#anti linda
scripted-downfall · 2 years
An Interpretation of Confidentiality
I’ve been doing a rewatch of Lucifer, and I forgot how much I hated the season 6 episode “Save the Devil, Save the World.”  There are so many things that piss me the hell off about this episode, and I find myself disliking most of the people in it for various reasons.
I mean, first there’s Linda, and I cannot express enough how much I dislike her in this episode.  For all she spoke about Doctor-Devil confidentiality across the seasons, she started a very, very long book based on what should have been confidential therapy — and not just therapy with Lucifer, either, since it featured components of everyone’s conversations with her — and intended it to be mass-published eventually.  When Lucifer found out, he had every right to be pissed (and, frankly, I was hoping he would be)... and yet he sees the best in the gesture and is legitimately enthusiastic about it… and then, later, she turns the entire situation into being about herself.  It’s selfish and unethical.
Then, there’s the collective response to reading the book.  Everyone jumps on Lucifer for how he portrayed them in the story, but the fact is that it’s not just his account that’s been put into the book??  It’s really unfair for him to get all the blame when the fact is that Linda knew everybody involved, that she’d had counselling sessions with all of them, and that the book contained things that Lucifer literally couldn’t have told her.  I mean, the snippet about Maze and Dan feeding Chloe’s father’s killer to the Russians wasn’t something Lucifer knew about, or, at least, certainly not in as much detail as was contained in the narrative: not the exact wording, for example, of what they’d said.  Linda quite clearly took information from everybody in the celestial inner circle — quite possibly including Ella — for her book, so blaming Lucifer for how everyone is represented is idiotic at best and purposefully unfair at worst.
And then there’s Chloe and her damn, “What if you think I’m smart and… and beautiful and ‘perfect’ because you’ve never stuck around long enough to see me at my worst?”  I mean, on the one hand, I guess that I kinda get where she’s coming from, but also…  She broke into his penthouse, trashed the place, stole his stuff, and tried breaking into his safe in a fit of pique because he and Ella had to go deal with a case on her birthday.  She tried to poison him and send him back to Hell.  She got addicted to super strength from Amenadiel’s necklace and tried to kill him permanently with Azrael’s blade to keep it.  He’s very clearly seen her at her worst and consistently stuck around anyway, so acting as though she’s been a picnic the entire time is ridiculously naive and kinda insulting to him.
All of this is made so much worse by the fact that Lucifer legitimately doesn’t seem to recognize there being a problem.  He takes the book-writing as a good gesture and makes the best of it; he does the same with Chloe’s decision to renege on their plan to go with him to Heaven without any notice.  I’ve talked about the way he seems to view his own rights as not especially important in the post Needing the Eggs, but this entire episode showcases it.  I really wish that someone alive had pointed out to Ella that three other humans had found out about Lucifer’s devil nature, and that it had prompted one of them to have a slight breakdown and two of them to try to kill him; Lucifer certainly wasn’t going to point that out and, while Dan kinda tried to do so, he had to do it through Linda’s book, which meant that it was contained in a single line that Ella didn’t even seem to register.
Honestly, the only two characters in the episode for whom I truly, completely felt bad were Ella and Lucifer.
I feel for Ella, I really do… I fully understand why she feels hurt.  (I would say that I’m not sure that Lucifer actually knew that she lost her faith in the aftermath of Charlotte Richards; I don’t remember precisely what was going on, but I recall him being absent/extremely preoccupied at the time.  I think that it might have been when he was worried about salvaging his relationship with Chloe post Devil-face-reveal/when she was trying to kill him, but I very well could be wrong.  Either way, I’m not sure he was that aware that she lost her faith such that it’s fair to say that he just stood by watching without helping.)
And then Lucifer… I mean, Rory’s appearance was already a pretty vicious cut to any progress he’d made towards not hating himself (telling him that he’s no better than the father he hated, saying she hated him, trying to kill him, etc), but this episode… Slowly but surely, the entire cast of characters — including Ella, if I’m being honest, though, again, she’s the only one at all justified in it — spend their time jumping on Lucifer, slowly but surely eating away at that same progress.  By the time the episode ends, he’s internalized everything into “You think I’ll fail, don’t you?  My own therapist doesn’t actually believe that I’ll become God.” and “I’m not capable of real change.”  (Oh, and then Chloe acts all surprised by that statement, trying to excuse her earlier accusations with “What I said back there… I was scared” as though that fixes anything, but not intending to hurt someone does not erase the hurt, especially since she’s supposed to be the one person who supports him, who has faith in him, etc.)  All in all, this episode was the very last thing he needed.
I’m not sure that’s everything I dislike about the episode — it’s probably not — but I felt the need to express at least some of how I felt… Honestly, it might be one of my least favorite episodes of that season.
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sakuramisthaven · 6 months
I dont like when people dislike the new star riders. ESPECIALLY linda.
she has the cutest outfit and serves the most cunt. AND SHE LOOKS LIKE ME. like 😭 representation matters!
