madam-miss-fortune · 1 year
There's something to be said about the person who, in another world, could have been the protagonist. Just imagine it.
Dark hair and bright eyes, they don't see who they could have been. They ignored the rickety shed with the strange glowing light, but what if they didn't? (They were a hero in that world.)
They ignored the note from their long-dead mother and the strange ring she gave them, but what if they didn't? (They would uncover a conspiracy.)
They never questioned the strange car accident that killed their mother, nor the third passenger of that car that they can barely remember, but what if they did? (They have a sibling. The sibling is alive.)
They ignored the strange power warming them at their core, churning in their gut, but what if they didn't? (Magic is real. You are magic.)
And so, they lived their life never knowing who they are, who they could have been, and what might've happened.
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jessjeezbee · 1 year
Question for book lovers : Would you read a book that follows a "woman" that is a part of the first species of a human-like peoples that are the "bridge" between mother earth and humans that keep mother earth from destroying all humans entirely while also being susceptible to a corruption that can be more destructive than mother earth herself and the POVs follow not only the "woman", but also a "man" that is more vital than he seems?
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authorksc · 7 months
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Research Process
November 12, 2023|Blogging
Sometimes when writing a book, we need to research information about our character's profession. Also, we may need to research an area or country they may be in. Knowing what you write about makes it more believable for the reader. Even though it is a fiction story, unless it is a total made-up fantasy, some aspects need to be true. Today, research is much easier than in the early days. We have the internet and modern and historic libraries. But to be a great writer, we need to do our research! KSCarson   (picture courtesy of Research Method .net )
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cassiedenisco · 10 months
Did You Hear About Kitty Karr? Book Review
Sharing another book review for my summer of reading and today’s post is all about, Did You Hear About Kitty Karr? book review! This was on Reese’s Book Club so I of course had to read it! A lot of the books I read from her book club I just read. I don’t really research what they’re about so this one was definitely very interesting. As always this post has an affiliate link where I make a small…
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miyasanchez7 · 2 years
Authors have their moments. There will be times when you feel like you are not in your driving force, and you cannot come up with fantastic book ideas. Nonetheless, this kind of situation is not new to creative people. Coming up with creative ideas is one of the most challenging parts of any creative process. Moreover, the more challenging it gets, the more satisfying it is in the end...
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thewildnopeboat · 2 years
Dumb idea: Frankenstein's little monster
Narrator: Frankenstein's monster, somehow retelling how he was raised by like 6 teenagers as his father threw himself into a coma
Character majors:
Law student (main father figure specifically to refute the fact the kid is there)
English major (mom figure, teaches him words and shit)
Art and design (aunt/confidant, makes him cute as f clothes)
Medical (tired uncle who loves the kid, but fuck this thing has energy, check ups)
Biology (older brother vibes, more like weird neighbor's kid, acts as a buffer between his "father" and him, takes him on nature hikes)
Idk, just want someone to write this so that Frankenstein's monster gets love and support. Also I don't have the mental shit to write rn
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rewatching s4, and still mad at this notebook. Only because I DONT KNOW WHATS IN IT. every time i watch this scene, my head is literally racing, trying to figure out what could possibly in the book. I will not rest until i know.
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vveezlebub · 28 days
I wonder if people are falling in love on tumblr. Like that seems like something that could happen. Imagine it: A dorky introverted person posts to their cute tumble blog writing poetry or reblogging animals and hopeless romantic posts. And this extroverted user finds their treasure trove of posts, and immediantly gets excited and starts to like because it’s just the type of thing they’re into. Eventually they start to comment, and the person who runs the blog comments back and they begin a sweet friendship built on kind words and praise. The other person who found the blog follows them, and they become mutuals. Long and fun conversations break out in dms. About anything really. Poetry. Books. Animals. Then life. Publicly, they reblog each others posts and make silly threads together. In private, they’re conversations get more flirty and intimate, and eventually the introverted blogger works up the nerve to ask out the extroverted one. And the rest is history. They date long-distance for a long, painful while until they plan to meet up. And as soon as they do, they know it’s genuine love.
Im gonna be thinking about this forever now holy shit
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isabellagreenee · 2 years
Story Idea: A very lonely human (OC) finds the one person who fills up all the lonely days the human has experienced.
Endless days roaming this pitiful excuse of a home to the very own creatures who destroyed it. Not a single soul would acknowledge my existence, for how could they? A sad excuse of a fully functioning human being who can barely communicate should be noticed. No, a human as such should be ignored, neglected, forgotten. Lonely is an understatement. I am like a forgotten dog that has been left in the rain to fend for itself. No one wants it, no one likes it, no one knows it.
But, no one is quite a general statement. No one is just a basic name I give to all the people who neglect me. But someone is no one. Someone is the only one who acknowledges my existence. Someone is the only one who dared to come up to me and console me. Someone is now my someone, they are now my other half, I am no longer a no one I am now a someone.
