#but it messes w my idea of j & s which is that they tell each other everything in all universes
padfootastic · 2 years
#i don’t think i can overstate how much i hate the ‘poor reggie forced into bad things :(‘ take lol#i mean. i get that it’s probably the only way people who don’t like dealing w complexity can make sense of this ship#which like. fair i guess. but they’re also often the loudest in the fandom and that’s when i get annoyed
literally taking words out of my own mouth. and yknow, i love jegulus actually, but what i love is the opposite dynamic that you could never get with prongsfoot, the "running into each other in the battlefield from opposite sides" kind of drama and the way they really force each other to get out of their comfort zone and confront their biases. and i swear i can't read 90% of todays jegulus fics for this exact reason it drives me insaneeeee
(also the best kind of jegulus (and the only right kind) is the one where both of them would still choose sirius over each other)
(also how are your tags always better than the actual post asfjk)
i’ve read exactly two jegulus fics i like so far. i don’t think it’s a surprise to anyone that both of them have sirius as a central character who’s in the know about the relationship since the beginning lol (it’s this and this) sadly, i don’t think either of those are angsty enough for ur tastes :p
also gosh yes!! i think, of all we know about them, one thing both of them would be agreed on is that sirius is no. 1. like even in a war setting for example, where they’re both on different sides, i can see them meeting clandestinely just to come to the mutual conclusion that no matter what happens, sirius does not get hurt. but also, the possible flip side of that is so much angst. jealousy, bitterness, possessiveness—both of them want sirius’ attention in different ways and there’s resentment between them for the longest time because of it. reg because he thinks james stole his brother and james because he thinks reg could’ve done more to protect him/doesn’t like how his actions hurt sirius.
i think james’ black and white morality would also play a big role here. in his mind, regulus should’ve chose sirius above everything else. his actions of siding with his family would read as betrayal to james who has no patience for that or anything that hurts sirius. he doesn’t care for the complexities and nuances that reg’s life is probably made of.
on the other hand, i think regulus would also be at least a little aware of that fact? and he’d hate the fact that james has it so easy. not just in terms of obvious privilege (which the blacks do too) but also like, how easy it is for him to be brave and moral and good when regulus has to claw his way out to achieve some semblance of balance in his life. james’ judgement seems not just hypocritical but also unfounded for him, because james has never had to fight against the kind of pressures he had. and he knows, deep down, where j is coming from too which makes him even more angry at the whole situation.
i can see both of them hiding this animosity from sirius for the longest time, because they know he wouldn’t like it, at all. he puts up this front that he doesn’t care about his family but he does, and james doesn’t wanna make that anxiety worse. no one can be blind to how close sirius is to james, def not regulus, so he puts up the bare minimum effort into making sure he doesn’t show more hostility than required. also,,,,i think both of them might have this latent fear that if they force sirius to choose, they might be the ones left behind? like,,i don’t think sirius will actually do that but it’s an irrational anxiety that they do not wanna materialise under any circumstance so they try their best to make sure it never happens.
and sirius would be the impetus of change for both of them, in my mind. they’re a package deal on both ends so they have to learn to, like u said, confront their biases. i genuinely think sirius is central to a jegulus arc so seeing him cut out or turned into the villain or used only as a wolfstar puppet just really, really enrages me lol
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sencity · 11 months
zoro and sanji learning another language for you . .
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˚₊ ꒰ nightmare fuel 𝄁︎ suggestive themes and implied talking stage (specifically w/ sanji) so partially nsfw. zoro’s a little longer because he’s just… a stubborn mess.
˚₊ ꒰ word count 𝄁︎ 1061.
˚₊ ꒰ key 𝄁︎ y/n is the white texts and zoro + sanji are the blue texts.
˚₊ ꒰ sen’s statement(s) 𝄁︎ baby i used translators and a few sites for this shit so don’t word me on anything. if it ain’t spanish i can’t manage.
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˚₊ ꒰ translations 𝄁︎ angioletto, little angel. grazie, signore, thank you, sir. mio caro, my dear. amore mio, my love.
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☪︎︎ just imagine the same situation going on with sanji but with a language such as italian. most likely he's learning another to impress you since you're oso interested in different languages and is pretty thrilled with the idea of him speaking french. although learning another language isn't easy, anyone could've told him that, but it is a bit frustrating while speaking or pronouncing everything with a french lilt.
☪︎︎ shortening his vowels naturally, adding more stress to the last syllable, silencing any h words, you name it. still, it was worth the praise coming from you, seeing as each time he presents to you a new word, you cheer him on and let him know that the french accent he possesses makes it more interesting. intense emphasis on the word interesting, resulting in him becoming a blushing, stuttering, and an absolute thanking mess.
☪︎︎ as he got the hang of it, he'd use it more daily, whether it was reviewing former words, impressing others, or referring to simple objects in that specific language. he even saw it as an advantageous situation to tease you a bit since of course, you adored the way the man sounded regardless.
"ah, here. please, let me get that for you, angioletto," with a deceptive smile contrasting his devious actions, which was brushing away leftover sauce on the corner of your mouth with a napkin, an obvious reason just to also gradually brush against your plumped, fairly glossed lips, he leaned in closer to "examine" the minor mess you've created while eating. surely it was nothing a small lick could've saved, but this was also a chance to take your beauty into account personally while somewhat flustering you during the process at the sudden act of courtesy and italian to adorn.
☪︎︎ regardless, this is still you we're speaking of, so there's absolutely no way you've condoned this behavior without any mental strain or compensation. if he wants to tease, you will find a way to hit him twice as hard. so, instead of allowing his actions to proceed, you gave him a generous "grazie, signore" with a slight grin slowly appearing on your face. needless to say, he had no idea you were familiar with the language, but what he did know is that he had five seconds to find his handkerchief before he suffered from another unwanted nose blee-oh dear, seems to be too late ...
"reminds me, you should enlighten me. tell me how much you've learned, mio caro, so i can praise you for all your hard work…”
“oh-why of course, mon amour-erm, excuse me, amore mio. j-just give me one second to get ready, alright?!" quickly, still suffering from the severe nose bleed that managed to get worse after your puckish message, he jumped up from his seat, practically tripping over the legs of the chair as he pressed the cloth against his leaking nose.
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˚₊ ꒰ translations 𝄁︎ neoneun gachang jeongerokui saramiya, you are the most passionate person. saranghaeyo dangsin, i love you, dear. geu saranghae haeseoga bichihaeyo, my love for you will never lessen.
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☪︎︎ frankly, zoro wouldn't be interested in learning another language seeing as it wouldn't be beneficial for him personally. he's already bilingual as it is, knowing fluent japanese and all, so there's no point in learning another. so, the only reason why he's taking it, as assumed, out of pure malice. not only sanji rubbed it in that he now has the upper hand claiming that there's another thing he surpasses him in out of million, but you also egged it on simply because you know zoro will be motivated spiteful enough to learn another language as well. you have such a way with words, really ...
☪︎︎ zoro's not interested enough to learn another language that's nowhere near as similar to japanese, therefore he took the time to learn korean. it's like a spanish speaker moving on to french or italian seeing as there's some similarities involved. similar to sanji, his pronunciations are inaccurate due to his accent. the main thing that kept him going is that the korean alphabet is shorter than the japanese, for the reason that it only consists of 14 consonants and 10 vowels. it was a piece a cake. besides, who would zoro be if he were to turn down a little challenge, let alone admitting that it was too hard for him?
☪︎︎ he'd definitely wasn't wooing you with words at first since you indeed prayed on his downfall so he insulted you in the language just to prove that he's capable. full on sentences as you were pouring yourself a midnight drink with a snack to embellish tuning out the swordsman's arrogance that refused to stop pouring from his stupid mouth. it's a bit amusing at the end of the day, considering that he was the one that went this far just to prove a point. then you would just call him tractable or predictable because of his behavior.
"neoneun gachang jeongerokui saramiya.” sarcastically and annoyingly, you quickly interrupted his antics before his behavior actually took a toll on your patience. really, it's hard to inure someone as conceited as him, but you love humbling people so that's why the two of you work so terrible well together. he was… oddly smug-looking at your words, finally satisfied with his listening prowess and your bombastic side eye. he even folded his herculean arms over his pillowy chest, unintentionally squishing them against them causing them to perk up a bit. he seemed to understand more than you thought…
“awh, how sweet of you. thanks for—”
“saranghaeyo dangsin.” you cut him off arrogantly, both seeing if he could understand and wanting his reaction, which was priceless. his brows were now furrowed with an incredulous, let alone judgmental stare. he was going to respond, but you, once again, interrupted him while walking up to him with a puckish titter. “geu saranghae haeseoga bichi-”
☪︎︎ then he would stop you before you go on a sudden rant, palming your face with his robust hand before pushing you away with a peeved groan and flushed look. it was a miracle that he actually took his time to comprehend so much, which you also plan on taunting him about later. right after he gets his big ass hand from off your face…
“jeez, the hell’s gotten into you? gotten all soft on me like that lovesick (sanji) dumbass…”
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© all rights reserved 𝄁︎ sencity. plagiarism will not be tolerated on this blog but addressed and chastised accordingly.
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saintlike78 · 3 years
Hiii can you do a poly marauders x fem reader where girls are being mean to her like calling her ugly and saying she dosnt deserve them so she’s breaks up but they find out what’s been happening and they get back together . (I couldn’t see if your requests are closed) ❤️
Greedy [Poly Marauders]
A/N: Thank you so much for your request! You’re just fueling my addiction with writing poly Marauders fics… and I love it!!
Pairings: Poly! Marauders x Fem!reader
Words: 2.9k
Warnings: Fluff, polyamorous relationship, breakup, mentions of not eating, crying, reader being sad, mean girls. Lmk if I missed anything.
“Honestly you’re just being greedy!”
“They don’t even really like you; you were just the easiest.”
“You’re not even pretty enough for one of them, what makes you think you could have all three?”
“It’s only a matter of time before they get bored of you and trade you in for someone better and more deserving of their love.”
The words swarmed around your brain, a thick fog settling before your eyes as tears streamed down your face making everything blurry and wet. Your feet were clumsily transporting your body back to your dorm, trying your best to keep your head down avoiding the stares your fellow students were giving you.
You were trying to forget and ignore what those girls had said, but it kept playing on repeat in your mind. You knew that your three boys loved you, but the girl’s words filled your head with doubt. You knew that your boyfriends were too good for you, you didn’t deserve them, they would be better off without you or with somebody else. The thoughts were killing you; more tears escaped your eyes at the thought of them with somebody else tearing you apart, but it was necessary for their happiness. You could never make them happy; you could never be enough for them.
You ascended the stairs towards the girls’ dormitories but decided against it opting towards going to your boy’s dorm, wanting to feel the comfort of their room one last time.
You opened the wooden door but met by silence from the other side. The boys still had an hour of class left, leaving you to sit in sadness alone for a while longer before you would be breaking your own heart.
Walking across the room you stood in front of the mirror taking in your reflection, red puffy eyes, tear-stained cheeks. Looking at yourself you understood what the girls saw, you had no idea how Remus, Sirius, and James had stayed with you as long as they had, but it was time you finally put them out of their misery even though it was killing you. Thinking about what would happen in less than an hour the tears pooled in your eyes once more, but you quickly grabbed a tissue from the box on Remus’ desk beside the mirror and wiped your eyes and the falling tears. You made your way into the connected bathroom, wanting to at least look somewhat presentable before the boys returned. You washed your face with cold water, the cool water washing away any redness, but not concealing the sadness that still lingered in your eyes.
The book in front of you could not hold your attention, your focus solely on the door of the dorm, just waiting. James’ soft blanket comforting you slightly but never distracting enough.
The door burst open and the loud chatter between the boys filled the quiet room. Their laughs warmed your heart, momentarily causing you to forget what was going to happen.
“Bunny, you’re here!” Remus just about shouted, running to you and getting on top of you kissing you all over your face.
You couldn’t help the giggle that left your lips, but sadness bubbled up within you at the fact that you would never experience this again.
You softly pushed Remus off of you making him sit on his calves looking at you in a very confused manner.
“I need to talk with all of you,” you said trying to keep your voice steady, hoping they couldn’t tell how much you had been crying.
Sirius and James made their way to the bed as well, sitting beside Remus.
“That sounds so serious… you aren’t breaking up with us are you, pup?” Sirius joked, but your eyes widened, and you opened your mouth to reply, but no sound came out.
“Wait?! Are you?” James asked worriedly, noticing your face and lack of words.
You were fiddling with your hands, not looking in their eyes.
“Uhm… well… the thing is…. Uhm… y-yes.”
Tears filled your eyes when you finally muttered the words, not believing this was real, but you knew it needed to be done.
“What?! No! I was just kidding, you can’t break up with us, why would you say that?!” Sirius exclaimed, not believing his own ears. Tears gathered in all of their eyes, unbeknownst to you, since you still refused to meet their eyes.
“Bunny… you don’t mean that,” Remus tried, his voice breaking slightly at the effort of trying to contain his tears.
“I-I do, I’m s-sorry, I can’t be with you anymore,” you stammered, tears now leaking down your face once more. Your hands were shaking, and your limbs felt heavy, your heart shattering into a million pieces. You quickly got off of the bed facing the door wanting nothing more than to leave, not wanting to look at their faces because you knew if you did you would break even more.
They all stood from the bed as well walking towards you. James reached for your arm, but Sirius stopped him.
“Please, y/n, don’t do this… we love you; don’t you love us?” James tried, not trying to conceal his tears any longer, letting them fall freely down his cheeks.
“It’s f-for the b-best.”
“Y/n, don’t you love us anymore?” Sirius repeated James’ question since you chose to not answer, not wanting to lie.
A long silence ensued, you didn’t want to lie, but you knew that it was what you had to do for them to hate you.
“… n-no,” you whispered.
All of their hearts collectively shattered. Both Remus and James were freely crying, but Sirius was fuming, angry tears rolling down his cheeks.
“Fine! Then leave!” Sirius shouted causing you to jump slightly. Sirius felt his heartbreak and he felt guilty for scaring you, but he was just so angry and sad, he didn’t know how to handle it.
You quickly walked towards the door opening it, but before you left you turned around letting yourself cave and get one last look. Your breath caught in your throat when you took in their tear-covered faces, your already shattered heart turned to dust.
Whispering an almost inaudible ‘I’m sorry, you slid out the door, leaving the boys heartbroken and most of all confused as to when you suddenly stopped loving them.
You raced towards your own dorm, opening and slamming the door shut as soon as you had made it inside. As soon as the door was completely shut your legs failed you and you crumbled on the floor, loud sobs leaving your quivering lips. You had never felt pain like this before, it felt like someone had cut your heart out and ripped it apart in front of you, leaving you a bleeding broken mess.
Lily, who was laying in her bed, was startled by your sudden entrance but was quickly by your side as soon as you collapsed.
“Y/n/n, what’s wrong? What did they do?” she asked, clearly expecting the boys to be behind this, but also not quite believing they could hurt you to this point.
“I-I b-brok-e up w-w-with them!” you sobbed out, hiccups making it much harder to formulate a decent-sounding sentence.
“You did what?! Why? Just yesterday you were madly in love… what happened?” Lily’s confusion shone clearly through her tone, not understanding why you would do such a thing.
“P-please, I j-just want to sl-sleep,” there was nothing you wanted more than to lay in your bed and just disappear.
Lily just nodded and helped you towards your bed, helping you remove your shoes and grabbing your sleepshirt, which happened to be one of the boys’ shirts.
“Do you want to sleep in this?” Lily asked carefully.
You instantly nodded and grabbed the shirt from her grasp, wanting nothing more than to be comforted by your boys, but since that wasn’t an option, you opted for this.
