#but i love the private messages from Roger
theology101 · 18 days
Roger Maxson is the most important man in Fallout American History
So tonight, as we break bread together, let us forge together something new. Something strong. Something we can be proud of. Something we can build upon. We'll preserve what's best of what's come before and use it. And one day, we will reclaim what was lost. Let us forge a Brotherhood of Steel.
I love great man history. It is entirely inaccurate and a horrible way to represent trends, war, geo-political power, and the thousands of little pieces that all make up 'history.' Great Man History swipes that all away and instead makes history a Biography, where the steps made by an individual would reverberate for eons to come. In real life, the amount of people who could possibly defined as 'Great Men' is minuscule (by my count, its 5) and its usage in chronicling history is dubious if not non-existent
But for storytelling? Hot DOG that gets my blood pumping!
Roger Maxson was a man on the Brink. His commanding officer, Colonel Robert Spindel had just committed suicide, leaving Maxson in command of the entire military brigade established at Mariposa - 1,500-3,200 soldiers, all of whom had to deal with the fact that their government willingly committed horrors against not only humans, but also American citizens. He was able to gather the families of his men, probably doubling their population numbers, and then watched as a week and a day after assuming command, Roger Maxson watched as nuclear flame wiped clean the entire surface.
This was not like Ellen Santiago on the East Coast, a military leader looking for some hope, some direction. This was a man who had declared independence from his country, had the Rose colored glasses ripped from his eyes and watched as consumerism and imperialism consumed the entire world. Mariposa was a military base... and also a corporate research center. Maxson would have been well aware of the economic situation prior to the war and would most likely have come to the conclusion that America was responsible for its own death.
I brought up Great Man history so let me plug one of those Great Men - Charlemagne. If you were gonna be boring about (IE an actual historian), you would look at how the Franks had been rising in local power for decades, and that Charlemagne used the foundation made by his grandfather and the relationship with Rome that had been fostered since the Merovingians to make the largest military powerhouse seen in the West since the fall of Rome. But if you were gonna be BASED AS FUCK (a bad historian but a good storyteller) you would write about how Charlemagne's personal brilliance and skill won the day. And the latter is exactly what Charlemagne would want you to think - so he had his legends made. Codifed centuries later as Chanson de geste, Charlemagne spent the majority of his time as Holy Roman Emperor myth-making about himself. Establishing epics, wondrous stories, and poems. Becoming more than himself and instead being Pater Europae
Roger Maxson: We need to do something bold. We can't just stay the US Army. What's going to happen, and this is only a matter of time, is some general, or some goddamned politician is going to exit a Vault and start ordering us around. And worse they'll order some grunt to start the whole damned cycle again. Another wave of nuclear death. And if that's not enough they'll do it again. You know they will, Lizzy. It ends with us. We won't let them.
Elizabeth Taggerdy: I... I understand. But a Brotherhood? Knights? I'm supposed to call you, what, Elder?
Roger Maxson: Words have power, Lizzy. They build identity. They take on a meaning if you keep using them, even if it didn't exist to begin with. It was the Knights and Scribes after the fall of Rome that protected what was left of Western civilization. So we are the new Knights and our role is similar. But we'll need more than names. We'll need new traditions, our own, well, mythology. Something people can believe to their core.
Elizabeth Taggerdy: Is this necessary?
Roger Maxson: What else can I do? Declare myself President? Make you a Senator? Look around. Something's killing us more than the rads and freaks out there. Depression. People have lost everyone. Every goddam soul. Wives, kids, loved ones, heck even the mailman. We need to replace it with something otherwise people's souls will wither. We'll be little more than walking dead men.
This quick move paid dividents to the Brotherhood as a whole and the Maxson family as a rule. America was a corrupt, bloated institution that would lead to its own death and cannibalization - so Maxson changed it. A cult of personality, a subculture independent from what came before it, a pseudo-monarchical meritocratic collectivistic state. Bound by their tenets and their Leader
Roger Maxson was a visionary, a man who knew that he had to become more than a man, had to become a symbol. And in fact, so did his entire Brotherhood. That what saved them from the ennui of the Enclave and NCR - they're something new, with their God King looking down at them. And it is this same legend and mythology that will allow for their unification under Arthur Maxson as the new High Elder. Two centuries later, people are still willing to join, fight, and sacrifice for the ideals of the Brotherhood and for the Name of Maxson, and with the adaption of some of Lyon's (and honestly, Roger Maxson's) strategies of recruitment, Arthur has ensured that they will keep going too.
If Maxson had instead simply become "Colonel Maxson of the US Army Remnant" I can guarantee he would be forgotten. But Roger Maxson, first High Elder, will be a name that never dies
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icyg4l · 1 month
PAC: How to Heal Your Broken Heart
Hello beautiful people! If you are currently going through a romantic break-up, I send my love to you. 🫶 But here, I will give advice on how you can deal with your grief. I am not a therapist so if you feel like you need to contact one, I would highly encourage that you do that. If you resonate with this reading and would like a more personalized reading, please read my guidelines and message me privately so you can receive one. Without further ado, please select your pile!
Top Left-to-Bottom Right: (1-4)
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Pile One: You need to acknowledge that this was meant for you to happen! There is nothing wrong with being single, lovely. Sometimes things just don’t work out and that’s okay. Right now, it’s time for you to focus on bigger and better things without someone by your side. You could have been with your partner for years and one day things just ended. It happens. But the best for you to do right now is to get your hair and nails done. Get to know yourself as a person, not as a partner. You have so much personality, Pile One. You need to take up more space on your own. You don’t need someone to conquer the world with you. I feel like you honestly just have to get used to being by yourself so find literally anything to do by yourself. Read, go for a walk, buy yourself flowers, take yourself on dates. Spend more time making yourself the main character instead of finding ways to antagonize your ex.
Cards Used: Ace of Cups (RX), Four of Wands, Judgment, 7 of Discs, 9 of Swords, 9 of Cups.
extras: fancy dates. peach smoothie. alice in wonderland. benedict cumberbatch. “lumberyard.”
Pile Two: You got a lot of cards, which means that you need to listen up. Pile Two, when was the last time you’ve been outside with your friends? You may have spent a lot of time in isolation in your previous relationship. You don’t have to do that anymore. Your girls are waiting on you. It is best that you go to as many parties that you can find to avoid going back because you don’t need to be with a manipulative liar anymore. I would also suggest that you go to a jewelry store and go spoil yourself. The codependency in your last relationship was abnormal and it’s time that you realize it. I feel like this person took the light away from you and you’re slowly but surely gaining your power back. Your energy is similar to Pile One but I feel like the focus for you is to empower yourself. Adopt the mindset that things will work out for you. Assuming the worst possible outcome is going to work for you. You have to let yourself shine because no one is dimming your light anymore. Surround yourself with positivity and please please please make sure you’re around people that make you feel comfortable and like yourself. Right now is a crucial time for you. Treat it as such.
Cards Used: 6 of Discs, 9 of Discs, King of Discs, Princess of Wands, 8 of Wands, 4 of Cups, The Magician (RX), The Hanged Man, The World, The Emperor, Ace of Wands, 3 of Cups.
extras: “party hard.” tiger print. mr rogers. sofia the first. birthday pin. red dot.
Pile Three: I feel like this pile has to get their body in check. Have you been having physical health problems as of lately? I feel like you need to see a doctor. I am getting the image of someone with a fever getting their temperature checked. It’s almost summertime, this shouldn’t be happening! So first things first, take your Vitamin C. Once you take care of your physical health, you should affirm that everything will be okay. Expose yourself to new places, people and things. Take a getaway trip for the weekend, maybe longer. I think you should also write affirmations on post-its and put them up around your house. I feel like this pile went through a mutual break up but it still hurts. This will sound weird but you’ve been through worse so this shouldn’t break you, lol. I think that’s your spirit guides way of saying to stay optimistic about your situation. There’s an advantage in your situation. You will find more things to laugh about when it comes to your situation. Another thing that I suggest that you do is remove your ex’s energy; their clothes, pictures of them, any and everything. Get it out!
Cards Used: 4 of Discs, Temperance, Queen of Cups, Princess of Swords, 2 of Swords, 5 of Swords (RX), The Sun, 6 of Discs, The Star, Ten of Cups, Queen of Discs
extras: cameras flashing. candied yams. apples and oranges. dominoes pizza. hot flashes. quince.
Pile Four: I’m not going to lie, it may be time for you to consider taking the extra step to getting your mental health in check. If you have been feeling like ending it all, then please talk to a psychiatrist. They may prescribe you with medication. I feel like you need that extra boost. Shit feels stagnant with this group. It’s all about personal accountability with you guys. Yes, it sucks to have your heart broken but how will you fix it? How will you recover? I think you should get in touch with your family. It’s been a minute since you talked to them, hasn’t it? You might feel like they will mock you for going through it or say “I told you so” but they won’t. They’ll be angry about the fact that you were cheated on & manipulated. You were too good and too pretty for your ex, Pile Four. Any plans that you had with them are gone and it’s time to accept that. You may have a hard time moving on but it’s best that you are supported by those who have your best interest at heart. You absolutely can do it. Turn your pain into art. Make music, write poetry, draw something. Do anything to keep your energy moving and flowing. You should also get physical. I channeled Dua Lipa’s song for you as well. So get in the gym & build your physique, begin a cardio routine, just do it!!!
Cards Used: 6 of Cups, Ten of Discs, King of Wands (RX), The Empress, The Star, Death, 9 of Discs (RX), Ten of Swords, The Chariot (RX).
extras: agent of chaos. black ops. nike. “that’s not my forte.” acting. self-righteous. fake smile. eye bend.
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chaoticforever · 1 year
Love’s Illusion (And Unfaithful Wounds) | Steve Rogers x Male! Reader
Summary: Whispers of doubt had always lingered in the back of Y/n’s mind, like distant echoes of a foreboding prophecy. Nobody dared to utter them out loud, but everyone knew that nothing lasts forever. Still, Y/n had tried. He really did.
A/n: Remember when I made a short thought and said that I might turn into a fic one day? Well, I just did that. Enjoy :)
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"Wow, Tony, this whole setup looks nice."
You were awestruck as you surveyed the candlelit dinner that Tony had set up for you and Steve. The sight before you was amazing, and the glass windows opened up to reveal a breathtaking panorama of the night sky with a perfect round moon. And the view of New York City that you two had from this area was unparalleled.
Today marked your and Steve's second anniversary and you decided to surprise him with his favorite home-cooked meal and an engraved metal band. The words Ti amo, Mio eroe — which translates to I love you, my hero — were written on the inside. This is a gift Steve would adore.
As you admired the beautiful ring, you couldn't help but feel a wave of nerves wash over you. You intended to propose to him with it and hoped he will say yes.
"Of course it's amazing; I designed this." Tony bragged with pride. "It's like I have a natural talent for designing just about anything. If there was an award for a big brother of the year, it would go to me."
"No, no, no; Thor's the one who deserves that award without question. He had to deal with his insane brother with daddy issues who tried to take over the world." The corners of your mouth curled up in a grin as you walked over to the table and set down two plates of food on it. "You'd be the second runner-up for that award."
"Ouch, Y/n." Tony placed his palm over his chest, over his heart. "Hearing you say that stung like a thousand needles. Since you don't believe I'm the best big brother ever, I suppose I'll have the bots come up here and renovate this space."
How quickly your grin disappeared. "No, Tones, please don't do that. Dum-E and U will disassemble this room exactly as they disassembled my room when I was ten." You walked around the table, giving your brother a lighthearted punch to the arm. "You already know you're the best big brother anyone could've asked for."
"Of course I'm the best, but it's nice to be reminded of that." The man laughed. "Anyways, the outfit you ordered arrived earlier, and I put it in your former room. Now that I've finished up here, I'm going to head down to the lab. I hope that you and Capsicle have a terrific evening."
"Thank you, Tony."
Just as your brother walked out of the room, your phone dinged in your pocket, signaling that you had received a text. You checked your messages and found that Natasha had informed you that she, Steve, and Bucky had returned from their assignment and that Steve was all yours.
Your response was a simple okay and then you went to the bathroom that was attached to your former room to shower.
You were looking forward to this dinner because you and Steve appeared to be growing apart as of late. While you were aware of his continued affection for you, you noticed that in the past five months, he has been spending the majority of his time with Bucky than you. You could not say that it didn't hurt because it did, but you can see why Steve longed to spend as much time as possible with his long- lost friend after they were reunited after spending more than seventy years apart.
Therefore, you were quite excited about your anniversary meal because you and Steve will have some time to yourselves. And if things are going well on the date, you two can take things to the next level in the bedroom. The cupids will love it.
After showering and changing into a sharp-looking black tuxedo, you went to your and Steve's private floor to retrieve him. You were looking forward to tonight and you knew that Steve had worked up an appetite after all of his fighting today.
As you opened the door to the bedroom, a radiant smile spread across your face. "Hey Steve, I hope you're hungry sinc—"
There was an immediate disappearance of the expression on your face, and your words died in your throat mid-sentence. The sight before you prevented you from completing the sentence that had been on the tip of your tongue. What the fuck.
You blinked three times in the hopes that your eyes were just deceiving you or that you would finally be free from this awful dream. And yet, this was no mere dream. What you saw was not a dream.
...What ...The... Fuck...
Steve was naked on your bed, but he was not alone. Bucky was there too, and he was naked as well. And you watched as Steve was kissing and fucking Bucky.
At this exact moment, you felt your heart rip painfully out of your chest and broke into a million pieces, tears welling up in the corners of your eyes. There he was, your boyfriend, the man you loved more than life itself, fucking his friend in your bed. Your whole life just collapsed.
There was a sharp intake of breath from the depths of your throat. "Oh, my God." After hearing your disbelieving whisper, the two soldiers turned to stare at you.
"Y/n." When Steve noticed you standing in the doorway, his eyes widened and he immediately got out of Bucky and stood up. Just as Steve put on his boxers, you snapped out of your stunned stupor and bolted out of the room "Y/n, wait! Please let me explain!" He shouted desperately.
You ignored the blonde super soldier who was calling out to you. With tears running down your cheeks, you opted to hasten towards your brother's private elevator, which would take you down to his workshop. How could Steve do this to you? You trusted him with your heart, but he broke it in one of the worst ways.
As the footsteps behind you begin to quicken, you round the corner where the elevator is and the doors swing open for you. Steve grabbed you by the shoulder, flipped you around, and put his hands on your waist to prevent you from entering. "Wait, Y/n." A pleading tone came from him, blue eyes gazing into your e/c ones.
"Wait for what, Steve?! Do you want me to wait for you to finish fucking Bucky in my bed, or wait for you to come up with a shitty explanation for what I just saw?"
"No, no, I just want to tell you the truth."
"Don't bother talking; I'm not interested in what you have to say... just let me go."
"I'm not interested in hearing what you have to say!" You shouted brokenly, and droplets still trickled down your cheeks. There wasn't any indication of anger on your part, and that was reflected in your tone. But there was no sugarcoating the hurt and utter betrayal that came from it. "Just... leave me alone, okay? I don't feel like speaking to you, nor do I want to see you. I cannot believe you would cheat on me..." Your voice cracked as you glanced at the man you had called your boyfriend. "Get off me..." Your voice was a whisper.
Steve, being the stubborn man he is, shook his head, arms tightening around your waist when you tried to draw away.
"The young boss has requested that you release him, Captain." FRIDAY'S icy voice pierced your ears, unimaginably chilling. "Let go of him, or I'll have to do it myself."
Now that the blonde heard the artificial intelligence's timbre — which sounded dangerously close to being scary, Steve gently releases you, and you back away to create some space between you two.
You reached into your pocket and threw a little, sleek box at him. "I was planning on giving that to you tonight during our anniversary dinner, but it's useless now. What you do with it is up to you. You can keep it or give it to Bucky if you want to." You stepped backward into the elevator. "Happy Anniversary, Rogers. We're over."
In the instant that followed, the elevator door shut before the super soldier could respond — a deliberate move by FRIDAY.
You let out a sigh as you shut your eyes, sniffling. God, you felt like such an idiot, thinking that Steve loved you when he was fucking Bucky behind your back.
The worst part is that you saw the signs but ignored them because you love him. Clearly, he doesn't feel the same though.
The moment you walked off the elevator, Tony was waiting there. You figured that FRIDAY had already informed him of the recent situation or shown him the video. The billionaire appeared ready to kill and he possessed a menacing appearance.
"I will kill Capsicle for what he did to you later." A moment later, his eyes softened. "Come here, Y/n." His arms opened wide.
You raced into Tony's arms, sobbing into his shoulder because there was nothing else you could do after tonight's events.
Steve broke you.
He broke your heart into pieces, and you didn't think it would ever be whole again.
Weeks following the incident were grim.
To begin, you and Steve no longer share a bedroom, therefore you have returned to the one you had previously occupied. You both were not together anymore, so you knew that it was the correct choice, but you missed sharing a bed with him. You longed for his warm embrace and the comfort he always brought. Without Steve, the bed feels considerably colder.
