ralvezfanatic · 4 months
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i never noticed his little birthmark right under his ear oh my gosh ??
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enha-stars · 2 months
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i’m going to lose my mind. the undercut is back. the chain. the fit. the face. the jewelry. him. him. him.
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thatoneluckybee · 5 months
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myckicade · 9 months
Nandermo Ficlet Snippet - The Kids
"So, Master," Guillermo called softly, a light tremor in his voice that couldn't be missed. He looked down as Nandor glanced up from his reading, the familiar wringing his fingers together nervously. "Y-You remember how we agreed that we'd have no more secrets?"
Nandor tensed. The last time he had heard such a tone from Guillermo... Nandor closed his book in his lap, inhaling sharply as a dangerous scowl settled over his lips. "Guillermo, not again."
Realization came quickly. "No! No!" The younger man's eyes widened in horror. "Not that! Definitely not that!"
Well. Nandor gave a curt nod. So long as it wasn't... that. He didn't want to have to stake another vampire, even if it was for Guillermo. "What is it, then?"
Guillermo shifted on his feet. "There's, um..." A small smile wobbled on his lips. "There's someone I want you to meet." A pause. "W-Well, a few s-someones, really."
It was then that the bottom dropped out of Nandor's stomach. Someones? But... He'd really thought... After all that they had been through? "Mn," he hummed, if only to cover the sudden sense of disappointment that didn't belong in his heart. "Who are these someones, exactly?"
Guillermo took a deep breath, and then a step to the side, revealing... "The kids!"
Which is how Nandor found himself staring, dumbstruck, at three very small, very inhuman looking-"Kids?"
"Hi!" one screeched, the fluffiest of the bunch. If he didn't know any better, Nandor would have thought them a lamb. The child - she? Nandor wasn't sure - came running up to the vampire, their arms wrapped around a small stuffed animal. "Daddy said to be nice, and say 'Hi!'."
Nandor nearly choked as he knelt on the carpet. "Daddy?" He looked up to Guillermo, who seemed a bit flustered. Oh, it was getting worse and worse, this knifey-stabby-pain feeling in his chest. He wanted to know who, he wanted to know when, and why. But, naturally, the burning question that left his tongue was a hissed, "Exactly what did you mate with, Guillermo?"
And Guillermo, lunatic boy that he was, giggled. Before he could answer, the second child stepped forward, this one looking like some sort of puppy dog. He held his hands - paws? - at his sides, and looked Nandor in the eye. "We are not conventional children," he advised, a level of wisdom in his words that was well beyond his apparent years. "We are the by-product of a process in which the one you call Laszlo-"
"Laszlo," Nandor cursed. He bared his fangs at the thought, unnoticed to himself, until Guillermo stepped forward to put a hand on the head of each of the startled children. Behind him, a third child, resembling a small piglet, clung to Guillermo's pant leg.
"Like the Baron and Sire's children," Guillermo murmured in a soothing tone. It was clearly for the sake of the little ones, but, Nandor was loathe to admit, it was working for him, too. "Kind of. There was no..." Guillermo pulled a face. "Mating involved."
Digesting the words took a moment, leaving behind a feeling that was quite close to shame. All Nandor could utter was a small, "Oh." It seemed he had made a rather hasty assumption. He returned his attention to the children, taking in more details of their appearances. It would have been difficult for anyone else, Nandor was sure, but he could spot little bits of Guillermo in each of them. He did, after all, know the man better than most anyone out there. Even that loathsome, repugnant, fumbling fool of a fucking guy who thought he could just turn another vampire's familiar all willies-nillies!
Anger clouded back in, swirling in his memory with such force that he nearly missed the little lamb-child step even closer to him. Wide, innocent eyes stared up at him, and, yes, there was definitely a lot of Guillermo in this one.
"Daddy said you were important."
Nandor fought the barest twitch of a smile. "He did, did he." A darting look to Guillermo found the boy turning a faint shade of pink. How amusing. "Well, your... Daddy and I have a long history together."
"Can we call you Mama?"
Nandor's head darted up again, he and Guillermo sharing the same shock. Guillermo seemed to be floundering for what to say, jaw working soundlessly, open and closed. Nandor swallowed, which did nothing for the growing tightness in his throat. He looked back to the child, who hugged their toy tighter, eyes widening even more in anticipation. He should have said no. He should have straightened the record on that before it could cause further issues. The expression in those innocent eyes, the eyes of his favorite human on Earth, just wouldn't allow it.
"I suppose," he agreed, placing a gentle hand on the child's shoulder, "that would be all right."
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year
(it's only FP1, realistically there's no point in getting any kind of hopes up --)
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illiana-mystery · 2 years
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got roped into a month-long sugar detox
can't even put honey in my tea
sobs miserably
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nico-the-overlord · 20 days
i only followed you after the blog theme change and ill be honest i thought all of that was unironic until right now
Successful failure-filled mission fulfilled.
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yuttikkele · 2 years
dena finally gets permission to make pokemon content. the team has meeting after meeting. they sit down cackling at their computers, knowing the power they now hold. they use that power to make reguri side stories.
