#anti endo mogai culture is
aemogai-culture-is · 1 year
Okay, I may sound like a whiny baby, but aemogai culture is getting really pissed off when you've been running an aemogai blog for months and don't even have 50 followers, but a pemogai blog that started last week already has 100 followers 🥲
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yeah no i hear ya, we havent gained much following since we moved from wateryourgender to archival-arrival
no idea how those guys get so popular so quick, i feel your frustration there
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clownrecess · 1 year
Self indulgent cringeXDcoric stimboard!!
(Cringexdcoric was coined by @chronicallyqueercoining )
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the-astropaws · 3 months
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Hello everyone and welcome to something we've wanted to do since joining the coining community. This is an event dedicated to give the spotlight to all the poc out there who coin or make edits. So often we're overshadowed and barely gain a following or reach, especially when it comes to culture themed things. This is something we'd love to do again so we hope it doesn't flop.
1. Anyone who is a poc can join, this includes mixed poc because we're often even more overshadowed or treated like an uncomfortable middle ground of not poc enough and not white enough. No need to ask "what if I'm" if you're a poc! It's a yes. But absolutely NO transid race shit. Do not touch my blog or any other blogs with that.
2. White people and poc who don't want to participate can still spread this. It's heavily encouraged actually! Please help share both this event and any blog ran by poc you see. Traction is how we build a platform.
3. If you're mixed and want to make multiple flags to include each culture you're apart of you can. Mixed specific flags are absolutely welcome as well.
4. While we want to share as many poc owned blogs we can find. We won't reblog or interact if you're pro endo, anti good faith, proship/radqueer, or if your blog is super inaccessible to us.
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When does this event start? March 1st. Since timezones are a thing it's whenever March 1st is for you, so those a day ahead of us are still free to start. You can choose one prompt for the day, both separately, or combine the two. It's up to you.
Day 1 - Your culture + Dolls or Horror.
Day 2 - Your culture + Angels or Demons.
Day 3 - Your culture + an Orientation or Gendersystem.
Day 4 - An animalgender that's important to your culture.
Day 5 - A cultural emoji gender.
Day 6 - A gender based on cultural food you find comfort in or grew up with.
Day 7 - A cultural exclusive term you can use. An example being something like two-spirit or a term in your native language (example being समलैंगिक)
Day 8 - Presentation labels, examples being bear, twink, butch and others along those lines.
Day 1 - A human character who is from the same culture as you.
Day 2 - A non human character who is from the same culture as you.
Day 3 - A poc character you feel is underappreciated or underused.
Day 4 - A non human character (for example something like an fnaf robot) you headcanon as a poc.
Day 5 - Cultural mogai flag icons of a character you like or find comfort in. (basically those character icons with flags but using specificly poc/culture related ones).
Day 6 - Bonus day. We don't make edits so ideas are really hard to think of.. do whatever you want for this day! It could be to show off your skills or simply something silly.
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tagging most mutuals incase any want to join or share it ( _ _) <3
@champagne-face , @dpdangel , @coingirlbxy , @phantasverie , @torturedartiste , @baxtrrd , @haunted-thing , @yourdarlingness , @kandi-fox , @eerieangels
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randomblognamego · 19 days
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A Blankqueer term where you are just a critter that doesn’t want to be involved in any form is discourse while still having your own boundaries.
Emoji code: 🎧🌈/🌈🎧
Why 🎧?: because you are blocking out all discourse!
This stance is anti:
- Harassment
- Discourse
- Boundary breaking
- Contact without consent
- Antis
- Syscource
- Radqueer discourse
- Zionists
- Ageism, speciesism, ableism, racism
- “paraphiles are harmful”
- Doxxing
- “TransID’s are harmful”
- Thinks narcissistic abuse is real
- Thinks borderline abuse is real
- Thinks sociopath abuse is real
- Cancel culture
- Typing quirk exclusionist (ie. “You can’t use this typing quirk”)
This stance is neutral/doesn’t care if you use it:
- anti contact
- Radqueer
- Paraphile
This stance is pro:
- ship
- Consent
- “Live and let live”
- Endo systems
- Tulpas
- Non traumagenic systems basically
- Traumagenic systems
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pluralcultureis · 4 months
plural culture is also being part of the mogai comunity and looking for a anti endo blog only to find out that there are hardly any and that the ones that do excist get a loty of hate of pro endo systems and most of those blogs being a singlet that tell system that are anti endo that they arnt a system because real systems stick up for each other and would welcom endo/xenogenic systems with open arms
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the-firefly-jar-system · 11 months
Welcome to The Firefly Jar System!
