#bruh why does this keep happening to me???
iceeericeee · 7 months
I wonder how many tags i can add on to this
#there must be SOME kind of a limit otherwise posts would get suuuuuuper duper long like is it just 30?#idk but i'm going to find out by simply maxxing out the character limit for each tag and finding out the limit of tags for each post lololo#this is gonna be great. i just have to remember to type without ever using the comma. it shouldn't be too hard right? fuck i almost typed#the comma i'm already bad at this smh my head. also if your still here i commend you. you have a better attention span than i do.#i'm already starting to get bored holy shit this is not happening. i gotta power through this. FOR SCIENCEEEEEEEEEE. or somethinggggggggggg#but fr idk what else to say. maybe just saying that i don't know what to say will be good enough? but does that even count?#I don't even know anymore. ffffffffuck. this is gonna be a while huh? also holy shit if you're still here omg u deserve like. a prize or#something because u definitely didn't have to stay and read all of this bull shit. lololol i typed out bs but decided to just spell the who#thing out just to make it go by faster. i'm so lazy. this is only the nineth tag HOW will i make it to 30. i am sobbing the adhd is adhding#very hard rn. are you still here? bruh this is insane. i have somehow managed to keep ur attention this long and it's just me spouting#absolute balderdash. wait do you know what balderdash even means? i don't care if you do already i'm gonna tell you anyway. balderdash is#basically just another word for nonsense. boom. you learned something new today. balderdash equals nonsense equals this damn post.#why did i decide to do this in the first place. it was a dumb idea. i don't know if i can even keep going. this is only the *counts tags*#it's the 14th tag. we've got a long way to go boys. men. soldiers. comrads. friends. besties peeps. marshmallows.#where was i going with this? oh yeah. trying to max out the limit for tags. dang i almost typed a comma there. i haven't done that since#i think the third or fourth tag. dang that feels like such a long time ago. not for you guys probably. it feels longer because i have to li#type it all out and stuff. so it's definitely gonna feel longer for me. are you still here? good lord don't you have better things to#be doing than reading all of this? we're already on tag number 18. it feels like i should be on the thirtyeth by now. or however it's spell#'toast' you might be wondering 'why are you typing out the names of the numbers instead of say '9' or '5'?' well you see. young one.#this is a strategy i'm using to make each tag slightly longer. even if i don't know how to spell it. it'll make it just a little bit longer#anyway. i got off topic. not that there was ever a topic to begin with. unless it's about making this as long as i can.#which i am apparently good at doing. i guess. are you STILL here? do you seriously have nothing to do? i guess i'm flattered you stayed thi#whole time. instead of reading something else you stayed here. with me. listening to me talk. on the twenty-third tag. oh yeah its tag 23#except now it's tag twenty-four. how crazy is that. this little talk is almost over. only 6 tags away if memory serves right. this's strang#i kind of don't want this to end. but i know it should. after all there is a limit. but all things must come to and end at some point i gue#i'm running out of things to say. it's probably a good thing it's almost over. hahahahah............... but i don't want to go. i don't wan#to leave this post. i've worked so hard on it. and for what. just for it to end. are you still here? yes? good. i'd hate to end this alone.#thank you for indulging me and my craziness. the end is only 2 tags away now. you can go ahead and leave. i'll be okay on my own. really...#...you're still here? i- i don't know what to say. i suppose a toast is in order. perhaps. for this journey. this stupid dumb post i though#would be fun. i'll make it short. it's the last tag after all. this was fun. but i will never do it again. so long as a i live. i'll miss y
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saviourkingslut · 2 years
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claude is the only one whose face came out looking like himself but he had to sacrifice his eye colour for it 🙏🏻
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icyryn · 1 year
Imagine it’s 12:37 am and you want to play modded Minecraft and you open a world you already created. It’s been 4 hours since you last closed modded Minecraft. What could go wrong? everything does. I get into world and it’s weird all my storage was gone and so like any logical person with errors like this would just exit out of the world, Right? Big Mistake. I exited it out and then it goes to black and I get Rick Rolled. The best part about this is that it wouldn’t let me leave until I had to Ctrl Alt Delete and then basically crash the app. I’m starting off with April Fool’s with a Rick Roll.
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seagull goes to bed normally by getting into pj's and taking medicine and turning off all the lights challenge
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cipher-fresh · 7 months
💬 suffering-academy-student Follow
does anyone else wish u could regenerate but not change and not use up a regeneration. just like do a hard reboot
#i'm gonna call myself The Sufferer
💫 constellationon-kasterborous Follow
what is it even like to not be a time lord do you like get impaled by rebar at 45 years old and just die. couldn't be me
🚀 silvertraveller Follow
_____👶 timelordtoddler Follow
_____playing with a roentgen radioactive brick in the nursery rn
🔉 gallifreyballifreyshmallifrey Follow
i love this website because its the only place you can say you have interfered with the natural flow of time and you won't get investigated by the CIA
😉 winkles-wonderland Follow
who up lording they time
#no I don’t need to add any extra tags thanks I trust my audience will find it
👦 theresponsibilityavoider Follow
I was skipping school hanging out in a clearing and some guy exited a portal from a CONFESSION DIAL 😭 and he was like “Go to the city. Find someone important. Tell them I’m back. Tell them, they know what they did. And I’m on my way. And if they ask you who I am, tell them ‘I came the long way round’” 😭😭😭 what the hell
💬 oneofthegreathouse Follow
if you have a fetish for people being born through bodily reproductive systems KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!!!! nobody needs to see that on their dash
__♻️ callmeweaver Follow
__Ok Puriteen you need to get on my level. sexualize looms OR ELSE!!!!!
💫 thecurator Follow
the high council of gallifrey: got some straight gas 🔥😛 this strain is called “the timeless child” 😳 you’ll be zonked out of your gourd 💯
Me: yeah whatever. I don’t feel shit.
5 minutes later: dude I swear I just saw some pre-Hartnell doctors
My buddy the Master pacing: the Time Lords are lying to us
🏠 somegrandolgallifrey Follow
I heard some kid crying himself to sleep in a cabin. COULD not be me
♾️ thatacademygraduate Follow
Went to a museum today! I saw a lot of really cool stuff but something I couldn’t stop thinking about was this horrifically busted up Type 40 TARDIS that literally looked like it was held together with duct tape, chewed gum and prayers 😵‍💫😵‍💫 girl kill that thing I’m so sorry….
#i think it was even still alive. please put it out of its misery for the love of rassilon
🥽 howsitgoinghowitgoes Follow
Bruh my best friend and I tried to play a prank on my brother but it went wrong and he hit his head so badly he REGENERATED i need to go into hiding
😐 the-hybrid Follow
Who am I
#please for the love of god help me
🔹 thetasigma Follow
Koschei and I skipped school today and went stargazing. We agreed to visit every single one together when we leave this stupid planet. I love them so much. We're going to be together forever.
💭 siblingofkarn Follow
Why do I keep having nightmares about Gallifrey being destroyed in like 5 different ways, that could literally never happen
🤖 pompousandstuffy Follow
I literally hate children soooo much like today some ninety year old tried to speak to me. KILL YOURSELF THIRTEEN TIMES ‼️
👽 cheapandnastytraveltime Follow
For a Time Lord I have such a bad sense of time. if chamelon arches were real i would make myself literally any other species
😍 starstartwinkletwinkle Follow
I have to stare into the untempered schism tomorrow. Any advice?
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matrixbearer2024 · 4 months
not a request but i just wanna get an idea that i absolutely MUST get out of my brain before it consumes my entire being. So, your “get off my screen series”. You know that trend where ppl put that one vox vid of his face on their tv and put like hus hat and/or body attached to the tv. Imagine vox somehow finds a way to do that and y/n just does this.
TikTok Trending, Posts and Memes
Vox x CollegeStudent!Reader
A/N: With how many ideas you guys have at this point I might just continue to write short scenarios for this AU with all the ideas you guys are giving me- it's absolutely amazing seeing what y'all come up with and I'm just living for it hahahaha! Thank you guys so much!
The week you had was... interesting to say the least.
Vox had challenged you to at least take up basic programming, claiming you were too impatient to learn.
So you, being the persistent and stubborn you-
Decided to prove him wrong.
Besides, it can't be that bad if he knows how to do it.
You wouldn't tell him because it'd probably make him butthurt-
But you were sure Vox was 1000% more impatient than you.
You took up computer science for extra credit, quickly learning the ins and outs of basic coding.
It was just a world of syntax and numbers but you definitely found it fun.
And useful too-
Especially when you wanted to explicitly screw with others.
Vox may or may not have slightly taught you how to hack.
But you weren't using it for anything bad!
Just to change the final grade of some asshole students so they'd have to repeat the class.
That's what they get for just randomly tripping you in the hall the other day.
Vox was slightly proud but also kind of concerned-
You'd definitely end up where he was at this rate.
Thankfully though, you decided not to do anything too crazy since.
Instead you've been messing around on your devices alongside the tech overlord.
From practicing how to send him encrypted messages-
To straight up just shitposting all over his monitors.
It's not so fun now is it Voxxy?
You would sometimes try to transfer him around to other devices that weren't your own to see if he could actually do anything.
Well, he could- but it only worked if he was directly connected to it.
Meaning he had to be plugged in.
How he was able to connect to all your devices wirelessly without limitation?
Neither of you had a clue.
You both first tested it on your best friend's phone, only for Vox to immediately go back to your computer and blow up your notifications.
"Nope nope nope nope, that's the last time I let you plug me into some random fucking phone-"
"What?? What happened??? And it's not random, it's (Friend Name)'s Phone."
"Dollface, you know Valentino right? The one I told you about?"
"The pornstar? What about?"
You didn't exactly like where this conversation was going.
You had an inkling where it would end and you were already cringing.
"Yeeaaaah, I've known him for quite some time so I would think I've seen nearly everything."
"Get to the point Vox-"
"And yet I am somehow utterly disgusted by your friend's search history."
"Yeah, uh... I'd rather you don't tell me."
"I figured. Though it makes me curious about what yours looks like."
That gave you pause, given how Vox had practically invaded your entire computer-
Hell, he even gave your files a new sorting system-
You were surprised he hadn't gone through your search history.
Of all the things you'd think that was what he'd ransack first.
"You haven't checked my search history yet?"
"Why would I? It's not like I'm trying to find your secret porn stash or something."
"Bruh, why would I even have that."
"Your friend had one, I just guessed."
You were a little touched that Vox cared about you enough not to really dig into your secrets.
Or well, the things you wanted to keep secret.
For a big bad overlord, he was kind of a sweetheart.
"Okay now I definitely wanna see what you've got hidden in there-"
You know what, you retracted your previous statement.
He's a fucking jerk.
Vox quickly dug through your search history while the tiny desktop companion in his likeness refused to give you control over the cursor.
You couldn't stop him even if you tried.
His phone blew up from notifications with you cursing at him or just calling him names.
He just laughed at your dismay and continued to dig through.
Okay- wow.
While he didn't initially expect it from you, Vox reckoned he probably should've.
Much like how people had celebrity crushes, he figured you would have your own.
It just so happened that it wasn't a celebrity and it was a fictional character instead.
He kind of felt like someone slapped him in the face actually, even if he didn't know why.
"Soooooo- (Favorite Character Name) huh?"
"This? This is your type???"
While you were practically steaming from the ears in embarrassment, Vox was just laughing and dealing with his mixed feelings.
On one hand, he found your reactions absolutely entertaining and hilarious.
On the other hand, he didn't even know who or what this character was and he already disliked them.
Just a gut feeling.
He continued to tease you for it though, bringing up more cringe parts of your search history much to your chagrin.
It wasn't really anything bad that you couldn't take, it was just so embarrassing that you'd rather he didn't dig any of it up.
So in the heat of the moment, wanting to get Vox off your computer- you plugged it into the only other active device he wasn't connected.
Your TV.
It was nearly instant, he went from teasing and texting to you to a befuddled face on the larger screen.
But what was more surprising, was he could actually see you this time.
It wasn't filtered over with static like when he'd first met you.
The live feed even had audio, which was just entirely unexpected too.
Who knew, plug a TV demon into his specific medium and he could actually operate properly?
But that's how you guys ended up figuring out how to connect his digital presence to your TV.
By entire surprise and from just fucking around.
"Oh my god that worked-"
"(Y/N)? Holy hell! I can actually see you!"
"I did not think that would work-"
"Wow, are you really that short or is your TV just perched up that high?"
You just flipped him the bird and Vox laughed at you again.
Though, you couldn't help but smile because of it.
Well, at least now he could converse with you "properly" like he'd wanted to for a while.
Even if it did mean he'd need to take up your entire TV.
"Oh- OH WAIT- I've got an idea!"
Vox couldn't even question what you were doing before you ran out of the room and out of his sight.
So while waiting, he took a gander at the room you left him in.
It became abundantly clear that this was your living space too.
From the colors to the patterns, Vox smiled fondly as he recalled your old conversations where you would just tell him things about the things you liked.
Yeah, he could definitely see your touch in how the room was designed.
He raised an eyebrow when you giddily came back into the room with some colored paper, scissors and tape.
"Okay Doll, just what are you planning?"
"You'll see~!"
Your excitement kept him curious.
What were you drawing over there?
Weird timing for an arts and crafts project if you asked him.
It was only until you approached him and taped something to the screen did he actually grow confused.
He couldn't see what you did despite you doubling over in laughter.
What could've possibly been so funny that had you keeling from it?
By the time you could finally look at Vox without laughing your ass off, you used your phone to take a picture of how he looked.
Approaching the TV to show him just so he could see the photo as well.
So that's what you found so funny.
You'd fashioned his outfit-
Poorly made but still recognizable-
Out of paper and taped it to the screen.
His hat on top and his suit dangling off the bottom.
Admittedly, it looked downright silly.
Especially with the proportions being so off thanks to the size of the TV screen.
"Haha, very funny (Y/N). Very funny."
"I'm making this shit my wallpaper, you look so goofy."
Vox just playfully rolled his eyes at you with a smile.
If that was seriously all it took to make you laugh?
He'd do it again no questions asked.
Taking a peek at his internal clock though, he held back his disappointment that he had to leave when you were on such an elated high.
"Sorry to cut this short doll, but I need to disconnect. I've got a meeting in a few minutes."
"Hm? Then go and do what you need to do, I can always just plug you back in later. Good luck!"
The overlord chuckled when you raised a hand to pat the screen, he couldn't feel it but he wished he did.
"I don't need luck, but... thanks. See you."
"See you."
And just like that the screen fizzled out and returned to the smart TV homepage.
You'd sent the picture to Vox through your chats and he replied with a TV emoticon.
You giggled, course he would do that.
At least he didn't take offense to what you did-
Despite your poor art skills-
Maybe he found it as entertaining as you did?
Whatever, you switched the wallpaper on your phone to the new photo you had of Vox and laughed.
His confused expression really sealed the deal with how silly the picture was.
But imagine your surprise come morning when you realized he didn't switch the wallpaper back to his trademark grin.
You sort of expected him to, especially given that he'd done so with all your past attempts to change your wallpaper.
The fact he left it alone made you smile.
And as the day began and Vox left you a morning greeting-
You just shot him one back and got up to prepare for the day.
You figured the day would be just fine.
Yeah, you guys would be just fine.
A/N: Ooough this was a long one but I had a lot of fun writing it! I'll post the masterlist afterwards when I grab all the links to the posts and I'll just be continuing the other interludes before I post the chapter with Reader's death. Either way, I hope you guys enjoyed this one!
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sturnlova · 3 months
First time ( C.S )
(Chris Sturniolo x Female reader)
( Warning : Smut, F & M receiving, kinda new to writing, not proof read all the way, pet names, fluff, i don’t know what else 😭 )
Chris : Orange
Y/N : Pink
Matt : Blue
Nick : Purple
Nathan : Red
(Word count : 900)
Me and Chris have been best friends for over 8 years and i’ve told him every secret expect one, i’m a virgin, but i didn’t feel the need to because he can’t do anything about it. well at least i thought he couldn’t
“Exactly bruh, Y/N when your fucking someone would u let them do anal cause i personally wouldn’t” i giggled at his comment and so did everyone else but i didn’t really now what to say since i’ve never done anything romantically like sex, it’s not like people didn’t want to do it with me i just wasn’t ready. Nate went on for a while about fucking girls and his own experiences until i grabbed my phone and hoodie and hopped off the couch to go to Chris’ room and lock myself in there until i was ready to come out. I heard Matt whisper yell at Chris to go check on me and find out what’s wrong.
