#blood wine & roses wip
throttlegainwell · 7 months
BW&R snippet
Jonathan’s first thought, when she slipped out of the bathroom and onto her bed beside him, was that Nancy didn’t usually wear that much lipstick. His second was that he hadn’t seen her in that color before, a deep red, almost dark, kind of dramatic. Not like blood—more like wine. Any inklings of a third thought melted down to his toes as she tugged him in close and kissed him hard and slow—determined in that way she had that made people look up, made them take notice, but here it was all focused on him. By the time she pulled away, he was out of breath, all the air in his lungs exhaled probably into her seeking, careful mouth. There was a dumb grin pulling at his lips when they separated, dopey in that love-drunk way that should probably have embarrassed him but didn’t, and she hadn’t even slipped him any tongue. Nancy had a little grin of her own, not dopey at all. Really pleased, actually. “What?” he asked slowly, resisting the urge to lick his lips, to touch his face. Too obvious. She shook her head, hair bouncing a little with it, and reached for her purse. He watched her neatly manicured hands disappear into her bag, rifle around for a few seconds, and reappear with a little compact mirror. “Here,” she said, flipping it open and turning it around. Her shoulders were practically dancing, some kind of excitement in every inch of her. He raised his eyebrows at her before he looked into the mirror, but he realized, in the moment before he saw himself, what he would see. It buzzed along his skin, something like anticipation. “Nancy,” he said, “how’d you do that without looking?” “How’d I do what?” She pushed the mirror into his hand to hook her fingers through one of his belt loops and tug. “This stuff is supposed to be kiss-proof, you know. Marketing is all lies.” How Nancy had somehow artfully painted his lips with hers was a mystery that he didn’t feel the need to solve. There was something perfectly Nancy about it, sly and clever and talented. Surprising and so sharp. Not that it wasn’t pretty messy. But under the circumstances, it was still plenty impressive. It was gratifying to kiss her cheek and leave a wobbly ring of red, watch her reach up and touch her fingers to it and smile. She leaned back in, so close he felt the heat of her in his bones. “I’m going to mess it up now. Yeah?” He nodded so fast, he practically pulled a muscle in his neck; she laughed as he dragged her back in, rolled down over her to mess hers up, too.
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Old Scars, New Blood 5
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, manipulation, borderline bullying, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Reader has accepted that she’ll never be wanted, not only by the man she’s crushed on for years, but by anyone. That is until a new player enters the game. (f!, short!reader)
Character: Lloyd Hansen, Thor Odinson
Note: I hope you all have a great day.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you all. Take care. 💖
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The rest of the drive is spent in silence, at least on your end. Lloyd chews loudly, licking his chops, and sucking his fingers loudly. The rose tint is tinged gray.
You pull into the compound and shift into park sharply. You don't move as you wait for Lloyd to get out. He wastes no time ditching you, letting out a shameless belch as he drops down onto the ground. The door snaps shut behind him and you huff.
You look over at the garbage left in his place. That's exactly where you belong. Right there with the trash.
You swipe up the crumple bag filled with wrappers and his half-finished soda. The keys jingle against the paper cup as you swipe your phone out behind you. You dump what's left of the espresso from your own cup and sheath it around the other.
You elbow the door shut and cross the dark grounds. The moon is a sliver that offers little light in the dark. You approach the doors and enter to the muted ruckus of voices and clinking bottles. Yet another night of debauchery. You don't know how Lloyd hasn't fallen right in with his guests.
You go to the kitchen and jam the bag and cups deep in the bin. You have half the mind to go through the fridge and get rid of all those meals you slaved over. Just like everything else, he'll spit it back in your face.
You flip open the door and stop yourself. No, no, he got the reaction he wanted, you're only shooting your own foot at this point. 
Your eyes center on a dark bottle with a silver label. Fuck it. You snatch the prosecco and swing the fridge shut.
You march back down the hall and ignore the din that seeps through from the dining room and various other doorways. You go upstairs to your room and close yourself in, letting the wood slam into the frame. You're not even mad at him, you're furious at yourself. Why can't you just accept it?
You drop the keys on the dresser, your phone too, and keep the bottle in hand. You untwist the wire around the cork and toss it aside. You push with your thumb until it pops and a fizzle escapes the long neck. 
You watch the wisp that rises and you gulp straight from the bottle. You cringe as your eyes water from bubbles and the stringently sweet wine floods your mouth. You gulp until you can't anymore. A quarter of the bottle down, you plunk it on the nightstand and let it sink into your veins.
You undress lazily and leave your clothes on the floor. You don't give a fuck. For one night, you just don't want to think. Hell, if you drink enough, you might just do something real stupid.
You grab the bottle and carry it into the bathroom. As you bend over to twist the faucet, the wine creeps into your brain, hazing your vision in warmth. You pull the lever for the stopper and slowly push yourself straight.
You lean on the porcelain and take another swig. You pop your mouth off the rim and lift one leg, then the other. You ease into the tub, splashing slightly as the water flows higher and higher.
You lean your head back, resting the bottle against the edge as you grip it tight. The ripples around you and beneath the skin and numb the ache in your chest. You close your eyes, drinking without thinking, guzzling until your stomach is full and the tub is nearly full.
You lay as you are, basking in the heat of the water. You could fall asleep right there. Just drift beneath the surface.
That thought jerks you awake. You sit up, dizzy, and get to your knees clumsily. You reach over the side to clunk the bottle onto the tile. You flip the stopper and lift yourself.
You get out, feet crashing onto the bathmat. You cling to the tub and take a breath. You reach for the bar and drag the towel off. You don't feel too bad, just a bit unsteady.
You wrap yourself up and teeter as you bend to grab the bottle. You clamber towards the door. You nudge it all the way open with your elbow.
As you enter the room, you stagger to a halt. You don't expect the figure sitting on your bed, watching you enter as he faces the bathroom door. You blink and squeeze the bottle tighter. 
You're buzzed. No, you're drunk.
You skin singes with self-awareness. Not only of the alcohol that dulls your mind but of the single piece of fabric around you.
“It's not healthy to drink alone,” Thor grins, a paper crinkles between his fingers, “or other things.”
He shows the slip of paper and you shake your head. He clicks his tongue and squints at it, “didn't take you for a cherry girl.”
“Huh?” You tilt your head, confused until you recall hastily hiding away the receipt in your pants. Fuck.
“I don't really use lube myself. Don't need it,” he reaches to drop the paper on the night table.
“What are you…” you clamp your lips shut as a hiccup rises. You swallow it and sway. 
“I don't make promises I don't keep, “ he stands, towering over you as he comes closer.
“You… it was a joke, wasn't it?” You babble dumbly.
“Why would I joke about that?” He stops before you and wraps his hand around the bottle, “mm, not much for bubbly,” he wiggles it free and swiftly empties what's left before examining the empty bottle, “how was your little business trip, eh?”
You frown and cross your arms over the top of the towel, “why are you here?” You ask again.
“I told you–”
“No, why… why did you come here? He hates you.”
“I got that sense of him,” Thor chortles, “doesn't bother me much.” He backs away and sets the bottle on the receipt, “I'm here to play with him. Have a bit of fun. However, he's not as amusing as I hoped. But you…”
“I…” you shake your head, “I'm drunk. I need to lay down.”
“Happily,” he winks as he reaches for you.
You sidle away, “please, I…” you swallow and your eyes flit around, “I can't–”
“Because of him? You’re wasting your time,” he latches onto your hand and draws it away from your chest, “he doesn't deserve you, little lamb.”
“I don't… it isn't because of him…”
“You're a poor liar,” he tuts, “shouldn't take your lessons from him.”
“Stop,” you try to tug away.
“You don't know what you need,” he drags you towards the bed, “it isn't him.”
“Please,” you whimper.
“You don't need to be nervous, I can be nice, kitten,” he purrs as he yanks you against him.
“I can't–” you squeak into a yelp as the towel falls away from your body, “Thor, please–”
“Louder,” he swiftly picks you up with his hands on your ass. 
You writhe against him as he spins and falls with you onto the mattress. It bounces under you and you nearly choke on your tongue. You slap his chest as he leans over you and smothers your mouth with his.
You close your eyes as they tingle and you dig your nails into the fabric of his shirt. You whimper and feel around with your other hand as he kneads your ass. You're overcome by his brusqueness. More so, you can't handle the touch, the way his hot breath consumes you, and that flicker on your core that has the vision of another flashing in your mind.
You turn your head and let out a croak as your tears leak out, “I can't,” you whine, “you're right, okay? I want him. I'm a stupid girl that wants someone like him.”
You bring your hand up to shield your face as he lifts himself on his elbow. He hovers over you as you devolve into sobs, “I'm pathetic.”
“Shhhh,” the soft stroke along your cheek startles you, “little kitty,” he slithers, “shhh.”
He shifts and comes down to his side. He slips his arm under your neck as you curl up, trying to disappear. He rolls you towards him so your face is against his shoulder. He pets your head as he holds you.
“Oh, little one,” he cooes, “it hurts now… but I can make it so much better.”
He stays like that, embracing you as you quake in your despair. You keep your face buried against his shirt as his thick muscles fill you with a sense of security. His other hand rests on your hip but does not wander.
Heaviness drapes over you and your body slowly slackens. The wine dulls your nerves and swirls in your head. You feel yourself spiraling and quickly fade into the void.
Your brow twitches and your nose itches. You nearly smack yourself as you throw your hand up and groan. The effort makes you wince.
Ugh, hungover. It's been a while.
You bend your leg and the blanket falls away to uncover your naked thigh. You frown and peek down as you lift the blanket. No clothes. You blanch and lay back, trying to summon the memories of the previous night.
The buzzing of the shower draws your attention away from your internal search. Along with the thrum is the deep baritone singing a song you've never heard. You blink, long and hard, and push yourself up.
Your heart feels as if it's stopped beating. Your breath catches and you look around the room. There's clothing hung over the chair in the corner. Men's clothes.
Oh god.
You wouldn't…
As the melody carries, slightly offkey, you recognise the singer. Thor. Oh. Oh no.
You curl your fingers against the mattress, barely able to hold yourself up. You remember the bath and then him waiting and him on top of you but everything else is gone. How can you not remember? 
A pit plunges down to your stomach. No, you're not like that. You've held out all these years…
Well, how many chances did you really get?
The shower cranks off and you gulp, hugging the blanket against your chest as you sidle around to the edge of the bed. You can hear him moving around, humming. You don't know what to do.
As the door opens, you try to think of what to say. Hi, good morning, what the heck happened last night?
You're speechless as he emerges butt naked. Brazen as he has himself on full display. Full display.
You snap your mouth shut as he uses a towel to dry his hair and winks as he drops it down to wrap his waist. 
“Morning, kitten,” he growls, “you seem chipper.”
You try to talk but can only cough. You reach to touch your throat and rub the lump free, “Thor, what… last night…” your voice cracks with each syllable.
“Ha, you think we…” he lets the suggestion dangle and scoffs.
You nod. Of course, he's all bluster. He wouldn't actually want you.
“When it happens, you will remember it,” he taunts, “I like to build up to sleep fucking.”
Your jaw falls open, “Thor…”
“Besides, if anything had happened, you would remember it.”
“I…” you flutter your lashes, “I should–”
“Well here you are,” he knots the towel around his waist, “lucid…”
“...get dressed,” you complete your previous threat.
You stand but he blocks you easily. He catches your shoulders and urges you back. Your legs hit the mattress and you sit, unable to fight his strength.
“Now?” You squeak.
He rumbles with laughter as his hands trail down your arms, “just a taste. To pep me up for the day.”
“Uhhh,” your voice rolls out senselessly as his hand crawls over the blanket and he tugs it. You cling to it desperately. 
He snarls and yanks up the bottom, tossing it over his head as he seizes your thighs beneath. You yelp as he bows and pulls your legs apart. You lose hold of the blanket and it rumples at your waist as you catch yourself on the heels of your hands.
You wriggle and try to resist him as his head pokes up beneath the blankets. He has you leaning back on your arms as he pulls your legs over his shoulders. You lift a hand and slap his head as you realise what he's about to do.
Too late.
Your hand falls against his head as his hot breath tingles along your thighs. His cool tongue slips between your folds and you gasp, electricity coursing through you. Oh!
You let out a pathetic noise as you push futilely on his head, still writhing as he nuzzles further into you. His large tongue spreads wide and he flicks it up over your clit. You spasm and yipe in surprise at another zing.
“Thor,” you breathe.
He pulls back for just an instant, “louder, kitten, can't hear you under here.”
He dives back in and the bed bounces as you jolt. You try to smack him again but only urge him. You gasp and quiver helplessly, toes curling and legs tingling. What do you do?
Oh god, what can you do? This is better than any toy you got hidden in your nightstand. This is an actual man. It's real and it feels so good.
He wraps his arms around your legs and rips you down onto your back as he lifts your pelvis higher. He hums into you and it ripples up to your chest. You hiss and slap the bed as lay defeated.
“Ohhhhh,” you drone out as you succumb to the delightful swirls.
He growls and your breath hitches. He turns his head, just for a moment, and nips your thigh, “louder…”
You mewl and utter his name. It's as much a plea for him to keep going as it is for him to stop. He laps at you again and you cry out. That seems to fuel his fervour as he suckles at you eagerly. 
Your voice rises without your permission. Your whines burst from you as you claw at the blanket and squirm. You can't hold back. It's more than just that moment, it's years of waiting, of wanting.
You don't care that it's not who you wanted. You don't care if anyone else hears. You can't think straight enough for any of that as you call out Thor’s name, bucking your hips desperately into an orgasm.
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tackytigerfic · 5 months
WIP Snip
Nearly finished this fic, final extended scene is a go atm. In this snippet, Harry has just arrived unexpectedly at the Manor where Draco is undercover pretending to be a Death Eater. CW for wandpoint confessions and mild angst.
Draco’s eyes narrowed but he put his hand inside his robe and then, quicker than Harry could have hoped to notice, Draco had his wand out and was holding it to Harry's throat, pressing hard so the wood bit into the tender skin under his jawline. "You are Harry, I suppose? You seem right, of course, but there’s always a chance that someone enterprising might come along with a stash of Polyjuice and a gift for impersonation.” “Oh, fuck off,” Harry managed, and the point of Draco’s wand wormed slowly deeper into flesh. “You knew it was me the second you saw me.” “Mmm, I suppose that’s true,” Draco murmured agreeably, something suggestive about how the sound travelled through the small space between them. His free hand strayed to Harry’s forehead and he brushed his fingers lightly over the dried blood that Harry could feel tightening on the skin there. “But indulge me. Tell me something only you would know.” Harry scoffed, though he was thinking with his throat tight of Arthur knocking at the door of the Burrow in the middle of the night long ago, and Molly blushing, and how they had exposed the long intimacy of their marriage for safety's sake. “There’s a lot I could tell you,” he said tightly. “If you’re really sure you want to hear it.” “By all means,” Draco said, eyes on Harry, searching for something in his face. “You fucked me in that bed and afterwards you asked me not to leave because you wanted to wake up with me? Remember?” Draco wanted to look towards the bed, Harry could tell by the way his eyes flickered, but he resisted, and so Harry went on. “You told me you wanted us to win this war just so you could take me back to London and feed me my favourite ice-cream off your spoon. You told me the only thing you miss about France is how you and your mum really got to know each other properly, and that when she gets back you want to take her for dinner to that little French bistro we went to that time in Edinburgh. I know you remember that, you said the wine was better than anything in the cellar here.” Draco nodded shortly, and almost regretfully pulled his wand away from Harry’s neck. He didn’t move away. “Yes, fair enough, I believe you.” But Harry couldn’t stop, didn’t know how to shut up now he had started. “The last time we were together, you told me that I’m generous with my love. Do you remember that? And I wondered then… because I’d never said it, had I? Not out loud, anyway. Neither of us had. But I thought, maybe— Maybe it meant that you knew.” Draco was staring, his eyes wide and shocked, a blush crawling up his neck, blotchy with heat. Neither of them moved, the silence between them growing until Harry could practically feel it. Draco almost raised his hand to Harry then; Harry sensed the arrested movement, the enforced stillness. He didn’t know what he’d do if Draco touched him. But he didn’t have to find out, because that’s when the knock at the door sounded.
Does anyone have a snippet they'd like to share? Consider yourself tagged and pls tag me so i can see as i've been off tumblr and i miss every single thing on here. And I'll no-pressure-tag @boxboxlewis @citrusses @fluxweeed @maesterchill @moonflower-rose @skeptiquex @sweet-s0rr0w @the-starryknight plus the FrotCotLot.
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esther-dot · 5 months
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[I posted a list of SEASON 6 AUS before but these are book verse]
the cold inside our bones 2k @xylodemon (just have to point out that this was posted in 2012)
The Wall is no place for a woman, but Jon looks at Sansa's gaunt cheeks and hollow eyes and knows he will not send her away.
we're a different kind of same 3k by @jonsaslove
"I have seen your sister in my fires, fleeing from this marriage they have made for her. A girl in grey on a dying horse, I have seen it plain as day. It has not happened yet, but it will” Or; Sansa flees the Vale. Jon retakes Winterfell. When they meet again, they are changed.
Varg-hamr/Wolf-skin 1k by @cappymightwrite
hamr: the ‘shell’ or ‘shape’ of a person — the physical body, a state that can alter. hugr: what a person really is — the absolute essence, that which can leave the hamr behind. (Or, Jon in the body of Ghost, coming across a girl in grey fleeing north, along the east side of Long Lake...)
Pearls of Water ficlet by fedonciadale
Someone wakes up in Castle Black.
Saw You In The Snow 1k by @theemberalchemist
Sansa used the last of her strength to crawl to the foot of the tree, placing her head on its roots like she would lay on her mother's lap lifetimes ago. She could die here, perhaps, in the halo and ghost of her mother's warmth. Her mind drifting to gentle hands pressing against her head, tucking her hair back, humming a sweet song Sansa knew all the words to.
tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme 1k by @hoaryoldbitch
Satin averts his eyes and all around her bodies shift and uncomfortable looks are exchanged. Something akin to fear grips her and automatically she reaches out. Ghost is right there beside her. She wraps her arms around him and buries her fingers in his fur, kissing the top of his head. A buzzing of whispers and hisses arises around her, but one man bursts into a loud and booming laugh. He's tall and burly with reddish hair and a rusty beard. "Is this the beast you've all been afraid of? The pretty little lady tamed the ferocious wolf with a touch of her hand," he snorts, before walking toward Sansa in long strides. Brienne tenses up beside her. "I'll take ye to Lord Snow, lass."
In the darkest night, a song so sweet 2k
The Lord Commander stood atop the Wall and watched as the girl in grey came riding north, her army at her back.
old timber to new fires 27k by @setnet
When Alayne Stone hears word of the marriage of Arya Stark to the Bastard of the Dreadfort, it prompts her to leave the dubious safety of the Vale and set out on a dangerous journey north to Sansa Stark's homeland and her last remaining relative. But home is not safe. Winterfell is burned and broken, the Baratheon King and the Northern Lords are fighting to influence the future of the realm, the dead are stirring... and the old gods of the North are not half gods, worshipped in wine and flowers; they require blood.
And From the Ruins 15k by @thewolvescalledmehome
After awaking, Jon Snow's sole focus is trying to get his sister back. Alayne Stone is trying to survive the Vale. After an accident, she's forced to flee.
