happyk44 · 20 days
Percy inexplicably not liking Juniper and he doesn't even know why but she just bothers him and one day he finally decides to voice it to Grover. He's always polite and stuff with her, but like what the fuck, why does her mere existence stress him out so much, this is exhausting, Grover help me, and Grover doesn't even look away from the game he's playing as he answers, "You're wildly possessive of me so to you, she's a competitor for my attention which pisses you off."
"... did you already know I didn't like her?"
"babe, I knew you didn't like her the day I said "hey Percy, I'm gonna ask Juniper on a date" and you said "that's awesome, man" then immediately destroyed the training dummy you were working on"
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shipperwithnomister · 1 month
Hi! I'm bored, so I figured I'd introduce myself.
Pronouns: They/Them
LGBTQ+ Labels: Nonbinary, Gender Non-Conforming, Transmasc, Trans, Sapphic, Queer, Gay, Biromantic, Asexual, Aegosexual
What I talk about on my blog: ☆ Mental Illnesses ☆ LGBTQ things ☆ My Relationships ☆ Various Fandoms ☆ Whatever The Fuck I feel like ☆
Some of My Favorite Fandoms: Percy Jackson ☆ D&D ☆ Miraculous Ladybug ☆ Batfamily (DC Comics) ☆ Danny Phantom ☆ Marvel ☆ Gravity Falls ☆ Rick & Morty ☆
My OCs:
- Voss Reed (Druid Kitsune Smuggler)
- Color (Powerful Force akin to a Goddess)
Secondary Blogs: @shipperwithnomisterssecondblog
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bungusofficial · 2 months
hear me out
age regressor percy
fucked up childhood (worse later obviously but his parents were still the people that they were)
didn't get to be a boy child
desperately needs a healthy coping mechanism
needs to have fun n not care abt how he's being perceived. or other people's problems. he should be able to be a bit selfish
also this is just a thing that happens w bpd sometimes (childhood trauma, "you wouldn't abandon a baby" etc)
he is already just fucking immature. won't feel fucked up and broken for not having decent emotional regulation skills
my canon evidence is that he has bpd* and looked at some children's books once
he would be extremely weird about it (straight up ashamed of it)
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Y'all can't read things beyond face value so let me say it outright:When Percy says he wants to be normal,he dosen't mean he wants to be like everyone else.He MEANS he wants to be ACCEPTED FOR HIS WEIRDNESS,not go from anarchist and instigator to basic and a sellout
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sw33theartnick · 1 year
⊱ ────── {.⋅ idv bpd hcs ⋅.} ───── ⊰
hi i am tired as shit of my bpd (borderline personality disorder) and how it makes me feel so i'm projecting bpd onto idv characters that i think would have it. these are my hcs, if you don't agree, that's fine, just don't shit on them since they bring me comfort. also keep in mind this isn't how all people with bpd act. these are my experiences projected onto these characters!
𓊆survivors𓊇 luca balsa (prisoner): the reason i think luca would have bpd because he'd have experiences of feeling abandoned and betrayed. he felt abandoned and betrayed by his own father, and even by herman, and the only one he truly felt supported by was his mother, who died of anger after herman sold off her things after putting them in great debt. this would lead luca to being prone to fearing abandonment, but this would also cause severe trust issues as well as only seeing people in black and white. one second, alva was good, the other, luca was certain that man was up to no good. i also think luca's recklessness adds to my headcanon of him having bpd because he acted on the emotion he feels in the moment, leading him to hurt alva and the fire soon being caused. he seems confident and well-mannered, but on the inside, i believe he's severely anxious and worrying constantly about everything and everyone around him.
mike morton (acrobat): i believe mike would definitely have bpd. he lost majority of his family in the hullabaloo fire, which lead him desperate to make the culprit of the fire pay for what they'd done. i think this would impact him throughout his entire life (as expected), but i think this would cause mike to develop bpd. he'd be terrified of losing the people he loves, and would do anything to keep them safe. he'd act on impulse and act recklessly, and he'd probably end up upsetting the people around him, but they'd understand he has good intentions. mike's emotions would be incredibly strong and he'd get overwhelmed very easily by those emotions. i also think that he sees people in black and white, and he'd be prone to developing a favorite person - which to someone with bpd, that favorite person is like a lifeline.
chloe nair (perfumer): chloe is definitely one of the characters i believe is most likely to have bpd canon-wise. chloe saw her sister vera (the real vera), as a wonderful person until chloe began to grow jealous. she assumed that vera hated her and just pitied her, and chloe became desperate to be noticed and be cared for, to feel special to someone. she struggled to find her own sense of self, and struggled to figure out who she was. her jealousy and anger became so intense and reckless she'd actually gone and killed her sister, thinking that vera didn't care for her or love her anymore. that was until she found vera's journal, and realized she had only been seeing her sister in black and white. she had seen vera for so long as someone who hated her, but the moment she found out that was far from the case, chloe began to feel guilty and broken hearted. then, she took up her twin's identity, and eventually deluded herself into believing she actually WAS her twin sister. chloe had rapid changes in her sense of self, and her intense anger had caused her to do something she regretted, and she hurt the only person who loved and cared for her.
