#and yes i cannot draw hands right now sue me
destroybuster · 10 months
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Her name is Johnny she's the worst ever.
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fogwitchoftheevermore · 4 months
anyways. i'm trying to decide where to put skizz and joel in the hermitcraft blaseball au.
skizz's team is already decided (he's on the lovers, duh). yes that's his team in the life series au too, it's not my fault he has a brand. i made these aus before secret life even started.
but joel is harder to decide so i'm giving the choice to you all, who i trust with joel opinions more than i trust myself.
i'll add my reasoning for the teams provided below the cut, alongside a list of all the other options, including which hermits are on which team if putting him on the same team as certain people matters to you.
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tokyo lift: other hermits already on the team include stress and false, who i think he'd have a fun dynamic with. i'm pretty sure the lift had a cyberpunk theme, as does joel this season. if he's on the lift i can justify drawing him with a pink streak instead of a green one. i'm also feeding into his ego here and putting him on the strong team.
yellowstone magic: he would be teammates with zed here, and i just think they would be very funny together. i can also justify dying his hair pink here, though it's much more magenta. also i think shrek would've lived in yellowstone. idk it feels right.
kansas city breath mints: i think joel would fit in with them vibes-wise (which is to say i think he would fail the bar exam). but i mostly included the breath mints in the poll because he would be teammates with cleo and gem.
breckenridge jazz hands: it would be pretty funny to shove joel in a room full of band kids, theater kids, resident mean girl iskall eightyfive, and xisuma. just imagine it with me. however. know that if you vote for joel to be on the jands, he will be making a brief cameo in my pearl/netty/jimmy precog trio fic that i'm working on as jimmy's replacement on the jands when he dies. for flavor!
anyways, other options!
hades tigers: only hermit teammate would be exil x, which is inherently a little hilarious. anyways these guys live in hell- not really. but they ARE fireproof!
mexico city wild wings: would make him teammates with hypno. all i really knew about the wings was spicy milk (exactly what it sounds like) and the time they tried to sue the entire league so. keep those facts in mind.
chicago firefighters: would make him teammates with tango. and also he would be a firefighter now. like, the profession. blaze joel afterlife smp likers i feel like this would appeal to you somewhat.
atlantis georgias: would make him teammates with xb. if he ends up on the georgias i'm turning him into a sea creature of some kind, so vote for what creature that is if you vote for this option.
philly pies: no hermit teammates here. all i remember about the pies off the top of my head is that they won the first two seasons of blaseball and then proceeded to never win a championship again.
new york millennials: would make him teammates with mumbo. and also housemates, because all the millennials live in an infinite apartment together, which feels appropriate for magic mountain. i could also make him pink here. however putting him on the mills would require me to type millennials more often, which is a word i cannot ever spell. would you do that to me? (/j)
seattle garages: would make him teammates with joe. one large band. if joel joins the garages i will be making him play the drums, of course. also i'll need to decide which garages song(s) i think he wrote.
dallas steaks: would make him teammates with beef. i don't know if i trust joel at a grill enough for this but i also don't know if i don't trust him.
san fransisco lovers: would make him teammates with ren (team captain), skizz, and wels. wow you've found one of the hermit hot spots. anyways this would put him in a medieval-themed, team-wide polycule.
core mechanics: would make him teammates with doc and keralis. i do think this would be an extremely funny trio. these guys live in the core of the world and build cool robots and things.
hellmouth sunbeams: would make him teammates with impulse. the moab desert fell into a hellmouth in season 1, so all the beams are Weird now. joel joining the beams would also make him Weird.
houston spies: would make him teammates with pearl. netty and jimmy were also spies before they died but idk if that'll be relevant to joel idk when i'm inserting him into these teams. anyways top secret escapades on the spies. also they have a secret base on the moon.
miami dale: would make him teammates with scar. the dale are the party time capital of the world and were the last team to ever make the playoffs, qualifying for the first time in SEASON FIFTEEN OF TWENTY FOUR. they never won an internet series but that's less of an accomplishment.
la unlimited tacos: would make him teammates with grian. the tacos tried to do a strike against god one time (it didn't work out but i respect the commitment)
boston flowers: no hermit teammates here. this was my team when blaseball was running and it would make me happy to put a hermit on it but it doesn't feel right for joel unfortunately. i can be convinced, however.
ohio worms: would make him teammates with wormman (aka zedaph in a disguise) and be coached by tfc. the worms are worms. they're in the dirt. self explanatory.
hawai'i fridays: would make him teammates with bdubs. this is also esmp 1 joel's team in the empires au which isn't relevant but is a fun fact (esmp 2 joel is on the lovers). the fridays have a cool goddess and good vibes. except for that time they all died. don't worry they got better.
canada moist talkers: would make him teammates with etho. i don't know if joel could survive in the cold but maybe i'm wrong maybe he'd be fine. maybe he's withstand it just to stake his claim as #1 ethogirl.
charleston shoe thieves: would make him teammates with cub and jevin. would also (maybe) make him get cursed by god but don't worry about that part, worry about the thieves guild he's joining.
baltimore crabs: would make him teammates with helsknight only. also inherently hilarious. this is the divorcee zone also there's a long dead crab goddess in the chesapeake and if you join the crabs parts of your body will slowly turn into crab. we have fun in baltimore.
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dinogoose · 2 years
across the hall
So Buck has this super cute neighbor. Scratch that - boiling hot, want to lick his face, neighbor, who he cannot stop thinking about. Ever since the universe literally pressed them to meet, Buck hasn’t stopped thinking about him once. It’s seriously a problem. He’s had barely one conversation with the guy. He knows practically nothing about him. (except that he’s got the body of a Greek god) Buck just needs to stop thinking of him. Out-of-sight, out-of-mind and all that.
So, even though they live right next door to one another, they shouldn’t run into each other that much. Right?
He’s just gotten home after helping Maddie move into her own place. She had been crashing on his couch for awhile, but she needed her own space, and to not be living with her little brother. Although her being away from him is making him uneasy, he’s still incredibly proud of her. He was planning on staying there longer, but with the way she was drooling over Chimney, clearly meant he was no longer welcomed.
While it is very weird that his sister is into Chimney. Like rebar through the brain, never shuts up, always popping his gum, Chimney. But he also acknowledges that he’s a great guy, and his sister deserves that. She deserves everything.
Needless to say he’s very preoccupied with these thoughts as he enters his apartment building. He’s nearly to his door when a grunt catches his attention. Glancing up, he sees Hot Guy Eddie (he probably shouldn’t call Eddie this in his brain but, he’s only human, sue him) who is juggling at least eight bags of groceries while attempting to unlock his door. Buck bites back a smile.
“Need help?” Eddie jumps, nearly dropping everything. Buck takes a step closer and extends his hands out.
“Uh- yeah that’d be great.” Eddie answers sheepishly. He hands him a few bags so he can now unlock his door. Brown eyes steps inside and Buck isn’t sure what to do. So he awkwardly hovers waiting for Eddie to invite him in, like he’s a vampire.
“Come in man, I can offer you a beer if you want one.” He smiles and steps inside, taking a moment to admire everything. The apartment is identical in layout to his own, but the decor is much homier. Photos on the wall, plants, warm colored furniture, drawings on the fridge. Buck loves it. He sets the grocery bags he has on the counter next to the rest of them.
“You don’t have to, I can get out of your hair.” He tells him, knowing Eddie was probably just offering to be nice.
“Nah, I’m bored, and I wanna say thank you for saving me out there.” Buck laughs, bright and loud at this, as Eddie finishes putting away his groceries.
“Yes saving you from the certain death of dropping produce.” He teases, just watching Eddie. The brunette smirks without looking up and then turns into the fridge. He gets two beers out passing one to Buck.
“Well, you were a great help, you can have my back any day.” He locks eyes with Buck and Buck feels himself getting lost in it. His face turns a little pink, and he can feel his cheeks heat up.
“Yeah, or you know- you could have mine.” They both smile at each other.
read the rest on ao3
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Prompts: i love your fics insanity and real or not real!! can i request another fic where a side is struggling to tell what's real and what's a hallucination? can be in the same like universe (carrying on with one of the stories) or a completely different universe/person, idm - anon
 *crashes into ur asks*
Hey if you’re still taking requests could you do just Janus comforting someone on the verge of a meltdown? Like lots of soft words and caring Janus? He’s my comfort character and I love him - anon
Thanks for the prompt!
Read on Ao3 Part 1 (ish) 
Warnings: talk of hallucinations, uncertainty
Pairings: focus on creativitwins, intrulogical, dukeceit, background LAMP, DLAMP, DLAMPR, can be platonic or romantic, you decide
Word Count: 3864
Sometimes Thomas watches things and it isn’t Remus’s fault.
Sometimes Thomas decides to watch something late at night, when it’s dark outside, even though Virgil tells him it’s a bad idea, and it isn’t Remus’s fault.
 Sometimes when Virgil has gone to his room and he’s fine, but Thomas’s mind can’t stop playing it over and over and over and over, he starts to expand on it and it isn’t Remus’s fault.
 He can’t remember the name of the video. Something to do with being stuck on a misty island in the middle of nowhere with a monster and villagers that wait to sacrifice tourists to the monster to sate its hunger. Something about a daring rescue or an escape plan doomed to fail.
 Something like…
 “Do not go outside. Do not turn on the lights. Don’t make sounds.” The old man draws the curtains sharply across the window. “And whatever you do, do not look out the window.”
 It’s late now. Patton’s asleep. Virgil’s in his room, probably asleep. The rest of them are still awake in the Imagination. It’s slumber party night for the twins, having created a big sprawling mansion in the Imagination for them to run around in. Logan is here, Janus is here, Roman is here.
 They’re talking about what Thomas watched.
 Logan straightens his legs out. “It’s not a bad practice, staying quiet.”
 Janus rolls his eyes. “Come on, what is this, some haunted island?”
 “You saw the people in the video.” Logan rests his weight on his elbows. “Something was amiss.”
 “The only thing amiss was how awfully boring you lot are being.” Janus sighs and stands, stretching. “Well, I think a night of entertainment sounds wonderful.”
 “The old man said to be quiet,” Roman points out. Wait, is the old man real?
 “Do you know how prone to flights of fancy old people are?” Janus smiles. “Incredibly.”
 “Oh don’t start that.” Janus rolls his eyes and his gaze lands on Remus. A smirk crawls across his face. “Well,” he drawls, sauntering across the room, “someone’s being awfully quiet.”
 Remus just shrugs. Janus crouches down.
 “What do you think about this monster,” he asks, tapping his fingers on his chin, “about the thing that sneaks around this island, peering into windows, through the keyholes of locked doors?”
 “Janus,” Logan warns.
 “What? I just want to hear what our other little scientist thinks about this.” He raises his eyebrows when Remus won’t hold his gaze. “No? Nothing? Need more data? Well, I’m sure you could ask around if you wanted to.”
 “We’re not supposed to leave,” he says softly.
 “I know you’re a goody-two-shoes, Remus, but you’ll never get anything done that way.”
 “Leave him alone, Janus,” Roman says with a wink, “he’s just mad at how pathetic the monster design was.”
 Long limbs. Dark eyes. Moved like shadow.
 “And the Boy Scout, coming to the rescue.” Janus rolls his eyes as he stands. “Aren’t you tired of being so boring?”
 Roman holds his hands up. “Hey, I’m all for exploring!”
 Janus sighs. “Ever the dashing prince, are we?”
 “Ask nicely and I may sweep you off your feet too.”
 The banter continues. Logan just sighs and pulls out a journal, the pen emerging from god-knows-where as he writes. Remus swallows and glances toward the window.
 In. Out. In. Out.
 Roman and Janus are still tossing barbs and jests back and forth. Remus cannot help but notice how loud they are being.
 The old man said to be quiet.
 Logan looks up when he begins to crouch down and shuffle behind the bed.
 “What are you doing?”
 “Changing.” He gives a half-hearted smile. “Texture spoons ran out.”
 He nods and goes back to his writing. Remus glances at the nightstand. Only 8:00. The conversation gets progressively louder. Logan joins in eventually, rolling his eyes at Roman’s increasingly elaborate proposals to bring in jukeboxes, disco lights, and speakers.
 “Let’s think about this logically. If the ghosts or whatever the hell the monster is sensitive to sound, why not pump everything to like, 300 decibels and blast their eardrums out?”
 “Or it could be that they just hear things like we hear things,” Logan remarks.
 “Why do I have to be quiet?” Roman spreads his arms. “I should not have to deal with that!”
 “Actually, you know what,” Janus says gleefully, “I agree. We shouldn’t have to be quiet. If this place doesn’t have adequate monster protection, that’s on them.”
 This place…didn’t they make it safe? Roman said they made it safe. Is it not safe anymore? Are the shadows—is the monster here?
 “Always the entitlement,” Logan sighs, seemingly resigning himself to the voice of reason as he settles his journal to the side, “assuming that everyone should cater to your needs.”
 “Oh come on, Logan. You have to admit that having a hotel that isn’t secure makes little to no sense.”
 Hotel? Isn’t this still the mansion?
 The low buzz of an LED sign comes from outside. Remus blinks. Has…has that always been there?
 “Not respecting the rules of wherever you choose to go makes little to no sense.”
 “That’s gotta hold up in court though.” Roman glances at Janus. “You get me?”
 “Yes, Your Honor,” Janus says, drawing himself up like a lawyer, “I would like to sue on the grounds that my intestines were devoured horrifically by a terrifying, savage beast that the hotel owners neglected to inform me of. How am I standing here, you ask, if my intestines have been devoured? Simple. Spite.”
 Roman’s off, cackling to his heart’s content. Logan bites back his own smile.
 “And how, may I ask, is this not the fault of yourself?”
 “May I say, Your Honor, that victim-blaming is not cute—“
 “Here here,” comes Roman’s voice.
 “—and also, the information about aforementioned monster came from someone who was not an employee of the hotel,” Janus finishes grandly, “therefore they can suck my—“
 Logan hits his hand against the nightstand, still fighting down laughter. “Defendant is charged with contempt of court.”
 “Do not pass go,” Roman chortles as Janus swoons dramatically, “do not collect 200 dollars.”
 “Remus,” Janus cries out, “avenge me!”
 Remus does not respond. He is too busy trying to figure out when the mansion became the hotel.
 “Remus,” Janus cries again, crawling dramatically across the floor, “save me from this indignity.”
 “No, thank you,” he mumbles instead.
 Janus huffs, pushing himself off the floor. “Then by all means, please tell us your ingenious solution to this monster problem that we find ourselves in.”
 Remus looks up, his face carefully blank except for a small smile. “I’m going to hide underneath the sheets,” he says in a soft, small voice, “because everybody knows monsters can’t get you when you’re under your sheets.”
 “That is adorable,” Roman chuckles.
 Janus’s eyebrows raise slowly until another fiendish smirk crawls across his face. “Are you scared?”
 “Aww,” he coos, “hiding under the sheets to get away from the monsters, how adorable.”
 Remus doesn’t respond.
 “If only the others could see you now,” Janus crows, “they’d know how intimidating you really are.”
 Logan takes his glasses off, polishing them with the handkerchief from his pocket. “As if you’re any better, crying over a torn seam in your cape.”
 “That bastard took two weeks to get right!”
 Remus ignores them once more, glancing at the clock. 9:45. An acceptable time to try and go to sleep. He moves slowly and quietly as he tries to get into the bed. The monster could be here. The banter continues behind him as he pulls the sheets tight around him.
 He does not see Logan glance over. He does not see that Logan frowns and glances at the clock, thinking perhaps Remus is more tired than he appeared, but…still. He does not see Logan look back at the others still talking, they’re probably not going to go to sleep for a long while.
 He does not see Logan look over at him as Janus leaves the room, claiming he’s going to go find somewhere more fun to sleep. He does not see Logan frown, looking to see Remus still on his side, huddled under the sheets. He does not see when Logan starts to count.
 One, two, three, four.
 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
 He does not see Logan beckon Roman closer.
 He does not see Roman frown as he comes closer, sighing at the notebook in Logan’s hands.
 “Logan, why the hell can’t you take a break for…” he trails off when he sees Logan’s face. “What?”
 “Perhaps I like to keep myself occupied,” Logan says smoothly, even as he nods insistently to the notebook, “even in times where the circumstances might be less than ideal.”
 Roman raises an eyebrow. Subtle, Logan.
 “You are chronically incapable of taking a break, aren’t you?”
 “Do you know any words other than ‘perhaps?’”
 Roman hides a smirk as squints at the text.
 I think Remus is actually afraid. Don’t tease. - L
 Remus does hear Roman exhale sharply. He does not see him glance up at the bed before he looks back at Logan and nods.
 “Well,” he sighs, stretching and yawning exaggeratedly, “on that note, it’s probably a good idea to try and sleep.”
 Logan snorts. “And here I thought you were supposed to be an actor.”
 He swats at him halfheartedly as he starts getting ready to go to sleep. What that means is just a matter of snapping his fingers to change out of the prince costume. He packs his other clothes away and crosses the room, keeping his footsteps loud but not too loud.
 Now that he’s paying attention, he can see how scared poor Remus is. He’s frozen under the sheets, barely moving. As Logan starts talking quietly to himself, he sets his bag down next to Remus’s and sighs, moving around to make a bit more noise.
 Remus still doesn’t move.
 When he’s made all the noise he can reasonably make, he walks a little closer to the bed and reaches to fix the curtains, unable to stop the soft noise when his shadow falls over the bed.
 “Hey, Re,” he whispers, leaning down and brushing the sheet a little further from his face, “it’s just me, it’s just Roman. Can you open your eyes for me?”
 It takes him a moment but his eyes do open. He smiles down at him and cups his face for a moment.
 “Hey, there, Re,” he murmurs, “can I come join you?”
 He barely nods.
 “Thank you.” He frowns when he doesn’t move over. “You gonna let me in?”
 He can tell by the way his eyes glass over that’s not a good idea unless he can convince him otherwise.
 “Come on,” he whispers again, “scoot to the other side for me.” He nudges his shoulder gently. “Logan misses you.”
 Loren doesn’t let his mumuring falter but he does reach across the small space between their beds to lightly pat the side closest to him.
 Remus moves, as skittish as the new dragon pups, clutching the blanket tightly to his chest, his pillow gripped in his other hand. Roman swiftly takes the warm spot he’s vacated, wincing in sympathy as he shivers on the cold sheets.
 “Thank you,” he sighs, making a show of getting comfortable before reaching out for him, smacking his lips together in sleep, “now come here.”
 At his quickly stifled questioning noise, he drops the act and opens his arm wide.
 “It’s okay, Re,” he whispers, far too quiet for Logan to hear, “I’m not gonna hurt you, it’s okay.”
