#btw if youre comfortable please feel free to answer this post talking about someone you love
confused-simp-jpg · 5 days
Pairing: holland!Peter Parker / reader
(no pronouns used for reader as far as I know)
Warnings: brief mention of bullying (and a shitty ending cause I suck at writing those)
General Plot: You are on a quest to befriend your awkward schoolmate and find that you might become something a little more
Genre:                fluff
Words:               1.2k
A/N: Honestly, I just wanted to try posting on here for the first time so I put together a little fanfic, so it might not be the most well written and thought out story, so please excuse all the plot holes and poor writing.
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A new schoolyear had begun and like every year you had devoted yourself to making a new friend. Having been the quiet kid with no friends you had decided to overcome your fear of talking to new people and after finding a great group of friends you started to look for new additions to said group every year.
At the end of last school year, you had noticed a small duo, a cute brunette and his best friend, you’d never see one without the other. But recently you had picked up on the near constant flow of bullying directed at the two by a kid named flash.
Truth be told you always were the kind of person to search for the good in someone even if they were being an asshole and it’s not like you thought Flash was the scum of the earth or something like that he just had the sort of personality most people perceived as arrogant, annoying and overall disgusting, their words not yours, although you had to agree. He was by no means an evil person per se he just seemed to lack basic human decency in its entirety.
So when you became aware of the two victims of Flash’s idiocy and their almost unbothered attitude towards him, you decided to get to know them a bit better in hopes of befriending them.
It was Monday where you had an irregular lunch break at a time no one else did, when you saw your opportunity.
“Hey… is this seat taken?”, you smiled down at the completely surprised brunette.
“Uh…yeah… I mean no… I mean you can sit…if you want obviously”, he stuttered out, stumbling over his words and trying his best to keep his voice from completely giving out.
You giggled and sat down:
“Thanks, I was worried I wouldn’t find a good seat anymore, I’m Y/N btw”
“I’m Peter”, a soft blush adorned his cheeks.
Peter looked around in the mostly empty cafeteria and his brows furrowed slightly:
“Uhm, you know there are like a lot of free tables. Not that I want you to leave but… you know?”, he hesitantly brought up.
You looked up at him a smile tugging at the corners of your lips and answered:
“Yeah, but it’s not a good lunch seat when you sit alone isn’t it?”
“…I guess…yeah”
There was a bit of comfortable silence between you before you spoke up again.
“You’re not usually alone here right? I think every time I’ve seen you he was right next to you”, you chuckled
He seemed a bit caught off guard by you breaking the silence but recovered fast.
“Yeah, Ned wasn’t feeling all too well today, so he stayed home and left me alone here.”, Peter said jokingly.
“Oh, tell him I hope he feels better soon then, he seems like a nice dude when he’s not abandoning you.”
Talking about his friend came easier to Peter than small talk and the conversation flowed seamlessly from how Ned had ‘abandoned’ him to what things they got up to recently.
In turn you shared some stories from you and your friends taking the opportunity to invite him and Ned to come along with you to the arcade at the end of the week.
Although hesitant at first, with a bit of convincing he agreed to meet the following Friday.
Your talk with Peter in the cafeteria had not been the last time the two of you had interacted and every conversation with him made you more excited for the next.
Peter really was such a sweet soul and hanging out with him always felt comfortable.
Friday rolled around and you were waiting on your friends and Peter in front of the arcade. It was a common occurrence for them to be late so when a out of breath Peter ran up to you and started to apologize profusely you just smiled and reassured him that he was fine.
You noticed Ned wasn’t with him and when asked about it, Peter explained that he still wasn’t feeling better.
Slowly but surely the rest of the group came by as well and soon enough everyone was present.
The entire afternoon went by in a haze filled with laughter, everyone enjoying themselves and even though Peter was a bit shy at first, he fit right in, and everyone welcomed him with open arms.
Even without really noticing or intending on it, you and Peter stayed close and stole innocent touches here and there along with soft looks.
Unbeknownst to you your friends had noticed the fact that you and Peter seemed joined at the hip and shared smiles about the clear interest both of you displayed for the other.
You felt a tap on your shoulder and were met with one of your closest friends MJ, who led you away from the group.
“Can you two go on a date without us? It’s getting a bit pathetic with the way he’s looking at you.”, she deadpanned, catching you off guard. Your mouth dropped open and blood rushed to your face.
“What?”, a confused chuckle escaped your throat.
“Come on Y/N, you two are clearly interested in each other. Everyone has noticed at this point. So just tell him and get on with it!”
MJ never was the kind of best friend who talked to you about relationships unprompted, you loved to tell her about crushes and troubles simply because of her objective and brutally honest advice and comments, but she never started these types of conversations so this was new.
“MJ, he’s sweet sure but I’ve only known him for a week and yeah of course I like him but calling it a crush would be a bit rushed don’t you think?”, you smiled at her.
“Obviously, but I’m just saying, you two have been smiling at each other so much even I felt giddy” MJ shuddered overdramatically
You laughed and hugged her. “Oh MJ, I love you so so much”
MJ scrunched up her face and awkwardly hugged you back, never having been much of a physical touch kind of person but tolerating it for you.
The two of you returned to the group and the afternoon continued without another hitch although you were more and more aware of the shy smiles shared between you and Peter.
At first the two of you were shy and awkward on dates but once you got more comfortable with eachother you shared inside jokes and and started teasing eaxhother playfully.  
A few months after the arcade meet up which were filled with almost daily texts and constant talking, Peter awkwardly asked:
“ So… are we…are you…I mean, am I your…”
His stressed expression and the more and more panicked waving of his hands had you chuckling slightly once you realized what exactly he was trying to ask of you.
“I think we are and I am and you are. If you want to that is”, you answered with a soft smile, your hand ever so slightly reaching for his.
Relief washed over Peter and you thought to yourself, how bad he was at hiding his true feelings, it felt like you could read him like an open book, like he couldn’t possibly have secrets that you didn’t know about with how open he seemed.
“Thank god!”, Peter exclaimed and engulfed your hand in his, tugging you along to his home for the movie night you had planned.
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academiawho · 5 months
im also giving my 12th boards this year, and i see posts on my dash all the time. please share advise on how to remember what i studied for physics and chem please
btw, all the best <3
Hello! While I graduated 12th grade a while ago, I'm happy to see you in my ask box.
Here goes the tips I used and some I tried to imbibe for smooth sailing in boards:
1. Focus on previous papers: I'm of the belief that if you do something enough times, you are bound to remember it in time of need. I revised a lot of my senior's papers (I ignored the questions/topics from the deleted syllabus to save time) and my prelim papers, all sets. It ended up helping me because the examiners lose shock value if we prepare all the questions their mind has been wanting to print.
2. NCERT: Have someone explain it to you if you are not able to decipher it. NCERT is not as comfortable to read and retain as ICSE books like Selina, Viraf Dalal etc. So it is imperative that you understand the meaning or motive behind NCERT's topics. Teachers should be of good help in this matter.
3. Supplementary sources: Youtube is fine to understand concepts, but I've seen a lot of my peers (and at a point, myself) make it their personality and their only study source. Please try not to if you have a healthier alternative available (like tuitions, extra classes, coaching). Do not run behind extra books like HCV, DC, ABC, Elementary for your boards. It doesn't really help for subjective examinations.
4. Formula sheets: Especially for Optics, Physical Chemistry and Genetics (rarely). Make them, whether as a rough copy, or a rote learning session, or a paper with tricks. But revision of that sheet is a must.
5. Parkinson's Law: "Parkinson's Law is the old adage that work expands to fill the time allotted for its completion." Basically, a task will take up as much as time as you plan it in. Revising Modern Physics will take near 30 minutes if you think it will take 30 minutes. But if you think it will take a full day, then it shall. So plan wisely and have confidence in yourself to make that work.
6. And lastly but by no means the least: Practice writing the paper. It may seem silly to think that sitting down with a sheet similar to the actual answer booklet, attempting a paper with the seriousness of the actual exam, may be tedious. However, it is more useful than it is tedious. It resolves any anxiety regarding appearing in the exam.
If you need to talk about this or anything else, feel free to ask me in my ask box or via pm or in my posts. All the best!
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stinkrascal · 2 years
straight up have been on simblr since like 2018/2017 and have never once sent a wcif even if they are wciff bc it feels so wrong and rude. like the amount of work that goes into opening ur whole game and sometimes other software, then finding the dl link to spoon feed it to some faceless, nameless person who didnt even say hi or please to u is ridiculous. so many of the wcif asks ive seen give me "have never worked retail, maybe have never talked to another person ever" vibes like the entitlement is insane.
ugh i KNOW listen when i used to accept wcifs people would be nice sometimes, but a LOT of the times itd literally just be some rando like "wcif all the cc in ur most recent post" without any hint as to what post theyre talking about and without saying please or thank you or anything like u guys do realize there are PEOPLE behind the computer screens right... like we arent just content-churning machines we're people with lives and responsibilities and obligations like fhriogjersypoejrtgoi IDK its so weird how people feel entitled to wcifs!! imo it isnt hard to find cc either like just describe how the cc looks in google and 9/10 youll find it idk... as someone whose mods folder is at a comfortable 120gb with 70gb ALONE being build/buy cc the mere idea of attempting to answer a wcif fills me with dread..... and it doesnt matter if i have all the free time in the world which i do btw lmao it literally doesnt matter how busy or free someone is, if they dont want to answer it they dont have to!!!!!! UGH i could talk about this forever it just makes me so mad, i still cannot believe some anon told someone on simblr "you probably don't have a fulltime job so why can't you just answer the wcifs and stop complaining about it" like full offense but go choke <3
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HAHAHA im sorry for MY ranting, congrats on being blasted i wish that was me <3 but thank you so so much, this is really sweet!! ty for the sweetness!! i hope youre having a great day as well <3
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laraplisetski · 3 years
Last Boss/ Takatora Samura Fluff Alphabet. Part 1.
Request by Anon-
Do you write for Last Boss? And if you do, can you write the fluff alphabet with him please? 🙏
The alphabet is by-
Link: https://spotofimagines.tumblr.com/post/615133765398888448/fluff-alphabet
A/n: Thankyou for requesting for him, I was honestly so intrigued by his character and I hope you like it. I hope it's not too ooc. This is part one as I am splitting this into two parts.
Link for part 2
Tags: @nekohwa, @koreaweeb, @mn202zzz, @cheshirekitten87, @milky-neptune, @faith0518, @waifuhqlic, @asmileisalwaysbetter, @fantasticwizardnerd, @imthatchishiyasimp, @kekozume​
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A = Activities (what do they like to do with their s/o? how do they spend their free time?
I feel like you would just sit there while Takatora would be practicing with his Katana and sometimes when he would mess up or hurt himself you would bandage him up.
On other days when he wasn’t practicing you guys would just lay down and like just cuddle and bask in each other's presence.
Sometimes you would just talk about your day and he would listen to you.
I forgot to mention that he would love to take you to games and like just show off his katana skillz.
B = Beauty (what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?)
He admires your eyes because they hold so much optimism in them and the will to live.
He admires that you have the will to survive and go back to the real world.
He admires everything about you because you are an angel in his eyes and he would kill anyone to protect you.
C = Comfort (how do they help their s/o when they feel down? what makes them feel better?)
He just holds you and rubs your back when you feel down.
He makes you his top priority and does anything to make you feel better.
The thing is that you can't really tell when he has a bad day or not.
But when he does tell you, you return the favor and do everything in your power to make him feel better.
D = Dreams (how do they picture their future with their s/o and in general?)
So Takatora wants to stay in Borderland since he finds the real world boring.
But he wants you to return to the real world to live a happy life without any pain since he knows that he can't always protect you.
He might also consider the fact of going with his s/o to the real world and living with them and being happy.
But that's just a thought.
E = Equal (are they the dominant one in the relationship or are they rather passive?)
Takatora’s definitely is the dominant one or so he thinks.
Even though he's generally really quiet, he's a little possessive and will definitely draw his katana out if someone tries something funny with his s/o.
F = Fight (how quick are they to forgive their s/o? what are they like in an argument? who says sorry first?)
Okay so Takatora literally thinks you're a goddess and he rarely disagrees with you.
The only time you guys argued? Well I wouldn't call it arguing but-
He had stabbed someone for trying to offer you a drink and pulled him up to you guys apartment and you shouted at him for stabbing someone just because they were being nice to you.
He just grunted and left after that but he came and apologized anyways cause you're probably right.
He won't start a fight with you when he knows you're right and he basically thinks you're an angel so even if youre wrong he still won't argue.
G = Gifts (what kind of things do they give to their s/o? are they spontaneous or do they stick to special events like anniversaries?)
Okay so like I have this cute headcanon in which one day Takatora asks you if you want a tattoo and you suggest that you guys get matching ones and you do!!
So now you have a rose tattoo and he has a dagger one.
Note: The rose and dagger tattoo can symbolize the duality of human life through the seemingly opposite meanings of the two images combined in this design: the rose stands for beauty, love, friendship, and vitality, whereas the dagger signifies death, betrayal, destruction, and insidiousness.
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H = Heart Eyes (what are they like in love? Is it obvious to others? How do they express their love? do they brag about their s/o to others?)
Him willing to do anything for you shows his admiration and love towards you.
Whichever chair you sit on during executive meetings, he's always leaning on that chair in case something happens and he has to protect you.
Obviously everyone knows he loves you and that you love him, because of that they don't try to mess with you.
I = Impression (what first attracted them to their s/o? how accurate was their first impression of how their s/o actually is?
(Okay so I took this first impression from a fic I read idk which one it is tho)
So you guys were in a club game in which two groups had to play tag, but the catch was that instead of catching people from the other team you had to kill them.
 So this guy creeped up behind you and tried to strangle you (cause homie lost his weapon) but before you could react Takatora stabbed him. 
As you were about to thank him you saw another person in the shadows about to shoot him.
So you pushed him to the side while shooting the other guy but the other guy was faster as he shot you first before falling down because you shot him too.
Since he was the last person you guys needed to kill you cleared the game.
Then because you saved his life, he picked you up and brought you to the beach with him. 
J = Jealousy (do they get jealous easily? how do they deal with it?)
Okay so yk how I mentioned him stabbing someone when they tried to give you a drink.
You have your answer.
K = Kiss (are they a good kisser? What was their first kiss like? where do they kiss the most?)
Honestly he's a sloppy kisser and he's a little inexperienced cause he basically sat in his room all the time when he was in the real world.
You were the first one to kiss him btw.
One time in a game you really thought you were gonna die so when you came back to the beach and went up to your room and saw him your first reaction was to run up to him with tears streaming down your face and you just cupped his face and kissed him.
 L = Little Things (what are the little things they love about their s/o? are they attentive?)
Takatora is a very attentive guy, he might not look like it but he's really attentive and really considerate.
He knows what your mannerisms are and can differentiate if you're feeling really happy or frustrated or melancholy.
For example you tend to clench your fists when you're really excited and tend to tap your index finger on your leg when you are nervous. 
When you are scared your hands tend to shake and when you're angry you furrow your eyebrows and look like you want to cry.
He could go on and on but for the sake of this being not too long imma end here.
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jeonjk0504 · 3 years
Hi! I admire your open minded responses and ethics. You have said in some posts that you believe Taehyung and Jungkook are mutually attracted to each other but that they haven't confessed or consummated. (Please correct me if I got it wrong!) I was wondering why, in your opinion, Taehyung and Jungkook wouldn't just take the leap and be together after being on a journey of so many years? Is it your opinion that homophobic society is holding them back? Is it the risks to the band? They seem like two rich, empowered men to me. Taehyung seems like a very honest and authentic person. And Jungkook tweeted a drawing he made of a famous line from Love Simon. These guys would know that being in a committed same sex relationship is an option, right? I am not saying they could necessarily be open about it but I find the idea of them wanting it but not acting on it challenging.
It is a sentiment that I see in a lot of cis het female dominated spaces that revolve around queer men, or the idea of queer men. It's love, it's attraction, it's everything but the relationship. And the sex. It strikes me as a heteronormative overlay on what queer men can and can't do, as if the relationship is allowed to be sexual and romantic only in y'all's minds. It looks like shipping but it also looks like erasure.
Personally, I do not think that Taekook are together but I could be wrong. Anything is possible. I admire the way you stand up for what is right and role model that it is never ok to be a bully. What people consider 'harmless' is relative. I don't buy any 'ships' in BTS as purely aesthetic relationships. I am a gay person and can't take away my identity while seeing this content. Hovering between the space of 'they are real' and 'I just want them to be real' is a safe space for bloggers to be. But it isn't a great representation of genuine LGBTQ+people. A 25 yr old and a 23 year old aren't nuns.
