raven-ette · 6 months
Ngl was-have been half-dead this past few months hence my inactivity. I have legit not written anything even just a personal short story since probably the last time I posted on here. Senior year of high school am I right? Was really stressful but now that I got the major important stuff out of the way I can just focus on maintaining my good grades and relax which means maybe some updates soon whenever I can.
Anyways thanks for anyone who has been continuing reading, liking and rebloging my stuff while I was out, I have been getting nonstop notifications which made me want to update even more but I couldn’t sadly. I will try and have a few chapters uploaded soon for those who have been waiting for one. Have waited long enough.
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raven-ette · 8 months
Going Dark4
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Sorry for the inactivity, back to school got me busy a bit and then I got really sick for some reason. Trying my best to update this book since it seems to be my most popular one at the moment.  Just going to say I tried, it isn't the longest chapter or the best-written one. I just wanted to write something and get it out of the way so I can get onto the parts of the book I have more ideas and inspiration. Mainly the reason why it took so long was because I had no idea how to write this part so sorry if it's really OC'ed or bad written, I tried.  
It was mid-day afternoon. By then the night outside had just started hiding away and a beautiful sunrise had arisen on top of the many beautiful snow-white mountains. The tallest and smoothest white being the mountain the temple was marvel at, sitting at the very top overseeing and guarding everything in sight.
On the far end close to the temple but far enough to not be disrupted were two silhouettes. One taller and much more muscular, with darker and a bit overgrown hair. Attire fit for a leader and one tight enough to bring light to their fit body, although it could also be seen that he also wore protective gear. Not that he had a reason to really need it at that moment. 
The other figure, whose nerves and anxiety-filled mind had begun to spill since the moment the whole situation had begun, stood next to him walking alongside him. Her figure although taller than before still stood significantly smaller in comparison to her companion at the moment. But with what she felt smaller due to her height she made up with the fearless and confident attitude she held as the guardian. At least that would be the case if it wasn't for the flashbacks of a past trauma experience her brain had decided to hyperfocus on that moment. The reminder was something she could have never predicted and she hated her brain for it.
 Her long braided ponytail swung back and forth with every step she took.  Every step she took was strong and confident like she usually did as the grand guardian. The masked of it being one she was used to by now. But now with every step was another thing. Tense, exhausted, and dread. 
Damian walking quietly beside her since the moment she agreed upon a meeting was seen focused. Awaiting and awaited this much-needed but fearful talk he had commenced. He first thought this would have taken place in a more professional and comfortable setting. He didn't entirely expect something like those meetings his father tended to have but he in no way thought this meeting would take place in such an open place as well. 
He took this as a fact that she was inexperienced as a leader and still had yet to have much experience in the department of leading. He had taken note of the clear sign of her dreading for this meeting. He had taken that as a sign that she was unhappy with his appearance due to the history of both of their organization. However, he couldn't be more wrong on the subject.  
Mariette decided to take the meeting outside since her mind was a little hectic at the moment. Walking outside in the cold and white snow was something she knew would calm her down faster than simply breathing would do. So with that in mind, she intended to do so in order for her mind and emotions to not get in the way of the logical side of her brain. The part needed very much at the moment with this important meeting taking place with the one and only Mr. Al Ghul.
Suddenly after a couple of tense and awkward moments of walking side by side. With the taller one observing her movements and with her trying to calm down and prepare herself with everything she would ask and talk about. She suddenly had enough and stopped walking, making the other stop as well. 
She turned around and then it began.
"I feel this would be enough distance from the temple to talk properly" She spoke to him directing her eyes towards the temple which was miles away. It was far but enough to still be close enough to see if anything was to happen from the outside. 
"Like I said before, I would like the miraculous and the League of Shadows to unite forces." He responded wanting to get over with it as soon as possible. He has always been a very direct person when it came to expressing himself so why would now be any different?
"I'm aware and for that to happen I require a few things discussed. For example, you are aware of the blood-stained history the League of Assassins had with the miraculous are you not?" 
Damian's eyebrows cessed downwards in a deep frown. He had known this just recently and although he knew one way or another this would have come up with everything that happened mere hours ago, which he took no ill will in, he still was not prepared to discuss it. He would have preferred if the discussion of the peace treaty, and what he would have to do to gain her as an ally would come before. 
"I am. I was recently informed about some of its history but there are still some holes in the story I have yet to fill in myself. I wasn't made aware of this fact before sending my worriers here. "
"That explains it." 
"Excuse me?" 
"Prior leaders of your organizations have only ever intended to communicate with the miraculous when in need of power. The leaders of before have only ever been power-hungry and cruel leaders of their organization. Whose only drive is to kill innocence in exchange for money and power."
"That is not the case anyone, We do not associate with the League of Assassins anymore. We are League of the Shadows, we only kill for honor and for necessity. My goal, my organization's goal is to protect those who have been taken by the very darkness that used to be our ways" 
"Protect those who can not protect themselves" 
"Exscally, that is our way now" Damian prayed in his mind, begging that she would believe him and accept his offer of peace and hopefully allies as well. He was very interested in learning the ways people went about their days here and wanted to get some inside if she would allow him.
"Alright, although I do believe what you are saying. As a leader, you must understand that I must do everything to protect my team including the men of the temple. They are the oldest members and still remember your organization. It will not be easy to impend their forgiveness."
"I would really like you as an ally and not just for power I feel like it would benefit you as much as it will me. If I must prove my loyalty and morals to your men to gain that I will gladly do that" He said staring straight at her eyes.
Usually, Damian wasn't a very love interest person. He didn't pay much attention to people or their physical qualities and attraction. He was a serious and well-respected guy. Focused on his goals and had the mindset of not having time nor caring for distractions such as women or love. However, looking at the leader next to him and someone with whom he was waiting for approval of a treaty he couldn't help but feel slightly attracted to her soft blue eyes. He thought they were the softest and most sky-blue he had seen someone's eyes be. 
He had no time to notice such details of her before but now as they were talking and she had finally turned to face him, he could now figure her out more. Which was not a good idea with him getting slightly distracted by her, although it wasn't by a lot. Still, it did the job and he didn't like that it did. 
"Okay, I do understand that this could help both of our cases. And I do believe in your cause, not only could I help in that but you could lend a hand in a case we are currently frying our heads on. " 
"Of course," He said professionally not trying to sound too desperate and childish. Even with him still being one in a way.
"The miraculous is a magic-orientated team, we rely mainly on magic. So I believe a Magic Bond seal would be a good show of your morals and trustworthiness to everyone in the temple not just me. "
"The reason they are hesitating in this is because of the past and the betrayal and bloodshed. This could be a good start to uniting forces in the future" Mariette said professionally. She was trying to put it out there as professionally as she could that this did not mean she agreed to it fully yet, just that this would get her to think of agreeing to the idea more. 
"And this Magic-bond seal, what would that include?" He said not wanting to get himself tied in something magic he did not understand that could screw him over in the end.
"There are two parts to it, in order to continue with a possible treaty and alliance I think it would be best only the first part be done. Only you as the leader have to do it of course. since magic is nonjudgemental and therefore can get a more sensible answer on someone's true colors, all that would have to happen is just getting pure magic to read you." 
"Reading me as in?" He asks not quite getting it yet. 
"Magic comes in a variety of forms, one of which is the purest forms. That form is the first that appears before it's changed into something else and becomes unstable.  If used correctly can sense and tell you everything you need to know, including of a person. Using it will read through you as a person in order to see if you have any ill intentions, and where good and wrong for you stand, personality-wise. Just to get a sense of who you are" 
"So like a personality quiz?" 
"Yeah, you could call it that. A much very cool and physical personality quiz" She said with a slight smile. They were both although in the middle of something very important taking a liking to each other's presence without realizing it. 
