#are you ready for some brains and brawn time?
abbeyofcyn · 1 year
Krang infection 30
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dragon-ascent · 5 months
Zhongli as a lover is the whole package. Case in point -
Photographic memory:
He remembers you saying how much you liked sweets, so on dates, he always takes you to places like bakeries and confectioneries. New ice cream parlor just opened? You're his first thought. And on fancier outings, he makes sure in advance that the dessert spread will be to your liking.
You'd once mentioned to Zhongli, in passing, about some obscure little dolls you once saw on a pamphlet. The doll collection was from a small creator, and was set to be released in eight months. You'd thought they looked pretty neat, but you'd definitely forget about them in a few months even before their official release since you no longer have that pamphlet.
Guess what? On release day a long time later, Zhongli presents the dolls to you, having been first in line to procure them.
Attention to detail:
He can tell by even the slightest of changes in your gait, perhaps a slower walk, or a slight frown of suppressed discomfort, that your new shoes are giving you shoebite. So he takes you into the nearest shoe store and buys you some nice new comfier ones (that still go with your carefully-styled outfit). When you two get home, he'll also massage your feet with his gentle hands, kissing the bruises as he does so (his smile growing as he registers how flustered you become at that).
Emotional stability:
Zhongli is pretty much your rock, pun possibly intended, when it comes to challenging situations. Whether you need a shoulder to cry on, somebody to vent to, or simply a catalyst to help you through a difficult time, Zhongli has it all.
Any disagreements you two may have never escalate because he catches himself in time to defuse the situation. It's always you and him versus the problem, not you versus him. His communication and reasoning skills are on point.
There's never a time when Zhongli runs out of things to talk about with you. He can go on for hours about anything under the sun, and there's always a story ready on his tongue for whenever you might want to hear it. Your nights are decorated with his tales, your dreams mirroring Zhongli's narrations like they were the script and you're a part of the play.
Zhongli only prefers to share fun things with you, so that you wouldn't get bored - but you always tell him how you'd attentively listen to him go on about even laundry.
All-around Adaptability:
Zhongli can do it all - whether it's being the big spoon, little spoon, sunshine, sunshine protector, the calm one, the lovesick puppy, the brains, the brawn, the one who encourages you to take risks or the one who keeps you from doing rash things. This god is multifaceted like gold, and he chooses to shine on you.
Never shall Celestia find a lover like him again.
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jareaul0ver · 1 month
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Opposites Attract
Summary: You and Nika share a class and sit next to each other. Shes always teasing you, saying you're nerdy, while you always tease her, calling her a stereotypical jock.
wc: 1.6k warnings: none really, mostly fluff, a bit of enemies to lovers if you squint pairings: nika muhl x fem!reader
im trying this in a bit of a different style bc i feel like it fits the best! lmk if you guys like it or not
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"What a nerd." "Nerd? At least I'm not a meathead."
When you first got paired with Nika for your class seating assignments, you were less than thrilled. Being with the class jock was not something you were looking forward to. You assumed she was all looks and brawn, no brain.
She felt the exact same way. She couldn't believe that she was stuck with some loser nerd. At least she'd have you to rely on for projects when basketball kept her too busy, and left her too exhausted to do anything but collapse in her bed.
You were working on your first project together, and you decided to meet up in the library. When Nika finally arrived, you had your laptop out and your nose in a book. She, on the other hand, was sweaty and exhausted from practice.
"Sorry I'm late. Coach had us run at the end of practice." She plopped her bag into the chair next to her and sat down.
"Mm, alright." You mumbled, keeping focus on the project.
She stared at you for a moment before sighing. "Are you gonna end up doing this whole thing all yourself?"
You tore your eyes away from your screen and stopped typing to look at her. "Not if you show up on time tomorrow."
She rolled her eyes. "Can't help it if practice runs late."
You scoffed. "You could've texted me, we could've rescheduled."
"Whatever." She muttered as she pulled her laptop out of her bag and opened it up to the document you were busy typing away at. Her eyes widened when she saw almost a whole page finished already. "You've done this much in the twenty minutes I wasn't here?"
"Uh, yeah."
"Jesus, what a nerd."
You deadpanned. "Nerd? At least I'm not a meathead."
She took a deep breath and shook her head before forcing herself to focus on the project, the two of you being civil for your rest of the time in the library.
"Nerd." "Meathead." "Dork." "Jock."
You smiled at Nika as she sat down next to you. She flashed a bright smile at you. "Hey, nerd."
Your eyes rolled playfully. "Hey, meathead."
Your class started and the professor taught her lesson. Nika thought it would be better to mess with you than pay attention, though. She scribbled something messily on a sticky note and stuck it right onto your notes page.
You sighed and read it. 'wanna hang out later?'
She glanced at you with a hopeful smile as you quickly wrote something back, passing it back over to her. 'can't. studying and homework for other classes :('
Nika drew a frowny face and passed it back to you. You smiled a little at it, and resumed taking notes. But she wasn't finished.
She pulled out another sticky note and wrote on it again, passing it back over to you. 'pleaseeeee? i know you wanna'
A long sigh escaped your lips as you wrote an answer and gave it back to her. 'i have too much to do tonight, sorry. and pay attention before you flunk out'
She smiled and whispered to you. "I'm not gonna flunk out, I've got my favorite dork to help me."
You shook your head. "I'm not a dork, first of all. Second, you're such a stereotypical jock, always asking the smart kid in class for help."
A quite laugh escaped her lips. It sounded like a melody to your ears.
Your professor didn't find it as endearing as you did, however. "Girls, focus." Her eyes landed on the two of you before she turned back around.
The two of you giggled together quietly.
Later than night, you were doing exactly what you told Nika you would be. A mountain of papers and books surrounded you on the floor. You had flashcards laid out everywhere. You were drowning in work, and you were ready for a break, but you only had to study for one more class.
Fortunately a break soon arrived when you heard knocking on your door. You stood up with a groan and walked over, the hair in your ponytail practically falling out, bags under your eyes from the countless hours of work you've done today.
You opened the door and Nika was standing there, a plastic takeout bag in her hand. "Thought you'd need a break tonight, I brought food."
You stared at her for a moment before smiling and pulling her inside. "You are a godsend, Nika Muhl." You grabbed the bag from her hand and set it on your desk.
Nika stood behind you, looking at all your studying materials sprawled on the floor. "Jesus, how long have you been doing this for?"
"Uh, a few hours. Nothing too bad."
"A few hours? Without a break?" She scoffed.
You turned around and looked at her. "How did you know I haven't taken a break?"
She grinned at you as she took in your appearance. "By just looking at you." You were disheveled and simply looked exhausted.
"Wow, rude." You feigned offense and placed your hand on your chest.
She laughed softly and took a step towards you. "But seriously, you need a break. You're gonna wear yourself out." She brushed a lose strand of hair out of your face.
"Guess all that studying together paid off, hm?" "Guess so. Maybe hanging with a nerd isn't that bad."
It was finals week and you had been working your ass off. Late night after late night of studying with Nika had you both prepared for your exam.
Per Nika's rules, you had to take a mandatory fifteen minute break every forty-five minutes. She refused to let you overwork yourself, and for once, you agreed. You could tell she was exhausted too. She was balancing academics and her playoff games, on top of hours long practices.
You had also implemented a reward system. While doing flashcards, for every three questions one of you got right, you got to ask the other person a question. That was when you found out Nika was gay.
"That's three, I get to ask you something now." You stared at her as you sat across from her on the floor of her dorm.
"Go for it." She smiled at you.
You thought for a moment. You had already asked her about Croatia, her teammates and friends, but not anything romantically. "Ooh, I got one. Do you have a boyfriend? Or are your eyes on any guy in particular?"
She stared at you for a moment before laughing. Your brows furrowed. "What? Why are you laughing?"
"It's just funny." She took a deep breath. "How you looked at me and thought I was straight."
Your lips parted. "You're..?" She nodded. "Oh." You squeaked quietly, your face heating up. "I-I didn't mean to assume, I just figured... y'know."
"I don't think I do."
You sighed. "I just assumed you only liked guys, I dunno."
"Well I don't." She smiled. "Only like guys, that is."
"Right." You smiled a little back at her, your gazes lingering on the others for a moment too long to be considered only friendly. You cleared your throat and looked down at the notecard in your hand. "Back to studying."
She didn't look away from you. She couldn't pull her eyes away from you.
It was the day that exam test scores were going to be released. You sat anxiously in the lecture hall, in your regular seat next to Nika. Your leg was bobbing up and down as the professor explained that only two students exceled with her exam, and you prayed that one of them was you.
Nika had her eyes on you, analyzing everything you were doing. She noticed the bobbing of your leg, but also the tight grip you held on your phone, and the way your bottom lip was caught between your teeth.
"Hey." She said quietly as she reached out, placing her hand on your knee to help calm you down. Your gaze darted up to meet hers, and her expression was soft. "I promise that you did amazing."
You swallowed nervously. "But what if I didn't? What if I totally bombed it and-"
She gently squeezed your leg. "You didn't bomb it. I know you didn't. Take a deep breath." You did. You inhaled deeply and closed your eyes as you let it out. "There you go."
She wrapped her arm around your shoulder and you relaxed a bit at her touch. You leaned your head against her, closing your eyes, and hoping for the best.
The professor called everyone down one by one, handed them the paper with their grade, and dismissed them from the class to look at it. Nika had already been called, and when you were, it took you a second to snap back into reality.
You went down and collected your paper, then quickly left the room. You rounded a corner and saw no one around you, unsure of where Nika disappeared to.
You took a deep breath before opening the paper and looking at your grade. You had gotten a 98, the highest grade in the class. You let out the breath you were holding and leaned your head back. "Thank god." You said quietly.
"Everything okay?" Nika's voice came from behind you.
You spun around with a smile on your face. "I got a 98!"
She smiled at you before moving forward and wrapping her arms around you, pulling you into a hug. "Holy shit! I got a 93!" You hugged her back and smiled brightly against her neck.
You pulled back to look at her, and in a wave of emotions, crashed your lips against hers. She froze for a second before reciprocating the kiss, causing you to stumble backwards a bit.
The both of you giggled and your rested your foreheads against each other's. "Guess all that studying together paid off, hm?" You grinned.
"Guess so." She pecked your lips. "Maybe hanging with a nerd isn't that bad."
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i really hope you guys like this one!! i loved writing this sm that i wrote it practically within the same sitting on the same day that I got the request. thank you anon for sending this in!!
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Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you
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Dingus one and Dingus two.
There are some yandere headcanons under the cut, huge shoutout to @gliphyartfan for talking about them with me and big props to @cloudninetonine because their interpretation Courage and Korodai heavily inspired this one(also I’m taking their nicknames) AND almost everything is inspired by their brief yandere headcanons on these two.
As Cloud has stated in their own post, Korodai is actually quite intelligent and clever under his goofy exterior(which he’d have to be in order to finish his own quests considering how little handholding there is).
Because of this, Korodai is quite the skilled manipulator, able to easily play insects like a fiddle and trick them into cornering themselves. He uses his silly exterior to his advantage, getting people to drop their guard and underestimate them.
In contrast, Courage is actually quite the brute, the brawn to Korodai’s brain. He isn’t stupid by any means but his strength is definitely one of his greatest tools. Courage doesn’t possess a large arsenal of items like other heroes, so he makes good use of what he does have.
Courage is so strong that it’s possible for him to tear flesh off bone, and he’s very willing to get his hands dirty after falling off the deep end. When dealing with vermin he’s all too ready to break bones, smash guts, and rip limbs off with his bare hands.
A headcanon Gliph came up with is that Korodai is actually quite religious, though it’s not something commonly shone. He grew up on the outskirts of the kingdom and worked his way up to the eyes of the Royal Family though the church, doing great deeds that eventually deemed him the chosen one.
Both Courage and Korodai are total flirts, but Courage is the one who’s more likely to do small romantic gestures for the one he loves. Things like bringing you flowers or setting up a picnic with a nice view somewhere.