Slipping into the warmth of your blanket the tears never ceased, but your eyes still fell shut, wanting to sleep the pain away.
“Do you want me to grab dinner for you later?” Lily asked softly, but already knowing the answer.
“No thanks… can you close the curtains around my bed?”
Lily sighed but did as you asked, knowing you just needed time.
In their dorm, Remus and James were pacing around the room whilst Sirius sat on Remus’ bed, trying to calm himself before dinner.
“I don’t understand, we were all fine yesterday,” James muttered loudly enough for the two others to hear him as well.
“What is it you don’t understand, Prongs? She loved us and now she doesn’t, ‘s as simple as that,” Sirius stated, his tone laced with bitterness, choosing to be angry instead of letting the sadness consume him.
Remus stopped his pacing and looked at Sirius’ seated form, “you don’t really believe that do you, Pads? … Prongs is right, we were all fine yesterday.”
Sirius just let out a ‘humph’ and crossed his arms, rising from the bed.
“Whatever, let’s just go to dinner… she’ll probably be there celebrating her freedom from us.”
This time James stopped to look at Sirius, “you know she would never do that and besides something doesn’t seem right… it’s too out of the blue.”
Remus nodded and let out an agreeing hum and they both followed Sirius towards the door.
Days passed; you hadn’t left your bed unless you had to use the bathroom. You were drowning in tears the pain in your heart not subsiding.
The teachers were informed that you were “sick” and that you needed some time to recover from your sudden illness.
The only time you had gotten any form of nutarians was when Lily basically forced you to consume something, anything. She was growing more worried each passing day, having talked to the boys and keeping them updated on your situation, since they all were worried as well and asked her to keep an eye on you for them since they hadn’t seen you since the day of the breakup.
The news of your breakup spread like wildfire; people not used to see the three boys without even a trace of you.
Remus was the first to experience a couple of the girls flirting very aggressively with him, but he brushed it off, knowing they could never replace you; it was you or nothing. Sirius was the next, he was less nice and told the girls to leave him alone. Lastly was James, he almost cried, wishing he could get you back, so he could be free from any other girls.
The girls were growing agitated by the lack of attention they were getting from the three Marauders, clearly not understanding why they were so upset by losing you.
It had been more than a week; Lily was studying in the library when she heard your name spoken behind one of the bookshelves. She stood from her seat, moving closer to listen to the girls on the other side.
“Ugh, it’s so frustrating! Sirius totally dismissed me the other day,” one of the girls complained.
“I know! I don’t understand, it’s been a week, they should be over her by now.”
“Don’t worry, they’ll soon realize that she wasn’t even that great and then they’ll be all over us,” the last girl said with a proud smirk.
The wheels in Lily’s head turned as she absorbed the conversation and as the last cog clicked into place realization struck – her legs couldn’t have moved faster out of the library if she tried, but she was on a mission to find the three heartbroken Marauders.
“REMUS!” Lily was sprinting towards the black lake where the three boys had been residing most of the week.
“Woah, Lily, calm down, love,” Remus chuckled and got up from his seated position to be level with Lily.
Lily sputtered, trying to catch her breath, bending so her hands were on her knees.
“Y/n… y/n,” Lily started, still struggling to get a word in between her gasping breaths.
“What’s wrong with y/n? is she okay?” Sirius said as he and James stood, panic flooding between the three of them at the thought that something had happened to you.
“She’s… fine… hhhh…” Lily drew a deep breath, regaining her ability to speak, “I don’t think she wanted to break up with you.”
“What do you mean?” Remus cocked an eyebrow, hope blossoming in the pit of his stomach at the prospect of getting their bunny back.
“She obviously did, she said she doesn’t love us anymore, so that’s it,” Sirius crossed his arms, his sadness still concealed by anger.
“She does love you, a lot actually… she’s been crying the whole week, she hasn’t left her bed… or dorm room for that matter,” Lily explained.
“I heard some girls talking about you three and y/n; they were speaking very ill of her and though I’m not sure, I think there’s a connection with them and y/n’s sudden need to end it with you three.”
“Are you sure? We don’t want to get our hopes up for nothing… we just really miss her,” James said sadly, all of them scared that their hearts would be broken all over again.
“I’m certain… she never shuts up about how much she loves you, which was the reason I was so shocked when she came in crying saying she had ended it.”
Lily hadn’t had the chance to properly finish her explanation before Sirius was bolting towards the castle and towards Gryffindor tower, with Remus and James close on his heel.
When three boys entered your dorm room, all out of breath and red in their faces, you were asleep curled up on your bed, still wearing what the boys recognized as Sirius’ t-shirt. They couldn’t ignore the dried tears that stained your cheeks, your face red from the crying, your lips turned down in a sad frown, even in sleep.
Remus was the first to walk towards your bed, seating himself beside you, slowly stroking your cheek as to wake you. James and Sirius placed themselves on the bed as well, waiting for you to open your beautiful eyes.
“Puppy… you gotta wake up now,” Sirius spoke softly, rubbing your back gently.
You stirred and slowly opened your eyes, focusing on the three boys on your bed; instantly deciding that you were dreaming, not believing that they could really be there.
“Hi… Remmy, Siri, and Jamsie,” you grogged out, voice hoarse from the constant crying.
“I wish you were here in real life.”
“Baby, we are here, this is real life,” James chuckled softly, still scared that you really didn’t love them.
You quickly sat up, reaching out and touching Remus’ face, only to just as quickly retract your hand when you felt the very real Remus sitting in front of you.
“What are you doing here?” You breathed quickly, not wanting them to see you in your broken state.
“Lily was worried about you… and she overheard something interesting in the library from some girls… so we want you to tell us what happened,” Remus spoke slowly and reached out to take your fiddling hands in his.
���What do you mean?” you played dumb, not wanting to answer their question, knowing you would break again if you did.
“We want you to tell us why you broke up with us, and not to lie this time,” Sirius was trying to conceal his anger, not wanting to upset you even further.
You let out a shaky breath, not knowing where to start; you looked between them all, all of them eager to hear what you had to say and listening intently.
“I was talking to this group of girls, and they got into my head about how you're all too good for me I don't deserve you... I just feel like you guys deserve someone way better than me and more beautiful than me that's why I wanted to give you an opportunity to be free from me.”
The three boy’s eyes widened in shock at your words, all three of their jaws open wide almost hanging on the floor from pure disbelief.
“Bunny, you're the most beautiful girl we've ever known we love you so much more than you ever know... We are the ones who don't deserve you, you’re an absolute angel and you should never let any stupid lowlife girls tell you that you're not good enough,” Remus said reaching out and stroking your cheek softly, tears gathered in his eyes.
Sirius’s eyes flashed red, he was in two minds, keeping you company or going to murder the girls who made you believe such nonsense, but he chose the first option, scooting closer to you and engulfing you in his arms.
“Puppy, please never listen to those stupid girls again... This week without you has been pure agony I've been stuck with these two idiots for far too long,” Sirius whispered to you whilst stroking your hair.
“Does that mean that we can get back together,” James said with a shy grin.
“Of course, if you'll have me back,” you looked at all three of them hopefully knowing that they in no way were obligated to get back together with you after what you'd put them through.
“Of course, will have you, we can't imagine life without you… a week was way too long without you,” Sirius said, his fingers tilting your chin so that you're forced to look into his eyes, he leaned down and kissed your lips - a whole week's worth of passion translated into this kiss.
Remus and James both moved so that they could embrace both you and Sirius creating one big ball of love.
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sugarbooger513 · 3 years
JJK Men x Insecure chubby Fem!reader
Today has been hard to think of myself positively, and I have friends who struggle with the same thing, so I thought I could indulge some people with some very loved characters reminding us that, no matter our size, we're perfect.
Characters: Satoru Gojo, Toji Fushiguro, Choso Kamo, Kento Nanami
Warnings: Insecurities, body dysphoria, Toji's gets spicy (sue me), suggestive at the end of Nanami's, tooth rotting fluff.
Satoru Gojo
- Let's be completely honest here, this man rarely feels insecure, if he ever does.
- He wouldn't be able to sympathize, but that doesn't mean he doesn't care. In fact, it makes him care a lot more.
- His comfort methods aren't for everyone either, so be prepared. He's trying, give him that.
- Humor. That's what this man knows. Iykyk, this man deflects any form of trauma with his humor.
- If he notices it isn't working, then he'll come up with something else because he loves you. That love tells him that he has to try.
"Oh sweetie pie, I'm home!" Satoru's voice carries easily through the house, but you can't seem to care at the moment. Your cheeks still feel somewhat sticky from the tears that have fallen the past thirty minutes.
"Honey bun? I said I-" His voice cuts off, and you know you're caught. The bed shifts where your boyfriend lowers himself beside you. "Y/N, why are you crying?"
"I-I don't want to talk about it, Satoru." He removes his blindfold with a small chuckle. "Did your favorite anime character die?" "No." "You sure? You tend to sob when-" "I said I don't want to talk about it."
He freezes at the way you lash out at him. Yeah, something is actually wrong.
"Love," his voice softens in a way that shows how worried he is, "is there anything I can do to help? Anything at all?" You're quiet for a minute, but you eventually scoot closer to him.
"You want me to hold you?" All you manage is a nod before more tears slide down your cheeks. His long arms encase you securely against him. "I can do that as long as you need. I'm here for you, Y/N."
The two of you stay like that, you crying softly into his uniform while he runs his hand up and down your back.
Eventually, your sobs turn into small sniffles, and you finally speak. "I.. I'm sorry for snapping at your earlier, Sato." He smiles at the loving nickname. "No, baby, I'm sorry for joking around. You wanna talk about it now?"
"I just... I was thinking about.. how many girls looks so much better than I do." He scoffs. "You're kidding, right?" "Sato.." "No, I mean that. It isn't a joke. Baby, we've been through this since day one. I. Want. You."
You hide your now blushing face against his chest. "But.. I just don't understand.." "Look at me, baby." When you do, his bright blue eyes seem to shimmer. "You're the love of my life. You're gorgeous, stunning, beautiful, and every other synonym to those that I'll have to get Nanami to teach me because I will remind you everyday until it gets through your thick ass skull."
His hand comes up to rest on your chubby cheek, where he starts to wipe away the drying tears. "I. Love. You. So. Freaking. Much. Y/N." Each word is punctuated with a kiss on a different part of your face, until he eventually meets your lips.
The small giggles you let out makes him smile. "There's that beautiful laugh! Come on, why don't I pop some popcorn and we go watch whatever you want on the TV?" Your shit eating grin makes him snort a bit of laughter. "Even if it ends in a favorite character dying?"
"I don't mind having to hold you a bit longer."
Toji Fushiguro
- This is also someone I don't think can really empathize with you and your insecurities.
- However, when this man falls he falls HARD
- He will do anything in his power to make you feel better.
- Well
- Anything he can do while still seeming nonchalant about it
- Lets talk about how this man would take matters into his own hands, with his own hands, to make sure you know how loved you are. (You couldn't have expected just fluff with him, give me a break y'all.)
"Y/N," Toji kicks his shoes off carelessly at the door, "I'm home." He raises a confused eyebrow when he looks around the house. Plates from your movie night yesterday lay strewn about the coffee table, still.
'She never leaves dishes out. That's weird.'
He starts to walk around the house, worry filling his chest. It just isn't like you to leave a mess, or to not greet him at the door. There's no way someone came and did something to you, right? No one is THAT dumb, surely.
When he hears the small sniffles coming from your shared bedroom, he breathes a small sigh of relief. "Y/N? I'm coming in." He pushes the bedroom door open to see you cuddling his pillow while laying on your side.
His eyes widen at the sight of your body trembling from the small sobs. "Y/N?" He walks around the bed to kneel in front of you. "What happened?"
"N-Nothing Toji. Sorry, I-I know the house is a w-wreck." "Shut up about the damn house. I don't care. Why are you crying?"
You finally sit up, which lets him sit beside you on the bed. "I just.. Bad day." "Who do I need to stab?" "T-Toji?! You can't solve everything by stabbing!" He shrugs a bit. "You can try."
He smiles sweetly when you slap his arm. "That isn't funny." "Hmmm, but it made your cheeks flush." "Toji Fushiguro!" "Alright, alright. You wanna tell me what's wrong now?"
"I just.. looked in a mirror for too long, babe. Don't worry about-" "I'm lost. What do you mean you looked in one for too long?" You sigh, knowing he hates vague answers.
"My body is disgusting me today, Toji." He scrunches his eyebrows and leans in a bit closer to you. Your face heats up from the slight glare in his eyes.
"Looks the same to me." "Toji, I-" "Correct yourself." His already deep voice seems to drop even lower. Your entire body trembles. "S-Sir."
"Good girl. Now, let me get this straight. You don't think you're attractive." You shake your head, suddenly feeling the tears come back to your eyes. "Why not?" "J-Just.. my body.. it isn't.." "Skinny?" The word hurts your heart, but you nod, knowing he expects some sort of answer.
"So? You're exactly what I need, Y/N." You glance up to meet his loving gaze. "N-need?" "Don't play dumb. You know I need you. Now, we have to fix those insecurities."
He stands, offering his hand out to you. When you take it, he pulls you to your feet.
"Now," he groans as he lays back down on the bed, "I've had a tiring day at work. I want you to strip and come take a seat." "A-a seat?" His smirk tells you what you need to know before he elaborates. "I AM rather starved. Come on, I'm pretty impatient."
"To-Sir, I'm too.." "Heavy? Try again. You aren't getting out of this." He snaps his fingers, and the sound runs deep into your core. His eyes watch you hungrily as you start to get out of your pants.
"Now, for every one of your orgasms, I want to hear 'I'm Toji's pretty princess.' Understand?" "Y-yes sir."
You have no idea what posses you, but you finally let out you own witty comment. "You could at least take me to dinner first."
"You cheeky brat, don't worry. I have plans for your meal."
Hope you don't mind being hoarse for a while. You had to repeat just how pretty you were a number of times.
Choso Kamo
- He doesn't see a single flaw in you, honestly.
- Plus, he doesn't really understand beauty standards. All he knows is he loves every inch of you.
- Nothing goes unloved by this big ass baby.
- You crying would probably bring him to tears because he feeds off your emotion.
- But there is no doubt this man will do anything and everything to see your smile again.
- A true king who just wants his queen as happy as she makes him.
He left you for maybe an hour. Maybe. Choso just had to run and pick up a movie from Yuji.
"Angel, Yuji said that we have to-" He drops the movie the instant he sees tears in your eyes. "L-love? What happened?"
He rushes to your side and wastes no time wrapping you in his strong embrace. Your hands grip his shirt in a feeble attempt to pull him closer.
"What happened? Do you need something? A doctor?" His eyes are scanning your body for any signs of pain. His hands running gently over your back, arm, sides, but everything seems normal.
"I-I'm okay, Cho." "No, you aren't. Please, angel, don't lie to me." His own eyes start to fill with tears, but he tries to will them away. He knows he shouldn't be crying, but seeing you in any pain hurts him just as much.
"Cho, I just.. It's stupid." His large hands cup your face so you're forced to meet his eyes. "Nothing that makes you cry is stupid. Absolutely nothing, my love."
"I.. I tried to put on a hoodie of yours because I was cold." He blinks in confusion. "Was.. was it dirty?" "No I.. I stretched it out.." he tilts his head.
"Is that all?" You nod, but even more tears come to your eyes. "I just hate how big I am.. I thought you would find it cute to come home and see me in your clothes but.. I just messed them up.." He stands, suddenly walking into the kitchen. "C-Cho?"
"I bought some of your favorite ice cream. You know, the kind you always crave on your period. I figure we can cuddle and you can enjoy it while we watch a movie."
