#like you WISH you could be as cool as Janeway
muiromem · 8 months
We as a fandom need to talk more about how Janeway always has the most raw-assed, action hero lines.
I fucking love her.
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quasi-normalcy · 9 months
Star Trek series rated by horniness (as rated by me, an asexual, so you know its objective):
Star Trek: The Original Series - what is there to say for the series that invented slashfic, fuck-or-die, and Thiess's theory of titillation in costuming? The universe is full of greased-up pecs and scantily clad women wondering what is this thing you call...love? It's easier to mention the episodes that *aren't* horny. 10/10, for how could it be otherwise?
Star Trek: The Animated Series - It's a Saturday morning cartoon series from the 70s, and yet... 3/10, for the surprising number of scantily clad muscular guys
Star Trek: The Next Generation - Oh, we *start* quite horny; Roddenberry is keen to let us know that the android has a penis in the second episode; but then Roddenberry dies, and by the final season even Troi is wearing a sensible duty uniform. 6/10 for Will Riker, though
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - We've got Quark's, where the women are scantily clad, the holosuites are for fucking, and the waiters give themselves ear infections from doing too much oo-mox on themselves. We've got Jadzia Dax, who has three hundred years worth of sexcapades in two genders and will tell you about them at the drop of a hat. We've got Bashir and his sad blue balls for the first two seasons. We've got Klingons breaking each other's clavicles to initiate coitus. And we've got an enemy power led by the perpetual mind-melting gangbang that canonically is the Great Link. 9/10
Star Trek: Voyager - Weirdly conservative in its sexual politics. I mean, it goes out of its way to stick poor Jeri Ryan in that body condom, and there's a whole episode about space whales wanting to fuck the ship, and another one about Janeway wanting to fuck an Irishman, and *two* episodes about Pon Farr...actually, you know what? 6/10.
Star Trek: Enterprise - You know what, let me tell you about this series; this series is like a 14-year-old asexual boy boasting about his supposed sexual conquests in the hopes that it will endear him to the cool kids. It doesn't work; there's nothing genuine about it and everyone knows it; no matter how many innuendos he throws in, it's clear that there's no joy in it for him and he'd be happier if he could just go off and read comic books. Secretly, he wishes his friends still wanted to play with action figures. -1/10
Star Trek: Discovery - The show presents us with wall-to-wall gays who just...never seem to shtup each other. Like, I of all people know that sex doesn't define queerness, but...really? I guess maybe they're afraid of being less than wholesome? Anyways, 2/10 for that time that the Emperor went off to fuck a couple of Orions in the middle of a dangerous secret mission on the Klingon homeworld.
Star Trek: Picard - A series so sexless that it can't even show its main canonical couple enjoying each other's company for more than 5 seconds each season. And yet the chaste Jurati/Borg Queen pairing manages to be the hottest thing ever in the history of fiction. Anyway, I guess they technically had Agnes sleep with Rios in the first season, so 1/10.
Star Trek: Lower Decks - Oooh boy, we're at the heavy hitter now, my god. Completely, unashamedly horny. Gene Roddenberry *wishes* he could have done that orgy scene that people on Twitter were freaking out about. 11/10
Star Trek: Prodigy- They're *kids*. 0/10
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds - Not really a lot, surprisingly given their TOS pastiche. Still, we get some stuff with Spock. 3/10.
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japhan2024 · 18 days
I had no idea you liked star trek too, I just knew you for smosh and Dan and Phil. That's so cool!! Would you be willing to write a little ianthony star trek au? Or have you already? No problem if not, I know that's kinda vague. Love your blog btw :)
Yes I LOVE Star Trek! I literally had so much fun writing this, it got a bit out of control LOL! But yeah I hope you like it!!
The logical choice
Words: 2,436
Genre: action/adventure, a Star Trek episode, first kiss
Rating: teen or general audiences
Read on AO3:
"Captain's log, stardate ???[writer's note: I can't do math!]. What would have been a diplomatic mission to Vulcan, a completely safe route, turned out to become something quite different. Ian was going to let our starship T'hy'la be blessed, and we would join a Vulcan fleet to covertly inspect the edges of Federation space. But all of a sudden, we were violently sucked into a wormhole, and were spat out, smack dab in the middle of the Delta Quadrant."
Anthony paused. He looked out of the window of his suite. He'd read a lot about Captain Janeway's voyages through this quadrant, and her years long quest to get back home. Panic stirred deep within him. He shut his eyes tightly and took a few deep breaths.
"We've been stranded here for a few days now. Chief Agnew, Ensign Bowe and their crew have been hard at work to repair the damage done by the violent yanking through space that T'hy'la has endured. Our deflector shields malfunctioned and structural integrity scraped by within an inch of collapsing. I truly believe that a bout of fate has saved us."
His communicator chimed. It was a benign sound, but it still made him jump.
"Captain, we've done all we can. Technically the ship works, but we lost a lot of deuterium. We repaired the injection subsystem, Tommy really outdid himself. But it's no use, we can't start with this little fuel."
"Thank you, Spencer," Anthony answered, trying to sound comforting. "You've done well. it may be time for us to try and reach out for help."
The door beeped.
"Come in."
"Captain," Ian strode into the room.
Anthony's Number One, and a Vulcan, Ian somehow always calmed Anthony down. And it was better, the closer they stood to each other.
"Number One, please tell me what you think of the situation?"
"We have done short- and long range scans, and have found no life-forms or ships. However," Ian raised one sharp eyebrow, "We did scan a gaseous nebula. It's all around us and could be the reason our sensors didn't pick anything up. Although it is not without risk, logic suggests we send out a distress signal."
"Agreed." Anthony sighed. Who knows what kind of aliens were out and about here, but they might as well try.
"Amanda, what's the matter?" Mister Topp, the ship's EMH, asked with kind, light-blue eyes.
"Shayne, I feel something big," she collapsed dramatically on a medical bed in the sickbay. "It's something I've never felt before, and you know I sense almost anything, being quarter Betazoid. "I- I don't know. It's not good, but also not evil. It's just... something infinite, almost. Like an ultimate power. It makes me dizzy."
"Well," Shayne smirked, "Courtney was just here, and her ego does tend to be infinitely big. I guess her Klingon side gives her the extra confidence." He sighed. "But she could be a bit nicer to me."
"Shayne," Trevor intervened. "You were flirting with her the entire time. She wasn't even here for a medical exam. She just checked in on us to see if everything was safe and you insisted she take three different blood tests! I'd be annoyed too," he laughed.
"I wish I could sense how you're feeling," Amanda beamed at Shayne. "But I can't sense a hologram. I do know how Courtney feels, though..." She winked at Shayne, who blushed.
"Amanda, it seems like you're back to normal. Please report back here if that changes again. Bye now!"
"Not without my hug," she teased.
"Why do Betazoids always want to hug!"
"I think it's just her," Trevor giggled.
"Get in here!" Amanda commanded. After the group hug, she went back to her Ship's counsellor's office.
Her communicator chimed.
"Hello commander Hecox," she smiled, as she sat down and crossed her legs over the couch, usually reserved for her patients.
"Counsellor Lehan-Canto. We need to talk."
Keith, the ship's Conn officer, observed the Bridge while captain Padilla was resting. He had never thought he'd be this far from home, but there he was, in the Delta Quadrant. Strangely, he wasn't worried. He looked at the beautiful multicolored nebula outside.
Suddenly, he got a transmission request.
"Captain, to the Bridge, we're being hailed!"
Not a moment later, Anthony walked in. "On screen," he commanded.
"This is captain Anthony Padilla of the starship T'hy'la. I assume you received our distress call."
"WE SURE DID, RIGHT, GUYS?" the alien looked at two very beautiful and scantily-clothed people on each side of her.
"Oh yes, Angela, we sure did," one of them replied with a honey-sweet voice.
"YES, WE DID, CAPTAIN. LET ME INTRODUCE MYSELF. I'M ANGELA, AND THESE ARE MY FRIENDS CHANSE AND ARASHA. And..." Angela lowered her voice menacingly, "you have invaded OUR space."
"We've been sucked into a wormhole against our will and are stranded here without deuterium. We could trade you for it, We have latinum on board. Don't Ferengi always like a good deal?
"HA! YOU THINK YOU KNOW THE FERENGI HUH! Yeah, we do always want a good deal. But I don't think you'll be able to give us one. Your starship is called T'hy'la? HA! What a weak Vulcan/human hybrid concept. Don't you know the Rules of Acquisition? Rule 21: Never place friendship above profit. So, my little FRIEND, why don't you give your ship to me, and I will send you on your way back to the wormhole?"
Anthony scoffed. "I'm sorry, but have you scanned our ship? We could easily defeat you."
"Well..." Angela smirked even wider, and scratched behind her enormous ear. "I guess I didn't make myself clear. If you DON'T give me your ship, you will be dealing with my friends. Not these idiots here," she gestured to Chanse and Arasha. "I mean them."
And in one moment, all hope left Anthony's soul: two large, square spaceships emerged. It was the Borg.
" HAHAHA! You have one hour to respond!"
Angela disconnected.
"Red Alert," Anthony commanded.
The sirens were wailing through the ship.
"Not Red Alert again? We just fixed up the entire ship!" Tommy threw up his hands in exasperation.
Spencer put his gloved hand on his shoulder. "I was really hoping we could go to the holodeck and play DnD again. But it's not in the cards for us this time."
"Sword and shield in hand," Tommy bumped his shoulder into Spencer.
"Saving the day, just like we do everyday at work!"
"Even though I never get a promotion!"
