#but it was pretty fucking mad about being put in a cup so i had a hard time getting many decent ones
mymarifae · 2 months
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early morning wasp adventures. what a cutie!
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slvttyplum · 2 months
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toji doesn't apologize, that's something you will never get out of him unless it is life or death, with that being said he has other ways of apologizing so he won't have to see that cute sad pout on your face all day.
having you sit on his lap whenever you get upset or even just trying to get you things that he knew would make you smile, he thought apologies were useless when he knew he was going to do the exact same thing you got mad at him for, it was easier to make things up rather than lie about him not doing that specific thing.
one thing that never failed for him was him fucking you until you forgot your name then getting you food after, this was a ten out of ten “apology” for him, he just had to do it right so that he wouldn't have to hear about it the next day.
pulling you into hi slap as he rubbed over your stomach and gave you tiny kisses on your neck, lightly bouncing his leg hoping it made stimulation in between your legs, he was absolutely right, like he always was. light moans slipping past your lips as he rubs his hands under and up your shirt touching your breasts and playing with your nipples, that's when he knew his pretty girl was going to be okay.
it was easy to get mad at toji, i mean it was toji, but forgiving him was even easier when he fucked you so good that you didn't want him to stop. the next thing you knew, you were in bed getting your hair pulled and your pussy broken in, the tip of his dick pushing deep inside of you, your back arching from the pleasure.
his other hand planted on your ass giving it as squeeze then a smack shortly after, even though this was his “apology.” and the sex was for you, he still did what he wanted with you. twisting and turning you every which way, just to feel you squeeze around him and whimper out his name for him to keep going and give you more.
“please… fuck me again.” your hair disheveled and your eyes red from tears and a smirk on his face, he loved when he could tell that you were feeling good and that your head was fuzzy from the pleasure that arose inside of you and slipped out all in one breath. the fact that you would cum five times all in one night just from him proves that you did not need a verbal apology, you just needed his hands roaming around your body and his dick slipped deep inside of you.
“good girl, keep taking it.” while flipping you over and spreading your thighs out while putting his thumb over your clit and lightly pushing on it and swirling it, his dick pushing into you more and more. your face and body reacting to him well, this was all that mattered, you're taking him in and forgetting everything that happened before that.
the only thing that mattered then and after was you and him, he knew what you wanted and needed from him and that's what he was going to give to you.
after you're fucked out and tangled in the sheets catching your breath, toji is already slipping on some pants and a shirt, getting ready to give you the second apology. walking over to your side of the bed and kneeling down while putting his hand on your face, cupping your cheek and leaning in, giving you a peck on the lips.
“i'll go get that one place you like, okay mama?”
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allywthsr · 11 months
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summary: Lando finishes in P2 in silverstone and you guys celebrate
wordcount: 2.1k words
pairing: landonorris x fem!reader
warnings: hinted smut but nothing graphic
notes: like and comment your thoughts!!
A loud cheer erupts in the garage as Lando crossed the finish line in P2. You couldn’t believe your eyes.
You felt a squeeze on your hand and looked to your right, being faced with Lando‘s grandmother. She loved you ever since she met you 5 years ago.
You both had the biggest smile on your lips as you stood up and hugged everyone that came your way.
Being with Lando since he started racing in F1, you knew his team pretty well, just as they knew you.
When Zak pulled you to the podium and placed you in the front row, next to Adam, you couldn’t wait to hug your Lando, to squeeze him tight, and to congratulate him.
As he parked his car behind the sign with the big 2 on it, you couldn’t hold back the tears anymore, as they slowly made their way down to your cheeks. Pulling out your phone just to capture a quick little picture, to set it as your lockscreen later. When you put your phone back into your bag, the big TV camera panned in your direction.
The camera focused on you and the rest of the crew, as you spilled the tears and by now you were full-on sobbing. You couldn’t wait for the edits and memes Lando‘s fans were creating, already picturing how you are gonna show them to Lando once you’re both settled in bed later.
When Lando finally jumped out of his car and made a beeline to you, you opened your arms and closed them around his neck. His arms snaked behind your back as your hands cupped his helmet and you distanced your faces a little.
You looked into his slightly wet eyes and pouted.
”I am so proud of you Lando. P2 in fucking Silverstone, are you mad?“
Before he could answer you, the guys started to smack his helmet and his smile got even wider. Lando releases one of his arms from you while keeping the other one tight around your waist, as he started to hug the others.
The FIA guy pulling him away from you towards the scale to do the typical after-race things, like weighing, you proudly looked at him while he removed the helmet of his head and took a big gulp of water out of his water bottle that has been placed on his little stand afterward. You didn’t even want to imagine how thirsty he must be after almost winning the British grand prix, but well, with Max always in P1, it’s kind of like a win, right?
While the post-race Interviews started with Lewis and Max, he came to you once again.
Now finally being able to kiss you, he pressed his lips onto yours and the tears started to flow again. When he loosened the kiss and saw the tears, he put his hands on both sides of your face and used his thumb to wipe them away.
A slight chuckle left both of your lips at the same time, making you both laugh even more.
He put his forehead to yours and whispered a quiet ” Thank you angel“. You looked at him again and kissed the top of his nose and then his forehead.
He gave Zak a quick hug and kissed Adam‘s cheek, as he had to go and do his post-race interview.
As he talked to the interviewer about the strategies and feelings he had during the race, you admired him, the way his helmet left imprints on his face, and don’t get me started on his helmet hair, you just wanted to run your fingers through his strands.
”Lando, the last question, we just saw your girlfriend, Y/N, cry, what does that do to you?“
The smile on his face got even bigger, as always when someone asked about you. Him always saying that you were the best thing that happened to him and he wanted to show you off, being proud of himself for getting someone that beautiful and smart at the same time.
”Well you know, she‘s my biggest supporter and she told me she is proud of me, so I guess that’s why she started crying, but yeah, I love her so much and I’m happy that she is here to share this experience with me, being at my home race and having her as a supporter is just phenomenal, she does so many things to come to as many races as possible and I’m so happy and grateful that I have her by my side.“
Now all the attention was on you, multiple cameras were shoved in your face and you could feel the whole world watching you, well, it’s not wrong, the whole world WAS watching you.
”You two seem like a lovely couple, do we hear any wedding bells soon?“
You wanted to roll your eyes, but decided not to, people shouldn’t think you were an evil bitch, but hearing this question or reading this comment over and over again, it’s just tiring.
You both took your time, having the same opinion on people marrying after knowing the partner for two weeks. You guys have been together for five years, but you just took your time and didn’t want to rush anything. But if he did pop the question, you wouldn’t even need time to think about the answer.
Lando let out a high-pitched giggle and started to fidget with his fingers.
”You know, we don’t wanna rush into anything, we’re still young and enjoying life right now, you never know what the future holds but we’re really happy right now.“, hoping that he would be satisfied with the answer, Lando‘s thoughts went back to a little something he hid in his luggage wherever he went. Just waiting for the right time, was a diamond ring, that you would love, he was sure of that.
After the podium celebration, where Lando almost poured the whole bottle into your direction after his famous bottle on ground hitting thing, you were smelling like champagne but you couldn’t care less. Happily smelling like the success of your boyfriend.
You both went into his private room in the hospitality. Lando couldn’t wait for a shower but you just had to hug him, so you stood in the middle of the small room for at least two minutes just hugging and being close to the other. You had so many feelings you couldn’t comprehend. You both reeked of champagne and Lando was fully drenched in the fuzzy liquid, as Lewis and Max poured their bottles all over him, you shared small kisses and you played with his wet hair.
”Babe, let me have a shower and then we can cuddle at the club.“
You pouted, didn’t want to let him go, or not being close to him. But he did need a shower desperately. And a change of clothes as his suit and fireproofs clung to him like a second skin.
”But hurry love, I need to shower in the hotel as well and get ready for the after-party, I can’t go like this!“, you pointed at yourself, being dressed in a fancy outfit but not fancy enough for a club. And you needed a shower as well, and a touch-up of your makeup. You were thankful that you applied waterproof everything so nothing had smudged, but you just needed to freshen it up a little and make it more party-like.
”You look just as gorgeous as ever, my love, but I will hurry, I want to lay down in a bed soon, I‘m really tired.“
You leaned to his ear, whispering: ” You won’t get much sleeping done tonight babyboy.“, he let out a gasp and you left the room with a mischievous smile. You loved it when you made him flustered.
After leaving his room you sat with his family in the hospitality and chatted until he was ready to go. You both said your goodbyes and started to walk to his car.
You both made it to Lando’s car after he got stopped every meter for an autograph, but you two didn’t mind, today Lando was really happy about the positive feedback everyone gave him. But when you did make it safely tucked into the comfortable seats of his McLaren, his hand was glued to your thigh, seeing that Lando also needed that physical contact, made you happy. You knew he was always a bit extra clingy after a good result, but never that much. He also kept one hand on your lower back or one arm wrapped around your waist as you guys walked through the paddock, not even removing it, as he took pictures or signed stuff. You were sure all of these people had the ugliest Lando Norris autograph of all time, as he didn’t hold the paper or whatever with his other hand, but he seemed satisfied with it. Just needing you close to him today.
You arrived at the hotel and the clingy Lando continued. He hugged you from behind and threw you guys on the Queen-sized bed, needing a cuddle. With his breathing getting calmer with every breath and his eyes slowly closing you knew where this was going, but not today, you needed to get going. A shuttle was organized to pick you up in an hour, and you didn’t want to be late again. So you turned around in his embrace and poked his left cheek with your index finger.
”Lando I really need to freshen up, I smell bad and I feel gross!“
”You could never be gross, you’re not a fish Y/N, fish are gross, but not you baby.“, he mumbled. He really was on the brink of falling asleep, all of this success must have tired him out.
”Baby no,“ you let out a chuckle, ”just a quick shower, you can sleep a little but then we have to leave for your party!“
His lips formed into a pout, that you couldn’t resist kissing. He opened one eye, started to smirk, and pulled you even closer to him.
”No Lando! Don’t even start, we really don’t have time for this now. No no no no no no.“, you loosened from his grip and stood up as fast as you could.
”But baby, I need to shower again, I don’t think I cleaned my back well enough earlier“, he cheekily said.
You just looked at him with your stern look and arched your eyebrow towards your hairline.
He started to pout again. ”You’re no fun.“
You chuckled and finally went into the bathroom to get the shower you desperately needed. After a more party-like Make-up and an outfit change, you were ready to go as Lando still laid on the bed. You told him multiple times to get up while you got ready but he didn’t listen. Being the stubborn boy he was.
”Well, if you don’t want to go, then I‘ll leave without you.“
You heard a grumble from the bed.
You sometimes felt like your boyfriend turned into a little child with you being his mother. It just made you laugh at how childish he can be behind closed doors.
He did eventually got ready and you both made it to the shuttle that picked you and some other crew members up.
He kept an intense grip on your leg, as he talked to the other guys, which made your legs twitch, but now is not the time to think about that. You just couldn’t wait for the night to end already.