[pt: welcome to the firefly jar system!]
we are a minor bodied, professionally diagnosed DID system
always open ask game is here!
we collectively go by they/them and the names firefly or aster. we’re also an archaeopteryx (paleo)therian :]
small polyfrag system (system of ~60) ‘brainmade’ heavy
white and ethnically jewish, most alters are pagan or agnostic and some others are more religiously jewish or athiest
we also have a sort of systemsona you can find here
don’t follow with an empty blog or we’ll report and block you! just add something so we know you’re not a bot
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we are/have (all professionally diagnosed and/or medically recognized)
polyfragmented/complex DID (and obviously CPTSD)
anxiety/depression/all that fun (/sar) stuff
an unspecified obsessive/compulsive disorder
tics (unsure of reason)
ARFID (+ recovering other ed)
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syskids blog: @little-fireflies-syskids
vent blog: @trapped--in--a--jar (TW)
ash's blog: @chaotic---child
valentine’s blog: @decora-clown
fennel’s blog: @enby-worm-nightmare
basil’s blog: @flowers-and-bandaids
furby blog: @the-bumbling-furby
we also run: @obsessive-compulsive-culture-is
we also run: @syskid-terms-archive
- intros are tagged #alter intro - our posts/posts we contributed to are tagged #firefly flickers
here is our carrd
our simplyplural is the-firefly-jar-system if you’d like to friend us!!
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[pt: dni]
basic DNI criteria (racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, sexist, etc)
anti xenogender/neopronouns/MOGAI
radqueer/transID/etc and supporters
pro-c/anti recovery disordered paraphiles (this is specifically for those with paraphilic disorders, not general paraphilias)
endos/tulpas and supporters (endo neutrals are fine, tulpa neutrals are not)
anti otherkin/therian/alterhuman
NSFW/kink main blog (we don’t have anything against you just personal comfort)
pro SH/ED/ana/mia/etc, including "pro for me but not for thee". we've been in that boat, and we no longer support that mindset
anyone who brings up ship discourse (we’re neutral and will interact with both parties as long as you’re not being an asshole)
if you harass anyone, even people on our DNI. even if we disagree with you, nobody deserves to be harassed (very few exceptions)
since we’ve been getting a lot of asks related to this, this post explains the endos/tulpas DNI!
let us know if we missed anything or if you have any other questions!
Ever growing userbox hoard:
[pt: ever growing userbox hoard]
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credit to sysboxes for userboxes, credit to rpinkling for image divider
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antiendovents · 3 months
another incredibly upsetting thing about endos that they've promoted themselves everywhere. not even only at systems' spaces, but in every fucking neurodivergent space (and even other, like queer spaces).
so i (anti-endo, queer system with multiple disabilities, both physical and mental) can find this shit everywhere. even if i look for info about my other disorders or even just queer stuff, i have to see "anti-endo dni" or see like anti-endo is grouped with real gatekeeping, which i don't support and hate.
i mean, it's awful that endos have invaded osddid community, there's no place for them, but how did they manage to convince everyone that their idea is ok and that "sysmed" exists?
like. there's people who do shit like endos do. all these "muds" creators, transableds, believers in "non-disordered" disorders. but they aren't welcome anywhere outside their trash corner of the internet. and endos somehow managed to escape from this corner and spread their ideas almost everywhere. like big mental health culture blogs are pro-endo. it's harder to find anti-endo spaces than pro-endo.
i just can't understand how and why.
yeah, especially in mogai communities. so many pro-endos / endos. its frustrating because i know that literally any other type of endo (transabled people, since endos are literally just transabled in a different font) would be pushed out of communities but endos arent whats also very annoying is when accounts have "DNI if trans-ID" but then are also pro-endo.. like.. you're quite literally supporting the people in your DNI..
