#queer stance
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A blankqueer label/queer stance where the motto is just "live and let live". "I'm too tired to care". The emoji code is (💤🔌). Not radqueer but not safequeer but not blablabla, it's nothing. You do not care.
Ship discourse is dumb
System discourse is dumb
Queer discourse is dumb
Live and let live till they do something illegal
Research over emotions, facts over feelings
Allowing a safe space for people with all sorts of mental illness
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villiqueer · 20 days
VILLIQUEER — 🪲🌈 / 🧪🌈
pt: villiqueer
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Villiqueer is a term similar to post-radqueer, but with more explained ideals. This term is made for folk who feel as though they have been villianized and outcasted by the radqueer community and now feel as though they have moved past radqueerness while still holding onto the ideology.
Stances under the cut!
Villiqueer is pro . . .
- bodily autonomy
- all forms of self identification (transids, mspec monos, etc)
- all types of sexual/romantic orientations (including paras)
- sex education
- drug liberation
- sex positivity
- youthlib
- sex work of all kinds
- destigmatization of "unhealthy" coping mechanisms
- destigmatization of self harm and suicide
- destigmatization of paraphilias/parasexuals
- proship
- freedom to state any and all personal opinions
- consent
- all contact stances (yes. all of them.)
Villiqueer is anti . . .
- harassment
- bullying, including targeted bullying
- ableism / sanism
- non-consensual sexual interactions
- non-consensual abuse
- child abuse material ("cp"/csam/csem)
- para "recovery"
- thought crimes
- hate speech
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honeymicesquared · 5 months
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〘 Hugqueer 〙
A blankqueer stance focusing on comforting and protecting others! Made with the idea to focus on those with physical & mental disabilities/disorders, but doesn't exclusively focus on them.
For: Respecting physical disabilities, respecting mental disabilities/disorders, respecting paraphilias (anti-c harmful), mspecs, mspec monos, aspec, MOGAI, all plurals, alterhumanity/nonhumans, recovery for everyone (including recovering radqueers)
Against: Demonizing disabilities/disorders, disrespecting disabilities/disorders, harassing, doxxing, thought policing, fakeclaiming, racists, bigots, radqueers, transid, pro-c harmful paras, TERFS, label policing
Not Heavy On: Shipcourse, syscourse
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Tagging: @antiradqueer
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[PT: SympathyQueer]
SympathyQueer, a queer stance that does not give sympathy to the shitty people on this world. Bigots, Groomers, Predators, PRATS, etc. and does not welcome them into one’s own personal spaces. This stance is similar to Eepyqueer(link) where one does not wish to participate in discourse, and if someone chooses to drag them into it they will take actions such as blocking. (Emoji combo: 🔪❌)
Note: This term is based off the song Sympathy(link) by Luluyam.
This Stance is…
Pro-LGBT / Pro-Mogai / Pro-Liom
Pro Xenogenders and Neopronouns
Pro systems (in general)
Pro Alterhuman (of all forms)
Pro Atypical Dysphoria
Pro Age Regression
Pro Good Faith Idenities
Pro Paras (+ recovery for harmful paras)
Anti exclusion
Anti harm
This stance is NOT…
Pro Proshippers (and the many names)
Pro Radqueers
Pro TransID/TransX
Pro MUDs (those who coin mental disorders)
Pro Mixed/Pro Contact Harmful Paras
Pro harassment
For any form of bigoted groups
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[V1 ID: none yet]
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[V2 ID: none yet]
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[Tagging] @blankqueer, @radiomogai, @liom-archive, and @accessmogai
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webby-mogai · 4 months
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A stance similar to sunset paraphile(link) or fluffypara(link), but with more emphasis on being weird and fucked up and enjoying it. Mix in some CKP(link), and pretty much all those stand for apply.
Does not support or condone acting on non-consensual paraphilias*, but believes in being weird and having fun being weird.
This stance supports
All paraphilias and paraphilic disorders (yes including the big 3), as well as OCD.