And throughout those weeks, you made an effort to avoid both Steve and Bucky like the plague. Since you were the team hacker and proficient in multiple martial arts styles, the only times you could not escape them was during team missions, training exercises, and meetings. Other than this, you didn't spend any additional time with them because it hurt too much to be around them after what they did.
Your feelings of betrayal weren't limited to Steve; Bucky was just as guilty in your eyes. You made an effort to make Bucky feel at ease here, even if he was the tool used to murder your parents. Seeing him around the Compound, in the beginning, was hard since it brought up memories of the footage that showed him choking your mother to death and cracking your father's head. Even though you knew he was indoctrinated and couldn't be held responsible, it still hurt to see him here.
You accepted Bucky's apology for his acts as the Winter Soldier, notably the murder of your parents, and managed to forgive him since you recognized he was a victim. Eventually, you and he became friends, putting the past behind you two.
So, you felt betrayed by them both.
The other Avengers knew that there was something not quite right between you and Steve, but they didn't know what it was. Steve never gave them an honest answer, no matter how many times they asked. Therefore, Tony spilled the beans on everything that went down between you and Steve, and they did not take the news well. They were far from pleased.
The team was quite dissatisfied with Steve and Bucky, but Steve particularly so because he crushed your heart. Clint punched Steve after finding out because he couldn't understand why Steve would hurt you the way he did and wanted him to experience the same pain you felt.
Tony and Natasha insisted that Steve needed to pay for his actions, with Tony recommending that he should move out. You merely shook your head and stated that it wasn't necessary, knowing that he didn't have anywhere else to go and the team had to be together under one roof.
Really, you had no desire for vengeance against Steve. You wanted nothing more than to merely move on and find peace. But it appears that the universe is not on your side, since you were unable to find peace in your dreams. Just nightmares.
Like that night.
Within the dream, you found yourself standing on an all-too-familiar road. The road where your parents were murdered.
"Help... my wife... help my wife."
Oh, God. No, please. You hesitantly turned around and saw your parents, and you knew that your plea had been ignored; you were about to witness them die again. You tried to run, so you would not have to witness this, but it's like your feet are glued to the earth, stopping you.
Howard desperately called out to the stranger who pulled up on a motorcycle once he managed to get out of the car. Slowly, he attempted to crawl over to the individual in his peripheral vision before his head was lifted and he found himself gazing at him. "Sergeant Barnes?"
His voice trembled with recognition as Barnes' metal fist slammed into his face multiple times, leaving bloody marks on the older man's face. A subsequent blow to the head resulted in a fatal skull crack.
"Howard!" Mom; your loving, nice mom. She was a kind and generous soul who only wanted the best for you and Tony. You watched as Barnes strangled her to death, thus committing a double murder.
You closed your eyes, as your lips began to tremble, desperately fighting the tears that were coming from witnessing your parents' deaths again. Trying hard to block out the pain your parents went through. Regardless of your relationship with your father, he did not deserve that.
Now, the Winter Soldier looked at you.
"Is it ironic that the man who took your parents from you is the same one who took the love of your life from you? You should know now that Captain America will never love you the way you love him. Bucky will always be Steve's first choice, and you'll always be his second choice."
You felt your fists tighten as you realized the soldier was correct. Whenever given the choice between you and Bucky, the blonde would always choose Bucky. He could not love you the way he loved him.
You snapped awake and screamed —screamed so loud it sounded like a siren in the middle of the night, smashing into your ears. Your throat became very raw and felt like it was about to burst out of your body. Tears welled up in your eyes as you took a look around the room and remembered that you were by yourself. The comforting presence of the blonde soldier was no longer available to you.
You brought your knees up to your chest and couldn't help but wonder why Steve chose Bucky over you. Why were you not enough for him? Did he not love you too?
Maybe that's why, after weeks of Steve pleading with you to speak to him alone, you finally agreed to meet him at a local coffee shop. You needed answers, and Steve was the one who could give them.
"Why," The mutual silence was broken by your tone. "Did you cheat on me, Steve?"
The blonde looked shamefacedly at the table before meeting your e/c eyes. "I'm sorry I just…" He let out a long sigh. "We have been in love since the forties, and now that I have him back and we can be together without fear of social stigma, a part of me still wanted to be with Bucky. I found it impossible to choose between you and him since I was in love with you as well, so I ended up doing the selfish thing and decided to choose him, too."
You shook your head at his justification. "H-How long has this been going on...?"
"Ever since you went to Paris with Tony."
You blinked at the soldier because—
Exactly eight months ago, you and Tony traveled to Paris to finalize a business agreement for Stark Industries. It's been eight months of Steve cheating on you.
In those eight months, every time you kissed, every time he held your hand, every time he held you in his arms, and every time you had sex, he was secretly seeing Bucky behind your back. You felt your heartbreak intensify from hearing that.
"You have been cheating on me for eight months." You shook your head, e/c eyes fixed on the blonde. "Why didn't you just tell me that you wanted to be with Bucky instead of cheating on me? I would have been hurt, but I would have understood."
"Because I'm an idiot and I didn't want to lose you," Steve confessed, pausing for a second as though to carefully consider his next words. "But this can be fixed. A couple of months ago, Bucky confessed to me that he had developed feelings for you, as well. There is something known as a polyamorous relationship in which we can all be together. Originally, I was planning to discuss this with you, but—"
"But rather than discussing it with me, you opted to cheat." Another head shake from you. "I have no desire to engage in a polyamorous relationship. I am strictly a one-person type of man." There was a sniffle from you. "And this can't be fixed, Steve. Before I mentioned that we were done and I will now say it again: we are done. I will not get back with a cheater."
You stood up and started to leave, but Steve intercepted your exit by grabbing your hand. You looked at him and felt a twinge of sadness as you realized that the blue of his eyes was the reflection of the tears that he had been holding back.
"Please, Y/n." The blonde's only option was to beg. "I know I've made mistakes, but we can fix this. I should have shared my thoughts with you sooner, but I loved you both and couldn't choose one of you."
"You already did," You murmured in a faraway whisper. "You chose Bucky over me as soon as you started sleeping with him, Steve. I hope that you're happy with him, but we're done now. Goodbye."
Pulling away from his grasp, you left the coffee shop as you wiped away the tear stains from your cheeks. You didn't even bother glancing in Steve's direction upon leaving, but the sound of his sobs in the private booth left you feeling a little sad. You still loved him deeply, but you knew you couldn't get back together with him.
You deserved better.
You were running.
The soles of your sneakers made a loud thudding sound on the park's pavement as you ran through it. Since you haven't been going for morning runs in a while, you've decided to go to the park to clear your head and do some aerobic exercise.
Eventually, you stopped running and sat down on the closest bench to catch your breath. You shut your eyes and exhaled in short breaths, a thin coating of sweat covering your forehead and the back of your neck. You haven't gone for a run in quite some time, and now you're wishing you hadn't stopped since it's your body is not acclimated to running this much.
"Are you alright there, bub?"
When you glanced to your left, you noticed that the bench you were sitting on was already taken. There was a man sitting there with brown hair that danced in the breeze to nature's symphony and hazel eyes that were the softest brown tinged with green that spoke to the soul of nature. And he was smoking a cigar.
He's handsome, You thought privately.
"Yes, I'm fine." You answered, your heart still thumping loudly in your ears despite your breathing becoming normalized. "I just haven't gone running in some time."
"Fair enough." The mystery man nodded, then reached for the water bottle next to him, and held it out to you. "You want it? You look like you need it more than I do."
You normally wouldn't accept something from a stranger, but the weather was hot and your mouth was dry, so you took the water bottle the mysterious man offered.
"Thanks a lot, stranger." You unscrewed the water bottle's top and drank from it. The water's coolness was refreshing as it slid down your throat and you smiled.
The man's lips twitched a bit. "I'm Logan."
"It is nice to meet you, Logan. I'm Y/n." You introduced yourself. "So, is this, by chance, your first time here at the park?"
Logan shook his head. "No, I come here whenever I need to clear my head, either through running or other means. Though I can tell that this is your first time here since I have never seen you here before."
The other man wasn't wrong in his little assessment. You have never visited this before today. You and Steve used to go running in Central Park, but now you are doing it by yourself in Westchester, New York. Running here by yourself wouldn't bring up old memories of you and Steve.
And you're kinda glad you came running here today otherwise you wouldn't have met Logan — who gifted you with water.
"You're correct in that regard." You drank some more water before ascending and meeting his gaze. "Well, It's time for me to resume my run. Thanks, by the way, for the water. Maybe I'll run into you again and we can go running sometime."
"Or," Logan stood and put his cigar out. "We can go running right now. There's a river just down the path." He pointed his finger to emphasize its location. "There, we can have a race to see who is faster."
"No, no, no, no. You have been sitting on that bench for who knows how long, and running has simply drained me of all my energy. That is not fair and you know it."
"Life isn't fair, bub. Do you want to do it?"
You bit your lip, debating on what to do.
On one hand, you would almost surely lose this race because Logan is clearly more muscular and energetic than you.
Yet, you were not the type to back down from a challenge, and you were eager to carry on your conversation with Logan. From this quick meeting, you could tell there was something so intriguing about him, and you were curious to learn more.
Moreover, you did not want to return to the Compound anytime soon. If you did, you would likely catch Bucky and Steve together, which you did not wish to see.
Subconsciously, you knew what to do.
"Okay, fine, but — what the hell is that?!" You pointed behind Logan, causing him to turn around, and you raced down the path, your sneakers hammering fiercely against the earth. The truth is, there was nobody behind him, but you figured that claiming that would give you a headstart.
In the end, that headstart didn't help you at all because Logan ended up winning, which wasn't a surprise to anyone at all.
However, a positive development in your friendship with Logan started that day. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, you two would get up early and go for a run together. It was the one time of day that you both always looked forward to. You enjoy talking to the man despite his grumpy demeanor because of his witty, dry sense of humor, and you cannot help but stare at his ripped arms. Because of his tank top, it was impossible to resist.
Though, it wasn't just running that you looked forward to. After one of your runs with Logan, the male expressed interest in spending time with you outside of the park and asked if you would want to get some lunch with him. You accepted the brunet's suggestion and then you had to convince yourself that this wasn't a date but just the two guys hanging together.
The following Friday was the lunch hangout between you and Logan. The restaurant was pleasant without being overbearing or pretentious, but the meal is laden with bacon and oil, and it should be shut down as a threat to public health.
The conversation was lighthearted and smooth before it took a serious turn. As he snacked on fries, the brunet asked if you were in a relationship with someone.
"I was involved in a romantic relationship with a man." You stated carefully, gaze keenly observing the brown-haired male. You weren't sure if Logan was okay with people who like the same gender, but his expression didn't exhibit any symptoms of repulsion, so you continued speaking. "After two great years together, Captain America broke my heart by cheating on me. I just wasn't good enough for him."
You scratched the back of your neck.
A hand was placed on top of yours, and you opened your e/c eyes to see Logan shaking his head and staring into yours. His hazel eyes were gleaming gently, yet there was a hint of rage present in them.
"Never, ever believe that you aren't good enough for someone; that isn't true. You are remarkable in every way imaginable. You are sweet, thoughtful, hilarious, and handsome. You're the kind of boyfriend any lady or man would be lucky to have. The Captain is not good enough for you."
When you heard Logan say those words, a smile tugged at your lips. You've never been the recipient of numerous praises from a single person in a while, and you could tell that Logan meant every one of them. He never failed to make you smile.
"Thank you, Logan. You don't know how much it means to me to hear you say that."
"No problem." The man shot you a smile, brushing his thumb along your knuckles.
You mirrored Logan's smile, and then your gaze dipped to his rosy lips. The ripped man was your secret crush, and you wanted nothing more than to press your lips to his and have a taste of his tongue. Instead, however, you removed your hand and returned to eating lunch.
The two continued to have a wonderful time for the remainder of lunch, with the conversations being light and informal. Logan seemed to share your sentiments because he inquired whether there was any chance of doing this again, and you replied yes to repeating this experience.
You found happiness in the company of the other man. So much happiness that the sight of Steve and Bucky together doesn't cause you any further emotional distress. You felt like Logan was putting your shattered heart back together after Steve had broken it into a million pieces.
The Avengers have surely taken note of your improved mood and are wondering what's changed. They didn't know who it was, but the team knew it was someone because you were occasionally spotted messaging on your phone while smiling.
"Who's Logan?"
A little startled, you turned and saw Tony peering at your phone from behind. A small smile played on his lips, but his question carried a serious undercurrent.
"A friend." The phone was placed in your pocket. "So, tell me, what's so important that you wish to speak with me today?"
"Don't try to divert the conversation, Y/n. You need to fill me in on this Logan guy. First and foremost, is he a boyfriend that I am unaware of?" After his words, there was a pause. "You know what? Don't tell me anything. You can simply provide me with Logan's last name, and I'll conduct a complete background check on him."
"Stop harassing your brother, Tony," Pepper stated once she came into the common area, her heels clicking across the floor as she embraced you. "Hi, Y/n."
"Hey, Pepper." You returned the blonde's embrace before breaking apart. "Finally, someone recognizes the importance of respecting people's right to privacy and refraining from prying for information." Your words were clearly aimed at Tony.
Although you and Pepper laughed, Tony could merely roll his eyes. As far as he's concerned, he did nothing wrong. In light of Steve's infidelity, the genius was more protective of you. Tony was worried that you would be hurt again, and he wanted to make sure that this Logan fella was a suitable fit for you. He will not allow his brother to be hurt by another man again.
"Considering Cap had broken your heart, I believe I have every right to probe into your dating life and find out everything I can about your other potential partners."
You flashed a smile toward your sibling. "That's sweet, but he's not someone you should worry about. After all, he's just a friend, anyway. So, tell me, what exactly did you two need to discuss with me?"
One hand was placed around Pepper's waist by Tony and they both exchanged passionate glances before gazing at you. You shifted your gaze between the two, waiting for an answer to your question.
"Well, Tony finally popped the question."
Your gaze immediately drifts to Pepper's hand, where, sure enough, a magnificent ring can be spotted. Tony had proposed. Tony's engaged and he's getting married.
Your throat exploded in a joyful scream. "Oh, my God! Congratulations, you two!"
As you hugged Tony and Pepper, you felt an overwhelming sense of joy for them. After everything they have been through together, they deserved one another. As you celebrated Tony's engagement, a twinge of envy just crept into your heart.
You had desired to get married to Steve.
You shook your head to get rid of that thought, as this wasn't about you and it wasn't the time to dwell on the fact that you once wanted to marry Steve. Today was the time to celebrate your brother's upcoming marriage to the love of his life.
"Y/n, you are okay with this, right?" Tony asked warily, voice trembling with worry.
"Of course I am! My big brother's getting married!"
There was another scream from your throat before you told Tony and Pepper that you would be happy to help them in any way possible with wedding planning.
The blonde and the billionaire requested that you select their wedding cake since you're familiar with their tastes and they had Stark Industries business to attend to. You said yes right away because you knew where to find the most delicious wedding cake in all of New York City.
"I appreciate it, Y/n. The wedding cake, at least, won't disappoint." Pepper said. "Perhaps you could invite this Logan guy to go cake-tasting with you." She smiled.
"Absolutely not!" Your sibling interjected. "And don't promote such behavior, Pep. I won't feel comfortable having him meet up with Logan until I've either met him in person or had his full name to perform a background check." He turned around to address you directly. "Don't make me ground you because I will if I have to."
Indulging in a hearty chuckle at Tony's treatment of you, you quickly pulled out your phone and started texting Logan, oblivious to the fact that a certain super soldier overheard the whole exchange.
You listened to Pepper's advice and asked Logan to go cake tasting with you tomorrow. After receiving his agreement to go with, you sent him a text message with the address to the bakery building.
The following day, you and Logan met at the bakery's entrance. Your friend was, as usual, smoking a cigar while standing in his customary attire of a black flannel shirt and blue jeans. As an added bonus, he was rocking a black jacket. You have not seen him in this black jacket before, but it's a great addition to his wardrobe.
He looked as handsome as ever before.
As the bell on the door chimed, you and Logan entered the bakery nestled on the corner of the bustling street. The air is alive with the fragrances of the bakery's creation, each one more tantalizing than the last. Sounds of laughter and chatter filled the air as customers chat with the bakers and each other, creating a happy, bustling atmosphere within the location.
From behind the counter, an employee, a pleasant and kind woman, smiled at you both. "What can I get for you two?"
"Hello there. Is your boss around?"
The woman's head shook with a gentle sway. "I'm afraid Ms. Stone had to leave unexpectedly for a family emergency," She explained, her voice soft and caring. Despite the news, a warm smile graced her lips as she went around the counter.
"I've been expecting you tho, Mr. Stark," She continued with a reassuring tone. "Please, allow me to guide you to a table where you'll find the wedding cakes you are searching for." With a hand gesture, the brunette motioned for you to follow her, her footsteps light and purposeful.
She led you and Logan over to a small table in the corner of the bakery where she had set out a variety of cakes to try.
With each cake that was sampled, you and the other guy discussed each of the cake's flavor, texture, and presentation, carefully considering which one would be the best cake for Tony's special day.