Also something they have in common, both of these forbidden heroes are extremely touch starved. Their respective Zelda’s are complete tsunderes who don’t easily give them affection. So if or when they receive lots of affection from you, they don’t know what to do at first and blue screen. But soon their absolutely spoiled rotten which feeds into their other yandere traits.
Korodai and Courage are both very possessive but show it in different ways. While Courage will try and intimidate or scare off anyone that gets too close, Korodai will silently plot to get them out of the way. Often times Korodai has to hold back Courage just to make sure he doesn’t do anything too rash.
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boonsmoon · 5 months
Could you do Mu Qing x fem!reader? Where ready is a sister of Feng Xin. Mu Qing and reader never get a long until the two where sent on a mission together. The reader gets injured and Mu Qing and the reader get stuck in some room since the enemy kinda kidnaped them. You can add something yourself if you want but yeahhh
Horrendously late timing, I know I lost motivation to write and school started up again
Request Masterlist Mu Qing x f!reader Genres:🎉🌸💞🪭
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Foundation of Love (1)
Coming from a life without much luck, you were at least blessed enough to ascend to heaven like your elder brother, though your ascension was much later than his. You did consider yourself lucky when you two were able to work together under Xie Lian.
However, the cycle must always come full circle, that includes luck. Feng Xin and yourself had the displeasure of working alongside Mu Qing. This man was too harsh with his words, he must have a massive ego to talk such a way while working under another!
It was this simple perception that garnered dislike towards your fellow subordinate and my did it last a long time. While very open about how you felt, the two of you at least had the sense to leave your rivalry outside the presence of heaven officials.
None of this stopped Xie Lian from catching on; however, as he was more attentive than the other gods you interacted with. Due to being around y'all often and seeing you avoid Mu Qing like the plague, Xie Lian thought the best way to help the two of you get along was sticking you together on an easy mission.
You were hesitant at first, Feng Xin and Mu Qing are more combat abled than you, they would be a better pick for the mission.
"It's because you aren't as skilled you need to join Mu Qing!" Xie Lian said, "this mission requires both balance of brain and brawn. I'm assigning you as the thinker this time." He sounded a bit too enthusiastic for this mission.
Not wanting to inconvenience the god further, you accepted the dreaded mission. Leaving, the both of you couldn't have looked more dutiful, but the moment you were far enough away it was a barrage of insults.
"Accepting a mission with you is the same as going alone," Mu Qing said, looking at you condescendingly. "You should give up and go back."
As much as you wanted to give up, you can't let him win. You're basically doing what he wants if you don't follow through! And this determination against him showed clearly, "obviously Xie Lian doesn't trust you enough if he had to ask me to babysit you."
And this continued... Until you got to the hot spot of recent ghost attacks. It was dusk already, so your mission would be starting soon, obviously not in your favor.
"It would make more sense to follow the ghost's patterns for tonight and attack tomorrow," you tried to argue, "then we know what we're up against!"
Mu Qing; however, wouldn't listen one bit, "are you telling me my skills aren't good enough? I actually want this mission to end sometime soon."
There was no point in arguing, as that would just make getting the mission done harder. So instead you both decided to split up, for each others sanity.
This turned out to be the worse plan ever! Almost 5 minutes in and already a ghost was chasing around the area. Just your luck, to get stuck on a mission with Mu Qing and wander without his protection!
With enough time passing you assumed your screams of terror would alert Mu Qing, because you just couldn't keep up this marathon anymore. It was most unfortunate when you tripped over a rock and basically had the ghost tackle you.
Lightly scratched from the ground you tried to move, but not before the ghost could get a few cuts in. The utter inconvenience of these wounds ended up hindering your pace.
You ran inside what looked like shelter to hide from the ghost, which seemingly worked because it had disappeared for a few minutes. Going further inside you realized this place may be bigger than it appeared.
Good things can't last forever though, as the ghost came sprinting back to your location, and you had to bolt it. But a few doors down, there he was, your knight in not such shining armor walking out of a room.
Upon noticing your predicament he initiated battle with the ghost, though futile as Mu Qing kept getting pushed back. Realizing this Sisyphus battle, the most sensible thing he thought to do was carry you and run.
Yes, he picked you up like a football and started running around the building, looking for somewhere to hide. Maybe an exist if you were lucky. What neither of you realized is no matter how many turns you took, how far you walked, you only ended up deeper in the building.
Noticing the ghost had disappeared, Mu Qing set you down in a random room. And thus your adrenaline died down, bringing argument to ensue.
"What was that for!? I'm not an item to be lugged around!" You furiously said. Only to be answered by an equally angered Mu Qing, "well there's not much I can do when I'm stuck fighting a ghost and trying protect you at the same time!"
You decided to take this moment to recon, think of a strategy to eliminate the ghost and escape this place. It was only after hours when the sun shone through that you noticed both of you have been stuck in here all night.
"I know we don't see eye to eye very much," you started, "but this clearly is more than we can handle, and required us to work together." Your statement was followed by a scoff.
After teamwork and piecing together clues, you both successfully found your way outside. Only to be met with Xie Lian and Feng Xin.
Both of you were confused, you only left for a day. "I can take care of things from here," Xie Lian spoke. But you and Mu Qing took that as him doubting your skills.
"We've been gone for one measly day, you can't possibly think I am in need of that much help?" Mu Qing said with you jumping in, "I second that! We just need one more day."
Xie Lian went after the ghost, which left Feng Xin to tell you what happened in the past day... Or days that is.
"Basically, the ghost was actually difficult, and we've been gone for 4 days?" You questioned, looking pale.
"Yeah... We came here to get things fixed," Feng Xin said, giving you a thumbs up.
Absolutely horrible luck you have indeed, but at least you learned to tolerate Mu Qing, and even understand him on a certain level. Xie Lian can proudly say this is the start of something new between the two of you.
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i intended on this being romantic but instead it appears i went on a side quest
2 parts? enemies to friends to lovers? who knows
anyways as i said at the beginning, school started back up, so slow reqs
Part 2
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onmyyan · 2 years
I love Caspian, the perfect soft yandere!
If his darling tried to leave would he be the pathetic cry baby who sobs as they try to leave and the guilt makes them stay or the possessive "You can't" and keeps them restrained kind?
A/N: WOOOO I love him n I wont him feedback is always welcomed hope u like🖤 (EDITED 12/16/22)
T/W's: Cis fem reader, Yandere shenanigans, manipulating but the hot kind, cursing
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Okay, so the fun thing about Cas is he is charming. Like poured all his points into charisma, any chance to fight or argue is crushed by his silver tongue, people look at him and assume he's all brawn and no brain and he liked it that way, made it easier to crush vermin but I digress, we got a master manipulator on our hands, he'd never use his powers for anything that could cause you harm of course!
It's everyone else who's gotta be worried. He would slowly and meticulously isolate you but you're having such a good time you don't notice until someone else points it out. He's so good in fact before you know it he's the only person outside of work you've spoken to for three weeks. You'd been so wrapped up in Caspian everything else faded away, he had that effect on you a lot, you were so enamored with him that you'd completely forgotten about a brunch date with your girls planned ages ago, so when you're rushing around to get ready to leave he's suddenly behind you, his all-encompassing frame pulls you in from behind as he silently takes his morning kiss, his lips taste like maple, warm hands tilted your chin up for deeper access which he explored immediately. His tongue snaked its way in your mouth to dance against your own, the little moan he let out as he pulled away was downright sinful.
"Where you off to looking that fuckin' good." His words had some bite but no malice, suddenly flipped you around to face him, "Lemme' get a proper look at my girl." His hands trailed down your waist with a heated force. He sucked his teeth, shaking his head with that wicked grin, he leaned down to steal another soul-stealing kiss, "S'it my birthday again?" He always made you laugh, your face hot and cheeks sore from grinning like the fool in love you were.
"Just gonna get something to eat with the girls, you remember them right?" You'd turned once more to finish getting ready and missed the meanest expression curl on his face. He nodded, more to himself than you, with a half-hearted laugh. "Course I do."
It was about three weeks into the relationship when you first brought it up. He knew your partner meeting your friends was socially important but truthfully he couldn't give less of a shit at the idea of sharing you with anyone, he did that enough already in his mind. However, the shy way you pitched the idea to him had his heart melting and he had to physically keep his hands occupied so they didn't squish your cheeks. Naturally, he said yes, hoping he could keep himself in check and not scare you off but your little friends sure made it hard.
He remembers the way they stole your attention the entire night you'd introduced him to your friend group. The two women had made up their minds about him before he had gotten a word out he just knew, the slight widening of their eyes and the rapid way they texted under the table, but what sealed it was when you excused yourself to the bathroom, the two women following after you like lemmings.
He debated his actions for a split second before pulling out his phone and logging into the bug he'd installed on your cell. Now- he trusted you with his life, but he also knew how kind and forgiving you could be which the worst kind of people were attracted to. He trusted you to tell him if something was wrong, this was just an extension of that trust.
He caught the shrill voices of your companions with a wince, "-ly shit (y/n) he's is so fine!!" The giggles that followed belonged to you. "It's been so unreal- I feel like-"
"Is it serious?" One interrupted- he thinks her name is Shea, much to his annoyance.
"What do you mean? I think so- I hope so." His blood began to simmer at the two harpies polluting your thoughts. "It feels serious." You said mostly to yourself as the two women were chittering amongst themselves like teenagers, his hand found his chest at the sound of you reaffirming the truth, while you may not know it for certain yet, he knew you were his person.
"Why'd you ask?" You questioned softly, the silence that followed was thick, "Girl it's nothing. I was just asking if you were exclusive or like seeing other people." He could practically see her lewd expression, her tone made his stomach lurch, to think you thought these people were your friends. "Yeah, again I ask why?" You sounded uncomfortable, the edge in your voice only fueled the fire in his belly. She scoffed a laugh, clearly not ready to be called out, "Oh my god (Y/n) baby you are so tight for nothing- I was just seeing if you guys were legit- come on he's ridiculous you can't blame me for asking."
"Yeah don't get upset she was just kidding-come on our food should be there by now." The second woman dismissed your unease and tried to move past the situation which you chalked up to nothing and silently made your way back to the table where he'd been waiting, his phone tucked securely in his pockets. He watched you try to put on a face, to engage and be present but that wench of a woman across from you had ruined your mood.
He pretended to get a text and pulling out all his training in the theater he gasped, suddenly jumping to his feet, shocking all three of you.
"Ma called the bees are back!" He panted as if stressed, quickly grabbing his coat and throwing enough cash on the table to cover you both, you'd stood as well, the pure confusion on your face nearly made him break character, but he stood strong. "I'm sorry- bees?" You asked in disbelief, slipping on your own coat, his hand grabbed your purse for you, the other wrapped around your waist as he began leading you away, "Uh bye? I'll call you later." You yelled over your shoulder, squeezing his hand, "Is your mom okay? What's going on?"
"Oh she's fine I lied." He squeezed the flesh of your hip gently pulling you closer to his side. You couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. "You lied to get outta there? Why? Did Shea say something to make you uncomfortable-"
"No- you came back looking sad, and I didn't wanna' yell in such a nice restaurant so I made a call." He kissed the side of your head as you two leisurely walked back to the car, he'd spend the rest of the night showing just how much better company he was.
He is the biggest baby in the universe, and the thought of you being alone with those two demons made his skin crawl, so he'll crank up the drama to 11 and begin moping around until you ask him if he's alright, which doesn't take much as he looks like a kicked puppy. He assures you nothing's wrong but he makes it sound unbelievable until you, being the Angel you are say you're not leaving until he tells you what's going on, cue the waterworks as he "looks" for the words to say, you're by his side in a second, and as soon as you're within reach he's clinging to your middle, the hot tears streaming down his face left a growing stain on the nice dress you'd put on, he'd let himself be consoled by you, let himself be silently rocked and babied until he's "ready" to talk.