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selenashires · 2 years
Book idea where an immortal vampire and their human lover have such a strong bond that the human gets reincarnated every time and the vampire finds their lover and ever reincarnation the human is completely different but looks exactly the same and so the vampire gets to fall in love with their human everytime and nothing stops them from falling in love and the human slowly regains memories but its not everything it’s just the humans favorite memories about their lover and the vampire has a bunch of scrapbooks of every reincarnation to show their lover their different past lives and just goes on and on about how each reincarnation is different from the other and all the things that the vampire fell in love with
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sodakartist · 7 days
Arcane Chronicles: All of..... Chapter 2:
Chapter2 Journey of the Fool After Sebastian’s unexpected revelation about the Fool card, the friends felt an undercurrent of uncertainty as they stood outside the crumbling tower. The tarot deck seemed to pulse with energy, its designs shifting as if alive. The air grew colder, and a dense fog rolled in, obscuring their way back to town. It felt as if the forest was deliberately twisting and…
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raven-ette · 10 months
Passing Through (OG book idea)
This is the prologue of a book idea that I wrote a while ago on my Wattpad. I have chapter one scheduled for Tuesday in case I am unable to publish going dark because of my writer's block. Hope you enjoy!
P R O L O G U E; Am I dead? 
Previous Next Wattpad
The raging headache was the first thing that hit me. It was as if a truck ran me over on repeat and then an elephant stomped on my head right after. If I ever got into a car accident I knew it would feel close to the pain I felt all over my body right now. 
Find me 
Remember, remember 
Voices rang through my head. What kind of drug was I high on now? It was loud and overwhelming like someone turned on 100 percent of the volume in my head. It was weird and fuzzy; not that my whole body wasn't already twitching from pain and confusion.
Don't forget, you can't forget 
Save us... you are our last hope
I gasp out loud. What should I be remembering? The fuzziness started slowly disappearing and the pain in my head was now left with a slight pounding like a migraine. Those voices, I should be remembering something, what should I be remembering? I can't remember.
As soon as the pain was manageable I stood up from the comfy bed I didn't recognize and that's when it hit me.  Where the fuck am I? My vision was slightly out of focus but even with it unfocused I could tell this wasn't my apartment complex...or my house? Where did I live again?
No! yea! I live in an apartment complex, one so high up the birds would sit and sing from my balcony. One that was cheap enough to effort it but cost enough to be a good and spacious apartment. But this is not my apartment.
I grabbed onto a near wall and pulled myself against it trying to balance myself. My mobility was not as functional as I would like it. My thighs were sour and not to mention I felt the full length of a nasty scar I had running down the right side of my back. It was still burning making me aware that I wasn't in the greatest condition waking up.
I started to stir myself in the direction that I thought was the kitchen but turned out to be a huge living space with wide windows looking out into the night sky and city lights. I pressed my warm hand onto the cold glass and my eyes mirrored the city lights I was looking at. I was high up, not too high but high enough I could see cars and huge skyscrapers and buildings nearby.
Cars race by in colors and the people still looked like people at this height of the building and not tiny dots. I looked at the horizon where many more buildings and colorful lights were seen. Suddenly my warm body started to shake. 
It might have been the AC not getting to me or some twist in my bloodstream making it difficult for my blood to get to my brain. Whatever it was my body started to warm up, heating up along with shaking. With this new-found knowledge that I was in fact not in my normal living room and apartment, fear started to spread all over my body. My brain not thinking stright and coming up with all kinds of scenarios of what could have happened the day prior.
My feelings started to overwhelm me yet again that day. With feelings of fear, anxiety and not to mention cold-blooded confusion about where the hell I was. Whose apartment is this and what city am I in? This was not California.
Am I dead?
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authorksc · 7 months
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Morning Routine As A Writer
November 11, 2023|Blogging
Most of us have a morning routine. Some might get up early before work, to exercise, eat, or drink coffee. Pretty much normal things we may do in the morning. But is it different for a writer? As a writer, I blog also, and this motivates me to write my morning blog as soon as possible to get it out there. Usually, I will make a cup of herb tea, and sit in my recliner, with my Macbook on my lap. I tried writing it the night before and scheduling a time to publish, but depending on what you use to do this, it may not be dependable. So I would rather do it myself to make sure it's out there. How about you, what is your morning routine like? KSCarson
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cassiedenisco · 11 months
Magic Lessons Book Review!
My summer of reading is still going strong! I’ve been working my way through the Practical Magic series and I have been loving it! This Magic Lessons Book Review by Alice Hoffman is the prequel to the book based on the movie. I was looking to break up my currently to be read list with a little more fantasy. This series is great for just that and I really loved these books! As always, this post…
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angel-r3yez · 11 months
Book Idea pt.2 (The Otherworldy Job)
Okay so in the last post there was talk abt the main character not remembering who they were and yadada(forgot to mention that the main characters name is wred like wed but say it as if a baby is saying it). So now I will go in-depth on how some of the technology works in this hell. (past)When you die you either have your memories erased and put to work. (Present) When you die you are placed in categories and depending on the category you may not have your memories wiped. You may be placed in the stables for the war horses and other mythical creatures. (forgot to mention the ruler is Lucifer and she was married to God and they gave birth to Lilith or Jesus's Half-Sister) Some would be in charge of memory production such as memory sucking and displaying some memories as movies. (did I mention that they also have a contract with God so Souls have to be processed in Hell).
end of pt.2
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aicollider · 1 year
Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Andy Warhol and César Franck devise the heist of the century to steal the The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp (Rembrandt van Rijn)
The scene opens with Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Andy Warhol and Cesar Franck huddled together in a dimly lit room, surrounded by maps, blueprints and schematics. Garcia Marquez, the mastermind of the group, rubbed his chin thoughtfully, “Okay, so here’s the plan. We’re going to steal The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp from the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam.” Warhol’s eyes widened, “Oooh, pretty…
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