"I- I don't really want anything to eat." He smiles, still grabbing it and a spoon. "I know, but just in case. Listen," he places the carton on the table next to you, "you're gorgeous. Every part of you just screams beauty. Nothing could ever change that. Not your size, not you stretching out a stupid hoodie, not you crying, nothing."
He opens the carton, only to get a spoonful out and kneel in front of you. "Open up, angel." You do as he says and allow him to feed you the ice cream. You can't help but smile as you eat it.
His index finger wipes a few old tears from your cheeks. "There's that smile I love. Now, I think we need a movie and some cuddles. How does that sound?" You can only nod, absolutely floored by how much Choso truly loves you.
No more negative thoughts came to your mind while you laid against his chest. He even took a few times to feed you more ice cream throughout the movie.
Oh yeah, he totally bought new hoodies in a bigger size so you could wear them around the house without fear of stretching them.
Kento Nanami
- You can't tell me this man doesn't want someone who acts as his pillow. Come on.
- That being said, Nanami knows how it is to be insecure.
- Whether it's over body insecurity or not, that can be argued either way. Still, insecurities aren't something he's ignorant about.
- On days where you can't seem to like your body, he'll do whatever you need.
- Need to be alone? No problem. Need someone to talk to you? Covered. Just need to be told you're loved? He'll tell you as many times as it takes.
- However, he can't help but be blunt. That's just who he is.
- He does it out of love for you, though. He never wants you to believe something that isn't true.
It's really hard for you and Nanami to get the same day off of work, and today was no different. Since you were the one working today, Nanami decided to take up cleaning the house and preparing dinner. He would also insist on doing the dishes, but he knew better. You never allow him to do all of the work.
He watched the clock hit five thirty and smiled. No doubt, that was your car he heard pull into the driveway. Now that you were home, he could surprise you by telling you that he managed to get the next five days off, which matched your schedule.
The front door opens, and he's quick to call out a "Welcome home, dear. Dinner will be done soon." He turns his body, preparing to catch you in his embrace as usual. However, all that happens is you call back, "Thanks, Ken."
His eyebrows furrow, and he quickly takes dinner off the stove so he can go check on you. He's not one to forget anniversaries or anything like that, so his mind is going through any possible reason you just called him Ken.
"Bad day at work, dear?" He wipes his hand on his apron as he comes around the corner. You were already sitting on the couch, eyes on your phone. "Yeah, I guess." "Okay," he sighs and sits beside you, "would you like to talk about it?" When you finally look at him, his eyes widen. Your eyes are puffy, as if you had been crying.
"Y/N.." "It's just coworker drama, Ken, don't worry too much about it." He scrunches his face. Those women you work with always pissed him off. He's noticed them staring at him whenever he brings you lunch. "Well, humor me a bit. What happened today?"
He just knows you can't resist gossiping with him after a work day. "I-I don't want to repeat it, Ken." The worried look in his eyes makes you whimper. "What?"
"I'm not used to you calling me 'Ken' at home." "Sorry, honey. It's nothing you did." He smiles softly and reaches to cup one of your cheeks in his hand. "Are you sure you don't want to tell me?" You do. God, you do because you know you'll cry again and he'll be here to hold you through it.
"They started talking about you." "Me?" "Yeah," you look at your hands, already feeling your chest tighten, "and started laughing at how you're.. settling for someone who is as big as I am.."
Nanami's soft looks suddenly turns harsh. How dare they say stuff like that? What's worse is he's sure they knew you could hear them!
"Really?" When you nod, a tear falls onto your lap. "It just.. really hurt knowing that I'm not the only one who thinks that." "Y/N.." He pulls you into a hug with a soft sigh.
"Don't think like that. Dear, if I wanted anything different than what I have now, you would know it." You sigh and cuddle into his warm embrace. "I know, but-" "But nothing, my love. I love you, only you, forever you. Do you understand?" You glance up and he places a soft kiss on your forehead.
"Yeah.. I love you too, Kento." "I have an idea." "Uh huh?" His smirk has you worried. "Well, we both have the next five days off.." "We do?!"
The excitement in your voice has him chuckling. "There's my pretty laugh. Yes, we do. I'm thinking on your first day back.. you go in with a ring on your finger."
You blink in confusion. "K-Kento, you don't-" "Oh I do. Am I the person to joke about wanting to marry you?" Your eyes start to fill, yet again, with tears. However, these tears make Nanami also tear up a bit.
"Are you... asking..?" "I have a ring just for you in my suit jacket, Y/N. Just say you'll marry me." He isn't really expecting you to jump on him, so when you do, he falls from the couch to the floor. "You know I'll marry you, Ken!"
The two of you share a long kiss, complete with tears and laughter. "Well, now that that's decided. I think we should get a head start on something." "What would that be?"
He stands before securing you in his arms bridal style. "The Prehoneymoon." "That isn't a thing, honey." He smirks before playfully smacking your ass. "For you, Mrs. Nanami, anything is possible."
@katgalle @savonline
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Since I don't have an original idea maybe Gundham NSFW ABC's
Also if you do anon names can I be 🦎 anon? If not it's okay I just wanted to ask!
YES I LOVE TANAKA SO MUCH I planned on doing this anyway 🦎 anon so I’m DOWN! Also yes you’re officially my first anon with a name I love it! Welcome!!!
NSFW ABC’S : Gundham Tanaka 💖
A (Aftercare) Gundham is so sweet and loving after sex with you. The two of you always shower together, and while you’re getting dressed he’ll make the two of you hot tea, and put on a movie in bed so the two of you can just snuggle and drink tea all evening until one of you (usually you) fall asleep.
B (fave body part) ASS. GUNDHAM IS AN ASS MAN! He likes to grab it and smack it and kiss it and bite it. He’s a sucker for your ass.
C (cum) he’s literally the ultimate breeder. So naturally he cums inside of you every. Single. Time. And you love it of course.
D (dirty Secret) it’s no surprise that Gundham is a little old fashioned about things. Well, same goes for romance obviously. He hates sexting and sending nudes, but he loves writing you erotic notes and leaving them on your nightstand, or bathroom counter for you to see when you wake up/get home. Usually they include something about how he can’t wait for his dark beauty to come home so he can absolutely ravage them. Ya know, cute romantic stuff like that
E (experience) You’re his first and only! He’s very shy and doesn’t express himself well, so when you two finally started dating, you were his first everything. Relationship, sexual partner.. all of it. But he caught on quick and he’s damn good at it.
F (favorite Position) he actually prefers missionary because he wants to constantly be able to kiss you and be as connected and close as possible. But don’t think that’s the only one he loves. Gundham is also obsessed with fucking you doggy style. From that position he can pound into you as hard and deep and rough as he wants, and also don’t forget that he has a preference for your ass.
G = (Goofy?) a little bit. Since he’s only ever slept with you there’s always some errors that embarrass him, but make you giggle and kiss him. Which makes him do the same. It’s super cute and makes you both fall more in love with eachother. Also since he was a virgin before meeting you there’s lots of experimenting that makes you both a little embarrassed and laughing sometimes.
H = (Hair) He’s never fully shaved, but he does trim and groom himself regularly. He doesn’t mind what you do either way, because he loves you regardless.
I = (Intimacy) sex with Gundham can definitely be goofier, but it’s usually incredibly intimate. He wants to touch and bite and leave marks all over your entire body. He usually lights candles and on birthdays, holidays, or your anniversary, he also has some rose pedals because even though he’s an emo boy, he’s also super romantic. He doesn’t give his love to just anyone, so he’s gonna absolutely shower you with it.
J = (Jack Off) Before meeting you he would jack off all the time. Here lately not as much. But when you’re not able to come over, he’s not afraid to think about you and enjoy himself.
K = (Kink) well he has a breeding kink. But besides that, he also realized he liked overstimulation and orgasm deprivation- but not to you. He wants to be over stimulated. He wants you to do all of that to him. Even though he has a “I’m better than everyone” thing going on most of the time, in the bedroom he’s actually very submissive. He does take charge every now and again, but for the most part he wants you to dominate him.
L = (Location) mostly your apartment/ dorm. But for his birthday you got a romantic hotel room with a jacuzzi bath tub you fucked in more than once. You’ve also had sex in hot tubs, pools, tents in the woods while camping, and in his car at night on a cliff. As long as you’re alone and together he’s so happy.
M = ( Motivation) sit on his lap and whisper in his ear. “Hey my sexy prince of darkness” something like that. Kiss his neck. He’s going to m e l t. Anything you do that’s even remotely sexy is all it takes.
N = (NO) he doesn’t wanna do animal play. He won’t use a collar or leash or treat you like a pet. He loves you in a different way than his animals.
O = (Oral) as much as Gundham adores when you blow him, he almost always cums too quickly without meaning to, and usually tells you not to do it. He’ll always happily give you oral though. He loves making you feel so blissful with his mouth
P = (Pace) slow and long, but also deep and hard. He wants to be buried inside of you, but never want it to end.
Q = (Quickie) oh yes. Shower quickies, after work quickies, just because quickies, waiting for dinner to finish quickies. But he also loves to make an entire evening out of having sex with you.
R = (Risk) yes and frequently! As mentioned before he’s never gotten to experiment with sex or kinks before meeting you, so the two of you have tried a lot of stuff.
S = (Stamina) at most he cums 3 times, but usually just two within like and hour and a half of foreplay and sex. He likes orgasm deprivation remember? Wink wink
T = (toy) can’t say you two haven’t used any toys ever. You’ve both been handcuffed, whipped, blindfolded, and tied up
U = (Unfair) he doesn’t like teasing you at all. He always feels bad and gives in as soon as you start to beg him. But he fucking loves when you tease him. At first, becoming such a whimpering mess was embarrassing for him. But now he’s obsessed with it.
V = (Volume) He isn’t quiet by any means, but he’s not the loudest. Gundham’s voice is so deep that all of his moans, groans, and grunts are very very loud in your ears. He also screams when he talks without realizing it sometimes, so you can imagine he accidentally gets real loud sometimes.
W = (Weird fact) if you’re ever trying to get him horny, wear something sexy in the color black. As the true overlord of the underworld, he loves black, and he always thinks you look so sexy in it. Especially when you’re trying to be sexy.
X = (X-Ray) 9 and a half inches. hard. When he told you that you literally didn’t believe him and eventually made him measure for you and prove it. He knows how to work it too.
Y = (Yearning) he doesn’t just want to fuck you. He wants to make passionate love to you every night of his life. He’s grown addicted to your body, and you feel the exact same for him. That’s why you have so many quickies and long long nights together. Because you both crave each others touch so frequently.
Z = (ZZZ) as stated before he loves to make you two tea and watch a movie in bed. Typically the two of you watch half the movie, finish the tea, and pause it to take the dishes to the sink and use the restroom. Sometimes somebody makes a snack to enjoy in bed once you resume the movie, and cuddling. 9 times out of 10, you fall asleep first, on his shirtless chest, arms wrapped around him tight. Doing his best not to move, he turns the tv off and adjusts the two of you to lie down more; and he falls asleep holding you to his chest.
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moistmailman · 3 years
*At the back of Beacon’s library*
Pyrrha, sitting at a table by herself: *completely engrossed by something*
Jaune, sneaking up from behind:.........*grabs her by the hips* Whatchu’ doing back here young lady? *kisses her cheek*
Pyrrha: *squeaks loudly while nearly jumping out of her skin*
Jaune: *laughs*
Pyrrha, blushing and pouting: J-Jaune! D-don’t do that. You nearly gave me a heart attack.
Jaune, chuckling: My bad. It’s just that it’s not everyday you can get the drop on the Pyrrha Nikos. *pulls up chair* So what are you doing back here all by your little self anyway?
Pyrrha, awkwardly: O-oh, uhm...I uhm....
*Jaune looks a the table to see a figure of a car with other pieces near it and an instruction pamphlet*
Jaune, raising an eyebrow: Wait, are you building a model car?
Pyrrha, blushing: M-maybe. I-it’s uhm.....it’s a model from Back To the Future.
Jaune: Back to the future? That old movie franchise from the dinosaur ages?
Pyrrha, slightly defensively: It’s not that old, but yes, that franchise.
Jaune: Oh my god. I can’t believe my girlfriend is such a dork.
Pyrrha, blushing: H-hey. I-I’m not a d-dork!
Jaune, snorting: Relax, I’m only joking....partially. Being a dork can be cute nowadays. I mean, you should know. You’re dating me of all people.
Pyrrha: *cutely pouts at her boyfriend’s teasings*
Jaune: So you bought yourself figure from the movie?
Pyrrha, smiling embarrassed: Well I wasn’t really planning on buying it. It’s just kinda happened. My dad randomly sent me a link to this because it was on sale. Next thing I know it was already in my cart.
Jaune: You dad sent you it?
Pyrrha, smiling: Oh yes! My dad’s also a huge fan. He’s the one who got me in the franchise. He took me to see all of them in theater; you see, the movies were playing in my neighborhood’s theaters because of one of it’s anniversaries, and my dad wanted to see them again. Although he also had to watch me while my mother was away, and instead of hiring a baby sitter he decided to just take me along with him.
Jaune, nodding: Oh?
Pyrrha, smiling giddily: I remember the first time seeing it. I was amazed the entire time. They were so fantastic and magical to me. I loved them so much. I asked my dad so many times to go see them again afterwards, and each time he did, at least for a week that is, then he grew tired of it. He had to buy me the DVD set so he could get one free day to himself. *chuckles* He used to make jokes about it on how he “accidentally created a monster”. I was so happy when I got the DVDs though. I’ve watch them so many times. Every day after school for like a month straight. My mother used to call me her ‘little time traveler’ and I also liked to pretended that I was time traveling in my blanket forts. I also— Eh?
Jaune: *chuckling*
Pyrrha: What’s funny?
Jaune, chuckling: Nothing. It’s just that I’ve never really seen you talk about something you this passionate about. It’s really dorky, but in a cute way.
Pyrrha: *blushes*
Jaune: So anyway, this is the car they used in the movies? Looks kinda weird.
Pyrrha: Yeah. The car model they used wasn’t actually that popular at the times. It was lacking behind compared to the other cars. It’s only became popular because of the movie franchise in fact. The only reason they chose the DeLorean in the first place was because Doc thought it looked stylish.
Jaune, raising an eyebrow: Doc?
Pyrrha: One of the main characters. He’s the one who made the time machine. He got the idea when he hit his head on his toilet while putting up a clock. He then wrote down the idea for the flux capacitor so he wouldn’t forget it. OH! Which is this thing right here!
*Pyrrha shows Jaune a tiny metal box that has a glass case in it, a Y shape object being inside it*
Pyrrha, with stars in her eyes: This bad boy is the reason why the DeLereon can go back in time in the first place. In order for it to work the car has to reach a speed limit of 88 miles per hour and requires 1.21 gigawatts to activate.
Jaune: *smiles at his rambling girlfriend*
Pyrrha: Originally the car ran on plutonium, which the Doc has to steal from a group of terrorists, who in returned killed him, forcing Marty to flee back in time in order to escape. Marty then— OH! I forgot about the main protagonist! Marty is a friend’s of Doc. He’s a high schooler he hangs out with. They never explained how they met in the franchise so it’s kinda up to speculations. Anyway, Marty is kinda a rebel like character. He’s not afraid to talk back to authority and fight someone, unlike his father; whose the complete opposite of his son.
Jaune, internally: God she’s so cute.
