next to her.
“I knew you were coming by.  I don’t feel like getting up if I don’t have to.”  She takes a bottle of Hennessy from the table in front of us and pours two glasses, handing me one of em.
I take a sip, nursing my drink.  “You tryna be a pillow princess tonight or sumthin?  Wantin me to do all the work?”  I asked her.   I couldnt help but reach out to feel that ass through her robe but she smacked my hand.
“Not like that, Erik!  I want you to finish that drink, and maybe another.  I want to be entertained a little more than usual tonight.”  She knocked back her drink quicker than a jackrabbit on a date.  She set her drink down, scooching over closer to me.  I couldn’t keep my eyes off them damn titties!  She started rubbin the inner part of my leg and I took the Henny down, you feel me!  
She poured me another drink and started talkin all general about my day and shit.  I wasn’t giving her nothin but one word answers cuz I was startin to get a lil lit off of the drink and she kept playin in my hair, kissin my neck and shit.  I was tired of tellin her to chill out with alldat cuz I damn sure was ready to teach her ass some fuckin manners.
So I grab her thigh and pull her big ass over my lap, giving them cheeks a Jaws of Life-ass squeeze.  I heard her gasp from my strength, she love that shit.
“Erik, hang on-”  She try and say but I ain’t wantin to hear her mouth.  I slip my hand in her panties and started washing my hands, her shit was like a faucet with that drip.  I knew she was ready, think she playin with somebody.
“Fuck a ‘hang on’.  Hang on these nuts, what you finna do.”  I was bout to be in my element!  Pussy poolin and I was finna dive, my nigga!  Next thing I know my hair gettin pulled and yanked backward, hurt like a muthafucka.
“Damn Venice!  What the fu-”
She took my hand and licked them off all slow.  I felt her tongue dancing on my fingertips before she pinned my hand back.
“I really, really, love it when you’re rude, Erik.  I do!  But when I tell you to hold on, you say ‘yes ma’am’, remember?”
She pullin that dominance shit again.  I ain’t on no punk shit, let the record show.  But if this moves things along, then, “Yes ma’am.”
Then the damn doorbell rings!  “Finally!”  Venice gets up for the door, walkin all fast.
“Who the fuck are you expectin?”  I’m gettin loud with her cuz I didn’t sign up for none of this shit.  I was supposed to soak my wood and dip, she be extra but this on some other shit.
She turns around and puts her a finger to her mouth at me before opening the door.  Some blonde girl comes through the door sayin Hi and huggin Venice like this a tea party.  So, I’m sittin on the couch waiting for them to finish and her to leave, but Venice walks Jennifer Lawrence lookin clown into the living room.
“Erik, this is-”
“I don’t need to know her name, I need to know when she leavin.”  I’m heated!  My dick gettin soft by the minute, but Venice and her friend is unphased.
Venice starts playin in her hair and they start gigglin.  “She’s here to keep us company.  She’s fun, I think you both would do well with each other.”
Nigga, when she said this, I wondered if she spiked my damn drink or some bullshit.  “I don’t associate with white folks Venice, stop wastin my time so we can do what I came over for.”
“That’s why Abbigayle is here!  She wanted to meet you and-”
“You tellin bitches about me?  Talkin behind my back?!  I ain’t a damn gossip topic, fuck is your problem!  I don’t fuck white bitches either, so you can just step ABBA!”  I was ready to pack my happy ass up and go.  Too many females on this planet to be strung up on one dummy.
“ERIK!  I’m not going to be interrupted again!  You’re making me lose my patience, that isn’t going to go over well for you.  Be nice!”
I said already I ain’t no punk, right?  And I meant that shit.  But I ain’t never one to fuck up a good time, fuckin is fuckin, so let’s just see what happens.  “Yes ma’am.”
Venice liked that, she instantly walked all slow and sexy over to me tellin me good job and shit, kissin on me.  For a second I forgot about Abracadabra but then I feel an extra pair of hands at my lap and I see her unbuttoning my pants.  Venice tooks my face back to look at her; she is really fuckin beautiful, I can’t even lie on that.  Her lips felt like when you ain’t had Starburst in a while, and the first one in the line is a Pink or a Red, nigga her lips juicy as fuck and I didn’t want her to stop puttin em on me.  
So we makin out on the couch and Abacus got my dick out and starts lickin and kissin my shit like it’s a damn bomb pop.  That’s cute and all if I rock with you, but if I don’t know you like that?  You just playin, show me what the hell that mouf do so I can hae somethin to talk to the homies bout later.
Venice gets off the couch and sits across the room in a chair, leaving her leg over the arm so her legs are spread out.  I finally was gettin hard again, poor Abilify probably thought I was gettin there from her hen peckin round my shaft.  Nah, I couldn’t hold back seeing Venice sittin there like she ain’t give an entire fuck that some random bitch was suckin my dick!  Like, she ain’t been shy about what she likes in the bedroom but fuck, this was some new shit she pullin out on me.  
When Venice took off her bra to let them titties hang on her stomach, I was about to lose my damn patience.  I look down and Albuquerque and decide she needs some instruction on what to do when you got dick in your mouth.
“Open ya mouth up.”  I told her, pulling her hair back to hold it behind her head.  Soon as she does I pump my dick all into the back of her throat.  She start hittin that gag reflex just right and then I let her breathe while she coughs and wipes her mascara down.  I look over at Venice who has a slick smile on her face, nodding at me to continue.  When Abomasnow started bobbin on my dick again, she was two handin my shit right?  Venice brought a real lazy ass to this party.  So I popped her face tellin her to take it deep.  White girl was a trooper, I give her that.  She barely got it halfway in before she started to gag, so I held her down just to make sure she wasn’t playing.
Lookin over at Venice, now she all relaxed, panties to the side with two fingers diggin herself out.  She was bitin her lip tryin not to cum, she bet not either.  With her full attenion I let her friend breathe again before I made her face my playground, fuckin the shit outta her throat.  I tried my best to imagine it being Venice’s pussy like she probably wish her fingers were me.  I couldn’t take no damn more.
I pulled out of Arby’s and strolled my ass on over to Venice, ready or not.  Venice wasn’t fightin though as I picked her up under them thick ass legs while she held onto my shoulders.  I guided her onto my Johnson and slid right in that bitch like it was nothin.  She was so damn wet for me, and her face said it all that she was finally gettin what we came there to do.  Venice pussy reminded me of when you just sat down after bein up on your feet all day and you feel like your heart is beatin in your soles when you get them propped up but it’s so damn better than gettin back up again.  Venice knew how to tease me, and that shit was torture, but fuck if that release ain’t sweeter for it.  Kissin on her lips while she breathin on me kept me goin, so I put her down turned her around by the fireplace.  I picked her leg up and back and got right back in that pussy.  This was my favorite position, cuz she felt tighter from behind, and she screamed louder too.  Singing my name out like a gospel, cussin me out so much it almost hurt my feelins.  Almost.  
I almost forgot about her friend, til I felt a ticklin on my balls and there was Abscess tryna feel a part of this too, lickin my nuts and Venice’s pussy when I was slammin too hard in them cheeks.  It was whatever though, cuz not a damn thing was bringing me out of her til I was through.  
While I’m holdin Venice’s titties bouncin round, I felt myself gettin close, but that wasn’t happenin here, not like that.  So I pull out of Venice, almost kickin Albany in the face and take her chair spot.
“Lemme fuck them titties real quick.”  Venice gets between my legs and wraps them tig ol bitties round me, holdin them in place.  Ma had my dick CREAMY, I didn’t even notice til then, she was cummin harder than a muthafucka.  Venice friend helped keep her hair back, encouraging her with some “Go girl, get that cock baby!”  type of Bring It On like nonsense.  This ain’t no damn pep rally, fuck is you doin?  Me and Venice were in our own damn world anyway, watchin her tongue hang out to catch my tip when it poke from her cleavage made me mad.  She knew what the fuck to do, and I can’t stand it!  Nigga, that nut was so long and hard, it could break steel, but it painted her face like a damn masterpiece, stickin on her eyelashes and shit.  What the fuck she get for makin me work so damn hard.
With all that, her friend was pretty chill by the outcome.  “Damn, Venice, you weren’t lying at all.  Shits real!”  givin Venice a high five while I pulled my pants up and she wiped her face.  
“Right?  Told you!  Ok guys, I have to get some rest so just see yourselves out.  We should do this again!”  
I just knew she wasn’t talkin to me, but she really was walkin up her steps to her room like we were her employees clockin out.  
I asked her, “Aye, Venice!  This how you treat guests in your house!”  
“You ain’t gotta go home, Erik, but you have got to get the hell outta here before my husband gets home.”  Venice said with a flick of her wrist.  Bossy ass bitch!  
Me and Abbreviate walk outside and I just had to ask her somethin for what just happened.  “Do y’all do this a lot?”
She just shrugs.  “Sometimes, but I don’t say yes to every invitation.  You just sounded too promising.”
I nodded, confused as hell, but flattered.  “Right.  And how y’all know each other?”
“I’m a colleague.  Worked on a case together and got a little closer than necessary.  Been a good friend since.  Take care of yourself, Erik.”  She gets in her car and that was that on that.  
When I head to my whip, I get a text notification.  I just knew it was Venice asking me to come back or at least a thank you.  But no this time it was my other situation, Genesis.
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sawyer-smith · 5 years
September 9th, 2019
Today has been a series of technological mishaps that have each primed me for suicide in their own special way. I have to rant about this, apologies.
It started with my not being able to tell the time upon awaking. I glared at the clock on the microwave. 2 in the afternoon? That can’t be right. Someone had forgotten to clear the timer. A minor issue, but a bad omen of what was to come.
When I arrived at class, I found my internet wasn’t working. I had meant to submit my work for class the night before, but it slipped my mind. This meant I had to send it in before class started, but with the internet on the fritz I was pretty much completely fucked. I would have to plug my computer into the monitor when it came to be my turn to present. Lo and behold, it wasn’t working. Who’d have thunk. I explained the situation to my professor and he was thankfully understanding, but the whole thing was so embarrassing. I looked like an idiot in front of my whole class.
Worst part is, no one else seemed to have issues with their internet. I put in the correct username and password countless times, I tried all sorts of variations, but to no avail.
After class, I went to Target to pick up a few things. A giant pack of toilet paper, some tide pods for laundry later in the day, and the thing that made me regret getting out of bed: a 12 pack of Dr. Pepper. I genuinely don’t know what came over me. I had not gone in planning to buy it, yet here I was. The walk home was a goddamn nightmare. Constant fear that my arms would collapse, and I would drop everything I was carrying. Too fucking heavy.
When I got home, I figured I would do my laundry. I was running low on clothing, so now was as good a time as any. I brought my bag of clothes down to the basement and encountered the row of machines whirring and shaking violently. I had to buy a card that would grant me access to one of the machines. Fair enough. Here’s the thing: you need exactly $5 to get a card. Not in singles, mind you, how on Earth could the machine process 5 singles? Are you insane? No, you need a 5 dollar bill. Anything else and it would spit your money back out at you with disdain.
