#and we’re gonna put on a GREAT show tomorrow night as well!
starbuck · 2 months
the first night of my Murder Mystery play went SO well… the very best i could have imagined and, aside from my usual public speaking jitters (which go away as soon as i’m actually Up There), i felt GREAT and not anxious at all because i have such a great TEAM working with me and making the production as awesome as it possibly could be!
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swiftieblyth · 1 month
Blyth Family: But Daddy I Love him, I’m having his baby:)
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warnings-pregnancy, fluff, let me know what else
“You feeling okay?” Tom asked, sitting down next to you.
“Yeah,” you smiled looking down at your bump (you’re finally showing! It’s like you blew up over night) hands running along it. “I’m great.”
“Did I tell you, you look absolutely gorgeous?” Tom smirked, putting his hands on your bump, kissing up and down your neck.
“Mm, stop.” You moaned.
“Stop what? Stop telling my pregnant wife that’s she’s beautiful?” Tom whispered, kissing below your ear.
“Mm, stop. Tommy, stop, you’re gonna make me want more.”
“I’m sorry my love, you’re just so pretty.” Tom smiled, moving his kisses to your face.
“Tommy, do you want me to start making another one?”
“Is that a bad thing?”
There was a bark that knocked both of you out of your moment. “Lady!” You smiled, looking down at your princess. “Tommy, pick her up, I want to cuddle with her.”
“Of course my love.” Tom smiled, bending down and picking up Lady who gladly let him pick her up. “You want to cuddle with mummy and your baby brother or sister, princess?” Lady let out a little yelp as Tom started to hand her to you. “Just remember to be careful with Mummy’s tummy, your baby sibling is in there.”
“She will be.” You smiled, holding her to your chest as she licked your face. “Aww, my sweet little Lady, I love you so much! And so does your baby sibling.” All of a sudden your smile faded and tears threatened to spill.
“What is it, darling?” Tom asked, putting his hands on either of your shoulders. “Hey, what’s wrong, baby?”
“Tommy, I’m not going to be able to fit in any of my clothes.”
“Oh, honey.” Tom cooed, wiping a tear from your face. “Is that what you’re worried about, my love?” You nodded as he kissed your head. “That’s okay, we can go shopping. We’ll go tomorrow and get clothes for both home and the Bahamas. How does that sound?”
“I love you,” you cried.
“I love you more. I love you and our little babies so much.” Tom smiled, wrapping an arm around you. You held Lady in your arms as you leaned into Tom’s side, head resting in his chest. “It’s okay, love. Don’t worry about it. Stress isn’t good for the baby.”
“I know,” you cried.
“Sh, sh. It’s okay. I’ve got you. I’ve got both of you. How about we watch a movie yeah?”
“Tommy,” you whispered, the next morning, laying in bed and shaking him awake. “Tommy, wake up.”
“What is it my love?” He asked, turning to look at you.
“I’m hungry.”
“Okay, darling. What do you and the baby want?”
“I want coffee, but baby wants chocolate chip pancakes with syrup, wipe cream, and chocolate chips.”
“Okay. Hey, that’s okay, don’t cry.” Tom cooed, wrapping you up in his arms.
“I’m sorry I woke you up.”
“Hey, don’t worry about that.” Tom explained, kissing your head. “You can wake me up anytime you need me. How about we go out and get something to eat, and then get you some new clothes, yeah?”
“I’m too big to god out in public.” You pouted.
“No you’re not. You are the perfect size you need to be right now, okay?���
“I love you.”
“Taylor!” You squealed when you saw her at the beach house you all were sharing.
“Y/N!” Taylor smiled, running up to you, and carefully hugging you. “How are you?”
“I’m good! I missed you so much!”
“I’ve missed you too, honey.” Taylor smiled, pulling away, looking down at your stomach. “Look at you, you’re getting so big, in a good way!”
“Thank you!” You smiled, looking down at your bump as Tom hugged Taylor and Travis walked in.
“There’s my babygirl!” Travis smiled.
“Hey, Trav,” you smiled, hugging him.
“How are you feeling? Feeling sick or anything?”
“Trav, I’m fine.” You smiled, pulling away, as Tom shook Travis’s hand.
“Come on, come set.” Taylor let out as Lady played with the cats. Well at least she tried to. Benji played at least. “So, I’m dying to know. Do you know the gender yet?”
“No, we’re waiting until we get home.” You explained, one hand wrapped around Tom’s waist, the other on your bump.
“We have an appointment for the Monday after we get back.” Tom smiled, one arm wrapped around your waist, holding you close to him, the other running up and down your bump.
“Do you think you know what it will be?” Travis asked. “Or at least what you want?”
“Tom wants a girl, he thinks that’s what it’ll be. I just want my baby outside of me. I don’t care what the gender is.”
“You tired Lady?” You asked, lying down on a towel in the sand with Lady laying next to you, your hand running over her back. “Mommy’s tired too. Baby’s making me tired.”
You felt water dripping onto you, and hands running along your bump. You looked up to see your husband smiling down at you.
“How are you doing love? Are you too hot? Did you put enough sunscreen on? Do you need the umbrella?”
“I’m tired, and my boobs freaking hurt, but otherwise I’m okay. How were the waves?”
“They were good.” Tom smiled, sitting I. The sand next to you. Lady heard him and jumped up, looking around for him.
“You here Daddy?” You smiled, looking at her.
She got up and did a little trot around you to get to him. “Hi, princess,” Tom chuckled, picking her up. She licked his arms tasting the salt water and quickly nuzzled into a comfortable position. “You’re so cute, my little princess.”
“She’s so spoiled.” You smiled, petting her.
“Yeah. But so is our other one going to be.” Tom added. “Taylor and Travis are out swimming, how about we head back and I give you a bath?”
“Will you message my boobs while you’re at it?”
“Of course honey. And we can also talk about names.”
“I love you.”
“I love when you do this,” you hummed, lying in a bubble bath as Tom massaged your tender boobs carefully in his big hands.
“I know.” He smiled, looking down at you. Your head was leaning back on the tub, eyes closed and a tired but content smile on your face. “You starting to feel better?”
“Yes.” You hummed, slowly opening your eyes and seeing Tom’s baby blue eyes looking at you with love. “Thank you for doing this darling.”
“Of course, my love.” Tom smiled, kissing your head. “You wanna talk about names?”
“Well, ever since I was a teenager I knew what I wanted to name my future son.”
“And what would that be love?”
“Jonah. Like after my favorite story growing up.”
“I think that’s amazing my love. If we have a boy we’ll name him Jonah.”
“And what about if it’s a girl?”
“I always liked the name McKinley for a girl.”
“Oh, that’s pretty.” You smiled, closing your eyes again, as Tommy lightly squeezed your boobs. “I like that. If it’s a girl we should name her that.”
“You seem really tiered my love. How about I wash your hair and help you to bed.”
“I don’t want to go to bed with my hair wet.” You pouted.
“Then how about once we’re done, we go sit in bed, and I’ll braid your hair?”
“Tommy,” you let out. You were sitting on the bed with Lady resting on your bump as Tom braided your hair. “You’re going to start having to do this all the time. You’re so good at it.”
“Well, thank you my love.” Tom smiled. “How about when I’m done I go put some of those frozen pizzas in the oven for us?”
“That sounds amazing! When there done will you bring me the ice cream to put on them?”
“Of course, honey.” Tom smiled, kissing your head.
y/nblyth posted
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Taylor and Triv said swimming. Daddy said surfing, Lady said cuddle and be cute. Mummy said sleepy. And baby said make Mummy sleepy.
You let out a small moan as you stirred awake. You smiled as you felt Tom’s arms wrapped around your waist, hands on your bump, Lady resting on your bump, cuddling into your chest.
You carefully picked up Lady who fluttered her eyes open.
“Hi, princess,” you smiled, bringing her to your face. She liked your face and let out a noise. “Shh, Daddy’s still asleep.” You whispered, kissing her head. “Mummy needs to pee, how about you cuddle with Daddy.”
Lady wagged her tail as you put her on your pillow and carefully moved Tom’s hands.
He moaned and wrapped his arms tighter around you. “Where you going?” He mumbled, sleep very present in his voice.
“I need to pee honey.” You let out moving his arms. “Go back to sleep, I love you.”
“I love you too,” he mumbled, holding Lady to his bare chest.
After you went to the bathroom you snuck out of the bedroom and out to the front porch.
You were setting on a rocking chair, looking out at the ocean, listening to the waves, hand on your bump as you thought about everything.
“I thought I heard you come out here,” Taylor said, gaining your attention as she sat on the chair next to you. “What are you thinking about?”
“Life,” you let out, looking at her.
“What about life?”
“Everything. The baby, Lady, Tom, me. My family. And what I’m going to do next.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I mean I’m about to be a mom. And that’s terrifying.” You let out.
“Hey,” Taylor let out, putting her hand on your, on top of the bump. “You’re going to be an amazing mom.”
“It’s just terrifying. And the fact that I’m growing a life inside of me and that I’ll have to push them out. Taylor I’ve never been more scared in my life.”
“I know honey. But you have Tom and Lady. You have me and Triv, Rachel and Josh. Honey y oh have everyone to help you through this. We’re all going to be here for you. Especially Tom. Yiu know that.”
“I know.” You breathed. “It’s just what am I going to do? I can’t just sit around for twenty ish weeks growing a baby. I need to be able to do something.”
“Arn’t you working on some books?”
“I was. But I just don’t know if I’m going to do that anymore.”
“Why not?”
“Taylor, I’m going to have a baby. I’ll need to be able to take care for them, and Lady. And J know how much Tom loves his job. And babies have such a high risk of feeling rejected and abandoned, so I just don’t think it’s a good idea for me to go back. I don’t want my baby to feel that way. Tom and I already love them so much and nothing will change that, and I want them to know it.”
“Honey,” Taylor let out, cupping your face as a few tears fell to you cheeks. “Look at me. That baby isn’t even born yet and has half the world loving them. And all of your friends and family already loves them so much and can’t wait to take turns looking after them. And Lady loves them, she’s going to have so much fun playing with them. And honey, most importantly you and Tom love this baby more than anyone does. Your baby’s never going to feel rejected or unloved or abandoned or anything. It’s going to be hard at first, yeah. But talk to Tom about this. He won’t want you quoting anything okay? You two will be able to work something out on how to maintain and continue both of your careers as well as taking care of your family and baby.”
“Thank you.” You cried as Taylor got up.
“Of course honey.” Taylor smiled, getting on her knees and hugging you. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too so much!”
y/nblyth posted
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I had I great time in the with Tay and Trav! And of course my wonderful husband, and our babies. Lady was so cute and cuddly, and baby girl Blyth was enjoying herself, making her mummy tired! But we still love her so much and can’t wait to meet her!
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poraphia · 9 months
So piggy backing off the Wilbur x actor!y/n what if we’re an actor but we have to kiss someone for a scene and Wilbur is there watching us act if that makes sense 
"One Good Movie Kiss"
pairing • jealous!wilbur x actor! reader 2687 words • 9.4.23 containing • jealous wilbur, reader is an actor, wilbur and reader meet up after a while of not seeing each other. super super sorry to the anon that asked for this weeks ago! I've been putting it off for so long and I just feel so horribly guilty :c my masterlist ~! ღ mrs. mania ღ on Tumblr
“I've spent weeks away from you. What I'm not about to do is watch you kiss some other man when you're right in front of me.”
“You’re not kissing anyone.”
I raised my eyebrow with a corner of my mouth quirked up, almost amused by his statement, but Wilbur remained silent on the line. I was in my hotel room after a long day of filming. Wilbur had finished his set a while ago, and now he was waiting in his hotel room before his next flight to a different country.
“Will, it’s part of the script. I kinda have to for, y’know, my job.” I noted, plopping myself down on my bed. All he did in response was hum back.
“Well, whatever you say, dear, I just know you’re not going to be kissing anyone tomorrow.” He said matter-of-factly. I rolled my eyes, not sure if he was joking or was serious. Besides, it’s not like he can just change the script to his liking, right?
Tomorrow Will and the band were going to be flying over to the country that we were filming in for two reasons. One reason was to perform a set for a festival, but the other reason is that with some great negotiating with the director, I convinced the team that Lovejoy could have a feature in the movie. After working with the team for some time, not only did they have a featured song in the movie, but also a scene where they played as a band during the film! I remember telling the band that night, and they were absolutely ecstatic. It was as soon as I got off of work, I rang them in the taxicab back to my hotel.
“Oh, Willll~!” I chimed after Will picked up my call.
Wilbur, who was absolutely groggy after performing, only mumbled when he spoke. “Yes, dear..?”
“Guess what, guess what! Are you with the band? You guys would all love to hear this news.” I asked. With a tired sigh, Wilbur flicked on the camera before outstretching his arm to show him in the passenger seat with the rest of the boys in the back seats. I noticed that through the car windows, you could see it was relatively dark, which was the complete opposite in my case with the bright and sunny sky blaring in my face.
Joe looked half asleep, Ash was on his phone, and Mark looked a bit drunk but nonetheless energetic. “So what did you need to tell us?” Wilbur asked, rubbing his eyes.
“Okay, okay! So remember how I said that I was going to convince the director to feature a song in the movie?” I reminded them. Wilbur slowly nodded in response, his eyebrows furrowed.
“Mhm?” He hummed.
“Well, not only will you guys have a featured song, but also you guys will be playing in the background in one of the shots! Isn’t that so fucking cool?! I’m so proud of you guys!”
Immediately, I saw all the guys sit up with wide grins and look at each other with such enthusiasm. Mark screamed and cheered as Wilbur held the phone close to his face, gasping in awe. “You’re serious?!” Wilbur said. “Like you’re so, so serious??” His mouth then curled into a wide smile before jumping in his seat like a little child.
I smiled, reminiscing at the memory that only happened a few days ago. “Hey, darling?” Present Wilbur called out to me, making me shake out of my thoughts.
“Yes, sweetheart?”
“I’m gonna head out now. Get some rest okay? I’ll be seeing you a couple of hours from now.” He noted.
“Oh, yes! I should get some rest now, should I?” I nervously chuckled, scratching the back of the neck. “I’ll see you soon, my love! Text me when you land. I love you!” With some cheesy little kisses through the phone, I hung up and threw my phone onto the nightstand. I stretched my arms above my head, snuggling into the off-white fitted sheets and pulling up the thick covers to embrace my body. My eyes fluttered close, and soon enough, I drifted off to dreamland.
The next day, I woke up practically jumping into bed and throwing on my usual outfit of sweatpants and tank tops. I walked into my bathroom, thoroughly washed my face with my exfoliating cleansers then brushed my teeth to make sure they were as bright as ever. I tied my hair back into something comfortable before slipping on some tennis shoes and leaving my room with my backpack equipped. Once I walked out, I called a taxi for a fifteen-minute drive to our production set.
In the meantime, I opened up my phone to read some missed messages from Wilbur.
Wilby <3: Hey we landed
Wilby <3: so eepy
Wilby <3: see you in six hours ml :)
With a goofy grin on my face, I responded.
You: headed to the studio now. cant wait to see you wilbs :D
I closed my phone and slid the device into my pocket, exchanging it for a pair of headphones as I admired the streets of the city.
Once I arrived, the office was bustling per usual with cameras getting readily in position and screenwriters and editors discussing the process of the movie shots. I made my way toward the breakfast table. On display, there were fruits, bagels, and yogurt cups. I decided to take a yogurt cup and plastic spoon before wandering around the set, examining the different scenes that were being worked on.
Once I finished a lap around the warehouse, I heard the front door open, and it was none other than Wilbur carrying his guitar case on his back wearing baggy clothing and glasses resting on the bridge of his none. Immediately dropping my bag and throwing my cup into a nearby trashcan, I ran up to him, jumping into his warm embrace after what felt like years.
“Wilbur, Wilbur, Wilbur!” I exclaimed, burying myself in his chest. His arms slithered around my waist as he held me tightly, picking me up ever so slightly.
“(y/n)! I’ve missed you so much!” He twirled me around before placing me back down. “How are you, my love?! Has the States been treating you well?” He ran fingers through my hair as I held on to his wrist, not letting my eyes leave that gorgeous smile on his face.
“Surprisingly well! How about you, sweetheart? Have you been okay?” I asked.
“Well I’m certainly more than okay now that I’m with you—”
We heard a voice clear his throat only for us to whip our heads around. Joe, Ash, and Mark stood there awkwardly having to endure the immense PDA they had just witnessed. Instantly, we both pulled away with a tint of red brushing our faces.
“S-sorry—!” I stuttered. “How are you guys?”
“Hey, (y/n)! We’ve been doing just fine.” Mark held up his drumsticks, resembling a wave. “Were you guys getting ready to film?” He asked.
“Err, well-” I stepped back a bit from Wilbur to direct my attention to the guys. “In about fifteen minutes maybe? The director is somewhere with the film crew, so you guys can talk to him in the meantime. I gotta meet up with the cast in a bit to go over some lines and stage acts.” I checked my watch, realizing I had somewhere to be in just a few minutes. “Just for now walk around and get acquainted with the set. I’ll be seeing you guys later, I promise!”
