#and this event was described as a “family dinner”
seroh · 12 hours
long way down
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atsumu, f.reader
angst. break up. atsumu falls out of love and is a dick about it.
words: 0.7K
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Smiling faces stared at you as they sang your happy birthday. The flames of the candles casted dancing lights on them, the bright decorations behind them sparkled in turn. Their voices synced together with such warmth and joy that you were surprised they hadn’t managed to infect you. Though, you supposed, there were some things not even your family’s love could cure.
Your eyes danced between your cake and the front door. Desperate and hopeful, you couldn’t help the frantic waltz. You had been doing it all day. As if your boyfriend would suddenly walk in, gift in hand and apologies on his lips. As if he would kiss you and say he loved you, before sheepishly asking if they could all sing Happy Birthday together just one more time. And you would blow the candles and he’d kiss you on the cheek, whispering he had been a fool and hoped you could forgive him.
The singing died out and the little flames were blown out, and yet there was no sign of him. With a forced smile, you received every hug and “Happy birthday”s from your family. You diligently ate the cake your sister had baked and laughed along to the fond memories of your childhood and teenage years everyone shared. When your mother brought out a board game, you were right in the middle, calling out your brothers for cheating at it. And when your younger brother suggested singing karaoke, you were the first one to grab the mic and utterly destroy your favorite song.
Through it all, you fought back the bitter tears.
On the drive back, however, there was no denying the black hole that had swallowed your heart. The future you had built so high came crumbling down before you. Every little piece of love and hope toppled down and crashed hard against the ground. Shattered. Utterly destroyed. The point of no return.
Atsumu was sitting at the dinner table when you arrived. He barely glanced up from his food to welcome you, a half hearted “I hope you had fun” floated in the air between you. Empty words from an empty love. A second later his eyes were back on his phone. You stood there, awkward and out of place, feeling uncomfortable in a place you used to call home.
“I’m leaving you.” You blurted out, before you could even stop to think about it.
“Ok.” Came the curt response. His eyes remained on his phone.
Silence. Cold. Apathy. Three perfect words to describe Atsumu’s demeanor towards you. Three perfect words to describe what your relationship had turned into. You were breaking up with him, and yet Atsumu couldn’t deign to pretend he cared. Not even then could you get an ounce of his attention. You weren’t even sure he understood what you were saying.
Every now and then, you found yourself trying to pinpoint the moment where things went wrong, the moment he stopped loving you. And every time, you came to a dead end. Even now, packing your bags in the room you had shared, you were unable to find an answer to your question.
Stopping in front of him, suitcase at your side, you cried, “Don’t you even care? I’m not coming back, Atsumu.”
You thought it ironic that, after all those months, that year, of begging and pleading to be heard, it was your leaving for good that finally caught his attention.
“Wait, what?” He said, eloquently. “You can’t be serious.” He raised to his feet, phone forgotten at last. “Is this a joke? Are you trying to get back at me for today? You know I have a big game tomorrow, don’t play with me like that.”
The game. His game. Him, him, and only him. Even during your breakup it was his feelings, his events that mattered more. You scoffed and laughed through your tears. A bitter laugh. A resentful laugh. Atsumu stared confused, then rolled his eyes and muttered about you trying to mess with his head before his game. About how unfunny it was, how ungrateful you were, how selfish and annoying.
Your fault. Your neediness. You, you and only you. There was no one to blame but you, not in his eyes at least. You always asked too much, expected too much. Even when you settled for endless nights alone and his loveless affection. Even when you tried not to say a word. Even when you swallowed your pain and let it kill you from inside. It was everything on you.
Without another word to spare, you turned around and walked out the house. Atsumu didn’t go after you.
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SEROH 2024
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cantsaythetword · 3 months
Aaaaa social situations hard
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pechoraflow · 6 months
A Writer's Guide to Character Development
I don’t know about you guys, but I can only answer “what’s your character’s favorite flavor of ice cream” so many times before I realize those lists are not going to help me actually write the character.
So, instead, I like to drabble practice. Answer these ten key questions about your character (answer in character). Then, after you know them a little better, write ten scenes (NOT part of your planned story) with the ten prompts below. Set it in your world, but it can be whenever you want—pre-story, or post-story, or mid-story. You could even write two scenes for one prompt, contrasting where your character starts the story and where they end up, or write one in first person and then write it again in third.
Just has to cover events that are NOT plot points. The point of the exercise is to come up with scenes you can toss out as soon as you finish them. You might end up using some of the lines or scenes you come up with, but for now you’re just playing around. 
What does your character tell everyone is their greatest fear? What is it actually? Is it the same? Why or why not?
What is their greatest strength and greatest weakness? 
Name the most important people to this character. All of them. Family and close friends and lovers.
Does your character have enemies? Who and why?
What is your character’s favorite holiday and why? 
How does your character like to present himself/herself? How do they dress? How do they act? Are they friendly or standoffish? Do they like to make a scene, or are they a wallflower?
What is their love language? How do they express it, and how do they best receive it?
What is their highest virtue? What is something that peers would praise about your character? What do they value most in other people?
Are they messy or neat? Why or why not?
If your character could change one thing about their life, what would it be and why? And, conversely, if they could only save one thing from their life, what would it be?
Your character has had a bad day. What happened?
Your character’s loved one is sick. What do they do?
It’s your character’s birthday.
Someone is hiding something from your character. How do they uncover what it is?
Your character has just heard the news. A character they loved is dead. Describe the rest of their day.
Your character is on their own for dinner.
Your character has the day to himself/herself. No responsibilities, nothing. What do they do?
In the middle of the night, your character hears a noise in the house.
Your character knows they will die at midnight. What is their last day like?
Your character suddenly develops amnesia. Their loved ones try to jog your character’s memories by taking them to familiar locations and reminiscing. 
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theculturedmarxist · 1 year
In photos of 2023’s World Economic Forum- or Davos as it is commonly called, after the Swiss resort town where it annually occurs- you might not notice the HEPA filters. They’re in the background, unobtrusive and unremarked upon, quietly cleansing the air of viruses and bacteria. You wouldn’t know- not unless you asked- that every attendee was PCR tested before entering the forum, or that in the case of a positive test, access was automatically, electronically, revoked. And if you happened to get a glimpse of the strange blue lights overhead, you could reasonably assume that their glow was simply a modern aesthetic choice, not the calming buzz of cutting edge Far UVC technology- demonstrated to kill microbes in the air.
It’s hard to square this information with the public narrative about COVID, isn’t it? President Biden has called the pandemic “over”. The New York Times recently claimed that “the risk of Covid is similar to that of the flu” in an article about “hold outs” that are annoyingly refusing to accept continual reinfection as their “new normal”. Yet, this week the richest people in the world are taking common sense, easy- but strict- precautions to ensure they don’t catch Covid-19 at Davos.
These common sense, easy precautions include high-quality ventiliation, use of Far UVC-lighting technology, and PCR testing. You’ll also see some masks at Davos, but generally, the testing + air filtration protocol seems to be effective at preventing the kind of super-spreader events most of us are now accustomed to attending.
It seems unlikely to me that a New York Times reporter will follow the super-rich around like David Attenborough on safari, the way one of their employees did when they profiled middle-class maskers last month. I doubt they will write “family members and friends can get a little exasperated by the hyper-concern” about the assembled Prime Ministers, Presidents and CEOs in Switzerland. After all, these are important people. The kind of people who merit high-quality ventilation. The kind of people who deserve accurate tests.
Why is the media so hellbent on portraying simple, scientifically proven measures like high-quality ventilation as ridiculous and unnecessary as hundreds of people continue to die daily here in the US?
Why is the public accepting a “new normal” where we are expected to get infected over and over and over again, at work events with zero precautions, on airplanes with no masks, and at social dinners trying to approximate our 2019 normal?
We deserve better. We deserve to be #DavosSafe as the hashtag going around on twitter puts it. Your children deserve to be treated with the care that world leaders are treating each other. Your family deserves to be protected from the disease which is still- unlike the flu- the third leading cause of death in the US. We don’t deserve to be shoved back into poorly ventilated workplaces while our politicians and press assure us that only crazy people would demand to breathe clean air.
Clean water and clean food are rights we fought for; we have regulatory bodies that ensure we aren’t exposed to pathogens via our water supply nor our food. In 1854, John Snow famously conducted his Broad Street Pump study in London and demonstrated that cholera was water-bourne; however, it took decades for our public policy to catch up with our scientific knowledge.
A public health case study published by the NBCI describes the years that followed:
The first use of chlorine as a disinfectant for water facilities was in 1897 in England. The first use of this method for municipal water facilities in the United States was in Jersey City, New Jersey, and Chicago, Illinois, in 1915. Other cities followed and the use of chlorination as standard treatment for water disinfection rapidly grew. During the 20th century, death rates from waterborne diseases decreased significantly, and although other additional factors contributed to the general improvements in health (such as sanitation, improved quality of life, and nutrition), the improvement of water quality was, without doubt, a major reason.
Forty-three years passed from the initial demonstration that pathogens were being spread via water, and public action and regulation to halt disease.
Can you imagine, in the 1890s, being somebody who argued against cleaning the water?
Can you imagine, in those years of plentiful cholera, calling the people who demanded shit-free water “hold outs”?
One thing COVID realists are accused of is being “doomsayers” and “fearmongers,” so let me share a dose of optimism about the future with you. When we choose- whenever we choose- to get COVID under control, there’s an exciting new world awaiting us. One, not only without constant COVID reinfection, but where our kids can grow up free of colds, flus, RSV, and many other common bugs. And no, contrary to what you may have heard, staying healthy (shockingly enough) is not bad for children!
Once we choose to institute ventilation standards and introduce new technologies like Far UVC lighting- and embrace masking as an easy, kind, and useful tool to control outbreaks- we can bring every nasty airborne pathogen under control the way we did cholera. We didn’t have the science before; now we do. (I mean that quite literally; I can’t recommend enough the linked Wired article cataloguing the long journey to establishing that Covid is, indeed, airborne).
We face a stark choice; down one road, the one with zero infrastructure upgrades, no air quality regulations, and Covid safety only for those who can afford it, you and your family will get Covid this year. You will get Covid next year. You will continue to get Covid over and over and over again, as the health problems - like cardiac damage, viral persistance, and immune system dysfunction- continue to build up. (The billionaires, of course, will not).
Down the other road, we quite simply treat ourselves the way Davos would. We engage with what the science is telling us and we build a safer, better world for our kids. We embrace the lessons this pandemic is teaching us, and let go of things we now know are harming people. We stop clinging desperately to the idea that 2019 will come back if we just get the virus one more time, and we come together to achieve what we’ve been told is impossible: elimination.
The economic elite thrive on our divisiveness and blame casting. They don’t mind that we’re calling each other names, engaging in racial stereotyping, or leaving disabled people to die, so long as we keep their machine running. But we can choose to stop throwing blame at each other, and direct it where it belongs: at the powerful people who’ve left us to suffer, at the politicians who are whipping people into a frenzy over masks instead of over our millions of dead, at the talking heads on TV that work so hard to convince us: you want to get sick. It’s better than being a *weirdo* or a *hold out*.
We needn’t wait 43 years to redirect our energies. France and Belgium have already introduced new air quality standards, and DIY projects to build Corsi-Rosenthal boxes for schools and healthcare settings have popped up around the country. We have the science, we have the technology. All we need now is the political will and the solidarity to truly end the pandemic- the kind of solidarity the super rich always show with one another.
The billionaires at Davos don’t accept continual Covid reinfection. They demand better. It’s time we demand better too.
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wandasfifthwife · 3 months
(3) take me dancing * | I got a bad idea series
—> masterlist
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southern!wandanat x fem!city-girl reader
tw: alcohol consumption by r and w (r is tipsy, not drunk), sexual description and tension (18+), slight angst for one part (denial section), r described to be wearing jeans and reveling top, sexual dancing, sort of a party scene
a/n: dangerous woman by Ariana is THE song for this chapter OMWWW —not proofread :)
Falling in love is a beautiful feeling, and one that surrounded you. Linages being passed down between your parent’s parents to their siblings. The only other in the family who’s single is your brother, but he deserves to be single.
There are stages of developing a crush.
