#because i was never . around them . and i have no common interests and any interaction with me is just an obligation to them i think
muppetcube · 6 months
Nobody talks about how utterly humiliating it is to love your family with your whole heart and they dont even. Like you.
#like sorry i need to talk about it because i have no idea how to navigate interacting with my family one fucking bit because i was never.#because i was never . around them . and i have no common interests and any interaction with me is just an obligation to them i think#like this year i was really excited for my 18th birthday and i really wanted to do something but i thought better of trying to plan so#mthing myself because do you know how fuckinh humiliating it would've been#nobody would've shown up. one of my aunts n uncle took a vacation out of state during my birthday. nobody else would've come and it would've#jsut been like. me. and that would've taken time out of everyone's schedules for the kid they dont like#its so embarrassing that im still upset over my fucking birthday when it's been like six months but i was really excited and thats so#terrible for me#i worked on my birthday too. i felt too embarrassed to request it off without a good reason#and then i went to dinner with my dad and my mom got upset because she didn't get much sleep before work#god its humiliating and im so tired#i think after this year i should just stop going to my family's stuff because i never get invited anyway and it's just my dad telling me#what time things are and bringing me along and i dont think any of them actually want me there but i love them so much and i want to see#them but they dont want to see me and i dont think they ever have#and i really want to make an effort to get to know them better and interact with them more because i couldn't for years but i dont know how
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iwasthewind · 2 months
Venti and Diona's interaction in the alchemy event is so special to me... because Diona is someone who really hasn't had any reliable parental figures in her life at all. Her father is a drunkard who barely has any time for her. She got her vision because she walked into the pouring rain as a child, all alone, terrified, to look for her drunk father in a forest full of animals and monsters and bring him home. Her father takes better care of Razor than her. She was so lonely she talked to a spring in the hopes that the rumours were true and there really was a fairy inside, listening. And then the voices that used to answer stopped, too. Leaving her with nothing but a curse- any drink she mixed would be divine. She's only twelve at most and she works in a bar. Her employer exploits her skills for profit. There's advertisements around Mondstadt advertising Diona's drinks specifically. Everyone loves them. Diona hates them. Everyone tells her how lovely her drinks are. Diona herself, despite despising alcohol, is proud of her skills. That's so fucked up. That's all so fucked up.
There's so many jokes about "haha child wants to destroy the wine industry but works in a bar" and while I can see why people find it funny they're honestly...so tasteless. Diona is a child who villainizes alcohol because she can't bear the thought of her father being at fault for his actions because she loves him so much. That he could drink less and he could spend more time with her and he could help her with her emotions but never does. That he could spend time with her and immerse himself in her interests but he never does. That he's willing to do all this for other people instead, but not her. That he chooses to do these things for other people, but he almost never chooses to do them for her.
But Venti does. Venti chooses to do all these things with Diona. He calls all residents of Mond his children and that's Diona too. He takes the time to search Dragonspine for an ingredient she might like, he chats with her and accompanies her to the location of the alchemy event, he presumably spends hours with her as she searches for ingredients and mixes her drink, keeping her company and making sure she's safe.
He doesn't have to do this. He doesn't have to patiently endear himself to her because he knows she hates people who drink, he doesn't have to bother going all the way to Dragonspine to find her something unique because he knows she's proud of her creations, he doesn't have to spend hours in the company of a lonely child who he has nothing in common with-but he does.
So many people would think he's doing it for the drink, but they all lack reading comprehension skills because I said so. Diona wants to create a drink which keeps people sober. Venti isn't going to get drunk and he's not doing it for the drink. It isn't pity either, it's affection- he loves his child and he wants to spend time with her and make sure she's safe. That's all. They're so special to me <3
Oh and another thing that I forgot to add- the Spring Fairy Diona talked to, Callirhoe, only found the spring in Springvale thanks to "a gentle breeze guiding her." The person who listened to the cries and rants of a lonely child was also coincidentally someone guided there by Venti. Still girlie why that specific blessing 😔
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ambros1an · 2 months
hsr x gn!reader relationship hcs
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warnings: penacony spoilers (2.0+), bug mention (screwllum), angsty (aventurine & acheron), ocd mention (sunday), slight dark content (ie stalking) at end in Sundays but it’s marked in red to avoid if uncomfy
characters: sunday, screwllum, acheron, aventurine
a/n: i feel like it’s so obvious i did like 2 of these a week later 💀 i need more Sunday content in game
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❧ if you manage to get past Sunday’s formal exterior, what lies behind it is a complete “know-it-all.”
❧let him nerd out about the greatest books in the current and past amber eras. he’ll make sure to tell you all about the authors too.
❧if the two of you have liking books in common, congrats! he’ll bring you on a tour to the primal waking library where you can chat all about it.
❧sunday’s compulsions become even worse with you around. is his shirt properly tucked in? he hopes there’s no wrinkles, maybe he should iron all his shirts again. oh gosh-are his shoes untied? you don’t even notice this. he’s used to hiding his true feelings.
❧he definitely confesses first. he’s aware that his status can be a hindrance when forming genuine relationships.
❧ maybe afterwards he’ll let you touch his wings. he loves the feeling of you stroking his feathers. especially when those annoying pin feathers grow in. the biggest sign of trust amongst birds- and sunday of course.
❧ and obviously you always get free vip to robin’s shows.
❧before and after the “Robin incident” are two very different Sundays.
❧the after, is a very possessive Sunday. he can’t have you become like Robin. he uses nightingales to keep watch on you, to make sure you’re safe. he knows it’s unhealthy but he just lost his sister, he can’t lose you too.
❧aventurine’s flirty facade fools most people. they think he’s sleazy and untrustworthy, and so do you in the beginning.
❧at first he talks to you because he thinks your reactions are amusing.
❧eventually your relationship gets too deep for comfort.
❧this guy will never open up. if he has feelings for you, you’ll never know. it’s not because he’s ashamed. it’s because he cannot comprehend someone actually liking him.
❧the only way he’ll confess is if you do it first. and even then he plays it off like a joke, something he can’t even believe. it takes a lot of button pressing to get him to admit his feelings.
❧aventurine is a very vulnerable person. he may rub off insults but they still hurt him deep.
❧the first time you hug him, he is baffled. affection has been foreign to him since the extinction event.
❧worming your way into his heart will get you even more riches then before. sure, he hands out money like nothing, but to you? that credit card is unlimited.
❧”what, that’s all?” he encourages you to spend.
❧brings you to casinos for good luck. not as if he needed any, but with you at least his hand doesn’t shake.
❧ it isn’t uncommon for inorganic species to feel love. just as it isn’t uncommon for organic species not to.
❧ Screwllum, however, hasn’t experienced that feeling.
❧ he sees the way organic species love in a way he hasn’t. as a genius society member and one interested in life itself, how could he not be interested.
❧ which is why when he starts feeling a fluttering in his chest whenever you’re around, he must get to the bottom of it!
❧ confesses instantly. he has zero experience yet remains so confident.
❧ immediately takes time out of his day to interact with you. in whatever way possible.
❧ it could be the busiest day of his life and he’ll still make time for you.
❧ he’s described as a gentlemen by his close companions. this means opening doors for you, taking you out to places, etc.
❧ sounds too good to be true. but it is true.
❧ his one flaw, if you can even call it that, is his love for all life. and that includes bugs! no smashing them on his watch! he’s picking them up before you even get the chance.
❧ if you like bugs, even better. he’ll gently pick them up and talk about them with you. the two of you can take turns.
❧ the first time you meet her, you think she’s a polite but introverted lady. she claims to be a galaxy ranger and you have no reason to doubt her.
❧ her blunt way of speaking leaves no room for questions.
❧ that is, until you get too entangled in each other’s destines.
❧ your first meeting with acheron, wasn’t actually your first. you’ve met her many times. every time though she seems not to know you.
❧ Acheron lies to protect you. just as she lied about being a galaxy ranger, she lies that she has no feelings whatsoever towards you.
❧ perhaps you remind her of someone she once knew.
❧ on some days, acheron traverses through her memories to look for you. she sees the hurt look in your eyes, but sees your smiles too. the path of a self-annihilater is a lonely one.
❧ ultimately, if you manage to convince her with words and actions that you truly care for her. she will put forth that effort tenfold. she desperately doesn’t want to be alone anymore.
❧ acheron is very protective towards you. if there’s a hint of danger, she’ll encourage you to take her with you. even going on her own to eliminate it herself.
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credit to @/miau-meow-miau for first divider 🫶
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megabuild · 6 months
"Is Etho's Lab Autistic?" - the greatest thread in the history of MCYTblr, locked by a moderator after 12,239 pages of heated debate,
NOT INTENDED to be a diagnostic resource or an "accusation/truthing" of Etho being autistic, but rather comparing autistic criterion as printed in the DSM-5 with various clips and common autistic experiences, since he has many autistic fans who relate to him. Also because it's a little funny and it's always fun to see more Etho clips. Some of these clips may overlap categories.
A: Persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction.
Unaware of social conventions or context; makes socially inappropriate comments (especially to strangers)
Bdubs: "One of the first things he said to me... Bdubs, you are always sick. I never get sick."
"I was at the DMV, for like, fifteen minutes."
(Gem: "Sometimes the things that come out of your mouth are... unexpected.") "That's how you get laughs, Gem."
Lack of theory of mind (difficulty or inability to recognise cognitive differences- assumes everyone thinks similarly and will understand any references or explanations made, no matter how particular)
"It's the same noise tigers make when they chuff."
"Feel free to boo if you wish." ("Boo!")
B: Restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests or activities.
Idiosyncratic or metaphorical language (language that has meaning only to those familiar with the individual's communication style) (also extends to a very particular or idiosyncratic sense of humour that appeals only to themselves)
"The Office is a good show..."
"Objectify them! Objectify them real good!"
"What's the deal with bathroom... peanuts...?"
"This is probably the greatest story you will ever hear in your lifetime."
"And he's like, Etho, don't go in there."
Echolalia (immediate or delayed repetition of sounds, words or phrases)
"We got go get wool!" (More mature jargoning than echolalia, but still)
Rigid thinking (difficulty or inability to understand humour, irony, or implied meanings)
"That's Not What That Is."
"I don't have social skills, Grian.."
Particular interests, often on unorthodox things or with uncommon levels of intensity
Sourcing exact clips for this one is tricky, but being a Minecraft YouTuber is one of the most autistic things a person can do imo.
