#been thinking about this meme for awhile now
thedeviltohisangel · 3 days
For A Fortnight There We Were: What About Your Quiet Treason?
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a/n: some more early days of ev/cal. featuring a little vacation for them with her friends, some miscommunication and some feelings being brought to light. also once again features evelyn's friendship with the tellers because i am obsessed with them and think the four of them could get into so much trouble together. as always, i continue to insert her into the modern day whenever something pops up but please feel free to send blurb requests for them as well! so much of their future and the angst i have kept a secret and i am so proud of myself. love you all!
She knew looking in her DMs or Twitter mentions was never going to end well. They were a sordid place of opinions and accusations and no matter how much positivity was sprinkled in, it was so hard to see. After pictures of her lounging on the deck of a yacht in the Amalfi Coast with a lanky man with brown curls kissing her neck were publicized a few days ago, she hadn’t been able to look away.
They were flooded with screenshots of Callum’s Raya profile, allegedly still active, and more private DMs of WhatsApp conversations that showed the cell phone number Evelyn had saved in her own contact for him. Her melancholia was threatening to swallow her whole as she curled up on her side on the boat’s salon.
“Hey! You were taking awhile so I-” Kelleigh paused as a barely repressed sob shook Evelyn’s shoulders. “Babe, oh no, what’s wrong? What happened?” Kelleigh dropped next to her on the couch and hugged her as best she could, her cheek resting on her arm.
“It’s easier if I just show you.” Ev sat up and handed Kelleigh her phone, her knees drawn into her chest as her friend’s eyes skimmed the screen.
“All this could be old, Ev. It might not mean anything.”
“The messages are dated from a few weeks ago while I was in Toronto.” The words of them seemed innocuous. Pleasantries and laughing emojis and memes. It was irrational but it felt like something special about their blossoming relationship was being taken away. Like him sending photos of Golo or his morning tea to these girls meant they meant as much or as little to him as Evelyn. “I’m so fucking stupid for falling for it.” Her forehead hit her kneecaps as she tried to hide her shame.
“We don’t know what exactly we are looking at yet,” her friend cooed, “this could all be one big misunderstanding.” 
“It’s my fault. I should have never let myself get attached. I should have known better to wait until everything with Logan was finalized.” The universe was punishing her for being happy. For falling in love with someone else while she was still married. 
“Cal is fucking crazy about you. Your heart and your gut know that and know how you feel.”
“He hasn’t even asked if we are exclusive. Doesn’t call me his girlfriend.” Kelleigh sighed and reached to grab Evelyn’s hand. She knew Callum was confused and conflicted. Last night, after their group dinner and hours of dancing, Evelyn and a few others tucked themselves into bed but Cal had stayed up for one last cigarette. Kelleigh had stayed up with him to pick the brain of the man one of her best friends was falling in love with.
“Evelyn is like a sister to me and Miles,” Kelleigh started, “I watched the way her marriage ate her away. And somehow her divorce feels even worse. If you aren’t going to be there for her for the long haul, you should go now before it’s too late.” It was obvious with the way Evelyn looked at him. The way she blushed and giggled at his every word and every touch. The way she had held his hand like a vice at the club and fed him bites of her dessert at dinner. All of the friends who knew her before Logan saw that version of her finally seeping back into her bones. Callum was most certainly the cause of it but if he was going to fly her high and leave her to crash to earth on her own, she needed to know now.
“I am living the happiest days of my life with her. Being with her like this makes me feel like I am exactly where I’m meant to be.” God, he straight up fucking loved her. But that was too complicated to introduce. “But I don’t know how to navigate shit with her and her ex.” None of it was normal, all of it was new. Were they dating? Were they supposed to start calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend?
“She’s just as confused as you, I promise. Do you want something real with her? Something with labels and commitment? Even if it means putting up with Logan and his bullshit?” Kelleigh felt like she was hyping up the man in front of her. Trying to spark that passion in his chest to fight for Evelyn tooth and nail the way she deserved. 
“I do. I want that. But not at the expense of her peace and stability.” Logan was incensed with every blurry photo or DailyMail tabloid story that came out about them and Ev took the brunt of it. If his presence in her life was adding fuel to that fire, maybe his departure was as necessary as it was tragic.
Kelleigh scoffed, “Just another fucking way he’s trying to control her.” Callum snuffed out his cigarette and moved to stand in front of her.
“You know her best. If I just straight up ask her to dive in with me, ask her to commit to this feeling between us and put a label on it and run off into the sunset with me, will she do it or am I just scaring her away?” 
She had told him that Evelyn would in a heartbeat. Wanted to tell him she thinks her friend really loved him. Was maybe getting some semblance of hope back for her future. But now, looking at the screenshots her friend was showing on her phone, maybe she shouldn’t have been so encouraging. 
“Ev? Evvie?” The deep, British voice belonging to the male in question reached their ears, Callum standing on the deck of the boat toweling off as he looked around for her. “Hey, there you are.” All their friends that had been splashing around the Mediterranean waters were climbing back onto the yacht to get ready for dinner. The last thing Evelyn wanted was to cause a scene or have her personal emotions on such public display. 
“Here I am.” She stood in the hopes she could run off in the name of getting ready to avoid him but he was over to her side in two steps and bending down to kiss her. Both her hands on his chest served to stop him but the way she turned her face so his lips barely kissed the side of her head served to freeze his heart. “Gonna go get changed for dinner.” Her back was to him in an instant and he stayed exactly where he was as she disappeared down the spiral staircase to the cabin they were sharing. The same cabin where they had fallen asleep in each other’s arms every night and woken each other up with kisses and caresses. The same cabin where he had made love to her over and over again with the softest and gentlest of touches. A tenderness only a lover could possess. 
“Did I miss something?” he heard the first whisper. 
“I thought they were good.” Went the second whisper. 
“If you could even call them a they,” was the final straw before he was following after her. He tried the doorknob to the room but it was locked and his heart started pounding in his chest. 
“Ev? Please let me in.” His forehead dropped to the door and he swears he heard the sounds of a sob. Her sob. The sobbing of the woman he loved. “Whatever I did, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Please let me in so I can fix it.” Clearly he had upset her. Clearly something had happened in between waking up naked and twined together and playing with each other’s fingers and now, refusing his kisses and locking a door between them. Her feet padded closer and he stood up straighter. There was sniffling. She was definitely crying. 
“There’s nothing for you to fix, Callum. I expected too much from you. I’m used to being let down by my own expectations and I should have known better.” His brows furrowed together and panic began to set in. 
“No, you…you deserve the world, Evelyn. You’re right. I haven’t been doing my best in giving that to you. Haven’t been as open and honest with you as I should have.” She wanted to laugh. Of course even now he was saying the right thing. Promising her he would change if she would just give him another chance. Promising he could and would do better at being the partner she deserved in this life.
“You’re seeing other girls.” It was unfair and she knew it. Nothing between them was defined and she had only asked that he not sleep with anyone else if he was going to sleep with her. There had been no conversation about dating other girls. Evelyn had been afraid to make it so real.
“What?” He didn’t try to stop the incredulity from seeping into his voice. “What…Where…Who is saying that?” She finally opened the door and he was greeted with ruddy cheeks and damp eyes.
“All day I’ve been getting screenshots of you on dating apps and of conversations you’re having with them and I’m sick to my stomach thinking about it.” Evelyn felt used. Felt dirty. Felt like every accusation she had defended him against was for nothing. That maybe she should have heeded their warnings. 
“I didn’t delete the profile because it felt like signing you up for something you weren’t ready for. Like if I took this too seriously then I’d be pushing you away.” There was no use in lying about it. The profile was his but he hadn’t been using it. To be honest, he thought she’d be more freaked out by him deleting it because that would signal his view of their relationship as serious.. A conversation they hadn’t had yet and he was hesitant to bring up. “And yes. A couple of them I gave my number to. Texted and flirted and whatever else it is people are sending you. I’m not going to pretend it didn’t happen, Ev.” She turned and walked deeper into the cabin, Callum following and closing the door behind him for privacy. She landed in the chair of her vanity with a heavy sigh and looked at him like she could see his soul. 
“Are you sleeping with other girls?” His face contorted in disgust. 
“No. Absolutely not.” The one aspect of their relationship that they had defined. That under no circumstances would they have sex with someone else while they were having sex with each other. As if either of them had even looked at someone since their night in Chelsea months ago. He ran his hand through his hair with frustration. “Fuck, Evelyn, I’m trapped between wanting to dive head first into this thing with you and acting like it’s just some casual fun between friends.” He was at such a loss. Keep his options open so he looked like he didn’t care and could put the pieces together if she dropped him. Worship her on his knees until she offered him some kind of idea of the future. 