“Y/N let me in please, i wanna know if you’re okay, what happened Y/N/N”
“please go away Chris it’s embarrassing it doesn’t concern you anyway.”
“ I’m not going away Y/N/N cmon we’re best friends you gotta tell me ill tell you a secret if you want me to”
A minute after i unlocked the door, Chris opened it to see me with a puffy face due to the tears of embarrassment i shed. “Wanna sit and talk about it, i promise i won’t judge ” Chris moved us to the bed and laid me on his chest for we could talk about why i was crying out of nowhere.
As we laid down and made ourself as comfortable as we could i let out a sigh and a whisper into his chest “i’m a virgin at my grown age, Chris i just don’t want to do it with someone i don’t connect with, you know.” Chris just runs his fingers through my hair as i talk about how i feel embarrassed about being a virgin and why i still am one.
A uncomfortable silence forms until Chris cuts it with a knife “if you don’t wanna do this we can forget about it but do you want me to help, like platonically of course.”
“Yeah help.”
“You will tell me how to do it?”
“Of course Y/N no one has to know if u don’t want people to know“
He stands up and asks if i’m 100% sure, “im 101% sure Chris” He takes of his top and i take this as a queue to take mine of to, chris is there with jorts on and i’m left with shorts and my bra on which he unclasp with a bit of a struggle, but it’s fine. He leans down to kiss me softly but passionately.
He lays me down on the bed and crawls on top me of me. He pulls down my shorts and panties, leaving me naked well he still has his shorts on. “Chris please can you take ur shorts off, or do something please, it feels weird being naked and ur not.” “yeah sweetheart i’ll take it off don’t worry” He takes them off as he speaks.
I have to be honest with Chris because after all we are best friend’s “what if it hurts Chris, many get a towel in case i bleed.” “It’s ok we don’t need a towel but i’ll be slow i promise and you can just tap my arm 2 times if u want me to stop, ok?” i nod my head in response. He spreads my legs open and places my ankles on his shoulders. He teases my pussy hole a bit making sure i’m stretched before anything more happens.
“Okay I’m ready Chris just go slow” he slowly adds his length to me, i hiss in response as this is a new feeling and his definitely not small “you ok? want to stop” “no no keep going” He finally adds it all to me and starts moving, i can feel his balls against my butt it’s a bit funny to me only because this is the same boy i used to force to let me practice make up on. He continues his thrust at a steady past well whispering praises in my ear.
I’m a moaning mess under him due to all the new sensations i’m feeling; his tip hits my cervix with every movement he does. Chris giggles, “what’s so funny lover boy?” “the fact you can barely talk ” “shut up” i say between my moans.
“Y/N i’m really close ok, i want you to cum all over my cock” he whimpers as he moves slower and sloppier. “Let go baby” we finish together and giggle at each other’s sweaty tired faces a couple seconds after. We lay in bed together naked in a comfortable silence.
“You did so good Y/N/N i’m so proud of you. Thank you for being comfortable with me.” he kisses my check “you want me to get ya dressed for we can go back down? Or you wanna stay here for a bit ” “Yeah can you please get me dressed before someone walks in, and also i know i don’t have to much experience but you’re good at fucking” Chris giggled and pulled out of me to add my clothes and his clothes back on.
Chris puts his clothes on then grabs me by the waist and puts my clothes on until Nate walks in our room.
“Did y’all fuck?”
“what?” i say with a tone that clearly had attitude to it.
“No we didn’t do that, she had really bad stomach pains and was crying so it might i’ve sounded like moans but it wasn’t..”
“Oh sorry than but why is she naked?”
“Nate get the fuck out”
Chris whispered in my ear “I’ll drop you off home baby” i started to blush and nodded my head and looked down.
It’s been 4 months since Chris admitted his feelings to me after “helping me” and i couldn’t be more thankful. I now have the best boyfriend i could ever ask for, we also have an annoying but loveable Nate who saw us Post sex.
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leossmoonn · 6 months
Hey, I don't know if you do Clapton Davis fics. But can you do one about one of the girls at school that makes it look like Clapton Is cheating on the reader and theh break up and then he does everything to get her back? They end up back together in the end ofc :D
Btw I love your writings 💕💕💕
thank you! full disclosure… i haven’t watched detention yet, but ive read a lot of clapton fics and i feel like his character is pretty understandable and simple (aka loser, lover boy). if this isn’t correct then ill just have to watch detention 😭
includes - reader is fem, mentions of sex (this was actually so painful to write bruh. it gave me relationship flashbacks ). there’s like so much mentions of murder idk why, gets kinda frisky at the end (nothing major). not edited.
“that calc exam was brutal,” your friend zoey groans.
you nod in agreement. “even with the extra study sessions peterson offered, i felt like i didn’t know anything on the test.”
“why do teachers do that?” zoey frowns. “it’s like they’re trying to make us fail.”
“they probably are,” you remark. you both turn the corner, your gaze falling to your shoes as you rethink every math problem you just did, hoping they were right. you don’t look up until zoey gasps. you barely are able to lift your head up when she grabs your arm, spinning your around in the direction you just came from.
“what are you doing?” you hiss. “trust me, you don’t want to look,” zoey says. you frown, “what happened? is someone like, pissing in the hallway?”
zoey laughs awkwardly. “not this time.”
“well, then it can’t be that bad.” you twist your arm out of her grip, walking back.
“stop!” zoey warns you, but it’s too late. your jaw drops at first glance. once your eyes settle on the situation, your heart sinks to your chest and you suddenly feel nauseous. right in front of you is your boyfriend, clapton, and the most popular girl in school, taylor fisher. she has him trapped up against a locker, pressing herself against him. they aren’t kissing, but if they both leaned in then they could. she looks like a predator zoning in on her prey. worst thing is that clapton doesn’t even look bothered. he doesn’t look uncomfortable. he’s smiling and laughing. he’s looking at her like he wants to fuck her.
zoey stands next to you, a sorry expression on her face. “i’m so sorry,” she whispers.
you swallow hard, feeling like there’s glass in your throat. the bridge of your nose burns and you feel droplets of water run down your face. the worst thing is about this is that he hasn’t even noticed you standing there yet.
“let’s get you out of here,” zoey says, grabbing your hand. you’re about to go with her when taylor’s hand touches his chest. he doesn’t push her away. he doesn’t grimace in disgust. he does nothing. taylor and clapton spots you a few seconds later. his eyes widen, like he just got caught committing a crime. to you, it feels like he did.
“look what the cat dragged in,” taylor grins maliciously.
zoey can’t help but roll her eyes. “that’s rich of you to say.”
“baby,” clapton says, sounding helpless. “don’t.” you say, clenching your jaw and fists. it’s now when he pushes taylor away, walking towards you. you shake your head. “we are done.”
you turn to zoey. “get me out of here?” she nods enthusiastically, gently grabbing your hand and leading you out the exit.
she takes you back to her house. you’re silent the whole way there and silent about the whole time you’re at her house. she puts on one of your favorite movies in hopes to cheer you up. but you just sit on her couch taking deep, shaky breathes. she pauses the movie with a quarter left, turning to you.
“you shouldn’t keep this all in, you know.”
you nod, acknowledge her words. you still don’t say anything. you’re afraid if you speak you’ll start sobbing. zoey places her hand on your knee.
“i don’t want to force you to say anything, but i’m here for you.”
“i know,” you say, your voice coming out like a croak. “are you hungry? i can make us some ramen,” zoey suggests.
you shake your head. you haven’t eaten since lunch, which was about six hours ago. but you have no appetite.
“how about some crackers? i have saltines,” she says.
“i’m okay,” you say.
“how about some water? or some soda?”
you think for a moment, slowly nodding. “okay. i’ll have water.” you only agree to a drink because you know zoey will something for you anyway. she gets up and goes to her fridge. she returns with a glass of water and some crackers with m&ms.
“zoey,” you frown. “you don’t have to eat these at all,” she says. “but if you end up wanting something, these are here for you. and you know you can have anything else you want while you’re here.”
you start crying now. you open your mouth to thank her, but it comes out in a sob. she rushes to hug you, holding you as you cry into her shirt. you pull away after a good 15 minutes of crying. zoey gives you some tissues and you blow your nose.
“out of every guy at school, she had to choose him? 90% of the guys at school are single, and he had to choose my guy?” you scoff.
zoey nods and pats your arm comfortingly.
“b-but he’s not my guy anymore,” you sob. your whole chest hurts as you cry. it feels tight and like you can’t breathe. your heart feels like it’s physically breaking. it feels like clapton took your heart out of your body and he and taylor smashed it all up with sledgehammers.
“taylor is a bitch, and not the one that she refers to herself as.”
“yeah, she is,” you nod. “she’s a disrespectful, evil, pretty, popular bitch,” you start to wail.
“just because she’s pretty doesn’t mean you aren’t either. don’t compare yourself like that.”
you snuffle, wiping your nose roughly. “and clapton — ugh! i let clapton-fucking-davis play me. that dumb, little, attention-seeking twerp! all he has to do it push her away and say no. he can’t do that because as soon as a girl gets close to him, he starts thinking with his dick!”
“boys are dumb,” zoey confirms. “yeah,” you nod. your crying comes to a stop and you look at zoey with a self-pitying expression. “i liked him a lot. i let him meet my parents. i’ve snuck him into my house. he’s made cookies with my mom and talked to my dad about cars. i… i thought he liked me.”
“he’s in love with you,” zoey says. you shake your head and laugh sourly. “no, he’s not. he likes the attention i give him. he likes the fact that because of me, he sees boobs and has sex. he likes the fact that he can call me his girlfriend.”
“well, i find it hard to believe that you don’t like all the superficial things he does for you. don’t tell me you forgot that you literally called me while he was still in your house, after had just given you, and i quote from you, “the best night of sex i will ever have”. you also love his muscles and his abs and the way he looks at you when you’re naked and when you’re all dressed.”
“yeah, but,” you huff. “i didn’t let a guy talk me up and basically grind up against him in the hallway.”
“you’re right,” she nods. “you are totally right. and i’m not saying to forgive him at all. in fact, don’t. i’m just… i do think that he’s in love with you. and he just made a terrible mistake.”
“i don’t want to forgive him,” you frown. “like i said, you don’t have to. i just hate to hear you talk so bad about yourself. you are a catch and you have your whole life to find the guy of your dreams!” zoey exclaims.
“what if i wanted him to be that?” you ask. she sighs, “if it’s meant to be, then it will be.”
the next day you feel like shit. you can only manage to drink half a cup of coffee and a piece of toast. zoey picks you up for school and you try to request sad songs, but she declines. she sings the most annoying, happy songs to your face. she almost catches you smiling, but you frown so deep it makes you both laugh. you almost forget about the unfortunate series of events until you show up to school and see taylor walking out of her car.
“how does she always look so perfect?” you ask. “she really doesn’t. she obviously didn’t put on makeup today and that orange shirt isn’t doing her any favors,” zoey says.
you scoff and turn your head to face her. “you’re joking, right?”
“did it make you feel better?”
“a little.”
“then no, i’m not.”
you managed to avoid clapton the whole day. you ate lunch in zoey’s car, got to your classes super early, and even was able to avoid using your locker — which you hated using anyways. you started to feel better as you begin to think about all the fun things zoey has planned for you this weekend. the happiness dissipates as you see clapton standing by zoey’s car.
“oh, my god,” zoey grumbles.
he’s holding a huge pink teddy bear and a jewelry box. he smiles brightly as you approach him.
“hey! i didn’t see you today. i thought that i would —”
“save it,” you stop him. “i told you we are over. what part of that isn’t clear?”
he sighs, “i know. but then i remembered that you liked this teddy bear that you saw online, and it was there at the store! so i decided to get it for you. and i also bought these earrings that i had already got you for our anniversary, but i figured you’d like them sooner.” he opens the box. “they’re the theme of your favorite book.”
you have the fight the urge to swoon. “i’m sorry you spent your money on me, clapton. please move so we don’t run you over.”
“please,” he begs.
“please what, calpton? please listen to your sorry excuses? please listen to you ramble on for ten minutes without even talking about what happened? please wait for you to apologize? no!” you shout.
he opens his mouth to speak, but you stop him.
“you hurt me, clapton. seeing you with taylor, that hurt.”
“i know, but i can explain. we weren’t doing anything, i swear —”
“yeah, that’s what hurts! you know, i wish that you kissed her and i caught you inside of her, cause that would’ve been so much more explainable. that would’ve been so much more acceptable. but no. you just stood there letting her sweet talk you. i know you’re not used to getting noticed. you’re known as the class-clown and people sometimes rag on you, but i thought you weren’t letting that bother you anymore! you told me yourself that you don’t need anyone’s validation anymore. but that’s obviously false.”
he blinks rapidly, jaw dropping and closing a couple of times.
“you can save this stuff for the next girl. or just keep them yourself,” you say. you turn to zoey who is trying to contain her excitement. “can we go to out to eat?” you ask.
“i was just about to ask you the same thing,” zoey smiles. you try to not look at clapton as she drives away, but you can’t help it. he looks like a lost puppy that just got his heart stomped on. he kind of feels that way.
he feels terrible. this is the worst he’s ever felt in his entire life. this outdoes the time he went to six flags and threw up all the popcorn and toxic waste he ate.
“hey, honey. did she not like your gifts?” clapton’s mom asks as he shows up with full hands.
“no, she didn’t.”
she frowns and gets up from the kitchen table. “did you apologize?”
“yeah,” he nods slowly. she narrows her eyes. “why can’t you boys say sorry?”
“girls can’t say sorry either!”
“not the point,” she says. “you have been talking about this girl nonstop for the last two months. your father has said you should just ask her to marry you if you like her so much. even if she hates you now, which is understandable, you need to give her a real apology.”
“i do feel sorry! i just… what if i say sorry and tell her how i feel, and she still rejects me?”
“then she rejects you. as long as you try and learn from this, it’ll be okay.”
clapton nods in agreement, trudging up to his room and laying down on his bed. he knows he messed up bad. he never meant to hurt you. he’s never dreamed of every hurting you. he know he doesn’t have a good explanation. he can’t even explain what happened between taylor and him himself. but what he does know is that he feels absolutely nothing for taylor, and his whole heart is yours. he steal for you, lie for you, go to jail for you. he would split the world for you.
he has to let you know how he feels about you.
clapton’s at your window, throwing rocks at it. he’s been there for half an hour. at first he thought you were ignoring him, but now he just thinks you’re not home. he’s correct when he sees zoey’s car pull up in your driveway.
“oh, shit,” he mumbles. he panics and looks around him for somewhere to hide. he jumps in a bush that’s on the side of your house, hoping you don’t see him.
“that was the best crab rangoon i have ever had,” zoey groans. “i might have to go back before i go back home.”
you scoff, “being me back some!” you’re about to walk into your garage when clapton lets out a sneeze.
“did you hear that?” zoey asks. “uh, yeah,” you nod. “hello?” you call out. there’s no answer. fear seeps into your chest. “you need to take me back to your place now. someone could be plotting to kill me!”
“okay, yeah,” she nods. “should we call the police? I’m going to call the police.”
clapton jumps out the bushes, scaring both of you to death. you both scream as he appears in front of you.
“it’s just me! it’s just me!”
“oh, my! fuck! clapton!” you groan. “you can’t do that? we almost just had a heart attack and died!”
“okay, that’s a little bit dramatic,” he chuckles.
“and you’re here!” you wave your hands in the air angrily. “why are you here! you are so annoying and creepy.”
“don’t you think me waiting here is romantic?” he asks, giving you a hopeful smile.
“you’ve been waiting on me? agh!” you scream. “get out of my house!”