Specifically, a redstone Minecraft YouTuber. Who invents stuff like the Nexus.
(On fireworks, something he's made frequent references to and also tried to make as a kid) "I'm like a kid in a candy store right now!"
Anxiety around change/transitional periods
"Whenever I'm recording a new series with a bunch of new people, the stress... I start to feel it in my stomach." (Gem: "Aw, that's anxiety!")
C: Other things I felt were relevant but couldn't decide on a category for
"I used to go out after rainstorms and pick (worms) up..." (Guude: "Would you let them go ever, or-") "No, I usually forgot about 'em... found 'em later all dried up..."
Cleo: "To be fair, Etho never claims he's a grown up, he just sort of.. giggles and runs away."
"Guys? GUYS?!"
Hiding in the bathroom at MCC
Mannerisms such as his "sleepy" or monotone voice from earlier years, or "whisper-shouting" rather than actually yelling.
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yanxidarlings · 9 months
so more of the slytherin boys was in the lead last night and inspiration struck, but i still will be doing whichever option has the most votes by the end of the week, and eventually i'll probably have all of the concepts up, if you haven't already you can vote here.
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so i did more reading up on mattheo and lorenzo, and i honestly don't know where to pick up from, i'm thinking of making this my main concept for yandere hp and building on it.
the last post specified the darling as the dormmate of our dear slytherin boys here, but many of the headcanons can be applied to a fem darling, or darling from another house. it's quite intriguing to imagine someone who had grown up close to draco, theo, ect. getting sorted into a different house; i can honestly see this being a trigger for the boys' yandere tendencies to develop.
sure theo was attached before, but he had never even entertained the possibility of not getting sorted into slytherin together. and what do you mean the darling won't be there to knock draco down a peg when he won't stop talking down to goyle?. how is blaise supposed to get through seven years of not watching his darling everynight whilst they sleep?
i might expand on this in my future ravenclaw (possibly hufflepuff) posts. for now i want to delve into the individual yandere characteristics of each slytherin (i'm considering adding pansy, adrian, other slytherins) to the concept if anyone else is interested.
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DRACO MALFOY (cast tom felton):
i think i've made it painfully obvious draco is alot to deal with as a yandere. he's got a bit of everything and even more; but overall, he is overwhelmingly obsessive. his obsession is driven by irrepressible thoughts of his darling. ever since he was a child, separating from them has simply felt wrong, i think he's likely to have known the darling the longest, perhaps having grown up close to them.
maybe his darling is a member of the black family, or a lestrange, or hails from another prominent family, thus he has been brought up closely next to them.
there's no one he feels more comfortable around, his darling is his home, which would be sweet if he weren't willing to kill and maim others to keep his darling with him.
his darling was probably hoping, praying to get sorted into any house but slytherin, it didn't take a ravenclaw to know draco would only get worse if they shared a dorm/common room. immediately, he claims the bed next to his darling, and already has pestered his father into arranging them a private dorm together, but that old oaf dumbledore refused because "all students must be treated equally." what bullshit. if you ask draco.
he won't let his darling interact with anyone "don't lower yourself and associate with the likes of them" and socially isolates them. don't you dare wander off, it'll end in the biggest tantrum, and don't even think about dating, the entire slytherin dorm will implode on itself.
draco needs constant attention, his darling is all he thinks about so he expects them to only think about him as well. you'll quickly learn that it's best to give draco the attention he wants. it's not that he plans to give his darling a hard time, but he becomes moody, both mean and clingy at the same time. he'll have his arm around his darlings waist whilst accusing them of being a blood traitor, and attacking their insecurities, then a few hours later he crawls into bed whispering sweet nothings.
it leaves his darling on the edge, because sometimes these mood swings happen even when paying him the attention he so desperately craves.
this could lead to his darling keeping a facade up in front of him, so he has less ammunition during his mood swings, but if he suspects his darling of not being as open and comfortable around him as he is them, all hell breaks loose.
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THEODORE NOTT (fancast lorenzo zurzolo):
but he's not as sensitive about his darlings perception of him as theo is. perhaps sensitive isn't the correct word as much as demanding. theodore demands his darling be open and honest with him, he wants to know about every ache and thought they have. however he is best characterised as a possessive yandere. above all he cannot live with the thought of sharing his darling with anyone.
sharing, in theo's mind, is anyone even casting a glance upon his darling. why isn't his company enough? why does his darling have to interact with undeserving rodents like malfoy, potter and the weasleys? he would completely abandon his life outside of his darling if they just asked would anyone else do that for them? no!.
they're the person that matters most to him, and he wants to be the only person his darling cares about as well.
theodore has likely known his darling since childhood, perhaps they shared similarly harsh parents/guardians, and bonded over that. it would make it all the more easier to theo to manipulate them into staying close to him.
his company is not as dreadful as draco's, and he doesn't demand physical affection and praise as much as the latter does, not if his darling is not willing. but there is still a part of him that yearns to press up against them and never let go.
he simply cannot handle his darling distancing themselves from him, and is quick to resort to threats, blackmail, emotional manipulation, anything that he thinks will keep him and his darling close.
he is another one who will shamelessly confess his love and attraction to his darling, and has already 'claimed' them in a strange way; everyone at hogwarts seems to identify theo out of the slytherin boys as the one the reader is 'dating', to theo's delight. his darling doesn't have to agree with the rumours or even think of them as a couple, as far as he's concerned, they've been together since they met.
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MATTHEO RIDDLE (fancast benjamin wadsworth):
the only one who i imagine the darling meets when they start at hogwarts is mattheo. whichever year he starts at hogwarts, he's immediately intrigued by them (for whatever reason). maybe the rest of his dormmates take poorly to his blood status, and the darling is the first to welcome him, or maybe ol' moldy voldy has tasked him with extracting something from the reader.
no matter what jumpstarts his obsession, it develops at an alarmingly fast rate, one week he's glancing over at them in class, the next he's invading their thoughts whilst they sleep and following them in the halls.
his darling likely won't take too easily to his sudden interest in them, they've already been dealing with several unsettling slytherins for years, and are probably always on guard.
not like mattheo cares. if he wants to be close to them, he will. he knows draco and his gang have to treat him with courtsey if they want their families to stay in the dark lords good graces, as does his darling. so he inserts himself (quite violently) into his darlings life.
it should be harder than it is considering his short temperament and his darlings cautious nature, but he's able to understand his darling on an intense level due to his inherited legilimency.
no matter how uncomfortable his darling is around him, he can just invade their mind and lock them in a room with him if he wants to spend time with them. and he always gets what he wants.
he seldom reveals that he is reading their mind, lest they feel the need to develop occlumency. it also gives him a kick knowing their raw thoughts, he could never even say a word to his darling and still know them better than anyone else does. including the other slytherins.
deep down mattheo's incredibly insecure about his connection with his darling; out of theo, blaise, goyle, enzo, draco, he's known them for the least amount of time. he's the only half-blood. he's evil incarnate son of the dark lord himself. he'd only bring them pain and suffering but he can't bring himself to let go of them either.
whilst theo, draco, enzo and even goyle will confess their affection for their darling, and perhaps admit to what they've done, mattheo will only do the latter, and does not provide any context as to why he hexed weaslette after the darling complimented her quidditch skills, nor will he elaborate on why he must take showers at the exact same time as his darling everyday.
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BLAISE ZABINI (cast louis cordice):
blaise shares his concealed affection for the darling. you could be none the wiser to his deep seeded affetion for you for years only to suddenly be told that he's your betrothed and now he refers to himself as your fiance and invites you to sleep in his bed as if it's the most normal thing ever.
among them all, blaise is the most calm and calculated. he knows that following his darling around and monopolising their interactions makes him look bad but sometimes he just can't help it. he has to sneer at granger who the darling got paired with in potions, and make remarks about how disgusting muggle and mudbloods are.
but he doesn't think he's better than muggleborns; he thinks he's better than everyone. i think blaise is the most likely to develop an obsession for a shallow reason, maybe the readers is aphrodite personified, hails from a prominent pureblood family that his mother is encouraging him to marry into or is incredibly intelligent, their actual character couldn't matter less to him. from the moment he decides they're his, they're his.
blaise is uniquely one of the only ones who actually wants his darling to love and show him affection of their own accord (meaning he would be nice enough to give them amortentia).
he wants them to be happy, but he also wants them to be entirely dependent on him. he takes on a sort of big brotherly role, he encourages them to eat and sleep well. he wants to be the one they ask opinions on outfits, schoolwork, ect. he thinks if they rely on him for everything, it'll be impossible for them to leave.
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LORENZO BERKSHIRE (fancast louis patridge):
out of all of them, enzo is by far the 'softest', as mentioned in the previous post, he's the 'sane, normal' one out of all of them. he doesn't act strangely creepy (sorry blaise it's true), disturbingly controlling (don't deny it mattheo), possessive, obsessive or devoted to them. he comes across as the 'best friend', the sidekick in every romance novel that offers advice and stays out of the drama.
this is because he initially see's his fixation on his darling as nothing but a desire to protect them from those lunatics he and his darling call 'friends'. but why does his heart drop when he see's them getting pulled into a room by mattheo, or when blaise stares at them as if they are a veela. it's not jealousy it's concern for his poor mate. yeah, that's it.
and why can't he stand to be left out of their attempts to evade the others, or when they don't confide in him, whether their troubles are slytherin related or not.
he's probably the only one who realises how messed up what they all do is, the rest justify it, but when enzo eventually gives in to his obsession he doesn't pretend to be in the right. he's apologetic but he just can't let them go.
the only thing that would set him off would be them distancing themselves from him. he can handle sharing, but the idea of his darling avoiding him, not viewing him as the safe haven from the rest really drives him to insanity.
i also think lorenzo would be the one who convinces everyone to share their darling once shit hits the fan and everyone wants to take the reader for themself.
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GREGORY GOYLE (cast josh herdman):
goyle is honestly just happy he gets to be around his darling. yeah, it would be nice if he could have them to himselves, and not just be a lackey for draco to sabotage the others. maybe his darling treats him with a bit more benevolence and he's grown attached to them over the years.
always willing to lend a helping hand, i think he's the least possessive out of all of them, and is best characterised as a devoted yandere. whilst the rest of them want to maintain some level of control over the reader, he's content just being near them. he doesn't even have to talk to them but it's a plus.
i wonder if he's actually as bad at school as he acts or if he just doesn't bother listening so that the darling has to dedicate time to tutoring him. no one knows.
goyle will really have to fight tooth and nail to be apart of the sharing arrangement enzo, draco, theo, mattheo and blaise somehow eventually come to. (that i will expand upon in a future post because this is getting long).