 He stares at him a moment longer before he realizes that shit, he’s not going to be able to move on his own right now.
 “Can I come get you, Re?” Roman smiles when he gives him another one of those jerky nods. “Thank you, I’m gonna pull you over to me, okay?”
 He takes him into his arms slowly and carefully, wrapping him up in the sheets until just the very tops of their heads poke out. He relaxes just enough so that he can maneuver him to where he likes, but he’s far from the sleepy pile he expected.
 “Hey,” he whispers, tucking his hair behind his ear, “you want to stay here with me, Re?”
 He blinks sluggishly. Roman bites back a curse and leans down to rub his nose against his.
 “Hey, hey, Re, you just focus on me, okay? Stay with me here—“ he tightens his grip— “right here…I’ve got you.”
 He frowns when he makes a small little noise that sounds like it could be his name.
 “Yeah, Re? You calling for me?”
 He opens his mouth but no sound comes out. He kisses Remus’s forehead.
 “Nonverbal,” he whispers, “or just scared? Or both?”
 A moment passes.
 “Both it is then.” Roman tucks his head under his chin. “Why don’t you go ahead and close your eyes, Re, I’m right here.”
 They stay there, wrapped in the blankets, Remus warm and snug up against Roman’s chest. He plays with his hair, one of his legs slung over his to hold him close, working to lull him out of his frozen state. After a while, Logan stands from the other side of the room and pats Roman’s shoulder.
 “Your turn, Roman.”
 Roman rolls over. “Huh?”
 Logan nods his head toward the bathroom. “Shower.”
 Roman sighs dramatically and presses another kiss to Remus’s forehead, leaving his brother dazed, blinking up at Logan. Logan watches Roman leave before he turns his gaze downwards. Remus tries to pretend the shiver that goes through him at the way Logan softens his gaze is just the cold.
 “Remus,” he calls softly, voice barely louder than a whisper, “Remus, may I join you?”
 A pause.
 “Tap the bed twice if yes, once if no.”
 A pause, then Remus hesitantly reaches out to make two little taps.
 “Thank you.”
 He slides smoothly into the bed, reaching out to carefully slip an arm under his and pull him off of the sweat-soaked sheets—when did that happen?—and into his arms. Remus moves pliantly, tucking his chin into the space left between his chin and the pillow.
 “Hey,” he whispers, gentling his voice as he tucks his head closer to Remus’s, “hey.”
 Logan is warm. Is Logan—Logan said it made sense to be quiet. Logan knows. Logan understands. Logan always understands.
 “What’s the matter,” Logan calls gently, “can I help?”
 Remus swallows. “Monster.”
 “Are you afraid of the monster, Remus?”
 Remus nods. “Black eyes. Shadow. Kill you and Roman and Janus and then go find Patton and Virgil and Thomas. Bad.”
 “The monster isn’t real, Remus,” Logan says softly, running his hand through his hair, “it doesn’t exist.”
 Remus shakes his head. “We’re in the hotel on the island. It’s real. Roman left and the monster will kill him.”
 “Roman is just in the bathroom,” Logan corrects, moving his head to indicate the running water sound, “he’s alright. We’re not in a hotel, we’re in the mansion you two created.”
 “But the LED sign is buzzing outside.”
 “Would you like to look and see?”
 “No!” Remus wraps his arms tightly around Logan’s waist. “We’re not supposed to look out the window, the old man said not to.”
 “The old man isn’t here,” Logan says patiently, “I’m here. I have you. I’ll keep you safe.”
 “He said—he—he’s not real?”
 “No, Remus, he’s not real.” Logan gives him a gentle squeeze. “This is real. This is real, Remus, I’ve got you.”
 “You’re real.”
 “I am.”
 “You said it’s safe to look out the window?”
 “It is.” Logan squeezes again. “Would you like me to show you?”
 Remus nods. Logan leans up and pulls back the curtain, peeking outside. There’s no bright red light from the hotel LED sign. Just soft moonlight.
 “There’s no sign, Remus,” he murmurs, “you’re not in a hotel.”
 “The scar,” he blurts, his hand flying to his chest, “from the stab, what if it’s already got us?”
 “I don’t have a scar,” Logan says, lying back down and taking Remus’s hand, “here…feel.”
 Logan presses his palm to his bare chest, pulling his shirt out of the way so Remus can see. There’s no scar.
 “You don’t have one either…may I?”
 When he presses his palms against Remus’s chest, there’s no scar.
 “We’re…not there?”
 “No, Remus, we’re not there,” Logan says gently, “we’re here, in the mansion, safe, there’s no monster.”
 The water stops. A moment later and Roman emerges, tossing a towel over his shoulder. He sees the two of them in the bed and pouts.
 “You stole my spot!”
 “I had Remus to comfort,” Logan says smoothly, waving him over, “though you are welcome to help.”
 Roman ruffles Remus’s hair. Remus leans into it.
 “Ro, are you real?”
 “Yes, of course, I’m real, Re, what…” Roman trails off and his eyes go wide. “Oh, Re, did we—did I push you into hallucination territory? I’m so sorry, yes, we’re real, we’re here, we’re in our mansion, we’re safe, Re.”
 “Yeah, Re,” Roman murmurs, getting in to cuddle his brother properly, “we’re safe.”
 “This is real.”
 Remus buries his nose in his brother’s real neck and holds him close. Logan stays by his side, stroking his hair and murmuring that Remus is here, they’re real, they’re safe.
 After a moment, Remus takes a deep breath and pulls apart.
 “You know the rules, Ro-Bro.”
 Roman grimaces, his head dropping to rest against Remus’s sternum for a moment before he nods. Logan looks back and forth between the two of them.
 “What are the rules?”
 “When Remus gets pushed into hallucination territory,” Roman says softly, “he sleeps alone.”
 Logan frowns. “But surely it would help to have us reassure you and help ground you?”
 “Wouldn’t help for the intrusive thoughts and hallucinations to include you too.”
 Logan winces. “I suppose not, but—“
 “Lolo we’ve tried,” Remus mumbles, “we—this works. It sucks and I hate it and so does Ro but this is what works.”
 “I trust you,” Logan says, squeezing Remus’s hand, “and I trust you to know what works for you.”
 “We’re just overprotective.”
 “I’ll say.”
 Roman gives him one last hug before standing and pulling Logan to his feet. “You know we’ll come as soon as you call.”
 Remus nods. “I know.”
 The room feels empty when they leave.
 The night passes.
 During the witching hour, he startles awake.
 The sheets are soaked in sweat directly under him. His eyes are wide. His breathing is too controlled.
 The monster is not here but the shadows are.
 Somewhere in this house, he knows, something is here. He can hear the voice in the movement of the curtains, hear the step in the way the floorboard settles. Hands never meet his tender flesh, a mouth never bites his fragile throat, but something is here.
 Step. Step. Step.
 The fear clouds his eyes as it drips into his ears. The light flickers. Something brushes a knuckle up and over his cheek. Something pauses outside his doorway.
 Through the depths of the fear filling his ears, something knocks.
 The chill rips its fingers out of his mouth and smears them over his throat. Something knocks again. There’s something outside. There’s something outside.
 “Sweetie,” he calls as he opens the door, “Sweetie?”
 Janus steps inside.
 “You’re awake,” he says, shutting the door and sitting on the edge of the bed, “it’s quite late.”
 “I know,” Remus says as he sits up, wary, “sorry.”
 Janus hums, reaching out to idly brush his hair off his forehead. The chill curls and lingers around his fingers, the shadows diving to hide in the lea of him, greedily drinking the fear from Remus. Janus goes to pull his hand away only to notice the prickles on Remus’s skin.
 “Are you cold, my dear?” He frowns and lightly dusts his forearm with his fingertips. “You look it.”
 Remus shakes his head. Janus raises an eyebrow, pressing his thumb hard against his arm to reveal a white imprint. It takes long seconds for the chill to let blood color the flesh again.
 “Let’s not lie,” he murmurs, his gaze flicking back up to catch Remus’s, “shall we, sweetie?”
 Janus reaches up to trace the air around the curve of his cheek, one finger lightly tracing his jaw. The electrifying tingle clenches his hands in the sheet. He tilts his head and hums softly.
 “What’s keeping you awake, sweetie?”
 The chill snarls, refusing to let go of his throat.
 “You can speak,” he encourages, lightly knuckling the underside of his chin, “it’s alright.”
 “I’m sorry.” He shakes his head a little.
 “None of that, now, you’ve done nothing wrong.” He closes his hand around his. “To be afraid is nothing to be ashamed of, sweetie, you know that.”
 The shadows move slowly, wary of him, eager to taste his fear. The chill huddles around it, icing it in place, refusing to let him breathe without reaching its fingers into the pit of his throat.
 “Oh, my dear,” Janus murmurs, running his fingers along the side of Remus’s neck, “can I do anything for you?”
 He shakes his head quickly. Too quickly.
 “You’ll be annoyed.”
 “I’m concerned,” Janus corrects gently, “that’s all.”
 Remus risks a glance at the shadows.
 “And you know, Remus,” he continues, lifting his hand to press a chaste kiss to its back, “taking care of you is never annoying.”
 A different type of fear tingles along his fingers as they brush the curve of his jaw. This one reaches deep, deep along his fingers, up his arm, down to the curve of his shoulder, wriggling in between the cold knots to pulse against him. The shadows bloom in the corners of the room, shying away from the light flickering over his face, his shirt, his hand.
 Through the mouthful of fear, his tongue wets his lips. “You’ll find it stupid.”
 “Never, sweetie.”
 “The dark,” blurts shamefully from his mouth, “I’m afraid of the dark.”
 “The dark, sweetie? Is this about…”
 “I got pushed into hallucination territory earlier.”
 Janus makes a noise of sympathy, murmuring an apology for teasing earlier.
 “I can’t see anything but the shadows,” Remus whispers, squeezing his eyes shut, “and the noises, and how empty it is because I know it’s not empty.”
 “And what helps this go away,” he asks, still cupping his hand, “what makes the shadows leave my sweetie alone?”
 “S-stay? Please, with—with me?” Remus’s breath starts to catch again. “Don’t—don’t let them hurt me.”
 “Oh, sweetie, of course,” Janus murmurs, “of course I’ll stay.”
 The poor thing chokes out a sob. Janus reaches forward to lie him back down when his hand brushes the edge of the sheet. He frowns. Picking the sheet up between two fingers, he winces. He can feel his fingertips rubbing together, it’s barely warm enough.
 Remus’s breath still hasn’t caught when he returns with a thick quilt, spreading it over him to banish the last of the chill.
 “Hush now,” he soothes, smoothing the corners of the quilt, “hush, sweetie, it’s over, you did so well, shh…”
 Janus climbs into bed, pulling the shaking Remus to his chest, his arms wrapping tightly, tightly around the poor thing as he cradles Remus protectively.
 “Come here, my sweet,” he whispers, “come here, now, shh, shh, you’re alright now, sweetie, shh, shh…”
 His cries soften, gentled into mewls against his chest as he warms him against his skin. The poor thing is still clenched tighter than a fist. He croons, taking his wrist in his hand and pulling him flush against him.
 “It’s alright, sweetie, you did so well, it’s gone now, you did it, there you are, here you are, right here, sweetie.”
 The poor thing whines.
 “Oh, sweet one, shh, shh, shh, my dear, you’re alright…” He makes a noise of sympathy when he doesn’t stop. “What’s the matter, sweetie, tell me, say it, come now…”
 He brings his hand up to stroke gently under Remus’s chin.
 “Say it, sweetie, tell me what’s troubling you so, let me help, I’m right here, I’m right here.”
 “The shadows,” he whimpers, “the shadows, I can—I can hear them, they—they’re everywhere—I—they’re looking at me, they’re touching me, I can—I can feel them—I—“
 “I’ve got you, sweetie,” Janus murmurs, pressing a kiss to Remus’s cheek, “I’m right here, nothing can touch you, here—“
 He pulls the blankets up and over their heads, creating a little bubble of intimacy in the dark room.
 “I’m here, sweetie, it’s just me, I won’t hurt you, you know I won’t. Shh, shh, hush now, sweetie, it’s alright.”
 They stay like that for a little longer, Remus sobbing out the rest of the fear as Janus hushes him softly, pulls him close, soothes away the last of the tremors with gentle hands and tender words.
 After a while, Remus pulls away.
 “…thanks, Jan.”
 “I promised,” Janus murmurs, “I promised that I’d do it when you need me to.”
 “I know.” Remus sniffles. “I just…wish you didn’t have to.”
 “Don’t ever feel bad about needing something,” Janus chides softly, chucking him lightly under the chin, “especially not when you really need it.”
 “Already sent Lolo and Ro away for hallucinations, you—“
 “They’re fine, sweetie, a little worried, but they came and told me what was happening.” Janus kisses his forehead again. “They’re not angry, they don’t begrudge you needing things, and they’ll be here for you. They always are.”
 “I know.”
 Exhaustion begins to seep into his eyes. He blinks sluggishly.
 “This is real, right?”
 Janus gives him a squeeze. “It’s real.”
 “Can I sleep now?”
 “Oh, of course, sweetie,” he murmurs, leaning back up to rest his head on the pillow next to Remus, “you go right ahead. I’ll be right here. I’ll keep the shadows away.”
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hotchley · 3 years
I'm so tired please give me soft Hotch and protective Morgan content ♥️
Aww it’s okay to be tired and take a break and if you ever want to talk, my asks are still on, and I feel like I’m getting to this really late because I was probably sleeping when this was sent?
Anyways, this is just a little image I’ve had floating around my head. I’ll cross-post it to my ao3.... later because at it’s 5:41am and I want to go to sleep.
I may have missed the mark with this?? I don’t know, we have protective Morgan showering Hotch with compliments and Hotch being himself about the whole thing so I feel like it counts.... also the ending will make sense at the end
This is set during Gabby, but that’s not that relevant because I barely remember what actually happened in that episode, just that Hotch got punched by Sue.
Warnings: canon-typical violence (Hotch gets punched but it’s not graphic, just an event, and something referenced)
fifty-two minutes
Hotch knew he was going too far as he insulted Sue's abilities to parent Gabby, but he also knew there were certain things that had to be done for cases. He needed to know. Everyone needed to know whether or not she was capable of doing the unspeakable. If she was the one responsible for Gabby's disappearance. And the only way he could do that was by pushing. By pushing until she snapped and reacted.
He had just assumed her breaking point would lead to some form of verbal retaliation. Something about the lack of wedding ring, even though there was still a tan line because on the days where he missed Haley so much it was all-consuming, he would put it on, just for a few moments to remember the version of her that had been everything to him. He assumed she would make her own biting comment about how he wasn't with his own son. There was only one reason behind the glitter on his shirt. Derek had found his horror at being informed about its existence hilarious, but that was besides the point.
He hadn't thought she would punch him, square in the jaw, with all the rage of a scorned woman. He hadn't expected it to hurt as much as it did, or that it would immobilise him as much as it did. As he stumbled back, he was vaguely aware of the guard entering, but it hurt like a bitch. It took everything in him to remember how to de-escalate the situation without causing anyone further harm, but he did it, and then him and Dave left the interrogation room, armed with new knowledge.
"So how do you know this?" Derek asked casually.
Hotch didn't quite meet his eyes, staring at his eyebrows instead. He loved the way Derek treated him like he was the most precious and valuable person on the planet, and he loved that with him, he could be Aaron- the soft man that enjoyed theatre and was willing to get glitter all over his work clothes for his son.
But there was a time and a place for that, and it wasn't here, no matter how much he wanted to feel Derek's arms around him, grounding him to the moment and convincing him everything was going to be fine.
"She... reacted to my comment about motherhood," Hotch said, acting very much like the Southern-born gentleman talking about something unsavoury that he was. As if on cue, his jaw seemed to ache once more, and he was reminded of the need to actually deal with injuries instead of hiding them.
"Reacting? Aar- Hotch, what did she do?"
Hotch loved the way Derek would say his first name, sometimes exasperated, sometimes through a fit of uncontrollable laughter,  occasionally with annoyance, but always with love and affection sprinkled in. He also loved the way Derek called him Hotch. Like there was a secret joke between them, and in some ways there were.
Dave liked to think he was the only one on the team to consistently call him Aaron, but he wasn't. Not anymore.
"She may have responded with physical violence," Aaron said, voice quieter than usual. He started shuffling the files around. Alex tapped the table, and Spencer smiled at her, leaving to go and get a coffee refill. JJ was already out with the sheriff, so there was nobody left to distract from the situation.
"Physical violence?" Derek sounded worried.
"Sue punched Hotch in the jaw," Dave filled in.
Aaron spun around to face him, looking betrayed. "Dave!"
"He was always going to find out. And your jaw is starting to bruise," Dave said, smirk on his face.
"She punched- Aaron you can't just not- Dave can you cold the fort down for a few minutes?" Derek asked, already going round the table. Aaron looked down, knowing that if he saw Derek's eyes, he would start smiling like an idiot.
"Take as long as you need," Dave said, winking.
Aaron flushed, Derek rolled his eyes but smiled, and then grabbed his boyfriend's arm and dragged him to the bathroom.
"Der- Derek what are you doing?" Aaron stuttered. He hated that he stuttered whenever he got anxious, but he didn't want people spreading rumours. Or making assumptions, because yes they were together, but that didn't mean they were sneaking away to do that.
Luckily, Derek dragged him right past the bathroom and into an empty and unused conference room, which in some ways was almost worse. He pulled out a chair and forced Aaron to sit. Not that he needed to force him to do anything. For Derek, Aaron would do anything. Apart from admit that he enjoyed wearing his shirts because they smelt like home. That would be his pretend secret.
"I'm treating the injury you tried to hide from me!" Derek said.
Aaron scoffed. "I didn't hide it! I just didn't tell you the moment I saw you that the information we got came at the price of a punch! And it's not that bad, my jaw just aches. It's nothing new- get your mind out of the gutter you know my hearing messes with my jaw!" he said, voice rising in pitch when Derek smirked.
"But honey, I didn't say anything," Derek said, grining. "And is that really your best argument? Some prosecutor." It was teasing though, and Aaron smiled, because even as he'd said it, it had sounded stupid.
Derek left, closing the door behind him, and without case files to distract him, the pain in his jaw- which was worse than he had been willing to admit- became more prominent and he decided that Derek was the best thing to ever happen to him. And then he started wondering when he'd become such a sap.
"I got the first aid kit, and some ice. I reckon that's all we can do, but just before that, can I just check that it's not dislocated?" Derek said as he returned. And Hotch accepted that he'd always been a sap, it was just amplified by Derek's love.
"She didn't punch me that hard," Aaron whispered, still wincing when Derek pressed two fingers to the spot that was bruising.