margaretha zelle (female dancer): margie is another character i think is very likely for bpd canon-wise. she's had two horrible relationships (idc what jokermarg fans say he canonly abused her and wears her abusive husband's face, as his own that's horrible). this would lead margaretha to feel distrust in people, and is afraid of getting attached to people. once she's attached to someone, though? she wouldn't be able to let them go. if they end up treating her right, they would quickly become her favorite person. she'd end up somewhat gatekeeping that person from others - not intentional, but she'd be terrified of abandonment and terrified of losing the one person who has been so good to her. she fears being separated from her favorite person, and gets jealous quite easily when her favorite person shares their attention with others. she's quick to self degrade, and blames herself for everything. the littlest things set her off and sometimes, she is quick to anger. she fears rejection and will often take her favorite person's actions as rejection.
norton campbell (prospector): i don't know how many people would think norton has bpd, but he's someone i think would have bpd (obviously, he's on this list lol). the fandom treats norton poorly by expressing that he's only greedy and only wants money - and while that is part of his lore, it isn't the entirety of his lore. in fact, norton is shown to feel rather guilty for blowing up the mine with the miners inside of it, and it seems to haunt him. his personality also seems to switch quite often, as though expressing he isn't sure of his sense of self. of course, that could also be norton being bipolar, but i also think that norton sees people in black and white. he'd probably fear abandonment and rejection, and yes, would probably believe money would solve all those problems, but he'd try to avoid attachment as much as possible. he's quick to anger and acts rather recklessly when he's angry. he'd deal with episodes that are just paranoia run that could last for days (he'd shun himself away from the world in his room).
naib subedar (mercenary): now, not all bpd is caused by trauma, but i do think naib's trauma would cause him to develop bpd. he'd find himself horrified upon losing people he cares about, which would lead to abandonment (especially watching his comrades die in his arms). he'd become extremely protective which would lead to somewhat extreme measures to keep his loved ones safe, but he always means well. he gets jealous easily but unlike others, he tries to keep it to himself and ends up bottling it up out of worry he'll just drive the person he loves most away. unlike most people on this list, i think naib would handle his bpd a little better than the others, but he'd still struggle with it. he's very understanding to others who have it, and tries to help them out with handling it, but he still struggles with it himself. if he bottles it up too much or if his favorite person isn't understanding, he'll end up lashing out angrily though other survivors i hc with bpd but don't have full reasons yet: freddy riley (lawyer), kevin alonso/ayuso (cowboy), and tracy reznik (mechanic), edgar valden, jose baden (first officer) and demi bourbon (barmaid)
joseph desaulniers (photographer): i think jojo is one of the more obvious bpd hcs. he lost his twin brother claude, who was clearly his favorite person, and that tore him apart. just canon alone, you can guess he'd have bpd. his fear of abandonment would be so strong that he'd act recklessly to ensure that he wouldn't be separated or abandoned by his favorite person, and would do anything to preserve their life and keep them safe. i also think his bpd and depression would lead to excessive drinking, and even if that would stop once he'd get a new favorite person, he'd end up drinking every time he fears they are going to abandon him or every time he becomes angry and jealous of the time they give with others. he has a hard time figuring out if someone is actually doing something wrong or if its just the way his brain is making him think.
michiko (geisha): unlike many others on this list, she handles her bpd very well, and instead of anger episodes when her bpd acts up, she has depressive episodes. she'll lock herself in her room for a long time, and will often cry and sob as a way to get out all her frustration and her feelings. she's one of the few on this list who i headcanon to be better at self reassurance than most. it doesn't always work, and she'll still need support from others around her, but she'll manage to self reassure herself quite often. michiko still fears abandonment though, and often has trouble understanding why people stay around her and stay close to her. she misses miles dearly, and miles is still her favorite person. she tries not to let the bpd get the best of her, and tries to stay strong, knowing miles loved her, flaws and all.
leo beck (hell ember): leo was betrayed by freddy and martha, and was left in severe debt and no way to properly provide for emma and take care of her. that alone is a recipe for disaster, and i think its likely leo would develop bpd (as well as trust issues). he'd have a hard time seeing himself as anything good, and would often struggle to figure out who he is. some little things would be he'd have a hard time telling if he genuinely likes things emma likes because he likes it too, or if he only enjoys it because she does. that being said, emma is leo's favorite person, but like michiko, leo handles his bpd very well. he knows emma loves him and knows that she'd never betray him and never hurt him. he trusts her, and reminds himself of that whenever his mind tries to tell him otherwise. he's very protective of emma, and the thought of being separated from her or losing her would send him into a pretty strong panic attack.