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hiiiii i used to be @nullsexducks but i got logged out and can’t log back in sOo I’m back and honestly probably worse lmaooo
people tend to do intro/pinned posts so here’s mine!
- hiii i’m 20 years old
- live in the USA, west coast
- i still don’t really know how to work this app
- metalhead, goth, punk, leftist (not liberal), artist, squishmallow collector
- gender questioning kinda
- bisexual and proud!!!
- happy battle-axe bisexual, truscum, transmed, pro dysphoric enben, aro/ace exclusionist
- dysphoria ≠ you hate yourself or are miserable 24/7
- you need more than just social gender dysphoria to be trans
- stimming is not “cute”
- disorders/mental illnesses are not genders, and neither are personality traits or aesthetics
- there are only two genders, man and woman! if you’re non-binary, then you’re neither, not a third gender.
- trump sucks ass but so does biden (whyyyy old white men whyyyy)
- anti “endogenic” systems
- i love cringe culture 🫶🏼
- no one is perfect, it’s a good thing to admit you’re mistakes and grow :)
- ex-inclusionist
- please don’t ask me about ship-course i have no idea what that means and cannot figure it out for the life of me
- have your sources ready!
DNI tucutes/mogai/inclusionists/endos UNLESS you’re coming to have a polite and rational conversation :)
doxxing, harassing, stalking, sui-baiting people is awful and not tolerated here
petty insults will get you nowhere
even if we disagree on things here, we’re all still people who deserve basic respect, rights, and kindness.
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sophieinwonderland · 11 months
Did anyone know there's an Anti-endo mogai-culture-is blog?
They tried explaining what endogenic systems are. It was predictably terrible!
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Sorry, anon! If you can't stand being ignorant, you've come to the wrong place!
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I've already gone over plenty about how the "systems forming without trauma isn't scientifically possible" is nonsense, right? I mean, even with DID, most academic papers will only say it has a strong association with trauma, but will never make a claim like "it's scientifically impossible for DID to form without trauma." Actual scientists are willing to keep the door open for exceptions however rare they may be. Especially in psychology where there are so many unknowns.
But DID isn't even really what we're talking about, but plurality. And with the ICD-11 saying you can experience multiple "distinct personality states" (which it uses synonymously with alters,) the World Health Organization has acknowledged the existence of endogenic plurality, as have many other psychologists and psychiatrists.
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Okay, that "they spread misinformation" line has really aged like a fine... glass of milk... in the sun...
This is embarrassing in every way.
First... endomatrocis isn't a physical condition in anything. It's a completely made-up word.
Second, while this could have meant endometriosis, that's a disease in the uterus, not the spine. Is there a spinal disease with the endo prefix Is don't know about?
And third, endogenic had nothing to do with endometriosis either. "Endo" is a prefix used in countless ways, meaning "within." See endoskeleton, endorphins, endocrine system, etc.
Fortunately, someone is in the comments to correct the misinformation. Unfortunately, they're correcting it with different misinformation.
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Again, the "endo" prefix is used in a large number of contexts. Yes, some problematic people used words with a popular prefix in ways that could be harmful, because that's how language woks.
The word "endogenous" is generally used to refer to an illness or condition having internal causes. It's true that this was used at some points in sentences suggesting DID wasn't caused by trauma, as has words like "internal." It was also used by Kluft to speculate that there may be a non-pathological endogenous variant of multiplicity that might exist outside of clinical DID. Which... is actually pretty similar to how "endogenic" is used by the endogenic community. See:
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Now, endogenic isn't the same word as endogenous. It doesn't have that same history. But even if it was, endogenous isn't a bad word. It's just a general descriptor for ANY experience that's internally caused.
Freud, who I assume is the controversial psychiatrist being referenced since that's the anti-endo myth, never used either of these words because he's German and instead used a German word with the same very common prefix.
