#both of them are brilliant and delightful in different ways
singsweetmelodies · 3 months
wait...........piarles 10 things au...... this idea is rotating in my brain PLS elaborate.
I feel like Patrick has to be Pierre? (bc rugged lil bitch (affectionate)) but also I cannot imagine Pierre ever doing something like that to Charles (as Kat) so please please please let me study your brain!! if anyone can get me to believe a characterization its you
well HELLO darling anon!! 😘 about the 10 Things AU - we've been chatting about it on the discord a bit, and i see 2 possible ways it could go.
one is, like you & i both initially envisioned, the version where pierre is patrick and charles is kat.
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you see it, right? 🤭
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as to the "but pierre wouldn't do that to charles" aspect of it all... well, to make it work, i think we'd have to go with a scenario where pierre doesn't know charles at all, and he's in a bit of a fuckboy era, so getting told to take out a pretty boy for a bit of cash sounds like the perfect deal to him.
(in this version of the au, charles would be a bit less of a sharp kat stratford figure and more of a "my dickhead footballer ex broke my heart so now i'd rather play piano than have anything to do with more boys." not that he'd be a weak character in any way - certainly, he'd give pierre QUITE a piece of his mind when pierre tries to pull the moves on him - but he wouldn't be quite as, well, bitchy as kat stratford is in the original, because that's simply not who charles leclerc is. in his own words - he is nice.)
anyways. so we have defensive, closed-off (but very endearing) musician!charles in this au, and fuckboy footballer pierre who initially gets paid to take him out - but when charles turns him down, he gets intrigued beyond the initial bet, and it becomes a personal challenge to him to get charles to go out with him. he's super competitive (as is charles) so of course it becomes a whole thing between them, until finally they mutually fall for each other. the paintball scene DEFINITELY features.
and, yes, there would be a scene where charles finds out that pierre was paid to take him out - and he's heartbroken, while pierre feels like the worst asshole in the world. because, yeah, it may have started out because of the bet, but it became so much more than that, and charles actually means everything to pierre now, and and and -
and, they kiss and make up, and pierre sneaks charles into a recording studio somehow as his grand apology gesture, and then they finally live happily ever after <3333
so it wouldn't be an exact 10 Things au - more just inspired by the excellent vibes & some plot details. and, you know, the infamous paintball scene.
but as i said - this is only one version of the au. there is another, as suggested by the brilliant mar @pinkierre, wherein pierre is kat and charles is patrick.
as mar pointed out: pierre is actually kinda the perfect casting for kat stratford?! he's snarky, sassy, and a little more openly jaded than charles is, so i believe he actually would deliver some of those zinger one-liners kat stratford is infamous for.
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COME ON. there's a vision there, yeah?
and as mar also pointed out, charles would TOTALLY sing & dance a song for pierre on the bleachers to win him back. he would.
also, yuki would be the little brother in this scenario, and liam the one who hires charles to date pierre.
speaking of charles! charles... would be considerably less sweet than we traditionally characterise him. but this is not completely OOC, either - if you look at some interviews of teenager!charles... this boy was SAVAGE, and he did not give a single fuck. the only thing he really cared about was karting, and if we make that his motivation in this au too... well, maybe he needed some of liam's money for a new engine, or parts of some sort, or something. and he cared more about karting than he did about some sharp-tongued pretty boy.
but MAYBE, once he's tried & failed the traditional flirting moves - pierre, in no uncertain terms, informs charles that he is a TERRIBLE flirt, and he's lucky he's gorgeous otherwise nobody would ever go out with him - after that, charles tries a different tack, because he needs this money, and that's when he realises that pierre likes karting too, and has the same sense of humour as he does, and is just as competitive as him. and then they start to get along, and slowly fall in love, and then the rest is history!
this isn't the piarles dynamic i usually write, but imagine pierre with all his single-minded focus and passion dedicated to academics... and charles who's a bit less fussed about academics in favour of adventure & adrenaline. smash the two of them together!!
OMG. imagine now the party scene... pierre having a bit too much to drink, charles helping him out, the "your eyes have bits of green in them...!" it just fits so WELL, right? it could be so fun, omg.
so YEAH! those are the two options i (with some input from the brilliant minds on discord) can envision for a piarles 10 Things au. i think that both versions would be DELICIOUS fics, and if i didn't have a WIP list longer than charles' new ferrari contract, i'd definitely be adding it to my list of things to write 🙏
as it stands, though, this one will probably just remain a daydream... but OH, my gosh, what a delightful daydream!!
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thefandomthings · 7 months
𝐒𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Middle Brothers (Separate) x Gn!Reader
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Suggestive in both (🤭), fluff,
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: I am so sorry this took so long, and I apologize is Asmo is ooc, I'm not good at writing him lol
Tags: @veethewriter @demon-master-zero
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏 Part 2
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I believe Satan is a sucker for old school romance, you can't tell me otherwise.
He loves the idea of sending each other love letters and poems.
He often writes about you, by often I mean everytime he writes, it's about you.
Satan even uses an ink pen and paper, his penmanship is extraordinary.
He isn't really into romance novels, but in some of his mystery/murder-mysterys there is romance
You've read a handful of Satan's books, plus your own collection.
You've recently started reading an older Novel, it's written very poetic, the main characters have started exchanging small love notes to one another.
That gave you the most brilliant idea, you'd start writing notes to Satan, leaving them on his book marks and on the inside cover of his new novels.
Satan is very witty, it takes a lot to make him get flustered, but the first note he received from you, he blushed.
You've never been one to openly talk about how you are feeling, you express yourself in different ways, such as gift giving or quality time. You've also noticed Satan has a hard time expressing himself, instead resorts to poetry and writing love letters to you.
You are currently sitting in the HoL library, your current novel sitting on your lap. You messed with the spoon in your luke warm tea while reading the poetic lines. You smiled as the main characters declared their love for each other, a warm feeling flooding in your chest.
You are desperately waiting for Satan to come back from his meeting with Diavolo and his brothers, wanting to see his face when the little folded piece of paper slips out from his new book.
It took you quite a long time to think of this note, it's a poem. It probably sounds lame next to Satan's poetry, you've read famous poets work and they are nothing compared to The Avatar of Wraths'.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the Library door opens. Satan gave a small smile, his teeth aren't showing it's just a small curve of his lips.
"Hello Kitten"
He leans down and kisses your forehead rather gently before grabbing his book and sitting next to you. You instinctively stretch your legs out into his lap, his slender fingers brushing against the skin of your ankle and shin.
Satan uses his other hand to open his book, and just as you planned the small piece of paper slowly falls into his lap against your legs. You shyly hide behind your book, pretending to read. You could feel his chest and torso rumble while he read the poem to himself.
It's hard to remember what you wrote, the adrenaline making you loose your memory and only focus on now.
You do remember how hard you thought about all the write words, and what kind of poem it would be. To make his heart flutter the way he makes yours leap and soar. To make him feel the tingling sensation that spreads into your finger tips when you feel yourself falling in love more and more.
Goosebumps erupted on your skin, his hands gliding further up your legs before gripping under your knees and bringing you into his lap.
Your nose was pressed to headband of your book, the delightful smell of the old paper pages filling your nose. Your cheeks are on fire, you could feel the tingling of the blush spreading down your neck and to your ears.
Satan could only chuckle and remove the book from your face and set it on the sofa beside him. His hands set themselves on your hips, his glowing green eyes shining like brightest star in a dark night.
He gently kissed you, his hands moving to cup your face and rub your cheek bones. The kiss was full of love and passion, slow and steady. Both of your hearts pounding in your chest, skin on fire from each others touch.
He pulled away and hugged you, his head rested against your neck and shoulder. Your chest fluttered, your heart was in your throat as Satan's lips brushed against your pulse then he spoke.
"I love you"
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I strongly think Asmo designs clothes, and you are his muse and model.
He absolutely loves when you agree to be his inspiration.
And he also loves when you let him take your measurements. He likes how your body feels in his hands.
Asmo is very observant, it doesn't seem like it cause he's utterly obsessed with himself. But he knows everything about everyone. (Gossip King)
He especially knows every detail about you, you decide if that's creepy or sweet.
He absolutely loves when you tease him when working, it gives him excitement!
"MC, My darling muse I need your beauty." Asmo falls against his bed next to you, his delicate skin pressed against his silk pillowcase. You hum setting your phone down and moving his hair away from his eyes the way he likes. He smiled looking at you with stars in his eyes.
"What are you thinking and what was your inspiration?" You asked leaning on your arm. Asmo was quiet, his eyes scanning your face and down your body.
"You are always inspiration Darling." He smiled before hoping out of his bed and opening his fabric closet. You giggled and stood next to your boyfriend admiring the hundreds of fabrics.
"Stand over here." He points to the large wood box coated in glitter and pink paint. You nodded slipping off your clothes, leaving only your undergarments.
"MC, you devious human." Asmo giggled, suddenly appearing behind you. His slim hands glided around your body adjusting the measuring tape at your hip. "Always so beautiful..".
Your skin erupted with goosebumps, your shoulders shaking with a slight shiver at his touch. He giggles, he nails running over you rub cage.
"Hold still MC, or my measurements will be wrong." He pressed gently kisses along your skin, your face was rosy staring down at his thick, pink hair.
"Asmo, the tape is loose." You teased watching him adjust the tape.
"You little Minx.." He bit the soft flesh of your hip making you yelp. He giggled loudly before walking over to his sowing machine and writing your measurements on his note pad.
You reached down for your clothes but his voice stopped you, "Keep them off Love, I still need more measurements." His smile was sweet, but devilish.
God, he loved looking at you. So comfortable in his presence, just helping him gives him joy he hasn't had since the fall. You help him in more ways then one. And he loves you more than anything, including himself. And he never lets your forget that.
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moniquill · 1 year
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A young Indigenous woman enters a colonizer-run dragon academy—and quickly finds herself at odds with the “approved” way of doing things—in the first book of this brilliant new fantasy series. The remote island of Masquapaug has not seen a dragon in many generations—until fifteen-year-old Anequs finds a dragon’s egg and bonds with its hatchling. Her people are delighted, for all remember the tales of the days when dragons lived among them and danced away the storms of autumn, enabling the people to thrive. To them, Anequs is revered as Nampeshiweisit—a person in a unique relationship with a dragon. Unfortunately for Anequs, the Anglish conquerors of her land have different opinions. They have a very specific idea of how a dragon should be raised, and who should be doing the raising—and Anequs does not meet any of their requirements. Only with great reluctance do they allow Anequs to enroll in a proper Anglish dragon school on the mainland. If she cannot succeed there, her dragon will be killed. For a girl with no formal schooling, a non-Anglish upbringing, and a very different understanding of the history of her land, challenges abound—both socially and academically. But Anequs is smart, determined, and resolved to learn what she needs to help her dragon, even if it means teaching herself. The one thing she refuses to do, however, is become the meek Anglish miss that everyone expects. Anequs and her dragon may be coming of age, but they’re also coming to power, and that brings an important realization: the world needs changing—and they might just be the ones to do it.
“A thorough delight . . . To Shape a Dragon’s Breath reveals a world that is complex and political through deft, thoughtfully drawn characters who, like their world, are complicated and believable. I love Anequs!”—K. Eason, author of How Rory Thorne Destroyed the Multiverse “Imagine a world full of dragons where a newborn chooses you to be its caregiver. Imagine you have to go to a special school to learn how to train it. Imagine that almost no one at the school wants you there. This is how the well-written, compelling tale of To Shape a Dragon’s Breath begins, and once underway it doesn’t let you go.”—New York Times bestselling author Terry Brooks
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daenysx · 23 days
hi I can’t stop thinking about an aemond fic with his girl graduating university. I graduated today and can’t stop thinking about how supportive your modern aemond would be!!
thank you for requesting, angel! i'm sorry, this is a bit short but i hope you enjoy, congratulations!! requests are open
modern!aemond targaryen x fem!reader ♡
aemond watches you take your make up off as he does every night.
this time, it's a bit different. the hour is later than usual, you are a little tipsy because of the celebration drinks but you insist on completing your skin care routine. he lays in bed, his eye following your movements in the little bathroom attached to his bedroom. you give him a smile when your eyes meet, he likes being the person you smile at night.
you apply your night cream on your clean face and turn off the lights as you leave the bathroom. aemond adores how your face looks without any make up on, he likes it either way but your clean face reminds him how safe you feel with him. you trust him enough to create a night time routine with him, it's so nice to be the person you sleep and wake up next to. he opens his arms, you willingly lay next to him, your head on his chest and your arm wrapped around his waist.
"you don't have classes tomorrow." he says. "how does that feel?"
you sigh, nuzzling closer. "it's so weird. i don't think i ever remember a time when i don't continue studying after summer."
"you'll get used to it." he graduated three years ago. "and you can always continue studying if you want."
"i feel free." you say. "and i'm kinda proud of myself. i mean at some point it was really hard like it's never gonna end."
aemond is proud of you. so proud, he can still remember how his posture got straighter the moment you finally graduated. he is the person who has been with you all the time when you were studying, when you were crying because of your papers, when you were finding out about your grades and celebrating them. now, it's all over. you finished another important part of your life and he is one of the main characters. such a nice feeling, he thinks.
"i totally remember that point." he smirks. he does remember the time of your final week during your last semester at uni. it's safe to say he won't let you forget it either. it was a hectic week, you don't remember you ever studied harder in your life. one night, you were literally talking about your lecture notes in your sleep and aemond had the pleasure of learning your class.
"it happened once, aemond." you roll your eyes. "i can't control what i do when i sleep."
he changes your positions to be on top. he kisses your nose, your cheeks. he feels delightful tonight, you cup his cheeks to start a kiss that plays with his heartbeat. he brings his finger to your chin, tilts your head back for a deeper angle. you are both very tired but aemond thinks he can kiss you for an eternity. it makes him feel like he's the lead of one of those cheesy romcoms but he can't help himself.
"do you think it's gonna be okay?" you ask him, breaking the kiss. he knows you are nervous about what to do with your life now, university was hard but it had consistency. your every day was planned, routines were safe. right now, you need to build yourself a new life, it's a new chapter. beginnings are always scary.
