#big red and croc
monstersandmaw · 2 years
Male ‘yautja inspired’ alien x gender neutral reader - Part Eight (sfw)
Disclaimer which I’m including in all my works after plagiarism and theft has taken place: I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere. They are copyrighted and belong to me.
Content: violence, threat, some minor injury to the reader, blood. Wordcount: 4311
Your comments on the last one - tags and reblogs especially - made me cackle with pure delight. Thank you. As an early birthday present from me to you, here’s the next part. I hope you enjoy it! It’s been a while since I’ve written ‘action’ like this, so I hope it works! Can’t wait for you to let me know, as always.
Catch up here:
Part One (sfw), Part Two (sfw), Part Three (sfw), Part Four (sfw), Part Five (sfw), Part Six (nsfw), Part Seven (nsfw)
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Don’t scream.
Don’t fucking scream.
Do not be that person. Do not. Fucking. Scream.
With cold sweat prickling down your spine and your heartbeat thudding in your throat, you inched your hand over for the tranquiliser pistol that you had set near your pillow only a few hours earlier, just in case. Thank god it was a specially-engineered military issue one, not the unwieldy kind of rifle that vets use on safari from the safety of the back of a jeep.
God, since when did sleeping bags make so much fucking noise?
Was it still out there? You couldn't hear it any more, but it was hard to hear anything behind the pounding of blood in your ears.
The machete lay in its sheath beside the gun, and you picked that up too. Glinting steel slid easily over leather, and then you froze again. The hilt felt clumsy and awkward in your hand. Your fingers refused to hold the grip of the tranquiliser gun properly out of sheer terror. Nothing was working right; you couldn’t see; you couldn’t think. Your finger refused to close on the trigger.
Fuck. The safety was still on anyway.
“Shitshitshit…” you hissed.
In a vain attempt to get your thoughts out of tail-spin, you sucked in a deep, sudden breath and held your lungs at their fullest capacity for a good three seconds before silently exhaling to a long count.
A single, muffled footfall outside sent pine cones skittering against the thin, insubstantial canvas of the tent, and the growling began again in a low, teasing taunt.
It was playing with you.
You genuinely thought you might piss yourself with terror as you just crouched there in the dark, shaking and clinging to your ineffectual weapons.
The footage that Red had showed you of its black, articulated tail going right up through the tough, thick hide of his companion flashed once again across your mind, and you kept on replaying the way the tail had actually lifted their eight-foot tall body right up off the jungle floor like an offering on a spike, with the curved, obsidian talon at the tip of the tail buried deep in their flesh like a harpoon.
Croc had been tough enough to survive having his entire left arm ripped off during the crash, but another warrior of his calibre had died to this enemy from the cold reaches of space in the blink of an eye. What chance did a soft, untrained human like you stand?
They cannot be destroyed by radiation. They cannot be poisoned or trapped. They can only be killed by the most skilled of warriors with the truest of aim and the deadliest weapons. The metals and alloys you currently use are insufficient to cause fatal damage to them. The voice of the High Elder rattled through the empty corridors of your brain and you barely stifled a yelp of terror as you stared at the gun and knife in your shaking hands. It wasn’t even a proper gun. There was no doubt about it; you were alone, and you were going to die.
Something pressed down on the canvas of the tent above you and you shrank away against the back wall with a strangled scream. Three black, glittering claws punctured the material and dragged long, slow slices across the fabric with a horrible rending sound. As the rips in the tent widened, out in the deeper darkness beyond, something glinted.
A drop of foaming, acidic drool melted through the polymer canvas and dripped onto the mat between your legs. It etched a small, frothing divot into the surface before the reaction burned itself out, and you tilted your face up to find a maw full of cylindrical teeth bearing down on you like a shark about to attack. Moonlight glanced off the shiny carapace of its elongated head, and a low, delighted growl filled the air as it regarded its trapped prey.
Without even thinking about it, you raised the tranquiliser gun and unloaded two darts directly into the creature’s open mouth. The darts sank deep into its soft palate and it staggered back with a screech that tore at your eardrums. It flailed wildly and crashed into the underbrush nearby, and you seized the opportunity to get out of your tent, lashing out blindly with the machete and tearing the rest of the fabric open before lurching off into the clearing. Out in the open, you felt like a mouse driven from a hole by a snake.
The creature writhed in a patch of brambles for just a moment before it found its feet and rounded on you.
Six feet tall, lanky, bipedal, and composed of a glossy black carapace, flashing teeth, and a tail measuring half as long again as its body, the thing darted at you through the darkness faster than your eyes could follow. It seemed to disappear completely into the shadows only to reappear on your left with another shriek of rage and an open, attacking maw.
You fired the gun but it missed wildly. You only had six shots and you’d used half of them already. Each dart apparently had enough in it to tranquilise one of Big Red’s kind in five seconds flat, but it didn’t seem to have had any effect on their enemy beyond a moment of fleeting annoyance and discomfort.
In another flash of moonlight on shiny, black chitin, it was onto you. It barrelled you backwards into the wreckage of your tent and you landed hard enough that all the air was knocked from your lungs in a stunning blow that left you wheezing. In a tangle of tent poles and canvas, its claws began tearing into your clothes as well before it spun away to extricate itself from the collapsed and splintered tent and start its attack anew.
As it left, it lashed at your face with its scythe-like tail. Searing pain shot across your cheek and you instinctively brought your palm to your face. It came away slick and hot and your skin burned in the aftermath.
With a cry you never would have thought yourself capable of making, you screamed a defiant challenge at the creature, like some kind of berserker before a last stand. You raised the gun and held the machete level in your other hand. If you were going to die, you were not going to go down without a fight.
The creature seemed slightly amused by your reaction.
As it bounded off the nearest tree trunks like a playful cat hunting a small bird, you squeezed the trigger again and caught it between the plates of its armoured throat with your fourth shot.
You just barely flung yourself to the ground in time as it lunged at you, half hoping to slash at its underbelly with the machete as you did, but the blade just glanced off it like a child playing make-believe knights with sticks and dustbin lids.
The edge did sink deep into its flailing tail as it sailed past though, and the creature hissed and screeched. The momentum of its leap ripped the weapon right out of your hand, but the machete stayed lodged in the tail and the creature roared and landed hard in a spray of dry pine needles on the other side of the clearing.
“Oh good, now I’ve just pissed you off,” you muttered as you staggered to your feet again. Now you had fifty percent less weaponry at your disposal, and, thanks to your efforts, the creature had acquired a new and deadly spike in its tail. Wonderful.
Two shots left.
It flipped itself upright again onto its hind legs just as a cloud scudded across the face of the moon, plunging the forest into darkness. The creature took full advantage of your sudden and complete blindness, and launched itself at you.
With another scream you raised your hands as it collided with you again, knocking you to the ground. You crossed your forearms in front of your face just in time to catch it under its lower jaw and deflect the attack. A heartbeat later and it might have closed its mouth around your throat. You shoved at its neck as hard as you could while snapping teeth filled your face and its claws raked into the dirt on either side of your head.
It was still toying with you; cat and mouse, dragging it out for its own entertainment. If it had wanted you dead, it would have simply ripped you to ribbons the moment you left the tent.
Somehow though, you got the gun up with one hand and fired twice more into its horrible mouth in quick succession before the futile ‘click click click’ of an empty magazine made your heart stop beating. That was it. You were out of options and the thing was showing no sign of slowing down.
Desperately you struggled to keep its bear-trap maw out of your face, but you knew you couldn't keep it up forever. Your fingers were slipping, losing purchase on the shiny, chitinous body and the useless gun dropped to the forest floor beside your head. Acid burned at your fingers and slick palms. Spittle sprayed from its array of teeth, hitting the ground around your face and fizzling as its acid drool hit the pine needles. Desperately you tilted your head to the side, closing your eyes instinctively as flecks of it landed in your hair and on your forehead. Adrenaline kept the pain away for the time being, but you supposed a few freckles of acid burn weren’t going to matter much when it was chewing you to pieces in a few minutes’ time anyway.
With one last, long, desperate scream of defiance, you shoved everything you had into one final push against its throat. In response, its injured tail lanced down out of the night and embedded itself in the forest floor beside your ear, just nicking the skin, though you barely felt it.
Oddly enough, the creature seemed enraged to have missed your head with its tail — perhaps the machete had damaged some nerves after all — and it reared upwards in confusion, giving your exhausted arms a moment’s respite. Then you blinked in surprise as it staggered and lurched to one side and brought its clawed fingers to its mouth like it was trying to pull the darts out. So those four tranquiliser shots had done something after all.
It shook its head, perhaps trying to clear its vision, and dropped down to all fours to advance on you again like a hyena, gnashing its jaws and spitting everywhere. While the tranquiliser had clearly done something, it would not be enough to take it down, and you were out of options.
Just as a part of you prepared yourself to die, something whistled through the air and the creature was blown back off its feet to land with a thud two metres away across the clearing, near your ruined tent. You could just make out a long, javelin shaft protruding from its stomach.
A wild, furious, screaming roar sounded from the trees behind you an instant later.
While you just lay there on your back, stunned and shaking, a shadow leapt right over you, briefly silhouetted against the face of the moon. As you watched, as if in slow-motion, you realised they were missing an arm.
A heartbeat later, as the enemy staggered back to its feet with a now-familiar looking spear still sticking out of its torso, a second missile soared overhead and embedded itself into the chest of the already impaled creature, accompanied by a deeper, more primal roar. Red.
They’d come for you.
Somehow, they’d known.
You started to cry.
Seemingly heedless of the two harpoons that had stabbed massive holes in its chest, the creature tore itself free of them, dragging the spear points out through its own chest and stomach, before hurling itself at the second figure who had come charging out of the underbrush like death incarnate.
Big Red stood over you and bellowed a challenge at the creature. His mandibles flared as wide as they could go, and his arms and chest and shoulders heaved with barely-contained, protective rage. Each step he took towards it and away from you, you felt the ground tremble. He hunched forwards, ready, focused, and Croc circled the enemy on the other side. It was like their sparring match but now they were working together, and the creature had two, fresh warriors to face down while phosphorescent, blue blood spurted and seeped down its shiny carapace.
Even with the tranquiliser in its system, the enemy wasn’t about to give up easily, and even injured, it was still fast and agile, using the trees and the intermittent darkness for cover. It soon sensed that they were protecting you, and it kept trying to circle back to you. It slipped from a branch though when Croc shot it down with a blaster, and it landed with a thud in the leaf litter almost right beside you.
You scrambled back and Red charged forwards with another ear-splitting roar. He caught it around its middle with one arm and slammed his whole bodyweight into it, driving it back with his big shoulder and ramming it into a tree as it reached its wicked claws out for you. To your horror though, you watched as it changed its mind, scrabbled to get a good hold with its claws on Red’s arms, and then sank its festering, foaming jaws deep into his neck.
Big Red screamed in rage and pain and raised both hands, trying to rip the creature’s head right off its neck where it was latched like a leech to his jugular.
While he struggled and staggered backwards, the creature thrashed its tail, but Croc raced forwards, dodged inside the reach of the whip like appendage, and stabbed upwards repeatedly under its elongated skull with a twin-bladed knife until it sagged and loosened its hold, and Red finally tore its head clean off its shoulders. The carcass sprayed some more of its violently-blue, glowing blood around the clearing and then tumbled away to lie twitching in the dirt.
Croc wasted no time and surged forwards for Big Red who had sagged against the tree trunk, grabbing something from his belt and immediately raising his arm to jab Red directly in the throat with what looked like a glowing green syringe. Big Red staggered, slipped sideways, and fell to one knee beside you, heaving and gasping.
Trembling all over, you eased yourself to sit upright, wide eyed with horror. “Red?”
His own luminescent blood was spattering down onto the pine needles too, mingling with the blue of the enemy’s.