Stay With Me 5k
As her eyes shut, probably forever, Sansa Stark thought of one last thing: Jon. Then everything went pitch black.
now we're dead roses 22k
From Ghost’s eyes, he saw a lone, grey horse racing south. On the back of the courser mounted a girl. He could hear her breaths come out in little hitches and gasps as she grasped with all her might to the reins. Ghost chased after her, sprinting fast and nimble on his feet. She was a delicate little thing. Like a breeze could throw her off the horse. Her back shook as she stifled her sobs. Ghost followed on the horse’s rear, eyes sharp on the hooded figure. She must have sensed him behind her because she turned around and suddenly-- Jon woke up with an impossible name on his tongue.
a wind with a wolf's head 13k, WIP by @branwendaughterofllyr
The cold numbed everything. From her nose, to her fingers, to the breath in her lungs, the cold froze and stiffened. Sansa shoved her cloak up around her face and tucked her free hand under her arm. The grey cloth billowed and faded into the darkening twilight as the wind tore at her. Somewhere, a wolf howled, but Sansa was not sure if it was in her mind or not. A ghost wolf, she told herself and pressed on.
Art: The Girl in Grey and Jon's Resurrection by @palominojacoby, The Girl in Grey by @jonsawilldanceanon, The Girl in Grey by @thetullystark , The Girl in Grey by @ozzy698 , The Girl in Grey by @cute-poison20102014, Jonsa Reunion by knightmarescape, Forehead Kiss by colleendoodle, Jonsa Hug by CristianaLeone, Forehead Kiss by rosenroot
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shinjisdone · 8 months
Ticking Springs
(A Yandere Pinocchio X fem!Reader fic from Lies of P)
Pɑɾt 1; Sluɱbeɾ
capitolo uno
capitolo due
capitolo tre
capitolo quattro: is here
capitolo cinque
capitolo sei
capitolo sette
Capitolo otto
Capitolo nove
Capitolo dieci
Pɑɾt 2; Awɑƙeƞiƞƍ
It was a privilege to share the same blood as Giuseppe Geppetto. To be his family, his niece and take part in the marvelous worlds of puppets. The privilege to learn from him as his apprentice. The privilege to care for the things he cares for and to have the things he cares for, care deeply for you.
Tag List:
@greeknerd007 , @mitsureigen , @kame11a , @thirdblogsacharm , @sarah22447 , @blueberryhitosh1 , @written1nthest4rs , @huicitawrites
TW in general: Yandere behaviour, creepy and still puppet, dubious intentions and relationship, still in WIP more warnings may occure in time, also I am running out of pictures of P he looks the same in every pic (but prettily so)
[Also, I am gonna be like that and mention that I would not mind any comments or reblogs! This series is definitely gonna have short chapters and is currently building up settings but there's gonna be good ol yandere Pinocchio tailing after you like a puppy afterwards, no worries!]
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There was a spot of slobber on your collar.
You tried to make yourself presentable as fast as possible as you ran down the stairs. The table you had fallen asleep onto was left in its messy state as you woke up.
There in the kitchen was Geppetto, cleaning his plate. He briefly turned to you. "Good morning," He began slowly before paying his attention back to the flowing water.
Your eyes darted to the table with bread and an omelette on a lone plate, alongside a water jar. Quickly, you took your seat. "Good morning, Uncle." Your attempt at sounding casual failed but he did not turn back to you. Ceasing your stare, you picked up your fork and began to eat. Clearing your throat, you remembered to thank your uncle.
"Early birds get the early worms and not cold meals." Geppetto replied as he finally made eye contact with you. "Sleep in your bed next time and not on the work table." With a full mouth, you nodded.
"Sorry about that, Uncle, there was just...this one discrepancy I had to fix." "Did you now?" Geppetto dried his hands and rose a brow. Again, you nodded eagerly. "Yes, yes, about the butlers! Come, I'll show you! You'll have to leave soon, won't you?"
Brown eyes stared at your figure, bright eyes staring back at him and the corners of your full mouth dotted with crumbs. He sighed and shook his head, making his way to the hallway and gesturing you to follow.
Chugging down a glass of water, you hurried after. Cold egg tasted truly awful.
Hoisting one up on its feet, you tinkered a bit on its back. The sound of a button was heard and the puppet soon stood on its own. It's arm attempted to rese to its side in an 90° degree angle, thought stuttering and twitching on its way up. It stopped abruptly before the elbow could fully bend and its head did not fully turn to Geppetto.
"Good morning, sir!" The voice flew out of its speakers, "How may I serve you today?"
You eyed Geppetto with an swift and expectant smile. The latter briefly glanced at you with raised eyebrows. Then, he opened his mouth.
"I would like a glass of wine."
"Red wine or white wine?"
"White wine."
"Why, of course!"
Springs were clearly reacting and its head shook for a moment. The puppet replaced its vigorous tone with a soft one.
"My apologies, sir, I am afraid the workshop does not store any white wine at the moment. Shall I have a package ordered for you? In the meantime, I can serve red wine, dessert wine, beer, coffee, tea..."
Once again, you turned to the man with an even wider smile as the options kept spewing out of ithe puppet's speakers. Geppetto turned to you with a smaller one of his own.
"Very impressive." He kept nodding his head, perking his brows, "I still am not too fond of the all-nighter and would prefer if it was kept as a one-timer." A short chuckle escaped him and he turned back into the kitchen. You followed him as the puppet kept on speaking.
"Of course, Uncle." You nodded yourself, "This one just kept me up at night. I was so close to fixing the voice box." "And you've done well." Gloved hands easily fished out another coffee cup from the cupboard. The ceramic resounded softly in the open room as he reached for the milk.
"...black tea, chai, earl grey tea, green tea..."
"Thank you." Lips quirking up, you bowed your head briefly, hands behind your back. "I can go fix up the other butler brother, too. I mean, I believe I can, right?" One step closer and you practically leaned on your toes with wide, expectant eyes. You did hope your uncle wouldn't interpret your eagerness as impatience - even if it partly was.
"... cappuccino, latte macchiato, espresso, espresso mokka, espresso macchiato, cortado..."
With another glance, Geppetto shook his head even as his own lips quirked up. He closed the cupboard. "If you have already fixed his voice box, you might as well make his brother talk. But my goodness..." A snicker escaped the old man as he gestured with his hands full, "...make him stop his gabbling! He is too invested in his work!"
You laughed yourself. "Will do so, Uncle!"
Again, he pointed to the second, dead-still puppet on the table. "Hopefully his brother does not turn up to be such a chatterbox!"
You forced a chuckle. There is only so much that you could bear of Uncle's awful jesting.
"If it prattles as much as the other one..."
"...apple juice, orange juice, grape juice, cocoa, water..."
"...does that not mean I have become an expert at fixing up voice boxes?"
Geppetto utters an humph and bites his tongue. You are truly still young. His brown eyes gazed at the still-empty cup in his hand and he called out from the kitchen.
"If you manage to fully fix his motions as well and have him make me coffee, I might bestow you such a title, dear!"
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minhosimthings · 8 months
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Icarus's Lament: A Hyunjin oneshot
Synopsis: A siren falls in obsessive love with a human, and it mimics the story of Icarus and Apollo
Pairings: Hyunjin × Fem!Siren!Reader, includes rest of Skz, and an original character
Warnings: fluff to angst, fem!reader, just suggestive towards the end, don't read if you don't want your heart broken, ANGSTY AT THE END, forbiddened love, one sided love, obsessive love
A/N: Kay, finally finished this and I AM OBSESSED. look im a simp for mythology and lore and all that stuff, so yeah writing this was very theurapeutic. im sorry I haven't posted in a long time, but i've kinda been busy with work and stuff so i couldn't find time to write. BUT this baby's out so simp on this while i work on some of my other wips.
PLEASE READ: So this fic is based off of the myth of Icarus and Apollo. you should probably read a bit about it if you want to understand why it has a significance to this fic. And by Icarus and Apollo, i mean the romantisized version of the two forbiddened lovers. Also also also shoutout to my darlings @iutdwae and @1-800-shedevil who are as obsessed with mythology as I am.
Mythology is so pretty isn't it? It's amazing how humans have made stories out of deities whose existence they made up simply because they were too afraid of being authoritarian of themselves. The Gods were made up to fulfill human desire, to tell them that someone is always watching. And the people who defied the existence of a robed man, carrying a cross or some other wooden thing, were burnt to death, no matter if God was watching or not. All so paradoxical isn't it? The Gods were greedy beings, or atleast that was your philosophy. You had Aphrodite, greedy for love, so greedy that the roses were stained with her blood when a lover was shot. Then you had Zeus, greedy for his women, so greedy that he couldn't notice his wife's burning wrath. You had Kore, the flower girl, so greedy for freedom, that she became Persephone for a man who took her from her flowers. Yet you questioned why they weren't reprimanded for their greed. Why were the beings below them scolded for wanting more than they could salvage, while The Gods had statues built of them, overflowing with wine and bread? Why must there always be a punishment for greed, no mater human, selkie or dragon?
"My sister, what are you doing near that mirror again?" Your older sister, Menthe's voice broke you out of your stupor from staring at a jewel encrusted mirror. It was a pretty one indeed, filled with magic and glitter near its seams. "Are you looking at the humans again, darling?" Menthe scoffed and wrapped her arms around your waist, her tail colliding with yours, sending a bolt of electricity through to your scales. "Menthe let me go." You fidgeted in her tight grasp, but you knew you couldn't win. Menthe wasn't the Queen's best soldier for nothing after all. "Stop looking at the humans and maybe I'll let you go." Menthe chuckled, seeing you give up and sink into her hold, feeling the seaweed coat the scales in her arms, protecting them. "Sister when will we be going up by the way? You said we could go together today." Menthe finally let go of you and swam away from you as fast as she could. "Menthe! Don't you run from me!" You chased after her, silently summoning the water to take you faster. Of course the ocean obliged. It always was sympathetic to you. To a siren who got turned when she was pushed into the water, by a man who was jealous of her love. By a ruthless human who hated her for something she had no control over. But still, it confused your sister and the entire mermaid population as to how you didn't remember anything about the incident or that you used to be human. You had woken up on a bed in the castle of the Mermaid Queen, surrounded by a bunch of beautiful tailed creatures. Amnesia, was how they explained. Menthe had taken you in, calling you her own sister and spoiling you rotten, because apparently you were too adorable. Your love for humanity remained though. Every day you would get your magical mirror out, a girl from the Princess of Mermaids, and stare at the humans passing on the beach above. They were fascinating, with how they could jump and run so easily. Even though you could turn into a human and walk on land, you could never jump or run like they did, lest you accidentally rip your beautiful tail, embroidered with glittering scales and the prettiest gradient of colours. You rarely took trips to the land, and whenever you did, you were always sent heavily guarded. The fact of why exactly you were special was still unknown to you, as no one ever had the courage to tell you that you used to human. Humans who were turned into mermaids or sirens, to be more specific, were always special, having the power to control the sea with the mere notes of their voices. But the only problem was that they never knew that, courtesy to siren rule being that the special ones couldn't be told that they were special. Weird rule, you always thought, not knowing that you were one of the special ones.
"Menthe come out from there I can see you hiding." You called out to your sister, who was trying to hide behind her wardrobe. She groaned and came out from behind, flipping her hair behind her, and dusting her tail. "Y/n why do you want to go today?" She whined, pouting. "I cannot take you, you know that?" "I'll go with Chan then." You said, firmly, trying to end the conversation. You hadn't been up on the beach in a long time, four months to be exact and you were greedy. You were greedy to go up there. And greed never exactly suited you because when you wanted something, oh Lord, give everyone around you strength and patience.
"Fine you can go with Chan." Menthe finally gave in. "But, if you even try to run away, I will seriously kill you." You giggled at her sentence, knowing that she couldn't even lay a finger on you if she tried to.
"Chan! It's so good to see you again." You swam up to a stout Siren with broad shoulders and the most adorable dimpled smile. "Y/Nnnie!" He swam over to you and engulfed you in his arms, giving you a sense of warmth from the surrounding cold water. "Going up today? You ready?" You balled your fists up and nodded frantically. To say you were excited would be an understatement. You were basically a hyperactive squirrel today.
"Be safe alright?" Menthe hugged you once last time and gave you a conch shell. "You know what the shell does right?" She quizzed you. You rolled your eyes at her, knowing that you've gone through this routine every single time you wanted to go up to get high by the beach. "It calls you incase I run away and you have to get me because I am a careless incompetent brat." You grumbled. "Well atleast the careless brat part is correct." Menthe chuckled before pulling you in for another hug and finally letting go of you.
"Why can't the sunlight reach down to the water Chan? I love this warm feeling so much." You and Chan stepped out from behind some moss covered rocks completely dry, despite having being submerged in water just a few seconds ago. The secret entrance to what the humans called 'Mermaid land', was known to only a few of the Sirens. It was a bunch of rocks and a humorous piece of driftwood which invoked curiously in the humans, although they never went near it. It was funny, you thought, how humans were scared of just driftwood. It was funny how humans feared everything and that they made up myths to explain their fears. Menthe had very patiently explained to you how humans weren't very smart but you didn't believe her much. If they weren't smart, how would they have invented so many things which made their lives easier, like fire?
"Do you want to go to the market first Y/N?" Chan asked you as you set foot on the warm sand on the beach. You loved the feeling of sand. It was like having a thousand needles prickle the bottom of your feet, except that the needles massaged your feet instead of pricking them, to make them bleed your precious blood. "Sure." You said to Chan. "We can go to the market first and then we can come relax on the beach before going back down. Is that alright Chan?" Chan nodded and smiled again, showing those adorable dimples to you. The people of the town knew Chan, since he came up more often than any of the other sirens. The people knew him not as Chan, but as Christopher, the mysterious stranger who could come down to town often to give remedies for human illnesses, since, to be frank, the creatures of the deep had much more knowledge about medicine than humans did. They didn't question him or ask anything since the dark plague when he basically saved every single child in the town, and the townspeople pledged their loyalty to him. Chan was peculiar to them, not saying a word to anyone but the children who would laugh and go after him, calling out 'Uncle Chan!'.
"The marketplace has gotten more prettier since I last saw it." You let out a breath of amazement at seeing all the trinkets and food being sold in the market. It was a wide lane, flanked with stalls, selling seafood, vegetables, mirrors, cloth, jewelry and tiny trinkets. "You saw it about four months ago Y/Nnie." Chan chuckled softly, as you tried to keep up with his pace. He was more used to walking on two legs than you were, and as you walked slowly behind him, he kept a protective arm around your waist, ready to catch you incase you fall. "Ooh Chan what are those?" You excitedly pointed towards a brass thingamabob. It was like a pillar, with many open top, where something was carved into it. It also had a tiny painting of a rose on it. "That's called a candelabra Y/N." Chan responded calmly. "Humans use it to light fire, in order to bring light." "Can-de-lab-ra." You pronounced the foreign word slowly, making Chan chuckle again at your cuteness. "Can I have one pleease?" You pouted to Chan, who you knew couldn't refuse anything when you asked for it. Two minutes later, you strolled deeper into the marketplace, holding the candelabra and a flower in your hand. Chan had a medical job he had to do in town, so he suggested you come with him and wait outside while he finished the job. "Menthe would kill me if I left you alone, but it wouldn't hurt to tell her." He shot you a mischievous smile. You didn't mind being left alone. You knew enough about humans to interact with them, without Chan's knowledge so you were excited.
"That's the house!" Chan called after a few minutes of walking. He pointed to a brick mansion, which looked like a palace. It was beautiful, with ivy coating its walls and lavender growing in the garden. You could smell the roses and herbs too, and you could hear the meowing of a cat. The mansion was far away from the main town, so you assumed it belonged to some rich family. That's how human society worked, as Menthe had told you. The richest lived far away from the common folk, merry making and drinking wine while the poorer ones starved under a candle. The humans who invented this system of society were cruel and unfair, you thought. Every siren in your universe was always treated fairly, no matter where they came from. And that's how you thought everything worked until you found out about humans, not knowing that you were a human yourself.
"Y/N-" Chan stopped you before you two knocked on the iron gate, guarding the house. "When we go inside, you need to bow when I bow okay? These are some important people according to human society so we need to respect them. And put on your hood to protect your identity. To them, you're my little sister alright?" You listened intently to all of his words, wanting to impress the first humans you would probably see up close. "And also, don't talk too much. I know you love talking, but these people don't really prefer it, okay?" Chan stroked your hair gently before kissing the top of your forehead.
"Ahh Mr Christopher wasn't it?" Most of the humans you'd see everyday seemed kind and lively and approachable but this man standing in front of you definetly wasn't. He had a bulging stomach, smooth, flattened greying hair and a magnificent, protruding moustache which made him look very much like a fat, angry walrus. "Your grace." Chan bowed to the man, surprising you. No one was addressed by 'your grace' except for the princess! It took you a second or two to realise that this was human land. Their rules were entirely different from yours, maybe even worse, you thought as you curtseyed to the walrus man. "And who is this beautiful young lady?" The man looked you up and down, eyes full of hunger. Chan stood slightly in front of you, shielding you. "She is my sister, your grace." His firm voice rang through the humongous hall. "Now I believe your niece and wife are the affected people in the household whom I was summoned to treat?" The walrus man looked slightly furious at Chan's words, but he didn't let his anger flow and instead said, "Yes. Yes they are. I shall guide to upstairs where they are resting. Meanwhile, your sister-" he shot you a look again. "-can explore our house perhaps? I shall send a servant with her." Chan looked at your pleading eyes, and gently smiled. He kissed the top of your forehead and whispered, 'be safe, don't do anything out of line.' and went off with the walrus man.
Was this what freedom felt like?, you thought as you strolled around the huge courtyard of the house, with a servant following you. She didn't talk much, instead preferring to cough every now and then, to remind you that she was there. Sand felt really good on your feet, but grass felt better. You had taken off your shoes, much to the disdain of the servant, and felt the dew-filled grass tickle your feet gently. Butterflies were flying here and there and they reminded you of the starfish that would accompany you whenever you and Menthe would go explore sunken ships and other ruins.
You were about to take a whiff of the lavender bushes you had so excitedly run up to when- "Oh where did you come from?" There was a strange creature tugging at your dress tightly. It had black and white fur and the tiniest paws you had ever seen. A dog. This was a creature called dog. Chan had told you about them on your second trip to the surface and you had always wanted to meet one up close. You bent down to pet the dog, seeing as it was tugging on your dress so tightly, when suddenly it ran away at the speed of a lightning bolt.
"Hey!" You shouted, quickly picking up your dress and running after it. "Come back here!" You ran after the dog, who seemed to be running to a more kempt part of the garden where weeds weren't growing and the grass was trimmed, and as you tightly clutched your skirt so as to not trip over it, you couldn't hear the servant behind you screaming at you to not go there. You could spot a figure in the distance holding something in his hand, and the dog was running up to the slender figure.
"Hey!" You called after the dog. "Wait for me! I'm not used to running!" "You wicked wrench stop right there!', a rough voice called after you and as you finally stopped running and looked back, a stout man jumped onto you and pinned you to the ground. You shouted out in pain, in response to your head roughly hitting the ground. You could feel the man's horrible breath against your ear as he said, "got you now you wrench!"
"What is going on here? Martin get off of the young lady." You heard a silky voice say, on whose command, the man on top of you, got off quickly and stood up straight. The man with the smooth voice extended a had towards you and helped you get up. He was handsome, with black hair framing his face perfectly and the most attractive eyes you had ever seen. His lips were smooth, and cherry red, like an octopus' and his figure was carved by the Gods themselves. He had a strong yet soft grip to his hand, which threatened the shredded appearance of his skin.
"Are you alright Miss?" He asked you, mesmerising you with his voice. Being a siren meant that you had the power to understand the most random. Whether it was the chirping of a bird or the clacks of the claws is a crab, it all meant something to you. It was basically music, or whatever the humans called it. But there was something about this man's voice, that you couldn't decipher. It was silky yet cracked, smooth yet with a tint of roughness to it. It was.... beautiful.
