#anti endos be like
yandere-heaven · 1 year
oh hey, a proship server, lemme join!
They don't allow fakeclaiming, lets go!
Let me verify and make an intro–
[Gets motherfucking FAKECLAIMED(A traumaendo? ANY endogenic system aren't real??? I'm not saying you're not apart of a system, but maybe you're confus3ded)]
Wanna guessed who it was?
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tableperson · 1 year
Love having “discourse-neutral, anti-endo leaning” twats respond to my posts. They come in, spout dumb shit then expect me to sit there and read any of it when they call themselves anti-endo. Like, you’re in our DNI. Fuck off. I don’t care what you think. I don’t care if you misinterpret the concept of demedicalisation. I don’t care if you think you’re right or that you make sense. Because- and listen closely here- I don’t want to hear you. I shouldn’t have to break down every single fucking thing to ensure you bastards can’t twist it in some ridiculous fashion.
Here’s a reminder:
We are are NonBinary. Very few members of the system are Cis. Shut up trying to tell us what we should find transphobic. Sysmed isn’t transphobic.
Gender dysphoria is still a mental health issue, it’s diagnosable and recognisable as symptoms that make life hard for those who experience it. Being trans isn’t a mental health issue- it’s still considered to be one by transphobes who say “being trans necessitates dysphoria” and thus believe that being trans in any way is an illness due to the link they think needs to exist. (this mentality also includes bio-essentialism and the denial of anything outside of the binary genders existing)
Based on the above, I compare Endogenic systems to NonBinary genders because
there can be medical and mental health aspects to both being a system and being trans
Both plural and trans communities are marginalised and misunderstood by wider society
Endogenic systems get denied and fakeclaimed by other systems, much like NB-phobic trans people attack NonBinary Individuals
Being NonBinary is less commonly associated with dysphoria or medical transition. Being Endogenic is less commonly associated with trauma and is not disordered. (Note the ‘less commonly associated’ bit, it’s not a set in stone rule. Duh)
Therefore, Sysmeds, by trying to claim the only way to be plural is to have heavy childhood trauma and be disordered because of it, you are reducing the concept of plurality to be purely medical. You are medicalising plurality. You believe that non-disordered Endogenic systems can’t exist. Your stance is system-medical. That’s just the facts.
How it’s not transphobic and actually, uno reverse card, by saying it’s transphobic you’re kinda a transphobe: listen to yourself. You are claiming that we are the ones making trans-ness medical by comparing it to systemhood, which you believe can only be medical. When in truth, you’re the only one here who thinks that way. You talk over NonBinary and trans people to say that we’re transphobic because we dare to say that neither systemhood or transness is inherently medical and that people who do think it’s purely medical are wrong. Seriously. Listen to yourselves. You’re reaching so far your arguments are becoming a health condition for your back.
Additionally, we also know that disassociative disorders as a whole aren’t all plurality. Never said they were. Never brought ones that weren’t relevant up.
I think that’s everything I can be bothered to note. Bye.
To add: “non sysmeds can criticise the term for being shitty” ok then did you give actual criticism? Point out any real flaw? No? Just gunna spam buzzwords at me and tell me to delete my post? Fuck off, if you’re sysmed or not I don’t care- I explained the reasoning why the term works and it’s comparable. If you’re going to take issue with it, then be constructive. No, “delete this” isn’t constructive.
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partysystem · 22 days
edit: this is primarily addressing minor systems!! any system can be put in danger by doing this, but minors are especially at risk.
this point has probably been made 700 times already but can we please stop normalizing putting every crumb of alter information into your intros/descriptions. i'm really tired of seeing people list their trauma holders & let their littles roam free online & minors listing their sexual protectors publicly, PLEASE stop putting targets on you. yeah your intro or pk description might look pretty but someone is going to take advantage of that information eventually and/or publicly blast you.
^ this also applies to triggers btw, even positive ones. you may think you're preventing something, but if you tell the internet not to do something then they're just gonna do it more, especially if your triggers are more obscure/"weird".
i say this as someone who used to do all of this too, i thought it was proving a point and showing the fakeclaimers that i really AM traumatized!! yeah no it doesn't work like that. don't try to prove yourself to people who will never listen to you, protect yourself please.
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a-clucking-system · 2 months
its really funny seeing endos and endo supporters saying "youre hurting trauma survivors by being anti endo!"
yeah? im hurting trauma survivors? you mean, the people that claim to not have trauma?
be ASTRONOMICALLY real with yourself
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Just saw a post that was like “I don’t want the future to be plural because that means giving kids more trauma” and then they tagged it pro endo 🤨🤨
“The future is plural” is about radical acceptance of all plurals and living in a world where we’re allowed to exist without being shamed or harassed for it. It has nothing to do with creating more trauma!! Especially because that’s not a requirement for plurality at all!!
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crow-collective15 · 2 months
We need to normalize people having more then one name! It’s ok if you can’t decide between a few different names! You don’t HAVE to decide, you can have multiple names! That’s ok! And you’re not “lying” or “faking” if you use different names with different people!