However, during the sampling, Logan's behavior took an unexpected turn. After the third cake, he leaned in and began to feed you, a playful glint in his eyes. You were taken aback by the gesture, unsure of how to respond. Yet as he wiped the crumbs from your face with his thumb, you felt a huge rush of great excitement.
You knew this wasn't something that friends typically did with each other, so you were confused by Logan's actions.
In spite of your bewilderment, you didn't try to stop him. You secretly enjoyed it, relishing in the playful dynamic between the both of you. But you knew that you needed to address the situation later, to get to the bottom of what was going on.
But for now, you decided to simply enjoy the moment, savoring the flavors of the delicious cakes and the thrill of Logan's playful gestures. Yet in the back of your mind, you realized that you would need to have a serious conversation with him soon. The mystery of Logan's behavior was something that you couldn't ignore.
Upon tasting several cakes, you settled on a rich chocolate cake with layers of raspberry filling and buttercream frostin. Tony and Pepper are going to love this.
"This is the one." You stated confidently.
The employee smiled as she carefully packaged up a slice of cake for you and Logan to take with. With practiced ease, the female wrote down the details of the wedding cake you had decided on, her pen moving gracefully across the paper. 
"I will be sure to let Ms. Stone know your selection," She said. "And may I just say, you two make such an adorable couple!  Congrats on your upcoming wedding!"
Your face became very hot. "Oh, we're—"
"—very happy to hear that." The tall male interjected smoothly, taking hold of your hand and planting a tender kiss on your temple before directing his gaze toward the female. "Have a wonderful day, bub."
With that, you and Logan walked out of the bakery, hand in hand. Rather than parting ways, you headed to the park to watch the sunset. Upon sitting down on a cozy bench, the sky was flushed with vibrant hues of pink, orange, and purple. The sun slowly descended towards the horizon, casting a warm glow over the world around you. This view was great.
You knew it was time to confront Logan concerning the situation at the bakery.
"Yeah?" His gaze was focused on you.
"Why did you make that employee think that we were engaged? And why do you keep being so touchy-feely with me and feeding me? Friends don't do that, man."
Logan didn't verbally respond. Instead, he reached out and grabbed the side of your face, pulling you close and sealing your lips in a kiss. Your body responded to his touch, your senses overwhelmed by the intensity of this kiss. However, as quickly as it had started, he pulled away, his eyes searching yours for a reaction.
"I — I don't understand." You stammered, heart racing with a mix of emotions.
Did Logan like you, too?
Logan's hand reached out to caress your cheek. "I like you a lot, Y/n, and I want to be with you, but I want to make sure that you're not still hung up on Steve."
"I'm not still hung up on, Steve."
It was the truth, you reminded yourself. You had moved on from the sheer pain and betrayal that Steve had caused you. Even though he had been a huge part of your life for years, you had finally found the strength to let go and move forward.
And it's because of Logan. Ever since he had come into your life, everything had changed. The way he looked at you, the way he held your hand, the way he made you feel — it was all so vastly different from what you experienced with Steve.
"You're not?" The hazel-eyed man's eyes were filled with both curiosity and hope.
"No." The word hung in the air like a weight, heavy and final. "I'm not. I like you, too, and I want to be with someone who truly likes and respects me like you."
Relief washed over Logan's face, and he smiled. "I'm glad," He said, and then his expression turned serious. "But if we're going to be together, there's something you need to know about me that might make you regret wanting to be with me."
You raised an eyebrow in curiosity. What could Logan possibly tell you that would make you regret wanting to date him?
"Tell me."
Logan seemed nervous, which was unusual for him. You watched him take a deep breath, and then he said, "I think it would be better... if I just showed you." His eyes flickered toward his right hand.
You had no idea what he meant until you saw the sharp glint, the metallic slash of the claws that protruded from his hands, like knives made of iron. Oh...Wow... You were stunned, realizing at that moment that Logan was a mutant. He must have been worried that you would not accept him because of his extraordinary powers
Logan's gaze locked onto yours, searching for any sign of fear or rejection. He did not know if you were someone who accepted mutants or not and he was laying his heart on the line.
But you weren't like most people in this world who harbored hate and mistrust toward mutants. You believed that everyone deserved respect and acceptance, no matter what.
"So, you're a mutant?" You asked softly, meeting Logan's gaze with a newfound sense of understanding, hand ghosting over the sharp edges of Logan's claws.
Logan nodded, his expression guarded. "Yeah, Y/n. This is a part of who I am."
A smile tugged at the corners of your lips. "Well, that's not something that will make me not want to be with you. I like you for who you are, Logan — all of you."
You took Logan's hand in yours, feeling a sense of connection and closeness that you had never felt before. It was as if his powers had brought you two even closer together, rather than driving you apart.
Logan's smile returned. "Thank you, Y/n."
You leaned in, closing the gap between you, and kissed him gently. The feel of his lips against yours was electric, and you knew at that moment that you had made the right choice. Logan Howlett was the one for you — mutant or not.
"Knock, knock."
As you pushed open the hotel door, you were greeted with the sight of Tony, his fingers fumbling with his tie as he tried to make it look presentable. He seemed nervous. His usual confident energy was replaced with a nervous one that no one has seen before. It was understandable.
Today was the day that your brother was getting married to the love of his life and the gravity of the situation seemed to be hitting Tony all at once. You didn't blame him for feeling a little overwhelmed now.
The clock was ticking, and the wedding ceremony was just an hour away. You, Tony, and the other male Avengers had gathered at the hotel nearby to help the groom get ready. Downstairs, the rest of the male Avengers was eating breakfast before slipping into their sharp suits for the occasion. But you had a feeling that Tony needed some extra support, so you came up here to check on the groom.
A lopsided grin broke out on Tony's face as he got his tie knot finished. "Hey, bro. Just in time to see me looking my best."
You chuckled, knowing that Tony always looked his best, but looked extra dapper in his tuxedo today. "You look amazing, Tony," You complimented him, grabbing his jacket from the bed. "Pepper's going to be blown away when she sees you. I can't believe you two are tying the knot."
"Yeah, Pepper and I are finally doing it."  Tony's smile widened, but then it faded again as he looked back at his reflection. "I just wish Mom could be here to see it."
Your heart ached at the mention of your mother. She had always been supportive of Tony than your father, even during his darkest moments. You knew how much she would have loved to see her son get married. But you knew that she instilled in him the strength and resilience to get through anything, including his wedding day without her being physically there.
You put a hand on his shoulder. "I know, man. I miss her too. But she would have been so proud of you today. I know it."
"I hope so. It just feels weird, you know? Getting married without her here for it."
You squeezed his shoulder. "I know it does. But she's with you in spirit and in your heart. And she wouldn't want you to be sad on your wedding day. I know that she is looking down on you with a smile. She’s just as proud of you as I am."
The billionaire looked at you, and for a moment, you two started at each other. Then, he moved and hugged you tightly.
"Thank you Y/n," Tony whispered into his brother's ear. "Thank you for being here."
You embraced him back with equal warmth, feeling your eyes moisten with tears. You knew that this was more than simply a hug, but also the overwhelming realization of the bond you both shared.
His words echoed in your mind, and you knew that he wasn't just referring to this moment. Your brother was pertaining to the unbreakable connection you shared, built on a foundation of unwavering support and love, through all the ups and downs life had thrown your way.
He wasn't just your brother by blood, but also by heart, and you're grateful for him.
"Of course; that's what brothers are for." You remarked. "So, how are you feeling?"
"Nervous, to be honest," Tony admitted.
You raised an eyebrow. "You, nervous? I honestly never thought I'd see that day."
Tony chuckled. "Yeah, well, this is a big day and everything has to go perfectly.”
"Everything's going to be fine and you've got this. You and Pepper are perfect for each other, and today is the beginning of a wonderful journey together."
"You're right," Tony agreed. "Today is the beginning of something amazing, and I can't wait to see what the future holds."
"That's the spirit, bro!"
You gracefully slipped Tony's suit jacket onto his broad shoulders, smoothing out any creases with your hands. Just as you finished, your phone dinged, pulling your attention away from Tony. You checked it and saw two messages waiting there.
One was from Rhodey, announcing that he was ten minutes away. The other was from Logan. Your heart leapt as you read Logan's message, telling you that he had arrived outside of your hotel. You were both surprised and ecstatic that he had managed to make it, despite previously declining your invitation due to his busy schedule and the wedding's location in California. He came all this way for me.
You couldn't help the smile that formed on your face after receiving Logan's text.
You quickly informed Tony of their arrival and that you were going to greet them downstairs. Tony, ever the curious one, suggested that you bring Logan up so he could interrogate him and get to know him better. You rolled your eyes at your siblings' protectiveness but agreed to go down and get them from outside.
As you stepped out of the hotel room, the carpet beneath your feet muffled the sound of your footsteps. You made your way down the hall until you collided with someone. Felt more like a wall tho. You stumbled back, catching yourself just in time to look up and see Bucky, standing in front of you in a perfectly tailored suit.
The two of you stood in silence for a moment, not quite sure what to say. This is the first time you two have been alone since the whole incident with Steve. You had seen him around the compound and during team stuff, but this was different.
This was the first time you were alone with him, without anyone else present, and you were not sure how to feel now.
Though, you did know one thing – You didn't hate him and from what Steve told you, he didn't hate you either. "A couple of months ago, Bucky confessed to me that he had developed feelings for you."
"Nice suit." You said, unsure of what to say, but wanting to break the silence. "I didn't know you had such good taste in..."
"I'm sorry," Bucky interrupted, his voice barely above a whisper.
This apology was unexpected, but you could hear the remorse and guilt in his voice, and it tugged at your heartstrings. He then continued speaking, his words pouring out of him like a confession and you listened carefully to what he voiced. 
"I'm so sorry for what I did to you, for seeing Steve behind your back. I was selfish and didn't consider your feelings, and for that, I am truly sorry. I know that nothing I say can make it right and that you hate me, but I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry for everything I did to you, and I don't expect your forgiveness."
You nodded, acknowledging his apology and the sincerity that was present in his voice. "I appreciate your apology, man. It takes courage to admit one's faults, but you should know that I do not hate you."
Bucky's eyes widened in surprise, gazing at you in disbelief. "You should hate me," He insisted, his voice low and his gaze unwavering. "I took everything from you."
"But I don't," You replied honestly. "What happened between us three hurt me so much." You watched as the man bowed his head in shame. "I was so hurt, but I decided to move on to find peace, and I decided not to harbor hate toward you."
You placed a hand on Bucky's shoulder, shocking yourself with the movement. "I truly hope you're happy with him. By the way, I forgive you for what you've done."
You walked passed Bucky down the hall when he called out, voice very uncertain. "..Do you think we can be friends again?"
Bucky knew that the chance of being with you romantically was slim to none.
After everything that had happened, after the things he and Steve had done, he knew it would be impossible to have a relationship with you. That didn't stop him, though, from feeling deeply for you, from cherishing the time you two spent together. He wanted that friendship back.
You paused for a moment, uncertain of the answer. But you turned back to him and offered a smile. "I'll see you around."
With a final smile, you descended the staircase to meet Logan and Rhodey, leaving Bucky standing in the hallway.
Once you stepped outside the hotel, the warm California sun greeted you with its embrace. You scanned the area, looking for Logan. Then you saw him, standing like a beacon of style in a finely-tailored suit that hugged his frame in all the right places. It seemed as though he had just stepped right out of a fashion magazine.
You approached him, and a smile broke out on his handsome features when he caught sight of you. You couldn't resist wrapping your arms around him, feeling his strong and steady arms around your waist in response. He actually made it.
Upon pulling away, you asked what he was doing here in Cali, surprised by his unexpected appearance. He explained that his team had to come to California to pick up a mutant, and he decided to go to Tony's wedding with you instead. You felt a warm feeling spread through you, grateful for his presence here today.
You thanked him and smiled as Rhodey joined in, greeting both of you. Together, the three of you headed upstairs to your brother's room. However, as you entered, it was like a scene from a movie. Tony was prepared with an interrogation for Logan, determined to make sure he was good enough for you. You couldn't help but smile at Tony's overprotectiveness, knowing it came from a place of love.
Logan was prepared for the questioning. He answered every question confidently and called Tony a wonderful brother for being so protective over you, softening Tony's eyes a little. You couldn't help but smile at how well he handled the grilling.
Finally, Rhodey spoke, reminding us that he had a wedding to prepare for and not to interrogate your boyfriend right now.
Tony stopped, but not before promising that he would continue the conversation at a later time. For now, you, Rhodey, and Logan helped calm Tony's nerves down. Soon, Tony was looking more confident than he was when you entered the room for the first time. He's ready.
And as both Tony and Pepper exchanged vows and shared a passionate kiss, you watched with pride as your sibling found a source of love and support in his life.
The grand reception that followed was a magnificent spectacle, a true, deliberate celebration of love and joy. The banquet was a lavish display of culinary delights, fit for the grandest of royalty. The dance floor seemed to extend to infinity and was adorned with shimmering lights as if the stars themselves had descended to witness the special occasion tonight.
Tony and Pepper twirled and spun, lost in their own world as they celebrated their union with family and friends.
You stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom, washing your hands when the door creaked open. Your head turned to the side to see Steve standing there, his piercing blue eyes focused on your form.
"Y/n, can we talk?" Steve asked softly.
You turned your whole body to face him. "I didn't know we had things to discuss."
"Y/n, I know that I messed up." He said, his voice cracking. "I should never have cheated on you with Bucky. I'm so sorry."
You stared at him for a long moment before responding. "Steve, I loved you. I gave you everything, and you threw it all away to be with Bucky. You broke me."
The man hung his head, unable to meet your gaze. "Y/n, please..." The tall blonde pleaded. "I know I can't take back what I did — but I want to try and make things right. I still love you and I want to be with you again — to make up for my mistake."
But you just shook his head, a tiny smile playing on your lips. "Steve, I appreciate your apology, but I cannot get back with you. Besides, I have moved on and I am currently in a relationship with a man."
The soldier felt a spike of jealousy. "Oh, who? The guy you took as your date?"
"Yes, his name's Logan and he treats me the way I deserve to be treated, with love and respect. That man makes me happy and I do not want to ruin what we have."
Steve's heart sank at your words. He had hoped that there was still a chance for them, but he knew now that it was over.
He had lost you for good.
"I understand." The blonde spoke, voice barely audible. "I just want you to know that I'm sorry, and I will always love you."
You nodded. "And I will always have love for you, but It's time for us both to move on. I hope that you and Bucky are happy together." You threw Steve a small smile before exiting the bathroom by yourself.
When you made it back to the ballroom, you saw Logan sitting down at the table, nursing a drink in his hand with his eyes focused on the dance floor. You settled down next to him in the chair. "Hey, hey."
Logan's eyes flickered over, meeting yours, and a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. He leaned over and planted a kiss on your lips, "Hi there." He muttered. "I'm glad you finally came back, Y/n. You were in that bathroom for quite some time. I was starting to get a bit worried."
You chuckled, feeling the warmth of his lips on yours. "Don't worry, I'm fine. I just really had to use the restroom." e/c eyes scanned the dance floor, taking in the sight of couples dancing to the music.
"Let's go dance."
Logan's eyes widened in surprise at your suggestion. "I can't dance." He protested.
You waved away his worries with a tiny laugh. "That doesn't matter. Half of the people in here can't dance. C'mon, let's go have some fun." You took his hand in yours, feeling the rough callouses of his palm against yours as he hesitated for a moment before giving in. He placed his drink down and followed you out to the dance floor. The music swelled around you, and you lost yourself in the rhythm, moving in sync with Logan. Pretty good.
As the music swirled around you, you felt a rush of joy and freedom coursing through your veins. This was what it felt like to be truly alive. And as you danced here with Logan, you knew that you had made the right decision in letting go of Steve and choosing Logan to be yours.
You trusted him implicitly, and you knew that he wouldn't hurt you like Steve had.
Logan was rugged and tough, with a heart of gold that shone through in the way he looked at you. He made you feel safe and cherished — and you knew that you could trust him with your heart. And who knows, maybe in the future, you and Logan could end up marrying each other.
As you swayed to the music, lost in the moment, you knew one thing for certain:
Logan Howlett was your everything.
He was your one and only.
Steve stood alone in the dim bathroom, the weight of his heartache heavy upon his chest. His tears fell freely, streaming down his cheeks in a never-ending flow. The ring you had intended to propose to him with rested on his trembling finger, a cruel reminder of what could've been.
He traced the edges of the ring with his fingertips, feeling every inch of it, every groove and crevice, as the memories of your love flooded his mind. The soldier had followed you into the bathroom, determined to win you back. He knew he had made a grave mistake in not telling you about his feelings for Bucky sooner. But he was scared of losing you, scared of being alone. And now he had lost you anyway, and the thought tore him apart.
But now, it was too late. You had moved on — found someone who treated you with the love and respect you deserved. Steve knew he could never compete with that. He wanted nothing more than for you to be happy, even if it meant he would never hold you in his arms again.
The blonde felt a wave of sadness wash over him, as he realized that he had lost you forever. Steve knew that he had only himself to blame for what happened, but it didn't make the pain any less intense.