"I'm so sorry Honey- I'm keeping you from your brunch, don't worry I'm fine I'm just having a bad day. Go, have fun, I'll be here when you get back." He didn't need to look up to see you shake your head.
"Shut your beautiful face, I'm ordering from your favorite and we're having a self-care day okay baby?" He would nod into the flesh of your stomach, his grip tightening. "Thank you Sugar, you always take care of me, I love you." He's a whiney blubbering mess anytime you try to do anything without him but you're so focused on cheering him up that you don't notice the pattern until it's too late.
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
Thinking about a 'sqq transmigrates (reincarnates) into dc' (specifically the jl because I don't know much about the rest), and who do you think would be funniest? I have narrowed it down to One but if anyone has anything better I'd love to hear it - Constantine, cap marvel and Manhunter were my top choices until:
Batman. Of course. Mainly because of the adoption problem and dozen kids with attachment issues, but also sqq spending his entire time internally shrieking I AM NOT CUT OUT FOR THIS I AM NOT PREPARED SYSTEM WHY DID YOU CHOOSE BATMAN. Trying so hard to fit the theme. Over preparing and stressing over every detail. A bit autism coded. 'I don't fall in love with anyone unless I choose to' wrong. 'You want me??? To?? Share my emotions?? My troubles??? I want to be a good parental figure but I would RATHER DIE'.
*internal sarcasm at local iq* *encyclopedic knowledge* *forgets he's not supposed to know everyone's identity*. "HOW DID YOH EVEN KNOW THAT??!!" 'oh I uh figured it out lol *bluffs sherlock style deduction*'. *repressed* 'Trauma? What trauma? I'm doing Great.'
Alfred is best man but sqq has been fundamentally a rich kid for THREE lifetimes now. He is unsavagable. Acts all high and mighty for the show but self esteem is garbage. UTTER COMMITMENT TO THE BIT at this point (way post svsss canon) I think sqq would genuinely implode if he didn't have a mask to show the public.
System has followed him of course and has him by the scruff of his neck every time he thinks about a more peaceful life. It has very high ooc standards as always until he first puts on the mask.
I can see superman taking over lqgs role a little. Casual friend and bestie. Always ready to help (and occasionally sky uber). Brawn to his brain but smarter than people give him credit for. Ultimate power team. Romantic tension through the roof but never wants anything more (and Bruce is completely oblivious anyway). Everyone sees it though.
Everyone assuming Bruce spent a huge amount of time training in some ultra secret Chinese mountain range (technically they're not wrong!) but no system sent him to the league of assassins he's just using the excuse to work on his cultivation. (talia tried SO HARD to seduce him but it failed utterly so she gave up and stole his dna while he was asleep (he woke up the next morning to a mission success notification and freaked)).
Unlike what his kids except, is fully caught up with memes. They hate it but that just makes him use them more. On the plus side he is susceptible to rickroll. Peak 'my darling child would NEVER how dare' at events. The only ones who know he had (has???) a husband pre reveal.
He teaches them all cultivation like a little qj peak but without the proper environment, which doesn't exist here, they're never going to reach immortality like him. He's fine about that, really :). He's accepted it. Either way that means pit influence doesn't stick, whoo!
Would like nothing more than to kill the joker :). System won't let him. He can't explain that to anyone :).
Cue an enraged ancient demon emperor breaking through the walls of reality on a universe shattering rampage only for him to be batmans husband :). Who wants kisses.
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bleach-your-panties · 6 months
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Sincember Event❄️❄️
🔴Post Info: UA is an HBCU. Reader is black. The boys are Alphas and Reader is a Delta. Katsuki is frat prez, because we all know he's mixed🤣
🔴I had to do a lot of research on reindeer for this, lmao.
Rating: Suggestive🍭
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"Baby! Oh my God! You look so pretty and dainty. Just like a deer!"
You couldn't help but laugh at Eiiji; he always got so enthusiastic watching you get dolled up for parties.
Tonight, Alpha Phi Alpha is hosting their annual Naughty vs Nice Christmas party. It's a costume party, so all frat members and pledges are required to dress up.
Eiji is pledging along with some of his classmates: Denki, Mashairo, Izuku, and Mineta.
The junior and senior members (Katsuki, Hanta, Shoji, and Shoto) had specifically instructed the pledges to dress up as Santa's reindeer while all of them would dress as elves. Katsuki, would of course be dressed as Santa.
With you being Eiijiro's girlfriend of a year now, of course he'd be bringing you along with him to this event. 
Everyone who was anyone would be there, and lots of girls from your sorority, Delta Sigma Theta, would be there as well.
“Thank you, Eiiji! You’re such a cutie. Hey sweetie pie, will you please pass me my lip gloss on the desk over there?” 
Your sweet, redheaded boyfriend nodded happily and got up from his seat on your bed to grab the makeup product for you. “Uh, baby, which one is it? There’s like fifty of them.”
His red eyes stared down at your makeup table which contained various products for primping. 
The lip gloss you were speaking of was contained in a small jar. You had ordered it from one of your favorite Etsy shops.
With a small giggle, you walked over to help him out. 
“This one, pumpkin. The lip creams. Thank you for trying, boo.” He blushed when you pecked him on the temple with your soft, plump lips.
Eiijiro, like the gentleman that he was, pulled out your vanity chair so you could sit down and apply the gloss, called Red Hot, to your pouty lips. After adding some lipliner and blending, your ensemble for the evening was finally complete.
“Okay, I’m ready, Eiiji.”
“Awesome! Well, let’s get to prancing then, my lovely little ungulate lady!” 
“Ooo, big word! I see you’ve been studying your vocabulary lists!” He nodded profusely, making the antler headband atop his head bounce around.
Most of your peers think that Eiijiro is just a big, dumb jock but that couldn’t be further from the truth.
The two of you often have study dates in the campus coffee shop or either of your dorm rooms. 
He knows that if he wants to stay on the football team and keep his scholarship that he’ll have to study extremely hard and you’re more than glad to help him out with his goals.
Your roommate, Mina, who just so happens to be a childhood friend of Eiiji’s, is almost never in the room so that gives the two of you a lot of alone time.
The Party
“Hey! The golden couple has finally arrived, now shit can finally start getting interesting!” Denki bounded over to the two of you, his own set of antlers bobbing on his messy blonde bedhead. He threw an arm around Kirishima’s shoulders. 
“Who are you supposed to be? Dasher?” You giggled as Eiijiro put Denki in a headlock with his elbow. 
“Hey, did you guys know that Santa’s reindeer are actually all females? Because, you know, male reindeer actually shed their antlers and Santa’s are always depicted with their antlers.” Eiiji piped up, happy to share his knowledge.
“Wow, dude…that was uh, very thorough. Never would have pegged you for a biology major.” Denki snickered, along with Mineta who’d just strolled up.
“Don’t try to play my baby. He’s a biology and exercise science double major, so don’t do him.” You gave Eiijiro a peck on the lips, your gloss not even smearing. 
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Beefcake’s got brains and brawn, blah blah. Let’s get fucked up!” 
Denki and Mineta high-fived before disappearing into the crowd.
That’s when you heard the music start up: 
Unh, how you do that?
I’m trying to pursue that
“Oh shit, Eiiji, they’re playing our songs! You ready?!” 
Eiijiro’s grin grew wide across his face and he licked over his sharp canines. One had a ruby red gem implanted in it.
“Ready when you are, babe!”
The two of you strutted to the middle of the dance floor, the party-goers immediately parted the sea and made room for the both of you.
This was the norm for you and Eiijiro whenever you attended Greek parties: your dancing always made you both the center of attention.
Drop it down on a nigga, do damage
Booty moving left to right, it’s panoramic
You bent down in front of Eiiji and touched your toes before sliding your hands up your legs. He grabbed you by your ‘reigns’ and made your ass collide hard with his crotch.
Panoramic, it’s panoramic
Panoramic, it’s panoramic
Drop it down on a nigga, panoramic
Drop it down on a nigga, panoramic
Thanks to you and Mina, he’d become a fantastic dancer. It probably also helps that you're on the dance team while Mina is a cheerleader.
That song hadn’t been playing long when the DJ suddenly switched it up:
All this money on me
All she tryna do is get naked
Naked naked naked
Like a red nose
Like like like like like a red nose
“Oh shit, babe; this one is my fav!” Eiiji hyped and you just laughed. You straightened your back and turned around to face him.
He grabbed your hips and you rested your hands on his forearms while moving your hips side to side with his.
The other patrons had cleared a space for the two of you in the middle of the floor.
All this money on me
Now come take it from a G
All she tryna do is get naked
Naked naked
And she gone shake it
Like a red nose
Like like like like a red nose
And she gone shake it
Like a red nose
Like a like a like a red nose
Eiiji then swiveled you back around and you pressed your ass back up against him. You rubbed it against him seductively then he used his thighs to bounce it from side to side. 
Once again, Eiijiro grabbed your reigns and lifted you up slightly to slam his hips into your ass before letting you drop back down.
And she gone shake it
Like a red nose
Like a like a like a red nose
You twerked your ass from side to side while Eiiji held his arms at his sides then he dipped low and moved side to side with you.
And she gone shake it
Like a red nose
Like like like like a red nose
Eiiji patted your ass cheeks like a drum then grabbed your reigns and lifted his left leg up on the side of you with your ass pressed to his crotch.
And she gone shake it
Like a red nose
Like a like a like a red nose
He continued holding onto them while the two of you yiked faster and faster. The crowd broke out into cheers and applause, even hollering out your names.
After hearing all of the commotion, Katsuki came out, dressed like a cross between Santa and a bodybuilder while Shoto, Shoji, and Hanta trailed after him in red and green elf outfits.
“Brothers!” Eiiji smiled toothily and went in to give Katsuki a bro hug. 
“The oldest and the coldest.” Shoto said in his monotone voice. Hanta snickered.
Katsuki rolled his vermillion eyes and shrugged Kirishima off of him.
"Okay, Rudolph, the Red-Haired Dipshit. Are you two almost done fucking on the dance floor so we can start the damn games?” Eiiji whined as Katsuki didn’t bother waiting for an answer and just walked away.
“Nice dancing!” Hanta gave him a grin and thumbs up before disappearing back through the crowd after Katsuki and the others.
“Come on Eiiji, let’s go show our faces and play stupid beer pong so we can ditch this and get some double-decker nachos.”
“Ooo, nachos! Come on, baby!” With a surprised squeal turned to giggle, you wrapped your arms around your boyfriend’s muscular neck as he scooped you up bridal-style.
After The Party
“Baby,  -hic- they're -hic- being mean to me again~” Eiiji whined into your plush thighs as you sat criss-cross applesauce on your dorm bed. 
You’d taken off your tight leather pants and now only had on your brown bodysuit. It was so cute how clingy and whiny your handsome boyfriend got when he was drunk. Your acrylic nails stroked his thick, spiked-up locks, making him hum into your lap then nip your thigh with his teeth. One of his big hands gripped the opposite thigh and smacked it.
He also got even more touchy-feely when he was shitfaced like this.
Denki and the others had to help carry him up to your room to keep him from making a complete idiot of himself and ending up getting them arrested for public intoxication.
"Aww, baby, what’s the matter? They wouldn’t let you join in their reindeer games?"
He shook his head sadly and hiccupped again, followed up by a loud belch.
“They said…baby, they said that my nose was too bright…and, and Katsuki said that I couldn’t guide his sleigh tonight!” He lamented, completely distraught. You had to bite down on the back of your hand to keep from laughing at him.
“Yeah baby, I’m pretty sure that Katsuki wouldn’t let you drive his truck in the condition that you’re in right now.” You patted his head.
“It’s not fair!”
With a gentle nudge, you removed his head from your thighs and cupped his cheeks. Leaning down to face him, you kissed both of his reddened cheeks.