"You really should, Tommy."
They were play-fighting with their engineer gear, and seeing Spencer laugh and goof off, suddenly made Tommy realize something. He was in love with his boss.
"Hey, why'd you stop?" Spencer was still booping him with a pretend-sword.
"You're adorable."
"Dude. I know."
"I mean... I..."
"AB," Ian said, walking quickly past them.
"Did he make up a nickname for us?!" Tommy said, wide-eyed. "Do Vulcans do that?"
"I think Amanda has been teaching him to be more normal, I mean, better at communication. Not doing that is normal for a Vulcan, of course."
"Imagine them together in a room!" Tommy laughed. A Vulcan and a Betazoid, they couldn't be more opposite!"
"Well, if I can sense anything, it's that those two have some chemistry going on," Spencer said with a smug look on his face. "I mean, she calls everyone 'imzadi' but her voice is softer when she says it to Ian. Huh... But sorry, you were going to say something?"
"Oh..." Tommy blushed. "Nevermind..."
"Ian, what did you want to talk to me about?"
Amanda visited Ian's quarters. It was very clean and neat and indeed very Vulcan.
"Please, sit," Ian gestured to the one table in the room, with two small chairs.
They both sat down. Amanda couldn't help but feel attracted to Ian's stoic earnest. And he was cute, too...
"I heard you sensed a presence, ever since we've been stranded here."
"Yes! I have been, and it seems like it's getting stronger too! If that is even possible. It's like we're at the epicenter of something."
"I sense it too."
"You do?"
"Yes. We Vulcans might not show our emotions, but we feel a lot of things. And I have felt this once before. Amanda, we are in grave danger."
"Ia- Number One!" Anthony was so glad to see Ian as he walked onto the Bridge.
"We are very much outnumbered, captain," Ian said. "It would be logical to surrender."
Ian walked closer to Anthony. Anthony sighed in relief. Whatever would come next, he could bear it with Ian at his side.
"But I advice against it."
"The Ferengi woman is the obvious culprit, luring ships here to loot and then let them be assimilated by the Borg. However... She is not the one in control here."
Ian and Anthony heard clapping behind them.
"Well done, commander Hecox," a woman with long black hair, dressed in all black, spoke.
"Who are you?" Anthony demanded.
"She is Q, the most powerful being in the universe."
"You know her, Ian?"
"I know her, from long ago. She called herself Olivia Sui then."
"And I kept my eye on you, Ian. I expected great things from you! And even though you are obviously the smartest one on this ship of idiots, you've become boring! You used to make me laugh, Ian..."
Anthony felt a sudden annoyance at this Q. Why was she so interested in his Number One?!
"What do you want, Q?"
"What do I want?! I want to laugh again, damnit! So," and she snapped her fingers, and the entire ship was gone. Instead, he, Ian and Amanda stood in an empty, white world. Angela, Arasha and Chanse were also there. "If you make me laugh first, I'll zap you straight home! But if not... then you're back at the mercy of Angela here."
Amanda, Anthony and Ian huddled together.
"So, is she an ex of yours or something?" Amanda whispered.
"We were betrothed once."
"What?!" Anthony fumed.
"Ha, your anger amuses me already, captain. But I'm not laughing just yet!"
Anthony looked straight at Q, and began to mime. Physical humor was his strong suit. He fell over, mimed that he was stuck, rolled over the ground... to no avail.
"You failed! Next!"
Angela walked forward.
"Elementary concept, expertly executed," Q said. "But not enough to make me laugh. NEXT!"
Amanda walked forward. She got really close to Q, and Anthony felt Ian tense up. He took his hand. Ian squeezed extremely hard. He probably forgot his Vulcan strength for a second.
Wait, did Ian care this much about Amanda? Were they- was Ian just dating everyone and Anthony didn't know it? He figured, he couldn't blame the girls. Ian was so handsome, so strong...
"I guess you don't know who I am," Amanda began. "I am the daughter of Deanna Troi and William Riker. That makes me one quarter Betazoid... and I sense that you don't want to laugh at all. You want to FEEL something. And I'll give it to you. I've reached a certain age, you know..." Amanda tip-toed her fingers up Q's arm.
"Give mommy a smooch!"
"Noo, no, get away from me!" Q took a few steps away.
"Did not!"
"I saw it! You laughed, Q!"
"Okay, fine, I did! But I'm not done just yet! I guess I will zap you and your stupid ship back home.... after.... THEY kiss."
"The captain and his Number One."
"What?" Ian and Anthony said in sync.
"Yeah, hahaha! That will really make my day! Don't tell me you haven't sensed it, Betazoid? They are all in."
Amanda looked down. She really liked Ian and he liked her too, but she knew that his heart belonged to his captain. On all their intergalactic adventures, Ian had saved Anthony so many times and vice versa, they had developed an unbreakable bond. They had never acted on it before, but now, apparently it was the only thing that would save them.
"So, you cooked up this whole charade, just to get them to kiss?"
"What? It's not a charade, I'm eternally bored, I had to think of something!"
Q walked up to Ian and Anthony. "Now, do the thing," she said, pressing her two index fingers together.
Ian looked at Anthony. The intense warmth of his brown eyes overwhelmed the Vulcan. He would normally never show it, in fact he had never given Anthony a clue that he was interested. But he was. All the times he had seen Anthony change clothes, when Anthony had hugged him after they were safe from danger, he had never reciprocated. But now, he had no choice.
"It's only logical that we do this. But I have to confess, Anthony... I've been longing for a kiss from you for an eternity. And I need to know if you're okay with it now."
Anthony blushed deeply. Was Ian just saying this because of the situation? Why did he make it more dramatic than it needed to be? "Ian... Have you really? I've loved you for such a long time... And I've also always wanted an opportunity to kiss you. But I never dared, I never thought it was appropriate, seeing as I'm your captain and all."
"Yes, you acted logically as well."
Anthony took Ian's chin between his fingers and pushed it upwards.
"Excellent!" Q said, but they didn't hear her.
"Anthony..." Anthony saw a wild fire ignite between Ian's eyes. It was scary but Anthony wasn't afraid. He pressed his lips agains Ian's.
Ian growled and kissed him back, grabbing on Anthony's curls. Anthony couldn't believe the feeling. It was scorching hot, but so, so comfortable. He wanted to stay like this forever.
When he opened his eyes, they were back on the T'hy'la and back in the Alpha Quadrant.
"Are you okay, captain?"
Anthony looked at Ian. He could cry. Nobody remembered anything, except for him.
"I- I need to take a break..."
He walked off the bridge. As if by magic, Amanda was waiting for him there.
"Captain, I sensed your emotions, they quickly heightened. Do you want to talk about it?"
"I think that's best, Counsellor."
"Come on, I'll take you to my office."
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maliciousalice · 7 months
Hii Do you have a fave Janeway out-of-uniform look?
Ohh this is such a hard choice! There are so many reasons I like her out of uniform-- A lot of the time it's because we get to see who she is behind the veil. That couldn't be more apparent than in Resolutions, she flirts, explores and relaxes while she struggles to maintain her identity. She has like, 5 costume changes in that episode, albeit modest in design, they are quite revealing in a sub-textual way. Funnily enough, I actually would like to catalogue each time she is out of uniform and break down how it relates to the narrative etc. I sometimes ponder about the choices that have been made with hair and costume. We don't actually know much besides a few articles and scattered pieces of media--Most behind the scene information is about set design, which in it's own right is cool, but sometimes feels like it’s highlighted due to the male audience and as a result the other artists aren't valued enough. In theory, I'd like to uplift them because their efforts transform the lack frontal, narrative-body of some characters- we consequently learn things such as the fashion of the era, character’s states of mind, setting, etc, simply through what they are wearing– Do I dislike that? No. Because I understand the format of Star Trek is limited by the nature of being a 24 episode per season show. Sometimes things appear rushed or incomplete but if you look in the right direction, the work that was produced is just as rich as most shows, if not more. For the most part don’t think audiences appreciate the conditions that this show was made under.
The whole show has certainly been more impactful on the cultural zeitgeist than others and I think the reason for that success goes beyond the surface level- It’s not just a simple miracle that it works as well as it does, talented teams of actors, writers and people in costume all combined their skills together to forge it. They did the best they could with what they were given, and I appreciate the costume designers and writers for attempting to provide some semblance of substance in the background. (On another note I wish Paramount had archived their costumes better. Evil that we only get high resolution photography when they're selling them to someone's private collection)
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However, to answer your actual question, my favourite out of uniform stint is when Captain Janeway is modified to look like a Klingon in the Killing Game! The disguise worked so well for me that I didn't recognise her on my first watch through.
Interestingly in the brief scene with brainwashed Janeway, we see an acting side of Kate's that is pretty rare. She delivered a unique and entertaining performance. While she has had to get physical on a few occasions as Janeway, and even other roles, she has never had to go full feral mode and I love seeing her in a way that is untethered from all of herself, she yells, bares her teeth, barrels into others, and does somersaults without hesitation. It's delightful choreography, and It immediately makes us question what is going on. Who is this? Can’t possibly be our well-adjusted hero, because whoever this is, is brazenly-fierce and in Klingon attire! But yes we find out it is indeed her, arguably a repressed version of her mind but regardless Janeway is completely transformed both physically and mentally, and that’s shockingly fun. 