Giving Will a quick peck goodbye, I jogged over to where the rest of the cast was, and from then on, we discussed our lines and what scenes we would be filming for that day. Some of the scriptwriters joined us as well, telling us how they envisioned each of the scenes.
“So this part is where we show the Masked Woman’s origin when she fell in love and then lost her lover.” One of the writers said, pointing at our papers. “We’re going to have a scene where they kiss while the band is playing in the background just to really feel that teenage kind of innocent love. Make sense?” I looked around, seeing all the actors nod, but my mind was racing.
We were going to kiss in front of the band?
God, I know Wilbur wouldn’t be too happy about that.
“Hey, you’re doing alright?” I felt a hand on my shoulder, only to look up at the hired love interest that I was set to kiss with.
“Oh— Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just my boyfriend is the lead singer of the band that’s going to play— Not sure if he’ll be too fond of watching us kiss.” I lightly chuckled to myself, but in reality, I was a little nervous. He raised an eyebrow before turning to a writer.
“Is there a way where we can hide the kiss? So we don’t actually have to y’know— actually kiss?” He asked.
“I don’t think that’s possible,” The writer sighed, tilting her head to the side. “The director is really strict on this. He wants a perfect, loving kiss scene.”
With a defeated sigh, I shook my head. “It’s fine, really. Just wanted to see if there were any cheatways into this.” I said, scratching my neck. “I’m gonna go do my hair and makeup. I’ll see you guys in a bit!” Begrudgingly, I trudged to my dressing room to get my outfit and makeup done. I know on one hand, this is my job, of course, I was going to have to kiss someone. It’s not like I haven’t kissed anyone on a set before! I mean, that was before I met Will at least… Still, I wonder. What was Will’s plan? It’s not like he can improv his way into being the one to kiss me. Unless?
After roughly an hour or two, it was finally time to film the scene. Lovejoy has been recording shots for the montage segment of their band playing as the actors and I have been rehearsing the following lines. But for the most part, it was small talk while watching the band perform. Which was completely fine in my eyes since it’s been so long since I’ve seen Wilbur and the band play live. All of the main actors carpooled into one van and were eventually transported to an outside area. There stood the director, Lovejoy, and the camera crew.
The setting took place at an outside area near a bay. The boys were set to perform at a stage-like gazebo with makeshift speakers and wires trailing along the floor. A little fan was even placed as a prop to refresh the band. I hopped out of the car, approaching the set steadily, unsure if they were still filming or not. Eventually, the director turned to us, greeting us with his signature jolly laugh.
“There yall are! Now, we just finished the takes for the band. Now as they’re playing, we need you two—” He pointed at me and my assigned love interest. “—to stand relatively in front of the stage watching them perform. Then after some deep small talk talking about how much you enjoy the scene, you two kiss! Got it?” Reluctantly, I nodded. I glanced over to Will as he clutched his water bottle, taking a swig but still keeping an eye on our group.
Oh boy.
We continued on with taking scenes. My love interest and I were in the middle of the crowd around us, but given the small venue space, there were only several other people. Roughly, I’d say under fifty people. I stood next to him as we chatted about our made-up lives, talking about experiences we had when we were children, all while a camera glided along the outskirts of the crowd listening to the band.
“Ah, hold on. Are you feeling thirsty?” He asked in character. I chuckled before responding.
“Yeah, actually, it is hot out here. There are some drinks being handed out over there,” I pointed my thumb to the concession stand behind us. “Grab us some drinks. I’ll just listen to the band for now.” I smiled. He nodded, rubbing my bare shoulder before walking past me. Holding back my sigh, I turned to Wilbur. Now was the easy part of the scene where I got to just listen to the performance.
“I’m scum. I’m waste. I’m what.. You want.” Wilbur strained into the mic. I bit my lip, holding back the lyrics I wish I could harmonize with the man. I couldn’t do as little as mouth the lyrics, knowing that the camera was panning to capture my expression. I simply smiled up to Will, and soon enough, I met his gaze looking down at me.
In turn came Ash’s bass and Mark’s drums, revving up to Joe’s solo. Wilbur was the only one not playing right now, but that didn’t stop his theatrics. He swung his arms back and forth, pacing a little in place, until eventually, he descended off the pavilion with a bounce to each step. I looked around a bit, confused and not knowing if this was part of the script. The crowd stepped away, basically giving Will his right of way right in front of me.
“W-Will, what are you doing?” I whispered. In return, he didn’t answer. With one hand on his guitar, and the other cupping my face, Wilbur pressed his lips against mine as Joe’s solo played in the background. A huge blush crept onto my face to the tip of my ears, and all I could do in response was melt like ice cream. I fluttered my eyes closed with my hands running through his damp hair. I was desperate for his taste, something I never realized how much I was longing for until now. What stress I had building up in my system, whether it would be the intensity of filming or missing my family and friends, dissipated just from such a tender and innocent kiss.
Wilbur eventually had to pull away. I opened my eyes, revealing his smug smile, and a wink shot in my direction. “Meet me after the concert, baby, just thought you looked nice.” And with that, he turned around to finish performing the rest of the song.
The fuck.
Just happened?!
Once the band finished the song, the director got out of his chair. “And cut!” He exclaimed. I looked over to see him rushing between the crowd, a joyous look on his face. “That was amazing! From that one take alone I could feel the passion! The love! That’s what we were aiming for!” He turned away from us and waved his hand to his production crew. “Tell the writers we’re going to go a little off-script because that was amazing! (y/n) and—” He turned around to face Wilbur. “Will, was it?” All Will could do was nod with a sheepish smile on his face. “Will, my man! You certainly know how to capture an audience! Alright everyone, regroup for fifteen!” The director turned away from us as the hired audience filed for a break.
I looked over to Wilbur, who looked as shy as ever. I crossed my arms and furrowed my eyebrows, but I couldn’t hide that smile plastered on my face. “So.” I started.
“So what?” Wilbur repeated, playing dumb.
“So this what your masterful plan you were talking about last night?” I inquired. Bashfully he swayed side to side, avoiding eye contact.
“Maybe.” He mumbled. I rolled my eyes, a bit amused by his change of demeanor.
“Clingy bastard.” I turned around and headed toward one of the trailers, leaving him speechless.
“What—! Hey! Don’t walk away from me!” I heard him calling from behind. “(y/n)!”
a / n ~ deeply apologize for just a really shitty thing of writing. I've spent roughly days working on this? Just putting it on and off. I am very eepy. If anyone messaged me or in my inbox I promise ill respond in the morning. reblogs and likes very appreciated! tysm ssososo much for the support <3!!
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myperfectfatdads · 6 months
Santa’s Pet Bear
“Santa is not real, dude. Theres just no way. I mean, how could someone go to all the houses in the world in just one night?” says Brent. Yeah, I guess you’re right, man. There’s just no way he could make it to all the houses in the world, and how has no one ever seen him? "Ok, well, we’re here,” says Brent. We just got back from the gym and just arrived at Brent’s house. Hey dude, is it okay if I just spend the night? "Yeah, of course, man, just make yourself at home,” says Brent. Thanks. You go up to the guest bedroom and put your stuff away. Walking back down the stairs, you see that Brent made dinner for the both of you. Wow, this looks amazing! "Haha, thank you, dude. It’s really nothing. Normally, my parents make dinner, but they’re out of town for the week. After dinner, you guys decide to watch some TV, but only a little bit after you hear a knock at the door. “I got it,” says Brent. Opening the door, there’s just a box, but you guys take it into the kitchen and open it. On top of the box, there is a whole stack of these bear paw cookies, but under them is a red coat that looks just like Santa’s. “These cookies look amazing; I’m definitely going to have to try one,” says Brent. You ignore the cookies and look at the coat; it looks a little big, but you try it on anyway.
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“That looks big on you, dude, not gonna lie,” says Brent. Yeah, I agree. I don’t think it was meant for me. Normally, Brent is a healthy person keeping up with his fit body, and these cookies must have awakened him because, looking down at the plate he had all ready, he had about half of them. Wow, those cookies must have been good, dude. “They’re amazing,” says Brent. Who sent them? “Look at this,” says Brent. He shows you a slip of paper in the box that says, “Thank you two for helping fill in two very important roles this year, from the North Pole."? This can’t be right; I mean, no one even lives in the North Pole. “I mean, it’s probably just a joke,” says Brent. Yeah, you’re right, there’s no way this is being sent all the way from the North Pole. "Anyways, is it just me, or are you tired because I’m going to bed? Goodnight, dude,” says Brent. Yeah, same, ok, we’ll see you tomorrow morning, man. You were jolted awake by a loud scream coming from Brent’s room. Everything's okay, dude; it’s like three in the morning. “No man, come in here,” says Brent. Walking into his room, you see Brent inspecting his legs. What wrong, bro? “Look at my legs there, super hairy,” says Brent. So, my legs are hairy too. "Yeah, but this isn’t just any hair; it’s white. Wait, dude, it happened to you too,” says Brent. As you look into the mirror, your head of nice brown hair has turned completely white, and you're even starting to grow a white beard too! This can’t be right; we’re only twenty-four. What's happening? “I don’t know, man, but hopefully this is all. I mean, we can just shave it,” says Brent. You're right, I'll do that in the morning, though I’m going back to bed. Waking up in the morning, you realize that the changes definitely didn’t stop as the small little beard is really starting to grow. You also never had to wear glasses and have had great eye sight, but for some reason today you could barely see in front of you if it was so foggy. You brush it aside and go down the stairs. As you struggle to get down the stairs from the bad eyesight, you smell something delicious. You see Brent cooking in the kitchen. You walk up to him and ask if, by chance, he had any glasses, as your eyesight was all messed up this morning. "Yeah, I have my old pair that you can use,” says Brent. As he gives you his old pair of glasses, you can finally see normal again, and you can truly see the hair on Brent’s legs. Dude, that almost doesn't look like hair—almost like fur. "Yeah, I agree, it’s really thick, which is weird, and it also spread up to my stomach too. Well, anyway, here’s breakfast,” says Brent. As he sets it on the table, you see a whole meal, mostly meat and salmon. Bro I thought you hated salmon. “I did, but it sounded really good this morning, and I definitely have to serve it with a side of honey,” says Brent. Honey in the morning, wow, that’s will. "She says you have milk and cookies for breakfast,” says Brent. Yeah, I have a will too, but secretly, you knew that this wasn’t what you normally eat. Ripppppp, what was that? Looking at Brent, you see his socks just got ripped apart. “What is going on? Nah,  I’m going to see the doctor. This is not normal. I mean, look at my... omg, my feet there paws, ok, now I’m starting to panic. What is this?” says Brent. Here let me look at the note again. Looking at the note, you see it’s from the North Pole like it always has, but something was off. You still couldn’t believe that it was from the North Pole as no one even lives up there, but I guess that’s the most normal thing that’s happened this morning. Hey dude, do you have an extra shirt? Mine feels a little tight; I should have picked a bigger one. “You really are asking me about shirt sizes right now. Look at my feet, or can I even call them that anymore? What is going on?” says Brent. Ok, man, I’ll leave you alone, but I’m going to go look for a shirt, while upstairs you search Brent’s whole bedroom and don’t find a single shirt that fits you. .
But you have an even better idea. Brent’s dad's clothes; his dad is way bigger than we both are, so maybe he’ll have a shirt for me. As you walk into his bedroom, you look around and find a shirt. You put it on and look in the mirror, but in the reflection, you don’t see you as the fit young man; you see an old, bald, fat guy with glasses and a big belly. Darn, even in this bigger shirt, you still look huge.
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You curl up into a ball and cry, as this is the worst Christmas ever. You look like a 50-year-old while you’re supposed to be in your early twenties. You decide to go check on Brent and see if he’s doing any better. As you come downstairs, he’s still in the kitchen, but you feel bad for yourself, but even worse for him as you watch in horror as white fur spreads all the way around his body, stopping at his neck, and right before his own eyes, his favorite pair of pants is ripped to pieces as his butt inflates and legs grow huge. He fumbles over Barley being over to catch himself. You pick up the note one more time to see if you missed anything, and there it is, right there with Mr. Clause and his pet polar bear. You are turning into Santa Claus, and your best friend Brent is being turned into a big, fat polar bear. Brent screams as his belly inflates into a huge beach ball. With every step he takes, it gets bigger. You look into the mirror and see wrinkles start to form on your face, and your beard is getting bigger and whiter. Your worst nightmare is coming true. Your shirt rips open as your belly can’t hold it any longer. Your already huge belly is getting even bigger. Brent’s face becomes covered in white fur as his nose turns black, and you hear a bear-like scream as his face stretches out to resemble a polar bear. He can’t hold his balance anymore and falls onto all fours like a normal polar bear. Two little furry ears sprout from the top of his head, and to top it all off, a little fluffy tail pops out of his buttocks.
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Brent tires to scream but only bear noises come out as he has become a true polar bear. You still terrified of what you just witnessed screams in tear but you realize that your transformation isn’t over yet ether as your big beer belly gets even bigger and you old man legs can’t take it anymore and you fall back into your favorite recliner.
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You give your huge belly one more big pat before looking at your best friend who is now a huge fat polar bear you sign now that you know you are Santa clause now and this is your pet polar bear about to take you to the North Pole when you are ready because you got to make this Christmas another great year.
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callmewrinkles3 · 1 year
Summary: Dan’s delayed coming home from winter testing. Emmy’s in bed. Fluff.
March 2019
The flight from Barcelona to London wasn’t long, but Dan was exhausted. Two weeks of winter testing meant his brain was mush in a good way. The car felt good. Not great, but he was comfortable. He could work with comfortable. But then there was a delay so they were diverted to Gatwick and it was a pain getting through. But finally after far too long he was getting his bag and getting into the taxi with Blake.
Emmy hadn’t replied to his landed text so hopefully she was actually asleep for once. She never really slept when he was driving, even in testing when it was safe. But then they were in the taxi and he put his phone away so he didn’t smile stupidly at it and give everything away. Having his manager and one of his best mates living next door to his girl was awkward for so many reasons. Especially this one.
“Talk to you tomorrow, Mate? Well, today?” Blake asked and Dan shook his head.
“Day off? Weekend off, fuck it. When’s the next thing I actually have to do? Sim work, right?”
“Sim on Monday yeah.”
“Fuck it. We’re off this weekend. I’m gonna spend it sleeping and stretching.”
“See ya.”
The driver pulled back onto the road until Dan got him to stop beside the 24 hour shop. “Just here, thanks.”
“I thought you were out further?”
“My girl’s in his building and we’re keeping it quiet for now. We’re all friends.”
“Good luck.”
It was a ten minute wait to make sure Blake was actually in his place before Dan started the minute walk down the street. He spent the time productively and picked up a bouquet of flowers for Em. They’d very carefully ignored Valentines Day, unwilling to have that conversation and let his heart be broken if she didn’t feel the same way he did. So instead it was purple and yellow tulips that he had in his hand while he climbed the three sets of stairs to get to the tiny attic apartments.
Opening the front door by pushing in the one spot guaranteed not to squeak, the first thing he noticed was the chill in the air. A quick glance at the crap storage heaters showed they were supposed to be on, but there was no heat emitting from them. Fucking landlord too cheap to fix it even when Dan had called multiple times after Em had. She’d repeated the story about how the handyman taught her how to use the heaters instead of checking them one too many times, her “I was using them in uni halls and I was warmer then, Danny!” filling the air.
Sitting in the middle of the table was a beeswax wrap covered plate and a bottle of water. Pulling the wrap off he discovered the BLT sitting there on crusty bread. His girl always left him something if she was going to bed, crisp bacon and tomatoes that were well insulated to stop the bread going soggy making him so happy. This was home. The way no matter what was going on Em made sure to have a sandwich waiting for him to get back to her if he was due in at night. For the first time in too long there was someone who cared about him just because she liked him and that was magical.
He finished eating and took a swallow from the bottle before capping it and wrapping his arms around himself to keep the heat. It was quick to brush his teeth and run a cloth over his face to get the worst of the travel grime off. But finally he pushed open the bedroom door to see the best thing. His Emmy was curled up on the side of the bed he usually slept on, a black and yellow hoodie on to keep her warm in the March chill. Her arms were wrapped around the Jigglypuff plushie he’d bought for her in Japan the year before and she was so peaceful it nearly hurt him to have to get her to move. He pulled his clothes off quickly and pushed the starry night duvet out of the way so he could slip into the bed.
“I’m back, Emmy. It’s just me,” he murmured as her eyes opened and a grin spread across her sleepy face.
“Missed you.”
“Missed you too.” He kissed the top of her head as she curled up against his chest and tried to get comfy again. A moment later he felt her shuffle and watched as her hands moved her hoodie up.
“What’s up?”