Your soft, innocent actions had Eiijiro’s dick standing at full attention in about 2.5 seconds.
He suddenly sat up and grabbed your thighs again, tossing you up towards the headboard. The bounce of your body made him giggle as he hovered over you now.
“Ok, Rudolph, what are you planning?”
"I’m sorry, you just make me so horny, baby. These are horns, right?" He slurred drunkenly. The headband on his head flopped forward and then slid off, landing on your chest.
"Antlers, baby"
"Same thing, right?" He hiccupped again.
You chuckled with a shrug of your shoulders. Eiijiro didn’t seem perturbed though as he reached down to unbutton your bodysuit.
“Can I, baby? I want to make you moan,” He paused, fingers wobbling slightly, “like a wildebeest. Hey, what sound does a reindeer make?"
You were perplexed. "I-I don't know. It's like a moose, right?" 
He shrugged. “Well, whatever it sounds like, I’m about to make you sound like that.”
“Oh, Eiiji, I think you need some water and some Tylenol-” You were cut off as he’d now unsnapped all the buttons and was rubbing your clit through your panties.
"Mmm, baby, let's play some naughty reindeer games of our own, yeah?”
ʳᵉᵇˡᵒᵍˢ ᵃʳᵉ ᵃᵖᵖʳᵉᶜⁱᵃᵗᵉᵈ ᵃⁿᵈ ⁱ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵉⁿᵗˢ🫶🏽
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povlvr · 2 years
2 • Bad For Business | YLGSE
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Pairing: Mob Boss! Bucky x Baker Reader
Summary: Digesting the news of who Bucky is requires some Yelena, Pizza & wine, meanwhile Bucky gets to work on his plans with the help of his right hand men.
Word Count: 5k
Warnings: none I think, angst perhaps, mob business maybe
A/N: Sorry this is late, it was my office Christmas party last night & I hadn’t finished the graphics or description in time.
Graphics by @firefly-graphics
Series Masterlist
[Previous Chapter] [Next Chapter]
Bucky walked back to the office like the pavement was made of clouds, feeling as light as air, as though his spirit had been lifted to another realm from the encounter with the beautiful baker of his dreams. He needed to be cautious though, if you knew who he really was the welcome he received wouldn’t have been nearly as sweet, a soft little thing like you wouldn’t have been so willing to be alone with him, his reputation was that of a rabid dog not someone who meandered in meadows with little fluffy bunnies. 
He had the perfect excuse to see you again, but he needed to make sure of a few things before he did, for your sake he wanted to keep his cards close to his chest & not draw you into this life or the people in it including his closest friends. You were for just him, so to get the information he needed to execute his plan he had to be smart, calculating & as subtle as possible.
‘What’s up boss?’ 
Bucky cursed the fact that Steve casually walked into his office with not so much as a knock these days especially when he was lost in thought, yes, they had been life long friends, but it paid dividends to not startle a man with a gun in this business. Sam was hot on his tail & offered his boss a quiet apology for the intrusion, if Bucky was the brains of the organisation, Steve was the brawn & Sam was the calm in the storm, he often stopped the two friends from exploding at each other when Bucky demanded patience & calculated moves, but Steve wanted to cause mayhem.
As if on cue the intercom sounded & his too dumb for words secretary Chanel drawled through the speaker, ‘Mr Barneeeeessss, Mr Rogers & Mr Wilson are here to see yooouuuu.’
‘Yeah got that already Chanel, thanks’ he rolled his eyes as he closed the laptop screen in front of him, he had spent the last hour glued to it trying to find your social media or anything about you online, he only managed to find your business account & drooled at some of the creations showcased on there, already sending through a request for Chanel to order a breakfast buffet for his staff at the end of the week.
Bucky remained seated behind his oversized mahogany desk, he hadn’t changed much of the space he inherited from his father George, it remained a sore point & although yes, it looked like it was taken directly from the set of Goodfellas he just wasn’t ready to update the décor to match the rest of the modern sleek office. He gestured to the two leather armchairs facing him, ‘Gentlemen, take a seat.’ 
Steve looked nervous fiddling with the buttons on his suit as he looked around the desk & office actively avoiding Bucky’s eye contact, ‘If this is about Peter, I told you we found the shipment & he’s officially been banned on upgrading any tech before a thorough test has been carried out.’ He swiftly reassured, a rare backtrack for him, usually he would dig his heels in that they had done nothing wrong but seeing the vein in Bucky’s neck almost pop from trying not to blow his lid at the kid made him choose his battle & this wasn’t one he would win.
Bucky casually swiped the air with his hand, ‘Yeah sure, that’s fine.’ Dismissing the fuck up like he wasn’t raging two hours earlier threatening to murder a 17-year-old kid.
Both Sam & Steve looked at him perplexed as to why he let it go so easily, exchanging looks of disbelief, Steve was sure he would have at least a broken finger at the end of this meeting, though he had noticed the expression on his old friends face when he came back to the office, it was soft, wistful almost, he couldn’t remember the last time he had seen his best friend without a scowl on his face, it must have been a hell of a coffee.
‘I’ve been thinking Gentlemen, we currently hold most of the city & boroughs, once the Stark deal is done I’m looking at investing some funds into legitimate businesses within our territory to funnel our profits into, if we are pleasing uncle Sam it’s easy clean money & the cops won’t be able to touch us.’
‘We own the cops Buck.’ Steve stated like it was a fact, the arrogance of his best friend was no shock, there was no shred of doubt in his mind that he believed that to be true & whilst yes, they could get themselves out of a tight corner with a call to the right person Bucky knew better than to accept that the status quo would always be a constant.
‘For now, but who’s to say a new commissioner wont fuck with us or a fresh-faced naïve politician being elected thinking they can clean up the streets of organised crime.’
Steve raised a brow at this turn of events, sure Bucky always kept them on their toes, but this was completely out of the left field, ‘You thinkin’ of going straight Buck?’
He scoffed at the mere thought, ‘Never Punk, but having clean money will make expansion easier further down the road & less questions will be asked as to where we acquired the funds. We won’t just run the city when I’m done, we’ll own it all too.’
Sam had been silently observing the notoriously savvy business man from the moment he let the shipping incident go, he relished in breaking bones to assert his leadership over his associates even if they belonged to his best friend, so to do a 180 was completely out of character. Bucky always had his own reasons behind business decisions, especially when he only gave a face value justification, Sam always knew when there was a card close to his chest he wasn’t willing to share until the time was right, all he could do was get on with it until it came to light, ‘So whaddya need from us?’
‘I need you to put in the ground work to vet some existing business’ I can invest in; the top of Grand Street in Williamsburg looks a good place to start. Small laundry business’, cafes, high turnover cash transactional businesses are the target. Gather all the accounts info, details of the owners, their social security down to their family tree, I want to know what they had for lunch yesterday if necessary. I don’t want any bad eggs, these people need to be 100% clean, not so much as a parking ticket, understand?’
They both nodded in unison with Sam taking notes down in his pad as to what needed to be done, he figured the kid could prove himself useful with his hacking skills & hopefully they wouldn’t have to work solidly for the next 24 hours if most of it could be done on a computer.
‘Get me the information by close of business tomorrow.’ With a firm nod Steve made a quick exit, he’d dodged the pervebeal bullet & didn’t want to chance it putting his foot it in further, Sam however remained seated.
‘What brought this on Bucky?’ He lifted his brows, Steve may have been his life long friend, but Sam was his closest confidant & sounding board, often trusting him with information that he wouldn’t with Steve.
‘During my forced exile to calm down, I got a coffee at a bakery, as I sat there I noticed the foot traffic, the cash swapping hands & it just came to me. Legitimising part of our operation & laundering the cash through them will help our long-term survival.’
‘Just came to you, huh? I thought you would have got your coffee to go & marched straight back to break some limbs.’
‘Normally I would but I was particularly irritated Samuel, so I decided to stick around to stop myself murdering a child.’
‘Hmmm so being in a crowded bakery helped you calm down? You, the guy who has a staring problem & whose favourite sound is silence?’ He sat back on his chair with his arms folded, Bucky didn’t fail to notice the smug smile plastered on his face as if he had solved some giant clue.
‘It was quiet, actually … & silence isn’t my favourite sound.’ He wouldn’t admit to his friend that it was now the sound of your warm voice.
‘So, do you want to tell me why you really stuck around or why you don’t look quite as menacing as you usually do? Something clearly happened, since when do you drop something so easily without breaking a finger or two?’
‘I’m clearly maturing & not resorting to violence in the first instance.’
Sam’s forced fake laughter bristled Bucky no end but in fairness he did sound like he had a brain injury from his usual demeanour of break bones first ask questions later.
‘Yeah I’m not buying that for a second, ok you’re keeping it to yourself, I respect that, but I’m sure at some point you’ll need some advice so I’m here If you need it.’
‘Just get me that information & we’ll see about the rest Samuel.’ 
A nod from Bucky told Sam that the conversation was over, he got to his feet & returned the gesture ‘Will do Boss’ turning on his heel he made his way back to his desk leaving the mob boss sat behind his desk to contemplate his morning.
Once he had the office to himself he let out a relieved sigh that his plans were in motion, he knew Steve wouldn’t ask questions, he never did & took everything Bucky asked him to do at face value. Sam, however, never missed a trick & knew there was more to his request than met the eye, thankfully he knew better than to pry further.
He would confide in Sam when he had all the intel, he was pissed off at himself for giving them so much time, he wanted to see you in the morning, hell, he’d march straight back to your bakery & wait until you closed so he could have you all to himself without any more disturbances. Usually he was the patient one, it was being tested to the max because all his mind seemed to do throughout the rest of the day was find its way back to you. 
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You had sat perched on the stairs hunched over with your head between your legs for a good 10 minutes whilst Yelena dealt with the line of customers that had gathered during your freak out. Your mind was swirling, running through your interaction with the Mob Boss, trying to block out the butterflies in your stomach clouding your memory by going through the things you said to him, then coming up with worst case scenarios of how he could have interpreted them & then convincing yourself you were now a target of the mob because you didn’t kiss his ring when you met him or some ridiculous custom that would have been expected of you. You had been so careful to stay away from them your entire life & then just like that the leader landed on your doorstop, flirted with you & then promised to return, he was bad for business. You were utterly fucked.
Knowing you had come face to face with the King of Brooklyn & actually enjoyed his company & even worse, wanted more of it made you revaluate your preconceived notions of how a mob boss acted & what they looked like. You also needed to address why you felt completely safe alone with the man, if all it took was sweet nicknames & them being easy on the eyes then you were a complete fool, surely there should have been signs that he was dangerous? The realisation that he was probably responsible for countless murders made you shudder in your spot but in truth you felt like no harm could come to you in his presence.
You managed to silence the overwhelming panic by thinking logically; he clearly wasn’t interested in hurting you & from all the flirting he was doing you figured it was more the opposite but was that worse? No, he wasn’t interested in hurting you, that’s all that mattered & by repeating that in your head whilst trying not to focus on how beautiful he was or think about getting lost in those ocean blue eyes you managed to calm yourself down somewhat. The residual feeling of dread however, you were stuck with, he had promised to return, that meant you now had to face him knowing his occupation & trying to reject his advances without ending up face down in the Hudson.
With a few deep breaths you rose to your feet, dusted your apron down & headed back out front to face the world, Yelena didn’t need to be dealing with you having a meltdown on top of taking peak time all on her own, the girl deserved a pay rise at the very least. Returning to the counter with a reassuring nod in her direction you were fully focused on doing what you did best, serving customers & brightening everyone’s day with your baked treats.
You finally flipped the sign to close for the day & let out a sigh of relief, one thing you could always count on was the bakery being so busy that it occupied all of your thoughts as you tackled the line of customers that at some points felt never ending, unfortunately you had the whole night in your apartment to spiral & overthink your impending visit from the man who was now a permanent fixture in your mind. You contemplated spending the evening prepping days’ worth of pastries & crashing in your father’s old apartment above the bakery that had been gathering dust, but that would leave you the rest of the week without anything to occupy your time, maybe you could finally work on clearing the upstairs out to finally renovate the space. Or not.