“Well,” her voice sounded hoarse to her own ears, “I’ve come to a decision about that this afternoon.” Callum braced himself for the impact. Figured she had been in here working on ways to let him down easy. Break his heart in two rather than millions. 
“You don’t got to say it, Ev. I’ll pack my bag while you’re at dinner. Be out of your hair before you get back.” The towel was tossed into the corner of the room with a hint of anger as he felt tears well behind his eyes. The woman he loved, slipping from his grasp. He had agonized over every word and action to try and prevent this from happening. Had accepted the complications that came from being with her while she was still legally married. Still going through her divorce in the public eye. Even though it was ending, it had all been worth it for these months they had shared together. He just wished it could have been forever. 
“That is the last thing I would ever want.” She stood and walked towards him, her forehead resting between his shoulder blades. “I never want to be without you, Callum, that’s what I decided this afternoon. That it all hurt so bad because of that fact.” Her arms wrapped around his torso and he tangled their fingers together, bringing the back of her hand to his lips. 
“I don’t ever want to be without you either,” he whispered. He twisted in her embrace so they were chest to chest. Her eyes captured his own, strong and sure in their conviction that she was doing the right thing. 
“I’m falling in love with you,” she revealed. “I need you to know I’m not scared. I’m ready for this to be a real relationship. I’m ready for the labels and the commitment. Ready to be with you in every way that I possibly can.” The thought of him being someone else’s, in any capacity, had scared her to her core. She had never felt so possessive over someone or something. Never felt like she owed it to herself to try so much. 
“Say that again,” he hummed against her lips. He urged her backwards until the back of her knees hit the bed.
“Which part?” she asked breathlessly as her back hit the mattress and he landed on top of her. 
“The part about falling in love with me,” kisses draped across her jawline, “or maybe how you are ready to commit to me,” down her throat, “actually, I also liked the part where you want to be with me in every way possible.” So badly did he want to lose himself in kisses along her chest and throat and all the inches of her skin that were exposed by her skimpy bathing suit. But this moment felt like he should look her in the eyes. Memorize how they looked back at him and held someone on the precipice of falling in love.
“I’m falling in love with you,” she smiled and traced her thumb along the lines of the smile that was spreading across his face. “I’m ready for commitment with you. I want to be with you in every way possible.” Callum laughed, a full throated and powerful laugh, ducking his face into the crook of her neck. Evelyn’s own pure happiness bubbled out of her in a laugh as she hooked her legs around him and held him against her tightly. 
“Am I supposed to call you my girlfriend now?” he asked as he lifted his head. 
“And you can be my boyfriend, just as if we are back in school.” His nose knocked against hers twice before his lips landed on hers. 
“I know it wasn’t easy for you to say those things, Ev. I want you to know they mean everything to me. Being with you means everything to me.” He knew that the road ahead of them wasn’t going to be easy either. That it was marred with traps hiding in the shadows, maybe some even in plain sight, but at the end of it was something so golden and pristine it would have to be worth it. 
“No more pretending,” she whispered. No more walking separately into a restaurant. No more distancing themselves at night clubs. No more solo trips to the grocery store or posting photos without him in it or hiding the evidence he had spent the night with her. 
“God, I’m going to kiss you so fucking much at dinner tonight.”
And he did.
And she felt loved.
She was.
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gretchen-nightbloom · 7 months
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pain-is-too-tired · 4 months
Will Solace is so real
Because I too as a audhd Apollo kid am holding things together with nothing but kitkats and Gatorade.
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nomsfaultau · 6 months
Anyways would you like to have a debate like Ancient Greek scholars about religious imagery on the DSMP
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“…and every revival only births a perversion of the original, and yet a return to form and renewal of the mission. Wilbur brought back to ambition, Tommy to fear, Techno to anarchy. This is because they were not properly revived through holy means, instead in symbols associated with satanic imagery; a grimoire, a totem. The revival book’s association with Dream echos ideas of Satan offering power that ultimately corrupts. Other symbols of Christianity show up beyond souls, revival, and satanic imagery, likewise tied to Dream. In the garden of Eden—”
“Golden apple as a symbol of the temptation of power! Of course of course! Knowledge as power, the fall of man from grace. This shows particular on the summit meeting between Techno and Dream, wherein a god apple is given by Dream. This falls neatly into parallel with Eden, where Eve is lured with the promise of having the same wisdom and thus power as god. It is the temptation presented, power promised in the same breath as suffering and conflict…”
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p1utofairy · 8 months
PAC: “good karma my aesthetic. keep my conscience clear, that's why i’m so magnetic.” 🩰🍥🫧🪷
• what do you need to hear right now?
disclaimer ✩: take what resonates, leave what doesn't. i really appreciate y’all sm <3 for the patience, the love, the feedback and support. y’all are the greatest ever. i’m open to pac suggestions as well, so don’t hesitate to slide in my ask box! xoxo.
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pile 1 ☂️ —
heyyy pile 1 ⭐️ what you need to hear right now is: release. relax and let go of any unhealthy attachments you may have to a certain person, place, idea or thing. i think you've been holding onto someone/something or the idea of what it could be/could’ve been. i pick up a feeling of yearning. you’ve been wanting something to work out in your favor, so you’ve been holding out…waiting to see if this situation will turn out how you anticipate. big 3 of wands energy. you’ve been waiting awhile now (i’m hearing weeks for some, months for others) for a clear answer. i think the more you wait around and stall things, the less likely things will go into motion. don’t chase, attract. remember that things will flow naturally to you and it’ll always work out in your favor no matter what — when one door shuts, several more will open. don’t put a time frame on it, you’ll get your answer/wish/clarity when you least expect. keep focusing on yourself and what you’re currently doing! whether that be going to school, work, the gym, studying, spending time with friends, etc. there’s a certain area in your life that you greatly want change to occur in, i’m heavily picking up for some that this is in regards to your love life, and again — i keep hearing that things will unfold in your favor when you least expect. very soon. you’re on the brink of something great, just don’t overthink it. relax, take a breath and just BE. your guides will handle the rest. love, prosperity and abundance are on the way to you. it just may not appear in the way you envision, which doesn’t mean it won’t happen at all. think about it this way, you might fantasize about coming across your dream person while you’re in a bookstore (on some ‘harry met sally’ type shit lol) so every time you go into a bookstore you’re kinda anticipating that to happen, but let’s say your busy at work or you’re frantically trying to prioritize doing your school work and studying and out of nowhere you look up and make eye contact with this person you’ve never seen before but you can feel the ✨vibe✨ like WHOA that’s…my person. i just see you being in your element when you meet this person pile 1, your mind will not be preoccupied/you will not have any precognitive thoughts — your person will just reveal themselves to you out of the blue. okay i feel like i’m getting carried away lol but everything’s gonna work out even better than you imagined pile 1 💗 trust that.
other channeled messages:
don't settle for less, pink + white by frank ocean, strawberry milkshake, chemtrails over the country club by lana del rey, leo sun, cancer moon, vedic astrology
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pile 2 🦢 —
what's goodddd pile 2! i feel like you're in your self-love/healing era. you just bounced back from something and you did it with such resilience, ease and grace might i add. i'm hearing church girl by beyoncé, “i'm gonna love on me, nobody can judge me but me! i was born free.” okayyyyyy pile 2 i love this for y'all. i think some of you are really working on strengthening your throat chakra by speaking up for yourself and setting boundaries. just saw a meme that said “how i reclaimed the word ‘cunt’ by being one” OH WOW WOW WOW. i think you’re just over a lot of people and their bullshit, you may have just gotten out of a relationship, had a friendship breakup or recently left a job. good for you 💗whichever situation applies to you, i know it was draining and heavy on your shoulders. you finally feel like a weight has been lifted and you can spread your wings and be free. idk why i’m hearing some of you might be listening to a lot of lana del rey lately? (random but REAL af lol) i love that you know yourself at the core pile 2, you can’t fake it…if somethings not pleasing you or it’s not in your best interest, you know how to walk away and find something better. you don’t even know it, but you're inspiring to a lot of people. i think what you need to hear is: keep being your true authentic self. never forget where you came from and who helped you along the way, because i see that you have a big, bright and successful future ahead of you pile 2. you’re gonna be a star. “the diamond in the rough” from aladdin is what i’m hearing. you’ve got the wit, talent and empathy to get where you need to be in life. i wish you nothing but happiness and success pile 222 ♾️
other channeled messages:
hurricane by bridgit mendler, switch a n**** out by summer walker, olivia pope, sagittarius rising, cancer moon, pisces energy, save your tears remix by the weeknd & ariana grande, on my shoulders by sabrina claudio, red dress
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pile 3 💵 —
hi pile 3 🤗 i’m getting rich vibes from y’all already lmfao, even if you aren’t (yet) there’s this energy of being very well-kept and liking the nicer things in life. you love you some good ol’ retail therapy. the message you need to hear right now is: spend your money wisely. i think you need to budget/save a bit more pile 3, you can sometimes go a bit overboard and indulge in the latest clothes, upscale restaurants or beauty products. you like nice things!!! there’s nothing wrong with that at all, you just need to make sure you’re prioritizing and balancing your earnings. some of you that picked this pile have very young energy lol like i can see you chilling at like 12am scrolling on youtube/tiktok and ooo’ing and aaa’ing at so many different product reviews and adding shit to your cart. some of you are tempted to buy stuff from the tiktok shop too lolll that was so oddly specific but i also feel like you've been big on protecting your peace lately. kickin’ back by mila j is coming to mind, “i’m kickin' back and i’m lightin' up doin' what the fuck i want. just rolled a wood, i’m feelin' good. just me, myself and this blunt.” i know das rightttt pile 3 🤭 you know your worth and you’re not settling for less than anything that you deserve — i love this.