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demonpiratehuntress · 6 months
third time's a charm
Kaku x F!Reader
summary - he finds out you're Lucci's sister and is absolutely terrified of asking you out
warnings - none
a/n: more Kaku content because the Kaku fangirls are STARVED (i know, i am one)
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Secrets were common among the World Government's top agents. They practically lived on secrets, as their very existence was supposed to be hidden from the entire world. But amongst each other, they thought, there shouldn't have been any.
The only reason suspicion grew that there was a secret amongst them was when you spent an unusual amount of time with Lucci, something none of them had ever seen before.
And a certain square-nosed member was starting to get jealous.
Now, Kaku was by no means a jealous man. He was confident in himself, his skill, and his abilities. He had never had a reason to be jealous of anyone else. That is, until he started developing a bit of a crush on you - one that was now complete infatuation. He was usually wary of other men talking to you, but Lucci was an entirely different story.
He had been the most sought-after foreman in Water 7 after all. Almost every single woman in that town had thrown themselves at Lucci's feet, so Kaku was well aware of how attractive he was to women.
And so, naturally, his first conclusion was that you liked Lucci.
Which set him back quite a bit, if not completely.
You first noticed his change in behaviour when he couldn't look you in the eyes anymore, or when his eager and excited greetings became more of a necessary, formal "hello" and nothing else. It confused you, because he was normally so sweet and happy around you, and seeing him like this was strange. You wondered if you had done anything wrong to deserve these new, distant interactions.
That didn't seem right.
Tired of Kaku's inability to focus when you and Lucci were together in the same room as them, standing close or sitting next to one another, Khalifa decided to just rip the band-aid off and ask for the stupidly shy swordsman.
"(Name), you've been practically hanging off Lucci's arm these days. Is there something you're not telling us?"
Her question caught you off-guard, and you frowned for a moment, thinking that there actually was something you were supposed to tell them. Everyone looked at you curiously, interest piqued.
"You didn't tell them?" Lucci turned to you, raising an eyebrow.
"I...may have forgot," you laughed nervously, before turning to the rest of the group. "Lucci is my older brother."
Out of all the things Kaku expected you to say, that had been nothing close to what he thought he would hear. His eyes widened, both relief and dread filling him in that moment. He was relieved that there was no romantic connection between you two, but also...absolutely terrified about what this new detail meant for him. If he'd been nervous about confessing before, he was absolutely terrified of doing it now.
"You..." Jabra gestured towards you, then Lucci, "and you...are siblings?" He let out an obnoxious laugh. "Yeah, right. You're completely different."
Lucci rolled his eyes, exasperated, "Yes, can we move-"
"She's so much better-looking than you are!"
The room went dead silent. Kaku would have slapped Jabra himself for that inappropriate comment, knowing full well what he'd meant - and it was far from innocent. But, as Lucci's gaze travelled to Jabra's laughing form, he realised that Lucci also realised Jabra's explicit intent. And the look that he gave Jabra was a look you all knew too well.
"Dismissed," Lucci finally spoke, his eyes pinned on Jabra. "Except you, Jabra."
A million thoughts ran through Kaku's head. Was he to suffer the same fate if he just complimented you or called you pretty? And what on earth would happen to him if he decided to brave this and ask you out? Would he even live long enough to find out?
Your soft voice brought him out of his panicked mind, and he turned to see you standing there with the gentlest of smiles on your face. However, it didn't quite reach your eyes and it looked almost forced, turning Kaku's panic into concern.
"Yeah?" He breathed out, unsure if he could manage anything else.
"Can we..." You sighed. "Can we talk? I think we need to."
This made him nervous, but he nodded and followed you to somewhere quieter, anxiety bubbling in the pit of his stomach. What were you going to say? What was this about?
"Did I do something wrong?" You finally asked, looking up at him.
Kaku blinked. Wrong? No. You hadn't done anything wrong, so why were you-
"You're not the same," you cut his racing mind off. "You don't act like you used to around me." Your face seemed to fall. "I just wanted to know if I've upset you or anything, because if I have, I'm sorry."
"You didn't do anything wrong, (Name)," he replied carefully, thinking of how to approach this situation.
"Then why are you different?" You asked.
"(Name)!" Lucci called from outside.
You sighed, looking down for a moment before taking a deep breath and walking right past Kaku. He had a half mind to just grab your wrist, stop you and show you exactly how he felt, but he let you go. He was afraid.
Not of you anymore, but of Lucci.
The first time Kaku finally worked up the nerve to ask you out, he was trying to mix it with an apology for his recent behaviour. He'd noticed you had also started being distant with him, and he didn't like it. So one day, he found himself standing in front of your room door, nervously clutching flowers and your favourite chocolate to his chest.
Cliche, maybe, but Kaku was completely new to this. And from what his research had told him, women liked flowers and chocolate.
You opened your door just as he was about to knock, surprise crossing your face, "Kaku?"
He swallowed thickly, about to open his mouth to say something until he heard footsteps approaching and turned, quickly hiding the gifts behind him when he made out Lucci's figure. Sweat dripped down his forehead and he shot you an apologetic look before rushing off, almost tripping in the process.
"What was that?" Lucci asked you when he stopped by you.
You watched Kaku retreat, amusement in your eyes, "I have no idea."
The second time Kaku tried to ask you out, he made sure to find a time when you weren't needed by your brother. He was so sure that this time would work, that this time he would finally tell you, but he was about to find out that it wasn't so easy.
He knocked on your room door again, and you answered with a smile.
"Kaku, come in."
He stepped inside, then saw who was with you and immediately shoved the giftwrapped box of jewellery into his pocket, his eyes going wide as he swallowed thickly.
"Kaku, what a surprise," your brother spoke, looking up. His gaze then shot to the bulge in Kaku's pocket, "Is something the matter?"
"N-no," the poor, panicked man managed to squeak out. His palms were getting sweaty again. "I'll-I'll just go." He was gone before you could protest, and you shot a glare at your smirking brother.
"He's trying to be a gentleman, you know!"
"I know. I just want to see how serious he is about dating you."
"You're horrible," you laughed, shaking your head.
"Maybe, but my sister deserves only the best."
Third time's the charm, right? That's what Kaku tells himself. Nothing can go wrong this time, he's sure. He even watched Lucci leave the building, so he would definitely not be in your room this time.
So Kaku approached your room more confidently this time, and knocked on your door with a sense of relief and satisfaction.
That changed when your bright smile nearly knocked his legs out from under him, and when your voice melted his brain along with every single thought he had.
"Hey, Kaku. Come in."
He did, and was so relieved to find that Lucci really had left. His tension eased, and he slowly sat on your bed after turning to face you. Then he held out the newly-purchased flowers and chocolates, as well as the smaller, giftwrapped box, to you.
"These are for you."
You blushed, taking them and admiring the effort, "Thank you, Kaku. This is so...this is really sweet." You felt butterflies bloom in your stomach.
He smiled, "Only the best for you."
You stilled at his words, eerily similar to Lucci's. But Kaku's were more...romantic. A different kind of feeling settled in, and your butterflies only seemed to grow as you turned to smile at your crush after setting his gifts down.
"That's even sweeter."
He took a deep breath, before standing up again, "(Name), I'm sorry for how I was behaving before...I didn't mean to upset you. I just thought...well before we found out you're related...I thought you liked Lucci." He sighed. "And then after, I thought Lucci would kill me if I tried to make a move."
You giggled at his explanation, moving closer as well, "He was just testing you these last few weeks. Overprotective as he is, he wanted to see how committed you are to me."
Kaku's heart almost stopped, "And is he...did I...?" He wasn't sure how to phrase it.
"Mhm, he's satisfied," you smiled. "That's why he's not here. He figured if you didn't try a third time, you weren't serious. But you did, so he left us alone for a bit." You moved even closer, so close that Kaku's familiar and knee-weakening scent filled your nostrils. Flustering you.
Kaku, in his relief, relaxed and gave you a warm but silly smile, "I was planning to try until he gave me a chance to be with you."
That's it. You needed to kiss this man.
You stepped forward and grabbed him by the zipper of his jacket, pulling him towards you. Forgetting he has a long nose. When it poked you in the eye, you giggled and pulled away.
"Sorry," he said quietly, his cheeks turning the cutest shade of red.
"It's okay," you smiled.
Then tried again. This time you angled your head in a way that would make it easy for you to reach his lips, and you smiled when they finally met yours. The kiss was slow, sweet, and passionate. Kaku pulled you close to him, showing his adoration for you by affectionately moulding his lips against your own. With a gentleness only Kaku owned.
"I like you too, Kaku."
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chaithetics · 1 year
I was rewatching season 1(because of...reasons) and imagine if Stewy and Yn were hiding their relationship and her mom came to ask how long would Shiv and Toms wedding last and the reason he gave that answer was because everyone was making fun of her because she "didn't bring a date", also when they're taking pictures and they take one with the siblings and their dates she's alone and he's heart eyes for her the entire time and when they FINALLY have some time alone, in a very unStewy way she asks him what he's thinking and he says "por wedding will be so much better than this one" just as Sophie and Iverson are running and says "and our kids will be cuter. Obviously"😍what do you say?
Covert Conversations
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Pairing: Stewy Hosseini x f (Roy) Reader
Word count: 3.7K
Author's note: Thank you for this request Nonnie! When I saw it in my notes I was immediately inspired and so this one happened so quickly! I really hope you like it, please do let me know your thoughts Nonnie whether that's in the ask box or a PM! I hope you all enjoy this and this helps the void of Succession Sunday! Please let me know what you think, comments, reblogs are appreciated and I love hearing your thoughts (I live for validation also lol) and interacting with you. What a lovely community we have here! Was this proofread? No, of course not! You know how it is around here haha
Chapter/content warning: 18+ MINORS DNI, established/secret relationship, Caroline Collingwood being awful (there is a comment from Caroline about weight gain), Roy siblings not being the nicest (mainly Shiv), some fluff.
Others could and would easily point out the plethora of differences between you and your siblings but there was something important that you all had in common. You never enjoyed being in your mother’s motherland. 
You had a very low-contact relationship with Caroline, which was for the better. The climate here was painfully dreary and you couldn’t imagine ever wanting to get married here, let alone agreeing to it. You were glad that you were at least assertive and confident enough with strong enough boundaries to know that if you were in your elder sister’s position you wouldn’t have ended up people pleasing into this. 