Alright, so I’ll get some change. No big deal. It’s fine, I’m fine.
I go out and buy a couple snacks from a nearby deli and get $5.23 in change. Fairly simple. I returned to the basement and purchased a card. Success! I brought my clothes over to one of the machines and began to fill it. I closed the door on top and inserted my card. 0 available it said. While it seems fairly obvious to me now, I had no idea what that was supposed to mean. I kept pulling out and reinserting the card like a fucking asshole. The place was filled with people who knew what they were doing and not wigging out.
Eventually I figured it out. I needed to add funds to the card. It seems that buying it doesn’t actually put anything onto the card. 5 dollars gets you the card itself, not 5 dollars worth of credit for the washing machines. Alright, well, I was out of cash at this point. Guess I’ll haul my clothes back upstairs and take care of it when I have some money. 
Onto my next class. I tried to put this all behind me and just not think about anything for a while. I really enjoy my Experimental Game Narratives course, so I figured it would be a nice way to keep my mind off of the horrors of the day. Of course, the monitor wouldn’t work, which had us spending a solid 30 minutes of class trying to figure it out. It felt like a total waste of time. It’s a good thing I like that class.
Afterwards, I figured I should stop by the bank to get some cash for the washing machines. This should be easy, I just go in, set up at the ATM, and retrieve my hard earned dough. Of course the fucking thing doesn’t work. Why would it work? Why would anything work? I try both ATMs in the lobby, nothing. Teller’s desk is closed, so I’m shit outta luck. I decided I would just stop in some convenience store and use the ATM there. Ultimately it wasn’t a huge deal, but it was certainly frustrating.
So, tired and hot, I returned to my room. I just wanted to lie down in an air conditioned space and relax for a little while. I inserted my key card into the handle, and (no points for guessing what happened) I get a blinking yellow light. I had been locked out of my dorm. What a mess. Thankfully it wasn’t too much of a hassle to get my card reprogrammed. Just had to go down to the student help center and have them rejigger it.
This whole saga concluded with me successfully loading the washing machine and getting it to run. I write this now with about 10 minutes left to go in the cycle. Hopefully the dryer decides to work when I load my clothes there.
What did we learn from this? A series of minor inconveniences absolutely sapped my (already quite low) lust for life. I’m worn out, and I just want to eat. Maybe I should have waited to write this once the day was truly over, but I’m just fed up. I feel like such a loser for writing such a long post about all of this shit, but it really got to me. I feel awful. 
All that being said, I love you with all of my heart. Keep on fighting.
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Pcos, an ovarian mass and laparoscopic surgery Part 2, operation to 4 weeks after
Part 2
I wasn’t asked to do anything special pre-surgery to make the surgery any easier, except no eating/drinking after midnight.  I still went ahead and ate lightly the day before, tried to keep it to mostly liquids so that my bowels would be smaller and more out of the way, but again, it wasn’t necessary, just what I felt would be better.
The surgery: Jan 28th
I had read so many accounts I was horrified that the laparoscopic removal would fail and I would need to be cut open hip to hip. Of course they had to have someone there to drive you home, so I brought my mother and step-father.  The pre-surgery was the same for anything else, height and weight asked/checked.  They did an ekg to check my heart was ok for surgery, ran through the 100 odd questions of allergies, a urine test to make sure I wasn’t pregnant, pertinent medical info, yada, yada, placed an iv.  Asked me if I had stomach upset/acid reflux (I do/did) so they gave me some iv pepto (their words not mine lol). Surgeon came in to “pep talk” us through the procedure. Then the interminable wait to be wheeled in to surgery.  On the way, I was stopped at a nursing station for the anesthesiologist to give me a shot (he told me what it was for, I’m sorry, it’s a blur now). In the surgical suite they literally wrapped my upper torso up like a burrito.  They told me it was to keep me warm, but I can almost guarantee it was to keep me from twitching and messing with the machinery while they were messing around in my abdomen.  Anesthetic and a few deep breaths later I was being wheeled back into my room post-surgery.
Here things get SUPER foggy.  I don’t remember much but feeling rushed out of the hospital.  It probably took a LOT longer than I feel like it did, but I was literally falling asleep on myself the whole time, so big chunks of time are missing during this period.  I barely remember getting dressed, except I had to have my mother help me, because I couldn’t bend over to put my pants and shoes on. This is one of the first times I have EVER been super happy they had a wheelchair for me, because I never would have made it out otherwise.  They warned me I may bleed, because whenever you mess with the reproductive system, it tends to kick up a fuss.  There may also be pain in your upper arms and back if any gas is not removed.  I had none.  My obgyn said if this happens, try to lay on an incline with your feet elevated, head down, to move the gas away from the diaphragm, which causes the pain.  But again, I got lucky, I had none.  And yes, they did shave my abdomen, sorry guys whoever did it, blame the pcos for the hair!
What they do during this surgery is make a few small incisions in your abdomen (for me it was three), one in the upper end of my belly button, one on each side of my abdomen, several inches above the hip.  They blow air into your abdomen to expand it so they have room to move around and then use a machine with small arms and rods with cameras and surgical tools to operate inside of you so they don’t have to cut you open too far.  It’s much less invasive and patients heal faster.  In my case they also took samples of the fluid filling the mass before removal and tissue samples of the mass, ovary, etc to check for cancer (came back negative).  They also took a look at the left ovary, it’s pretty bad, I have the pics to prove it.
For the rest of the day after surgery I was in very little pain.  My stomach was extremely shrunken in from the compression caused by the air.  I’ve never been that skinny and probably won’t again lol.  The incisions were covered in surgical glue.  I slept off and on most of the day, trying to get over the anesthetic.  The next day is when the pain kicked in.  Woah buddy.  I was heavily bruising, the swelling began, I was incapable of bending, pulling/pushing, taking a deep breath, laughing, coughing, sneezing.  You’d be surprised how much you use your abdominal muscles, whew!  I did not have any bleeding until I was using the bathroom, twisted to get the toilet paper (bad mistake!) heard/felt a tiny pop internally and then woosh, it started.  It was scary/bad enough I almost called the obgyn, but the paperwork assured me bleeding was normal, and I wasn’t bleeding enough according to the paperwork to call, so I gave it a day, and it did get lighter and lighter over the next few days and stopped.
In addition to the pain from the actual surgery site(s) my uterus decided to go into panic mode and cramp like hell for about a week.  I have NEVER been more glad for narcotics.  I took those for about 2 weeks before going back to the motrin I had been on for kidney stone pain.
What I was NOT prepared for was the sudden smack-down by my emotions.  I swear my hormones were in crazy flux. By week 2 I was crying over stupid things, moody, angry, it took about a week for all of that to clear up, ugh.  Still don’t know if that was because of the ovary removal, or because of pcos. I went through everything from crying they wouldn’t take my left ovary, to crying that it was necessary to have the right removed (which logically I know is ridiculous, because I don’t want kids (re: hereditary fun stuff I’d rather not pass on, also being ace plays into that, but that’s another story for another time).  Also, having to sit and sleep in awkward positions was horrible.  Made my back ache.  Sitting up is murder after having an ovary removed because it causes groin pain.  Laying flat all the time causes your back to ache.  I found a semi-reclined position that I sat in for over two weeks that worked for me, but my best advice is: use pillows, get creative.
Also, constipation is a thing. Your bowels will need some time to decompress, laxatives help.
Expect weird random twinges of pain. It's caused supposedly by your nerves healing. It's a thing. It's ridiculous.
I was so expecting to jump up and get gong a few days after surgery.  The first week I mostly slept.  It took me at least 2 weeks to start feeling better.  3 weeks to feel almost normal.  Over 4 weeks now and I still have pain in my groin if I sit too long.  Turning/twisting still pulls in my right side and groin and surgery sites.  Bending is STILL hard, bending to pick something up: PLEASE be careful.  Still not attempting to pick up heavy stuff.  Squatting is a little easier, but not ideal.  I still find engaging my core (abdominal muscles) to push/pull/pick up heavy items is still a challenge, and will cause squeals of pain from my surgery sites.  My abdomen swelled quite large, especially around the incisions.  Conversely, where they removed the mass sunk in.  My stomach is only now starting to “deflate”, so slowly.  For a week after surgery, I didn’t eat much, then I was ravenously hungry for about 2 weeks.  Externally the glue started to fall off almost a week after surgery.  The incisions weren’t even healed yet, caused me to get quite worried, but at the post op visit with the obgyn, she assured me this was normal, and they’d close over time.  The did leak, and were filled with white granulomas (white blood cells) which looks like pus, but isn’t.  The middle one’s glue popped and bled, filling my belly button with blood, but the glue still hasn’t entirely broken loose on that one, though by week 2 the other surgical glue had fallen off.  Check with your surgeon if you’re worried, but again, this all seems normal at this point.   At 4 weeks , the incisions are still not entirely closed up.  I have been covering them with bandages to help keep out bacteria and minimize rubbing from clothing.
PAJAMA BOTTOMS ARE YOUR FRIEND.  Also elastic waistbands.  It took me over 3 weeks to even try on a pair of jeans, and they still have the tendency to rub right across those incisions and the button to poke the incision in my belly button: not fun.  Today was the first day I didn’t feel discomfort wearing jeans while standing, sitting on the other hand...
I was also not prepared for the general weakness.  Without engaging your core, your limb strength just does’t cut it, lol.
Walking helps.  Seriously.  Don’t do like I did and try the whole 30 mins thing 2 weeks out of surgery.  Try 10 mins at a stretch after a couple weeks.  Then, walk 2 10 minute stretches during the course of the day.  Then 3 10 minute stretches or increase the time in the other split portions. If you feel pain, stop, don’t push yourself because you want to get better all at once.  I’m still not 100% back to normal activity, and I read it can take up to 12 weeks to be to that stage.
Tips/tricks to prepare:
If you have pets/children: if you can afford it, make sure you have a supply on hand for at least 3-4 weeks of food, litter, whatever.  Anything heavy you may need to lift is going to be impossible, especially if you don’t have help.
Try to see if you can get someone to help you if possible.  Trying to walk your dog or clean litter boxes, or care for small children is going to be very difficult for a while.
Be prepared to not be able to lift very heavy things, push/pull open heavy doors.  My discharge paperwork said not to even lift a full gallon of milk/water, and trust me, for the first week or two, it just ain’t happenin’
Listen to your body.  It will tell you when to stop.
Buy some laxatives for post-surgery constipation.
Buy some pads/panty liners for post-surgery bleeding.
Get your laundry done before surgery, you’re not going to want to do it for a while.  Wash small loads after surgery, laundry is heavy, don’t strain yourself.
Buy some meals you don’t have to cook (think something you can slap in the microwave or oven for a few minutes and be done, or sandwich material, cereals, etc.) Standing up and cooking is going to be difficult for a while.
Be prepared to have family members (especially the males), act like you should be over it in no time. Especially with “3 tiny cuts”.  They don’t understand that there’s a lot of complicated healing going on below the surface that can’t be seen, not that that’s any excuse for being an unsupportive douche.