You all made it to the club and after a few speeches of important crew members and Lando, the party got started. You danced, had drinks, and just fun celebrating Lando and the team for the good result.
And let’s say, you guys didn’t really sleep much, but not in the way you promised Lando earlier, in fact, he didn’t even think about that anymore, instead you sat next to him on the bathroom floor while he emptied his stomach into the toilet and rubbed his back with your hand slowly to show your support. He promised you not to drink that much because of how the last party ended. But he didn’t listen to you, nor did he learn from his mistakes. But the scolding could wait until tomorrow, now he just wanted to feel better. You stopped counting the drunken ‘I love you‘s‘ he whispered when he didn’t hang with his head down in the toilet. But you couldn’t be mad at him, as you looked at your lockscreen, the chrome car behind the P2, excused his behavior. And you never showed him the memes of your crying, but that could wait until tomorrow too.
”You really are my biggest supporter, even when I hang with my head down the toilet.“
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yourusername I love you my boy, Pfucking2, you amaze me everyday. Thank you for being you and killing it on track everytime. Here‘s to more Podiums and hopefully less patting your back while you empty your stomach in the toilet after the afterparties. Love you smelly🧡
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username1 You were so cute on TV!!!!
username2 They’re meant to be, proof me wrong🥹
username3 Parents.
landonorris Love you too ig, thanks for exposing me🧡
maxfewtrell hahahaha what a muppet
username4 When are they getting married?????
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chrisstopherfilmed · 5 months
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Nate doe x sturniolo reader
Summary: Chris, Matt, and Nick catch their little sister y/n and their best friend nate drunk making out in her room after a party they had. Will they be mad? Will Nate and them still be friends?
A/n: first storyyyyyy🌸🌸 also if its bad just tell me Pleaseeee
Y/n pov:
You walk in your front door with party supplies for the major rager you’re throwing tonight for your 17th birthday with the help of your older brothers Nick, Matt, chris, and the best friend Nate who you’ve been seeing lately without them knowing.
Nate and you have always had a thing for each other, but lately you and him have been alone a lot more and 4 weeks ago when you and him where in your room and this all started, he kissed you.
Of course you kissed him back, both knowing that your bothers, his best friends where just up stairs. Things got a little heated and it turned into and really hot messy make out sesh.
But things stopped when you heard your brothers coming downstairs. That’s when you knew, sneaking around with Nate doe was gonna be one of the hardest things you could have ever signed up for.
You were only 2 years younger than him so when you really think about it, it’s not that bad. But to your 20 year old, overprotective, bat-shit crazy brothers, Oh it was the worst thing you could do.
You take your shoes off and set the stuff on your kitchen table. You walk over to the couch to find Nate, Matt, Chris, and Nick all playing fortnight. “Hey” you say pretty loud over the tv that is now blasting from gun shots. They all ignore you.
“HEY” you say even louder talking a pillow and throwing at Chris who had the controller in his hands. “WTF Y/N WE WERE JUST ABOUT TO WIN” Chris yells at you dropping the controller and leaning back on the couch, rolling his eyes dramatically. “If you couldn’t tell we were playing a game” Matt chimes and chuckling. “Guys stop being rude to her it’s her 17th birthday” Nick says rolling his eyes hitting Chris in the head.
“I got all the things we need for tonight. Cups, food, party essentials, ect” you say proudly with a smile on your face as you sit down a little to close to Nate. Matt and Chris give each other a look and Nick grabs you scooting you closer to him.
“I hope you know your NOT drinking tonight” Nick says “yeah there’s absolutely no way we are letting you drink anything but chocolate milk and apple juice” Chris says laughing “maybe just chocolate milk apple juice is a little to grown” Matt says laughing along with Chris’s
“Ok so you all can drink and I just have to sit there and look stupid at my birthday, great thanks” you say sarcastically looking at Nate, Matt, Chris, and Nick. “Whatever you all set up and I’m gonna go get dressed for tonight, I have to look hot for ALL the boys that are coming” you say getting up walking towards your room.
“I hope you fucking know if one god damn boy puts there hands you, 1 your fucking grounded and 2 they will be knocked the fuck out” Chris says. You roll your eyes and close your door.
“Shit shit shit” you say rushing to do your makeup and tie the shirt you had on. You hear the boys setting up around the house and you slip on your shoes and touch up your make up. Your wearing a white tube top, with and black leather mini skirt and some converse while your hair is curled.
Nate’s pov:
Me and the boys are setting up for y/na party. Putting out cups plates. All the necessaries. Matt bought drinks, alcohol and non alcoholic. We are about to head out to get some food.
“Nate will you go get y/n so we get go get food before the party” Nick says from the living room. “Yeah sure” I say walking over to y/n’s bed room.
Your pov:
You hear your door open assuming it’s one of your brothers telling you to hurry up. “Wow babe you look gorgeous” Nate says. You turn around and Nate grabs your waist closing the door behind him. He leads down kissing you. You kiss him back putting your hands around his neck and going on your tip toes to reach him better
He trys to slide his tongue into your mouth but you pull back out of the kiss. He groans from loss of touch. “Not now nate, your gonna mess up my makeup” you say arms still around his neck and on your tip toes.
“HURRY UP Y/N” Matt yells from the living room were all 3 boys are waiting for you. “IM COMING JESUS WAIT A MINUTE IM PUTTING ON MY SHOES” you lie so they wouldn’t suspect anything with you and Nate.
You and Nate walk out of your room. Chris drops his Pepsi and Matt’s face hardens. “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WEARING” Chris screams so loud the neighbors could hear him “oh yeah be a little louder I don’t think the guy down the street heard you” “are you fucking serious, no go fucking change right now” matt says with a look of disbelief on his face
“I think she looks cute, guys don’t be so hard on her she’s 17 now we can’t baby her forever” Nick says “yeah Nick thinks I look cute” I say with a pouty face as I spin around so matt and Chris can see me whole outfit.
“Oh my god Nick do you not see how much fabric is on her body, like none” matt says trying to convince Nick to make you change. “Literally like 2 inches of fabric is on your body” Chris chimes in.
“Well your shirt is cute at least” Nate says trying to lift the mood “thank you” you say with a sheepish slime on your face “yeah I agree, for a stripper” Chris says rolling his eyes “CHRIS” Nick yells hitting Chris’s arm
“Can we just get in the god damn car and get the damn food” you say already annoyed enough “fine, and you can wear the outfit but so help me god if 1 boy even looks at you, your not coming out of your room for the rest of the night” Chris says walking to the door while you all follow.
-later at the party-
The music is blasting, everyone is dancing, drunk, and having a good time. This is one of the best birthdays you’ve had. And to spend it with your brothers and Nate makes it even better
“I can’t believe they haven’t caught me drink yet I’ve had like 5 drinks already” you say to Nate who has had only 1 drink. “Yeah well Nick and Chris are also a little drink and matt is too worried about clean up after everyone so I think your good” Nate says chuckling while holding your hand where no one can see.
“Follow me” you say with a smirk as your grab the tie Nate had on pulling him into your room. As you both into your room you close the door slip of your shoes and push Nate onto your bed to were his sitting on the edge.
“Mm I like were this is going” Nate says with a smirk as you climb onto his lap. “Yeah?” You say as you start to kiss his neck. “Yeah” he says. You start to take off his tie but he stops you. “Are you sure you wanna do this? I don’t want to take advantage of you while your drunk” “yes omg just shut up and kissing me” you says laughing.
He deepens the kiss, sliding his tongue in your mouth. You let him not even trying to fight for dominance. He makes you feel like you’re floating on air by the way he kisses you. You just can’t get enough.
His hand slide down your waist to your ass lifting you up a bit. He scoots back on the bed to were the back of his knees touch it. You slide your cold hands up his shirt and he jumps a little making you laugh into the hot, breath taking kiss. You pull back and just stare at him for a second.
Letting reality hit that your in a hot, handsy, make out sesh with all your brothers, best friends. And you could get two shits if they cared right now. You slam your lips back onto his and continue.
Chris pov:
Nick and matt try to help me find y/n. She’s been gone for a little bit and I can’t seem to find Nate either. “Guys I can’t find Nate anywhere either” I say worried something happend “you don’t think-“ matt says with a gross expression on his face “no they would never” Nick says
“They barely hang out” I say with a worried face “well do you really think it’s a coincidence they both went missing at her party” matt says “yeah y/n would never leave her own party” Nick says worry plastic on his face. 
My heart drops just the thought of my best friend and my younger sister. Chills run throughout my body and my head hurts. I run to her room scared to open the door.
“Matt you do it, I can’t” I say shaking. “WHAT NO IM NOT DOING IT” matt says grossed out “move idiots I’ll do it” nick says grabbing the door to open it
Your pov:
You and Nate are still making out but a little more heavy now. He’s now fully on your bed laying down with his shirt off. You’re on top of him, hands in his hair. His hands fully up your skirt but were your skirt isn’t up on your ass.
He flips you over and starts kissing and biting your neck definitely to leave marks. You turn your head away from the door to give him more access. As he’s biting on the sweet spot on your neck you let out a little moan.
Then you hear the door swing out and you both stop and swing your head to the door jumping off each other. Your heart stops. You’re still a little drunk but you can feel the emotions flooding to you.
“What. The. Fuck.” Nick matt and Chris says standing in your doorway. You and Nate look at each other and you jump off your bed running to your door to explain to them what they just saw.
“Look ik this looks bad but I promise I can explain”you says grabbing Nick 1 because his in the front and 2 so Chris or matt couldn’t get into the room. “Y/n let go of Nick right now and go downstairs to my room” Chris says looking like he wants to rip Nate’s face off
“I promise I can explain just please-” you say before matt cuts you off “y/n if you don’t get the fuck to Chris’s room right god damn now I will have Nick drag you down there” matt says with his jaw clinched so tight he could break a tooth
“Please just let me explain” you say before Nick grabs throwing you over his shoulder and drags you down to Chris room. “LET ME GO” you kick and scream “fine” nick says and throws you onto Chris’s bed, closing Chris’s door and locking it so you couldn’t get out
-15 minutes later-
You assumed Chris matt and Nick kicked everyone out because there was no more music playing and all you could hear was them screaming at Nate. You were still a little drunk, and laying on Chris’s bed made you tried.
You started to close your eyes with your arms crossed and curled into a ball. All you heard was Nate getting ripped (screamed at) by his best friend’s about how he was dating their younger sister without them knowing.
And that’s the last thing you remember before falling asleep.
A/n: SORRY SORRY IM SO SORRY FOR THE CLIFFHANGER, but lmk if yall want a part two and I hope yall liked this cus it took soo long and comment if you wanna be on the tag list for it😭

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sim0nril3y · 9 months
hii, I LOVEE your Simon x civilian! reader series!
I was thinking maybe of Simon finding readers scketchbook and discovering that it s pretty much filled with him? maybe reader has some drawings of a favourite picture of the both of them that s also colored with little hearts?
please and thank you! <3
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Thank you thank this is actually so CUTE! I absolutely LOVE the thought of this, like I’ve actually be dreaming about it!