But the fates knew, oh they knew alright.
"I agree then, seems harmless enough. Is this like a ritual you have to prepare or..." He asked
"Yeah, we would have to schedule it in a few days. Finding pure magic is very hard but since I am the guardian it shouldn't take me more than a few days. How about in a week? The process is quick and we would be able to talk about everything else afterward regarding an alliance and treaty." 
"That sounds alright, I will get in contact with you regarding the matter" 
"Alright, since I see no harm in contacting each other in the future I would have someone give you our speed dial before your departure. Otherwise, I am aware how far you and your worriers have come and all of you are welcome to stay a few days and rest until returning."
"Thank you, I appreciate it," He said.
"All alright then, I guess this concludes our discussion on the matter for now. I will guide you back to the temple and to a resting department of your liking personally" He nodded and then she began her road back. 
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raven-ette · 9 months
Passing Through-1.1
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Weeks, months, and years could have passed by. The seconds of every minute, and the minutes of every hour. But nothing mattered, nothing at all mattered to her. Everything felt like it was falling apart, and everything felt like upside down. Nothing could be certain and all she ever knew could only be described in her mind as the opposite. 
That's where Reina was currently as well. As soon as she woke up after passing out what felt like five times in the last two days, having what felt like brain spams and screaming her lungs out from the pain she felt all over her body.  Burning from the inside out yet becoming so cold she felt like she was in an ice cube and a forest fire at the same time. It was worst and after stepping foot outside everything came to her.
She was here to stop the brainwashing of everyone, including her own blood brother who was sent here and failed. He was captured and tortured before they washed him as well. She watched the whole thing too, that's why the people above sent her, they put a chip inside her brain to give her a boost and help her remember. 
That was why she was in so much pain the first two days in this world. Because as soon as the chip was activated she went through a painful process to get her memories back. Which was not an easy and fast process to get over with. Now exhausted and with no idea what to do or where to start in rescuing people from getting brainwashed she was hanging upside down on some monkey bars.
She had yet to know what else the chip did besides giving her memories back. She knew it would give her a boost to help her out as well not just her memories. But since she was the last hope and was sent into it without any real training of how the chip works she had to figure it out as she goes. Which ended with her yet again having no idea what to do, she started to doubt her ability to save everyone.
Maybe they sent the wrong person here
She thought as she stared into the ground below her. Her long and beautiful light brown hair fell down due to gravity making it hard for her to see very well who and what was around her. She didn't mind, she was too stuck in her mind to care. Although her tight soft red crop held her upper body perfectly, she had yet to think everything through what this position held or looked like to the outside people. 
"That's quite a skill," Said a mysterious voice. since the young girl was upside down on a children's playground on the monkey bars, she could not see nor tell where it came from. Her hair was blocking her view, some of it even getting inside her mouth. 
"I guess so.." She hesitated in responding in case she imagined the voice and would sound crazy for responding to it. 
"Stop perving on her Sony, she's a child," Some other voice said, a woman's voice. One sounded a lot more ordering than she was.  
She still kept herself in the same position, although she was starting to feel dizzy and lightheaded. Her blood was no doubt having trouble reaching her head with the weird position she had been in for a while. But she paid no mind to that feeling liking it, finding it relaxing.  
"What is she doing?" 
"I don't know, why? jealous you can't do that even if life depended on it?" The same guy as before said to a newer voice. Another girl, voice with a hint of disgust in her tone as well. I could already tell from her voice she was not someone I would like to interact with. 
"Hey Mis, girl? why don't you get back to the normal gravity point we all currently stand on called the ground? you know before you choke on your blood" 
She does have a good point, I have been like this for a while
Reina thought without saying anything. After a while considering having to interact and socialize with other people, she didn't know and start-up in this new world, she stood up. At least tried to, as she untangled herself from the bar that was holding her up and put her feet on the ground after 30 minutes, she stumbled until two strong hands held her in place.  
She blinked multiple times as well as trying to shake her head to try and rid her of the dizziness she felt which wasn't all that great of an idea concerning it only made it worse. The taller and stronger-looking guy held her in place, knowing that if he let go of her too soon she would fall to her doom. She was swinging from side to side and blinking for a few minutes until she felt fine. 
As soon as she could see straight again was the guy helping her by holding her in place. He was taller than her but not by a whole lot like most of her exes, he held a cute face that most would call a baby face. He wore a red leather jacket with a tight sleeveless black shirt, showing the little muscles he had obtained. He also had a silver chain with slight red, reading SG. 
I wonder what that means 
Reina thought having no idea what that chain meant. She turned to look around the group of people, two girls, and one other guy. All of which seemed to hold the same sort of look which was kind of scary. One of the girls had short dirty blond hair which was slightly tinted with someone's blood. While the other guy had a nasty scar running down his right eye which was covered in bruising. Whoever these people were, they were not to be messed with. Besides the guy who helped her out, all of them help is a tense and scary atmospheric vibe to them and she didn't want to tik them out. Even though she already seemed to manage to do that to one of the girls for some reason. 
"What were you doing?" Asked the blond-blood girl. 
"indulging in self-depressing thoughts, that include the thoughts of death and murder," Reina said with bright innocent-looking eyes. Like a switch, at that moment she had forgotten everything and anything she was thinking before. She had no idea who she was either. 
What just happened?
She questioned internally, she felt like she had been thinking about something much more important than the normal death stuff she usually thought of. However, the more she tried to remember the worst her head ached which lead her to leave it be, she would worry about that later.
"Okay...well my friend over there saw you. We need some help with this job, you look edging enough mind handing a hand out" The blond looked shocked with her response as well as disturbed. 
"What kind of job? and what's in it for me blondie?" Reina said giving the blond girl a slight seductive look, winking in her direction. The guy to her right looked slightly jealous but had an understanding look go through him, knowing how attractive most people thought of his close friend.
"We steal some shit, going around stabbing and shooting a couple of people here and there before we blow up this station where they hold all the wild animals, for now, we just planning on stealing some shit from this old white guy up north. Let's say 5K each?"
"Say no more, I love myself stealing people's shit," she said with a creepy smile. 
"Alright darling comes on, you better be beating the boss before we start this, I told you, Jess, I saw criminal in her," The guy next to me said as he guided me to a car nearby while the rest three followed along. 
After everyone is seated the car starts moving and She is suddenly hit with a sense of realization. Like ice-cold water was splashed on her, coming out of a dream so real that was leaving her wet and sticky. But it was a dream and she knew it. It was such a weird sensation, it felt like someone had taken the front wheels of her mind that was and wasn't her at the same time.
What the fuck just happened? and why did it happen. 
She would have gone back on her word of agreeing to this shit show of stealing and doing so imagable. Of all the things she wouldn't normally do or be capable of doing this was on the top of her list but this was a different case. This is good in a sense. She would be able to ask them more about this world and everything she needed to know. Maybe even be one step closer to being able to find out more about those responsible for the whole brainwashing. She just had to be careful, no one could know of her true intentions. She didn't know who was a part of it or who truly was a victim of it. And she had no way of knowing how to difference either. 
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raven-ette · 9 months
Passing Through (OG book idea)
This is the prologue of a book idea that I wrote a while ago on my Wattpad. I have chapter one scheduled for Tuesday in case I am unable to publish going dark because of my writer's block. Hope you enjoy!
P R O L O G U E; Am I dead? 
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The raging headache was the first thing that hit me. It was as if a truck ran me over on repeat and then an elephant stomped on my head right after. If I ever got into a car accident I knew it would feel close to the pain I felt all over my body right now. 