“i’m technically not in your —”
“do you want me to kill you?” you ask. “no,” he shakes his head. “i mean, if that’s what you want. anything for you.”
“clapton,” zoey says. she grabs his arm, escorting him to her car. “i will drive you home so you don’t die tonight, okay? this is out of the kindest of my heart. even though i think you are a d-bag.”
“wait, wait, wait! please! i want to say one more thing. after this , i’ll never speak to you again. i promise,” clapton pleads.
zoey raises her brows at you and you shrug. she lets him go and he walks back to you.
“i am so sorry,” he says. “good start,” you remark.
“i… i really don’t have any explanation for what you saw. i know that doesn’t help, but i can tell you what happened. she was asking if i could get the physics homework answers from you to give to her. i was saying no, but before i knew it, she was saying funny things to butter me up. and then she trapped me against the lockers and put her hand on my chest to pin me down.”
“you expect me to believe that?” you scoff. “i know. i know it’s not practical, but,” he takes your hands into his and stares into your eyes, “i swear on my love for you that that is the honest truth. you can even ask her! you know taylor wouldn’t lie to you.”
you search his face. he looks so desperate, so pained. you really don’t know whether or not to believe him.
“i hope you know that you don’t have to forgive me. just know that i am so sorry and hurting you makes me want to eat shit while i’m skateboarding. i’ll leave now.” he let’s go of your hands. you feel so cold now, so lonely. “can you take me home still?” he asks zoey.
“i guess so,” she huffs. “see you tomorrow,” she says to you.
you nod and give her a small smile, waving goodbye to the two of them. you go up to your room after talking with your parents for a little bit. you spot the countless pictures you have of you and clapton. you’ve known him since freshman year of high school, but you’ve known him for only a couple of months. saying goodbye to him feels like a knife twisting into your back, bud that’s how you felt seeing him with taylor.
you never thought clapton would hurt you, not like this. but you know people can change and reveal a part of themselves you never knew existed. eventually, the truth comes out. but you find it hard to believe that this is the case with clapton. the way he’s treated you since you’ve started dating is like nothing you’ve ever experienced in other relationships.
he’s always been super sweet to you. always complimenting you, asking how you slept, carrying your backup, holding you accountable when you study. he’s never been good with words, but he’s never had to be. he always is holding your hand or massaging your back. he loves buying you gifts or making you stuff. he likes cooking for you, too, even though he’s quite terrible at it. he’s always protecting you against rude remarks you sometimes get at school. sometimes the girls will say something about your outfit, and clapton always has something to say to them. not to mention, he is a giver and always makes sure you get satisfied multiple times before he gets anything. which is super different from any other guy you’ve been with.
for you to be able to know the real truth, you know what you have to do.
“you don’t have anything sharp on you, right?” zoey asks. “no,” you say. “why?”
“in case you try and kill taylor.”
“what! i would never do that!”
zoey gives you a look and you roll your eyes. “the closest i would get would be cutting off her hair. which, to her, would be murder.”
zoey chuckles, “you so should do that.”
you shrug, “we’ll see what happens.”
“hey, taylor!” you plaster on the brightest smile ever. she turns to you, looking you up and down while smacking gum. “can i help you?”
“yeah,” you nod. “i was just wondering what you and mike were talking about?”
“why do you wan to know?” she asks. you fight the urge to roll your eyes. “i am just wondering. it’s not like you were discussing murder right?”
she glares at your cheap joke. “i asked him if he knew anybody with the answers to the physics homework. i tried to get your answers, but he just kept saying no. he kept saying how i should do my own work and how you’re not just some homework-giver, or whatever. i tried to seduce him, but for some reason it didn’t work. his brain must be broken or something.”
“really?” you ask. “yeah. he actually laughed at me. i mean, what kind of freak does that?” she scoffs.
you can’t help but laugh yourself. she frowns. “am i a joke or something?”
“no,” you say unconvincingly, turning around and walking to zoey who is waiting for you by your locker.
“what’s the verdict?” she asks. “i… i guess clapton was telling the truth,” you say. “i need to find him.”
“i don’t think he came to school today.”
you groan, “well, i can’t skip school.”
“i’ll drive you to his house right after school.”
zoey does so, leaving when you tell her clapton can take you home. you go to his backyard, finding some rocks and throwing it at his window.
“clapton! it’s me!” you shout. you see him at the window almost immediately. he opens it, sticking his head out. “i thought you didn’t want to see me?”
“can i come inside and i’ll explain?”
he leaves for a few moments, opening his back porch window. he leaves it opens for you and you walk in, sliding the door shut behind you. you follow him up to his shook, gasping as you see the variety of gifts he has on his desk. there’s the bear and earrings you’ve already seen. then there’s a bouquet of roses, a couple of books, some gift cards, and some of your favorite snacks.
“how long have you had these?”
“a couple of days,” he admits. “i saw this thing online about like, a love basket. i was going to put all these things in them and give it to you.”
“didn’t you promise you wouldn’t see me anymore?”
“i would’ve left it at your door. that way you technically wouldn’t have seen me.”
you laugh softly. you now know that he never would have given up on you. it’s kind of sweet. especially since you didn’t really want to never see him again.
“i spoke to taylor,” you say. “oh.” his eyes widen in surprise. “what, uh, what did she say?”
“everything that you said. you know, i actually feel bad for her.” you take a step towards him.
“why?” he asks. “cause it seems like you hurt her feelings when you rejected her,” you explain.
“well, she’s not the girl i want.” he moves closer to you and takes your hands into his. “i am so sorry, again. i should have walked away long before you came.”
“you should have,” you nod.
“and you are the best thing that happened to me. you make me so happy. you don’t make me feel dumb or worthless. you accept me and like me. you don’t think of me as some joke. you make me feel good. and i just want to make you feel good for as long as you’ll let me,” he confesses.
“i’ll let you for a long time,” you smile. he smiles back, leaning in and kissing you. you pull away after a few moments, giggling a little bit.
“what?” he asks. “how much money did you spent on me?” you look at his desk.
“uh, you don’t want to know.”
“you wanna take a look at them? they’re all great. i know you super well.”
he walks you to his desk. the books are form your book wishlist you’ve sent him. the gift cards are of your favorite shops. you awe, kissing him again.
“i think i know you super well, too,” you say against his lips.
“oh, yeah?” he breathes against your lips.
“let me show you.”
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thejournallo · 2 months
tag: @aestheticlizalis
As always, I will love to hear your thoughts! and if you have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer them! If you liked it, leave a comment or reblog (that is always appreciated!). if you are intrested in more method check the masterlist!
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Every time I end up talking about the void state, there is a part of me that tends to raise awareness about the void itself. It is a thing the void does not help you manifest, like the void state. In this post, I will try my best to explain how much these two things are truly different.
WARNING: COGNITO HAZARD (For those who do not know, a cognito hazard is a term used to describe an image, pattern, sound, or any other kind of sensory signal that directly causes harmful or undesired physiological or physical effects to one who senses or perceives it. (It is specifically used as a warning when talking about "forced awakening" things like the void.)
You are free to believe or not believe every word I will say in this post, and you are free to not believe every word I say. If, while reading this, you start to feel a negative emotion or a sensation as if you are lost or bodily or emotionally sick, DO NOT CONTINUE READING.
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let's get deeper in this rabbit hole shall we? 
i will talk breefly about the void state and then i will get in a more detailed way into what the void is, just because i aready explained the void state many times.
the void state:
is a state of deep meditation where you feel like floating and feel nothingness embodies you, making you feel one with the universe helping you to manifest. (Click the name if you actually want to know more.)
the void:
The void is nothing and everything at the same time. Let me explain better: the void is a place where everything is possible and exists, but at the same time is impossible and does not exist.  The thing is, the void in itself is a pass to every other dimension because every dimension resides in the void, even the cursed ones or the ones that never will be or never were timelines.  As a person with a lot of experience in the void itself, I will tell you that it is not a nice place.  Every kind of entity can catch you, good or evil, whatever they might be. As mere humans in the void, we are exposed to a lot of deep-rooted energy that corrupts our bodies in the long run. 
As humans, in the void, we can only "survive" in the backrooms.
what is a backroom?
One thing that is definitely more popular than the void itself are the backrooms that reside in the void. The backrooms became popular around 2012 as a SCP thing as images of liminal spaces. But I assure you, they are pretty much real, and they have many levels, not in a specific order. On every level, we can find different things and different entities, as mentioned before. We can find the good ones that will try to keep you safe and the bad ones that will literally try to kill you. 
I will also add that the backroom exists because we are the front room, so for every timeline in existence, there is a backroom, and much like the universe, the void is pretty much endless, so there are infinite possibilities for the frontroom and the backroom.
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why im i telling you this?
because I talk from experience, and let me tell you some of them were not fun. Still to this day, when I go to sleep, I find myself in the void. Bruh, I don't know how it simply happens. And that's been my life since I was 14 years old. I had my time to understand and learn a few rules to exit the backrooms fast enough or not to be killed. 
I will put them at the end, but first, a little check on the main differences that we found out about the void state and the void itself:
The void state is a meditation; the void is an "endless place.".
The void can be a dangerous place, but the void state is harmless.
The void state helps us connect with the universe; the void is not used to manifest.
The void is a constant state of rooted energy, which means, in more basic words, that the energy in the void is dirty, and on the long run, a normal human will not "survaive.". In the void state, it is your energy.
In the void state, we find only ourselves; in the void, we can find an endless amount of dimensions, timelines, frontrooms and backrooms, entities, and liminal spaces. Some are all put together.
If you decide to go into the void state, it is a conscious decision. You can mistakenly enter the void by just falling asleep.
Those are the main differences, just because I can't say much more about the void itself because, as said before, it is a forced awakening, and I don't want people to feel sick with too much information. 
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if by mystake you enter the backrooms here some rules that will help you get out faster:
Don't scream; you will give off your location to any type of entity. In whatever level you enter, you will find the exit in the same level.
Not every level is scary. Some have flowers and are pretty; others are simple rooms. Those levels are safe as long as you don't hurt yourself. Be careful.
Don't take stairs, and don't jump in holes or on poles. Again, you will find the exit on the same level as you entered.
If you see fluffy entities, look at their eyes first. If the eyes are blue, they are friendly; any other color is to be avoided.
There is only one entity that is 100% friendly and will help you. It looks like a shadow with no features; it does not talk, but you will understand her.
If you hear a sound, go in the opposite direction; if you feel like a sound surrounds you, hide and stay still no matter what; some entities don't have eyes.
If you can't find the exit, pray to whatever god you believe in, and good entities will find you and help you.
On rare occasions, you might find other humans; don't trust them; they are no longer humans.
and I think that I said everything that has to be said. If you have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer them, and I hope you did not feel sick or do any negative things from this post.
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growingblooms · 2 years
inspirational post <33
I never understood why loa bloggers said “persistence is key” until I actually persisted.
My mindset was the worst. I was THAT kind of person “I’m the exception the law doesn’t work for me☹️” or “I don’t think I have xyz I feel like I’m lying to myself💆‍♀️”. I used to write huge lists of things to manifest and start a plan to manifest them all. Then I would affirm for them and feel good but even the slightest of doubts could crash the mindset I was “building”. See here I was wrong. You think you need to grow your mindset to manifest instantly blablabla not true😠!! You are not growing your God mindset you were born with it, you’re only telling the doubts and worries to stfu cause they are not you. 💅🏻I will say this forever. YOU DO NOT HAVE DOUBTS the ego does. There’s no mindset to be changed, there’s just an ego to be crashed. All you need to do is choose what you want and P E R S I S T. Persisting isn’t important just for your desires to show up in the 3d. Persisting is crucial for your mindset. You can’t expect to “start over” every time you doubt. No matter the ups and downs your “mindset” has YOU gotta persist. DECIDE not to resonate with those bad feelings and worries and soon enough you won’t feel like ur sayin ur affirmations lying to yourself, you’ll feel like ur directly talking about your life in the 4D. By doing this my mindset shifted in one day. That day I woke up feeling amazing, I did my affirmation routine and then everything dropped. I started questioning everything like “why the hell am I feeling good” “hold on now do I actually have xyz”. Usually I would���ve started over my whole manifestation “journey” but I got so mad istg. I was like bruh I was doing so good before affirming what the hell happened. Well this is what happened. After affirming I felt so good that my ego had to come in right away. I wasn’t used to feeling so good. But I had been there before so this time I decided to let it pass. Even if once again I felt like I was lying to myself when affirming, I kept saying “no I know I have xyz, this is simply my EGO”. Hours later I had entered the sabbath state. I knew because I went out that day not caring AT ALL about my 3d. I was wild seriously I started looking around in the 3d in the worst circumstances KNOWIN they weren’t real. It felt so liberating. It felt like the 3D was this dead reality and that everything could be changed. Spoiler that’s what it is!! I knew this time it was the final mindset shift because I had felt like that before but I always knew these great feelings were gonna pass and I would go back to doubting. This time it lasted and it just felt so right and pure. Moral of the story You cannot fail. You think you can fail because you have doubts? You persists and those WILL go away. AINT NO DAMN WAY THEY WONT GO AWAY AND YOU KNOW IT. I DONT CARE IF YOU WERE DOING SO GOOD FOR A WEEK AND THEN EVERYTHING CHANGED. YOU PERSIST BECAUSE THE REAL YOU (GOD) STILL NEEDS TO COME OUT. idek how to explain it. It’s like you were never meant to suffer on this earth, you were meant to feel so limitless that everything you want comes to you. KEEP PERSISTING CAUSE YOU CANNOT FAIL.
Okay bye <33
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chaosology · 10 months
lurking ii
sam kerr x reader (social media)
sorry for such a wait? hope it is ok, you know i love a slowburn :) more to come. part i is here | materlist
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liked by samkerr20updates, alinajj and 13,202 more
dailymailau Matilda’s Skipper Sam Kerr and the team has touched down in Perth ahead of Friday’s game. See the rest now 👉📷
kerrmylife mums home finally, the kids missed you
y/nlovies omg
margotmyheart need all the famous aussies to get together rn
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liked by myy/n, samanthakerr20 and 842,220 others
y/nofficial back in the motherland!
harinef we miss you ☹️
mybestbarbie Does this mean she’s back in Perth?
mothery/n yes!! that’s where she grew up
alannakennedy So lovely to meet you! ❤️
y/nofficial ⚽️ ⚽️
wifeykerr 👀
mothery/n let sam and y/n meet please :’)
elliecarpenter 🥰🥰
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liked by mothery/n, samkerr20updates and 9,721 more
y/nkerrtruther had to make an IG for all my detective work, but i swear my faves are hanging out!! Sam deleted her story so quick but it’s definitely the same place the team was eating at 👀 👀
mothery/n i’d actually die if we had proof of them even slightly interacting
kerrkerrkerr frrr i’d actually die
y/nkerrtruther keep up the prayer circles guys it’s paying off
emilia.jodes such a reach but ok
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liked by y/nlovies, mothery/n and 23,459 others
y/nupdatesig CONFIRMED ✅ Y/N was hanging out with the Australian soccer team today!
y/nlovies yay!!! this is so cute
hesflower oh so she goes on holiday while Harry suffers after the break up? never liked her anyway
y/nupdatesig it’s literally her hometown… she’s visiting family
harrykisses she moved on way to fast for my taste… like bitch u should be CRYING
tillies.2023 grow the fuck up omg
leila.russle my faves together 😭
stylesy/l/n4ever did you see that blind that they posted earlier???
y/nlovies no i don’t follow Deuxmoi :(
mothery/n i just reposted it !!!