You don't have to answer this question if you prefer not to, of course. I didn't mean to try to make you defend your interests. Your points of view are as valid as mine.
Hey anon!
Thanks a lot for your interesting questions! :)
My personal feeling of them being mutually attracted to one another but not being in a relationship, stems from the dynamic they have. But i got to say, i‘m never 100% sure. I don‘t think you can tell at the tip of their noses if people are in a relationship, because it‘s mostly based on „what would i say/do/act like in a relationship?“ and that can never be copied onto people, even less if you don‘t know them personally.
What makes me say that though is a mixture of reasons. The biggest of them is simple: their friendship. My personal impression is often, that they feel drawn to each other but they also have a good eye on their responsibilities and possibilities. This is less of something i can „prove“, it‘s simply a feeling i get based on various situations and how i see them act, none in specific. I also imagine to cross the line of friendship, might be a lot harder in a conservative country while being in this wide reaching spotlight in contrast to other spaces. And all the other things you took as an example, can add to that they don‘t have to though (the popularity, the band, the family, …).
Also when i say i get the impression it‘s unspoken, i refer to them talking about that attraction or establishing a mature understanding, i have never said they haven‘t acted on it. Their body language feels like they have, actually. To me at least.
I know they both support LGBTQIA Artists and Art. But supporting it and identifying with it are two different pair of shoes.
And while Taehyung seems very, let‘s say adventurous to me, he has always had a strong affinity to a self-image based on his father. Which might mean you can indulge in something for fun (same sex intimacy) but when it get’s serious (same sex relationships) it‘s better to follow conservative ideals, like a lot of oppressed or erased homosexuals in Homophobic countries do.
This is just a connection i keep thinking about though, not a fact. It‘s only a fact that he views his dad as a role-model, visually and also in the role that he performs. His strong wish for children supports that as well. And i‘m not saying it‘s impossible for same sex couples to start a family with children (at least not where i come from) but in SK it‘s sadly not an option as of now. They‘re neither allowed to marry, nor have a legal partnership which will definitely have an impact on how you approach relationships in any case.
And i keep questioning myself: would you share such a sensitive wish like having kids, knowing fully well that it‘s not an option while being in a serious same sex relationship? Or would you share it in the belief that laws will change in the future or you will („somehow“) end up with a woman to make it happen? It may be nitpicky of me to question that, but i see it as a possible indicator of Taehyung not being in a serious same sex relationship as of now, because i feel like his desire to have children in some way, has always been noticeably strong and if he shares his wishes in such a carefree way, maybe his wish is in no danger.
Btw i know a lot of TKer i talk to disagree with me on this and they don‘t think it has to mean anything! 😌 and to be fair: we have the same amount of possible indicators that speak in favor of a relationship. I feel like i‘m talking a lot about why i think they‘re not, rather in what way they could actually be… (very ironic, looking at my blog)
Jungkook on the other hand is a little romantic to me, but he seems very careful too not like someone who just takes the leap (i‘m not saying shy, pretty sure he got over that a few years ago for the most part..).
There is a lot more, but it would take up too much space to elaborate so i hope it‘s okay i only gave a small reason for now.
Concerning your criticism on cishet spaces, they are of course valid and it‘s important to keep an eye on that and call out people who hurt the community. I don‘t feel comfortable with you associating me in that space though, because i doubt you actually know from what perspective i am sharing my opinions. I also use BTS neither for hetero nor LGBTQIA representation because i don‘t know what they identify as. It goes both ways. You might see it as hovering in a safe space, but for me that safe space is mostly there out of respect, not because i don‘t feel brave enough to take a stance.
I thank you for your respectful questions! :) it was interesting to reflect on why i view them the way i do. Please always feel free to share your opinions with me 🥰 have a nice day!!
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littlx-songbxrd · 3 years
Ok I meant to answer you're question about what I thought of the show ages ago but I forgot.
I LOVED IT OMGGGG! I got so many kitty vibes from Wilhelm and Simon! The touching! The softness! It's those vibes exactly! I want that energy in TWP.
COMRADE SIMON!! We stan! That speech he made at the very beginning about the differences in attitudes towards "tax evasion" vs. "Welfare fraud." Legend behavior.
Sara!!!! My girl!!!!!! An autistic/adhd character PLAYED BY AN AUTISTIC ACTRESS!!!! THIS IS SO HUGE!!! I would die for my problematic queen. I made an entire post on her but the gist is, I get where she's coming from and understand why she feels the way she feels but dear God girl make better choices and stay the hell away from August.
Speaking of.... I wanna run August over several times. Vroom vroom motherfucker. The fact that he
-kissed Sara behind Felice's back when they were still dating WITHOUT HER CONSENT BTW
- Wanted to blame Simon for the drugs because he knew it would be easy because Simon's family is lower class and doesnt have the same social standing as one of the "members of the society"
- Also it didn't escape my notice that the cult like faternety type group with all the rich, mainly white boys is called The Society. This shows commentary on class is vv interesting. Especially the little things like two girls just randomly advocating for THE DEATH PENALTY. The rich people audacity.
-Anyways back to August, when he tried to excuse his actions with Wilhelm and get all teary like no bitch you can't manipulate your way out of this one. And again with Sara! When he said "Wilhelm has everything" I wanted to scream! Like he's fucking closeted and clearly suffering from panic attacks and extreme anxiety you moron.
-Anyways!! I also think that Wilhem might be autistic because he just feels autistic. Like the vibes are there.
- The girl group is so sweet? And to have the popular girl be a Black girl who isn't "stereotypically attractive" with a more medium sized body and bad acne. As someone who has really bad skin I needed that. Felice is kinda awesome imo.
Let me see what else??
-Simon and his mom speaking Spanish consistently throughout the show. It sounded pretty natural to me? But I'm not a native speaker. (Or even fluent honestly lol.)
- Simon and Wilhelm are honestly so adorable and in love and it made my heart ache. (I am so touch starved I swear..)
-My only main beef is the outing plotline and the show using an outdated medical term for Sara, aspergers. It's literally just autism. Also it's kind of offensive because Hans Asperger was a n*zi who literally killed autistic children because they weren't useful to capitalism. SOOOO yeah.
As for the outing plotline, I feel like the cishets have like three plotlines that they use for queer stories. Outing/coming out, one of them dies, or one if them bullies the other until they both fall in love. It's tired.
But overall I really loved it.
I wanted to correctly talk to you about this series so I logged in through my computer to make it easier for me :D
LOOK AT THIS POINT IVE RELATED THEM TO LITERALLY EVERY COMFORT SHIP I HAVE LIKE. I've compared this to kitty, I've compared this to Thomastair, I've compared this to my friends to ocs who she has obsessed me with (youd actually like them if you liked this tbh) IVE COMPARED ME TO MY OCS
what was the point cc??
new favorite character
SHES PLAYED BY AN AUTISTIC ACTRESS?? Sorry I hadn't known! Haven't actually gotten to obsessively look at the cast I've been trying to get over the last episode BUT THATS SO COOL. SARA IS AMAZING AND I ADORE HER. I'll read your post after this! But of course STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM AUGUST GIRL PLEASE
Tbh I understood where she was coming from with everything with Simons image falling apart and her having to suffer when she had just started having friends , just after finding he had been lying to her. But love, AUGUST?
A U G U S T ???
Also random and stealing this from @marzzinaa i totally hc Sara as a demi girl for some reason
Im kinda sad we didnt see her speak spanish as much we did simon :(
You already said it all, I just agree
Ok I'll bring a machete you bring whatever you wish and we kill him sound good?
meanwhile they wanted to pass off to Simon who came from a lower class family the blame
Also I'd like to mention how that would also play into the stereotype latinos are all drug dealers
Which I love how they didnt make his dead beat alcoholic man the latino parent, when I first read the description I thought they might do that, but im so glad they didnt
I think it might have been a comentary idk i liked that they DIDNT make the poc parent the dead beat
I love how they didnt make her stereotypically perfect AND YES MID SIZED REP WAS AMAZING TO SEE
Also im so glad you got to see that represented!!
So I am a native speaker and him talking to his mom MADE ME CRY
pls most her phrases reminded me to my own mom
Autistic wilhelm you say?? omg tell me more (if you want)
Oh thats awful, well I'll just refer to Sara as autistic and hope the showrunners fix that next season because if they dont-
Oh yeah, thats valid critisism. But in my opinion they actually wrote it pretty well so I wont really be complaining about an overall media problem with queer stories rn. If so I'll be here all day. But yeah its an overall problem but it wasnt done bad in my opinion so!
I'll shut up, for now
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forbidding-souda · 4 years
sorry if this is a bit much but can i please request a female reader having a secret crush on souda & putting love letters into his locker? and then souda finds out its her and confesses? tysm!
Kazuichi Souda with fem! Reader that has a secret crush on him
Ya’ll are so creative this is so cute yes yes yes this is gonna get a lil cliche just bc it’s me and i’m outta pocket rn it’s 23:00 deal with me for now
I was gonna americanize it but I really wanted to go with my comfort of calling him Souda instead of Kazuichi - so on that note - does Hope’s Peak Academy have getabako’s????? Does anyone know??? Bc istg those kids wear their outside shoes in that academy.... maybe only the reserve course wears the indoor slippers LMAO.
Also btw am i the only one who liek??? Am I tripping or does my tumblr not notify me when my asks are answered? Bc when I checked the accounts of the people, my ask was posted, but I didn’t get a notification ya’ll am I tripping or.
-Mod Souda
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Once again, you spend most of your class time with color pencils, coloring the edges of the paper you wrote on that morning. You shade in hearts, lollipops, and cute things of the sorts.
The writing, in perfect pen, just compliments him on the kind things about him. His beautiful smile, his joyful laugh... oh, just everything you love about him!
Even thinking about him makes your chest all fuzzy, plus a little twing of anxiety.
You have started putting love letters on his shoes in the getabako, which is a fine venting system to get your feelings out directly but anonymously, but when will you get tired of it? 
Putting your love letters in such a dirty area is disgusting on your behalf, too, but it’s better than risking it to try and put them on his desk.
It’s not going to satisfy your need for communication for much longer.
He’s also obsessed with Sonia, which isn’t a plus on your behalf. Just thinking about it gives you a headache. 
Souda, make it make sense!
You sigh through your nose once the bell rings. Pack up the color pencils and wait for him to put on his shoes and leave. That’s easy. 
Just like every other day.
He talks with Tanaka when he walks, passing your classroom. You distinguish his voice immediately.
It’s interesting, actually. The two of you have almost never talked. Well, maybe a bit.
You’re a nice friend of one of his classmates, so when you often get free time after school, you can sneak your way into the bunch.
Every conversation with him is ingrained into your memory. You couldn’t stop being amazed by him! His hair, his smile, his eyes. You complimented it all!
Now, you follow their voices down the hall, waving bye to your peers while slipping the note in your book bag.
Thoughts start to slip into your mind. What if he is going to start waiting by his getabako? Has he planted one of his friends to try and spy you out?
Maybe places them there isn’t safe anymore.
Or you’re just being overly suspicious. Jeez, this is all too overwhelming!
After putting on your shoes, you look over. His locker is void of people after all. 
Again, you put the note on his slippers before walking away.
How embarrassing.
The next morning, you wake up early to get ready for school. 
And then, you take time to start writing your love letter of the day.
Your mind seems to be occupied recently with Souda Kazuichi. Is that really healthy? 
Maybe you should start focusing on other things.
You should paint your nails. Yes, that’ll help!
What color does Souda like? He does like pink, doesn’t he? Pink will do then.
Sitting, with music playing softly in your house, you paint your nails a vibrant shade of pink while the sun begins to open up in the morning sky.
Being slow isn’t exactly your whole deal. So you were cautious enough to paint your nails after getting all ready. And with wet nails, you pack your halfway written letter and head out the door.
You blow on your nails the entire time there, whining once you notice the smudges on some of your fingers. Embarrassing! You should have spent more time to wait for them to dry. 
It doesn’t matter all that much anyways. Not like anyone will notice your nails.
Souda is putting on his shoes by the time you get there. Around the same time, how romantic.
You smile a bit.
“Hey, Y/N!” He greets. You take a short time to scan his person for the note. It’s tucked into his pocket, you can vaguely see. At least he has it.
“Good morning, Souda!” You wave to him.
He pauses for a moment. It draws you back a few steps. Is it not morning? Is that not his name? What did you say wrong?
“Did you paint your nails pink?” He asks, eyes wide with amusement.
That’s a relief. But also not. He wasn’t supposed to notice.
“Oh, yes I did, but I smudged them though so I’m not too happy about how they turned out.” Stepping close to him, you display your nails out.
“You did them this morning?”
Every part of you is nervous. What should you say? What can you even respond with? Will he think it’s weird?
“I had the time.” You just say before turning to but on your slippers. He smiles from behind your back.
In class, as usual, you spend your time decorating the card. And since you didn’t finish it in the morning, you even wrote some of the words in different colors! It looks cute, and it’s definitely a way to waste your time. Nothing really goes on in Hope’s Peak Academy. Who knew.
But eventually, after the school day, you put the letter on his shoes. Hopefully he isn’t cheating by waiting.
That always plagues your mind. But he wouldn’t do that.
The walk home is peaceful. The sky is cloudy again, and if you look up, it’s cellphone wires and a blueish grey hue. Not gloomy as always.
Maybe you’re just happy.
Happiness. It’s such a positive thing. A boy - that doesn’t even belong to you - is making you happy? It seems like such a timeless, fleeting thing.
Hopefully it can be permanent.
The morning comes again, where you eat breakfast and prepare for your day at the academy.
You stare at yourself a little longer in the mirror today. Would Souda like you? 
Your hands run down your shirt. Of course he would! You shouldn’t be so silly.
Packing up the daily note, you make your way to school again.
The sun peers down at you. That’s sweet. Brightening up your day.
It makes you laugh a little.
When you get to school, you don’t see him. He’s probably already in class.
You slip on your shoes before calmly walking towards your class.
Souda stands, his arms crossed, looking anxious. 
You almost turn around.
But he notices you quickly, his eyes lightening a bit. The deep fear in your gut doesn’t go away, only worsening as he steps closer to you. You’re frozen in place. Your feet have melted to the ground.
“It’s you, isn’t it?” He almost looks excited.
“What?” Unbelievable.
“The notes... it’s you, right?”
Your cheeks start to heat. “Just tell me if you planted someone to wait for me to put them down. Is that how you figure it out? Jeez, I assumed you weren’t going to cheat like that!”
Every possible emotion swirls through his eyes for a second before settling on a soft smugness. He pulls out a letter from your pocket, and twisting it to show the back. “You smeared that pink nail polish on it.”
Honestly, you had assumed that had happened. It wasn’t a big deal until he noticed your nails that morning.
He continues, “But yes! I love the notes you give me, I was looking forward to them every day! I really think you’re cute, S/O... so do you want to go on a date with me... sometime maybe?” 
His confidence drizzles the more he went on.
Your heart levitates. It is like your entire body is surrounded by hearts.
“Oh, of course! That would be lovely!”
The two of you stand there, bewildered by each other. It’s quiet for a second.
“I - uhm... see you after school, then?” He suggests.
“That would be lovely, Souda.”
A blush forms on his face. “You can call me Kazuichi.”
149 notes · View notes
cutesuki--bakugou · 4 years
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Main Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Koge Naegi (OC)
Story Rating: Explicit
Genre: Fluff / Romance / Domestic / Humor
Story Warnings: Body swapping, Foreplay (fingering / hand job), Masturbation, Sex (vaginal), Implied oral at the end, Alcohol, Intoxication, Cursing, Degrading dirty talk
Words: 7,447
a/n: This was incredibly difficult, awkward, and confusing to write, but I had a lot of fun with it and I hope it’s not too all over the place! I also hope no one gets too confused reading it but... either way, enjoy!
Written for the @bnhabookclub​​ ‘s members bingo event!
Crossed off: Body Swap
Bingo Masterlist
BTW, please blacklist the tag cutesuki-lemons if you do not want to see this content from my blog. I will no longer be tagging with specific keywords for this type of content.Thank you~
Due to the nature of this post, the characters are 18+
Art in banner by me
“Uh… Katsuki-” Koge choked on her own voice, covering her mouth as she peered down at her lover in complete shock. Or, well, she was technically staring down at… herself? What had happened? How the hell was she staring down at herself, her own pale blue gaze locked on her with just as much confusion. Her eyes that she had only ever seen through a reflection grew from surprised to absolutely horrified, skin growing pale - or, paler - as her body began to tremble.