Find me 
Remember, remember 
Voices rang through my head. What kind of drug was I high on now? It was loud and overwhelming like someone turned on 100 percent of the volume in my head. It was weird and fuzzy; not that my whole body wasn't already twitching from pain and confusion.
Don't forget, you can't forget 
Save us... you are our last hope
I gasp out loud. What should I be remembering? The fuzziness started slowly disappearing and the pain in my head was now left with a slight pounding like a migraine. Those voices, I should be remembering something, what should I be remembering? I can't remember.
As soon as the pain was manageable I stood up from the comfy bed I didn't recognize and that's when it hit me.  Where the fuck am I? My vision was slightly out of focus but even with it unfocused I could tell this wasn't my apartment complex...or my house? Where did I live again?
No! yea! I live in an apartment complex, one so high up the birds would sit and sing from my balcony. One that was cheap enough to effort it but cost enough to be a good and spacious apartment. But this is not my apartment.
I grabbed onto a near wall and pulled myself against it trying to balance myself. My mobility was not as functional as I would like it. My thighs were sour and not to mention I felt the full length of a nasty scar I had running down the right side of my back. It was still burning making me aware that I wasn't in the greatest condition waking up.
I started to stir myself in the direction that I thought was the kitchen but turned out to be a huge living space with wide windows looking out into the night sky and city lights. I pressed my warm hand onto the cold glass and my eyes mirrored the city lights I was looking at. I was high up, not too high but high enough I could see cars and huge skyscrapers and buildings nearby.
Cars race by in colors and the people still looked like people at this height of the building and not tiny dots. I looked at the horizon where many more buildings and colorful lights were seen. Suddenly my warm body started to shake. 
It might have been the AC not getting to me or some twist in my bloodstream making it difficult for my blood to get to my brain. Whatever it was my body started to warm up, heating up along with shaking. With this new-found knowledge that I was in fact not in my normal living room and apartment, fear started to spread all over my body. My brain not thinking stright and coming up with all kinds of scenarios of what could have happened the day prior.
My feelings started to overwhelm me yet again that day. With feelings of fear, anxiety and not to mention cold-blooded confusion about where the hell I was. Whose apartment is this and what city am I in? This was not California.
Am I dead?
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raven-ette · 9 months
Writers Block
Hey, so I'm currently suffering from a case of writer's block and I hate it so much. I have been trying to write the chapters that I will be publishing for Thursday and Tuesday of this upcoming week and I have no idea if I will be able to. I have written and rewritten like 30 fucken times and I'm so exhausted and irritated now. So any plot ideas and such will be welcomed for the continuation of the Damainette fanfic. I just wanted to let anyone who is reading it, in case they wait and don't get an update. I'm going to try and write an update, force myself but if I can't I will not publish. In the meanwhile, I will write some short stories or updates for some of the other books that I haven't updated in forever to try and get rid of this writer's curse and get back on track with Going Dark.
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raven-ette · 9 months
Going Dark3
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-Bold indicates flashbacks
A rainy day in Paris was always a calm one. The beautiful and full-of-light city of pairs smiled upon the universe even in the worst of weather. That night the city of pairs slept peacefully as the small raindrops dropped onto the ground gracefully. Dropping with ease and calmness, making the sound a sweet melody and inducing everyone to a deep sleep throughout the night. 
Ladybug and chat noir sat on top of a balcony that night, enjoying each other's company. Ladybug had her head on Chat's shoulder, making it comfy to coddle into his side. She had her hair down while Chat held her waist with one hand and played with her soft and silky hair with the other. 
That night was one of the few nights they were given a break from the constant akumatized victims. Usually, they would have one during the day and another at night, making it nearly impossible for them to have a full night to sleep or relax in the slightest. That night they did their normal patrol of the city, only for it to start raining. Chat had the idea to head to a place to relax without getting wet while waiting for it to clear up.
Chat at this point in his life was the happiest he had ever been. His life as Adrien and his life as Chat Noir were undoubtedly the best it has ever been. After some drama and self-reflection and relazing he indeed had feelings for his friend and classmate Marinette, and he got the chance to be happy once and for all. Although the truth of each other identity's took a while to happen, and a while to come to terms with nothing could ever compare to the feeling of happiness. He had the most important person he cared for and loved in his arms, happy and content what else could change that? 
He did not care that the world was in chaos right now. Hawk Moth had taken the miraculous and everything seemed to be ending, but he knew together they would get through this. Together they could do it because they were them. The perfect team and the perfect combo, soulmates. They were Ladybug and Chatnoir. Nothing could stop them and nothing could get in their way, their love and their connection were stronger than anything. He believe and he knew, and nothing could change his mind.
"You know, it hasn't been this nice and calm since before Hawk moth took them" She quietly recalled, not needing her to say who 'them' was, he already knew who she was talking about.
The miraculous 
"I know, it's nice. Finally, get you to myself" He spoke kissing her onto the forehead. Any chance he got he always took to show her the physical affection he felt for her. He knew her well enough to know she felt severely self-conscious of herself and her abilities sometimes, doubting even the simplest of things. He touched, kissed, hugged, and coddled her any chance he got to reassure and remind her he still loved her. Even if they hadn't said the three words yet to each other they knew what the other felt.
She turned around, looking directly at him. His soft and wild hair roamed around his face, it was getting a bit long but she liked it. It covered a bit of his eyes which she didn't appreciate but it served well when she thought how she was able to play with it sometimes. 
He's eyes, that's what she loved the most. He's bright emerald-green eyes. Looking into them felt like everything wrong and hard in her life disappeared. A safe haven she could get trapped and welcome into every time she felt lost.  Home, everything about him felt like home but his eyes just kept her there forever. securing her in his hold as she stared into the lovestruck eyes of his, the never-ending love.  He was never afraid to show her how much he truly loved her. He showed her every time he stared into her eyes and that looked never once has it ever dulled or disappeared. 
"Wish we could stay like this forever"
Everything in her mind was jumbled together, her body was slightly shaking and she couldn't tell if it was the caffeine or her emotions getting out of control. She had taken a break in the privacy of her bedroom in the temple, after of course securing them into a foul prove department of bedrooms made for guests. She could never allow them to accidentally find any of the important rooms help in the temple. 
She had talked with Tikki and Plag over things. The cons and pros of accepting this alliance. While Tikki votes to accept and come up with good benefits toward this to the MCH, plagg on the other hand could not let go of how weird and out of the blue this seemed. They had no contact and no cause he said, not liking the fact they came unannounced to the temple. He thought they were after our powers and miraculous but then Tikki countered that they didn't know about the miraclous.
After a little argument, Mari felt even more overwhelmed with all of the things on her plate. She agreed with Plagg that it was suspension and when she met with their leader she intended to find the reason for the alliance. She was unsure if he would willing to give the reasoning but she knew that if he didn't that would be cause enough to take a cautious step towards the alliance.
She also agreed with Tikki, it could bring a lot of good things to us. Having a strong ally like them would boast our rep in the hero's department, a very good one was still unlikely. Since the League of Shadows had been once the League of Assassins she still had no idea what kind of view everyone held them to. A good view of heroes or a bad one of constant judgment and wery of the fact they could and still sometimes kill. Their reasons have changed greatly but it still didn't change the fact they killed. 
Of course, she wouldn't plat out refuse the offer. She had to contemplate the cons and pros of everything to the very tiny detail. Everything from that point could change for the good or bad depending on her decision. But if she refused straight out she knew the fact that she could offend him or anger him greatly could happen. She didn't know what kind of person this Damain Al Ghul was but she would like it if they did not become enemies because she refused his offer or because she angered him. 
