#but her delivery HITS every damn time
muiromem · 8 months
We as a fandom need to talk more about how Janeway always has the most raw-assed, action hero lines.
I fucking love her.
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dontexpectmuch · 4 days
i know how much you guys love this series, so i give you a new part. this one how ever will be;
comments/feedback is highly appreciated! please, im getting desperate :d
Habits Jude Bellingham might develop before you guys get into a relationship!
(a Lost in Madrid drabble!)
it is no secret that jude just loves to talk. he genuinely enjoys it so much to share any and every thought that goes through his mind, no matter how small it might be. he couldn’t tell when it started exactly, but suddenly he found himself on his way to you, a tired student that just wants to finish their work. as soon as he lifts his hand, knocks on your door and enters the room his lips start moving, talking so lively and fast that you need some time to register what is even happening.
“what do you mean ‘m talkin’ your ear off? you literally study literature and shit!” - “it’s more about reading, jude.” you sigh, wishing for any kind of help at this moment.
it is also nothing new for you to receive messages from jude during your quiet evenings when you decide to stay home. jude recently got into sending audio messages, you being his number one victim [forced] friend, whom he shared this new passion with. and most of the times he won’t even say anything important. he’ll just sing a new spanish song he has learned that past week. and he will sing. no matter how terrible it sounds and how much it makes your ears bleed. though, you also always listen to those audios, even though you know what the content will be.
“jude?” opening your door after hearing a desperate knock, you did not think that you would see your [not] friend standing there. he looks tiredly at you, clothes wrinkled and sandals on, “mum wanted me to bring you some cake she baked.” he gives you the tupperware filled with slices of cake, energy low. you feel your shoulders relax as you look up at him, “tell her i love her, please.” he just nods. and even though he always complains to you about how he is not some delivery boy, he can’t help but get excited at the thought of seeing your soft eyes when you receive food his mum made. it makes him feel giddy inside.
he makes you trip purposely whenever you walk in front of him, and then giggles and jogs away to join the others on the field when you send daggers his way with your glare.
he forces you to play two-touch, even though you have told him multiple times already that you cannot play really well. he quite literally forces you to become better, giving you tips while making you pass the ball against the wall back and forth. “i don’t want to do this anymore, jude.” - “well, that’s too damn bad.” his gaze serious as he corrects your form once more. “bitch.” you murmur under your breath, praying for him to just disappear somewhere and leave you alone.
“what?” you ask as you look up from your notes, eyes wide as you watch jude place a cup of coffee and a cinnamon roll onto your desk. “i heard that you like sweets, or whatever.” he says, [desperately] wanting to look cool. your heart starts to pick up in speed when you look back and forth between jude and the things he just gave you, warmth spreading through your body. “thanks.”
“watch me.” he smirks at you, who looks quite annoyed tired at him. “i’ll hit this first time.” - “like you did to me on my first day here?” - “dude! i told you not to talk about it anymore, ‘t’s a sensitive topic for me, ‘kay?”
heartfelt conversations between you are not as rare as one might think. whenever jude comes to you to talk your ear off while toi work on your research, you sometimes tell him about your own stuff. that leads to various topics you two discuss, which also results in sharing some intimate thoughts. it makes jude, who usually looks so confident and well put together, look more human, like a 20 year old guy who also learns something new every day.
surpriseee! hope you like it!! :)
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macabr3-barbi3 · 1 month
Alastor/sheep!Reader- Red Riding Hood (Ao3 Request)
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I had so much fun with this! And I'm thinking about doing a little mini-series of retellings of fairy tales because of this so 👀
Tags: chase; outside sex; rough sex; predator/prey for like 3 paragraphs; reader is kind of a little shit
2.6k words
The woods are dark and dense, and you curse yourself again for agreeing to undertake this journey for your new manager.
“It gets cold!” She had whined, gesturing to the hairless skin of her Sphynx cat form. “ I could freeze, and its really important that this delivery gets picked up tonight! You’re such a great friend,” she had gushed when you caved and agreed to make the trip for her, to the outermost edges of the Pride ring. Why couldn’t she have just air-shipped the package? “The customer doesn’t like modern technology.”  Why not have him come get it? “He isn’t really a people person, I don’t want to scare anyone off.”
An idiot is what you were- an idiot that was new to Hell and didn’t have many other options for jobs. You were sweltering under the stupid red cloak that she had given you, swearing up and down that the forest you’d be going through got chilly at night and insisting that you take it with you; the only plus to the damned thing was that it had a pocket into which you could slip the delivery parcel. Even though you weren’t technically properly trained for deliveries yet, the thick wool that coated the lush curves of your sheep-like body apparently made you the perfect candidate for the trip through the ‘cold’ woods. 
“Bullshit,” you mutter, throwing the hood of the damned thing back and letting the soft breeze whip past your ears. The trees seem to whistle their displeasure at your presence, your hair swirling around your face as you head in the general direction that the app on your phone directed you. 
There’s a sudden growl in the air, and you freeze where you stand. It almost rumbles the ground beneath your feet, and glancing over your shoulder you see a hint of crimson eyes staring from the darkness.
Fuck that. You take off without any further inspection of the glowing gaze, tossing your phone into the cloak pocket as you run- you don’t need to know what it is if it's going to try to hurt you somehow, and you don’t give a damn about the delivery being on time if it means risking your life. Why wouldn’t your manager have told you there was dangerous shit out here? You get that it’s Hell but for fuck’s sake.
Your lungs are aching as you continue on, not willing to slow or stop while you can still hear the crashing of tree branches and snarling behind you, right at your heels. There’s a hand on the hood of your cloak then, pulling you backwards, and without thinking you slam your head back, horns miraculously hitting home right in the creature’s face. It releases you with a pained groan and you don’t look back, booking it as fast as you can in a different direction, stitch in your side growing more and more painful with every step.
The woods are silent as you finally slow and stop, bracing your back against a tree and trying to catch your heaving breath. Your whole body is on fire, physical exertion having never been your strong suit, but you’re still alive and that’s what matters- body aches will heal, but you heard that regeneration was a bitch.
“Are you chilly, darling?”
The unexpected voice makes you whip around, cloak whirling as you turn. “Fuck!” Your heart is still beating like a drum, hard hammering against your chest from the run before you had stopped to rest. 
The demon casually leaning against a nearby tree watches you with a wide grin, a trickle of blood from his lips where your horns had slammed into him. His eyes, red and lidded, flick up and down your body. “It’s quite rude to leave a question unanswered.”
“It’s also quite rude to sneak up on people. Was that you chasing me?”
“Why, I’m just making sure that you are heading in the right direction! The number of people that have gotten lost on their way to me is truly a nuisance.” He eyes the shape of the package in your cloak pocket. “I’m pleased to see that this one hasn’t been lost to the forest yet.” He steps closer, holds a hand out to you. “Come along now, dear.”
“R-right. Can you confirm the name on the package?”
A wide grin, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “Alastor.”
It matches the name on the package which is good enough for you. “Okay, great. Here you go.” You pull the box from your pocket and hold it out to him. “That’s all this needed to be.”
He cocks his head to one side. “Surely you won’t be leaving so soon.”
“I’m just here to make the delivery, sir.” Your hands are trembling with leftover adrenaline as he takes the parcel, inspects it for a moment, then unceremoniously tosses it over his shoulder into the darkness.
“Your work ethic is to be admired!” He exclaims, ignoring your outraged expression. “But there seems to be confusion- you are the delivery, darling.” When you stiffen at his words he chuckles and creeps closer, circling you like a predator. “Let me guess- you’re new to the shop, you aren’t trained for deliveries, and the manager had compelling reasons for why you should come instead of herself?”
“We have an understanding, you see.” He trails a finger down the cloak hanging over your arm. “Retail is a hard business in Hell- no one wants to stick around, people are hard to train, they never last long anyway. Your manager has had to run several of my packages herself and the last one was, sadly, lost to the elements by her own fault.” He looks off into the distance, seemingly irritated at the memory. “What could have possessed her to attempt to cross a river with a priceless antique electronic is beyond me but here we are. I would have simply killed her but she has connections I can use to my advantage so we made a deal instead.” He looks back to you, head cocked to one side as he smiles. “An easy meal as compensation for her transgression. Delivered right to me.” His eyes darken, raking over your form, the curves of your body. “I hadn’t expected her to act so quickly but it’s been some time since I last had mutton.”
“I won’t taste good,” you tell him calmly despite the lingering fear from the chase, and an eyebrow raises in amusement. “When I was alive my mom always said I was rotten, I’m sure that doesn’t translate well to my demon form. And then you’ll have wasted your deal on bad meat.” You keep your voice steady while you address him.
“Oh?” He circles you and you can feel his gaze running over your body again. “I’m not so sure about that, dear- I’ve never found any complaints with meat of any kind. I’m sure you’ll be quite tasty.” He smiles when he comes around the front again, the sharp teeth glinting in the light that filters through the trees.
And fuck, the way he said that shouldn’t have been kind of hot. This was a serious situation, definitely not the time to be thinking vaguely inappropriate thoughts about the demon who was quite blatantly threatening to eat you. “Do you want to risk it?” You ask, and his smile turns curious. “I mean, I’d hate to have to tell you ‘I told you so’ but I would do it. The shop has new people like me coming in every week for training that you could have your pick of instead of taking the first thing to come along; what if you missed out on something really delicious?” 
Alastor watches you carefully. “I suppose you have a point, darling,” he concedes, his slim shoulders shrugging. “A meal that talks back so much would surely be a poor one. Though I can’t say I’m not disappointed that I won’t get a chance to sample you.” His voice seems to drop, a rolling purr in the strange radio cadence he has that makes your hair stand on end and your heart thump in your chest.
“Maybe I could let you have a taste?” The words leave your mouth before you can stop them, the air between the two of you suddenly charged with tension. “Just, you know. Show you what I mean, that I won’t be any good. Rotten and all that, like my mom says.”
“On the contrary, I think you’ll be very good.” He steps closer to you, towers over your frame with hooded eyes that track the movement of your throat as you swallow. “But I’ll behave myself since you’ve shown me the error of my ways- a mere sampling of your flavor, nothing more. I suppose there is more that I could get out of your manager if I don’t ‘cash in’ right away, as it were.” He brings a claw tipped hand to cup your face, tilting your head one way then the other. “We’ll start here,” he murmurs, and you close your eyes, wait for the brush of his lips against yours.
It doesn’t come- instead you feel him lick along the column of your neck, the muscle hot and wet where it drags against your skin, a shuddering exhale leaving you at the feeling. One hand comes up to rest on your waist, the other unclipping the clasp of the red cloak you wear and letting it fall to the ground. You shiver without it, not from the cold but from the sensations raging through your body at such a simple touch, and Alastor pulls back, licking his lips at the taste of you.
“My disappointment at agreeing to let you go is immeasurable,” he whispers, pupils blown when he meets your eyes. “It’s just as I suspected- delicious.” The hand that released the cloak winds itself into your hair, brushing against the base of your horns. “Would you indulge me in another taste?”
You nod, not trusting your voice to come out clearly, and he swipes along your neck again, allowing his teeth to press gently against your pulse point before he continues down, snaking the hot appendage between the valley of your breasts and holding you tighter to his body. There’s still adrenaline coursing through your body making each touch feel like an electric pulse to your core, and when he growls into your chest you let out a quiet moan that echoes in the quiet woods.
One hand still tangled in your hair, thumb gently brushing against your horns, he slips his free hand under the waistband of your skirt and into your panties, inhaling sharply at the wetness he finds. Claws absent, he slides a finger inside of you, the press of it slow and steady, making you rock your hips into his hand.
“Someone’s eager, hm?” He presses another digit into the slickness of your cunt, bends his fingers in a way that his you seeing stars as he thrusts them in and out of your heat. You let out a soft cry against him and cling to his shirt, up on your tiptoes to let his fingers reach wherever he wants.
“More,” you whimper, letting one of your hands reach up to his face, a move that surprises him. “Please, Alastor.”