Lending to that idea of fun, is the juxtaposingly detailed presentation of the Klingon costume versus the Starfleet uniform. I love the overall shapes, matte qualities contrasting with the metal details, the decorative line-work that leads the eye around, and materials such as swinging chains and fur, that make it look good in motion. From what I’ve seen there is a difference in the female and male armour, with the breast plating and bodice design. The armour’s bulky top half with its shoulder pads deliver a signature look, and it looks great against the simplified bottom. Considering Klingon’s do a lot of close combat, my guess is that it’s design is more about manoeuvrability, and boasting intimidation, rather than heavy defence. Ironically after all that ducking and dodging, ho ho Janeway gets stabbed for leaving her guard down. If I looked, I am sure I could find something to back that up, since Klingons have extremely dedicated lore. 
The makeup on Janeway is really neat too, the orange tones they used on her face make her crystalline eye colour dramatically pop. There is also a delicious parallel to her styling and B'Elanna's mother from Barge of the Dead in the episode that I quietly indulge in BUT I DIGRESS.
Despite the unusual circumstances, I wish we had more photography done of Kate in the unique costumes she wore beyond a few on set pictures, because I want to ogle at a more editorial/detailed press presentation of each one and I believe that everyone should treasure all versions of Janeway.
Blah Blah Blahhhh haha
I feel a little vulnerable spreading my thoughts around but I really appreciate you asking me about them and getting me out of my shell <333.
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stitching-in-time · 22 days
Voyager rewatch s1 ep15: Learning Curve
The final episode of the first season! This one has a lot of good stuff in it, not least of which is more of Captain Janeway's holonovel; any episode that starts off with this beautiful sight is already good in my book:
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I love her, your honor!!!
As far as the rest of the episode, I liked both the A and B plots, and I liked how they intersected at the end to wrap up the episode neatly. Maybe a little too neatly, but it was the end of the season, and it ended on a positive note, so I'm cool with it. I'm surprised they didn't end the season with a big cliffhanger like TNG and DS9 usually did, but I'm actually not too bothered by that; I hated cliffhangers when the show originally aired, since it sucked to have to wait months to find out what happened. I honestly don't mind low-stakes character focused stories, and would be ok with more Trek shows chilling tf out with their wild season finale cliffhangers. Though this one is so laid back, I wonder if they planned something else for the finale and had to scrap it for some reason, falling back on this one instead.
I'm glad they had a story about some of the Maquis's dissatisfaction with having to be Starfleet, since I think overall they had the two crews become the Brady Bunch a little too early, and missed out on some good opportunites for drama. Since the whole point of having half the crew be Maquis was for the drama and conflict to shake up the usual Starfleet koombayah vibe, they should use it.
In universe, I don't think Tuvok would have been the best choice to lead the Maquis in remedial Starfleet etiquette, precisely because he is rigid and uptight like Neelix points out, but obviously story-wise it makes sense because he would have the biggest character arc in meeting the Maquis crewmen halfway, and I think it works well. The training sequence was kind of funny though, because the music was so grandiose, it sounded like it was trying to be the Rocky soundtrack- I half expected it to segway into 'Gonna Fly Now', lol. The guy playing Dalby was a little over the top in some of his line delivery, when he was giving his story about his past, he was playing it kind of cheesy, and I expected him to say, "actually, I just made that all up- I'm really just an asshole." Which would have been hilarious tbh, but I guess they just told him to play it that way, so idk.
But anyway, since we spent a whole episode getting to know these Maquis officers, I wish we'd have seen more of them later, even in small scenes here and there. Voyager has such a small crew, there's no way we wouldn't have seen them around again anywhere, and it's not like on other Star Trek shows where you can explain having different extras every episode as crewmembers transferring in and out. I always feel that Voyager missed an opportunity to build up a roster of supporting characters out of the background crew members. If I'd been writing on Voyager, I'd have kept a list of the background crew characters and fleshed them out bit by bit as time went on, it would have helped the show feel more real, and it would have been more impactful when a crewmember got killed off if we knew them and recognized them over the years. I get that it might not always have been possible to get the same actor again, but I feel like if they'd tried, they probably could have gotten a lot of them back at some point, which would have been really nice.
The bio-neural gelpacks getting 'sick' was a refreshingly different ship malfunction concept, and it gave us one of the classic Star Trek lines that sound that they're not real out of context when B'Elanna says 'take the cheese to sickbay'. Iconic.
Tl;dr: an entertaining episode that ends the first season on a positive (if unspectacular) note.
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grissomesque · 9 months
Okay, so for the “I wish you would write a fic where” ask game … you don’t actually have to do this but —
Early seasons Voyager Tom Paris gets technobabbled in a shuttle to SNW. And he’s like, okay, okay, okay. Cool captain (not as pretty), retro tech (not 20th century), fun times (actually, yes, with a more chill and silly crew). But Tom’s also gotta dodge (great?) grandma Paris (the Shohreh Aghdashloo character from the Kelvinverse) and other Starfleet folks to not mess up the timeline and, um, no holodecks so that’s a bummer. And Tom ends up having this really great talk with Ortegas about flying being about trust in yourself and your ship and crew … and Tom misses his ship and crew. He even misses leola root. So he and Ortegas figure out to technobabble him back and — since this is you — when Tom gets back he talks to Janeway about what happened (Temporal Prime Directive? To hell with it.) and how Starfleet was different then. He felt different there. And he liked it. He liked feeling less bound by regulations and more seat-of-the-pants. And Janeway tips her hand that sometimes she feels the same way … about a lot of things (long, lingering look) … and what would Tom do if Voyager wasn’t such a regulations-and-protocol ship? And, of course, he kisses her and she kisses him back and happy, happy, happy.
“The Delta Flyer,” Kathryn says, thoughtful.
Tom frowns. “What about it?”
“What you’re describing. It’s a bit like the Flyer, isn’t? That shuttle is like a thing out of time with all its buttons and dials and manual interfaces. You’ve got both more and less control, in a way. Less of a… safety net.” She smiles, a little wistfully. “And you’re more present at that helm. Me, too.”
Tom is almost afraid to trust what he thinks he’s hearing. But the way he sees it, he’s got two options here: maintain the status quo, just long looks and the occasional brush of her hand on his arm keeping them afloat for the next seventy-five years… Or, pack everything he’s just learned from his trip through time, the fearlessness of Erica Ortegas, the sheer, heart-pounding recklessness of the 2250s, into one grand gesture that neither of them—for better or worse–will be able to go on ignoring.
Because he did imagine staying, on Pike’s Enterprise. He thinks he might've fit in better in the past. But Temporal Prime Directive aside, he’d known that for all the things he might’ve gained—all the modern conveniences he could live without—there is this one thing, this one hope, that he could not leave behind.
So he kisses her.
Immediately, he feels her twist a little, twist away from him, and shit, shit he’s terrified he’s just made a serious mistake, but then he hears a clink and he realizes she was still holding her cup and saucer and now her hands are sliding up his chest, around his neck, and she’s leaning in, and she’s kissing him, kissing him, kissing him back.
And then a thought occurs to him, and he pulls back just enough to see her face.
“But—the Delta Flyer design,” he asks, urgent, breathless. “You like it, right?”
“I like it,” she confirms. Her laugh is low in her throat and her cheeks are flushed and all of this makes him feel a little lightheaded, makes him want to kiss her again, especially, especially when she orders the computer to secure her ready room doors. There is, in fact, nothing else in all the galaxy he wants so much as to kiss her again right this second, because in a way, after all, he did wait over a century for this chance.
And so he does.
[Send me whatever and I'll write you a thing!]
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theimaginatrix27 · 5 months
I need to talk about Benjamin Sisko
I have been meaning to make this post for a while now, and I have ranted about how much I love this man in the tags of so many posts, but the time has come for me to make my own. Why no, this isn't me practicing what I would say to Avery Brooks about his character and how much I love him in the unlikely event I ever get to speak to the man in question. Why would you even think that?
If you had asked me, even a year ago, which of the three Trek Renaissance captains was my favourite, I'd have told you that I'm bad at picking favourites, that I like Picard, Janeway and Sisko for different reasons, and can't choose between them.
Now, though, I've come to a decision:
Benjamin Lafayette Sisko is in a league of his fucking own.
Don't misunderstand me, I have always liked Sisko, and I have loved him for nearly a decade and a half as of writing this post, but in recent months, as I have revisited Deep Space Nine, I've found my love for him deepening, broadening, flowing more freely, shining more brightly, and gaining momentum.
Because this man is the best Trek Captain. Ever. There is no competition.
I fell in love with Sisko when I first watched Emissary. As I said, I had liked him before then, thought he was pretty cool and all, but after watching that episode, I was in love.
Because you cannot watch the scene where he really has to face his grief, acknowledge that some part of him never left the moment he lost Jennifer, and come out the other side the same person. Especially when you have your own burden of griefs, moments from your past where pieces of you have existed since that trauma first tore them away. I cried with Sisko when I first watched that scene. I've cried with him almost every time I've watched it since. And that performance is so raw, and so beautiful, and this was the fucking pilot. Avery gave it his all!
But of course, there are so many reasons to love this man, and many other DS9 fans have said it better than me, but I will do my best to lay out the big ones:
He is so very strong. Not in the sense that he physically kicks arse (though he absolutely can and does), but that he possesses strength of character. He is able to withstand so much, and still keeps going in the face of ever-increasing odds, and fucking wins.
He is also so very warm and caring and loving. Have you seen this man with his son? Because I have, and I think he beats out every fictional dad I've ever seen anywhere else. And he shares that level of love and warmth with everyone who serves under him, who has ever been his friend, the rest of his family, the world of Bajor, every baby fortunate enough to enter his orbit, the list goes on. I would accept a one-way trip to DS9 and put up with all the shit just to be able to be within the radius of that love.