However she would have never expected this, this reminder of the dead. As soon as he step foot a couple of things shocked her to her core. The thing that did most to her body was those green eyes of his that stared at her. They weren't the same, she knew that but she could not help but realize how similar they both were. His were a lot darker, dull than the ones she remember but that didn't stop the beat of her heart and the shakiness of her hands. 
She tried to stop it to the best of her abilities, not wanting to seem weak or embarrass herself. Not when this meeting with him was this important. She had come up with a solution with Tikki and Plag. They would agree to the alliance but make him agree to a magic-binding alliance as well. It was done with the fates of magic, making sure truth and honesty were fulfilled as long as the ones doing the deal were alive. Breaking it would physically endanger their soul from enteral peace after death in the human world. Not to mention breaking a deal with the fates of magic angers them making them revengeful towards you and ultimately making your life a living hell.
She had even talked a bit with Chole and Alya to make sure they agreed on her decision. She felt so nerve-racked when she was told that the leader could come today to meet the same day if she'd have him. Of course, she wanted nothing more than to offer another day as an alternative and just meet some other day she had more sleep in her system and was a lot more calm and collected than she was currently, but she couldn't. She had run on a week-long strike with no sleep so she knew two days without the normal amount of sleep she could handle. 
She just wanted everything to calm down so she could pass out on her couch with Chole eating junk food and watching Bucky's hotness melt them from the inside. So she decided the sooner she dealt with this issue the better, so just like everything she did. She tried to get ahead and get it over with so she wouldn't have to deal with it long and stress over it even more.
What she did not expect was for a younger-looking guy with dark brown hair and green eyes to come through the giant double doors of the temple. His whole appearance was shocking, he look around the same age as her. Maybe a couple of years older, but nonetheless she never expected someone like him to be in charge of a whole organization. Just like her, he was younger than most would expect and she could see the shocked look on his face as well, he however got over it a lot faster and covered it up. 
Marinette could not help the feeling of loss and despair flow through her all over again like all those years ago. It was like she had lost him all over again. In her opinion, the reminder that he was gone all over again was worst than feeling it for the first time. Because then she felt regret, guilty, and sadness all in one. She felt horrible for living her life like she was, without him and forgetting about him, even for a while. Of course, she could never forget him but when she went through the motions of life she didn't think of him too much. 
Looking into a pair of other green eyes felt wrong. Of course, she had met other people with green eyes before, but none of them reminded her of her best friend like these ones did. They were so similar but different at the time same time. It was uncanny and unreal like his ghost sent this person personally to remind her of him. And she couldn't stop shaking, her hands moving rapidly and her brain moving with images of her best friend's death being repeated in her head. 
"I'm Damian Al Ghul leader of the League of Shadows, and I wish for the League of Shadows and the miraculous people to unit once and for all" His voice snapped her out of the hectic headspace she had drowned herself in. 
Get your head in the game Marinette. 
She called out herself. Squaring her shoulders and standing with her posture a lot professional and uptight she internally sighed, preparing herself for the rest of the night. Hopefully, this will not be as bad as her overthinking had thought it would be.
"Grand guardian of the miraculous, why don't we discuss this further?" 
Probably going to be one of the shortest chapters honestly. One reason because it got too long and I split this one and the next chapter. just trying to write even if I don't like it the best, want to see if I can finish it by the end of October or September. Feedback is welcomed so I can go back and edit it completely when I finish it.
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raven-ette · 9 months
Going Dark (DaminetteDarkRomance)
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"You're not supposed to attack them! You are supposed to wait for me if they have not made a threatening move you retarded idiots." I screamed at the top of my lungs. 
These past few months I have been through a headache of all headaches with all that I have to take care of. There have been more sightings of lost or hidden miraculous or even related miraculous objects. As grand guardian and leader of the miraculous, it is my job to ensure they don't fall into the wrong hands, find them, keep them safe, lead the whole miraculous team, and ensure humanity is safe and sound. Meanwhile, at the same time handling MDC business and designing outfits for wealthy people worldwide. 
At first sight, this might not seem like a lot, but I'm only 22. I'm the youngest of the whole team and leading it. It's something I always find myself insecure about, that and the fact I only have eleven years being a miraculous holder, nine being a guardian, and even less than that being the grand guardian of all of the miraculous. Not to mention the idiots of the temple seem to still find it difficult to listen to me, even after they gave me the title of grand guardian. They said I deserve it, that I proved of being capable of the job when I defeated Hawk Moth. Also, the fact the fates of magic chose me as guardian, that's why I was able to handle all of the miraculous power and still be sane and not power-hungry. 
But somehow, somehow they still ignore all the facts and signs they should listen to me. and it's infuriating. 
"grandmaster we-"
"I don't want to hear it, I sent a fire message through the system Max installed. Max showed each and everyone one of you how to use it so I know you got it and I know you know how to read. I told you not to attack unless they attacked first!" I stood in front of a table in front of every guardian who was responsible for everything that went down. 
When I knew the league of shadow came I knew something was up. We have no history, we know of each other but have yet to cross paths. Not surprising since the MCH is pretty new. After five years of only being officially a worldwide chain of heroes, we have yet to cross paths with anyone. We know of them and I know they know of us because that's what everyone has been discussing for the past few months in news and radio stations. 
At first, when we started I wanted to keep MCH undercover and on the down low. I was never planning on revealing anything about the miraculous with the whole world and still don't. But I thought it would be good to reveal some things about us in order to not cause any panic. I made sure to clear up that we were a hero organization. But anything about our powers and abilities was up to everyone else to figure out. 
They have yet to figure out that we are from Paris, having most of that accident hidden away from the internet sure helped that out. 
When I walked through the portal to the temple, I had many expectations. None of them were good ones, but them flat-out refusing my orders when I got there was not one of them. Apparently, they had a deep and bloody red history with the League of Assassins when they still hadn't disappeared. Coming out and finding out they still exist just under a different name was not news they took well. 
"You probably don't understand how this works, these people are trained killers. They might be regular humans and we might have miraculous with the power of mini tiny gods but that doesn't give us the right to start wars or misuse our powers. You need to learn to take a more peaceful approach than the one you were about to take. " I was dressed in my grand gardian outfit which was both Plagg and Tikki combined. 
My hair was up in a ponytail and fell at about my waist with a braid. It was tied at the top with a long red and green ribbon. My mask was black with red & green highlighting at the edges. Then my body suit was all black with the top being shoulderless and showing my skin. The bottom was the normal skin-tight fitting pants and then I had black ankle boots. The middle of where my waist was where the ladybug yoyo was, crossing the string around my waist holding Plag's batons in place. Then at my collarbone started the long cape-like material that was red. A few inches above my yoyo and baton, part of it stopped, stitched together before the cape flowed behind me again like a long skirt.
" We apologize for not consulting with you grandmaster we didn't think-" 
"That's the thing, isn't it? none of you thought. Actually, none of you listened. The fates of magic chose me for a reason, all of you chose me as grand guardian. If we're going to work together, all of you need to put your part as part of the MCH and listen as much as you react." 
"We understand "
"Great, now I'm going to handle everything you manage to mess up with the League of Shadows. Now you better hope they don't want to start world war 3 with us. we will discuss this further once the whole team is here until then everyone is not to touch anything of the commands and train only if you'd like "  
Everyone got up and left, leaving towards their bedrooms. I have been dealing with them not listening to me at all for months and months. This was the last straw of them doing that. Sometimes they respect me as grand guardian but sometimes it seems they don't. Maybe because I'm young or not, I don't know. But I'm tired of that, and like Chole said. I need to hold a strong grip on them like I did when I was ladybug back when I was 12.
I know what Chole is getting at. In most cases losing someone special to your heart makes you cold-hearted and rid of emotions. It made Chole a lot more protective of her friends and a lot more violent and aggressive in most cases, making Nino more mature and a lot less fun and light-hearted. Made Alya and I not as close as before too. 