There would be times when Simon would catch you watching him. Like, he would be making a tea, putting the dishes away or sharing out the take-away you’d ordered between a couple plates when he’d feel that eery sense of being watched. Glancing over his shoulder he’d spot you just observing him with great interest, sketchpad in your lap and the moment Simon was aware your eyes would dart away and continue to focus on your pencil against the page.
You had been so happy to show him so much of your art, but that sketchbook in particular was on that you had very clearly kept to yourself. Each time he would pick it up you were overly protective and practically snatched it back, hiding it behind the sofa or throwing it into a drawer. “You hiding something from me?” He quirked a brow and you pressed a soft hand to your chest and replied. “Not at all. Cuppa?” You always seemed to pull his attention away quick enough that he’d drop it.
It was a few nights later that Simon spotted that sketchbook again left vulnerably on your coffee table whilst snoozed, cutely curled up on the sofa beside him, head resting on the arm of the chair whilst your feet rest happily in his lap. His eyes flicked from the football game, back to the book and then back to the game. Fuck it. He leaned forward and snatched it from the table, carefully beginning to flick through the first couple of pages.
It was as he had expected, just a few innocent sketches of flowers, all different types that he certainly couldn’t name. He almost placed the book back down before turning to the next page and feeling his face becoming very warm. Your interests for sketching had changed away from pretty flowers to sketches of him. They were all him doing very mundane and candid things. There was one of him sipping tea from a rather fancy cup, then another of him lifting his heavy dumbbells, another of him running his hands through his hair Simon noticed you’d taken great detail to sketch his hands, another small sketch of him pulling off his shirt and somehow, you’d manage to capture every little scar that littered his body.
As he continued to explore the book Simon noticed that there were some sketches of the two of you. He remembered when you had forced him to take a photo together on a woodland walk, the first picture taken of him for years but he was willing to do it to make you happy. You had taken time sketching that photo, taking in every little detail, even the disdain on his face. He should have given you a smile that day, but instead he just looked pissed whilst you beamed at the camera. His little ray of sunshine. God, he fucking loved you.
“What are you doing?” From beside him your voice was full of surprise before quickly attempting to steal the book from him but he held it up from your reach. “I was looking at your sketches, love.” He mentioned, laughing as you clambered onto his lap attempting to grab it from his greedy hands. “You wanna explain them to me?”
A quiet sigh of embarrassment fell from your lips before you stopped trying to snatch the book from him and just sunk into his body, burying your face in his throat whilst he rubbed your back comfortingly. “I like them.” He whispered into your ear. “I’m not mad, love.” He assured you softly, rubbing small circles into your face. “I just like drawing you, Si.” You whispered into his throat and he chuckled. “You’re so handsome.” He felt heat rising on his cheeks then. “And so strong… I see you doing all these really normal things and… and I just need to put it on paper… I don’t know…”
“My sweet girl…” He chuckled rubbing your back and placing the sketchbook beside him. “Don’t hide things like this from me, love…” He placed a few small kisses to the side of your face. “You don’t think I’m some obsessed weirdo?” You whined softly and he chuckled and shook his head. “I love that you’re obsessed.” He growled, quickly moving you to be flat back on the sofa with him looming above you. “Now, let me show you how much more I’m obsessed with you~”
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Masterlist | Ask | 08-09-2023
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xxaraaq · 9 months
𝙈𝙧. 𝙉𝙞𝙘𝙚 𝙜𝙪𝙮
word count | 4.5 k
cw | smut, rlly lowkey asshole Armin
Armin x Black!reader
A/N | If you see a typo no you didnt. But I hope you enjoy.
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 He was raised to be a gentleman – a sweetheart, if you will. And on the surface he is, all big smiles and boys laughs, but in reality, he's every lover girl's nightmare.
 He’ll be the first one to tell you that he loves you while he’s texting another girl, the one to take you on dates while he has five other people lined up after you give him what he wants. And he thought you would be just another number to his list, but oh was he wrong.
The first time he saw you he was at his sixth house party of the month. He was bored out of his mind if he was being honest, only here to see his friends and get shitfaced. He was in the middle of nursing a cup of god knows what when he saw you, clad in the tightest dress he thinks he’s ever seen. 
He almost chokes on his drink, eyeing you up and down. “Who the fuck is that?” He asks no one in particular. “Who?” Eren says, following Armin’s gaze. “Her.” He says, smirk already on his face. “Y/n? I don’t think you could handle that bro, trust me.” Eren says, scrolling on his phone. “Is that a challenge?” He asks, curious about the sudden doubt coming from his best friend. “No, it’s a warning. I’m telling you, she’ll have you begging for more, then act like she never met you.”  “It sounds like you’re one of her victims.” He scoffs, amused with the sudden caution. “Look, you do what you want, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Now he was really amused.
He looks at Eren one more time before getting up. He was honestly interested to see what the hype was all about now. He sees you laughing about whatever with your friend, not really caring. “Excuse me, is it okay if I talk to your lovely friend for a minute?” He asks your friend, taking her by surprise. He sees her glance at you for approval before she smiles and leaves. “Hey country club, I was wondering when you were gonna stop staring and come up to me.” You say, a pretty smile gracing your face. “I didn’t wanna interrupt the wonderful conversation I’m sure the two of you were having.” He says, taking in your shining brown complexion. You really were fine, ass and hips showing out in your light green dress.
“Just say you were thinking of the best way to tell me that you wanted to fuck me. It’s ok, I’ve heard it all” You say, putting your drink on the counter. “Well if you say it like that it makes me seem like an asshole.” He jokes, sultry tone making you twist your legs together in want.
“I thought you only fucked with blondies with blue eyes.” You say, playing with one of your passion twists. “I swear that's a lie. Everyone’s fair game.” He says, making you laugh. “You mad corny!” You laugh, hitting his shoulder playfully. “What, you don’t like corny?” He asks, leaning in closer. “Na, I like it. Keep it up and I might let you fuck me.” You whisper in his ear, smirking. “Might?” He asks, feigning offense. “Boy you heard what I said.” You say, looking him up and down.
He doesn’t know how he got in this situation, but he’s not complaining.
He took you back to his apartment, and next thing he knew he was near four orgasms in, threatening to press crescents into you hips as he fucked you into the bed.
Fuckk, I’m gonna cum.” You moan, meeting his thrusts. “Best fucking pussy I’ve ever had.” He slurs, eyes glossed over in lust. “S’good, keep fucking me like that, just like that.” You mewl in fucked out bliss. He presses your back down in the perfect arch, reaching deeper inside you. “Oooh fuck.” You yell, eyes rolling to the back of your head. He smirks, lopsided smile on his face. “S’good baby? Tell me how good it is.” He teases, thrusting harder to make you jolt forward in shock. “S- s’good, so good.” You babble, lost in ecstasy.
He fucks you until your both shaking, mind too blurred to think about anything besides pleasure. It’s until he’s nutted for the sixth time that he couldn’t take it anymore. He thought y’all would stop after that, but you weren’t done. He was surprised when you pushed him onto the bed and got on top of him, sinking onto him like you’ve been waiting for it all night. He hisses at the over stimulation, not knowing how much more he could take. “Shh, just let me make you feel good.” You coo, placing open lipped from his neck to his sternum. You both knew he wasn’t call it quits, say it’s too much, so you lifted yourself halfway off him just to slam back down, moaning in unison.
He’s so happy he didn’t listen to Eren.
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portgasdwrld · 9 months
📞Wait a minute while I make you mine part.4(final)
Featuring: Ace x F!reader
Warning: NSFW content, MINORS DNI !!!
Note: I’m back I’m sorry 👩🏻‍💻idk if I hate writing smut because it takes me so much time, or because I wish IRL men were like this.
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3.
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4.Giving up
Ace looked at you as he expected some sort of words to exit his mouth. Every of his heartbeat felt closer to death to him as his mind rushed with thoughts he has been having of you. He was put on the spot and Ace couldn't find a way to portray his emotions to you in words or actions, tell you exactly why his heart always felt warmer near you. Faced to your question, his basic ability to speech were gone.
-What do you mean?
It was the best thing he could let out. His heart was beating fast as he watched your features change to a defeated smile that covered your lips. His hand reached the back of his head where he let it slide back to his jawline, to finally let it fall back to his side.
-I don't know Ace? Do I really need to be more direct than this. I just don't know how to feel about you anymore..
You replied with a dry chuckle, your eyes flickered to his figure. His heart winced at your words. Were you mad because of the stunt Enya pulled? It wasn't your type to get jealous over someone or even show you care. You never did with him or with anyone so what could've possible happened to make you switch your behavior.
-I'm not sure I truly grasp the situation, y/n.
-Ugh, you can be so dense.
You exhaled as you stand up and face him. You sighed in frustration as you walked towards him with your heels in one hand. You pulled your short dress down and pushed your hair out of your face. Eyelashes a little wet from the slight crying, you looked up to him and quickly bit your lips.
-Listen, dumb fire boy. I like you and a part of me hate to admit it, but here it is, you do what you want with this information.
You admit through your lashes. Ace watched you closely with lips parted, surprised by your sudden confession. Your gaze shifted from his eyes to the red lipstick's mark left on his neck. You trailed it with the edge of your fingers, before brushing it with your thumb, smudging it away from his skin.
-..And honestly I hate seeing other persons leave marks on your body if it's not me
Ace surprised expression quickly changed into the familiar cocky grin you were so familiar to. He closed the distance between you two and tilted his face down. His breath brushed your nose as you felt his fingers softly grip your waist.
-So, you like me, huh?
You roll your eyes as a smile curved your lips. Your eyes flickered to his lips for a quick second and back to his brown eyes as you took the opportunity to wrap your arms around his neck.
-Yeah... I like you … very much.
You let in a shaky whisper as your own nervousness was now difficult to hide. He slightly giggled and his eyes stared at you for a moment, enjoying the proximity of your body after imagining it for so long. You were so pretty to his eyes.
-I like you too
-Then, just kiss me already
And without missing any time, Ace pressed his lips against yours. The earning you two had for each other for such a long time was clearly being shown through the kiss, it was bit rough but still sensual. Ace's hands travelled down to your hips and butt as he brought you closer to him. Your fingers interlocking with his darks locks as you barely pulled them, it left him grunting in your mouth. You wanted more, he wanted more.
-fuck.. I can't get enough of you
He panted between the wet kisses interchanged between y'all lips. You let one hand slide to his nude chest as the other cupped the side-end of his jawline. You didn't even want to hide that your need for him was almost unbearable at the moment.
-Ace.. I need you.
As if he was only waiting for you to say those words, he quickly pulled you towards one of the long chairs where he sat and brought you down to his laps. You hovered over him and his hands directly went on your ass where he grabbed it earning a gasp from your lips. But, he didn't even let you react properly as he dived back into kissing you more hungrily than ever by grabbing the back of your head with one of his hands.
-Ace you're not going to fuck me here, aren't you?
You ask pushing him away with your two hands pressed on his chest. He laid back and looked at you with a challenging smirk.
-Whos going to see anyway, its so dark out here
He slapped your ass making you gasp once again. You stared at him defeated by his totally nonchalant and shameless behavior.