The first stage is simply meeting them.
That day was only thirty minutes long. You stood out in the dark, the car lights shining where the four of you stood. Your grandma wanted you to meet them, saying it would rude to leave and not greet the new neighbors. So you stood there, out in the cold, trying to end the conversation as quick as possible so you would get to your flight on time.
During the holidays you had visited your grandparents for the one week you had off. When you hugged your grandma, your eyes would flicker over to the woman on the other side of the fence. Finding her carrying a stack of hay in both of her hands, gloves on and hair tied back. You would see them around, but kept your distance feeling like you had no reason to meet.
The second stage is realization.
It was the night you had gotten drunk, and the night they had taken you in. It was the days that followed after you had woke up in their bed. It was the way that after that moment you found yourself running into them almost everywhere.
After your grandma had invited them to your event, they thought it be best to do the same. Natasha had come to the front door, sharing news about wanting to have them over for dinner. Your grandma fretted over the idea for a minute, but she welcomed your family over still. Your grandma accepted, shutting the door and explaining the news to the you all that night.
It went well. Their door was propped open, allowing people to come and go and make decisions as they wish. You found yourself talking with Wanda. With it starting out as an ask to help her, it ended with you spending the few hours you had laughing in the kitchen. Your grandparents were ever the social butterfly and invited them, and practically everyone else in their small neighborhood—back over for another cook-out.
A week of almost daily sightings started to become something you expected. Their house is a five minute walk from your grandparents. You would find yourself walking around the side of the house that faced theirs in hopes you would catch a glimpse, or vise versa. You found yourself preening whenever they walked by, fixing a part of you that you felt mildly insecure about when you heard their voices in the distance.
Natasha made a joke one dinner. She sat across from you at the table, laughing at the recent story you were telling where you messed up and dropped hot water on the barn cat. It slipped out. A total accident of speech where you said you noticed them on the other side of the stable.
“Are you following us?”
She laughed. And you did too, but you felt like her words were slightly true. It spiraled that night when the week’s events caught up with you.
You were always looking forward to seeing them. You smiled when you noticed them walking by. You would laugh harder at a joke if it were told by them. You got giddy when they invited you over. And your heart raced when they stood close to you.
The next stage is denial.
There was nothing worse than the guilt you felt. You’d never thought you’d see the day where you found a married couple attractive. You confused the two of them when you took off like you did the first day you arrived. Avoidance was your friend, one you tried to keep close by chasing after it.
They tried to talk. The doorbell rang and you sprinted up and slammed your door by the time your brother reached the front door. Your ear pressed to the door, conversations muffled save for a few important words. Wanda had come to check in on you. It was incredibly sweet, causing you to tear up. It hurt to stay within those walls and hear her say her goodbyes. It was for the best.
The fourth stage is sharing.
It’s incredibly difficult keeping a secret to yourself. The means of telling another about your infatuation ate away at you anytime you got alone time with one of your family members.
It was an early Friday morning. You woke up with a headache, a result of last night’s crying session. You wondered down the steps in search for something to eat, and any headache medicine you could fine. Your grandparents were outside, sitting in their rocking chairs. It seemed best to join them, grabbing a bowl of fruit and sitting beside them.
They’ve told you the story of how they fell in love before, but this time you listened. Your grandma smiling at the words coming from her husband. It was all about how they met back in 1943. How he was ever the same then as he is now with her.
She looked to you with a different expression on her face. A hand landed on yours as she asked if you had anyone in mind. You spent the morning relaying your thoughts from the last week and a half. The tightness in your chest falling away from the care in their actions and how they really listened to you.
The fifth and final stage is acceptance.
You had just under a week left. Your phone notifying you to check in for your flight in a few days, officially telling you that you’re leaving soon. Your brother, being the one who’s practically lived here since you’ve left for college, invited you to join his friends to the line/swing dance hall. You nothing that night, so you accepted the invitation and slipped out your window at 12. If you had gotten caught
The car was pulled out front, music blaring from the speakers it almost looked like the car was vibrating. You climbed in the backseat, sitting thigh to thigh with another one his friends. He introduced himself and it made the car ride less awkward being practically on top on one another.
“Been line dancing,” he asks, his face illuminated by a street light every three minutes.
“Went religiously in high school,” you answer, pushing yourself up to get a lick of the breeze blowing into the car.
“Nah, really?”
“Really, I went with a few girlfriends at the time.”
He quirks an eyebrow, “we’ll see, city girl.”
The price at the window was fifteen per person for the entire night. You waved the fifteen dollars in his face, “might be a city girl now, but at least I make money.”
He shoves you towards the main room, “don’t be arrogant.”
The classes had ended at 11. Everything that played now was a mix between songs they taught the dance to an hour ago or well-known songs. There was a crowd, a layer of sweat amongst a majority of them.
Your brother bumps into your side, passing you a bottle, “you dressed up nice.”
“This is what I wear around the farm.”
He shrugs, looking around the room, “oh, she’s here.”
“Who’s she?”
Your brother watches you scan the room with a deadpanned face. He angles your face towards the left corner of the room.
You know he’s talking about the women in red, but you hone in on the two beside her.
“She’s so beautiful. Should I try to get her number, I don’t want to be rude though.”
He makes a face at the drink you took. He makes the effort of trying to stop you, but he tries a bit too late.
“Don’t get drunk,“ he whispers into your head, leaving you alone and walking towards the other end of the room.
A song you recognize echos through the room, and the steps come naturally. You understand now why those on the floor had a layer is sweat. You start to sweat yourself feeling the heat from the other bodies rub off and onto you.
You follow along with those surrounding you, mindlessly switching between each step with ease. After a twist of your hips you angle your body to face the fourth wall. You meet their eyes as you finish the steps facing the wall.
It’s not been enough time for the alcohol to settle in, so it can only be blamed on a sudden increase in confidence.
You may come to regret it later, but you’ve already emphasized the move where you wind your hips around. It’s entirely too intimate and it eerily reminds you of a scene from a movie. Your attention focused on them amongst the crowd present.
The alcohol kicks in when the song ends. You wonder towards them, a dazed smile on your face.
“Hi Wands,” you slur, “come here often?”
“I do on Friday nights,” she looks at your boots, “where’d you get those?”
“I think your house. Anyways, please come dance with me.”
“I don’t lead, angel.”
You look to Natasha, mouthing please. She grabs your hand and walks you onto the floor. A bubbly laugh sounding from you as she places a hand on your waist.
“You don’t have to be scared to touch me,” you press her hand further down your waist until it’s edging touching your ass. She has a steady blank look on her face as she spins you around to the music.
A specific move twirls your back her chest. You loose your morality when you throw your head back onto her shoulder and grind your hips back into hers. Her nose is brushing up your neck, making you shiver but you cover it with a laugh.
Her hands move to hold your hip to spin you out. She pulls you back to dip you down, a smile forming on her face at the silly smile on your face. You pop back up, face close to hers when you do. You look behind her head, finding Wanda leaning against the wall, downing a drink. Her eyes having left you the entire time you spend on the dance floor.
“There’s better alcohol at home,” Natasha asks as she walks up to Wanda, voice raspy.
“Taste doesn’t matter when the goal is to get drunk.”
Natasha grins, continuing to talk with her while you’re floating away from the hand she has settled in your back pocket. The looks they gave you throughout the night and hand placements has your mind spiraling. You’ve accepted that they may be partial to accepting your bad advances.
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@ncis-nerd @thalia-is-not-ok @dorabledewdroop @simpforlizzie @huggingkoalas @yvungmxshroom @hella-hecka-gay @sgm616 @sapphic-simp4015 @puta1 @natty-taffy @the-chocolate-void @scarlizziee @mysticalmoonlight7 @jazzabebev @delulu-bayolet-era @olicity-boo @esposadejoyhuerta @marvelwomen-simp
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watchmegetobsessed · 11 months
A/N: italyrry is back in action and so am i.
WARNING: sexual content
SUMMARY: A business trip to Italy brings more than just professional success. One hot afternoon, deliciously cold water and a series of unfortunate events bring out the illicit temptation you both have been fighting.
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Harry Styles will take any opportunity to travel to Italy. Vacation, just a layover, family gathering, he is always open to visit the country he almost considers his second home.
This time, he is on an active quest to expand his business, he’s been negotiating with some possible Italian partners for months now and they seem to be heading towards the finish line. To officiate the deal Harry has headed over to Bolsena, a wonderful town that resides on the coast of Lago di Bolsena, a lake of volcanic origin. And though he usually travels alone when it comes to business, this time he is accompanied by you.
The trip is set to last four days, most of it spent with the Trevisani brothers who are looking forward to do business with Harry in the future. The first two days have been hectic, brunch with Fabio and Vittore, meetings, lunch at some luxury restaurant’s terrace, even more meetings, then business dinner and it all started again the next day.
But today is finally the first day you get to have some free time. Though the first half of the day was still filled with business, now it’s after lunch time and you finally get to go to the beach you’ve been eyeing from your hotel room’s balcony since you’ve arrived.
You agreed with Harry to meet down there, because he had to take a quick call, so you’re the first one to reach the sandy beach with your beach towel under your arm and the bikini you bought especially for this trip under your sundress. In your left there’s a rockier section and it appears to be less crowded so you opt to occupy a spot there. You put down your towel and then take off your dress, enjoying the warm breeze on your skin as you get rid of your slippers and head over to the water.
It’s so refreshing, your muscles relax the moment you sink into the water so it’s up to your chin and then you dip under the surface fully. You wish you could just float around here for the rest of the trip.
A few feet away from where you left your things there’s a rock that reaches over the water, like a natural jumping board. A group of teenagers are jumping into the water, doing flips in the air, the glistening water splashing everywhere once they fall into the lake.
You’re not that big of an adrenaline junkie, but it seems like a lot of fun, so you decide to give it a try and go for a jump. Swimming over you get out of the water and follow their route over a rocky part to arrive to the jumping spot. For a while, you stop at the back, just watching them jump in one after the other before moving closer to the edge, but there’s still enough place that they can keep jumping in while you stand there, collecting your courage.
Right before you’re about to finally take the leap you look around, as if your sixth sense had been activated and when you glance over to your towel you spot Harry.
And it all goes downhill from there.
Harry looks mouthwateringly good on an average day in the office when his body is covered from neck to toe. It’s hard even then to keep your thoughts at check, but what you’re seeing right now can only be described as a violent act against females.
Add the salty air of Italy to the equation, a slight, delicious tan over his inked body that’s usually covered by his designer clothes, a chunky, luxurious pair of sunglasses and… the absolute shortest swimming trunks you’ve ever laid your eyes on, but it’s so low on his hips as he is adjusting the waistband that his V-line could be seen from even across the lake, it’s so delicious, any sane woman would lose their mind over it, then there are those chiseled abs, his bulging pecks and the unruly curls on top of his head…
It makes you lose more than just your mind. Literally.
Because when Harry looks up and he smiles your way you lose your balance and fall right into the water in a way that’s most likely anything but gracious or sexy.
The water closes above you and there’s a moment of shock, but you recover quickly, swimming upwards until your head is above the surface again.
“Fuck,” you cough, kicking underneath the water to keep you floating and you squint your eyes before opening them, but maybe you should have just kept them closed, because the next thing you see is Harry swimming towards you.
“Hey, you alright?” he reaches you and you feel his hand wrap around your upper arm to help you keep you up and his touch sends a wave of shock down your spine instantly.
“Y-yeah,” you breathe out and then you make another mistake.
It’s hard to keep yourself floating when your heart is hammering in your chest and your nervous system is all messed up from the sight you just saw moments ago. Your hands move before you could even think twice and you find yourself holding onto his broad shoulders.
The feeling of his soft, warm skin under your touch and the hard muscles underneath waves goodbye to the last bit of your sanity.
“S-sorry,” you gasp, pulling your hands back fast, but it makes you dip under the water again, so Harry reaches for you and pulls you up, curling an arm around your waist and your body goes into full shock when you feel yourself pushed up against you in the cold water, your hands coming to rest on the base of his neck as he keeps you both up.
“Please don’t drown on a business trip, that wouldn’t look too good,” he jokes and you manage to get a laugh out, but it sounds suffocated, because it feels impossible to fill your lungs when your smoking hot boss’ body is melted against yours in the water.
