#but my asl didn't count
Existing is cool. We all exist in some capacity.
I hope you do well in the seal of biliteracy test! I personally have another few years before I need to take it, and that will be in French most likely.
Hopefully if I do write a fanfic you will just end up finding it in the wild. Not likely but it could happen
Anyway, I hope that you start to feel more human later.
Existing is pretty cool! And thank you. I have no clue what my scoring is gonna be on that one, because I know my speaking section was...subpar at best, but maybe the other 3 sections were good enough to offset that? Who knows!
At least you know that it's a possibility! I didn't even know the seal or the test was a thing until like a month ago when I got an email like "hey quil sign up to take this test you took enough foreign language credits for it" like...you mean the courses I took...over a year ago??
just because I have an associated in spanish doesn't mean I know what I'm doing
And even if its unlikely for me to find your fic in the wild, I can still hope! I mean, i'll never know whether or not it was yours, but still! But yeah unlikely. I don't read a lot of fanfic, actually. Like 95% of the time I read a fic it's to support a mutual who wrote it, not because I particularly felt like reading fics. Ironic considering I'm a fic writer, but true.
Thank you for the well wishes though! I'm not particularly concerned with feeling human, but I understand and appreciate the sentiment, and I wish the same for you!
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darkbluekies · 11 months
In our own world
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Yandere!king OC x fem!reader
Summary: You're bored and Edmund decides to create his own little excluded world where you and him can spend some valuable quality time, just you and him.
Warnings: obsession, isolation, Edmund thinking that he is better than everyone else (power dynamics?)
Word count: 2.1k
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Oh how bored you are. You've been sitting in the large window for what feels like an eternity by now. Maybe you could ask the maids to entertain you? No, that won't work. Edmund has said that none other than him are allowed to be with you unless he's said otherwise. Maybe … maybe you could ask Edmund to do something? Maybe he could let you … go out for a little?
You jump down from the window and leave the chamber. Wherever you walk in the halls, maids and butlers stop to bow at you and wish you a good day. At first, you found it soothing that someone acknowledged your presence, but now you find them creepy. 
You reach Edmund’s office and are met by a guard standing outside.
"Can I speak to him?" you ask.
"He's busy, your majesty", the guard replies.
"You shouldn't disturb the king. He was very persistent on that no one should talk to him before he's done with his work."
"Oh … okay …"
"Can it wait?"
You force a smile. "Yes, it can."
"Very well."
In defeat, you turn around to leave. The guard walks into the office to check up on the king.
"Who were you talking to?" Edmund asks without looking up from his desk. "Fuck all of these papers make me insane!"
"It was the queen, your majesty", the guard answers.
Edmund snaps his head up, his heart skipping a beat. You've finally come to him? 
"What did she want?" he asks quickly.
"She just wanted to speak with you", the guard answers. "Nothing more. She said that it could wait so I sent her away. I know how you said that you didn't want to be disturbed-"
"You fucking idiot! That rule implies for everyone but her. Go get her."
"... yes, your highness."
The guard runs out of the room, sensing that he's upset the king. Edmund sighs frustratedly, shaking his head. 
He returns with you by his side just a minute later. Carefully, he walks out and shuts the door behind him. Edmund smiles fondly as he sees you. You're so pretty.
"I heard you wanted to talk to me", he says softly.
"It was nothing important", you say. 
"Yes, it was. Come here."
He pats his lap. You walk over to him slowly and sit down on his thigh. Edmund smiles and wraps his arm around your waist securely.
"What did you want to say to me?" he smiles up at you.
"I was just bored", you say and shrug. "I was wondering if you wanted to do something but you're busy. I don’t want to disturb you."
Edmund sighs and looks over the papers drowning his desk. Why does he have to be a king?
"I am", he mumbles regretfully. "I'd love to spend time with you, my jewel, but if I don't complete this before tonight the Supreme Court will grill my ass."
"It's okay … I'll entertain myself. I'm good at it."
Edmund bites his lip, thinking.
"If I hurry up, will you wait for me?" he asks and squeezes your waist carefully. "We can do something together later. Why don’t you come up with something fun to do in the meantime?"
“I want to go out”, you say. “For a little while.”
Edmund grabs your cheeks in his hand and smiles cheekily. 
“You are not allowed outside, dearest”, he says with his eyebrows raised in that condescending tone you hate — sounds like he’s talking to a child. “You’re far too precious to be spoiled by the outside world.”
You sigh and fight back the urge to slap him. 
“Go wait in the bedroom and I’ll come get you when I’m done”, he says, giving you a sweet push towards the doors. “If any of the guards give you any problem, you come back and tell me.”
You nod. Edmund smile drops once you leave. He can’t believe how his own guard turned you away. You must have felt so shocked and humiliated. Edmund’s heart breaks at the thought. He clenches his jaw. If you want to go outside, then you shall. 
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You must have fallen asleep because when you open your eyes, Edmund’s kneels down in front of the bed, caressing your hair. 
“Y/N, my queen, why don’t you come with me?” he smiles. 
“Are you done now?” you ask and yawn. 
“Yes, I am. And I have something for you. Won’t you come with me?”
You get up from bed and follow him out of the room. He leads you through magnificent corridors, out to the backyard. You stop at the sight. A set table with flowers, pastries and tea. It’s taken directly out of a fairytale.
“Do you like it?” he asks.
He looks genuinely excited. Edmund loves to do these kinds of stuff. He’s never had anyone to surprise or impress before, but now that he has … it has become something he enjoys.   
“I love it”, you answer, still in shock. “Why did you suddenly change your mind?”
“I mean … this isn’t the outside world”, Edmund shrugs. “So I thought that is wouldn’t be too bad. This is our own little world. You can still see the sun, but you’re not tainted by the townsfolk. I guess I can let you be here. But only when I am too.”
You look around, seeing the high brick wall that keeps you locked in. You can tell guards are watching every corner. Edmund takes you to the table and holds out a chair for you. You sit down and start to search the table for what you should start with. 
“I’ve told the maids to stay away”, he says and lifts the teapot. “I want to do everything myself.”
You want to crack a joke about how he’s never touched his own utensils before, but you keep it in. It’s probably not a good timing. He seems to be in a good mood for once, you shouldn’t destroy it. He pours you some tea and holds out the cookie tray for you. 
“Eat as much as you like, my jewel”, Edmund says. “We have enough to feed the entire village here. Not that they will get any. Why would anyone unimportant deserve this kind of food? Pathetic. These kinds of meals are reserved for the important people.”
Pleasant as always.
“Thank you for bringing me out here …”, you say hesitantly after a while of awkward silence. “I’ve missed being outside.”
“You’re welcome”, Edmund smiles with a smile. “If you’re happy, then I am too.”  He breathes out and looks around. “Such a shame I’m always busy or we could spend all of our time together … just like this.”
You don’t answer. You’re not sure what you think about the idea. It’s not like you wanted to go to him for company. You had no other choice. He kills everyone you want to talk to. 
“Do you feel lonely without me?” he asks while keeping his eyes on the spoon he slowly moves around in his teacup. 
“I feel lonely, but I’m not sure it has so much to do with you … just overall”, you answer hesitantly. “It’s a big castle with lots of people I don’t know … everything is frightening and big …”
“It’s not dangerous for you. Only at night. But you’re safe if you stay in the parts assigned to you. You know better than to wander around.”
Oh, you know.
Suddenly, you hear a melody coming from afar. You look up, trying to find where the music is originating from. Edmund does the same and then breaks out into a small smile.
"Right, there were some things in the village today", he says, shaking his head slightly. "I should have told them to cut it out."
"What are they doing?" you ask.
"Partying. Something they don't have time for now that it’s harvest time."
He's about to stand up and tell a guard to get rid of the sound, but your hand shoots out, placing over his before you can think. He looks down at you, shock written all over his face.
"Please let them be", you beg. "They should get a break from their jobs and have some fun. They're humans. Besides … I kind of like the melody."
Edmund sighs heavily and nods. Remorsefully, he sits back down and looks at you with love growing in his eyes.
"You're wonderful, do you know that?" he asks. "I made a good choice in marrying you."
Your heart sinks whenever he talks like that. As if everything is a business deal to secure the heritage of the throne. Edmund has a tendency to be selfish and inhuman, how does he really care for you? Does he see you as another package deal to secure the future? Is he treating you differently because he should? Since you’re the queen?
"Can I ask you a question?" you ask hesitantly.
"Go ahead", he answers calmly.
"Did you marry me because you needed a queen or … because you actually wanted to?"
You can see him physically twitching. He furrows his dark brows and looks at you questionably.
"What are you saying?" he asks in confusion. “Are you serious?”
You nod. Your throat has gone dry. That voice. Oh, how you hate to confront him. He can never take anything in any way other than an attack. 
“Do you think I wanted to be married at this age?” Edmund asks with a raised eyebrow. “That wasn’t my priority, Y/N. With that said, you’re definitely not just something I ticked off the bucket list. Don’t … don’t I show you enough love?”
You shrug fearfully. After every horrific thing he’s done to the people around you — including you — there’s nothing that actually shows if he loves you or only sees you as a pet. Edmund gulps and pulls his chair back quick enough for you to shudder. He stands up and walks over to your chair … holding out his hand. You stare at it blankly.
“Would … would you like to dance?” he asks
"Huh?" you ask, wondering if you could have heard wrongly.
"Dance with me."
You get pulled up on your feet by a strong force and almost crash into him. He squeezes your waist and positions the two of you for a dance. The music from the village is enough for him to find a rhythm and bring you into a trance. You can feel the guards glancing at you. 
“Don’t look at them”, Edmund whispers warningly. “Look at me instead.”
You turn your eyes to him and he smiles. His smile makes him look like his actual age and it makes you relax slightly. After all, he’s just a young man without guidance. You shake your head. No. Don't think like that, don't give him excuses.
"There you go", he says approvingly. "Keep your eyes on me. There's only you and me in this world — in our own world — no one else."
He twirls you around before gaining another tight grip on you. You're sure that you'll get bruises on your hips by the end of the dance. You let him take the lead, not knowing where you’ll end up, but you know better than to question any of Edmund’s decisions. 
“The guards, they’re looking at you”, he says without taking his icy blue eyes off of yours. “Gawking even. Wishing that they had what’s mine. Pretty pathetic, don’t you think? To be jealous of me? As if they could ever be on my level.”
“I’m not on your level either, Edmund”, you remind him quietly, hoping to make him realize how stupid he sounds. “Would you talk about me like that too?”
He looks dumbfounded. 
“You must have hit your head or something with all the absurd questions you’re asking today”, he mutters and rolls his eyes. “No one is on my level — of course — but you’re far, far better than any of the other people in this kingdom. Don’t try to insult yourself by saying that you’re like them ever again, Y/N. I don’t like that.”
He dances round and round, holding you as close as he possibly can against his chest. You’re practically molded against his body. 
“I’m so fucking obsessed with you, Y/N”, Edmund whispers in your ear. “You make me crazy. I can never let you go. You’re so perfect.”
His arms tighten around you and you start to wonder if he’s going to break your corset. In this world of your own, he will make sure that it is only you and him. Only you and him … in your own little shielded, exluded world.
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musings-of-a-rose · 10 months
I have a request. Im going deaf and use asl. Can you write a fanfic with Joel or Frankie or Javi or Marcus or Pedro being married to a deaf woman? Falling in love dating and marrying? Post outbreak? It can be trying at times for me to date. And I love the smut and fluff 😜 thanks
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For You
Pairing: Javi G x ofc Ally
Word Count: 2700+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: I got a request from @jedi-in-crocs : I have a request. Im going deaf and use asl. Can you write a fanfic with  Joel or Frankie or Javi or Marcus or Pedro being married to a deaf woman? Falling in love dating and marrying? Post outbreak? It can be trying at times for me to date. And I love the smut and fluff 😜 thanks (Ally)
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Main Masterlist
Javi G Masterlist 
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Market day in Mallorca was always a beautiful affair. Rows and rows of tents adorned the streets, bursting with vibrant colors of fresh fruits and veggies, various paintings, clay jars and mugs, the smells of homemade snacks and treats filling the air as people bustled past each other, lightly bumping shoulders with each other as they set their eyes on something they want. 
But Javi's favorite row was for the flowers. Beautiful blooms and plants bursting from various pots and glass jars, some massive and sitting in large pots on the ground, other small and dangling in the air at the end of macrame chains. He stops to look at each and every one, touching some of the petals or leaves and smiling to himself before moving on to the next. 
But today is different. As he nears the middle of the row of tents and tables, he notices a new vendor. Her area was smaller than the others, but the plants and flowers she had were breathtaking. Bright colors and green leaves strategically placed on a couple of shelved hand carved wooden tables created this ambience of tranquility despite the bustling crowd. But this was nothing compared to the woman in front of him, straightening up from placing the last of her pots on the ground, gently dabbing at her brow to rid her skin of the few beads of sweat that had accumulated. She turns and jumps when she sees Javi staring at her. 
