#anti linda martin
scripted-downfall · 2 years
An Interpretation of Confidentiality
I’ve been doing a rewatch of Lucifer, and I forgot how much I hated the season 6 episode “Save the Devil, Save the World.”  There are so many things that piss me the hell off about this episode, and I find myself disliking most of the people in it for various reasons.
I mean, first there’s Linda, and I cannot express enough how much I dislike her in this episode.  For all she spoke about Doctor-Devil confidentiality across the seasons, she started a very, very long book based on what should have been confidential therapy — and not just therapy with Lucifer, either, since it featured components of everyone’s conversations with her — and intended it to be mass-published eventually.  When Lucifer found out, he had every right to be pissed (and, frankly, I was hoping he would be)... and yet he sees the best in the gesture and is legitimately enthusiastic about it… and then, later, she turns the entire situation into being about herself.  It’s selfish and unethical.
Then, there’s the collective response to reading the book.  Everyone jumps on Lucifer for how he portrayed them in the story, but the fact is that it’s not just his account that’s been put into the book??  It’s really unfair for him to get all the blame when the fact is that Linda knew everybody involved, that she’d had counselling sessions with all of them, and that the book contained things that Lucifer literally couldn’t have told her.  I mean, the snippet about Maze and Dan feeding Chloe’s father’s killer to the Russians wasn’t something Lucifer knew about, or, at least, certainly not in as much detail as was contained in the narrative: not the exact wording, for example, of what they’d said.  Linda quite clearly took information from everybody in the celestial inner circle — quite possibly including Ella — for her book, so blaming Lucifer for how everyone is represented is idiotic at best and purposefully unfair at worst.
And then there’s Chloe and her damn, “What if you think I’m smart and… and beautiful and ‘perfect’ because you’ve never stuck around long enough to see me at my worst?”  I mean, on the one hand, I guess that I kinda get where she’s coming from, but also…  She broke into his penthouse, trashed the place, stole his stuff, and tried breaking into his safe in a fit of pique because he and Ella had to go deal with a case on her birthday.  She tried to poison him and send him back to Hell.  She got addicted to super strength from Amenadiel’s necklace and tried to kill him permanently with Azrael’s blade to keep it.  He’s very clearly seen her at her worst and consistently stuck around anyway, so acting as though she’s been a picnic the entire time is ridiculously naive and kinda insulting to him.
All of this is made so much worse by the fact that Lucifer legitimately doesn’t seem to recognize there being a problem.  He takes the book-writing as a good gesture and makes the best of it; he does the same with Chloe’s decision to renege on their plan to go with him to Heaven without any notice.  I’ve talked about the way he seems to view his own rights as not especially important in the post Needing the Eggs, but this entire episode showcases it.  I really wish that someone alive had pointed out to Ella that three other humans had found out about Lucifer’s devil nature, and that it had prompted one of them to have a slight breakdown and two of them to try to kill him; Lucifer certainly wasn’t going to point that out and, while Dan kinda tried to do so, he had to do it through Linda’s book, which meant that it was contained in a single line that Ella didn’t even seem to register.
Honestly, the only two characters in the episode for whom I truly, completely felt bad were Ella and Lucifer.
I feel for Ella, I really do… I fully understand why she feels hurt.  (I would say that I’m not sure that Lucifer actually knew that she lost her faith in the aftermath of Charlotte Richards; I don’t remember precisely what was going on, but I recall him being absent/extremely preoccupied at the time.  I think that it might have been when he was worried about salvaging his relationship with Chloe post Devil-face-reveal/when she was trying to kill him, but I very well could be wrong.  Either way, I’m not sure he was that aware that she lost her faith such that it’s fair to say that he just stood by watching without helping.)
And then Lucifer… I mean, Rory’s appearance was already a pretty vicious cut to any progress he’d made towards not hating himself (telling him that he’s no better than the father he hated, saying she hated him, trying to kill him, etc), but this episode… Slowly but surely, the entire cast of characters — including Ella, if I’m being honest, though, again, she’s the only one at all justified in it — spend their time jumping on Lucifer, slowly but surely eating away at that same progress.  By the time the episode ends, he’s internalized everything into “You think I’ll fail, don’t you?  My own therapist doesn’t actually believe that I’ll become God.” and “I’m not capable of real change.”  (Oh, and then Chloe acts all surprised by that statement, trying to excuse her earlier accusations with “What I said back there… I was scared” as though that fixes anything, but not intending to hurt someone does not erase the hurt, especially since she’s supposed to be the one person who supports him, who has faith in him, etc.)  All in all, this episode was the very last thing he needed.
I’m not sure that’s everything I dislike about the episode — it’s probably not — but I felt the need to express at least some of how I felt… Honestly, it might be one of my least favorite episodes of that season.
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sccoobydoobers · 2 years
linda as a therapist for literally everyone in the show is pretty flawed. yes, she can give perspective on supernatural matters but even her friends outside of the know (ella) go to her when they need the advice of a therapist. feel free to correct me on this but with my vague memory I at least know its highly unprofessional to take on a patient (fully booked and everything I presume) who you know personally or even just, has a impression in your life. as this can very much effect how you treat them and the help you give to them even if you don't mean it too.
lucifer being linda's paitent was obviously highly unethical at the start but eventually they develop into a more professional-friend kind. where still, it is unethical as eventually linda DOES fall into a relationship with lucifer's brother. who was an antagonist of sorts during at least season 1's sessions.
at some point i'd think between seasons 2-3 she starts writing the book about lucifer's therapy sessions and his life, given the book was on its completed first draft and we are shown it at least half way through at some point. and, if you dont know, writing a whole book (especially as long as linda's) takes a LONG time.
meaning, at any point in that time linda could've stepped back and thought: 'this is highly unethical and maybe I should at least get the permission of everyone who im using their private therapy sessions.' its a very simple yet, it couldve changed the whole direction of the book from being the simplified cliches of everyone to more realistic versions of the people.
linda takes advantage of lucifer while doing this, really, as when lucifer finds out about this book, he is thrilled. he is excited because it will be the first book to ever have an accurate representation of him.
And I think later, when everyone reads the book and finds out the contents are a really bad fanfiction of their lives, Lucifer is a bit disappointed. I mean, its supposed to be the first book to portray him in a light most accurate to him, and the book doesn't even end up doing that!
I also want to add that everyone gets mad at lucifer because of their portrayals in the book. When, in fact, they should've at least placed part of the blame on linda, the person who wrote the book. instead of taking literally every word of it to heart. (this post goes into it in more detail!)
Lucifer is, at times (a lot of the time), an unreliable narrator. Because he is made to always tell the truth, something that could be world-ending for Earth might not be important at all to him because x reason etc etc.
(example: the whole mira/rory thing - it didn't occur to him to mention to chloe that this supposed child of him is half angel because that genuinely wasnt important to him and didn't seem relevant to the occasion. chloe then gets pissy at him for this so the more you know)
I'm gonna say something that's pretty obvious but needs to be said: linda is not the group's therapist. of course, she is lucifer's highly unethical therapist. but she is not everyone elses. no one else is shown to have regular one on one sessions with her. apart from maybe ella & maze a couple times and the others are super rare.
her knowing and giving this guidance to her friends is really that. an act of their friendship that they trusted her to give good advice on how to deal with their obviously very stressful and traumatic lives.
then for her to turn around and write it into a book (probably turned book series given how long its said to be) which will be accessed but not only the general public, but also people outside of the know that close to them. like chloe's mother, ella's family, dan's parents etc etc.
that is a horrible thing. even if their families don't read the book, other people will.
imagine ella's distant cousin reads the books after it becomes popular for some reason, connects the dots. then suddenly ella's family are asking if she really had a serial killer for a boyfriend and can imagine the way a person dies perfectly from just seeing the scene and and and
dan is also very dead. at least legally dead. will dan's parents be contacted before the publishing of the book to ask for permission? probably not.