Neither one of them responded and you stared, transfixed, as Red keeled over and started to convulse even before he fell to the ground. Croc let out a single scream of horror and distress, his mandibles wide, and he cradled Red’s head in his remaining right hand as Red juddered and shook and bled all over himself. Horrible sucking sounds escaped his foaming, closing throat, his eyes rolled back behind pale membranes, and his limbs went rigid as the creature’s poison hit his system.
“Red!” you screamed and tried to crawl closer but Croc warned you off with a terrifying roar. He didn’t have a free hand to keep you back, but his expression did the job well enough and you froze. “Red…?”
Overhead, a searing white light blasted down out of the dark sky, illuminating everything with a painfully bright glow. The treetops then began to whip and lash about in the downdraft of the approaching vessel, and your ears popped under the sudden boom of engines as it came to a hovering halt above the canopy.
A single figure then descended on a black rope, and for a moment through the adrenaline and delayed shock, you couldn’t figure out whether the new arrivals were Croc and Red’s people or your own until a massive figure crouched down beside you and chittered something at you.
A second later, they were shoved bodily aside with a protective snarl, and Croc’s familiar face filled your vision as he crouched.
“He’ll be fine,” Croc said, though he still sounded panicked. “He’s fine. They’ll take care of him. Are you badly hurt?”
Mutely, you shook your head and tried to see past Croc’s body to where Red was lying eerily still. “Not really. Just… maybe some acid… and a cut…”
“Come here,” Croc said, and he drew you into his one-armed hug while the unfamiliar alien turned from staring at Croc in amazement to dealing with Red with the calm air of a paramedic.
“Croc,” you sobbed, and the events of the last few minutes swept over you.
You were shaking uncontrollably, but he held you close. “We’re here,” he crooned. “You’re safe. You’re safe. It’s dead. You fought with honour. You’re safe. I’ll protect you.”
“Croc, Red…?”
“Shh,” he said, and drew back. “Come on. We need to get you out of here. Take what you need from your tent… and we’ll take care of you.”
You rose on shaky legs and grabbed your rucksack from the wreck of your little tent, stuffing your water bottle and phone into one of the side pockets. There was only the sleeping bag and mattress left, but you didn’t grab either of them before you staggered out into the clearing again. The gun lay empty somewhere among the pine needles, and you had no idea where the machete had gone in the chaos.
In the harsh lights of the ship, you saw Big Red lying completely immobile on the floor, with the newcomer bending over him. “Red?” you whimpered, taking a step towards him. A hand grabbed your wrist and you instinctively twisted out of it. “No! Red!”
Croc growled your name and grabbed for you again, holding firm this time and turning you physically away to face him. “Let them do their job,” he said. “They will heal him. The antivenom won’t take long to work. They got here in time. Let them work.”
“Come,” Croc said, and he led you away to the dangling rope that hung between the trees from the silver ship above. As you cricked your neck up to stare at it, you saw that it was exactly the same as Croc and Big Red’s ship had been, except that it was whole and undamaged, and flying.
Croc clipped you mutely into a harness while you just stood there, and you soon found yourself being drawn up into the open belly of the ship. About halfway up, you realised how much your hands and face were hurting.
Inside, another of their kind stared openly at you before shaking themselves and helping you out of the harness. This one was much shorter than Croc and Red, and was completely white with red eyes and pink ‘dreads’. The third member of this crew, you presumed, was flying the ship.
“Hi,” you said stupidly, and the leucistic alien stepped back a pace before flaring their mandibles at you in something resembling a wary threat display from a cobra. From behind you, another hissing started, and you whipped around to see Croc being winched through the hatch to land in a perfectly-balanced fighting stance. He un-clipped himself and then stepped between you and the other alien, looming over them to growl something at them in their own language. Whatever he said clearly had significance, because they looked at you anew, then bowed their head.
“Come on,” Croc said, guiding you to one side as the alien who had been tending to Big Red lifted him through the hatch on a special stretcher. Their ghostly companion helped to get him to one side and you stared at Big Red’s still, limp, bleeding body lying on the cargo bay floor.
“Croc,” you whispered. He looked so vulnerable.
“He’ll be alright,” Croc said again, though he sounded tense.
You staggered, your knees suddenly going out from underneath you, and before you had even realised you were going to pass out, everything warped and blurred, and you fell backwards in a dead faint.
Waking was a slow process. You clawed your way back to consciousness through a thick, groggy, cotton-wool fog that filled your mind and made everything slow and hard to process.
You finally opened your eyes to find yourself lying on a firm but comfortable surface, with low, warm lighting illuminating smooth, carbon-fibre walls and what looked like a carved amber panel on the opposite wall.
You were surprisingly comfortable, cosy even beneath the blankets, and there was something breathing steadily next to you.
You blinked. A familiar pattern of cream and ochre and iron oxide skin came into focus and you gasped and sat bolt upright, staring. You were lying at Big Red’s right side, and his chest was rising and falling with a regular, healthy rhythm. He had a squashy-looking poultice of some kind over the left side of his throat and bandages around his collarbones, and you gasped softly when you saw that a couple of his ‘dreads’ had been bitten off halfway down their length, but he was alive.
Bowing your head to touch your forehead to his chest as relief washed through you, you stifled a sob and slid your arm around his torso, squeezing. He inhaled more deeply and turned his head with a low, repeated clicking sound in his throat.
“Red…” you whispered and looked up to find him blinking slowly at you. “You ok?”
Carefully, he nodded and turned his head back to stare up at the ceiling. His right arm tightened around you though, and he pulled you down to lie almost on top of his chest. He closed his eyes again, apparently exhausted, and began to purr.
You weren’t sure how long you lay there, clinging to him, but some time later, a door opened nearby with a soft hiss, and you startled and snapped your head up. Croc strode in and ‘smiled’ his mandibles at you when he saw you, and you relaxed.
“Hey,” you rasped. You hadn’t noticed how thirsty you were until then.
He bowed his head. “Are you alright?” he asked and you nodded. He spoke to Red in their language and Red clicked something back at him. “Good,” was all he said.
“Croc, what’s going to happen now? Where are we?”
He nodded and adopted an easy kind of ‘parade rest’ stance while he talked to you. “We are back at the clearing where we crashed. Our commander has given us orders to take you to your facility directly.”
“Croc, you can’t! They’ll shoot you down!” you blurted, sitting bolt upright. “They won’t be expecting it.” You paused and said, “I can try to contact them once I get back in range. I think something on your ship disrupted my GPS equipment on the way out here. My maps stopped working, and I didn’t test it but I’m fairly sure my satellite phone wouldn’t work either. If I can get in touch with them, I can tell them not to attack…”
He nodded. “Are you well enough to come to the bridge and speak via link with our commander?”
You blinked. “Croc, I’m not… I’m not a diplomat or anything… I’m just a researcher…”
He clicked reassuringly at you and Red moved his hand to the small of your back.
“We aren’t here to start a war,” Croc said. “We just want to return you so that you can tell your people the High Elder’s message. With communications open, we can find a solution. You have seen first hand now what you’re up against.” He paused and tilted his head a little. “You need our help.”
“Yeah,” you croaked. “Yeah, we do.”
“You fought like one of us though,” Croc grinned. “We saw you as we approached.”
Red clicked proudly at you and stroked another circle across your back before his hand fell softly away. He was too tired to keep it there.
With a sigh, you slid carefully off the bed and looked down at your ripped and torn clothes. Only then did you remember the way the creature’s tail had cut your cheek too, but when you brought your hand to your face, you found only the slightest bump across your skin.
“What…?” you asked, looking at Croc. “And the acid too…?” You stared at your palms that were both smooth and only a little marked in places.
He grinned and gestured towards Red’s poultice. “It is not just our weapons and technology that is superior to yours. Turns out our medicine works on humans as well.”
“Tell me you didn’t just find that out?” you said. “I’m not a guinea pig…”
Croc didn’t seem to know what a guinea pig was or the significance, but he shook his head. “We knew already,” he said.
“Right. Ok, well, I guess I’ll come and talk to this commander of yours and see if we can figure out how to contact my boss.” You turned to Big Red and placed your palm in the centre of his ridged, muscular chest. “Get some rest,” you said. “And… thank you for coming for me. I don’t know how you knew, but… thank you.”
Red didn’t seem to have the energy to form human speech, but he clicked something at Croc who nodded and turned to you.
“Come,” he said and you followed him out of the room, casting one last look back at Red, who already seemed to be asleep on the low, comfortable bed.
Am I forgiven yet? Did we like seeing the lads in action? Do we like the glimpses of the new friends? Is Red gonna be ok?
Next Chapter -->
Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and kind words and asks and tags and reblogs on this project so far! It means so much to me!
If you do happen to have a couple of bucks spare, you could always drop a tip on my Ko-fi, but reblogs are just as welcome and just as helpful! As always, I look forward to your reactions to this one, and I hope I’m forgiven for the cliffie last time.
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indecisivelyrics · 2 years
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@monstersandmaw 🥲
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Meat Marionette 7?? 8????
Thinkin of the lil robins and other kids and just, them trying to build Jarro a meat body maybe. Idk, still rotating Jarro and if he'd have one seeing as they had to build his human form via some different body parts and such...
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Anyway did some sleep deprived sketches of each- though I just realized I didn't label Cullen, oh well lol. I like to think the first couple robins are all more flesh and exposed muscle looking as the Tunnels adjust to building bodies that can still, well, grow and develop. They've only just succeeded in building a body that can move and semi function with Bruce after all, and even then it takes a couple years for that body to shift into something more alive with like, a stomach and such that needs more than time in the Hive and some Lazarus water for food and hydration. And even then it's another year or so of the bodies needing to be fed via IV before everything actually becomes semi functional as well, a body.
But anyway, his eleven children!
Dick's body starts out the most simple, but is also the first that they discover that the meat marionettes can in fact evolve seeing as he starts to grow electricity-producing organs almost akin to something like an eel. Which is probably very distressing to Bruce because like, this is his baby?? Who can suddenly tase people which is fine, but what if it gets stronger?
Jason's robin body doesn't get a lot of evolution before the Joker Incident, and then it formed a cocoon to become the next form over a year or so. I do feel like his wings were fluffier and had some down still, not enough to prevent flight, but enough to slow down say, take offs.
By the time Tim & Steph comes around, their bodies have started to develop more armor similar to Bruce's. Like the bodies are slowly developing even when the Hive first creates them from the flesh walls as the Tunnels get better at building living moving bodies. Like it's still are mostly soft larva-esque chitin still, but It's still visibly learning.
And then with Cass her body is far darker, more similar to one of the Bats than the rest of the babies. There's still bits of color- bright yellows to warn for venom and poison- but it's such a sudden left turn that they're concerned about what the Tunnels might do next.
It's a relief when it goes back to more colorful designs with the next ones, even if Duke probably has ended up the most armored straight out of the flesh.
Honestly in general I feel like they're actually very soft if someone gets close enough to touch them. Like they look terrifying, especially in night when it's dark out, but compared to their parent & aunt they're like fluffy baby birds. Something the kids in Gotham are probably familiar with, because the birds will help comfort scared people and victims while Bruce takes care of whatever caused their distress. Sometimes just crouches down and pulls out a small puzzle or something from one of his bags while waiting for the police to arrive while distracting the kids, his own and not.
Jarro if he does have a body like theirs, meat marionette or made by them, I feel like it looks more like some sort of hybrid of whatever the batclan are and some sort of aquatic creature. Like an aquatic (swimming?) xenomorph compared to a runner or a drone. Visibly the same species, but looks almost like a similar caste or subspecies if that makes sense? But honestly if yall have any ideas I am open to them. ______________________________________________________________
Reminder that this Au is a combo of both mine and @phoenixcatch7 so check out their Possessed Doll au, and actually go check them out in general, they have a lot of fun ideas and drabbles <3
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tiifu-ndovu · 4 months
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quokkabite · 3 months
i have to Work™ right now, but i am just giving you all fair warning that my blog is about to be flooded with grinch seungmin (/affectionate, it’s a slay)
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shoverse · 9 months
feeling quirky
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I can't afford the Big Yellow Boots. But I can get that bouncy, yellow mood anyway.