You decided on a moderate amount of prepping, enough for a couple of days but not to the point of leaving yourself nothing to do, Yelena caught you pacing the kitchen with your pad & pen interrupting the forward planning session currently taking place in your head.
‘Penny for your thoughts?’ you looked over to her wiggling her eye brows at you.
She managed to pull a small smile from you to relieve a bit of your anxious energy, you blew out dramatically half laughing at the ridiculous situation you found yourself in, ‘You’d need a bank vault to afford them all Lena.’
‘How about you, me & a bottle of wine spend the night on your couch & we can go through it all before you wear a hole in the floor?’
Immediately halting your worn path you realised it was just what you needed, ‘That sounds really great actually.’
‘I’ll bring the wine.’
You shook your head, you knew you had a few bottles at home that needed drinking & there was no way you were letting your employee spend money trying to walk you through this predicament. ‘Absolutely not! My crisis my wine!’
For once she relented, ‘Fine, I’ll pick up a pizza.’
‘Deal.’ You’d add it to her next wage packet, you knew she never checked the slip so could get away with adding a pizza under the radar.
Usually you would feel utterly relieved once you crossed the threshold of your apartment each night, despite your somewhat noisy neighbour it was a serene escape compared to the bakery, you rarely make plans after your workday due to the sheer exhaustion of being on your feet all day, but an impromptu night with Yelena wasn’t ever declined especially when you didn’t have to get dressed up & go to a bar. You had managed to finish all the batches of prep, plus the extra needed for a big order that came in late for an office buffet so were dead on your feet arriving home.
In an attempt to ease some of the racked-up tension you decided to take a prolonged extra hot shower, focusing the jet of water onto your shoulders in lieu of a massage you would definitely appreciate after your day. You scrubbed & polished yourself to within an inch of your life before drying off & slipping into the navy cashmere loungewear set you had spent far too much money on in a ‘fuck it’ retail moment. Seeing the transaction on your bank statement on the Monday knocked you slightly queasy but as soon as you felt the softness against your smooth skin you concluded they were definitely worth every cent.
Knowing Yelena was due anytime you busied yourself around your home, watering plants, picking up laundry, putting back the various baking books on your ridiculously tall book shelf you were taking inspiration from the previous night until your buzzer sounded.
You pressed the button & could hear the stomping before you saw her, she appeared at your door, accompanied by apparently the world’s biggest pizza, how she managed to get that to your apartment & up the stairs without it going everywhere was a modern-day marvel as far as you were concerned.
You laughed out loud at the sight, ‘You do realise there’s only two of us?’
Her grin was infectious, ‘Can you believe this was a medium?’
You gawped at her statement, ‘Jesus, do they cater to giants?’
‘I bet you $20 I can finish your half & mine.’
You weren’t keen on the idea of her throwing up three quarters of a pizza on your sofa but really wanted to see if she could do it, ‘I’ll take that bet, make yourself at home & I’ll get the plates & wine.’
She shouted through to you in the kitchen as she cleared the space on the coffee table for the ginormous box ‘We up to episode 4?’
‘Yeah should be lined up from last time.’ You yelled back as you loaded the plates, napkins, glasses & bottle onto a tray. 
‘Sweet, my girl Sharron for the win.’ In Yelena’s typical fashion she didn’t even wait for a plate & had managed an entire slice in the time it took you to come back to the lounge, where she put it all you’d never know.
‘We were blessed this season, Lattrice Royale, Chad Michaels, Phi Phi, literally the greats’, you made yourself comfortable as you poured out the wine & grabbed yourself some food.
After a delicious slice of pizza roughly the size of your head Yelena’s patience had run out, she paused the Drag Race episode you were enjoying & turned to you ready for a full rendition of the earlier events she had walked in on.
‘That’s enough for you.’ She practically wrestled the second slice out of your hand, throwing it back into the box.
‘Hey, I was eating that.’
‘No, I want to know what happened today.’
‘I can eat & tell you.’
‘No, you can’t. You never talk & eat, you chew & hold a finger up & don’t say a word until all the food is eaten. Come on, tell me now, eat after.’ 
‘True, ok, fine.’
You dabbed the corners of your mouth with a napkin & began telling her about your encounter with the mob boss, for the most part she stayed surprisingly quiet with the occasional question & although you wanted to omit the nicknames & warm words he said to you, you thought it would be better to give her the entire picture. The smile you were battling throughout managed to escape on occasion, but you kept it tight lipped for the most part, you couldn’t help the swirling butterflies when you told her about the wink. 
‘How did it make you feel?’ The one thing you hadn’t expected from your little firecracker of a friend was for her to ask you about feelings, most people thought she was cold, ‘dead behind the eyes’ was one of Scott’s favourite things to note, being terrified of her as he was, but you always insisted she was incredibly warm & friendly. 
You let out a long sigh, ‘hmmm, honestly? It felt nice, nice to have some attention from a guy who, let’s face it is smoking hot.’
‘Yeah, I’ll give him that, completely your type too.’
‘I know, right?’
She narrowed her eyes at you sensing more, ‘hmm, come on, what else?’
‘Stupidly enough, he made me feel completely safe, which is so dumb because I’ve spent my whole life not trusting strange men, not letting down my guard but I felt like I could with him & that no harm would come to me … that is until you told me who he was & now I feel even dumber for letting a pretty face completely eradicate all my instincts.’
You could see her thinking behind the understanding smile on her face, ‘I think your instincts are just fine, from what I have been told, yes he’s dangerous & you shouldn’t get involved in that world, but he is very protective of those he loves or are loyal to him.’
You took a big sip of wine to swallow those words, they really didn’t help the conflict brewing in your head, ‘And how would you come across this kind of information?’
‘My sister Nat, she’s involved in all that. I don’t speak to her very often, I didn’t want to get tangled in that life but after seeing him & especially after seeing him being clearly into you I rang her & asked about him.’
You hated yourself for wanting to know more about him, you shouldn’t, you should run in the complete opposite direction & not look back, he’s a dangerous man, an incredibly hot, rich, dangerous man. Maybe knowing more would be the nail in the coffin you needed to not get involved.
‘What exactly did she say?’
‘Not much, I kept my questions vague.’
‘And?’ You sounded hopeful, like she was about to say he had a heart of gold & to go for it. 
‘Exactly what I said, don’t get involved.’ The sternness in your voice told you she knew more but wasn’t sharing.
‘I know. It’s just …’
She curtly cut you off, ‘Just what?’ 
‘He was so hot & interested, apparently that’s all it takes to question my morals & sanity.’
‘Honey, if you want hot & interested all we need to do is go to a club. Your hot little backside will have all the men you want lined up, no morals need to be tested.’
The line could have been as long as the Brooklyn bridge for all you cared, there was only one you were remotely interested in … god damn it.
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The next day passed at a snail’s pace & all Bucky could think about was you in your bakery, hair in a bun & a sprinkle of flour on your cheek that he would dust off with a brush of his thumb before tasting the honey on your lips, he wondered if you were thinking about him too, hoping he would come through the door. He didn’t dare ask himself why one sample of your sweetness had him addicted.
Steve & Sam had been droning on for an hour about a Mr Rafino, the owner of the laundrette at the top of Grand Street, his accounts were clean as a whistle & he was an upstanding member of the community, it quietly comforted the mob boss that you apparently had good people surrounding you, but all Bucky wanted to hear about was you, he knew demanding your information first would have been an obvious tell, even for Steve to cotton on to. He half-heartedly flicked through the print outs, despite his plan being half thought out purely in an effort to save face & garner information about you, it actually made sense from a business perspective & the more he heard about these small business’ the more he was considering going ahead with investing in them all.
‘Ok finally at the very top of Grand Street, Honey Bunny’s Bakery.’
It was like Sam intentionally kept you until last trying his patience to its ultimate limit, Bucky tried not to sit up straighter at the mention of your bakery or intensely study the clipped together dossier they had been working on.
‘Now this is the money maker on the street, prime location, the accounts are very impressive, no rent or mortgage so overheads are minimal, running costs & cost of sales are the main outgoings as you would expect. Owner takes a minimal salary, does her own books, marketing, pretty much everything in house & has one employee, so wages relatively low to turnover. Speaking of turnover this place makes a killing, the sales are high relative to the size of the operation & although it is susceptible to poaching from rivals the customers tend to stay loyal.’
Bucky nodded along trying not to smile at how savvy you were at running your business but with only one employee he knew you were likely working all hours to keep things running as smoothly as you did, if you accepted his business offer he would make sure you employed more staff to take a break, maybe he could steal you away, fly to Paris to taste some of the world you recreate in your bakery each day, walk the banks of the Seine hand in hand & explore the Louvre to admire the paintings & sculptures, all whilst knowing he had the real masterpiece wrapped in his arms.
‘As for the owner, like the rest of the street not so much as a traffic violation on record, no police record whatsoever. She is an active member in the community, raises money for local women’s shelters, organised street parties, marches for race, women’s rights, gun reforms. Donates all her unsold goods to the local hospital each night, hand delivers them to a nurse who she knows down there for the staff & patients. ‘
An angel, just as he thought you would be, he knew what he needed to do; formulate a business plan tonight, go to the bakery in the morning & invite you for a meeting to discuss his plan. He would impress you with the office, the plan & as the deal was being done he could spend the time getting to know you, sewing himself into the fabric of your world & then you would be his.
‘Do you think these people would want investment from the Mob? They are clearly law-abiding citizens, why would they be interested in getting into bed with the bad guys.’
Why Steve decided to use that phrase Bucky didn’t know but he was a hairs breath away from having his head slammed into the sold wooden desk they were sat around, his jaw was creaking it was tensed that intensely. 
‘He has a point; do you really want to potentially ruin their reputations & livelihood because you want to make clean money? They seem good people, maybe we’re best staying away & go about this differently.’
Of course, he wouldn’t be funnelling anything into your business that was illegal, yours would be a real investment, there wasn’t a chance in hell he would taint you in any way with laundering cash, he could see the potential of you & your bakery & would offer you the opportunity.
‘Well we’re not exactly going in with the horse’s head approach, it can be done subtly, we can set up a holding company to invest rather than go direct. They aren’t then directly associated with us & their reputations remain intact, we take over the business operation & not the day to day running, we can do all the laundering away from the premises on the books & through banking deposits & they can plead innocence if anything went wrong.’
‘Hmm It’s your call.’ Sam sounded sceptical but if the business’ said no he didn’t care, they would go about it the old-fashioned way if they had to threaten them & take over the whole business instead, your answer however would be final.
‘I’ll work my way through all this in more detail then make my decisions, ultimately we will run this completely separately from our real business. I’ll have Thor set up the holding company & funnel some money into it for the time being & then I’ll deal with the investment decisions & proposals to the owners.’
‘You’ll do it?’ Sam was ready to send his friend to a head doctor after all this, Bucky usually made the decision & then everyone else would execute it so for him to want to be this involved was a growing concern.
‘Of course not Samuel, I will work on the proposals & someone else can do the meetings so they aren’t aware of who the investment is from.’
Bucky stood up gathering all the documents in front of him into his leather folio trying to encourage them to leave him in peace, ‘If that’s all gentlemen I have somewhere to be.’
A total lie & Sam looked like he knew that, Bucky just wanted to go home to go over the information about you with a fine-tooth comb ready to pop by your bakery first thing to make you an offer you couldn’t refuse.