“Wanna feel your skin. Know it’s you. I-“ She was cut off by a yawn. “The hoodie made me think you were Jigglypuff but I’m too sleepy.”
“I’ve got you. Hands up for a minute.” It took less than a minute for him to pull her hoodie off and throw it across the room, leaving her bare skin pushed against his as they curled under the blankets and got warm again.
“Nigh-night Danny. Tell me about testing tomorrow. We’ve got time.” Dan watched Em’s eyes close as she curled in tighter, their legs tangling together. They were flying to Australia in a couple of days to spend time in Perth before Melbourne and he couldn’t wait. It was two and a bit weeks that he got to spend almost entirely with Em curled up beside him with his family there. In the quiet of the night he could admit it to himself. He couldn’t wait to spend time at his home race with the woman he was in love with.
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louloulemons-posts · 9 months
Oil At The Coffee Shop V
Eddie X Fem!Reader
Summary : Someone new comes to work at the shop and you see Eddie again.
Word Count : 2.7k
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Warnings : Not proofread, no use of Y/N, petnames, sad eddie, wayne comforts him, cuteness, fluff, more eddie x reader in this part.
Fic Masterlist
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“Oh uh Hi,” you spoke awkwardly, trying not to stare. “Hi,” he grunted, taking a one step back, then fully retreating to his room. “I uh, I think that’s my cue to leave,” you said to Wayne.
“I hate to admit it, but I think you’re right Honey. Thank you for stopping by and for the treats.”
“Thank you for the tea, it was nice seeing you again Mr Mun-,” he gave you a raised brow, “Wayne.”
“You too Honey, I’ll be sure to stop by the shop soon.” You hummed, bidding the man goodnight and went back to your car, only then noticing Eddies van around the back of the trailer.
Well you had tried to make things better, but could only feel like you’d just made them a whole lot worse.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
His body was screaming, his head was too. He ripped the towel off his body, running to his draws to find clothes. Throwing on a pair of sweatpants he paused in front of the mirror.
They were everywhere. Thick pale marks coated his skin, from his neck to his legs. Completely covered, they hadn’t faded in the last year. He let out a sob.
Falling to the floor he felt arms wrap around him, “It’s okay, Wayne’s got you. Ain’t nobody gonna hurt you again, I got you son, I got you,” the man spoke into his curls.
He didn’t know why he was crying. Maybe because she’d seen his ugliness and her face hadn’t changed. There was no malice. No disgust. Just surprise at him being there.
He’d been so cruel. So horrible. Shouted at her. Hurt her feelings. She just wanted to be kind and he pushed her away. Did that make him a monster too?
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Sunday rolled around, the last sunlight of Summer dancing through the windows. Robin had been right, Steve called her this morning inviting her to a barbecue on Tuesday night. Which she happily accepted.
Opening another box, she emptied out more take away coffee cups and lids, taking the back stock to the storage room. The bell on the door rang, “Sorry we’re closed,” you said, walking to the main shop floor.
You smiled at who you came across, “Max! What are you doing here, it’s your day off!” you playfully scolded. “I have someone I want you to meet, this is El. She’s a friend of mine and is looking for a job.”
“Nice to meet you Honey,” you introduced yourself to the curly haired girl with dark ways. “Wait El? Your Hopper and Joyce’s daughter?” She nodded, a small smile on her face. “It’s nice to finally meet you, so do you have any experience?”
“Uh not really, but I’m a quick learner.”
“She’s a good baker, maybe she could help more with the pastries and cakes. Her and Joyce make the best banana bread,” Max told you.
You noticed how the redhead had decided to wear her glasses today - she wasn’t lying when she said her body needed to rest.
“Well if you’re not busy tomorrow, you’re more than welcome to have a trial morning. Me and Max can show you the ropes.”
“I would really like that.”
“Great I’ll see you both at 8am, now go and enjoy the rest of your day,” you ushered them out of the store, hushing Max when she said she’d stay and help with unloading and restocking.
You had to bake a lot today, things that needed to cool over night and be finished tomorrow. Along with changing up the Weekly Special menu, adding your aunts famous Pecan Pie with Maple Ice-cream.
Tying your hair up, you put on your apron and washed your hands. Preparing to bake cakes, and cookies along with many different fruity turnovers (mainly cherry).
Along with that you made some sandwich fillings, like pesto and put some meets into cook. It was a busy, warm and productive day. You knew Callie would be proud, you knew Scotty and the rest of your family would be too.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
When your alarm went off at 6:30 you whined, not wanting to leave the soft comfort of your bed. Pulling yourself up you headed straight to the bathroom, washing your face, and brushing your teeth.
Sliding on a tighter pair of dark slacks, you tucked in your long sleeved white top, rolling the sleeves to your elbows. Tying your hair up and putting on your work shoes.
Taking a punnet of cherries out of the fridge, you headed down to the shop. Switching on the lights, you headed to the kitchen. The ovens were on straight away and you began finishing off what you began the day before.
Shortly after a knock came at the front door, heading it you were greeted by Max and El. “Morning ladies.”
“Morning,” El spoke in a sing song tone.
“Hm,” Max grunted, you’d learnt she didn’t enjoy an early rise.
You also noticed how she wore her glasses again. “Okay, so Max if you could make a start on getting the chairs down and starting up the coffee machine. I’m going to explain to El and show her the basics.”
The red head nodded, yawning into her hand and walked over to the chairs and tables. “Follow me,” you smiled at El. “So here is the kitchen, Max said you’re good at baking so you may become familiar with it very soon.
“People tend to have fruit and warm drinks in the mornings, so savoury you don’t have to worry about until the afternoon. Where I really need you is the counter - helping Max with taking orders and drinks.��
You picked up a finished tray of cookies, and heading back to the front. “You’ll be shadowing Max for today, mainly writing orders and helping her out with coffees and other hot drinks. I’ll show you how to do the cash too.”
After giving the girl a quick run down of what she had to do she smiled. “I think I can do that,” she spoke, her tone very gentle.
“Good, it’ll be great to have you. If you have any questions feel free to ask. I’m just going to finish up in the back, so you can help Max carry on setting up.”
She nodded and walked to her friend, who was labelling cakes. The pair fell into easy conversation, it was nice to see, the only ‘girlfriend’ you’d had was Diane, but she was an in-law, so you didn’t know if it counted.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Monday and Tuesday went around quickly, El did amazing on her training and started full time later on in the week. She wasn’t lying when she said she was a quick learner.
Her and Max worked great together too, you were a bit scared that they’d stand and chat all day, but they were hard workers. You were now headed to Steve’s for his barbecue.
He had said you’d meet his friends again along with some others. Max and El would be there, along with Lucas. You were looking forward to it, but could only assume that Eddie would be there - your stomach turned at the thought.
You understood why he panicked you really did, his scars weren’t anything to be ashamed off. You knew that, they’re healed wounds, but maybe Eddie was still healing from what caused them.
Pulling up to Steve’s you saw Jonathan’s car, along with Steve’s and Vickies. Eddies van nowhere to be seen. Heading to the door you knocked a few times.
“You made it!” Steve said, as he opened the door and gave you a huge hug. “You knew I was coming!” you laughed, allowing him to lead you inside. “Everyone’s out back, I’ll introduce you.”
The garden was full of new faces and familiar ones. Jonathan waved at you, coming over to greet you. “Hey,” he smiled, giving you a hug. “How’s it going?”
“Good how are you settling in?”
“I’ve jumped right into it so it’s great.”
A voice shouted your name, “Hey Robin.”
She came to you, her fingers linked with Vickies. “I wanted to formally introduce you to my wonderful girlfriend, Vickie.”
“Yeah introduce her before you get over the limit of tipsy,” Steve teased.
“Shut up Dingus,” she said, pinching the boys side. “It’s nice to meet you properly,” you said.
“You too, sorry we couldn’t last time. Bambi legs and all,” she motioned to Robin, which made you chuckled. “Hey Steve who’s this?” a curly haired teen asked.
Steve introduced you, “This is Dustin.”
“Nice to meet you,” you said.
“You’re the one everyone’s been talking about!” he exclaimed.
“Dude don’t make her uncomfortable,” Steve nudged him.
“Sorry,” he said, before turning to his friends and shouting, “Guys come here and meet her!” You face flushed slightly, but you calmed when you saw the familiar faces of Max, El and Lucas.
“Hi guys,” you waved to them. They all greeted you back. There were two more boys with them, one slightly familiar and another you were unsure of. “This is Mike,” El said.
Ah Nancy’s brother. “It’s nice to meet you Mike.”
“And you.”
“And this is my Will,” Jonathan spoke from beside you. “Oh my gosh, no way!” you exclaimed. “You’ve gotten so big!”
“It’s been a while,” he laughed shyly.
“Now all the introductions are done, would you like a beer?” he asked.
“Just the one,” you smiled. “I’m just going to say hi to Nancy and Argyle,I’ll come see you guys in a bit,” you said to the younger teens.
“How’s it going guys.” You say down next to Argyle, smiling at the pair. “Babe! It’s so good to see you again,” the boy gave you a smile, his eyes slightly red. “You too,” you smiled and the thoroughly relaxed boy.
“It’s nice to see you,” Nancy spoke.
“You too, oh my gosh I read your article yesterday. It was so interesting!” You had discovered that Nancy was a journalist for the local newspaper.
Jonathan often took the photos that would appear above her pieces, on the side of his own job. Steve plonked himself besides you, handing you a beer and resting his head on your shoulder.
“How’s Scott?” he asked.
“The kids?”
“Missing them?”
“Like you wouldn’t believe,” you sighed. Letting your head rest on his own.
“They’ll have to come and visit soon, they could all stay here. I have enough room,” he motioned to the large house. “I’ll tell him next time we talk.”
Steve went to continue talking when you heard more greetings being exchanged. “Munson! My man you made it!” Steve smiled, greeting the boy, you’d been so nervous to see.
Dressed in an old band tee, some jeans, a leather jacket. Your stomach flipped but in a very different way that you didn’t understand. You jumped when someone whispered in your ear, “Did you manage to make up?” Max.
“Well I spoke to Wayne. I need to talk to Eddie,” you told her quietly. She nodded and walked away from you, wrapping her arms around the taller boy. “Hey Red,” he smiled, like actually smiled.
He had deep smile lines near his mouth, dimples that sat perfectly on his cheeks, and slight crinkles by his eyes that you knew would result in crows feet as he got older.
It was beautiful.
Sharing greetings with everyone else, he spoke to you, “Hi,” he said.
“How are you?”
“I’m doing good, you?”
“Good.” You nodded and he hummed. It was awkwardly silent.
“Well let’s start grilling,” Steve broke the tension. “I’ll come help,” you said, walking to the house with the boy. “What the hell was that?” he asked, raising his brow.
“What was what?”
“You and Eddie in the garden. What the hell?”
“It was nothing.” You began putting peppers, onions and tomatoes on skewers to make kebabs.
“Oh my god you like him!” You dropped a piece of pepper. “N-no I don’t!”
“Okay you think he’s cute at least and don’t even deny it I saw how goo-goo eyed you went when he was with Max.”
“Oh my god shush.”
“It’s true then.”
“This conversations done, go start the fire you shit head.”
“Okay okay, but we’re talking about this again.”
“Yeah yeah, whatever you say.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
You were all sat around together, some people on the ground and others on loungers, all happily munching away on delicious food.
“So you’re running the cafe?” Dustin spoke to you. “Yeah, along with Max and now El.”
Everyone smiled at that, proud of the pair of them. “How come you moved here?” he asked, taking a bite out of his food.
“Oh uh,” you began to speak.
“You don’t have to answer that,” Steve said, giving Dustin a stern look. “No it’s okay, I inherited the shop when my Aunt Callie passed, but I could only move recently.”
“Steve said you used to be a decorator.”
“I did. I decorated the whole store with his help.”
“In one week?”
“And now two of our friends work with you?”
“They do.”
“Do we get friend discounts?”
“If I say yes will you stop making me feel like I’m being interrogated by Hop?”
“Then yes, you can have a friend discount.”
“Wicked.” You chuckled at the boy, he had nerve you’d give him that.
Everyone laughed at the interaction between the pair of you and the evening went on. Helping Steve clear up plates and wrap up leftovers you hear and squeal and a splash followed by, “LUCAS!”
“You coming in?” Steve asked, motioning to the water. “Probably not, might just roll up my jeans and dip my feet.”
“Fair enough,” he shrugged, taking a swig of his beer.
You did just that, sliding off your shoes and socks. Rolling up your jeans a few times, you laughed at the younger kids, currently playing chicken in the water. Max on Lucas’ shoulders and Will on Mikes.
Robin and Vickie were lounging away, smiling at one another. Argyle taking a drag of a cigarette that clearly wasn’t just a cigarette. Dustin and Steve stood in the water chatting. El held onto the side, talking to her big brother and his girlfriend.
Everyone seemed so content.
“Hi,” A voice came from behind you. Turning you head you spoke, “Hi.” It was Eddie, he began to get down next to you. “I um … I was just wondering if we could talk?”
“Yeah of course.”
Meeting the ground next to you, he sat with his knees up to his chest. “Before you say anything, I just want to say I’m sorry,” you said quickly, before he got a word out.
“Y-you’re sorry? What on earth for?”
“Well I didn’t mean to offended you, and then I was rude and then I was just at your home.”
“Sweetheart I was a dick to you. I snapped at you just because I felt insecure. You’ve been nothing, but kind and I’ve taken advantage of that. I can only apologise.”
“You have nothing to apologi-“
“Yes I do, and the trailer. I’m sorry I ran away. I just wasn’t expecting you to get there and um … my scars aren’t the nicest thing to see.”
“There’s nothing wrong with them. They’re pretty fucking cool actually. I noticed your tattoos too. How many do you have?” He seemed taken aback by your reply, “Oh uh, I’ve lost count now, when I remember I’ll let you know.”
“I’m thinking of getting one, right here,” you motioned to a space on your upper forearm. “Oh yeah, what would you get?”
“I’m looking for inspiration.”
“It’s where my first one is,” he said.
“Really?” He nodded, pulling his arm out of his jacket. His shirt was long sleeved so he rolled it up slightly so you could see. It was a demonic looking puppet with a hand controlling it.
“Wow that’s so cool,” you said, gently tracing the line work. You could feel the bumps and dips of scaring as you did so. His breath hitched and you met his gaze. Deep chocolate eyes. “Sorry,” you whispered.
“What does it mean?”
“I don’t know. Just thought it was really fucking metal.” You huffed a laugh at that, “It is, fucking metal.”
“Hey Sweetheart?” He said, rolling down his sleeve and tugging his jacket back on.
“Do you think we could start over?” he asks. You smiled, introducing yourself to him. “I’m Eddie,” he grinned.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
A/N: 👀👀👀
Thank you so much for reading 🤍
taglist : @corrodedseraphine @flawiette @witchwolflea @emxxblog @plk-18 @vintagehellfire
let me know if you want to be added 🤍
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hairstevington · 1 year
flowers and ink (part 6)
Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington
Summary: Steve plans his second date with Eddie, but before they go out again the group heads to the mysterious one-woman show, Pot of Gold.
(part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, link to Ao3)
Word Count: 2.6K
Warnings: Tattoo artist/florist trope modern day au, you all know the drill by now, this chapter contains a lot of talk about marijuana but is otherwise wholesome and cute!
A/N: I'm BACK! Had to take a quick break for Steddie Week and also I saw Taylor Swift over the weekend but I am so happy to update this again! I've been holding onto this plotline for a WHILE and I am very excited for you to read. Also - to all those who've left comments so far, please know they make my whole day. Thank you so much <3
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“Robin, I’m an idiot.”
Steve was pacing the floor after his date with Eddie, visibly anxious. 
“Why? What happened?” she asked, concerned. “Did the rest of the show not go well?”
“No, it went PERFECT!” Steve replied. “And then I had to go and tell him that I would plan the best date of his life for our next one, and what am I supposed to do? Like, did you see him up there? He’s a rockstar, Robin! He’s charming, and he’s hot, and he’s - like, what am I supposed to do? How do I top that? I can’t!” 
Robin stood and watched him ramble, nonplussed.
“You’re right,” she said. “You are an idiot.”
“Thank you, I know.”
“No,” Robin continued. “You’re an idiot because Eddie is clearly into you and no matter what you do he’s going to love it.”
Steve wasn’t convinced. 
“Sure,” he said sarcastically.
“Dingus, come on. Did you see what he did for you tonight? He obviously wanted to impress you, and he did.”
“Yeah, and now I don’t know how I’m going to impress him,” Steve replied. Robin sighed, then smacked him playfully on the arm. “Ow!”
“Idiot!” she repeated. “You’ve already impressed him. You’ll be fine.”
Steve thought about this, then shrugged. Robin was probably right. She usually was. It was annoying, but it kept him from self-destructing, so that was good. Before Robin, back when he was in high school, he used to do all kinds of weird shit to impress girls. He thought back on those times fondly, but it’s not like he could do any of that nowadays. 