-Since, when did I ever care about that. I'm a pirate baby.
He concluded the "conversation" by pulling your wrist towards him so your body fell on his, once again. He cupped your cheeks with one hand as the other pushed away the few strands of hair on your face.
-Is it fine with you sweetheart?
You took a big breath. At this point you didn't even care because you felt so wet and you desperately needed release no matter what. You looked down at his eyes and smirked as you pecked his lips.
-Yeah, it's more fun this way
He smirked right back and adjusted his position, but thrusted into you in the process. His growing hard bulge brushing against your wet core, made you moan , a moan that you quickly tried to conceal with your hand.
-Don't do that
He whispered into your ears, nibbling on your neck. sucking your skin while you started to grind against him.
-I don't want people to hea-
You quickly got cut off with a moan escaping your lips as he intentionally pushed his hips up again. You quickly glared at him as you watched a cocky smirk grow on his face. You rolled your eyes and lightly pulled some of his hair intertwined between your fingers. He chuckled and gave your collarbone a last kiss before he looked up at you with the same shitty confident grin.
-Be vocal, I like it
He said smiling while playing with your ass and jiggling it in his hands. You looked at him almost speechless at his incredibly laidback attitude. You would never believe that he has touched himself multiple of times imagining you on top of him, fucking you or you sucking him off, that he was eager to feel you around him.
-Alright, as much I want us to take our time, let's hurry. Need some prep, angel?
-What happened to your "I don't care who see us" bs?
You asked with a cocked eyebrow as you felt him slide his digits under your panties. He pushed your panties to the side as he let his fingers get coated by your wetness. You gripped his shoulders as you pushed your body forward, inviting him to push them inside.
-I take this as a no?
-Acee, stop being a tease.
You whined as you let your head rest on the crook on his neck. You felt his torso vibrating against your arms as he giggled at your whines. He pushed two of his fingers inside of you, thrusting them in and out of you in the perfect needed pace.
You sighed as you felt your pleasure slowly building up. He quickened the pace, making his fingers roughly hit your sweet spot as your juices ran down his hand.
-So good to me, you want my cock sweetheart
-Yes, please
-What do you want baby? Use your words
-I want your cock Ace, please
He pulled out his fingers bringing them over to his mouth where he quickly sucked away the juice and opened his belt.
-Wait, let me do that
He put his hands back on your hips as he watched you do your thing. You sat a little over his knees and unzipped his shorts. You took his already hard dick in your hands, smearing the pre-cum on the tip. You leaned over him, kissing his lips as you stroke his length. His hands cupped your face as he deepened the kiss by pushing his tongue in your mouth. Drool all over y'all faces and his dick twitching in your hand, you got closer to him angling his tip closer to your hole. You slowly sank down, earning both of you to moan in each others mouth. Ace finally let go to catch his breath, his head resting on the back of the chair.
-You feel so good, fuck
He let you some time to get used to his dick inside of you before he started to move slowly his hips. You sighed as the fullness he provided you, was enough to make you easily build up the pleasure you had earlier with his fingers. You closed your eyes as you once again rest your head on his chest.
-You're okay baby?
He asked making sure as he softly caressed your head. You nodded and with that he adjusted his position to have a better angle to thrust in you. He was slow at first, but he gradually caught up the pace. You started to move your hips along with his to add more friction. The sound of your bodies loving each other quickly filled the empty quiet space. You unintentionally bit his chest to muffle a loud moan when his dick hit a perfect spot.
-Hey...what did I say earlier..
You couldn't even talk back as you were simply too focused with the feeling of his dick hitting you so good inside, the way his thumb rubbed against your clit and how his other hand was gripping your ass.
-Can't ..even talk h-huh?
He teases in a shaky voice before letting a groan out. He loved feeling your breast rubbing against his chest and your ass clapping against his shorts as it moved up and down. With the rush of adrenaline of possibly being caught and fucking outside, he felt like he was almost over the edge already.
-Ace...I'm so close, faster please
He moved faster, controlling now your hips pace too. Your nails dug into his shoulders as a last stroke accompanied with his thumb pressed slightly against your clit, made you release all over his dick. You screamed his name, your body shaking in his hold as he thrusted harder and faster to reach his own high, cumming inside of you. You two were panting hard as Ace fingers were brushing up and down your back.
-My legs feel numb...
You pant as you looked up to him. He opened his eyes to stare at your eyes, before you two chuckled.
-It's fine, ima take care of you after we get back to the ship. i just need to catch my breath.
A comfortable silence set as you let your head fall on his chest, hearing his quick heartbeat.
-You came inside huh
-Yeah, sorry about that-
-It's fine, im on the pill dirty ass.
-Dirty ass??
-Yeah??It will be dripping down my legs when we walk back to the ship, gross.
-Oh..., didn't think about that. Ima carry you, don't worry.
Ace smiled to himself enjoying your presence and the moment. His hand was still caressing your back.
-Soooo ...we are going out now?
-That's a stupid question
-Okay mister-super-dense
He laughed as he remembered the early scene where he was totally confused to your indirect confession. He kissed your forehead, loving how your eyes glittered when they stared into his.
-Yeah, yeah whatever.... but yes, I can finally call you mine
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rockstarhaechan · 4 months
hiii, hope you are doing well <3
can i req some winwin but definitely not fluffy, love your blog btw
conversations | winwin ˚ ೀ。˚
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♡ pairing: bsf!winwin x bsf!reader
♡ warnings: smut (minors dni), rough winwin, mention of the rest of nct, alcohol, fingering, cum eating, jealous winwin, pet names
♡ note: i hope this is what you asked for, since you wanted no fluff heh. but i’m doing well, thank you for asking hope you’re doing well too!
you’ve been invited to a party that nct organized, winwin being your best friend casually filling up your glass with a little too much beer for your liking. but you couldn’t care less all you wanted to have was fun tonight.
about two hours in, you were going through the stage of being really tipsy but not quite drunk yet. you’ve been talking to a lot of the guys stopping at jaehyun who has been taking your breathe away, especially tonight. winwin usually never really cared about you talking to the rest of nct, but this time he got really jealous.
“so darling, how are you enjoying the party?” jaehyun smiled widely as his arm was hugging you lower back, his face being really close to yours, so close that you already felt his breath on the surface of your face.
“i’ve been having quite a bit of fun, my glass is just empty” turning to jaehyun with your pounding face as you held your now empty cup in front of his eyes wiggling it a little bit. your hair was falling over your shoulders as you turned your head into winwin’s direction, waving at him innocently.
winwin got mad when he saw you and jaehyun being up close, practically kissing yet lips not even touching. winwin always had a slight crush on you but never told you since he was your best friend for so long now, but it makes him jealous and he doesn’t mind showing you as he slowly walks over to you.
“what happened between you and jaehyun?” he uses the chance to speak to you while jaehyun is filling up your cup with a new drink, winwin being extremely close to you letting your body become weak.
“what do you think happened sicheng?” putting on a little smile as your elbow rested on his shoulder, facing him. he lifted an eyebrow as his tongue poked the inside of his cheek.
“i don’t know pretty, you tell me cause you were clearly flirting with jaehyun” he sounded jealous, oh and how jealous he was. the look on his face was irritating as he pushed his hair back face getting closer to yours.
“are you jealous sicheng? that’s actually kinda cute” it was the tipsy self who said that to him, normally you couldn’t care less what winwin thought about you or how you thought about him cause in the end he was just your best friend and nothing more.
grabbing you hand and dragging you into the bathroom of the house, nails digging into his skin as you held yourself up due to his immense speed. winwin soon found the bathroom, pushing you inside as he closed the door behind him.
“now we can talk about what you did with jaehyun, you basically undressed him with your eyes” he was mad and sad at the same time, wishing it was him who you just flirted with. you stepped closer to him arms softly resting on his shoulders as your fingers play with the back of his hair.
“you know sicheng jaehyun is a really gorgeous person, who wouldn’t flirt with him?” that was enough for winwin as your last word left your lips he kissed you hungrily. you were shocked at first but quickly deepening the kiss one hand traveling down to his chest pushing him against the door slightly.
talking? that was definitely not what you two were doing right now, tongue’s fighting with each other while winwin’s fingers started to play with the hem of your dress slipping under it. the both of you got so distracted with each other that you couldn’t even break the kiss as winwin basically just ripped the dress off of your body while smirking at you.
“you look so fucking pretty, for how long was it waiting to do this god” his hand was cupping your tit as he slowly turned his attention to your nipple, twirling his thumb around your exposed nip, deepening the kiss even more.
it soon clicked in your brain as you noticed what just happened with the two of you carefully touching his chest as your hands moved to his belt but he stopped you from moving further down, pinning both of your hands above your head while whispering into your ear that this is all about you and not him. one of winwin’s hands moved down to your panties, playing with the hem of your waistband hand slowly sneaking into your underwear.
“sicheng, what?” softly smiling as a few moans escaped your lips but he just hushed you attention back to your clit, slowly rubbing on it with small circles as pleasure hit you. you never thought this would happen as winwin and you are only best friends and nothing more but you never knew about what he felt about you, so you just went with the flow.
hips moving against his fingers which are now deeply inside of you as he was hitting your right spot each time. winwin was working pure magic almost letting you cum on the spot just with his fingers. your moans made him smirk and pushing his ego up since he’s doing this to you, and only he is.
“g-gonna cum” you threw your head back in pleasure as you held onto his shoulders, leg wrapped around his waist trying to hold your orgasm back not wanting to give in that quickly it’s like you’re waiting for him to allow you to cum.
“cum around my fingers, wanna taste that sweet juice of yours” as soon as he said that you felt a tight knot in your stomach finally releasing your orgasm and turning into a panting mess. winwin catched you as you rode off your high holding your body upright slowly pulling his fingers out of you.
licking every drop of your juices clean off his fingers as he looked deeply into your eyes, basically grinning at you before he pulled you back into a long kiss so you could taste yourself on his tongue. he broke the kiss quickly handing you your dress, pulling it over your head.
“get dressed babe, don’t want anyone else to see you like this” a small giggle was heard from his lips as you dragged your dress over your shoulders, brushing the dress down straight. you looked into the mirror and almost screamed. your make up? completely ruined. mascara running down your cheeks, lipstick non existent.
“oh god sicheng what have you done, look at me” you cried out while laughing. he turned around to face you again, handing you a small towel with a quick “you still look pretty” before leaving the bathroom. after you freshened up you left the bathroom as well and ran into a confused jaehyun with your glass in his hand.
“oh i could use something stronger, vodka perhaps? thank you” chugging down your glass before signaling jaehyun to get another drink for you. winwin on the other hand was giggling next to you as his arm hugged your waist, giving you a kiss on the cheek.
“why so shy now doll?” his evil grin was not to be overseen, undressing you with his eyes once again. you just knew that this night would change a lot of things, not in bad ways but maybe what happened in the bathroom won’t be the only thing happening between you and winwin tonight.