"Uh Miss?" The man said again, waving a hand infront of you, which made you realise that you were probably staring at him. "Oh I'm so sorry! Yes I'm quite fine, thank you." You said, keeping your tone calm. "Ahem Sir." The man named Martin gave a cough. "She was trying to enter the private garden sir. Surely you must punish her." The way he said all of that with a widening smile on his face disgusted you, but the man next to you spoke before you could. "Martin hasn't anyone taught you manners? You mus'nt ever touch a lady, leave pouncing on top of her! Would you like to be out of a job Martin?" Martin looked down at his shoes and shyly shook his head muttering the word no. "Apologise to her. Now." Martin bowed to you and apologized before hastily leaving.
"Im sorry about that Miss." The man bowed. "By the way what were you doing chasing Kkami like that?" "Kk-ami?" You slowly pronounced the word, trying hard not to keep staring into the man's beautiful eyes. The man chuckled softly as the dog you had been chasing ran up behind him, intertwining itself between his legs. "His name is Kkami. If he perhaps bit the seams of your dress, please forgive him. I really do not know why he does that, Miss- uh?" "Y/N. My name's Y/N. And Kkami's forgiven." You smiled at him, as he pronounced your name, spelling out syllable and syllable in his smooth honey voice. "My name is Hyunjin." He introduced himself. "Hwang Hyunjin. May I ask what you are doing in my house?" "I-"
"Y/N! We need to go!" You heard Chan's voice shouting your name loudly, and as you turned around in the direction of his voice, you saw him hurrying down to you and Hyunjin along with the walrus man. "Ahh my son." Walrus man sighed out. "I see you've met the sister of the man who had just saved your cousin and mother." Chan slightly blushed as Hyunjin extended a hand towards him, slightly leaning to shake hands with the shorter man.
"Nice to meet you. Well we really must get going. Thank you for your hospitality Mr Hwang." Chan bowed to the walrus man and hastily took your arm, leading you out of the big iron gate as the walrus man and Hyunjin stood there, blinking at the both of you leaving.
"He was sooo handsome Menthe! Like Apollo himself." You were currently brushing Menthe's long black hair and telling her all about your trip above, especially mentioning Hyunjin atleast a hundred times. "You have only talked about his features, my Y/N." Menthe chuckled. "What of his persona?" You thought for a moment and came to the realisation that you didn't know anything about this man. Just that he was the son of the walrus man, a dog owner and he was pretty kind. You shrugged your shoulders to Menthe, who chuckled again. "Ahh my sister." She sighed, with a smile imprinted on her face. "You're so innocent you are."
"By the way-" she added. "Chan's going up again tomorrow to check on that fat human's wife again. Do you wish to go?" She raised an eyebrow at you, as you jolted out of your shared bed. "OH COURSE I WANT TO GO I LOVE YOU MENTHE." You shouted, startling her as both of you giggled under your breath and went off to sleep, with the water floating calmly around you.
"Y/Nnie come on! We're going to be late!" Menthe shouted at you, as you delicately brushed your hair, making sure each strand stood as perfect as carved stone. "I'm coming!" You yelled back, as you took one last look in the mirror and went off to see Chan and go up to the heavens again.
"Whaat are you two up to?" You peeked your head out of the front door to see Chan and Menthe whispering to each other, about God knows what. Once they took a glimpse of you, with your eyes all curious and your head wrapped around the door, they immediately got away from each other's tails and stood awkwardly with their hands behind their back. Chan's ears got redder and Menthe fiddled with her fingers, a common thing they do whenever they were shy or embarrassed, or hiding something.
"Let's go Y/N, we're already late." Chan said, adjusting his satchel and ruffling his hair as he always does. "You know humans don't like tardiness right?"
"Chan why did you take me up again?" Chan stopped in his tracks as both of you walked up the path to the mansion again. He looked at you, with glassy eyes, and sighed, and then led you to an empty lane. "Y/N, I need you to listen to me very carefully." He sternly said. "The Hwang's eldest son, Hyunjin, the boy you met yesterday has asked for you again if I were to come to treat his mother one more time. He said he would like to talk to you. But I'm telling you-" his voice became deeper. "Do not, in any circumstance, reveal who you truly are. If he asks you where you and I are from, just say we are from a neighbouring village alright? Humans do not like beings like us. So if he finds out about what we hide under the waves, we're done for." He finished his impromptu speech and led his way along to the mansion again, with you meekly following behind him. It was scary to see Chan all serious like that, since he was probably the smiliest siren in all of the Kingdom.
"Mr Hwang." Chan bowed low to the walrus man, who was donning a velvet suit today, making him look like a fat plum. Behind him, stood the beautiful figure of Hyunjin, who eyed you up and down a number of times. "Well Mr Christopher-" Mr Hwang clapped his hands together. "My son wishes to spend some time with your sister for as long as you treat my wife and niece, if you allow. I promise that no harm will come to her." Chan looked at you, with what looked like pitiful eyes and bowed again to Mr Hwang. "I allow it, your grace. But please. I hope your son will be respectful to my sister." Mr Hwang waved his hand carelessly and muttered words of 'yes' and then left with Chan up the staircase, leaving you alone with Hyunjin.
"May we go out into the garden?" Hyunjin asked you, slightly bowing down, his silky black hair falling on his face. "Will Kkami be there?" You blurted out, eyes widened. Hyunjin chuckled and nodded, his eyes calm and collected. He led you out of the front door, letting you be in front while he silently followed behind. The garden felt much more livelier than it did yesterday. However, there was a new addition to the garden. There was large patch of tall, handsome flowers growing over in the spot where you chased Kkami down. They were painted with the hues of dark purple, pink, white and a bit of lilac. "Are you perhaps eyeing the hyacinths, Miss Y/N?" Hyunjin's voice snapped through the air, which made you lose the staring competition you had going on the flowers. "Hy-a-cinths?" You pronounced out, concluding that that was the name of those handsome flowers, which were all huddled together like crabs on the beach on a winter day. "May I touch them?" You tentatively asked him, to which he raised an eyebrow. "I don't think you can. Apparently they're very good poisons, or as my father and the library told me so." "You have a library here?" You had often read about libraries as big rooms with shelves everywhere, stocked with hundreds of books which humans could borrow and return within a time limit. Siren's weren't really that used to borrowing and returning things, so you and Menthe usually had a large collection of books at your own home. Human books had always interested you. How the pages fade with time, how humans like to breathe in their scent claiming it calmed them down, how they used to write stories and make collections of them.
"Miss Y/N?" Hyunjin tapped lightly on your shoulder, distracting you from a butterfly that had landed on one of the hyacinths. "Kkami's here." You looked down to see the same dog, nudging against your foot. Thankfully he wasn't chewing on your skirt and as you bent down to pet him, you noticed how much he looked like Hyunjin. You decided not to voice that thought out loud, sensing that it might be considered rude up here on land.
"He's very pretty." You told Hyunjin, still petting Kkami, who seemed to be enjoying the pets. You had a question burning within you though. Why would this man, who looked like the reincarnation of Apollo himself, ask for you when the only interaction you had with him was mumbled apologies and thank yous?
As if he had read your mind, Hyunjin knelt down next to you, and scratched Kkami's ears. "You must be wondering why I had especially asked for you, Miss Y/N?" God he smelled so good too, like fresh seaweed and the silver coating of Menthe's arrows. The most prominent feature of his, that stood out like a crab in a stingray's nest, was the tiny mole on his nose. It was like a blackhole that you would love to dive into and sleep in. "Well I was wondering about that, Mr Hwang." He smiled softly. "Please, Miss Y/N. Call me Hyunjin." "Then stop calling me Miss Y/N. Just Y/N is fine too." He chuckled at your words and stood up from his kneeling position. "Why don't we take a walk around the garden? I would love to show you the gazebo under which I paint."
The rest of the garden was, in a word or two, simply gorgeous. It was far larger than you had initially taken it to be, and as you took in the sweet scent of nectar, and the lively chirping of the birds, you realised that this house was as big as the Queen's Palace. These people surely weren't royalty. After all royal people have crowns don't they? And Chan hadn't told you anything about their lineage or where their from or if they were someones of importance.
"You look very familiar to me." Hyunjin said, making you slightly jump at his voice cutting through the silence. "As if I've seen you somewhere before." "Is that why you asked for me?" You raised an eyebrow at him, slightly picking up your pace to catch up to him. "If I say yes, would you be mad?" Hyunjin chuckled. "But yes, that is one of the main reasons I wanted to talk to you. Secondly, Kkami told me that he likes you, so he wanted you to come over." You looked down at your feet, to Kkami who was walking happily in between you and Hyunjin. You giggled under your breath. Hyunjin was adorable.
"Well who do I look like then?" You quizzed Hyunjin. His eyes faltered for a split second, as he raised his hand and pointed forward. "Let's talk under that gazebo." His hand was pointing towards a beautiful red structure, supported by four gold-coloured pillars. It had carvings all over it which were, from what you could decipher, love letters. You traced one of them saying 'Mea Vita', before settling down on the green bench next to Hyunjin.
"You look like the exact carbon copy of my late wife, Priscilla." Hyunjin sighed heavily as he said that. "I know it is stupid, rude even to summon you, just because you look like someone I used to love, but I need to know who you actually are, and where you're from." He sighed again before continuing. "She was taken from me, kidnapped, when we were 26 to God knows where. And now, here I am, a 30 year old man, lamenting about someone who I don't know even exists. So I need to know-" he leant closer to you holding your hand in his. You could feel his breath against your skin, as he said in a deep voice, "Are you Priscilla?"
Something in you burst. Something in you wanted to scream 'Yes!'. Something in you said, 'if you say yes, you can stay with him'. Something in you told you to ignore your old life and start a new one. Change is inevitable right?
"I-" "Y/N!" Before you could answer to Hyunjin, you heard Chan's raucous voice again, slicing through the air like a horn. "What are you doing with my sister, Hwang?" Chan spat at Hyunjin, who immediately let go of your hand and stood up. "I was not doing anything, Mr Christopher." He stated simply. Chan took your arm and dragged you out of the gate, before you could even say goodbye to Hyunjin.
"Chan why did you do that? I was talking to him!" You shouted at him, when both of you were well out of earshot of the mansion. "Y/N what was he telling you?" Chan said, taking on that stern voice again. Your mind faltered for a bit, wondering whether or not you should tell him about Priscilla. "He was telling me about the flowers in the garden Chan. Nothing else." You felt your stomach sink at telling Chan a bitter lie, but your mind was currently being controlled by your heart, and you were letting it.
"Y/N are you lying?" Chan looked you up and down, as if he could see right through you, but your mind didn't budge. You went closer to him, put your foot down and said in a tone as if to end the entire conversation, "He talked to me about flowers and nothing else."
"So I heard you upset Chan today." Menthe fiddled with a thread and needle, trying to sew her initials onto a handkerchief. "That's not like you, Y/Nnie." You put your own needle and thread down, and let out an exhaustive sigh. "I didn't upset him Menthe." You picked up the needle again, to continue stitching your crab across the handkerchief. "There was simply a misunderstanding."
Menthe sighed heavily and put down her needle and thread on the bedside table, swimming up to you and putting her tail next to yours. "You can't get close to humans, you know that right?" She put a hand on yours and kissed it gently. "I know you love humans Y/N. But under no circumstances, are you to get close to any of them, understand?" You gulped and nodded gently, kissing Menthe's forehead. It was a wild day today, and it was only about to get wilder. If only Menthe knew what was about to happen that night, she would have bound you to your bed right then and there.
Midnight. That was when Menthe usually fell dead asleep. It was a routine for her and everyone in the Siren Kingdom to fall fast asleep at midnight. You didn't know whether this was a spell or just pure habit, but it was weird how all of them fell collectively asleep together. But you weren't going to be on your bed tonight. Tonight, you were planning to do something. Something dangerous. Something that you wouldn't ever do. Something which was prompted by your newly acquired wings.
The moment you heard Menthe's snores rumbling through the sound of the serene water, you kicked off your blanket and silently got the bag of possessions you had packed and silently crept out of your house. There was certain feeling hanging in the air, something which you just couldn't describe. It wasn't guilt nor excitement which you felt. It was a serene feeling, like the ocean wrapping around you, like feeling a fire for the first time and it felt good, as you crept out of the water, leaving your place behind, possibly for forever.
The sand never felt warmer, even as it was bathing in the moonlight. The blowing wind never felt better, even when it was cold and chilly. The night never felt so alive, even though you had just abandoned the only home you had ever known.
You walked up along the dark and empty street, all alone, to Hyunjin's house. It was scary to be all alone, but I guess it was your determination which got you through the night to reach the iron gates of Hyunjin's house.
"Hello?" You called out, screaming at the top of your lungs. You couldn't see a thing in the darkness, but you could hear footsteps coming from afar. "Who's there?" A harsh voice called out. "Please!" You screamed with all your might. "I am an accomplice of Hyunjin's. My name is Priscilla!" For a moment, it seemed like the footsteps had stopped. You then heard more harsher footsteps and rough voices sounding through the air. And before you knew it, the gate was slowly opening and no more than six men ran up to you, one of whom you recognised. "You! It's you!' Martin said, pointing his finger to you. "Please-" you begged. "I need to see Hyunjin."
"How dare you speak the young master's name like that? You wench!" One of the guards grabbed your arm roughly. You roughed around, trying to break out of his hold when- "What is all this?" A familiar voice rang in your ear. Hyunjin. He came out of the darkness, holding a lamp, in a red robe. "Y/N? Is that you?" He asked you slowly as he held up the lamp. "Hyunjin." You said, silently.
"Let go of her, you bastard." Hyunjin growled at the man near your arm, who let go of you instantly. "Y/N, what happened? Wh-why are you here this late?" Hyunjin wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
"Hyunjin, it's me." You breathed out. "It's Priscilla."
"How do we know you really are Priscilla?" You stood before the walrus man and a thin old woman, who you assumed was Hyunjin's mother. She looked like him, the same eyes and the same lips, but she had an air of someone who liked everything to be perfect. "You may test me or ask me anything." You responded, keeping your head high. "Rest assure, I will answer."
The walrus man scoffed and put down his smoking pipe and leant forward. "What is Hyunjin's best talent, which got him into trouble when he was fifteen?" You smiled widely, and put your hand to your chest. "Forgive me my lord, but please. Do ask something more harder. He got into trouble with the mayor because he had painted a picture of his daughter, nude. Well of course the best painted in town needs the best muse doesn't he?" "And do you know, Priscilla? Whose daughter you are?" Hyunjin's mother asked. "Well, you all know I do not go by my family name anymore. I prefer to be the called, the Girl in blue." Hearing your words, the walrus man and the thin woman gasped. The Girl in Blue. That was the name of the painting which Hyunjin had painted of the mayor's daughter. Or more precisely the painting which he had made on Priscilla. Or should I say, you?
"Y- only Priscilla knows who the girl in that painting is." The thin woman said, in a barely heard whisper. "You- oh my! Priscilla!" She got up and hugged you tightly as Hyunjin smiled widely behind you. "Priscilla my darling." She kept whispering into your ear. Her hug was comforting.... Genuine. And it felt good. It felt so good. That a family like this had fallen for a little girl's lie.
"She did WHAT?" Chan screamed at Menthe and the other guards. They were at a meeting, when Menthe thought it would be good it tell them about the current sticky situation. "I don't know how she did it. Or why she did It. But I can see that she is at that boy's house." Menthe sighed. "Hwang's."
"You know how much trouble it would be if she's there." One of the guards, Changbin said. "She doesn't know of her past and it could be her strong point." "What of her past?" A stern voice came into the room. Minho, the chief advisor to the Queen and one of your friends had strolled in, with his strong black tail, decorated with golden scales.
"What of her past, Chan?" He questioned again, glaring at everyone in the room. "I only know that she used to be human, but someone-" he glared at Menthe. "Turned her into a siren. So I ask you one last time-" he leaned forward, putting both his hands on the table. "What of her past?"
"If I may, Minho." Jisung, one of the younger sirens, and Minho's best friend spoke up. "Y/N didn't use to be just a human. She was the daughter of the mayor of the town under whose waters we live in. She had a twin sister, Priscilla, who loved this boy called Hwang Hyunjin. They got married soon after Y/N turned 26. But unfortunately both the sisters got kidnapped one day. You know how these humans are." He let out a short laugh. " So greedy for money, that they would resort to violent methods. Once the ransom was paid however, the man who kidnapped them, didn't let them go. He had fallen for Y/N's beauty." Chan clenched his jaw at that, catching Menthe's attention. "When she rejected him, however, he grew angry and threatened to throw Priscilla and YN off of the ship. And it seems that Priscilla had offered to take her sister's place. But you know Y/N's persona. Headstrong and stubborn. She must have done something to anger the captain, which ultimately led to where we are right now."
Minho sighed heavily as Jisung finished with his speech. The room turned quiet, with a tense atmosphere. "Does she have the normal powers or anything else?" Minho turned to Chan, who looked down at his tail. "She is an extraordinary siren Minho. But she doesn't know about most of her powers, which us normal sirens do not possess. For example-" chan crossed his arms, showing off his veins like lighting bolts. "Mind reading." The room collectively gasped as Menthe held her hand to her chest. "Is-is that how she tricked them? The Hwangs?" She whispered, her eyes filling with tears. Chan simply nodded as Minho's eyebrows furrowed. "We cannot get her back. We simply cannot. If we try to, the entire human population will be after our kingdom. On behalf of the Queen, I cannot risk that." He swam over to Chan, and put his hand on his arm. "I'm sorry Chan." And he left the room, leaving the rest of the Sirens shocked and wounded.
The day was perfect. The day was pleasant. It was filled with flying birds and bells and bouquets. A sprightly day for a wedding.
You had spent a lot of time with Hyunjin after the day you had proved to his parents that you were 'Priscilla'. It was a pleasure to will away the seeds of dead time with Hyunjin, sitting in the garden, painting. He taught you how to paint, joking about how you apparently used to love colours but could never manipulate them as well as he did. You learnt how to paint his favourite flowers, hyacinths and you gifted him many handkerchiefs, embroidered with hyacinths. You learnt how to play something called a piano. You had seen something similar in the shipwreck you and Menthe had gone to last month but never actually expected it to make noise. It was mesmerising to watch Hyunjin play the piano, how his fingers delicately moved across the buttons, creating melodies only your dreams could ever produce.
The people of the town loved you. They never questioned about where you were from or how 'Priscilla' got back to her lover. You never really knew why, but as the Gods watched from above, upon a scene of you singing to the town's children, not knowing about the power of your voice, they shook their heads in disapproval. You learn how to be more human now, slowly taking in their habits and learning how to hunt, run, jump, climb up trees and nurture flowers.
You learnt the history of humans, about wars, battles, bones and bloodshed. That was the part about humans that you hated the most. That they never learnt to co-operate and live in harmony, like sirens did. One thing that did surprise you though was that you never had a day when you missed the ocean or your life there. You knew you couldn't go onto the beach, because if you did, the beautiful scales on your magnificent tail, would start to glimmer again. And a girl's got to keep a lie, doesn't she?
"Priscilla darling!" Mrs Hwang's voice rang through the dressing room. "Oh my! You look so beautiful." Indeed you did look beautiful in the gorgeous blue gown that Hyunjin had given you, reminiscing about the time when you first got married. Your hair was done up into a gentle ponytail, which made you wince every now and then, from the pain of it sticking to your scalp. "Thank you mother." You smiled at Mrs Hwang. "Might I ask, what you are doing here?" Mrs Hwang let out a tiny laugh, and clutched her hand in yours. When she let go of it, you saw that she had placed something on your palm. An ornamental comb. It was beautiful, green glimmers here and there with a giant blue jewel adorning the top. Tortoise shell, you assumed, as you traced the outline of the comb. It looked oddly familiar. "I thought you'd like it dear." Mrs Hwang said, as she fixed in into your hair. "It was you sister's was it not?" You gulped and nodded, not being able to understand anything. "Poor Y/N." Mrs Hwang breathed out. "She was so sweet." She said, before leaving the room, leaving you confunded and slightly scared.