My take is live on Culty at https://cultymagazine.com/fashion/mschf-crocs-big-yellow-boots
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xspeter · 16 days
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꥟ part of the ‘dancing with our hands tied’ collection. main masterlist.
IN WHICH… Luke Castellan has returned from his quest, but he refuses to see anyone. Too bad you’ve been assigned to watch over him.
W.C: 4.3k
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You didn’t like being awoken in the middle of the night. Not by your siblings, not by a nightmare, and definitely not by Chiron.
He’d practically forced you awake, and then started telling you that there was an emergency and you were desperately needed.
Your sleep stricken mind you’d barely been able to process it, blinking a few times as you sat up slowly. Chiron stared at you expectantly, like he expected you to jump out of bed and follow him. If he wanted someone to do that, he should’ve woken up a morning person.
Chiron didn’t repeat himself, instead just leaving the building with a hushed whisper of, “Follow me.”
You swallowed, blinked again, and then did as you were told, slipping on a pair of crocs and wrapping your arms around your chest. The night time summer air was cold, and goosebumps rose on your skin as you followed the centaur.
Chiron didn’t say anything as you walked, well, more like jogged, and it frustrated you. Where was he taking you? What was so important that he had to wake you, and only you, up in the middle of the night?
“Chiron,” You whispered, “What’s going on?”
“Luke’s returned from his quest,” He said as you approached the Big House.
You grinned. You didn’t know Luke all that well, but you knew everyone was excitedly awaiting his return. But, your smile dropped once you noticed the worried knit in Chirons brow. “That’s supposed to be good, isn’t it?”
Chiron sighed as he placed his hand on the front door, an unusual look of worry and maybe even fear in his eyes. “I want you to be prepared when we go in here. Remember, I chose you because I believe you are the most capable in calming him.”
Your mouth went dry as you realized something was very, very wrong. “Calming… who? Luke? Did something happen?”
Chiron doesn’t say anything, instead turning the doorknob and practically forcing you inside. You wish he hadn’t.
The first thing you notice is the sobbing. Pure, unfiltered, scream-crying that makes your heart ache for someone you don’t even know. Then it’s the people, nymphs running around in a panic, random medical supplies and blankets dropping from their arms as they dart around the room.
Then it’s Mr. D. You’ve never seen Dionsysis as anything other than annoyed and irritated. But right now, he looks nervous. Scared. It’s terrifying.
You can’t tell where the sobbing is coming from, it’s so loud it feels like it’s all-consuming. Like it’s coming from every inch of the room.
You turn to Chiron, slight determination in your features, “Where is he?”
Chiron looks almost relieved, like he was expecting you to turn tail and run. Honestly? You wanted to. You weren’t equipped to handle something like this, and you had no idea what was wrong with him anyway!
He gestures towards the stairs, “First room on the left. Grover and some other satyrs are in there with him. I’ll have a nymph bring you the things you’ll need, just try to calm him down for now, alright?” You nod, sucking in a breath as he walks away from you.
There’s not many things to say as you approach the room. You can hear the Satyrs and their hushed whispers of panic and worry, and you can hear the pain in Luke’s screams. The way he cries like he’s been torn limb from limb, and maybe he had been.
You take a deep breath before you peak into the room, but you can’t see Luke. You can see Grover, tears in his eyes as tries wiping something in front of him. You notice the blood that coats his shirt and hands, the deep red cloths that surround him.
A satyr you recognize, Alder, notices you first. And you see the relief that floods his body when he does.
You swallow, and enter the room. Hands clammy as you approach Alder. Your voice wobbles a bit as you speak, “Give me a rundown of what happened.”
Alder is shaking, his breath coming in unevenly. “He- he got back barely even ten minutes ago, and he was sobbing. I couldn’t see his face at first so I didn’t understand but- but-” He sucks in another breath, squeezing his eyes shut. “It’s deep, Y/N.”
You nod. You still don’t understand completely- but you know it must be a cut of sorts which helps relieve you a bit. At least now you have an idea of what you’re dealing with.
From what you knew of Luke’s quest, he had to receive an apple from The Garden of Hesperides. And even though you didn’t know much about this garden, you had an idea of what might have given him the laceration.
You placed a hand on Grovers shoulder, and watched as he turned around to face you. You could see the blood on his shirt much better now, as well as the blood that dripped from his fingertips.
Grover didn’t question you for a moment, but you both winced as Luke let out another wail. Grover must’ve understood why you were there, so he shakily nodded his head and stepped away, letting you finally see Luke fully for the first time.
The sight makes you gasp. Luke’s face is practically covered in blood, all leaking from a jagged cut that runs down his left cheek. His eyes are squeezed shut, body practically flailing as he gasps and groans in pain.
“Okay, okay, okay..” You chant to yourself, hands unsure of where to go or what to do. You didn’t have any of the supplies you needed, not yet anyway, and Luke clearly didn’t even notice you were there. You don’t think he noticed anyone was there.
You squeezed your eyes shut, sucking in your bottom lip as you struggled with what to do. “Luke, can you- can you hear me?” You asked shakily. A stupid question, you knew he couldn’t hear you, you just weren’t sure of what else to say.
Luke didn’t respond, instead, more tears rolled down his face, making the blood run and drip down onto his pillow.
You struggled with what to do, unsure of what you could even do or say to calm him. Honestly, you weren’t sure if there even was anything you could do right now.
You glanced back to the satyrs, and then to Grover, and you felt your stomach drop. He was staring at you expectantly, his own tears leaving dark lines on his tan skin. You knew about his history with Luke, how much he cared for the older boy, and you knew seeing him like this must’ve been terrifying.
So, you did the one thing you could think of.
When you were younger, every time you cried your mother sang you a song. It was silly, and it didn’t really hold any value to Luke as far as you could tell, but it was the only thing you could think to do.
“Here comes the sun and I say, ‘It’s alright, Little Darling..’” You started hesitantly, voice quiet as you leaned down to luke, your fingers tracing his jawline.
He didn’t say anything, in fact he didn’t even react, instead continuing to writhe and scream in pain and fear. Still, you continued.
“The smiles returning to the faces, Little Darling..”
The satyrs all just stared at you in what you assumed was confusion. You didn’t blame them- you were unsure of what you were doing yourself.
“It seems like years since it’s been here, here comes the sun..”
Sometimes, if you were in an exceptionally good mood, you’d sing this song during the campfire. Apollo kids always sang during it, but you weren’t one to enjoy that with them. That’s why you think Luke recognizes it.
Slowly, his breathing evens, and his splintering sobs turn to quiet whimpers. His body relaxes, practically going still as his eyes return to their natural shut state.
You smile, cupping his uninjured cheek with your hand, ignoring the blood that soaks into your skin. “Here comes the sun and I say, ‘It’s alright’..”
It’s five days before Luke wakes up.
You come in every morning and every night, checking on him and cleaning him up. Changing his bandages, shifting him around so he doesn’t develop sores from laying in the same position. Sometimes you go in just to keep him company.
But, still, you nearly jump out of your skin when you enter the room and find Luke sitting up, staring out the window with an obvious knit in his brows.
He turns to you once he hears the door click shut, but neither of you say anything. You feel small under his burning gaze, but still, you swallow and approach him.
You turn to the bedside table, where you’ve been keeping the fresh bandages, and silently get to work.
Luke doesn’t say anything as you gently turn his head towards you, and he doesn’t say anything as you peel back the bloody bandage that covers his left eye. It makes you nervous.
But, you know Luke has been through something traumatizing. Something you’ll probably never understand, so you don’t say anything either. If he wants to talk, you’ll let him go first.
The next three days pass by just the same. Every morning and every night, you change his bandages, check his vitals, make sure he eats, and leave. All without saying a single word.
You want to ask him what happened, if he remembers anything, if he remembers that you were there that night. Does he even remember that night? Does he even know your name?
But you don’t ask. And on that fourth day, Luke finally says something to you.
You're changing his bandage again, and make a pleased hum in the back of your throat when you notice it’s completely clean.
Luke, who usually looks anywhere but at you when you’re doing this, locks his gaze with yours. He swallows, leaning back onto his hands, “Is it better?” He asks.
You're stunned for a moment, but quickly pull yourself together. His voice is rough and raspy from what you assume is not talking for literal days, but it’s still got a soft kindness too it you’re not sure you’ve ever heard from anyone else.
“Um, yeah. There’s not any blood soaking through it anymore which is a really good thing. I mean, I was starting to get a little worried with all the bleeding but you seem to be healing up nicely.” You fiddle with your fingers a bit nervously, looking at anything but Luke.
Luke doesn’t say anything for a moment, turning his head and staring out the window. You take his indifference as a sign to leave, so you take your things and walk towards the door.
Just as you are about to close it, there’s a voice.
It’s soft, and if you hadn’t been listening you probably wouldn’t have noticed it. But you do as told, turning around and making contact with the curly haired boy.
He looks to be struggling with what to say, as if he’s unsure of how to get the words out. Your hand grips the doorknob uncomfortably, eyes wide as you look expectantly at Luke.
Finally, he releases a breath and relaxes his shoulders. He looks back towards the window, and murmurs, “Thank you.”
It’s the last thing you were expecting to hear from the demi-god, but still, you practically glow once it falls from his lips.
“Of course.” You say, quietly waiting to see if he’ll say anything else. You don’t let it disappoint you much when he doesn’t, baby steps and all that, but still, for the first time in a week, you leave that room with a smile.
The first thing you notice when you enter The Big House is yelling. Lots of it.
You’re confused, because Mr. D is standing right next to you and you’re not sure Chiron has ever raised his voice a day in his life. And then it registers. Luke.
“He’s been going at it all day.” Mr. D says, that familiar annoyance in his tone. “Get him to stop, would you?”
Your lips part as you stare up at him in shock. “Me?”
Dionysus shrugs, taking a gulp of his Coke. “You did it the last time he was raising hell! Just do whatever you did then.”
This was a completely different situation then last time! Then, Luke was barely even conscious. He couldn’t register what was going on around him, and he was screaming in pain. Not anger!
You shook your head, stumbling over your words a bit as Mr. D grabbed you by the wrist and began dragging you upstairs. “I can’t! This is completely different and has nothing to do with me! And I can’t do what I did last time- It’d be weird now!”
But, you don’t have any more time to argue, because Mr. D barges into Luke’s room without a second thought, pushing you inside and slamming the door.
Chiron and Luke both go silent, both turning to face you. Chiron looks confused, a silent question on his face. While Luke.. doesn’t look like anything. The knit in his brows relaxes, and the obvious frown that was on his face disappears. He looks as if nothing happened.
“I’m sorry,” You huff, wincing a bit as you reach for the doorknob to exit, “Mr. D kinda forced me in here, Not sure what he thought I could do…” You mumble the last part, clearly very annoyed. “But I’ll uh, i’ll just leave you guys to.. continue.” You gesture to the two of them with a fake smile on your face, struggling to open the door. Mr. D must’ve locked it, that old bastard.
Chiron shakes his head, giving you a small smile. You can tell he’s exhausted though, his eyes say it. “No, please, stay. I’ll go.” He shoots a look to Luke, who’s frown has returned onto his pink lips. “We’ll continue this conversation later.”
Luke doesn’t say anything, and Chiron opens the door so easily you almost feel embarrassed.
There’s silence as you approach him, deafening, sickening silence, and you itch to ask why he was yelling. What made him so angry?
You suck in your bottom lip and risk a glance at Luke. He’s staring out the window still, and you wonder what he thinks when he looks out there. Does he miss everyone? Does he want to go back and finish his quest?
“Um,” You release a breath, shrugging your shoulders in an attempt to seem completely indifferent. You sit on the stool next to Luke’s bed and begin to get to work, “Not to be.. nosy or anything like that, but, what was that about?”