- (it would be funny to think if this is the downfall of the book. dan's parents suing this random stranger who claims to be their dead son's therapist for writing him in a book that hugely slanders and makes fun of him)
this will also affect their professional lives. all of sudden everyone they ever meet will have readily accessible detailed accounts of their lives for the past 5 years, their traumas, their ambitions everything about them at the fingertips of coworkers, employers, bosses, whatever.
even just a snippet of the book (it will most likely gain popularity with lucifer's reputation + the fact more that 50% of the cast for it will be cops) would be very insightful towards the point of view and personal information of everyone involved.
its a breach of privacy, a betrayal of trust and a destroyer to any lives the main cast could possibly lead after the publication. the storyline and concept sucks.
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ainsanepencil · 2 years
lucifer season 4 & 5 feel like 2 & 3 and a wee bit of 1 to me just done Netflix style
A female love interest who is seen by other characters as dangerous or corrupting show up and have a link to lucifer
chloe is insufferable and we find out a major thing about her being a ‘miracle’ or poisoning lucifer
lucifer has a major crisis of mental health and has a problem with his wings
the finale is more supernaturalish then the others : opening a portal to moms universe and the club demon thing
the female love interest makes things unintentionally in both cases worse
Dan is a bit more douchey ( can’t really blame him in 4 ) to lucifer
there is a weapon that could end up killing lucifer ( the blade and the poison)
ends up on a kinda cliffhanger
and Linda ends up in hospital right at the time of the finale
s5 is less but still
Chloe finds out about a major thing
Maze betrays everyone
god is retconned ( wait no that for another post )
the baddie kisses Chloe ( oh I miss Cain )
‘ Deckerstar’ has a major issue ILY god
Chloe ends up freaked about lucifer invincibility ( I wouldn’t be freaked about my fake SO being able not to get harmed , I’ll be happy )
lucifer fights against a sibling ( god Michael we knew it wasn’t comic canon but shit )
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lledron · 2 years
Trixie post s06
Después de años y años de estudiar, de hacer las prácticas, de hacer de niñera para un mitad ángel, aquí estaba. En su propio departamento en Inglaterra. Su propia vida, lejos de Aurora y sus alas afiladas. Era su hermana, pero también su abusadora. Las cicatrices en sus brazos y piernas nunca se desvanecerían, pero lo que más le dolía a Beatriz era el dolor en el alma. Mamá nunca le creyó.¿Cómo podía un niño de cinco años golpear tan fuerte a su hermana de casi veinte?Rory solo quería jugar contigo o Rory solo estaba teniendo un mal día o Rory la mejor carta de Rory:”¡No tengo a mi padre!. 
Por Amenadiel, Rory nunca había hablado de las familias encontradas, la adopción  o el mundo era hete normativo para ella? Rory también jodió su vida amorosa y su vida social. No podía invitar a amigos a su casa, porque Rory podría lastimarlos por accidente. Así que no ,muchas gracias, Diane, pero no podré ir a tu cumpleaños, mi hermana me rompió el brazo. 
Linda había muerto después de que una Rory de trece años accidentalmente la empalará.. Fue la única vez que su madre la llevó a terapia. 
Charlie fue su salvavidas. Y ella lloraba cuando él, un niño de catorce años, tenía que poner a raya a su madre y a su hermana, mientras ella empaca sus cosas para irse a vivir con la abuela Penelope. 
Linda le había pagado por cuidar de Charlie durante cinco años. Eso, sumado al dinero que Maze le enviaba mensualmente fue suficiente para que ella saliera de la casa de su madre. Llevo consigo los dibujos de su niñez, el álbum de fotos de sus padres y una foto de Lucifer y su padre con camisas que decían :”Mamá, conseguí un marido!”. 
 Maze y Eve se habían divorciado en buenos términos, y todavía vivian en Francia. Francia, con su alta costura, su extravagancia, había sido su primera parada. Maze lloró por Linda, por no poder estar allí para protegerla. Charlie se quedó con ella. Maze le relató a Charlie cómo fue su madre antes y durante del embarazo, le mostró las copias de las ecografías y habló de cómo pensó que él sería :”Nuestro bebé”. Y así ,Beatriz supo que, a pesar de haber amado a Eve, Maze nunca dejaría de amar a Linda Martin. 
La siguiente parada fue Inglaterra. Michael abrió la puerta, con una niña de cinco años en los hombros desiguales. Michael se parecía tanto a Lucifer que dolía. Elaine era un medio angel, pero sus plumas eran doradas. Doradas como el camino de los muertos a Silver City, había dicho Charlie. Ella la recibió con un abrazo y la posibilidad de quedarse gratis en el departamento mientras buscaba un lugar para quedarse en la universidad. ¿Ella Lopez y Michael Demiurgos?¡Quien lo hubiera imaginado! Michael no había dado la orden de matar a su padre, al final, fue toda una mentira para que Lucifer mordiera el anzuelo. Michael también había mentido sobre que él fue quien plantó “ las semillas de la Rebelión” en la cabeza de Lucifer. Y Michael también había mentido cuando dijo que odiaba a Lucifer. Resultaba que él sabía mucho de Lucifer, antes de su madre, antes de ella, antes de Rory. Ella preguntaba y él respondía, mientras Elaine dormía la siesta. 
Carol y Ella se habían divorciado porque Ella no quería tener hijos. Luego, Ella obtuvo un nuevo trabajo en Inglaterra. Y después conoció a Michael. Y Michael quedó embarazado y Ella no iba a dejarlo embarazado y solo como el curador de un museo. 
“¿Puedes enseñarme hechizos? "le preguntó a Michael una tarde, después de una comida típica mexicana.
“¿Por qué?”
“No quiero depender de Charlie para defenderme de...”
“Rory. Chica, solo tenías que preguntar. Le estoy enseñando a Ella y Elaine, bueno ,todavía es un poco joven para los tatuajes y las runas”. 
Cuando su primer novio le preguntó quien coño le había hecho esas cicatrices, ella mintió. Ella mentiría el resto de su vida si eso hacía feliz a Deckestar. 
Mamá  casi nunca llamaba. Rory debe haber desviado su atención. Michael le había enseñado cómo mentir. “Pero nunca le mientas  a quien te ama, ellos sabrán la verdad”. Y Lucifer le enseñó como desviar el dolor mediante ropa hermosa y una sonrisa fugaz como una estrella. 
Al final, Trixie regresó  los Estados Unidos y reabrió el Lux. Se sentía como un resquicio de su infancia. En el LUX, aprendió que las trabajadores sexuales eran personas  que valían, aprendió  coreografías y a desviar y a centrar la mirada de las multitudes en ella. 
Su madre la apoyó, pero Rory fue otra historia. Rory señaló que el LUX era una mierda de proxenetas. Su única solución fue patearle el trasero a su hermana menor  y demostrarle que había dejado de ser su saco de boxeo. 
Mamá ya no pudo intervinir. Porque mamá estaba muerta.Pero mamá había intentado decirselo, ella la quería a ella, a sus dos hijas en su lecho de muerte. 
Y mientras Deckerstar estaba en el Infierno, Beatriz mató a su hermana pequeña, su abusadora y su torturadora. 
Los hechizos la mantenían joven y hermosa. Beatriz tenía una vida que vivir, libre del terror de Rory. 