The wedding was beautiful and as you walked down the aisle, accompanied with three girls, who called themselves your friends, you couldn't help but feel something weird. Something like everything was going to come crashing down any second. Something, like disaster.
"My muse?" Hyunjin cooed to you, as both of you sat on his ivory bed. You sat on Hyunjin's lap, still in your wedding dress, as he pulled you closer to him, wrapping his arms around your waist. It was almost midnight, since the walrus man insisted that they pour another shot of barrel wine until midnight. And now as you sat peacefully on Hyunjin's legs, feeling his hot breath hit your neck, there was an overwhelming sense of worry filling you.
"Priscilla? Darling are you listening?" Hyunjin said, cutting you out of staring at the bluejay outside the window. "Y-yes, my love." You stuttered. "What is it?" Instead of answering you, Hyunjin pulled you to him and kissed your lips harshly, biting them. "Hyunjin wha-" "Allow me to do this, my muse?" You nodded slowly, not knowing what the man in front of you, the man you gave up everything for, was about to do to you.
"God you're so pretty, my darling." He chuckled lowly as he moved his hands to your legs, sliding them up your thigh. You moaned out in pleasure, though you didn't know what he was doing. "Hyunjin~" you moaned as he took off your undergarments, and made his way down between your thighs.
"Oh I have been wanting to do this for so long." Hyunjin laughed, taking off his belt and putting you properly on the bed. He kissed you neck softly, all the while keeping his hand between your legs, massaging your privates. "Hyunjin- oh my!" You breathed out as he started moving his fingers faster.
"Priscilla?" Hyunjin slowly got out of the bed. "Priscilla what is this?" He gasped, his face turning into one of horror. "Hyunjin? What happened? Darling are you alright?" You asked him, while he kept staring at your legs. "You-you're not Priscilla." He whispered. You looked at his face, tears forming in his eyes and then looked down at your legs.
Of course. The Gods would never permit a siren and a human together would they? In the joy of the moment, of turning into a human, of getting a man whom you admired, you had forgotten one essential thing. You couldn't stay human, for more than a month. And you had been on land for two months atleast. Lies must always be revealed and yours seems to have come quicker. The scales. The scales of your tail had started reappearing from your thighs. And lucky you, Hyunjin had just saw it, as he bent down to your legs.
"Hyunjin! I can explain! No wait!" You cried as he picked up a dagger from the wall, as screamed for his guards. "Who are you, you wrench?" Pure fury ran through eyes. "What have you done to my Priscilla?" "No- Hyunjin I haven't done anything to her! I don't-" you cried. You could feel everything crashing and burning. You could feel Mother Earth wrapping her arms around you, telling you it was time to go. At that moment, all you could think about, was the ocean, the sea, the fish you would see everyday, Menthe combing your hair, Chan sending you a dimpled smile everytime he saw you. "Guards" Hyunjin commanded. "I want her by the hanging pole by sunset." He spat at you, before leaving the room. "Find out everything you can."
Love is a peculiar thing. We cannot ever exactly define it. It could be obsessive, friendly, or a dying hunger for each other's body. There were nine forms of love too, weren't there? Menthe always told you that you shouldn't ever go after the last form of love. Mania. That it was dark and cold and benefited no one. You would often heard the story of the boy who loved the sun so much that he flew towards it, on melted wings, and scorched feathers. No matter how much he fell, he still flew. And he didn't know that the Sun knew him too.
And the Sun always watched. Apollo watched from his golden chariot. He watched with his eagle eyes, along with Artemis, how Chan destroyed the town that night. How Menthe helped him, to set fire to every house, starting with the biggest one, where hyacinths grew aplenty. How Chan shed heavy tears over a girl who didn't know about him. Apollo watched, and he sighed, remembering the boy who flew towards him, begging for his love. Begging so much, not realising that the Sun couldn't reach him, and when he did, Icarus was all in Persephone's realm, buried deep underneath the sea, hearing the Siren's call one last time.
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WIP Wednesday!
tagged by @destielbuddiepipeline, @dorkydiaz, @rose-buddie, @buddiearemydads @speaknowdiaz, @rogerzsteven, and @peachydiaz 💕
since april might literally kill me if i share something else, have a lil snippet from vampire buck!
“Eds?” Buck’s hand that was between them flopped onto Eddie, missing his shoulder by a mile and landing on his side. “You still there?”
“I’m here, Buck,” Eddie murmured. He tangled his fingers with Buck’s, figuring they were both so out of it that he could be excused for using it as an excuse to finally hold Buck’s hand. “I’m staying.”
“Good.” Buck smiled and through half opened eyes Eddie could see that his teeth were no longer sharp and pointed. “Don’t leave, m’kay?”
Eddie chuckled. “Even if I wanted to, Buck, I couldn’t. I’m fucking dizzy.”
“Again, sorry about that.” Buck said, struggling to open his eyes so he could look at Eddie and show him that he regretted taking so much blood. He should have stopped earlier but Eddie’s blood just tasted so good. Like the finest wine, his blood was something to be savoured and when given the opportunity, Buck couldn’t help himself. He savoured. He gorged himself on Eddie’s blood and if given the chance to do so again in the future, he would take it.
“Again, don’t apologize,” Eddie replied. “You didn’t take anything that I didn’t willingly give. Now go to sleep. We both need to rest.”
“Yes, sir.” Buck playfully mocked, snuggling against the bed and completely missing the way Eddie jolted at being called sir. That would have to be a conversation for next time.
no pressure tagging: @bigfootsmom, @maygrantgf, @midnightsbuck, @monsterrae1, @eddiequinns, @alyxmastershipper, @cowboy-buddie, @eddiescowboy, @usercowboy, @enchantedbuckley, @sibylsleaves, @comaboybuck, @911onabc and @colonoscopys 💖
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nerdieforpedro · 4 months
The WIP Poll
Rules: Pick a bunch of your WIPs and summarize them as badly as possible, then ask your followers to vote on which one they'd be most likely to read. Multiple/all/none options are completely optional.
I was tagged by @beefrobeefcal ❤️
NPT: @for-a-longlongtime @morallyinept @trulybetty @goodwithcheese @megamindsecretlair @saturn-rings-writes @pamasaur @agentjackdaniels @pedroshotwifey @alltheglitterandtheroar @lady-bess @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @legendary-pink-dot @undercoverpena @rhoorl @musings-of-a-rose @laurfilijames @avastrasposts @soft-persephone @soft-girl-musings @gemmahale @magpiepills @maggiemayhemnj
I did my best with the hints. I'm not great at this. 🫣 😆
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weather-mood · 4 months
Sorting my fics into categories for fun 🥰
Key: Collabs 🫂 Personal favourites 💕 and wips ✍️
Canon Setting
Rue Royale Era
🫂💕 Pirouette (with @nlbv): Lily and Lestat during that night at the FairPlay.
💕seven new ways that you can eat your young: the seven times Claudia’s blood is drunk by her parents.
Lead and Mercury (multichapter): Louis, Lestat, and Claudia’s point of views as they get ready for Mardi Gras.
Reliquary: what happened to the cane knife?
and put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite: Lestat ruminates in the dumpster.
🫂💕 House (group collab): haunted house inspired click-through Rue Royale.
Interlude Era
Train Tracks: 90s interlude.
Burial Rite: Louis decides to go down into the earth. (Companion piece After Burial by @iwtvdramacd18)
Dubai Era
Easement: Louis and Armand’s first week in the penthouse.
💕Rumpelstiltskin: loumand, the mind gift, and the tower.
The Princess and the Pea: a little roleplay.
Glass Coffins and Golden Roses: practices in meditation by the way of bondage.
Instruction: Rashid fills in for Armand.
Optometry: Armand watches Rashid before Daniel arrives.
Tower: Louis dreaming in Dubai.
A Little Coffin Chit-Chat: Fareed and Seth interlude after Fareed treats Daniel.
Opheiletes: a quiet moment after the interview ends in episode seven.
Canon Divergence
✍️ Is this too much (series): Louis says no to Lestat in the church.
Charlie: Charlie is still alive when Claudia brings him home.
Ostentatio Vulnerum: Louis gets into the car in episode six.
✍️ Anamnesis (multichapter): Claudia in a time loop on the night of Mardi Gras.
💕 mental topology experiments to the tune of bubblegum bitch (series): post season-one in Dubai, featuring dreamscapes, loumand weirdness, indulgent star trek references, and Daniel refusing to remember his past.
✍️💕Once Upon a Wine-Dark Sea (series): Fairytale fantasy horror series inspired by The Little Mermaid.
✍️💕🫂 teachers’ pet (with @devotiondroid, series): Human AU- university setting with College Student Louis and Professors Armand and Daniel.
✍️ Juniper (multichapter): Claudia-focused fairytale horror au of ‘The Juniper Tree.’
Equity: Findom AU with human writer Louis and The Vampire Armand.
Enamel: Human AU. Armand takes care of Louis after he gets his wisdom teeth out.
Other/Wider World
Needle & Thread and Sounding Point: Following in the footsteps of the visionary To Pluck Gently At Strings by @iwtvdramacd18, Armand and Nicki in Paris.
The Seer and the Witch (series): Modern-day envisioning of Merrick Mayfair and Jesse Reeves in AMC-verse.
✍️Made myself mythical, tried to be real (multichapter): Set post season two, experimental fic of Claudia’s ghost reforming.
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multi-kpop-fanfics · 1 year
Drunk-Dazed and Lust-Crazed
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pairing: demigod!San x fem!reader (mentions of other idols)
genre: fluff, angst, slowburn, demigod!AU, college!AU
warnings: mentions of alcohol consumption (an unhealthy amount), mentions of anxiety and past trauma, suggestive themes, mentions of violence, knives, blood, (not so minor) character death, cursing
Word count: ~13.8k
Summary: San, the son of Dionysus, decides to descend to the human realm and experience the human ways of having fun for the first time in his life. But he experiences much more than that - danger, recklessness, lust… and love.
Author’s note: This fic is part of the Hamartia (Αμαρτία) collab, hosted by @sleepylixie​ and @delicatewerewolfsoul​! Thank you for letting me participate in this amazing collab <3. The header was made by @intokook (original gif by @fixons​). Here’s a mini playlist to get you in the mood of the fic. Another huge thank you to @himbocoups​​ and @bitchlessdino​​ for giving me the necessary push to actually finish this TWO YEAR OLD wip.
taglist: @aliceu​ @heresyourramen​ @iwillgiveyoumyhappiness​​ @choism​​ @flowerwonu​​
This fic does not portray San in real life in any way. This is pure fanfiction.
©multi-kpop-fanfics, 2023. No reposting allowed. No translations allowed without permission.
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The home of all Greek Gods, the pinnacle of their power and their majestic residence. Among the known and worshipped gods, only a few selected are able to enjoy a life next to them, most of them being demigods, born from the gods themselves.
Choi San is part of the lucky ones.
A demigod born from the God of Wine and Feast, Dionysus himself. He was born in Korea and lived with his human mother until he was five years old - until Dionysus decided to take him to Olympus and raise him as a god.
Of all the sons and daughters he had, San was his father's favorite for numerous reasons. One of them was his otherworldly beauty - chocolate foxy eyes, a jawline sharper than the most finely-crafted swords, broad shoulders leading to a thin waist and well-defined muscles covering the entire expanse of his body. San's beauty was on par with the beauty of the sons and daughters of Aphrodite, if not above. 
But that's not the sole reason.
San had a heart of pure gold. He was kind to everyone, always there to help someone in need, be it physical or psychological. He had a strong sense of justice, standing up for the weak. All these qualities earned him praises from the rulers of Olympus themselves, but San never lost his humble nature and kindness.
However, he had one miniscule flaw. Endless curiosity. And Dionysus has seen countless times how dangerous curiosity can be.
It was another bright day and San was at his usual spot, under the willow tree close to his father's shrine. A flower crown made from pink roses adorned his ashy brown hair. He was laying on the soft grass, twirling one of his white highlights. He loved moments like this, of pure serenity and peace.
But he was slowly getting tired.
He had turned 22 in human age, yet he had never experienced the ways of humans having fun on their birthdays, especially those of his age. Sure, he absolutely loved the feasts his father would prepare - the ambrosia never failed to amaze him, no matter how many times he tasted it.
But deep down, he felt an unexplainable emptiness. 
How is it like to have fun like a human? How is it like to go out and party like a human?
How is it like to live like a human?
These questions have been floating in San's mind for a long time now. He has repeatedly tried to convince his father to let him descend to the human realm, but every time, the answer is the same.
“I cannot allow this, the human realm is full of dangers, you haven't seen the things I have.”
Frankly, he's sick and tired of listening to the same thing over and over again. And he has finally worked up to the needed courage and make his wish come true.
San gets up from his spot and sprints to his father's shrine, hoping he would find him there. As he enters the majestic temple, he is both delighted and terrified to see Dionysus himself sitting in the throne, enjoying a glass of wine.
"Ah, San! What brings you here today, my beloved son?"
"Hello Father" San says as he rubs his hands together, trying to get rid of his anxiety. 
“Is there something troubling you, my son?” Dionysus asks as he descends from his throne and approaches San. "Actually, there is, but I have finally found the courage to speak", he straightens his posture and Dionysus smiles. 
“Go on, boy, I'm all ears.”
San takes a deep breath and opens his mouth to speak. 
“As you know, I became 22 years old a few days ago and you asked me for a special gift, but didn't give you an immediate answer. I gave it a lot of thought and I have made up my mind.”
“What is your wish, my son? Speak and I shall grant it.”
“I want to go to the human realm.”
San immediately feels the atmosphere darken as Dionysus drops his smiley facade and anger is written all over his face. 
“Time and time again we've had this discussion, my answer remains the same. You will not leave Olympus!” Dionysus growls, but San does not yield.
"I would greatly appreciate it if you could give me one good reason to stay here” he grits his teeth. 
“Good reason? Have you gone mad, son? You are living in Olympus, you receive the same treatment as if you were a pure God! What other reason could you possibly need?!”
“I want to know what it's like to live like a human, Father. They are mortal beings, yet they feel like they are immortal, like you. They don't live in the residence of gods and goddesses, but they make it look like they live in paradise. They do not feast and eat ambrosia, but they can party for days as if they are tireless” San explains, holding the stars in his eyes, completely awestruck by the human lifestyle. 
“Oh, San… You're still so young and pure, my son. While your words hold the truth, you must never forget that every light casts an equal shadow. There are humans who have more virtues than some gods, but there are also humans whose evil nature can compare to Hades himself. These people will try to take advantage of the kinder souls and I cannot even imagine the horrors some of them have been through” Dionysus admits and San is slightly disheartened at his father's words. 
“You, my dear San, are one of the purest souls I have ever encountered in the time I've walked upon in all the existing realms of the universe. A trait definitely inherited by your mother, as well as your beauty” he continues as he caresses San's cheek in a very affectionate way. 
“I would be damned if I let you become tainted because of some wretched humans, hence why I took you to Olympus with me.”
“Father, I truly appreciate your worries and I'm beyond thankful for having such a caring father figure. However, I'm not a child anymore. I can handle myself just fine, I've learned how to differentiate people based on their motives. Besides, you have said that I can have everyone in the palm of my hands by just looking at them, right?” San smirks and Dionysus laughs, its echo filling the shrine.
“I guess it cannot be helped anymore. It was bound to happen at some point and apparently, the time is now” he announces and San's eyes double in size.
 “Father, are you saying-”
“Yes my son, you are free to visit the human realm as you see fit.”
San literally jumps out of joy due to the good news and hugs his father. 
“I will be forever grateful to you, Father!” he says with a beaming smile. 
“I am not finished yet, San. You are free to visit the human realm, on one condition: You must not fall in love with a human” Dionysus adds and San is left dumbfounded. 
“Um, I… understand, but why?” he asks out of curiosity again. 
“Only a few selected demigods are allowed to live in Olympus along with the rest of the gods and goddesses, simply because most of us have a lot of offsprings, for better or worse. However, demigods falling in love with humans usually leads to more offsprings, who still have a fragment of divine power, but end up using it in corrupted ways. As a result, these demigods are forever banished from Olympus” Dionysus explains and San feels a chill run down his spine. 
“Worry not, Father. You have my word, my journey in the human realm is purely out of curiosity” he smiles and skips happily out of the shrine.
“If only I could tame the ferocious curiosity you had in you, son. Let's hope it won't get you in trouble.”
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A few months later….
Saturday night, the streets of Gangnam are filled with young people, all of them ready to dance and drink the night away, to their hearts' content. All types of restaurants, bars and clubs are almost full, the owners rubbing their hands, as if they already feel the money flow through their cashier machines. 
Not everyone has the same thing going on in their minds though - some people want to find someone to spend their night with, someone else wants to drink in order to forget a painful experience and others just want to have fun with their friends or significant other. And there are those people who want all of the above. 
San is one of these people.
But there is a basic difference between San and the rest of the world - he is a demigod, which gives him a huge advantage over pretty much everything in talks of tolerance and energy. You could even say he holds an enormous amount of power.
However, the more powerful someone is, the more insatiable they become. Whether it's money, fame, people, the more you get, the more you want. In San's case, it is a bit different - it's living to the complete edge of life itself.
When he first landed on the human realm, it started off quite innocently - it was just a glass of soju with a human boy his age, Wooyoung. This boy had a few more friends and he introduced them to San. Even if he was awkward at first, they quickly made him feel comfortable in the group and San couldn't be any happier. 
He felt like he finally belonged somewhere, with people he met and befriended on his own, not because of his supernatural powers, but of his sheer excitement and warmth. He had managed to make his own friends.
The visits at the soju place became more frequent and more crowded, since it wasn't just San and Wooyoung anymore. But after a while, they started getting bored of it and wanted a change. They were boys in their early twenties, after all, it was expected to seek a new experience.
“Yo, wanna check out the new club that opened at the corner of the street? Heard they got some pretty good booze there” Changbin says while downing a shot of soju. 
“Booze or boobs?” Yeonjun, another boy in the group, snickers and Changbin raises an empty bottle at Yeonjun's head. 
“Why not both? These two are always a good combo” Wooyoung smirks, “Besides, it was about time we did something different, right Sannie?” 
San perks up at Wooyoung's words and he can already feel his blood rush faster through his veins. 
“Damn right I'm in!” he exclaims and the boys laugh, as they raise their glasses and drink once more.
“I’ll get a head start, need to go check the sound equipment - don’t want anything to fuck up in the middle of the night” Changbin downs another shot of soju.
“I’ll join you, Bin” Yeonjun gets up, putting on his coat.
“You know stuff about consoles, Yeonjun?” San asks with a raised eyebrow.
“Nah, he just wants to fuck around and post stories on socials” Changbin snorts.
“Fuck off, Seo, it’s called promotion - Hak will be thanking me” the taller man throws a light punch on the shorter male’s arm, “Anyways, we’ll be off now -  see ya later, darlings” and they disappear from the shop.
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“Yah, San, c'mon dude, let's get going, we're gonna be late!” Wooyoung whines, pulling San by his sleeve in a kinda aggressive manner, as they were walking towards their destination, where Changbin and Yeonjun were waiting for them. 
“Are you sure we'll be able to get into the club? They did say it's very hard to even get inside, let alone book a table…” San trails off and Wooyoung laughs. 
“That is for the commoners, my dear friend, and I assure you, we're not commoners. Besides” he flips his hair dramatically, “The owner's son is a very good friend of ours and a regular at the club on top of that” he winks and San smiles, relieved that they will be able to have fun properly. 
“You must have a lot of connections around here, don't you Woo?” San asks, half impressed by his friend. 