"of course it's gonna be okay." he says, playing with your hair. "no matter what you decide to do, i'll be here."
"i think i'm afraid of stucking into a thing i'll hate and then never being able to change it."
he smiles, your pout has always been this cute. "trust me, sweetheart, you can change it. if you ever feel like you're stuck into something, i promise i'll help you with the change you want."
your pout turns into a smile. there she is, his brilliant girl. he kisses the corner of your lips fondly.
"i'm so proud of you." he says before kissing your forehead.
"thank you." your eyes are shining, you kiss him as a way of telling how much his words mean to you.
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pimosworld · 4 months
Happy 700 Followers!!!!
For you celebration: 💌, a little fluff with any of our moon boys?
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(live footage of Steven telling you how brilliant you are)
You said any of the moon boys so I decided on all
Pairing-Moon Boys x reader (Marc Spector, Steven Grant, Jake lockley x reader)
Summary- What’s Valentine’s Day without a little friendly competition
CW-Fluff,Fluff,Fluff inaccurate depictions of DID
A/N- A little self indulgent because don’t we all secretly want them to spoil us
Not beta read
Three of hearts
This might be the coziest feeling in the world. It’s warmer than usual in the flat and it feels like you’re enveloped in a cloud of softness and fluff. You don’t feel the hard press of your boyfriend's body on you but for some reason your movement is restricted. 
  It takes a moment for your eyes to adjust to the morning light as you stare directly into the beedy eyes of a large stuffed animal. You rub your hands along the plush brown bear with a red bow wrapped around its neck. You’re certain there’d be no room for anyone else with the way the bear takes up half the space. 
  You sit up slightly trying to move your legs under the weight of the covers. Something long and lime green is draped across your feet as you struggle to pull it up to you. It's soft in a velvet way and it has pink spikes across its back. You think it resembles some kind of dinosaur or lizard…you aren’t entirely sure. What you are sure of is that it has an adorable name tag around its neck, LEONARD is etched in bright pink font on a heart shaped collar and you can’t help but giggle to yourself. 
  Something falls against your back and you’re momentarily startled as a large pink trunk hits your shoulder. You roll the Dino-lizard off you to turn around and inspect the baby pink elephant that looks about the same size as you. You rub the shag material on your face as you clutch it in your grasp. It smells like lavender and has the cutest smile on its face. 
  “Told you.” 
  Jake's voice brings your attention back to the room as he stands in front of your floor length mirror. He’s still shirtless in his boxers with his hands on his hips and the most smug look you’ve ever seen in your life. 
  “Told me what?” You say as you pat the small space of bed left next to you. 
  “Nothing mi amor.”
  He quickly obliges, gently taking the stuffed animal from you and delicately placing it back against the headboard. He urges you to scoot back as he crawls up your body leaving feather light kisses along your thighs and over your stomach. His breath is hot against your shirt and you're in sensory overload. The soft animal against your back, the smell of him and the lavender lulls you into a sense of calm. You don’t even notice the switch when Marc nips at your neck. 
  “Tell him he’s wrong.” He husks into your ear and wraps his arms around your waist. He tosses the elephant to the edge of the bed with a little too much force and replaces it with the giant stuffed bear. Your body falls as he lets you go and you land with an oomph. His signature smirk is painted on as he leans back on his heels. “That’s much better.” 
  “Is someone going to fill me in?” You look at him quizzically and his eyes roll back before he can answer. 
  He tuts and swings his feet off the bed. “He sat on Leonard on purpose, I know it.” Steven when frustrated is quite possibly the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen as you try to hide your smile. He picks up the-“ He’s a dinosaur you know.” Dinosaur like he weighs nothing and lays him next to you. He taps on the collar with the most delighted look on his face. “You can tell them they’re both wrong love. You can’t own a pet animal without a name, it’s just ridiculous.” 
  You can’t decide if you want to laugh or cry at the absurdity and thoughtfulness of it all. They made a competition out of everything and something as innocent as a Valentines Day stuffed animal would be no different. 
  He’s standing in front of the mirror again, same stance as Jake but laced with much more annoyance. “Well then tell me their names.” He snaps his fingers. “Exactly what I thought.” 
  You clear your throat and his eyes widen in the reflection. “Sorry love, forgot to say good morning.” He bounds back over to you, tackling you into the softness of your bed as he kisses your lips softly. You can taste the mint and a hint of something else that says he lost the battle this morning of coffee or tea. 
  “So?” He says against your lips, eyes looking at you expectantly. You cup his face in your palms and tilt your head in silent question. “Which one is your favorite?” 
  “Oh no no no, you know I’m not going to choose.” You squirm out from under him and put the elephant in its rightful place next to the rest. “I love them all equally.” You place a kiss on each one and move to exit the bedroom, as his large hand grabs your wrist throwing you back onto the bed. 
  “That’s fine cariño, we have ways of making you choose.” 
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated
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dyns33 · 10 months
The Scar
Another Miguel O Hara x female reader, with suspense !
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Miguel had been acting weird for several weeks.
Ever since he had returned early from his seminar. In the middle of the night, he'd slipped into bed and kissed her like he hadn't seen her in forever.
It didn't bother Y/N. It had been a while since Miguel really touched her, according to him too tired from his work.
He had apologized that night, saying that he missed her, that he had asked to change his hours to spend more time with her, before repeating again and again that he loved her.
It was adorable, but it was also a bit weird.
There was something different about him, and Y/N couldn't figure out what.
The idea that he was cheating on her came quickly. Miguel was acting like a man who clearly had something to be ashamed of. Something bad.
Of course, all women would have been delighted to have their husbands look at them as he looked at her now. That their husbands come home early to cook dinner, give them a massage, listen to how their day went, kiss them passionately while whispering words of love in Spanish.
But it was really not in Miguel's habits.
Even at the start of their relationship, he had never really been romantic. Y/N remembered him telling her that it made sense for them to be together when they graduated, since they were both brilliant.
She liked to believe that he had loved her, at one point, then the routine had set in, and they had stayed together because it was easier.
All these gifts and kisses, it was really not normal.
It didn't take Y/N long to suspect that Miguel was having an affair with his colleague, Doctor Daniels. They had worked on a lot of projects, he talked about her often, and they went on business trips together.
She was beautiful, young and intelligent. Y/N didn't stand a chance against her.
Despite his promise to be here more often, there were always late nights when he came home. She imagined quickly that he was not always in the office, which she checked very quickly.
One evening, she woke up while he was getting dressed. He seemed embarrassed to see her in the hallway.
"Mi amor. Did I wake you up ? Forgive me, there was a problem in the office, a toxin leak, I have to go."
He kissed her so tenderly that Y/N wanted to cry watching him close the door.
A phone call to Alchemax was enough to know that there was no problem, and that nobody had called Miguel. Quickly checking, many of the dates and times were inconsistent with his schedule.
After pain and sorrow came anger. Knowing her husband well, Y/N knew there was no reason to stay and try to talk to him. So she took her things and went to stay in a hotel for the night.
She still wasn't asleep when someone knocked the next morning, and it was a surprise to see Miguel. Not only did he have no way of knowing where she was, she hadn't even thought he would be looking for her.
Visibly distraught, he took her in his arms as soon as she opened the door.
"Y/N ! Are you okay ? I came home and you were gone ! I was so scared, I thought… Why are you here ? Was there a problem Someone came to the house ? You…"
"There was no toxin leak."
"… What ?"
"There was no toxin leak in your office. Miguel, I know you're lying to me. I know you… I know you're cheating on me."
"What ?" he repeated again, looking as much annoyed as hurt. "No. Never ! I would never cheat on you, I love you ! I only love you."
"Please… I'm not stupid. You tell me you're going to work, and your office tells me you're not there. So where are you, uh ? What are you doing ? It's Why you've been so nice lately, so I don't get suspicious ? Because you're remorseful ? Because you're…"
"I'm Spiderman."
Y/N had heard of Spiderman, like everyone in Nueva York. A hero who could walk on the ceiling, and who fought crime.
Her first reaction was to laugh, then Miguel squirted a web from his handle that stuck a lamp to the wall and she agreed to listen.
He promised her that he had never cheated on her. He loved her more than anything, he would die for her, and he would never hurt her. The nights he was out and not working, he was saving lives. He hadn't told her, because he didn't want to worry her, or for her to take him for a monster.
"Okay, it's a bit special that you can pull stuff out of your arms and swing from building to building, but it's nothing monstrous."
"Actually… My DNA was altered on multiple levels, resulting in multiple physical changes."
"Is that why you look taller and more muscular ?"
"No. Yes ! I mean, a bit, but I'm not talking about that. It's… My teeth. My eyes, my hands, my legs…"
"I don't see anything weird with your eyes or your hands."
Since the beginning of their conversation, Miguel seemed really uncomfortable, but this moment was really the most complicated for him. His eyes were filled with fear as they turned red, he showed Y/N his sharp canines, and his fingernails turned into claws.
"…Wow. You look like a big cat."
"Amor, I don't look like a big cat." mumbled Miguel, blushing, lunging at her to tickle her when she tried to scratch his ear.
It could have ended there. Y/N would give everything for things to end there, because it was a very good explanation, Miguel loved her, he had promised her that there would be no more lies, and everything was fine.
A party organized by Alchemax and several glasses of champagne changed that, when Doctor Daniels approached with a strange smile, while Miguel had gone to the toilet.
"You and your husband look very happy."
"We are, thank you."
"Yeah. He didn't say that. We were happy too, you know ? The best years of my life. A real beast in bed, caliente. Then one day, nothing. He dumped me like trash. I guess he's found someone better. I thought it was nice to let you know."
"Mi amor ?"
Miguel watched her run away, not glancing at Doctor Daniels. He followed her easily, catching up with her in an alley and hugging her to calm her down, leaving her to hit him sobbing and screaming.
He hadn't heard what Doctor Daniels had said to put her in such a state, and when she repeated it to him, he seemed to go mad with rage. Because his honor was touched, but also because he couldn't bear to see Y/N cry.
"I'm going to kill her ! I've never had an affair with this woman, ever ! She's lying, she's crazy !"
"Don't lie to me." Y/N cried, still clinging to him.
"I swear to you, mi amor. Never. Not with her, not with anyone else."
In the following days, there were several elements that indicated that Miguel was telling the truth. First, there was no message exchanged between him and Doctor Daniels, despite the incessant assertions of the latter, who did not understand why she could not find them. No photo or video of them either.
At the office, no one thought they were more than co-workers who got along well. Miguel O Hara had the reputation of being a serious man, a little angry, selfish and focusing mainly on his research.
The only moment captured by Alchemax's surveillance cameras was when Doctor Daniels approached Miguel to ask him why they were no longer together, and if there was any chance they could see each other again.
Miguel remained cold, distant, politely asking her to leave him alone, repeating to her that there had never been anything between them, and that there never would be anything, because he only loved his wife.
This made Doctor Daniels laugh, who touched his arm, before trying to kiss him.
Jumping up from his chair, Miguel looked at her in disgust, forbidding her to approach him.
The incident trickled down to the bosses, which brought all the previous research and proved that Dr. Daniels had a little problem with her obsession with her colleague, who was not at all interested. She was fired.
This did not please her at all, and since she could not get her lover back, and had lost her job, Doctor Daniels insisted on destroying the married couple.
She called Y/N, texted her, followed her to work and home, telling her over and over that she'd shared Miguel's bed for years.
Maybe he never really liked her, because this guy was obviously not able to love anyone but himself, and he was too afraid for his reputation to admit it, but it was the truth.
"I can prove it !" cried Dr. Daniels hysterically, banging on Y/N's car window. "I know what he likes to eat ! I've driven his car before ! He told me about his brother."
"That's not evidence. Please leave me." Y/N begged her as she tried to start.
"He's got a scar on his back ! How do I know that, huh ? Miguel hates bathing, he doesn't undress in public, it's tiny because it was just a little fall from a horse when he was a kid. How do I know that ?!"
Y/N felt her heart race, as she tried to breathe normally, because indeed, Miguel had a scar, and hardly anyone knew about it. It was in the middle of his back, you could feel it by running your hand over his skin.
She then thought of two things.
Dr. Daniels wasn't lying.
And since his early return from his seminar and his change in behavior, she had passed her hand several times on her husband's back, without feeling this tiny scar.
In the middle of Miguel's back, there was nothing. Nothing at all.
Repeating this to herself, Y/N invited Dr. Daniels to come with her to the house, where Miguel was cooking dinner.
He was surprised to see them, and even more surprised when she calmly asked him to take off his shirt and show his back, while Daniels was screaming hysterically, ordering him to show them his scar and then confess.
He didn't look at the doctor once, his eyes fixed on Y/N, who was only looking at him as well. In his eyes, she could see that he understood why, why Daniels was asking this, but more importantly why Y/N was asking this. He knew that she knew.
Without saying anything, he obeyed and turned around. Dr. Daniels then stopped screaming, freezing.
The back was perfect, tall, muscular. In addition to the noticeable lack of a scar, Y/N noted that he was much taller and more muscular than before, before all of this.
"Well…" Miguel muttered as he got dressed. "Happy ? Excuse me, but I'm only showing the rest to my wife. If you could leave us now."
"I… I don't understand. You had a scar."
"I never had a scar. I never had a relationship with you."
"It's not… You… I think I need to sleep. Excuse me." stammered Doctor Daniels before quickly leaving, leaving them alone.
They stayed like that for a long time, face to face in the kitchen, neither moving nor speaking. Then Miguel sighed, visibly tired and sorry.
He hadn't lied. Not even once. He had simply omitted to say that he wasn't really Miguel, or at least not her Miguel, and that he wasn't the Spiderman of this universe, but of another.
He had seen an opportunity to be happy, after losing his Y/N, and now that her Miguel was gone. Her horrible Miguel, as he called him, who didn't see how lucky he was, who had never known how to treat her right, and who didn't deserve her.
"But I know." he whispered as he approached, shyly taking her hand. "I know I'm lucky to be with you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, the only one. I can't live without you. I thought… Maybe you'd be happier without him, that it would be a relief to hear of his passing. But I also thought I could give you all the things he should have given you. I can leave if you want. I love you."