He adores kids. I have to make this its own point because the man just melts around kids of all ages and it's precious. He's precious. You seen him with babies? He is so soft with them you wish you could be that baby.
He is not afraid to stand up for what he believes in, and is so very very passionate when he does: I have said it before in tags, but this man does not yell at you when you have fucked up or otherwise aroused his ire. He is loudly passionate, and very articulate with it. He will speak out against injustice, he will meticulously lay out the ways you fucked up, and he will annunciate every word. I have been that passionate about things I believe in. I know how powerful it is to hear it and to do it, and Sisko is a prime example of this kind of passion, for which I cannot help but love him. Sisko's disappointed parent voice would have me in tears if it were ever directed at me, because I would never want to disappoint Captain Sisko.
Man knows how to have fun! Seriously, I love Picard, but easygoing he is not. And I love Janeway, but her idea of fun is Gothic Horror Romance in the holodeck, and I'm sure some people vibe with that, but it's not what most would consider fun. Benjamin Sisko plays baseball. He was the most enthusiastic of the four who had to play the Allamaraine game in Move Along Home (I like that episode, it was fun, Quark broke down sobbing, it was great). He is a genuine delight to spend free time with. He is as far from boring as it is possible to be.
He can cook! And I wish I could just drop in to share every meal he makes! I love my food, and I would dearly love to try his, because it sounds divine. Yes I know that's sort of ironic to say about Sisko given where canon took him, but I'm not taking it back. I've never had Cajun cuisine, but I wanna, just because it's Sisko's specialty. I trust him to feed me well and make the experience an absolute pleasure.
He is so very, very progressive. This is a big part of what has deepened my appreciation for him as I have reintegrated myself into the Deep Space Nine fandom. I've always been progressive on some level, but I've grown a hell of a lot over the past decade, and coming back to a show I already loved with the perspective I have now has made me appreciate more of the nuance woven through it. And Sisko is a beacon of progressive ideals! He is always trying! Always open to understanding! Always on the side of the oppressed! And he admits when he fucks up (which isn't often but it happens). We should all strive to be more like Sisko.
I could gush on and on about him all fucking day and not run out of material, but I won't, because I would like this post to go public while some of my Trek friends are still awake.
I will say this before I close, however. I cannot in any way fathom the kind of person who looks at this character, truly one of the most multifaceted to come out of any 90s show, and reduce him to racist stereotypes. If you are one of those people and have somehow found this post, block me. I will never agree with your shortsighted views and it will be better for both of us if we never interact.
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk, go watch DS9 however you can and give it and its captain the love they so richly deserve.
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los-ninos-tortugas · 8 months
Shooting this off real quick before I get back to schoolwork but it’s kinda fun to think of hypothetical scenarios where instead of Donnie, one of the other brothers ends up on Voyager. Donnie gets the Voyager treatment because to me it makes the most sense (i.e. I am constantly rotating him in my brain) but I still can’t stop myself from going through the what-if’s.
Raph is very interesting in this scenario because 1) if he starts out in the same place I put Donnie (i.e. random desert planet) then there is the chance that Voyager crew might find him while he’s Savage Raph and it would probably take a decent amount of convincing for him to come back to himself. But from there on you have Raph, a gentle giant getting used to life on a ship where probably for the first time in his life he feels a little too big. He would still find Voyager to be incredibly cool though, although more in the way that he’s a fan of Jupiter Jim and sci-fi than actually being super interested in the tech itself like Donnie is. I think Raph would probably idolize Janeway quite a bit in a way that, at first, might make it hard to form a genuine connection, but I think that as time goes on (and as perhaps the gravity of both his and Voyager’s predicament dawns on him) he’ll start to see and appreciate Janeway for who she really is. I also think Raph would make a somewhat unexpected connection with B’Elanna. I feel like these two would click very well on an emotional level you know? I feel like they would just get each other, because they're both characters who struggle with processing their emotions and so everything just kinda gets filtered into anger/aggression. I also think that it would be interesting if they got to explore their feelings on being diaspora together? Because they're both characters who have been severely disconnected from their culture/heritage in some way (B'Elanna with her rejection of everything Klingon in the face of her father's abandonment. And Raph with having his Hamato heritage kept from him by his father) and I always felt like B'Elanna never really got super healthy or satisfying way to explore the Klingon side of herself in the show so maybe getting to talk it through with someone who has literally no preconceived notions about her heritage, and Raph getting to talk through his probably very complicated feelings about the things his father hid from him could be something interesting for them to do together.
Then there's Leo (don't look out the window. don't look out the window. it's fine it's fine. you're in space and it's cool. you're not there.) He would definitely find Voyager to be very impressive, and I think very much like Raph he would idolize Janeway when he first meets her, though I think he would break out of that idolization a lot faster than Raph, and especially once he actually hears the story of how Voyager got stranded in the Delta quadrant. It would be incredibly conflicting for him to say the least, I think, to find out that there's something about Janeway that so closely mirrors probably the one thing he's most ashamed of. At least it would to his mind, and Janeway certainly has a guilt complex about the likes of which are usually given to Leo in most fanfics, but I still think he would see her as the kind of leader he would want to be, and he'd probably not so subtly try to probe her for advice, which I think would eventually lead them down the rabbit whole a very meaningful conversation about the choices/mistakes they've made. It would be really cathartic for them both. In the same vein of unexpected friendships/some misplaced idolization, I just know that Leo would be following Tom around like a duckling. A starship pilot who's funny, likes corny sci-fi and cartoons, and is the ship's secondary medic? It's like this guy was made for Leo to like him. Tom has the sort of "rebel without a cause" flair that Leo wishes he had. But at the same time Tom is sort of... rudderless? Before he and B'Elanna get married (and even a little bit after but less so) Tom struggles a lot with who he is vs. what his duties on Voyager need him to be (and if you know Tom's full backstory you know why this is). And now there's this kid around who just thinks he is like the coolest guy ever. And either Tom is gonna get the most annoying ego boost out of it or he's gonna think about this persona he's been projecting for the past 4.5 years for more than .02 seconds for once and have a whole ass identity crisis about it (and then Leo gets to have an identity crisis about it cuz, "wait? carefree attitude fake? he cares about everything so much all the goddamn time? oh no not again I have recognized myself in the other FUCK).
Mikey is straight chillin. (I'm sorry even in meta theory Mikey is hard for me to write I'm trying I swear T-T) Okay well, actually now that I've thought about it for a minute I realize that he probably super wouldn't be, because unlike with the rest of the boys, who kind of are surrendered to the fact that they have to wait for Voyager to find a scientific way to get them home, Mikey would probably feel a lot of (self imposed) pressure to get himself home and probably get continually frustrated the longer he can't do it on his own. It'd probably be straight up enraging for him if it got to a point where the Doctor medically forbids Mikey from attempting to make himself a portal home because he keeps injuring himself in the process. But still, ever the eternal optimist he'll still find ways to enjoy his time on Voyager even if he is frustrated about his circumstances. You just know that he's always down in the kitchen with Neelix cooking up alien recipes and loving it (and not for nothing, the crew does appreciate having someone who can accurately remake recipes from earth). I honestly think Neelix and Mikey would get along super well, and have a sort of laid back mentor & mentee relationship. I think more than anything Mikey would really enjoy the exploration aspect of Voyager, both for "whoa cool alien planets" but also I think it really gels with his own belief in finding the good in everything. Voyager is in a tough situation but the crew isn't giving up who they are in the process of getting home, and I think that's something Mikey would really admire.
hmm okay that's all I can think of on this right now.
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shsy7573 · 11 months
We’re in This Together - Ch. 12
For more info or chapter index, see overview post
WARNING: This chapter contains segments of character death. (SPOILER’S FOR CHAPTER : It’s fine tho I swear)
DISCLAIMER: I do not own own Voyager or any of the characters in this fic (except for the aliens. Those were my creation.)
*This story is not beta-read and has not been edited or proof-read in any way! This was just something I threw together over the past three days and decided to post as my first entry on this site!*
B’Elanna watched Janeway’s laboured breathing as she slept. Even though she was sleeping, the Starfleet Captain’s expression was anything but peaceful. Her pain, it seemed, was potent enough to follow her into unconsciousness. Voyager’s Chief Engineer brushed her knuckles gently over the woman’s cheek, and watched as her expression softened ever so slightly.
The touch, despite how soft, was enough to jostle her from sleep. Her eyes face contorted as the full force of the pain came back. She opened her eyes a crack to see her Lieutenant smiling down at her.
“Sorry, Captain. I didn’t mean to wake you. You can go back to sleep if you’d like.”
Kathryn huffed, starting to sit up. Immediately she regretted it as the whole world went out of focus, and black dots danced at the edges of her vision. She fell un gracefully back down with a thump, and closed her eyes.
“That’s all right… I don’t… I don’t think… I’ll be going… back to sleep… anytime soon.”
Torres furrowed her eyebrows in sympathy. “Do you want a pain killer? We have used them for a while. I took one this morning when I woke up for my shift.”
Kathryn shook her head slightly, the best she could manage in her agony. “They don’t… help.”
The engineer placed a gentle hand on her Captain’s forehead. She winced at the heat of the Captain’s skin, and turned to pull out the woman’s water.
“Here,” she murmured, pouring some of the cold liquid onto the woman’s face, “this should help a little. Drink some too.”
B’Elanna helped sit Janeway up enough so that she could comfortably drink. When she’d had enough, the engineer set her bottle back down, and lowered the Captain into her lap.