Your hands are gentle as you softly position his head so you can get the best angle, softly peeling the bandages away and checking in on his progress. The cut has healed nicely, and it’s no longer blaring red and raw. Instead, it’s a nice pinkish color, and you can tell that scar tissue is beginning to form.
Luke doesn’t say anything for a moment, and you begin to worry that you crossed a line. “You don’t have to answer that-”
“Chiron wants to tell everyone that I’m back from my quest.”
Your blink a couple times, but smile a bit that he felt comfortable enough to answer you. You hadn’t registered that his return had been a secret until now, but you can understand why he’d want it to stay that way.
He was supposed to be this great swordsman, someone all of camp looked up to and depended on. You assumed that’s how he saw the quest, something else the rest of camp would be proud of him for.
So, when he failed? Probably not the best for his pride.
“I understand why you wouldn’t want to tell. But.. they’ll all find out eventually. Wouldn’t you rather rip the band-aid off now instead of waiting?” You ask, voice a little hesitant. You don’t want to scare him off, or make him feel like he’s being attacked.
He huffs, gnawing on his lower lip as you gently replace his bandages. “What would the difference be? Disappoint everyone now, or disappoint everyone later. How fun.”
There’s a bitterness in his voice that you hadn’t expected, but you understand it. “They aren’t going to be disappointed, Luke. They’re worried for you. I see them, you know? They sit and watch the hill, waiting for you. And I don’t want to… push you, or anything, but I think maybe it’s time you let them help you.”
Luke’s lips thin, and he goes back to staring out the window. You finish your work silently and stand to leave, but a hand on your wrist stops you.
You look down surprised, finding his fingers barely locked around your wrist to stop you. He looks up, making soft eye contact with you, almost as if he were begging you not to go. You listen.
You sit back down, and Luke releases you without saying a word. It’s this moment when you can finally take the time to really admire him, not the things that leave him scarred.
His hair is a deep brown. Not quite black, but still so dark it could be mistaken for charcoal. The sunlight from the window streams onto it, making it glow a soft mocha color. His eyes match, but they're more honey-colored than anything.
Freckles dot his skin like stars, aligning to form different constellations. You resist the urge to trace them. But his lips.. they're so soft, so pink. So.. unique. You want to trace them, too.
Luke sniffles, running a hand through his hair. “It’s not… not that I don’t want to. It’s more like I can’t. How am I supposed to tell them I failed when they expected so much more of me? If I tell them that.. that I’m not as amazing as they think I am, then who do I become?”
You smile gently, eyes crinkling in the corners. You risk interlocking your fingers with his, fully expecting him to pull away, but he doesn’t. His breath hitches in his throat for a moment and you can tell he’s hesitant, but, he returns your gesture, holding your hand with a softness you hadn't expected.
“You become human.”
News of Luke’s return spreads around the camp like wildfire. Everyone is excited, happy that he returned at all, but they are also confused. If Luke had returned, where was he? And why had no one seen him?
You honestly couldn’t help the swell of pride in your chest the next morning when you’d gone to check on Luke and he’d told you he was having Chiron tell camp. Some selfish part of you wanted to believe it was because of what you’d told him, but you knew realistically it was something Chiron had said.
You chew on your nails as your siblings talk in hushed whispers at your table. All of them talking about where the hell the hero could be and why he hadn’t been seen. Some say Chiron is just waiting until Luke is cleared of any injuries he may have gotten, others get more extreme and say he hadn't really returned at all and Chiron was just waiting to tell everyone he had died.
“You wouldn’t happen to know anything, would you, Y/N? You’ve been acting pretty secretive lately..”
Your head whips to your brother, Lee, as he eyes you suspiciously. You stammer on your words, eyes gluing to the space around him as you struggle to come up with the words. You’d never been good at lying.
“No! How would I even know anything? I know as much as you, and also, I'm sure Luke’s okay wherever he’s at so you guys should stop worrying and stop talking about it.”
Lee gasps, eyes going wide as he points an accusing finger at you. “You do know something!”
“No I don’t!”
Your sister, Marcia, snorts and rolls her eyes. “You totally do.”
You stutter for a second, racking your brain for an excuse. “I’m- your- whatever! I have to go!” You stand abruptly, walking away and ignoring the way Lee groans and pleads with you to tell him.
You find yourself in the strawberry field, just as you always do when you feel conflicted, and pick so many red berries that your basket feels as if it weighs more than a super fat cat.
You huff as you drag them to The Big House, your arm slightly aching. Look, you weren’t one to… physically exert yourself. You’d stick to nursing people back to health, thank you.
Luke watches you curiously as you plop the strawberries onto the bedside table, slightly panting as you do. You rub at your forearms, doing your best to smooth the ache there. “I figured Chiron wasn’t bringing you any of these, and I remembered someone told me that you really liked them. So…”
You winced a bit, mentally cursing yourself for mentioning that last part.
But Luke doesn’t mention it, instead he just stares up at you, and you watch as his lips quirk up into a small, genuine smile. “Thank you.”
There’s a swell of pride in your chest, one that you allow yourself to be selfish about, because Luke Castellan is smiling and it’s just about the prettiest thing you’ve ever seen.
“Don’t mention it.”
You both chat aimlessly as you patch him up and you even stay to talk with him way after you finish. In the two weeks Luke has been holed up in this room, you can tell the effect it’s having on him mentally and physically.
He’s lost most of the tan that used to kiss his skin, and instead is an uncharacteristic pale color. His muscles have become less defined (not that you were paying attention to that), and he just seems more bored than anything now. You don’t blame him, having to have his only conversations revolve with the same four people. Chiron, Mr. D. Grover, and you.
“No, come on, there's no way you purposely skip out on capture the flag!”
You shrug nonchalantly, playing with the ends of your hair as you lean back onto the backrest of the stool. “I just don’t see the point. And, besides, I enjoy helping everyone with their injuries. It’s usually only the younger kids who come in with little scrapes and cuts, so it’s super easy and they always give me these adorable little smiles.”
Luke listens intently to your reason, and he finds it almost endearing how you ramble, a soft smile on your face as you think of the kids. “I understand that then, I guess. I love those troublemakers too. Sometimes.”
You snort, glancing up from the hair you were tangling and towards him. His eyes are soft, arms crossed over his chest as he leans against the headboard. “Only sometimes?”
He shrugs, “Yeah, only when they’re not causing some kind of trouble. Which is pretty much always..”
You silently agree with him on that, nodding your head. You want to ask him when he plans to leave this room, you’d cleared him two days ago, but decide against it. Luke would leave when he was ready, but maybe he just needed a push in the right direction, just like last time.
“I heard Connor talking about you today.”
Luke sits up a bit in interest, scratching his forearm. “Really? What’d he say?”
You suck in a breath, wetting your lips nervously. “He said he missed you. And that he was worried about you.”
The smile on Luke’s lips falls, and is replaced with his usual nonchalance. His body deflates, and he turns his attention to the sheets in front of him. “Oh.”
You nod, “I think everyone misses you. And they all kinda just wait to hear any news about you they can get. It’s kind of sad, honestly. And, to be perfectly clear, I am an absolute horrible liar and my siblings are starting to catch onto my daily visits here. I fear if you don’t make an appearance soon they might follow me.”
Luke snorts at that, but he doesn’t smile. You want to pry open his mind and understand just what he’s thinking. “I want to. I’m just.. I'm scared of them. Of how they’ll look at me.”
You shake your head, “Luke, they love you. Like, seriously love you. You’ve gotta stop getting in your head about this, let them show you how they’ll look at you. Not your head.”
Luke sighs, letting his eyes fall shut as he processes. You think that deep down he knows your right, he just needs to set his fear to the side. And you definitely understand how hard that can be.
You stand, walking over to the door quietly. You open it, but pause before you leave and look back at him. “Let them love you, Luke.”
You're not surprised when the next morning, Luke isn’t in his usual spot. You’re especially not surprised once you hear the cheers that come from the lunch area.
You peek around the corner with a smile, happily watching as practically everyone in camp surrounds Luke.
None of them even seem to care about the new jagged scar that covers his left eye, or the way he seems like a completely different boy from the one who left all that time ago.
“What happened on your quest? Did you complete it?” Someone, you can’t make out who, asks. You hold your breath as Luke hears it, his smile faltering slightly.
“I, uh,” He stammers, looking uneasy. You curse and step out of your hiding place, doing your best to put yourself in Luke’s line of sight.
He spots you almost instantly, and you watch as relief floods his entire body. You give him an encouraging thumbs up and a large smile.
He returns the smile, and looks back to the camper who asked. “I didn’t get the apple, but, I did get this super cool scar-”
You watch as Luke makes eye contact with you again, and he doesn’t have to speak for you to know what hes saying.
Thank you.
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Only in Gotham headcanon
Robin!Damian is the Robin who have more stuff in internet than the other because he becomes robin after the big boom in social media (the other also did mistakes and funny moments, but there was no gothamite with iPhone to record this up)
There is a compilation on social media of photos and videos of Batman, Nightwing and (few times) Redhood carrying the 8-year-old Robin in their arms, because the little bird fell asleep in the middle of the patrol
It is common to find videos or photos of bats eating together
and sometimes you can also found pics with Nightwing and Redhood drink beer together
one time Clark found this video of two boys dressed as Robin and Superboy receiving candy with the description "Halloween in the middle of July", Jon got grounded for it
there is also a video of Redhood in full armor, going into a 24 hour ice cream shop with Robin!Damian and Superboy!Jon to buy ice cream for them
More than once a gothamite take a pic of Robin!Damian using a hello kitty band Aid
On the Spoiler_Official channel you can see the video of Red Robin and Robin playing in a playground in the middle of the night, the footage shows them playing on the seesaw, swing and jumping hopscotch
(the story behind this video is cute: there's this silent rule in the house that when you see Damian act like a kid, you need to incentive it. In that night Damian found a hopscotch in the playground and Tim noticed the confuse expression in Damian face, Tim decided then help Damian and both end up play in the playground all night instend of doing the mission)
And you also can find Robin scaring Red Robin with the baby possum he found in the trash
#BatmanHasTooManyChildren is now a really thing because of it
If you do a good search, you'll find a photo of Robin hiding under his father's cloak on a rainy night
Duke doesn't know it yet, but Signal has a strong fan club in Gotham and they all goes wild everytime that there are videos of him show off his powers
Half of Gotham believe that Dick Grayson is Redhood
neither Dick nor Jason know how to feels about it
Also a lot of people believe that Red Robin is actually Tim Drake's ex boyfriend
Talia has an alarm to know when a photo or video of Robin!Damian is posted. She puts everything she thinks worth saved in a folder
Bart, one time, wanted tries this ancient thing called tiktok with his friend...Lex Luthor's building was the target of pranks that month
Jim Gordon was already caught buying cotton candy for Robin and Superboy (Damian and Jon), while Batman fought the Croc
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zorosleftmantit101 · 1 year
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That ONE thing one piece men do that make you wanna just
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Characters: x fem reader
A/N: its 5 in the morning and im feeling silly
C/W: craxk post, swearing
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Luffy: doesn't wash his hands like... ever he prolly has like fucking hand Syphilis.
Zoro: leaves weights EVERYWHERE, their not even in reasonable places he'll go to do smth while still holding his weights put it down and "loose" it. You have a notepad of everywhere you have found a weight so-far.
IN the washing machine
Under the sink
Kid: will come in after working in his workshop all day covered in grease n shit and just flop down on your fresh clean sheets.
Killer: will roll over crush you and kill you in your sleep ❤️.
Law: he just up and forgets you live with him. like he'll be walking through y'all's house see you and be like "oh hey what are you doing here" and you just give him the most deadass look of "mother fucker I live with you."