"Mhm. Whatever makes you feel better. But seriously, does anything feel wrong?"
Aaron shook his head. He closed his eyes as Derek poked and prodded him more, the touch still comforting even though there was some necessary force behind it. He had never felt better than he did in the soft and silent moments like this, when they could just exist and not feel the need to fill the silence with unncessary words, because the silence said more than sentences ever could.
He let out a yelp as the ice packet was pressed to the skin that was definitely bruising. "Derek!"
"Yes honey?"
Aaron blushed at the pet name, looking down at his boyfriend. He hadn't even realised that Derek had been kneeling by his side, staring at him with such adoration and love in his eyes that it physically hurt Aaron's chest to see just how capable of good things people were.
"Warn me next time," he said, pouting slightly.
Derek smiled. "Of course sweetie." He didn't let go of the ice pack, even though Aaron was fully capable of holding it himself. It was nice though, if a bit of a strange image. One man in a chair, looking down as his partner knelt on the floor holding the ice pack with a suprising amount of genteless. He took Aaron's hand in his own, drawing circles over the knuckles the same way Aaron would.
Aaron looked down, mesmerised by how well Derek knew him. By the fact that he got to call such a good man his everything.
"Okay, it's been a decent amount of time, the pain and swelling should go down. It's still going to bruise, so I'll take Jack to soccer practice when we get back, otherwise all the other parents are going to be drooling instead of watching and we can't have that, can we?" Derek said after both sides of the ice had gone warm.
"Derek," Aaron warned.
"Aaron," Derek mimicked. "Seriously though, they're all going to be back now."
"I know," he sighed.
Derek stood up, letting out a slight wince. Aaron couldn't help but smile. Derek was always teasing him about his back pain and the fact that he was getting older with every passing day, but the same could also be said of him.
"I love you," he whispered as Derek took his hand to help him stand up, even though he could have done it himself. The words had never come easy to him, not with Haley, not with Jack, but he was getting better. And when Derek said them, he never expected a verbal response, knowing Aaron said them in every other possible way.
"I love you too," Derek said, pressing a kiss to Aaron's hair. Aaron let his eyes flutter closed as Derek pulled him closer for one final hug. He inhaled deeply, the smell of Derek's shower gel and deodorant the most comforting thing, alongside the laundry detergent he used because Haley had.
When they re-entered the conference room they had set up base in, Alex wordlessly asked if everything was okay. Aaron nodded at her, gratefully accepting the coffee she held out to him.
"Fifty-two minutes is not a few," Dave said, but there was no malice behind them.
"What can I say? I cannot resist beautiful men," Derek said.
Aaron hit his arm, cheeks warm with embarrassment but heart warm with love.
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rexeipts · 3 years
Monday Morning Rewatch Thoughts
This episode was disappointing. I think the last episode would have served as a better mid-season finale personally. Thoughts below:
- The plot of, “I wasn’t Ben,” and Annie being motivated to keep Ben in his current school for that reason is amazing. That is the kind of plot I want, and care about, for Annie. I love that they have included Ben’s transition into the story line in a way that it isn’t the main focus and that Ben has other pieces of characterization and other challenges/points of conflict than just his transition, but that they haven’t shied away from it when it makes sense.
- The financial aid lady is a down.ass.bitch. for telling Annie to just go find some guy she’s slept with the put down on the paperwork. I’m sorry, but that was great of her to be like listen here’s a loophole so you can help your kid and I will not ask questions. 
- I did not like the Kevin (name?) storyline at first because it just didn’t make sense? And I did not like his characterization at the auction of being the “trashy homeless guy” who eats way too much food and steals dogs. I felt like he had more to him when he told Annie that he doesn’t want to be a favor to her. I think she has more chemistry with him than any other guy we have seen her with (including Greg, sue me) and I’m actually looking forward to a possible storyline of her and him falling in love via being awkward roommates. I am hoping it has a current of don’t judge a book by it’s cover, and that Kevin is someone who is a good person and has an interesting story that brings Annie to some sort of realization about herself.
- I HATED... yes... HATED Beth in the scene where Stan was going over the game plan. She was so damn condescending. Stan was biting his tongue and being as polite as he could be, but she was fucking rude. Point blank. Rude. 
- Because of that, I loved the scene where he called Beth out. And he is fucking right. And you know what? He even threw her a bone that she was ignored in her home for so many years. Which is fucking true, and made the conversation SO much more nuanced than just Stan calling her out. It made it sooo much more complex that he mentions her motivations. He has known this woman like a family member to his own family for decades. It makes sense he would see and understand the nuances of why she is doing what she’s doing. I hope it is foreshadowing for something more to come. 
- Sarah and Ruby have the best chemistry of any parent/child relationship in my opinion. I love watching them on screen even for just a few moments. 
- Ruby’s, “I did it for me,” at the end was remniscient of Beth telling Dean, “I wanted to,”. Yes, thank you. Ruby is not a yes man. She did this shit for her family, for her kids, for herself. As much as I think Beth might try to be in charge and often is, it was a good reminder that Ruby is still in there and still has a backbone. She has called Beth out with stealing the Tesla, with the sex tape, etc. before and I want that energy back.
- Annie and Ruby having a sweet moment together on the bench was great, I love them together. They’re so fun but also so so sweet.
- She’s with fricken Dean again this week.
- Beth’s eyebrows and wig are fucking terrible. Someone CHILL with the eyebrow filler.
- Was Rio just watching Dean and Beth? Like hanging out waiting? He was like RIGHT THERE when Dean got up. Was he behind a tree watching Dean with his arm around Beth just boiling? 
- Dean being pitied by the guy he was trying to sell product to was great. He has been knocked down so many pegs. But also, it was a waste of fucking screen time.
- Not so easy to get out from under someone’s thumb, huh Deansie? How’s it feel to be a dumb ass yet again? A year’s supply of skin care? Guessing Beth is gonna have to bail him out which is again a waste of screen time and something no one gives a shit about seeing.
-  The fact that Dean thinks he was good at selling cars is just... sad.
- Beth being a “bad bitch” and selling purses to the husbands who went to see strippers is completely undermined by her being a doormat for Dean who is a sexist, condescending pig who cheated, lied about cancer, and has not shown a single ounce of respect for her as a woman outside of her ability to raise children and make cookies.
- I do not want to see a storyline of Beth trying to get money to leave and go to Nevada or wherever. I know the show runners have said Beth will realize she can’t escape Rio if they’re in the same town, so that is what this storyline is going to be. Her trying to escape Rio yet again. This has been drawn out long enough now. This episode was so confusing and weird. Like her and Rio got the trust of the SS just so the agents could leave? Their relationship advancement, her making this choice of him or SS, etc. was for... what? The drama of the last episode was because of... what exactly? What was the entire point of the SS storyline if it literally put us no where? I’m asking sincerely if anyone has thoughts.
- I don’t want to see Beth and Dean anymore. I am fucking exhausted of seeing Beth and Dean. I am over it. I spent almost this entire episode on my phone because I was bored. The Beth being sweet to Dean storyline is so so so far past where it made any logical sense to the plot. There has been no advancement or progress. She’s supposed to be in a love triangle? We have seven episodes left and there has been absolutely zero progress in her and Dean’s situation. I will be looking for some fucking conflict in this next episode with Dean seeing Rio otherwise I have little to no hope for the Brio ship going forward.
-  Rio is the spider that Dave talked about right? That he couldn’t get and so he never went back in the bed?
- Nick is a pathetic pussy, and so is his bodyguard. Mick is the only ‘muscle’ I want on my screen. Thanks.
- The bullet wounds not being there is unacceptable. Not just because it completely minimizes the fact that this man was shot in the chest three times and left to die, but also just from a plot standpoint. Like this was the entire storyline of season 3. Wtf. I understand Dean’s not being there, because that was treated as a minimal storyline. But Beth shooting Rio was the entire basis of season 3′s conflict. It’s bizarre and completely unacceptable.
- I posted a little while back about stereotypes, guessing that Nick was going to push Rio and Beth together by stereotyping them both and not seeing the deeper connection between them. Tooting my own horn because this is exactly what Nick did. Beth is the soccer mom, Rio the “gangster”.
- Nick and Dean are the same force for Rio and Beth, respectively. They’re both oppressors. They both don’t get it, the draw between the two. Beth and Rio both try to minimize their relationship, admitting only to sex and nothing more, to their oppressors. Beth used to want to get out from Dean’s grasp and Rio currently does with Nick. Both Dean and Nick have put this other person in a box, minimized them to nothing more than a stereotype, taken away their choices, taken away their power and control. How Beth does not realize Dean is her oppressor and not Rio is fucking beyond me.
- Nick doesn't have kids, so who was the kid referring to Rio as his uncle? The female cousin’s child? Let’s see more of her and less of Dean please.
- Rio literally couldn’t cope the second Nick brought up Beth. He walked away like a love-struck teenage idiot not wanting to admit that he made a bad decision over a girl. I’m curious about this. I hope we find out more of why Rio did it. Did he do it just to scare Beth into submission because he knew he couldn’t hurt her? Or was there a layer of thinking Lucy was a threat to Beth? Because Lucy was pissed at Beth. Or a layer of trying to feign still having power in front of his boys but not being able to hurt Beth? 
- Rio’s voice is so raspy at the end, he’s so tired and beaten down, literally and figuratively. And I cannot catch the meaning behind “sometimes it’s worth it”, to be yourself? He sounded so... just sad and down when he said it. It sounded so vulnerable. 
- It is not, I repeat, not a storyline they should go down of thinking it is cool/fun/sexy/empowering/feminist for this “gangbanger” to be in love with the housewife and for her to not reciprocate and then torment him. It’s not. 
Promo/Going Forward:
- I think we have seen confirmation that Rio will lie/keep things from Nick. I think Rio gave Beth the plates, and they will be working together going forward. I hope.
- Rio chilling in the backroom of PP with Beth, so chill, so nonchalant, put me in the ground.
- In the below shot, you can see Rio still sitting there with his hand on his chin as Beth talks to Dean. This scene better be LOADED. Go ahead and mention them banging, Dean. That will be fun. But also I want to see Beth try to talk her way out of it. Go ahead and try to tell Dean you didn’t have a choice Elizabeth. Go ahead and try to minimize what this is when Rio is sitting there listening. That will be golden conflict. I want to see Rio realize the dynamic between Beth and Dean, see him see how submissive and pathetic she is when Dean is around, see how Dean belittles her, and then use that against her to pull her out of her shell. I want to see Beth try to minimize her relationship with Rio, see him call her out on that too. Idk. This scene has been four seasons coming so it better not be a disappointment.
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hopekiedokie · 3 years
The Dreaded First Day of School (single dad!jimin)
SUMMARY: On his son’s first day of school, we learn that the badass, leather jacket wearer, and tattoo clad single dad might not be so tough after all. Or maybe, his soft little son isn’t as pure as he ought to be. (In short, Jimin’s baby is growing up and he’s not prepared for it.)
GENRE: fluff, humour, maybe angst if you squint hard enough
NOTES: So Jimin isn’t supposed to be a mean or awful dad here. He’s just still not totally equipped to be one even after five years now. This might become a mini series with Ms. Y/n being Haneul’s teacher in the future. Who knows? Also, the photo is not mine.
POSTED ON: 26th March, 2021
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What the actual heck is this??
Jimin has seen a lot of crazy things in his life but this, whatever is happening in front of him, is something he truly cannot believe.
You see, today is his son's, Haneul, dreaded™ first day of school.
The kid was up until 3 in the morning, crying his eyes out. He kept begging Jimin to not let him go, saying things like “I’ve been a good boy.” or “I don’t know those people.” or “Please, daddy, I don’t want to go!”
Half of the time, Jimin didn’t even understand what he was saying because he was crying so much.
The worst part is that Jimin had half the mind to give in to all these excuses and to just let Haneul attend school next year.
Contrary to popular belief though, he’s not entirely an awful example of what a father should be. In general, yes, he’s done a lot of questionable things. But in particular, as a father, he does like allowing his son to eat whatever junk food he wants, watch whatever is on the tv, or letting him up way past his bedtime (as late as 4am).
BUT he still has a smidge of decency left in his being and he actually wants his son to grow up decent.
(Which for the most part, is going along fine since Haneul is probably one of the sweetest and softest kids he’s ever seen. How though? Jimin has no idea.)
So with tired eyes and barely 4 hours of sleep, he dragged his son to school.
Even during the drive, Haneul was still adamant about skipping school and all the while, he kept using his cute crying voice that ALWAYS turns Jimin into mush.
Not this time though.
“It’s gonna be okay. You’ll meet a lot of friends and you’ll play with them! It’s gonna be fun, I promise.” This is one of the many things he said to lift his son’s spirits up.
All his efforts are still not enough to pacify Haneul as the tiny boy kept throwing a tantrum. Jimin even had to carry him after getting out of the car and during the entire walk to the school gymnasium where the assembly is, Haneul held his arms tightly around his neck.
To be completely honest, Jimin thought that it would be embarrassing but actually, he found the entire thing quite endearing.
Maybe it’s the narcissistic prick inside him that’s talking but seeing and hearing his son say that he’d rather spend time with him makes him feel like perhaps he’s not so bad of a dad after all.
Which brings us to the present.
To reiterate, Jimin cannot believe what’s happening.
One moment, his son is clinging to him for his dear life, then in an instant, he watched him grow up right in front of him.
In the worst way possible.
Not to be dramatic, but it was like watching his entire life slip away from his grasp.
The beginning of the end started when Jimin pointed to these three boys and insisted Haneul to introduce himself.
Boy, oh boy, oh boy, BIG mistake on his behalf!
He probably should’ve pushed his son to the “nerdier” looking kids. That would’ve helped him in the long run, as well!
At first, he watched in awe from a far as Haneul progressively turned less tense and more comfortable with those boys. They started with cute small smiles but it quickly turned into wildly animated gestures while comparing their Paw Patrol themed trolley backpacks.
“That’s my boy! Already making friends and it’s only been 5 minutes.” Jimin proudly thought to himself.
Okay, maybe Haneul is going to be fine. All that crying thinking Jimin did the entire night was for nothing! His cute soft son can totally do this.
Now, Jimin’s life altering moment comes. The time to actually say goodbye is here.
A teacher announces that they’re taking the kids to their respective classrooms and even if they cry or make a huge fit about it, the parents or guardians should stay where they are. They should refrain from “babying” their child.
Alright, now’s the time for Haneul to cry again! There’s no way he doesn’t cry even just a tiny bit…....Right?
Jimin makes eye contact with Haneul and, without any second thoughts, proudly mouths “I love you” while pointing to him.
Normally, Haneul is quick to return the gesture. Heck, he even goes as far as drawing a huge heart with his tiny pointer fingers!
But today, he doesn’t do that. No no no no no!
Instead, Haneul discreetly looks around him to check if anyone is watching him then……….
He shakes his head towards his father then faces back to his new friends.
Gasp! What is this???
Jimin has never felt so betrayed in his entire life! Not to mention, by his OWN son too.
This irks him so much.
So much so that he stands and gets close to his son, opposing the teacher’s instruction of letting their kids be.
Bitch, no. He’s getting his “I love you” from his son no matter what.
As he walks towards Haneul, it’s apparent that the kid had somehow done a complete 180 from his mood 10 minutes ago.
How can this be? How is he suddenly so cold towards his own man?
When he finally gets to Haneul, he literally, no joke, had to call his name 4 times to get his attention. The actual audacity of this kid!
“Hey, Haneul. Daddy’s gotta go!” Jimin says with his world famous “no eyes” smile.
Haneul’s face drops.
This kid is about to get a huge reality check or so Jimin thinks he is.
He’s waiting for any signs of despair, a sniff or maybe some glassy eyes but nothing happens.
Come on, where are the water works?? Where are all the hugs and kisses???
Haneul is like (・-・) to Jimin.
“There’s a lot of scary strangers here……”
Okay, so that was really mean for Jimin to say bUT HE ONLY WANTS TO SQUEEZE EVEN JUST A DROP OF AFFECTION FROM HIM. Sue him!
Haneul finally opens his mouth.
Jimin quietly anticipates his son to return to his warm and loving self that he still doesn’t quite know where he gets from...
“So what, daddy? I’m a big boy! I don’t need you.”
Uhm exCusE mE, but W H A T??
Needless to say, that statement hurt Jimin like a buttcheek on a stick.
However, he’s not gonna break away from his badass persona in front of all these people, especially around these little shits that they call “children”. He has an ✨𝓪𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓬✨ that he strictly abides to, people!
And frankly, he’s not gonna let his son walk all over him.
So without any word, Jimin leans down to give Haneul a kiss. If he’s not gonna receive any affection through words then fine! He’s gonna get it through a different way.
Jimin’s lips are almost in contact with Haneul’s plush cheeks. They are literally a hair away that Jimin can feel the heat emitting from it but all at once, that heat is gone.
You know why?
Because Haneul is quick to do that matrix shit where he bends his back to avoid his father’s lips.
Then he saunters away, leaving Jimin hanging.
(๑´⊙ ₃ ⊙`๑)
Jimin calls him a couple times but again, he did not look back.
Alright, then. He doesn’t normally raise his voice towards his son (nor disciplines him tbh) but oh boy, oh boy! This kid is practically asking for it.
He doesn’t give a fuck if he’s five, no son of his is gonna be allowed to treat him like that!
Well, that got him looking back towards his father.
Jimin points in front of him to which Haneul begrudgingly complies after taking a peek from his new found friends.
Haneul hears the other boys snicker behind him as he trudges towards his slightly pissed father.
When he’s standing right where his father wants him, Jimin leans his cheek down again for him to kiss.
Now, the other boys are blatantly laughing at him.
Maaaaaaaan. He can’t be a laughing stock on his first day of school! He needs to be as cool as his daddy!
As Haneul contemplates his life choices, Jimin patiently waits for his kiss. There’s no way Haneul is gonna reject him for the third time in a row within a span of two minutes!
Within a few seconds, he feels Haneul’s lidol babie hand against his cheek.
How 😭 cute 😭 is 😭 this 😭 ??
This has got to be one the softest moments they have shared together. AND it’s in front of all these people!
Take that Namjoon hyung for saying I can’t be a gentle and tender loving father!
Jimin is about to place a hand over Haneul’s small one to caress it but then Haneul pushes his face away.
“Just go, daddy!”
Before Jimin is able to process what just transpired, Haneul is already strutting towards the other kids, feeling like a king or a boss for bitch-slapping his own father.
This little fUqer!!!
Who does he think he is to act like this towards Jimin iN FRONT OF OTHER PEOPLE??
This is what happens when he lets his son spend too much alone time with his Uncle Jungkook and Uncle Taehyung.
But to be fair, Haneul is still Jimin’s son at the end of the day so…..like, maybe he shouldn’t be too surprised??