The weather was miserable and the way that the coldness of the country and its inhabitants had oozed itself into every wall and surface as a constant reminder of the dynamic realities and the history locked into them. 
It was the day before Tom and Shiv’s wedding, you were heading over to the church for the rehearsal. You were already severely uncomfortable. There were so many people and it was overwhelming, especially when knowing your mother’s criticisms were just around the corner at all times. 
You also knew you’d be constantly having to swerve around questions about your personal life. You were used to questions and odd looks because of your lack of involvement and interest in Waystar and you usually easily dismissed questions about your romantic life if they ever came up. 
It was a bit more difficult to do the latter though when at your older sister’s wedding, being constantly asked and of course the fact that you stood out. You stood out like a sore thumb as you were the only Roy who hadn’t brought a date and didn’t have a public partner to show off or criticise. Technically Kendall hadn’t brought a date but he had Rava and everybody accepted that due to the complicated nature of their situation. 
Caroline Collingwood was standing outside of the church entrance with your brother and his date Tabitha. You couldn’t see the bride and groom or any of your other siblings. You were hoping that more of them would be there so that you could blend in more and not have as much of an interaction with your mother but it was too late now. 
“Oh hello, darling.” Caroline said as she saw you come over, she was clearly looking at you in the way she did to inspect any flaws, to find any and all chinks in your armour. 
“Hi, mom.” You softly say as you look at her face, she gives you a small hug and inspects your face as he does. 
“Where’s your date? Did you not bring a date…? Don’t tell me you didn’t?!” She asks, there’s a horrified tinge in her voice that’s very thinly veiled in her usual playfully passive-aggressive air. 
“Now, why would I bring someone here to the dreary English countryside and then to even more traumatisingly, meet Roman?” You quipped back. 
Roman scoffed at that and Caroline looked at you, visibly disappointed and sighed. 
“There’s no need to be like that darling, I was simply asking and your brother is lovely.”
“Hear that Rome? You’re lovely!” You say to your brother who quickly flips the bird at you and then goes back to giving his attention to Tabitha. 
You can hear Kendall, Shiv and Tom starting to come over and you make a silent prayer to whatever deity there is that brought them over. But your mother quickly brings you back to your surroundings as she places a hand on your shoulder and studies you more. 
“Have you…?” She questions, you know what she’s asking and roll your eyes sighing. 
“Yes, Mom, I think I’ve gained a few kilos since you last saw me.” You say it bluntly and start to move out of her grasp. 
“I was just asking… your face looks a bit fuller… Gosh, all that therapy has really made you quite defensive!” As she speaks in her native tongue of motherly dismiss and gaslight she finishes with a laugh looking at Roman and Tabitha. Providing them with the cue she hopes they’ll take to join her. 
“Is Connor inside?” You quickly ask, cutting off this discussion from going any further in your presence as you look at Roman. He was the softest and most patient of your siblings with your mother. Feeling uncomfortably antsy, you end up walking off before he has the chance to decide whether he’ll laugh at you with Caroline or if he’ll answer you. 
As you begin to walk off you hear your mother immediately say something about the fact that you’d showed up dateless, which seems to annoy Shiv. She had assumed you’d at least find someone to even numbers up and help balance out photos. 
You roll your eyes at the conversation as you continue to walk into the chapel, further away from it following Connor’s voice. 
“Jesus Christ, Connor.” You say as you see him, he completely and immediately understands. Of course, he does, you knew he would. 
“I don’t think you can say that in here?” He responds as he quickly gives you a hug which you return and then you move to hug Willa. 
“I know she’s my mom-” You start before he finishes it off for you. 
“But she’s the Wicked Witch of the West?” Connor responds as Willa’s eyes widen at that. Connor won’t call her a bitch and use that moniker like Shiv will but it’s still quite a statement coming from him. 
“Yes, exactly that!” You say as you stick to him. Accepting the reality that you’ll probably spend the next couple of days being an awkward third wheel to Connor and Willa. 
“She didn’t bring a fucking date, Ken. It’ll throw off the photos and it raises eyebrows.” Shiv complains to her brother the night before the wedding at the rehearsal. 
“Yeah, I know.” Kendall replies. 
“It’s selfish!” 
He’s not as interested in this conversation in comparison to the rest of your family. He did find it a bit odd that you had shown up on your own. He was certain you had been seeing someone for a bit, he’d tried to ask a couple of times but got vague, younger sister “no comment” like responses. 
Kendall was sure as he knew you were rarely at your home and you weren’t a partier. Which pointed at you possibly staying at a partner’s place. That and when he’d noticed a slight behaviour change in you made him think it was a relationship of a more longer and serious nature. 
You’d always been private about your personal life though so he assumed it was that and the potential, quite possibly real reason that you didn’t want to introduce anyone to your family. Something he understood, especially as he’d gotten older, this didn’t seem to be a reason that anyone in your family could quite comprehend though. So he didn’t bother to raise it. 
“Kendall’s dateless.” Stewy says as he takes a sip of his drink looking at his friend. 
Kendall doesn’t think it’s quite the same and Shiv clearly doesn’t either. 
“Yeah, but that’s completely different, Rava’s here-” Shiv immediately responds. 
“In case you were lost in the to-be-blessed nuptials, congratulations of course, they’re separated, and have been for a bit of a gratuitously extended hot minute.” Stewy retorts. 
“Thanks for that reminder, Stew. Really thoughtful.” Kendall says as he looks away. Shiv rolls her eyes and walks off leaving the two men. 
Stewy was once again, not impressed with how your family treated you. He knew Kendall had a soft spot for you and that relationship was close but Kendall had too much on his mind to even consider taking on a defensive role and Stewy’s hands were tied to a point. 
If Shiv wasn’t so cruel to you about this and Kendall wasn’t so in his head he’s sure that they’d have found his comments suspicious. They probably did to an extent anyway Stewy knew, they were always paranoid individuals and even with your candid nature Shiv only had unwavering distrust in you. 
The rest of the evening seemed to go by too quickly, Stewy knew Kendall wasn’t doing well and whenever Stewy looked around for you, you were often hiding in corners with Rava and talking or with Connor and Willa. 
Stewy couldn’t even hide his smile whenever he saw you, you looked beautiful as ever albeit uncomfortable. There was an impressive, assertive grace whenever you manoeuvred yourself out of awkward and uncomfortable social interactions. 
He eventually had to go back to his room for business and he saw you and Rava leaving at the same time. 
He wanted to just go into your room and kiss you, taste the Wambsgans wine directly from your lips. A big part of him was tempted to kiss you there just to spite your family for you. He’d do it. Anything you asked him to he would. 
You were with Rava, Sophie and Iverson. Rava was standing and talking to Sophie, they were playing a clapping game while you sat on the grass looking up at Iverson as you both talked about books. He was telling you about the one he’d read last night. 
You’d heard a comment from your mother about you sitting on the grass but it was comfier and far more pleasant than the chairs that had been used for the ceremony, so you ignored her. It shouldn’t take much longer for that to become a built-in mechanism you thought. Plus it made Sophie laugh and you’d do anything to bring a bit of joy to your niece and nephew. 
You looked over your shoulder for a moment and saw Stewy and Kendall standing at the back talking. Kendall’s gaze occasionally fell to where the four of you were but he was mainly just looking ahead or at Stewy. You saw Stewy was watching you, you couldn’t help but smile at him and you were able to see his smiling at you even with the distance, you were confident it was a smirk. 
You then heard the dreaded call, for photos with siblings and partners, you looked up at Rava who gave you a sympathetic look. She’d heard some of the comments and jokes about the fact that you didn’t have a date. You loudly sighed and sat there for a minute, it was possible that the English countryside might just swallow you up or explode and obliterate you all. It was worth a shot, you wouldn’t know if it was possible or not if you didn’t sit there and give it a go. 
Before you could indulge in that hypothesis of a fantasy you saw Kendall walking over to you, Stewy was trailing behind him but with a bit of a distance. Kendall looked down at you and chuckled. 
“Mom hasn’t killed you or died from embarrassment over this?” He asks with a smirk. 
“I wouldn’t know, I’m trying this thing out where I just ignore and avoid her as much as possible. You’ve probably thought of it before.” You quip back. 
Kendall nods and gives a small, dry chuckle. He had. He’d tried avoiding both of the parents you’d shared a multitude of times, he was never successful though. He extends a hand to help you stand up. You look up at him and give him a pout, it’s not quite like Shiv’s pout and eyes that he falls for. There’s more sadness in the expression you’re giving him compared to Shiv’s evident exasperation. 
“Come on.” Kendall says gently as his hand is still out. You sigh and take it, standing up as you brush the skirt of your dress with your hands and adjust it. Rava gives you a smile and says that your outfit looks fine. You nod, and Stewy and Rava start talking as you and Kendall walk off. 
You smile at Willa as you see that she’s going to be included in the photos, much to the annoyance of the rest of your family you’re sure. As you and Kendall walk over and Roman’s posing in Tabitha’s embrace he instantly yells. 
“Wait, stop! We need more room!” Everybody looks at him and he grins like a chuffed child. “We’ve gotta make space for your imaginary boyfriend!” 
Roman, Tabitha and Shiv laugh at that, Tom does that thing where he makes that odd-sounding laugh because the rest of the Roys are laughing at something. Kendall rolls his eyes and Connor gives Roman a pointed look. You feel bad for Willa, she looks uncomfortable. 
“Wait, I thought he was invisible? Is he invisible or imaginary? Because we made sure there was an extra chair set out for him?” Shiv questions smugly. 
You roll your eyes, feeling more uncomfortable than Willa even looks. Connor tells them to stop and they then move their attention over to getting Rava in the photos. It’s an uncomfortable couple of minutes as you stand between Connor and Tom. It’s to balance out the siblings Shiv says but you know that it’s because so if they want to you, Connor and Willa can easily be cropped out. 
You’re at the reception sitting at a quieter table at the back. Rava looks up from you and sees Stewy looking at you from across the room, she can tell that it’s aimed at you. The gaze has affection and adoration written all over it. He looks like a simp of a man she thinks. Something she’s never seen or thought of in association with Stewy in all the years that she’s known him. 
“So?” Rava asks, putting her gaze back on you. 
“So?” You ask giving her a smile curious as to what she’s segueing into. 
“Stewy?” Rava asks with an amused expression raising her eyebrows. 