"Oh!I'm sorry I didn't see you. Welcome! Is there anything specifically you're looking for?"
He's momentarily speechless, her green eyes shining up at him, her face framed by her auburn hair, the sun catching it at the right angle and making it glow. 
"I… I don't.." Why can't he speak? She's staring at him, a friendly smile on her face as she studies him. 
"That's ok. Are you looking for a gift for someone? Your mom or significant other?"
"Oh, no. My mother has passed and I am not… I mean, I don't have…" Javi sighs. "I am single."
Is he imagining the slight flush to her cheeks at his answer? Her eyes flick away from his for a brief moment before returning, her cheeks still a slight shade of pink. 
"Well then.. are you new to plants?" Javi nods, trying to regain his composure. "Ok great. Then may I recommend…" She looks around for a few moments before reaching for a plant with green oval shaped leaves cascading down vines out of a small hanging planter. She turns and holds it out for him, his breath catching in his throat when their fingers touch briefly at the exchange. She clears her throat a moment layer, shaking her head. 
"I uh… this is a pothos. Very easy to take care of. Water once a week or so and make sure they get some light. They're pretty sturdy."
"Th-thank you, miss…"
"Ally." She extends her hand and Javi shifts the pot into his left hand, extending his right to shake hers, his body nearly shaking when they touch. He hears her breath catch as well. Could she feel the same? 
"Hey lady! Do you have any monstera?" A large man pushes his way past Javi, nearly knocking him over to stand in front of Ally. 
"I uh…yes. Right here." As she shows him the plants, he proceeds for tell her some long winded tale of his own garden, her eyes flicking back to Javi apologetically. After several minutes it becomes clear that he won't be leaving soon and Javi had to head home for a meeting. He sighs, pulling out some money and setting it on the table for her. At the last minute he decided to write a little note, taking the pen and paper she had set there to make notes about plant care for people. 
I hope this is enough. I'll be back next weekend to make sure.
Javi leaves the paper and makes eye contact with Ally, her small, sad smile and nod indicating she saw him leave the money. 
Javi can't stop thinking about her all week. 
Javi returns every weekend for 2 months. At first, he makes up excuses for coming, looking for plants, what does a slight discoloration mean, anything he can think of to talk to her. He's never been very good at flirting or picking up signals, but she laughs at all of his jokes, blushing whenever he compliments her, and he swears he's caught her more than once checking him out. 
One weekend, Javi decides enough of enough- it's time to ask Ally out. Mayne just for coffee so if she says no, he can cover it up as a just as friends coffee. Or a thank you coffee. Something. 
Javi walks to her stand, waiting a moment to watch her, back to him as she moves about arranging her plants, her fingers lightly brushing against petals and Javi imagines what it must feel like to have those same fingers brush against his skin, digging into his arms as they meld their bodies together…
He shakes his head. Now isn't the time for lewd thoughts. It wouldn't help his nerves. Javi stops at the entrance to her booth, giving her space to move about. 
"Hi Ally. Got anything new today?"
She doesn't turn around, still moving about her plants. Javi clears his throat a little louder than he normally would. Still, she doesn't move. No turning to give him her brilliant smile that warms him up. Did he do something wrong? Say something wrong? His brain works fast, playing through all of their interactions. Nothing seemed amiss. Could he have misread something? 
"She can't hear you." The vendor next to Ally says as she comes to stand next to Javi. 
"Her aids are being repaired so she doesn't have them today."
His eyebrows pull together. "Aids?"
"Hearing aids. Did you not see them?"
He hadn't. He was too taken in by her sweet words and gorgeous eyes, her obvious love for the plants she so lovingly cares for. When he doesn't reply, the woman turns more towards him. 
"She's losing her hearing. It'll be totally gone one day, I think. At least that's what she told me. She taught me some basic signs too in case she didn't have her aids. Lovely girl."
Javi watches the back of Ally, still tending the plants she loves so much. "I have to go. Can you tell her 'Javi has some work to do but he'll be back soon?'" 
The woman nods and Javi thanks her, turning promptly on his heel and heading straight for his car, pulling out his phone to call his assistant to help him with his task. 
A month later, Javi nervously approaches Ally's booth. What if she's mad at me? I hope I did not distress her too much. He swallows hard, taking the last few steps to her booth, watching her brush dirt from her hands, fingers rubbing gently on the gardening apron she always wore. She turns and sees him, eyes locking on his as she freezes, her eyes studying him, her focus slightly upset. She opens her mouth to speak but before she can, Javi raises his hands, willing the nerves to leave him as he starts to move. 
[Signed]"I am sorry I have not come. Your neighbor-" He points to the lady in the next booth over. "- told me about your hearing and how you use ASL-"
Her eyes well up. [Signed] "You know ASL?"
Javi shakes his head. [Signed] "I didn't. I spent the last month starting to learn it for you."
Pure shock flashes across her face as she points to herself. [Signed] "For me? Why?"
Javi takes a few steps towards her, closing the distance between them. He brushes a short strand of her auburn hair from her face, the sunlight glinting slightly off of the tiny tube connecting her hearing aids to the ear mold and he smiles, meeting her eyes. 
[Signed] "Because I always want to be able to talk to you, hear your thoughts. Anything you have to say."
Their eyes lock onto each other and he glances down at her lips, slightly parted. He brings his hands up slowly to cup her cheeks, giving her every chance to pull back. Instead, she grips his shirt, pulling him closer as their lips meet, soft and wanting. He wraps an arm around her, pressing his tongue to her lips as she eagerly responds. After several seconds, the lady in the booth next to Ally clears her throat and Javi pulls back, glaring slightly at the woman. Ally follows his gaze and looks at the woman, who is now smirking. Javi puts his finger on Ally's cheek, turning her head back to his. 
[Signed] "Will you have dinner with me?"
Ally smiles wide, brightening the entire area and warming Javi up as she nods enthusiastically. "I'm free tonight?"
Javi chuckles. "I'll pick you up at 8 for dinner."
Javi thinks he's never seen someone more beautiful than her. The dress she wore fits her perfectly, enhancing her physical features, but it's more than that. As Javi listens to her talk about cross pollination, he watches her confidence grow with her excitement about her plants, a non stop stream of words and he drinks in every one, his chin leaning on his fist as he watches her, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. 
"And oh my God I've been talking the whole time, haven't I?" She blushes, hiding her face behind her hands, elbows propped on the table.
"No, no. Please continue. I love watching you talk."
She lowers her hands and looks at him. "Watching me talk?"
"Yes. The way your passion for what you do pours out of you, touching anyone near you." 
Her face heats up more and she fans herself for a moment. "You flatter me too much, Javi." 
He catches her eye and signs. "That's because I really like you."
As dinner continues, he learns more about her. Her childhood, how she ended up in Mallorca, how her illness is causing her to lose her hearing, eventually a total loss. So she wanted to spend time listening to the small sounds, the way the wind moves through pine needles, the way water splashes against the leaves, the way grass flows against the breeze. 
"Can I show you something?" Javi asks as he nervously offers his arm to Ally as they exit the restaurant. She takes it almost instantly, leaning into him and making his ears feel warm. 
"Of course. Anywhere you'd like to go, I'm there."
Javi helps her into his jeep, driving back towards the compound. The guards let him in and he drives down the winning dirt road, turning down a nearly hidden path. He follows it down until it clears a little, overlooking the water. He reaches behind him, grabbing a thick blanket from the backseat before getting out of the jeep, walking around to offer his hand to Ally, helping her out of the jeep. Their fingers lace together as she follows him towards a small, clear space where he puts the blanket down, spreading it out. He offers his hand again, grinning at Ally as she sits, laying down next to him when he lays down. 
"You see those stars there?" He points to the sky and Ally follows his fingers, squinting at the rapidly darkening sky. 
"Yeah I think so."
"That's the Scorpius constellation."
"No idea."
She laughs, turning her head to him and finding him already looking at her, a faint smile on his face. She watches him back, eyes roaming over his handsome face, with his prominent nose and curls you just want to touch. She leans in and Javi meets her halfway, their lips crashing together as she slides her fingers around his head, tugging at the curls at the back of his neck. Javi feels his pants tighten even more and he pulls back, his eyes moving between hers, his eyebrows raised in question. She replies by gripping his shirt, pulling him to her as she unbuttons his shirt, sliding it off his broad shoulders, only breaking the kiss for Javi to toss his shirt somewhere over his shoulder, both of them giggling as he lays her back, slotting himself between her spread legs. 
He holds himself above her, his soft lips pressing to hers as he grinds himself against her, feeling her heat beneath his pants. Then her fingers are at his pant line, fumbling to open his button and the kiss breaks, his forehead pressed to hers as she manages to open the button, sliding his pants down just enough for him to spring out, hard and wanting. He pulls his head back just enough to look at her, his own lust echoed in the depths of her eyes.
[Signed]”Are you sure?”
She nods. “Yes. Please, Javi, I need you.”
He slides his hand up her bare thigh, pressing his fingers between her thighs and moaning as he feels how wet she is for him, her own moan at his light touch mixing with his. She grips his hand, showing him how to touch her, his thick fingers sending jolts of pleasure out from where he touches her. But then he pushes her panties aside, Ally silently grateful for wearing a dress as he touches her, his skin on hers, sliding his fingers and touching her how she showed him. Her release comes from nowhere, a loud gasp and moan coming from her as her back arches, her body tensing with pleasure. Her back lowers, her chest heaving as she looks up at Javi, his eyes nearly black in the low light and she wraps her legs around him, trying to get him to move. He smiles and presses his hips forward, slowly pushing into her as he watches her face contort with pleasure at the feel of him stretching her open, small pants puffing out into his face until he bottoms out. Javi stays like that, pulling out only a little before pushing in, just to give her a moment, until he feels her hands grasping at his back, her heels digging into his ass and he gets the hint. He sets a comforting pace, not too rough and not too light, adding in his signature thrust that has her pulsing around him, his name tumbling from her lips as he comes with her, unable to resist the feel of her engulfing him. 
They stay like that for several minutes, her fingers lightly tracing a mindless pattern across his sweaty, bare back, their breathing syncing together. Slowly, Javi pulls out, a hiss on his lips as he pats at the ground for his shirt, helping to clean her up with it before himself. He chucks the shirt on the ground again, laughing lightly with Ally before laying back down, pulling her close to him as he feels her hand on his chest. He presses a kiss to the top of her head as they watch the stars. 
6 months later, they get married, happy to spend the rest of their days with each other, thankful that Javi stopped in the market that day.
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0lshadyl0 · 1 year
Do you think asl would work well together or would it end up as disaster? ( can it be Yandere please )
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I'll assume darling is female since you didn't specify
Are you really asking this question? With Ace, Sabo, and Luffy? Let's be honest, they have the best sibling relationship without sharing blood ties in the entire series (and other series... I don't know, it's not like I can afford to watch other animes, besides the rest of my free time I spend playing Genshin Impact), so if what you are looking for is a polyamorous relationship, either platonic or romantic (in the latter rule out Luffy because he can only be yandere platonic, I don't see in my head how this guy could feel romantic desires for someone, no, just not), ASL is your best bet
Now if we go to the dynamics of how the relationship would work, it will depend a lot on how it is formed and in what sense, for example, if it is a healthy platonic relationship between siblings (and in the specific case that it was formed when they were all children being slaughtered by Garp and his fists of love), then we would be seeing that they will treat you the same as Luffy, or in case you are younger than them, (Ace and Sabo), they will be a little more overprotective of you, if you are even younger than Luffy (or if you are female), in the beginning of your adventurous years you will not be alone, at least you will be in a pirate group under the command of Ace or Luffy, (Sabo does not count because we will presume him dead at that time), girls cannot go outside unsupervised sea, not with all those perverts sailing the seas in search of beautiful young and fertile girls (I see you Shanks, Mihwak, caesar, DOFLAMINGO) and all those old bastards who didn't get married in time and feel lonely and misunderstood since their children ignore them (kaido)
Now going to the field where the beautiful stops being so beautiful and love becomes sick:
Yandere ASL Platonic Polyamorous Relationship
• In this situation, I assure you that it is 100% Luffy's fault and his ability to make other platonic yanderes
• Any chance of forming a romantic relationship with Ace or Sabo dies if the first of these three you meet is Luffy.
• Because, if he says that you are brothers, my dear, you are family
• And no, they are not the type of family where the brothers want to marry each other (disgustingly cool in fiction but fucking disgusting if it is in real life, say no to incest, there are many fish in the sea and many 2D men/women to simp (Nico Robin, my love))
• Get ready to always be accompanied by one of them, privacy? what is that? is it eaten?