For several weeks, Y/N had been very happy, showered with love and kisses. She had been afraid of being cheated on, but that was no longer the case, not with this Miguel, who loved her.
So she forgot that there had always been a small scar on her husband's back, and she kissed him, telling him that she loved him too.
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void-and-virtue · 2 years
Neil as a team captain is positively delightful, because making him captain is both absolutely insane and absolutely brilliant. It capitalizes on the passive effect of having one (1) Neil Josten (god knows the world couldn’t handle if there were more of him) on the team in the most efficient way. Like. I’m 90% sure that after spending some time around him on the same team, most people will look up to him completely awestruck for how much he has impacted their lives, but that’s just not what is actually happening here. I feel like what’s going on is this:
Neil is a terribly amazing choice for team captain entirely because Neil is a meddlesome little asshole who will forcibly fix all of his teammates’ personal problems and improve their entire lives for literally no other reason than that he needs them to be able to focus on fucking ball so he can win at sports. It’s not even that he genuinely cares about people and their well-being (apart from his original foxes). He just gets pissed when things aren’t working properly because it makes Exy annoying when the lineup can’t communicate. Exy isn’t supposed to be annoying. Exy is life. He’d meddle whether he is captain or not, but by making him captain, he has so much more official executive power at his hands. It’s like people are explicitly asking for him to do his worst. So, fueled by his own competitiveness and love for the sport, off he goes.
Neil is just as bad as Kevin when it comes to his Exy obsession. The major difference between them is that Kevin is endlessly tactical and he runs Exy with a focus on a technical and physical level entirely, whereas Neil’s approach is to look beyond a lack of practice and basically psychoanalyzing people on why they are not doing 110% for Exy. Kevin says “let’s run this drill 500 times, then we will inevitably be better”. Meanwhile Neil is scheming how to coerce and bribe people into life-changing decisions and long-needed healing, entirely because he wants to optimize playing a sport. Exy is a team sport, which is why this is the most logical approach his little Exy brain comes up with rather than minding his own fucking business. He looks at the team and is like “is anyone gonna whip this into shape? No?? I’ll fucking do it then cowards” and goes and does exactly that. It’s like he’s fixing the equipment so he can play.
I don’t think anyone except for Andrew is really aware that Neil really isn’t doing this out of the innate goodness of his heart, but because his personal brand of practicality involves the most convoluted and creative kind of scheming. I feel like Neil is a lot more selfish than people give him credit for. Sure, there’s people he cares deeply and unconditionally for, but that’s really not everyone. It’s fascinating to watch, especially because it’s not like he ever hides that he doesn’t particularly care, but people kinda assume he does, because why else would he put in this much effort?
Exy. The answer is Exy.
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🐉 Dragon Books To Read If You Liked "Fourth Wing" by Rebecca Yarros 🐉
The dragon romantasy "Fourth Wing" by Rebecca Yarros has taken over the bookish community, so I wanted to give you some recommendations on what to read after you finished it.
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Dragonfall by L.R. Lam
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Long ago, humans betrayed dragons, stealing their magic and banishing them to a dying world. Centuries later, their descendants worship dragons as gods. But the 'gods' remember, and they do not forgive. Since they were orphaned, Arcady has scraped a living thieving on the streets of Vatra, dreaming of life among the nobility - and revenge. When the chance arises to steal a powerful artefact from the bones of the Plaguebringer, the most hated person in Lumet history, they jump at it, for its magic holds the key to their dreams. But the spell has unintended consequences, and drags Everen - the last male dragon, who was once foretold to save his kind - into the human world. Trapped, and disguised as a human, Everen soon realises that the key to his destiny, and to regaining his true power, lies in Arcady. All he needs to do is convince one little thief to bond with him completely - body, mind, and soul - and then kill them . . . Yet the closer the two become, the greater the risk both their worlds will shatter.
To Shape a Dragon's Breath by Moniquill Blackgoose
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A young Indigenous woman enters a colonizer-run dragon academy—and quickly finds herself at odds with the “approved” way of doing things—in the first book of this brilliant new fantasy series. The remote island of Masquapaug has not seen a dragon in many generations—until fifteen-year-old Anequs finds a dragon’s egg and bonds with its hatchling. Her people are delighted, for all remember the tales of the days when dragons lived among them and danced away the storms of autumn, enabling the people to thrive. To them, Anequs is revered as Nampeshiweisit—a person in a unique relationship with a dragon. Unfortunately for Anequs, the Anglish conquerors of her land have different opinions. They have a very specific idea of how a dragon should be raised, and who should be doing the raising—and Anequs does not meet any of their requirements. Only with great reluctance do they allow Anequs to enroll in a proper Anglish dragon school on the mainland. If she cannot succeed there, her dragon will be killed. For a girl with no formal schooling, a non-Anglish upbringing, and a very different understanding of the history of her land, challenges abound—both socially and academically. But Anequs is smart, determined, and resolved to learn what she needs to help her dragon, even if it means teaching herself. The one thing she refuses to do, however, is become the meek Anglish miss that everyone expects. Anequs and her dragon may be coming of age, but they’re also coming to power, and that brings an important realization: the world needs changing—and they might just be the ones to do it.
She Who Earned Her Wings by Vaela Denarr & Micah Iannandrea
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One does not learn to fly without taking a leap. And one has to fall to be caught. Nomi is a young druid finally taking the chance to spread her wings and leave her home. To see the world and discover its magic, beauty… and maybe love. Calia is a dragon on the hunt for angels, trying to square an old debt. That, and to get Laura, her desired bondmate, to finally return to her side, where she belongs. Nomi immediately catches the eye of the powerful dragons. Calia entices her with honeyed words and a skillful tongue. On the other hand, Laura, much smaller but equally intimidating, takes it upon herself to protect her. Despite the warnings, Nomi can’t help being drawn to Calia's charm, her power, her fangs… and the hidden gentleness in her eyes. She promises danger where Laura promises safety, and Nomi is torn between the two. Luckily there is a convenient cult out for the dragons’ heads, providing Nomi with ample distraction and at least one dragon egg to steal, hatch, and raise by herself. Perfectly normal things for a young transgender druid to get involved in! In the clutches of dragons, battling dark forces from beyond the stars, Nomi faces the questions of who she is and who she wants to be. Whether she deserves the love offered to her, and what it truly takes to earn her wings...
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honeygrahambitch · 4 months
Wedding cake shenanigans
"Alright. Ready?" Hannibal asked as he handed Will a fork.
"So ready."
"We have to take this very seriously, Will."
"Relax and count on my sugar tooth."
Hannibal pulled a chair and sat down in front of Will. Various sortiments of cakes were resting on the table in front of their eyes.
"And I suppose you know what every cake contains? Every cake?"
"Yes. Pick one to begin with, dearest."
Will's gaze fell on the cakes. He pulled some of them closer to have a better look. He was examining them as if they were a boat engine which needed to be repaired.
"This." He said as he pulled a chocolate one between them.
"Sachertorte. Excellent choice. Austrian cake made from chocolate and apricot Marmelade."
Will nodded in approval and sank his fork into it, followed by Hannibal who was more interested in Will's reaction. He admired the way he frowned as he chewed slowly and had another bite. And another. But the delight was not on his facial features.
"What do you think, darling?"
"It's good. More Marmelade would definitely make a difference. Do we rate them?"
"Like in a tiktok video?"
"I mean, you use that app, I do not. But, sure, like in a tiktok video."
"Yes, we rate them, then."
"8/10. You?"
"Alright, Doctor, and here we thought I would be the difficult one."
"Will, I will always appreciate Sachertorte but I feel like it would be too basic for our wedding. Too simple. Choose another one."
Will sighed dramatically even if, in fact, he did not mind eating as much cake as he wanted.
Hannibal sighed loudly.
"Why do we even have a red velvet slice if you have a problem with it?" Will asked an arched an eyebrow as he greedily sunk his fork into it.
"The one thing that I love is the red and white contrast. It is aesthetic enough for what I have in mind. But as far as I'm aware, it's been extremely overused."
Will grabbed another bite and fed Hannibal.
"A bit too dry. But the cream is nice. 7/10" Will commented as he watched Hannibal think about it, as if it was the most important decision in his life.
"5/10. It has no flavor. Just sugar. And I agree, too dry. If it was not for the color, it would have been a well deserved 4/10."
Will laughed. "Choose another one."
"This. Sponge bathed in whiskey, dark chocolate and mint-orange glaze."
Will made a face which Hannibal pretended to ignore and they both tried it while their gazes remained locked.
"This is as if you had sex and then immediately went to wash the dishes."
"Elaborate on that." Hannibal said with an amused smile on his lips. Watching Will trying so many cakes was one of the most entertaining things they had ever done.
"So the texture is great, and the orange bit is also great...and that would be the orgasm. And if it ended there, the cake would have been brilliant. But then there's the mint. Tastes like toothpaste. Then there's the dark chocolate. Too bitter. So instead of having a nice ending... you end up regretting life choices."
"Wonderful description. I am not a fan of the toothpaste taste. But the subtle whiskey flavour is lovely."
"I was harassed by so many flavors at the same time that I could not even identify the whiskey. A 4/10 for that."
"I will give it a 6. It has potential. Your turn."
Will looked at the remaining cakes and immediately went for the cheesecake to Hannibal's dismay.
"A passion fruit cheesecake. But it can be other type of fruit too."
"But?" Will asked as he dug in.
"It's... cheesecake. I can make it for you any other day. It does not scream "wedding"."
"Well, now we know the issue. You want our cake to scream. That should not be a problem, right?" He said as he devoured the slice.
"I unfortunately cannot incorporate human meat in our cake. Since you insisted to get it done somewhere else."
"I don't want all that pressure on you. You shouldn't be doing so much while I am not doing anything. You are definitely worrying about the decor, the flowers, the invitations, the food, the suits-"
"I am not worrying, I actually enjoy doing most of the planning. And you are doing enough by tasting the cakes. You are helping a lot. The other things would not be as entertaining to you anyway."
Will knew he was right. "Well, thank you. And everything you have updated me on with looks brilliant. I think navy blue and silver are a great combination."
"You remembered it was navy blue." Hannibal said as he was about to propose to him once again.
"Of course." Will said as he finished the cake. "9/10."
"0/10 since you ate it all."
"Oh. Next."
The next five cakes were not it. They were either too dry, too basic, too sweet, too flavoury, nor flavoury enough.
"This was all?" Will asked as if he did not tried 9 types of cake.
"I am afraid so. We can try a different cake shop tomorrow."
"No. I have a better idea. The best compromise."
"I'm listening."
"We both like a moist sponge. And we both like coffee. And we both like Italy."
"You are pulling the Italy card because you know I will not refuse it."
"That and also the fact that we actually really like Tiramisu."
"I love you so much that I could marry you right here in the kitchen."
"I would gladly do it here in the kitchen."
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hi lovey 🫶 i was thinking about another lo’ak idea for a request and this is what i came up with! so as we know, the sully family had to learn sign language while living with the metkayina clan.. so i was thinking the reader would be metkayina and would take it upon themself to help teach them (at this time the sully’s know certain phrases) and lo’ak is drawn to the reader and asks for private lessons but in actuality he’s pretty good with signing so the reader is like “ur already pretty good but ig so 🤷” and in that lesson lo’ak kind of makes his feelings clear and asks to learn how to say something like “you’re ethereal” and once he learns, he signs it to the reader? idk i just love how you write lo’ak so i just thought of anything really 🤭
Teach Me
Tags: Lo'ak x Metkayina!Reader, Oneshot, Fem!Reader, Fluff, Private Tutor, Crush Blush, They’re Both Oblivious, Shy Reader
Warnings: None
You caught the eye of Jake Sully’s second son, and he has made it a point to try and woo you. When you try and teach his family the way your clan communicates underwater, he asks for private lessons, knowing full well he has already excelled in sign language far beyond his siblings. A few more lessons couldn’t hurt, right?
Your requests are always such a delight to see :) Lo’ak tryna finesse the reader into private tutoring sessions just to spend time with them is such a Lo’ak thing to do lol ALSO YOU’LL NOTICE THAT IVE TAKEN A LIKING TO ADDING A BONUS TO THESE
* ˚ ✦ 1453 Words • Read below the cut
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╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-╰┈➤ ❝ [05/01/23] ❞
Ever since the Sully family arrived at your doorstep seeking asylum, your father, Tonowari, had entrusted you with teaching the children your ways so that they were not entirely useless.
You did not appear to mind. When you locked eyes with Toruk Makto's youngest son, he captivated you. He was considerably different from your people, with golden eyes, darker skin, and even being a half dream walker! It was alluring, even if your brother didn't find Lo'ak's unique traits as attractive as you did.
You brushed your burgeoning feelings aside so you could do an excellent job of showing him your ways of life. Tsireya, your sister, had previously taught the Sullys about breathing techniques and diving, but you still stepped in whenever you could. You would've been more involved in the lessons if you weren't so timid around Lo'ak.
He figured you didn't like him as much as he liked you, which stung a little. However, that did not deter him. No, he was determined to get your love! (Little did he know.)
During one of your lessons with Tsireya and the Sullys, you were discussing how you employed sign language to communicate underwater. Of course, you were as far away from Lo'ak as possible to avoid becoming a blundering fool.
The Sullys certainly understood a few basic phrases, but you thought it would be incredibly beneficial in the long run if they knew it fluently because it could save their lives one day. You never know what sea creature you'll have to converse with!
By the end of the lesson, you were eager to get out of the water and rush home so you wouldn't have to interact with Lo'ak; you couldn't stop stuttering whenever you were near him! Eywa, on the other hand, had other plans for you.
Lo'ak softly tapped on your shoulder before you could depart, and you could already feel the tips of your ears burn from the contact. Lo'ak didn't notice, but that didn't matter because he was plotting something. One that he believed was brilliant.
He smiled at you. God, his smile was lethal. “Can I get more lessons with you? I need to work on my sign language a bit more.”
He scratched the nape of his neck shyly, clearly hoping for you to say yes.
You sighed, unable to say no when it’s him. “Okay, sure. We can do some private lessons aside from the main ones.”