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liked by alannasgoal, kerrkerrkerr and 7,827 others
mothery/n posted by Deuxmoi. Hoping the delulu H*rry fans hop off her dick 🙏
alannasgoal HAHAH caption
mia_y/l/n i always wanna believe but DM is dodgy asf
jason.cirello From one man to the next I see 🙄
mothery/n who said it was a man. also, fuck off
y/nkerrtruther let her LIVE omg
y/nkerrtruther compiling evidence as we speak.
mothery/n god’s work
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liked by maccaslefthand, y/nlovies and 23,518 others
y/nupdatesig Y/N and a friend were at the Matilda’s game today in Perth! Sent by a fan who said she apparently was in the VIP box
flowersformini damnnn they became friends fast
nadiabelova can’t u just pay to sit there??
flowersformini nope! this one is team invite only
y/nkerrtruther ain’t nobody prove me wrong yet
amymarchapologist bruh “a friend” that’s timmy chalamet
liltimmy.tim Wait, are they dating? Why is he with her in Perth
anymarchapologist he’s come over with her before!! They’re old friends, he visits her family all the time
mothery/n she’s there for the hot girls. just like me fr 💯
harrysguitar stop forcing this on her, she probably just likes football
mothery/n the fuck she doesn’t lmao, she’s said it before
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liked by y/nofficial, tchalamet and 239,729 others
samanthakerr20 Thank’s for having us, Optus! See you next week 😉
mackenziearnold Sick as 🔥
kerrkerrkerr killing whoever pushed u queen
y/nofficial thanks for the tix, sammy! ⚽️ 🥅
y/nkerrtruther IT’S HAPPENING
mothery/n OMGGGGG
alannasgoal they’re probably just friends tho
optusstadium Our pleasure 💛💚
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liked by kerrkerrkerr, samanthakerr20 and 102,003 others
perthnow She’s home! See the beach pics today via our link in bio 🔗
mothery/n hawtttt
mackenzzzie i heard she’s not the only one who was there 👀
y/nlovie RIP harry u fumbled a baddie
styles_2856 shut up wtf she’s a cheater
y/nlovie pls stop pulling this out of ur ass omg leave her alone
y/nkerrtruther THAT’S SAM’S DOG
mothery/n omg she's looking for y/n content i swear
306 notes · View notes
Player doze off in the middle of the automatic lesson with Ace, Idia & Lilia? (Bruh this happens to me when I need to wait for the flying lesson to end💀)
Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, violence, obsession, threats, religion, kidnapping, possessiveness, murder
Ace Trappola/Idia Shroud/Lilia Vanrouge-Player dozes off during automatic lessons
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Here he is, pulling off a perfect lesson and... you are sleeping?
At first he was just confused
Why was there no reaction coming from you
Usually there would be at least some sound but now it was silent... too silent!
So he tried to figure out what was happening
When he heard the soft breaths he immediately knew what was going on
His beloved Monarch was just tired
Probably the most silent you have ever heard him
Or would have heard him because... you know
But he is genuinely worried for you
Have you experienced too much stress? Have you not slept properly these last few days?
And yet, there is also a very small part of himself who is angry
This was supposed to be your time with him!
He already has to fight for your attention under normal circumstances whilst holding himself back from stabbing some poor individual who has taken too much of it in his eyes
Just... shower him with attention the second you are awake again, ok? Otherwise I really don't know if Trey, Riddle and Deuce will see the next day....
But otherwise good night! He will watch every single breath you take with that peaceful expression of yours
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He is at first just confused but then realizes that you have fallen asleep
That expression of yours.... and that soft smile whilst you sleep...
He thinks he has died and ascended
Oh what would he do if only he could be beside you, looking at you without that weird separation, daring to hold your hand...
But no, what a guilty sinner he is! How could he ever dare to ask for more than you decide to give??!
But then again, you are the Overseer, God, and who could resist your perfection?
Just as Hades was deeply in love with Persephone he is also feeling the same way about you
Plus a few bloody aspects like being aboe to tear the limbs of someone off who dared to touch you inappropriately or gouge their eyes out if they look at you for too long
You know, like lovers do.... or maybe not....
But who couldn't forgive him when he files so endearing at you with that small smile, wanting to embrace you...
Murderous husband material is all I am saying ok??!
At some point Vargas has to save him from falling from his broom whilst being high in the air
Ok, maybe more than just once.... twice... thrice....
If only he could fly up there and just grab you, take you with him, keep you forever
You are so much, more interesting than the new game he bought just yesterday and this means something
Sleep tight Overseer, he will make sure that soon you will be by his side, taken we'll enough care of so that you don't fall asleep randomly
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I am serious, he will think this is some sort of divine blessing
Wait... you fell asleep which makes you incredibly vulnerable.... DOES THAT MEAN YOU TRUST HIM WITH YOUR LIFE??!
Oh, dear Overseer, you are a kind divine being, blessing him with such trust!
Lilia won't disappoint you! How could he! He needs to make sure that no one disturbs your rest!
Why is he holding a sword and... oh
He is just threatening others to decapitate them if they are too loud
Aka if they are making a sound that is louder than breathing
And whilst he presses cold steel against throats there is only one thought in his head
“Awww! How cute!!!”
How your hair is slightly messy, your cheek squished against the pillow, your soft breaths escaping your lips....
This is a dream come true for Lilia
After all, he did plan to make you sleep for a long time if you were to deny him the love he deserves
And now you are even perfect whilst sleeping! How... for the lack of a better term, perfect!
He would cuddle you, keep you close to himself and hide you away from the prying eyes of the world
After all, how could he let it steal this view from him which you meant for only him to be seen!
1K notes · View notes
saintmurd0ck · 2 years
congrats rhi!!! well deserved 👏🏼💖
🗽 - matt and frank are on the brain. what if you tried going on a date with them?? and they're making each other jealous, which eventually leads to all three of you breaking the bed in matt's apartment 👀
nik baby, thank you so much for this ask. i am so sorry it took so long, BUT i needed it to be absolutely perfect, and i think ive done it. it was absolute perfection, a joy to work on, and clearly you know me so well because this is one of my favourite things to write EVER and i will die on this hill!!!! i love you and thank you for your incredible request <3
winner's streak | frank castle x f!reader x matt murdock
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summary: you've had a little thing for your neighbours for the longest time. what's the worst that can happen when you ask them both on a date and turn it into a little friendly competition?
warnings: matt & frank roommate au, voyeurism/public exhibition, couple blind jokes, fingering, oral m and f receiving, unprotected p in v, spanking, choking, etc bruh there's so many i cant
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Your groan reverberates against the iron door, echoing into the empty space of the stairwell.
It’s impossible for your eyes to roll any further back. Of all days this rooftop is closed, why does it have to be today?
The notice scrunches in your hand as you pull it free from the door, shoving it down into your bag. You’re already annoyed about making the trek up to the rooftop, but thankfully it’s a quick trip back downstairs, and you’re outside on the fire escape in no time. The balmy afternoon wind flushes hot against your face, thin metal railing digging into your forearms as you lean forward, but your chest falls gracefully with the deep exhale that carries with it any negativity.
You’re grateful for the quiet. Besides the occasional siren, you’re high enough that you can barely hear the commotion of the streets – a rarity in this city – and apart from your noisy neighbours to the left, it’s pretty tranquil here.
Keeping an ear out for anyone disturbing your peace, you scout the apartments to either side of you, listening to the ambient sounds and whatever the street below has to offer. Nothing today; nothing except for the brush of wind rustling the trees and dislodging those clumsily pinned flyers you hate. Good.
With no one home around you, and weather almost too perfect for tanning, your hand snakes up your spine to where the strings of your bikini top lay, tied in a careless knot that comes undone in one tug. The summer heat hits your bare chest with a ferocity that surprises you, but you close your eyes and tip your head back, allowing the sun’s warmth to wash over your face and cascade down your body.
But then, it shoots straight at you; a whistling arrow that lodges itself into the centre of your chest. It’s the sound of a breath catching; an inhale so sharp you might mistake it for a hiss. Your head whips to the side.
“Frank,” you seethe, hands flying up to where you’re exposed.
He croaks out your name as your eyes level into his, bewildered stare parting his mouth in an ‘o’. He doesn’t know where to look as you muster a fake smile, tilting your head to the side so saccharinely you feel him cave inwards.
Frank’s body is still square to yours as he looks up to the sky. “Nice uh… sunny day, right?”
You scoff, arms tightening around your chest. “Cut the shit, Frank. Were you spying on me?”
His nostrils flare as he grips his coffee mug, knuckles turning white to the point where you think it’s going to break.
“Well?” you deadpan, a muscle twitching in your jaw.
He sputters at your question, and then it dawns on you.
He’s lost for words. 
Your lips curl into a smile. First of all, you’re not really mad per se, you just like seeing him squirm. Secondly, Frank fucking Castle, your utterly menacing, 6 foot, ‘women call me daddy and I benchpress 400 lbs’ neighbour is lost for words. He’s stumbling over every syllable, and it’s like you have him by the balls.
Then again, maybe you just did. 
You’ve seen the way he looks at you, not-so-slick with the little half-glances he shoots your way, or how his lips purse when he sees you in the hallway, the vein in his neck popping as an existing string of unholy thoughts undeniably course through his head. He’s always rushing to help you with something, whether it’s to carry your groceries, or to repair anything broken in your apartment.
You never complain, of course. With the way he treats you like a queen, and gets away looking like that? Yeah, you can’t fault his behaviour.
And that was just Frank’s side of things. His polar opposite, puppy-eyed roommate Matt has it just as bad for you, but Matt… oh, Matt… he makes you throb in ways you don’t understand. You’re the kind of girl who will never let a man tell you what to do, but Matt? He makes you want to get on your knees, submit yourself to him, devote yourself whole.
Matt’s not a grand gesture kind of guy as much as Frank is; he’s more of a smooth talker, knowing exactly when and how to lay on the charm. In fact, it’s not just that; he intrigues you. You’re observant – more than you give yourself credit for – and you notice the unexplainable, the somewhat impossible. It’s the bruised knuckles that so often leave his hands stained crimson, the cane that’s nowhere to be seen, the hushed phone calls and (to your displeasure), kiss-bitten lips. 
You know a body as cut as his doesn’t come from walking to the office every day.
If you go out on your fire escape at just the right time, and tip your head in just the right direction, you can hear them talking about you. You’ve never admitted it out loud, but your heart flutters with the way Frank describes you to Matt, in what you’re wearing that day, or when he says those mundane things like, ‘she bought the same toothpaste as us!’
Alright, fine. You’ll admit it.
You think about them. A lot.
And in more ways than one.
You’ve indulged in their words, in their actions, in the little things they do that makes your skin hot and your back arch. It’s always variations of the same forbidden fantasy that creep into your mind, images that become more visceral as your fingers slip beyond the thin material of your soaked panties. 
And in this fantasy, there's both of them, working you, stuffing you… until you can’t handle anymore, until you cry out both their names as you fall apart.
The worst bit? With time, your desire for them — or, whatever the hell you want to call it — has only grown stronger. It used to be that you’d run into them in the corridor, exchange a few ordinary greetings, maybe flash a pearly smile, and leave as they melt into man-sized puddles. Now if you run into each other, you all leave flustered, fumbling for the locks on your paint-chipped doors, desperately trying to conceal whatever indulgent thoughts you all harbour in your minds. 
“You okay?” Frank’s gruff voice snaps you back down to earth. 
You shake your head as you snap awake, your doe-eyes meeting his. “Hmm?”
He blushes, fingers straining against his coffee mug. “You just started starin’ off in the distance…”
You offer him a tight-lipped smile as your chest rises with a rapid breath, doing your best to ignore the second pulse that’s appeared in between your legs. 
You really had to daydream at the right time, huh?
“Look,” he coughs, diverting his gaze, again, “M’sorry for uh… interruptin’ your–”
The graphic image of his body in yours while Matt’s underneath clouds your vision, and it turns your knees to jelly. “I-it’s fine.”
You spin on your heels, intent on dropping one of your arms to reach for the side door, but you conceive an idea. 
“Hey Frank?”
You turn to face him. “Let’s go out tonight. You know that wine bar between 10th and 11th?”
He musses a hand through his hair, eyebrows raising as he nods. “Really?”
“What,” you pout, “you don’t wanna?”
A wry smile creeps across your face as he straightens his spine, the intensity of your stare a little too much for him as his eyes flick away, throat bobbing as he shifts in his stance, almost uncomfortably.
You stifle a gasp, zoning in on the faint outline of him, straining against his jeans.
Pupils blown and lips pursed, he catches you staring, watching intently as your tongue snakes out to wet your lips. The vein in his neck is as prominent as ever as his eyes wander over your body, at your bikini bottoms that leave almost nothing to the imagination, at your half-naked self standing there in his presence.
An idea crosses your mind. An insanely, obscene, insane idea, but oh, you’re devious. Frank squeezes his coffee mug tighter, eyes pulsating as the corners of your mouth upturn into a cheeky grin… 
And your hands drop from your chest.
All you hear is the soft murmur of a holy shit, the ceramic mug shattering apart in his hands, and the sound of your laugh echoing in the wind, carrying itself across the rooftops.
“I’ll see you tonight at 7, Frank.”
Matt catches you in the hallway later that day as you’re running errands, heartbeat thundering in your ears as he walks himself into your shoulder. He murmurs a quick ‘sorry’, straightening his suit jacket, preparing to continue his walk ahead.
“It’s me, Matt!” you call out, biting your lips he turns, his composure cracking with an infectious chuckle and a smile that crinkles his eyes.
He motions to his cane, shrugging his shoulders. “Whoops.”
Rolling your eyes, you push off your heels, inching closer to him, his voice smooth in your ears. “How was your day?”
You focus on a small piece of white lint sitting awkwardly on Matt’s lapel as he shifts his weight onto one foot, running your tongue over your teeth as you contemplate whether or not to flick it off.
“Actually,” you start, heat singeing the back of your neck as Frank pops into your mind, “you know what? It wasn’t that bad. How was yours?”
Matt chuckles half-heartedly, nodding. “That’s uh, that’s great to hear. Mine was… well, we received a hundred rhubarb pies as payment today. S’for a client we helped a while back.”
He leans his head in towards your giggle, hand flying up to loosen his tie. “Alright, I’m exaggerating,” – he tips his head to the side – “I’m told there were… four, at best, but Foggy’s acting like we have that many.”
A moment of silence passes between you, nothing but a gust of warm wind filling the negative space. Your breath picks up as your mind races. Say something. Anything.
A look of uncertainty flashes across Matt’s face as he purses his lips, hand coming up to brush against his stubble. “Look, I’ve– I’ve been meaning to ask you for a while, but–”
“For a while?” you interject, raising your eyebrows.
“Yeah, a while,” – he rounds his shoulders, both hands gripping his cane – “d’ya wanna get a drink somewhere?”
“Are you asking me on a date, Matthew?”
He laughs, cheeks reddening at your question. “Only if that’s fine with you.”
“Hang on a second, how long exactly have you been thinking about this?”
Flustered, Matt pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose, dimples showing as he tries to hide his sheepish smile. “A while.”
“Stop me when I get close.”
He grins from ear-to-ear. 
“One month?” you ask. 
You feign surprise. “Three months?”
Matt laughs as you gasp, loudly. Too loudly. “A year.”
“Longer than that, sweetheart.” 
The nickname pools in your thighs, heating the tips of your ears, forcing you to bite back a moan.
“Are you doing anything tonight?” Matt asks, nudging your foot with his cane. 
What about Frank?
What about Frank?
The memory of the obvious tent in Frank’s jeans tugs on the knot building behind your stomach.
“I– well, I have the apartment to myself tonight, so I could cook. For you,” Matt says, voice lined with anticipation.
“Huh,” you look up, swallowing a laugh. “Frank isn’t home tonight?”
Matt scrunches his face. “Uh… no. He said he had something on. I figured I might as well take advantage of the quiet.”
In an instant, a thought blossoms in your mind. It’s devious, it is so goddamn devious, but oh…
So are you.
You step forwards, breath coming out a little shaky as the heat from his body reflects onto yours. Reaching a hand up to his lapel, you brush off the lint you were eyeing earlier, indulging in the earnest grunt that falls from Matt’s lips. 
“7 PM,” you whisper in his ear. “Meet me at the wine bar between 10th and 11th.”
He presses your hand against his collarbone, holding it steady as he tilts his head downwards. You’re shuddering at his touch, at the warmth and tingles it shoots through your veins, at the unexpected coarseness of his hands. 
“It’s a date,” he confirms, letting go of your hand, the dimples in his grin remaining as he unlocks the door to his apartment.