“Hmm well, not really, it's mostly Yeonjun, 'cause he works in a model agency, so it's normal for him to be popular and have lots of connections here and there.”
“Well, yeah, but...” San trails off, “You’re in a dance crew, aren’t you? I mean, you must be pretty popular too”.
Wooyoung chuckles and San raises an eyebrow in question.
“I do have some tricks up my sleeve, Sannie, but I choose to use them wisely”
“Care to elaborate?” San asks and he is startled by some female voices gasping and giggling.
“Oh my God, it’s Wooyoung!”
“He looks so much hotter in person.”
“Ugh, I could pay for all his drinks just to get his attention.” 
“Hey, who’s the hottie with him?”
Wooyoung catches on and sends a wink towards the chattering girls, making them squeal in return. San is stunned by his friend’s action and Wooyoung waves a hand in front of his face. 
“See now? That’s what I meant earlier by tricks up my sleeves.”
The boys finally reach the club and witness an alarmingly long line of people waiting to get in. 
“Um, are you 100% sure you can get us in?” San asks again and Wooyoung rolls his eyes. 
“Watch with your own eyes.” and he goes in front of the security guards, he shows a card and as if on cue, they open the door. San's mouth hangs open in surprise and Wooyoung laughs, waving to him to follow him, completely ignoring the infuriated beeline of people shouting in protest.
As they finally get inside the club, San is greeted by neon lights, loud EDM music playing through the huge speakers and people around his age dancing and drinking mindlessly on the first and second floor of the club. For most people, it would be a cacophony of fun, but to San, it was one of the most exciting things he had ever witnessed in his entire life. 
“Finally, what the fuck took you so long?!” Changbin yells to make himself heard over the noise. 
“Fuck off, Bin, we're here now” Wooyoung sneers, “Hey, Hak, what's up, bro?” he greets the unfamiliar boy. 
“All good, Woo, the usual shit. I see you brought a new friend with you.” the boy says, looking at San with a beaming smile. 
“Hey buddy, I'm Juhaknyeon, but you can call me Haknyeon or just Hak.”
“Nice to meet you, Haknyeon, I'm San.” San greets back the boy.
Is he really the owner's son? He looks way too innocent, San thinks as he studies Haknyeon's face - light brown hair falling on his forehead, pink plush lips, big brown eyes and a beaming smile. If he wasn't human, he could easily be a son of Aphrodite.
“What's your order?” Haknyeon asks San. 
“My order?”
“He means what you're going to drink, dumbass” Yeonjun laughs and San is startled. 
“O-Oh! I'm fine with anything, honestly” he waves his hands in defeat and Wooyoung exchanges a knowing glance with Yeonjun. Changbin looks at them and facepalms, already knowing what is coming up. 
“Oh boy, you did not just say that” he mumbles and San is left dumbfounded.
“Did I say anything wrong?” 
“Depends on how well you handle your liquor” Haknyeon replies. 
“Pretty well, actually” San admits - he's the son of Dionysus after all, but that's a detail he shouldn't share. Wooyoung and Yeonjun snicker almost maliciously at San's words and he raises an eyebrow. 
“We'll see about that, Sannie boy” Wooyoung smirks and yells to the waiter to bring them a round of shots and a bottle of whiskey. 
“Tonight, my friend, is the night you'll get shitfaced and laid.”
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To say that Yeonjun and Wooyoung were surprised would be a total understatement.
They half-believed San when he said he could handle his liquor, but they definitely did not expect this.
“One more!” San yells and the newly swarming crowd around him starts hollering, egging  him on to down another round of tequila shots. Haknyeon was watching in pure amusement, while the original troublemakers were hanging their heads in defeat.
“Which round was that?” Yeonjun asks.
“Dude, I swear I’ve lost count, this motherfucker has no mercy” Wooyoung half-whines, still not able to accept his embarrassing defeat “Even Bin is on the verge of passing out, for fucks sake!”
Of course, San was in his own happy world, drinking to the point of alcohol poisoning, but looking and feeling like woke up from the most refreshing sleep ever. Suddenly, he feels a lithe hand smoothing over his shoulder and he turns around to see one of the girls who were fawning over him and Wooyoung a few hours earlier. 
“Oh hey, I remember you!” San remarks in an enthusiastic manner and the girl gives a sultry smile. 
“Hey cutie, thought it would be a good idea to say hi” she says and trails a manicured nail down his chest, “Wanna talk somewhere more...private?” she tilts her head in a suggestive manner. 
Something clicks in San’s brain, as if a switch was turned on and unleashed a brand new sensation all over his body. 
It was a strange feeling and it was making him feel hot everywhere. 
In a split second, he grabs the girl’s wrist and pulls her to the club restroom, the music significantly lower now, drowned in the background. He pushes her on the wall, hands firm on her waist. 
“Is that private enough for you, sweetheart?” San licks his lips and tilts his head towards the girl’s neck, his breath fawning over her skin. 
“Hot and smart, you’re a catch, pretty boy” she wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him in for a feverish kiss. He could taste the alcohol on her tongue, but he didn’t care and neither did the girl. They were both too caught up in the moment to care about such things, any hint of rational thinking was gone, replaced by lust and need.
San pulls away momentarily, a thin string of saliva connecting their lips. He looks at the girl’s swollen lips, a train of not so innocent thoughts running through his mind. 
“Cat got your tongue, baby?” she asks with a sultry smirk. 
“Hmm not really”, San retorts and twirls one of her hair strands around his pointer finger, “Just thinking about whether I should take you to my house or fuck you right here” he bites the skin between the base of her neck and her shoulder, eliciting a lewd moan from her lips. 
“But then again, a pretty little girl like you doesn’t deserve to be taken in a filthy restroom, am I right?” he asks rhetorically and the girl nods feverishly. He then pulls away and leads her out of the restroom and back to the table, giving her her stuff. 
“Let’s get out of here, shall we, sweetheart?” San smirks and rushes out of the club with the girl, his friends completely forgotten.
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The morning finds San in his familiar bed and shirtless, which is occupied only by him, no sight of the girl he brought over last night. He notices a small note with a lipstick mark on it, something scribbled on it. She probably left her number, he thinks and ignores it. He gets up and goes to the bathroom to freshen up a bit - yes, even demigods need a splash of water to wake up. As he feels the cold water splash on his skin, he lifts his head and looks at his reflection in the mirror. 
“Holy shit…” he mumbles, as he traces his hand over the very visible hickeys on his neck and the expanse of his chest. A cacophony of purple and red blotches covering his pale skin. 
“Damn, was she a vampire or something?” he continues and turns to see his back, covered in red streaks, probably nail scratches. San remembers and a smug smirk spreads on his lips. A string of whimpers, moans and screams, spilling from the girl’s lips, as he drove her over the edge last night, more than once.
What was even more fascinating is that he had zero sexual experience beforehand. Suddenly, he feels like a light bulb just lit up inside his brain.
Since when did I get so confident?
He tries to recall the sequence of the events that occured last night. 
When did it all start? As soon as I entered the club? No, I was too stiff. When I met Hak? Nope, I was kinda awkward at first. Ugh, think San, think-
His trail of thoughts is cut short by the sound of his ringing phone. He goes back to his bedroom and picks it up without a second thought.
“CHOI SAN, YOU FUCKING BITCH, WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU GO LAST NIGHT?!” San winces at Wooyoung’s loud voice echoing through the speaker.
“Dude, it’s 9:30 in the morning, could you not scream into my ear?” he complains and he hears the familiar scoff of his friend. 
“Oh I’m sorry, your Highness, but that’s how I react when my bank account is fucking bleeding because a certain someone decided to drink his entire existence in the club!” Wooyoung snarls angrily and San is hit with a reality check. 
“How much did you guys pay?” he asks, voice laced with guilt. 
“You want the total amount or your share?”
“Option number two, please.”
“....210 bucks.” 
San chokes on thin air at the sound of the amount. 
“Just...how much did I drink last night?!”, he asks, completely mortified. 
“Hmm, let’s see… Definitely a bottle of whiskey, three plain vodka glasses and some rounds of shots. Although I lost count after the seventh one probably,’cause I was pretty much wasted” Wooyoung explains. 
“Oh my God, why the fuck didn’t you stop me?!”
“I dunno bro, you were having the time of your life, even Haknyeon was amused.”
And then it clicked. San’s eyes went wide from the realization.
“Hey Woo?”
“Yes, San?”
“What do you mean by having the time of my life?”
“Which part of the sentence exactly did you not understand?”
“Let me rephrase the question: When did it actually start?”
“Uhhh, around the time you started downing alcohol like it was water? I can’t remember much, but you looked like you could take over the world, man.”
 San feels like he’s about to lose his mind. 
“Woo, I gotta go, talk to you later bro.”
“What the f-” Wooyoung doesn’t get to finish his sentence as San has already hung up.
He rushes to the kitchen and rummages the cupboards, searching for any trace of alcohol. His mind is racing with all the possible scenarios playing out in his head. He manages to find a can of beer and he runs back to the bathroom, the can still in his hand. His eyes drift between the mirror and the can, hesitant to take the next step.
He takes a deep breath to calm down and pops the beer can open. 
“Okay, here goes nothing…” he mutters and gulps down the beer. He slams the empty can on the bathroom counter and he breathes heavily. He looks at his reflection and his eyes are blown wide as he witnesses the hickeys on his body slowly fade away, his smooth skin now back to its original state. San threads his fingers in his silky hair and starts laughing almost like a lunatic. It all made sense now - the surge of confidence, the crazy stamina and now the fading hickeys. 
He isn’t just immune to the effects of alcohol, it makes him stronger.
San is lost in a euphoric daze, he wants to scream, let the whole world know the power he holds. He’s snapped out of it once his phone screen lights up, a message from Changbin in their group chat.
binniebinniechangbinnie: Yo losers, I’m gonna be the dj at Noir Club next Thursday, wanna join???
yeonjun choimbell: DUDE I’M DOWN
San grins evilly and starts typing back.
mountainchoi: Count me in too bro
jungsexywoo: how kind of you to grace us with your presence mr. Choi
mountainchoi: IT WAS AN EMERGENCY, OKAY?
yeonjun choimbell: yeah emergency *snorts*
mukhaknyeon: all good bro? you kinda disappeared last night-
mountainchoi: yeah, thanks for asking and sorry :’)
jungsexywoo: yeah, disappeared to GET HIS DICK WET
mountainchoi: I’LL MAKE AMENDS, OKAY?
yeonjun choimbell: are you paying for everything on Thursday then-
mountainchoi: yes.
binniebinniechangbinnie: WAIT-
jungsexywoo: FOR REAL????
mukhaknyeon: damn, that’s some real ass flex bro 
jungsexywoo: you better not disappear again or i’ll rip your balls off-
mountainchoi: i swear on the whiskey i drank last night
yeonjun choimbell: OH FUCK HE’S SERIOUS
binniebinniechangbinnie: BRO I’MMA RESERVE THE BEST TABLE FOR YA
mukhaknyeon: We wouldn’t have it any other way ;)
mountainchoi: damn right we are😏
San closes his phone, a wide Cheshire-like smirk spreading on his lips, his mind already racing with the endless possibilities that could take place on Thursday. 
And boy, he was in for a treat from Fate herself.
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“Come on Y/N, please, just this once!” your best friend Yeji begs, but you still hold your ground. 
“Hwang Yeji, I love you, you’re my best friend, but I will not come to that godforsaken club!” you deadpan and she whines. 
“But whyyy?”
“Because I don’t like clubs and you’re asking me to come with you on a THURSDAY NIGHT” you add, punctuating the last two words by furiously typing on your keyboard. 
“Can you at least pay even the miniscule attention to me or is that essay of yours more important than ME?” Yeji mocks and you glare at her. 
“Of course you’re important to me, but I’m afraid that if I don’t hand in this essay by the end of the next week, I’m doomed” you complain. 
“That’s exactly why I want you to come with me to the club!” she chirps and you grimace. 
“Are you trying to help or bring me closer to my doom?” 
“Oh just shut up and listen to me for once!” she smacks your head and you rub it in a soothing manner.
“You’ve been holed up in your room all this time, trying to keep up with your studies. I admire you for that, don’t get me wrong, but you need to live a little too!” she explains and you’re thrown into overthinking mode. 
“You’re not wrong, but still-”
“Ah ah ah! No buts, you’re coming to the party.” she slams her hand on the table and you flinch. 
“Y/F/N Y/L/N, you will come to Noir Club on Thursday night, even if I have to drag you out of your room! Not that I’ll have any problem with that since Giselle is coming too…” and your eyes widen at the mention of your roommate’s name.
 “Giselle is coming with you?!”
“Yes, and so will you”. 
“...Will there be good music at least?” you ask sheepishly and Yeji’s foxy eyes light up. 
“Answer the question, Yeji.”
“Do you know Seo Changbin from the Arts department?” 
“Yeah, he’s friends with Jisung, why do you ask?” you raise an eyebrow. 
“He will be the DJ of the night” and your eyes perk up. 
“Hmm, interesting” you mumble and Yeji smirks. 
“Oh? Now you’re interested? Bitch, do you have the hots for Bin?!” she nudges your arm playfully and you swat her away. 
“No you idiot, I’m hoping that Jisung might be there too, it will make the party a bit more bearable.”
“Boo you wh-”
“Don’t you dare say it.” you threaten her and she raises her arms in defense. 
“Well, my job here is done, you’re free to continue your pitiful essay, see ya on Thursday night!” she waves cheekily.
“We see each other every day, you dumbass!”, you yell.
“Yeah, but you don’t count as a human with these clothes!” she yells back and you gasp, making her laugh. 
I’ll show you, you minx, just you wait until Thursday, you think.
Thursday night came around and you were contemplating on your outfit, standing completely clueless in front of your open closet. 
“What the fuck does someone wear at a club?!” you whine helplessly and your roommate Giselle peeks her head through your room. 
“Need help?” she asks. 
“Yes please, I’m lost here” you huff in defeat and she skips happily next to you.
“There is one basic rule when it comes to club parties - the flashier, the better” she grins and you grimace. 
“You just said that to a minimalist, Gi.”
“Geez, Y/N, don’t be such a buzzkill. Besides, there must be something in your wardrobe suitable enough for tonight” she adds as she rummages through the hangers. 
“I’m pretty sure there’s nothing in there” you mumble and you hear an obnoxious gasp from Giselle. 
“Then what is THIS?!” she squeals as she gazes over a black velvet slip dress, one that you hadn’t worn in a long time. 
“Y/N, this is it, you must wear this!” she hands it over to you and you look at it, smile slowly fading away at the memories coursing through your mind.
It was a gift from him, for your 21st birthday. It was also his last gift.
“I’m sorry Giselle, but I cannot wear this dress” you put it back into the closet.
 “But… why not? It’s the most beautiful dress you have and you look amazing in it” she slightly frowns. 
“That’s exactly why I can’t wear it” you reply and Giselle gives you a sad smile and hugs you softly. 
“I know you miss him, bubs, we all do. But he would never want you to be sad” she states and you wrap your arms around her tight, fully knowing she is right.
He loved seeing you happy, no matter the reason.
“I hate you when you’re all wise and shit” you grunt and she laughs. 
“Now now, we should get ready for the club, the last thing I want is Yeji yelling at me for standing her up” Giselle rolls her eyes playfully and you both scramble to get ready.
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You should have refused.
You knew it was a terrible idea, yet you joined them, in hopes to have fun. The club was booming from the loud music, people of all ages either half-drunk or stupid enough to grind on each other on the dance floor. This was already a waste of time and you couldn’t believe you actually got all dressed up just to see this. The thought of watching Netflix back in your room curled up in your blankets crossed your mind. 
Giselle and Yeji, on the other hand, were having the time of their life - They were on the podium next to Changbin, who was excitedly chatting with them. You could spot a group of boys behind him, probably his group of friends who reserved the best spot - the perks of being the DJ of the night, you thought, as you sipped on your Aperol.
If there’s one thing you were actually enjoying, it was your drink.
Your eyes mindlessly drifted around the club again, only to lock eyes with a boy around your age from the familiar loud group. You swore you could feel the intensity from his piercing gaze on your skin. You break off the eye-contact in a split-second, not wanting to seem obnoxious. You really wanted to get out of here.
Why did I agree to this? Why did I dress like that? I shouldn’t have worn heels, dammit-
Your trail of thoughts is cut short by a smooth voice behind you and to your dismay, you turn around to see the same boy who was looking at you not a while ago. Although the word ‘boy’ definitely fails to describe him.
Short, black hair slicked back with gel showing his undercut, high cheekbones and a jawline sharp enough to cut diamonds, a crimson crushed velvet suit framing his toned body. He was wearing only a vest under the jacket, no undershirt and you could spot the black swirling ink creeping from his collarbones, seemingly in the shape of roses. He screamed danger, everything about him was a red flag.
“I saw you looking earlier.” he muses and you sip your drink. 
“So were you.”you bite back and he smiles.
“It would be rude of me to ignore a beautiful presence here” 
“Is that what you tell every girl you lay your eyes on?”
“Only the interesting ones.”
“So you admit I’m interesting?”
“You’ll get even more interesting if you tell me your name.”
Damn, was he smooth. 
“Y/N.” you give out your hand and he flashes a sultry smirk. 
“Choi San, delighted to make your acquaintance, Y/N.” he takes your hand and presses a soft kiss on the back, giving you a sly wink. 
“An Aperol? You must be a lightweight” he states.
“Not really, just.... not a fan of heavy alcohol” you deadpan. 
“You don’t look like you’re having fun, unlike your friends over there” and he nods over to Yeji and Giselle who now dance with some of San’s friends.
“They dragged me here, I had no intention of coming… here” you grimace and he chuckles. 
“And what if I told you that I can make your night more interesting?” he asks and you raise an eyebrow to his suggestion. 
“And what could you possibly have in mind?” you ask.
“Let’s go to my house and you’ll see” he whispers suggestively and your murderous instincts come out. You start chuckling, running a hand through your hair and swirling your drink with the other. In a split second, you dropped your happy facade and with that, your Aperol on San’s velvet suit. 
He gasps with a laugh as you storm out of the club, your night completely ruined. He turns towards his friends who are left stunned at what happened. Yeji and Giselle rush to catch up with you, heels clicking on the pavement.
“Y/N, wait! Stop running!” Yeji shouts and you turn around to see your friends panting from running. 
“What happened back there?” Giselle asks, visibly worried. 
“What happened is that I should have stayed home and not come to this fucking hellhole!” you yell. 
“Honey, please calm down-”
“Calm down?! Yeji, are you fucking kidding me?! An entitled asshole just tried to take me back to his house, thinking he was some random hook-up!” 
“Y/N, listen to me-”
“No, I’m sorry, but this is too much. I just… I just want to go home” you choke back a sob. Giselle and Yeji look at each other and they nod. “Are you two onto something here?” you ask sheepishly. 
“Nothing serious, just contemplating what we should eat for take out” Giselle smiles and the three of you laugh. 
“Come on, let’s go home” Yeji says and you walk back home with your friends.
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“Dude, what the fuck was that?!” Wooyoung wheezes and Haknyeon glares at him. 
“Okay, but seriously, San, what happened?” he asks, but his question falls on deaf ears. 
“San?” Changbin waves his hand in front of San’s face, but without effect. 
“Oh God, he’s broken” Yeonjun facepalms. 
“Y/N, huh….” San mutters as his brain replays your eventful meeting. 
“Did you say something, bro?” Changbin asks and the rest of the boys turn their heads to San. 
“That girl… is really something, isn’t she?” he says with an interested smile. 
“Uh, which one? I danced with at least four” Wooyoung snorts. 
“He’s asking about the girl who turned him down, bitch” Haknyeon smacks Wooyoung and he whines, rubbing his head. 