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luveline · 1 year
Can we get like a roan trying to make reader and Eddie make up after they have been visibly upset at each other (but like quiet arguments/none that roan heard)?????
thank you for your request my love! dad!eddie x fem!reader
You and Eddie don't fight a lot, so when you do it's always over something serious. 
You're sitting in the kitchen with tear stained cheeks trying to put pep back in your step before Roan wakes up, a huge cup of orange juice in front of you and a caffeine pill beside it. You argued pretty much all night, and now it's morning, and you're heartbroken. 
The good news is that the fight is for the most part solved. You're trying not to think about it, residual anger and annoyance and a third, awful something coiling in your gut —Eddie being against you is the worst feeling in the entire world, bar nothing. You can't stand it, and perhaps it's slightly codependent to function that way, but he's the person you love most (beside his dark-haired daughter). You're mad at him and you're also so fucking sorry you upset him, and you hate yourself, and you dislike him a little bit too. 
He's drinking a cup of coffee on the other side of the table. You've made up, but you certainly aren't friendly. If you don't tell each other everything it gets worse and festers into cracks you don't want in your relationship. You plan on dying with him, whenever it happens, he's gonna be by your side. If that means being honest to the point of extreme uncomfortableness, so be it. 
So he told you some things about yourself that had been weighing on him, and vice versa. Fights are fights are fights. They suck no matter what they're about, and they leave you feeling grubby, but Eddie always says sorry, and you say sorry too. 
Roan starts to wake up, the sound of her bed springs creaking from a floor away. You and Eddie both stand like you might go get her, which is foreign 'cos most of the time you sit at the table waiting for her. You pretend you'd been meaning to make her breakfast and Eddie curls his hand around the top of his chair as she descends the stairs and walks down the hall to the kitchen.
"Hello," Roan says, practically skipping up to the table. "Good morning! I'm missing one of my socks and um, think it fell down my bed." 
"Yeah?" Eddie asks. 
"We'll find it," you say. 
"Good. What's wrong?" 
She's deceptively smart. 
"Uh, nothing," Eddie says.
Roan climbs up onto her chair with the big cushion. She looks like she might fall. Eddie puts his hands around her waist to prevent any concussions, popping a kiss on her pale cheek. 
"It's too quiet," she insists. 
You flick on the radio and pass over a bowl of cereal for Roan. She likes something Eddie nicknamed 'rainbow cereal', which is all the cereals you buy mixed into one bowl. It doesn't need sugar, but you pretend to put some in there to keep her appeased. 
She stays standing. 
Eddie asks her to sit, and she grumbles and doesn't bother. Sometimes it's better to let her do whatever harmless thing she wants to do rather than start a fight, and you're both clearly much too tired to try. Eddie holds her waist and drops kisses into the top of her head intermittently. You sip your orange juice until it's empty, the radio chugging along in the background. 
"Did I do something?" Roan asks, four spoonfuls in, a frown on her little face. 
"No, baby, we're just tired. Why do you think you did something?" 
"Why are you tired?" she asks, ignoring Eddie's question. 
"We stayed up later than usual by accident. 'Cos we didn't have someone put us to bed." 
"Ask Wayne," she says. She takes another mouthful of cereal, milk sloshing all over the place. 
"Good idea. We'll ask Wayne," you say. 
She's convinced for a time, but breakfast ends, and neither of you know what to do after. It's a Saturday, which might explain the size of the argument. Friday is the most tiring day of the week, every week. Saturdays are empty. You might go see Wayne tonight, but beside that there's nothing planned. 
Roan senses a lack of enthusiasm in the living room.
"Did something bad happen?" she asks. 
"Baby, no," Eddie says, turning down her cartoons a touch. "Nothing happened, I promise. Everything is okay." 
"I don't feel well," she says, and collapses into his lap dramatically, instantaneous dead weight. 
She doesn't understand the anxiety she's feeling. You understand at the very least, so you meet Eddie's eyes and mouth, "Can I tell her? No details." 
He nods. "Sure," he says aloud. "If you want to, go for it." 
He speaks without attitude. You slide closer on the couch, arm pressed to Eddie's, and can't resist the urge to stroke an unruly strand of hair from his cheek. You pause, and then you kiss his cheek. He turns his face to yours and taps your noses together.
You smile, reassured, and squeeze his bicep. 
"Me and Dad had an argument," you confess. 
Roan looks up from his lap. "What?" 
"We had a fight. We didn't agree about something, so we were fighting, and now we're tired because it's hard when you love someone and you want to be on the same page." You blow out a big breath. "But we made up." 
"Doesn't feel like it," Roan says, pushing herself up using both arms. "You're not cuddling or anything." 
"Uh, well…" 
"We haven't had time," Eddie says. 
"Do it now," Roan advises, scrambling backward out of Eddie's lap. 
You're not a wimp, you put yourself under Eddie's arm, and he wraps you up by the shoulder, and you're both kind of stiff but at least Roan isn't worrying she did something wrong. In fact, she looks pleased. She lets Eddie take her hand and doesn't complain when he gives it three big squeezes in a row. 
"You didn't do anything wrong," you say, "you know? It's me that made the mistake, Ro." 
"Me too," Eddie says. 
"Well, mistakes are okay. I make mistakes all the time," Roan says. 
Eddie drops his cheek into the top of your head, defeated and tired and, maybe, maybe maybe maybe, he's happy too. He relaxes slowly, and you let yourself do the same, your arm held across his waist and your fingertips sliding underneath his t-shirt. You feel his skin mindlessly, cool and smooth under your touch, and figure that the fighting has been worth it if it means you get to do this again. 
"Sorry, Eds," you mumble. 
"I'm sorry too," he says back. "I was feeling like a dick yesterday."
"Me too," you say with a laugh. 
Eddie nudges your head with his nose until he can kiss your jaw, a series of chaste, quick pecks. His affection is a blessing. You tilt your head and he makes a disbelieving Yeah? kind of sound, snorting before he tracks kisses up to your cheek and down again. 
Roan jabs her arm with her toes as she stands on Eddie's thigh and hugs him. "See? That was easy." 
You both turn to her with similar motivation. "Super easy," you agree, as Eddie says, "You're right. Thanks, baby." 
"Welcome! Can we find my sock now? My toes are cold." 
You both laugh at her, sympathy and bemusement mixed together. "Oh, babe. We can find you some socks, I'm sorry." 
You stand up and swing her into your arms simultaneously, pleased when she wraps her legs around you and cheers in victory. You're not surprised when Eddie stands up behind you, resting his hand between your shoulders. 
"How about we get dressed? It's Saturday. We can go somewhere, maybe we can go into Indy and have All-American?" Eddie asks.
"Burgers?" Roan asks. 
You laugh into her hair. That's the plan for the day decided —Roan has a one track mind when it comes to cheeseburgers. And she should have what she wants. She saved your Saturday with time to spare.
more eddie, roan and reader
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the-offside-rule · 3 months
Charles Leclerc (Scuderia Ferrari) - August ft. Max Verstappen
Requested: no, I just had a dream about it
Prompt: literally just the whole AugustinexJamesxBetty storyline but...reversed ig
Warnings: pretty angsty
The Charles side of the story
Betty: Part 1
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Y/n stood amidst the pulsating lights and thumping music of the crowded party, not quite believing her eyes, hoping it was just the lights playing tricks on her. She finally spotted him, dancing closely with a girl she didn't recognize. Y/n sighed as she watched her boyfriend, Max, twirling a girl on the dance floor, the uncertainty and insecurity rising within her. Annoyance prickled at her as she watched them sway together, and without a word, she turned and slipped away into the night, not wanting Max to see her. Little did she know, a certain Monegasque had caught a glimpse of her leaving and decided he should go and check up on her.
Y/n walked out into the cold air, her heels clicking off the pavement she walked on, holding herself for both comfort and warmth.As she walked along the dimly lit street, her mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions. She hadn't expected to see Max dancing with some other girl, and it hurt more than she cared to admit. Who was she? Did he know her? Lost in her thoughts, she barely noticed the car that pulled up beside her until the window rolled down, revealing a familiar face.
"Hey, Y/n!" Charles's voice broke through her reverie, concern etched on his features. "What are you doing out here alone?" Y/n blinked in surprise, momentarily taken aback by his unexpected appearance. "I just needed to leave that stupid party." She replied. Everyone in the paddock admitted that her and Max were the same; when they were annoyed, you could tell. Charles studied her for a moment, his gaze softening. "Something bothering you?" He asked gently, still driving along, matching her pace. Y/n hesitated, then decided to confide in him. "I saw Max dancing with another girl at the party." She admitted, her voice tinged with frustration. Charles's brows furrowed in understanding. "Sorry about that. It must not have been nice to watch." He replied sympathetically. "Yeah, it was," Y/n sighed, grateful for his understanding. "I just... I thought we were good together, you know?" Charles nodded. "You're bothered over him? Have you seen you?" He asked. Y/n smiled to herself as she heard him. "You're not being very helpful right now, Charles."
"Maybe not right now, but if you would like I could drive you home." Y/n stopped, the car stopped almost immediately alongside her. "Really?" He nodded, unlocking the door and pushing it open. "Y/n get in." Y/n grinned, running into the car and putting her seatbelt on. "Okay, let's go." He smiled as they drove off. "So, tell me everything." He said as if he wasn't there watching everything unfold. "Well, I didn't exactly want to go to this. It's a party full of people I don't know and then to make it worse, the one guy I did know decided to go dance with someone else. My boyfriend, danced eith someone else. That's just fucking rude." Y/n ranted on and on for a few minutes about how it annoyed her, while Charles simply navigated the streets until he had gotten onto her street. "I just- it's so aggravating. You know? I'm so mad at him." Y/n said, ending her rant.
"It's okay to feel mad." Charles said softly. "And if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you." Y/n smiled gratefully, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. "Thanks for listening, Charles." She said gratefully. "I really appreciate it." Charles smiled warmly. "Anytime, Y/n. i
If you ever need to talk, I'm here for you." He assured her as he parked up outside Y/n's apartment. Y/n's heart warmed at his kindness, and impulsively, she leaned in and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Thank you." She whispered. Charles turned and slowly but surely leaned in, kissing her intently. She didn't exactly pull away, but she reluctantly kissed back, cupping his cheeks and melting into his lips. "If this is going to go any further, would you mind if I grabbed your number first?" He felt her smile against his lips. "Of course. Let me just-"
As she pulled away, she reached for her phone to exchange numbers with Charles, but her fingers froze when she saw a message from Max .
Are you okay? I can't find you anywhere?
Charles looked over onto her screen, his shoulders drooped. "I should go." She murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. Charles nodded, understanding in his eyes. "Yes. You can-" He looked down at the phone Y/n had pointed towards him. "I'm still gonna want your number, though." He smiled softly and carefully dialled his digits in. "There you go, Y/n. Hopefully we can meet up soon." With a small smile, Y/n nodded, feeling a sense of empowerment building within her. "Of course we will. You're far too sweet for me to not." She said, getting out of the car. Charles felt his heart skip a beat over and over again as he watched her walk up to her doorstep. He simply drove away dreaming about what their next encounter would feel like, as she typed out a response to Max.