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salvia-plathitudes · 4 days
Hundreds of Jewish anti-war demonstrators have been arrested during a Passover seder that doubled as a protest in New York, as they shut down a major thoroughfare to pray for a ceasefire and urge the Senate majority leader, Chuck Schumer, to end US military aid to Israel.
The 300 or so arrests took place on Tuesday night at Grand Army Plaza, on the doorstep of Schumer’s Brooklyn residence, where thousands of mostly Jewish New Yorkers gathered for the seder, a ritual that marked the second night of the holiday celebrated as a festival of freedom by Jews worldwide.
The seder came just before the US Senate resoundingly passed a military package that includes $26bn for Israel.
UN rights chief ‘horrified’ by reports of mass graves at two Gaza hospitals
The protesters called on Schumer – who is among a minority of Democrats to recently criticize the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu – to stop arming Israel’s military, which relies heavily on US weapons, jet fuel and other military equipment.
“We as American Jews will not be used, we will not be complicit and we will not be silent. Judaism is a beautiful, thousands-year-old tradition, and Israel is a 76-year-old colonial apartheid state,” Morgan Bassichis, an organizer with Jewish Voice for Peace, told the crowd.
“This is the Passover that we take our exodus from Zionism. Not in our name. Let Gaza live.”
The mass arrests came after the seder rituals. Speakers included journalist and author Naomi Klein, Palestinian activist Linda Sarsour, and several Jewish students suspended from Columbia University and Barnard College over the protests that have rocked US campuses in recent days.
Rabbi Miriam Grossman, from Brooklyn, led a prayer before the first cup of ritual wine. “We pray for everyone besieged, for everyone facing starvation and mass bombardment.”
Klein spoke after eating the bitter herbs that represent the bitterness of slavery at the seder. “Our Judaism cannot be contained by an ethnostate, for our Judaism is internationalist by its very nature. Our Judaism cannot be protected by the rampaging military of that ethnostate, for all that military does is sow sorrow and reap hatred, including hatred against us as Jews.”
Jewish communities have often used Passover to protest about global injustice. Tuesday’s protest, organizers said, was inspired by the 1969 Freedom Seder, organized by Arthur Waskow on the anniversary of Dr Martin Luther King Jr’s death. The original Freedom Seder sought to connect the Jewish exodus story with the struggle for civil rights in the US and against the war in Vietnam.
One protester, a 31-year-old Jewish woman who asked not to be named for security reasons, said: “Passover is about liberation. In our family, Palestinians have always been part of our celebration and mourning. The call for liberation is more important now than ever … As Americans, the billions of our tax dollars in the Israeli military bill is outrageous and horrifying.”
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gotankgo · 4 months
«In the late 1970s, two Chinese restaurants became the unlikely epicenter of L.A.’s burgeoning punk scene. The emerging music form featured fast-paced songs and hard-edged melodies with anti-capitalist messaging. As told through interviews with John Doe (X), Alice Bag (The Bags), Keith Morris (Circle Jerks, Black Flag, OFF!), and Martin Wong (Save Music in Chinatown), and featuring music from current performers such as The Linda Lindas and more.»
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vipnoviny · 8 months
Twitter si před volebním rokem 2024 najímá krajně levicové kontrolory faktů, aby cenzurovali Trumpovy příznivce
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Sociální síť X, dříve známá jako Twitter, oznámila plány na nábor mnoha krajně levicových ověřovatelů faktů, aby cenzurovali „volební dezinformace“ před prezidentskými volbami v roce 2024. Generální ředitelka X Linda Yaccarinová říká, že se snaží zvýšit úsilí o očistu platformy od nemainstreamových názorů tím, že najme specialisty na dezinformace, kteří budou mít za úkol cenzurovat tvrzení Trumpových příznivců o budoucím „zmanipulování voleb“. Yaccarinová se nedávno dostala pod palbu poté, co prohlásila, že „svoboda slova již není na X přijatelná“ a pochlubila se, že Elon Musk již nemá redakční kontrolu nad svou vlastní platformou. Yaccarinová, členka Světového ekonomického fóra (WEF) a bývalá výkonná ředitelka NBC, minulý týden oznámila, že začne zintenzivňovat „shadowbanning“ účtů, které budou obviněny ze šíření „dezinformací“ a „nenávistných projevů“. Krok k najímání ověřovatelů faktů vyvolal mezi zastánci svobody projevu ještě větší obavy, zejména poté, co Musk dříve slíbil uživatelům, že bude na platformě dodržovat hodnoty svobody projevu. Thenationalpulse.com píše: Kritici, včetně Mikea Benze z Foundation For Freedom Online, upozornili na možný problém skrytých cenzurních kanálů a zvýšeného ohrožení online svobody, pokud budou tito ověřovatelé faktů nasazení. Nabídky této práce byly propagovány prostřednictvím webu DisinfoDocket.com, který je přidružen k „anti-dezinformačním“ skupinám s vazbami na federální agentury pro kybernetickou bezpečnost. Tento vývoj vyvolává otázky o skutečných záměrech za vytvořením těchto pozic a o tom, jak jsou v souladu s konceptem svobody slova. Kritici tvrdí, že tento vývoj pravděpodobně bude mít celosvětový dopad na svobodu slova. Překlad: Martin Kirschner (www.vipnoviny.cz), Zdroj: thepeoplevoice.tv Read the full article
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xtruss · 11 months
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Theodore ‘Ted’ Kaczynski is flanked by federal agents as he is led to a car from the federal courthouse in Helena, Montana, on 4 April 1996. Photograph: John Youngbear/AP
Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, 81, Dies in US Prison Cell
Harvard-educated Mathematician waged 17-year bombing campaign from isolated shack in Montana wilderness
— Edward Helmore and Associated Press | Saturday 10 June 2023
Theodore “Ted” Kaczynski, the Harvard-educated mathematician who retreated to a dingy shack in the Montana wilderness and ran a 17-year bombing campaign that killed three people and injured 23 others, died on Saturday. He was 81.
Branded the “Unabomber” by the FBI, Kaczynski died at the federal prison medical center in Butner, North Carolina, Kristie Breshears, a spokesperson for the federal Bureau of Prisons, told the Associated Press. He was found unresponsive in his cell early on Saturday morning and was pronounced dead around 8am, she said. A cause of death was not immediately known.
Before his transfer to the prison medical facility, he had been held in the federal Supermax prison in Florence, Colorado, since May 1998, when he was sentenced to four life sentences plus 30 years for a campaign of terror that set universities nationwide on edge. He admitted committing 16 bombings from 1978 and 1995, permanently maiming several of his victims.
Years before the September 11 attacks and the anthrax mailing, the Unabomber’s deadly homemade bombs changed the way Americans mailed packages and boarded airplanes, even virtually shutting down air travel on the west coast in July 1995.
He forced the Washington Post, in conjunction with the New York Times, to make the agonizing decision in September 1995 to publish his 35,000-word manifesto, Industrial Society and Its Future, which claimed modern society and technology was leading to a sense of powerlessness and alienation.
“The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race,” the first line read.
It was reviewed by mainstream publications, with the New York Times’ environmental writer Kirkpatrick Sale venturing that the Unabomber “is a rational man and his principal beliefs are, if hardly mainstream, entirely reasonable”.
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Ted Kaczynski, from a 1962 Harvard yearbook. Photograph: Harvard University/Associated Press
But it led to his undoing. Kaczynski’s brother David and David’s wife, Linda Patrik, recognized the treatise’s tone and tipped off the FBI, which had been searching for the “Unabomber” for years in nation’s longest, costliest manhunt.