other channeled messages:
luxurious by gwen stefani, need to know by doja cat, i just had an epiphany i need to go to tiffany’s, fenty gloss bomb, chanel chance, scorpio moon, catching flights not feelings
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seuonji · 6 months
彡 miss miss miss you!
notes ๑ what they do when they miss you. (long distance! they’re on tour.)
genre ๑ fluff
warnings ๑ use of pet names otherwise, non.
word count ๑ 1k
from aya: please reblog if you enjoyed! feedback is always appreciated<3
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what’s to miss when he’s calling you all the time? like if he’s not on stage or practicing or with the members, he’s probably on the phone with you!
“ynnie,” he whispered.
“hiding out in a random room again i see?” he’d been going to any enclosed space he can do that the members wouldn’t see or hear him calling you.
“just wanted to talk to you! besides i told the members to take five.”
“yeah but i’m pretty sure you told the members to take five like what, five minutes ago?”
“why’re you being like that? should i end the call?” he pouted.
“tell me what you’ve been up to honey,” you laughed and sighed.
calling you is more of a way of recharging than a slacking off type of situation.
joshua…ring ring
“shua?” you called out confused.
“ynn!” he yawns.
it was nighttime but he had to hear your voice.
“what’s up?”
“tell me about your day love.”
he’d eventually fall asleep and he’d apologise about it the next morning but frankly you find it cute.
soonyoung, seokmin…ring ring ring
“this is the third time you’ve called me today.”
“i missed you!”
“is that so!”
would turn into a long conversation filled with the smallest details of things you did between the time you stopped calling him and now. it’s like filling in a new diary.
he sends you things throughout the day everytime he misses you. especially between breaks he’d send you a post or a picture which was like a way of notifying you he’s free so you two could have a conversation.
jeonghan, jun loves sending you pictures of his sceneries along with a caption of what was happening in the photo. in a way he makes you feel like he’s with him. later on when you’re with him and he talks about it, it doesn’t feel too foreign or you won’t get confused.
jun would also send you the most out of context photos like one time he sent you a picture of him picking his nose. it was very insightful at the very least.
minghao, vernon sends you posts from his feed. it’s usually posts that reminds you of him. cause range from an art piece from a museum to a picture of a crocodile, no in between.
seungkwan often send sends you memes— he actually did the “updating you everything every second” thing for. awhile but eventually got fed up with it and he just tells you all about it when he gets back home.
you both facetime alot and people can tell when you’re calling each other cause it’s so much banter.
he misses you every second but he’s really not the type to just spontaneously call you. he usually leaves calling you for the end of the day so in the meantime, he usually scrolls through your social media’s for awhile. but eventually, he sends a text when he realised he seriously misses conversing with you. he wonders what took so long for him to initiate a conversation.
mingyu only held back so long cause you teased him for being clingy like a dog. turns out it was try cause he kept thinking about booking a plane ticket but that would definitely have heads turning.
jihoon, you didn’t even know that man uses social media like that man uses instagram as a catalogue?? nut he likes to see if you’re free or what you’re up to through social media. when you seem free, he’s finally send a text.
calls with jihoon last super long, as long as there’s a topic you can go on for hours but the calls are especially long due to you two falling asleep amidst the call.
if he misses you, all the more he avoids texting or calling cause he doesn’t want the feeling to fester. when he feels, he feels hard. he doesn’t do well with distance
wonwoo found it weird. he always liked being by himself but since he met you, he always wants to be around you and that became him norm. but when tour came around, he thought it would be normal, he’s been through tours multiple times but he could feel something was missing as he was sleeping in a king sized bed alone.
he realised it wasn’t a good feeling so he tried to avoid texting you too much cause that would only add on to the fact he misses you.
but it all falters when you called him one night. and that moment felt like bliss. the heavy feelings he had over you disappeared and he got used to the distance. anyways, it was only temporary.
chan wasn’t clingy per se but he was used to having you around. he so when tour came around and he felt desolate with the fact you weren’t in his vicinity, he tried to push those feelings away.
he tries to distanced himself in an attempt to get yiud to not being there. he honestly disliked the dependence he had on you.
but it didn’t matter anymore after you called him. he missed your voice, your laugh. he wasn’t embarrassed to admit he misses you, it was just unfortunate he had to wait to see you.
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hyuckswoman · 3 months
« i’m so stupid to have believed you when you said you would only take a minute  to get ready » your friend hanbin says
the both of you were currently heading towards the gymnasium, actually going to see the basketball match instead of changing your plans last minute like the both of you usually do 
« what can I say? a lady must take her time upon preparing herself » you answer slightly shoving your friend as yes, technically he did have every right to complain but he had been doing so for the past half an hour. 
« lady my ass, you still look just as ugly » your friend says as you gasp and before you could even respond, somebody had beat you to it 
« y/n is not ugly how dare you say that » your friend jaemin (whom you had not seen) accompanied by his 5 friends greeted you 
« yea listen to jaemin i am not ugly » you retorted as hanbin just rolled his eyes and sighed
« what brings you here? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you at a game before » jisung asks, curious and lowkey surprised to see you in an athletic vicinity (the man did not think of you as highly athletic you presume)
« some guy tried to ask her out and since she wasn’t down he also asked me to go to the game with her so we’re here now » hanbin replies all too nonchalantly, you’re low key appalled at the twisted version of the events your friend is telling. 
« that is quite literally not what happened, the guy you see over there just told me i should come to the game and invite hanbin too » you reply clarifying 
« sooo, it’s exactly as hanbin described it » mark said. 
you couldn’t have your man think that he has any competition when it comes to you (not that he cares anyway, this is very much a one sided relationship and you know it). but still, upon seeing the five other men nod you truly start to wonder if all of them are just collectively stupid because they’re men or if you’re the one that’s being dense 
« OH! you’ll get to meet chenle, he’s been wanting to meet you for awhile- speak of the devil there he is! » your friend jaemin starts then waves at a man that is currently running towards all of you 
« you guys actually came -» chenle starts before being cut off by hyuck « yea we did » . while all of the guys sigh and shake their heads you’re snickering as that is 100% a joke you could’ve made yourself, and meeting eyes with your friend hanbin that’s giving you a look that screams ‘this is a joke you could’ve made’ gives you all the reassurance you would need. 
the loud noises erupting from the stadium managed to drown out the voices of the friend group in front of you. it isn’t until you hear your name being said that you realize not only where you are but who you’re with 
« it’s good to meet you, i was feeling left out as i was the only one who hadn’t met you yet. I wish i could speak more but i need to go back to stretch a bit before the match, talk to you after? » chenle asks, to which you only nod before he scurries back to his team
that’s right, chenle IS a basketball player of course his friends would be there.. 