Sorry babe, just got tired. I decided to head home. See you soon x
As she lay in bed, she couldn't shake the feeling of gratitude towards Charles for being there when she needed someone the most. Her thought however, drifted away from Charles as she remembered her smiling boyfriend, so perfect in every way and so, so loving.
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eufezco · 2 years
i’d love a billy hargrove x reader (this is pretty heavy so i completely understand if it’s not for you!) where reader and billy are at a party together and whilst she’s there someone puts something in her drink and she starts feeling all funny, luckily billy finds her before anything bad happens and instantly realises what’s wrong with her and he’s so mad at whoever did it but at the same time he’s so scared because his girl is literally almost unresponsive in his arms. fluffy ending??
"Wow, wow... where's Wheeler? I thought you were dancing with her." Billy asked when he finally found you, leaning on a wall and with your cup on one hand and a silly smile on your face. You hummed to his question. Your hand grabbed a fistful of his t-shirt and pulled him to you. Billy's body trapped you, the smell of alcohol coming out of your mouth going directly into Billy's nostrils. He crunched his nose. "How much have you drunk?" You pouted, you didn't drink that much yet you never remembered feeling like this. Your free hand caressed his hot chest, sneaking into his half unbottoned shirt. His eyes followed every movement your hand made, your lower lip between your teeth. "What the fuck are you drinking?" Billy snatched your glass from your hands, moving the liquid in it and noticing how the ice cubes were sinking. "Is this your drink?" You stumbled on your feet, you barely heard what Billy just asked you. Your vision was dizzy and all the noises of the party were mixing in your ears, louder than ever. "Y/n, have you drink from this?" Billy asked you louder this time, squeezing both of your cheeks with one of his hands to make you look at him. You gently nodded, feeling your head heavy as it went up and down. Your boyfriend angrily let your glass onto the nearest surface, both of his hands quickly moving to your cheeks again to look into your eyes. Your pupils were big, the color of your eyes almost disappearing at its all. Your cheeks were so warm under his touch. "We're leaving." Billy held your hand and began to walk to the door of the house.
"Can't move–" Your eyes filled with tears as you unsuccessfully tried to move your feet. They felt heavy, them just being capable of holding yourself upright. Your arms and legs tickled, but it wasn't a nice sensation like when Billy did it to you, it was like your whole body was tricking you when you needed it the most. "Billy, can't move–" You babbled, Billy turned to you, his jaw visibly clenching. Billy wanted to stop the party, he wanted to find whoever made this to you and make them pay. "I've got you, don't worry." One of his hands moved around your waist, Billy hugged your body against his, helping you to walk to the front door. He could feel rage going up and down his body, but now he had to focus on you. Hot tears were rolling down your cheeks, your hands shaking in fear as Billy held you stronger and closer than ever. The people were still singing and dancing around you as you both made your way to the front door, Billy thought about how whoever did this to you was there, having fun while your body was half paralyzed. He had to take several deep breaths to not beat the shit out of some random asshole just so someone could pay for what you were going through. When you got out of the house, the fresh air of the night felt like the best thing that could've happened to you at that moment. You thanked your lungs were working correctly, you gasped for air. Billy gave you a few seconds to catch some fresh air as he looked back at all the people inside the house and thought about what could have happened to you if he hadn't found you.
"Do you think you can make it to the car?" You nodded. Billy's hand never left your waist until you got to his car. He helped you to sit on the passenger seat, Billy brushed your cheek to check your temperature and to wipe your tears. "I know you feel like shit, baby, but you're safe with me, I promise. Nothing is going to happen to you." He kissed your forehead. Even though your body temperature seemed to have stabilized, he needed to take you to the hospital. Billy got into his car too. He checked up on you during the whole drive, asking you how you were feeling or just getting you to talk to him to verify that you were conscious, rolling down the car windows, and kissing your knuckles, comforting you.
He parked outside the hospital's emergency room, two doctors approached the car and Billy quickly told them that you need a wheelchair. "Billy..." You hummed when you felt his hands helping you to get out of the car.
"You're going to be okay, baby."
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elliesspacewalker · 16 days
would you write something more on the cuter fluffy side? like baby ellie and reader being friends, maybe reader being supportive of ellie trying to help her somewhat? just them being cuties.
Warnings: pure fluff, mentions of suicide, transgender!Ellie and mentions of gender dysphoria
I feel like Ellie would be super emotional about coming out as trans, I think she would think people would think of her differently. Obviously this isn't true, you, Dina, Jesse, cat, and everyone around her loves her so much!
I definitely think she'd cry a lot about it too, you'd definitely catch her crying for "no reason"
"Ellie hey? Why are you crying?" You'd comfort her and hold her as she sobs into your shoulder, moving a comforting hand to rub her shoulder as she sniffles "I don't know" she attempted to calm herself down "Ellie- breathe, please" you put your hand on your chest and breathed in and out, and she starts copying what you're doing "good job, it's okay" she calms down and brushes it off, obviously you weren't happy about it but she did calm down, she was OKAY and that was the point-
I also think she'd spend hours looking up gender dysphoria and thinking there was something wrong with her- that she wasn't normal and there was something severely wrong with her. After months of thinking she calls you over to talk to her, obviously you prepared for the worst because she never usually asked for you to come over and just talk to her because she wanted to kill herself- you could tell by her voice that shes been crying a lot.
It takes you not even 10 minutes to get to hers to see her tear stained cheeks.
"Els? What's wrong baby" you asked her, and she pulls you in for a hug "I think there's something wrong with me" her voice cracks as she holds you tight.
"talk to me Els, what happened?" Your voice is soft, so she knows you're not mad or angry, you're just concerned for her.
"i-i think I'm trans" she mumbles out, now standing in front of you. "Is this all you had to tell me?" You cup her face and wipe away her tears, you almost start crying after seeing her in so much pain "it's okay, I promise" you comfort her
"I thought you'd hate me or something" she sniffles.
"now, why the fuck would you think that?" You chuckle, "I love you for you Ellie and if you want to be a girl then that's who you are babe. no one can tell you different"
After that she came out to everybody except Joel, she's always gone to him for her problems but this felt personal and maybe he would reject her even though she knows he never would.
Until one night Joel misgendered her and she became really insecure about herself.. she barely touched her food and barely talked until Joel asked her what was up and she mumbled 'im trans' and Joel just looked at her, obviously shocked by this but he wasn't mad- Ellie saw this and thought he was mad and immediately broke down crying and Joel comforted her to tell her it was okay, and that he wasn't mad.
"I'm just mad you didn't tell me, I would've called you she if that's what you really wanted... You could've just told me Ellie" he says to her and she wipes away her tears "I'm sorry" she mumbled out "it's okay, I promise" he hugged her tightly..
After that, everybody started calling her a she instead of misgendering her and she definitely gained a lot more self confidence from this.
A/n: pretty short but I am thinking of making a series about this.... And about my own experiences
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lymtw · 8 months
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We Can’t Be Friends
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x f!reader
Content: slight NSFW
Content Warnings: 18+, suggestive language, cursing, pet names (baby, princess, unestablished relationship -> established relationship, Gojo just being mad lovey dovey, marks (they smashed and Gojo dug his nails in like a cat), kissing
Word Count: 1.4k
Description: Gojo and Reader are pals who have never indulged in anything sexual until now. This first time between them changes the course of their friendship. Tadaaaa I don’t know how to write descriptions but it’s friends-loversss
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Satoru couldn’t look away from you for a second. It was still mind blowing that you let your guard down for once and it was with him. You allowed him to touch you and confided your needs with him, and after all was said and done, you fell asleep on his bed.
The sheets were wrapped around your lower half, you bare chest against his bed. Satoru's nails traveled the expanse of your back and down the bumps of your spine, occasionally straying from the column to draw unrecognizable shapes on your skin. He gently brushed the magenta colored crescents that he left on your waist.
Satoru leaned back against the headboard of the bed, his eyes unmoving from your peaceful image. The little breaths that left your pretty lips made him happy, and he listened until the sound was controlled by your consciousness.
“Mm… why are you awake?” Your voice was slightly raspy, sleep embedded into it. You feel his hand retract from your back, the realization of you being naked hitting you like a train wreck. It didn’t matter anyway. He had already seen and touched every inch of you. There was nothing to hide from him anymore.
“No way I was gonna go to sleep while you were out. I had to make sure the princess was comfortable.” He grinned, boyishly.
You were still too dazed to get on him about calling you princess. Still, you didn’t want to lay there alone. You never thought you’d admit it, but you missed the skin-to-skin contact with him.
You brought the sheets higher up your body to cover your chest and sat up next to him.
“Lay with me.” Your tone is soft. You rest your chin on his shoulder, your body leaning against him.
“You’re being very affectionate. Is this a test?”
You kiss his shoulder, then move closer to his chest, slowly creeping towards his neck.
“Yeah, okay, i’ll lay with you.”
You smile as you adjust yourself onto your side, watching him as he slowly slides down the bed, turning onto his side to face you.
“How did we even get to this point?” You ask, your gaze flitting between his eyes and his lips.
“You have to admit, i’m very charming.” He winks, playfully.
You look away at his pillow, some sort of disappointment shown in your expression. Not at his response, but at what is unknown about the shift in your relationship with Gojo. He picks up on it and instantly tries to earn your attention back.
“We have a lot of trust in each other and this was another act of trust. I think that’s the best way we can put it.” He successfully gets your eyes back on his.
Your hand caresses his face, cupping his cheek and gently brushing your thumb across it. “Did it mean anything to you?”
He has wanted to be intimate with you this way for too long. There’s just never been a right moment, especially since you wouldn’t quit seeing him as just one of your guy friends.
“It did to me. What about you?”
He knew your answer just by the way you touched him so delicately.
“I think so.”
There’s a moment of silence, just longing stares from both of you. There is no distance, yet it feels like you’re across the room from each other. Just two people who walked up to the gates of hell and opened them. Walking in voluntarily, hand in hand.
“What will the others say?” You murmur.
His hand goes to your hip, squeezing comfortingly.
“It shouldn’t matter. They’re not the ones dying to kiss you all the time.”
You giggle, face going red at the admission. “You’re just saying that ‘cause I let you do things to me.”
“You let me fuck you,” he quickly corrects, “and pretty well by the looks of it.”
“God, you’re so vulgar. You ruined the moment.”
“No, no! I mean, you trusted me with your pleasure. We made love.”
You could see the way his eye twitched slightly with every coat of sugar he put on the sentence to refine it.
“If it’s not you, it’s not you.” You drop your hand onto his shoulder, patting it in comfort. “You wanna say we fucked, say we fucked. Don’t make yourself uncomfortable when you went out of your way to make sure I was fine.”
“Look at you trying to carve my heart out of my chest. Too bad it’s already been stolen,” he pauses, dramatically. “By you.”
“Oh. My. God.” He thinks you’re about to swoon over this word vomit. “You’re such a cornball!” You burst out laughing, uncontrollably. “H-How many people has this worked on?”