xie bi'an and fan wujiu (wu chang): i think both bi'an and wujiu have bpd, or are likely to have it. for awhile, the two had lost one another, and the other took his own life to join his companion in death. the two would deeply be afraid of separation and would deeply be afraid of losing the other one. such a fear would often consume them, but luckily, they have one another in the manor (shh i know canonly they can't both be present at the same time during matches but my manor hc allows them to be present together outside of matches). they're very sensitive to the other one getting hurt (god forbid you flare gun one of them in duos, the other will take his place and obliterate you). they're very protective of one another and will go to intense measures to protect each other.
other hunters i hc with bpd but don't have full reasons yet: robbie white (axe boy), ann (disciple), alva lorenz (hermit), and percy (undead)
--- wow a lot of survivors i hc with bpd help- these headcanons mean a lot to me. please let me know if you can relate to some of these! again, these are just from my personal experiences, thank you for reading ^^ also lmk if you have any bpd hcs of your own! i love hearing people's hcs <3
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irlronannlynch · 2 years
I want someone to be the will solace to my Nico di Angelo but like also the Nico di angelo to my will solace yknow?
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selkiesilksheets · 4 months
I've had to fight for everything my whole life. Tooth and fucking nail to survive. That's it. Fighting just to live.
Why is it then that he gets life handed to him on a fucking silver platter? Everything is so easy for him. Fucking golden boy.
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xfindingtrouble · 1 year
part of percy's autism involves him not regulating/catching his body's signals when it needs something. he doesn't recognize he's hungry until he gets lightheaded, he doesn't realize he's thirsty until his throat is parched, he doesn't realize he's hot until he's overheating. so on & so forth. i feel like this also translates to his feelings as well??? if he's angry he gets Totally Pissed Off, if he's happy he's foaming at the mouth with joy, regulating his mind / body is not a forte of his
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ann3ofabyss4lred · 5 months
Percy Jackson or "is loyalty as ur fatal flaw or it's just borderline personality disorder?"
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silverdragon128 · 9 months
I just realized, Annabeth Chase from the Riordanverse totally has NPD (and, of course, Nico has BPD)
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sunshinerotting · 6 months
Tumblr media
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happyk44 · 5 months
Percy: *explains how he has always felt emotionally volatile his whole life, especially in his rage, but held back his extreme reactivity out of fear of disappointing his mother, and further explains how these extreme reactivities are a common trait in Poseidon's children versus Neptune's children expressing/experiencing significantly less in emotional range*
Carter: That's really interesting, Percy. Quick question, do you know what borderline personality disorder is?
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sadiewayne · 4 months
i want to see if there's a correlation between having adhd and liking the percy jackson show
if you have not been formally diagnosed with adhd (through public health care OR private diagnoses) but you think you have it based on actual research and not just someone saying if you do these quirky things you have adhd then choose self-diagnosed. if not please choose don't have adhd. this is not here to alienate people but to look for a genuine correlation between these factors
the same goes for other neurodiveregencies (which includes asd (autism spectrum disorder), ocd, ptsd, bpd, diagnosed clinical mental health issues like depression and anxiety, anything that falls under neurodivergent)
by like or don't like, i mean having issues with the show that are more than "damn i wish this was still in it but i'm not annoyed by it", so issues with the story or pacing or characterisations or ommiting what you thing are important things, stuff like that
and if you are annoyed about leah or aryan being cast i don't give a shit you are a waste of oxygen and i hope you choke, don't vote in this poll you racist fuckwits
(please reblog this so i get good data to analyse, i hate asking you to but i really want to see if there's a correlation)
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Percy Jackson is afro-dominican and black-greek,autistic with bpd and ptsd,bi aroacespec,transfem,punk in culture and actions instead of just an altie with attitude problems and a Team Parent.Source:Just read the books my guy
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2222222232222222222 · 2 months
pjo characters as mental illnesses: a thread (some canon some not)
percy: adhd and dyslexia
annabeth: adhd and dyxlexia
nico: depression
grover: tummy aches
rachel: ginger
piper: kleptomania
frank: lactose intolerant
octavian: BPD
sadie (kane): british
jason: dead
drew: lesbianism
leo: in love with dead best friend
clarrisse: in love with dead best friend
luke: pedophilea
reyna: hot
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lyricism-mp3 · 1 month
everytime i see a post that claims anti endos are complete assholes and that they need to "put on their big boy pants and accept that the inernet wont cater to everyone" and that "endos are people just like you" i just. get sad. i get sad that there are anti endos that are making people feel horrible and i get sad that endos are so uneducated they *refuse* to look into why they may be experiencing did symptoms without having the trauma. i get sad whenever i see a post that says "YOU CANT DIAGNOSE ME WITH BPD/SCHIZOPHRENIA/PSYCHOSIS" sir/ma'am/neither, im not trying to diagnose anyone. endogenics are real people, im not diagnosing them at all. i want to encourage them to look into disorders that may cause did symptoms and i want them to consider the fact that they may have disassociative amnesia and simply cannot remember their trauma (in which case they would be a traumagenic system, which is the only possible origin for a system).
please do in depth research about any disorder that causes disassociation.
do not harass people. no one deserves to be harassed
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