Yet, still, he truly cannot believe it.
All it took was 5 minutes and a rowdy set of friends, then his kid has grown up.
He apparently “doesn’t need him” anymore, according to the kid.
To think that Jimin got up early to make him those cute bento boxes. He even specifically made them look like various pokemons that Haneul fancies!
Wow. Just. WOW.
Excuse him, but he’s just gonna get in his car and crank up “Slipping Through My Fingers” by ABBA while he ugly sobs.
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damienthepious · 3 years
[a small gentle shout] happee lizz kis tues
could stay right here
Fandom: The Penumbra Podcast
Relationship: Lord Arum/Sir Damien/Rilla
Characters: Lord Arum, Rilla, Sir Damien (but only asleep)
Additional Tags: Second Citadel, Lizard Kissin’ Tuesday, Established Relationship, Early Relationship, Sleep, Literal Sleeping Together, Sleepy Cuddles, (yes two in a row. SUE ME.), Kissing, Singing, Banter
Summary: He isn't used to sharing a bed, just yet.
Notes: this was. supposed to be like... six hundred words, maybe? (sigh). enjoyy????? I hope? I don't know why i'm suddenly obsessed with Early Relationship One-Shots, but!!! apparently I am??? Heck. Title from the song Cement and Sunshine by Morningsiders!
Arum jerks awake as the bed shifts, a flash of panic gripping his lungs and squeezing-
Attack, he thinks, and then, won't let anyone hurt them. How- who-
She makes some small noise, presses her hands against his collarbone on either side, firm and sturdy, and he manages to suck in a breath that does not feel so strangled.
"Sorry," she says, her voice a breathy whisper by his ear as her hands keep him anchored, her thumbs rubbing soothing arcs against his scales. "Sorry, sorry- didn't mean to-"
Arum remembers. Remembers Damien curled against his left arms. He remains an unbothered, unconscious weight as Arum becomes aware of him again, and he remembers Amaryllis waving them off to bed before returning to her pile of five or six books and her recorder, an unmoveable fountain of determination, remembers awkwardly managing to ask- to ask that she join them, when she at last reached a stopping point, remembers her small, fond, knowing smile-
"It- it's- it's alright," he manages in a hiss, lifting one of his hands to curl around her wrist. "I'm alright. I-"
She leans back in the dark, beginning to draw away, and the panic moves, squeezing his heart instead. He grips her wrist more tightly, still careful of his claws despite his muddled awareness.
"Wait," he whispers, and the only reason he does not lean up to follow her is because he refuses to risk waking Damien beside him. "Don't- don't leave, I-"
She stills, and though he knows it is too dark for her vision she looks towards his voice, blinking against the black. She rests her weight on him again, her palms warm on his chest.
"I'm not leaving," she says, very gently. "It's alright, I promise. Let me just grab the blanket, that's all."
Arum has the sense that he should bristle at that, at her gentleness, her comforting tone, but his heart hasn't slowed yet, and his relief is too large to deny. He makes a noise, hopefully enough of an affirmative for her to interpret, and then he releases her wrist so she can lean back and gather the sheets from where he and Damien must have kicked them in their sleep.
She tugs them up over her shoulder and settles against his side with a small sigh, arranging the cloth to cover him as well, and then she leaves one hand over his heart, brushing slowly up and down.
He tries to slow himself down, to settle, to match his breaths to the motion of her hand, and after a few heartbeats it starts to come more easily.
"I'm sorry," Amaryllis says again, her voice a careful whisper. "I didn't mean to surprise you."
His chest rumbles quietly, a helpless almost-growl, and then he cautiously curls his arm around her, pulling her just the littlest bit closer. "I didn't mean to surprise you," he echoes, low and uncertain. "Jolting awake like that."
"You aren't used to this," she says. "It's okay."
"Used to-" he cuts off, frowning, trying to focus on not letting his rattling growl grow loud enough to wake Damien as well.
"This," she says, her palm pressing down on his scales. "This," she repeats, and then she presses her lips so, so gently to the scales at the crook of his neck.
Arum freezes for half a second, and then his body relaxes all at once, as if she has cast a spell over him with her kiss alone.
She isn't wrong, of course. It had been difficult enough for him to slip into slumber in the first place. Damien had positioned himself draped along Arum's side with a sigh and a kiss and Arum had laid utterly, exquisitely still until the poet drifted to unconsciousness, and then for what felt like rather a long time afterward. When sleep did find him, it must have been a rather fragile thing, considering how easily and violently it broke at Amaryllis' entrance.
"I... I suppose..."
"I mean, I get it. It took me a long time to get used to sharing a bed with Damien, actually," she says, her tone mild, and Arum blinks, glancing down at her musing expression.
"Why?" He frowns, unable to imagine a time- unable to imagine the pair of them at all separate, at all misaligned. They fit together so easily, without any apparent effort, enough so that at times he can hardly believe there was a time he did not know how intertwined they are.
"Because I was too used to sleeping on my own?" Her mouth curls, almost wry, as she traces nonsense shapes on his scales with the tip of her pointer finger. "I spent a long time alone in my hut, and even when I found people to fool around with I didn't usually spend the night. And I'm a really light sleeper in the first place, so it was a big change for me." She shifts slightly, readjusting the arc of his arms curled around her. "He rolled over onto me once, like, the third night we spent together, and I woke both of us up socking him in the nose."
Arum snorts, then holds his breath to keep from cackling a proper laugh. He gulps in a breath after a moment, feeling Amaryllis smiling against his shoulder, and he controls his voice carefully low as he responds. "A rather rude awakening for the poor knight, Amaryllis."
"I know," she rolls her eyes. "I felt awful about it, but- you know Damien. He apologized almost as many times as I did. Dummy."
Arum's heart does something unhelpful and twisting beneath the warmth of Amaryllis' palm, and he buries some rather embarrassing thoughts about the spun-sugar sweetness of their poet before he shakes his head.
"Completely absurd," he mumbles, and then, because he knows Amaryllis cannot see him do so, he tilts his head enough to press his snout gently to Damien's curls. Not quite a kiss by their human measures, but... he feels warmer, regardless, when Damien shifts almost imperceptibly closer at the contact.
"What I mean is..." she tilts her head, kissing his jaw this time. "It's alright. It's alright if it takes a while for you to adjust to things, or- or if you decide eventually that you'd rather not share a bed at all, for actually sleeping. That's fine too, that's an answer that's on the table."
"Don't be foolish," Arum grumbles, resisting the urge to tighten his grip. She's as close as she could possibly be, he reasons. The instinct to pull her closer regardless is nonsense. "I want- I would much rather-"
"I just want you to know that you don't have to do anything just because you feel like you should, that's all."
Arum presses his lips together, torn between gratefulness and indignation, and then he sighs. "I appreciate the... the effort towards clarity. It is not that I don't want the both of you here, beside me, though. I only... I cannot seem to... I am rather vividly aware of you. It is difficult to find rest, while my mind... lingers upon you."
"Ah," she breathes something like a laugh. "Yeah, that makes sense."
"I want you here," he says, trying to round off any ambiguity on that subject, and her breath flutters with another subtle laugh. "Clearly I managed sleep eventually. I'll do so again, I'm certain."
"Well," she says, her voice tilting breathier, richer, more warm with sleep, "if you're certain. Saints know I'm too tired to get antsy about it anyway."
With each moment, her weight settles more heavily against him, a more-than-welcome echo of the pressure of Damien's body on his other side, and he feels heavier as well as her breathing begins to slow. She'll drag him down into slumber with her, he thinks muzzily, and he can't suppress a subtle purr as her fingers continue to trace light, tingling lines on the scales above his heart.
"Just want you to be comfortable," she murmurs, and then she closes her eyes, pressing her cheek against his shoulder. "You don't get enough sleep. And yeah, yeah, I'm a hypocrite, before you even say anything."
He cuts off his retort before it begins, chuckling low, and he must truly be half asleep again already, because his next words come before he can think better of them, and he is halfway through his next murmuring sentence before he realizes that he is speaking.
"I can't understand how much you both... how..."
Amaryllis waits, drawing her fingers over his scales slowly, slowly, her eyes closed, but eventually when he fails to continue she makes a humming, questioning noise against his shoulder.
Arum swallows, shoring up his nerve since he has already begun to speak- he may as well say this now, while Damien sleeps soundly in his arms and Amaryllis cannot see whatever look is on his face.
"I cannot understand... how much trust you place in me. To... to sleep like this. It feels so... you are so vulnerable, Damien out of his armor, and you- it is so hard to- to understand- to reconcile that- that vulnerability and- to settle my own mind, while you both lie helpless and sleeping beside me. I want to pr- I can't- I cannot shake my awareness of your breathing, your heartbeats, and-"
Her hand stills above his heart; he wonders dizzily if she can feel the way it beats, faster with each passing word. He feels ridiculous- of course he does, he can hardly unravel his own thoughts while they still tangle, only half drawn into his waking mind, and he cannot even say if any of this coalesces into something that makes sense.
She turns in the darkness, unseeing, aiming her face towards his own, and then she trails her hand up from his chest, up his throat until she finds his jaw, the curve of his cheek, and then she turns his face towards her own. Ridiculous, he thinks fondly, since she still, obviously, cannot see him, but then she- she angles his head, presses a kiss against his mouth, and then she tilts both of their heads until their foreheads press together.
"You... you're saying you can't fall asleep because you're worried- you're worried about us? About- making sure we're safe."
"I don't-" Arum swallows roughly, nervously, his breath clicking at the base of his throat. "I don't know. I don't know what- what worries me, truly. I know- here in the Keep I know- obviously we are safe, but-"
Amaryllis kisses him again, gentle and warm in the dark, a tender press of lips against scales until his heart slows. She tips their foreheads together again, bites her lip, exhales a long sigh, and then she smiles so, so terribly softly with her palm caressing his cheek.
"And here I was worrying that you couldn't sleep because you weren't used to being so vulnerable," she whispers, and Arum resists the urge to flare his frill in embarrassment. "You- Saints. I- fuck, I could say so many different things right now, but I feel like every single one would embarrass you. I-"
Arum clamps his mouth shut, shrugs very gently with the shoulder beneath Amaryllis, and then he risks nuzzling forward again, gratified when she graces him with another kiss. "Save it for the morning, then," he murmurs. "You can embarrass me plenty when Damien is awake to make that precious wide-eyed expression about it."
Amaryllis shakes with silent laughter against him for a moment, kisses him one more time, and then resettles at his side with a warm, contented sigh.
"Do you think you'll be able to sleep again?" she whispers, her breath tickling at the crook of his neck. "I'd hate to think that I..."
"I'm certain that I'll manage, Amaryllis."
"I can... I could sing for you. If you want me to."
Arum glances towards her, a little surprised by the hesitant note in her voice, the hint of something like shyness. "You..." he pauses, swallows, thinks better of simply announcing how utterly enthralling he is by her voice in song. "That would not wake our little knight, you don't think?" he hedges instead.
"I can sing quietly," she complains, her lips drawing together into something like a pout, her nose wrinkling almost too adorably to stand. "And besides, our little knight sleeps like a fucking rock, anyway." She curls closer towards him, nuzzling her nose into his neck, beside his frill with a sleepy growl. "Do you want a lullaby or not?
"Well..." Arum trails off, taking a moment to force the breathlessness out of his own voice. "Well. If my choices while in bed with you are a song or a punch in the nose, I certainly won't complain about the former-"
She gasps, scowls in mock offense and swats at his side as he bites back the urge to chuckle, and then she settles her hand over his heart again, pressing down.
"Oh you just wait, you complete brat-"
"Are you going to sing or not, little doctor?"
"Hush," she growls, pressing her face into his neck. "Hush up and I will. Absolute brat."
Arum breathes another laugh, helpless against it, and then he settles, and after a moment her fingers start drumming a little pattern against his scales. With the rhythm of his heart, he realizes, and then a moment later she begins to sing, soft and husky and mostly breath, close against his neck.
He doesn't expect it to work, truly. She is so present, they both are, his awareness of their heat and their proximity such a vivid tether in his mind, impossible to ignore. Her song, her voice- everything about her is ethereal, stunning, gorgeous, of course, but he does not expect that even that could draw him down, pinned between their fragile resting bodies.
In the morning, though, he will not even remember the second verse.
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Bad End: Part of his World.
Have some yandere Azul content that no one asked for, because damn, have you seen that face he made in the opening movie...?
I am genuinely surprised that no one asked for anything yandere yet, haha. Of course, yandere relationships are not healthy in any way, shape, or form...so they definitely should not be idealized, but I find those kinds of prompts fun to write.
Brought to you by my last brain cell and my undying Octavinelle thirst. I want to see Azul lose it and I want to see the eels smash some kneecaps, so sue me.
It’s kind of a long piece (1000+ words), and it contains some very triggering topics...so check under the cut if you want to read.
***Warning: minor spoilers for the prologue of the main story campaign and Azul’s Unique Magic.***
***This imagine also has the following triggering topics/tags: yandere, drowning, murder, excessive violence, emotional abuse/manipulation.***
Imagine this...
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A thousand glittering fragments litter the floor of the Mirror Chamber.
You stagger back and sink to your knees, not caring about the shards of glass that bite your skin.
An instant. It had taken but an instant for all of your hopes and dreams to shatter and scatter to the wind. One good, hard, thwack with a cane to send the fragile mirror into pieces.
Your only route home is gone.
Your eyes water. The tears well up and threaten to spill over onto your cheeks.
“Why...? Why would you do such a thing?” you spit out the words vehemently, poison coating every syllable. “How could you do such a thing?”
“Why? Because I love you, of course,” comes Azul Ashengrotto’s composed, cheerful reply. He speaks so nonchalantly, as though he were not the one that had destroyed the mirror just mere moments earlier.
Azul approaches you, stepping on broken glass and splintering the fragments  as he crushes them under his soles. You don’t have the strength or the willpower left to resist as he yanks you to your feet with a gloved hand.
“Get up, for Neptune’s sake,” Azul chides, clicking his tongue. “You look like an absolute wretch, crumpled onto the floor like that.”
He musters a tight lipped smile.
“Oh, but don’t worry--I can doll you up in a fine frock and some pearls. You’ll look just like a mermaid princess. Doesn’t that sound just lovely?”
You are still in shock--you do not respond, much to his annoyance.
“You should be rejoicing, my dear--I’ve done of all of this for our sake. That’s seven years of bad luck I’m taking on for you, you know--but I’ll take my chances. With enough effort, even the greatest of misfortunes can be reversed.”
His smile becomes sinister.
“Why, I even took it in my own hands to reverse the misfortune of my beloved leaving me.”
“You’re insane...you’re insane!” you choke out through your tears. Your vision is starting to become blurry.
“I prefer the term cunning.” He frowns, narrowing his eyes at the tears that are now streaming down your face. “Come now, that look is rather unbecoming on you.”
“I’m...I’m never going to be able to go home! Because of you, I’m never going to see my world again...!” you sob, trembling.
“See your world?”  The corner of Azul’s lip twitches in irritation, but he is quick to recover. “My dear, I believe you are quite mistaken. Don’t you see?” He spreads his arms out. “This is your world now.”
“No...No! I won’t accept that! I’ll never...I’ll never accept that!”
“You know better than to argue with me, (Y/N),” Azul says darkly. “You are a part of my world now--no. In fact, you are my world. My entire world--and I will stop at nothing to eliminate anyone or anything that threatens to take my world away from me.”
“You’ve already taken my home,” you whisper hoarsely. “What else can you possibly do to hurt me?”
“Well--for starters, those pesky friends of yours,” Azul speaks lightly. “I can send Jade and Floyd after them, you know? Moray eels are known to be very...vicious predators.”
“Leave them out of this, you monster!” you attempt at a roar--but your voice comes out raw, shaking.
Azul scoffs. “A monster, am I? Would a monster offer you a life of luxury under the sea? Would a monster swear on his life to protect your from that which would tarnish you?”
His beauty--it is warped, distorted.
Like the blithe ocean whipping up a storm.
“Here’s what we’re going to do,” he instructs you in a low tone. “We will go to the Mostro Lounge at once. I will draw up a contract--and you will sign it, forever binding us together. For each day that you refuse to do so, the twins will be visiting your friends, one by one, to have a little chat.”
“Y-You wouldn’t...t-the headmaster will never let you harm his students...!”
“I would. He cannot stop me. No one can.” Disgust suddenly flickers across his face. “And I think I shall have the twins begin with that filthy, mangy mongrel of yours, since you seem to be so fond of dogs--I do so despise land animals. So uncouth.”
An unsettling spark lights his eyes.
“I think a drowning will do him some good. He is strong, yes--but he cannot take on both of the Leech Brothers at once. They will smash his kneecaps first, so he cannot flee--then they will bind up his limbs and hold his head under the water until he stops breathing.”
The color drains from your face. Your entire body quakes--with repulsion, with anger...but, most of all, with fear.
Azul continues, delighted at his own horrifying idea.
“We’ll bring you his corpse to celebrate the occasion. You can take one last good, long look at him before we dump that pathetic mutt into the ocean.”
“Don’t you dare touch a hair on Jack’s head--”
“Do not speak his name,” Azul interrupts you sharply. “I do not ever want to hear another man’s name on your lips.”
You settle down into an uncomfortable silence. You can see your terrified reflection in Azul’s spectacles and his eyes--a quivering mess, entangled in unseen tentacles.
“Remember, it is entirely your choice, my dear,” Azul points out, his voice becoming a soothing purr. “You have it in your power to make the right choice to protect him--to protect all of your friends. All you need to do is sign the contract.”
He strokes your face with a gloved hand. His touch is too gentle, too tender--they do not match his harsh offer and the threat of bodily harm, of intent to kill.
“Do we have a deal?”
“J-Just...just don’t hurt him. Don’t hurt anyone...!”
“Then you will sign, yes?”
“Y...Yes. W-What ever you want, Azul...!”
“Whatever you want, darling,” he corrects, as if speaking to a misbehaving child.
“W-Whatever you want...d-darling...”
“Excellent. It’s a deal.”
And with that, Azul embraces you, pressing you firming against him. Burying your face in the crook of his neck. Strangling--drowning out the light at the bottom of the sea, robbing you of your freedom, crushing your wind pipe.
Again--you are choking.
You are trapped.
He holds the world in his hands.
His world.
A twisted smile on his face.
