#as “the crazy old man” by stan
tazmiilly · 1 year
How do you think an interaction between younger Fidds and Stan would have played out?
to be honest, since I think abt stuff closer to canon usually, them talking at a young age hardly ever crosses my mind. if I had to picture it, I think it would go pretty well!
however, I tend to think abt them talking post weirdmageddon far more. I think them talking at an older age is more interesting to me. I think about a lot of funny conversations between the two, but I've joked before that the only reason they don't get drawn is because I always want to draw ford LOL. so I think they'd still get along, BUT I do have a headcanon that their first real 1 on 1 conversation was an argument
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thedevotionaltour · 3 months
even for period typical ableism it still drives me nuts for karen to go oh poor matt how can he deal and get around as if he hasn't been blind most of his life at this point and living on his own by himself as an adult for his entire adult life after college and has also lived in the city his whole life like girl use your damn brain he can get around by himself just fine. good god. like take five seconds to use your brain. literally adult man who lives by himself if nothing else that should tell you he is fine and when he needs assistance has the knowledge and ability to go get it you act as if he can't even walk on the sidewalk by himself. he literally shows up to work by himself. it drives me up the wall sometimes how she sees proof of him functioning fine independently literally witnesses it on the daily and still thinks these things. like again foggy isn't great either bc again the period typical ableism (and just general ableism in the world outside of this period as this is a common attitude of viewing disabled people as helpless and unable to function even if they are people who do live independently (and im not touching on people who do need extra support and caretaking in this context. as this post is about these characters in the context of a story. so im talking about what we see there instead of any truly meaningful nuanced way) but the writing here is like. Particularly this way due to the time) he has a modicum more of understanding that matt is literally a capable grown adult man. literally told karen matt is a big boy who can handle himself and then karen went b-b-but you forget he's blind as if foggy hasn't known him for years of his life and is his best friend like PLEASE SEE HIM AS AN ADULT. I AM GOING TO GO INSANE. PLEASE RESPECT HIM IF YOU LOVE HIM SO DEARLY. AND EVEN IF YOU DIDN'T. JUST RESPECT HIM AS A PERSON!!!!!!
#i think it's particularly maddening bc we have seen characters be able to understand civillian matt is like. more than just Blind Man.#i am always highly aware of period typical writing and can remember the context etc etc but sometimes.#sometimes it truly. truly does drive me up the wall. especially when other characters have been capable of not being That Level#of infantalizing. again foggy still isn't much better in a lot of respects he is just as capable of and has been as infantilizing#and insulting as karen has been. for sure. on multiple occassions. no questions asked. but i dont think he does it to the extent karen does#as in we dont see it on page just as much. it's just a bit less. so we see karen focus on it far more. to an almost exaggerated extent#part of that is the romance plot of ohhh i cannot possibly love a blind man while foggy is matt;s best friend of many years#so of course it will be in the way of the stan lee and old romance comics schools of writing that this goes down and is written like this.#of course we see her focus on it a touch more in a different way bc she's still getting to know matt and hasnt witnessed him#for about like a decade(? they met in undergrad right?) function on his own the way foggy has. but jesus christ man. good god.#at a certain point even with the period time context it does just still leave a bad taste. at certain points it becomes less eye roll#and far more maddening and hard to push down. bc it is gross. no matter what time period it is.#again. both of them are pretty disrespectful towards matt about it at this point even if mostly in their inner monologues or dialogues#with each other and not super to matt's face about it every time. but still. sometimes karen drives me far more crazy about it than foggy.#becase at least foggy can in fact recognize every now and then. matt is a perfectly capable grown man who can function and thrive.#and is someone who lives independently but also can know how to get assistance when needed.#while karen at this point has never really once given matt the benefit of that assumption despite witnessing his capabilities.#because even with his act of trying to fit the image ppl have of him. he still functions within that! and shows he can do things!#and ask for help when he needs it! even within his act of making himself smaller and quieter for others.#he's still like. adult man who lives his life. and does stuff on his own time.#i cant really speak about matt on any more deeper level than that in regards to his disabilities. i am not disabled.#i only speak as a reader and someone watching what these characters do and have proven to be able to do and how they act.#so i can only talk about karen and foggy's behaviors and attitudes in that regard.#and also as a person with like. basic understanding of other ppl living their lives. that all ppl live their own damn lives however it is#like most ppl on planet earth.#i apologize if any of my wording here is bad or if i dont talk on it well as none of this in the real world stuff is my lived experience#and you are free to go hey. incorrect. think about that or word that differently.#ok i promise im done now it's just. EUGH. UGH!!!!!#static.soundz
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I bet Miguel can cook REALLY well.
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Being a dad he did have to come up with something to eat for dinner every night
And with Gabriella being a bit picky, sometimes he had to get creative
And some of his favorite memories are the conversations he and Gabbie had while dinner was on the stove
But even now, he loves it. Miguel finds he act of cooking so relaxing. He likes the peace and the order of it
And even if he comes in really really late from HQ - he'll still try and cook something
Fighting sleep while cooking a quesadilla on the stove
He's a Sazon loyalist SORRY ADOBO STANS
There's always tortillas, sour cream and salsa verde in his fridge - freshly made
(if you got those you can figure something out)
And he grows his own cilantro and basil on the window sill
And he'll never use powdered garlic, only fresh
Yes he can eat garlic - yes people on campus ask him that a lot
(he's hot ACTUALLY a vampire)
His seafood is TO DIE FOR
Miguel can make amazing lobster tail, or crab legs (with Old Bay and butter of course)
And his Ceviche is SO GOOD and SO FRESH
Most likely makes everything spicy. It's not even that he 'loves' spicy food - He just makes it spicy AF and acts like he doesn't notice
MEANWHILE you're next to him and it hurts to breathe
He and Hobie are bean stans.
Miguel loves them in Chilli con Carne, with rice, refried, you name it
and Hobie goes through those British blue cans of Heinz baked beans like it's nobodies business
They both think beans are underrated
Makes AMAZING MOLE and even better Tamales
But you have to BEG him for weeks on end to get him to make Tamales cause he can't be bothered - and he will make you help
He likes Avocado, like in general. On toast, with eggs, guacamole use always a staple
He'll often just eat chips and guacamole the whole day in his office and he'll get pissed if the food court is out of it.
Well look at a corn shell ground beef taco and be like 'You think that's a taco? Is that what you honestly believe?'
Loves cooking with other people - in fact Miguel actually just likes working with people in general. That's why Lyla has a personality.
He's good at guiding others during cooking and teaching them things and not bossing them around
With mango and Tajin
He'll put Tajin seasoning on ANYTHING - the first time Jess saw him put it on watermelon she was like 'what for????'
But he loves fruit in general, watermelon, lychee, guava. A lot of them are grown fresh in the Society gardens
Strawberries are a favorite of his. Gabriella loved strawberries on pancakes
He pronounces lychee - Leechee (not Lie-chee)
He's the fucking PRO at protein shakes and milkshakes
The man needs workout fuel and whey powder and kale and potassium and-
He's in the kitchen 5am getting ready for the gym
Making a shit ton of peanut butter strawberry banana and oats protein smoothie with coconut milk and honey to sweeten
Because he does have a sweet tooth.
Jolly Ranchers are an oral fixation
You can hear him sucking on one, the quiet clacking of it.
Or see him press it into his cheek, lost in thought
But baking and sweets are his secret love
He just doesn't have anyone to test it on anymore - so he doesn't
His flan is the best, and it was one of Gabbie's show faves
He eats parfaits pretty often, and makes them a lot for Jess (and she teases it for it)
Miguel LOVES tres leches cake, as sweet as possible. And fancy stuff like creme brulee
Don't tell anyone but he actually really likes cheesecake he acts like it's a secret
With him cooking get ready for the most sugariest breakfast ever. It's a dad thing.
Whipped cream, fruits, syrup, chocolate chips, you name it.
Sure Miguel shouldn't have been giving Gabriella THAT much sugar THAT early - but with you it's fine so enjoy the stomach ache in two hours
Another dad thing:
Him and Peter get INTENSE.
Miguel swears by charcoal grills, Peter likes propane and gas
Miguel is the tio with the best Hot dogs and relish that HITS
Peter is the burger dad who spends an insane amount of money on Angus beef
Miguel judges your hot dog toppings but says nothing
Like,,, it'll bring you to tears it's so good - I don't know how he does it
And when it comes to cooking he's ALWAYS willing to learn
He'd rather invite you over and cook you something than going out to eat
He'll learn something you like or where you're from and make something from there
Even better if you can teach him how to make something - the two of you can make it together
But his favorite part by far is setting it down at the table, trying not to seem like he's watching your reaction
And seeing your face light up at the first bite
Or even better -
Seeing you collapse into bed with a food coma
Miguel with cooking and food as a love language
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eregyrn-falls-art · 2 years
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Back in Oct. 2018, my project for inktober was at least one pic from every episode.  Because of the pace, there were restrictions; I did each on a post-it note, limited coloring, and chose things that would fit the square format and that I could get done in time (between working full-time and owl-banding most nights).  I always sort of wanted to redo a bunch of those; but really, what occasion would merit putting in THAT much time and effort for a project of that size?
Well, how about for the 10th anniversary of the premiere of Gravity Falls?