Just don’t push yourself to be better all at once, even if family/friends insist you should be “over it by now”.  There’s a mini tornado of healing happening inside you, let it do what it needs to.
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marvelousbirthdays · 6 years
Happy Birthday, stillwatersnarwhal!
June 30 - Wintershock, something cracky-fluffy with a side of smut maybe with separate personalities for the Winter Soldier/Old Bucky/New James and they all adore Darcy, for @stillwatersnarwhal
Written by @ibelieveinturtles
AN: I didn’t quite get to anything smutty but I hope you enjoy this!
 Darcy and Jane had been at the new Avengers compound for less than an hour when the emergency alarms began screaming.
At the time, they were crossing the grassy area between the science block and the main building, on their way to the first part of their safety induction.
They both came to a standstill and stared, first at each other, and then around them. No one else was in sight and as the alarms continued to blare their warning they were at a loss as to what to do.
“Is there somewhere we're supposed to go?” Darcy asked, head twisting and turning to try and see if there was someone they could follow.
“Oh, shit,” Jane breathed, staring at something behind Darcy. “Run?”
As Jane turned and bolted, Darcy turned to see what had spooked her friend.
Stalking across the grass was an ominous figure, dressed in black from head to toe - apart from the left arm, which had some kind of metallic armour on it - hair hanging loosely across its face, and carrying something that Darcy immediately classified as ‘holy fucking shit that's a big gun.’
She took a slow step backwards, knowing she should be at Jane's heels but mesmerised by the unexpectedly sexy strut the dude had going.
“Darcy, what are you doing?” Jane screamed as she rattled the door handle of the building she'd reached.
The man paused, head swinging to look at Jane, then adjusted his trajectory and began moving towards the diminutive scientist.
“Oh, shit,” Darcy whispered to herself as she finally broke out of her daze.
“Hey! HEY!” she screamed, waving her arms in the air. The man glanced over briefly but continued on his path as Jane battered away at the door.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit,” Darcy chanted to herself. “What do I do? Gotta distract him, gotta keep Jane safe.” Without thinking, she started running towards the intruder, screaming at him to try and gain his attention without any luck.
And then, with only a few feet left between the three of them, an idea popped into Darcy’s head.
She dove in between Jane and the man, and with a deep breath (and a moment to wish she'd had more than an old worn out wirefree sleep bra to wear today because they hadn't been able to do laundry for a week), pulled her shirt up just as she heard the distinct sound of the door opening behind her, and Jane’s small gasp of surprise.
The man stopped, his eyes dropping down of their own accord, clear surprise written all over his face as Darcy presented him with her finest assets.
The sirens stopped screaming, leaving a ringing in Darcy’s ears, along with the kind of silence you only get when people can't find words.
She glared at the intruder over the hem of her t-shirt and waited for his eyes to find her face again.
“OhmygodDarcy. What in the Nine Realms are you doing?” Jane hissed after a tension filled minute.
“Distracting him, Jane. What does it look like?” Darcy hissed back, maintaining eye contact with the man, who had lowered his gun, raised his eyes, and was now meeting her gaze with an intense look. “Why are you still here? Go! Now!”
“I don’t think that’s necessary, Darcy,” Jane replied wearily. “You're flashing half the Avengers!”
“Really?” she exclaimed, trying not to sound too proud of herself.
She broke eye contact to look quickly from side to side, and yep. Jane was right.
Captain America and Falcon, were standing on either side of the man in black, each with a hand on one of his shoulders.
Darcy lowered her t-shirt. “Huh. Well that’s something else I can cross off my bucket list,” she said, winking at the man in black before she turned to give Jane a high five.
“Come on, Jane. We’ve got a safety induction to get to.”
“Well. That wasn't how I was expecting the drill to go,” Steve said as the two women disappeared through the door.
“It was a bit of a bust,” Sam agreed.
“What's a bucket list?” the Soldier asked.
Jane and Darcy spent the next few days settling in to their new digs, grateful that it also included the fanciest laundry room either of them had ever seen.
Darcy was relaxing in the common area after a particularly stressful day of unpacking and rebuilding when someone sat heavily on the couch next to her. She looked up, startled, to see the familiar blue eyes of the man in black twinkling at her. Bucky Barnes. The Winter Soldier. (He’d been on the list in their safety meeting. She’d been mortified when she’d realised who she’d exposed herself to, but more embarrassed about the horrible bra she’d been wearing. After all, who really wants to flash their oldest, saggiest, most stained bra at a Hero?)
“Hi,” he said.
“Hi,” she said back.
“You know, no one’s ever flashed the Winter Soldier before,” he said conversationally. “I can’t decide if it was very foolish or very inspired.”
“Uh. Well, it worked, so... I’m gonna go with inspired,” Darcy responded. “I’m glad you appreciated it?” She cringed internally as her voice turned the statement into a question.
“Oh, he appreciated it,” the man replied, grinning widely. “I’m Bucky, by the way.”
“Nice to meet you, Bucky,” Darcy said, returning his infectious smile. “I’m Darcy.”
“Nice to meet you, too. Do you do that a lot?”
She could feel the heat rising in her cheeks and ducked her head. “Nope. Definitely not. Not something I make a habit of doing, actually.”
Bucky chuckled and rubbed at the back of his neck. “Well, I’m not saying that it would work again, but, uh- I’m curious to see if it would work again. You know. If that kind of situation happened again.”
She gave him an appraising look. “Are you asking to see my tits again, Bucky?”
He had the grace to look embarrassed and just a little ashamed. “Not in so many words,” he replied, “but your life could depend on it. Maybe.”
She had to hold back a giggle. “My life. No, that’s fair,” she agreed, while internally howling with laughter. “If my life depends on it, I will absolutely consider it.”
He sighed a huge sigh of relief. “Thank you,” he replied, grinning fervently. “I’d hate to see a girl as nice as you get hurt.”
With that final statement, he got up and left, leaving Darcy to stare after him in befuddled amusement.
When the sirens went off this time Jane was on her back, half her body underneath the machine they were rebuilding, Darcy kneeling on the floor beside her.
“I swear they have the worst timing,” Jane muttered as she carefully slotted a tiny metal plate into place.
“Agreed,” Darcy replied fervently, handing her boss an equally tiny screwdriver and screw. “I’ll keep watch. You finish this.”
She waddled her way over to the doorway, bent double in an attempt at stealth, but before she even got halfway the door crashed open.
“Oh crap,” Darcy gasped as a black-clad man strutted through it. A very familiar strut, she couldn’t help thinking.
Backing away slowly, one step at a time, she reached into her pocket for her taser, only to remember that it was currently living in her desk drawer.
Damn. No defense at her disposal. Except.
Well, he had said he wanted to see if it worked again, didn’t he?
She braced herself, and lifted her shirt, offering up a small prayer of thanks to Thor, because this time she was wearing a bright green sports bra that was only a few months old. It held the girls in place beautifully, with nary even a jiggle, let alone a wiggle.
The man stopped.
Behind her, Jane swore as she hit her head on something.
“Oh gods, Darcy. Not again,” Jane sighed.
“Is it working?” Darcy asked, once again keeping her gaze locked on the Soldier, who seemed to be committing the view to memory.
He seemed to shudder slightly, and then his eyes met hers. He stepped forward, both hands held out slightly to show that he was unarmed. “Sorry about that. Come on, I’m supposed to be making sure you two are both in the safe room.”
“Wait, is this another drill or is it real this time?” Jane demanded as she wriggled out from under her machine.
“Now that would be telling,” Bucky said with a wink in Darcy’s direction. “Ah, you can put your shirt down now.”
“Oops,” Darcy smirked at him as she smoothed her shirt back into place.
They allowed Bucky to shepherd them into the safe room. As he was sliding the door closed he leaned in close to Darcy and whispered in her ear.
“We really like that bra you’re wearing today. Keep up the good work.”
With another wink, he shut the door, and they were sealed in.
Darcy turned to Jane with a thoughtful look on her face. “What did he mean, we?”
The next few weeks slid past with no more interruptions - drills or otherwise - and the two women settled in nicely. They were introduced to the entire Avengers team properly, and even joined them for dinner a few times.
About a month after they moved in Tony Stark decided to turn the common room into a nightclub for an evening to celebrate… well, no one was sure what was being celebrated.
The party was already in full swing when Jane and Darcy had turned up - Darcy had changed her outfit three times before Jane shoved a handful of boned satin and lace at her and said “Wear this if you want to catch a certain someone’s attention.”
Darcy was on her second drink when her victim arrived.
“Okay, Jane,” she said, taking a deep breath and sliding off her chair. “Here goes nothing.”
She took two steps, then spun around and retreated.
“What are you doing?” Jane said. “Don’t chicken out on me now!”
Darcy grinned and slid her jacket off. “Not chickening out, Jane. Just gonna hit him will the full force straight up.”
She dropped the jacket in Jane’s lap, and then turned and walked proudly across the dance floor to where Bucky was standing with Steve and Sam, the tight corset holding everything in place so firmly that even if she’d done a handstand, nothing would have fallen out.
He spotted her halfway there, and afterwards she swore that she saw his jaw drop as she sauntered towards him.
“Hey there, Soldier. Care to dance?” she asked, flicking her hair back over her shoulder.
He took her hand wordlessly and she pulled him onto the dance floor. They did three laps before he said anything.
“That’s a very impressive outfit you’re wearing tonight,” he said.
“You like it?” she replied. “It’s my best third date outfit.”
He looked at her with a puzzled expression. “Third date?”
She nodded. “You do know about third dates, right?”
He grinned. “I do, but we haven’t even been on one date yet.”
Her eyes twinkled with suppressed laughter. “Oh, I don’t know about that. I mean - I have flashed you twice already, and I was kind of hoping that might count for something?”
He stared into her eyes for a moment and then the most beautiful smile she’d ever seen spread over her face.
“Wanna finish this date somewhere else?”
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hollyhomburg · 6 years
Without You (I Can’t Breath) (Reader x Hoseok)
Hoseok thinks that home is a place you can plot on a map. But he realizes that living by himself is lonely. he gets a new place and puts out an ad for a roommate- What he doesn't expect is you- someone who has no knowledge of BTS- and he’ll do anything to keep it that way. 
Pairing: Hoseok x Reader 
tags: Domestic love, lonely!Hoseok, roommates for lovers aU, secrets, mild angst, sooooo much fluff, literally I gagged while writing this several times. implied smut. Hurt/Comfort
A/N: I wrote this instead of studying, I hope you're happy because I'm probably going to fail because of this fucking au love me
Wordcount: 3.4k
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-Hoseok and the rest of Bangtan finally decide to get their own places- and its one of the conditions of the renewal of their contract because a few of the guys have significant others now. 
- He passes up an opportunity to get a three bedroom with Tae and Jungkook, and decides to live by himself like Yoongi.
- At first he decides to get a big old nice apartment on the top of a sky scrapper. 
- Its modern and lit up, and everything he ever dreamed of having when he was a trainee. 
- But it gets really lonely really quick.
- It starts to feel like a cage in the sky- while everyone comes home to something- all he has is his view of the city and floor to ceiling windows that will never open. 