You give her a briefly confused expression before responding. One you’ve now perfected.  
“Hosseini?” You ask, waiting for her to confirm, even though you already know the answer. 
“Oh, I didn’t realise he was here.” 
“Yes!” She laughs. “He’s been making like heart eyes at you all night.” 
“Heart eyes?” You ask and laugh at that. She eagerly nods. 
“Yesterday as well I swear, he keeps looking over and it’s not at me.” 
“I seriously doubt it Rav-” 
“Seriously? I don’t think I’ve ever seen him look at anyone like that. He was watching you during the photos as well.” 
You want to melt at that, you adore Stewy and how soft he is for you. But you need to keep your composure, you know Rava is more likely to pick up on something than your siblings are. She’s your friend but she’s also more of the empathetic, loving older sister than Shiv ever was to you. You’re also sure that she wouldn’t tell anyone but it wasn’t worth putting her in that position. Especially when you weren’t sure how Kendall would react. 
“That’s an interesting joke Rava.” You say with a small laugh as you sip some more wine. She smiles at you and drops it except for when she occasionally looks away and sees Stewy. 
Rava and the kids eventually go off to look for Kendall and to have a dance, she asks you to join but you tell her that you’re more than fine and sitting for a bit and recharging your social battery wouldn’t hurt. You wouldn’t say it was easily drained but it definitely evaporated quicker around your family and at events like this. 
You were grateful for Rava’s existence and that of your niece and nephew, it certainly made this all significantly more bearable than what it would be without them. 
“You know, some would say that’s obnoxiously  rude.” 
“What is?” You ask, looking up with a smile at the comforting, familiar voice that was interrupting your thoughts. Stewy smirks at you as he then sits down on one of the empty seats by you. 
He has a hand on the back of your seat. It’s him, a sign of affection but something that could easily be written off to a curious eye. 
“To attend a wedding and then be hotter than the bride.” You laugh at that and his smirk grows. “It’s offensive honestly.” 
“Careful Hosseini, Shiv might stab you if she hears that.” 
“I have no doubt about it.” He has that handsome smirk plastered all over his and you look at him with a grin. 
“I heard you told mom that the marriage will last till whatever comes first, forever, or Shiv going away for a week?” You question, he has a smirk on his face, there’s something there you can’t decide if it’s a bit of guilt or pride. It’s smug either way. 
“Yeah. I was getting pissed off with all the commentary on you showing up ‘date-less’.” He answers honestly. 
You can’t help but find a little but funny as you drink in the sight that he is. Oh, it is so cruel that he’s here, so close to you, basically your unspoken date to your sister’s wedding. A clandestine promise that only the two of you know. He’s dressed in that devilishly handsome suit, his hair styled back, the perfect piece of arm candy you think. 
It’s so cruel that all of those factors exist and are right in your face, you’re breathing them in like oxygen. But you cannot just lean over to kiss his soft lips and run your hands through his styled hair and make a joke that he’s your arm candy or be really candid and say he’s the love of your life. It’s torture to sit here and ignore all of that for the sake of appearances while you get drunk off his smell and the way he smiles at you. 
You look into his beautiful brown eyes, you wouldn’t need a drop of the wine that Tom’s parents brought when you could just get drunk off those doe eyes of his. They’re so intoxicating. There’s a gleam in them, it says adoration but also a thoughtful playfulness. You want to know what he’s thinking. You know he has a wonderful mind. 
“Stewy?” You ask softly. He looks at you raising his eyebrows, the way you say his name so softly, makes his heart melt. It sounds so right in your voice, it doesn’t sound as right in anybody else’s. “What are you thinking about?” 
He looks at you, he then looks around the room as he swirls his drink in his hand for a moment before taking a sip. His smirk is still there but then it quickly shifts to something else, a different smile. One that’s gentle, not so smug, it’s intimate. 
“Our wedding.” He says it so casually but genuinely. 
“Oh?” You ask as you feel your cheeks heat up slightly at that. 
“Yeah. I mean, our wedding will be so much better than this one.” He says as he takes another sip from his drink. You laugh at that, a pure, deep laugh as you look at him. “I was saying to Kendall, hasn’t your sister ever heard of anywhere in fucking Italy? We’ll get married in Lake Como. Unless you have any objections to that, just not here, it’s so fucking dreary baby.”
You smile again, you’d talked about marriage before but it was heartwarming to hear Stewy talk about it like this and to know he really did think of these things. 
“I promise you, not here.” You say with a smirk but you mean it wholeheartedly and he knows. 
“That’s a pretty big, solid win for me, so thank you.” He teases. “It’ll be nice, not as many people as this. Big but intimate, with lots of wine, and a hot bride. The hottest of brides, I feel the need to clarify there. I won the future groom lottery there baby.”
You smile at that. You’re already feeling so much better in his company. He really is a salve on your soul. Before you can respond you see Sophie and Iverson running past, they’re so joyful and happy, it makes your heart swell. Stewy immediately thinks about seeing you throughout the day. 
“And our kids will be cuter, obviously.” Stewy immediately blurts out. 
Your head whips from watching your niece and nephew to then face Stewy. Your jaw drops at that, the comment towards Sophie and Iverson but also the open discussion of children. You both discussed that aspect of the future significantly less than marriage. Plus, Stewy specifically said kids, plural, not a singular kid. 
“Stewy! You can’t say that!” 
“What? It’s true though?!” He has that smug smirk you adore written all over his face. He loves the look of pure shock on yours as well, he finds it so adorable and endearing. Oh, he wants to kiss you right now. 
“You can’t say that about Soph and Iverson, plus they’re cute!” You respond. 
“I’m not saying they aren’t. They are. They’re great in fact. No offence to them baby.” He shrugs teasingly. “I just mean, think about ours. They’ll be the cutest kids in the world, and also the most intelligent. They’ll mansplain private equity to all the other babies while simultaneously blowing away all the developmental psychologists with their EQ and reading skills.” He laughs. 
“You’re such a dork for a grown man at times, Stewy. And they’re technically your future niece and nephew!” You respond as you laugh, trying to imagine Stewy talking to a child, reading to them child-friendly stock market bedtime stories. 
“Think about how cute they’ll be. My hair, eyes, your face shape, your cute mouth!” He says excitedly. He’s obviously thought about this all a lot more than you’d realised. 
“You’ve thought about this quite a bit haven’t you?” 
“Of course.” He says, in a mock offence that you’re even surprised at that. 
You smile at him as you take a sip from your drink while leaning back into your chair, plotting how you both can leave this wedding earlier and unnoticed. You’d do anything to kiss him right now and he’d do exactly the same for you.
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month
Why Percy Jackson is a transfem character and always has been
So!!Obligatory 'i'm a trans man,not a trans woman' disclaimer but this analysis is based purely off 1.Percy's canon personality,relathionships and story and 2.Irl transfeminine experiences that i know a lot about thanks to having a lot of transfem friends.Said friends have also listened to my reasoning behind tgirl Percy and agreed with me if not having the hc for her already and every other transfem Pjo fan i've seen i don't personally know also say her narrative is trans woman's one too and they always understand Percy's characterization better than anyone else in the fandom(certainly better than 'himbo/malewife/babygirl-coded/slutty bisexual Percy' believers)and as a Percy kinnie it's been the take that's felt most correct to me ever since i first read Pjo,10 years ago much,MUCH before i even realized i'm queer.So with that,let's dive into why Percy is a girl quasi-canonically,including that Rick Riordan has refered to her as straight but never cis!