The pain was like a knife twisting in his chest, a physical ache that wouldn't go.
It's my fault. I fucked up everything. You were an angel that flew away too soon.
He had Bucky, but he didn't have you.
He knew that he would have to live with the consequences of his actions, but he also knew that he would never forget the love he lost for the rest of his life — the happiness you had brought into his life.
With a heavy heart, he pulled out his wallet and gazed at the small picture of you and him at the carnival on your first date. Steve clung to the memory of that day, to the love he felt for you then and still felt now. A pic of two people in love, captured in a moment of real happiness.
The soldier took a deep breath in, trying to calm himself down, but it was no use. The tears kept coming, a never-ending stream of grief and heartbreak. He knew he had to let you go, had to accept that you were happy with someone else. It was so hard to do, so hard to give up on the love that meant everything to him.
And he whispered three words into the silence of the bathroom, voice choked with tears. It was a desperate plea for a love that he could never have again. And the words would never reach your ears.
"I love you."
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One False Move
Series Masterlist
Warnings: dark elements, some sexiness in this.
Note: this is what yall asked for, remember that.
Please leave me some feedback either in a reblog or an ask! Likes are always appreciated as well. You know I love yall and hell yeah, you love Professor Steve.
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Jake ignores every text and every call. When you pull up his Insta, you find yourself blocked. The last revelation crushes you, sending you into a tailspin and your bed. You burrow under the comforter and cry yourself to a restless sleep.
When you wake up, the sun is still down. It's not even four in the morning. You've never felt like this. So hollow and heavy at once. You drag yourself out of bed and make yourself drink a cup of instant coffee that makes your stomach rot.
You sit at the kitchen table in your empty dorm and hold your head. It's all a mistake, just lies. Professor Rogers knew what he was doing and it worked so well. Why didn't Jensen believe you? He knows better, he should've listened.
Your despair turns to anger and frustration. You don't know why you wasted your time. You get up and rinse out your mug before shuffling back to bed. Well, at least you have groceries for the break. You can make what you bought last a while. You're going to have to.
You lay down and try to fall back asleep. You drift in and out but feel worse as the window pales to a dim grey. The winter morning chills you and keeps you nestled under the blankets. It's only the urgent need that draws you out to the bathroom.
You're more away as you return to your room and grab your phone, stomach wobbly with anxious hope. No replies from Jensen, but a message from a private number.
'He's not worth it.'
You know who it is. He can hide his number but you know he's taunting you. What does he want? He's already ruined everything.
You ignore him and put your phone down. You think of putting a video on your laptop but that just makes you miss Jake even more. He should be here waking up with you. Last night should've been the best night of your life.
You get dressed before you let the thought break through clearly. It's desperate and stupid but you're not going to give up. You zip up your coat and shove your feet into your boots, pulling a toque onto your head. You grab your keys and phone and leave your lonely dorm behind.
The pavement is trimmed with frost and in some places, patches of ice crack under your treads. You keep your hands in your pockets as you chatter, walking with purpose along the curving paths. You stop in front of Jensen's building and look up. He's not going to answer your messages and you can't get in on your own, so you'll have to get creative.
You grab a pebble and count the windows. You're pretty sure it's that one. You huck the stone and it pings off the frame. From your side, it sounds pretty loud. You wait, nothing. You do it again. Several times before the window above opens.
Shit, you were close.
Jensen pokes his head out and lets out a huff that clouds in front of him, "go away--"
"Jake, please, just listen. You know I wouldn't... I wouldn't do that. Not with him."
"Pfft, come on, I'm not an idiot."
"Ugh, what did I ever do to make you believe I would--"
"I don't know. Late office meetings, sending me texts about staying late then calling it off, sounds like cold feet to me."
You lean your head back and whine, "he did that, okay? He took my phone--"
"Convenient story."
"Jake!" You holler, "why can't you see I'm telling the truth? I... you were going to be my first."
He just stares, quiet. You feel yourself wilt. He shakes his head and pulls back, disappearing behind the frame and slamming the pane down. There's your answer.
You turn slowly on your heel. Your eyes well and you quickly flick away your tears. Happy Holidays, indeed.
You're in no rush to get back to your dorm, even with cold nipping at your cheeks. You don't care. You have nothing to look forward too. You waited weeks for your break, to spend time with your boyfriend alone, and now you have nothing.
Typical. Just your luck. Even the wafting aromas of the cafe can't tempt you in as you pass. You carry on, keeping your head down outside the English building, and tramp along in a glum fog. Your feet carry you without a thought, the path etched into your mind and muscles. You look up at the familiar brick facade and fish out your keys.
It's frighteningly still and quiet outside. Most of campus is home and happy, but here you are. You pull out the keyring and scan your fob on the censor. The door beeps and you open it, puttering inside reluctantly.
Suddenly you feel the door open wider and you're shoved forward. You trip as someone skirts in behind you and pulls the heavy barrier shut with a clang. You throw your arms out and steady yourself, turning to face the unceremonious intruder.
"Hey, sweetheart, what's got you down?" Steve asks as he stands tall, hooking his thumbs in his pockets.
"What the hell? Get out? What are you doing--"
"Shhhh," he puts his finger to his lips, "listen."
You blink and hush, listening to the empty hall. What? It's quiet. There's... no one there. The epiphany strains your face as he smirks.
"That's right, sweetie, just you and me," he takes a step closer and you back up. "Sounds like a merry Christmas to me."
"No..." you exhale as you retreat along with his advance, "get away--"
"You can't spend the holidays alone," he says with dripping sympathy, "what kind of man-- boy would abandon you like that?"
"Stop," you hold a hand up, "Steve, you're scaring me."
"Well, baby," his cheek dimples, "you've hurt me so I think I get to return that favour."
He lunges and you stumble backwards, hitting the wall and rolling out of his way. You turn and race down the hallway, pumping your arms wildly. You surpass the elevator and yank open the door to the stairwell. You hear him behind you. He's close.
You grab the railing and swing yourself around, kicking over each step frantically as you struggle not to fall on your face. You're dizzy as you turn up the next flight and the next. Your lungs burn as you feel yourself slowing. You hear him, footsteps echoing up towards you.
You burst onto your floor and fumble with your keys desperately. You can't get a steady grip as you search for the key to your door. Finally, you slide it into the slot as the stairwell door clicks. You hurry inside but as you go to shut the door, it stops short of the frame.
You squeak as Steve gives the door a jolt and flings you back easily. You cry out as he enters and blocks you into the narrow hall that adjoins the rooms. You raise an arm, shielding yourself as your knees shake.
"Please, Steve," you beg as he shuts the door behind him.
"Oh, you don't have to say please, sweetie, I'll give you exactly what you need," he grabs your arm and pulls you close, "I told you, the minute you think you're alone, I'll be there."
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jeewrites · 3 months
Hold Fast | Ch. 3 - Curdles
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Series Masterlist
Rating: M for language, but this blog is 18+ MDNI
Summary: We leave the gym! A little bit of angst (that resolves by the end of the chapter)!
A/N: There are things I’m not tagging to avoid giving away the story. Please remember this is a work of fiction. See the endnote for content warning/spoilers. Tyty to @bloviating-vy for being the best beta.
Word Count: 3.8k
Tags: no y/n, reader has a nickname, swearing, reader is a powerlifting girlie in her late 30's described as short and she has hair long enough to put into a ponytail, Tom is alive unfortunately (we hate Tom), Tom owns a bar called Redfly's, Pope owns a gym, reader's mother is a menace, a lot of Frankie POV oops, use of Daddy but not like that 
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[text conversation]
😻🐟: Dinner Friday? Pick you up at 7? 🏋🏻‍♀️: 🎉🎉 😻🐟: Gonna to take that as a yes
🏋🏻‍♀️:  💃🏻💃🏻 😻🐟: Uhh, I don't do dancing
🏋🏻‍♀️: 💃🏻 = I'm excited for Friday 😻🐟: roger that 🫡
😻🐟: 💃🏻💃🏻 😻🐟: Did I do that right 🏋🏻‍♀️: 🎉🎉
It's been a week. Time crawled despite your full patient load. Frankie had texted you about dinner on Monday, but you hadn't heard from him since. It's not like you were great with texting either, seeing patients all day and charting in between, as fast as your fingers could humanly type. And the last thing you needed was for him to be texting and flying.
His last text had you chuckling between patients, a half smile ghosting your lips for the rest of the day. Your co-worker remarked on your good mood and you let it slip that you had a date you were looking forward to, before you remembered why you kept your romantic life private. What does he do? Is he also a doctor? Did you land another surgeon? What do your parents think? Does he want kids? Show us a picture!
As much as you liked and cared about the other physicians at the shared practice, they were also all mothers of young children, busy with playdates and the whirlwind of family life. The group practice was set up so the physicians could work part-time while also raising their babies. As the sole single and childless physician of the practice however, it felt like they lived vicariously through you sometimes. Well intentioned but prying questions into your love life or your life in general (what do you do with all that free time?). When you first started at the practice you declared any discussion about your failed engagement off limits. To distract from the drama of that whole part of your life, you sometimes offered up bits about your online dating adventures much to their interest and amusement. That is, until you heard, "I'm so glad I don't have to date anymore" for the millionth time. Ugh.
As you scarf down the last of your lunch on Friday, you feel your phone vibrate, alerting you to a new message. You take a quick peek, smiling when you see it's from Frankie. Your smile falls the next moment as you open the text.
😻🐟: have to raincheck on dinner sweets 🏋🏻‍♀️: is everything ok?
A text bubble appears after you respond, “...” flickering for what feels like eternity before disappearing. Your stomach curdles in concern and disappointment, was he okay? You didn't think he had his daughter this week. Was she ok? You were so looking forward to dinner with Frankie, especially after your last disastrous date with someone from the dating apps.
Frankie was still interested, right? He had hung around for your entire bench workout on Saturday until he absolutely had to go pick up his daughter from his mom's. He had been so protective at the gym when Mike was being an absolute douchebag.
Although he was also protective of Chloe too, that irritating voice in your head, your mother's voice, reminded you. As you sigh, staring at the phone willing him to respond, your favorite nurse Suze pokes her head into the break room alerting you of your next patient that arrived early.
"Ok, be right there," you respond, trying to keep an upbeat tone as you shove your phone and disappointment into your pocket and throw your trash away.
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Frankie isn't sure when was the last time he slept more than two consecutive hours since Wednesday. Fuck, Delta-Force Ops Training was easier than this. First, Vanessa had texted Sunday morning, begging Frankie to keep Gabi this week, her week, for some opaque reason related to work being extra busy and Vanessa needing more time for herself. I never ask you for favors, Francisco, Vanessa had guilted him over the phone.
Frankie figured with his work schedule working in his favor this week, he could keep Gabi and have his mamá watch her on the days he flew and on Friday evening so he could still take you out to dinner. His grand plans came crashing down when Gabi started fussing Wednesday, clinging to Frankie and refusing to go to sleep alone. At breakfast she seemed ok, like maybe she just had a cold or something. By dinner time she was burning up, refusing to eat or drink anything. Snot nosed, congested cough, and crying unless he held her. So he did, rocked her all night in her little toddler bed. Waking up to check her temperature, listen to her breathing, was she getting enough oxygen? and jolting awake at every whimper, cough, or cry. 
Gabi's congested cries snap Frankie’s attention back to her as he smooths her matted curls away from her face. She's still feverish to the touch and absolutely miserable. He briefly considers calling Vanessa in his desperation, but could already hear her biting response laced with resentment and anger. Why are you bothering me, Francisco? You're not doing me a favor by calling me when you agreed to keep her. You're the parent with custody right now, so fucking parent already.
This is the first time Gabi has gotten this sick when he had her on his own. Was this the flu? Did she have RSV? Why wouldn't she eat anything? Why couldn't the pediatrician's office fit her in this afternoon?
Call first thing tomorrow if she's doing worse and the Saturday on-call pediatrician can see her, the nurse's aide at the doctor's office tells him before relaying additional instructions on keeping Gabi comfortable and what signs to look for if she needs to go to the ER. It's only after Frankie hangs up the phone that he realizes it's Friday afternoon. He's supposed to take you out in a few hours.
He carefully sets Gabi down and tucks her blankets in around her before walking to the kitchen to wolf something down (when is the last time he ate something?) and text you. He hopes you'll understand he isn't blowing you off, that he really does want to take you out. You'll understand right? You have to know how much he likes you, admires you, is drawn to you anytime you are in the same place together, just wanting to be in your captivating presence. He still thinks you are miles out of his league, too smart, too pretty, too alive, to waste your time on a washed up someone like him with so. much. baggage. 
The fatigue hits him from left field as he texts you to cancel. Eyelids like lead weights despite the bright afternoon sun. As he reads your text response and tries to type his own reply, Gabi lets out a pained cry that sends his fried nerves into overdrive. He drops his phone on the kitchen counter to rush to her side. He tucks her back into his arms, soft words for comfort, and gently rocks her and himself into a hazy half sleep. 
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It is still light out when you finally get home from work, but the apartment feels dark and cold for the first time since you left Chase and moved here. Your safe haven feels... lonely now. Too quiet. A single empty coffee mug sits on the small dining table, a ring of tacky coffee dried on the inside, abandoned where you left it as you rushed out the door this morning.
You flop on your small couch and text Frankie one more time asking if he is okay. The silence you usually welcome sits heavy — dense and gray — as you wait for a response. When none comes, you consider showing up at Redfly's to hangout with Benny and the guys, but you realize you'd have to explain why you are there and not out to dinner with Frankie. This is what Chloé must have meant when she was worried things would get complicated.
You need to get out of your apartment, out of your head, before you drown in the silence. You consider for half a second, phone in hand and thumb hovering over a dating app icon, maybe you should respond to the dozen or so messages in your inbox, before you click your phone off. No, you didn't want to make it more messy and you are just reacting. Running from fucking feelings that spread like tendrils down your spine and around your chest the more you think about Frankie and the way he looked at you with those big brown eyes, listened to you, and showed you that he was, is, interested. There has to be a legitimate reason he canceled on you tonight.
So you decide to do what you always do when you need to work out your big feelings. You go work out your muscles. Bigger muscles to handle bigger feelings. Release the not good enough, never good enough insecurities bubbling up and move through them rep by rep. Between a rare work shift tomorrow and the rest of the guys gathering at Redfly's, it feels like as good a time as any to get your SBD day in. You won't have to worry about getting in that monster of a workout after working six days in a row. Small blessings and all that. You pack extras of your favorite snacks.
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"Who do we have on tap today?" you ask Suze as she comes around the corner to your work station. You cup your oat milk latte in both your hands, willing the espresso to work faster. Working Saturdays still sucks even if it is only every six weeks instead of every week. The parents are usually more freaked out and the cases often more severe. Fingers crossed you won't have to admit anyone to the hospital today. At least you got paired with your favorite nurse and you both worked together well as a team. 
"Just the one kiddo with RSV-like symptoms so far. Dad's been calling since Thursday afternoon trying to get in for us to see her. Seems really worried, neither of 'em have slept much. Looks like mom is the one who usually brings her in, parents are divorced, and this is Dad's first time here." She continues with a list of symptoms she collected from the parent, adding her own observations and vitals she'd taken before you thank her and grab the tablet with the patient's chart on it to head to the exam room.
Suze lowers her voice before adding,“Oh, and between you and me, the dad is gorgeous.” Suze gives you a freckled smirk before heading back to the front. You flash her your best O, rly? face before you both break into maniacal giggles as quietly as possible. Suze always makes the work day better, you think as you make your way to the exam room.
You take a deep breath outside the door, glance at the patient's first name, and flip on your doctor demeanor as you knock on the door. At the muffled come in, you swing the door open and start to say Hi, Gabriella, I'm Dr. — before you realize you're looking at a distraught and disheveled Frankie cradling his daughter in his arms. 
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Was he dreaming? Did he forget to wake up and take Gabi to the doctor's? Why did the pediatrician look so much like you? Frankie rubs his eyes and looks up from his seat in the exam room chair. Nope, it is you standing there, white coat on and stethoscope around your neck looking like an angel despite the harsh fluorescent lights.
"Sweets?" he croaks. Ok, yeah, he definitely didn't forget to wake up because he can't wake up if he hadn't fallen asleep. He's sure he sounds as sleep deprived as he looks. 
"Frankie?" you ease the door shut and step towards him. 
Gabi lets out a congested cry and clings tighter to Frankie when she sees you approach. 
"Shh, bebita, it's ok. The doctor's here to help you feel better," Frankie soothes, voice tinged with desperation.
He needs you to help Gabi feel better so he can feel better too. He looks up at you and catches you with knitted brows, chewing your lower lip for a moment before your face smooths, like you thought something over and made a decision. 
You squat down to eye level with Gabi, "Hi Gabriella, I'm Dr. Sweets." 
Gabi eyes you warily, "My. Name. Is. Gabi." Sniffles punctuate each word.
"Nice to meet you Gabi. Can you come sit up here for me?" you ask as you move to pat the exam table. Gabi buries her face into Frankie's flannel, shaking her head no no no.