• Also keep in mind that you are Ace's emotional support every time he has his attacks of “I'm Roger's son, everyone hates me, I hate myself too”, I think, out of the three, it's him that you will spend more time
• Until Luffy comes to steal you because he found a new island with very cool animals and he wants to go on an adventure with you.
• Really the one who has to manage everything in the relationship and be 'the older brother' is Sabo
• Poor him, considering all the extra work he has as a revolutionary, now he also has to deal with the fact that his brothers don't want to share (Luffy is the most possessive of the three and the one who starts the fights)
• So when you get frustrated go with Sabo, you will have time for yourself while you are watched by the piercing eyes of the revolutionary
I will not speak more about this dynamic because the post will be longer than it already is, besides that it looks like another request that they made to me, I will delve into it more calmly in that future post
Yandere AS, Romantic Polyamorous relationship Platonic with L
• The way in which this relationship occurs, is by following certain rules that, first of all, is doing the opposite of the platonic relationship, in what sense? you may be asking me
• Simple, Luffy shouldn't meet you first.
• If you meet Luffy first it's game over, from now on you have three brothers, live with it
• You can have the opportunity to be Sabo's darling, be part of the revolutionaries, or he saving you from some injustice (he has a hero complex, it increases if you are a woman)
• With Ace you can find him on Whitebeard's ship (maybe being his daughter? A nurse? Marco's apprentice? (I would be, I don't hesitate) are you stupid or ridiculously strong enough to face the yonkou?, I don't know, you tell me) or literally on any random island that he visited while looking for Teach (or you guys met in Wano, the possibilities are limitless)
• Or in an invented scenario where we are all happy, Ace did not die in marineford and was reunited with his brother who he presumed dead in a tragicomic scene with many tears, emotions, and heartbreaking flashbacks
• In any case, the second rule is that Sabo and Ace must discover you at the same time, note that this is important because although neither of them is possessive, Sabo is a jealous person and although he would never do anything to hurt Ace, if he chooses you first, he won't share you, what Sabo will do is manipulate Ace into looking the other way while he stays with you
• Let's remember, Sabo is a manipulative and protective yandere, Ace is another protective yandere, but he is also delusional and that is what puts him at a disadvantage compared to Sabo who thinks with a cooler head
• So if you stick to these rules, congratulations, you now have two very hot boyfriends and an annoying brother-to-be who is going to irritate his older siblings because he wants to hang out with his brothers's girlfriend.
• Basically this relationship is based on Sabo having control of the dynamics between the four of you (distracting Luffy, keeping Ace stable and his delusions, keeping an eye on you, you know, everything a manipulator can control)
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jungle-angel · 5 months
See No Dumbass, Hear No Dumbass (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: You guys thought it would be a good idea to take Bob's sister, Aly, to The Hard Deck for some much needed downtime, but you guys learn very quickly on she has neither the time nor the patience for dumbasses
Tagging: @sallyandjack Hailee my love, I apologize that this is so overdue but I hope you'll enjoy it either way. Have a very, very happy New Year my friend
The Hard Deck was starting to get crowded with everyone starting to come in for the New Year's Day celebrations. New Year's Eve had been no less of an eventful night with you and Bob practically making out once the clock had struck midnight.
"Good God I need a drink," his sister Aly signed from the backseat of the truck.
"You want a Dirty Pirate when we get there?" Bob asked her.
"Literally anything at this point," Aly replied with a laugh.
You laughed as you watched them banter back and forth. Thank God both you and Bob had taken up ASL when you did. Aly had been one of the best teachers you could have asked for and it had especially served you well seeing as you had a hard-of-hearing first grader enter your class in the lower grades at the local Steiner school you taught at.
"Thank God it's not as crazy as last night," you sighed, pulling Bob's truck into the parking lot space close to the building. "I thought I was gonna scream trying to get outta here."
"Almost everybody at this point has a hangover sweetheart," Bob chuckled as he helped you and his sister out.
Into the bar you went with all its familiar sights, sounds and smells of drinks being made, food being served and raucous chatter and laughter filling the whole place. To you and Bob, The Hard Deck felt like your Hogwarts or your Camp Half Blood with your best memories having been made right here with all your friends and family.
"Oh look who it is!" Penny greeted excitedly. "Two siblings in khaki and one of the best teachers ever!"
You had to laugh as you, Bob and his sister seated yourselves at the bar. "What'll it be guys?" Penny asked.
"Devil's Purse if you don't mind," Bob answered politely.
"Do you still have that grapefruit and vodka mix from last night?" you asked.
"Absolutely," Penny answered. "And for the other pilot?"
"Dirty Pirate if you can," Aly signed.
"You got it honey," Penny answered.
As soon as Penny had gotten your drinks, she slid the laminated menus your way before the rest of the squad made their way in. All around it was huge hugs and excited remarks as the rest of the Daggers took their seats close by you both.
"Oh my Lord if it ain't Baby On Board's sister!" Jake signed to Aly.
"Hey you're getting better at this, dumbass," she replied with a laugh.
"Stop," Jake insisted.
Everybody joked back and forth about the goings on in their lives, their hopes and aspirations for the new year and of course about upcoming vacation plans.
"Hey, hey honey?" somebody asked. "Can you move? You're in my spot."
Aly gave her a confused look, crunching her eyebrows together.
"The hell's the matter with you?" the girl asked again.
"Well, if it didn't occur to you, Regina George," Jake answered, his words dripping with sarcasm. "She's deaf."
"I wasn't talking to you asshole," the girl informed him, nastily.
"Can I help you bitch?" Aly asked her.
"I'm sorry what?"
"She said, 'can I help you bitch?'" Jake laughed.
"Excuse me?!"
"You fuckin heard me!" Aly shot right back.
The whole bar went a little quiet as Aly and the aptly named "Regina George" in front of her, went at it with Jake translating the insults on Aly's behalf.
"Oh shit," Penny hissed.
"I hope we don't have to break up a fight," you said, wincing.
"Three.......two.......one......." Bob counted down.
One last insult from the dumb bitch down in front had been the last straw for Aly, the two of them lunging at each other and falling straight to the floor near the bar. People jumped back when they went at it, the fight so intense that you and Bob thought you could hear a pair of cats meowing angrily.
"Get her!"
"Get her Aly!"
"Beat the shit outta her Aly!"
There was a collective "OOOOH!" throughout the bar when a shoe went flying halfway around the room. And it was only then that Penny had signaled for Jake, Bob and Rooster to break it up. Aly willingly took her place back at the bar and fixed her hair, but the bitch that had insulted her, ran out with the two lackeys she had come in with, looking like an utter mess.
"Sorry about the fight Penny," Aly apologized.
"Nah honey, it's all good," Penny responded. "Not the worst I've ever seen."
You, Bob and the others all went back to your dinner and drinks, both proud and scared shitless of your sister-in-law.
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anxiousstark · 8 months
A Lull in Our Symphony | E. M
Eddie x Deaf!Reader (cochlear implant). Word Count: 2k Genre: Fluff and cosy vibes. A/N: This was going to be a brief post, but here it is. I had a dream about it and couldn't get it out of my head. I looked into ASL and cochlear implants. I hope I was able to correctly and respectfully represent it. This was inspired by a dream I had and numerous videos I'd seen online about how people take breaks from wearing their cochlear implants. All Rights Reserved. The author, me, does not allow any type of copy or adaption. BIG MASTERLIST
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Eddie walked through the door of his trailer after another day of tinkering at the repair shop, expecting the usual warmth and familiarity that awaited him. But today, something felt amiss. The living room light had inexplicably gone dark. It was an unusual sight because, typically, he would find you nestled beneath a soft blanket, absorbed in the glow of the television.
Eddie couldn't help but admire the graceful way you watched those programs. The square television set was notorious for its fickle signal, often reducing the picture to black-and-white and distorting the sound. Yet, amidst these technical hiccups, there you were, radiating joy, arms wide open, eager for a hug or a loving embrace.
He'd occasionally try to escape, claiming he was sweaty and smelling of oil. But you had a knack for sidling up to him, playfully reminding him of the wonders of a shared shower. After a few minutes or even hours of cradling each other, you both would leap into the shower, washing away the day's grime and worries.
So, on this particular evening when Eddie entered the trailer and didn't find you in your usual spot, a sense of uncertainty and discomfort washed over him. He wondered if you were perhaps feeling unwell, and that thought weighed heavily on his mind.
Eddie carefully placed his keys on a small porcelain dish perched atop the television, ensuring they made no noise as they settled on the surface. He didn't want to disturb you. With the same intent, he removed his work boots and lined them up by the front entrance.
Stealthily, he moved to the kitchen, opened the fridge, and grabbed a can of soda, downing it hastily as if his throat had transformed into a desert. The shock of the cold rushed through him, which was strange considering the refrigerator's unreliable cooling. More than once, he had been forced to discard spoiled food due to its fluctuating temperatures.
After disposing of the empty soda can, Eddie made his way to the shared room he and you called your own, all the while reminiscing about the day you had moved in with him and Uncle Wayne. In this tiny trailer, space was scarce, but it was a temporary haven. He knew that you both had dreams of a more secure and spacious flat in the future, something that would truly be home. But, for now, this trailer served as your residence, shared with Uncle Wayne.
Eddie's brow furrowed with confusion as he stood before the locked bedroom door. He gently rapped on it three times, a familiar signal to let you know it was him. However, this time, there was no response. It was then that realization slowly crept over him. The absence of your welcoming presence in the dimly lit living room, combined with his bedroom door shut tight, tugged at his heartstrings. His heart ached as he began to piece together what had happened.
Eddie cautiously pushed the door ajar, just enough to slip through, careful not to intrude on your privacy. His hand fumbled in the dim light, finding the switch, and he began to flash the lights on and off, a silent signal that he was there. A soft voice permitted his entry.
Inside the room, you lay on the shared bed, clad in nothing but a pair of silky pink panties and one of his countless Hellfire T-shirts. The bedsheet, a gentle embrace for your feet, formed a delicate, artistic mess. Eddie couldn't help but be captivated by your beauty as he entered the room, his heart silently echoing the question, "How did I ever get so lucky to catch your attention?" If only he knew how fortunate you felt to have captured his heart.
Eddie moved further into the room, a warm smile gracing his lips as he noticed the slight pout on yours.
Eddie quietly shed his jacket and shirt, feeling a slight shiver pass through his body, whether due to the temperature shift or the intensity of your gaze, which explored his exposed chest and abdomen. It wasn't a look of desire, but rather one filled with admiration and respect. The love shining in your eyes conveyed a multitude of unspoken emotions.
Eddie continued undressing, removing his pants and socks until only his boxers remained. As he neared the bed, you raised your right arm, revealing a hair tie encircling your wrist. Eddie took it gently, his fingers brushing against your skin, and used it to secure his hair into a tousled, low ponytail.
His affectionate gaze traveled over your body, from your covered toes to your eyes. Then he extended his non-dominant hand, palm up, and used his dominant hand to tap his non-dominant hand's fingers several times. He furrowed his brow, widened his eyes, and conveyed a sense of frustration and concern on his face, underlining the emotion. "Overwhelmed?" A simple nod was your response, and he didn't need to look far to notice your cochlear implant resting on the side table next to the shared bed. Eddie understood the challenges you faced, and he often felt a profound sense of helplessness whenever he saw you struggling with agitation, fear, or the overwhelming sounds surrounding you.
Eddie's pout deepened, and he moved his open hand in a small circular motion near his chest, palm facing downward. Then, he formed a "B" handshape by tucking his thumb into his palm and extending his index and pinky fingers. He gently pressed the "B" handshape against his cheek, gradually moving it lower, as if caressing his cheek with his fingertips, conveying a heartfelt "I'm sorry, baby."
In response, you mouthed, "It's okay," reluctant to shift your hands or speak aloud. Eddie couldn't bear to see you in such distress. He vividly remembered that night when you had sat weeping on the bathroom floor, overwhelmed by the cacophony of new sounds you had never heard before. You had confided your fear of never getting accustomed to them and feeling ungrateful.
With a soft sigh, Eddie's right hand gently squeezed your favorite spot on your thigh, seeking physical reassurance. He raised his eyebrows, displaying a puzzled expression. He brought his hand to his chin, palm facing upward, then moved it away from his chin, forming a loose "5" handshape with his fingers slightly apart. Next, he held his dominant hand in a "C" handshape, akin to the "OK" sign, and touched it to the back of his non-dominant hand, held in a "flat" or "B" handshape with the palm facing up. Finally, he pointed to himself with his index finger and positioned both hands in "5" handshapes, palms facing downward, moving them downward and outward, as if extending an offer of assistance. "How can I help?"