And while mostly beside the point, Freud was endorsing the fantasy theory, not the iatrogenic model which became popularized later. The fantasy theory is that memories of trauma came from fantasizing. The Iatrogenic model suggested DID was caused by mental health professionals and that psychiatrists intentionally or unintentionally implanted trauma memories. In either case, endogeous was never the OG "term" for either.
I feel so sorry for this poor anon who asked a question only to get huge lies that are going to leave them less informed than when they started.
But that's par for the course when asking information of anti-endos. You will usually come out knowing less than you did before asking your question. *grumbles about every anti-endo asked a question about tulpamancy describing it as a spiritual practice.*
Lastly, I'll just leave you with this:
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"AEMOGAI culture is not understanding why exclusionists are exclusionists, and why leopards are eating my face."
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Sooo.. Who are we?
Well, we're a traumagenic system of 40+ hc!
We have tons of littles, otherkin/therian, and nonhumans!!
We're also VERY introject heavy.
We'll soon do a list of alters and such with their tags and names.
Who's Allowed Here?
Well, if you fit basic DNI criteria, [LINK], then please go away.
If you're pro-endo, or claim to be a non-traumagenic system; you can stay I suppose. We don't support you, but we will not block or harrass you.
We're anti-syscourse.
So basically DNI if:
- Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Transphobic, Xenophobic, Islamophobic, etc. (See Basic DNI ^^)
- Anti-Xenogenders / Anti-Neopronouns
- Anti-Therian / Anti-Otherkin / Anti-Alterhuman
- Anti-Agere / Anti-Petre
- Anti-System / Pro-Syscourse
- Misuses Tone Tags
- Anti-Typing Quirk
- DANGEROUS Paraphilea (zoo, necro, pedo, etc.)
- Proshipper / Comshipper
- Trump Supporter / Conservative
- Discriminates Against Religions
- Have NSFW in your blog
- Xenoid Users
Who Is Welcomed? (Please INT.)
Welcome List:
- Systems
- Otherkin / Therian / Alterhuman / Nonhuman
- Uses Neopronouns
- Uses Xenogenders
- LGBTQIA+ Individuals
- Gender Hoarders
- Name Hoarders
- Pronoun Hoarders
- Title Hoarders
Before You Follow. (BYF)
- Bodily Minor
- Traumatized
- Photosensitive
- We Support Good-Faith IDs
- This is a SFW Blog
What You Can Ask For:
- System Flags
- New System Terms
- System-Related Userboxes
- Misc. Userboxes (This user likes ___)
- System-Related / Misc. Communication Cards!!
- Advice
And, yes, we will do requests from endos. This does not mean we support them, however.
(You can also send in "system / plural culture is..." posts!)
What You Cannot Ask For:
- Genders
- Orientations
- Names
- Pronouns
- Emojis
- Titles
- Alterhuman Terms
- Alterhuman Userboxes
(If you need to, check out our other blogs to request some stuff! They'll be listed below.)
Other Blogs / Posts.
If you want alterhuman content, requests, and asks; go to.. The-Infinite-Wilderness [LINK]
If you want MOGAI, LIOM, xenogender, names, titles, and pronouns content; go to.. Infinity-Terms [LINK]
If you want emoji content, go to.. Infinity-Emojis [LINK]
If you want to see our reblogs / hoards, go to.. Xeno-Archive [LINK]
Here's our name / tagging system:
Thank you for reading / listening to this post!!
Check out our other blogs if you want!
Have a good day, all!
- Ash + Unnamed Alter
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Transfemasc culture is..!
welcome to my culture blog! i tried to find a preexisting one to submit to, but after seeing there are none, i made my own!
-- about me --
im frankie, my main blog being @mogai-angel . my pinned post there has more personal information ^^
-- submitting --
just send an ask! all culture asks HAVE to start with "transfemasc culture is" (or the alternate terms transfemmasc or transmascfem). it can also be "transfemasc + insert thing culture is". you can also send non-culture asks^^
-- dni --
basic dni
anti mogai/xenos/neopronouns/etc
anti good faith identities like bi lesbian, gaybian, lesboy/turigirl, transfemasc, etc.
those who are actively anti endo (endo neutrals are fine for this blog)
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aemogai-culture-is · 1 year
aemogai culture is
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encouraging others to create more terms and things exclusive to 'traumagenics' or pw specific things like pds, more content for your fellow victims of trauma cuz we deserve good things after all we've gone through. especially if its a way of coping.