Shanks: has bigger tits than you 😡
Buggy: will hear everything as you saying smth about his nose like you could come home and be like "hey buggy im home" and hell get up and be like "did you just call me a big stinky slut with a red nose"
Ace: will wipe shit on you constantly like oh what he got mud on his hand fucking apparently your back makes a good fucking wash cloth
Corazon: nothn the mans perfect... to perfect...... your issue with Corazon is that he's too perfect.
Crocodile: just fucking sandstorms away when he doesn't want to do smth. "Hey croc could you grab me a drink of.." *sandstorms away*
Doflamingo: Is a hoe
Mihawk: man scares the shit out of you. You'll walk into y'all's room and he'll be sitting and reading in silence and just be like "hello" makes you jump so bad the whore doesn't even apologise either.
Marco: will just fly away randomly
Katakuri: has just picked you up off the ground turned and put you down out of his way. What? Your in the fridge getting a snack? Nope 🤗 your ass is now being picked up and moved out of katakuris way.
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fangirl-dot-com · 6 months
Head cannons/Quick facts about You! :) 
(most of these are going to be for the future, but a few are generalizations) 
You are 20 years old – making you the youngest on the grid 
Like almost ALL characters, you do not have a good relationship with your parents 
Christian and Gerri will step in :) 
Only child, but it doesn’t show much 
Fairly quiet
Especially in the first few weeks of being on the grid 
Everyone thinks that you might not like them, while you think that they might not like you 
Out of everyone, Logan is the first to get you to crack 
Then comes Oscar, because you know, codependency of Loscar is real 
And then Lando, because if someone can befriend Oscar, he can befriend you (you accidentally ran him over one time trying to get on an elevator before you actually met him for real)
And then Alex because of Logan (also you adored his animals) 
Max has surprisingly always liked you – being teammates and all 
It really started after the Christmas video posted by Red Bull that helped you two become friends 
He felt like he needed to look after you 
Charles always watched you from a distance 
You were his brother’s best friend…he felt a need to make sure you were ok 
Not a surprise, you and Fernando bonded over plants – you accidentally interrupted his quiet time on a roof before media day because you wanted to water the flowers (after that, you started calling him grandpa Nando – you’re the only one allowed to do that) 
Lewis’s and George’s friendship came at a weird time 
You had accidentally gotten locked out of your car one time late after the race had ended 
Coincidentally, you three were staying at the same hotel and they offered you a ride 
Let’s just say, mischief happened and you had a whining Lando the next day (since he missed out on the fun with his fellow Brits) 
The rest of the grid are just all really soft for you 
You claim to be Daniel’s favorite (which you are) 
He promises to take you to his farm the next time he goes 
You’ve always wanted to pet a kangaroo 
Yuki always brings you whatever food he’s recently cooked up 
But, You definitely laugh the most around Lando 
Because of his childlike nature and your more stone faced, shy personality, you took the role of the “older sibling” 
But, Lando puts on the big brother approach whenever someone bothers you (PSA – all of the drivers do) 
They get really jealous when Ollie or Arthur come to visit because suddenly all of your attention is on them and not the grid 
Now, the WAGS absolutely adore you 
They treat you like a little sister 
You need advice? They will help 
Need a dress for whatever reason? They will all pull up 
You really bond with Lily 
Lando likes to drag you to play gold with Carlos and Alex 
And most of the time, Alex will bring Lily 
So you definitely see her more than the rest 
Life is a Highway is your walkup song – there is none other
You and Lando start to take naps everywhere 
Christian often has to ask Max to go find you – since you seem to disappear when you go take a nap 
In true chaotic gen-z fashion, your first dnf was pretty bad 
Your left back wheel had gotten clipped on a curb and you went sliding, ultimately rolling over a couple of times 
You were fine, but the guys panicked 
All they knew was that a Red Bull had flipped, and Max was standing with them in the pit lane 
So using their amazing deductive skills, they knew it was you 
The next race, you showed up with them around you in a protective circle 
The boys joked in interviews that you’d have shown up in bubble wrap if you had let them
The first inkling they had that your relationship with your parents wasn’t the best was at the newly instituted Parent’s Day Dinner that the teams had set up 
Everyone was surrounded by their parents 
But, there were two empty seats around you 
You wanted to leave, but Max secretly had texted Christian and Geri 
You BEST know they showed up in best dress 
Tears might have been shed 
Tag List : @awekbachira @lightdragonrayne @itsjustkhaos
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monstersandmaw · 1 year
Male ‘yautja inspired’ alien x gender neutral reader (nsfw) - Part Eleven - Final.
Disclaimer which I’m including in all my works after plagiarism and theft has taken place: I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere. They are copyrighted and belong to me.
Thank you to everyone who’s let me know how much they’ve enjoyed this ‘not-technically-a-yautja-but-basically-feral-predator’ story - I’m sorry it took me five months to give you the final closing chapter. Your support means more than you’ll ever know, and I hope you enjoy this ‘rounding off’ of things.
Content: after their somewhat emotional reunion, Big Red guides the reader into his ship and takes care of them, in more ways than one... There’s talk of bonding, non penetrative shower sex, messy alien cock/anatomy, and a lot of fluff. Wordcount: 2431
Catch up here:
Part One (sfw), Part Two (sfw), Part Three (sfw), Part Four (sfw), Part Five (sfw), Part Six (nsfw), Part Seven (nsfw), Part Eight (sfw), Part Nine (sfw), Part Ten (sfw)
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At the top of the ramp, you squinted your eyes a little against the relative brightness of the interior of Red’s ship, but you barely took in any of it as he guided you with his hand still at the small of your back through the corridors and doorways to his quarters near the bridge. By the time you halted, you were left with the vague impression of blinking lights, silver and black bulkheads and walls, and touch-screen panels alight with their runic alphabet.
Pausing beside the door to his quarters, Big Red used his clawed forefinger to tap a code into the panel on the bulkhead beside it and the door hissed sideways to reveal a spartan room that felt oddly familiar, though the room you’d slept in before had been rotated ninety degrees at the time, following his ship’s destructive crash-landing. You smiled and looked back at him as he entered behind you.
“There is a shower through that door,” he said, pointing at another panel in the wall. “Have you eaten yet?”
You nodded. “Yeah, I grabbed something on base before I left. If you don’t mind me using your stuff, I’ll go and freshen up?”
Red inclined his head.
Peeking inside the bathroom, you turned back to him and grinned. “You… want to join me?”
Big Red’s mandibles twitched, clenched, and a slow clicking started in his throat — not quite a growl, but close. He reached slowly up with one hand and removed the bone mask that covered his face, then crossed to a shelf near his relatively small bed. Watching from the doorway, you watched him set it down, take a deep, slow inhale, and then turn back to face you. You couldn’t help the smile when you saw his face again for the first time in so long.
“Oh you’re beautiful, Red,” you breathed. Tears choked you a little as you added, “I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too,” he replied in a low, rough rumble, and stalked across the room to you. He rested his forehead against yours and placed his hands on your hips. Exhaling softly, he let his mandibles spread and you tipped your head up to kiss him again. His fingers tightened on your hips and you gasped as his claws just slightly pricked through the fabric of your clothes.
Slowly, he hooked his talons under your pullover and shirt and drew them up over your head. Then, he saw the bare expanse of your torso, another series of low, resonant clicks left him. The steady cadence resembled echolocation, though you knew that wasn’t one of their particular specialities. Whatever it meant, you felt each one like a starburst inside your chest, and you tipped your head to one side, exposing your neck to him. He let his taloned mandibles caress your pulse, his rough hands gliding gently across the bridge of your collarbones and over to your shoulders before he growled and pushed his pelvis against yours. His fingers tightened on your biceps and he pulled you close to him just as his mandibles twitched and tightened to a pinch on your throat. You gasped, and he captured the exhale, breathing it in.
His black tongue laved over your skin and you bucked weakly against him, sighing a curse and clutching at him. His hard, textured skin was cool against you, but you could hear his breathing picking up in that familiar, gentle wheezing, and saliva dripped from his mouth when he straightened up again.
“I want you,” he rasped. “Please… I…”
You nodded. “Let me shower first?”
He snarled, but forced himself to take a step back. “If I join you, I will not be able to… hold back.”
“Sure you will, Big Guy,” you laughed, though the idea was more than appealing anyway. You shucked off the rest of your clothes and then jutted your chin at him. “Come on. You too.”
Red shuddered visibly, but he obeyed.
His armoured loincloth came undone in a couple of clicks, and he abandoned it on the floor. It hit the metal with a clunk of leather and alloy and his taloned feet flexed briefly. Between his legs, where the mound was that concealed his sheath, you could see a glint of his slick pre-come already and you moved closer. His chest heaved, his shoulders rising and falling, and he clicked another warning at you, which you duly ignored. He knew what you were going to do, but instead of stopping you, he leaned back a fraction to allow it, shifting his great head and letting his hands fall passively to his sides.
You reached out slowly, giving him the opportunity to object properly, but he never did.
Mesmerised by his stunning red-oxide colouring as it faded across his ladder-like abdomen into a warm, rich, cream, you trailed your fingertips over each contour in his muscles, and he gave another shuddering purr in response. Further and further down his body, you traced the feel of him until your middle fingertip brushed against the slightly swollen mound between his legs. Red heaved and gave a snarling exhale, mandibles flaring wide, the delicate pink membrane stretching enticingly. His head tipped back and his chest began to work like bellows.
You took a final step closer to him and pressed your lips to his chest, then, in the same few heartbeats, you slipped your fingertip teasingly into the slick heat of his slit and he roared. Slick dripped down over your hand, drops of it hitting the smooth, cool floor, and he shook so hard you thought for a dizzying moment he was seizing. Then it stopped, and he picked you up under your arms and lifted you off the floor. In the same movement, he lowered his face to your neck and shoulder and bit you. It wasn’t hard, and it didn’t puncture the skin, but it was enough to make you cry out and jerk, spine arching back, body going taut.
Red walked you from the room and set you down in the shower stall at the back of the tiny en-suite bathroom and snarled at you. With one hand on your throat — so reminiscent of the first time he’d touched you and yet so utterly different — he used his right hand to turn the dials on the shower.
Perfectly hot water coursed down over both of you and he kissed you again, his hand going between your legs this time. He cupped you, teased you, mindful of his claws, and then he moved to knead the soft flesh of your arse-cheek in his rough, leathery hand. While he was still distracted in reaching around you, you rutted your pelvis against his and he gave another shrill, fluttering roar and bucked his hips in response. His cock was filling and sliding free of his sheath and he rutted it between your legs for a moment in the slick water before he turned you around like a marionette and pressed you against the shining, black walls of the stall.
With his feet braced behind you to stop you slipping, he slid his ridged cock between your cheeks and you felt the slickness of his pre-come against your skin. You could hear him purring and clicking softly in his own language; endearments about how good you felt and how gorgeous your body was and how he couldn’t wait to be inside you. Senseless, beautiful nonsense. Even though he wasn’t inside you in that moment, the intimacy of the position made your knees weak.
“God, Red, don’t let me fall,” you grunted.
In response, he reached his left arm under yours and played with your right nipple between finger and thumb, pinching and caressing in turn until you cried out again. You’d never been so tired and so turned on at the same time, and it was making you dizzy.
“Fuck,” you gasped, moving your right hand down your body to touch yourself while he let his ridged cock slide easily between your cheeks. You had to grab hold of his left forearm with your left hand just to keep yourself from sliding to your knees. It was like gripping a steel girder, though it was the colour of iron-oxide and you could feel all the muscles flexing beneath his hard skin. It wasn’t long before you were short of breath and closer than you’d expected to be in so little time.
Big Red let his solid, muscular arm slide down your torso to your waist then, where he held you in place again as he quickened the rhythm of his thrusts to something frantic. He snarled wordlessly in your ear, his taloned mandibles brushing against your skin, drool dripping down onto your shoulder and down your chest where the water carried it away. The slick sounds of his hips against you and the efforts of your own hand were only just audible over the water, but it was enough to spur you both on.