Eddie's eyes glistened as he closely observed your signs. You held your hands in a relaxed "5" handshape with palms facing each other, then brought them together as if softly caressing or cuddling something. You raised your eyebrows at the end of the sign, inquiring if he wanted to cuddle.
"Of course," he replied, this time articulating his words so that you could read his lips. Eddie had started tying back his hair when he began dating you, ensuring that his curls didn't obstruct your ability to understand him. "Do you want to talk about what happened first?"
As you began to sign passionately, conveying your frustration and anxiety, Eddie couldn't help but feel a twinge of embarrassment. He had only recently started learning American Sign Language (ASL) as soon as he found out about your deafness. Books and resources became his companions as he embarked on this journey to better communicate with you. Even now, he occasionally stumbled or forgot certain signs, but your patient instruction had brought him a long way in a short time.
After momentarily drifting into his thoughts, he snapped back to the present, noticing your shocked expression and your rapid signing. You could speak, but when stressed, you felt more at ease using signs, especially when communicating with someone who understood ASL.
Your explanation began to make sense to him. The fridge produced an unusual and terrifying noise, a sound Eddie and Uncle Wayne couldn't perceive. In your pre-implant life, placing items on surfaces didn't pose a concern, but the newfound ability to hear made even these mundane actions startling. While your hearing wasn't perfect, it exposed you to a world of sounds you had never known before. They occasionally frightened you, but more often than not, they overwhelmed you. Nevertheless, with each passing day, you were adapting, learning the sounds of your environment, and the process brought you a sense of satisfaction. There were sounds you cherished, like the flowing river, the chirping bird that Eddie complained about every morning, and the wind rustling through the trees. But nothing could compare to the beauty of Eddie's voice.
Eddie's voice was like a soothing balm for your soul, a comforting sensation akin to a honey candy soothing a sore throat.
Eddie let out another sigh, this time one of relief. Before he could even count to two, you pushed yourself on top of him. Your chest gently brushed against his midsection, and the absence of a bra strap digging into his ribs didn't go unnoticed. Your head nestled on the crook of his neck, your lips and breath sending delightful shivers across his skin.
Your left leg slid swiftly between his, and he almost let out a yelp as your knee ventured too close to his sensitive regions—luckily, you halted just in time to prevent any discomfort. It wasn't until you nestled close to him that his hands finally came into contact with you, a sign that you were comfortable and at ease in his arms.
Eddie's left arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you in as close as humanly possible. His other hand embarked on a gentle, exploratory journey, tracing a path from the back of your knee to your upper thigh. His fingertips brushed against the band of your underwear, daring to slip underneath for a brief, tantalizing moment before continuing their exploration. His hand ventured beneath your shirt, gently grazing the tender underboob area for a few moments before finally resting on the back of your head. The pads of his fingers returned to those regions that used to ache when you were overwhelmed by sounds, and he began massaging them with tender care.
The sounds of your pleasure and relief brought a chuckle from Eddie, the vibrations of his laughter reverberating through your body. He understood your unspoken desire as you placed your hand on his chest.
Eddie began humming his favorite tune, a love song he had composed. It was a beautiful melody with a captivating guitar solo that allowed him to shine even brighter. Its title? Your name. You relished the vibrations against your hand and chest.
Eddie chose to sing one of his favorite parts with such intensity that you could feel the vibrations coursing through his chest even though you couldn't hearthe words.
Your touch, a lightning strike, fierce and bold,
A symphony of chaos, a story to be told.
Through the darkest night, you're my eternal guide,
In your arms, my restless heart finds where to confide.
He continued humming, gently urging your head to rise, meeting his loving gaze. Eddie's smile beamed as he brought his head closer to yours, allowing his lips to meet yours in a tender dance of kisses. Their pace was unhurried, and soft sighs passed between you as your lips caressed each other. The kiss gained a touch of passion as his lips captured your lower lip. Eddie's palm roved over as much of your skin as it could reach, and his tongue entered your mouth, eliciting a gasp from him as the kiss deepened.
"I love you," you whispered, your lips still moist from the shared kiss.
Eddie began to respond, but you quickly pressed your palm against his mouth, guiding your body toward the side table and retrieving your cochlear implant. Once it was securely in place, you removed your hand from his mouth and signaled for him to speak, "Now."
Eddie smiled and, now that you could hear, replied, "I love you too." The words flowed freely and earnestly, knowing that you could finally hear them, and he revelled in the newfound connection they shared.
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c0ffinshit · 10 months
Back To December (Theo Dimas x Reader)
a/n: this is a squeal to Maybe You Are Prefect but like ur gurl didn't wanna keep the same title lmao word count: 912 warnings: fluff, first kiss, regret, miscommunication, nostalgic vibes
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"So this is me, swallowing my pride. Standing in front of you, saying 'I'm sorry for that night.' And I go back to December all the time." - Taylor Swift
Theo was the man living in the apartment below me at the time. He had short, almost shaggy hair and always wore thick knitted sweaters, even in summer. Sometimes I would see him up and about, getting mail or riding in the elevator. Something about him, though, made me want to be around him all the time. He was so quiet and always smiled at me whenever he saw me. I knew him for a very long time ago; when we were teenagers. We were very tight-knit; I never wanted to judge him for who he was. He only wanted to help others.
Then, at a poorly Christmas-themed dinner party, after so many years, we met over again. I fell in love again, like the kind of love that only talks about in songs. But this time, he knew it, and he loved me back. And as the snow fell down as we hugged, he wrote on my back: "I love you too."
Since then, we haven’t seen each other much. Theo was hardly on the elevator or getting mail. I wanted to know if he thought of my words now in a different context. Maybe Theo thought I meant it in a friendly way. My own thought was he wrote it to prevent me from getting my feeling hurt. Either way, Theo didn’t feel the same. If he did, he would’ve done so much more. But I felt like I was being irrational, overanalyzing my weird feelings. So, any average person would do and go to the apartment. Knowing that Teddy would answer the door, I had no plans on what to say when I finally got up there. But I decided to go down the elevator and knocked on their door. Of course, Teddy answers.
"Ah (Y/N)! What brings you here?" Teddy exclaims upon seeing my face. 
"Where’s Theo? Is he home?" I asked.
Teddy looks behind him, "Well, I’ll check his room. In the meantime, you can come in and take a seat."
Teddy walks out from the hallways with Theo, his arms straight at his side. 
"Can I speak to him… privately?" I cautiously ask, not knowing if he wanted to speak with me in the first place.
Theo looks to the ground as Teddy signs, asking him if he wants to. He nods his head slowly as he finally looks at me. Once again, going back into my mind, I’m finally being handed the ring he promised to get me all those years ago. The one I still wore on my hand. We walked back to the balcony. It was a lot warmer than it had been in December, and with the summer month inching closer, I didn’t think Theo would still be wearing the sweater. 
"I’m sorry for that night." I signed somberly.
"Why?" Theo asked, resting his arms on the railing. 
"I don’t think you understood what I told you that night." 
Theo had this look in his eyes, concern in an almost unreadable way. He seemed upset by what I had just told him.
"I think I understood you very well. You love me." He sighs.
"How do you think I meant that, though?" 
Theo pauses for a moment. "What kind of question is that?" He signs, his hands stiff.
"Like… I want to be clear about what I told you that night."
Theo sighed again, almost like I was acting childish. "It’s kind of hard to not be clear about a love confession."
What? My brain sits with itself, wondering how I made it clear to him. Theo was always the geek and book lover who never got romantic feelings, or at least, he never showed it. Other than Zoey, I never could tell if he liked another girl. If this wasn’t ASL, this would’ve been the part where I would become tired and uptight about this miscommunication. 
"What does that even mean? Then you probably knew about all my weird feelings about you when we were teenagers."
Theo looks at me, his eyes soften. "Yes, I did."
When Theo and I’s parents were a lot younger, they used to go to movies every Sunday. Then, once my mother had me and Teddy had Theo, we all went to the movies together. Suddenly, I was graduating high school and moving into my college dorm. Seeing the films every Sunday stopped, along with seeing Theo and Teddy. 
But I don’t think about that anymore.  In my mind, it's still December. The lights hung up around the windows, and my mother talked with Teddy in front of the tree with bright red ornaments hanging neatly. Theo and I are outside, watching the snow fall as I move closer to him. Of course, I lied and told him I needed to be warmed by his body heat, but he knew I wanted him to kiss me. 
"Then why didn’t you do more-"
My thought is cut off by a soft kiss from Theo. His lips tasted like a smooth vanilla chapstick, and his body radiated heat. The blood from the rest of my body ran to my face. I knew that Theo was bold but never this confident. 
Theo pulls away, his eyes still as soft as before. Something told me that this kind of kiss was different. I’ve kissed umpteenth of men, but something about him made it feel different. 
"Well… I was waiting for the right moment, and that moment was right now."
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irrigos · 11 months
interpreters in fallen london, ranked by how badly they violate the Code of Professional Conduct
I'm using the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf's CPC, because thats what I learned. none of these characters would actually fall under the jurisdiction of RID, because its an American organization. and also. was founded in 1964. I also acknowledge that none of the clients these interpreters are interpreting for are, in fact, deaf, but I don't know anything about spoken language interpreting, and I feel like the needs of these specific clients are more akin to the interpreting needs of deaf clients I've had than anything else. (Also, the CPC calls them "consumers", I prefer "clients" because that's what I learned, but people will use either and it doesn't matter that much)
This post is very long, and there's not even that many people on it! I could have made it shorter, but I already didn't do that. You're the one who chose to read it! That's not my problem!
The CPC:
RID's Code of Professional Conduct was written in collaboration with the National Association of the Deaf in 2005 (replacing their prior Code of Ethics). It has 7 tenets, which each have several points of illustrative behaviors. I decided to cite the specific illustrative behaviors that these interpreters fail to perform, because I thought that would be more interesting and thorough. And no one will ever accuse me of not being thorough.
Here is the CPC presented in American Sign Language, and here it is in written English. It's not a very long or complex document, if you're interested in reading it yourself. I can't really imagine anyone WOULD be that interested in the code of conduct for a profession you're not in, unless you're like... me... but hey, there it is.
Batachikhan's interpreter in Mask of the Rose. He wants to leave the amber warrens beneath London and go start a shop, but she thinks it's a bad idea. Purposefully interprets Batachikhan incorrectly to try to convince the player to help with her plan instead (facilitating a slower, more planned introduction of Rubbery Men into London society.) Is clearly threatened by the player character also being able to understand Batachikhan, since she spent years with the Rubberies learning their ways and you're just some dipshit. Also can have a threesome with the player and Batachikhan.
Tenets violated:
2.3 ("Render the message faithfully by conveying the content and spirit of what is being communicated, using language most readily understood by consumers, and correcting errors discreetly and expeditiously.") She is very much not faithfully rendering the message
4.1 ("Consider consumer requests or needs regarding language preferences, and render the message accordingly") This might seem like the same as 2.3, but this one focuses more on language preferences than content, eg using Signed Exact English instead of pure ASL if that is what the client prefers. So this would be like when Batachikhan is writing and breaks the chalk, and Barqujin gets annoyed and refuses to get more. Not respecting the method by which her client would like to communicate.
I put her first on the list (so, least bad) because she at least DOES seem to care about Batachikhan and his well-being, even if she's pretty shitty about it. Also, I'm counting the time she spent in the amber warrens as "professional development", so she IS fulfilling tenet 7.0 ("Interpreters engage in professional development.") although I don't know how many CEUs that would be worth. Really, I think Barqujin is a good example for why the Americans with Disabilities Act says that a "companion" (family member, guardian, friend, religious leader, etc) cannot be counted as a qualified interpreter in most circumstances. Barqujin lacks the impartiality required to be an effective interpreter!!
The Sagacious Ape
In the ambition Hearts Desire, your monkey friend Gregory Beechwood hires an interpreter from the Empire of Hands to facilitate him actually having a conversation with you. Probably should come before Barqujin, technically, as her misconduct is probably worse (it's pretty bad to purposefully interpret something incorrectly because YOU think they should have said something different! that is generally Frowned Upon!) but he bothers me more. Also you could argue that Barqujin is not operating in the game as a Certified Interpreter who is bound by the code of conduct, but as a bilingual friend doing a favor, so… idk. Barqujin gets to be less bad because the Sagacious Ape bothers me so much more.
Tenets violated:
2.2 (“Assess consumer needs and the interpreting situation before and during the assignment and make adjustments as needed.”) Maybe a nitpick to start us off, but I was trained to always show up at least 15 minutes early, so you can meet with your client for a bit and figure out their linguistic needs. And the Sagacious Ape did not do that, although I SUPPOSE I can allow for the possibility that they met sometime off-screen.