Trigger warnings:Misogyny,child abuse,ableism,Luke's canon pedophillia and grooming with an alluding to how it applies to Percy being female(that is not dived into!),a slang word for pedophile that's used as an insult to P*rcicos potrayal of her and internalized transmisogyny
Percy's personality
Now,as i've said before,Percy's not all that actually gendered as male-Meaning,none of her attitude or behavior or interests are masculine and are misenterpreted as such due to misogyny and gender essentialism.Percy has poor social skills,anger issues,merciless tendencies,a strong sense of justice,self-worth problems,a very odd sense of humor that always lands and respects women to the point of thinking they're better than men and none of these are gendered traits but a mix of audhd-dyslexia and trauma.The last one is arguably actually a girl thing even if there's an in-universe reason for it(good mom,deadbeat birth dad,abusive stepdad,most antagonists being older men in power and the first older person she thought she could trust was just manipulating her)
Percy also frequently complains about having to act like a stereotypical guy to have to fit into society's standards because naturally,she's just not-She's completely unconvential even amongst 'other male' demigods and this is reguarly commented on.In fact,there's a whole plot in Titan's Curse of her proving to the Hunters that she's NOT a normal 'man' and it's a huge thing that's reinforced as true the whole franchise!Zoe was right about cis men being ass and that's not 'r*dical feminism' and ngl a lot of y'all are telling on yourselves because she never talked about biology in her misandry,especially because Zoe appears to be around the same age as Thalia physically and mentally so it's super icky to throw t*rf accusations at her because she's traumatized by ancient greek men,one of the worst kinds of men ever!And Percy's totally unlike them despite being amab and identifying male not because 'not all men' but because she's actually a woman
This is a direct contrast to how she talks about and interacts with other girls-Almost every female character earns her worship on first meeting,even if she dosen't like them as people.She puts a heavy emphasis on them being girls in her narration and some dialogue too and her descriptions of them are so admirative they come as envious with her own insecurities in her looks.Percy is severely lacking in any kind of masculinity and Piper even pointed this out based on her vibes alone after hearing all about her at camp and thinking she'd be a macho man based off how people talk about her and i'm unsure if this is a common phenomenom but i frequently see and hear people say daughters tend to look like girl versions of their dad's and Percy is said to be identical to Poseidon but with softer features and the idea Percy should tie herself to masculinity due to it being expected of amabs is contradictory to canon's messages in addition to it's irl sexist implications and the sea is frequently associated with femininity(mermaids and sirens,calling ships 'she',pearl jewelry,the term 'Beach Bunny',the moon controlling the tides,etc)
And small final note:The rock music scene is filled with transfemmes and has been for a long time and while blue things are usually associated with boys,it was Percy's mom who got her to love them
Percy's relathionships
Almost all of Percy's friends growing up were girls-Annabeth,Silena,Thalia,Bianca,Zoe,Clarisse and Rachel vs just Grover,Beckendorf and Nico.She thinks The Stolls are annoying as shit with their 'boys will be boys' beat and she hates male gods on sight and implies she finds them being super conventionally attractive to be offputting instead of appealing.Nico had a crush on her until they got closer and realized she's not an ideal man like he thought she was and therefore 'cute but not his type'(I have no opinion on Solangelo but i got beef with the shippers for making this about blonde hair and blue eyes instead of transfem Percy,especially the trope of Percy acting like a kiddy fiddler over what Nico said as a joke)and she takes responsibility of him post Bianca's death and Nico exclusively wishes for older sister figures,never old brother ones
Percy and Rachel is a classic irl dynamic between transfems and their afab friends:Dating to exes to even closer friends.Rachel is a pretty typical lesbian if we're applying irl wlw things too and Annabeth is clearly a huge lesbian-Like seriously,she only ever showed attraction to Luke and Percy and Luke was comphet in her words('You were like a brother to me but i never loved you')and lesbians experiencing attraction to uncracked eggs is semi-common and she's got tons of subtext with Piper and Reyna and shows a strong distaste for the expectations of cisheterosexual womanhood,mainly femininity.Reyna is yet another comphet lesbian-coded who was into Percy.Clarisse,textually butch,calls her 'Prissy' and Piper,canon unlabeled sapphic and gnc,described her as not masc enough for her taste
Percy's relathionships to older male characters combined with her transfemininity,youth and constantly being described as 'other' from ordinary half-bloods by them function with no need for change as a potrayal to how corrupted men in power treat girls-Not women,underaged girls as Percy is 12 at the start and 18 now and we've yet to get interactions with her and male gods in the current canon timeline so all their abuse of her and innapropriate undertones in their behavior towards her were when she was underaged.This includes but is not limited to:Ares' condesension and (non-sexual) assaults,Apollo's very possible constant flirting that would definitely be textual if Percy was intended as a girl by Rick seeing as Apollo had no problem hitting on the Hunters and Reyna and her entire relathionship with Luke.Luke is canonically a serial pedophile,implied to sleep with Kelli and a raging misogynist and Percy was one of the first victim's of his gaslighting and he tried to kill her after framing her his crime against the gods in an isolated area they'd been alone in together a lot and widely noted to have accidentally been writen flirting with her throught the series by the fandom so i can't help but take Luke.rcy as a male explotation and grooming narrative
Artemis,an archaic symbol of lesbians,loves Percy and considers her above any man.Aphrodite gave Percy advice on her looks by saying everyone deserves to feel perfect in their skin to achive true perfect beauty.Persephone,one of the og csa narratives,said she likes Percy because she's 'brave' with the implication being that again,she can tell Percy is different from usual 'male' half-bloods.Hera is the goddess of traditional marriage and holds a violent resentment towards Percy for disrupting the system.Percy at her core is meant to come across as like a male god but not actually being one and actively not wanting to become one out of hate for authority and traditionality
And another small final note to a section:Frank is trans man-coded(his arc is about being emasculated and saying 'fuck you!' by making his own manhood and Mars' blessing is explicitly compared to testosterone and gives him a huge confidence boost)and they're paralleled as fundamentally similar yet also fundamentally different,Nico and her act like an eldest daughter and a middle brother where she's a pseudo-mom to him and queer siblings and Jason falls under transmasc norms(the ex-wolfkid thing,positive and healthy masculinity,creating a new self after loosing his old idealized one and Team Dad)and instantly became Percy's best friend and is her complimentary foil and 'counterpart' so transmasc4transfem realness
Percy's story(and how it all comes together and would've been improved by canonizing her as a trans woman)
Percy Jackson means 'Outcast who looks out for other outcasts'.She's so unique as a character because she was and is still genuinely a huge weirdo,not just nonhuman,she is human even if it's only half-That's only half of who she is(She's totally a Gwen Stacy variant btw).Being a trans girl would do nothing but enchance her core aspects but also work as a fixit to various canon writing problems!
Percy is femme so that'd give us positive girly girl rep to make up for all the pick me feminism.Annabeth'd have no reason to lash out and give her mixed signals since she's not a boy so their dynamic is improved.Nico's crush fades upon finding out she's a girl so they become best friends and found siblings like they were always meant and wanted to.It causes shifts in the plot that bring a bigger focus on the girlhood aspects of Greek Mythology seperate from romance retellings and a much needed change too:Percy as the hero of the Great Prophecy.Luke was a raging misogynist,a racist,a child groomer,a fucking pedophile and an entire fascist who lied about revolution to ruin society instead of fixing the system.Percy is a lifelong punk,an anarchist and a proffessional instigator and was trying to stop Luke's fuckery from 12 to 16-She's the greatest greco-roman hero ever.TGP was operating on Ancient Greek logic but Pjo isn't Ancient Greece,it's Percy's story-How she forced the gods to change with no choice by SHOWING how much stronger and more etheral she is than them
BUT WAIT,THERE'S ONE MORE FINAL NOTE!!!!!Percy would be a million times happier as a trans femme than as a cis man.She gets to transition and not have to be an ordinary male she's NOT so she starts loving and accepting herself way more as she changes into who she wants and deserves to be and we should all want that for her too.The truth is she's nothing like Hercules,she's unimpressive as a man,Nico believed she was a real male hero but she failed at being a performance of it based off what he knew of men and now they're cool and he thinks Percy's cute but not like that,she thinks aggressively male men are wicked and not all that handsome,Rachel made her feel normal because she's not a normal girl (either),Annabeth has princess hair and had a makeover at a magic spa and she strikes fear into hearts in a way only girls and she wants all that too,she also wanted to be treated like Thalia so bad,Jason is the Superman she's been waiting for her whole life
She's the mom to Nico and Hazel Sally was to her,she's a rocker chick,she was on the swim team in high school and went to protests and did charity events with that frizzy neurotic girl she's attached to the hip with,she loves burgers and desserts,she's got streaked hair,she uses 2000s and 90s slang completely unironically and she just wants people to think she's normal but still get to be herself.The sea does not like to be restrained
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anticmiscellaney · 3 months
I absolutely adore your work! What's your process been like for writing NewOldRare and developing Neil and Louis? Your art and character writing feel so genuine and realistic to me, so I'm really curious how you go about it!
Thank you! I've always been obsessed with character-driven stories and interaction, so I guess this is the result of years of practice and observation, and dismantling stories that do and don't work to see why.
Unfortunately, there isn't a clear way to explain it. It's one of those "you know when you get it right" things, requiring an eye developed over a long time. I will redraw things if I don't feel like I've captured the nuance I wanted to, and a few months later I'll look at it and see where I could have done better. Same with writing. I'm obsessed with pacing and page design, I had a moment of "that's how I think about it too" when Will Eisner described comic panels like music.
The technical approach is I make notes about stories I want to write, then I expand that into outlines, then scripts, then thumbnails, then I draw the comics and colour them and finalise the dialogue. At every stage I'm asking myself if it feels right, if I'm getting across what I want to. That's not to say there aren't surprises and things don't develop organically, but every stage is an attempt to solve as many problems as I can before the next stage. My thumbnails are quite detailed because it makes pencils easier, and I spend a while on them.
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I have total aphantasia so I am operating off feeling rather than any mental images. I have no idea how it works and no idea why I pursue this when I'm missing what many visual artists describe as a crucial component. I just do it and I have better things to do (art) than wonder about something I can't change. I don't think it's made me a better or worse artist, though I think it has given me different ways of approaching/developing things. But also, literally everything about you makes your work different to everyone else's work.
You need to care. If your character is into music, listen to that music. If they have an old car that keeps breaking down, read up on common problems for that model. If they work as a film projectionist, watch a training film about using the machine. The characters care about things, have things in their lives that matter, have skills and interests and challenges. If I don't care enough to understand them, why should anyone reading it care, and also why am I writing it if I don't care?
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So I do, and in caring I understand them better. This helps me develop characters/story but it also gives me so much more to write/draw. Understanding how things work and how they are done from a physical standpoint makes writing/drawing them easier too. The more you put into your head, the more you can get out later. I'll do way less for a 12 page short than for a 300 page graphic novel, obviously. Pick your battles, a little can go a long way.
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They tell artists to collect visual references - solid advice - but you should collect substance too. If you pay attention, you will hear and see things you could never in a million years make up.
I find online socialising difficult, so I go out regularly and talk to people, or just hang around and observe. Chatting with strangers mostly involves listening to them. No one in gay spaces is interested in flirting with me (I'm rather homely and queer men assume I'm straight) but I think an audience is just as appealing sometimes, and maybe even harder to find. You'd be amazed what people will tell you if you're genuinely interested and listening. I once spent forty minutes at a sci-fi con talking to a guy who'd recently gotten into fisting. While I have zero personal desire to partake in that activity (and he had no interest in being fisted by me), I'm engaged, I'm invested, I'm asking questions, spare no detail.
I collect behavior and movement and the ways people interact too. Reading stories on reddit or whatever is one thing, but the words might not be as interesting as the way they're standing, the way their hands move, the way they respond. A guy in a bar once literally humped my leg like a dog because he felt I wasn't paying enough attention to him. I would never think of that as a response to that situation, but he did, and he followed through. Fortunately my friend had just tried to drunkenly sit down and missed the chair, otherwise I would never hear the end of it.
I see the leghumper around sometimes, he's got a boyfriend and avoids making eye contact with me, thank god.
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pastrydragon · 1 month
Can I ask for general relationship fluff hcs with your favorite Batman rogues?
How about some PDA headcanons?
Will literally take time during his crime broadcasts to brag about his SO.
If they’re willing to play “Lovely Assistant” during his show he’ll even give them a quick kiss on camera if they do something he thinks is particularly cute.
Edward will dispense romantic compliments, hugs and kisses to his SO anytime anywhere.
Emphasis on romantic.
He’s kind of uncomfortable with sexual PDA, suggestive flirting and subtle touches are nice but anything too obvious will upset him.
He prefers to keep the details of his sex life private and enjoys being the only one who gets to see his SO that way.
I wouldn’t go so far as to call Jonathan an exhibitionist but he definitely appreciates his SO giving him affection in front of others.
While few and far between, John has had some romantic relationships, but none of those people ever wanted to be with him publicly.
It was always “Too soon” “Unprofessional” or worst of all, “Embarrassing”
So when his current SO gives him a long kiss on the mouth in front of his friends he practically turns to goo.
He gets a little thrill when his partner gives him a kiss on the neck or grope on the ass in public.
Not because people are watching, but because it means SO thinks he’s desirable and is proud to be with him, it gives a sense of permanence to the relationship in his mind.