He brings his face up from your skin and devours your mouth, his tongue showing just as much attention to your mouth as he had your neck, licking into it with fervor and enthusiasm you wouldn’t have expected from him. “Would you let me have you, darling? This is hardly an appropriate place, but-”
“Yes,” you tell him, not even letting him finish his sentence, and he gently lowers you to the ground to lay across the expanse of the red cloak. He makes short work of his trousers, shoving your skirt up around your waist and slicing your panties off with a quick swipe of his fingers before he fists his cock and slots himself against you. “Oh fuck-” He impales you with a hard thrust, sinking in to the base with a harsh grip on your hips.
“Lovely,” he groans into your ear, and then he seems to lose the capability for language, his words devolving into harsh grunts and growls as he fills you over and over, snapping his hips against yours in a quick rhythm that leaves you gasping and trying to pull him closer. 
A hand leaves your hips to tangle in your hair; you arch up, thinking that he means to kiss you again until his palm wraps around the length of one horn, using it like a handle to pull your head back, throat exposed to him while he rails into you. “Delicious little thing,” he says, and drags his tongue down the column of your throat again, sucking a pattern of bruises along it that you know you’ll spend the next week pressing into with your fingertips. His sharp teeth pinch a bit of skin lightly and you jerk in his hold.
It should have terrified you, instead dousing your body in a liquid flame. “J-Just tasting, remember,” you jokingly reprimand, and his laugh reverberates through your chest.
“How could I forget?” He lets go of your horn, slips the hand between your bodies as he leans back so he can watch you rocking with the force of his thrusts into you. His thumb swipes forcefully at your clit, the ecstasy near overwhelming as he loses some of his rhythm, your cunt clamping down on him. “It's quite selfish to deny me, darling, but I’ll take of you what I can- your pleasure, your body, all of it mine-”
Your eyes roll back in your head as the tension in your lower body snaps, dragging Alastor down with a hand in his hair to meet your lips, desperate and sloppy while you quake and shatter to pieces below him. He spends himself with a snarl in the tightness of your body, slick with your arousal and release as you cry out, the sound swallowed by his mouth.
He remains still for a moment, crouched over you, before he pulls back and rests you gently on the cloak. “This thing is hideous,” he says with distaste. “It made it quite easy to track you- which was the intention- but you must have been sweltering.”
You watch what you can see if the sky through the canopy of the trees. “She said it could get cold,” you laugh, “and I’m a fool. What a terrible job.”
“Not a fool,” he corrects, spreading the fabric out to lay on it beside you for a moment. “Nearly a victim of a deal that didn’t concern you- and perhaps I will still pay your manager a visit- but never a fool. You convinced me not to eat you for now, at least.”
You shoot him a smile. “Well, you weren’t that scary once you stopped chasing me,” you giggle, “besides those sharp teeth.”
His nose wrinkles with his amusement. “Keep teasing me, dear, and I’ll acquaint you with these sharp teeth for real.” He leans close enough to nip at your shoulder, the motion more teasing than painful. “There’s always tomorrow, after all- who knows what my appetite will be once I’ve dealt with that manager of yours? Mutton could still be on the menu.”
“Well,” you say, “if I’ll be out of a job soon so I might go apply at the coffee shop around the corner from our place. I heard their manager is a real ass- how would you feel about duck instead?” He laughs into your shoulder, the sound deep and clear, and you think maybe it wasn’t such a bad job after all if this was where it lead for now.
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gunthermunch · 4 months
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[Transcript under the cut]
Ian: Lucas! Lucas: hi! i brought something! Ian: GASP a man?? Lucas: vegetables Ian: ah… well come on in you Ian: we just had lunch, i saved you some. you're welcome Lucas: aw thanks Ian!! Lucas: Mr McMillan Derek: mhhm. Derek: Strawberry Strawberry barks Derek: did he pressure you into bringing in a boyfriend again? Lucas: well- Ian: Jesus derek learn how to take a joke! we're just being silly! damn. Ian:christ! well, i'm gonna microwave your food Derek: so, how's she? Lucas: well she can walk around without whinning now Derek: I see Derek: and what about you? Lucas: me…? I'm fine. We're both fine, see? Derek: any news on your friends? Lucas: i…talk to Elsa and Pierce almost every day, he's planning to visit soon actually. and Max- well i haven't talked to him in months. I mean-- properly talked to him. Derek: hm? i'm afraid you couldn't bare a week without him Lucas: i know, but our conversations became… slow? over the time. I don't know, must have something to do with distance. Derek: hm. Lucas: but yeah, i'm fine. i think i just learned to be like this Derek nods
Lucas: who's that? Ian: Derek love! could you get the door please? Derek: yes, grunts as he stands up yes dear. ?: Good evening Mr. McMillan! Derek: you're soaking wet Maira: yeah! water's getting everywhere- BUT your groceries. Derek: [chuckles] ah, Maira. Lucas: was that the delivery girl? Derek: mhm. Derek: she's about your age. you should try and talk to her some time Lucas: u-uhhhhh-uhm. Lucas: i'm not good at- with people Derek: me neither, that's why i married Ian. Lucas: what do you mean Derek: dreamy sigh he does the work for me… Ian: Lucas! get over here and EAT Lucas: going!!!
Lucas: thanks for everything guys, i'll see you tomorrow! Ian: take care peep!
Lucas: …okay… [voice message starts recording] Lucas: heyy! it's me, Lucas!- no [voice message starts recording again] Lucas: hey, just wanted to check on you. you know you can talk to me, right? about anything. we are friends, i'm still your best friend. Lucas: …yeah, just hit me up if you need anything… Max.
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mvltisstuff · 11 months
Evan Buckley x female reader - tsunami episode - they have been dating for 4 years and Buck has recently proposed, reader and Buck spend a day on the pier with Christopher but they soon get caught up in the tsunami. Reader gets injured badly (hit her head/unconscious/broken bones etc) and Buck struggles to find her and panics. Some hospital scenes with Buck and reader and 118.
angst, injuries(if ur comfortable too write about it), heartbreak, fluff 🫶🫶
waves - e.b
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summary: request
evan buckley x reader
a/n: you guys always have such good ideas istg… so funny story i was gonna finish this last night but i was drunk so i couldn’t 😁
every time her eyes were forced open, y/n was faced with a new horror in front of her. the murky grey water full of debris scratching against her skin. the stinging salt water in her eyes and lips. the salt from the sea diving into her scrapes. the feeling that she was drowning and there was nothing she could do to stop it. the ocean has always been scary, but it’s never scarier than when you’re in the center of its wrath. she came up for air, only to take one deep breath before being forced under the surface again. she’s a good swimmer. she knows she can swim, but no one prepares you for a wave from hell in swimming lessons.
y/n and buck had taken christopher out for the day, trying to get buck more involved after his accident. they went to the pier, the arcades, anything that christopher suggested they did.
they were supposed to go to the movies. to see a film, but the only thing they saw now was pure calamity in front of them.
she didn’t think buck could take much more pain and uncertainty in this world. he’s the toughest man, but even the toughest soldiers can fall. y/n’s concern for him had peaked. his life felt empty when he didn’t have y/n or the 118. he loved working more than anything, saving people ended up saving him.
he knew y/n before she even started working at the 118. they had been in the same training program, and y/n was eventually transferred to los angeles. buck was so fond of y/n. he loved her more than anyone, which frightened him but also made him filled with electricity. she was alluring, talented, and the sweetest person he’s ever known. she showed him love when he needed it.
so, the ring was in his apartment, shining in one of the hidden compartments in his closet. he was certainly prepared to whip it out and spend the rest of his days next to y/n, but then, a kid with some bombs took over. the engine was on top of buck before he could take a breath, and all his plans to propose were thrown away. it was now or never, he thought, laying on the stretcher. he’d switched from gut-wrenching wails to a solid “marry me.”
now, y/n looked for buck wherever, but the shore had become one with the whole city. the pier was gone, and she didn’t know if buck and chris were too.
she was being shoved across the water, her body being smacked with incoming debris. her head made contact with a slab of concrete that the wave had taken up. after, she’d made contact with another piece that sliced through the side of her abdomen, leaving a clean gash that was releasing a spill of blood. before she knew it, the the water was cold, but she started to feel warmer by the minute. the water around her started turning red, and her face became paler as she accepted her fate. she wanted buck to be there to save her. she wanted to be able to save herself, but the aggression of the water made it near impossible. she allowed her frail body to wash up on top of a white delivery truck, laying there with her maroon blood smeared on the top of the truck.
she was transformed into survival mode, thinking of anything she would be able to do without killing herself even more. she was able to reach for a piece of sopping fabric, pressing it securely against her belly where the massive slash was. there was nothing to be done for her head as the damage had already been done. she’d be damned if this tsunami killed her, but as long as she knew buck was out there, she was going to fight like hell.
buck felt completely lost. he was settled on top of a fire engine, christopher being cradled in his arms as they faced the disaster together. they were the only two people on bucks mind, y/n and christopher. at least he knew where christopher was, but he was separated from his fiancé the moment the wave flooded the pier.
buck tried to stay positive, he really did. but, seeing all the bodies float past limply brought his spirits down. he knew that he would be okay, but the woman who’s the center of his universe could be dead. buck thought nothing could hurt more than his accident. on the contrary, the thoughts in his head during these moments of his life hurt more than any physical pain he’s experienced.
buck stayed silent, not wanting to scare christopher but the boy had his own questions. “how come y/n is gone?”
“she, um, she got lost in one of the waves, pal,” buck mumbles, trying to contain himself from completely breaking down. “we’ll find her when this is over, alright?” buck wishes he had a more firm answer, but there is nothing in this environment that is stable. no one knows a single thing that could or couldn’t happen.
suddenly, everything turned to nightmare fuel. christopher had fallen, and was swept away by the harsh flow. buck screamed his name, jumping in after him and searching for him anywhere. he swore his heart stopped, watching the exhausted boy fall into the unknown pit of water. everything had become a blur to buck. he didn’t even care about anyone else as long as christopher went home to eddie, and y/n went home with him.
bucks heart fell with eddie’s face as their reunited with each other at the hospital. he was carrying the weight of two missing people, feeling like it was only his fault. he wanted y/n there so bad, he so badly wanted her to hold him and say it’ll all work out in the end. y/n was gone, and buck had no fucking clue because now, she could be anywhere. he loves her more than anything on this planet, and a wave can’t change that.
buck continued to notice the shallow breathing of eddie, the pure horror on his face as he might’ve lost the person he adores most. there’s no pain like losing a child, and buck could never live with himself if he didn’t save christopher. alas, when eddie’s eyes directed to behind bucks cut and dirty body, he saw his son wrapped up in a warming blanket. buck felt like complete shit.
he knew he saved christopher, and he was thrilled beyond words. but where was y/n? he had to know. the sun had already set and if she wasn’t found, she was probably dead. the word rang through bucks brain, repeating itself over and over like a monster under the bed. she’s the best thing that ever happened to him, and he never guessed that it would shoot him in the foot until now.
“buck!” bobby yelled, beginning to walk over with hen and chimney as eddie sprinted to his little boy. “hey, what’s wrong, kid?”
buck could barely formulate words, the heaving in his chest was too strong to hold anything else. he panted while spitting out y/n’s name. “i cant find her, guys i tried so hard but we just got separated so fast-“
“alright, buck hang in there,” hen says, placing her hand on his shoulder in an attempt to ease him. “we’re going to look around, ok?” buck nods, knowing that this isn’t easy for them either. y/n was the light at the station, being able to cure a bad day and always making every glad to be at work. she made it the best experience, and she became their best friend outside of work too. they’d lose a coworker, but they’d lose a member of their family above all else.
buck storms around the parking lot in the triage areas, desperately begging them for her name. “do you have a y/n here? y/l/n? ive been to all of the other ones and if she’s not here i don’t know what to do.”
“she’s not on my list, sir. i’m so sorry, but have you checked the black tents?” the sad woman asks, acknowledging the tarp that was decked with body bags. buck stared at them, like they became the only thing in the world.