Radical acceptance - doesn't include accepting hateful or harmful beliefs, actions or identities
Kink and roleplay
Educating yourself and others about paraphilias
Bodily autonomy
Self love and accepting being "weird" or "gross"
This stance does not support
Radqueer (leave me alone please)
Pro, neutral or complex contact for non-consensual paraphilias*
I chose the name vilepara as a sorta misnomer sorta not. Paraphiles often get labeled and disregarded as being degenerate, gross, weird, etc and the name is supposed to play into and reclaim that idea. I love being gross and weird and fucked up and having weird ideas about sex. It's not always fun or easy but I've learned to love it despite that and that's what this is all about babyyyy!!!
* non-exhaustive list of non-con paras: zoophilia, pedophilia (those who think animals or children can consent fuck OFF), necrophilia, raptophilia, somnophilia, etc. Play is supported as long as consent is involved**.
** consent meaning having an explicit understanding of what one is consenting to, and the ability to revoke consent at any time for any reason. This also includes understanding who can and cannot give consent. Discussion of boundaries and scenarios before something happens is important!
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eldorr · 9 months
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With symbol (left), Without symbol (right)
Cosmicqueer is a Queer Stance where one is highly opinionated, aka me. Similar to Critinclus and other such terms. I just wanted a term for my beliefs because I saw some stuff that REALLY annoyed me the other night so here we are.
Cosmisqueer is PRO:
Non-traumagenic systems (aka systems of any kind)
Any "contradictory" or complicated queer identity (within reason, such as Turigirls and Lesboys, Cis Nonbinary Woman/Men, Gaybians, Tulipians, AMAB Transmascs, AFAB Transfems, etc.)
Split Attraction Model, such as Mspec Gay, Mspec Lesbian, Alloaro, Alloace, Alloallo Apl, etc. (Essentially inclusive of any non-rose attraction terms such as Alterous, Queerplatonic, Exteramo, Familial, etc., provided one's form of attraction with those is non-normative.)
Aldernic and Altersex
Terms to describe complicated forms of oppression, such as Exorsexism, Treimisia, and Transandromisia. Cosmisqueer also stands to uplift discussions on general transmisia, transmisogyny, homomisia, amisia, etc. (I personally prefer to use the suffix of misia over phobia.)
Neurodivergent, Race, Nonhuman, etc. exclusive genders/orientations/terms
Nonhumans, Otherkin, Alterhumans, etc.
Reclamation of slurs
Informed Self diagnosis
Objectum, Conceptum
Polyamory, Non-partnering, any non monoamory identity.
Any non-normative being describing oneself as Queer. (Within reason, should only be done if it's an aspect that defines one's identity a decent amount imo.)
Comsicqueer does NOT support:
Radqueer or other similar queer stances
Transid/TransX (Diaracial, Transage, Transabled, etc.)
Pro-Contact or any not anti-contact stance for non-consensual paraphilias (The big 3, and others)
Terms related to the big 3, non-consensual paras, highly dubious concepts. (Minus MAD flags, depending on the nuance of the subject at hand.)
Pro-ship ideology, non-critical fiction stances.
Pro-Incest, Pro-S/H, Pro-ED.
Emojis I'd associate with Cosmicqueer are: ✨☄️🌈. (Sparkles, Comet, Rainbow.)
I already pretty much ID with a couple queer stances, I just wanted a stance where one's Queer, and feels the word Queer can apply to any non-normative identity relating to gender, orientation, presentation, etc. while feeling Queer is inherently connected to the kink community, and can apply to nonhumans, plurals/systems, non-monoamorous beings, etc. as long as their internal identity affects their external expression in any shape and form, being visibly or socially "non-normative." (Within reason, hence the exclusion of actual harmful identities, actions, stances, etc.)
Essentially using the old definition of Queer to cover "strange" and "odd" identity, and blurring the boundaries between the old use of the word Queer, and the current use of it. Essentially I dislike people reducing Queer to just gender identity and sexual orientation, when Queer has always covered much more than that.