I GUESS. 2.3 (Render the message faithfully, etc.) Tries to downplay Beechwood's tone/language use. He keeps making little asides objecting to Beechwood's swearing, or doing what seems to be downplaying the intended tone. Sorry, Mr Ape Interpreter. Gregory Beechwood wants to say fuck and you and I both know it. You gotta say the fuck word.
2.5 (“Refrain from providing counsel, advice, or personal opinions.”) Guessed what Beechwood wanted from the Marvelous before Beechwood said anything. You are not a participant in this conversation, man! You don't get to give your input here!
Unfortunately, I am in love with Barqujin so she gets a little more leeway than the Sagacious Ape. And he's also the only one on this list who is licensed, so he has no excuse. But frankly, worse than the CPC violations, his greatest crime was doing my two biggest interpreter pet peeves. 1. He doesn't interpret into first person language (“He says he's sorry“ should instead be ”I'm sorry.“ This is a thing you learn in literally day 1 of an Interpreter Training Program.) 2. He calls himself a translator and not an interpreter, even though he is interpreting and not translating (I actually emailed FBG about this when it came up with the last election, but I don't know if they went back and fixed it in HD, too. I'd already beaten it by then. But a translator takes a static text in one language and converts it into another language, and an interpreter takes a live text in one language and converts it into another. An interpreter is working in the moment, so you'd have one at doctors appointments or presentations or plays, and a translator is working over time, so you'd hire a translator to work on a book or an article or a poem. I have done lots of interpreting and very little translating.) So, sorry Sagacious Ape. We ARE voting you off the island.
A small addendum to the entry on the Sagacious Ape- I couldn't find a good way to fit this in, but he reminds me almost more of a Deaf Interpreter than an Interpreter for the Deaf. A Hearing interpreter (or an interpreter for the deaf) would be a Hearing person who is fluent in both sign language and English (or, well, probably any spoken language, really) and interprets between the two. A Deaf interpreter is one who is themselves Deaf. Their role is to take the interpretation from the Hearing Interpreter and make it into more natural, fluent sign language, and to take the sign language of the client and make it easier for the Hearing interpreter to interpret correctly. They primarily work with people who are multiply disabled, or have some other language disability. The situations I've seen where a Deaf interpreter has also been hired have been for things like the client being DeafBlind, the client having cerebral palsy, or the client experienced language deprivation and isn't fluent in sign language. I think the Sagacious Ape is a little more like a Deaf interpreter because, while monkeys in Fallen London CAN speak (clearly, as the Sagacious Ape can!) Beechwood is not able to communicate in any language, so the Sagacious Ape is interpreting off of things like gestures and grunts. And that's closer to what I've seen Deaf interpreters do with clients who went through language deprivation than it is to any interpreting work I've ever done. Just a fun thought I wanted to share, even though it's not really relevant to the list.
The Nocturnal Landscape Artist
The Nocturnal Landscape Artist (who is also sometimes in game referred to as the Nocturnal Landscape Painter) was the Tentacled Entrepreneur's interpreter during the election of 1898, and was fired later, in Helicon House. I hate him terribly, and he's my favorite representation of an interpreter in the game.
Tenets violated:
1.1 (”Share assignment-related information only on a confidential and “as needed” basis.”) This might be a bit of a stretch, but during the election, you could get drunk with him and he'd talk a little shit about how actually TE doesn't know anything and HE'S the real brains here. Obviously this is incredibly inappropriate, but I'm also gonna say it's breaking confidentiality. Yknow. Among other problems.
2.5 (“Refrain from providing counsel, advice, or personal opinions.”) He was involved in TE's mayoral campaign to provide counsel and advice, while also providing interpreting services
3.5 ("Conduct and present themselves in an unobtrusive manner and exercise care in choice of attire.") I guess it's a little different for him, because he's not ACTUALLY a sign language interpreter, but generally speaking, I always had a VERY strict dress code, which boiled down to basically wearing only solid, dark colors, like black or navy. I guess they don't really describe the Painter in the game that much, but I mean… look at this guy. Do you think this guy is capable of being unobtrusive? I do not.
3.8 ("Avoid actual or perceived conflicts of interest that might cause harm or interfere with the effectiveness of interpreting services." The CPC defines a conflict of interest as "A conflict between the private interests (personal, financial, or professional) and the official or professional responsibilities of an interpreter in a position of trust, whether actual or perceived, deriving from a specific interpreting situation.") The Artist is literally involved with TE to better himself. During the election, he one time says ”We'll be the mayor“ which is. Yikes, man.
3.10 (”Refrain from using confidential interpreted information for the benefit of personal or professional affiliations or entities.“ See above.)
6.6 ("Refrain from harassment or coercion before, during, or after the provision of interpreting services.") Shows up at TE's art show without being invited, in an attempt to berate him. Cringe.
"He needs me. As a teacher. A mentor. Fortunately, he does act on my advice. An' we both have the same goals. …You have to keep this to yourself. He's the money, but I'm the brains. We'll be mayor, just you see." BAD!!! I hate this man!! But the reason he's my favorite representation of an interpreter I've seen in this game, and quite possibly ANY game, is that… I've totally met this guy. Every Deaf person I know who has needed an interpreter has met this guy. There is a certain kind of person who becomes an interpreter (or really goes into any field that involves working closely with a marginalized group) primarily because they think that these poor people need their HELP. THEY know what's best for their clients! And they're going to see that done! Client's input be damned! It makes my skin crawl. The role of an interpreter is complex, and there are a lot of different opinions about how much an interpreter should interpret cultures as well as language, and this is made even MORE complex when you're interpreting for someone who is marginalized BECAUSE of this culture and language. But the Nocturnal Landscape Painter is clearly convinced that TE is going about everything wrong, and he's using his position as TE's interpreter to try to force him into what the Painter thinks is correct. And then has a big baby tantrum when TE does what he wanted to do anyway! It's no wonder they aren't friends anymore, if they ever were to begin with. I was glad that I got to throw this dude out of Helicon House. Wish I could do the same to everyone in my interpreting training cohort who thought it was their role to help all these poor sad Deaf people who couldn't get by without us. Gross.
In conclusion:
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lost-spoons · 9 months
I've recently started learning ASL (out of necessity), but I'm not in any way close to fluent, so I tend to use my notes app in order to talk with people. For whatever reason when I say/sign that I can't talk, a good majority of people automatically assume I'm deaf or hard of hearing. I'm not, I just can't really talk. 
Onto the fun part, where assumptions can have interesting consequences.
I was at the DMV to take my driving test. When it was my turn to drive after waiting in line for a little bit, the test proctor came up to my window and ran me through the button/car test where she was checking to make sure I knew how each control worked before we went out into the road. I get the all-clear and the test proctor joins me in the car. We drive out of the lot and I notice something odd. The test proctor wasn't telling me where to go, she was just pointing and mumbling under her breath, more to herself than to me, seeing as I could just bearly hear her, and I couldn't make out most of the words.
It takes a moment to realize, she thought I couldn't hear, and we were already on the road so I couldn't type anything out. It is important to note that this was when I wasn't comfortable removing my hands off the wheel due to being a new driver, so I couldn't gesture to her that I could hear, and I was pretty sure taking my hand off the wheel counted for point deduction, so I only had one choice, continue on with the test, so I did. 
I was now taking a driving test as a new driver who wasn't entirely comfortable on the road and had to rely on instructions coming from my peripheral vision. My focus was forced to be split from the road/other cars, and the person sitting next to me, so of course, I failed the test by a few points. I would have to come back and try again at a later date, which was disappointing, but not a horrible outcome all things considered. On the bright side, I didn't crash the car.
I got out of the car and went to grab my mom so we could go home, and of course, she asked how it went/did I pass. I informed her I failed, and the conversation continued for a bit, my mom vocally communicating with me while I texted her my response, and then the test proctor came up to us, looking slightly baffled.
"She can hear?" I nodded my head as my mom explained that, yes I can hear, I just can't talk.
"Ah, I was wondering why she wasn't put with a proctor who could accommodate her." I shrugged. There wasn't really anything else we could do in this situation, so we just went home.
I passed the next test after making sure that the test proctor knew that I could hear.
Honestly, I have quite a few stories like this. Where my not talking/use of signs makes people assume I'm deaf. This is just, my favorite? I guess?
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crystalsnow95z · 7 months
Halloween is my favorite holiday, so I decided to write a second story based on the season.
It's a whump this time. It's haunted a house because i simply adore them.
Tw: panic attack, fainting and the usual warnings for gore.
"Please, please tell me that's not where we are going!" Hoseok's eyes dilated when he saw the three story building in front of them, his voice coming out in a squeak. He had a feeling the Run BTS episode was going to be spooky because it was only days away from Halloween, and he was right..
"Oh wow! It's huge! Namjoonie hyung what does is it say? Asl..?" Jungkook points to the letters on the front.
"[Asylum..?]" Namjoon reads the word in English looks it up on his phone, then translates it to korean. "The place is called Alysa asylum."
The car pulls up to the building next to the other staff car with the other members. Yoongi was holding onto Jin's hand, looking up at the massive building. "It's huge.."
Taehyung was on his phone, seeing what he could discover about the massive building in front of them. "It says it used to be a real one, but when it got shut down it got turned into a haunted house a few years ago.."
"A real one?" Hoseok swallows nervously, trying to not look up at the giant brick building in front of him.
"Hello everyone! Welcome to Alysa asylum!" A teenager greets them, but the boys didn't recognize him as one of their staff members. "My name is David and I'm one of the staff here. It's an honor to have you here."
"1,2,3.." Namjoon counts, and the members do their greeting, bowing to David.
"I was really surprised when my boss said we were going to be opening an hour early because we had special guests coming.. I've been listening to you guys since I was 13 years old.."
"Thank you for supporting us." Jungkook smiles.
"It really means a lot." Jimin bows.
"I'm honored to meet you too." Taehyung adds in, bowing with Jimin.
"Ah..Let's get right to business.." David blushes, feeling embarrassed. "We're a little short on time. This haunted house usually takes 30 minutes on average to get all the way through. You get 4 flags to put on your body, but the location must be within reason. The actors will try to remove them from you while you make your way through the house. If you have at least one of your flags left by the end of the house, you'll get a refund usually.. but for this game each flag you have when you return will be a free ticket for a fan."
"What happens if you lose all your flags?" Hoseok asks in a small voice. "Do they steal you away?" His eyes dilated in fear at the thought of being dragged out of the building away from his members.
"Oh, nothing like that. Don't worry. You'll still be able to continue through it with the others, and they'll most likely lose interest in trying to scare you. They are just interested in removing the flags. Usually, once you lose all your flags, you protect people who still have some." David explained to the group.
Hoseok let go of the breath he wasn't even aware he was holding, jumping with a small sound when he felt something touch him.
"Hyung it was just me. I'm sorry." Jungkook quickly pulls away from Hoseok with a frown. He wanted to comfort him by putting his arm around him, but it had the opposite effect.
"Jaykay, I'm sorry. It's okay." Hoseok hugs him from behind. "It's not your fault I'm jumpy. I just don't like scary things."
"I'm scared too. It's okay to be scared." Yoongi admits, reaching for his hand. "We'll all stay together. It'll be fine."
Hoseok takes it,feeling the cold sweat forming in the palm of Yoongi's hand. "Yeah, it'll be fine." He echos, taking a deep breath. "Let's go before I change my mind.."
Taehyung helps Jungkook put a flag close to the nape of his neck, his longer hair making only a couple inches poke through. "There. That's the last flag. Everyone else has theirs, right?"
"Yeah, I'm all set." Jimin says, looking at the other members. "Namjoon-ah you're missing a flag.."
"Huh?" He looks around, finding it on the floor, bending to pick it up."Ah, here it is. It must've been the one I tried getting on my back."
"I'll get it for you." Jimin says taking it from him and putting it on the center of his back, making sure it stays on by adding another piece of tape. "Is that good?"
"Yeah, that's fine. Thanks Jiminah." Namjoon says checking on everyone. "Alright, they said we can go in whenever we are ready.."
Yoongi reaches for Hoseok's hand. "You sure you can do this?"
"Yeah, yeah, I can do this. It's for army.." Hoseok says with determination, taking a deep breath to push down his fears that tightened in his belly. "Just don't let go. Okay?"
"I won't." Yoongi swears, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze.
"Then I'm as ready as I'll ever be." Hoseok swallowed hard, watching Namjoon open the door. "Let's do this.."
The first room had a flashing strobe light, making it hard to make out what was in the room. Jin grabs onto Namjoons arm, looking around the room nervously.
"I don't see anything except fake spiders and fake blood.." Jin states, but he spoke to soon.
A woman with blonde hair wrapped in fake cobwebs that blended in with all the fake webs covering the room starts screaming as soon as they get close to her. "[HELP! HELP THEYRE GOING TO EAT ME!]" She says in a shrill voice speaking in English, a large robotic spider moving towards her.