« cmon guys, let’s go sit » jeno hurries all of you as he wants to get good seats before ‘the fangirls arrive’ (you secretly thank god the man doesn’t know about your little mark obsession seeing how he feels towards the basketball groupies)
« dude what if during the game a basketball comes flying to your head and your man catches it going like ‘you alright’ tryna rizz you up just like the meme you posted on twitter yesterday » hanbin whispers, still all too loudly for your liking tho 
« i beg of you to shut the fuck up the man is quite literally three people away from you » you whisper back slightly pinching his arm as he winces in pain.
 you can’t have mark know about your delusions. ever. 
and even though the seating system (hanbin, you, jaemin, jisung, mark, haechan and jeno) would make it difficult for mark to hear the whispers you share about him you don’t want to take any chances. you are practically surrounded by his friends after all. 
and two hours later the match was done, chenle’s team winning of course and you were heading out when the guys stopped both you and hanbin 
« we’re going to celebrate, not sure how yet but you guys wanna join? » jeno asks and hanbin agrees without even caring if you wanted to join them or not. when confronting him the only thing he replied was «what? we’ll probably get free food or drinks outta this, you should thank me ». the audacity of a bitch. 
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25. the game
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notes: i'm back with another (written chapter) hope you guys don't mind the written bits cause there are more coming lol (also sorry to user @jising-jisang-jisung i really tried to make mark say it but i couldn't so.. sorry)
also to the anon that requested the jaehyun or huyk fic i am working on that i'm sorry to be so slow i'll try to publish it asap!
as always, requests/reaction/anything are open and appreciated!! hope you guys have/had a lovely day!
taglist (open): @imsiriuslyreal @iscocohere @simpforarmihn @replayenthusiast @lovm4rk @youreintheclubb @polarisjisung @sour-chaos @jising-jisang-jisung @aerivrs @multifandomania @tiddygang2020 @roseangelxfuma @skepvids @morkiee @yangasm @artstaeh @pussyslayerhd @bacons-thighs @bugcattie @leefullsun @jkslvsnella @alethea-moon @marvelahsobx @haechansbbg
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olderthannetfic · 3 months
audience question: how did you approach having to explain jkr's descent into madness to people who are chronically online but aren't tapped into the major fandom community, without just sending them contrapoints' video? (i mean, i can, but i'd consider it as a last resort if they want further info)
context: my old college friend who is a hp fan (the usual childhood book geek backstory) recently bought the legacy game and i had to bite my tongue when they try to engage me with it. it's in the scope of our usual topics, which is just sending memes to each other and minding our own business in different fandoms, but now i feel like i should say something, except that opens up a can of worms because of the *waves hands* discourse surrounding it.
i'm not sure how to unpack this without me having to come out to them in some capacity first (which is something i've been planning to do for awhile now, i know i'm not obligated to). it's such a charged topic for a friendship that's built on daily posts of cat gifs and i'm not sure how to bring it up without seeming like i'm shaming them for it? it's astounding to me that they have no clue why 'they're not seeing any fanart of this character on twitter when they checked' and actually went to tumblr to find some, without bumping into any bullshit, but i guess the tags self-contain the topic so they don't get see any discourse against it.
tl;dr: should i even bring this up? or should i just let it die down? i feel kinda bad ignoring the topic, but it's also something that i would not prefer to engage with said friend because i don't want to spend my energy having to address it. (i should just send the contrapoints video, huh)
I think I would say something like "JKR turned into kind of a jerk over the years and it soured me on HP-related things." If they ask for details on her being a jerk, send the video link.
I don't think it's necessary to come out, nor do you need to elaborate a lot until they ask. You can get into the issues with the game itself if you want to, but if your primary aim is to get them to not talk to you about HP and/or to be aware that there's something going on with HP, you don't need to get into that level of detail.
The experience of not liking a creator anymore after they change or you find out things is pretty common. If you keep it more to "I feel sad now", that gives them less to get offended by or argue with and feels less like an accusation.
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kit-williams · 2 months
Can you imagine yandere Perturabo and yandere Lion?
Yes I can! Trying my best to not let my Perty Bias get the better of me!
Yandere Perturabo might do better with a darling... might be able to stop that man from death spiraling via negative thoughts but that's a big might. Oh he's very particular about his darling (just as equally as Konrad might be now that I think about it) but the poor darling who takes a look at something he made and has that meme moment of "shut up I'm experiencing child like wonder" it then becomes priority number one to grab you. Which really shouldn't be hard... doesn't even have to get his sons to help depending on their station a simple order too but Perturabo is also mischievous (hasn't been in awhile but there are traces of his mischievous personality that he once had before he became really bitter) I can see him also just being some sort of secret admirer if he doesn't feel the need to snatch them up right away. To watch the smile blossom on their face whenever they get a gift or spying them showing it off with glee. He might start leaving hints on who the sudden admirer is... he rather you walk into the pretty little enclosure he's made verses having to throw you in... after all you wear those pretty delicately made iron bangles so nicely he'd hate to have to leash you up to make you stay.
Yandere Lion is as I have always said about him... he is a beast in the shape of a man where Russ is a man in the shape of a beast. Lion would see something or rather in this case someone who tickles something on the inside of him and he would feel that want. What people think he should have verses what he wants are very different... he doesn't want a wilting little thing under him... he wants his pretty little feline under him to also hiss and bite back as he mates... and breeds. Perhaps he figures a one and done might get it out of his system... scratch that itch verses letting it fester and become annoying. Oh but he'll find out you're like catnip and he can't keep you away... no one is telling him that he cannot bite... he cannot mark... no one but himself but those moans under him just only encourage it. Oh yes if he does go for trying you out to get the desire out of his system he will quickly find out that is rather impossible and you just have to accept your fate... Oh yes I still see this applying for both a young 30k Lion as well as a 40k Lion, who feels even less inclined to play the courtly games. But yes... don't worry too much about what's going on and where you're going let him just let you feel good and just worry about bearing him cubs.
(I really couldn't resist with the cat puns) ((I'm so sorry))
@bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @moodymisty @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog @thevoidscreams @barn-anon
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starluvsx · 7 months
★𝐉𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥
Chris sturniolo x fem!reader
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Word count:1887
Proof read:yurrr
WARNINGS:swearing, pick me girl, couple fighting, jealousy (duh)
A/N:def gonna make a second part to this but i'm not sure how i wanna go abt it yet.also sorry i haven't published anything in awhile lol i've had lik 0 motivation and i've also just been crazy busy.btw this https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8AtpHeu/ is the everlong meme that is mentioned if you don’t know what I’m talking abt.
𖦹 𖦹
I set my lash glue down as I heard the unmistakable ring of an incoming phone call from across the room.knowing i was going out with my friends and my boyfriend and that's what I was getting ready for, I immediately got up from my vanity to grab my phone. 'matty boy' read the caller id.it was strange for matt to be calling me instead of chris but i simply assumed his phone was dead, not thinking much about it.
"hey y/nn, we're outside, you ready?'' Matt spoke into the phone.before i could answer his question i heard faint giggling in the back.due to it sounding like a girls giggle i became more confused.as far as i knew it was just the three boys and me, madi backing out because she was babysitting unfortunately.
"yea i just need to put my lash on but i'll be out in a sec"i answered truthfully. more giggling could be heard, now clearer than before.yes i was curious but chose not to ask anything because i was probably on speaker right now.
"Alright, just take your time, we're not in a rush,"Matt said calmly before I muttered a quick 'mk' and hung up the phone.
stepping out of the house i immediately saw the van waiting for me.speed walking up to it happily.as i got closer to the car i could see the front seat,the one my boyfriend normally sits in, was empty.weird yes but not insane.i mean it's not like he's shackled down to the seat.but once i made it to the door of the car i realized the reality of what was going on.nick sat on the left,chris in the middle and ashley on the right looking up at chris while leaning onto his shoulder. what the fuck was all i thought as i stepped into the car. "hey babe, '' Chris said from the back seat, causing the smaller girl to slowly get off him.
"Oh hi Chris" I said lovingly,not wanting to call him anything but his first name at the sight of him being so touchy with another girl.
"oh yea you know Ashley right y/n '' Matt said as he began to back out of my driveway.of course i knew her.although she was more of the boys friend then mine it was pretty hard to miss her with how obnoxious she was. Nick has told me many times that he's not too fond of her but Chris and Matt seem to have no problem with the girl.
"Hey,"I said with a warm smile on my face while turning around to greet the girl,only receiving a small awkward smile in return.
Once we had finally made it to the restaurant after what felt like forever we all stepped out of the car.chris gave me a small kiss on the cheek now that we were close together. "I missed you, '' the taller boy whispered into my ear, causing me to forget everything I had seen previously.
Ashley and Nick had now taken the lead of our group,Matt in the middle and me and Chris in the back.The order stayed the same as we entered the restaurant and Nick began talking to the seating lady. "yea so party of five- 'who's the fifth? oh yea nevermind' ashley interrupted.not sure how she could forget me when she was on top of my boyfriend a minute ago but ok i guess.