“Come for me, Red,” you gasped a minute or so later. Your spine arched, pushing you back onto his cock and just as you’d contemplated what it would be like if he slipped inside you at that angle, Red came with a yell. He grabbed your hip with his right hand, talons locking him there, and he came up your back with a roar that left your ear ringing.
His hips jerked erratically, and he would have flattened you to the cold shower wall if his left arm hadn’t still been around your middle. His claws hurt, but it was the perfect counterpoint to the mounting pleasure in your body, and as you felt your own release crashing over your body, you tipped your head back and let him hold you up. You came hard, and he nuzzled against you, his cock still giving weak spurts between you as he finished. As the blood sang in your ears, you felt your body go almost completely slack.
Red clicked and crooned gently, the sound reverberating oddly in your hazy mind as he purred softly against you.
Catching your breath, you turned a little in his arms and let the spray of water carry away his release from your back, then turned to look up at him. He shook his head with an apparently-universal ‘don't say a word’ expression, and tutted at you. He had warned you that he wouldn’t be able to help himself if you let him shower with you, after all.  “I’m not complaining.”
You grinned at him, finished washing, and staggered out of the shower.
After using his towel, which he then used after you, you crossed to his bed, drew back the sheets, practically collapsed into it and curled up, and laid your head on the pillow. Sleep reached for you almost immediately, but you felt him stroke his hand over the crown of your head and you cracked your eyes open.
“Join me?” you mumbled.
“Soon,” he promised.
“I’ll hold you to that, Big Guy.”
He purred at you and leaned down. His thick, waxy dreads fell all around your face in a dark curtain and you kissed the nearest one. Apparently they were sensitive enough that his breath caught and he clicked another thornless rebuke at you.
You laughed, and said, “Yeah, that’s a cheque my body can’t cash right now. Next time,” you snorted, mumbling sleepily as you got comfortable on his firm mattress.
Red purred again, slow and sub-sonic, and you sighed. “I won’t be too long,” he said. “Rest.”
When you next stirred, it was to the warmth of Big Red pressed all along your back, and with his heavy arm draped across your waist. Daylight washed in through a small porthole window in the ship’s hull beside you, lending a rosy, watercolour glow to the memories of the previous night and you stretched a little.
Exhaling a contented sigh, you rolled a little more onto your back and peered over your shoulder to find Big Red fast asleep on his side. It was sweet, endearing almost, to see such a powerful creature lost in the softness of a dreamless sleep, and for a while, you just watched him and listened to the pattern of his low, rasping in- and exhale.
Finally though, the temptation to touch overruled your desire to keep staring, and you freed your arm enough to reach out and run your finger along his soft, lax upper mandible. To your delight, it twitched a little, and then he inhaled, blinking his small, ember-red eyes open and purring openly at you. The sound was barely louder than a whisper, but it rippled across your skin and lit you up all over. Your breath caught and then came quick and shallow in your chest.
Red spread his fingers wide and skimmed his palm down your ribs, over your stomach and eventually down between your legs. When he found your body waking to his touch, he purred again and muttered something in his own language, the sound a series of clicks and gentle growls.
Love, he said, though the word ran deep as the ocean. Like their concept of friendship, that of ‘lover’ was equally complicated, but the word he had chosen was one you’d only heard in the context of mates and bonding.
You smiled, vision blurring a little as tears gathered on your lashes. “Red,” you whispered. “God, I wish… I wish I had a word for how I feel about you. What you just said… it’s… it’s how I feel for you, but I can’t…” you swallowed and he reached over with his mandibles and stroked your cheeks. The very tip of his black tongue gathered the tiny pearl of a teardrop that had begun to roll down your face as though it were a bead of nectar.
“I know,” he said, still speaking his mother tongue. “I can see it in the way you look at me. I can feel it,” he said, palming over you and making you buck slowly, your muscles tensing and releasing in a wave of pleasure. “I can smell it and taste it,” he went on, letting his tongue flicker across your lips and down to the hollow of your throat. “I know it,” he said. “You don't need a word for it when you gave me my name and took me as your mate. I know.”
“Red,” you gasped, angling your hips into his touch again. “Red, please…”
“Patience, love,” he purred. “Patience. And I’ll give you the universe.”
Hope you enjoyed it, and thank you for your support and patience! If you liked it, consider reblogging to say thank you.
As always, I look forward to your reactions to this one. Take care of yourselves.
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mingibug · 3 months
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I hope yall like this part because😗 it might be my favorite. Pt.1 and Pt.2
CW: Voyeurism, Throat Fucking, Dirty Talk 💋mwah, enjoy. MDNI!!
After the incident at the diner, Mark’s been distant with you. It’s not like he isn’t talking to you ,but it’s the smaller things that he used to do.
“Mark, look!” You exclaimed, hitting his shoulder “I found something you might like!” Holding your phone out in front of, excited about your discovery.
The boy looked down at your phone, wondering what you had to show him. It’s a video, what’s it’s of should not be described due to the bizarre and inappropriate nature of it. It did have something to do with a pineapple though.
Mark rubbed his face with both hands, confusion and disgust written all over his face.
“Why would she put it there?!” He’d say behind his hands as you cackle at his expression. You put your phone away, looking at Mark with sparkling eyes.
“Did you like it?”
Usually in these types of situations, he would say something out of line. He would have a playful and sultry tone, wiggling his eyebrows at you in a salacious manner.
“It definitely was a video.” Is all he says as he goes back to his phone, mindlessly scrolling through Instagram with red ears.
You looked at him confused but didn’t think anything of it. Maybe it was just an off day for Mark, no big deal.
Except it happened again, and again, and again.
Each time making you grow more and more frustrated at the lack of response and sudden change in him. Where’s the weirdo you recruited as your best friend?! Because it definitely wasn’t this shy fucker sitting in front of you.
You finally decided that you were sick of Mark’s lack of communication and sudden attitude change. The next time he was over at your apartment, you were going to confront him.
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The day had come and you were going to talk to Mark about whatever’s been going on with him. He texted you saying that he missed you, that he wanted to spend time with just you today. You accepted, already scripting out what you wanted to say to your best friend.
The time comes and you’re only slightly nervous. This was a normal friend talk, communication isn’t something that’s been an issue with you guys until now. You got this.
Your phone buzzes, a message from Mark shows up on your screen.
Open the door, its cold :(
You go to let him in, opening the door to the other in basketball shorts and a puffer jacket. On his feet were a pair of crocs. Of course he was fucking cold.
“So, you must want to get hypothermia.” You say, stepping aside to let the shivering boy in. He laughs a bit at your sarcasm, taking off his coat and throwing it on a near by chair.
“I was kind of in a rush, I’m sorry.” He sits himself on your couch, rubbing his hands together to gain more warmth in his body.
“No need to apologize to me. You need to apologize to your legs.” You say, walking away to grab him a blanket.
You return with the blanket, sitting next to him as you cover the both of you with it. You sigh contentedly. You turn on the T.V., feeling Mark pull the blanket up to his neck as makes himself comfortable next to you. You both are watching cartoons peacefully until—
“Ah, long, warm, and thick, just how I like ‘em.”
You look away from the T.V. to look at Mark with wide eyes, you haven’t heard him say something like that in weeks. Mark looks at you with the same expression, realizing what he had said.
The two of you burst out into a fit of giggles, you feel like a weight had been lifted, seeing he was back his old self. It made you happy, way happier than you’d expect.
The laughter dies down and you lean your head on Mark’s shoulder, turning your attention back to the cartoon.
“I was worried about you.” You say, keeping your eyes toward the show.
“Why?” You could feel him looking at you but you refuse to look up at him.
“You haven’t been joking with me lately, it’s been a while since I heard you say something like that.” You breathe out “I thought I crossed a line with you, made me feel bad.”
You finally look up to see him slightly frowning at you.
“No- no you didn’t do anything at all! I feel like it was more of a me thing. I didn’t mean to make you feel bad.” He says, wrapping an arm around you to pull you closer to him.
“I was gonna talk to you about it.” You say, pouting up at him. His frown softens as he looks at you with an unreadable expression. “I had a whole dialogue ready and everything.”
He swallows loudly, looking away, allowing you to the see his ears turn pink. You don’t say anything about it.
“There’s no need for it, it’s all good now.” He rubs your shoulder, shifting a little bit in his seat.
You two fall back into a comfortable silence, finding comfort in the old 2000s show you were watching. You subconsciously put your hand Marks thigh, making him jump a bit in his seat. You don’t seem to notice it though.
Or so he thinks.
You felt him jump a bit and you thought it might be because your hands are cold. You know, your hands that are under a blanket…
You pay no mind to it, letting yourself play with the hem of his shorts. Unbeknownst to you, Mark feels his heart beating faster. His skin begins to rise with goosebumps as you play with his shorts, unknowingly caressing his skin with your soft fingers.
Mark knows he’s been keeping the jokes at minimum, he’s just trying to protect his mental. Everything you said to him since the done incident has had his mind reeling nonstop.
“I’d drink your nut for nutrition, dude.”
Something so mundane and weird slipping from your mouth basically made him go feral. Leaving his seat to jerk himself off in the diners bathroom. Biting into his shirt to keep himself quiet as he cums into the toilet, flushing down all of the shame he had just released.
From every hangout after that he’d keep his response to a minimum, entertaining you just enough but keeping himself grounded as you’d continue as if nothing happened that day.
He hoped you hadn’t noticed the change.
He was hoping he could just say what he said today without you bringing up his distance toward you. Unfortunately, you being as caring and loving as you are spoiled his plans.
So here he is, getting another boner from some platonic skinship. Having to control his breathing so he doesn’t start panting at the feeling of his shorts rubbing against his tip so perfectly, wishing it was you.
He tried to calm himself down again, failing as you speak up once again.
“You know, I saw a picture of Dexters mom with a facial. I was gonna send it to you but like I didn’t know if it would be a good idea.”
He laughs a bit at your random outburst.
“Where the fuck do you find those photos?”
“I can’t tell you that, bestie. It ruins the fun.” You wink at him, playfully. He laughs a bit louder, falling back into the short lived silence.
“Do you think I would look pretty with a facial?”
He looks at you in shock, sure you ask questions like this a lot but it’s always at the most random moments. He clears his throat, trying not to seem affected by your question.
“I mean, you’re pretty so I would assume you would look pretty with..that.”
You hum in content leaving it at that. Continuing to watch the show.
“You’d look prettier if it was from me, though.”
You gasp, looking toward Mark whose eyes were drooping, staring at you with a look that you’ve never seen on him before. You were speechless, not used to Mark talking to you like this. You’re not letting him win this though.
“Too bad it’ll never happen. You’ll never get to see it.” You smile at him, thinking you had got him.
“You wouldn’t let me? It would be such a pretty picture, though; Would make it my lock screen just to see that pretty face covered in me all the time.”
Oh, you were weak. Hearing those words come from Mark was not something you were expecting but you didn’t hate it. At all. Then, he keeps going.
“Wouldn’t even make you work for it. I’d just get myself off with you in front of me. Just sitting pretty on your knees for me.”
You calmly remove the covers off of the two of you, placing them on the opposite side of the couch. Mark watches you with a smirk, knowing he had won. No longer caring about his dick being noticeably hard in his shorts and out in the open.
You make your way in front of him, kneeling between his open legs. Your hands resting on your thighs as you wait patiently for him to make his next move.
Mark looks down at you, the same expression gracing his face as he pulls down his shorts just enough to pull himself out. His dick is pretty, sitting heavily in his hand as gives himself slow strokes. It’s as if he’s showing off to you.
You don’t mind though.
“Couldn’t wait to have you like this, baby.” He starts “Been wanting to have you like this for weeks.”
You look up at him, eyes boring into his as he begins to stroke himself at a steady pace. You try to keep your eyes on him and not his dick, not wanting to lose too much of yourself in front of him.
“I bet you saw it. Bet you saw me walking away, hard as hell all because of that mouth of yours. So pretty but so nasty.” That makes you smirk up at him.