"Oh, right, uh... she's been going through a big stranger danger phase," Frankie explains. He's worried you'll think he's the worst father, unable to get his daughter to comply.
"That's perfectly normal at this age," you reassure him, stepping back to give Gabi some space.
You hesitate for a moment before looking at Frankie and continuing, "It's kind of a gray area, treating someone or someone's kid I know... uh, socially." You pause for a moment, glancing at your tablet, appearing flustered. "But, um, I know it's Saturday and I don't want Gabi to have to wait until Monday to see someone if I can help her now. You okay with that, uh, Mr. Morales?"
Frankie nods with understanding, after panicking for a moment in his exhaustion, thinking that you are going to kick them out because he was supposed to take you out yesterday. Was that just yesterday? Also, “Mr. Morales” made him feel old.
"Ok then, please hop up on the exam table with Gabi for me then," you direct him, smooth doctor demeanor back on, as you pull the rolling stool over to the wall mounted monitor adjacent to the exam table. You pull up Gabi's chart on the screen and glance over the information. 
"How about we chat a little bit about how Gabi's doing before we work on the stranger danger?" 
Frankie grunts in agreement and stands with a groan before moving to sit on the exam table with Gabi. The exam table paper crinkles under his weight as he settles onto the table, checking to make sure Gabi is comfortable. You chat with him, running through his concerns, Gabi's symptoms, all the while warmly affirming the care he's given Gabi. He finds himself relaxing into the conversation as you lead him through your questions with a gentle and comforting voice. Everything is going to be fine. I'm going to take good care of Gabi. You did a great job taking care of her, Frankie. Delicate pecks on the keyboard as you document in Gabi's chart while also monitoring Gabi's body language towards you.
"Well, I think I have everything I need besides giving Gabi a once over," you conclude with a reassuring smile, standing up slow and steady, as Gabi continues to eye you, a miniature furrow in her brow identical to her father’s. Gabi burrows her face back into Frankie's flannel. 
You offer soft words to Gabi who continues to shake her head “no” into Frankie's shirt before flicking your eyes up to Frankie as if to ask for his permission.
"How about I give your Daddy a quick check up and make sure he's healthy first?" you ask Gabi, a hint of playfulness in your voice, as you look to Frankie to confirm he's okay with it. You could do whatever you want to him if it would help you help his little girl, he thinks. Stab him with a needle and take his blood for all he cares.
Gabi pauses her head shaking and peeks out at you, soft brown curls falling over her eyes.
"Promise it's not going to hurt him, like it's not going to hurt you sweet pea," you soothe.
Gabi looks between Frankie and you with a bit more curiosity than suspicion. Frankie's heart swells as you talk to her with soft patience, explaining what the different scopes are used for, before demonstrating on Frankie, shining a light into his eyes, asking him to open wide and say aaaahhh, so you could look at his throat. Gabi giggles when he lets out an exaggerated aaaahhhh! He hopes he remembered to brush his teeth this morning. 
Through it all, you worked through Gabi's stranger danger, peeling back layer after layer with your playfulness with the utmost patience and care. Frankie can feel Gabi relaxing her grip on his shirt, softening to you. He can feel the remaining tension he was holding in his stomach slowly unravel at your light touches and soft praise as you pretend to assess him and give gentle words of explanation to Gabi. 
When you click on a disposable tip on the otoscope to check his ears, you let out a mock gasp “What's this?” that has Gabi climbing out of Frankie's arms as you magically pull a small stuffie out of his ear. 
"Can you hang on to this little guy for me and keep him safe?" you ask her with your serious face on. Gabi nods and makes grabby hands before settling back into Frankie's lap facing forward towards you and hugging the stuffie within an inch of its life. 
"I'm going to take a look at your ears now Gabi, okay?" you ask as you receive the smallest little nod from her. She allows you to check her eyes and throat as well. You note the redness in her throat before praising her extra loud aaaahhhh! Frankie's pretty sure you're a toddler whisperer at this point.
As you pull the stethoscope from around your neck, Gabi looks up and shrinks at the new equipment. Just going to use this to listen to your heart beat and how you're breathing, sweetpea, you explain, but Gabi starts to shake her head “no” again.
You pause for a beat before digging around the small toy box underneath the exam table before pulling out a play stethoscope. Now we have matching ones, you say as she abandons the stuffie for the new toy. You show her how to put the ear tips in her ears holding the diaphragm against Frankie's chest over his heart. Can you hear your daddy's heartbeat? Does it sound like a thump thump thump? Gabi nods with wide eyes and delight. He's relieved it's Gabi listening to his heart and not you as his heart started to race at your light touch to his chest.  
It's smooth sailing after that. Gabi allows you to complete the physical exam, taking deep breaths on cue as you listen to her lungs, before you sit back down on your rolling stool. As you add to the electronic chart, Frankie catches your small grin as Gabi continues to play with the stethoscope, smooshing it against his cheek, nose, then forehead.
After a few more pecks on the keyboard, you turn to Frankie to give him your diagnosis (no, it's not RSV, thank goodness), but another viral bug that mimicked some of the symptoms of RSV. It’s been making the rounds in the community, but Gabi should recover within the week. As you move to discuss detailed care instructions and prescriptions to help alleviate Gabi's symptoms, Gabi tires of playing with the stethoscope and turns to you instead, arms outstretched.
Frankie can tell you're surprised as Gabi makes the universal toddler motion for "up." You pause before rolling over on the stool. Gabi leaps at you as you get closer and you manage to catch her in your arms despite your surprise. She immediately settles into you, tucking her head under your chin and plopping a thumb into her mouth, anchoring her other little hand on the shoulder of your white coat.
"No more stranger danger," you joke with an amused smile as Gabi cuddles into you with a sniffle.
You finish delivering the care instructions to Frankie as you rock Gabi, double checking with Frankie if he has any questions or further concerns. You reaffirm what a great job he did with Gabi the last few days, a balm to his frayed nerves and self-doubt. He could wrap himself in your reassurance and gentle patience, your soft, gentle words healing him. Is this what falling in love with you feels like?
"You can call the office if something changes or she gets worse," you offer, voice quieting. "Or you know, call me."
Frankie nods, relieved Gabi doesn't have RSV, doesn't need to go to the hospital, but also so moved seeing you with Gabi in such an unexpected situation. Your incredible care and patience for his baby girl, all softness and gentleness from your words to your touch. This side now melds with his experiences with you at Redfly's, at Pope's, the flirty fun side of you and raw strength he knows you possess. It makes him dizzy to think about the multitudes within you that he's experienced so far and hopes to experience more of it. Soft, strong, playful, and so fucking brilliant.
"I'll walk you out to the front where Suze can finish up and get everything sorted," you instruct as you stand and walk for the door. Frankie sees Gabi's grip tighten on your shoulder as you move. Baby girl does not want to leave. As you approach the exit to the waiting room, Gabi fusses, burying her head in your chest, not wanting to leave. Clinging to you as if she didn't spend half the visit hiding from you in Frankie's shirt.
"I know, sweet pea," you comfort. "Just having too much fun with Dr. Sweets, hmm?"
"Don't wanna go," Gabi pouts, refusing to look at Frankie. "I see you tomorrow?" 
You look at Frankie for a beat before responding, "Well, if it's okay with your Daddy, I can stop by tomorrow and check on you. Maybe bring you some tasty chicken noodle soup? Would you like that?" Gabi nods “yes” into your shoulder. 
"Sweets, uh, Dr. Sweets, you don't have to do that," Frankie balks. You've already done so much, he thinks. 
You look up at him with soft eyes, "But I want to. If you're okay with it."
"Wanna see Doc-tah Weee," Gabi whines, pronouncing your name like weee!
"Okay, but you gotta go home with your Daddy first," you say as you manage to untangle yourself from toddler limbs before handing Gabi over to Frankie. "I'll see you tomorrow, 'kay?" before you boop Gabi on her nose and hand her the stuffie. "Take good care of him for me until then." Gabi clutches the stuffie and nods.
"Hey," Frankie places his free hand on your forearm as you turn to go. "Thank you. So much."
"Take care of yourself too, Morales," you murmur, patting his hand and returning his gaze before heading back to your work station.
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Endnote/SPOILERS: medical jargon, mention of needles and blood once, Frankie’s daughter Gabi gets sick and he cancels his date with you without explaining why. Frankie takes Gabi to see the weekend/on-call pediatrician and it’s you. Frankie falls more for you as he sees you interact with his baby girl. 
👉👈 A little nervous as the story leaves the gym (we'll be back!), but I have such fun, sweet things planned for them. As always, comments and reblogs give me lifeee and keep me writing. I am open to constructive feedback but please be gentle with this baby powerlifting writer, yeah? I might be able to squat you, but I'm a big ol' softie.
Taglist: @katareyoudrilling @christinamadsen @rebel-held @littlemisspascal @burntheedges @darkheartgatita @enretrogue @titabel @copperhalfcent
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Important information. SLEEPLESS IN SEATTLE. UPDATING AS I WATCH THE MOVIE ALONG BEAR WITH ME. The film they watched at the hotel is You've Got Mail, this is Sam and Rebecca's story. When they messaged each other not knowing who the other person was. Ted said Sleepless in Seattle was far superior. This is the one where airports play a significant part and it's about a man who lost his wife and has a son finding love again with the woman he never knew until the last second would be the one. He first sees her in an airport and is knocked sideways. By all accounts the last of Ted we will see will be in an airport based on previous seasons with first and last shot being a character’s face in the same location.
Also Rebecca mentioning she has a private jet and the thing with airports; SUSP AS HELL.
Keeley assumed the moment Rebecca spent with Dutch Guy was "Magic" This is also a quote from Sleepless in Seattle. Turns out it was Gezellig instead. But this is definitely where we're going. And that'll either be Dutch Guy or Ted. Both fit the man who lost their partner and have a kid formula. Definitely not Sam. But Ted tripped over the Red String of Fate, has the matchbook, loves Kenny Rogers, bakes the biscuits who are home to her, she carries his army man everywhere she goes. She hasn't been struck by lightning yet which to me means it's not Dutch Guy; Ted is leaving which means her world is about to be turned upside down. I keep the faith. i don't care.
AND there's a tear in Meg Ryan's wedding dress and she says oh no it's a sign to which her mum says "You don't believe in signs!" And Rebecca doesn't really believe in signs either! All the signs have been pointing to different people except the obvious one! They're there so she can see something about herself she completely missed.
FUCK MY LIFE. It's about making wishes!! Tom Hanks' son in the film wishes for his father to find a new wife!! His son is worried about his dad!!!
The psychiatrist on the radio is called Dr. Fieldstone FUUUUUUCK MEEEEE. IT WAS RIGHT THERE ALL ALONG.
Sam and Annie speak the same words at the same time in two different places, soulmatism right there!
Annie thought Sam sounded "Nice" on the radio and Ted is one of the "nicest" humans Rebecca has ever met!!
Quote from a guy : "This is fate, she's divorced and you need a new wife." (not talking about Annie here, it's another woman) "What is that thing when everything intersects?" To which Sam replies: "The Bermuda TRIANGLE."
One woman who writes to Sam after he was on the radio lives in OKLAHOMA!
Dr. Fieldstone tells Sam she can tell he is a good dad just like Beard told Ted!!
One woman says on the radio: "Why do you want to be with someone who doesn't love you?" (Michelle, anyone?)
"Sam, tell me what was so special about your wife?" "It was a million tiny little things then when you added them all up it just meant we were supposed to be together. I knew it the very first time I touched her it was like coming home, only to no home I had ever known!"
Annie asking a friend: "But when you met her (his wife), did you believe she was the only person for you? That in some mystical, cosmic way, it was fated?"
Sam's friend about relationships:
"Things are different, now. First, you have to be friends. You have to like each other."
Annie talks to her best friend about the concept of DESTINY.
Annie hires a private detective to run a background check on Sam!! Ted wanted Rebecca to do it with Dr. Jacob!
Wonderful addition by @doctorbeverlycrusher : Rebecca’s mom said a couple times that when she loves something, she loves it forever. The main song from Sleepless in Seattle, When I Fall in Love, starts with the lyric “When I fall in love, it will be forever”.
Sam's son to his dad: "Jessica says you and Annie never got together in that life, and your hearts are like puzzles with parts out of them and when you get together the puzzle's complete. The reason I know this and you don't is that I'm younger and purer so I'm more in touch with cosmic forces."
There's even a mention of Horticulture!
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We spotted the word Rainbow in the pub game, the romcommunism episode was called Rainbow. Let me leave you with the quote from Ted again.
"Now, it may not work out how you think it will or how you hope it does, but believe me, it will all work out. Exactly as it's supposed to."
I might be setting myself up for disappointment but the writers are building every step up to the cliff egde, baby!
Thank you for coming to my Ted Lasso Talk
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wood-white-writer · 7 months
“Didn’t mean to make your heart Blue”
So, in the last couple of days, I’ve been experiencing some mild writer’s block while progressing with the next chapter of DMTMYHB.
Rest assured, it’s about 60-65% finished if we exclude grammar and editing, so if I’m lucky, it’ll be out sometime along next week if I have the energy. Night shifts all fucking week.
In the meantime, I hope you’ll enjoy some scribbles and drawings I’ve been procrastinating with.
- Yours truly, WWW.
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This is what I personally imagine Reader/“Cross-Hairs” looking like as I’m writing. Helps with some visuals, y’know? (Ignore the weird angles of her eyes in the second one plz)
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Context: Buggy wanted to ask you something in private, only to discover you were engrossed in a conversation with Shanks. Fuck ‘im.
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Gol D. Rogers’ Legacy: the Next Generation of Pirates in the New World.
Reader/“Cross-Hairs” — (former) Captain of the Cross-Haired Pirates and the Beast of the East.
“Red-Haired” Shanks — Captain of the Red-Haired Pirates and one of the Four Emperors.
Buggy “The Clown” — The Genius Jester, The Flashy Fool, Captain of the Buggy Pirates.
Gol D. Could not have been any prouder, and is currently cheering on them from the grave.
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Ah, young love ❤️ (… hope nothing bad happens to them…)
And there you have it! What I’ve spent the last few days working on, both sober and otherwise. Have some more doodles I might post at a later date.
If any of you have any fanart you wish me to put up on the page, regardless of what it is, I strongly encourage it (if you feel like it).
- WWW.
Taglist: @kurinhimenezu , @carpinchootaku , @ay0nha , @teh-vampire-bunny , @lokiscure , @internationalsuper-spy , @detectivesparrow , @yuriwk , @notyuralycat , @angeli-fucking-cat , @machinema7k , @shuujin , @avatar-lover, @gingernut1314 , @autumn-slaves . @marvelouskatie , @floristoflillys , @dizzyenby, @redpool , @deliri-yum22 , @aemondsb1tch , @ackroxia , @gayandfairycore , @knightsfavoriteprincess , @asterizee , @aamethyst23 , @lizzie1107 , @cyberwears , @heylookliisten , @f41k47, @beep-beep1 , @crimsonflameproxy, @unpopular-sober-thoughts , @rayleeya , @timeladyrikaofgallifrey
(If you want to be tagged for this story or content related to it, just send me a message or leave a comment :))
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bcofl0ve · 5 months
new austin butler fan? start here!
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hey there girl/pal/buddy/friend! welcome to the crazy train the endearing mad house that is the austin butler fandom. i joined the party after seeing elvis 2022 with my dad on a whim opened my third eye and have adored austin ever since. if you have any questions please please send an anon or send me a message, but i hope this post is useful as well!
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congrats, i have a hyperfixation on being an update blog which means i have a masterpost of where to stream everything he's ever been in since he's started acting!
my personal favorite thus far is shocking no one, elvis 2022, but i'm really excited for everything coming out in 2024!
if you want to get to know austin the person outside of being an actor, i highly recommend checking out his episode of the marc maron podcast. content warning for talk about losing a parent- austin's mom who passed when he was 23 from cancer, and some allusions to domestic violence re: a step father. but that to say it's imo the most personal interview austin has ever given (and it makes me cry when i listen to it). i linked to apple podcasts but it's also on spotify!
austin's first ever interview from when he was 16 years old (article)
long- and personal, interview/profile via esquire from 2024 (article)
ruthie’s table interview - 2021 podcast with his good friend, chef ruthie rogers. some very sweet childhood talk in here.
austin butler drives greg williams back home (austin going back to his home town and visting his childhood home and elementary school)
austin butler plays with puppies - what the title says
in conversation: baz luhrmann and austin butler (article) - a very funny joint interview where baz and austin talk about filming elvis
austin butler @ the oscar nominees luncheon - the interviewer is jason kennedy, a long time buddy of austin's who also knew his mom. this was my favorite interview of awards season.
austin giving his publcist kate an honorary oscar - also from the oscar nominees lucheon press junket, so sweet! we love his ginger publicist around here (:
austin and lisa marie presley joint interview - lisa adored austin, and he mentioned in a different interview during awards season that when he was at graceland she took him upstairs for *3 hours*. if you're unfamiliar with the presleys, that is point blank unheard of for someone that isn't a blood relative. lisa passed away in january 2023 just two days after watching austin win his golden globe, and is very very missed. (lisa and austin at the globes)
another little lisa and austin interview, my personal favorite because of the hug!
so who's the girl?