“i- i cant-“ buck breathes, turning around to break the contact.
“i know, you’re ok, buck,” hen speaks, as buck falls into her arms, his knees barely holding any support of his body. he tries to match henrietta’s breathing, her comforting voice soothing his ears. he tried to ignore everything around him, but the aggressive sirens of another ambulance and the lights illuminated the teams faces.
he watched as the two paramedics opened the doors, revealing another on next to a womans body, squeezing the air into her lungs with the bag. buck knows. he sees her damp hair on the stretcher, the hair loves and admired every day. he sees her crimson-stained outfit, the one he complimented her on this morning. lastly, he sees her beautiful face, the face he could never forget. he wants to sprint over to her, but his feet are planted on the ground. he has no more fight left to give, and he lets himself fall to the ground in exhaustion.
the next time his eyes peel open again, buck is sitting behind a curtain, an oxygen mask around his head and a bottle of water being handed to him. “drink this,” bobby demands.
“thanks,” buck replies.
“don’t thank me. you did great work out there today, buck. i’m proud of you.”
“thank you, cap,” buck twists the cap off, starting to take sips of the water. “please tell me i wasn’t dreaming when i saw y/n.”
“you weren’t. she’s in surgery now. she had a pretty nasty laceration on her head, and an even worse one on her abdomen. they’re thinking it hit her appendix, so they’re going in to take it out before it causes more harm than good. they did a few test on her as well,” buck hisses at bobby’s words, not wanting to hear anymore but needing to know. he didn’t know if it was good or bad, but he had to know. “she has a severe concussion. she’ll probably be disoriented and confused when she wakes up, and surely in pain. buck, hey,” bobby notices the man starting to zone out. she’s still hurt, and it’s not enough for buck. he wishes he could put a force field around her, wanting to take the force of anything that might hurt her. knowing that this out of the ordinary thing almost took her life pains him beyond injury.
“s-sorry,” buck whispers. “i want to see her when she’s out of surgery.”
“you can, but i need you to know that it’s going to look bad. she’s going to be intubated and definitely banged up. you have to know that she’s going to be ok. so, say it,” bobby tells him.
“say she’s going to be ok.”
buck gives him a confused look, trying to contain the waves of his own tears as he utters the words out. “she’s going to be ok,” before he knows it, the dam breaks and bobby’s hugging buck, comforting him from the emotions that have taken over.
the minute buck gets the confirmation to see his girl, he’s passionately walking down the hallway of the ICU, scanning the rooms for the only one he cares about. scarily, bobby was right. it looked bad. she had cuts through her cheeks and her shoulders, even passing through her eyebrows and forehead. she had a thick bandage around her abdomen, protecting the incisions on her stomach. the lights were dimmed, protecting her eyes from hurting her head even more. the tube down her throat was a haunting sight for buck to see, realizing that she could barely do it on her own.
he sat in the chair next to her, anxious to even graze her hand. he just watched her chest rise slowly and sink down again, next to the hissing of the machine. and he stayed there. he couldn’t bring himself to leave her side again. he lost her once, it wasn’t happening again. so, buck sat next to her until her anesthesia wore off. some people might’ve thought he was a statue, the way he didn’t rip his eyes off of her.
the doctors came in a while later when y/n started breathing over her tube. she was still sleeping, but she was breathing on her own. buck knew she could, he knew this wouldn’t be the thing to take them apart. the worlds had it’s go at trying to separate buck and y/n, but it never works. until death do them part, literally. buck looked at the ring on her finger, almost forgetting that they’re planning a wedding. he’d been given the ring from the nurse, who took it off before her scans. he was the first one to put it on her finger, so he did it again.
the 118 had piled into her room, eddie bringing christopher to his tías house to spend time with her. he came back when he heard about y/n. buck just saved the life of his son, and y/n saved bucks life before he even knew it. the entire team knew it. they needed her to be ok, or work would truly never be the same.
she’d worn off the anesthesia a few hours later, looking at her family surrounding her.
“hey, baby,” buck smiles, still dressed in his muddy clothes. “i know it hurts, it’s ok.”
“what happened?” she asks, rasp in her voice.
“there was a tsunami, y/n. it got you pretty good, too,” bobby added, standing at the edge of her bed. “you fought that pretty good, y/n. they said it was pretty ugly when they found you.”
“yeah, i remember,” she squints. “but why am i here? shouldn’t i be at work soon?” buck gives his captain a confused look.
“she’s just confused, buck. it’s the concussion, don’t worry about that,” eddie whispers behind buck into his ear.
“do you remember seeing anyone or anything?” hen asks.
“i remember being scared, for buck and c-christopher. i thought they were dead for a little, and i thought i was next. but i couldnt just drop there and give up on them.”
buck noticed her exhaustion, from the pain medicine and just the stress of her disorientation. “you should get more sleep, honey. you’re gonna need it.”
“bucks right. we can come back to see you tomorrow, y/n,” hen stands. “we love you, y/n. you did good.”
“you’re tough, y/n, you’ll be alright,” chimney adds, patting her hand and starts to clear out of the room.
“don’t go, buck,” y/n says, grabbing his hand with her eyes shut tightly.
“i’m not going anywhere, y/n/n. you’re stuck with me,” buck tells her, leaving a kiss on her hand and he sees the corner of her lips rise with it.
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beyondkion-blog · 17 days
Resident Evil Characters - A Summary
Note: This is entirely my own opinion and said with a heavy dose of humor
Please enjoy
Chris Redfield
Started as a twunk
Became an angry gorilla man???
Alpha Male™️
Punches boulders
Wants you to marry his sister
Hide yo kids, hide yo wife
Rude to wait staff
2/10 - Just a guy. Hit him with your car
Jill Valentine
Other OG
Arguably better main of RE1
Master of Unlocking
Bisexual Bob™️
Once got mind-controlled into going blonde
Rocket Launcher babe
Big Strap Energy
Giant anime gun
Albert Wesker
OG Baddy
Thinks he’s cool
A little too into Chris
“What are we going to do this game, Albert?”
“What we do every game, Alex: try to take over the world”
Matrix jacket
Maybe a vampire?
Looks like my uncle (derogatory)
Barry Burton
A+ line delivery
Just happy to be a part of things
Wishes his daughter would talk to him
Comes through in a pinch
Got lost on his way to The Last of Us
Father figure
Not dead out of sheer dumb luck
Rebecca Chambers
Baby butch
Sees the best in everyone
Autism be damned, my girl can work a shotgun
Mommy Domme/Babygirl switch vibes
Sweet coffee addict
Doing fine, thanks for asking
Awkward thumbs up
Billy Coen
Bad Boy™️
Never bothered to take off his handcuffs
Moral standards
Strong silent type
Whole situation could’ve been avoided by just talking about his issues but no
Queen fan
Leon S. Kennedy
If a golden retriever became a human and then got kicked every day of its life
Having a really bad first day
Into dominant women
Dumb 90s haircut
Uses comedy as a coping mechanism
Hair grows in direct correlation to his level of angst
“Hey demons, it’s me, ya boi”
Dog lover
Certified Good Boy™️
Fucked up a perfectly good rookie is what you did. Look at it, it’s got depression
Claire Redfield
College student stuck in the zombie apocalypse
Soft butch
Forced her brother to teach her how to knife fight
Really into motorcycles
Leather jacket
Rocket Launcher babe #2
Always has at least one adopted child with her
10/10 would ask to babysit
Ada Wong
Mommy. Sorry. Mommy- sorry. Mommy-
Grappling hook
Badass spy
Emotionally distant
Soft spot for cute cuddly things (Leon)
Femme fatale
Book lover
Chaotic neutral
Crossbow 😍
Could step on me and I’d say thank you
Rocket launcher babe #3
Sherry Birkin
Goosebumps protagonist
Worst parents ever tbh
Surprisingly good under pressure
Please someone get this girl some therapy
Smartest person here
One hell of a shot
The trauma is immeasurable
Somehow still doing fine
Loves her weird adopted family
Carlos Oliviera
First POC main?
Went from three polygons and a white boy haircut in the original to actual gorgeous South American hunk in the remake
Lost his accent along the way for some reason
#1 Jill simp
If Dug from Up was a guy
Only trustworthy person in the whole series
Just wants to help
Gorgeous gorgeous hair
Loves strong women
Hakuna matata
10/10 would peg
Steve Burnside
Who is this sassy lost child?
Hot Topic employee
Into Claire (she’s too old for you bud)
Thinks he’s edgy
Daddy issues
Luis Serra Navaro
If Puss in Boots was a human
The Most Extra™️
Luscious flowing locks
Definitely into bondage
Used to work for Umbrella
Trying to make up for it
Don Quixote references
Good with his hands
Praying for a threesome with Leon and Ada
Ashley Graham
Basic white girl
Always getting kidnapped
Master of Unlocking #2
Razor flip phone
Ada Wong bisexual awakening (same)
Good with a wrecking ball
Makes Leon catch her every time she has to jump a ledge (also same)
Would like to go to Hot Topic, please
Sheva Alomar
Player 2
Second POC main
Bad AI
Too good for her game
Willing to go on a suicide mission with a guy she just met
Left handed
Deserves a better stylist
Only good part of RE5
Literally my girl got done so dirty just give her another chance please
Moira Burton
“It’s not a phase, dad!”
Probably gay
Weak arms
Box dyed her hair at least once
Simple Plan playing in the background
Childhood trauma
Piers Nivans
Trying his best
Appreciates a good steak
Sick of Chris’ bullshit
Good with a rifle
Just a good man
German Shepherd boy
Jake Muller
Wesker’s son
Daddy issues
Who invited Ronan Lynch here?
Quips for days
Bad boy
Loves the type of woman who can kick his ass
The Most Edgy™️
Ethan Winters
Husband of the year
Surprisingly chill
The most basic white man in all of RE
Hands? What hands?
Functionally a lizard
Would still love you if you were a worm
Just casually knows how to craft bullets
Mia Winters
Toxic girlfriend energy
Literally possessed
Dark sense of humor
Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss
Casually working for a bioterrorism organization
Does actually care about her family
Definitely doesn’t have a penicillin allergy
If you can’t be the girl of his dreams, you can at least be the feral swamp witch of his nightmares
Zoe Baker
Mold intolerance
Southern accent thicker than grandma’s gravy
Picked last on the playground
Somehow okay despite her brother being Like That
Joe’s favorite
Science skills
Lucas Baker
Didn’t even need the mold
Probably got at least one true crime documentary made about him
Working for Mia’s bioterrorism organization
Left his classmate rotting in the attic
Just the worst
Alcina Dimetrescu
Please step on me
Elizabeth Bathory vibes
Just fucking huge
Can turn into a dragon
Karl Heisenberg
Tumblr Sexyman
When robotics majors get weird
Fights with his siblings
Doesn’t actually care at all about Miranda
In cahoots with the lycans
Rosemary Winters
Mommy and Daddy issues
YA protagonist
Childhood trauma
Into the Mold-verse
Alternate universe Sherry Birkin
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loveinhawkins · 1 year
Part 1
Eddie’s coming home from the hospital today, and Steve is quietly singing along to love songs like they’re on the radio, but they’re not; they must be just in his head.
Dustin wants to enjoy it, wants to simply look forward to calling the others; they have an ongoing list of songs Steve has sung unconsciously, ranked according to various degrees of embarrassment, the current winner being his butchering of German in Rock Me Amadeus.
But he can’t. He can’t enjoy any of it.
There’s a window open in the car.
Steve keeps it down unless it’s crazy bad rain, ever since he found out that Erica can get motion sick sometimes.
Dustin grips onto his knees.
He’d tried to convince himself it was all centred around the hospital. That he could contain it.
But now he’s in Steve’s car (Steve’s car! Familiar and safe, where there’s still that streak of mud along the inside of the door from Dustin’s sneakers); he’s in Steve’s car trying not to breathe, because every time he does, he sees those damn particles floating in front of him.
“Okay, what?” Steve says, sounding both amused and resigned.