“W-what the fuck, why do I-- wait, that’s not--!” Mimicking Koge’s previous movements of covering her mouth, the petite woman took a few steps back, looking up and down the body that Koge herself currently inhabited. “Not my voice! Why are you--? How did we--?!” 
Taking in a deep breath through her nose, Koge finally looked down at her body, squeaking out in shock at the view she had of a muscular torso clad in a black tank top. Next, her large hands moved up into her hair, feeling around the shortness of the soft locks that she was highly familiar with. 
“Don’t make that sound with my voice!” 
“Your voice?” Koge looked back down at Bakugou, and she could now, without a doubt, confirm the horrible and shocking truth. 
The two of them had switched bodies. 
“Katsuki, how the hell did this happen?” Koge took a few steps forward, placing both of her hands on Bakugou’s cheeks, though the size of them threw her off, nearly poking him in the eye. With a scoff and a snarl that Koge had never seen on her own face before, Bakugou smacked her hands away, frantically looking around them for the source of what had caused this catastrophe. 
“That person that bumped into us earlier! It had to have been them! Where the fuck did they go?” Bakugou began his trek back down the sidewalk the way the couple had originally come, white hair flipping and bobbing in its high ponytail as he looked around with snappy and rushed movements. People around them were also quite confused, stepping out of his way to avoid the fuming tiny body. Not wanting him to get too far away from her, Koge trotted after him, her newfound long legs making it quite easy to catch up. 
“Wait, wait, wait! Katsuki, we didn’t even see what he looked like, we can’t just go storming through the streets like this.” 
“No, I saw what he looked like!” Bakugou tried to look back at her, though his gaze instinctively went down, instead landing on Koge’s thighs. Embarrassment flashed across his face before he looked up, catching Koge’s gaze only for a moment before becoming visibly frustrated. “We can’t stay like this!” 
“I know that we can’t, Katsuki, but there are literally hundreds of people out right now. And you… don’t have a quirk that can get you up high anymore…” Koge timidly fiddled with her unfamiliar blunt nails, brow furrowed in worry. “I don’t know what to do about it.” 
“He was a fucking bald dude. And don’t pick at my nails, they’re short enough as it is!” Bakugou slapped her hands, though he did step in closer. “Take us up onto that building! I have my hero license if someone tries to stop us--” 
“I can’t use your quirk!” Her voice went higher than she had ever heard Bakugou’s in her panic, and the annoyance was visible on Bakugou’s face as his nose scrunched up. “Katsuki I wouldn’t even know how to activate it. And what if I did too strong of an explosion? I could kill people!” With a shake of her head, Koge shoved her hands into her pockets firmly. “No, I won’t even try--” 
“-- But we gotta find that asshole!” 
“I know we do, my love, but that just isn’t safe! We still have to be responsible…” 
“Then what do we do?” 
Koge looked up and down the sidewalk, giving a heavy sigh as she gazed over the bobbing heads of the packed crowds walking around them. “We just… we’ll have to look for him on foot, I guess. Let’s just go down the way we came from and I’ll try to spot him. You said bald? Anything else?” 
Falling oddly silent, Bakugou’s face flushed in agitation, both of his hands clutching onto the hem of the skirt Koge had worn that day. The longer he stood there silently, trying to coordinate his thoughts, the more his body began to tremble. 
“I… can’t remember…” Bakugou grumbled, eyes falling to look down at the sidewalk in defeat. “And there’s a million bald bastards in this city. Fuck!” 
Frowning, Koge caressed Bakugou’s arms gently, momentarily surprised at the way his entire hand could easily wrap around her body's upper arm. She truly was a tiny woman, though seeing it from this point of view was shocking. “Katsuki, let’s just… Why don’t we go to the police? If I was paying attention correctly, he seemed to bump into us very purposefully… I wonder if he’s doing these things to couples and random people to cause trouble.” 
Suddenly, Bakugou’s eyes lit up, as if a lightbulb had gone off inside his brain. “Ah, wait…! Shit.” Fumbling with the small purse slung over his shoulder, Bakugou pulled out Koge’s phone, poking the screen with lightning fast panic before holding the phone up to his ear. While they waited for whoever it was to answer, Koge used her grip on his arm to pull him off to the side into a little alleyway between businesses, so that they wouldn’t be in the way and she could possibly hear the conversation as well. 
“Put it on speaker--” 
With another glance up at her, Bakugou did so, holding the phone between them as they listened to it ring. Finally, a ring cut off, the cheery voice of their close friend ringing through the air. 
“Koge! Hey, how’s it going?” 
“It’s not Koge, shittyhair, it’s me!” 
“What? You sound like Koge, but she never calls me that.” 
“It’s me, Bakugou!” 
“Bakugou? Uh… Koge, is this like… a prank?” 
Tensing up with teeth clenched in a snarl, Bakugou nearly looked like he was about to throw the phone on the ground, even squatting down slightly in his typical aggressive posture with his other hand held up in agitation. “No-!” 
“N-no, Eijirou, it’s not a prank. Just… something happened, I’m not sure why Bakugou called you--” Koge interrupted, stepping in a bit closer to not only make sure that Kirishima could hear her clearly, but also to keep Bakugou from breaking her phone. 
“Okay, this is really trippy, man. You’re not messing with me?” 
“Just listen to me!” Bakugou barked loudly, startling Koge enough to make her jump. “You know that fucking guy we got a report on yesterday? The bitch that is making people switch bodies?” Koge caught Bakugou’s gaze, though the glare he gave her told her to hold her tongue for a moment. “What’d it say? It wasn’t in my jurisdiction, so I didn’t pay much attention to it.” 
“That’s not very hero-ish of you, man, you should pay attention to all of--” 
“I don’t need a fucking lecture, asshole!” 
“Wow, it’s so weird to hear Koge talk like this! Okay, okay. Yeah, I remember, what about it?” 
“Did they say anything about the quirk? How long it lasts or what to do if you get hit by it?” Seeming comforted by the fact that Kirishima knew what he was talking about, Bakugou’s posture relaxed, standing up straight with his free hand firmly on his hip. Koge had to admit that seeing her body acting out all these familiar reactions was very trippy, especially since she had grown quite desensitized from years and years of being with Bakugou. 
“Oh, wait, did you really get hit with it--?” 
“Are you shitting me right now?!” Bakugou barked, even somehow producing his signature growl using Koge’s meek voice. “Would I be asking if it hadn’t happened?!” 
“Oh, true, I guess. Uh, yeah, they said that it goes away on its own after a few days-” 
“Yeah, man. Just lay low for a while. You’re on vacation anyway, aren’t you? No one has to know! I won’t tell.” 
“Don’t fucking talk to anyone about it. Not even Curls, got it?!” As he gave an aggressive point at the phone screen, Koge had to hold back a laugh and keep her snide comments to herself. She couldn’t help a little snort from escaping, however, and Bakugou’s finger moved to her, as did his warning glare that this statement applied to her, too. 
“Haha, don’t worry, Nene won’t hear it from me! Ya need anything else, man? I actually have a villain like… tied up right now-” 
“And you still answered the fucking phone?” 
“Well yeah, why wouldn’t I?” 
Bakugou gave a heavy sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance, mumbling to himself at the idiocy of his best friend. “Alright. Thanks.” 
“No problem! Later!” 
With the farewell, Bakugou hung up the call, turning his annoyed glare up to Koge, who released a small sigh in relief. “Well, Katsuki, I guess… We should do that?” 
Putting the phone away, Bakugou shook his head, turning his glare out to watch the people passing by. “I fucking hate it. I want to be able to catch that fucker.” How antsy he had become was visible, as if he were hanging on the tips of his toes to run off again and search the entire city himself. That would be a fruitless venture, and if Koge didn’t come up with some way to pull him back, he was going to go trotting around in her body and cause who knows how much trouble. 
“I know, love.” Koge took both of his hands again gently, unable to help the small smile on her lips at how Bakugou’s cheeks flushed at her touch. “But don’t worry. It’ll pass. How about we just continue on with our day?” 
“There’s no fucking way I’m going to a movie and shit like this, Utsuro. Let’s just go home.” How quickly he gave in was quite surprising, his brow furrowing in helplessness. “I feel fucking weird standing out here in a damn skirt, anyway. Couldn’t you have worn hose or leggings? Something besides just these fucking underwear that are all the way up my crack!” 
Koge instantly burst out in a choked laugh, covering her lips with one hand to try and hide her amused smile. “Well, someone told me to wear those earlier while we were getting ready. They look cute, but they’re really uncomfortable.” 
“Then why do you wear them!?” 
“Because they’re your favorite right now. Though I bet that’s gonna change now that you gotta walk all the way home in them.” Koge placed both her hands on his cheeks, pushing white bangs out of the way to press a sweet kiss on his forehead. “Or, if you really want, just slip them off and put them in the purse. No one will know unless the wind blows the skirt up.” 
Growling as his face flushed a dark crimson from the affection, Bakugou gripped onto both of her hands, digging the tips of his fingers between her palms and his cheeks. “Don’t use my body to kiss yours! It’s weird! And no, I’m not going to pussy out and take them off. If you can deal with them for me, then I can take it.” Even though his voice was aggressive, the softness in his gaze as he looked up at her gave away how appreciative he was of her calming and distracting him. 
Ignoring his command, Koge gave him another smooch on the forehead before releasing him, though one of his hands stayed clutched onto hers tightly. “Let’s go home, then. We can just get tipsy off whisky and watch stupid horror movies instead.” 
“I need to get fucking wasted to handle this shit.” Bakugou began to storm out of the ally, tugging her along by the hand, even though he was nearly pulled back just from the sturdiness of his muscular original body. “Fuck, walk, would’ya!?” 
“I am!” Koge kept up with him, though she let out an audible groan only a few steps down the sidewalk, shoving her free hand into her pocket nervously. “I’m going to bump into all these people, I know it. I’m not used to being this huge!” 
“And you think it’s easy for me to be this small?!” Bakugou scoffed, glaring up at Koge out of the corner of his eye. “You’re a shrimp! I feel like anyone could just step on me. I hate it.” 
“Your dick is also super weird feeling,” Koge mumbled barely loud enough for Bakugou to hear. “It jiggles around when I walk, why do you wear such loose pants and boxers?” 
“Maybe because I like the freedom? Be grateful I even wore boxers today, you know I usually don’t with sweatpants.” 
“It’s weird! I feel like I need to walk with my legs spread-” 
“-Don’t, you’ll make me look like a dipshit!” 
“Oh, hm. Then I’m gonna do it, all the way home, and tomorrow there will be reports of the great Ground Zero walking around like he has a stick up his ass.” 
They returned home within the hour, having bickered most of the way back on how to properly carry each other’s bodies and basic etiquette concerning skirts, which Bakugou failed to follow, as he demonstrated quite well by nearly flashing everyone while not holding the skirt down as a train flew past in the station. Koge was quick to hold it down for him, even if his initial reaction and bark not to touch his ass pulled in more attention than a little cheeky peek would have. 
Otherwise it was a cacophony of “don’t slouch”, “you can’t just reach into your shirt to fix your bra in front of everyone”, “pull up your pants, they’re too far down your ass”, “don’t play pocket pool, everyone can see”, “stop frowning so much, you’ll give my face permanent wrinkles”, and whatever other little thing the couple could find to nitpick. 
By the time they walked through the door to their apartment, Bakugou was beyond agitated, taking off his shoes before storming into the kitchen. “I’m not leaving this damn place until we’re normal again! Not for anything!” 
With a small roll of her eyes at his attitude, Koge took her shoes off as well, leaving them at the entrance. Following her lover, she immediately burst out into laughter at the sight of him trying to reach up to their alcohol stash, which was on a cabinet shelf that she could never reach, not without the help of a chair, a stool, or a strong man. “What’s the matter, Katsuki? A little short, aren't cha?” 
“I fucking swear Utsuro, I will destroy your stupid ass!” 
“So you’ll destroy yourself? Doesn’t sound very productive.” Smirk on her lips, Koge slipped her hands under his arms, grabbing him by the armpits to easily hoist him up. “Up you go!” 
Flailing, Bakugou didn’t even bother to grab the alcohol, snatching the skirt and holding it against his hips as a shocked squeak left his lips. “Hey! You bitch, put me down!” 
Koge sputtered a chuckle, giving a roll of her eyes as she nudged him towards the cabinet. “Oh my god, Katsuki, it’s literally my body, why are you hiding yourself! Get the whisky!” 
“I don’t need your help!” 
“Love, I know better than anyone that you do need my help.” 
“I’m not a fucking child-!” 
“-Just get it and I’ll let you down!”
Huffing in defiance, Bakugou glared up at the bottle of alcohol before snatching it, holding it tightly to his chest before slamming the cabinet door closed. “Put me the fuck down!” 
“But you’re so light! I could just carry you forever. Like my own little pocket Katsuki,” Koge plopped him down onto his feet, putting her hands triumphantly on her hips as she smiled down at him, though all she received in return was a flustered glare. 
“Don’t ever pick me up again.” 
“No?” Smile turning sly, Koge placed both of her hands firmly against the edge of the countertop, arms on either side of his body and trapping him in place. “I promise I won’t do it again. If you give me a kiss.” 
Bakugou’s cheeks flushed all the way to his ears, immediately shaking his head. “No! Utsuro, that’s weird! That’s like kissing myself.” 
“Nuh uh, you’re just kissing me.” 
“You could kiss your own body and not be creeped out?” Glowering up at her, Bakugou popped the cork out of the whisky bottle, holding it tightly by the neck. Koge sighed, letting her head hang for a moment as she met his glare with one of her own. 
“Katsuki. I want you to think of all the other weird shit we’ve done. You shove your fingers and your dick in my mouth during and after fucking me all the time. You eat me out - pussy and ass - and then kiss me. Honestly. You think I’m scared of kissing myself? Also,” Koge shifted her weight to the other foot, smile returning to her lips. “You have no excuses to be grossed out, either. You literally ate me out the other day, even after you had already cum in me. And you let me kiss you after sucking you off and everything else, too. No excuses.” 
Falling silent in contemplation, Bakugou brought the bottle up to his lips, taking a decent swig of the dark liquid. “Why do you always have to have a rational reasoning for everything? I love that about you, but sometimes it pisses me off, ‘cause I can never win!” 
“Soooo?” Koge’s smile grew, eyes growing brighter with her victory. “Kiss?” 
Aggressively snatching onto the front of Koge’s shirt, Bakugou yanked her down, allowing their lips to press together in an awkward and uncoordinated mess. Koge was quick to try and recover it, however, taking hold of his cheeks and using her memory of the way he kissed her to mimic his movement and position. Bakugou wasn’t quite able to do the same, his smaller mouth a bit awkward for him, but neither seemed to mind when Koge pulled away. She nearly burst out into laughter at how incredibly red his face was, giving him one more peck on the lips before pulling away. 
“Don’t be so shy, Katsuki! You have really soft lips, you know, you should enjoy it.” 
“Yeah but your mouth is so fucking tiny, I felt like you were going to eat my face.” 
“Well, we have a few days to practice. Maybe it’ll make us better kissers when we’re normal again.” 
“You’re not getting another kiss, that was it.” 
“I dunno, Katsuki. Who knows what that whisky will make you feel like in my body.” 
As the sun set, the couple sat on the couch in their living room, watching whatever movie looked the most absurd. By now, the two of them had finished off the bottle of whisky, with Bakugou being the one to really go at it. Even though Koge had just as much as he had, she wasn’t feeling anything more than a little buzz, her body relaxed and eyes feeling heavy with the weight of alcohol. But, at the other end of the couch from where she sat, Bakugou seemed to be barely holding himself together. 
Koge had warned him, though. She had told him that she was a total lightweight, and getting drunk was incredibly, and almost frighteningly, easy for her. Still, here he was, drinking like he was still in his own body. Pushed right to the edge of no longer being coherent or truly conscious of his actions or surroundings, Koge had taken the whisky away and put it up, leaving Bakugou to pout and whine. She could deal with it, since it was better than having to take care of him while he puked on the floor. Thankfully, they had a lot of snacks, too, so that helped to offset the intoxication just a little bit. 
That didn’t help his attitude, though. Frustrated that she had taken the whisky away from him, he plopped himself on the other end of the couch, a permanent pout on his lips as he watched the television with hazy focus. She had tried to get him to return to cuddles, but he was being stubborn, so in the end, she let him sit alone to pout until he got lonely on his own. 
“This movie is the worst.” Koge mumbled as she plopped some popcorn into her mouth, giving a sigh as she stretched out her legs along the couch, giving a small groan as they crackled and popped at the joints. “Jeez, Katsuki, your body is so sore! What the hell have you been doing that’s different with your workouts?” 