Although, it did give him a bit of inspiration on how to update his old tactics. And then, he had an amazing idea.
“Oh my god,” he said. “I think I know what I’m gonna do.”
“Hallelujah,” Robin responded, unamused. “Can we talk about my thing now?”
Robin told Steve about her conversation with Gareth, and how they were all potentially going to go to the mysterious one-woman show the following night. Robin didn’t get Gareth’s number or anything, because of course she didn’t, so Steve had to reach out to Eddie to kick off coordinating the whole thing. 
Steve: Did Gareth tell you about going to see that play with Robin?
Steve: Also hi 🙂
Eddie: Hello! Yes he did. And by that I mean I asked him just now. Tomorrow?
Steve: Yeah, 7pm. 
Eddie: Cool. I’m in!
Steve: Awesome, I’ll let her know!
Steve: Oh also, just so we’re clear. This is NOT the date. 
Eddie: No?
Eddie: I’m imagining you surprising me by jumping on stage and announcing you’ve been the mystery woman all along or something
Steve: Hahahaha
Steve: I’m not a stage person like you, but I do have something planned
Eddie: Color me intrigued
Steve: 😘
Steve: Had a great time tonight btw
Eddie: Likewise :) 
To say Eddie was giddy would be an understatement. He was practically vibrating with excitement after he dropped Steve off, fresh off the high of both performing again and kissing an extremely hot guy. 
Eddie was truly living his best life. 
He walked into work the next day with a spring in his step. Eddie never walked with a spring in his step. He noticed Bob recognized the abnormal behavior from across the room, but thankfully the man minded his business. 
“Helloooooo Sonic,” Eddie said to the cactus as he took off his coat and put it on the rack. He sat down. “You’ll never guess what happened last night.” Eddie took his books and drawing tablet from his drawer, pausing for an imaginary answer. “Damn! How’d you guess? Did Steve tell you?” 
“Good morning, champ,” Bob said as he stood in the doorway. Eddie jolted back, blushing at being caught. “Love the energy, but maybe you should use that friendliness with the customer up front?”
“Got it, sorry,” Eddie said, rushing out of the office and to the waiting area. Bob just laughed to himself, then sat down at the desk to work on some spreadsheet about expenses that Eddie could never understand. 
Steve was making Eddie lose his mind in the best way. It had been a while since he’d felt this playful or silly. He used to be all kinds of theatrical, but he’d gotten a lot more subdued. Steve was reigniting that part of him, and it felt nice.
The rest of his day went by in a blur. He’d never been more charismatic and nice to the customers, even the ones he usually would find annoying. Bob seemed to approve of his attitude, and as a reward let him leave early. He had no other appointments anyway. This gave Eddie time to go home and get ready for this show - which, prior to this day, Eddie had no interest in. But Steve and Robin and Gareth and the rest of the guys would be there, and that made it more than appealing. 
He wanted to kiss Steve again. Badly. That was the one drawback about being around friends - Eddie was cool with PDA once in an established relationship, but he wasn’t about to suck face with Steve in front of other people when they’d only been on one date. That would be weird. 
Whatever Steve had planned better be soon - AND in private.
This wasn’t a standard theater. It was actually just a house. A house that had been repurposed, sure, but a house nonetheless.
“Is this the right place?” Steve asked. 
“Yeah,” Robin confirmed, double checking the address on her phone.
“There’s a sign over there,” Eddie said. They all walked towards the tiny sign with an arrow that pointed to a path that led to a door. All of it was very weird, but cool. 
“God, I love shit like this,” Gareth added with a grin. “Like, are we gonna get murdered or are we gonna see a show? Let’s find out.” The rest of the group laughed, and then they headed to the door. There was a tiny handwritten note.
Knock to the beat of your favorite song.
“What the fuck are we doing?” Eddie said, chuckling. “Who is this woman?” He was amused by the whole situation more than anything. Like Gareth, Eddie lived for weird situations. Plus, Steve had his arm around him, so honestly anything could happen at this show and he’d still be happy.
“Robbie, this is all you,” Steve prodded, motioning for her to do the knocking. She did so, knocking a specific pattern into the wall. Steve smirked, knowing which song it belonged to.
“So, what’s it from?” Gareth asked. 
“I’ll never tell,” Robin remarked. Steve considered revealing it, but held his tongue. Especially because, moments later, some guy with long straight hair down to his waist answered the door and spoiled it before anyone else could.
“Heyyy, Stevie Nicks! Excellent choice, my dude,” the man said as he high-fived a stunned Robin. 
“How did you know that?” Steve asked. 
“Wait, he got it right?” Eddie wondered. Robin nodded. “Damn. Do you always know the songs?”
“Only the best ones, amigo,” the man replied with a warm smile. “Come on in!”
The group looked at each other, dumbfounded, before walking into the house. They were led through a living room down to a basement, where a makeshift stage was set up. Chairs were in front of it. Nobody else was there yet. 
“Oh my god,” Robin whispered to Steve. “I can’t believe you wanted me to go to this alone.”
“I didn’t want you to go alone,” he insisted. “I just said you should go to find out what it was all about, because you were clearly obsessed with it.”
The man spun around, causing the group to stop in their tracks. 
“Alrighty, Brochachos,” he began. “My name is Argyle, and I’ll be your host on this lovely evening. This is my house, so any house questions I’m your guy. Bathrooms are upstairs and to the right. Pick any seat you want down here, and I’d highly recommend checking out the table back there for a fully immersive experience.”
All heads turned to the back. 
“Oh, shit,” Gareth muttered. “Is that what I think it is?”
“If you think it’s drugs, then ding ding ding my friend,” Argyle responded. “We’ve got a full spread back there. Joints, pipes, edibles. No pressure though if you wanna ride the sober train. Pizza is over there, but I will warn you it’s ham and pineapple. Try before you deny, folks. If you need me, I’ll be up there.”
Argyle disappeared back up the stairs.
“Okay, it’s official,” Eddie said. “This is the best day of my life.”
They raided the table of weed and then sat down in the middle of the room a few rows back. They waited until five minutes before scheduled showtime, and no one else showed up. 
Robin had never been more grateful in her life to be with friends. 
The lights dimmed. 
“Oh, I am so fucking ready for this,” Gareth said with a grin, already blazed out of his mind. A spotlight appeared on stage, and then the star of the show walked out. 
She had long blonde wavy hair and beautiful big eyes. She was wearing cargo pants and a tiny piece of fabric that could barely pass as a shirt. The woman got a joint from her pocket, lit it, and took a drag before speaking. 
“The first time I smoked weed I was sixteen,” she started. “I’d been having these horrible headaches and one of my friends suggested I’d try it out. Everyone was doing it. It was honestly weird that I wasn’t doing it.”
“Holy shit,” Eddie muttered. 
“What?” Steve asked.
“Shh!” Robin said. The woman on stage smirked. 
“So, I met up with this guy in the woods behind the school. He was known for being the one to go to for these things. And he says to me, ‘what can I do you for, Goldie?’ And I had no idea what I was supposed to say. Long story short, I tried every strain I could get my hands on with that guy for the next few weeks. Some helped the headaches, but some were just fun. And some -” She stood up and walked to a canvas on the side of the stage. “Some made me a really good painter.”
She continued to smoke and paint as she told her story. Her and this guy continued to hang out the rest of her time in high school, forming something of a relationship. She described it as being very powerful, and often thought of it as being her first love, but that they hadn’t spoken since graduation. She then went on to talk about how she moved to California after graduating and met Argyle, and all the adventures she’d had since. She opened up about her body dysmorphia, then finished the show talking about her journey to find herself and her sexuality. 
It was all incredibly captivating, and once the spotlight went out and she walked off stage, the group in the audience was left speechless. 
“Wow, that was…” Steve began. His high had faded halfway through the show, and he was so immersed in it that he didn’t continue smoking. “Way better than anything I could have imagined.”
“I think I’m actually in love with her,” Robin said with wide eyes. Gareth chuckled and murmured something to Eddie, who elbowed him in the ribs. “What?”
“Eddie, come on,” Gareth prodded. “Tell them.”
“Tell us what?” Steve asked. Someone cleared their throat beside them, and they all turned their heads to reveal the star of the show standing there, her hands on her hips.
“Eddie Munson,” she said, smirking. “I thought it was you.”
Robin and Steve’s jaws dropped. 
“Hey, Goldie,” Eddie responded. 
“Wait, what?” Steve exclaimed, his eyes bugging out of his head. 
“Hi,” Robin said softly with a slight wave. “I’m Robin.” The woman, Goldie, turned to Robin and fully looked her up and down, checking her out.
“Chrissy,” she responded. “Nice to meet you.”
Steve didn’t even have to look at Robin to know she was about to pass out. 
“So,” Eddie said, standing up. “I guess we all have some catching up to do.” The others followed suit, and then they walked as a group up the stairs and to the living room to sit down and talk. 
Apparently, Chrissy had gone to the same high school as Eddie, Gareth, and the rest of the band. Eddie and Chrissy had been extremely close, but then Eddie took off and never looked back after graduation. They only referred to it, but Steve could tell it was a sore spot. He wondered what exactly had caused Eddie to leave them all behind. That conversation would have to wait until at least the third date, though.
Eventually, the reminiscing died down, and the group decided to head out. Eddie told Chrissy where he worked, and mentioned when she could stop in. On their way out, Chrissy pulled Robin aside. Eddie smiled to himself when he overheard them exchanging numbers. 
Evidently, he wasn’t the only one who’d had an excellent day.
“Oh my god. Oh my GOD. Oh. My god!” 
Robin had been talking like that for about ten minutes now.
“She - she wants to go out with me. With me. And she - I mean, you saw her, right? She’s - like, holy shit. She’s perfect. I can’t believe this.”
“So,” Eddie said to Steve. “You think she’s gonna say yes?” Steve chuckled. 
“Robin, you’re hot as hell,” he assured her. “I’m not surprised at all.”
“Shut up, Steve,” she responded. “You have to say that, because we’re best friends. It’s like when mom says I’m pretty.”
“I think she just compared you to her mom, dude,” Gareth teased. 
“Okay,” Eddie interjected. “Well, I’m not your best friend and I agree with Steve. You’re gorgeous.”
“Thank you,” Robin blushed. “But you’re dating my best friend, so you have to say that, too. Also, you’re gay.” Gareth chimed in next. 
“Alright, well I hardly know you AND I’m straight and Robin, for the love of god, know your worth. You and Chrissy are both goddesses and you’re perfect for each other.”
The group halted in their steps and turned to Gareth, stunned. 
“What?” he said. “I’m just telling it like it is.”
They each headed to their cars and split for the night. The band promised to come back to town at some point so they could all meet up again. It was a bittersweet farewell, especially for Robin, but at least there were a lot of ways to keep in touch with people long distance. 
Steve and Eddie walked hand in hand down the sidewalk together. This time, Steve was the one taking Eddie home. 
“So, when do you want to go out again?” he asked. 
“I’m free tomorrow,” Eddie replied. 
“You’d want to see me three days in a row?” Steve asked, delighted. 
“Don’t act so surprised,” Eddie teased. “You and Robin both need a little self-esteem.”
“There’s a reason we’re better together,” Steve explained. “And why we’re so codependent.”
“Right,” Eddie responded. “So, tomorrow?” Steve smirked, then kissed Eddie for the first time since their date the night before. They both melted into it quickly, craving the affection they’d been keeping themselves from. They broke from each other and smiled. 
“Tomorrow,” Steve confirmed. 
“Good,” Eddie said on an exhale. “Cuz I wanna do a whole lot more of that.” Steve chuckled.
“Oh, we will,” he said. “I’ll pick you up at seven?”
“Sounds good,” Eddie responded. 
Steve went home after that, then smoked the rest of what he’d picked up at the show. 
What an excellent day all around for everybody.
(next part)
@paintballkid711 @abraca-fxckyou @allbimyself26 @jellybabiesforall @allbymyselfexceptformycactus @justaloadofgarbage-blog @alliemunsonsstuff @undreamingnscatworld @hobbitnarwhal @calivanus @wreckmyplans-thatsmyman @antheia @goodolefashionedloverboi @lillemilly @missmagillicuddy @gamerdano @menamesniall @eyeslikewildflowers111 @callmesirkay @stringischeese @eds-trashmouth @mnl-enuh @redfreckledwolf @itsanarrum @soulsofstarsliveinyourveins @stevesbipanic @momotonescreaming @aryakanojiaa @wrenisflying @comicmadlover @lilacrobin @itch-my-b0nez @anonymousbandgirl @disastardly @dangdirtydemons @daisyellsong @val-from-lawrence @starryeyedpoet17 @taikawaiteatea @clumsiluni @hollysimone @swimmingbirdrunningrock @witchofhawkins @steddiegarbage @suddenlyinlove @ricekristytreaty @eddielives1986 @bunnyweasley23 @thefailcollection @ppunkpuppyy @bestwifehaver @httpsphynx @irregular-child @skjachukson
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aemonds-wifey · 1 year
A Stolen Kiss Over Wine
Chapter 3
Summary: you have a brief talk, but when you see each other again the chemistry is more electric than ever
{Authors Note: warnings: 18+ / / Happy Birthday Tom Glynn- Carney🎊}
“Hey.” He said as you held the phone to your ear
“Hullo.” You said sheepishly
The silence that followed was too much, you heard Tom sigh
“Look…about that…night Y/N…I “
You heart sank and you bit your tongue. Despite everything you wanted he was in a relationship…but that selfish part of you wanted him to come to his senses and show up at your door and kiss you again.
“I know…we were drunk…you have a girlfriend….” You spoke through gritted teeth.
“Yeah she’s…so…we’re good…?”
You paused “Sure…yeah..” you were not good. You wanted to tell him that you couldn’t get him out of your head, how the taste of wine on your lips was anything but s memory to you. You needed more
He exhaled and cleared his throat “Great so…we’re having a party …tomorrow night …not gonna miss my birthday are ya Y/N?”
“Of course not…great where is it at ?” You said fighting back the urge to cry.
“The bonded warehouse….on Kings Street…come for about 7ish? “
“Sure sounds good…I’ll see you then…” you said
“Great….see you then…”
The call ended. You threw your phone against the cushion of the couch and paced the flat, you felt so conflicted. So nervous , should you go? Of course. And you would dress to impress.
You wore your shimmering emerald green cocktail dress with black heels, your hair was down with loose curls over your shoulders .
As you entered the bonded warehouse you heard the laughs and chatter of people, the hired room had a bar and a beautiful view of the harbor, you looked around for Aegon, you spotted him. He was not alone. Zoe stood next to him, her arm locked around his.
He wore a dark blue shirt with black trousers and those brown shoes he often wore when he saw you.
You approached him slowly , putting on a brave face and smiled “Hey knobhead happy birthday” you said as you came up to him.
Zoe did not let go of him even when you hugged Aegon to say hello. She had her hand wrapped in his like a vice. The look she gave you made you feel on edge- she definitely did not like you.
“Glad you made it.” He said smiling , when he touched your back from the hug you felt your skin come alive at the contact.
You broke away briefly and handed him a gift bag, bottle shaped. You smiled at Zoe “So nice to see you again.”
“Mmm you too. I didn’t think you would be coming. Aegs told me about you and Jacob…so sorry we would have understood if you wanted to stay at home and under a duvet.”
You modified your smile to mask your instant dislike of her tone. Doing your best not to laugh at the nickname was the most difficult part.
“Wouldn’t miss my best friends birthday now would
I.” You said calmly.
Aegon smiled a little as he opened the gift bag. obviously difficult with only one hand free. A bottle of Johnnie Walker , double black…his favourite.
“Thanks Y/N…you know me so well thank you.”
Zoe remained unimpressed “Oh another bottle.” She uttered
Aegon ignored her as he hugged you again, planting a grateful kiss on your cheek- you had to fight every fiber of your being to stop kissing his lips.
“Happy Birthday again Aegon…” you said slowly.
You did not even get any time with him, she stayed attached to him like a vine on a wall , it was infuriating to no end…he was your best friend and you could not even get on moment with him? Had he told her? Does she know he spent the night at yours and she’s feeling insecure ? So many questions surely if he had confessed to kissing then you would not be standing there right now? You could not switch your brain off.
Stolen glances were all you were afforded during the party, It was crippling embarrassing to see Zoe not once leave his side. In between glances you helped yourself to a few cocktails, caught up with friends you hadn’t seen for an age…but all you wanted to do was be alone with Aegon. At one moment you both locked eyes and he wanted to speak to you, you saw him even attempt to remove Zoe’s hand from his, but was impeded by one of his friends bringing out the cake. You all gathered round the table the cake was laid on, a dark chocolate cake with fresh raspberries on top of the fudge icing. A few pastel colored candles sat on top.
You watched as he smiled humbly and looked around - as the candles on the cake sparkled brightly you saw Zoe make a public display of affection by kissing him, all you saw was awkwardness as soon as the kiss ceased he was looking at you again.