"chris sit with me!" she said like a little kid once the seater brought us to a booth.nick,who now was sitting to her left gave me a look that described how i felt as well.my boyfriend awkwardly obliged and sat with her, leaving me to sit with Matt.which i would have been totally fine with if my boyfriend wasn't sitting directly across from me with another girl.
"wait your seriously gonna eat all of that.'' Ashley said as I began to eat my food.being on top of my boyfriend is one thing but making backhanded comments is another.
if we weren't in public i would’ve said something as rude as what just came out of her cheaply filled lips but due to the restaurant being packed i decided to be civil "well yea im fuckin hungry"was all i said before turning to nick in order to start a conversation with him.
"Y/nn take a picture of us for the photo dump tomorrow."nick said as he handed me his phone.i nodded slightly as i opened his camera and told them to pose.but of course as soon as the word left my mouth little miss bitch hooked herself onto chris and leaned on his shoulder.
yes i was mad at her for being like this for no apparent reason but i was also upset at chris for not saying anything.he just sat there and posed as well. "ok now we gotta get you guys, Ashley, take the photo since you're like in the middle." nick asked politely
"you sure she won't break the camera?'' Ashley joked as she looked at Nick for approval of her poorly curated joke.
"yea im pretty fuckin sure."the blonde boy replied.
"If that's really a concern of yours then maybe don't turn the camera around"Matt said in my defense.Through all this Chris stayed silent.like his lips were sealed.
For once Ashley didn't say anything,snatching the phone out of my hand.And now since Chris was being weird I decided to piss him off a little.make him feel what i've felt all night.
I put up a small thumbs up and leaned onto Matt's shoulder as my pose.the boy to my right did the same hand movement as we both smiled.I knew he wouldn't take this the wrong way and maybe even would understand why I was doing this.
✧Two days later, Saturday
My thumb repeated the same movement it had been doing for the past 45 minutes.it being late at night and not exactly wanting to talk to my boyfriend due to the way he acted the other night made my night extremely boring.
the next video on my for you page was one i didn't expect to see but the timing was almost perfect.it was a screen recording of the photo dump where the person scrolled until they got to the photos from the other night.the first picture was the one of me and matt and the next one was the one i took.the one where my boyfriend acted the same way he does with me, with another girl.
the video being the everlong meme made it slightly funny in my head but no laugh came out of me.before thinking i sent it to chris and nick.i sent it to nick because i knew he would agree and talk shit with me but i sent it to chris to show him why i haven't been talking to him the past day.why i haven't answered his calls or texts.
Nick's response was what I expected to be honest. 'yea im not inviting her anywhere no more, fuck that bitch' was what he had typed and sent in response to the video.
chris did not respond at all.simply leaving me on read.that hurt more than the other shit he's done recently.not only does he always respond to the videos i send him but one where i'm obviously trying to tell him something important.i glanced up at the time in the corner of my phone.it was only 8:30.too early for me to fall asleep so i simply turned over and continued scrolling.
After about an hour I heard the doorbell ring.assuming it was a stupid kid from down the street due to there being a lot of teens that lived on my road I ignored it.then the bell rang again.I rolled my eyes and became more aware of my surroundings, now being woken up.
‘Ping’ was all I heard from my phone that was now faces down on my mattress.as I turned it over the first and only notification I had was from my boyfriend, Chris.a text message that simply read “can you open the door it’s mad cold out here”
I sighed deeply as I realized what was going on.stepping out of my warm bed and walking down the stairs in my chilly house.
Once I had made it to the door I left my hand on the knob for a moment before opening it, not exactly sure if I wanted to be face to face with Chris at the moment.but nonetheless I opened it and was met with a sorry looking blue eyed boy.
“Hey”I said quietly due to me still being tired.I didn’t exactly know what to say.we almost never got into fights like this,certainly not one’s where we went more than a day not talking.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”the boy quickly said,skipping any form of greeting.
“Excuse me?”I responded.I noticed little drops of rain began to form outside as our conversation started.was he seriously blaming me for his bs?
He was struggling to look me in the eyes,something he had never had a problem with in the past.he actually often said he could stare into mine for hours and get lost in them. “Why didn’t you say anything to me, how was I supposed to know you were upset?”he said now more arrogant hints in his tone.
“Oh jeez sorry I thought my boyfriend of 3 years would be able to know that I don’t exactly love when some random girl calls me ugly and then hops on top of him”I said in response to his stupid question.
“She’s not just some girl,she’s my friend,”he said rudely.
“Go fuck yourself”i said weakly,tears welling up in my eyes.now the rain began to hit the ground harder.it was almost as if it was synced up with how i felt.
“What”he whispered
“I said go fuck yourself dip shit,get out of my face,leave me alone,I don’t want to see you let alone talk to you right now!”i said now louder.anger and sadness being my main emotions.
“Y/n I just don’t understand why you're being like this,I get that you don’t like what she said and how she’s on top of me all the time but I’ve told her to stop,what else do you want me to do?”he said putting his hands up in defense.
“Ugh your so stupid, drop her, why is she still your friend, do you have a fucking chemical imbalance in your brain why don’t you get that?!”i practically yelled. “I didn’t want it to come down to this because I know it’s corny but..me or her”I finished
Very movie-like of me yes but so what.he needs to choose because as long as he’s friends with her I don’t want anything to do with him.
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gffa · 9 days
Dearest gffa, you are the only person I know whose been reading Batfamily comics. (Though I do read some of the fanfic haha). The destiel meme informed me that Bad Things just happened in the latest comics. Is there a primer to the latest drama? (Everyone seems upset). Are you ok?
Best wishes, your fandom neighbor on Star Wars Street
I assume this is about the Batman #148 leaks? I haven't seen a ton of drama (other than a couple of posts, including the Destiel meme notification that got me to go see what was happening) but if that's it, it's kind of funny, because okay. As far as I've seen (the issue isn't even out yet, so I can't read it until tomorrow, I'm only going on the leaked panels I've seen) what happens in the issue is that Failsafe-- okay, let me back up. In the current Batman run (written by Chip Zdarsky), awhile back Bruce created a super powerful robot that was meant to be activated in the case of him going rogue so that it could take him down, and it's very coldly logical, based on his patterns, so it knows him extremely well and is hard to beat. It's powerful enough that it apparently took out the Justice League awhile back (I haven't read that arc yet, so take that with a grain of salt), which means now that Failsafe has gone rogue in the current Batman series that Zdarsky's writing, Bruce is having a hell of a time fighting it, especially with his "backup personality" Zur-En-Arrh (Bruce is a paranoid shit and I love him the most) is also running amok in his head and he's fighting back against that. Back up further--in late 2023, there was an event called "Gotham War" that was basically, "Bruce has been through a lot of shit lately, so he was out of commission for several months, in that time Selina stepped up in Gotham and started training crooks to be cat burglars instead of rogues' goons, Bruce woke up, thought this was bullshit, despite that crime was down, and they basically had a turf war while Bruce was losing his goddamned mind because of what he'd been through and because Zur-En-Arrh was literally ratting the bars of the cage of his mind, and part of the fallout being that Bruce dosed Jason with a gas that basically made his adrenaline go wild any time he would do anything dangerous, so that he could no longer be in this life of crime or vigilantism, because Jason had killed a lot of people, but Bruce couldn't bear to send him to jail, so this was the only way he could live with taking Jason out of the life they lived". Gotham War was extremely controversial--I had fun with it, because it was BONKERS and I fuckin' love bonkers stuff in the "punching people in the face solves crime" genre, but a lot of people were really angry about how Jason was treated in the arc. Zdarsky co-wrote Gotham War, so this is a continuation of a lot of people's frustration and anger towards how Jason has been treated by DC especially by this author.