“Just you, and i’m pretty sure it’s working.” He takes in this image of you, engraving it into his mind. Things can never be so terrible when all he has to do is think about you. This is a core memory for him. Your eyes are watering from the nonstop laughter, no one else is there to witness it. It’s beautiful, and he’ll never forget it.
“God, that was a good laugh. I need to catch my breath.” You use the palm of your hand to wipe away any remaining wetness on your face.
Gojo pulls you closer to him, his hand still resting on your hip. The silence returns and the intimacy is raised.
“I want to make you laugh like that all the time.” Goosebumps rise over the skin beneath his hand, the contact feeling ticklish. “I want more time with you like this, away from our friends.” He stares at your lips, so tempting when he’s trying to pour his heart out to you. “I want privacy with you. I want to hold your hand in public and I want to be able run into your arms dramatically after the shortest amount of time of not seeing you.”
“What?” You blink, entranced by how open and sincere he’s being.
“It would not feel right to wake up tomorrow morning as your friend. Not after tonight.”
“Please be more clear about what you’re hinting at, Satoru.” You can read into everything he’s said to you for as long as you want but nothing will confirm what he means like a clear definition from him.
“I actually thought I was being crystal clear, but sure.” He chuckles. “I want to be your man.”
“You want to be my man?” You crack again, this time in surprise more than amusement.
“Sure do. Would you like to be my lady?”
You stayed quiet to build the suspense, but your heart had already made a decision.
“And you really don’t care about what others will say. What if people start whispering? Gossip derives from things like this.”
“We’ll be as open about our relationship as possible. Tell them we have sex, and kiss, and sleep in the same bed.”
Your eyebrows furrow in disbelief. “Actually?”
“No, not actually, pretty girl.” He flicks your forehead. “That’s for us to know, and for them to assume. All we have to do is just come clean about our relationship.” He smooths out the crease between your brows. “There’s no need for drama where there isn’t any, and I will have your back all the time, as usual. Anyone has a problem, they can catch these hands.”
You sigh, your mind put at ease due to his words.
“Fine, I’m your lady.” Curling into him feels a little more natural now. You feel secure, and you don’t have to worry about your affection being wasted.
“I now pronounce us the new Bonnie and Clyde.”
“They were criminals.” You laugh, enjoying the gleam in his eyes.
“I would commit so many crimes for you.” He presses his forehead against yours, eyes never leaving yours.
“I would never ask you to do something like that,” you murmur. “That’s asking to get you taken from me.”
“Okay, but if you change your mind, just say the word.”
You giggle, kissing all over his face, before planting a deep kiss on his lips. You lay on his chest, looking up into his eyes, in need of him.
“Those eyes are dangerous,“ he says. “Tell me what you want.” His thumb traces your lips.
“I want you all over me.” You bring his palm to your lips, kissing repeatedly. “Smother me, do anything. Just don’t let me go.”
He sits up and flips you over so that you are now on your back. “Anything for you.”
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mypoisonedvine · 2 years
Idk if you take request🛐 but if you do could you do one where y/n is nervous to take her bra off in front of Eddie cause she’s on the small side but with the bra it’s giving C cup when she really has A cup. ……..😬 I feel like this is a little oddly specific but the power of Victoria Secret be having my confidence 📈 till I have to take it off then it’s like 📉
warnings: SMUT 18+, small chested reader, insecurity, lots of tit sucking, fingering, hand job, fluff, eddie being a goof
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"Listen, sweetheart, I'm really not trying to be a dick here," he insisted, "and I don't want it to seem like I'm obsessed with your boobs. I mean, I am, but I don't want it to seem like that."
You giggled a little, looking down. Meeting at your usual spot in the woods started with casual conversation, but like it had once or twice before, it came back to Eddie noticing your obvious and strange habit of refusing to let him see you without your bra.
"I just— if I thought you didn't want to go further I'd let it go. But we do so much, uh, other stuff... and I still haven't even seen your tits," he explained, stepping closer to you as he bit his lip for a second. "Been thinking about them for— well, since I first saw you. Are you just trying to drive me crazy or somethin'? 'Cause, fuck, babydoll— it's working."
"I'm not," you promised, "it's not... it's not that."
"Okay," he breathed, "so, what is it? Have we not been going out long enough? Do you just not like being touched there?"
"It's— it's not about the touching..." you clarified. "It's about the seeing."
He knitted his eyebrows together for a second before laughing. "Want me to put a blindfold on? I can work with that."
"No," you sighed, "it's not— I'm just nervous, okay?"
"Okay!" he agreed. "Okay. That's okay. I just wanna make sure there isn't anything I can do to make you feel better about it. I'm not above begging."
You smiled. "Well, you don't need to beg..."
"I don't?" he asked excitedly, choking a bit when you raised an eyebrow at him. "I mean— of course I don't," he mumbled as he held his hands behind his head and made a silly 'cool guy' face. "Obviously."
You rolled your eyes and pushed on his shoulders lightly. But your playful demeanor fell as insecurity twisted in your chest again. "Just... say that you won't be... disappointed?"
"Dis—" he stopped and started again. "Disappointed?"
"Yeah!" you defended, crossing your arms.
"That's what you're nervous about? Me being disappointed by getting to see and feel your tits?" he realized, tilting his head down but raising his eyebrows. "I'm nervous I'm gonna bust in my fuckin' jeans, how's that for nervous?"
"But what if they're not..." you sighed. "What if they're not that, um... big?"
"Seriously, babe— how big they are doesn't matter. They're yours, that's what I like about them! I wanna touch you baby, that's all I ever wanted."
You bit your lip and looked away. "O-okay, because, well... I never told you but I... this is a push-up bra. I always wear a push-up."
"Why?" he asked.
"'Cause without it they're... small!" you blurted out. "Too small! I just wanted— I wanted to feel pretty, I wanted to be, I dunno, sexy? I wanted you to think I was hot."
He smiled, reaching up to hold your arms gently. "You know why I think you're hot, babe?" he asked, continuing when you shook your head. "'Cause you're funny. And weird, but cool. And you get this look in your eyes when you're talking about your favorite things, and you hang onto my arm when we're walking together, and... well, the list goes on. I digress."
You bit your lip, blinking quickly as your heart swelled.
"Point is, how big your tits are is just... something about you. It's you that I like. Not your tits. Not that I, uh, don't like your tits— but I just mean, that's not really why I like you, like, at all."
You nodded. "And you're not... mad at me, for wearing a push up, or anything?"
"Course not. If anything it's kinda sweet— and, uh, hot— that you wanted to, you know... look good for me." He stepped up a little closer to you, with a mischievous smirk on his lips. "But if you wanted my attention, sweetheart, no bra would've done the trick just fine."
"Well," you breathed, "it's not too late for that, is it?"
He watched, enraptured, as you pulled your shirt off over your head, now with only the lacy push-up to cover your chest. This you'd done before, this you were familiar with— but knowing you were finally about to take that step and let him really see you made you all chilly and nervous.
"You're sure you wanna let me see?" he asked one more time. "I swear, I wasn't trying to pressure you, I just wanna make sure you're comfortable with me."
"I am," you promised, "just... don't get upset when you see them, okay?"
"Sweetheart, respectfully, I think upset is the last thing I'm gonna be."
You reached behind your back and carefully undid the clasp, letting out a shuddering breath as you let the straps slide from your shoulders.
As the garment fell onto the ground, you glanced away from his face, afraid of what expression you would find on it. But you heard him make a little noise, and it got your attention; and when you looked at him, you saw lust, pure lust, tinting his eyes as he stared you down.
"Fuck," he breathed, "god, they're perfect— you're perfect..."
"Really?" you asked.
"Can I feel them, babe? Please..." he begged, and you nodded.
His hands came up to rest on them gently, making you shiver as his fingers carefully squeezed the flesh. "They're... they're not too small?"
"Baby," he grinned, "you still worried about that? They're cute, they're sexy, they're— they're your fucking tits, babe, I've been waiting so long to get my mouth on these."
"Your mouth?!" you repeated with wide eyes, and he looked up to your face again to smirk at you.
"Yeah. Is that okay?"
"Y-yeah," you replied, watching him crouch down to press his face in between your breasts, kissing your sternum, before suddenly tilting his head giving an open-mouthed kiss to one of your nipples.
Your breath caught, and your eyes were glued to him flicking his tongue out and teasing the hardened bud, before finally wrapping his lips around and sucking harder. You moaned, way louder than you meant to, and felt him smile around you. "They're so sweet, princess," he whispered, "and sensitive. God, that's so hot..."
He kissed his way across to the other one, and moaned around it as he lathed it with a wide tongue. Your hand shot up to his mess of hair, tangling in the curls as he kept up the good work. "Eddie," you breathed.
"Mhm," he agreed as he suckled on one, looking up at you with those big-ass fucking eyes, god it was overwhelming. He pulled off of it with a pop to smile up at you. "Is this good?"
"S-so good," you agreed, and his eyes fell shut as he set his mouth around you again— open wide this time, trying to take in as much of your skin as he could fit. His hands squeezed at the base of them, pushing your breast further into his mouth, making your hips rock up towards him in need.
He pulled away one more time, just an inch or two, watching closely as his fingers pinched your spit-slick peak. "Cute little nipples," he noticed, and you never even imagined him talking about your tits that way but it was weirdly sexy.
"Eddie," you whimpered, "I— I'm so wet..."
"Fuck, lemme touch your pussy, babe," he pleaded breathlessly.
"Please," you replied, and his hand was between your legs in a moment. You whined and rubbed yourself against it, feeling his fingers zero in on your clit right away even through your jeans.
That was the pattern for a while, him sucking your tits and giving little bites and kisses to the sensitive flesh while his hand expertly toyed with you through your clothes— until you got too needy and just had to quietly beg for more, please Eddie, touch me more...
As soon as he heard your demand, he roughly opened your jeans and shoved his hand inside, putting his tongue to his lips for a second as he had to force his way down against the tight denim. You both sighed with relief when he got deep enough to feel your soaked opening, into which he plunged two fingers suddenly. "Fuck!" you gasped.
"Mm," he hummed happily, mouthing at your neck this time. "So wet— are you having fun, babe?"
"Yes, yes, just— don't stop," you whimpered.
"Oh? You want me to taste them some more?" he taunted.
"Eddie!" you whined defiantly, and he chuckled as he kissed his way down your bare chest and started all over again, teasing your nipples with little pecking kisses before finally sticking his tongue out and swirling it around them gently. It made your pussy pulse on his fingers, as did the way he moaned just from feeling you like this.
"Can you come for me?" he breathed. "Can you come while I'm— fuck— while I'm sucking on your pretty tits?"
"Yeah," you nodded, whining louder as his fingers curled into your spot.
He pumped his fingers inside you carefully, your jeans too tight to allow him to move his whole hand— so he just had to slide his fingers up and down, rubbing your clit not-so-accidentally with the knuckle at the beginning of his palm. Your legs were shaking already.
"Come on, that's it," he cooed around a mouthful of your skin, moving over back to the other breast again. "Yeah, cream on my fingers, babe, know you want to..."