Authorities in April 1996 found him in a 10-by-14ft (3-by-4-meter) plywood and tarpaper cabin outside Lincoln, Montana, that was filled with journals, a coded diary, explosive ingredients and two completed bombs.
But Kaczynski, who was initially regarded by some as a radical environmentalist, was primarily an anti-technologist. Academics judged his “manifesto” as a synthesis of the work of others: the French philosopher Jacques Ellul, British zoologist Desmond Morris and American psychologist Martin Seligman.
But once revealed as a wild-eyed hermit with long hair and beard who weathered Montana winters in a one-room shack, Kaczynski struck many as more of a pathetic loner than romantic antihero.
Even in his own journals, Kaczynski came across as not a committed revolutionary, but a vengeful hermit driven by petty grievances.
“I certainly don’t claim to be an altruist or to be acting for the ‘good’ (whatever that is) of the human race,” he wrote on 6 April 1971. “I act merely from a desire for revenge.”
Kaczynski hated the idea of being viewed as mentally ill and when his lawyers attempted to present an insanity defense, he tried to fire them. When that failed, he tried to hang himself with his underwear.
Kaczynski eventually pleaded guilty rather than let his defense team proceed with an insanity defense.
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David Kaczynski, left, and his older brother Theodore John Kaczynski, center, in a sandbox with neighbors. Photograph: AP
“I’m confident that I’m sane,” Kaczynski told Time magazine in 1999. “I don’t get delusions and so forth.”
Ted Kaczynski was born on 22 May 1942, in Chicago, the son of second-generation Polish Catholics – a sausage-maker and a homemaker. He played the trombone in the school band, collected coins and skipped the sixth and 11th grades.
Kaczynski had skipped two grades to attend Harvard at age 16 and had published papers in prestigious mathematics journals. His explosives were carefully tested and came in meticulously handcrafted wooden boxes sanded to remove possible fingerprints. Later bombs bore the signature “FC” for “Freedom Club”.
The FBI called him the “Unabomber” because his early targets seemed to be universities and airlines. An altitude-triggered bomb he mailed in 1979 went off as planned onboard an American Airlines flight; a dozen people onboard suffered from smoke inhalation.
Kaczynski killed computer rental store owner Hugh Scrutton, advertising executive Thomas Mosser and timber industry lobbyist Gilbert Murray. California geneticist Charles Epstein and Yale University computer expert David Gelernter were maimed by bombs two days apart in June 1993.
Mosser was killed in his North Caldwell, New Jersey, home on 10 December 1994, a day he was supposed to be picking out a Christmas tree with his family. His wife, Susan, found him grievously wounded by a barrage of razor blades, pipes and nails.
“He was moaning very softly,” she said at Kaczynski’s 1998 sentencing. “The fingers on his right hand were dangling. I held his left hand. I told him help was coming. I told him I loved him.”
When Kaczynski stepped up his bombs and letters to newspapers and scientists in 1995, experts speculated the “Unabomber” was jealous of the attention being paid to the Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh.
A threat to blow up a plane out of Los Angeles before the end of the Fourth of July weekend threw air travel and mail delivery into chaos. The Unabomber later claimed it was a “prank”.
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The Washington Post printed the Unabomber’s manifesto at the urging of federal authorities, after the bomber said he would desist from terrorism if a national publication published his treatise.
Patrik had had a disturbing feeling about her brother-in-law even before seeing the manifesto and eventually persuaded her husband to read a copy at the library. After two months of arguments, they took some of Ted Kaczynski’s letters to Patrik’s childhood friend Susan Swanson, a private investigator in Chicago.
Swanson in turn passed them along to former FBI behavior science expert Clint Van Zandt, whose analysts said whoever wrote them had also probably written the Unabomber’s manifesto.
“It was a nightmare,” David Kaczynski, who as a child had idolized his older brother, said in a 2005 speech at Bennington College. “I was literally thinking, ‘My brother’s a serial killer, the most wanted man in America.’”
Swanson turned to a corporate lawyer friend, Anthony Bisceglie, who contacted the FBI.
David Kaczynski wanted his role kept confidential, but his identity quickly leaked out and Ted Kaczynski vowed never to forgive his younger sibling. He ignored his letters, turned his back on him at court hearings and described David Kaczynski in a 1999 book draft as a “Judas Iscariot [who] ... doesn’t even have enough courage to go hang himself.”
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Ted Kaczynski on 21 June 1996. Sources say he died by suicide on Saturday. Photograph: Elaine Thompson/AP
‘Unabomber’ Ted Kaczynski Died By Suicide in Prison – Report
Harvard-educated mathematician carried out a 17-year solitary bombing spree that killed three people and injured 23 others
— Associated Press | Sunday 11 June 2023
Ted Kaczynski, known as the “Unabomber”, who carried out a 17-year bombing campaign that killed three people and injured 23 others, died by suicide, four people familiar with the matter told the Associated Press.
Kaczynski, who was 81 and suffering from late-stage cancer, was found unresponsive in his cell at the federal medical center in Butner, North Carolina, around 12.30am on Saturday. Emergency responders performed CPR and revived him before he was transported to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead later on Saturday morning, the people told the AP.
The people were not authorized to publicly discuss Kaczynski’s death and spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity.
Kaczynski’s death comes as the federal Bureau of Prisons has faced increased scrutiny in the last several years following the death of wealthy financier Jeffrey Epstein, who also died by suicide in a federal jail in 2019.
Kaczynski had been held in the federal supermax prison in Florence, Colorado, since May 1998, when he was sentenced to four life sentences plus 30 years for a campaign of terror that set universities nationwide on edge. He admitted committing 16 bombings from 1978 and 1995, permanently maiming several of his victims.
A Harvard-educated mathematician, Kaczynski lived as a recluse in a dingy cabin in rural Montana, where he carried out a solitary bombing spree that changed the way Americans mailed packages and boarded airplanes.
His targets included academics and airlines, the owner of a computer rental store, an advertising executive and a timber industry lobbyist. In 1993, a California geneticist and a Yale University computer expert were maimed by bombs within the span of two days.
Two years later, he used the threat of continued violence to convince the New York Times and the Washington Post to publish his manifesto, a 35,000-word screed against modern life and technology, as well as damages to the environment.
The tone of the treatise was recognized by his brother, David, and David’s wife, Linda Patrik, who tipped off the FBI, which had been searching for the Unabomber for years in the nation’s longest, costliest manhunt.
Authorities in April 1996 found him in a small plywood and tarpaper cabin outside Lincoln, Montana, that was filled with journals, a coded diary, explosive ingredients and two completed bombs.
While awaiting trial, in 1998, Kaczynski attempted to hang himself with a pair of underwear. Though he was diagnosed by a psychiatrist as a paranoid schizophrenic, he was adamant that he wasn’t mentally ill. He eventually pleaded guilty rather than allow his attorneys to present an insanity defense.
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llpodcast · 1 year
(Literary License Podcast)
The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane (1976)
The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane is a 1976 cross-genre film directed by Nicolas Gessner and starring Jodie Foster, Martin Sheen, Alexis Smith, Mort Shuman, and Scott Jacoby. It was a co-production of Canada and France and written by Laird Koenig, based on his 1974 novel of the same title.  The plot focuses on 13-year-old Rynn Jacobs (Foster), a child whose absent poet father and secretive behaviours prod the suspicions of her conservative small-town Maine neighbours. The adaptation, originally intended as a play, was filmed in Quebec on a small budget. The production later became the subject of controversy over reports that Foster had conflicts with producers over the filming and inclusion of a nude scene, but a 21-year-old body double (Foster's sister) was used. After a screening at the 1976 Cannes Film Festival, a court challenge was launched regarding distribution, and a general release followed in 1977.