Dustin sucks in the slightest amount of air that he can manage. “Hmm?”
“Dude, I know you. Whenever you’re this quiet, you want something from me.”
“That’s an erroneous conclusion,” Dustin says.
Steve is meant to say something like oh yeah, erroneous, blah, blah, blah.
But Dustin knows his delivery is off when Steve just gives him a sideways glance while they’re stuck in traffic—knows that Steve misinterprets whatever look is on his face, because the driver window is being quickly wound down, too.
“Hey, do you feel sick? I can pull over.”
“I’m good,” Dustin says, only just managing to suppress a shiver as more cold wind seeps inside.
Steve doesn’t seem particularly happy with that answer, but the traffic starts moving again, leaving him with no choice but to drive on.
“Okay, just—we’ll be five minutes tops, all right? Just look at the, uh, horizon.”
Dustin looks ahead.
Doesn’t mention that all he can see is what the sky looked like from the trailer roof.
There’s a stack of books at the end of Eddie’s hospital bed—Steve’s gone back to the car to get a cardboard box for them. Dustin spots Nancy’s copy of Little Women on the top of the pile.
(During a visit where Nancy had driven him over, Eddie had made them wait in the corridor for a full five minutes before telling them they could come in, and when they did he was clutching the book with red-rimmed eyes, staring at Nancy so accusingly that Dustin couldn’t help but laugh.
“Beth?” Nancy had said, fighting a smile at Eddie’s melodramatic sigh.
Eddie mimed throwing the book at her, careful not to actually damage it. “Fucking Beth.”)
Another book’s in danger of slipping off the edge of the bed; Dustin catches it before it can fall. Peter Pan. He flicks it open, sees a childishly crooked Property of Steve written in pencil on the title page.
Eddie’s pressing some folded clothes into a bag on the other side of the bed. He looks up.
And Dustin suspects that when he went to the bathroom, Steve and Eddie must’ve had some sort of conversation about him, because Eddie says, “Go sit down, I’ve got this,” like Dustin’s the one who’s been recovering in hospital.
“What, scared I’ll rip your books?” Dustin asks, and this time he knows he’s hit just the right tone of normality, just the right mixture of teasing and petulant, because Eddie snorts.
“Shuddup,” he says, and then he lunges for Dustin, ruffling his hair. His hand lingers for a second, tilting so the back of it touches Dustin’s forehead.
“What the hell?” Dustin says, shoving him off playfully.
Eddie’s still grinning from their tussle, but it fades a bit as he gives Dustin a once-over.
“Thought you looked a little peaked,” he says with a shrug.
Dustin forces an eye roll. “I’m fine.”
Eddie seems to accept that, but he pours an extra glass of water and leaves it on the table; and when Dustin takes it, his mouth opens, and Dustin silently pleads inside his head don’t ask me, don’t ask me, and—
Steve’s voice echoes down the corridor, soft and lilting: Islands in the Stream.
Eddie chuckles. “That’s another one for the list,” he tells Dustin, but his eyes glitter like he doesn’t find it embarrassing at all, and when he’s bundling up the books, his fingers trace the front cover of Peter Pan like it’s a rare gem.
Oh, Dustin thinks. Then: You’re so happy.
Steve enters the room with the cardboard box held aloft like it’s a trophy, and Eddie laughs, makes a quip: “Jesus Christ, we’re not at one of your basketball games, Steve.”
Steve grins, briefly bends his knees as if on the basketball court. “You wish.”
Eddie rolls his eyes, shoots Dustin a look as if to say who does this guy think he is?
But his eyes are saying something else.
He passes the books over to Steve, chatting easily about whatever chapter he’d got up to, and their hands touch with such casual intimacy. There should be no space for them to worry here, Dustin decides—and so, for the rest of the day, commits to being the most carefree, boisterous version of himself he can manage.
It gets to the point where the window in his room is permanently shut.
Where he suddenly has this awful feeling of doubt—that this is something he should’ve called a code red over long ago.
He calls Will, twisting the phone cord around his fingers over and over, so tightly that it hurts.
“Will, you know when. Your—your episodes. The Mindflayer. What. What did it feel like?”
The ensuing silence makes shame run down his spine, cold as ice.
But when Will speaks, he doesn’t sound hurt, or even the slightest bit frightened.
“Why?” he asks.
“It.” Dustin grits his teeth. “I’m worried it might. Might be happening again.”
Another silence, and then Will says, very gently, “Dustin, it’s all closed off. I can’t feel anything anymore.”
“Okay.” Dustin blinks back the sudden burning in his eyes. “Okay.”
“You… you know you can talk to me, right?” Will says, tentative and kind, too kind, because Will is the kid who disappeared, who’s had to deal with all this shit for years, stuff that Dustin could never—
“Yeah,” Dustin says.
“My mom, she’ll be home soon,” Will says, rushed suddenly, like he can sense Dustin’s about to hang up, “if you wanna—”
“Yeah, thanks, I’ve gotta go,” Dustin says all in one breath, and ends the call.
And he realises something—kind of hates himself for it. That if The Upside Down was really back, he would’ve felt terrified, sure, but also…
Because the alternative is that the problem is him.
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pinksugarscrub · 3 months
Hobie Brown x fem! reader (high school au)
@rexlroze, @the-kr8tor What better place to stir up drama than high school? ✨️Enemies to lovers✨️
Part(s): Prologue, ???
Visions Academy. Elitist? Yes, but the school of your dreams. An hour trip from Harlem on the subway. But if your mom’s dingy blue bug held up for another year you wouldn’t have to worry about paying for a Metrocard.
It was incredible when you visited on a campus tour. The music program was world renowned. You plan to take every course available but you need to be in that music room. Smell the polish from the guitars and touch the marble of the grand piano. You shiver just thinking about standing in the auditorium. It’s everything you’ve ever wanted. Everything your family could ever have dreamed of for their daughter.
So it doesn’t bother you to work until the dead of night with customers that make you want to tear your hair out. Visions makes it all worth it and well, being able to pay for your own gas is nice too.
It’s Friday, the parlor is loud and bustling with families, high schoolers, and disgruntled adults who just want to pay. Life couldn’t be any better than this.
“Manolo where are my damn pizzas?” Yuri screams over the bar separating the kitchen and the cashiers. Stacking empty boxes into her hands before shoving them under the counter.
“What do you expect me to do!?” He yells back. Antonio, his younger brother slipping on what you assume is the ghost pepper Manolo never picked up. “I’ve got six other orders before damn what’s his name. Tell him to wait his fu-”
You tune them out as you smile politely to the little girl in front of you who’s asked for a to-go cup.
“Thank you!”
“You’re welcome,” you chuckle. Watching her run back to her parents. It was sweet, reminding you of your own dad and mom back home.
You don’t react as Yuri spins you around, pushing you towards the kitchen where boxes and boxes of pizza are stacked up. “Go, I expect you back within two hours eh?”
You also don’t react when she glares down at Antonio. Who is usually your delivery boy but is currently nursing a burn on his hand. The poor guy really was as clumsy as a deer.
“Two hours (y/n)!” She repeats.
Then the door slams shut behind you. Your car keys in hand and a bag draped over your shoulder that burns into your side with how many pizzas are stuffed inside. Don’t even ask how that worked, Yuri has her ways.
You sigh as you hop down the steps. Gently setting the bag in the passenger's seat once you reach your car. It takes you a second to set up your phone with directions along with music. The speakers are surprisingly clear as you turn the volume up and drive off. The city becomes a blur and the clock ticks back at you with each and every stop.
The last apartment. A pink building that’s chipping and full of overgrown vines that reminds you of a photo you saw at a pop up show once. You walk up the steps, the last two boxes in your hand.
“O’hara…”You mumble, “O’hara, O’hara- ah ha, there.” The loud buzz of the intercom makes you recoil as it echoes across the street. A minute later a voice rang through, words muffled and unintelligible
You shift nervously on the balls of your feet. Leaning close to the speaker against your better judgment.
“Hi! For Mr. O’hara?”
More words? You’re sweating at this point. You’re almost hitting your two hour mark. A second later another buzz rings through and the door unlocks.
You sigh, muttering under your breath. “Oh thank god.”
You quickly swing the door open. Scaling the steps once you see yellow caution tape and a note stuck to the elevator.
By the time you reach the fourth floor you’re huffing. Holding onto the railing you catch your breath.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,”You huff in exasperation. Eyes wide as you see every door number is faded or falling apart. “These people need a better landlord.”
You almost shriek as you see what time it is when you look down. You have less than fifteen minutes.
Running through the numbers as best you could. You settle on a door with punk themed stickers. You hope this is the apartment or the tenants will at least be nice enough to point you in the right direction.
Before you can even knock the door swings up.
“What do you mean-”
You stand there visibly in awe as you stare into the most beautiful set of eyes you’ve ever seen. Silver piercings and earrings decorating his face. Wicks pulled back into a ponytail.
“Oh hey! Can we help you?” A second face pops out from the side of the door. A kind smile on his face.
You clear your throat as you avert your gaze. “Yes, uhm, I’m looking for 4D?”
You melt inside as you hear his accent. British? But not exactly?
“O’hara,”you confirmed. Smile wobbly as you force your butterflies down. You really need to get out of here.
You don’t notice the two exchange a look.
“Oh, that’s us love.” He grins as he stares down at you.
“Great!” You beam. Mentally storing the name in the back of your mind. For what? You don’t know. It’s not like you had the courage to ask for his number.
It takes you less than a minute to hand the boxes over.
“How much do we owe you?”
This confuses you but your smile never wavers. “I’m sorry, I’m pretty sure you prepaid online.”
“Right right!” The second boy nods. Dragging his friend inside by the arm and snatching up the pizza with his free hand. “Thanks!”
The boy with wicks sends you a wink before closing the door behind them.
You wait until you’re out of sight to swoon. It lasts for about five seconds when you realize it’s been exactly two hours.
Yuri’s too busy when you come back to scold you. So the rest of your shift goes smoothly. Your mind drifting to the boy every once in a while. A small smile on your lips.
The phone rings and your bliss is broken. You hold your breath as insult after insult hits your ear through the receiver.
You feel like an idiot. The boy’s pretty face fading into obscurity. You blink back tears as you talk with the real Miguel O’hara.
What a shitty night.
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vanwritesfan-fiction · 10 months
No Cap (18+)
Short, fun little blurb about phone sex with Travis. Enjoy!
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“Just tell me when to stop”, your friend Dani held her hands out, slowly dragging them further away from each other. “Stop.” She stopped just short of a foot. “Are you fucking kidding me?!?” she looked at you with disbelief. “I mean,” you closed one eye to measure with your forearm, “at least 7 inches.” “You’re fucking lying! I mean, damn Travis.” She kneeled into the couch, taking a seat next to you. “Ok, enough dick talk. What do you want for dinner?” You asked her as you pulled out your phone, bringing up the Uber Eats app.
You were hanging out with your roommate and best friend on a quiet Friday night because Travis was traveling to Tampa for a football game. You were just about to press order on your pizza delivery when Travis’ face flashed up on your screen with an incoming call. It was a picture you had taken of him at a baseball game you went to for your second date, Travis giving you a big, cheesy smile as he held up a yard long beer. It made you smile every time he called you. You and Travis had only been dating about three months, but you were head over heels in love.
“Hey!”, Travis had his phone propped on the hotel desk, sitting back in the chair, his sexy chest exposed, and you would have given anything to be running your fingers through his chest hair right now. You clenched your thighs together, squeaking out a greeting. Dani poked her head around the camera, her mouth agape at the sight of a half-naked NFL player. “Travis!”, she cried out. Your boyfriend quickly covered up his torso with a sweatshirt. “Hey Dani, what’s up?”, he replied, his cheeks turning red from embarrassment. “You have any single friends as “blessed” as you?”. She raised her eyebrows, and even through the camera he could tell her eyes were on his crotch. “No, all my friends are married. With kids.” “Shame. Let me know if anything changes.” Dani walked off to her bathroom, leaving the two of you alone.