I’m not saying this was a *smart* project to tackle, but I thought it might be “easier” because I had first drafts of most of the pieces; I just wanted to redo them so they’d look better, with 4 more years of practice under my belt and a new move to digital art.  (Narrator: it was not really easier.)  Some I redid completely, or did new to create the full sets above.  Basically, once I’d hit on this idea, and decided to link it to the refrain of “How Far We’ve Come”, I was committed; there was no way I was going to *not* try to do it.
I know that “How Far We’ve Come” gets fanvidded for eight billion different shows.  But, the first time I heard the song was in one of the first Gravity Falls fanvids I ever watched (link  below), so it will always be a GF song for me.
Gravity Falls has meant a lot to me for the past 6 years that I’ve been active in the fandom.  I have no doubt it will always have a big place in my heart. I’m definitely not done with things I’d like to do for it.  I’m so glad to see people coming together to celebrate this big anniversary! 
ALSO: needless to say, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Stan and Ford!
“How Far We’ve Come” by @findmeinthealps2 ​
IDs under the cut.
Image descriptions.  The post consists of six images, each with a one-word header.  Together they spell out, “LET’S SEE HOW FAR WE’VE COME”.  Each image has 8 square pictures under the header.  Each picture is a screenshot-redraw from an episode of the show, usually consisting of one or a couple of characters against a simple colored background.
The first image’s 8 redraws are: Dipper and Mabel from “Tourist Trapped”; Old Man McGucket from “The Legend of the Gobblewonker”; Mabel and Bats Biker from “Headhunters”; Lil Gideon from “The Hand that Rocks the Mabel”; Mabel from “The Inconveniencing”; Dipper from “Dipper vs. Manliness”; Dipper and Dipper clone 5 from “Double Dipper”; and Mabel and Quentin Trembley from “Irrational Treasure”.
The second image’s 8 redraws are: Mabel and Waddles from “The Time Traveler’s Pig”; Robbie and Dipper from “Fight Fighters”; Stan and Lil Gideon from “Little Dipper”; the Summerween Trickster from “Summerween”; Stan in his vampire costume from “Summerween”; Mabel and Dipper from “Boss Mabel”; Stan from “The Bottomless Pit”; and Mermando from “The Deep End”.
The third image’s 8 redraws are: Dipper and Mabel from “Carpet Diem”; Mabel surrounded by Sev’ral Timez from “Boyz Crazy”; Stan punching the pterodactyl from “The Land Before Swine”; Bill Cipher in giant red angry form from “Dreamscaperers”; Mabel and Dipper from “Gideon Rises”; Dipper, Mabel and Stan from “Scary-oke”; the Shapeshifter from “Into the Bunker”; and Mabel and Pacifica Northwest from “The Golf War”.
The fourth image’s 8 redraws are: Bipper from “Sock Opera”; Soos Ramirez and Melody from “Soos and the Real Girl”; Stan from “Little Gift Shop of Horrors”; Old Man McGucket from “The Society of the Blind Eye”; Mabel fighting Blendin Blandin from “Blendin’s Game”; Robbie Valentino and Tambry from “The Love God”; Pacifica Northwest and Dipper from “Northwest Mansion Mystery”; and Stan from “Not What He Seems”.
The fifth image’s 8 redraws are: Mabel from “Not What He Seems”; Ford’s arrival from “Not What He Seems”; Ford and Stan as teenagers from “A Tale of Two Stans”; Dipper and Ford as elf characters from “Dungeons, Dungeons & More Dungeons”; Stan from “The Stanchurian Candidate”; Mabel, Wendy, Candy, and Grenda after their fight with the unicorns from “The Last Mabelcorn”; Darlene the spider lady from “Roadside Attraction”; and Dipper and Ford with Bill Cipher’s shadow over them from “Dipper and Mabel vs. the Future”.
The sixth and final image’s 8 redraws are: Bill Cipher holding up the gold statue of Ford from “Weirdmageddon Pt. 1″; Wendy Corduroy from “Weirmageddon Pt. 1″; Dipper and Mabel from their class day photo in “Weirdmageddon Pt. 2″; Bill Cipher in giant red monster form trying to capture Dipper and Mabel from “Weirdmageddon Pt. 3″; Stan punching Bill Cipher in the mindscape from “Weirdmageddon Pt. 3″; the group gathered around Stan sitting in his chair while Mabel shows him her scrapbook, from “Weirdmageddon Pt. 3″; Dipper and Mabel waving goodbye from the bus window from “Weirdmageddon Pt. 3″; and Stan and Ford laughing together in the rain, after defeating the giant squid, on their boat the Stan o’ War II, from “Weirmageddon Pt. 3″.
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more! headcanons! please!
bucky getting used to modern crap headcanon
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considering Bucky is over 100 years old, your boyfriend is more with the times than people give him credit for
socially he's quite progressive, but a lot of other things, he tends to be fuzzy on
food for starters
that man acts like he is scared of any other seasonings besides salt and pepper
"doll, you barely touched your dinner, are you upset?" / "i already told you im not eating boiled chicken :)" / "well now i'm upset :')"
the first time you took him to mcdonalds, you thought he was going to black out
"why does the soDA HURT" / "told you not to order the sprite" / "it's sprite, it's not supposed to feel like i'm drinking engine fuel"
also, tech. he was also very bad at tech
"yeah, so i have my bluetooth-" / "you have a what?" / ". . .bluetooth headphones" / "are you. . . do we need to go to a hospital?" / "bucky what are you talking about" / "your tooth is blue and you're talking to me like i'm the crazy one" / "did you miss the headphones part"
also the dishwasher for some reason?
you thought it was sweet that he always insisted on washing the dishes until you realized he had an ulterior motive
it was when you caught him rewashing the plates you tossed in the washer that you said something
"buck, i already washed those :)" / "i knew this day would come :'|" / "what?" / "it's the dishwasher" / "is there something wrong with it?" / "i just don't get it" / "explain" / "people throw anything in these things, i'm not cleaning my dishes in that" / "baby, it's safe-" / "want to know what else is dishwasher safe? dildos! i don't want sex water on my pasta- stop laughing i'm being serious."
okay, most of the time it led to funny situations so it was fine
like that one week where bucky would end every text with a picture of a heart until you explained to him what emojis were
or that other time he tried to secretly order you flowers while on a mission using his phone
bucky accidentally ordered a dozen bouquets of roses instead of twelve dozen roses
he tried to play it off like it was on purpose, but you knew by his confused look when the third bouquet showed up that he had fucked up
the best, though, was when peter showed him twitter
he was as fascinated as he was confused
"honey, do you think i'm babygirl?" / (choking on water noises) / "well, stevesnipple on twitter said sometimes a grown man is babygirl. am i?" / ". . .yeah, honey" / "fuckin' knew it, sam's gonna be so jealous"
or that time he kept using the word stan wrong
"i stan you ;)" / "im begging you to stop saying words you don't know how to use, that is the cringiest thing you have ever said" / "is being a super fan of my girlfriend a crime now? blocked and canceled" / "omG"
or that time he kept using tea in inappropriate situations
"and after that, i lost my arm :(" / "babe, i'm so sorry-" / "and that's the tea :,("
okay, so a lot of shit confused him, but he didn't mind
he thought it was a great excuse to ask you for help without sounding needy so you two could just hang out <3
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softrozene · 1 year
Reacting to Dutch Wanting a Night with Their Girl
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Anonymous requested: Okay, so, I’ve had this in my head for a while. Dutch is a gross old guy who likes pretty young ladies, right? Well, Arthur/John/Javier has this real cute and super affectionate little thing on his arm. What? They’re married/engaged/dating? No, it’s fine. He taught that boy how to read! Giving up his girl for a night isn’t that big of a deal, he’s sure asking them in the middle of camp will go well. 
rdr2 masterlist
ALJSFDASKL This is so long omg. Let me know if you wanted something specific or anything- Wasn’t too sure if it was a request but I had to give my input. This is how I thought they would react and lmao this was super fun. 
Originally published on January 5, 2021
Arthur, Javier, John x Female Reader
Warnings: Dutch is super gross in this - We don’t stan, we do stan the three who stick up for their girl, Dutch is vulgar - I really did Dutch dirty in this but it was bound to happen eventually.
Words: ~900
Okay, one thing they all share in common is if it were you saying that Dutch said something to you, they would all be hesitant. Like “Nah, he didn’t mean it that way” or “Are you sure he said that?” or “I’ll go talk to him”- Then they end up doubting you as Dutch lies his way out of it (Yes, they would sadly be the dudes that apologizes for their friend’s behavior too)
They are hesitant only because Dutch did offer them a chance as part of the family in the gang- He did give them a decent chance at life and as anon said- Taught them to read and write. They see him as someone they owe a great lot to- so if you suddenly talk bad about him, they will want to defend him, or he will point the blame at you
In other words, their loyalty to Dutch will for sure make them not believe you at first
However- If they witness it that is an entirely different story:
Charles wasn’t asked for, but I will say since he is not that close with Dutch other than respecting him for being treated well in the gang, he will straight-up knock out Dutch the second he hears anything vulgar- Or whether you inform him. You matter more than the gang and he will defend you
 Arthur Morgan-
You have been skittish lately. That does not sit well with Arthur since you are only skittish with Dutch around- He thinks it is just because you are shy and nothing else until-
Dutch- Sweet, old, crazy Dutch comes up to the both of you, more so looking at Arthur in an expecting way and asks for a night with you- With others as witnesses nonetheless?
All of you would be stunned-
Dutch has a fucking serious tone- Arthur will be frozen then just stare at him for the longest time
“Dutch- You drunk?”