The wine bar is intimate; only the sounds of hushed whispers and the clinking of glasses keeping you company. You tap your fingers against the lacquered wooden table, sucking in your cheeks as you look at the time. 7.15 PM. You’re a little annoyed, not just at the fact that they’re late, but at the straps of your sundress, thin and finicky things sliding off your shoulders with even the tiniest of movements. A sigh escapes your lips, condensation blooming across the wineglass in front of your face. Maybe they figured you’d double booked them, asked them to the same venue and on the same date without saying much more. So much for your devious little plan, huh?
You pick at your nails, wine crisp on your tastebuds, each subsequent sip making you dizzy, but slowly taking the edge off. Who cares if they don’t show up? You need a night out anyway. 
As if on cue, the door opens, catching on the little silver doorbell, and Frank steps inside, a bouquet of flowers in hand. Your breath hitches in your throat as you take him in. He’s somehow even more ruggedly handsome tonight, sharp jawline perfectly illuminated by the warm lighting. 
He apologises to you profusely, pulling you in for a tight hug, the contact from the muscles flexing under his thin shirt heating your skin. He motions to the bartender for a glass of whatever you’re having, setting the flowers down beside you.
He rests his forearms on the table, dark eyes peering into yours. “Will you excuse my tardiness, pretty girl?”
Oh, my fuck. What the hell is it with you and nicknames?
‘Pretty girl’ jolts you upright with a throb, and it takes every single ounce of strength you possess not to just uproot him by the collar and have him right then and there. Unfortunately, your reaction is poorly masked, and you’re forced to watch as Frank’s knowing smile grows, stretching larger as the bartender brings him his drink.
“Cheers,” he says, lifting his glass to yours, tongue peeking out to wet his lips, eyes moving lazily up and down your torso.
Frank leans back in the booth as he takes a sip, his shirt riding up to expose the smallest sliver of skin. “So, uh, if you don’t mind me asking, what’s the reason for,” – he waves his hands around – “all this?”
You swallow what’s left of your wine, pressing your lips together. What were you supposed to say, that you were sick of the sexual tension and all you wanted was to have fun with Frank and his equally sexy roommate?
You say something else instead. “I like being spontaneous, Frank.”
He cocks his head to the side, raising his eyebrows. “S’that so?”
You let out a sharp laugh. “I’m sick of doing the same thing all the time, and I need a little change in scenery.”
Frank shuffles towards you, muscles rippling under his long-sleeved shirt. “And you think I can do that for ‘ya?”
A half-smirk tugs on the corners of your lips as your fingers start to dance to where his hands are resting on the table…
But you jerk your hand back, ears pricking up at the sound of the door swinging open and slamming against the wooden frame, followed by a loud ‘sorry’ offered to whoever’s tending the bar.
Your stomach turns as the bartender guides Matt to your table at your signal.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
Still think this is a good idea?
You’re not sure where to look as Frank’s sour expression shoots daggers straight at you, moving over hesitantly to make room for Matt in the booth. 
Matt’s cold shoulder towards Frank is way too obvious as he sits down, setting his neatly folded cane on the table. 
“I’m sorry I’m late,” he swallows, “I had something I had to… take care of. But I came here as soon as I could.”
You glance down, flinching at the scabs across his knuckles, at the deep purple bruise on his cheek marring his features. There it is again, that thing about him you can’t quite figure out. 
“Yeah, okay, the fuck is this?” Frank turns to you, quizzical look bordering on anger. 
“I’m sorry, I thought this was a date,” – Matt chimes in, wagging his finger at you – “between the two of us”. 
“She asked me here, Red,” Frank whips his head around, shoulders tensing.
Matt scoffs, throwing his head back. “You? She asked you.”
Frank grits his teeth, fists clenching tightly together. “Shut the hell up. At least I had the decency to get the lady flowers.”
Matt laughs scornfully. “Oh yeah Castle, that’s so original of you.”
“We needa take this outside, Red?” 
The clink of three whiskey glasses being set down on your table is loud enough to collapse their argument. 
The server clears their throat. “Excuse me. Courtesy of that man over there,” — they pause, pointing — “if you keep it down.”
You thank the server, flashing an apologetic smile at the man in the corner, and pull a glass towards you, tipping it straight into your mouth. Frank does the same, waving at the bar for three more, while Matt sips his furtively, licking his lips before he swallows.
“I can explain,” you start, grateful for the warmth of the whiskey spreading through your veins.
Your face grows hot as Matt and Frank sit back in the booth, training their attention on you. With your heart thundering in your chest, the alcohol rushes to your head, hitting you with that little bit of confidence you need.
You lean forwards on the table, cocking your head to the side. “Let’s not sugarcoat this, alright?”
Frank shoots a sideways glance at Matt.
“You two think you’re so slick with your looks, and comments and… sink fixing,” you say, fingers curling into fists, “but the truth is, you don’t hide it well. At all.”
Matt presses his lips together as he slides his glasses up the bridge of his nose, while Frank takes a shallow breath.
Your forearms are now completely on the wood as you inch closer. “If you want me, you can just say so.”
The space between the three of you suddenly goes dead quiet; so quiet it’s as if time has fallen away, leaving you in your own little bubble.
“It’s lucky,” you pause, “that I have an affinity for you both. And I thought maybe… just maybe, we could have a little fun together.” You turn your head, making sure Frank catches the mischievous glint in your eyes.
You’re so far forwards now that your head is in between theirs, and you bring your hands up to their cheeks, pushing them closer to you. With their heads almost touching, and your lips one breath away from their ears, you feel the shudder running through their spines reverberate into your body. “Maybe we can make it a little interesting, hmm? Only if you’re up for it,” you wink.
Matt’s smirk peaks your nipples, spurring you to lower your voice, words dripping like honey. “Let’s just say the person who makes me cum the most tonight can take me on a real date.”
To his credit, Matt keeps his cool, merely interlacing his hands together on the table, sucking his cheeks in. Frank curses under his breath, gaze narrowing as he studies you, contemplating your proposition.
Matt is the first to speak, his voice dipping an octave. “Let’s go.”
Frank jerks his head in Matt’s direction, eyes wide. “Huh?”
Matt’s tone is insistent now. “Let’s get outta here.”
“Fuck, Red,” Frank whispers, hand coming up to stroke his chin, as the server sets three more whiskeys down on the table. 
You exchange a glance with Frank before you throw back the liquid, head shaking as it burns the back of your throat. They follow suit, wasting no time at all, and while Frank leaves a generous tip at the table, you make a beeline for the door.
The cab is way too small for the three of you, but you squeeze into the middle seat anyway, biting back a wicked grin as Matt leans forward to give the driver his address. 
There’s not a lot of space – well, not when you’re caught between two individuals with the muscle mass of an entire Planet Fitness combined – but you try to relax, heart racing as your body presses up against theirs. Something clenches in your jaw as you shuffle in the seat, the paper-wrapped bouquet of flowers crinkling by your feet. You’re not sure where to put your hands, but they come to settle at the edge of your sundress, where it’s ridden up almost beyond the point of modesty.
A thick finger sweeps against the back of your neck, catching you off-guard. The half-gasp half-cough you let out is louder than intended, and it draws the attention of the cab driver, who looks at you from his rearview mirror.
“Everything okay, miss?” he asks, concerned.
You will yourself to snap out of it, out of that lust-filled daze, squeezing your legs together as the throbbing in between your thighs intensifies. 
“Yes,” you gulp. “Everything’s fine, thank you.”
Frank waits until the driver flicks his gaze back to the road ahead. “Didn’t mean to scare ‘ya, sweetheart. You want me to stop?”
You purse your lips. “No.”
He takes his hand away from your neck and hovers over the patch of skin your sundress did cover. He drags the tips of his fingers up your thigh, stopping just high enough to hear the tremble in your breath, shooting you a half-smirk as you suck your cheeks in. 
“Frank.” Matt’s tone is stern as he tilts his chin upwards, nostrils flaring with his rising temper. “I thought we agreed to wait.”
Frank’s laugh is mirthlessly low. “Who said that, Red?”
You stare at your knee, at the big hand that’s found its mark. You’ve never noticed how gorgeous Frank’s hands are, the way he keeps his fingernails neatly trimmed, forked veins on the topside pulsating as he grips tighter, the light pink striations of healed scars running over his knuckles. And those fingers… God, if his fingers are that thick already, what would his–
You bite down on your lip, hard, as Frank pulls your knee towards him, spreading you apart in the seat. Fuck. Every nerve in your body is on fire as he lifts your hand up to his mouth, static electricity buzzing as his lips graze over your knuckles.
While Frank’s other hand slides under your dress, up to where the thin waistband of your panties sit, Matt leans over, as if to fix his seatbelt. Your eyes lull back in your head as he creeps forward instead, fingers skimming the inside of your thigh, their combined actions threatening to elicit a moan from your lips. 
You’re not in control anymore. 
Actually, you haven’t been in control for ages. It takes all of your willpower – well, what’s left of it – to not cry out, to not sit as far back as possible and let them…
“That’ll be $29.30,” the driver announces, brakes screeching as he pulls up outside your apartment building. 
“Fuck!” you curse under your breath, reaching for your purse as you pull down your dress.
Matt grabs your wrist, locking it in place as he takes out his wallet, gliding one finger along the top of the bills. 
“I think this is a 50… Frank, a little help please?” Frank grunts in agreement as Matt hands the bill to the driver. “Keep the change.” 
You don’t care that you flash Frank a little as he helps you out, smirking as you watch his chest tighten at the little scrap of fabric barely covering you, clenching the bouquet of flowers in his other hand. You yelp as he pulls you out towards him, flush against the hard muscle of his chest.
His gaze is piercing as he tips your chin upwards, irises paper thin around blown pupils. “You sure you know what you’re gettin’ into, pretty girl?” 
You swat his hand away. “Oh Frank, I’m not quite sure you’re ready for me.”
“What, you think I can’t handle you or somethin’?”
He trains his eyes on your mouth as it shifts into a wry smile, your tongue darting out to lick your lips in one smooth motion. Frank opens his mouth to retort, to say something with the intention of buckling your knees, but Matt walks up to you with perfect timing, offering you his arm.
“Walk with me?”
Frank groans, throwing his head back. “How many times do I have to tell ‘ya, Red? You can’t keep using that trick. What happens the day someone says no, huh? Can’t walk by yourself?”
A hearty laugh bubbles from Matt’s chest. “First of all, go to hell. Secondly,” – his voice drops to a whisper – “no one’s gonna say no to a blind man.” 
He turns to you, arm still on offer. “Right, sweetheart?”
You savour the priceless look on Frank’s face as you take Matt’s arm, linking it in yours. “Absolutely, Matthew.”
The walk upstairs to their apartment is excruciatingly slow; every step laced with the type of tension that sits thickly in the air. Arm still in tow with Matt’s, Frank trails behind the two of you, the thud of his boots against the wood echoing loudly in the stairway. You can feel him staring at you, at the way your dress flutters with each step upwards, the little glimpses of your ass making his mouth go dry.
Matt stops on the next landing, jerking your arm to do the same. Wordlessly, he drops his cane to the ground, unlinking his arm, tilting his chin upwards as if to settle his phantom gaze on you.
His lips are on yours before you can say anything, hands dropping to your waist, inching you towards the wall until he has you pinned. You mewl as he slips the straps of your dress off your shoulders, trailing his kisses down your neck, pressing himself into you.
“If there’s anything you’re uncomfortable with,” – he rasps, nipping a sensitive spot on your neck – “you tell us, okay?”
He smirks against your mouth as you tell him ‘yes’, dragging the tips of his fingers from your collarbone down your arm.
But the kiss is over as quickly as it started.
“Hey, hey, hey, what the fuck, Red?” Frank spits, yanking Matt back by the collar.
“Fuck you, Frank,” Matt retorts, stepping forward as his hands tighten into fists.
You stifle a giggle, trying your best not to show your amusement at the flowers that undercut Frank’s tone. 
Frank looks at you, nostrils flaring at the way Matt’s messed up your hair. “Darlin’, it’s a fair competition, yeah?”
Matt interjects as you start to agree. “Alright, Castle, then tell me how much fun you had before I got there. You had a head start.”
Frank throws his hands up in the air, shaking his head. “For God’s sake Red, I didn’t ask for you to be late–”
Matt presses his lips together, cupping his hands over his face, the exasperation in his voice imminent. “I had things to do, Frank, I–” 
You clear your throat. “Why don’t you two save this for when we’re upstairs, huh?”
They turn their heads in your direction, nodding.
The two remaining flights of stairs disappear under your feet in a matter of seconds.
You swear you hear a crack as Frank bursts into the apartment, ushering you in as he scrambles to kick the front door closed. Matt lets out a little laugh as you drag him inside, stomach twisting as he yanks your hand, spinning you towards him. His lips find yours in an instant as he shrugs his suit jacket off, hands coming up to cup your jaw. 
Bouquet of flowers still in hand, Frank rushes to find a vase, faucet creaking as he waits for it to fill up.
“Hey!” he yells out, “Better not start anything without me!”
Matt breaks away from your kiss to undo his tie, whipping his head towards Frank in the kitchen. “Like you waited in the cab?”
He groans into your mouth as your tongue swipes along his bottom lip, teeth gently clashing together as he steadies his hands on your face. 
“Frank?!” Matt calls, pulling off his glasses.
“Here.” Matt throws his glasses at Frank, who catches them in one hand, setting them onto the counter with a soft click.
As his mouth meets yours again, Matt’s hands begin to wander. As his thumbs brush over your nipples, he dances his fingers upwards, lingering for a moment on the hollow of your throat, coaxing a soft gasp from you as he uses a knuckle to trace its outline. 
His lips skirt your collarbone as he lifts your dress up, grunting as he kneads your ass, grinding his hard cock into your leg. He continues moving his hands up to where your panties sit on your hips, picking at the waistband, listening intently for the snap of the elastic against your skin as he lets go.
There it is again, that fucking smirk. 
“Matt,” you exhale sharply, nipping at his earlobe as he snaps your waistband once again. “Matt…”
“God, I love it when you say my name like that,” he groans, tugging your panties down your thighs.
He presses closer to you, wedging his hand under your dress, tracing a finger up your slick folds. You’re squirming in place, chest heaving as he puts pressure on your clit, circling it in a way that pulls on the knot building behind your stomach. 
You make a sound you’ve never heard before as Frank comes up behind you, thick hands gripping your waist, holding you in place, steadying you for something you’ve only ever fantasised about.
Matt sinks his fingers into you, thumb still moving over your clit, brushing up against that spot that makes you see stars. 
“Attagirl,” Frank whispers, as you tip your head back into his shoulder, vision going blurry at the way Matt curls his fingers inside you. 
You’re a mess, dripping all over his hand, keening into his touch. 
Frank’s voice is husky in your ear. “Look up at – that’s right, baby, look up at me.”
You stare into Frank’s eyes, mouth parted in a perfect ‘o’ as Matt growls, thumb so slick with your arousal that he glides over your clit with ease. All you manage to get out is ‘mmhm’ before Frank brings his fingers to your lips, commanding you to ‘suck’. 
Frank purses his lips, throat bobbing as you seal your mouth around his fingers, bucking against Matt’s touch, eyes rolling back as he hits the back of your throat, tears threatening to spill from your eyes.
“That’s right, darlin’,” Frank rasps, watching the uneven rise and fall of your chest, the telltale sign of your impending release.
Your cry is muffled as your orgasm rips through your body, flooding Matt’s hand, his own slacks staining with his leaking precum. There’s a string of spit clinging to Frank as he slides his fingers out from your mouth with a pop, but it doesn’t phase him; not one bit. In fact, he tips his head down to look at you like a trophy, something like a mix of awe and desire manifesting in his darkened gaze.
You wobble as Matt and Frank step away from you, slipping your dress off as you right your balance on the couch behind, bracing your wrists on the soft leather. 