- He’s gone for ages- he can’t even fill it with greenery let alone have a pet.
- His penthouse doesn’t really feel like a home- after half a year he gives up one it. 
- He caves and asks Yoongi if he would like a roommate 
- “Hell no- we finally get to have quiet to our selves dude- enjoy it before you meet someone and decide to have a family.” 
- So he decides to move into this quiet space- but in a busier more grungy part of town. 
- A two bedroom above a coffee shop with a wrap around balcony that’s a little ways away from Bighit. 
- In a town where there are mostly bars and restaurants- the other apartments on the street catering to families or people that can barely make rent. 
- He loves it more than his penthouse- how he can sit out on his street faceting balcony and people watch until he feels like sleeping. 
- It always smells like baked goods from the café below, 
- The little bathroom leaves a lot to be desired and theirs a stain on the ceiling from water damage but he loves it. 
- It’s still too lonely though. The foot traffic only lasts till 1- which is nothing when he doesn’t get home until 12; 30 even on his less busy days. And he still doesn’t feel like he’s home. 
- After a drunken night and a little convincing from Seokjin he puts an advertisement in the local paper for his spare room. 
- He’s almost forgotten about it when he gets an email a few weeks later. 
- And he meets you in the café downstairs. A sweet student a few years younger than him looking to get their first place away from their parents. 
- He was worried that you would recognize him- that you could be a fan or at least know his face- but when he takes off his facemask in a moment of boldness he doesn’t get any reaction. 
- And he realizes that shit he’s lucked out- because you definably don’t know who he is- or who bts are. 
- You take a peek at his apartment after a nice conversation and almost swoon- because how the fuck is the rent so low when that place is so nice- and hella cute. 
- He watches as you compliment the bathroom and the crown molding- which he hadn’t even noticed. And he realizes how disconnected he’s gotten from the general public. 
- You don’t think much of Hoseok at first- maybe that he’s a little cagey and more than a little secretive- he wears facemasks everywhere and you hardly ever see him take it off if he’s not at home.
- His sudden hair color changes perplex you the most.
- At first you guys have such opposite schedules that you hardly ever feel like you’re living with anyone.
- Then Hoseok gets home at 3am to find you dancing in a extra large nightshirt and eating a tub of ice cream with the music blasting and he joins in- turning the music up ( the song was “fuck it” by big bang).
- It doesn’t matter that you can’t dance for shit- that you’re literally soo terrible- you dance with more energy and passion than half the idols he’s met. 
- Breathlessly you comment on his dancing skills and he just smiles and say’s “yeah I dance a little on the side.” 
- You never really ask him what he does- you just assume that it pays well after his entire closet is overflowing with Gucci and designer clothes. 
- Which you totally steal out of the clean laundry.
- Queue some small domestic spats about him turning one of your white sweaters pink with a Gucci sweater right before you wanted to wear it. 
- Which result in him letting you wear the offending Gucci sweater. 
- Which you don’t give back until a month later when he goes too your room and demands it back. 
- Your midnight dance party’s become more frequent- and when it finally gets a little warmer you guys take to drinking out on the balcony and watching the cars drive by and the glowing turquoise neon lights of Omelas pub across the street. 
- You talk about everything and anything
- Sometime you’ll walk out a 4 am and find something keeping him up- or he finds you working on an assignment. 
- And you’ll go downstairs to the café or across town to your favorite dinner to cheer him up with comfort food. 
- After a while Hoseok starts to realize that this is the first normal friendship that he’s had in a long long time. 
- Sure the boys are great but there are no expectations between you two- it’s just effortless. Your budding friendship only building when the both of you have time. 
- He doesn’t have to wear a mask with you- at all. In fact- it almost seems like you can tell when he’s hiding something. Which is something that only the boys can do.  
- And he’s not sure he would have this easy relationship with you if you knew he was an idol- so he does his best to keep it from you.  
- He wants too keep the little slice of normalcy he has in his little apartment above the café.
- The two of you Lying on the ground in front of fans with you when the air-conditioning breaks on the hottest day of the summer.
- Going on runs together in the morning on his day’s off. 
- Coming home to find that you made too much dinner. and him trying some to find out that “shit you're a good cook.”
 - shy smiles and thankyou’s over communally consumed cups of coffee on Sunday's 
- Dance parties.
-  Finding your colorful socks left in the washing machine. 
- One day he comes back midday to find you just home from a run- and you’re making food while bopping to some music in a sports bra and a pair of shorts that look suspiciously like his.
- And he freezes when he starts to hear you rap part of cypher pt 4. 
- His part. 
- He yanks out your headphones when your eyes rise to meet his and he can’t tell if the feeling in his stomach is apprehension, fear, or longing to have all of it out in the open. 
- “I didn’t know you liked rap music,” he says mildly, trying to keep his tone casual. You just shrug and keep cutting up vegetables.
- “I just found this song on iTunes and it’s totally my new work out jam- Wanna stick around for lunch? I’m making veggie stir-fry.” He snags a carrot off of your cutting board. 
- “Can’t I’ve gotta get back.” You just shrug and put your headphones back in. 
- He confesses to the boys that you still don’t know who he is and they’re all kind of shook.  
- Half of them think he should tell you- after all you’ve found they’re music so you’re bound to get curious about them enough too look up their faces one day.  
- But Hoseok just can’t- he can’t help but think the knowledge that he’s an idol will change everything for your relationship. 
- And besides- he’s starting to get a twinge in his heart whenever he looks your way. And he knows what it means- even if he’s too stubborn and busy to confront it yet. 
- Surprisingly Jungkook understands- and advises him too keep it a secret. 
- So he does.  But it gets harder day-by-day. 
- He goes away for a short tour- and just tells you that he has to go away for a business trip.
- He gives you his number so that you can stay in contact about the apartment (in case there’s a problem or something breaks while he’s away for the month) 
- But he’s not surprised that you guys just end up texting each other every day
- You mention that you have a really big exam and that you’ll be up late that night and he calls the café downstairs and begs them to deliver- after all he has a tab racked up anyway there. 
- And you open the door too one of the cooks giving you a late and something sweet with a heart drawn on the back and just an “good luck –H”
- And you can’t stop smiling for the rest of the day. 
- And you realize that you’ve begun to really miss him when he’s away- and you realize that all the little gestures he makes for you. 
- When he comes back you cook together for a week- because he finally has time off and you have the final push before finals.
- You guys do everything together for that week. You watch TV. go too a few museums together, take walks at night when insomnia has both of you restless
- And yes- you have your famous dance parties (that have become almost routine at this point.)
- You even cuddle up on the couch together after a movie marathon. And Hoseok almost looses it when you fall asleep on his shoulder. His hands shake as he runs his fingers through your hair. 
- He never wants this too end. This quiet peace he has with you. 
- With you, he can take off his mask. 
- He’s always careful not too sing in the shower anymore- after all these months you still don’t know he’s an idol. 
- And he’s even more worried that you’ll find out one day. 
- You decorate the apartment for Christmas. With garlands, lights, and a tree in the corner by the water stain. He has a big-hit Christmas dinner to go too Christmas eve- but when he comes home he finds you watching a Christmas special on the TV. 
- You smile and open up your fluffy blanket for him and he sinks into the couch next too you- taking off his tie as you ask about his day. 
- Your legs are warm and bare next too his silk dress pants. 
- You hand him a little gift- wrapped in gold wrapping paper. 
- “Just a little something for being a good roommate, and giving me cheap rent.” 
- It’s a little bracelet with the Hangeul for hope attached too it. Small and silver.  
- His heart stutters- and you take his silence to be something bad. 
- “You’re always talking about hope- I just-“ “I love it.” 
- He looks up at you- realizing how close your faces are. He takes your hand in his. 
- “Thank you y/n- it’s perfect.” You just smile up at him.
- “I got you something too.” Really he’s had it for ages- since he first started to feel love sting in his chest and tug on the strings of his heart. 
- He comes back too the room too the announcer blaring into your living room – “up next a pre-recorded performance of Bangtan Sonyondan! Performing their new Christmas song!” 
- and he freezes because how the fuck could he forget. It had only been a few days ago that they had finished recording the special Christmas episode. 
- He thinks fast- jumping on the couch “your Christmas present is tickling!” and he tickles you until you can’t breathe around your laughter. 
- He barely manages to switch the channel before the commercial ends- turning it too a Christmas movie (love actually) that coincidentally he knows you love.  
- Your laugh fills his apartment as you cry. “No fair! I was watching that!” 
-  But you forget about it when he finally presents you with your gift. You open it slowly.  
- It’s a Gucci sweater- your favorite one that you always steal from Hoseok’s closet only this one is brand new tag still on it- the price scribbled out. 
- It’s easily the priciest gift you’ve ever received. 
- “Hoseok… this must have been so expensive” and you’re right- the sweater was several hundred dollars more expensive then one months rent. 
- Hoseok just shrugs and teases “now you wont have to steal them from me anymore.” And you pull him down into a bone-crushing hug.
- And maybe its wrong- maybe it’s horrible for him too feel something for you when you’re his roommate. 
-  Maybe it’s horrible of him to feel his heart beat faster when he’s been lying to you. 
- Maybe its because its Christmas Eve and he has no one but you. 
- He lies there for a moment. Him on top of you his head pressed into your shoulder.
- The length of his body pressed against yours- happy for another person’s warmth on this cold night. 
- He falls asleep for a little while- comforted by you, and wakes up to the luxurious feeling of your fingers rubbing down his spine underneath the covers.  
- Cuddles become more of a regular thing for the two of you even after this as the winter slowly shifts to spring. 
- He can tell when you’ve had a bad day- he’ll just pull you down, and you’ll do the same for him. 
- Your first kiss happens a few weeks after that- when you’re both cooking a communal dinner and he you just look so cute when you laugh after he accidentally flips some chicken from a pan onto the floor. 
- And he accidentally acts on his hidden feelings, pressing a kiss too the corner of your mouth so quickly. 
- You’re a little stunned but then you kiss him back. 
- If it seems at all possible you guys become even more effortless after that- pressing kisses too his lips when he leaves and the opposite. 
- It becomes natural for you too sleep in his bed. 
- But you don’t realize how serious you’ve both gotten until one month you go to pay rent and he just waves his hand saying- “don’t worry about it.”
-  You still both haven’t had that talk yet.
- You know the one where you define your relationship- this domestic love that is slow and lovely and so hopeful. 
-  You still haven’t told him how you really feel- and though he’s made his feeling clear too 
- You’re certain he wouldn’t put up with how needy you are sometimes if he didn’t want you around at least a little bit. 
- It still bothers you that you can’t call yourself his girlfriend yet. 
- But things pick up before you can talk about it- he goes on tour again- and he feels even more horrible for lying to you day by day. 
- And your finals hit- and everything goes perfectly until you get one of your grades back and you failed- like flat out failed the class- you find out at the worst time. 
- Hoseok isn’t here and as far as you know he wont be back until next week.  
- You’re crying in the kitchen eating ice-cream when he walks in his suitcase dragging behind him- tired from his 15 hours of plane flights. 