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goobersnart · 2 months
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Image description of flag is tba
I want to preface this coining post with the following:
This blog is not a discourse blog or a coining blog! We don't take requests for this stuff. If you start shit you will be blocked and ignored! ^_^
The emojicode (cus we're a sucker for 'em): 🌤️🌈
Feel free to do whatever the fuck you want w/ this flag, it's a pretty flag, have fun with it!
This is a long post, be prepared HELP
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Joyqueer is essentially a blankqueer term where one prefers to focus on positivity. They try and look on the bright side of things, even in the darkest of hours.
Even though Joyqueer focuses on the positivity, it doesn't condone toxic positivity. We're not naïve, the world isn't sunshine and rainbows 24/7. We look on that side when applicable to ease life and stress because focusing on the bad 24/7 and being drowned in misery is painful and hurts.
This stance is for good faith terms/identities, follows P.L.U.R (Peace, Love, Unity (and), Respect), and users might spread positivity and joy amongst others.
This stance is supportive & inclusive of/to the following:
Mspec queers (ie mspec lesbians, gays, biles, bipan, etc.), gender anarchy (being a girlboy, transfemasc thing, having no gender while having gender, etc), & relationship anarchy (being aplatonic, being loveless, having sex with your friends and or doing things with friends that others consider "weird", polyamory, being with objects and or stuffed animals, etc)
System inclusive with the respect of cultures and against spreading misinformation.
Inclusive of ones with cluster B disorders and to educate about them and spread joy to the ones with the disorders that are suffering. NPD abuse doesn't exist, and pw HPD/BPD/ASPD aren't bad for existing!
Anticontact paraphiles that are just existing in a world that sadly doesnt understand them. attraction isn't action and no matter how ""harmful"" the attraction is (attracts cannot be harmful as thought crimes dont exist), you aren't a bad person for something you cannot control.
Anti-censorship in art and storytelling; fiction freedom in the largest of sense. Fiction isn't on the same level as reality, characters are the dolls you play with.
Youth liberation; realizing that the youth isn't stupid and that children are people too.
Atypical dysphoria and the ones that're nonhuman and or alterhuman, extranthrope, altsex, therian, objectkin, conceptkin, etc. A means to spreading positivity and joy to the ones suffering with odd and unusual dysphoria. This includes transhumanism and the personal choice of deciding what one does to ones body; this includes things that you'd find personally uncomfortable/harmful.
This stance is not supportive & inclusive of/to the following:
Transitioning to harmful transids (transnazi, transracist, transblack, transasian, etc.)
any sort of harassment
antitheism/abolition of religion
Like I said above the cut, any sort of hate will get deleted. Spread positivity to the ones that need it, the world needs more positivity. If one has any questions, feel free to ask! :]
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radqueernecoarc · 4 months
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necoqueer // necoarcqueer!!
necoqueer is a queer stance for anyone that is too silly be hateful!
necoqueer inherently supports!:
all transids (including “controversial ” ones like transharm)
non-traumagenic systems
all paras
“contradictory” identities
necoqueer is against:
non-consensual acts
using mental illnesses as insults (including using the words “psychopath”, “narcissist” and “delusional” as insults)
necoqueer is neutral on!:
contact stances
transharmed transition
no mascot or emoji code yet but feel free to make one! this is also my first time making a flag so i hope it doesnt look that bad
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redtail-lol · 4 months
Presenting, Enderqueer
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[Image ID: 2 6-striped flags. They are the same flag, but the one on the left has an end portal overlay, which makes it darker with lighter rectangular speckles. Colors on the right's, in descending order, are: pink; light purple; dark purple; black; dark teal-blue; slightly dark sea green. The right has darkened versions of these same colors. End ID.]
My own blankqueer label. I've been wanting to make one for a while. Name and flag based on the End dimension from Minecraft.