Pyrrha: Anywho, Marty goes back in time which kickstarted the whole movie’s events. He accidentally messed with the timeline and nearly erased his whole existence until he got his parents to fall in love at the dance, OH, and he technically invented Jonnny B Goode during the dance. After Marty saved his existence he went back to the present when he finds out that Doc actually survived because he was wearing a bullet-proof vest since Marty told him abou— oh gosh! I forgot to mentioned that Marty met past Doc as well! You see, Marty didn’t have the means to go back to the present, so he went to Past Doc’s house to get help. Obviously he didn’t believe Marty at first when he told him about it, until the boy showed him— w-Wait, why are you laughing again?
Jaune, chuckling: Cause of your ramblings. It’s adorable, I swear. I’ve never seen you like this before. It’s precious.
Pyrrha, blushes again: I just really like this franchise is all.
Jaune, smiling: Look, instead of telling me about the movies, you wanna watch them together instead?
Pyrrha, eyes instantly sparking with joy: Really? You want to?
Jaune: Of course. Why not? Sounds great. You watched all of the lord of the rings with me, so it’s the least I could do.
Pyrrha, happily: Oh gosh! I can’t wait then! I can get my dad to send me my DVDs and we can watch them immediately! I can’t wait!
Jaune: That sounds great. *stands up* Anyway, I think I should allow you to finish this model of yours.
Pyrrha, confused: My mode— oh! I forgot about the model I’m building. *slightly laughs in embarrassment* S-So is next week good for you?
Jaune: It’d be perfect. See you later. *leaves*
Pyrrha, smiling and waving: Bye. Okay, now let me finish this thing finally. *goes back to building the DeLorean
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mikyouknow · 3 years
Please! Rewatch the quiz! I need something to remind me that that actually happened.
I still vividly remember that day. Going out on a chill bike ride with my two best friends for the first time in months. Sitting in the cool grass. Having a picknick. Not too hot out, nice weather. AND THEN I GET HOME TO THE ABSOLUTEL SHITSHOW THAT HAPPENED THAT DAY! Because what the HELL even was that, I still haven't processed anything. My mind keeps erasing that memory until some days the it just hits me square in the face and knocks me out 😀
So yeah! I would love it if you talked more about it, might help to cope a bit xD
Okay anon you motivated me, you were my Final push, I’m Doing it ! 🗣
Also I love that story tho you really have a Vivid memory connected to this whole thing and I’m living for it 😂 you were just having a nice day and then Boom, all this mess 💀
But aight so I’m Watching it rn and will be taking notes Live as I watch Here we go:
My first thoughts is, when Dream decides to do the quiz, he seems so like, confident? And then as soon as he reads the description, his voice falters at ‘and now things are changing’ and I’m Dead 💀 his confidence from two seconds prior in that moment goes like 📉 then cue flustered laugh lmao
“Do you ever catch yourself staring at your bff?” Dream’s flustered laugh and being all like “these questions are gonna be so weird” uhhhhh dude what are you expecting you’re taking a are you in love with your best friend quiz 💀
HES SO DEFENSIVE ON THIS ONE LIKE- he keeps wanting to make excuses aww drema aww 😭 it’s okay !! George is pretty we Understand you staring king 😌
Like legit that’s the first question and he’s already so flustered and- MY GOD GEORGE HASNT SAID A THING I JUST REALIZED WAIT HOLD ON I NEED TO GO BACK-
Two scoffs. That’s it 🧍‍♀️
Even when Dream first goes ‘aight imma take the am I in love w my best friend test’ George is SILENT 💀
Listen- listen, I’m having a moment over this cause I don’t remember him being silent from the start I thought it was like a slow descent into him just going silent eventually, BUT NO he’s just Silent from the moment the quiz is brought up 💀 but gives like a slight scoff when Dream’s voice wavered at “changing” like he’s very much Listening, just being So silent.
I just can’t wrap my head around how he doesn’t answer any of Dream’s comments, Dream keeps being like ‘right? Like that’s normal, right? Like that’s not weird. Right?’ And George is just SILENT 💀
“Do you get jealous if he or she has a bf or gf” LMAO THIS QUESTION MY BELOVED
His answer is so weird I will die on this hill.
ALSO GEORGE S P E A K S for the first time in the quiz 😭🗣 but not much, he says ‘but’, cause, yk, they both know he do get jealous so.
Which, again. Weird as hell. Imma say it, I’ve never felt jealous of my best friend getting a partner like what ???? W h a t
But ofc when they’re so clingy on each other, like a partner would take the others place because they pretty much have each other in that spot already, so it makes sense huh
And that’s not platonic btw I wanna make that clear LMAO
I think the points of which George laughs are interesting. And there’s something interesting to his laugh too. I don’t see his face lighting up with it, if that makes sense. It’s like a, I wouldn’t say ‘nervous’ laugh but, I struggle to find a better word for it 🤔
I have to sit with this one for a second like . What ? 🧍‍♀️
I’ve never. In my life. Like.
That’s not- you can’t say you don’t know- THAT MEANS LIKE-
Dear lord.
Aight I’m moving on (not actually imma be awake thinking about this later. Not by choice, absolutely not. This just won’t leave my brain unfortunately.)
Hang on. George says something here when Dream says ‘I have no idea’ but I can’t tell what he’s saying ? Like he mumbles something whilst Dream starts talking at the same time and I can’t make it out and I wanna know what he says 💀🗣
I Think he says ‘what do you mean you have no idea?’ Which like, YEAH, you Should question him on that king 🧍‍♀️ but it’s interesting how quiet he is, like he barely pushes the question, and this is like the second ?? Time he’s spoken so far. 🧍‍♀️
Also Listen to how flustered Dream sounds my god💀
This quiz never should’ve happened what’s Wrong with him like is he this blind ?? Did he Really think taking this quiz was gonna end well ?? 💀
“My future is your future”
I feel like we’ve talked abt these LMAO such Romantic phrasing my god
Again him going ‘right?’ And George is Dead Silent 💀
It’s interesting, like I’ve reached the ‘dreams’ question now, and it’s hitting now and throughout this quiz how, Dream is Loudly deflective, but George is silently deflective. If that makes sense? Like he’s choosing not to speak so his words can’t be thrown back at him cause he Knows if he speaks it’ll be obvious. Whilst Dream over explains and fucks himself over p much lmao. They’re both just a mess around this subject 💀
“How would You be in my dream” is such a funny sentence from George LMAO he’s so defensive 💀 like even I have had dreams abt Dream, like you’re his Best Friend, ofc you have dreams abt him my guy 💀 deflecting it is so weird. So Weird
“I’ve never hugged you” Sad hours 😔
It’s interesting here. Cause they speak abt the whole ‘do you go out of your way for this person’ and Dream is stuck on if he should say ‘more than anyone else I know’ or not. Which, there’s ofc observations to be had here as well.
But ! What I found interesting here was how George goes onto say ‘you made me pay you’ when Dream says he edited his video for him. And how George keeps the ‘lie’ going for a very short bit before laughing slightly, by god he sounds so.. different? Like when he usually makes little lies to troll or stuff like that, he’s much more extra and keeps the bit going and- idk how to explain it but the tone of his voice is usually way different. Here he seems to, idk, struggle to keep that up. His laugh is also just like, somewhat toneless?
LMAO The MOMENT Dream got the question ‘what do you think abt their laugh’ George’s laugh Stops. 💀
“Do you ever think abt what it would be like to Kiss your best friend?”
how Dream read ‘kiss’ 🤝 how Dream read ‘changing’
Some words hit this man different huh LMAO
“Why did that take you so long” on the kiss question, CALL HIM OUT GEORGE 🗣
God, for real, I wish Dream would get to sit down with someone one day who just Listened to him speak and allowed him to slip up and just sound so in love with George like give himself away simply because nobody is saying how weird he’s-
Hold on.
Wait. A minute.
George is doing that LMAOOOO
Him sitting there silently and not responding to all his small questions abt what he Should answer and such, he’s so smart🧍‍♀️
George’s laugh keeps sounding very, like, strange😅
Anyways the way Dream Had to have a ‘yes’ answer to the kiss one will forever keep me up at night. Now along with the butterflies one🧍‍♀️
I rly wonder what options it is Dream is looking for when he says ‘none of these options’ so often. What is it you wanna say king ?
WHY IS THE BUTTERFLIES QUESTION TWICE AND WHY IS HIS ANSWER NOW DIFFERENT LMAO - drema it’s okay it’s Safe Space 🗣 I feel like he probably saw chat responding to his first answer and realized ‘oop, that’s not platonic’ and changed his answer LMAO 💀 he’s- Ahh hard to find the right words for my Thoughts here, but he’s doing that thing where he looks for others what is ‘normal’ instead of seeing what he feels, cause what He feels is, uh, well we all know what results he got at the end there,,
I mean the kiss question is all u need really. The butterflies one puts icing on the whole cake.
“Do you compare this person to others you’ve dated? Noo...” AIGHT AND THERE WE HAVE THE CHERRY ON TOP OF THE WHOLE THING
This was the one of the Most sus ones imo from when I first watched it. It had my head spin, head in hands for Days.
What do you MEAN you compare him to others you’ve dated? Why does he tell George to shut up, why do they both Know there’s a story there- I have so many questions on this and- this isn’t platonic 💀😭 AT ALL - and there’s no excuse or explanations for this one, they just Move On 💀
The Speed at which they move on 💀
And then George goes So silent 🧍‍♀️
Dream is cruising through the questions and George is so silent now. He was Stunned into silence from that shut up LMAO
I like how Dream picked ‘absolutely’ on being able to tell George everything :’)
Why does George not say anything on the ‘do you think your best friend is in love with you’ question? No joke, no protest, no- no nothing?
That leaves us to fill in the blanks king, just saying🧍‍♀️
Why does Dream sound sarcastic when he says it’s a tough question LMAO
“I have no idea” aight good answer ig LMAO let’s Pretend
George’s silence is for real very sus there. Very. 🥴
Dream putting ‘no’ on thinking he’s in love, is Very funny and shows just how blind he is to himself.
He rly put ‘I don’t know’ for the butterflies one and found the nearest ‘yes’ option for the kiss one and then still put ‘no’ at the end - he’s a lost cause and owns no mirrors I see how it is. (/j btw lmao I have hope in drema ofc, he too can become more self aware one day<3)
“You are a little in love with your best friend” cue both of them laughing in just the weirdest ways. George just sounds absolutely toneless like, I don’t think he’s even smiling with that laugh, gaze absolutely dazed at what he’s being witness to, not even knowing what to do with himself in that moment. And Dream’s laugh is also just, weird?
“You don’t wanna ruin it, Dream.” Followed by Dream’s immediate, “oh what? It says-“ like immediately moving on lmao 💀 that “oh what?” Sounded like “oh what’s that there oh that’s rly weird wow let’s move on from what you just said ahem wow really weird thing over there” LMAO
“There’s a two percent chance there” LMAO
Then Dream going onto pretending like he’s gonna do another test As If he’s not been planning his escape excuse from the very moment he got those test results LMAO
And the silent pauses are taking me out 💀
‘I think we’re done’ HOW COULD HE LEAVE AT THAT POINT 💀💀💀
The tone of his voice is so off my guy is so ready to leave and sit and stare at a wall whilst looping heatwaves for five hours 💀
:((((( drema my beloved :((((( it’s okay to be in love !!
Not him leaving- he full on ignored George’s ‘where are you going?’
He’s not going anywhere istg the moment he left that discord he put his head in his hands and just Stared 💀
Poor George 🥺
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mcyt-amber-tftsmp · 3 years
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐛 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟 𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭 #𝟐
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Ranbob loves to cook with you and would definitely cuddle with you whenever you are free cause he doesn't feel like doing anything else other than that.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Ranbob admires how you are determined and shy you are. he finds everything about you beautiful especially when you giggle. It literally makes his heart beat and makes him blush since it's adorable.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Ranbob would just bring you close to him while embracing you tightly while telling you that he loves you so much and whisper sweet nothings to you. When it comes to panic attacks it's always you comforting Ranbob but if it had to be the other way he would just help you calm down by hugging you.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Ranbob just wants to get married with you and have a family. He loves you so much to the point he wants to see you smile and be happy with him.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Ranbob is basically the dominant one from you and in my defense he is a confident one to be exact and I can literally see you Ranbob simps just dying right now cause it's true.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Ranbob is definitely gonna regret yelling at you and making you cry so of course he's gonna forgive you and apologize for yelling. When it comes to you guys fighting over things it always ends up okay at the end or sometimes you starting to cry.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Ranbob is really grateful to have you around to keep him going. He has many regrets that haunts him till now and is aware of how you are helping him through times when he needs it.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Ranbob would share things with you but one thing he didn't share is how he killed your brother, Isaac in cold blood. Though one day he did talk about this with you which of course made you cry and everything but in the end you forgave him cause you knew that wasn't him. He still didn't forgive himself for doing this.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Ranbob changed for the better when he met you. He is glad that you came around and helped him become a better person when no one else could.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Ranbob gets really jealous. He would literally death glare at the person hitting on you to make them get the idea you are taken or would come up behind you and wrap his arms around you waste and glare down at the person and as if that netherite sword wasn't already looking too good to create a mess.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Ranbob is a good kisser. Though the first kiss was long, passionate and loving to be exact. Take it from me guys I simp too much for him.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
Ranbob would take your out on a date and propose to you there. he would most likely set a picnic date anywhere that looks good in Mizu or a beach in the overworld.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Ranbob would most definitely want to marry you and that same goes with you wanting to as well. He would prepare a romantic date at the beach and propose to you there. The marriage would probably be a private one to be exact since none of you have any relatives or friends or anything.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Ranbob would call you sweetheart or princess or shorty just for teasing. Mostly call you sweetheart though.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
When Ranbob fell in love it was something new to him considering he's never been in love and it was a very new feeling but he was good at hiding it as he thought it was nothing but he soon realized how much he had fallen for you whenever you talked to him or giggled.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Ranbob isn't really upfront of about your relationship and neither are you. None of you brag about each other though but he's pretty bold enough to kiss you in public but you aren't.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
Ranbob is technically an enderman hybrid that has teleportation abilities and reversed teleportation so yeah technically if you are somewhere within ten feet away he would teleport you to him.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Ranbob didn't really know much to be romantic but it's the thought that counts. He can be cliche and creative at the same time and would do anything to make you happy.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Ranbob supports you all the way and would help you achieve your goals cause he believes in you a lot.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Ranbob would most definitely try out something new.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Both you and Ranbob know each other well about each other. Not all the way but mostly. Both of you are empathetic.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it's worth in comparison to other things in their life?
When it comes to both of your relationship, both of you know that it's important and you both trust each other and it's worth anything else.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Whenever you fall asleep on his shoulder, he would smile and give you a kiss on your forehead as he will carry you in a bridal style and lay you down on your bed and lie down beside you and cuddle you while making you face him and fall asleep as well.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Ranbob is very affectionate towards you and he loves to kiss and cuddle you cause it makes him happy and the fact that you are close to him.
Y earning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
Ranbob gets pretty worried thinking something bad happened to you. Same goes for you too.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Yeah both of you are to be honest. You two are not sure but eventually you guys will have something to make your relationship go in great lengths.
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NSFW (whole alphabet) for Maul?