Lo'ak cheered inside his head. What you didn't know was that he was already pretty proficient in sign language, and that his request for additional lessons was only a pretext to spend more time with you. Others called that manipulation, he called it chasing his dreams.
It was difficult for you to concentrate on teaching him at first. He was so attentive to everything you said that it made you feel so self-conscious! You'd take notice to the way he looked with his hair down, or how mesmerizing his eyes were every time you tried to teach him new terms. You could lose yourself in them for hours.
Snap out of it!
You'd think he was aware of the influence he had on you, because every time you'd lose concentration from gazing at him, he'd simply smile. Maybe your eyes were playing tricks on you, but you swore his cheeks reddened when you stared at him. What was he blushing about? He's the one who makes direct eye contact with you every time you speak!
You felt foolish. You were foolish.
After a few days, you realised Lo'ak had duped you into thinking he needed the extra support. In your opinion, his acting skills when feigning to not understand what a phrase meant were atrocious. When you confronted him with the fact that he was already pretty fluent, he sulked.
“I’m still not sure if I’m doing it right, though. Just a few more lessons, pleaase?”
He was going to be the death of you. “You’re already pretty good, but I guess it won’t hurt to help build your confidence more.”
Lo’ak grinned, but you could feel your palms getting sweaty at even the mere thought of having prolonged interactions with him.
Here you were, sitting on the beach with Lo’ak as he manipulated you into weeks worth of lessons with his stupidly gorgeous puppy dog eyes. Again.
You improved your interactions with him, this time concealing the effect he had on you. You shook your head, ignoring those wandering thoughts and concentrated on his lesson.
“Okay, show me something you’ve learned.”
Lo’ak beamed, and signed with his hands, “Y/N, I want you.”
Okay, you lied. You certainly did not grasp the capacity to conceal his effect on you. He had this smug look on his face once you registered what he had signed, while you fanned your heated cheeks, claiming it was simply the weather. You concluded he was having difficulty asking for something since 'I want you' sounded a little broken.
Yeah, that’s all there is to it.
You laughed nervously. “You definitely still need to work on your sign language. You didn’t even finish your phrase!”
Lo'ak grumbled. From your perspective , it appeared that he did so because he did not accurately sign what he meant to express. But really, Lo'ak was particularly annoyed because you didn't pick up on his blatant hint.
He recollected himself. “Okay, how about this. How do I say you’re ethereal?”
Compliments. That’s a new one. Nonetheless, you showed him how to sign it.
“You’re ethereal is a little bit hard though, so you’d need a bit of practice with the hand movements for that.”
Lo’ak nodded, very focused on the motions of your fingers.
You were disappointed to realise that this was your final private lesson with Lo'ak. You were standing near his marui, too indolent to enter the water. Lo'ak had finally mastered sign language, and you were overjoyed to know you were the reason for it. You requested him to show you some phrases right before you concluded your lesson to ensure he sounded like a true Metkayina.
“Okay. What’s something you’re confident you can say?”
Lo’ak was incredibly anxious. With shaky hands, he signed, “you’re ethereal, and I want you to be mine.”
If Eywa could read your thoughts, you wished she’d take a shovel and beat you six feet beneath the sand. Your cheeks were impossibly dark, and you knew what Lo’ak signed couldn’t have been a mistake. Not with those difficult hand movements.
Curse you for being so stupid. You chastised yourself in your mind for honestly thinking his sign language was broken weeks prior. His skills were perfect, you were just too oblivious to realize that he was saying that he wanted you!
Lo'ak sat there patiently, gazing at your immobilised form. His self-assurance was eroding as you sat there, unresponsive. You coughed sheepishly, your cheeks still blazing, before he could retract his statement.
“You’re ethereal too.”
He felt his entire body heat up. He was not expecting you to sign it back, and now you were both sitting there like startled morons, looking like you had been baking in the heat for hours. You were neither smooth nor subtle in your flirting.
“So you don’t hate me?”
That shook you out of your daze. “What?”
“It’s just that, before these lessons you avoided me all the time. I thought you didn’t like me back.”
Your jaw was on the floor. All shyness disappearing, you practically bellowing across the beach. “Since when? I’ve liked you for weeks!”
Ensue silence.
Lo'ak had to conceal his visage due to the blush on his cheeks. He could try to hide his face from you, but he couldn't prevent his tail from swishing excitedly. You giggled at his reaction, but the embarrassment of how direct you were hit you a moment later.
You two exchanged glances before laughing at each other's expressions. Lo'ak inched closer to you, intending to plant a soft kiss against your heated cheeks.
You immediately swiveled your head to see what he was doing, and he kissed you on the lips by accident. Lo'ak felt like he was going to burst into flames, not intending to do that.
It was now your turn to bury your face in your palms, your heart practically bursting out of your chest. You couldn't believe what had just transpired!
Ah, young love.
“No. Fucking. Way.”
Jake screamed for his wife to come over. Neytiri ran quickly, abandoning her unfinished basket. Something terrible must’ve happened!
“What’s wrong?”
Jake wiped a tear away, dropping his binoculars. “Our son has finally become a man.”
Neytiri threw her basket at his head.
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fastcardotmp3 · 9 months
🌻august bookshelf🌻
july recs | recs tag
I really enjoyed putting together a little fic rec list at the end of last month and decided to do it again!
🌻driving in your car by @kkpwnall - when I say the ultimate pining Steddie fic I MEAN IT. the use of the car as this sort of central, grounding force within Steve's world and the way the testing of his tether to Hawkins and the people in it plays out here is stunning, not to mention the HANDS and the ronance going on stage left and the complete and utter tenderness lying just beneath the surface. perfection I am swallowing it whole
🌻clueless by @gothbat99 - such a lovely short & sweet slice of life in the summer after they win the war, it feels SO important in its simplicity that Nancy and Robin are getting to behave like young people, all free and hopeful and discovering how to want/ be wanted. made my heart so big and warm in only 1k words like THAT !!! is so impressive, so worth your time, will make your day better guaranteed
🌻Faces Freedom with a Little Fear by @fragilecapric0rnn - literally Steve family-centric character study of all time, come swoon over big sister JJ Harrington and watch as her presence in his life creates a fullness and richness of growth and self-realization LIKE. I could bask in this world for the rest of forever and never get tired of its sincerity and depth and siblingisms, what a heart-squeezing delight from start to finish
🌻haunted hawkins by @hellsfireclub - starts with the brilliant premise of "what if it's not just Hawkins?" and RUNS with it, giving not just beautiful ruminations on both Nancy and Robin as they start a journey towards figuring out just how far the paranormal spreads and also a journey towards mutual self discovery and (: lesbianism (: READ THIS FIC.
🌻then I see you, you're walking 'cross the campus by stellarpoint (@heybluechild) - a lovely little peek at Steve and Nancy's friendship coming back together after they've come into their own a little bit and Nancy being so, so brave in coming out to him. truly this made my heart so big and full and warm i am carrying them gently in the palms of my hands
🌻this must be the place by @judasofsuburbia - JARGYLE CAMPING. the tenderness of this, the peace offered to Jonathan when he hasn't ever really known such a thing, the way they just sort of slot together and find and choose and become each other?? it's got me all soft in the heart and THAT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN. illegal actually. I'm weak in the knees :((
🌻Young, Scrappy, & Hungry by @fragilecapric0rnn - politics ronance rivals to lovers WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT ME TO SAY?? perfect dynamics already and I can't wait to see where these girls go. the characterizations of them is so REAL despite the very different world of Washington they've been dropped into and my lesbian, TWW-loving ass is feeling soooo normal about them SO normal don't worry about it
🌻The Warmth Pulls by TheDeathsWish - I'm not fully caught up on this one yet, but it is genuinely one of the most unique AUs I've come across so I have to mention it here. It's still 1986 and it's still Hawkins, but the sci-fi overlay is switched out for more purely fantasy elements, including some very cool and beautifully revealed eccentricities and abilities of the characters. Steddie but also so hugely dependent on the ensemble of it all, which you know I eat up, I'm excited to keep working my way through this one!
P.S. if you read and enjoy any of these, please remember to tip your writers in kudos and comments!💛
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heartinportuairk · 4 months
I went to the final performance of Macbeth last night and I wanted to make some notes for myself so I would remember some things. I only use this account for lurking but I am making this public in case anyone scouring the David Tennant / Macbeth tags is interested in my musings for some reason.
I had been lucky enough to have seen this production three times already before last night - twice in December and once in January - so I have been able to track its journey and pick out what changes night on night and what doesn't. I have found that fascinating. Any changes were minor and pretty much exclusively found in simply the way a line was spoken. For example, the brilliant Noof Oussellam (Macduff)'s "but I must also feel it as a man" was impassioned and angry the first and last times, but the two times inbetween I found it to be more subtle. More sadness, more despair than anger. I guess it comes down to how the actor is feeling it in that point in time and I think it shows a great understanding of the character that they play them in the moment and don't just mimic themselves night after night.
The other great thing about going multiple times is viewing it from different angles. I saw it from all sides, twice from the stalls and twice from the front row of the circle. Honestly, circle was better, especially for Macbeth's death in the closing moments. You do not get the effect of the blood seeping out from under him from the stalls and I tell you now, that image from above sears itself onto your brain.
All of the actors are incredible and have been from the start, but there were a few times last night where I could feel them step up their game. Like they knew it was the last time they were going to say that line (at least for a while) so they were going to give it their all.
One of those times was Macbeth's "tomorrow and tomorrow" soliloquy which had always been brilliant and very moving, but about which something was a little different last night. The quiet, raw emotion in that speech felt as though it had been ramped up (or down??) a notch and was so palpable that it brought a tear to my eye.
Another moment came from Lady Macbeth's sleepwalking scene. Again, always brilliant and always moving but somehow desperately sadder this time around. I wanted to give that murderous, conniving fiend a big hug.
The Porter:
The porter scene is funny but obviously not as much when you know what's coming. Which is why when somebody in the audience yelled out "who's there?" right before he got a chance to say his "ok seriously do none of you understand the concept of a knock-knock joke?" line last night, it was both a shame and a blessing. I felt a bit bad for the guy!
"Alright, you've seen the show before! That was my favourite-... and it's the final show!"
But what followed was a hilarious bit of improvisation and it changed things up a bit, especially as Laura the sound engineer proceeded to make his job even harder with the timing of the sound effects that followed. It meant I was able to enjoy the porter scene as much as I did the first time, but like I said, I did feel a bit bad that his favourite line got taken away from him! (It wasn't me who called out, by the way.)
David bloody Tennant:
I've not seen much Shakespeare live (I want to remedy that, I have become completely obsessed), but I can believe people when they say David Tennant is arguably the greatest Shakespearean actor of his time. You can tell he feels and understands completely the meaning behind the words he is saying. He's not just reciting, not just reeling it off. The pauses, the intonations, the passion, sadness, grief, guilt behind every line just shows his deep understanding of the character and his innermost thoughts. On that stage, he is Macbeth.
What's more is you can tell he absolutely delights in it. Anybody who knows anything about DT knows he loves Shakespeare and it is glaringly evident when he is out on stage. He puts everything he has into it and it is wonderful to witness.
He is truly an amazing actor and a treasure and I have been so delighted to watch his career somehow continue to hit new highs of late. Everything he touches seems to turn to gold. As many have said before me, this really is David Tennant's world and the rest of us are just living in it.
The bows:
The reception this group of actors received at the end of the performance was phenomenal and no more than they deserved. Everybody on their feet, whooping, cheering. A lot of noise coming from such a small audience. The cast were both playful and tearful. To see some of the actors get a bit emotional was very touching and I hope that was, at least in part, due to the love and admiration pouring out of us and on to that stage.
An aside:
So I turn up to the theatre and head straight for the toilets on the first floor. There is one person waiting outside them because it's full inside so I wait too. Within moments, out pops DT from a set of double doors right in front of me. He quickly checks if there's anyone in the other set of toilets (there is) and disappears back through the doors again. It's fleeting, and the only other person in the queue is facing the other way and doesn't see. I keep quiet, obviously. It's just over half an hour until the performance is due to start. He's not in costume yet and the man just wants to go to the bathroom. My point is, I've now watched him live on stage in a very small theatre for approximately 7 and a half hours and at no point in that time have I actually concluded that he is real, except in those brief four or five seconds outside the toilets of the Donmar Warehouse in Covent Garden, when we're just two people who needed a wee.
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farity · 1 year
Pairing: Modern AU!Aemond Targaryen x reader
Summary:  A gallery debut for a beloved little cousin has the two of you running into some interesting people.
Warning: Smut
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“Shireen! This is wonderful, you are so talented!”
The young woman beamed at you and gave you a huge hug.  “Thank you for making it, I know how busy you both are oh my gosh your dress is gorgeous!”
Aemond stepped in, giving Shireen a quick hug.  “Good job, kid, we’re never too busy to support family.”
Your second cousin Shireen might be young, but she has been an artist for years and this is her first showing at a prestigious gallery.  Her family name is enough to gather many of the city’s elite and you are delighted for her.
“We’ll let you chat with your admirers,” you added, “text me if you need rescuing, ok?”
“Will do!  Enjoy the food!”
* * * * * 
“She’s crazy talented,” Aemond said absently, studying one of the larger pieces on display.  “I wouldn’t mind this in my office,” he mused.
“Well,” you said, teasingly, “it is mostly black.  It will go with all the other black stuff.”
He leaned in, playfully biting your ear while you laughed.  “Be careful you don’t swallow my earring, it’s from this guy I met years ago.”
He let go of your earlobe and kissed your neck.  “Hmm, he must like you a lot, it’s a pretty big diamond.”
“Oh yeah he does,” you said nonchalantly, although what his mouth was doing to your neck was definitely making you want to find an empty room somewhere.  “I like him a lot, too.  He’s brilliant and so fucking hot.”  You ran your hand over Aemond’s ass, giving it a quick squeeze.
“I told you they would be all over each other.”
The man’s voice startled you and Aemond and you turned to see Oberyn Martell with his long-term partner Ellaria.
She smiled coquettishly at him.  “Then you have won the bet, my love.”