“What? Son, I would never- I was simply asking a hypothetical ‘what if’ question since you have such a divine being hanging on your arm all the time. You can’t deny the chemistry we have when we look- Hey now, don’t give me that look, Son. You know I would only ask if it would benefit you-“
He would keep saying creepy things along those lines and Arthur just snaps
Either by straight-up punching him in the face- Tackling him- Anything, no one can pry him off of Dutch until he good and satisfied that this once honorable man he looked up to will never gaze upon you again in that creepy face
He loses all respect for Dutch and Dutch’s confidence with how he thought he could get Arthur’s girl for a night
Everyone is wary and on edge, but it is for the better
Molly probably opens up her eyes
 John Marston-
Dutch does not even have to say anything- John notices the looks he has been giving you and he does not like it one bit
Dutch would not go to him first- Instead, John would confront him in the middle of the camp and be like “You serious right now Dutch? Eyeing my woman when I am right here, and Molly is over there?”
Dutch will respond: “I ain’t touching- I am just looking.” Or “Can you blame me? Look at her.”
“That is low- Even for you Dutch”
If Dutch even tries to defend himself, be fancy with his words, or place the blame on you- You can bet John will not hold back- The boys will have to pry him off Dutch (after letting John get a few hits in because Dutch ain’t as sly as he thinks he is)
This really is one of the worse things John has seen and he won’t stand with it (depending on how much he cares about you tbh) Like if he sees you as his wife you bet, he is ready to ditch the gang again but with you this time
We’re pretending Abigail and Jack are in a healthy place- Not this universe lamflasd
 Javier Escuella-
I really hate to say this guys but the way Javier reacts depends on what chapter you are in- In the gang.
Before Chapter 5+6 he would react on your behalf-
“Dutch- Did you really ask if you can borrow mi amor?”
He is pissed- He is beyond livid, he will try to be calm and collected but that will not last long and he will act on your behalf demanding Dutch respects you
If this happens after 5 and during 6- He will really think about it
He already betrayed Arthur and John, the gang is falling apart, all he has is Dutch and you- So he will really consider it (but I doubt he would let Dutch go through with it)
After Chapter 6 though- He will not hesitate to cut a bitch Dutch
He realized that he really lost the family that had his back, and it is all because of Micah and Dutch so if Dutch has the gall to ask him after everything you all went through- It is on- He will fight for your honor and he will apologize constantly afterward for helping to ruin the family you both loved and shared
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faiirybread · 7 months
i know places ︴aa23
🌷 in which.. the fans aren’t happy, but they are!
alex_albon just posted!
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God bless America, God bless double points!🫡🇺🇸🦅raaaaahhh!!!!
tagged: danielricciardo, yukitsunoda, yourusernameofficial
liked by yourusernameofficial, yukitsunoda, and 927,724 others
user1 YN?????
user2 great race today, you deserved those points!
yourusernameofficial Amazing job today, it was awesome to watch! 💙💙
alex_albon Thank you so much!
user6 is yn dating him?
user5 we dont know, all the interactions between them is him liking her post and posting her stage on his story, her going to a race, and now this post
user6 ah ok
user7 NO WAY yourusernameofficial ARE YOU A GLUTEN FREE GIRLIE
yourusernameofficial Yes! I went gluten free because I kept getting muscle injuries, and it’s really helped! 💗
user11 he isnt dating her you bitch.. get out of here
user11 why would yn lower herself to him, she knows her worth and he isnt it.
f1gossip just posted!
recent photos released by korean news site dispatch of yn yln and alex!
liked by user1, user2, and 98,725 others
user2 most random couple
user3 yn.. how could you betray us like this 😔
user5 wtf are you talking about? this isnt a good thing..
user4 lol what why
user5 yns whole career is on her fans, who shes betraying with this. ive been a fan since she was 16 and to see her grow up to be such a slut is really disappointing.. i wouldnt be surprised if her company terminates her contract
user4 bro wtf are you on about?? shes a fucking human being who is allowed to live and have friends and partners. calling yourself a fan of hers then saying shes a slut is just laughable. your a 40 year old man who became a fan of a 16 year old and cant bear to think that shes not a doll for you to play with. fucking creepy and disgusting.
user7 ok but ehy this guy?! yn could literally have anyone in f1 and she chose a guy who cant even win a race??
user8 dude poor alex he does not deserve the crazy kpop stans breathing down his neck
user9 wait theyre kinda cute 🤭
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ynupdates just posted!
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Hello, this is SM Entertainment. A series of photos were shared today of YN YLN. We cannot confirm or deny the rumors, and request that you give YN privacy and empathy in this time. Thank you.
liked by pierregasly, user1, and 562,737 others
user1 what was the point of the statement if theyre not gonna confirm anything 😭
user2 sm this isnt kai and jennie.. williams racing is not gonna post a statement
user3 ok so….
user4 #DROPYN
user5 get tf outta here ‼️
user6 BOOOO
user7 this is how her company responds to alex getting this amount of hate??
user8 unfortunately its really common because of the industry standard that idils stay single/keep their relationships private so this is probably the most we’ll get from sm
user7 really? ive seen some companies do legal action, are they not doing that?
user8 not for alex, only for yn
user7 damn this is gonna be tough for alex then
user9 alex_albon pls see the light this is not worth it
user10 #DROPYN
alexalbon just posted a story!
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user1 YES ALEX
user2 thank you for defending her!!
user3 just not a good idea to be around her..
yourusernameofficial just posted!
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3 songs for the ones I love 💗
Slut!, Teenage Dream, and Mirrorball out now on all platforms 🌷
tagged: smtown, alex_albon
liked by alex_albon, imnotningning, and 7,273,127 others
yourusernameofficial 🤭 🤭 luv ya babes
user2 are you gonna cancel promos for these too?
alex_albon soz but promos are only for me 😝
user3 bad start dad…
alex_albon sorry kiddo had to say how it is
user5 slut! is so romantic?? alex how did you do it
pierregasly amazing songs!
yourusernameofficial thank you!!
yourusernameofficial YES!!!! IM SO EXCITED
yourusernameofficial i cant say yet but ill deffo try and meet you guys there!!
user7 she seems so happy with him dude, she never used to respond to comments or anything
yourusernameofficial 🫶🫶🫶
user8 WE LOVE YOU YN!!!
alex_albon waa waa waa 😹😹😹
charlesleclerc16 OUTSOLD 👏 👏 👏
yourusernameofficial thank you charles!!
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italoniponic · 9 months
Caught | Trey Clover
Synopsis: Because of your difficulties with alchemy class, you asked for Trey’s help to study. However, as Heartslabyul is full of problems and crazy people, the moment between you two is interrupted. Many, many times.
Trey Clover x gender neutral reader / fluff / a bit of comedy / established relationship / use of “you” pronouns
Word count: 1327k words | Masterlist
Notes: This was something I wrote a long, long time ago. It was basically lost among my fics files but since it’s Trey, I decided that I could share a little bit of “general Trey appreciation” once in a while. Stan the baker glasses boy to good cakes and better kitchen skills!
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Trey’s voice was sweet and clear, filling the room with an incredible sense of comfort as if you two were actually in the kitchen preparing a cake together. But he was only reading the contents of the book of alchemy. Nothing else.
You were split on whether the idea of asking your boyfriend to help you study had been good. On the one hand, the theoretical content seemed much more understandable when it was explained by him. On the other hand, having Trey by your side in bed and having his voice so close to your ears was also becoming an immense distraction.
What to do in such cases? You were at a crossroads between pushing yourself to pay attention and not falling into the temptation of putting your head on Trey’s shoulder to finally fall into the world of dreams. His bed was large and comfortable, the cotton blanket had a very nice smell of cinnamon.
“Are you paying attention to the alchemy lesson?,” Trey asked suddenly.
The question shook you a little, putting you back to reality. Despite this, his tone wasn’t impatient. In fact, it was quite teasing.
“I’m trying,” you replied. “But next time, we’ll study in the library. It’s too comfortable here.”
“Oh? Why do you say that?,” Trey raised one of his eyebrows, his smile widening more.
“Because... uh... you... your room... I d-don’t have to answer! Just believe me!”
Trey let a little laugh slip away. 
How difficult it was to please such a simple person sometimes! But he understood what you were saying. He was also almost dozing off himself with the first-year’s alchemy theory book, a part of the subject he thought he would never have to deal with again in life. It was the reason Trey had become used to writing down Crewel’s lessons so as not to fall asleep in class.
However, being there reading that boring content on a bed that practically begged for someone to take a rest in and right next to the one he loved the most, his desire was to stretch out and leave study for later. 
Just to lay side by side, no much more than that. Letting the afternoon go by while they held a tea party in their Wonderland. 
But if anyone caught them in those conditions, Trey would hear a lecture from Riddle as if his own mother, Mrs. Clover, were there.
“Why don’t we go to Ramshackle, then?,” he suggested.
“The ghosts always interrupt us and Grim gets bored very easily. It would be the two of us running after him and preventing some good old chaos,” you explained, laughing a little while remembering how the cat must have been sleeping alone in your room. “Well, only when I’m around at least.”
“Heartslabyul is a quieter dorm in your opinion?”
“Of course I do. You all have a great leader and an amazing, super-responsible and caring vice…,” you touched the tip of the young man’s nose. “... that is you!”
Trey smiled and stared into the depths of his beloved one’s eyes. He was happy that his company was so dear to you and you saw him in such a positive way. This made Trey wish to reward you for words and confidence. Could he make you a cake? Maybe a pie? A Coconut “little kiss”? Or, who knows, another type of kiss.