Hoseok,Jin and Jimin all scream at the sudden new voice. Yoongi's eyes widen, clutching Hoseok's hand to his chest, the scream caught in his throat.
Jin puts his hand over his heart, frozen in place as she continues to scream for help. Jungkook pulls on his hand to get him moving again.
"Come on Jinnie-hyung, it's okay.." Jungkook jumped at the sudden sound, but it didn't scare him like the other members
Jimin clings to Taehyung's arm. "That scared me.. I thought my heart was gonna jump out of my chest." He takes a breath to try to calm his breathing.
"It's okay..I got you." Taehyung gave his hand a squeeze. "It's not real.."
Hoseok leaves first,pulling on Yoongi to try to escape, Jin following with Jungkook in tow, quickly avoiding the woman trying to grab at the flags.
"[So sorry. Gotta go.]" Taehyung leaves pulling Jimin with him, holding tightly so his clammy hand doesn't slip away. Jimin quickly grabs Namjoon’s hand to be sure he doesn't get left behind.
J-hope was disoriented in the next room, his heart throbbing in his chest already. The room was filled with fog, making him unable to know what he was into. "I don't want to be in front.." His voice comes out three octaves higher than usual, pushing Jungkook in front.
Namjoon rushes to Hoseok, standing close to him. "Hey.. hey its okay.. it's just actors. Take a deep breath.."
Hoseok takes a deep breath, but the moment he starts to feel a little better, he hears the sound of a chain saw, a masked man running towards them. He buries his face in Jungkook's shoulder, a high-pitched whine coming from him. He wanted to run, but his legs were frozen in place, knees locking in place, making his head spin.
Something is coming.. move...please move...
A small hoard of zombies enter from the rooms o on either side of the corridor, targeting the members going after the flags that glowed under the black light.
"[Run! Run don't let them get you!]" The man with the chainsaw calls out, cutting down one of the zombies, the fake saw touching it made the fake blood packets on the zombie burst, the fake blood dripping down as the zombie falls.
Jin takes off running, screaming as fright takes over, trying to escape the situation, his heart racing painfully in his chest. He keeps a firm grip on Namjoon’s hand, forcing him to flee with him.
"Hyung please, you're gonna make me fall!" Namjoon stumbles over his own feet. "Wait for the others!" He looked back to see if the others were following, only Taehyung running to catch up, quickly grabbing Namjoon's hand. "The zombies are blocking the others from following.."
"No, don't touch him!" Jungkook protects Hoseok from a female zombie who tries touching him, after the flag on his side,pushing the timid rapper away from her, in-between Yoongi and Jimin.
With the target moving, she targets Jungkook instead, pretending to bite his shoulder as she reaches for the flag on his chest. Jungkook quickly steps back to avoid her, tripping over Jimin’s foot, tumbling into him.
"Woah, I got you."Jimin puts his hands firmly on his shoulders, jumping when he hears Jungkook let out a small whimper. "What's wrong?"
"My foot bent weirdly, but I'm okay.. we have to get to the stairs.. we lost half the team.." Jungkook pulls Jimin and Hoseok ,ignoring the pain in his ankle.
Hoseok keeps his hand firmly clamped around Yoongi's wrist,pulling the older rapper with him. His breath came out in quick gasps, feeling light-headed as the mankae pulled him through to the next floor, leading them into a maze.
The sound of Jin's screaming somewhere in the maze only made Hoseok's blood run cold, terrified of what could be hidden within the walls, his stomach churning with anxiety. The rooms inside had different gruesome scenes but none of the actors left past the doorway, but he didn’t trust them, trying to look in every direction at once.The moment i turn away from them they'll chase me..
"Are you okay, Hoba? You're trembling.." Yoongi slowly wraps his arm around Hoseok, hugging him from behind. "It's okay.. Hyungie is with you. Let's just get out of this together."
Hoseok could feel Yoongi's heart pounding against his back. Yoongi is scared, too.. I'm slowing us down.. I need to pull myself together.. because I froze up, we got separated from the others..
"I'm..I'm sorry..it's my fault.." Hoseok's voice quivered, unshed tears shining on his lashes. His stomach twisted with both fear and remorse.
"Hey, hey, it's okay. We'll catch up with the others. It's not your fault you're scared. I'm scared, too. I couldn't get my legs to move to follow Seokjinie-hyung, Taehyungie, or Namjoon-ah, either. It's no big deal." Yoongi admits, trying to stay strong for the younger members.
Even though Jimin made no complaints about being scared, he could see the quick rise and fall of his chest as he took deep breaths to try to calm his nerves and Jungkook's eyes were darting around the rooms, trying to follow the built in maze walls to find the way out without finding a dead end.
"Ah Sh*t!" Jimin suddenly screams when a hand with Freddy Kruger's claw pops out from the painting of him grabbing a flag from his chest. Jimin covered where the hand touched, feeling his heart hammering against his palm, eyes dilated.
The sound of Jimin's screaming frightened Hoseok back to moving, eyes widening when he saw that they were surrounded by paintings and any of them could have a person hidden behind them.
The sound of several people laughing like they were insane made Hoseok start sprinting, trying to escape the sensory overload,swearing the whole way. The sweat made his hand slip away from Yoongi's, but when he saw a pale hand reaching for him from a painting, making him scream, going in a full-on run.
"Hyung, please, I can't keep up.." Jungkook winces, a soft moan escaping his lips when he steps hard on his injured ankle, unable to quickly turn corners, using thr wall to help support his weight, pushing on it while they ran. "It hurts.. I can't run hyung.." he tries to pull away from him, but Hoseok quickly grabs his wrist when he feels Jungkook pull away.
Hoseok didn't hear Jungkook's pleads over the sound of laughing, his nerves completely shot. All he was focused on was escaping the sound, squealing every single time a hand popped out of a painting.
"Don't pull Jungkook like that!"Yoongi calls to him,screaming when he feels something grab onto his elbow, removing the flag connected to it. "Hoba! Jungkook-ah! Don't leave us behind!" His voice comes out as a whine, grabbing Jimin's hand and pulling him to catch up.
Hoseok doesn't stop until he finds his way out, letting out wheezing coughs as he tries to catch his breath. He tries to lean against Jungkook but he loses his balance, Yoongi running to put his hand on the center of Jungkook's back to keep him from falling.
"Agh!" Jungkook lets a yelp of surprise, relaxing when he sees it was just Yoongi. "Aiish, you scared me.."
"Sorry.. Are you okay? You were limping.. did you get hurt?" Yoongi took the opportunity between rooms to look over the maknae, bending down to look at his ankle.
"Oh,it's fine, really. I think I bruised the bone when Hobi-hyung tripped over me." Jungkook forced himself to put pressure on it, giving him a forced smile as the pain shot up his ankle. "I can continue. Let's go find the others." Jungkook opens the door, going up the stairs.
"Here, lean on me.. don't put any more pressure on it.." Jimin wrapped Jungkook's arm around him, supporting his injured side as they made their way up the steps.
Hoseok's stomach wormed with guilt, nausea washing over him, grabbing onto Yoongi's hand. "I'm sorry Jaykay.. I didn't mean to hurt you.."
"It's not your fault. I was the one who tripped over you. Are you okay, Hyung? You're still shaking.." Jungkook tried switching the attention away from him to Hobi.
"You do look pale.. is this too much for you? You could take-" Yoongi's voice is cut off by the sound of the other group screaming.
"We have to get to them!" Jungkook says, ignoring his pain to rush to the others. It was hard to scare Namjoon and he's never heard him sound so scared. He had to be sure the others were okay, even if it was just a haunted house. What if they really got hurt in this old place? What if the floor gave in?
"Jungkook-Ah be careful! Your ankle!" Jimin yells, following after him. "I know you're worried, I am too, but you have to be careful!"
"W-what made them..them..all scream lik..like that?" Hoseok whispered the words, his voice trembling. The only thing that kept him moving forward was that Yoongi followed the younger members, and he couldn't imagine being alone in this place.
Hoseok clung to Yoongi's arm, his breath coming out in short whimpers. His vision was blurred, feeling his head swirling, struggling to keep on his feet. I feel so dizzy..but I don't want to be left behind..
"Yoongi..Yoon.i..I.." Hoseok tried to tell Yoongi how he felt,but he couldn't get the words out, gasping for breath. "I d.d..nt..w..ll.."
"Hoba,Hoba, you gotta breathe.. I can't understand what you're saying. Take deep breaths, okay?" Yoongi stops trying to keep up with the younger members, focusing on Hoseok. With the staircase only lit with black lights he couldn't tell if it was the lights or the fear that made Hobi's skin look ghostly white.
Hoseok tries to take a deep breath, but the echo of someone screaming somewhere in the building makes him tense up. "Was..was th..th.."
"Sh..Hoseok-ah! Look at me. Focus on me." Yoongi tilted Hoseok's chin to force him to look into his eyes, thankful for the dim lighting that hid bashful blushing. "Don't worry about whatever is going on there. You're going to pass out if you don't breathe.."
Hoseok takes a few deep,shaky breaths, clutching Yoongi's hands as if his life depended on it. He leans on Yoongi, keeping his eyes closed as he waits for the dizziness to pass.
Yoongi rubs his thumbs across Hoseok's knuckles, feeling his hands trembling underneath his fingertips. I have to get him out of here. This place is too much for him to handle..
"Hyung is everything okay?" Jungkook's voice from the top of the steps startles them both. The two younger members have just been waiting for them to follow before opening the door to the next floor.
"I don't think Hoba can continue.." Yoongi says looking at the rapper with concern, then back to Jungkook who was putting all his weight on one side.
"And Jungkook I don't think you should continue on that ankle.." Jimin adds in, seeing Jungkook balanced on one foot.
"No I'm fine, I can finish through. There's only one more floor. Please hyung? I want to see what scared the others.." Jungkooks eyes sparkled with curiosity. If they were hurt they would've shut down the attraction.
"There's..There's just one more floor..one more.. I can..I'm fine.. I'm fine.." Hoseok stifles a cough, his voice feeling hoarse from screaming. "It's fine we can keep going."
"Are you sure?" Jimin asks, looking between the two with worry. "Do you want me to carry you Jungkook-ah?"
"I don't think you can carry me for that long." Jungkook teases. "No I'm fine. Just no running."
Hoseok took another deep breath, opening the door to the next floor, being welcomed to a nearly pitch black room,the only source of light being the glow in the dark costumes of the actors coming out of the rooms and a glowing at the end of the hall he couldn’t make out at a distance
Glowing skeletons, ghosts, witch doctors, and clowns run towards them. Hoseok saw the flags on their bodies glow in the dark as well, knowing as long as they saw those they'd chase them until they made it to the exit or until no one had any flags left.
Hoseok took off running as soon as he saw them coming towards him, screaming until he couldn't anymore. He ran blindly through the dark, Yoongi following behind him.
Yoongi felt someone grab him, screaming in surprise at the sudden grab of a glowing skeleton, them ripping off the blue flag from his stomach.
"Hobi-hyung look out!" Jimin calls out when he sees someone get close to Hoseok
Hoseok felt his heart skip a beat looking behind him in a silent scream trying to call for his brothers. A woman in a glowing white dress grabbed him, by the shoulder, ripping off one of the flags from his body.
"[Woah are you okay?]" The woman felt Hoseok falling under her grip. "[Did you slip?]"
Hoseok doesn't reply, his heart working overtime, the terror making his breath come out in quick gasps,hyperventilating. His legs turned to jello as vertigo took over, falling forward into the woman.
"[Everyone stop!]" The woman yells,trying to gently lower Hoseok to the floor safely but unable to handle his weight."[Someone's fainted! Get the lights!]"
Hoseok felt someone stroking his hair, his eyes fluttering open to see who was touching him. He finds Yoongi's worried eyes staring back down at him. "Hoba.." he sighs in relief when he sees Hoseok staring back at him.
"Wh.. what happened?" Hoseok whispers hoarsely.
"You really scared me, Hoba.. all I could understand is that they said for everyone to stop and when I looked to see why you were on the ground." Yoongi hugged Hoseok to his chest. "Are you hurt anywhere? That woman said she lowered you down as gently as she could, but you still hit the floor.."
"I got a bit of a headache, and my throat hurts,but i'm okay." Hoseok reassures them with a hoarse whisper.
"Oh, thank goodness.. when I heard them scrambling around the room to turn on the lights and saw you laying in Yoongi-hyung's lap, I thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest." Jimin sighs in relief.
"You should still get looked over just in case.. I feel awful that I wasn't there to help.." Jin admits, looking down at his hands.
"Ah.. what about Jungkook-ah?" Hoseok asks, looking for the mankae, noticing the wrap around his ankle. "Is it fractured?"