- At this point you’re basically balling about everything- you’re just so overwhelmed. 
- “Y/n’ he calls quietly. And you turned shocked. Trying to wipe away your tears before he sees.
- But he does see, and he wipes away your tears before begging you to tell him what’s wrong and you tell him about your exam and he listens too you through all of it wiping away your tears with his thumb. 
- When you’re done he just pulls you too your feet and takes your hand in his. 
- And leads you too the center of your kitchen- taking you in his arms.
- A hand rubbing the small of your back while taking your other hand in his large hands. 
- He slow dances with you- at 3 am in his kitchen. 
- There’s no music like usual- Nothing but his quiet humming. 
- You lean your head against his chest. 
- And you hear him humming a song you recognize- it’s a song by bts, 
- Which is surprising too you- because he’s only ever told you that he doesn’t really listen to them
- When it gets to your favorite part you stop moving.
- Because his humming- the pitch of it. 
- How his vocal cords wrap around the tune- sounds exactly like the voice that you hear out of your headphones. 
- You look up at him and he stops humming. 
- “Hoseok are you-?” you just trail off- when you realize that you’ve never asked him what he does. 
- He can see you slowly putting it together- his busy schedule- his cagey personality- his obvious wealth. 
- “Please I can explain if you let me, y/n just- please don’t freak out.” He pleads.
- And he sits you down before trying to explain everything too you. 
- You sit quietly listening too his story. 
- He looks at you with baited breath when he’s finished waiting for your response. “Please I never wanted to lie too you- but after I while I just got so scared that you would leave or move out-“
- You start laughing - and it’s a little funny the impossibility of this situation.
- The guy that millions of girls probably lust after just ends up being your roommate because you answered a misspelled add in the newspaper. (he was drunk- so you don’t blame him that much).
-  After you tell him why you’re laughing his faces looses his worried expression.  
- “How could you ever think that I wouldn’t want to stay- Hoseok I admire everything that you do- you work so hard and I’m just- I’m astounded I didn’t realize sooner.” 
-“So you’re not mad?’ you just grin at him and shrug “Maybe a little? Maybe I could see you perform and meet the other members as an apology.” 
- He introduces you as his girlfriend too the boys- and you love all of them and they all love you.
- By the end of it he can’t imagine why he was so worried about it in the first place because you’re such a natural at this. 
- Bighit talks too the both of you about keeping your relationship a secret- but it doesn’t seem too be much of a problem. 
- Life continues as usual- only Hoseok has someone to come home too and love him and it’s more than he ever hoped for in his life. 
- Dance parties start to end with your hips pinned against the kitchen counter and his hungry lips against your neck. 
- Shared Showers after dance practice turn into tender lovemaking. 
- Study sessions turn sultry when he pulled you on to his lap. “Come on you know it’s more comfortable.” 
- Everything is absolutely perfect. 
- You graduate from college. And Hoseok takes you to your first BTS concert. And when he gets off stage you’re just there beaming at him. 
- When he looks at you he realize. 
- Home was never an apartment above a coffee shop. 
- Home was you all along.
Bonus – during the performance you totally shout, “that’s my man!” when he does a hip roll you’ve seen him do a dozen times in your kitchen.
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theadventurousdork · 6 years
Bunny and Laura
(This is my first ever fanfic so forgive me for it being a little disorganized.)
In this AU, Bunny and Laura Hollis are twins that are just trying to figure life out.
This fic is written in three parts that show the twins’ lives in 5 year increments.
(Thank you @bloodycreampuff for introducing me to this AU and motivating me to write this)
“Buuuuunny!” Laura screamed, “Give it back to me!”
Bunny stuck their tongue out as tears filled Laura’s eyes. Laura scrunched her nose and let out a sharp sigh before charging towards her sibling as fast as her little seven year old legs could carry her. Bunny led Laura on a chase outside the house before slipping in a puddle of mud, dirtying not only them but the yellow pillow too. Laura gasped as a tear rolled down her cheek. She loved that yellow pillow. It was the only thing that she had left from her parents and here it was laying in a watery brown puddle.
“You have a stupid face!” Laura yelled before grabbing the damp pillow off the ground.
Bunny looked up from their dirty overalls as their sister walked back into the house, “We have the same face!” they yelled back.
After dragging a stick in the mud puddle for a few minutes, Bunny decided to go back inside and check on their sister. They were about to walk inside the house until they remembered to take off their shoes. They knew their grandparents would kill them if they left a mud trail around the house and at this point, Laura wouldn’t have cleaned it up for them if they did. After some struggle untying their laces that Laura had tied about a million times for them, Bunny wandered around the quiet house looking for their twin. First stopping to look in the kitchen only to find a few baby carrots and a half eaten cookie. They shoved some baby carrots in their mouth and gently placed the half eaten cookie into their pocket before continuing their search. It wasn’t until they passed the laundry room where they heard a sniffle from behind the locked door.
“Laura? You in there?”
“Go away, Bunny.”
Bunny placed their ear on the door and heard the washing machine running and Laura’s little sniffles from crying.
“I brought you a cookie though!”
“I said go away, Bunny.”
“Yeah and I said I brought you a cookie!”
There was no answer. Bunny took the cookie out of their pocket and carefully slid it under the locked door. After waiting a moment, they kneeled down next to the door and looked to see if the peace offering was accepted. Bunny sighed as they found the cookie still on the floor just beyond the door. Inside the laundry room, Laura sat against the wall hugging her knees as she watched her yellow pillow swirl around the washing machine. She looked at the half eaten cookie on the ground next to the door and sighed. She wiped a tear off her cheek as she heard little footsteps run down the hall before coming back a few moments later. Laura sensed Bunny sitting on the other side of the door. After a few minutes of silence, a sheet of paper slid through the crack just as the cookie did. Laura stood up and picked up the paper from the ground to find a drawing scribbled on one side in crayon. The picture showed her and Bunny smiling while standing under a rainbow as Bunny is handing Laura a cookie. Under their feet says the words “I’m sorry.” in blue crayon. Laura stared at the picture and smiled. She knew Bunny took their time drawing the picture because they actually got the order of colors right on the rainbow, which always took them a couple times over to remember. Laura unlocked and opened the door to find Bunny sitting on the floor still covered in dried mud.
“You’re so getting in trouble if grandpa and grandma find you like that.” said Laura
“Sophie Hollis,” Bunny said as they stood up and mimicked their grandmother’s stance, “What did you do now?”
Laura giggled as she stood in her grandfather’s classic hunched over stance, “Laura Eileen. Why did you let this happen? You knoooow you’re eight minutes older!”
The twins shared a laugh just as the washing machine beeped to signal that the wash cycle was done. Bunny walked inside the laundry room and opened the washer to find that Laura’s pillow had gained back its bright yellow color. They grabbed it from the washer and stood on their tippy toes to toss it into the dryer. “Don’t forget the dryer sheet!” hummed Laura as she picked the cookie off the ground and ate it. Bunny rolled their eyes and tossed in two dryer sheets for good measure. The sound of the front door unlocking made the twins shoot a look at each other before they both ran into the bathroom to clean Bunny up.
A glass bottle shattered against a wall as Laura woke up in a mild panic. She took a deep breath and groaned as she looked at her phone. Her weary eyes squinted at the brightness of the light.
4:36 p.m.
“Bunny isn’t going to be home for another 30 minutes,” Laura thought to herself. She put her phone down next to a pile of used tissues as she covered her head with a pillow to hush her drunken uncle’s inaudible yelling at what she could assume was whatever stupid T.V. show he was watching in the living room. The room was still spinning because of her fever and all Laura wanted to do was sleep just a little while longer. So she grabbed another tissue, blew her nose, groaned, and went back to bed.
She opened her eyes to a darker room than when she went to sleep. She sat up from her bed and grabbed her phone.
6:03 p.m.
“Oh, crap.” Laura whispered as she peeked her head over the side of her bedframe to find an empty bottom bunk. Laura threw off her covers, which sent a frenzy of used tissues in the air, and climbed down the side of the bunk bed. She flipped open her phone and texted Bunny.
“Hey, Bun. Where are you?”
After pacing around the room a few times over, Laura waited for a response that didn’t come. She put on some converse and one of Bunny’s sweaters that was on the ground and carefully opened the bedroom door. She slowly turned the corner of the hallway to find her uncle passed out on the couch with an empty bottle of whiskey at his side. Broken glass laid under the kitchen table from what Laura could only assume was from his fit of rage from earlier. She slowly walked passed the sleeping drunk and closed the front door behind her. Outside she found Bunny’s bike but no sign of them which was odd because Bunny always rode their bike to school whenever they didn’t have Laura to walk with. Laura grabbed the bike and the dusty bike helmet that she always tried making Bunny use but they always refused. After adjusting the helmet to her head size, Laura started her way down the street.
“If I were a Bun, where would I go?” thought Laura. The sun was beginning to set and even though the town was small, it wasn’t particularly the safest place to be at night for a set of twelve year olds. After checking the school, their favorite candy shop, and the movie theater, there was still no sign of Bunny. Laura checked her phone constantly but didn’t get any reply from her twin. She decided to head back home as she hoped that she would find Bunny on their bed when she got there. As Laura slowly made her way through the neighborhood streets, she passed the local park where she saw a familiar lone silhouette sitting on top of the jungle gym. She pursed her lips and rolled her eyes as she changed her direction towards the park. She walked over to the jungle gym and looked up at Bunny who was staring out to the sunset, their face hidden by the hood of their jacket. 
“What the hell?” said Laura angrily, “Where were you?”
“Here.” replied Bunny without looking down at Laura.
“Why were you not at home? I was worried sick. Literally!”
No answer.
Laura sharply exhaled and climbed up the jungle gym to sit next to her sibling. Out of breath, Laura looked up at the sunset as she tried to be as comfortable as Bunny was sitting on the metal structure. “Bun, what’s wrong? Why didn’t you answer my texts?”
Still looking away, Bunny just shook their head.
“Bunny, look at me.” said Laura as she put her hand on Bunny’s shoulder.
Bunny sighed as they slowly turned their head to Laura revealing a black eye and a cut lip. They kept their eyes down as tears filled Laura’s eyes.
“Don’t. It’s okay, I’m okay.” said Bunny quietly.
Laura looked down at Bunny’s hands holding onto the jungle gym and saw dried blood on their knuckles. “What happened? When did this happen?”
Bunny took a deep breath as they wiped a tear away with their sleeve.
“I was about to leave school,” they started, “when I heard those annoying girls talking about you. They were calling you names. I was just going to ignore it until they saw me. They came up to me and started saying all this stuff about us. Calling us the orphan twins who can’t keep a family alive. Talking about how mom and dad and grandma and grandpa got an easy ticket out leaving us here. So I might have punched the one with the stupid haircut… and then punched her again. Then one more time for good measure.”
“And then the vice principal caught me, sent me home early, and said that I’m suspended for two days. So I went home and the school called uncle and then…”
Laura’s eyes widened. “Oh my god, I was home. The glass being thrown earlier… why didn’t you yell for me?”
“You were sick, Laura. I didn’t want to wake you or make it a big deal. Plus, I can take care of myself.”