Noticing the new glow of Trey’s big honey eyes behind his glasses, you had a small premonition of what you were going to receive. 
You closed your eyes and waited for Trey to get closer. When you two could practically feel your breaths collide, someone knocked on the door.
“Clover-senpai!,” you both moved away the moment Deuce entered. “Ace is making the flamingos fight and helding bets on them!”
You held back from asking how the whole thing was possible when you heard your boyfriend take a deep breath.
“Grab the flamingos’ food and drive them back to the fence. It won’t take too long before they stop fighting,” Trey explained. “And hit Ace on the head for me.”
Deuce nodded and gave a small embarrassed nod to the couple. The door quickly closed, welcoming again the comfortable silence of the room.
You approached each other again, returning to your original positions. You held Trey’s nape, preventing him from escaping again and he held your free hand. The book of alchemy became a mere souvenir, forgotten somewhere in the blanket. You could feel Trey’s lips rubbing so close to you when a squealing sound suddenly became audible. 
The door opened yet again.
You somehow jumped in the best spy action movie stunt move off the bed and stopped with your knees on the floor to face Ace, whose torso was clamped by some pink flamingo’s legs. However, that’s not what the freshman came to warn you.
“Clover-senpai! Deuce is choking on a hedgehog cub!”
“How?!,” you both questioned at the same time.
“I… m-mean… the flamingo may have accidentally made a shot on the hedgehog and it flew right into Deuce’s mouth. At least the poor thing didn’t fall into the flamingos stable like last time,” Ace scratched his hair, half relieved, half worried.
“Are you talking about Deuce or the hedgehog in that last part?,” you asked more concerned.
“It doesn't matter,” Trey interrupted. He was getting tired of all this. “Do the Heimlich maneuver and Deuce will be able to spit out the hedgehog. Now, stop throwing things at him! And don’t make the flamingos fight anymore!”
Ace then paused for a moment, thinking about inquiring about your presence there but he ultimately gave up. Instead, he closed the door and ran away. More quacks were heard along the way — the flamingo very happy for the new ride.
You two gave up on trying to kiss again and just layed together on the same pillow, equally tired. You turned to face Trey’s exhausted expression but you smiled as you saw him play with one lock of your hair. Trey took off his glasses for a moment and closed his eyes, enjoying that moment of silence while it could still last.
You also closed your eyes, hugging your boyfriend’s torso. The scent of cinnamon — with light touches of vanilla — seemed stronger than before. Suddenly, peace was reestablished and you were in your own world again. Nothing could interrupt this sweet moment.
“Trey! I swear I’ll exterminate this entire dorm someday!,” Riddle opened the bedroom door and entered in pure rage. “A group of seniors did the favor of burning three cakes in the kitchen! Flamingos and hedgehogs are all over the place! Roses everywhere! Ink spilled where even the Queen of Hearts could doubt! And... u-uh... er… eh!”
Riddle suddenly stopped, his eyes stuck on the bed where the couple were together and were trying to sleep. Trey sat down and stared at his childhood friend, although completely blurry. And the fact alone that he was trying to focus his sight in vain was quite nervous and intimidating. But mildly unintentionally. 
I said, mildly.
You turned around in time to see Riddle’s face intensely colored red and he looked away.
Extremely embarrassed, Riddle walked around a few times until he finally reached the exit and closed the door quietly. Or at least, you both wanted him to stay that way.
“Anyone who dares to interrupt Trey and the Prefect’s moment of intimate privacy again will lose their heads!,” Riddle threatened the whole dorm in a loud voice.
Trey hid his face in his hands, wanting the floor to swallow him. He knew that Riddle tried to help you with all the good intentions but he couldn’t have had the most awful time to misinterpret the situation you were in.
It was the first time you had seen your boyfriend so embarrassed and flustered since he was forced to sing at a surprise karaoke night organized by Cater.
“L-library?,” you suggested hesitantly.
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colectingstrz · 10 months
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➤ (📞) GENRE: fluff, strangers to lovers | PAIRING: jay x fem reader | WC : 1.9k | SUMMARY: When you find your self crushing hard and constantly go to your local hospital just so you could see the cute receptionist again or in which the cute receptionist is amused by your antics and secretly anticipates your return.
𖤐 lowkey off topic but I’m quite embarrassed to say I’ve never seen these pictures of jay before... (#><) Like ive been stanning enha sine iland as well I don’t get it.. I came across this and was so shocked cuz how come I’ve NEVER SEEN THESE JAY PICS!!?? it’s just added an extra 5 years onto my lifespan (thank you to my man!! 🥰) + this is 80% proof read see a weird word? Erase it from your memory ❤️
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YOUR MOTHER WAS DRAMATIC. Everything little thing that happened, she would inflate out of proportion, just like today. When you called her and told her you had some odd rashes, she freaked out and arrived to your university accommodation within 10 minutes. You tried to reassure her that it wasn't deep, but she didn't want to hear it. Assuming the worst, she literally dragged you by your ear to her car and drove you to the hospital.
The whole thing was humiliating as your friends and anyone who lived in your section watched the whole interaction form their windows. You understand your mother wanted to make sure you were alright. Especially as you were the youngest sibling she always was extra mindful of you. But she was doing way to much for your liking. You just wanted to get this over with and go home.
Once you arrived you and your mother approached the counter and rang the bell so that a receptionists could be alerted. Soon a tall male appeared “ I apologise for the wait I had an important call.. what can I do for you miss?” You shot your head up once you heard the voice stepping closer and locking eyes with him .
For you, it was love at first sight. He was cute, he was handsome, and all of the above. You had never seen anyone as attractive as him in your 20 years of living. Who is this angel from above his jawline? I need him to cut me in ha- " y/n sweetie, why don't you explain your problem to the gentleman?"
Oh yeah..my rashes
“uh... I have some rashes uh... that are uh... spreading all over umm..my back” you internally slapped yourself for speaking like that and stuttering it's bad enough you showed up with your mum at your big age and now this..what was he supposed to think of you. It was difficult to concentrate on your words as his deep brown eyes were fixed on you.
He hummed as he scribbled something on his notes, “ladies please sit over there on the red chairs and make yourself comfortable I'll set you up with one of our doctors in a minute ” oh I'll make myself comfortable alright “pardon? ” You covered your mouth with your hands as you gasped, realising you had spoken out loud. Here I am again, embarrassing myself in front of him .
The male chuckled to himself before heading off down the hall.
Later that week more like 2 days after you found yourself at the hospital again Why? Because you were sick sick. Suffering from what? A bad case of I’m attracted to my hospitals receptionist syndrome and you needed an antidote quickly.So What perfect way to curs yourself by seeing the cause instead.
Plus you couldn’t focus at uni he lived in your head rent free and you didn’t even know his name. You wanted to talk to him again to hear his deep voice. Maybe you were obsessed ? Crazy? But you were crazy in love and needed to see him. So during your free you took the train and made your way to the hospital.
As you approached the counter you were met with an unfamiliar pair of eyes it was another receptionist. Where’s the sexy jawline dude who the hell is this old woman? “ umm excuse me ? Where’s the hot receptionist” the lady looked up from her paper and raised a brow eyeing you up and down “ if your a fan girl please excuse yourself out the hospital if your not actually sick “ tch she has an attitude “ uhh..im actually his girlfriend im here to drop somthing off ! I’ll be quick” you forced a smile as she squinted her eyes once more giving you a look as if searching for you obvious lie but she seemed to buy it “ I’ll call him for you stay here ” she disappears into the back and eventually your “boyfriend” comes out.
“ boyfriend ? “ he raised a brow with an amused smile on his face. You will be soon you just don’t know it yet “ i..uhh I only said that so you could come out please don’t misunderstand anything ” he nodded sitting down on the chair “ well then since you requested me what do you need ? ” you didn’t actually come there with a plan. Not having enough time to think of some fake diagnosis to give yourself you chose to be honest.
A sudden wave of confidence washes over you “ I need you ” he raised a brow “pardon ?” You nodd “ you heard me” the male chuckles to himself “you came all the way just to say this.. I’ll applaud you for your determination but im not interested ” im going to throw my self of a building “ don’t speak so soon.. once you get to know me your going to become interested” he hummed “ sure sure” you crossed your arms “ well if your going to reject me can I at least know the name of the guy I’ve been dreaming about ” he smirks “ you’ve been dreaming about me? Your very honest I like that.. and the names jay “ even his name is sexy
“ I’m honest and a lot more things you will like if your willing to find out jay..” you graced your fingers over his lightly before turning off to leave. With a proud smile on your face
Jay didn’t really understand what just happed but he found you amusing. It’s not like he hadn’t had girls come here and put it on him but something about the way you carried yourself and acted was different. He wouldn’t admit it but he hoped to see you some time soon.