But there’s no rest for the wicked, and Frank beckons you towards him as he pulls his shirt off, leaving it in a heap on the floor. He sweeps you in for a kiss, full lips insistent against yours. He’s a little rougher than Matt, but somehow, his mouth is more forgiving, warm and soft as it melds to yours. You break the kiss, stepping back for a second to look him up and down, taking in as much detail as possible.
“Holy hell,” you say, Frank’s responding expression evidence that you actually said that out loud, and not in your head.
He looks at the floor, shyly messing a hand through his hair. “S’there uh… something you like?” 
“Something I like?!” you exclaim, ogling him. 
“Shut up, Frank. How the– Oh my God, Matt, get over here,” you command, motioning Frank to come up behind you.
You waste no time in unbuttoning Matt’s shirt, working your way from top to bottom. Unlike Frank and his efforts to woo you by walking around shirtless, you’ve never seen Matt without clothes on. He’s always in something, to your disdain…
Until now.
A gasp escapes your lips – partly from the way Frank’s leaving marks all over your neck – at Matt’s tanned skin underneath, at what he’s been hiding this entire time. You run your hand over the vast expanse of him, jaw dropping as he flexes underneath your hand, rigid muscle sending heat to your core. Your heart stills at the scars flecking his torso, some well healed, some angry and red as if they’re new. 
Frank skirts his fingers over your nipples, pulling from you the tiniest whimper. 
“Uh…” Matt starts, vacant eyes flicking upwards. “I can explain–”
Your voice hushes to a whisper. “Don’t worry about it, Matty, j-just… just c’mere, okay?” 
The sound of Frank’s belt being unbuckled makes your breath catch in your throat, the clinking of metal ringing faintly in your ears as your fingers graze the deep vee lines on Matt’s hips. You watch as Matt sucks his cheeks in, cock twitching against the fabric of his slacks as you hook yourself into his waistband, pulling him closer to you by his belt.
Your mouth melts against his before you turn to Frank, who you know is desperate for attention from the way his arousal presses hard into your back. His tongue slips against yours, hand curving your jaw, tracing the contours of your face before it settles on your breast, drawing out a stifled moan as he rolls your nipple with his thumb and forefinger.
“Alright Red,” Frank pants into your mouth, “I’m done being nice.”
Matt laughs scornfully as he kisses your neck hungrily, reaching around to your aching cunt once more. 
Frank grunts as you palm him over his underwear, throwing his head back at the sensitivity of your touch. “Baby, did he make you cum good?”
You gulp, nodding as Frank smacks Matt’s hand away, rough fingers taking residence on your clit. “Yeah, Frank.”
He flashes you a cheeky grin. “Really? ‘Cause that was altar boy’s first time touchin’ a pussy.”
Matt puffs his chest out, striding forward. “Oh, you–”
Frank offers Matt nothing but a smug laugh as he picks you up over his shoulder, fingers digging into your waist as he carries you to the couch like you weigh nothing. Goosebumps erupt all over you as the cool leather makes contact with your skin, then as Frank knocks your knees apart with the push of a hand. A chill runs down your spine as you bare yourself to them, and although you know Matt can’t see you spread out like you want him to, you get the idea he knows exactly what’s going on; maybe the scent of your heightened arousal is easier for him to pick up.
“I haven’t let you off the hook, Castle,” Matt snarls. “You and me? After this we’re gonna settle it our way, yeah?”
“If it makes you sleep better at night, then yeah,” Frank retorts, head settling in between your legs.
Matt curses under his breath, fists coming up to press against his forehead. “Okay– just, fine. Just describe her to me Frank? Can you do that, then we’re even?”
“For now.”
“Fine, for now.”
You wiggle up on the couch, propping yourself up by your elbows as Frank flares his nostrils, inhaling you before him. “Fuck Red… the way she’s lyin’ on her back, spread out like this…”
Matt shudders as he palms himself, nodding. 
You feel yourself heating up as you continue listening. “And she’s– she’s fucking drippin’, God, fuck.”
“Yeah?” Matt pants, shrugging off his slacks, hand closing around his cock as it springs free, tip leaking with precum. “Keep going.”
“And now, I’m gonna lick her pretty little clit.” Frank looks into your eyes, lips pressed together in a hard line. “You want me to do that for you, baby?”
The way your breath shakes as you say ‘yes’ makes the both of them smirk.
Then, Frank’s tongue flattens against your clit, drawing from you a sound you’ve only ever made while fantasising about them, only in the privacy of your bedroom, of your shower, and wherever else you’ve thought about them. Your back arches as he licks wet circles into you, pressure feeling like velvet on the most sensitive part of your body.
Matt finds a spot next to you as he strokes himself, eyes squeezed shut as the sounds you make travel through his body. You reach out, wrapping your hand around his cock as he leans over to play with your tits, marvelling at the thick length before you, at the way it looks like it was made for your pleasure.
‘Come here, Matt. You’re begging to be sucked’ are all the words you can manage in between moans, but he comes up right next to you, slapping his tip on your tongue. He groans as you lick along the underside of him, along the prominent vein that pulsates with every touch. He lets out a half-cry as you seal your mouth over him, taking him in so deep that he hits the back of your throat. 
You start to bob your head, hand coming up to work his shaft in tandem, but Frank’s tongue slipping itself into the warmest, wettest part of you breaks you wholly, head tipping back as your peak sails through you.
Mouth and chin glistening with your cum, Frank looks up at you smugly, watching your erratic breathing as you come down from your high. He wipes his mouth before pushing off the couch to take his underwear off, cock so hard it slaps against his stomach. Your mouth goes dry at the girth, legs crossing over from the thought of him stretching you out; the pain that’ll give way to pleasure. 
You get off the couch to kneel between them both, rug under your knees semi-cushioning you from the hardwood floor. A shudder runs through your body as you look up at them, standing tall over you, every hard contour of muscle illuminated in the dim light of the apartment. Pupils dilated and mind buzzing with the thought of every single thing you’d like to do to their bodies, you reach upwards, hands closing around their cocks, throbbing and warm under your touch. Your strokes are languid as you relish in the sounds that tumble from their mouths, string of curses music to your ears. 
As your pace quickens, Matt tangles a hand in your hair. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this for,” he says, jerking your head back ever-so-slightly at the jolt of pleasure that runs through his body.
“Hmm,” you chuckle, flattening your tongue on his head, the half-howl half-cry he gives you making your legs shake. “And what about you, Frank?” You look up at him with innocent eyes as you shift to his cock, coating him in your saliva as he fucks the back of your throat.
He ruts into your mouth, grunting the words out. “Ever since I first laid eyes on you, darlin’.”
You move back to Matt, hand gliding easier along Frank’s length with the help of your spit, licking the underside of him before you take him all into your mouth. “Did you ever think this was gonna happen?”
Frank laughs as you push them together closer to you, taking turns to blow them. “You should see Red, jerkin’ himself to the thought of you.” 
Frank jabs Matt in the chest lightly. “He’s not quiet about it.” 
Matt turns red in the darkness, pursing his lips as his cock hits a spot at the back of your throat, making you gag. “Oh and what about you, Castle?”
Frank’s voice is gruff as he reaches down to play with your nipples. “Oh shut it, Red.”
You render them speechless for a second as you stuff them both into your mouth, stretching your lips to fit them in as much as possible. They’re big, bigger than you’ve ever had, so they barely fit, but God, you’re so good, trying to please them both at the same time.
“Fuck,” they curse, voices dropping an octave, Matt’s hand coiling tighter in your hair. Tears spill down your cheeks as you get sloppier, strings of saliva following you from one cock to the other. 
“I can hear you,” – Matt pants – “saying her name in the shower.”
“Yeah, so? Maybe I did, once or twice.”
“No, no, no,” Matt laughs, “Not once or twice. All the damn time.”
Frank growls as Matt opens his mouth, fake moaning your name brazenly. “Cum for me darlin’, cum for m–”
A well placed kick to Matt’s ankle shuts him up, making him stumble backwards. “Yeah, okay, now I’m gonna say that to her for real.”
Frank shuffles behind you, bending you over the coffee table, pinning your outstretched arms at the wrists. The rug burn on your knees makes you hiss, but the resounding smack on your ass distracts you from the pain. It’s soothed by Frank’s wet cock slapping gently against his handprint, and then the trail of kisses he leaves from the welt to your pussy. He licks a broad stripe up your folds before plunging his fingers inside you, tongue exploring every part of you to see what sounds you make, what you like… what’s gonna get you to your next orgasm.
You let out a sharp exhale as you feel Frank being shoved away, the night air cold on your bare pussy, but you’re sent straight back to heaven as Matt’s mouth meets your core, tongue slipping inside your entrance as he spreads you apart with his hands. You recognise him by the way he eats you; he’s so much more gentler than Frank, taking his time with you as he worships your body.
But you’re not ready for the sensation of Frank lapping at your clit while Matt tongue-fucks your hole, the mewls and whimpers falling from your lips spurring them on to lick faster, prod deeper. You feel the pressure behind your stomach building to a crescendo, one that’s broken apart as you hear the sound of scuffling behind you, turning to see that Frank’s put Matt in a headlock. 
Your eyes roll backwards in annoyance, frustrated at the way they’ve left you high and dry, a mix of your cum and their saliva dripping down your thighs and no orgasm to match. 
“Darlin’?” Frank calls, slamming his hands on Matt’s chest.
“Yes, Frank?” you mumble, stretching your back over the coffee table.
“You want my cock?” 
In a flurry, Frank gets Matt flat on the ground enough that he can’t rise up to retaliate, not quickly at least, before pushing himself right into you. The combination of his thick girth and length makes you sweat, makes your eyes lull back in your head; the burn of the stretch slowly giving way to pleasure as he grinds into you.
He pulls back, far enough that you feel only the tip of him remaining inside, before slamming his hips into yours. You fall apart instantly as he drives his cock into that spot inside you, walls clenching and back arching as you pulsate around him.
Matt gets up, feet poised into a stance that screams ‘I’m gonna fucking kill you, Frank.’ 
“Did you? Did you just make her –”
“You’re goddamn right I did.”
Matt lets out an angry sigh before he helps you up, leading you to the dining table. He hoists you up on the table, brushing your hair to the side before grinning in your ear, every word dripping with want. “Alright sweetheart, here’s what’s gonna happen okay? I’m gonna fuck you like you deserve. None of that bullshit Castle’s been giving to you this whole time.” 
The quiver in your breath makes him chuckle. “Ready for me to fuck that pretty pussy of yours?” 
He drags his teeth along your pulse as you murmur ‘yes’ in his ear, nipping at the bruises Frank’s already left on your neck. You dig your nails into his shoulder as he traces himself on your folds, teasing you until you squeeze him, desperate for the gratification you know his cock will provide. 
Frank comes up beside you, bending down to swirl his tongue over your nipple, fingers featherlight on your clit as he rubs it in small circles. You bite down on your bottom lip as Matt guides himself inside you, pushing until he can’t go any deeper, Frank’s fingers still wedged in between you. 
He grits his teeth as he fucks you, one hand on your waist and the other wrapped around your thigh, the wet squelches of his thrusts almost too much for him to bear. Matt isn’t as girthy as Frank, but he reaches the deepest parts of you effortlessly, pistoning himself at an angle that makes you cry out his name. The way he drills himself into you echoes throughout the room, the sound of his hips snapping against yours the only thing you can focus on before you throw your head back, exploding on him.
Matt’s cocky grin makes you weak as he pulls out, chin levelling into Frank’s glowering stare. He brandishes his hands in front of him, palms pointed to you as if to say, ‘your turn now’. 
Frank huffs at Matt as he scoops his hands under your ass, pulling you closer to the edge of the table. He wastes no time in filling your body with his, bending his knees as he drives himself upwards. You’re cockdumb at this point, eyes half-lidded and utterly glazed over, dopey smile the only thing you can muster as Matt tilts your chin up to his, kissing you hungrily as you moan into his mouth. Every thrust pulls from you a little mumble of unintelligible words, every nerve of yours firing at rates you didn’t think possible.
“Who’s winning, baby? Me or Frank?” Matt purrs, tongue scraping along your bottom lip.
“You’re b– fuck! Fuck, Frank!” – you say, in between his ruthless thrusts and the wicked gleam from his smile – “You’re both so good.”
You clench so tightly that Frank pops out of you for a second, but he doesn’t wait a beat to stuff himself back into you, continuing the relentless pace you know will have you ripped apart within minutes.
“That’s not good enough for us, darlin’,” Frank grits his teeth, hands digging into your ass.
“Sweetheart, I can’t even see and I know he’s not fucking you right.”
Frank snarls at Matt, swatting him out of the way as he lifts you onto his cock, off the table. Gripping your lower back, he pumps into you harder, the new angle making you want to tip your head back and howl. Ecstasy shoots through your veins as he carries you to the bedroom, cock still buried deep inside you.
He rakes his nails up your back as he uses your waist as leverage, moving you up and down on his cock with almost no effort at all. 
“Yeah darlin’,” he groans, “You feel so fuckin’ good for me, you know that?”
You whimper in response, kissing him to muffle the cry that builds up from within… and your peak sails through your body, every muscle going taut, toes curling, fingernails leaving marks on his shoulders as your overstimulated body responds to his pleasure.
He lowers you on the bed, bracketing your head with his forearms, languid kisses matching the pace of his hips. You can feel every inch of him as he thrusts into you, body expanding to accommodate him as he stills inside.
“You’re fucking infuriating, Castle,” Matt barks, standing over the two of you as he strokes himself.
“Yeah, well, if you ain’t strong enough to fuck her standing, just say so,” Frank chuckles mirthlessly, coaxing you over the edge once more.
“You didn’t give me the goddamn chance!”
“Chance?” Frank spits, squeezing one of your tits, mattress dipping as he gets off the bed. “Oh by all means Red, be my guest.”
You’re caught between a gasp and a sharp exhale as fury embeds itself in Matt’s face, lips contorting into a snarl. You’ve never seen this side of him before; this dark edge simultaneously scaring you and turning you on more than you already are. 
Something snaps in Matt.
He moves so quickly you almost miss it, akin to lightning flashing in a thunderstorm, pile-driving Frank into the bed so hard it’s a tangle of limbs and testosterone. Frank hits the bed, hard, hissing as Matt’s fist makes contact with his jaw, and then…
The soft splintering of wood, pricking Matt’s ears, sending him on high alert.
And the bed breaks. Two out of four legs collapsing in on themselves, the entire bed sinking on one side, catching all three of you off guard. 
“Oops,” Matt grimaces, sheepish smile adorning his face.
Frank clicks his tongue, shaking his head at the broken bed as he gets up to his feet. “Goddamn it, Red. Really had to let your anger get the better of ‘ya, huh?”
You don’t care that your words are slurring a little. You’re cockdazed, and they better learn how to deal with it real fast. “Oh my God. You know what? I’m so sick of– I should’ve never made this bet if it was gonna get you two riled up like this–”
You wobble as you stand up, scowl scrunching your nose as you bare your teeth. “I’m so–”
Matt shuts you up with a kiss, not caring that your teeth clash a little, pulling you close to him by the ass. The feeling of his hard cock pressed up against your stomach melts you from within, drawing out a moan you can’t bite back.
“You’re right, sweetheart. We’re sorry,” Matt murmurs, tangling his fingers in the back of your head.
“Yeah darlin’, he’s right. We can get uh… a little competitive,” Frank lowers his voice, coming up behind you to press his kisses into your neck.
You scoff, but it’s quickly replaced by a soft sound, one that indicates you’re far from being done. 
“I dunno, Red, you think she still wants us?” Frank grits, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“Oh yeah,” Matt smirks, rubbing his cock on your clit, “I think she does.”
“I promise we’re gonna make it up to you, alright?” Frank teases, running his finger over the curve of your jaw. “Whatcha say, Red, wanna stuff her and make her scream for us?”
Matt’s devious smirk grows larger. “Only if she’s fine with it.” 
He tips your chin upwards, the action exposing your neck enough so Frank can close his hand around it. “Are you fine with that?”
“You got some making up to do, gentlemen.”
“S’that a yes?” they say together.
“Well, the bed is broken,” Matt sniffs the air, “but, we have all night and the entire apartment to explore, right?”