“I will be collecting later,” he said, kissing her hand, and then extended his hand to Aemond.  “Good seeing you, it’s been a while.”
“Oberyn, did you make the trip just for this?”
You kissed Ellaria’s cheek while the men chatted.  She was such a different creature from the go-getters of the city.  While everyone rushed, she seemed to glide effortlessly, and she seemed untouched by worry or time.
“We just escaped Jaime Lannister’s latest humblebrag.  Apparently he now has a Tesla at every one of his homes.” She whispered, rolling her eyes.  
“That’s Jaime, all right,” you replied, “at least Cersei is not here.”
“That woman is poison,” Ellaria snapped, then shook out her hair.  “Let us talk about nicer things.  Come and have dinner before we return to Dorne.”
“That sounds lovely!
“It will be a very small, intimate gathering,” Ellaria said suggestively, a soft smile on her lips, and you noticed her long glance at Aemond.  “Just the four of us.”
“Well,” you replied, not missing a beat, “let us know and we will check our calendars.  It’s always so good to see you.”  You hugged Ellaria, kissing her cheek before Oberyn took your hand and kissed it.
* * * * * 
Aemond spoke to one of the gallery attendants to secure the painting he wanted for his study and caught you as you drank your wine.
“Hey gorgeous, you ready to go?” he said, slipping his arm around your waist as you handed him a glass of whisky.  “Are you purchasing anything?”
“Yeah, I already had them secured for me.”  You smiled up at him.  “We just got propositioned.”
“What?” he nearly choked on his drink and looked at you with pure disbelief in his eyes.
“Oh yeah,” you continued.  “Oberyn and Ellaria are inviting us to one of their "intimate” parties.  Like the one they had with Tyrion and Shae,” you whispered.
Aemond pulled you closer.  “Too bad for them, I do not share.”  He downed the rest of his whisky and let his hand ghost over your ass.  “Your delightfully bouncy ass is all mine,” he murmured against your temple, “your silken breasts are for my hands and mouth only,” he brushed your hair out of the way for another kiss on your neck, “and your most delectable-”
“Hey guys!”
You turned at once, your face burning, in time to see your brother-in-law, Aegon, and his wife Margaery smiling at you.  
“Oh hey!” you hugged Margaery, moving to the side a little to avoid crushing her pregnant belly.  “How are you feeling these days?”
“I am doing well,” she said, “my boobs are huge, for once, my hair is thick and glorious, and my nails are long.  Pregnancy for the win!”
You hugged Aegon, and started telling him about one of the pieces that you thought would look good in their house.  “We’ve been looking for something for over the fireplace, wanna go take a look, love?” he asked his wife, who gave you a little wave before following him.
“Okay,” you said, finishing your wine and putting the glass down on a table.  “I’m about done being caught making out with you.  Take me home and ravish me, Aemond.”
“Oh good, we found you!”
Your mother in law’s voice washed over you along with all the shame and embarrassment of knowing she had probably heard your last few words.
“Hey Alicent.  Viserys,” you kissed Aemond’s parents, who loved you like a daughter and had made you feel at home the moment Aemond brought you home years ago.
“Kid’s doing good, isn’t she?” Viserys asked, indicating Shireen.  He leaned in conspiratorially, “I have a feeling my wallet is going home empty tonight.”  
Alicent rolled her eyes at her husband.  “That is never happening.  Dinner on Sunday, right?” he asked you and Aemond.
The moment they left you turned, Aemond’s hand in yours, and began walking out.
“Should we say goodbye to Shireen?” he asked.
“I’m not saying anything to anyone any more.”
Aemond simply smiled as you walked out and much to your surprise, he grabbed you, lifting you off the ground, and kissed you, right in the middle of the street.  When he released you, you had to hold on to his arm to steady yourself.
“I don’t give a fuck who sees,” he said, “but I will take you home and ravish you all the same.”
* * * * * 
The front door slammed open while she laughed and he tried to ignore her hand down the front of his trousers.  He kicked the door shut and grabbing her hands, pressed her against the wall.  “I’m going to have you right here.”
“No,” she teased, “I want my nice, comfortable bed.”
“Three,” he said, looking straight into her eyes.
She blinked, dropping her bag on the floor.
Her eyes widened, and she started running upstairs, cursing the killer heels she wore. “I’m going to break a fucking ankle, Aemond!”
He heard her throwing one shoe aside as he ran after her.  He would have her wherever he found her, maybe torment her a little as payment for her damn hand on his cock when he couldn’t do anything about it.
She’d gone into her dressing room and was struggling to undo the strap on her shoe.
“You’re mine.”
“Let me get this fucking shoe-”
He reached her before she finished and pushed her down on the fancy plush bench she had.  He’d never fucked her on that bench, he realized, and decided to rectify things.
“If I want you to use your mouth, I will let you know.”
He pushed up the hem of her short dress, tore off the lacy underwear, and fastened his mouth between her legs.  
She whined loudly as he devoured her, his mouth and tongue relentlessly working her to a quick, hard orgasm.
“Good,” he said, looking down at her, “we got one out of the way.”  Undoing the tiny buckle on her shoe, he tossed it aside and draped her legs over his shoulders.  He traced a slow circle around the sensitive knot of nerves, feeling her belly twitch with the aftershocks of her first release.  She was incredibly sensitive after, and he could usually get her to come again with the lightest of touches.   A few moments later, he was rewarded with a second orgasm, and he stood up, watching her limp form.
Walking to the other side of the bench, he pulled her up to sitting and unzipped the dress before pulling it over her head. He tossed it on the floor, and turned to find her on her knees before him.
She smiled coyly at him and ran her hand up the front of his trousers.  
“What do you want, my love?  You may tell me.”
“I want to return the favor, Aemond.”
“You want me in that tempting little mouth?
She nodded, biting on her lower lip.
God damn her.  He could never say no to her, naked or not, kneeling or not.
He cupped her cheek and she pressed against his palm.  “I fucking adore you,” he murmured, and she beamed at him before starting to unbutton and unzip.
She mouthed his hard length over the fabric of his boxers and he cursed.  This game, these amusements, she knew he would never in a million years hurt her beyond a smack on the ass or a tug on her hair.  He would cut his own throat before he ever hurt her.  
Her slim fingers slipped into the waistband of his boxers and Aemond wondered how long he was going to last because he was painfully hard and when she tugged down the garment and wrapped one hand around him, he nearly came.  Her mouth was soft and wet, her tongue swirling around as she worked him with her hand.
He would not come in her mouth, he would not come in her mouth, he would not-
In desperation, he pulled her off him and pushed her back onto the bench before driving inside her.  “Fuck, you feel too damn good.”
She licked her lips, “likewise.”
He began pounding against her, holding her hips so he wouldn’t push her off the bench, and she wrapped her legs around him, her breasts bouncing with every hard thrust.
“Fuck yes,” she moaned, “oh fuck, fuck-” she threw her head back, screaming, and watching her, her body taut in ecstasy, finally did him in, and he surrendered to his own orgasm.
* * * * * 
By the time the world stopped spinning, you realized Aemond was still kneeling between your legs, his head right under your breasts.
“I can’t stand right now,” he said in all explanation, and you began laughing, your skin still shimmering with pleasure.  
You couldn’t imagine sharing yourself - or Aemond - with anyone else.  You’d been his since the moment you first laid eyes on him at the hospital, where he had come in after a horrific eye injury.  While you started his anesthesia, you’d realized how much he was shaking, and had held his hand until he went under.
When you’d gone in to check in on him post-recovery, he’d thanked you for holding his hand.  “It’s the last thing I remember, your hand in mine.”
The eye had been too badly injured to save and he’d gotten a prosthetic replacement, until one day when he came in to thank the surgeon, and then pulled you aside.  
“So, are you officially not my doctor any more?”
You’d smiled, “no, not really, I was only there for the surgery,” you’d said, blushing at the intensity in his gaze.
You hadn’t known what to say next, and he’d extended his hand to you.  “Well then, it sounds like there is no doctor-patient bullshit to stop you from going out with me.”
And that had been that.  You’d gone out to dinner, gone back to your place, and then he’d never really left.  
“So I propose-”
“Again?” you teased.  
He raised his head to give you a look.  “I suggest, we move this party to the bedroom, now that I can stand.  I think.”
* * * * * 
Later, he watched her drift off to sleep, curled up against him.  He thought of the worst thing that had ever happened to him leading to the best thing that had ever happened to him and had long ago decided it had been a fair trade.
He’d told himself he had nothing to lose - he’d already lost an eye, he would have a nasty scar on his face for the rest of his fucking life, and he could tell himself that she had turned him down because she’d been one of the doctors on his case.
So he’d summoned his courage and after he’d talked to the rest of his medical team, he’d caught up with her and taken her aside.  And she’d said yes to going out with him.  When he’d asked her a different question a year later, she’d said yes, too, between tears and laughter.  
Whenever he told someone that he was a lucky man, he always caught the split second of disbelief.  But he knew better.
* * * * * 
@arryn-nyx​   @  girlwith-thepearlearring    @greenowlfactif  @hydrationqueensworld    @megzdoodle@melsunshine  @queenofshinigamis     @throughgoeshamilton   @travelingmypassion   @hb8301   @kaemond-zafiro    @arcielee
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tonguetiedraven · 5 months
Season Three Episode One Thoughts
-Starting in the classroom is a brilliant idea. It gives a good reason for Rin to be reading, makes it clear we're out of summer break, and leads perfectly into Godaiin and doesn't make them have to set up a friendship for those two. We just dive in.
-The Kyoto's trio intro was perfect and the letter was entirely the way I wanted it to look, over the top reactions and all.
-I'm glad we didn't have to see the Amaimon brutalization of Rin. That would have been a bit rough for the first episode back and not having it will make some of the coming violence and gore with the zombies and lab more intense.
-Mephisto's clothes and room made my eyes bleed. Perfect. No notes. Everything is exactly as it should be.
-Liked the color sap of Gehenna and that they used the cgi heads to connect that to the gate for people who don't know about the manga and don't know that's Gehenna.
-The portraits fight was fantastic and I like that they had the same demons in there be the one that attacked Sei earlier. It makes it feel like there was a reason they were doing that mission and is a great setup to allow them to do the mysteries in any order they want. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see some of the others pop up later. The bathroom ghost is perfect for closer to the festival with that stuff.
-I like how they didn't spend a lot of time on Yukio withdrawing. They had Rin and Shura both point it out in different ways, and it's a good setup for the stuff later.
-Kuro napping on the table gives me so much joy.
-Hair clip. Just Hair clip.
-The outside eating lunch scene was everything I wanted. All of them hanging out and chatting and Izumo being entirely embarrassed and everyone looking at Rin after the demon shout xD
-The ending with Godaiin taking a moment to show him actively thinking about what demons really are and halflings, and how those drops might change how he sees Rin and whether he should use them and that leading directly to the rest of the group waiting on him and teasing him and wanting him to come for food.
-Mephisto echoing the opening narration with a more cryptic twist.
-The credit shot of the girl's bathroom. The ghost? Or just a nod for us?
All in all, I'm impressed they got that much and they set up so much for later. I really thought they were going to skip all the mysteries and I'm delighted they gave us Konekomaru's moments because honestly, the Illuminati arc and the portrait fight are both huge for him, and he doesn't have an arc of his own and rarely gets the spotlight.
I like the animation and think the palette and style suits Izumo and Shima quite well. I like the strong focus for friendship in the start and the questions about demons and humans they're setting up for later on in this arc. I am very hopeful and I've heard the Japan fans who got to see the first three episodes said the pacing gets better, so I am ecstatic.
It still doesn't quite feel real that we got it after all this time xD It's more than I ever expected and I'm on cloud nine.
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nikosamaki · 2 years
What’s your opinion about their DOWN part: Warnings: NSFW, BODY PARTS, NO MINORS
As expected from The Avatar of Pride, he has a large size –but not that much you think like it would tear you up!!-; its length is 22cm (How fascinating!) with a diameter of 5 cm (Mannnnnnn… It’s a BRILLIANT size for a man; don’t you dare to say it is NOT 😂🔪). Due to having a nice size, he’s extremely proud of himself –his cock, of course.
However, you never tell him that you really like his size –you probably know if you tell him, there is NO way back and you’ll have LONG nights for years😊. Every time you do THAT, you both reach to a very delightful result (I meant the orgasm).
Not having the size like Lucifer, but his size is very suitable for his body (It’s not small that cannot give you the BEST feeling, it’s just medium). Its length is about 19 with a diameter of 4 (Ahhhhh… What a GORGEOUS thoughts you have☺).
Even though he’s size –the cock- is smaller than Luci and Beel, he love it! –DUDE… He’s a MODEL with that size!!! So why not being proud?.
Also he knows that you’re OBSESSED with it; every night you confirm it with your sweet MOANS… What a bad liar you are😉.
As same size as Mam has! –most of the time, they have arguments about who has the longest cock :/ … *Writer sighs*-, but there’s a HUGE difference between Levi’s cock and the others… He has TWO!!! -Saints! It gives DOUBLE pleasure!! DAMN… You can NOT leave that man (Please ATTENTION that it’s my idea and NOT real… I guess you’ve seen the pics of him that has 2 instead of 1).
In spite of having 2 unlike others, he’s a bit SHY (Oww… Cute😄) –but when he’s around you and has a lot DESIRE, FUCK being shy, he’s a WILD & HUNGRY BEAST which wants to taste ALL of your BODY!!!!
Well, he has the same diameter like Luci but the difference is his length which is 20 -2 cm smaller than Luci that makes him angry and jealous… *Again writer sighs* (I don’t get them😐). All in all, he’s satisfied with his size that’s NOT smaller than now –he’s got a point about his brothers’s cock🤣… (This is the end of being MEAN😂).
It’s not the only thing that he’s satisfied with, the most important thing is he can make you feel AWESOME -the greatest climax you can ever feel- and he goes REALLY CRAZY due to your sweet voice.
Like Luci, you don’t tell him how CRAZY you are about his cock; once you said, you’re tied up and welcome to your HEAVEN.