“Make a wish Aegs.” She said
You stood opposite then at the table and couldn’t help but giggle a little in mockery.
He blew the candle out with one swift blow. Noticing your giggle and shaking his head the slightest at your Jape.
“What did you wish for?” You blurted out.
Aegon and Zoe looked at you , Aegon smiled a little
“Ah can’t tell…it won’t come true right!” He chuckled
Zoe snaked her arms around his shoulders
“New guitar? New pair of shoes?” You asked
“I’m Not telling Y/N.” Aegon smiled
“No more alcohol that’s for sure.” Zoe said
“Indeed. He may end up drunk or kissing one of his friends.” You chuckled
Aegons eyes bunker but managed to reflect a calmness as Zoe looked confused at him.
He brushed it off quickly “yeah I could end up kissing James or Zak.” He laughed.
You laughed with him, but the look he shot you as he took a swig of his beer was underlined with tones of trouble brewing…the tension was unmistakable . You left the table.
You found yourself walking through the hallway of the bonded warehouse , knocking on a random door and stepping inside.
An empty snooker table and a few cardboard boxes were all that sat in the room Now. You pushed one the balls on the pool table as you took another gulp of your drink . You turned around and sat against the pool table, almost dropping your drink when you saw Aegon standing in the door way, practically smoldering.
“What was that?!” He said clicking his jaw.
“What was what? Aegs….” You asked with a small smirk
“You know what!” He said taking a step forward and closing the door, turning the lock “giggling like that…making those comments about kissing friends …Zoe isn’t stupid.”
You tilted your head “Pfft.”
He frowned “What now?”
You drank again “She may not be stupid but blind she is…”
He folded his arms and stood an inch closer to you , waiting for you to respond.
“Can’t see the way you’ve been looking at me …”
He sighed “Don’t even start Y/N.”
“Me start? You kissed me the other night !” You said
“Shhh keep your voice down…you want Zoe to come in?”
“You locked the door you idiot” you said
“Shhh. Your always too loud!” He said agitated .
“Don’t tell me to shush …you can’t just kiss me like you did and leave me thinking what’s going on in your head and more import-“
You were silenced by the crashing of his lips on yours, his hands clasping your face as he kissed you fiercely. His body firmly pressing against yours. You fingers firmly holding onto the wooden frame of the pool table as he kept kissing you, your other hand wrapped around his neck as you felt his tongue explore your mouthF you opened your mouth to allow him in and moaned in ecstasy.
In a moment his hands found their way to your thighs and you gasped as he hoisted you up on the table, your legs automatically wrapping round his waist- still kissing with such velocity your lips broke apart as you felt his long fingers crawl up your thigh and touch you against your underwear, which was already wet. He opened his eyes and looked at you closely
“ Jesus your soaked…fucking hell Y/N “ he whispered
You bit your lip, when you did his eyes glowed in arousal
“This all for me?” He breathed against your jaw, your hair danced against his exhale.
You nodded only once, kissing his bottom lip slowly - he swallowed deeply , you felt his cock get hard against your hip, he kept his eyes trained on you as he snaked two fingers under your panties and slowly pushed them inside you.
You winced at the contact and moved to kiss his neck, he moved them in and out - your hand moved from the frame and grabbed his waist - it was all too much…and it was just his fingers.
“So tight….did Jacob ever fuck you?!” He asked grinning slightly.
You slapped his arm playfully “Shut up and kiss me.” You barked.
He obeyed, but only kissing the outline of your jaw slowly, biting it in rhythm with his fingers going in and out of you.
You couldn’t keep quiet, as you let out one moan he covered your mouth with his as his fingers picked up the pace , you felt your orgasm approaching quickly
“Aeg…Aegon…”’you whispered hoarsely in between kisses
He leaned into you and nibbled at your ear lobe “come for me.” Breathed against your ears, the vibrations of his voice coupled with the fingers pushing your orgasm closer brought you to the edge- your head collapsed into the crook of his neck as you screamed into his skin as you felt your walls clench around his fingers, you came with such delight even he moaned with you- it felt so good.
He pushed you down and your spine rested on the pool table, he looked into your eyes as he removed his fingers, he rested his hand on your smooth thigh - he lazily kissed your lips - as your hand trailed down his stomach to his trousers you both jumped up as a familiar voice
“Aegs? You in there?” You both couldn’t move, the door handle flipped up and down. “Aegs?” The voice disappeared.
Aegon looked at you for a moment and gently brushed your forehead with his hand…he wore conflict on his face.
“Don’t go…” you said softly - almost pleading- you ached for him.
He looked you up and down, he stood up - both his hands on your knees as you shamelessly sat up, your cleavage slightly distracting him. Your fingers pulled on his shirt and kissed him. He broke away “I need to…”
You bit your lip again , he noticed “Don’t….”
He warned , you didn’t move your lips
“Fucks sake.” He kissed you again , your legs wrapping tighter around his waist - his finger tips digging into your thighs. You felt his cock still hard against you- your hands wondering up and down his chest, you were sure you would tear his shirt off . You both broke your lips apart and he clasped your hands into his. He gently kissed your hands and you watched him “We need…let me talk to her and….we can talk about …”
“Us ?” You asked with hope
He nodded “Yes…”
You heart jumped at the words he spoke. He kissed you once again and straightened out his shirt.
You smiled at him “I’ll slip out and leave…meet me at my place later?”
He nodded “yeah yeah…I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
You looked at him, unsure if you should kiss him or hug him- to your surprise he knelt slightly, keeping his eyes on yours , he kissed your thigh and turned on his heel and left the room.
You had to wait a moment to catch your breath, shuffling yourself off the table you couldn’t help but smile- you were nervous though…your friendship was now on a very precarious line.
Chapter 4
@schniiipsel @moonchildrenandflowercrowns @chainsawsangel @nolongereviliwantlove @motley-baby @bcon24 @lauraneedstochill @sscreamingbanshee @arcielee @talesofoldandnew @namoreno @happilyhertale @pearlstiare @afro-hispwriter @f4ll-for-you @aemond-targaryenx @bogwaterswamp
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fandombandomfics · 2 months
Not So Apple Pie Life
Chapter 3
After a sound check with the band, I go to the green room to decompress. I still get nervous before any show, even after all these years of performing on stage in front of people. Guess it’s because this is the first of many sold out shows on this tour. I hear my phone go off and look to see text messages from my brothers. 
Little bro: good luck at the show tonight and on tour, proud of you 
Big bro: good luck on tour, see you around kid 
I smile slightly at the messages and text them back saying thanks. As the show goes on, we watch the sets from the green room. 
“Noah where did you go after the sound check?” Jolly asks
“Oh I went for a walk and grabbed a bite to eat,” I say 
“Until after midnight?” Folio asks. I try to come up with a lie that was enough to keep them from asking questions. 
“Oh I went to the gym and went for another walk,” I say 
“Mind was racing?” Jolly asks and I nod. 
“Yeah it was, guess just nervous for this tour since it’s sold out,” I say 
“I think we’re all nervous,” Ruffilo says 
“Yeah but it’s gonna go great,” Folio says 
We make our way to the stage and wish each other luck. When I walk on stage, the crowd cheers and I smile. Later into the setlist, I spot Sam and Dean in the crowd. It took me a second to make sure I wasn’t seeing things. At the end of the show, after the crowd left, I went back to the stage to grab my water bottle I left behind. 
“Great show Noah,” Dean says, walking out from the shadows near the stage. I jump startled and hit his arm.
“Asshole you scared me,” I say with a chuckle. He chuckles and I get tackled in a hug by Sam. I chuckle and push him off. 
“Dude your vocal range is insane live,” He says 
“Thanks bro,” I say with a chuckle. 
“So where are you going tomorrow?” Dean asks 
“Going to Charlotte,” I say 
“Noah we gotta–,” Jolly says, stopping in his tracks. I turn around and smile, greeting my friend. 
“I’m coming Jolly,” I say 
“We’ll see you around,” Dean says 
“See you both around and happy hunting,” I say, whispering the happy hunting part to them. I walk over to Jolly and I can tell he’s gonna ask me who they are when we get back to the bus. I grab my bag from the greenroom and head outside with Matt and the others. 
“It’s the guys!” I hear a few fans say. I chuckle and we take pictures with them before we get back on the bus. 
“Who were those guys you were talking to?” Jolly asks 
“My brothers,” I say and it got dead quiet on the bus. 
“Noah that’s not funny, you’re an only child,” Ruffilo says. I laugh nervously and put my bag down.
“Well..thats was a lie,” I say 
“Why lie to us..the fans?” Folio asks 
“Because my relationship with them is very…complicated,” I say. The guys look at me with both anger but sadness. 
“Don’t trust each other?” Jolly asks 
“It’s more complicated than that, my brother Dean and I got into a huge fight over me wanting to pursue music. Dad died a while back so it’s just been the three of us for a long time. He told me to never come back when I left. So I didn’t,” I say 
“Who’s the oldest?” Matt asks 
“Dean is the oldest, I’m the middle child, and Sam is the youngest,” I say 
“They came to the show tonight didn’t they? And they came last night huh?” Bryan asks and I nod. 
“Yeah sorry I never told you guys it’s just been…complicated and a lot to go into,” I say 
“Well when you’re ready to tell us the whole story let us know,” Jolly says and I nod, feeling exhausted from the past two days. 
“I’m gonna get some shut eye,” I say and walk towards my bunk. I can never tell them the full full story. I get in my bunk and shut the curtain. I take out my phone and look at an old picture of us as kids. I sigh and plug my phone in, having a feeling this is gonna be a long tour.
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Smitten Kitten (Lev Haiba x female!reader)
I think I’m going to post some of my old stories from a year or 2 ago. This one always stuck out to me because it was one of my more detailed stories. I believe I write this in about 4 days maybe? Anyway I know there’s not a lot of Lev Haiba fanfic out there so I thought I’d post it! Sorry if it’s terrible in advance lmao <3
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The final bell rang, signaling that class was done for the day. You scooped up your books and started to pack them away in your backpack, when you felt a small tap on your shoulder. You looked up to see a guy with spiky black hair, who looked like he just rolled out of bed. You stifled a giggle at how ridiculous he looked, “Can I help you?” You calmly asked him. “You’re a second year, right?” He asked. You sighed, you got this all the time. “Yes I’m a second year, and I’m in more advanced classes for my age.” You rolled your eyes and started to leave. “Wait! I was just wondering because we have a new member on the volleyball team who’s a second year and he needs a tutor.” You turned to face him “Why are you telling ME this?” The man sighed and rubbed the back of his head “Well, if he can’t get his grades up then he’s kicked off the team, and he’s part of Nekoma’s starting lineup so....I was wondering if you could tutor him?” You thought to yourself. You could use the extra cash to save up for that cosplay you wanted...”How much will I get paid?” You asked. “He’s loaded, so probably a decent amount.” The guy shrugged. “His name?” “Lev Haiba.” He replied. “Meet me in the gymnasium after school. You can meet him then. If they question you tell them Kuroo sent you. I’m the captain of the team so that should earn you entryway into the gym.” You nodded. With that the man (now known as Kuroo) gave you a wave and walked out of the classroom.
Later that day after all your classes were finished you headed over to the gym. You felt out of place walking through the building when school was out. The closer you got to the gymnasium the louder the squeaking of the shoes became. You slowly peaked around the door. Inside was a bunch of boys playing volleyball. They must be the school’s volleyball team. You never really paid attention to the sports world at school. I mean occasionally you would hear how someone got injured, but that was about it. “Oi! Katey! We’re over hear!” You glanced over to see Kuroo yelling across the gym to you. Does he have to be so loud? You walked over to him. You could feel peoples eyes all over you. “Woah! Who’s this babe?!” Some guy with a buzz cut yelled. You ignored him and pressed on towards Kuroo. “Hey, you came! I thought you weren’t gonna show.” Kuroo said. “Well I’m here. Where’s Lev?” “LEV GET OVER HERE!” Kuroo yelled. You winced at how loud his voice projected throughout the gym. You noticed a very tall, lanky boy make his way over to you two. “Y/n, this is Lev.” Kuroo said, introducing you to each other. “Oh! You must be my tutor!” Lev said. “Umm yeah.” You replied. You were a little shaken with his height. He was practically a giant! “Oh right, I forgot to introduce myself! I’m Lev Haiba!” He blushed, extending his hand out for you to shake. You took his hand and shook it “I’m Y/n Y/L/n.” “It’s nice to meet you! So, do you think you can help me?” He seemed nice enough..a little goofy though. “Of course.” You replied, nodding your head. “Great!” Lev cheered. “Do wanna meet at my place tomorrow night?” Lev asked. “I’d have to discuss it with my parents, but I’m sure it’s alright.” “Great! Can I put my number in your phone? That way you have my address?” “Oh sure!” You said, giving him your phone. You both swapped each other’s numbers. “Well, I should let you resume practice. Bye!” You said, Turing around and waving. “Thanks again!” Kuroo replied. “Byeee Y/n!” Lev yelled. You smiled to yourself, Lev seemed sweet..
The next day after you had finished eating dinner with your family, you headed over to Lev’s house. His house was close enough that you could ride your bike and get there in 10 minutes. When you rode up to the house you thought there had been some mistake. This house was GIGANTIC! You then recalled that Monday Kuroo had said that Lev’s family was rich. “If only I had worn nicer clothes..” you mumbled to yourself, looking down at your favorite sweater with disdain. Realizing it was too late to change now, you made your way through the wrought iron gates and up the smooth cobblestone driveway. You felt a little intimidated by the large mansion looming infront of you. With a deep breath you rung the doorbell. A few moments later you could hear footsteps approaching the door. The door opened and there stood a girl who looked around 20, and was very dressed up. “Oh Lev! Your girlfriends here!” She yelled, while beckoning you inside the doorway. You blushed at her choice of words “I’m..uh..not his girlfriend.” You chuckled nervously. Before she could reply you saw Lev bounding down a set of stairs. “Oh, hey Y/n!”Lev said. He then turned to who you assumed was his sister “And she’s not my girlfriend, Y/n’s just here to help me study.” You didn’t know why but you felt your heart drop when he said that you weren’t his girlfriend, like it was merely a question of the weather. It’s not like you cared, obviously you had just met the man. But the way he almost seemed disgusted by that idea kind of stung. His sister rolled her eyes, and walked away. “Sorry about my sister..” he said, scratching the back of his neck. “Oh no, it’s fine.” You said. “So uhh nice place.” You said, surveying your surroundings. “Heh, thanks.” He blushed. “So uhh.. wanna go get started?” You asked. “Oh! Yeah right. Duh!” Lev said, playfully hitting himself on the head. “Follow me!” He said, leading you to the staircase. Wait! Were you gonna go IN his room!? He continued leading you up the rather large flight of stairs, and down a corridor till you stopped at a door at the end of the hall. “This is my room.” He said opening the door for you.
When you stepped inside Lev’s room, you noticed a lot of sports posters, books, trinkets, and a cat tower. “Do you have a cat?” You asked, nodding towards the tower. “Oh yeah! We have 4 actually, but the house is really big so they can be hard to spot sometimes.” You giggled. Lev smiled at you “You can have a seat on my bed.” He said walking over to sit on his bed. His BED!? Oooo boy... Every cliche Wattpad story you ever read racing through your mind. You cautiously took a seat at the edge of his bed, and opened up your backpack unloading your stuff on the bed. “Can you get out your last math assignment please?” You asked. Lev nodded and reached for a very crinkled sheet of paper. Oh boy. This was gonna be IMPOSSIBLE. You took the paper from him, and uncrumpled it the best you could. “Really?” You laughed, as you attempted to smooth it out on your textbook. Lev laughed and said “I know I’m not the neatest. You can probably see why I need a tutor!” Once you had finally made the paper readable again you started helping Lev. Turns out he was really bad at math. His score was horrible, he was a doodler, his notes were just chicken scratch, and he had a hard time concentrating. Somehow, you managed to get through the study session without losing your patience. When it was about 8:00 you and Lev had finished. “Do you understand it now?” You asked. “Kind of. But not really..” He awkwardly chuckled. You couldn’t help but laugh a little. “Yeah well keep practicing.” You gathered up your things, and Lev led you back downstairs to the front door. “I actually kind of enjoyed math tonight.” Lev said, smiling his goofy grin. You laughed “Well I’m glad you did!” “Hey, I have volleyball practice tomorrow, but do you think you could come over on Thursday to help me prep for the test?” You actually enjoyed yourself tonight, and you liked spending time with Lev. “Sure!” You said. “Great thanks! Bye Y/n!” He said, as you walked down the front porch steps. You turned and waved. As you made it back home safe, you saw your phone light up. It was a text message from Lev:
LEV: Goodnight, Y/n ;)
You blushed and giggled to yourself.