“Okay,” you breathe out, looking into his eyes that are covered by his sunglasses, so you can’t tell where he is looking.
That’s his luck. Because right in this moment, Harry can’t decide if he wants to stare at your wet lips, your tits pressed against his chest or your widened eyes, framed with long eyelashes glued together because of the water dripping from them.
So his gaze keeps moving between these three things behind the cover of his shades.
“Let’s move to a more shallow part,” he suggests, but he has ulterior motives.
It’s not that he wants to let go of you, hell no! He would do anything to keep you pressed up against him for hours and he even thinks about having your legs wrapped around his waist and that’s exactly that causes the problem, because he can feel himself getting hard and the last thing he needs is for you to discover his erection.
You nod and let go of him, putting some safe distance between the two of you and Harry lets you swim ahead towards the shore. He is raking his head for anything that could help him regain control over his rather hard situation. Slowly, but he finally succeeds and he can feel himself calming down just as you reach a more shallow part. You both stand and emerge from the water and Harry catches a glimpse of your bikini clad body, the crystal clear water is dripping from your curves and in a split second, he is hardening again.
He is just about to drop back into the water to hide his erection when you step on a rock and lose your balance, falling backwards, straight into Harry’s arm.
You gasp as his arms lock around your waist, keeping you from falling into the water ant potentially hurting yourself, but this also means that your ass is now pressed against his crotch… which means that his hard cock is now wedged comfortable between your ass cheeks.
For a moment Harry is sure whoever is up above, they are playing a cruel game with him. Because seeing you in a bikini was already a burning temptation, then having you in his arms in the water and those illicit thoughts invading his mind about how it would feel to have your legs around his waist was pure torture, but this… this is something he will surely think about in the evening when he’s alone in his hotel room, his hand wrapped around his leaking cock…
He considers the chances of you not realizing his dick is pressed against your ass, but judging from the way your body has stiffened, there’s no way you didn’t notice.
You definitely did. You feel every inch of him, you feel how thick and rock hard he is and you think about how it would feel like if he was inside you right now.
Harry clears his throat behind you, his arms still around your waist.
“Are you alright?” he asks and his mouth is right next to your ear, his hot breath is tickling your neck and goosebumps cover your skin from head to toe.
Your voice is gone, all you can do is nod, but you’re still not moving.
“Y/N?” he speaks up again.
“I’m gonna let you go now.”
And let’s not talk about how my cock just sat between your ask cheeks for a whole minute, he adds mentally.
You nod and put your weight back onto your feet as you pull away from Harry, his arms fall from around you and he moves back quickly a few feet so the water reaches above his hip, covering the bulge in his shorts.
“I-I think I’m gonna… head back to my room,” you stutter, only daring to look at him for a split second.
“I’m gonna take a nap,” you add and Harry nods.
“See you before dinner. Fabio wants to take us out for drinks after,” he reminds you.
“Great. S-see you later,” you clear your throat and rush out of the water as fast as you can without tripping again.
You gather your stuff and head to the stairs that lead up to the hotel, but allow yourself one last glance back. In the water, you spot Harry swimming further in the lake and the feeling of his erection pressed up against you invades your mind again, making you run up the stairs, taking two steps at once and you don’t stop until you’re locked up in your hotel room. Your bikini is still dripping wet, but between your legs it’s not just because of the swimming.
You strip and then stand under the massive walk-in shower, cold water running down you as you lean against the tiled wall, trying to wrap your mind around what just happened, but it’s impossible and the next thing you know is that you have two fingers buried inside your pussy and you’re chanting Harry’s name as you chase your release.
Fuck, you think when you’ve come, tonight will be your personal Hell.
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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livlaughloveluke · 7 months
𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫- 𝐣.𝐜
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you meet jack’s family for the first time at thanksgiving dinner
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: i COMPLETELY made up the members of his family, mentions of thanksgiving although if you don’t celebrate its only briefly mentioned so you can just imagine its a regular dinner ☺️
𝐚/𝐧: happy thanksgiving to those who celebrate! j will most likely not be posting until this sunday, although it might vary
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you finished your light makeup by applying a swipe of lipgloss. your auburn dress was the perfect length, being both cute and appropriate for the occasion. you were going to have thanksgiving dinner with all of jacks family. 
there was one issue. in your six months of dating, you had never met anyone related to him. you would have liked to meet his mom earlier, but got as a rising actress, you got caught up in work and were constantly traveling to different states for events. however, from what jack described, she seemed precious. 
but what if she didn’t like you? what if something goes wrong and you embarrass yourself in front of everyone? oh god, this dinner was really messing with your head. 
“you almost ready, babe?” jack exclaims from the other room. you slip on your shoes and exit your bedroom, entering the living room where jack was. he was wearing a sweater that matched the color of your dress, and a pair of jeans.
jack stands up, and kisses your forehead. “you look good, y/n. my family will love you.” jack said, making you blush. his charm never failed to make you smile. 
you hop in jacks car, leaving your hotel room. you bounce your leg up and down, nerves taking over you. jack places his hand on your thigh, the coldness of it sending shivers down your spine.
“seriously y/n, don’t stress. if it makes you feel better, you are a lot better than my last girlfriend.” he said to you.
he was right, his last relationship had been a little rocky, and the girl he was dating wasn’t exactly the nicest person out there. it pained you to know that someone could be so mean, especially to jack.
jack was the sweetest boy, who treated you with the respect that you lacked from other guys. he stood with you at your lowest points in life, and helped you grow as a person. you flourished during your relationship with him, becoming the best version of yourself.
and you helped jack, too. when he was alone and heartbroken, you swooped in and provided the love he so desperately deserved. when he fell down, you were always there to help him get back up. he was happier and better person with you around.
the car came to halt, as you pulled into the driveway of a small cozy home. a few other cars were already there, and you presumed that it was his family. 
from what you heard, his aunt and uncle would be there, along with his older brother and his brothers wife. his grandma and grandpa would unfortunately not be attending, for they had caught a mild cold the day before. his sister-in-law had two daughters, one newborn and one six year old. you were great with kids, so they wouldn’t be an issue. you had spent your teenage years as a summer camp counselor.
you took a deep breath, and stepped outside of the car. jack interlocked your hands, and you both walk up to the door. he didn’t have to knock, and just walked in. everyone looked to see who it was, and when they did, a roar of greeting came from the crowd. jack hadn’t visited his hometown in a while, so there enthusiastic reactions weren’t unexpected.
the family then turned their attention to you, and you greeted them with a smile on your face. they smiled back, and started welcoming you.
“this is my girlfriend, y/n!” jack introduces you, and you start shaking everyones hands. you then got everyones, except the kids, names. jacks sister-in-law was named jessica, his aunt was shannon, his uncle brian, and his older brother was named joey. 
then, jacks mom, anna, invites you, jessica, and shannon come help set up. jack heads off to the living room with the boys, and the rest follow anna to the kitchen.
“so, how long have you and jack been dating?” his mom asks, and you immediately reply with a joyful tone. 
“around six months. i wish i could have met you sooner, but i’ve been nonstop traveling for work. also might i add, you did an excellent job raising him. he’s the sweetest and most caring boy i know.” 
“you’re to kind! now tell me about yourself!” anna replies, and you start informing the group of your origin. you share silly stories about jack, and laugh uncontrollably together while finishing dinner.
you hear the shy voice of a young girl coming from the doorway, and look over to see jessica’s oldest daughter walking in. she walks over to her mommy, and tugs on her dress. the bashful kid whispers something into her mothers ear, and they both look at you. you start to feel slightly embarrassed, worried as to what they were talking about.
“oh, thats uncle jacks girlfriend, y/n! why don’t you go say hi. i’m sure she doesn’t bite.” jessica says out loud, and your cloud of worries clear up.
she walks up to you, and you squat down to her height. you can tell she’s a little nervous, and you try your best to seem welcoming.
“hi! i like your dress. its very pretty.” the young girl whispers out.
“thank you! i love your hair! it looks super cute.” you respond back, and she giggles and thanks you.
“do you wanna play barbies with me in the play room?” she asks, and you look back, making sure it’s okay that you stop helping with the food. everyone nods and encourages you to go with the small child, so you follow her to where her toys where.
you sit down, and she gives you a doll. you start playing with her, and the girl, evelyn, seems to be having a blast. you giggle and joke with her, glad you can get along with her.
“shhh you can’t tell uncle jack i said this, but he told dad that he really, really likes you. and he also said you’re the prettiest and funniest girl he’s ever met.” evelyn informs you, and you can’t help but blush. you continue chatting with her, now seeming to be a little more at ease.
anna calls the guys to the dining room, for dinner was almost ready. however, before she sends jessica to grab you and evelyn, she begins to say something to jack and the rest of the family.
“you know, i really like her. i think she’s the one.” everyone agrees with anna, and praises  you for your generosity and amazing personality. jack loves hearing the groups words of approval, and he smiles, knowing you were definitely liked by his family. 
the feast begins, and you chat with everyone in attempt to get to know them better. it was an excellent dinner. the food was amazing and the conversations were plentiful. time flew by, and before you knew it, you were saying your goodbyes.
as you drove back to the hotel, you and jack began talking. you couldn’t up but light up at his words.
“i think they really like you, y/n.” 
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taglist- @nowitsmissing, @nikoschrissis, @lvndryyhoe, @ieattoesforbreakfqst, @sevenheavxns, @wonderstruck4llthew4yhome, @imkillmyselfxoxo, @lumaxstans-blog, @ilovejackchampionnn, @hyeyulove, @jackchampiongf13, @sebastiansallowsgf, @michaelangdonsslut, @1212valee, @teenagedramaqueenlisa
some names wouldn’t let me tag :(
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httpisaoki · 3 months
moon of tears, PROLOGUE
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you could remember the day that both of your parents called an engagement. It was a regular work day, you were 20 years old, called for dinner by your parents.
It was a regular day. Until it wasn’t. 
you could remember it all being too sudden, karina knew who you were, the daughter of the well-known mysterious moon dynasty. both of you never wanted any of it but your parents claimed it to be beneficial for you and her, suggesting for a marriage not out of love was insane for the both of you.  
being young, you wanted to focus on work and marry later, while karina wanted the right person before marrying— which made the both of you despise each other, you thought she was selfish, while she thought you had bad intentions.
in a way, it felt wrong. to both of you, but you felt inclined to agree with the arrangement. you wanted to put you studies and responsibilities first, but the pressure from your parents were overwhelming.
as you sat at the dinner table across from karina, your parents were talking and speaking. it was all arranged, everything was already decided even before the formal proposal. all that was missing was a yes from both of you.
all the while, karina sat there, her facial expression cold. she was the opposite of you, she refused to agree, to her, marriage was something that had to be with the right person. she didn't care about how beneficial the marriage would be for either of the families, she wanted it to be an arrangement based on love, not forced upon them.
you looked at each other across the table, her gaze boring into yours. there was something in both of your eyes, something you knew what it was. all it took was one of you speaking, one of you agreeing to stop this.
you stayed silent as she spoke, your eyes on her, she seemed to be serious with wanting to call off the whole wedding. the thought itself surprised you, you'd never expected her to want to back out, but deep inside of you, you wanted to.
karina didn’t know what she was saying, nor what she felt about the situation— the arranged marriage, the nagging of her parents, she didn’t know what to feel about it. through the hard glares she sent you, she wasn’t sure. She wanted a person who loved her, a marriage made out of love, not the desire for success.
She was curious, that was the word karina described the day her parents told her about the marriage. She wanted to know about you, and least to say what she found made her wonder. 
Was it really worth it? was your thoughts on that dreaded day, you still didn’t answer the question, and neither did she. but when the day had come, the both of you thought of hope, if this had worked out, who would know?
you watched her walking down the aisle with an expression that made karina wonder if you were actually calm about this. The truth is, you were nervous. For the first time since your childhood, you were anxious about something. You were always calm and nonchalant about everything. But what is it about her that made you so nervous?
There was nothing you could do, and it was obvious. As the priest proceeded to the vows, the both of you said words you never meant, but it somehow gave hope, even if you didn’t know each other personally— even if it was just arranged, it gave hope to the both of you.