“Of course I saw you, Mark.” You start “Wish I could’ve went into the bathroom with you. Could’ve had all of our friends listen to you moan like a little bitch for me.”
He breaths out a laugh, stroking himself a little faster.
“You sound so confident, baby. You must have me mistaken for someone else.”
You shake your head, challenging him even more.
“No, I know you would, Mark. I’ve seen all those times you flush when I’d say something to you. How you’d turn away nervous when I get close to you. How hard you get at the slightest mention of me flirting with you. You basically are my bitch, Mark.”
Suddenly you feel a hand gripping the back of your head, yanking you by your hair. Mark pulls you closer to him, leaning down as he looks at you with a dark look.
“See what I mean about that mouth. I just wanted you to sit pretty so I could take that photo of you but it’s like you want your throat stuffed.” Mark taps his tip against your mouth, getting precum all over them.
“Open up for me, gonna make you look so much prettier.”
You obey and open your mouth just for Mark to shove himself down your throat, keeping you there until you can’t breath. He pulls you back letting you gasp for air.
“Good job, baby. You can take more right?”
He doesn’t let you answer as your throat is stuffed full again. Only this time, he doesn’t let up. Instead he’s thrusting up into your mouth, fucking your throat. He moans at the tightness and warmth, watching you as tears fall down your face at the roughness.
“I should take a picture of you like this too. Want a whole gallery full of you.”
That makes you moan, eyes rolling back into your head at his words.
“Oh, you want that? Okay, baby, I’ll give it to you.”
He uses his free hand to grab his phone, opening the camera and taking photos after photo. The flash of the camera hits your face repeatedly as he thrust in and out of your mouth. You’re feeling overwhelmed in the best way possible, losing yourself slowly as time goes on.
Another moan leaves Mark as he feels himself getting closer.
“Wanna stuff your throat full of my cum and make you swallow it, but we can leave that for another day, right?” His thrusts become faster as you can feel his dick throb in your throat. In the blink of an eye, he yanks you off of him and stands up, quickly jerking himself off as he gets closer to his release.
“Fuck, dude, gonna paint your face so nice and pretty with my cum.”
With a final, loud moan, he shoots white ropes all over your face. You didn’t think he would cum so much, but you didn’t mind. The feeling made you feel warm inside, wanting nothing more but to find a release for yourself.
After Mark finishes, he positions the phone above you, making sure to only get your face.
“Smile for me, pretty.”
You look up and smile at the camera, the flash gracing your face again and again as you pose for Mark. When he goes to put his phone away, you call up to him in a raspy voice.
“I wanna take one more.” He chuckles at you and agrees, repositioning the phone.
You grab his now soft dick in one hand and make a peace sign with the other, smiling with a wink at the camera.
“Dude, don’t do that. Gonna make me hard again.” He mutters as he takes the last photo.
You laugh at him, getting off the floor with wobbly legs, placing yourself back on your couch. Mark shoves himself back in his shorts as he walks off to grab a towel to clean your face off. The night resumes as normal, the two of you continuing to watch your cartoons and ordering take out.
‧₊˚ ⋅* ‧₊♡︎‧₊˚ ⋅* ‧₊
When Mark makes it back home the next day, he sets his phone down on the coffee table and goes to take a shower.
Donghyuck had come in while he was showering, yelling throughout the house for him.
“Milk! Are you home?!” Mark yells back in response, telling him wait on him in the living room.
Donghyuck waits for Mark, bored. Looking at the coffee table he spots his phone. He goes to pick it up, as he clicks the on button, he sees something on the Lock Screen that has his eyes popping out his head.
Mark finishes his shower and gets dressed in a fresh pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt. Walking out into the living room, he’s Donghyuck looking down at the phone in shock. He looks at him in confusion until the realization hit him. The Lock Screen was the very last photo you wanted to take.
Donghyuck turns to him in shock before shouting out in pure terror.
“How the fuck did you hit that?!”
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wordy-little-witch · 2 months
Silly goofy cross guild idea that will not leave my head, but hear me out
Buggy being the mafia wife archetype is well and good, it is one of the best, hottest takes on the PLANET and I'll die on that hill. But we also need to touch base on the blending of cultures and tastes here where I am currently FROTHING over.
Crocodile being Alabastan and taking over his once-home in a bid for control and for reasons that haven't been touched upon. Why Alabasta? Is it the 'wanis? Are fruitwani native there? If so, if Alabasta ISN'T his homeland, what made him choose there? What started his love of fruitwani? What lead to a mafia instead of a pirate and what does that mean for his character??? ((Middle Eastern and maybe smth English, German or Russian, smth about that scratches a brain itch for Croc, might be the languages-))
And Mihawk. My silly spooky little swordsman is full of mysteries and I am ROTATING him. Mach speed. Full 360 tail spin in my frontal lobe. Is he human? If he is, what was his upbringing like? What was his childhood? His parents? His homeland? Does he speak other languages? ((I love the idea of Mihawk being the One Piece equivalent of French)).
Buggy's heritage is Unknown (jazz hands), but he was raised by Roger who has Big Gaelic Energy, no I will not explain, it's RIGHT THERE. On that note though, Buggy grew up on a pirate crew, a bunch of headstrong fellas from all sorts of places, with all sorts of lives. Buggy's a little melting pot, a drifter, and while some things are poignantly Roger's in his words, actions or beliefs, he's all over the place with a wide palette.
Now the three of them learning and picking things up from each other. They wind up leaving marks on each other.
Mihawk sings quietly to himself sometimes in French, usually while gardening or cooking. Buggy and Crocodile learn the songs by osmosis.
Crocodile sometimes calls the others by certain pet names or gives orders in his own mother tongue, or he'll organize things a certain way, set up smth in a specific manner, idek, my brain is fried but the vibe, the VIBE is there.
Buggy shares dances or recipes from his childhood. Just... yes. Them bleeding into each other's spaces. Them leaving marks on one another metaphorically.
((Also them slowly incorporating bits of each other in apparel. Buggy opting for richer or darker colors or cuts. Crocodile incorporating lace and pops of red. Mihawk adding textures to his eyeliner and updating his harness with more crisscrosses.))
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upheavalofmemory · 1 year
Intuitive PAC | Who is your next lover?
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Howdy! I had this one in the drafts for a little while! I think I intended to have more than three piles, but since it's been a while since I've started it, we are keeping it at three! Choose a pile and get some intuitive predictions on your next lover! This may or may not pertain to your future spouse, use discretion as needed.
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♢ There are three piles to choose from. Pile one is the green bow, pile two is the pile of papers, and pile three is the green fan. Feel free to pick one or several piles.♢
Due to the fact there are only three piles, you may not have a message here. Take what resonates and leave the rest!
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Pile 1 ♢ Green Bow
Someone shady/snake-y. Slithers like a snake, might walk very quietly and elegantly. Firm boundaries. Misunderstandings. The color blue (favorite color or blue eyes). Tattoo that wraps around the arm. Brilliant blue (lots of blue coming through). Snakebites. Elegant.
Masculine/Males: May be tall with darker features (brown/black hair; seeing curls) with possible blue eyes. Thin & agile. Wears a lot of black, somewhat mysterious and seductive.
Feminine/Females: long black/brown hair, red lips, somewhat of a devil's smile (whatever that means), player energy.
Both/All/Other: dark on the outside, but a softie on the inside. Still dark inside though, it just softens for you. Nice hands. Gold jewelry/a watch. Black & white layered tops, dark academia aesthetic, or old money aesthetic. Possibly wealthy or a very good thrifter.
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Pile two ♢ Pile of Papers
Bright and cheerful; red, cherries. Kissable, huggable, adorable. Exit sign, might leave soon (out of town for a trip? For the summer?). Black pearls. Picnic blankets and caressing under a big oak tree, Summer vibes.
Masculine/Males: blonde, strawberry blonde. Boy next door vibes. Sweet and cute, very rosy and sweet. Buys you a lot of flowers, flannels are a closet staple with silver jewelry. Might have a silver or gold tooth, or possible missing teeth (punched out?)
Feminine/Females: shoulder length, poofy light brown hair, almost ginger. Friendly smile and appearance. Cute summer dresses and floral patterns. Brown sandals, crocs with lots of jibbits.
Both/All/Other: friendly vibes! Soft lovers. Happy to have you in their arms, treats you like a gift. May be clingy. Slightly tanned skin. Romantic softies. The relationship may not last long due to outside influences, but it'll be one to remember and one you'll look very fondly at (you may stay lifelong friends because the relationship simply wasn't meant to be; platonic but mistaken for romantic).
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Pile three ♢ Green Fan
Heather? Heathen? Black tongs, barbecue or cookout, might meet them there. Plastic cups, drinking and a poolside. They might be a bit drunk when you meet them (liquid courage I heard). Crop top with possibly the American flag? With black mesh?
Masculine/Male: jock? Physically strong. Baseball caps & a large sneaker collection. Nice hands. Dark eyes, like the galaxy (heard that specifically).
Feminine/Female: darker colored makeup, dark under eyes, large eyes (very white & clear), long lashes.
Both/All/Other: doesn't take alcohol well, you might meet them while helping them to their car or something. If it doesn't resonate, you still might be helping them do something when they're struggling under some type of influence and not at their best (injury? Exhaustion?). Might be really embarrassed after this encounter, but fell for the way you care for them. Possibly Black or Hispanic, maybe foreign which is why they need help (possibly you speak their language? Or are incredibly patient?). May take a while for the relationship to start due to ego issues on their end (embarrassment), they really care about a good impression. Might be interested in business, politics, or international affairs.
I didn't get much appearance on this, I see that you might be focusing more on helping them rather than their appearance so you might not get a good look at them.
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zirobitches · 6 months
One Piece Domestic Fluff
I'll crawl home to her - Sir Crocodile x GN!Reader
Note: Not related to soulmate AU i just love croc
Summary: Devil fruit users are weakened by seawater, and I'm convinced some of them really hate all water as a result. Anyways reader comes back from a trip to find their partner Croc greasy af.
Tags: domestic fluff, takes place during cross guild era, slight angst? just taking care of ur mans, just domestic things. also implied/mentioned nudity bc yall take a bath together, also Buggy mention (i kind of insult him but i swear i love him i just dont find clowns hot)
Words: 3100+
AN: I'm usually an angst/slow-burn writer but I needed some fluff. this has not been beta-ed and i'm posting as soon as i get done writing. it is currently 2am. lmk if there's big errors. thanks ily bye
There was a knock at your cabin door.
“Come in,” you call across the room. The door swings open and one of the crew of your ship peeks his head in.
“The island is finally in sight, we should be arriving by 5.” He reports.
“Thank you, go ahead and make sure the rest of the crew makes preparations.” He nods in reply and the door shuts behind him. You sigh, and lean back in your chair, staring at the ceiling.
It had been almost three months since you had last seen Crocodile. You two have had longer separations, courtesy of Strawhat and the Marines, but that did not make it easier. You weren’t supposed to go this long originally, but certain encounters with some old Whitebeard crew on your end had incurred some delays. That was then followed by the official disbandment of the Seven Warlords, and Crocodile had to extend your reunion date to take advantage of the situation.
Now that the Cross Guild has been established, and no one was chasing you or Crocodile, you could finally find each other again.
Stepping onto land had never felt so good. Everyone that you passed or tried to speak to you was blurred due to your tunnel vision. You scanned the small crowd that had come to the dock to greet you, looking for the familiar tall figure.
Instead, you are stopped by a clown.
“Y/N, right?” You froze at the brightly colored monstrosity in front of you. He seemed familiar for some reason.
“Sir Croc sent me to get you, he and Mihawk had some business to wrap up before you arrived.” The clown continued to talk to you, but you were distracted by his large red nose. You recognized him from the posters - he was Buggy the Clown, the pirate who originally began Buggy’s Delivery Service, now known as Cross Guild. But you were just wondering why the red nose looked so realistic. Surely it’s not real?