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 23 hours
by Jon Levine
Rep. Jamaal Bowman and his campaign were duped by the parody social-media account of the fake “Chief Rabbi of Gaza.”
The phony X account of “Rabbi Linda Goldstein” is infamous for spouting anti-Zionist vitriol to ensnare unsuspecting progressives unaware that it is satirical.
The rabbi messaged Bowman about sponsoring a fundraiser for his Democratic primary campaign.
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5Bowman’s X account and the fake “Rabbi Linda Goldstein” were in talks to hold a fundraiser.
Under Hamas rule Jews were not allowed in Gaza, and the only ones there now are hostages and IDF soldiers attempting to rescue them — something Bowman evidently didn’t pick up on when he began corresponding with the account.
Bowman, a member of the far-left House “Squad,” has become one of the most vocal critics of Israel and defenders of Hamas in Congress.
He is currently locked in a fierce primary battle with Westchester County Executive George Latimer, with polls suggesting Latimer could beat him badly.
If you don't know "Rabbi Linda Goldstein," read the rest of the article. And there is more here. And follow "her" on X.
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
I hate you Shouto/Bakugou i hate you Hunter/Edric i hate you Dick/Wally Jason/Roy and Damian/Jon i hate you Peter/Miguel i hate you Lance/Keith i hate you Oscar/Whitley i hate you Ichigo/Grimmjow I hate you the intentional erasure of canon woc who're the love interests of fan fave male characters and literally perfect for them in favor of 'gay representation' as if white gays couldn't get into media that actually has that kind of rep to begin with instead of being racist and crying homophobia when queer people of color call them out for it
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“It just makes you proud to be british, doesn’t it” says my mother as we watch the most totalitarian looking demonstration on tv as a man in a fancy hat rides in a golden carriage over potholes filled with sand that the council cant afford to repair
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blueonwrestling · 1 year
we can have our laughs around cody rhodes, but it has to be said that the fact a billionare rapist can get away with it all, scot free, and then go onto to make even more money and have even more power, with ZERO pushback from the media and stockholders just shows you how fucking disgusting american capitalism can be.
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this, this right here is america, this fucking melting wax figure of clark gable ass motherfucker right here is the defintion of america, he’s got so much money that he can get away with anything, and he’ll become even more powerful.
I hope you people who boycotted the newest harry potter game are boycotting WWE since funds many hard right wing american republicans btw, Linda McMahon is funding plenty of anti-trans laws, and of course she gets her money from Vince & WWE.
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dalekofchaos · 10 months
The Flash should have been a Flash Movie with Flash supporting characters and villains and I don't know why that was too fucking hard to ask that of DC and Andy Muschietti
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wallyslinda · 3 months
i'm anti several popular (fanon mostly) ships that my favorites are part of... this is just me keeping track
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shimmerluna · 2 months
Linda almost got me with that shirt moment at the very beginning of the episode, but it turns out she only exhibits maternal behavior when things are either great or terrible, and all she does for the rest of the conversation is make things worse for Simon because she thinks she has the right to be angry and make decisions on his behalf “as his mother” when she’s barely been a mother to him for as long as we’ve known them and doesn’t know anything about 1) him in general, 2) what he wants right then specifically, and 3) the complexity of this situation
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scripted-downfall · 2 years
Of Needing the Eggs
It kind of bugs me how so many people in Lucifer’s alleged inner circle — the people who are supposed to know him best — take advantage of the fact that he has zero sense of self-worth and that he is absolutely going to let them do as they wish because fulfilling desire is his whole thing.
I mean, there’s Chloe in season 4 episode 4 “All About Eve”.  She just got off her whole kill-Lucifer kick, which also featured her telling Lucifer that she couldn’t accept who he was… and then she proceeds to call in a favor on his behalf without asking first?  I mean, she’s basically trying to have her cake and eat it, too; she doesn’t want to have to deal with him being the devil, but she wants to reap the benefits of it nonetheless.  (And that doesn’t even address how she says, “Well, contrary to what you think, I don’t need your help” despite the fact that a large part of how she even got that far in the case was the afore-mentioned favor-calling-in which literally necessitated his involvement.)  Lucifer doesn’t even care — he actively seems impressed by her cashing in one of his favors without asking — but he had every right to be upset; after how she’d been acting early on in the season, she had no right to think herself entitled to take advantage of that debt.
Similarly, there’s Linda, in the last season, who just up and decides to write a book about Lucifer’s time in therapy without asking first?  I could be wrong, but I’m reasonably confident that writing up everything about a patient’s treatment into a book for mass-publishing without getting his consent first — or the other people whose therapy will also be included, like Dan, Maze, and Chloe — is a very extreme breach of doctor-patient (doctor-Devil) confidentiality.  And yet he finds out about it and just absolutely does not care.  It doesn’t even occur to him that there’s something wrong there, even though there very much is.
I’m reasonably sure there are other instances — these are just the first two that I remembered — but it does kind of bother me, especially since these are the same people who claim to want the best for him.