For me it was different. I have tried to just forget that it happened but then I don't want to forget him and our time together. At the same time, it just hurts too much to think about him. I was only ever strong and confident when I was with him. He was my strength, the person who believed in me. If I was down he was there to bring me up. 
When the order stepped up for the first time it was when I lost the miraculous. They blamed me for everything and said I wasn't even a real guardian. They were basically bullying me to submit and step down as Ladybug. I was willing to but Chat fought back harder than ever. Being the strength of both of us and fighting with the order for me. 
But I was tired of letting them bully me all the time. Even after they said I deserved the title of grand guardian I knew they only did that so they wouldn't have to take care of all the responsibilities of the grand guardian. They were tired of them so they handed it off to someone. I liked it either way, I loved being the grand guardian and helping everyone around me with my friends. But I wasn't going to let them bully me and disrespect the title they handed off to me. 
I walked outside the temple and a mountain of people dressed in all black were outside. They were completely covered in black, the only thing seen was their eyes. They had their swords by their sides. It took me a while to get closer to them down the hill of pure white snow, it being very steep and windy.
I grabbed my red cape and brought it closer to my arms. I get cold easily and the weather here was sure not my favorite. As I got closer to them I saw some of them were on the side getting aided by those who were hurt. I managed to get here just in time to step in before it got a lot bigger. 
Someone from the front lines saw me walking down and looked like his soul just escaped his body there and then. After snapping out of it he shakily started talking to the men around him, spreading the news of me. Most of which had similar reactions. I didn't think much of it, passed as a reaction to me as the grand guardian. Even humans are able to sense my power, in and out of the mask.
One of them steps forward holding a straight face, he's eyes moving very little. He was holding a very professional stand in front of me with his hands behind his back. Giving his sword to one of the other men. Probably to seem none threatening and to not cause another chaotic outbreak of fights. 
I stopped a couple of steps before him, holding my professional grand guardian facade I had on since this morning. It was starting to wear out now but I wouldn't let it. I was beyond exhausted but that was not something new to me by now. I knew what I was signing up for when I agreed to be the grand guardian to the fates of magic. These were just some of the many exhausting days of grand guardian duties that I, unfortunately, had to deal with that would end very late at night. 
"Hello and to what do I owe this very late visit to my temple?" 
" We apologize for our late visit grand guardian of the miraculous, we have traveled from afar " 
"Grand guardian is just fine, what is your purpose for your visit " 
" We were sent by our leader, Damian Al Ghul. He wishes to commence a truce and make the Miraclous chain of heroes and the League of Shadows allies. He thinks it would be benefiting on both parts."  
I stood in silence, slowly understanding this new piece of information. The League of Shadows and MCH are not been friends or enemies since we started. Actually, we have no real reason to be, we are located in opposite places of the world. We also deal with very different sorts of things, not many similarities. They deal with human issues, people who kill, torture, and steal.  We deal with the realms of reality, and the balance of the world like time travel, magic, and all that. We might know of each other but our crossing paths unless intended is highly unlikely, so why would he want to unite the two organizations that could peacefully go on hundreds of years without even so much of a hello?
Whatever the reason might be it might be a really good one, and an important one too. He's a very hard person to interact with as far as I have heard, not many being able to reach him. 
Of all of the reasons I could think about regarding a reason was our alliance is because of power. We are a very powerful organization of heroes, new and with unheard-of magic. No one knows about the miraculous and if they knew they would be after them too. What the public has gathered is that we are insanely powerful, we have unlimited agility and power to our disposer. Which is not necessarily untrue. 
Maybe they are dealing with a common enemy. Or someone who is insanely powerful they wish to take care of but are unable to do so without powerful allies. Maybe they are an enhanced human and they need help in the magic department of things. Or maybe they want to know our secrets. As I said were new and they don't want to create an unwell relationship with a new hero organization and one whose power and weakness are still very unpredictable. A smart decision as a leader is to keep a close watch on everyone around you, even the ones who seem peaceful.
"Alright, I would have to talk and discussed it with the temple before I can agree on something. A civil discussion would be preferable with your leader himself. I also hope there are no hard feelings with the accident, my men had a miscommunication and were feeling a bit threatened by a crowd of unknown people outside their home." 
"We don't linger any hard feelings in the matter, as everyone in the League of Shadows wishes to form a formally agreed upon alliance with their centuries-old enemy.  We don't see the miraculous as such but wish to erase the old history of our leader's hatred towards each other, we understand they harbor the old ways and wish to show your counsel overwise in our intentions. " 
"Understood, thank you for the long way your people have traveled. Feel free to stay until your trip back to your home place, the temple can harbor more than enough people inside. As soon-to-be alliances, we insist on your stay. " 
It seemed that I would not be able to leave the temple for a few days. This just got a whole lot more complicated than I first thought. Guess my relaxing time with Chole will have to be shorted a couple of days.
I tried, but I was not really satisfied with this one like the rest. Also, not me finding out that Tumblr also has an automatic scheduled update like Wattpad. I'm so happy, any way you guys should follow me on there still. I'm trying to grow my community as well and reach more people so pls if you can repost this anywhere you like, to reach more amazing readers. I take recommendations on story ideas as well. Hope you liked this chapter and the next one will be up on Thursday.
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raven-ette · 9 months
Books and stories
This is just a head's up to everyone who is and will be reading my stories in the future. I'm a Wattpad author, that's the main platform I publish and will be the first platform I will always publish. I am trying to publish this year in a variety of places and grow my audience and reach more people but Wattpad will always be the first place I will publish. I am saying this because I'm going to be getting a lot busier with school since I am a full-time student currently. With that being said I will not have time or it might take me a while until I publish in any other place other than Wattpad sometimes.
For this I encourge everyone to follow my stories mainly on Wattpad, I also have more stories I will be publishing in the future if you are interested. I already have a couple chapters scheduled on there right now with the new scheduling update that was just released. I also want to warn you this because sometimes my tublur does not work for some reason or I'll forget to publish there as well. I will try my best not to. So if you can please follow me there, I don't check this app a lot, I am mainly on Wattpad and you can message me there and on Instagram easier. I take recommendations or thoughts on stories and sometimes I will input them into stories or future chapters or other books I write.
Wattpad ; @RavenAAuthor_
Instagram ; Ravenette_
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raven-ette · 10 months
Not me sorta of shipping Chloe and Mari. I don’t know what is it but every time they bully each other I’m like “ shut up and make out already” what is wrong with me. Kind of tempted to write an enemies to lovers with them after my Daminette fanfic but I’m afried I’m the only weird one who ships them.
Please let me know if I should write it and publish it or not, because I kind of really want to. Let me know if you would read it if I published it.
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raven-ette · 10 months
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raven-ette · 10 months
Going Dark ( DaminetteDarkRomance )
includes violence, graphic topics, strong language, and mature scenes
Prevous Next Wattpad
5 Years Later 
M A R I 
The life of an American seemed a lot more luxurious than the one I thought I would live. People here weren't as happy and outgoing as I was used to back home in Europe. But I would deal with it if it meant not going back home until Christmas came. Even then I tried to always get away with it year in and out.  
Chole was a good company to have by my side, we have made a lot of progress regarding the Miraculous Chain of Heroes. Two years after the fall of Pairs' greatest villain and a lot more free time on our hands than we were used to, Chole had the greatest idea ever. The creation of the Miraculous Chain of Heroes or MCH. A chain of miraculous heroes that we could trust that would bring good to the world not just Paris. That way we could help a lot more than ever before. 