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He’s gentle, shockingly so. No matter how rough or intense, his entire demeanor shifts.  He treats you like glass; caressing your skin, cleaning your mess, and reveling in the lingering warmth. He becomes one clingy bitch is what I’m getting at here. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves your throat.  He loves how you leave it so open to him, to kiss or bite or squeeze as he wishes.  It’s a sign of trust, not to mention it leads down to your chests and all the other soft parts attached. (He’s a boob man, that’s all I’m saying)
As for himself, he likes his hands. They still hold his true strength. They can still wield the force to his will; to destroy his enemies or to place a gentle touch to your cheek.  He’s amazed that you can allow him to touch you after how much his hands have done. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He makes a mess whenever you fuck.  He likes to cum on you; on your tits, stomach, back, face, anywhere.  But he really loves cumming inside you and watching it drip from your sex.  Even if he can’t give you children, the idea of burying his seed in you is an instinct he can’t shake.  Would love nothing more than to keep his cock inside you and fill you again and again with him cum until it spills out on the bed.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
There are times he purposefully makes you angry because he knows how you’ll punish him later.  He’s not sure if you’ve caught on or not, but either way you play into his scheme perfectly.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Not very before you.  He was taken by Sidious at a very young age; as a Sith he was trained to forgo attachments and obey his master at every turn.  Sidious would not allow his apprentice any chance to form a connection with another aside from taking him back to Dathomir to fulfill a coming of age ritual where he was taken by a Night Sister.  After that, nothing. 
But, for what he lacks in experience, he makes up for in his willingness to learn.  He asks what you want, what you like.  He feels your reactions through the force and demonstrates a control you hadn’t found in previous lovers.  He can be patient when it counts.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He loves it when you’re both kneeling, with you straddling his waist a he thrusts up into you.  He’s able to reach deep inside you while allowing either of you to gain control as you wish it.  Not to mention easy access to your throat and breasts as he clings to you. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Maul is 99.9% of the time completely serious during sex.  Either his focus is entire on your pleasure or you’ve given him permission to work out his frustrations using your body.  The only time he’d crack a joke is if he’s feels particularly smug about the way he’s making you feels and wants to tease you.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
No hair down below, because, well...he doesn’t really have a natural below.  I doubt Mother Talzin added hair just for the fun of it.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
As I said before Maul has two modes; I need to fuck away my feelings OR you are the most important thing in the galaxy let me show you why.  When he’s in mode two, he’s the most intimate and romantic partner you can ask for, almost desperate in his attempt to show you how you make him feel.  If it’s option one, you’ll have to wait until after the sex to get the same treatment.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Pre-Naboo, he kept it on the down low.  He could only allow himself a moment’s release when his master wasn’t around.  And even then, it was only when he was particularly stressed or angry.  It was done quickly with no real thought of pleasure, just some kind of release if he couldn’t do it through violence.
After Naboo, it’s not really something he does because well...there’s not much down there for a good long while and after he gets some of his...parts back, he meets you.  With you, he doesn’t feel as compelled to use his hands.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Breeding kink.  He can’t give you children, obviously, but there’s an almost instinct there.  Just another thing Kenobi took away form him.
Also, not sure if it’s a kink, but he’s an absolute switch.  One minute he’s squeezing your neck while using you as his personal cum bucket.  The next, he’s tied to the bed begging and promising you the galaxy if you just let him cum.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He’s a bit of an exhibitionist. As much as he wants to be the only one to see you naked and writhing underneath him, there’s something about fucking you on the throne of Mandalor that sends a thrill up his spine.  Anyone can walk in and know that he’s the one making you feel this way.  He has the power to fuck you in front of the whole of Death Watch if he wanted to and none of them could touch you.  They would know you were his and as their leader they would not dare oppose him.
So, in terms of most common place, your bedroom.  In terms of most thrilling place, the throne room, followed by the war room, and then the training room.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
You getting angry is the hottest thing in the galaxy to him.  If you direct that anger into destroying your enemies in combat, even better.  He’ll take you the second you’re alone in the ship.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Roleplaying.  It’s you and him, that’s it.  He doesn’t want or need to “spice things up”.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He prefers giving.  He loves your taste and how easily he can get you to cum with just his tongue.  He can feel your pleasure through the force which only drives his further.  Granted he needs to be mindful of where his horns are when you clamp him head between your thighs but that’s neither here nor there.
He’ll certainly accept you going down on him, but he knows it’s not as pleasurable for you to have a metal cock in your mouth no matter how good it feels for him.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He can be slow an sensual, but it almost always devolves into rough desperation.  He’s a man of wild passions and it shows in the marks on your thighs the next morning.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
You’re almost always the one to initiate them.  He says he can wait until the evening, but he’s often left working well into the night and forgets.  You take it upon yourself to strive into his office and tell him you need a good fuck.  That will get him away from the paper work long enough to leave your legs shaking and his mind a little more clear.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He’s willing to try something you propose so long as you discuss it properly before hand.  He wants to make sure you’re safe before trying anything.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
It’s absolutely insane how high his stamina is.  For one, he’s got a mechanical cock that doesn’t actually get soft even after he cums.  Second, his reliance on the force allows him to recoup faster than normal.  He can go for an many rounds as you can stand for as long as you want.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
That will be a negative.  He doesn’t have any toys and the idea of you having a toy when all you have to do is ask he finds more than a little insulting.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He always does it when he’s trying to win an argument or make a point, and it’s infuriating.  He likes hearing you beg or admit he was right all while he teases you clit with the promise of more.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Maul gets loud.  It’s almost a defiance.  His master would not allow him anything like this singular happiness with another being and now he’s taking it at his own pleasure.  He screams and growls and moans and begs and every other noise in the book.  He wants people to hear.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Maul wants to have kids with you, and that fact that he can’t really aches at him.  He wants something that is truly his own; a legacy outside of the Sith, a final defiance to the master who abandoned him.  They would be the best of both of you and unparalleled in their power.  Nothing would stand in their way.  He can see it in his minds eye every time you fall asleep in his arms.  But, it can never be.  If Mother Talzin had figured out a way to make life without the need of Zabrak men, he wouldn’t have been a Night Brother in the first place.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Like I’ve said, Maul’s entire lower half is mechanical, including his cock.  Mother Talzin made him one which retracts back in when he’s not aroused.  It’s shaped like a Zabrak male: three ridges, each wider than the last giving him good length and girth (look up Nova: Bad Dragon). It also gives him pleasure, which is better than a dilo and excretes a synthetic cum when he climaxes.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It’s not so much a sex drive as a yearning for you.  There are times he just wants you, to hold you close, to bury himself inside you and forget anything exists outside of you.  It’s in flux, but it’s certainly higher than most men you’ve known.  You’re having sex at least every other night if not more.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He doesn’t dare fall asleep until you do.  He likes the feeling of your body relaxing beside his as you drift off. He likes knowing you trust him to keep you safe, even in sleep.  Only when he knows there’s nothing lurking in the dark to take you away does he finally fall asleep.
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smutggukk · 3 years
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7:00 am
“Ring ring”
letting out an annoyed groan, I sit up on the bed, and glare at the alarm clock, as if it’s an actual person, why? Because why not? (Let’s pump it up 💃 Stan loona)
Lifting up the blanket, I shut off the alarm clock and head to the washroom still half asleep, I do my morning routine and change into a suit.
Grabbing my car keys and work stuff, I head to school, working as a school principal was not really what I expected to work as, but what could I do when I desperately needed a job after getting fired? Thank god for my sister who introduced me to this job and helped me get it. Nonetheless I work hard, besides I’m pretty popular and get talked about a lot, I’m actually the first female principal they’ve had.
Walking into school I look around to see everyone’s eyes on me, some smiling, some waving at me, of course I greet them back, and walk to my office with a giggle, loving the attention, placing my things on the desk, I sit down getting to work.
Time skip; 9:00 am
On a call with my mom, I hear a knock on my office’s door, quickly hanging up, I tell the person to ‘come in’, of course as usual, the ‘bad boy’ of the school walks in with a smirk, “missed me, pretty?” He chuckles sitting down the chair right in front of my desk and spreading his legs wide, I sigh watching his every move “you know jeon, you spend more time in my office than in class, why don’t you just live here?” The sarcastic side in me comes out.
“That’s a great idea, gorgeous, I hope you don’t mind?” He snickers messing with me, “what happened this time? Let me guess, you either replied back to a teacher or didn’t pay attention to class” “Bingo!! Both this time, you guessed right, want a prize?” “I’d rather you start paying attention to your studies, I’m serious” “I’d rather study you” he says with a wink, I couldn’t help but crack a laugh at his remark.
“Don’t you want good grades and stuff? Don’t you wanna grow up and live a good life?” “Of course, but who said I need good grades to live a good life?” “You’re not wrong little guy, but you kinda do?” He scrunches his nose, “little guy?” He lets out a raspy chuckle, kinda turning me on when i shouldn’t be, he continues “- well you see Ms Yn...”
Somehow the way my name rolls of his mouth gives me butterflies, is it bad that I have a tiny crush on him when I shouldn’t?
He leans closer to me, his index and thumb fingers holding onto my chin gently, “I’m not little, I’m pretty big if you’d like to find out?” He sends another wink my way, making me flustered, I get ahold of his wrist and place it down on the desk “I’d rather keep it professional, big guy”
He scoffs out a chuckle making me shake my head, “you didn’t decline the offer though?” He raises his brows, leaving me quite speechless, “hm? Cat got your tongue?” I sigh with a small smile visible on my face “you’re pretty annoying jeon” “but you love it, just admit it” “don’t make me give you detention” “detention with you wouldn’t be so bad, so ill gladly take the offer”
This guy just never stops, “what am I gonna do with you” I rub my temple, “pfft, am I that annoying?” “Yes actually, I would even quit my job to not see your face” he nods and looks away, did i go too far? “Wait no, I didn’t-“ “I understand, ill head back to class” he stands up, leaving before I could say anything.
Shit, why the hell did I even say that? I should apologize when school ends, i’ve never felt this way for a person before, I’ll just check what’s his last class on my computer and check on him.
Time skip; after school
Packing my things, I quickly get up from my seat, grabbing the keys to my office and locking it, running to jungkooks last class which is chemistry, knocking on the door, I slowly open it, to be seen with just a couple of students including jungkook.
Looking around I see no teacher, the class ended quick I guess, seeing jungkook walk pass me but I stop him, “wait jungkook!” He turns around and stares at me with an expressionless face, making me gulp.
“Could u come to my office please? I would like to have a talk with you and apologize..” he shrugs “I don’t know” “please? It’ll be quick? Some students are finding us suspicious so come on” thankfully he follows me and crosses his arms.
“What is it Ms Yn?” He says bored, “look jungkook, I’m really s-“ “save it” he goes to leave but I quickly hug his back, making him tense up, “I didn’t mean it... I don’t know... why I even said that..” I whisper against his toned back “Ms Yn-“ “no jungkook, I’m deeply sorry for saying that, I’m not sure why I said that, when I didn’t mean it..” a tear trickles down my cheeks for some unknown reason, maybe because I’m afraid he’ll just ignore me.
He feels his back dampen up and turns around hugging me back, he rests his head on my shoulder taking in my scent, “it’s okay, I forgive you, don’t cry..” he mumbles, and kisses my shoulder making me feel nothing but a whole zoo in my tummy.
“I’m sorry..” I sniffle, as he smiles facing me, he kisses my tears away making me widen my eyes, “i told you it’s okay, you’re forgiven pretty lady” even after all that he manages to flirt, this time I decided to flirt back surprisingly.
“Thank you, handsome” I giggle shyly and hide my face in his fit chest, he smiles at my shy state and ruffles my hair, “great job princess, you did amazing, don’t be shy” “learnt from the best” I wink at him and blush immensely.
He stares at my eyes, as he slowly trails his stare to my lips, knowing what’s gonna happen I let it be, maybe because I want him just as much as he wants me, within a blink of an eye, his lips connect like mine, as if they were made for eachother.
I pull onto his collar, wanting nothing but him, his hands make their way to my ass and give them a little squeeze making me smile into the heated kiss, one of his hand remains on my ass as the other travels back up to the back of my head and pushes me closer causing our bodies to crash on each other.
He lifts me up with the help of my thighs, and walks over to the couch, careful not to trip over, before we could continue any further, I pull away taking a deep breath, “w-wait jungkook..” “what is it? Are you uncomfortable? I’ll stop if you want, we don’t have to-“ “jungkook no no.. it’s not that, I wanna continue.. but the door is unlocked and someone could walk in on us” “oh right.. I didn’t think of that”
“Where’s the keys?” He asks, “it’s on the desk, right beside my bag” he walks over to the desk, still managing to carry me, quickly locking the door he doesn’t hesitate before kissing me hungrily, and places me on the couch not breaking our kiss, feeling his hand run through my hair before pulling it back making me pull away from the kiss panting heavily.
Kissing my jaw, he creates hickey all around my neck and collarbone, making me moan out from the feeling, while one of his hands is still pulling my hair back the other squeezes my hips before dragging it higher, playing with my clothed nipple, making me gasp, “oh.. jungkook..” I moan delighted, “babygirl .. it’s daddy, understand?” He squeezes my sensitive nipple tip, making me let out a curse, “y-yes daddy..”
He chuckles feeling loving the feeling of being in control, after many hickeys, he pulls away, making me whine, I watch him stand up, slowly unbuttoning his shirt, with his strong gaze on me, I watch his veiny hand pull off his shirt, oh how bad I want him in me, “daddy..” I mutter loud enough, “what is it princess?” My mouth waters, looking at his well built figure before looking up into his lusty eyes, “I want you.. so bad, please..” “strip for me.”
I widen my eyes yet still obey him, I take off my suit jacket somewhere in the room, my hand comes in contact with the first button, slowly removing it as my eyes never leaves his gaze, throwing the shirt away along with the suit pants, I’m left with my undergarments, he crouches down facing my chest, he looks up at me and smirks “should daddy help with your bra and panties?” “Yes, please” “gladly”
Removing your bra he kisses your soft skin, his tongue proceeds to move lower and lower til he’s sucking on my boob, making me throw my head back, “oh sh*t jungkook...!” I get ahold of his hair and pull on it unconsciously, “mmhm” he hums on my boob making me moan out a half scream (?) with last peck, and a kitty lick on my nipple making me let out a shaky breath.
“F*ck, I need you right now” he pushes me onto the couch, taking over, while sucking on my lower lip, he completely removes his pants and boxers, along with my panties, he bites my lip and pulls on it before his finger swipes against my folds, making me whimper underneath him.
His finger coated with my wet juices, making him lick his lips, “hm, seems like someone is already leaking wet for daddy.. hm?” I nod at his words as my hand which is placed on his shoulder, slowly moves downwards, tracing his abs before it gets ahold of his rock hard c*ck making him gasp quietly in satisfaction, I slowly knead it making him hum and close his eyes, smirking my thumb caresses his tip making him open his eyes and glare at me, “don’t tease me p-princess.”
His hoarse voice sends shivers and goosebumps along my skin, making me smile in innocence, “who said I’m teasing you?” He chuckles before spreading my legs, entering me making me open my mouth wide, exhaling as I grip onto his biceps at how thick and long he is, “j-jungkook..” he nods and stays still letting me adjust to his size.
“Tell me when you’re ready..” he lays his forehead against mine as my heart melts at his caring side, few minutes pass by as I slowly kiss his lips, wrapping my legs around his waist, I gently push him down, as he gets the hint, and rolls his hips against me, moaning into the kiss he smirks and thrusts into me, leaving me a mess, moans and skin slapping echoing around.
“Mmm.. f*ck, so damn tight” “ahhh.. jungkook, f-faster..” he pulls out making me open my eyes confused, “it’s daddy for you, brat” thrusting back in he gets ahold of my hips and f*cks me at an animalistic pace making me let out tears of nothing but pleasure, feeling entirely stretched out, I feel something in my stomach indicating I’m close.
Not being able to even utter a single word, I clench around him making him groan, “ughmmm... shit, do that again for me, baby” I clench around his nonstop making him throw his head back, “are you close baby?” He asks panting, I nod, “let’s cum together, in a count of three”
Letting out a growl he quickly pulls out before cumming on my stomach, collapsing on top of me, careful not to squish me, he hides his face in my neck, and leaves pecks there, “are you okay, babe?” Managing to open my eyes a little, looking to the side to be met with an ethereal looking jungkook, making me smile, “that was amazing..” I whisper against his lips.