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austin is currently dating kaia gerber and has been since december of 2021! i'm working on a masterpost timeline of their relationship which will likely take...a while. but in the meantime the basics are that they like to make out in public while also being quite the private couple.
here is a very cute little video of the two of them after the elvis premiere at cannes and my favorite deuxmoi sunday spotting of all time- someone saying they were making out *in face masks* in line at erewhon.
like i said, they are veryyy private but that means the little tidbits we get are a treat! austin 'gushed' about seeing her walk in a celine show here, and here's a little clip of his smiley little self in the front row.
the two share a dog milo, who is the shining baby boy light of ausitn's life and came up no short of two billion times when austin was doing press for his ysl campaign this past summer. we love milo!
(and i also love that austin wears his gf's clothes sometimes, king!)
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misc fun stuff
austin is close friends with ashley tisdale, and has been since the two of them met filming the movie aliens in the attic in new zealand in 2008. he's 'uncle austin' to her little girl jupiter, and they're also distant cousins!
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speaking of aliens in the attic, 300 years ago in 2008 austin ran a little blog for his fans throughout filming which is just the darn sweetest most endearing thing to me. you can read the entries that i pulled from the wayback machine here and here.
some other austin-isms that i love
his habit of wearing shirts inside out
how everyone that works with him gushes about how kind he is
this little video of him when he was four years old
his dear sweet publicist kate having to hand hold his golden retriever self on track
the 27 he has tattooed on his wrist bc it was his late mom’s god number
and so many other things that would take me too long to list
if you have any questions that this post doesn't answer pls slide me an anon or a direct message! happy to have you here! <3
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Last Updated: 2023-10-22
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Disclaimer: I am not the author of these stories, just sharing my favourite Loki Odinson stories. Find the authors' links below. If you want your work removed, message me privately.
Legend: 〔E〕 ⇢ Erotic/Steamy | 〔F〕 ⇢ Fluff | 〔A〕 ⇢ Angst/Hurt 〔M〕 ⇢ Minor Angst/Hurt | 〔C〕 ⇢ Comfort | 〔H〕 ⇢ Horror | ♥︎ ⇢ Established Relationship | 𑁍 ⇢ Pregnancy/Children | 🚫 ⇢ Content Warning
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❧ Lake, the by lokisgoodgirl • 18+ • 〔F᜶A〕 •
Summary: "Captain Rogers in his infinite wisdom... decided that a select team of Avengers require a crash course in basic outdoor survival skills… But nothing the wilds of Cumbria can throw [at you] is more testing than the ever-present irritations and temptations of your recent ex, Loki."
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❧ Beautiful Darkness by munsons-maiden • 〔F᜶C〕 •
Summary: "You're scared of the dark, so the haunted house at the carnival isn't the best place for you to be. [However,] Loki is with you, and he knows exactly how to help you to learn that the dark doesn't only hide evil, but beautiful things as well."
❧ Bump in the Night… [Demon!Loki] ⧫ by michelleleewise • 〔H〕 •
Summary: "[Tony dares you] to spend the night in the resident haunted house, but will you make it through the night..."
❧ Coffee and Cuddles by sserpente • 〔F〕 •
Prompt(s): "Imagine taking Loki to Starbucks on a cold autumn day, [and] introducing him to your favourite season-themed drink. Maybe he agreed to cuddle with you because of the caffeine..."
❧ Costume Party by sserpente • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 •
Summary: "Imagine Tony making you all dress up as each other for Halloween. Well, technically, Loki is an Avenger too now, right? So what will happen when the God of Mischief lays his eyes upon you wearing his shiny olden helmet and an impressive copy of his armour?"
❧ Dark Desires by sserpente • 18+ • 〔E〕 • ♥︎ • 🚫 •
Prompt(s): "Imagine asking Loki to fulfill a dark and naughty desire of yours on Halloween. Little do you know he's been planning on making it come true from a while now..."
❧ Don't Leaf Me by sserpente • 〔A᜶C〕 •
Summary: "Imagine having a leaf fight with Loki."
❧ Fall in Love by devilbat • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: You and Loki have your fourth date at your home…
❧ Family Moments by sserpente • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
Summary: "Imagine Loki and you taking your daughter trick or treating on Halloween. Having dressed up as none other than her daddy, she is far from tired when you finally return home and you tuck her in, looking forward to a cuddly evening with Loki watching movies and eating Halloween candy."
❧ Festival in the Park by sserpente▪︎〔F〕▪︎
Summary: "Imagine taking Loki to a fall festival and picking out a pumpkin with him."
❧ Haunted Hearts [Asgardian!Reader] by munsons-maiden • 18+ • 〔E᜶F᜶A〕 •
Summary: "It's the night of [Samhain]—the night when the veil between worlds lifts and evil spirits roam free. You're [an] Asgardian priestesses guarding the realm [on] this night... [However,] you quickly... realize that not only the dead have come out to play... Someone is watching you. Someone... you thought you'd never see again, who's been... haunting your thoughts ever since a stolen, forbidden kiss you shared..."
❧ Mischief and Chaos by just-the-hiddles • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 •
Summary: "Stark is throwing a Halloween costume party.  You take this opportunity to dress up in order to garner the attention of a certain God of Mischief."
❧ Most Ridiculous Holiday, the by just-the-hiddles • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "Loki and Peter help [you] with Thanksgiving preparation. Although help is a strong word.  As disasters ensue, [you force] the boys out of the kitchen. Loki calls it a ridiculous Midgardian holiday, but are those his true feelings?"
❧ My Queen by baseballbitch • 〔F᜶A〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: After reluctantly agreeing to escort you to Tony's Halloween party, Loki finds himself reminding you why he's your lover.
❧ Never Have I Ever by munsons-maiden • 18+ • 〔E〕 •
Summary: "You teach Loki how to play Never Have I Ever —and he teaches you something else in return."
❧ Pumpkin Patch by devilbat • 〔F〕 •
Summary: Bumping into Loki on your way to the pumpkin patch you decide to take him with you.
❧ Pumpkin Spice by sserpente • 〔E᜶F〕 •
Summary: "Imagine Loki helping you make pumpkin spice cupcakes with his magic."
❧ Rain Falls and So Do I, the by the--sad--hatter • 18+ • 〔E᜶A〕 •
Summary: "It's your love of rain and the joy [of] feeling it on your skin that makes Loki realize what… he loves."
❧ Silk and Leather by munsons-maiden • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "When your attempt to dress up as Loki for one of Tony's costume parties fails miserably, the trickster has his own idea of helping you fix the costume crisis...and things get heated."
❧ Trick or Treat│Prt. II by sserpente • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 •
Summary: "Imagine Loki sneaking into your room the night before Halloween to scare you… only to find you… in bed moaning his name"
❧ White Queen by lov3nerdstuff • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "When Tony Stark throws a costume party, you need to come up with an idea. Quickly. So why not take the god of mischief costume shopping? He seems eager enough to help..."
❧ Your Spell by munsons-maiden • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "You teach Loki your favourite Midgardian Halloween tradition—and realize something beautiful in the process."
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❧ An Odinson Halloween by lokisgoodgirl • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
❧ Candy [Jötun!Loki] by dyns33 • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
❧ Candy Apples by sserpente • 〔E〕 • ♥︎ •
❧ Halloween Night by dyns33 • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
❧ Movie Night by mostly-marvel-musings • 〔F᜶H〕 • ♥︎ •
❧ Our First Halloween by gaitwae • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
❧ Provocation by sserpente • 〔E〕 • ♥︎ •
❧ Raining Cuddles by lokisninerealms • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
❧ Treasure Hunt by lokisgoodgirl • 18+ • 〔E〕 • ♥︎ •
❧ Trick│Treat by dyns33 • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
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See Also: Navigation || Loki Odinson Master Index
Authors: @baseballbitch116 || @devilbat || @dyns33 || @gaitwae || @just-the-hiddles || @lokisgoodgirl || @lokisninerealms || @lov3nerdstuff || @michelleleewise || @mostly-marvel-musings || @munsons-maiden || @sserpente || @the--sad--hatter ||
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fanaticsnail · 5 months
Hi, I love Spasorrow fic, I'm really sick right now so I spend the day reading all the things you wrote.
English Is not my first lenguage, and I barely understand how Tumblr works.
I got this idea but I can't figure out how to write the story.
This Is a Buggy x Reader idea, they were friends with Shanks and navigate with Roger, but one day there's a storm and reader falls overboard.
Shanks and Buggy thought reader died, but for some reason they can't drown, years later they sneaks to Buggy's tripulation to kill a man since they are now a mercenary. Buggy starts falling for them since they treat him like a human being without being intimidated by him. Later Buggy recognice readear and...? I don't know
Hello, love! I'm glad you've enjoyed my writing. I adore writing for the sapsorrow fic, it's always on my mind of late.
I've done a similar fic like this before for Shanks! It's an amnesia-trope fic where "reader" loses memories after falling overboard. It's called "Remember Me" and it's on my Masterlist if you'd like to take a look! 🖤
For Buggy, I absolutely adore the concept. You could go a similar route with it: amnesia after serving aboard Gol D Roger's ship with the two young apprentices, Shanks and Buggy.
For plot purposes:
Shanks reads as a perpetual flirt who has never had to work hard to gain the attention of friends and lovers.
Buggy has always seen himself as unlovable due to his disfigurement (nose).
How your concept reads as a bulleted point:
OC/Reader has been working hard to build up Buggy's confidence; Shanks is always a reassuring king. Buggy thinks the two of them are simply making fun of him.
Amongst a storm: Buggy, reader/OC and Shanks were tasked with tying the rigging for the ship. They work hard, reader/oc always reaching out for Buggy to protect him, knowing if he falls overboard he'll be rendered defenceless and likely die.
As one final wave swells, the three of them all look amongst each other. Buggy slips, reaches for reader/OC but finds Shank's arm in their absence. Reader/oc smiles in relief, all is well - but the ship's bottom hits a large coral bank and they're tossed to the side of the boat. Seaspray renders Shanks' vision blurry, Buggy tries to reach for reader/OC but they scream at him not to because he'll die.
Buggy doesn't want to lose them, screams over his shoulders for Shanks to help him but as he turns back around - he's met with nothing. His soul screams out for them, Shanks manages to clear his eyes from the sea spray but it's to no avail. Reader/OC is lost to them.
That is really where I would start it as a chaptered fic. It has so much potential to take it anywhere you want.
Reader/OC could be found by a ship of conflicting pirates who take pity on them in the storm
Reader/OC could wash to shore and be taken under the wing and train as a marine under Garp and Bogard
This one could be exceptionally sad/angsty if they were the one tasked with bringing Gol D Roger into custody and execute him. Having amnesia and be made to kill your childhood captain would just have me crying so much.
They could not be found at all and be made to fend for themselves. Accidentally stumbling into a thief's guild, they could learn to train with them to complete tutorship as an assassin.
To set the mood for you to write to, I have some song recommendations for you!
My Heart With You - The Rescues
Play With Fire - Sam Tinnesz, Yacht Money
Siren Song - Bat For Lashes
If you need any help, I am absolutely happy to beta-read / proof read for you over google docs! Send me a private message and I'd love to help you in any way I can 🖤
Themes: lost lovers, angst, amnesia-trope, blissful reunification, apprehension, teasing, violence, friends to lovers, enemies to lovers.
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@writingmysanity @gingernut1314 @empressofmankind @nyarlathotep-thecrawlingchaos @tiredemomama @sordidmusings also have some beautiful Buggy pieces and amazing thoughts on their Masterlists, if you'd like to check them out.
@since-im-already-here also has a lot of music recs and advice.
Happy writing!! 🖤🖤
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galatially · 1 year
❝𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮❞
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𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 / 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 / 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐈: truthfully
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 — 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 x 𝐝𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫!𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 — and if i could say anything, i would say that it will always be you; it's hard being in love with your coworkers
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 — 560
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 — strong language, pining, general fluff
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 — this was, at one point, just gonna be one part but it's far too much story for just one part lol
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Steve Rogers was a menace — and he didn’t even know it. 
When you’d met the First Avenger, as expected, you’d been taken aback at just how…bright he was. Everything about him was bright and warm and nestled between your ribcage like a kitten cuddled into its mother. He was always sweet and polite, never without a smile on his face when you spoke, completely different from the kind of men you’d come across in your lifetime. 
And damn you for being so aware of him. Whether he came into the med bay or popped his head into you and Dr. Helen Cho’s shared office, your senses heightened. You noticed the lilt of his words or the one stray hair that was always hanging between his brows in a boy-next-door kind of way. Only people that didn’t realize their effects on others spoke like that, unfazed. 
You’d intellectualized your feelings as normal chemical reactions in the brain: the muscle simply going through the machinations of being around someone attractive. Dopamine, norepinephrine cortisol, and the serotinergic system working in tandem. Simple explanations for simple reactions. 
You’re a woman of science, after all. 
“Bitch, just fuck him and move on,” your best friend, Serena, said, her eye roll coloring her tone.
You cradled your cell phone between your cheek and your ear as your grabbed a bottle of wine from your fridge. “I like my job, Rena.” 
“And what does that have to do with letting that fine specimen of man break your back into next year?”
An airy laugh left your chest. “He doesn’t see me in that way and I’m not some lovesick teenager.”
“Nat says that he asks about you all the time.”
“Your girlfriend also took six months to ask you out,” you countered. You worked the cork out of the mouth of the bottle and poured a hefty glass. 
Serena let out a dreamy sigh. “I know, right? She’s so precious.”
“I’m telling her you said that.”
“And I’m telling you that you need to make your move and ride that — ”
“Good night, Serena,” you said, disconnecting the call. You took a sip of wine, mulling over your best friend’s words. As embarrassing as it was to admit, your crush on Steve — obvious or not — could never be. You both worked together and he was…well, him. If the two of you were to break up, it’d be the only thing people talked about. No longer would you be a decorated private physician, you’d be the woman that got dumped by Captain America. 
Your phone buzzed again; a text from the golden man in question. 
I hope you had a good day today :)
One day, when you were bold enough, you’d get Natasha Romanoff right in the jaw for giving Steve your number. He’d only recently started messaging you and every notification made your stomach flip in a way that you could only describe as violent. 
You chewed the inside of your cheek as your fingers slowly typed out a response.
I did! How was —
No, too eager.
Oh, you know, just another day in the bay! :):)
You almost threw your phone at that one. What was this, fourth grade? 
I hope you had a good day, too, Captain :)
You turned your phone on its face and groaned out loud. 
You really fucking hated liking Steve Rogers. 
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𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 — are y'all ready for my interpretation on "they only shared one bed"?
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MidnightsWithDearKatyTSPB’s Recommendation List: February ‘23 Part 1
Welcome to February’s recommendation list. If you wish to be featured with one of your pieces or as a writer, I follow the #MidnightsWithDearKatyTSPB and check it daily for new content for me to check out. I also share AO3 works in this list; just message me a link to your stories. I’m currently back in college, so response times will range from right away to 24 hours. I hope you all had an amazing January and a wonderful February.
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<< January '23
February Pt. 2 '23 >>
My Masterlist
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In This Heart Playlist • In This Heart Masterlist (Tommy Shelby x OFC! Estella Holland) • In This Heart: Prologue • St Jude Moodboard (Tommy Shelby) • Mad Max: The Playlist • Black Butterflies Moodboard (Mad Max) • Mad King Ronan Playlist • Broken Crown Moodboard (Mad King Ronan) • Work Song Moodboard (Tommy Shelby) • Princes of the Universe Moodboard (Eddie Munson) • Bright Horses Moodboard (Tommy Shelby) • Poor Wayfaring Stranger Moodboard (Tommy Shelby) • Home Moodboard (Tommy Shelby)
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Love Like A Bruise by @targaryenvampireslayer >> 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤!𝐓𝐖𝐒!𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 - Summary: 𝐇𝐘𝐃𝐑𝐀 𝐰𝐨𝐧. 𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐫𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐰𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐡, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫… 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐢𝐦. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐫. | I’m so glad I read this! I love me some dark!Bucky and this did not fail me. The ending, though, was such a surprise. *chefs kiss* Hi, upcoming reader; please read the warnings! ⚠️
A Private After Party by @angrythingstarlight >> Rockstar!Stucky x Reader - Summary: You've been invited to a very special afterparty with your rockstar boyfriends. "Sweetheart, you are the afterparty." | Of course, this is hot! @angrythingstarlight wrote it, so I knew from the get-go it was going to be hot. Head the warnings going in, folks, and enjoy.
Marked by @jadedvibes >> Beefy!Bucky Barnes x Reader - Summary: Your secret relationship is nearly exposed when Natasha spots Bucky's neck covered in hickeys. | I loved how protective Natasha was in this and how the smut was as well.
Trouble Maker by @jurassicbarnes >> Bucky Barnes x Reader - Summary: In which you thank Bucky in your own wonderful way. He kinda loves it. | *Blushes*
Au Revoir by @vase-of-lilies >> Dark!Steve Rogers x (f)Reader - Summary - You've been captured by Steve Rogers and he's doing everything he can to possibly break you. This time, he quite possibly succeeded. | I forgot how much I missed reading Dark!Steve sometimes. This was nice, a nice little reminder of that. Head the warnings before diving in!