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sword-of-summer · 3 years
All of them answer every question fuck you
ahahaha no i respectfully deny your "fuck you" and i accept the ask and so-
i am 5'10", and i don't wish to be taller or shorter- i am the perfect height for hugs and messy hair, and yep, i like it here-
dream pet would be a mix of golden retriver and a husky called Holly and a chonky cat called Loki- yes ofcourse my future kids have names everyone should name their future pets-
ripped jeans/black pants with a Darth Vader tshirt or a Ethnic Fusion Kurta with black sneakers/artificial leather slip-ons, and if it's cold, a black jacket open obviously- and a black wristwatch i love my black wristwatch.
favourite video game was Clash of Clans and going even back, GTA Vice City and, the og- MARIIOOOO
three things/people are Oreos, Nutella and Pizza. The Holy Trinity-
"Beware me my fingers are smeared with chicken popcorn grease"
you didn't mention an opinion, @chunkybirb, so imma give my opinion on Vanilla ice cream and Nutella- ANYONE WHO HADN'T COMBINED THESE TWO COMBINE THESE TWO THEY ARE FUCKING AWESOME
im either phlegmatic or melancholic bruh idk maybe ik or maybe not
im v v v v ticklish
not an allergy, but an intense hatred for ketchup- i vomit if it gets too close to me fuck you ketchup
im heterosexual
any between tea and coffee but full milk coffee (ik, kill me), never had cocoa- but i love a chocolate or nutella milkshake
both. both is good. (cat and dog)
i would be an elf cause hell yeah, knowledge and wisdom
favourite youtuber is Samay Raina, a stand up comedian turned youtuber who is just awesome-
as i mentioned in 1., i am 5'10"
i would not change my name cause it's the coolest fucking name ever, i am Tanay, and Tanay in Hindi means Son, and my parents literally named their son Son, and hell yeah i like it
i forgot how much i weigh- last i checked it was 75 kilos, but ive gained weight since 2019 so yep, gotta walk in the mornings
yes i believe in metaphysicality cause one- it seems cool- second- me and @theclassyghost discussed a metaphysical life theory that i really really like and metaphysicality gives preservation of knowledge so i believe in spirits
im not that religious, no
pet peeves no well nah not really
nocturnal def nocturnal i sleep at 4.50 anyway hehehehe
fav constellation is Cassiopeia
fav star is Sirius tho
what the fuck are ball jointed dolls
i do have a fear of losing people that's just anxiety i guess
yep, global warming is real
never thought that much about reincarnation tbh but maybe, i do
fav movie is Spider Man : Into The SpiderVerse and Inception and The Dark Knight Rises and Revenge of The Sith and yes, for my indian gang, 3 Idiots and Gully Boy
yep i get scared v v v easily
i have had no pets but i plan to once i grow up
@chunkybirb 's blog is fucking cool awesome and *chef's kiss* a masterpiece
blue calms me. i love blue.
live in Norway cause pretty lights, snow, and less people than this overpopulated country i am in
born in Mumbai, India
v v v dark brown like it's almost black but no it's dark brown
horoscopes and zodiacs, i do read them, never believed that much tbh-
i really wanna visit my brother i haven't met him in a long time i really wanna play cricket w him just like old times
my sister- she's annoying but well i care for her
tattoos idk bruh im okay idk may get one or may not get one
nope, smoking is ewwww *vomits*
ah my crush- she's cool [ if she exists
when the chalk doesn't write on the board but goes iiiiiieeee I HATE THAT
a sound i love is rain pitter pattering i just hhhhhh sends me into happiness
nope fatass here
nope fatass here
favourite actors have to be eddie redmayne, oscar issac and pedro pascal- and margot robbie and winona ryder in the actresses section also yes, elliot page
bruh already answered in 30.
im okayish!! spotify and tumblr, cool combo-
my hair are okay being black for me
yesterday, monday, from 6.40 to 6.50
uhhh naah not that i know of
well in Rick Riordan's Magnus Chase books, the sword of Frey aka Sumarbrander TALKS and demands to be called Jack, so here i am
bakwaas, music and comfy
yep, i believe in evolution
unfollow on hate and when they dm me sending nsfw pics ugh why are people like that
follow, well, i like people and they seem cool, so i follow them
fav kind of person is the one who'll sit with me for hours not even talking and just vibing to music
fav animals are beavers, doggos and cats
three fav blogs are @chunkybirb, @theclassyghost, @little-boats-on-a-lake, @aredhel-of-gondolin, @sue-me-imbadass, @alleenkaas, @my-ackerman, @brrrrrrrrrrzone
fav emoticon has to be ☹ this me seeing my stupidity outrank others
fav meme has to be Butternut is a master of psychological manipulation
Libraaa let's go
no dog, i have
black darth vader tshirt, black pants, black sneakers and black wrist watch
i have no selfies my phone has no cameras i live in eternal darkness
what the fuck are platform shoes
i, uhhh, i remember weird things like what i drew in class in 3rd while i was supposed to be doing english
lazy ass here, no front flips possible
i like birds they fly
nope i don't Iike swimming i like blankets
wrapped up in blankets reading books sounds better than both
hyperspace travel
nope none
reading writing eating sleeping
my friend
tumblr seems cool
i have around 60-70 idk
yes i can run but why
yes they do but what's the fun in that
nope I'd fall over
sapphire let's go
koala bear or panda
sunflower or the one on a lemon tree
ketchup store
one cup of coffee is enough, tysm
read minds that sounds cool cool yeaaahh
nope never wore it a black clothes guy here BatMan
winter winter all year long
i don't know and i don't wanna try
i don't know and i don't wanna know
everyone cause they are better than me
bookstores cause bookstores any bookstores
sneakers, black onez
apparently some gas bitches mixed up to form a planet
non vegetarian but i partake meat just twice or thrice in two weeks
i don't know they don't seem like liking
bugs ew
spiders ew
about the fact that i come off as arrogant and overconfident while in reality it's just that my communication skills suck
i can draw averagely whenever im in a mood
this thing im answering but i like answering it
uhhhhhhh brain freeze- idk bruh questions are good they give knowledge
yep, while sleeping
ahh yes calming, they are
cloudy days cause fucking cool vibes
hehehe wouldn't you like to know, weatherboy
CumuloNimbus i really like it's name yknow nimBUS
dark blue, dark blue always or black
naaaah no freckles
fav thing is when they laugh and it's just happy and we're both laughing like shitheads but who cares we're rebelling against depressing life and we laugh
both. both is good [ fruits and vegetables
sleep but i have to answer 170 questions cause @chunkybirb
sky sky sky it's my blog's header duh uh sKy
sweet and sour candy. SWEET AND SOUR CANDY.
dim lights it makes me feel cool
ahhh so here we go- Mooncalfs, Thunderbirds, Phoenixes, Sphinxes, Dragons that seem to be Space Nebulae, and more and more and more
i really feel like a boomer sometimes
i love everything about this site/app it makes me feel happy cause i like the people and the posts
uhhhhh i think too much about everything cause i just do. i like thinking
"He's dead, guys. For the sake of The Force, please watch Star Wars now he wanted to discuss it with you" actually no i would just say "A big shoutout to Garlic Bread he loved Garlic Bread"
myself cause i should be sleeping but sleep is for the weak and i am the weak and the strong i am a paradox-
that i obsess too much on things and try involving people it never works out
nope. had braces for 4 years, that beat out teeth showing smiles
i prefer computer-tv ahahahahaha
never tried them, so IDK
naaaaah not motion sickness- never travelled by sea so idk seasickness
lobed ears
yep i believe that deeds do count in life and beyond
idk bruh i don't believe in physical attraction too much- bodies are fake- mentally/metaphysically tho, im a 7
ahhhhh many many Stupid Genius, Tani, Tanu, Tanya
i still do-
i really want to talk to a therapist. converse. and discover.
im both, i am both.
10:1 is the ratio- giving 10, receiving 1
uhhh nothing just when i am right and people use the old "disrespect" argument
3, Hindi, Marathi, English
uhh no i am not
my hair i love them everyone says things about my hair but i love them
knowledge vibes i give, someone tells me- and that's all i ever wanted
anyone i know tbh, my mutuals, my friends, my discord friends
ahhh no i wouldn't but i wish i was born 20 years earlier
bleh bloo, neither like nor dislike
i don't know if i have one
i don't know, haven't had physical contact in a long long long time in a galaxy far far away
the above point stands but i would like to ig
anything i write, 3 hours later, i instantly hate just idk why
anything i write
that i am normal no i am not and i am not okay hahahahaha
65-70 ish people
somewhere around-
many many many don't ask please but okay if you do ask
uhhhhh idr exactly but i won't tell in public duh uh
mediummm hairrrr
last year lockdown i became harry potter
i don't know buddy i seriously don't know
yep i do cause knowledge i like knowledge
naaah never tried
no i definitely cannot stand on my hands or my head for more than 30 seconds
yep, im pretty sure i answered most of them correctly-
og link-
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Come Alive
A huge thank you to @kiragenta for letting me write a fanfiction based on their incredible art!��
Masterlist, Kiragenta's art that inspired this fic (please go check it out and give it some love!), Kiragenta's Tumblr;  passerotto means little sparrow: someone who is learning how to fly
This was honestly the most fun and probably one of my favourite pieces to write. And, with their permission, here is one of the two panels that @kiragenta​ did!
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Percy Jackson leans his head against the rough stone wall of the coffee shop and sips the café con leche he had taken to go. The streets of Rome are just starting to wake up and people rush around each other and into various shops. It seems a Friday morning in the city is a hive of energy before the slam of the weekend. Yet something inside him feels uncharacteristically dull. In fact he has felt like this since the beginning of this trip and frankly it is starting to piss him off. Nobody should be able to make him feel like this. And especially not his dick of a father who decides when and where to drop into and out of his life without warning. It was a new low to abandon him in a city he knew nothing about but to his credit he's only a little surprised.
Now he drains the rest of the coffee and chucks the cup in a trashcan nearby, punching the air when it lands inside with a rattle. The cobblestones under him press into the soles of his shoes as he picks a direction and starts down it. He doesn't have a destination so whichever way he goes he'll land up where he needs to be. Or at least that's what's supposed to happen. So far his wanderings have led him to a dried up fountain, a little cottage on the outskirts of town with more vines than wall, and just yesterday a café that admittedly sold delicious gnocchi and unbelievable coffee, but was not a life changing venture as he had hoped.
The flowers spilling onto the sidewalk from the outside of every shop make him want to become a florist, just so he can spend his days amongst them. He stops in front of a box of daffodils and brushes his fingers against their soft petals. Gods he loves flowers. He loves their colours, and how two flowers on the same branch don't even look the same but they're both gorgeous nonetheless. A woman comes out with warm brown eyes and a kind smile.
"You like them?"
"They're beautiful," He nods.
"Then you must have one,"
And before he can protest her hands are already reaching for the bloom and gently breaking the stem. "When people look at my flowers the same way you do," She hands him the daffodil. He puts it behind his ear. "Their souls are made of sunshine."
A tiny kernel of gold unfurls in his chest. "How do you know that?"
Her smile is warmth and sweetness and full of compassion, "Only the people who care about things that do not serve them can have that look."
"Thank you," He touches the flower tucked behind his ear, "For everything."
"Something is going to change to day passerotto," She looks into him then, her molten brown eyes staring into his ocean green ones, "The winds of the sea say so."
Percy would have called her crazy but for some reason he believes her, can feel it to. He just nods trying to wrap his head around the day and the conversation and, and, and...
"Come back for coffee this afternoon. We have the best americanos on this side of the square."
"I will," He promises preparing to head off in his destination-less direction, but something stops him, "Do you—" He swallows, "Can you recommend a place I should visit?"
"Have you seen the Grazia Salvatrice yet?"
He shakes his head, intrigued.
"Walk a ways, past the fountain in the square and over the bridge. There is usually a big crowd there but it should be relatively empty at this time."
"Thank you," He smiles, bright and hopeful for the first time in a while, "And I'll come back at the end of the day."
"Goodbye Perseus." She gives a motherly pat on his cheek before disappearing into her café once more.
It's only when he's past the fountain that he realises he never told her his name. But suddenly he's standing in an archway and there's a group of people excitedly chattering near him and he feels like he's known the world since he was stardust. He feels...alive.
He moves out of the archway and into an open space with little else save for the statue and small orange tree, just starting to ripen. He makes his way around until he can see the statue in all its glory. And gods is it glorious. It's as if someone draped a blanket of stone over a person. It looks so real. He looks real. A strong jaw and a fierce expression. Fists clenched like he's ready to fight, or holding back. And shoulders that look big enough to carry the world. Percy wants to know everything about the statue. Wants to know why it’s there, who it is, why they chose that gorgeous grey stone instead of bronze or brass. He wants to know the story. The group of people who were cooing over the statue moments ago now disperse until only a couple stood there, hands joined and eyes looking hopeful as they stare at the hardened expression.
He sits down on the bench and watches them, not expecting much.
But then one of the ladies drops a flower at the statue’s feet and he finally notices the small pile of brightness collecting there. Curious still, he looks at them and watches with wide eyed fascination as she swipe a thumb over the cool stone of his chest and then gently, ever so gently, place a kiss to his lips. The other girl does the same ritual and then they giggle and kiss each other.
His feet are moving before his brain has time to think and suddenly he's standing in front of them.
"Hi," He waves, "Sorry to interrupt."
"Hello," The girl with dark brown skin and braided hair grins at him, her black eyes sparkling. "How are you?" American, he deduces.
The other girl, tawny skin with white patches across her chest and on her cheeks, looks at him inquisitively but offers nothing but a smile.
"I'm good thanks. I just—" He looks past them at the statue, which was so much closer now. Close enough that he felt the strange warmth it emitted. "I just wanted to ask why you left a flower and kissed the statue?"
"Oh," The American girl laughs brightly, "Apparently if you leave a flower the statue will grant freedom. If you swipe its chest you will be granted love. And if you kiss it you will find home."
"And you can just do all three?"
"According to my girlfriend here," She points to her right.
"It is true." He can here the girl is native Italian. "Many people have found what they are looking for at the Grazia Salvatrice." She nods deftly.
"Okay," He offers them a smile and hopes it doesn't reflect the butterflies racing through his stomach. "Thank you."
"Bye," The American says before lacing her fingers through her girlfriend's and tugging them both away.
The little area is weirdly quite, save for the coo of a few birds and the bustle from the street there is nothing and no-one. He takes a deep breath and turns to the statue. There's something about its eyes he cannot get over. It's the way they burn. No that's not right. They almost...... crackle. It reminds him of electricity, lightning, storms. And the air around the stone is charged, makes the hair on his arms stand up. His eyes graze over the piece and catch on the clenched fist. He wants so badly to unfurl those fingers and interlace his own with them. 
He's surprised by his reaction but something is drawing him to this ancient stone that he cannot, will not ignore. Taking another deep breath he steps closer until his hoodie brushes against the greyed chest. He doesn't even care about the dust that marks the blue fabric because suddenly the world disappears and the only thing he can hear is the crashing waves of an ocean and the rolling thunder of a storm. Slowly, carefully, he takes the daffodil from behind his ear and drops it by their feet.
"For freedom." He whispers.
And then a shaky brown hand is reaching up and he swipes a thumb over the stony chest.
"For love."
He looks at the sculpted cheekbones and sharp brows and reaches up to touch the perfectly styled hair. He wishes he could run his hands through it. Instead he let's his hand fall to the statues neck, cradling the back of its head softly.
"For home."
And then Percy Jackson sears his lips to the stone and light bursts from his chest. Rays of sunshine radiate from their bodies, but his eyes are closed and he is lost to the world. The statue moves beneath his fingers and he pulls it to him. He doesn't want this to end.
The stone is soft under his palms and he tugs at the warm skin to get them closer, together. This kiss will last for—
He jumps back with a gasp. The stone moved. The stone is moving. It is soft. And moving.
He collapses to the cobbled ground as he watches the statue come alive. The rays of light spilling from his own chest go unnoticed. Slowly the grey tinge bleeds away to reveal golden skin, and faded black pants, and hair that he is sue is spun from sunlight, and eyes the colour of topaz, of brooks, and oceans, and the sky.
"What the—" He splutters, "Who— How—"
His brain is on fire, underwater, buried alive. This is not real.
"Hello," The voice is gravely, naturally or from disuse he doesn't know.
"You were a—" He gasps, "And now you're a—"
Words. He needs words. What's language? What's the alphabet?
"Where am I?" The statue— no, boy—asks.
Percy cradles his head in his hands and tries to form a coherent thought, any thought.
"I'm sorry," The golden boy mutters, staring at the buildings and streets and everything. "Could you help me? I don't know where I am?"
"Yes," He answers rawly, "Apparently neither do I."
"What's going on?" He can hear the frown in the boy's voice.
"You were a statue, about one minute ago. And now you're... well a human?" He chokes out.
"I was what?" Those eyebrows knit in confusion.
"Yes. See that stand there?" Percy points to the empty block of polished bronze with a small plaque on it. "You were standing there a few moments ago, as stone."
"I don't understand."
"Welcome to the club." He groans, running his fingers through his already messy black hair. "What's your name?"
"Jason." He whispers, staring at the space he once stood in disbelief, "Jason Grace."
"Hello Jason, I'm Percy Jackson. And I just made you come alive."
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sabineelectricheart · 3 years
A Divine Vision
Summary: Gilbert is praying alone in the cathedral when he receives a sudden visit of a mystical being.
Rating: K+ - Suitable for more mature childen, 9 years and older, with minor action violence without serious injury. May contain mild coarse language. Should not contain any adult themes.
Notes: Yes, a Support fic. Very unoriginal. Sue me.
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The hour was late. The monastery was quiet, not even the animals in the woods around Garreg Mach were bustling with any sort of noise.
Predictably, the cathedral is empty. Not even Dimitri, who usually hung around the pile of debris, was anywhere to be seen, and this is how Gilbert preferred it, so he could pray to the Goddess in peace. He knows the breath on his lungs was a violation of his holy covenant with Sothis and the Blaiddyd royal dynasty, but he could not help but find his prayers absolutely shameful
If he had done his job properly, there would be little need to pray for the dead, after all.
“Eternal rest grant unto them, O Goddess, and let perpetual light shine upon them.  May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. May the King and his family rest in peace and amongst their brethren. Amen.”
As soon as he finishes his prayers, he hears a pebble falling from the mountain of rubble. His sensitive ears, honed by years of military service, alert for a presence within the cathedral. His large right hand grips the sword he carries around his waist, ready to draw in defence.
More and more pebbles fall, and anxiety grows exponentially in the heart of the knight. Whatever it is, it is probably big.
Soon, Gilbert turns his eyes toward the source of the noise. He realizes the rubble is not falling down; rather, it is oddly falling up, higher and higher.
As he looks to his left, a strong pulse of force passes through him, and while it is mostly harmless, it does banish the numerous pews away. The broken glass on the windows is quickly restored to its former glory, depicting the twenty-six known patrons of Crests.