“Thanks,” Kathryn breathed, blinking groggily up at her companion. The feeling of the cool water on her skin was an instant relief, but it was short lived as the area slowly warmed up again.
Kathryn closed her eyes again as her breathing returned to its heavy, slow rhythm.
“I wish there was something I could do to make you more comfortable.”
Janeway inhaled deeply before responding, “you’re… doing… your best… Voyager… be here… soon.”
B’Elanna couldn’t help but wince again as the Captain spoke. Every one of her words seemed to take a little more out of her. Torres couldn’t even begin to imagine what sort of pain the woman was in.
“Yes, they’ll be here soon. Just save your strength. I’m not going anywhere.”
The Captain hummed, and swallowed harshly in response.
“I hate to break it to you, Captain, but I don’t think you’ll be able to jump right into work after this. I know you really miss looking over the system's reports, but the Doctor’s gonna be on your ass about resting for at least a week.”
B’Elanna was reworded by a couple of small, barely audible chuckles that jostled the Captain’s body.
“I’m still looking forward to that sonic shower. And after that, you’re welcome to join me on the holodeck or you like. I was thinking of forcing Tom to write me a new program. Or, I supposed I could do it myself, but- who has the time for that? Nothing too spectacular, thinking a nice, long quiet beach with soft white sand, big blue waves, and no tunnels of caverns in sight. Maybe a couple people out in the water, just having fun and living in the moment.”
As Torres spoke, Kathryn allowed herself to get lost in the words. She imagined herself on such a beach, and the thought made her smile. The warmth of the sun on her, the cool breeze blowing in from the sea as the setting sun turned the sky pink. Big waves on the horizon, where you could just make out a couple of surfers getting the last of their waves in before turning in for the night. It was where Janeway wished she was right now.
“It sounds… nice…” she rasped.
“Yeah? I thought so too. With you on my side, maybe you can order Tom to make it.”
The Captain smiled at this, and B’Elanna took it as a win.
After a couple hours, the Captain’s breathing really started to shallow out. B’Elanna had taken to holding her hand firmly as she struggled to stay awake.
“Just hold on a little longer Captain. Help is on the way.”
The only sigh that Janeway both heard and understood the Lieutenant was a small squeeze of her hand. B’Elanna squeezed back, running a hand across the woman’s face.
“Give me one second, okay? I’m just gonna check to see if the homing beacon is still active.”
Gently, B’Elanna let go of the Captain, and took off her comm. badge. Amazingly, even after all the floods and spider-attacks and rock climbing they’d done, it had remained stubbornly pinned to her Starfleet uniform. Speaking of said uniform, it had seen better days. There were several holes in the fabric, the biggest ones being on her chest and around her back.
Upon inspecting her badge, she was able to confirm that the homing beacon was still indeed active. That was good. It meant Voyager would know just where to find them when it arrived.
She placed the badge back on her uniform, and grabbed the Captain’s hand again. Not even bothered with how covered in sweat it was.
“Good news, Captain. Looks like our luck hasn’t completely run out yet. The badge is still working.”
The woman’s lips twitched, B’Elanna took at as the best the attempt woman could muster at a smile. She brushed her thumb across Kathryn’s forehead, sending a silent plea to her ship as watched her energy dwindle. Please, Voyager. Hurry.
At this point, B’Elanna had given up on keeping track of the hours passed. All she knew was they had been sitting here forever, and there was still no sign of Voyager.
“I’m sure they’ll be here soon. They’re probably just trying not to overreact.”
B’Elanna was alarmed by the lack of response from Kathryn. She’d been chatting to her idly on and off for the last little bit, and the woman had always at least managed a twitch of her fingers. Now though, there was nothing.
“Captain?” She asked, giving the woman a slight jostle with her knee.
No response.
She tried again, pumping the woman a bit harder.
“Captain! I told you not to doze off on me again!”
But B’Elanna knew that wasn’t what this was. Not this time. As she watched the woman’s chest for any sign that she might be breathing, she was alarmed to be greeting by a complete and utter stillness.
“No!” She gasped, sitting up and laying the woman’s head on the ground beside her.
“No, no, NO!”
She started chest come pressions.
“Come on, Captain! Don’t do this to me again!”
Tears streaked her eyes as she pushed the palms of her hands deep into the woman’s chest. She knew she was probably going to break her ribs with pressure like this, but she would take broken ribs over a dead Captain any day.
“Come on, please! Please, you can’t leave me! Not now!”
Two inches deep, one hundred beats per minute.
“We’re in this together, remember?!”
Help will be here soon.
“You promised!”
They have to be here soon
“Please, just hold on!”
Then, the worst thing that could have possibly happened, happened. Faintly, at the very edge of her senses, she heard the sound of scuttling.
B’Elanna’s chest compressions stilled as she listened to confirm what she was hearing. 
No! Not now! Please, not now!
Fat tears dripped from her eyes, and down onto Kathryn’s face as she leaned over the dying woman. Desperately, she placed one hand on her cheek, and the other one in her hand. She leaned down until she was nose to nose with Janeway’s slack face. “I’m not leaving you,” she whispered. “You hear me? I’m not leaving you! So don’t you dare leave me!”
No response.
A sob racked her body as she pressed her hand firmly into Kathryn’s face.
No response.
She heard the sound of a hiss behind her.
All the despair in her face fell away at the sound. The tears still poured down her face as she drew her phaser and turned around.
Eight of the Arachnomen faced off against her. Each of their eyes locked on in hunger, madness, and intent to kill.
Looking at the creatures, B’Elanna was overtaken by a blinding, thick blanket of unimaginable fury. This, all of this was their fault. One of their kind had killed her Captain. Her friend and all these creatures cared about was food. They were disgusting, and retched, and the purest form of evil that, other than the Borg, no other species ever came close to.
And they were not going to take her Captain away from her when they were this close to getting home.
“YOU WON’T TOUCH HER!” B’Elanna roared, but the Arachnomen didn’t seem phased by her fury.
With one final hiss, the hoard lunged, and B’Elanna started firing.
In an instant, a cascade of pincers, hands and fangs engulfed B’Elanna and the Captain. The half-klingon fired her phaser like a mad woman, doing everything in her power to keep the creatures’ fangs from biting her, and to keep all of them away from the lifeless form of her Captain underneath her.
Pretty quickly, B’Elanna’s rage subsided just enough for her to realise that she could never right off all these aliens at once. So, thinking fast, she improvised.
The engineer shot her phaser right at the base of one of the stalactites. The large spike came crashing down, impaling one of the Arachnomen, and covering the area in a thick, quickly dissipating layer of debris.
Using the opening, B’Elanna threw Janeway over her shoulder and fled towards the nearest tunnel. Her feet carried her even faster than they had the day before. It didn’t matter anymore that Janeway was dead weight, Torres’s survival instincts were kicked into too high a gear for her to be slowed down.
The aliens ran after her as she clambered up the tunnel, dodging their long, outstretched limbs and shooting blindly behind her as she continued her beeline through the tunnels.
The Arachnomen were gaining rapidly, their brief moment of surprise not nearly enough to keep the Chief Engineer in the lead for long. She pushed her legs to run faster, practically throwing herself down the passageway as it began to twist and turn.
After five minutes of running for her life, B’Elanna’s felt her eyes widened as they gazed upon her next obstacle. The ground veered up in a sudden slope, approximately seven feet tall, and with very little ways to jump up it. Not unless you had spider limbs.
With a pounding heart, the engineer used all of her strength to throw Kathryn up the the top of the wall, before leaping up as high as she could and draping her arm over the ledge.
One of the aliens grabbed a hold of her leg, and began to drag her back down towards the ground. B’Elanna kicked and screamed as the others piled on. She managed to tear her leg free of one, and used the face of another to shove herself further up the ledge.
One of the aliens jumped up towards the ceiling, and made a frantic grab at her shoulder. It missed, however, and its long spider-limbed hand shot past B’Elanna and managed to grab hold instead of the Captain’s arm. It dragged her body backwards, and B’Elanna shrieked in protest as she held the body of her comrad on top of the ledge.
She rammed her arm out, smacking the spider's own limb hard against the corner of the ledge. It shrieked, letting go of the Captain in its pain.
As hard as she was fighting, Torres’ heart lurched as she felt the seemingly endless sea of grasping limbs starting to drag her back down the ledge. She clawed desperately to the tunnel floor, kicking mangled legs back at the spiders, but it was no use. There were too many of them.
Just as she was convinced that there was no way out of this, a voice came through on her comm.
“Voyager to away team, do you read me!”
B’Elanna kicked one of the aliens off her, giving her just enough leeway to reach up and press her badge. “Chakotay!” She shouted, her voice riddled with pure terror as she was pulled further away from Janeway, “I can’t hold them off anymore! You gotta get us out of here!”
“Stand by for transport.”
“Sick bay, Chakotay! Both of us!” B’Elanna ordered
B’Elanna screamed as she lost her grip on the tunnel ledge. Just as her body was dragged into the commotion of the Arachnoman’s frenzy, her and Janeway’s bodies dematerialized into the transporter beam.
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momentary-ecstasy · 1 year
fic request:the first time someone says i love you for raffi and seven please:)
Warning: Major Character Death (It's not Raffi or Seven)
It was a Starfleet funeral for the ages. Ships from distant systems, from all species had come to pay their respects. There was political gladhanding sure, but it happened outside of the circle of people who knew him. The people who knew Jean-Luc Picard personally, really and truly were standing in a half-circle around the urn that contained his remains. 