 Alice Sweet Alice (1976)
 Alice, Sweet Alice (originally titled Communion) is a 1976 American slasher film co-written and directed by Alfred Sole, and starring Linda Miller, Paula Sheppard, and Brooke Shields in her film debut. Set in 1961 New Jersey, the film focuses on a troubled adolescent girl who becomes a suspect in the brutal murder of her younger sister at her First Communion, as well as in a series of unsolved stabbings that follow.  Inspired by Nicolas Roeg's Don't Look Now (1973) and the films of Alfred Hitchcock, writer-director Sole devised the screenplay with Rosemary Ritvo, an English professor who was his neighbor. At the time, Sole had been working as an architect restoring historic buildings in his hometown of Paterson, New Jersey, and several properties he had worked on were used as shooting locations. Filming took place throughout the summer of 1975 in Paterson and Newark. The film premiered at the Chicago International Film Festival under its original title, Communion, in November 1976, and was released under this title in London in September 1977. After being acquired by Allied Artists, it was re-titled Alice, Sweet Alice, and released in the United States on November 18, 1977. Another theatrical re-release occurred in 1981 under the title Holy Terror, which marketed the popularity of Shields after her performance in Louis Malle's Pretty Baby (1978). While not prosecuted for obscenity, the film was seized and confiscated in the UK under Section 3 of the Obscene Publications Act 1959 during the video nasty panic, and was controversial in Ireland due to its apparent anti-Catholic themes.
 Opening Credits; Introduction (1.06); Background History (33.19); The Little Girl Who Lived Down the Lane (1976) Film Trailer (36.06); The Original (37.02); Let's Rate (1:22.57); Amazing Design Advertisement (1:43.44); Introducing the Double Feature (1:44.27); Alice Sweet Alice (1976) Film Trailer (1:46.31); The Attraction (1:48.12); How Many Stars (3:01.15); End Credits (3:23.15); Closing Credits (3:24.19)
 Opening Credits– Epidemic Sound – copyright 2021. All rights reserved
 Closing Credits:  Thank Heaven For Little Girls by Maurice Chevalier.  Taken from the original Broadway production of GIGI.  Copyright 1958 MGM Records
Original Music copyrighted 2020 Dan Hughes Music and the Literary License Podcast. 
 All rights reserved.
 Used With Kind Permission.
 All songs available through Amazon Music.
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demircarlson3 · 2 years
Chloé Replica Tasche Vintage Geldbörse Classic Chloe
I wish to buy one that won't be noticed like a knock-off at first sight, if guess what occurs I am speaking about. That's why after negotiating, I found grounds to not purchase the bag altogether....I'm still looking for that sure knock-off bag that may cause me to feel joyful. And after I don't assume it's inside the stalls of Sukhumvit, I might attempt on-line in Japan. I perceive one place that's getting Long champ bag obtainable for $100 - $ 500. The picture shoot was to contain a hand picked mannequin from every nation on the earth. Recently, a number of extreme anti alternative mongers have been allowed a really loud voice. Their complaint isn't just that some women choose abortion it's on all types of birth control. Replica Chloe bag is considered one of the greatest architects of the basic, almost each quarter will launch a bag explosion fashions, such as the acquainted pig bag, Faye tote bag, whereas Marcie an earlier explosion fashions. Round Marcie bag was born in 2010, retains the traditional horseshoe form, the slightest retro atmosphere gave numerous individuals love countless. Trumpet bag is the biggest bag pattern in latest times, in comparability with the lots of of thousands of mini-big tote bag, Replica Chloe Handbags Marcie of this trumpet is basically huge part of the king of value. The Faye collection’s signature ring and chain design is preserved and retains its consistently feminine femininity. The Faye Day replica purses can be found in medium and small sizes, as nicely as quite so much of textures and shade choices such as sepia, naked powder, black and beige. "Save the National Parks" is an Ansel Adams esque black and white of tree trunks stacked like bodies, their limbs sawed off. Perhaps you can see the above really helpful a quantity of bag isn't sufficiently big, maybe you’ll like Marcie. Femininity and romance fusion Nineteen Seventies ethnic customs, Marcie Chloe is a typical day pack. Desperate, Reese tracks down a serial killer, Alvin Kapitski, and convinces him to take out Lucifer. The design of the brand new shoulder strap can be very distinctive and fascinating. The usage of the models is held in the hand and wrapped within the hand, identical to sporting jewellery, very personal. Moreover, in addition to the metallic brief shoulder strap, the thick shoulder strap of the canvas stitching can be a brand new highlight on this season’s bag, almost every bag has, and some even have two hanging. This bag has an indescribable horny on the again of the bag, giving folks the unique easy really feel of French style. Especially when the shoulder strap and the ring are gently rocked, it is extremely charming. His work interfered together with his marriage to Linda Martin and they separated. However, Reese desperately wanted to get back along with Linda. Likewise, clickbait reviews and articles from this operation gain advertisement income. According to Professor Lynda Walsh of the University of Nevada, Reno, some hoaxes – such because the Great Stock Exchange Fraud of 1814, labeled as a hoax by contemporary commentators – are monetary in nature, and profitable hoaxers – such as P. wikipedia handbags However, when it comes all the means down to spending 4 figures on a handbag, that transaction hasanxiety assault, remorse, and omg how am I going to pay my rent? When you aren’t a millionaire, adulting in luxurious type is hard. Luckily for me, I was capable of finding a Chloe Faye-inspired online! The product critiques were combined, so I didn’t have high expectations. Within a few years Chloe turned one of the most respected designer manufacturers within the business. The 1970’s noticed the brand rocket to stardom with the legendary Karl Lagerfeld bringing a brand new course to the designs. After posting on Instagram, I obtained a bunch of questions about my new caramel Chloe look alike bag, so I figured I’d go ahead and spherical up the entire greatest Chloe look alike baggage I could discover on the internet. Chloe’s ever-fresh designs throughout its model presence are attributed mainly to the renowned designers who labored for giving Chloe the epitome of International Markets. chloe paraty bag replica The works of designers like Martine Sitbon, Karl Lagerfeld, and upstart Stella McCartney under the Chloe brand nonetheless remains unmatched masterpieces. And now the designer ready-to-wear couture’s are properly adapted and accepted by designers and people all over the world and is in style. Chloe model bags, with leather-based material, shiny eye-catching, stylish, easy and elegant, cool flavor, appear luxurious fashionable look, showing elegant femininity. The major push is mini Jane, completely convey their own “wind”, very pull the wind! Fashion week period, mini Jane can also be essentially the most photographed street replica bag tote. Elephant gray Hayley may be very elegant, no trace of additional design, and the logo can additionally be low-key, work commuter Shenma probably the most appropriate. How good the bag so big cousin it, in reality, she spent on early, standing underneath the promise of the cherry tree, or carrying or carrying Faye backpack, blooming iconic smile. Accustomed to being Chloe house luggage brush, the earlier piglet replica bag tote Drew, Faye can be a well-liked style shortly swept out, occupying the stars of the avenue capturing star. We believe that these Chloe dupes – and there are many more superb designer bag replicas of different high manufacturers across the assorted ranges – are pretty much as good as a real instance costing greater than 10 occasions the price. Check out the Chloe Faye Dupe bag range and we’re sure you’ll agree and add one or more of those superb dupes to your assortment. That’s a worth few of us can justify, but the identical and punctiliously made Chloe Faye small dupe will value you $109 in leather-based and suede, or an unbelievable $45 if you'd like the equally high-quality faux leather end. With the backpacks retailing at $109 and the medium Chloe dupes at a mere $135 you'll have the ability to afford to purchase multiple dimension or colour. Replica Chloe Handbags introduces a brand new assortment of bags that exude a singular and romantic look. As a famous brand that's exhausting to search out, Chloe, this time finally got a new bag, which makes the brand’s loyal fans pleased. T. Barnum, whose Fiji mermaid contributed to his wealth – usually purchase monetary acquire or fame via their fabrications, so the excellence between hoax and fraud isn't necessarily clear. A hoax is a falsehood deliberately fabricated to masquerade as the truth. It is distinguishable from errors in observation or judgment, rumors, city legends, pseudosciences, and April Fools' Day occasions that are handed along in good faith by believers or as jokes. Our perfume bottles are produced from 100 percent recyclable and sustainable materials, except for the pump. The high quality of the snap closure fittings is of the highest order and the leather straps provide a two-way choice for wearing. This bag is at present in mini and medium dimension two, if you want to set up extra, choose the medium is essentially the most suitable, similar to when touring. Of course, the mini is also very cute and cute Oh, this spring concave modeling weapon It is it.Although this bag is a shoulder bag, but in addition designed a detachable deal with, transportable or short shoulder may be on the shoulder, or shoulders, simply.