As quick as the next day you showed up. You approach the counter to be met with the same old annoying lady “ here to see your boyfriend? I’ll get him ” maybe she’s not so annoying anymore you smiled to yourself as your little lie seemed to be doing you wonders
“ good afternoon jay how’ve you been did you miss me” he rolled his eyes while flicking though some documents “ you’ve been gone for 21 hours.. there’s nothing to miss it hasn’t even been a full day” he was counting..? “ you counted how many hours soooo…you did miss me didn’t you ?” you spoke with a slight blush on your cheeks at the thought that he actually missed you to some extent. Jay noticed this he thought it was cute how easily flustered you got “ your cute when you blush ” hearing him say that you made your legs melt like jelly almost losing balance to the point jay even stood up reaching out for your arm in concern
“ y/n.. are you alright ?” You nodd slowly “ you know my name..” you speak in a dazed tone to which jay smiles “ of course your not someone to forget.. so are you actually sick or.. you came here to see me” what do you think “ no this time I’m actually a little under the weather do you want to know why jay ” he nodded getting out his notepad
“ I’m stuffing from unrequited love.. the guy I like doesn’t feel the same way.. and I think I might die from a broken heart ” you spoke dramatically with a small pout flashing jay your doe eyes hoping he would be tranced by your attempt to be cute and fall in love with you. To your shock he flicked your forehead “ ouch! Why would you do that ! ” he now moved closer to you placing his hands on the counter staring at you deeply
“ it seems your suffering form something else too.. stupidity ” huh? What is that supposed to mean “ what.. please elaborate I’m unaware of this symptom” you speak deeply confused so you move closer to jay urging him for an answer. Almost closing the distance between the two of you. You action caught jay of guard causing him to move back and hide his deep blush with a cough “ that’s a conversation for another time “ you raise a brow “ another time? So you intend to see me again when’s the date ” he laughs “ I never said I was taking you out on a date ” you pout again
“ fine then.. I guess I’ll just go to another hospital form now on..” you turn to leave wishing he would follow you but the more you headed to the entrance you realised he wasn’t. You sighed maybe this is a sign I should move on.
Though just as you stepped foot out the entrance you felt a force pull you to an outside wall pushing you against it. You were shocked to see jay. “ are you that dense y/n” what what what “Huh..? I don’t I.. I don’t understand ” his eyes flicked from your eyes to your lips he seemed as if he heisted at the thought of kissing you
“ on second thought.. I-I don’t need to understand if your going to kiss me just do it ” he chuckled lightly placing his finger on your lips “ I want to make that move in a better and more appropriate setting if you get what I mean” he still wants to kiss me so a win is a win.
you couldn’t belive that this whole time jay liked you back you mentally facepalm yourself for being so dense how did you not notice sooner? A regular person would have shooed you away yet he entertained it all. It was so obvious I’m an idiot
He pulls away from you slightly now resting on the wall next to you
“ wait so you really did miss me? ” he nodded but you didn’t fail to miss the small tint of red that was evident on his ears as he attempted to turn away “ yeah.. I actually gave you my number but I guess you didn’t notice “ you raise a brow number HE GAVE ME HIS NUMBER AND I DIDINT NOTICE !?
“ wait wait wait when? “ he shrugged “ on the first day I wrote it on a sheet of paper and when I escorted you and your mom to the doctor I slipped it into your bag since you left it open Damm it this was the 3rd mental facepalming you had revived for your actions, as you do in fact remember seeing a scrunched up ball of paper but assumed it was rubbish and threw it in the trash.
“ I threw that in the bin thinking it was rubbish oh my gosh Jay why didn’t you just straight up say it to me my memory is impeccable!” he smiles “ I wanted to tease you a little bit longer I like seeing you all cute and flustered ” now it was your turn away and hide the blush on your face.
You had so much more you wanted to say to him but the interaction was cut short by that annoying old lady. Yes after what interrupting your lil moment with jay she became annoying again
“ Jay.. stop sucking your girlfriends face off and answer to some customers I’m on my break !” She yells as you could hear her approaching. You turn to jay with a frown. Though Shocking both you and him Jay unknowingly places a quick kiss on your cheek mouthing a small “I’ll see you later” before running back into the hospital.
You sigh as you lean on the wall placing your hand on your cheek as you relived the moment on reply. Again and again and again and again- “ y/n!” you hear jay call out for you. He approached you quickly placing a folded paper in your Palm “ my number.. please don’t throw it away again and call me”
And he sped off again
You smiled to yourself as you held the paper firmly in your hand not wanting to let go. You never knew in your life that you would be thanking your mother for being so dramatic.
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𖤐 steal my work and I’ll come to your house and suck your blood 🧛‍♀️
𖤐 This story is very personal to me not that I’ve done this before 💀 but like it’s so real to me cuz this is exactly what i would do if In some other universe jay was a receptionist at my local hospital tho the difference is I’ll just admire him from after 😔 Aniiii ways I hope you liked it !!
- peace and love ♡︎
𖤐 link to my other works
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roseaesynstylae · 2 months
So, the idea of the Bad Batch (minus Echo, plus Emerie) being the other half of the Nulls has consumed my goddamn mind. Therefore, as you do when an idea takes up residence in your frontal lobe for the foreseeable future, here's some headcanons.
The Bad Batch (except for Echo and Omega, who have no clue what's going on) hate the Nulls. As in, "murder on sight" hate them. From an in-universe perspective, there could be a myriad of reasons, ranging from feelings of abandonment to resentment over them having a better life. From a writer's standpoint, it's because I love me some good old familial dysfunction and angst.
The more...unhinged...tendencies the Nulls are known for manifests in the Bad Batch more as "let's jump off this cliff and use explosives to direct our fall!" and less as "hey, check out my new skin gloves!" Of course, if you push them too far, it's a different story. In order of least to most likely to pull a "lemme turn you into an art installation," it's Omega, Wrecker, Hunter, Crosshair, and Tech. Omega wouldn't do that, at least not at this point in her life. Wrecker, when enraged, goes for the just-hit-them solution. Hunter's a decent human being and usually wouldn't do something like that...Unless his kid's been kidnapped by a crazy Imperial doctor for the fifteenth time, on which point he starts becoming a little deranged. Crosshair hovers close to the line but wouldn't do it to someone unprovoked. Tech is a special case, in that he has to be pushed, but when he is, the results make the rest of the Nulls go "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST."
The Nulls want to reunite with their lost siblings and build a relationship, but that's kind of hard to do when said siblings (except Omega) keep trying to kill them on sight and none of them were built for intricate and deeply complicated emotional issues. Still, they persist. Eventually, they could probably get to the level of "awkward conversations" but it'll take a lot of work.
The Bad Batch have what makes the Nulls superior to regular clone troopers, plus their unique enhancements (which in this version are less defects and more Nala Se picking an attribute for each of them and cranking it up to 11). They feel that it makes them better than the Nulls, something they're not shy about expressing.
Emerie is the same height as her estranged (I can't think of a word that applies to this specific situation but this one will do) brothers, because I stan a tall queen.
Nala Se is smug as hell whenever she sees Orun Wa. "CT-9904 just broke all records for accuracy, CT-9902 discovered a new element, CT-9903 crushed beskar like it was paper, and CT-9901 tracked a man through five systems and a solar storm. What are your clones doing, again?"
There is no understating the sheer "wtf" that goes through the Nulls' heads when they first see Omega. But, of course, this is Omega. Imagine the cutest image of her you've seen, fanart or canon. That's what the Nulls see when they meet her. Unsurprisingly, the Nulls, who got the Mandalorian gene to adopt anything that isn't nailed down, go from "wtf" to "so smol 🥰" in roughly a minute.
Kal Skirata is in the corner. His attempt to interact with the Bad Batch did not go well. He casually calls Hunter "son," as he does with various characters, and the resulting explosion puts a thermal detonator to shame. Since it's clear that his presence is not making things better, he's sort of just in the corner.
The rest of Clan Skirata, and associates, are staying out of this. Gilamar and Vau took one look and retreated to the bar because they know better than to get involved. Everyone else witnessed one of the less acrimonious encounters and collectively decided that they are not jumping into the emotional equivalent of a pit of rabid wolverines.
Echo is the go-between. He does not want to be the go-between. But he's the only neutral party in this thing aside from Omega, and the rest of the Batch don't trust the Nulls with her.
Spare a though for 99. He raised four of these guys, often with the aid of leashes. Truly, he is an unsung hero of the Clone Wars
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dracodazaii · 2 months
im sorry but i can never be a lyanna stan guys.
just lemme explain.
obviously this is only if she willingly went w rhaegar
To begin with, the situation in its simplest form is that Rhaegar and Elia are married, amicable yet not in love, and Rhaegar runs off with Lyanna, causing chaos to ensue amongst the realm.
Even if no war occured and everything was fine, how can Lyanna try to justify running away with a married man, especially on the way to her brothers wedding which feels very selfish, even if Brandon didn’t want to marry Cat, like she still ruined their wedding day.
Not to mention, that running with Rhaegar meant that shes inserted herself into his marriage which is Elia’s place. How nonsensical it is to run away with a married man and somehow marry him!
There’s two routes people go to justify it, and I’ll explain why I think they suck:
1) E-R-L is a polygamous marriage: This is not appeasable to the realm at all! Nobody will accept that. The only reason Aegon+Rhaenys+Visenya were accepted was because they were conquering Westeros, and like you can’t say shit about the guys conquering you!! Also the Targs were on thin ice then, and Maegor also tried, and look what happened afterwards!
2) E-R was annulled and R-L are married: I don’t think this is reasonable at all. Considering that Rhaegar is only HEIR, just like Daemon, for example. Both wanted annulments and both need the permission from the King and/or High Septon, but also considering how the likes of Aegon IV couldn’t annul his own marriage, do you really think a measly heir could?! At least in Daemon’s situation, he had no children, but as Aegon IV and Rhaegar both had kids (Elia giving birth twice in 3 years) theres no grounds for annulment, and it would disinherit his children potentially anyway, or even start a second Dance. As soon as you have a second wife, whether polygamous, annulled or dead first wife, war will be almost inevitable between the potential heirs.