The priest gave you a look, signaling the most difficult part of this whole event. “Will you, han junhi, take karina yu, as your lawfully wedded wife?”
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-> would you though? HDUIDSJ (i would)
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lady-of-tearshed · 3 months
Rude awakening
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A/N: Here's a little treat while you wait for the Azriel fic that's coming this week.
Summary: Eris has to, once again, bring Lucien along with him on the long-awaited date planned with you. He can't help but wonder how having a child with you would look like...
Word count: 961
Warnings: Based on true event 🤣 maybe like slight angst.
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The house had been cleaned and now smells delightful, you were wearing the pretty red dress Eris had gifted you on your last birthday, and you managed to do your hair and makeup perfectly… Everything was perfect for your long-awaited planned date. You and Eris haven’t been able to have much time together in the last few years, Beron delegated more and more responsibilities to his heir and eldest son since Lucien's birth.
 Adorable little Lulu brought a lot of tension between the High Lord of Autumn and his mate unconsciously. The eldest of now six brothers felt a huge sense of responsibility towards the new addition to the Vanserra family. His other brothers couldn’t care less about the youngling. No one would have thought that Eris Vanserra, older than the toddler by a little more than a century, would be the first one to rush to little Lucien and cover his ears, taking him out of the house on a fun adventure he would tell him when a fight would burst inside the Forest House. 
Beron was supposed to be out on duty in Summer Court for the week, which assured you and Eris to be able to enjoy a peaceful date at your little cabin you called your house without him worrying about Lucien’s safety, since the little one would be safely tucked in his mother’s arms back at home. 
You basically run to open the door when a soft knock resonates on the wooden surface. No words can describe the surprise, and just very slight disappointment, when Eris shows up with an overjoyed Lucien sitting on his shoulders. “Y/N! Y/N!” Lucien squirms on Eris's shoulders, making him groan in annoyance when his sibling tugs on his dark auburn hair. 
Lucien leans little grabby hands down to you, motioning you to pick him up into your arms. Eris leans forward slowly, leaving a quick peck on your lips, as you pick up Lucien from his shoulders. You spin the toddler in your arms which makes him burst into laughter. You kiss his pink cheeks before putting him down on the ground. “Hi, Lulu.” As soon as the youngling's feet hit the ground, he rushes to the living room and stares at your fish tank, like he always does when Eris brings him with him here. 
You move from the door to let Eris walk into the house. His eyebrows are slightly furrowed as he takes in the sight of you. He wipes a hand on his hand and you can clearly sense his stress and annoyance. You stroke his forearm slowly and move his hand from his face. He grins sadly down at you and kisses your lips slowly, sighing against them while he enjoys the taste he had missed for far too long. “Y/N… I’m so sorry… He came back earlier from Summer Court and-” 
“It’s fine, Eris. Really. You don’t have to explain yet…” You whisper and give him one last quick peck before pulling away reluctantly from his strong and warm embrace. You both didn’t want Lucien to know about the reason he and Eris needed to head out of the Forest House for at least a few hours.
The two of them are sitting down at the table, and you hum a song softly while scrubbing the dishes from the dinner the three of you just shared. Eris and Lucien were both drawing a portrait of each other, with the crucial rule of not looking at the other contestant's paper before their ‘masterpiece’ was done. You dry your hands on the towel and look over Lucien's shoulder at his… interesting portrait of his older brother. “Oh! I forgot something.” Lucien then turns his head to you and frowns. “Hey! No peeking!” “I’m not a contestant though…” You can’t help but giggle at the youngling's serious face. “Oh. Yeah. You’re right.” He says before sticking his tongue back out, concentrating on his drawing. 
You walk around the table and lean over Eris' shoulder to stare at his drawing. The portrait was a picture-perfect representation of Lucien. “Wow… It’s pretty.” You whisper, and kiss the shell of his ear, making his cheek heat slightly at your praise. “You should see the ones I draw of you…” You purr seductively into his neck. “Oh yeah? Guess you’ll need to bring them over so I can judge that by myself. Next date, maybe?” He smile and looks at Lucien's serious face, concentrating on his drawing. “Gods… makes me want to have kids with you when the three of us spend time like that…” 
You chuckle and quickly lean to capture his lips, but Lucien's voice stops you from doing so. “Done!” He shouts and lifts his paper in the air. He slides down his chair and runs to Eris to wave the paper inches from his face. He scrunch his nose and slightly move the paper away from his face to take a good look at the drawing. You clasp your hand on your mouth to prevent a wave of laughter from exploding. You just realized what ‘something’ Lucien had told you he almost forgot to add on Eris' portrait… 
Eris' finger drags to the corner of his brow and frowns. “Is it that noticeable..?” “Well, I can see it’s on your face! Mama says we have pimples when we stress too much, that’s why I have none!” Lucien speaks up, smiling brightly. 
It’s all too much to contain your laughter. You burst into laughter, holding your painful stomach, unable to stop laughing at Lucien’s innocence and pure honesty. “What did you say about wanting children now, Er?” He only rolls his eyes and thanks his little brother for the drawing.
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A/N: Yeah. It happened. We brought my boyfriend's half-sister to the restaurant for her 8th birthday (they have an 11 years age gap), and they were having a drawing contest on paper aprons while we waited for our meals. She drew him with literally the ONLY pimple he had. 🤣 And I was like, "Lol. THAT'S what having kids is like!!"
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lunajay33 · 2 months
Change Part.3
Summary: Y/n is a loner but loves ballet but her family doesn’t have enough money for her to dance at the studio, Daryl is a redneck who hates people and prefers bikes, until one day these two run into eachother and their lives change drastically, will Daryl toughen her up? Will y/n soften Daryl? Or both? How will things go when people start coming back from the dead
Pairing: Young Daryl Dixon x f!reader
A/n: This is going to be a series, it’s gonna start with how they met eachother and their lives before the apocalypse, eventually it’ll blend with twd story line!!
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I woke up feeling groggy and exhausted from the events of the day before, rolling over to see Daryl still laid out on the makeshift bed of blankets on the ground by my bed
“Daryl?” I said reaching down and shaking his shoulder
“Hmm?” He groaned opening his eyes to look up at me
“It’s morning, do you wanna go get some breakfast?”
I got up and rummaged through my drawers pulling out a pair of black leggings and longsleeve white shirt that had a tiny pink bow on the collar
“Mind if I change here?” I asked seeing as Daryl was already looking at me
“Go fer it”
I turned around and undressed throwing my pajamas in my laundry bin then quickly putting on the new days outfit, when I finished I turned seeing him with a wide smile
“Cute panties” he said laughing under his breath obviously talking about my pink panties with white little lace trimming
“Stop” I said lighting pushing his arm
“As if yours are any better” I said as we both looked at his plaid boxer
We went out to the diner and had some breakfast, I didn’t wanna stay in the house knowing Jackson was still there
May was there and took our orders when we sat at the counter
“Thanks again for staying with me last night” I said as I stirred my straw in my water hearing the ice cubes clink together
“ ‘s nothin, didn’ wanna leave ya there knowin those assholes were still there” he said shrugging
It was silent for a while after that as we got our food and ate in peaceful silence, then paying May and leaving
“Wanna come over?” He asked as the dinner door behind us rang as it shut behind us
“Sure I don’t have anything else to do!”
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He showed me around, he lived in a little house on the edge of town near the woods, more like a cabin than a house and if it got cleaned up and decorated nice, it would make a cute home
“I know it ain’t much but it’s enough” he said obviously feeling ashamed as we sat on his bed facing eachother
“I’m not judging you Daryl” I smiled, he nodded as I saw a flush of red on his cheeks
I looked around his room never having been in a guys room before, but it seemed like the typical you’d expect, light brown walls, cross bow in the corner, plaids upon plaids hanging in his closet, a page ripped out of a busy magazine and tapped to the wall
“I see you got a type” I said trying to hide the laugh that was creeping up as he quickly turned to look at it by his bed post
He ripped it down and threw is in the trash in the corner of his room
“Damn Merle musta put that up”
“Ain’t my type anyways” he grumbled under his breath
“Oh and what is?” He looked me up and down before looking back at his lap
“H/c, e/c, she gotta be nice a little bit more quiet, can’t stand lots o’ noise”
“Hmmm I see” atleast he kind of described me, I had the hair color, the eye color, I’m pretty nice I think and I’m pretty quiet but I’m not gonna read into it just to get my heart broken
“So Mr. Dixon what makes you Daryl, what do you like”
“Not much, like huntin, tattoos, bikes”
“Do you have tattoos?” I asked intrigued
“Got two on my back”
“Can I see?” I could tell he tensed up and wasn’t so keen on the idea
“Maybe another time” he said looking down again
“Okay no problem!” I said a bit cheerier to life the tension
It was silent for a while until he got up off the bed and crouched down under his bed by me pulling out a box and placing it infront of me and he sat back infront of me
“What’s this?”
“Got ya somethin, saw it in a store, cleaned em up as best I could” he was blushing again and I was beyond excited to even see what he got me
I opened the lid of the box and my heart stopped, it was a pair of ballet slippers, shiny pink with ribbons, the bottoms were a bit stained but it’s expected
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“Daryl……..you got these for me?” I was stunned no one has ever done anything like this for me
“Was looking around hopin I could find somethin, don’t know if they’ll fit tho”
I hopped up taking off my socks and slipped them on, I stood up and they were a perfect fit, Daryl got on his knees before me and laced the ribbon around my leg tying it in a bow
“Ya like em?” He asked looking down at me as he stood up
“Daryl I love them, thank you so much!” I said so happy I threw my arms around his shoulders and pulled him into a hug, feeling his hands on my lower back, engulfing it, I pulled back slowly our lips so close I could feel his breath, smoky but mint
“Thought ya deserve ta feel like a ballerina” he whispered
I couldn’t hold it in anymore, I leaned in ever so slowly our lips just grazing each others…………when the door burst open
“Damn it Merle” Daryl groaned as we stepped back from eachother
“Woah sorry brother, didn’t know ya had a lady over”
“Get out” he said trying to push him out
“Just came ta tell ya, dads comin home soon” he stiffened and looked back at me as I stood there embarrassed
“Do ya wanna go out fer dinner or somethin?” He asked with pleading eyes
“Of course! We can go to the diner again!” I took my slippers off and put the in the box as I pick up my socks and we went to the front door to put on our shoes, then walking quietly to the diner
“Are you okay D?” I asked worried
“ ‘s nothin, old man just ain’t the meetin type”
“Oh well, you know I’m always here for you, you can stay at my place whenever you’d like!”
“Thanks, might take ya up on that, yer gonna have ta show me yer moves with yer new slippers” he smiled as he placed his arm around my shoulder
I couldn’t believe all this was happening, it’s been such a short time since I’ve really known him and he’s already done more for me than anyone else, and made me feel more alive, I might really like this Dixon
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Taglist: @pinchofthetwd @bigbaldheadname @strawberrykiwisdogog @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @l0kilaufeys0n7 @welcumetomyescape @severelykinky @tesfayera @daryldixmedown @secretsicanthideanymore @lettersfromyourlove @mordilwen-of-mirkwood @secretsicanthideanymore
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cravetive · 4 months
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| 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐰𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐰 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐮𝐧𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫.
|𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞/𝐚𝐮: 𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬,𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭,𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞, 𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐚𝐮, 𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐬, 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭.
| 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐉𝐉𝐊 𝐗 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
| 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 7k
| 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐨𝐱𝐢𝐜 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐬, 𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐞, 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐠𝐬 & 𝐚𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐡𝐨𝐥, 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞 ( 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤), 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞, 𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐡, 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤, 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 (𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐬), 𝐬𝐞𝐱 ( 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬), 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐠𝐮𝐧𝐬 & 𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐠𝐬, 𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞
| 𝐀/𝐍: 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲.
previous chapters
The bulletin board in front of you showcased several pictures of individuals in your husband’s organization, some of whom you recognized from the event that took place only a week ago. Besides them were excerpts of newspaper articles and court documents with red strings connecting each picture. Jin stood proudly in front of it, pointing stick in hand as he explained the basics of the illicit businesses that Jungkook’s family partook in.