0 notes
scripted-downfall · 2 years
Of Needing the Eggs
It kind of bugs me how so many people in Lucifer’s alleged inner circle — the people who are supposed to know him best — take advantage of the fact that he has zero sense of self-worth and that he is absolutely going to let them do as they wish because fulfilling desire is his whole thing.
I mean, there’s Chloe in season 4 episode 4 “All About Eve”.  She just got off her whole kill-Lucifer kick, which also featured her telling Lucifer that she couldn’t accept who he was… and then she proceeds to call in a favor on his behalf without asking first?  I mean, she’s basically trying to have her cake and eat it, too; she doesn’t want to have to deal with him being the devil, but she wants to reap the benefits of it nonetheless.  (And that doesn’t even address how she says, “Well, contrary to what you think, I don’t need your help” despite the fact that a large part of how she even got that far in the case was the afore-mentioned favor-calling-in which literally necessitated his involvement.)  Lucifer doesn’t even care — he actively seems impressed by her cashing in one of his favors without asking — but he had every right to be upset; after how she’d been acting early on in the season, she had no right to think herself entitled to take advantage of that debt.
Similarly, there’s Linda, in the last season, who just up and decides to write a book about Lucifer’s time in therapy without asking first?  I could be wrong, but I’m reasonably confident that writing up everything about a patient’s treatment into a book for mass-publishing without getting his consent first — or the other people whose therapy will also be included, like Dan, Maze, and Chloe — is a very extreme breach of doctor-patient (doctor-Devil) confidentiality.  And yet he finds out about it and just absolutely does not care.  It doesn’t even occur to him that there’s something wrong there, even though there very much is.
I’m reasonably sure there are other instances — these are just the first two that I remembered — but it does kind of bother me, especially since these are the same people who claim to want the best for him.
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dobsonwollesen3 · 2 years
Best Quality Replica Chloe 1
This newly-used leather-based is mainly freed from scratches and shouldn't be used with care. But it's worth mentioning that the moral of this mouse is very good. Caiyun also corresponds to the fortune, implying an attractive wish stuffed with fortune, particularly suitable for the model new year. Every model has a unique identity that has its personal followers. While this is nice, it additionally signifies that individuals who love name brands are keen to go to any length to amass merchandise from their favourite style houses. Owning a garment or purse from the season’s latest assortment doesn’t make you a trend wizard – it solely makes you seem like you’re attempting too exhausting. Speaking of shoulder bag, now the most properly liked is the model new member of the Chloe Faye household Faye Backpack, it inherits the excessive worth of Faye, lovely to not. The addition of the brand new designer Natacha Ramsay-Levi to Chloe brings more power and a cooler and extra chic perspective to Chloe . His work interfered along with his marriage to Linda Martin and they separated. However, Reese desperately wanted to get back along with Linda. Likewise, clickbait reports and articles from this operation achieve advertisement revenue. According to Professor Lynda Walsh of the University of Nevada, Reno, some hoaxes – such because the Great Stock Exchange Fraud of 1814, labeled as a hoax by up to date commentators – are financial in nature, and profitable hoaxers – similar to P. Most feminine canine should experience the heat cycle no much less than two times in a 12 months or as quickly as in each seven months. The Angelika multiplex remains to be too new to take this category, and we're not yet positive if it's going to next yr, anyway. (Although it's fairly candy. See "Best Movie Pitch Worth the Wait" in Scenes.) The Inwood is a grand old dame of a movie theater and once more deserves our "Best Of" label, palms down . A year I thought had some impact I satisfied myself that such was the case, Cameron says. The Purse Queen was started in August of of 2010 by me, Angie , as a blog that critiques genuine & replica purses I have bought all through the years, and replica websites as well. I am your typical trend obsessed lady in her 30s (think Blair Waldorf or Serena van Der Woodsen post-Gossip Girl) primarily based in New York, however frequently journey around the globe . Simply fashionable and undeniably stylish, this gorgeous vary of Chloe Faye bag dupes is entirely devoted to the unique. Available as shoulder bag and backpack designs, this is a classic of the age, and a perfect selection of gorgeous designer luggage at amazingly reasonably priced costs. Because there are metallic fittings, the burden of the bag won't be very light. Investment classic handbag isn't really waste, as a end result of they often are, we can use the old style, extraordinary “origin” story of “Yoshina”, and this 29 classic handbag additionally has persona. Cara says she felt confused by her sexuality as a toddler, and the potential of being homosexual frightened her chloe bag sale. "It took me a very long time to simply accept the concept, until I first fell in love with a woman at 20 and recognized that I needed to settle for it," she explains. "Women are what utterly inspire me, and so they have additionally been my downfall. I really have solely been hurt by ladies, my mom first of all. Fully adjustable for consolation, the Chloe Faye dupe backpack is a popular selection with younger professionals. The photograph shoot was to involve a hand picked mannequin from every nation on the earth. Recently, a couple of excessive anti selection mongers have been allowed a really loud voice. Their grievance isn't just that some ladies select abortion it is on all forms of contraception. Gala is Chloe home a small variety of bucket bag, bag mouth made a human and really delicate deal with, on a dimension. Dior this year can be the primary time to do the barrel, or with the printing. wikipedia handbags With the word shoulder, lotus leaf sleeves just can not take more! So the primary time I fell in love with the Chloe Hudson was when I saw picture of Emma Watson sporting it in black on a tabloid web site. But on the identical time the bag remains understated – it’s not an in your face show-y sort of bag, but more of a demure piece that adds class to your wardrobe with out having to be the star of the present. The solely factor I wasn’t sure of was whether I had to buy it as an genuine mannequin or if I would be capable of find a replica or faux ok to feed my craving. Fashion should look straightforward, however truly requires lots of effort. While the perfect look may be achieved by opting to purchase cheaper clothes and footwear with out compromising on the quality and finish, it's inconceivable to do the same with leather-based items and accessories like wallets and purses. In this case, you both purchase the unique or make do with an affordable designer knockoff. A pissed off Lucifer explains that Reese is liable for his own actions and convinces the person to try to be more up entrance and honest with Linda. Listening to the advice, Reese goes to Linda's workplace and apologizes for being a foul husband. While Linda additionally apologizes, Reese is pissed off that she still will not get back together with him and tries to clarify all that he has done for her, together with making an attempt to poison Lucifer. Linda makes an attempt to name the police, however Reese pulls the cellphone away from her, accidentally injuring her. Shocked by his personal actions, Reese tells Linda to name the police, and he shall be waiting for them in his office. Reese Getty was a senior reporter on the Los Angeles Telegraph. The designer’s intention may be to change the type with three totally different designs of shoulder straps. I actually have to say that such a design does have the suspicion of catching up with the complexity of the city flyover. How can Chloé followers think that changing the shoulder strap is equivalent to altering one? Among them, Drew and Faye and a lot of other replica bag totes have turn out to be a phenomenon in the fashion circle for a while, and virtually all women who love style have a CHLOE ROY Mini Smoky Blue Leather Embroidered Horse Pattern Bucket Bag. Everyone thinks that the worth of those two bags is actually too excessive. chloe marcie replica Chloe Hayley Small Leather Hobo Bag Black These are the new scorching season, all types of stitching, beads, hollow, fairly contemporary. In the retro fashion of the prevalence of the second, I think Replica Chloe Handbags most right to speak it, please recall their very own show this 12 months, the major show present. In addition to these above, this 12 months additionally out of such a, watching the dense fear, however very special. Chloe’s design group can also be very useful for this only purse. Speaking of the model new, it must have to mention Chloe Drew & excessive round co-operation. But within the last second, I'm delay by way of the nylon material. I simply read several bloggers' ode to how nice the bag is actually. Yet, I simply cannot put much cash ($ 2000) on the nylon material bag. Women corresponding to Jackie Kennedy, Brigitte Bardot and Grace Kelly wore and carried Chloe products. This gave the model the cache it needed to become one of the defining names of the 1970’s. Like all designer manufacturers Chloe products are far from cheap, yet this excellent range of Chloe Faye bag dupes is just what you’ve been in search of.