Jack was trying to hold it together. Beveryly and Geordi were openly crying. Raffi was misty eyed. Seven remained stoic but her voice shook when she spoke. Worf understood human customs were not his own so he kept his words to a minimum. 
It was inevitable that Seven and Raffi would be standing next to each other, occasionally leaning close but never touching. 
As the ceremonies were over and Picard was entombed in a statue of himself in front of the new Starfleet recruitment building, Seven had only spoken to Admiral Janeway who gave her a long hug and offered Seven any kind of support she could. Seven thanked her and bowed away when someone else stole Janeway’s attention. 
She actively avoided the Commodores who, rumor had it, wanted to promote her to Captain. She couldn’t think about it right then. She had just lost a friend. They hadn’t known each other long, but the bond was strong. 
She looked toward Raffi. She looked miserable. People kept going up to her and saying how brave they had been to save everyone from the Changelings and thanked her for what they had done, but Raffi had tuned them out long ago. Seven could see it. 
Seven saw a break in people greeting Raffi and slipped in, grabbed her arm gently and pulled her to the side. “Do you have a ship?”
Raffi seemed immediately relieved, “No, but I have the codes to the planetary transport room.”
With really no plan on how to get back, Seven and Raffi walked into Starfleet headquarters, handwaved the security guards who tried to stop them only as a show and disappeared into the planetary transporter room. 
Raffi didn’t even ask where they were going. She just let them in and went inside to stand on the transporter. 
Seven used her Officer codes to input their location then jumped up on the platform to stand with Raffi. 
They materialized in Vasquez Rocks, standing right in front of the front porch steps. It was all covered in dirt from being vacated for so long, but Raffi walked up the dirt covered stairs anyway and used her palm scan to open the door. 
Seven unzipped her Officer jacket, took it off and kicked the dust off one of the porch chairs before setting her jacket on the back of it. She leaned on the railing and looked out into the vast empty desert. 
Raffi had similarly taken off her Intelligence Division jacket and was carrying a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. “The climate control has been off in there for a while so it’s hot, but it’ll cool off in a minute.”
“I like it out here,” Seven let the Earth’s Sun warm her skin. She turned to look at Raffi. Her hair was up as well and she was using a towel to dust the dirt off of the table and the chairs. Seven went inside and got another towel to help. It felt like they’d never left. 
Once the outdoor furniture was clean they sat down and Raffi poured the drinks. 
“He left me the guest house on his estate,” Raffi sat back in her chair. “And the land around it. A small vineyard.”
“Wow,” Seven had to admit it was not something she expected, but the more the thought about it, the more it made sense. Jack wouldn’t want anything and she thought she had heard Raffi and Picard talking about a woman he was seeing before they left on their last adventure. “What are you going to do with it?”
“I don’t know,” Raffi shrugged. She took a long drink of the whiskey. “I wish people would stop giving me things before they leave and just stay.” She realized how that might have sounded to someone that essentially left her so she added as Seven opened her mouth to apologize, “I meant Rios and Picard.”
Seven nodded. “I didn’t give you anything anyway.” She was hoping a joke would make Raffi smile and for a moment it did.
Raffi shook her head. “What are you going to do now? I assume with Shaw’s discharge someone’s looking at you for the Chair.”
“I can’t think about it right now,” Seven shook her head. “I just need to… breathe.”
Raffi nodded. “I understand.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a small black box. “I have a decision to make too.” She slid the box to Seven. 
Seven opened it up and saw a solid matte black Starfleet communicator. “Section 31?”
Raffi nodded. She sighed, “I don’t know that I want to disappear again. It’s… hard.”
Seven could understand that. She took another sip of whiskey.
“Thanks for getting me out of there,” Raffi spoke after the silence was too heavy. 
“Of course,” Seven looked over at Raffi. Raffi who had seen past her Borg Implants since day one. Raffi who was always ready to go all in if Seven had ever had the courage to ask “You’ve rescued me more times than I can count.”
Raffi leaned back as the sun warmed her shoulders and back. It felt nice. Space was cold and the ships were kept comfortable but there was something about being enveloped in the sun’s rays made her relax completely. 
They had both grown quiet as the sun started sinking down behind the rocks. Raffi was kept refilling their glasses and they kept slowly sipping whiskey through the late afternoon into the evening. 
Seven finally spoke as darkness started settling around them. “Would you have gone with me? If I’d asked?”
Raffi immediately knew what she was talking about. “When have I not?”
The question was like being slapped. Seven’s entire body froze completely then she took a shaky breath. “I get very afraid when I love someone.”
“I know,” Raffi nodded. They had talked about it. Seven had told her about all the children from the Borg that they had rescued. Every person that had phased in and out of Seven’s life. 
There was a long pause before Raffi asked, seeming to just register what Seven had said. “You loved me?”
Seven swallowed and looked at her drink. “I still do.” 
Raffi nodded and exhaled. “Damn, I thought I was the only one.”
Seven raised her eyebrow, “I’m sorry. I thought… I don’t know what I thought.” She shook her head and finished her drink. 
“Doesn’t matter now,” Raffi finished her drink as well. She stood up and set her glass down. It was dark and she was tired. “I’m going to bed. You coming?”
Seven didn’t seem to have a choice. They had beamed themselves into the desert without really thinking about how to get back. 
They had both change into leftover clothes Raffi had left behind and laid down in a bed they’d shared together so long ago. 
It was dark in the room, but they could see the stars overhead, lending the tiniest amount of light onto the bed. Seven couldn’t see Raffi’s eyes in the darkness so she didn’t know if she was still awake. “Raff?”
“Hmm?” Raffi asked. 
“I love you,” Seven stated in the safety of darkness. 
There was a short pause. Then Raffi reached out and took her hand, “I love you too.” 
“Do you think we-” Seven started, but Raffi moved to kiss her, gently and with promise. 
Raffi rested back on her pillow and Seven would see her eyes looking back, sparkling in the starlight. “We’ll figure it out. Tomorrow.”
Seven threaded her fingers through Raffi’s and settled into her pillow. “Tomorrow.”
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thegeminisage · 1 day
STAR TREK UPDATE TIME. tuesday we kicked off s2 of voy with "the 37s" and "initiations" and wednesday we did voy's "projections" and "elogium."
the 37s:
pretty sure i read somewhere that this was originally either filmed or written as the finale of s1 and they moved it to the s2 opening for scheduling reasons...IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE FINALE! it was very very good and actually made me CRY??
firstly, lmao that this ship can land. we were so shocked by this. like watching tng split the saucer section off. "can you DO that?" i guess they can
amelia earhart perfect choice for janeway's little dyke crush...normally this kind of concept would have set my teeth on edge for being tngcore but i liked this one actually
the only problem is that after the 37s got out of their tubes we spent a HUGE amount of time just trying to convince them they were in the future. which was dumb when the way to convince them was to show them the ship, which is ultimately what happened. this suspicion doesn't fuel the narrative at all and doesn't even really serve the ideal of "realism." realistically they'd all want to leave. all it served to do was make us really hate the guy earhart came out of the tube with and waste time that was DESPERATELY needed to do other things - that misue of time was also very tngcore and took this episode down from a "must see" to a "watch."
things i wish we had time for in this episode: earhart taking a spin in the spaceship, earhart getting any screentime at all, those very impressive cities they mentioned but never showed us, the ethical debate
the major emotional beat of this episode relied HEAVILY on setting up staying on this planet as not only a viable possibility but a desirable one. we laid out that it was similar to earth culture, and a nice place to live, but why was it BETTER than earth? why might people facing a potentially 70-year journey, even with star trek's longer human lifespans (i looked up and the average is 120 years, though bones hit 137 and still managed to walk around on his own), choose not to spend quite literally half their lives aboard a starship?
i mean, if you're in your 20s, sure, you'll have some time to enjoy being back on earth, though admittedly not as much time as you spent on the starship. but if you're 40 or 50 and you can expect to die around age 120, 70 years is almost all of the journey, or all of the journey. janeway is 35. if she gets home in 70 years, she will be 105, and have perhaps 15 years left to enjoy being on earth. and almost everyone she knew that was 50 or older will be dead - many people younger than that will be dead - her home will be unrecognizable to her. anyone her age is facing the same predicament. and that's IF they get home...they could very well perish on the way. voyager wasn't built or launched with the intention to send it on a 70-year journey without pit stops. it's not a generation ship. there's nowhere to have or educate children, they didn't even send a medic besides the hologram. the earth being totally alien and unrecognizable to them is the absolute best-case scenario here
it is, in essence, the exact same situation that awaited the 37s if they chose to go back home, and why THEY chose to stay, and the fact that he could have been leaning on those parallels and doing cool emotional development at the same time as cool scifi stuff and then...didn't, because we had to do ha ha quirky guy waving the gun around. is a major mark against this episode
that said, somehow i still wasn't expecting the beat at the end. chakotay and janeway talked so much about the people they'd be sorry to lose that the cargo bay being totally and completely empty of people wanting to leave managed to surprise me AND move me to tears. i honestly don't know how janeway walked back onto that fucking bridge without losing it
this is the first time that you feel like the crew are in it for keeps and really care about each other, despite them coming from different places and political opinions...that they're loyal to janeway and trust her to get them home and not to face 70 years aboard this ship instead of with their families. it was genuinely touching!!
ok, we got racism bookends on this episode, but other than that it was pretty good
i do wish the kazon weren't...like that. they feel like the klingons of this show in that their culture is razor-focused on being warriors and then also as a simple coincidence we're putting them in what is borderline brownface. like, sure, it's "orange." like you'd make an orion green or an andorian blue. but also you have these guys wearing loincloths and killing children for being weak. pick a different fucking color.