[Next Chapter]
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kamiko1234 · 2 days
Since my glorious mutual @darkmist111 asked in my last post how I feel about Percy’s relationships, with his mom especially at the ending of the last book. As well as his friendship with Grover, Annabeth, and Tyson, I shal answer now ! So let's start with Sally. Not gonna lie ? I love that we get an MC with an ALIVE, GOOD parent to support him. It's weird how many MCs only have dead or very shitty parents if you think about it. So having Sally and Percy be like they are feels like something genuinely new ! As for their relationship at the end of the first book ? Wholesome. I love how both Percy and Sally are so protective over each other. Sally ready to sacrifice her own happiness and even life for Percy and Percy holding (In my opinion) utmost loyalty above all to his mother. Love how she immediately got Percy the opportunity to visit another school incase he wants to stay with her. I hope that Sally'll stay alive in the future, mostly because having Percy have a safe space away from the demigod world is something I think he'll genuinly need. Considering how the plot of The Lightning Thief went for him. As for his friendship with Grover, damn do I have mixed feelings ???? Like, I see that they are good friends. Percy is very attached to him despite having know him for "only" a year. But I also suspected Grover as being the traitor for ages. Meaning I sort of always looked for the cracks in it yk ?
I'm definitely still intrigued how it will develope, since Grover expressed his disdain for humanity quite a bit while including Percy in it. I also get the feeling that Grover is much less attached to Percy than Percy is to him, due to him being seemingly pretty okay with just going off being a Seeker to find Pan. Which meant leaving Percy behind. Right now I'm trying to stand back and take a new look at the dynamic without me constantly looking for clues and reasons for a future betrayal of Percy (same goes for Annabeth btw). Annabeth had a similar disadvantage to Grover since she also was a suspect for traitor for the longest time. However I do think that with her there's an interesting addition of being more connected to the demigod side of things with Percy. I'm still quite early into the series so I have no doubt more will come up- but so far their relationship seems very sassy to me. Percy obviously feels comfortable around her, and she also definitely is a long-term companion.
I also think her sort of mentor role very interesting ???? I mean, between the two Annabeth no doubt is the smarter one. She's the brains to Percy's brawn in a way. Annabeth is the one giving Percy and the audience the necessary exposition on new things to understand stuff. I think it's especially cool how Annabeth isn#t treated like a typical "nerdy girl" by Percy either. I also like the lack of romance so far between them. While not TOTALLY against them getting into a romantic relationship later on (considering there were some hints) I do prefer that Annabeth and Percy become good friends first. They are like- 12 to 13 right now, let's let the kids stay friend for now.
So now I wasn't TOTALLY sure if you also asked me about my thoughts on Luke's and Percy's relationship (englisn isn't my first language) but I'm not gonna pass up a chance to talk about my gav. So, yeah. Where do I even beginn ? Okay, so first off : similar to Annabeth and Grover I have a bit of a skewed view with Luke due to not thinking him as any sort of suspect to being the traitor in the first book. One of the reasons he became my favorite WAS that I didn't think he'd be the traitor, and I didn't want to risk getting attached to a character who'd then turn out to be a traitor (oh the irony~). But also, the fact that I just genuinely didn't think he'd be any sort of bad guy speaks VOLUMES. I do believe that Luke holds some sort of affection towards Percy, and even Camp Halfblood as a whole. I don't know MUCH about his history yet, but it's definitely fucked up and I do get his point. In my opinion I think Luke is, ultimately speaking, a child dealing with a fucked past and justified anger. Percy doesn't know that ofcourse, and I think Luke's betrayal hit him very hard on a deeper level (even tho it hasn't been shown much yet) Luke was a sort of surrogate brother to him afterall. He was the guy taking care of Percy when he first came to camp and I genuinely don't think that was simple acting. He trained Percy personally and Percy obviously trusted him. So seeing Luke go off the deep end and attempting to straight up kill him ? Yeah that must have fucked some shit up in Percy's head. I can see a LOT of future conflicts between the two. Percy especially being desperate for answers and confused by how Luke acted with him. On the other hand I can also see Luke getting a bit torn over it. Especially if you combine Percy with Annabeth. Now don't get me wrong, he's definitely off the deep end. But so far I don't think he's completely lost yet. Should Percy find out more about Luke's backstory, and maybe even develop and understanding for Luke's (ultimately justified) anger I do think that Luke could be redeemed/saved by him. I do really like the changed in the show they made with the whole reveal ! It completly refelcts on how I see Luke and Percy's relationship. In the book Luke had a sort of 180- going from cool older brother to complete psycho. It was so bad that I genuinely thought Luke's mind was being controlled or he had been switched with a doppelganger or something. In the show he seems much more hesitant. Much more wanting to recruit Percy instead of killing him. The line where Luke says- almost insists- that he's still Percy's friend despite all this is GOLD in my opinion. Luke does like Percy, unfortunately to him he thinks his revenge is more important. He does care about the people around him. HELL- that close up of Luke's face when Percy figures it all out ? The way he looked sad and somewhat regretful even ? Like he never wanted Percy to figure this all out- pure gold. So excited to see where this will go.
AAAAAANNNNNDDDDD THAT WAS ALL ! Thanks for asking, and if anyone else wants to ask me stuff or wants to hear my opinion on smth spam my ask box ^^
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thunderbirds-showdown · 3 months
Round 2 is over and some big contenders are already gone! It's starting to get real now! I hope you're ready for even more difficult decisions coming up because it will just get harder and harder
Once again, thank you to everyone who took part this round and shared their opinions! It's interesting to see the different ways people lean and what everyone takes away from each episode.
The episodes that have been eliminated this round are:
1x05: Fireflash
1x06: Unplugged
1x07: Runaway
1x10: Tunnels of Time
1x11: Skyhook
1x13: Heavy Metal
1x14: Falling Skies
1x15: Relic
1x17: Heist Society
1x26: Legacy
2x17: Attack of the Reptiles
2x19: Clean Sweep
3x06: Life Signs
3x08: Crash Course
3x09: Flame Out
3x10: Deep Water
3x12: SOS - Part 1
3x14: Signals - Part 1
3x18: Avalanche
3x23: Venom
Previous eliminated episodes:
1x03: Space Race
1x04: Crosscut
1x12: Under Pressure
1x19: Extraction
1x20: The Hexpert
1x22: Designated Driver
1x24: Touch and Go
1x25: Undercover
2x01: Earthbreaker
2x03: Deep Search
2x04: City Under the Sea
2x07: Up from the Depths - Part 2
2x08: Lost Kingdom
2x09: Impact
2x10: High Strung
2x11: Weather or Not
2x12: Fight or Flight
2x13: Escape Proof
2x14: Volcano!
2x15: Power Play
2x16: Bolt from the Blue
2x18: Grandma Tourismo
2x21: Inferno
2x24: Rigged for Disaster
2x26: Brains vs. Brawn
3x01: Chaos - Part 1
3x02: Chaos - Part 2
3x03: Path of Destruction
3x04: Night and Day
3x05: Growing Pains
3x07: Rally Raid
3x11: Endgame
3x15: Signals - Part 2
3x16: Chain Reaction
3x17: Getaway
3x19: Upside Down
3x21: Break Out
3x22: Buried Treasure
3x25: The Long Reach - Part 1
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drainslo · 3 months
Brains & Brawn- Chapter 3: The Bar
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Chishiya moved in shortly after the deal you struck. Suddenly, half of your closet was populated with white minimalist clothing. The drawers you never used now had male beach shorts, and the bathroom now had double its usual supplies.
You cursed Hatter once more for forcing you into this nightmare. 
Despite Niragi’s mischievous nature, for the first week you holed up in his room. You picked up some sheets and pillows from your room and dragged them outside his door, expecting to sleep on the floor.
“Hey bitch,” Niragi greeted you after you knocked, then his eyes widened when he saw what you were carrying. “Woah, what the hell do you think you’re doing?” 
“What do you think? I’m taking your offer,” you responded and pushed past him into his room.
Niragi gave some weak protests, but he let you walk around and appraise the room. You spread out the sheets on the floor next to his bed and propped up a couple of pillows against a table.
“You think you’re sleeping on my floor? You’re going to get the floor dirty,” Niragi teased. “You can sleep on my bed…”
You groaned outwardly and slapped his arm playfully. Not again. It was bad enough that you had to share a room with Chishiya. You didn’t need Niragi constantly reminding you of it.
“Calm down, I’ll find somewhere else to sleep at night. I’ll make someone wash the sheets and you’re free to stay here as long as you’d like,” Niragi offered. You were faintly surprised at his charitableness. You’d never seen him particularly partial to anyone without reason.
“Thanks Niragi, I don’t know how I can repay you,” you said and flopped back onto his bed in relief. 
“I can think of a couple ways,” Niragi winked and you covered your face with your arms.
“Just get out,” you waved your arms towards him in a dismissive manner.
“Hey, it’s my room,” Niragi murmured but left you alone.
“Drink. Now.” You slumped next to Niragi at the Beach’s bar while he was mid-conversation with a pretty woman. She waved at you in acknowledgement but kept the conversation going.
Niragi didn’t seem to notice you were there until the bartender gave you a martini, which you knocked back like it was water.
“(Name)?” Niragi sounded confused until he realized it was you. “What the fuck happened to you?”
He turned away from the woman and now directed his full attention to you. You weren’t surprised. It was barely past mid-day, and you usually didn’t start drinking heavily until it was night time.
“Tuesday happened,” you moaned and Niragi sighed while ordering you another drink.
“What, Chishiya’s bad at fucking?” When Niragi saw that you weren’t laughing, he became serious. “Tell me about it,” he said, in a low voice. 
“God, he’s so insufferable,” was the only thing you said. You reflected on the events of that morning and sighed heavily.
Flashback to earlier that morning....
It had been two weeks since you struck the deal with Chishiya. Technically, you were supposed to help him to shoot the prior week, but you had a game scheduled.
More precisely, you still didn’t want to face him, so you snuck into the executive room and altered the schedule so you would have a game that Tuesday.
You were anticipating a spades game according to the venue description, and luckily it was a low-level one. Thankfully, there were no deaths from your group. The same could not be said for Mira, who had an unusually high mortality rate as an executive.
Somehow, nobody commented on it.
It was Tuesday again, however, and you felt ready to move back into your room. You reasoned with yourself that you weren’t going to let Chishiya’s intrusion on your life stop you from doing anything. You were going to bring him to the training ground, try to help him shoot, and then reclaim your room.
You unlocked the room, not surprised to find Chishiya sitting at your desk. He was fidgeting with screws, and building something you couldn’t exactly see.
You placed your hand over the holster on your waist nervously and stood in front of him. 
Chishiya didn’t lift his eyes as he spoke. “You weren’t here last Tuesday.”
“I had a game that day. I told you that I wouldn’t come here if I had a game on Tuesday,” you responded.
“Was I supposed to read your mind to find that out?” Chishiya finally looked up at you unamused, and stood up to brush past you.
You followed him out and silently led him to the militant training ground without responding. You glanced behind you from time to time to make sure that he didn’t get lost, but he trailed behind you like a ghost.
The militant training ground was a well-kept secret. Aguni had set it up at your request, and you were the only one who used it frequently. It was a makeshift outdoor shooting range with many targets for you to work on your aim. 
Niragi occasionally came to shoot with you begrudgingly, and Aguni even less so. Still, you always counted on it being empty.
Chishiya pulled the gun he was carrying out of one of his pockets, and scrutinized you. It made you feel a little uncomfortable at how heavy his gaze was.
You locked eyes with him, and nearly blushed. The angle of the sunlight reflected off his brown eyes in a way that they resembled honey. Niragi was right, you realized, Chishiya wasn’t so bad-looking.
“What am I supposed to do?” Chishiya’s voice broke the silence for the first time in a while. You reached into your pocket, pulling out two pairs of earplugs and offered one to him.
“Wear these unless you want to go deaf,” you said, dropping them into his outstretched hand.
“I want you to just shoot those five targets,” you pointed at them across the range. You wanted to see how he would fare. Some people had a natural talent for shooting, but no technique to back it up.
Others were hopeless no matter what you taught them.
Chishiya snorted. “How do you expect me to do that? I have no experience with shooting.”
“Just do it,” you said and watched as he put his earplugs in and drew the gun back.