"I'm okay. I just twisted my ankle a bit.. I'll be out of practice for a few weeks, but it'll heal up fully." Jungkook wiggles his foot a bit. "It doesn't hurt unless I walk on it or bend it too far."
"That's good.. I'm so sorry, Jungkook-ah.." Hoseok gets to his feet, going over to Jungkook to hug him. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you.."
"It's not your fault. I'm the one who tripped over you." Jungkook squeezes him tightly. "I know you only wanted to continue through because of me. I'm sorry for being so stubborn.."
"That poor woman feels so bad about what happened.." Namjoon joins in the conversation. "She really scared me too earlier."
"Aiigo.. I probably scared her just as much as she scared me. I should apologize.. is she what made you scream?"
"No. There's two doors at the end of the hallway! One leads to a trap door. We fell down to the bottom floor where there's this landing mat. I thought the floor actually broke." Namjoon explains in a pout,making Hoseok giggle.
"It was terrifying! I thought I was gonna die.." Taehyung whines, squeezing Jimin's hand.
"That sounds amazing." Jungkook says eyes rounded with excitement. "I want to try again."
"You're insane." Jimin states, his stomach dropping at the thought of the floor giving in out of no where."That place was terrifying.."
"Remind me never to go there ever again.." Hoseok shudders at the thought.
"Don't worry, Taehyungie, joon-ah and Jungkookie can go, we can go find something else to do." Yoongi reassures him. "You don't have to ever go there again."
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pumpkin-master · 1 month
So like, I know MDZS has that whole Wei Wuxian's smile is a very nice and bright thing going on and he's a pretty cheerful, optimistic and carefree guy right? In addition to that he has adopted siblings who he loves more than the world, questionable parental figures, an antagonistic view towards strict rules, and a deep love for all his precious people.
You know who this reminds me of?
Monkey D. Luffy
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The obvious
Luffy is almost always seen and described with his trademark 'D' smile which is bright and happy to everyone who sees it. Both of them are people who will absolutely go to the ends of the world to make their precious people happy as well as protect them.
It's also fair to take into account their familial situations, with WWX obviously not having any contact with any sort of relative of his. The closest we get, in fact, is probably Xiao XingChen, who is technically not even blood related.
Jiang Fengmian technically counts as his uncle but just barely because he knew WWX's dad very well.
And now when you look at Luffy, obviously his Dad is alive and we know Jack about his mom, but both are noticeably absent from their child's life. The only "parental" figures in his life (if you can even call them that despite how much I love them.) are Dadan and Garp.
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(I'm sorry to say that Shanks doesn't count despite how much it hearts my heart. But he's more of an idol to Luffy and was only around for maybe a year at most in Fuscha? Though I guess you can call him a parental figure if you squint, but even then he's an active pirate and that alone warrants the 'questionable' title.)
And look, Dadan...is a mountain bandit and clearly not the 'parental' type, despite how much she loves ASL, and Garp... Well, do I need to say anything there? Sicked his grandchildren onto a mountain bandit and regularly put them into dangerous situations in order to become stronger. I don't doubt he loves them, but he's just not fit for raising a child as we've seen.
You could fit Makino if you really tried but she's more like the kind older sister type than a mom.
Onto the siblings, both WWX and Luffy were brought into an already existing sibling dynamic, e.i. WWX with Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli & Luffy with Ace and Sabo. Both had a bit of a hard time entering the dynamic for differing reasons (JC because he was mad that his dogs were sent away and Ace just didn't want Luffy around until he stuck up for them with Bluejam). This is an interesting similarity because they are such differing ways to enter similar dynamics.
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Views on Authority
Moving onto how they view the world, both of these characters dislike strict authority, obviously they both recognize that there needs to be some authority to regulate and decide certain matters, but strict stifling authority is where these characters start getting itchy.
Some obvious examples include WWX and the rules of Cloud Recesses, be constantly complained about them and he questioned how the disciples and sect Members even survived there. Another honorable mention should probably be the Wen clan indoctrination and how that whole bit went down.
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For Luffy, I feel like I shouldn't need to mention the whole Pirates vs Marines since it's kind of a given, but for this I specifically mean the "hard" justice that many seem to have, like Akainu and the world government. Who just seem to wipe islands off the map willy and just assassinate any other opposition.
I should mention that both of these characters are fine with normal authority, each sect for WWX has their own governing style and enforcement but unless it's a problem for everyone else, they don't really do much. And Luffy is fine with fair authority given by how he treats Boa who is queen of Amazon lily, Momonosuke who is supposed to be Shogun and treats him as such, King Riku as well as Viola and Rebecca who are princesses. He simply treats everybody the same but he respects their position for the most part.
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Friends and Precious people
Now, the most obvious thing here is that these characters will move the heavens, part the seas, and raise the dead for their precious people (sometimes literally). They both take Honor to their promises extremely seriously, WWX owed a life debt to Wen Qing and her brother for saving them and doing the core transfer (as well as WWX just not excusing what are essentially concentration camps), so he repaid the action by saving the remnants and he promised to bring Wen Ning back to life. Which as we all know, he did.
And that's not even saying like I mentioned that he gave his golden core to his brother since he lost it to the Melting hand, and before THAT he was willing to give up his hand so the Wens would forgive the sect. It’s also notable that he promised Madam Yu he would protect Jiang Cheng with his life, and, well, everything that happened afterward should tell you he did his best!
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To say he takes his honor and promises seriously is an understatement. Yet the same is also true with Luffy.
We all know that Luffy is big on promises and his nakama, a huge part of One piece is demonstrating how far he and his crew go for their friends and comrades. Some examples of major things like this are:
Arlong Park and helping nami
Promising Laboon to come back and fight him
Helping Vivi defeat crocodile
Saving Robin at Ennies Lobby
Promising to help Brook reunite with Laboon
Literally all of Marineford (despite how it ends, the effort alone Luffy put into saving his brother should tell you enough)
Fishman island
Liberating Dressrosa
Wano (literally what do I need to say there? It speaks for itself)
I might have missed a few and others may not have made it but these are the biggest displays of Luffy loyalty and promises.
It is also notable that if you feed Luffy, he will repay it. That is a threat. Tama fed him once in Wano and after realizing that was her last bow of rice and the whole issue with the country, he literally fought to liberate the country with a whole army.
Theres a lot more I could say but the last things I will dig into is this. Both Luffy and WWX have constant symbolisms of ‘Freedom’, whether they’re quite literal or more nuanced.
WWX always has had a carefree character and this is displayed in numerous ways, like how he named his sword “whatever” or how how he’s unashamed to show his more childish side at times (“Xian Xian is three!”). His flippant attitude towards authority tells you enough but he’s also prone to use the punishment against the punisher by finding a way to make it entertaining for him. (I.e. annoying Lan Wangji and provoking Wen Chao.)
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This is also just in general that his name is symbolism towards his character, with how Wei Wuxian means “no/without envies” which really gives you an idea about his personality. I’m not a mandarin speaker nor even attempting to learn it, so more information his name and it’s symbolism can be found on this post.
Now Luffy, we can’t exactly say the aumbolism isn’t hitting us in the fact with all the sun motifs and it literally being mentioned multiple times as “warrior of liberation”, “joyboy” and whatnot.
But Luffy’s smile and constant laughter is associated Nika the sun god who was a warrior who fought for freedom and s the god slaves pray to in secret. (And supposedly based on an actual diety whom i don’t actually remember the origins of right now.)
And with the Sun symbolism (this is honestly now head canon territory) but the thousand sunny being a ship that carries the fruit of the sun god doesn’t seem like a coincidence, and another is that Luffy’s straw hat being something akin to a halo is a pretty neat idea.
Both of these characters are some of my favorite in media and the similarities between symbolism and parallels they have with each other is insane, I honestly hope people see that this type of characterization is very fun and amazing.
But honestly i just wanted to write a character analysis with these two cause they are my fav bois haha.
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lumaxramblings · 27 days
Autistic Max headcanons?
she never gets diagnosed, and if she does she gets it much much later, due to it being the 80s and all, plus women are still underdiagnosed now and i dont think they even thought women fit the criteria? so ya she doesnt get diagnosed, at least not for ages
girlie alternates between staring non-stop at you (excerpt from runaway max: “my mom was always telling me to stop giving people that bug-eyed look. she said the way i stared at people, it was like i was trying to pull them apart piece by piece.” autism!! <3), and being unable to look them (which we see in season 4 multiple times)
here's the max mayfield stimming compilation you didn't know you needed :)
she masked quite a bit before billy and neil came in the picture but after that she masked so so much, mostly consciously, because billy would use any and all of it against her, and it became a survival tactic
max used to have frequent verbal shutdowns when she was younger, and her dad did too, so he taught her some ASL (his brother's Deaf) so she could communicate, and it was one of the reasons she was so upset at leaving her dad, because it meant she couldn't learn more
she fidgets with her hands a lot, but holds it back whenever she's with billy because he thought it was annoying. she tries to stim whenever she can get away with it though
max's comfort foods are always stuff that have some level of spice in them, as she loves the feeling it brings her, but when she moves to midwest she hates all the food bc it's bland as shit
it's already canon but. listening to songs on repeat until she physically cannot anymore. that's happened more times than she can count on two hands.
thats all i have for now, i hope u enjoyed this :)
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letitiaslabyrinth · 1 year
warnings: none other then the fact that this is short asl word count: 458 pairing: shuri x riri
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Shuri puts on both of her skates slowly, trying not to move them too much so she doesn't start rolling.
Riri watches her girlfriend with a grin on her face. "Baby, you take any longer and we'll never be able to get out on the rink."
"Listen here." Shuri says, pointing at Riri's face. "I am horrified right now, alright? I shouldn't even be here but I am because I love you." She puts her hands down, glued to the seat.
Riri stands up. She goes in front of Shuri and interwebs their fingers. She helps Shuri on her feet, chuckling at the way she almost falls over immediately.
"I don't like this." Shuri says shakily. The grip she has on Riri's arms is lethal.
"Shuri, if you keep holding me like that you're gonna break off my arms.
"Oh shit, my bad." Shuri lets go slowly and tries to balance herself. She yells out when she slips but Riri catches her.
"You gon need one of them trainers to start off with."
"We couldn't have gotten that before I put these on?
Riri wraps her hand around Shuri's waist to hold her upright. She's clinging on for dear life. They move slowly towards the counter. Once they've made it, Riri notices how Shuri is slightly less tense but still scared. Riri asks for the trainer and gives it to Shuri. Shuri feels embarrassed having to use a trainer to skate, like everyone's gonna be staring at her once she's in the rink.
"You're okay, my love." Riri says softly. "I know you're scared but I'm not gonna let you get hurt."
Shuri closes her eyes and breathes in deeply and opens her eyes. They're on the rink. She didn't even feel them move.
Riri stays behind her the whole time, hands on her hips, moving her forward when needed. "Keep moving, ma, you got it." She says proudly.
Shuri catches on quickly. She's still scared but a little less now that she's actually doing it. She knows that Riri's behind her to keep her upright. She chuckles softly and picks up her pace. She doesn't even feel when Riri's hand slips from her waist. She doesn't notice that she's moving on her own until she hears Riri yell out happily behind her. She stops and turns around only to see Riri just catching up with her.
"Holy shit!" Riri laughs. "You were doing so good, baby! You think you ready to lose the trainer?"
Shuri's smiling, ear to ear. "Yes." she gets out the rink and puts it back by herself.
Riri looks so proud of her girlfriend.
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nicoline1998enilocin · 10 months
Interpreted Romance | Chapter 2
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PAIRING | Steve Rogers x Interpreter!Female!Reader
SUMMARY | You're grabbing some breakfast with Steve, and he is interested in learning sign language from you. You teach him something small and suddenly get the idea to teach the other Avengers too, but that is definitely not what Steve had in mind when he said he wanted to learn from you.
WARNING(S) | None.
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 🩷
Divider is made by @firefly-graphics | Header is made by yours truly
Main Masterlist | Steve Rogers Masterlist | Series Masterlist | Chapter 1 | Chapter 3
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''What made you want to be an interpreter?'' Steve asks as the two of you grab breakfast in the kitchen.
You have been at the Compound for a couple of weeks now, and even though it was still a bit new here and there, you didn't mind. You never shy away from a challenge, and even though you barely know any people outside the Compound, it is already starting to feel like home.
''It wasn't something I started doing consciously; my mom and dad are both deaf, and I happened to be hearing when I was born instead of taking over their deafness. So ASL is something I had grown accustomed to at a very young age,'' you explain.
''That must've been hard,'' Steve says, giving you a sympathetic smile.
''You'll get used to it, honestly. But because I have always talked in ASL with them, I decided to become a full-time interpreter to help others find their way in this world, just like I did with them,''.
You walk to the fridge to get some fresh strawberries to slice and put into your yogurt. ''Want some, too?'' you ask and Steve nods.