Finally, with the nave completely and magically rebuilt, the clouds clear and moonshine bathes the altar. Gilbert remembers it is only the first crescent, and the light should not be strong enough for such clarity in the temple. Alas, the Moon shone as if it was larger than full.
The cathedral is as beautiful as it was five years ago, but with a most important difference. By the altar, sat a large stone throne, which carried the symbol of the Holy Flame. It was the throne of the Goddess at the Blue Sea Star.
There, lounging comfortable on the hard stone as if it was the finest cushions in Adrestia, was a girl. Not too young, about two and twenty, but still much younger than his sixty years on this earth. She donned fine silk and gold, in a short fit on her lithe body. Her hair was green and voluminous, held up by an encrusted band and flowing down the entire length of her back.
“Oh, hello there, sir knight.” She greeted amicably. “How are you faring this evening?”
Gilbert strengthened his grip on the sword and took a step back. Innocent-looking or not, this was a powerful being, and it would not do to lower one’s guard.
“Oh, please, sir Pronislav. This are not the manners your mother instilled you with, and I am sure it has not passed so long for you to forget them.” The girl sneers derisively. “We are amongst friends here. Drop your sword and come closer.”
“I know you not, fiend.” He grumbles, trying to keep his voice steady. “Let me leave and you shall not have anything to fear from me.”
The girl chuckles, as if the notion amuses her. “Whether I release you or not has absolutely no bearing in my fear from the likes of you. I wish you could just recognize me, dear knight, it would make for more efficiency, but if you insist to be so, very well.”
Suddenly, from the yards that separated them, Gilbert was thrust forward, kneeling over the feet of the girl, who looked down with an amused smile on her face, as if waiting for the punch of a very funny joke. It was terrifying.
Though, truth be told, he was not thrust with force or violence, but rather as if the space between them did not exist anymore. It was as soft as a blink.
Gilbert, then, raises his eyes to the figure. From the feet decorated with gold, to the left hand on a lean hip covered in silk and the pale green eyes of a muted Summer. He knows this person.
“Pro-professor!” He stutters. “What is happening?”
The green-haired teacher lets out a melodious and unrestrained laugh. “Not quite, sir knight. You see, the one you call professor and I are, indeed, two faces of the same being. Alas, for now, we are separated. I who stand before you am Sothis, the Goddess of this land. You may address me as you prefer.”
His breath catches on his throat. “It cannot be!”
“It is what it is, sir knight.” She dismisses with a wave. “Or would you prefer I call you Gustave? Your mother has introduced you to me by this name, after all.”
He says nothing, still shell-shocked with the ramifications of what he must be seeing. Is he dead? Mortals are supposed to meet with the Goddess only when they pass. Or is he hallucinating, perhaps?
“It is very rude to call one you have evoked for so many times a hallucination, you know? You are not dead either. This is boring and I have much to do, so believe what you want, I do not care.” The so-called goddess huffed. “Now, you have come to me with a request, one you have brought forward many times. What is it?”
The old man frowned. “Are you not the Goddess? Should you not know?”
“Indulge me, will you?” Sothis rolled her eyes. “If I am the Goddess, then you are my servant and should do what I say, not question me. If I am the professor, she would not know any of it. If I am a hallucination, well, there is no one else for me to talk to other than you, and I would think it preferrable to waste a few moments in redundancies.”
Gilbert sighed. “Very well. I have asked for King Lambert Blaiddyd and his wife to rest in peace.”
“Which one?” She chuckled, as if finding her own joke amusing. “I jest, I jest. You would do well smiling more, you know?”
“Excuse me, your holiness, but I did not find it funny at all.” He responded, with his face in a frown.
“Fine, fine.” She dismisses. “Tell me this, then. You have a goddess before you, one who can grant you any desire you might ever have. Why do you ask for the rest of a long-dead king?”
“Is there anything else I can do?” He counters. “You must know I was in service of the royal family, yes? Of the oaths I have taken in your name? When I was only a young soldier, the king saw fit to make a knight of me. I was given the great honour of guiding and protecting the royal family.”
“Yes, yes, I recall.” Sothis says, as she takes a seat on the throne, as if the subject bores her so. “You have taught both Lambert and Dimitri on the lance, you have offered your candid advice, you have served them faithfully even in face of reservation, which you have certainly had a lot. Until…”
“Until that day.” Gilbert finishes the woman’s phrase. “I was...powerless. When I received word of the attack, it was already too late. His Majesty was dead, along with many knights and soldiers. If only I had made it to Duscur more quickly...”
“This is for me to know and you to wonder.” The green-haired girl smirks. Her teeth were clean white and straight. “Then what happened?”
“After that, I abandoned my wife and child, and fled my homeland. I turned my back on everything I swore to protect.” The warrior finishes the tale with a forlorn look on his aged face. “It is my fault that the King has died, and it is my fault that His Highness, Dimitri, has become... The way he is now. My sins are countless. I will bear the weight of my guilt for as long as I live.”
Sothis avoids his ice-blue eyes, in a solemn expression.
“Perhaps you will, indeed. I have no bearing on the hearts and minds of my children, adopted or otherwise. Only you are the lord of your soul, Gustave, and only you will decide when it is time to let go of the guilt.” The mystical being declared, and then looked at him with a softer look. “However, you must know that praying will not help them.”
“I repeat, what else can I do?” He spats, bitterly. “Apologizing to my daughter and wife. Devoting myself to His Highness. That is the way to atonement, and yet... Even if I am granted the forgiveness of those who still live, praying is all I can do to atone to those who are with us no more...”
“Oh, Gustave…” She says as if he is a naïve child. “I cannot say whether Lambert or Patricia live in my realm or were banished to Ailell, and I cannot say whether you shall end up, either. What I can say, however, is that, wherever they ended up, it was by their own making, not mine or yours. What I can say is that the concerns of the dead are hardly past grievances or the way of their death. What I can say is that, while past actions warrant repent and reflection, there is only one path, and it is forward.”
“Long ago, there was someone who told me something quite similar, and yet, I still find myself unable to follow through with this advice.” The man sighed, worn as if he had returned from a long war. “Forgive me. This will not do. As I grow older, I find myself talking endlessly about the past.”
“Don’t they all?” She smirked. “It seems our time is coming to a close. I cannot tell you what to do, Gustave. I can only hope you make the right choices. Sooner or later, no matter what path you take, you shall arrive at the same place, and then we will know what must have been done.”
A soft breeze blew from nowhere and with that, Gilbert was back to the nave of the Cathedral, alone, as it was before he talked to the girl.
Goddess or not, there was sage advice on her speech. Yet, he is a stubborn man and cannot change so drastically, so quickly.
“Eternal rest grant unto them, O Goddess, and let perpetual light shine upon them.”
Fire Emblem Masterlist
Three Houses Masterlist
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lunarimagines · 4 years
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Summary: When the world’s oceans start disappearing, everything is sent into chaos. You’re forced to either start moving towards the city center or perish. It almost feels hopeless... until you meet Kim Taehyung.
Warnings: language, future smut
A/N: I hope you enjoy the new series! Send me a message if you would like to be added to the taglist for this series :)
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It was fucking hot.
Sweat dripped down your forehead and into your eyes and, god forbid, dripped off your nose in salty splashes against your lips and shirt. Kim Seokjin, your traveling partner, was faring no better. His white shirt was plastered to his broad back with sweat and the ends of hair dripping with sweat below his scarf covering. Both of you had wicked sunburns and tans, the effects of the extreme heat.
Four months ago the oceans had suddenly begun to dry up. The waves had disappeared, then the shoreline retreated the next day, and suddenly the ocean was collapsing in on itself. At first there had been fears of a tsunami but as the event appeared to happen to coasts worldwide, something else was very, very much wrong. Scientists had been stumped. How could such a massive body suddenly start to disappear? But there appeared to be no answer. The effects were devastating. The temperatures around the world began to rise, the rain and snow came less, humidity was practically unheard of. The forests were slowly receding. Concrete and asphalt were unbearably hot to stand on. Dehydration was common. The whole world was crumbling.
When scientists began to understand the phenomenon was not going to reverse itself, sand and dirt were poured over the concrete and asphalt in cities, cars were banned, and water was immediately rationed. The fear was lakes and rivers eventually drying up once the ocean water was gone. Terror was widespread.
When the whole world had seemed to collapse you had been an average university student studying abroad and living in an off-campus apartment with two other exchange students. When the news broke the apartment had cleared out as people rushed home - including your roommates - leading to higher airline prices and backed up flights for days, then months. You had stayed, rationing water from the grocery stores and packing instant food. Your next door neighbor (now travel buddy) Kim Seokjin had decided to stay in the apartment where he was safe from the overwhelmingly poor elements. The two of you had bonded through sharing resources and, as apartments began to be cut off to preserve energy and water, the two of you moved in together. By the time the whole apartment complex had run out of energy and the power and water shut off, the two of you had devised a plan to head inward toward the heart of the city rather than stay on the outskirts. Surely, surely, there was someone in the major city who could save you, offer an oasis.
But, God, it was hot as shit out here. Your throat was aching and scratchy from the dust. You didn’t dare to take another sip of your water.
“Let’s stop here for an hour,” Seokjin finally suggested as he rounded the corner on a concrete building. Though slightly dilapidated, the building didn’t look like it would fall down on your heads like some of the other structures in the city.
You agreed, following him through the hole in the wall where the door had once been. Inside it was stifling, the airflow nonexistent. You dropped your bag on the far wall away from direct sunlight and pulled your scarf off of your head, wringing the sweat out of it. Seokjin followed your lead, offering you half of his granola bar when he finally collapsed onto the floor next to you.
“Thanks,” you mumbled hoarsely. Then, after a bite, “How long do you think it will be until we reach the city center?”
Jin shrugged and sunk lower into the floor, closing his eyes and fanning himself softly. “I would guess about another day. I don’t think we’re that far, but this heat feels like it’s getting worse and we’re definitely going slower because of it. We have enough food and water left for two more days so let’s pray they have water in the city center.”
Your stomach flipped at his mention of resources. In reality, the two of you had enough water to last you another week, max. But in order to have water left in the event that the city held nothing, you had enough water rationed out for one more day. The thought of running out of water completely scared you. Your headache was already fierce from the slight dehydration you were facing. You didn’t even want to imagine what severe dehydration would feel like.
“I’ll set a timer for thirty minutes,” Seokjin said as he pulled out his battery-operated timer. It was the only electronic thing you had left besides your watch currently strapped to your wrist. Cell phones were long gone. “You can sleep first, then I will.”
It wasn’t necessarily that you feared an attack, but with water and food scarce and plenty of wild animals moving into the city because of the deforestation, it wasn’t impossible.
Settling in, you rested your head on your pack, adjusting the lumps in it to surround your head in a nice cradle. It didn’t take much before you were out cold, your body going limp as exhaustion pulled you into a deep sleep.
You knew you were tired when you had no dreams. By the time Seokjin was gently shaking you awake so you could take the watch as he slept it had felt like no time at all had passed. Standing up to shake the sleep off, you set the timer for thirty minutes. Wandering toward a window, you looked out the cracked, dusty glass at the surrounding buildings. Heat was shimmering off the bone-dry dirt and stone buildings. You rubbed dirt out of your eyes as you stared around, eyes watching for movement. You weren’t expecting any movement. At most, people had moved either to the countryside or, as you and Seokjin were trying to do, to the city.
You lost track of time by drawing designs into the dust on the glass lightly. Some of them were simple and some were more elaborate as you tried to recreate the landscape around you. The good thing was you needed no color; everything was in varying shades of beige and white. The sun and heat had all but bleached the buildings.
The ringing of the timer woke Seokjin with a start. He stretched lightly, his shirt lifting slightly to expose his hips. He had lost some of the muscle he’d had when you first met him simply from a lack of nutritious food and plenty of water, but he was still quite toned. You couldn’t help but notice that… While you couldn’t imagine anything romantic in this climate you were allowed to still look, right?
“I wish we still had cameras so I could tell you to take a picture,” Seokjin joked as he stood up.
“Please,” you answered with an eye roll, “I’m sure you’d love to take a picture of my ass to look at in times of struggle. That’s all you stare at when I lead.”
“Sue me.”
You smirked at the banter, slinging your pack over your shoulders and situating your scarf over your head again, knotting it under your chin firmly. Sliding your sunglasses on, you turned to Seokjin.
“God, you look like such an old lady. Yes, babushka, I’m ready.”
“Enjoy your eyeballs burning, pretty boy,” you said, turning to lead the way out of the building and East toward the city.
You and Seokjin whipped around to see two figures running toward the two of you. They were a good football field away from you, but closing in fast. Your heartrate sped up as you quickly glanced at Jin.
“Y/N, run,” Seokjin commanded sternly, gripping your elbow and taking off. You stumbled behind him, your mind malfunctioning at the sight of other people.
“In this weather? Are you fucking crazy!?” you huffed behind him, the dust from your steps going straight into your throat and lungs.
“You want to get mugged and lose all of our water and food or suffer a little bit of dehydration and heat exhaustion?”
“Shit,” you exclaimed, picking up your pace to overtake Seokjin and pull him behind you instead.
“Wait! WAIT!” the voices behind you called.
You focused on your feet hitting the ground, the gravel under your shoes feeling hot and rough. Seokjin’s presence beside you was calming. He seemed secure as his eyes were trained forward, trusting yours which were trained on the ground to help him avoid tripping. It wasn’t difficult. The ground was fairly undisturbed, not travelled on.
“Fuck, this heat,” Seokjin panted, his hand gripping your arm more tightly as the effects of fatigue began to take over. The two of you were not as strong as used to be. The extreme heat during the day, the odd coldness during the night, the lack of water and essential vitamins and nutrients were all taking a toll on you.
The lactic acid in your legs was making them heavy and feel as if they were on fire. Your lungs were filling up with less and less air with each breath. The only thing keeping the two of you going was adrenaline and the half hour of sleep you’d just gotten.
“They’re getting closer,” Seokjin huffed after a quick look over his shoulder. “How are they getting closer?”
“If you stopped talking you’d be able to save more air and run faster,” you puffed out, half-joking half-deadly serious.
“I’m gonna sacrifice you if you keep being petty,” he joked and you couldn’t help but laugh, a quick outburst, at his witty remark. It was times like these, potentially life-threatening, that you were glad Seokjin was the one you were stuck with. It made the days a lot less terrifying even though you could hear the footfalls of the two figures chasing you clearly now.
“Everything hurts-”
“Look… who’s talking… now,” Seokjin joked.
“-and they’re going to catch us anyways. I’ll spray them with my pepper spray if they try to attack us but I cannot run anymore, Jin, I’m sorry.”
“Oh thank GOD,” he stopped running suddenly and turned, his chest heaving and his cheeks pink. Sweat dripped down his nose and off of his hair as he stared at the two figures now only ten feet behind you. “I thought I was going to DIE.”
You laughed as you unhooked your pepper spray from your belt and flipped the tab to get ready to spray in case things turned sour. “If we do die, though, I need to be sappy first.”
Seokjin fake gagged but you could see the wry smile on his face as he stared down the figures. They were only five feet away now, their faces becoming increasingly clear as they came to a stop in front of you, panting. One placed his hands on his knees as he caught his breath, the other raising his hands above his head and groaning loudly.
“We called out to you… in the hopes… that… oh my, God I think I’m going to… to pass out… we called because we hoped we could work together to survive but I think… the two of you… are actually trying to kill ALL of us,” the shorter of the two spoke between breaths. The taller one laughed happily. It would almost sound crazed if you didn’t understand exactly how exhausted he was feeling.
“I mean this in the nicest way possible, but you two are the stupidest people I’ve ever seen,” Seokjin replied dryly.
The short boy stood up straight and you finally got to see his face. His jaw was set in defiance and his dark eyes stared underneath his hat at Seokjin with a certain intensity you hadn’t seen in a long time. They sparkled with a challenge and annoyance. His hands came up to rest on his hips and he chewed on his cheek as he continued to stare Seokjin down. “Oh?”
“What kind of dumbass yells at people during an apocalypse and then chases after them? Sure, we’re stupid for running, but at least we can say we did it to try and save our resources. You could have mugged us for all we knew!” Seokjin threw his hands up, his voice raising slightly. You shook your head and wiped sweat off of your forehead.
The boy’s friend laughed again, but it sounded sweeter this time. It was bright and felt comforting because there was no mirth behind it. Only pure happiness and amusement radiated from it. His eyes were bright and, although nearly the same colors as his friends, they seemed lighter with the amusement dancing in them. His cheeks were beautifully rounded when he smiled. You could feel yourself smiling just looking at him.
“He makes a good point, Yoongs,” the boy replied, smiling at his friend who, in return, seemed to relax. At the very least the tension was released from his shoulders. He cracked a smile at the taller one as he turned back toward you and Seokjin.
“We’ve been following you for about a day now, I think,” the taller one explained. “We aren’t asking that you share any of your resources, but we are asking if you would be willing to let us join you as we go toward the city center. I don’t know how much safer it will be, but it feels like it should be safer in a group of four rather than a group of two. I heard there’s a lot of people going to the city center anyway, so more people in the group really does seem safer.”
Seokjin glanced at you and you shrugged your shoulders. He made sense, and if there really were more people going to the city center than you anticipated the extra numbers would be much safer. The thing about large groups of people in hysteria was that violence and deceit always seemed to follow. Plus, the boys had made it clear they didn’t intend to take resources… although the jury was still out on that one. You would be sure to keep all of your belongings close to you when you slept and kept watch tonight.
Stealing a peek at Seokjin you could tell he was still ruminating. The two of you didn’t have much time if you wanted to reach the city center by tomorrow during the daylight hours. It wasn’t an option to reach the center at nightfall when the city was cloaked with a deep blackness that made it nearly impossible to see.
“Fine, but you either have to lead or walk beside us,” Seokjin finally decided for the both of you. You nodded at his decree. The boys also nodded and the four of you turned in a large circle so the boys were in front of you. The taller of the two nodded at you before turning on his heel and starting forward, sticking close the shade of the buildings as he went. His friend followed somewhat reluctantly, but fell in line quickly. You and Seokjin opted to walk side-by-side, your arms brushing lightly as you bent your heads together to talk.
“We don’t even know their names… are we stupid for doing this?” you mumbled. Your voice could barely be heard above the crunch of the gravel underneath your feet.
“Is it too late to ask their names? I feel like it’s weird. They’re just nice one and slightly less nice one to me…” he joked back
“No, it absolutely feels too late to ask. I think we just don’t refer to them by anything other than ‘hey’.”
Seokjin snorted at your comment before straightening up again. His eyes were trained slightly ahead of the two boys on the increasingly tall buildings coming into sight. It felt like an oasis in the desert, which truly wasn’t far off. You sent a prayer to the universe that the solution to your problems would be found in the city because you didn’t want to think about dying yet. You were simply too young and beautiful to die.