“But I could’ve done something.”
“Not after what happened last week.” said Bunny as they looked up at Laura’s neck where there were still faded bruises from his hold. Laura moved her hair over to hide the bruises, “I’m fine.”
“So am I.” said Bunny.
The sun was just barely above the horizon now. The twins sat in silence as the park descended into different hues of grey. The lights in the park turned on once the sun made its final move downward into darkness. Laura sniffled and wiped her nose on the sleeve of the sweater.
“Isn’t that my sweater? My sweater that you just wiped your snot on?” asked Bunny
“Maybe…” answered Laura with wide eyes. The two gave a small laugh.
They looked up at each other. “You look like hell, Hollis.” Bunny said as they gave a small smile.
“You don’t look that great either, Hollis.” Laura laughed as she pushed Bunny almost making them fall off the jungle gym.
“Come on,” said Bunny, “Your cold is going to catch a cold.”
“I’m fine!” said Laura just as she sneezed.
Bunny raised their eyebrow,“What if I make you some of my famous chicken soup when we get home?”
“Okay. That’s fair,” sniffled Laura, “Let’s go.”
The two climbed down the jungle gym and Laura put on the bike helmet. Bunny laughed at how dumb they thought she looked as they got onto the bike. Laura shot them a look as she climbed onto the back pegs.
“Let’s ride, my noble steed!” yelled Laura as she stood on the back of the bike with her finger pointed to the stars.
“Don’t push it, sneezy.” mumbled Bunny as they slowly began their journey back home.
Bunny hummed as they flipped over their perfectly golden french toast in the frying pan. They turned around and opened the fridge and moved bottles of their uncle’s beer in order to reach the cartons of juice. They poured a glass of orange juice for themselves and a glass of apple for Laura. After setting up silverware on the rickety kitchen table and plating their beautiful french toast, they poked their head around the corner of the hallway.
“Laura Eileen Hollis!” screamed Bunny, “Get your ass outta bed!”
“Sophie Bayani Hollis!” Laura screamed back from their shared bedroom, “Please shut up!”
“Okaaaay, but I’m just going to eat all of this french toast by myself!”
Like clockwork, Laura ran out of the room in her elephant printed pajamas.
“French toast, you say?”
Bunny laughed and gestured for her to come to the table. Laura yawned as she sat down across from her twin. Bunny sprinkled some powdered sugar on their slice of toast and let Laura create a tiny white mountain of sugar on hers before she shoved half of it into her mouth.
“Slow down there,” smiled Bunny, “I’m not in the mood to give you the heimlich today.”
Laura gave a sarcastic smile with her mouth filled to the brim with bread and sugar, “I can give myself the heimlich, thank you very much.”
“I still can’t believe you convinced me to go to those first aid classes when we were fifteen.” Bunny laughed as they poured more syrup on their toast, “We were the youngest ones there!”
“Hey! It was a very informative class and I got my name on a plaque in the senior home lobby because I saved that one old lady from choking on her oatmeal during the first aid graduation ceremony!”
“It’s been two years since that happened and a picture of your face is still hanging above the reception desk.”
“We have the same face so you can pretend that it’s you if you’re jealous, Bun.” taunted Laura
“Oh shut up.” Bunny said as they poured more orange juice for themselves.
The two each grabbed another slice of french toast as they flipped between the morning news and National Geographic Channel. Laura loved watching the news every morning because it fueled her passion to become a journalist. Bunny’s dream, although they never shared it out loud, was to be a wildlife photographer and National Geographic was their hub of inspiration. This became a ritual every Saturday and Sunday, but now that it was summer, this routine of breakfast and T.V. became a daily event.
“So what do you have planned today, Bun?” asked Laura as she changed the channel.
“I don’t know,” answered Bunny, “Probably hang out with the gang. They said something about going to the lake.”
Laura raised her eyebrow. She always felt cautious about Logan, Hudson, Xander, and Summer ever since Bunny started hanging out with them sophomore year of high school. But with all of them having just graduated, Laura couldn’t protect Bunny from everything anymore so she tried her best to support their outings.
“I’ll be safe! Don’t worry.” assured Bunny, “What are you gonna do today?”
“Mmm, I’m not sure. Probably gonna run errands in town.” Laura said as she started to clean up the syrup soaked dishes, “Which means I call the car since Uncle’s gonna be gone all day today with his drunken idiot bar buddies. Still gotta buy some stuff before I leave next month. Maybe I’ll catch a movie while I’m out. Anyway, I can take you to Summer’s if you want.”
“It’s okay, I’ll have Logan pick me up after he gets Xander.” replied Bunny as they wiped down the table.
The twins spent the rest of their morning watching T.V. and cleaning up the house. They got ready for the day together and said their goodbyes when Logan and Xander came to pick up Bunny to go meet Hudson and Summer at the lake. Laura grabbed her sweater and the car keys and went into town shortly after.
The oven ticked as Laura impatiently put on her oven mitts that Bunny got her for their birthdays the year before. Laura looked at the kitchen table that was coated in a thin layer of flour and sugar. She took off one of her oven mitts and quickly scrubbed down the table just as the oven dinged. Laura spun around and opened the oven revealing a tin of perfectly cooked cupcakes.
“Bun may be the cook, but they are no baker compared to me.” Laura proudly said as she smiled to herself. She grabbed the tin with both of her hands and immediately yelled in pain. She was so excited that she forgot to put her other oven mitt back on. She threw the hot cupcake tin on the counter and looked at her hand that was turning bright red. She went to the sink and ran some cool water on it as she reached overhead to the first aid kit she kept in the cupboard. She ripped off a strip of gauze with her teeth and wrapped her injured hand before turning back to the cupcakes on the counter.
“You’re not gonna win that easy, cupcakes!” Laura said eyeing the tin, “I will frost you and I will devour you if it’s the last thing I do.”
Laura spent the next hour attempting to singlehandedly frost the cupcakes. The brown frosting looked like little turds sitting on top of the vanilla cupcake, but Laura was still proud of herself considering the circumstances. She ate two of the dozen cupcakes before looking up at the clock that was hanging on the wall. It was nearly midnight and there was still no sign of Bunny. Curfew times were lifted when the twins turned sixteen the year before. One reason being that they were old enough to make their own decisions and the second being that their uncle just stopped caring about them all together, unless they did something to piss him off. Laura placed the leftover cupcakes on a dish before pulling out her old flip phone to see if Bunny had texted or called. Laura sighed as nothing showed up on her phone. She yawned and sat on the couch and began watching T.V.
She woke up to the sound of someone attempting to open the door. Laura sprang up from the couch and looked at the time. It was 2 a.m. She stood up and grabbed the wooden baseball bat that was propped against the wall next to the front door, which was still trying to be pried open. She did her best to hold the baseball bat in a threatening way even though her wrapped hand was adding a level of difficulty.  She took a deep breath and opened the front door to find Bunny who was struggling to put their key into the doorknob.
“Bunny?” said Laura slowly putting the bat down, “It’s like 2 in the morning!”
Bunny looked up at Laura with bloodshot eyes. “Laura!! When did you get here?” they said. Their voice was slurred and it was at this moment that Laura noticed that they had trouble standing up straight.
“Are you drunk?” Laura asked in shock as Bunny stumbled into the house, “Sophie… are you seriously drunk right now? You’ve never been drunk!”
“Ugh,” Bunny groaned as they held onto the wall for support, “Don’t call me Sophie with that tone. I feel like I’m in trouble. That’s like someone calling you Laura Eileen.”
“That’s fair,” shrugged Laura, “But you are in trouble! It’s 2 in the morning and you’re drunk!”
Bunny stumbled into the kitchen, knocking over a few pans in the process. “Who are you? The Bunny police?” they said as they reached for a cupcake that was sitting on the counter. “Cupcakes!”
“Ohhh no.” said Laura as she grabbed the cupcake from Bunny’s hand, “You don’t deserve a cupcake! Come on, let’s go to bed.”
Laura put the cupcake down and held onto Bunny’s arm and started leading them to their room.
“I have to pee!” yelled Bunny in Laura’s face. Laura winced at the smell of alcohol that swirled around Bunny’s breath. Laura groaned and pulled her twin towards the bathroom. Bunny insisted that Laura leave so they could pee in peace. Laura let out an exasperated sigh, closed the bathroom door, and waited in the hallway with her arms crossed. After hearing the toilet flush, Laura waited a moment before peeking her head through the crack of the door. She found Bunny staring at themselves in the mirror above the sink.
“Come on, Bun” said Laura, “Let’s put you to bed.”
Bunny didn’t move, aside from the natural sway they had due to their drunken high. Laura looked at Bunny with sad eyes as she watched Bunny stare at themselves the same way.
“You know,” Bunny started, “You know that time of day when the sun is setting? And the sun isn’t quite gone yet… and the world seems to be dimming around you and everything starts to look like different shades of grey?” Bunny looked away from their reflection and down at the sink, “That’s how I feel inside, Laura… and I don’t know what to do about it. The sun comes up the next morning, but I’m still trying to find mine. Where’s my sunlight, Laura? I just feel this darkness.”
“Bun…” said Laura as she stepped inside the bathroom toward Bunny. Bunny shied away from her, “Let’s get you into some clean clothes and get you to bed.”
“Is that all you can say to me?” said Bunny angrily as they nearly fell over from turning around so fast, “You know what, I’m fine! Just leave me alone!”
“You’re drunk, Bunny!” Laura yelled back, “I’m trying to take care of you! We can have this conversation in the morning when you can actually remember what I have to say to you.”
“Whatever you have to say, you can say to me now!” Bunny yelled as they pushed Laura’s shoulder.
“Don’t you dare push me right now, Bunny.” Laura warned as she tried to grab Bunny’s arm only for them to push her off.
“So what if I do?” said Bunny as they pushed Laura harder. Laura stumbled backwards. She felt her anger boiling inside of her. She looked at Bunny’s eyes that were filled with an empty anger. She took a deep breath and pushed Bunny back.
“Stop yelling!” shouted Laura.
“You’re yelling too!” said Bunny as they pushed Laura once more.
Laura had enough and pushed Bunny so hard that they fell onto their back into the bathtub behind them. Laura took a breath as she frustratingly brushed her hands through her hair. She walked over to Bunny and offered a hand to help them up. Bunny looked up at Laura, grabbed her hand, and pulled her down into the bathtub with them. Bunny got on their knees, grabbed the collar of Laura’s shirt with one hand, and raised a fist with the other. Laura’s eyes widened as she reached for the shower handle and turned it on. Cold water sprayed onto the twins, causing Bunny to retreat.  Laura sat up and grabbed Bunny’s shoulders. 
“Bunny! Stop!” Laura yelled as cold water continued to pour down onto them both.
Bunny looked up with tears in their eyes as they realized what they almost did.
“I’m sorry,” they said as they started to cry, “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay,” Laura said quietly. She turned off the shower and pulled Bunny closer to her, “It’s okay.”