Also Ik its not possible.. but can we stop with the E/R/L shipping in a serious manner (crackship is fine but in canon is 😐)
Like genuinely thinking mid-20s Elia would want to romance a 14 year old girl, would be fine with her husband romancing said 14 year old, or join in together, is so crazy to me. Like, yes Rhaegar is very much in the pedo-realm but why would Elia also follow suit??!
And like not to be a huge Robert Baratheon stan here (i hate GOT era him) but you can’t deny that it is the rebellion+it’s repercussions on his life, that change him so heavily into this twisted abusive, pedo man. He was not a great guy pre-rebellion, he slept around, was loud and rowdy, but I feel like you can’t really say that Lyanna somehow predicted that he would be this abusive evil man, tbh it seems like she just disliked his promiscuity which is valid, but in doing the same to Elia, her point gets invalidated in my eyes.
Also next point is the age-situation.
Now i know that obviously in a real life situation, a 14 year old girl is at no blame for the groomer actions of the adult…. however just look at how GRRM perceives this. like not as an “oh medieval girls married at 14, its fine” because they were still mentally children… but i mean how GRRM perceives relationships akin to R-L and characters by Lyannas age in ASOIAF-verse.
Ok so GRRM thinks R-L is romantic, which means that the groomer undertones aren’t necessarily meant to be there, and its meant to be more of a Romeo-Juliet situation (which heavily fucked over Romeos girl Rosaline ie Elia). He also believes Dany-Drogo and San-San is healthy, so I don’t think age heavily affects characters romantic feeling and actions much then.
Then if we see character Lyanna’s age, they’re treated as adults (yes some do have child impulses but overall adults). You have Robb acting impulsively like a kid, but ultimately being treated as an adult and being killed. I feel like even though they have kid impulses, they’re meant to get adult consequences for their actions.
Also ages as a whole is fucked up in ASOIAF in comparison to real world, like you have baby Rickon Stark going feral in Skagos, you have 3 year old Joffrey Velaryon/Strong squaring up to Aemond, and you even have 11 year old Benjicott Blackwood being an absolute beast of a warrior when in the real-world, he’d be just a kid, useless in defence.
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youcalledmebabe · 18 days
pacific episode two and three thoughts cause I didn’t have shit to say about two:
episode two:
Hoosier is the one who reminds me of Lieb.
Stan Hoosier’s dog
Leckie/Hoosier?? Perhaps?
Leckie composing poetry. Okay…?
The amount of dead bodies in this show is crazy. Definitely showing more of the brutality of war than BoB
Eugene is really desperate to get to the pacific… arc where idealistic young man has all of his illusions destroyed incoming !
episode three:
Okay travel episode.. BoB deserved (dick wandering around Paris having ptsd does not count)
Man people hate Americans.. the Australians insulting the dead guy was so nasty.
Leckie is a LOSER… chasing a woman onto public transportation. Get off the floor.
Hungover on the field… yeah… we’ve all been there
Leckie goes by BOB???? Not on my watch
Damn okay Stella… just going for it. Respect
I know dale dye is mad as hell they didn’t let him play old man in charge (pacific’s version)
The feet scene?????
The Leckie/stella situationship was so crazy
Chuckler singing 💀💀💀
Ah tragic goodbyes on the tarmac. How Casablanca of basilone and his friend I don’t know
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how to disappear | d. targaryen
Description: part two of two white butterflies. three years later, you come up with a song that explains your love for him - and you are comfortable enough to share it with the public. Pairing: accomplished!daemon targaryen/singer!reader
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He always put you first.
If there was a zombie apocalypse, he'd probably find a way to keep you safe. He was your hero - the knight in shining armor.
"Fuck," he cursed while holding you steady. The last thing on your checklist was experiencing an earthquake. "Are you okay?" he whispered, keeping a hand on top of your head - and the other steady on the leg of the table.
You hold onto his forearm tightly, in fear that the earthquake would get worse. "(Your Name)," he called your name - worry seemed to be etched into his handsome face. "I-I'm okay," you mumble, seeing that the ground stopped shaking a few moments ago.
The manager emerges from underneath the table, carefully ushering the other guests to an open field. "I was so scared," you exaggerated, crawling away from the table. "You're safe with me," he promised, helping you stand up and follow the rest of the crowd.
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y/nupdates: mom and dad out for a swim, (exclusive picture)
78 comments 12,890 likes
luvgibellz: y/n stans stop being crazy for one second challenge
bhadidfiles: She's literally a priv citizen, y ya'll taking pics of her
ima_omir: her bf is kinda hot doe....
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"I don't know how to swim," you giggled while he led you deeper into the ocean. The salt never settled properly with your hair - and you couldn't stand the feeling of seaweed on your toes. "Hold me, babe." he chuckled, placing both of his arms around your waist.
You kept staring at his features - and he kept you floating. "Why're you looking at me?" he smiled, moving your body around the water. "I don't know - I just feel accomplished," you hum, pressing a soft kiss on his lips. "Huh?" he frowned - a small laugh exited your mouth.
"You were so different before we were together." you commented, and his face softened at the insinuation. It was true, he was a different man. All he ever did was fuck, nothing else. "You changed me, then." he grinned - placing another kiss on your lips.
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(your full name): Three years later, still writing songs for my one and only. I got so proud of this one - I wanted to share it with you. 🦋
189,345 comments 5,678,012 likes
theworldofash: "I LOVE THAT MAN LIKE NOBODY CAN" babe you ate and left no crumbs
whotfislanaj: I spy with my eye a butterfly, IS THIS A CONFIRMATON OF 'DID U KNOW THAT THERE'S A TUNNEL UNDER OCEAN BLVD' ??
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Another laugh exits your mouth as he brings out his recorder. "But I love that man, like nobody can." you giggle while strumming your decade old guitar. A faint smile graces his lips - focused on listening to the song.
"He moves mountains and pounds them to ground again." you sing, placing the guitar down as his body moves closer.
"Love you." you hum, and he turns the recorder off.
"Love you more."
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next part
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linkspooky · 6 days
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Shout out to all the comic book stans who follow my blog.
So X-Men 97 inspired me to do a re-read of X-Men from the beginning. My previous read of X-Men jumped all over the place, it was basically X-Men up to Dark Phoenix and then I jumped all the way to the 2000s to 2010s. In my current read I just got to Inferno and holy fuck mom, I never thought I'd like an X-Men arc more than Dark Phoenix but here we are.
This is an entirely personal opinion which I'm not as good at expressing because I prefer over-intellectualizing my feelings, but Inferno is the only other comic book arc to make me feel the way that Judas Cotract did in how tightly and perfectly written as a tragedy it is especially for the female at its center.
Are there any women in all of fiction more doomed by the narrative than Terra Markov and Madelyne Pryor?
I mean I've written about Judas Contract before but what makes that arc so special to me is how it's about a character, a victim, a girl named Terra who by all rights should have been saved by the heroes, but not only fails every step of the way but at every point in her life really. Terra is someone how manifests her victimhood in completely unsympathetic ways but the fact that she basically had no chance in life makes her sympathetic nonetheless.
This comes from the decision that Perez and Wolfram made right from the start to kill her off and never offer her any redemption, which while incredibly callous on the author's part just makes the tragedy even stronger. That's what tragedy is, it's meat to reflect the cruelty and unfairness of life, it's kind of like reality bleeding into fiction.
George’s strength was he also understood the characters 100 percent as I did so there was never any question. He knew. We had talked enough about the characters to know we were exactly on the same page with them. So I said, “Everyone keeps complaining that we’re like the X-Men” and the X-Men had just gotten Kitty Pryde. I said, “Why don’t we really screw around with them completely?” — this is the fans — “…and make them think we’re stealing Kitty Pryde only she’s gonna be bad from Day One.” You always had characters pop up, certainly at Marvel, who were bad that get redeemed. But this character would never get redeemed. She was insane. In fact, she was the catalyst for everything. She wasn’t working for Deathstroke. He was working for her in many ways and she was leading him because she’s crazy. She’s a total psychopath… and she’d be 15. 
Terra's a total psychopath and she's fifteen and that's the tragedy. Was there really any other way that Terra could have turned out? A girl who has been abandoned, who was given incredible powers but no love, support, or nurturing and clearly doesn't have a home or any stability in her life if she's working as a mercenary at that young. A girl who thinks herself a villain and a player in the game but is clearly being manipulated by a fifty plus year old man who is smarter, more mature, and a serial user and abuser of people.
Terra's not just the villain, she's the protagonist of the tragedy walking through the play unknowing that her every single decision will lead to her inevitable end.
Judas Cotract and Inferno are two arcs that most evoke the feel of the Tower in Tarot to me. The Tower is just, ruin and destruction, a complete loss of control, the realization that everything you thought was wrong and in fact the world doesn't care much about what you think. It's a reminder that life isn't even cruel, it's nothing, it's random.
However, first you have to build up the tower before you start pulling the jenga blocks out one by one. Terra spends several arcs with the Teen Titans showing disturbing unchildlike behavior, but one of the so-called Heroes even notice that there's something wrong. When she does get close to blowing her cover, a violent incident where she nearly badly hurts Beast Boy after he comes onto her way too hard which is an understandable reaction as a victim of SA that gets brushed under the rug too.
It makes the heroes look worse as well. If they were heroes dedicated to saving people at all costs shouldn't they have noticed the trouble of someone right next to them? Yet, they all kind of collectively remain oblivious the same way that most victims in real life especially of Terra's kind of trauma are left to suffer in silence. Not to say the Teen Titans are bad, they are kids, and therefore it makes sense they don't have the emotional maturity to notice - it just makes them look more human.