Honestly, you weren’t sure what kind of oasis you were hoping to find. Sure, you were hoping to find water and food, but beyond that you weren’t quite certain. Maybe you were looking for a group you and Seokjin could dissolve into so that you wouldn’t have to fend for yourselves anymore. You were so, so tired of having to fight your way through every single day in order to survive and make yourself continue to move, your feet continue to pound against the hot soil and sand, make your lungs continue to fill with air and then expel it. A moment of rest with people who understood your struggle and wouldn’t try to hurt you. Plus, you knew Jin was exhausted. He had dark circles under his eyes and his usually soft and highly groomed hair was crusted with dirt and despair. He took smaller strides each hour it seemed.
But he had never given up. He’d kept cracking jokes with you and making sure you had a shoulder to lean on, sometimes physically rather than metaphorically. You’d fallen asleep on his shoulder every single night since you’d left the apartment. It wasn’t just fatigue. It was wanting to make sure he was real, he was really there. There had been moments you weren’t even sure you existed. You faced an unbelievable heartache cut off from your previous life.
A few hours later, the sun was beginning to set. The boys in front of you slowed their pace as they began searching for a good building to spend the night in. They settled on a small brick house that had been abandoned based on the fact that the shorter boy had called out “HELLO” and nobody had answered. You liked that the door locked, but you were skeptical of why the house seemed to be in such good condition.
“I think here’s good.” The taller boy dropped his pack on the dusty couch, a plume of sand and dust coming off of it from the weight. He wiped a spot haphazardly before plopping down, spreading his legs and draping his arms across the back of the couch. “Take first watch?”
The other boy nodded as he dropped his pack beside his friend’s on the couch. He took a small sip from his water bottle before tightening the lid and slipping it back in his pack securely.
“You want to sleep first?” Seokjin leaned down to whisper, his lips brushing your ear slightly. He blew into your ear lightly just to piss you off before straightening up.
“You can sleep first. I slept first this afternoon.”
Seokjin nodded and went into the second room to find another couch in pristine condition. You followed behind him, suddenly uncomfortable to be alone with the two boys. You still didn’t know their names.
You sat down with your back against the couch as Seokjin spread across it. His hand came down almost automatically to run over your hair lightly. He traced shapes on the back of your neck as you stared down at your watch. You could barely see the time in the dim dusk lighting, but you read the time: 6:45.
“Do you want to eat now?” you asked quietly as you rummaged in your backpack for a protein bar. You would make breakfast with some of your instant noodles in the morning.
“Hmmm… can I have a bite of yours?” Seokjin asked, opening his mouth.
You rolled your eyes but allowed him to take a bite.
“Tastes like shit.”
You snorted. The protein was truly the star of the granola bar. It was bitter and made your mouth feel grainy, but it offered enough energy to keep you going. But yeah, it tasted like shit.
Leaning your head back, you peered up at Seokjin as he shifted onto his side to look at you. “Do you think we’re safe?”
Seokjin let out a deep sigh. His shoulders were slumped and his eyes were drooping as he tried to focus on you.
“I really hope we are. If you don’t feel safe tonight wake me up. I’ll wake you up if I don’t feel safe, too. Keep your pepper spray open.”
You nodded as you settled back to stare at the wall. Soon, the soft sounds of Seokjin snoring filled your ears. His slightly parted lips led out a puff of air onto your head each time he exhaled, providing the only breeze you had felt in ages. The air was still hot around you, the sand still warm. You knew it would cool down soon, though. The land always lost the heat sooner than water had, letting a slight reprieve seep in.
After a while, you stood up to stretch your aching legs. Your knees popped. Glancing at Seokjin, you wandered to the doorway where the smaller boy was leaning, staring out the window toward the city.
“How long have the two of you been together?” he whispered once you’d settled against the doorframe.
You let out a splutter, not expecting him to be so blunt. “Well, I mean… we’ve been living together for about three months and traveling together. But we certainly aren’t dating.”
“I get that,” the boy replied, “because it’s nice to have companionship, even if it’s not romantic. I feel pretty alone out here. I never realized how dark the world was without light pollution. Even camping you know there’s still light in the cities. Now? Not so much.”
The way he spoke had you nodding slowly as you took in his words. He was extremely well spoken. It almost surprised you but not quite. The way he carried himself had clued you in earlier that he was an astute person.
“How long have the two of you been together?”
He seemed to have to think for a minute before answering.
“We’ve been friends for about ten years, I think, and it just seemed natural that we go together…”
You nodded as he trailed off, staring back into the pure darkness. You could barely make out his frame in the gloom.
“What do you think we’ll find in the city?” you finally asked after the silence seemed to encompass the both of you, suffocating in the darkness.
You could hear him sigh and shuffle so he was leaning on the doorframe opposite you. “Honestly? I’m not sure. I think it’s ridiculous to think we’ll find anything functioning but I think I’m still kind of holding out hope that we find a functioning community. Like in a dome, you know? Which feels stupid now that I’m saying that out loud.”
“I don’t think it’s stupid,” you interjected quickly, “or if it is we must both be idiots because I think that’s kind of what I’m hoping for. I haven’t heard anything about how much longer we’ll have the oceans, but I hope somebody can figure out something quick.”
“One and a half months.”
“What?” you questioned, your eyebrows knitting.
“One and a half months until the oceans are completely gone. Then I think we only have a few weeks left to survive. The heat will wipe us out first, I think. If not that then lack of water. If not that, then lack of food. Not to be morbid.”
Ending a sentence with “not to be morbid” never makes it less morbid, especially when the future appeared especially bleak now. You let out a harsh breath and rubbed your eyes roughly.
“Can’t believe there might actually be a day I miss eating these protein bars,” you joked lightly and you heard the boy snort before he began laughing quietly. You could tell he was stifling the sound behind his hand.
“No, last week I had one that was lemon. I was like damn, can’t go wrong with lemon. It felt like I was eating lemon-infused dirt. Literally could have scooped up the dirt from the ground and eaten it.”
You let out a light cackle at that, immediately slapping your hand over your mouth to muffle the sound. The boy was snickering.
“It might have expired. I have no idea what today is, to be fair.”
The two of you spent the rest of your time in comfortable silence. You could only hear the soft snoring of the two sleeping boys and the light breathing of the other across the door frame. The temperature was finally bearable and you could feel yourself relaxing and cooling down as the sweat drenching your shirt cooled. You knew you would be chilly for the same reason soon. But for now you simply basked in the slightly cooler temperature.
The soft rustling behind you a few hours later let you know Seokjin was up. He gently grazed your arm as you turned to look at him. His hair was pushed up to one side with, a sight you could barely make out in the complete darkness. The only reason you could see anything was from the full moon and the stars outside the window. You reached up to smooth his hair down lightly, the coarse strands caked with dirt and sweat. You didn’t mind. He’d done the same for you before.
“You still have another hour if you want to sleep,” you mumbled quietly as you smoothed his hair. He’d bent down slightly to give you a better angle.
“It’s okay. I woke up naturally so I think that’s my body’s way of saying it’s time for me to get up.”
You smoothed the last strand and patted his head affectionately before he straightened up.
“If you’re sure…”
“I’m sure. Go sleep,” he said with a gentle push toward the couch.
You couldn’t really complain anymore. Your body went to the couch on autopilot, spreading across it with your head on your backpack before immediately passing out. Your body relaxed finally for the first time in hours, and not only did you sleep well, but you even had it in you to dream.
They weren’t serious dreams. Most of them had to do with your life before the apocalypse. Spending time with the people you loved in your hometown. It felt like a fever dream. You felt like you were looking at yourself from the outside rather than living it. You weren’t that Y/N anymore in some ways. You held the same name but you weren’t sure you spoke the same, looked the same, or thought the same. However, the dreams were happy ones and by the time Seokjin was shaking you gently awake you found yourself feeling content and refreshed, though perhaps also slightly nostalgic.
“Let’s have breakfast before we start again. I think we should get there by late afternoon,” Seokjin said as he rummaged through his backpack for food and water.
You sat up and rubbed your eyes. Cheers to another day, you supposed.
“Ahh, I love the taste of incredibly chewy, salty noodles in the morning,” the taller of the two new boys said as he sat down across from you, his friend following behind.
“Be grateful you have food at all, Hobi,” the shorter one grumbled, tearing open his own packet of noodles.
Yoongs and Hobi. You were guessing those were nicknames. Cute.
Your group of four ate silently. You couldn’t really talk much as you tried to chew through the undercooked ramen noodles and forget how salty they were. They certainly wouldn’t help with your dehydration but when they were the only things left to eat that offered more than 190 calories you couldn’t truly complain. Besides, the more you ate them the more you forgot how they should actually taste. At this point these noodles were becoming a delicacy, albeit a chewy one.
“I think we’ll make it to the city by mid-afternoon maybe,” Yoongs said, as he finished his breakfast and placed his wrapper in the dusty trashcan standing in the corner of a room that looked like the kitchen. His actions amused you, but you found yourself following suit out of habit. Refraining from littering a wasteland… ironic.
“Let’s get going then,” Hobi said, slinging his pack over his shoulder and securing his hat on his head.
You decided to pour a dash of water over your scarf before you tied it to your head as you felt the heat permeating every inch of the air. It would be a small sacrifice to help ward off the heat fatigue.
The blisters on your feet were raging today as you began walking beside Jin, following the two boys from shadow to shadow. The buildings seemed to grow taller with each step. Their windowpanes were increasingly busted which worried you. The climate was not different enough on the outskirts of the city from the city center to cause such breakage. The only explanations were riots or violence. You weren’t sure how effective your pepper spray would be against a large group of people.
Your eyes scanned the building windows and, beside you, Jin kept glancing over his shoulder. It hadn’t been more than a few hours before Hobi was abruptly stopping.
“Wait,” Hobi said quietly, holding up his hand to signal to you and Jin to stop. “I don’t know if I’m just being paranoid… but I feel like we’re being watched.”
Goosebumps broke out on your arms and head as you understood what he was saying. You felt like you were being scrutinized. Yet, you hadn’t been able to see anything or anyone in buildings or out in the open. Still, the fact that you were so close to the center of a major city and there had been no people other than the two boys in front of you was suspicious.
You unclipped your pepper spray and twisted the tab open. Beside you, Seokjin unsheathed the small knife he kept strapped to his muscular thigh. His eyes were scanning in front of you as he backed you and himself against the wall of the nearest building. Your pack dug into your back and hips as you got as close to the wall as possible to protect it. Yoongs jammed in beside you and Hobi jammed in on his other side. You waited with bated breath. The air seemed even more stifling.
“Oh my, God! Can you just come out so we can get this over with!” Yoongs suddenly called out, rolling his eyes in annoyance. Despite his confident call you could feel how tense he was.
Figures cloaked in various shade of brown appeared from the buildings surrounding you. Your breath caught as you watched person after person step out. There were at least twenty of them surrounding you before one stepped forward. You couldn’t see their face beneath the hood, but anyone who was so rude had to be absolutely fucking ugly, you thought.
“Holy shit,” Jin whispered, his hand clenching around his knife. His knife began to look comically small amongst the crowd. “How much pepper spray do you have in that thing?”
“Never had to use it before. If I’m careful I can probably get half of them.”
Nobody else spoke. The heat shimmered off the ground and the buildings swam. You wished someone, anyone, in that group would talk. Finally, the one who had stepped forward did.
“How much water do you have?”
It was a woman’s voice. Her voice was gruff, the sound of gravel rolling around a metal tube almost. It made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
“None,” Yoongs bluffed. “Why else would we be heading toward the city center.”
You could feel Jin holding his breath beside you, waiting to see if the group bought the lie. They seemed to grumbled slightly, shifting from one foot to another as they waited for their leader’s decision. She seemed to contemplate it.
“See, why don’t I believe you?”
“You have trust issues?” Seokjin asked, and Hobi snorted from the other side of Yoongs. You sucked in your cheeks to stop yourself from smiling. Even if you were going to die you’d all go out acting petty.
“You think you’re funny-”
“I know I’m funny.”
“-but I still think you all have water. Since you were so rude to us I think we’ll have to take all of it. We were thinking of saving you some-”
“Bullshit,” Yoongs mumbled.
“-but I’m not feeling very kind now. You can either give us your water or we can take it by force. If we have to take it by force I’m not sure we’ll leave your food with you either.”
You couldn’t even be mad about Jin possibly ruining your chances of escaping with your food. His humor and wit were needed against their rudeness. Seriously, who did these people think they were?
Your hand holding the pepper spray twitched as the group moved closer to box you in. You couldn’t see their eyes well enough to aim and you didn’t want to waste your pepper spray, the only thing you had to defend yourself besides the boys on either side of you.
“Water. Now.”
The four of you stayed still, jaws clenched in defiance. Your hands were clammy as you waited. What you were waiting for you weren’t sure. Maybe someone to save you. Maybe heat exhaustion to strike you down. Maybe someone else in your small group to step forward first.
Thankfully a fourth option was presented to you in the form of a man’s voice coming from a window above you in the building you were currently pressed flush against.
“This is so boring will someone please just do something.”
His voice was so deep that it caused shiver to run through you. You took a chance to crane your neck up to see the arms of a man draped over the window as he leaned out casually to watch the scene unfold. He tapped his fingers against the brick impatiently.
“Stay out of this, Namjoon,” the girl called back, flipping him off.
Yoongs snorted beside you at the childish gesture and for just a second the situation seemed less terrifying. You felt a surge of relief course through you because at least there were other people here who maybe weren’t friendly but were also not foes.
The sound of a body dropping out of the window closest to Hobi startled you as the light thump and resulting rise of dust seemed to cut through the tension. Another body dropped down in front of you, landing gracefully on his feet, his hand touching the ground to stabilize himself. He stood, dusting off his hands. The flash of tattoos on his hand caught your attention as you found yourself almost entirely mesmerized by his hands as he reached to unsheathe a knife strapped to his hip.
“You must be scared if you’re sending your guard dogs down,” the girl called up, but she and her group had retreated back a few steps.
“If I was doing that Taehyung would also be down there. As it stands now, I’m not too concerned. This group seems like they could give you a run for your money. I’m sure pepper spray to the eyes in this dry heat would hurt like a bitch,” the man, Namjoon, called back. Your hand gripped the pepper spray tighter as you noticed the boy in front of you turning back to take a glance at the pink container clasped in your hand. His hair flopped roughly into his eyes as he looked up at you and grinned, his cheeks growing round and his shoulders relaxing.
“We just need water, Namjoon. Are you going to give that to us or do we have to take it?”
Namjoon seemed to think that over for a second. He hummed.
“What can we get in return if we give you water?” The girl seemed taken aback at his question.
“What do you want?” she questioned slowly.
“Jimin! What do we want?” Namjoon called.
The boy beside Hobi straightened up and put his forefinger to his lips, pretending to think. He tapped his plump lips lightly before smiling.
“I happened to hear you have painkillers you’re hoarding. Those are quite the delicacy… I think those would be a sufficient trade for some life saving water. What do you think, Jungkook?” The boy in front of you cocked his head to one side as he also pretended to think. “Seems like a pretty fair trade to me.”
“You heard my boys! Bring back the painkillers and we’ll give you even more water than you could possibly get from this group. I would suggest you hurry. I think my deal will expire by midnight.”
The girl turned to look at her comrades who nodded under their beige garments. She turned to flip Namjoon off once more before turning back to her group and dissolving back into the buildings around you, the plumes of dust from their feet the only indication they were moving from shadow to shadow. Your group stood there watching them, almost in a sense of awe and wonder, as Jungkook and Jimin walked back toward the door leading into the building.
“You all going to stand there until the oceans come back or are you going to come in?” Namjoon asked from above, his voice tinged with amusement.
The question stirred you from your daze and you turned in a uniform line to follow Yoongs and Hobi toward the door, slipping your pepper spray closed and clipping it back onto your belt as your feet shuffled forward. Jin grabbed your elbow lightly and leaned down to whisper, “Stay close.. I’m not sure I trust them yet.”
You could only nod as you were met by Yoongs and Hobi halting. Jimin was leaning against the doorframe, his leg sprawled out to block the entrance.
“What’s the password?”
Yoongs huffed in annoyance. “You’ve got to be shitting me.”
“I am, in fact, not shitting you. What’s. The. Password?”
“I’m gonna knock your pretty little teeth out?” Yoongs grumbled and Hobi snorted.
“Thank you,” you sighed to Jimin, craning your neck around to look him in the eye. His eyes shone with amusement and even glee at your answer.
He grinned as he stepped aside. “Bingo.”
“My next guess,” Yoongs shrugged. You shook your head at him. Even though you’d only met the boy about a day ago you had to admit you kinda liked him. He sometimes had a blunt way of speaking but he was also funny and charming and intelligent.
You followed the boys in to find the building had been almost completely gutted. The upper floors wrapped around the edges to leave an open center that looked up to a chandelier filled with candles. Their lights flickered dimly against the square brick ceiling. Faces peered over the edges of the railings and out of rooms. It reminded you of a fancy hotel. You had grabbed Jin’s wrist, earning a look from Jungkook that he shared with Jimin from behind you, as you took in the building. This was your oasis. This.
“Welcome to your new home,” Namjoon said as he stepped off of the last step on a staircase tucked behind a wall. “You’ll always be welcome here as long as you pull your weight.”
“What the hell is this place?” Hobi asked, his eyes wide and his mouth parted slightly as he watched people move.
“Um. I mean. We don’t really have a name,” Namjoon replied awkwardly, his eyebrows crinkling. “We’re not that lame I don’t think.”
Yoongs let out a laugh at that and truly smiled for the first time since you’d met him. It was a cute, gummy smile that had you smiling, too.
“Taehyung!” Namjoon called, cupping his hands around his mouth. “Sorry. Taehyung’s like our unofficial tour guide and, apparently, one of our guard dogs.”
Jungkook snickered behind you and Jimin stifled a laugh.
Jin nudged your thigh with his hand and gave you a pointed look that said, “Do we stay?”
You shrugged your shoulders and shook your head to say, “I have no fucking clue.”
His question was answered when you saw Taehyung, however. His shaggy hair brushed the top of his eyelashes, his dark eyes filled with a warmth and kindness that made your chest feel light. His tanned arms were crossed over his chest as he regarded your small group, his eyes landing on you. He smiled softly and you nearly choked at how gorgeous it was. His deep chuckle had butterflies in your stomach. This boy was affecting your whole body already. You were drawn to him. You wanted him.
“Hi,” he greeted. “I’m Taehyung.”
18 notes · View notes
Character Interview
Got tagged again by @highexarchs again for this meme so I decided to pick another character of mine for this. :D
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(Art by @rayeliann​)
► Name ➔  “Seung. I gave up my family when I left my tribe many years ago.” 