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” Bakugou mumbled, ignoring her feet as they rested against his thigh. “Whisky thief.” 
With a roll of her eyes, Koge tossed some popcorn at him, hitting him in the cheek and making him jump. Huffing, Bakugou picked up the piece and threw it back, only to be pelted with at least five more pieces. “Stop, ya salty bitch!” 
“You’re the salty bitch tonight.” Koge tossed another, only for Bakugou to somehow successfully catch it in his mouth despite his incoordination. “Ooh, nice one, babe. Even shitfaced you can still catch popcorn.” 
“I am not shitfaced.” Bakugou began to pick up the pieces of popcorn that had fallen over his body, though one was particularly difficult as it fell between the impressive cleavage he now sported. “Damn you and your big tits!” 
“What?! You love my tits, don’t act like that.” Koge’s attention was pulled back to the television with the sound of a particularly horrific scream, the gruesome death scene doing nothing to perturb her. “Aw, poor thing. Getting chopped up by a meat cleaver.” 
“Oh damn, is that the sexy one?” 
“Nah, it’s her friend. The sexy one is still off with her boyfriend.” 
“The sexy one needs to come back, she looks like you.” Bakugou let out a belch, reaching out to grab the bottle of water Koge had given to him to drink. “I can’t look at you, so I have to look at her instead.” 
Koge gave a small chortle, having to control herself to not burst out laughing as water accidentally dribbled out of his mouth and down his chin, once again landing on his chest and slipping down into his cleavage. “Katsuki, you can look at me. Just look down, you are literally in my body.” 
“It’s not the same… Fuck!” Wiping his chin with the back of his hand, he grumbled in annoyance to himself, nearly missing the table while attempting to put the water bottle back in its place. “Why is this table so fucking far away.” 
“It’s not. You drunk.” 
“Fuck off. Ooh damn, there she is. How much she looks like you is fucking crazy. Oh shit, they’re getting frisky.” Bakugou settled back against the couch, intently focused on the TV to his highest capability. 
“Do you love her more than me?” 
“I want to fucking bone the shit out of you, Utsuro, but I can’t, so all I can do is stare at this cunt who looks like you.” 
“So vicious. What if that was me? What if I’ve been a secret actor my whole life?” 
“I said that she looked like you, but that doesn’t mean she’s exactly like you. You’re way fucking hotter than that bitch. Also, her fake moans sound like shit.” Pulling out another piece of popcorn that he had previously forgotten on his lap, Bakugou ate it, effectively ending that conversation as the hated fake moans filled the room. As the sex scene went on, Koge found herself watching for when they would be attacked by the murderer, but there was something that bothered her about it. 
It was so damn long and more realistic than what she was used to seeing in B-rated horror movies. Usually they were quick and to the point before the couple got interrupted or murdered while fucking. But this seemed to be going on forever, and she was about to make a snide comment about it when she noticed something out of her peripheral. 
Bakugou was moving, however miniscule, and how long it had gone unnoticed wasn’t something Koge was sure about. From what she could tell without looking at him directly, he seemed to have his hands up inside the tank top he was wearing, massaging and squeezing his chest. What was more, she could hear his more hitched and deep breathing behind the sounds coming from the TV, truly giving away exactly what he was doing. 
Is he seriously touching my body? He really must be horny. 
Holding her breath so she could hear him better, Koge clutched on tightly to the bowl of popcorn still sitting on her lap, a heat rising into the tips of her ears. Why would he be doing that with her sitting right here? Could he really just not wait, or was this some kind of signal that he didn’t care about the circumstances and wanted to fuck anyway? There was also the possibility that he was so wasted that he just completely forgot that she was even there. 
With a particular loud hitching of his breath, Koge felt an unfamiliar twitch between her legs, becoming quite hyper aware of the pulsing presence pushing up against the bowl. Oooh god, I have a boner! Damn, this is bad! 
Adjusting the way she was sitting so that she could put the bowl down, she tried to sit with her legs in different positions, but in the end, she found that any position didn’t hide her affliction. Faster than she could even prepare herself, the cock she had always adored and craved was hard and pressing up uncomfortably against the sweatpants she wore. It was so sensitive, every little twitch to shifting of the fabric against it making her body tingle and crave for contact. 
She had always wondered what it felt like to have a boner, but now that she did, she could understand why Bakugou got incredibly frustrated and impatient. The urge to fuck that came with it was familiar to her, but damn was it difficult to not just start stroking it. 
“You got a fucking boner, Utsuro?” 
Koge nearly jumped out of her skin at Bakugou’s voice, finally finding the courage to look at him. Leaning back and sunk down a bit with feet placed firmly on the floor, Bakugou was still playing with his breasts beneath the tank, the shape and movement of his hands visible beneath the thin fabric. Although Koge wanted to watch, her gaze was locked with his, the heat in her ears spreading across her cheeks to the tip of her nose. 
“I… So what if I do?” Koge huffed, once again trying to hide her hips with her arms. “I’m not the one touching myself. Look at you, squeezing your - my - tits like a horny teenager who’s never seen them before. Are you even listening?!” 
Bakugou leaned his head back, mouth open in a choked moan and eyes fluttering closed, fingers clearly clamped down tightly around his hard nipples. “Fuck, your tits are so perfect and sensitive. No wonder you scream when I bite them.” 
Koge’s stomach began to bubble with nervous arousal, wishing so desperately to scoot over and join him. “What… made you want to start that?” 
“I don’t fucking know. I think… that even though I’m in your body… It still naturally reacts to things that would turn you on before, on top of my attraction to your body, I just… Fuck, I just needed to feel something!” 
At first, the theory that he proposed seemed reasonable, especially with the way Bakugou’s original body reacted just to hearing the soft and sensual gasps he had been making. Normally, just a sultry little giggle could turn Bakugou on like a furnace and his hands would be latched to her body in seconds. He adored her voice, and she loved his, but it was such a strange sensation to be turned on by her original sounds. Or maybe that wasn’t the case, and this entire theory was just drunken ramblings, his mind trying to come up with anything to rationalize what he was feeling. 
A fire rushed down Koge’s spine as Bakugou pushed the tank up over his chest, letting his breasts fall free before he took hold of them again. In the dim blue glow of the TV, Koge could see that his nipples were puffy and dark pink from the abuse, telling her that he was really going strong. The cock between her legs once again twitched impatiently at the sight, strained against the fabric that concealed it. Unsure of what else to do, she cupped it in her hand, trying to hold it in hopes that the touch would at least help a little. All it did was make the blush on her face grow hotter as she could feel it pulsing, only able to imagine the way it always felt so good being shoved down her throat. 
“How’s it feel, Utsuro? Huh? To have a dick so hard that you feel crazy, with no pussy or mouth to stick it in.” One of Bakugou’s hands left his breasts, slipping down between his legs to rub his sex on the outside of his underwear. A simple stroke to the unfamiliar and sensitive clit had him trembling, biting lazily at his bottom lip. “Fuck… You have such a slutty body. It’s weird to see it like this… To touch you as you.” 
Koge began to palm up and down the length of the cock in her hand, watching him continue to pleasure himself. “You’re the worst, you know that. You go on and on, refusing to even let me kiss you, and now you’re over there touching yourself and saying all that dirty shit.” 
“Fuck off. I don’t need you to get off, I can make your body cum myself and be done with it. You can go jack off in the bathroom or right there, I don’t fucking care.” Being familiar with her body and how to touch her, Bakugou’s hand was quick to slip inside his underwear, fingers immediately starting to plunge in and out of him. Though, Koge was immediately able to recognize the slightly confused furrow of his brow as his fingers defaulted back to his clit. 
Koge couldn’t get off on just her fingers. At this point in her life, having been with him for so long and growing used to either him getting her off or using toys, there wasn’t ever anything she could do using her own hands or fingers to truly get her off. Sure, it felt good, but very rarely and only in times of true desperation could she get herself to cum. And, if it was her body still getting turned on and not necessarily just his own horny thoughts, Koge knew that her stubborn body would want either thick fingers or a fat cock inside her, and nothing else would suffice. 
Knowing this fact could be her chance, Koge shifted herself in just a bit closer, still softly rubbing and teasing her cock through the fabric of her sweats. “What’s wrong, Katsuki? Did you forget a little something about my body? You seem a little surprised.” 
“I said fuck off! I can’t do it with you staring at me like that!” Bakugou’s hazy glare was only set on her face for a moment before it fell to her hips, the already fierce blush growing darker. He wiggled, as if his body had begun to ache for the source of pleasure it craved before he had to forcibly tear his eyes away. “I don’t need your help!” 
“You do, though, Katsuki.” Moving to sit right up beside him on her knees, Koge placed one hand on his bare thigh, feeling the corners of her lips twitch in excitement as his legs spread further open instinctively. “You’ll never be able to get off on just those little fingers. My body needs more… Why don’t you let me show you?” Moving slowly, Koge’s hand began to travel up towards Bakugou's hips, the urges within her only growing stronger by the feeling of such soft skin against rough and calloused palms. So focused on trying to persuade him, she barely noticed her other hand shifting her sweatpants out of the way, setting her cock free. 
Bakugou's eyes were immediately on her hips again, that familiar hint of contemplation in his gaze. “Utsuro, what makes you think I need your help?”
“I know you do. Just look,” It took very little pressure for Koge to slip her hand into Bakugou's underwear, finding no resistance as she replaced his fingers along his soaked cunt. With the first rough roll of her large fingers against his clit, Bakugou’s body immediately reacted just as she expected, giving a light jerk inwards with a moan slipping unrestrained from his lips. Smirk crossing her own, Koge used her memory of what he always did to her, rolling the puffy and sensitive button with hard pressure. “See the difference? See how good it feels…”
Bakugou’s chest began to heave with his breathing, eyes locked on the form of Koge’s hand moving beneath the little lace underwear. “I-it doesn’t feel any different- a-ah, fuck, I said I don’t need you!” One of Bakugou’s legs lifted to unconsciously give Koge more room, his foot slamming firmly onto the table. Taking the hint, Koge slipped her middle and third finger into him, her entire body flushing with a fierce and burning heat at the moan that left his lips. Just watching him come undone so quickly with just the deep and rhythmic movements of her fingers made her want to immediately sink her cock into whatever orifice he’d allow, but she kept control of herself. 
“You do need me, Katsuki. Look at you… Just admit that it’s amazing. That it’s exactly what my body wants. I know what my body wants.” 
Giving a click of his tongue in between his deep breaths and moans, Bakugou took hold of Koge’s cock with the hand he had been using to pleasure himself, using the slick that still coated his fingers and the dripping precum from her tip to start stroking. “I know, too! You couldn’t handle my body on your own, either!” 
Unable to resist the shuddering of her body and the deep groan that left her lips, Koge leaned forward a bit over Bakugou’s body, using her free arm against the back of the couch to hold herself steady. With every tight squeeze against her tip, Koge felt her body become more overwhelmed with the pleasure and desires for more, her hips lightly bucking up into his touch. Although it felt amazing, her eyes wandering his body and head filled with the sounds of his moans only pushed her buttons further. She needed more. This wasn’t going to be enough. 
Though, before Koge could even make another move, Bakugou cursed out loudly, putting both hands onto her chest and pushing her back roughly to force her to down onto her back. “Fuck this! Lay your stupid ass down! I’m going to take care of this, now!” 
“W-what? Wait, Katsuki-!” 
Not even giving Koge a moment to fix her position, Bakugou climbed up on top of her all while stripping off his underwear, straddling her hips. “No more waiting! I swore I wasn’t going to do this shit, but your fucking body is so slutty it can’t survive not having my cock inside it. You damn fucking whore.” Bakugou took hold of Koge’s face roughly, his drunken and horny rage making him very uncoordinated and rough, though Koge wasn’t going to complain, as the feeling of his nails in her skin made her cock ache and twitch impatiently. “You’re a whore, aren’t you? You’re my little cock hungry slut.” 
“Y-yes, Katsuki-” Koge bit down onto her bottom lip as Bakugou sat firmly down onto her hips, her cock squished between her abdomen and Bakugou’s dripping cunt. With a slow rolling of his hips, Bakugou began to grind his clit along her, from the base to the tip. “Fuck-!” 
“What’s that?” A wicked smirk crossed Bakugou’s lips, putting more pressure with each grind of his hips. “What’s wrong, Utsuro?” 
“I-” A hiss left her lips as Bakugou released her face, both of his hands resting against her stomach with nails digging into her skin. In response, Koge gripped onto his hips tightly, wishing so desperately to just shove herself inside him. “Stop teasing!” 
“You say that, but my body fucking loves it, right? Isn’t that what you’ve been going on about? And yours… fuck!” Losing his composure, Bakugou made rough and small movements right against the tip of Koge’s cock, using the ridges along the underside to pleasure himself. “Yours is on fire! This damn… fucking slutty body of yours… Only one way to deal with it-!” 
Finally lifting his hips, Bakugou wasted no time in beginning to lower himself down onto Koge’s cock, but he barely got past the tip before he had to pause. Koge might have had a bit to do with that, as the initial squeezing against her tip and the heat felt as if she might lose control of herself that instant. So, she kept a tight grip on his hips, using her strength to keep him from moving another inch as she let herself grow used to the unfamiliar pleasures. 
“Bitching out already, Utsuro?” 
Breathing heavily, Koge glared up at Bakugou, who’s smug smirk made her immediately quite flustered. “Shut up, Katsuki. You don’t even know what’s about to come.” 
“Don’t be so fucking cocky-” 
Koge didn’t allow him to even catch a breath before she pulled his hips down with a thrust of her own hips upward, bringing his hips down flush against hers to bury her cock completely inside him. All the air knocked out of his lungs, Bakugou barely even got a squeak out, nearly collapsing forward onto Koge’s chest. Eyes wide and mouth agape with shock, Bakugou’s began to tremble, struggling to take in a breath or get out a single word. Koge, however, couldn’t stand waiting a single second longer, the feeling of being so deep inside him already driving her crazy. “A-ah, Katsuki! It’s so hot!” 
“D-don’t, don’t-!” 
Bakugou’s voice was a choked whisper as Koge began to thrust upwards into him, overpowering him to keep control so he couldn’t move away. Although he was being defiant, Bakugou couldn’t stop the moans that spilled from his lips, completely overwhelmed with the pleasure. Koge was the same, the feeling of being squeezed like this with each thrust so blissful that she already felt the urge to cum. But, within a few moments, Bakugou gathered himself, giving a frustrated yell as one of his hands came to rest roughly and firmly on Koge’s face, two of his fingers plunging into her mouth to get her attention. 
“I said don’t!” With the momentary confusion, Bakugou began to take over the pace, bouncing his body. “I said I was going to take care of this! Don’t fuck me unless I say so!” 
“W-what are you saying?” Koge’s ability to speak was inhibited by his fingers, but she was too overcome with wave after wave of pleasure to care. “I am fucking you! Ack, don’t-!” Koge pulled his hand away from her mouth. “Your body has a weak gag reflex! You can’t stick your fingers down my throat right now, I’ll puke!” 
“No shit! I don’t suck cock like you do every day! Fuck, it’s already in there so fucking deep, how can your body want more?!” 
“A-ah, mm- wait! Wait, Katsuki!” Koge felt completely helpless as Bakugou rode her with vigor, bouncing his body rougher and more eager than Koge could ever remember doing herself. He was completely smitten, the pleasure only intoxicating him further until he wasn’t holding himself back. “I-I’m not sure I can hold out! How do you hold it in?!” 
“Shut the fuck up and clench your balls, Utsuro!” 
“That isn’t how it works!” 
“I don’t fucking know, I can’t think! Distract yourself-!” A squeak left his lips as Koge snatched onto the tank he still wore, yanking him down and pulling him into a kiss to do just that. Bakugou was quick to reciprocate, only having to pause his hips for a moment before he began to pick back up the pace, moaning and gasping into the kiss as both of his hands buried into Koge’s hair. His nails in her scalp and how eager he was didn’t help Koge’s condition at all, and just hearing the way his voice hitched in that familiar sign of getting close to his peak made her body tense in frustration. 
Wrapping her arms around his waist, Koge once again began thrusting upwards into him, matching his pace and rhythm. Bakugou’s voice immediately spiked, his head resting into Koge’s shoulder, though he didn’t do anything to stop her. “Utsuro! I said… I-... I said don’t!” 
“Shut up, Katsuki! Just let me do it! It’s obvious you’re enjoying getting fucked by your own cock, so take it!” 