“Y/N? I’ll show you to his room, it’s where he told me to bring you.” The nose was real, but you now had more important things to think about.
“His room should be fine, thank you.” You finally replied, making eye contact. Just to be met with freaky pale blue eyes. This man did not win the genetics lottery.
Buggy continued to ramble as he showed you around. Your mind however was not retaining any of it. After three months of not seeing Crocodile, the person you held most dear in the world, you were itching to see him again, and being closer to your goal did not put you at ease. Instead, you were even more anxious. Even this slight delay due to Mihawk had you peeved.
Finally, you arrived at a large gilded door. It was very Crocodile - a  golden gilded frame for a large black door, granted all doors had to be large to allow someone like Croc through. You reached for the matching golden handle on the door and walked into his - no, your room.
Buggy wished you well and ran off before you could say goodbye. You didn’t listen to him much, but it was easy to tell that he was terrified of Crocodile.
You chuckled and closed the door behind you. A quick sweep of the room told you you had beaten Crocodile to the room. You sighed and tossed a backpack you had brought on a nearby couch.
The room was massive - it was easily the size of a small apartment. The first half of the room was a lounge; a large fireplace to your right with the couch and coffee table in front of it, and a Crocodile-sized armchair in the corner. To your left was a desk, already drowned in papers - why being a pirate created so much paperwork, you would never know. The second half was the bedroom. At the center of the back wall was a massive 4 post-bed - absurdly large, even for Crocodile. Both of you could lay in bed at the same time and never accidentally touch. But the fancy, if not gaudy decor that covered the entire room was not surprising to you.
Sir Crocodile had always been partial to the baroque style.
You made your way to the bed and climbed onto it. You may have to ask for some steps to be installed if you are supposed to sleep here every night. You sunk into the bed and let out a long sigh. Hopefully, it wouldn’t be much longer till he arrived.
Then, as if summoned by your thoughts, the door opened again and Crocodile stepped in. You immediately sat up on the bed and looked at him.
The purple vest wasn’t your favorite look on Crocodile, but right now just having him in sight brought a grin to your face.
As soon as he saw you he vanished into sand and then reappeared on the bed in front of you. You inadvertently sucked in a breath - you were used to seeing him use his devil fruit powers, but having him so near - his face now less than a foot away from yours - well, you weren’t prepared for it.
“Hello my love,” Croc’s voice swept over you, the deep rasp of it driving straight into your chest.
Before you could get a reply out he leaned in and pressed his lips against yours. You melted into him, all the tension of your separation vanishing with his presence. He was kneeling in front of you on the bed, and his hand came up to the back of your head to gently press you against his lips, his weight now resting on his hook to your right.
You pressed forward, your hands finding support on his chest - warm and solid, he was finally there with you - and hand one traveled up to cup his face. He hummed against you, then finally pulled back. The kiss could not have been that long but you were still at a loss for breath, but smiled at him.
A soft smile appeared across his face as well, his massive hands still cupping your face.
“Gods I missed you,” You finally responded and he chuckled. As you two just looked at each other you noticed a strand of hair fall in front of his face, his normally slicked-back style beginning to fall apart.
You moved your hand from his jaw and began to sweep the hair back into place, but then paused your hand atop his head. Your fingers briefly carded through his hair, and then you grabbed a portion between your fingers.
“Croc, darling, when was the last time you washed your hair?” Now that you looked at him, Crocodile did not look. Well. His deep-set eyes now seemed darker due to the bags underneath, his face paler than you were familiar with, and his hair….
At first glance, you thought it was a healthy shine that covered it, but now realize it was oil. His hair had clearly not been washed in days, maybe even weeks from the look of it, and stayed slicked back on his head from the build-up. The last time you had seen him in a similar state was shortly after he escaped from Impel Down.
Crocodile heaved a sigh, his eyes closing and shoulders slumped. He mumbled something towards the bed, but with his deep voice and his face not facing yours, you didn’t quite catch it.
“Sorry, could you repeat that?” You tried to use a gentle tone with him - you were now concerned for him, confused as to how he got in this state.
“I haven’t been comfortable enough to bathe, not since the Warlords were dissolved,” Crocodile spoke up, but still not making eye contact.
You felt yourself slightly lean back in surprise. It made sense you suppose - not only were devil fruit users slightly weakened by any body of water, sea water or not, but Crocodile’s powers were rendered completely useless when he got wet. If he had been chased by Marines for the past few weeks and then untrusting of his new business partners, he was going to avoid putting himself at risk of being vulnerable.
You briefly considered having Daz acting as guard at the door when Croc was bathing, but not only would that indicate he was at his weakest, but it was sure to somehow make him embarrassed. For a man with such a large ego, he really could not handle any bruises to his pride.
Instead of prying into his discomfort, you brought your hand under his chin and lifted his face to look at him.
“I need to bathe as well after all the bullshit that’s happened. Would you care to accompany me?” Your offer of an act of intimacy like this was sure to distract from whatever negative feelings he may have.
Sure enough, a smirk spread across his face, his eyes already seeming to undress you before you two had even made a move towards the bathroom.
You move your hand from his chin to his face, covering his eyes. “Cut that out, I’m too tired for anything like that.” It was true; whatever adrenaline had kept you going during your time apart was now gone, swept away and replaced by exhaustion. You wanted nothing more than to get clean and crawl into bed with this man and sleep for the next 16 hours.
Crocodile merely laughed at your indignation and brought his arms underneath your hips. He easily lifted you into his grasp and carried you off the bed and into the bathroom.
You had noticed the door to the left when you walked in but hadn’t made it that far. While it may have been fair to assume it was large, you were still taken aback by the size.
It was practically a small spa. The shower could easily have both of you in there and even more, people if the occasion required it. But what stole the show was the bath.
It was less like a bath and more like a large hot tub. Or a private hot spring. It was already filled with water and steam rolled off the top.
“I had someone prepare the bath for us.” You looked up at Crocodile, finally dragging your eyes away from the bathroom. “I figured you wouldn’t be pleased by the state I was in and I thought you would enjoy relaxing in a bath.” He was looking down at you, his signature shit-eating smirk sitting on his face.
You just sighed in response and leaned into his embrace, resting your head below his chin.
“It’s perfect, thank you.” You closed your eyes as you felt him press a soft kiss on your head.
He eventually let you go and you both undressed, piling all your clothes together. You stepped into the water first, standing on a wide step as you looked at Croc. Several steps went down into the bath, which was really just a small hot pool you decided. It allowed you and Crocodile to be submerged at your preferred depth in the water, a convenience you were grateful for.
Crocodile was a vision. Still as well built as the first time you meant, now slightly softened by age and covered with more scars. You tried your best to keep your eyesight above the waist but couldn’t help some appreciative glances at what was below.
Crocodile also stared back at you, his eyes devouring the sight of you naked in the bath before him. Any apprehension he may have had vanished when you reached out to him, beckoning him to the water. He walked down the steps and went past you, deeper into the water, till he was only a foot taller than you rather than his usual height difference.
You now felt too drained for words, the warm water relaxing you into a state of drowsiness. You gestured towards Crocodile to sit down on one of the higher steps. He gave you a questioning look but listened to your commands. He was used to the occasions you decided to go nonverbal.
After he sat down in the water you noticed it - there was a detachable shower head that was attached to the edge so you could wash your hair in the pool. That would make this process much easier.
Grabbing the shower head you found the knob at the base and turned on the water. The sound of running water made Crocodile turn his head and look at what you were up to. You just smiled back at him and gestured for him to lean his head back so you could rinse. He dutifully closed his eyes and leaned back as you rinsed the water through his hair.
After you had prepared his head you then went back to the edge of the pool and looked at some soaps that had been provided. They were thankfully labeled in little dishes - a bar of shampoo, a bar of conditioner, and body wash. You grabbed the bar of shampoo and thoroughly lathered it in your hands.
You then walked back to the large man who sat there and began to work the shampoo into his hair. As your nails gently dragged against his scalp, Crocodile leaned back towards your touch, a deep sigh escaping him as he fully relaxed into you.
Your heart ached at his softness. When was the last time he let himself relax? The last time you were together? If so, you couldn’t imagine how amazing it may feel for him to finally be at ease after months of staying on guard.
Before you let yourself get emotional by this, you focus back on the task at hand. You were now determined to get this man as relaxed as possible. You had loved Crocodile for a long time and took pleasure in doing mundane daily things such as this with him. The fact that he seemed to not only enjoy it but often only did these mundane tasks with you, made them into something special.
Lather, rinse. Lather, rinse. Condition and while you let it sit in his hair you began to wash your own.
Eventually, you both emerged from the now almost cool pool, completely clean and perfectly exhausted.
Robes had been prepared along with everything else, and after you dried off you slipped yours on. It was normal person-sized, definitely not something you could mistake for Croc’s robe that was so long it would have engulfed you.
Before you could begin to walk, Crocodile leaned down and picked you up again in a bridal carry.
You made a small noise in surprise but then leaned into his chest, the robe soft and warm against your cheek.
Crocodile carried you back into the bedroom and carefully placed you into the bed. You pulled back the blankets and arranged the pillows as your partner went around and sat on the edge of the bed and lit his final cigar of the day. As he puffed the cigar he went about dismantling his hook.
Crocodile was quite adept with his chosen prosthetic, you never feared he would accidentally hurt you with it, but at night was a different story. It had taken a while to convince him you would both be better off if he didn’t wear it at night and he had relented. Now it was a nightly ritual for him to take it off before going to sleep.
You leaned back into the bed and turned to face Crocodile. Your partner was occupied reading some documents he must have grabbed from his desk at some point - being able to turn into sand had its perks - but turned to meet your gaze.
The cigar was quickly put out and discarded to the nightstand on his side of the bed. He then leaned and turned off the last lamp and the entire room went dark. Your eyes quickly adjusted to the moonlight coming from the windows of the room and you could just barely make out Crocodile.
He finally leaned back into the bed and then you felt more than saw as he reached out and pulled you to him, the large bed not large enough to keep you away from your love.
Crocodile was always so warm. For someone with his namesake, you had assumed that he would be cold-blooded, but for you, he burned. His hand, wide and warm and no longer covered in rings, made its way to your face.
Leaning across the pillows, Crocodile kissed you again. Your hands reached out to pull him closer, and soon both of you had your arms and legs wrapped tight around each other. Part of you wished neither of you would ever have to let go, that maybe you could just drown in him, be buried alive in the sand and smoke.
You separated the kiss to breathe again and tucked your head into the curve of his neck.
“I can’t do that again. Being away from you for so long was horrible.” You finally spoke up, your voice hoarse with exhaustion and emotion.
Crocodile’s grip around you only tightened, his face leaning down to bury it in your hair. He took a deep breath and exhaled before responding.
“I have forgotten what it was like to live before knowing you.” His voice shook through you, the vibrations of it coming from his chest. “I’ve found out I am no longer capable of finding joy without you.”
You felt like you might cry - from happiness or sadness, you were unsure. Instead, you blinked back the tears and backed from his chest to look at him again.
Crocodile had never looked so tired before. He looked at you with such longing, maybe even grief in his gaze, that you knew without a doubt that he spoke the truth. He didn’t look like he would cry, and you have never seen him shed a single tear. But this was probably the closest you have gotten to him doing so.
“So I guess we'll just have to stay together from now on, hm?” You murmured to him, your hands coming up to brush some stray hairs from his face.
Crocodile just smiled at you and agreed. “I do hope you realize I wouldn’t let you leave me even if you wanted to.” He spoke so softly that it sounded sweet rather than obsessive. But you were so obsessed with him in return you didn’t even care.
“Sounds perfect to me.” You whispered as you leaned in to kiss him again.
Eventually, the two of you began to drift off, finally safe and sound in each other. As you fell asleep that night, surrounded by Crocodile’s warm embrace, you had never felt so loved.
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