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longlivelindanny · 1 year
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ffiamgoku · 11 months
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A Custom gifset I made for my DC/MCU crossover story "A New Team: (Done Right)" Chapter 15. NOTE: The story is not friendly to Steve Rogers or Wanda Maximoff. Story Link: A New Team (Done Right) - Chapter 1 - iamgoku - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own]
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Linda Organa hcs?
Kylo's twin
Transfem,hence her name not matching her fam's
Trained by Luke
Unlabeled aspec sapphic
Her and Kylo got along at first but him being so focused on becoming like Anakin made her disown him
Made an academy for orphan kids to teach them to become Jedi but a secret one
Rey's mentor after Kylo kills Han
Don't have a name yet but she has a wookie like he did
Huge appetite
And a purple fixation
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sccoobydoobers · 2 years
linda as a therapist for literally everyone in the show is pretty flawed. yes, she can give perspective on supernatural matters but even her friends outside of the know (ella) go to her when they need the advice of a therapist. feel free to correct me on this but with my vague memory I at least know its highly unprofessional to take on a patient (fully booked and everything I presume) who you know personally or even just, has a impression in your life. as this can very much effect how you treat them and the help you give to them even if you don't mean it too.
lucifer being linda's paitent was obviously highly unethical at the start but eventually they develop into a more professional-friend kind. where still, it is unethical as eventually linda DOES fall into a relationship with lucifer's brother. who was an antagonist of sorts during at least season 1's sessions.
at some point i'd think between seasons 2-3 she starts writing the book about lucifer's therapy sessions and his life, given the book was on its completed first draft and we are shown it at least half way through at some point. and, if you dont know, writing a whole book (especially as long as linda's) takes a LONG time.
meaning, at any point in that time linda could've stepped back and thought: 'this is highly unethical and maybe I should at least get the permission of everyone who im using their private therapy sessions.' its a very simple yet, it couldve changed the whole direction of the book from being the simplified cliches of everyone to more realistic versions of the people.
linda takes advantage of lucifer while doing this, really, as when lucifer finds out about this book, he is thrilled. he is excited because it will be the first book to ever have an accurate representation of him.
And I think later, when everyone reads the book and finds out the contents are a really bad fanfiction of their lives, Lucifer is a bit disappointed. I mean, its supposed to be the first book to portray him in a light most accurate to him, and the book doesn't even end up doing that!
I also want to add that everyone gets mad at lucifer because of their portrayals in the book. When, in fact, they should've at least placed part of the blame on linda, the person who wrote the book. instead of taking literally every word of it to heart. (this post goes into it in more detail!)
Lucifer is, at times (a lot of the time), an unreliable narrator. Because he is made to always tell the truth, something that could be world-ending for Earth might not be important at all to him because x reason etc etc.
(example: the whole mira/rory thing - it didn't occur to him to mention to chloe that this supposed child of him is half angel because that genuinely wasnt important to him and didn't seem relevant to the occasion. chloe then gets pissy at him for this so the more you know)
I'm gonna say something that's pretty obvious but needs to be said: linda is not the group's therapist. of course, she is lucifer's highly unethical therapist. but she is not everyone elses. no one else is shown to have regular one on one sessions with her. apart from maybe ella & maze a couple times and the others are super rare.
her knowing and giving this guidance to her friends is really that. an act of their friendship that they trusted her to give good advice on how to deal with their obviously very stressful and traumatic lives.
then for her to turn around and write it into a book (probably turned book series given how long its said to be) which will be accessed but not only the general public, but also people outside of the know that close to them. like chloe's mother, ella's family, dan's parents etc etc.
that is a horrible thing. even if their families don't read the book, other people will.
imagine ella's distant cousin reads the books after it becomes popular for some reason, connects the dots. then suddenly ella's family are asking if she really had a serial killer for a boyfriend and can imagine the way a person dies perfectly from just seeing the scene and and and
dan is also very dead. at least legally dead. will dan's parents be contacted before the publishing of the book to ask for permission? probably not.
- (it would be funny to think if this is the downfall of the book. dan's parents suing this random stranger who claims to be their dead son's therapist for writing him in a book that hugely slanders and makes fun of him)
this will also affect their professional lives. all of sudden everyone they ever meet will have readily accessible detailed accounts of their lives for the past 5 years, their traumas, their ambitions everything about them at the fingertips of coworkers, employers, bosses, whatever.
even just a snippet of the book (it will most likely gain popularity with lucifer's reputation + the fact more that 50% of the cast for it will be cops) would be very insightful towards the point of view and personal information of everyone involved.
its a breach of privacy, a betrayal of trust and a destroyer to any lives the main cast could possibly lead after the publication. the storyline and concept sucks.
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whatohitsonfirewelp · 2 years
You want spitfire to have kids? Cool. Fine. Whatever.
But those are not their kids. They are not her kids.
Linda Park is their mother and that will not be erased or ignored
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thebeautyofspn · 5 months
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8x02 What’s Up, Tiger Mommy?
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