“I’m not! I’m not- it’s your fucking slutty body! It has nothing to do with me! Oh shit, that spot there! There- fuck!” 
“A-ah, Katsuki, don’t squeeze, I can’t-!” 
From that moment on, there was nothing Koge could do to restrain herself. His moans, the slapping of skin and the feeling of his walls constricting around her like a vice pushed her over the edge, a burst of pleasure rocketing from the pressure within her hips. It was unlike anything she was used to feeling, the singular powerful pop of pleasure bringing her body nearly to a complete halt, gasping and groaning into Bakugou’s hair as her hips bucked up hard and deep into him. 
With the last twinge of pleasure, it felt as if all the energy had been sucked out of her body, falling limp as she struggled to catch her breath. “Damn… That’s… Nothing like normal. Not as strong as what I’m used to either but- OUCH!” Koge winced as there was a sudden harsh yank to her hair, peering up at Bakugou through one clenched eye as he sat up, though the dark look on his face immediately made Koge’s stomach churn nervously. “Oh no-” 
“I didn’t cum yet, Utsuro.” Bakugou’s glare was dark, as if he were about to go on a murderous rampage. “You fucking scum.” 
“K-Katsuki, wait, I couldn’t help it!” Koge nervously grabbed onto Bakugou’s sides, unsure of what was about to happen. Of course, she knew exactly how he was feeling, and how badly she probably just edged him would have been unbearable. “I’m sorry! Let me, uh… Just let me get hard again, I can finish you off!” Suddenly, there was a hitch of Bakugou’s breath, his eyes growing teary and face flushing from ear to ear. Now, Bakugou was truly going through the torment of edging and dissatisfaction that Koge had to suffer through on a daily basis because of him and his teasing, and even if he had a strong consciousness, the intoxication and feeling of his new body wasn’t going to let him have all the control. 
“Bullshit! You bitch! I was so close!” 
“Oh what, does it hurt? See what I suffer through, Katsuki?! Maybe now you’ll never edge me again!” 
“Oh, oh no.” Bakugou’s frustration morphed into true malicious intent, his mouth quivering as a smirk stretched across his lips. “You torture me? I’m about to make sure you go through hell until I’m satisfied.” 
“What? You can’t torture your own body, Katsuki-- Ah! Wait, no, don’t sit on my face, I- mmph!” 
“I’m not in my body right now, Utsuro. I’ll do whatever I want to you until you’re fucking begging for me to stop. Now drink up, I’m sure you’re thirsty after that huge fucking load. And look, you are already hard again. No matter what body you’re in, you’re nothing but a slut… and I’m going to treat you like one.”  
Tag: @gallickingun​
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littlelasagne · 3 years
Hi! I read your latest chapter and it is still amazing as alwaysssssss!!!!!!!! Finally the infamous Lara showed! Hahahaha a bit dramatic from the hc Lara I tho but I still love it!!!
I am sososososososo happy when you post it and please take care of yourself and update when you are readyyyy! I just want to share my love to you like Hange shared their love to Levi!!!!!!
Will there be part 2 ballroom? Cause I have so many hc about the ballroom's scene!!!
Please ignore me if you dislike hc for your writing!!! Cause I feel like I need to tell someone about this or not they will live rent free in my head forever!!! (Eng is not my first language so I'm really sorry if there is error, I am working hard on this language!!)
And please don't feel stress about it!!!!! You don't have to tho about it at all! I really just wanna share with you my headcanon about your fic! If you think there are any idea you can use!!!!! Pleaseeee use it if you want! I will always be the first one to read and show love!
Lara meets hange when they are alone! hahahahahaha (I'm such a drama queen!) Lara blabla about Levi and like look down at Hange?(I'm not sure if Lara will do this cause she is from good background, so I kind of doubt it) Mike come and rescue Hange (it have to be mike!! Cause nana and erwin will be too gentle! I think Mike will being sarcastic and stand out for their friends and talk shit to Lara tho) hahahaha
Hange give comfort to Levi when they back to the hotel? I kind of imagine Levi being sad and miserable with his thought again after Cave and Hange show up in front of their room! Ask them if they want to talk. Of course the Levi we know will says no (or maybe yes) but he actually wanted Hange to stay or maybe talk with them a little bit but then Hange ready for that answer and suggests arm wrestle with Levi, if hange win, hange stay! If levi win, hange leave! (Cause I really like the arm wrestle scene, I think it is really cute!) So eventually Hange win (baby boy is shy with their thoughts) and Hange saying that Levi is not all invincible!!! (Just being sweet and let Levi less embarrassed!) And they talk for a while, maybe Levi fall asleep while Hange talk or the other way round! hahahahahaha
I kind of think Levi will go with Hange or Erwin for the last part of chap 23 there? (But I tho erwin busy with his business and unable to leave) But maybe not also hahahah
About Hange's date! Gosh, I imagine Hange go through different horrible date like ppl doesn't recognize their beauty or understand her and she want to call like onya or nana or mike and levi is otw for something else and find hange and bring them back to their apartment to get cozy or cheer them up a bit! Or maybe one of the date being creepy and follow Hange! The shine armour Levi come and help them!
Hahahahahahah if you read my hc and I am very much appreciate it! Please please please don't feel stress about my hc, I just love your fic so much that I cannot stop myself hc about it!!!! Be happy!
anonnnnnn thank you so much for sharing all these thoughts and headcanons. I loved reading them and seeing what you think and what you want for the characters in the story! I'm so happy that you like my fic, I dunno what to say!!! Wanna cry 😭
Yep, the next chapter is Ball Part 2, I left it on a cliffhanger and there's still loose ends to tie up and conversations that need to be had, and maybe more of Levi getting himself into a sad mess (sorry Levi!!)
The next chapter is already written, just needs editing, but some of your headcanons may be happening in the next chapter 👀 just with some differences.
Thank you so much for this aaaaaah. You can always share your thoughts and headcanons with me!! I'll be waiting!! I will keep plodding on, having fun, and uploading as soon as I can.
Thank you again anon 💕💕
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neighborhood-merc · 4 years
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Guys !!! I am back! First of all, I hope all of y’all (your friends, family, pets! too) are doing alright. Keep safe! Wash your hands! Don’t go out if not necessary! Kisses! Kisses! Kisses! Alright, alright, let’s do this shall we? Same shit applies. [Here is Part 1 & 2 btw ] 
The themes of the stories on this list varies, I’m either into something heart-warming, fluffy, domestic that sort of stuff or into some really really heavy and dark messed up ones. (READ THE TAGS) It always depends on the mood am I right? *wink wink*
It’s always gonna be smutty though lol
As long as it’s tastefully written, whatever kinky shit, I can be into it, I don’t judge the writer (they give us free content y’all, who are we to judge??) With that being said if I add something straight up messed up here now/or in the future, don’t come for meh, just mind the tags of the fic, for your own discretion if anything.
this list should be Wade Wilson/Peter Parker - Spiderman/Deadpool pairing only. I kinda like my babies greedy/possessive for/of each other.
I don’t care who tops or bottoms.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Summaries are taken directly from the fanfic’s summary.
Read the tags first!
Deluge (this is such a good boi, this fic is a good boy!) Weapon X chose Wade Wilson because of several factors in his life. He was a preternatural. He had extraordinary abilities that could be expanded upon. The cancer just made him desperate enough to agree to whatever they wanted to do with him.They didn't just turn him immortal. They destroyed his very soul, tearing him apart and shaping him into something new and never seen before. They took everything he had been and left him with ashes and bones. Soulless.He killed his creators and went on with his life.Then he met Spider-Man.Things started to change.Something inside him, something that had come out of the ashes and was a nightmarish, terrible thing, sat up and took notice. An intense, single-minded notice.
The Perks of Working Third Shift An AU in which Wade is wandering the globe and ends up in NYC where he meets the absolute most perfect man he's ever seen who's working third shift at a quick mart. Even better, the man seems happy to flirt back. Wade makes it his mission to score a date.Peter stopped dating a long time ago, but Wade's flirtations, energetic attitude, and hilarious comments make it hard for Peter not to enjoy the attention. But will all of that be ruined if Wade finds out his secret?
Better Like This  (Listen,  NotEvenCloseToStraight’s Spideypool works are amazing, read all of em, honestly just check out ALL the works of the writers on my list because if I list everything, this is gonna be a long ass list) No one knows Spider-Man is an Omega. Not the newspapers, not the NYPD, and certainly not the overly loud, definitely obnoxious, sort-of-a-good-guy, completely Alpha, Deadpool. And Peter would like it to stay that way. But when he drops into an unexpected heat, Deadpool is the only person he can call to help, and how quickly the Alpha switches from shouting dirty innuendos to whispering comforting things really throws Peter for a loop. After sharing a heat, Peter is convinced that Wade is his Alpha, and is ready to take him as his mate, but Wade rejects him. Wade knows that a man like him wouldn’t make anyone a good mate, much less a perfect, pretty Omega like Peter. So he says no, pushes the Omega away and unable to even work together anymore, they go their separate ways. Peter is devastated, heartbroken, seeking comfort in the arms of another Alpha, and all Wade can do is watch from a distance, and keep telling himself that he is doing the right thing, sparing Peter a life of disappointment and pain. Peter deserves better than him as a Mate, and one day Peter will understand. It’s Better This Way. But is it really?(Peter is Andrew Garfield)
Use Me Peter wants to help Wade. Wants to make him feel beautiful, wants to make him feel wanted... Wants to put out the fire in his own gut whenever he sees the merc for what he really is. He does.
Double Mint Gum Wade decides that only one of his fine-ass self just isn't enough 
Spider Spidey (SPIDERY SPIDEY!)
Bleed the Water Red Peter and Deadpool are held captive by a super-villain that has an inclination for torture. After she boasts her untarnished record at never having hurt a child or teenager, Peter is forced to break the truth to both her and Deadpool.“Did you know I have a perfect record?” The villain collects a rusted pocket knife, tracing it up Peter’s arm, over his shoulders, down to his collarbone, as though considering where to cut. Peter focuses on controlling his breathing, fear twisting awfully in his belly. “You may look down on me, Mr. Spider-Man, but for all the righteous suffering I inflict, I’ve never hurt a child. Not once.”“Y'know, I don’t think you do,” Peter blurts. At his words, Deadpool's stare intensifies. “Have a perfect, non-child harming record, that is.”
Don’t Keep Me Waiting Peter's 90% sure Wade likes him. Or at least he was sure. When you almost jerk off in front of the friend you're definitely not pathetically pining for and they never mention it again, it makes you doubt yourself. Peter knows he should probably just ask what the fuck is going on, but where's the angsty fun in that?
Sometimes When We Touch Peter answers a Craigslist ad for someone who is willing to pay for some unspecified physical contact/sex because he's just that broke. He's surprised to find out Wade Wilson is the one who posted the ad, but thinks he can still manage just fine even when the man explains he'd like him to wear a special costume for the occasion. Of course things become a little more complicated when Wade reveals the outfit he's chosen: a shockingly accurate Spider-Man suit
Sunflower 26 and standing at the head of Parker Industries, Peter feels young in every way. He doesn't know himself, he lacks a lot of experience, and he's struggling to get a grip on what he thinks of the merc with the mouth, an absolute force who has starting pushing his desires in a direction that terrifies him.He desperately tries to come to terms with sexuality, even when it means dragging Wade flat on his face.Takes place after the dance scene in Spider-man/Deadpool, with important plot details omitted. Follows these two through extreme character growth.
Two Thirds of a Whole (I honestly felt weird about this one, but eh, maybe someone who’s into it would appreciate it) Peter Parker and Wade Wilson, finding Vanessa dead and having never met, assume the second body is their other soulmate. When they meet in a market ten years later, they both have a chance they never thought they would get again-- a chance at love.But can they find a way to be happy as two thirds of a whole?
Holding Back The thing about not being able to die is that it makes everything so dreadfully boring. Seriously, immortality's a bitch. So, you gotta keep things interesting. How else are you supposed to get through the day without going insane? Well, more insane.Wade wants to be a hero, but fighting bad guys isn't enough to keep things interesting. Wooing Spider-Man might help, though. And exploring his kinks definitely will. Of course, he never thought anything would come of either of these things. Boy, was he wrong!
Missed You  (Imagine me covering me shyly covering my face for this ehehe) “Wade,” Peter whines, pulling off Wade’s mask and catching his lips in a deep kiss. All he can smell is leather and sweat and gunpowder, and he’s already embarrassingly hard. Wade comes home from a mission. Peter missed him. A lot.
Big Peter can't stop looking at and thinking about Wade's great big arms and shoulders and hands and back. He's fine. (He's not fine.) 
 Slip of the Tongue Sometimes Peter can forget how big Wade is, how much presence he has. Right now is not the time. His heart rabbits in his chest as he swallows, looking up. There’s always something there when Wade’s looking at him, something predatory, that makes Peter nervous and wanting, shivering hot all over.
Wade The Cat  “Aw don’t be afraid little buddy, it’s okay, he’s gone”Wade almost cringes at how someone is talking to him, what the hell?! He’s not a defenseless animal. Wait. No, yeah, he is.Wade looks a little alarmed, stepping back as the man crouches next to him, smiling sympathetically “It’s okay, I won’t hurt you. You okay?”Wade holds his breath, gives an once over at the guy, beautiful chestnut eyes, the adorable smile, the red face probably resulting from the cold and the brown humid hair stuck to his forehead as he holds his umbrella for both of them and yep, ladies and gentlemen if he wasn’t before, Wade is right now a defenseless animal because “Meow” Wade says wiggling what should be eyebrows “Honey, I’d let you take care of me all night long” Wade purrs.
Gonzo Journalist (It belongs to a series “We fell in love in October) A young photographer working for The Daily Bugle hears about the tragic fate of an ex-soldier and decides to write an article about his cause to help him out. Maybe more than in one way.
The Man in the Mask When Wade is unceremoniously dropped off into the custody of one Dr. Parker, he assumes the man has only the worst possible intentions for one of the world's last remaining mutants. But it turns out, the universe still holds plenty of surprises for them both.
You Wear My Name Over Your Heart Like It’s Invisible "Why don’t you ever let me see it? If you have the name already, why can’t you tell me whose it is? I thought we were best friends."Everyone gets their Name when they turn twenty-one. It isn’t their own name either. It’s the name of their Soulmate. When Wade Wilson wakes on his twenty-first birthday, he looks down at his chest and sees Peter Benjamin Parker. He stares for a moment then shrugs, gets dressed, and doesn’t think about it for another six weeks.
Parachute, Please Peter unexpectedly goes into heat after an Avengers mission, which could have been fine, but the ride back is 2 hours and he's stuck on a plane with his closest friends and family.At least there's one person he can call at times like these for relief. And in comes Wade.
Peter Parker’s Home for the Wayward Villain A really long redemption story.
And Words Are Futile Devices Peter doesn’t think he’s lonely. He’s too busy to be lonely. He’s twenty-two, working on his PhD and holding down a shitty job at the Daily Bugle, not to mention his nightly extra-curricular activities. He’s too busy for friends, and he’s certainly too busy for romantic interests. And yet, shockingly, apparently everyone in his life thinks he needs to stop being an anti-social recluse and get laid.So Peter enters the wide, wonderful world of online dating. He doesn’t expect to find his soul mate, or even a friend, and he’s definitely not looking for hook ups. He doesn’t know what he’s looking for, really, until one Wade W. Wilson catches his eye and captures his heart with risqué dog pics and a concerning obsession with cannibalistic serial killers.This is a love story. A sweet, inevitable journey towards each other. There is humor, and melancholy, and a touch of both gravitas and levity to the weeks that trickle by. But really it’s just an account of the slow, magnetic movement of Peter towards Wade, and Wade towards Peter.
Strays Wade finds Spider-Man unconscious on a roof top. Score!Or: Spider-Man has lost his memories, some of his vocabulary, and all of his social conditioning. Wade is losing his mind.
The Inverse Deadpool doesn't have to try very hard to hide his second gender anymore because ever since Weapon X, no one in their right mind would ever believe that Wade Wilson was an omega. It doesn't matter anyway, because Wade knows no Alpha would keep a male omega. No alpha WANTS one, much less one that's as scarred and unstable as he is. Apparently, Spiderman was born to break every rule Wade has ever known.
The Body Remembers When the Mind Forgets When people need a mate in their life, it isn't usually because they've forgotten they already have one. 
Half Your Age (Plus Seven) In which Deadpool has oddly specific and frustrating morals, Spider-Man has excellent friends, his lab partner has an opening for a bassist, Johnny Storm has the warmest feet, and everyone has had enough of hearing Peter talk about Wade Wilson (except Aunt May: she’s always glad to hear he’s back in town).