Among the brothers, he and Belphie have the smallest one –NOT as small as pinky finger🤣🤣- its length is somehow about 17 with a diameter of 3.4 –but still he’s as LUSTFUL as ever… Having a smaller cock doesn’t change the FACT that he’s the avatar of LUST😉 (I’m pretty sure that you get me). As I mentioned about his size, he dies to see Luci’s COCK whenever he has the CHANCE (He’s NOT the ONLY ONE HERE😂… I can feel it and I’m counted with the “AGREE” group) –as he said: “He’s my SEXIEST brother, so why not ENJOY as MUCH as I can of the moments I see?” (Has a GOOD point).
But baby, Don’t forget those sweet nights that he makes you to become a BAD BITCH  -whereas he has the smallest size, he knows MORE than of his brother about *** and how to make you HORNY (Still waters run deep!!!).
Son of a BISCUIT!!! He has the BIGGEST size!!! –even than Luci!-, its length is 24 with a diameters of 6!! (The HELL, if Luci doesn’t tear you up, well, HE WILL! How on the THREE WORLDS? Is it POSSIBLE ??😶). To be honest, he doesn’t care about his size or feeling proud!!!! – unlike his brothers-, but if you say you like it… That’s a different story 😊.
He’s the avatar of GLUTTONY, so he has a HUGE desire when it comes to you –I meant your body- and he doesn’t have any switch off button which makes you both to reach infinitive pleasures till got tired.
As I said about Asmo, applies to him –they’ve the same size- and his opinion about it, is just like Beel’s behavior :/ (In one of my stories, I said that this twins have a problem with things like that😑).
Furthermore, he enjoys seeing you under him while you’re moaning and begging for MORE (He definitely inherited this moral from Satan).
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honouraryweasley12 · 5 months
Ringing In The Season
Stressed and tired from helping plan Harry and Ginny's elaborate wedding, Ron and Hermione decide to take a much different route to marital bliss at Christmas.
This was written for @edie-k as a gift in the HPRomione Discord Secret Santa 2023.
Also posted at FFn and AO3.
"Morning, love."
Ron's sleep-roughened voice broke the silence of the Saturday morning in their small flat. Hermione was cozy under a pile of blankets on their settee, some ancient book in her lap. He loved seeing her like that, it felt like home.
It was a typical weekend morning for them, unlike their recent nights.
For weeks, their evenings had been spent planning Harry and Ginny's elaborate wedding, which was still months away. As the Best Wizard and Witch of Honour, they had a myriad of duties in the extravaganza. Harry wanted Ginny to have her dream wedding, and it had grown to quite a large dream indeed. Not to mention she was the first Weasley daughter in generations to have a wedding.
"Morning, Ron."
He walked over and dropped a kiss in her hair, before stretching and letting out a wide yawn. He turned back to her, his eyes on the unfamiliar book.
"Whatcha reading?"
"Oh," she flipped to the cover and showed it to him. "I'm researching some old wedding customs for Ginny. She wants to find something unique for the ceremony."
They both shook their heads, communicating their judgement silently.
He leisurely scratched his stomach through his comfortable threadbare shirt. "What's the assignment at The Burrow today?"
"We need to do the seating charts… again. Apparently, Aunt Muriel refuses to sit with some cousin of your mum's."
"Bloody hell, not seating again! I need to learn Arithmancy to make sense of those charts. Can't the old bat just sit where she's told?"
Hermione shrugged and playfully poked him in the belly. "I guess not. You're just cranky because your mum hasn't baked as much as she usually does at Christmas."
"Might make the planning a little more bearable if there was more to snack on."
She reached up and patted his hand. "Don't worry, your mother hasn't forgotten about the holidays. I'm sure there will be a bounty of food at Christmas next week."
"There had better be." His stomach grumbled, on cue. "Still, it's going to be another shit evening tonight."
Hermione smirked but didn't scold him. "It's a good thing I pulled your mum aside last night and told her we're going to visit my parents this afternoon, so we can't attend."
"But your parents are out of town until tomorrow… ohhh." He flashed the lopsided grin that melted her every time. "Have I told you you're brilliant?"
"A few times," she teased. "I think we both could do with a quiet night in."
"Oh? You sure you don't want to check out some Muggle clubs tonight?" Ron performed a series of jerky movements, causing Hermione to giggle.
"Was that supposed to be a dance, or did George slip some itching powder in your pajamas?"
He stopped, looking mortally offended with his hands on his hips. "Those are prime moves I'll have you know."
"Suuuuure… You're lucky you're so cute. Why don't you take those prime moves into the kitchen and make some breakfast? I'm starving."
"Yes, dearest, whatever you want," he teased her back. "You're lucky you're cute."
Her laughter followed him to their galley kitchen, before she flipped through her book once again. She could hear the familiar, comfortable sound of Ron whistling as he worked, and soon the delightful smells were making her mouth water. She truly loved this time with him. She wanted it forever.
After a while, Ron emerged with two heaping plates in hand, his face alight with excitement. "Did you even look outside this morning, or did you stick your nose straight into that book?"
"Book," she replied. He knew her too well. On her way to join him at their small circular table, she pulled open the curtains of a nearby window. "Oh, it snowed! It looks beautiful outside."
Ron nodded, placing the plates on the table before fetching their tea from the kitchen. "Maybe we could go for a walk later, enjoy the season a little bit before we have to go back to wedding planning hell."
Hermione nodded. "That sounds lovely. Unless it's just an excuse to finish your Christmas shopping. You only have few days until Christmas Eve, you know."
Ron took a seat and picked up his fork, pointing it in her direction. "Despite your lack of faith, I completed my shopping already. With all the running around we've been doing, I was able to take care of it at the same time."
She tapped him on the nose and leaned down for a kiss before sitting across from him. "I'm impressed."
They began to tuck into the mounds of scrambled eggs, strips of bacon, and piles of toast Ron had made, reminiscent of something his mum would serve. The apple hadn't fallen far from the tree in that respect.
Ron glanced over at the copy of yesterday's Daily Prophet his girlfriend had left on the table, something she did every Friday night so he could check the Quidditch league scores in the morning. He let out a disgusted snort as he held it up to Hermione, pointing at the moving photo of Harry and Ginny entering a fancy cake shop the previous weekend.
"Did you see this? ‘Preparations for the wedding of the millennium continue'. Such a stupid name. The millennium is not even three years old! Don't get me wrong, I love Harry, and sometimes I even like Ginny, but it's getting ridiculous. I hope our wedding isn't a bloody spectacle."
Hermione let out a squeak, her fork frozen in mid-air, a bite of egg wobbling on the tines.
"What's the matter?"
"Our wedding?"
The tips of his ears turned red, and he shrugged. "It's not like we haven't vaguely discussed it here and there, and with all the wedding stuff going on, it's been in my head."
"We haven't talked about it in a while, so I wasn't sure if you still felt the same. If it was something you still wanted to do or if you were comfortable with how things are."
Ron furrowed his brow. "Of course I want to marry you! Merlin, I'd marry you right now. I've had the ring for ages!" He looked away, horrified, before mumbling to himself. "Fuck, is there Veratiserum in this tea?"
Hermione was staring at him with wide eyes, the news obviously a surprise. "You've had it for ages? When… when did you get it?"
Ron shook his head. "Nope, I'm not answering that. You're going to think I'm mental."
That unexpected answer clearly shook Hermione. She pushed her plate away and leaned forward. "When, Ron? Please tell me."
Ron looked up and couldn't resist the pleading look on her face. "You're spoiling everything, you know."
"I don't care. Please?"
Ron threw his head back in exasperation, knowing he'd been the one who let that crucial information slip. He let out a deep breath of resignation. He'd kept that secret for years, and now he ruined it on a random Saturday morning. "Fine. I bought it the day you left for Hogwarts after the war. I knew then that you were the one for me, and it reminded me every day you were going to come back to me."
"Really? You did?"
He nodded. "Harry and I disguised ourselves in Diagon Alley so we could get to Gringotts without any hassle, and once we revealed ourselves, we were able to get gold from Harry's vault… which took some negotiation since the goblins weren't exactly thrilled to see us. I paid him back in full once I started getting a salary from the Ministry and by working some extra hours with George when you were gone."
Hermione was enthralled listening to this story that had long been hidden from her.
"We went to the jewelers that day to pick it out, and I've had it ever since. I briefly considered proposing when you graduated but decided it was too soon; I wanted us to enjoy our time together without the pressure of an engagement. Then we talked about waiting a while to be more settled in our careers to revisit this, so yeah, that's what happened."
Hermione was speechless. She never imagined he'd gone to such lengths, and her eyes quickly became glassy. "That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard."
She jumped up from her seat and fell into his lap, pulling him into a long snog. She broke off the kiss but kept her face close to his, her eyes locked on his and her arms thrown around his neck.
"I've been thinking about marriage, too. A lot."
"I thought you wanted to wait."
"I thought I did, but I'm not so sure anymore. Maybe we've waited long enough. It's been on my mind since we've been around it. Not the idea of some grand wedding, but the idea of being married. To make that commitment to each other and introduce you to people as my husband, and not my boyfriend. I don't know, boyfriend just seems so… small compared to what you are to me. I think I just want to be married to you."
He grinned and kissed her forehead. "Well, that's a relief. I want to be married to you, too."
She smiled brightly, before continuing. "Can I see it?"
"See what?"
"The ring."
"The ring? Are you mental? I'm not going to show you the ring until I ask you."
"Then ask me."
Ron pulled back and examined her, trying to determine if she was serious. "Are you serious?"
She nodded. "Yes, I'm serious. The answer to the question is yes."
Ron's eyes bugged out of his head. "What is happening right now?"
"I'm waiting for you to propose so I can say yes."
"Oh, is that it? Hermione, are you ok?" He placed a hand on her forehead, but it was perfectly cool.
"Ron, I'm fine. Well, not entirely. I'm not engaged to you yet." Her tone was so matter of fact that he was taken aback.
"Bloody hell, you are serious."
She nodded her head enthusiastically, her hands on his pink cheeks, her eyes filling up with tears again. "I would like you to propose to me, Ron Weasley."
Ron nodded. "I'd like nothing more."
He stood up with Hermione in his arms and walked her over to the sofa, where he gently put her down, before giving her a quick peck. "Be right back."
Hermione tried to smooth out her hair and sit up straight, thrilled they had reached this point. Ron came bounding out of their room, a dark velvet ring box in his hand. He skidded to a stop in front of her and dropped to one knee.
The tears came now, for both. Ron looked up at her, his hair disheveled from sleep, clothed in his plain T-shirt and plaid pajama pants. It was perfect. He held the ring box in one hand, and the fingers on his other hand entwined with hers.
He took a deep breath to steady his nerves, even though he already knew the answer. "Here goes."
She stifled a sob and nodded briefly, and he continued, a slight shake in his voice. "Hermione Granger, I never thought, when you entered our train compartment, how much you'd change my life. You annoyed me at first, and then I grew to like you, and then love you. Now, I can't imagine my life or future without you, and I never want to. Will you marry me?"
She nodded again as he opened the box and gently placed the ring on her finger, before she leaned forward and kissed him several times, her now fiancé.
They finally broke apart, and Hermione sat back to take a better look at the ring. It was an elegant, timeless design in white gold, with a sparkling round-cut diamond in the center, and smaller diamonds along the band. It was tasteful and fit Hermione's style flawlessly.
Ron joined her on the sofa and she cuddled up against him, her head on his chest, staring at the ring again.
"This is perfect, Ron. I still can't believe you bought it that long ago."
He shrugged, his ears red again. "There's no one else for me but you."
"I feel the same way."
Ron suddenly shifted. "Shit, is your dad going to be upset that I didn't ask for his blessing? I know that's a Muggle tradition."
"My dad won't care, he already calls you son."
He nodded, content. He wrapped his arms around her and they both sighed. They were finally engaged!
After a few minutes, Hermione shifted restlessly and let out a different kind of sigh, one tinged with disappointment. "This feels anticlimactic."
He frowned. "Of course it does! You completely ruined the chance for me to set up an elaborate, romantic proposal."
Hermione stared at the ring again and smiled. "It was romantic."
Ron let out a huff. "I'm glad you think so. We're going to be telling this story for the rest of our lives—how I proposed on a random morning, in my ratty pajamas. It makes me look like a tosser."
"I like our story, and stop worrying about what other people think. I think it suits us. What I mean is that it doesn't feel like enough."
Ron dropped his head. "I suppose we can find you a bigger diamond."
Hermione rolled her eyes and smacked his chest. "That's not it. I adore my ring. You've kept this ring for me for four years, I'm going to keep it forever."
Ron looked puzzled. "So what did you mean? We're engaged!"
An idea was forming in Hermione's head, an idea that felt so incredible, so right, that she felt like bursting.
"I know that look, what are you up to, Hermione?"
"What if we got married now? Today? I don't want a big wedding like Harry and Ginny, and neither do you. I just want to be Mrs. Granger-Weasley."
"Fuck me."
"That traditionally comes after the wedding, Ron."
"Are you really joking about something this major? What about our family? Our friends?"
"I'm not marrying them. This is something just for us, you and me. You even said you'd marry me today if you could. Now you can!"
Ron nodded slowly, letting her words sink in. He loved the idea that he wouldn't have to wait any longer to marry the love of his life. He could feel the excitement coursing through his veins at the thought.
He looked down at her, nestled on his chest, her wild hair going every which way. "Yes, Hermione. I love you and I want to marry you more than anything."
She clapped in delight and leaned up for a kiss. "We need to plan this out quickly, and be discreet. Otherwise, the news will spread."
"Yeah, I definitely don't want this in the news until we can tell everyone in person, or my mother will make you a young widow. But… do you mind if we wait a bit before telling people? It would be nice to enjoy this for a while, keep it a secret between us. We'll have to hide the rings."
She nodded and beamed at him. "I love that idea, but where can we go?"
Ron thought for a moment, until an idea struck him.
"I… I hope this doesn't sound silly, and we were so young back then, but one of the most memorable days I've ever had was our first visit to Hogsmeade, just the two of us, remember? My feelings for you were already becoming very confusing, but I think that's when I really saw you in a different light. It should almost count as our first date."