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rosendahl73mcmahon · 2 years
Chloe Sandal Replica Comes With Mud Bag Dimension 5
I personally have been in love with the Chloé Faye bag since I first spotted it a couple of 12 months and a half ago. It’s not often that I fall in love with a bag immediately – I normally must see it in the official boutique in individual before I can confirm my admiration for a bag – however the Chloé Faye was a type of rare bags that I fell in love with upon first sight. First of all the bag has a minimalist vibe which I love , and it has a vintage vibe as nicely. The photo shoot was to involve a hand picked model from each nation in the world. chloe bags replica wikipedia handbags Recently, a couple of excessive anti alternative mongers have been allowed a very loud voice. Their complaint is not only that some women choose abortion it's on all forms of birth control. Hoax information (also referred to as faux news) is a information containing details that are either inaccurate or false but that are presented as genuine. A hoax news conveys a half-truth used intentionally to mislead the public. The Chloé Faye bag I acquired has splendidly heavy hardware which is on par with the load of its authentic counterpart. The texture of the flap is that of a velvety feel, whereas the rest of the bag is clean to the touch calfskin. The hallmark of an excellent replica bag is that the leather is on par with the original bag’s, and this bag gets a checkmark in phrases of assembly that criteria. The interior of the bag is suede as well nevertheless it's a lighter suede (almost beige-ish), and is real suede leather like the original. Some replica producers get careless in relation to the inside of the bag and often fail to have it match the details of the original, nevertheless this bag’s interior is ideal. Perfect for that purchasing trip or the daily commute this is the design to have if you need to look the part. Made from the highest quality leather-based with suede overlays, the bag feels pretty much as good as it seems being gentle to the touch yet robust and sturdy. Marcie Replica purses, the bag physique lead salts tinge washed calfskin made of soppy leather-based, shade and warm. It has lately launched a small treasure python pores and skin and different supplies, giving folks a richer visible aesthetic. Three horseshoe automobile line ornament tote bag cover, with a considerably retro to do the old steel decoration, and lined wire via the buckle flap design, the general form showing classical charm, magnificence and refined and understated. Double leather wrapped handle places to render the weave, easy and elegant, cool flavor. Marcie purses variety of models, there are hole, rivets, texture design, there are plenty of special fashions, limited edition and exclusive models, by the stars and plenty of modern ladies of all ages. His work interfered with his marriage to Linda Martin they usually separated. However, Reese desperately wanted to get back along with Linda. Likewise, clickbait stories and articles from this operation achieve commercial income. According to Professor Lynda Walsh of the University of Nevada, Reno, some hoaxes – such as the Great Stock Exchange Fraud of 1814, labeled as a hoax by contemporary commentators – are monetary in nature, and successful hoaxers – similar to P. However, when it comes down to spending 4 figures on a handbag, that transaction hasanxiety attack, regret, and omg how am I going to pay my rent? When you aren’t a millionaire, adulting in luxury fashion is tough. Luckily for me, I was capable of finding a Chloe Faye-inspired online! The product reviews have been combined, so I didn’t have excessive expectations. Paraty simple contours and unique triangular retro rough edges emphasize the feminine curves ornamental delicate and romantic. Soft leather-based and adjustable quantity aspect replica purses extremely malleable flip buckle ensures practicality. Lined with the identical color twill Baoshen full lining, straps and deal with makes this handbag back to take twin. They ultimately find a suspect with Lucifer's help, and Reese admits that Lucifer, while irritating, is charming and useful. After Chloe leaves, Lucifer goes to interrogate the suspect, unaware that Reese is watching via two-way glass and divulges his devil face, a lot to Reese's shock. She doesn't believe him and forces him to signal the divorce papers. It is possible to perpetrate a hoax by making solely true statements utilizing unfamiliar wording or context, such as within the Dihydrogen monoxide hoax. Political hoaxes are typically motivated by the desire to ridicule or besmirch opposing politicians or political establishments, typically before elections. This particular Aby Lock, this time, additionally makes use of very bright light gold hardware, not the very yellow gold, so it is very suitable for the Spring Festival, and it'll not look greasy and cheesy. We consider that these Chloe dupes – and there are many extra very good designer bag replicas of other prime manufacturers throughout the assorted ranges – are pretty much as good as a real instance costing greater than 10 occasions the price. Check out the Chloe Faye Dupe bag range and we’re sure you’ll agree and add a quantity of of those wonderful dupes to your collection. That’s a price few of us can justify, yet the equivalent and thoroughly made Chloe Faye small dupe will price you $109 in leather-based and suede, or an unbelievable $45 if you'd like the equally high-quality faux leather finish. With the backpacks retailing at $109 and the medium Chloe dupes at a mere $135 you can afford to buy a couple of size or shade. Replica Chloe Handbags introduces a new collection of bags that exude a unique and romantic look. As a well-known model that is onerous to seek out, Chloe, this time lastly got a model new bag, which makes the brand’s loyal fans joyful. Social media, defined as Internet based functions that construct on the interactional capability of 'Web 2.zero', are proliferating day-to-day. A latest estimate suggests that there are around four hundred global social media platforms, and that around one third of the world's population are actually energetic social media users. Consequently, tutorial curiosity in social media continues to soar throughout disciplines, as seen in current papers revealed in Business and Society, and a particular concern announced by the Journal of Business Ethics.. Chloe tess saddle bag inside particulars, mild linen linen lining with calfskin, side pockets manufactured from cowhide, nonetheless engraved with the brand emblem, the within corner of the bag hides the small leather-based block with the serial number. The rounded chloe tess is quite cute, but stylish and handsome. It’s essential we stress the extent of finish that the Chloe Faye dupes show. The combination of high quality leather and suede plus beautiful fittings in gold metallic offers the Chloe dupes a way of event.