“Oh, you mean Y/N?” Changbin perks up at the mention of your name. 
“You know her?!” San almost leaps on his friend and he’s taken aback. 
“Y-yeah, she’s friends with a friend of mine from university” Changbin says and San’s eyes light up at the opportunity of seeing you again. San looks at Changbin with puppy eyes, practically begging him and it doesn’t take more than 5 seconds to realize his ulterior motive. 
“But why?!” San whines, “This might be the only chance I’ll ever have!”
“I know, but I cannot let you be ridiculed like that again, bro” Changbin deadpans. 
“Ouch” Yeonjun mumbles and San sends him a death glare. 
“What Bin is trying to say is that he doesn’t want to see his friend getting heartbroken” Haknyeon explains. 
“I don’t care.” San blurts out, “I want to see her.”
“Are you sure about this? I mean it’s easy for-” 
“I said I want to see her” he nearly growls and the boys are taken aback. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this determined before, Sannie” Wooyoung pipes up, “I definitely don’t want to miss this” he smiles in a flamboyant way. 
“Just say that you want to see Yeji again” Yeonjun smirks and Wooyoung grimaces to the black-haired model. 
“Ugh, I have classes tomorrow, but I’mma skip ‘cause there’s no way I’ll be able to wake up” Changbin rubs his temples, “So yeah, if you want to see Y/N, you gotta wait a bit, bro.”
“It’s okay Bin, I can wait...Perhaps it’s better that way” San mutters, already anticipating your future meeting.
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Tuesday, 10:30 AM.
“Ugh, finally, this class is over!” Giselle squeals triumphantly and you roll your eyes at her. 
“You love Ancient Greek History so much, don’t you?”
“I don’t hate it, but when it’s a two hour long lecture and I haven’t had a single sip of coffee? No thank you” she laughs. 
“Now that you mention it, wanna stop by the cafeteria?” you ask and Giselle lights up at your suggestion. 
“You are doing me a huge favor right now bestie” she hugs you. 
“I wanna go to the cafeteria too, Jisung sent me a message he’ll be there” you say. 
“Ohhh, so that’s why you want to go… Sneaky bitch” Giselle smirks. 
“How many times do I have to tell you that I don’t see Jisung that way?! He’s just a friend!” you grimace. 
“Yeah yeah, sure thing, Y/N~” she sing-songs. 
A few minutes later, you push the familiar glass door and you see your friend Jisung sitting on a table on his own, headphones connected to his phone, humming an unfamiliar tune. You and Giselle sit down and he cracks a beaming smile once he sees you. 
“Oh! Hi girls, how you doin’?” Jisung asks happily.
“I’ll be fine once I drink coffee” Giselle groans.
“Don’t mind her, we had a two-hour lecture on Ancient Greek History” you explain. 
“Oof, that’s harsh” Jisung grimaces, “But it’s over now and you can enjoy your break time, right?”
“Couldn’t agree more. By the way, why are you here on your own?” Giselle asks.
“Oh, I’m actually waiting for Changbin, he said he’ll drop by with two of his friends” he replies and you exchange questioning glances with your roommate.
“Do you know them?”
“Nope, I’m as clueless as you are” he pouts, “Anyways, I’m going to the counter, three iced americanos?” and both of you nod in unison. 
As soon as Jisung leaves the table, you turn to Giselle, who tries to read  your expression. 
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” you ask. 
“If you’re thinking about the possibility of Changbin’s hot fuckboy gang showing up, the answer is yes” she smirks. 
“You’re happy?!”, you whisper-yell.
“What if that asshole comes here?!” 
“Y/N, calm down, the chances of him showing up here are miniscule. If anything, he looks like the type to hang around fancy places and the university cafeteria is not one of them. Besides, his other friends weren’t so bad, especially Haknyeon, he’s really cute-”
“You think I’m cute?” an unfamiliar voice asks behind you and you turn around to see a very handsome boy around your age, smiling towards a furiously blushing Giselle. 
“Uh, um, I- yes, I think... you’re... cute… I guess” she fiddles with her hair and the pretty boy cracks a beaming smile. 
“You’re really cute too, Giselle”
“You remember me?!” she squeals and you choke back a laugh. 
“Yes, I do, I actually asked you for your social media” he rubs his neck and Giselle gasps in realization. 
“Oh my God, you’re right! I’m so stupid” she facepalms and Haknyeon laughs.
“Don’t worry, it’s okay! Although I don’t remember meeting your friend back in the club” he turns his attention to you. 
“I… left earlier that night, I wasn’t feeling very well. I’m Y/N, by the way, it’s nice to meet you, Haknyeon” you smile sheepishly and his eyes shoot up at your name. 
“No way! It’s you! You’re the girl that-”
“You guys know each other?” Jisung shows up with the iced americanos, Changbin by his side. 
“We sort of met last Thursday at the club I was DJing for” the black haired male pipes up.
”Aw shit, I wish I could have come, bro” Jisung whines while sipping on his coffee.
“Yeah, me too” you mumble, reviving the sour memories. 
“Why do you say that, Y/N? Didn’t you have fun?” he asks. 
“An asshole wanted to take her back to his house and fuck her like some cheap whore” Giselle spits and Haknyeon and Changbin exchange worried glances, knowing full well that within seconds, the quiet cafeteria will most likely turn into a warzone. 
“Can we please not talk about it? The last thing I want right now is to talk about him” you grit through your teeth. 
“And who might that be?”
You freeze in your spot, the familiar voice sending a chill down your spine - not the pleasant kind. You turn your head towards Changbin and behind him stands your worst nightmare in the face of none other than Choi San himself. He locks eyes with you and you swore you saw a strange glint flash momentarily. Giselle was shocked, frozen next to you, Haknyeon and Changbin having regret written all over their faces. Your fight-or-flight instincts kick in and you pick up your bag, rushing out of the door without a word, leaving everyone behind completely baffled. 
“Y/N!” you hear San’s voice call to you and you speed up, not wanting to face him, but to your dismay, he’s fast enough to catch up to you and grab your wrist. 
“What the hell do you want from me?!” you yell and pull back your wrist aggressively. 
“I just want to talk to you! Is that so bad?” he retorts and you scoff. 
"What could I possibly have in common to discuss with the likes of you?" you spit with a venomous tone and San is taken aback by your aggressive tone.
He takes a step closer and pulls you, his breath fanning over your cheeks, too close for comfort. 
"You know nothing about me, so you better not make assumptions about me, sweetheart" and he punctuates the pet name, making your breath hitch. He notices and smirks smugly as he lets you go. 
"For someone who hates people like me, you get way too bothered when I call you that, don't you now, Y/N"
"Of course I get bothered when a scum like you calls me what Yun- calls me that" you correct mid-sentence and San raises a questioning eyebrow, but lets it slide for now. 
“Whatever makes your boat float, love. I just wanted to apologize to you and perhaps start over" he admits and you scoff.
"Yeah, in your dreams, asshole"
"My name is San"
"I don't fucking care" you spit and leave San behind, heading to your dorm. Fate really had a peculiar way of playing with you. 
"San!" Changbin calls his friend, huffing in the meantime. 
"Did you talk to her?"
"Does calling me an asshole count?" San mutters in defeat and Changbin frowns. 
"Is it that bad?"
"Yep. And it doesn't seem like getting any better" he runs his hand through his hair. A chuckle escapes Changbin’s lips and San glares towards his friend. 
“What’s so funny?”
“You said you wanted to get under Y/N’s skin, but so far, it’s the other way around. And you seem to like it, loverboy”
“Shut the fuck up, Bin. And don’t call me loverboy!”
“Yeah, ‘cause you’re so not in love with her.” 
San sends a death glare to his friend and walks back to the cafeteria without a word, leaving Changbin behind, who was rolling his eyes.
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Tuesday, 11:00 PM.
You were beyond tired - physically and mentally. The lectures ended around 4 and as soon as you finished, you headed straight to the library and then back to your shared apartment. You had zero energy to deal with anything and anyone - especially after your encounter with San at the cafeteria.
“Could you at least explain what the hell happened back there?” Giselle asks and you try to find the right words to tell her as you fiddle with the hem of your shirt. 
“Remember the guy who followed me after I left the cafeteria?”
“Short black undercut, black v-neck sweater, rose tattoos on his collarbones? Yes, I most certainly do” she replies in full detail and you roll your eyes. 
“That was him”
“The guy who hit on me at the club last Thursday”
“WHAT?!” Giselle squeals from surprise.
“Welcome on planet Earth, enjoy your stay” you mock and she smacks your arm. 
“Okay damn, now I understand why you fled like that”
“Yeah, I still feel horrible about that” you mumble, “I ran without saying a word and left everyone behind thanks to that asshole”
“Handsome asshole-”
“Hey, he might be an asshole, but he’s drop dead hot, okay?” she retorts and you groan. 
“Anyways, why was he here?” your roommate asks and you huff. 
“Apparently, he wanted to apologize for his behaviour back in the club and he subtly hinted that he wants a second chance” you explain. 
“Okay, maybe he’s not a complete asshole-”
“He called me sweetheart.”
“Oh no, that’s code red”
A few seconds of silence pass and Giselle sits up, facing you. 
“What are you going to do?”
“What do you mean?”
“Are you going to give him a second chance?”
“You didn’t even think about it!” 
“Exactly, because there’s no way I’m wasting my time with someone like him” you state with certainty. 
“Well, it’s your decision and I respect it. But don’t you dare come to me when you fall for San” she warns. 
“Not happening!” you yell back.
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“Thanks for staying tonight Woo” San says to his friend as he brings a blanket and a pillow, placing them on the couch. 
“Don’t even mention it, it’s the least I could do after not keeping my promise to be your wingman” Wooyoung admits with a hint of guilt. 
“Even if you did, I don’t think the situation would have turned out any better” San frowns and his friend’s eyes widen. He then skips to the kitchen, rummaging the cupboards for a few seconds and he returns with a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. 
“Really now?”
“Did you really think you would tell me what happened without drinking alcohol?” Wooyoung deadpans. 
“Bro, we’re wearing sweats.”
“Your point being, Sannie?”
“I hate you, Wooyoung”
“I love you too. Now start talking” Wooyoung snickers as he pours the whiskey into the glasses and hands the one to San, clinking them in the process. 
A couple of glasses and an empty whiskey bottle later, Wooyoung is left utterly dumbfounded, still trying to process San’s story. 
“To summarize, you’re telling me that you went to the campus, found Y/N, you tried to apologize and she shut you down?”
“Yep” San replies, punctuating the ‘p’. 
“Damn bro, you are in for a ride with this one”
“I didn’t expect that either, to be honest. But it won’t be long before she falls for me” San takes a sip from his glass. 
“I wouldn’t be so sure, dude. Don’t take this the wrong way, but from what you told me and from Changbin’s info, dear Y/N is not your local fuck-of-the-night girl. Hell, she’s even a History major or something” Wooyoung throws his hands in the air from frustration, all while San is completely frozen in his spot. 
“A history major?”
“Oh please, don’t ask for details, I have half a brain right now” Wooyoung whines, “Can we just… go to sleep for now?”
“Sounds like a good idea”, San agrees.
“Goodnight, San.”
“Goodnight, Wooyoung.”
Later that night.....
Your skin was flushed, a thin layer of sweat covering your body,  his lips creating a symphony of red and purple patterns, a blank canvas now slowly turning into his favorite masterpiece. Your whimpers and airy moans sound like Apollo’s music, if not better. Your hands search for his own, eyes seething with a mixture of lust and need. His name is rolling from your lips like a prayer. 
“...San, buddy, wake up! San!”
San lurches forward, drenched in sweat and panting heavily, eyes blown wide. 
“Dude, are you okay?!” Wooyoung puts his hands on San’s shoulders. 
“W-water…” San mutters and the other male runs to the kitchen, returning with a glass full of water a few seconds later. San grabs the glass and downs it in one go, gasping loudly. 
“Was it a nightmare?” Wooyoung asks. 
“N-Not exactly…”, San mutters, “I saw her, Woo.” 
A few seconds of silence pass and Wooyoung realizes who San is referring to.
“You dreamt of Y/N?”
“Yes, I fucking did!” San whines and runs his hands through his black hair anxiously. 
“Bro, calm down, it was just a dream!”
“No, I can’t fucking calm down Woo! This was not supposed to happen!”
“San, you just saw a dream about a girl you l-”
“Don’t you dare complete the sentence” San threatens with a raised finger. 
“Or what? You’ll punish me?” Wooyoung taunts. 
“Now is not the time for jokes,Woo”, San grits and his friend scoffs. 
“Why are you suddenly acting like this? A few days ago you were all puppy eyes to Bin in order to see Y/N again and now you’re in denial? Just admit you’ve fallen in love with her!”
San falls on his knees as the realization hits him like a ton of bricks and he can hear his father’s words echoing in his head.
“Do not fall in love with a human, or else you’ll be banished from Olympus forever.”
“No no no no no no!” he yells, gradually losing his temper, “This should have never happened to me!”
“What do you mean?! It happens to anyone, you idiot, you’re not special!”, Wooyoung yells back. 
“I am special and a human like you could never understand!” San snaps and the two-toned haired male is taken aback by his words.
“What the fuck did you say, Choi San?” he narrows his eyes towards San. 
“No, you motherfucker, you don’t get to be a self-entitled bitch, thinking you’re some sort of god and we’re suddenly lower than you!” Wooyoung growls.
“And what if I am?” San raises a partially mocking eyebrow. 
“You heard me, Jung Wooyoung”
“Are you actually saying that you’re...a god?”
“Well, a demigod to be exact-”
“Cut the bullshit, are you drunk or something?!” Wooyoung yells in disbelief
“I cannot get drunk, even if I wanted to” San replies, “You should have noticed that by now.”
Wooyoung looks at San completely baffled, as he tries to understand whether his friend has gone insane or he’s actually telling the truth. However, he can’t help but think back to all the times they went out for drinks with the rest of the boys and every single time, San was the only fully sober one, despite drinking a dangerous amount of alcohol. 
“No, it can’t be… There has to be a logical explanation!” Wooyoung gasps and San goes to the kitchen and brings back a knife and a small bottle of what seems to look like vodka. 
“If the times we went out drinking doesn’t convince you, then this will.” He takes the knife in his hand and creates a cut on his left palm, blood starting to gush from the freshly opened wound. 
“San, are you insane?! Stop-”
San opens the small vodka bottle and gulps it down instantly. Wooyoung watches as the bleeding cut on his friend’s palm completely heals in front of his eyes and the skin looks as good as new. He stumbles backwards in sheer horror, not being able to fully comprehend the situation at hand. 
“What kind of fucked up sorcery is this…?” he breathes heavily, “What are you?”
San takes a deep breath before explaining everything. 
“I’m a demigod, my father is the God of Wine and Feast, Dionysus and my mother is hu-”
“Get to the fucking point” Wooyoung grits his teeth and San continues. 
“Alcohol is the source of my power - healing, enhanced senses, all of that.”
“What do you mean?”
“Why didn’t you say anything, you asshole?!” Wooyoung yells. 
“I was fucking scared! Did you really think I could just waltz into someone’s life and be like ‘Hi my name is San and I’m a demigod’ as if it was the most normal thing in the world?!” the black-haired man yells back, “You would have run away in the blink of an eye!”
“No you asshole, I would never do that!”
“How can you be so sure about that?!”
“But.. you are my friend, Woo”
“Am I, San? ‘Cause it doesn’t seem like that’s the case any more” Wooyoung picks up his hoodie and throws it over his head haphazardly, picking up his stuff in a hurry, his hand on the doorknob. 
“I don’t intend on snitching you to the rest of the guys… But you better sort out your shit before it’s too late, San.”
And with that, he closes the door behind him, a deafening silence engulfing the living room. A single tear falls on San’s cheek and another one follows.
What have I done?
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Wednesday, 6:00 PM.
It has been three weeks since San and Wooyoung had their fight and to San's dismay, it had affected the rest of the boys as well. They had grown distant over the days, with the exception of Haknyeon actually trying to patch up things between the two, even if he didn't know the real reason behind their argument. Yeonjun was too caught up in his own business, his schedule fully packed with photoshoots and Changbin had to catch up with his own classes.
Hence why San is sitting alone in the diner, a bowl of ramen in front of him long abandoned. The last few weeks had been rough on him and it was quite visible on his appearance - his hair covering his forehead, not in the usual slicked back style, a pair of black sweats and a grey hoodie, his outfit being a sheer contrast to his usual style. His eyes had visible bags due to the lack of sleep - partially because of you constantly appearing in his dreams, whether you were just there or underneath him.
As if on cue, he hears the door jingle open and his attention is momentarily on you entering the diner alone, a couple of thick books on your right arm. He couldn't help but stare at you, even your slightly disheveled hair due to the chilly breeze looking prettier than Aphrodite's hair. You place the books on an empty table with a soft thud and sit down, waiting for a waiter to take your order, as you open the books to start your assignments. San hears the short conversation between the waiter and you, his mind wandering, completely missing your surprised look when you spot him across your table. He subconsciously turns his head when he finally meets your frozen gaze and he's left stunned as well. Instinctively, he throws a pair of dollars on the table and rushes out of the diner. 
"Hey, wait!" you yell at him but your plea falls on deaf ears, as San runs on the pavement, making a sharp turn to cross the road ahead. He doesn't even look at the sideways and steps on the road, completely ignoring the incoming truck. Despite the constant honking of the truck driver, San is lost in his own world, not paying attention to the traffic ahead. You watch as the truck inches closer and closer to San in front of your eyes and the painful memories of your boyfriend's death cross your mind. 
No, not again!, your brain screams and in the blink of an eye, your body lurches forward, pulling San back at the last minute and you stumble back on the pavement, your back flat on the ground and San on top of you. It takes him a couple of seconds to realize he’s laying on top of you, your face morphed in a scowl, due to pain and fear. He looks at you with wide eyes and gets up immediately, helping you get up as well. 
“Are you o- Ow!” and he’s cut off by a sharp punch on his chest - your punch, specifically. 
“Are you fucking insane?! What the hell was that for?! You could have been dead by now!” you scream at him, a stray tear running down your cheek out of frustration. 
“I… I.. don’t know…” San admits breathlessly and you drag him back into the diner, away from the slowly forming crowd around you.
Fifteen minutes later, you’re still sitting at the same table with a very much silent San, who is drenched in cold sweat, mostly because this is the closest and most civil encounter the two of you have had so far. You break the awkward silence by exhaling and straightening your posture, as you close your books and divert your attention to the black-haired male in front of you. 
"Genuinely asking: What the fuck was that?" you deadpan and San looks at you with wide eyes. 
"You mean almost getting hit by a truck? 'Cause I most certainly don't know what the fuck was that either" he lets out a nervous laugh. 
"I'm talking about you storming out of the diner as if you saw a ghost"
"Oh, that. Um…" he scratches the back of his neck. 
"Are you stalking me, Choi San?"
"What? No!"
"Then why did you run?"
"Because I got scared!" he blurts out and a hint of red appears on his ears. 
"May I ask why you got scared?" you lean forward. 
"Oh I don't know, maybe because every time we meet, you're on my fucking throat?" he retorts with a braver tone. 
"Oh really? And whose fault is that? Because last time I checked, I wasn't the one who behaved like an asshole!"
"I told you again, I'm sorry about that night! Is it so hard for you to give me a second chance?!" San's tone coming off a bit more pleading than he intended, "Unless…"
"Unless what?" you glare at him.
“Unless you have a boyfriend.”
Oh boy.
You feel your chest tighten, but your pride is better than that and you carry on the conversation. 
"What makes you think I have a boyfriend?"
"I didn't dwell on it much last time, but the way you reacted when I called you sweetheart and how your tongue almost slipped out his name is pretty much enough to explain the situation" San explains, his expression remaining the same. 