"Oh, that's brilliant, Ron! I loved that day, too. Hogsmeade would be perfect. It's far enough away that we won't run into anyone we know, and it's delightful this time of year. Let's go!"
He let out a laugh and kept a grip on her. "Hold on, Hermione. If we're really going to do this, like truly get married today, we should at least dress up for the occasion. Are you sure you don't want to get proper wedding dress?"
"No, Ron. I don't care about that. I want to do this."
"Alright then, let's get ready and go!"
Holding hands tightly, the newly engaged couple landed in the charming village of Hogsmeade. The main street was decorated for the Christmas season, and the sprinkling of overnight snow made for a stunning scene.
Ron had dressed in his best Auror dress robes—the rich fabric was dark navy blue with gold accents. Ron thought he cut a tall, rather dashing figure in the tailored robes.
Hermione opted for a dress she'd purchased for a recent Ministry gala. It was a strapless, floor length dress with a sweetheart neckline. The shimmery gold material flared out at the hips into a wide gown. It matched Ron's outfit perfectly and Hermione felt beautiful in it.
Families and couples were wandering up and down the main street, enjoying the picturesque afternoon scenery and completing some final Christmas shopping. Ron and Hermione were overdressed compared to the casual and comfortable clothing most people were in. Despite standing out, they could only hope they wouldn't be recognized, and tried their best to blend in and not draw any attention.
"Where to?"
"We'll need rings first, and then we can find the Ministry office. There should be an officiant there who can complete the ceremony."
Ron turned and grabbed her hands between his, looking down at her. "You're absolutely sure? You don't want your parents or my family here?"
Hermione shook her head. "Ron, it's the two of us, for the rest of our lives. I truly want this, just us."
Ron nodded resolutely. This was going to happen today. It's not how he imagined the day was going to go when he woke up, but he was thrilled that he'd soon be married to the girl he'd been hopelessly in love with since they were teenagers, even if he couldn't express it back then.
The couple made their way to Julieta's Jewels, a new addition to the village, but perfectly suited to their needs. A bell rang out as they entered the quiet shop, gaining the attention of the elderly witch behind the counter.
"Ah, hello dearies, welcome to my shop. What can I help you with?"
"We're looking for wedding bands."
"Oh, how lovely. Congratulations! When is the wedding?"
Ron and Hermione shared a look, before Hermione answered. "Today."
Julieta was taken aback, her hand flying to her chest. "Goodness! I suppose that's why you're both looking very fancy for a Saturday afternoon. Let's see what we can do, shall we?"
She pointed out the displays which held the wedding bands, and the couple began to look at the options, the variety surprising for a small store. They looked through both the witch and wizard options, but there was nothing that met their fancy, though they knew they couldn't be too picky.
Ron kept peering into the case. "They're all so extravagant and showy. These look like something my sister would wear, but they don't seem like… us."
Hermione agreed, a look of disappointment crossing her face. None of them seemed right to her, either.
Julieta spoke up, addressing Hermione. "Might I see the engagement ring, dear? Perhaps I can make some suggestions in a similar style."
Hermione's mood lifted and she proudly held out her hand, savouring the first opportunity to show it off, even if it was to a complete stranger.
The older witch took a closer look. "Very nice, very nice indeed. From Duncan & Harrington's in Diagon Alley? I recognize the work. Excellent taste, young man. This is a more classic design than what I have on display here—the bigger and shinier items attract the most attention, of course. I might have just the thing in the back, let me go look."
As she left them alone in the showroom, Hermione whirled and surveyed Ron, whose ears were blazing red. "Ron, you never told me you bought this from Duncan & Harrington's. That shop is so expensive."
He shrugged. "I wanted to get you something nice. Maybe something we could pass down to our kids one day. Harry sure took the mickey when I told him that."
Hermione was so overcome by the sentiment that all she could do was pull him down into a kiss. "You are the sweetest, Ron."
"Here we are," Julieta came bustling out and beckoned them to the display case. "I think these could be a nice match."
She opened up a box with two rings, one for him and one for her. They sparkled in the light, taking Hermione's breath away. Hers had the same understated design as her engagement ring and featured a line of small diamonds in the band, whereas Ron's was in the same white gold, but with a hammered pattern that shimmered.
"Go on, try them out."
Hermione looked up at Ron and smiled widely, holding out her hand. Ron gently took her ring and placed it on her finger, the magical ring automatically sizing to fit her. Hermione did the same, their eyes connected the whole time as she slid his ring on his finger. The rings glowed white for a second.
Julieta clapped her hands. "I believe these rings were destined for the two of you."
They both nodded in agreement with the older witch. Everything seemed to be lining up for them despite their lack of planning.
"We'll take them," Ron said as he examined the ring, understanding what it symbolized.
They reluctantly removed the rings and handed them back to the shop owner, so she could wrap them up and they could pay.
Julieta handed Hermione the small bag. "Before you leave, and I hope I don't make you uncomfortable, but I wanted to personally thank you for everything you two did, helping Harry Potter save our world."
"You recognized us?" Hermione asked.
"Of course, you are rather famous, Miss Granger." She winked. "Well, not ‘Miss' for much longer."
Ron pleaded with her. "Please, don't tell anyone we were here." His voice dropped to a whisper. "We're kind of eloping."
She patted Ron on the arm. "Don't you worry Mr. Weasley, your secret is safe with me. Congratulations again on your wedding—you make a beautiful couple. Oh, and if your sister and Mr. Potter are still looking for rings, send them my way."
Ron let out a laugh and shook his head, respecting the sales tactic. "I can do that."
They said their goodbyes and walked out of the store, reassured that fate was on their side.
Hermione slipped her arm through Ron's as they walked down the street. "The rings are exactly what I wanted. They're perfect!"
"Just like you."
Hermione snorted. "I am not perfect, but I'm perfect for you."
Ron barked a laugh. "No, you're definitely not perfect, but I agree."
Hermione rolled her eyes but couldn't help but almost skip with giddiness. She was about to marry her knight.
They continued walking, people watching, and enjoying the festive atmosphere around them. "We couldn't have picked a better day," Ron remarked.
"Any day would've been good, I'm just glad it's today."
They reached the end of the main street and turned off to a side street, spotting a small, isolated building at the end of the lane that looked like a quaint cottage. The Ministry of Magic seal was displayed prominently on a metal sign hanging over the door.
"There it is! Are you ready for this, Ron?"
"I can't wait for you to be my wife, Hermione."
They entered the building, which featured a cramped sitting area and a front desk. They seemed to be the only ones there, though a half-eaten plate of biscuits sat on the desk.
"Just a moment," a deep voice called out. A minute later, a large older wizard in deep red robes trimmed with white velvet around the collar and cuffs entered from a back room. He had long and styled white hair, and a matching beard. His eyes, behind half-moon glasses, held a strange, friendly twinkle which reminded them both of Dumbledore.
"How may I help you?"
Hermione answered. "We'd like to get married, please."
"Ah, you've arrived just in time; the office was about to close for the holidays. Lots to do by Christmas Eve."
Hermione's eyes widened. "You're not—"
He continued, giving her a warm smile. "You'll need to fill out this parchment for the marriage to be officially registered at the Ministry, and then we can complete the bonding ceremony."
He offered the parchment and a quill to Hermione, who took it to the small seating area, a look of awe on her face. Ron plopped down next to her, his arm snaking around her waist as he watched her familiar penmanship flow across the page, answering the various questions about them.
Hermione blew on the ink, a gesture which took Ron back to their days at Hogwarts, when she had the same satisfied look on her face upon completing an essay. He was hit with a sudden emotion, thinking of the past and future at the same time. He loved this woman so much.
"Everything alright, Ron? Not having second thoughts?"
"Absolutely not, I just love you so much."
"Me, too."
Hermione felt a lump in her throat forming. They were actually going to do this, and she was thrilled, almost overcome with how badly she wanted to live her life with her love by her side.
The officiant cleared his throat. "All ready?"
They stood up, their hands clasped as they brought the parchment back to the desk. He quickly read it, and if he recognized their names, he didn't show it on his face.
"This all looks correct. Once the ceremony is complete, I will apply a magical seal validating this as an official document, and it will be processed at the Ministry. Once it's recorded in the archives, you'll receive this via owl. Any questions?"
They both shook their heads, wanting to get to the ceremony part as quickly as possible. They followed the officiant through a corridor and out the back door of the building.
They were greeted by a small area that boasted healthy green grass through the wonders of magic, a stark contrast from the December weather. A tall arch of white wood sat in the middle, meticulously decorated with flowers and ribbons which swayed gently in the breeze. A small brook babbled on the side, the water running down a narrow path. This all sat against the backdrop of snow-covered pine trees.
Hermione looked around, taking in the unexpected view. "This is wonderful!"
The officiant let out a deep rumble of a laugh. "I wouldn't expect people coming here to get married to do so in that stuffy office."
He took his place under the arch and beckoned them forward. Hand in hand, they approached.
"Please face each other and hold out your wands, touching them together."
Hermione's cheeks were hurting from sheer joy as she faced her Ron, the same look mirrored on his face. He mouthed ‘I love you' to her, causing the tears to start falling.
"The wand ceremony symbolizes the bonding of magic between the two of you. I will now recite the bonding charm."
He produced an odd wand, alternately striped in white and red, with a strange hook on the end. "Vinculum amoris fiducia."
A warm red light glowed around their hands and wands for a second.
"You may put away your wands for the second part of the ceremony—the official vows."
They quickly tucked away their wands and held hands.
"Do you, Hermione Jean Granger, take Ronald Bilius Weasley to be your wedded partner, and to be bonded together by love and trust in this lifetime?"
Hermione nodded enthusiastically. "I will."
"Do you, Ronald Bilius Weasley, take Hermione Jean Granger to be your wedded partner, and to be bonded together by love and trust in this lifetime?"
Ron grinned. "I will."
"On this Saturday, the twenty-first of December of the year two thousand two, following the rules set forth by the Ministry of Magic, I now pronounce you wed and offer my congratulations. You may kiss."
The officiant waved his wand, and they were showered with flower petals. Ron pulled Hermione forward and crushed his lips to hers. They pulled away and then dove in for a second kiss, before touching their foreheads together. They were married.
After signing the parchment and witnessing the officiant charm the official seal, they made their way out, floating higher than a broom.
Ron and Hermione shared another kiss. "Should we go home and celebrate, wife? Blimey, that sounds incredible."
Hermione giggled, her voice giddy. "We shall, husband."
They disappeared from the village as a married couple.
Percy Weasley straightened the items on his desk in preparation for his meeting with a representative from the Department of Records, to sign some routine documents before he left for the day.
The twenty-third of December was the last day before the Ministry shut down most departments for the holiday break, and he was looking forward to spending time with his family and his beloved Audrey. He grinned, thinking about his long-time girlfriend as he pushed his wire-rimmed glasses up the bridge of his nose.
Percy had even resolved to leave a couple of hours early, a rare occurrence, but he was fine treating himself this close to Christmas. He usually worked late and met up with Audrey in the evenings at their small flat in London.
A knock on his office door broke him out of his thoughts, as he called for the visitor to enter.
"Ah, Sara, there you are," he greeted the blonde woman who looked rather harried. "In a rush?"
She nodded. "Yes, Mr. Weasley, I have a lot to do before the end of the day. Though I hear you're off early."
Percy shook his head ruefully. "It always amazes me how quickly even the most mundane news travels around the Ministry."
Sara chuckled. "That's half the fun of working here. Now, I have two parchments for you."
She handed him two rolls to review, before he grabbed his quill and signed them with a flourish. "Is that all for today?"
"It is. Oh, wait! I forgot this came across my desk this morning. I thought you might want to hand deliver it instead of us following the standard process of sending it via owl. Congratulations on the wedding!"
Percy frowned, accepting the document. "Ginny's wedding to Harry Potter isn't until the late spring."
"Oh, I meant your brother, Ron, from the Auror Department."
Percy had to fight to keep the surprise from showing on his face, not wanting to fuel any rumours. "Yes, of course."
"I'm surprised I didn't see anything in the Prophet about this, two famous war heroes getting married is big news."
Percy was forced to fib. "It was rather small, family only. They didn't want the press to get wind of it, especially since the reporting about Ginny and Harry has been so intense. I trust you'll keep this to yourself and respect their well-earned privacy?"
Sara nodded, before making for the door. "Happy Christmas, Mr. Weasley."
"Happy Christmas to you as well."
As the door shut, Percy scrutinized the parchment in front of him. He knew it was real since it had an official seal, and it read exactly as it should for a marriage certificate. Ronald Bilius Weasley and Hermione Jean Granger were wed two days ago in Hogsmeade. As Percy recalled, they hadn't been at The Burrow that day to keep planning Ginny's wedding.
He was thankful the Ministry would close for Christmas in a few hours, otherwise news of the marriage would spread like fiendfyre. He needed to get to the bottom of this.
Letting out a sigh, he quickly sent out two interdepartmental memos, hoping to get the truth from the source.
Percy rubbed his temples and waited, staring at the words until his door was flung open without the courtesy of a knock, his tallest, youngest brother loping in.
"Hey Perce, what's so urgent?"
"Have a seat, Ron."
"Percy," Hermione strode into the office a few seconds later, not even looking up from a book in her hand. "Can this wait? I have a proposal I must finish this afternoon."
"Hullo, love." Ron stood up and gave Hermione a quick kiss before they both settled in the chairs facing Percy's mahogany desk.
With a wave of his wand, the door closed and locked. Percy held up the document. "Thank you both for coming. Care to explain this?"
Ron's eyes widened as they flew across the text. "Shit."
"Ron!" Hermione gave her husband a disapproving look before addressing Percy. "It is rather simple, Ron and I decided we wanted to get married, and we did so this past Saturday. Elopements are not exactly rare in your family."
Percy slowly nodded, looking at both of them. "You just went… and got married?"
Ron grinned widely and grabbed Hermione's hand, playing with her fingers. "Yup! Disillusioned the rings and everything."
Hermione was staring at Percy, who was blinking quite rapidly, trying to gauge his reaction. After a moment, he abruptly stood up and walked around the corner of his desk.