He smiles, “I’m glad” pulling me in for a kiss I enjoy the feeling of his soft lips against mine, pulling away he stares at me lovingly “would you like to come over to my house?.. maybe to cuddle too!” I ask, He smiles at my excited state and nods, “of course, and yes we’ll cuddle for as long as you like” “I can’t wait, now let’s get up, I want to take a shower so bad” “alright”
Getting up we both get dressed up and are about to head out before I notice something which makes my heart drop, “jungkook...” “yes baby?”
gulping, I look at the camera in the corner which just recorded the both of us having s*x, I’ll lose my job but most importantly jungkook will be suspended forever, jungkook notices my stare on something and follows my gaze, he notices the camera and widens his eyes, “jungkook what the hell do we do?! They can check the recording and-“ “princess, it’s okay-“ “how is it okay Jungkook?!” “I can-“ “you’ll get suspended for f*cks sake!” “Princess! Listen! Oh my god”
He chuckles “jeon this is not funny whatsoever-“ he kisses me to shut me up, nonetheless I kiss back not being able to refuse his kisses, “u done?” He says making me glare at him, “listen this isn’t anything new, I can delete the footage” “really?” “Yes, yes I can, and I’ll do it now, so we don’t have to worry” I sigh in relief, “thank god” “now let’s go?” “Yes! I wanna cuddle so bad!” He chuckles, and round 2 may or may not have happened later-
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jawabear · 3 years
Marcus Moreno fluff alphabet
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Not my GIF
A/N: As promised, here is the fluff alphabet for Marcus the super daddy! I hope you enjoy it! Sorry for any mistakes. Stay safe.
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Fem!Reader, loads of fluff, mentions of self doubt, not much else
Summary: An A-Z of Marcus Moreno’s relationship antics
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Marcus would show affection in every way in the book. All day, every day if he could. And he will. He just wants you to know how much he loves you and how much you mean to him. He doesn’t feel words are enough.
He’s especially fond of hugging you from behind. That’s his go to for showing you affection as well and kissing behind your ear or the underside of your jaw.
B = Beginning (How would the relationship start?)
He’s pretty out of touch in the dating front. He doesn’t really know how to go about asking you out, so it’s Missy who actually does it. Basically sets the two of you up on a date with out either of you knowing but you both take it in stride and start dating immediately after that.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He loves to cuddle, yes. But he doesn’t make a habit out of it. You disagree, but he thinks that the more you cuddle the less effect it will have. You understand where he’s coming from but you don’t think it’s true. So really you only cuddle when he finds it absolutely necessary (which is quite often to be honest).
It’s mostly at night in bed or if either of you have had a particularly right day at work.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He was a single dad for a while so he’s pretty good at that sort of stuff. When he puts his mind to it, he’s a pretty good cook. And he does make sure everything that has a place is in its place.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He probably wouldn’t have the heart to do it. But if he really had to, he would just tell you that it wasn’t working. But he wouldn’t ever end it with you.
F = Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
I don’t see Marcus as the type to get married a second time. He’s kind of put off the idea after his first marriage. Although it wasn’t his fault that it ended. But I just don’t think he’d want to get married again...
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He is a very gentle man. He knows exactly what to do in any situation. He knows how to comfort you. He himself is pretty sensitive and can get quite emotional. But he is an excellent support blanket for you.
Physically, he’s super gentle. He knows how to touch you to make you feel better. He has the most comforting touch.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
As mentioned, he loves to hug you from behind. It’s just a more comforting hold he finds. This is mainly in the mornings. You would be making breakfast or something and he would appear behind you, wrapping his arms around you and resting his chin on your shoulder before gently swaying you side to side as he told you how much he loved you.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
The time in between him realising he loves you and saying it is quite long. He’s scared of telling you because he’s scare you’ll leave him.
So he waits for you to say it first. And when you do, he doesn’t stop saying it back.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Marcus does get jealous quite easily, this comes with his protective nature, but he is good at not acting on it. At least not in an overbearing way.
If someone is flirting with you, he casually slide up beside you and wrap his arms around your waist, pulling you close to him and kissing your cheek to make sure who ever it is that had tried it on you gets the message that you are unavailable.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Because he loves to hug you from behind so much, he loves to kiss behind your ear or the nape of your neck. Or even just the back of your head. He loves to bury his nose in your hair and just breath in your smell.
His kisses are all sweet and full of purpose and love. He never kisses you just for the sake of it. He kisses you to tell you how much he loves you.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Clearly he’s an excellent dad and clearly he’s good with kids. But he doesn’t really know if he wants another one. Of course he’d love to have one with you, so you can have something that it both of yours, but he’s a little on the fence about it for reasons he doesn’t even know. Perhaps he feels he’s getting too old to take care of a baby...
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Marcus is usually up before you so it’s not that often that you’ll get to cuddle in bed, even on weekends his up with the sun. But that doesn’t matter. You’ll go down stairs and see him making a coffee or something so you’ll take it upon your self to initiate morning cuddles before Missy wakes up, not that that would stop you anyway.
But on the rare occasion you get a lazy day with him, that is what it is. I’m talking not getting out of bed until lunch time. Just laying in bed, in each other’s arms. (Maybe doing some other stuff). Just overall being soft.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights are more tender than the soft mornings. It will usually be that you’ll be laying in bed facing each other, just looking at each other. He will lift his hand to gently stroke over your cheek. And you will do the same. There are no words needed in the night. These small actions are enough.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Marcus is a pretty open person I feel. I don’t think there is much he would hide from you. Besides, life as a hero means he’s pretty exposed anyway. But he wants to be straight forward with you, he doesn’t want to keep anything from you so he knows that you really do love him for him and not for who he pretends to be.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Marcus is very patient. He has been trained to keep his cool no matter what. And dealing with the Heroics has made him build up a pretty high tolerance for messing about. It take a lot for Marcus to get angry. So much so, that you’ve never seen him properly angry.
But you’ve heard stories. When he gets angry, he gets angry.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
I get the feeling that Marcus would remember absolutely everything that’s ever happened in your relationship. He probably remembers everything you’ve ever said or done. He probably knows more about you than your own parents.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The first time he hear you say “I love you” and meaning it is probably his favourite. You had said it a few times, but he got the feeling you had only said it to get him to say it back.
But there was one night where you were together, just being together and you looked into his eyes for a moment. You just looked at him and he looked right back at you. And then you said it. You whispered it. And he could hear the amount of truth sown into every letter. He would never forget that night.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Marcus is very protective. He has to know you’re safe. It drives him crazy if he doesn’t know where you are. But he’s not controlling. He just needs to know your okay. As long as he knows where you are and that you’re safe, he’s fine.
Should you ever end up in danger, who better to protect you than the leader of the Heroics?! To be honest, most people would be too scared to even think about hurting you if they knew that Marcus was your boyfriend. No one would want to go up against him in a fight.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Marcus always tried his best, he may not always succeed but he always tries. He wants to make sure you’re 100% happy. What he doesn’t understand is, just being with him makes you 100% happy.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He has a habit of doubting himself over the smallest things. He always worries that something is going to go wrong. He’s quite easily panicked and slightly paranoid. But that’s all a result of his job. It’s not something he can easily fix, but you try and help him as best you can.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks? Do your looks bother them?)
Looks on his partner doesn’t bother him. It’s not that he’s looking for. He just wants someone he can be with.
But he is very self conscious about that way he looks. Seeing himself on TV daily has caused this. He doesn’t do it to look good for anyone in particular (besides you), he does it so that seeing himself on the screen is a little more bearable.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
If he really thought about it, no. He wouldn’t feel incomplete as such. It’s hard for him to explain. He wouldn’t feel right with out you, but he has got Missy who has been his heart since she was born. You understand that. Regardless of how much he loves you, Missy will always come first for him. Granted, this has lead to a few complications in your relationship but you managed to get over it pretty quickly.
But he wouldn’t want to be with out you. He needs you in his life.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.
Marcus loves how easily you mix in with his family. He knows that perhaps having a kid can put people off. But he was so happy that it didn’t put you off. And he loves how good you are with Missy. How playful and helpful you are. How you’re always willing to join in, even though he knows how anxious you are about it. He just loves what you add to his family. What you add to his life. He just loves you.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He wouldn’t really like really tall girls. As I said, he loves to hug you from behind and bury his nose in your hair. This would be a little bit difficult if his partner was taller than him. But it’s not completely a no. He doesn’t really care about something like that. He’ll find a way to get it done should his partner be taller than him.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs? Does it change around a partner?)
Marcus struggles to sleep. He hasn’t really slept soundly since he was a kid. He’s a light sleeper so even when he is sleeping, he’s not really resting.
But he does find it easier to get to sleep when he’s got you by his side, you bring a comfort with you that relaxes him.
Taglist: @linkpk88 @phoenixhalliwell @lunaserenade
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celosiaa · 4 years
you were my friend, and I was the same
Summary: What if Basira had taken Helen’s door, leaving Jon to kill Daisy himself?
Episode tag for what might have been, post MAG 179. Thanks to @morelikeazirafailamirite for this idea!
Word count: 1214
CW: MAG 179 SPOILERS, blood, injury, canonical character death
“Let me go, please D—ahh—”
Eyes blazing, teeth painted crimson with the blood of the Archivist, the thing-that-once-was-Daisy digs further and further into his leg and shoulder—spilling more of Jon onto the ground beneath them with every passing moment.  And Martin—what could Martin do?  What good could his knife—small and shaking in his hand—do against this monstrosity, this abomination that had once been Jon’s friend?
“J-Jon, what—what can I do?”
“I’m—ahh—I’m sorry,” he grits out between his teeth, even as his eyes go electric green, beginning to spill over the edges—with ink, or blood, Martin will never be sure.  
“W-what are you doing?”
“I’m sorry, Daisy.”
When next he opens his eyes, Martin finds himself crumpled on the ground, ears ringing loud enough to deafen him, blinking in the…
Red light?
…oh fuck fuck fuck fuck
Quickly bringing himself up to his hands and knees, he scans the room dizzily for Jon—finding him lying motionless on the ground, surrounded by what must be Daisy’s remains coating the walls, the ceiling, the light fixtures—
Everything but Jon himself.
No remains have touched him—but the blood blossoming over his shoulder and leg, the way his eyes have closed in what has become such a rare event since this all began—all of it speaks to a hurt Martin had no longer thought possible for him to suffer.
“Jon—oh shit,” he gasps, rising a bit unsteadily to his feet, barely able to hear his own voice beyond the ringing.
No no no please no
His knees slam into the ground as he reaches Jon’s side, pulling off his jacket at once to staunch the flow of his wounded leg—the pressure he places there drawing a low moan from him that Martin sees more than hears.
“Jon!  Hey hey hey, are you with me?” he pleads in as calm a voice as he can manage, patting at his arm in an attempt to rouse him.
As if powered on by a switch, his eyes slide open—more like panels than eyelids, really—the absynthian glow of them reflecting against the deep crimson still spilling across his shoulder and chest as blinks once, twice.  And then he’s gasping heavily, very nearly jerking upright in panic, had Martin’s hand not been carefully pressed against his uninjured shoulder.
“Woah woah, alright just—just stay down, okay?” Martin soothes as best as he can, knowing his voice shakes with every word after seeing the tears pooling in Jon’s eyes—from pain, or grief, or perhaps both.  “You’re—you’re bleeding pretty badly—but I’ve got you, alright?”
“Martin—ahh,” he chokes, gritting his teeth again through the pain as Martin presses further into his leg.
“Sorry, sorry.  I-I’ve got to keep pressure.”
“I know, I—I’m sorry,” he says quietly, just barely loud enough for Martin to hear past the fading ringing of his ears.
“You alright?” Martin asks rather desperately, hoping against hope that Jon will just heal, that they’ll just be able to stand up and leave this place behind.
But Jon’s eyes tell of a different reality—as the glow fades, and they return to their beautiful deep brown—Martin knows that he is beyond spent.  Heavy with grief.
With guilt.
“Jon, you—you did what you had to.  What Basira couldn’t,” he says, and of course Jon already knows this, but…Martin is more than well-used to the ways Jon justifies his own hurt.  “Listen, you—you need to keep pressure on that leg while I sort this…”
After guiding Jon to sitting, ensuring he will stay upright, he works silently for a while—bringing bandages and cloths from his pack to press against the shoulder. Which barely seems to have healed at all, baffling Martin more than any of the mess surrounding them.
“She was—“ Jon begins after a few minutes of this, pausing to swallow the lump in his throat.  
Face lined with worry, Martin glances up from his task to look at him.
“We were friends there, sort of, near the end.”
“…oh, Jon.”
“We went through so much and it just… I wish I could have actually said goodbye.”
And once again, Martin finds himself at a loss.  He has always known that he and Jon see things differently, that Jon sees so much of himself in every monster that he cannot help but have pity.  No matter what it has cost him.  No matter what it will continue to cost him, Jon will choose mercy…but now?  Now he had just been forced to kill what was left of his friend—the one person who had been there for him when Martin had not.
When I turned my back on him.
…stop it.
“Hey, hey—look at me,” he murmurs, cupping Jon’s face as gently as possible with how badly his hands still shake—thumbing away the tears that begin to fall, each one deepening the ache in his chest.
“We said our goodbyes to Daisy after the institute.  This was just…this was just dealing with all the stuff she left behind.”
“I suppose,” he whispers, looking away at once as tears continue their silent cascade over the sharp ridges of his face.
Clearly, this has brought him no comfort—strengthening an ever-growing suspicion in Martin’s mind.
“Are you—is this why you’re not healing?” he asks, desperate to be wrong.  “What you said before—about people only getting what hurts them the most here—is that why she was able to hurt you?
“I…I don’t—“
“You do know.”
The look Jon gives him now—though wordless and full of pain—gives him all the answer he needs.
“Darling, please,” Martin continues, wanting more than anything to pull him into a hug, but settling for cradling his hand instead.  “Please—you have to let yourself heal.  This—this isn’t your fault, none of it is.”
“Isn’t it?”  comes the whispered reply, broken and trembling, shattering Martin’s heart with its force.
“No.  None of this is.  You—you had to do this.  I-I may not have known Daisy like you did, but—but this wasn’t her.  Not anymore, right?”
Please heal, Jon. Please.
When Jon lets his eyes fall closed again, Martin rushes to brace him with a small cry—but even as he looks on, the incessant flow from his wounds begins to slow, the holes she had torn through him starting to knit back together as he begins to mend.
“Oh thank god, thank god, thank god,” Martin sighs with relief, pulling Jon into his chest at once, no longer fearing to cause more bleeding.  “You alright?  Jon?”
As he holds him there, shoulders still so thin against his own, the only reply that comes is a steadily growing shaking—wracking down Jon’s entire frame.
“Oh, love,” Martin murmurs worriedly, turning to press a kiss against his still-damp cheek.  
“S-she was—my friend,” is all he can manage to get out past the sobs, driven hard by the waves of shock still running through him.
“I’m so sorry, Jon. I’m so sorry,” he whispers into his hair, pressing kiss after kiss there, before leaning his cheek on top.
“I’ve got you.  I’ve got you.”
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emilycollins00 · 3 years
Hey, if you want to (you don‘t have to through) could you maybe write a Muku x Reader, in which Muku‘s crush writes him a anonymous love letter but he recognizes his crush’s handwriting? But if you don’t to write it for Muku, than it can be somebody else! Like idk... Juza or Sakuya (that would have been cute too). Everybody’s just great🥺❤️ Have a great day!~ (*´꒳`*)🌸
Sorry for the delay, love. You are the sweetest thing! I don’t really mind if reader is the same age, also crushes are the cutest thing so... Muku it is! 💕
Hope you enjoy!