THAT ASIDE. i recognized nog's voice before his face. it was nice to see him even as a different guy, but i'm cracking up at the idea that he's supposed to be 13 when i'm sure this actor was pushing 30 by then
it was nice to get a little something for chakotay that didn't totally involve the bogus that guy was feeding them...i like him a lot, so it was about time. he values life and he's very compassionate but he's also very stubborn and not afraid of tough love. i cannot BELIEVE he was gonna die for that kid.
it was about time we got some good action sequences w him too!!!!
LOVED neelix's little moment giving the kazon a hard time. ostensibly this IS why he's here so it was nice to actually see it come into play. my good friend neelix <3
plot twist at the end w the kid killing that guy who was trying to kill him was soooo smart and clever. didn't see it coming but it made total sense AND demonstrated that this kid wasn't being handed something he didn't earn - even chakotay didn't think of that solution
i was sooo nervous about this one because it was a barclay episode.........but all in all, i gotta say, this was, weirdly, the most tolerable barclay has ever been. i didn't love the PLOT of this episode always, but barclay himself was fine and actually even made me laugh one time (when the doctor asked if he was having a psychotic episode and barclay rapidfire went "no! yes.")
like, it's not as if i'm suddenly a barclay stan, but if he was like this all the time i wouldn't mind him nearly so much. i think the big difference here is that nobody has to hold his hand to get him to do basic tasks...in fact, he's sort of holding the doctor's hand, and he's also doing a comically bad job, so the energy is WAY different
that said. barclay being the one to test the doctor's personality parameters is probably why he's like that
dream within a dream was pretty weird...i DID like the callbacks to the pilot (this also would have made a decent s1 finale), but since we KNOW the doctor is really a hologram and that he's not gonna blow up the ship it didn't hold much suspense for me. it was nice to see him get to go to other parts of the ship though!
did NOT like the fakeout wife kes thing. first of all, she has a boyfriend. second of all, no hologram has ever been gayer than this little doctor. i'm not prepared to deal with unrequited love for kes plotline. so i was glad when it turned out to be a false ending or whatever, even though the false ending was scary. i would never trust reality again lol
and i liked kes asking him if he was sure he knew who he was at the end...give him room to GROW. i know she leaves eventually and im gonna miss her so much
also lol him sticking his arm out at the end. good for him
ELOGIUM MY BELOVED...initially this ep also scared me really bad because of neelix's jealousy problem...there's being insecure and then there's being possessive, and the former is ok esp if it's in small doses, which it has been so far, but the latter is WAY over the line. shocking and upsetting behavior from my new friend neelix who is normally so chill.
also did not love him mentioning so many times about kes being young and naive. like ok then why are YOU dating her? tbh if she's only two and we're in the second season they CAN'Thave known each other long before the pilot...initially was also upset by the idea that he was dating someone who was prepubescent, but technically speaking, spock was also prepubescent until season 2 of tos. alien puberty works different. that's what i'm telling myself anyway bc i like neelix and want to go on liking him, even if this episode made it hard
firstly, kes going through pon farr. i love scifi. she literally was eating flowers and mashed potatoes like a crazy person. nelix bodily carrying her to sickbay with the flowers still falling out of her mouth was genuinely very funny
also, janeway's mom hug for kes. wonderful
the doctor giving kes a FOOT MASSAGE? idk why that struck me as so funny but it did. star trek is at its best when it's wildly horny i think and somehow this foot massage being totally platonic made it hornier
and let's not forget the protozoa, which i initially mistook for sperm, given the content of the episode, and which gave us such amazing lines of dialogue such as "it seems we've lost our sex appeal captain" and "next time i need mating advice i know where to go" and "we have to make voyager submissive and breedable" that last one isn't a real line but it is essentially what they said
anyway, i was feeling ify on janeway/chakotay until now - like i think any two people on this crew could get it as long as one of them wasn't tom paris, but i wasn't like OH WAIT OKAY but now. i am. good for them.
TONIGHT: ds9's season 4!!!! probably.
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Little things from Star Trek Voyager that make me soft:
- Harry inviting Captain Janeway to Tom’s holobar for games and the way Janeway seems so touched at being included
- When Tom makes a cheesy joke at the helm and Janeway rolls with it while smirking at him knowingly (ex. “What if we set up a bicycle in the mess hall and pedal our way home?” “Now why didn’t I think of that.”)
 - When the ship is traveling through the Void and Harry writes a concerto on his clarinet and Tuvok stops to listen to it because he knows Harry worked hard on it
- When Chakotay makes little jokes with Harry and chuckles to himself when Harry jokes back like a proud dad
- Tuvok and Seven bonding over how dumb they think humans are
- The way Janeway looks at Sam Wildman when Sam tells her she’s pregnant. Janeway is clearly sympathizing with her nervousness about having a baby in the Delta Quadrant but she congratulates her anyway because she knows Sam needs to feel supported in her decision.
- When Tuvok tells Neelix he isn’t completely inept during security training and Neelix treats that like the massive Vulcan compliment it is
- The achingly gentle way Janeway looks at all of her crew members when they’re going through a tough time
- How defensive Chakotay gets when any member of the crew questions the captain’s judgement
- At Janeway’s funeral in “Coda,” she manages to keep her emotions in check until Harry starts talking and then she cries
- The fact that Janeway cries like a real person. Like, her face scrunches up, her lip quivers. She’s not out here crying those fake-ass stoic tears that other fictional characters do. She’s crying for real. 
- When Tom covers for Harry’s indiscretion because he knows how important Harry’s clean Starfleet record is to him
- The way Janeway hugs Kes during Elogium and sits to talk to her about puberty while gently stroking her hair and listening to her patiently
- The fact that there’s a pot of coffee ready in Janeway’s ready room all the time and you just know that Chakotay is using his own replicator rations for her
- In the wedding between duplicate Tom and B’Elanna when Chakotay walks B’Elanna down the isle and Janeway walks Tom down the aisle and they both look like the proudest parents to ever exist
- Chakotay and Neelix’s background friendship. You have to squint for it, but they have some funny little moments together that indicate an offscreen friendship that I wish we could have seen more of
- The fact that Janeway goes to visit almost everyone who gets admitted to sickbay
- Tom telling Harry that he will never forget Harry defending him in “The Chute” simply because he is Harry’s friend. Not because he had something Harry needed, or because Harry couldn’t survive without him, just because “this man is my friend.”
- When Janeway flat-out tells Harry that she thinks of him like a son and she’s proud of how he’s grown since coming on Voyager
- The way Tuvok just really, really loves his wife
- The fact that Janeway makes baby blankets for babies born on Voyager 
- How absolutely into Captain Proton Harry and Tom get (and how into character Janeway gets when she plays Arachnia)
- Chakotay and Janeway exchanging looks when someone says something dumb, especially when it’s one of their officers and they just look amused/exasperated
- “Chakotay? Are you there?” “No, I left an hour ago!”
- Tom inviting Seven to play ping pong because he thought she might enjoy the math behind it
- The way that Janeway never writes Neelix off, even though he can be a pest sometimes. If he says he knows how to do something, she lets him take a whack at it. If he’s got a story to tell and there’s no immediate danger, she listens. When he’s clearly baiting her into a conversation where he can show off his knowledge of Earth history, she bites and encourages him to tell her more because she knows it’s important to him to know about the history of the cultures represented on the ship.
- The fact that Neelix tries to get to know the cultures represented on the ship, even when he gets it wrong sometimes. He has good intentions.
- The entirety of Neelix and Tuvok’s interactions during “Riddles.” I was a hot mess that entire episode.
- Janeway finding out Tuvok’s birthday, making him a cake, baiting him into thinking she was mad at him so she could do a dramatic reveal, and Tuvok blowing out the candle even though he thought the candle was dumb just because she’s his best friend and he loves her
- The way Chakotay turns into Hearteyes McGee every time Janeway puts her hands on her hips, cocks her brow, and tells off an enemy
- How excited the whole crew gets when they find a cool space anomaly that isn’t immediately threatening them
- The fact that Janeway does her best to allow her officers to pursue their interests. Like when Tom asks to build the Delta Flyer, she lets him because cool spaceships are his Thing. When they find that lost ship from the early Mars missions, she lets Chakotay lead the away mission because that’s his Thing. She lets B’Elanna and Harry make a ton of adjustments to the engines because it might help them get home faster, but also because that’s their Thing. She understands how frustrating it can be to be locked in a spaceship for years without a way to pursue your interests and hobbies outside of the holodeck so she does her best to let them do their Things when opportunities do arise. 
- When Tom and Harry start a street brawl because they tried to play drunk tennis with some aliens and Janeway dresses them down for unbecoming conduct but then is like “.... so did you win?”