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yaboylevi · 5 years
Does Eren's question mean that he has a cruch on Mikasa?
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Mmm, I’ll try to explain how I read the scene.
Short answer: No, I do not believe Eren has a crush on Mikasa and the scene, albeit presented in a romantic light from Mikasa’s pov, it was not on Eren’s part. Same as usual, I’d argue.
I will expand on this under the cut, but I just want to reiterate that this is just my interpretation, as one of the anons said, and I am aware everyone is free to have their own, even if they might puzzle me. You are free to disagree, but please don’t send me hate messages.
Upon reading the chapter the first time, I didn’t feel romantic vibes. It was actually quite tragic and disappointing for me to see one of my favorite characters (Mikasa) completely misunderstand my favorite character (Eren), in spite of how close they are supposed to be. I was so depressed and disturbed by the whole chapter, that even if I read it at 5 AM and I could’ve slept another 2 hours before having to actually wake up, I just laid in bed restlessly, absolutely depressed. I even tweeted about it lol.
Anyway, I was pretty busy that week, and only later I found out most people interpreted the scene as Eren being in love with Mikasa. It was a shock for me. It was literally the opposite of what I personally understood.
- Eren’s headspace
Let’s first talk about Eren and where his mind is in this chapter.
I felt discomfort and anxiety throughout the whole chapter. I am a pretty empathetic person, so I realized why I was feeling like that only later, after rationalizing chapter 123: Eren’s memories (which we know are horrible and gruesome and depressing) were being triggered the whole time he was in Marley and it was disturbing to watch.
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He looks distressed and uncomfortable. His gaze is often unfocused (or, well, not focused on the present) and he is constantly spacing out - Armin notices but doesn’t seem to care or understand why. Honestly, it is cringe-worthy seeing Eren’s friends’ behavior. They should know what memories Eren has of this place. I do not know if anyone reading right now is familiar with triggers and what they do to a mind affected by PTSD. It’s enough to know that you feel like suffocating because you are fundamentally battling a panic attack and you ideally would want to get away from the source that is triggering you. So, imagine being in a situation you can’t escape from and everything is triggering your worst nightmares. Literally.
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Even here, I’m ashamed no one in canon (and almost even in the fandom?) realizes or bothers to be understanding and careful, even when Eren makes a disturbing comment about it. Mikasa admits to it when it's all too late.
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The ice-cream scene, just like the one I’m supposed to analyze in this post, is rose-tinted through Mikasa’s glasses, until we are faced with reality and are asked to reflect on Eren’s emotional state, again and again.
Reality is not a happy trip in a foreign country. Reality is a crowd of grown men wanting to hang a child because he’s different. Reality is people wanting to kill them all. Reality is Eren being triggered by ice-cream. Imagine being unable to look at a certain food because it reminds you of people being abused and brutally killed, something that you have actual memories of.
It’s just really frustrating seeing Mikasa looking at Eren, with this dumbfounded look on her face, every time Eren’s eyes seem to scream “help”.
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The strain he is put under for the whole time culminates in him crying while looking at the war victims’ homes. Here at this moment, Mikasa enters the scene.
- The “eremika” scene
At this point, Eren’s reminiscing about an awful part of his past, and has a pretty clear idea of what will happen in Marley in a close future. We can be certain of this because he voices both of these topics out loud.
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Eren is visibly distressed. Honestly, I’m pretty sure his voice in this scene will be quite telling of his emotional state in the anime. The direction his thoughts go, when expressed out loud, and the expression on his face are self-explanatory. Or should be, at least.
It doesn’t matter that Mikasa hasn’t seen him cry, she saw Eren wipe his face and noticed that there is, again, something wrong, but she doesn’t even ask him if he’s alright. She either doesn’t comprehend the depth of Eren’s pain, yet again, or she isn’t brave enough to ask. I believe it’s the former.
The whole chapter revolves around Mikasa’s inability to see Eren’s true feelings. Chapter 123 opens with this concept. And it is also quite clear that everything is retold from her point of view, so we shouldn’t complacently accept a surface reading of it; we are instead invited to have a deeper look into the events, both by Mikasa’s initial lines as well as the not at all subtle visual storytelling. So yeah, she has a perspective on Eren that is wrong. I think we should keep this in mind.
That’s why the moment she thinks ice-cream can make Eren happy, she is wrong. The moment she thinks Eren’s question has romantic implications, she is wrong. The moment she wonders if a different answer could’ve prevented Eren from choosing this path, she is also wrong...
Let’s go back to the scene.
Eren opens up on his own, even if Mikasa didn’t ask. He’s always been open throughout the time-skip (and even before), but I believe at this moment he has reached the breaking point since landing in Marley. He is at the most vulnerable. Like a dam finally breaking, his walls, that he had tried to keep up until that moment, fall and his feelings/thoughts spill out, after being mostly silent all day.
His short monologue is a direct continuation, or out loud repetition, of what he had been thinking about only moments before and that had caused him to cry. I believe the future he has decided upon also plays a part in it, but he doesn’t voice it, just offhandedly acknowledge its existence with that “Not yet.” comment.
Seeing a family living in poor conditions because of a war they didn’t even have any say in, has triggered Eren’s memories of the past. His and Mikasa’s and Armin’s past. They only had each other, as family, because the adults weren’t there anymore, unjustly killed, like many others. They had experienced first hand what it meant to lose your loved ones, to live a life without enough food, enough rest, enough protection. Without freedom.
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Mikasa doesn’t say anything to this. She doesn’t know how to reply, and, thanks to the chapters dedicated to the time-skip, we know this has been going on for years. It’s honestly…disappointing.
And even before the time-skip, we know that she sometimes projected her insecurities and wishes on Eren, misinterpreting him really badly, to the point of making situations romantic when it really weren't.
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The scene in chapter 123 is no different, especially because, as I said, it is explicitly a chapter told from Mikasa’s point of view where she also explicitly says she hasn’t been seeing Eren correctly.
There have been a lot of parallels with past chapters in this recent arc, and even 123 wasn’t lacking in this department: if the ice-cream scene parallels the ocean scene, with everyone having fun, while Eren is in emotional pain and discomfort; This other scene parallels chapter 50. At the ocean, Eren’s words gave pause to everyone, but in chapter 123 nobody, quite frankly, gives a damn about Eren to the point that they forget about him. Similarly, in chapter 50 Mikasa had managed to express her feelings for Eren’s existence (gratitude, acceptance and unconditional love - not necessarily romantic), and managed to surprisingly help him because she understood his needs on a basic level. In chapter 123, she doesn’t understand Eren’s pain and so she doesn’t say the right thing (that, btw, wouldn’t have changed Eren’s mind about his future actions, imo).
Just like in chapter 50, Eren is in an emotionally fragile moment, and what he needs, unconsciously, is the reassurance that he is loved, that someone cares about him for who he is, even if he feels undeserving of it.
I believe he is feeling despair on both occasions.
Of course, we can only guess about what made Eren cry in this new chapter, because we don’t have access to his mind this time around, but I’m sure it’s a mixture of things: knowing how ineluctable their future seems, and whatever it entails is upsetting for Eren as well; empathy for someone else’s painful condition because he’s been there before; probably also sadness, because he knows what he himself will cause to happen (as implied by that “not yet”) as well as that his time with his found family and friends is about to end; the bonds he will have to break, something that breaks Eren in return.
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So it’s honestly not that surprising that he searches for comfort. I guess he’s been struggling with what he has seen in his future because he would have never thought himself able to kill innocents. His mindset used to be about protecting himself and his loved ones and innocents from being robbed of their freedom, yet he knows he is about to become someone who takes away that freedom, along with lives. For him, life equals freedom, because when you are born you are intrinsically free. So his future actions must have been weighing heavy on his mind and heart.
I find it fitting and incredibly sad that he asks Mikasa what she thinks of him now, after talking about families being robbed of their freedom and how much pain this causes.
Mikasa has always been family to him. So has been Armin, but Mikasa is somehow different. She has lived with him, he has directly invited her to be part of his family, he admitted he childishly rejected her familial care because he was jealous but after this admittance, he embraces it. Opening Grisha’s book together was an important moment exactly because they are family, and that was their home.
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They are constantly compared to family. It doesn’t matter, in my opinion, that Mikasa holds also romantic feelings for Eren. She primarily sees him as family, too.
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They are what is left of the Yeager household, and the story has highlighted this.
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So I believe that in his pain in 123, Eren seeks something, a word of comfort, an assurance that he is not just a killer or a failure, and that he is Eren, someone who has been trying to do the right thing since forever, someone who has done the right thing often, someone who is deserving of the care of the girl he once saved (even if the question clearly implies he doesn’t think he deserves it). In chapter 50, Eren invokes his mother. I am sure he is searching for the same kind of warmth here too. The warmth of his family.
The scene, to me, felt a lot more about Eren’s feelings of self-hatred and Mikasa missing the point.
The entirety of the chapter is meant to show how Mikasa didn’t understand Eren: both by ignoring some signs and misunderstanding others.
He is suffering, but she thinks he is asking her about her romantic feelings.
She blushes, yet Eren has just finished crying and becomes teary-eyed once again.
He is distressed and looks haunted, during both of the rose-colored scenes with Mikasa. 
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His questions are almost needy. Yet, she fails to understand what Eren was in need of: comfort, understanding, an “I care about you because it’s YOU”. Something that she implied later in chapter 112, when it was indeed too late.
- The two choices were possibly both wrong
Eren presented two options and I think they were both partially correct but at the same time incomplete, because Mikasa’s care for Eren is comprised of many facets. We don’t know what he thinks of Mikasa's answer because we don’t see his reaction to it. However, he seems at peace, later on, falling asleep next to the closest members of his found family, meaning he is content with and values the way their relationship is. 
Eren surely doesn’t regret saving Mikasa. He also surely considers Mikasa his family, as I stated before. But there are certain kinds of expectations in being family and in being someone’s savior. You will always care about someone who literally saved your life. You will always care about family because they are…well, family. No matter how messed up they may be, they will always have a small place in your heart, whether it’s bad or good. 
“You’re my savior” might imply a dependance or sticking to someone just to repay them. “Family” might have the meaning of “it’s my duty to look after you because it’s simply what family members do”. Both also imply that Mikasa will be hurt even worse by what Eren is about to do.
These weren’t the answers Eren needed, perhaps.
As I said already, I believe that what he searched for, was a different answer. If Mikasa had told him she cared about him as a person, as Eren himself, Eren would have felt reassured - because he would be loved for the neutral quality of simply existing. That’s also what made him feel better, when hearing Carla’s words at the end of Uprising. That he was loved, cared for, and worthy of existing just for being born. No expectations, no burdens. An “I stick with you because I love you (romantically)” could have held the same meaning, potentially, because love is love, but in no way this means Eren wanted a romantic answer or that he feels the same way. Besides, that’s not the reason Mikasa cares about Eren, that’s just a side effect, imo.
And I don’t believe Mikasa, at the question “what am I to you?”, believes she should have responded with “you are the love of my life”. That would’ve been so out of place, because Eren is not the love of her life. He is more. I think family well describes it, but her half-assed, panicked answer wasn’t truthful or as powerful as her words were in chapter 50, so they had no real effect and felt unsatisfying for everyone, honestly.
I always stated that if Eren fell in love with someone else, their love for one another wouldn’t change, because the strongest feeling Mikasa feels for Eren isn’t romantic love, and romantic love is something that has never been in Eren’s mind when it came to Mikasa, as shown countless times (or rather, the lack of romantic undertones on his part re:Mikasa should be proof enough, imo).
Anyway, I could be wrong, but I can’t see it any other way. I think it’s a very complex scene to analyze and there is way more than meets the eye, especially because we aren’t granted access to Eren.
I am a great fan of Mikasa, but this scene and chapter made me reconsider her a lot, unfortunately. I strongly believed she had resolved and understood her complicated feelings for Eren in chapter 50, so she had reached a less biased view, but there has been a regression. The same happened with Armin, his character arc was about him growing confident in himself, and learning to always pay close attention to his own realistic reading of the world, but he has just become unsure of what he has to do and lost his cynical edge.
And finally, I want to quickly address another two points so I don't have to talk about this scene anymore until new information is revealed:
The “perfect timing” comment: I interpreted it as Eren knowing what was about to happen and being depressed but used to his memories being correct. Proof, for me, is Mikasa being confused at Eren’s comment, just like she was at the “not yet” one. Besides, they had already been interrupted by the old man and he didn’t seem to mind, so this “perfect timing” has nothing to do with their friends “ruining” the moment. He willingly invites them to join in and finally, he is content and relaxed, when he is with all of them. He loves them all. 
Mikasa’s comment about “if only I had said something different”: I think she may have realized that it wasn’t a romantic situation - because clearly, her romantic inclinations have clouded her judgment. That she had failed to understand Eren’s feelings and his reason for bringing up Mikasa’s care for him. I don’t sense a “I should’ve told him I loved him”. Because honestly, familial love IS love. Platonic love IS love, too. If Eren wasn’t “saved” by the purest form of love, I don’t see how any other type of love could’ve changed anything. That panel, revisited by the current Mikasa, focuses even more on Eren’s tears. Eren’s deep sadness clashes with Mikasa’s initial frivolous reading of the moment. So stating that she believes she should’ve confessed, means going against what the chapter has stated to be…not right.
Thank you for reading all of this, if anyone has managed to! :)
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lilolilyr · 3 years
1, 2, 6, 18, 19, 22 and any two questions of your choice that you're itching to answer for the AO3 ask thingy please 😁
Ohh wow thank you! :D took a while to answer all these, full 3 episodes of my A little princess binge watch xD (I did get distracted by the series a few times even tho the plot was nothing new to me...) anyhow, under readmore because Long!
1. Top 3 fandoms written for
Good Omens (113, but mostly shorts), The Old Guard (72, rly wanna push that to 100 before I get over the fandom :D) and Star Trek (36 - & 6 more and ST Discovery with currently 17 will be in the top5 aka the collapsed ao3 fandom list, too! And it'll finally kick out HP xD)! Star Trek's not all new fics, there are some old Spirk slash fics and then the new Milippa, but GOmens and TOG are definitely on top bc they're my most recent fandoms and I started writing more and more in the last years :)
2. Fandom you have most WIPs for
uhhh if we're talking actually recently started and not (yet xD) abandoned WIPs in ao3 drafts or Word, I have about 10 TOG fics, same for Star Trek... if we're talking dead works on ao3 + ideas in old draft documents or lists, I bet it's older fandoms tho, probably a lot of my multiverse crossover chaos that's based on headcanon-improved characters based on Lord of the Rings and Twilight characters, Harry Potter magic (which I'm trying to her rid of bc, jkr, but also bc in general I like the Age of the Five magic theory more), Marvel, Town called EUReKA and a bunch of other stuff plus many ocs... No idea which fandom is most prominently in there, honest 😂 actually the blog I posted the ask meme to (bc ask memes are sth that might get fame so I'd rather have it on a blog where I already don't check the notes now lol), @thelucyverse, has more of that chaos, but yeah it's just that - Chaos!
6. Without checking - which tags do you think you've used most?
I actually know that bc I already checked it for a tagging meme xD but jusr from vibes I think I wrote a lot of getting together, emotional hurt/comfort, and of course Andromache Regains Immortality!
18. Favorite kinds of comments?
Alllllll of them :D no seriously especially on multichapters I'm so happy about even the smallest comments because it means someone actually read the latest chapter? :D
Actual fav comments... hmmm, I love when someone Points out a line and it happens to be one of my fav lines as well - or on the other hand if it's a part I'm self-conscious about and they comment that they like it!
19. Ever had someone write something inspired by your fic?
Not counting my own fics? No xD But! I've had people take fic ideas or outlines I posted on discord or tumblr and turn those into actual fics!
22. First fandom you've written for?
Posted it's The Hobbit movies, but I think some of my HP/twilight/LotR crossover ideas are older than that? I started coming up with those ideas when I was like 11 and I only got an ao3 with 15 or so... btw random but one of my first ocs, aka one of the triplet sisters of twilight Victoria, is still a beloved oc of mine now! XD
Any 2 I'm itching to answer - well, I love all those qs given that it's my ask meme xD but I just picked two from the readers' section :) C bc I always love a good shoutout and W because I've been wanting to check that - I actually already have a while ago, but forgot again xD
W) Oldest fic in your ao3 history?
Attila - She loves you (Yeah, Yeah, Yeah)
I remember that author?? And I know W13 femslash was one of the first fandoms I started reading fic to? But I absolutely cannot recall ever reaiding that story lmao
C) Favorite writers? Feel free to @ if they're on tumblr & you want to make them smile!