When I Hear Your Name by @georgiapeach30513 >> Dark!Steve Rogers x Reader - Summary: You should have never left.  Things were perfect. | 10/10 so good ya’ll. Please read the warnings before proceeding to read, it might be too intense for some, but I did enjoy it. The smut was great!
Need You Now by @angrythingstarlight >> Alpha!Bucky Barnes x Omega!Reader - Summary: Bucky is an insatiable, greedy man and now he can't wait to show you how much fun you're going to have making a baby with him. And he's going to want to practice again and again. | Hot and spicy, everyone. Read the warnings and enjoy it as I did!
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Innocent by @queenshelby >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: You are forced to marry Thomas Shelby after the death of his wife, Grace. Unfortunately for you, your marriage isn’t as beautiful as you thought it would be. Will you build love and desire for each other? | Such a good series to binge when you want to get your mind off things. You get Peaky Blinder Tommy and Husband Tommy. Everything you could need.
Yule by @string-of-beads >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary - Y/N is a barmaid who has always been fascinated by Tommy, and now she's caught up in his world. What could possibly happen in the Peaky world for Y/N? (My horrible summary sorry) | I may have gotten teary-eyed a few times while reading this it was so good. I binged the whole series this evening and I’m so glad I did. Please do yourself a favor and read it!
The Photographer by @midnightmagpiemama >> Mordern!Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: Hired by Ada Thorne, Reader who is a photographer catches the eye of single CEO dad Tommy Shelby. She is just as interested in him and his son, Charlie. Can they make a family, overcoming both their past? | I’m looking forward to upcoming updates on it. I highly suggest it to those who like Modern!Tommy Shelby.
Family Ties by @peakyscillian >> Modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: The Shelby’s will do anything for family. | Please read the warnings when it comes to reading this. I really enjoy reading modern Peaky Blinders, and this story has the grittiness of show in modern times.
Teach Me by @inthepeakymidwinter >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: Tommy takes a special interest in Shelby Company LTD.'s newest secretary. | It’s perfect! Perfect, perfect, perfect! I can’t wait to read more.
Have It All by @look-at-the-soul >> Modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: Professor Jeremiah invites a friend during his ethics class to talk to his students since they are starting their last year in college. Turns out you weren’t a stranger to Mr. Shelby. | I was looking for modern!Tommy and boy did this feed my need. It's just perfect as I'm a college student. Just read it and enjoy.
Just a Stranger Now by @gypsy-girl-08 >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: Thomas bumps into an old love interest. | Prepare for an emotional rollercoaster with this one.
The Silver Lining by @runnning-outof-time >> Tommy Shelby x Daughter!Reader - Summary: (Y/N) Shelby's always been the 'forgotten one' in her family, but there may just be a silver lining in all of her suffering. | All the feelings that were rolled up in this one, you guys. I wasn’t prepared. Grab some tissues, maybe don't; you never know, I’m a big baby. It's just so good, and you don't expect the ending that you get.
Mr. Loverman by @pherelesytsia >> Tommy Shelby x Female/Pregnant Reader - Summary: Thomas receives a call and imagines the worst. | Worried Thomas is sort of cute, I will not lie. I loved watching how caring he was.
Whatever You Want by @peakyswift >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: You storm out the house after a fight with Tommy. | I felt like it was almost giving Tommy a taste of his own medicine, all those times he walks out on fights.
His Property by @peakyscillian >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: You know exactly where you stand with Tommy until those lines get blurred. | This has emotions and the spiciness I could ever need in one one-shot.
Show Me by @floraltypes >> Tommy Shelby x female!Reader - Summary: The Shelby can’t help himself when making a business visit. | This is what I needed to get my mind off my homework that I really should be doing! Thank you! So happy I read it.
You Can Let Go by @tommyspeakycap >> Tommy Shelby x sister!reader | Summary: Tommy dying, but his withering body is hanging on because his heart knows his little sister still needs him now just as much as she ever has…he won’t let go until he hears her words | Grab your tissues because folks this is an emotional one.
Everything's a Nagotiation by plotbunniesletmesleep//@3988akasha >> Tommy Shelby x OFC - Summary: Mackenzie Theil's cousin is in debt to the Peaky Blinders and in order to save his own life, he offers up Mackenzie's services. Unfortunately for Mackenzie, she piqued Thomas Shelby's interest. | I like this story of how Tommy and his men keep turning out of nowhere. Okay, so maybe a little stalkerish... but trust me at just five chapters, I'm sucked in.
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Baby Mine by @cevansgoatee >> Chris Evans x Wife!Reader - Summary - Chris has a little heart-to-heart with your six-year-old from a previous marriage. | Not me over here crying like a big wimpy baby over this beautiful one-shot.
One Hundred Percent by @daydreamingatnight209 >> Conrad Hawkins x Female Reader - Summary: With sleep nonexistent since bringing home baby Gigi, Conrad takes it upon himself to get up with her tonight. | I love this so much. I am so glad I happened upon this on my dashboard; it made my day.
A Different Kind of Battlefield by @daydreamingatnight209 >> Conrad Hawkins x Female Reader - Summary: With a nursing shortage at Chastain and working triple shifts reader is exhausted, who will be there to catch her when she breaks? | Seriously I love reading Conrad and reader, and I didn't know I needed it till today.
Eternal Summer by @get-your-fics >> Paul Atreides x fem!Reader - Summary: Paul ***ks you in a tent on Arrakis. | I'm not sure how I wound up here, but I'm so glad that I did.
Switching Coats by @sufferingstarlight >> Timotheé Chalamet x Reader - Summary: TW: Periods; Reader gets her period and is in need of help from Timotheé who volunteers to switch jackets with them. | Having gone through a similar situation in 7th grade, this was adorable and I knew I had to share.
Expect the Unexpected Baby by @f10werfae >> Henry Cavill x Reader - Summary: Henry breaks up with Y/n, only to discover he’s left something of his behind, his baby. Does he try and reconcile? or Does he just accept the path he’s made? | An emotional rollercoaster of a one-shot.
Striptease Request by @thisismysecondrodeo >> Ted Lasso x Reader - Summary: Ted does a striptease to Pony by Ginuwine. | I’m so glad my friend sent me this to read. Let me just say Ted Lasso can dance for me any day and can wear underwear with my face on them any day. This made my day by 1000%.
She'll Have The World If She Wants It by @auroracalisto >> Uhtred Ragnarssson x Fem!Reader - Summary: [tw: pregnancy] Reader is pregnant and trying to keep it a secret for as long as possible till she possibly can't anymore. | This was so good! I love Uhtred so much, and I didn’t know there was a fandom on here writing for him! I need more!
Valhalla Bound by @icarusignite >> Finan x GenderNeutral!Reader - Summary: Summary: During the ransacking of Rumcofa, you save Osferth thus exchanging his fate for yours. | Give me till the next list to have emotionally recovered from this one.
Begin Again by @teds-mustache-wrangler >> Ted Lasso x OFC (Penny) - Summary - When Penny starts working at AFC Richmond as their new head photographer, she catches the eye of a certain mustached, happy-go-lucky, head coach of the team. But can their spark endure through the season’s pressures and the demons of their past? | I was so excited to see this get posted last week and be able to be one of the first people to reblog it. Penny and Ted are officially one of my fanfiction OTPs. If you are a Ted Lasso Fan, I highly suggest you give this one a read.
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@shelbydelrey - Isa was one of the first writers for Peaky Blinder's content that caught my eye when I made my return to Tumblr. Writing mostly for Tommy Shelby and some for Alfie, she immerses you into Small Heath and the Peaky world, making you forget you're actually reading. I highly suggest you check out Isa and give her a follow.
@georgiapeach30513 - Jennifer has an expansive collection of series and one-shots for us readers to choose from on her masterlist. Currently, I'm most excited about reading her series A Losing Hand, which is a Mafia AU. Jennifer's casting of it looks spectacular for it as it has various Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan characters as well as other Marvel and actors alike.
@runnning-outof-time - K writes for Peaky Blinders and does a wonderful job at it. I love their blog after being back for a short amount of time, and I know I’ll be looking forward to what they post in the future
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alyhorse6 · 1 year
Convincing Wesker to sub, only to edge and overstim him as well as leave so many fuckin marks on him
The thought of that fr makes me feral
Hello dear friend! I think you know how long this took based off the messages and sneak peaks I sent🥴 I really hope you enjoy it though!
Warnings: !MDNI! AFAB!Reader!, Unprotected sex, mild language warning, evil but hot resident evil man.
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“Good boy”
It had been weeks in the making trying to convince him to agree to this, but Wesker simply wouldn’t comply. He was one stubborn man who HATED not being in control of every little thing.
“Albert Wesker. Why do you refuse to do this one little thing? Don’t you trust me?”, you had been racing around his office in an attempt to continue the conversation for several minutes now.
The tall man stopped to look at you, “Of course I trust you my dear, but you know very well how I feel about allowing others to take charge.”
You could only stop and pout at that. “It could be a good break for you!”, you just wouldn’t let this go.
“Please! Just one time and I’ll let it go. I’ll never bring it up again I swear!”
He paused to mull this over, “You know what… fine. This one time.”
“Oh come o- wait really?”, You were mildly stunned, but giddy nonetheless.
“However, this will have to wait till tonight when I can be in my private quarters. I’m not risking a single soul finding out about this.”, the glare was all Y/n needed to understand how serious he was.
“Roger that Captain.”, that small smirk was cute yet annoying.
After several agonizing hours (for you at least) it was finally quitting time in the lab. Wesker was walking to his quarters as slowly as he possibly could. He was mostly dreading what was to come, but he couldn’t deny the small part of him in the back of his mind that was mildly looking forward to this. Maybe you would end up being right and this would be a good break for him.
Already waiting in his bedroom, you sat in anticipation. You’d put on a nice set of lingerie this morning in hopes of it bringing some luck your way. Clearly it had worked. Footsteps slowly began to grow louder as the man of the hour made his way to the room. A smirk grew across your face. This was going to be fun.
The doors opened and there he was. Wesker wasn’t particularly a fan of the face you were making at the moment, but the worst was yet to come.
“Hello Darling.”, you had a devilish stare you held on the man incased in leather in front of you.
Swallowing thickly he spoke up, “Hello pet.”
Shaking your head, “uh uh uh. I’m afraid you’ll have to refrain from calling me that for the time being my love. I’m the one in control for the night, if you recall.”
Wesker had never witnessed such a high amount of confidence illuminate from his partner. Where had all of this come from? Why was it causing him to get choked up?
“Come over here. Sit down.”
His legs just began moving. Why in the hell was he so willing to comply to your requests? Albert Wesker has never been one to do as others told, so what about you has him obeying like a dog?
“Good boy”
Shit. What the hell. Why was this getting to him? He was a man of power, he held control over so many people. Why were the current events making him so weak in the knees? This was not how Albert Wesker was meant to behave. Yet here his was, sitting at the edge of his own bed, allowing the beautiful figure in front of him to tell him what to do.
“Before we continue, I want to make 110% sure this is completely okay with you.”, the usually soft and caring tone you carried had returned for a brief moment.
Wesker glanced up, there was a genuine look behind those mesmerizing eyes, “I’m fine, this is okay. If I weren’t completely and totally fine with this it wouldn’t be happening.”
You softly scoff at the way this man still managed to have a slight dominance over the situation, “I’m just making sure my love.”
Standing over him, you place a finger under his chin and lift his face to meet your gaze. For a moment all you do is stare into his eyes with a devious smile on your face, but it’s not long till you’re pressing your lips to his in a heated kiss. Wesker groaned into the kiss, if he was gonna do this he was gonna lean totally into it. You reach up and remove his sunglasses, you were the one and only person he would let touch them. You remove them slowly and gently, giving him time to pull away and decline if he so chose to. He didn’t. He was putting his full trust into you in this moment.
After this singular soft moment things sped up a bit, that one kiss turning into a make out session with you on his lap. You were still in charge though, pulling his head back by his hair to get a good angle.
“Open up.”
“Oh no-“
“I’ll not except a no.”
With a glare your way, Wesker opened his previously sealed lips for you. The drop of shear liquid hits his tongue and his lips seal once again.
His throat bobs and you know he’s done as told, “Good boy.”
You shove him onto his back, flat on the mattress beneath him and climb onto his lap. Your hips move in adjustment and a grunt emits from his lips. You could feel something push slightly against your core and you knew exactly what is was.
“What’s the matter dollface? Little friend come to visit?”, the wide smirk was evident on your face.
However you were met with a glare, “You and I both know my “friend” isn’t so little.”
With a shake of your head you continue, “Oh darling, you’re going to have to watch that tongue of yours if you wish to cum at all tonight.” That threat was enough to shut him up for the time being.
You continued your ministrations with your hips, earning a groan from the man beneath you. It was going to take *a lot* of work to get Wesker to actually moan, but luckily you had all the time in the world and a shit ton of willpower, so it was gonna get done before the night was over.
As the movements of your hips grew faster, it became more difficult for you to hold in your moans, teeth already sunk into your bottom lip near drawing blood. Weskers hands had planted themselves on your hips momentarily, but you were quick to slap them away. His grunts had picked up as a sign of his growing erection, this bringing your hips to a halt.
“I suppose it’s about time I give you a little something to look at.”, you took your precious time removing the button up adorning your body, a deep red lace peaking through more and more with each button undone.
Wesker clenched his jaw the second his eyes landed on the bralette wrapped around your breasts. “See something you like Wesk?”
A mere scoff was all the seeped from his tight jaw. Unfortunately for him that was not the response you were willing to accept, “Oh dearest, that’s not an answer. What do you think of my lace?”
“It’s lovely darling.”
“Thank you!”, the smile plastered on your face was genuine, but the intentions were not of the purest.
Leaning down, your lips attached themself to his pulse. The marks you’d leave behind were sure to be questioned, but that was a fact floating outside of both your minds. You nipped and licked at all his sweet spots, red marks slowly turning into purple love bites. For a moment you sat up to admire your work, grinning as the thought of others around the facility asking about them popped into your head. In your eyes they were symbols of your relationship with this widely feared man. You were the one that had managed to catch his eye, but he was the lucky one for having met such a beautifully mysterious yet understanding creature. You were a necessity in his life.
The pace picked up largely as you undressed him down to his underwear. His bulge would’ve been considered large and daunting to others, but to you it was as familiar as your dominant hand. You kissed your way down to his v line, then retracting from his body. You rubbed your hand over his clothed cock a few times before removing the last garment left on his body. You pump your hand up and down his leaking cock a few time, making sure to spread his precum as a form of lubrication.
“Look at you, hot and leaking all for me.”
He attempted to hold back a moan, causing it to come out strangled. “Having a difficult time are we?”
You’d learned how he reacted to different movements over the years, and it was going to come to your advantage tonight. You swiped your thumb through the slit in his tip, his hips sputtering and jerking in response. Reaching between your own thighs, you collected your own wetness then wrapping your hand around his erection. Your hand made its way up and down slowly, groans being heard from above. You looked at his struggling expression, making a point to puff out you bottom lip in fake pity. Speeding up your movements you felt his cock twitch in your palm, he was close. You began jerking at a rapid pace, only to bring him to his peak before stopping altogether.
“Y-y/n…”, his voice was weak and whiny, a surprise to you. You hadn’t expected him to become so submissive so quick. You’d only edged him once.
This exact scenario happened over and over in a cycle. He came to a near release almost 10 times, and by this point his voice almost sounded broken, breaking down to a simple whisper when he got too desperate. Eventually you decided he’d been patient enough and gave in, stripping yourself of the lace undergarment adorning your hips. You brought yourself up from his thighs and grazed teasingly over the head of his cock, before finally slipping it in. You moved down slowly, both as a means of teasing and allowing him and yourself to properly adjust. Your inner thighs met his hips and you both couldn’t help but moan. In an attempt to stabilize yourself you close your eyes, but the feeling of his head nudging your cervix makes it near impossible. His ragged breaths can be heard from beneath you, you smile slightly and slowly begin to move your hips.
You start by slowly swiveling your hips in a circular pattern before you hear a gasped out “ple-ase”. He was growing ever desperate and you’d already tortured him enough. Slowly your legs extend from the knee up and you almost remove yourself completely before abruptly slamming back down onto his hips. Your head slumps back and he moans. An actual moan. It was breathy yet loud. His desire to release was growing stronger and harder to suppress. Wesker’s senses were heightened from the feeling of you clenching around his cock. He could feel the burn in his chest from you digging your nails into his skin, he could hear the stagger in your breath as you attempted to contain yourself, he could see the way your chest rose and fell with each inhale and exhale, he could taste the salt from the unknown tears streaming down his face, and he could smell the rising scent of sex and arousal.
Your hips rose and fell at a decent pace, a knot forming in your stomach as Wesker’s fingers dug into your thighs. He was out of breath and had his eyes clenched tightly shut, it was obvious that he was almost there and this time you weren’t going to deny him his release. You yourself were letting out little whimpers as the knot in your abdomen pulled tighter and tighter. You hadn’t realized just how desperate you were, so focused on the desperation of the man under you.