Title: Love letter
Pairing: Muku Sakisaka x reader
“I don’t know Yuki-kun, I’m sure Sakyo-san also wants the play to be a success. Why would he try to make it difficult?”
With school hours finally ended for the day, both middle schoolers talked as they prepared to go back to the dorm.
Yuki clicked his tongue “If he wanted the performance to be good he should at least be more lenient with the budget” he mused opening his locker, already making a mental list of the materials he would have to buy to make up for the cut he had been informed in the morning “That money grabbing yakuza… he could at least think how much work is to piece everything together”
“I-I’m sure you’ll do an amazing job! We’ll all make sure to help if it gets too much!”
“Of course I was already counting on it. I haven’t been training you all for nothing”
Muku laughed nervously at his retort.
His heart made a leap at the unexpected sound of your voice. Turning around, he found you running in his direction from the crowded hall.
Once you managed to catch up you held a hand up, asking silently for a few seconds to regain breath. Finally you lifted your head, cheeks slightly flushed from the sprint “Sorry, I wanted to give back the volume you let me before you left!”
“Ah, you shouldn’t have had to bother coming all the way!” Muku stuttered, taking the manga from your hands and holding it against his chest. He glanced at you hopeful “Um... What did you think about it?”
You clapped your hands, beaming “Oh, I couldn’t put it down! The main character was so sweet it made me want to cheer for them so much!”
Muku felt his previous tension being released. He had been the one who had recommended it after all. He smiled happily “I thought so too! T-the way the festival had…”
As always happened when he talked to you lately, Muku hoped he wasn’t blushing too much or sounded too weird. It had been a few months since you both started exchanging romance novels due to mutual interest and the more you got to know each other, the more Muku noticed he had developed quite the crush on you.
“I see you guys are leaving already. Practice?”
Muku played with the string of his schoolbag, self-consciously “W-well, spring troupe is next so we usually make street acts for the time being until Tsuzuru-san writes ours- ah, he’s the person I told you that writes such wonderful stories!”
“Oh! I hope summer comes soon then” you chuckled, making Muku’s stomach stir “I have to go now too, see you both tomorrow!” .
Once you were out of sight, Yuki glanced at the former athlete sighing with a hand placed in his chest and rolled his eyes “Why don’t you just invite them somewhere? I doubt they’d say no”
“Y/N” his pointed the way you had left with his chin “You are painfully obvious, you know”
Muku waved his arms neglectingly, flushing “I-I can’t! If only I had the charismatic aura of Itaru-san or the elegance of Citron-sama b-but I don’t have any of those qualities and...!
“I keep telling you those two are the worst examples you should be trying to learn from”
He kept shaking his head stubbornly. You had become someone he truly admired for always doing their best. Your approach and attitude were so nice, so warm...  The thought of dating was too much! “A-anyway, shouldn’t we hurry to get to the dorm?”
Yuki squinted his eyes, but opted to shrug it off “Sure, I need to change before going to that thrift shop by Veludo Station. Last time the worker there showed me some…”
Muku relaxed inwardly, seeing Yuki was already on work mode. As he opened the locker to change his shoes though, something white fell from inside. He crouched down to the floor to retrieve it “A letter?”
He turned it, but saw no sign anywhere, which made him tilt his head confused. Why was a letter inside…?
Something clicked in his head as he stood up, blue eyes staring at the white envelope.
It couldn’t be real. He must be daydreaming.
“Maybe I could even- Muku?”
Oh god, what if he had been transported to one of his mangas? What if he now had to overcome the plot of the story to be able to get back and…?
“Hey! Earth to Muku, geez!”
Snapping out of it, he finally focused on the annoyed green-haired in front of him “Yuki-kun…? Have you also been transported into the manga world?”
“What are you talking about” the young designer sighed, crossing his arms over his chest when he noticed the envelope “Was that inside your locker?”
“You can see it too?!”
“Of course I can idiot. You didn’t have that before”
Muku nodded to himself blinking at the letter. So he wasn’t imagining it…
“Well, aren’t you going to open it?” Yuki leaned his back on the lockers, bending curiously.
“I-I can’t”
“Mucchan received a WHAT?!”
“Could you say it any louder, you idiotic dog? It’s just a letter, who cares”
“Mukkun, I’m shook!” as Taichi kept crying about wanting to find love too, Kazunari jumped in completely elated “Isn’t this like the highlight of your school life mangas in real life? You def have to open it!”
Taichi’s reactions and Kazunari’s comments didn’t reach Muku, still zoning in and out of the conversation. After a long banter in school, he hadn’t had the guts to open the letter, so Yuki decided for him to take it home and give him time to process the situation.
Which is the reason he was now sitting on the couch in the middle of the lounge, surrounded.
It was true he had often dreamed of love letters. Who wouldn’t? They were so romantic! To receive a handwritten confession maybe even in poetry professing an undying love, rushing off to a midnight rendezvous with one’s true love… the mere thought made Muku swoon.
But one thing was his imagination, and another one real life, as much as he sometimes mixed both.
To think something like that actually happened to him didn’t feel real.
“I…I already told Yuki-kun this must be a mistake” he murmured fidgeting, not able to take his eyes off the yet-to-be-open envelope on the table “Who would want to write to someone who is a half-pint, small, dried-up stale beansprout like me?”
“You sure s’not a letter for a challenge, right” Juza grumbled from the other couch, throwing daggers to the letter.
“Why am I not surprised that’s your first thought, Standard Gangster”
Muku lifted his head gasping with eyes wide open, scared “I-I hadn’t even think about that! What if I did something and now they are looking for revenge and…!”
“S’okay, Muku” Juza stopped him, cracking his knuckles “I’ll take care of ‘em if that’s the case”
“Whoa, whoa, hold on, dude!” Kazunari laughed nervously, placing a hand his shoulder to calm him down “Before we decide it’s something like that, how about opening it?”
“Mr. Extrovert is right for once” Yuki rested his chin on the back on his hand “You are taking too long”
As everyone watched expectantly, Muku glanced at the letter once more, swallowing with difficulty. Even just looking at it made his heartbeat go wild. He shook his head, took a deep breath, and carefully tore the edges apart.
The first thought that came to his mind was the fact that the colour of the paper was the same as his hair.
Then, the fact that his whole face was probably heating up after he read his name.
“Just tell me who I have to beat up”
The summer troupe member lifted his head flustered, forgetting where he was “S-sorry I- it’s okay, Ju-chan! um, it’s not that type of letter!”
As he kept reading the content, Muku felt his heart ringing in his ears as well as the heat reaching and warming his cheeks. The message of the letter was definitely a confession worthy of a manga and the way he was being described… nothing could compare to what he was feeling at that moment, eyes fixed on the letter, practically glowing.
By the second read though, he noticed something weird. A somewhat familiar feeling, as if he had read this before.
He read it again. What was it?
“Let me see, let me see!” Kazunari soon moved to his side, reading with him and whistling “Mukkun whoever this is you have to find them, this is totes cute!”
He didn’t answer, still in deep thought. This handwriting… where had he…?
A flashback of him looking at your notes in class and thinking how beautiful your handwriting looked crossed his mind. Muku covered his mouth from the sudden revelation.
“You okay, Mukkun?”
If he was blushing before, his face must now be a downright crimson mess.
Could it be a joke? Or was he daydreaming again? B-but that WAS your handwriting. He had caught himself so many times staring that it.
He checked once more afraid. No, it definitely was yours.
“B-but Y/N-san, they…”
“Y/N?” the surprise on Yuki’s face when he heard your name was palpable. He grabbed the letter, smiling at the end “Well, aren’t you lucky Wonder Boy”
“Who’s Y/N?”
“Ah, Muku’s crush”
“Muku, you…”
“W-wait, what if they did this as a way to test my acting? O-or to try to recreate a scene for a new manga?” his mind kept rejecting the idea “They said they wanted to see our performance, what if tomorrow they keep asking me what happened today and I can’t act naturally and then they think I was spying on them only to be told that-!
“Muku, please” Yuki rolled his eyes “As if someone like them would do this as a prank”
The young actor looked around everyone in the room insecure and then again at your letter, taking it with both hands carefully “It’s just… I’m just me” he finally whispered.
Kazunari chuckled softly, ruffling his hair.
“Well, that’s plenty for us, you know it! And judging by the letter it’s the same for them”
Next day Muku paced around the entrance of the school, waiting for you. No matter how many mangas he had read, nothing had given him the answer for how to act. 
Was this how the heroines felt? His lower body was barely being able to sustain him.
“Muku-kun, you called for me?”
Okay, stay calm Muku. Y-you got this! He forced himself not to let his nerves show as you walked up “Y-yeah! Um, do you have a moment to talk?”
“Sure?” you tilted your head curiously.
He had to avert his gaze “t-The thing is, um; yesterday this was on my locker…” Muku took out the letter from his pocket, praying for a reaction.
You stared at it dumbfounded, and for the first time, Muku saw your cheeks growing slightly red. He kept talking “I… I somehow recognized your handwriting! S-so I wanted to say that I too-!”
He couldn’t finish as he watched you covering your face, which caused him to frown confused “Y-Y/N-san...?”
“Please hide me” Muku could tell your ears were bright red at this point “Sorry, this is not… it wasn’t…”
You groaned to yourself. You worked so hard to not let it show, appearing even before he saw the letter and your handwriting was what gave it away in the end…? Talk about embarrassment.
“Ugh, I’m so lame”
“It wasn’t lame! Not at all!” Muku’s heart squeezed, talking louder than he had imagined, but he wanted to make his point clear this time. Lame was the last thing that could have crossed his mind when he read it “You are so cool and the letter was beautiful!”
“I-It was…?”
He nodded although you couldn’t see him “Y/N-san” you felt his hands holding yours, taking them away from your face. Once you couldn’t hide anymore you looked up, a blushing Muku welcoming you with a warm smile.
“If you are okay with me, would... would you like to meet up sometime?”
He really looked like a prince.
Wishing you all a wonderful day! 💕
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donutloverxo · 4 years
Fluffy alphabet
Pairing- Steve Rogers x reader Wordcount- 2.1k
Please do not steal or repost my works. Reblogs are welcome.
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Very affectionate. He loves you a lot and has no qualms about showing it. He shows his affection in the smallest of ways. He notices things and quirks. He makes mental notes of things you like.
If you mentioned liking a certain type of food he’ll try his best to cook it for you. He also likes buying you jewellery. It was common in his time to buy women diamonds. Now that he has the resources to do so, he’ll spoil the shit out of you.
Initially he was shy about pda. He’s a private person, he doesn’t want other people knowing his business. But now he has come to embrace it. He always has to be touching you in some way. Maybe holding your hand or pulling you into him by your waist. It’s also serves as a subtle way to mark his territory.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Steve isn’t too picky. He could be best friends with someone he has very little in common with. But someone with similar life experiences and job is preferred.
It will take a while to reach to that ‘best friend' status. He has a tough time trusting people. But if you are his friend you can depend on him for anything.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He loves cuddling. It’s one of his favorite things to do. Sometimes he doesn’t want to talk. It’s nice to just stay in silence listening to your steady heartbeat. Maybe smelling or playing with your hair.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He knows he can’t so he convinced himself he doesn’t want to. But the truth is he does want to settle down. If he could he would like to have children, a spouse, a house in the burbs, the whole nine yards.
He’s a clean freak and a minimalistic. Being in the military has straightened him out. He doesn’t like clutter. So if you’re someone who is messy, be ready for some nagging. He can cook some dishes, if he has free time he enjoys doing it and trying out new recipes. Cooking is a form of art and he is an artist.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If he had to break up with you it would probably be for your own safety or happiness. He isn’t the kind of person who falls out of love with someone. Nor does believe love is some magical force where one day you’re crazy about each other and the next day you aren’t.
It would kill him to do it. He will sit you down, explain the reasons he can’t be with you, will tell you a million times it’s not you or it’s not your fault. He’ll carry the guilt of breaking your heart with him for a long time.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He’d propose in like six months or as soon as he knows you’re the one for him.
In his time people got engaged very quickly. He has faced death many times. He wants to make the most of his time with you.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He’s a sensitive soul. More so about other people’s feelings than his own. He rarely gets angry. Usually he’s patient and kind, albeit somewhat distant with everyone.
With you he’s a gentle giant. He knows he’s stronger than you, sometimes he uses it to his advantage, but mostly he makes sure to never hurt you.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He loves hugs. He hugs everyone very often, he isn’t shy about accepting them either. He will get a bit awkward if a stranger hugs him.
His hugs are warm and protective. They feel like home to you. He’s very large it’s hard to get your arms around him. But he feels tender and soft. He would subconsciously flex his muscles just to subtly show off.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It depends. He’ll probably wait a while till he is absolutely sure you feel the same way.
He will say it in other ways. Like spending quality time with you, listening to your ramble, holding the door for you and helping you in anyway he can.
If he knows you feel the same way and he could see a future with you he’ll say it. But it will probably be a spur of the moment thing. He sucks at lying.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He does get jealous. More than he’d like to admit. He trusts you completely, it has more to do with his own insecurities.
What if he’s not modern enough for you? What if his emotional baggage is dragging you down? Would you be better off without him?
He’ll try to conceal them by acting manly. He’ll puff his chest out, flex his biceps to intimidate anyone who dared flirt with you. Which doesn’t happen often. No one is messing with Captain Americas girl. There are times Tony or Bucky would do it just to mess with him.
He’ll show you how he’s the only one for you when you both get home.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you?)
His kisses are soft and passionate. Sometimes he likes a simple innocent make out that doesn’t lead to anything. He likes kissing you literally every where.
Especially your forehead. You’re so short and cute he likes to sneak a few pecks just because he feels like it.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Steve is kind if awkward around children. Especially toddlers. He has no idea how to entertain them. What can you even talk about with a kid?
He’ll always be a bit awkward around them until he has kids of his own.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He’s up at the crack of dawn sometimes sooner. He’ll go on a run, pick up a coffee or a muffin for you, shower and cuddle a bit with you till he has to leave for work.
He doesn’t like staying idle. But weekend mornings spent in bed are loved by you both.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Most nights he likes to cuddle and talk or make love. You almost always fall asleep before him. He likes to listen to you soft breathes and steady heartbeat as it lulls him to sleep.
More often than not, especially after a mission, he’ll wake up from a nightmare, sometimes waking you up as well. Even if you are patient and kind to him he’ll feel guilty about being an inconvenience.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves?)
It takes him a long time to open up. He’ll tell you the basic things almost everyone knows, but he’ll only reveal the real Steve Rogers after he feels safe with you.
He reveals them slowly. Not because he doesn’t trust you. He doesn’t want you to worry about him
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Extremely patient. He may never even yell at you. He believes that’s no way to treat a lady (not unless you do something stupid like make an AI that turns on you)
It’s almost frustrating how calm and collected he usually is. You would be yelling hoping to get a reaction but he'd give you none.
If he’s really feeling antsy he’ll take it out on a few punching bags. But never ever at you. The last thing he wants is to be like his father.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you?)
He remembers every single detail. He has a photographic memory it isn’t easy for him to forget things. He makes a note of your likes and dislikes. This knowledge comes in handy when he wants to buy you a gift.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite moment in your relationship is when you first said 'I love you’ to him. Someone like you loving him was hard to wrap his head around. He swoons every time you say it.
Close second is when you said yes to marrying him.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He is very protective and possessive of you. He likes taking care of you. He never felt he would be capable of taking care of someone or protecting someone the way he can now.