There's also a lot of lingering frustration and resentment in fandom because Jason is not always written well or frequently. He doesn't have his own solo book these days, half of what's written about him is written by authors with VASTLY different takes from the other half of the writers out there, and there's a lot of fanon that goes around with Jason's sub-section of fandom where I think it furthers the divide because the fic that's written about Jason delves deep into his character in specific ways that the canon doesn't match and I think it can set expectations for some fans that are just not matched by DC themselves, either because they see Jason differently or because Jason just doesn't have a lot of fans at the company itself, I couldn't say for sure. So, now comes Batman #148 leaks (it's not actually out until tomorrow), where Failsafe kills Jason and Bruce has a dramatic reaction to it, and a lot of people are furious that DC would kill Jason at all, much less with such little fanfare, after how little focus he's gotten over the last several years. The thing is, though, that Jason doesn't stay dead, he's alive again by the end of the issue (I've seen panels from later in the issue) and I'm not sure how many people are reacting just to seeing the posts flying around fandom versus how many people have actually seen the whole context. Because context is slowly rolling out, but people generally aren't soothed by that, given the lead-up to this moment. Basically, years of Jason not getting much focus in the comics + the events of Gotham War have led to a powderkeg of a situation and the contextless leaks (ie, without the panel where Jason's alive again) took a match to the whole thing. And that's what's going on, as far as I know! I personally am having a great time because I was extremely skeptical that they would actually kill Jason without any fanfare and also I like Jason as a hot mess with crunchy relationships with people and that he's done bad things and had bad things done to him/been a victim as well, so all this messy drama in the story has me living for it. (This would have been a very different situation if I'd thought Jason was really dead, but I didn't, so I'm doing fine right now. Also, my Blorbo is Dick Grayson, so I've already been through this wringer and I'm still mad at DiDio for it, so it's Jason-Blorbo's time now.)
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jess-the-vampire · 2 years
Guys, I Think The Leaks Are Fakes Made By The Owl House Crew
yes yes i know, right now that might be a WILD ass claim to make but i want those who are reading this to hear me out and read this whole post, because I've been chatting with friends since these leaks happened and i think there’s reason to suspect we might be getting punked here.
And i say this fully accepting there is a chance i could be entirely wrong about this and they could be real, but I think there’s some reason to doubt the episode actually was leaked to the internet.
Now to get those who need it up to speed, the first of the three specials for toh s3 “Thanks to Them” is airing this Saturday on the 15th, it’s a big 45 minute episode that takes place on earth in Luz’s town of Gravesfield. There was a comic con panel about it a few days ago were some fans got to see some sneak peaks, it was all over the internet and everything.
But the day after, some images floated around, 6 of them mainly, claiming to be spoilers from this episode and everyone went WILD with anger, rightfully so, this huge ass episode got leaked to the internet and spoiled for everyone? Man what a way to ruin a week huh?
Well i thought the same for awhile too, but i’ve had some time to cool down and talk to others and guys....something isn’t right about this whole situation.
Below i’m gonna explain why this whole situation feels REALLY off and why I think there might be a chance that not only did the episode NOT leak, but the leaks were fabricated by the crew itself.
And just to be safe, i will do so without showing said leaks, nor will i tell you exactly what’s in them.
Those who saw them will understand, but for those lucky enough to avoid them, i’ll give you an idea of what about them makes me and others suspect something isn’t right.
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Now i’ve had episode leaks before in fandoms, it’s nothing new, they can happen to any fanbase due to issues with scheduling, or mishandling, or episodes being put up online and some people get to it fast.
So the idea of this happening isn’t odd.
However, i raise you this, because i found this to be REALLY Strange.
How come it’s only these 6 images?
Remember when ST and EE were shown privately to the TOH discord by crew members as a treat before they aired? Remember how afterwards there was a ton of images about lumity blushing and amity’s parents?
We were told the ENTIRE EPISODE was not only LEAKED, but put ONLINE. 
And yet all i and anyone else have seen are these images and people claiming they’re real, and nothing else.
There were gifs, clips, dozens of frames from willow’s dad’s holding hop pop books to the “That’s rough buddy”. There was so much about these episodes the moment the internet found them.
So let me get this straight? Those episodes the moment the fandom gets them get dozens of gifs, clips, drives to watch them, screenshots, memes, and fanart.....meanwhile this HUGE 45 MINUTE EPISODE has nothing but these specific 6 images?
I’ve never seen anything besides these images floating around when it comes to the the claim the episode was put out, there are no clips, no audio, no gifs, no dialogue being mentioned, nothing.
Is that not strange? 
Don’t you guys think if the entire episode was leaked we’d see more then these specific images? Don’t you think we’d see MORE then these shots?
 Like this is a big episode, and there is nothing else worth spoiling? Nothing about the wittebanes? lumity? Huntlow? any other big reveals? You’d think if the episode was revealed those would be leaked too right? 
Isn’t it so odd that these are the only leaks out there? if there’s video, why doesn’t it seem to be posted anywhere? Heck, where is the video that shows off what’s happening in the leaks with the biggest spoilers?
it’s also strange how this got “Leaked” over a week before the episode comes out, because how in the heck would someone get access to the full episode THAT early? When episodes usually leak, if they aren’t shown privately, it’s either the day before or because of a scheduling error. 
So that also seems odd.
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There’s also this to consider, the content of the images themselves.
I won’t go into detail obviously, but you know what i found so off-putting? That the images in question proved a specific theory, proved a few theories and predictions people were floating around the fanbase...theories that aren’t something that’s strongly supported by any current evidence or even liked by quite a few people.
The last images are so....out of nowhere too. They’re sequential enough that they could tell a story of what happened without context and some of them are DEFINTENLY SHOCKING.
But the first two, they have nothing to do with the context of those last 4, so why did they get leaked? they reveal nothing, they’re also things we get to see in the promos that just were released.
Except, if you consider they were “Leaked” to make these leaks seem more real.
Don’t you think it’s odd two of the leaks are things that ended up in the promo that showed up later that day? i mean, what are the CHANCES? 
But if you were on the crew, and you wanted the fans to buy into the leaks, you WOULD pair up the fakes with real ass images the fans would see later that day wouldn’t you?
It’s so oddly deliberate.
You would also make leaks that would support big theories and have shock value so people were bound to spread them more. Which is EXACTLY what these ones are.
And if you’re on the crew, you know what the characters are wearing, so even easier to make them look real, because no matter what clips are shown in any disney promos or commercials they will appear to line up with the leaks.
There’s also other off stuff, like how one image is VERY oddly cropped compared to the others, or some character inconsistencies, some even seemingly off model.
“But the 6 minutes in HD are a thing-”
yeah and if someone wanted to fool the fanbase into thinking these leaks were real they WOULD release the 6 minutes alongside it to claim the episode had to be out.
The thing is, the 6 minutes have already been leaked to the fanbase from the nycc panel to the entire fanbase the moment it ended, it’s not as if putting the hd version out there will spoil anything because everyone already basically saw it.
And again, if the episode is OUT, why is that the ONLY footage that appears to have been posted anywhere? The footage we the fans already know about and saw?
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And i wanna send off the rest of the suspicious details about these leaks by talking about the crew.
The crew, has been DEAD SILENT about these leaks, they have not said a word about these specific ones, not even to warn fans about them or how upset they are or anything. 
Which is not what they usually do, they have warned fans before, so why not warn us about these supposed BIG leaks about a big episode?
And ok, maybe they don’t wanna make a fuss about them, fair enough, but there’s something else.
Rebecca Rose, who works on this show, liked this tweet just recently.
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Now for those who don’t know, Alex Hirsh (Voice of King and Hooty) is the creator of Gravity Falls, another Disney Cartoon. That cartoon is infamous for it’s mysteries and secrets, and Alex, actually made a fake leak about a major spoiler to troll the entire fanbase.
He made this tweet after it successfully tricked the fans.
Now not only does he work on this show too, but you wanna know where these “Leaks” started out? 4chan and reddit.
Same place his did.
What are the chances?
What are the chances a crew members likes this old tweet about his stunt NOW of all times? When the episode has supposedly been leaked?
Now would it suck to assume the entire fanbase got fooled into thinking the episode was leaked and all the posts made about shaming the leakers were completely for nothing?
Oh yeah.
For the crew to pull this stunt and make us all look like doofuses would be insane.
But i think there’s reason to find this whole situation off and i hope this post makes you all reconsider some details you might not of considered before. Maybe we were leaked, maybe this is all a huge coincidence.
But if you ask me.
This is all too fishy for my liking.
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erikahenningsen · 2 months
Okay, I’m obsessed with your version of Cadina in every way— I noticed earlier that you answered an AMA about headcanons for lawyer Regina, I giggled and kicked my feet because I had been curious too and they are all so spot on and fun. However, NOW I’m wondering, what are your headcanons for teacher Cady?