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A Queer Stance similar to safequeer in the sense that it’s anti-radqueer though this stance supports transage and transspecies but not transID/transX community as a whole, especially transabled and transracial and other harmful transIDs.
Catqueers are not anti-mspec lesbians/gays, lesboys/turigirls and endo-systems, but don’t fully support them either due to having conflicted feelings or being apathetic towards the matter. They believe that Mspec Lesbians/Gays and Lesboys/Turigirls are still part of the LGBT community, and we should look out for each other even if their labels are confusing 
Catqueers also believe that pedophiles, zoophiles and necrophiles should be encouraged to seek out treatment, and condemn those have chose to act of their attraction or wish to do so.
This term is against actively engaging in discourse and encourages other to block accounts instead of harassing/fighting with them. Emoji combo: 🤎🐈💜
This term is safe for:
Pedos, Zoos and Necros who want to get help to subdue their paraphila
Anti-contact Pedos, Zoos and Necros
LGBTQIA+, Xenogenders, neopronouns, MOGAI and LIOM.
Chronosisans, Altage, Age Dysphoric and Transage
Alterhumans, Nonhumans, Otherkins, Therians and Transspecies
Harmless transX identities like trans-artstyle, trans-haircolour/style, trans-eye colour, trans-religion, trans-occupation, trans-powers etc.
Pro-Kink, Pro-BDSM, and Pro-Para
Pro-religion, so long as the religion doesn’t involve harming others
Objectums and POSICs
Anti Harassment, anti-bullying, anti-doxxing and anti-abuse
This term DOES NOT support:
Starting drama, engaging in discourse and/or bullying others
Harassing people with harmful para on the basis of attraction alone especially the big 3
Pro/neu/complex etc. contact pedophiles, zoophiles, necrophiles and other non-consensual paraphilias
Radqueer and it’s variations
Bigots and Cringe Culture enthusiasts
Transrace and Transabled (unless it’s people who have BIID)
Harmful TransX identities like transmurderer, transabuser, transr*pist, transn@zi, transincel etc. (Yes they do exsist)
Proshippers/Pro-fiction/anti-anti/consang etc.
Transmeds/Transcum, T3RFs, radfems, Gender Critical, anti-feminists, gold star lesbians and battle-axe bis
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Hi made this term because safequeer doesn’t fit me anymore so I made a new term suit my beliefs, idk why I chose a cat for this, because I’m a cat I guess🤷
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This is a culture blog inspired by blogs like @pluralcultureis @ppd-culture-is @hpdcultureis @genderqueer-culture-is @ace-culture-is @polyfragcultureis and other blogs like that!
About us:
This blog is run by a professionally diagnosed DID system! Our personal blog is @the-firefly-jar-system
We are personally anti-endo, but this blog is endo neutral/syscourse apathetic
We are/have AuDHD and an unspecified obessive/compulsive disorder
We are professionally diagnosed with everything but in support of informed self diagnosis
Submissions must start with “___ culture is”
Anything obsessive/compulsive goes! OCD culture, OCPD culture, obessive/compulsive culture, BFRB culture, BDD culture, questioning obessive/compulsive culture, and anything else!
Please be respectful in your submissions, we will delete asks that are rude or discriminatory in any way
Basic DNI (homophobe, transphobe, racist, ableist etc)
Radqueer & anti-recovery para
Syscourse main blog
NSFW main blog
Anti-self diagnosis
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sorcery-fight · 1 year
Explodes and dies but in like a cute girl way <3
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ID: Two Images of The Elric Brothers. They are both Edited to have cat ears, tails, and whiskers. In the first image Alphonse, in his armor form, is pointing at himself. He has a simplified squiggly face. His ears and tail match his armor.  the second image is of Ed Giving a thumbs up from the “I See No Difference Love Is Love” meme. His ears and tail match his hair./End ID
Heya! Wei’re the Superbell System.