The two sat, soaking wet, in each other’s embrace for what seemed like an eternity. After Bunny calmed down, Laura led them into their room and helped them to bed. Bunny fell asleep almost instantly. Laura put a glass of water on the table next to Bunny’s bed before she climbed up to her own bunk to finally get some sleep.
The next morning Bunny woke up just as the sun was rising, their head pounding. “Aw fuck,” they whispered to themselves as they winced at the pain of their headache. They looked at the time.
5:46 a.m.
“Why must I be a morning person?” Bunny groaned as they sat up. The room was still spinning as they held their head with their hands. They looked up to see a glass of water sitting on their bedside table next to some painkillers and a note. After reading the note Bunny got up, changed their clothes, took the painkillers, and stuck the note in their pocket. They looked up at the top bunk to find a snoring Laura. Bunny smiled at Laura’s snores as they put up the hood of their sweater and quietly left the room.
Laura woke up to the morning sun hitting her face. She yawned as she sat up. She climbed down her bed to find an empty glass next to an empty bottom bunk. Laura walked past her uncle who was passed out on the couch in the living room as always. She walked into the kitchen to find a stack of pancakes, eggs, and a note waiting for her.
Eat up. Went out for a walk. Be home soon.
After finishing her plate, Laura washed her dish and changed her clothes. She tiptoed past her uncle and shut the front door behind her. She started her way down the street towards the local park. It looked beautiful as the sun illuminated the morning dew on the grass. The park was empty aside from a lone silhouette sitting on top of the jungle gym. Laura walked over and climbed up to sit next to Bunny.
“Morning, Hollis.” said Laura, “Surprise to see you awake.”
“Can’t shake the life of a morning person, I suppose.” smiled Bunny.
The twins sat in silence as they watched the sun slowly make its way away from the horizon. Bunny turned their head and looked at Laura. “So how did you know?” they asked.
“Know what?”
Bunny pulled out the note from their pocket.
You’re your own sunlight.
“Oh,” said Laura looking at the note she had left, “You told me everything yesterday. I didn’t have the right words to reply to you. That was the best big sister advice I was able to come up with.”
Bunny gave a small smile, “Thanks. I’m sorry you had to see me that way. Xander brought all this liquor to the lake and he kept giving me these drinks and it all didn’t hit me until I had too much.”
Laura looked up at Bunny and gave them a look.
“I know,” said Bunny, “I shouldn’t have. Logan stayed sober though since he was driving. I don’t remember much other than almost falling into the lake, Logan taking me home, and…” Bunny paused and took a deep breath, “and almost hurting you.”
“It’s okay.” reassured Laura.
“No, it’s not. That’s not how I should have released my anger. I’m not a monster. Especially when it comes to you. I would never do that to you. I’m sorry.”
“I know you’re not, Bun. I know you wouldn’t have done it.” Laura said, “You’re not a monster. I know who you are and that wasn’t you. I know it. It’s okay.”
Laura put her hand on Bunny’s shoulder. A silence fell upon the twins as a breeze rustled the loose leaves below them. Bunny took a deep breath and leaned onto Laura’s hand that was still resting on their shoulder.
“Hey,” said Bunny as they looked at Laura’s bandages, “What happened to your hand?”
“I might have… burned my hand making cupcakes.”
“I bought you oven mitts!”
“I got excited!” said Laura.
Bunny laughed, “What are you going to do without me when you go to Silas?”
“I’m sure I won’t have to deal with rogue cupcake tins when I’m there, Bun.” joked Laura.
Bunny smiled as they shook their head.
“Why do you want to go to Styria anyway?” 
“It’s picturesque,” shrugged Laura. Bunny couldn’t help but laugh. 
“But really,” Laura hesitated, “because I need something more. Something more than this town. Something more than me.” Bunny looked up as Laura stared out toward the rising sun. She had this hope in her eye that they hadn’t seen in a long time, “Bun, there’s a whole world out there. I need to see it.”
Bunny put their hand on Laura’s, “You’re going to be great there. The world needs you just as much as you need to see it.” Laura smiled as she felt a weight lift off her shoulders. All she ever wanted was for Bunny to understand her need to leave.
“I’ll still be worrying about you even if I’m an entire ocean away.” said Laura looking at Bunny.
“I’ll be doing the same from here,” Bunny replied, “I’ll be good while you’re gone. I’ve decided to really commit to my photography. Logan said he has an aunt who works for this small wildlife magazine in the city and that she can give me an internship if I wanted it.”
Laura’s eyes lit up, “That’s great, Bun! Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“I wanted it to be the right time. What better time than this beautiful sibling moment that’s happening right now?” The twins laughed.
“I’m gonna miss you, Bun.”
“I’m gonna miss you too,” said Bunny, “But you’ll always have a home with me.”
Laura smiled and tears welled up in her eyes.
“Ohhh no,” said Bunny, “Don’t you start getting emotional on me now, Hollis. We have a month before you go and we’re going to have all the time to cry after your bags are packed. Oh! That reminds me, I have a gift for you when we get back home.”
“Okay, okay. Turning off the waterworks starting now!” Laura said as she wiped a tear away, “Are you hungry by the way? I mean I ate all the pancakes you made but I can make you something to eat at home.”  
“Ohhh no. I’m not letting you near an open flame especially after the flambe incident! Took months for my eyebrow to grow back!” exclaimed Bunny, “But I am hungry. Come on, let’s go. I’ll make some brunch food for the both of us.”
Back at home, Bunny led Laura into their room where they grabbed a wrapped gift from under their bed and handed it to Laura.
“Here,” said Bunny handing Laura the present, “It’s for when you go to Silas. Just so you can miss me every now and then.” Laura took the present as Bunny left the room to go cook.
Laura sat on Bunny’s bed and ripped off the giraffe print wrapping paper. Inside was a polished brown frame that displayed a worn piece of paper. On the worn piece of paper was a drawing of Bunny and Laura smiling and standing under a rainbow as Bunny handed Laura a cookie. Under their feet were the words “I’m sorry” in blue crayon. Laura smiled as she flipped the frame over to find Bunny’s handwriting on the back.
You’ll always have me.
Go see the world.
I’m rooting for you, Hollis.
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theghostofashton · 6 years
“shouldn’t you be with her?”
this was supposed to be a quick oneshot but somehow 3.1k later i ended up with this pain
i don't have anything to say for myself except i'm sorry lmao
trigger warnings - anxiety, depression, mentions of suicidal thoughts, and self-harm
15. "shouldn't you be with him/her?"
"Hey, I know it's my turn to do laundry, but Ci got off early and asked if we could go get food..."
He bites into his lip as Awsten says the words, doesn't move his gaze from the TV and keeps pressing buttons on the controller in his hands. He tilts it to the side to make the little Mario on the screen veer left to avoid a falling boulder. "Can't you put the clothes in now? I'll get them later."
"I said I'd leave right now." He doesn't have to look up to know the smile on Awsten's face. The sheepish, half guilty but not really, 'I wanna hang out with my girlfriend and don't give a shit anything else' smile. "Sorry, Gee. I promise I'll do it the next two times to make up for it!"
There's a lot of rustling and he hears Awsten swear as something crashes to the floor. A door opens and shuts, and then the front door creaks open. Awsten leaves with a hurried 'love you!'. The door swings shut loudly behind him.
Geoff blinks up at the screen, feels liquid drip off his lashes and settle on his cheeks. He forces down a swallow and looks at the little map off to the right, his blinking icon with all the other characters eons ahead. As if that weren't enough, the little 12 in the corner says it all. He takes a heavy breath in, squeezes his eyes shut and keeps them closed for a few seconds, focuses on just inhaling and exhaling.
This isn't a new development. This has been happening for days, weeks, even. Awsten cancels plans or slacks on his chores or even forgets to pick him up from work because he's off spending more and more time with her.
He remembers that day.
His car was in the shop because it'd broken down the day before. He asked Awsten to be there at 5:30, texted him twice during the day to remind him about it. And Awsten texted back with eye-roll emojis, wondering why he had so much little faith in him.
And then the clock on his phone flipped to 6:00 and he was still standing outside the building, rain pouring down on his shoulders and his fringe plastered to his face, listening to Awsten's answering machine for probably the tenth time in twenty minutes.
This isn't a new development.
This isn't a new development.
This isn't new.
The ache has been splattered behind his eyes since he woke up this morning. It's felt heavy, all day. There's this sort of weightedness that's pressing down on his shoulders, pressing the sky further into them. No matter how much he protests and cries and screams at the pain receptors in his nerves going haywire, it only gets worse.
This day is always hard. It hasn't gotten easier. It feels like he's moving through the process in molasses, like he's fighting and pushing and struggling against the thick wave of mush that just keeps trying to swallow him. It's trying to engulf him whole. It's molasses and it's quicksand. It's lethal and he's defenseless.
It's too powerful and he is tired of fighting.
He goes through this every year, has this fight with himself almost exactly, remembers the conversation in his head almost verbatim. One side is ready to move on but the other doesn't want to forget. One side is bounding toward the future but the other keeps getting pulled down by the past. One side is trying to wade through the molasses but the other keeps getting sucked back into the quicksand.
This year has been particularly difficult.
He doesn't know why.
He doesn't know why getting out of bed every morning has felt Herculean, why he's been living in a haze that's surpassed enveloping his body and has absorbed itself into his skin, wrapped around his bones and squeezed, left him awaking the next morning sore and somber and sapped of everything.
It feels like he has nothing left, like the mist has gone from simple smoke to a heavy fog that squeezes his bones and fills his head and sinks its talons into his shoulders. He wakes up to the ache, feels the throb in his muscles, pushes up to rest on his elbows and lets his head fall back and waits there, feels the new layers of pain hit the wall of his skull, wonders, whether it's even worth moving anymore.
It used to be.
Days like this used to be few and far between. He used to know what to do, how to handle it, used to know that waking up on this kind of morning meant forcing himself out of his bed only to crawl into another, wrap his arms around a waist and press nose to shoulder, exhale a heavy breath that almost always contained tears, feel the life move underneath him and come up to curl around his body in an abyss of warmth.
They stayed like that.
With hugs and cuddles and forehead kisses, he stayed there, breathing out into heated skin and resting his face against a tank-top clad chest, letting tears fall as quickly as thumbs pressed into his cheeks to wipe them away.
And days that started like this almost never ended like this.
He knows exactly when it all changed.
He knows when reality started setting in, when these days – the heavy, days, as they nicknamed them – started increasing and pronouncing in their ardor. He knows when her presence became a fixture and his didn't last. He knows day after day, night after night, the bugs crawling behind his skull and sinking their stingers into the bone, the pieces falling down into his chest cavity, the pain manifesting itself into streaks down his cheeks-
But there was no one to wipe them away.
He knows waking up in tears most nights, shifting to his elbows as they poured down his cheeks and clung to his neck, gasping for breaths in a room waning air, stumbling out of his bed and running to the other, scrabbling at the door with panic bubbling up his lips and nausea stirring in his stomach's dips, only to eventually resign himself to the fact that the other bed was perfumed and laden with high pitched giggles, a swell of laughter that traveled across the apartment, poking at him on nights the mist had finally settled, inadvertently stirring it back up again and leaving him helpless.
