#ashes to ashs
malama-art · 6 months
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silly thing
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yamujiburo · 3 months
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Ace Trainers
[All comics in order here]
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skipppppy · 4 months
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Broke: Giovanni is Ash's father
Woke: Giovanni has mistakenly believed Ash was his hookup mistake for like a decade and is about to get the surprise of the century seeing that not only are they not related, but the employee he fired a few years ago for being too stupid is now living with him and being a more active father than he was
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ashoss · 3 months
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some things dont change
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upwardsonwards · 5 months
been really getting into music lately. has anyone else discovered this music thing. there's sounds in there.
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roach-works · 6 months
pokemon theory i just thought of: new pokemon appear in the pokemon universe when they're designed in this one. they're created ex nilho but they have retroactive realness; they weren't here yesterday, but today they've always existed.
pokemon researchers have had to suss this out on their own over decades, and it's a really unpopular theory, made worse by the fact that no one can come up with a better one. from their perspective pokemon generate spontaneously but in both chronological directions, and the similarities of many pokemon seem to be detived from a conscious and creative understanding of the world--their world, though? what other world could there be?. there are ice cream pokemon and pokeball pokemon and sword pokemon and trash bag pokemon.
there are so many pokemon with both wings and a beak. is this like swords? is there an ur-flying type that this class evokes? there are so many canine pokemon. but what is a canine? is there such a thing? there's only one set of sword pokemon, right. one tea-set line. is *feline* a coherent category? would the ur-feline have two legs or four? why do so many pokemon have humanlike bodyplans-- but then again, why so few?
pichu has always been the prior form of pikachu. why didn't it get counted in order? why do we call it that instead of saying pikachu is the middle evolution of the pichu line? why can so many trainers remember finding this out well into their journeys? why didn't ash start with one?
this is why pokemon researchers do a lot of labwork, drink heavily, and use ten year olds for field research. you can't have an existential crisis if you don't even know what time is yet.
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shepardsherd · 4 months
When your characters just start revealing lore you didn't know about them, as you're writing them
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mxreece · 5 months
Ashes To Ash's (3)
15 minutes.
“You’ll tell me if something happens, right?”
30 minutes.
You don’t know how scary silence is when you’re used to constant chatter.
60 minutes.
I went back to check on the wound.
It looked small still.
2 hours.
[Any weird noise made him jump. The flickering lights in the far hallway made him wonder.]
“I’m not going back to check, I’m almost done here”
[He said, but the way back was through that hallway.]
200 minutes.
Creak creeeeeak creeakk.
The sound of the wound had become louder. Loud enough to hear from outside the storage room.
The growth of wounds are irregular. There are a few different types but from what I’ve read it’s about as scientifically sound as personality tests. The wound could deepen fast and grow slow, it could go at about the same speed, it could fester before becoming a proper gate.
From the sound of it I had no greater enthusiasm to go check it’s progress.
“I should report to security, right? Give them an update?”
[He quickly regretted asking the narrator, finding himself having grown familiar and reliant on the being.]
“Stop flattering yourself and help me for once”
[He though about what calling the security office would entail, not just for his job but his body. Using his power too recklessly would eventually lead to doom, he knew this now. If he didn’t call it in, though, he might be caught up in a gate opening.]
“You’re always so dramatic about that, I’m fine. Bet you just put fake images in my head to scare me”
It didn’t reply. The silence would have been nice if not for the creaking and tearing of space and time.
I took a breath, looked at my hand, then dialled the office.
“Hey I’m calling to update you on the wound” [His hands were shaking.]
“What? It’s opened or anything?” The guard replied, sounding extremely uninterested.
“Not sure, I’ve not checked it yet-“
“So why did you call then if all’s good?”
“…” I could feel it not going in my favour and activated my power.
“Look dude,” I started again, “this thing’s growing enough that I can hear it from across the floor. I’m no expert but getting someone from the tower to check it’s grade at least would be-“
“Who’s the security here? You or me, asshole?” Yeah whatever he got mad that someone dared to tell him how to do his job. Security people are just wannabe cops anyways so what else would I have to expect.
“Seeing as you’re sitting on your fat ass not doing anything about this, I’d say it’s me. If this thing starts bleeding monsters who’s job do you think’s in danger? Not the poor cleaner who reported it, that’s for sure.” Piece of shit wasn’t even thinking about the risks.
“Yeah because it will fester, hundred percent. Aren’t you just being paranoid, you beanstalk? Sure you just don’t want a big bad guard up there to protect you?” He laughed, absolutely delighting in what little pathetic piece of power he could scrounge up.