ME: Goodnight Lev :)
You didn’t see Lev throughout the week, so by Thursday you were excited to see him again. When you rang the doorbell Lev answered it this time. “Hi Y/n! Come on in!” You smiled and squeezed past him into the house. “How was practice yesterday?” You asked, placing your shoes on the rack. “It was alright, Kuroo wouldn’t let up on my serves though.” He said, frustratedly. You gave him a sympathetic smile “Sorry about that.” He cheered right up “It’s fine! Let’s go to my room.” You once again followed Lev up the stairway, and to his bedroom. “Oh! I have a surprise for you!” Lev said, stopping right in front of his door. “What is it..?” You asked cautiously. Lev grinned “Don’t worry it’s a good surprise!” “If you say so..” You teased. When Lev let you inside his room you didn’t notice anything peculiar or out of order. “What is it?” You asked. “Over here!” Lev said. You turned to see Lev in the corner of his room kneeling over a basket of...KITTENS!? You rushed over “Awww! Their adorable!” You gushed. “Yeah, one of my cats gave birth a week ago.” Lev explained. He then scooped a little white kitten with brown spots, and set it in your arms. “Awww!” You whispered, cradling the kitty in your arms. Lev chuckled, and rubbed the kittie’s head. “Y’know we can’t keep ‘em all..do you want one?” Lev asked nervously. “Really!?” You asked, excitement flowing throughout your body. “Yeah! If your parents say it’s cool you can pick one out now and take it home in 2 weeks!” He explained. “I’ve always wanted a cat!” You said, snuggling the little kitten closer. “I can take a picture on your phone so you can show your parents?” Lev said. “That’s a great idea! Here.” You said, handing him your phone. Lev took the picture, and you sent it to your parents, who agreed if you paid for it with your own money. “They said yes!” You cheered. Lev laughed “Alright, how about we play with them for a bit, and you can pick out which one you would like?” Lev suggested. “That’s a great idea!” 
You and Lev were having a fun time playing with the kittens. You were about to pick up a feisty orange tabby cat, when a sharp pain jolted through your leg. “Owww!” You exclaimed. “What’s wrong?!” Lev asked, all panicky. “Calm down. It’s just a scratch.” You said, setting the cat down so you could inspect your wound. Sure enough, there on your calf was a deep scratch. “Do you have any bandaids?” You asked, covering the scratch so it wouldn’t bleed all over. “Oh yeah! Follow me.” Lev said, getting up and walking towards a door on the far side of his room. He opened the door and inside was a small bathroom. All of a sudden Lev picked you up by your waist and set you on the counter, then went back to digging for bandages. He did it so casually, while your heart beat quickened a bit at his actions. “We only have actually bandage wraps..so can I..?” He trailed off. You realized that he meant that he had to wrap the bandages on for you. “Oh! Yeah, of course.” You blushed a little. Lev slowly took your leg and carefully pressed a cotton ball on the wound to weaken the blood flow. Your skin grew hot where he touched it. You let out a little hiss when he pressed a little to firmly. “Sorry, I know this stings.” He said, removing the cotton ball and picking up the bandage wrap. He cautiously started to wrap your leg up. You were surprised at how gentle he was being, after all Lev could be a little clumsy at times. When he finished wrapping the bandages around your leg, he leaned down and planted a quick kiss on your knee. Then, as if realizing what he just did, he quickly blushed and chuckled nervously saying “Sorry! Our mom did that to me and my sister when we were kids!” You cold feel your face flush about 20 different shades of red and pink. “No.. it’s okay. It was really sweet actually..” You whispered the last part. You looked up and locked eyes with Lev’s emerald ones. You both stared into each other’s eyes before you cleared your throat and said “Well, uh we should probably get some studying in!” Lev cleared his throat to “Oh yeah! Right. I wanted to show you my score on the homework today.” Lev awkwardly helped you off the countertop, and you both headed back to his bed to work.
You deadpanned when Lev showed you his “good” score on the math homework. “I wouldn’t call this good, but it’s an improvement I guess.” You laughed. Unlike yesterday, this study session was filled with awkward silences. Was it because of the almost kiss? “Hey Y/n?” Lev asked, breaking your train of thought. “Huh? Yeah?” You blushed at your awkwardness. “What do you think is a good goal for me to get on this test tomorrow?” He asked. “Hmmm...” you pondered that for a moment. “I would say at least an 85%.” Lev nodded his head in agreement. “So if I get an 85% or higher, can you come to my game Friday afternoon?” He wanted YOU to watch him play?! “I think that’s a good plan!” You smiled warmly. Lev grinned back that goofy smile that you loved. “It’s 9:30, I should be heading home.” You said, loading up your book bag. Lev helped you gather your things, and walked you downstairs. Just as you had finished saying goodbye, and were walking out the door, you turned around “Oh, and I thought about what kitten I wanted.” You smiled. Lev grinned “Which one?” “That feisty orange tabby.” You laughed. Lev chuckled “It’s a deal!” He said. Then you rode into the night, back home to your own house.
The next day you couldn’t help but hope that Lev passed his test. After lunch when you were exiting the cafeteria, you heard someone yelling your name. You turned to see a tall guy with silver hair, approaching you. It was Lev! You could tell because he was 2 feet taller then the crowd. “Hey! I passed!” Lev yelled, excitedly. “What?! No way! Let me see the paper.” You said, holding your hand out. Lev reached into his book bag and pulled out a piece of paper. You looked at it. Sure enough, there on his paper in red ink was a 89%. “Great job Lev!” You squealed, giving him a high five. He grinned from ear to ear. “So I guess that means your coming to my game, right?” Lev said, rather smugly. You snorted “Don’t get a big head.” You joked, flicking him on the forehead. “Ouch.. Y/n!” He whined. “Speaking of pain, how is your leg?” You instantly blushed remembering the kiss. “O-oh it’s better! How’s my kitty?” You asked. “That’s good news! And your kittens doing great. You should pick out a name!” Lev replied. You thought about it for a moment “Hmm.. what about Tigger!” Lev chuckled “Haha, that’s cute!” “So you like it..?” “It’s perfect.” He smiled. The bell rang. “Oh I’ve gotta get to class! My game is at 3:00 in the gym!” Lev said, rushing off. “Got it!” You called after him. You giggled to yourself at how scatter brained he could be.
At around 2:45 you entered the gymnasium. The bleachers were filled with people. Most of them wearing your school’s team colors, red and black. As you walked across the gym to an open seat, you saw Lev setting up the net. “What a great view..” you sighed contentedly, staring at his thighs. Just then he turned and caught your eye. He smiled and waved. You face grew hot, and you nervously waved back. You felt like the entire gym was staring at you as you made your way to a seat. 
The game was tied. If Nekoma could make this final score they could win! The whistle blew, Nekoma was switching a player in. But who? You peered over the person in front of you to see. It was..LEV!? You knew Lev didn’t do great under pressure, so why would they send him in? It was up to Lev to win the game for Nekoma. You found yourself cheering “I BELIEVE IN YOU LEV!” You blushed when the people sitting next to you gave you some dirty looks. Oops! You held your breath as Lev was getting ready to set. It was too much pressure even for you! You squeezed your eyes shut, and crossed your fingers. A moment later the whistle blew, and you could hear the announcer saying “The game goes to Nekoma!” You opened your eyes to see the crowd going wild, and the team high-fiving one another. Joy rushed through your veins, as you jumped off the bleachers and ran to Lev. Before you could even stop running, Lev scooped you up in his arms and spun you around. “You did it!” You squealed. “I know! I can’t believe it!” He replied. Just then Kuroo came by informing Lev that they had to get their stuff from the locker room. “Oh, sorry Y/n! I have to go. Can you maybe meet me outside in 10 minutes?” Lev asked, getting ready to run. “Yeah, of course.” You said. “Thanks!” He replied, bolting off. You wondered what he wanted to speak with you about...Honestly you were a little surprised that he had won. Lev could be clumsy and a little headstrong at times, but I guess when it matters he really pulls through. 
You were leaning against the cobblestone wall, waiting for Lev. It had been 15 minutes and he still wasn’t ready yet. Just then you heard the sounds of someone’s feet slapping on the concrete. “Hey!” Lev said, a little out of breath. “Did you run a marathon in those 15 minutes?” You asked, laughing. Lev smiled “Ha.Ha. Very funny. So uhh wanna go for a walk?” He asked nervously. What was going on? Why was he so nervous? “Sure.” You replied. You guys started walking. “So...you were amazing out there!” You said, smiling up at him. “Heh, thanks!” Lev said, blushing and rubbing the back of his neck. “Y/n..I uhh..it was because of you.” “Because of me?” You questioned, very confused. “Yeah. I was worried but when you said you believed in me..I wasn’t anymore...Y/n I like you! And I was wondering if you wanted to maybe...go to the dance with me tomorrow?!” Lev blurted out nervously. You froze. Did he just say...? “Lev..I.. I like you too. I have since I met you actually..” You blushed, looking away. “And about that dance? I would love to go.” You said, smiling back at him. “Oh great! I was scared there..” Lev ranted. You giggled, and leaned into Lev as he put his arm around your shoulders. He walked you home that night. Just when you were climbing into bed, your phone chimed. It was a message from your now BOYFRIEND Lev:
LEV❤️: Hey, thanks again. I’ll meet you outside the school tomorrow. Goodnight! Sleep well!😘
ME: Can’t wait! I love you too!💖
The next night when your parents dropped you off at the school dance, you were nervous. What if Lev had changed his mind? What if he thought your dress was ugly? Just then you felt a light tap on your shoulder. You spun around to see Lev. “Wow..you look really beautiful!” He said. “I..uhh..thanks!” You giggled. “I like your tie.” You said, nodding towards his satin tie. “Oh! Thanks!” He said. “Are you ready?” He asked, taking your hand and kissing it. Your face flushed, and you nodded. Slowly Lev led you into the gymnasium, which was now turned into a ballroom. You had a fun time talking to his friends, and doing goofy dances to silly songs. The night was almost over when a slow song started playing. Lev looked at you, and grinned. You blushed. “Y/n? Can I ask you to dance with me?” Lev asked all dramatically, getting down on one knee. You smiled “Yes you may.” With that Lev wrapped his arms around your waist, as you attempted to reach
his shoulders the best you could. “Can you reach?” Lev chuckled, mocking your height. “In all honesty, not really!” You laughed. “Guess I’ll just have to do this..” Lev said, slowly leaning down towards you. You froze. Was he gonna KISS you?! You felt his lips meet yours, and your tongues collided. They danced around, exploring each cavern to behold.  And you and Lev spent the rest of the night dancing and laughing. That night was one of the best nights of your life. Why? Because it was the first time you kissed your husband.
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suzie-shooter · 1 year
F2 sprint race Barcelona 2023 :  James Blair race commentary highlights
I'm doing this on my phone because Clem is the more technologically advanced one of the pair of us - and it obviously goes without saying that Marcus has got no clue whatsoever.
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We're going to get a replay of - Clement Novalak on Lawson! Two friends of the show.
Oh it's raining! Fuck me!
Okay so the race is starting with a rolling start, so already they've made it boring.
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We're going to hear from Vesti, who's having a cracking year....very straight teeth.
Would have been less spray if they'd done a standing start, but what do I know, I'm just an insurance broker.
It's Verschoor going through on one of the thousand and two Red Bull cars we have in the field today.
Novalak's put a move on his team mate Stanek - he's up to P15, bloody good on yer mate! How about it! Four positions on lap 1 for the man from Avignon.
Come on Novalak! yeah I bet you’d like to eh James
As Novalak does Daruvala! Come on! Up the Clem!  [...] And Novalak! Is up again! He's done Juan Manuel Correa! Finally - the giant has awoken from his slumber of shit performances but this is an absolute stonker from Clement Novalak. Up the man!
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[on the Leclerc Monaco curse] I think there is a genuine curse. Maybe we could do some sort of - maybe we could sort of perform - next year, Screaming Meals could sponsor it - we could perform some kind of exorcism before the Grand Prix weekend, we'll livestream the whole thing.
I do dig [Cordeel's] hairdo. It's really regal. Um, and you want to see regal hair go well, you know? You don't want the balding folks - like Marcus - occupying the podium.
The stewarding's been fucking questionable at best over the last couple of weeks, so we'll see where they land on that one.
The Norwegian man. He'll be used to going sideways on the roads.
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And Novalak's done Maini! He's had almost no coverage on the tv and that's probably because F1 media hates us.
Overtaking delight from Novalak, that was pornographic!
Not gonna be too one-sided, but they do say in the rain it's where the real  talent comes out - you know, your Schumachers, your Sennas, your Novalaks.
Maybe it's time for a come back, I don't know. I don't have the funding. After a week of partying my tits off in Monaco, funding isn't exactly looking super healthy at the moment if I'm perfectly honest.
I'll probably end up talking a lot about the carrying on and the carrys on and the shenanigans if you will from Monaco in tomorrow's race [...] we're going to go on board Stanek in the Trident who's right behind Juan Manuel Correa who may or may not be involved in a lot of those stories from Monaco.
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Leclerc having a sniff around the back end of Fittipaldi and he can sniff and sniff all he wants because it's Clement Novalak behind them.
That was the infamous evening of the Hungary episode with Juan Manuel Correa and Clement Novalak - I think he was still a guest at that point, he hadn't quite weaselled his way into the franchise. Whereas he now owns thirty percent of the company.
I met Mitch Evans on Sunday night in Monaco and he knew who I was and it was the best fucking evening of my life.
Come on Clemogio. And come on Trident. Please just pull a good pitstop out of your arse. Find it within yourselves. And that kind've also implies that they're pulling it out of their - alright we're just going to glaze over that one.
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Fuck you and your virtual safety car! Fuck you and your virtual safety car! You've just given a free fucking pitstop to the front thirteen drivers and now my mate Clemogio - you've just fucked his chances of a race win! Fuck you, and fuck your virtual safety car! You c-you-next-Tuesdays. Bastards!!
Bit of a slow stop for Leclerc - sure as death and taxes.
Goodness gracious. This is why I've got grey hair at 25.
Nice shot of Clem there.
Vesti's smashed it, I mean, again. Having a great year. The Great Dane. Was Scooby Doo a Great Dane? Does anyone know? If so I'm going to start calling Frederik Vesti Scooby Doo.
Back on board here now with Patrick Swayze, looking at the back of Victor Martins. Who's hotter? This is a real clash of the titans between two of the hottest drivers in Formula 2 [...] two real hot dudes.
Fuck your virtual safety car. That's a t-shirt.
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Let's hear it for Clem, that's a great drive. Still no points, but I mean great drive, proud of him for that one.
Not too much more to say, other than I'll be back tomorrow, gracing your screens with my bullshit.
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icarusignite · 1 year
I love you forever (I'm not a dreamer)
Pairing: Lucy Carlyle x Anthony Lockwood @locklyle-week
Prompt: Day 1: Firsts
Summary: Lucy and Lockwood’s first date and first kiss 
A/N: So I was going to write all the fics for locklyle week in advance but stuff got busy so we’re gonna do this day by day lol. Would love to hear your thoughts so do share <3
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The ghost on Drury Lane had been a particularly brutal one, but they were Lockwood and Co, equipped with Lockwood's dazzling charm and George's extraordinary research skills. And then there was her, Lucy Carlyle, with her eerily sensitive Listening ability. Nonetheless, they had survived another night and were trudging back to 35 Portland Row filled with the satisfaction of another job well done. Well, at least they had managed not to set the house on fire so in Lucy's book, that counted as a success. George marched on ahead of her, his strides filled with purpose as he muttered something about hot tea and biscuits. Lockwood though, she noticed, trailed behind them, unusually quiet and seemingly lost in his thoughts. Usually, he would be talking up a storm, praising them for their quick thinking as a team and beginning to discuss the next mission. Lucy watched him for a while, fingers itching to brush away the stray strand of hair that fell over his forehead and then berating herself for the desire. That is not how one ought to feel about a colleague, for that was all Lockwood was to her. A generous colleague, her partner, her boss perhaps, but nothing more. Eventually, when they reached their home on Portland Row, George hurried up the stairs, turning his head to tell them that he was going to go put the kettle on. That left Lockwood standing below the steps to his house, still in deep contemplation. Lucy waited a moment before clearing her throat.
"Are you not coming inside?"
Lockwood's eyes flickered to the open door that George had just disappeared through, and then to Lucys's eyes, "Erm... yes, of course."
"Well," Lucy raised an eyebrow, "what are you waiting for?"
Lockwood cleared his throat nervously.
"Go on then, you clearly have something to say."
"Right, yea. I was thinking, if...would you like to go out with me for coffee?"
"Coffee?" Lucy was surprised, and her heart gave a hiccup.
"You know, like what normal people do. Hanging out."
Lucy felt her lips raise in a slight smile, remembering what she had said to Lockwood back when Kipps had asked her out, "Oh is that right then?"
"Yes," Lockwood shifted from one foot to the other and smiled at her. This was unlike his usual smiles, the ones that were blinding in their confidence and charisma. This smile was tentative and hopeful and Lucy had to admit that it had a more profound effect on her.
"Lockwood you do realize it is like 2 am and we are covered in dust right now?"