We spent months in and out scavenging desired people capable of this role. Using and mastering the reading of our senses, a power true miraculous holders were able to have. The fates of magic guided us in decisions in order to make a difference, therefore, choosing who was a perfect fit of a miraculous and who was not, as well as what miraculous. It was a tricky thing to master and only a few were able to obtain parts of that power sense. 
We have been able to collect a few promising holders throughout the years, making great progress in helping crime rates be lowered. As of yet none of the newer members are able to keep their miraculous through the night yet. Chole and I decided that they would hand their miraculous over as soon as they were done using it. We agree that we didn't want another Felix chaos to repeat. Therefore any new members had to go through a multitude of things to prove capable of keeping their miraculous safe and not having any ill intentions. Such as training in the temple and stepping up when they were needed.
Only the original miraculous holders are able to keep theirs like Chole, Sabrina, Luka, Nino, Alya, and so on. A lot of them withdrew their miraculous after the defeat of Hawk Moth but some of them also contained. Kagami, Rose, and Luka are only partly in it and the only ones returning their miraculous from the group. They still want to help when they are needed but don't want to keep it to just doing that. 
Alya and Nino handled most of the France and European area at the moment. They didn't want to move across the country with Chole and me. They ended up just leading the charge on the MCH there. We handled the American side and Sabrina handled a few other further away parts of the world with Max and some others. Everyone was in charge of their reign and team, making the process a lot more smoothly than Chole and I thought. No complaints on our part.
"hhehhe...ooooh he's hot," Chole said as we sat sprawled across our over-the-top penthouse apartment living room that Chole's dad had insisted on buying us in new york city. It was technically a miraculous living space. 
Throughout the years her dad and a few other people have invested greatly into the MCH. Her dad is one of the top, providing most of the living spaces throughout the world for the teams who got paid too little in their real life to afford to switch places every so often and go to hotel rooms most nights. Chole and I provide the rest with my fashion company. 
She decided to take business in college instead and helped me create a my fashion company. I handle the making and designs and she handles the advertisement and everything else. Right now we are sitting on one of the top fashion companies in the world with over half the world paying no less than 1,000 thousand for my designs. The MDC brand is one of the biggest investments in MCH. 
Right now Chole and I were by ourselves in new york city again. We had just moved back after staying in California for over five months investigating some suspension black market activities. The order thinks an old and powerful miraculous has been activated recently, which has been lost and hidden away far longer than they have been alive. 
They at first thought it was nothing but after I felt it through the connection of the miraculous as a holder and guardian they were sure of it. They said this certain miraculous was already powerful in itself but since it hasn't had the protection and safety of its box or used it could have become really unstable. Meaning if someone used it, they could be consumed by the power and distribution and chaos could come.
We got a lead in California, that it was spotted being sold in the black market. We tried to get it back or find anything of it. But after five, almost six months nothing happened and the lead completely disappeared. We thought we would take a break and head back home to new york for a while before picking up more about or any missions for that matter. Searching for a lost Miraclous was a lot of work, our brain power was almost entirely used up by it. 
That's why we decide to spend it binch watching Marvel movies. Ironic right? We had just started watching Captain American and the Winter Soldier and Chole and I couldn't stop fangirling over Bucky and how hot he is. 
"I'm usually into blonds but burettes aren't a bad idea, he does look insanely good," I said through a mouthful of popcorn. We were laying around with a mess of blankets and a much of takeout food, snacks, and drinks. We had almost completely drunk all of the expired red wine that was left from the last time we brought for a girl's night with all the other girls. Now with only us and the most intemperateness when it comes to alcohol,  it was bound to end up with 5 empty bottles.
"No wonder he had all the girls all over him in the 80s. That over guy has nothing on him" Chole said from her positing laying down with her head on my stomach and her legs and body curled up beside me. 
I was in a sitting position with my back against the couch and a pillow in the middle. Didn't want to end up with back pain after this. Chole had the majority of the blanket but made sure to cover at least half of my lower body along with hers. 
"You mean Captain American? he seems nice" 
"Nice and boring, you mean. dark haired guys are always so much more fun to be around, dangerous and mysterious but fun" 
"Oh, and you would know because you dated a certain dark-haired guy right? Who dyed his hair on a dare in collège et lycèe" I said in a teasing tone knowing how she got when I mentioned her one and true love, Luka Couffaine. She and Luka had a thing for a while in high school and a bit in college as well but then separated when they got too busy. Now they are just plain awkward since they also didn't really end things on a good note. 
When Chole gets upset about something she cares about a lot, she gets passionate. Her passion means anger and hatred sometimes. She explodes and there is no stopping her from saying anything and everything that first comes into her mind. She cared for Luka a lot and didn't want to break up, ever. I could go as far as to say she loved him but she would kill me for that. 
During their last year and two in college, things weren't going too well for them. Luka changed, he still was the nice and sincere guy I meet in middle school and sort of liked but he changed. He started his own band and created a name for himself and his music. Outside the band, he was already a part of since middle school. After that, he started hanging out with some bad people and was influenced and when he moved to LA she was heartbroken. 
They had fought before but never like that night. He was drunk, on the verge of passing out even. He was mad that she didn't want him to leave but she wasn't mad about that. She was mad he was doing it for the wrong reasons and wasn't even finishing his decree in teaching that he has always wanted to do as well. Not only that but letting himself go just to be liked by a much of guys who were building up hope in him. They were not good people and although they were helping him, it wasn't the type of promotion or advertisement he needed for himself or music. 
They fought for a couple of hours, both saying things they didn't want to say. Chole saying some colorful things because he was making her mad to the point that she would have knocked him out herself if Alya and I weren't there to stop her. She can get really violent when she cared about someone. And she cared for him and she was trying to help him, making him understand he was making a horrible decision and he would regret it. 
All of us tried really but no one was as passionate to make him retreat his answer then she was. She tried until the very last minute to make him change his mind on moving with a group of asswhole guys he hasn't even known for more than two months. Nino Max ended up having to drag him to his room since he was basically saying more than he could talk, saying nonsense. Before he left Chole smacked him in his head as hard as she could when he left for the airport the next morning, with the hangover he had that sure did not help. 
"Oh my god don't remind me. My blood still boils every time I see that guy. Can't even believe he let them bleach all of his hair just because it would bring more attention to his music. He has always loved his dark blue hair"
"Such a shame too, I always loved his hair in high school. Thought it was so cool that someone's hair was like that" 
"Yea I'm pretty sure if it wasn't for his hair, I wouldn't even have agreed on that stupid date he asked me on after your birthday" 
"oh please, you would have melted either way. when he wrote that song about the blond ice queen I knew he was talking about you, even before he confessed to writing it about you" 
"What no way" 
"He was always looking at you in the halls and in class. I had to tutor him because he kept staring at you all throughout the class. He was so excited when I told him I would introduce you to him" I said in a smug teasing look towards her. 
"Okay, shut up and let me watch hot winter soldier Bucky" She rolled her eyes. 
I looked towards my phone and saw the alert on my phone. Max installed a miraculous alert app for everyone. So we could communicate and pass on important messages instead. It was also connected to the mainframe which was in the temple. Everything in there has been insanely upgraded with tech and everything. Usually, Max would stay there to teach most of the week to the order and other members the way of the modern world, including how to send messages and alert through the main computer to us.  
We got alerts instantly when someone happens. Depending on how dangerous and serious it was a different color would appear on our screens. Then if it was just a message that anyone was needed at the temple or somewhere like backup it flashed a red. which was what it flashed as soon as the two-second Buzz of a message from the temple cleared. That would have to wait.
One look at each other and we both called out to our Kwami. They were probably somewhere napping after the buffet they had of our takeout over four hours ago. We started our bench watching at 12 this morning and now it was two in the morning.