“Sorry about her.” You rolled your eyes in her direction, Travis laughing. “I fuckin’ love her, she’s hilarious. How are you?” “Okay. Would be better if you were here.” You gave Travis your best pout. “I’ve been gone a whole 24 hours and you already can’t live without me?” Travis was teasing you, but he was right. One of the best things about your new relationship was the sex, and you didn’t go more than two days without getting into bed with Travis when he was home. “This is my first away game as your girlfriend, it’s torture.” Travis’ eyes turned dark as he leaned closer to the camera. “Show me how much you miss me baby.” You quickly ran to your bedroom and locked the door, laying on the bed so Travis could see all of your body. You slipped your shorts off, throwing them over on the floor. Travis groaned at the sight of your barely-there lace thong, barely covering your throbbing pussy. He shifted in his seat, his hard cock rubbing against the tight fabric of his boxers.
You slipped your fingers down your panties, feeling your wetness as you slid your fingers through your folds. Your orgasm was already building, every touch to your sensitive core causing you to clench around emptiness. “Take your pants off, baby.” You were breathless, rubbing circles around your clit as you watched Travis stroke himself. You slipped two fingers inside your pussy, curling your fingers to hit your g-spot repeatedly as you pumped in and out. He stroked the head of his dick, pre-cum leaking from the tip. “Fuck, I’m so wet for you Travis.” “If I was there I would fuck the shit out of you, no cap.” “Wait.” You pulled your fingers out, sitting up in the bed. You let out a loud laugh, Travis’ eyes shooting open at the sound. “Did you just say, ‘no cap’ while I’m finger fucking myself?” “No, I didn’t.” Travis rubbed his shaved head, trying to hold in a chuckle. You both burst out laughing, your side hurting when you couldn’t catch your breath. “You suck at phone sex, baby boy.” You pulled your bra off before pulling your tank top back down. “I’ll admit, I’m terrible, but I make up for it with the real thing.” “No cap”, you nodded your head in agreement.
“Well, the moment has passed, so I’m gonna go take a shower and go to bed.” You blew Travis a kiss as you said your goodbyes. “Wait”, he stopped you before you could hit end call. “Prop me up in the bathroom, I wanna watch you shower.”
“Sorry, bud, you’ll just have to wait for the real thing.” You winked before hanging up your phone.
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ilylovelyz · 11 months
once more to see you.
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pair : levi x fem!reader
warning(s) : post pregnancy, angst with a happy ending, kinda a part 2. to see you again (can i get a kiss), but a lil revamped, postpartum depression, mentions of death, levi is using a cane instead of a walking chair 🌚, this is kinda long, probably my worst fic
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it's been months since you've last seen levi. it's been months since the last time you kissed him on the lips, telling him you love him, and just overall basking in the silly little seconds you once had with him.
within those few measly months you happened to give birth earlier than expected to your first born. you tend to tear up whenever you remember those few months. you don't even know how long it's been since then, you just know it was a little over two months.
those few measly months were absolute torture. levi wasn't there to guide you throughout the end of your pregnancy, and he wasn't there for the painful, scary, and life threatening birth of your first child.
you remember the previous months, the months he was with you. the two of you would just talk and talk about the baby, what to expect from the delivery. he even swore that he'd be with you every step of the process, holding your hand. months of planning wasted, just like that.
you had to do it alone. and even after the harsh delivery of your son, you still had to wait for levi. the terrain of majority of the world was so fucked up, it almost made navigation impossible, especially for a woman who nearly died during her labor, and for a fragile newborn.
you of course don't blame levi. you never could. it wasn't his fault that he was one of the only few people skilled enough to exterminate the titans and save the world. if it ever came to it, you'd expect him to save the world over you.
but of course, there were times when you absolutely yearned for him. when the baby just would not stop fucking crying, did you wonder if life would be better if levi just chose you. if he just chose you over his duty, maybe, just maybe you wouldn't have to go through all this shit alone.
there were days when you couldn't even take care of your son, too depressed to even move from your bed. you had to have assistance to even just bathe yourself. you just wanted once more to see him. once more to show him the lovely creation you two had made, but you couldn't. but slowly, things got better. just like the rest of the world, you were repairing yourself and getting better.
it was when your baby was almost three months old were you finally told that safe navigation could be possible. and god, were you absolutely overjoyed. you couldn't help but (gently) swing your baby up in the air, marveling at it's giggles and laughs.
oh, once more you were going to see him.
the day of you finally reuniting with your levi, you were absolutely frightened. it had been some time since you last saw him. you panicked, dizzy mind coming to a bunch of horrible conclusions and assumptions that you damn knew weren't true, but could help but think. what if he fell out of love with you? what if he doesn't consider you beautiful anymore? then it hit you, what if he wasn't even alive?
jeez, that one stung. tears brimming at your eyes, you frantically shook the thoughts away. no, that's the worst, worst case scenario. he promised you that he'll see you again. after you calmed down, you somehow found the will to laugh at yourself. he's the strongest man to ever live, what are you even thinkin'? levi would never die on you.
when you finally arrived to where levi and the other survivors were supposed to be, you were frantically looking around for him. it was quite crowded even then. you ignored the shouts of the people who accompanied you, desperately surfing the crowd, trying to keep up with you.
you couldn't keep still. you had to keep looking. you wondered if he was looking for you too. ah, your heart stung at that. you paused in your tracks for a second, stopping at a balcony like-road, allowing your legs to take a break from all the walking you did. you watched from afar as the streets bustled, unknown faces leaving as fast as they appeared. how were you ever going to find him in this sea of people?
finally, your accompanies caught up to you, lightly scolding you for running off. you couldn't care less, you had worse scoldings before. you sighed in frustration, focus coming down to your baby that was so interested in this new, bustling world. 'so cute,' you thought, bringing up your free hand to cradle his much smaller, chunkier one.
you looked back up again at the crowd below, shoulders slumping in defeat. the sun was setting, the crowd was becoming less dense and many were returning to wherever they came from. sensing your disappointment, your accomplice spoke up. "we can always come back tomorrow," they pitifully smiled, their hand coming up to pat your back.
you felt your eyes sting with salty tears once more. you don't wanna wait another day. you felt that uncomfortable rise of heat in your chest as your breaths became uneven. "i jus' wanna see him once more.." you mumbled, looking down at your innocent baby, trying desperately to blink away the tears.
you let out a final heavy sigh, legs numb as you waddled to turn around and face back to the direction you came from.
oh. you blinked once, twice, three times. that face looked familar, you stupidly thought, too blindsided to see the short figure standing on the other side of the rode, walking aimlessly without a thought.
"there's just no way.." you sharply inhaled. finally, the tears just to fall on their own. finally, once more, you get to see your precious levi, albeit standing across the street from you.
your eyes sparkled with joy, only for them to once again to be overfilled with salty, stinging tears. wait, he's walking away from you.
within a second, you were almost clutching your baby, making sure they didn't fall out of your grasp as you began to speed walk into his direction. "wait.." you whispered. he didn't seem to hear you. "wait." you said, a little louder, but it still wasn't enough.
what turned into a paced walk turned into a wobbly run. "wait!" you cried out, almost tripping in your heels before eventually they just flew off your sore, bruised feet. ignoring the yells of your accomplices, you continued your struggle against the crowd, bumping into many on your way.
"please wait!" you cried once more, almost cringing when you felt the rasp of your yells. he was right there, but he's not hearing you. "levi! wait please!" you rasped out, stumbling to the side when you bumped into another particular face.
you heard the confused call of your name next to you, it was jean. you felt lightheaded as you finally regained your breath. only for it to be taken away again when he finally turned around. he heard you.
like an idiot, you stumped into jean's hold on you, face as red as a tomato. jeez, you were certainly out of shape. you didn't mind though, because in a second, levi was pacing himself to you. his beautiful grey eyes of his wide with disbelief as he looked at you.. and then the baby.
using the last of your strength, you pulled yourself together to somewhat leap into levi's arms, finally falling into his arms. you almost brought him down with you, if not for the cane, the two of you would be done for.
finally, you sobbed into his arms once more, tears running like a waterfall as you chanted his name over and over again. "i mished you sho' much.." you babbled incoherently, too busy choking on your own saliva. levi burried his nose into your neck, inhaling the sweet natural scent of you he missed so much. "i missed you so much too, my love." he whispered, peppering soft kisses on your jawline. his free hand was gripping at your waist, afraid to let go in case you left again.
levi's heart felt so heavy with all this pain and sadness. now that you were finally here, with him, he finally was able to let it all go. he felt so helpless without you. he felt like a burden, to be unable to walk without stumbling slowly. he lost sleep over the thought of you being alone for the last few months of your pregnancy. his heart burned painfully, he didn't want you going into labor alone.
he felt so useless. he promised you that you would have his support and he basically broke it. he was often stuck in his bed, too in pain and too tired to move. the tortuous thoughts of you replaying in his head. the minute he was better and able to walk a little better, he was up and searching around for you. the chance was little, but he would search everywhere just to see you once more.
you were sobbing into his arms until you gasped, pulling away and bringing down your baby to levi's view. "l-look levi, he looks like y-you," you snorted. you marveled at the very distinguished similarities between your husband and baby. all that hard work just for the baby to look like him.
stunned, he observed the baby for a few seconds. this was your baby? his baby? the baby he waited so long for? he was too amazed, but he didn't stay standing there for long like a fool before he brought up his free hand to the baby's cheek.
ah, it was so soft. he looked up at you nervously before he suddenly let go of his cane, ignoring the sudden loss of support in his permanently injured leg. his shaky hands came to wrap around the baby's body, careful not to unwrap it's fuzzy warm blanket.
levi couldn't help but let out a shaky breath as he held his son, his first-born. his baby. he couldn't wrap his head around it. the two of you made this? of course it's your child, it's precious in every-way possible that he can't seem to imagine he was this baby's father.
he didn't think a bastard like him could create something so treasured and beautiful. he didn't want to, but he couldn't resist the quivering of his lip as the baby in his arms looked up at him innocently with (e/c) eyes, gleaming with happiness and purity. levi felt like he was in paradise, finally holding his child and being with his fiancée.
leaning his head down, he placed a soft kiss on his son's forehead, before laying his forehead against his. the baby began to writhe in his arms as levi's tears accidentally dropped onto the newborn's face. "ah, sorry," he absentmindedly spoke.
you giggled at his apology to the baby. "levi, let's go home," you inched forward, bending your knees a little so you could place a yearning kiss on your little fiancée. finally, you've seen him once more.
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shsy7573 · 4 months
Random Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel) Character/Song Analysis Kinda Thing… I Guess
Okay, so yeah, Luci has 100% taken over this page. So what? I’m not obsessed, you are.
Anyway, I’ve been listening to “More Than Anything” on repeat since it dropped, and like a lot of the fandom I tear up every single time… but unlike a lot of the fandom, it’s not because of the sweet father-daughter moment (which, don’t get me wrong, doesn’t help the situation because it’s just so damn wholesome).
No, what gets me is how, just through a couple subtle moments, the show is able to convey just how absolutely shattered Luci is as a character. And, you know, because he’s my favourite, bestest, snek-baby-duck-boy, it makes me a little emotional…
So now you’re all gonna hear about what goes through my mind every time I listen to it. YAY!
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“Charlie! You don’t understand, Heaven never listens. They didn’t listen to me. They won’t listen to you!” / “You don’t know that—” / “I do!”
It starts before the song even truly begins. When I’m listening, it’s usually these first few lines that grab my attention. I end up replaying the first 4-5 seconds of the song over and over again because the pain in that “I do” is so fucking good! (And because I like to suffer apparently cuz I end up sad. Life of an angst lover I guess).
It’s the first time we see him with actual tears in his eyes. The raw delivery of that line is so attention grabbing, and manages to say so much in such little words.