So to summarize my point above what makes Judas Contract is a good tragedy and why Inferno makes me feel the same way narrows down to two reasons.
Madelyne and Terra are both doomed by the narrative, there was no saving them right from the beginning.
However, the fact that the heroes failed to save them reflects poorly on them.
Finally, Madelyne Pryor.
Oh Madelyne the world did you so dirty. I'm partially to blame because I skipped right to the 2000s in my first read, but before this point I'd known nothing about Madelyne other than that she was a clone of Jean Grey who died.
My first impressions of her when she was introduced shortly after Dark Phoenix weren't all that great either. Chris Claremont writes good female characters, that's not really a hot take. I'm sure you've heard of Storm, Rogue, Mystique, Kitty Pryde, Emma Frost etc.
However, I've noticed there are like two tiers of female characters he tends to write. There are the first stringers which are your storms, your rogues, these are characters who are meant to be independent and have arcs. Then there are the second stringers who are just meat to serve a role in the story. This isn't a criticism on the way Claremont writes women, I mean all stories have major and minor characters.
Madelyne Pryor was never meant to be a main character. There wasn't anything about her character that I disliked per se, she is independent, she seemed to have a life outside of Cyclops, she tries really hard to separate herself from the image of Jean Grey. However, she was clearly written to give Cyclops a wife and child in the aftermath of Jean's death and a reason to retire.
While the editorial mandate that made Claremont pull Cyclops out of his happy ending so he could rejoin a team with the original five x-men for the sake of nostalgia sucks, it is also the best thing to happen to Madelyne's character.
Madelyne before that point was a perfectly functional character for her role but she wasn't all that dynamic, she liked planes, she didn't like Jean's ghost hanging over her, she's pretty spunky and headstrong but she was at most a good supporting character but that's all she was. Claremont just decided to double down on that, Scott actually treats his wife like she exists to do nothing but support him and his emotional issues. Madelyne gives all the support that she can give and then Scott just up and leaves anyway. The woman who only existed to be a love interest to give Scott a happy ending, now has no other reason to exist without the man she's supposed to love and her happy ending turns to ash in her mouth.
This is the same feeling I was talking about with Terra, this is a person who was basically failed at every step of the way. A person who has no family. no support, it's almost worse in this case because Madelyne thought she did only for that person to toss her aside.
There's no saving Madelyne, and the fact that Scott didn't save her, that he didn't both trying until he was too late makes him the villain.
If anything Inferno is better than Judas Contract at dragging the heroes down to their lowest points, because The Teen Titans failing to save Terra is understandable because of how young they are but there's no excusing Scott's actions. Madelyne may run around in a skimpy outfit calling herself the goblin queen but the villain of this story is named Scott Summers. He had a responsibility and obligation towards Madelyne to save her and he failed, and it makes him a bad hero and an even worse person.
One of the key components of a tragedy is also agency. Agency is basically the freedom a character has to choose and how much their choices matter in the grand scheme of things and impact their narratives.
Tragedies are often defined by how little agency the characters are shown to have, and how limited their range of choices are. One of the biggest themes of tragedy is fate and inevitability at all. For example one of my favorite tragedies antigone is about a girl with very little power in the ancient greek city of Thebes who still makes a choice to give her brother a proper burial even though she knows she'll be executed for it.
Dark Phoenix is all about agency. Jean Grey is dealing with three different forces trying to take her mind, her agency. There's the corrupting influence of Phoenix, there's the Hellfire Club who wants to make her into a puppet, and then there's Charles Xavier who wants to put a lid on her tremendous powers. Everyone trying to take agency away from Jean eventually leads her to snap and try to take all of that agency back by embracing godhood because who has more agency, more control than a god? Even Jean's act of killing herself at the end was reclaiming her agency, it's her choice to die as a human rather than be executed, or to lose herself to the phoenix.
What breaks Madelyne is not Scott leaving her. Which made me like her character a lot, like the moment Scott left Madelyne was shown just how stubborn and determined she was. Madelyne stood out as the only normal human amongst the x-men who still held her own like Moira did (i guess Moira is a mutant now but I'm still in the 80s so w/e).
What breaks her is the revelation that she never had any agency in her life to begin with. Scott was always meant to fall in love with her, he was always meant to leave her, because she was nothing more than a womb for Sinister's breeding project. Once again it's masterful how Scott looks equally as villainous as Sinister in this scenario in how neither of them regards Madelyne as a person, just an object to project their desires upon.
(Honestly Jean Grey doesn't come out looking all that great either considering how little sympathy she has for Madelyne because she just sees her as an obstacle to getting back together with Scott. If anyone Jean should sympathize with Madelyne the most because they've both been toyed with cosmic forces out of their control, but I guess it goes to show how selfish and destructive Jean and Scott's love for each can be).
Is there any sequence more tragic in all of comics than this series of panels?
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The symbolism in these panels too and how it relates to the themes of agency with Madelyne's character. Madelyne was a free and self-driven woman (or at least she thought she was) living out her dream of being a pilot which to her the ability to fly her wings represents her freedom and indepedence. The only thing she thought that could make her happier was Scott, but in the end not only did Scott take her wings away, he took away her everything and gave it to someone else.
"Time to lose those wings, Maddie. You can't really fly, anyway. You're not special like us."
If there's any words to express the inherent tragedy of Maddie's character is this, she's a person who thought she was free to fly, that she was real, that her life mattered only to have all that taken away from her. Maddie like Terra thinks she has agency that she's making decisions but she had no real choices from the beginning.
That's also a good way to express what makes tragedies hit as hard as they do. Tragedies slap you with the realization that you're not special. The hero is not a hero, they don't have plot armor, they're not immune to consequences, they're human and just like all humans they fail.
Even the act that Madelyne thinks is reclaiming her agency by gaining power as the Goblin Queen is in fact, not her choice. She doesn't choose to sell her soul, she's tricked into doing it by a rebellious demon that wants to kick Illyana out and reclaim limbo for himself. In Madelyne's one act of trying to steal back her power and freedom she is still just a pawn in another person's scheme.
There's also Madelyne going through literal hell itself to reclaim her son, only to make the decision to sacrifice him along with several other infants which seems to make her usympathetic but ironically makes her more sympathetic to me.
There's the obvious reference to Medea there. If all the parallels aren't obvious enough already, Jason and the Argonauts gets namedropped during the arc.
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One of my favorite things about Medea the tragedy by Euripedes is that Medea is not just a girlboss who gets revenge on Jason and then walks away. Straightforward revenge narratives are bad because revenge is... bad actually. The decision to inflict more pain and suffering in the world doesn't break the chain of suffering.
Medea kills her children to show that Jason is not entirely in the wrong, and Medea is not entirely in the right. They are two human beings who's relationship is blowing up in the worst way possible. I mean Jason himself does have some points in the play, he's making a political marriage to save both of them, the only reason he's exiling Medea is because Medea made loud death threats at Jason's new bride. It's not just the heartbreak of being abandoned that drives Medea, it's her pride, the whole play started because Medea didn't want to settle for being a side chick.
Medea wants revenge against Jason but she doesn't take her revenge on Jason, she takes revenge on everyone around him for the purpose of making him feel as alone and lost as he did her. She'll kill her own children, even if it kills her to do so, just to spite him a little more.
Which leads to one of my favorite scenes in all of fiction, Medea holding the knife over her own child's throat, bargaining with herself trying to convince herself to do something she objectively knows is wrong.
MEDEA I’ve made up my mind, my friends. I’ll do it—kill my children now, without delay, and flee this land. I must not hesitate. That would hand them over to someone else to be slaughtered by a hand less loving.                                      No matter what, the children have to die. Since that’s the case, then I, who gave them life,                                will kill them. Arm yourself for this, my heart. Why do I put off doing this dreadful act, since it must be done? Come, pick up the sword, wretched hand of mine. Pick up the sword, move to where your life of misery begins. Don’t play the coward. Don’t remember now how much you love them, how you gave them life. For this short day forget they are your children                          and mourn them later. Although you kill them, still you loved them. As a woman, I’m so sad.     
Why would Madelyne after going through all that trouble to find her son, instead choose to give him to the fire? It's because for a person who was given so little choice over her own life, the choice to self-destruct is still a choice. The choice to destroy something with your own hands rather than let it be destroyed for someone else is still a choice.
That would hand them over to someone else to be slaughtered by a hand less loving.                                      No matter what, the children have to die. Since that’s the case, then I, who gave them life,                                will kill them.
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I think I may like Madelyne more than Jean at this point?
The same way I like Terra more than Raven. They're very similiar characters, but it takes possession by Trigon to get Raven to attack the titans. Terra just tries to kill them by her own free will. She's willing to bury herself if it gives her one last chance at burying the titans to too. Madelyne on the other hand is willing to walk barefoot into hell, if it means she can drag Scott and the X-Men with her. Jean does things under the influence of the Phoenix, but she chose to die as a human being at the end of Dark Phoenix. Madelyne however made the opposite choice, throwing all her humanity away she gave herself wholly and unreservedly to the fire.
Also damn, x-men 97 did this arc so dirty by speedrunning through it in one episode. This is also one of the most well set-up arcs in the X-Men comics with so many threads like X-Factor, X-Men and New Mutants all coming together. It really deserved its own season not like 2 episodes, and then Madelyne dying halfway through this season.