"Guess well having to finish watching his hunkiness when we come back from whatever Sabrina and Max need" I giggled as she scrunched her eyes and gave me a pout of dislike. 
"Can't they just call someone else on call? We're basically drunken idiots right now and I can't feel my legs from all the hours we have been sitting down watching movies. Call on Alya and Nino or something" she begged.
"We are on call. Alya and Nino have a date night today and everyone else can't make it." 
"Call on the stupid decisions then, he barely helps out anymore."
"Although I would love to do that, he's way too far from Sabrina's location and I'm the only one that has the horse Miraculous. Now stop whining you can finish it when we get back. " 
She didn't stop pouting but got up nonetheless. By then all of the miraculous in my position and Pollen came into the living room. Millions of tiny creatures were staring at us, wondering what was going on. 
"Pollen, Kaalki, plag. Let's go they need us" forgot to mention another thing. Tikki and have retired, at least for now. With a new change, I thought I need to change in miraculous and since I am apparently a fluid soul I can handle any miraculous since any goes in sync with my soul. Adrien used to have Plagg and he seemed depressed without a holder we already work great together so I thought I would choose him for a while. Tikki was fine stepping back for a while and sharing her holder, she knew I still loved her. Nonetheless, she also knew it was helping me heal a bit being with Plag and him as well. 
"So do we transform right now or...." I gave her a roll of my eyes. She knew what my answer was.
"Just checking." 
"Pollen, Buzz out!" 
"Plag, Claws out!" 
After that, I grabbed the horse miraculously and transfused the two before opening a portal to Sabrina and preparing for anything they would need of help at the moment right now. 
Before I left I check glanced at the message from the temple I got sent before. It was completely capitalized letters which made me figure out it wasn't a computer system automated message but from someone from the temple. The words that read were what made my heart partly race. 
Will be having an updating schedule of two times per week. Tuesdays and Thursdays. I might also update over the weekend on Saturday if I don't have too much to do and have time to write, but for now, it will mostly just be Thursdays and Tuesdays that I publish this story.
Also if you want to check out my Wattpad, I publish my stories there before here. I don't have too many books published on there yet but I'm planning on writing more and updating more of my other books as well when I can and have the inspiration to do so, in case anyone wants to check them out as well.
Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
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raven-ette · 10 months
Going Dark Prologue { DaminetteDarkRomance }
includes violence, graphic topics, strong language, and mature scenes
Previous Next Wattpad
That night it rained in a cold and heavy shadow. The ground was slippery and wet from the bad weather and everything was far from okay. The Parisians had a look of mourning and everywhere you went black curtains were drawn in every building with a slight hit of green. To everyone else from the outside, it looked like the city of pairs had gone insane. 
The city wasn't nearly as beautiful and full of light as the world of the outside had perceived it to be. Not now at least. It was filled with gutter and sadness. The clouds had been drawn together for days now and the sun seemed to have shied away as well. Raining nights and horrible windy days seemed to be the norm now, and the Parisian charm seemed to be missing from every person you passed by. But today of all days seemed to hit the worst out of the rest of the week that had past. 
To the people of pairs, this was a day that held more than one meaning. More regrets than one, and support and love shown in every corner despise the gloomy atmosphere. This day held happiness and freedom from a feeling of capture that every Parisian had been feeling for years. But it also held sadness about what came with the freedom that they were finally able to enjoy. 
Two giant statues held together by a single point of touch were seen in the middle of a huge park. The statues of ladybug and Chat Noir, the two famous Parisian heroes. The statue was made two years before the defeat of Hawk Moth. In a time where Hawm Moth seemed winning when he took all of the miraculous. This was an idea very popularize that the people wanted, their way to show their love and support for their heroes even with the struggle they were going through. 
It was a realistic statue of both heroes, who had posed for it years before the idea even came to light. It united in the middle where they held their famous 'pound it' with a fist pump. A common phrase that many Parisians recognized since it was a phrase their heroes would do after they defeated their current akumatized villain. 
However, this time around the chat noir side gathered the majority of Paris inhabits. Having watched and heard the news of the fallen hero, many took the time to mourn over the loss of their protector. In front of the fallen heroes' side held a sign on a silver platter. 
Chat Noir, 
the beloved hero of Paris 
Below held a small description of the hero. It started with his believed age which was about over a thousand years old. Then went to say his hair and eye color. His abilities, miraculous, signature power, and his famous weaponry of choice. After they talked about his personality and how he loved to interact with his fans and people in pairs on the daily. As well as his jokester personality and friendly nature. He was a people person and fought greatly when it came to protecting his city. 
They also mention his unmatched love for his lady. Ladybug who was his long-lasting partner and best friend. It mentioned how the two of them held an unmatched love and connection for each other that was so strong nothing was able to get in between them. They also predicted that they were in fact together even with them both denying otherwise. 
After it went on to talk about his great accomplishments as a hero. The number one was being able to finally defeat Hawk Moth but at the cost of his life. It doesn't say how he died or how it happen, mostly due to the fact that many already knew. Not to mention that Ladybug personality asked the city to not put that specific information on there as well. 
On the very bottom read 
friend-son- boyfriend-
As people passed by and dropped flowers and various gifts on his honored platter, you could see the tear-staining look on many people's faces. Most of these people had maybe spoken to him once or even not at all, but all of Paris still felt the pain as if they had lost a loved one. He was a Parisian and their protected and he had died protecting them from a great evil. That was something every Parisian was thankful for and would never forget. 
In the very back, in the corner closest to the ladybug statue held a group of close nit friends and classmates. Some talked lively to each other and others just stayed quiet as they enjoyed the rainy day. However, if you looked closer you could see very sad and stone-cold looks on four people sitting down against one of ladybugs legs. 
Two held hands. The brunette girl holding her boyfriend in a hugging position, the guy looked like he wanted to cry but couldn't.  On the other end was a blond and raven-haired girl. The blond held onto the raven-haired girl the tightest she could. Talking quietly and smoothly, telling her everything was going to be alright. The raven-haired girl looked in physical and endless pain. 
she looked horrible and although she looked presentable she looked like she was a living vampire. Pale and shaking abnormally it looked like she was in the middle of a panic attack, however, that wasn't the case since she was just coming out of one. Out of everything that happened that morning, the only thing she managed to do by herself was shower and brush her teeth. 
Even if she couldn't she knew Chole would have done it for her if she saw she couldn't. She had done everything to get her ready for the funeral that day. She had spent all her time surrounded mostly by Chole and Alya lately, although Chole most. She was currently living with her, since she claimed she needed the company and she would not allow her to be alone right now. Alya would visit occasionally but Nino was in horrible shape and needed to be there for him as well. 
While getting dragged and transported to the funeral, Chole and Marianne would rarely talked to each other. Mari had totally close herself out, too in shock. Right now Chole was mostly distracting herself from crying by taking care of someone she had grown to be closer to. Mari was in worst shape than anyone else, and like the hero she was she refused help at first. She had grown to know her and found that forcing her way to help her was the best method. 
She had done everything from getting her food and forcing her to eat at least half to picking her clothes and also forcing her to get dressed as well as shower. Everything has completely switched between the two girls. Mere years ago they were enemies and hates each other's guts, then they were friend-enemies and now they simply were closer to the found family side of things. 
Right about now all that Mari wished was to be able to go back to Chole's room a pass out in her bed under her expensive covers. They were the softest and warmest she had ever felt in her entire life, she wished she could stay there and asleep forever. She knew Chole would never allow her that, giving her one thing or another to do thought-out the day. By the end of her endless tasks of the day it would already be midnight or close to it.