“M-mommy please!”
That was when you snapped. You whaled out moans as your orgasm wracked your entire body. The sound of your screaming tweaked a nerve in Wesker and his orgasm hit him like a massive wave, spreading from his lower abdomen to the rest of his body. You rode out both your highs, slowly leaning down to rest your head on his chest. You gasped for air, the power of your orgasm having knocked the wind out of you. You didn’t know what it was, but something about the name he’d chosen for you sent you over the edge and further.
Sitting up, you made sure to check in on Wesker, “You alright love?”
He breathed heavily for a moment before replying, “I’m alright. Are you?”
“Yeah, all good.”
Before either of you could come down completely, you began moving once again. An exhausted whimper escaped Wesker’s lips, he wasn’t expecting the shock of more movement. There was a burning down in your lower stomach. Subconsciously you reached your hand down to your clit and began a circular movement, dragging a quick moan from your throat. Wesker was too focused on the way his senses ran rampant as he tried to remain calm through the overstimulation in the head of his cock. It felt like a strange buzzing tingle, an experience he’d never held. It was new. But welcomed?
You began to speed up your pace once again, a new knot forming. Wesker had been leaving little crescent shapes in your thighs from his nails for a while now, it was the main thing grounding him to the moment. His brain was fuzzy and his vision faintly white. Your nails scraped down his chest as you came once again, screams of his name leaving your lips. Wesker moaned loudly as his second orgasm hit him, his mind filled with fog and vision hazy.
You lifted your hips from his and flopped next to him. Your hand grasped lightly at your throat as you caught your breath. Wesker glanced over at you. He might have seemed like this evil and selfish person to most, but he was truly selfless when it came to you. He’d just gone through all of that and yet he was still concerned about you.
“Are you okay darling?”
“Yeah babe I’m all good.”, a soft smile rested on your lips, the way he cared about you warmed your heart in a way not many other things could.
“Roger that captain.”, sneaky little mirroring of your past statement.
You went to his bathroom and ran warm water while you retrieved a washcloth from the cabinet. Coming back to his bedroom with the warm cloth, you cleaned him up tenderly, “I love you.”
He smiled, “I love you too my dear. Perhaps I should allow this more often.”
You smirked, something he did not take to fondly, “Don’t gloat my dear, it’s not a good look on you.”
“Ha ha.”
You returned to the bathroom to clean yourself up. You walked back over to his bed and laid down, covering the two of you with the sheets. You snuggled into his shoulder before closing your eyes and falling into a slumber at the sound of his faint snores.
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ro-is-struggling · 1 year
✨600 Followers Celebration✨
Welcome to the ro-is-struggling 600 Follower Celebration!!!
an event that I'm definitely not planning since I hit the 200 followers mark, nope of course not
Below the cut you will find a list of prompts that are divided into two parts. The first part consists of concepts based on scenes from sitcoms and some romcoms. The second part contains song lyrics that I have to use as reference for writing the stories. You guys will have one week, so from today January 5 until January 12 (though the deadline can be extended) to choose from the long list of prompts which ones you would like me to write and with which characters. All you have to do is leave me a ask with your request plus some details I explain below. 
As prompts are requested I will mark them as taken on the list and at the end of the week the requests will be closed and I will start working on the ones that I got up until that point. The prompt list is extensive and –I think– pretty diverse so that everyone will find something that catches their attention. Anything goes! Fluff, angst, smut, hurt/comfort, anything you guys like! (although I'd appreciate it if you read the blog rules first).
Below the cut you will also find the rules of the event. I ask you to read them carefully before making any request so we are all on the same page and avoid any confusion. If you have any questions, my private messages and ask box are always open so don't hesitate to ask!
Thank you all so much for the support you have given me and continue to give me in everything I post. When I created this blog almost a year ago I never imagined that anything I posted would get so much support –and part of me still can't believe it. I never imagined doing a Follower Celebration, certainly not for 600 followers! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart, your constant love and support is what fuels my inspiration and keeps this blog going even in my worst moments!💜💜💜💜
The characters I write for are:
MCU: Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Peter Parker (all three of them), Matt Murdock, Peter/Pietro Maximoff, Stephen Strange
Harry Potter: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter
Stranger Things: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Billy Hargrove
The 100: Bellamy Blake
The Umbrella Academy: Diego Hargreeves
Criminal Minds: Spencer Reid
9-1-1: Evan Buckley
- Prompts cannot be repeated. If a scenario is already taken by a character, it cannot be used with another character. I will update the post to mark the prompts that are already taken so everyone can see it before leaving a request.
- If the same prompt is requested for multiple characters I will choose which character to use it with depending on who requested it first or which character inspires me the most to write it.
- Prompts cannot be combined, neither between them nor between those based on movies/TV shows and those based on songs.
- Characters CAN be repeated. You can ask me for as many stories with the same character as there are prompts (always taking into account that the scenarios are not repeated).
- The stories can be of any genre you want. Obviously as there are prompts based on scenes from movies/TV shows I already have in mind a specific tone according to where they come from, but that doesn't mean that it can't be changed. You can ask for something specific if you wish. If you want it to be angst with no happy ending then that's what I'll write. If you want it to be fluffy or end in smut then that's what it will be. You can add your ideas as well!
- Please be clear when leaving a request. Specify the fandom, full name of the character you want me to write about, and if you have a specific idea, please detail it. Also clarify (if you have an idea) who you want to be Character A and Character B in the story. I need to be able to distinguish between characters that have the same name but are from different fandoms (example: Steve Rogers and Steve Harrington. If it just says Steve I don't know which one you mean). In case I don't understand which fandom/character you specifically want then I will choose or discard the request entirely. 
- Prompts can be adjusted depending on the character being requested. I think this goes without saying but in most of the movies/tv shows where I got the prompts from the characters are adults so if the prompt says the action takes place at work but someone wants that prompt with idk the marauders for example then it would be changed to the school setting, you know what I mean?
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Part 1: Concepts inspired by movies & tv shows
During a blackout Character A finds a cat wandering around the building and sets out to find its owner. That's how they meet Character B, who takes their breath away the moment their eyes fall on their figure (if someone doesn't ask for this one with Bucky to include Alpine I'm going to cry) {Friends 1x7}
Enemies to lovers in which Character A and Character B have a bet in which if Character B loses they have to go on a date with Character A. But it's not a normal date, but an event prepared to be remembered as the worst experience of their life. Only in the middle of the date they realize they can have fun together {Brooklyn 99 1x13}
Team A and Team B play a trivia game to see which group knows more about the other but they end up betting too much {Friends 4x12}
Character A and Character B realize they are the only ones who didn't have sex in the office (or anywhere else depending on the fandom) and seek to change that {The Office 7x18}
Character A and Character B have been dating for a while now. One day at the end of a date Character A says I love you for the first time and Character B, in complete shock, panics and ends up replying "I love cake" {That 70s show 2x7}
Character A asks Character B for help to get the attention of their crush since B has a lot of experience in the subject and A not so much. The problem is that in the middle of their arrangement they begin to develop feelings for each other and the plan for Character A to get a date with their crush is forgotten as they use their arrangement as an excuse to be together {The Duff}
Character A and Character B are secretly in love but times and fate were never on their side. Now that Character B is dating someone Character A does everything they can to move on. That is until one day ends up snapping and after getting drunk on a failed date they end up leaving a message to Character B where they confess how they feel {Friends 2x7}
Character A and Character B are in a secret relationship and make the mistake of kissing in a place where there are security cameras. When they realize it, they struggle to avoid being discovered while wondering if anyone already knows {Brooklyn 99 3x1}
Character A leaves a dirty message for Character B as part of a prank/dare, the problem is that Character B becomes obsessed with finding out who the mysterious person on the other end of the line is. When they finally find out, they can't look at Character A the same way again {Seinfeld 3x8}
Character A is in love with Character B, who is their best friend's partner. Character A suffers in silence when they see them together, flirting with Character B from time to time without realizing it, until one day A gets tired and confesses what they feel and they end up kissing ( + the dialogue prompt "Do you think I like flirting with my best friend's significant other?") {That 70s show 1x13}
Character A is nervous about going on their first date after being single for a long time so they turn to their friend for help. In a confusing turn of events Character A ends up drunk at the house of Character B, their date, the day before the event. The next morning Character A wakes up hungover and thinking their chances with Character B are ruined, but in the end Character B shows up at their house to drop off something they forgot the night before and assures them that they are looking forward to their date that night {Parks and Rec 2x4}
Character A and Character B are friends who fell in love and are now trying their luck as a couple. They have just begun to explore their relationship and experience intimacy, but begin to have problems when Character A bursts out laughing every time something remotely sexual is about to happen between them. That leads them to question their relationship and wonder if they did the right thing by becoming a couple {Friends 2x15}
Character A and Character B are in love but don't want to admit it because they are dating other people. Things are not going well and Character A plans to break up with their partner. The problem is that Character B doesn't know it and invites them to an event where everyone will be there. Then Character A ends up snapping and breaking up the relationship in front of everyone. In the middle of it all, their partner mentions the obvious feelings between Character A and Character B, creating problems in the latter's relationship even though both try to deny it {Brooklyn 99 2x9}
Character A and Character B have feelings for each other but can't bring themselves to admit it. That is until they have to pretend to be a couple (for a mission, a family party, whatever) and end up kissing on more than one occasion. Their feelings for each other become evident and they end up confessing their feelings - but not before acting like a couple of nervous, awkward idiots {Brooklyn 99 2x23}
Character A and Character B have been friends for years and have a little too much chemistry and romantic tension. After being teased about it by the rest of their friends, Character A decides to kiss Character B to "find out how it felt" {That 70 show 1x1}
A mysterious pair of black handcuffs is found which leads to a search for their owner, who ends up being the most innocent and least suspected person {Friends 10x16}
Character A is going through a breakup so as any sane person in their place would do they ask Character B, their best friend, to give them neck hickeys to make their ex jealous. Things escalate between them and for the first time in a long time Character A forgets about their ex {Parks and Rec 2x10}
Part 2: Song lyrics
“Last night I lay in bed so blue // 'Cause I realized the truth, they can't love me like you” (Love Me Like You by Little Mix)
“Why you always wanna act like lovers // But you never wanna be each other's?” (Light Switch by Charlie Puth)
“Just because it won't come easily // Doesn't mean we shouldn't try” (Easily by Bruno Major)
“Fed up of being the shoulder you cry on I want to be the shoulder you lie on” (If I Get My Way by Little Mix)
“I happen to know that what I felt you felt, too // But that makes no difference to me // I know this love is doomed” (You, Dear by Eloise) 
“Baby, I don't care if you got her in your heart // All I really care is you wake up in my arms” (One Last Time by Ariana Grande)
“If I get my way, I'mma take care of you // I can take her place, let me get my way // If you let me try, just one night, I can prove // I can take her place, let me get my way” (If I Get My Way by Little Mix)
“You crave attention and I need affection so let's walk the silver line” (Dear Lover by Little Mix)
“I'm not in love // So don't forget it // It's just a silly phase I'm going through” (I’m Not in Love by 10cc)
“It's not your fault I ruin everything // And it's not your fault I can't be what you need” (Angels Like You by Miley Cyrus)
“if I don't make it back from where I've gone just know I loved you all along" (Inkpot Gods by The Amazing Devil)
“It's four a.m. and I know that you're with him // I wonder if he knows that I touched your skin” (Happily by One Direction)
“The road that was broken brought us together” (The Joker And The Queen by Ed Sheeran)
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The 400 Blows/Les quarte cents coups (1959)
By Carly Leavitt-Hullana
Film critic turned director, François Truffaut's directional debut, The 400 Blows/Les quatre cents coups (see promotional flier below), is a multi-award-winning, black and white French film drama that is said to have defined and launched the French New Wave cinema movement. This movement was formed in the late 1950s and 1960s by young French directors which serves as the dividing point between classic and modern or contemporary films (The 400 Blows via Britannica). This film is also the start of the leading character’s acting career, Jean-Pierre Léaud, who was widely praised for his role as Antoine Doinel. Léaud goes on to act in four more movies playing Antoine Doinel, all filmed by François Truffaut: Antoine and Collete (1962), Stolen Kisses (1968), Bed and Board (1970), and Love on the Run (1979).
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The film follows the rough life of Doinel as he struggles to navigate school, relationships, and home life. At home, he lives in a cramped apartment with his absent mother and stepfather who constantly argue, where he is thrown on a couch pushed into a kitchen corner almost as an afterthought. Doinel’s home life soon affects his school performance as well as his behavior overall and he ends up disrespecting his parents and teacher, skips school and eventually runs away from home, and ends up breaking the law which results in him spending a night in prison (see a shot of the scene below). After his parents fail to take responsibility for Antoine, they turn to social services for help and end up sending Antoine to an observational camp for juvenile delinquents. When asked by a psychiatrist at the camp about his lying, Antoine says, “Oh, I lie now and then, I suppose. Sometimes I’d tell them [his parents/teacher] the truth and they still wouldn’t believe me, so I prefer to lie.” Antoine’s attitude towards his actions show just how much his childhood, parental and societal treatment, and lifestyle has affected him.
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The story of Antoine Doinel is based on François Truffaut's own childhood and serves as a dominant benefactor in this film’s successful performance. This classifies The 400 Blows as a semi-autobiography as well. Roger Ebert, a film critic for the Chicago Sun-Times says, "Inspired by Truffaut's own early life, it shows a resourceful boy growing up in Paris and apparently dashing headlong into a life of crime…We are allowed to share some of his private moments..." (The 400 Blows via Roger Ebert). François Truffaut’s first film was a prosperous, powerful, and emotional story that was enhanced by the fact that it was inspired and derived from his own tragic life. Critics still highly rate this film as a TheCinemaholic article published in 2016 claims, “The then 27-year-old’s aspirational transition from a hotheaded critic to an exciting filmmaker couldn’t have been better scripted.” The 400 Blows, accompanied by Léaud’s performance, touched the lives of many in the audience when it aired in 1959, and still leaves a footprint on viewers today. 
Another reason why it was and still is considered highly successful is the film has won eight awards and was nominated for 13, was highly popular in the United States and England, and introduced a common cliché of close-up freeze frames to the cinematic world (‘The 400 Blows,’ a Directing Debut That Still Astonishes via The New York Times). Many critics, as well as myself, agree that Truffaut's film style allows the audience to feel and experience his forceful message about society through his use of this unsettling freeze frame ending along with experimental and, at the time, ultramodern camera angles and editing seen throughout the film. With that being said, keeping in mind that The 400 Blows was released in 1959, this film is considered unconventional due to the filming styles previously mentioned as well as the use of hand-held camera shots, the absence of continuity editing, and the inner-cuts between objective and subjective point-of-view scenes that bend the norms of Classical Hollywood cinema, also known as causality (How “The 400 Blows” Deviates From Classical Conventions of Narration? via High on Films). Aside from this non-traditional filming technique, this film also has many scenes that puzzles and confuses viewers as it gives no context or clues pertaining to previous or upcoming scenes as well as the unnerving and mystifying scene at the end of the film that leaves the audience guessing about Antoine’s future. Although François Truffaut’s film includes the common coming-of-age movie trope, he delves deeper within the tellings of his and Antoine’s story as he forces the audience to feel the pain they experienced by making society address the terrible way they have failed him as a whole through Doinel’s outcome. Along with the metaphor of his distant guardians, who represent society's blindness to these children’s desperate need for help (TheCinemaholic).
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froggyfics · 9 months
Requesting Requests!
Hello! Welcome to Froggy's blog! I'm a new writer here on Tumblr, but I'm having trouble coming up with topics for fics. Please send me some requests!
For simplicity's sake, please follow this general format, so I can discern your request from other questions or comments I get sent:
Request, <character name>, <angst or fluff>, <prompt>
Please keep your prompt under 100 words or less. This is not to be mean, but just to give me some breathing room to exercise my creative writing skills when it comes to the fic. Also, please remember that it is up to my discretion whether or not I should honor your request. This is not to hurt anyone's feelings, but I want to be able to put out great fics. If my heart's not in it, then I cannot deliver on that.
If I accept your request, please note that it may take a few months for me to write it. This is because I like to plan out my upcoming works in advance. If you want to know if I've received your request, then feel free to privately message me.
I'm writing for generally DC or Marvel characters, but I don't mind writing for other fandoms as well. The characters on this list aren't the only ones I'll write for, but this is just to give you an idea.
1. Bruce Wayne/Batman 2. Dick Grayson/Nightwing 3. Jason Todd/Red Hood/Arkham Knight 4. Tim Drake/Red Robin 5. Damian Wayne/Robin 6. Slade Wilson/Deathstroke 7. Hal Jordan/Green Lantern 8. Clark Kent/Superman
1. Steve Rogers/Captain America 2. Bucky Banes/Winter Soldier
Non-Comic Book Characters
1. Andy Barber 2. Lee Bodecker 3. Lloyd Hansen
Thanks so much in advance for your support and giving your ideas. <3 Froggy loves you!
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