Core principles of Enderqueer:
The core principles of Enderqueer are as follows
The right to self identification with little restrictions and rules.
Inclusion of non-harmful identities in the communities they say they belong to.
Respecting the identities of people even if you do not understand.
Giving everyone a chance to explain their identity before deeming it harmful; as well as respecting someone's choice to not explain and assuming good faith rather than passing judgement.
Putting experiences over definitions; allowing all labels to have outliers if they're comfortable with the label even when it doesn't fit them perfectly.
Queer liberation and the advancements of our rights.
Destroying heteronormativity, cisnormativity, exorsexism, intersexism, allonormativity, amatonormativity, and mononormativity (all 3 meanings of mono: monosexuality, monogenderism, and monogamy).
Enderqueer beliefs:
On identity, enderqueer believes the following
Most forms of self identification are valid, however anything that is identified with for harmful reasons (such as transphobia, biphobia/multiphobia, homophobia, ableism, racism, etc.) or things that are harmful regardless of reason (such as transabled, transrace for non-adoptees, transnazi, shit like that), are not valid.
It is okay to ask questions about identities you don't understand or think are harmful before fully accepting them without question. However, if a person doesn't want to answer, that is their right, and it doesn't give you the right to argue against or hate their identity. Assume good faith and maybe ask others who have similar identities.
Identity is complicated and every label, regardless of definition, can and will have outliers, and this is not a problem
Experiences and personal comforts are more important than definitions
All mspec identities are valid and are not biphobic
All aspecs are queer unless the aspec person in particular says they aren't.
All Polyamory, ambiamory, and other nonmonogamy is queer unless the polyam/non-monogam person in particular says they are not queer.
Redundant terms are okay
Multigendered and genderfluid people are "really" their genders. The existence of their other genders or the temporary nature of their genders don't make them less real
On paraphilias, enderqueer believes the following
Paraphilias are morally neutral. Paraphiles who's paraphilias are nonconsensual or harmful to themselves or others deserve support and recovery, and paraphiles who's paraphilias are not harmful should be allowed to act on it. Paraphilias that can either be harmful or not harmful should only be practiced in a safe and ethical way.
On flag discourse, enderqueer believes the following
Flags should not be gatekept from certain groups unless they are specific to one identity or one group of identities. people can decide to use your flags based on your beliefs.
Controversial original flags can be used regardless of if you agree with the creators, but replacement flags should not be used by people who don't agree with the sentiments behind the cancellation. Racist transphobes should not use the orange and pink lesbian flag. Mspec lesbians and supporters should not use the new pan or aroace flags. This is because the new flags have a goal: punish the original creator for a belief by replacing their work. Using replacement flags is accomplishing that goal, and if you agree with the original creator, you shouldn't punish them.
Multioriented and abrosexual people are "really" their orientations. The existence of their other orientations or the temporary nature of their orientations don't make them less real
Other things enderqueer believes the following
Queer labels should not concern themselves with non-queer issues, as that is a different part of one's identity. Making queer labels that concern themselves with non-queer issues excludes the people who are either uneducated on the topic or have no business voicing the opinion because they are not a part of the community or even adjacent.
Gender is real. Social constructs are powerful things that can cause real and observable phenomenon in the brain, and gender being real doesn't invalidate any funky gender identity
Gender Abolition is transphobic. Gender is the identity, and taking away gender leaves nothing but biological sex which may still allow binary trans people to exist if they experience dysphoria but will definitely erase all nondysphoric and nonbinary people.
Transmisogyny and transmisandry are real
POC queers are an unremovable and important part of the queer community
What does enderqueer explicitly support?