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apersonwholikeslotus · 8 months
I was just informed I have to help build a fence tomorrow these horses better fucking know I love them
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cheerfullycatholic · 1 year
Got another protestant thing in the mail and it doesn't have our address on it so they put it in our box themselves. If I had a better relationship with my neighbors I'd ask them if they got the same thing, if they didn't that would mean we were sought out specifically. Again 🙃
I think it's time to fly the Vatican flag
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trijuiceofnature · 7 months
There are just some songs that sound better in low ass quality. For me it's Funkytown LMAOOOO
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kissingmilfs · 9 months
this might be too dark for this au! but just thought of natasha ashing out a joint on you 🫠😵‍💫
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demigodofhoolemere · 1 year
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singsweetmelodies · 3 months
wait...........piarles 10 things au...... this idea is rotating in my brain PLS elaborate.
I feel like Patrick has to be Pierre? (bc rugged lil bitch (affectionate)) but also I cannot imagine Pierre ever doing something like that to Charles (as Kat) so please please please let me study your brain!! if anyone can get me to believe a characterization its you
well HELLO darling anon!! 😘 about the 10 Things AU - we've been chatting about it on the discord a bit, and i see 2 possible ways it could go.
one is, like you & i both initially envisioned, the version where pierre is patrick and charles is kat.
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you see it, right? 🤭
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as to the "but pierre wouldn't do that to charles" aspect of it all... well, to make it work, i think we'd have to go with a scenario where pierre doesn't know charles at all, and he's in a bit of a fuckboy era, so getting told to take out a pretty boy for a bit of cash sounds like the perfect deal to him.
(in this version of the au, charles would be a bit less of a sharp kat stratford figure and more of a "my dickhead footballer ex broke my heart so now i'd rather play piano than have anything to do with more boys." not that he'd be a weak character in any way - certainly, he'd give pierre QUITE a piece of his mind when pierre tries to pull the moves on him - but he wouldn't be quite as, well, bitchy as kat stratford is in the original, because that's simply not who charles leclerc is. in his own words - he is nice.)
anyways. so we have defensive, closed-off (but very endearing) musician!charles in this au, and fuckboy footballer pierre who initially gets paid to take him out - but when charles turns him down, he gets intrigued beyond the initial bet, and it becomes a personal challenge to him to get charles to go out with him. he's super competitive (as is charles) so of course it becomes a whole thing between them, until finally they mutually fall for each other. the paintball scene DEFINITELY features.
and, yes, there would be a scene where charles finds out that pierre was paid to take him out - and he's heartbroken, while pierre feels like the worst asshole in the world. because, yeah, it may have started out because of the bet, but it became so much more than that, and charles actually means everything to pierre now, and and and -
and, they kiss and make up, and pierre sneaks charles into a recording studio somehow as his grand apology gesture, and then they finally live happily ever after <3333
so it wouldn't be an exact 10 Things au - more just inspired by the excellent vibes & some plot details. and, you know, the infamous paintball scene.
but as i said - this is only one version of the au. there is another, as suggested by the brilliant mar @pinkierre, wherein pierre is kat and charles is patrick.
as mar pointed out: pierre is actually kinda the perfect casting for kat stratford?! he's snarky, sassy, and a little more openly jaded than charles is, so i believe he actually would deliver some of those zinger one-liners kat stratford is infamous for.
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COME ON. there's a vision there, yeah?
and as mar also pointed out, charles would TOTALLY sing & dance a song for pierre on the bleachers to win him back. he would.
also, yuki would be the little brother in this scenario, and liam the one who hires charles to date pierre.
speaking of charles! charles... would be considerably less sweet than we traditionally characterise him. but this is not completely OOC, either - if you look at some interviews of teenager!charles... this boy was SAVAGE, and he did not give a single fuck. the only thing he really cared about was karting, and if we make that his motivation in this au too... well, maybe he needed some of liam's money for a new engine, or parts of some sort, or something. and he cared more about karting than he did about some sharp-tongued pretty boy.
but MAYBE, once he's tried & failed the traditional flirting moves - pierre, in no uncertain terms, informs charles that he is a TERRIBLE flirt, and he's lucky he's gorgeous otherwise nobody would ever go out with him - after that, charles tries a different tack, because he needs this money, and that's when he realises that pierre likes karting too, and has the same sense of humour as he does, and is just as competitive as him. and then they start to get along, and slowly fall in love, and then the rest is history!
this isn't the piarles dynamic i usually write, but imagine pierre with all his single-minded focus and passion dedicated to academics... and charles who's a bit less fussed about academics in favour of adventure & adrenaline. smash the two of them together!!
OMG. imagine now the party scene... pierre having a bit too much to drink, charles helping him out, the "your eyes have bits of green in them...!" it just fits so WELL, right? it could be so fun, omg.
so YEAH! those are the two options i (with some input from the brilliant minds on discord) can envision for a piarles 10 Things au. i think that both versions would be DELICIOUS fics, and if i didn't have a WIP list longer than charles' new ferrari contract, i'd definitely be adding it to my list of things to write 🙏
as it stands, though, this one will probably just remain a daydream... but OH, my gosh, what a delightful daydream!!
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