Alright I had planned to make a rec list here but bc it's almost 2am and my brain is Empty and this is behind readmore anyway, I'll instead maybe make a little reclist or several fandom-specific ones tomorrow, if I remember! Anyhow, thx so much for the ask Anni!!! This was fun <3
Ao3 ask
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justjeonday · 4 years
Solace | kim namjoon
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Solace; comfort or consolation in a time of great distress or sadness.
- pairing: kim namjoon x reader
- genre: angst, fluff
- word count: 4,400
- warnings: reader fears what the future holds, very brief mentions of anxiety, includes descriptions of feelings/behaviour that might be associated with mild depression (the reader is only stuck in a rut in this fic and it’s nowhere near as critical as depression, but I still wanna be safe and warn about this in case it might be triggering for someone!)
- rating: PG
- notes: I’m excited to finally post on here again! I’ve had this idea for a while, but I haven’t had the time to work on it until now. I think I like how it turned out??  I’m not sure yet lol. I’ve been working on a few fics over the past few weeks, but I keep getting stuck and this is the only thing I’ve managed to finish since I last posted. Since I have a little more free time, due to the quarantine, I’ll hopefully be able to post some more soon! But for now, I hope you’ll enjoy reading this - thank you for all your support! <33 (this is still not completely edited btw so I apologize for any mistakes you might find)
- inspired by: this vlive.
- song: Solace by mell-ø & Ambulo
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You stare blankly at the screen in front of you, eyes heavy and mind dull as the seconds count down for the next episode to start playing. This is all you’ve done since waking up, binge-watching some random kdrama you found online. It’s not great, and you’re not focused - but you figure it’s enough to keep you occupied for at least a few more hours. Enough to push most of your gloomy thoughts to the back of your mind.
You feel exhausted, the past four days mostly consisting of work and very few hours of sleep - plus added pressure and stress of having to keep up with studying during it all. Your arms ache from serving and cleaning up tables until late after midnight. After finishing up and closing the place, you’d go straight home to sleep - not having the energy to care for yourself. Then you’d wake up at noon, and have some breakfast before yet again making your way to work. Many people this time of year, during spring break, take vacations with their families so your boss needed you to put in more effort than usual to keep it all running smoothly. You’re grateful for the opportunity to make some extra money, but at this point it feels like you’re doing too much and your body isn’t willing to keep up anymore.
You feel overwhelmed - lost. Are your efforts even worth it when they’re not going towards something you want in the future? Thoughts like these have been weighing you down ever since you woke up, and you had decided it’d be best for you to call in sick and just be sad today. You had moved from the bed to your sofa, and here you’ve been laying ever since then. All the blinds in your apartment are down, no hint of sunlight peeking through - no trace of hope seeping in, no light capable of bringing color to your sombre day. 
You sigh as another episode starts playing, mind brought to the small recap that’s starts playing across the display. You try your best to pay attention to it in hopes of you actually starting to like it so that watching it won’t be so boring. You pull your covers up to your chin, basking in the scent of your boyfriend’s cologne stuck to his shirt you’re snuggled up in. It brings you comfort, soothes you and calms you - it makes you feel secure where you are.
You breathe it in, the longing feeling to hold your boyfriend intensifying as you do.
A sudden chime makes you jump slightly, eyes landing on the door as you sit up  - heart beating quickly in response to the unforeseen ringing disturbing the calm atmosphere in your apartment. You dread leaving the comfort you’re sofa is bringing you, but you feel impolite leaving whoever it is waiting. So you get up and mope over to the door, your body feeling heavier than usual, as if a force is pulling you to the ground.
With lethargy still clinging to you, you don’t bother looking through the peephole before unlocking and pulling the door open - wanting to get it over with and get back to hiding under your covers. Your eyes squint slightly at the sudden light leaking in from the hallway, but you instantly recognize the tall figure stood in front of you.
“Joon?” You gasp quietly, heart skipping a beat in surprise. 
His lips stretch into a smile, arms reaching out and inviting you into his embrace. Immediately you walk towards him, wrapping your own arms around his neck as his end up around your waist to pull you against him. You smile, face laying in the crook of his neck.
“Hi, baby,” He mumbles, a smile evident in his voice as he presses kisses against the exposed skin on your shoulder that’s peeking out through the collar of Namjoon’s oversized shirt you’re clad in.
“I missed you so much,” You say against his skin, voice strained from not uttering a word all day. You enjoy the presence of your boyfriend for a few more seconds before pulling away to look at him, “I thought you’d be gone until next week?” You utter, confused.
“Plans got cancelled,” He whispers, leaning forward to plant a kiss onto your nose - causing you to scrunch it as he does.
You smile in content as you look at him, eyes scanning over his face before unavoidably landing on the pink of his lips. You reach up and press your own lips against the corner of his mouth, before you change target and kiss him - your eyes fluttering close as you cherish the feeling of them against yours again. He kisses you back and you taste the rose lip balm coating his lips, the one he always has with him in his pocket. It makes you smile into the kiss and pull away, suddenly turning shy as you feel blood rush to your cheeks. You hide by his neck again, lips brushing over the mole just under his jaw.
You feel his chest vibrate against yours lightly as he chuckles at you, arms squeezing tighter around your waist. Your fingers start playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. He’s been growing it out for a few months now and the mullet is now very apparent - even more so than when he left. He dyed his hair a beautiful lilac shade not too long ago, and you love the way it looks on him. Nothing beats his natural dark brown hair, but somehow he manages to make every hair color look just as good and at this point you just can’t decide which one’s your favorite. He’s making it very difficult for you.
You walk backwards, making Namjoon follow you as you’re still secure in his arms. Once back in the darkness of your apartment you kick the door shut. You give your boyfriend a peck on the cheek before you pull away from him, letting him get comfortable and take off his shoes as you return to your sofa.
Namjoon, now that he’s able to focus on his surroundings, takes instant notice to the darkness that suffocates your apartment - and the messy sofa. If anyone knows you well, it’s him. After knowing each other for almost two years, he can read you like an open book without problem. One of the many things he’s come to learn is how much you hate wasting the light of day, and especially so during this time of year. You love spring, it’s your favorite time of the year and you always long for it whenever it isn’t current. He also knows that, if you’re not up and getting ready by 9 AM, you’ll most likely beat yourself up for it. However, on rare occasions, you’ll let yourself lay under the covers for another hour or so - but that's only if he’s there, laying next to you
Cuddling is something you simply can’t say no to.
Automatically, taking all these things into consideration, Namjoon starts to worry.
He kicks his sneakers off as his gaze follows you, watching as you fall down on the couch of which looks like it has been occupied all day. Your figure disappears under the cover, and he makes his way over to you. “Is everything alright?” He asks, a crease forming between his eyebrows.
You register his question but you don’t answer it, instead you reach your arms out and gesture for him to join you on the couch. His features soften and he manages to squeeze down next to you, despite the small space left to be occupied. Your leg comes out from under the covers to lay over his hip, holding him close to prevent him from falling to the floor.
You let your eyes shamelessly admire his face even though he’s aware, your fingers once again coming up to brush through his hair - strands of lavender running softly in between them as you do.
He lets his own gaze roam across your features, searching for any sign of anxiety or sorrow. “Hey,” he says, bringing your attention back to his previously asked question.
“Everything’s fine now that you’re here, don’t worry Joon,” you mumble, your focus still on his hair.
Namjoon doesn’t fall for your excuse. Grabbing your wrist softly, he removes your hand out of his hair and lays it over his chest, making you look at him. “Please talk to me.”
You sigh, avoiding his gaze as you attempt to sugarcoat what’s really going on. “Work’s just been really tough, it’s not that serious.”
You always feel bad complaining about work, or sharing the weight of your problems with Namjoon. You know how tough his job is compared to yours, and his schedule is never really empty. You know he loves what he does more than everything, but you’ve seen how hard it can get as well. So compared to your job, you realize the hours you put in are minimal next to the amount of time he dedicates to his job. Complaining just doesn’t feel right.
“You really underestimate me,” He sighs, eyebrows raised at you. “I can tell it’s not just work, it’s almost five in the afternoon and you’re still laying on the couch with my shirt on - you only do that when you’re feeling really low.”
You give up, accepting the fact he can see right through you no matter how hard you resist to let it show. “My head just feels kind of crowded,” you start. “I feel like there’s so many thoughts in my head, and I can’t organize or figure any of them out. I feel lost, I have no idea what the future holds and that’s fine - but I don’t even have a vision of what I want it to hold. I’m just not sure I’m walking down the right path.”
With Namjoon being back next to you, you certainly feel better - but still, it doesn’t remove any of your worries. You wait for a response, but a few seconds go by and there's still just silence. You look up to meet your boyfriend’s gaze, his eyes showing empathy as he looks back at you.
Without a word, he slips out of your embrace before he gets up and walks over to your windows. Before you know it, he pulls one of your blinds up. The sun shines straight in your face, making you quickly seek cover under the pillow next to you. As you hide, you hear Namjoon proceed to pull every blind up, the room becoming even brighter as he does. After he’s done you hear his footsteps close in on you, and suddenly he rids you of your shield - leaving you exposed to the blinding rays of light that are now touching every possible surface in your living room. Your hands come up to cover your eyes, groaning. 
He gathers all your blankets and pillows you’ve taken from your bedroom before disappearing to put them back where they belong. Even with the low state you're in, you feel appreciation and adoration causing tickles in your belly. He always does this, always makes it his priority to bring you up when you're down. You find it endearing, how dedicated he gets - and lucky to say the least.
“What are you doing?” You ask out into the open, Namjoon still fixing your bed in the other room.
“I’m taking you somewhere,” says your boyfriend, walking into the room again.
You furrow your eyebrows, eyes finally adjusting to the light as you stretch - limbs splayed across the couch. “And where may that be, Mr. I’m On A Mission?” 
He snickers at the name, reaching his hand out for you to take. “You’ll find out once we get there.” He pulls you up from the sofa, making you stand before him. “Go put something warm on, the sun’s really nice but it’s still quite chilly,” he says.
Your heart flutters at his sweet gestures. Having been with Namjoon for such a long time, you’d expect the flutters to fade and his gestures losing impact along with them. But it’s all still there, just like when you first fell for him. Your heart still flutters at the dimples in which appear when he smiles, and at how his eyes turn into crescent moons as he laughs - how he shows affection but then becomes shy after. You’ve realized it’s those small things you usually wouldn’t think to pay attention to, but to you they all still cause butterflies to swarm in the pit of your stomach, and you swear you fall in love with him over and over again every time.
You still feel a force pulling you to the ground as you make your way to your closet, but not as intense as it was before Namjoon showed up at your doorstep. You’re still having to push thoughts back, still have to prevent them from getting the best of you. Knowing you have Namjoon with you, and knowing he’ll listen if you’ll talk about it, does bring you comfort. You’re well aware he isn’t capable of helping rid of these thoughts in your head, as he can’t assure you what the future holds or what path you should go down so it all works out - no one can. But still, you’re more than grateful because you’re certain he’ll be the one to at least make you feel better about things, and keep you from giving up.
You grab a lounge set from your drawer and slip onto it, the soft fabric fitting loosely over your body just like how you want it - only really seeking for comfort. Taking Namjoon’s words into consideration, you also make sure to grab a warm coat from your closet before heading back to the living room.
You find your boyfriend sitting on the edge of the couch with rays of light reaching him, a golden aura forming around his figure, making him look like a fallen angel from heaven. And thinking about it, you’re convinced he is one. Where would you be without him? 
You take a moment to enjoy the magical sight, your fingertips starting to tingle as you get an urge to skim them over his beautiful golden skin. Namjoon looks up, catching you as you eye him with a small smile on your lips.
He chuckles. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you mumble, walking up to him.
He stands up, arms capturing you in a hug once again. Your cheek ends up pressed against the soft fabric of his sweater, the scent of his favorite cologne stuck to it, making you breathe it in and relax against him.  
“You look cozy,” he comments, pulling away to look you up and down.
You mumble a quiet thank you, your hands finding his and intertwining your fingers.
“Ready?” He asks.
Your nod doesn’t come off too assuring, making him laugh as the both of you slip your shoes on. Namjoon grabs his coat and with that you make your way out of your apartment, your hands interlocking again as you do. You exit your apartment complex and brisk air surrounds you, causing you to shudder and walk closer to Namjoon as you search for any source of warmth. The two of you stop at the side of the curb as your eyes search for your cab that has yet to arrive, the sun now hitting you and warming you up slightly.
As you wait you turn to eye your boyfriend, love swelling in your chest.
“You look really handsome today,” You say through a smile, eyes meeting his.
You hadn’t seen him in this particular outfit before, but he pulls it off really well. He’s clad in a denim on denim outfit, with a jean coat that reaches all the way to his calves. You’re not surprised it looks amazing on him, everything does.
“Thank you,” he says, cheeks rubescent as his eyes scan over his own body before looking at you and squeezing your hand in his.
You lean into him, nose scrunching at his adorable shy behaviour. Getting the sudden urge to peck him, you get up on your toes and press your lips to the dimple that dents his cheek. He pulls you into his side, hand laying on your hip. As you pull away your attention turns to the black car pulling up in front of you. Namjoon steps forward and opens the door and beckons for you to get in before him, being the gentleman that he is. You climb into the car, moving over so your boyfriend can get in next to you. He sits down and closes the door before reaching into his pocket and grabbing his phone, leaning over to show the driver where he wants to go. Gazing over, you try to catch a glimpse of anything that might reveal what location you’re going to but you manage to get nothing.
“No peeking, baby,” He teases as he puts his phone back in his pocket.
You pout, giving him pleading eyes.
He laughs, his hand coming to lay just above your knee before squeezing lightly. “Be patient.”
You let out a chuckle at your own childish behaviour, laying your hands on top of his before turning to look out at the surroundings as they flash by in a blur. As the driver takes you through Seoul, you find your mind wandering again as thoughts start filling your head. To distract yourself you turn to your boyfriend and ask him about his recent work trip.
Before you know it, the car comes to a stop and with cheeks still aching from a joke Namjoon whispered to you just seconds ago you watch him get out of the car. He holds the door open for you, a grin still on his face as you get out - the adorable indents in his cheeks once again appearing. You always get an urge to kiss them, but if you’d act on it every time that’s all you’d do.
Once you’re out of the car, you glance at the scenery of which you’re very familiar with, and which you’ve come to love and appreciate since being with Namjoon. One thing you learned very early on about him is how much he loves and treasures nature. You didn’t really see the point before, especially since you live in such a big city you don’t really think of it that much. On your own, before meeting him, you’d never think to go to a park just to relax. But now you’ve really learned to appreciate it and the healing powers it holds, something Namjoon also taught you.
“You took me to Hangang Park?” You say, a tinge of excitement in your voice as your eyes take in the beautiful view of the setting sun reflecting in the river.
Namjoon looks at you lovingly as you view the location. Hangang park isn’t away from any civilization, there’s still skyscrapers in view and it’s crowded. It’s not what you consider a traditional park, there’s not grass everywhere you look or trees surrounding you. There are platforms in stone and bigger patches of grass scattered around evenly. Even though it might not be the most green park, something about it brings you more comfort than others do. You think it might be the combination of city and nature, since you’ve lived in Seoul your whole life you’re used to tall buildings and city lights - all that comes with it. And with what Namjoon has taught you about nature, and how you’ve become someone who appreciates that setting as well, you really feel at home when you’re at Hangang Park. 
You said this to your boyfriend when you came here with him for the first time, and that’s probably his reason for choosing this specific location. It makes you feel warm inside, happy he takes all these things and uses them to make you feel relaxed and calm when you need it.
Namjoon comes up behind you and lays a hand over the small of your back, the two of you starting to walk slowly closer to the river. The sunset induces beautiful hues of orange and pink to paint over the blue sky, making the world around you breathtakingly beautiful. You feel some of the weight slowly ease off of your shoulders, and you feel as if you’re finally able to inhale and exhale deeply with ease. The both of you walk over to one of the grass-patches by the river, sitting down on it with shoulders touching and fingers intertwined.
You sit like that in silence for a few minutes, and you sense Namjoon knows you need to just be for a while. You enjoy the feeling of him next to you, his presence as the both of you watch the sky and its reflection in the body of water before you. Surrounding you, there are groups of friends, couples, families, also enjoying the wonderful time of day. The atmosphere around you is happy and tranquil, in contrast to your dark apartment you’d locked yourself in earlier.