“I can’t believe I’m actually discussing this with you” you scoff. 
“And what exactly did you want us to discuss, Y/N?”
“For starters, a ‘thank you’ would be very much appreciated” you sneer. 
“Thank you for saving me, Y/N” San replies dryly, “I’m still wondering about one thing though - if you say you don’t want to be associated with someone like me, why did you save me in the first place?” he adds. 
That previous feeling returns in your chest stronger than before.
“I saved you because I have basic human conscience! I may dislike you, but I would never let you die. Besides, there are people who would actually miss you if you were to die” you state. 
“Then why did you cry when you pulled me back?”
Well shit.
“I… It was out of frustration, obviously! It’s not like I see people running in the middle of the road, about to get hit by a damn truck!” you blurt out, hoping to convince San. 
“I’m not trying to guilt-trip you, Y/N, I just want to know the reason why you saved me. And I have a feeling you aren’t telling me the truth right now” he retorts. You clench your jaw and it doesn’t go unnoticed by San. A shaky breath escapes from your lips and you try to calm yourself down. 
“If it’s something you cannot tell me, I respect that. It wasn’t my intention to make you uncomfortable” he admits with guilt. 
“God, why are you like this?” you huff in annoyance and San tilts his head sideways. 
“What do you mean ‘like this’?”
“Why are you so goddamn honest?”
“I don’t see the reason in lying anyways” San says, his words leaving a bitter aftertaste, as he remembers Wooyoung’s words during their fight. 
“I guess it can’t be helped, huh” you sigh in defeat and take a deep breath before speaking up.
“A while ago you said that I probably have a boyfriend, correct?”
“Yes, I did” 
“Well, that was partially true”
“Yeah, because he’s still my boyfriend, in a way… Just...not here anymore” you rub your knuckles nervously. It takes San a few seconds to realize the true meaning behind your words and his gaze darkens in a sorrowful way. He makes a move to take your hand in his, in an attempt to comfort you, but as his fingertips brush over your soft skin, an array of images flash before his own eyes, a film of your own memories. 
A tall boy, with pastel blue hair and a smile as bright as the Sun, pulling you by your hand, as you run across a beach, the two of you riding his bike on the streets of Itaewon, eating ice cream together and him giving you your birthday present, a beautiful black velvet dress.
The same dress you wore when you met each other that night.
San felt an unfamiliar, painful sting in his chest, as if Artemis had pierced his heart with one of her golden arrows. 
He was jealous. And he hated it.
"What was his name?" he asks, choking back a sob and you look at him, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. 
"Jeong Yunho" the name of your late boyfriend leaving a bittersweet taste on your lips. 
God, even his name has a sweet ring to it, San thinks and he retracts his hand out of shame. 
"He was on his way to the campus, he woke up late and he was trying to get to class on time. He had taken his bike and he was pedalling through the road. He was always a very careful one, always checking the traffic lights and incoming vehicles. But that one time, that one fucking time - he didn't check. And he got hit by a truck" you sob while unfolding the story in front of San. 
"He was already dead when they brought him to the hospital, he was barely recognizable" you add, tears freely running down your cheeks, your voice now trembling. 
"Do you understand now why I saved you, San?" you ask him and he can't bring himself to form a suitable answer, the words dying in his throat. Instead, he lets his own tears speak as well. 
"I'm sorry, I have to go" you blurt as you wipe your tears with the back of your hand and pick up your stuff in a haste, leaving the diner and San behind. He drops his head between his hands and he notices the book on the table, the same one you were reading before the incident. Shoot, she must have forgotten it when she picked up her stuff. His curiosity gets the better of him and he opens the book, his eyes shooting up in surprise at the contents of the book. 
"Ancient Greek History and Myths?" he says and runs through the pages, carefully reading all your side notes and comments on each page. 
"Damn, she's so fucking smart...Why is she so smart?!" he whines in defeat. Even if he had a clear advantage on the field as a demigod who lived his entire life next to the Olympians themselves, he couldn't help but admire your passion and knowledge on the subject. 
"You really are testing me, aren't you?" San nods to the sky through the window of the diner, most likely picturing his father watching over him with a half amused, half worried smile on his face.
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You return to your shared apartment in a pitiful state, eyes red and puffy from crying, your entire body aching from running all the way back home from the diner. You try to wipe them, smoothing over your hair and clothes and making yourself look presentable, not wanting to worry Giselle.
You click the door open and see your roommate laugh with a cute guy on the couch - Haknyeon, to be exact.
"Hey, stop it! You're too fun- Oh, hey Y/N, you're home!" she jumps from the couch and pulls you in a hug. 
"Hey, Gi, hi Haknyeon" you show a tight-lipped smile. She pulls back and studies your face for a few seconds. 
"Baby, is everything okay? You look exhausted."
"Don't worry, I'm okay, just beat up my brain too much" you laugh nervously, but you don't seem to have convinced Giselle. 
"I think I should get going, it's getting kinda late" Haknyeon clears his throat and smiles towards you, noticing the mood change. 
"Wanna walk you down the entrance?" Giselle pouts and the boy laughs, kissing her cheek. 
"No need, honey. Goodnight ladies, I'll see you around" and he waves goodbye, closing the door behind him.
"And now it's you and me" Giselle turns around and looks at you sternly, "You better start talking before I make you"
"...Didn't hide it well, did I?" you admit with guilt and plop down on the couch in defeat. 
"Nope, you're too honest to lie about your mood, Y/N" she smiles softly while rubbing your arm soothingly. 
“I saw San today.”
"What?!" her eyes go wide with shock. 
"He just happened to be at the same place I was studying! He was so shocked when he saw me and he literally ran away" you explain. Your mind goes back to the moment you pulled him away from the road and your hand starts trembling. 
"Y/N? What is going on, why are you trembling? You're scaring me" she holds your hands in hers. Your pent up emotions break free and so do the sobs from your mouth.
"H-He almost got hit by a truck today and I saved him at the last minute. I-I don't know what got into me, I saw him running and it, it…"
"It was Yunho all over again, Gi. It felt like a deja vu"
"Oh, sweetheart…" Giselle wraps her arms around you and you cling onto her for dear life. Your phone rings abruptly and you see an unfamiliar number calling you. 
“I don’t want to pick it up”, you say. 
“Why not? It could be Yeji calling, her phone could have died from low battery” your roommate replies and you end up picking up the call.
“Uh, hi, Y/N. It’s San”
“San? How did you find my number?” you ask and Giselle’s ears perk up. 
“I-I got it from Changbin weeks ago”
“You- Nevermind. What is it?”
“Um, you forgot your book on the table when you were picking up your stuff" he says and you rummage through your bag, noticing that your book was indeed missing. 
“Shit, you’re right” you admit, slapping your forehead. 
“I can bring it to you if you want to”
“Uh, um… Can you come tomorrow at 11 AM at the university cafeteria and meet me there?” you ask, trying to push Giselle away, who has been glued to your head for the past minutes. 
“Sure, I’ll be there” San replies. 
“Hey, Y/N?” 
“Thank you” he says softly and your breath hitches. 
“Good night, San” and you end the call, letting out the breath you were holding.
 “What did he say? Where did he find your number? Are you meeting?! Tell me tell me tell meeeee” Giselle bombards you with questions. 
“I won’t tell you anything until you calm down!” you chastise her. 
“He has my history book, which I fucking forgot, he found my number through Changbin and he’s coming tomorrow at the campus to give me said book” you explain in one go and Giselle gasps.
“Oh my God, a date!”
“SHUT UP, GI!”, you start chasing her around the house, your voices drowning out any other sound.
Sounds, like Haknyeon’s footsteps skipping down the stairs.
“God, please forgive my actions, it’s all for a good cause, I swear” he mutters under his breath, “Make this work and I swear I won’t touch alcohol for the next three months” he prays as he exits the dorm.
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Thursday, 11:00 AM.
You check your watch for the time as you wait for San to appear, anxiously bouncing your leg under the table. “Where are you, Choi San…”, you mutter, mindlessly checking your phone. As if on cue, the front door bell jingles, and San comes inside, holding your book in his arms. He spots you and walks over to your table. 
“Hey there. Wanna sit down?” you nod to the seat across you and San slides into the chair. 
“Um, here’s your book” he awkwardly pushes the book to your side. 
“Thanks a lot, you’re a lifesaver” you smile. 
“I could say the same thing for you” San jokes and you snort, his lips twitching in a smile, his attempt to break the ice ending up successful.
“Wow, I actually made you smile, huh” he comments and you look at him with an unreadable expression. 
“Wow, you’re actually not a total asshole, huh” you cross your arms in front of your chest with a smirk. 
“Touché” he fakes a gasp and you laugh. 
“Does that mean you’ve forgiven me about that night?”
“Perhaps. I mean, look, I’ve already saved your life and we’re actually talking without being at each other’s throats” you state and San scoffs lightly, “For real though, if someone saw us, they would either boo us or clown us until we die.”
“Not that you can actually die…” you whisper under your breath. 
“Hm? Did you say something?” San asks you. 
“Oh, I said that Giselle will definitely clown me until I die” you chuckle nervously. 
“Oh, you mean your roommate?” 
“Yeah, her lovingly annoying ass” you roll your eyes. 
“Better not say that in front of Hak, though” San runs his hand through his silky black hair. 
“If you’re trying to say that Haknyeon likes Giselle, there’s no need, because he-”
“He was at your dorm last night?” he completes your sentence. 
“Yeah. Wait, how do you know that?” you raise your eyebrow in question. 
“Uh, we um.... talked before he left his house” he lies awkwardly.
“Oh okay, that makes sense”
You hear a tapping noise close to your head and see Jisung outside of the window, signalling you to come out. 
"Shoot!" you exclaim, as if you just remembered something very important. San looks at your friend, his gut slightly churning. 
"Sorry, San, I gotta go" you say apologetically. 
"No, no! It's okay, don't apologize!" he says with a forced smile. 
"Thanks, San" you smile back and run towards the door. 
"Hey, Y/N!" he calls to you one last time,
"What is it?"
"9:30 PM, Dejà Vu bar, on Saturday!" he says and you look at him with a grin.
 "See you then!" you shout back.
You exit the cafeteria and greet Jisung with a hug and set off together. 
“Hey, what was that?” he asks you and points towards the table you were sitting with San. 
“What are you talking about?” you ask him innocently. 
“Oh come on, Y/N, don’t play dumb with me. I saw you talking with him!” Jisung scoffs, his hands resting on his waist. 
“I was just talking with him, Ji, nothing dangerous….maybe arranging a meet-up with him…” you trail off, lowering your voice and trying to hide your beaming smile.
To your dismay, Jisung heard your entire sentence.
“Excuse me? What did you say? Come again?” he squints his eyes at you, raising his eyebrow simultaneously. 
“Uhh, I said I was just nothing-”
“Not that part, Y/N” he deadpans and you feel cold sweat run down your neck.
 “Okay, fine, I have a date with San on Saturday night!” you blurt out and Jisung scrunches his face in disgust. 
“You..have a date with San…on Saturday night” he repeats. 
“Yep” you confirm, popping the last letter. 
“With the same guy who literally wanted to fuck you at first sight”
“He apologised numerous times!”
“He’s still an asshole, Y/N!”
“I thought so too at first, but he might not be as bad as I thought” you admit, reminiscing about your past encounters with San. 
“I…I just hope you know what you’re doing, Y/N. I don’t want you to get hurt”
Jisung slightly puffs his cheeks, rubbing his neck awkwardly. 
“Thank you, Jisung. I really appreciate you caring about me” you smile softly at him and pull him in a hug. 
“Of course I do, you dumbass. That’s what friends do” he mumbles back, giggling in his embrace. 
“Come on, we have a class to attend”
“...Can we not?” Jisung grins in anticipation.
“Jisung” you deadpan.
“Ugh, fine, you buzzkill” he groans in response, the both of you sprinting towards the class, hoping you wouldn’t be late.
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Saturday, 9:00 PM.
You alternate between your closet and the bathroom every two minutes, bringing your hair stylers and makeup supplies, trying to match the hairstyle you want with the makeup. It has been quite a while since the last time you went on a date and you can already feel the panic reach the logical hemisphere of your brain.
“Can you please calm down? It’s just a date!” Yeji crosses her arms in slight annoyance. 
“It’s not just a date, Yeji. It’s my first date in ages!” you yell back from the bathroom, trying to blend your eyeshadow as evenly as you can. 
“She’s right, Yeji. Please show some sympathy” she seemingly coos and you mentally thank her for taking your side. 
“After all,  Y/N just wants to make a good impression on her crush!” she snickers like a demon. 
“You’re lucky I want to look good, or else I would have stabbed you in the eye with this!” you peek your head from the bathroom door, holding the eyeshadow brush in a threatening manner. 
“You’re awfully jittery tonight though, you really need to calm down” Giselle comments in a serious tone, “I don’t think San will feel comfortable if you’re tense”. 
“...You’re right, Gi, but I just can’t help it!” you huff nervously, coming out of the bathroom, your makeup now blended to perfection. 
“How do I look?” you ask, waiting for a positive answer. 
“You look absolutely stunning, Y/N. Lowkey jealous I’m not going on a date without you” Yeji pouts.
“Aww, she’s jealous~” you sing-song and she swats your arm playfully. 
“Okay, but, do I make curls or straighten my hair? Which is best?” you ask again.
“Some light curls would be nice. Here, I’ll help you with them” Yeji volunteers, taking the hair styler in her hands, twirling her finger around and you turn her back to her, throwing your hair back. 
“Thank you.” 
“For what, honey?”
“Everything, Yeji. Helping me, tolerating me” you admit, the warmth of the newly curled hair strands.
“Stop blabbering you idiot, we’re friends, of course we’d help you!” she playfully chastises you and you feel a sudden warmth engulfing your heart, a small smile spreading on your red tinted lips.
“Once again, Yeji is right. We’d help you at any time, Y/N. I even gave you my dress for tonight!” Giselle points out at the burgundy sequined dress, which fits you like a glove, hugging all of your curves perfectly. 
“Speaking of which, are you sure it’s a good idea to wear this?” you mumble and she frowns.
“Well duh? Girl, you look bomb! Besides, he’s gonna love it on ya” she winks and you roll your eyes. You check your watch and gasp once you see that you can’t stall any longer, otherwise you risk standing up San - not the ideal head start.
“Fuck, I gotta go, I’ll be late!” you pick up your stuff in a haste, bidding your friends farewell in a rush, closing the door behind you.
“I really hope they’ll get together in the future” Giselle comments.
“Ditto” Yeji agrees with a nod.
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San is adding the finishing touches on his outfit, draping the black oversized blazer on his shoulders, smoothing over a few hair strands that seem a little bit out of place. Picking up his keys and his wallet, he walks out of his apartment, his feet light as a feather, feeling giddy like a school boy.
It feels like a fever dream, going out with you on an actual date - But it’s real and he couldn’t be happier. He’s walking towards his destination with a newfound excitement. He can’t help but imagine how pretty you would look - not that you aren’t naturally pretty, obviously.
His carefree moments stop abruptly when he hears a bunch of whistles directed at him by a suspicious looking group of men, steadily walking towards him.
“Look at this guy, walking all high and mighty” one of the men - most likely the leader of the gang - “Where are you off to, pretty boy?”
“None of your business” San spits back and carries on, but two of the guys block his way and he falls on them.
“I wouldn’t do that if I was you, kid” the man towers over San and he punches him in the guts from behind, stumbling forward as the other two men land harsh punches on his face and chest, knocking him down on the concrete.
San manages to land a kick on the leader’s shins and make him lose his balance, yet it’s futile, because one of his lackeys pulls out a switchblade, stabbing him in the abdomen twice, without mercy in a heated moment, streams of blood flowing from his newfound wounds. San is screaming in pain, clutching his stomach to stop the blood flow, but to no avail.
“Shit, let’s get the fuck out of here!” the men yell and make a run for their money, leaving the young demigod laying on the forming pool of his own blood.
“F-Fuck…” San groans in pain, barely able to move. He can’t even muster the strength to yell for help, let alone move to a nearby shop to ask for help.
Suddenly, his phone rings and he struggles to pull it out of his pocket, his fingers leaving blood stains on the screen as he manages to read Wooyoung’s contact name and number and accept the incoming call.
“Hey San - What’s wrong? Are you okay?” the man on the other end of the line worriedly asks.
“I g-got stabbed…On the way to D-Deja Vu bar, fuck” San barely replies
“Stay fucking put, San, don’t move!” Wooyoung screams on the other end of the line, “Where are you exactly?!”
“The alleyway…next to the apartment block I live in”
“Fuck…Try to call an ambulance until I get there, just stay the fuck alive, Choi!” he hangs up and San cries out in pain, dragging his fingertips on the screen to call an ambulance.
“Gods, please don’t give up on me yet.”
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Saturday, 10:15 pm.
You’ve officially been stood up by San. 
You’re angry as fuck, cold as fuck and feel stupid as fuck because you actually believed he would show up and you would have an actual date with him.
"I'm such a fucking idiot" you huff in annoyance, as you close your phone, your tenth call to San remaining unanswered, along with a bunch of your messages. You turn on your heel to walk towards the dorms when your phone rings again and you slide your finger across the screen to accept the call without checking who it is, purely out of frustration.
"Choi San, I swear to fucking God-"
"Y/N? Is that you?" 
You suddenly realize that it isn't San calling - It's Wooyoung.
"Wooyoung? What- What's up?"
"Fuck, how do I say this…"
"With your own words, for starters" you retort with an annoyed tone, your arms crossed in front of your chest.
"Shit, now's not the time for jokes, Y/N - I'm with San-"
"Oh really? You better tell him to fuck off-"
"He got stabbed."
Your blood runs cold when you hear Wooyoung say those exact words, eyes widening in fear.
"What…did you say?"
"He was on his way to the bar to meet up with you…And he got attacked by some strangers and they stabbed him, probably tried to rob him and he resisted….Fuck, Y/N, he was calling your fucking name when the ambulance took him" the man nearly sobs from the other end of the line.
"Where…Where are you now?" you thread your hand in your hair, pulling at the roots out of frustration and anxiety, tears starting to form on your eyes.
"The National University Hospital."
"Stay where you are, Wooyoung, I'm coming over." you end the call and search through for a taxi number, calling it and hoping they will get here fast - But nobody picks up.
"Fuck!" you yell and slam your phone in your bag, feeling utterly helpless.
"I'll just fucking run there, damnit" you curse and take off your heels, clutching them in your hand as you start running like a crazy woman on the street, the passersby people looking at you in shock. But you don't give a shit about it.
You lost someone once - but you won't lose anyone else, ever again.
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elvensorceress · 1 year
WIP Wednesday 
tagged by 💕 @wh0re-behavi0r @spaceprincessem @hippolotamus @alyxmastershipper @rewritetheending @messyhairdiaz @cowboy-buddie @ebdaydreamer @comaboybuck @jobairdxx @eddiequinns @eddiediazisascorpio
tagging @shortsighted-owl @spotsandsocks @evan-buckleydiaz @thekristen999 @rogerzsteven @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy @rose-buddie @fatedbuddie @honestlydarkprincess @monsterrae1 @swiftiediaz @putijeansdiaz-ronordmann 💕
Here’s some more of my s2 verse with @alyxmastershipper - this is Eddie after he’s broken up with Buck, trying to work on things with Shannon. aka Eddie being the King of Repression and Denial. 
There was a time when all he wanted was for her to show up on his doorstep and tell him she wanted to fix them. That she was home and wouldn’t leave and she loved him enough to forgive and apologize and come back. He wished for little else for a whole year. 
And now there are broken flowers in his kitchen and bruises and love bites on his body that she didn’t put there. And there’s a foreign beat fueling his heart. 