“Well I’m almost done up here so I’m leaving within the hour, then it’s just you here to take care of this breaks” I shrugged and opened the door to the store room to sneak a peek. The wound was noticeably bigger.
“Psh, I’m B class, I’ll take care of it if it does, kitty”
[Viktor remembered clearly that the man in question was lower B, having barely achieved the minimal conditions.]
Wait, I did? I didn’t know that. Hey narrator, you hate this ass as well don’t you?
“Oh I’m so reassured,” I said flatly. “Well, this kitty is gonna finish up here, good luck the rest of the shift.” Before he could reply I hung up.
[He finished the rest of the shift while grumbling.]
I took the train home and the train back the next day.
“So what grade did the wound come out to?” I asked the security guy in charge of the night. He was different from the other guy and thank god for that.
“What do you mean?” He said, seemingly genuinely.
“The wound in the third floor west storage room? I reported it to the security guy yesterday” I said, now getting slightly worried.
“Hm,” the new guy typed something into the ancient looking computer then looked up at me with the most serious black eyes I had ever seen, “there’s nothing about a wound opening written down here-“ my heart sank “-but it says that due to an accident while cleaning, the whole floor was closed for the day”
“Motherfu-!” I bit down hard on my tongue, no need to get angry, no need for that, not here. The guard was still looking at me, now confused.
“Come with me.” I didn’t really give him a choice as I grabbed his wrist and led him up the stairs and to the door.
Cccreeeeeak creeak k k creeaaak.
He seemed hesitant but I powered through, dragging him behind me until we came to the storage room door.
[Behind him, the guard was already pulling out his phone to call the magic towers emergency line.]
When the door finally opened we could both clearly see what had become of the small wound.
It was open, it was round, it had become a gate.
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stil-lindigo · 11 months
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bite of winter.
a comic about a princess who died in the snow.
creative notes:
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all my other comics
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20th-century-man · 5 months
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Danni Ashe
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thedman0310 · 5 months
Character Arc
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straighttohellbuddy · 7 months
thinking about Lovejoy describing themselves in three words as 'Aromantic British Noises'
thinking about Lovejoy describing themselves in three words as 'Aromantic British Noises'
thinking about how the idea of aromanticism isn't nearly as widespread as it is on Tumblr/various other corners of the internet
thinking about how most people would probably assume the use of Aromantic as a descriptor would imply a lack of any kind of love or romance or close interpersonal relationships in their music which is INHERENTLY NOT TRUE
thinking about Lovejoy choosing Aromantic specifically, confident enough in understanding the actual concept/culture of aromanticism to describe their entire band
thinking about the potential for there to be someone(s) in Lovejoy who is either on the Aromantic spectrum or has considered it as a possibility and has researched it to understand it (and maybe themselves) better
thinking about hard about Lovejoys songs and realising that despite a few having vaguely romantic or implied romantic connotations, you could absolutely do an aro-spec reading of their whole discography
thinking about Lovejoy becoming part of Aro Culture in my heart
thinking about being aro-spec myself, and how id consider the term 'lovejoy' to still very much be my vibe despite that.
thinking about self described Aromantic British Noises, Lovejoy.
thinking about Lovejoy.
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yamujiburo · 3 months
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[All comics in order here]
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skipppppy · 4 months
The “Mr Mime is Ash’s dad” theory mildly irks me NOT because I don’t like it or whatever but bc the canon reason Mimey is there is just SO MUCH FUNNER. For plot related reasons Ash dresses up as a Mr Mime in a circus just outside Pallet town but gets kidnapped by Team Rocket. Brock and Misty are like “oh they’ll let him go once they realise he’s not a Pokemon, we should tell Delia that he’s gonna show up at her house in a Mr Mime costume so she isn’t freaked out” but then an ACTUAL Mr Mime shows up at her house before he does and because Delia is as faceblind as her son she mistakes it for him. And this Mr Mime is like “oh I like it here” and starts helping out around the house doing chores in exchange for food. And then when Ash DOES get home he’s like “mom why is there a Mr Mime here” and she goes “oops! Well he helps more around the house than you so I’m keeping him” and does. Mimey is not Ash’s dad. Mimey is his step-brother and canonically the favourite child
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ashoss · 3 months
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patrol is fun :DD
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werewolfsister · 2 months
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Nothing like finding a body in the trunk of your cherry red sports car after a hard day at work!
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