Mad Hatter
Most of the time Jervis prefers to keep his affections low key in public.
Unless of course he feels like someone is giving his SO unwanted attention. (Certainly unwanted by him at any rate.)
Jervis doesn’t like to admit it but he can be a tad possessive.
Preferably he’ll take a seat in SO’s lap and start kissing them on the cheeks and fiddling with their shirt collar.
The man is a menace and isn’t above salacious promises to get his SO to go home early with him if the source of unwanted attention won’t take a damn hint.
Alternatively he could simply hypnotize the unwanted attention into walking away(and off a short pier.) if his SO is openly annoyed at the unwanted attention.
The only person on this list that refrains from too much PDA out of a sense of propriety.
Possessiveness, personal insecurity and a general preference for privacy are all reasons he understands perfectly well, but he’s mostly interested in retaining a certain kind of image.
He’s a man of class, charm and elegance. 
He actively avoids crass displays and only engages in purely romantic interactions with SO while in public.
A light peck on the cheek or cooed compliment are both common displays from him.
He does enjoy showing his partner off to friends and associates just like any other prideful bird, but never in a a vulgar way.
Two Face
Harvey is a possessive bastard.
He does NOT like people leering at his lover for any amount of time.
Even if it’s because they’re being affectionate with him.
Harvey is the kind of boyfriend that rents private rooms at restaurants so he can hit on his date in peace.
It’s honestly a bit silly.
Harley wouldn’t know “modest” if it bit her on the booty shorts.
She’ll make out with her date in a public park at 2pm.
And it’s 50/50 whether she keeps it completely above the belt.
This women will say depraved shit that belongs buried in the depths of 2010 wattpad to her SO while in hearing distance of 20 different people.
No hesitation no regret.
She doesn’t even get off on it she just genuinely doesn’t care who hears, it’s honestly kind of impressive.
She’s not doing this for the pleasure of the act itself she’s doing this to torture SO specifically.
Selina will slide her fingernails from the top of SO’s spine and into their back pocket for a squeeze while no one is looking.
She’ll whisper everything she’s going to do to them later while no ones listening.
Then she’ll slip inside jokes about it into the conversations she’s having with other people just to fuck around with them further.
Finally, she’ll disappear into the night in the shadow of her broken promises… Until she shows up at SO’s house an hour later.
Poison Ivy
Very similar to Harley in lack of fucks to give.
She should be able to freely show her SO affection regardless of who’s there.
And woe to those who disagree with her.
Any complaints about her being “inappropriate” will be met with a handful of hay fever to the face.
And any cat calling or wolf whistling will be met with a garden pot full of death to the everywhere. 
Music Meister
This man will go as far as his partner lets him, he’s pretty much done away with the concept of “socially acceptable behavior” since becoming a supervillain. 
He was never a fan of that jazz anyway.
Besides the most extreme reaction he gets from fellow rogues to his shenanigans is to be told to “Get a room!” By Oswald.
Everyone else generally just rolls their eyes or teases him.
So besides outright having sex in front of someone he’s up for anything!
And hey, if it was the right person watching, Something could probably be arranged~
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nightswithkookmin · 6 months
Vmin and common goals
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Someone just commented on a recent post how VMin may have chosen not to serve because they had different goals towards their MS.
now I don't dispute that at all, everyone in BTS have their own goals and objectives.
we've seen Vmin interact over the years and we are all very well aware that Vmin's friendship has never been predicated on commonality.
In deciding teams, they aren't always going over and beyond to be team mates because they have common grounds- commonality is a Tae Kook thing. It's established fact in the Fandom.
We have spent so many blogs spelling out the uniqueness of each ship in BTS and BTS themselves have by themselves explained what each person means to them over and over again.
For Jungkook, Tae is the one he has common grounds with. So no, I don't expect Vmin to have common goals towards their MS. They are Mars and Jupiter and rarely gravitate towards the same things.
While V wanted to flaunt his shaved head around Jimin was much reserved on that note and who does he turn to? Jk.
The foundation of Vmin's relationship while not built around common interests and goals is built on mutual respect, love and appreciation for who they each are. It's built on the mutual need for support and holding space- safe space emotionally and spiritually for each to replenish, heal and grow together.
On that, Vmin has always, to me being more superior to any other ship in BTS because to me that sort of intimacy between people is priceless.
Having someone you lean on, tell your secrets to, share your vulnerabilities with, be there for you at your lowest point fight for you and defend you is just divine and any one who has this level of intimacy from another human being is truly blessed.
Jikook are that too- is what we are saying. They are that and more.
If you pay close attention to the sort of conversations they say they have- coupled with their need to be both emotionally and physically close to eachother it doesn't take much to figure out that those two are intimate partners too.
You can't hide intimacy I keep saying.
So given as Jikook and Vmin are both intimately close to each other, you should understand why I think Jikook just ended Vmin if physical and emotional support and companionship is the reason they chose to go into MS together.
This is not about common goals. If it were, Tae Kook would have been the ones to serve together. They live for the thrill and adventure. There's a reason there's so many conspiracy and misunderstanding around Tae Kook's friendship with the constant, they said they both wanted this, they both wanted that but someone or big bad hybe is keeping them apart.
Except now it's not hybe, it's his tattoos getting in his way. They say.
It would make so much sense for Tae Kook to serve together too if the whole reason for choosing to be comps hinged on their goals.
Tae talked about his goals for MS in the live and he talked about wanting to build his body and becoming strong physically so he doesn't get shoved around and so he can do lots of concerts. He said he's taking risks with his unit but knows exactly what he is doing.
What are Jungkook's goals too? What is informing his decision to go with Jimin? Why not go with Namjoon then?
We've seen Jungkook hesitate to choose teams where Jimin was in a team which conflicted with his goals. We've seen him cheat to be on teams with Jimin even though he said he didn't want to be on that team. We've seen him say he want one group but end up in a group with Jimin- if a person keeps acting this way isn't his goal Jimin? To be wherever JM is?
Isn't that a sign of severe form of attachment too?
If Vmin's attachment is soulmates what the heck is Jikook's attachment is my question cos those two attachment is very nuanced between them.
If it's all about common goals he knows what he needed to do to achieve those goals and yet here he is. Picking trash at dawn and falling in line.
Jikook is a special kind of love.
And has it occurred to anyone they are each other's companions? Years ago I kept saying idols need companionship to function else they will mentally expire. I screamed at hybe to let Tae have a girlfriend or boyfriend because his need for intimacy wasn't being fully met and that was taking a toll on him.
I said Jikook don't look like they have intimacy issues to me. Out of all the boys, they were the ones most content.
But has it occurred to anyone that perhaps they were content and could be highly functional because they each propped the other up?
If JM wasn't in JK's life I doubt he could have BTS at all. Which is facts given as he nearly even left the group but for Jimin asking him to stay.
Jimin grounds him when he's up in his idealistic adventurism.
Jimin is there to remind him why he is there. To remind to be subservient and not so rebellious, to comfort him when he's under mental pressure from trying to conform to a life so out of his realm of possibility. He is non conformist at his core and MS is bound to be tough on him.
Listent to the members when they say even Angel Hobi seems tamed.
That place will tame Jungkook and its going to be hard on him.
Jimin is what the doctor ordered.
This is about companionship plain and simple. Let's call a spade a spade and not a big fat spoon.
Do you know Jimin's goals towards serving too????
He doesn't want to gain weight, he can't stand being away for 1.5 years, it's going to drive him mad.
And the fact Jimin is all this for V and he didn't choose this over his desire to chase the thrill tells you just what he values and prioritizes.
He has psyched himself up. He can do this with or without Jimin but for Jikook they need eachother and that more important to them.
Nevermind that, even married couples breakup where their goals and priorities don't aline and they go another way. So no, don't tell me this make or break moment is because they have different goals as if that in itself don't matter.
And sure, since they are just friends we can forgive that. It's not really a big deal honestly. I will ditch yall for pussy too🥲
And yes we have seen Jimin Ditch V over and over for the D- remember when he called V crying and V asked him to come over but turns out he was in JK's room caressing phone screens with him?
If Vmin's goals don't align that's fine, Jikook's aligned perfectly well.
The universe must be pulling strings on their behalf.
They will come out even more closer than before and watch then explain how it's because of their shared experiences in the ditch
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douma-daisy · 1 year
hey hey! may i request a douma x demon! reader (can be either a common demon or a upper moon) where the reader is not annoyed with douma's behavior and is okay with the idea of ​​being his friend? i hope none of this sounded weird, but if it did, it's just because i'm not a native English speaker 🕴️
Your english is perfect, don’t worry!
Muzan’s number one was sick and tired of his immediate subordinate. He didn’t know how Douma kept finding him, especially since, unlike the cult leader with a temple to call home, Kokushibo scarcely stayed in one place longer than a few days at a time. Yet somehow Douma always found his way to Kokushibo to bother him in the name of “conversation” and “friendship,” two things Kokushibo had zero interest in.
“Hello, Kokushibo! It’s been a while!” Douma greeted with his annoyingly wide grin after sneaking up on him while he was stalking around a forest looking for his next victim. He sighed. He usually wasn’t one to break his stoic character, but Douma was getting on his last nerves.
“That is… false. It has only been one week and three days since our last interaction,” he corrected as he turned to him, all six of his piercings red eyes glaring at him. “Please cease these unwanted visits, Douma, before it becomes an issue.”
“Why so cold, Kokushibo? I only–” Douma cut himself off when Kokushibo sprinted off into the night without a single glance back. He frowned.
“If you’re looking for someone to talk to, I’ve got time,” a new voice spoke. Douma turned to the source, surprised to see another demon hanging down from a tree branch, smiling at him. Douma tilted his head at them.
“And who are you?” he asked, taking a few cautious steps toward them.
“I’m (Y/N),” you answered, letting go of the branch and gracefully landing on the ground on your feet. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. You’re Upper Moon Two, aren’t you?” You tapped your cheek just beneath your eye, noting his marked pupils.
“Yes, I am,” Douma said, smiling. “Tell me, what are you doing here, (Y/N)?”
“I was looking for food when I heard you and Upper Moon One talking. At first, I thought you might be humans who’d gotten lost,” you explained.
“Oh, are you hungry?” he asked.
“Starving,” you said. “My blood demon art isn’t very useful for catching humans.”
“Then let me take you back to my temple. I have plenty of people to feed on there,” he offered, grabbing your hand and starting back towards his home, not giving you any room to refuse. Being a much more powerful and experienced demon than you, he could run much faster, so you struggled not to stumble as he dragged you along. After what felt like forever, you arrived at your destination and were finally given a chance to steady your balance as Douma led you to the door.