It felt like the pictures were staring back at you, taunting you as Jin described all the crimes and all the bloodshed Jungkook was responsible for. compared to this man you were nothing. You had never killed or stolen in your life, you were just a naïve girl with aspirations to bring down a criminal enterprise that had been standing and prospering way before you had even been born.
you couldn’t help but note the excitement in Jin’s voice as he described everything in detail, as if he was speaking of a discovery he had made, it never seized to surprise you how much Jin loved doing his job, how much happiness he found in putting his life on the line.
or was it because of you? did he feel accomplished because he had done this for you?
“they’ve been working towards going legit for some time now, which makes no sense seeing as they have made literal billions in this business” Jin furrows his brows at his research, his eyes lingering on the picture of Jungkook for a moment too long.
You knew the answer, recalling the announcement your father-in-law had made during your anniversary dinner. Of course, it all made sense now you couldn’t run for governor if you were the very person poisoning your society, he was attempting to erase his shady past and become a man not only criminals respected but the people of this country too. There was no way in hell he would have his cake and eat it too, not while there was still air in your lungs.
“Now from what I have been able to gather in the past 2 years, Mr. Jeon has been able to invest in a total of 3 companies, the very first being Intalex, then only 3 months after he invested into Capitalab with Austrade your parent's company being the last one.”
Your body tensed at the mention of your parents’ business, the one they had worked so hard to bring to life, the one you were so keen on protecting, it made your stomach turn. You couldn’t help but scowl, shutting your eyes in frustration. 
“Do you need a moment? We can revisit this at a later time” Jin spoke noticing the way you shifted in the chair you sat in; you opened your eyes and shook your head urgently, you had no time to lament over things that had already been done and you needed this information more than anything to succeed, you needed it to survive. Your anger and resentment alone would never be enough to bring Jungkook down.
“Carry on” you breathed.
Jin cleared his throat and glanced back to the bulletin board behind him, he pressed his lips together, a certain reluctance forming in his chest. he knew it hurt to know what kind of family it was you formed part of but ultimately, he also knew this was what you needed, even if he doubted the path, you were so set on going down.
“Right,” Jin sighed, swallowing back the bitter taste in his mouth.  “There is simplicity in money laundering” Jin continued, pressing the stick against a court document pinned to the board “First, there is placement which is the introduction of what we call ‘dirty money’ into a legitimate business in this case Intalex, Capitalab, and Austrade then comes layering which through a series of investments and money play will conceal the source of the money much like the investment made by your father in law to your father’s company in exchange for your marriage, and then when the money is cleaned with legal paper trail it's then removed and integrated back to the criminal's finances.”
Your eyes narrowed at the thought of how much money your father had already laundered for Jungkook and his family, of how you were all just pawns in a game you had no chance of winning. It made you sick to your stomach to think for a moment you had ever tried to be amicable with a man like Jungkook, someone who held no compassion, someone who had no heart.
“How- “you whispered, “how have the authorities not caught wind of this?” your eyes remained fixed on the board. You focused on remembering each face that was displayed there, the familiar ones and the ones you’d never seen before too. They would have to pay for what they’ve done.
For an instant, you couldn’t help but feel saturated, what you thought was a burning house was instead a forest fire and the smoke was choking you to death.
You had underestimated them in ways you couldn’t describe.
Jin’s eyes traveled to where you sat, a disappointed expression on his face, the answer remained on the tip of his tongue, but his teeth clenched together, you had lived in a glass cage with no clear view of the real world, and it pained him to be the one to give you a reality check.
“When you have money and influence in the way the Jeons have, there is nothing in this world you can't buy and that includes government officials and dirty cops” he sighed.
“You would be surprised how little money it takes to bury a crime” You felt your chest tighten at his words. It was a fact that you knew to be true but one you had ignored all this time because it almost sounded fictitious.
 if Jin had been able to gather all this information in less than 2 weeks then you were sure the cops were already very much aware of all these crimes, it destroyed all the plans you had previously made, all this paper trail, all this evidence meant nothing if no one was willing to go after them. You couldn’t just walk into a police station with all this proof, all that would do is put a target on your back, if the police was on their side, then how else could you destroy them?
Would you be willing to become a criminal too at the expense of your revenge?
“Can you tell me what intel you’ve gathered on these guys?” You took a gulp of the tea that sat in front of you, hoping that it would wash away the lurking thoughts that had overtaken your mind.
“As we know we have Mr. Jeon as the head of the organization and then we have his heir Jeon Jungkook, his name doesn’t even appear on the police database which can only mean 2 things, either your husband is a saint, or he has been paying someone very powerful to keep his record clean.”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, Jungkook a saint? There was no fucking way.
“But from what my private investigator has managed to find he is responsible for various crimes as well” Jin proceeded to slide a file in front of you and you stared at it for a moment before flipping it open. You remained silent, frozen in time as you attempted to digest the pictures in front of you.
There were photographs of his crimes. dead bodies, Jungkook meeting with other drug lords, and drugs and weapons that had been seized by foreign countries. Your heart felt heavy, and you shuddered at the reminder that this was who you were married to.
Jin didn’t remove his eyes from you, expecting a reaction but none came. Your face remained stone cold even if inside you were falling apart, unable to express how sick you felt.
“Kim Taehyung” Your ears perked at the mention of the name, out of all the scrum bags you had met that night, Taehyung was the only one that was tolerable, you recalled how safe you had felt under his gaze, but you knew Jin would soon destroy the way you had once perceived him.
“His father was a shareholder in the Jeon company, he has since retired due to poor health, but Taehyung has taken his place, due to his constant travels we can assume he’s responsible for their international affairs, Jungkook’s ‘business’ has ties to Japan, China, Taiwan, and even the Russian Mob.”
Jin went silent and you blinked repeatedly, you tried to process what he had just said. The mob? The fucking mob? You were aware you weren’t dealing with ordinary criminals, but this made your blood run cold.
“We can deduct that Taehyung is in charge of representing the Jeons outside of the country during their deals and agreements” Jin looked through a file in his hand, his eyes focusing for a moment before looking back up at you “he got charged with Vehicular Manslaughter last year but a settlement was made between the victim’s family and Taehyung to resolve the issue with no jail time” Jin mumbled, closing the file and laying out in front of you.
“Spare me the attorney talk, he paid them out” you corrected, taking the file in your hands now and looking through the pages.
Jin rubbed the back of his neck and nodded “Yes, he paid them out.”
Charged with Vehicular Manslaughter last year? You sat silent for a moment, trying to piece together the information in your mind. Taehyung was not present at the time of your wedding because he was away in Paris and he had just returned when he attended your anniversary dinner which could only mean that it was plausible he had left Korea right after that accident.
“I've lost you Y/n, what's going through that hectic mind of yours?” Jin asked, bringing you back from your thoughts.
“Sorry, I’m just trying to collect all of this” You weren’t comfortable withholding information from Jin, he was helping you after all, but you didn’t want him to know how consumed you had become by this entire ordeal, you didn’t want him to worry.  
“Let me know if I’m going too fast” he chuckled nervously before turning to point at the board once more.
“Then we have Jung Ho-Seok, who is their legal advisor” Your attention was brought to the picture of a man whom you didn’t recognize, he hadn’t attended your dinner, and he wasn’t someone you had ever seen around the Jeons. “He graduated top of his class from Seoul National University School of Law, and he's a well-respected lawyer” Jin rolled his eyes and looked back at you “After me of course.”
You allowed yourself to smile, Jin had a way of easing the tension even in difficult situations and for the first time since you arrived, you took a breather. Perhaps it’s what made him such a good lawyer or maybe it's what made him such a good friend.
“And lastly we have Min Yoongi.”
 Your smile faded as you focused on his picture, you could hear your heart stop for a moment and then pound full throttle against your chest. your ally, the man to whom you had told all your dark desires to, he was an important asset in your plan and yet somehow you didn’t think you were prepared to hear what role he had been playing in this organization or if you even wanted to.
“Where do I begin” Jin sighed, grabbing another file into his hand but this one was much larger compared to Taehyung's or Jungkook’s, you blinked slowly, trying to suppress the pressure that built in your stomach. You knew Yoongi wasn’t a good person, he was just as involved in this life as Jungkook and his father but somehow you had made yourself believe that his evil had meaning, you had even been capable of putting yourself in his shoes.
“He’s the son of the late Mr. Min who died under suspicious circumstances, he was Mr. Jeon’s right hand and business partner” Jin hummed, his eyes scanning the documents in front of him, you hoped he wouldn’t notice the way you tensed, the way you had been unable to blink since he started talking about the Min’s – he couldn’t know that you had made a deal with someone like Yoongi.  
“I mean this kid has been charged with almost everything in the book, you name it” Jin huffed, and you could see his eyes trail as if he was reading off a list “Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, attempted murder, armed robbery, drug possession with intent to sell- “
Your throat went dry as Jin continued to name the many crimes Yoongi had been involved in and soon regret nestled itself comfortably in your consciousness. Was this the same man who promised to help you? the same one that made you feel reassured in your vengeance? You couldn’t be surprised, of course not. That night, the way he spoke, the way he carried himself, it came with experience.
You were just too consumed by your own personal gain that you overlooked it, because at that time it didn’t matter what kind of person he was, if he was helping you.
Did it even matter now?
You felt the room spin around you and you held onto the end of the table in front of you for support. You didn’t know what to think or how to feel, your mind and heart once again battling against each other. Your morality was now hanging by a loose thread, and you didn’t know if it was worth salvaging at this point.
“Should I continue?” Jin hummed, looking back up at you with raised brows.
You gulped and shook your head; Jin slid the file in front of you and this time you looked away. If Jungkook hadn’t worked so hard to keep his record clean then perhaps it would look the same as Yoongi’s, at least that’s what you tried to tell yourself because only then could you still keep some of your sanity.
Was Yoongi a reflection of who you would become if you continued down this path? Your desires were far too similar, both of your resentments intertwined.
Jin took in the pale tone of your skin, the way you bit down on your lips as you stared into nothing. Disassociating from the reality that he had worked so hard for you to see and in that moment, he didn’t feel proud like he did when he first stepped into the room. He felt guilty as if he was the one committing all these crimes or maybe just committing one by telling you all of this.
“Y/n” he whispered, taking a step closer to you. He reached forward and brushed his fingers against the skin of your arm, and you flinched out of your state, eyes blinking widely up at him.
“We should stop now” he announced, his voice low and soothing almost as if he was trying to persuade you but you shook your head and your lips trembled.
“I need to know everything” you protested. “I need this, I need to know all of this” you gulped, trying to repress the turmoil in your mind. You were not too proud to admit that you had bitten off more than you could chew but you would prefer to break your jaw than to give up on your freedom.
This was only the beginning and yet, there was no going back.
“We can continue this on another day, I think this is enough information for now” Jin replied, and you knew he was right, you were overwhelmed, and your thoughts were scattered. You couldn’t pinpoint one single emotion inside of you and it scared you. Anger, disappointment, and guilt came in waves, and it left you drowning in your own fears.
Yet, you repressed them, leaving them to be dealt with later.
“no” you muttered “it's actually not enough” Jin furrowed his brows at your determination, unable to tell what it was that you were thinking, what it was that you wanted out of all of this, but he gave in, you needed him and for him that was sufficient.
“The Jeon’s” he began again, his eyes remaining on you. His voice was a mere whisper as he carefully selected the words he spoke. “The jeon’s work like a bureaucratic system, almost like a political structure” You noted the way his tone lacked confidence, his words were reluctant, and his eyes held sadness.   
“Illegal activities are planned out and approved by superiors like Mr. Jeon and Jungkook” he cleared his throat once more, swallowing down as if there was acid in his mouth “and then are carried out by lower rank individuals who form part of the organization” you sat completely still, eyes focused but mind withdrawn.
“Besides the illegal sale of firearms, they have been linked with the distribution of drugs, gambling houses, speakeasy bars, night clubs, and strip clubs” Jin sighed “The only thing this family has not profited in is human trafficking” you bit down your lip and lowered your gaze.
“Y/n, I don’t mean to intrude but what are you going to do with all of this?” Jin dropped the pointer stick on the table and slumped into the seat next to you. He appeared disgruntled; you could see the resignation in his eyes as you looked up at him while he asked you a question you no longer knew the answer to.
“I mean if the authorities are turning a blind eye to this, what will you do?”