And you did, whimpering at his encouragement and feeling your knees almost give out. He cooed at you as he felt you come apart, even just letting the natural movements of his lips and tongue as he spoke tease your sensitive breasts. You winced when he pulled his fingers out of you and his hand out of your jeans, standing up straight again to show you what a pretty, sticky mess you'd made on him.
"Wanna suck all that deliciousness off my fingers for me, princess?" he purred, watching with a slack mouth as you opened yours and took them in, tasting your tangy arousal. "Mm, good job— that's— fuck that's good, babe..."
He lost a bit of his composure as you sucked harder on his fingers, massaging them with your tongue—
"Shit!" he grunted. "Forgot how devilish that little mouth of yours is... suck harder?"
You did, blinking your eyes up at him, before he tore his hand away to give you a big, sloppy, needy kiss with his panting breaths all over it.
His hands were on your tits again, grabbing greedier handfuls of them, squeezing almost too hard to make you moan into his mouth.
You whined when you felt his hips press forward, his obvious and throbbing erection right against your thigh through his jeans. He broke away from the kiss with a gasp, eyes dark and heavy as they stared down at you.
"Fuck, fuck, just jerk me off," he grunted as he started quickly unbuttoning his jeans for you, pulling his cock out and grabbing your hand to wrap around it. You started stroking him quickly, watching as he shut his eyes and panted and leaned his head down. "Damn, baby, that's good... just like that, m'close..."
You stroked him just a bit faster, twisting your hand gently at his tip, letting the sticky precum smooth your movements.
"Got me so worked up suckin' on your tits, babe," he sighed, "and you sound so pretty when I do it to you. M'fuckin'— shit— gonna come, sweetheart, gonna— ah!"
He grunted as seed painted your hand, dripping down your wrist, making you bite your lip as he pumped into your hand with absent-minded thrusts of his hips. "Don't stop, Eddie," you whispered, "keep coming."
"God," he choked, "you— fuck!"
You kept pumping him with your hand until you heard him whine through his teeth and knew that was the end of it— and he really had unloaded a lot onto you, come covering your hand and dripping down to the ground quickly.
"Christ," he grunted, opening his eyes again and staring wide-eyed at the mess he made. "Emptied my fuckin' balls on you, apparently— sorry."
"Don't apologize, I wanted you to," you promised.
"Can I come on your tits next time?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.
Your bottom lip found its way between your teeth in an instant as you inhaled a sharp breath. "Deal."
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kenlvry · 1 year
main four reacting to you coming home drunk and calling them pretty
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reader calling the main 4 pretty while drunk
an, OKAY BOSS 🫡🫡
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it is almost 2 am and you are still not home, he is so ready to put on his mysterion costume on and search the whole town for you. hearing a car pull up he jerks from the couch and look at the window, it was you barefoot holding your heels waving goodbye to your friends. he waits infront of the front door excited to greet you, the keys rattling to unlock the door followed with "shit whcih one is it" kenny sighs and open the door. "KENNYYYY" you hug him and kenny can tell that you have been partying hard, you reek of alcohol. "im not one to get mad at you for drinking but you need to control your parting habit, youre always dizzy in the morning and regret it" he lectures closing the door you still hugging him "boo buzzkil" he gives you the 😐 r u fr look and you laugh. "hmmm have i ever tell you how pretty you are, so pretty" you cup his face and observe it he blushes harddddddd. you have only called him handsome or sexy or hot so far never have anyone called him pretty, "oh yeah? im very pretty huh?" he smirks taking this chance to do smthn with you iykyk "i might be drunk but im still sober enough to know what you wanna do" with that you let go and walk to your bedroom with a smiling teasing kenny in suit. " 'm so pretty right?" the morning was hell and he wouldn't shut up about it "ugh kenny that's the third time this morning fuck yourself" you groan as you walk away from kenny with the hangover medicine with you "thats not how you talk to your pretty boyfriend" he laughs.
you had texted him earlier that night saying your gonna be late "im goung tobe kate" "what" "latw" "okay". he sleeps before you come home knowing you didn't want him waiting on you and that your friends was there to take care of you. he was about to sleep but the door knob twisting and the keys desperately being pushed into the keyhole was too loud to not hear from the bedroom. he groans and gets out of bed heading towards the door. "hello stan 😊😊😊 thankyou 🥰🥰" you walk past him and wow tyou smell like alcohol, even he wasn't this bad. following you to the bedroom you lay down throwing your shoes and bag on the floor "geez y/n atleast take a shower first" he puts his hands on his waist. you lay on your side and tap the empty spot beside you signalling him to join you, despite the smell he lays down and looks at you. you stroke his hair staring at him "you're so pretty stan, maybe even prettier than me" his eyes widen at that like me??? pretty??? really??. he quickly realises you are very drunk and you probably don't mean it "okay y/n, get some sleep" he lightly push you by the shoulders to lay you down properly "no nooo im being honest, your face is so pretty, your hair black hair and your eyes fuck i could get lost in your eyes, especially your lip-" you sleep before you could say anything more and he just layed there with a blushed face. he gets up and walk over your vanity grabbing makeup remover and a cotton pad, sitting beside you removing your makeup. he stops to think what you said earlier and is so embarrassed, bro is kicking his feet squealing and covering his face rolling around. it gave him sm confident and remembers that compliment to this day.
it was around 12 pm that night, kyle was jus chilling watching movies in the living room and eating popcorn. you told him you'd be home a little late and to not wait for you, so he took this chance to enjoy some time for himself. suddenly the door knob shake violently and bangs from the door can be heard, he was so scared who the hell was it he thought, burglar? murderer? thief?. he slowly approach the door looking through to the keyhole expecting a fucking clown or smthn with a knife but it was you. he sighs and opened the door "you had me scared to death! and i thought you were coming home at 2??" your stance was pretty obvious you had gotten too drunk "my friends said i drank too much and i need to go home 😊" , well it isn't the first time, "cmon wanna watch a movie tgt?" "kyle i smell like im stans dad i need to take a shower" "but i miss you ☹️" "then shower with me pretty boy" he makes a slightly disgusted face while laughing lightly but stop when he remembered your words "pretty?" "mhm!" you nod your head repeatly and make you way upstairs, his cheeks were a tint of pink smiling at the compliment, you stop midway and look back at him. he wasn't wearing his hat and he rarely takes them off that was what made him so pretty, his pretty curls. you walk back to him getting reallllyyyyy close staring at him, his cheeks turning a a darker shade of pink avoiding eyecontact "uhh" "you look so pretty, should take your hat off more often" you kiss his cheek and continue your way upstairs. he just stares at the stairs holding his cheek "pretty?" he mumbled and walk his way to the couch sitting on the couch "pretty .." he loves it sm when you call him pretty and you know it so you call him pretty more often.
2 am. you aren't home yet and cartman is worried for his life, i mean he is pacing around the living room wondering why you aren't home. then he heard the door open and immediately jump on the couch turning on the tv, "oh hey, ur late not, that i was waiting for you" he says glancing at you, by how you were wobbling around it was kinda obvious you were drunk. you look at him smiling and walking over to him with wide arms "CARTMANNN HELLOOOO" you hug him and he loves it smsmsmsmsm but ofc he hides it "ew what do you want" you hop on the couch right beside him laying your head on him, he doesn't push you off despite the disgusted face you made. "mm your so mean ☹️" you make pouty lips at him, you cup his face pulling it close to you "your are so pretty you know that? i love you so much" then you hug him so tight he swears he can't breath. boy just sat there with a 😯 face on. since you were drunk you weren't gonna remember this so he decides to play along "i think yr prettier though" "NO. YOU ARE 🤨" you argued "its definitely you" "YOU CLEAFLY ARE PRETTIER IN OUR RELATIONSHIP 😒😒" "WELL I SAY OTHERWISE" you two literally argue like kids on who is prettier. you both agree that you both are equally pretty. the next morning you remember vividly what happened "sooo im pretty huh?" "i never said that" "you said that last night" "no stop being delusional thats gay".
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queer-overwatch · 2 months
HI can I get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Venture sticking up for their S/O who's being picked on because they're just a lil bit chubby.............................. fem or gender neutral S/O preferably!!! I need some protective Venture!!! 😭
Also have fun writing!!!!!!!! I hope y'all get lots of requests!!!!!!!!!
- venturelovebot
Protective Venture
Aaaa ty sm for the request!!!! Both of us follow u so we were kinda like "HOLY SHIT" when we saw you send an ask sdikfv d -Frisk
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bro would 100% beat someones ASS for making fun of you
they know what its like to be picked on! They got a chipped tooth and some of their colleagues make fun of it sometimes, so they are SO pissed if they find out someone's been making fun of you too
They're mad, but their first priority is making sure you're okay, they'll deal with those jerks later >:C
If it happens often, they'll plan a nice little date night and buy you some nice ass clothes that show off your curves because they love you and want you to be confident! And also want to rub how pretty you are in the faces of anyone making fun of you-
Would absolutely be the type of partner to squeeze your tummy, just a lil, they can't help it! They love someone with a lil shape to em <3
After your date they 100% go fuck with whoever was teasing you, they have so many cursed artifacts and will absolutely just slide one into where ever the person messing with you is most to scare the shit out of them and also hopefully get them haunted
(blurb written by Xorn <3)
The day has been great, you and Venture having a nice walk around the dig site, that was until you passed some coworkers. Unfortunately you'd heard a bit of a ranking they had going on; the hottest body on site, you heard a couple comments about how your body wasn't particularly favorable. Thankfully Venture had verbally torn your coworkers a new one. But it left you a bit distressed and distracted for the rest of the day. On the way home you fiddled with the belt loop of your pants sighing as you and Venture listened to music on your way back to home. Venture glanced over at you tilting their head briefly before focusing on the road. "Cariño mío , what's wrong? Did what those jerks say earlier get to you?" They huffed a little upset at the thought of you being upset. Especially over something that made you so beautiful to them. "A little, I don't really feel all that great about it though, I thought I would after we started working again but not really" You sighed looking over toward them as you tugged at your shirt, a light attempt to get it to stop hugging the curves around your stomach and sides. "(Y/n), You're perfect. You know what, Surprise date night! We're going out just to prove those fuckers wrong!" They grin, they're all too familiar but oh so cute , chipped tooth front and center in their smile. As you get home they usher you to the bedroom telling you to put on your nicest clothes. As you prepare yourself, still not all too confident in what they might be planning . However when you walked down you caught them in the act of making the living room look rather fancy. The moment they noticed you they scrambled for a fake rose and biting down on it to imitate a romantic man as they leaned on the couch. "Mi amor-" They started though they couldn't fully get it out as they began snickering and laughing at their own actions "-(Y/n) would you do me the honor of eating takeout and watching Prince of Egypt with me?" You couldn't help but chuckle, making your way to the couch as you cupped their cheeks. "Of course I would, thank you" You muttered as they pulled you to the couch, happily settling in beside you as they lightly played with your tummy. "I'll say it again , you're perfect! Like a hidden geode, no one knows how good you are until they've gotten to know you inside and out !"
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