I think the reason this particular scene tickles my brain so much is because it’s the breaking point for his character in a way. I am, and always will be, a sucker for moments where a character’s walls finally come down, and we get to see what’s been festering inside. When their deepest thoughts and how much they’re hurting are revealed. The entire song is what that is for Lucifer, starting with these two words right here. I truly cannot put into words just how much my breath is taken away by Jeremy’s delivery of this line. I cannot articulate how much I love it, and how important it is for Luci’s character. it just hits so deep and so right for me and I love it.
Lucifer isn’t just saying that he knows Heaven isn’t going to care about her plan (I don’t think anyone thought that’s all he was saying but whatever). He is saying that he knows what Heaven does to dreamers. He knows what they’ll do because he has already been there, and it destroyed him. They took his ideas that they saw as too outlandish, and they squashed them. Cast him aside. And he paid the price for it when he went bashing their back and did his own thing anyway.
Luci is a broken dreamer. Throughout the entire episode, and the series as a while, we are given very strong hints of this. However, it’s not until this song that we really see it in action. It’s not until these moments that we are able to see past both the veils of “Imposing King of Hell” and “Goofy Guy who’s trying his best but not great at Dadding,” and get a look at how genuinely depressed this man is.
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“My dreams were too hard to defend.”
This scene eight here. The more I see it, the more I fall in love with it. Just a great example of ‘show don’t tell.’
He’s talking about having big ideas, he’s talking about giving people a chance and reaching outside the normal, he’s talking about being cast out of Heaven. I just love the parallel he’s drawing between Charlie’s mission, and his own past.
Charlie created the hotel in an attempt to give people who have been seen as lesser to all of Heaven some sort of chance. She is choosing to have faith in them, and to open up opportunities for them to lead a better life.
Lucifer, when he gave Eve the fruit, was taking a chance to allow humanity the chance to have free will. He wanted them to experience everything life had to offer for themselves like angels got to. He offered a chance for them to lead a better life.
He had everything, and he had complete faith that what he was doing was right. All the light and hope of his dreams was right in the palm of his hand. He had so many ideas that he thought, if they were saw through, would make the world a better place.
But it didn’t work out for him.
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“And in the end, I won’t lose it all again.”
Now, the first seconds of dialogue may be what I keep rewatching, but this has got to be my favourite visual of the entire song. It’s such powerful imagery, and I fangirl over it every time.
Look at how small he looks in that shot (I know, I know, he’s tiny regardless, but like seriously). He is completely outnumbered, hopelessly overpowered, totally at the mercy of all his Heavenly superiors… and he’s all alone.
He lost everything because he had the gall to dream. It’s not hard to look at the song (and the episode at large, really) and find not only his feelings of being wronged, but also his immense guilt. It shows in how much he hates Sinners. They are basically the worst of what he did, a constant reminder of the day his mistake caused him to lose his home and everything he held dear, and they are all he gets to see. Only being permitted to see your failures for all eternity? No wonder he’s fucking depressed.
The day Heaven cast him out was the day he stopped dreaming. Because dreaming big only leads to pain, failure, and suffering.
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“I just don’t want you to be crushed by them like… like I was.”
This next moment is kinda self explanatory and obvious and really doesn’t need any commentary, but I’m gonna talk about it anyway. Because I love it, and I love him, and… you know… angst. I’ve mentioned my lust for it several times now throughout this post, you really shouldn’t be surprised.
I just feel so bad for him. Lucifer made one mistake. One simple, misguided mistake that ended up introducing evil into the world, and all of Heaven came down on him for it. And, you know what, in the narrative presented by the show, what he did wasn’t that bad. He just wanted to give the world’s newest creations the same freedom angels had, and it backfired horribly. Lucifer, like Charlie, was an idealist who saw the best in people and wanted to help.
And what did he get for his good intentions? Shoved into the cesspool he unintentionally created, and forbidden to ever see anything good that came from his dream.
If I had to guess, Lilith was the only thing keeping his mental health afloat for a long time… and then they had Charlie.
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“The tales about your lofty dreams. I’d listen breathlessly, imaging it could be me.”
His daughter became the light of his life. Something that he cherished and indulged more than anything else in the world. To him, she was perfect, and he wanted to do right by her in any way he could.
Lilith told their daughter stories of all her father’s dreams regardless of what he thought of them, and when the little princess came asking him… how could he refuse? How could he refuse her anything?
So he shared them with her. All the tales of grandeur, and fantasies of everything he wished the world could have been. All the dreams he had long since let go.
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“And in the end, it’s the view I had of you that show me dreams can be worth fighting for.”
Now, the scene where Lily take’s Charlie away has always been excellent brain fodder for me because of how somewhat ambiguous it is. You could interpret his sadness to have SO MANY meanings. However, I have inevitably decided on two potential head-cannons/theories to share here for what could possibly be going through Snek-King’s head.
One: Lucifer loves his daughter, but he feels estranged and like he’s failed her in some way. She’s such a joy, such a wonder, and in a way it's his fault she’s trapped down here with all of human ties worst. He wasn’t to be close to her, and to make the world perfect for her… but he already feels like he’s failed her in the most unforgivable way. He keeps his distance because part of him doesn’t want her to have a super high of an opinion of him. It’s kind of his depression manifesting, saying that ‘she shouldn’t admire you and your stupid dreams when they’re the reason she’ll never see true light and happiness.’
The angst addict in me likes this one more, but still I’ve got another one that always pops.
Two: He feels like he’s selling her false hope, and he can kind of see the place her innocence is headed. He’s seen the horrors of the world, and he knows the more he indulges her dreams and fantasies, the more she’ll suffer when she sees that’s not what the world is like. He knows from personal experience how much it hurts when your dreams come undone, when you lose hope in the world.
Listening to Charlie’s actual lyrics, she tells him that he was the one who inspired her to dream, that he was right to dream, and that she’s not going to back down. In the song, Luci realises that 1: maybe he didn’t fuck us as badly as he thought and that she actually doesn’t blame him and wants her in his life and/or 2: she has her mother’s willpower, and she’s never going to stop dreaming or let her world be sullied like he did. She’s so much stronger than he was.
So he lets her in.
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(Side note… AWWW, look how TINNYY he is! He’s so small. The start contrast in the second image gets me every time)
There’s a bit of symbolism in the song which I ABSOLUTELY adore, and it has to do with the wings. In the flashback, Charlie mentions his “lofty dreams,” when we see the duck, which later transforms to have multiple sets of wings. Later in the song, when Lucifer finally lets her in, he also sprouts those wings.
And I just love this, because I think it acts as the perfect symbolism of him finally opening his mind again. Not just to his daughter, but to the possibility of dreaming in general.
He takes her to a circus, a place filled to the brim with spectacles and thrills, a place where humanities wildest imaginations seem possible.
But even though he’s beginning to open up, and he’s willing to help her in whatever she does, he’s not ‘fixed.’ His depression and self doubt and feelings of hollow emptiness and guilt and apprehension aren’t gone.
And he’s still terrified of seeing her spark go out like his did.
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This tiny smile break is so addicting to watch for me. It speaks volumes. Once again, my angst loving heart eats it up every time. It says, “I’m still worried, and there is still so much shit going on in my mind right now about all of this, but I’m here for you.”
And that’s what counts.
Luci’s character showed a lot of colours, and came a long way in this singular episode, but he’s still got a big uphill battle to climb. He still has to come back into his own where dreams are concerned. Maybe he never will, not completely. Realistically, he’ll never go back to the way he was.
But maybe, just maybe, in helping his daughter he’ll find something worth believing in again.
That is, of course, if they decide to give him a character arc beside ‘Dad who is trying and doing better,’ but for that only time will tell.
And THAT concludes my rant on the Rubber Ducky Ruler. If you stuck around this long, good for you! I wrote this whole thing on a limb at midnight, and NO I’m not going to go back and edit it because why would I ever want to see all the horrid grammatical and spelling errors I’ve inevitably made.
Maybe I’m off the mark on all of this. Maybe I’m head-cannoning too much. Maybe I’m just trying to suck out every hint of potential angst out of a song that’s supposed to be sweet and wholesome. That’s for you to decide. But for me, I’ve decided that I’m satisfied with this analysis. In the end, I just needed to express all the thoughts bumbling around in my head SOMEWHERE before I exploded, and unfortunately, I feel like I’ve run all my friends dry talking about this baby to them, so now it’s your turn. But, anyways, I think that about wraps things up. It’s time to go to bed.
Farewell, stay hydrated, and have a lovely rest of your day/night :)
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lmskitty · 1 month
It's time for another fic rec babyyyy!!!!!
Good LORD we are blessed in this fandom. Here are a bunch of incredible writers and fics that I devoured recently and loved every second of. No joke a bunch of these made me properly cry, they are incredible pieces of work and everyone should read them!!
Starting with Honesty Corner by @duckiemimi
College AU satosugu with pizza delivery guy Geto and Utahime/Shoko in the background!!! My fave thing about this was Utahime and Gojo's friendship and the Hasaba twins. The smut is perfection, the characters are so on point and the story just reads beautifully!
I'm gonna cheat and include three works by my beloved @thequeenofsarcaasm all should bow down to her. This counts as 1 because it's in the same AU of hers but god damn I love the way she writes so MUCH. The way the Queen writes love and the way satosugu talk to each other is so spot on for an established couple and it made me so happy because it reminded me exactly of the dumb shit I say to my husband. I'm a sucker for married besties I can't help it 😭. It's just wholesome loveliness. I shouldn't pick faves also but Tsumiki I love you and you deserve the whole universe.
Satosugu family AU. The boys do their best to become good dads and learn and teach their kids as they go along. It hit me so hard as a parent and I loved every moment!
Sex Education
Conversations I wish I had with my parents (this was a gift to me and I died on impact I am a ghost now)
Satisfied by rosegoldyoonseok - BDSM Satosugu incredibleness. Just wow. Suguru Geto brat tamer in action. It's too much. I re-read it like every week. I adore it. If you ever catch me staring into the distance I'm thinking about the car scene in this fic.
To feel is to Love by @cj-ackerman17 this one made me SOB. It's so full of love and warmth and god. It's just wonderful.
In another universe, instead of his eyes being the most powerful asset, Satoru is blind. Because of this, he’s mostly alone, unable to be the star child his high-ranking parents wanted him to be.
It’s Suguru Geto that makes him believe he deserves to be loved, and that he is seen. Suguru learns that to feel, is to love.
If you want to read like the greatest love story ever read this fic. It's one of the most romantic things I've read in a long time and the depth into the characters past is incredible. It even made me like Toji. It's that powerful.
@justrustandstardust, the Queen of satosugu comedy is at it again.
5 Times Gojo Satoru Tries to Rizz Up Geto Suguru and 1 Time He (Kind Of) Succeeds
is amazing but now we have a sequel!!!!!
5 Times Gojo Satoru Tries to Bag Geto Suguru and 1 Time He Gets Bagged Himself
Already I'm obsessed. Hotdogumi. Someone call child protection for this boy please. If you want a good time I can literally recommend ALL of their work. @justrustandstardust does comedy SO well. It's perfect.
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Unexpected Delivery- Kabal x F!Reader
So I had an idea of a reader who gets unexpectedly pregnant by Kabal and potential interactions the reader might have with other kombatants as a result of them finding out they're pregnant.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of blood, bodily functions, abortion thoughts.
Y/n is a kombatant, morally grey. Grew up in the south side of Chicago, living vagrantly and poor. Pick your own skills/abilities. Y/n is sometimes on the side of good, sometimes not. Y/n interacts with the Black Dragon faction every now and then for quick missions for quick pay, although she is not a dedicated member (merc; she doesn't like killing unnecessarily). Y/n and Kabal have been dating and getting busy for the past 10 months (and its poorly kept secret, everyone knows). Also (b/c this is my story, fight me) you are really close to Mileena. Y/n realizes Mileena is just misunderstood and just wants to be accepted and loved :) (this is relevant later).
"Fuck, fuck!" y/n paced in her bathroom what seemed like an eternity before shakily picking up the third and final pregnancy test off the side of their bathtub.