He could never bear the thought of losing you. Your affiliation with him does make you a target. He makes sure that you are safe and happy at all times the best he can.
Steve doesn’t care too much about being protected. He doesn’t think of himself as someone needing it. He does appreciate it when you do. Like when you defend him to anyone teasing him or insulting. He still prefers to be the one who does the protecting.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Listen Steve Rogers gives his 100% to everything he does. That includes working out, cooking, being an avenger, saving the world, fucking you and courting you. He gives his all to all your dates and has yet to forget a single anniversary or birthday.
He’s a classic romantic. Flowers, champagne, chocolates, long walks, candle lit dinners are some of his favorite things. He does try to change it up a bit which is how he ends up obsessed with Pinterest. Making you little handmade and intimate gifts.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Steve is a perfect human™. He has close to none bad habits. Something that might be considered bad is his obsession with cleanliness. If you ever drape your coat on the couch instead of hanging it on the hanger he’ll give you a look of disapproval or ever so gently nag you about it.
He is also humble to the point where it’s annoying. He fails to see just how amazing and exceptional he is.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He’s only concerned about his looks when it comes to you. If he ever tries to dress up or wear a set of pants that make his ass look snug it’s to impress you.
Usually he does look presentable and takes care of his hygiene. He has a smart casual albeit minimalistic wardrobe. But it isn’t something he thinks a lot about.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yes and no. He understands it’s not healthy for him to be completely dependent on you for happiness. He has plenty of strong friendships and a family.
But he misses you a lot when you’re not with him. If something happened to you, he might move on but he’ll never stop loving you. A piece of him will always belong to you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Steve thinks about you a lot. He does little things for you that you wouldn’t even notice. He doesn’t do them because he expects something in return from you, it’s purely out of love. He’s intuitive he will know if you’re having a bad day. He will do anything to make it better for you. He’ll cook your favorite meal, give you a foot rub, run you a bath.
You are his muse and his inspiration for a lot of his artwork. Being in love, feeling so passionately for someone helps him in seeing the world in a different perspective.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Steve is pretty tolerant. He might roll his eyes at some things like hedonism, selfishness, crude jokes but there are very few things he’ll outright hate.
Something he doesn’t like is cruelty. Whether you’re cruel to others or to him. He also isn’t a fan of disloyalty and lies. Even if you had a good reason it will hurt him.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Steve likes to sleep on his back. He will not move an inch throughout the night. He rarely ever snores. He doesn’t like the cold so your apartment is almost always hot.
He has a fixed bedtime, if there’s no work you both have to be in bed by then. No excuses. Well if you bat your lashes and ask nicely maybe he’ll listen.
It takes him a while to fall asleep. If you’re with him to snuggle he sleeps well, his nightmares stay at bay, your warmth gives him comfort.
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starrysupercell · 3 years
Happy Stu's Day, everyone! (Because.... Tuesday=Stu's Day, it's the law.) It's short, but I got a couple more ideas for this scenario with Stu + the Gamers. ...I just gotta decide WHERE in the park they're gonna head to, lmao.
Face Value 3
"Okay, there we go." Brock closed the arcade cabinet's door (a regular arcade machine, not 8-Bit. That's an important distinction.) and stood up. "The ground wire was the problem." Brock said proudly, "It wasn't actually connected to..." He trailed off after he looked over at his friends. His very lazy friends.
Rico was sprawled back on a beanbag chair, messing with a paddle ball. 8-Bit sat on the ground, his screen showcasing the latest video game he was playing.
Brock frowned, "Slackers!" Rico glanced over at that accusation. "What?" He asked.
"You're on the clock! So get to work, the both of you! Wipe down the machines, or start up this one up that I just fixed. Do something!" Brock scolded.
"Nobody's even walked in today." Rico groaned. Brock wasn't impressed. Rico shrugged and flung his paddle ball aside. "Fine." He looked over at 8-Bit.
The stocky machine continued to focus on his gameplay, relying on the unspoken excuse of not being able to hear Brock's demand over electronic beeps. He just needed a few more seconds. He almost had this level's high score beaten....!
Clonk, clonk.
Rico chose that moment to pound a fist twice on his head, surprising him long enough to jump straight into an enemy, losing a life and ruining his streak.
There was a pause of disbelief after the dying animation played, then 8-Bit's face slowly rolled up into view, frowning at Rico. "Why."
"Ha-ha." The taller robot said, standing up. "You heard him."
8-Bit grumbled, standing up and thinking of a way to somehow get back at the bot.
Brock laughed, his irritation easily melting away. "Okay, just at least look busy. You know we'll get in trouble if we're 'loafing.'" He used air quotes on the last word.
Before the three could go about their ways to make up three new chores however, there was loud screeching that came from outside.
All three looked toward the dark glass entrance of the arcade in confusion before heading to it. They didn't really think about the order they would go through, so they sort of squeezed by each other. Once the gamers were out on the sidewalk, they looked around to find the source of the sound.
Brock was squinting until he pushed his glasses down over his eyes. A robot veered wildly around the corner of their building. The bot noticed them and one thought went through his processor. Impress them.
"Oh, there--" Brock pointed blankly before Rico grabbed his arm to pull him back from the danger zone. He then placed a hand flat against 8-Bit's screen to push him away too. Fittingly, Rico was great at calculations, a fact he took great pride in for battles. Of course he would look out for his friends in times like these. He was so busy patting himself on the back mentally, he forgot to step back out of the danger zone himself.
The robot, which by now the three saw and recognized as Stu, was delighted to see the easy-to-see obstacle in the form of them. What better way to make his entrance complete than a dazzling trick?
Stu weaved in between Brock and Rico, (giving Rico a quick tap on his face), before dashing in between Rico and 8-Bit, streaking blue flames behind him. He kicked off the curb and used the stocky machine to propel himself forward.
With a screech of his wheel, Stu completed his final spin in front of his audience of three, his hands thrown up to showcase the flashy fireworks.
8-Bit was clapping in a surprisingly non-sarcastic way-- he had such an awe for performers. Stu was far from an exception, and in fact, he had been looking forward to another chance to visit the Stuntbot's show.
Brock was grinning. "Very impressive!"
Ricochet was more annoyed than anything, flicking the spot on his face where Stu had poked him. In the first place, 8-Bit always threw a hissy fit when Rico would use him as a momentum booster. Second, Brock sounded genuinely impressed. Like, he's never seen someone weave a couple of traffic cones and spin!? "I think you missed a few spots. There isn't fire or skidmarks everywhere on the road." He said flatly.
"Thank you, th-thank you!" Stu bowed with a smile. "I'm here today to greet my b-b-biggest fan!"
Me? 8-Bit wondered in surprise.
Stu rolled forward and threw an arm around Rico's shoulders. "Give it up, f-for Rico!!"
Rico looked at him with total confusion. "What."
"I don't me-ean to emb-b-arrass you in front of your f-friends, pal!" Stu leaned over to Brock, placing a hand over the bottom half of his face as if to whisper, though it was made redundant for the facts that he didn't have a mouth, nor did he lower the volume of his voice. "I c-c-couldn't say no to him. How can I refuse someone who w-w-went backstage and begged me to make a person-a-al appearance?" He asked.
"That's...not what happened." Rico said.
Brock laughed, "Oh, yeah. No, we got it. He's nonstop going on about you, you know?"
8-Bit was frowning and was very offended. He was the true fan here! Rico nonstop complained down to the very model Stu was-- afraid of being outdated no doubt. And when exactly did he go backstage!? The arcade machine was about to speak up and rant as much, but Stu gave a laugh.
"J-j-just as I expected! A shy fa-an. No matter, y-you don't have to worry a-about telling me how m-much you ad-do-dore me! Spectacular Stu is here to sp-spend the day with y-you!"
"Is that what you got from our talk?" Rico asked.
Stu was about to respond when Brock hummed. "Sorry, Stu. We can't really close for the day, even if it is dead--"
"O-oh." The ghost of the thought of this being a wasted trip began to rise, because clearly nobody wanted him here. Imposing now would just be desperation--
"--but we can take an early lunch. I'll close up, and then we can all head somewhere. If you don't mind us tagging along with you and your biggest fan's outing." Brock finished suggesting, with a wink that nobody could even see.
"Oh!" Stu brightened up again as he let go of Rico and gave a few short hops to stand in front of the Trio again. "The more the m-m-merrier is what I always say! It'd be sp-splendid!"
"Gotcha!" Brock said, patting his pockets. Oh, where were the keys-? he turned to head inside to grab them. "Be right back!" He called out.
Stu waved, and addressed Rico "S-so, my biggest fan! W-w-what do you want to do today f-first?" He asked joyously.
Rico was speechless. He could also feel 8-Bit's looming glare on him. Everyone in the park knew how much of a grudge the machine could hold. Today was going to be one of those days, wasn't it?
Well, he'll play along. After all, despite his initial reaction to Stu, how could he remain lukewarm to his positive reception? As for 8-Bit, well, he'll deal with his pettiness later. He thought about where he wanted to go. "How about...?"
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beneathstarryskies · 4 years
NSFW Alphabet: Remus Lupin
This wasn’t requested by anyone, I was just bored as hell so here we are. I hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. :) 
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Remus is absolutely the softest after having sex. You could almost say Remus loves the aftercare just as much as the sex itself. The intimacy of it, and how beautiful you look in the afterglow. 
If we’re being honest, he’s in awe of how wonderful making love to you is every single time. So, he likes to stay close to you afterwards. He’ll hold you close, and whisper quietly in your ear while playing with your hair. He tells terrible jokes because he loves to hear your laugh. 
When it’s close to the end of the moon cycle, he tends to get rather rough with you during sex. Often times he will praise you for being so good to him, and if he’s left marks on you he will soothe them. 
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He is pretty insecure, so truthfully he doesn’t have a favorite part of his body. If he has to choose something to like about himself, it would be his height. Although this is directly tied to how much you love his height. He enjoys the way your eyes widen and you look so sweet when he’s towering over you. He also loves it when you have to stand on your tiptoes to kiss him. 
“Every part of you is my favorite part,” is his default answer when you ask. However, deep down he’s partial towards your thighs. They simply offer such a plethora of delights: Kissing them, biting them, laying his head on them so you can play with his hair, burying his face between them, gripping them when you ride him. Thighs.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Remus doesn’t like to make too much of a mess, which stems from his constant fear of being a burden. He prefers cumming inside of you, as it just feels much more intimate to him. He is also deeply appreciative when you swallow during oral. 
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
While teaching at Hogwarts, he used to fantasize about you giving him head beneath his desk constantly. There’s no telling how many times he had to jack off between classes because that thought would creep into his mind.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Due to his condition, he’s not overly experienced. He’s always been rather afraid of losing control during sex.
 He does have an idea of what he’s doing mostly because Remus is such an avid learner, and so he’s done his fair share of research. 
Furthermore, if there is anything he doesn’t know he is eager for you to teach him. 
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Remus likes for you to stradle his lap and ride him. The two of your chests pressed together so he can still kiss you easily, and he can feel your heart beat against his. 
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Before and after he is pretty humorous. He likes to see you blush and laugh. However, in the moment he is rather serious although not entirely on purpose. He just gets swept up in the moment, and he focuses so much on your pleasure.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Remus keeps himself well groomed. His pubic hair is just a bit darker than the hair everywhere else. It is rather soft and thin, so even if he doesn’t groom it’s not too much of a nuisance.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Remus is very intimate. He takes his time worshipping every inch of you. For him, sex is truly an escape from his reality. It’s a chance just to be with you and to show you how much you mean to him. 
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He’s never really been one jack off too much, but he will most definitely do so to ease the tension. Often when he’s away from you for long periods, he will find himself fantasizing about you while pleasuring himself. 
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Remus is not too kinky. Although he does have a bit of a praise kink. He’s spent so long feeling like a burden to society. When you tell him how good he makes you feel or you voice how much you want him, he’s just absolutely weak for it. And he loves reciprocating.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Pretty much anywhere is his favorite place. He’s particularly fond of his own bed, due to the feeling of the two of you being in your own world. But he’s pretty much down to fuck you wherever you can find the privacy.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Knowing that you really want him is his biggest motivator. Remus has a huge capacity for love, but he didn’t genuinely believe anyone would be able to love him. The fact that you do love and accept him fully is a huge turn on for him. He loves being able to smell your arousal.
By nature, he does have a rather high libido. This only gets more intense as the full moon draws closer. Sometimes during the end of the cycle, it takes literally nothing to get him going. You can walk into a room, and the man is immediately seducing you. 
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He will not do anything that harms you. That’s an instant no from him. He also will not share you, and truthfully has a bit of a jealous streak. Sirius once flirted with you (before knowing about your relationship with Remus) and Remus absolutely lost it. 
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Giving and receiving are both equally wonderful as far as Remus is concerned. He’s quite skilled with that mouth of his, and he is of course eager to please. It usually takes very little time for him to have you a shivering mess beneath his mouth. 
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He tends to be more slow and sensual. For Remus, it’s more about making it last than it is quickly reaching his climax. He loves making you climax multiple times until you’re almost overstimulated before allowing himself to cum. 
 Sometimes closer to the full moon he will become more rough, but it’s certainly not his default preference. It’s just as the animal side of him becomes more prominent, he tends to lose his self control. 
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He’s much more keen on proper sex than he is quickies. It is something that he will do if you simply don’t have the time, or as stated before as it gets closer to the full moon his libido intensifies quite a bit. So, he is definitely down for quickies towards the full moon. 
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Remus is eager to please, so anything you’re interested in trying he will at least give a chance. As long as it doesn’t involve having to hurt or share you he’s willing to try pretty much anything. 
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
In the early days of your sexual relationship, Remus had a hard time controlling himself. It had truthfully been a long time since he’d been touched in any way, so often he would cum prematurely. He would get so embarrassed with himself, but your patience made him fall in love with you even more. That being said, he made up for it by being able to go for multiple rounds. As he gains more control over his orgasms, he’s able to make things last longer. 
He very much so prefers to go longer once or twice rather than multiple short rounds.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He’s doesn’t own anything, and he’s not interested in having anything used on himself. However, he is willing to use them on you if that’s your thing. Whatever it takes to make sex as pleasurable for you as possible, he will do. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He is a bit of a tease, especially since he has the advantage of smelling your arousal. Sometimes you’ll be so desperately trying to hide it from him (perhaps during on Order meeting) and he will give you a suggestive smirk. You know you’re done for when he gives you that look. He’ll be relentless in his random touches and whispering filthy things in your ear until you’re almost begging him to fuck you. 
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Remus is rather vocal. He tends to moan quite a bit, and he likes to shower you in compliments and praise. 
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He likes it when you take care of him after his transformations. How gently you soothe his wounds, and how eager you are to be there for him. He makes it a point to make love to you the morning after the full moon just so he can relish in how soft and comforting you are to him. You often make it a point to kiss every scratch and bruise he gets. Part of him feels guilty for getting so turned on by it, but it just makes him feel so safe. 
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Remus is about average in girth, but is pretty long. About 10 inches is a safe estimate. 
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
He has a high sex drive, and finds himself yearning for you quite often. It’s pretty uncommon for the two of you to take long gaps unless life gets in the way too much. 
You’ve joked before that Remus would be happy to simply stay in bed and fuck between each full moon. (It’s true.) 
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He doesn’t usually fall asleep too quickly. Remus loves pillow talk, so he likes to stay up for a bit afterwards with you. He also loves watching you fall asleep. The way your eyelids droop is very cute to him, especially when you fight it. You’ll often snuggle up to him to hide how sleepy you are, and soon your soft whispers turn into to even breathing against his skin as you fall asleep. He likes watching the transition, and hearing you sleep so peacefully against him is what lulls him to sleep. 
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