I had a professor in undergrad whom I once asked what he did for fun and he told me about a documentary he had watched the night before about crows and I feel like that’s her vibe
Everyone always wants to take Cady’s classes—not because she’s a particularly easy professor but she’s the most patient and helpful and will work with students outside of her office hours if they need it
She casually drops crazy anecdotes like “this one time in Kenya…” or “my girlfriend was hit by a bus” and her students are both confused and fascinated
Cady gets really into loud patterns and bright colors (Regina thinks her shirts are ugly) and she often gets mistaken for a student
She has a variety of fidget toys in her office and brings some to class with her for any students who need one
She also has a variety of stuffed lions she’s received as gifts from students and they occupy a whole shelf in her office (Regina doesn’t want them in their home because they’d clash with the decor)
Regina once in awhile will come to campus and Cady always gets pestered with questions the next day
Cady advises the math club but also sometimes attends GSA events (they always ask her to bring Regina and Regina is like no? why??)
Cady has a scooter she rides around campus because she crashed her bike one too many times and Regina feels this is safer. It’s become a bit of a meme among the students.
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nyanslaughter · 7 months
hi there. i like ripping games limb from limb. here's some hc3 finds
ive had these for awhile but i might as well post them for anyone who doesnt. for clarification, alot of the game assets have already been ripped and are available on the wiki and such. but i got into the project file itself!
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this is the inner workings of the aetherworks logo at the start. and boyyy does it hurt me! doing frame by frame in rpgmaker is a hell i wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. they handle the static during the execution hour segments the same way.
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me fucking with charles' intro dialogue to see if i could. did you know the font for hello charlotte is called Coder's Crux? you also need it for anything to display properly. luckily, it comes with the game! but it does not come with the decrypted project files.
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here's what that looks like. courtesy of delchar.
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another dialogue edit for the soul.
now for actually interesting finds
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despite appearances, this is a test map!
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i'm not especially sure what etherane was doing. but it was definitely something!
speaking of maps,
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they are FREAKISHLY organized. i have never seen someone this organized. literally everything in the game is named like this! it's terrifying!
the room with the afterword is called Diary Room
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which i think is nice. really captures the fact that afterword is like watching etherane rip themself open
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cruel reminder that charles' house layout is literally just the puppeteer symbol.
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scarlett eyler has battle stats
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as does charlotte. her stats are comically better than scarlett's
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etherane seems to use the nickname field as a lastname field instead.
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here are the specific sound settings, for the curious
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various common events, which are all pretty self explanatory.
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blank magcat that does absolutely fuckall
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unlike ep1 and delirium, where parallax backgrounds were used sparingly. basically every location in the game is a parallax image. the tilesets are used for decorations and set pieces, mostly.
that's about all i can think to show for now. if you have a specific thing you want me to dig for let me know and i will. i have unaltered filenames for image files and spritesheets and again the entire vx ace project file. alternatively, i can do dialogue edits to make your memes real
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blackstarchanx3new · 2 months
FSR rambles 17 ways Dark can insult you
It's been aWHILE.
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Not Green practically begging this man to stop abusing Dark Link.
Shadow being insanely bitter at Green's position as the "Leader" of the group isn't well hidden here. When Shadow was in charge of things, he has shown to be very...Abusive. Like there's not a lot of ways around that lmfao. He was seemingly way less abusive to the Hinox's than the rock monster but like, we barely saw them interact.
Green appealing to Dark's emotions by stating "Shadow's kinds scary" is hilarious to me. Throw the shade Green Shadow deserves it a little at this point.
Green's got the right idea that introductions this late is probably a very bad idea given EVERYTHING going on.
I personally just love Dark chewing on Green's fingers it's cute. It's the kind of thing a cat would do lmfao. Green doesn't seem to mind it since he lets him do it till the next panel lmfao.
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"Vaati's such a prick!" Shadow says. As if Vaati chose to make the curse sentient...And it wasn't like. A mistake. Quite the assumption there pal.
Ya think it would have assumed a physical form 7 years ago when he was created if that was the case but ehhhh-
As soon as Green falls into his anxieties Dark laughs like a crazy person. Because this dude feeds on emotions and that power is rated E for everyone, he doesn't discriminate against good or bad emotions.
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Yeah well for laughing like a loon Daddy Shadow's gonna abuse him some more. You're a terrible dad Shadow Link.
Poor Green is concerned about Dark's wellbeing.
The fucking face Green makes after Dark is yanked is based on this meme:
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Because it's funny as hell to me.
Also Shadow wrongly assumes what Dark's powers are:
I mean it's TRUE that he does feed off negativity. But the same is true for positive emotions too. Dark Link actually outright admits to preferring them on a few occasions. Dark Link is bad at being a parasitic curse.
Shadow dramatically stuffing Dark back into his hat is one of my favorite panels of this sequence. It's so dramatic and silly.
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Shadow needs to know when he's being an ass.
Green will give credit when it's due but Shadow was AWFUL TO THEM.
Some stuff to note:
Green doesn't actually answer the question on if he forgives Shadow or not. Haaaah.
That sure won't be relevant later, but it's pretty heavily implied he hasn't fully forgiven Shadow but IS willing to make an effort to accept him anyway.
Green being a bro here is smth I liked writing.
Green's hard to characterized so I ended up taking him in a different but SIMILAR direction to his cannon manga counterpart.
Like...Green didn't have a lot of his own traits vs the OG Link. He mainly just existed to be the voice of reason. Which is fine. But giving him depression means he can be a bit more interesting in my eyes than just "Diet Link" XDDDD
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Green reminding us that him and Link had full conversations with each other at various points.
Which is. Interesting. I can't remember how much I dived into the concept of that in fsr rambles. But that is weird.
It suggests a level of detachment Link has from the four of them to the point he is able to have his own opinions/thoughts/and is able to do actions completely dethatched from all four.
Link is destinctly his own entity compared to the four of them...If that's the case. Where did that consciousness GO.
Perhaps a question to look into at a later date.
For now Green's giving some good ol hugs and thoughts to his pal Shadow Link.
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Hah I'm sure you were glad Shadow.
And this page makes me laugh like hell at the implications in the 2nd to past panel.
I'm flabbergasted yall didn't catch that on release of these pages.
C'mon now.
They're blushing and touching each other.
Next panel they're missing articles of clothes (Their tunics specifically.) and have distinctly embarrassed looks on their faces, Green is hiding his neck for some reason and Blue's dialogue eludes to a substantial amount of time passing.
They did smth sus off screen and yall just, missed that.
I'm very disapointed nobody caught that till I pointed it out. I thought I was being too obvious with that shit.
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Green hasn't exactly been hiding the fact he's been very eager for physical contact is all I'm saying.
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LMFAO. Okay funny thing:
Shadow didn't have a bed. Because: Why the fuck would you give a shadow a bed.
Shadow also couldn't FEEL things in his weird limbo shadow state. Because he has been IN Link's bed before. Just couldn't actually feel it being comfortable.
No wonder dude has been touch starved to hell.
Idk what it is about the second to last page but I like Green and Shadow interacting and Shadow being a happy little camper.
Even though he's a dick he deserves to be happy with his family. (Smth I dislike strongly is how that dude got relegated to being Link's damn shadow at the end of the manga like...Noooooooo)
Green's had time to think about the things necessary for them all to live together which is sweet.
Link didn't do this before to have less suspicion he was actually gonna draw the sword.
Adding rooms to the house when he lives alone would have been SO SUS.
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Green's excited at the prospect of their new life. Even if it'll be hard.
I did an oopsie in this page and didn't color shadow's glove and I'm not fixing it lmfao. Pretend it's there, this is a free comic on the internet. 😭
Blue yeeting a pillow at Green is funny since this is the second time this night the dude has told Green to get some damn sleep.
Greeeen can't sleep though.
I get it pal. I'm an insomniac too. 😞
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Vaati's back.
And he cut his hair.
Dark's a silly goofy guy and noticed that because he's a creep.
There's just a whole other level of rude here because like:
Dark it's cut already wtf is he meant to do? X'D
Visually: it's worth noting they're in the temple Shadow dragged vio to at the beginning of the story.
Vaati has seemingly made that place his new home.
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Dark's bluntness in the first panel just gets a kick out of me. He really thinks Vaati is dumb as hell and it shows.
Just to make it more obvious:
Dark wasn't ever referring to Vaati with the term "Master" in reference to he himself being Vaati's worker. He was referencing it in terms of Vaati being his teacher.
Which is like rubbing salt in a giant stab wound considering Vaati's former Master Ezlo and him weren't on good terms.
A fun thing to note: After Dark asks up front what he SHOULD call Vaati. Vaati responds with "Get off my bed" and didn't verbally protest to just "Vaati".
You'll notice Dark calls Vaati just "Vaati" from here on out I believe exclusively.