The two lines flipped Y/n's denial back on its head. Y/n was pregnant, and she had suspected so for a couple of weeks. Frequent urination, body aches, sore nips- all the alarms went off for Y/n, but those parallel pink lines struck like a ton of bricks. Was it worth telling Kabal? Should she just terminate? How far along was she? Y/n had to lean against the sink as these thoughts made her woozy.
Y/n unlocked her phone and began to type a long message to the speedster, but selected it all and deleted it. Y/n was lost in infinite possibilities. She would have to stop doing runs for the Black Dragon. What about Kabal? Y/n did not want their child to be exposed to any of the criminal syndicate, especially...Kano.
The words though, their child rung in Y/n's head, immediately spurring a flurry of butterflies in her stomach. She imagined Kabal with a goofy grin, speeding around with their child. She knew from the few times he's spoke on it, he values family and wants a big family of his own. She imagined their little family watching nerdy movies like Star Wars or Ninja Mime...
Y/n swattted at the air as to physically dismiss her thoughts. She had a mission today and that came first. She decided if she was going to tell Kabal, it would be after she completed this mission.
Y/n had to pick up some packages for the Black Dragon. Minus an excessive amount of stealth, this should have been a straight-forward and easy mission. All Y/n had to do was bust open the back of the truck and steal the two smallest boxes. Y/n drew a ragged breath before engaging. Looking through the poorly lit truck, she found the two smallest boxes surrounded by piles of larger boxes keeping those two in place. What are in the boxes? Who knows, Y/n does not ask, as she likes to keep some emotional investment apart from her despicable position. She does this for money, not for shits and giggles.
Reminiscing on her days homeless on the streets of Chicago, Y/n quickly moved the larger boxes before snatching the two and taking off. Despite her speedy pace, Y/n was not as fast as she normally would be, knowing damn well why. This cost her, however, as gunfire began to ring out. Y/n dashed off as fast as she could, but took a bullet near her lower abdomen. Y/n screeched in pain, but also fear- what about her baby?
Y/n gritted her teeth and kept running as fast she could, bleeding out in the process. Y/n reached the Black Dragon compound after 10 minutes of running. As she pushed the doors open, she drew a ragged breath, and the floor began to speed towards her. Everything went black.
Y/n groaned and winced, perceiving the bright lights of the infirmary through her eyelids. Realization hit Y/n like a ton of bricks, however, and she sat quickly and violently upright. Y/n let out a grunt before taking in her surroundings. As she quickly surveyed the room, her eyes met with a mask all too familiar. In a millisecond he was at her bedside, speaking 100 miles per hour. All Y/n could make out is "what the fuck happened?" "I'll never let you go on a mission alone again." "Those fuckers are going to pay..." Y/n drowned out Kabal's stammering once she saw a medic.
Staring at y/n, y/n asked the head medic, in merely a whimper, "how is my baby?" Dumbfounded, but lightly amused, Kabal said "I'm fine but what the hell happened to you? Are you okay?" Y/n would have laughed had not the situation been dire.
"The bullet just barely missed the babies. We ran some tests, from we can tell, the babies are healthy for three months." Holy shit, three months? BABIES? PLURAL?
Although he had a mask on, you knew Kabal was blank. For what felt like years, he did not say a word. Then, merely a pained whisper, Kabal asked, "why didn't you tell me?"
"I planned to tell you right after my mission. I legitimately found out this morning. I was still processing it myself."
Kabal sat quietly, before walking away. "Kabal, wai-," he was already gone. Tears began to form in the corners of your eyes. Was he just going to throw everything away? Just leave just like that? All the crying and the morphine began to takeover, and Y/n began to unwillingly drift off.
When she awoke, she was at her apartment, in her bed. Pacing in the living room, was the speedster. As rare as it could be, he was unmasked and in a plain white tee and black sweatpants. Besides intimate moments, Y/n did not see this casual side often. Kabal was known to be ashamed of his disfigurement. To Y/n, however, the burns meant nothing at all. You loved that man with every fiber of your being.
Kabal heard the sheets slightly ruffle and looked to see Y/n awake and dashed over. Staring down for a moment, is soft brown eyes met yours, vulnerability painted over them. "The doctor said its twins, said we'd know the gender in two more months." Kabal saying "we" was a relief, calming your heart rate and the warmth running up your throat. Y/n swallowed back the potential nervous vomit before stating, "I thought you were going to leave me."
Kabal flinched slightly, as though you'd physically punched him. "Why would I ever do that? Y/n...although sooner than expected, this is always wanted. A peaceful life, loving kids, loving wife..if you are offering me that, I would never pass it up."
Y/n was about to reply before you stopped. Wife? You involuntarily smiled and blushed at the idea before verbalizing that exact question, "Wife?"
Kabal smiled before getting up and speeding around to your side of the bed, digging in his pocket.
"I know I am bottom-feeder, a nobody." His brows furrowed for a moment, but then his face softened. "But you make me feel like I am somebody, Y/n. I forget the monster I see in the mirror every morning. You love me like no one has ever loved me, Y/n. There is nothing I want more to spend the rest of my life with you and this family we're making. Will you marry me, Y/n?" The beautiful black and diamond ring sparkled brightly.
Of course you said yes.
Kano: "Don't think just cause Kabal knocked ya up I am givin either of ya a break."
Y/N: "Wouldn't expect anything less, cue ball."
Kano: "Just for that, I am goin to make sure ya suffer."
Kano: "I gotta ask, is Kabal too fast in bed?"
Y/n: "Drop it."
Kano: "Ill take that as a yes."
Kano: "Don't think I am giving you paternity leave."
Kabal: "I'm taking permanent leave."
Kano: "In a body bag. Shame ya kids will be without a daddy."
Sindel: "So you let that bottom-feeder weaken you with a child."
Y/n: "Here I was, going to ask you for any pregnancy tips."
Sindel (disheartened): "Edenian pregnancies are different than Earthrealmers but, make the speedster give you backrubs."
Y/n: "Noted."
Y/n: "I gotta ask, any pregnancy tips?"
Sonya (face softens): "You're not going to like it but, low-strain exercise will actually help."
Y/n: "You're right, I didn't like that."
Sonya: "You better treat Y/n like a damn princess."
Kabal: "Yes, madam bootlicker." *sarcastically salutes*
Sonya: *sigh* "I tried, Y/n."
Sonya: "I don't know what Y/n sees in you."
Kabal: "At least Y/n didn't bang Johnny."
Sonya: "Now ya done it."
Cassie Cage: "Please tell me you're having a gender reveal party."
Y/n: "Maybe...."
Cassie Cage: "PLEASE let me plan it. Please."
Kabal: *regretfully* "Any advice on being a father?"
Johnny Cage: "Oh my god so first....When I first...you gotta be prepared for...'"*endless rambling*
Kabal: "I shouldn't have asked."
Johnny Cage: "So, finally settling down, eh?"
Kabal: "Choose your words carefully, Cage."
Johnny Cage: "Congrats."
Kabal: "That was surprisingly..genuine."
Kabal: "I am not going to make my kids watch your trash movies, Cage."
Johnny Cage: "C'mon, they're fun for the whole family!"
Kabal: "I don't want to fry their brains that early."
Y/n: "Look, I can pick anyone for Godmother, you can pick anyone for Godfather."
Kabal: "Deal. No quips about who I pick though."
Y/n: "Same goes for me."
Mileena: "Dearest Y/n."
Y/n: "I have to ask you something." *explains what a Godmother is* "Would you like to be the Godmother of my twins?"
Mileena: *tearfully runs and hugs you, no fight ensues, match ends in immediate friendship*
Kabal: "MILEENA? Are you serious?"
Y/n: "Like Erron is any better?"
Kabal: "She will eat them!"
Y/n: "You said no quips."
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freesia-writes · 1 year
For the 500 followers prompts: #3 switching dates on a double date…with an at first standoffish but then slowly warming up Crosshair. And congratulations on 500 followers! So glad you’re in this community 🙏🏻❤️
So grateful for you and your sweet spirit! We decided to tweak this one slightly, after some discussion, so instead of a double-blind date, You and Crosshair are each on a blind date, in the same restaurant. And this is kind of an AU… just so Cross can be in his sexy clothes. ;)
Crosshair x GN(I think?) or Fem Reader Word Count: 2k Content Warnings: PG-13, suggestive, making out, Crosshair being an ass as usual. ;) Dividers by @djarrex
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“All alone?” a silken voice came from beside you, startling you out of your reverie. You’d been absently twirling your straw in your fingers, and dropped it in surprise. Jerking your head up, you took in the newcomer: a tall, slender, sharp-looking man with silvery gray hair, peppered with black. He had the most intense eyes you’d ever seen, further accentuated by the tattoo of a target around his right eye. His presence was somehow chilling and thrilling at the same time, and you were spinning your wheels trying to find your words. 
“I’m meeting someone, actually,” you answered, finding your courage again. “I just came early to… prepare…” Your eyes dropped to your drink, a strong concoction that you’d nursed almost to the bottom. 
“Hmm,” the stranger huffed, an odd mix of smugness and disbelief. “Sounds like you’re really looking forward to it.” 
“Well what are you doing here?” you asked, turning to face him more fully. Perched on your stool, you were almost the same height as he leaned on the bar counter with both elbows. “Having a night out to lurk and criticize?” There it was… the snark you were so well-known for… that often kept people at an arm’s length. But he didn’t seem to be put off by it, instead rising to his full height to face you head on as well. He was wearing a dark gray turtleneck and a long, dark coat over some black pants that made him look both smooth and sharp. Either your drink was hitting you early, or his presence had a dizzying effect. Whatever it was, it sent a jolt of electricity down your spine. 
“I’m actually on a blind date,” he crooned, smiling in a way that didn’t reach his eyes. “But I have a feeling I’ll be leaving with you.” 
You laughed in his face, struck by his deadpan delivery of such an assumption. “Oh really?” you challenged, tilting your head. Damn, maybe your friend was right, and your type really was just a-holes in general. “That seems like quite a leap.”
“Maybe,” he murmured, lifting a hand to touch the bottom of your chin, which you slapped away despite the insane heat blossoming through your body in response. He smiled, a little half-smile that made you want to punch him or kiss him, you weren’t sure which, and then he sauntered away, giving you a little salute as he headed for a table in the corner. 
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“Hmm,” you responded automatically as the engineer in front of you continued prattling on about chargers or combustors or capacitors or something. He was the latest blind date your friend had insisted you go on, and no matter how many times you told her that you clearly had different tastes, each time she demanded that you at least give it a try, that this one was different. You weren’t sure what her type was, but you were slowly checking off every possibility of what yours was NOT. You felt bad -- the guy in front of you meant well enough… probably… but he had yet to ask you anything about yourself, instead opting to try to impress you with his decadent knowledge of starship engines. Or weapons. Or something. 
You hadn’t been able to focus, instead magnetized by the simmering presence of Mr. Assumption in the corner. Your table had [un]fortunately been situated so that you were facing him the whole time, seeing him over the shoulder of the date in front of you. You watched as he reclined, stretching a long arm across the back of the booth, having occasional conversation with the woman before him. From what you’d been able to tell, not that you’d been paying attention, she seemed very bubbly. Her movements were incredibly animated, and the deeply plunging neckline above her ample bosom left little to the imagination. She alternated between trying to be seductive and acting playful and cute, and you could almost feel the repulsion radiating from the stranger. 
A smirk found its way across your face. You knew his type, or so you thought. Hell, you kind of were his type… aloof, introspective, keeping your cards close to the chest. Life hadn’t been kind to you, and the shell you’d built up around yourself was firmly in place to guard against all the hurts that lurked around every corner. A few people were let in, however, and you were fiercely loyal and devotedly loving to them. So much so that they were often shocked to hear what others perceived you as. 
“Oh, you like that?” the soft, round-faced man at your table said, bringing you back to the present. The bewilderment flashed across your face for only a split second before you realized he had taken your smirk to be a response to whatever he’d been sharing. You sighed, wondering if you should just put him out of his misery right now and save him the trouble of eighteen more ion engine explanations. But the stranger in the corner booth suddenly looked at you, sending another spark through your chest, and you didn’t even realize you’d been staring at him. He grinned smugly, winking almost imperceptibly in your direction, before turning back to his drink. 