"It doesn't have to be right now. Whenever...tomorrow or the day after maybe? After you've rested of course."
"Alright yeah, tomorrow it is then," Lucy confirmed, trying to tamp down the feeling of hope that rose up within her. This was nothing, just a casual hangout between colleagues. Lockwood was just trying to be polite no doubt, wanting to make her feel like a normal person who went out on normal outings in the daytime.
Lockwood's eyes lit up, "Great, it's a date then."
"A date?!"
"Oh...if you want it to be. I mean if that's alright with you?"
"Yeah...yeah, I'd like that."
Lockwood's anxious smile morphed into that brilliant grin that showed his teeth and made Lucy's breath catch in her throat.
"Ahem, the tea was brewed several minutes ago, it's about time you lot came inside now," George grumbled from the doorway and the two teenagers rushed through, avoiding each other's gaze.
The very next morning, Lockwood and Lucy arrived at a cozy little café in the heart of London, with nervous hearts and voracious appetites. Lockwood had chosen the location himself, hoping to impress Lucy with his knowledge of the city's hidden treasures. Lucy picked out a table for two in the corner and Lockwood, ever the chivalrous boy that he was, pulled out her chair for her.
"Thanks for bringing me here, Lockwood."
Lockwood grinned back at her, "Anything for you, Luce."
Lucy couldn't help but feel a sense of nervousness. She had never been on a date with anyone before and didn't know what to expect. She had especially never been out with Lockwood in a context that wasn't for work. As they perused the menu, she couldn't help but steal glances at him, fingers still desperate to brush away that blasted stray lock of hair. The waiter arrived just then to take their order, and both of them ordered full English breakfasts for themselves. As they waited for their food, they chatted about the ghost on Drury Lane and reminisced about their adventures together. Lucy had been worried that the date would be full of awkward silences but the conversation flowed effortlessly between them and Lockwood made it easy for her to become comfortable. Lucy felt a warmth spread through her body, and she relaxed, her heart swelling with an unexpected bout of affection for him. She watched as he sipped his tea, his lips curling into a contented smile. She had always admired his sharp features and confident demeanour, but in this moment, she saw a new side of him. He seemed relaxed, and at ease. His features seemed softer, more vulnerable in the early morning light that streamed in through the large windows of the café, and his dark eyes sparkled with something she could not name every time they met hers. She then chided herself for noticing other things, the way his typical white button-up clung to his shoulders, and the way his slender hands moved gracefully as he talked.
When their food arrived, Lucy distracted herself by taking several bites of her eggs, hoping to ease the burning in her cheeks.
"Wow, this is delicious. You have great taste," Lucy sighed, her hunger finally having been satiated.
"Oh, it was actually my..." Lockwood hesitated a moment. "Someone I was very close to, it was their favourite place, so I can't take full credit for the find."
"They have my eternal gratitude, dare I say that this breakfast might even be better than George's."
Lockwood chuckled, "Lucy Carlyle? How dare you. I am going to tell George you said that."
"Anthony Lockwood, don't you dare," Lucy mimicked in his mock outraged tone.
Then Lockwood was staring at her and Lucy fidgeted under his gaze.
"Is there something on my face?" Lucy reached up to dab at her lips self-consciously with her napkin.
"Not at all."
"Why're you looking at me like that then?"
"Didn't know it was a crime to look at the pretty girl I'm out on a date with."
Lucy's cheeks flamed, as she ducked her head and shoved a piece of toast into her mouth so she didn't have to respond. Lockwood smirked at her response, but despite his flirtatious bravado, the skin of his ears was flushed pink.
"Would you like to take a walk after this? You know, see the city a bit?" Lockwood ventured, wanting the date to last as long as he could make it.
"Yeah, that would be lovely."
After they had finished their breakfast, they strolled through the streets of London, admiring the architecture and the hustle and bustle of the city. They talked and laughed, enjoying each other's company and the warmth of the sun on their skin. As they walked side by side, Lockwood's fingers brushed against Lucy's making her instinctively flinch. Lockwood immediately pulled away looking embarrassed.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to... I mean I did but..."
"Oh, no you don't have to apologize. I was just surprised that's all."
Lockwood looked relieved but his hand remained at his own side, hesitant and unsure. Lucy, sensing this, decided to take matters into her own hands. She reached out and grabbed Lockwood's hand, lacing their fingers together, trying to ignore the way her entire being tingled and the way her heart raced at the contact. Lockwood brought her to the banks of the River Thames. It looked tranquil in the daytime, the sounds of the city fading into the background, but Lucy could still remember its frigid temperature the last time she had jumped into it with Lockwood. Lockwood led her to a quiet spot by the river, where they sat down on a bench and admired the scenery.
"It is a lovely view, you know when we're not about to leap in from several feet above," Lucy laughed, her eyes trained on the horizon.
Lockwood's eyes never strayed from her face as he responded, his voice low and mesmerized, "Yes, quite lovely indeed."
Lucy turned her head and was met with his startlingly sincere gaze, a question on his lips that he could not seem to utter. It was surprising to see this side of him, so vastly different from his usual confident, charming self.
"Yes?" she prompted.
Lockwood took a deep breath, his hand shaking slightly as he reached out to tuck a strand of her hair tenderly behind her ear, "I've been wanting to ask...can I-ahem, can I kiss you?"
Lucy's heart skipped a beat at his request. She would have been lying if she said that she never dreamed of moments like this, but the way Lockwood asked still caught her off guard.
"Of course," she said softly, smiling at him.
Lockwood leaned in slowly, his lips stopping a hairsbreadth from hers, pausing to give her a chance to push him away, to rescind her consent, before brushing them against hers in a soft, gentle kiss. Lucy closed her eyes, savouring the sensation of Lockwood's lips on hers. The kiss was brief and delicate, and when they pulled away, Lockwood's eyes twinkled with adoration.
"That was... erm... nice," Lucy said shyly.
Lockwood laughed before leaning in to press a kiss to her forehead, "I'd say it was better than nice Luce. It was wonderful. You're wonderful."
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peonyblossom · 11 months
We're Gonna Get Married
Book: Open Heart (pre-canon) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Tobias Carrick Words: 1,187 Category: Fluff Rating: General AO3 link here Summary: After completing their intern year of their residency, Ethan and Tobias decide on the best possible way to celebrate the milestone. A/N: The ethias brainrot has been so strong lately, I came up with this idea when the insomnia hit last night and then proceeded to write it today lol
“Five, four, three, two, one!” All the interns yelled as it struck midnight in Donahue’s. 
Tobias sat on one of the stools at the bar with Ethan standing in between his legs. Tobias grabbed Ethan’s waist and pulled him closer, leaning his head up for a kiss. Ethan happily obliged, bringing his hands to Tobias’s face. Ethan wasn’t usually a fan of PDA, but they were both a little drunk and they were celebrating. 
“We are officially second-year residents!” Ethan cheered after he pulled away from the kiss, garnering a plethora of cheers from other residents. Ethan chuckled and leaned in towards Tobias again, saying only to him, “I wanna get married.” 
Tobias laughed and brought his hand up to show off his ring, “I know, that’s what this ring is for.”
“No, I wanna get married now.” Ethan rolled his eyes.
“Like, now now?” Tobias asked, looking up into Ethan’s eyes. 
“No, not now now; this weekend when my dad’s here.” 
“Oh! I think that’s a great idea.” Tobias smiled. 
Once again, Ethan leaned down to kiss Tobias. When he pulled away he whispered, “We’re gonna get married.” He and Tobias had matching smiles. 
“We’re gonna get married,” Tobias whispered back, before pulling Ethan in by the collar for another kiss.
“Ethan, everything is clean already, I promise,” Tobias said when he entered the kitchen, seeing Ethan wiping down the counter that he had already wiped down twice. Tobias took the rag out of Ethan’s hand and put it down on the counter, holding both of Ethan’s hands in his own so Ethan couldn’t grab it. “We don’t have to do this if you aren’t ready.”
“No, I’m ready, I’m just… nervous anyway.” Ethan sighed.
“Nervous to marry me or nervous to tell your dad?”
“Nervous to tell my dad. We’ve been engaged for a year, he’s probably expecting an actual wedding–”
“Hey, he can expect whatever he wants, it’s our wedding. We get to make the calls.” Tobias pressed a chaste kiss to Ethan’s lips. He’d never had the kind of relationship with either of his parents that Ethan had with his dad. Hence, why neither of Tobias’s parents were coming to their wedding. 
Ethan removed his hands from Tobias’s grip and instead put them around his neck. “I can’t wait to marry you.” 
The doorbell rang, signaling Alan’s arrival. Ethan disentangled from his fiancé and opened the front door, welcoming his dad with a hug. After also hugging Tobias, Alan said, “So boys, what are we doing this weekend to celebrate the end of your internships?”
Ethan and Tobias looked at each other for a brief second before Ethan turned to Alan and said, “We’re going to get married.”
A little confused, Alan asked, “What do you mean?”
“We’re going to go shopping for our tuxes today and then tomorrow go to the courthouse and get married. And we want you to come, that’s… why we picked this weekend…” Ethan trailed off.
“Oh of course! I’d love to come!” Alan pulled both boys into another hug, overjoyed. “Is anyone else coming with us?” Alan knew Tobias didn’t talk to his parents, but he thought maybe they’d bring a few friends.
“No, it’s just going to be the three of us,” Ethan answered.
“Okay, well let me put my stuff in the guest room and we can head out!” Alan rushed upstairs.
Tobias hugged Ethan from behind, leaning his chin on Ethan’s shoulder. “See, he’s so excited.” Tobias smiled. “We’re gonna get married.”
Ethan smiled, leaning into Tobias’s hug. “We’re gonna get married.” 
“Okay, so how does this work?” Alan asked as they entered the mall. “I don’t know how the gays do it, can you see each other’s suits before the wedding or is that a bad omen?”
Ethan rolled his eyes as Tobias held back his laughter. “Dad, that’s not– not even all straight couples follow that tradition, it’s not a gay or straight thing…”
“And we don’t care,” Tobias finished, sensing Ethan’s struggle to find the right words to explain millennial couples as a whole to his dad.
“Oh good, ’cause that would make this a little difficult.” Alan laughed as they entered a department store. They went straight into the tux section and Tobias and Ethan started searching. It didn’t take long for them both to have an armful of tuxes to try on. 
They all went to the fitting rooms and Tobias and Ethan took turns showing their options to Alan, like a montage from a 2000s film. Tobias decided on a classic black tux, whereas Ethan picked a white tux with a pink tie – Tobias’s favorite color. 
“They both look so wonderful! You are going to be very handsome grooms.”
Ethan blushed, looking down. His dad might not always understand Ethan’s identity, but he was always supportive. He’d taught Ethan what unconditional love really was. 
“Okay, Dad, your turn,” Tobias said to Alan. 
“What?” Alan asked.
“Let us pick something out for you! Come on, it’s your only son’s wedding! And presumably his only wedding.” 
“What if you die an untimely death? Do you expect me to just never move on?” Ethan asked, somewhat sarcastically.
“Uh… we’ll come back to this conversation at a later date. For now, Dad, I agree with Tobias, let us pick something out for you. Please?”
“If you insist!” Alan said. He held onto Ethan and Tobias’s tuxes as they picked out a few for Alan to try on. Despite insisting he didn’t need anything, Ethan and Tobias were able to talk Alan into getting a new tux – they paid for his and he paid for both of theirs since he “didn’t have time to get them a wedding gift.” 
“We’re gonna get married today,” Tobias whispered in Ethan’s ear as soon as he woke up the next morning. Ethan woke, smiling at his soon-to-be-husband. 
“We’re gonna get married today,” Ethan echoed. 
They wasted no time getting ready in their brand new tuxes and were already waiting by the door by the time Alan was ready as well. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to eat anything before we head out?” Alan asked.
“Dad, we’ll get brunch or something afterwards to celebrate, but first, we’re gonna get married.” Tobias smiled, slipping his hand into Ethan’s. 
Alan smiled as he followed the boys out the door and into the car. When they arrived at the courthouse, Ethan and Tobias held hands the whole way up the steps. Alan had never seen his son happier. 
After waiting for the judge for what seemed like a much longer time than it actually was, Ethan and Tobias were standing in front of the judge exchanging their vows. They had both written them soon after getting engaged, not knowing when exactly they would actually have time to get married. The ceremony was short and sweet and soon enough they were officially married. It was the perfect way to celebrate the end of their intern year; they were stepping up in their careers and in their relationship and they couldn’t be more excited to see what their future held.
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memestockpile · 1 year
ragtime  from the 1992 musical. feel free to change as needed.
the skies were blue.
there was distant music.
father was well-off. very well-off.
hello, sonny.
what did you say?
certain men make a country great.
let me at those sons of bitches!
it was the music of something beginning.
what the world needs is a good swift kick in the pants. 
that’s my little soldier.
come back soon and safe to us.
i’m sorry. that was coarse.
you can never have enough money.
goodbye, my love.
you have places to discover.
i accept that.
what of the people who stay where they’re put?
some people have hearts that would rather go journeying on the sea.
tell me how to be someone whose heart can explore. 
you’re a brave man.
if people ask, how old are you?
is that other ship going back home?
look. someone is waving.
he’s a fool on a fool’s journey. 
why on earth would you want to be leaving?
are you angry?
perhaps you’re a man who’s in search of his heart.
journey on.
for a moment, in the darkness, we’re the same.
may you find what you need.
be fair.
it’s the crime of the century.
life was suddenly full of delicious possibilities. 
my mother’s thrilled.
you’re at the theatre every night.
i’ll blow you a kiss from the stage tomorrow night.
call the doctor!
what kind of woman would do such a thing?
why in god’s name is my husband not here?
you left me lists. everything in lists. 
i never stopped to think they might have lives beyond our lives. 
little one, we’re here.
our feet are on the ground, and hope is in the air. 
you’ll soon be eating apple pie from off a china plate. 
do what you do, and the world will come to you.
only a nickel.
someday, these will impress when i’m a success. 
you should be ashamed of yourself. 
you are barking up the wrong tree.
such opportunity. 
i’m not making fun.
i think you are already rich in spirit and good of heart. it’s just your pockets that are a little empty.
you’re blocking the sidewalk.
opportunity knocks, i answer.
the good lord looked down, saw me lonely and loveless, and thought to himself: “enough is enough. i’m putting [receiver’s name] in your life.”
she left me without a word or trace.
i miss you so. 
i’m going to do my damnedest. 
even people who ain’t too clever can learn.
you have to wear a tie for the same reason i’m wearing this unflattering dress.
don’t stare. it’s not polite to stare.
fine weather, isn’t it?
nothing like the city.
that’s impossible. everyone has a name.
you think he’d never seen someone from new york city.
who put such thoughts in your head?
did you see that? that impudent, cocky, king of the road smirk?
you have your daddy’s hands.
i just up and ran.
i buried my heart in the ground.
you want a cookie?
that’s the most words you’ve spoken since you’ve been here.
this piano is badly in need of a tuning.
i find that an unkind remark.
god wants no excuses. 
say, was i away too long?
i thought i knew what love was.
you’ve been polishing that car so hard there ain’t gonna be anything left for us to ride home in!
all for you, girl.
play that melody. 
when he is old enough, i will show him.
they’ll take to you like cats to cream.
we’ll travel on from there.
the wheels are turning for us. 
any man can get where he wants to if he’s got some fire in his soul.
there are things that you’ve never thought. 
leave your little backyard, my friend. 
there are causes to die for.
life has meaning. 
you are with us now. 
i’ve been waiting for you.
it’s not charity.
i’ll come for you soon.
hurry! you’ll miss the train!
i hate you, goddamned america!
shh. don’t cry. i’m here. we’re together. shh.
close your eyes. 
it’s gotta have a name. i’m not paying this much for something without a name.
we will get you a clean bed and a hot bath. 
we’ll never look back.
go down the road and wait. 
i’m not going to leave you.
that’s all it will be: talk, talk, talk!
why should i turn the other cheek?
what about justice!
i ain’t much of a talker.
may i live to see when our hearts are happy and our souls are free.
she was nothing to them. 
there was blood on the ground.
she was only a girl.
it will happen again.
why does nobody care?
what is wrong with this country?
she was somebody’s child.
i said, go to your room.
look what you’ve gotten us into!
you’ll like baseball.
let’s go, you sons of bitches!
what a game!
go back to where your mother once came!
take your head out of your ass!
so’s your sister!
who let this happen?
run, you schmuck!
this kind of weather makes a man hit like hell.
my god, would somebody look at that!
you’re trampling the dahlias!
that’s enough. get out of my house.
the change of air will do everyone good.
i would shed this skin if i could. 
do not blame me for my past.
we have different lives and faces, but our hearts have common places.
this was deep inside me, and you helped me find it. 
how i envy you your innocence. 
by your side, i could be brave. 
i know how to blow things up. 
the first nickel i ever earned, i keep in a little silver frame. 
it’s damn impertinent, whatever it is.
treat yourself to a ride on the roller coaster.
i’ll send you a postcard.
she has never laughed like this.
children run so fast.
you say that often: well. 
i will buy her light and sun and clean wind of the ocean for the rest of her life.
thank you for your confidence. i shall keep it here.
don’t be shy, now.
oughta take a chance.
i thought the wind was going to pick us up and carry us away.
that’s the showbiz
times change and change and change. 
my life is insane.
my partner’s a dud. 
i’m losing my hair. 
that’s my appeal. 
the people need sham because the world is too real. 
i wish i could sing. 
there was a time our happiness seemed neverending.
we can never go back to before. 
there are people out there unafraid to feel. 
you were my sky, my moon, and my stars, and my ocean. 
make them hear you. 
sometimes there are battles that are more than black or white. 
your sword can be a sermon, or the power of the pen.
i’ll be near you. 
is he walking? has he said any words yet?
he’s a fine boy.
i look in those eyes. how wise they seem. 