"As the eldest Weasley here, and on behalf of my parents, Arthur and Molly, I would formally like to welcome you to the family, Hermione."
Ron snorted, but Hermione stood up and was greeted with a stiff hug from her new brother-in-law.
"Thank you, Percy."
Ron could hardly contain his laughter as he stood up to accept a similar hug from his brother.
"Congratulations, Ronald."
"Thanks, Percival."
"Very funny, you know that's not my name." Percy shook his head, before returning to his chair. "Who else knows about this?"
Ron and Hermione looked at each other sheepishly. "Just the jeweler, the officiant, and you."
"What? Not even Harry?"
"No," Ron interjected, "we wanted to keep it private for a while."
"You might have a bit of a dilemma on your hands then. Your marriage certificate was seen by a clerk in the Department of Records, who brought it to me. I asked her not to say anything, but there's no guarantee she won't. You know how people love to gossip."
"Oh no," Hermione groaned. "If word gets out, it'll reach someone we know, like Harry, Bill, or your dad."
"Precisely." Percy sat back in his chair. "You'll have to tell the family and issue a release soon. I can help keep it contained here since there are only a couple of hours left in the day."
Ron pleaded, "C'mon Perce, if you don't tell the family, I'm sure we can keep it a secret for a bit longer."
"It's not only that, Ron." Percy faltered for a moment before continuing. "When I came back from my estrangement, I promised Mum and Dad that I would be honest with them. I don't like the idea of keeping something this big a secret from them."
Hermione spoke up. "Percy, you're right. That is unfair of us. Besides, as soon as it spreads around, the press will undoubtedly pick it up. Better for us to control the message."
Ron nodded, seeing the strategy. "It would have been nice not to face mum for a bit longer, but you're right. Let's tell them on Christmas Day, since everyone will be in a good mood. Your parents will be there, too."
Hermione nodded and smiled. "Even though this isn't what we'd planned, I can't wait to tell people!"
"Truly, I'm sorry it happened this way," Percy added. "However, it does offer a solution for an issue I was having."
He picked up his wand and waved it at a small wooden box on his desk, before reaching inside.
"I've been worried, Ron, that you were waiting for Harry and Ginny's wedding to be completed to propose to Hermione. Since I know a secret of yours, I'll share one of my own. I'm going to ask for Audrey's hand this summer."
He turned the small ring box in his hand and opened the clamshell, revealing an elegant princess-cut diamond ring with a rose gold band.
Hermione leaned forward eagerly. "It's beautiful, Percy. She'll love it."
"Congrats, brother. We love Audrey."
Percy smiled. "Me, too. I can trust this stays between us?"
"Of course, mate. Hermione, there will finally be another Muggleborn in the family!"
"Finally? I've been in the family for two days and no one even knows."
Ron grinned, "Technically, you've only formally been in the family for about five minutes, right, Perce?"
Percy rolled his eyes. "Congratulations on being stuck with him for the rest of your life, Hermione."
She looked at Ron with love. "I wouldn't have it any other way."
The Burrow was alive with merrymaking.
The house was packed for Christmas, with the family growing larger each year through marriage and the births of the next generation of Weasley children. It was the largest gathering to date, and magically, everyone fit in the haphazard home and were having a festive time.
While the morning had been dedicated to opening presents and starting the day off with a gigantic breakfast, the time before dinner was a bit of a free-for-all, a combination of snacking, drinks, games, children underfoot, and numerous conversations at varying volumes.
Amid the chaos, Ron and Hermione cuddled together in a corner by the fireplace, having a chat with the Grangers about their upcoming trip to a dental conference across the ocean at a place called Green Bay, in America. According to Mr. Granger's research, the city was home to a famous American football team, but not the kind of football Muggles in England played. Apparently, they threw the ball and ran around with it more than they kicked it, and their supporters wore cheese on their heads. It was all very confusing to Ron.
As the older couple stood up to refresh their drinks, Ron and Hermione quickly began a whispered conversation.
"How do we want to tell everyone, Hermione?"
"I think during dinner might be best. That way everyone will be settled, and we can make the announcement. Hopefully no one is upset."
"I hope no one is. Besides, there's nothing we can do about it now."
"What should we say?"
"I think we should tell them—"
George seemed to notice their suspicious behaviour and called them out in front of everyone, promptly ending their conversation. "Oi! What are you two conspiring over there?"
The commotion quieted the room, everyone's attention now focused solely on them.
"Shit," Ron whispered under his breath. "Are you ready to do it now instead?"
She nodded, and quietly murmured the charm to reveal their rings.
Ron tapped his wand against his half-full mug of Butterbeer, his finger hidden behind the ceramic, before standing up. "Excuse me everyone, I have an announcement to make."
"About time you proposed to the poor woman!" Ginny shouted from across the room, drawing a round of laughter.
Ron glowered at her. "That's not what I was going to say."
Hermione stood up next to him, playing the role perfectly, her hands tucked behind her back. "I'm afraid that Ron and I won't be getting engaged at any time in the future. In fact, we're no longer dating."
The gasp was audible, the families in sheer shock. Lost among the reaction was the undeniable smirk on Percy's face.
Hermione's mum was the first to come to her senses. "Hermione Jean Granger! How can this be true? The two of you love each other! I don't believe this."
"We do love each other, but I'm no longer Hermione Granger. I'm Hermione Granger-Weasley." She beamed and held up her hand, her rings catching the firelight. "Ron and I got married!"
The silence was deafening, until suddenly everyone was screaming or talking or crying. It was so loud that baby Dominique started wailing and Fleur rushed with her out of the room.
They were peppered with questions and congratulations, but the words were lost over the din. A piercing whistle suddenly rang out, thanks to Ginny, which temporarily silenced the room.
"Explain yourselves."
Ron put his arm around Hermione, and she burrowed into his side, their smiles both wide. "I've had her engagement ring for a long time—"
"That's the truth," Harry piped up, a big grin on his face as well.
Ginny smacked him on the arm. "Quiet, I want to hear this."
Ron continued. "All of the wedding planning got us thinking about our future together, and how we had decided to wait. On Saturday morning, we decided we didn't want to wait anymore."
Hermione took up the story. "When I learned that Ron had the ring for four years, it just felt like we needed to do something, and getting engaged wasn't enough."
George voiced what everyone was thinking. "Bloody hell, four years?"
The tips of Ron's ears lit up, and he nodded.
"Wait, so you got engaged on Saturday and then got married when?" Ginny asked.
"Well, as soon as we talked about us getting married and Hermione learned about the ring, she insisted I propose right then and there."
The room was enraptured by their tale, the crackling of the fire the only noise besides the happy couple.
Hermione's tears began to flow, as she looked up adoringly at her husband. "Ginny, he was so sweet. He proposed to me in our flat, but it didn't feel like enough. That's when I had the idea that we should get married. We just wanted to do something simple and become husband and wife."
Ron's eyes were swimming as he looked down at his wife. "We decided to get married in Hogsmeade, since it held memories for us, and was far enough away that we wouldn't run into anyone. We dressed up, bought our rings there, and then met with the officiant."
"The ceremony was beautiful, and we're just so, so happy. But…" Hermione began wringing her hands. "I hope you don't think we were being selfish, but we really wanted this for the two of us. Especially you, mum and dad, I know how disappointed you must be not to attend your only daughter's wedding."
Mrs. Granger was also crying. "I would've loved to help you plan your wedding dear, but I can see how happy you are. Don't you ever scare me like that again, we love Ron and we're thrilled he's part of the family."
Molly had been in a bit of a daze, taking in all the information. "This won't do, this won't do at all."
Hermione shrunk into Ron. Their biggest fear had been disappointing their mothers.
"Mum," Ron started, but she held up her hand, silencing him.
"We can't do the ceremony again, but we can certainly do a reception. Oh, we must celebrate this wonderful news properly and officially welcome Hermione to the family."
Ron risked a quick glance at Percy and grinned, before returning his attention to his mother. "So you're not upset?"
"No, not all. Harry and Ginny's wedding planning has been exhausting, so I'm happy you two decided to do this. No offense, dears."
Ginny looked indignant, but Harry just smiled good-naturedly.
Molly took control of the situation. "Alright everyone, we'll take a few minutes to congratulate Ron and Hermione, and then I'll need everyone to pitch in!"
Ron and Hermione were swarmed by the family, everyone wanting to relay their congratulations to the newly wedded couple.
Molly and Mrs. Granger both smothered Hermione in a big hug, the three women in tears as they celebrated this momentous occasion. Breaking away, the two older women turned to start planning what they could for the impromptu reception. Hermione's now sisters-in-law and partners congregated around her to see the rings and congratulate her.
"I can't believe my brother picked this out, it's gorgeous." Ginny remarked, looking at the engagement ring on Hermione's finger. She suddenly looked up wide-eyed. "We're actually sisters now! Remember when we used to joke about that when we went back to Hogwarts together? Who knew he already had the ring!"
Hermione nodded and pulled her into a hug before Angelina and Audrey examined the rings and wished Hermione the best.
Fleur returned to the parlour with a now calm Dominique, who was half-asleep in her mother's arms.
"Congratulations, Hermione. I ‘ave been waiting for this day since we took care of Ron during the war. I knew he loved you then."
Hermione nodded, the tears coming again as she remembered what they had endured to achieve the bliss they were experiencing.
Ron had been separated from his wife by his brothers, who allowed Arthur to congratulate his son first, removing his glasses to also wipe the tears that had formed from seeing his youngest son so happy.
Up next was Mr. Granger, who offered a hand and pulled Ron into a hug. "Congratulations, son, and welcome to the family. I know how much you love our Hermione, and I wish you both the best."
"Thank you, sir. I love your daughter more than anything."
Mr. Granger's voice was gruff. "I know you do, son."
Ron was mobbed by Bill and Charlie, who ruffled his hair and manhandled him in a way only older brothers could. "Congrats, little brother. Pretty smooth way to avoid the wedding craziness and follow in mum and dad's footsteps."
Percy came up and patted him on the back. "Congratulations again, Ron."
George caught this exchange, his hearing as sharp as ever despite his missing ear. "Wait, what do you mean ‘again', Percy? Did you know about this?"
"I may have."
"What the hell, Ron! You didn't tell me or Harry?"
"We weren't planning to tell anyone, but Percy found out by accident and helped us keep it under wraps for a couple of days. Thanks again, Perce."
Percy nodded, proud that he could help his brother. He got out of the way of Harry, who went to congratulate his best friend.
"I can't believe you two finally did it."
Ron looked apologetic. "Sorry, mate. We really wanted to tell you."
"I get it, Ron. Every detail of my wedding is splashed across the paper and I know better than anyone how nice privacy is. I wish I could've been there, but I was there for almost everything else."
Ron chuckled. "It felt weird for you to not be there to witness it, like you did for our first kiss."
"Ooh, didn't know you lot were so kinky. You like watching, Harry?"
"Shut it, George."
George sniggered and threw an arm around Ron. "Congrats, Ron. I know you and Hermione have been through a lot, and for some reason, she loves your freckly arse. Fred knew it, too. He told me one time during sixth year, when the two of you were organizing the D.A. meetings, that you'd end up together."
Ron suddenly choked up, wishing his missing brother could share in the moment. George must have noticed as well. "Don't worry about it, he'd probably deny being so sentimental if he were here, and just take the mickey."
Ron nodded as he thanked George and made his way back to Hermione, who had just shared a tearful moment with her father.
She wrapped her arms around his waist, and he pulled her close, immediately comforted by her warmth.
"That went surprisingly well, love."
"It did. I'm so relieved that everyone knows. We'll still have to put out a release to the Prophet so that they don't spread rumours, but we can do that in a couple of days."
Molly clapped loudly, getting everyone's attention. "Alright you lot, we have a plan. We're going to get the marquee tent out from Arthur's shed and get that set up. Bill and Charlie, please help your father with that, the dance floor, the chairs, the tables, and the heating charms."
Bill answered. "Right away, mum."
"Percy, Audrey, George, and Angelina, please move all the Christmas décor from the parlour to the tent and set it up so that it looks nice. Fleur will look after the children. Helen, David, Ginny, and Harry, please help me take the food for Christmas dinner from the kitchen to the tent once it's up. Any questions?"
Ron piped up. "Mum, what about us? How can we help?"
"You two stay here and simply enjoy each other's company. This is your day. We'll call you out when we're ready to start."
George screwed up his face. "Enjoy each other's company? Mum, you must want more grandchildren badly."
"Hush, George. Don't be crass. Though I love all my grandchildren and the more the merrier."
The family chuckled and Ron's face turned red as Molly bustled to the kitchen and everyone else got started on their tasks. The group handling the decorations quickly removed everything from the room, leaving Ron and Hermione alone.
They cuddled for about an hour, wrapped up in each other and exchanging kisses every few minutes until Molly called them to come out.
For the second time in a few days, they were greeted with an incredible sight as they entered the yard. The garden had been transformed, the tent lit up with Christmas lights and décor, giving it a cozy, festive feel.
A small dance floor stood to the side, and three tables laden with food sat opposite. The family was seated at the tables, and they watched as the couple joined them.
George stood up, flourishing his wand like a Muggle microphone. "Ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together for the newest Mr. and Mrs. Weasley."
"Mrs. Granger-Weasley," Hermione fired back, flashing a smile at her parents as everyone applauded.
"I stand corrected, Mr. and Mrs. Granger-Weasley. Before we eat, and I know this is difficult for you, Ron, we ask that the couple head to the dance floor for the first dance. Watch your toes, Hermione."
To cheers from their loved ones, Ron and Hermione made their way over to the small dance floor. Music drifted in from an unknown source, and soon the two were wrapped up in each other, eyes locked as they swayed to the slow song. Ron leaned down and kissed his bride, drawing more cheers and wolf whistles.
"I love you so much, Ron. This is better than I could have dreamed. We still got to celebrate with our families and get married the way we wanted."
Ron didn't know if she'd ever been prettier, her cheeks glowing under the twinkling lights. "I hope I can make you this happy for the rest of our lives, my wife."
"I want the same, my husband."
They shared another kiss, much to the approval of the crowd. It was their most memorable Christmas ever.
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