You didn’t want to answer him, didn’t want to tell him the thoughts that went through your mind, but something inside you told you he already knew, you could see it in his eyes, he was just asking for confirmation. Your eyes filled with tears, and you allowed yourself to come to terms with the cards this life had dealt you.
You covered your face in frustration and hid yourself there for a moment. You couldn’t carry this weight all by yourself and taking the legal route was no longer an option. You had thought about this plenty of times and yet, you still feared losing yourself in the complexity of this situation.
You wanted your freedom more than anything.
More than anything….
You removed your hands from your face and your tired gaze traveled to meet Jin’s, his eyes were held wide open, and within them, you could see fear and agony.
Was he aware that he would never see the old Y/n again?
“Then I'll just be the monster they have made me.”
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You couldn’t shake away the pulsating migraine that meeting had left you, a storm of thoughts consuming your mind with worries and doubt. You tried to hush the voice inside of you that screamed you were afraid, a warning coming from your gut as it too screamed at you to run. You tried to lie to yourself, attempting to find some kind of normality in all of this but you had been stretched out past your expectations.
You slid a cigarette between your lips and lit it, taking a long drag. The sun beamed down on you as you stood in front of the small café, the place that often brought you comfort now being the place in which you stood motionless, your thoughts incapacitating you.
Knowledge was power but at what cost?
It only nurtured your hatred and invoked a new feeling in you that you had long forgotten about when you began to plot against Jungkook and his family, pure trepidation.
You blew out smoke past your lips and dragged your hand over your face, attempting to gather yourself. You needed to stop pretending like you had everything under control because one thing was for sure, you had stepped into a lion's den with no weapons, with no experience, and without any idea of what you were facing.
This was bigger than you and you couldn’t help but shrink inside of the idea of what was to come.
You were startled by the sound of a car approaching, its tires pressing on the grabble underneath your feet making you blink up in a panic. The black escalade stopped in front of you and your body trembled.
Did Jungkook find you? fuck…what time was it?
You held up your watch, squinting your eyes as you made out the time, it had been over an hour and surely, Jungkook’s lapdog was already looking for you. You looked back at the café and your heart dropped. Jin was still in there, what if Jungkook found out what you were doing? You couldn’t risk putting Jin’s life in danger. You needed to come up with a lie that was convincing enough to explain all of this.
You got lost on your way back, you stopped for some coffee, anything.
But once you blinked back to the escalade, a man who you didn’t recognize stepped out. He wore an all-black suit, and his black shades blocked his eyes from the sun and from your eyes too, yet you were sure he wasn’t one of Jungkook's employees, and the smile he wore only confirmed it.
You shifted in the spot in which you stood, holding your breath as you prepared for the worst. If this wasn’t one of Jungkook’s men, then he was an enemy, and you didn’t know which of the two facts scared you the most.
“Ms. Y/n?” he asked.
Your body grew taught as apprehension flowed through you. who was this man? And how did he know who you were and how in the fuck did he find you here?
“y-yes” you responded, your voice shaking as the word escaped your mouth.
The man smiled at you once more and offered you a small nod.
“I didn’t mean to startle you Ma’am” he noticed the way your hand trembled as it held onto your cigarette, evidence of your panicked state “Mr. Min has sent for you” he explained and it was as if you had been punched in the stomach, a sudden need to hurl settling there.
You couldn’t stop Jin’s words from replaying in your mind, recalling all the violent crimes Yoongi had committed. his grand criminal record, a depiction of the kind of person he was. You took a step back and your chest rose and fell noticeably. You felt your knees buckle and surely you would soon find yourself on the ground.
You couldn’t repress the thought that you had made a mistake, a big mistake. Yoongi was a criminal, apparently the worst of them all. What would he do to you if you weren’t good enough as an ally? How stupid had you been to begin a relationship with someone you knew nothing about, with someone you couldn’t trust?
“Ma’am? I can just tell Mr. Min you are busy now.”  
You focused your eyes on the man once again, his head tilted as he waited for your answer. If you didn’t go it would be suspicious, he was your ally now, you couldn’t doubt your ally and then again, he was someone who had committed unspeakable crimes and you couldn’t erase the pictures of his victims from your mind. all the blood, all the damage, and all the terror.
If you crossed him, would you become another file in his criminal portfolio?
You needed to make a choice, there was no time to evaluate the situation. You had made this decision and now, you couldn’t backtrack no matter how much you wanted to. Ultimately this was what you had asked for, you needed a strong ally and that’s exactly what Yoongi was.
He was cruel and he was feared, even by you.
You dropped the cigarette from between your fingers and pressed down on it with your heel. You had no other choice but to hold your head high and pray that this would all soon be over.
“No uh-I’ll go” you said.
The man smiled at you once more and he moved to open the door for you. You looked back at the café one last time, hoping that Jin wouldn’t see this. That he would stay as oblivious as possible to what you were doing. although eventually, he would come to find out the kind of person you would have to become.
You slid inside the escalade and flinched once the door slammed shut beside you. There was nothing in this world that could ease your mind, everything that you were doing felt wrong but while you battled to keep your rationality a part of you felt thrilled. you were meeting a side of yourself that you didn’t know, someone who hadn’t been part of your conscious, or maybe they were there all along, hiding behind your deepest desires.
Urging you to be vindictive and you were feeding into it.
Regardless, one thing you knew for sure was that you were never going to be the same Y/n from a year ago, the naïve and weak girl who allowed herself to be put in this position in the name of love, in the name of honor. Even while finding your freedom, you would surely lose a part of yourself. Was it worth the sacrifice?
Yoongi’s smirk appeared in your mind, his words from that evening echoing in your ears, and then Ha-yoon’s… are you sure? Are you prepared? It hurt to say now that the answer was no but there was no going back, even if you tried to back paddle, there was no road left behind you. nothing to go back to.
The further the car moved from the café the deeper you had sunk within your thoughts, it wasn’t like you were second guessing yourself and you had promised that you would no longer be a victim to your circumstances, but you couldn’t help but question what you had done, you couldn’t help but feel regret for the choices you had made.
However, there was no feeling stronger than your resentment and it overpowered all rational thought forcing you to stand firm on your goal, regardless of the cost.
The escalade made a sharp turn into a long narrow road, and you peered out the tinted windows noticing how the scenery had shifted from tall skyscrapers to large trees, the car continued to move deeper into the woods, and you could tell you had been taken past the city lines, no longer being able to see any familiar landmarks and it only made you that much more uneasy.
You looked at the driver through the review mirror, he appeared calm, and you didn’t know if that was a good thing. The car reached the end of the road and then the driver made another sharp turn into an unpaved road this time, you could feel the wheels run over rocks and grabble, making the car shake for a moment. Your heart pounded harshly inside your chest, so much so that it drowned out the sound of the wheels crushing everything in its path but then your focus was drawn to the house that appeared before you.
Standing proudly amongst the trees, the grand mansion called for your attention, its large windows were blocked off by white curtains, and vines grew along the white-bricked structure, it was elegant and clean in contrast to the forest that surrounded it. The car made a stop in front of its entrance, and you could only assume this was one of Yoongi’s properties.
The driver exited the car and stepped to open the door, he gestured for you to proceed but for a moment you remained motionless, you didn’t think yourself prepared to face the man whom you had made your ally. Would he be able to see your uneasiness? Would he be offended by your mistrust?
Your feet felt heavy as you stepped forward and your heels dragged against the gravel underneath you. it wasn’t the best idea for you to be here, not after learning all that you had about the man who waited inside. You didn’t have enough time to make sense of all of this and you feared you would make another mistake.
You walked up the steps and stared at the door for a moment too long, pondering if this was the right decision. By this time your driver would be on a call with Jungkook, letting him know of your sudden disappearance, and then what would you do? What excuse would you be able to come up with to explain all of this? You hated that you had to even consider these things, things you wouldn’t need to do if you were free.
You raised your hand to ring the doorbell but before you could, the doors swung open and in front of you stood a woman wearing an all-black uniform, she offered you a smile. The kind of smile you only give to someone you know, and you couldn’t help but be tense under her gaze.
She bowed before you and then gestured for you to enter “Welcome Ms. Y/n, right this way” she spoke softly. Your steps faltered as you stepped inside, it felt like you were walking over landmines, and you grew dizzy once you heard the door close behind you. You turned to look at her once again but noticed her smile had remained.
The woman leaned down and collected your heels as they came off your feet, reaching to slide slippers in front of you. You stared at her for a moment and then slid your feet inside of them. You could feel every nerve rise within your body as the woman led you further into the home.
The various windows allowed the sun rays to seep inside, casting a golden shadow of tranquility inside of the space. You couldn’t help but compare this house to your own and it made your heart lurch in yearning. This felt like a home, the walls held comfort in a way only something that had witnessed happiness and memories could, and, in your mind, you struggled to connect this place to the criminal Yoongi was known to be.
It felt safe here in contrast to the unsettling feeling you had towards him now.
“Mr. Min is waiting for you here,” she said while stopping in front of tall wooden doors, she then bowed deeply and proceeded to leave you alone in the hallway. From within the doors, you could hear the soft sound of what appeared to be a piano. you shuffle momentarily, allowing an anxious huff to release past your lips.
You weren’t capable of seeing Yoongi in the same way you had only a few days prior, you had admired his perseverance, seeing yourself in him but now the reflection of that man was obstructed by his past and you didn’t know if you could continue to admire it. Your hand trembled as you reached to open the door and once again you were immersed in doubt.
Yoongi sat in front of the piano with his head lowered as his fingers graced the piano keys gently, his eyes were closed, and his brows furrowed as he concentrated on playing the melody you had heard from outside the doors. the song made you feel at ease, and you allowed yourself to step inside, entranced by his gentle and calm posture and yet again your brain struggled to attach those vicious crimes to the man who sat before you.
Yoongi pressed onto the last key, leaving the sound to echo in the air and then he raised his gaze onto you, his eyes distilling pleasure as his lips formed into a smirk but your eyes dropped to the floor, unable to hold his stare.
“You came” Yoongi rose from where he sat, taking a few steps towards you. Your eyes moved up once more at the sound of his voice and you took in his relaxed posture, a glass of whiskey in his hand.
“H-hello Mr. Min” you mustered to say yet it was nothing more than a whisper and Yoongi grinned in response.
“Call me Yoongi, I think we are past formalities.”
You felt goosebumps arise from your skin and you were reminded that the man who stood in front of you was an ally, a friend. Even if you were reluctant to admit it, even if you regretted your decision, that is what he was.
“Yoongi” you repeated, correcting your previous words.
“Yes, Yoongi” a smirk danced on his lips.
“I apologize for the short notice” he continued before you could speak again “I would’ve called had I had your number.”
His words held sincerity but something inside you didn’t allow you to believe this meeting would’ve gone any differently.
“Yeah,” you muttered, “about that, how did you find me?”
 You always ensured you were being discreet when meeting with Jin, and you were sure the café was a safe place but having been found by no other than Yoongi in the place you felt most at ease left you feeling unsettled.
It would come to seem that you weren’t safe anywhere.
“I did say I would find you, didn’t I?” he chuckled lowly which did nothing to calm your anxious thoughts. If this was anything, it was a demonstration of his power, of his influence.
Yoongi noticed the way your eyes shifted, your body tense and immobilized as he spoke, and his laugh subsided. You were scared, he had rattled you to your core with his intrusion and he knew that. 
“You were in my territory” he admitted, gulping down the liquid in his glass. 
“Actually, you spend a lot of time in my territory, and I can’t quite be convinced it’s because you like Mi Cha’s coffee.”
Mi Cha? You didn’t even know the owner's name. You always called them auntie and uncle and you were there almost every weekend. He wasn’t bluffing, you were in his territory. How long had he been keeping tabs on you? how many times did he send men to observe your every move? Did he know about Jin? Fuck, you were fucked. Did he know who you were before you approached him that night?
Of course, he did, after all, you are his enemy's wife.
You clawed at your brain for an excuse; you needed him to believe that any visit made to that café was innocent but fooling someone like Yoongi was not going to be easy.
Another chuckle abrupted from his chest as he stepped towards his bar, reaching for the bottle of whiskey and pouring himself another drink.