''Yeah, thanks,'' he says, and he turns around so his back faces the counter while he waits for you to cut them up and put them in a bowl.
''It's amazing what you do; I always watch you with such interest. Could you teach me some sign language too?'' he asks, taking the bowl when it's full of sliced strawberries.
''That would be fun! But I could teach the rest of the Avengers toom it can never hurt to know something important like ASL,'' you say before walking over to the table in the kitchen and sitting across from Steve.
That wasn't exactly his plan because he was hoping to get some private ''lessons'' from you. He would love to get to know you better, and that is the perfect way to do that. He was wrong.
''I, uh... Yeah, that could be helpful,'' he says, clenching his jaw at the thought of sharing your precious time with the other Avengers.
''Great! I will discuss it with Tony this afternoon and see how it goes. We could even make it mandatory training for new and established agents,'' you tell Steve, who nods.
This is not where he saw this going, but on the other hand, he is proud of you for having such great ambition for something you love to do.
''But we can start with something simple right now, just a few simple signs so you can introduce yourself,'' you tell him, and Steve looks up to you with interest.
''Are you sure? I mean, I don't want to keep you from eating your breakfast,'' he says, but you shake your head.
''It's okay; I don't have to meet with Noah until 10:30 AM, so we have time to teach you how to sign an introduction.
And with that, you get started, first showing him how you introduce yourself and then slowing it down so he can see what signs you use.
''My name is'' is something Steve picks up on quickly. His name, however, is a whole different ballgame. He can't figure it out immediately, so you go even slower.
''Watch me, and repeat what I'm doing, okay? And it's fine if you don't get it on the first try; no one ever said this was going to be easy after all,'' you smile at him, and his cheeks get slightly flushed.
He can finally sign after a few more tries and errors. My name is Steve Rogers in ASL. It's slower than when you do it, but that's not the point. He wanted to learn, and that's exactly what he's doing.
''Wow, so I can communicate in sign language now?'' he asks with the enthusiasm of a child getting a new toy.
''Hold on there, big guy. You can introduce yourself in sign language, but you still have a long way to go before you can actually communicate!'' you laugh and he blushes deeply.
''Well, as far as I'm concerned, you're already an amazing teacher because, before this, I didn't know a single word in sign language,'' he says as he shrugs, and now it's your turn to blush.
''Well, uh, thanks!'' you say, and you get up, hoping to hide your embarrassment and shyness.
''Could you teach me some more later? Maybe with some... some private lessons?'' he says, just going for it at this point.
''P-private lessons?'' you choke out softly. ''Y-yeah, why not,'' you say, and you quickly walk away, not wanting to embarrass yourself even further, leaving Steve behind confused and conflicted.
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You walked over to Tony's office, and his assistant mentioned he was expecting you, so you knocked on his door, and it didn't take long for it to swing open.
''Ah, Y/N, I've been expecting you! How are the first few weeks going? Are you making friends yet?'' he asks, and you nod.
''It's going well, Tony. Thank you again for the opportunity, and if it's not too much to ask, I would like to ask for a small favor,'' you say, shuffling on your feet to get rid of some nerves.
''Alright, I'm always willing to listen, so please sit down,'' he gestures to the chair and you take it gladly. ''So, what is this favor you want to ask?''
''Well, I was talking to Steve earlier, and I had the idea to teach the Avengers some sign language too. Nothing too intricate or anything, but mostly some basic signs in order to communicate with civilians who aren't able to hear,'' you tell him, a proud look on your face already.
''Hm, and you would be the one teaching it to us, I assume?'' he asks.
''That's correct. I taught Steve how to introduce himself in ASL this morning, and that's when I had the idea to teach the other Avengers if they're up for it. If not, that's perfectly fine too,'' you say quickly, afraid to sound too demanding right now.
''That's a wonderful idea, Y/N. I knew hiring you was a good idea!'' he says. ''I have a feeling the others won't mind; they all have taken quite a liking to you, so I don't think it'll be a problem,'' Tony says, and your face breaks out in a huge smile.
''Oh my god, thank you so much for this amazing opportunity, Tony! I will work on some lesson plans so to speak, and I will come back to you about this idea to talk it through some more,'' you say, and before he can answer, you already ran out of his office and into your own, ready to get started.
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I will teach the Avengers basic sign language, too, so they can communicate with you and others like you, too, you tell Noah after getting a head start on the lesson plans.
That is such a great idea; I am so happy for you he signs back before taking another sip of his coffee. Once a week, the two of you catch up in a coffee shop nearby.
In the few weeks you have been here, you and Noah have become pretty good friends, and you're thankful for that; you wouldn't know what to do without him.
When are you going to start? Noah asks.
As soon as Tony lets me, so I hope it will be soon. But don't worry; I will still be seeing you, you tell him with a wink.
Good, because I can't lose my best friend to the Avengers, he signs with a smile. God, you're still grateful that you took this job. Life is finally starting to fall into place.
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lazar-codes · 4 months
01/02/2024 || Day 11 (dop)
🔸 added last class' ASL words to my program
🔸 worked on toggle for Frontend Mentor project
🔸 started and finished an illustration for fanart
🔸 started and nearly finished editing and rendering my recording of my illustration
I can't believe I'm sick again. I've gotten sick for 3 out of the past 4 months, and I'm annoyed. Luckily this is the mildest illness compared to the other 2, but it's still not fun. All my symptoms have been spread out, so the past 3 days I've had one runny nostril, yesterday I was completely exhausted, this morning I lost my voice, and now the other nostril's runny.
Frontend Mentor - I've been slowly chipping away at this project but now I gotta get my butt into gear because I wanted to finish this in January, and it's now February and I still have a lot left to do. Today I worked on the implementation of the toggle between the "monthly" and "yearly" plans, and I got it to work by changing the display to either the "monthly" or "yearly" cost to be either "none" or "block". This is basically what the HTML looks like, and below's the functionality for the toggle.
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Basically, I get all the elements that have the term "plan_cost" as their class name and for each element, depending on what the toggle is on (i.e. monthly or yearly) I change their display property. I can fix the code to make it not repetitive, but for now it's fine. I've been doing this project using TypeScript and some of my errors are a little confusing, but Google is a good resource.
Anyways, here's what I have so far. It ain't much, but it's honest work;
Ok, I'm gonna do a bit of a ramble here. I've been replaying The Last of Us Part 2 throughout all of January and I finished it last week. It's still an emotionally heavy game, but it did the trick and motivated me to want to draw some fanart. I've been sketching random stuff in my sketchbook almost every day (not lately now that I'm sick but whatever), but there's one idea that I had that I kept on coming back to, and today I had enough energy to sit down, open up Photoshop, and just draw it. And oh man, that felt really good! I haven't drawn in Photoshop in a while because I've been forcing myself to use Procreate, but it's just not the same. I feel like PS allows me to draw with more control of my lines and details and such, and my image just looks sharper than on Procreate. So I actually managed to pump out a piece that looks pretty much how I imagined it would look, and I didn't get frustrated like I would on Procreate. I also recorded my process and was working on making it a speedpaint, but nearly 4 hours of raw footage was rough on my PC and it's already super late at night, so I'll finish up that process tmr. I love making speedpaints and watching them afterwards. At least that'll count for my days of productivity tmr.
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chellesdump · 8 months
Icky Feeling - LiSoo
"Lili is sick and her Mommy told her to stay in bed to rest, but she just can’t stay put, so she ventures into her Mommy’s arms and stays there the whole day, craving all the attention and closeness from Mommy"
word count ─ 1.1k
tags ─ little! lili, mommy! jisoo, autumn, sickness, clingy baby
notes ─ This is for the Sick prompt. I wrote this earlier than ever, today I decided to start being productive from an earlier time. I'm just like Lili when I'm sick, my mom tells me to stay in bed to rest, but I end up migrating to the couch or any place else 😅. Please enjoy :3
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Getting sick would be any kid’s dream, just being able to stay in bed playing video games or watching TV will be the perfect day for any kid but not for this particular one, for Lisa having to stay in bed was something she despised. Due to her personality she preferred to be running around, jumping through the place, making a mess rather than to stay in bed resting, so when her Mommy sent her to bed when she tried to get up earlier she was mad.
It wasn’t that normal for Lisa to get up that early, when it happened her Mommy or Mama would tell her to go play for a little while and eat some breakfast, but this time Mommy had told her to go back to bed, saying something about how You have a fever Lalisa, you need the resting. I’ll warm up the porridge that Jen left for you. 
She wanted no porridge, she wanted to get out of bed and play with her kitties, take Love or all the dogs out on a walk, and even do chores would be ideal rather than being stuck on her bed. She really tried to go back to sleep but her stuffy nose didn’t let her rest, also her tummy was aching… and has it always been this cold?.  
Giving up resting, she stood up grabbed her stuffed puppy, and draped her blankie around her shoulders, when she was ready she made her way to the kitchen to tag along with whatever Mommy was doing, upon arrival the only sound that came out of her mouth, was a tiny and raspy, “Mommy”.
Hearing her baby call for her Jisoo turned around and found Lisa standing at the kitchen entrance, the little girl looked so miserable and that broke Jisoo's heart, "Lisa-yah why are you out of bed? Let's tuck you in once again" said Soo leading the little back from where she came. Lisa put up resistance after a couple of steps letting her Mommy know she didn't want to go, "No Mommy, no sleep. P'ease stay with you" begged the little, "But you need to rest, I can't have you tiring yourself. You’ll only get worse instead of better, so you need to go to sleep” reasoned Soo.
“No sleep, ‘verything hurts. Stay with Mommy feel better?” whined the little sniffling, “You want to stay with me to feel better?” asked Soo getting a tiny nod as response, “Sure you can stay, let’s go to the kitchen to finish heating your breakfast” said the adult motioning for Lisa to follow her, but the little was tired and motioned to be picked up.
Not wanting the girl to fall and hurt herself from how weak she looked, she complied and picked up the girl placing her on her hip, as soon as she was safe in her Mommy’s arms Lisa snuggled into her chest hugging her puppy and putting her face near Mommy’s neck. Jisoo kept warming up the porridge before serving a portion into a bowl, put the fruits she had cut previously on a plate, and poured some apple juice into a sippy cup before taking everything to the table for Lisa to eat, not forgetting to take her own bowl of bibimbap to eat.
Jisoo ended up having to spoon-feed Lisa since the little girl seemed to not have any force left, when she deemed Lili had eaten enough she let the tired girl rest against her chest once more while she ate her own food.
After picking up everything left from their breakfast, Jisoo headed to the living room to sit on the reclining sofa and rest a little, she felt that the girl was getting a fever so she gave her some medicine before putting some cartoons on the TV to entertain her. Lili seemed to be fighting off falling asleep, Jisoo tried rocking her but to no avail, so she didn’t have any other option than to do whatever she needed with the little clinging to her like a baby koala.
Soo did some easy chores, she folded their clothes, washed the dirty dishes and fed their pets, there were more things to be done but they would be hard to do with the girl lodged on her hip. Soon came time to eat lunch, she had ordered some takeout for both of them, and once it arrived she also warmed up another bowl of porridge for her baby, once again she fed the little her food.
She tried to put down Lili for her afternoon nap but the poor girl couldn't fall asleep for more than a few minutes, her sneezes would wake her up and then she would complain of an upset tummy. Soo had a quiet time with her baby, just reading some book while listening to calm music so Lili could at least wind down a little bit.
After the failed nap time, Jisoo went back to doing little chores around the house, of course with Lili on her hip, since the girl was so clingy all throughout the day. Jennie would send messages asking how Lili was holding up, when Jisoo would tell her how she seemed so pitiful, both their heart's would break.
Once the night made itself present Soo proposed a bath to Lili to help her relax, but she still didn't want to let go of Mommy, so Soo promised to take the bath with her. The bath she prepared was a bubble one with some eucalyptus extract to help the little one with her stuffy nose, combined with some lavender to help them relax for the night.
After their bath, Soo carried the little girl to her and Jennie's room to get her dressed, she picked some warm but breezy pajamas and grabbed a diaper - it wasn't a common occurrence were the girls would use them, but now since Lili didn't seemed to have force to do a lot she decided it was a good precaution -.
Once both her and Lili were dressed and ready for bed, Jisoo gave her a warm bottle of milk that she had prepared previous to their bath. Then she proceeded to lay down with her baby resting on her chest and began singing a lullaby, while patting her bottom and rubbing her back in soothing motions.
When Lili had finally settled in for the night, Soo grabbed her switch to play while she waited for Jennie to come back, after Jen arrived she was quick to check on both of her loves and found them snuggled under the covers snoring the night away.
It took a couple days for the little girl to fully get rid of the sickness, but with the care from her Mommy and Mama, she was able to get through it.
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