Enderqueer supports the following identities, actions, or forms of identification:
Unlabeled identities
People who use few labels for themselves
Termcollectors and labelhoarders
All aspecs, including loveless aros, any sex stance for aces, romance stance for aros, friendship stance for apls, etc, and atertiaries
Anti-contact, pro-recovery paraphiles who's paraphilias are harmful to themselves or others
Paraphiles who's paraphilias are not harmful to themselves or others
Paraphiles who's paraphilias can be harmful or can be safe who only act on them in a way that is safe and ethical
Mspec monos
Mspec gays, veldians, lesbians, cenelians, enbians, straights, etc who do not consider themselves monos
Straightbians, straight gays, straight veldians, gaybians/velaurians, and other labels often used by multigender people
Lesboys, turigirls, ceneliboys and ceneligirls, enbiboys and enbigirls, trixiboys and trixigirls, and toriboys and torigirls
Any other form of "contradictory" labels
Aspec and non-aspec SAM
Xenidens, or xenoids used in reclamation
Allion orientations
Gender nonconformity, including pronoun nonconformity
Neurolabels, when used by people who have those conditions
Reclamation of slurs and derogatory terms, even when used as an identity
Transracial adoptees
Transspecies therians
Transage chronosian or transage age regressors
What does enderqueer explicitly denounce?
Enderqueer denounces the following identities, actions, or forms of identification:
Winterqueers or Winterpunks
Transidentities that are not transgender, transrace adoptees, therian transspecies, or chronosian/agere transage
Pro-contact harmful paraphilias or neu-contact harmful paraphilias. This also applies to unethical or unsafe ways of acting on a paraphilia that can be done in a safe, ethical way
Comp-contact for paraphilias that can never be safe or ethical in practice
Anti-recovery for ANY paraphilias. Nonharmful paraphiles may choose to recover anyway
Anti-contact for paraphilias that are never dangerous or unethical
Radical feminists
Not recognizing attraction to elsegender people as being just as real and valid as attraction to aptobinary people. This includes calling all exclusive lesbians monosexual, saying all sexualities inherently include elsegender people, thinking enbians are choosing to date nonbinary people or cenelians are choosing not to date aptobinary people, rather than recognizing that they are attracted to other elsegender people, potentially exclusively, or calling WLN and MLN labels transphobic or enbyphobic
Bad faith labels such as superstraight, quasihomosexual, animesexual (though animesexual can be reclaimed by fictosexuals), and others made to mock queerness or justify bigotry
What is enderqueer neutral on, or what does enderqueer not believe needs to be part of a blankqueer label?
Enderqueer is stanceless on the following:
Self diagnosis
Alterhumanity (OP supports and it's close to queer discourse but ultimately I decided it was far enough removed that it didn't need to be included)
Engaging with problematic media and/or creators
Kink at pride (I know this one is super relevant but I don't have any strong opinions and the ones I do have are very mixed)
Enderqueers may have no opinion on the above issues, or a stance that they do not believe is important to a blankqueer label. Or they may just agree with everything else included under enderqueer and choose to use it.
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i don't usually do coining stuff, but I was inspired by a new character we're drawing!
Introducing: lighthousequeer!
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[ID: low spoons, sorry. Coming soon. /ID]
"a guiding light in the dark"
For people who are, feel like, or want to be a beacon or source of hope and happiness, guiding others like a lighthouse guides ships through the fog!
This stance is inherently pro:
traditionally contradictory labels, and any good faith labels
anti-contact harmful paras
Recovery (for paraphilia, trauma, and anything else)
reclaimed terms (transspecies, transracial adoptee, yandere, etc)
supporting ex-radqueers and recovering victims
healthy coping mechanisms
A-labled queer identities (I don't see this around a lot but since I don't like labels I added this)
This stance is inherently anti:
Radqueer, transids, and any derivatives
pro-contact harmful paras
forced recovery
Bigotry in general
This stance is inherently neutral on:
@acetrappolaswife thanks for ideas how to make the flag <3
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onehellofacreature · 5 months
new queer stance label lets go
(new queer stance label lets go)
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similar to eepyqueer in the sense that you don’t want to partake in discourse, but you find it honestly ridiculous and irritating
this term is not for:
-radqueers/transid and the like
-pro/neu/com contacts
-anti mspec monos
-transphobes, homophobes
-anti mogai, xenogenders, neopronouns
-racists, ableists, bigots
-narc abuse believers
this term is strictly anti harrasment. we get shitty people exist on here but they aren’t worth your time
anyone else is free to use it!