Or. There was. 
Wasn’t there? Or is he just lonely and heartbroken and delusional? 
It was just sex. That’s all. Maybe Eddie thought of more and Buck thought of more but it never actually achieved more. Buck got left, too. He was also lonely and heartbroken, and they were just fucking away that pain. That’s all it was. 
We never said this was anything. It’s not anything. We were just having some fun. That’s all. We’re okay, Eddie.
The dead voice, the cold words are still echoing. Lingering. How is anything okay? Is anything fixable right now? Eddie seriously doubts it. There’s nothing but glass shards and blood and daggers and broken flowers scattered around everything he touches. 
He starts for the couch and only then realizes she has a wine bottle in her hands. 
She holds it up and shows it off. “Peace offering?” 
One bottle isn’t enough, but sure. Numbness can’t hurt. If he can make it there. Should be easier than usual since he’s starving and didn’t want to eat once he left Buck alone and trapped in that awful, haunted apartment that belongs to his invisible ex. Eddie never got to have his dinner.
Buck cooked them dinner. He cooked. He took the time to make everything from scratch and he picked out wine, too. And there was soft, swanky jazz they could have slow danced to. Eddie had mentioned offhandedly how much he loved dancing, and Buck always remembers little details like that. He remembers and surprises people he cares about with sweet gifts and thoughtful gestures. And Eddie could have kissed him and tasted wine and lasagna and sunshine. 
Eddie had wanted to kiss him everywhere. Until Buck forgot about ever being unloved. 
Until maybe Eddie could feel love again, too.
He goes to the kitchen and gets out wine glasses and searches through the gadget and large utensils for the corkscrew opener. 
They’re married. Seeing her again was all he thought about for more than a year. He replayed this over and over — how he’d apologize for leaving her, how he’d swear he would forgive her and give her whatever she needed if it meant she would come back and not leave him again, how they could rebuild what they lost. 
He’d wanted to fix them. He’d wanted his marriage back. No matter how empty and lonely it was. 
It was empty and lonely and they always fought, and he always felt like a fraud of a husband. What did he know about love? Marriage? Partnership? How could he offer anyone anything of himself when he knows he’s not enough? Why would anyone want him? She didn’t want him. She left him. 
He digs around in the drawer, still trying to find the opener, and she’s there when he turns around. She points with her hand full of wine bottle. “What happened to your flowers?”
Ice prickles down the back of Eddie’s neck. 
It’s nothing. Obviously anyone can see they’re mangled. He just wishes he could have repaired them, tended to them, healed them. 
He shrugs it off, doesn’t look behind him, moves around utensils in the drawer. “I dropped them. A few broke.”
“You could have thrown those out and bought new ones. They look really sad.”
The iciness grows and stabs shards through delicate heart tissue. He doesn’t even know where Buck found them. And she’s not wrong. They look wrecked and sparse, clearly falling apart. But he had to save what was left. He had to try. It’s all he has now. And they won’t last very long. Probably not even a week. They should be treasured and enjoyed while they still can be. 
He finally digs out the opener and shakes his head as he goes around her into living room with the glasses. “No, I couldn’t have.”
She follows, sits beside him on the couch, takes the corkscrew from him, opens the bottle, and pours two generous glasses of red wine. She holds one out to him but doesn’t let go when he reaches to take it. “The flowers are from your boyfriend, aren’t they?” 
He clenches his jaw and gives her a look. “I don’t have a boyfriend. I’m married to you. Are we going into this already armed or are we going to work on it like you wanted?” 
She hands over his glass. “Didn’t mean anything by it. Just curious. You’re still so touchy.”
He tries to roll his eyes where she can’t see it, but she probably knows even if she doesn’t see it happen. He downs half the glass in one go and sickly, fuzzy warmth floods his empty stomach. The wine is acidic. Very dry, very sour, very bitter. But taste doesn’t really matter right now. Tiny flecks of sediment cling to the edges of the glass and he swirls it around to make it fall to the bottom. He takes another drink afterward, a smaller one this time and the bad taste of it lasts too long in his mouth. 
“Is it me?” Shannon sips from her own glass, her own still very full glass. “Is it this? Are you angry with me?”
Is— what? What does she even mean? “Is what you?”
“The reason you’re all touchy and not talking. Are you mad at me?”
He’s not trying to not talk. Not deliberately. He doesn’t have anything to say. Shouldn’t he have something to say to her? He could say a lot of things. None of those seem conducive to making up and repairing however. He’s not angry at this anymore. Not really. Why would she want to stay with him? All they did was snip and argue and take shots at each other. It was exhausting. 
He doesn’t have the energy or the heart for anger. “I’m not mad at you. I don’t blame you.” That’s probably a good line of thinking. She’ll appreciate that. “It’s my fault, and I’m sorry.” 
Her forehead wrinkles and she looks at him strangely. He doesn’t know what else she wants if not an apology and to be right and absolved. He can take the blame. He ran first. He fucked up and made her hate him. He wrecked everything between them. She just left to escape it. Why go down with the ship when you can take a lifeboat and survive? 
He did Buck a favor by ending whatever it was that they had before it could go any further. 
Eddie easily finishes his glass and grabs the bottle to pour another, almost all the way to the top. His stomach lurches and churns, makes growling noises. He fills it with another few swallows of bitter liquid acid that used to be grapes before they were fermented with evil. 
Shannon takes his glass and sets it on the table. He scowls at her and reaches for it, but she sets her own glass down and grips his hand instead. “Eddie.”
He resists the urge to pull his hand free. It belongs to her. Technically, legally. They’re married. He belongs to her. 
“Look at me,” she says urgently, but with softness to it. When he does, she asks, “Are you in love with him?”
For that, he does pull his hand free. “It was just sex. I ended it. Can we drop it forever? I don’t want to talk about it. I’m not going to.”
Her eyes flare and flash like blades against firelight. “Okay. Fine.” She pushes herself up from the couch and climbs on top of him instead. Her hands find a handful of his hair and her forearms box him in and brace on the back of the couch, and she crushes her mouth against his. 
He freezes for a second, his whole body tense and stiff, before he forces himself to go pliant. He had to know this was coming. Maybe she’s jealous? Maybe she wants to stake her claim? Maybe she wants to force him to admit something? 
There’s nothing for him to say. Nothing to admit that he hasn’t already. 
He tries to kiss her back. He’s supposed to. He should want to. He wanted nothing else for over a year. He wanted her to come back, he wanted to do it over and do it better and fix it. 
But she doesn’t smell like vanilla and coconut. Her hands aren’t warm, they never are. She’s demanding, insistent when she kisses him, but it doesn’t feel the same. 
He has Buck’s hands bruised into his skin and Buck’s lips seared into his flesh and he had Buck’s warmth surrounding him, protecting him, bringing relief and comfort. He had Buck inside him, lighting up every nerve and setting him to burn, but he never turned to ashes. He was more alive. He could feel. He could want in a way he never had. 
He still has Buck buried deep inside him. It’s still there. Somewhere. Maybe in his blood. Maybe in his lungs. Maybe in everything. 
He doesn’t want to erase it. Not yet. He doesn’t want to scour and purge everything. Not yet not yet not yet.
He holds onto her arms and leans away as he keeps her at a distance. “Shannon.”
He’s not ready. He and Buck were supposed to have tonight. 
They were supposed to have longer? 
What would have happened if he hadn’t called her? If he hadn’t had to? 
What would have happened if they had never had to get married? Maybe they still had Chris and raised him together but maybe they ended it with each other before they wrecked everything. 
Would he have been able to keep Buck then? Would he have been able to love Buck? 
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throttlegainwell · 6 months
WIP Wednesday
Blood, Wine, & Roses
Nancy pulled him into the bathroom in her little apartment with a bubbly kind of excitement that fizzed all the way through him; pushed him down onto the edge of the bathtub with steady, careful hands. When she pulled a tube of lipstick out of her pocket, Jonathan watched her, always privately sort of fascinated watching her go through the motions of making herself up. But she reached for him instead, hovering, just for that last fraction of an inch, above his lips—eyebrows raised, head tilted, like you can say no. He didn’t say no. The lipstick was warm when it touched him, warmed from her pocket, close to the heat of her body. How long had it been there before he’d arrived? Had she carried it around all day, waiting for him while he sat on the train? “It’s your color,” she said as she finished, thumb swiping at the corner of his mouth to catch an errant streak. “Wine red, huh?” “I’ve been waiting literal years to apply this properly. Let me admire my work.” He almost bit his lip against the laugh leaping up from his throat, stopped at the last second so he wouldn’t mess up her handiwork. He’d never had to consider it before. Seemed like a lot to pay attention to, remembering not to mess with your lips, not to touch your face, not to sit with your legs uncrossed when you wore a skirt. Too much to think about, honestly. But this was nice, when she turned him toward the mirror. She’d applied it so carefully, painted him up with tender hands so neatly, totally unlike the endearing but messy smear of red she’d left across his mouth before. More deliberate. “I look hot,” he said. “You are hot.” “Are we still going out?” Her eyes went serious. “That’s up to you.” Whether he wanted to go out in clean jeans, a Clash t-shirt with only a couple holes, and with paint on his face.
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ninzied · 1 year
tagged by: @152glasslippers approximately 37 years ago to find hold, look, smile, free in my wips. thanks pal ♡
hold (a kastle after fic)
It’s actually the shortest time he’s spent in a hospital. There’s no red tape or guard at the door, and when Karen arrives, there are no handcuffs holding him back as he reaches for her. They end up releasing him with a splint on his wrist, and a perfunctory “Have a nice day, Mr. and Mrs. Castiglione” as they’re walking out together.
Karen’s quiet as she drives, but she squeezes him back when he takes hold of her hand, gently touching his jaw when he brings her palm up to his mouth.
It’s not until they’re home, and he sees their dinner untouched on the table, the broken stem of a wine glass on the counter where Karen must have been standing when she took the EMT’s call, that Frank realizes. How truly terrified she must have been that something had actually happened to him.
look (finding frank - a fic by foggy nelson)
The day after Frank Castle escapes from the hospital – again – Karen calls out sick from work.
And Foggy would bet his life savings that that is not a coincidence.
There’s no mention of Karen’s involvement in the papers or on the morning news. But Foggy’s not stupid, and the look on Matt’s face tells him he’s definitely not wrong about this.
smile (coffeeshop au)
“Karen,” comes that gravelly voice, as she’s perusing the glass case of pastries. “Small latte for Karen.”
He’s leaning his hands against the counter, grinning crookedly at her as she approaches. “Good morning.”
“Not until I get my coffee, it isn’t.” Karen returns his smile, feeling her mood lighten considerably.
He winces, looking sympathetic. “That kind of day already, huh?”
“Pretty much,” Karen affirms. “The kind that started at four in the morning when my roommate came home and almost set the place on fire.” She decides not to mention the blood—which there’d been more of than usual—or the broken window that she still needs to call the super about, or the fact that this was already the third time that week.
She and Matt are going to have a talk about this.
free (notting hill au)
He doesn’t see her in time, and she lets out a gasp as their bodies are colliding together. Frank’s coffee is spilling all over a familiar black coat, and the white blouse she has on underneath.
“Fuck,” says Frank. The light is hitting just right, and he can see through those sunglasses into her eyes as he looks up at her face. But he doesn’t have time to admire her features from this up close, because he’s just gotten coffee all over the rest of her.
“Fuck,” he utters again. “I’m – fuck.”
“You said that already,” she notes wryly, removing her sunglasses to get a better look at the damage. She reaches into her handbag, pulling out a handful of napkins. She gives him a few, and he realizes then that the coffee's all over him too, already soaking into his flannel.
“Thanks,” he says. “And – sorry about this.”
“I would’ve taken you more for a black coffee kind of guy,” she remarks, almost offhanded, as she pats herself down. He can’t get a read on her face anymore, but there’s a hint of a smile in her tone as she adds, “Goes with the whole hipster vibe.”
“That’s funny,” says Frank, very gravely. “Ma’am, if I’ve offended you that badly—”
“It’s Karen,” she says, and yes, she is definitely smiling now. “Please. Call me Karen.”
“Okay. Karen.” Frank feels a smile of his own start to form, and he rubs the back of his head, ducking his gaze for a moment. “If you, um. Need something to change into, my place is just a few blocks away. Or if you want to wait at the shop, I can bring something to you. Our bathroom’s on the smaller side, but Curt’s got one – the, uh, the coffee guy you go to every morning. We served together, so he and I go way back. Shit, he’ll probably throw in a latte for free, white rose art and all. For your trouble, you know, for having to deal with me all day.”
Frank’s rambling, and he knows it.
Karen tilts her head at him. “White roses, huh.”
“He – yeah.” Frank swallows. Shit. He might as well give her Curt’s number while he’s at it. How did he get so off track? Is he really this out of practice?
As if she’s read his mind, Karen raises an eyebrow and says, a little teasingly, “You must spill coffee on all of the girls.”
tagging: @carry-the-sky @heidiamalia @redbelles @heartonfirewrites @edourado @garglyswoof @darlingshane @onebatch2batch @the-restless-brook @myletternevercame @zushigirl to find break, dark, fall, regret
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dilf-din · 7 months
Jess, love of my LIFE, I would pretty please like to see a little snippy snip of that thorns all over roses WIP
This is chapter two of what was supposed to be a silly Halloween one shot, but it turns out I really like vampires. So if anyone is interested, here’s the link to part one.
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Jyn looked at the sleeping man beside her and took in every detail like it was oxygen. The way the moon highlighted the lean muscles of his back, dotting it with glowing kisses. The way his body rose and fell with each breath, pumping ever precious blood through his veins. She noticed the blurry edges of stubble forming on his jaw signifying that he was due for a shave, the softness of his face when he let his defenses down, when he wasn’t trying to be anything but himself. All signs of life like spikes and dips on a monitor showing his vital signs while hers next to it was nothing but a flatline with nowhere to go, fading off the edge of the screen and into nothingness.
Every time she closed her eyes, she saw him getting buried alive by the sands of time, trapped in the hourglass she had led him into. He pounded against the walls, silent screams never to be heard as each second amassed into an impassable canyon between them.
She swallowed down guilt like it was wine, staining her mouth a counterfeit red. The bitter taste was always familiar but never more pleasant. If she really loved him, if she really cared, she would walk away. Slip out his window and book a flight to the other side of the world. She would leave a note on his nightstand telling him to find someone else, that she was bad news and a bitter end and always would be. There was only one way this story ended, and Cassian deserved more than that.
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livums · 1 year
WIP Excerpt {1}: The Marking Blood
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Here is the excerpt that will hopefully demonstrate what i mean when i say Death Note but Girls. It’s actually so stupid (/pos). Anyways. Enjoy!
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A number of truths, in the space of a heartbeat, occurred to Zova. Firstly, that vampires had returned to Mont Estival. Sister Nieve and all of the antsy townspeople had been right to fear the worst. Secondly, that this vampire represented the only means through which she could possibly learn anything more about Father’s death.
Thirdly, that how she responded in the following second would determine whether or not she died where she sat.
For the vampire was a creature of stealth and deceit above all. Its survival and the proliferation of its kind depended almost entirely on its ability to disguise its true nature. If it were smart, it learned to develop a keen awareness of whether or not its deception had been compromised. If it were not smart, it died.
The same was true of hunters. Even a vampire with its wits about it could be easily baited by a hunter pretending to be simple pickings, if she could successfully feign ignorance of the truth. But one of the surest ways to meet a hunter’s end—give the vampire the barest hint of a reason to believe that its secret was known.
In the years since she had left for University, Zova’s reflexes and physical prowess had undeniably fallen out of practice. But at this point, alone with a vampire in the middle of the night, they would not have done her much good.
The skill that would save her life was her ability to lie. To make others believe a carefully-crafted facade of herself. This, she had honed at University like nothing else.
“Can you believe that!” she huffed, making a dramatic show of adjusting her veil with one hand. As she did so, she pricked the thumb of her other hand on a thorn that had remained untrimmed from the stem of the rose she held. Hard enough to draw blood. “Some dunce didn’t trim away the thorns properly.” She dropped the rose and held her thumb closer to her face for inspection.
The blood was clever, she thought. No hunter without arms or backup would dream of drawing blood in front of a suspected vampire on purpose. Although, if it happened to be a stupid idea after all, she was no longer drunk enough to blame the wine.
She heard the grass shift beneath leather shoes as Cas moved slowly, as a human might, to crouch down before her. Zova prayed that the vampire would attribute the pounding of her nervous pulse to their sudden closeness.
When Cas took a gentle hold of her hand, Zova’s breath stopped. The vampire’s hands were cold. Dark eyes took their time inspecting the bead of blood that had welled up from her thumb. The eyes were not hungry nor frenzied, Zova saw. There was a tenderness in them. It stunned her.
“Sweet thing,” she said. “You’ve pricked yourself. How silly of you.”
Now that Zova knew the truth, Cas’s glamour had no effect on her perception. She was free, then, to spy those vicious fangs that peeked through the vampire’s lips as they moved.
Cas handled Zova’s hand as one would a delicate statuette. Zova felt her cheeks grow warm as the vampire raised her thumb to those crimson lips. Cas’s lips pressed a soft kiss on the wound, and Zova felt a tongue, just as soft as any human’s, lap away the blood. Zova was gripped by fear and something worse.
When Cas stood up again, Zova found herself no longer spellbound. She forced herself to return to her flowery task, as casual as can be. Her ears and peripheral vision were her furtive means of tracking the vampire. The soft sounds of crushing grass again followed the sweeping pale blur of Cas strolling around Father’s headstone. She made her breath slow and deep.
“Was he a good man? Your father.”
The slowing of Zova’s breath did not stop the racing of her mind. A good man. The vampire knew the truth of his demise, yet she asked her this? Though Cas was well over a meter away, Zova felt the pinprick pressure of invisible, taunting fingertips on her shoulders. She was no idiot—she had the distinct impression that she was being toyed with, somehow.
“I would answer, if only I knew him as just a man,” she said, at last. “Rather than as a father.”
“Was he a good father, then?” Zova heard the gentle swipe of a hand against smooth stone as Cas continued to admire Father’s grave marker. She kept her eyes cast downward.
“You could ask my sisters and I all and get maybe a hundred different answers.”
“You evade my question.”
“It’s not so simple as that.” Zova’s blush reignited. Or perhaps it had never faded in the first place. “He was not—warm to us. He did not tell us such things as ‘I love you,’ or ‘I’m proud of you.’ He did not tolerate our sadness, our dalliance, or other such wonts of us young girls.” Her hands faltered microscopically in their rote motion. For a long moment, she stopped seeing the flowers before her.
“Yet he took us in when our mother died. He kept us safe, and taught us to keep ourselves safe. He fed us, he tended our wounds, he defended us from scrutiny.” With measured exaggeration, she paused to admire a crocus—its petals only slightly crushed from the heap. “So it’s as if you ask me—‘Is a tiger a good beast?’, or ‘Is the Dunara a good river?’”
“A poetic answer. And yet, diplomatic.”
It was Zova’s turn to shrug. “I cannot encapsulate him in a way that you could understand.” Despite the fear slowly prickling its way through her rib cage, she smiled. Her face had a way of lying for her. “Well—my mother loved him. That, I can say.”
THE MARKING BLOOD taglist @violets-in-her-arms-writes​
(reply/tag/dm +/- to be added or removed!)
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zeerohpunk · 7 months
WIP Game
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs
Color Me Blue//Anchor Me
Heart Shaped Highway
Through the Storms We Stand
These Quiet Ivories
Bite Only The Hand that Starves You
Milk & Honey/Bed of Roses
If My Blood is Wine, Is My Kiss Venom?
i wont be tagging ppl, this is a free-for-all, if u see this uve been tagged and now its ur turn (if u want to ofc)
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