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strawberry-milkbunny · 9 months
I have no one to talk to about Tokyo Rev so here r my random hot takes that I need to say:
- Emma and Hina r boring and used as romance plot devices it’s okay to admit that Wakui can’t write women idk I don’t expect shounen/men to be able to write girls well (still cried when Emma died tho bc she didn’t deserve it!!!)
- lol I LOVE Yuzuha and Senju tho
- I actually do like Emma and Draken together but I also firmly believe Draken is in love w/Mikey and was just projecting onto Emma LMAO
- Yuzuha is a lesbian
- Controversial: I don’t think Shinchiro was THAT great of an older brother. Like he was cool but he still introduced Mikey and Izana into the world of gang life/normalizing violence and yeah OG Black Dragons isn’t like that but….what do u expect when u form a gang??? .obviously there’s a high chance that it’s gonna develop into LEGIT gang activity
- As an adult and someone who was basically raised by an older sibling w/a big age gap (my sis is 7 years older) I kinda don’t blame Takeomi for being a bad older brother??? Realistically he’s a 17 yr old in charge of raising 2 toddlers like NO SHIT he did a bad job. At least Shin had his grandfather to help out but Takeomi actually had no one. Doesn’t explain y he’s a brokey LOL buttttt again I don’t FULLY blame him for being a bad sibling still hurt my boi Sanzu 😤😤
- I HC that Mikey is used to having a caretaker (Draken and later Sanzu) bc when Shin died he was so depressed and genuinely couldn’t get out of bed
- Takemitchy is also lowkey boring/typical shounen protagonist and canonically stinky like Hina could do sm better. This is personal preference so I find myself wanting more chaotic/dumb protagonists who are slightly morally ambiguous like Denji, Gintoki, hell even Naruto at times. Takemitchy didn’t get character development until BD arc and that’s just a bit too long for me….
- Koko and Inui r gay and dating 💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻
- the Haitani brothers r the kardashians of the TR universe they’re so embarrassing Deadass show up and pose/do absolutely nothing I LOVE THEM SHKSKSKSK
- I love how it’s universally agreed that Mitsuya and Chifuyu r the best bois
- I have mixed feelings about Izana. I genuinely do like him and DESPISE how he’s whitewashed by fanart
- I get it u genuinely just wanted to not be alone and found out ur adopted in the worst way possible but…..idk how that justifies killing ur own sister but u do u ig 🤷‍♀️ and u have KAKUCHO AS UR FAMILY WTH
- don’t listen to me tho I’m a Mikey and Sanzu stan LMAOO 🤭🤭🤭
- Izana is the definition of mommy issues and 100% had crunchy hair lik mans was homeless
- if I saw Izana IRL I would RUN 🏃‍♀️idk he looks a lil crazy
- also this man does not know Tagalog he didn’t even know he was Filipino until he was lik 12
- idk the Tenjiku arc is so funny to me bc Izana is deadass: imma kill everyone in Mikey’s life for revenge and Mikey is lik: bruh I didn’t even kno u existed until last week and now ur killing our sister UNPROVOKED ???
- Bonten!Mikey is a virgin/no libido mans is DEPRESSED
- wished the Bonten arc was longer simply for the outfits bc Wakui KNOWS FASHION but that shit was DEPRESSION
- 3 Deities Arc was amazing and also funny/serious at the same time. It literally was an all out brawl in an AMUSEMENT PARK
- fr tho wtf was Benkei, Wakasa and Takeomi doing there??? Like they’re canonically 27 GO GET A JOB STOP FIGHTING 15 YEAR OLDS SHKSKSKS
- U cannot tell me that Sanzu WASNT sad when Baji and Mucho died.
- Baji was straight up his childhood friend and the only one other than Senju who knows about the plane incident/Mikey’s possessive side. And In the OG!timeline I’m pretty sure Baji was the only friend Sanzu DIDNT attack. While with Mucho he was pretty much his older brother, Sanzu just decided Mikey was better
- Tbh if the dark impulses/Shin thing wasn’t real I would’ve firmly believed Mikey had DID or something. Which again made only worse by the fact that violence and death is such a regular thing in his life (GET THIS MAN THERAPY LIK WTF IS SHIN AND GRANDPA SANO DOING???)
- Kazutora going a lil crazy is lowkey expected and I hate how we only find out about his home life in the character books. This kid grew up in a physically and mentally abusive household (gaslight to pick between parents and as s/o who has experienced that shit it’s fucked up) and I rlly don’t think prison helped out his mental stability either no shit he tried to kill Mikey
- I don’t ship Mikey and Takemichy (despite the IMMENSE gay ness btwn them) firmly bc I think everyone can see how much power Takemitchy has over Mikey idk it has a weird power dynamic like if Takemitchy tried he could 100% control Mikey (platonically or romantically)
- Baji, Chifuyu and Kazutora r a throuple
- I HATE how Sanzu is reduced to this crazy drug addict. Sanzu is canonically smart, manipulative, and formally trained fighter. He also REMEMBERS the OG timeline, he had to experience Shin dying twice and everyone else die no shit he’s a little bonkers/needs drugs to take everything away. Plus his relationship to Mikey which tbh is a whole separate post
- controversial !!!: I ship Mikey and Sanzu or Mikey and Draken. Sanzu only bc this man has a big ass crush and deserves some niceness for once
- ppl write Kakucho as this shy, nice guy like ur not wrong but mans is also running UNPROVOKED into Yakuza offices like it’s the gym while dragging Rindou wit him 😭😭😭
- the haitanis r the best sibling duo
- It lowkey makes me mad in fanfics where Ran is depicted as cheating w/Rin’s gf like??? This man raised his younger brother himself u cannot tell me he doesn’t love his brother and would actually do that to him
- Ran would 1000% do anything for Rin and i firmly believe he kinda regrets not saying anything in court to prevent Rindou frm joining him in jail. Like saying he forced Rindou to kill someone w/him, abusing his brother at home, etc especially in the Bonten! tl he def thinks about wtf he dragged his brother into
- I also don’t think they’ve slept w/ the same person before. Idk I feel like they have diff types like Ran goes for more motherly/mature types while Rindou goes for sweeter/shy types
- Draken has road rage
- Yuzuha should’ve been taller like AT LEAST 5’7 bitch is related to Hakkai and Taiju for gods sake
- OG BD 100% thought Wakasa was a girl for at least a month. He’s canonically 5’3 and pretty.
- Characters who r 100% bisexual: WAKASA, Senju,maybe Hina, Draken (def in denial), Rindou, Ran (he’s a whore as long as ur pretty he’s down), Sanzu, Koko, Kazutora, Chifuyu
- Mitsuya had a crush on Draken
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bugsysaboy · 7 months
Kite Headcanons <3
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No content warnings, sfw
-has the worst appetite known to man /hj
-he usually just eats soup
-he can easily be thrown off by the texture of certain foods (certified jello hater!)
-although, honestly, if he's hungry enough he'll eat anything.
-autism be damned, my boy can work a grill campfire.
-anxious as FUCK in restaurants. He's too awkward to order and will just s t a r e for too long unintentionally at the waitstaff.
-also will be awkward about starting his meal and will just hork it down when no one is looking. (Look, he grew up on the streets, eating fast so no one takes his food is just a hold over.)
-you know that meme that's the person doing the half a heart with their hand and the other person has a thumbs up? ...yeah.
-ACTUALLY THAT BEING SAID he's really handsome when caught off guard, but when he's actually engaging in conversation with someone he's kinda funny looking? Like he'll suddenly be aware of how he's carrying himself and maintaining eye contact and he will over correct.
-This man has no game!!! This man can neither pull nor flirt! 29 years old and even the idea of holding hands gets him flustered.
-on top of this if he's romantically interested in someone he's really prone to just avoiding them.
-dad jokes and puns all day everyday
-also he can actually be pretty chatty, like don't get me wrong when he's really focused he'll probably just shut up but during downtime? Around a campfire? He loves to spin a yarn or talk about his work.
-He also loves to hear about what others are passionate about!
-gets a general feel for people really quickly- he'll open up to people he gets good vibes off of pretty fast, but others he's more iffy on he may keep things cordial. This can, however, lead to snap judgements about people that might not be always correct.
-excellent pickpocket, now that he has a stable income through being a hunter he won't use this ability often...
-okay might do it to prank someone
-...or humble them.
-Met Ging when he was 15 and Ging was 18
-if he sets an alarm he somehow always manages to wake up just before it goes off
-hammock conoisseur 😌
-if he was in the real world he'd be Russian. (This is literally just based off of vibes and some edit an artist made of Kite running to Russian hardbass.)
-thinks it's really funny to say "have you considered..." to someone and when they ask him to elaborate he just says "...just... have you considered."
-loves sunflowers, loves sunflower seeds
-likes to keep a spare scarf handy in case someone needs it
-makes the crazy slots noise when he's really trying to concentrate
-favorite candy is saltwater taffy
-I like to imagine that he got the idea for crazy slots because of a boardwalk carnival in the town he grew up in. The carnies knew that Kite could win any of the games they had, no matter how rigged, it was uncanny.
-...probably used the plushies he won as pillows, maybe with the smaller ones he'd let his dogs play with.
-Favorite author is Dovstoevsky
-legitimately does not remember where he got his hat from, it's just kinda always been there, you know?
-he's not super focused on material goods and he doesnt really like receiving gifts (exceptions are made for anything handmade or a really cool rock.)
-...call him pretty and he'll fold
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