#And stop fakeclaiming US for being Traumaendo
xxlovelynovaxx ยท 1 year
No. Rebuttal below.
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It's as simple as this: not every goddamn thing applies to you. There are hallucinagenic systems who do see their alters. YOU were not one. Just because YOU were not one doesn't mean NO ONE is. STOP behaving like your experiences are universal.
Also, validating delusions and hallucinations isn't universally harmful, but I've driven that point into the ground already. And not everyone "overcomes" their delusions/hallucinations, that is GROSSLY ableist. It is okay to have delusions and hallucinations for the rest of your life and to be "stuck" like that
There is a difference between headmates and hallucinations, SOMETIMES. Sometimes they are BOTH. They weren't for you. It is not the fault of endo systems who ARE hallucinagenic that YOU were wrong about which it was in your case.
(Also would like to add that you can't always fucking tell when an alter is dormant, but I choose to believe this person on this because I'm not a shitty fakeclaimer.)
But I find it hard to believe they were "forced" to create alters. I don't know of a single endo space that does that. This reads like a transphobic detransitioner saying they were "forced to mutilate their body". I know there are toxic endo spaces, and I personally despise the few systems that use the term traumascum.
If they indeed got called a sysmed and fakeclaimed on ONLY the basis of not creating alters, that was not representative of most radically inclusive plural spaces. This reads like a sock puppet, but benefit of the doubt.
And, I've dealt with enough traumagenic disordered sysmeds to understand that even a minority of the community can make you feel unsafe, as a traumaendo DID system myself. That being said, I blame bad actors, not their identity as traumagenic DID systems.
I wonder if it might be possible that this person was originally right and has driven actual alters into hiding by trying to "fix" them by stopping them from existing as hallucinations. Either way, I feel sorry for them.
That doesn't excuse their ableism. They overgeneralized their experience and invalidated and fakeclaimed an entire group of systems based on the fact that they weren't a member of that group. Being wrong about your identity and the decisions you made with the knowledge you had at the time, doesn't give you the right to tell every single other person who identifies that way that they're wrong, or prevent them from making those same decisions (especially when those decisions help that person in ways they didn't help you).
Come on. When you're using the same arguments as literal t//erfs, take a step back and consider where the fuck you went wrong.
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