Matt’s grin is different now. Devilish.
And more so when Frank reciprocates it, eyes glinting with a feral hunger. “You’re damn right.”
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thecuriousquest · 9 months
Hear me out yandere nastu during his darling menstrual cycle. Like does he comfort them, watch hurt from cramps. Something like that.
And I loveee your writing 💕
Period Pains Headcanons
Tag List: @issamomma @repostingmyfavs
Warnings: Yandere themes, mentioning of periods, period symptoms, SFW
Checkout my Master List here.
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🔥Natsu doesn’t really know what’s happening. He doesn’t understand why you’re moody, craving certain foods, in constant head, back, and (what looks like to him) lower stomach pain all the time. He doesn’t get it until you explain it to him.
🔥“I’m on my period, Natsu.”
🔥“…What’s that?”
🔥Your cheeks blush as you tell him what it is while curled up in a ball under a blanket with a heating pad on your lower abdomen. He kind of begins to understand as he sits there attentively.
🔥He loves listening to you talk, even if it’s about something as personal as this. Though usually hotheaded and always rushing head first into things, he sits there listening to you. He really wants to be someone you feel like you can lean on, especially in times like this.
🔥“So, what you’re saying is, you’re gonna keep bleeding unless we somehow stop it?”
🔥You really don’t like where this is going.
🔥Without really thinking too much about it, Natsu rushes around the house trying to find something that will plug you up. He presents a thick quilt to you, and you literally feel like face palming.
🔥(Bruh, I don’t know how they deal with periods in Fairy Tail. Like, do that have pads and tampons like us? Are they somehow magical?)
🔥You tell Natsu precisely what you need, and he is more than happy to run out and get it for you. It’s a good thing he took that quest recently, so he has the money to spare. Not only does he buy you what you asked for, he buys you triple of what you asked for.
🔥When he gets home and finds you trying to heat up the pad by the fire, he asks you what you’re doing. You tell him that heat helps with the cramps, and he gets an idea.
🔥Smiling, he ups the temperature of his hand, and he places it directly where you need it. It’s a little too hot at first, but once you adjust, it feels so nice. The dragon slayer places you on his lap and holds you steady as you fall asleep on him.
🔥Even on your worst days, he loves you. Natsu will do anything to help you. You’ll never have to worry about that.
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sanjisblackasswife · 1 year
what about getting into an argument with the monster trio </33 craving angst rn
A/N: Hope u don’t mind me taking it a step further with the angst
Also I’m going to separate these because they’re long af.
Zoro Version
Sanji Version
Luffy Version
Breaking up With the Monster Trio (Angst)
Word Count: 6.2k (bruh)
Black Fem Reader in Mind
Ft. Luffy, Zoro, Sanji
CW: Lots of yelling,Implied Cheating, Reader is a Bit Toxic Herself, Cursing, Angst, No Happy Ending, Crying, It is a bit of WCI Spoiler but I tried not to put in too much so I added some situations that wasn’t canon if that makes sense lmao
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You guys actually are known for arguing in your relationship
You both argue at least once a day over something petty and everybody on the Sunny has come accustomed to it
However one day you believe your argument may have turned for the worse.
You and Zoro have been actually having less interactions since you all met back up .
Zoro taken his role as the swordsman of the crew way more seriously and though you respect it and even admire it, it’s just you barely even communicate anymore. Not even petty arguments.
When you do start to try it he just breathes out his nose and finishes what he was doing as if he didn’t care to retort back
It just wasn’t the same between you and Zoro
And you even questioned If you and him were still together
Granted you both didn’t have much time to settle where your relationship was before separating, but you still wanted to at least talk about it, but you both never had time to do so
Intimacy has been long gone. When you seen him again he didn’t even hug you back he just patted your head
He doesn’t sleep in your room anymore. If he does it’s when you’re not in there and busy on watch
It started to get to you.
You wanted to wait and give it time but it’s been weeks now and it’s almost as if he subconsciously just broke up with you over the two years
You tried getting your mind off of it seeing as now there are bigger fish to fry and stronger enemies to defeat
Eventually you and the crew meet Law again and surprisingly you two hit it off better than him and anyone else on the crew.
He didn’t find you annoying—you were level headed and relatively nice to talk to so you managed to keep him company sometimes when he wanted to separate from all of the Strawhats
The attention he gave you was platonic but it was nice none the less—-you even managed to crack a smile out of him a few times
“Y/N-ya. Come help me with this, yeah?”
You both have amazing combat skills together too and it bought you some brownie points with him
Zoro However began to notice this friendship develop immediately
But he didn’t have time to ask you about it he needed to train more
Today though, he had some time
Zoro being Zoro was lost in the forest again but managed to somehow find you and Law sitting across from each other talking. You were laughing with him not even noticing the green haired swordsman approach you from the side.
“Lost again?” Law shot at Zoro still giving you eye contact.
Zoro Just grumbled, “NO! I just happened to find you both…we’re leaving this place soon so you both should wrap up your little date.” You frowned a bit at his tone. Date?
“Date?” You got up to follow him with Law a nice distance behind you both. “We were talking.”
“Yeah you two love doing that—“
“The hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Don’t mean shit. Keep walking.”
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t a tiny bit happy seeing that Zoro at least noticed and felt jealous about you and Law’s closeness. In reality though you actually didn’t do that to get back at Zoro you enjoyed Law’s company and was refreshing to be around.
You and Zoro bickered a bit walking around the forest not even realizing you three were walking in circles because ZORO was guiding y’all.
“So if you see me talking to another woman what you’re ganna think I’m gay now?!”
“Go ahead and be gay for all I give a fuck—“
You both appeared in front of the Sunny not even realizing it still arguing.
“HEY!” Law yelled getting both of your attention walking in between you both, “We’re back. Come find me when you’re done, Y/N-ya.”
“We’re done Talking actually.” Zoro Shot back heading to the training room.
“Says who?! I ain’t finish asshole the hell is all this passive aggressiveness towards me?!”
“Oh, Shut the fuck up!”
It got awkwardly quiet on the ship. Sanji, and Nami gasped, Robin covered Chopper’s ears, Luffy and Usopp stopped playing, and Franky & Brook just paused.
Zoro looked like the vein in his head was about to explode. He was irritated beyond belief and the patience he barely had was already ran out.
“Go the fuck up the ladder now.”
You squinted your eyes at him. His teeth was gritted at yours and he began to breath a little harder. If he were to hit you you honestly wouldn’t be surprised at this point. You felt the rage coming from his body, he never got this angry with you and you never got this angry with him.
“If we aren’t ganna resolve our issues then I’m not going no where with you.”
“Resolve what exactly? The fact that you can’t be alone? Or the fact that you got bigger tits and you wanna flaunt them around to every guy you see because you crave male attention —-“
“Ain’t this a bitch— THAT’S what you think I’m doing?! You think I’m being some kind of slut or something?! I don’t need nobody’s mothafuckin’ attention if anything I’d like yours but it seems like your swords have all of it!—“
“Y/N..” Nami whispered, and walked over behind you to grab your arm since you started to approach Zoro as if your were ganna hit him.
She and Robin seen the hurt in your face for a while now when Zoro ignores you, they haven’t said anything about it but they had a feeling a fight like this was bound to happen.
“At least my swords don’t go around cheating.”
“IM ONLY CLOSE WITH HIM BECAUSE WE HAVE GOOD CONVERSATION. WE. COMMUNICATE. UNLIKE. YOU. AND I.” You pointed your finger back and fourth looking as if you were ready to shoot Zoro right then and there so Nami ran over out of worry and held you back by your arm and Usopp and Brook ran over to hold Zoro back because he had the same angry look in his eyes.
“IF YOU KNEW HOW TO SPEAK I WOULDN’T HAVE TO GO TO TALK TO OTHER MEN. Ever thought about that? Roronoa Zoro?”
Zoro stopped moving and just sighed pulling away from the two and walked the opposite way.
“Then keep communicating with him because we’re through. He can have you.”
It was almost as if none of your points were being heard. Your stomach dropped to your ass hearing him wanting to be done with you.
You scoffed.
Sanji was about to go and beat Zoro possibly to death for how he was speaking to you but you stopped him. It didn’t matter it wasn’t going to change anything.
“Sanji!” You Held him back fighting any slick of tear to fall down the rim of your waterline. “It’s fine….leave him.”
Weeks have past since the argument, the entire energy of the crew has changed. You and Zoro stayed Your distances and never even spoke a syllable to each other once. You don’t eat with the crew anymore no matter how many times Sanji tries to kick Zoro out, but you just try to avoid the trouble.
The girls tried making you feel better, even Luffy tried by doing stupid faces but you haven’t cracked a smile in you don’t know how long. Your face is deadpanned now but your eyes constantly look sad.
You don’t talk much at all either and it hurts, a literal pain in your chest. You’ve been having headaches and a bit of sickness as well. Usually when you feel bad Zoro pokes fun at you for not having his immune system and holds you all day making Sanji bring you soups and teas. But that’s in the long past and now you’re alone in your room. Eyes were puffy, hair was wrapped in a tight scarf, and you had on nothing but a loose shirt and shorts as everybody except you, Franky, and Chopper were out on some new land. Nothing but the sounds of the crashing water and your subtle sniffles fill the room. You wasn’t sure if it was sniffs from being sick or sad but you didn’t care to figure out which
You sat up and decided to just read a book until you fell asleep again. You rummage through your stuff and found a picture. From two years ago. It was the first time you kissed Zoro and Luffy managed to sneak a lot of pictures, from when you both were caught, to Sanji looking pissed, to Zoro chasing Luffy and Sanji chasing Zoro. It was the first night Zoro confessed, how much you meant to him, how much he loved you, but didn’t “like” you, how much you drove him crazy—
And how much he wanted to be with you even after you both achieved your goals.
All the wonderful memories of you and Zoro pulled out some tears blurring your vision, you laughed at yourself with your cheeks now being stained, how stupid could you be to fall for him so hard?
Your chest hurts again. More than it did before it nearly felt like you couldn’t breathe, you hit the back of the wall and slid down crying in ache and pain in silence. Even moreso because now when you see Zoro from the times you mindlessly glanced at him, he looks happier to be without you than with you.
Is this what a heart break felt like?
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Sometimes you believe Sanji is just a womanizer. And you hate it because it’s actually not true.
You both have been dating for a year and you’ve noticed his simp like attitude for most women haven’t really let up.
You knew he would never touch a woman like how he touches you but sometimes when you want his full attention he can’t seem to focus it if another young woman is calling out his name
You didn’t mind it at first but it’s seems like it has gotten worse.
Granted you both never had time to have sex. It’s been back to back with fighting enemies and a bunch of new people joining on board momentarily.
But today was probably the last straw of his obsession with women
“He’s doing what?!”
“No! It’s not like that he got lured !”
“How the fuck do you get lured to a damn brothel, Franky?! He knows better!”
You stormed out of the ship disregarding your watch durty after hearing the unfortunate news. There is no possible way Sanji could be doing what you think he could.
“You messing with me right?”
Seeing Zoro and Sanji rush out of the worn building fixing up each other’s clothing. You really couldn’t believe your eyes if you were quite honest, your heart and stomach sank all at once. Sure, Sanji was a Flirt, and there were a few times early in your relationship you and Sanji talked about the boundaries you both set for when people hit on either of you, he swore up and down he’d work on doing so and you believed him, but you truly wouldn’t have guessed he’d ACTUALLY cheat on you.
Sanji’s hair was disheveled, tie was slightly undone, and he was flustered. It didn’t take too long to understand what happened.
Sanji However was mortified. He tried to get out of there as quick as he could, but he needed to be helped by Zoro and Luffy to escape.
You scoffed at the typical statement turning the opposite way back to the ship. You were more broken than mad. You held your mouth to conceal your quivering lips trying not to cry in front of anybody and picked up your pace to run as far away from Sanji as you could.
“Dumbass. I told you she’d find out.” Zoro muttered shoulder bumping him.
“Didnt do anything?!” You cried, stopping in your tracks almost causing Sanji to bump into you from how fast he was running towards you, “Sanji…”
You grabbed his cheek with force, squeezing it causing him to flinch, seeing the small lipstick kisses on his cheek so close to the corner of his lips. You immediately imagined him laying with how ever many women, touching, him and to add insult to injury; him enjoying it.
You looked up at the sky, forcing your tears not to escape, but you failed horribly and Sanji’s eyes widened in fear. You drop your hand down and walk away. You didn’t want to hear anything else he had to say because you’d just end up crying even more and that’s one thing you refused to do in front of him or anybody .
You felt so stupid, you knew you shouldn’t have let him in, you were warned by almost everyone to NOT date Sanji, but you seen past that. You didn’t wanna believe the warnings. How stupid could you be? Sanji? Faithful? Doesn’t even make sense unless you put “is not” in between the words.
“Damn it! I never—!” Sanji groaned in frustration running back after you, he knew he messed up BADLY. It wasn’t his intention to go into that brothel! He was actually tricked into going, Zoro warned him not to follow that lady that “needed help”, and the moment he realized where he really was he tried to leave, but women swarmed him trying to get him to stay. The whole story was too good to be true and he knew you wouldn’t buy it.
The moment you arrived back on the ship you felt your blood get hot. The entire walk back you thought about Sanji and those women and the longer your thoughts stayed on that the angrier you became. You had to get a level head though, as much as you wanted to lash out, You knew if you took any action you’d end up regretting it.
“Y/N? You okay?” Robin and Nami seen you nearly sprinting to your room, you didn’t want them to know about the incident so you avoided their gaze.
“I’m—“ you cleared your croaky throat to mask how much you’ve been crying “I’m okay….just need to—to um…”
Nami quickly walked over to you, you got very nasty when you cried. You kept shaking your hands trying to find the words, but the closer the girls approached you the harder it was to conceal any pain you felt. It wasn’t until Robin touched your shoulder that you broke down in their arms about what you seen. You felt so stupid.
Sanji came running back out of breath and he seen you across the ship being held by Robin, your eyes were pink and puffy from rubbing them so harshly out of anger. Nami turned her furious eyes over to the cook ready to kill the man so she stormed over to him.
Nami Tore Sanji a new one yelling and hitting him for the pain he caused you after hearing what happened. Honestly, Nami Just began to enjoy watching you and Sanji as a couple. She never thought you guys would last so long considering how he was, but she just started to believe he learned to behave.
You thought the same too.
Robin took you back to her room to calm you down and step away from the commotion, “Are you sure Sanji was really cheating?”
“I know what I saw Robin. He was coming out of the building, putting back on his jacket with lip stains.”
Robin patted your head, she refused to believe Sanji would ever hurt you like that especially from what he told her weeks prior:
“You shouldn’t worry, Sanji you already know what’s she’s going to say..”
“I don’t know…what if—“
“There’s no what if’s. I see the way she looks at you. How much you’ve changed her. She’ll say yes.”
Sanji was on his knees taking every hit Nami had on his head, not even trying to defend hisself she was furious than anything else. She noticed how happier you were with him. How sweet he was to you, and even though she had her doubts she believed in what Robin said.
About 30 minutes past and Robin managed to get you to sleep off your tears. It was needed. She left you in the room to sleep and headed back out to where Sanji was in the kitchen and everybody was getting ready to head back on the not to set sail.
“Sanji…” Robin leaned on the kitchen door, his back was facing hers hunched over a little. She didn’t have to look at his face to know he was sulking. “What really happened back there?”
A few hours have pasted and you woke up to a warm presence beside you rubbing your arm, you cracked your eyes open to see Sanji’s blurred figure, but when you pounced up it was nobody.
“Good..” You thought rubbing your eyes. The room was dark hinting it was now later in the night and though you could argue that was the best sleep you’ve had in a while you wish someone would have woke you.
You make up Robin’s bed and head to your own room for the night, not wanting to see anybody else still a bit of anger lingering in your head, however this is the Thousand Sunny where 11 other people live. There is no alone time.
“Get out Sanji…” Was all you groaned rubbing your eyes, seeing him sparked back up that annoyance and seeing his pink eyes really meant nothing right now.