“Make yourself comfortable while I fetch one of my followers,” he instructed. You nodded and looked around, plopping down in a pile of pillows.
After your meal, as I’m sure you don’t wish to read about that, you and Douma continued to talk. As you did, Douma kept wondering when you’d say you’d had enough, that you were too tired to go on, that he was too much for you, but you never did. You talked until one of his attendants knocked on the door to tell him people were there to see him. He couldn’t believe how much time had gone by. He also nearly killed the poor man for interrupting his conversation with you.
“I should let you get back to your followers,” you said. I’ll be out as soon as the sun sets,” you said.
“No!” he said, grabbing your wrist as if you were already walking away. “Stay. Please. I want to talk to you again. I haven’t had someone to talk to like this in so long. Please stay.”
“Well, if you don’t mind,” you said, your cheeks faintly heating up.
“Then it’s settled! I’ll have one of my followers give you a tour of the temple while I’m busy, then we’ll meet back here tonight,” he said. You nodded. He clapped his hands together and smiled. “Great! I’ll see you then!”
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flower-boi16 · 4 months
Hey, it's me, the rewrite anon.
Soooo, I just watched HH since my classmates kinda told me it'll be a lot better........ And after episode 5, I have some issues....
Honestly, it's probably due to the number of episodes that cause this many plotholes. If we simply increased the number to 12 or 14, we would've gotten more time to develop shit.
Lord, I'm never listening to my classmates ever again.
100% agree. I think the issue is that the show doesn't have enough episodes to tell its story. Eight episodes clearly isn't enough as a lot of things feel underdeveloped, rushed, and poorly structured in the show. Take the mystery of what happened to that angel for instance; this plotline is barely allowed anytime to linger and is just resolved in episode fucking 3. Then there are the characters, and a common problem seems to be how the show just introduces characters and expects us to instantly care about them, when we've barely got to know or see them.
If the show had more episodes, we would have more of a reason to actually CARE about these guys since we would have seen them more. And if the show had more episodes, it could develop its characters and the relationships between them. That's the core thing that holds HH back to me; it doesn't have much time to tell its story. The show should've had at least 20 episodes imo, because then it would have more time to tell it's story and the issues I just mentioned woulden't exist.
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
seriously in love with how community-driven qsmp has become. now that the french are here the others have wasted no time in rushing to help them out in any way possible. and in turn, so many people including the french players were around to help roier and jaiden try to get bobby back. now you have forever building an insane base with ender pearl stasis chambers to keep ALL the eggs safe and encourage the parents to take care of each others eggs and not just their own. no one is isolated on the server. everyone talks to each other and it's so heartwarming to see.
and of course, I can't help but compare it to dsmp. I'm not criticizing dsmp here I wanna clarify. I'm always going to the love the stories that came from that server even if I had my issues with it, and I'm never going to regret the time I spent following along with that server and the memories I made because of it. but after doomsday, everyone on the dsmp was so isolated from each other. any sense of community that had been still lingering after november 16th was truly gone. players retreated to their own bases and only interacted with the few people they trusted. and for a story like the dsmp, which slowly morphed into something with a much darker and more tragic tone than it started out with, this was fitting. the isolation was a natural consequence of the pain and war everyone had gone through. sure, there were moments of community popping up again, but it never lasted long.
but instead of warring against each other, the qsmp players are all facing a common enemy (the federation) and they all share a common goal (keep the eggs safe). it's them against the island. and I hope we continue to see these bonds grow stronger as the island becomes even more hostile to them.
(this is not an invitation to try and discourse about dsmp lore nor is it an invitation to criticize dsmp or theorize ways the qsmp could go down the same path. let qsmp be its own thing. let dsmp rest. I just noticed the differences in the community building on the two servers and thought it was interesting to point out)
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thestobingirlie · 1 year
re: that compromise ask (diff anon but heyyy right there with u) i was literally JUST thinking abt smth similar, about how esp in future/reunion fics, it’s always steve crawling on his knees for forgiveness for how he used to be, and eddie like. heaving a big sigh and “going back on his principles” or whatever to forgive steve. and steve like having to prove he’s better now or whatever which like. fine sure yeah steve was a high school bully. he threw slurs around and he definitely objectified women (although come on it’s high school social strata everyone was objectifying everyone, ain’t none of those babies had enough brain cells yet to see other people as people, that’s just being fucking 16) and he was a bitch, not arguing there.
but like 1) he was fully a child, he was literally a teenager, mike is an asshole too and no one is arguing he can’t possibly grow up or be redeemed, or that he needs to repent to earn love? like it’s one thing in canon era fics where they’re all still growing up, but i haaaaate in future fics when steve is a whole grown ass adult man still expected to grovel for the sins of being 17,
and 2) canonically eddie is the judgmental one??? i mean steve literally apologized and made amends on screen but if that’s not enough look at just purely going off the way the kids interact with them! they’re completely comfortable with steve. yeah he rolls his eyes and huffs and complains about their “nerd shit” but he still drives them to dnd nights! he still does that lame ass handshake with dustin! he still listens to all the stuff they ramble about, and you know he does it every time even when we don’t see it on screen, because they’re totally comfortable doing it! no doubt, no question steve will listen and support them, even when he doesn’t understand. dustin comes to scoops knowing without a doubt that steve will drop everything to listen to him talk about camp, and be excited about it! steve doesn’t give a shit about science camp, but dustin does, and that’s enough for him! yeah dustin is excited to talk about suzie, because girls are common ground with steve, but steve doesn’t know he met suzie when he takes his break, he just wants to hear about how dustin’s nerd stuff was going! he doesn’t have to understand or relate, he just wants them to do the stuff that makes them happy, and they know that. they trust him to listen even if he doesn’t get it
but the way mike and dustin were so nervous to ask eddie to postpone hellfire, even after months of knowing him, shows that they don’t trust him to let them have interests outside of his understanding. and they shouldn’t! he’s proven that he veered so hard into “nonconformity” he just reinforced the same social boundaries he claims to hate. everything with eddie is “us v them,” and like! i get it! i think it’s a complicated dichotomy and makes for an interesting character! i’m an eddie stan first and a person second ok listen i love the man. but if anyone needs to beg on their knees for forgiveness for being a dick in high school, it’s the guy who ruined BOTH of lucas’ favorite activities in one fell swoop by projecting his own insecurities and fake social rivalry onto a literal child. (i’m still so mad he managed to force lucas to miss the campaign finale he’d worked so hard for AND made sure that none of his friends or family were there to watch him play basketball all at once i’m never over it. i’m frothing at the mouth. apologize to lucas or meet my blade)
but there’s this trend where people are like “oh man eddie’s such a good person for looking past king steve and loving steve anyway! he’s rehabbing the jock! he’s fixing him!” fuck you. fix your damn self. the duffers’ childish ass hatred of “non nerds” is sooooo pervasive in this fandom it’s so gross.
oh my god, this is just beautiful. i literally couldn’t put it any better.
i wish we had gotten to see eddie repent for what he did to lucas, because honestly, i still hold it against him.
what’s especially funny to me about it is that steve’s sins (in s4) were over two years ago, eddie’s were last week lmao. like, one of them needs to go around apologising and it’s not steve.
but yeah! the kids have an ease around steve that they don’t around eddie. classic example: all the kids go to steve in s3, not even pretending to be polite or actually ask, and just pound on the bell until he comes to let them through the back of scoops to watch a movie. they don’t worry about his reaction. steve could literally get fired doing this, but they know he’s going to do it, and feel so comfortable that he won’t have a bad reaction, that there isn’t any hesitation.
when asking eddie to postpone a game, mike and dustin are shaking in their little boots. they’re flinching and looking away, and trying not to actually ask. those aren’t kids in the presence of someone comforting!! this isn’t a guy they would think deserves steve begging on his knees. if eddie was being a prick about steve’s past for no reason other than to hold some moral superiority over him, the kids would get pissed off.
if anyone is getting rehabilitated in their relationship, it’s eddie, not steve!! because being a jock isn’t inherently bad, and being a nerd isn’t inherently good, no matter what the duffers may be trying to tell you.
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ghostlysundae · 1 year
Ninjago is a show where early seasons were riddled with misogyny that not only affected the few female characters it had but also sabotaged the potential of some of the male ones in this essay I will:
LIKE IF A FEMALE CHARACTER WASN'T THERE TO BE THE TOKEN WOMAN SHE ONLY EXISTED TO BE A LOVE INTEREST. Nya's relationships with male characters will more often than not be them hitting on or pursuing her. If a male character isn't Wu, Zane, or Kai then they have randomly flirted with her or fought with Jay for her attention at one point or another. Skylor and Pix's characters don't experience this issue because, Pix quite literally could not talk to anyone except Zane for a while. Sky just walked herself out of the show and only occasionally shows up. Nya's not allowed to have non-romantic male relationships outside the ninja, hell she doesn't even get to interact with her much brother anymore and her parents are still basically not in the picture.
Coles character got sabotaged in season 3 because he randomly has an interest in Nya. Instead of giving him or Nya a nice character arc the writers rather use them purely for relationship drama that frankly just feels boring or unpleasant to watch. Coles still an amazing character, however, season 3 leaves a stain on it and it was unfortunately one of the biggest things he was known for besides ghost stuff til season 13 rolled around.
Then there's side characters randomly hitting on her like Shifty in prime empire, shade in Hunted, the guy in wus tea, and etc.
Ronins one of the BIGGEST examples of the writers sabotaging a character and their relationship with Nya so they can have pointless drama that goes no where and never gets mentioned or brought up again. Like instead of letting Nya have a friend/father figure she has things in common with and can talk to they rather just make him another guy who's attracted to her, it doesn't affect the story in any way at all and it FEELS SO FORCED AND UNNECESSARY!! HE WAS HELPING HER GET THROUGH HER ISSUES AND SHE GUINUENELY FELT COMFORTABLE TALKING TO HIM WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT???
I really wished they used Nya and Ronins arcs to show how everyone learns differently, like Wus way of teaching her honestly didn't do much except aggravate and annoy her. Ronin could almost immediately spot why she was struggling and gave her advice that genuinely helped her gain complete control over water, and after she reversed water successfully for the first time and got really excited about it; Ronin walked away from her SMILING. I just want THAT version of Ronin and Nya back, it was amazing.
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