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bendix44mcnulty · 2 years
Reese Getty
The social events are mainly ornamental design, generally small in dimension, various kinds and materials vary, and have certain decorative effects. Leisure occasions are mainly comfy, to fulfill the wants of specific events, bag kinds, fabrics change extra, might be different based on different leisure occasions, similar to beach luggage, backpacks, shoulder baggage and so on. Another spotlight of this season’s equipment design is the model new shoulder strap! The photograph shoot was to involve a hand picked mannequin from every nation on the planet. Recently, a couple of excessive anti alternative mongers have been allowed a really loud voice. Their criticism is not just that some girls select abortion it is on all forms of birth control. Replica Chloe Bags spring and summer new Roy series purses, from the new design director Natacha Ramsay-Levi. Chloé 2018 spring and summer new Roy series handbags, small and beautiful form, showing women’s sturdy inner vitality and distinctive persona. The Roy collection has three different back types, and the detachable design of the shoulder strap also enriches the variety of the combo. Neutral and neat after the tape is eliminated, the metal rings on both sides are embellished with femininity, trend and practicality. Hoax of exposure is a semi-comical or private sting operation. It often encourages people to act foolishly or credulously by falling for patent nonsense that the hoaxer deliberately presents as reality. Computer virus hoaxes became widespread as viruses themselves started to unfold. The bag has multiple version together with a backpack , a medium day bag, and likewise a mini model. It’s secure to say that the Chloé Faye bag is considered one of Chloé’s trendy hits, and that is quite a feat since the bag was solely introduced in 2015. This Replica Chloe Bags could be very eye-catching, like the metallic circle inherent in his model, the distinctive large physique design continues the pocket and metallic components of the Faye series on the bag body, the main points subtly interpret the fragile pragmatism . One of the earliest recorded media hoaxes is a pretend almanac revealed by Jonathan Swift beneath the pseudonym of Isaac Bickerstaff in 1708. Swift predicted the death of John Partridge, one of the main astrologers in England at that time, in the almanac and later issued an elegy on the day Partridge was supposed to have died. I wish to purchase one that won't be noticed like a knock-off to start with sight, if guess what occurs I am speaking about. https://skel.io/replica-chloe-bags.html That's why after negotiating, I discovered grounds to not buy the bag altogether....I'm nonetheless searching for that certain knock-off bag that may trigger me to really feel pleased. And once I do not assume it is throughout the stalls of Sukhumvit, I might attempt on-line in Japan. I understand one place that's getting Long champ bag obtainable for $100 - $ 500. They ultimately find a suspect with Lucifer's assist, and Reese admits that Lucifer, whereas frustrating, is charming and helpful. After Chloe leaves, Lucifer goes to interrogate the suspect, unaware that Reese is watching through two-way glass and reveals his devil face, much to Reese's shock. She doesn't imagine him and forces him to signal the divorce papers. It is possible to perpetrate a hoax by making solely true statements using unfamiliar wording or context, such as within the Dihydrogen monoxide hoax. Political hoaxes are generally motivated by the desire to ridicule or besmirch opposing politicians or political establishments, typically earlier than elections. This special Aby Lock, this time, additionally uses very brilliant light gold hardware, not the very yellow gold, so it is rather suitable for the Spring Festival, and it'll not look greasy and cheesy. His work interfered together with his marriage to Linda Martin and so they separated. However, Reese desperately wished to get back along with Linda. Likewise, clickbait reviews and articles from this operation acquire advertisement income. According to Professor Lynda Walsh of the University of Nevada, Reno, some hoaxes – such because the Great Stock Exchange Fraud of 1814, labeled as a hoax by up to date commentators – are financial in nature, and profitable hoaxers – corresponding to P. wikipedia handbags Fashion blogger Caroline Daur a white coat with black mini Faye Backpack stroll within the streets of Hamburg, elegant added a cool feeling. The saddle of the DREW handbag is exquisitely fashionable ‘lined and modern ‘ with a chic twist-lock system. Chain shoulder straps perfectly and harmoniously knotted on the horseshoe-shaped shaft ring. This messenger Replica Chloe Bag is out there in three sizes ‘from the daytime commute to the night time celebration. This season’s highlights are hand-painted with a gorgeous watercolor effect python leather ‘and a leopard-printed horsehair texture calf leather ‘ is perfect. The complete replica bag tote to rely on a string to help its magnificence, see it horse mind will Miss Bohemia pull up the dance scene, beautiful! So the primary time I fell in love with the Chloe Hudson was once I noticed image of Emma Watson carrying it in black on a tabloid site. But on the same time the bag stays understated – it’s not an in your face show-y sort of bag, however more of a demure piece that provides class to your wardrobe without having to be the star of the show. The solely thing I wasn’t positive of was whether or not I had to buy it as an authentic model or if I would have the flexibility to find a replica or pretend good enough to feed my craving. Fashion ought to look simple, however really requires plenty of effort. While the ideal look could be achieved by opting to purchase cheaper clothing and footwear without compromising on the standard and finish, it is impossible to do the same with leather-based items and accessories like wallets and purses. In this case, you both purchase the unique or make do with an inexpensive designer knockoff. Every model has a singular id that has its personal followers. While that is great, it also means that people who love name brands are prepared to go to any length to acquire merchandise from their favourite trend homes. Owning a garment or purse from the season’s latest assortment doesn’t make you a trend wizard – it solely makes you appear to be you’re attempting too exhausting. Speaking of shoulder bag, now the most nicely liked is the new member of the Chloe Faye family Faye Backpack, it inherits the excessive worth of Faye, lovely to not. The addition of the model new designer Natacha Ramsay-Levi to Chloe brings more energy and a cooler and more stylish perspective to Chloe . The Purse Queen was began in August of of 2010 by me, Angie , as a blog that reviews authentic & replica handbags I truly have purchased throughout the years, and replica websites as properly. I am your typical fashion obsessed woman in her 30s (think Blair Waldorf or Serena van Der Woodsen post-Gossip Girl) based mostly in New York, but incessantly journey around the globe . Simply stylish and undeniably chic, this beautiful range of Chloe Faye bag dupes is entirely trustworthy to the original. Available as shoulder bag and backpack designs, this is a basic of the age, and an ideal alternative of beautiful designer bags at amazingly inexpensive costs. Because there are steel fittings, the weight of the bag will not be very gentle.
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mywingsareonwheels · 3 years
Back on my I-hate-Bucky’s-therapist bullshit...
It just occurred to me that Dr Raynor doesn’t once acknowledge Bucky’s proper title. Except when calling him James (his non-preferred name), she calls him Mr Barnes. Not Sergeant.
Even though she’s ex-military (and friends with Captain Walker) and knows his history and that he was kidnapped specifically while serving his country and was a prisoner of war. Even though in episode 6 he is addressed as Sgt. Barnes so presumably his rank was never taken away. She must be fully, fully aware of the implications of her use of “Mr”.
Like, I am aggressively anti-military and yet I am suddenly even angrier with her than I was.
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mechanicalemotions · 3 years
I miss the old Lucifer
Seasons 1&2 and parts of 3 were peak.
Everything is just about how the (bisexual AND polyamorous) devil is now beyond infatuated with a lady cop, and how they just keeeeep fighting and resolving, fighting and resolving.
Also, Lucifer treats Maze like crap and then acts surprised and pissed when she gets mad. What the hell did you expect?
Anyway. I'll keep living in my fantasy world where people treat Maze well. She's in a relationship with Linda and Lucifer, and Dan and Lucifer are good buddies. Oh and where Lucifer is actually polyamorous and doesn't act like a jealous little whiny b.
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