“No. I have to explain—“
“There’s nothing to explain. You wanted to be with those other women…and you did. I’m over it.”
“But thats not what I wanted it was a trick I would never do that! Baby—“
“Don’t ‘Baby’ me if I was your baby you wouldn’t have been in that fucking brothel.— You know what—…”
You wipe your face in frustration and sigh, the last thing you wanted was to just completely scream at him off bat, considering how he reacts to you doing it.
“I can’t keep doing this with you, Sanji. I know I’m not the ideal woman. I’m not as gorgeous as Nami or Robin. I’m not as girly as them. I don’t always dress the best. I have many flaws, but you don’t know the exhaustion I get when I see you give so many women this attention that I want. You don’t understand how it feels to have a partner that is very attractive and can also ATTRACT whatever he wants it’s damn near sickening now because I feel like it’s gotten worse with you and when I seen you with that lipstick I damn near lost my mind…”
Your voice began to crack and tears manages to slowly escape your eyes.
“I knew what I was getting into when you asked me out but I don’t know…sometimes I feel like…you settled…and…it sucks because I never felt that way with you…and..”
You couldn’t even finish. You just wanted to pour your heart out because you hated keeping in your feelings, but it was all too overwhelming and you just broke down. Sanji immediately grabbed you to hold you and in that moment he was whispering small apologizes and it did… it did feel good to be held by him,
But it was wrong. Because he does this same routine to apologize.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N…please…I made a mistake I’d never…” His lips right over yours as your face was in his neck leaning in closer, “Please know Id never hurt you..” His mouth began to inch closer to yours, but you pushed back harshly nearly making him fall.
The arguing continued. Neither of you were willing to hear out the other without cutting each other’s sentences. This was probably the first argument you and Sanji ever had where he was actually upset and not willing to back down.
“I DON’T HAVE TO BELIEVE SHIT SAN—you know…” you pull your faces with your palms groaning until it transitions into a frustrated scream, you were over it. You had a headache and just wanted to sleep. “Just get out Sanji. I don’t wanna hear your voice right now.”
If the room was quiet with no background noises of the sea you could have actually heart break. You didn’t change your face, you were exhausted, but a small part of you felt immediate guilt seeing his shocked and saddened reaction, but you were stubborn.
“….does this mean we’re through?”
You could hear the cracks in his voice, eyes already threatening to water, you immediately avoided his sorrowed face and paused for a moment leaving the awkward quiet tension in the air so thick you can cut it with a knife.
You nodded.
Sanji couldn’t contain his tears, they flooded his cheeks, mouth parted he fell to the ground on his knees reaching up to your leg to hold them. He couldn’t believe it he didn’t want this to be true.
“Please…please no please don’t leave me….I can’t lose you I’m so sorry. Please.” Sanji couldn’t even make coherent words he sobbed on your legs, it shattered you immensely.
Your hands hesitantly touch his head but retracted it and instead pull him off. “You have to get out, Sanji…”
“I’m not leaving until we talk this out—“
“Get the fuck out before I make you get out.”
Your voice was cold like ice sounding as if you didn’t want to be in his presence, but Sanji couldn’t be fooled that easily. You couldn’t even speak to his face, you were fighting back tears yoursef, lips quivering and words were shaky. It was your anger talking and you knew this, but you didn’t care to just look at him to listen, to hear him, to understand, and fix the relationship. Instead. You wanted to just run away.
Sanji got off his knees, head low like a puppy wiping his eyes, his body felt weighed down, he was defeated, but he didn’t want to take the loss.
“I’m not letting you go, Y/N…ever….so..don’t think—“
You back was faced to him right before he shut the door and in a quick motion you sat on your bed and screamed your heart out in a pillow. Sanji heard, chest in pain, he leaned on your door crying as well.
Words couldn’t express this pain, it was as if your entire life came crashing. This wasn’t supposed to happen between you both.
This wasn’t supposed to end.
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How dense Luffy can be can really be exhausting
He was too trusting for his own good and though you once admired you now have grown to be annoyed with it
Maybe it was your fault
Maybe you were over reacting, but really? He couldn’t even take your side ?
But IT WAS BOA. You hated her! And Luffy knew this.
Luffy was also very emotionally intelligent, it was impressive how quick he can notice how you can feel, but that didn’t mask how dense he can be handling your emotions.
Boa was once again back and with Luffy, they were on the furthest part of the deck speaking. It’s been a week and for some reason she was still here. She claims it was to “check up on Luffy”, but for what? Y’all JUST reunited a few weeks ago and Boa has been back and fourth coming and going on the ship as she pleases and it began to irk you.
Everybody knew about her obsession with your captain except your own damn captain. The way her touched lingered, the way she blushed when talking to him, the way she would do pretty much anything for him.
It. Irked. You.
She was aware of your relationship with Luffy, which was why you both have had a few heated arguments before. The last one resulting in you nearly drawing your gun at her. It was embarrassing on your end because you never was the type to fight over a man, but this man in particular doesn’t understand when a woman that isn’t his is blatantly flirting and touching all on him and how much it eats up at you.
And everybody is aware of this. So much so that everybody purposely tries to occupy you from seeing the two today to keep things cordial.
“Are you tryna distract me?” Your tone slightly above a tease crossing your arms at Sanji Would was being more than overbearing to keep you in the kitchen with him.
“What?! No I could never! Just keep reading in here, Y/N-San!” He had a cold sweat immediately seeing Boa and Luffy now outside the door giggling and eating together. She brought him a bunch of food as another one of her “gifts” and at that very moment Luffy was tone deaf to everything in sight. Sanji noticed the beautiful woman inch closer and closer their shirtless captain and an instant chill ran down his spine on the possibility of what you’d do.
You shrugged, somewhat naive to what’s happening, you continued to finish your book, giving Sanji a sigh of relief back to his stove. The background noise of the kitchen eventually became tuned out while diving deep into your book. All was well until—-
It felt like time froze, hearing that unbearable voice, you knew exactly who it was.
You slam your book on the table leaving it behind as you storm out. When you came outside your eyes were met with the same bullshit sight that always led you and Bo to fight
Her breasts smothering Luffy’s face and him not paying any kind to it.
“Oh Luffy! I— oh. MMPH.” Once again . Boa was being too touchy for your liking and it made your eye twitch. Her snarky attitude towards you and you only made you unreasonably upset. The way she’d sometimes purposely touch and cope a feel of Luffy in front of you just for Luffy to laugh at the situation and think you both actually don’t have beef with each other .
“Oh hey Y/N!” Luffy pulled from Boa’s grip to run over to you with his typical Happy Hour lucky smile. He didn’t a care in the world seeing you looking so upset but the tall woman now behind him did.
“Oh Luffy it was so amazing seeing you again! I’m so glad you—-“
Boa’s compliments and heart eyes went through one eye and out the other with you considering you kept getting irritated the longer she lingered on the ship. You wasn’t in the mood to argue with her, but that didn’t stop you from pulling Luffy away as she inches closer by reflex as if you were a child not wanting to share your toy.
Boa noticed this and immediately grumbled in irritation.You clearly don’t understand how angry you make this woman. Your boyfriend just pulled into your touch closer as he ate which in turned made her heart sting, but before she had another dramatic fit an idea came to mind.
“Before I go Luffy I just wanted to let you know that if you need anything just send me a call okay? …and my offer still stands with you about our…little agreement. Remember?”
Luffy furrowed his eyebrows a bit humming in thought trying to remember what “agreement” she was offering. She has made so damn many to him involving getting married who knows what this would be?
“Oh you don’t remember? Before you left your training we had such an unforgettable night and—“
“OOOOOH! Oh yeah no thanks!” Luffy laughs scaring his head, “Yeah no I’m fine I have Y/N for that!”
It was like Boa nearly turned into stone herself , her face was dumbfounded and her heart was stung, as much as she wanted to cry and plead for Luffy to take her up on her “offer” she had to go but promised to be back soon. The moment she left it was almost as if everybody could breathe again and went back to their devices, but you however dwelled in the whole “offer” situation and how Luffy stated he had you for that.
After lunch Luffy and you were on the Sunny doing your daily fishing routine you both typically started doing when you both began dating. It was peaceful and sweet feeling Luffy happily hun and lean on your shoulder, but you just couldn’t relax until your curiosity subsided.
“Hm? You caught a fish?!” He sat up ready to help pull your fishing rod, but you grab his wrist.
“No! No not that! I just…Um…okay what did Boa mean by ‘offer’?”
“When she said you guys had an unforgettable night and—“
“Ohh! Oh That!” Luffy laughs and pats your head. “So before I left she accidentally kissed me and th—“
“She what?” You felt your stomach turn a little, sunk really.
“She kissed me! But she apologized so it was an accident ..anyways she said that we should have one night of uh…” Luffy scratched his head trying to think of the word she used. “What’s that word Sanji uses a lot? Starts with a P?”
Your eyes widen in horror on the possible answer he may say,
“PASSION THATS THE WORD!” Luffy chuckles pointing his finger upwards, “a night of passion, I didn’t know what she meant until she said ‘made love’. At the time I still didn’t understand but I remember that’s what you call what we do sometimes so I said no.”
“Luffy i thought you said I was your first kiss.”
“You were!”
“No.” You stood up crossing your arms, “I wasn’t if that stupid bitch kissed you.”
“Woaaahh!” Luffy laughs a little making your eye twitch in annoyance as he gets up, “you mad?”
“No I’m not mad.”
“Yes you are? You only curse when you’re mad.”
“I’m not fucking mad I’m irritated!”
“Same thing.”
“IT’S NOT LUFFY! Why does she keep coming back we don’t need her help anymore we are GOOD!”
Once again you began to Nager and complain about Boa and her presence which always made Luffy Just roll his eyes playfully. He never understood why you were always so mad when she was around but after learning that they both had the opportunity to have sex AND she kissed him you now had a better reason to explain.
“I don’t understand what the big deal is y/n it’s just a kiss. Besides we weren’t dating and I wasn’t thinking about you when it happened.” Luffy shrugged it off taking away your rod to finish fishing, “what?”
“Don’t what me?! You let her kiss you?!”
“I wouldn’t say let..she just did it, who cares?”
“I do, Luffy! You said I was your first kiss! When I asked you about you and Boa you said nothing happened you don’t remember?!”
“It’s not a big deal, y/n calm down and sit with me!” he reached out for you to sit on his lap with a bright smile but all you could do was sit there with a gaped mouth.
Your captain wasn’t the best with words, but damn he could have worded it better. The mere thought of Luffy and Boa being so close made your head spin. And you knew. You knew Boa said it Just to get a rise out of you, and she succeeded because you completely ignored Luffy and headed to your room for the rest of the vending leaving him confused for a moment.
You were quiet all dinner. Not even sitting next to Luffy like you usually do and he seemed not to noticed which piled on to the anger you already had.
He was acting as if he didn’t know you were mad at him and it made you mad.
Were you overreacting possibly?
Even if you were you don’t care to listen to reason right now you’re pissed and want to be alone.
“There you are!” Luffy laughs busting in your room in the late evening to see you buried like burritos in your blankets back facing him. “I thought we were ganna take a bath together.”
“Take it yourself.” Your words are mumbled by the covers. Luffy tilts his head confused at your cold tone, he once again shrugs it off to get in the bed with you to hold you but you wiggle out of his grasp making him whine at your attitude.
“Y/NNNN COMMONNNN IM COLD!” He snatches the blanket off , your warm body now shivering in the cold.
“Luffy for fucks sake—“
“You cussed again. You’re mad—“
“I’m not fucking mad Luffy can’t you ever just read the room?! I had other blankets you could use!”
In your mind your really didn’t want to curse Luffy out. He obviously didn’t deserve it but you’ve been alone in your room all day replaying scene with him and Boa in your head and you just could NOT think about it.
Luffy tries to pull your arm to sleep back with him but you instead pull away to put one some sweats.
“Where are you going?! You don’t have watch duty!”
“I’ll be back Luffy.”
“You always walk away when you’re mad .”
“You do. It’s kinda annoying honestly . Just lay back in bed with me—“
“I said I’ll be back Luffy!” You tried to hide the annoyance in your voice but failed miserably. Was he wrong though? You run away from any issues you tend to have with Luffy and he always calls you out on it. It almost felt like you wanted to cry right on the deck out of frustration. You ended up not sleeping I with him that night. He didn’t seem to mind or ask.
Then one night turned into two.
Then three.
Then a month.
It almost became like you both drifted away. Luffy stopped coming in your room to bother you, you both don’t hang out as much, Luffy seemed normal, you also seemed okay, but every once in a while you felt almost as if you both subconsciously broke up.
He watched you from a distance dancing and laughing with Nami and his cheeks warmed ever so slightly. You have been quieter around him, he didn’t seemed to mind it, but maybe he was over thinking.
But he wasn’t, it’s been 4 months and even though you were still with the Strawhats it was almost as if your relationship has diminished. It was no longer the same between you both, no more fun exchanges, no more inside jokes, no more late night food runs. It was all just
And you both ignored how it made you both really feel.
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radskull-69 · 20 days
Vent? I guess?? More like talking about this INSANE guy omg
This guy has got to be the worst person I have ever fucking met omg
they never respect boundaries, even SIMPLE ones, like: kissing ppl on the cheek without consent, name calling, trauma dumping, touching
and this guy isn’t even confirmed he has autism, which is fine normally. Because neither am I, and so are most people.
but this mother fucker has gone to TWO offical autistic tests and BOTH said he didn’t have it, but the iNtErNeT quiz said he did so I guess he has it-
said I probably have adhd because I have daddy issues???
has kissed me and my bsf on the cheek without asking and when we confronted him he said he has ‘memory issues’ and doesn’t remember it (it happened only hours prior). Then had a panic attack since we ‘cornered him’ (I texted him on discord)
he CONSTANTLY trauma dumps, like he’d just walk up to me and without even saying hello he’d rant about his ‘broken foot’ or how ‘he hasn’t slept for three weeks straight’
and he so obviously fakes every mental illness and disability ever, it’s annoying bruhhhh. He’s half blind, half death, has scoliosis, schizophrenia, Tourette’s, autism, pregnancy? And so much more I can’t even name (none of these are officially confirmed either, and he only ‘uses’ or has the disability randomly on a blue moon when no one is talking to him)
once when I was getting kicked in the legs and being called useless by a shitty friend he laughed along and agreed I was useless, so in our next class we shared I refused to partner with him and just sat down at my desk. I was his only friend in that class but I didn’t care.
he slammed his chair into the desk, cried and ran out the room. When the teacher asked what’s wrong he went on a rant how ‘no body likes him and how he hates the school’, The teacher offered to be his partner but he said no and just ran outside..
then behind my back to my REAL friends he said I was being a cold asshole to him for no reason?
this mother fucker has faked a pregnancy for two years straight.
when I was dating this guy he sent me his kink list and said ‘I’m fucked if he gets horny’. We’re both minors, just started dating, and he knows I’m asexual.
once we were making some spicy butter chicken at school, and he was in charge of crushing and adding the spice.
when I ate my butter chicken it was really spicy to me, and I know I’m very sensitive to foods and people like to tease me about it. Which is funny and I can laugh along with it.
but this guy just kept and kept on making fun of me nonstop, calling me a pussy for not handling the spice and how I was ‘so white’ for how i was acting.
so I said- ‘maybe since I’m autistic I take it differently then most others?’ And I thought he’d sympathise since he’s also ‘autistic’.
motherfucker said ‘erm- well- my autistic level is higher then yours so-👆🤓’
what does that got to do with ANYTHING!?? And you don’t even have a confirmed ‘autistic level’, neither do I?? What even is that!??
I hate this guy so muchhhh, the ONLY reason I keep him around in the friend group is because I’m worried he’ll victim blame himself again and make me look bad. Also because as cruel as it sounds, the drama he brings is so entertaining.
luckily my friend group agrees this guy is toxic as fuck and annoying, I’m planning on cutting him from the group the next time he does something fucked up to me again so I can call him out.
because dear GOD is he so annoying..
Idk why I even dated him bruh.. I think he’s what made me aro-ace and that not all relationships are just ‘friendships with extra hand holding’
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