Pronouns: It/Its, Ink/Inks, Fuck/Fucks
Call Muis Linkrot (Or Plushy. Or Bell. Or Rockstar. Or Apple.) More on En.Pronouns
White passing
Bigender Boygirl.
Bisexual, lesbian, and gay.
Physically Disabled and Mentally Ill
Canary Rockfish Therian
Cat Furry
Transspecies Inkling
Agent 3 Fictionkin
Wei reclaim the f and d slur and try to tag them.
Wei reclaim Cripple and do tag it.
Interests: Fullmetal Alchemist, Pokemon, Splatoon, Vocaloid, Speedrunning, and Marine Biology.
Wei tag triggers as #[trigger] or #[trigger mention]. wei can tag most things if you ask. Wei cannot tag cursing.
PLEASE FILTER ‘#😶tag’ if you don’t want to see muis be weird and really horny
Master List of Muir Poetry
Muir Archive Of Our Own profile
More info and DNI below the cut <3
Anti-Endo/System exclus
Believe in “Narc Abuse”
Fans of South Park/DSMP/Hazbin Hotel/HP
Anti Kin or Gatekeeper
Anti Furry
Aspec or Mspec gatekeeper (this includes anti mspec lesbian/gay)
Pro-Ship/Anti-Anti/Pro Fiction/Pro Incest (Or refer to backlash against such content and beliefs “Purity Culture”)
Tranx/Transid (Excluding Transspecies y’all are cool)
Or allow interaction from Bold.
Please do not follow if you are over 28.
Interests (Extended):
Games: Splatoon, Pokemon, Undertale/Deltarune, A Hat In Time, Mario, Animal Crossing
Anime/Manga: Fullmetal Alchemist, Jujutsu Kaisen, Death Note, Demon Slayer, My Hero Academia, Madoka Magica, Spy X Family, Komi Can't Communicate, Serial Experiments Lain, Pokespe, Coroika, Change 1 2 3
Movies/TV: Invader Zim, The Owl House, Fight Club
Other Interests: Speedrunning, Vocaloid, Marine Biology and the ocean in general, Nuclear waste and disposal
A bit on the System
Wei are and Adaptive system. 
Wei often use Semi-Plural Pronouns (Info Here)
Wei will not participate in any system discourse, but are inclusive of all system origins.
Some members who may use tumblr are:
Wooper (Ey/Em) (#Wooper.Scream)
CQ (He/It) (#CQ Speaking)
Ruby (He/it)
Julie (She/Her) (#Julie8)
Teresa (and Kytte) (She/He) (#Teresa Tag)
Whitney (She/Her)
Bobble (She/He) (#Bobble Babble)
Other Blogs Wei Run:
@fullmetal-accessible  (Fullmetal Alchemist Described)
@blessed-generation-verse (Our OC world)
@the-challenging-deep (blog for Ocean Hearthome and other marine things)
Feel free to ask for muir discord and Switch Friendcode <3
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avpdcultureis · 1 year
Welcome to avpdcultureis! this is a blog where anyone with avoidant personality disorder can send in asks about what avpd culture is, whether serious or silly.
please begin all submissions with "avpd culture is" or some variant.
our pfp is the AvPD flag by @/avpdvoidspace
the mods here are mod polaris and mod arche
both mods have various disabilities and mental illnesses that may lead to unstable blog activity.
both mods are self-diagnosed, and we are inclusive of self-diagnosis here.
exclusionists, whether you are an ace exclusionist, terf/radfem, transmed, anti-endo, anti self-dx, anti-mogai, etc. are unwelcome here. if you exclude or gatekeep any good faith identity, we do not want you interacting. people who are neutral on these matters, please also don't interact.
ED and s/h accounts please do not interact.
"narcissist abuse" is not real. this account is NPD safe.
we have a discord server! come hang out with us!
tags below may be used for navigation.
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