“Relax, we are allies but that doesn’t mean that you have to share all your secrets with me” he reached for another glass and prepared it, this time stepping closer to you and extending out his hand for you to take.
“I don’t care about what you have going on in my territory as long as it doesn’t threaten my business” his voice was smooth, comforting even but his eyes were cold and withdrawn.
You took the cup from his hand and nodded, before taking a drink from the bitter-sweet liquid.
“Why did you reach out to me?” you asked, feeling braver than before.
“Ah yes” he exclaimed, “I heard about your father-in-law’s upcoming campaign.”
You grimaced at the words, recalling the distasteful conversation you had with Mr. Jeon regarding his future plans and how he needed you to assist him. You took another drink from your glass and then your eyes met with Yoongi’s.
“Yes,” you huffed “it appears he has grown aspirations to be a politician.”
Yoongi chuckled once again, shaking his head at your words.
“No, it is not that he wants to be a politician” he corrected which made you attentive. logically what man like Jungkook’s father would want to deal with the pressure and labor that came with the job of a governor, not when he was used to a life of easy money.
“He wants to be in control” Yoongi shrugged. “Control the police that arrest his men, control the authorities that stop his drugs and weapons from coming into the country” Yoongi spoke nonchalantly as if he was just holding a simple conversation, disregarding the actual words that were coming out of his mouth.
Your stomach flipped inside out and the taste of the whiskey on your tongue turned sour. The answer had always been there, yet you were still too naïve to put the pieces together, it was never about aspirations or going legit. It was always about power.
You felt your jaw lock and that anger, the one you have fed for months, made its presence known inside of you. Yoongi may have been right, but you wouldn’t allow any of those things to happen.
“The real question here is what are you and I going to do to stop it.”
You held onto your words, you trusted him less than you ever did before but once again he was the only one willing to help you set this plan in motion, and at this point, it didn’t matter that Yoongi was a violent criminal because just as the night of your anniversary he was willing to help you.
“I say we let him continue with his campaign” you suggested, shrugging your shoulders.
“And why would that bring us any good?” Yoongi responded, raising his eyebrows in confusion.
“I thought you were a smarter man” You grinned, and Yoongi chuckled in response.
“Enlighten me then.”
“Initially I was repulsed by the idea of helping the Jeons but after learning how they work; and what kind of people they are I’ve concluded that we should give them what they want.”
“Mhmm and why is that?”
“Because only then can we expose all their crimes, they get away with all of this now because they can buy out half the police in a second, they surely have the money to do so but once Mr. Jeon becomes a public figure, a governor and the corruption goes public, how will they hide then?” 
“And what about his son?”
“What about him?”
There was silence whilst you and Yoongi stared at each other, his eyes were defiant and yours faltered under his glare.
“Jungkook won't think twice to retaliate if his family is threatened, even if you are his wife” his eyes stared into you menacingly, as if taunting you and you couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable “Do you think yourself capable of ending his life If given the opportunity?”
The question sat heavy in your mind. Would you? A part of you wanted to eagerly say yes, to assure Yoongi that he didn’t have anything to worry about, that Jungkook was a criminal, the person behind all your suffering but you hesitated to respond, unable to find the words to agree, why couldn’t you agree?
Yoongi lowered his gaze and cleared his throat, masking his discomfort with a chuckle.
“I guess we will have to see” he breathed then his eyes trailed back to yours “Just know I will be capable of that and much more Y/n and I hope that this doesn’t turn us into enemies down the line.”
In that moment you don’t understand his words, he was your ally. Why would you become an enemy if he were to come for Jungkook but if your silence was a demonstration of anything it was that you didn’t know the answer to that question, and it only conflicted you further and it permitted Yoongi to wither in doubt.
“I've set up a meeting with some people I want you to meet” Yoongi quickly changed the subject, allowing you to take a breath despite all the tension.
“They are individuals who have wanted to come after the Jeons for a while and are willing to offer us their resources, I hope you can find a way to make it to this meeting, I think it will be very important” Yoongi continued, pacing around the large office.
Would these men be dangerous like him?
“Uhm yeah just let me know the time and place and I'll be there” you spoke confidently, holding back the knot in your throat.
“don’t worry this time I'll take down your phone number” Yoongi promised, a small laugh falling from his lips.
“Oh, so no more abrupt kidnappings in order to see me?” you challenged.
Yoongi smirked and his eyes flashed with a certain darkness you couldn’t describe; it made chills go down your spine and you felt yourself shrinking under his gaze.
“don’t tempt me” he muttered.
“Have you ever shot a gun?” Yoongi followed up, approaching you once again.
A gun? This man had a way of fucking with your composure and you hated it.  
You shook your head slowly, eyes beaming at Yoongi as he reached behind his back and pulled out a gun from his waistband, the black weapon glistened under the sunlight as he held it out in his palm. Yoongi admired it as if it was a piece of art while your body trembled in its presence and then everything came back to you and the bravery that the whiskey had given you soon disappeared.
The man who was standing before you was dangerous. 
You were standing in Yoongi’s home with his men and no protection. In the middle of the woods where no one could hear you, where no one could save you. If he shot you right now who would come to rescue you, who would mourn you?
You were alone.
“This is a Glock 17; It’s low weight and has a magazine capacity of 17 rounds.”
Yoongi reached for your hand and laid the gun there, but you didn’t try to grasp it, letting it sit there as you struggled to rip your eyes away from it. You had never seen one in person before, much less held one in your hand. It was heavy and cold against your skin, and you couldn’t stop your throat from going dry.
“I'll teach you how to use it,” he said, and your eyes trailed back to his.
“So that you can protect yourself, even from me.”
𝐇𝐞𝐲 𝐠𝐮𝐲𝐬! 𝐢 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐝! 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 & 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐢 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮!
𝐈 𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐳𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐮𝐩𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞, 𝐢 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐚 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲! 𝐢 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐮𝐩𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲.
𝐢 𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐨 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐨 @sumzysworld , 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐠!
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fairyhaos · 1 year
✰ seventeen as boyfriends: hansol edition
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event taglist (send ask to be added): @rubywonu @cinnamoroxie @belladaises @wheeboo @minhui896 @slytherinshua @kokoiinuts @jun-of-love @dandycharmer @sweet-like-caramel @hannyoontify @doesthismeannothingtoyou @fashionminghao @icysungho @butiluvu
pairing: vernon x gn!reader
genre: fluff, headcanon, mini scenario
word count: 511
warnings: none
notes: hansol edn. for the 500 event
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literally starstruck. thinks that you’re the most incredible person to ever exist actually
is absolutely captivated while watching you talk about literally anything ever, listening The Most intently
like. the best active listener ever, and it’s all for you
smiles when you say something amusing, nods his head if he remembers the scenario you’re describing that he’s also witnessed, winces sympathetically if you say something embarrassing/ painful
loves listening to you talk about something you’re passionate about. being able to watch the way your eyes widen and you gesture with your hands and become more and more animated while talking makes him grin impossibly wide
bc he’s so good at listening, he literally remembers everything ab you, from what your first childhood memory was to that one day back in high school that you still fondly remember as one of the best days of your life
you’re just so precious to him, so how can he not remember everything you say?
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“Who’s your favourite?”
Hansol blinks at you, confused. You’re currently on a casual date, eating dinner in some diner, and he’s thinking about something entirely random when you spring a question on him. “What?”
“Who’s your favourite person?” you elaborate. “Like, ever?”
“Hm.” He thinks for a second. “Oh, easy. My mom.”
You laugh, shaking your head, and it makes him smile a little, wondering what he’s done that’s so endearing this time. “No, apart from your family.”
“Oh.” Hansol furrows his eyebrows, and you’re watching him intently, eyes bright under the lighting of the diner. “Hm, that’s hard.”
You grin as his eyes meet yours, and something about the light, teasing expression ghosting the corners of your lips makes him grin too, having some vague idea of where this is going.
“You know what, I think my favourite person is Seungkwan,” Hansol says, keeping his face totally straight as he says it. 
“Seungkwan? Really?”
Hansol nods, still straight-faced. “Yeah. He’s, like, my best bro. The bestest. My favourite person ever.” 
“Ah.” Your face is expressionless too, a mild mask of nothingness as you nod as if it all makes sense. “Yeah.”
He stares at you, and you stare back, equal blank looks on your faces, before finally Hansol cracks, grinning and chuckling. He leans over and boops you on the nose, lightly.
“You shouldn’t start conversations like these if you can’t handle getting a different answer,” he says, and his teasing tone makes you break too, slumping your shoulders and whining.
“I really thought that Seungkwan was your favourite person,” you say sulkily, and Hansol laughs again. “Like, for all of five seconds. I really believed you.”
He smiles at you, and he knows he has stars in his eyes. “Of course you’re my favourite, Y/N,” Hansol says, tapping his fingers affectionately against your hand resting on the table. “It’s you.”
That makes you smile, tilting your head. “Really? Are you really sure?”
Hansol nods, interlacing his fingers with yours. He smiles back at you.
“There’s never going to be anyone else but you.”
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blughxreader · 1 year
hi! i dont think i can ever get enough of yan! platonic! Batfam 🥲 can i get a neglected reader who has successfully escaped, only to come back to gotham by some unprecedented causes a few years later? i have plans to write a fic like this and want some inspiration (and to fill the yandere batfam tag)
Platonic Yandere!Bruce, Dick, Jason with a darling who escaped and returned to Gotham
Headcanons, WC: 1,048
Notes: SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG! This ask is five months old lol. I had to cut out the baby boys to finish </3 If I can come up with ideas for Damian and Tim then I'll add to it.
The weight of Bruce’s mistakes hangs over his head every day, but his mistakes with you are by-far the heaviest.
He should have appreciated you more. He should have told you what you meant to him. Instead, he let you feel invisible. It kills him.
When you’re spotted in Gotham years later, he can hardly believe it.
He’ll drop everything and go straight to you, deploying all the boys to ensure you don’t slip away. If it’s daytime, Bruce Wayne will make a rare appearance and corner you with paparazzi, and if it’s nighttime, then Batman will swipe you off the streets before you can cry out.
He’ll forgive every outburst you give. You’re furious and he understands—he considers your anger entirely his fault so he’ll give you a lot of slack.
Bruce will drown you in gifts. Because Batman takes up so much time (and it was lack of attention that drove you away in the first place) he’ll try every means at demonstrating his love. Gifts, vacation homes, front row seats to events (with strict supervision).
This version of Bruce would keep you under 50 cameras and a body guard at all times, but he’s also very conscious of your mental health. Where he’d be able to guiltlessly lock you up forever if he hasn’t neglected you, he can’t in this timeline. Your life would be heavily supervised, but you’d also get a lot of perks.
He would make a routine with you.
Every morning, he’d eat breakfast with you, and every Friday would be a special dinner with just the two of you. His hours are valuable so it means a lot for him to carve out the time just for you.
Dick Grayson
Dick prides himself on his strong leadership and generosity. Ask anyone whose ever met Dick to describe him, and they could list pages of positive traits. So it's a wonder how you, his precious little darling, managed to be overlooked by him.
Guilt literally eats him alive. Dick begins to second-guess every interaction with you, going over all clues he might have missed. He throws himself into the investigation looking for you, investigating every single fact you've ever mentioned about yourself.
When you finally return, he's dead-set on making up for lost time.
Dick wouldn’t approve of your reasoning for leaving. You should have told him--should have insisted on being heard--instead of leaving. He feels terrible that you were neglected, but he feels worse knowing that you’d rather be thrown to the wolves than seek their help.
It's a steep learning curve for him to realize you're not the lonely child you once were, but instead a bitter, jaded young adult who confides in only themself.
Dick drowns you in attention. He tries forcing your innocence back, not accepting your refusals and anger. You're still so young, and even if the sparkling child-like hope is missing from your eyes, Dick still believes he can make things right.
Family bonding time is a must. He arranges play-time with you and Damian. He insists on Sunday movie nights. He learns how to cook new dishes with you and Alfred. He will keep you busy.
These activities are only a surface solution for a deeper problem. Fundamentally, you've changed, and Dick knows this. He has no idea how to treat you now, so he resorts to what he does know--your childhood he missed out on.