► Are you single ➔ “It’s rather complicated but given to all the odd or harrowing adventures I’ve had with the ghost of the notorious Count Lucio, I don’t think I can say I’m single nor do I want to be.”
► Are you happy ➔ “Right now, I’m more stressed and lost than happy. Apparently I died and yet I’m still here, walking around. I want answers and I want them immediately.”
► Are you angry ➔ “No, not today. Just frustrated instead.”
► Are your parents still married ➔ “They were still together when I turned my back from our clan so as far as I am aware, they are still married.”
► Birth Place ➔ “In the Southern Spines.”
► Hair Color ➔ “Black.”
► Eye Color ➔ “Violet. It’s a rare gene in my family.”
► Birthday ➔ “June 29th. Are you planning a surprise for me?” Her eyes twinkle with anticipation as she leans back in her chair.
► Mood ➔ “A combination of stressed, weary, and hungry. I should have eaten more cookies, like Lucio suggested earlier.”
► Gender ➔ “Female. Next question.”
► Summer or winter ➔ “I remember how blisteringly cold the Southern Spines were in the winter and loathed all that snow. I much prefer the summer time.”
► Morning or afternoon ➔ “The morning. I love watch the different colors slowly bloom across the sky when dawn arrives. ‘Tis a lovely sight.”
► Are you in love ➔ She toys with with one of the jewels around her necklace. “Perhaps...perhaps I am. It feels as if I’ve been in love with him for such a long a time, even though I only knew him for such a short time.”
► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ “No, I don’t. Only in stories can such an event exist and take place.”
► Who ended your last relationship ➔ “I have no memory of the last few years of my life, which is odd in of itself, so I’m not sure if I was involved with anyone or not. But I do recall my younger days, when I was barely sixteen, in love with a brash lad with a similar personality to the count. My parents were displeased with the notion of me consorting with someone from a rival tribe.”
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ “I may have but I do not know for sue.”
► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ “Not really. I shall only commit to the right person, someone who isn’t afraid of committing to me as well.” 
► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ "Technically, Lucio hugged me first so naturally, I had to hug him back or else he'd pout at me. His pouting face is so very distracting."
► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ “If I do, I have no idea."
► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ "Thankfully, I haven't. My memories are a bit hazy regarding the last few years but I cannot recall ever putting my heart through a pain like heartbreak."
► Love or lust ➔ "Lust is easier to manage and eventually, it fades away. Love though? It's so unpredictable. But... I'm starting to like it again."
► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ “Lemonade! It's such a lovely blend of sweet and tartness."
► Cats or Dogs ➔ “Dogs. And I am very fond of Melchior and Mercedes."
► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ “Just a few best friends. I only want the people I care about the most and can trust implicitly to be in my life."
► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ “Wild nights are more of my thing. I enjoy spicing up my night and having a good story to tell the next morning. Or perhaps wake up next to a certain blonde, fabulous disaster who with the most unapologetic look on his face."
► Day or night ➔ “Day. More animals for me to hunt and besides, most of my work is best done in the daytime rather than being bath in the moonlight."
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ “Yes, and it ended badly for me. My parents were furious when they realized who, not where, I was sneaking off too."
► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ She scoffs. “I am far too agile for that. I'll have you know that I posses quick reflexes."
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “In my lost memories, from what I can glean, I believe this happened to be once or twice. I remember being young and wanting things no one in my tribe should desire. Lucio helped me indulge in those urges, saying what was the harm in getting a few trinkets and fancy items to myself shine." A small smile stretches across her lips. "Even then he had a way with words."
► Wanted to disappear ➔ “Nope, never felt that way before."
► Smile or eyes ➔ “For me, it’s all about the smile. The right one can draw you in and make you feel wanted, valued--beloved even.”
► Shorter or Taller ➔ “I have no preference over height. It means little to me.”
► Intelligence or Attraction ➔ “Hmm...this a tough one. I’m going to say both. I’d like to have both.” 
► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ “Previously, I’ll say hook-up for I wasn’t ready to commit. But now, after so much that has happened and realize I died of the plague and somehow came back to life...I don’t want waste anymore time or deny my feelings any longer. I think by now, I’m ready to try my hand at an actual relationship.”
► Do you and your family get along ➔ “By the gods, no! Once I left the tribe to pursue my own goals and life, they practically disowned me. I’m dead to them. I doubt they would speak my name to others.”
► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ “To some, they might view my family’s austere code of a true, honorable warrior and nomad as extreme. And I would concur with that assumption sometimes. However, overall, I say my life had several messed up moments but such fuckery doesn’t determine my entire life.”
► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ “Yes, and it was for the best.”
► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ “Well, it was a mutual banishment. I left on my accord while my parents claimed they exiled me.”
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ “Well, I secretly hate at least one of Lucio’s...companions. I will not say which one but besides that bothersome toad, I am warming up to the others. Lucio likes to surround himself with a colorful bunch, I must admit.” 
► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ “I am closer to few friends than others but everyone whom I consider a friend is in my circle for a reason. If I knew I could not rely on them, then I wouldn’t label them as a trusted companion.”
► Who is your best friend ➔ “Oh, I can’t decide on that! Asra, Portia, and Julian all fill that role. I can never pick just one best friend.” 
► Who knows everything about you ➔ “That’s Asra. He knows things about me that I’ve forgotten and I’d like to know how. Always likes to act so enigmatic and cryptic with me when I ask.”
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idairsauthor · 5 years
This Fcking Impeachment: Episode One, The Fire of Union
PLAIDDER: Hello and welcome to This Fucking Emergency’s exciting new spinoff: This Fucking Impeachment. With me in the studio today is the happiest imaginary man in the world. Please welcome the unpublished-fictional man, the very little-known myth, the only-to-the-select-few legend, Conn mac Emer!
PLAIDDER: I see Conn has already started celebrating...and for the first but probably not the last time, please welcome to the show another imaginary politician, the Nation’s own Gill Nileton.
GILL: I thought Ideirens couldn’t drink.
CONN: We can’t.
GILL: You kind of SEEM like you’ve been--
CONN: The exalted mood you observe in me, friend, is not the artificial product of poisonous libations, but the exhilaration of LINN SHANGHLAIM! YEEEE HAAAAAA!!
GILL: I know you told me what that means, but--
PLAIDDER: It’s an Old Tongue phrase that sort of translates as “the fire of union.”
GILL: I still don’t know what that means.
PLAIDDER: As I understand it, linn shanghlaim is used by members of the Seated Leaders to describe the experience of spontaneously and rapidly coming together to support a single piece of legislation or course of action. 
GILL: Nothing’s spontaneous in politics.
CONN: Spoken like a man who’s lived all his life under a two-party system. The Seat doesn’t have parties. We have a bunch of people who each only care about what happens in their home district. BUT. Once in a while, something happens that’s so important, for reasons either venal or noble, that everyone puts that petty local tarbfnaa aside and comes together to deal with it. And that’s linn shanghlaim, and it is the reason I get up in the thurking morning. WOOOOOO!!!
GILL: I have literally never seen you this happy.
PLAIDDER: Well you have to understand, Nancy Pelosi announced yesterday that they’ve launched an impeachment inquiry.
GILL: Impeachment. This is the thing that happened to this “Bill Clinton” that I’m supposed to have been based on.
PLAIDDER: Yes. But you see, it’s also a thing that ALMOST happened to a guy named Richard Nixon that neither of you have ever heard of.
GILL: I still don’t understand.
PLAIDDER: Our...president...has just admitted that he abused the power of his office to force a third party to dig up dirt on someone who was quite possibly going to be running against him for president. 
GILL: And?
PLAIDDER: And that’s Watergate. For 40 years now every political scandal has had “gate” attached to it, in honor of the Watergate scandal. But this is actually the only scandal since Watergate that actually deserves that suffix. Because this...president...has just done EXACTLY what the House was prepared to impeach Nixon for back in 1974, only in a MUCH WORSE way. All this time everyone’s known that this jackass should be impeached but they’ve been afraid to do it because so much of this stuff is unprecedented and because this...asshole...has been using his power to gaslight everyone into thinking well, maybe this ISN’T really an impeachable offense. But here is something that everyone knows, from history, actually IS an impeachable offense and furthermore is serious enough that the prospect of getting impeached for it forced that son of a bitch to resign.
CONN: And so as soon as that became clear...WHOOSH! The fire of union!
PLAIDDER: Because now, by impeaching him, they’re not repeating the Clinton impeachment, they’re repeating the Nixon one. That’s what Pelosi and friends have been worried about all this time. When the Republicans impeached...let’s say, your namesake...
GILL: This Clinton.
PLAIDDER: Yes. When they impeached him, it was over a single instance of perjury, in which he lied about the fact that he had drawn a 22 year old intern into a sexual relationship with him. 
GILL: I thought they impeached him over the sex.
PLAIDDER: No. Technically, the High Crime and Misdemeanor at stake there was his lying about it under oath.
GILL: But your president lies--
PLAIDDER: Exactly. Exactly. But, you see, the Clinton impeachment was clearly politically motivated. The Republicans wouldn’t accept the fact that they’d lost the White House, so they investigated Clinton until they turned up something they could use. This, by the way, is exactly what Buttercup’s defenders are always saying the Democrats are doing now.
GILL: Which they actually are.
PLAIDDER: The difference, Gill, is that Buttercup actually is unfit to hold this office in every measurable way. He’s constantly abusing his power--not just in this phone call, but in every action he takes as President. He lies like he breathes. He upended the FBI and the Department of Justice to try to stop the Mueller investigation. He fires everyone who displays a shred of integrity or an ounce of loyalty to anything other than himself. He encourages foreign governments to bribe him by using his hotel properties. He embezzles taxpayer money by directing government entities to use his hotel properties. I cannot even list all the ways in which he has proved that he acts always and only in his own interests, even when that goes against the interests of the country he supposedly governs. He illegally blocks money that Congress has appropriated for things he doesn’t want to do or redirects money that Congress appropriated for some other purpose. He refuses to obey the law whenever it contravenes his needs, desires, or even whims. He has corrupted the entire Department of Justice and turned the Attorney General of the United States into his personal defense lawyer. He accepted help from fucking Vladimir Putin in the 2016 election and NOW--as a fucking SITTING PRESIDENT--he is actively soliciting help from Zelensky in the upcoming 2020 election. And that’s just the illegal stuff. Do not get me STARTED on the profoundly immoral things he has done with this office and to this country. He is not a president. He is a mob boss. He richly deserves to be impeached, and now at last he will be.
CONN: Look at you, drawing up the articles of impeachment already!
PLAIDDER: Every right-minded citizen of this country has had their own personal articles of impeachment drawn up for at least a year now.
GILL: I feel your pain--
PLAIDDER: Please let me never hear you say that again--
GILL: --but this seems very risky to me. They’ve already released the transcript of the phone call; and they’re right, there’s no explicit quid pro quo.
CONN: Oh friend. Do you think a man as practiced in extortion and bullying as this gleachinai is would be stupid enough to use the if-then formula? He blocks their aid, then calls--
PLAIDDER: REGARDLESS! Holding up the aid that Congress had voted to the Ukraine--for ANY reason--was ILLEGAL! He doesn’t get to DECIDE whether he disburses that aid or not! He is supposed to EXECUTE the laws that Congress passes, that is why they call it the fucking EXECUTIVE branch. He is not supposed to LEGISLATE. That’s not how this works. THAT’S NOT HOW ANY OF THIS WORKS.
GILL: I think you should maybe go to commercial, stranger, you’re getting very excited.
CONN: Clearly, you’ve never watched a single episode of this show.
PLAIDDER: Fucking with that aid money is IN ITSELF an impeachable offense! We don’t even need to GET to the question of whether he did it as a quid pro quo. 
CONN: Right. Just like the fact that he asked a foreign head of state to go after his political opponent is impeachable in itself, whether or not he ALSO bribed or extorted him to do it.
PLAIDDER: Thank you. I only wish we’d done this sooner.
CONN: I don’t.
PLAIDDER: And now we come to it. You’re about to tell me that Pelosi has been playing seven-dimensional Dubh Solus all this time, aren’t you?
CONN: Yes I am.
CONN: I kept saying, not yet, not yet. And would you listen to me?
CONN: No, you would not. Look. Your people don’t exactly have the concept of linn shanghlaim, but your Nancy Pelosi has been in politics all her life. She knows the fire of union when she sees it. And she also knows when she doesn’t see it. The Mueller investigation did not light that fire. Even if there hadn’t been all the chicanery around releasing the report, the fact that it was so inconclusive just threw water on everything. But she let him think he was winning. Because she knew that if he did, he’d do something worse and more dramatic. And now he has. 
PLAIDDER: But Conn...linn shanghlaim is supposed to include everybody. It’s supposed to cut across existing...well, you don’t have formal political parties, but let’s say factional divisions. But there are no Republicans on fire right now. It’s 199 Democrats and Justin Amash.
CONN: I know. We cannot expect miracles.
PLAIDDER: But Pelosi did! She kept saying she wouldn’t do this until she had bipartisan--
CONN: Friend, do you seriously believe that she ever thought for a moment that impeachment would have bipartisan support? She works with those people EVERY. DAY. 
PLAIDDER: Well then why--
CONN: Because waiting for this “bipartisan support” which was never going to appear allowed her to delay impeachment indefinitely UNTIL the right moment came along. Which is this one.
PLAIDDER: You can’t prove any of this.
CONN: Look at the results. Instead of dragging a bunch of reluctant, scared, misgiving-filled people behind her into an impeachment half of them don’t want, she’s barely one step ahead of a charging horde, all lit up with the fire of union. This is going to be unstoppable.
GILL: But isn’t thing going to play into your president’s hands? He’s supposed to love conflict, and drama, and his people are always saying impeachment is a political winner for them, and--
CONN: Gill. Friend. Stop. You’re embarrassing yourself.
GILL: I beg your--
CONN: LOOK AT THE RESULTS. For months now, Congress has been demanding documents and testimony and what have you and this administration’s response has been, sue me for it. Word gets out that impeachment is actually in motion and what’s the first thing that happens? The transcript of that call has been released. The whistleblower complaint is maybe going to come out tomorrow. What does that tell you?
GILL: That they’re scared.
CONN: Yes. It tells you that impeachment was the ONLY thing this crew ever took seriously. It’s the ONLY thing that was ever capable of forcing them to obey the law. They never wanted this. They feared it. That “it helps us politically” stuff was pure tarbhfnaa put out by his minions to stave it off. 
PLAIDDER: Pelosi also said that’s what he--
CONN: Because she was ALSO trying to stave it off. It was convenient for her to pretend to believe their tarbhfnaa as long as she didn’t think the time was right. But she never did. 
PLAIDDER: So she lied to us.
CONN: Friend, not all good women are shriias.
GILL: Now THAT’S the truth.
CONN: Watch her and learn, Gill. Watch and learn.
PLAIDDER: Well, we’ll all be watching. It’s time to wrap up this episode of This Fucking Impeachment...but there will be more!
GILL: Where in this studio can a man get a DRINK?
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hnnnfdfds · 5 years
Tumblr media
So, I had to rewrite this. The og was def different but like mentioned, Tumblr deleted it so I can’t remember shit. dgfdgdf I totally cannot believe I wrote sth. I’m so sorry tho. This should have been way better. 
Yo, yo, those are the prompts!
I do other fandoms too fdhgjd
To be quite honest, I usually tell myself to try write properly on this blog so I seem mature but who I’m kidding, this is literally a mess and I don’t have the energy to continue being mature fdgdf.
Kind of Dazatsu — Babysitter!AU, I totally fucked t his one aspect up so u can sue me I accept,  the quote sth with like 3534 fucks and one (1) shit which is a mood tbh.
“Fuck you, this can’t be happening to me.”
Dazai Osamu is not good with kids.
Dazai Osamu is really bad with kids.
Dazai Osamu literally would make “I’d accidentally kill a kid” come true.
Atsushi doesn’t get how someone could trust Dazai with their goddamn kid. This has to be a mistake or something.
“Are you sure she meant you?”
“Yes, she explicitly called me by my name and told me to be a responsible adult.”
Atsushi only raises an eye. Honestly, this whole situation doesn’t even deserve his attention. Who the hell believes that Dazai is a responsible adult? 
“Even a five-year-old would probably do a better job at being responsible than you.”
“Wow,” Dazai mutters, clutching his chest, “I can’t believe people think your an angel. You’re the devil himself.” 
The grey-haired boy rolls his eyes. “Don’t spread lies, Satan.”
As Dazai gasps in mock hurt, Atsushi lets his eyes wander to the kid sleeping on the couch. 
“This is going to end up so horrible.”
Five hours later, it turns out he’s right.
They had to call Chuuya to help them out because Dazai took his eyes off the kid once and lost him.
“Yes, she thought I did a splendid job last time!”
“... You didn’t tell her it was Nakahara-san who took care of the kid?”
“So… a third time? After you almost burnt the house down last time?”
“Well, I… may have not mentioned that?” 
“Why did Nakahara-san call me at four in the morning to tell me that you actually did burn the house down?”
“... Good news, she wants me to take care of the kid again.”
“... Atsushi-kun?”
“... Aw, he hung up.” 
“So… she has a second kid she wants me to take care of?”
“I hate you.”
“Fuck. fuck fuck fuck fuck this shit. Fuck.”
He did it now. He literally fucked up.
Dazai decided that it was warm enough to go to the park with the kids. How could have he known that those little assholes would actually run off? He sure didn’t! God, he has to find them before their mother picks them up!
But he literally can’t find them anywhere. They couldn’t have run off that far, could they? They are tiny with short legs. They shouldn’t be able to run far away. So, they had to be somewhere in the area.
“Hey, have you seen two kids? One of them has brown…”
“Miss? Miss, have you seen those kids…”
“Ah, wait! Did you see any one of those two kids…”
Three hours later he still hasn’t found them.
He fucked up.
There’s no other way, he’ll have to call Chuuya to help him search and the mother to inform her that he lost her kids. God, this is all his fault. He should have just told her the truth. Now she’s going to be mad and the kids might be injured with no one to help them.
Atsushi is going to be so disappointed in him.
He fucked up. That’s all he ever does.
It’s over.
It’s just o—
That voice…
He turns around and stares into sunset-colored eyes. 
...It’s Atsushi.
And there’s cheerful laughter.
The two kids are with Atsushi.
“You’re such an idiot, Dazai-san.”
The kids are safe.
He nods.
The kids are safe. Because of Atsushi.
Slowly, he lifts his hands and draws the other into a hug.
“Thank you.”
Atsushi sighs.
“Start with a cat, Dazai-san. Or maybe a plant is better for you.”
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