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Alright. So I finally watched Night at the Museum 1 and 2 and I'm not emotional you're emotional.
I will watch the cartoon movie tomorrow, but I know that they leave my besties out. :(
Fucking Khonshu. "What? Yeah sure I'll bless this tablet of life or whatever. Everything gets life. I don't know. Is that statue alive? It is now. Anyways I'm gonna go pick on this other guy now good luck!"
What a weirdly specific thing for the tablet to do. Instead of just keeping them alive it just...brings everything to life. Like, no wonder he got himself banished. You think that's why he got banished? Osiris shows up and just goes, "You did what? Why would you do this thing in particular? What....Just why?"
Epitome of "Fuck it we ball".
Anyways, I love these movies now and I desperately need a cross over.
Yes 🤣 it’ll be called Moon Knight at the Museum
But khonshu making the tablet really is so random?? He doesn’t have anything to do w anything. He was a minor god that was only popular for a few hundred years; he wasn’t  associated w pharaohs or tablets or reanimation or anything. Like???
Maybe the tablet was his first attempt at protecting the travelers of the night. He was like “ok well, if someone gets attacked at night they’ll need extra strength and energy to defend themselves… and maybe we can make the statues come to life too to help protect them… and let’s bring dead ppl back too while we’re at it. Bc what if u die? What if they unfairly died? We have to cover all our bases.” It has the vibes of an idea that originally made some sense but then he kept adding crazier and crazier things to it until it was totally different from the goal he was trying to achieve lol
You are absolutely right that Osiris or some other god showed up and was like “Why???” This is how it probably went down:
Osiris: khonshu, why are my dead ppl being taken out of the underworld every night and then put back in the morning??
Khonshu: to protect the travelers of the night! 😤
Osiris: wha-? how?? How does taking ppl out of the underworld protect the travelers of the night?
Khonshu: well, um, you see… uhhhhhh…
Osiris: it doesn’t, the answer is it doesn’t. All you’re doing is messing up my organization system and giving me more paperwork. Stop it. It doesn’t make any fucking sense. You know what? Get out. Get out of here. You’re banished.
Khonshu: :(
I suppose the statue/inanimate object thing kinda makes sense from a cultural point of view? They had ushabtis and other statues that were supposed to come to life and help you in the afterlife and had a lot of apotropaic statues like the sphinx that were supposed to ward off bad luck/evil spirits. So making them all actually come to life isn’t too much of a stretch in terms of trying to protect ppl
In the third movie they have a whole bunch of tablet lore that explains why it happened from a human/worshiper point of view but it still makes no sense from a god point of view lol The third movie is also set in the British Museum so there is actually potential for them to run into our favorite gift shoppist.
If the system met the museum gang here’s how I think it would go down.
Honestly, Larry would not be surprised that they’re a superhero avatar for the moon god. He would just be like “ok great. I’ve seen weirder, I can handle that.” The museum exhibits would probably not be phased by moon knight either bc they’re already so unique and different from each other they would be like “another weird new friend, great!”
Marc would not be surprised but very disappointed lol Larry would explain their situation and the tablet and he would just sigh and put his head in his hands while mentally cursing khonshu out. He’s not surprised he would do smth like this, just so tired of Khonshus bs lol
Jake would ask to try Larry’s flashlight out and wouldn’t be as invested as marc and Steven in the magic side of things. I can see him making friends w the exhibits tho and just chilling w them. I think Attila and Teddy would be his favorites.
And now Steven. Oh Steven. Steven would lose his fucking shit. This would be the best day of his life, including the tomb and the pyramid of Giza. He might straight up faint when he finds out abt Ahk. He’s squealing louder and louder at Larry’s introductions of all the exhibits bc this is so much firsthand knowledge abt these time periods, he could solve so many mysteries of history, and then they get to Ahk and it’s fantastic. There’s a real life pharaoh standing a few feet in front of him and he can talk to him and ask questions and just exist in the same space as him… and he collapses. As soon as he comes to again, he’s asking questions and talking everybody’s ear off. Some ppl are more inclined to humor him than others (like Teddy would be more than happy to talk abt himself as opposed to jed who would just be confused and walk away). Either way, Steven is living his best life rn.
Steven would have also been useful in the second natm movie lol He could read the hieroglyphics on the tablet and realized the answer was pi in a matter of minutes. He could have spared Larry a lot of grief lol
I’ve thought a lot abt what would happen if Larry was the night guard at the British museum the night Marc destroyed the toilets. Probably at first he would assume that Marc was the main threat since he wouldn’t be able to see the jackal, but he’s smart and would quickly figure out that he was fighting smth even more dangerous. Idk how much of a help he would be but he would certainly try his best; maybe trying to distract it or dumping paint on it so it’s a more visible target or using the true and tested game of fetch method (I mean, jackals are just dogs right?). He would find a way to help and then figure out what Marc’s deal is lol
But I think Larry and moon knight could be a really good duo tho. Moon knight helps him w problems w the tablet, translating any languages he hasn’t learned yet, and giving more historical context to things that Larry wouldn’t be able to find on the internet. In return, Larry lets them hang out w the exhibits and points out Khonshus bullshit for them lol I feel like he’s very good at seeing through ppls lies and setting clear boundaries which is smth that Marc is not always the greatest w lol
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spaceoddball1969 · 2 years
Falling for the Freak - Eddie Munson Fix-It Fic Chapter 03
Hi, I’m really excited about this bit and couldn’t wait to write it, so here we go! It’s late and I’m sorry if it’s full of mistakes. Also for the purpose of this we’re going to say that Eddie also is the lead singer of Corroded Coffin. 
ALSO! I have a title! It’s corny as fuck but I think it fits well with the concept of this fic. This is officially going to be titled Falling for the Freak! I hope you all like it!
Chapter 3
CHAPTER SUMMARY: In which the reader performs with her band at the Hawkins fall Harvest Festival. 
“We’re so not going to be able to pull this together before tomorrow,” James, the lead guitarist of my band said as we fought our way through rehearsal.
We were in Aunt Claudia’s garrage and it was not going well. We couldn’t decide on a setlist - we only were given twelve minutes on stage - we didn’t have the proper set up in the garrage, and we only had one night to rehearse. I couldn’t let my bandmates think that they had come all this way for nothing though. 
“Come on guys,” I said, “We have to do this. We’ve already said we would. We’re not backing down. Now come on, let’s stop wasting time that we don’t have. We’re picking a set list and we’re running it at least three times before we call it for tonight,”
“You’ve gone crazy,” Randy said from behind the drums.
“Cut her some slack, dudes,” Isaac, who we all referred to as Dizzy, called out from his place on the couch where he lazily plucked his bass. “I think you’re worrying about it too much. We’ve just gotta put our heads together and figure out what our standards are for cover songs. They don’t need originals, so let’s just pull out our best covers,”
“We need songs that go together,” I said, “Like ones that we can just roll through back to back, no stops. We’ve gotta use the time we’ve got,”
“Ok...” Randy said. “Like what are you thinking?”
I paused. Then it struck me. “I think I’ve got an idea that will ensure that we’ll melt some faces,” 
“Let’s hear it,” James said.
I stood backstage with my bandmates waiting to go on for our soundcheck. We were told to arrive an hour before our performance time so that we could set our equipment up. I had spent at least three hours before that figuring out what I would be wearing. I had decided to go with a tight pair of high waisted black pants and a cropped corset style tank top. For shoes I decided to push my luck and go with a pair of cherry red stilettos. My hair was teased to the roof and my face was covered with so much make up and glitter that I hardly recognized myself. The outfit helped me become a performer though. I had always dressed to the nines for shows. It was the only way I could pretend it wasn’t really me on the stage. 
“Ok, y’all can come get set up!” a burly man called from the stage. He was handling a bunch of wires and connecting them to a variety of different outlets. I decided to let him do his thing while we got set up.
“Dude this could be wild,” Dizzy said, looking out at the space for the audience.
The fall Harvest festival took place outside. The stage was a shamble of metal rods that they had screwed together and put a floor on. It looked fine, but standing on it and thinking about how easily it could blow over was a bit frightening. I took a breath and focused on the task at hand. We had an hour to share with Corroded Coffin as our time for soundcheck. We were going on first, so we got to soundcheck first. The members of Corroded Coffin hadn’t shown up yet, but I was eagerly anticipating their arrival. I wanted to get a good look at my competition. Even though we weren’t really in it to win this thing, our set had really come together by the end of the previous night. It had been a while since we had played together and it felt like putting the pieces of a puzzle together. I was ready to show off our sound to our rivals.
“It’s gonna be great,” I said with a grin. “Just play a bit louder, we’re outside, nowhere for the sound to bounce off of,”
“Sounds like a plan Stan,” Dizzy nodded.
We spent twenty minutes riffing around and testing out the equipment. We decided to save our real energy for the show. By the time we were stepping backstage, Corroded Coffin was arriving.
I noticed a familiar face in the crowd of rough looking young men. He looked a bit different with his hair frizzed up and decked out in performance clothes, but it was definitely Eddie Munson setting down his guitar case backstage.
“We’re done,” I announced. “If you guys want to head out there, the stage is yours,”
“Oh I know,” Eddie said, opening his case and pulling out his guitar. 
“What do you mean?” I asked. He still hadn’t looked up at me.
“The stage is ours,” he replied, finally turning to me. “It is and always will be,”
“Wow,” I said, rolling my eyes, “somebody’s a bit over confident,”
“Nah, I’m just correct,” Eddie said and then paused. “Who are you and why do you look familiar?”
“I’m your competition tonight,” I said, “And we met the other day. Family video?”
“The Shining?” Eddie asked.
“Duh,” I said.
“Wait, no, Henderson said he got his cousin to compete,” Eddie said, shaking his head.
“Yeah,” I said, “He got his cousin to compete,” I added pointing to myself.
“No shit you’re related to Henderson?” Eddie said. “Good lord, didn’t see that one coming,”
“Come on Munson we gotta do soundcheck!” One of his bandmates called from the stage.
“Well,” I said, “you better go. Can’t wait to wipe the floor with you all later,”
“As if,” Eddie chuckled and then walked on stage.
By the time Corroded Coffin was finished with their soundcheck, my blood was boiling. I was seething inside. Who was this man child to tell me that his band owned the stage? We were going to destroy that crowd tonight. I felt it in my bones.
When the emcee called us out for our performance, my body felt like it was on fire. I strutted out to the microphone as the crowd cheered. With a withering look backstage where I could see Eddie watching, I signaled to Randy that I was ready to go and he rolled us in with the drums. 
We started with “Wild One” by Suzi Quatro. I screamed the lyrics out with a vengence. I banged my head to the beat so hard that I knew my neck would pay for it the next morning. I didn’t care though. I had to show Munson that he was playing with fire.
When our first song ended we shredded right into the next one. I heard the chords of “Blackmail” by The Runaways split the air and released a yell that I thought Joan Jett would be proud of. By this time, the crowd was eating it up. They were going crazy for us. I traded incredulous looks with Dizzy, Randy, and James as we plowed our way through the music.
The third tune in our setlist was “Barracuda” by Heart. This one really gave Dizzy and James a chance to show off. My feet were hardly on the ground anymore. I was high off the performance. This was good as we headed towards our last song because I usually was not as bold as I wanted to be when we performed it. We took a second between “Barracuda” and our last song to thank the audience for their cheers. Then we were off to the races. We had been working on a cover of Blondie’s “Heart of Glass” for ages and finally figured it out during our one rehearsal. It finally came together just the way we wanted it to and with my inhibitions gone, we ripped through it like we had something to prove. 
As I screamed out the last few notes, I felt myself come back to Earth. There was a brief moment between when we stopped playing and when the audience began cheering where I felt like something had broken. Maybe we weren’t doing as well as I thought we were. But then somebody started yelling and then the entire crowd was screaming and clapping for us.
I wiped the sweat from my forehead and bowed. Each of my bandmates waved to the crowd and then we headed off stage. I made sure to drink in the shocked expression on Eddie Munson’s face as we made our way backstage. I even stopped and to pat him on the shoulder before saying, “Top that, Munson,”
He looked at me out of the corner of his eyes and gripped his guitar tighter. There would be a ten minute break before Corroded Coffin went on. I held myself together until we passed by our opponents and then began screaming out of excitement with my bandmates.
“THAT WAS FUCKING WILD!” Randy yelled.
“YOU KILLED IT!” Dizzy shouted in my face.
“NO YOU DID!” I yelled back.
“I can’t believe we pulled that off,” James said, shaking his head with a ridiculous smile on his face.
We all held on to each other and continued yelling in our excitement. Then I heard the emcee announce Corroded Coffin. We all froze and then shuffled over to the side of the stage so we could watch our competion.
I knew we were fucked when I heard the popcorn-like drum intro of “Hot for Teacher”. 
“Oh we’re fucked,” Dizzy said.
“Yeah,” I said, watching as the drummer of Corroded Coffin fought his way through that brutal intro. Then I heard the guitar viciously rip out of the amps on stage. My attention turned to Eddie Munson, wildy playing guitar in the center of the stage. He looked up just quick enough to catch my eyes and gave me a wink. I felt a lump form in my throat. We were completely fucked.
Corroded Coffin was a capital G Good band. Their rhythms were tight. They all clearly were skilled on their individual instruments. Munson’s singing even was impressive. I knew by the time they finished their final tune, an original by the sound of it, that we had lost the competition. 
About ten minutes after Corroded Coffin got off stage, we were all called back so the audience could vote for the winner with their cheers. We received a series of loud cheers but it was nothing compared to the absolute shrieks that our opponents got. I wasn’t surprised at all when the emcee announced that Corroded Coffin was the official winner of the Harvest Festival’s battle of the bands. This meant they got the honor of performing an encore. 
As we began walking off stage, Eddie grabbed me by the arm. He pulled me close so he could speak directly into my ear. “Play the encore with us!” he shouted over the noise of the crowd.
I pulled away from him to look at his face to judge if he was kidding or being serious.
“I mean it!” he said, a wicked grin on his face. “You killed it. You deserve to be out here just as much as we do,”
“What’s your encore?” I asked.
“Rock and Roll,” Munson replied, “The Zepplin tune!”
“I know what it is idiot!” I said, “I don’t know the words well enough though,”
“What’s your encore then?” he asked.
“Dream On by Aerosmith!” I shouted.
“I know it!” he said, “Can’t hit those high notes though,”
“Well leave them to me then!” I said.
Eddie looked at me for a moment. Our bandmates were all crowded around us, watching the interaction. It was determined there wasn’t enough equipment to house two bands at once, but there was enough for at least another microphone. 
“I can’t go on without you guys,” I said as my bandmates walked towards backstage.
“Yes you can,” Randy said, putting his hand on my shoulder.
“Go show them what a front woman looks like,” Dizzy said, nodding in agreement. 
“You’re the one who put this all together anyway,” James said, “Go get your glory,”
“Give them Hell,” Dizzy grinned and shoved me towards the center of the stage.
With one last look at my bandmates, I made my decision. I walked out to meet Eddie at our microphones which now stood next to each other. He had his guitar strapped on his shoulder, the neck waiting in his hand.
“Are we doing this?” he asked.
“Yeah,” I replied. “We’re doing this,”
“Let’s go,” he grinned at me. He turned to the audience and waved. “We’d like to welcome a special guest for this last song!” he announced and the crowd cheered.
The performance was a blur. Eddie was a great front man. His enthusiasm infected me until I was headbanging along with him and screaming out those last few “Dream on’s,” The crowd went bananas when we finished the song. I was breathless and giddy as Eddie ushered me with the rest of Corroded Coffin off the stage. 
I immediately met up with my bandmates and screamed and jumped with them until we all could barely breathe. When I had finished celebrating with them, I turned around to see Eddie Munson standing there watching me. 
He smiled and chuckled under his breath. “Way to melt some faces, sweetheart,”
I returned his smile and pushed my hair out of my face. “Don’t call me sweetheart,” I said. “And thanks,” I added.
Previous Chapter: Chapter 02 Next Chapter: Chapter 04
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