Jason Todd
Jason is particularly torn. He knows what its like to feel abandoned, yet he realized too late that he was the perpetrator.
When you are finally back in the arms of the Batfamily, Jason has no idea what role to take in your life. He sees you turning down the family when they offer love and he doesn't know if his heart could take your rejection.
Jason is stand-offish. Playing the role of "tough older brother" doesn't bode well, so he needs time to rework his philosophy on handling siblings.
Instead, he does your bidding. He would help fix whatever unprecedented reasons that led you to return to Gotham, no questions asked. If you need to pass a letter on to a friend, Jason is your guy. His regular possessive yandere tendencies are hampered by his guilt, so he'll be very lenient with you as long as it's nothing dangerous.
The fact that you escape and survived by yourself cast you into a new light in Jason’s eyes. He thinks you’re impressive, dependable, capable. He wonders how he didn’t see it sooner.
That being said—you’re his little sibling. You shouldn’t have to be so strong, and Jason wants to ensure you’ll never have another reason to protect yourself.
He hopes that over time, you'll trust him. He wants to be able to sit with you and talk about whatever is on your mind, to be able to hug you as he leaves for work, and to send you off to bed when it's late.
But right now, you need space. He'll let you heal, and he'll take whatever anger you give him. Because he knows that this is the only way you'll let him into your life again.
Bonus: Y/N
Considering Y/N was clever enough to escape the Waynes while also having the willpower to return to Gotham shows that they’re intelligent, good-hearted, and forged from steel.
They probably rank somewhere between lawful-good to chaotic-neutral. (A lawful-neutral would be infuriated by the Waynes’ underhanded tactics, and probably wouldn’t return to Gotham.)
Y/N is done yearning for attention (or, if they were originally kidnapped, done with playing nice), so they’re immune to the Batfam’s manipulation.
Upon first glance at the Batfam after all those years, they’d immediately go fight or flight. Y/N would pull every dirty trick in the book to escape, and would be as hateful as possible to kill any affection they have for them.
After being kidnapped, Y/N gets very good at playing mind games and deflecting their submission tactics. They’d be able to manipulate the household like a giant game of chess.
Y/N’s only weakness is the child inside of them that still cries for their family’s approval.
The conflict revolves around how the Batfam can extort this weakness vs. how well Y/N can stay true to their values.
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scotianostra · 1 month
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Happy Birthday Sam Roland Heughan, born 30th April 1980 in Balmaclellan, Dumfries and Galloway.
Sam got his name from the Lord of the Rings character Samwise Gamgee. his parents were big fans of the Tolkien books. He attended Kells Primary School in New Galloway before the family moved to Edinburgh when he was 12, he went to James Gillespie’s on the edge of the meadows before finishing his school education at the prestigious Rudolph Steiner School.
After leaving School at 18 Sam worked and travelled before returning to Scotland and enrolling in the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama, graduating in 2003.
Sam built a solid career in theatre in both Scotland and England starring in productions of Plague Over England, Macbeth, The Talented Mr. Ripley, Amphibians, and King John. He has also been featured in notable indie films, Emulsion, and Heart Of Lightness but of course it is one particular role that has catapulted him into worldwide stardom, that of Jamie Fraser in Outlander.
For those who don’t know Outlander it follows the story of Claire Randall, a married combat nurse from 1945 who finds herself hurled back in time to the 1740’s in and around the time when The Jacobites and Bonnie Prince Charlie made the final ill fated attempt to put the Stuarts back on the throne. Sam plays Claire’s “love interest” she is forced to marry. Further series are set in the US in the 1770’s, their remains a strong Scottish presence in the cast, and the show is filmed in studios in Cumbernauld. Sam has won a number of awards for the series.
In the movie To Olivia he played Hollywood star Paul Newman and in the adaptation of the Andy McNab book, SAS: Red Notice, he played SAS soldier Tom Buckingham. Oor birthdat boy also teamed up with fellow Outlander star Graham McTavish Men in Kilts: A Roadtrip with Sam and Graham. The series follows the pair as they explore their homeland delving into the culture and history of Scotland, in a light-hearted way. The second series of the show aired last year, the reviews were mainly positive. The duo are already looking at a third journey, this time to North America but that will likely involve indulging Heughan's thrill-seeking side - much to his friend's dismay
Sam also appeared in the psychological series The Couple Next Door last year, I am yet to catch this, it has average reviews on IMDB of 5.6 out of ten. Born to be Great the story of Alexander The Great's early life has been completed but is yet to recieve a release date.
According to reports Sam celebrated his birthday in Edinburgh at the weekend while also running his My Peak Challenge which included workouts, outdoor activities and a gala night with dinner and dancing. He posted on Instagram describing the event as a 'unique blend of wellness, camaraderie, celebration and more'. The peakers, as they are known has raised millions for charities including Marie Curie.
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scarletttries · 15 days
Domestic Roman Roy x Reader Headcanons (Succession Request)
Pairing: Roman Roy x Reader
Rating: Pure Fluff
Word Count: 1.3k
Request: "hello!! can you write more fluff headcanons for our slime puppy, roman roy? maybe roman comforting reader or vise versa; anything will do really. i just want that man to have some affection. <3"
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- Spotless. That was the word everyone used to describe Roman's sprawling New York penthouse. A space truly devoid of anything that would make it seem evenly slightly imperfect. No bright colours that might hint at joy or personality. No stained tea towels to show where a home cooked dinner had been lovingly made. No creased sofa cushions to show a routine of comfort and relaxation. Everytime someone commented on how pristine his home was kept around him, Roman could feel the familiar ache of being almost unwelcome, like he was still a child being told he would ruin everything he touched. That is until he started coming to visit you.
- When your strange and prolonged courtship with Roman Roy finally moved to the stage of evenings spent in each other's company, and his exhausted yawns feigning reluctant acceptance of a sleepover, you expected to end up living out of his place. I mean, it made sense; it was closer to the Waystar office, it was way bigger, had a full time staff, a better neighbourhood, fancier furniture. Honestly you were worried you were the world's least sordid mistress with how infrequently he invited you over, despite spending almost all of his waking moments trailing alongside you, clinging to the fabric of whatever shirt you wore like a terrified child.
- Every time Roman followed you home at the end of a party or some of the awkward family events he insisted on bringing you along to, you offered to just stay at his, the suggestion quickly shot down with a head shake and mumbled excuse, the crease on his brow darkening as his frown quickly turned to a pout, an expression you knew better than to follow up after. So you got used to Roman being based out of your little apartment too, basically moving in with you, without ever calling it that.
- As he unfurls in a well-worn armchair and sips coffee out of one of the mismatched mugs from your cabinet, he knows you'll never understand quite how much being here with you means to him. He knew it from the first time you had him over, practically dragging him onto the sofa with you, wrapping a blanket over him when the skin on his arm raised up in little bumps, telling him to help himself to anything he wanted. You were the first person in his life to ever tell Roman to make himself at home, and even if he could hardly believe his luck, and feared one day you might take those precious words back, that you never meant them in the first place, for now he planned to make the most of finally feeling at home.
- After a lifetime of the higher luxury, the littlest things really do provide the greatest joy to Roman. His bedding was changed every day in his penthouse, always fresh and pristine by the time he crawled back into it the next night. But he notices that after a couple of days your sheets smell like you, and he can curl up under the duvet even when you're not home and it's like you're all around him, embracing him with warmth and filling up his senses with comfort. He's truly never taken so many naps, or slept so soundly, as he does in your bed.
- Roman takes a tremendous amount of joy in the novelty of picking a bowl to eat out of, all the different colours and sizes picked up from thrift stores feeling so much more 'him' than the fine white china most of his meals have been served on. And if you're giving him a home cooked meal, this man will be close to tears with overwhelming appreciation.
- It's no secret that Roman has spent more of his life lonely than he'd care to admit, so having someone he loves around all the time makes even the most mundane things suddenly feel brand new. At night he'll find reasons to hang out in your tiny bathroom as you wash your face and get ready for bed. He'll put toothpaste on your toothbrush so you can brush your teeth together, smiling and giggling so much at the sweet moment that he ends up with toothpaste all down shirt and pretends to blame you for it, claiming it was all a ploy just to get his shirt off. If you play along and offer to help him with it, prepare for him to start blushing and running around the apartment pretending to hide from you.
- The first time Roman tries to help you in the kitchen, despite you insisting he really doesn't have to, he's a walking liability. First a pot boils over, then he can't figure out how to pre-heat the oven and he's too embarassed to ask, and when he tries to pick up a pan the wrong way, burning his hand and throwing sauce over the counter in the process, you can see all the colour drain from his face as terror sets in. His jaw is tense and his eyes grow misty and wide as he backs away slightly, the skin on his hand only half as painful as the ache in his gut at the thought that you're about to erupt at him. That you've finally seen how useless and stupid he is. That he can't do anything right. That he's just not good enough for you.
Gently you take his hand and place is under the cold flowing water in the sink, ever so lightly rubbing circles on his back as you ask if he's okay.
"Yeah, just fucking, sorry I ruin everything." He chokes out, a hollow laugh doing nothing to hide the obvious croak in his voice as tears start to well in his eyes.
"Roman, you didn't ruin anything, you just made a mistake. I actually think you make lots of things much better." You leave a chaste kiss on his cheek as you wipe up the mess in a few short moments, and return to inspect his hand, which almost instantly feels better the second you hold it in yours.
"You really mean that." Roman's not sure if it's a question for you, or just confirmation to himself as he feels the adrenaline start to leave his body. Suddenly he wonders why his family were always so explosive about his little messes, especially when it's not even like they had to clean them up themselves. He laughs to himself in a moment of relief before clinging to your waist, thinking it's probably safest for him to just focus on bothering you in the kitchen rather than helping.
- Eventually Roman gets his own key to your place, and slowly moves in just enough of his stuff that he never needs to return to his old apartment, feeling so much more at home in the space he shares with you. Whenever he's at home without you though, those pangs of loneliness start to creep back in again, and he finds himself instinctively searching you; first he'll look at the pictures of you framed across the walls, then he'll call you to ask a basic question you both know he could answer himself if he wasn't so desperate to hear your voice. Finally he'll find himself curled up in the comforting, familiar sheets of your bed, letting himself drift off in the feeling of safety and warmth that only a reminder of you can provide. Because even though Roman loves your apartment, he knows that being home isn't being in his favourite place, it's being with his favourite person.
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very-straight-blog · 27 days
out of curiosity, do you know if anyone’s made a list of the differences between book aegon and show aegon? i keep seeing comments and i’m not sure what to read to understand lol
To be honest, I don't remember anyone writing a whole list, but I can try to explain it all myself. Since we're talking about the differences between the book and the series, it means that we're only discussing the first season, and there are not many events there.
Firstly, Aegon never ran away from his coronation, he was not a coward, as he was shown on the screen. I wrote about it here. Yes, he initially refused the crown because he believed it belonged to his sister, but eventually agreed to ascend the throne to protect the family.
Secondly, Aegon didn't r*pe anyone in the original story. I wrote about it here (+ reblogs).
Thirdly, his bond with Sunfyre was completely cut out of the series, it was especially sad to see what was done with the coronation scene. "After the coronation, the remaining Kingsguard escorted Aegon to his mount, a splendid creature with gleaming golden scales and pale pink wing membranes. Sunfyre was the name given this dragon of the golden dawn. Munkun tells us the king flew thrice around the city before landing inside the walls of the Red Keep. Ser Arryk Cargyll led His Grace into the torchlit throne room, where Aegon II mounted the steps of the Iron Throne before a thousand lords and knights." Where was all this?
Fourth, the fact that Aegon and Helaena were married and had three children was also cut out (and there were only two of them in the series at the time of the first season). Most of the people unfamiliar with the book didn't realize that they were husband and wife at all. For example, in the book, the dinner scene looked like this: "Aegon the Elder took offense when Jacaerys asked his wife, Helaena, for a dance. Angry words were exchanged, and the two princes might have come to blows if not for he intervention of the Kingsguard." In the series, he just didn't care.
Fifth, his character. Aegon wasn't such a crybaby with a clearly unstable emotional background in the book. He was described as a man with "a sullen look" and in general, according to the narrative, he didn't give the impression of a weak person.
Sooo something like this.
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