By then they had to go out and patrol the city before coming back at one and falling asleep. She didn't complain because whether she realized it or not she appreciated Chole helping her this way. If she stayed put doing nothing, she stayed thinking and repeating everything in her mind. Right now everything that went through her head was chat noir and only chat. Blaming herself for his dead or even reliving the day he died. Over and over again in her head on repeat until she got a raging headache.
Sometimes she even woke up from nightmares of that night. Of everything that went wrong and happened that day. Or even memories of their times together. Those were nice to remember but at some point, she woke up scared out of her mind when the nice ones turned evil and wicked. They would always end with him saying it was her fault or that she could have done something to save him. Even saying she failed as a guardian.
She knew it wasn't true, deep down she knew. Chat would never say that to her, nor blame her ever for his death. He would have said something cheesy like he would have rather it was him than his lady. Or that it was destiny. she used to believe in it, but now she doubted what destiny meant without him. She could even hear him say that it wasn't her fault, that it was okay. She tried and that was what mattered, that he was proud of her finally defeating Hawk Moth in the end even if it meant his own death.
It was a blur. In the days after his death, after his funeral. Everything was blurring up together, she didn't even know what day or month it was anymore. She thought about things, about how she could move on being the guardian without her chat noir. Nothing would ever feel the same, ever. 
"I think I'm going to leave" She had said weeks later on the edge of the Eiffel Tower.  Chole was sitting next to her. They were enjoying the night sky, one thing they shared in common is their love of views and they agreed that this one was one yet to be beaten.  Since then they had come here after their patrol to enjoy the view and each other's company if they felt up to it. Today was one of those days.
"ummm? what do you mean Marinette?" She asked steadily. This was the first in a while that she had talked and started a conversation instead of answering questions. Even then it was short-ended response like a yes, no, maybe, okay, yea, etc.  
"I think I want to leave Paris"
"Now or later" 
"Soon, maybe after we graduate. I just don't think I would be able to live in pairs my whole life knowing he's not here with us" She said the mere mention of was a struggle for her. 
Silence followed soon after. It was like both were trying to understand what was just said moments before. Chole was thinking, thinking long and hard about what she would ask next. 
"Where would you go?" 
"As Mariette maybe somewhere in America, there seems to be a lot of hype about California and LA. " 
"I like New York or Gathom City better."
"I'll go with you and before you say anything I have always planned on traveling the world one day. This gives me a chance to do so, and you're a famous fashion icon now. you might as well take advantage of that and spread your iconic-ness around the world too and travel. "
"How do even know I would even be able to do that." 
"Mari I've never said this before because we used to hate each other but you are the most fashionable and clever person I have met. Your designs are to die for, and coming from someone who could quite literally come from a family of fashion you are the best. My mother even thinks so. You will make it" 
"Thanks, Chole, what about you?" 
"Well apart from being a famous Bee, journalist doesn't sound too bad" 
"So after graduation?"
"After graduation" 
Both of them smiled that day. The biggest smiles they have smiled since his passing. That year had a lot of twists and turns. Although they had lost a very important person and part of themselves they had gained each other in the process. No one knew the truth about Adrien and Gabriel Agreste. 
The Bonjoir family made sure to cover it and only a select few knew the truth behind it. Including only the people apart of the Hawk Moth ordeal. Everyone had to agree the whole thing was a very traumatizing thing for such young kids. A group of kids were able to defeat and save a city, no older than 15. Adrien was said to transfer to study abroad and pursue a career in movie directing and script writing of his own, his dad left Paris for good not being able to keep it together without his son. Instead went to England and spend time in the city his wife was from.
Whatever the case, all the miraculous holders now knew one truth good that came from this.
Adrien was able to be finally with his mother again, and he forever would be happy and at peace with her by his side. That was the only thing all of them could truly smile about. 
Thank you for reading, will have the next part as soon as I can. This is just a nice and short prologue so you guys can see why she left with Chole. My spelling might be off on a few names and things but I just really just wanted to get this out. If you want to correct it I would appreciate it so I can edit it when I come back but on my Wattpad would be a lot easier.
This is also an idea I got from a user on here. I will link them in the comments after since she wanted someone to write this story idea. Hopefully, you see it, I'm so excited to write this, and thanks for giving me the idea I really needed a distraction right now. Hopefully, it's to your satisfaction.
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raven-ette · 10 months
Oooo I forgot that one. I only use that one when I’m trying not to get into trouble. It never works
Insert something here about sample size
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raven-ette · 10 months
I’m very inspired so people don’t you worry I’m on it. Will write until my fingers burn out, I love this idea.
I'm craving for a Daminette Dark romance...
-Where Damian goes back to being an assassin. Not something Bruce approves of. Even when Damian explains his reasons but gets support from his brothers and Alfred.
(Because he'd rather it not be ruled by someone mad and greedy for power. And intends to bring change to it) (later on it becomes the league of Shadows instead of The league of assassins) (would still kill but only if truly needed or if its to protect)
-Where Marinette leaves Paris behind and decides to take on her responsibilities as a Guardian at the temple, changing how it's run from the inside. (Missing for 200 year temple so she decides to give it an update and along the way ends up becoming its leader)(she's still a secret fashion designer and uses MDC as a cover for guardian business)
-Damian visits the guardisn temple to form a truce and to see where they stand and observe how they run
-Damian and Marinette meet. Cautious strangers to acquaintances to friends.
-Damian visits his family in Gotham everytime there is a special occasion.
-Tim gets MDC to design their clothes for a gala.
-surprise surprise damian finds out the leader of the giardians is MDC and Marinette finds out that Damian wasn't just an al ghul but also a Wayne and Robin. (MDC took the commission because she wanted to look into the Batfam 🙃)
-they talk in private when it's his turn for measurements. They explain both sides to avoid misunderstandings)
-cue friend to lovers
*protective damian
*daring damian
*damian being possessive over marinette but not in a toxic way
*easily gets jealous but has too much pride to admit it when marinette pays more attention to his brothers
*hot mess marinette
*badass mari who gets all flustered when damian flirts with her and gets possessive of her when other men try to get too friendly with her.
*horny marinette and devilish damian. Cue ✨️smut✨️
That's all I've got... I'm going to leave this to an actual author now. Please please PLEASE tag me if this inspires you to write fic. I want to read it.
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raven-ette · 1 year
Yes pls
Reblog to have something lgbt happen to you this summer
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raven-ette · 1 year
Tumblr media
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raven-ette · 1 year
Witch behold
Forbidden love.
That is one way you could describe their relationship. Between a powerful witch and a soon-to-be alpha. This was never supposed to happen, ever. It has never happened and it has been centuries since someone had a mate other than another werewolf. Why had the moon goddess decided this?
Hecate and the moon goddess as good friends as they are had always hated the fragile and aggressive anger and hatred their creations had for one another. Thus as it became better they saw it would just take one awful event and hungry power begins to ruin it all over again. Growing tired and tired as it kept repeating and repeating they finally had enough of their creations.
By making a prophecy they soon made beings worthy of their goal to bring peace to all. But not all could be worthy of this responsibility so they made sure they could endure the greatest pain and endure the physical and mental drains that it required to change the world.
They chose a pair that were as powerful and strong together as they were apart. One that would have values and morals that wouldn't be questionable. A pair that complimented each other like no other. One that was destined for each other.
Thus as they saw a great enemy near they made sure that everything was in place for them to bring the change the world needed. But as powerful as they are they could have never seen what was to happen with this project of theirs...
The summary of a new book I'm writing. Will post some parts here but the origin of publishing is Wattpad if you want to read as soon as new chapters come out. I also post on insta updates and sneak peeks on all of my projects.
@RavenAAuthor_ on wattpad
@Ravenette_ on insta
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