He shot five times, missing every target but one, which barely hit the white edge of the target.
“Not bad,” you said as he lowered his gun.
“Not bad?” Chishiya’s look was incredulous as he paused to think. “Shooting is much harder than I thought. It’s not as easy as it looks in the movies,” he said finally.
“It could always be worse. I didn’t get any my first time, and see how far I’ve come,” you replied nonchalantly.
“Exactly how far?”
“I used to shoot competitively before– you know– here. I was recruited back in college. I’m a pretty good marksman, but I do prefer pistols. I love to just shoot without having to think.”
You waited an uncomfortable moment for Chishiya to respond. He seemed to be appraising you for some reason. 
“I can see why you’re a spades player,” Chishiya drolly commented. “I suppose that means your physical talent makes up for… other areas.”
The sudden demeaning comment from Chishiya came as a surprise to you. You were having a relatively civil experience with him until he decided to be degrading towards you.
Before you could stop yourself, you retorted, “And I can see why you’re a diamonds player. I suppose your smarts make up for the lack of athletic capability you clearly seem to possess.”
His cool gaze flickered for a moment. “I can clear spades games just fine. How many diamond games have you cleared? None?”
The reality was you only cleared a couple because you went in with someone else who solved it. You weren’t entirely a moron, but diamonds were far from your strong suit.
His eyes gleamed with satisfaction when he saw that you hesitated before responding. “I wonder if you think before shooting. Have you ever accidentally shot someone before?”
Any pleasant feelings you had vanished. How did he know? The familiar feeling of guilt swelled within you. An image of somebody injured, on the ground, with blood spilling from their body. Running away while getting shot at. Nine of Spades flashing on your phone screen. Horrified looks exchanged among players. 
It all was rushing back to you. You needed to get away, to escape. You needed a drink.
“You wouldn’t know fucking anything,” you snarled and left him at the shooting range to find the bar.
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mellowwillowy · 4 months
For Personal Read only, really OOC.
"Let go of Dire right now you bastards!!" You roared toward the STYX's guards that were escorting Crowley, ready to give the automatons a hard kick.
Just before Trein could keep the knocked-down automatons another knock, one had threateningly loomed behind you, ready to bash your head.
But it never did so, not when Crowley's magic had prevented anything from touching you, not even the staffs. "My, my! I have told you gentlemen I'd follow you obediently so why bother my student? I am gracious enough to not scrape you so let them go!"
It took time for the automatons to recompose themselves, alternating to a default mode before Crowley dispersed the magic barrier. "I'll be back so no need to trouble yourself with these gentlemen! See? This is why I've always told you to not act with brawn over brain!" Crowley gave your cheek a playful pinch before turning his heels back, "Professor Trein, I assume you are kind enough to watch them in my absence?"
It was not a question, it was an order.
"Khk-! Meanies! I will find a way to drag you out myself!"
Crowley couldn't find you in the college, not when any of the ravens were able to find you. He had to manage and find which raven was smart enough to tail after you and fortunate was him, a crow managed to sneak into the Island of Woe.
But what was more amusing was the fact that there were 2 ravens that tailed 2 subjects into the island. One resting on your hand while the other was trapped in a cage, observing one of his students.
The other student who belonged in the Ignihyde dorm, sat like an honored guest with tea and desserts lined for them to consume. It appeared that this student had a connection with the Shroud Family, he assumed.
To be fair, he was not assuming. He was merely monologuing like a main character who had no idea of anything.
That student, was 'you'. And he knew you better than anyone would ever be. In summary, that student was a humanoid developed by a certain family and the Shroud family.
Caught in a pitiful state just like Ortho Shroud, the student miraculously survived despite being pronounced dead. It was only a slight chance of living as a human but both families were quick enough to find a way to pull them from the underworld.
It was more of a prisoner in a humanoid body, a prisoner that yearned to die, contrasting Ortho Shroud's wish. Neither of them had the same noble wish but both of them shared a goal. To eradicate the world for a mutual chance of living.
Idia was never fond of you, as he quoted, he found your gaze unsettling. Unsettlingly familiar, similar to the student. But what unsettled him the most was the fact that Ortho was very fond of you just like how he acted with him.
And he hated how his guts seemed to whisper some ominous truth about you and the student who resided in his dorm. Perhaps the trip to the Island of Woe would help ease him down?
Vil managed to yank Idia up while you were trying your best to not fall. Alas, it was pointless, a pair of inky hands kept you still by your ankle, legs, thighs, and then to your face.
With the same pair of eyes you two shared, the blot stared into you in disdain and grudge, pulling you deeper into the underworld. What greeted you was not death but a burst of magic.
Just before you could put it to good use, the same raven that stuck around you burst into an army of ravens, circulating around you to the point you couldn't see their eyes anymore. Only darkness enveloped you.
"You must not join us just yet, don't worry, I will console them later"
"Woah, Vil, what happened to you? Did I sleep for another thousand years again?" were your first words the moment you woke up. It couldn't be helped, aside from Lilia's burgundy eyes, Vil was the one who caught most of your attention.
"Silence! You were only asleep for hours!" "Lilia seemed to enjoy playing the role of a prince when he transferred his magic onto you with his lip." Malleus quoted as he observed everything.
"Pukukuku, how does it feel like to be woken up like a princess?" Lilia gave your cheek another smooch before dropping you on both legs. You were perfectly fine, alive in a youthful appearance.
You tried to imagine something, to prove that you were capable of using it but failed miserably. You couldn't wield even one bit.
Ortho Shroud. Idia Shroud. Those two names rang in your head.
They have to know how to regain my power.
Oh if only you turn your suspicion toward Crowley.
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voltronisanobsession · 11 months
All I want for christmas.... is a pidge x gn reader oneshot 🙏🙏
Okay hear me out, I haven't seen any fics of her and the reader doing paladin training so...
Brains or Brawn? - Pidge x Reader
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You had just been paired up with Pidge for an hour of paladin training set up by Coran. Apparently, the Altean claimed that he had set everybody up with a partner, save for Allura, according to certain categories and aspects of each of the paladins fighting styles.
Keith and you had been put in the group of brawn, often using your fighting instincts and force first. Pidge and Shiro have been grouped together of brains since they tended to think battles through more thoroughly, searching for quick solutions first. Hunk and Lance had been grouped together as neutral surprisingly, as they both were able to utilize both when necessary. (Something that Keith didn’t agree too much on)
Being the first to battle, you and Pidge were supposed to beat the other by using the set skills you had. You couldn’t help but grin at the competitiveness that built up in your chest.
“You ready to get beat, Pidge?” Snorting, the short paladin made her way to the middle of the room with you, going to the opposite end of the make shift arena.
“You? Beat me? Haha, very funny.” Pidge smiled at you as you began stretching your body.
“Alright paladins, you already know the drill. The first one to incapacitate or knock the other outside the lined spaced is out.
“Your given weapons are allowed, but no accidentally killing each other! We may have replacements for your suits, but no replacements for paladins! Remember to trust your instincts and have fun!”
As Coran finished, you looked back to Pidge and settled into a defensive stance. Pidge did the same as you got ready.
“On your marks!”
You gripped your dagger as hard as you could, tensing your body. Ain’t no way you were going to lose to Pidge of all people. This will be easy enough, you thought.
“Get ready!”
Pidge took a deep breath in. As much as she liked you, she wasn’t going to let you win this mock fight. Not when she could hold it over your head for a while.
You immediately ran towards Pidge, swinging the hilt of your blade towards her head in older to knock her off her balance. Having noticed your arm raising as you dashed towards her, Pidge quickly ducked to the side and rolled away, trying to put some distance between you two.
You quickly turned around and ran towards her again, not giving her any time to use her bayard against you. Pidge was forced to play the defense while you relentless attacked her.
She was quick enough to narrowly dodge your swings, but miscalculating a step gave you a new opening. Quickly as Pidge slightly stumbled, you raised your leg and kicked her straight in the stomach. You winced as you saw her crash into the ground.
“I am so sorry Pidge! Are you oka-!”
In your moment of weakness, Pidge pulled through the slight pain and activated her bayard, the cord swinging toward your leg and yanking it with as much force she could muster.
Not expecting the the cord to wrap around you, you fell backwards, groaning in pain as your head hit the floor with a light thump.
“So not fair.” You muttered as you tried to gather yourself at the sound of Pidge’s light footsteps heading towards you.
You quickly rolled to the side as Pidge tried to jump on you, launching yourself to her body. You both tumbled on the ground until you ended up on top of her.
The short girl quickly wrapped her bayards cord around your arm and yanked you to the side, your body flying off her as she scrambled away from you to catch her breath.
“I am so glad this is just a training exercise!” Pidge exclaimed, catching her breath.
Once again standing, you swung your dagger towards her, repeating the process of you being offense and Pidge being defense.
It was when she ducked after another swing that she came up with an idea. At one point, you were going to tire yourself out from all your attacks. You were going to begin slowing down as you exhausted yourself out from your constant attacks.
All she had to do was play the waiting game in the process. Since you were bigger than her small figure, her only option than pinning you down was to kick you out of the arena.
You, on the other hand, believed that your nonstop attacks would make her trip up again, giving yourself another opening to pin her down. If you kept attacking, she wouldn’t have enough time to come up with a plan, instead focusing on dodging you.
You both danced around the arena, Pidge leading you both as she dodge your swings.
It was only when you felt the ache in your arms did you begin faltering. This was not how you wanted this go down.
“Getting tired Y/N?” Pidge teased as you sloppily swung at her. Grunting as sweat beaded down your forehead, you took a step back. You were going to win no matter what.
“Not even close Pidge!” She didn’t expect you to tackle her football style after only using your dagger for so long. You guys hit the ground together again.
You ripped her bayard out of her hand, tossing your own as you tried to get ahold of the girls arms beneath you.
At your weak arms, Pidge smacked them away from her body, forcing her legs out from underneath you and placed the soles of her feet on your chest. With all her strength, she shoved you away and watched as you flew backwards, back hitting the ground harshly.
You panted as you got up, moving to pin Pidge down as she stayed on the ground until you heard a horn being blasted.
“Congratulations Pidge, you’re the winner!” You stared at Coran in shock.
“Wait what?” Your chest heaved as you looked around the room, mind still on overdrive. You looked towards your friends in confusion.
“How did Pidge win?” Getting up, Pidge made her way to you, stopping a bit away from you as she smirked.
“Coran said that we can incapacitate each other, or get someone out of the arena.”
You quickly looked down and saw you were beyond the arenas border lines. Your eyes widen as you whipped your head up to meet her own eyes.
“WHAATT!! NO WAY! NO WAAAYY!” Everyone let out a laugh at your shocked reaction. You totally didn’t notice at all!! You completely forgot that was an option! That explains why it felt like Pidge was leading you around.
You seriously wanted to smack yourself in the face. So much for trusting your instincts! You groaned as Pidge patted your shoulder.
“But how?” You looked down at her, eyes shining with amazement.
“Well, since you were so focused on bombarding me with attacks, I realized all I needed to do was lead you to the edge and somehow get you out that way!
“It’s ok Y/N. I guess this proves that brains beats brawn in the end.” At her laughter, you couldn’t help but pull her into a hug and begin swinging her around like a rag doll.
“Aww my smart shortie! You’re so smart, I would not have thought of that!” You put Pidge down and moved to the side to allow the next duo to battle it out.
“Maybe I should take lessons from you.” Pidge snorted, bumping her shoulder against your arm. She smiled at your words and looked forward, watching as Shiro and Lance took their places.
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singingvio · 8 months
For the DnD au!
Favorite head cannon for each ship, or at least a few of them? I recall pretty much everyone could be with pretty much everyone, so I'd love to hear abt them
Ooh boy let’s do this!
Red and Vio are twins! So they are very obviously not on this list as a ship.