You were infuriated. You knew it was petty, but you’d always been accused of being stubborn, and so be it. You decided to have the best date of your life. This guy didn’t know what he was in for. Brightening up considerably, you leaned forward, as though you were hanging on every word, and eagerly encouraged your date to share more about his incredibly fascinating and mind-blowingly unique insight about starship parts. 
The facade was exhausting. It had been an hour, punctuated only by bites of the mediocre food in front of you, and you were about ready to throw something. Why you got yourself into these situations, you didn’t know, but you could almost feel the haughty eyes of Mr. Assumption on you as you laughed loudly, playfully swatting the hand of the man across from you. 
“This has been so great!” he exclaimed, ruddy cheeks aglow with delight. “Want to go back to my place?” You cringed inwardly at the straightforward progression. Dinner, conversation… annnnd sex. If the dinner and conversation was any hint, the sex would be wildly disappointing as well. But you weren’t about to let that cocky corner-dweller come out on top. 
“Let’s go,” you answered, rising to your feet and taking his arm. You sent a proud glance over your shoulder, purposefully catching Mr. Assumption’s eye, and blew him a tiny kiss goodbye as you headed for the door. His eyes darkened for a moment, but it was gone just as quickly, and you disappeared around the corner. 
The night air was cool, and your date was back to talking. He realized he hadn’t asked you about yourself, finally, and was peppering you with some of the most random, confusing questions you’d ever received. You were trying to keep up, thoughts clearly elsewhere, when you reached the stairs to his apartment building. 
“Here we are!” he announced triumphantly, gesturing grandly to the dingy high-rise. “I hope you’re ready for the best night of your life.” 
“Ugh,” you groaned, unable to keep it up any longer. “I’m so sorry. I think I’m going to be sick. Thanks for dinner!” you spluttered, turning to head back to the train station without another word despite his confused questions behind you. He didn’t follow, though, and you were intensely grateful, feeling a lightness on your shoulders as you rounded the corner. The streets were fairly quiet in this part of town, and you’d opted for a later dinner than usual, so the serenity was welcome after hours of being fakely interested. 
You scanned the sidewalk ahead, heart skipping a beat as you saw a tall figure in a long jacket, leaning against the light post up ahead. It couldn’t be… But as you drew nearer, indeed it was… Mr. Assumption from the restaurant, notably alone, almost waiting for you to reach him. You thought about turning around, or heading down a side alley, but at this point it was fairly late, and you just needed to get home. As you walked up slowly, he tilted his head, illuminating the side of his face with the glow of the various lights and signs around. He had a toothpick in his mouth now, and was emanating smugness as you stopped in front of him. 
“Are you done wasting time?” he purred, and without your permission, a flush blossomed across your cheeks. You didn’t get it. He was an ass. A cocky, overbearing ass. And yet he seemed to have the depth of an ocean in those pale brown eyes…. And you wanted to dive in. 
“Do you like the way it makes you feel? Being all secretive and suggestive, thinking you can just wrap anyone around your finger with some mysterious words and sultry glances?” you accused, lifting your chin defiantly. “Does it make you feel powerful? You like that?” 
His eyebrows twitched, expression unreadable. Little did you know just how much he did like that, and the desire he felt was brimming to the surface. He was so tired of people, with all their niceties and nuance, and perceiving a kindred spirit was both refreshing and intoxicating to him. You weren’t like the others, who were either repulsed by him or simpered over every word he said. You could hold your own, but there was more to you than met the eye, he was sure.
“Sultry glances?” he answered, ignoring the rest. “My dear, I think you’re misreading things.” 
“Oh, so I’m going home with you, but you don’t show any interest in me? That makes sense,” you said, voice dripping with sarcasm. “Do you want me to just be putty in your hands?” Your teasing was enticing, and as you regarded him evenly, daring him to make the next move, he let out a breathy chuckle at your accusation. 
“Wouldn’t you like that?” 
Holy kriff. How was he able to do that to you? Yes, you would like that. Very much. Because unlike the round-faced date from earlier, you had a feeling that he would know exactly what to do. He could tell you were thrown off balance, the smugness returning, as well as a flash of warmth that you hadn’t seen before. 
“The name’s Crosshair,” he continued, saving you from your frantic scramble for a snarky retort as he flicked his toothpick away and reached out a slender hand. Breathing your own name, you took it, trying to return the firm (and somehow suggestive?) handshake he gave you. “And I didn’t say you were going home with me, I just said you were leaving with me. But if the shoe fits…” 
You laughed, feeling your guard let down even more. “Well I guess you were wrong then…” you pointed out, savoring the semblance of victory. It was short-lived, however, as he slowly sidled toward you, pushing you back toward the art gallery behind you. The windows were dark, surrounded by cold brick that you suddenly found your back pressed against as he leaned over you, lazily resting on one elbow above your head, the other hand playing with your waist. 
“I guess I was,” he admitted, face hovering inches from yours. You felt electrified, frozen in place, and lifted a hand to his chest without thinking. It was hard, and warm, leading you to wonder what other parts of him felt like. His admission was more meaningful than you’d expected, and you reached the other hand up to his neck, pulling him down to kiss him with all you had. It seemed as though he couldn’t be surprised by anything, as he fitted his form against you, wedging a thigh between your legs and digging his fingers into your hair. Your mouths met again and again, soft and tender at first, then more intent and suggestive, your tongue sliding along his and your teeth pulling gently on his lower lip. He trailed kisses down your neck, each one blazing fire through your body, and when he left a mark on your collarbone, you bit your lip, pulling his head back up to face you, eyes ablaze with passion. 
“Not so bad, being wrong, is it?” you teased, and he growled his amusement as he leaned back in.
(Looking for a smutty continuation that’s turning into a full story? Look no further…)
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wtfsteveharrington · 30 days
can we please have something soft and domestic with sydney! we need more content with her
a/n: this is just a lil blurb while i continue working on my actual syd fic <3
contents: mentions of kissing and intimacy but this is just soft and fluffy and delicate is the best way i can describe it.
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Sydney and Carmen have a system - She takes Monday off and he takes Tuesday off. That way there’s always at least one of them there in case of any major issues. It works well for them. Gives some sort of work/life balance… Even if they still spend part of their days off concerned for the restaurant. At least they aren’t physically there. 
So, in turn, every Monday night is date night for you and Sydney. 
Sometimes you two spend the whole day in bed. Getting food delivered from the never ending bucket list of restaurants around the city you both wanted to try followed by a grocery delivery to make dessert at home. It was an indulgent day to say the least.
Other days, like tonight, the two of you took the time to get dressed up. She always stood next to you by your shared vanity to help make sure your eyeliner was even, a mess of giggles each time one eye got away from the other. "Sisters not twins, right? I think it looks good either way. 'Sides, helps me if you go in public lookin' a little crazy. Keeps people away from hitting on you."
Sydney always liked to wonder around the house while you finished getting ready. Sure, she knew your closet. Knew the general idea of what you'd end up wearing. But there was something about the surprise of your final look coming together that always took her breath away. She grabs a hold of your hand, gently spinning you around to get a full look. "Damn! Maybe we should have kept your eyeliner looking wack because this is - You look gorgeous."
And the two of you have to be careful because compliments lead to kissing which leads to you to being late for reservations you certainly cannot be late for.
She's got an Uber pulling up to take the two of you down to the Gold Coast - Maple & Ash. You bounce between cheerful small talk with your driver and watching the shops on Rush street go by in a blur. Making a mental note that someone at your job had mentioned there being a bakery right around here and that you needed to check the hours to see if you could take Sydney tonight.
You know it's a cliche, but there's something about Sydney ordering for you that makes your heart flutter. She knows your palette, knows everything you love and what you hate. Some of the ingredients on the menu are lost on you so her taking control is so welcomed.
The two of you always share your plates. Sharing what you both consider to be the best bite of each meal, wanting the other to have that experience. Sometimes Sydney quizzes you to see what flavors you're picking up and she's getting a little too proud watching your taste buds grow the way they have since you got together.
No matter what, the nights always end the same. Sydney holds your hand tight during the car ride back to your apartment, her thumb trailing along your skin. Mindlessly and comfortingly. Even if you're wearing the most simple of shoes she always makes a show of taking them off for you. Letting her hands slide up once they're taken off and message your calves. Sometimes her touch doesn't stop, hands sliding all the way up and taking care of you in the ways only she knows how.
But tonight you're both tired and the relationship is settling into more of this cheesy domestic bliss all your friends tease the two of you about.
So Sydney takes off your shoes and helps you get undressed while you grab pieces for the both of you to wear. The two of you stand shoulder to shoulder in the bathroom while you clean your faces and apple skincare. You found this face mask last week you'd been waiting until tonight to try with her and Sydney realizes she forgot to get more floss and asks you to add it to the group grocery list note you guys keep together on your phone.
She sits between your legs on the couch, curled up on your chest as your fingers run a circuit along her arms, her sides, her hips and her thighs. Any inch of skin you can get a hold of. There's a movie playing in the background as you both stay embraced. And maybe the two of you miss the second act because you're too busy kissing. Maybe the major plot twist is getting spoiled in the background while you're whispering 'I love you' to one another.
Neither of you mind.
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trickphotography2 · 9 months
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Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
D-Day (Jake Seresin x Reader series)
After finding out his girlfriend is pregnant, Jake is ready to move in and get married. The last thing he expected was to be hit with a six-month deployment at sea and missing the birth of his first child. (Jake x Reader, no y/n used)
First and Goal (Jake Seresin x Reader)
Hangman hosts a college football day for the Daggers, only to have Payback bring a history making Angel. (Hangman x female Reader fluff, no use of 'you')
Overtime (Jake Seresin x Reader, First and Goal pt. 2)
It was just supposed to be a football game. But then Hangman took Syla up on her invitation to watch the Blue Angels perform at the Miramar air show. A month after meeting and facing the last home show of her career, the history making Naval Aviator invited Hangman to visit her in Pensacola. She didn't actually expect him to accept. Payback definitely wasn't happy.
'tis the damn season (Jake Seresin x OC series)
After six years away from home, Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin was finally going to make his parents happy and surprise his family by spending Christmas in Magnolia, Texas. Introducing his pregnant fiancee to his family is a culture class, with rural Texas meeting California influencer. Though unhappy in his relationship, Jake knows he has to buckle down and do the right thing with a baby on the way.
The last person he expected to run into was his high school sweetheart and the one that got away, Julie.
After almost a decade apart, Jake and Julie can't help but feel that old familiar spark. Even with the realities of their lives pressing in, they can't help but wonder what might have happened if just one of them had fought for their relationship all those years ago.
The Perfect Match (Jake Seresin x Reader one shot)
Every third week in March, fourth year medical students find out where they'll be going for their residency. A quick 2.2K word one-shot of Jake's girlfriend going through that process.
Robert 'Bob' Floyd
(Every Step You Take) I'll Be Watching You (Bob Floyd x Reader one shot)
Bob disliked Friday team nights at The Hard Deck but knows they're important to the squad. That is, he disliked them until Penny hires a new summer bartender who gently pushes him to try new things. But when he comes in to find the police asking for her, the last thing he expected was to find himself protecting Evie. Trigger warnings: stalking, attempted assault. (Bob x Reader [Evie], no physical description)
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw
Santa's North Island Delivery Service (Bradley Bradshaw x Reader one shot)
Stuck at work, Bradley is missing his daughter's first Christmas Eve. But when the squadron decides to turn the hanger into Santa's Workshop, the pilot is able to sneak away to spend a little time with his girls. (Inspired by a true story; Rooster x Reader Christmas fluff)
Wanna Dance with Somebody (Bradley Bradshaw x Reader one shot)
When his girlfriend of three months ditches a night at the Hard Deck after a rough day, Bradley knows just what to do to cheer her up.
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