He knows the gaping hole in his chest and felt it getting bigger ever time, felt the uncaring child grasp the paper tendrils holding him together and rip, tear, until the pieces were falling to the ground and the rest of him was collapsing on himself and everything felt like it was fallingfallingfalling, into a hole he didn't know existed, down a path he'd never traveled, without the one person who shined a light into every one of these dark holes.
He knows when he lost Awsten to Ciara.
"So then I was like, 'are you kidding me?' Like, did she really think she could just-"
"Shit babe, one sec." He holds up a hand and pulls his phone out of his pocket. "I gotta take this, I'll be right back." He catches a glimpse of the look on her face as he slides out of the booth and makes his way toward the exit of the restaurant, sliding to accept the call as he does so. "Hey man, what's up?"
"Just checkin' ta see how Geoff's doing." Otto's voice crackles through the speakers at first and grows increasingly stronger. He can hear a door open and shut on the other end. "I wanted to come over but I wasn't sure if it'd be too much for him."
"What?" He pushes off the side of the building. His heart is starting to pick up. What was today what did you miss what are you forgetting about what's going on shitshitshit- "What the hell are you talking about?"
Otto's tone shifts. His voice is lower and considerably firmer when he speaks next, "Awsten, where are you right now?"
"At Chipotle with Ciara?" He phrases it as a question. What did you forget fuckfuckfuck what are you missing what did you forget what are you missing what did you forget what are you missing- "Why?"
"Oh my god." Otto blows out a heavy breath. "Are you fuckin' kidding me right now? Do you seriously not know what today is?"
"No? What the fuck is going on?" What did you forget what did you forget what did you forget what did you forget what did you forget-
"It's the anniversary of Geoff's mom's death, dipshit!" Otto snaps. "He's been-"
He hits 'end call' before Otto can say any more. He turns in the direction of his car and then back to the restaurant car restaurant car restaurant car restaurant GeoffGeoffGeoff-
How did he not know how did this happen how did he forget about this how did he not know how did he not know how did he not know-
Geoff's been quiet all week. He's never been the most verbose person in the world, but now, thinking back on it...dinners have been silent and conversation at the breakfast table is nonexistent. Somewhere along the lines they've morphed into two roommates splitting rent as an efficient financial decision rather than two friends who live together because they enjoy each other's company.
He doesn't know when it happened he doesn't know why it did he doesn't know anything anymore- GeoffGeoffGeoff-
The next few moments feel like a blur. He doesn't register them. He goes from the front door of Chipotle to his car and is almost completely backed out of the parking space before he remembers why he was at the restaurant in the first place, the girlfriend he has that is sitting inside, waiting for him, the girlfriend who, after all of this, is going to kill him.
And then he speeds out of the parking lot.
He breaks every traffic law on the way home.
Someone rolls down their window and starts swearing as he cuts them off, and some other lady barely misses him with her car. He speeds across the intersection just as she's preparing to turn.
People are mad at him and maybe one of them was a cop maybe there was a camera in one of the traffic lights he ran through maybe someone saw him and reported his license plate he's probably gonna get in so much trouble for this.
None of it matters.
How did he forget how did he forget how the fuck did he forget-
Geoff's mom's death is something he's still struggling so much with, years later. She's been gone for a long time. He remembers being at her funeral, pressing himself against Geoff's side and holding him, once the casket had been lowered into the ground and people started throwing handfuls of dirt on top.
He remembers never knowing what it was like to watch a human being literally fall apart, until then.
The tires screech as he comes to a stop in the parking deck. He jumps out of the car, barely remembers to lock the doors before he's off, running to the elevator and fumbling for his keys.
His heart is racing the world is spinning so fast his lungs are in his throat he's going to die he's going to puke he's going to puke or die whichever comes first hurry up hurry up hurry up GeoffGeoffGeoff-
The TV is off. The room is quiet. Geoff's car is in his own parking space. He has to be here. Awsten's heart is pounding so fast. He's definitely going to puke once all this is over. He swallows thickly and jogs through the living room and down the hall. "Geoff, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to forget, I swear!"
He's not in the kitchen. He's not in the living room. He's not in his room. He's not in Awsten's room. He's not- fuck.
"Geoff!" He cries. He reaches the bathroom door and pounds on it with his fists. "Geoff, please! Let me in! I'm sorry!"
He tries the doorknob.
It gives.
"Geoff..." He lowers himself to the floor and kneewalks over to where Geoff is sitting. "Give it to me."
Geoff doesn't look at him. His gaze is trained on his arm, sleeve pushed up, dots of blood welling from two open cuts. A slow stream of it is trickling down toward his elbow. There are a couple bloody tissues on the floor next to him, and he's gripping a piece of metal tightly. The broken razor is lying a few feet away. "Go away, Awsten." His voice is low.
"I'm not going anywhere," he replies. His heart is racing. His hands are shaking. "And I'm not gonna sit here and watch you hurt yourself."
He finally gets Geoff's eyes. They're red, bloodshot, but dry. There are no tears on his cheeks. He's not crying. This isn't foreign to him. He doesn't look like he's in any pain. "Shouldn't you be with her?"
He swallows. "No. I should be here. I should've been here all day. I'm so sorry I wasn't."
His heart is constricting. Every second shoots another arrow into the muscle, pierces it in a different place, allows more blood to spill and collect at the base of his chest, a pool of reminder for him to drown in.
He's the worst person alive.
"It's okay," Geoff says. His voice is different. It sounds like he's bordering on nonchalant but the tears are oozing out from the sides. It's too thick to be casual. "You had plans."
"Yeah," Awsten says. His heart feels like it's collapsing. His entire body is giving way into itself. "But none of them are more important than you."
"Geoff," he begs. He reaches for Geoff's hand, bites into his lip and presses down. "Geoff, please. Tell me why you're doing this. I wanna help you. Let me help you."
"You left me!" Geoff exclaims. His eyes are wild. At the outburst, the blood leaking from his cuts starts to pour faster. "You got a girlfriend and I didn't matter anymore! And now, 'cause today's the anniversary of my mom's death, you wanna come in here and act like you're shit? You're not! You left! You told me you'd always be there and you left!"
The tears start. They pour down his cheeks and drip onto his lap. Some of them mix with the blood and dilute it. He winces and reaches for some toilet paper, grabs Geoff's fingers and pulls his arm forward. Geoff fights and resists and tries to pull out of his grip, swears at him through gritted teeth as he clamps the tissues on his wounds. "Get the fuck away from me, Awsten. I don't need your help."
He holds firm, keeps the pressure on his arm. "I'm sorry." He forces his voice down, tries to mold it into something resembling calm. They'll get nothing accomplished if he's yelling back at Geoff. "I'm so, so sorry, okay? I know I've been a shitty friend. You needed someone and I wasn't there and that's all on me. It's my fault. You didn't do anything wrong. I was a shitty friend."
He can feel Geoff's breathing starting to slow down a bit. He keeps talking, "truth is, I've been spending a lotta time with Ci 'cause it's been weird with us lately and I guess I just- I don't want her ta break up with me, ya know?" His own throat is starting to close. He can feel the tears, the lump getting bigger and bigger, about to pop. "And I guess I just lost what was really important to me."
"You don't havta lie ta make me feel better," Geoff mumbles. He's crying. He's not fighting anymore. He's still crying, but he's not fighting anymore.
"Hey. Look at me." He uses his free hand to lift Geoff's chin and meets his eyes. "I'm not lying to you. I wouldn't. Ciara, she's...she's my girlfriend. I love her, 'course I do. She makes me happy." She's probably gonna break up with him after today- "But you, Geoff...you're my best friend. You've been my best friend since we were six. Remember that day? I asked to borrow your pencil and you-"
"I gave it to you," Geoff murmurs.
"Right," he says. He slides closer, moves his hand from Geoff's chin to his shoulder. "And then started crying 'cause we had a spelling test and you didn't have a pencil and you didn't wanna fail."
"I was so dumb."
"No," he replies. "You were so selfless. You put everyone before you our entire lives. Like when you gave your lunch to that girl whose mom never packed her anything in fifth grade? Or when you asked the "ugly" He pauses to make air quotes with his hands because she wasn't even ugly; thirteen-year-old boys were just stupid. "Girl in our class to the winter formal in eighth? Or when, senior year, you took me-"
"I took you to prom," Geoff finishes. "'Cause your date bailed."
"Yeah." He leans forward and presses his nose against Geoff's forehead. Tears are still streaming down his cheeks. "You put everyone before yourself. You help anyone who needs it. You give everything, Geoff, and you deserve someone that's gonna give it back to you. I'm sorry I've been sucking at it so much lately."
"Aws, it's-"
"Don't you dare say it's okay," he warns. "It's not. Your feelings are valid and you're not gonna shove 'em away into a little box to hurt yourself with later."
Geoff gives a sigh against him. He swallows. "You help everyone else feel less alone. You try your hardest. Now it's time for someone to do that for you. You don't deserve to hurt like this, Geoff. You don't deserve to hurt yourself, like this. I really want you to remember that. You deserve all the love and happiness in the world and I wish I could give it to you and I'm sorry I've sucked so much-" He pauses and takes a heavy breath. "But I'm gonna be better. You deserve me being better."
"I miss her," Geoff says heavily. "I don't know when I'm gonna get over it..."
"You won't," he promises. "It'll get easier, but you'll never get over it. Over her. She's your mom, Geoff. You'll miss her for the rest of your life."
"That's fine," Geoff mumbles. "I just don't wanna feel like dying anymore. I'm really sick of wakin' up every morning and wishing I hadn't."
He inhales. "That's- that's still happening? Geoff, why didn't you tell me?"
He remembers the days. If he was woken up to Geoff crawling in bed with him, he knew it was gonna be a bad day. He knew he only woke him up on days that scared him, days when breathing inconvenienced him and he knew he wouldn't get through it without someone else there.
"You were busy."
"I love you," he chokes out. "I love you I love you I love you. I'm so sorry. I'm never too busy for you, okay? From now on, no matter what, never."
"I just wanna stop feeling like this," Geoff sighs. "I wanna feel better."
"You will," he promises. He presses his lips against the side of Geoff's head. "I promise you will. I'll make sure you will. It's gonna be okay, Geoff. You're gonna be okay."
He finishes cleaning Geoff's cuts, helps him up off the floor and to change into some more comfortable clothes, and follows him into bed. They tangle their legs together like before, like they have been since they were fourteen and trying to figure out their bodies and their hormones, when they didn't give a shit who called them gay because they were best friends and they were happy. Geoff buries his face in his chest and Awsten wraps his arms around him, holds him as tight to his body as is physically possible, presses his nose into Geoff's hair and breathes out.
His chest hurts and his body still feels like it's collapsing on himself. Geoff falls asleep quickly. He knows he's going to lay awake tonight, contemplating exactly how the last few months have gone down and at what point his girlfriend started mattering more than the only person who's ever been a constant in his life.
And in the end he knows, with a weight dragging his heart down to his shoes and an ache behind his eyes as bad as the pierce of a bullet, that this is where he's meant to be.
This is always where he was meant to be.
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