I’m not even talking about being a system! Anyone should be able to have as many names as makes them comfortable
And as a system as well if tons of people use multiple names then it also helps hide! “Oh yeah, I’m going by eerie today instead of Leo”
To conclude, if ya want another name, get another name
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clay-pidgeon · 9 months
no games are really singleplayer if youre plural. “solitaire” not for me!
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cccat-in-a-meat-sack · 3 months
Me: I don't care about people that aren't actively harming others
rando: oh, so then why do you care about endos then?
Me: *stares at the amount of misinformation in the endo community that actively harms systems*
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sysboxes · 5 months
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[Text: This system has identity crises often. Please be kind.]
Like/Reblog if you save or use!
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tommyssupercoolblog · 4 months
"i know they're faking DID/OSDD because their alters are cringe!!!!" This may come as a shock to you, but sometimes, people's coping mechanisms, are cringe.
so when their brain introjects or creates someone, it's also cringe.
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tableperson · 1 year
Where is the Win scenario for Sysmeds and Anti-Endos? Where do they come out of the fight looking like a good person?
Anti-Endo argument 1: you aren’t Endogenic, you’re a DID system! I’m going to put stress on you to acknowledge your trauma and harass you for daring to label yourself Endogenic!!
Like, congrats? Now you’re just shitting on what you think is a DID based system on the internet. Aren’t you supposed to be supportive and informative to them? But just because you don’t like their choice of label, you assume.. what? That they’re trying to erase DID system pride or something..? Ok..?
Anti-Endo argument 2: You aren’t Endogenic because that doesn’t exist, so you’re not a system, stop faking! Dumb kids keep making things up to feel special!
Besides being flat out fakeclaiming to say Endogenic systems aren’t real (and fakeclaiming hurts the ENTIRE plural community A LOT)- well done! Now you’re either
Shouting at an (assumed) child who you believe doesn’t know better
Attacking an actually delusional person for potentially misidentifying themselves with their self DX
Or you’re wrong and they are a system, Endogenic or otherwise, but because they use the label ‘endo’ you revoked them of system resources and spaces. Well done. /sarc
Anti-Endo argument 3: pro-endos are doxxers and harassers who steal from diagnosed systems so I don’t like them!!1!
You just labeled an entire marginalised community as violent criminals attacking your way of life by existing. Rethink your (comparative/relative) privilege- be you a singlet in an ablist society or a disordered system who is medically recognised and relatively known of and accepted in pop culture/wider society compared to Endogenic systems who get far less respect or recognition.
(Please add more examples to this of the toxicity of anti-endo arguments and stances because I know there are way more /nf)
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cosmossystem · 24 days
can pro-endo and/or pro-ship blogs interact with this post or follow us or send asks or something? weve been dealing with right-wingers & medicalists in our notes for like a week now and its been a bad time. and also we wanna make more mutuals on this blog <3
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Miku says endosys are real and amazing! <3
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evilmedian · 25 days
i know it's bad to Feed The Trolls but on some level i feel it's important to continue talking about how predatory aspenfrosten's Content Creation strategy is, on the off chance that ANY of their devoted teenage fanbase sees it and realizes there's better things they could be doing with their time.
this person's behavior is not normal or safe! mature adults don't encourage their younger fans to harass others on their behalf. responsible and trustworthy adults don't profit off their audience of teenagers by selling userboxes with stolen art. people who care about disability advocacy don't casually make violently ableist statements about people they dislike. content creators are not your friends!
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autismcultureis · 3 months
I know this may abit out of place but what is a endogenic system?
hi, this blog is for education so no worries! an endogenic system is a fake form of a dissociative disorder that claims to be a system without experiencing trauma. (which is literally a requirement for anyone to be a system.) someone may choose to use this label if they are a system that denies their trauma, a singlet who thinks it's "fun" to be a system, or any other strange reason. it mocks and invalidates people who are actually plural, in a system, and experience these dissociations. you could probably learn a lot more about these things in your own research, but i hope this helps a little bit!
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system-hottakes · 1 month
Heres a hot take
I’m anti endo I have to start off by saying that
But also, I don’t think all endos are faking. Of course some of them are, but I think a majority are probably misinformed kids who either are systems and don’t remember their trauma/dont think their trauma was “bad enough”, or people just getting fed misinformation and thinking that their symptoms are of being an endo system when it’s actually something else
And honestly, this brings up another reason that endos are bad because that is so much misinformation
Fuck endos especially ones who spread that misinformation.
yeah, I don't think all endos are faking. Some are in denial, some don't remember their trauma, some are confused, being manipulated, ect. There's lots of reasons why someone might think they're endo, but I still don't like them. They spread misinformation and while I feel bad for them I wouldn't want them here, even if they were in denial.
And yeah, misinformation is one of the worst parts of endos, it's why they're so bad. Almost every endo spreads misinformation at varying degrees, using the term endo itself is spreading misinformation as it's not possible to be an endo system.
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