Which is pretty funny to think about because if Vaati had pulled his head out of his ass for a second and just told Dark what he preferred to be called, Dark probably would have actually listened in this moment since it was a genuine question.
Dark Link is only an annoyance if you fall into his traps. or have a bloated as hell ego like Vaati.
Vaati holding Dark Link like a spider by the leg here is so damn funny to me while Dark just, openly shows he would start touching this man the second he got to close if given the opportunity.
He did kiss Vaati without warning a few chapters ago so, don't really blame Vaati for wanting to avoid that. X'D
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This entire sequence is just funny to me. But what's new.
Dark's being an oversharing weirdo and Vaati can't handle affection.
Smth I'm sure yall have noticed: Dark's expressions started off as creepy and disturbing and now have evolved into being goofy as fuck.
Dark can't emote properly. So the idea his face is just, all kinds of messed up expression wise has just as much comedic value as creep value. It can either be uncanny or silly.
The more frequently Dark makes "Disturbing expressions" the audience will get numb to it. As Dark becomes a character the audience outwardly is meant to like, smth disturbing about him becoming smth funny is a way of shifting perspective on a lot of aspects of him.
Smth I particularly like about the last panel is how Vaati visually cannot see dark but just knows he's there. XD
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The fun thing about this scene is how you could really see it from both their perspectives here.
Vaati is very cynical. He's been hurt a lot (His own fault but still) he doesn't trust people and feels very alone. He misses the one time he connected with someone (Link from Minish cap).
But he's hesitant to make connections due to his attempt at redemption falling flat.
And then There's Dark Link:
Dark Link, is delusional to a degree but also painfully aware of other things.
His delusion is that he's a hero. Vaati's specifically which is why he compared Vaati to Zelda when he spoke to Shadow Link.
Vaati is the one he's protecting and keeping safe, Vaati is someone he cares about deeply even if Vaati, in every way: Sucks majorly.
But unlike Minish cap Link he doesn't try to get Vaati to change who he is.
He likes Vaati for who he is. Even if he thinks he's literally the worst.
At the end of the day: Dark isn't protecting Vaati because he was MADE too. He protects him because he wants too. And that's smth Vaati takes majorly for granted which we'll see down the line...
Dark's offering him unconditional love and Vaati can't understand that shit. Dark's loyalty confuses and just kinda frustrates him.
Since it's not logical. It's purely emotional.
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Oh so much to say.
It's so hard to put into words what I think about their dynamic and why I love them. They're very messy but on equal footing. Vaati could push Shadow around and disrespect him in FSR I took the route Shadow and Vaati have an abusive parent and child relationship. But with Dark, that shit just doesn't work on Dark (at least for now) because the man is delusional as hell.
He truly believes he is not only smarter than Vaati but that he is THE ONLY THING protecting him and in a lot of ways: That's outright true.
A LOT of Dark Link's delusions have roots in reality. (Shadow saying they were "Family" so he wrongly associates Shadow as his "father" the only family Link had for instance.)
Vaati has to be kinda stupid from a writing standpoint (Cannon manga or not) because he needs to be defeat-able. His flaws boil down to making stupid as hell choices because he's narcisistic to a fault.
He can't think of shit outside of purely benefiting himself which...In the long run fucks himself over.
Dark is the kind of person you cannot argue with. Because he's insane.
Dark's not afraid of death, or pain...So it leads you to wonder what his weakness is. (And oh boy I hope that pays off haha.)
You throw something at Dark, he will spit it right back in your face 10 fold and he will be MEAN about it. Dark will low blow you into oblivion because it works.
Dark's morals are ALL OVER THE PLACE because he simultaneously thinks he is a curse made to destroy people emotionally and also thinks he's a hero.
In this case, Vaati's ego is Dark's ego.
At this point: Dark hasn't failed. He's done exactly as he's been asked in a round about way/depending on how you look at it.
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I ain't even gonna pretend this scene wasn't meant to be sus.
Dark's very "Words are important" kind of guy for someone who sucks at communication haha.
Smth to note dialogue wise:
Dark's insult in the 2nd to last panel was him calling Vaati a baby effectively lmfao.
Since Picori are like mice/rats him calling Vaati a "Pup" was meant to insinuate Vaati is acting an infant Picori which just adds to the insult imo. Like instead of JUST calling Vaati a child he used language that was more suited to Vaati's upbringing.
That just cracks me up.
He went the extra mile to effectivly say "you're a poopy diaper baby huh?"
The last panel is just such: You have to get the last word huh? moment for Dark hahaha. X'D
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1st panel:
Dark insinuates he is something OTHER than a curse which is odd. Though you can assume he just means he's a hero. But then again: Why does he think he's a hero exactly.
And the further conversation leads to a very odd revelation.
Vaati, by being in the four sword connected to Link, was cursed.
Which explains why Dark Link can see his memories when Vaati earlier in the comic referenced that he SHOULDN'T.
This also explains why it works on Shadow Link. Because Shadow was magically attached to Link at the time of being cursed, Dark affects the three who were influenced by the sword and it's wielder at the time.
Dark's dialogue is further confusing/has weird implications when he asks Vaati:
"Perhaps you forgot what you WANTED, and where you WERE when you created me?"
Dark on multiple occasions has outright referenced the idea he was made to protect Vaati.
Which is weird if you think about it.
Dark wasn't made to just hurt people, but to protect something. Specifically VAATI, but this behavioral aspect makes a lot of sense when you consider he was created for.
Smth a bit morbid:
Dark Link outright states here he believes Link/his colors will kill him. And doesn't seem to care in the slightest.
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Well Dark seems fine with his mortality as long as he gets to use it to protect Vaati.
2nd panel insult had me rolling it's so mean and out of pocket but what's new for Dark.
He brushes off Vaati's threats of curse breaking because: Well he's right about Vaati needing him at least for now.
We end on a very goofy note of Dark begging for more kisses if he does a good job. Which shows dude has optimism pouring out of his ass rn.
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taggedmemes · 4 months
just where do you think you're going?
i'm an old white woman, i'm not supposed to have color.
i want you to see how good i look in my new dress.
i've lived in this body since i was born.
if something goes wrong, i'm the first one to hear about it.
i have to wash my hair every day for the rest of my life.
thank you for being a kind and generous god.
the only thing i haven't tried on is the bedspread.
what kind of woman do you think i am?
i am not accustomed to being manhandled.
you are no gentleman.
there is something about that man i don't trust.
she'll be heartbroken when you tell her.
the last time a friend's sweetheart made a pass at me, i lost my friend.
what kind of friend would i be to hurt her?
what kind of friend would you be if you let him ruin her life?
he put his big, masculine arms around my tiny little waist.
why would i make up such a thing?
you're used to getting all the attention and someone comes along and wants me and not you and it's eating your guts out.
nothing you say is worth repeating.
you are an amoral, backstabbing, self-centered woman.
the hell with you and your oversexed boyfriend.
she deserves to know what kind of person he really is.
why does everything happen to me?
isn't there some way we can settle this like rational adults?
how dare you leave in the middle of a fight.
now hold it right there.
i'm not fooling around.
look at him. he's twitching and blinking, he's lying.
i have just never felt so betrayed in all my life.
i haven't been a good friend to a lot of people, but i have been a very good friend to you.
you take some stranger's word over mine?
who'd believe they'd break up their friendship over a man?
i can't just stand by and watch this happen.
i take awhile to warm up, but once i get going i can turn your topsoil til the cows come home.
i probably lost one of my best friends because of you.
i've been an idiot through this whole thing.
there's no excuse for my behavior.
i didn't believe you because i didn't want to.
nobody ever believes me when i'm telling the truth.
it's the curse of being a devastatingly beautiful woman.
you miss a lot of things.
it wasn't my fault, i promise.
i'd keep an eye on this one.
i'm just so glad you're alright.
i'm willing to overlook this little incident.
i don't believe in hitting children.
personally, i like to lay into a kid with a melon baller.
if i breathe and it bothers you, put a pillow over my face.
what are you trying to do, pickle yourself?
what am i supposed to do, just sit around and listen to your arteries harden?
i am having a real problem with your attitude.
you can all just kiss my attitude.
is that all you italians know how to do, scream and hit?
you had no right to hit him.
i'd rather be alone than trapped here with you.
idle hands are the devil's workshop.
he might even start feeling good about himself.
crossing the street without getting pregnant was a chore back then.
life is full of crappy stuff to do.
you can tough it out or you can let it beat you.
it wouldn't be fair to be this old and have to raise children.
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