“It’s beautiful,” you mumble, laying your head on Namjoon’s shoulder as you watch the hues of the horizon fade into the light blue above you.
A few more minutes of comfortable silence pass by, before he brings his attention to you.
He brings your interlocked hands up to plant a kiss on your knuckles. “Let it out.”
You look up at him, your response lazy, “Hmm?”
“Whatever you’re holding in, whatever’s bothering you. It won’t do any good for you to keep it in.”
You exhale, resting your head against his shoulder again as your eyes return to the skyline. “I’m feeling overwhelmed, and every thought that has entered my mind I’ve been overthinking for no reason. I feel like I’ve gone down this path that I’m now stuck on and I can’t see any lanes or exits for me to lead me in another direction. There’s so many outcomes that could occur if, when the opportunity comes, I choose to walk another way - so many things that could go wrong.” You stop, fingers of your free hand coming to fiddle with the cool metal of his rings as you think of what to say next. “I feel like I’m putting in a lot of effort to do good at work and with studying, but it doesn’t feel worth it when I’m not sure the hard work I’m putting in is doing anything for my future.” You look down at your hands as you feel the familiar lump of anxiety form in the back of your throat.
“It’s normal to have thoughts, and to overthink them. I’ve been where you are right now, and I get you. It’s normal to worry about the future, everyone does - because it’s full of uncertainty and you can never really know what to expect or what it’ll turn into as time passes.” He pauses, and his words bring you comfort - knowing you’re not completely alone in feeling like this. “Someone told me once to think of my mind as a tree, and of my thoughts as branches. For these branches to grow, you’ll have to experience a lot of different things - hurtful things, things that’ll anger and confuse you along with happy and hopeful things. Your mind consists of so many of these branches, there’s happiness, pain, hope, desperation, devastation - everything.” He speaks, hand coming up from time to time in front of him to gesticulate.
You listen carefully to his words as your eyes follow pastel clouds that float across the sky. You’ve always loved how self-aware Namjoon is, you’ve come to think of it as one of his most beautiful traits - one that you really adore. He’s always stayed true to himself, no matter what. He recognizes his mistakes and faults so that he can better them and become someone who’s greater than the person he was the day before. You wish you can be that one day, as good of a person as he is. He always tries to be the best version of himself.
“You’ll need to prune and cut them to take care of the tree, to care for your mind and for it to keep growing beautifully. The hurt will be unavoidable, but you’ll have to make these choices so you can continue to grow and blossom. These thoughts and feelings you’re currently feeling, try to think of them as branches of your young days, as branches of a young tree. When you’ve experienced all of the hurt, the grief, the happiness, the love - you’ll be a beautiful tree, the most beautiful tree.” He says. “I know you’ll be,” He turns to search for your gaze, wanting you to see and notice the sincerity of his words.
Your eyes meet his, inside of which sunsets of their own exist as the sky reflects in them. You feel the force that’s been pulling you down fade, and you feel yourself tearing up as you look at the man in front of you, whom you cherish most out of anything. You realize how blessed you are to have met someone like him, someone with a precious soul like his own.
“Thank you,” you whisper, feeling yourself starting to tear up.
Slightly embarrassed, you look away but you feel Namjoon’s finger nudge lightly at the underside of your chin - making your eyes meet his again. “No need to thank me baby,” He says softly, wiping your a few tears that escaped with the pads of his thumbs “I just want you to be okay, that’s all that matters.”
The love you feel for him spreads like a wildfire through your body. “I love you so much,” you say, eyes still looking into his.
A smile grows on his lips as he looks at you. “Come here,” he mumbles, hand reaching to the backside of your thigh.
He pulls your leg over both of his, so that you end up straddling his thighs before his arms snake around your waist to pull you into him. You embrace him by putting your arms around his neck and pressing your cheek against his. With your body now filled with relief and comfort, you find yourself wishing you could stay like this forever - keep him this close forever.
“I love you too,” He whispers in your ear.
The future remains a mystery, something you’ll never be sure of.
But in this moment, what you’re completely certain of, is your everlasting love for the man in your arms.
He’s your everything.
He’s your start and your end.
He’s your Solace.
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valdivine · 4 years
hi there! could you please talk about venus return charts? maybe about the ascendant or venus in each house? anything is appreciated, thank you!
These are not too popular, but I personally love them.
Now for a fun fact: I have a Venus in Gemini and because of the retrograde in Gemini this year I had two Venus returns and yet I have yet to look at the mini one. I talked about it in a post here but a lot of what I did unraveled. 
Anyways, I’m done babbling. Let’s get into things. I’ll keep it brief so we can get to everything. 
Aries: A lot of passion this year. You may be feeling like you’d like to be dating around, or exploring the deeper levels of a relationship in particular, but there will definitely be some added heat.
Taurus: A tranquil and comfortable year. Pampering and self-care will take center stage and you’re likely to indulge. These kinds of years usually bring a lot of ease and wellbeing, whether in a relationship or not.
Gemini: Porque no los dos? A year where you are exploring your horizons. There is always something new to taste, try, love, discover, learn about and experiment. Lots of energy but not a ton of potential for relationships.
Cancer: Longing and nostalgia defines this year. You’ll likely want to settle down or have a crush on one person in particular, or you might think about past relationships a lot. 
Leo: Good for pregnancies and lavish dates. Very extra love life, but not necessarily in the traditional sense. Lots of fun and extravagance. A key year for personal development and empowerment.
Virgo: DRY. Sorry, nothing can save you this year. It’s great energy if you’re trying to finally decide if this is the one because the potential for discrimination. If you’re trying to date this will be... tough. Best course of action is not to to try too hard or be so picky. 
Libra: Luck and love come without even trying. Social life is also a big focus of the year. Integrating all of your social spheres in a big group is a common theme for these years. 
Scorpio: I’ll skip the obvious sex stuff and cut to the not so sexy obsessive side of this placement. Like Cancer, it’s likely you’ll be attracted to someone in particular, but this will be an all-consuming kind of daze. Watch out.
Sagittarius: A year of freedom and independence, but not any less fun. You might end up dating a lot of different people and be particularly charmed by someone you never thought you’d like. You’re not going to take it so seriously, though.
Capricorn: Another yikes year, like Virgo. Day-to-day concerns take the center stage so the more “fun stuff” kind of falls into the background. Polishing your persona and restructuring your free time happens a lot. A practical approach to social life. 
Aquarius: Big aloof energy and a desire to ‘see what’s out there’ but not necessarily to try it yourself. Unconventional relationships and experimenting is common but the usual consensus is you ultimately return to form. A year for the books.
Pisces: Wild card. Anything goes. Submissing to relationships is a big part of it. Getting too caught up in social circles and friends. Putting others first no matter the cost. Can be exceptionally romantic and “like a fairytale” for relationships.
1st House: Glow up on the way! You’re focusing on you and getting your best self to top shape to take over the world. Get ready to host parties, meet people, and meet a whole different you. Relationships could happen, but the biggest potential is to really change the self for the better.
2nd House: You could be making a lot of money, sure, but for most this just indicates attention in that area. If anything, you might end up saving money as you realize just how much you could have if you do. Security and empowerment take the center stage.
3rd House: A great year to make connections and network. Tons of potential to make acquaintances here and there and a boost of charm. You’ll feel stifled by relationships though, so be careful. Communications is aided, so it’s a good time to write a book!
4th House: If you’re trying to live with someone, this is the year to do it! Alternatively, it’s a good time to have a home makeover. Make your home your sacred space. A great year to get in touch with the self and try different things like writing, meditating, long baths and whatnot. A year where one might “settle down.”
5th House: A great year for relationships with kids and animals. Could be pregnancy, but like in the 2nd house, it might just be an active area. Very fun and sensual experiences, especially if you’re young. Has romance potential, but it may not be long-term.
6th House: This is very specific, but weird things happen on these years in regards to reproductive habits. A good time to review your hygiene and health routines and check in with your body... because you won’t be meeting anyone new lol. 
7th House: Wedding bells. JK. More like Pinterest boards and a lot of partying. Relationships take the center stage for sure. Commitment is likely. But so are lawsuits and potential for things to turn sour. Be careful and stand your ground.
8th House: Joining forces with someone else to embark on a new venture is more likely than a series of sexy romps, but it could be a very sensual year for sure. Experimenting with darker overtones.
9th House: Moving or traveling to somewhere you can fall in love with. It’s more likely you’ll fall in love with the culture than with a sexy stranger in whatever land you end up exploring. Lots of reading and exploring of different forms of thought. 
10th House: MC Venus! Progress in the career. Glow ups can happen here too, but there’s usually some external motivator, which makes them more complicated. Desire to be famous kind of takes over. You’re also likely to make an appearance in the public eye. 
11th House: Making friends or community relationships in general get a boost this year. It’s a good time to think about long-term goals and realize which ones you’d want to accomplish in your lifetime. 
12th House: Oh boy. Brian Wilson’s Year in Bed. Fascination with internal life. I don’t think this will necessarily indicate an affair but whatever relationships can manifest here are hazy and hard to define. They’re vaporous and might disappear in an instant.
Did you guys like this? Should I make this into a post? let me know!
Still answering questions btw so fire away :)
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asocialoverthinker · 4 years
I already see hating myself for writing this and @finefeatheredgamer I apologize in advance if it's too.. idk personal, but your vent post hit too close to home and I haven't really been able to stop thinking about it today, so I'm just going to leave this here since the comment section is too small for my too talkative self:
I don't want to give a lecture or pretend like I know what you're going through or why but given I saw too much of myself in that post and I clearly have boundary issues (🤦) I feel like I have to give some, call it advice or a look at my way of dealing with this sort of.. idk mood?
When it comes to the good ol' imposter syndrome, there are times when I feel like shit about everything I've done, no matter how much I've accomplished or been told I've done well; I keep thinking that it's just a matter of time before people "figure out" I'm not as good as they think and will just move on to others who are worthy of their time and attention. That's BS. And I know it is, but it doesn't stop my mind from reminding me of that fear every other day. What does help, however, is taking up any simple, mundane task you can think of that's preferably not people related: reorganising my desk, throwing out old clothes, deleting unnecessary screenshots off of my phone because I'm a meme hoarder and I'm working on it. 🤦😂 Basically, anything that gives you a sense of accomplishment, as small as it may be, without needing anyone's reaction or opinion. Do something for yourself that, as ridiculous as the task is, can make you feel good and make you feel like you've got control over your life and that you've done something *right*, without a doubt. Soon, that feeling will pop up when you do something that you're anxious about and make the IS a little more bearable. (And I know this doesn't do much when you've convinced yourself otherwise but dude, you really are awesome at your writing and art so no, you most definitely aren't bad at everything.)
As for the people around me and their perception of me, along with their willingness to interact with me and in what way.. *sigh* ... There's something that I keep trying to make myself remember and that's the fact that.. we're all different, we all have different upbringings, different personalities, needs, views, attachment styles, etc. All of that results in everyone having different expectations, triggers and way of interacting with others and showing their affection.
That means, IMO, just because someone doesn't have the same view on say friendships as I do, that doesn't mean they value our friendship less than I do if they idk call less often or don't pick up on everything I'd want them to. I talk a lot, I text even more, I often feel like I'm overwhelming and I've even had a moment with my now best friend (a chill, quiet introvert whose every word is worth as much as gold, given how little they talk, especially compared to me 😂) when I've asked them, years ago, why they were friends with me (an ENTJ btw) since I was so obnoxiously loud and talking their ears off. The answer? "I like listening to you, it's fun". In their mind, we were having great time together, while I drove myself mental thinking I was suffocating them.
(Fuck, where was I going with this... Right!) Point is, relationships of any kind are a two way street and affected by both parties and what I've realised is key for them to work is to figure out what you are and aren't comfortable with and communicate.
If you're angry or upset with someone, you can't wait for them to figure it out on their own. Anger (when it's healthy ofc) is a cry for change and channelled properly can result in a conflict with whomever it is that's upsetting you that's going to result in either your relationship growing and changing for the better.. or falling apart which, tbh, if it's causing you distress, it's bound to end anyway.
I've already written far too much so I'll try to cut it short.
People are as complicated as they are simple (fuck that sounds so stupid but I'll try to explain what I mean). You (I'm talking to the both of us, leaving this as a reminder for myself too) can't really affect the way people perceive you or what their natural behaviour is like. You need to figure out what works for you when it comes to human interaction and look for it, but also accept that we're all virtually bound to disappoint each other in terms of fulfilling all the expectations people have of us. As my friend likes to say "if we were all the same and behaved the same way and believed in all the same things, the world would be a very boring place". So don't let your mind overthink every interaction, every relationship, every conversation you've ever had or every mistake you've ever made or someone else has made.
Do people enjoy being around you? Do they want you around? If you're unsure, ask and please remember this: whatever the answer is, it's not just defined by you or caused by you.
Some people are idiots that will treat you like shit no matter how awesome you are. That's not your problem, it's theirs and you're better off without them.
Some people have their own issues and reasons why they behave certain ways and even upset you, yet those reasons have nothing to do with you, so again, they're not your fault.
Some people just don't click well with you, it sucks sometimes but hey, that's life.
Some people are clueless and unaware of the fact that they're making you upset and need to be told that because, no matter how much they care, they could still be causing harm without knowing it. Hell, I'm writing this with the best intentions and could be doing something that doesn't sit right with you and for that again, I'm sorry.
That all being said, I do believe that as different and complicated as we are, deep down we're also simple. (In general, most of us anyway) We want to feel good, we want what works for us and we don't stick around in situations or around people that we don't feel like they are meaningful to us in any way. All in all, you do your part, show the people you care about how much you do, communicate with them and be honest about the things that upset you and finally, let them be responsible for their choices and behaviour too: they wouldn't be with you, whether it's a friend, a partner, a stranger on the internet enjoying your work, if they didn't want to. As for the people who leave, hurt you or cause you anxiety? Fuck 'em, you're better off without them.
.... I said I'd keep it short, didn't I? Oops. *Sigh* I've probably definitely rambled too much but I hope my sentiment was clear. Sorry if this was too much and feel free to ignore it, but I wish it helps you remember that you are great and capable of working through the shit that comes your way. 💜
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butwhatifyouwrite · 3 years
Hi there! You had said at one point that posting writing is out of your comfort zone. Any advice for that or for getting out of your comfort zone? Thanks! I really like your writing btw. Sorry I'm to shy to come off anon.
Hi there anon! First of all, thank you so much for the kind words! And if you ever feel like it feel free to message me and say hi! I don’t bite, I promise 😁
As to your question, I’m sorry it took me so long to answer but I wanted to give a good answer and when I saw this come through I didn’t feel like I could coherently string 2 words together.
So when I first saw this question my immediate response in my head was “well I don’t know that I’m the best person to give advice on this because getting out of my comfort zone isn’t easy for me”. But as I have thought about it more I realize that is the point. It’s a comfort zone for a reason because that is what is safe and comfortable. When you step outside that is is going to be hard and it’s going to be scary and it’s going to be uncomfortable. So I guess my first piece of advice would be don’t beat yourself up for feeling like it’s hard to step outside your comfort zone. Because it is hard. It’s hard for everyone.
Second, and I know this may sound cliche, but sometimes you literally just have to do the thing. Whatever it is, if for you it’s posting writing or sharing something or talking to new people, just take a deep breath, put one foot in front of the other and do the thing. I have found if you have someone else involved in whatever it is that makes you feel safe it can make things a lot easier.
Also, allow yourself to recognize your feelings associated, whatever those may be and then allow yourself to move through them. Don’t ignore it.
And I guess my last piece of advice would be if an idea simply won’t let you go maybe there is a reason for that. I have certainly had that happen. Hell, I have straight up turned opportunities down and tried to ignore story ideas and they just won’t leave. I keep coming back to whatever the idea is. And I can tell you, the times I have had the courage to act on those ideas they have all been things that have changed my life. That’s how I met someone that is now a very dear friend. That’s how I’ve moved across multiple states a few times now and had some truly incredible experiences. That how I faced a huge fear of mine, and fucking won I might add. So yeah, if you keep coming back to wanting to do something, there may be a reason for that. It may be the thing that changes your life for the better.
(That being said if it is a negative feeling, idea, etc that may be harmful please talk to someone and don’t act on that. Please get the help you need and reach out because you are special and important ).
But I’m speaking to positive ideas and opportunities here. So that story idea you want to write or share, do it! That cool person you want to get to know better, send them a few kind words or give them a smile. And know that whatever it is there are people who support you!
If anyone else had any sage advice they would like to add to this, please feel free! And anon, I wish you the best of luck and if your working on writing and that is what this ask is about, know there is at least one person here who would love to see what ya got!
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