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Fuck it. Have a shitty looking blankqueer stance.
Kraitqueer is a queer stance representing taking things on a case-by-case basis, not making snap judgements. I made this design in Canva in thirty minutes, so it doesn't look that great. The flag looks like the heteroflexible flag, but I made it look like this because I thought it looked neat.
It's pro recovery, anti-contact for harmful paras, pro radinclus, pro nuance, neutralship, pro otherkin and alterhuman, pro queer religious people, pro proper tagging, pro good representation of normally demonized mental illnesses, and everything that's encompassed within that.
It's against harassment, abuse, harm, discrimination, ableism, racism, sexist, homophobia, all of that stuff.
For everything else, you judge individual things as they come along. There's a difference between harmless things like transpupil or things like transconfederate, which is harmful and the mark of being a sore looser.
I don't enjoy the emoji codes that much, but I'll put one here, because the snake is a snake and the square mimics the stripes of the common krait.
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friedslug · 3 months
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It's a stance flag for people who are not anti-radqueers and can interact with the community, but don't think they fully fit in as radqueers (for many reasons or not).
This flag is:
• Pro-Paraphilia (including the big 3)
• Pro-Consent
• Pro-"Contradictory" labels (Mspec monos, lesbigay, etc.)
• Pro-Kink
• Pro-Xenoids(reclaimed)
• Pro-Xenogenders
• Pro-Anarchism
• Pro-Choice
• Anti-Ableism
• Anti-ProC
• Anti-CSAM
• Anti-Abuse
• Anti-Harassment
• Anti-Cultural/racial appropriation
• Anti-Xenosatanism
• Anti-Transharmful
• Neu-Consanguinity
• Neu-TransID/TransX
• Neu-ComplexC
• Neu-NeuC
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introducing a new queer stance: spiderqueer!!!!!!
[PT: introducing a new queer stance: spiderqueer!!!!!!]
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Spiderqueer, a new stance created by me! based of spiders because they are my favorite arachnid even though i know practically nothing about them.
this stance is focused on neutrality and distance, but with a rather 'willing' view on discourse. so basically me. i like lurking on discourse when I'm bored. i am willing to view on discourse, just not participate on it.
this stance is inherently pro:
-xenogenders, neopronouns, among others
-watching discourse of course
-paraphilias (anti-contact for p*dophilia, z**philia, and in general harmful paras)
this stance is inherently anti:
-neutrality/support of contact in harmful paras
-EXCESSIVE discourse
-harassment (i.e., spamming and bullying someone until they feel terrible)
-reclaiming slurs you can't reclaim
this stance is inherently neutral/flexible on:
-actual content about spiders (just in case, this stance isn't literally about spiders)
-mspec lesbians/gays
-truscum and tucute stance
-anything not listed here
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Alt flags for my Catqueer term (link —> here)
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gender-mailman · 5 months
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Capyqueer! (emoji combo: 🐹🇧🇷)
Capyqueer is a blankqueer term, focusing more on the brazilian part of the community
This term was made as a way for folks to find a more brazilian community, and to focus on conversations around inclusion of other nationalities and trying to change the perception other people have of brazilians and pocs in general
It was made for brazilian people but anyone can use it!
This term is ESPECIALY anti transrace
This term is;
Pro para
Pro kink
Pro microlabels
Pro mspec monos
Pro recovery - not just oriented about paraphilias
Pro MAD pride
Anti contact with harmful paraphilias
Anti Minor In Kink
Anti radqueer
Anti transid
Anti harassment
Syscourse unspecified
Anti ship
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Tagging: @acetrappolaswife @dylan-the-artist @silentfoxproductions
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