GREEN/VIO: I love the ship trope of “chubby and short” x “thin and lanky” and this is them. If they cuddle Vio is infinitely more comfortable than Green is because Green is basically holding a skeleton, but he’s ok with that because it’s a cute skeleton
GREEN/RED: These two are the type of couple where one of them is cooking and the other one sneaks up behind them and gives them a surprise kiss and they both get covered in flour
GREEN/BLUE: “are they dating or are try trying to kill each other” why not both? They’re definitely more mild than in the manga, but when they start to argue over something it’s probably going to be a coin flip of whether they’ll start wrestling like there’s no tomorrow or if they’ll make out. Usually it’s the former option and Blue usually wins.
GREEN/SHADOW: the way they get together is Shadow randomly grabs Green’s hand one day, kisses it, says “we’re dating now,” and Green has to take a minute to realize what just happened. He’s fine with what happened, he’s just also utterly baffled.
BLUE/VIO: Brains and brawn duo. They’re sitting on the couch watching some sappy romance movie and Vio steals some of Blue’s popcorn. Blue curses him out. Vio threatens to kill his entire family in retaliation. Blue says “do it, you won’t.” They’re in love.
BLUE/RED: golden retriever x angry chihuahua on steroids
BLUE/SHADOW: these two know everything about each other, they’ve been friends since elementary school. They know each other’s secrets, traumas, and weak points, and they also know what the other absolutely loves. They’re 16 and getting ready to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary.
RED/SHADOW: Red gets told he has scary dog privileges with dating Shadow. Shadow proceeds to correct whoever said that, clarifying that Red is the scary dog. They go on cute little dates all the time, like to the park or mall or to get ice cream. They share a milkshake that they drink with heart shaped straws.
VIO/SHADOW: They’d be the most sappy, lovey-dovey duo in their school, sickly sweet and everything, so clearly in love, as adorable as they can be when they’re both a little scary, and they’d unanimously get voted “best bromance” for the yearbook. Historians say they were quite good chums. Pals. Buddies.
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sister-cna-reader · 5 months
Imagine older Bill has a protocol for the family for when Becky has her period. And has already made plans when their daughters reach woman hood too.
*cough* Anon you don't know the plot bunnies you've caused.
Muscle💪 and Beauty💅 Family my beloved💕
A resident of Berlint had to remember: An Imperial Scholar had to be well rounded, and not just a one trick pony. 
At first glance, Imperial Scholar Watkins was merely an athlete, all of his accolades sports based and not a light bulb between those bespectaled eyes. 
But the students knew better. Bill Watkins was both brawn and brains. One of the most mathematically inclined of their grade band, his Stellas divided between athletics and his top placements in math. 
Becky Blackbell knew Bill even better than that. She knew he was a straightforward type of guy, earnest, honest, respectful (it took a few years to get on a first name basis from him) and above all: A massive nerd. 
Everyone had their own niche, special interest, passion -whatever you wanted to call it. 
Anya’s was Classical Language and decoding.
Becky’s was television and movie production. 
And Bill’s was pattern recognition. His grand project for Eden was disproving the connection between discipline spikes and the Full Moon.  He was 3 years deep into it, and still had a year to go, his methodical data collecting now reduced to a mere 20 minutes twice a week. 
He was getting bored with it and Bill craved the intellectual stimulation. 
Then they had biology class on the reproductive system. 
Eden was disciplined and detached the way they presented the lectures, dry as field rations and so detailed that they were more stressed about the tests surrounding it over the impact on their social lives. 
It was complicated. 
And Bill loved every moment of it. The way hormones peaked and waned, cyclical in nature by design or by fluke. It spoke to his number bent mind. He absorbed the information like a sponge and was more then happy to volunteer his time to tutor on the subject.  
The girls in his hall were just grateful this translated into their everyday life by his readiness with discreet period supplies in his sports duffel at their disposal if they were ever in need. Pads, tampons, and even some individual chocolates were in their hands with a mere code phrase. 
Becky had mostly forgotten about this, a mere quirk of their school days she had dismissed as a passing fancy. And as they were in two different halls, she never quite understood the impact Bill had on Wald Hall’s female expectations for their future partners. 
But then she found the calender in his office when they were dating. 
It was a notebook agenda flipped open to the previous month, the moon stages denoted in symbols and a rainbow of other symbols in red, green, blue, and purple scattered throughout the boxes. 
She found a Saturday, one they had gone out to a date on.  The moon was crescent,  accompanying it was a red heart, a smiley face with a dash on either side, and a blue X. 
Becky recalled the night, she’d been in a good mood, talking his ear off about the production she was on and they’d had a wildly passionate night in a nearby hotel. 
The next Saturday the moon was nearly full, and they had another date, but he’d cut the night short- citing a stomach ache. The Red Heart had an X through it and a blue O. 
She looked at the date of their most recent outing, and the Heart was without an X again but the Blue mark was now a question mark.  
What in the world was he tracking?
“I’m ready if you are.” Bill’s voice said from the doorway, startling Becky something fierce as once again his silent steps and uncanny stealthiness caught her red handed. 
His eyes flickered to the notebook calender and his cheeks turned a bright red. 
“What is this?” She asked lightly, a giggle coming from her throat. 
“You weren’t supposed to see it.” was his only answer. 
“... Were you tracking our dates?” she rallied, keeping her tone gentle- if not humorous. 
The broad statured man shuffled on his feet, twisting his fingers together in embarrassment.  “Among other things…” he mumbled. 
“Like what?” 
At that he covered his face with both hands and she knew exactly what he was keeping track of. 
“Did you bail on that date because you thought I was on my period?” she stabbed, if only to get him to confirm. “Because I wasn’t you kn-”
He let out a strangled groan and shook his head. “Opposite actually. I think.” 
This made Becky’s face flare into a blush. “Bill!” 
“I didn’t mean to!” He almost wailed, mortified and rattling his defense, “It was just an idle thing when I was bored but then I got interested in it! I didn’t mean any harm by it! Promise!” 
He took a deep breath, and she could only look on in fondness as his words flowed on. 
“I just wanted to be sure you were comfortable, and we hadn’t talked about birth control. I didn’t have any protection on me that night and I didn’t want you to be disappointed- so I bailed. Then I thought it’d be a great idea to keep tracking it just in case so I’d be prepared and you must think I’m the worst…” 
Oh my giant nerd.  She wrapped her arms around his waist and let her head drop against his chest.  “You’re not going to sell my health information to creeps are you?” 
She could feel the indignation in the way his ribs expanded with a gasp. He clutched her close, his large hands hot against her back. “I’d never do that to you.” he growled. 
“Are you tracking anyone else’s?” 
“How long have you been doing this?” She couldn’t help but ask. 
He hugged her tighter, “Only two months.” 
Bill kissed the top of her head and softened a little. “You get so tired during your periods, and I just wanted to be helpful and not push you or do something stupid.” 
“So you’re tracking my period.” 
She couldn’t stay mad at him for very long- at least for something so odd. “I don’t even bother to track my period so closely.” 
“It’s not like I have reliable data from two months anyway,” he mumbled, embarrassment still evident in his tone. “I can toss it.” 
“Alright Smarty Pants, I’ll let you know when it starts getting creepy.” Becky pulled herself up and gave him a kiss on the lips.  “So are we good for this date now?” 
The next lady who became a beneficiary from Bill’s ultra prepared personality was not Anya - for she had long been a recipient of supplies and food since childhood, nor was it his daughters- they were still too young.
It was his oldest son’s study partner, Victoria. 
No one could blame her for asking which drawer in the spacious bathroom had the feminine supplies. It was bound to happen eventually for a young lady to need the stash. Upholstery could be washed and the uniform was black, so really it was just a mortifying experience- not world ending. 
Wanting to be sure he wouldn’t motify her any more, Robert seeked out help while she was in the power room.
But Lily was adamant that her older brother should’ve been more of a gentleman and initiate Protocol Luna. 
The Protocol that had been in rotation since before any of them were born. 
“Lily, can you help Victoria find something to wear?” Robert wheedled to his baby sister. 
Lily, in true little sister fashion crossed her arms and gave her best harumph. “She’s your girlfriend. You ask Mom for clothes she can borrow.” 
“She’s not my girlfriend!” he hissed. “We’re just studying for finals! She won’t look me in the eye ever again if I bring it up!” 
“If you don’t do it, I’ll tell Dad it’s a Code Luna.” 
“You wouldn’t” 
“I would.” 
They stared each other- daring, neither wanting to back down. The Boys learned to  never pull in their parents to their disagreements, having learned long ago that tattling would earn them burpees and enough laps to make them want to collapse. 
The girls had recognized this behavior and turned it into the most nuclear option.
One- two- three heartbeats and Lily was out the door careening down the hall from her brother’s bedroom. Her speed overcame any difference between their heights as the little girl tore down to the study where their Father sat reading the paper. 
With a mighty jump, she landed into his strong arms, crumpling the sport’s section in her haste.
“Daddy! Robert’s girlfriend has a Code Luna!” she panted. 
Bill blinked and readjusted his glasses. “And why am I being told this?” 
“You little gremlin-!” Robert panted, finally arriving- winded from his sprint. “She’s not- my - girlfriend!” 
“A very serious accusation.” Bill nodded, eyeing his son with a smile. “Should I go help her myself?” 
The thought of his giant, honest to a fault father talking to his tiny, timid classmate about bodily functions was the stuff of social nightmares. Victoria might actually short circuit from embarrassment. 
(And never talk to him again) 
“DAD!” Robert moaned in frustration. “That’s worse!” 
Thunder cracked overhead, rattling the windows. The rain that had been pouring all day intensified. 
Wrapping an arm around his daughter, the father of the house stood. 
“If she isn’t taken care of by the time I get cookies in the oven, I’ll make you twice as embarassed. And I’ll tell your mother you’ve started dating without telling her.” 
Lily smirked, curling up like a cat in her father’s arms. Got you. 
“You’re all the worst!” the teen hissed with no real heat behind it. 
A scant half hour later, Bill arrived with a plate of cookies. They were still warm from the oven, laden with dark chocolate chips and chewy oatmeal. 
Robert could see the light behind Victoria’s eyes brighten as she marveled at the size of the treats. He grabbed one out of courtesy and pushed the plate towards her side of the coffee table. 
“Have as many as you want.”
“Of course, she’ll have to stay the night!” Becky said later at the dinner table, feeding her youngest bites. “The rain is just awful, isn’t it dear?” 
Bill nodded. “She’ll take the guest room with the adjoining bathroom of course.” 
“Oh I’ve already imposed enough,” the meek guest said, looking tiny in both personality and stature amidst the Waktin’s brood.  Her borrowed outfit from Becky looked good, but she held herself stiffly, afraid to stain the garments like she had her uniform. 
Robert did his very best not to hang his head in mortification. “Don’t worry Vicky, there’s enough space for all of us plus the Desmonds.”  
Victoria still sported a faint blush that had been present ever since she had arrived. 
“So are you a tea or coffee person? Waffles or Pancakes? Do you have a milk intolerance?” Mrs. Watkins already had a writing pad out, jotting down everything she could think of for an overnight guest. “Of course, I’ll let you have the pick of some pajamas for tonight…” 
“I’m so so so sorry for being such a hassle.” 
Victoria had found him in the hall, blessedly empty of other family members. Robert hesitantly put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. It startled a “meep” out of her and he snatched it back. 
He attempted to reassure her in another way. “If you were a hassle, Dad wouldn’t have offered for you to stay over. And, like- he’s such a stupidly prepared person! I don’t think anything you do will shock him.” 
She fidgeted with her fingers and her lip quivered ever so slightly. “So they won’t mind if I come back?” 
Sometimes he forgot that Victoria was a dorm kid and didn’t have much contact with her guardians. “I promise they won’t mind. They’ll welcome you back any time I’m sure.” 
Just down the hall,  around the corner, and out of sight of the teens, Becky stifled her squeal behind one hand and slapped Bill’s chest in excitement with the other. 
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