- The fact that both Harry and B’Elanna have fever dreams where they very clearly reveal that they see Janeway as a mother figure
- Seven of Nine and Naomi’s friendship and how pure it is and also how Seven always calls Naomi by her full name
- Also Neelix and Naomi’s friendship
- And the fact that Naomi is the Captain’s Assistant and Chakotay and Janeway send her back and forth between the two of them with messages because it makes her feel important
- I guess just Naomi Wildman in general
- Seven and The Doctor connecting over music
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mylittleredgirl · 3 years
Unpopular opinion meme: How about a post about the character you think is the most overrated?
i must be moving out of my Mood because this very difficult to do! the most-most highly rated characters on- and off-screen in trek (spock, data) totally deserve it, and honestly WHO KNOWS how a character is rated in fandom, because tumblr trek is always collecting and loving the characters that larger trek fandom dislikes (see: janeway and bashir).
but on-screen at least, i’m gonna go with the doctor on voyager.
this is part of a larger issue with the back half of voyager: the ensemble is sacrificed because all the character development points are held by seven, the doctor, and.... you know, i don’t know if janeway’s slow burn untreated psychological distress is character development, exactly, but the show definitely did not spread the love around to the entire cast.
and in that, my early season love for the doctor wears thin. some bloggers i follow made the good point that a character shouldn’t have to be likeable when fighting for their rights any more than a real human person should be, or be openly grateful to their “oppressors” when they’re well-treated, so why should i be cool with data and annoyed by the doctor -- who is objectively treated worse by his crew -- just because he’s abrasive about it?
and i don’t know! i have to do some more soul-searching on this. but i get exhausted having so many doctor-centric episodes because eventually, his personal development comes with a level of carelessness about the larger effects of his actions, and he’s not held accountable by the narrative when he causes harm to his friends.
“tinker, tenor, doctor, spy” is the last doctor-centric episode where i really, unequivocally LOVE him. he wants to grow!! but he wants to do it with the consciousness of being part of a community and wanting to serve his ship and crew as well as expanding his program and exploring the new frontier of hologram life.
but then you get like... “virtuoso.” (🎶fame! i wanna live foreverrrr🎶) he demands to leave the ship and wants to delete his medical database so he can explore an opera passion project -- but he shows no concern that as the only doctor, leaving the ship will absolutely eventually result in members of the crew dying. he argues that every other crewmember made a choice to serve on the ship (the maquis?? everyone else who signed up for a three-week mission??) and that janeway would never deny a flesh and blood crewman the right to self-determination for the good of the ship -- when she already has (b’elanna, in “nothing human,” and for the same reason: the entire community relies on them for survival). 
but mostly what bothers me is that so many of his episodes toward the end of the series put him in inappropriate and sexist situations with seven of nine (that fucking bet leading to the romantic grooming in “someone to watch over me”; using her body against her wishes in “body and soul” -- i mean hilarious tour de force from jeri ryan or not, that’s fucked uppppp man). and it’s always his POV, not hers. she has to forgive him, and we’re supposed to feel sorry for him.
it could have been cool to explore the kind of toddler id thing that might happen with newly developed sentience, but the writers would have to arc that out and hold our hands through it, you know? because i don’t think that’s what they meant, and they didn’t really bring it to a satisfying i-am-one-but-respect-the-needs-of-the-many resolution that sticks with him. and that makes me feel like it’s too much screen time without the payoff.
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bumblingbabooshka · 3 years
Snippet of a Voyager Fic I’ll Never Finish _ “Tuvok, there you are! Trying to sneak off?” Janeway asked. 
Tuvok opened his eyes. He was sitting in a natural hot spring and had been attempting to meditate until the captain’s interruption. The woman before him was wearing her hair in a high bun to keep it from becoming wet and a “bathing suit” which appeared to be...adequate for swimming. He truly could not assess such a garment with any expertise. Vulcans rarely swam and those rare instances were usually under some sort of duress. 
Tuvok could not tell if the captain’s accusation was a human joke or not. Jokes were an amorphous thing to him. Sometimes they were clear and aligned to patterns such as two or more species/professions walking into a bar or the imitation of knocking on a surface. Other times they were just sentences that might be true. Seven of Nine had called these sorts of jokes ‘lies’ and he sympathized with her understanding.
“I was not attempting to do anything of the sort, Captain.” Tuvok assured her.
Janeway smiled. “At ease. I was just joking.”
“I do not understand the humor in accusing me of such a thing.” He told her as she sank into the water beside him.
“Well of course not. Try accusing other people, maybe then you’ll start to get it.” Janeway said, clearly joking from the joviality in her tone. She leaned against the rocks with his arms out, sighing in some sort of relief.
“Accusing others is a function of my role as chief security officer and as such does not sound humorous.” Tuvok said. Janeway smiled, knowing that his continued engagement with her human silliness was his own way of joking around with her. 
Shore leave was going well so far. The planet they’d stopped at had multiple natural geysers and hot springs, making the air slightly humid but the indoors refreshingly cool. The inhabitants were a friendly people, putting Voyager’s crew up for the week in one of their resorts in exchange for medical supplies and adjustments to the resort’s dehumidifiers. Everyone had been having a good time mingling with the locals and each other. Janeway had too, which was why it’d taken her two days to notice that Tuvok hadn’t come out of his room yet.
When she’d asked why he’d replied: “I am studying new methods to fortify shields.”
To which she’d responded: “If I catch you doing work again for the next twenty four hours I will sign you up for the ‘Dance For Your Life’ hour. I hear Neelix is raving about it.”
Janeway was gratified to see it’d been a sufficient motivator.
As the two lapsed into a companionable silence there was suddenly a rustling of bushes. Janeway leaned forward as Tuvok straightened to complete attention.
When Chakotay popped out of the bushes he looked utterly baffled by seeing two other people in front of him. Especially looking so fierce.
“Oh! Sorry, I didn’t know that-! I’ll just..”
Janeway laughed to dispel the tension and waved her hand. “At ease, at ease...you two are wound tighter than I am and the doctor says I’m fit to snap at any second. 
“I am perfectly relaxed, Captain.” Tuvok insisted.
Janeway smirked. “Sure you are. I bet your spine would snap like a twig if you bent over.” Pulling herself away from this familiar camaraderie she smiled at the man on the outskirts of their private little hot spring. “It’s good to see you, Chakotay. Will you be joining us?”
Chakotay looked bashful, his eyes wandering between Janeway and Tuvok. “If...that’s acceptable...Captain.”
“Please, we’re off duty. Call me Kathryn.”
“But Tuvok-”
“Tuvok wouldn’t call me Kathryn if it were my dying wish.” Janeway teased.
“Untrue. Were it your dying wish I would honor your request.”
Janeway raised a brow. “It is.”
“Then upon receiving news of your imminent demise I will hasten to your bedside to fulfill it.”
Janeway smirked. “Then let’s hope it’ll be a long, long time before you call me Kathryn.”
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maliciousalice · 2 years
Thanks for tagging me, @cookie-memester and @elephant-in-the-pride-parade 
10 fandoms, 10 characters, 10 tags
1. Star Trek Voyager: Captain Janeway (my heckin beloved omg CRIES MOMMY SORRY)
2. Sailor Moon: Usagi Tsukino (KIN KIN KIN CRIES ALSO) 
3. Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Jotaro (he is very cool in part 4 idk i love his stink)
4. X-files: Mulder (Scully too, they can’t exactly be separated) 
5. Infinity Train: Samantha (Who are you queen?? I wish we found out) 
6. Dota: Witch Doctor (BY MY BONES)
7. Animal Crossing: Brewster (I could hang out in his cafe all day long)
8. MLP: Rainbowdash (she is naughty sometimes but I love her) 
9. Kamen Rider: Hibiki (Idk first Kamen Rider I watched. Nostalgic. I like the soundtrack and vibe a lot) 
10. Group B: Michelle Mouton  (A skilled babe, what’s not to like) 
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stitching-in-time · 1 month
Voyager rewatch s1 ep3: Time and Again
Episode three is a nice little time travel paradox episode, nothing revolutionary, but well done.
It annoyingly opens with the first of many references to the Delaney sisters, and Tom's attempts to get Harry to agree to a double date with them- I don't know why men think twin sisters 'come as a pair' for dating purposes, since I've never met a pair of twins who had the same tastes as far as dating goes, nor who wanted to do absolutely everything together all the time and be thought of as one unit.
Gross male fantasies about twin sisters aside, I think it's a solid episode that has nice moments and a cool concept, and gives an intro to Kes's developing psychic abilities. Though I quibble with having Tuvok say he has no reason to trust Kes's perceptions, since Vulcans have telepathic abilities, and it would be illogical to assume that someone from another species he's never even met couldn't possibly have them too. And major gag for the scene where Kes is in tears telling Neelix about seeing a whole planet dying, and he's patronizing her with 'it's just a dream, Ocampa having psychic abilities is just fairy tales, it can't be real' like omg what a jerk! Even if he doesn't personally believe in it, he could at least entertain the idea for her sake. If you care about someone, you don't sit there and dismiss them and invalidate their feelings when they're in distress, jfc. But this is only the first of many times Neelix treats Kes like crap, which I will come back to in future episodes.
Other things I liked included B'Elanna and Harry working together to come up with the way to rescue the Janeway and Paris. B'Elanna and Harry are actually pretty similar in their science nerdery, despite their differences in temperment, and I really like how they got to be like kids doing a science project together here, and I wish we could have seen more of them working together on it. I also like the alien-planet-of-the-week's costumes this time round, unisex corset and skirt outfits are a lot more genderbendy than what we usually see on 90s Trek, and they look great on everyone. And I love when Captain Janeway wears her hair down when it's long, she has fabulous hair! I honestly don't know if it was Kate Mulgrew's real hair or a wig, but she was rocking it. My girlcrush only grows stronger as time goes on tbh.
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The bouncy hair, the corset, it's such a look! Werk, gurl! And Tom is there too, lol. But actually, I did like how Janeway and Paris had a responsible older sister and goof off younger brother dynamic going on. Even in these early eps, whenever Tom isn't saying gross jerky dudebro lines, he's actually a lot of fun. (And again, risking his life to save people he barely knows, for the second time in three episodes. Clearly such a bad boy, ha.)
Tl;dr: a good episode, fun to watch.
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